The Sevan Podcast - #268 - Wodapalooza Day 4 Recap - Matt O'Keefe

Episode Date: January 17, 2022

The final recap of the weekend at Wodapalooza. Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:52 Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. Bam. We're live. There's another podcast tonight. eric you wants to know i i mean if you have two you have you have two you have four zombies you have will and caleb you can't see and then brian and seven you can't see you're like a zombie kind of brian no i feel great. Oh, okay, great. How about that? Four days of just, as they say in the hood, clang and bang. This was a really, really good weekend.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Patrick Vellner, league of his own. Yeah. I mean, I said, obviously, we talked about him in the lead up. He was the guy to beat. And in case anyone was wondering why we were saying that, now you see why. He's, you know, I think at this point, he's either the third or fourth best male that's ever competed in the sport. Obviously, behind Fraser and Froning, maybe debatable with Ben Smith. But I think that he's pushing into the three spot.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Honestly, I know he hasn't won the games but he came up at the exact same time as the best to ever do it Fraser and sometimes that just happens and his competition pedigree is insane he's he's barely ever lost anyone outside of the weird 2019 cuts and a pulled groin in an online competition in 2020. So I think he's probably the third-best, greatest male crossfitter of all time at this point. When you look at the scoreboard, he has 692 points, and Alexander Caron has 633 points.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Say those numbers again. 692, and then 633 and then 613 and basically what you're seeing is he's 60 points a whole lot of canadians on the katie on the podium is what i'm seeing yes yes hey i just want to say i spoke to alexander caron after the competition and i am so happy for that guy who works incredibly hard and he has had I think amongst a lot of the athletes like the least reward especially financial reward in terms of his his performances relative to the competitions he's been a part of this is a massive breakthrough for him and his career and a long time coming in my opinion how old is he I can't remember I think
Starting point is 00:03:24 he's in his late 20s like 27 8 9 something like that so you think we'll see more of him yeah i mean he's at the games this year he got he missed the cuts i think he was 26 or something like that um he didn't win a single dollar of prize money in the competition season and we've talked about that on the morning chalk up um so for him to cash in i think it was 35 grand here is significant you know it's a big deal for these athletes and you know she she's traveled around the world competing um so i'm absolutely stoked for alex thank you ethan hey thanks bruce by the way it was great seeing you today by the way seriously um um mitchell wants to know mitchell heedy that's not how you spell Mitchell
Starting point is 00:04:06 are all of those guys fathers that are on the podium I know Sam Well and Pat are I don't know but I think he's thinking of Alex Vigneault I don't think Alexander Caron is okay but they are all vaccinated
Starting point is 00:04:24 yeah I don't even know ifander caron is okay but they are all vaccinated um yeah i don't even know if that's true i just made that up don't quote me on that okay um let's go over to the um ladies uh emma mcquade yeah yeah i mean she's the one athlete that i said i thought if anyone was going to beat Bethany Shadburn here, I thought that Emma would have the best chance to do it. She's coming off her career best games performance of 12. She's been in the games three times in a row, 20th, 19th, 12th. I think she was 11th at Rogue. I mean, she's won open events. We've talked about it.
Starting point is 00:04:59 She's very, very good. And she was very consistent over the course of the weekend and good enough to beat a very fit Bethany Schaber. I mean, I know Bethany had a little bit of a questionable sandbag, no rep in the Dalai event that probably ended up costing her the win, but that happens in competition sometimes, and you can't take anything away from Amla. She performed and executed and ultimately did enough to win. So similar vein to Caron. This is by far the biggest accomplishment of her career.
Starting point is 00:05:32 What are you referencing? I don't remember the sandbag. Yeah, it was so crazy. There's so much going on. But, you know, they had Dolly Heats ran, and then they only took the top 10. And actually, the reason I got held up is I was talking to a lot of people, but I just saw Cooper and Daniel Brandon, Dale and Pepper,
Starting point is 00:05:51 and they were all talking about it. Jake Marconi was there, and I guess she had carried the bag across and dropped it before she passed the line, and I sent her back to do it again, which is, like, brutal. And is that correct you're saying that's bad judging or well you know the thing was that this event obviously changed really late for you know whatever variety of reasons and so the i mean the briefing for the judges literally took place on the competition floor while the music was still playing i was standing there amongst
Starting point is 00:06:23 the group and you could barely hear what Dylan was saying. So not an ideal situation. Then they had to go brief that brief athletes on it. So I don't exactly know what happened or what was necessarily. You're saying, sorry, Brian, you're saying she dropped the bag before she crossed the finish line, but before she, no, no, it's not the, it's not before she crossed the line. In both the handstand walk and the sandbag here,
Starting point is 00:06:45 you needed to cross the line in order to complete the rep. And so I guess she had not crossed the line and she had dropped the bag, so they called it a no rep and she had to do it again. And she ended up taking 12th. Obviously, with having to do one more rep like that, you're going to have to cast your people, get into the top 10, and have an opportunity for a much better finish and most likely end up as a Waterloo champion.
Starting point is 00:07:06 It's not the first athlete that I've seen something like that happen to. It won't be the last. She has a super-centered mental attitude about it. It's better than it is. She's really accepting of it and happy for Emma. Awesome coverage this week.
Starting point is 00:07:24 It's been fun fun awesome team and community thank you Eric Matt O'Keefe what's up oh we're starting to show strong with pictures of his ears again is there a way for me to get this thing to be louder
Starting point is 00:07:32 you guys are real quiet I am not quiet and I've never been accused of being quiet and I resent you calling me quiet hold on camera mic
Starting point is 00:07:39 audio Chris Thompson thank you thank you thank you thank you crazy nice to you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Crazy nice to you. Crazy nice to you.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Thank you. Thank you. Hey, when she picked the bag back up, Brian, did she just have to go across the finish line or she had to do the whole thing again? What's that? He's asking me about a specific event that we were talking about. Dude, this is like talking to a guy who's like 112. Look at him. He's like, guys, we're just taking a shot of his ear.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Matt, someone texted you. Oh, Keith. Oh, jeez. I literally can't hear you, and I don't have my earbuds. I don't know where Erin is. I'll find her. She has my bag. Can you hear testing one, two?
Starting point is 00:08:31 Oh, Keith, can you hear us? It's just not loud. I don't know how to put it on speaker so I can hear you. It's only in the phone mic. I'm trying to think how I can help him. Can I text him something? I don't know. Do you know how to use your own tool here?
Starting point is 00:08:52 My wife said that to me last night. Of course. Anyway, what an eventful day. Yeah. So you really can't hear us? I can only if I put you up to my ear like this. Can you turn the volume up? Yeah, it's all the way up.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Listen, I know I look stupid, but I'm not. O'Keefe. Fuck. How close are you to O'Keefe, Brian? I do have the other headphones, but I just left the park. I'm across the street. I'll walk. Listen, I'll jog back.
