The Sevan Podcast - #283 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: January 31, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Walk with us. Connect to the land that connects us all. Grow with us. Come together and make space for each other.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Eat with us. Taste the many flavors of our cultures. Laugh with us. Smile. Joke. And bring each other joy. Come. Walk with us.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Indigenous Tourism Alberta. Bam. We're live. How would that look on a shirt? People are like, can i get a shirt that says bam we're live i'm like i can't i'm trying having trouble picturing that caleb doesn't have pants on so oh geez everyone just saw your underwear shit i wonder if my wife will call me back i forgot to print out my notes for the show can you guys hear me i can hear you yeah
Starting point is 00:01:22 yep we got the heat on everything's good got the phone number uh guys oh first before we get crazy hi matt hey caleb uh barbell okay that's a sponsor. There's a, thank you, If you need a job and you like barbells, go to Just go over there and take a look at least. Just be like, hey, oh, that's cool. That's what Zevon's always talking about. It doesn't cost you anything.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Well, a little electricity. That's not true. Nothing is free. The time you spend with your computer on and going over there to look will cost you money and some wear and tear on your keyboard. There's only so many strokes a keyboard can take. How come I can't hear myself? There I am. There it is. I'm drinking – oh, shit. I'm drinking this stuff called Page Street. Page Street? What's the name of this coffee I'm drinking? The notes. I, the notes. He needed the notes.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Sorry. Page Street Coffee. Paper Street Coffee? Oh, Paper Street. Paper Street Coffee. So did I tell this story yet about how the guy wants to sponsor the show? And I'm like, hey, I already drink good dudes. And he's like, hey, you can tell people my coffee sucks.
Starting point is 00:02:41 I don't care. And I'm like, oh, how the fuck am i supposed to say no to that he's like i just want to support the show so i've said okay can you send me out some coffee so i can start drinking it dude how is it god this is i feel like this is sacrilege saying this but um the beans look just like the good dudes beans they're like those little light brown ones and it smells crazy good and it it launches me it launches me it launches me yeah so they're not a sponsor yet no one don't get crazy and go over there and start spending money yet but i'm gonna drink like four or five bags of that shit wait till you give the official go ahead until then go to i can't tell if he's
Starting point is 00:03:24 figured me out and he's a master manipulator or if it's really true. Because when he says, I'm like, hey, dude, if I like good dudes better, I'm not going to be able to say good shit about your coffee. He's like, I don't care. He's like, I just want to support your show. He's like, I got another business where I'm making bucks. My coffee shit's my hobby. I'm like, oh, man. All right.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Send it over. He knows how to get it. Get it in front of you. Either he manipulated the fuck out of me or he's a good dude. Oh, I don't know. I think I already showed this, but I might as well show it again. We had Eli Crane as a guest on the show on the Josh and Matt and Sebon show. No, Matt doesn't do that show anymore.
Starting point is 00:04:06 God, we need another M name. Oh, you were maybe. were you on the show with eli crane susa uh i think i was i was doing the back end of it i might have had a kid we're gonna call it the josh matt and sebon show then because we had a man so this is this is the bottle breacher and uh this is basically a crazy bottle opener yeah it's pretty badass yeah and he sent it to me and it's a it's a real bullet but missing the bullet stuff the bang bang stuff yeah the bang bang stuff the stuff that kills anyway i don't know if i should leave it not do i do i keep the box oh yeah it came in oh you could do like all display with it man yeah it's a nice box but he and then i got this one too i got this um one in a wooden box this super breacher super bottle
Starting point is 00:04:52 i have two you know what i'm leaving them out i'm not putting them in the boxes yeah let them ride nice isn't that a trademark emblem right there isn't that like the punisher from yeah that's the punisher yeah can you do that i Punisher, yeah. Can he do that? I mean, they can do whatever the fuck they want. Like they spray paint that on their gear all the time. Yeah. I don't think anybody cares. And I'll give this box to my boys.
Starting point is 00:05:17 They'll absolutely love it. Is it weird that there's no comments that have come in yet? It makes me nervous because there's like a bunch of people watching. Maybe we have the comments turned off. yeah that is really weird usually the comments are just pouring in yeah who's watching that what so where's the crew yeah someone say something in the comments what the fuck is going on oh do i have comments turned off is this show public yeah it's public because there's i could see the count here unless those are people just logging on and we're not public yeah someone would have made a comment by now something oh there's there are tons of comments something is yeah i'm pulling it up on
Starting point is 00:05:56 my youtube and there's a bunch of people commenting something is we see something is a miss um hello i'm from fresno nora matosi no no that's a facebook one oh that is that's our only facebook listener same last name as me i wonder if she's related to me nah doubt it oh shit shit shit shit here we go did you isn't that like unlisted or something no but i just realized i forgot to invite the guest on that i didn't tell you about hold on here wait there's a surprise guest oh i didn't get anything email okay um i just got nervous when he said that my palms got sweaty
Starting point is 00:06:35 so there's a friend of mine that i met many years ago who is in ottawa and i asked him if he if i could ask him some questions about what's going on there ago who is in Ottawa and I asked him if I could ask him some questions about what's going on there. His name is Jay Nara. Should we have him on? Yeah. And then I want to talk to you about...
Starting point is 00:06:57 There's comments on the YouTube. Email sent. Okay, so I can't see the comments tonight. Oh, there they are. Oh. Oh. Oh, yeah, that's weird. Did you do something? Yeah, I changed it.
Starting point is 00:07:09 I looked at the YouTube settings, and I changed it. It was listed as private. Oh, shit. Really? So I just changed it to public. And now here they are. Oh, shit. That means all the people who originally logged into the show were just there from the email that went out. That's crazy. Wow.
Starting point is 00:07:36 That's kind of cool, actually. Oh, so you guys missed all my shit about the sponsor? I guess they'll hear it in the recording. No, because somebody said the coffee is free. That's a dildo. Wait, where is there a dildo? It's the bottle breacher, I think. Oh, it could be. It looks like something.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Dick butter. God. I think we would start blaming me get it together thanks thanks david hey the the the uh it's crazy that it's crazy i've been thinking more about that noble thing it's crazy that people think that they owe the athletes money like i was thinking about what would i do if i was an athlete and they were selling a shirt with my first of all not all the athletes like i think some of those athletes who are complaining they don't even make a shirt with your name on it so you wouldn't even make a dollar so you saw my comment i was pissed i was furious and it's like the people who complain about the people who fly in first class you know they're subsidizing the
Starting point is 00:08:40 flight right you you know those tickets are just stupid expensive and they're subsidizing the flight, right? You know those tickets are just stupid expensive, and they're subsidizing the flight for you fuckers backing coach. And I just think they think that – they don't realize that Noble puts on this enormous risk to do this, to print out the shirts, to put up money. So if you wanted money from those shirts, why wouldn't you maybe contact the people at noble and be like hey just offer up some value to it be like hey i'm gonna be at the games and i saw you're doing a shirt with my name on it let me know if you want me to come to your booth and sign some shirts for free i really appreciate the work you guys are doing supporting the sport have you thought about that i mean you guys are such whiny bitches it's crazy it's seriously you're as dumb as you are fit some of you i really mean that like with all sincerity your show thank you it is my show and from the dark we have jane era what's going on
Starting point is 00:09:37 guys how are you i'm pretty good can you hear me okay we can yeah we can we can barely see you are you a white man or a black man uh neither you don't have to answer that all right well shit how am i supposed to judge you then um uh you are in where they turn the power off in canada sorry i'm uh driving in my truck i don't have very good lighting in here it's perfect doesn't that even better mysterious um i know there is a uh a professional youtuber he used to be a professional arm wrestler now he's a professional youtuber called devin lorette and i was in canada filming with devin wow 10 years ago for the crossfit journal and And I met Jay Nera. He was a power lifter who was working out in the same dungeon that Devin was working in. And it was actually Jay was the first person ever to show me one of those weightlifting suits, weightlifting shirt.
Starting point is 00:10:42 And then also he's the first man I ever saw from a standing jump, uh, uh, jump onto the roof of a car from without running. I'd actually never seen anyone running to it, but he did it standing there. And now he's my source for information coming out of Canada. How's that for an introduction? Not bad. Not bad. What's your Instagram so we can put it on where your name is? So I have three Instagrams because they all get shadow banned, so I kind of juggle through them all. My main one is Jaynezy, J-A-Y-N-E-E-Z-Y 21002100.
Starting point is 00:11:22 That's my main account, but you got gotta type every single letter to the very end just for that to show on instagram my other one is j underscore nira underscore 3.0 that's my that's the one i see okay okay and then that's the one i use the least. And then there's my political page, which is PPC underscore strong underscore and underscore free. PPC strong and free. And you ran for office in Canada. Yeah, I ran for a member of parliament in the last federal elections. Was that hard? Was that scary? Not really, in the sense where I'm a pretty good public speaker.
Starting point is 00:12:09 I've done a lot of public speaking my whole life. So I'm very comfortable getting in front of crowds and I'm actually pretty good at riling them up. The hard part was the going door to door in the most liberal city in what I think all of North America probably. city in what I think all of North America, probably. Uh, I've had, I've had a lot of people in the same, in the same hour, I had some people call me a POC, a token POC for the people's party of Canada and a racist. Wow. Depends on the door I knocked on. that's crazy what happened what happened um what did so so did the did the did the democrats change as a party or did my perspective change what's happened i'm 49 years old what what when i was
Starting point is 00:12:56 when i was growing up they were the tree hugging peace loving support poor people and now they're now they're the lying racist party like what the fuck happened or were they always that and i wasn't aware like i had been indoctrinated i was brainwashed they've always been like that it's how far they push the overton window you guys familiar with that term no sir so the overton window is kind of like um what is acceptable within a society to discuss what political opinions and subjects are acceptable. There's, there's a very small window of what's acceptable. And then what you do is, so if we're talking about the United States, cause you guys, you guys are there,
Starting point is 00:13:34 it makes more sense is we can talk about like Alexandria Ocasio. She's an actress who's put in there to push the Overton window. She says the craziest stuff that no one would ever even think about saying right she's she's full globalist marxist like crazy stuff like universal basic income like she makes bernie look soft you know what i mean right and uh and she's racist to the core she gets away with some saying some of the most racist shit i've ever heard yeah well same with biden i can't believe what biden gets away with trump the the whole last few years okay sorry overton window okay sorry so you have someone and what they do is they they say the most extreme stuff so they pull that that window wide open and then what they accept is just is less than that
Starting point is 00:14:21 but now the the conversation got pulled that way yeah they're not afraid to and then what they do is on the other side they they cancel they demonize everyone who's trying to push other conversations for say like more conservative things like in canada right now everyone who is like a freedom lover is somehow called an anti-vaxxer and everyone who's an anti-vaxxer is considered a misogynist or a racist according to our prime minister that's insane so now what happens is if you're trying to have a freedom conversation because so many people do not critically think for themselves that labeling that grouping of labels and representation of people gets put in there so if someone says hey i'm a i love freedom i'm kind of against these lockdowns all of a sudden it's like oh
Starting point is 00:15:11 you're an anti-vaxxer and it goes as far as calling them a flat earther just like and it works the other way like if someone says a real liberal i'm thinking like a really overweight pale person with tons of facial piercings and green hair yeah right yeah we do that like both of us do that we group people we have this our minds have this tendency to to be very tribal and to make other to place other people into boxes as well yeah and another thing the when i think of the right i think of all the women is having fake tits and tons of botox in their face and being fake as fuck. Yeah. You're right.
Starting point is 00:15:47 So. Yeah. Goes both ways. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Fuck, man. It's fascinating.
Starting point is 00:15:57 It's like this whole thing specifically around race and this thing, the critical race theory and things like affirmative action. I'd be so much more happy if they just said what it was. So like, if you're going to, like, we're going to have Jorge Ventura on, uh, tomorrow night, he was supposed to be on tonight. And one of the things he was doing is he, in this, uh, documentary he made, it's called indoctrination nation. And one of the things that they did in there was there's a high school in, uh, Fairfax, Fairfax County, Virginia, and it's called Thomas Jefferson High School. And it was the best high school in the United States, best high school in the United States, public high school. And it was 70 percent Asian.
Starting point is 00:16:35 So what they say is, is that they're going to change the requirements to get in because they wanted less Asians in there. And I just wish that they would just admit it. Hey, we're going gonna do some racist shit like don't couch it as something else just be on hey we're gonna do some racist shit and block people for their race instead they're like those asian people are now white they started calling them white asians it's like dude like the the word fuckery that we're dealing with in the line is nuts it's same with the january 6th thing the january like relative we we had one town called ferguson where they did 700 million dollars worth of damage with fire and
Starting point is 00:17:15 all sorts of crazy shit we had a bunch of dudes storm our capital that's like no big deal at all that could have easily have been stopped that did 30 million dollars damage and it's called an insurrection like like somehow if they would have got the capital they'd still be running the country it's fucking nuts they show the dudes in there sitting on the floor talking on the cell phones with their wives like talking to the security guard he's like dude you guys got to go yeah excuse me guys this is this is a sacred place yes yeah it's like do dude, you guys got to go. Yeah. Excuse me, guys. This is a sacred place. Yes. Yeah. It's like, do you guys need medical? You're good.
Starting point is 00:17:47 OK, just checking. Oh, man. More people are like like 30 times more people are killed every weekend in Chicago than were killed at that Capitol riot. It's nuts. It's nuts. And then and then and then when you look up the transcript and you say you look and it says Trump says to march peacefully, the response is like, well, we know what he meant. You do. OK, so what is this thing? Is this this thing in Ottawa?
Starting point is 00:18:16 Those of us in the United States are getting pretty excited and we're seeing like the same playbook that we see here in the United States. Anytime anyone stands up for their freedoms, they're calling them white supremacists. the same playbook that we see here in the United States. Anytime anyone stands up for their freedoms, they're calling them white supremacists. They're saying all this crazy, crazy shit. Um, what is going on there and how close are you to it?
