The Sevan Podcast - #266 - Wodapalooza Day 2 Recap, Pat Vellner & Matt O'Keefe

Episode Date: January 15, 2022

Recapping the 2nd day of competition with Brian Friend and John Young. We were joined by both Pat Vellner and Matt O'Keefe. Follow us on Instagram Watch... this episode Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:33 Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions bam we're live holy cow look at everyone 10 minutes early go ahead ryan test them out test them out i don't hear anyone
Starting point is 00:01:12 hello testing one two do you hear us brian oh we're 10 minutes earlier than we were uh supposed to be um very, very brief, very brief. I offered Vellner $12,000 cash to come on, and he said as long as it's brief, as long as it's brief. I know, guys. I know. I changed the time to 1010, and then Vellner said he could come on now. I changed the time to 10.10, and then Vellner said he could come on now. So what are you going to do when you are a slave to the Vellner?
Starting point is 00:01:54 Man, what do you think about what he did today? I don't think everyone necessarily expected the first event, but the second event, yes, 100%. That was a workout I was pegging as his best chance to win if he was going to pick one this weekend. And when I talked to him before the competition started, he said the same. I'm going to refresh the lead. He did say that? Yeah, he was really excited for that one. Wow. What about it?
Starting point is 00:02:21 Yeah, he was really excited for that one. Wow. What about it? I think that if it weren't for Brent Fikowski, people would have a greater appreciation for how good that Vellner is at that kind of workout. And if you watch those workouts, the ones that Brent Fikowski wins, Vellner is in second and not by very much. Hey, it sucks that Mertens did so good in that workout uh earlier and and it only brought him up two places and then he does shitty in the next one and it brings him down for this score where
Starting point is 00:02:53 something's wrong with the scoring also expected the the up and downs for sure were expected for colton and uh if you're a colton Mertens fan, don't tune in tomorrow morning. Tune in tomorrow night. Yeah. You might have another last course. In first place in the night event. Well, I am a Colton Mertens fan, and I will stick it out. Don't tune in tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:03:31 No one's feeling sorry for you punk uh but uh but but man he uh it's it's quite a crazy his his his numbers on the leaderboard are just crazy it is the way you guys said for him it's a 24 3 33 you guys are saying he's going to take another dumper and then he's going to skyrocket to the top again i'm willing i would be willing to bet that he has a i don't know how there's 37 guys i think it'll be in the bottom seven in the swim run row and i think it'll be in the top two in the night cap tomorrow wow wow all right all right i can't wait it's a it's emotional it's emotional being a coldt. Oh, my God. Topless Vellner. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Hey, is that because you're all inflamed and vascular so you're willing to go topless today? You're just like, dang. Did you look in the mirror and like, okay, yeah, this works? No, I didn't work that hard. I think it's because he knew that Froning and DiCicco came out without shirts the other day. Yeah, we're two for two shirtless fit men uh DeChico had the camera pointed at his crotch though the whole time so it's gonna be tough to beat that while you're eating especially with a hog like his I bet uh Patrick one five five. And Brian was just telling us that you were expecting you like this workout.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Oh, the one tonight? Yeah. Yeah. What do you like about it? I don't like anything about it. It's just stuff I'm good at. I don't think there's – you'd be hard-pressed on somebody to beat me at that workout. Wow, I love it.
Starting point is 00:05:04 And Brian's response was this and you did beat alexander carone by 16 seconds um brian's response was this that like truly if there was no uh fukowski that basically you'd be at the top of the heap you know that you're so good it's just basically it's hard to see how good you are because some of the people at the top are also that good but that you just stand out from the rest of the pack no there's no say it again there's lots of good dudes i'd like those kind of like it just it's movements like i looked at the movements of that workout and i was like like burpee box jump overs i'd always place very well at rope climb events i win games or workouts at like heavy step overs in the past at regionals
Starting point is 00:05:46 or anytime we've had variations of that i've always done very well so like every single like deadlifts i always do extremely well like every single movement in that workout was just like a wheelhouse movement for me so there was no reason why i wouldn't do well at that did you with 48 box jumps did you see dallin um take a dumper in your peripheral i did i didn't i saw him he dropped like i think i was doing like my 20 second step over or something so and we were like people were pretty tight at that point so he would have been around the same and i saw him i just saw that he had took a break and i like that it's a weird place to take a break um and then when he
Starting point is 00:06:26 finished he was kind of racing phil at the end and um i thought he might get him and he was sort of struggling and then he kind of came across the and i bent down and he just looked up at me and he said i rolled my ankle so bad yeah he landed on his back yeah i asked him like on the rope or on the box and he's like on the box and not just with kettlebells up high on your body coming down. Like if you, if you catch a toe on that box, it's kind of a, it's, it's, it's a sketchy maneuver. It's not a, it's not like the safest move we could be doing out there, especially when your legs are tired. And so anyway, I, like I had waved one of the people over and we got some, someone from medical to come grab them and at least get some ice on him. Cause he was saying he was starting to feel it swelling a bit so
Starting point is 00:07:07 hopefully it's not super bad and he's able to get it managed for tomorrow um you know you will know when you see him running probably tomorrow what it feels like but uh that explains what i saw backstage i was talking to matt torres over by the athlete warm-up area and some guy came running up to him he's like dylan left his shoe dylan left his shoe he left it in medical i guess yeah so i don't know the extent of it he basically just looked at me and he's like i i rolled my ankle pretty bad so i don't i don't he sat on the box so just like clipped his toe and then come down on an angle but those pit stains eh that's right after that event. Yeah, sometimes you've got to fly a double bias set on. Yeah, I understand.
Starting point is 00:07:48 I do it on the show all the time. Yeah, did you hear what – you definitely didn't hear this. On the post-game wrap-up show, they were saying – or I think it was Tommy goes, how could you have the night any better? Fireworks in the background, fire on top of his head. Oh, cheap shot. And he was flexing the double guns. That was the third thing he said.
Starting point is 00:08:08 It's funny, man. It was nice to – you win that Friday night event. It feels like the fireworks show is just for you. That's true. Everybody else is kind of like hanging out on the floor like, yeah, yeah. And I'm there like, woo-hoo. You wouldn't grab your baby really fast. You had your baby before people finished the event
Starting point is 00:08:26 yes well not fast it's pretty quick people just took a long time to finish i when i was at the finish though my wife was like right behind where i finished and she was kind of trying to pass him down to me but there's a big dead space that you can't really get into and it looks like it's a solid angle that you could just step on. So I tried to kind of climb over the banister and just reach up, but it's like mesh and you just step right through into nothing. So I had to like walk around, but it's because they were trying to grab me for like a floor interview.
Starting point is 00:08:59 So I ran around to the side where the floor interview was and grabbed him from the railing and then the fireworks run. So they didn't do any floor interview and stuff like that so i got him quick he got to be quick otherwise someone else is going to take the baby do you remember that video um i don't know how long ago it was like a year ago or something but dave posted it on his instagram where he steps on the edge of the box and the box rolled he was doing box step overs and i think he maybe even had weight in his hand i can't remember And he stepped on the edge of the box and it rolled and he rolled with it. Like it was like just a total fail. Was there any, yes, yes. Was there any chance of that happening with 122 pounds on your shoulders
Starting point is 00:09:33 that if you would have stepped on the edge of the box that that whole box could have tipped up? For sure. Yeah. I mean, that's the risk of it. And you, and you do try to get your foot close to the edge of the box to like make that descent a little bit easier so most people probably have the tip of their toes or half of their and off the box as they come down um because otherwise it's an awkward distance like if you're a full three inches of foot of like box then your foot like you got to make quite a long step to get off and you almost feels like you're like diving off the edge of the box so to do a controlled step down you want to be pretty close to the edge so those plyo boxes are a bit of a double-edged sword i actually very rarely use them in training only when it's
Starting point is 00:10:14 leading into competition i'll do it because it uh it's a little bit different um the way where you have to place your feet and the way they squish off the edges um it can mess you up if you're not used to it so you'll say they so you only use wooden ones in training i usually do they're just more solid like if you're doing if you're doing like power training and you're like doing high box jumps or things like that it's just they're just better um but if you're training for competition and you have a plyo box around you should play with it because that's usually what's being used and it's uh you know i don't have the wide ones like they have
Starting point is 00:10:46 here i just have a normal like multi-directional one um that does the 20 24 and 30 but uh these ones that are like 36 inches across like they're a totally different thing like you got to take a big step across so are you now that you've done so many, you've been in the sport so long, are you more calm after each event, regardless of your placing? Like so. So in that in the previous workout, Phil Toon got a second and you got a fifth and the workout before that, he got a second. You got a fifth and maybe a younger athlete might be like, oh, man, I'm losing it. Are you just kind of like this? I know how this plays out. I'm good. Like, oh man, I'm losing it. Are you just kind of like this?
