The Sevan Podcast - #295 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: February 10, 2022

We start out the show by fact checking some DM interactions listeners had with Make Wods Great Again. Then, we talk to a caller claiming to be Brendon Fikowski, Dick Mertens, and Jordan Peterson? We ...also talk to an affiliate owner about the direction of CrossFit and the NSCA case. Peloton's CEO also got a promotion from CEO to Chairman of the Board while laying off 2,800 people, so of course we talked about that. "The Sevan Podcast" T-Shirts Follow us on Instagram Watch this episode Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items. Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your list, then swap it for one that's cheaper. Craving chips? The app will suggest some on sale.
Starting point is 00:00:23 To get started, just open the app it's as easy as that see the pc optimum app for details put your hands together for lady raven dad thank you this is literally the best day of my life on august 2nd what's with all the police trucks outside you know the butcher goes around just chopping people up. Comes a new M. Night Shyamalan experience. The feds heard he's going to be here today. Josh Hartnett. I'm in control. And Salika as Lady Raven.
Starting point is 00:00:55 This whole concert, it's a trap. Trap, directed by M. Night Shyamalan. Only in theaters August 2nd. Bam. What was that? There was a time when the show was always late. Do you remember that? Like we were always late.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Not no more. You snuck in on that one. Yeah, I was one yeah I was close when I see the comments say let's go I feel like there's a oh let's go does that mean fuck you
Starting point is 00:01:38 oh shit I'm late no I think they didn't do it it's like cheering you on, you know? I have this. Hi, good morning. Good morning. How long have you been awake?
Starting point is 00:01:52 Not very long. Not usually. By now, I've already coached a class and done a bunch of stuff, but today I didn't have to, so I've only been awake for maybe like 30 minutes. Oh, how come no class today? You got COVID or something? No, I don't coach on uh thursday mornings should we just go in hard this morning just talk about fukowski and daniel brandon's boobs or like
Starting point is 00:02:15 a way up to it i'm just trying to i'm trying to think i really want the show to be an hour and a half today because i have to um, um, I have to, uh, I'm taking my kids to the skate park today. Um, that Josh the professional skater that that skate parks back, back in action. Oh, nice. So Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. I'm just reading text messages. Did you see that gold CEO shirt? I did. It's awesome. yeah i feel um how i feel like self-absorbed how much i like it
Starting point is 00:03:06 like it makes me feel a little uncomfortable how much i like it once you put it on it's never coming off i know i you know i i feel like um the guy marcus from life is rx is like dude how many shirts are we gonna make how about you sell some first oh uh-oh wait like numbers not even up what's happening i know i this is not really an hour and a half if you let these people ramble but i think this might be fikowski i think he's after me i'm really nervous here good good morning good morning Good morning. Oh, no. Hello? Good morning.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Is this the 7 show? It is. Hello, Mr. Fikowski. How are you? Good morning. I appreciate that. I just want to clear something up real fast here. Actually, this is Brenner, Brent's brother.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Oh, Brenner. Okay, okay. Yeah. I understand the confusion. We sound alike. We have the same mother and father, so that's sometimes how that works. Oh, you have one of those families where all the kids were named starting with a B? Brennerd, Brent.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Do you have any sisters? It's just all going to be Olivia. Bethany? Seven. Yeah'm sorry i was distracted yes go on brent brenner are you calling on behalf of your are you calling on behalf of your brother and his 700 000 followers on instagram well seven he doesn't need to scoop to your level i understood i understood understood all. Well, this is a serious call. Turn left in two kilometers. Excuse me. Can you hear? You can't hear that, right?
Starting point is 00:04:52 No, no. I couldn't hear that you're turning left in two kilometers. Brenner, let me, before I lose you, because you seem very temperamental this morning, like we're about to get in a fight. Can I ask you a few questions about your brother? Like some very serious topics that uh audience will be interested in you know what fine uh is your brother going to cross your brother you can you can you can ask me you can ask me uh i can ask you i don't want to ask you
Starting point is 00:05:22 i don't i but let's be very clear i do not want to ask you um brenner don't want to ask you. I don't. But let's be very clear. I do not want to ask you, Brenner. Maybe I want to ask your brother. Yeah, your bio says comedian and you're right. You're hilarious. Are you going to the mayhem? Is your brother going to the mayhem empire? going to the mayhem empire. We, I mean, we have, we're getting so much conflicting information.
Starting point is 00:05:45 And why, and why is he, by the way, your girlfriend, your wife sounds a little stiff. Uh, is your brother, is your brother, is Brent Fikowski going to the mayhem empire to,
Starting point is 00:05:57 to finally get what he needs to, uh, to win the CrossFit games or not? Oh, I'm actually just going up on my destination. You have arrived at CrossFit Mayhem. Oh, shit! Oh, I knew it!
Starting point is 00:06:10 Holy shit! Holy shit. Why? Why? That was either Brent pretending to be his brother or that was Brent. It's Brent Fikowski. Wow. This is incredible. This is truly – well, it's a 7.06 a.m. Pacific Standard Time on the west coast of the north american continent about three miles from the actual body of water they call the pacific ocean it's february 10th and this is the time when we
Starting point is 00:06:52 have i mean unless he's going there to unless he's going there to say no no he he's there right he's a mayhem guy is that would you say that's fair you heard his siri just say or his map quest whatever that shit is map quest is that around anymore oh oh is that aaron aaron's uh ways app aaron the the uh chief marketing officer at cross let's stick with that yeah the map quest said he's at mayhem it must be true oh my goodness it must be true oh my goodness um i wasn't i wasn't even going to bring that part up about uh man this show is incredible we had we had dick merton's call we have shawney shawney shawney woody call uh then we actually had anthony merton's call yesterday during the show i mean interrupted a show like just like pig farmer style i don't
Starting point is 00:07:47 give a fuck who's this graciano rubio guy just call in so wait that guy was real that was really colton merton's dad my mom thought that the dick mertens was the real colton merton's dad she really thought that she's like i thought his dad was so weird when he was when he came in his dick mertens. And now I heard him yesterday and he's so sweet. Wait, wait, but it all seriously. So you did not know Comer that was going to call yesterday? No, no clue.