Starting point is 00:18:32 And have you seen it? Uh, so I, I just came from there. That's why I'm in my truck, uh, from the city of Ottawa, from the city of Ottawa.
Starting point is 00:18:39 I was there. I've been there. I've been there Friday night. So the pre kind of just when some of them were rolling in, I was there. I've been there. I've been there Friday night. So the pre kind of just when some of them were rolling in, I was there all day Saturday. And then I just went back tonight to see what was going on. And there's still tons of people there. There's tons of trucks. They have been barricaded out of the city.
Starting point is 00:18:56 So there are a lot of convoys sitting in the outskirts of the city. There are like one of our parkways is just filled with trucks, but it's far from downtown. And I wouldn't even say far. It's just another like seven or eight minutes from downtown. They block some bridges from Quebec, one of the provinces, so people couldn't get in. So there's a lot of trucks that are nearby,
Starting point is 00:19:18 like thousands and thousands and thousands of them, but they can't get downtown. And then downtown, what they've done, they've taken a lot of big snowplow uh trucks and well like construction vehicles more like it and uh they've blocked many of the streets so it's not nearly as it's not nearly as packed with trucks as it could be it's kind of funny they block the streets to block the people from blocking the streets. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:48 That is funny. We'll block it first. We'll block it first. Have you seen any violence? I haven't seen any. We've seen like one. There's one picture of the agent provocateur going around with a Confederate flag. I did see that guy yeah and then we saw another one with a nazi flag um which was kind of weird because
Starting point is 00:20:11 it was on the same pole as a don't tread on me flag which like that doesn't like you know what i mean guys yeah that just doesn't make sense very opposite ideas yeah so so that was kind of weird but um we've seen that. And then I actually got a message about 10 minutes ago that there's a situation that looks like it might light up in one part of downtown where there's a lot of what seems to be fake protesters and agent provocateurs. And I got a lot of pictures of all the cops starting to surround the place. So maybe something's going to happen. A couple of my friends are going to check it out right now. so i'll probably find out more on that in a little bit what what is the like if someone were to ask me and i'm not open to being told i'm totally wrong if someone
Starting point is 00:20:56 asked me like what's going on in this country i would say i would say that half the – well, let me throw this in there. Oh, hold on. It's my wife. Hi. Hi. Can you turn the printer on? I forgot to print my notes, and then I'll print them from here. Just turn the printer on, and I'll print my notes in a minute. I mean I have them here digitally. I just would like them on paper. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Thank you. have them here digitally i just would like them on paper okay thank you and and and look beautiful when i'm done with the pod look beautiful when i'm done with the podcast so when i come in there i'm aroused please thank you okay love you bye all right so um uh we weren't live were we so so we had we had a guy on from canada the other day and he basically said that 92 of your country is vaccinated but that 50 of the people basically don't want it to be mandated and the other 50% do. And so that basically 40% of the people who are vaccinated or 50%, whatever the numbers are, realize that they got it for themselves. He also said some other stuff that just wasn't true, but that's fine. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:22:10 In our country, we've known since the beginning that Dr. Fauci and the WHO said best case scenario, this thing stops you from dying and stops spread. But we're pretty sure it doesn't stop spread, but it can maybe mitigate death. And they've been – I feel like they've been honest about it the whole time, but just people just haven't been listening, right? I mean somewhat honest. And that's what's crazy. Like people are shocked that they took the shot and that they they're still getting it like they've known that all along and that's why some concepts like herd immunity and whatnot were impossible and so if i if i what we're going through in this country is we're going through a massive coercion
Starting point is 00:22:41 um coercion it's not quite as bad as what I'm seeing in your country. What I'm seeing in your country is I'm pretty sure I saw your president say that if you don't get the injection, it's racist people who aren't getting the injection. Did you hear him say that, that Trudeau dude? Yeah, he went on it. It was in Quebec, so it was in French. So maybe he thought he could get away with it with the rest of Canada. But he pretty much said that the unvaccinated are the problem and that they are primarily racist and misogynists. And then at the end of like his little rant, he says something along the lines of we have to consider whether or not we should tolerate these people. Yeah. And then I heard that I saw some some other video where they're teaching kids
Starting point is 00:23:25 in canada that people who aren't vaccinated should go to jail yes yeah and that so and some people looked into that and the kids who were saying that were actors and actresses wow listen look at this he wow oh then he what a nasty crew of those anti-vaxxers out of mercy i presume the righteous justin trudeau didn't throw in the rest of the story that most anti-vaxxers have a big unsightly lumps on the back of their heads using kittens as doorstops and gas don't recycle. Should we tolerate them, he asked. Holy shit. Holy shit. holy shit hey is he does he know that he's he's a bad person and and when you said aoc they put her
Starting point is 00:24:12 in as an actor you think that like you like i've never even thought of it like that oh she's an actress yeah she's she's pretty much admitted admitted that there's uh there's stuff there's stuff out there you can find it that's not just wackadoodle conspiracy shit that. There's stuff out there. You can find it. That's not just wackadoodle conspiracy shit? No, no. There's stuff out there. I can't remember the wording she used, but she says something along the lines of how she was chosen to do this,
Starting point is 00:24:37 to act her part. She says it. I've seen the videos before. Sounds crazy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It sounds fucking nuts. It sounds nuts. And does this guy know,
Starting point is 00:24:49 does this guy Trudeau know that he's behaving like a fucking Nazi segregationist? I don't use that term lightly. Does he know that he's like these things, like how inflammatory they are? Or does he think he's doing, you don't think he knows? Of course he does.
Starting point is 00:25:01 I think Justin Trudeau is much smarter than people think he is. And he just plays a dummy very well. He plays like a dumb drama teacher very well. He is. So I think one thing that a lot of people just need to acknowledge right off the bat is Justin Trudeau in September 2020 did say this pandemic presents an opportunity for us to take advantage. Sorry, it's an opportunity for us to push the pre-pandemic agenda for 2030. Okay, so we saw about the 2030 agenda says, let's use this pandemic. Our Minister of Finance, Krista Freeland
Starting point is 00:25:41 is one of the board members of the world economic forum who wrote the book the great reset and the book the covid great reset and they do davos right you're responsible for agenda 2030 so that's our minister of finance um so we have that and then on on uh tv recently not tv but you know you can find a video of it that was released recently. It wasn't in our mainstream media is what I'm getting at. Klaus Schwab, the director of the World Economic Forum, recently said he's very proud of Justin Trudeau. And he was bragging about having more than half of his cabinet. So he has more than half of his cabinet on board.
Starting point is 00:26:22 And then if you go to through our government website, so if you type Agenda 2030, then there's a PDF document. It's 45 pages, which is Canada's version of Agenda 2030. So when people are looking at this whole thing with this myopic view that this is about COVID, that alone is a big problem because covid is just an introduction it's just the first chapter of a long story which is agenda 2030 the great reset davos agenda 2050 and the thing is like people can say conspiracy theory all they want at this point but it's it's it's not covert it's not overt it's blatantly it's
Starting point is 00:27:06 blatantly out there it's in our faces yeah like so for people to just not acknowledge it to me is pretty ridiculous it's literally like sticking your head in the sand and ignoring it and like ignoring it like as in like ignorant in the truest sense of ignoring as opposed to being nescient. It's scary. It's scary, Jay. Yeah. And Canada, Canada is full, full of people who just are too uncomfortable to acknowledge that, you know what, maybe the government isn't this beautiful, wonderful entity that's there to do everything for me. Right. They, they literally, there's so many people I've talked to,
Starting point is 00:27:47 like, what do you mean our government is doing this to us? Right? It doesn't even matter. Like, name me a government that hasn't taken advantage of a crisis. We had a Canadian on the other day, and he said something that was such a red flag to me. He goes, well, they're like parents that just went too far. And I'm like, ooh, God. me he goes well they're like parents that just went too far and i'm like oh god that yeah they're like parents that went too far hey uh it's it's scary it's hard to acknowledge you're you're freaking me out now when you say it but i do realize it because i speak
Starting point is 00:28:20 to people every day who look at the world through a paper towel roll and they just refuse to pull it down and see the big picture yeah and it's crazy because they as long as you can tell yourself some crazy truths if you look at the world my optically as you said yeah and i think i think part of the problem is i don't think people realize how much indoctrination we are all under not like our kids not us even our parents how much we have been indoctrination we are all under, not like our kids, not us, even our parents, how much we have been indoctrinated. Like if I were to ask you right now, what is the purpose of the law? I don't know how well all you guys could answer that. And that's something we should all be able to answer. And because the majority of people can't answer that, what happens is everywhere we look is a perversion of the law and the purpose of the law.
Starting point is 00:29:05 What is the purpose of the law? It's funny you say that because I actually am starting to hear this conversation and that makes me happy. I'm starting to hear the conversation of elected officials re-emphasizing that they're public servants, that they're to serve us. But what is the purpose of the law? Yeah, let's take it all back. Let's strip away. Let's say, should we even have a government and why? people are going to say well we need a government for laws because the government would be a monopoly of force as opposed to having like competing governments competing police forces we say let's just have one okay so it's a monopoly of force is what you're doing when you're creating a government so why do we need Well, we need it to enforce the law, right? That's why there has to be a monopoly of force.
Starting point is 00:29:47 It's to enforce laws. And why do we need laws? So that things are safe. So that we're safe. Sorry, go ahead. Right, exactly. So why do we need laws? Well, when people were thinking about, you know, forming governments, why do we need
Starting point is 00:30:01 laws? They're not saying, oh, we need a law to create a policy so that people need licenses to sell alcohol like no that's not what anyone was thinking it was we need a law so that you know savan can't take all of caleb's money he can't walk over to his house hold him at gunpoint and take all of his stuff, right? Or that he can't just shoot him or that he can't hold him hostage and keep him from doing things or coerce him into making decisions he doesn't want to make. So what we're really talking about is, and it's in the American constitution is life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and private property, those types of things, right?
Starting point is 00:30:41 So your person, which is, you know, your physical being, your private property, things that you've created, you know, the fruits of your efforts, and your pursuit of happiness. Okay, those are the three things. And every single one of those things depends on the other. Like your person, if I shoot your person, well, you can't enjoy your private property, and you can't live, make the choices you would have made otherwise. Right. And if you have private property and a healthy body, a healthy person, but I coerce you from exercising your reason and making your own choices, being an individual, then you still
Starting point is 00:31:20 don't have freedom. Right. So all of those things depend, it's, they depend on one another and what those really are. And this is where it starts getting interesting. And this is like me bringing out my own touch philosophically is please that's, that's your past, present, and future. Your past is your private property. Your present is your person and your future is your pursuit of happiness. Oh, I like that. So what you do with your person, the things, like when you create something, that's your private property. Like, would you spend a day or, you know, a year to build your own house?
Starting point is 00:31:57 And then you build the house and then someone just comes and takes it? Right. You wouldn't have built the house in the first place, right? right but you wouldn't have built the house in the first place right and then what's the point in having this house or having your your person if you can't choose what to do with your own house like let's say you wanted to put a basketball net for your kids in front and everyone's like no you can't it's like well it's my house you know like so it's it's protecting all three of those things is the purpose of the government and a lot of people just never like, this is the thing we should have been taught in like maybe grade four,
Starting point is 00:32:30 grade five. Yes. But we weren't like, I didn't even learn this until maybe like six or seven years ago when I started reading Friedrich, Frederick Bastiat. Okay. He's a,
Starting point is 00:32:40 a French, French philosopher, French economist. Sorry. Hey, it's, it's really cool, by the way. It could be a whole other episode that you put happy as the future because happiness is really unattainable. What it is is it's a byproduct of what you do in the present. Anyway, I just really like how you put it out there like that.
Starting point is 00:33:01 It is the ultimate carrot. liked it how you put it out there like that it is the ultimate carrot i'm not saying you shouldn't pursue happiness but you should pursue something in the present and then you will the the byproduct will be happiness and it also touches home with me too because the new leadership of crossfit has put happiness is one of the goals of crossfit and it's fucking insane it just shows like they've completely lost their way from when greg glassman just had metrics and science and now it's gone to fucking woke woke ism okay sorry sorry i didn't mean to throw you off jay it's all good so so yeah so that that's ultimately what the purpose of the lies and those things those three things all you have to do to protect like if the four of us live in
Starting point is 00:33:39 our own village all we have to do to support everyone else's like private property person and pursuit of happiness is leave the other person alone yeah yeah yeah and if you're not leaving yes exactly exactly so there's so that's what you call negative rights um the law is so that when i'm working in the field you don't come to my house and rape my wife exactly yeah and take yeah take it take everything i own and yeah it's not to tell me that, um, uh, uh, how many horses I can keep on my property. Right. Yeah. It's crazy. And they, what they've done is, is they've expanded that definition of safety now, which is just fascinating me to force people to take drugs.