Starting point is 00:11:24 I know how this plays out. I'm good. It's a long weekend. You know, and it depends on, I think I know enough. I do a little bit of homework and I know enough about my competitors that I don't worry about certain things. You know, Phil's a powerful athlete and the first three events were a lot of power output. And so I think you can't forget that. You know, I knew he was going to be great at the barbell complex.
Starting point is 00:11:44 And the last thing i was trying to do was watch him do it while i was out there because that'll stress you out and that's a workout where you make one mistake and you can get stranded out there so like it wasn't about that like what do you mean you fail lift your grip gives out on one of the lifts and now you're you miss that jerk down the last bar like there's 40 more seconds on your time like it's or you risk it earlier and you fail it again you fail a jerk twice like you're in 20th place doesn't matter it's played out played out in the women's field in the women's event the top woman in each of the three heats attempted their last jerk at a minute 28 on the clock one of them hit it she won the
Starting point is 00:12:19 event the other one was danny spiegel missed it she is very strong was able to recover relatively quickly but it cost olivia sulik 30 seconds yeah yeah so it can be just a big it can be and if you get frantic because you get stressed then you try too soon again and you miss it twice like now you're at a minute and it's just like the time goes by fast five minutes was plenty of time to do those reps but a lot of guys capped because ofreps and using the short bars for that was a bit of a kick in the dick, but, um, why, why, why, because your elbows hit the plates or why, why is that? Mine almost do. There's just no whip in the bar. Ah, right, right. We've gone.
Starting point is 00:12:55 So when you go to, especially in the overhead, when the bar comes back down, it hits you quite hard. Um, if you have to squat, clean it, like that bar, the reception is really hard um so it just it feels like almost 10 or 20 pounds heavier as a result of that so it's just you know i frankly i took fifth in that event and i'm super happy almost everybody in front of me i mean who anthony davis griffin rally phil toon all clean and jerk upwards of 385 400 pounds. And Colton just has ridiculous levers. Like his jerks are like, he moves the bar probably a third of the distance
Starting point is 00:13:30 that I move it. And his squats are like unbelievable. So it's just like at a certain point, I'm not going to look at that. Like for me, that was about as good as I could have asked. And I think if you're in the conversation with the guys who are moving weights, like those boys move,
Starting point is 00:13:44 I'm not that worried about it. And I get my wins when I, when we have to work out for more than five minutes, I should, I should be thanking you to a couple of the MCs asked me before that. I think Val was going to take this one before any of the guys had gone. I said, I'll probably be around fifth.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Oh yeah. You had a lot of faith. I was, I was, it's, I'm very happy with, there's a lot of strong dudes out there. Um,
Starting point is 00:14:06 so, you know, and I was actually very pleased with that. It's a good execution. Uh, speaking of fifth, I think this might be the fifth, sixth or seventh time.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Sarah Cox has donated $49 to the show just tonight. Wow. You guys been up to just, just putting on a, the Sarah show. I've had more three-hour podcasts. All the shirtless dudes. Colton Mertens, shut up about my levers.
Starting point is 00:14:31 I know that. I wanted to tell him that too, but he's a guest on my show. I'm going to talk all about him tomorrow when we do that overhead squat workout. Thank you, Colton. I'm going to be everybody in five minutes. I wanted to tell him to be quiet about your lead. Just say he did great. He did do great.
Starting point is 00:14:44 He did fantastic. Anthony Davis, it's funny that you say that if you miss it because Anthony Davis, one of his elbows, as he did that last jerk, and he warred with it and got it up. Did you see his last jerk? He missed it, but caught it just back here and then went for it again. Went and then this, and then strict pressed it again went and then this and then strict pressed it half strict pressed it out 315 like that's nonsense yeah no it looked it looked ridiculous
Starting point is 00:15:13 i saw a clip of him finishing the workout and he was facing completely perpendicular to the lane helicopter and i was like i don't know what that boy did out there but holy smokes i'm super impressive he's that guy moves weight like look how stressed out brian looks look how stressed out i don't have that uh i don't have that i don't have the freedom to miss a jerk like that and then like basically push press it out brian what's up? Your girlfriend pregnant? I thought that that might be an update about the finalization of scores, but it was just someone asking if they'd been finalized yet.
Starting point is 00:15:54 There were a lot of disputes after the last workout. They had a hard time with the transitions on this last workout. I actually was – if I had seen you after the workout, I would have asked what you guys were briefed on because what was happening on the floor was very inconsistent. Yeah, I think I watched the first heat of women go and it was all over the place. We were briefed. What do you mean by that?
Starting point is 00:16:14 We couldn't tell from, or at least I couldn't tell from watching. Can you explain that? Yeah. We were briefed and we spent a painstaking amount of time in the briefing talking to us about this. We were briefed 24 box jumps, flip 24 box jumps, flip 24 stepovers, flip rope climbs on the return 12 burpee box jumpovers, flip 12 burpee box jumpovers, pick up your kettlebells, walk them to the front 24 advanced
Starting point is 00:16:40 24. And I heard like the first seat of women that I saw go, I tuned in and people were doing step-ups, but their boxes were in different places, which shouldn't be possible. So clearly something happened. Some of them either flipped before they did their stepovers or, and some of them didn't, or I saw some women were made to stop at 12 stepovers and then flip as well.
Starting point is 00:17:02 That happened in all six seats. Really? That some did and some didn't in your heat a majority of the guys were forced to put their kettlebells down flip their box after 12 and then pick them up and go again they're having a hop really yeah i would say that if there were let's say i think there were 13 guys in your heat i would say at least eight were forced to do that by their judge and that was i wonder if they asked before they started i i having seen that i got on the floor and the first thing i did was went to my judge and i said what are the transitions let's talk about it we went through the whole flow and i said fantastic let's do that and that which is crazy what he told me was what we were briefed and we did that and more people
Starting point is 00:17:37 should do that talk to the judge before the workout be like this is sometimes it depends how much time you have like some especially when they they feel say at flag where they fill 20 lanes like if you're the last person getting onto the floor then you might get the 30 second call like as you get on the floor so like if you've got to adjust a machine like you get out there and you get your equipment ready and you might not have a lot of time for conversation um basically we had like almost two minutes out there so i know we were trying to even get chalk because they wiped off all the kettlebells too. And they wouldn't let us go get chalk or anything either.
Starting point is 00:18:10 They were quite strict about what we could do on the floor. But yeah, I think that that is something everyone should try to do. Especially just if I know there's been some discrepancies in other heats, you got to make sure that you know what's going on. Or at least you know what they're gonna make you do because then it doesn't surprise you and you don't waste five seconds figuring it out did you see Hopper fighting with his judge or is that
Starting point is 00:18:33 someone just in the comments just speculating I didn't see it he's too far behind me he was having a I want to ask a question speaking of were you fucking with phil toon why yeah why who told you what because i saw you guys on those box jump overs and he it looked like he was trying to keep up with you and your guys's faces were like two feet apart as you guys went over i wasn't kisses or something uh no i don't know what you were doing but i thought oh man i
Starting point is 00:19:03 hope uh velma's happy for phil but i look at phil too taking it to velner i'm like he's making a mistake he's trying to keep up with her it's gonna it's gonna kill him in the long run i mean i think those box jumps most people did around the same clip like you don't all the guys are between 110 and 125 15 seconds there's not a lot of gain of going super fast. I mean, you maybe get your heart rate up a little higher. Most people probably were pretty close on that. We were like synchro for most of it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:31 But I, and you were, you were very aware of that, right? I mean, we were facing each other. I knew. Dallin was probably staring at my ass, but I, yeah, I knew where he was. I made it my business to know where he was in that workout. I saw when he dropped his kettlebells and I knew what was going on. Hey, Hey, did you say that when, uh, Dallin fell, did you say you were on your 22nd step over or you said you were on your second set of step overs?
