The Sevan Podcast - #267 - Wodapalooza Day 3 Recap, Matt O'Keefe

Episode Date: January 16, 2022

Sat down with Matt and recapped any of the issues from the day as well as talking about incredible the event has been. Follow us on Instagram Watch this... episode Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items. Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your list, then swap it for one that's cheaper. Craving chips? The app will suggest some on sale.
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Starting point is 00:01:00 Now streaming on Disney+. The Unfiltered Podcast, where we talk about your mom anything you say our comeback will be your mama are we live yet i kind of got yeah we're like is he peeing is that that brian peen um i'm washing my hands oh yeah that's what they all say bam we're live oh my goodness you guys don't you guys have a life i know i don't i just ran inside to watch some ufc whoo that was a crazy crazy fight like and subscribe turn on notifications thank you chet thank you oh i saw someone i saw some of the athletes wearing this prey shirt today is that like a brand prey it's a may's a Mayhem shirt. Oh, all right. Well, then now I think I know who.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Uh-oh, there she is. The Sevan Podcast Team Rocks. Thank you, Mom. Okay, so no. I got a Mayhem shirt today. You want to see it? Yeah, I won't do any of your mama jokes. I don't think my mom likes those.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Ben Davidson, media guy for CrossFit Mayhem. Super, super nice guy. He got his shirt. This is their Miami Heat, Miami Trib, Guadalupe's shirt. No, I'm not liking it. I'm not liking it. Hold that up again. I'm not liking it.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Oh, no. Come on, dude. It's amazing. No, what are you talking about? Look at the way those letters are. That's like Ted Bundy. That's like serial killer, right? The Miami Heat have a jersey this year that's like this.
Starting point is 00:02:18 It wasn't original. It's just a tribute to Miami. I can't believe it. I don't think that just because there's one bad jersey, you should mimic it with another bad jersey. Sometimes I forget how old you are. Right. That's true. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Oh, my goodness, Bruce. I didn't get to watch the last round. Those were the four craziest rounds since the last time Calvin Cater fought. I mean, that was absolutely. You should have just watched. Is it going on right now? That's not hating. No, because if i put it on our feed then then i'm just saying we could have started 10 minutes later it just ran like a mile to get here in time oh sorry well it's it's
Starting point is 00:02:54 uh i basically just want to make sure oh keith's not staying up all night he's gonna be up all night no matter what someone's gotta figure out how to get some scores up there yeah gosh man i don't know is there is there even a leaderboard right now i heard it was all messed up so there's a bunch of p go ahead no scores there's no scores in for the last two events at all um but they but they put something up on the broadcast they did yeah but uh you know the app is not updated. I don't know. Well, let's start there then.
Starting point is 00:03:27 By the way, your shirt is bothering me. I don't know why it's bothering you, but I will tell you this. This shirt is bothering you? No, this one. Someone is saying, Sevan, your shirt is bothering me. I walked into my house right now. There's a bunch of people over for the fights. You should have worn that shirt tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:03:40 It's like Tiger Woods red for Sunday, not Saturday night. Who's Tiger Woods Red for Sunday, not Saturday night. Who's Tiger Woods? Brian, what is wrong with the scoreboard? Let's start there. This is a recap of day number three, Saturday at Wadapalooza. A fantastic day, great stuff. But it is a little bummer when we can't know how well, I mean, specifically with Colton Mertens and Ellie Turner.
Starting point is 00:04:05 I want to know where they're at. To be honest, I don't know where anyone's at. I mean, I do know some of the races I have an idea, but in general, I don't know because. So the scoring system that they're using is that it used to be the old throwdowns. Now they're called strongest and they hit the buzzer and they get a score. And that's been working super well. And last night we talked about how, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:28 Savan even said it's the most efficient turnaround on scoring that he's ever experienced in a CrossFit competition. And for, but for the running, the workout that ended with the running today, because when you got out of the water, all the athletes had to go to, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:42 pass the same amount of distance to finish the race. It didn't make sense to have the buzzer right in front of your runner. Cause what if you went to the first one and I went to the last one, it'd be a different amount of space. So we traveled. So instead they created the finish line and they had put chip timers around either one athlete on the team or on every individual athlete. And then everyone ran the same distance. It was just, you ran one, a part of the distance before you're on your runner and then finished out your little snake to the finish line and cross the line. Very well explained. Thank you. But it was a great idea in theory, but the chip timers or whatever that system is,
Starting point is 00:05:16 have had some issues that they're still resolving. And if you're two or three years ago, I think it was three years ago now at Guadalupalooza, they had a run on the beach a few miles away from here. All the athletes did that with the chip timers, and it took them like two days to resolve the scores from that one event. Wait, wait, wait. What did you just say? It took them how long? Two days. But this should be better than that because there's like less variables involved. So, Brian, I think you're being nice. This is what I think happened just based on my experience of the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 00:05:51 I think that something has gone so drastically bad that they now are – no, no, no, no, no. You can't just call on the show. Unless you're Lars, you can't just call the show. What are you doing? I think something has gone so drastically bad oh here he is i think something has gone so drastically bad that it's like the crossfit games uh matt plug yours that they're actually watching the video now to figure out who's in what place well this morning i did uh tell the director of that stage that just in case everything else goes wrong, make sure you have a fixed camera on the finish line. I mean, I've seen that happen at the CrossFit Games many times where they don't know what the chips don't work or something doesn't work and everything has to be tallied by cameras.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Hi, Matt. Hello, boys. How are we doing? I want to thank your programmer for making sure Colton Merton's just completely dominated. Dominated. One of them. Thank you. He was really excited about what he got to win. More or less excited than making the CrossFit Games. Yeah, I think it was about level.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Hey, dude. Whoop needs to do a commercial around him. They need to put a Whoop on him, and they go, it reads some people's heartbeats, but not others. You know, and it's just like Mertens. You just see him as he just plummets down to 20. Oh, man. How has that been on the broadcast?
Starting point is 00:07:19 The live? I haven't been able to watch it. It's good. It's so good. Yeah, it's great. good. It's so good. Yeah. I love it. I think it's really cool. There has been a malfunction on the scoreboard.
Starting point is 00:07:32 We jinxed it. We were talking about how it's the greatest scoreboard in the history of any live event. And now today, just to punish us for saying that, they are not updating us on any scores. Can you tell us? Bye, Brian. Oops. on any scores. Can you tell us, uh, bye Brian. Oops. Can you tell us, um,
Starting point is 00:07:48 either what's going on or who's in first place or what, what kind of news can you bring to us? Yeah. And what are you wearing over your shoulder? Take that off and stay a while. Chill out, buddy. That's my guy. My noble, uh, do you like that plug? Simone? Yes, thank you. Yeah, we're working on it right now. The chip's malfunctioned for a group, you know, a bunch of groups. And we're trying to pull the data out right now. But they apparently do have a function where they still do store the data and there's a
Starting point is 00:08:26 way to get it out so we're working on that now but we also have a finish line camera um we have a lot of different ways people review it's obviously a lot of work which is what we're going to do but the um they're trying to you know pull the data out of the chips right now so each of those chips even if they're used for 30 heats or 20, whatever it is, doesn't matter. It stores the data somewhere and you're able to pull it out. It's kind of like going through a stack of cards, you know, you're going to find something. So they've got a little work to do, but they'll get it up to date. It's there somewhere, but we just got a little work ahead of us. I think you heard, I heard you say that the games is having a problem.
Starting point is 00:09:11 I know we've had, sometimes the chips don't work. It's tech, so we'll get on it. I've seen everything stop. Rowers stop, bikes stop. I mean, in the middle of live ESPN shows, I've seen timers stop working. Yeah. So let me see if I understand this correctly. So like there's these security cameras you can buy for your house and they'll beam like the stream to your computer and then to the cloud. And then they'll also have a SIM card in it. So basically, and then, and then, so basically what you're saying is, is the fact that it didn't
Starting point is 00:09:42 beam to the computer is okay. The chip has its own memory. And then even if that fails and you can't get that, you still have the camera at the end. So you guys will be able to tally it, but it's just a drag. Yep. Yep. There's exactly. You put it for everybody. It actually does go to the cloud as well, apparently. So we'll find out.