Starting point is 00:34:20 When I was in college, I wrote this paper just for myself. And it was called the theory of everything. And I had been, I'd been reading, I actually had gone to, I had read a couple of Stephen Hawking's books and then I had actually gone to Cambridge or Oxford, wherever he was on an exchange, not even exchange program. I just went to the university of London for six months to go to school. And I went to where Hawking was. I thought I was going to get to meet him, but he was gone. I actually that's not the truth. The truth is, we need to simplify things to get, to get to, to make our lives better. We need to, we need to reduce things. I'm going to have trouble connecting these bear with me here, but basically we have a society that thinks that like you can take pills, you can take vitamin C,
Starting point is 00:35:23 you can take vitamin D, can take vitamin d you can get your insulin you can um get fake titties put in you could like they're they're looking to just keep adding things and that's not that's not add laws add laws more laws more laws pile in more laws and that is not where that is not where this um this ideal life is the ideal life is quite the opposite it's to get rid of things it's to stop eating cookies it's to find happiness inside without getting a botox injection it's to accept what who you are and what you have and it's just this it's going in this complete opposite direction and and it's uh and what's in and it's going too far. Well, it's like, what was the term you used that AOC is doing? What'd you call it? Oh, pushing the Overton window.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Yeah, the Overton window. But it's scary. What you're saying is that's the plan. The plan is to push things too far, to push out 30 feet and then come back just 10 feet, and they still got 20 feet on us. Yeah, and what you're actually describing is the Hegelian dialectic as well, right? Yes, yes, the Hegelian dialectic. Yes, yes, the Hegelian dialectic. You've got a problem, and then you provide a solution, and the solution is just completely out there. So then you find a synthesis between the two, and then people accept it.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Then you find a synthesis between the two and then people accept it. But what they accepted is something that they never would have accepted before the crisis and the ridiculous solution were proposed. Yeah. It's I heard someone from the I think it was from the UK say, well, at least things are good now. At least now we can go outside. I'm like, what? Yeah. What? How that works.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Yep. yeah that's how that works yep they injected all your children with a fucking experimental drug and you're saying at least we can go outside yep i saw i saw i was at i was at the beach today and i saw a child who who you was a dear friend of my son he was a boy he we were at the beach and the boy walks up and he's with his mom and his sister and the mom and sister aren't masked and the boy walks up and he's with his mom and his sister. And the mom and sister aren't masked and the boy is masked. He's six months older than my son. He's seven and a half.
Starting point is 00:37:30 And usually when the boy would see my son, he would get so excited. And he was like a zombie. And I tried to say hi to him. He wouldn't make eye contact with me. It was fucking bizarre. And I'm like, I'm the whole time thinking, oh, my God, did the mask, wearing a mask for the last two years ruin this boy my son's trying to talk to him the kid won't say hi he's all jacked up so jay from wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second stephanie christina savon savon you just said Craig Ritchie is living the dream because his girlfriend just got fake boobs.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Disgusting. That may have been facetious. I want to say congratulations to Craig Ritchie, by the way. I think he just won. I just keep seeing he's a British champion. I don't know what he did. It's Olympic weightlifting. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:20 I promise you Jay Vera can power snatch and press more than whatever he fucking, uh, whatever he, and if you don't believe me, go to his, go to his Instagram. Did I call you Jay Vera? I know a Jay Vera, Jay Nera, Nera. Jay, from your, from your perspective, who does the, what, who does the great reset benefit the most? Like, it's not like a, it's not one group of people and it kind of depends how far down the rabbit holes you go. If I were to say how far down the rabbit holes I am, you guys would think I'm absolutely insane.
Starting point is 00:38:53 So I'm going to, I'm going to keep away from it, but we'll just say like, there's a very large people, right? Jay, they're just people, just a very large group of people who already have a lot of control and want
Starting point is 00:39:04 to maintain control. And one of the things on their agenda is also to depopulate society. I'll just say, but they're just people. They're just people. What do you mean? Like, like,
Starting point is 00:39:17 like you're far down the rabbit hole. They're not, they're not aliens. They're, they're human beings like me and you. Fine. Alien. Are they extraterrestrials or aliens? they're not aliens. They're human beings like me and you. Fine alien. Are they extraterrestrials or aliens? And what's extraterrestrial being extraterritorial?
Starting point is 00:39:33 No, I mean, are they? Like there's a Taoist saying there are no demons here. It's just people. I assume they're people. But at this point, I'm open to a lot of crazy things. Okay, right. But I'll just leave it at it. If we were to say it, I'd just say all of the interests that are there with Vanguard and BlackRock is the great place for people to start.
Starting point is 00:39:56 And then if they go further down the rabbit holes from there, that's up to them. Right. But Vanguard and BlackRock have pretty much this whole world under control right now and yeah i got all my i got all my money in vanguard you will own nothing and like it and be happy yeah is that uh i've heard that you'll own nothing and be happy yeah that's part of the great reset which is just global communism global marxism when you think about it well yeah yeah yeah exactly so and is blm all part of that too they are a i wouldn't say they necessarily agree with it they're just kind of like a an arm of it they're like a a tool yeah i think a tool is a
Starting point is 00:40:39 better word antifa blm they're just like little devices that they use to disrupt things to help them push narrative which helps push the the bigger thing which is kind of what you're seeing in canada where they don't like a peaceful unity of people is the only thing that could really take this down so if you implant a few of those tools like you were saying to cause disruption it could feed into the narrative that the media is sending out there so then therefore people go oh let's see the media was true it is a bunch of races they are just out for destruction yeah so so what's happened right now is everywhere around the world these massive uprisings are happening but a lot of them are getting media blackouts and some of them are even getting complete internet blackouts like kazakhstan had an internet blackout uh i think a little bit
Starting point is 00:41:25 of australia had an internet blackout for a little bit some pockets but uh they just really didn't want to seeing what was happening and the media just completely ignores a lot of the protests that are going on or they downplay them by like 90 you know oh we have 500 people here when maybe like you know 10 000 showed up so it's great it's interesting what you're saying too none of this is a secret it's not like anyone can just go find this stuff like you can you can like when they said that um and this is actually one of the things that flipped the script on me when they started saying that trump was a racist and they said a bunch of stuff about mexicans i'm'm like, really? And I started looking it up and I realized, no, actually he didn't say what they were saying,
Starting point is 00:42:08 he said. And then when I saw that, then the Capitol riot thing, the January 6th that they made, they said that he told them to go storm the Capitol. And then I went and looked and he said, no, go peacefully. And I started just seeing lie after lie after lie. And I'm like, oh, wow. Like, it doesn't even matter what the truth, – the truth is just right there in front of us. And then Matt just said it too. That was fantastic the way he said that, Matt. They don't want peace. The only way to stop these people is through peaceful protest.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Peaceful protest puts a stop to them, and they don't want it. That's why they put in those bad actors. Hey, are they going to get Joe Rogan? I don't want it that's why they put in those bad actors hey are they gonna are they gonna get joe rogan i don't know i i don't even know i don't even know how i feel about joe rogan to be honest i'm i'm very deep into the like right hybrid warfare kind of stuff i'm i'm writing a like that like the psyop shit yeah i'm actually writing a book called determination of truth which i'm about 70 000 words into now and i cover a lot of like you know social engineering and psychological considerations for this and uh i i'm very i think that these people have been planning these things for a very long time and they're much more strategic and much more ubiquitous than we think.
Starting point is 00:43:33 And there are certain people that they tell to voice up at certain times to try to maintain credibility. I mean, Joe Rogan wasn't saying stuff a year ago when a lot of crazy stuff was happening. Right, right, right. I mean, he was a Bernie guy. Yeah. He endorsed Bernie. Yeah, so my rule right now, like one thing that i've been like tweeting and posting a lot is anyone who hasn't
Starting point is 00:43:50 spoken up all year but has been speaking up within the last two months really take a look at and don't trust don't trust them wow don't trust them at all wow yeah we have a canadian politician right now he's a conservative and he's yelling about freedom, this, that, and the other. Ever since the trucker convoy got big. And he's been silent about freedom for the last two years. My mom was a nurse and she got fired because she didn't want to take the jab. Yeah, but Jay, we were talking about it. People have to eventually...
Starting point is 00:44:22 What was the original thing we called? The Winderton? What was that called? Overton Window. Overton Window. The Overton Window. Eventually, what was the original thing we called the window? Winterton, what was that called? Overton window. Overton window. The Overton window. There are people that are going to flip the script when you push too far, right? Like, for instance, like I might have not been talking up since like I may have just gone along with this, except that I could never put a mask on my kids. So from day one, I'm like, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:44:42 I ain't doing that. But what about people like you and i were speaking about a mutual friend today that we've seen finally come out and be vocal um what have why just the last two months doesn't that make it so we're not giving room to people to to wake up yeah i was more specifically talking about people who are authority figures and okay and leaders in society i understand that some people have to put like food on the table and you know they're trying to do other things but i'm talking about politicians uh like major ceos of corporations people people whose impact can't like whose words
Starting point is 00:45:19 are so impactful that for them to be silent is very, very, I can't even think of the word, just suspect. Right. Yeah. It's a, I think there was a, there was definitely a time when I was like, wow,
Starting point is 00:45:37 Rogan knows, like he has to know, like he was, he was dancing around the idea that he knew that only unhealthy people were dying from this, that basically we were seeing a chronic disease tsunami and that it was a complete betrayal of himself and denial to be like – to not see that. I mean it was so fucking – it's been so obvious since day one, so obvious. And then all of a sudden he flipped the script, and he was like – he started saying, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:03 And then he said that the young men shouldn't take the vaccine. And it's like, I just saw him walking it back. It's been, it's been more than two months. And the same with Russell Brand. I saw him flip the script. And the reason why I kind of, and I hear you, I'm open to the fact that, that maybe they're actors, but, and I appreciate you being patient with me. I know that you're showing a lot of restraint that you've thought a lot of stuff through already. Um, is that, um, it's, it's hard to make the shift. Like I was, I consider myself a very awake person and yet, um, you know, I was raised to be a Democrat. Right. And I didn't realize when you live, when you live in a world of duality it's it's it's hard it's hard to like you know and now a lot of people are like hey sebon be careful just because you're
Starting point is 00:46:52 dumping the democrats don't jump over to the republicans and that's kind of like what you're saying like hey be careful it's a game so the whole thing is the whole thing is is a whole don't see it as parts that That's what they want to see. Yeah, one of the things I've heard was like, they say, hey, there's a Democrat. Listen to this guy. Hey, there's the conservative. Listen to this guy.
Starting point is 00:47:11 I'm on this side. I'm on this side. And then somebody stops and goes, wait, who's that guy in the middle? Controlling both the puppets. Yeah. Yeah. I think something too is like some people,
Starting point is 00:47:26 it's also a question of like what they think of the media, their perception of the media. And I think it was Mark Twain had a quote along the lines of like, when you're thinking the same thing as the majority, it's time to stop, you know, take a step back and really, really think some more because it means you're probably not thinking. So I think that that comes naturally to some people. Like there's some people like. I don't like authority. I've never really had a job other than teaching English in Japan. I've not answered to anyone. I've always been self than me or gonna make me better, I have a hard time
Starting point is 00:48:05 listening. Right. I'll question, I'll say why, why, why? And a lot of people don't like that. So I think some people have that innately and some people don't, the people that don't have that innately, sometimes they need something big to happen. So I can, I can see where you're coming from. Maybe Rogan kind of needs it. of needed but i mean how much how many hundreds of millions of dollars is that guy making like what there's a there's got to be a certain point i'm not i don't know if i can swear on here so the fu money yeah you can you can swear all you want yeah but i mean like he's had fuck you money for a long time now right so it's not like he needed to pander to spotify or whatever right you know it's like okay well i'm gonna say this because i think
Starting point is 00:48:44 it's true and i'm not here to be a liar i'm not here to be a puppet so he could have done that a long time ago so i just don't know either either he is a puppet or he's or he's a coward he's trying to play safe i don't know i just know that the information like as we're all saying, it's not new. I mean, like, we know that the four comorbidities thing has been out there for well over 14, 16 months now. Joe has just started to see the BS and is starting to speak up just like Sevan. I'm not just starting to speak up. I've been speaking up for two years.
Starting point is 00:49:20 I never, I never, ever fell for it. I want to be super duper clear my wife was like well you believed it for a second no i never believed it for a second because i can do third grade math never i knew it was the comical joe's just started to see the bs and it started to speak up just like seven or many others i hate to say it but this guy sounds like he still thinks trump is secretly present present he hasn't said anything about Trump. What is this guy? What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:49:47 How did that guy make that leap? You sound like you're smoking crack. I hate to say it, but this guy sounds like... Does anyone think Trump is still president? Is that... Jay, do you think Trump is still president? It's actually funny that he says that because it's quite the opposite. We're talking about...
Starting point is 00:50:03 I'm slowly kind of talking about things like controlled opposition and such like that. And I would actually venture to say that, you know, just like we're saying, you know, two wings of the same bird while Trump's just another wing of the same bird. What ethnicity are you?
Starting point is 00:50:20 Yeah. My father's Filipino. My mother's native and Irish. Native meaning native canadian those are what we call eskimos no uh no iroquois mohawk and metis so metis like french canadian mixed why'd you guys laugh are you not is eskimos like no you can't say that word anymore it's just funny it just sounds funny i don't know eskimos are the guys who are really far north i just figured like if you lived like below the border you're
Starting point is 00:50:50 indian feather not dot and then if you lived above that imaginary line you were asking that's just how i saw it no eskimos are more like even further north yeah yeah way up there all right fine you're you're big uh yeah well i'm not as big as not as big as i used to be but yeah i was sitting around like what how are you how are you but you're tall too like like You're a big man. Tell me what you are. Irish, not big. Yeah, you're giant. God, you have amazing burpees too, by the way. I love your burpees. You're so explosive off the ground.
Starting point is 00:51:33 That's all I do now is tons of burpees. Really? Yeah, that was 585 for a set of 10 with no belt, what you were showing. Damn. What steel plates it looked like i had one big bumper in the middle so i could drop so i could drop it if i needed to yeah i like that steel plates it's kind of like fuck you yeah yeah yeah these are isn't that oh yeah this is a beautiful video too i showed my son this he got all excited this is old right yeah it's old i do these all the time
Starting point is 00:52:05 big fan of burpees now well triple pump burpees yeah doing with single push-up burpees are just too exhausting for me um have you had covid yet i don't know it's a funny question because i really don't know there's four three or four instances where i might have had it uh one of my doctors thinks i had it uh january 2020 right before it hit because i had a really nasty cough that wouldn't go away it's having trouble breathing and he eventually gave me a zithromax or zithromycin and then it finally started to get better and uh it passed through tons of people in my family yeah and um and for everyone it didn't help until we got the zithromax uh the guy who gave it to me you know he had it his girlfriend had it his
Starting point is 00:52:52 girlfriend's roommate had it and everyone it didn't help till the zithromax so we're not sure if it was a lung infection or if it was covid we didn't lose none of us lost uh taste and smell and then i've had a really bad cough again the next christmas and then in april last year i had a cough with a little bit of an achy body and i lost my sense of smell and taste for about two weeks but i felt fine like the achiness went away you did you did lose your um you did lose your taste and smell yeah it was hilarious i was like spraying cologne like directly on my head. Did you lose a shitload of weight? No, I just didn't work out for a couple days.