Starting point is 00:09:28 I'll be back on in like two minutes. Okay, thank you. Okay. While you're gone, we'll keep talking shit about your judges. Kyle McDougal, thank you again. We're not talking shit about the judges, just to be clear. Things like that happen. There's a very close race between the two of them.
Starting point is 00:09:47 I feel that Bethany has a great perspective on it, and I don't want to take anything away from what Emma McQuaid did this weekend. She was very consistent, very professional, very fit, and she's a worthy Waterpalooza winner this season. Let me go back to that question I asked you. Did she have to pick the bag up and go all the way back, or did she just have to pick it up and cross the line? All the way back and cross.
Starting point is 00:10:12 So that means that lost her more... I didn't see this happen, by the way. This is just what they told me over there right before I came out. So that means that probably dropped her down from... Inside the top ten to out of the top ten. Yes, yes, yes, yes. yes you're right and she would have won that you're right if that wouldn't error wouldn't happen she would have won well she
Starting point is 00:10:30 would have had enough points to win looking at uh the current situation is this is this hard for bethany did she expect to come in here and dominate i don't think she expected to dominate i think she knew she had a chance to win um lucy campbell wow yeah where did she end up finishing uh fourth place but um destroyed the last four workouts relative to the pack a first a fifth a sixth and a second you know i've had my um eye on her as someone that could be emerging in the European region. There's going to be some spots opening up in Europe. Kristen Holt is moving on.
Starting point is 00:11:12 I don't know what Katja Nani are doing. Sam Briggs is 39 years old. She's still amazing, of course. But a lot of the old guard of Europe, we don't know what's going on with Sarah necessarily, is ready to have some new faces there. I mean, we know Laura's there. We know't know what's going on with Sarah necessarily. She is ready to have some new faces there. We know Laura is there. We know Gabby is there. Lucy Campbell was pretty good last
Starting point is 00:11:32 season and I was extremely impressed with her this weekend as you had mentioned, especially over the weekend. What country? She's from the UK. I believe she's 25 years old. Does she train with Emma McQuaid and Sam Briggs?
Starting point is 00:11:47 I don't think so. These are impressive event finishes there. I wouldn't worry actually too much about the 18th on the flip sled necessarily. There's a lot of athletes I spoke to. Actually, I was talking to Spencer Panchik after the competition. He's like,
Starting point is 00:12:03 dude, if it wasn't for that flip sled event, then I, you know, he feels like he could have done, had a much better competition, but a lot of athletes like Lucy had a kind of slow start and had to climb their way back in throughout the remaining seven events. Let's talk about Spencer and the fact that he beat Saxon and Scott. Is that big? Hell yeah. It's big. Never happened before.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Scott, is that big? Hell yeah, it's big. Never happened before. And, you know, we had been, I'm going to see how close they ended up. I mean, how cool, just how cool is that? Yeah. Like, that is crazy. And I just talked to both Scott and Spencer, and they're just, I mean, Spencer, I think, you know, they're so competitive. They all want to do well, but they're also so, like, they're just aware.
Starting point is 00:12:45 And they appreciate that this is a unique opportunity. How often can three brothers compete on one competition floor? They shared, like, adjacent lanes in a lot of the events. They ended up within, right next to each other on the leaderboard here. It's definitely a special time for the three of them. But for Spencer, this is, like, really, really cool. Because he's's you know often the one that's kind of left out kind of just missing out on the party and whatever so to be
Starting point is 00:13:10 able to finish ahead of his two brothers here is uh maybe they'll let him sit in the front seat this time spencer and saxon um they have a um they are in event number, they had a 17th and 18th. In event number six, they had a fourth and a fifth. And event number seven, they had a ninth and an eighth, only being, you know, one place apart on three of those events. Well, yeah, I mean, look, they've been a minute apart since birth. Yeah. They have, you know, they do move very similarly. There's a lot of events that they're, um, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:47 you see that they both make their move at the same time, but there are small nuances and differences in them for sure. In particular, one thing that stood out to me, a relative, not just his brother, but the entire field was Spencer pan chicks, uh, rope climbing abilities this week and all the pan chicks have always been good at rope climbs, but he was faster than anyone else in the field. Um, and I didn't necessarily know that about him so something i learned about him here uh jason taylor self 10th place jason hopper 11th place and colton merton's 12th place place
Starting point is 00:14:16 i bring that up because we talk about these guys a lot thank you caleb and um it's interesting taylor pulled it out today of the of the three guys that we like to, you know, on the podcast, we talk about these three guys a lot. These are our boys that we make fun of. They're, you know, what do you think about this? Start with Colton. Colton's events over the course of the weekend up until the final were basically exactly what I thought would happen. And I actually thought he would win the final or maybe top three of the final, and he did not do very well in the final. My 21st. I mean, he shit the bed.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Let's face it, he shit the bed. I mean, he should have been. He's three points behind Jason Hopper. I mean, Colton needs to go home, and whatever punishment Colton needs to give himself, like the thousand wall balls. Yeah, he needs some punishment for that. And a lot of toes to bar.
Starting point is 00:15:08 No, you know, who knows? Who knows what happened there? We maybe can talk to him eventually, but that was the outlier finish. If he takes 44 points there, let's just say he'd won the event, which I thought, so that's another 56 points. How high up would 56 points have propelled him? From 498 up to 560 plus so he'd be right in the seventh place he would have been seventh i thought he i put him sixth and that was the difference in the projection basically so he did mostly what we expected him to do he's obviously very very very good on some things and not as good on others but he is perhaps more committed to working on those
Starting point is 00:15:44 things he's not as good at it anyone yes he's perhaps more committed to working on those things. He's not as good at it. Anyone. Yes. He's still young. And I think that, uh, there he's still climbing like the future is still, uh,
Starting point is 00:15:51 the best part of his career, the best potential that he can reach is still ahead of him. Um, I talked to Jason at the end of the competition. Oh, just real quick. One, one thing I think what Colton Merton needs is to add some grass fed beef
Starting point is 00:16:04 organs, a mouthful of meat to his regiment. That's interesting. I could see it on the phone. Oh, did you hear it too? I think about my computer. I did not hear it. No. Oh, Will's voice is awesome. Okay. Actually it creeps me out, so I'm glad I didn't hear it. So go on about, about Jason Hopper uh three points ahead of colton mertens
Starting point is 00:16:25 i got to spend some time with jason today and it was quite enjoyable with him and his coach jr howell and then i did catch up with him at the end of the competition his ex-coach jr howell his ex-coach yeah jr was coaching him here this weekend okay that's what i mean by that and um jason uh he knows he made some mistakes this weekend. You know, he thinks that he left anywhere between 30 and 80 points on the table just with mistakes of his own. You know, he wasn't blaming anyone else. He reminded me, and I think just as importantly, he reminded himself,
Starting point is 00:17:00 this is still his rookie campaign, his rookie year. He's about to start his second season in, and perhaps no more than anyone else this season has he learned lessons in the public eye, you know, because he gained so much notoriety after what he did at the Mac. Obviously he had a, you know, less than desirable games for this year, but he had a good performance at Rogue. He had some really good workouts here.