Starting point is 00:19:59 It was only one set of step overs. This is the thing. It was one set of 24 step overs. This is where there's been a problem. Okay. Um, I, yeah, I was around like 2021, 22. I don't remember exactly, but I was near the end. I remember being close enough to the end and he was around the same. We were kind of doing them around the same pace that it felt weird to me that he would have broke with like three reps left or something like that. Um, and it happens like you fail, you like lose your front rack or something, but yeah, like I caught it it on the corner of my eye and thought like that's weird uh yeah he mentioned how badly he rolled his ankle he uh patrick said that it was pretty bad but it sounds like patrick had to call over medical for him i mean i don't know about it
Starting point is 00:20:39 basically he hit the finish line and he just like looked me in the eyes and he's like i rolled my ankle so i just said all right well let's deal with it and i got somebody over um what a brutal time to do it when you're facing eight rope climbs and then 24 burpee box jump overs yeah so i mean he gutted it out he got through there and he did fine but yeah doing a bunch of burpee box jump overs on a soft ankle and like dropping off that robo slow you down i'm sure it didn't feel good he had a nice yeah he usually works out with one of those mouth guards and i'm sure he was clamping down hard ouch all right dude thank you for your time really really appreciate it patrick uh we'll see you tomorrow bright and early sounds good i'd like to take this opportunity to apologize
Starting point is 00:21:20 to colton for talking about his levers i'm good again until tomorrow oh colton colton colton all right brother thank you pat cheers guys have a good night bye see you pat oh my goodness oh my goodness colton's levers i'm glad colton told me pipe down about his levers ellie turner still in first place emma McQuaid in second place. Oh, man, I haven't even seen the leaderboard. Bethany Shadburn in third place. Danny Spiegel tied with Bethany Shadburn in third place. And then Fi Sagafi.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Who is this? I think we should say Fi and Emma and Ariel are only separated by four points, and they're 20 points behind Spiegel. Hello? This message is provided by the Administration of Energy Saving. The state has now set aside $1.3 billion. Your home is eligible for up to $10,000 to use for clean energy upgrades. Could you call me later? I'm in the middle of a podcast.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Thank you. All righty. Sorry, guys, about that business. I'm a businessman. Go ahead, John. I was just saying Fi, Imital, and Ariel are separated by only four points, and they're about 20 points behind Spiegel. I only say that because after tomorrow's morning event, that will play a significant role, and I think that they will all pass spiegel after the morning event okay you guys keep talking about this event it's bad for spiegel and bad for colton let's talk about it what's going on tomorrow morning tell me it's the row swim run events they're gonna row the men have 2500 meters women have 2000 and then they're gonna run over to the
Starting point is 00:23:04 ocean jump in it go for a little swim 250 meters meters, get out of it, get on an air runner, and run 2,000 meters. Run a runner? Mm-hmm. Do you think that's better or worse for down at the ankle? Hey, do you see this? What's going on? Do you guys see what's going on down here? This Sarah Cox has just donated another $50.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Wow. here this sarah cox has just donated another 50 dollars wow that's without your good looks here brian this was happening today without you this stuff only happens when you're here but now now it happens without you this might be the 10th one it might be sarah that's amazing dude it's crazy we're about to make more money than waterpalooza how are we supposed to get anything done if she keeps doing that she's not drunk by the way I'm starting to figure out who this is
Starting point is 00:23:55 so distracted so they row different but they swim the same and they run the same yeah I'm pretty sure. Okay, so they row different, but they swim the same and they run the same. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's right. Okay. And will they all go at once? If anyone is actually knowledgeable about this thing, you'll notice that the swim is disproportionate in time to the run in the row. Very.
Starting point is 00:24:22 About half. run in the row and very about half i would uh so you know the other two implements will take in the eight to ten minute range and the roche the swim should take might be more variable because people will be more spread out across it but like three to six minutes and and why doesn't why is this not good for colton because of the row it's not good because of any of it the run too and the swim they're all just because of he's five four because he's not good at those or what's the deal um go ahead be tallest i don't care fuck him talk about his levers why why can't he be great at this it was just he hasn't shown that he could be great at it thus far he could just don't talk about the color of his skin and the rest let fly give it to him
Starting point is 00:25:12 i he's been working on on this throughout training uh or this off season a lot but um until he shows it it's hard to rank him past other people. And he's been last place in any of these type of events before. Even with his new aerodynamic haircut? Sarah Cox is the liver king's elusive wife. You agree, Brian? Yeah. And what about Danny Spiegel? Same thing?
Starting point is 00:25:43 Remember we talked about Danny Spiegel same same same thing remember what we talked about danny spiegel's uh semi-final where she had all top six finishes except for the ruck run where she was third to last and do you think this is their training or this is just bodies like hey dude hey uh danny hey colton you guys were dealt bodies that prevents you from being at the top of the food chain and running swimming and rowing no i think colton that's the case i don't think that's the case for danny well i mean it's not nothing nothing against danny but like she's uh she's one of the heavier women in the field she's got massive legs and it's not that easy to run i can say the same for laura horvath laura horvath will go out here and kill it the other thing about uh danny is that she's always had some um some problems with her feet
Starting point is 00:26:30 when she runs long distances so sometimes that gives her a hard time all righty all righty uh and and who is gonna do good are we getting what's going on let's talk talk about Ellie Turner for a second. Thank you, Ellie Turner, for bringing some real shocker. And not shocker in the sense that no one thought you could have done it, but you just weren't being talked about. And now you're all there to talk about. Actually, after the first day, she was very surprised herself. I mean, she said on the floor, what the fuck just happened? And then she posted on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:27:09 What the fuck just happened? Oh, that's awesome. Can we see that? Will, can we see Ellie Turner's post? Should have been posted about 24 hours ago. That's great though.
Starting point is 00:27:19 You know, she didn't even know how fit she is, but neither of you guys are like shocked. Neither of you are like, Oh my God, this is out of nowhere. I mean, I I'm shocked. She's in first place. I thought she would do go ahead, Brian. Oh no. There's a difference between doing well and being, what is she? 30 points, 36 points ahead of Bethany Shadburn and Emma McQuaid who are, you know, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:42 those are the women we thought would be in this kind of position. 30 points is quite a bit, especially we talked about how women's field isn't super deep. So most of the better competitors are going to be having top 10 finishes regularly. What are her, I mean, she's just like Vellner, nothing worse than a fifth. Look what she wrote. What an absolute surreal feeling. I could never have imagined after the first event, getting a call from Sevan on the Sevan podcast.
Starting point is 00:28:06 This is unreal. I've made it. Wow. That's surreal for me. I told you it was up there. Yeah, crazy. This isn't a fluke. This is just an athlete who's gotten better over time, and this is going to continue.
Starting point is 00:28:25 We're going to see her do well in the next three events. We're going to see her. Well, do well in the open. We're going to see her place higher than 26 at the games. Well, this is going to be interesting. I don't know what necessarily is going to happen with Tia,
Starting point is 00:28:35 uh, Jamie Simmons or Cara, uh, web this season, but if they all compete and compete healthy, there's only three spots for women from Australia. And that means one of those four women won't go to the games. Wow. If she gets left out, then if she wins Wadapalooza, then gets left out and has to do last chance qualifier.
Starting point is 00:28:56 I mean, that gives that gives credence to your article. I know you said about the European women, but that falls in place to Oceania, too. I write about the Oceanic women in the same article brian i've been telling you this for over a year now that the that the that the the way the europeans and australians get to the games is so jacked up it's totally unfair everyone should be listening to you oh man hey i've been just 100% opposed to your idea. And it's because I only really watch the games and I didn't watch all these ancillary events. And now that I'm dipped into this one, I totally get what you mean.
Starting point is 00:29:38 It would be a travesty if this young lady didn't make it to the games. Or, I mean, honestly, assuming all four of those women want to compete and go through the season next year at their best, having any one of them not be there would be a total loss for the sport. Yeah. And it's not just because they deserve to. Like, they are really good.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Yeah, they are really good. And that's not even including Maddie Sturt, who I've talked about before, was a four-time consecutive games athlete who had multiple finishes in 19th and 21st at the games in the years where all the athletes were doing all the events. They weren't like fluke finishes inside the top 10 or something like that. She's the female Colton Mertens. She's dating, and she's dating Jay Crouch. And they're both very young and very committed and
Starting point is 00:30:17 training really hard. So I, in my opinion, those are, there might even be other women that we don't know about, but at least those five women are, you know, when healthy and ready to go, they're all good enough to be in the top half of the games. Maddie Sturtz could probably four, six. She's five, six. I thought she was five,
Starting point is 00:30:36 six. No, she's pretty short. Ellie Turner's five, six. I'm sorry. I don't think she's that tall, but she's taller than Mad maddie sir that's what
Starting point is 00:30:46 it says in the doc emma mcquade's from ireland yeah yeah there's uh where's emma mcquade uh i don't know but she's been like basically a training partner with sam briggs for you know on and off for many many years she had um one you know she's won an open workout before a couple top 10 open finishes she was knocking on the door in door of the regionals in Europe to get there for a couple of seasons. And now I think she's been to three straight games. She had a career best finish of 12th, I think, this year. And I mean, I projected her to finish third on the podium. Sarah's out, you know, we don't know what's going on with Sarah.
Starting point is 00:31:19 But like for Emma to be in this position is not that surprising. For Bethany to be in the top three is not that surprising. To me at this point, for Danny to be up there is not that surprising. Ariel Loewen, not surprising. But Ellie Turner had evolved by 30 points. Not expected. Could Matt O'Keefe make this leaderboard? Like could Matt be higher than 39th in the women's division?
