The Sevan Podcast - #291 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: February 7, 2022

We talk a little Joe Rogan and a whole lot of other random topics. It is all peace and love in episode #291. "The Sevan Podcast" T-Shirts Follow us on Instagram Watch this episode Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:55 To get started, just open the app. It's as easy as that. See the PC Optimum app for details. Damn, we're live. What's up, Caleb? Hey, what's up? Let me meet you for a second. Ah, yeah, you got a nice hiss.
Starting point is 00:01:13 Yeah, we got to figure out. We got to get. Sponsors. Sponsors, sponsors, sponsors. We need a new computer for our Air Force compatriot. Compatriot? I don't know what that word means. Caleb Beaver.
Starting point is 00:01:29 I guess first we better maintain the ones we have. You need a job? Do I need a job? You need a job. Barbelljobs. You hear it, Caleb? That shh.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Listen. Watch. Silence. Silence. Can you tell the difference, Caleb, between this and that? Yeah, a little bit. A little bit. I'm going to try to play with the settings on my desktop real quick. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:03 I'm just going to mute you. If you want to talk, just say something. I mean, unmute yourself. Oh, my goodness. I am a little bit slow today. Not in a bad way. You know, just sometimes you slow down. You just slow down. I think Susan is going to be joining us today.
Starting point is 00:02:23 What do you what do you say about joe rogan you know when when the event first went down i i had an immediate reaction and i told Sousa about it. And the irony was, I don't know the irony, but the timing was so perfect because I had just explained, I think the day before, how the mechanism of racism works in the human brain and how it stays alive. Using the example of the angry white man thing from the memes guy. You guys remember that? And I've done that many, many times, hopefully hoping to take it to a deeper level so people can see what keeps this thing alive. And I want to show you some other examples today
Starting point is 00:03:14 of ways that things are kept alive. So I'll start with just a super duper easy one. So you're in the eighth grade and you're a really cute kid and tons of people dig you and like you. And then one day you wake up and your nose is huge. And kids start making fun of you and telling you your nose is big and it hurts. And it hurts because they say something and it goes inside of me and it's causing friction with something inside of me. There's something inside of me that already – I have a predisposition already to not want to be called with someone who has a big nose. Who knows why?
Starting point is 00:03:57 It's unattractive and my goal is to be attractive. I'm an eighth grader and I don want attention, and it's giving me attention. Whatever the reason, someone says something to you, it goes inside of you. It causes friction with something. I think today the word they use is your identity. Causes friction with your identity, which is your imagination, by the way. 100% your imagination, complete fiction. And it hits it it and it causes discomfort now there's two ways to address that when someone says something to upset you
Starting point is 00:04:34 you could kill everyone on the planet that says those things just start the mission right anyone who thinks that this nose is big must be eliminated. And I and I start down the process of reducing the planet down to just people who who either lie to me and tell me that this nose isn't big or people who are blind. Or or only surround myself with people with noses bigger than this one, because we all know it's relativity. It's just based on small or. relativity. Big's just based on small. Or I could go inside of myself and whatever they are saying that goes inside of me, whatever that what's rubbing inside of me, that friction, that piece of identity of me, I can let it go. I can let it go. So there's two responses we're seeing to what Joe Rogan said. The vast, vast majority of them are responding to him that keeps whatever he did that bothered you alive forever. You have an opportunity if whatever he said that bothered you to go inside of yourself and let it go now.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Or you can lash out and I guarantee you it will happen again. No one ever stopped. No one ever – the nose jokes never stop. The hairy Armenian jokes never stop. The beaver jokes never stop. The sea beaver jokes never stop. The beaver jokes never stop. The sea beaver jokes never stop. Eventually, something happened to me
Starting point is 00:06:11 with a lot of work that when people say those things to me, they just go in now. There's almost like this thing. It's reminiscent of the sun. When people say things, it just goes in there and it just gets burned. It's almost like fuel for me.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Anything anyone says is like fuel for me. I'm like a fucking alchemist in there. I'm enlightened. You cannot defend me. And then someone says, all Armenian girls are ugly and the whole fucking thing starts over again. I hate you and I'm not enlightened anymore and I have to deal with that. And it's a mean, wicked circle. And that's what it means to be a human being there is no fixing you must do equal work on the inside as on the outside you must do equal work on the inside as on the outside. You must do more work on the inside.
Starting point is 00:07:08 We live in a world where most people want to do the work on the outside, and that's why you're not happy, and that's why you're not having fun. It's a vicious circle, guys. There's no end to it. Now, here's the next level and most people do not want to think this deeply it's just knee-jerk reaction that offended me how dare they get them the fuck out of here blah blah blah blah blah it's a never-ending cycle you'll you'll never not you'll never not
Starting point is 00:07:44 be offended. And so you must always continue to work on yourself. Now, here's the thing. When you get offended, you have an opportunity. When you fall down, you have an opportunity to stand back up. If you don't take that opportunity, let's say someone says to me, Hey, Sevan, I'm, uh, I'm really sorry that I hurt your feelings when I said that. And then I accept that apology, right? But I accept it not to accept them, but to heal my wound. All I've done is set myself up again to be hurt again. Do you get that?
Starting point is 00:08:18 It's like a mousetrap. You put your finger in it and it cracks. And instead of just pulling your finger out and throwing it away away you reset it like stop resetting the trap for yourself especially if you're an adult especially if you're an adult i mean it's it's a tough ride on the way up it's a tough ride on the way up right sea beaver it's a tough ride on the way up. Sure is. Can you hear that? Is that better? Worse? It is better. Cool. And you got a little bit of that hollowy, janky sound that Sousa has to his mic. I like that. It makes me feel like he's here.
Starting point is 00:08:55 In spirit. I had, there was somebody today just like scrolling through one of my social media feeds and somebody shared something, their thoughts about the Joe Rogan thing. And they just said, hey, I've been following Joe Rogan for a really long time. And like, he says a lot of good stuff. He's very educational, if you will. I guess if you want to call it that. Of course. Of course. He just has like a broad idea, knowledge set essentially um yes and so he was like i understand
Starting point is 00:09:33 like it sucks that he said those things kind of thing and um but you can't like throw away the baby with the bath water kind of thing of course sorry go ahead and uh so this lady this other person commented and they said uh that uh it's a non-negotiable they say it's all or none they said just because this person like as soon as i found out that this bird that joe rogan said this i everything's out i don't care what he says now like it's it's crazy like you're you're you're negating every good conversation that was ever had when you do that standby caller standby when you do that too like that's the option that's the option to kill so now you want to kill everyone on the planet who says he thinks i
Starting point is 00:10:23 have a big nose right Right, and understand – Because Joe Rogan's just like – first of all, if you haven't heard the Joe Rogan – when I first heard what Joe Rogan was in trouble for, I thought it was a fucking joke. Say whatever word you want. Fuck off. But then I went and listened to it, and that's not the bad part. That's not the bad part. That's nothing. If you're hung up on that, that's nothing. You got to go listen to it.
Starting point is 00:10:46 He said something that he may, he makes a joke and it's not funny, but, but, but, but it's an attempt to be funny. And he's a comedian. He's got to practice his bits basically. And it, and it, and it's, um, it's not cool. I don't think it's cool. And if I told that joke and it came back to haunt me, I would say sorry for that too. What's hard for me. Okay, go ahead. Caller. Hey, I just want to make sure first. Can you hear me loud and clear?
Starting point is 00:11:08 Oh, I don't like that. No. Is the connection bad or – No. No, you said you didn't like that. What are you referring to? Oh, no, no. Just the way you said, are you loud and clear,
Starting point is 00:11:22 like you're getting ready to say something crazy? Oh, no, no, no. No, I'm not a prank caller. In fact, just so you know, I'm legit. I'm actually in your chat room. You can verify it. I'm the guy with the username Michael Jordan fans or the worst NBA fans. That's me right there in the chat room. Put your social security number in there. Let me cross-check you, please. I started doing that a long time ago when i started getting walmart sales calls people telling me i want a gift card for 100 bucks every day but anyway by the way you sound smart you kind of you kind of sound like chris cooper you sound smart i mean i know you're not
Starting point is 00:11:54 chris cooper but you sound smart i thought i tried a bit if it weren't for i got a page myself but don't worry i went to a shameless plot it's on there uh before i tell you why i called i first want to tell you, Armenian girls are beautiful. I've never met any man that thought otherwise. Whoever is telling you they're not, they're either weirdos or liars or jerks or something. I made that up
Starting point is 00:12:15 because it's so absurd. And yes, if you go to Armenia, you will have your brain exploded. It's crazy. Armenian girls, like most girls on this planet, are beautiful. What country in this world does not have beautiful girls? Any guy that tells you,
Starting point is 00:12:31 these girls are not beautiful, is either lying, or they're a jerk, or they're dumb, or something. I'm not saying it's always like that 100%, but for the most part, if anyone does that, it's one of those things. Not all of them, but some people. I agree. Are you Canadian? Uh, I'm from, I'm from America. If you want to know my background,
Starting point is 00:12:50 my background, I'm actually, I'm from India. I'm Indian. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway. All right. So, uh, when I came to your program here, I didn't know how this worked. I was asking the chat room, do you guys take pretty much all topics? One person wrote to me that it's never really on one topic. So since I'm on, I'll ask you, do you take pretty much all topics? Yeah. So basically I'm, I was an executive at CrossFit Inc and now I'm trying to leverage this CrossFit group of people to launch myself out of the CrossFit space. Like I'm asking, I'm asking the community, um, um, I still play with the CrossFitters. I nurture the community, the athletes, the affiliates, the everyday Joe Schmoes who take personal responsibility and personal accountability.
Starting point is 00:13:36 But really what I'd like to do – no, really what I'm doing is I'm just using that and my blue checkmark to to get out of the space. I'd be surprised if we stay on top one topic for more than 30 seconds. James Hobart, the second. OK, so I'm taking from all that. You're pretty much open all the time. Yes. OK, great. I got I got actually I got four topics for you.
Starting point is 00:13:59 If you don't like any of them, no hard feelings. Is circumcision one of them? No. OK. OK. If you want to know, I'm not into that at all. You're not circumcised is what you're saying. I don't know why you want to know that.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Oh, I thought you said, I thought you offered that up. I thought you offered that up. I thought you said I'm not circumcised. Oh, okay. Are you into the Armenian girls or Armenian guys? Just to make sure. No, I'm playing. I'm into whatever.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Whatever. All right. All right. So, yeah, I got four topics for you. If you don't like any of them, no hard feelings. But I'm going to throw out four topics. Tell me if you like any of them. The first one is kind of a light one.
Starting point is 00:14:36 I don't think you'll pick it, but I'll just put it out there to start things off. Michael Jordan fans are the worst NBA fans. Topic number two, as an independent, I've never voted for any political party. I've never donated to any political party. I don't take sides, none of that. But I've come to the conclusion over time, in general, Republicans are worse than Democrats. Topic number three, have you ever considered the details? I'm sure you have a general idea, but have you ever considered the details that when you buy ice cream, cheese, meat, or pretty much anything that comes from an animal, you're literally giving your money to an industry that is torturing and killing animals?