Starting point is 00:17:24 He's going to have a ton of things to take away from high level competition experience after just one season. for this year, but he had a good performance at Rogue. He had some really good workouts here. He's going to have a ton of things to take away from high-level competition experience after just one season. And I think he's very, very much in the same vein as Colton Mertens, where the best is yet to come. Let me also throw out this. I can almost say it. There's no one ahead of Colton, Jason, or Taylor where you're like, wow, how did they get ahead? I mean, they are in outstanding company.
Starting point is 00:17:51 The Panchic brothers, Spencer, Saxon, Scott, Phil Toon, who was a complete savage. Dallin Pepper, who, you know, last chance qualifier, savage material too. Cole Sager, the super veteran. Samuel Cornway a repping uh the mayhem empire alexander coron i mean also repping the mayhem empire by the way oh he is coronas coron corn y a alex vigno there's a lot of them wow okay and then patrick velner so it's not like the like like we can see what happened they were trying to squeeze through the same doorway as some other big bulls and and not i mean obviously
Starting point is 00:18:31 scott's obviously scott's not gonna not gonna the way he says he's not gonna compete individual next year every every single person in the top 10 besides that could easily be at the games next august right yes thank you okay good i'm glad you said it not me okay uh taylor self i think this is uh he's probably pissed but but look at his look at his event finishes this is the most dramatic of anyone i think second 32nd 30th 11th first 11th 17th 7th first and the second 30th and 32nd that's like um it's almost reminiscent of early Fikowski. He's got that potential to hit the home runs and he's got a couple of things that he, you know, he needs to obviously improve on.
Starting point is 00:19:14 But I think, uh, this was, he's a little older than Jason, but his, uh, he's still learning a lot and his headspace seemed to be very good to me this week. Um, I know he's, he'll admit it too. Hespace seemed to be very good to me this week. And he'll admit it, too. He knows he struggled with that at the Granite Games. So I think for all three of these guys, even though they're sure, of course, they want to do better. They're fierce and relentless competitors. I think it's a successful weekend against a really good field where they can take a lot away from this and hopefully not make the same mistakes in the future. And, um, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:48 sometimes like the affirmation of it might, it might look like he did bad on a, on a workout, but he might actually have a, like the lifting workout. I know that he actually was happy with how he executed that workout. Um, he wanted to of course hit the last trick and finish it, but he was never expecting a top five top ten finish on that and so he can probably say my strength is coming along and this in this with these lifts in this area even though it wasn't where i wanted to be it's moving in the right
Starting point is 00:20:16 direction uh it's also a great mental test for him that he took a 32nd and then a 30th and that could have been a death spiral and next thing you know he climbed out of that he took a 32nd and then a 30th and that could have been a death spiral and next thing you know he climbed out of that hole with a 11th and a first i mean what a great time to just he could have just gone in his room and started moping right yeah and that was during the competition i think that was the uh the only time i sought him out and i didn't i don't really you know this i don't really seek out athletes very often but i just wanted to i saw him and i went over to him that after that, that second place 30th or worse finish. And I said, uh, where are you at? And he goes, I'm good, man. It's not, this is not a grand
Starting point is 00:20:53 game situation. Again. I knew that those events would be tough for me. I'm not even thinking about them right now. I'm just looking forward. I'll reflect on those when the weekend's over. Awesome. Uh, on top of that too james sprague got a great uh experience here too because in the third event he took 37th which is just about as bad as you could do yes it is it's the work he finished dead last um sprague did in a event number three and then proceeded after that to get a third and a second. And that is a testament to the rookie. Yeah, and keep in mind, he's the youngest guy in the field. He's 19 years old.
Starting point is 00:21:33 And I guess it's a stretch to say he's a rookie. I guess it's a stretch. Sorry, go ahead. He has a lot of experience. But as the youngest guy in the field, I guess there's guys like Dallin that are close in age to him. But Dallin, in terms of strength, is an outlier for his age. And we see a lot of women, young women, that are getting extremely strong. It's much less likely to see a guy like Pepper or Guimayaros
Starting point is 00:21:54 that are that strong, that young. So Sprague's got plenty of time to improve his lifting, and he's very focused on doing that. He had a blast this weekend. Win, lose, or draw. I don't know if anyone enjoys competing, learning, being around other athletes, celebrating with the fans and his friends the way that James Sprague does. He's a positive influence on everyone around him,
Starting point is 00:22:15 and he's a huge asset to the CrossFit space. Awesome. Someone is saying, what's Hopper's beef with you? Check his story. There's no beef, nothing but love. What are you talking about? I don't know. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Let's go. Caleb, can you pull up a Hopper's Instagram and see? Thank you, sir. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Uh, Velner. Oh, what kind words don't get twisted though?
Starting point is 00:22:42 Savon did not write this. Oh. Oh. Ha ha ha ha ha. Oh, uh, uh, well, that's good. You're a good dude. Hopper.
Starting point is 00:22:51 He's a good dude for repost. Can I say something? Yes, please. I was so overwhelmed this morning by that post from will and the response from it. I actually went down by the water and spent five minutes just by myself, kind of, I was tearing up and in reflection. And he then went on to write those posts about Danielle and Jason and
Starting point is 00:23:11 Colton and several of the other guests that we've had on the show. And I completely echo the sentiments that he expressed about all those people that we've gotten to know. I'm really grateful for them giving us the opportunity to hopefully, you know, expose some of the great things about them to the CrossFit community and the people that want to learn about the athletes. And so from, uh, whether it was about me, I just wanted to say that I was really appreciative of Will doing that and what a great opportunity to do that in a time where, you know, during the day to day where people were, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:42 they were wanting to watch competition and obviously we had to delay for a while uh the team is pretty is pretty wild guys uh will has just run out it's basically he's just run out ahead on his own and he's done an insane job i see caleb nodding his head now he's done an insane job by taking responsibility for the instagram account for the stream for the graphics um yesterday and uh part of today he was uh managing telling everyone uh on the stream over 30 000 people today where which lanes everyone was in i mean the guy is a rock star and he's taking it on his own to write these beautiful pieces um and uh yeah it's it's it's pretty crazy the whole entire team everyone is great and although we didn't get brian and you know caleb too he wrote that that thing earlier that he shared with all of us just about his at wadapuza experience and how impressed he
Starting point is 00:24:37 was with the things down here and i um shared that with o'keefe and dylan and kristin and a couple of the girls i work with on the social media team. And all of them were expecting a complaint and a gripe with what was going on with the delays and everything else. And that was super refreshing for them in the day to get a feedback like that. So thank you, Caleb, as well. I want to point out, this is totally just me preaching and totally off topic, but these are all people on the team who are taking opportunity with, with, with, with,
Starting point is 00:25:06 they have, they have no idea what's in it for them. Zero. I have no idea what's in it for them. Like every single one of these people is just charging. Heidi's not holding the camera for seven hours for any other reason, because like, she's not like,
Starting point is 00:25:17 Hey, can I get paid? Or Hey, can I do the next show? Like everyone's just doing it for the experience of doing it. Brian's just stays in touch with us all day, gives us leads. That guy, Tyler, came on a few times today, got what I thought was the highlight of the behind the scenes. He just sent me a text, give me a link. I trusted him.
