The Sevan Podcast - #290 - Angelo DiCicco

Episode Date: February 6, 2022

Angelo was the "Fittest Teen on Earth" in 2015 and 2017. He was raised in Cookeville, TN and currently works at the fire station in Cookeville. He got into CrossFit at the age of 13 after a visit from... Rich Froning to his local middle school. After an injury to his back, Angelo never thought that competing in CrossFit was going to be something he would get back into. For the 2021 season, Rich asked Angelo to start submitting his open scores so that he could be an alternate for their team. Since that experience, Angelo hasn't looked back and has given up his side hustles to pursue competing at the CrossFit Games in 2022. While we know Mayhem is going to have several teams fighting for a place at the games this year, it is not fully sorted out who will be on what team.  "The Sevan Podcast" T-Shirts Follow us on Instagram Watch this episode Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:10 Right to the point. I was just over there. I love reading the comments on YouTube, especially when I make shows where I just go kind of just rage and party yeah so i was over here trying to get some like read some comments they're pretty funny but uh i guess some people don't do that they say stay away from the comments but for me they're just oh exactly they're fertilizer for more creative shit i i love the comments uh if you go on the comments of they have a man as opposed of rich and a gee doing a partner workout go in the comments of they have a man as opposed to Rich and Guy doing a partner workout. Go in the comments of that, and then Rich and I have some good replies on there.
Starting point is 00:01:50 There's some people saying, like, hey, you guys suck. There's one person that says, Rich is so old. Annie's team is going to smoke you at the games. And then Rich replies and says, well, I'm glad you have it all figured out. Then I guess I'll just retire and not even show up. Awesome. Yeah. Rich, you guys are probably nicer. I like to, I like your mom jokes, but I just noticed, um, I just noticed that, uh, I went over the 12,000 subscriber mark 12. Oh no. Did I? Oh oh no that's views darn it i got i got excited oh man someone the other day was um i i cracked jokes at the expense of uh craig richie a lot
Starting point is 00:02:38 not a lot but occasionally and someone goes uh hey you have no business cracking jokes about him. He has 10 times as subscribers as you. And so I go over to his account and I'm like, no, he has 40 times the subscribers as me. I wish. I can't wait till it's 10. I'm going to make a post. I have one-tenth. When I reach that, that'll be my milestone.
Starting point is 00:03:02 You know how usually people are like, thank you. I reached 100,000 subscribers. I'm going to do thank you. I reached one-tenth of Craig Ritchie. Angela, let's start with some rumors that I'm hearing about Mayhem. Let's do it, yeah. Is it true that Fikowski, the tall white dude from Canadaada is now training with you guys uh i have heard that he wants to i haven't seen him out at mayhem yet okay we'll give pt partial truth yes partial truth
Starting point is 00:03:34 uh rich will be appointed ceo of crossfit in the next seven days is that is there i don't think so i mean not that i know of I haven't talked to him in a week, so that could be true. I don't know. I'm not going to ask. Let's give that partial truth also. Yeah, give that partial truth. You switched from pineapple flavor to strawberry flavor in your Juul. I don't really know what that means.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Ah, good answer. Good answer. Denial. Denial. Denial. Very good. That's like medium manipulation. Juul's one of those smoking things. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Okay. Instead of asking you if you smoke, I just make a presupposition that you smoke. That I already do. Start a vicious rumor and then ask you if you've switched flavors. So have you. Now that you know what a Juul jewel is it's like those square things yeah yeah yeah bad kids in california smoke yeah i i i've uh i have tasted one of those one time and there's no way i could ever be addicted to something like that it's terrible wow that's
Starting point is 00:04:37 shocking to me that you've even tasted that really yeah i've i've you i mean no offense, but like you're, you were all excited about these comebacks that you and Rich and Guy were having on this thread, but they're so G. And a jewel is at least PG 13. That was when I was 18 or 19. I mean, just like one time I saw one, I was like, Hey, this might be cool. And it was not, it's not cool at all.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Man. I smoked one for a little while, a couple months. I can't. Oh, look, Caleb is saying sorry. Sorry. Restarted. My computer restarted itself. Caleb's the guy in the back end who when I say, I say like Fikowski's name, he picks up a picture of a Fikowski. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Yeah. Jules is amazing, but it's got to be one of it's it's so addictive and it's so bad for you it's i do not recommend it um it's gross yeah it's i i can't i couldn't i don't think i could be addicted to it but um i mean i guess other people can i'm gonna put no truth to this jewel yeah there's no truth to the jewel rumor okay okay um and then i i the final rumor i hear is that rory is feeling horrible because i haven't invited him on to the podcast yet is there any truth to that that rory's just devastated yeah total truth that that's not true that was total truth awesome this is amazing okay i love my rumors how old are you again 22 holy cow are you um you found a a girl that you're pretty serious about yeah yep is that did you guys get married no we're not married we're just dating is 22 too young to get married uh Uh, I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Are you going to wait, get her pregnant first and then marry her? Then be like, uh, no, I, I hope not. That's not the plan. Good dude.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Angela, you're answering all these questions, right? We'd like to, we'd like to be married first. That's for sure. It's, um,
Starting point is 00:06:47 it's a trip going back in your Instagram. I think about just how old were you when you met Rich? 12. And you're 22. So you have a 10-year relationship with him. Yeah. Oh, yeah. It's been a while. Can you tell me the first time you met him what that was like
Starting point is 00:07:06 where you met him how that encounter like happened yeah you guys together yeah uh so obviously i'm from cookville he came to our um he came to my middle school and did like you know a gym class for us um and they did like you know him and dan bailey actually both of them they did a like just a little crossfit workout at our gym class and um i asked him i said hey uh can i start at your gym like how do i start at the gym he said well we have an intro class we don't usually have teenagers there but um but you know there's there's already a couple so you can come if you want and then i and then i just showed up like a week later and then he he was there like doing rowing intervals
Starting point is 00:07:49 just over and over again like man this guy's crazy you're like uh he's autistic he has on the rower yeah um when him and dan worked out at the middle school, did they take their shirts off? I don't think so. No, I think. Wow. They have boundaries and common sense. That's, that's good to know. That could always get weird shirt off at the middle school. Yeah, but I did have a, you see some teachers faint. I showed him, so I brought, um, I forgot it. I lost this until like a couple years ago it was a um it was like a magazine with his face on it it was him shirtless staying on the front of it and i had him sign it that's the best version of rich by the way the shirtless shirtless on a magazine cover yeah sorry rich but that is where you're your best i uh i lost the i lost the magazine for years and
Starting point is 00:08:43 i saw it the other day and I saw a picture of it. He's like, I don't even remember that. Wow. So that was 2011. He had, he'd either won the games once or he'd won the game. He had just, he had, so he had won the games in, I guess that, yeah, it was, so it's 11 and a half years. I've known him for, cause it was, he had just gotten back from the game. It was like August or September.
Starting point is 00:09:05 I just went back to school, and he came. So 2012, August 2012. Hey, are you friends with Tia? Yeah. I mean, I would call us friends. What happened? Did she – okay, motherfuckers. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:09:22 I just tried not to swear in this. I imagine your parents might listen. Did you get that jacket from the Civil War? And look at this guy. Can you change your name? What the hell is going on here? That's in reference to Dan Bailey. They want to know if he spit on the floor. He didn't. He didn't. it on the floor. He didn't. Okay, good. He just drooled. Minor drool. So if stuff comes out of your mouth and gets on the floor and you have wind behind
Starting point is 00:09:49 it, it's spitting. If there's no wind behind it, it's drooling. It's slobber. Yeah, slobber. Heidi, please do not. Guys, okay, I'm going to turn the comments off here in a minute. You see. What happened to Tia? the cursory look i looked at it she she qualified meaning she was the best person in trials but they still didn't choose her is that uh i don't
Starting point is 00:10:19 understand it i haven't i haven't followed i know that she i know that she was there i haven't followed it enough so So, um, It was like, there was a celebratory post. Hey, I made the Olympic bobsled team and then there was a post and I was thinking about, I was talking to a friend of mine the other day, um, who, you know, who I don't want to say is my friend cause I don't want to get him in trouble, but he used to run the CrossFit games. And I was like, wow, it would be like in 2010, even though graham won the games
Starting point is 00:10:48 we were just like well rich is better so we're going to give it to rich i mean you know what i mean like yeah yeah yeah i uh they said the girl they chose they chose her based on her on her her previous wins i guess she was okay and tia i guess is new to the game so yeah i mean i guess is she like the backup is that what that means she like their backup so if someone gets hurt t is in is that what that is that or no blasphemy tia is back yeah no it's crazy it's back up to no yeah yeah t is actually uh shane orr's backup piece you should see his other girlfriend oh 11,617 subscribers not even close to closing closing in um that that's like mayhem flood the mayhem empire channel get youtube channel get loses and gains that many today that's you guys like yeah oh yeah lost 11 000 put on 18 000 you never even
Starting point is 00:11:45 noticed so um so so you meet him that's interesting and the way you describe that conversation is total rich i could just see him like he's so honest he just processed that right in front of you well we don't have kids there but i'll see you at three you know yeah pretty much exactly yeah he's like well we don't really have any kind of teenage class, but you can come. What did you see that him and Dan put on that attracted you to it? So I was a cross-country runner for the, I guess, two or three years. And, you know, I, so I loved endurance sports. And then my brother is four years older than me and he, our builds are totally different. He's a lot bigger than me. And so I was like, man, I want to put on some muscles, but I do like this endurance stuff. And then right around
Starting point is 00:12:35 that time, we were like, my dad had put the CrossFit games on TV and we watched Rich do it. I was like, that's pretty cool. You know, they work out and they do endurance so you know it all made sense to me and why did you feel confident that you could go up and talk to him why didn't you just stay back and be shy and uh probably because i was just a middle school kid you know i just didn't even think about that like i'm just gonna go talk to him i didn't think you know and i really didn't know who he was either i just he was just some guy who knew how to work out that's like all i i didn't know him i knew he was on a magazine but i had no idea what crossfit was they didn't know how popular he was they didn't know any of that you had seen him on the magazine before he came to your gym yeah yeah before he came to your school okay well that ruins my theory
Starting point is 00:13:16 i was gonna say that's the first time rich has ever attracted someone to crossfit with his shirt on but you had seen him yeah and you knew you knew what could accidentally happen if you worked out as hard as rich yep exactly yeah and then they walked in their hands and stuff and i thought it was cool so and you were you you you were relatively skinny until until recently i mean you did you did well at the crossfit games as a skinny kid yeah i was a skinny kid for sure and and you won you won twice yeah is it is it um okay we'll get to that let's go back okay so so before 12 what's life like how did you end up in cookville how does someone end up in cookville uh my my dad moved here for his job right before my parents had me and i grew up here there's jobs in cookville
Starting point is 00:14:06 yeah i mean actually in a smaller town uh south of cookville in sparta there's a little plant that he works at and he got moved there so it's even like it's not even half the size of cookville and and what what do they do that at that plant they manufacture like plastic and they send it to other like mostly car companies that use that melt that plastic down and use it for their car parts. That's in California, I think. Did you say plastic? Yeah, plastic. That's a bad word.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Okay. That evil material. Yeah. Yeah. They make plastic in Sparta. That's your first ding against you. Your first ding. That's probably where they make the plastic for the jewel, to make the jewel. Ah, Caleb's here.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Let's see. Oh my goodness. Thank you, Caleb. Caleb. Oh, is that Sparta? So. Look at the Walmart gets its own like icon. the biggest place so if you take that walmart and you go more south from there uh right on 111 and yeah i think it's more south uh right around oh dang i don't know the exit pleasant hill cemetery i grew up right next to a town called pleasant hill pleasant hill california they didn't have a cemetery is Is it right on that exit? I think maybe I can't tell.
Starting point is 00:15:27 I think it might be over to the side on that exit. It's a, it called BASF. How old were you when you guys moved to Cookville? Uh, they, I wasn't born yet. It was like six months before I was born.
Starting point is 00:15:39 So that's all, you know, you're born and raised Cookville. Yep. And, and, um, jumping ahead for a second,
Starting point is 00:15:44 you work, is that a second you work is that fire department you work at the same fire department rich worked at yeah yep same guys and everything are you trying to do the same thing i'm doing what is that i'm trying to go back and find the first hundred people joe rogan interviewed thinking like that'll that will get me to that level yeah and then say a bunch of uh um um uh racist shit along the way and then and then get canceled and be like i made it i mean uh i i no i don't think so i mean it just uh it kind of just fell on my lap like it wasn't even on it wasn't on purpose or anything i had a friend who told me fire department was hiring and i thought about
Starting point is 00:16:24 it for a little bit i was in college at the time. I was like, it's a pretty good job. I might as well just go for it. And then at that point I hadn't even, I don't even think I had thought about rich working there until I went there and the guys, you know, kind of recognized me and knew who rich was and put all together. And you're a hustler. Like you hustle. There's no quitting you. You sell real estate. You're a firefighter. There was there's no quitting you you sell real estate you're a firefighter there was something oh hold on let me see and you detail cars i mean you're like yeah you go yeah uh i mean i definitely put a lot of it on the back burner as since i'm competing again or trying to compete i would say um so i don't really sell real estate at all anymore.