Starting point is 00:08:13 No clue. No clue. I had no idea this Fikowski was going to call, too, to be quite honest. To be quite honest. I'm so synced up that I'm so synced up with this dude. I don't want to ruin the bit but i'm so i'm like spiritually on a whole nother like psychic level i'm so fucking hooked up with this dude it's a it's weird how me and him think alike this fucking guy who man man man and those canadians have a distinct accent they talk they have their own like distinct way of talking well brent's a good dude call them give us the breaking news on where he's
Starting point is 00:08:51 training um oh i think it was on accident i don't think he meant to do that uh wad zombie anthony merton sounded young right i expect him to sound like dick mertens. The problem is this. I'm 49 now. And so like, I can't tell all my shit's all fucking out of whack. I used to, because I just think of these guys as still like me being the same age as them, but I'm not like, I'm getting to like where I could there. I could biologically be maybe some of their, um, you could do the math with the biology and I could be some of their grandfathers. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:09:23 Like if he had a kid when he was 15 and he had a kid when he was 15 then i could be his grandfather and the grandkid would be four already and it's like oh man what happened fast yeah this is getting weird hey real quick i'll get to an age where i can talk about anything sorry go ahead susan you're good i just wanted to uh give a shout out to one of my members, Lynette, here, who actually helps at the front desk. Got me this espresso cup because I got made fun of for drinking out of my little paper once last time. Oh, how sweet, Lynette.
Starting point is 00:09:55 You bought him a fucking broken cup. No. It's not broken. Or used. Or what's that dip part in the front? It looks like it's chips. It's so when you chip it, it doesn't dribble out. Oh.
Starting point is 00:10:04 This is fancy. All right. Yeah. She's actually a member of the gym because of you uh serious serious she watched the show and then she found out about crossfit livermore and then she yeah in 2017 hey i was wearing the crossfit livermore shirt yesterday and i noticed it's rainbow is that like is that like part of an inclusive is that like a nod like you know the um shirt that dave wore at the games he's worn it a bunch of times it's a crossfit shirt with rainbow is that like just a nod to the lgbq yeah hey it is just a rainbow shirt i like it i know but was it when you made it was it a nod to that community like hey yeah or is it like a rainbow more just like just rain yeah if you see the back of it do you see
Starting point is 00:10:45 the back of it says community fitness love oh peace man peace and love open to all genitalia maybe you should have on the tag open to all genitalia come as you are come as you are too um i made notes today oh i got them guys so so i love sponsors i want sponsors there's so many of you guys who've reached out to me to be sponsors i'm not neglecting anyone it's i can't even my life is i i have too many i i have 30 hours of shit. I plan for my hi, Katie. I'm reading David Boaz's book. Oh, do you like it? I listen to the audio book. It's crazy, right? Incredible book. Right. Every every like conservative and Democrat and anyone who just wants to think like learn how to think better should read that book. It's such a cool book. He says some great shit in there.
Starting point is 00:11:45 It's logic, right? So these guys have been now sponsoring me for about a month, and we were going back and forth. Like basically – is this the owner of this coffee company? Because I wasn't sure I was going to like the coffee, and they wanted to sponsor it. Brennd? Brennerd? I don't know any Brennerd. Keep the shit out of your ears. Why don't you look at your caller ID once in a while, you fucking old man? Oh, sorry. Sorry. Shawnee, how are you today? I apologize. It's been a busy day.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Shawnee, what is going on in Tarnate? Well, I'll tell you what. Apologize. It's been a busy day. Johnny, what is going on in Tarnate? Well, I'll tell you what. Okay. I'm going to give you five seconds if you can re-identify and look at your cellular device. Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:31 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I got so much going on. Dick Mertens, how are you? Good morning. Can't remember one simple phone number. Sorry. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Sorry. I knew it was you, but I really wanted it to be the Canadian brothers, Brennard and Brent. But it's Dick. Hey, what's up, Dick? How are you, brother? Hey, your brother called yesterday, Anthony Mertens, and he told us you are actually Colton's uncle. Is that misleading?
Starting point is 00:12:59 Well, this is kind of a touchy subject. Maybe we'll save it for a time where Anthony and I can explain it together. All right. That would be nice. Hey, are you at the racetrack? I feel like I hear cars just doing laps. Or an alien spaceship. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Yeah. Well, yeah. Yeah, definitely an alien spaceship. Well, I'll tell you first of all. All right. Sounds like it was a dick and a cow, and it's like moaning. All right. Sounds like there's a dick and a cow and it's like moaning. All right. You know what?
Starting point is 00:13:28 Sorry. Sorry. Iowa. That was Iowa farm. Oh man. We upset. We upset. It was,
Starting point is 00:13:34 what is this? It was a video on buttery bros. What is that? What video on buttery bros? Who was I talking to about the buttery bros last night? I just, those guys this isn't to dig at them at all i would love to see them do something just completely out
Starting point is 00:13:52 of their comfort zone like a piece like i don't know like do a piece on oh i don't know ants in the united states and how the populations have been increasing or crows like you know sunny did you see that article? My mom told me there's an article in that shit rag, the New York times about how crows are taking over Sunnyvale, California. Gazillions of them. Right. Have you noticed how many crows there are in the Bay area now? No, I haven't made their way as far East as I am, but I would,
Starting point is 00:14:20 it would be cool if someone sent me a picture of this, like all of these penises and it's just up on my screen. I need to take it down. Okay. Yeah, so, like, I'd like to see them, like, do a piece, like, on that. Like, where all these crows are coming from. Why are there so many crows? Like, just something totally out of the buddy-ry bro genre.
Starting point is 00:14:48 They're so talented. they work so hard i just would like to see it expressed like in a different way i'm just curious a thousand are you fucking kidding me it's way more than a thousand we have fucking a thousand in santa cruz it's nuts there's and you and once you find out their their flight patterns you can see them like 5 30 every night flying over seabright district and it's like holy shit where are you guys going they're drones you have you have a pet crow is that really true i wanted a pet crow when i was in college in my hippie phase I wanted a pet crow when I was in college in my hippie phase. Too bad we don't have a news show anymore to talk about crows.
Starting point is 00:15:33 When are Hobart and Kate coming back? What the fuck is going on? Are you guys coming back? Are you guys scared? Here's the deal. I haven't seen the thread, but there's a thread. I don't go to Reddit. Someone sent me a link to Reddit, and just the title said something about Fikowski saying he was too scared to speak his mind.
Starting point is 00:15:52 He said he was too scared. I can't even say it with a straight face. I want to say something so fucking country-ist right now. Why are you Canadians, so many of you Canadians, such just – there's a word that starts with a P that's so appropriate here. Why are you guys like that? You were afraid to say something in the past because you would be punished by HQ. Are you not afraid anymore? What alleviated the fear? What were your fears?