Starting point is 00:15:18 And the last and final topic, when a guy turns 18 years old, do you know any religion or anywhere in science that basically explains that once a guy turns 18, now he has to stop being attracted to girls under 18 then? Those are my thoughts. Oh, man, that last one really is the last one I want to touch. That's one of my favorites as well. No, no, I said don't want to touch. the last one I want to touch. That's one of my favorites as well. No, no. I said, don't want to touch. Oh, don't want to touch. Well, that's one of my favorites as well. Oh, darn it. No, but I don't think you can say as well. I think you can say that's when I say that I don't want to touch that topic.
Starting point is 00:15:56 And you go, that's one of my favorites. Not as well. I'm trying to make a funny joke, but you know, if you don't want to touch it, it's your show. I respect that. But I just want to point out there's nothing wrong with that topic i want to talk about why i want to talk about the republicans democrat one so you are um how do you how do you make your choices then on who to vote for is it morals who will stand up for our liberty who is that has the nicest hair what what is your like defining um aspect you know obviously you'd have to go case by case. I never like to put in labels. Like
Starting point is 00:16:27 most people, you get a general idea of what the person is about. And then, of course, if you're going to vote, which I probably have never voted, and I will never vote in this stupid electoral college, but if you're going to vote, you go for the person that you think either gives you what you want or is the best
Starting point is 00:16:44 of the choices available. But just give an idea of where I'm coming from just so I can show you that I'm very consistent. I have no problem with Bernie Sanders. I have no problem with Dr. Ron Paul. I'm trying to be open about things. I believe people should be consistent. So whoever you like, be consistent. And that's one of the reasons why I've concluded Republicans in general are worse than Democrats because they're not as consistent.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Here's the part that I'm tripping on. You ready? You're saying the part that I get stuck on, not tripping on. You say that people should vote for whatever they want. So let me give you an example of my concern. So when I listen to all of the responses that Joe Rogan – people are giving to joe rogan they are all extremely shallow to me i just listened to jocko willicks i'm it's not a dig at him at all it's just an extremely shallow it's so it's so um we're just dealing with dogs there's no one there's no one doing introspection there's no one like processing bigger picture implications precedents things like that
Starting point is 00:17:44 like processing bigger picture implications, precedents, things like that. I'll give you an example. So I, I am, I am 100%. I think I suspect I'm 100% against abortion. That is what I want. I want an abortion free world. I don't. Okay. So you're, you're, you're, you're pro-life. A hundred% not. That's the problem, do you see? I'm 100% not pro-life. Because I am not a dog.
Starting point is 00:18:13 I'm a man of great depth who can think. I'm sure there's some sarcasm here, but I can't figure out where is seriousness, where is sarcasm. No sarcasm. I appreciate it. I can't either, and neither can my – I love it a dick butter called you a dipshit some guy named dick butter called you a dipshit that's amazing you mean the chat room is against the caller no way so so so here's the thing you cannot you just because i don't want abortions i can't make abortions illegal because when i do that, I make a law
Starting point is 00:18:45 over women's bodies. And what does that do in the bigger picture? That sets a precedence that we cannot have in this country. We cannot have on this planet, but you can only see that if you're not a dog and you go inside, you must do what George Carlin calls, which is the definition. It's the spark of intelligence. You must have introspection. You must see how the brain works. You must recognize that we're all computers and robots with a standard thinking process. Wow, this is from Beverly Hills, this call. You have to be able to see what the implications are of what you want, right? So let's say you're a dog and you're a chicken and you're stuck on a planet together, just the two of you.
Starting point is 00:19:23 A dog eats the fucking chicken. I love the references for animals, by the way. A dog fucking eats the chicken to stay alive. Sevan makes love to the chicken and caresses the chicken and nurtures it so it can give
Starting point is 00:19:39 eggs and they can live happily ever after for another hundred years. You cannot vote for who you want you cannot vote to get what you want it's it's a um you're not a three-year-old my friend you're a brilliant indian man from a lineage of fucking the deepest thinkers on the planet oh yes but what you can do if you can't get what you want or vote for who you want, you could at least, at the very least, be consistent. At least when you're consistent and you did the best you can. Okay. I agree. Thank you for the call. You're a very, very, very interesting dude. Okay, go ahead. Go ahead. Oh, yeah. I was going to say, but by the way-
Starting point is 00:20:19 You've crossed the 10-minute mark. That would require nudity. Oh, okay. Okay. No, I was just about to ask you if you think I'm smart and interesting, why hang up on me? But now I got your answer. The 10 minute mark. Okay. Yeah. We have, I have rules.
Starting point is 00:20:30 I consistency. Remember consistency, what you were saying, consistency. But your bigger consistency should be what's good for your program. And obviously not, I'm not trying to sound arrogant, but I'm not a boring caller and they are, the chat room is riled up because they're idiots. So I would think keeping me on as good for your program. Um, so just one thing before I go, since you're going to hang up on me, just one quick thing.
Starting point is 00:20:49 If you're, if you're saying that you're, you're for someone, what you've explained, you're going by logic, facts, reason, and all that stuff. Don't you see the hypocrisy when you won't touch the topic of age consent long? Oh, it's not that I, a hundred percent. I see the hypocrisy. I don't know. I wouldn't use the word hypocr age consent long? Oh, it's not that I, yeah, a hundred percent. I see the hypocrisy. I don't know. I wouldn't use the word hypocrisy, but it is a contradiction.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Uh, yeah, no, no, no, no. Because I can, I can couch it. Oh, you want to lure me into that conversation? I can catch it. I can catch it for you. Um, I can catch it for you. So I'm not trying to lure you in and I did use the wrong word. It's not hypocrisy. The right word would have been contradiction, but I'm not trying to lure you in. It's your show. If you don't want to touch that, I respect that. I thought I had a legit question that if you're logical, factual, reasonable and all that, it's a contradiction that you don't take that topic. Well, there were four to choose from and you gave me one. But I would take that topic. I would take that topic, but I've chosen one. I hope you will call back. What was your name? Oh, Michael Jordan. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Peace and love. Well, I mean, he had good questions. It was great. Sevan, a man of patience. good questions. It was great. Sevan, a man of patience. Thank you. He was great. I beg of you guys all to just think deeper. It's hard, especially with these things, the emotional things.
Starting point is 00:22:12 I wanted to spout off on the Joe Rogan thing. Masusa told me to sit the fuck down. Thank God. Told me not to talk about it for three months. Let it percolate. I let it sit for three hours. I'm here. I finally listened
Starting point is 00:22:25 to the whole thing i've been listening to people's comments on it i have no i have no issues with the dude at all i've written some things on the internet where really the thing is is i'm part of me is like really bummed that he said sorry because i just feel like the woke crowd and those of you who don't know what woke is i've defined woke in tons and tons of podcasts tons it's not it's it's um you want me to pull up the video nah no it's okay but but if you want to know what woke is or you think that I'm just using it as a slanderous term or just a place to to get on my fucking ladder you're right but I but there's also a definition I work with and you can go to uh Peter Boghossian Peter Boghossian and you can see his definitions of woke, and I think they're pretty good.
Starting point is 00:23:14 I just – when Rogan apologizes to the woke crowd, it's just hard because there's no end to it. There's no end to it. And meanwhile, you have this guy, The Rock, and this is getting to – this is getting – and these are the kind of responses out there. The Rock – he's black and Samoan, and he released an ice cream, a tequila, and an energy drink during this so-called pandemic. How is that even – how are him and Rogan even in the same ballpark? rogan even in the same ballpark like this man is selling to his people his lineage what's killing them under the guise of a pandemic it's it's it's remarkable to me same with oprah pushing fucking cookies during the pandemic i mean it's it's just ending nonsense in in the game of relativity uh oh it i've talked about this a bunch of times i um here here here michael jordan dude and you you like the pedophile conversation um it's insane when when there was that coach in Pennsylvania who was like – he was either molesting people or he didn't – it was Sandusky. I don't know who it was. It doesn't matter who it was.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Sandusky. Yeah, I say Dusky because I just like the way it sounds, the Sandusky. Dusky. Dusky's better. Basically, I think the guy didn't report the kids getting molested, and so they took away a bunch of his football wins. Do you guys see that that makes all of us stupid? That's like parenting number one. The punishment has to be directly related to the behavior. It just makes us all dumb. You can't take – he still won those games.
Starting point is 00:25:08 I give this one to people, and this is how – this is a tough one, man. You ready? You're in the happiest relationship of your life. You love your wife more than fucking life itself. And then you find out after 15 years that she's been cheating on you once a week for the last 15 years. You divorce that? What do you mean? She cracked the code on what makes you happy. Someone who cheats on you once a week for the last 15 years you divorce that what do you mean she cracked the code on what makes you happy someone who cheats on you and lies to you
Starting point is 00:25:29 like that's what you have to look at you were happy oh no no no come on come on mr jordan come on come on come on come on come on there's no pedophile label you're you're a man of great great questions but but but but you you i don't know what you were doing i think what was he doing i think somebody in the comments called him that oh they're like is this good they they asked like is this guy a pedophile because he brought it up but yeah it's a tough that's a tough conversation to have that's why i don't want to that's why i don't want to talk about it not because um there's there's no win there's no win there for me and i'm
Starting point is 00:26:16 okay with it's like the same thing with my iphone that's what makes me so i was gonna say cool but um we all know our iphones are made with slave labor from little kids in china keeping people fucking netted in so they don't when they jump out they they don't die and they can go back to work the next day they put nets under the fucking windows did you hear about that caleb which part say it again just in china at the fucking iphone factory they fucking put nets all around it so because people were jumping out the windows anyway, but we all use iPhones. And so like, I'm okay with the fact that maybe, maybe, maybe five out of 10 times, it's okay for 19 year old men to be with 16 year old women or 16 year old men to be with 19 year old women. I'm okay with that. But it still doesn't matter. I still want the law.