Starting point is 00:31:45 How are we doing boys? I'm, I'm walking towards the hotel, so I'll have my earbuds in a minute. So just. Have you, have you had a drink yet? Um, Oh no, you don't drink. I don't drink. That's right. That's right. I actually am sober. I've been sober for 11 years. I've been pretty open about it. I'm not quiet about it, but no. And I know 11 years, a few days ago. Oh, congratulations. By the way, I knew that. I knew that. I knew that. And congratulations. Oh my God. You have the most beautiful ear hole.
Starting point is 00:32:17 You have the most beautiful ear hole I've ever seen. You have the most beautiful ear hole I've ever seen. Sorry. I can't hear you also i gotta get my earbuds i'm like literally about to get to my backpack right now your commitment to talk about something brian keep telling everybody about what happened give me two minutes all right hey brian can you answer that question about uh her move to canada there's several people asking in the chat if whether that would affect your semifinal and how that works thank you the oh oh no as far as i know the rules for the semifinals this upcoming season are going to be the same that they were for the last season which is that whichever continent you're like a citizen of uh is the one that you have to compete in for the
Starting point is 00:32:58 semifinals even if you don't live there full time last year there were a few exceptions made for that because of the way that things were in the world with the COVID response. And, you know, as we see right now, there's still some countries that are very strict about those policies. So it's a very real possibility that someone like Tia, who, you know, makes her residence in the United States, or Ellie Turner, who's living full time in Canada this season, might not be able to get in and out of Australia so easily. So they might be able to get in and out of Australia so easily. So they might be able to petition CrossFit for the opportunity to compete
Starting point is 00:33:28 in the continent where they're living and where they can actually attend the event. And if that was the case, then obviously that whole situation we just talked about changes because that would be two of the four women. And actually, Jamie Simmons doesn't live in the Australia Oceanic region either. She's in the UK. So that definitely could be relevant come semi-final time. doesn't live in australia oceanic region either she's in the uk so it could you know that's definitely could be relevant come semi-final time matt how are you guys can you hear me yeah perfectly oh are those your um new are those your uh no no they're dead again oh
Starting point is 00:34:02 used them a lot but i got them here. Brought them today for you. Oh, you're a good man. Which brand is that that you have on now? I have Beats on. I've got a lot of headphones. When you talk on the phone all day, you need a lot of headphones. Yeah. Hey, I just got these.
Starting point is 00:34:18 These are bone conduction. Never heard of them. And then I also have these wearable speakers. So neither of these you have to put in your ear huh this one goes like this so you just like roam around the house with that thing around your neck i'd roam around your neighborhood with that thing around my neck and then this one just goes like this look oh i like that and so that way you can still hear your wife yelling at you or your kids needing a 20 spot out of your wallet or whatever whatever they do your kids are four years old they're
Starting point is 00:34:53 already asking for 20 bucks yeah my kids they're half jewish half armenian what do you expect they already know before they learn the president they know who's on every bill. Uh, Matt. Yes. Is Sarah. Okay. Um, I, I didn't really get a chance to talk to her. Um, and her, I did speak with her agent story. He said he didn't know, uh, what the situation was yet. So, um, she, she is going to go home tomorrow and try to figure it out. Oh man, that sucks. That sucks. Uh, she did look, did you see the video? I have not yet. Unfortunately I'm going to, they're sending it to me.
Starting point is 00:35:35 I want to watch it. I didn't, it's interesting. I didn't find out. I was just really busy running around today and um he texted in the time i was doing a panel we had a really cool panel today with all the champions on site rich ended up not being able to make it actually because of uh because of competition was originally going to do it it was really cool so it's mad i heard he couldn't make it because he was unvaxxed no he was picking hillary up and then he had to run over and compete it was matt justin annie catrin sandbergs but i he had texted me during that um and then i had gotten a bunch of texts on top of it when she didn't come out
Starting point is 00:36:18 for the last tee um of the last workout i went to text him and I saw his text that he wanted to talk. So I didn't see it earlier, unfortunately. So that was the first I had heard of it or seen of it. So yeah, I hope she's okay. Sarah, I have a long history with Sarah. I was her first agent and she's remained an incredible friend and uh i love her to death she's such a cool kid so i hope she's okay it breaks my it breaks my heart really i hope she's i hope she's all right uh speaking of sarah's matt um sarah cox here this is the 11th time uh in the last i don't know 24 hours that she's donated $50 to the podcast. Say hi to Sarah, please. Hey, Sarah,
Starting point is 00:37:08 how are you? That is really nice. I didn't know anybody cared that much about Savant. Neither did I. Well, he said Jason Kleepa. You had Jay. Jay was supposed to be here. Unfortunately, he couldn't make it.
Starting point is 00:37:24 I'm bummed. I love seeing him. So what champions did you have? You had, um, did you have Katrin? It was, uh, Katrin, Annie, Sam, uh, Matt and Justin. Holy cow, dude. It was awesome. Surreal. Uh, and you know, Jason was supposed to be here and Rich and Ben, Ben was supposed to be here too. And that was, supposed to be here too and now so that was the original group that we were going to try to have together which was really crazy but it's um it was
Starting point is 00:37:51 so awesome i you know we never know it's funny i'll give i texted brian about 20 minutes before we went live and i was like hey dude i haven't even thought of this can you send me some questions that you would ask these guys? You know, I hang out with all, you know, I work with most of them, you know, everybody except Sam and Sam's a friend. So I just, anyway, he was nice enough to drop everything. Man, he had this like really nice Google doc all done for me with deep questions.
Starting point is 00:38:22 It was helped me a lot, but I felt like it was a little choppy because of me at the beginning but whether you're practicing your morning breath work waiting for your favorite artists to come on stage or running errands at the perfect pace liquid iv powder helps you turn ordinary water into extraordinary hydration so you can live a more extraordinary life. Live more with Liquid IV Hydration Multiplier. Available in refreshing lemon, lime, passion fruit, and strawberry flavors. Buy a stick in store at Costco, Walmart, Amazon, and other Canadian retailers. This episode is brought to you by Disney's Young Woman in the Sea, now streaming on Disney+.
Starting point is 00:39:03 I've decided to swim the English Channel. A woman? I believe she'll die in that water. From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story, Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea. Now streaming on disney plus people were everybody kept coming up to me saying that was amazing and it's because
Starting point is 00:39:33 those guys have a great perspective and be incredible stories they're able to tell some things from behind the scenes and there was a story till i i knew i would ask this which was matt and justin's story for what they were talking about um when they were walking up the hill at the ranch and so i just teed that up and uh it was amazing i hope somebody got it on video but the back and forth with the two of them was something special. Telling that story. I really do hope somebody got it. Was it on the live stream today? We,
Starting point is 00:40:11 uh, no, there was, there were workouts going on at that time. I don't think we streamed it. I'm not sure. I'm in a rug, but,
Starting point is 00:40:19 um, I don't, I didn't see a camera. So no. Hey, truly catcher and Annieie sam justin and matt they're bigger than life characters like not just when you watch them on tv but if you're in their presence and they give you their attention it's like holy cow it really is like having a spotlight
Starting point is 00:40:36 on you when they give you your their attention so i can only imagine it must have been fireworks it's so cool yeah i mean this is yeah I got a lot of personal time and relationships. I get great relationships with all of you, too. It was surreal. It was fun. I love that. This has been all my experiences with Wads. I've had moments like that that I'll remember forever
Starting point is 00:41:00 just to get to look back and have those moments with them. They all come down to help me, which is really what's so cool, you know. And they spoke about it a little in the time that we had together. They just, you know, really support my stuff. So it was fun. It was awesome. Hey, that place, that venue, you have several stadiums there. And the one little stadium you have where the chipper was tonight. And I'm asking you a loaded question.
Starting point is 00:41:30 I apologize. How many people does that hold, the one that's facing the water? It's hard to say because we put a lot of people on the sides of the stages. The seating nears a couple thousand um and then we probably put there had to be you know close to i'm just thinking of numbers on either side there had to be closely 3 000 people around that stage um and the way the reason why i ask is because a lot of people who were watching our stream were like waiting in line to get in. And you have that situation there where it's like people were expressing frustration because you have to wait for people to come out before you come in.