Starting point is 00:16:20 Why do you guys say ambiguous things? I know I didn't read the article, but like give me some examples. What did you think was going to happen? Dave was going to send a helicopter to your house and descend by a rope into your yard. You thought maybe you would be put into the wrong – what is that called? Those groups that they – the games when they perform, they come out in different series. You know how like the worst guys come out first and then the best guys – the heats. You were afraid that like if you said something like i can't stand the programming of this game
Starting point is 00:16:48 this year that david put you in the wrong heat no if you said something about the games that was negative you would get the same feedback that if you yelled over your fence to your neighbor i fucking hate your wife if you're gonna say something like don't be afraid like that being afraid like you're such a coward if you really said that you're like not living in reality at all. Like if, if I, if I are the, if I yelled over my neighbor's fence, I can't stand the color you painted your house. And I'm tired of fucking how early your wife fucking drives away in the morning. It wakes me and my kids up. Then I should expect my neighbor to say something back. If you're going to up to be the lesser to be the accosted but really it's just you don't want to take responsibility for for an opinion or something you want to say just say it just like or don't say it but but this ambiguousness to complain i'm afraid to express my thoughts because of what could happen to me. I mean, it is so weak.
Starting point is 00:18:07 But we don't know that he actually said that. No, I did not hear it come from his mouth. Okay, because I would say I had something sent to me with lots of people sending me stuff, especially with the recent... But it sounds like him. But it sounds like him. He's on a board with... I understand.
Starting point is 00:18:25 I understand. We don't want to do misinformation um uh nation but i mean we were putting words in his mouth a little bit right like we actually didn't hear him say that but there's no evidence of him saying that because if you go on reddit i'm a conspiracy theorist the other guy and there's multiple photos of like i forget who it is this episode in always sunny philadelphia where this guy's got all these photos up and all these strings all over the place and essentially that's me now so if we just looked on the outside view and then saw that and then went to certain instagram handles and saw other things there might be certain perceptions of me um so will brandstetter is saying i did hear it come from his mouth i did hear it come from his
Starting point is 00:19:05 mouth oh yeah thank you will all right thank you i'm gonna put it i'm gonna put a piece of tape on the highly ethical and moral man matt suza i'm gonna put a piece of tape on his mouth now oh just like but no no no it's fair it's fair now that we have verification and here and here's the thing he's on that board he's on that board. He's on that board with the CrossFit bullshit board where they pretend to give a shit what the athletes think. The athletes, they do not care what you think. You have to know that. You're tantamount to the DEI council. They don't care what you think either. They do not. And what do I mean by they do not? You're not going to influence them. You're not going to influence them other than it be a way to get whatever goals they've already set, whether it be to make money, increase the number of people in the open. If you have an idea, no matter how good or how bad it is, they'll accept it or not accept it based on the fact of their own personal ego but also what it does to the bottom line. The rest doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:20:04 You are part of the charade. You are a tool. You really are. I know that. I also have a feedback. Like a lot of times, especially like owning the gym and stuff like that, you'll get arbitrary feedback where people just either point at a problem or they say something and you're kind of like,
Starting point is 00:20:24 what do you want me to do with this information and they're like well i don't know i just figured you should know and it's kind of like why oh what was the outcome you were looking for here so oh you mean like someone set it up and like someone send that to me on purpose so that i would just start throwing stones at fukowski like no no no i said no i meant like if someone's going to give feedback to to dave at the games right right the difference of like hey dave the walkie-talkie company you guys are using isn't as good like if you want to use this one that would help streamline your communication now he's like oh thanks this would add value to the games now i have a solution i could buy this new walkie
Starting point is 00:20:58 talkie and we could put the thing in our ear and it would be better right as opposed to well it was pretty strength biased and um you know the athletes had to work out in the sun. So, you know, I don't know. And it's kind of like, well, what do you want us to do with that information? We're in California, we're in Wisconsin. And, uh, you know, you didn't like the event because you're not the strong guy, but if I go talk to the strong guys, they're going to like the event. Right. So there's different type of feedback and what you're supposed to do with that information. There's this, there's this there's this saying along those lines where people will be like athlete safety should be absolute paramount
Starting point is 00:21:29 and number one thing and this guy gave an amazing response to it like it should be the number one thing no it should be like the number 10th thing it should be like the number 10th thing yeah it should be responsible for the number one the number one thing if the number one thing was their responsibility we would have them at home juggling cotton balls with make sure that they have an adequate amount of tape or whatever they put on their shoulders so they don't throw their shoulders out yeah and i think a lot of the safety stuff depends on them and their their coach right they just don't want to live in reality but by the way so sorry that you don't want to live in reality when you say stuff like that you're just a you're an autopilot you're just letting shit just fall out of your mouth talking points yeah just an autopilot
Starting point is 00:22:13 i'm not saying i've never on autopilot but especially around my kids but um but you're just on autopilot you're just you're just a knucklehead just like in a fight like an mma bout or like a boxing match like if you're watching your uh fighter just get destroyed and it's a safety issue you gotta think about the longevity of the career you throw in the towel right so if there's certain events where you're like oh my gosh my athlete like can't handle this can't handle the sun or you know whatever the case may be, then you have to weigh the risk and reward. And I think a lot of times people just don't want to take on risk assessment. I mean, not even out here in the real world either, right? Everybody's like, oh no, have you thought about it? Even if
Starting point is 00:22:55 it just saves one life and we can't do this because of that. And it's like, dude, just like Graciano said yesterday, there's a risk, there's a tradeoff. We drive cars. It's extremely unsafe statistically, but you're doing it because the payoff is more important than the tradeoff for not doing it. So same thing with the athletes and their coaches. They should take that problem into consideration. I understand. Wow. Another call from Iowa. Let's see who this is.
Starting point is 00:23:21 I wonder if this is like Colton Merton's aunt or something. Hello. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning, Timon. This is actually Dr. Jordan Peterson. Oh, Mr. Peterson. Mr. Peterson. Ordered.
Starting point is 00:23:35 I called because you're talking about stepping out into the unknown and to try things that scare you. And I agree. People in Canada, they just don't have a backbone anymore, it seems. Mr. Peterson, did you know, do you know the Fikowskis?
Starting point is 00:23:54 They're Canadian. Yes, Fikowski, yeah. He's a good friend of mine. Could you call him? Sometimes he talks, what? Could you call him and talk to him and like, maybe like explain like some things to him about logic and speaking and self awareness and personal responsibility. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:24:16 I like to say you don't cast your pearls before swine. And I don't, I try not to. So if he comes to me and he ask me if you need advice i'll give you my advice but i won't do it unless you come to me it's like mr miyagi says you you know when you're ready the master will appear i i you are so many lobsters going around and lobsters without claws and i just um mr peterson. Peterson, one of our guests thinks that you may have swallowed Yoda Or Kermit the Frog Kermit the Frog, that's right
Starting point is 00:24:54 Well, sometimes some people say that, you know And I had a bit of fun with that, you know But no, this is my real voice This is how my dad talks, my father talks I assume it's how my great grandparents talked as well. I understand. I understand. Well, it was very nice of you to call in.