Starting point is 00:25:33 And he got us that rich froning moment. Every single person, Kayla bringing water to people. We just got lucky. I don't even mean it like as a I'm not trying to romanticize it or anything, but, and the people who didn't take advantage, they just, they weeded themselves out. I mean, we were a bunch of, uh, this is everyone who's, we're all running full speed and we've all run ahead or running as far ahead of everyone else as we can. So it's pretty awesome. awesome thanks logan yeah even logan calling in he doing you know call he he's the guy who calls inconsistently and so he's the only one i answer the phone when they're not calling shows i mean everyone like anyway uh oh keith what's up baby how are we doing uh we are so stoked that you had this uh competition this last four days uh we're stoked that we got to be a part of it we're stoked i mean you let us play in your sandbox thank you well thank you guys it was uh i appreciate all
Starting point is 00:26:32 the coverage and it was what a wild week i need some sleep um is it over or like are you out there tomorrow um cleaning up shop? Oh, yeah. Well, I don't know. This rain today will make loadout uniquely difficult. So it'll probably take us... Oh, you cut out. Tell Matt to stop calling you. You'll be down for soon.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Bye-bye. Hey, Brian, how close were they to canceling um i i didn't um get involved in any of the conversations during the break i took that as an opportunity to go uh just hang out and watch some nfl football with jr jason was getting a little nap in and just have some quiet, which was really, I was, it recharged me and set me up for, um, the evening, which was, uh, required an extreme amount of focus as both the team and competitions are going
Starting point is 00:27:35 on at the same time. I needed to write about, it was a lot of stuff. So that was a really important break for me. And I just let the, the event directors do their thing and trusted them to make the right decisions. Did you, have you heard about what happened to Sarah? How serious it is yet? I have heard something. I don't know how reliable the source is. And so I'll just, I'm just going to refrain from weighing in on that. Okay. I just heard that your headphones are about to die. I think I heard one of them. Yeah'm gonna go in uh i'm walking towards the hotel now and uh i was hopeful that you could talk to a key for a couple minutes while i transfer over to my computer okay sounds good um so i'm gonna i'm just gonna jump
Starting point is 00:28:15 back on in about five minutes okay thank you okay i i i wanted i know that you and brian don't get along so i wanted him to step off while you were on the show. Uh, O'Keefe, um, Matt, how close were we to not to the whole event being canceled? This, the did not seem the last two events. Are you, I don't, is your, are you, do you have like a voice filter on? It's like, sounds like, uh, like I'm a transformer. I am the Omnicron. What is it? What is that? No, no, it's a voice filter on? It sounds like... Like I'm a transformer? I am the Omnicron.
Starting point is 00:28:48 What is that? No, no, it's no voice filter. No, no, no. It's just you have a bad connection or something. Oh, shit, Caleb. He might hang up and it might be me and you. Heather, I'm really tired of you. You're messing with me. No, can you hang up and call back?
Starting point is 00:29:02 Can you hang up and call back? Can you hang up up and call back? Can you hang up and call back? Can you hang up and call back? Ah, I have Caleb and myself. Matt Sousa says, thank you. O'Keefe and Kristen O'Keefe. Awesome. On the fly work. I am very curious to how close they were to canceling it. Caleb, I wonder, Caleb, do you know, did we postpone this four hours today, five hours today? Like what was the push time on that? Yeah, I think it was about, it was like three to four hours. And there has to be a, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:29:42 They had already planned it for like an hour and a half. I don't even think we got started until about 5 o'clock. And there had to be a time when Matt O'Keefe was just going to have to be like, okay, we can't do it. The winner is Patrick Vellner. Yeah, I know there was some debate on like, well, maybe we can just do like one event and we can just call it quits because I think there was something about – at least for the other divisions too, they were just saying, okay, we'll just do like one event and we can just call it quits because i think there was something about um like at least for the other divisions too they were just saying okay we'll just do one more
Starting point is 00:30:09 and they'll be done kind of thing but otherwise i'm not really sure i i think what john had said previously about there being like some sort of contingency plan fanduel casinos exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning, in an exciting live dealer
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Starting point is 00:31:14 That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. In regards to like, okay, well, who goes first or who doesn't go first was in play, obviously, because they ended up not completing the scaled divisions. But they allowed the adaptive, intermediate, the age group, masters, athletes, RX and Elite to finish as well. What on earth was going on with the sound? I don't know. Is it better now?
Starting point is 00:31:48 Yeah, it was like like everything you guys said was... You jinx all microphones, Matt O'Keefe. Thank you, Caleb, for standing in. How close were we to not seeing the last two events like there must there is some timer that's going that says okay yeah so we have a curfew um you know we we generally end
Starting point is 00:32:14 like between seven and eight on sunday you know so that we can have ceremonies and people can go out. But there's an ordinance, you know, we can't go past 10, past 10 p.m. So that was like our hard end. And I don't know if you saw, we ended at 10.09. So we were very close. And, you know, it got challenging, you know, when we got back to the property and, you know, we needed to make some adjustments. We were ready to go if, you know, everything checked out, safety was there.
Starting point is 00:32:54 And, you know, everybody, you know, everybody felt good about, you know, moving forward with the workouts the way that they were programmed. But we had to make some adjustments. So we started to like lose some time. It got tight we rushed the last eight guys on the floor and uh you know move that a little like couple minutes forward to get done so that we could celebrate properly with pat and um you know and end it the right way uh and when you say regulations we kept hearing that there was some sort of rule like lightning strike rule like last time someone sees lightning within 30 miles of the place and then the clock starts and you have another 30 minute window. And if it makes it 30 minutes without a lightning strike within so many miles of the place, the place opened up.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Is that what it was? Is it actually a lightning strike that you guys are looking for or not looking for? You mean earlier today? Yeah. Is that what we were waiting for? Were we waiting for water or was it the danger of lightning or both? No, no, no, no. So basically what happened was we knew there was a huge storm with electricity band that came through. We knew precisely when it was going to end. You never know how long it's going to take to clean up.