Starting point is 00:53:32 My wife lost her taste and smell and she said like it was great. She just didn't want to eat anymore. And I thought, wow, that should be the fucking diet pill. You eat a pill that fucking makes your smell and taste go away for a week and you just don't want to eat. It works. Yeah, fuck. Someone should come. If someone runs with that idea, Pfizer runs with that idea.
Starting point is 00:53:55 Can I get just one percent of one percent? Please. I just think that that would be brilliant. Have you seen the video that Scott Atlas just put up? No. Do you know who that is? He's one of the doctors that Trump liked, I believe, right? Yeah, but didn't listen to.
Starting point is 00:54:15 Trump didn't listen to him. Okay. And he just did a lecture at a college recently. He's amazing. Could you pull that up, Caleb, for a second? Just type in Scott Atlas videos and look for the one that was published on January 8th. That one. There it is. Hillsdale College. If you get it's SARS to pandemic, will truth prevail? There's some fascinating. It's all numbers. It's just a giant hour and 30 minutes of numbers.
Starting point is 00:54:41 I'm sure you'll love it, but it's a great video i highly highly recommend it for anyone on on either side he's just laying out the whole um the numbers game and and one of the things in there that really stood out to me so i had heard before that you could take a you could give a college students a critical thinking exam and then give it to them four years later and the only major where people's critical thinking has increased is economics which makes sense because economists are really really um in pursuit of the truth right because they're trying to is there a animal trying to get in your car i was just rolling down the windows because it's getting warm um uh sound like kujo is outside
Starting point is 00:55:24 which which makes sense because economists economists are always looking for the truth right like they know which tires are the best for the car that lead to the lowest insurance rates that lead to the fewest deaths i mean they they're just trying to make more money they they know that people who eat apples instead of twinkies they they have the the monetary proof by looking at their insurance policies that it's healthier that that the apple is healthier. You don't need any more science than that. The people who eat like this food use less health insurance.
Starting point is 00:56:10 I just showed you the video. He says that economists know that the quickest way to hurt a population and increase the death toll is to put them under monetary distress. So anytime you close down businesses, people start dying. Anytime you do anything to hurt a community as a whole through economics, like reduce the amount of money that they have, more people will start to die which makes perfect sense right stress levels skyrocket people don't have access to better shit they buy cheaper shit eat worse and i just thought that that was fascinating and he's basically says there's no amount of deaths and he shows the numbers and explains it basically from covid that would ever match the the the deaths that will be caused by the economic disaster and and the lecture just goes on and on basically no kids have died and just all that shit right yeah i so i actually took that's what i took to school was economics ah yeah yeah economics and psychology so happiness and flourishing and flourishing and production like flourishing
Starting point is 00:56:58 production kind of being the same thing but they go hand in hand and just like you're saying all metrics move in that direction and uh yeah that's you're saying, all metrics move in that direction. And yeah, you're absolutely bang on with that. Another thing he says, which is so obvious to me, and I walk the walk. I don't wear a mask. I don't wash my hands anymore than I ever did. I don't fucking believe in the injection. I don't do – I take zero precautions. Um, and I come on here on my podcast and I post on my Instagram, but, but the truth is, is that I can afford to do it. The truth is that I can afford
Starting point is 00:57:35 to say, fuck you. And, and I realized a lot of people can't say, fuck you. And this last two years is only hurting poor people. Those of us who have – not that I have a lot of money, but those of us who have an income coming in from things like a rental property, a website where people buy coffee, none of those people are hurting. None of those – and so none of those people have have a none of those people have an incentive to stand up mine's just i'll call it like it is i have a fucking outstanding moral integrity and i have no choice but to stand up because i have three boys yeah and and the thing is most people in my position would never fucking stand up this thing fucking doesn't affect me i'm living the dream and in canada in canada so he increased some money supply by close to 20 in 2020 which is like crazy like one-fifth right so and how do they do that just print a shitload of money pretty much like i just create all these programs and policies to help to help everyone out
Starting point is 00:58:41 like we'll help help basically to create dependent dependent people because they're telling you don't have to work, but we'll pay you. You can close your businesses, but we'll help subsidize some things. But you have to listen to what we say and do what we say in the future if you want to keep getting this help. But they printed all this money.
Starting point is 00:58:59 And a lot of the time when you print all this money and you give it to people, the people who spend it first get that dollar value at the current purchasing power. But then as that money circulates in society, then the money supply, the true money supply starts to show. So try and like make it like really like basic. But let's say you have like a single commodity economy and it's like apples or something. The apples, let's just use apples. You have a hundred apples and a hundred dollars. Okay. So right there, a hundred, a hundred, $1 an apple. The idea with, you know, stimulating the economy
Starting point is 00:59:35 is usually that, you know, let's say we put 20 more dollars into the economy and we give it to the people who are creating apples is it's going to help them use their unused capacity so that they can produce apples better or maybe you make oranges and then you have a two commodity society but we'll stick with the one commodity so now all of a sudden they found a better way or they had a factory that was sitting there that wasn't being used to make applesauce and now they have a second factory so now they're making twice as many apples right and now apples are going to cost 50 cents yeah yeah i'm with you that's that's the stimulation that's that's like when it's a good time to stimulate the economy but what they've done across like the world pretty much is they do all this stuff they print all this money to help
Starting point is 01:00:22 all these people out which injects more money into into the system, which is diluting people's savings accounts because it's taking away the purchasing power. And then what they're doing is they're also at the same time telling all these people to close their businesses and to not work. So production and human flourishing go down and there's more money. It's like the exact opposite. It's a nightmare for hyperinflation. If you were to keep doing it over and over, it's a very scary scenario. So then, sorry, I'm just going to keep going. No, no, please.
Starting point is 01:00:54 Are we in hyperinflation right now? No, but we're coming up on it. We have high inflation in Canada, like 7% right now, I think. I haven't looked in a couple weeks because it just stresses me out but um but what i was getting at was the you're talking about how this is mainly affecting poor people and not rich people or rich people are okay is with all this inflation and everything all the prices of houses are skyrocketing so people who have assets are making tons of money right now. I know people who sold their houses for tons of money and they moved to Florida.
Starting point is 01:01:32 Yeah. They're laughing. And then they're like, well, we'll see what happens in Canada. But right now I'm making American money while I'm working in the States. And then when I go back to Canada, cause the dollar is going to be worth so little compared to the American
Starting point is 01:01:46 dollar, I'm going to make another killing. Right. Right. So, so the people with tons of money are just absolutely crushing it right now. And that's one thing we talk about people speaking up earlier. And I was talking about,
Starting point is 01:01:57 you know, be careful who you listen to Elon Musk. Elon Musk is starting to speak up right now. He wasn't speaking up when his his uh his wealth was growing have you seen how much his wealth has grown yeah i mean he was the richest man in the world for a second right yeah he did his his wealth multiplied by like more than almost everyone else i'm not sure if he did more than everyone or top three at least I mean I think he was talking shit to the IRS saying like basically like hey I'll
Starting point is 01:02:28 sell off a chunk of Tesla so I can pay even more taxes or he was doing some smart ass shit smart alecky so sometimes I wonder about the things he's saying as well but who knows do you have a source
Starting point is 01:02:44 that you trust? No, I believe in self-curating your content and really focusing on your information processing, like really trying to hunker down on your confirmation biases and just really question everything, basically. You can't trust anything. You can't trust anything you can't but but i'll tell you one thing that seems to be consistent for me is everything like literally everything that is in the media like the mainstream media is either a lie or like or a half truth well what's crazy too is it's like a transparent lie like there was a story that i was going to cover today on the show, and it basically – it's a 26-year-old man who, when he was 17, raped a girl but then wasn't tried until he was 26 and now identifies with being a woman.
Starting point is 01:03:52 He tried until he was 26 and now identifies with being a woman, and he was found guilty, and they're sending him to a girl's juvenile facility. What? It's fucking insane. You can pull up the link, Caleb, if you want. But basically – so to explain it in short, this is a fucking dude who raped a fucking girl as a minor he was 17 and she was like 10 years old or something and it was 10 years ago and he wasn't tried till 10 years later but they still tried him as a juvenile because he did it when he was a juvenile but he also switched genders and we know gender is not real it's imagination it's in your imagination
Starting point is 01:04:18 right because i'm not talking about switch sex switch genders switch imagination and so since he identifies now as a woman they've incarcerated him two years in a juvenile female facility. But he raped a woman. It's fucking nuts. And so it's like – but you have to go to four articles before you figure that out because the news is reporting that it's a woman because they don't want to offend him. Do you know what I mean? That's crazy. The article – the first article says 26-year-old woman goes to juvenile facility for raping a woman. I'm like, wait a second.
Starting point is 01:04:48 This doesn't make sense. Those parts don't fit together, right? Yeah, they're not. So they're not even high. It's crazy. It's like what you're saying. Like every rabbit hole that you've been down, you must also have to ask yourself, did they leave this here so someone like me would go down it? Right?
Starting point is 01:05:12 Yeah. How many rabbit holes are russian made yeah and in in and i and i i'm gonna i'm gonna when you say russian made i'm gonna take it that they're you don't mean necessarily russia you mean that also as a metaphor because now the the russian thing is just like everyone's blaming the russians just for everything right yeah yeah like someone put it like the way to think about it is there is no information in the world that is not put out there with intention like everyone when they're communicating there's some sort of intention to why they're communicating especially if it's not just some conversation between us where we're just screwing around like a bunch of guys having a couple beers but if someone's publishing or creating a website to share information there's 100 some sort of intention there and yeah well i i have intention my intention is to make money from this youtube channel so that i can put my put food on my table yeah and to leverage my
Starting point is 01:06:01 crossfit um fan base to to break out into other subjects like UFC and J and politicians and authors. And then also I have the moral obligation because I have three boys and I want them to have a world where they can find beautiful, strong, intelligent women and live happily ever after. So, yeah, I have intention too. Yeah. So, so yeah, I have intention too. Yeah. So go ahead, go ahead. I was just going to say,
Starting point is 01:06:31 so with that intention is how much of it, of it is strategic. That's it is just, what's that mean? Well, like everyone has intention, but what is the intention? What is the end goal?
Starting point is 01:06:45 Discover more value than ever at Loblaws. Like price drop. Hear that? Loblaws lowers prices every four weeks on a selection of items. So you can save more. Whether it's pantry staples or seasonal favorites, you can look forward to new discounts throughout the aisles at Loblaws to get your essentials at great prices.
Starting point is 01:07:07 It's your cue to stock up and save. Look for new value programs when you shop at Loblaws in-store and online. Pandora. Be love. What does be love mean to you? I definitely would say my be love role model is for sure my sister. Unconditional, infinite love. Something that is never ending, that you know is always there.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Never questioned. Never questioned. No matter if you fall off a cliff, she's there to catch you, you know? Be Love. Shop now at So the strategic part is, what is the big picture and what are they trying to do? And then the intention is what is the intention of this piece? Like, for example, they're playing.
Starting point is 01:07:54 So they're playing chess and I'm playing checkers. They have a they're like they have this. They already have all the they already have everything I could possibly want, which is a little bit of security for their kids in, in, in a supply of food for my family, you know, in a, in a clean park, they have all of that times a thousand,
Starting point is 01:08:10 they could build that for themselves in their own backyard. So they've gone out further is what you're saying. Yeah. Like, it's like the intention is to kick you in the shin, but the strategy, the end goal is to punch you in the face. Right.
Starting point is 01:08:23 Right. Right. Or like, yeah, the intention is to get people to accept being locked down wearing masks take a jab and accept a show me your paper society but maybe the strategy is to have a mechanism in place where you can attach things like inoculations digital ids, your ability to rent, social credit system. I'm trying to put gas in my car, and Elon wants to populate another planet because he knows that no matter what, he'll always have enough money to put gas in his car.
Starting point is 01:08:58 Yeah. He'll have enough assets. Yeah. And what's crazy too is like that just shows the perspective yeah they can think out so they can think so far ahead their strategy can be so deep and so go project so far into the future because they have so much security in the presence and i understand it's just a mindset i'm not i'm not playing the victim at all i understand it's just a mindset. I'm not playing the victim at all. I understand it's just a mindset. Anyone can get there. It's like Bezos' 10,000-year clock.
Starting point is 01:09:29 Wow. It does change a little bit when you have kids. It definitely does change a little bit when you have kids. You have kids, right, Jay? Yeah, I have a son who's going to turn four soon. That's right. Is someone going to talk about one last time? please ask him if the convoy will work yes well i go p you know that's like my word
Starting point is 01:09:49 yeah like so there's a lot of different ways to look at it i think i don't want to sound too pessimistic in one way so i want to start off by saying the best thing that the convoy is done is like i don't know if the person asking the question if you're from canada but canada yeah it's canada okay so as you know we're a ton of like soft bitches uh we're very we're very compliant i'm from ottawa ottawa is the most liberal uh place in north america i would say definitely in the country um like when i was campaigning i was having doors slammed in my face like i was treated like let's just say
Starting point is 01:10:31 i've always been a tough guy but my skin is very thick now um so canada being very soft being very compliant there's a lot of people out there because the media spews such big numbers and makes us look like we are a fringe minority. The perceived reality of people who love freedom feels very small for most people. That's why it's important for all of us to have all these freedom rallies and to have like all these types of walks so that people can kind of meet each other and meet and make community. So across Canada, we had no community, not really like maybe a little bit of the PPC when we were running in the federal elections, that community was starting,
Starting point is 01:11:15 but we never had this strong sense of community. And now because of this trucker convoy all across the Canada, because all these trucks are coming from all across Canada, we've really seen how strong we've come together it's the most to me it's one of the most romantic things I've seen it like like in my life especially because you know being in Canada it's just so incredible to see because it's not just all of the trucks driving by like my mom said an hour and 40 minutes going by Prescott an hour and 40 minutes.