Starting point is 00:27:01 I don't care. I'm about protecting kids. Even if it makes it a few years where you can't fuck someone. Fine. We all deal with that. We have to protect kids at all costs. And by the way, that's my thing with Rogan too. What's my alternative? People who want to – I mean there's kids who've been in school, kindergarten, first, and second grade all with a mask on you think that's okay like where do you put that on the spectrum of what rogan's done versus what um our uh gavin newsom's done i mean how how they're not even i don't even want to talk about the rogan thing when that thing's here when you when you have masks on my kid and he was standing up for the good fight it's it's also interesting um i will i will go after i will make it if spotify kicks him off i don't know but but i would love to make it a lifetime war against them just like for fun just like i hope they just fucking tank i mean that was the reason he went to spotify too to begin with was because they weren't going to do anything about any of his stuff because they were trying to get people to get him kicked off of YouTube or whatever.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Spotify was like, yeah, cool. Throw your podcast on here. We'll pay you shitloads of money. Michael Jordan, I'm glad you called. I apologize if you felt in any way that I was rude to you. But you came to my house, and you started acting like you wanted to spend the night. And you were only invited over for dinner, so I had to throw you out on your ass. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Oh, I never sent you – oh, tomorrow we have Jedediah Nelson on. I didn't send you the notes, did I, Caleb? No, I don't think so. That's two in a row. The notes are a mess. Matt, tell you to come on. No, I just saw that it was on. I heard us talking about it earlier, and then I saw it in the text and i was like all right well might as well
Starting point is 00:29:05 did i send you the right one uh i gotta i gotta i got a link of this guy jedediah is that my pronouncing is right he's on tomorrow jedediah snelson i was supposed to have mon as a guest at wadapalooza um i basically what i was doing and i'm guilty of doing is i was trying to line up so many people for that live feed that i would always have someone cool on and he was one of those people that i just had like triple booked and he only had like 3 000 followers so he got kicked to the curb but yes i apologize but but i'm excited to have him on tomorrow morning i'm very excited to uh hear his story you want that post up oh sure, yeah. Just to give him a peek. I want to peek for tomorrow. But I am glad Michael
Starting point is 00:29:48 Jordan you called. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. This was cool. So I'm digging through his Instagram today. This is one of those things. What are these things called? A Jorvac? A Skorvac? What are these things when you look at a picture and it... Well, you mean like a Rorschach? Rorschach. Is that a Rorschach?
Starting point is 00:30:04 I don't think it's a Rorschach it's just like imagery within imagery there's got to be a word for that let me I'll look it up but a Rorschach is when you see like two things like you see the old man and then you see the woman with the hat no Rorschach is like inkblots so like you just have like oh ink on a page and you say okay well it looks like somebody's murdering somebody or it looks like a butterfly or whatever. Right. But that is not a Rorschach. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Well, if you look at this, can you scroll up a little bit? If you look at this one, you can see like a guy with like a sombrero talking to a lady holding a baby. Or you can pull back and you can see a man with a hand on his chest. Come on, Sevan. Come on, Sevan. Come on, Sevan. Let's come on, Sevan. I do know, I know, I don't, I've never met Mark Twight, but I've heard lots of stories about him from Greg and Dave. Lots of stories.
Starting point is 00:31:00 I reached out to him, I think, to get him on the podcast. I have lots of stories. I reached out to him, I think, to get him on the podcast. Him, I didn't look into it much, but I think I was on his website and one of his friends' websites recently, and they wrote some of the stupidest shit I've ever seen written about Greg. And you guys have to know that when people say dumb shit about Greg, it's a little hard for me to process because he's done – one, he's done so much for me. But I was with him like almost every day for 10 or 15 years. I lived with him for two or three years. My wife and I – my wife gave birth, and we lived in a house with him with my baby, raising Avi there for a year. Like there was like – so if anyone – like when people start saying really dumb crazy shit about him it's like dude and and now i don't even know if i want him on anymore i don't like i'd have to go back and as
Starting point is 00:31:52 soon as i saw it i just kind of like was just wanted to turn away because i didn't want it to fall down a rabbit hole of just hating people um My notes are kind of old. Oh, this is what I was going to show you guys. Yeah, yeah. Can you put that back up there? So I wanted to show you this and give you an example of this in real life. So what you see here is you see two images.
Starting point is 00:32:22 You see an old man, a bust of an old man with his hand on his chest. Or when you pull back – no, no. You'd have to make it small to see that. But close up the way Caleb – yeah, yeah. See? Okay. So that – nice, Caleb. So that's an old man with his hand on his chest, right?
Starting point is 00:32:37 Or a tie or something. And then when you zoom in, you see a dog sleeping in the street and a man and a woman talking to a man with a sombrero. Okay. Can you click on the link below that? And it shows it's, it's the, um, it's the, it says homeless man, actually drug addict. So here, here it is in real life. And we talked about this before, but I just happened to think of this today. So I wanted to share it with you. This is a guy, this is, we call this a homeless man, but it's not a homeless man. It's a drug addict. And so this man miss saw the picture
Starting point is 00:33:05 see he's he's taking his jacket and he's going to go put it on this man who's sleeping here because he thinks it's a homeless man and then the guy jumps up and beats him and takes his wallet the thing is is that we're just lied to so often we don't use our own judgment we don't think for ourselves the vast vast majority of people who are homeless are drug addicts. The reason why they're drug addicts is they got caught somewhere in their loop, the hierarchy of breathing, eating, shelter, and having sex. Like somewhere they got those things out of whack. They got drugs in there. And so we call them homeless, but it's a misnomer. They're drug addicts. They're drug addicts. And the reason why it's important to label them correctly is how you deal with them. And I'm not saying that there's two different ways to deal with someone who's homeless. Like a mom who's working nine 7-Eleven around here that just like crowds with people because the homeless shelter releases them at a certain time in the morning or whatever. Well, you pull this down. I can't look at this anymore. Thank you. Yeah, no problem. But so all of these homeless people like congregate outside of the 7-Eleven
Starting point is 00:34:19 and they're going to a call at that same 7-Eleven for a homeless guy who probably said he had chest pain, let's say, because that's the quickest way to the ER. And they show up. And literally while they're walking through this crowd of like double digit homeless people outside 7-Eleven, people are asking the firefighters for money. They're like, hey, you guys got any money? It's like, dude, no, there's like a supposed emergency here. Like, I'm not going to, it's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:34:48 They're just, it's insane to me what these people do. And then they'll just, they'll call him like every other day. They get the same people all the time. Frequent flyers, frequent flyers, frequent flyers.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Exactly. It's crazy to me. WWGA said you carry Greg's luggage. I don't know who WWGA is is but i carry greg's luggage like many a time many many many a time that is correct whoever that is knows is it was that person on the executive team or something how does that person know i love it was an honor to carry fucking greg's luggage. Dick butter.
Starting point is 00:35:28 At the rate they are laying people off. Oh, darn it. I missed it. I missed whatever that was. If the government cared about their people, California wouldn't have the largest homeless drug addict population. Let's get that right. In the country. Highest taxes in the country. Yet one mile away from Stable Center is Skid Row.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Yes. It is. It is. It is something else. Oh oh make what's great again that's what wga is oh yeah that he that that guy has it right i carried his luggage i carried everything i carried all sorts of shit let me tell you let me tell you i hope i how many how many cameras would how many cameras would you carry around when you're when you would go tell you i hope i how many how many cameras would how many cameras would you carry around when you're when you would go places like i'd always have i'd always have a camera on me at least one at least like i always he like i always had the nicest shit man i had like the
Starting point is 00:36:15 nicest like as canon sonys i just had every um i always had microphones wireless i have like and i and i would just always be filming and recording and like trying new stuff. How do you comb through that much shit? You really don't. You really don't. You just like remember certain instances? Yeah, I just have a – I was working seven days a week, 365 days a year, fucking non-fucking stop. If I was awake, I was doing something, and I just have it.
Starting point is 00:36:44 So like I'd say 50 of the footage i've never gone through maybe more 80 but but then something would happen you know like i'd be somewhere and he would say something or give a lecture or something and then i would break it off and give it to leaf and he'd publish it like something good you know or or i would show it to greg and he would be like okay let's do the five that maybe we should do the five buckets i like he would hear something he liked and then i would later on show him and he would be like, okay, let's do the five – maybe we should do the five buckets. Like he would hear something he liked and then I would later on show him and he'd be like, yeah, and then he would then blow that up into something bigger or better. It was just pouring shit off of him. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:37:15 Like just ideas and thoughts and theories and concepts and he knew how to think. He wasn't – he's the one that always told me like you have to remember – you have to always be thinking about precedent. You always have to – like you have to be thinking about precedent. And like so for instance, another classic thing is he taught me the thing and explained it to me, and we looked at it and studied it. That's why the government should never tax like – or you should be very careful. You tax alcohol. Now the government is selling alcohol. Tax is just word trickery. They are now in business. It's the same thing with homeless. It's word trickery. Naming is the origin of all particular things. Until you can embrace that, you can't know what the fuck is going on here or you can't even begin to think.
Starting point is 00:38:01 It's like living with a human highlight reel. Yes, yes, yes. I just saw a comment in here that's awesome i don't even know what it's this is one of my his balls on your chin now i don't even know what trina why trina is saying that but like uh it's it's it's a good one that's a good one from the high school days because when someone's balls are on your chin you know where their cock is i mean it's just a great uh man she's she's commented some funny shit he fired some tweets at seven caleb should pull no please don't and i don't want to say i don't even i don't even tweet her i don't even tweet her i just okay if i if i'm ever on Twitter, it's just because I'm just reposting stuff. Like some,
Starting point is 00:38:46 like I'll see something someone likes and I just repost it. I don't even, I don't even know how to use Twitter when I was, when I was running the media department across it, you know, I don't use Facebook either. I don't know how to use Facebook. I don't know anything about it really, except that when I post stuff on Instagram, it's supposed to go to Facebook. And people used to say that that, that made me incapable or unqualified to
Starting point is 00:39:06 run the media department i mean compared to what's going on now i'm fucking hyper qualified i was thinking about i was thinking about i wanted to say sorry to gary games do you remember that show i did where i blasted him in austin maliolo right but i don't but i'm not really sorry. I mean, like... You did like a brief apology to Austin. Well, Austin, I misrepresented. Austin, I misrepresented. Kinda, kinda, kinda. Yeah, I mean,
Starting point is 00:39:33 guilty by association kind of thing. I mean, he sold the gym. For those of you who don't know, I was ripping Maliolo for being the North American affiliate representative and then owning a gym that was setting vaccine mandates before they even happened that's great but i want to see this what was andy stump's job at crossfit just saw him on rogan again and he doesn't get mentioned much here uh the thing is with andy is i was i really liked Andy and I was, I would say I was good friends
Starting point is 00:40:05 with Andy. I would say we had a very special relationship actually. And, um, then when the Greg shit went down, um, Andy used that, took that opportunity, my words, not his to launch into an attack on Greg. And he did some shit that I just didn't think was cool, especially when I was on the ship. Right. So he's lobbing grenades at the ship while i'm on it i didn't like that so since then i kind of like in my head i have him like in time out i mean he don't give a fuck he's on rogan he's like good time me out bitch like i probably just like i got street cred for saying that and like he doesn't give a fuck so um yeah i want to say sorry to gary gaines but um i'm not sorry but like i need to work through it i need to work through it is he actually going to be the interim ceo
Starting point is 00:41:00 is that what the whole said i know i've no i've no i've no i've no evidence of that Is that what the whole said? Yeah, I'm trying to think of a metaphor. I wasn't seeing – I wasn't seeing the big picture. I wasn't seeing the big picture. And so there were things that he was probably doing that I was being criticizing. It's kind of like the Joe Rogan thing. Like if I just look at that myoptically and I don't look like – I'm just like, fuck, he said bad shit. Get rid of him. But I'm not looking at myself and how it affected me. I'm not looking at his broader contribution to society. Once again, I'm not looking at why is it bothering me. And so I love these guys.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Why it be gay. I appreciate you representing the gay people here by the way that's cool and then and then and then this guy's like sevan answer that they really got their back like my this motherfucker's like my handler there was one guy a couple episodes ago he He probably, I think he just copy pasted the comment like 20 times in there. And then everybody was just finally like, dude, get this guy to shut up. I just answered the question. Oh, yeah, that's good. It was not really a great question either, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Oh, my God, Savan. Well, I don't believe in God, but I understand. I do have a question for you. This girl has two names, Stephanie and Christina. Did you ever see that movie, Christina Barcelona with Javier Bardem? Uh-uh. What's it about? He basically gets these two girls to go away on an island with him, and he's going to bang them.