Starting point is 00:42:14 And my response was, I understand the frustration, but it's kind of the trade-off for having, what's the other option to move the venue somewhere where you don't have that amazing setting to do the event and so it's like it's a trade-off right yeah it's it's uh it's something we we've um we've had to you know build off of and try to improve every year and we do and you know to anyone listening that stood in line you know you know i it guts me that you don't get to you know go and see you know something you want to um it's it's you know been historically the situation where you know we do tell people that and you know vips uh have special sections and you know that's more guaranteed seating um you know i i'd love to build a 10 000 seat studio right there and we've toyed with moving the event by the way and everything is exactly what you just said it's like why would
Starting point is 00:43:11 you like how do you move that event when you have moments like you had tonight um and there's so many historic moments on that i intended the day i got here after seeing the venue i was like screw this place you know we're moving. And then I experienced what is my, honestly, my favorite night usually is that Friday night. You know, it can be stressful because of the lines, but it's just, I mean, it's so Wazza and it's so Miami and the energy is amazing. The water's there.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Honestly, like you can't move. Like how could you ever move that? Like there is nothing like that. I would say there's very few things like it in sports. I mean, people, people who complain, you have to look, there's three options. You move it. So there's nothing to complain about. You limit the number of ticket sales. So now you have no chance of seeing it. Or, or, or you just wait in line and wait till someone leaves. I mean, so it's, it's like, it's pretty, I mean, I get, I get people's frustrations but there's no option it's like just the way it is and it's like hey they don't if you said hey well okay give us here's your
Starting point is 00:44:12 money back don't come back next year it's like no no it's okay i'll wait in line you know there's a i was uh over there watching um the intermediate teams of three like three hours before the elite uh teams even took the floor i was talking to someone over there who was saying hi, and they said they were already there posting up for the elite teams and elite individuals. Three, four, five hours ahead of time to make sure they got a spot. Yeah. They know.
Starting point is 00:44:37 If you've got some wazzy years under your belt, you know. And people need to know that that was built bigger for growth you know we just was more i'm so um humbled by the turnout for this event by the way like it is insane you know we're growing again we will build bigger seats next year. I promise you that. And we'll continue to try to meet the need, the demand. But yeah, we put it on the broadcast on the other stages so people can watch. And you can still get the vibe and energy. Yeah, I mean, it's a good problem to have.
Starting point is 00:45:19 And anybody who's upset, find me and don't yell at me. Talk to me and I'm happy to talk to you. This is one of our reporters, Heidi. She was there in the venue the entire time. She had to wait probably an hour to get in. And look at what she says. It was awesome. And she said, yeah, it was worth the wait.
Starting point is 00:45:35 She said it was crazy. Well, thank you, Heidi. It's awesome. Matt, speaking of that, it's got to be always-wracking for someone who does pay-per-view events or events like this like really you don't know what's going to happen until the doors open and it must feel such a relief that this many people showed up right like you never know like are a thousand people going to show up or ten thousand people going to show up like really it's just like you there's no guarantees and especially with all the the government intervention these
Starting point is 00:46:05 days about travel yeah i mean we're you know we're obviously fortunate for where we operate you know pertaining to that with you know florida has been you know you know one of the better states with that yeah i mean still a massive risk, though, right? Like something could happen and you lose your fucking shirt, right? Exactly. It's all a risk. And we. Like, hey, the president could say no Americans are allowed to travel to Florida. Like we seem weird.
Starting point is 00:46:35 That's my concern. My concern was more of what was the president going to do, right? I mean, it's like that when I listen to Dana White. It's like that. I listen to you. I listen to just anyone who's running these big events. It's like, holy shit. Like, what do you know? You don't know. I mean, you still don that when I listen to Dana White, it's like that. I listen to you and listen to just anyone who's running these big events. It's like, holy shit. Like, what do you know? You don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:49 And I mean, you still don't even know about tomorrow. Something could happen between now and tomorrow morning. We hope that people are brand new. It's by the way, I think, you know, well, they should be using data from events like this to say, you know, people are educated at this point. If they're not and they're choosing not to be educated. So that's on them. And if they want to be here and I mean, man, I,
Starting point is 00:47:12 I mean, I could get, I have a very strong opinion about all this stuff and it's not because I run an event that I want a lot of people to attend. I just, you know, we should be able to make sound adult choices and live our lives the way we choose to live them. That's how I feel. And I'm glad that we were able to. I mean, people have spoken. I mean, we are before the event even launched. We had sold more tickets than we've ever sold in our history.
Starting point is 00:47:38 And generally, 40 percent of the people walk out. So I think that's a pretty profound statement. So I wear people are at right now. Is there a number where you would have to turn people away? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We're getting, we're, we're, you know, we might get close tomorrow. Like tomorrow's the day that we have to be very careful. Um, you know, uh, today and tomorrow, today we were getting close and, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:02 I made the decision where we were at, you know, looking at what was what had happened on Flagler and, you know, I made the decision where we were at, you know, looking at what was, what had happened on Flagler and, you know, VIP seating, you know, just making sure there was capacity there. We made the decision to stay tomorrow. You know, I watch it by, you know, I'm looking at it every half hour, but yeah, I mean, honestly, the rip back to the risk, by the way, one of the things we deal with here is in years there's been these issues whereful and stressful and very volatile and you don't do 40 of your ticket sales you know trust me we've had years where we don't it's tough to run the
Starting point is 00:48:53 business that way so that's the risk it's hard so um yeah i'm gonna i have a stressful line of work uh suza pencil o'eefe in for next month. We're going to do a show about acting like an adult, like people who can make adult decisions. Let's dig in. I like that he has strong opinions on that. Oh, I mean, I'm your dad. I try to keep my mouth shut as often as I can.
Starting point is 00:49:24 It'll just be me, you, and by then, by next month, it'll be our 700,000 listeners. I like that. Everybody that's down here from your crew has been amazing. They said thank you to me. They don't need to thank you to you guys. They've been great. Super, super respectful
Starting point is 00:49:45 of all the rules, which isn't always the case. We got kicked out of a couple spots. So did I. I'm not kidding. Which is awesome. You know, you want to... I've tried to weasel my way.
Starting point is 00:50:04 If you even say that, it's spaces to be faster. I've had Matt with me and I've tried to like weasel my way. I even say that it's spaces to be fast or I've had Matt with me and I've been like, I got to take him here. And they're like, sorry, you can't come here. And I'm like, well, I don't know. Like, I'm not, I'm never going to be like, Hey, I own this event. You know? And you hire them to be like that and not know who I am. I mean, it's, it happened five times today where i was like damn i gotta be somewhere and be like all right well they're just doing their job yeah i oh i one year we went to the crossfit games and greg and i tried to enter through the back and
Starting point is 00:50:36 we got stopped we couldn't get in i waited there for 30 minutes i was like this is fucking nuts i was there in madison you were okay you were when you rode the bikes over yes yes they turned him away and i was with billy rogers from framework who is you know does our production and always does production at the games too and he was like he like turned white and i was like what's up he's like we just threw greg glassman out and i was like you are getting fired buddy hey you know what's up he's like we just threw Greg Glassman out and I was like you are getting fired buddy hey you know what's crazy too while we're standing there the security guard is is over 400 pounds he's massive he his clothes don't even look like clothes right and he's this 20 year
Starting point is 00:51:17 old kid I mean he's huge and Greg gets Greg gets out of the golf cart he's like dude and Greg offers him a free gym membership and Greg just talks to him about diabetes and losing weight the whole time we're there. I'm like, well, at least it wasn't a waste of a trip. That's amazing. Yeah. He tried to say, oh, look at this. Nero says this is the last COVID-19 wave. Anyway, we're in the clear after this.
Starting point is 00:51:37 Thank you. Wow. Nero has spoken. Nero has spoken. Can I quote you on that? Anything else you guys want to say to Mr. O'Keefe? John? Thank you for letting us do this at your event.
Starting point is 00:51:51 And thank you for everything that you're doing. Yeah, thanks, Matt. Thank you, guys, again. I'll do it again. I'll thank you again tomorrow night. Honestly, it's been awesome. This is like we're busting numbers every day. And it's people like you guys like we're busting numbers every day and it's because of people
Starting point is 00:52:05 like you guys the coverage has been amazing and you get a lot of people that watched last night because i got you know a lot of people brought it up to me that on site they're like i saw you on some islands like i said how come he isn't here i'm like i don't know i mean i i gave him what i thought was very sage advice come on down here It would be a good place for you to be. And he told me to fuck off. Hey, I'm looking right now at, where is it? Yeah, it's got 10,000 downloads already. The interview with you just from last night. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Yeah, it is cool. Okay, did you get to see any of the adaptive stuff today? I watched some this morning. We were doing a lot of signage stuff today. I didn't see a lot of anything, but I saw some this morning. I will be watching a bit of that tomorrow. That's such cool stuff. I just want to encourage anyone if you if you uh
Starting point is 00:53:06 are in in miami and you're not planning to go watch some of that like there's there's time in the schedule go check it out it is it's really impressive i talked to a couple people today said it's like so inspiring to see them out there so if you get a chance to go check it out that's um and you know justin madaris has a friend um that is competing that they're trying to figure out because they can have a you know they can have somebody assist um if you're in a certain category and i think justin is going to be a part of one of his workouts oh that's cool so that'll be that's some breaking news for you it was going to be a surprise but we um yeah that stuff in you know
Starting point is 00:53:46 this has got nothing to do with me you know we we're a part of it now and i will press the heart on that forever it will do whatever in my power but guido started that you know he was the first to really dig in on that and he deserves all the credit and that community is amazing they've supported the hell out of us. We will them. There's prize money for those guys this year. Black Rifle Coffee actually donated the money to pay some of those guys. We're always trying to find ways to grow that.