Starting point is 00:10:03 I find it fascinating that it went to the cloud, but it didn't go to our broadcast. That stuff happens and everybody has done a great job with it. We'll get it up so these guys know where they sit. While we're just talking about bad shit, let's
Starting point is 00:10:22 piggyback on that. Was there a situation where a team got into a conflict with each other? And one of the girls, one of the guys in my life, he called it an estrogen malfunction. I think that's really rude, but I mean, whatever. I can't control the comments in my. Oh, I just. Sorry, Brian. I can't control.
Starting point is 00:10:43 I can't control the comments, but was it, was there for lack of a better term, an estrogen malfunction on the girls? RX team did one of the, the, the three, the trio get in a fight and one of the girls storm off and then people thought she was drowning. And so the whole event got stopped. No, that's not the way it went from what I understand. But again, I wasn't over there our team did a really good job with that that was um that was you know
Starting point is 00:11:11 a scary moment for a bit because of how the person that was missing sort of handled it but apparently the real story is that she jumped in the water and then wasn't a good swimmer. And got scared, turned around and went back and was upset with herself. So she went somewhere to not be happy with herself. Nobody could find her. Much better story. Much better story. I like this better.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Okay. There was no fight. It was just a, you know, I mean, naturally in a situation like that, when we don't have a clear answer to what the situation is, we put plans in place to start to work on a solution for that, and it was extreme. So they did it. The team did a great job, honestly.
Starting point is 00:12:02 They do anyway. So to me, from where I sit, it had been surprising to lose someone because we have over 2,000 people swim every year. And it is a stressful day because that's a lot of people and there's a lot of moving pieces. But we have a team that's done it, you know, life-threatening for us for years, police and fire, that are all crossfitters, by the way, in Miami, that have a really cohesive plan to identify people in the water,
Starting point is 00:12:33 and, you know, we pay attention. We do a good job. I mean, people struggle in that swim, so someone struggling is not unique. Like, we've had many issues where people need help or whatever, and we've done a great job of it so it was surprising to hear that we lost someone um i understand the reaction of the team because they have to but we've never lost anyone people are great at what they do and it was just that
Starting point is 00:12:58 so everybody's good we're all good so let me see if i heard you correctly one of the swimmers jumped in the water swam over to one of those yachts and got drunk and passed out that could be a storyline i'm sure that's how it'll play out let's just yeah so everybody is clear she no fight she just i mean i guess she was upset that she let her, let her team down. It was the real story. Oh, Keith,
Starting point is 00:13:30 you, you were there, you were there the year, and it's probably happened multiple years that at the Aaron Hoff event, the Hawaii trail run, people have gone missing. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:13:41 that's, that's more, uh, understandable. Oh, poor Aaron, yeah i mean that's that's more uh understandable oh poor aaron poor aaron and i love him to death i know you do your friends and hoppy put like oh man you've done it i've i've got i've it's one one of the worst things i've ever done in my life was the year that it rained and we did a 10K that was probably a 15K. You know, distance is relative to them, but that does not surprise me that there was probably a search party sent out at the trail room.
Starting point is 00:14:16 The event tonight where Noah went out there and spoke, was that planned? Did Noah know he was going to be going out there? and spoke. Was that planned? Did Noah know he was going to be going out there? Yeah. So, you know, we've been looking for, you know, for a long time leading up to this, you know, ways to celebrate our 10th. And, you know, Dylan and I sat down and talked about it. My first thought and idea was that I really wanted Dylan to speak with Noah, you know, to, you know, speak about what Guadalupe meant to them. That's generally the opening ceremonies, by the way, but because of the weather and time's getting pushed back, we punted it tonight, and, but yeah, you know, Dylan doesn't like the spotlight, and, you know, he deserves it for all the work he's done for 10
Starting point is 00:15:05 years on this event and you know he didn't want to speak so um i asked noah to speak and he was excited about it that was a special moment you know i mean i think everybody can watch that differently but noah grew up at this event you know and he gained a lot of confidence at this event and uh he's a huge part of the success of this event and the growth. I mean, he's so – the Bois de Brin has been synonymous with him. And to recognize Dito who dreamt this thing up and his family who endured seven years of him being, you know, in charge of it. It was important, really. You know, those guys are up there recognizing me.
Starting point is 00:15:53 And it's like, I mean, yeah, I love this event. And I worked my butt off. But they did a lot of the hard work to get it where it was. And, you know, I was able to build off of what worked for me. So that was special to me. to build off of what we've done. So that was special to me. I know Guido and I know Noah and, and I know Dylan just from the years of being with CrossFit. I don't know Stacey, but I assume, I mean, Guido, Noah and Dylan, I've never had anything but a 10 out of 10 interactions with just, yeah,
Starting point is 00:16:19 your team's amazing. Has Stacey been in the CrossFit space for a while? Yeah. Stacey. Maybe I know her and I just don't recognize the name she competed she was one of the females on their regionals team every year okay she's a really good competitor for a long time and she she handles all the staff and volunteers so just some people have context now these guys were running this out of Gito's gym for years and it was Dylan and Stacy and Gito sitting at the table in P360
Starting point is 00:16:51 working on this thing that was like a freight train growing and people wanting to come to and Stacy took a huge brunt of it, she corrals a thousand people you know and she's done it year over we didn't know if she'd come back this year and you know she did for you
Starting point is 00:17:15 know just all the right reasons she's been I mean her job's tiring and she was pretty tired after 20 um but man I'm so proud of that group and her. She has a really hard job, you know, keeping, you know, people come down here and give their time, and you've got to make sure you really take care of that group, and she's in charge of that. So that group's awesome. And, you know, Gita's wife's a big part of it, too, by the way, Virginia. I mean, I know, you know, my wife and family take it on the chin
Starting point is 00:17:43 because of that, so I know what wife and family take it on the chin because of that. I know what that means. He is a passionate guy that puts his heart and soul into everything he does. I know what that meant at home when he was operating here today. Tank Top Todd says, Sevan looks like he's sponsored by Radio Shack.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Tank Top Todd, my mom's listening, but you know what to do. Did you guys happen to catch when I spoke that it sounded like I was drunk or having a seizure? Yes, yes. I immediately told all the 700 live viewers we had that it looks like O'Keefe got into his fentanyl. Took one too many fentanyls. I literally pulled the mic down and I can't remember exactly what I said to Dylan.
Starting point is 00:18:27 I'm like, what is wrong with the mic? It sounds like I'm having an anus. The people next to me go, is he'll keep drunk? Yeah, and I was like, what is going on right now? And you know what's funny is I didn't... It's happening again oh that is funny
Starting point is 00:18:48 someone called him just now that's what happened I think probably Fraser someone's like don't talk about that someone's minding the podcast he put someone on notice he's like if they bring up these three topics, just call me immediately. Right. Sorry. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Brian has a theory that when you tell someone who's watching the show, Hey, if they bring up these three topics, you call him, you call me immediately so that I go off. It's probably, I don't know. That was, that was Jason Hopper. So I wasn't talking about him at all today. Maybe he was. I bet you he's watching right now. He should be asleep. But did that, um,
Starting point is 00:19:33 I've been on broadcast before and understand that. And I, but I didn't know that was on the broadcast. So it was like, like the other mics on the stage, you kind of got to hold close anyway, whatever. It was like an out of body experience. Cause I'm like, I almost dropped it and then like was going to say, can everybody hear me? Because this isn't working, but I just need to hold it lower. My, my, my kids enjoyed that. One of you to just looked over to Dylan and like, uh, you're fired.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Like right there at the 10-year. He was looking at me like, what are you doing right now? And I was like, I don't know. Can you help me? And my son thought it was very funny. He's like, Dad, you sounded like you were drunk. And I was like, thanks, kid. Appreciate you.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Thanks, kid. Any update on Sarah that you can talk about? Yeah. I mean, we're all aware she had something happen. Snorri was at the venue quite a bit today. She has stayed in Miami. She's gotten checked out and waiting to kind of hear what the situation is. I'll let her tell people what she has to tell them.