Starting point is 00:34:01 So there were high winds. So we didn't know what the damage would be. So, I mean, you take, you know, it's going to take to clean up so there were high winds so we didn't know what the damage would be so i mean you take you know it's interesting like we've gone through this for many years and i think people get frustrated with a lack of communication but the lack of communication is well do you want me to tell you to to be somewhere at a certain time that we're going to start and then not be able to meet that we want to be like concise we even bumped you know you know immediately 30 minutes off of the time that we initially set which i don't we don't like to do you know because we were like we were trying to move see what happens is like we tried to get everybody to get five workouts in um at a minimum because the the other divisions do six they do two a day
Starting point is 00:34:43 and then you know we had set up the elite competition, which was for a lot of money. It was half a million dollars at stake. And we had programmed it, you know, with the eight pieces in thought. So it was just like, all right, well, you take one out, maybe it's just not proper because we looked at it as a complete eight-workout event. So our goal was, hey, we've got to get those two workouts in because it's high stakes.
Starting point is 00:35:12 So when we got back to the property and started to go, I went over. Matt came over, Fraser, and tested some stuff for us. He handstand walked, and we cut a little on it because there was some running that was going to go on on the floor and the floor had really started to dry quite a bit and felt really good. It's funny. The flooring company said that we would get 10% increased tack and it was like all kinds of technical stuff that went into it. Um, if it was just damp, you know, and it was that it was barely damp so it was
Starting point is 00:35:46 really actually sticky so it was actually safer if it was a little moist and by the way it didn't necessarily dry i mean your team was out there mopping that shit up yeah and it was when you say dry yeah so it was um but we we we intended to talk to the athletes. That's something we've always considered in those things. It's hard to get a bunch of opinions pointed in the same north when you have a couple hundred athletes. Yeah, why do you do that, O'Keefe? If you and Matt and 20 of your buddies come over to my house, I don't ask you guys what kind of pizza you want. I order a pepperoni, a mushroom and a pineapple and ham and you fuckers can get in where you fit in.
Starting point is 00:36:34 And here's the reason why. Here's the reason why. If I, if I ask you what kind of pizza you want and then you don't get it, you hate me. But if I just order the pizza and there's not one there you're like, you're like, oh, that sucks. So it's like you're nice to those people. And then all of a sudden you're hearing a bunch of opinions from a bunch of jack i mean you set yourself up for a no-win situation you're too nice chief is yeah feel me or no i mean unfuck me if i need to be slapped around a little bit i you know i would you know i made you know i over i would over order pizza and ask people what they want. I knew it.
Starting point is 00:37:06 You're that guy. This is 100% true. I cannot describe to you the amount of food that was at the Granite Games. It keeps room that you got for the party after the Granite Games. Yeah, that was a big over-order. But, yeah, we went up. So you actually asked the athletes, hey, what do you guys want to want to do yeah so i went up to the athlete warm-up area um and you know there was you know and again the process was that we were going to speak to them to tell them what we thought
Starting point is 00:37:35 was safe in the plan and we heard some rumblings that there were some questions on the cutting again in the grand scheme of things i would have walked them all down there and been like hey like go out there and look at it you know and play around with it and um you know they were worried about if you know there was a lot of water around the property in fairness to them like there was a ton of water and so um the walk from athlete area to the stage you know their feet were gonna yeah the shoes were gonna have a lot of water on the bottom but i just i got the elite teams and indies together and just said listen we care about your safety um you know we you know but let me tell you this before i ask this question you know the risk here is that half of you think one way and half of you think the other and and then like, we're really going to get nowhere. And then I'm going to have to make a decision for you. So in the grand scheme of things, I do want to ask you and let people speak up. You know,
Starting point is 00:38:33 if, you know, if you're pretty aligned, this is super simple. If you don't want to do the workout, we, we, we, I said, we just spent three hours trying to figure out how to give them what they came here for. Right. Yeah. You're playing for money and you guys like the title of winning the Waterpalooza. So, you know, we want to give you that. That's what we're working hard to do. And if you guys don't want the easiest thing for us, honestly, would have been to eliminate a workout.
Starting point is 00:39:01 That would have made our day very simple. And so um you know but if you don't feel safe you know let me know and you know who who doesn't want to do the workout the way it's programmed for safety and literally all their hands went up i was like well that's cool we'll program something else and if we can't program something because it just doesn't make sense we're going to eliminate the workout you guys all good with that they said yep and we programmed something we snuck someone into that um meeting with a camera and did you yes of course and we streamed it live and but we at one point rich froning just spoke like yelled at the group yeah he what what was that what happened we just heard him say raise your hand if and then and then we were like like even i had no
Starting point is 00:39:47 voice so i couldn't i couldn't like get my my words to there was there was a couple hundred people there was actually yes because i think everybody started and so i couldn't get every everybody and nobody could some people couldn't hear me in the back so he had a big voice and he was yelling so that's like where that came from but he was um you know he spoke up others did and but all you know i mean you saw then if you were you know streaming it like they i mean there were like maybe a few hands that didn't go up and those people were good with it you know they were just like hey let's let's find something different and we we I think we nailed it. Like it wasn't perfect, but like it, it, it, it kept the integrity of what we were trying
Starting point is 00:40:30 to accomplish and they were all happy. You know, I, I, I tried, you know, I tried to say hi to them all when they leave their last workout. And there was a lot of gratitude that we thought of them and made the change. So I don't know. We had Chase Ingram on at the time, and he said that he would switch it to burpees. And 20 minutes later, you guys, he was on.
Starting point is 00:40:51 I mean, and I respect Chase a lot. He's seen a lot of competitions, and that's what you guys ended up going with, right? Burpees. Yeah. I mean, we didn't want to put another thing on the floor. We were thinking about a bike. We were thinking, and Matt Fraser came over to help with the whole like with
Starting point is 00:41:07 the testing and he was there and dylan and you know and i you know are in the heat of this right there's there's some emotion flying around and we both kind of looked at him we're like well what do you think of this you know and and he was great like you know he's he was like you know he's a really smart programmer too like he just was like hey what about this we went through all you know and then we made the decision he thought 20 burpees was probably more fitting than 15 you know and then he um who was this sorry i heard i didn't hear that oh matt fraser yeah and then we were going to brief the judges and there there was all these questions and matt came over and he was like why don't i just demo this and so he he demoed it and um so i helped quite a bit and dude that was awesome that was awesome when he demoed it that
Starting point is 00:41:59 was awesome that was super cool i mean he was taking a nap and sprang out of bed and ran over there and helped but anyway super cool but yeah i mean listen we've had we've had um we've had situations with rain before where we've let those guys weigh in because you know i mean it kind of speaks to what wadapalooza is like it you know do i think that you know you can do that in all situations no but i do feel like you know because of what that event is and kind of you know, you can do that in all situations? No, but I do feel like, you know, because of what that event is and kind of, you know, how it's, you know, how it's been established, you know, as, you know, this sort of community event and it's about everybody in some way, shape, or form, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:39 it's something that I think fits, you know. And I don't, I mean, I wouldn't have had a problem if it was split down the middle with saying, like, this is my decision and I'm going to live with it. You know, like, it's pretty simple, but if you're all weighing one way, like, it makes it super simple, you know. And by the way, like, I get, like, if you really look and, like, it's a, that's a risky proposition in the grand scheme of things, right? Like there's so many things that can play out, you know, in a scenario like that. And, you know, I think that those, you know, I think everybody's pretty cool out there and they, you know, I think they want the event to be successful.