Starting point is 00:43:07 Vicky, Cristina Barcelona? Yeah, Vicky Cristina Barcelona. Anyway, if that movie would have been R-rated, that movie's PG, right? PG-13. Yeah, that could have been the greatest movie ever if it was R-rated. Oh my god, Sevan, I do have a question for you. What podcast were you referring to that spoke about you for 15 minutes i keep trying to find it but i'm not sure what one um i really don't want to i really okay yeah just those guys they're not gonna you won't find their
Starting point is 00:43:39 name have you ever hit a dog with a car no but i hit a bird the other day i was kind of i was like oh that sucks yeah it does other day. I was like, oh, that sucks. Yeah, it does suck, right? I was like eight years old and I was driving my dad's van cross country. He was sitting next to me taking a nap, big Dodge van. And we had the extended roof on it. And there was a bird flying across. We were like in Kansas.
Starting point is 00:43:57 And I floored it as I see the bird going. And I fucking hit it. Yeah. And I swear to God, I think i felt a little piece of my soul go to hell like i was like okay you don't ever do that again i did not like that i thought there was no way i would hit it yeah they're just like oh they'll get out of the way they know what's right for them it's it's like that joke rogan told the planet of the apes one it's like ah no one will hear that oh shit oh shit everybody heard that every yeah there's a we were on a trip not only that it's just been fermenting for 13 years yeah
Starting point is 00:44:31 finally somebody decided to go back and listen to all those podcasts he did oh my god um but so i feel like i feel like um i was with a friend one time we were just stoned out of our mind i think we were probably 23 my friend's so nice he's the nicest man i know and we're driving he's driving his honda civic and we're on a highway doing like 50 miles an hour in the middle of nowhere pleasant hill california just on the in the back backside of pleasant hill and a fucking german shepherd runs across the street and i see the headlights and he fucking i just hear this boom no way that's a massive dog too like that's no shit like it was a small german shepherd like a 60 pound one but still yeah yeah that'll fuck up your front end it was a girl it was a girl and anyway no i i he was devastated i was stoned out of my mind like
Starting point is 00:45:26 i couldn't tell whether i was gonna laugh or cry um but that's how i feel about the the pot like answering your questions um stephanie like that was like a dog i hit and i don't know if i want to go back and look at it you know what i mean like i just fucking like just it just hit it like i just hit like you know it's the the i was gonna do a podcast on a follow-up on basically what's going on with rosa and and try i have a lot of um information on it and i'm trying to figure out how i can let it out appropriately. By appropriately meaning accurately and without burying anyone, without there being collateral damage. And have fun. And so I had the show laid out and it was going to be chill and everything.
Starting point is 00:46:21 And then that night someone goes, hey, did you see what Shawnee and Tommy did? And I was like, no. And they're like, dude, they're just going off about you for fucking an hour. And it was like nine, it was like nine o'clock at night. And I, and I watched it and I just fucking, I was just like, I was like a fucking little kid that it was better than when my foreskin came back i mean i was just ecstatic i was i was like it was like i got electrified like like i just like i just like a toy train set for christmas and i just put it together and i was lifting the lever up for the first time and like i could hear the track crackling it was like that and so then i just in the morning i woke up and i just fucking went nuts and i had fun and yeah no i it's not that podcast that's not the one uh no no i mean if you're looking for the
Starting point is 00:47:16 stuff where andy's speaking of gay dogs great danes are are – oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. The one – yeah, yeah. Great Danes are – that's a gay man's dog, I think, in general. I had three. Tell me. Tell me. This friend, Mark, said to me, why do you have a truck with big tires, a massive stereo system, and three huge dogs? I'm like, why do you think? truck with big tires a massive stereo system and three huge dogs like why do you think compensating that's everybody in everybody in the midwest or the south it's just jacked up trucks and i said because my mom fucking spoils me what the fuck do you think what the what dog would you get which truck would you get in which
Starting point is 00:48:05 stereo system would you get if your mom was fucking your mom was hooking you up with it'd be hard not to oh oh one of my friends texted me and said the guy who called in earlier is the zodiac killer he was he was kind of cryptic yeah i could see it hey guess who we have coming on the show i haven't told you this Caleb. This just happened minutes before the show. Shoot. I can't – I don't want to – will you look up the Armenian sniper? Armenian sniper. Gary Chichin? Yeah, let me see. Let me see. i'm gonna make he's gonna i want to make sure i'm pronouncing his name right i wonder if patrick david has had him on his podcast yet
Starting point is 00:48:50 gary chivik chian oh man my armenian no no no that's uh no uh that way oh yeah yeah that's him that's him that's him this dude's armenian and he's hooping in the nba in the g league gary chavik chion gary chavik chion chavik chion i've never seen that armenian last name the bible really is the best book on the planet if you just spend some time reading it you'll quickly realize it has all the answers you're looking for glory to god and the son of god who saves us and cleanses us from our sins mr roberts how can I help you? Hey, Mr. Savant, how's it going, man? Live from Watsonville,
Starting point is 00:49:30 California. No shit. Let's get up here. Well, I would, but I'm sober. Oh, me too. Yeah, I met you at Elevate Addiction Services when you came up for the video shoot. Wow. Were uh video shoot wow were you were
Starting point is 00:49:47 you a staff or were you a uh a member i was staff okay so we shared brief conversation but you hung out with uh some of the other coaches that were there and it was a it was a great time so i appreciate your involvement in even that space. Yeah. Thanks for opening up to me. That was a great shoot. It's really a shame that video never got made, but I really, um, had fun with you. Angie's the owner, right? Yeah. Angie is. Yeah. The people I met there, those four or five people that I interviewed there will forever, I don't know, forever, but for a long time, stay in my brain. Yeah. I lived with one dallas uh dude's a good dude um but yeah shout out dallas um sorry so long i had to do that um but all yeah we're both big fans heard you
Starting point is 00:50:34 yeah 132 actually i hope i bet they're in the chat room at least um but yeah big fan of your show love your enthusiasm of kids ass and dick talk um thank you but most most importantly yes i like to call it cock and balls around here show a little class excuse me yep yeah with the cat yeah the east coast cat all right um so i'm not that and I believe in holistic health. Uh, as do you, I'm moving to sack and Roseville area. I was looking for CrossFit gyms that you recommend. Uh, I honestly don't, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:51:16 I re I really, really don't know. That is a fucking great question. Maybe, maybe there's a Sacramento affiliate listening right now, or someone will drop it in the comments of this video on the YouTube. I don't know. I have to assume there's some. I have to assume there's something. I don't even know. You know what? I think Sacramento is actually one of the cities, the irony of it, since it's those of you who don't know, that's our state capital in California. I think they had like the loosest restrictions. I think they were the first city or county to drop their mask and all that shit.
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Starting point is 00:52:47 It's crazy here right now. Have you noticed like in the last three months just in our hood it's just like tripled quadrupled down on mass like everywhere i go well not today today i went to a store it was the first time someone else besides me and my family weren't wearing masks but it's crazy around here yeah every once in a while i pass someone i always say hey nice to see your face. And yeah, it's nuts out here. LA is just as bad. I was down there for the Rams-Diners game. How was that? You didn't need to be vaccinated to get into that?
Starting point is 00:53:18 No, I paid for a test. I was willing to do that when I dropped 1100 bucks For the game That's for two tickets? 50 bucks One ticket dude I know it was a great time That stadium is amazing Really cool
Starting point is 00:53:39 But I'm glad to be in Northern California man Yeah the Niners lost that? They did Yeah I have a lot of really negative stuff to say about the nfl so i'll just i'll just leave it yeah i'm not gonna go yeah they're pretty money hungry they're racist they're pretty bad racist scumbags yeah i i don't disagree so um well you know if somebody posts, get out of California. True that, Sean. If somebody posts a good CrossFit box in SAC, be greatly appreciated.
Starting point is 00:54:14 But, Siobhan, have a good night. Keep up the good work. Thank you. Yeah, thanks for listening. Say what's up to Angie in Dallas. Thank you. I will do. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Do you find it interesting when people use a double negative to respond to something? Give me an example. Like you just said, I don't disagree. I've heard that from multiple people. Why don't you think they just say, I agree? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Poetry in motion? I suppose. just say i agree oh i don't know you think it's just like poetry in motion i suppose i think yeah it would be i i need to listen to that more so i need to when when people are talking like that watch my brain more and see how my brain processes that too i do like talk that's like you never know where it's going um and that is one of the that's why it's so cool talking to hobart hobart does it with no expression but i like it even when people are animated and i still don't know so you can so the classic is uh conor mcgregor wins his second belt he's he's like this you probably probably can find the clip and he's like i think he had beaten uh eddie eddie alvarez maybe won a second belt it'll be a short clip
Starting point is 00:55:26 do you see it oh I think so sorry will be in the title probably maybe you probably shouldn't play it it'll probably fuck up the whole video but basically he's up there and he goes I was backstage
Starting point is 00:55:44 I've been just being an asshole starting fights with everyone i've been hard to deal with this whole training camp and i just want to say i'm sorry to absolutely nobody i'm just like uh bruce oh bruce bruce don't you care about the benjamins baby oh you know what i don't even think this show is monetized do you know how to do that i couldn't tell you now i can go i can figure it out on youtube probably yeah go into youtube and look at the thing and that way yeah i apologize to no one apology yeah so i just like how does he do that tra Travis? How does he know?
Starting point is 00:56:26 Does he know before the – like is that all planned or is that he's just like that's him? I think that's just him. Maybe that's like a bit. But also at the same time, I feel like he's also just so unpredictable. Yeah, it's good. The double champ apologizes to no one. Yeah, it's so good. I got a video here.