Starting point is 00:20:44 I hope she's um you know i hope she's okay um i hope it's you know not the worst case scenario i i love sarah she's an awesome girl she's such a cool part of this sport and i hope she's i hope she's all right yeah i think you know what i think everyone does whether you're a fan or not she's a huge part of the sport like i know it sounds cheesy because people try to say that about every athlete but i wouldn't Yeah, I think, you know what, I think everyone does. Whether you're a fan or not, she's a huge part of the sport. Like, I know it sounds cheesy because people try to say that about every athlete, but I wouldn't say it about every athlete. But I think Sarah's the shit, and we need her.
Starting point is 00:21:16 We do. She's awesome. What happens next? Is it the West Coast Classic or is it the Granite Games? I don't know. Okay. Hold on a sec. Hold on a sec, Matt. Brian's here. Brian, which one happens next? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Yeah, it'll all depend on how things play out with the season and all that. Yeah, I don't know. Nobody knows yet. I want to apologize for a couple of our staff that behaved inappropriately,
Starting point is 00:21:52 and they are no longer with us. And all that means is we just don't send them the link in the morning. And when I say our staff, I use that term very loosely. Very. I just walked back with Kristen, and I had to... I I forgot a really funny story. I won't be long-winded with this.
Starting point is 00:22:09 But I woke up at 3 a.m. and my hamstring was like, was cramping. I'm uniquely dehydrated this week. And I try really hard, but it's just impossible. And I stood up and I like crumbled to the ground. And I was like in trouble, pain, couldn't fix it. And I like, Have you ever had that before? Yeah. I mean, like, you know, I run, I stay up late a lot and work.
Starting point is 00:22:35 I often will not pay attention. Water is one thing that I don't pay attention to sometimes. I have done a decent job this week, just hard, with stress, a little sleep, and a lot of coffee, but I, like, bear crawled, basically, to a table I knew had a package of liquid IV on it. I mean, this must have been a scene that I wish was recorded, and I, like, reached up and, like, grabbed it and, and like put it in my mouth and then grabbed a bottle of water and like put it in my mouth. And I'm like, I got like three minutes until this thing takes its course through my body. And I was I had my phone and I opened it up and there was an email from Kristen with red letters in it to Savan.
Starting point is 00:23:22 And I was like, oh, boy. with red letters in it to so on. And I was like, Oh boy. And I, but I read it. She's awesome by the way. But she is like talk about Stacy and volume. Kristen has, I didn't take offense to it at all. I thought it was very diplomatic. I read it and I knew you wouldn't. And I knew you wouldn't even if it was aggressive because you understand her role yeah yeah she's like that yeah everybody's unhappy about access and we're doing our best we have such small spaces but she's like hundreds of people emailing her every night and it was like 146 was the email went across i was like oh god but yeah she's a man she's
Starting point is 00:24:01 she's a true pro so um I do want to thank you. Last night after we've been doing this show and last night someone reached out to me who is a massive, massive sponsor. It will change the course of my life. I reached out. I had been watching Wadapalooza and said, hey, I'm ready to jump in full steam. Like, unbelievable. This is just crazy. And it's hard to change my life because I wear a red shirt.
Starting point is 00:24:32 And so thank you just for the access. I mean, I'm pumped. Last night I was like, I wasn't up till 3 a.m. I was probably asleep. But I was pretty amped last night. So thank you. Well, thank you. I'm going to keep saying this. I've said it every night.
Starting point is 00:24:45 night so thank you well thank you i'm gonna keep saying i've said it every night you guys got you know more awareness to this leading up than ever before and you know in an event we're like i mean the media numbers are so you know the views and concurrency it's like i'm really proud of it i didn't know what to expect with that. We've always been behind the paywall, but people like you have, you know, dug in with us and raised the bar. So thank you. Why, why do you do that? Why did you switch? You just find a different way. Like the paywall is obviously a way to monetize it. And you're like, okay, if the paywall costs $5,
Starting point is 00:25:20 but we can give it away for free and charge sponsorship for $5, it's a wash and it's probably the better way to go because it's a win-win for everybody. Is it something like that? Is that the basic math? I mean, I think we changed for a lot of reasons. What we were putting out was not to our standard, paywall or not. So I think it was important know bring everything we do to the same standard and that was a big thing that was you know has always been a goal but you know
Starting point is 00:25:53 and and i think you know honestly you know we were probably from what i was comfortable from an investment perspective another year away from that and it was just it was time what was being put out was unacceptable and people were not happy with it you know and i agree with them so we you know stepped up and we have really cool partners that helped us you know do what we do this year because it's a big investment and uh it's all the credit goes to them and Charlie Doobie and his team and Kristen and her team for putting all the pieces together to make that happen. I'm watching it a bit in moments just to see, and I'm like, wow, I'm so damn proud of that. That's a legit broadcast, and people are loving it and engaging it.
Starting point is 00:26:43 It's like my goal with that was for Charlie, when he came here and we met in Miami, I was like, here's your job from my perspective. You know, you're great at what you do. But this is not the games. You know, this is a festival, and I want to bring that to life through this broadcast so that people see this and want to be there you know i know that this is more than the elite competition there's so many more things that go
Starting point is 00:27:11 on here off the floor and they've done a phenomenal job the leaderboard's working no i'm just joking um two two two things uh two things the aerial shots are brilliant like really really brilliant like when we were watching the show today and they put the drone up and they showed us the event from overhead like like really cool you can you can never have oh yeah baby mertens you can never have enough of those and i think we've helped you tremendously because our show is so shitty and wonky and our audio is so bad that like you you're like a six foot dude standing next to a four foot dude so you look like you're six five so we'll take credit for uh why you guys look so good unless this is
Starting point is 00:27:55 the four foot dude that's a four foot dude but he's a beast i talked to him after that event he was very happy um is there a party tomorrow night? What happens tomorrow after the final event or do you guys just go to bed? No we have one of the big parts of this event is that the after party is always a big show and we
Starting point is 00:28:17 I drag myself over there for a little bit people that compete particularly volunteers, rip it up. And they should. They deserve it. So we throw a party.
Starting point is 00:28:31 We have a restaurant bar rented out in Wynwood. And, you know, we'll have a really cool after party. You know, whenever we meet. I don't make it there until like 11 or midnight, but people start getting
Starting point is 00:28:45 there around nine o'clock after you know we we celebrate a little on on site with our team and take some photos but i'm pumped yeah tomorrow night we'll do that all righty any questions for the for the mr o'keefe chief o'keefe how emotional were you out there tonight man that was that was uh i didn't expect that because I've watched the video by the way. And so, um, and then, you know, I, I understood what those guys were going to say because, you know, no, Noah wanted to make sure he was on point. So I kind of heard some of his speech and for me, um, and you know, the transition from me, and, you know, the transition from Guido to me was hard.
Starting point is 00:29:28 And I would never disguise it any other way. We talked about it tonight after. And he and I are great friends now. And I know why it was hard. It was his baby. And he handled it like a champ. And for him to, you know, be able to be out there and be so proud of where it is, that's real for him.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Like, you know, it growing and being something he never imagined it'd be and giving us, you know, due on that. It's crazy cool to hear those guys who really are the reason that that exists. And that's all I wanted to say. I mean, I wanted to say more guys who really are the reason that that exists. And that's what I, all I wanted to say. I mean, I wanted to say more, but they all said it, you know, and it wasn't, you know, I needed to make sure that those guys got their due because what I said was true. Like those guys ground like 20 hours a day on this thing with like four people, you know, for a long time and would never exist without them. And that, you know, for a long time. And we would never exist without that.