Starting point is 00:25:09 You are the number one guest in the entire podcast. Well, it's what validates broadcasts once they get you on as a guest. So I'll pretty much just check that off my list here. Had Jordan Peterson on. So thank you. Thank you. Well, I just want to leave you with one thing there's one very important thing
Starting point is 00:25:28 I have to tell you and you must listen you listen it's don't right right of course fucking of course hey he was just crossing he was driving across a road
Starting point is 00:25:44 and he just fucking collided with brenner fikowski on the way to mayhem they just fucking they they crashed into each other oh my gosh oh so i was talking about this coffee so this caught so so back back guys it's gonna be over by the time i get it off the ground uh so these these guys reach out to me they said hey we want to sponsor you i said and I told the story before and I said, Hey, I already drink good dudes coffee. And he said, I don't care. And I'm like, Oh man, like I don't want to take his coffee. I don't want to like tap into his supply. So I said, okay, send me some bags. Let me see if I like it. And I've been drinking it for a month and, um, I'm, I should show you guys the beans. I don't really
Starting point is 00:26:22 want to open this bag, but the beans look exactly like the good dude's beans. It smells crazy. This one's called – I haven't had this one. This one's still full of the beans. I'll probably take it in in a couple days. I've been drinking their light roast. What is that, medium roast? Yeah, this is medium roast.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Man, we got to get you a new camera, I think. Just because the focus starts coming in and out? Yeah, the focus is bad, man. How is it now though you know what it is it's because the micro it's the i have a light on the back and behind me so the camera wants to focus back there no one's complaining in the comments don't um fuzzy how about that how about this for fuzzy fuzz fuzz that motherfucker there you go that's mr mr wayne unfuzz. Bam.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Anyway, that's what I'm drinking and I love it. And I'm drinking a little bit less. I'm drinking a little bit less. I'm trying to like, keep it down to two cups a day instead of seven. Instead of seven. Buffering.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Uh, so. My notes are all jacked up. I got a couple of videos for pee breaks. Did you see that? I found some cool content that we can play. Wait, hold on. So if I ever have to take a pee break, we can play it. Is it in the notes here?
Starting point is 00:27:38 It is. Oh, okay. Here's something else. Okay, here's something else I want to say. So a lot of you guys have been sending me screenshots of conversations you've been having with the meme guy. And I don't go to that account. I don't go to that account. I know it's a hugely popular account in the community.
Starting point is 00:28:00 I don't go to that account. I try to stay away from all the – anything that will just like rile me up and like – because my brain just wants to just start like picking at things. It's like looking for a string hanging off a sweater and just pull on it. So I try to just look at stuff that I'm comfortable just like doing that to, and I do not want to be mean to those guys. That being said, someone sent me a screenshot of a conversation I had with the meme guy. And just please do not believe anything he's saying. He has no idea what he's talking about. He's a babbling fucking goofball. This guy, this is a guy who applied to be on the DEI council, didn't make it on the DEI council, threw a temper tantrum, said that I've done more for the LGBTQ community and BL community and and blm than than anybody else and the only
Starting point is 00:28:46 reason why i haven't been allowed on the committee is because i'm white that this guy's complaining that he's not allowed on the di council because he's white but he's done more dude if you want to do more for the lgbq community just come out of the closet that would be like just just just come out just come out and in the second so so this is what made me go off on that little little whatever you want to call it he told someone that greg glassman's house in in just come out and in the second so so this is what made me go off on that little little whatever you want to call it he told someone that greg glassman's house in in santa cruz california was worth 11 million dollars and he was using that to kind of like take shots at greg well greg bought that house in june of 2013 for 1.8 million dollars not 11 million like you told people in that text thread but 1.8 million you're off you're off by uh 9 million so i want to explain something to you
Starting point is 00:29:32 about a house in in my neighborhood and in greg's neighborhood that's 1.8 million a million my house was 1.2 million and i had to spend 200 000 in order for it to be habitable my my house and now and i still live in this house and i bought it i don't know five years ago was not even as close to as nice as rich froning's 150 000 house in cookville tennessee now i now it's like my house is probably like one of his bedrooms that is mayhem empire fucking palatial estate but the but you cannot get um it's it's a joke to try to attack someone for an 11 that that they bought an $11 million house when it's only a $1.8 million house. But to act like that's a lot of money here in California, it is not. It is not. A mobile home here, a friend of mine, family member, just bought a fucking mobile home in a mobile home park, and it was $680,000 or something.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Like this is – we're a weird this is a weird place and uh another thing that he was spouting off and one of the text messages someone sent me is that crossfit health is the same as it was before it is they're not even the they're not even close to the same it's not even it's it's like the difference between baseball and football like they both have balls. That's it. That's it. They both have – like CrossFit Health still has people in it, but running it. That's it.
Starting point is 00:30:52 They're nowhere near the same. I've talked about it ad nauseum and others, but CrossFit Health used to be about the ills of modern medicine. Greg would bring in these people who were the leaders in their field who contributed just crazy amounts of insight into the corruption of medicine which is vast vast it's not like a little bit like there's people who were like were former editors and ceos of like the british medical journal the new england journal of medicine today who say that more than half of the content in their journals is false like like the top people. And Greg was exposing that. And now it's nothing like that. It's the exact opposite of that. It's now about doctors who have the most Instagram followers.
Starting point is 00:31:36 I'm being a little, you know, dickhead-y. And I think Julie Foucher is the head of it now. And Greg would have never put her as the head. He didn't take her. And it used to be – it used to be Karin Thompson, who is connected so well in the scientific community. You know what the DDC reminded me of is like, you know, you see those old school pictures of, um, of, uh, the writing of the declaration of independence, where it's just all these people in the room and there's just a big discussion and they kind of have it up there. Yeah. That's, that's what it reminded me of. And that, that was why I was so intrigued to, uh, get myself in there because I wanted to just be a part of that. And I remember I wrote Karin Thompson and you guys could take note of this for those people that are trying to get
Starting point is 00:32:28 into anything. It's like, I literally was like, Hey, I'll show up early and I'll help set up and I'll stay late and I'll pick up the trash if I could just stand in the corner. Because I knew that there was a certain importance to what was going on in there. And I wanted to be there at the beginning. I wanted to be there when it was just starting up. And, uh, I even started like asking like, Hey, why are you guys taking this into bite-sized pieces and distributing? Why are you guys getting this in the hands of the affiliate? So they could see what's going on because the importance of what was happening there seemed really paramount to me. I can't believe you would go to those. I would have done anything to not go to those. Hey, you know, I made too much money.