Starting point is 00:43:21 They're really good to us. They support it every year. I don't think it was, you know, a bunch of bitching. You know, I think there was some genuine concerns and with the time factor, it made it actually, you know, reasonable to say like, all right, why don't we just switch the workout? We're going to parade all these guys down here. They're going to, you know, we're going to get, get them on board and then we're going to parade them back.
Starting point is 00:43:42 And then we're going to create them back again to get to their heat. It's like, all right. So it worked, worked, it worked well. What's next for you? Where do you, what do you do next?
Starting point is 00:43:50 What's your name? Oh, well, two questions. Did you get any new clients this week? No, no. What do you mean? Clients like athletes.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Yeah. Like, like, like, like I know this, you know, a bunch of athletes are coming here and there's potential prospects, so you set up meetings, and now Ellie Turner is on the O'Keefe team.
Starting point is 00:44:10 I know. I don't really – I mean, I talked to some people this weekend that asked to talk to me about that, and my response is just, you know, let's catch up after the event. Colton. I'm excited to talk to whoever whoever you know wants some help but um no i'm not prospecting i don't really do that a lot anyway like i know you don't i just like to bug you about it i want to know who's the you you um there's people you uh signing with matt
Starting point is 00:44:39 o'keefe i think is always a smart thing so i I just curious who the next, uh, Yeah. Thank you very much. Yeah. There are a lot of cool people there. Honestly, there's some new names too. I got to, can I say that, um, Emma, like I have a, I have a little history with Emma McQuaid. I do not work with her. Um, but Emma, um, Emma and I were teammates in a competition. So I was on a team of 12 at strength and depth in London when it used to be in, I'm sorry, not London.
Starting point is 00:45:13 It used to be in Bath, England. Ollie, super cool guy from CrossFit runs that. Yeah. And he had this really unique 12 person competition where sometimes it was seven people and five and all 12 did workouts. had this really unique 12 person competition where sometimes it was seven people and five and all 12 did workouts and i was on a super team and then i was the ordinary human on the team and it was like valner laura horvath like emma um you know elliot simmons and jamie simmons and kelly friel who won the games this year, you know, was the other master. And you have to have master's athlete.
Starting point is 00:45:46 And I was the male. How did you get into that? Weren't you like, no, I'll pass? Or did they have to have one normal person on there? Don't let Keith deceive you. By no means is he in their league, but he's a very fit dude. Okay. They were, it was Witt put it together. And, you know, they're good friends of mine.
Starting point is 00:46:04 I mean, it was one of the most fun times I've had competing. It was Witt put it together, and they're good friends of mine. I mean, it was one of the most fun times I've had competing. It was really fun. But I ended up getting partnered up with McQuaid in a workout, Laura Horvath in another workout. I have some really funny stories. We were running. Laura Horvath and I were running around a track with a two two-person worm and just like i'm friends with laura she's awesome and she just like okay move faster you're moving too slow like in more and more in laura's like stoic way like move faster
Starting point is 00:46:37 you know and it was like it was awesome but mcquade and i partnered and i just like i honestly i fell in love with her as a person she's just such a really nice person and you know um her story is incredible you know um and she's a professional atv racer her husband had an accident she you know she just is um she's awesome and she works so hard she just goes she has like a gear that is crazy you know which made great for that workout she just like goes to dark places but for her to be that to be her first win um you know and just she said she's irish and i'm 100 irish so that was pretty sweet honestly and again i don't work with her so So I just, I really like Emma McQuay and I'm really proud that she's the Waterford Loser champion.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Hunter, Brian, is that your grinder date? Is he leaving or is he showing up? Brian, you missed the piece where the voice, Savan must have been messing with the microphones because it was like super slow-mo, like deep, like for a while. It happens when he calls me sometimes. Yes, he'll hang up and be like, I got the robot voice.
Starting point is 00:48:02 O'Keefe, what do you do? What's your next thing? Like, so now do you just turn, you is loud and live doing a concert like where do you turn your sights to where's the machine loud you point at granite games like where's this uh you're turning your ship around what's your next attack what's your next project yeah i don't have it i don't really have anything to do with concerts like they're our business stuff right so i don't i don't get involved in that. I go to women's. We support different
Starting point is 00:48:27 our team supports different things when they need more time. Are you going to someone's wedding? Is West Coast Classic coming up? Is Vellner going to take you out to make you go to a baptism? What are you doing next?
Starting point is 00:48:44 I'm going to the after party tonight um that's the first place and then and then i um what's next i you know i don't know i i we yeah we've we've got you know to start thinking about our other events um i need a couple weeks to just like decompress i got i got a bunch of stuff to take care of but you know athletes we work with and some brand stuff, you know, before I started thinking, we'll start thinking about water flus too. Um, so yeah, I got a couple, you know, I got some meetings down here in the next couple of days and, and then, uh, we got to clean the park up and I'll go home and catch up on some
Starting point is 00:49:21 sleep and the next week, you know, get back at back at it last question are you glad you brought your son or is it like one of those things like oh that was a lot of work it was amazing my wife and daughter are here too by the way so it made it pretty easy but they're camera shy well you know my daughter isn't camera shy she's just here with a friend and she's 15 so she has like this much interest she's's amazing, by the way. They watched Pat's son a little bit here and there. And my wife's very camera shy. So she doesn't want to be on. She doesn't do the social media thing. How old is your son?