Starting point is 00:56:47 I don't know if we've played it yet. It says Navy Seals and Trust. These are notes from a while back. I don't even remember what that video is. Do you see that? Yeah, you want me to play it? Sure. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:01 Yeah, I think you're right, Wyatt. I think he's that savage. I think it's just like just pouring out of them let's see what why do i like this let's see this how do you pick like the guys that go on seal team six because they're the best the best the best the best they drew a graph for me and on one side they drew they wrote the word performance and on the other side they were they wrote the word trust the way they put it is, I may trust you with my life, but do I trust you with my money and my wife? They're seals. This is what they told
Starting point is 00:57:30 me. Nobody wants this person, the low performer of low trust, of course. Of course, everybody wants this person, the high performer of high trust. What they learned is that this person, the high performer of low trust, is a toxic leader and a toxic team member. And they would rather have a medium performer of high trust, sometimes even a low performer of high trust is a toxic leader and a toxic team member and they would rather have a medium performer of high trust sometimes even a low performer of high trust it's a relative scale over this person this is the highest performing organization on the planet and this person is more important than than this person and the problem in business we have a million and one metrics to measure someone's performance and negligible to no metrics to measure someone's trustworthiness which is bad for the long game because it eventually destroys the whole organization
Starting point is 00:58:08 i've worked with the navy and i asked them so good uh trust is a very very very deeply misunderstood term by the way trust is trust is like in in It is like in – it's unachievable. It's – there's no such thing as 100% trustworthy. It's this standard that's just like, yeah, you can trust these nuts though. Yeah, I hear you. It's just so – you can't – okay, trust. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:58:42 Firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability or strength of someone or something. Yeah, it's on a scale. It's like I heard like the credit score scale is like zero to eight fifty, but no one can ever be eight fifty. There are no eight fifties. It's just like this. It's this mystical thing. There's no one who's 100 percent trustworthy. But but in trust.
Starting point is 00:59:00 So as you start learning more and more about trust and you get deeper and deeper into understanding what makes a great relationship, what you really want is someone who's just honest. And when you don't want to trust them, you want to trust that they are honest. Because it's too much pressure to make someone trustworthy. Go ahead. Go ahead. Like you were saying, it's like there's a million and one metrics to measure somebody's performance. Like you, anywhere, I don't want to say anywhere, but most of the jobs that people get, whether you're in the military or whether you're in just corporate America, you're measured by a resume. by a resume. It's like you have a resume and it says like, okay, I've achieved this amount of things in the past three or 65 days. And that's a metric that is used for people to like rise to
Starting point is 00:59:52 the top. So you have, but the problem is you have people who have not achieved very much on paper, but yet everybody around them would do anything for that person. And they're not the ones getting to the top. Well, that sounds like a good leader, right? Somebody. Yes. All of them. Anybody that I've worked with it so far, not very long, but anybody that I've worked with who has, who I've been able to trust, I mean, obviously not a hundred percent, but I could trust them to do the right thing or have some sort of moral obligation to do the right thing. I felt more compelled to follow them than I ever did somebody who was
Starting point is 01:00:35 just chasing, uh, chasing bullets, chasing a resume builder, you know, like, because as soon as you figure out like, Oh, this person is doing that strictly so that they can get another line on their on their resume. Yes. You can't work with them anymore because, you know, everything about them is now selfish. And I think that's that it's starting to become a growing problem, I think, just everywhere. And I think like Will and I had a conversation about it will brandstetter yeah will brandstetter yeah we had a conversation about it the other day uh like about how people just do stuff for themselves now instead of it being like since he i mean the reason i asked because he's a he's a religious guy and i asked him like okay so why do you follow that why do
Starting point is 01:01:20 you follow the religions you do and why do you feel so compelled to do so uh and his reasoning was because and i'm paraphrasing i'm not really not trying to speak on his behalf but this is what i got from it was that he he did it out of gratification of helping others more than he got the gratification of how he felt like when he about him doing the doing the task basically yeah yeah so yeah like but you have people nowadays like if you look at i mean even like when he, about him doing the, doing the task basically. Yeah. Yeah. So like, but you have people nowadays, like if you look at, I mean, even alcoholics have the same problem, you know, like they're, they're chasing something for themselves so that they can have some sort of dopamine hit or have some sort of feeling or feeling some sort of accomplishment or whatever
Starting point is 01:01:58 it is chemically that makes them chase the thing. Like, I mean, you look at the homeless guy, the drug addict, he's doing that so that he can go buy some more drugs or do whatever he wants to please himself rather than like, hey, I'm going to go try to use that money to invest or try to get a job or build a resume or whatever it is. Yeah, the – yeah. I think trust and honesty are just so intertwined. I don't think there's – when someone's honest with you, then you begin to trust them, and then you begin to want to be with them more, and you begin to want to do their bidding. And I don't know because what you said, it's like it's getting worse and worse. I don't know because I've only lived in this time zone, and anytime I say something like that, I hear my dad's voice go, no, these problems have always been here. And then you hear someone be like, you think shit's bad now.
Starting point is 01:02:49 How would you like to have been alive during World War II? I'd be like, okay, I'll take that. I walked five miles uphill every day to school. Yeah, yeah. How would you like to be a Jew in fucking Warsaw in 1942? I'll take Santa Cruz, California in 2022 for seven, Chuck. Hello, Mr. Rotert. Hey, Salon 2022 for seven, Chuck. Hello, Mr. Hey, Mr.
Starting point is 01:03:08 Yeah. Hi. Hey. So I just wanted to ask about your thoughts on the CrossFit games. And if you ever feel like they'll reach mainstream popularity of some other sports here, especially like, I remember back when you were doing this like the behind the scenes the games um what was that i think i saw like 2010 11 12 13 14 um i don't think they made any last couple years but that really was what drew me into crossfit and i feel like things like
Starting point is 01:03:40 that are great for the sport i don't think anyone's really doing that much of that anymore, other than maybe like the buttery bros are doing a little bit of that. But is there anything that could be done to promote the sport and actually get the sport of CrossFit, like the game side and the open and the invitational, is there anything that can be done that would actually encourage that growth and really make that a big sport as opposed to CrossFit only being like the gyms. Mr. Rotard, I'm going to make this up for you.
Starting point is 01:04:10 Never before. But it's kind of a mix of thoughts, but, but I'm going to give this to you just fresh off the press. Ready? You're not going to like the answer. To grow the games is tantamount to getting fake titties botox collagen butt implants cut your thigh extend it make yourself taller buy a lamborghini um have your liposuction uh all that shit there there is my opinion strictly and i my opinion, and this is not something like I'm dead set on.
Starting point is 01:04:47 I'm 51.9% sure that what I'm saying is accurate. authenticity, sincerity, or longevity without focusing on the heart, the liver, the organs, what you, what you eat, like, like all the other stuff that you would do to try to make the games bigger is all superficiality bullshit. It just doesn't gonna, it's not going to work. Like getting breast implants just makes more cock chase you. Like there's an end of the day, if that's what makes you happy, cool. But I really don't think that's anyone's happiness. And like every single person who's gotten implants, that's what they do. And even the cops and the plastic – cops. Even the docs and the plastic surgeons who put in these, there's a point where the tits are so big that they call them moneymakers.
Starting point is 01:05:38 Like there's like a level of size – that size and bigger, they're called moneymakers. That's the professional term. bigger they're called money makers that's the professional term and so what what has to happen and this is what has to happen is do you see the metaphor the parallel or the simile that i'm trying to draw here you have to take care of the inside of the body like people are putting lotion on and medicine and like and really you have to you you have to nurture what's inside the organs the the everything that's inside of you. This outside skin, this fucking hair, this gel I have in it, these fancy glasses, these wristbands, these are the games. And the games will only grow when that thing inside grows more and is taken care of and is healthy.
Starting point is 01:06:19 And I really think that's it. And that's the problem because the current regime has, has no, um, they don't, they don't even know that there's a body inside of there. Do you know what I mean? Like, like how most people don't even know,
Starting point is 01:06:37 like, like how, like it's crazy, dude, it's nuts that tens of thousands of millions of women cut their fucking chest open and have fucking plastic shoved into them or whatever the fuck spued into them only one thing should be spued into a woman i don't get me wrong i'm i'm i think it's fascinating and i think they're awesome
Starting point is 01:06:56 and like good to look at and blah blah blah blah blah i'd fucking if i had daughters i would never fucking want them to have to deal with that shit. There was this fucking chick the other day. I was reading her Instagram. She had her fucking big old D's pulled out. It's the first time she can breathe in like 12 years. She's like a famous bodybuilder with like 800,000 followers. I'm like, my God. First time you could breathe.
Starting point is 01:07:17 Those things were like inhibiting your breathing. So dudes like me can be like, nice titties. Well, so we can – i mean how are we even tricked how are sorry this i'm not running out sorry mr rotor sorry i'm just i don't mean to take over let's go back to what you're saying what do you think about that so i don't think the games can grow until until the um community grows and the affiliates are growing what do you think about that and there'll never be another behind the scenes but like me it there just can't be behind the scenes that's a sign There just can't be behind the scenes.
Starting point is 01:07:45 That's a sign that the sport's growing that I'm gone by the way. So if you need a metric or proof that it's growing, people like me cannot be around a mainstream sport. I'm, I'm, I'm too, I'm too honest. Maybe, but you also seem to have a relationship with the athletes too. Like they knew who you were. They seem to be like like you at least the ones that were on camera did and so it wasn't like some random person who just was trying to interview them it was like you knew them they knew you and you were able to connect to them right i mean yeah i did i like them i loved them i loved them i love them i think
Starting point is 01:08:22 they're neat they're fucking cool until i told the story this morning, Rich Froning text me like once a year. And when he texts me, like, I won't open the text message for hours. Like just savoring it. I talked to Angela. I talked to Angela DeChico this morning. I was like, fucking giddy. I'm a fucking 49 year old man talking to like just the nicest young man i've talked to like forever it's so cool yeah i mean i love these guys i talked to those girls uh taylor and and and andrea who are on the team awesome oh yeah i love those these people but but what i'm saying is you can't have me like you can't have they're not gonna let someone like a like well i don't know maybe someone will think out of the box and they'll let it happen. I mean the UFC thinks out of the box. I mean can you imagine what I could do for the UFC if they would let me do the behind-the-scenes back there? Holy shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:14 Kind of like the – The buddy-bro. The looking for a fight. Yeah. All that stuff still is a bit superficial though because the thing is I cared because because i thought crossfit was mine i thought i owned it i walked around like i owned it like like that guy the meme guy said i carried greg's bags man i own the fucking place fucking got greg's room key i got his bags i walked up to his room opened the door put his bag in made myself a drink took my shoes off kicked it on the couch
Starting point is 01:09:44 with the boss top floor of the Trump Soho. Thought about all the questions I would ask. I'll ask anything I want because this company is mine. And I just ran like that. That part of me is kind of coming out again. I'm nurturing it with this podcast. Dude, you better interrupt me or else I'm never going to answer your question, Mr. Roeder. Well, what it sounds like is you kind of took ownership of that,, which in my opinions was wrong with a lot of companies nowadays, like
Starting point is 01:10:08 work with people who they just don't care. They're there for a paycheck. And it's like, Hey, it'd be great if we all took ownership of this and all like, like, I want to make the company money. I want to make the company grow. And a lot of people, I guess, don't feel that way because they seem to be there just to put in their time and leave. Well, what you have now is you just have serial executives coming and going. You have – it's just – you can never – it's not their fault either. You can never have – I'm going to use Will Branstetter as the perfect example. This guy who works on this fucking podcast is like the reason this thing is fucking exploding.