Starting point is 00:33:06 I made too much money. Yeah. Well, good on you. But, but, but it was like adult. It was all adult stuff. I was all, I was just happy. I didn't need to know all that stuff. I was happy just listening to Greg, like be like, Hey, don't eat sugar at a refined car rides.
Starting point is 00:33:18 But I mean, like, like there were people there like Zoe Harcone. If you don't know who that is look her up it's nuts yeah yeah i mean it was it was a powerhouse the eads thomas seyfried i wonder if we can get thomas seyfried on the show someone said they're going to try to help me get thomas seyfried on the show that would be that'd be awesome yeah i'm afraid to talk to him the best why is someone's camera so fuzzy all right i think it's your internet connection really yeah well will was saying we got to hook your uh ethernet cable direct to it it is it is i am are you on the wrong internet
Starting point is 00:33:57 or something uh that's a good question i see did it connect to the wrong one but one of the coolest things about the ddc is um you would have these subject matter experts in the medical field come up and they would essentially give their case. Oh, that's better. They would give their case. I'm like, hey, here's the study. Here's what I found. And then they would just stand there while all these rest of the doctors just tore it apart. tore it apart. And it'd be like, well, did you study this? Did you consider this? Did you add this? Where's your data set for this? How'd you conclude this? And they would have to stand there and defend what they did. And it was very stimulating because you just had all these conflicting opinions and they would get going and all these people were incredibly smart. And that's what I had talked about earlier is like that discussion and that discourse and that disagreement within their that disagreement within their respectful disagreement within there really helped everybody elevate and evolve that was in
Starting point is 00:34:50 the room or that was listening to the conversation. And I think what we're seeing now where you have conflicting voices that may not be going against, you know, whatever this narrative or whatever the hell's going on, all of a sudden it's like, well, we got to shut them down, turn that off. That's misinformation. And it's like, well, hold on. Can't we just be adults? like well we got to shut them down turn that off that's misinformation it's like well hold on can't we just be adults can't we listen to all parts of the conversation then i could draw my own conclusions to what's going on dude a half dozen of the speakers at the ddc were pulled off of oh i i guarantee they were pulled off of wikipedia i guarantee it yeah they were pulled off of wikipedia are fucking PhDs, MDs. These are fucking heads of their departments.
Starting point is 00:35:28 They're pulled off of Wikipedia for saying shit like sugar is bad for you. It's nuts. It's really remarkable what's been happening. One thing that made me feel super out of place inside that setting was, remember when they showed a movie there that was a popular movie at the time and um it was game changers or something yeah i didn't know if i was gonna say it so that way it was like getting in trouble but yeah so they they did they did game they played game changers and we had all these doctors in the room and we're all watching it at the same
Starting point is 00:36:01 time and uh they would like say something or what other people would come on there and make some claim and the whole room would erupt in in laughing and then i would kind of like look around and then like i'm like i don't know what they're laughing at but you know and it was just funny because all the claims that they're making as factual these doctors were just they literally found it hilarious in the way that the information was being presented your camera looks excellent now. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah, Zoe destroyed that movie. Yeah. Zoe destroyed
Starting point is 00:36:31 that movie. What's this deal with these kill switches in cars? Why do we need kill switches in cars? What's that about? Why does every car on the Let's see what you're talking about here let me bring it up i got a uh this is a weird one oh okay oh this guy dream rare do you follow this guy no but i watch him because of your stories like that's okay can we play this
Starting point is 00:37:04 and listen to this let's's see what it is. This guy says some good stuff. I think it's a good idea. Let me see if I can run it back. They have a kill switch and all. That's fine. Okay. Considering what we see happening from the governments of Australia, Italy, even the united states of america with their obvious push towards
Starting point is 00:37:25 normalizing authoritarian tyranny and governing their people very similar to the communist republic wait wait wait wait we have been doing that over the what's going on you got too many windows open yeah anyway this guy's saying that there should be kills this guy's saying that not there should be but there's going to be kill switches in cars and that the um the law has already passed and it's going to take place like in five years this seems crazy to me why would i want anyone to have a kill switch from my car i wonder how do they justify that shit that was what i always thought about with the teslas because you know how they update automatically and everything else yeah like yeah isn't it or
Starting point is 00:38:05 doesn't it already exist couldn't they just say oh where's the car there it is traveling turn that car off yes yes it is it is bizarre i don't like it oh i'm having jason we're having jason kalipa on the show to talk about with brian friend just to add some excitement to it i don't know if even if jason even knows what's going on with the games or the semi-finals but it'll be fun to have him on and me and me and him can rouse brian a little bit but um type in go to google and type in kalipa instagram there's this there's this porn girl who like like just dominates his you would think that if you just type in kalipa like you would just get jason kalipa but you don't there's a porn girl and if you spell his name wrong you will just get tons of porn yeah i was gonna say i i think i spelled it right because all he's the first hit he's the
Starting point is 00:38:54 second hit his wife's the third hit what wait wait wait a second oh because i use duck duck go i use duck duck go okay let me let me i don't use google that's awesome a free search engine oh that's awesome okay hold on leave that up there and i want to share mine okay so you get you get jason kalipa i get this porn star look at so i get this like they think they think i i don't even what's her name what is her name oh look i think her name is mia khalifa oh she has 27 million followers maybe that's why she's got more a lot of dudes exposing themselves in the comment section right now i know what exactly this this girl was a uh oh i thought wow i thought she took a different direction
Starting point is 00:39:49 i think this girl from what i recalled she was a porn star and she basically made like 12 porns and she got paid a thousand dollars for all of them and for doing all 12 and they became like the most popular porn on porn hub or porn tube or something i remember seeing a piece of it and then she basically said she's out of the industry but i but i mean it looks like she might be back in the industry google's giving her the search of a um uh sports podcaster i thought there were just tons and tons of, Oh, they are. Yeah. Like when I typed in her name, cause a wild zombie here, put it, put it,
Starting point is 00:40:29 put her name in there. And when I typed in her name, it, the first thing that popped up with her search was sports podcast. Hmm. Well, I thought for some reason I, for some reason I thought that she was like, had tons of pictures of her and her boyfriend now, and she had kind of flipped the script.