Starting point is 00:30:26 And that, you know, seeing the video and then, I mean, I was like constantly choking up and I'm like, geez, here we go. Like I'm going to be a hot mess on the microphone. And then luckily the mic malfunction straightened me out because it was like, okay, well either I'm having a stroke or something and that whole thing but man that was so cool that video is awesome if you haven't watched it go watch it it captures the true essence of our history it was it was so spot on cool any uh any more surprises anything people can be looking forward to tomorrow?
Starting point is 00:31:07 The final is so badass. It is like, I mean, Dylan's working on it right now because we have possible weather coming through. So Dylan and Joaquin are sitting there just to have contingencies. So we haven't announced it just to make sure. We're looking at the weather when it's coming in. Can you tell us what stadium it's going to be in? Which workout area? The Elite's always finish on Flagler
Starting point is 00:31:31 which is the stage that was tonight where they're done on Bayside but that that final is like perfect and it's very Wazza Wazza's always kind of like how bad do you want it and this is like the most how bad do you want it? And this is like the most, how bad do you want to work out?
Starting point is 00:31:46 I've maybe seen, so I can't wait for people to see. I mean, it's just like slimy. How bad do you want it? Hey, that's a great title for it. I don't know what the, I don't know what we ended up doing. I don't know what we ended up doing. I don't know what we ended up doing. I don't know what we ended up doing.
Starting point is 00:32:00 I don't know what we ended up doing. I don't know what we ended up doing. I don't know what we ended up doing. I don't know what we ended up doing. I don't know what we ended up doing. I don't know what we ended up doing. I don't know what we ended up doing. I don't know what we ended up doing.
Starting point is 00:32:00 I don't know what we ended up doing. I don't know what we ended up doing. I don't know what we ended up doing. I don't know what we ended up doing. I don't know what we ended up doing. I don't know what we ended up doing. I don't know what we ended up doing. I don't know what we ended up doing.
Starting point is 00:32:01 I don't know what we ended up doing. I don't know what we ended up doing. I don't know what we ended up doing. I don't know what we ended up doing. I don't know what we ended up doing. I don't know what we ended up doing. I don't know what we ended up doing. I don't know what we ended up doing.
Starting point is 00:32:01 I don't know what we ended up doing. I don't made a workout so he's probably got something nifty for it that uh yeah that's gonna be a great product that fran one was a what could have been called that too whether you're practicing your morning breath work waiting for your favorite artist to come on stage or running errands at the perfect pace liquid iv powder helps you turn ordinary water into extraordinary hydration. So you can live a more extraordinary life. Live more with liquid IV hydration multiplier available in refreshing lemon, lime, passion fruit, and strawberry flavors.
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Starting point is 00:32:52 Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4 p.m. late checkout? Just need a nice place to settle in? Enjoy a room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of american express visit slash ymx benefits vary by card terms apply that fran echo bike how bad do you that's a top 10 worst workout in history that's pretty maybe top five yeah man that was i i sent it to you i felt i felt bad those guys are my friends. That was some pain. When the host feels bad for the athletes,
Starting point is 00:33:29 you know something's bad. Sorry, Brian. Go ahead. Anything unexpected, cool, happened to you today that you want to tell people about? Do you know something that happened to me today? No, I just know you're out there all day. Do you see someone you didn't know whatever some behind the scenes info like you saw don johnson out in the bay in a boat or yeah it's um man that's so hard to to it's like it was just
Starting point is 00:34:00 i love you know high five and volunteers and judges and our staff. I mean, man, they work so hard. Man, it's just so – people don't get to capture this. It's hard. I don't even know how you do it. We put videos together on it. The gratitude that they give to me for what they get to do is like – it's almost laughable sometimes.
Starting point is 00:34:23 It's like, what? You guys are doing all the work like i'm just here saying you're doing a great job and it's all day today because today was like today's the chaos and like you know i'm on like the 15 minute all day and um you know it was just full of all kinds of gratitude from people to me and And like, all I'm trying to do is get around and give it to them. And man, it's just such a special place and event. It's not like, you know, I think Guido and I had a really nice talk after we talked on the floor and
Starting point is 00:34:58 it was like, you know, we were talking about how everybody owns this, which can be uniquely challenging. That's what's brought this thing to where it is today. And they really do. They all have extreme ownership in this event emotionally. And they use it the right way. I mean, there's so many cool things. I got to watch some Adaptive today, which is always a highlight for me.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Justin Medeiros a a wheel man i think they call it um for for one of the athletes and justin talk about cool right justin went and asked those guys if it was okay if you promoted it because he wanted to bring more eyeballs to them and he was taking photos at an appearance saying, I'll take a photo of you. Go watch the adaption. Oh, that's awesome. He's just a great kid. He's a great kid. And there are a lot of people over there watching them do that workout, which was awesome. So that's, that's like a peak moment.
Starting point is 00:36:00 And anyone who thinks that's insincere or like a mercy thing, cause I'm disgusted by that kind of shit. Um, it's not because, um, if you go watch the adaptive athletes, you're not going to regret it. Justin's not sending you over there to give fake cheers and shit. You're going to go out there and you're going to see some dudes do some shit that you can't do who have half the, half the parts that you have. And, uh, and, and yeah, that's so cool that Justin did that. He's steering people in the right direction to educate them.
Starting point is 00:36:27 That was, he came back and he was like, okay, the work that they did in that workout was insane. Because they basically did the same workout these guys did. They did ring pull-ups. And then they did ring muscle-ups with the same heavy snatches yeah you know and it was like he was he i mean he is you know he contributes there a lot he has friends in that division but he was he was like came back amazed he was like dude it was like that was hard what they did like really really hard and they don't't get enough accolades for it.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Did you see that Logan Aldridge is now at Peloton? Yeah, I did. He's a what? He's a client of yours? Matt, stop calling. Fraser, we got him. That was one of the three. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Is he a client of yours? Yeah, yeah. Is he a client of yours? Yeah, yeah. Is he a client of yours? Bye-bye. He doesn't even mess around. He's like, okay, I'll just hang up and call back. Oh, my gosh. When he gets off, I wasn't paying attention to the background noise.
Starting point is 00:37:39 It's a lot. Now it's so peaceful. It's a lot. See, it's just on cue. cue you know you talk about peloton hey are you his agent he's a good no no you know no he's just you know i've talked to him at times when he's had questions but um he's he's he's awesome he's such a great guy but he he um i did know about that ahead of time he's i'm really happy for him right me too he got a he got a really cool setup with them and he deserves it and um he's gonna do a great job and i think that was a that
Starting point is 00:38:20 was a tough decision for him that he's probably waited for a long time. I talked to him a little bit about that. That's a hell yeah what he's doing. That was for me. I'm like, what are you even thinking about right now? He's going to blow up and he should.
Starting point is 00:38:39 He's a superstar. It just hasn't been discovered yet. He's awesome. He's going to kill it. I'm excited to watch New York City play out with him on his social media. A guy from North Carolina. He's like got the two dogs there with him. He's awesome. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Brian, hello. Hi. Are you done eating? Can we let O'Keefe go? Yeah, we can let O'Keefe go whenever. I actually ordered food. It's not even here yet. Oh, great.