Starting point is 01:10:46 Like I didn't know Caleb was going to fucking be here today. I didn't know he was going to be here this morning. He sees the calendar. He pops up and he's fucking helping me. This show that I see, I thought Sousa would be sitting where he is. And I didn't. And then Sousa, no show, didn't text me, which is fine. It's not digging.
Starting point is 01:11:00 I'm saying and Caleb showed up. So when you have people who care and they're taking ownership and like they're like and like someone's building me a website and fucking wills like taking charge of like telling them what colors to use and someone else is doing like my taxes are ready to be due and fucking um um matt sues is helping me with that and caleb's here every morning with me doing this shit when even when like he's like hey i can't work on the show for two weeks i said okay cool and then he's been here every day for two weeks i go what happens i got covid and fuck i can't go out so it's like he's here now it, I can't work on the show for two weeks. I said, okay, cool. And then he's been here every day for two weeks. I go, what happened? He's like, I got COVID and fuck, I can't go out.
Starting point is 01:11:26 So it was like, he's here now. It's just like, I don't, you can't have that, that type of commitment unless everyone has ownership. And you just don't have that at CrossFit. That's not their fault. Just those days are over for the company. And so how big, how, it's a big bag. How is it big?
Starting point is 01:11:42 Nah, you know what? Greg traveled light, but they were cool bags. And like, if I said like, he could have like a $2, big bag. Nah, you know what? Greg traveled light. But they were cool bags. He could have like a $2,700 bag and I'd be like, that's a nice bag. He'd be like, get yourself one, kid. You should have seen my bag collection. I mean, I still got a pretty insane bag collection. Like this vest, Filson vest.
Starting point is 01:11:58 Courtesy of Greg Glassman. These glasses courtesy of Greg Glassman. I tried to find that shirt you wore earlier today on the Filson website. I can't find it anymore. Yeah, it's dope. It's really nice. Yeah. You know what's crazy is I used to never wear that because I was embarrassed.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Like, oh, button snaps. Now I'm just old and fucking. Is it buttons or is it snaps? Snaps. I'll wear one tomorrow morning with buttons. That's so nice. They only made like 600 of them. It's got tag it's like seven of 600 it looks exactly like that and yes so mr rotard i i i think we're a long way off from this thing becoming huge i think people
Starting point is 01:12:37 like tia matt fraser rich froning really did a lot i think that i mean with with dave gone you got another fucking huge huge hole that that's a massive step backwards um so what is the biggest player in the game right now helping this fucking thing this is going to shock some people the buttery bros buttery bros craig richie um that dude nate um uh that meme guy those are the big fucking players those are those fucking people are carrying this fucking thing i think without them there's nothing yeah thank you to those guys oh the wiki guy out of south africa or whatever um josie joe josie i don't know does josie have his own channel life of josie i don't uh no he just puts out stuff about other people then fuck him then fuck him not okay no no i'm joking not fuck him he's armenian love that guy at the top of the heap is josie
Starting point is 01:13:27 but but without them there's nothing like who would there be without craig richie right now 386 422 subscribers who's counting and uh and and and talking league fitness 29 000 who's counting i mean fucking armin left he was fucking holding down the fort fucking being the angry armenian now i gotta fucking do it yeah so i don't think this thing i don't think this thing stands a fucking they're trying to monetize it before they're they're reaching into the golden goose and pulling out the golden eggs and and they're going to damage the uterus and the genitalia of this goose you have to be to be patient and nurture the goose and let the eggs fall out. And they don't have time for that.
Starting point is 01:14:10 Yeah, well, if they were smart, they'd bring in someone like Broning to be a high-level person, maybe have him take days old place to at least be a figurehead. And that would at least probably keep CrossFit somewhat relevant with all the old CrossFit people if they were considering leaving. I don't know if that would do it, but I ain't hating. I ain't hating. All right, Mr. Roeder, thank you. Wow, you crossed over into the 11 minute and 40 second mark, but that's because I was talking so much. Peace and love, brother. All right. Okay. Well, I'll get back in the comments and start trolling you again. Thank you. I appreciate it. When you're desperate for relevance, you'll take'll take uh i think armin had a kid yeah he did and then he started his own like father talk podcast i think so that
Starting point is 01:14:55 i think he's been doing that a lot more than in crossfit stuff uh-oh i'm in trouble. I am in big trouble. I just got a text from one of my friends who has these huge fake tits. I'm afraid to open the text. How dare you? I mean, her tits are great. They're huge and they're great looking. I mean, that's not directed at you. I'm scared. I'm not going to open that till tomorrow. I'm not my that's not directed at you i'm scared i'm i'm not gonna open that till tomorrow i'm not opening that till tomorrow you're gonna yell at me i'm not being yelled at i'm gonna be yelled at we're still friends your tits are cool i i appreciate them
Starting point is 01:15:35 i just think i just i just i'mimmers the women i don't know if i that's so like can we i want to stay positive that's like that's the two dudes who competed against each other you know gotcha but i think but they can we um what about this elite discipline i think this is kind of motivating uh yeah has this show been Has this show been rather positive or is this show negative? It's been more positive than normal. Oh, I love you, Caleb. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:16:17 No, no, I didn't like that. More positive than normal. Okay. Okay, this has been fucking negative. Here we go. Single morning before school. Every single morning. I woke up at 4.59.
Starting point is 01:16:32 I was at the gym at 5.15. Shot 1,000 shots. If I did not make 850 out of 1,003 pointers, I redid that workout at night. Most of you guys couldn't even come close to making 850 out of 1,000. Most of you guys couldn't even shoot close to making 800 150 out of a thousand Most of you guys couldn't even shoot a thousand without your arms cramping up and I did 850 out of a thousand every single morning Every single day game day non-game day weekend non-weekend winter break still showed up at 5 15 a.m Every single day throughout my high school career I was not blessed
Starting point is 01:17:02 As a tall guy, he never made it to six foot I wasn't blessed as a tall guy. Me neither. Never made it to six foot. I wasn't blessed as a super athlete, but I worked really hard. I was blessed with elite discipline. And I think the good news is all of us can get to that level of discipline if we want it bad enough. What's that guy's name? would you click on that link one more time drew halen uh elite discipline what a cool juxtaposition of words isn't it dick butter is a handful i mean what do you expect from a guy named dick butter why is my uh i will say that sounds eerily similar to what ko used to do and Michael Jordan.
Starting point is 01:17:45 Oh, I mean, I'm not saying somebody else couldn't do it, but it is interesting to have. I don't know who this guy is, but skills coach, keynote speaker, true Hanlon. I wonder if we should have him on the show.
Starting point is 01:17:58 I like anyone with more than more followers than me. I didn't say that out loud today. What did you, what? Nothing. Uh, Drew Hanlon. Yeah. I'm going to follow him real quick. I didn't say that out loud, did I? What? Nothing. Drew Hanlon. I'm going to follow him real quick. He sounds like he'd be cool to have on the show. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:18:15 I keep seeing that text message from my friend with the giant tits. I'm just freaking out. I don't want to upset her. Drew Hanlon. Drew Hanlon she doesn't just have giant tits her whole shit's like great great personality I don't know
Starting point is 01:18:35 her personality too well she's cool I like her the little bit of hung out with her she's cool as shit she's fun she's easy going she's a hard worker it's not like she just got those tits and is relying on them but I've hung out with her. She's cool as shit. She's fun. She's easygoing. She's a hard worker. It's not like she just got those tits and is relying on them. She's a fucking beast of a CrossFitter.
Starting point is 01:18:51 Okay, enough of that. I'm tripping. Oh, Drew Hanlon is awesome, works with a lot of NBA players. Okay, maybe he'll work with me. So elite discipline. You know what's interesting about that? They say that you need to do stuff that you don't like to do or work hard. I have elite discipline, but I find stuff that I like even if I don't like it feel like I know when I'm on my path. Like, if I went to law school, that wouldn't be my path.
Starting point is 01:19:29 And I'd fucking hate it. Kicking and screaming. Yes. So you really, it's not that you don't enjoy doing whatever it is, is difficult. The only reason you're doing it is because you're enjoying it. And that's why you're pursuing it with such fervor. Yeah, that. Oh, you need kids
Starting point is 01:19:45 i do not need kids yes that you said it yes so so once you find what you enjoy you could you and if you found something you enjoy and you haven't put elite discipline around it you're nuts you're nuts even if you don't like it even if you're kind of good at it i was talking with my friend travis bajan about that this morning i'm like dude you're nuts you're nuts even if you don't like it even if you're kind of good at it i was talking with my friend travis bajan about that this morning i'm like dude you're so good at xyz i know i hate it i'm like but dude cultivate that shit cultivate it and i think that's why some people just don't end up doing like that's why you just have disgruntled people i'm not everywhere but most
Starting point is 01:20:25 places you go like you go wait say that again sorry he's reading comments say that again i'm not reading anymore um it's it's the reason why you see people who are just disgruntled everywhere if you go to like the grocery store or you go to somewhere like a fast food restaurant like those people are just pissed off because they're not they're not doing that because they enjoy it they do it because like they have to, or they don't have another option, you know? But if you like put somebody in a position where they actually enjoy that,
Starting point is 01:20:52 what they're doing, then they'll, they'll take more pride in it and they'll, they'll actually, they'll go the extra mile. They'll tell you all of the, all the niceties, you know,
Starting point is 01:21:02 you'll get better customer service if you will. You know, like I used to teach some lessons way back in the day. And the person who owned the manager, she loved her job. And she thought it was great. And she would go the extra mile. She'd help all the customers feel like they were welcome, all of that stuff. But then you throw me in there and I'm just like a 21 year old college student. And I'm like, I literally just need this to make money. I don't give two fucks about what happens to it. You know, like I'll teach the kids how to swim and I'll say, hey, your kid did great.
Starting point is 01:21:34 And then I'll send them on their way because I did not care. Oh, we see. Oh. Oh. Uh, uh, oh, oh. Are you seeing it? These are you looking at these texts coming in? Yeah. Well, well, are you going to respond?
Starting point is 01:22:00 Is Will listening? Will Branstetter? Are you going to respond to that? That's fucking hilarious. Go ahead. Tell him to come on the podcast if he wants to fucking fight with me i'll grab my ankles he can give it to me hard no lube i just just tell him to come on the podcast um uh it's funny that you use grocery store an example i pretty much love everything i do in my life. I've set my life up to like, I love picking up dog poop. I love picking up dog poop.