Starting point is 00:40:50 But maybe she's – I don't know what's going on with her. But anyway, 27 million followers. Can you make a – does everyone who has a million followers, can they make a living from Instagram? Is it like that slam dunk? make a living from Instagram? Is it like that slam dunk? They can, if they have the right systems in place and the right people that are doing something like for them, right? The agents, like earlier we were talking about that when all this stuff was coming out as like the athletes, the CrossFit athletes should be paid more and stuff like that. And it's like, well, it's about you like leveraging your brand to create that income. And there's lots of different
Starting point is 00:41:24 ways you could do that and lots of different ways you could do that and lots of different avenues you could go based off of what the person wants to do and the talents that they possess. But yeah, I mean, you only, you only need like, uh, Ben Meser had said 10,000 true fans and you are set for life with a very good living. We have 148 true fans. We have 148 true fans. We're getting there. We have 9,800. Oh, and 48 more to go.
Starting point is 00:41:49 152. She hooked up with an NBA player and she got big. You don't think she got big for – she didn't get big for her work? Which NBA player? You know, it's funny because only fans – If you aren't shadow banned, thanks. Yeah, JC, that's right. Thank you. But I mean, there's certain things that I've liked.
Starting point is 00:42:10 The internet's revolutionized a lot of things, right? So if you take something like OnlyFans, which everybody knows about, you make fun of, but what that actually does is it allows those people on OnlyFans to create their own content own their own content and then use the platform of only fans to distribute it where the percentage take is right there as opposed to if you go to other industries like the music industry or the movie industry they end up like you saw what happened with taylor swift like the record label actually actually owns their music no what happened with taylor swift well she she recreated her whole entire red album from back in the day because the record label owned all that there was a big dispute about like who owns it what she could
Starting point is 00:42:49 do with it and she was like fuck it i'll just re-record everything and then she re-recorded every song uh changed some of the lyrics a little bit to create more um excitement around it and resold it and it did it did awesome but you know not everybody has the power of uh taylor swift there yeah yeah you if you have a million fans you should be um you should be leveraged to that i mean matt matt frazier is a great great example of that too right he creates a book he takes equity in these companies like podium and other things like that and then he uses that platform you think he's making money off that book oh yeah i would imagine i don't know if he's self-published i i'm can't really speak on it in totality because i haven't really looked into it
Starting point is 00:43:29 but with with o'keefe in his corner man yeah i don't think he is you don't think he's making money off the book no i think that the book is a vehicle that like not not directly but i could be wrong but i think indirectly like like i'm by I mean, I think like he makes a thousand dollars off the book, but he, but because of that, the popularity of the book then generates, uh, it's part of the synergy that then generates some $10,000 selling pancake protein powder. Yeah. Hey, so when you type in this girl's name, right. I agree with you either way, this girl, this she's hard to find on Instagram. OK, I'm going to follow her and invite her on. I'm going to invite because someone said, honestly, she'd probably come on your show. That would be awesome. Really? You think she'd come on the show?
Starting point is 00:44:11 I mean, who wouldn't? Why do you guys always say that? You heard my feeling. Stefan. Mia. I'd love to have you on my podcast. It would be cool if what if she was a regular like nikki rodriguez what if i had her and nikki on at the same time all the time did you see so by the way i made a post i made a i made a clickbait post for sunday sunday is going to be quite the day sunday in the morning we have stephen maury ron stephen maury on he is a uh ufc uh no bellator fighter heavyweight he's 10 and 0
Starting point is 00:44:47 um you may have heard his name before because he a couple months ago he fought uh nikki rodriguez um who's regular on the show he fought him in a jujitsu match at um i think it was at flow grappling and uh that's how stephen maury first came on my radar. But he's 10-0 as a heavyweight in Bellator. He's 6'8". He's coming on Sunday morning. He is quite the specimen, and he moves incredibly well for a man who's 6'8". And then later on at 9 o'clock, I'm trying to schedule 9 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. I'm trying to schedule Sarah Sigmund's daughter.
Starting point is 00:45:22 And at 10 o'clock danielle brandon so that'll that that's quite that's quite a uh quite a morning lineup yeah it's quite a morning it was cool making the they won't be on together i mean i guess they could be i wouldn't do that i wouldn't do that to them without asking the verse but um but basically it'll be back to back i'm i'm i'm to say i'm excited is a serious understatement serious serious understatement here you go let's boost that ego again for you uh yes yes it is definitely good for my uh ego my i print out my notes and then they're just a mess have you ever have you ever had a dehydrator no no do you want one sure what would what would i use it for well i i just have i have these two apple i have just all
Starting point is 00:46:18 these trees all these fruit trees and so i was thinking about getting a dehydrator and i would say like 90 of my apples fall to the ground and that's it they're done but if i getting a dehydrator and i would say like 90 of my apples fall to the ground and that's it they're done but if i had a dehydrator i could be picking apples cutting them into thin slices dehydrating them and then putting them into like giant ziploc bags or into glass containers and then my kids could eat them throughout the year and i could save money yeah they're just letting all my fruit go to waste oh seven why don't you pick it and donate it to charity well the same reason i only wipe my butt twice and if there's poop on the second wipe i don't go for a third because i don't
Starting point is 00:46:48 have time but then how do you have time to cut the apples and then dehydrate them well because then that saves me money which then saves me time thank you i appreciate the laugh you're a good dude who did we ever find out who owns crossfit or what happened in the nsca case do we do we know yet if you are an affiliate out there and you are listening please do me a favor um write a letter to um uh address it to uh eric rose no address it to who's the ceo over there is it address it to the high uh dave no not dave send it to berkshire partners send it a isn't that weird that this company doesn't have a ceo i actually know i know who the owners are you do know who the owners are am i one of them yeah this is fucking a great turn of fate you find out out like I'm 51% owner. It's you.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Shit. Oh my goodness. Psyop. What happened? What's going on over at Peloton? Have Shawnee and Tommy done an episode on that yet? I'm dying to know what's going on at Peloton. They're going to fire 2,800 employees.