Starting point is 00:39:12 All right. Matt, thank you. We'll be watching tomorrow, going hard, and we'll bug you tomorrow night before the party. All right, man. Thank you guys very much. Appreciate you guys. Have a great night. Thanks for having me on.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Thanks for doing this. Yep. All right. Thank you. See you. See you guys. Thanks for doing this. Yep. Crazy, generous, crazy, generous, crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy. I almost hit end broadcast. I'm so glad I didn't do that. I just want to say like, we talk a lot about leadership and lack of leadership, whether it's people in general talking about the president of the United States, talking about leaders of countries,
Starting point is 00:39:42 talking about presidents of companies and you look at O'Keefe and I think it's cool, you know, behind the scenes, we got to see him and Frazier bring weight plates out for the guys to warm up. We just saw in the comments, him helping people get in the stands. And I just like, I think it's right to cheer on leadership when it's right. When you're in the mix, helping out your people on the ground, doing the work, he's not just walking around enjoying his event. And I that's really really cool yes 100 and he stays so mellow did you yeah i can't believe how mellow he stays did you see him ever get see him get wound up out there brian never yeah crazy uh let's start here with this question travis uh brian what happened with velner in the last workout i didn't think anything happened to him okay that workout you have to keep in mind that there are 150
Starting point is 00:40:31 repetitions of that movement that are range of motion basically all of the guys that are six feet and taller struggle with that relative to the guys that are five eight five seven you're referencing the overhead squat and this and the handstand push-ups. For the men, five-ring muscle-ups, even under a certain amount of fatigue, is pretty manageable or relatively routine for a lot of the guys. But Vellner in general, his squat cycle rate and his handstand push-up cycle rate are kind of slow compared to the other top male athletes. And so I had suspected that this would be his lowest place finish, but I still, I think he almost finished the workout and I think there were maybe less than 10 guys
Starting point is 00:41:10 that did. So I know we don't have the leaderboard, but I feel like he was ninth or 10th, which is fine. And he's probably still in first place. Yeah. Cause he also, I mean, he had another finish similar to that in the, uh, some of it. I, uh, Again, I haven't seen the results, but I think he was around 10th to 12th or something like that. And he had like a 33-point lead coming into the day. So he should probably still be in first place because I don't think that – I'm trying to think if there was anyone who placed ahead of him by a significant amount in both workouts. And I don't think that there was. And anyways, it would have to be a very specific person.
Starting point is 00:41:45 And we know that Caron was behind him. He was the guy in second. We know that Dallin Pepper was right with him on both of those workouts. Phil Toon had one good one. He did finish at 11.59. Yeah, I knew it was close. So he's, no, he's totally fine.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Brian, can you tell us what your guess is for, oh. Is this correct, Brian? Well, no. This is probably up to date minus the row, swim, run workout because Phil Toon made a big jump here. I see. This is after five workouts? This would be after five workouts.
Starting point is 00:42:18 This would be after six workouts minus workout five. So I'm guessing they still don't have the row swim run results in. And so that's why you see Colton Merton so high because he had obviously a hundred points on event six, but he would have gotten way low points on event five and Alexander Caron, same thing. He did okay on that one. He had a not so good finish on the running workout. So that's fine. That's where that is true. The results counting five of the six events that have happened so far. I'm thinking Phil tune. He might,
Starting point is 00:42:49 he finished. Did he finish? Can you pull that back up actually? Yeah. And what is the running workout? No. Yeah. It was kind of close though.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Right between them. Maybe, but I just want to see. So it's only nine points right there. No, no. I think, I think Pat was ahead of him on that workout.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Actually, I can check for sure. You can? That's very interesting that you can do that. Where would you do that at, Brian? On my own personal notes. Will, do you have one of the – say that again? Vellner finished ahead of Tune on that workout. Will, do you have one of the – say that again? Vellner finished ahead of Toon on that workout. Will, do you have this for the women also?
Starting point is 00:43:30 Yep. Oh, wait, wait, wait. One second. Sorry. Sorry, go back. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. For those of you who are listening who can't watch, basically right now tentatively, and we're 99% sure, according to Brian, that this isn't accurate because the row swim run is missing. But Patrick Vellner in first, Phil Toon in second, Cole Sager in third. Wait, wait, wait. If they're not watching, you should probably say that this shows Vellner with 449 points and Toon with 440, and then a massive drop-off to Cole Sager at 363.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Correct. And Scott Panchik with 353, Colton Mertens with 351. Alexander Caron with 349. Samuel Cornway with 349. And so basically you have, as Brian was stating. You're going to stop right there. Spencer, Panchik, Scott, Saxon, Panchik, Dallin, Pepper rounding out the top 10. So two of the guys have almost 450 points. And the rest of the guys have a way to think of it as 350 points or less.
Starting point is 00:44:24 So there's a separation of like 80 points from the top two guys and then the rest of the guys have a way to think of it as 350 points or less. So there's a separation of like 80 points from the top two guys and then the rest of the pack. Yep. And that's after five, let's say after five scored events and then we're waiting for the results to be input for the rowing running swimming event. How tall are you, Brian?
Starting point is 00:44:41 Someone was asking today. Five, 10. Oh, wow. I didn't realize you were that tall okay um okay let's go look through the girls uh the girls numbers i love seeing the panchics in the top 10 this is a this is the team yeah we can do any of them we can do any of them whatever you want well so sensitive a little less little less yeah there we go okay so this is good so this will be the same thing because the points are in the 400s here so with five scored events in ellie turner
Starting point is 00:45:15 maintains a lead over emma equade fisa gaffey bethany shabbard ariel low and all of them are within 40 points and then there's a 20-point drop to Dani Spiegel. Another 20-point drop to Lucy Campbell, who won the swimming workout. So, you know, keeping that in mind that she'd get another 100 points on this. Emma Tall's in eighth. She got second on that workout, so she'll get another 97 points. And then Paige Smenja and Chloe Govan-David show the top 10 right now. But knowing that the women in seventh and eighth actually took first and
Starting point is 00:45:45 second in that event uh means that it's you know it might tighten up even a little bit more and like you seven was talking about last night um might end up being a very interesting close and exciting battle not just for the podium but for maybe up to the top eight spots on the women's side i was gonna say just from a quick i think it's safe to say that whoever is in the top five going into tomorrow is in striking distance of winning this thing. No one, no one's getting away. Do we know what place Ellie took in the,
Starting point is 00:46:13 she was probably about 10th. I know Shadburn was fourth. Lowen was ahead of her as well. McQuaid was right in the last event. No, no, no, this is an unscored event in the,
Starting point is 00:46:24 all of the run, all of the women in the last event? No, no, no. This is an unscored event. All of the women in the top eight, except for Dani Spiegel, finished in the top ten at least, I think, on that workout. Rose swim run. Yeah, but Ellie was towards tenth, and then the girls in eighth and ninth were up ahead of her. Bethany's going to score 89 points or something on that. So it'll tighten up for sure. It'll be, and, uh, well, hopefully we wake up in the morning and we can see that it's very, uh, close and exciting race.
Starting point is 00:46:52 Um, what is this first, uh, workout tomorrow? This is the, uh, it's Dale, which I think is named after Dale Earnhardt. It's a, it's an elimination style sprint is what they're calling it or subtitling it. So they'll have to do this floor layout is 30 foot section, what they're calling it or subtitling it. So they'll have to do this floor layout is a 30 foot section and they're going to do handstand walk down, handstand walk back. Both segments have to be unbroken. Then they're going to pick up a 200 or 150 pound sandbag and take it down, back down. And they're going to do a 300 foot shuttle sprint 10 times back and forth. And then they'll do the same thing in reverse sandbag
Starting point is 00:47:25 sandbag sandbag hand sandwalk hand sandwalk finish so it's 3 000 meters 300 meters of running on a 30 foot 300 feet of 300 feet of running excuse me 300 feet of running okay okay i was picking 30 foot segments so they'll do five down and backs okay okay total okay and it's a three minute time cap i think three or four minutes and then they'll have they'll cut five down and backs. Okay. Okay. Totally. Okay. And it's a three minute time cap, I think three or four minutes. And then they'll have, they'll cut the field down to 20 and then they'll do it again. And then they'll cut down to 10 and then they'll have the top, you know, top 10 go. Wow. So this kind of elimination style workout is something that we've, you know, started
Starting point is 00:47:58 to see a little bit more at least at the high level across the competition. The origins of it came in the form of barbell lifting that the games really, when Dave would have the snatch speed ladder, the clean speed ladder, the clean and jerk speed ladder, et cetera. And then we saw some, we've seen some evolutions of it and with, with more complex workouts. And this is this was this one, you know, same style, but different format of movements. So if we don't see,
Starting point is 00:48:23 this is really a hopper workout unless he crashes and burns right i mean i mean is this how we pull up the picture of him carrying the sandbag at the games yes we should just have that on a little loop no that's not a problem here um i one, one thing that's important is I think, uh, they're going to be racing this. And so I think from talking to the athletes that what it's going to come down to for most of them is the, is once they finish the run, like making sure that they have a good grip on the bag and they finish that out. And then basically racing the handstand walk. Dude, Scott wins this one. Scott's in the top five in this. Well,
Starting point is 00:49:07 maybe the only problem for Scott here is it's 30 feet and you have to go back and forth and cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut.