Starting point is 01:22:29 Why? Because when I find one, I know that that's one less one in my yard. Sometimes the only time I don't like it is when I can't find one. So let's say I picked up three and I have four. Let's say I go out in my backyard with four bags and I pick up three and now I've done three laps around the yard and I can't find a fourth one. I start to stress a little bit. And the reason why I like it is because that means my kids and everyone can run around barefoot. I'm doing my job.
Starting point is 01:22:52 I'm no fucking liver king. I'm not fucking bringing the cow home. But I get amazing enjoyment. When I'm in my backyard and I spot a plant that has a thistle plant growing and I get my shovel and just pop it out, I'm so happy. I love going to the grocery store. I haven't been since the pandemic started because i fucking don't want to deal with the idiots but i used to go there at least twice a week with my kids my wife would be like man you're taking all three kids again i'm like i would that's the whole point of going to the store hang out in the grocery store with my three kids i loved it i love looking at people every single fucking person i
Starting point is 01:23:22 love watching my kids look at people kids run up to the guy with one leg. Hey, what happened to you? I'm like, you know, just loving that shit. So there's like a level of catharsis to it. Like you just get some sort of like satisfaction out of doing those things. Yeah. Like I only do what I fucking want. Like, yeah, I work hard to keep all the poop out of my yard.
Starting point is 01:23:40 So no one, so you never have to wear shoes. It's like, um, I don't enjoy vacuuming i love fucking emptying the vacuum bag container bring it back click it in it's empty you know what i mean it's like yeah drop the massive like dust bowl into the trash can yeah my mom's gonna my mom my wife's gonna call bullshit on this but i also like like pulling the dry the dryer thing out oh the lint out of the dryer swooping all that shit out of there getting it so the dust doesn't go anywhere being gentle yet aggressive enough to get into the deep nooks and crannies and then throw it away have you noticed that in your kids yet what you notice have you noticed them like
Starting point is 01:24:20 they they have like like i don't know maybe one thing that they're just like let me do this every time like even if it's something you normally do if they if they see you doing it and they like doing it they'll do it instead there are things like that the other day i was in the backyard um and or the other day i couldn't find two of my boys and i went in the backyard and they had fucking dug a hole yeah and i was like what are you guys doing they're digging a hole i'm like what for they're like cuz i'm like i mean i enjoy digging holes too but i usually stick something and i was like all right um but but i know what you mean that's not a good example i know what you mean like like this like no like i really like doing the wash i like separating the whites and the
Starting point is 01:25:01 colors i like putting the bleach in because i – also because my wife hates it, and I like hitting extra rinses so she doesn't know that I bleached it and then closing the door and starting it. But they haven't – no, I'm sure there's something. Like I always see kids like – or if you ever go to like a store, they usually have like the kids cart, like a little miniature kids cart. Yes, yes, yes yes and they had those at whole foods and my kids and i love the attention when i go there with my three kids because i just sit back and just watch people be like oh my god those are the and i'm just like yeah they're like center stage and like yeah anything anywhere they go yeah because i mean especially because they're so like if you saw three kids that didn't get along with each other
Starting point is 01:25:42 and they were just shitheads for like the entire hour that you're out. Very common. Nobody cares. They're like, that's disgusting. I don't want anything to do with that. I wouldn't take my kids out if they were like that either. I would dread it. I would dread it.
Starting point is 01:25:54 But yeah, as soon as you see three kids in like symbiosis, like they just want to go out and do things. They want to check the prices on shit. They want to like, hey, can we get something like there? Then it's like, that's awesome. Like they're helping dad get the groceries. Like, hey hey get that roll of salami or whatever you know and they'll just run over and be like this one yeah cool throw it in the cart it's awesome the the town only has probably 30,000 people i live in i don't know 50,000 it's small yeah and then we're isolated because we're up over the hill from san jose and it's just like a treacherous highway to
Starting point is 01:26:21 get where i'm at and basically everywhere i go with my kids like doesn't matter where i go someone knows them or spots them or will say hi to them or knows them from something like oh we see you at the beach oh we see you at jujitsu oh we see you at tennis oh we've seen you skate at the skate park like someone will always be like those are those three boys that used to have long hair and i'm like yeah those that's that that's awesome that's how we we have a we have a border collie and that's kind of how it is wherever we go places like yes basically everywhere we go and then they're like oh that's that's chaos and then people know your dog yeah yeah whenever we go to starbucks we go there for the pup cup so that she can get like the whipped cream thing and every time we roll up like oh it's chaos and then it's you need did i mention you need a kid? Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:27:06 Maybe. One of these days. This guy's saying that where's the Wall Street... I'm looking right now, Chase. Chase Bryan. Oh, it's interesting. I can't get even the YouTube channel to refresh right now. Let's see. It's still on there. It is? Okay. It's still on there it is okay yeah so it's still it's still on there maybe maybe hit set reminder
Starting point is 01:27:30 hit the smash button subscribe subscribe to like and smash and subscribe and like and smash turn on your notifications it'll show up every time you're only strong when there's money now it it's just paper. I'd like to see what you'd get asked fuck for now. You're only strong when there's money. Now it's just paper. I'd like to see what you get asked fuck for now. You mean? Cause I said,
Starting point is 01:27:54 I'd grab my ankles to have that person on the show. I don't get any money from that. That would be a freebie. I'm not even sure what that person's asking, but, um, Oh, he's getting, okay. I don't know what that person's asking, but, um, Oh,
Starting point is 01:28:08 he's getting, okay. I don't know what that guy's doing, but he's on some shit now. Um, I got my first order of heart and soil beef organs and lifeblood. Do you really take six each at a time? I usually sleep eight or nine hours. Last few days, barely six hours, biggest change, less fog. Um, I do. So you know what I do can do is I will, um, sometimes I'll even take 12 in a day, but basically some, depending on how I feel, um, if I'm going to drink like a huge pint of water, I'll take three and three and just take all six. Or sometimes I'll just take all six at once. But when you're starting the first few times I did that, I did not feel good after I
Starting point is 01:28:41 took it. Not like for a long time, but like for 10 or 15 minutes, I was like, whoa, like I was on a boat that I didn't want to be on. So, uh, pace yourself. Yeah. It's unreal. My clarity is 200% better and lots of energy, but not like you're on caffeine or pre-work or endorphins. Yeah. I know it's, it's nuts. I, I don't know what your diet was like before, but my diet was really strict when i started the heart and soil and the ancestral supplements and like i noticed shit difference within hours that's what's crazy hours so it's weird and even when i said that to paul i said that to paul saladino or to someone and i i think they they um said it made or i got the impression it made them uncomfortable when i said that and um but it was the truth like what am i gonna do like like it was too much of a compliment what's that cost for one month i think a bottle of it's like 50 bucks the shit ain't cheap yeah
Starting point is 01:29:39 40 to 80 bucks yeah it's not it's not cheap um they gave me so many bottles uh this last time i asked them if i could have bottles to put in the back there and they gave and i actually said hey you can just send me empty bottles and they said no we'll send you full bottles so those are those they sent me two four six eight bottles so i i unsubscribed on it on amazon or i delayed it for like a year and i put i took all the so this is how i do it i took all those pills out and i mixed them into a fucking uh giant glass jar and shook it up and mix it around are you gonna do a contest to see if anybody can guess how many are in the jar no but now do you remember when the dude i haven't seen that in years i used to
Starting point is 01:30:22 see shit like that all the time it It's always in a public library. They always have like marbles or some shit. And then they would just be like, you can write it in and then you can get like free books for a month or some shit. Yeah, who counts that shit? Who counts that shit and how many times do they count it? Probably one of the librarians. And yeah, so I have liver, trachea, minerals, tallow, bone marrow, grass-fed organs, and lung. And I just mix them all together, and who knows what I'm getting.
Starting point is 01:30:57 Do you have a pill pocket or like a pill divider? No. Sunday through Saturday? But you know what's funny is my mom has one of those, and I used to make fun of her for that. And now I'm 49. I'm like, oh, shit. i see one in my in my like next 20 years seven it's not a 60s cocktail party it is and i like the use of cock and tail juxtaposed oh no i just saw that text message again from that girl let me um uh oh yeah yeah yeah, yeah. Good, good, good, good. Nice job, Will.
Starting point is 01:31:30 Will's handling. He's good, man. Will's handling our disgruntled. It's not my place to say, but someone texted the real podcast Instagram and was basically trying to figure out. We said something about this guy this morning and he's trying to figure out where those stories are coming from
Starting point is 01:31:50 so he's text the real podcast he's not upset he's not he's not upset he's not upset I think he just he's not upset the people who listen to the Joe Rogan position of expletives are upset yeah he's not upset what a great what a good what a
Starting point is 01:32:10 great uh i you know what's funny is do you know what he's referencing do you know what we're talking about oh yeah you're on the text thread so basically this morning when i asked angelo that i asked him it as a joke okay fuck it i'll tell you guys this is silly what i'm doing This morning I asked Angelo DiCicco four questions that I thought were just completely absurd rumors. And one of them I asked him was, is Fikowski coming to Mayhem? And he said, yeah, I've heard something like that too. That's a partial truth. I was like, oh shit. And so we left it at that. And I don't even know if Angelo is is joking i don't know if he's joking did you think he was joking uh i don't know he's very he's very good at being deadpan i could have believed it one way or the other it was like hobart are you gay he's like you're like what'd you say he's like what'd you say what what you just need to never know now you're just like stuck afterwards me and will and caleb and matt scissor like so is he gay or isn't he gay well he said i think we it's weird we didn't say something about it previously and he's and then
Starting point is 01:33:13 he made a post about his training uh like who coaches him basically and i've never heard of them and i've never seen him post about who his where his coach is from and so i mean that was like that was news to me i mean he could have been playing training for mayhem for all i know but i do not train at mayhem but i have a rich froning doll that i steep in a hot glass of water every morning and then pull it out and drink the froning tea doll tea the froning tea yes it's a froning tea. Yes, and so froning. Yeah. Yes, I'm glad you asked, Wyatt. How's Paper Street Coffee?
Starting point is 01:33:50 It's all I'm drinking these days. I'm a little concerned Bridges hasn't been on since you told us about that stuff. Might need to start pimping good dudes again. Do you know what? Basically, so I had the podcast with him and Matt. Matt pulled out for no nefarious reasons, nothing crazy. I know people in the comments love saying, of course they pulled out your fucking piece of shit. Well, I've seen it like three times in the comments.