Starting point is 01:11:45 And they're going no slower than 80 kilometers an hour, probably a hundred kilometers an hour, but an hour 40 minutes of vehicles with flags. She's like, my arm was so sore. My hands felt like they were freezing off. I counted, I got past a thousand and then I just gave up.
Starting point is 01:12:00 Like she was counting vehicles. And I hear that, like, that is so crazy. That's like an hour, 40 minutes. hear that like that is so crazy that's like an hour 40 minutes my mom's not like lying she's like no i timed it you know right so i hear that and we think about all these other ones like i was at this one meeting and uh like a community meeting and this one guy's like yeah the guy who's staying doing the manitoba uh he's one of the organizers for the manitoba convoy was talking about how one of
Starting point is 01:12:25 these convoys as it was passing through manitoba it was stretched out but as the front end was going into ontario the back end was still in alberta so it goes across the province and he's like yeah there's like breaks in it but we're talking about them as a group he's like that's that's how spread out it was and i hear that i I'm like, this is insane. So the amount of Canadians that have come together and even just people waving at the, you know, waving at the bridges and such watching all these people go by, we see the videos and there's hundreds and hundreds of them at almost every single overpass, even from small towns, the videos are just like, it's infectious. It's contagious to look at. Like you can't not feel that emotional hype.
Starting point is 01:13:09 So that tribe of freedom loving people that, that community is really coming together. And, uh, and I think that that is the most powerful thing right now, because as I was saying, this is agenda 2030 2050 the great reset nwo whichever one you want to call it it's a big game right we've got to look at the big picture we got to look at everything and in that regard this convoy has drawn the battle lines and helped us seeing how big we are we are so much more than some little fringe like that is going to become a thing you know fringe minority is going to become a thing i'm going to make a t-shirt it's going to say
Starting point is 01:13:51 fringe minority you know what i mean like that's the thing to do right now like yeah so in that aspect it's amazing now do i think that it's going to do great in ottawa so far it looks ineffective to me because the police and putting these snowplow trucks and everything up blocking certain streets so that they can't get in a lot of like I in a weird way I was hoping more of Ottawa would be blocked up so that people could see what it's like to feel like you can't go out because we've been experiencing segregation where only the jabbed can go out and the unjabbed can't go out. So it would have been nice.
Starting point is 01:14:27 It's like, hey, taste some of your own medicine kind of thing. But we would have seen the supply chains going. And as weird as it sounds, I kind of wanted to see the supply chains go a little bit. And maybe we still will because, you know, all of the intelligent people have packed up for a while. But you want people to see what's happened, right? You want people to see the power that, you know,
Starting point is 01:14:49 is going on so that we can pressure the government to make a decision, maybe favor freedom again. What do you do? How do you respond to people like this? It's so fascinating to me that someone would, would think, is that a real comment? Yeah, but they're not like, does that person really think that yeah it's a trillion times and want want pics yes yeah please one or
Starting point is 01:15:14 two pictures this sent out yeah yeah yeah there's literally millions of photos yeah you really think that idiot did you hear the story about what happened to those guys within like i don't know a couple minutes of that i saw a video of those guys within like, I don't know, a couple of minutes of that. I saw a video of those guys getting chased out. I saw a video of one guy getting chased out. Dude, do you, Oh man, it's so amazing. I think one of the things that people don't realize is like, I don't know the percentage,
Starting point is 01:15:42 but a huge percentage of truckers are like indian punjabi pakistani like yep so many truckers are brown people yeah so like when people say that of course it's hard no idea what you're saying it's like of course i almost feel bad for them it's almost like you just have to forgive them you almost want to like see that comment and go just just come here come here it's okay we we love you we know that your thought level is very low and then you're up yeah sorry how many nazi pictures are enough dude man come on oh man come on use that frontal lobe use that thing that is inside your head between your ears please yeah and i'm i'm really curious if the
Starting point is 01:16:25 person who wrote that has ever looked at an antifa flag those look awfully similar well the thing is is look at the name look it's it's it's not even it's like a it's always a troll you know what and maybe that's the trap maybe we just fell into the trap especially me seeing something like that and then almost getting an emotional response to it because you're kind of like what how could you think that and then that division creates which is exactly probably the intent of that comment and what the media is doing so it's almost like you see somebody with that nazi flag and if everybody in canada that was in that thing just immediately took a knee to single that one person out that would probably be the most effective way because everybody could be like look there they are don't fall for it it's it's it's like this we have this
Starting point is 01:17:10 stat like last in 2021 like police officers shot 12 unarmed black men if you want to look at that stat and yet and for some reason police officers are bad because of that when when you when you put it in relativity that that stat is so small that it's statistical noise it may not even have happened because you have to look at the sheer number of fucking killings in the united states every single fucking day that are fucking black on black crime and so you can't isolate. If there were 13 people on the planet. And police had killed 12 of them. We got a problem. We got a big problem.
Starting point is 01:17:52 We have 300 million stops a day. Then all of a sudden. All police are racist. That's the kind of tardiness. It is retarded. It's so bad. I can't believe those people get to vote. I think it would be interesting to see what would happen if you limited the voting to like 115 IQ.
Starting point is 01:18:17 I'm very curious what would happen. Well, I don't know, man. There's a lot of really, I mean, 50% of the doctors in the United States are retarded. Like, like, like, seriously, like fucking morons. Yeah, no, I agree with you. That's why I say I'm curious to see because a lot of people with, you know, above average IQs are, are very far to the left as well. It, uh, it depends how much I think people defer their thinking to consensus.
Starting point is 01:18:49 Yeah. And I think the thing too, with like the authority and the doctors and the nurses and in the academics that we place on this pedestal is what people have to realize is that they're systems people, right? They're not critically thinking. They're not looking at problems and solving and they're essentially following the path. They're following the system that's laid out. And even though it might be a complex system, you're still just following a system. You're not problem solving at a higher level. So we have to call for everything. Yeah, exactly. happenings for two years the media then started hating on police so the police stopped engaging with the public and now we've had thousands of more deaths than we normally have had and crime is running rampant in the united states it's fucking it's nuts it is truly nuts
Starting point is 01:19:33 oh um on a on a on a, it, could you play that Luke, the long, um, that Luke Dijon video? Do you see that Caleb from his Instagram? Could you play that? I'd like to get Jay's take on, um,
Starting point is 01:19:53 on that video. Do you, do you see him talking about it? It's in the notes. Oh, okay. Thank you. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:20:03 Yeah. While he's looking it up, I just didn't finish that other person's question oh sorry yeah i think there is a chance that we'll have a no confidence uh that they'll push a no confidence on pierre trudeau and then if that happens and that uh that gives us potentially if it gets past uh a federal election sooner so i checked the private chat. That's the wrong one. This guy's got some Khabib hair. Yeah, that guy's got quite the fro. We had him on the show. He's a good dude. Okay.
Starting point is 01:21:08 You ever have that happen to you jay just where you just just get a big hunk of cock on the front of the bars you pull it up yeah that has to do with uh you know the length of your arms and you know whether the package is put in place properly the mass of your cock um the worst is uh the snatch the snatch definitely is the worst for that. Just getting them just a big old chunk of cock on there. I knew, I knew one guy, there's one guy used to come to my CrossFit gym and he like, couldn't put his hands in his pockets.
Starting point is 01:21:37 Like he had like alligator arms and he comes up to me and he's like, kind of says it quietly. Cause you know, in the class, you know, we'd always do the skill and then, and then the to me and he's like kind of says it quietly because you know in the class you know we'd always do the skill and then and then the wad and it's we're dead lifting and he comes up to me he's really quiet he's like jay like is there anything i can do when i'm dead lifting because it really it really hurts it scrapes up my my stuff you know and then i go and take a look and the poor guy's arms literally only went to like his belt buckle wow wow so when he had to deadlift and he and we're like you know we teach
Starting point is 01:22:10 to like drag it up the thigh and we say balls to bar and uh and he literally like he would crush himself like the poor guy so like he'd have to put himself in this weird position where he's hanging over the bar and like keeping his butt back you know like you would do if you had a boner and you're trying to hide it so you kind of lean forward yeah like be dead lifting like 300 pounds and he's like trying to like get around his junk and i'm like oh this poor guy i don't just take the trap just take the trap bar yeah yeah that was. That was nice of you. Yeah. Hey,
Starting point is 01:22:46 how'd you hurt your back? You trying to avoid my dick? You know, it's just like letting the bar swing out. Yeah. Oh, well, thank you,
Starting point is 01:22:54 Jay, for coming on the show. Perfect timing. I know I said, I was just going to have you on for a few minutes. I appreciate it. You gave us so much time and gave us up over an hour. I really appreciate it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:04 Thank you. Really great stuff. Good conversations are fun yeah um you're welcome on anytime i'm sorry it took this long uh but we shall be in touch cool man later guys nice meeting you all right great to meet you thank you for your time wow Quite the show. Quite the show. I mean, I lied. Speaking of clickbait, that was a – I said it was a live call-in show. People are going to start to catch on, I think, Sevan.
Starting point is 01:23:36 You do? Oh, what, that the live call-in shows aren't really live call-in? No, yeah. Jay's take on the reasons we have laws and stuff that was really beautifully articulated and when he was like oh people don't um we should learn this in fourth and fifth grade you know it takes a while to learn i was like i bet you most people listening to this just learned it right now oh yeah yeah yeah i mean i just learned it right now i just have right yeah me too that was like that was great the way you put it in perspective like that oh okay what should we oh uh so i showed you guys the weight the bar going hitting the penis what about oh here we go this should be fun you think this is gonna like turn
Starting point is 01:24:18 into just a whole conspiracy show i hope that get that trick for you ready hey what's up Scott hey what's going on just chilling just trying to do a show just trying to make my $25 for the day I wanted to go back to what you said about the doctors you said that doctors are retarded they're not retarded they're not just retarded
Starting point is 01:24:41 they're corrupt as hell yes they're taken from everyone They're not just retarded. They're corrupt as hell. Yes. They're taken from everyone. Okay, I'll give you an example. A year ago, my grandfather's wife died of COVID. She died from being on the ventilator from COVID. And the process is horrible. Like, your family can't see you.
Starting point is 01:25:06 They won't allow anybody besides the two nurses that kind of prayed off the shift. They won't allow that except for them two and the doctor on the COVID floor. And he lasted 11 days. That was the process. And we got, quote, unquote, updates about their progress, which was, oh, the heart rate stable, blood pressure stable, blah, blah, blah. And then a girl that I dated, her dad, same process a year later because and he lasted 11 days. Exactly. They're making money off of every day they stay on that covid work and it's just it like every doctor in america because they know that we america does have the best health
Starting point is 01:25:54 care in the world people flood to the country just to get it like canada they only have like you can walk into a hospital and they may not even even have a fucking x-ray machine or a cat thing. Yeah, they do seem terrified about overwhelming their hospitals. They seem terrified about that. And I understand that to a degree, but it's like then and then the news wants to put the narrative oh uh everybody wants to go to canada for health care and it's like you could go into an er with like a gunshot wound and you might not even be seen let alone uh worried about how long it would take to be seen when when when they when in california when they were saying early on that they were
Starting point is 01:26:44 concerned about hospitals being overwhelmed and they started saying that hospital beds were full. I took my wife to a hospital facility over, I think it was Stanford, which is just over the hill from me in California. And it was a massive facility. I don't know, maybe 10 acres, maybe 20 acres. I don't know. Place was fucking barren. I dropped my wife up out front. There was not a single foot. There was, there was, I said, what was it like inside?ren. I dropped my wife up out front. There was not a single
Starting point is 01:27:05 I said, what was it like inside? She had to have some surgery, minor surgery and she said she didn't see one single other patient the whole time she's in there. Massive facility, complete parking lot, it's empty. I'm like, what the fuck? There's no chance of this place being overwhelmed.
Starting point is 01:27:21 Oh my God. In the last year, he's worked at three different hospitals. And he's like, we are not busy. He's like, we're not overwhelmed. Did you say your dad's a nurse or a nerd? He's a nerd. Oh, okay. He's a surgical nurse.
Starting point is 01:27:36 Anyway, he's worked at three different hospitals in the last year. He's one of the nurses. He's one of the one people that refused to go on unemployment when everybody wants to quit and go get those ten thousand dollar bonuses. And that's another thing. Nurses are quitting and going and getting those bonuses and those high salaries because of people being lazy and quitting. And anyway, but to answer that question is, yeah, hospitals are not overrun. But to answer that question, yeah, hospitals are not overrun. As a matter of fact, my dad said this exact thing. He said, we actually want to take more than our limit.
Starting point is 01:28:15 And he goes, and that's on the doctors because they want us to make more money. And that's another thing with the corrupt doctors is they will take more than the capacity because they want that to make more money yeah i yeah it's bad it is bad yeah yeah and so many of them don't even know they're corrupt and that's where the retarded part comes in right and i'm not saying all no no no i'm not saying all either and and and you know what like um i'm the if if uh when my kid falls out of a tree and fucking breaks his arm, I'm the first person to rush my kid to the hospital. Right. I understand. Okay, thank you, Scott. I appreciate your call. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:28:55 Thank you. From there, can we go to – how about the boob dance? Can we go to the boob dance? I see I've labeled something called the boob dance, and we better do this while Will's not here. I don't think Will's allowed to do the boob dance. Let me called the boob dance and we better do this while Will's not here. I don't think Will's allowed to do the boob dance. Let me see the boob dance. How's this? Boob dance. Stand by, everyone. Mom, turn off the show.