Starting point is 00:17:06 I have my real estate license. I do enjoy it, but I just don't want to devote. There's a lot of time it takes definitely to get started. And then the detailing business is like, you know, it's an all day affair. So I can't really devote the time to it right now. But I got, you know, I'll do it for the rest of my life if I want to, but can't do CrossFit for that long. Can't compete in CrossFit for that long.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Trulia or Zillow, what's your go-to? I don't really support either of them. They have some pretty – some of the stuff is not right on there. The zestimate is usually not accurate. It's usually as far off as it possibly can be. And then too high or too low? Too high. Too high. far off as it possibly can be and then um too high or too low too high too high if they because zillow's thing is they have their own agents or they're getting their own agents and their goal is basically to tell you know fluff up the numbers get you to list with them and then um bring it
Starting point is 00:17:59 down and then they get a bunch of commission and they basically screw the local people there's a lot more to it but that's kind of what I've gathered. Sounds about right. Sounds like the playbook. So who do you use? Well, there's one called Redfin too, right? No. So we have our own, um, MLS for our local area. So it's just like, just for realtors to see, and it's called Navica. So we have like, um, and it's way more up to date. It's way more accurate accurate especially because it's made for our area and the and the fluctuations in the market you just hurt my feelings because my dad told me the other day he's all i just still at your house it's worth blah blah blah i'm like
Starting point is 00:18:35 oh i'm rich it sounded it sounded way high um it's cool to hear you say that for people like me um julia's like i don't use zillow but i have julia like on my home page on my phone um it's cool to hear you say that for people like me um truly is like i don't use zillow but i have truly like on my home page my phone and it's just like it really is like real estate porn i just like yeah you can just get on there and kind of be like okay i want to live in a town in illinois where i can get a 30 bedroom house for twelve thousand dollars you know what i mean you just start looking around yeah i want to live in a church and you buy you can look for an abandoned church no i mean it definitely serves a value like if you just want to poke around and kind of look at what it's what's out there then you could look on there
Starting point is 00:19:11 the only problem is it's usually two or three days behind at least and so you'll be looking at houses that are already sold and then you go on there and you know you try to look at it and it's not there and you'll bait and switch and sometimes well often i'll pass houses and then i'll try to find a montrealia and they're not listed yet yeah yeah i have the sign out front yeah yeah and then it's slow it's usually behind yeah it's usually behind two two or three days if not like maybe a week um isn't isn't is now a good time to be in real estate like to be selling real estate aren't housing prices skyrocketing and you should yeah houses shouldn't you be selling something yeah i think so um the market is it's insane we i was actually looking at um just you know kind of looking around the other day and we had a house that sold for 185 000 four or five years ago and it's gonna
Starting point is 00:19:57 list for close to 300 000 though when when the first time i visited rich he lived in the house he told me he just paid 150 000 for yeah and i couldn't even believe it because they didn't even have houses in my town for 150 000 like nothing like you couldn't buy an empty lot oh it's so nice it was brand new it was so nice oh my god crazy but not but nothing compared to what he has now no no nothing compared to it at all now he lives like in a reality studio set yeah i see the pictures i've never been inside but just from the outside his house is awesome it's crazy yeah good on him um so so what did you do before so you did cross country at 12 it's funny i don't know anyone who does cross country at 12 i thought that was like high school shit what um tell me about being younger is your dad is do you have siblings
Starting point is 00:20:49 oh you have an older brother older brother and a younger sister okay and so um what did you first start off playing and did your parents encourage you to do that oh yeah i played i don't think there's a sport i didn't play um Played soccer when I was a little kid. Like, you know, they have the little kid soccer leagues, baseball. And then, yeah, pretty much everything. I like cross country. I just started to like running, like for whatever reason. I always was, I was like running.
Starting point is 00:21:18 I like sprinting. I like long distance running. So we didn't have a track team in middle school. We actually put it together when I was in middle school. And so I ran track and I ran cross country. And then in high school, I played a little bit of lacrosse. So just kind of dabbled in whatever I thought was fun. And were you good at, um, cross country and track? Uh, yeah. I mean, I think I, my best finish was seventh at state, was like three or four hundred guys so that was i would all right i'm having this kind of flashback of when i went out and filmed with tanya wagner in pennsylvania
Starting point is 00:21:52 and the bus would drop her off like a mile from her house and it was basically just a mile just uphill and she said that she would just you know 365 days a year or whatever you know i guess not 365 but however many days there are without the weekends the bus would drop her off and she'd run as hard as she could home oh my god yeah just and the hill was crazy right it's like one of those hills you don't even want to walk up and she said that that basically broke that like at the beginning that foundation she got from sprinting up that hill that that was with her to the day she got to the crossfit games is that is there an activity you did as a kid that you're like yep that was the one that's why i have some of these special uh endurance or strength or i mean i i think it was
Starting point is 00:22:38 cross country i think it's just the mindset uh like i mean like she said that she would just go run up that hill i mean same same idea is i would run, I would go out and I would run hard and, you know, just kindk, whatever it was, um, like you had a pace and you would push yourself to it and, um, you'd collapse on the floor, like after the run. So a lot of it was very similar to what, uh, I was used to in competing in CrossFit. I had never heard terms like I was raised to avoid discomfort. You know what I mean? Like it was causing you to sweat. You should stop. stop um but the first time i heard terms like pain cave or get comfortable with the uncomfortable stuff like that was in crossfit but you're saying you had already been introduced to that yeah we already knew it did they have terms like that they'd be like your coach would be like okay
Starting point is 00:23:37 it's going to get uncomfortable push through or what how does that introduce to you yeah like uh i mean they were just regular you know motivation, motivation and, you know, you'd run a race and your coach would stand on the sideline somewhere and he's like, Hey, you know, embrace it. You're just keep pushing. You know, you got it. Same kind of stuff you hear in CrossFit, all kind of, all kind of the same stuff your coach would tell you at a class in CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:23:58 And do you remember pushing back against that at all as a kid? Like being like, this is bullshit. I don't want to do this. Or do you remember kind of being exhilarated by the challenge uh yeah i mean i thought it was cool because i think when i when i first just got into it i was already just decent like i was just pretty good i was not winning races but i was towards the front and then you know just i just got more excited and um so i wanted to in you know when we went to practice i wanted to run as hard as i could and see if i could beat the guys in practice. Then I wanted to try to beat them in the race day.
Starting point is 00:24:26 It was fun for me. How long is a cross-country race? In middle school, it goes up. From what I know, it's two miles or a 5K in middle school. It's almost always a 5K in high school. And then it's almost always a 5k in high school. I think it's an 8k in college. Wow. And did you ever do it in college?
Starting point is 00:24:51 I never know. Hey, um, is there a race that stands out to you as like your favorite race? Like there was a guy who was like, you beat him like in the last like a hundred yards or something like that in a 5k. There's a bunch of different races that stand out one the the one race that stands out the most is when it's always a two mile loop and the first mile i ran it in a 530 because they have a clock
Starting point is 00:25:16 they have a clock at the at the mile distance and then at the two mile obviously so i knew that i ran the first mile at 530 it was the fastest mile i'd ever ran as far as i know at that point and then um the next mile was crazy it had like a like a 300 yard hill so the next mile was not quite as fast and did you win that i can't remember i just remember the mile is all i cared about it's it's um interesting so you're at that point in your life your fastest mile was not even on a track it It was just like on dirt and shit. Yeah. Yep. Would you guys run the same track over and over every weekend? No. Yes and no.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Or same course? No. So, well, we would travel around. There were meets all over the state. So we would drive an hour or two on the weekends to the race. But we had where we trained, um like a 10k loop that we would run did you did you see the the the dubai um event this year the dubai the ski slope run yeah did you see that i see yeah that's crazy and and how they went the wrong the girls shortened the race i didn't see that no i didn't see that well so so basically they run up a hill and then they're supposed to go all the way up but i guess there was a place you could make a left yeah girl who was in the lead cut the race in half and went left and then and then came back really quick and uh it was funny because i so we had ricky gerard gerard on the show and i was like hey do you see how that could
Starting point is 00:26:41 have happened he goes yeah but the crazy part is is right where she turned left is where the race started. I guess there's a super steep hill that goes up another 400 yards or 500 yards, and this shit cut left. She sees that, and she goes, I'm out of here. Yeah, and the whole pack followed her. Did that happen at Guadalupalooza, too? Was there a swim event where someone's like, I'm done, and turned back and went back, and the whole pack followed them? I did hear that somebody, yeah. Well, so I don't think so, but I did hear that somebody, I don't want to make fun of them because I mean, I'm sure it's not, swimming's not for everybody, especially in the ocean.
Starting point is 00:27:14 But I heard that somebody turned around, left and just went home, quit the event. That may be, that may be exaggerated. But what I heard is somebody got in the water, swam a little bit, got scared, turned around and then just got up and left the event. That may be exaggerated, but what I heard is somebody got in the water, swam a little bit, got scared, turned around, and then just got up and left the event. And their team was looking for them, and they never found them until after the event. Yeah, I think I had heard that too, and I think they shut down the event because they thought that person was in the water lost. Was in the water. And so that whole event I think got shut down for whatever like that whatever that was like masters or whatever whatever you know section that was group that was they they didn't do it anymore yeah yeah i i think
Starting point is 00:27:50 at first i heard the girls got into a fight and the girl ran away and they they lost her but then later i heard it was because she felt so bad and i talked to some athletes about that and they said yeah that could happen where you just feel like you let your team down so bad that you just fucking ran away yeah i guess um but yeah our swim was kind of chaos we uh we had some people not really sure where to swim there are a couple extra buoys because there are buoys for other divisions and we were supposed to swim they told us very blatantly they said swim to the blue buoy and then turn in hook in and go to the uh go to the ramp and rich and i both took that as find that blue buoy go around it and then swim right up to the up to the ramp because he said if a lifeguard or someone out there tells you something different don't listen to it they're
Starting point is 00:28:36 wrong so okay yeah he it was very very bold blatant what he said who said that who said that just the guy doing the athlete briefing i'm not too sure yeah um so i know that khan was one of the first ones in the water and obviously by the way i don't i don't want to take a shot at at uh wadapalooza but that's a real problem what's that um i well i'll give an example an example and then i'll remind you i i had a job one time and i had this boss and um the and then above him i had his boss and the big boss goes hey let's say you were my boss angelo yeah the big boss said hey whatever angelo tells you just say yes and then do what you want and at the time time I was young, I was like, that's cool. The big boss really likes me.
Starting point is 00:29:27 But in hindsight, I'm like, I should have been like, oh, that's some really fucked up leadership. That should have been the red flag. So when the guy jumping, when the guy at the waterline is telling you don't listen to the lifeguards. Yeah. It's almost like now that's part of the event. Hey, just so you know, there's lifeguards out there going to try to trick you. That's part of the event hey just so you know there's lifeguards out there gonna try to trick you that's part of the event you know what i mean and there's two sharks out there it's like wait what i think i think what he was trying to get at is that they
Starting point is 00:29:54 can't the people out there aren't really in communication with the people on the floor so they're not sure who's going you know they could probably guess by the way they look and you know maybe they see some faces they know so that They could probably guess by the way they look, and maybe they see some faces they know. Are you kidding me? The way they look, if they see Rich go, they think it's the 65 and over of it. What are you talking about? So, yeah, they just didn't want us to get confused.
Starting point is 00:30:16 And I know that Khan swam a lot extra, and I'm sure other people did. But, yeah, it was like – Khan should have to swim extra. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. I was fine with it because he's such a good swimmer and he was the first in the water so um and he was out of the water still with us for for the individual there's a lot of money at stake what what was at stake for the for the teams uh what was the i think it was 25 000 for the winning team okay so it's still
Starting point is 00:30:46 it's still it's still money too like you would have loved to have come home with 7 000 bucks yeah absolutely hey honey look at yeah that would have been nice so that would instead of holding up a trout you hold up like a bag with the dollar sign clean sheets on the bed tonight put extra bleach man we got bank we can clean yeah buy a new vacuum cleaner okay do you and your girlfriend live together uh no is that what do you think you'll live together before you get married uh i think it's possibility yeah you don't have anything like opposed to it it's not like a you don't have like some religious like no you can't live together till you're married no we don't where did you meet her uh i met her so it all come together
Starting point is 00:31:32 here in a second so he's such a pervert i can't believe he's asking him no well no one ever says it about is about when i ask men but if i ask women oh yeah like if i ask laura horvat do you have a boyfriend they're like that is disgusting how dare he yeah actually people it's our purpose here to find your mates and 2022 2022 um how did you meet the the lovely lady what's her name madison madison so her stepmom is was my gym teacher in middle school who invited rich to our class and i was in her town yeah it's crazy we have a small town we have a very small town so her stepmom was my gym teacher and at the time when rich and dan came and so obviously i was in her class um through middle school and then um i didn't know Madison at the time, but then Madison
Starting point is 00:32:26 and a couple of her friends came to mayhem while I was coaching there. And they just came to my class a little bit. And, um, and then we kind of met, I mean, I knew who she was after that, but, um, I just, uh, sent her a message actually on Instagram, uh year ago, just saying, hey, what's up? Pretty much. There we are. So, God, you look so much like my friend Chad Winterstrom, who's a firefighter. He's a fire captain in California.