Starting point is 00:48:05 They got rid of their CEO and moved him to – did they move him to chairman of the board too yeah yeah yeah yeah no you know you know what's funny about promotion listen people the stock whatever their stock is it dropped 50 fucking percent how much did their stock drop oh a lot i don't have the percentage up here but i do have the stock price so when it first when the ipo first first first happened in September 27th, 2019, it was trading at $25 a share. It kind of rode along with that for a little bit, started to lose value. And then when the pandemic hit, the value increased, peaking out at $162 a share. And now it's back down. low or february 4th was a low at 24 a share so dipping down a dollar below what it originally started with now i had just wow suza that's nice 125 to
Starting point is 00:48:54 162 back down to 24 i want to say one thing of course it continues i do not dislike peloton not in the slightest i've never tried it the idea of it fascinates me i think it's probably so fucking cool if i if someone gave me one and i didn't have to pay the subscription for me personally i would have one in my house 100 and i think assault bike now actually has launched something that's like a peloton subscription and i hope they choose me to test it out um but so i just want to say that before we just tear into them i really do think that they're cool okay go on and i want to draw a couple uh i want to say that before we just tear into them. I really do think that they're cool. Okay, go on. Now let's rip them up. And I want to draw a couple parallels between Peloton and CrossFit, actually.
Starting point is 00:49:31 So it actually bumped up a little bit because a lot of people buy on that dip thinking that the value will come back up. So it's actually at $38.61 as of right now. So $38 a share. And so the uh current book i'm reading is by scott galloway do we should get him on the show do you know who scott galloway is no want me to pull him up yeah you're gonna have mixed feelings about him why is he white i don't like white dudes yes but he's being number one mr gallo oh he's a ted talk dude yeah so he's um he's a nyu uh starting a business he does brand strategy at the school and was a professor there and um he wrote a book called the four uh people should check that out. It's just about the big four tech companies. Do you know which four they are?
Starting point is 00:50:30 Apple, Google, Facebook, Waze. MathQuest. MathQuest. Okay. No. Oh, wait. Hold on. Oh, darn it. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:50:38 I didn't know you wanted to guess. Darn it. You're like a girl who takes off her bra. I just hated that. I hated that I hated that you want to fumble around for a while it's like someone opening my Christmas present
Starting point is 00:50:51 fuck off I'd rather you just make me wait another week put it back under the tree take off your bra for me I don't have the book here that didn't bother you like you do with the girl and she'd take off your bra for me. I don't have the book here. That didn't bother you? Like you'd be with the girl and she'd take off her bra?
Starting point is 00:51:10 No. Sorry. That didn't bother you? No, I did not freeze. You froze. Oh, yeah. It probably was me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:17 No, it was me. You're such a good dude, Sousa. That didn't ever bother you? I didn't put much thought into that, no. Yeah, yeah. I know. Think of all the hangups I have. That's why I'm an expert on triggered.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Do you understand that, people? I'm from the woke mob. Wherever you're going, you better believe American Express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away? You can use your travel credit.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4 p.m. late checkout? Just need a nice place to settle in? Enjoy your room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card.
Starting point is 00:52:06 Terms apply. I'm a descendant of the Wokistas. Okay, go ahead. So Scott Galloway. So Scott Galloway wrote a recent book called Post-Corona. It was like, I forget what it was, Crisis to Opportunity or something like that. And basically, he just kind of lays out what happened. But the book went to print on September of 2020. So it's kind of cool because you get to see some of
Starting point is 00:52:27 his predictions, what happened, what he predicted that went right, what predicted that went wrong, information that was given about coronavirus that now would be deemed misinformation by certain people. But inside the book, there's this chapter where he calls it yoga babble. And basically what he was saying is that when a company is going to an IPO or when a company is forward-facing, the more bullshit that their tagline is, the less valuable the company. And then he goes on to say that again. Say that last part again. So the more bullshit your tagline is, the less valuable your company tends to be. Can you give an example of that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:10 So like the leading platform for health, performance, and happiness. Or in the case of Peloton, we sell happiness. Oh, geez. Yes, that's a good point. Oh, geez. Wow. that really is peloton's line yes it is so their ceo john um see that so so the reason why we're being so judgmental and maybe maybe we shouldn't be like right there when you say something that means nothing you're just exposing that you're just trying to sell people like on some emotional feeling.
Starting point is 00:53:46 And I don't know if that's wrong. You know what? I heard Israel Adyosana say, that's the great UFC fighter who's gonna fight this weekend, 185 pounds. He said, and this was fascinating, I really love this. He wants people to think he's the greatest fighter who ever lived because the way he makes them feel.
Starting point is 00:54:02 And I'm like, wait, what's he talking about? The way he makes them feel. That has nothing to do with who's the greatest fighter. But then them feel. And I'm like, wait, what's he talking about? The way he makes them feel that has nothing to do with who's the greatest fighter. But then he explained it. And I was like, wow. He said that the argument between Michael, if Michael Jordan is the best or if LeBron James is the best, the reason why the people who love Jordan so much, and they can't give it, say that LeBron is the best is because the way Jordan made them feel. say that lebron is the best is because the way jordan made them feel and i was like wow yes jordan made you feel a way that there's no way lebron will ever make you feel and i was like what is that and so he wants to do that with fighting and so when you i'll tie this back to what you're saying when is it when you buy something they're they're saying this bike will make you happy
Starting point is 00:54:46 yeah but they're but but we all know you can't sell or buy happiness like that's just it's just idiot talk that's right so like wow it's fascinating is that wrong i don't know i i don't know if it's wrong i mean it's lying well i feel like you're just trying to or is it not lying is it subjective i got my peloton i was happy for eight seconds until I opened it and figured out I had to ride it. You know what I mean? When I pulled that sticker off the screen and it was – Okay, sorry. Go on. Okay, so Galloway.
Starting point is 00:55:14 So he says that. Okay. So there's a chapter in the book where it's called Yoga Babble, and he goes on to cite these things, and he calls it the bullshit meter. So the higher your Yoga Babble is saying stuff like we don't sell bikes we sell happiness um the chances are the more the less valuable your company will uh will be and so and google doesn't do any of that although they're dipping into that with their woke bullshit like they sell we go there to get a link to what we want. No bullshit. Yeah. And, or they're, or they might be hiding something because if Google says, Hey, the actual thing that we make money on is your data, collecting your behaviors and then selling it, right? Like they know that you're the product and that their
Starting point is 00:55:56 customers are actually the advertisers, but they don't want to say, Hey, you're our product. Please keep feeding the algorithm by, or the data set by putting, you know, stuff into the search bar. Please keep feeding the algorithm by, or the data set by putting, you know, stuff into the search bar. Oh, look, and he has a book called The Algebra of Happiness. Yeah, Notes to Pursue Success, Love, and Meeting. And then the four, that is the one underneath it. That was the, that was what I was talking about. That I think was written in like, I think I read that book in like 2018 though, or something like that.