Starting point is 01:29:14 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's see the boob dance. This. This. one more time one more time one more time i don't mean to be okay okay i don't mean to be rude but i think the brunette in the back i don't think she's needed there. I would put the other girl just up in the front all by herself and just do the – and the guy with the eyes going all different directions, don't need him either. I appreciate you showing that, Caleb. That was great.
Starting point is 01:29:57 My pleasure. I don't want to see this stuff. It's just I'm on Instagram looking for guests, and so i have to show you the bar hitting the giant cock and the uh you're taking us on the journey you're taking us on the journey um i i really like justin madaris and uh and i say his name right justin madaris i'm i think i'm the only person in the crossfit space that says it right and uh and i and i like his dad um they're good people but this commercial i'm not digging this commercial look at bruce wayne there was a brunette uh can we see this justin madera's bed commercial pro my sleep fitness i used to sleep way too hot i couldn't give 100 to my workouts outside the gym but with the automatic temperature control of the eight sleep pod pro i'm falling asleep faster and seem okay wait a second wait a second
Starting point is 01:31:02 this is supposed to be a joke right It's supposed to be over the top. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Okay, okay. I'm such an idiot. I'm such an idiot. I'm such a... See, I'm just watching a big picture now on my screen.
Starting point is 01:31:14 I'm like, wait, this is supposed to be a joke. But on my phone, I'm like, what the fuck? Is this for real? Okay. We were doing all the big weights at first, and then, like, struggling with the dumbbells. Okay, okay, okay. Justin, I apologize. You with the dumbbells okay okay okay justin i apologize you and the bed people are cool as shit and i'm uh i'm old fucking old you should
Starting point is 01:31:33 just played with it and said you knew it was a joke the whole time you just want to give us some rocks and hey justin yeah yeah yeah thank you that's what i meant i'm getting one of those tomorrow let us know are we gonna get sponsors steve on i don't know hey how about that girl earlier that was saying to me um when she was saying you said craig richie was living the dream because his girlfriend got boobs did she did was she being serious no she was joking she said in that comment later yeah she was like no i'm just messing yeah tokens of fun man i thought no darn it see i don't know i can give it i can't take it i guess okay um you're just looking for a fight i guess that that slogan's already been taken by the ufc dana white huh what'd you say
Starting point is 01:32:18 that better be a joke okay um let's go to um the uh joe b Biden nominates a black woman to the Supreme Court. I think this was also a joke. This cannot be a joke. This cannot be a joke. Caleb, cue us up, baby. Cue us up. That was inception. This cannot be a joke.
Starting point is 01:32:42 Except one person. I will nominate me the first black woman ever nominated to the United States Supreme Court. All that does is destroy the credibility of any black woman who would have otherwise been qualified for the job. Now, because Joe Biden said, I'm going to nominate a black woman. If he nominates a black woman, pretty much everybody is going to be like, well, there were other qualified candidates who would have served better in that position. But he made this promise. OK, pause. I.
Starting point is 01:33:11 This. Oh, something got really noisy somewhere. Caleb's computer starting back up again. I thought maybe his wife got in the shower. Caleb, tell your wife to close the shower door. We can hear a shower. Hey, shut up back there. Doing a podcast.
Starting point is 01:33:29 I think it's really fascinating. I think being on Supreme Court is important. We need Jay here so he can be like, shut up, they're just actors. But bear with me. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed. I think the Supreme Court is pretty important, and who gets on there is pretty important and when i look at the when when you say that you're going to put a black woman on there i think okay that takes us down to i think black women make up seven percent of the united states population and then you think half of those let's say are children so now we're down to i don't know
Starting point is 01:34:06 three or four percent of the the u.s population and then how many of those are attorneys or or whatever the prerequisite or judges whatever are the prere qualified to be a Supreme Court justice, and it's just crazy to me. It seems like the most – like if you would have asked me could anyone ever say that, I'd be like, no. It seems like the most outlandish, racist thing, close-minded – the power of being on the Supreme Court isn't the color of your skin or your genitalia. Right. My genitalia, I mean whether you have a penis or a vagina or the small percent that I have both. It's in your clarity of the laws of this country to protect the citizens from the other arms of the government. It's just nuts to me. I don't get it.
Starting point is 01:35:11 Yeah. I found this photo of actually some of the candidates and Biden looking over them. I'm going to share it now. Okay, look, this is what Chad F says. Okay, okay, okay, okay. Not a Biden fan, but the way I took this was that he already knows who he's nominating and dropped a little hint. I don't agree with you at all, but that's totally fair. That's thinking. That's thinking. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:35:45 I get why you're doing it. I get why you think, okay, hey, there's never been a black woman before. We need a black woman there because black women think a certain way, and that way the 6% of the population has been left out, and it will broaden our ability to be more fair and more just and more – I don't think it works that way. I think that's fucking flawed thinking. i hope it doesn't work that way we'd be we're screwed as is is uh humanity screwed if it does work that way if people work that way i i know there's some things like i know i care about kids more than most people i know that anyone who i know that i definitely anyone who cares about kids would never have allowed quarantines, vaccines, pandemic, masks, any of this shit to happen. So I know I'm like out on a limb caring about kids, man. I have really strong
Starting point is 01:36:34 feelings about you guys who are putting masks on your kids, even for five minutes. I really cannot believe you're doing it to your kids. I really cannot believe it. Do not have kids unless you're willing to raise your kids so many so many of my friends and everyone they love sending their kids to fucking school so they can get away from their kids why did you have kids yeah but some of them don't have a choice yeah i'm a i hear you matt i hear you then why did you have kids okay go ahead go ahead you got to pay your mortgage you got to pay rent you've been out of work maybe you've been struggling this whole entire time.
Starting point is 01:37:06 The schools are finally back open in person. Your kids had no social interaction for over the last year. You're devastated by it, right? And I get that it's not the optimal choice, and I completely agree with your stance on it. But at the same time, at some point, it's just so forced in hand that you have to do what you have to do, right? Okay. Maybe they don't have the luxury to be home with their kids okay how about the people who do have the luxury i see that's the thing matt i think that more people have the luxury than they then then led on to but i hear you i hear you i know i know
Starting point is 01:37:35 it's easy for my i know it's yeah i make 50 bucks a day from this youtube channel it's easy for me to be like living the dream baby yeah i mean i really am yeah i really am i got fucking you and caleb working for fucking free i got will fucking running my instagram for free fucking making 50 bucks a day it's the truth yeah i'm like the government you guys are like fucking just slaves happy little sheep wad zombies sending me free stickers that's a cool one i got one i know show there you go it is really cool that's dope i had it here how about the um uh i don't know if i should do that where are you gonna go i was gonna attack the the dude uh the other meme dude i was just gonna just blatantly just attack the other meme dude.
Starting point is 01:38:28 That guy's probably had the relevance still, huh? Boom, here it is. Nah, he's got like 500,000. Oh, yeah, yeah. He's got like 500,000 Instagram followers. He's living the dream. I need t-shirt sales. Oh, you guys, Wednesday t-shirts are coming out.
Starting point is 01:38:47 Oh. All six of you that want them you are gonna be so you just increased to 51 a day now by the way my beard's about to get crazy i'm not gonna shave the neck either my shit i'm about to get fucking crazy looking hey so i went to i went to lake tahoe i was with my family there i was there for four or five days i ate like i ate shit that like i seriously have not eaten in years i was eating like a box of fucking crackers every night and having like two or three glasses of wine just on my computer fucking around like from nine to midnight i put on like 12 to 14 pounds i think i normally weigh between i think normally weigh between 150 and 155. I came home and I was like 168.7, like naked. I'm like, holy shit. Was that before or after a deuce?
Starting point is 01:39:32 Well, that's a good question. And I was actually, I was, I actually was talking to Caleb today and he goes, hey dude, it was probably water weight. And that, and I was like, wow, you're right. And I was drinking about two to three times, at least three to four times, actually, the amount of water I normally drink when i was in tahoe probably from all those crackers and shit i was eating i was just drinking pints and pints of water and from the um alcohol so i've come home i've only been home for three days two or three days i've worked i've worked done two gnarly 40 minute fucking workouts crazy, crazy workouts, with a combination of, like, aerobics and heavy lifting, deadlifts and all that shit.
Starting point is 01:40:08 One little small Metcon today, and then today's my, like, fasting day. And, like, I'm already, like, I feel a thousand times better. Back to normal? Dude, I mean, not quite. These jeans, these cords were a little tight, see? Little tight, little tight. You can still see your dick in there, so. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:25 Thank you. Thank you. Well, that's on purpose. That's in all my pants. I am going to have, I think I am going to get Sevan wristbands. I think I'll just, I think I'll just, they'll have an S or something on them. I'll be like Michael Jackson. I'll have my own wristbands and my own little boys.
Starting point is 01:40:47 Okay. Let's, on that note, let's go to Collapse Bridge. Wait, are you going to pull that up on Jerry News? Is that where the Collapse Bridge is? Well,
Starting point is 01:41:03 I went on a good run last week and i made a couple uh comments right when posts were posts and um i got like one of them had over 5 000 likes the other one had over like 3 000 likes i screenshotted it because people just go crazy on it so i wonder if it'll pop up if you bring it up on jerry news my comment i didn't did you understand what matcha said caleb yeah yeah uh yeah i'll pull it up on you i'll just sort it up here and then i'll go find it okay i don't know what he's talking about that's right i don't even remember what oh yeah this is this is unreal this is crazy this is a bridge in pittsburgh that collapsed just hours before president biden's visit to the city to talk about infrastructure.
Starting point is 01:41:46 I didn't even – that's some like – oh, wait, wait. Hold on. I got the other one. Okay. That's like some third world shit. Is there – oh. Oh, wow. Literally two words. Come on. Dude, and look how many comments, 21 21 comments and people were arguing like you don't understand the definition then one person said elena smores has entered the chat and then i replied back yes and then they replied back just like you they don't understand what irony means
Starting point is 01:42:17 that i that i put isn't it ironic oh my goodness oh my goodness, it's what's funny is, is that who cares about anything except for the fact that you got 1000. Hey, that would make my day. Do you know why I comment on like Josh Bridges and Matt Frazier's and like, that's the only reason why I comment on big accounts like that is so that I can try to climb to the top with the most likes I just get. like, I don't care about likes on my post ever. I want likes and comments. It just makes me just chub up. The other one I did had 5,600.
Starting point is 01:42:53 What? Off screen. Yeah, that's what I was telling you. And it had so many comments. And then I did another one on SportsCenter and I was playing this game of like, what matters the most? Is it the timing of when you post the comment or is it the comment itself?
Starting point is 01:43:06 And I will tell you, it's the timing of the comment. If you find a major account like this and you could get it within the, with inside the minute and you just post something that's ambiguous, like it has to be vague, ambiguous. So there's a lot of interpretation or something just silly like I did. You will get a ton of likes and interaction with that. I have them all screenshotted because I was going to do a little series on my Instagram and be like, this week on my top comments.
Starting point is 01:43:32 Oh, dude, do it. You have to do that. All right, I'll do it. I got to spend some time going through them. Oh my God, that's brilliant. I'm so impressed. I like you more now, Sousa. Because everybody else likes Sousa.
Starting point is 01:43:46 Totally. Some people bash me, dude. Some people will personally attack me. I think my most successful post, and they're not even near as successful as that, is Noah Olson's post when I said, don't give to a charity that uses the word equity. And then when I told Danielle Brandon her shirt was too big. I tried that again last week and it didn't work. I was hoping it would bring out all the fucking wackadoodles. This one on SportsCenter had 4,400 likes.
Starting point is 01:44:22 That you posted? Yeah. And it's like these guys doing this crazy like workout routine thing and i just commented boy brand practice and so you do you have an alert that tells you and you know just to do that is it all no no no it's completely by chance and then i did another one when Brady retired. That got a ton of comments, but not a lot of likes. This one here on... Hold on, it's loading.
Starting point is 01:44:50 This one here was two dudes that got in a street fight on Barstool Sports, and it was 5,800 likes on this one. It's these two guys that got in a street fight, but then applauded each other afterwards. Wow. Is that the same one where they traded shirts? No, no no no they're just like it's all love and like high five or something i did another one on when uh m&ms posted their whole thing about um uh more gender neutral characters because you get followers doing that
Starting point is 01:45:20 i don't think so no not really i mean i get a lot of people like i said that will like comment or something like that but i don't think a few followers i get a lot of the fake followers you know what i mean like you'll get a bitcoin whatever and this or that or something so increase your wallet by 50k yeah exactly people are starting to tell me that they're that instagram's unfollowing me on their account without them knowing. I think that's true too, yeah. It's crazy. My Instagram account is dropping by about 100 every month now while the podcast is fucking exploding on iTunes.
Starting point is 01:45:56 It'd be crazy to know how many followers – like if you weren't shadow banned, like from the time we started this to now, like how many followers you would have got. I bet it would have been easily like 50,000 more or plus plus like even if they just wanted to come to like argue with you you know right uh ken ken oh i just i'm freezing ken walters the the lone wolf ufc fighter podcast last night was outstanding top to bottom slowly but surely because of the UFC podcast getting into slowly but surely because of the UFC podcast getting into again since Ronda retired love their live stories Sevan gets um that I didn't think that was a great podcast he was a cool dude and I'm a cool dude and we were talking I just didn't think um I don't know I didn't think I uncovered anything like I don't know I didn't think I uncovered anything Like I don't know
Starting point is 01:46:47 Well I'm glad you liked it Ken That makes me happy honestly I have to shut the door Do you want to pull up Do we have anything else Oh yeah let me give James Hobart some love Can you pull up that James Hobart thing Yep Let me give James Hobart some love. Can you pull up that James Hobart thing? Yep.