Starting point is 00:32:54 It's crazy how much, I mean, you don't look like him, but you have such his vibe, that mustache and everything. The mustache. Oh, yeah. He's such a great dude, too. You seem like a good dude. I mean, I'm only 32 minutes into you but yeah yeah yeah holy cow craig how often are you going to change your avatar
Starting point is 00:33:13 thanks craig at least someone thinks so uh so so she comes to the gym you work out for you think she's pretty maybe you talked to her a little Did you talk to her a little bit too? Uh, I mean, normally she was just, I mean, she was just a girl in my class and, um, and I just, yeah, I mean, I was just trying to be helpful. I wasn't really trying to be weird or anything. I was just being normal. Yeah. I mean, you kind of have to be weird. You, I mean, you have to take a chance. You have to ask someone out. You have to,
Starting point is 00:33:44 and do you feel any, how big of is that a risk? So she comes to the, and when you say comes to the class, this is like at the mayhem. Yeah, this was. Not the barn. This is a while. You were slumming it. You were slumming it at the gym. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:58 This is a long, this was 2016 or 2017. This was a while ago. Holy cow. Had you ever asked a girl out before? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, my goodness. I would be so scared to ask a girl out.
Starting point is 00:34:12 You weren't even – how old were you? That's five – that's – 17 maybe. Oh, my goodness. Maybe I was 18. Sorry. I think we've talked about this. Maybe I was 18 or 19.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Okay. Detail. Yeah. It all kind of blurs together. I was 18 or 19 okay details yeah it all kind of blurs together and um and do you have are you just like taking a stab in the dark or did you when she was at the gym that time you're like okay I there was something there uh no no I mean we just she just came to my class and I would I mean just like anyone anyone else we did we really didn't have any contact other than her coming to my class and me helping them out as the coach. And then we didn't talk for three or four years after that, and then I just sent her a message.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Wow. And she wasn't going to the class anymore? No. So she lives in Mount Juliet right now, which is about an hour away from Cookville. Wow. Why would you do that? You see someone, then three years later, you ask them out. So I saw, I guess another detail is that I'm friends with her stepmom on Facebook
Starting point is 00:35:19 because I, since going to, since being in her class, I've come back and done kind of what Rich and Dan did. You know, I would put the kids through like a crossfit workout when I was coaching. And, and then just being friends with her on Facebook, I saw a picture of her and I was like, hey, I should probably message her. I wonder what she's up to. Oh, that's cool. And then she says, yes, we'll go out and you guys go. Where did you guys go out the first time? What are you doing Cookville? pretty close to Nashville. We can go to tons of places. And, um, since I was going to competing, I guess in the next couple of days, I said, Hey, I know this is going to be not the best
Starting point is 00:36:08 first date, but I can't go anywhere that I'm not sure what I'm going to eat. So can we just go to, Oh, Charlie's because I know that, you know, I know what I get there. I get the chicken tenders is not going to mess with my stomach. I just like, Oh yeah, that's fine. So we went to Oh, Charlie's. Yeah. I don't know what that is, but she sounds cool already. And then, and then how, how long before it's not weird? How many dates do you have to go on before it's like, uh, just like hanging out with one of the dudes? So we talk, or is it still weird? It could still be weird. No, it's definitely not weird. We, we, we were talking on the phone cause she's an hour away and I was in EMT school at the time so we talked to the phone like for maybe a month
Starting point is 00:36:46 before we even uh saw each other in person so it wasn't weird like from the beginning once we saw each other god i love hearing this the reason why i'm dwelling on this so hard is that's the way it was when i when when i grew up too except phones weren't wireless there was a cord to attach to but you would meet someone a girl you'd get her phone number you talked to her on the phone for a month maybe fucking a year who knows maybe she's in the next state if she's in the next town and then eventually you go out and you see each other and then maybe like one time you hold hands and then another time you end up kissing at the fair and the next thing you know you have a girlfriend um but now it does like everyone i know now all the people I know now, they have apps.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Oh, yeah. No, we didn't meet on that. Definitely not. Yeah, and you met a girl, like a real girl in the real world. Yeah, yeah. It's cool. I just don't hear about that anymore. It's really cool.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Yeah. And you'll never have to do that, probably. Yeah. You'll never have to find a girl on an app. No, yeah. Thankfully not. So, so then at 12 years old, you start crossing.
Starting point is 00:37:48 No one in your family does CrossFit and you go to the mayhem gym. And, and, um, is your dad like, hell no, that's too expensive. We're not doing that.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Uh, no, um, so as you know, CrossFit is not inclusive. It's only for rich people. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:04 He, uh, he said, no no because i wasn't doing and i wasn't actively doing a sport at that time i kind of quit cross country because i didn't i like i said i didn't want to just be like a skinny little kid because like you said you said i was just a skinny little kid even when i was competing um so i wanted crossfit to almost be my sport for a little while and um so we looked at it as just like going to practice so you know being on sports team costs money for uniforms and traveling and everything so
Starting point is 00:38:31 we said well we'll just go to uh yeah there i am although you don't look like such a little skinny kid in that picture you look pretty buff for a kid that's that's why i posted it right yeah listen people see how smart he is your social media is your People magazine. Stop putting dumb shit on there. That's why I posted. I posted because I knew I didn't look like a skinny kid, at least not terribly. Hold on one second. Excuse me, Angelo. Yes, thank you. This makes up for Logan. This is a Filson. I have this one, and then I have a limited edition one where only like 600 were made. It's very, it is very nice. Thank you. Is that an ad? No.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Do you mean that? Do they sponsor me? No. No, no, no. I, but it's fun. I'm glad you brought that up. I do have one sponsor. It's this guy right here.
Starting point is 00:39:16 It's no, that's the live calling number. Where's my sponsor? Nope. Nope. That's the, I don't drink that coffee anymore. Good. Although I love Josh. I love Josh.
Starting point is 00:39:23 I'm drinking, drinking this Paper Street, right here. But that's not my sponsor either. This is my sponsor, This is where Angelo, when he's done winning the CrossFit Games, he will have to go to to reenter society and get a job to raise his family. I like my job. I don't think I'm going to leave it. Okay. Okay. Scratch that. Angelo's kids will go to and there we go.
Starting point is 00:39:54 You almost screwed up my ad. Yeah. Sorry. Sorry. Um, so, um, so what, so at 12, you know, right away, and how many days a week do you start going? Uh, three, three days a week. And then, and how many days a week do you start going? Three. Three days a week, and then quickly went to five days a week. And this is all you go to the gym. Is this the pre-Barn era? Yes.
Starting point is 00:40:14 This is – yes. Well, this was, yeah, the old Mayhem, the one in like the little shopping center kind of by the Ralph Stoner shop. Did you ever go there? I've been to one, and it was a standalone building. Oh, then – oh, no. Was that early, early on? Maybe. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:40:36 It was big. It was big. That's the old gym. Hey, can you still do this? I haven't tried that in a while. So maybe, but I'm not sure it's pretty impressive oh but speak let's speaking of gyms before we go on to how how you ramp this thing up um will you pull up that there's um there's there's a note caleb where i wrote um i write in the notes i say
Starting point is 00:41:02 uh i say what's all this shit? And it shows DeChico working out and it looks like he's working out in a place that's been demolished. Let's see where this is. Do you know what I'm talking about? No. Did you send me those notes? Oh, shit, no.
Starting point is 00:41:19 That would be nice if I did. Crazy. I'm such a bad guy. Sorry, sorry. Notes, DeChico. It would be nice if I did. Crazy. I'm such a bad guy. Sorry. Sorry. Notes to Chico. Look at me. I was complaining about you not showing up.
Starting point is 00:41:32 What's your name? You're Caleb. No, you're not. You're Will. No, you're Caleb. Okay. I sent it. I sent it to your email, Caleb.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Caleb's last name is Beaver. And his first name is Caleb with with a c so c beaver those are his all right so you get that joke i wasn't i don't know i mean you smoked a jewel only once on accident and uh you met your girl in person so i don't know what you know and don't know i live tennessee life so so you go three days a week and then quickly five days a week. Yeah. And when do you find out that you can compete in it? Just like doing local competitions with my friends, actually.
Starting point is 00:42:15 So the first competition I went to, my friend and I, it was a partner competition. And we had done just like the scale division because we were both young. We were both, I think I was 13. He was 15. Is this the one you said, what is all this? Oh this oh yeah what is all that shit what where is that what the hell happened in there it looks like someone just took a broom and swept like a giant a giant swept a bunch of shit that's too big to sweep the room into a pile um well there yeah there's a lot going on back there i didn't really notice that there is a lot going on back there. I didn't really notice that. There is a lot going on back there. There's jerk blocks.
Starting point is 00:42:47 There's two reverse hypers. There's some handstand walk ramps. Looks like there's a few lawn chairs, trash cans, all kinds of stuff. What gym is that? Whose gym is that? That's the barn. Oh, it is? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:01 I've never seen that in one of the fancy videos you guys have, all that shit piled up like that. I guess we chose the wrong angle, that's for sure. Oh, you're in big should take this guy's phone away he's ruining the brand chico's ruining the brand and then and then who is that in the background flipping that stuff uh rich and luke this was right before wadapalooza okay you like training with them is that fun like do you get excited oh yeah oh yeah and by excited i mean like do you know like when you had a best friend like in the third grade and like every morning you went to school just to see them because you couldn't and then you couldn't wait to do playground and throw rocks with them and he was just your dude like you'd sit at your desk and be so excited when he sat down like dude like your boy is it like that with
Starting point is 00:43:42 those two like you're just like oh my god I'm going to train with Luke and Rich. This is going to be so fun. It's just like that. So I had class all week this week for work to work on something new. And Rich had texted me on Friday morning. It was my last day of class. And he said, hey, are you going to be back next week? I'm tired of not having anyone to complain with.
Starting point is 00:44:01 I said, yeah, buddy, I'll be back. I'm sorry. Oh, and that just tickled you huh it's so funny because it is so true no one else you know i guess everyone else has their little complaints but uh rich and i definitely complain a lot more than most i don't know if you're going to be able to relate to this but maybe once a year let's say i'll get a text from rich something just totally random yeah and when i see it come in, I will not open it. I got, I can't believe I'm telling this story because I want to savor it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:31 I want to, it's like, it's like when I just want to savor it, like, ah, maybe I'll walk around all day, like rich text me. And then I better open it. So it doesn't like, like now it's getting weird. Cause I haven't responded. I really, it's like, it's like when I'm going to sit, it's like after I watch a good movie, like, you know, like Indiana Jones,
Starting point is 00:44:48 after you see it, your only regret is like, fuck, I'll never get to see that for the first time. Yeah. Darn it. Yeah. It really is like that.
Starting point is 00:44:58 I wonder if it's like that for other people. It's like, it's like, it's like Chris this morning after you've opened all the presents. Yeah. Like this is cool, but now I don't get to do it again. I mean, I got to wait a year before I do this. Before Rich texts me again.
Starting point is 00:45:11 That's exactly what it is. It's Christmas morning. There was this, there was this, um, I probably hadn't talked to Rich in, I don't know, over a year. And we were doing a game show last year and um on my podcast and there was comments just pouring in and there was someone who came in named rich froning and he made some comments he was like yeah talking up hayley adams and everyone in the comments got all excited that it was rich froning yeah and i said you guys are so fucking stupid if that's rich froning i'll fucking take my sock off and eat it and And I get this.
Starting point is 00:45:45 And I get so that night I go to bed and then I wake up in the morning or it was right before I went to bed. I can't remember. And I see a text coming from Rich. I'm like, oh, this is fucking weird. And it just says, start eating that sock, boy. I was like, oh, shit. He is. I mean, he's a he's definitely a YouTube troll.
Starting point is 00:46:06 So you have to watch out because he will. He'll definitely do it. Yeah. Yeah. It was so funny, too, because I think he was doing a late night ice bath or something last minute. So he probably just had his phone on him and just like stumbled across. Yeah. If you ever get bored, go through the Mayhem comments because it is.
Starting point is 00:46:26 It's definitely it is for sure. Rich, no one else is on his YouTube ever get bored, go through the Mayhem comments because it is – it's definitely – it is for sure rich. No one else is on his YouTube, and he goes on there, and he's a troll. And he just says funny shit. It's awesome. He says – we were talking about trolling somebody. It's too G for me. I'm a crass young – I'm crass. I'm naughty. It may be a little bit because – but he texted me and said we were trolling this one guy, and he – I go, hey, is this too much?
Starting point is 00:46:48 And I won't say what I said in the text, and he goes, yeah. He goes, maybe that's a little much. But he goes, the best trolls are the ones where you still make fun of yourself as well because then they have no leverage on you. Because I made fun of myself, and I'm making fun of you. He says, what are you going to do now? Yeah. Those are his trolls. I like it when I'm, I know that's the best thing. Like when someone's like, why are you sucking Dave Castro's dick so hard? Well, cause I like to,
Starting point is 00:47:17 that's my favorite. Like now what is my favorite goofballs. People are such goofballs. Okay. So you start going to the gym, and then you start doing local competitions. And is he – are you under any tutelage at that time? Is there anyone at the gym who's, like, started to be like, okay, this kid's serious. Well, let's get him under the wing. Let's, like, give him a little more attention.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Tell him to stop doing GHDs like that or he's working out too much. Let's like give him a little more attention. Tell him to stop doing GHDs like that or he's working out too much or. Um, I mean, maybe, uh, maybe a little bit, but, uh, I mean, Darren, Darren. Okay. Yeah. And so he sees, so, and are you asking for that attention? Are you like, Hey, how can I get better at this? Or are people seeing like, Hey, this kid's showing up five days a week um both i think i think that i just um i mean i think
Starting point is 00:48:11 maybe and just the times that i was getting in the class workouts were getting better and you know i was usually towards the the top end of the guys even though i was younger um in the classes and then kind of it just kind of transitioned to you know one of ask, say, Hey, do you want to do this workout with me? Like, you know, the, the upper level guys, they would be like, Hey, do you want to jump in on this? Or, and that was probably later on. That was a couple of years into it after that. So you, you went there and do you, do you remember the very first time you deadlift?