Starting point is 00:54:23 There's a lot involved with those guys coming down to compete and traveling to do it. It's a hard place for some of them to get around to. They are all smiles and supportive. They're great people that run that wheel wide. Stoudy,
Starting point is 00:54:40 Kevin Ogar. That's so cool. I hope people are watching that. I will be tomorrow. Alright brother, thank you. That's it. That's all you need me for? Dude, you got to go to sleep. I mean I could keep you up for an hour but we got to
Starting point is 00:54:56 do a recap for the real superstars, not just the big bosses like you. Before I leave, who's winning? Ah. No, this is actually perfect. Hey, tell us about Pat Vellner.
Starting point is 00:55:11 You talked to him at all today? I did quite a bit. I saw him after both workouts. He had Owen on the stage. We sat and watched some fireworks together. My daughter babysat Owen, so we were spending a bit of time with them when he did his first workout.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Do you know Ellie Turner at all? Because she's still winning and she's about 30 points clear of the field. I met her for the first time this week, actually. Does she have an agent? Did you put your agent pitch to her? No, I don't have a pitch.
Starting point is 00:55:47 But no, I'm super impressed. I did not know much about her before. That's impressive stuff. That's a pretty decent, diverse set of workouts so far. We can't say like yes some for chinese people some for black people and some for white people very diverse i like we have the stadiums all split up so that everyone can go in their own stadium that's really cool very diverse but what's uh what's crazy is the type of workout we thought she would be best at doesn't happen till tomorrow morning.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Hey, okay. If, if, if O'Keefe's going to stay on here, let's put the fucking iron to him and heat this, hit this up a bit. Has Matt run into Ricky yet? Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:56:41 It's like, all right, I know how to get her. Jesus. I don't know. I know how to get a peep off the call. Jeez. I don't know. I haven't run into Ricky. Is he still here?
Starting point is 00:56:52 Yeah, of course. He's having a blast. Signing autographs. Taking pictures with babies. I have not myself seen him. I would know. I don't know. I thought he left. Hey, no. I don't know. I know. I literally I thought he left. Hey, go.
Starting point is 00:57:08 There's this photo on Instagram and it's it's it's. Hey, listen to this. You know what you do? OK, if you want to you want to break the Internet, get Ricky and Pat and Matt all to stand together like this and get that photo for your Instagram. And one love. And you can play. It can be a Reels video, like one of those boomerang ones, and playing like Bob Marley's One Love underneath it. That would be amazing.
Starting point is 00:57:35 It might be tough to pull off. Yes, that would be amazing. Out of those three, I don't know which one would disagree more to that picture. Matt. But he'd do it. Let me tell you, Matt would do anything for O'Keefe. He does anything for O'Keefe. Hey, Matt, let's show the world that it's just really all about love.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Can I get a picture of you and Velner and Ricky? Okay, you don't have to put your arms around each other just hold hands oh how about pat though he looks great dude he we just did an interview with him with his shirt off he looks better than great he got a big old vein down his bicep now he's all thin from working out four times in a row he looks good hey what is it what's the what's the men's standing look like okay yeah i got it all right you want to pull it up where he could see it willie you got it yeah oh we have graphics you see that I didn't even see you have a Waza themed, uh, background. Oh,
Starting point is 00:58:46 dude, we've been, we got all sorts of Waza stuff. I can't see shit. Okay. So Patrick Belner, he's in first place with 376 points. Then Alexander Caron with three 49, Phil tune with three 46,
Starting point is 00:59:00 Dallin pepper with three 17. We heard Dallin peppers hurt himself too, that he rolled his ankle and, and, uh, stepping over one of the boxes while he was holding the 122 pounds of dumbbells. So I'm not sure what's going to happen to him. Why did he do that? You know, he's just young and just foolish. This is some, wow, man, the men's field is tight.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Yeah, Cole's sitting in fifth. Jason Hopper's in sixth. There's Tim Paulson, Sam Cornway. It's a good group and only halfway through. You want to tell them what happened to Mertens? Yeah, what happened? What happened? Colton was in sixth place until this event,
Starting point is 00:59:38 and this event knocked him down all the way to where is he at? 12th. 12th place. He went from third to 33rd. You got to see this guy's scores, O'Keefe. He's got a 20th, a 4th, a 3rd, and a 33rd. Have you said hi to him yet, Matt? I have.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Yeah. I try to. It's more like my role is high fives and roam around. Did he grunt at you or did he say hi back? He said hello. He did? Okay. He's a nice guy, dude. He guy i agree he's great but sometimes he's just a little he's he's a little he just doesn't not a man of a lot of words during competition i did my favorite moment with him was when he qualified this year for the games and they had the camera on him he was at our event
Starting point is 01:00:21 grand games and he was the fifth spot and he didn't he didn't break anything he just like didn't even I was like this has to be the greatest moment of his athletic career and he just like he didn't even wait I was like I've been talking sitting with Dylan and I'm like, can he not hear what they just said? What happened? Hey, inside he was doing backflips. I'm sure. I was shocked. I'm like, this guy.
Starting point is 01:00:56 I love watching him. I'm sorry he had a tough event. That probably was not built for him. No, no. Vellner said something about his levers, and then Colton popped up in the comments and said, don't talk about my levers. Well, Colton, if you're listening,
Starting point is 01:01:17 I'm sure there's something great for your levers coming up. Yeah, definitely. That's what Brian was telling him. Should we show them the women?'s a it's a great event matt bottom line is is if you pay to go you want to have the opportunity to see all elite events even the vip sections filled up tony b well if the if you didn't get in to a v as a i will say as a vip um don't say it don't say it deal with it no I would say apologies because we went up and down those lines and I and put them made sure so I would I don't know maybe maybe I missed something but I had literally people were assigned to that and they were going
Starting point is 01:01:59 up and I was checking in on it every 10 minutes so they must have missed you sorry but everybody else um they were we were putting them on the sides of the stages and uh doing our best um because we did guarantee you guys see them come on back tomorrow that won't be a problem here's here's for the extremely thorough security guard who wouldn't let the chief into bayside without a wristband i had a wristband on, by the way. That wasn't good enough. The women, you want to talk about the women? It's Ellie Turner.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Out there alone, kind of. 30, 40 points ahead. Emma McQuaid, then Bethany Shadburn, Danny Spiegel, Fee Sagafi, Emma Tall, Ariel Lowen, and Freya Moose Bruger. Nice.
Starting point is 01:02:47 Do you want to look at the elite women teams? Because there's a really good race throughout the podium for them. One through three. They're within six points of each other. Kristen Holti's team, Team Krieger,
Starting point is 01:03:04 and then the Mayhem's team, and then Team Gowad. They're all within six points of each other. Who is Team Gowad? Is that... Mia Hesketh, Julie Hoegaard from Denmark, and Solveig Sigurdadder. The worst that any of them
Starting point is 01:03:20 has done on any event is a fourth place between those three teams combined. I love it. If this day is tight in the Sunday afternoon, that last workout is going to be badass.
Starting point is 01:03:36 When do you guys announce it? When do you announce it? Am I supposed to know that? I don't know. Do you know when they announce it, Brian? Yeah, it'll be Sunday, I believe, at some point. Probably after they do their first workout. It depends, honestly,
Starting point is 01:03:53 because we have to set up for it. No, some people do. Other divisions will have to do it earlier. So we'll probably announce it tomorrow night. Don't hold me to that, but I would assume either tomorrow night or first thing in the morning. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:12 All right, brother. Thank you. Remember that idea I gave you about getting the Ricky, Matt, and Pat picture in a time of such turmoil? That would be gold. You should just text Matt. Oh, yeah. Matt could make that happen. I will text him that. That's a great idea.
Starting point is 01:04:32 Hey, I have all three of their phone numbers. Should I just start a group text? Oh, man. Connection's breaking up. I can't hear you. Dear boys, Matt O'Keefe thinks connections breaking up. I can't hear you. Dear boys. I know he thinks. You can get them all three on the podcast
Starting point is 01:04:51 at the same time without telling them. You can mediate. Yes. All right. Well, hey, we'll talk to you tomorrow. Maybe I'll one of these nights show up on time. Oh, dude. Anytime, dude.
Starting point is 01:05:04 Love having you on here. We should have. We should have gone live for the fireworks. You missed the fireworks show. O'Keefe, you validate me. Thank you. Yeah. I love that.