Starting point is 01:47:16 This comment here with the – those were two excellent podcasts too. No doubt. Those are great. So I had made a comment about One Nation, and I thought Austin Maliola owned the gym, and I had to eat my words for that. I bashed Austin Maliola a little bit unfairly, 51% unfairly, basically because this gym was basically saying that you couldn't come there unless you were vaccinated. And I think that's complete fucking horseshit, just disgusting. And I think that's complete fucking horseshit. Just disgusting. And anyway,
Starting point is 01:47:45 um, and then look at, after I did that story, here's James Hobart working out in that gym. What are you saying? I'm saying he's vaccinated. Oh, I love you.
Starting point is 01:48:02 Hobart. I'm just fucking with Hobart. He's a good dude. I thought you were going to mention his pants in that thing. Let me see. Oh, yeah. He's got a little bit of a wedgie. I can see his shorts are going into his vagina a little bit. They're like sweatshorts.
Starting point is 01:48:17 I see that. Can you make that bigger so I can see his wedgie? I can see his labia majora. Let me see. Let me look at his crotch. Let me look at Hobart's crotch. Oh, I see his wedgie. I can see his labia majora. Let me see. Let me look at his crotch. Let me look at Hobart's crotch. Oh, I see a Helmut. I think I see the helmet of his penis.
Starting point is 01:48:31 Yeah, yeah, yes, yes, yes. Fucking Hobart. I'm sorry, James. He's got a new shirt out on Rogue. Everybody should go check that out and purchase his shirt. Oh, let's go look at that. Let's look at that. Did they just restock that or something because i could have
Starting point is 01:48:47 swore he had that for a while could be oh yeah i know the thing is that it's freezing here bruce and i lift i have a heater on in my office but then i have the door open because that's how the rich do it and uh and my heater is not obviously not good enough to uh so i had to close the door and i'm freezing because i always get cold on my fasting day yeah that's a cool shirt that's a cool shirt that is a cool shirt um how much 30 bucks ah it's a little steep and why is it only a 4.6 star? Let me see that. Careful with that. We don't know the prices of our shirts yet. Let's see. Great shirt.
Starting point is 01:49:28 Great. Let me see the ones. Great price. Oh, here we go. Great, soft, and stretchy. Come on. You're going to give it four stars? You said it was good?
Starting point is 01:49:36 Come on. Oh, here we go. Nice shirt, but the picture online is either wrong or the printing process didn't work properly. Okay. all right. Fair, fair. Oh. Oh. You got his from China.
Starting point is 01:49:51 That's why. Wow. Wow. Maybe that was a defect one. What was the original? What's it supposed to look like? Does it not have the wheel on it yeah you get the knockoff version you get the knockoff even your dragon looks like a bitch
Starting point is 01:50:10 yours looks like a dr seuss dragon he made an iron-on of it he didn't even buy it from rogue yeah i got mine from Amazon. Damn that drop shipping. Amazon Marketplace. I hope we sold you some shirts. Man. Please get back on the show. Our podcast has better ratings than his shirt. I don't know if I want to talk. Tsunami of chronic disease.
Starting point is 01:50:46 High school Nike Vax. Oh, look at this. You want to know something I want to talk, uh, tsunami of chronic disease, high school, uh, Nike Vax. Oh, look at this. You want to, you want to know something? I'll never buy again. I'll never buy Nike gear again. Can you pull up that? I will never, ever, ever. Nike will is refusing to hire black people.
Starting point is 01:51:01 And it's just mind boggling to me. Oh, oh no. they're firing all black people oh no unvaccinated god i always get the two confused i'm sorry that's okay nike i thought i thought it was black people my bad it says reportedly so we don't know if it's 100 true right yeah uh and um just so you know uh i don't want to even give you um any love but this dipshit posted on youtube i know you think you're being hilarious when you confuse black people with unvaccinated no actually i it's the exact opposite of that you don't first of all you don't know shit you start a sense with i know you think you're being hilarious you're a fucking moron no i don't think first of all, you don't know shit. You start a sentence with, I know you think you're being hilarious. You're a fucking moron.
Starting point is 01:51:45 No, I don't think I'm being fucking hilarious. I do think I'm hilarious. I don't think this subject is fucking hilarious at all, which shows you're a fucking idiot. Then second of all, you put, to confuse black people with unvaccinated, it's truly unfunny. Yeah, it is truly unfunny. You just sound like an old bitter twat. I sound like an old bitter twat. I sound like an old bitter twat? You sound like a fucking bitch.
Starting point is 01:52:13 And an old bitter twat. Actually, I don't know anything about old bitter twats. I don't think twats ever become bitter. I'll let you know. Fucking Nike. i'll let you know fucking nike hey it's the exact same thing to not hire black people and not hire unvaccinated people and if you can't see that if you start having to parse it out well the unvaccinated people aren't safe for this that you're completely clueless it's actually worse to not hire unvaccinated people do you want to know why oh God. I can't believe someone said that it's worse than not hiring black people. It is worse. Do you know why?
Starting point is 01:52:48 Cause you're forcing those people to take a drug. Forcing them for their life. No, they're not forcing them. Well, then you don't know what it's like to have three kids at home. Hi caller. How are you? I'm doing good. How are you? I'm doing good. How are you? I'm just living the dream. I have a question for you, Siobhan. Yes, sir.
Starting point is 01:53:12 You talk a lot about the respect for trainers and particularly the seminar staff. And I've never heard you talk about this. Were you ever a trainer? Did you ever want to be a trainer? Did you ever want to be on seminar staff like how come you yeah that was my question so so um when i i'll try to tell the story really fast i really like the story but i'm going to just try to make it fast what was your name josh josh so josh i was um i was making some tv shows and there was a break in between some of the action and there was a break in between some of the action, and there was a security guard there.
Starting point is 01:53:47 And I started talking to the security guard, and he started telling me that he does this thing called CrossFit to stay in shape. And then he told me some of the workouts he did, and I told my friend who was there helping me produce the show, Kerry Peterson. I said, wow, that sucks. That guy is super fucking buff, and he has to lie about his workouts. He goes, what did he say he does? I'm like, well, he started telling me about workouts where he fucking does 100 pull-ups. So we go home, and my friend calls me, the producer who helped me produce the show, and he goes, dude, I went to that website that that security guard was talking about. He's not fucking lying.
Starting point is 01:54:16 There are workouts with 100 pull-ups in them. I'm like, holy shit. So we started doing CrossFit. And there weren't a lot of videos on the site then, and the internet didn't have a lot of videos on it because people didn't have the bandwidth to download videos. And so the videos on the CrossFit site were like little tiny, like tiny flip phone videos. So we, so I eventually after doing CrossFit for like six months or whatever, this is 2005 or 2006, or maybe doing CrossFit for, yeah, probably like six months. i sent an email to lauren and greg and basically i got hired on and i and and i was just thrust into crossfit and i started making videos for them and then the bandwidth in people's homes
Starting point is 01:54:57 and the internet access and everything exploded and then youtube was around and then fucking the whole thing exploded from there and during that time i used to go to l1s and film everything there like like just l1 after l1 after l1 i don't know how many l1s i've been to 50 and i through that i i i was just completely blown away at these l1 trainers they transmitted so much information in two days and the culture of CrossFit. It was like a – it really is like a fucking cult. They teach you to love your fellow and to cheer on and motivate and them, your fellow – the person next to you who's taking personal responsibility and personal accountability for their lives and to support them regardless if they're doing scaled, not scaled, how old they are. It was the most – it is the antithesis. It is. It's full acceptance.
Starting point is 01:56:01 It was just – it was the most gratifying experience ever. Everyone was broken down. It's just like what they say. There's a Taoist saying, stop thinking and all your problems will end. And that's why if you do 100 burpees for time, your life is perfect because all of a sudden you have to focus on your own breathing. And it's just – so yeah, through that – and I always – I'm scared to death about public speaking. I don't like meeting strangers. I'm scared to death of all that, and I always admired them and I thought they were smart and I always looked up to them.
Starting point is 01:56:28 And so I didn't pursue it because I was just terrified, but I, but I also used to take a bunch of gym equipment to a 400 meter track every single day. And I had start basically started running my own little small affiliate during that time too. Just, just people would just come to the track and they knew i would be there every day at five o'clock with all my weights and i'd unload my truck and i probably had i don't know anywhere from five to ten people there who worked out there regularly regularly with me for about a year and then eventually i became a big shot executive at crossfit and fuck it. Stop doing that shit. What year was that? I don't,
Starting point is 01:57:10 2000. So I was hired at the end of 2006. And so it must've been like 2007, eight, nine, somewhere in there. I think by eight or nine, I was like just so busy with CrossFit. I was just traveling the world,
Starting point is 01:57:21 just filming CrossFit stuff at that point. I mean, it was basically just me, Tony budding and Carrie Peterson on the media team. And then I think Tony started hiring people like Pat Barber, Rory, Leif Edmondson. I think those were like the next three. You were briefly on the update show. Dave Lees. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:42 Whoa. Yeah, I was briefly on the update show. That's right. What about that update show dave lee's yeah yeah yeah and whoa yeah i was briefly on the update show that's right what about that update show oh would you go would you ever be a trainer now like like are you still scared of public secret like i feel like yes i'm terrified of it say that again i feel like you're good at conveying information yeah but that's like you know like I would say something like 10,000 kids died yesterday from fentanyl but really they died from heroin
Starting point is 01:58:12 like the spirit of it would be right but I'd get it wrong like I'm the kind of person to like have you do too many squats when you should have been doing pull-ups or like I'd fuck all that up I'm kind of joking half joking well I am a trainer now for my three kids. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:29 Okay. That's cool. Yeah. Well, I just always wondered that because I was like, man, I wonder if you did some of that behind the scenes and people would know. Isn't Adrian Botsman a really, really good coach? Unbelievable. Maybe the greatest in the world.
Starting point is 01:58:45 Unbelievable. Unbelievable. And extremely physically talented extremely not talented sorry he's putting a lot of work yeah dude he can do crazy shit he's a fucking circus freak he's buff in person too when you see him if you like give him a hug yes yes yeah he's made of steel he's a sir he's a circus freak he's a fight he can fight he can do all of it he's fucking can tell you he can adjust your squat from 300 yards away he's a he's a miracle as a human being i worked out with him once my muscle ups were smooth and it was the best i was like he's adrian's beyond a good dude you know why he's such a good dude he's the most low maintenance friend you could ever have like he's the dude he'll be like hey can you come over to my house for dinner and you're like yeah and then you call him
Starting point is 01:59:25 Three minutes before and you're like I can't come he's like no problem Tell me when you can't Super he taught me I was already Pretty much an expert on low-maintenance friendship But he like took it to the next level he used To live by me so Go ahead Scott no not Scott Paul Chris
Starting point is 01:59:40 Josh ever since you You and Sarah Sigmundsdahl talked about the concept of low-maintenance friends, that blew my mind. They're the best. Like, I've talked about that with a whole bunch of other people. I was like, dude, like a low-maintenance friend is a thing to strive to be and like to look for. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:59:58 Low-maintenance friend. Pick like one tiny thing you love about someone and just roll with it. Yeah. Yeah. I don't want to someone and just roll with it. Yeah. Yeah. I don't want to take any more of your time. Thanks. Thanks, Josh.
Starting point is 02:00:11 Well, I always think that we're going to get like pranked. Like someone, yeah, I just think. But when he said, I was like, already,
Starting point is 02:00:17 I just get nervous. If I was in control, people would hate it. Cause they would start to go. And I'd be like, Nope, I had a bad feeling. I hung up.
Starting point is 02:00:24 And he had a great question. Did we ever look at logan uh uh aldridge on peloton have we have i blown him yet not yet okay let's blow him all right so i'm it's uh page isn't there oh it's not all right sorry logan um next time what's this mike workington podcast carrying what is that i don't know let's find out excuse me mike workington used to be the mike workington might be one of the most knowledgeable people on the planet when it comes to crossfit i know we were just talking about how amazing adrian bosman is but what's so amazing about mike workington is he's was a four i think a former affiliate owner uh an amazing coach on all levels from like the person who needs to lose 100
Starting point is 02:01:10 pounds to fucking games caliber athletes his wife is a nutrition expert but on top of that he was like the fucking he is the crossfit journal like this fucking guy knows like this guy is like way up in northern canada too what like this guy's a canadian national treasure this guy knows – like this guy is like way up in northern Canada too. What – like this guy is a Canadian national treasure. This guy knows a lot of shit. I think – and he works for Chris Cooper now. Chris scored with him. Chris, let's give Mike a raise.
Starting point is 02:01:38 Can we – let's listen to this clip from Two Brain Business. Where people don't care about how much you know until they know how much you care. That really does. Sure. I don't know. I've you know until they know how much you care. That really does. Sure. I don't know. I've heard it so much in my life. Michael Scott said it. Who knows?
Starting point is 02:01:51 I don't know. But it really is true. If you care or if you know all the points of a squat, but you don't know that my daughter's been in the hospital for like a week. And that's why I've not been at the gym. Then like, how does that translate over? You know,
Starting point is 02:02:12 at all? Literally, that was a conversation I have with one of our members today. I just got on Facebook, saw that they are at the hospital. Turns out they've been in the hospital for a whole week. Just shoot him a message on Facebook messenger. Hey,
Starting point is 02:02:22 I just saw this. How are y'all? Is there anything I can do? Can you play that first quote again? It really does. Caleb, just the quote. Yeah. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 02:02:35 People don't care about how much you know until they know how much you care. People don't care about how much you know until they know how much you care. With Caleb's fan on in the background. Yeah, that's... Mike Workin, it looks like he's... Where is he? Interviewing a prison inmate? Like, look at that guy. What prison is that dude in? How does he know that?
Starting point is 02:03:01 I think that's an affiliate owner. From CrossFit. What did it say up there? Woe Town? Woe Town. Is the call-in number Stephen's personal cell? If so, I'm going to be calling him with conspiracy theories every day. Please do.