Starting point is 00:49:14 And he's coming off of a knee surgery. That's probably not ideal. Something where he doesn't have to change lateral directions would be way preferable for him. So that's the one thing I'm not so sure about with scott i'm not going to be able to sleep tonight knowing sebon took a job at davis i was having trouble holding it together when no keep us talking because the comments were going hard oh they were going hard um and uh who do you predict who do you uh phil toon uh i I guess for some guys it's going to be the handstand walk, right?
Starting point is 00:49:48 And for other guys, it's not, I think that you need to be able to like race on your hands for this to do well in this work. And we're talking about winning it, you know, and Sager's going to come in with crazy confidence. I would like to see Cole Sager's placements on all the workouts so far I feel like he's just in like 5th through 10th on every single one of them he has a 30th but other than that
Starting point is 00:50:12 right on the lifting but he's also great he's great on the field he knows how to cut he's efficient he's got tons of handstand experience and the sandbag won't be an issue yeah and he's a big man wow He's efficient. He's got tons of handstand experience. And the sandbag won't be an issue, right? Yeah, and he's a big man.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Wow. No, there's like – it's like kind of a sneaky one. I'm not so – I'm not really sure. I had a nice conversation with Danielle today actually during the running, swimming, rowing workout. It is true. She would have destroyed this workout, right? Yeah, I think she would have done really well on this. I'm not sure how important the running part is, the 300-foot shuttle, but I know that it feels to me like big guys should do well on this workout for three reasons. One is they can get a big grip on the sandbag. Two is that then on the
Starting point is 00:51:01 cutting, the important thing is not how fast you run. It's how fast you explode out of each turn. So you can get like two or three big strides and you're almost to the other end of the stage already. And then I guess that's really, those are really the two reasons. Cause I think that, um, most of these guys in 30 foot segments are like, it's, it's not that hard for them. Is this, um, celebrate 10. Is that the workout? We don't know what it is. No, that's the one they just did. Oh, the 10 rounds with a handstand pushups and overhead squats and ring muscle.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Then what's this Dale and elimination sprint. That's what we're talking about for tomorrow morning. Boy, I'm confused. They're in a deficit on that workout workout list so it is a little confusing on that but it say that tonight tonight the elite athletes did celebrate 10 tomorrow the first workout they're doing is dale you're probably looking at that sidebar though and uh dale is before celebrate 10 yes yes the reason is okay go ahead yeah no it's just that not all the divisions do the workouts in the same order.
Starting point is 00:52:05 And probably they should have it in the order the elites did it, but maybe it's just misprinted or whatever. Okay, so there is no name. The final workout's not even on here on this list. I don't know what list you're looking at. I'm on strongest, on the leaderboard. It probably just says final TBD or nothing, yeah. Yeah, there's nothing. Yeah. Yeah. There's nothing.
Starting point is 00:52:26 But Dale will be the first of two workouts tomorrow and then they'll have the finale. All righty. Can we look at the elite female team leaderboard? Yeah. Yeah. It's going to be, it's probably going to show Krieger in first, but they are not actually in first. This one, I know for sure with the, assuming there were no scoring disputes, I know for sure that Mayfam has a three-point lead over Krieger. And it's the first day. After both days, one and two, Krieger had a small lead over Mayfam,
Starting point is 00:52:55 and now Mayfam has that lead because they won both events today. Yeah, it shows them tied, which is correct for the five events that they've scored. But Mayfam won the run, swim, row workout. Krieger took second. So they'll be three points up. And GoWad was third on that workout. So, I mean, they're clearly the third best team, but basically it's going to come down to Krieger and Mayfam and then GoWad will get third. Are they basically doing the same workout, just some variety of it in terms of that Celebrate 10? They did Celebrate 10 today also. And then yes to the question just substituting Dale. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Yeah, okay. Gotcha. And I actually haven't looked too closely at that workout. I'll look more closely at the team version of that workout tomorrow morning. So it's worth watching the women's elite tomorrow. It's going to be close. Anyone can win it in the top three. Yeah, honestly, the worth watching the women's elite tomorrow. It's going to be close. Anyone can win it in the top. Honestly, the top five teams have been super impressive. That team in
Starting point is 00:53:49 fourth place, the underdogs team that we've talked about a little bit has been basically the fourth best in every workout. And then in fifth place is three blind mice. They were the online qualifier winners, Tommy DiPrima, Madison McElhinney, and Emma, Emma Ferreira. And they were really good. They were almost won that workout tonight, but that's, I think, the first time that a team other than those top three teams has finished inside the top three of any of the workouts, or maybe the second time after the first workout as well. So really, all those five teams have been really good.
Starting point is 00:54:15 And actually, they're tied for fifth with another team, aren't they? Hey, it doesn't look like there's more work for the teams. What am I looking at wrong here? Each athlete competes the following in a relay so it's the same thing only in a relay and there's two rounds they'll do everyone and then they'll do the top 10 and there's nine minute time cap instead of a three minute time cap because there's three athletes instead of one that's a i think that's a really cool team workout yeah the real the um so you know when they first had the first sanctional ever with the team format was in Dubai and they had a relay style workout like this, that and I think that it is a good like it's a good balance in an eight event competition to have one relay style workout where each individual athlete really gets to work on their own and show their capacity.
Starting point is 00:55:01 I don't like it. OK, well. Because it's not a team workout it's an individual workout the way they have it set up yes but if one of your teammates isn't that good at it then it's going to cost the whole team right i don't like it for the same reason you like it fair it'd be like saying that you don't like uh uh one rep max lifting test when all three people's scores are added together. Oh, yeah, you're right. And I do like that. All right. You in grass fed beef liver. You know, you like it. What were we talking about? Thank you. You're a good dude. Well, how about the men? Let's go look at the menzies oh by the way we spoke to hayley today
Starting point is 00:55:46 brian um and it's so crazy because she's so nonchalant and chill and uh well i don't even know what planet she's from but then as soon as you bring up like hey do you want to win it's like there's yeah yeah we're here to win like what are you fucking stupid i'm like okay sorry you know what i mean like it's uh i know exactly what you mean i told you this story by the first time i met her and i was like oh my this is not a normal 16 year old girl yeah i i was i she's she's all business one second before we start in here on the men uh tyler moody from chubasco barbecue sauce a bit of a bite. Okay?
Starting point is 00:56:27 Tyler Moody. Oh, did you ever watch Californication with Moody? Do you know that show? I do not. God, so good. The 60s or the 70s? Californication? Not quite that far back. It was with the guy from...
Starting point is 00:56:44 Anyway, the guy reminds me of me. I mean, it's my life. Thank you all for everything. Whole weekend has been incredible. Hey, was there a tsunami in California today? Yes, small one, but yes. You haven't seen that footage. Can you pull up Joe Rogan's Instagram really quick, Will? No, but I was – You haven't seen the footage? I was just sitting there, and someone goes, there's a tsunami warning in effect all day, and I'm like, here? They're like, no, no, in California.