Starting point is 00:49:59 He's 13. That is so special for me. And Pat is uniquely connected to my family. Like we're friends. And, you know and my wife and I were at his wedding so you know I don't want to leave it at that Emma that's very special he's won every event that I've been associated
Starting point is 00:50:16 with with Waza and I'm proud of that I got you know programming doesn't have anything to do with that I don't have anything to do with that he. I got, you know, programming doesn't have anything to do with that. I don't have anything to do with that. He's just fit. And you know, he, he, uh, he is incredible. He's, he's, he's won, you know, back to back to back. So, um, that was pretty special that Jack gave him his check. You know,
Starting point is 00:50:37 that was awesome. That was cool. That's three back to back to back. He's won three. Yeah. Three in a row. Wow. Who's Jack? Jack's my son oh perfect so he we went out to present the winner's check and jack gave pat his check hey he'll probably will never give any well it's going to be a long time before he gives anyone more than a hundred thousand dollars probably yeah he was like this he i called him and i'm like where'd you go i'm like where'd you go you you can come down and go on the stage and present the checks with me he's like i'll be right there
Starting point is 00:51:12 he runs down and then he gives pat the check and like i turn around and i'm like where did he go he just like darted back up to the room he's like all right i got i got it done yeah he's amazing so yeah my having the the question you asked having my family here was incredibly special i mean they take it on the chin with you know my time with this so for them to be able to see what you know i've been working on is is awesome gives them some context for why dad's running around all the time. Well, thanks, dude. 11.48pm, you're finishing up your last duties. You can't even really
Starting point is 00:51:54 party because you're on the straight and narrow, but... I can roll all night when I'm sober. Sober's fun. Oh, very fun. I agree. I can, I'm a,
Starting point is 00:52:06 just get some caffeine going and we'll be ready to rock. Brian, you coming? We'll see. That's a, that's a heavy no. I need five or 10 minutes with Brian and then I'll, and then I'll,
Starting point is 00:52:19 and then I'm sure he's coming. Both of you. Incredibly grateful for your coverage and support of the event. Way to blast. Thank you so much. Honestly, you guys crushed it. Brian,
Starting point is 00:52:30 thanks for being here. I didn't get the chance to argue on the floor. I was pulling tape up and running around, hugging people and you ran off. So thank you, dude. You're amazing. That's why I gave you a hug earlier today.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Make sure I got it in. I needed it. I needed it. I read about them. So thank you, dude in. I needed it. I needed it to write about them. Thank you, dude. You guys are awesome. Thank you. Good night, man. Thank you. I'll text you or bug you soon. I'll call you soon, Matt.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Love it. See you. Bye. That's a good dude. Were you there when rich uh when rich uh spoke up nope i was um it was pretty i was preparing for the upcoming four hours it was pretty authoritative uh i'm mad o'keefe i i don't remember how old he is but he's younger than me i know and i'm 49, because I remember when I asked him, I'm like, oh, he seems like such an adult to me.
Starting point is 00:53:32 One of the most fascinating fascinating, no, not the right word. One of the most exciting parts of the competition was the female elite teams. We didn't have a lot of expectation there, and then boom, we had it. Team Krieger and Mayfem coming down to the final event. Did you get to watch that?
Starting point is 00:53:47 And what are your thoughts? Yeah, for sure I got to watch that. I mean, they basically just traded the lead back and forth event for event for event. And ultimately, the difference in the two teams came down to the two worm events. Krieger got an event win on both the worm thruster and the worm clean and jerk workout and that ended up basically being the six points they needed to separate from mayfam it would have it actually worked out that coming into the finale whichever team won the finale would end up being your winner because if mayfam had won and krieger had even
Starting point is 00:54:25 taken second they would have tied on points but it would have been mayfam's fourth event win of the weekend to krieger's third instead krieger had four event wins mayhem had three mayfam had three so they won nearly every event um and you just don't get competitions like that that often where there's two teams that are or even two individuals that are so close so often. It was a little bit in terms of team competitions, reminiscent of the Wasatch and Mayhem teams in 2017. They were like finishing first and second on almost every workout. And, you know, I don't, I really, I actually kind of feel bad that we didn't give Alina Richter and Ingrid Hodnummer the credit that they deserved prior to the competition. And I made sure that throughout the competition, it was very well known, hopefully, that those two women took second place at the Games on CrossFit Oslo.
Starting point is 00:55:16 And, excuse me, kind of in the way that Andrew Nistler and Taylor Williamson had been chasing the mayhem teams when they were part of oc3 this oslo team was chasing their team mayhem this year at the games and here's when there's an opportunity for i know it's a different format and whatever but look they brought they brought in kristin holta andre and taylor brought in um hayley adams i think they finished within a couple places in the at the game so and uh man yeah they're super impressive and i i know of some a lot of teams that are going to be going in the team competition this upcoming season i think that it's going to be a really good team season for um crossfit uh caleb can you pop that open one more time oh yeah sorry yeah, sorry. So it's interesting you say that about those girls from Norway and about them being on the podium. By the way, the team in fifth is also three Norwegian girls.
Starting point is 00:56:12 The comeback team? Mm-hmm. So this Ingrid Hodenmeier and Lena Richter, when they won, I made a comment. Then I said, hey, this is probably the highlight of their CrossFit careers, being that they beat the Mayfam girls. And someone in the comments basically said, hey, dude, these girls have been on the podium at the games. And it was like what you're saying. At least you knew it. I didn't even know it.
Starting point is 00:56:35 I was just spouting off shit on autopilot playing Sportscaster. Yeah, it was something else. it was it was uh something else i i when when if i'm on the mayfam team i haven't actually looked at the numbers but there were eight events they competed in and i'm guessing you can they could go back and see that it's literally seconds that kept them off the podium like they can probably be like in workout number three if we would have gone one second faster and workout seven we would have gone two seconds faster we'd be on the podium. And yeah, it doesn't get tighter than that, right? Nope. It's amongst the closest races in the history of a high-level team competition.
Starting point is 00:57:14 I want to talk about a guy that caught my eye and see if it's worth letting him continue to entice me. His name is DeLugos. I think I heard you talk about him before. He was there with Con Porter and James Newberry. Is that, Sousa asked him if he's interested in teams and he emphatically said no,
Starting point is 00:57:38 he's individual. And then John Young said he has a 315 pound snatch. Is it, can I get on, I'm on the Taylor train. I'm on the Colton Mertens train. I'm on the Hopper train. Is DeLugos worthy of – is it worthy of getting on the DeLugos train? Let's have him on the show.