Starting point is 01:34:18 We should go over to the YouTube comments. They're kind of funny. And then Josh and I were going to keep doing the show we didn't do it for like three months because like we just couldn't get a response from matt and then finally matt's too busy and i i think maybe matt could even come back one day i don't fucking know i don't think matt hates me maybe even though people tell me he does um what so maybe o'keefe will put in a good word for us yes and um so then so then josh and i were like okay let's just fucking do it and i wanted to have guests and josh didn't and i was like but josh we could leverage all those followers and all your popularity to get
Starting point is 01:34:55 amazing guests he's like okay we'll occasionally do guests and thanks for using me i said no problem everyone should be used everyone should want to be used by the way if you're not being used you're fucking work get used oh that's a great shirt get used anyway so um that's kind of like what you were talking about before there's people who who who that's what you were talking about before caleb yeah about about being in the right to being in something that they enjoy doing Who – that's what you were talking about before, Caleb. Yeah. About – Being in the right – being in something that they enjoy doing. Yeah. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:35:30 It was early on in the conversation. You think being used is a negative connotation. It's a great thing. But you explained it differently in a more friendly way. What were you saying? It was about – it'll come back to me but getting used is what you all want you want to get used nah not necessarily abused but you want to be used you want to find people who can use you it adds value to your life it's it's oh you were talking
Starting point is 01:36:01 about someone who does we're talking about will, but he likes to do stuff for people, not because he necessarily wants to do it because he sees it helps them or gives them enjoyment. Yes. Yeah. Fuck. Yeah. Get used motherfucker.
Starting point is 01:36:13 Get used. I mean, that's exactly right. I mean, you can have boundaries and get used, go out and like, I don't like, I love it when my kid wants to use me to play fucking Frisbee.
Starting point is 01:36:22 I love it. Use the shit out of me. It's like, I'll throw the Frisbee all day long. Yeah. I love it. When my wife likes to use me to play fucking frisbee i love it use the shit out of me it's like i'll throw the frisbee all day long yeah i love it when my wife likes to use me use me use me um i don't think oh it's we're an hour and 34 and i'm not going to open this topic but i was going to talk about um i i i talk about waking people up for sex like i think it's perfectly okay to wake someone up for sex but well like your mate should never be like unless they like have to leave for a flight like at 4 a.m and you're trying to stick it in them at 2 but like if it's just a regular day and they're asleep at 11 and they're on their stomach like
Starting point is 01:37:01 then just don't wake up then it bothers you like like you married so lucky you have the greatest wife in the world um uh black history month family guy or i know i whatever we're talking about i forgot but let's go to um family guy we'll finish with this uh family the family guy um i should put that in my notes about um people who are too tired to have sex like then just didn't just lay there be cool i've i've never before you hit play on this i've there's tons of times i didn't want to have sex and not one of them afterwards was like yeah that was lame i was like oh i'm glad i did that. Every time. It's like a workout. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:37:48 It's exactly like a, it's not like a workout. It's like a workout. I know exactly what you mean. You're never like worked out and be like, that was dumb. God, I hate that. Fuck, I'm glad I did that. Yes. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:37:59 Yes, exactly. Okay, let's, let's, I like this. Look, you can go to Oral Roberts. Oh, and there's Anal Roberts. Boy, that is a tough, tough place to get into, Lois. That is tough. But once you're in there, you'll be surprised how much you like it. Oh, look, you can go to Oral Roberts.
Starting point is 01:38:19 Oh, and there's Anal Roberts. Boy, that is a tough, tough place to get into, Lois. Oh, my goodness. Once you're in there there you'll be surprised how much you like it I'm so I'm so juvenile Sevan who's the most fake annoying person In the CrossFit space I cannot I shall not Thank you though I appreciate it
Starting point is 01:38:44 Appreciate the I appreciate the. Appreciate it. Yeah. I appreciate the alley. I did not want to tell you. By the way, when you read that, no one pops in my head. I'm not like it's Dave Castro.
Starting point is 01:38:57 I'm not like, like, it's not like that. It's Caleb Beaver. I'm not like, I'm not like, Oh, I'm so glad you had,
Starting point is 01:39:01 I don't even have to like, um, um, I like, like, uh, um, Andy stump, like whatever beef I have with him, there's, I cannot say anything that there's anything fake about the guy. So there's that, you know what I mean? Like, I don't, I, no one pops in my, in my head. Like, like, even if I wanted to, like, there's people I like can't stand and I can't, they don't pop up in in my not that i can't stand andy but i just use him as an example because we were talking about before but like i would never say he's fake
Starting point is 01:39:29 i mean would you consider that like basically i don't like someone doesn't make them fake what say that again would you think that most people have to put on some sort of facade and here's another thing i like andy i just don't like him that's another thing like i like i like if like like if he wasn't on the i'm on the raiders he's on the 49ers if he's on the raiders i'd like him like i like him i just don't like him okay go ahead sorry say that again caleb uh would you just would you consider that most people have to put up a facade anyway in daily life or just like all like at work or around people or or do you think that most people are pretty honest about who they are and how they more more than that how they express themselves instead of like here's the thing that i trip on every time that i'm fake i don't know
Starting point is 01:40:20 i'm being fake until later i realized, oh, that was fake. I'm not like fake in the moment. There's just – as I get older, layers of me fall off. Like I know that being offended, anytime anyone's offended, it's fake. It's so fucking fake. That is not what you are. That's – you're holding on to this piece of fakeness that you're not willing to let go of and so you're letting the big nose comment come in hit that fakeness of your identity that you've created that's what i think of as fake you know what i mean and then
Starting point is 01:40:56 and then and then and then so like when i don't want to be offended by someone saying i have a big nose i just think that that's i'm fake and that's who i think i am and then finally one day i let that thing i think it was like a pinball machine and the ball the I have a big nose. I just think that that's – I'm fake and that's who I think I am. And then finally one day I let that thing – I think it was like a pinball machine. And the you have a big nose comes in. It hits this wooden dowel in my head. And then one day I realized I don't have to have that wooden dowel in there. And I take it and I throw it away. I don't have to – and it can go – that was fake. I'll build my own –
Starting point is 01:41:21 Anything. It could be something you're confident about. It could be something you're insecure about. It could be something you're insecure about. They're all equivalent to each other. Anything that you have in there that you believe and you identify with is fake. That's why the gender thing makes no sense to me. It's so sad to me when people use that word wrong too. How would I know what gender I am?
Starting point is 01:41:46 I would never spend the time to build a gender in there. I know I'm a man because I have a cock. You think it's because they just have too much time on their hands then? I was showering today. Or they just don't realize it's fake that it's not necessary. This is more important, kid. I was showering today and my son's taking a shit in the toilet, and I don't have a shower door. It was for the show.
Starting point is 01:42:11 A shower door or a curtain or anything, and I'm showering, and he's watching me, and I'm soaping up my cock and balls. And he goes, your balls are bigger than your cock. I was like, the fuck? I just looked at him. I go, the fuck? I just looked at him. I go, the fuck the, the fuck the, and I was just thinking of all the jokes of like guys in college are like, I'm more potatoes than I am meat.
Starting point is 01:42:30 And I'm like, like, you don't want a penis. It's like, like, you know what I mean? The balls are here and your penis is like hanging up above them. I'm like,
Starting point is 01:42:38 the fuck they are. And I quickly like rinse off all the fucking soap off my cock and balls. You're like, Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. Your, your balls are just wider. I go, yeah, he'll do penis is a lot longer. He's like, oh, okay, okay, okay. Your balls are just wider.
Starting point is 01:42:46 I go, yeah, your penis is a lot longer. I'm like, yeah. I was offended. I was offended. That's fake. I was offended because I think I'm my cock. See? I was offended.
Starting point is 01:42:54 That's a perfect fucking example. That's a good example, yeah. That's good. Yeah, that is the best thing about getting older. The cock starts getting heavy and really dangling. There's no way the balls will ever go i mean maybe the ball just sit on it occasionally i i haven't sat on my penis that were my balls that would suck but i've had the the cock touch the top of the water bowl that's fucking horrible that's a horrible
Starting point is 01:43:18 that's an occasional occurrence i I don't – yeah. Okay, now we're getting to desperation territory, hour and 41 minutes. Okay, I'm going to finish with a story that I should have started with. I'm going to tell you a story, and then we're done. I'm going to tell you a story about my kids. We started with about racism. We'll end with racism or just – we transcended racism. We talked about something deeper than it. But here it is.
Starting point is 01:43:44 I'm in my car the other day and my two boys are in the backpack. I'm driving my minivan, my Sienna. And I hear one of my boys say, Ari say, no, I hear Joseph say to Ari, I'm pretty. And Ari says, I'm handsome. And Joseph says, I'm going to get married. And Ari goes, I'm going to get married too, not to a white girl. And I'm like, oh fuck, this should be be fun i can't wait to hear this and i look in the rearview mirror he goes they're too hard to draw joseph goes yeah i hate the white crayon and i'm thinking to myself i fucking hate the white crayon too because there's nothing like if you don't have colored paper you can't use it worth a shit and i'm like so this motherfucker
Starting point is 01:44:21 is going to choose his chick they're going to choose their chick on who's the easiest to draw. And then I'm thinking, and you want me to talk to them about BLM and race? If these motherfuckers are going to pick their chick on who's easiest to draw with a crayon, I'm game. That's good. That's five years old, people. Tell me. Tell my kids to. Tell my kids. I haven't been talking to my kids about skin color they already figured that shit out bang bitches that are easier to draw cobra roads thank you baby cobra i should have you on
Starting point is 01:44:59 the show it would be wild i'm kind of sad i'm kind of scared he's a professional arm wrestler actor he's a renaissance man he's an old friend he's more than arm wrestler he's a legend maybe you could google his name you'll see some crazy pictures he's he is a funky funky uh brilliant uh he probably like brothers from another mother he is so he yeah i'm so attracted to him too like whenever i see him like i just want to hang out to him i gravitate towards him yeah he's cool oh yeah look there he is with some ufc fighters oh look at him with uh look at him with that dude that's the dude that's cobra and uh what's that guy's name oh yeah yeah levon yeah go back to that picture though i want to compare her fucking
Starting point is 01:45:53 so so cobra is cobra is a thin man he's a rip shredded man though he's like those giant arms on cobra are um those his body is those are giant arms for his body. He's a lean, mean machine. That guy right there is huge. He's a tank. Yeah, that is nuts. Cobra, did you pull him, Cobra? Man.
Starting point is 01:46:23 Dude, that's crazy. How is he not like a weightlifter or something he's he's i i i should be careful saying this because i don't really know him but i've hear people i guess i want to say affectionately call him the experiment oh you've trained him shit that makes That makes sense. So that is something Cobra is notorious for. Uh, he is, uh, uh, a sought after, uh, instructor for arm wrestling teams all around the world. And this, this, and there's nothing greater, no, no greater compliment, um, as an arm wrestler than to be invited to the european block to train their guys because those dudes are strong as shit uh someone you should try to get brian johnson uh i i am i don't think he's done a lot of i don't think he's done any podcast i i am friends with brian and um i've asked him to be on the podcast i've also said to him that uh if he doesn't come on the podcast
Starting point is 01:47:24 and he does someone else first, no hard feelings. Like, man, like if he can go on Rogan, go on Rogan. Don't fuck around with me. All right, guys. I love you to death. Cobra, thanks for jumping in. You da man. We will see you guys tomorrow morning with Jedediah Snelson.
Starting point is 01:47:40 I'm really happy with this show. My intention was to stay calm, mellow, peace, love, and happiness. Caleb.

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