Starting point is 00:48:41 Yeah, it was, uh, probably my, I think it was my second class. Um, the first class I remember the workout, it was uh probably i think it was my second class um the first class i remember the workout it was 50 35 20 of kettlebell swings and ab mat sit-ups and double unders i believe i have this good new double unders but um and then the next class was a one rep max back squat and a one round max deadlift and it was just like to start a strike program um and i remember i did 135 for both and i was wow static wow yeah yeah yeah when i started deadlifting it probably took me and i was 34 there was just a guy i was at a global gym and i saw a guy deadlifting i'm like can you teach me that and he was like begrudgingly said okay oh yeah but i remember it took me a couple months before i had the balls to put the 45s on
Starting point is 00:49:29 and they were steel plates but i was ecstatic when i could put the 45s on i was like holy shit yeah nuts okay so you you got off on it you were like oh this oh yeah i'm in my, this is it for sure. Yeah. And one 35 squatting at 12 years old. It's pretty crazy. I think I may have, I think I was 13 by now. Okay. But, but yeah, I mean, I, I didn't, I mean, I was just doing, I was just trying to keep up with everyone else. And I remember getting to one 35 and Darren telling me, you know, stop there. That's enough. Cause I think it was probably hard, but he said, you know, that that's heavy enough. You don't need to go any heavier cause I, it was, you know, first few days squatting. Did you ever experience injuries
Starting point is 00:50:13 in cross country? Um, no, I mean like a little overuse maybe with my feet, my ankles, but nothing, no injuries. Did you, did you ever experience cramping yeah oh yeah quads and calves um it my uh my oldest son um i don't know the first time he cramped was a couple years ago he was doing an l maybe when he was five he was doing an l sit and his quad cramped you know that oh yeah yep and then a couple we just got an air runner the assault air runner and um i put on uh 30 second intervals and i 30 seconds on six seconds off so we can transition yeah and i put it for 50 rounds just thinking me and him would do that just barefoot we just set it up after like 10 rounds i'm like ah i've you know that's only five minutes for me i should stop so i feel something in my calves.
Starting point is 00:51:05 I better break into this slowly. He fucking did the whole fucking 50 rounds in that morning, that night in the shower. He's like, I can't put my foot down. I'm like, why? He's like, my calf is completely locked up. Yeah. And he's seven. And I'm like, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:51:18 Am I training this kid too hard? No, I don't think so. I'm going to try him. have you ever seen an old person on an assault runner or like just a goofball you ever seen a goofball what a trippy thing right yeah yeah uh so we actually this is funny so we actually have uh two at work so we have four stations and this is at the fire station this is the fire station yeah we just the our training officer just bought two of them because he thinks that you thought they were really cool and wanted them. They are. Oh, yeah. I love them.
Starting point is 00:51:50 And a lot of the guys thought it was going to be cool. We have some guys that do triathlons. We have guys that just do regular fitness. So we have all kinds of mixed stuff. But there's a couple guys at work, younger guys like me, who complain about it. They're like, dude, you can't run on that thing you know i can't find a good pace i either run too fast or i just have to walk i go it's not the runner's fault you can't figure it out the runner's fine it's not broken so yeah they're
Starting point is 00:52:16 they are those goofballs who can't figure it out and they're like well that thing's stupid it doesn't work you know no you're stupid and you don't work. You can't figure it out. That's not the runner's fault. My dad's 80, so I'm going to cut him some slack. But he got on it and he looked like he was about to do a planche. He's like leaning over this far. It looks like he's planche training, right? Like he's going to do one of those Instagram moves.
Starting point is 00:52:46 He's leaning over so far and he's pulling it back with his hamstring. Yeah. And I'm like, Hey dude, just stand on it. Yeah. And take one small step forward. And he takes three steps forward and he grabs it.
Starting point is 00:52:55 I'm like, no, no, that's three steps. Yeah. One step. And he can't do it. He can't even listen. I'm just like,
Starting point is 00:53:02 all right. I won't cut my dad at that much slack. My dad can't figure it out either. And I make fun of him every time I see't do it. He can't even listen. I'm just like, all right. I won't cut my dad that much slack. My dad can't figure it out either. And I make fun of him every time I see him on it. He just can't figure it out. He can walk on it just fine. And he can kind of jog a little. But if he jogs and gets a little too much speed behind him, he'll start to sprint.
Starting point is 00:53:19 And I told the guys at work, I said, I go, just remember this. When you can't figure it out, you know who can figure out the thing? I go, a hamster. Hamsters can do that. Oh, shit. Hamsters can figure that out. I saw a dog on one the other day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Hey, my five-year-olds crush it. My five-year-olds crush it. Anyone who wants a babysitter and you have a lot of kids get a um interval clock that and that's what i do so yesterday i did i put on 60 rounds 30 seconds on six seconds off yeah there you look at yeah it is yeah look mom look dad there's a dog on it i need to show that to the guys at work like yeah the hamster can run in a wheel it's the same thing if you can't figure it out you're dumber than the hamster caleb how how in the world did you find that so fast what there's a guy uh chad kacker i just follow him just please
Starting point is 00:54:17 don't say that word on the show kacker but sorry just calm chat yeah okay he uh he i just follow him and he just posted a while back um and i just remember he I just follow him, and he just posted it a while back. And I just remember he had a dog that ran off. He just throws his dog on there. I think he said it went on there for like half hour, 45 minutes one time and just like fucking ran. Wow. Let's be honest. That's a Labrador. That's a smart dog. That's smarter than most firefighters.
Starting point is 00:54:39 Yeah, true. That's true. Okay, so to finish that thought, it's a great babysitter. I just set the interval clock yesterday on 60 rounds, 30 seconds on, six-second transition. I leave the garage and come back 20 minutes later, and they're just on the floor. Just breakable. They're done, and they're just fucking wounded. They're wounded, or 30 minutes later. Hello, my dude, Angelo from Cancun is that your name ah ah paris must be i'd like to go back to cancun that's fun that's fun place so so you you start doing some
Starting point is 00:55:20 competitions the the guys who are competing and and some of the better guys in the gym start like taking you under their wing yeah um and what do you ever in these first two or three years from when you're 12 to let's say um you went to the crossfit games the first time when you're 15 yes do you ever experience any injuries kid no not until so in November of 2015. I broke my back, but up until then I hadn't done anything. Doing fucking around with CrossFit? It was a stress fracture. It wasn't CrossFit's fault. It was my own fault. Okay, let's hear that story. So how old were you, 2015? hear that story so how old were you 2015 so it was I just turned so my birthday's in July so I just turned 16 right after the games like the week after the games I always turned um I would always you know I would go up a go up a year so I'd be 16 um right yeah 16 November about November 2015
Starting point is 00:56:19 and then um I didn't get it looked at until September of 2016. I just thought that, you know, maybe I had a tight, like my muscles were tight or something. And so I went to the games in 2016. And then after the games, when it hurt, like it hurt all the whole year leading up to it, I'm like, there's a problem. So I went to the doctor. Um, wait, so, so, so give me a second. You win the CrossFit games in 2015 of July. then sometime after that your back breaks what month was that do you know when or no november is when i noticed the pain so november december sometime in there and where do you feel the pain just my low back my l4 is where i broke it i wonder if my back's broken it's been hurting for fucking 10 years so it was a stress fracture and
Starting point is 00:57:05 and we're sorry i want to talk about the pain a little more where do you feel the pain like running down your legs your back you're just very local i mean just like if you were to break your arm just kind of the same thing just like a pain right where right where i broke it and and when you say you broke your back your back is your your back just is your vertebrae that's what your back is right it's nothing else yeah so they're just like a just like a crack it was it wasn't like you know it wasn't cutting out it was just like a fracture in it caleb can we see a broken it's an l4 l4 can you find you found a dog on a treadmill can you find a broken l4 thank you holy shit and how do you know that you okay sorry go ahead tell the story sorry yeah i did well i
Starting point is 00:57:46 didn't know i just knew that i had a lot of back pain and i thought like i was tight so i just went and got massages i saw the chiropractor and once i competed at the games in 2016 i uh and it still wasn't better this is almost a year later um after the games i went and yeah that yeah that's probably i i don't i don't think i ever saw the x-ray or the MRI, so I imagine it looks something like that. I don't know. That might be a little extreme, but the extent of it, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:12 I don't see what I'm even looking at. That looks like a snake to me. What am I looking at? These are all of his vertebrae. Can you put the arrow on something? This is broken. I don't see your arrow. Hold on. The spot where there's like a gap like a big black hole in the middle of like the yeah that's broken i don't know why
Starting point is 00:58:33 my curse is not on there but all right that guy looks like he might be dead dr angelo uh stated that that man is paralyzed um okay so so so it's hurting so bad and so after you is it hurting at the games too uh yeah but like the adrenaline it would hurt here and there but the adrenaline kind of just i didn't notice it is it really bad every morning when you wake up yes it was terrible in the morning i couldn't. I couldn't really get out of bed most mornings. That's when it hurt the most. Yeah, I can't get out of bed most mornings. It sucks.
Starting point is 00:59:10 It's crazy. I'm not joking. But it does get better within an hour. But it's fucking rough. When you get some blood flowing, it feels a little bit better. But yeah, laying down all night does not help it. I have a mark. like it if i sleep more than six hours oh no i'm screwed yeah and i sleep like six hours and three minutes every night
Starting point is 00:59:32 it's like oh fuck oh those those three minutes screw it up okay so so you so it so then after the 2016 games what makes you decide to get it checked? It just wasn't, I thought it was never going to stop hurting. So I was like, I got to figure something out. You know, whatever it is, I just want to figure it out. So I went and got it looked at and realized it was a stress fracture. And the doctor really wasn't too concerned about it. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning. Which beats even the 27th best
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Starting point is 01:01:24 Nashville. Okay. Uh, I mean, you don don't have to but my parents have used these doctors these like orthopedic surgeons and everything so we're comfortable with them um and yeah he's he said like obviously it's not great but it's not the worst thing can happen it's kind of um you know it's it's a normal injury for guys your age who are kind of in the space that you're doing, like lifting weights. So, um, just rehabbed it and it got a lot better. What does rehab mean? Just don't use it. No, I went to the physical therapist and yeah, try not to do any real heavy lifting from the floor for a couple months. And, um, and um yeah i mean just like if i had a
Starting point is 01:02:05 broken wrist i would try not to use it and go rehab and ice it and use it like simple stuff so what did you stop doing so so if you broke it in 2015 it hurt all of 2016 what or what did you stop doing that that you think because it was stuff you were doing that was aggravating it right so when you say you stopped heavy lifting off the floor you you reduce your deadlifts from 300 pounds to back down to 135 or so it was during so this is obviously during the off season or you know off season and so i spent um you know a couple months of really doing nothing like that so i would do i actually had i just was so. I would go to the gym and instead of actually working out, I would just set a clock and I would just do a hundred strict
Starting point is 01:02:50 muscle ups and that, that would be my entire workout. It would take me forever. And then I'd just leave. It would take like an hour and I'd leave. So that was, that's what I would do for two or three months. Wow. You had the discipline to do that at that age. It was, I mean, it was fun for me cause it was just like, I mean, just like climbing on a jungle gym. Right. And then, and then, and then at some point you're like, you woke up one morning, you're like, my back doesn't hurt. Uh, it was gradual. Yeah. I mean, um, and then obviously my physical therapist helped me. And so whenever we, we kind of just slowly got into stuff and at their office, you know, they have like lightweights and we just started working on lightweight stuff and seeing how we would do. And we would lift a little bit of weight and then I go on the next day and we'd say, Hey, how is it?
Starting point is 01:03:33 And then go from there and just slowly build back up. And then you won the games in 2017. Yep. Is that crazy? I don't think so. Looking back at it. But, but you didn't really train properly in 2016. You were healing. Is that crazy? I don't think so. Looking back at it. I don't think so. But you didn't really train properly in 2016.
Starting point is 01:03:48 You were healing. Yeah. I mean, it took about 12 weeks, so three months maybe, three months of rehab and then back into training. I think, if anything, the time off probably helped. A little bit of time just builds up my body strength. And then have you ever re-injured that? Not to that extent. I've done other damage to my back, but not that.