Starting point is 02:03:18 Right after you learn what the definition of conspiracy theory is. Savant, when will you have pat sherwood on the podcast i don't know if i should tell my pat sherwood stories i don't think i'm comfortable telling those yet i'm not sure like i'm not sure how much um sure how much um like some of my stories like are like scorcher stories you know you know what i mean like they're like like like uh like if i uh keep it holstered huh yeah just like like what if i do want to have pat on but like or like someday he does come on like i if you want to see pat and i interact we did two crossfit podcasts together and i think they were pretty good and they in there i think they're they're they're cool they're good i um i i pat and i are not cut from the same cloth. We're very different people. I will say that. And,
Starting point is 02:04:25 um, yeah, but, but, but I really enjoyed interviewing him. He was great. Um, I just think that,
Starting point is 02:04:36 look at me. I'm like a little old lady over here, twisting my like headphone cable. Uh, yeah. Uh, Pat. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:42 Go listen to the CrossFit podcast. Right. And I did, I did two, I think I did two episodes a part one and a part two with Pat and I think that's I think that's it I think I mean that covers everything they know they want and need
Starting point is 02:04:54 to know yeah I don't I just yeah I just don't think I don't think that we interact again ever on this lifetime me and Pat ah Caleb's wife wife's shower again it's good it's definitely me i'm gonna have to change the setting of my fans you get your new computer i'm gonna start saving a dollar from every podcast and when we're 1500
Starting point is 02:05:16 podcasting i'm gonna send it to you yes i would have adrian bosman on in a second and he already did we already had it on i did yeah what episode was that i'll go find it here's the thing you guys like it's kind of like the like i don't episode 188 it's probably not oh okay it's probably not healthy for anyone episode 188 I'm guessing it's probably not healthy for anyone who works at CrossFit to… The one with Adrian was great. …be affiliated with me. I know. That was then.
Starting point is 02:05:51 This is now. Things have changed. I mean I've gone pretty hard in the pain at these motherfuckers. I got a whole – and I'm not done. I'm not done. I'm just – I don't want my every one of my shows just to be negative and then this turns into fucking like just like negative nelly but i do like practicing throwing rocks at glass houses and uh that i there will be more this week there'll be more this week
Starting point is 02:06:17 you have the dragon do you have the dragon caleb sure do oh okay ladies and gentlemen just so you know just so you know yes yes probably two dragons this week you should know you should know stay close to your youtube oh man okay um Oh, man. Okay. I think that's good. I'll save all this other stuff. Oh, what is this James Sprague thing? What's James Sprague? Do I like him or do I not like him? I think he was on the podcast.
Starting point is 02:06:57 I like him a lot. I hope whatever I'm putting up to show about him is good. I like him. I like his parents too. Yeah, I think that's... I see I have a note about him what do i have oh yeah yeah we already did this we looked at his dad yes dad no yeah okay dad's a tank dude you had made a comment that brian didn't address and he said he's kind of moving a little like funky there as far as like the hang clean. And I just, I wanted to address that real quick because some, as you learn these things, as you age,
Starting point is 02:07:30 if you didn't have some sort of background in gymnastics or something where there was a lot of kinesthetic awareness involved, the learning curve for what they're for, for learning a weight Olympic weightlifting and some of the gymnastics movements is a lot, is a lot steeper. And it's almost like if you miss that at a certain point it's hard to move that athletically so and on top of that it's competition and it's heavyweights and he's moving as fast as he can so just uh i have a different take on it than uh suza i used to have a nasty fucking hang clean and in power clean and and i used to see dudes like my age at the games be be doing cleans and i'd be like man they they pull so much they've lost it they have no pop what's wrong with these guys
Starting point is 02:08:10 well now i'm 49 i've completely lost my pop i do it just like that like james's dad but like with one third the weight that james's dad uses i used to have a crazy snap and pop yeah and it's fucking gone i don't know where it went it just went away yeah there's one of those one of those things and he still moves well so don't mistake that for us like yeah throwing rocks at him he still moves well he's got a good front swap yeah for sure all right oh man did you uh so many cool things i'm in my notes i guess i can do another call-in show sometime. Did you see that little Instagram beef with Danny Spiegel? I did. I did see that.
Starting point is 02:08:52 I did see that. Holy shit. I did see that. So can you explain to me what happened there? I'm glad this is at the end of the podcast. No one's listening anymore, right? What are you guys talking about? This is even below me to talk about.
Starting point is 02:09:09 We're off the air, right? This is... Did she... Did Carolyn Prevost think that she was... So that girl in the underwear and bra there... That's Danny Spiegel. Okay, so... And then it's. That's Danny Spiegel. Okay, so. And then it's a DM to Danny Spiegel from Carolyn Prevo.
Starting point is 02:09:37 She, like, so I was trying to figure out how to make the, how you could fuck this up. But if you swipe up to, like, you can respond to somebody or you can comment on the story. And so I, what I'm guessing is what happened is Carolyn swiped up to comment, not realizing that she meant to DM it to somebody and then just type the comment and sent it. And then she did it on two different, two different stories and didn't catch it. Her body didn't look like that at the mid Atlantic. And then basically
Starting point is 02:10:06 she sent it to Danny Spiegel on accident, and Danny Spiegel didn't respond, and then she sends another one, and she says, juice? Like, what kind of juice? Orange juice? Yeah. If you've got something to say, I'm all ears.
Starting point is 02:10:21 I always wonder, what's the up-down smiley emoji what's that it's just like come on man i feel like it's more of just like a dude seriously or i just so so the jay narrow you so my take is that she sent it on accident but maybe jay narrow or someone else who can think like bigger picture shit is like she sent it on purpose i think so maybe like releasing like releasing a sex tape or maybe i mean danny spiegel's got like 800 000 dudes fucking signed up to her fucking instagram account jerking off on her carolyn prevo probably just probably has like how many does she have she has like 23 000 i'm guessing
Starting point is 02:11:01 i'm making this shit up right so so what you do is you release the sex tape so you can get more eyes on your account so you know what i mean it's kind of like that or no i'm just i know i'm no jay nara i'm no jay nara yeah it's a bit of a freudian slip so you just you think it's on that you think it's truly an accident i think it's an accident i mean it happens to a lot of people but it's kind of a it's a really silly mistake for somebody who's probably on social media all the time well do you think carolyn prevo's on social media that much she's too busy working out yeah that's true i just i just think if it's if it's your job to have like a social media following i suppose then and the small interactions i had with her at water palooza she's like carolyn prevo super nice like yeah just super warm and nice and stuff so
Starting point is 02:11:46 this might have been in confidence with like you know somebody else and then it was like an oh shit moment it goes back to that thing like don't say anything that you wouldn't want on the cover of the new york times because then like some jackass like seven on the seven podcast gonna bring it up i like carolyn prevo too too. I don't care that she said it. It is a bit much to call her out. I don't like, though, that Danny Segal put love girls supporting girls.
Starting point is 02:12:14 It's like, how are you going to conflate that whole thing? She's woke as fuck. She's woke as fuck. Everyone knows that. That's a really good point i love it and she's and she's smashing a girl by doing that in a much larger way because yes really danny could have kept this private right so she made the choice to blow this up and i'm not saying the choice is wrong i don't have an opinion on that choice but what i'm saying is like you can't like it could have been kept private and you could have addressed it back and forth with her and kept it that way and that really would have been
Starting point is 02:12:51 female supporting a female in that direct interaction but instead that's what that and then you blew it up and so it's kind of like that whole crew man that whole crew they're fucking they're fucking uh it's it's the same as the same as the anti-racist crew they have to have they promote racism through their anti-racism because that's how they stay relevant and make money that whole thing is such a fucking scam it's the same as this it's the same as this picked up some instagram followers from that you too you too the woke crew is so gross. You know what would be the most badass thing?
Starting point is 02:13:27 Is if like they were friends. And they're like, hey, can you do this so we can get a little attention? And let's stir some stuff up a little bit. You'll get some followers. I'll kind of do this. And like they were just in cahoots the whole time. God, I hope so. I hope that's good.
Starting point is 02:13:40 Oh, yeah. Danny Spiegel has 826,000 followers. And Carolyn Prevost has 10.4 yeah so hopefully she picks them out i mean really that's a let's let girls support girls and she's got an account with that's like a hundred times the amount of followers 90 80 times 80 to 90 times the amount of followers and she has to do that to her and then her comment i mean dude talk about betraying your fucking self like i said she made the choice to do it public like danny did right and like if carolyn accidentally had sent that and she meant to send that to a friend or something i mean there's anything that people
Starting point is 02:14:17 could pick and choose without context and blast us with and we would you know it would look terrible so i'm not gonna judge either one of them for it, but it is interesting. I'm going to judge the fuck out of both of them. Ken Walters, I'm 59 and my CrossFit crew all younger. You know what I think? I know, I'll tell you in a second. Ken Walters, I'm 59, my CrossFit crew all younger says I reverse curl the most weight they have ever seen.
Starting point is 02:14:43 I just imagined that in my head you're a good dude ken um yeah there's no danny spiegel carolyn prevo's canadian too she's so fucking cool but she's fucking canadian as a those fucking guys and you guys gotta fucking wake the fuck up they're all fucking you guys are so fucking brain dead you guys are just cheap man to slaughter you're being pushed off a cliff and like well it's gonna take two minutes till we die they could have pushed us off a shorter cliff and we'd be dead in 30 seconds those are good people they're uniting now and they're doing it a lot better than anybody else around the world i hope you're right and if there's one group that could get together and keep that peaceful and actually create some sort of ricochet change off of that it would be them right
Starting point is 02:15:32 americans are going to be like let's bust that store open and get some nikes what happened to the news show uh i i think kate and bro i'm making this up by the way but i i think kate and um what was the boy's name james hobart the press is at one nation yeah i think kate and james hobart are just taking a small break um i think after this week they'll probably have to take another small break uh i think i think they're just gonna take like a break a month maybe the shirt sales and the promotion here will help help boost that and give them a little financial runway there i was gonna say until this show can make enough money to where i can pay them i don't think they're coming back on for just a little while but you can them. Kate has a podcast, right?
Starting point is 02:16:25 Yeah. Gone Rogue. Gone Rogue. Gone Rogue, yes. So if you miss Kate, you can go over and watch her podcast, Gone Rogue. And then Hobart is – you can go watch old Instagram videos or old YouTube videos of Hobart. There's hundreds of them. Buy the cap.
Starting point is 02:16:40 Maybe he'll get some kickback for that. I think he already got it. All right, guys. Thank you. Oh, tomorrow morning. Have you noticed I'm changing? What do you guys think? So sorry.
Starting point is 02:16:53 We're going to get off in a second. But have you noticed I've been changing the names of the shows? So, like, for tomorrow's show. Like, I've been trying to use, instead of people's names, I've been trying to get on the clickbait bandwagon here. All caps. Biggest news ever in CrossFit. So like – yeah.
Starting point is 02:17:11 So this guy Hagel that we're having on tomorrow, Jake Hagel, I just had his name, right? But then I decided, okay, I'll change it to a quote I saw on his Instagram, increased life expectancy by 30 years. Yeah, that's awesome. Or like tomorrow's show with Jorge Ventura. I used to just say Jorge Ventura. Now I put instead the name of his documentary, Indoctrination Nation. I like that.
Starting point is 02:17:35 Okay, you do like that. I like that. Yeah, a little context on that. It's intriguing, right? People kind of see it and they're like. Because some of these guys I've never even heard of, like Ben Mesrich, no idea who that is. Dude. Yeah, that'll be a good one. So I'm reading that guy's fucking book it's called bitcoin billionaire oh that's his book yes okay i know what you're talking about now
Starting point is 02:17:54 and then and then so then i'm like okay we should have this guy in the podcast he seems pretty cool this is a cool book then i look he's written 25 books two of his books have been made into movies one of his books is that Facebook movie, Social Network. Yeah. That's his fucking movie. And the guy agreed to come on the podcast. I get so mad at people when they say this to me. I want to fucking break their face open.
Starting point is 02:18:15 They say to me, I can't believe you got that person on the podcast. But I can't believe I got that guy on the podcast. I'm going to punch myself in the face tomorrow. And then, dude, can you believe this lineup? Listen to this, guys. We have Jake Hagel lost over 100 pounds. Then we have Jorge Ventura, one of the greatest reporters living today. Then we got this guy Brent Morris on the next day.
Starting point is 02:18:36 He was injured taking the injection. Then we got Ben Mesrick on, author who sold more than 10 million copies, got a bunch of big Hollywood movies he's made. Mark Madsen, an Olympian and a UFC fighter who's 11 and 0. Then we have Neil Maddox. I don't even know what that show is going to be about, but I'm really excited to talk to Neil. Justin Kotler, that's the guy who's got the biggest and baddest
Starting point is 02:18:57 new upcoming CrossFit training camp. Then we have Graciano Rubio. This is going to be a fascinating story. I think he lost a family member to poor health, to just treating themselves poorly. And he's embraced CrossFit like no other. And I think he was one of the first guys I ever saw do Isabel with like 305 pounds or something. But he's also stood up for Dave, which i i i love uh then we have this guy joe illuminati on um i wanted to have him on because he lives in a van uh half his life but
Starting point is 02:19:32 recently he just tore both his bicep tendons yeah casher just posted that was that him yeah when he does this and as soon as it goes to extension they they just curl up. Dude. It's gnarly. And then we have Angelo DiCicco. And, you know, just slowly we're just picking off the entire Mayhem Empire. I've yet to meet someone over there that I don't like. We need Tasia Peveshawn next, too. All right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's do that.
Starting point is 02:19:58 She was super cool. We need Rory. Let's get – we need Rory. We need to get Rory on. Tried. What? Oh my goodness. It's a good, it's a good ass life.
Starting point is 02:20:10 All right. Love you guys. Oh, when are Dave and Greg coming on soon? Dave, soon. I think they'll both be on soon. Not together, but soon.

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