Starting point is 00:57:06 And I was like, oh, I don't know anyone over there. David Duchovny. Yes, Colin. Yes, David Duchovny from Californication. Thank you all for everything. Whole weekend has been incredible. Keep on keeping it real. Thank you, Chubasco Barbecue Sauce. If you have spicy,
Starting point is 00:57:22 send me a bottle. Thank you. Peace and love. What am I supposed to look for in Joe Rogan's? I have have spicy, send me a bottle. Thank you. Peace and love. What am I supposed to look for in Joe Rogan's? I have to take this call for a second. Okay. He posted, and I'm going to pee. No, I'm joking. He posted a picture of the volcano exploding. Oh, yeah. Okay. I got it. And it is, yes, thank you, Colin.
Starting point is 00:57:39 It is something else. Something else. Yeah, that's nuts. That is nuts. Hey, so that's a – Brian, that's a volcano exploding out in the Pacific. I wish we were – I wish I knew how close land was to that. Like where's Hawaii? Where's Alaska? Where's the Galapagos? Where's Japan? Anyway, it's fascinating. It's a fascinating aerial shot.
Starting point is 00:58:28 But yeah, yeah, so supposedly that earthquake, Brian, this morning caused a tsunami of waves that were like one to two feet, which even as a tsunami, it's just basically a wall of water. There's nothing that can stop it. And it came ashore. I think that they evacuated Berkeley, the lowlands in Berkeley. So Hawaii is on Tsunami Watch as well. Yeah, I bet, right? Oh, my mom lives there. Maybe I should give her a call. Flat Earth, Sev. No. watch as well yeah i bet right oh my mom was there maybe i should give her a call uh flat earth sev um no no my a couple things i'm not open to i'm not i'm so close-minded
Starting point is 00:58:54 around the flat earth thing i mean i think the vaccine works better than uh does this flat okay so uh my new system definitely works better. Yeah, that was good. I'm so proud of myself. The boys. So these are the men's elite. Once again, these scores are missing the row swim run scores, but do have celebrate 10.
Starting point is 00:59:22 I'm proud of you, Sevan. I mean, it's not my fault dude i'm not you're not yelling you're yelling these jackasses in the comments i mean because people are like jeff's telling me to go to sleep jeffrey's telling me dude it's all fucked up here on the strongest leaderboard okay let's have it brian yeah so um excuse me and so what we can see here the points are kind of like evenly strung out there doesn't appear to be any really tight races however may oh wait time out time out look at the two and a half men and the irish two and a half men they've changed the name of one of the two and a half men
Starting point is 00:59:57 and thrown in the word irish in there do you have the backstory on that no okay but I love it. It's great. It helps. Man, it helps. And so Mayhem won that swimming event, and obviously we'll gain 100 points for that once those scores come in. And that might, you know, could potentially move them up 20 points. Are you doing the math? Do you have a calculator out? No, hold on.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Is it hard for us to see Rich not be on the winning team? Are we like ah it's just wadapalooza they're just here having fun oh he's got the bachelor guy on there like what are we doing are we like how are we justifying oh no no like what are we doing like all those of us who are like on the rich train so hard like how do i how do i manage this emotionally in my head i think i think we're doing fine, but I think Luke Parker's probably crying in his hotel room. Oh, Lukey. What'd you guys do? Have them all on naked again? No, we need to.
Starting point is 01:00:53 Um, dude, you guys, I'm going to whoop someone's ass. No, this is a really, I think this is actually a really good, um, weekend for, for that mayhem team for a lot of different reasons. a really good weekend for that Mayhem team for a lot of different reasons. And I will have more to say about that in the coming week seven. Is it true? Or are you just doing what I'm doing? Like you just can't stand it? No, no, no. No, I actually spoke to Rich today.
Starting point is 01:01:18 It was a short conversation after that running workout. Yes, we saw video footage of that. It was very nice. Actually, we saw video footage of that. We saw it live on our feed. Don't worry. Oh, okay. So, you know, I'm video footage of that. Very nice. Actually, we saw video footage of that. We saw it live on our feed. Don't worry. Oh, okay. So you know I'm not full of it.
Starting point is 01:01:28 And then I also had a really nice conversation with Facundo tonight. And I told you I talked to Luke yesterday. I saw Angelo today. They're all in good spirits. They're working hard. They're doing their best. They've had a couple of really good workouts, and they've learned quite a bit as well. And I'm not just blowing smoke.
Starting point is 01:01:46 I will have some news about mayhem in the coming weeks. Did anyone confuse you as an Orthodox Jew from Brooklyn today? No. Man, that beard is something fierce. You need to grow the doilies. I can never remember what those are called but i'm messing with luke he had a great clutch moment on the barbell workout at the end of it to save his team so it was a really cool moment moment for luke
Starting point is 01:02:17 tell us about it what happened well they rich are you talking about the lifting workout from yesterday? Yeah. Rich failed the lift, the jerk, and Luke went to the bar, picked it up, jerked the 315 bar twice to finish the event. It was a cool moment, I'm sure, for him. Wow. Yeah, that is a cool moment. And Rich looked really proud of him, so it was cool to watch. You know that Rich did that on purpose just to test him out. The same way a killer whale plays with its food. I don't know how those two are related, but all right.
Starting point is 01:02:55 So why am I not as excited here? I feel like the boys are just going to run away with it. Am I not being – do I watch this one too? Do we stream this one too just because or what? No, for sure. I mean, not only are there a ton of big name athletes and exciting teams in this competition, there's still a lot to be fought for in terms of the podium. I think, you know, yes, the boys are clearly the class of this field so far. I don't think anyone, you know, really, you shouldn't be surprised by that. We've talked about how, obviously,
Starting point is 01:03:20 how good those three athletes are. They're, they're not strangers of each other also, you know, Noah and Travis trained together a, and Chandler had spent a period of time down there as well. I think that the fact that Sam Cerellaman are in third is really cool. Some of the online qualifier teams were not necessarily happy with the coverage that all the invited teams were getting leading into the competition. But on the men's side, the online qualifier winners, which is them, are in third place after five events and the women the three blind mice we talked about are in fifth place so it's really cool that they can have all these invited teams and then all also the qualifier teams and that they're actually a couple of qualifier teams
Starting point is 01:03:58 that are competitive when when uh when noah was a young man, he saw Dave somewhere. I can't remember where. Do you know the story? Yeah, it was at the Mid-Atlantic Regional. And he walked up to Dave and he said, hey, one day I'm going to go to the CrossFit Games. And I remember I think Dave even told me that story. Hey, dude, this little kid came up and told me he was going to go to the CrossFit Games. And there he was today.
Starting point is 01:04:27 What's that called when you have all the crowd's attention? In the spotlight? He's not only in the spotlight, but he's like a conductor. He's commanding. He's commanding the crowd. He's in control. He's speaking eloquently. He's looking beautiful.
Starting point is 01:04:43 And he's like just,, uh, I mean, you know, if there's three or four guys missing in the sport, he's at the top of the food chain, like top, top, top, but it just so happens there's a ton of savages. I don't know. I was pretty stoked for him. I was more stoked for that than the 10 year, the 10 year anniversary, all that stuff. I was just like, wow. No, he looked great. He sounded great. Um, I think he was, you know, he's obviously a very emotional guy, but I think really you know captured the essence of who he is and how he feels about this weekend this event really well and what he had to say uh heidi the boys did good on the event they always look good uh oh is heidi in the comments no uh oh yeah well uh yeah uh dude you killed it today, Heidi. Holy cow.
Starting point is 01:05:25 For real. Did you see also I found the VIP ticket winners today. Oh, yeah. That was great. That was great. Yeah, yeah. Thank you. What day did we give those out?
Starting point is 01:05:37 Was that on Thursday night or whatever it was? Wednesday night, Thursday morning, something like that. Wednesday night with Pat. Wednesday night, Thursday morning, something like that. Wednesday night with Pat. And I DM'd Cindy that night and I said, hey, try to find me this weekend. We'll take a picture.