Starting point is 01:04:16 And is that other damage – was there a moment in your life where you're like, okay, I'm kind of done with the competing? Yeah, yep, 2018 after the open in 2018, my, I had, I think I had one herniated disc and one bulging disc. And I was like, and I have, I, I mean, I use this term loosely, but degenerative disc disease. And so, uh, I have that. Yeah. And I think that's when those, that's when those things are, they're supposed to be white. and then the x-ray, they're black. Those things between your vertebrae. I got that. They're supposed to be big and soft, and now they're small little discs, and they don't do much. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:57 But yeah, like I – at that point, it hurt. I hurt my – it re-injured my back. And then this was in 2018. I read it at the open. And I, um, I went to the doctor and he's like, yeah, they're probably competing at least right now for a while is probably not a good, um, a good idea. And so I just didn't compete that year. I was supposed to be on the second mayhem team. I didn't compete that year. And I didn't really think I was going to it all anymore. Did that, um, how, how was that emotionally, intellectually? Uh, it sucked. It was, it was, I mean, it was everything I knew
Starting point is 01:05:31 for the last four or five years was just competing in CrossFit and, uh, going to the gym. So, um, so yeah, it was super weird. And at that time that was four years ago. So you're 18 years old. Yeah. Did, did anything go astray then like you started watching a bunch of porn or going to strip clubs or you started started uh doing drugs or got fat or no no i uh um no i just was coaching at mayhem and then sorry let me put that in cookville terms they don't do drugs did you ever go to and start throwing rocks at trains that went by at night i guess that's more cookville no uh no no there is way more there's a lot of drugs in cookville but there are here oh tons tons meth meth is huge in tennessee oh good that makes me feel better but i wasn't but no i wasn't
Starting point is 01:06:22 doing meth i didn't start doing math when I hurt my back. No, I just kind of like got involved in other stuff. Like I was coaching a lot more and then I went to college and I just thought, you know, whatever. I'm just going to go live a normal life, whatever. And at that point, had you kind of written it off too? Oh, yeah. Like, okay, I'm done. I'm done.
Starting point is 01:06:41 Yeah. Yeah. So what are we seeing from you now? What are you doing? Why, why are you messing around? Why can't you just go back to the gym and just work out a little bit and chill and like, just tighten up, like, you know, tighten up your diet and just have a nice body for your wife. Why do you got to like, why do you jump in with Rich and Luke? Um, well, so this, I guess about a year ago, uh, a year ago from the open. So whenever the open about a year ago uh a year ago from the open so whenever the open starts a year um
Starting point is 01:07:08 rich had texted me and he said hey do you mind putting your scores in uh for the opening or he asked me first he goes hey do you do the open work i go yeah he said do you mind signing up put your scores in we need an alternate for our team we don't have anybody or i think you need two guys and he goes we need another guy do you mind doing it and i was like damn i'm like i don't have anybody or I think you need two guys and he goes we need another guy do you mind doing it and I was like damn I'm like I don't really want to I don't think I'm good enough I don't want to and um but I'm like if he's saying it you know he's a pretty smart guy he probably thinks I'm at least fit enough to kind of bounce back in a few months and be decent enough to maybe not help them win the games but but maybe not let them suck. And how would he know that at this point,
Starting point is 01:07:47 are you training at the barn periodically or you say hi, or how would he know? Uh, I mean, he, I, I don't know. I mean,
Starting point is 01:07:54 I think he just knows that, I guess maybe, I don't know. I think he's just out of options. I'll put it that way. I think he's just set up. He's so desperate. He calls the injured 18 year old boy from fucking that he met when he was 12
Starting point is 01:08:07 years old in a cafeteria prep workout presentation damn i didn't think i didn't think ridge ever got that desperate he was desperate were you working out at mayhem then yeah oh yeah okay so there were people new like darren or people who like work the gym like a darren or rory may have seen you and like they see your scores and they know hey hey, that guy's still crushing some shit. I would I don't think I was. I just think I was doing normal workouts and like because I would come in, I would do what I would consider just a class workout. I would do the class. I would maybe do some strength work and then maybe some, you know, maybe some abs in the corner and then go home.
Starting point is 01:08:43 Like I didn't think I was doing anything crazy. Um, and yeah, I just did the, I did the open workout and I didn't do well. I just did it. And he said, Hey, do you mind putting your scores in? And after that, I was like, well, in the off chance that he, I go, he's old and he gets hurt a lot. So if he gets hurt, at least I don't, I mean, at least I won't suck. So I need to train a little bit harder. So then I started going twice a day and then I started going to the barn and then it just kind of like snowballed from there. And I realized that if I train a little bit smarter, I make some better, I'm more mature now. Yeah. I definitely played a part in it where I was like, um, I didn't just, cause I thought when I was younger, you know, you go to the gym and then I do whatever I want outside of the gym. As um, I didn't just, cause I thought when I was younger, you know, you go to
Starting point is 01:09:25 the gym and then I do whatever I want outside of the gym. As long as I'm working out, then I'm going to be fine, but it's not like that. Um, so what is it like when you're out of the gym, you need to rest? Yeah, you need to rest and you need to recover. Like my thing was the recoveries. I just needed to do more recovery. I needed to make sure that my back didn't get hurt. I need to make sure that, you know, I was doing, going to the physical therapist, even if I wasn't hurt, I would go to the physical therapist and see him, you know, once a month or something just to, um, see if I have any imbalances, anything like that. And just, you know, take it more seriously overall. Um, and so that's just, I mean, that's what I did. And what happened that year? Did they end up, did you end up going on
Starting point is 01:10:03 the team or did they end up using you? What happened that year? No. So this was last year. So this was when Rich and Chase and Andrea and Taylor just won the games this past year. So no, I didn't – no one needed me. I just kept training and made it to the semifinals and made it to the last chance. And it's just – yeah, I just – I would say I got lucky or just had the chips fall in the right places for me.
Starting point is 01:10:25 I'm not sure. And so, so then you, and then you just kept going like you're saying. Yeah. Okay. Just like. Um, and, and, and when did you realize that, was it right after that, that you're like, okay, I'm, I'm, um, was it just accidental or has it like, are you training for the games now?
Starting point is 01:10:45 Yeah. So some, uh, a switch has flipped. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. I think the switch flipped once I made the decision after, so there was the open and then there was the quarterfinals and it was after the quarterfinals, I had started training a little bit and I saw a lot of progress from the open to the quarterfinals. And, um, I kind of like, you know, I told myself, all right, if I'm going to do it, I'm going to do
Starting point is 01:11:09 it. So I stopped. I like told the, my broker at my real estate office. And then, uh, I told the guys, uh, yeah, I told the guys who I was working with at the, with my detailing business. I told them, I said, Hey, I'm going to step away from both of these things for a while. And I'm just going to do CrossFit and I'm going to,'m going to go to the fire department and then anything else. Any other time I have is CrossFit and recovery. Do you live at home? Right now, yes. And do you like that?
Starting point is 01:11:35 Do you like being close to your family? Well, I'm actually going to move out this month. Oh, sorry, Dad. Sorry, Mom. No, the answer is no, he's done with you. I'm actually moving out this month and I'm just moving. I mean, I'm just moving across town. And will you be close to the barn?
Starting point is 01:11:50 Yeah. I mean, I'm close to the barn now, but I still will be 10, 15 minutes. Oh, that's close. Oh, is that not close? I don't know. I think so. I mean, 10, 15 minutes is drive time and no traffic. We have no traffic.
Starting point is 01:12:05 But, okay. It's too far have no traffic. But, okay. It's too far to one wheel. Oh, yeah. Sadly. Do you still one wheel? Oh, yeah. You bought a one wheel? Yes.
Starting point is 01:12:16 So, this is the best story. Tell me. So, you know, I'm 18. I just turned. I'm sorry. I'm sorry i'm sorry sorry angela uh uh rushi vias he's at your mom's house uh sorry and and i don't i don't appreciate her taking him from me by the way okay go ahead um so i had bought a one wheel i like um uh nick massey who owns ice age meals yep good dude such a nice man yep he he's great he came out and did a um and did like his culinary class at and he brought his one wheel and i thought it was awesome i was riding around all weekend
Starting point is 01:13:02 and it was the week before the games in 2019 or 2019, maybe. And he, he said, Hey, I'll leave it here with you guys. You ride it. And then someone just bring it to the games next week. Wow. Yeah. Those things are expensive.
Starting point is 01:13:15 That's crazy that he would do that. Yeah. He's a great dude. Um, and I wrote it all week and then I, you know, after that, I'm like, I need one of these. I love it all week. And then I, you know, after that, I'm like, I need one of these. I love it. And so I bought one and I let everybody, you know, I start, I have it, I bring it to mayhem. I let everybody ride it. And like six months later, rich gets one wheel to send them like
Starting point is 01:13:37 10 one wheels. Everyone gets one sent to them. And you know, at this point I'm 18, all I do is coach at the gym part-time like i spent my life savings on this yes i just spent a fucking month's mortgage on fucking one i can't believe my mom's like you don't even have a fucking job and you bought one of those for your kid i'm like i guess i mean they're so expensive they're so expensive i buy mine and then they get like you know they're boxes on boxes of wood wheels just showing up at his house and uh so everyone else has got these one wheels i'm the only sucker that and uh so everyone else has got these one wheels i'm the only sucker that paid for it and i'm definitely the one who makes the least amount of money out of all of those guys so it's all backwards but um it is cool to have all the like
Starting point is 01:14:15 we all have one so we can all like we have like a little gang and we'll like ride them around yeah that's cool like ride them around downtown cookville and shit? So we have mountain bike trails, and we ride them on the mountain bike trails. Oh, that's so cool. Oh, it's awesome. Do you ride them with shoes or barefoot? Depends. Yeah, both. Depends. Go ahead. If I'm going to ride crazy, then I'll probably put shoes on.
Starting point is 01:14:42 My son only weighs 50 pounds and i got the pint x and with all the shit the fender and the extra parts it was like almost two grand yeah get and it shows up at the house and he can't ride it because he's not heavy enough oh wow he's only 50 pounds and i'm like oh shit i just threw away two fucking thousand dollars and um but but then he took off his shoes and because it doesn't spread the weight out, you know, yeah. Yeah. And so he can ride it. And so he rides it every day and I know that he loves it. I don't know. Can Caleb hear me too? Yeah, I think so. There's a picture on my Instagram of when I wrecked my one wheel. Yes.
Starting point is 01:15:17 I have a link. I have a link in there. Yeah. So it looks, it doesn't really look all that bad but oh it looks bad dude it looks bad so i was shirtless and the after picture i never posted the after pictures of like when uh so the story so this is that this is actually in the background that's the cross-country course oh okay yeah at the high school yeah at the high school that's that's uh that's the course that i ran at but um there's a runway an old runway right by the high school and i was like a dirt runway like for airplanes or like a paved runway yeah paved runway for for them so um i was like man i want to see how fast this thing can go. It's the longest straight strip that I know about that there's going to be no cars on. So I went out there and I brought it out there and I just was riding it and just seeing how
Starting point is 01:16:11 fast I get it to go. And there's a speedometer on it. It'll show you how fast you've gone. So like a high score. Yep. And so at 20 miles an hour, you feel, so you'll push into it at 20 miles an hour, it'll push back. And then you have two choices
Starting point is 01:16:25 you slow down or you can speed up again it's basically saying hey it's all you you know i'm not going to save you i push into it and i push it to uh like 22 23 and it just pushes so far nose dives and i take two steps and i just tumble weed it on on the tarmac on the tarmac oh um my so it all over the instruction booklet it says when the when the one wheel pushes back do not push through it like it's everywhere on every fucking page and and i hear my son and my and my nephew because i'll take my nephew's 18 and my son's 7 and i take the one wheel to the beach and they ride it up there. And they're just like, it's pushing back,
Starting point is 01:17:08 but we just pushed through it. I'm like, guys, it says do not push through it. Every, I'm like the old parent. Now it sucks. But that's interesting.
Starting point is 01:17:18 I've seen it do that before. Never, never going fast, but I've seen it like where the nose will just go. Yeah. And they like turning it so sharp that they scrape the board they like doing crazy shit on it now oh i lost you did you get muted i can't hear angelo did your pot your airpods died Did you get the signal?
Starting point is 01:17:47 Maybe you have to switch your microphone. It kicks off if you top out the speed. Yeah, I guess that's what it did. Man, I would love it if they would send me one. Dear Onewheel, I promise I won't say anything that's not woke for a month. Can you send me one? I'll be woke for a month. I think his mic is disconnected. I can't unmute him.
Starting point is 01:18:07 So let me ask you, where were you born, Caleb? I was born in South Dakota This is a show about Caleb Beaver There he is Yeah, there he goes Caleb, thank you for stepping in Caleb Stunt double for Angela You know
Starting point is 01:18:24 So in caleb it's done double for angela you know um so so so you're committed so you're committed back to uh to it and is the goal do you even know what the goal is are you honest with yourself is the goal to get back to individual um i don't know i'm just having fun competing honestly I don't know. I'm just having fun competing, honestly. I don't know. So you're not being honest with yourself? No, no, I just, I, uh, no, I, yeah, I don't know. I've just not said I set any expectations because I think when I was younger, I had all these expectations of wanting to go to the games and wanting to be an individual. And that was the only thing I wanted to do. And then when I didn't have it, you know, you asked about how it was emotionally and mentally, it just, it sucked.