Starting point is 01:05:17 Yeah. You complete me. All right. Good. We'll talk tomorrow. Have a great night. Thanks, boys. Appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:05:24 Thank you. The only thing is, is I'm telling the truth. You need me okay if you demand uh you guys are the shit uh it's a little harsh um keep doing what you're doing um seven your unfiltered ways are needed karina rain oh do you think that's really her last name rain all these people with great last names karina karina foreigner All these people with great last names. Karina. Karina. Foreigner? USA? Impossible to say these days.
Starting point is 01:05:52 I met Heidi today. Yeah, she's cool as shit, isn't she? I talked to her very briefly, but she seemed very cool. I talked to her on air, and she's cool. She's an adult. That picture looks nothing like her. Nothing. Right?
Starting point is 01:06:09 It looks like her. Her hair's not even blonde. I knew it was her when I saw her. That's just because you just knew when you know. Brian, when you know. You know. You know. He was on about 30 minutes ago.
Starting point is 01:06:24 Karina, thank you very much um i'm kind of burnt out like so um i yeah i'm kind of burnt out like is there anything you guys want to talk about like what like does anyone have any questions what do you guys want to talk about tomorrow or yeah go ahead i have one question do you guys know what video they're talking about with sarah like yeah he's getting a video sent to him is it just of the event because i don't i didn't know there was one specific event that we could they can't the camera was locked on or you can go back yeah i think they're just talking about the event i could say you could see it in her face have you i've never seen her that downtrodden i just didn't it sounded he was the way he was saying like i asked him to send the
Starting point is 01:07:02 video over it sounded like something specific happened but watching it back you can't really say that something specific happened to her she's like she was in pain yeah oh maybe a trained i can maybe someone maybe someone like brian frank could no i don't i just think if something specific had happened she would have stopped it wasn't a retorn acl though yeah that's what he's saying but i was just curious if Brian if you knew anything about that I hadn't heard that it was a specific event or like specific occurrence or anything
Starting point is 01:07:32 I don't know that's all she slipped on a banana peel grass fed beef organs a mouthful of meat ryan doesn't get to see that do you know that john he can't see it no did you see it that time isn't it weird oh no i can't hear it can't it. Isn't that weird? It doesn't catch me off guard anymore. I expect it not. Have you seen them at all, Brian?
Starting point is 01:08:14 Unless there are any new ones, Will sent me three of them. I'm pretty sure there are new ones then because there's more than three. Thank you guys for the content. This has been Unreal Entertainment. Will is stealing the show. I couldn't agree more. That's what happens when Brian leaves. Will, someone else just steps up and steals the show. I don't steal anything. Olsen. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 01:08:32 I think this guy gave a lot of money a couple weeks ago. Thank you, brother. I think I tried to find you on Instagram, too, to follow you. For a certain price, I can be bought. Someone's like, he's a whore. Yeah, I am. Simon, I talked to a bunch of the mayhem people today yes and i realized that i just keep missing every interview you do
Starting point is 01:08:50 with someone from mayhem i miss luke parker miss taylor williamson miss rich twice miss hayley but i talked to tasia today maybe we should have her on it sometime yeah my um uh they yeah you weren't on the hayley one no that was that was me that was my debut oh it was yeah yeah that one was long that one was good um it sounds like they were all good yeah andrew this was good i mean they're all kind of a little weird not not them weird the interviews are weird like me with them is just Like, it's always just a little weird. But in a good way weird. Like, three bees and one flower. You're like, man, take turns, guys.
Starting point is 01:09:31 You know what I mean? You made Heidi change your profile pics, Evan. Did I? Yeah. Let's see. Let's see. What do we got? What do we got?
Starting point is 01:09:40 What do we got? Yes, that's her. Yes, that's the girl I met today. I can't even see the profile pictures either yes that's the girl i met today i can't even see that i can't even see the profile pictures either that's the girl i met today okay you want to talk about male teams hector thank you i needed i needed some direction okay uh we got the boys um oh i'll tell you this brian so today i asked travis mayor um we had travis mayor on this morning and i said hey you know is this is this unhealthy basically to go I don't know if I asked him this, but I said to him, Hey, do you have any interest in going teams now that you've experienced a little bit of teams? And he right away was like,
Starting point is 01:10:12 no. And then he asked Noah and Noah was like, yeah, I mean a little like, yeah, like this is fun. Like it piques my interest now. And I wonder if it's unhealthy for individuals. And I asked Hobart this and Jason to go team because then you never want to go back. It's kind of like crack because it makes you soft because you can hide a little bit. I don't know, man. In some ways, I thought that the team workouts were harder today. Not that the workouts aren't harder, but just the… There's less pressure.
Starting point is 01:10:39 There's less focus just on you. Yeah. Noah's always been like that with teams, though. He's answered that way before when a team question came his way. Just – I don't know. There are a lot of people who have done this competition, the Teams of Three competition at Wadapalooza,
Starting point is 01:10:57 as a part of their individual career. It's just something they do for fun in the offseason, and then once the Open rolls around, they just fall right back into the rhythm of the season. So maybe it could be the case for some, but I think for the most part, it's not really an issue. Savon, Rich running the soft. Hey, and I like this girl's name, Sarah Gildersleeve. There's a family that trains at our gym that's last name is Gildersleeve.
Starting point is 01:11:24 Is that them? I don't think so. It's a, there's a family that trains at our gym. That's last name is Gildersleeve. Is that them? I don't think so. It's a very common name. No one would even know who Noah was though. If he went team. And I don't know what you, I mean, I don't agree with that.
Starting point is 01:11:35 We'd have to define success. I mean, just breaking into the top 20, just making it to the games as an individual. And some, let me, let me say this. If you,
Starting point is 01:11:44 if you're on teams after you've been to individual, this excludes you, what I'm about to say. So if you've already been an individual athlete and you're now a team athlete, this excludes you. All individual... Now here comes the statement. All individual athletes who make it to the games, except for 2019,
Starting point is 01:12:01 are more successful than the most successful team athlete, in my opinion. Yeah, I mean, I agree with Taylor Williamson and Andrea Nistler. They are probably two of the most dominant women but they've always done team. And I think that makes them less successful than
Starting point is 01:12:17 who did Caroline Prevo, you know? Yeah, 100%. They have game instagram followers if you want to put success we needed a metric i don't know now that you say it like that i have to rethink it now you say it like that okay okay so hector back to the so we have the boys thunder down under uh two and a half men invictus team hercules two and a half men i mean the the does thunder down under have any chance to catch the boys are they about to hit their groove and just take off like a rocket ship did you say sam sorella man who no i think he skipped
Starting point is 01:12:56 it because he couldn't say it i said two and a half men sam sorella man i think you're behind or something okay maybe refresh can we see the can we see the leaderboard i haven't seen it yet yeah so they're in third place sam sorella man is and they were they were first in the qualifier they're they're killing it um did you guys they were so impressive on that chipper workout i mean from start to finish, they were basically untouchable. I was completely blown away. I almost feel like they must not have done all the reps. They were so far ahead, so fast. It was so crazy, and every one
Starting point is 01:13:33 of their guys, none of them seemed to have a weakness on that workout. It was really, really good. Hence, Tommy made a comment the other day that made me laugh. He said that their team name sounds like a slightly stupid song, which some people might understand. I don't think Seven will know who that is. No.
Starting point is 01:13:52 Hey, you know what's interesting about them taking first place? Look who took second place in that workout. It speaks more volumes of the workout than about their athleticism and their fitness. It's 10th place training culture. They took 13th, 7th, 21st, and then second. There must have been something in that workout that these two teams were particularly just savage at. That team from that training culture team is from Spain.
Starting point is 01:14:20 And I think, can I see the guys that are on that team again? Because I think there's two Spanish teams here. Do they have that Instagram famous guy on the team? Spain and the, the, uh, think, can I see the guys around that team again? Cause I think there's two Spanish teams here. Um, I think they have that Instagram famous guy on the team. Uh, I don't know who you're talking about. I sent you a link. Mr.
Starting point is 01:14:34 Week. Oh, Mr. Week. I think it's his Instagram. May I be an NSK stylesy? No, there's another guy who sent me,
Starting point is 01:14:39 there's two Spanish teams in the field, but I think these guys, I think. Oh man, there was a team from Spain and I think it might've been two of these guys that took first place in the European quarterfinals. And then they chose two of their teammates, including Ollana Moya, who's competing as an individual in the elite division here at Guadalupe Luzon and is currently in 10th, chose to compete in the semifinals as individuals. So their team disbanded. They didn't do the semifinals after finishing first in the quarterfinals in Europe.