Starting point is 00:57:59 It gets to know him a little better. Well, what do you think? What about his abilities? I mean, he's an outlier. I mean, he's basically the – he's Col merton in his own in his own right right i mean he's a giant out there yeah yeah yeah yeah he's of he is i mean and he's got a nose he's got a nose ring i don't approve but he's got it but okay he's got a nose ring actually con told him he had to wear a fake nose ring this competition to be on the team
Starting point is 00:58:25 i want he worked out with daniel brandon i think in vegas and i want to know if they swap nose rings doesn't she have one of those uh you know i was standing next to her for a while today and i can't even tell you for sure you should stare at her face more often buddy she's not i was watching the competition for more than just a set of quads. Anyway, DeLugos, he's a young guy working very hard in an incredible training environment with a very knowledgeable and experienced coach. Seems like he's getting better. I feel like, you know, I was on a team, so it's not quite the same. But, yeah, he was very impressive in a lot of different regards this competition alongside those guys overall i would i was very impressed with their team and you know he'll he's almost guaranteed to be at a semi-final this upcoming
Starting point is 00:59:17 season and uh i would be very surprised if he doesn't improve upon his performance from last year oh my goodness oh my goodness uh ellie turner came in rocked the house did you get it and then and then had that third uh there wasn't a worse event to struggle on um she's basically was doing the handstand walk and uh right as she's about to cross the line she falls down and that's basically it for her she lost the whole whole kit and caboodle in that one in that one moment um two questions are we going to see more of her like is she going to stay at the top of the food chain and then the second question is is that a problem with those kind of workouts then these kind of workouts where um there's a you know
Starting point is 01:00:08 there's cuts within the workout and so that if you if you if you shit the bed early on that you're toast not toast right i mean look you still have i mean the same thing happened to bethany yeah but only 10 advanced to the final. And that means even if you don't make the final heat, there's another 27 women that you're hoping to place ahead of as many of them as possible. So that's one where you... Like we talked about with Bethany,
Starting point is 01:00:39 we could talk about it with Jason Hopper got a no rep on his handstand walk and was deserved. He came down before he put his hands across the line. And there were probably some other happened on the team side a few times. That's just something you have to learn to deal with. Sometimes it happens. And the best thing you can do is just keep going. Go to do the rep again and finish as fast as you can and see where the chips fall.
Starting point is 01:01:02 But there's nothing like, you know, you see her finishes there and that's obviously an outlier finish relative to the rest of them. And it's an executioner. She's 23 years old and she's going to make some of those and learn from it and hopefully not make those similar mistakes in the future. But this is a great weekend for her. Obviously people were talking about her for the first couple of days as she was a leader for the first three days of competition. And I am very hopeful for her career. I think that getting some more opportunity to interact in person with someone with as much experience as Michelle is going to be beneficial for her. So all in all, I think things are looking up for Ellie Turner. As I look through all of these lists,
Starting point is 01:01:48 I don't see anyone who didn't live up to... I don't see anything just completely weird. I mean, of course, you expect Rich always to win, but really, what were his chances against uh where'd they end up uh sixth are you sure 500 i'm not 100 oh sorry sorry let me reboot sorry sorry sorry sorry uh fifths pretty impressive uh come back they took second in that in that last workout wow um they have 605 points and for the boys had 770 points. I mean,
Starting point is 01:02:27 thunder from down under you, two former games, athletes, legit games, athletes, the boys, three legit games, athletes,
Starting point is 01:02:34 team Hercules, three legit games, athletes. I don't know who's on this team. Some Sarah Lamon. Oh, some Cerelo man. It's,
Starting point is 01:02:44 um, those are the guys that went online qualifier. Dennis Samp Sam Cerello, man. Those are the guys that went on the qualifier. Dennis Samsonov, Tyler Aguimon, and Philip Muscarella. Any games athletes in that group? No. Aguimon missed by one at the semifinals this year. So maybe Rich should be angry. I mean, the three teams above. Well, who are these
Starting point is 01:03:05 guys? These Sams. It sounds like some sort of disease. Samsonilla. What's the thing you get from eating raw eggs or something? Or eating raw chicken? Salmonella. Salmonella, yeah. Tyler, Igaman, Philip, Muscaria,
Starting point is 01:03:22 and Dennis Samsonov. It's a Russian last name. Any thoughts on these guys? They're impressive. I was really impressed. I kind of knew about some of their individual prowess. I didn't know how they would necessarily perform as a team.
Starting point is 01:03:43 But they're very fit. They worked well together. They seemed like they perform as a team. But they're very fit. They worked well together. They seemed like they were having a blast. And I'm happy they were part of the competition. Is Street Horner still – wait, was Street Horner on the Smith Bros team? Yeah. And him and Sam Dancer, are they training for the games? I spoke to Sam Dancer this year, or this weekend,
Starting point is 01:04:06 and he is intending to... I hope he's okay with me saying this. He's intending to... I think he's intending to compete in the Masters division this year. And is Street Horner still competitive? I did not get a chance to talk to Street this weekend. It's crazy that they did so well. I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:04:27 I mean, they have a lot of experience. All three of them have competed here in team format many times, and they're all very good. And I think they also kind of balance each other out a little bit. Sam Zappos is super strong. Alex kind of this...
Starting point is 01:04:44 These guys are all good. I'm not that surprised. Anything else you want to highlight? We made it an hour. My teeth are chattering because I'm so high on caffeine. We didn't even talk about the guys that won.
Starting point is 01:05:02 In particular, I think it was pretty cool for Noah probably to be able to win with Travis and Chandler or two of his closest friends in the 10th year that he's competed at every single one of these things. And, you know, they were having a blast. They were all over each other in the back. It'd be hard pressed to find someone who loves people more than Noah Olsen. So to be able to win with his friends on the 10th year anniversary or 10th celebration of Guadalupe is probably extremely special for him in ways that few people can understand. And, you know, they were, they were clearly the best team there, but it doesn't take anything away from the accomplishment and the fitness and the celebration is more than deserved for those three guys.
Starting point is 01:05:52 And along with kind of romanticizing this, Noah was repping Guido Trinidad's gym, P360, and he's the founder of Wadapalooza. And he's kind of the guy that got Noah into CrossFit when Noah was in college. So, yeah. That's right. I also feel good about the Team Hercules. Palooza and he's kind of the guy that got Noah into CrossFit when Noah was in college so yeah that's right I also feel good about the team Hercules you know Travis Williams semifinals was cut short this year Roy Gamboa I've always been a big fan of his and Logan Collins is very underrated I think in terms of his capacity and ability and accomplishments that I thought that I had ranked, I think I had predicted him to get second, but they were,
Starting point is 01:06:28 they didn't like stand out in any one or workout necessarily, but you see their performance. They're very consistent in a, you know, broad diversity of workouts. And this was a really good, good men's field. So all these top five,
Starting point is 01:06:40 six, seven, eight teams are full of talented guys at a lot of different points in their career. Any other winners you want to talk about? Are you coming on tomorrow morning? We've only covered four of the 50 divisions. So it looks like we've got a couple hours to go. Are you coming on tomorrow?
Starting point is 01:06:59 We're supposed to have Ricky Garrard at 7 a.m. tomorrow. Are you coming on for that? I cannot commit to that. I am also not saying that I won't be there. Fair enough. I think it's going to be short and sweet. I think Chase pretty much uncovered all the other stuff. The next 24 hours of my life are very unknown.
Starting point is 01:07:25 Oh, because you've got to travel and you don't know how you're getting there. It's cool. All right. Brian, thank you. Checks in the mail. You're a good dude. Great job this week. I have heard from many, many people about what you guys have been doing and how great it's been.
Starting point is 01:07:45 Oh, yeah. Let's take that off the air. You can stroke me when you're done stroking that guy behind you. Fuck, I thought we were off the air.

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