Starting point is 01:19:04 I didn't know what to do. You know, I know I was um it felt like I had lost a piece of me almost and so I'm trying not to put that much weight into it until you know I just want to let whatever happened happen naturally I'm not you know I have I love my job and I'm not really I'm not willing to make the sacrifices that other people make to be at the top of the sport. I, um, you know, I want to keep my job. I don't really want to leave it. I like it a lot. So, um, and I know that with the 24 hours at the fire station, that's not really a winning recipe to be the best in the world. And I'm fine with that. I'm just trying to, you know, uh, do my thing. And I know that's not the popular decision. Everyone would say, Hey, you need to go all in. Why are you, you know, why are you half and half
Starting point is 01:19:44 out and just trying to have some fun. And I like, you know, why are you half and half out? Just trying to have some fun. And I like competing in the court, so I don't want to stop. It's kind of sounds like a little bit of the new Scott Panchik mode. Oh really? Well, you know, he tells himself he retired and then he takes it, which I think is brilliant. He's, he announces it on the drive to the games, takes all this pressure off of him, and then pushes through some crazy knee injury
Starting point is 01:20:09 to put on a fucking clinic at the games, you know what I mean, where he can. I mean, he just was a stud. Yeah. And then dabble in Guadalupalooza to see, like, okay, what's going to go, what's going to happen? And he just keeps coming up with all these other, you know, there may be some truth to him, but at the games he's retiring at waterpalooza he's just
Starting point is 01:20:28 doing it to have fun with his brothers you know he's got this like these these narratives that takes take some pressure off him which probably has added to his enjoyment significantly oh yeah yeah absolutely uh and um i i think i saw a list of the teams somewhere, and you were not – so at Waterpalooza, you were on a team with Luke, Parker, and Rich. And then I saw a list of the teams, and you are not on the team with – you're on a team with Luke on the list I saw. I didn't write it down. Where's his list? There's a list. And then you're trying to figure out what you can talk about, what you can't.
Starting point is 01:21:09 There was a list. So basically, I don't remember where I saw it. Maybe it's in the comments on one of your videos. But last night I found it. And basically there was a list and it said the team Rich was going to be on. And then maybe someone just making this up and guessing. And then there was a list. You are going to a team you're going to be on. But it's it's with Luke.
Starting point is 01:21:30 No, actually, maybe I did write it down because I ask, who is this person? What I'll say is that I will say that if the YouTube comments had a choice of who is going to be on Rich's team, they would not choose me. That's for sure. Really? Who do they want? Just not me. All I know is you assholes. Who do we join on Rich's team? Not Angelo. Excuse me. That's not a choice. Not Angelo. What guy is relentless? I posted on there. They posted this hard workout. Like I said, him and Guy were doing this hard workout. And after the workout, they go, hey, Rich, you know, how would you scale this for somebody? Then he goes, well, you know, if it takes you, I think, eight rounds and you can't finish all the reps. He said, just stop at eight rounds.
Starting point is 01:22:16 And I made a comment, you know, just trying to be funny. I go, this would take me 10 rounds minimum. I go, it would take me more than 10 rounds. And then a guy comments back and says, we know we saw you at waterpalooza oh ruthless i was like uh is that the kind of shit like you'll come to the gym and rich will be like that guy got you did like other people be like telling you what a good comment it was no i think rich i think rich might have snapped back to him or not i can't remember but he's like i said do these And then someone else said, oh, gosh. Someone else said, just like Luke and Angel are just holding Rich back at
Starting point is 01:22:50 Wadapalooza. And I go, these guys can't let it go. They just can't let it go. Whether we did good or not, just let me live. You did good at Wadapalooza, though, didn't you? I mean, I thought so until I started reading the YouTube comments. I really liked myself until I read the YouTube comments. Then I loaded up the gun. Yeah, exactly. Oh, it's the best stuff. It is. It is the best. I, I, but, but to, to, I, I do
Starting point is 01:23:17 have an incredibly thick skin, but I will not go to, I will not go to Reddit. Occasionally someone will send me a link to Reddit. No, I will not go there. Um,asionally someone will send me a link to Reddit. Oh, really? No, I will not go there. Ruthless? It's more than ruthless. I think it's vile. Really? Yeah, there's no – No accountability for what they're saying at all.
Starting point is 01:23:37 It's so gross, the stuff they say. I mean it's not even anything about me that I've seen. It's just other stuff that I've seen on there, and I'm like, wow, I'll never, I just will never, I don't want to be, it would be like Disneyland. And in the back they had like, you know how they have different like little towns in Disneyland and they had one town in the back, like that was the glory hole town. I'm not bringing my kids somewhere where there's a glory hole. What the fuck?
Starting point is 01:24:01 It's like that. It's like, but it's Disneyland. It's okay. It's just in the corner. Nope. Sorry. Oh, there it is there it is uh oh that was good we know we saw you well and look at the guy's name it's white boy jiggy tit yeah hey let's click on that guy's link i want to see what what let me see this guy's uh first of all you're not you're not a boy you're a white old man but i appreciate the jiggy tit does that mean your tits jiggle
Starting point is 01:24:29 excuse me okay uh so so so so the teams have not been chosen officially um it's like when you came on today like rich was like hey don't tell them what the teams are we don't it's like when you came on today, you're like, Rich was like, Hey, don't tell him what the teams are. We don't, it's not for certain yet. No, I just don't. Um, I just, no, I don't know. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say. I'm not supposed to say right now. I think, I mean, let's try this. Let's try to stump you then.
Starting point is 01:24:55 Stump Angelo. Um, are you, do you think you're going to the games this year? Yes. And we'll be, would you think you'll be going as a team or individual? Uh, maybe as a team, maybe individual. I'd like to go individual, be going as a team or individual? Maybe as a team, maybe individual. I'd like to go individual, but probably as a team. Holy shit. Wow.
Starting point is 01:25:12 As in, I would like to think that I could go as an individual, but I think that I'll have more fun on a team, so I would rather do a team. That's the breakdown of that. Oh, my goodness. I think that's almost enough. That's really cool. How many teams will Mayhem send three that I know of?
Starting point is 01:25:28 Um, that would be really, I mean, I have to tell you, that would be really cool if you went as an individual, maybe four, maybe four. No,
Starting point is 01:25:35 I don't think so. Maybe four teams. Yeah, possibly. Um, at water Palooza this year, um, we,
Starting point is 01:25:42 we, we tried this thing and it worked really well. I basically used this podcast software. Yeah. And then we basically had a bunch of people roaming with iPhones and then we would just be like, hey, what are you doing? What are you doing? And at one point on the last day, we had an iPhone and it was showing all the athletes. And it was all the team athletes and they were gathered around Matt O'Kkeefe and there was some discussion and it was right after the rain had lifted
Starting point is 01:26:07 and you can hear rich say everyone i don't i'm paraphrasing shut up and then he he calmed what was going on there was rich just talking loud or was he like getting a little like fired up he was fired he was fired up okay yeah so what had happened was um by the way tell him thank you that's the kind of shit to get i probably got like five subscribers so so what exactly had happened is rich and other athletes myself included had concerns about doing the last workout when it was when everything was rained on and it was or the seventh workout sprinting back and forth on the on the field um when they're you know when it was wet cutting and you know rich has a bad knee anyways and he's like
Starting point is 01:26:52 i don't want to cut you know make sharp cuts on a wet floor and he goes it's just water pollution it's not the games you know this is not the end all be all we just want to go and have some fun to compete no one wants to get injured for this. And so, um, a bunch of other athletes spoke out and was, and we're kind of concerned about it. So Rich called Matt O'Keefe and, uh, I'm not sure how the phone call went, but soon after Matt shows up in the, in the warmup area and he said, Hey, you know, what, what do you think we should do? He's like, I don't, I don't think we're going to be able to change the workout or anything, but like, I don't, what do you propose? And Rich said, well, let's ask the athletes. So basically they, we, they both
Starting point is 01:27:27 gathered everyone up and raised the concern and everyone, it seemed like most, I mean, majority for sure agreed that, yeah, that's not a good idea. The floor is going to be slick and, you know, we don't want people slipping. So it was really just Rich trying to advocate for the other athletes and being, you know, being a voice because of, you know, who he is, he can be the voice for everybody. So, and everyone trusts what he has to say, you know, he's obviously proven that he knows what he's talking about. Um, so they changed the workout last minute, which was actually really cool of them and, uh, ended up being just fine. You know, the event went on just fine and with the burpees instead of the sprinting. And I think everybody agreed that it was probably a better choice yeah the burpees were cool it worked well i can't remember who was on
Starting point is 01:28:09 the podcast at that time but they had also suggested that at the same time that it was kind of announced mayhem youtube shows interaction oh so they mayhem actually has a had a camera guy there where you can see the whole thing go down in detail i guess i haven't watched any of those youtube videos i just don't like to watch myself on youtube so i don't if i'm in the video i usually don't watch it oh okay well do you like the fact that mayhem has such a great um video team i mean i would think that would be awesome yeah oh no i think it's awesome i like all the camera guys and i mean just media in general you guys have just a great media team you guys got a podcast studio you got video guys you got a fucking amazing like gym to film in you got good lighting i think yeah we i mean we have everything's awesome and i like all the
Starting point is 01:28:49 camera guys which makes it more comfortable because you know if they're your friend behind the camera you're just talking to your friend and so what they have to have a camera i just i just usually say stupid crap so i don't want to listen to what i say so i don't watch them but i think the videos are great like i think the editing is really good. I think, um, and I think they do a good job overall. You know, it's, it's interesting at 22, I would have hated to see myself on camera too. Yeah. I hate it. I hate it. But now at 49, for some reason, it doesn't bother me.
Starting point is 01:29:18 Really? No, I can't. I hate it. I've just accepted like you're fucked. There's nothing you can, there's nothing you can do. Who is Kurt? Kurt Craig. The 466, badge 466. Yeah, yeah. So Kurt Craig was a firefighter with us for about 10, 12, 12 or 15 years, maybe. Um, and I met him,
Starting point is 01:29:49 he started working out with Rich originally very early on in the mayhem days. Like, uh, like I think right from the get go, he was working out with them. And, um, I was, I mean, I wouldn't say we're super close, but I knew him pretty well from going to the gym often and, you know, seeing him there. We went to the gym at the same time. And then, and then we, you know, we were friends at the fire station because we knew each other before then. We worked together a lot. So we're, we're pretty close. And what happened?
Starting point is 01:30:17 Did he pass? Yeah. So he passed pretty suddenly in June, June, two years, two years ago. So 2020. And what happened? He just some stuff from work, I guess, caught up with him and some some other issues. And he took his own life. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:30:39 Yeah. Oh, shit. Have you ever known anyone to do that before? No. Yeah, that's um yeah it was that is yeah it was uh what felt like at that point probably the worst day of my life that far so it was like it was uh yeah and i was actually at work when it happened he was off he was off because for the birth of his his his first kid, um, had just been born like 10 days ago. And, uh, prior to it, prior to it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:10 10 days ago. And so he was home, he was home, he was on leave with his wife and, um, and yeah, and we were all at work and kind of just got the news. We actually, so we all were on a, we're actually at a structure fire. We at a, not a confirmed, but a possible structure fire. And then we got a call from, I guess, one of the people from the ambulance or one of the other guys at work who heard about it. And, um, we, um, yeah, we all kind of met at the station at the main station. We had another, another fire department take our calls
Starting point is 01:31:42 for us. And we pretty much all sat around and just kind of like you know um just kind of try to realize what was going on what happened oh trip too because like all my firefighter friends um they love a fire too like they're tired of fucking going to old folks homes and fucking resuscitating people like there's nothing better than oh shit a building's on fire this is it. And then to get that news at the same time, it's like, um, does that rock a town like Cookville? Like everyone knows in Cookville then? Like everyone's like walking around with like a little bit of a shadow or a little bit of a black cloud. Maybe not the entire town, but everyone who,
Starting point is 01:32:18 everyone who knew the fire department. So, you know, you think about the EMS people, the people in the ambulance, the, um, the cops, yeah, all those kinds of people. And then everyone at the gym, obviously when we did the workout there and, um, anybody who was or is a firefighter, just kind of like, yeah, it took, um, it's obviously when you have a town of such, it's such a tight knit group of first responders, because it's not really that many people, you know know probably in all it's like a thousand people so you kind of know everyone so yeah it was pretty heavy for a while god um you know you try to step into other people's shoes you you know there's there's the word empathize of course yeah um it's it's really something else to hear that someone who has a
Starting point is 01:33:09 child yeah like what what would go through your mind yeah i mean basically yeah i can't fathom it yeah i think um and why and do people did you ever blame yourself like fuck i knew this guy should have noticed yeah like yeah okay uh yeah i think we all we all did a little bit um because towards the end there were some not necessarily signs but like some stuff that he was obviously dealing with some things and um like i definitely was trying to be i definitely was always his friend like we were we were pretty close and um yeah just like I feel like there was stuff there was, I feel like there was something more I could do, but I, but I, I know that I tried, um, to help him and, you know, but sometimes there's nothing you can do. Sometimes it's just, you know, people don't
Starting point is 01:33:59 want help and you can't, you can't do anything at that point. But yeah, it was a pretty, that was pretty shitty it sucked yeah it's crazy hopefully it's just a once in a lifetime experience yeah i hope so too yeah like okay i got that one under my belt there's the there's a shirt and there's his workout so we so that workout there's um there's a youtube video an old may have youtube video i think it's a workout wednesday i could probably look i can try to look up. So if he wants to look it up, you can put it on there, but they did like a workout Wednesday. Um, when we did the old YouTube channel, um, and, uh, Rich and Kurt are doing a workout in his old garage. Um, and it's that workout. So it's, uh, what is that workout called?