Starting point is 01:05:52 I want to say hi to you guys. And then I didn't hear from her until like midday today. She finally responded and she's like, we're going to find you today. And then they did. Hey, have you ever DM'd someone and you're like, hey, let's take a picture. And they're like, fuck off, Crete. I'm assuming you're like hey um let's take a picture and they're like fuck off creep i'm assuming you're asking will no the reason why i say that is i was i was hanging with someone one time who was pretty uh famous and tons of people were coming up and taking pictures of them
Starting point is 01:06:16 and this person misread someone a young girl coming up who was just walking by and this person thought that that young girl wanted a picture and they went to go take a picture with him and the girl was basically like yeah she's like hey get the fuck back like what are you doing like i'm not here to see you and i was like oh damn but i take it that's never happened to you i just signed up i just stopped paying attention for that story i don't blame you that's good when i talk yeah uh okay um any who's left we talked about the men we talked about the women we talked about the teams any other recap anything special uh dallin pepper's ankle uh i talked to down today okay um i talked to him after the run
Starting point is 01:07:05 and I said, how'd that feel? And he said, dude, did you see the video? And I said, yeah, we saw, I saw the video and he goes, I felt okay during the event, but it was bothering me afterwards. But I also walked back with him and a couple other guys, uh, actually Tim Paulson is there. They're giving me a hard time, but, uh, ingest and he, you know, he's handling it well. Um, I'm impressed with the,. He's a tough kid and he's young. So that's advantage and something like that for sure. So I think he's going to be fine to finish out. But again, the cutting back and forth and the running tomorrow, also carrying a heavy sandbag and moving around, you know, changing directions,
Starting point is 01:07:37 maybe not the most ideal, but I think down's good to go. He's going to be fine. You thought Colton Mertens was going to win that event, right? Yeah, actually, I was texting with J.R. Howell beforehand. He goes, give me your top five. And I just sent Colton, Colton, Colton, Colton, Colton. It was impressive. 11 minutes, 10.58. Yeah, it was great.
Starting point is 01:08:02 And, I mean, I was super impressed with Scott Panchuk and I was very impressed with Phil tune. His squat, his cycle rate on the overhead squats was insane. I literally think it was two to one to everyone on the two Oh five. And he was making up a ton of time on this, uh, 15s as well. I thought he was going to catch Scott until Scott on the last round, cycled the bar just as fast. And I was like, my God, this guy's still got it. He's in fourth place right now. I mean, come on.
Starting point is 01:08:27 You had Toon? No, Scott Pancher. Oh, yeah, yeah. Sorry, sorry. Yes, yes. And he's going to do good tomorrow also. He's going to. We'll see about the cutting.
Starting point is 01:08:36 Scott's always been good with the bar over his head. Yeah, yeah. Incredible positions. And look, their whole family. I talked about how they snatched 285 on Bayside a few, four or five years ago. But they finished, I think they finished second, fourth, and fifth, maybe second, fourth, and sixth in that event. It was kind of hard to see these guys finishing quickly. But at the worst, all three of them were in the top six.
Starting point is 01:08:59 And yeah, they're very good in that overhead position. Last night when we went to get off the air. Oh, we let tyler watkins on tonight a couple times he was great he contributed good stuff yeah i've had some nice conversations with him this weekend uh i just don't never know if he's gonna start talking about scoring or not but but he was great he was he was awesome we did a little a little bit of scoring there are people that are interested in that and i think that it's certainly something that we can um talk about but after the competition yeah i just like to make fun of them for it um how about jake
Starting point is 01:09:29 um marconi uh ig last night you guys were going to show me something on his ig and we had to uh go does that ring a bell to you well i just have a note here can you repeat that uh jake marconi was there something that we said we were going to watch? Look at Jake Marconi's Instagram last night. Do you guys remember what that is? They're like, oh, my God. He dropped his barbell on top of the buzzer. Oh, yeah. Can I see that?
Starting point is 01:09:53 Yeah. It's interesting, Brian. You had mentioned before the Run Swim, whatever that event is, you had mentioned that, uh, you were concerned about, uh, the machines malfunctioning because of the water. Didn't seem to have any issues. No,
Starting point is 01:10:11 but, but there was a malfunction there. We're still holding up the whole event. Yeah, but not with the machines that we thought. Right. I like your shirt, Sevan.
Starting point is 01:10:22 Thank you. Thank you. Oh, oh, yes. And then does he go press the button? Please tell me he did that on purpose. That's a clever way to stop the clock. Look at the judges.
Starting point is 01:10:51 Look at the judges. Like, what does this guy do? Oh, man, dude. Oh, man. What was plan B for him right there? What was plan B? What if those guys wouldn't have moved? Well, I think that at that point,
Starting point is 01:11:09 it's natural instinct takes over. Hey man, hard work pays off. Hey, that guy, those guys could have easily... That would have been really bad. Those guys could have easily not been paying attention, especially the guy to the left who's not his judge. Wow. Well, I'm glad you showed me that.
Starting point is 01:11:24 That's amazing. We'll have to ask him about that, have him back on the show all right guys crazy day thank you uh noah said he would come on tomorrow brian uh but i don't i i it's i can't believe that people are even texting back i know everyone's super duper busy um any of the athletes who uh i text i appreciate you um not changing your phone number even. So don't think there's any pressure for you to come on. It's all for you if you want a place to just come say hi to people. We will see you guys.
Starting point is 01:11:54 Oh, I haven't made the charts for tomorrow morning yet, but we will see you guys tomorrow. I believe the elite teams I have start at 1.10 Eastern Standard Time. Is that correct, Brian? Do you have that in front of you by any chance? Or Will? I'm pulling it up right now.
Starting point is 01:12:08 Sunday, Elite Teams. I have them starting at 12.17. Okay. Elite Teams starting at 12.17 Eastern Standard Time. On Sunday. Sunday, Sunday. Thank you, Will. And I guess I have to find out with Will if we're doing that.
Starting point is 01:12:28 And then what time do you have Elite Indie starting? 2.40. 2.40? Ay, ay, ay. Wow. Because that's two hours and 30 minutes to get through all that. Yeah, because that Dale event, even though it's only running in two rounds, the first round has to have four heats.
Starting point is 01:12:49 Cause it's on a smaller stage. There's only 10 lanes. So they won't, they're not 40 teams, but I don't think, I think there are more than 30. So they'll have to do it as like eight, eight,
Starting point is 01:12:58 nine, seven or whatever they do. And then they'll have, so it's five heats. It'll end up being four heats around one, one final heat of the top 10 and then five more for the men's field. So that's why they need the full two-hour window. And then for the individuals also, there'll be four heats, then two heats, then one heat. Yeah, for some reason I can tolerate that more. Hey, and then what happens then when the… It's understandable. Oh man, it's going to be really crazy to try to track the top 10 that advance from four different heats.
Starting point is 01:13:29 What the final event, the one we don't have a name for, the one that's not on the leaderboard yet. Do we know what time that starts? The yeah, the elite teams go at 510, according to the most up-to-date schedule that I've seen. And the elite individuals go right after that, 630. Yeah, that's what we know so far. Wow, that's fast. That's fast. I like that. Okay, guys, so I suspect tomorrow when the elite teams come on at 1217, we will not go live.
Starting point is 01:14:04 I suspect we will wait until at least 1230 Eastern Standard Time. We'll let a few – 230? You mean 230? Right before the elite individual? No, no, no. I'm sorry. I have the elite team starting at 1217.
Starting point is 01:14:21 Yeah. So I'm thinking that we'll come in like 15 minutes to a half hour late like we'll let some of that burn gotcha right before the last heat of the first teams yeah so so i'm guessing we'll go like at 12 45 or one o'clock tomorrow eastern time all right peace and love thanks everything jacqueline robinson jacqueline rob bertson Thank you for the... Thank you. She's great, too. Yeah, she's been dumping cash on us all day.
Starting point is 01:14:49 Sevan, are you fasting tomorrow? Is tomorrow Sunday? Oh, shit. I better eat. I am fasting tomorrow. I'm about to eat a ton. Sevan looks like he would bring the good snacks when it's time to bring snacks to the soccer practice.
Starting point is 01:15:06 That's probably one of the nicest things anyone's ever said about me.

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