Starting point is 01:15:06 And we've talked about how good the European team dynamics or roster makeup is right now. So it's not that surprising that this Spanish team would be doing well and that they could have a really good workout like that. It is surprising that they're one spot ahead of Mayhem's team though i would tell you brian
Starting point is 01:15:27 did you write the article who wrote the article in morning chalk up as far as teams to watch at at this competition yeah was there a specific one about teams i thought it was it was that well there was because people were going off about the Mayhem team. And there was teams to watch. You wrote that. So you did not write Sam Cirella Man as a team to watch. And I know Tyler Eggerman took that personally because I follow him on Instagram. This was really hard, actually. And they were very upset that they weren't mentioned in that article so if i don't
Starting point is 01:16:07 know if i like this uh term idle banter i don't know if i like this thank you motivation i'm saying it's motivation i don't know if i like idle banter i don't know how about just banter let's get you like the canadian uh currency though yeah yeah that's good. What's her name? Kayla. I shouldn't even look at her name. I might hold it against her to say it was idle. It's just banter. Just banter. John, I can address that. I, I, when I wrote that article, um, you know, there was like, uh, we've said it many times, there's a lot more depth on the men's side than the women's side. And I was really tempted to, and the women's side, the sixth place team that I listed, because I did six men, six women, six teams, six teams.
Starting point is 01:16:45 The sixth place. And I even said as a disclaimer in the opening paragraph that there are people in every division that I'm not including in this article that have the capacity to be within the top six of this competition. So if people choose to read what they choose to read, that's fine. But I actually gave a lot of consideration to Sam Cerell man for the sixth spot because i put three blind mice the top online qualifier team for the women's in the sixth spot tyler eggemann i know who you guys are believe me i know all about you and i know he knows about you tyler punk and uh and i just you know i just i thought that there were six other teams with um with like recognizable pedigrees names and makeups that were more deserving to be on that list. Obviously, if you guys hold this spot
Starting point is 01:17:27 and finish in third, then congratulations on proving me wrong, but it was not an oversight. It wasn't forgetting about you guys. There's a lot of good athletes competing here. To be fair, right now they're beating a team that has three perennial games athletes. They're doing outstanding in this competition. It's hard to see coming. Are there too many heats? This is the kind of stuff that if someone were to whisper this
Starting point is 01:17:57 into Brian's ear, he would get aroused. These are the kind of statements he really... This is like some of his favorite subjects. You know it's true. Hey let let's say let's agree on this that that the women's uh team and women's individual is far more interesting than we than i gave it credit for then then i'm gonna have to say it's a far far far far more lower i mean far better than i mean i had it like like i didn't give a shit like i felt like obligated and now i care about both the team and the um and the individual and the women's maybe even more than the men yeah more than the men especially for the team the team i give a rat's ass for the men
Starting point is 01:18:37 because the boys ran away with it no i don't know it's just like i mean like i i don't care who yeah maybe i mean yeah i guess if i saw saw that Travis's team was starting to lose. an event all three tied on points they take one two three in that event like that's a that's you can't even write that script like that's you know and i'm just waiting for one of them to have a bad workout and so far it's four for four they haven't had any slip-ups so it's super exciting and super competitive um but this is what brian's talking about guys it is it is something else look at this yeah the team that's in first has had the worst finish of the three teams. And then if you scroll down to underdogs, they're basically in a class of their own. They're just fourth in every workout.
Starting point is 01:19:30 So these four teams are putting on a show. And now you're going to see a mix-up of everyone else below them. But there's definitely some clear classes. But to have three teams this good, this competitive in every single workout, yeah, it's super exciting. If one of these three teams shits the bed, they're out, right? Like if someone takes a 10th, they're bye-bye. Yep. Well, they can't win.
Starting point is 01:19:54 Then they can't win. Right. Yeah. So basically these teams, what's the lowest one of these teams? Could Team Krieger take a fifth tomorrow and still be yeah you know because they have where does it get bad because they have three event wins it ends up that you know that goes a long way in terms of the tiebreaker later on because both the other teams only have one right now so um and and it's only three points like
Starting point is 01:20:23 every spot assuming the other teams take first and second on that, then they'd overtake them. But when you see a team that's won three times, like what's to make you think that they're not going to win two more of the four workouts, even if they do have a fifth? Okay, fair. Hey, Rich, 40 burpees, buddy. 40 burpees. You're off to feed. Do you think Tomorrow will be Mayfim's worst
Starting point is 01:20:46 event. In the morning? Yeah. I am not 100% sure about that event in
Starting point is 01:20:58 general, even from a logistical side. I need to do some investigating in the morning.
Starting point is 01:21:04 My microphone smells like cigarette smoke, which is so weird. Maybe it's just smoke. It's weird. I wonder if someone's been using my computer. Okay. I think we're done. Great evening, guys. Pat Vellner, some idle banter, Matt O'Keefe. some idle banter, Matt O'Keefe. Brian, we didn't see you at all today. It would be nice if you could – I was on there with Taylor Self, wasn't I? Yeah, you were. Oh, maybe briefly.
Starting point is 01:21:36 It doesn't count. So it's two days in a row right now, and you've never called in. You have those nice headphones. You have a phone. You could at least call in and just and just like hi guys i'm really busy um i just wanted to let you guys know that you guys are doing a great job something that's my feedback for you as matt told thanks yvonne you never call anymore i don't know honestly i'm like this is how this is how it goes like what once the elite
Starting point is 01:22:09 competition starts for the day which was about 12 hours ago i just haven't stopped can you make it go ahead sorry sorry brian go ahead and i i would i would venture to say that i ran like physically ran over three miles today and watched. I mean, I have to watch every single heat of every event. And then you turtle Keefe say that occasionally these things pop up and they asked me to do something and I have to do it. And you know,
Starting point is 01:22:35 it's, or I want to do it more, you know, more than anything, because it's just, I'm just trying to help everyone out down here as best I can. And because he's the fucking boss, you mean?
Starting point is 01:22:45 And, uh, anyway, it's not that I don't want to be, as best I can. Because he's the fucking boss, you mean. And anyway, it's not that I don't want to be on here with you guys, but these are commitments that I had made to do prior to us knowing that we were going to do this, so I'm going to stick to them. That's true, but maybe just come on for a second tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:23:00 Just like I was saying to Link, you could just be like, hey, what's up? So I have we're gonna do so tomorrow at three o'clock we're probably gonna start start the uh 3 p.m uh eastern standard time you cool with that will that's great okay um wait what what's the schedule tomorrow so tomorrow the elite teams uh start at two so i'm hoping we'll come on at the end of the – probably earlier. What do you think 245, Will?
Starting point is 01:23:28 Sure. I mean, I just can't do all those heats of teams unless we have James and Chase and all those guys coming back on again tomorrow morning. Will basically did everything single-hand. I just sit here and just read the comments and just collect the money. Cha-ching, cha-ching. And then we'll go from 245 to six hey that's only three hours and 15 minutes so jason's coming on from four to six yeah so he'll be there for two hours of that and then um that means we only have to provide content for the hour before because then jason
Starting point is 01:24:02 comes on it's like the easiest thing oh man he's charged he's so good he should get so good he should be a he should get brought on to broadcast he should i agree he he's got a little bit of a potty mouth he's like five percent of the way of there of me i think he would have he's got a little potty mouth um and then uh 6 30 team start again so we can wait till like maybe 7 so then 7pm tomorrow schedule I think I have them up already I think I on our last break I put them
Starting point is 01:24:34 up alright guys thank you so much Sarah Cox you are amazing thank you so much someone wants to have Brian's. Hey, I seriously would have loved it if he would have been fired this weekend.
Starting point is 01:24:49 Two for two for two. That would have been awesome. You need to show Jake Marconi's Instagram reel where he drops the bar on the buzzer. Okay. We'll say maybe we can do that tomorrow morning when the teams are going. I'll make a note here. Actually, Jake's.
Starting point is 01:25:02 Yeah. If anyone else has content to play during the first two heats of the team. Jake's IG. Okay, thank you, Dipshandipon. Dipshandipon. Can we have a tally of how much money? Can we have a tally of how many dudes your mom's dated? Fucking ask me about my money. that was a really clean version i thought
Starting point is 01:25:27 it was not expected that was awesome i apologize brent i just love your mama jokes i can't help it and you had it coming um all right uh transparency i don't believe in transparency that's some rosa shit grass-fed beef liver you know you like it i'm honest and i have integrity but i don't believe in transparency two totally different things three dudes my mom's dead dead dead my mom's dated three dudes thank you that's how much money i have three dudes uh happy morning to commentate at one point. Not sure. Oh, okay. Okay. Look at this guy wrote hot, wet, PU, and then like two asterisk marks operation. Amazing.
Starting point is 01:26:16 All right, guys. Check the website for the swim event. Oh, I think my wife just texted me. I might be in trouble. Nope. She didn't hear that part okay guys brian see you tomorrow maybe pop in on us peace

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