Starting point is 01:34:41 Is it called, um, it's like 20, it's 20, 30, 40, 50. And then you rest two or three minutes and you do it again. But at that day they had done it alternating rounds. Oh yeah. The workouts on there, right? The workouts. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And they had done alternating rounds and in the YouTube video, that was the only YouTube video that Kurt was in. I think so. So they, so that we kind of made that his workout. Oh, that's cool. Yeah. And we've done that the last two years, um, since, um, we'd kind of get all the firefighters at mayhem and we all do it together. Is it, do you still see his wife around? Yeah. Yeah, actually. So that's one of the houses that I sold. So when she, when he passed, um,
Starting point is 01:35:24 you know, she kind of had a little bit of, you know, she had a traumatic experience at the house that they were living in together. So she wanted to get out of there. And I found somebody to sell her house before I had my real estate license. And then once, um, I got mine, I actually, we found her house together and now she lives at, uh, she lives in a nice house, um, that she got to choose and, um, isn't in that old house that, you know, they had a bad experience. And so that was pretty cool. That got to help them do that.
Starting point is 01:35:51 Yeah, that is cool. I'm guessing that when you train with these guys, maybe people are gonna be like, yeah, it does have on, but there's you, you, um, Haley, Guy, Andrea, just the whole crew, Samuel, whenever people come into town. Who's the giant guy from Australia, Royce? Royce Dunn. Yeah. There is a two matches burn brighter than one. There is a holy cow.
Starting point is 01:36:25 two matches burn brighter than one. There is a holy cow. This is like, it's like a, I don't know if you've ever been to a rave, but there's this constant, just like, there's this basically this constant like elevation going on. And like, basically like you can actually feel it. Like we're all getting better together. And in certain workouts, you can see little micro examples of it. Like, holy yeah fuck we're fucking shit up in here right now oh yeah um and is is it like that spiritually too in there like that there's an accountability to everyone because you guys all are pretty like hardcore christians like you go to any one of your guys's uh instagram accounts and there's like this is my favorite proverb this is 13 2 i'm 17 5 i'll look at my tattoo it It's like, is there, is there a, a, a moral code there that
Starting point is 01:37:06 you think that just elevates and keeps you guys all accountable to those, the two strongest pieces, this physical with this spiritual, uh, yeah, religious or definitely, I wouldn't say religious. I think, um, I think spiritual is a good word for it. Obviously, with most of us being Christians, no one judges anybody else. So you kind of just – if someone came there and wasn't a Christian, then it wouldn't be – it's not a problem where you're not excommunicated or something. It's just the way that we are. And I don't know. I mean, yeah, I think when you get around people with same mindset and, uh, you all end up, uh, making each other better, you know, it's like that,
Starting point is 01:37:49 what's that old saying, you know, you're a sum of the five people you spend the most time with. So like, I think if we all try to elevate each other all the time, then those five people are elevating you and your L and help elevating them. It's kind of just back and forth. Um, yeah. Have you ever been been do you know anyone in the gym whoever because they've hung out with you has found god or found jesus or like someone who's like holy shit like had their eyes open i don't mean even like well go ahead answer that and i'll
Starting point is 01:38:16 tell you um if it's an adequate answer i don't i don't i don't know that i've ever had that impact on somebody um mainly because um cook is such a Christian town anyways. Such a what town? Christian town. Okay. It's very Christian. I mean, a lot of people go to Christian churches around here. That's not weird for someone to do that.
Starting point is 01:38:41 So, no, I don't think – I mean, if I met somebody who wasn't Christian, I don't think that I was the reason they converted or anything, but, um, I could be, I'm not sure. Never had that conversation with anybody. And the reason why, and what I was going to say is there's a distinction between, um, me going to church with my family from when I was like, you know, I didn't, but let's say from when I was born to when we went a couple of times a year, but let's say I went with my family, you know, every Sunday from when I was zero to when I was 20. And then all of a sudden at 23, like I found Jesus. Like those are different people. You know, the guy has just been going to church his whole life versus like something fucking
Starting point is 01:39:15 happened. And someone's like, Holy fuck. Yeah. You know what I mean? You know, those people, they kind of launch off the moon. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:21 Or launch off the planet. Yeah. I think there's, I don't think, yeah, I don't think I've ever been that in someone's life that i know of but um um but i know that yeah i know exactly what you're talking about you know you can go and it not be you haven't had like you haven't had like someone come up like hayley adams comes over there and after like six months one day she comes in and you're like she's like holy fuck last night did like god spoke to me and like now i get what you guys are – you haven't had that. I haven't had that, no.
Starting point is 01:39:46 God, I can't wait to hear that story. Because there's got – because – Maybe not. Maybe I do have a story like that. Like, so my friend growing up, Nick Palladino, who won the games as well. I wanted to ask you about him. Go on. Yes.
Starting point is 01:40:00 So he texted Rich and I, and he grew – his family's's Christian. He grew up, you know, Christian, kind of like exactly what you said, you know, he would go to church with his family and he grew, he went to a Catholic high school. But he had called Rich and I a few months ago and said like, you know, but I think I'm really starting to believe now, like, cause he just got through the time where he's like, I don't know, you know, I don't, you know, it just, I'm just going to church. I don't know what to think about all this, but he's like, I really do. You know, I really do think that, um, that something's out there. Like it feels different now. So yeah, maybe that, maybe that's a possibility. Did he say what happened? Did something happen to him? Um, no, I just think he's kind of just found something that he enjoys and he thinks that
Starting point is 01:40:41 maybe God put that in his life that he found something that he really enjoys and, and, uh, God helped him find that. So I think that's where he's coming from. Yeah. It usually is something like that. Like you come out of a really dark hole or you have, you have some, some, some event happened that you can't explain any other way. Yeah. Yeah. What happened to him?
Starting point is 01:41:02 Is he still doing CrossFit? He, he was like strong as fucking all yeah right he was like weird strong right super strong he yeah he's uh he's he was very genetically gifted and he just was strong i mean he liked to lift weights so he got really strong and um he is so he's running a twitch page now doing uh some gaming stuff so he's always been a huge gamer and he's uh yeah there he is he has always been a huge gamer and he's uh yeah there he is he has always been a big gamer and he's kind of just got more into it and he he's just working out i think he's just working out for fun now but yeah there he is so what is oh that's him playing
Starting point is 01:41:37 yeah yeah he's uh nick pal 23 i believe on twitch in case anybody is a twitch person wants to watch 23, I believe, on Twitch, in case anybody is a Twitch person and wants to watch. Holy cow. Oh, he's angry. Yeah, I think someone blocked his goal. But yeah, he posts the stuff and makes fun of himself, so it's pretty funny. He's got some funny stuff on there. Wow.
Starting point is 01:41:58 Tommy Rodriguez. New shirt fund for Sevant. Hey, hey, hey. What the heck is going on with this shirt? This shirt's so nice. This is probably like a $200 Filson. This feels like what's going on? Um, uh, do you think he, so, so he's done with CrossFit, isn't that, that's kind of a weird juxtaposition from video games to CrossFit to video games. Uh, yeah, I think so. But I think, uh, he, I knew that he was always, he, his thing was video games always. Like he's always been like that. He's been good
Starting point is 01:42:31 at them. He likes to play them. And so it kind of made sense for, for him to do that. And then I think it all worked. The Twitch thing works out with his personality because he's, he's a, he's funny. And he, as you see, he like rages and he does he does he just he's just animated is a good way to put it he's animated funny oh yeah he's funny super funny and he's animated he's animated so uh because being on twitch is um not about really the playing the video game it's more about just being you know you have to be on there you have to be witty you have to have you have to be animated you have to do all this kind of you have to act weird and so like that's just his thing is like he can draw people in so it's and he had a following from crossfit so he kind of had like a leg up on most people who just start that stuff and then you get money for people watching you
Starting point is 01:43:13 on twitch like like on youtube like how yeah it's just like six dollars off of you right now yeah just like youtube oh that's awesome wow what an interesting world. Yeah. Crazy. You can do it. You can do anything. You trained with Sarah Sigmund's daughter. Oh yeah. A lot. So you tell me about that. So she trained at Mayhem. She moved to Cookville. Yeah. For like a whole year. And how old were you when that happened? 17.
Starting point is 01:43:40 And when she came with, she just would fucking mop you up up were you better than her at 17 or no yeah i was better than her than i was i was not maybe some running some running not all just like maybe every now and then i could like edge out at a running workout but it was like i was never better than her at anything so sarah sigman's daughter just showed like she shows up at mayhem you're working out in the barn you're're like, holy shit. Yeah. She mocks the war with me. Another one. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:08 Just another like – it's just fucking – so man, Rich draws some incredible people there. Oh, yeah. So tell me about that. Do you like her? Is she fun? Did you train with her? Tell me about your relationship with her. So at that point, we didn't really have like like the empire then.
Starting point is 01:44:29 So it was really just the team. And then it was Dre, Sarah were the kind of the individuals. Then there was me as a teenager. That was, you know, that was it. So the team. I really appreciate you using the word empire. on i would make fun of crossfit or mayhem calling it the mayhem empire was like my way of like just not make fun and then i had rich on the show and he referred to it as the mayhem empire and stole it i think i was like this motherfucker just took it from me he just embraced it and i just love it it's such a nice now it's just like oh i just love hearing i think it I think everybody calls it that now. Oh, good. Good.
Starting point is 01:45:06 Do I get credit for that? Yeah, I think so. That's awesome. The Mayhem Empire. Oh, so nice. So. So I made fun of Dave by calling him the Dave Castro in a video in 2010. And he did the same thing.
Starting point is 01:45:19 He's like, OK, I'm going to take that. It's the TDC. I'm trying to make fun of you guys. You guys can just take it. That's what it is. See, that's how you troll people.'m trying to make fun of you guys you guys can just take it that's what it'd be see that's how you troll people you gotta show yourself with them so they can't they can't do anything about it okay so it wasn't the empire then no so it was the team me dre sarah sigman's daughter and um and dre's the video guy too yes yeah or what and he and then yeah and then he went to the games with rich on the team one year but uh so dre and sarah went to regionals together they were the individuals at
Starting point is 01:45:51 regionals and then dre if had missed the games that year and so go training for the games it was um the team and sarah and i and so like you know they would do their team workout or whatever and sarah and i would do the individual individual version of whatever they were doing and then, you know, kind of do our own thing. So it was pretty much, I mean, it was a lot of the time it was the two of us doing our own thing, which was pretty cool. And is that the year you won the games? Yeah. And do you think that played a role for you that you were chasing just such a fucking savage? Just such a fucking savage? Yeah, I think it played a role.
Starting point is 01:46:26 I mean, obviously there's good training partners all over the place here. And even without her, I think I could have won the game. But I do think it played a role, yeah. I mean, think of the – I mean, everyone's having influence on everyone. But think of just the people that you're – like they say, when you travel, you should plagiarize from other cultures. Like you should take all the best shit from every culture. Like this culture does this. Yeah. And think of just all the people you get to plagiarize from. Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah. I've had, I mean, I've definitely had some, uh, some awesome people to, you know, like you said, plagiarize from them. Was there any time that you weren't going to the gym? Like there was a three
Starting point is 01:47:03 month stint where like Tia was there and you never went to the gym and you're kicking yourself now you're like that was stupid no no i i think everybody who's come through i feel like i've uh i've had some impact from like i think i've talked to them enough to where i've like um to where i've had yeah just a little bit impact from them and uh learned something from them so i don't think that i don't think i ever was like man i should have talked to them more hang out with them more when i had sarah on the podcast and she was so easy you can go oh you can go anywhere any topic there's nothing there's nothing off you know like i'll be like so you get dick pics she's like yeah too many too many and i'm like is it weird she's like yeah who the fuck would send me a dick pic what am i supposed
Starting point is 01:47:47 to do look at this dick and be like all right let's go on a date i mean she's just like you know she just like totally ran with it and i'm like holy shit like there's did it was it easy um yeah did you find her easy too oh yeah yeah She was just easy to hang out with. Pretty chill and just kind of did whatever everyone else was doing. She didn't really complain about the workouts or anything. We just kind of went with the flow. As you get closer to the games, I get the impression that the constituents of the Mayhem Empire start to come from all over the world it's like the
Starting point is 01:48:27 bulls come to roost for a few months or weeks before the games what is that like when samuel shows up and gee shows up and roy shows up and um uh andrea nistler and and um and taylor show up and then haley's there, and Tasia's there. Is it just – who am I missing? And Chase is there. I finally got Chase's name right. I'm so sorry. I got to have Chase on the show.
Starting point is 01:48:54 He's crossing off my list. I got this list of all the people at the Mayhem Empire I have to get. Does it start getting like – do you start feeling something like, oh shit, the band is really getting. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, yeah. Like the, the workouts get harder, the training days get longer, the, you know, the, all everyone's focus is like on the games. And so, yeah, there's a, there's a lot of pressure and, um, a lot of just a lot of training in general, you know, a lot going on and, um, a lot more focus, I would say on what we're doing instead of just like, we go from working out because we need to work out every day. And then it goes to like, all right, what do we need to do today to train for the games? It's like, all right, what do we, you know, what kind of movements are we going to see? What are we going to do? Um, it definitely gets ramped up a lot.
Starting point is 01:49:38 Do you think you're pretty, are you more competitive with Luke than other people? Meaning do you and him have something like, I need like, is it like, do you think like he thinks, okay, I need to be always be better than Angelo. And you think,
Starting point is 01:49:51 okay, I always need to be better than Luke. Um, I'm just completely taking a stab in the dark. Yeah, no, I don't, I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:49:58 I think it's just, I think whoever, I mean, whoever's there, I, I want to be competitive with them. I obviously, I think we all think that we want to be competitive with them i obviously i think we
Starting point is 01:50:05 all think that we want to beat each other but there's a time for competition there's time for training so um if um you know if we don't if i feel like i should beat somebody at a workout and maybe they beat me by three seconds i don't like get hung up on and be like man he shouldn't have beaten me i should have got him like and when it comes down to it it's like it's that's not what really matters if you try to if you're trying to compete all year long, you're not going to be able to make it. So I try to look at it as, hey, that's training. If I need to dial it up, I need to dial it up. But this isn't the time to do it.
Starting point is 01:50:34 This is the time to just hit the mark and see if what I'm doing is working. And if I need to go harder on game day, I need to go harder on game day. What are the rules? Are there rules at the barn? Can you like, like, Oh, tons of rules. I was expecting you to say no. No, tons of rules. The number one rule. And I know Rich will agree with me is you don't get to sprint the last round. If you, if you, and we both agree on this, if you, um, if you can sprint the last
Starting point is 01:51:08 round of the workout, you did not go hard enough in the last, you know, five or six rounds. If you can spread the last round. Yes. And when it comes to competition, we, this is, this is a ritual for sure. Uh, when it's in, when you're in a competition, there's a time to sprint at the end. That's always the case. But if you're training a competition there's a time to sprint at the end that's there's always the case but if you're training and i've beaten you for the last six rounds and you push yourself to try to beat me by two seconds in the last round and you know nobody will be more mad than rich rich will be furious if you do that because he's like you missed the point of the workout you're supposed to hold a pace and you're supposed to just go off and sprint towards the end
Starting point is 01:51:44 sandbag for the last couple rounds so you can sprint the last one so you know that will eat he will i that's the one thing that he will get the most mad about for sure i don't know if he would get mad about that but graham used to tell me that um holmberg that basically train is where you're supposed to if i if i i i think i remember it correctly training is supposed to where you let the wheels fall off the bus in rounds that you would never let it fall off the bus in competition yeah it's where you're to experiment push as hard as you can in the first round or wait till the second round push as hard as you can but basically by the end you should have it's it's about finding places you fucked up yeah we're fucking up not to like just finish
Starting point is 01:52:22 with a good time yeah exactly so yeah yeah that's that's the point is it should be you should be in the early rounds you should still be pushing yourself to see okay we know where where can i hold and what's what's too hard but if you held back the whole entire time and you sprint the last round because you want to try to you know win that last round then you're missing the end you're missing the point you should have went harder through the whole rounds and not be able to sprint at the end. Like the wheel should be falling off. That's how we kind of figure how many rounds or how many or how long we're going to go is when everyone's wheels start to kind of fall off, then you're going to start missing the
Starting point is 01:52:56 stimulus of the workout. So then you stop it. If, uh, but if you do it the opposite, then it's like, what were you doing the entire time you were sandbagging to try to beat me at the end. sit then it's like what were you doing the entire time you were sandbagging to try to beat me at the end and and and and everyone in the gym knows that yeah yeah and rich will get mad rich will get really mad that's the that is the number one rule is you don't you don't just get to sprint a lot you don't get to sandbag so you sprint the last round that's i wish i i would love to witness that oh it's awesome it's awesome and then yeah there's a lot of rules i think there's a video of him yelling at luke parker somewhere for doing that yeah there's more than one video that i'm sure
Starting point is 01:53:34 the one time lately i can think about that it probably is on a video was when it was like a pegboard lunge and burpee workout and then rich. And then Luke had sprinted the last round to try to catch Rich. And yeah, Rich still didn't let him catch him. And he was just so pissed afterwards. That's a great video. How do people learn that rule? You do and you get yelled at. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:54:02 So you don't know. You don't know. So someone like Guy shows up and then they do at. Oh, okay. So you don't, you don't know, you don't know. So like someone like Guy shows up and then they do that. Oh, Guy does it all the time. And then Rachel goes over and has like talk with him or yells at him from across the gym. Oh yeah, no, it's not, it's not a, it's not a, um, it's not a private conversation. It's in front of everybody. Guy's done it.
Starting point is 01:54:24 He usually does it on the first or second round, which is okay because, um, that's, you know, that's the, that's the idea is like, he goes out, he'll go out super hard on first round or two just to see what he can do. And then he falls off. That's a little bit different than a sprinting the last one. And, um, but yeah, Guy and Luke are both notorious for going, Hey, how many rounds are we doing and um it'll be like you know if he says hey i think we're gonna do six to eight you know we'll see how see how we feel um when we get to six they're notorious for asking hey is this the last round and he's like if you're asking if this is the last round so you can sprint then we're gonna do two
Starting point is 01:55:01 more damn damn so he's like you should be holding the same pace you should be holding that same hard pace the entire time oh yeah it's awesome i like um when i i had gee on the show and i had hayley on the show and i liked that basically they had the same story as i recall they both hayley's like yeah when gee showed up i basically hazed him she didn't use the word haze and then he's like yeah when i showed up, I basically hazed him. She didn't use the word haze. And then he's like, yeah, when I show up, Haley basically hazed me. And it was basically like just set from the second he shows up. Don't let him leave. Make him do three, four or five workouts.
Starting point is 01:55:33 Grind him into the fucking ground. Choose every weakness he has. Just like that for three days. I'm like, holy fuck. If Rich leaves town, I know now that if Rich leaves town i need to go into because haley's gonna try to make you do a thousand workouts every day but yeah he didn't know that he was fresh he was fresh meat for her and she just buried him for three or four days and he was dead i'd have been there we've all been there so everyone just has to do that and learn from it
Starting point is 01:56:00 this shirt you i will fucking not tolerate this shit anymore look at this thing you guys this thing is like i could fucking i could wrestle cattle in this this is man shit that looks like a yellowstone shirt you don't recognize yes thank you you don't realize me you're gonna recognize man shit and snaps instead of buttons you watch yellowstone i do but i yeah you know what i i i think i think i'm getting old or something because i want that last season that girl the pretty girl well hang on hang on hang on i'm behind so i don't so i don't know oh okay well i won't but basically she does something in the last season of the last episode that's so um i'm just like i i i i'm watching ozarks do you watch ozarks i didn't i haven't watched that but i know that i've heard that's good too
Starting point is 01:56:51 yeah it's great and and like part of me wants to stop watching it causes me stress really do you know like when you hear your parents say there's too much violence in that show and you're like a kid you're like shut the fuck up it's not even real i'm getting like that like i watch shows and it's just too much for me yeah we were watching it last night and um my girlfriend looks at me she goes there's a lot of killing in this i go this is awesome this is awesome she goes how many guys is he gonna kill how many people is this guy gonna kill yeah it's um i really like game of thrones and and i've had people say that like like like they killed off all the characters in the third season like why would you like it and i'm like and like and like
Starting point is 01:57:33 all of a sudden like in the first episode there's someone who's who kills the little kid and by the fifth season they're a hero like how do you process that right and i'm like i don't know but yeah did you watch sons of anarchy no the guys at work are watching that and they're trying to get me into it but i just i mean i'm in the middle of yellowstone and i like to do one show at a time it's it's yellowstone i think it might even have the same creators or some of the writers are the same or one of the guys who is in sons of anarchy wrote yellowstone tyler sheridan okay Oh, okay. Excuse me, but it's brutal. And it's basically what Yellowstone is.
Starting point is 01:58:08 It's just fucking, I mean, when you get to the last, it's just like people shouldn't treat people like this no matter what. Like no matter what. And I just, what does this mean? Angelo looks different. You mean like that he's on anabolic steroids? Or you mean that he's not 14 anymore? No mustache? No mustache. He's had too much pizza. Yeah. What is I don't know what I don't know what they mean. What does that mean? Maybe they'll elaborate stash list that she goes. I love it when people in the comments take the time to write something about me instead of like course correct me. So I was telling I was explaining to someone on my podcast the other day what critical race theory is.
Starting point is 01:58:52 And someone writes, tell me that you don't know what critical race is by telling me, you know, what critical race theory is. And I'm like, dude, in that same two sentences, you could have said something like hey dude actually that's wrong it's actually this yeah yeah instead of wasting or don't even say it's wrong make it even shorter be like actually critical race theory is this like and it's just like like you just you're a turd yeah you're you're you add nothing so it's it's such a trip. Okay, so what we've learned is that the goal is for you to go to the CrossFit Games this year. That's one of your goals. Yeah, yep, definitely.
Starting point is 01:59:40 Whether you will be team or individual is unsure. We know that there will be three or four teams from CrossFit. We know that there are a lot of rules in the Mayhem Empire, tons of rules, and that when you're talked to about them, it's not a private affair. You could be spoken to from a – You get scalded in front of everybody. Public flogging. It's the only – it's like a dog when they take food off the table. It's the only way to teach in front of everybody.
Starting point is 02:00:10 We know that Fikowski is yearning in his loins to spend time with Rich. We aren't going to rule out that Rich could be CEO, but we don't have a lot of confirmation on it. But it's not something we're like – we can rule it out. No, we wouldn't. Okay. You do not smoke the jewel uh any flavor and um uh rory does feel horrible for not being invited onto that that's that's the one rumor that's 100 sure 100 true 100 true you have a girlfriend you didn't meet her on an online uh uh tinder you didn't swipe left or right for her you just just old-fashioned yeah. Old fashioned slipped into her DM like a wrap.
Starting point is 02:00:47 The one wheel, although it says to not push through, uh, you're a, yeah, you're a little bit of a rebel push through it and just see what happens. Um, if you, if you, even though the market is hot and you could be making a killing, Oh, here's one question. We'll end with this question. Um, if the, even though the market is hot and you could be making a killing oh here's one question we'll end with this question um if even though the market is hot and you could be making a killing with your debonair looks and your non offensive salesmanship you are not um you were you were just focused on being a firefighter and getting your swole on yep and my final question is what is it like working out with james hobart what was hobart like?
Starting point is 02:01:25 Awesome. Is he a good dude? He is a good dude? Great dude. I think he's great. You don't think so? I don't know. I don't know. There he is.
Starting point is 02:01:33 I don't know. He's stoic. I don't know. What are your reservations about him? He's just too stoic. I used to do a news show with him, and I would say the greatest jokes ever, and he wouldn't laugh. He would just be like – Yeah, he's too serious.
Starting point is 02:01:49 Or maybe that – I don't know. I don't know about – I like his mom. I like his mom. Yeah. Mom's a great woman. No, yeah. I miss him. We text every now and then very infrequently, but I think the last time I texted him, he said – I don't like things on the show.
Starting point is 02:02:04 Jay, this is a private conversation. He said, uh, he said, Hey, you guys are doing good. He texted me. We're on a Palooza. I go, yeah. Um, I said, how come you aren't competing? I think is what I said. And he goes, man, I'm too old. I go, yeah, Rich is too. That was the last time we talked. He screenshot that and sent that to Rich. Um, let me ask you some questions about James Hobart. Does he spit on the floor?
Starting point is 02:02:28 I don't think so. I don't have any memories of that. No spitting? Okay. Maybe slobber. Maybe slobber. That's on accident though, right? Yes.
Starting point is 02:02:39 That's okay. That's drooling. Does he talk down to you and try to big, big dick you? Yes. Oh, all right. Let's leave this show on that. No, I don't think so. But, but, but maybe.
Starting point is 02:03:03 People are, this is the kind of thing where people are, are going to say, I mean, no matter what I say now, people be like, wow, it really has gotten weird between James and Sevan. No wonder James doesn't do the news show anymore. Sevan's a real asshole talking shit about him. Oh, so this is like causing controversy. Yeah. By you talking about him. Yeah, yeah. The Fikowski thing is going to drive people nuts too.
Starting point is 02:03:15 There's going to be like – Oh, really? Oh, dude, there's going to be fucking 20 posts now. Well, I heard on the Sevan podcast that Fikowski – I don't know. It's great. And now it's going to be all my fault fault and well my wife says it to me too she's like i can't i can't are you being serious and i'm like i don't know i don't even know if i'm being serious how the fuck does anyone else supposed to know um so when we get off the phone what will you do angelo um i'm not sure i think my girlfriend
Starting point is 02:03:46 and i are gonna wash her dog oh cool yeah cute dog by the way congratulations you said her dog it's not your dog no it's not my dog my little schnauzer no um he's at my house i'm at her house and she is her we're gonna wash her lab oh cool do your dogs get along yeah my dog's my dog's a maniac and he likes to play and her dog's kind of lazy so they don't really i mean they they have different personalities but they get along they can be in the same room together oh yeah yeah i mean he's just annoying my dog's really annoying there she is oh yeah yeah i didn't know she had i saw that i saw that other dog yeah my dog's yeah my dog's, we call him a wimpy because he's just, he's got this wimpy little body.
Starting point is 02:04:27 He's tiny. And he's like, he's got a wimpy bark. He's just like, just a tiny little guy. Oh, Caleb, did you,
Starting point is 02:04:33 did you go to her Instagram to, um, yeah, buddy. Good job. Nice work. Who goes to detective? Uh,
Starting point is 02:04:44 thank you for being on. this is awesome what a pleasure um uh yeah thank you i got two hours of your time is fantastic my kids like i always tell everyone you just paid for my kids jiu-jitsu classes i appreciate it

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