Starting point is 00:56:27 So, but it's cool because he used to have a company called L2 and it was basically like a brand strategy company, but he comes out and makes these predictions on other companies and stuff like that. And the best part about it is he'll recap at the end of the year and he'll say, okay, so we've predicted this and I couldn't have been more wrong. And here's why I was wrong, right? Or we predicted this and we got this right. Or we predicted this and we got a 50%, right? He's very straightforward in his writings. His writing is pretty funny, but the yoga babble thing, when I was reading it, my mind was like blown. I was like, holy shit. Like everybody, every affiliate owner should just read that chapter. Say the name of the chapter again? Yoga babble.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Yoga babble. And it's basically just a playbook that tech companies are using to sell to their investors. And if you remember WeWork from back in the day, there's a cool documentary. We don't need to get into that. But the more spiritual they are, the more symbolism there is, like I said, the chances are they're just selling you bullshit. And it's interesting because you could draw a lot of parallels between that. Well, how dare you? How dare you take a shot at the great Emily Abbott yoni babble?
Starting point is 00:57:35 Hey, I'm going to check the book out. Which is the most recent one? Is that the one he'd want to push? Which one should I read? Post-Corona is good, but it is a little bit bit older so as you kind of read through it you're like oh we already know a lot of this stuff that i don't see the post corona one i see oh yes yes yes sorry post corona from crisis to opportunity okay yeah yeah oh my favorite and it comes in a uh it comes in audio but you'll like him because he's kind of like hardcore liberal turned like what the hell is going on and just calls it out.
Starting point is 00:58:12 And especially the whole portion on higher education and the universities and stuff like that, which is funny because then he like slams them. And he's like, but by the way, I work for it. I've made a lot of money. So thank you for that. But I'm just saying. What do you think? What do you think will be what I don't like about him? Just some of his viewpoints on politics and the amount of control that government should have or shouldn't have.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Gotcha. I was listening to – did you know who Sam Harris is? Yeah. I'd never heard of him, but people kept sending me a bunch of links. I think I talked about this a little bit with the guest yesterday, Graciano. And people send me links. And, man, it's amazing to me how smart someone can be. And then they just stop at a place where the truth isn't, especially when they're a philosopher and a neuroscientist.
Starting point is 00:59:08 But by stop where the truth isn't, I mean just accepting – being in a conversation with someone. Well, just – I'll be really specific. In his response to Joe Rogan and what Joe Rogan is getting in trouble for, he made a response video to that. what Joe Rogan is getting in trouble for. He made a response video to that and it just doesn't go. If you, if you really want to respond to the Joe Rogan thing, there's two ways to do it.
Starting point is 00:59:36 One of them is the way I did it. I know that's really self-serving, but to look at yourself and to be like, okay, why did it offend me? How can I transcend that? Because that's where true freedom is. And then the other way to do it is to look at his planet of the apes comment and to look at his use of racial slurs and start to really analyze what those things mean. And the quality of those comments, context, relativity, joking, not joking, and to really break it down like and go that way.
Starting point is 01:00:08 And anything in between there of getting offended or passing judgment on them without digging, drilling into deep into yourself or deep into the context of what he's saying is just bullshit to me for smart people. For smart people. For people who care about the truth. For people who really want to have fun. For smart people. For people who care about the truth. For people who really want to have fun. I've been going to the beach the last two days.
Starting point is 01:00:31 It's so hot here. It's like 75 degrees here. Yeah, it's been hot here. It's been nice. Man, I live a fucking good ass life. You're coming Saturday to make my life better, right? Yes, I am. I'm so excited to see you.
Starting point is 01:00:45 It's going to be so rad. I can't wait to show you this. I can't wait to show you something I have. For those of you guys who don't know, Susie lives like 70... How many miles do you live door-to-door from me? I don't know. We should MapQuest it. Is MapQuest still around?
Starting point is 01:01:02 I have no idea. But remember when you used to get it on the internet and then you would print out the direction oh yes yes my mom was the queen of that shit hey i i was i had this realization the other day when i remembered my um my mom i was my mom wasn't like all knowing it was crazy i just had this memory of it the other day i was i was at my grandmother's house in i maybe it was detroit michigan oh yeah look at your camera your camera just went fuzzy how about that suza how about that oh dang how about that you know what it is i was thinking it was because my nose was so big and it couldn't couldn't tell whether to focus on my nose or my eyes.
Starting point is 01:01:45 But you got a small nose. You can't fuck your camera. Well, whatever. It's for sure the internet connection because yours has been crystal clear. I don't know what you did to change it, but it's rock solid now. Just had a little talk with it. I don't know what I did either. Hey, what do you think?
Starting point is 01:01:58 63 miles door to door. Oh, it is? Yeah. I'm going to get back to my mom in a second. Do you like this? Oh, it is? Yeah. I'm going to get back to my mom in a second.
Starting point is 01:02:04 But do you like this? What about, do you like this? Do you like an iMac? Yeah. I mean, that's what I have, a laptop here. But this isn't a laptop. This is an iMac. Do you like it? It's nice.
Starting point is 01:02:22 I don't know if it would fit with my double monitor. Actually, I could probably just move it over here and then move that there yeah we should talk after the show because your computer's taking a shitter right yeah yeah it's just bogged down i might just have to like clear memory out of it but it is old it's uh i think i bought it in like 2015 yeah this apple has an m1 chip in it they're really nice man okay maybe i'll have to get one of those um uh so so i was so was at my grandma's house i was really i was young i was i i want to say like i was three four or five years old and i was lying on the grass in my grandmother's backyard maybe it was in cleveland it was either in cleveland ohio or detroit
Starting point is 01:03:03 michigan i don't know i don't know why i can't tell the difference between those cities but um we were uh i was lying in the backyard in my little cut my little cousin um tamar ran over and jumped on my back when i was laying on my stomach and it smashed my cock and balls to the to the ground what if that's why your back's always hurt maybe it could be could be um and um i jumped up and i was like oh and i was like i was like hurt like my balls and my penis i remember being hurt and my mom goes that doesn't hurt that didn't hurt stop it and i was like this bitch don't know everything holy Holy shit. Yeah. I was like, immediately all the pain went away. I'm like, wow, she's not perfect.
Starting point is 01:03:51 I don't know why I thought of that. I bet you my mom doesn't even remember that I knew her was ever at her mom's house. Is it a funny, the stuff you remember over there? Like, how do you remember that when you're the ceo you don't fix the internet the internet fixes itself yes yes um i got a four pound vest for my um son for so i i got him the one wheel he wasn't heavy enough to activate it i got a 16 pound vest thinking i would put it on a 50 pound boy and And then that would activate the one wheel. You cannot put a 16 pound vest vest on a 50 pound boy. Hey, ah,
Starting point is 01:04:29 you idiot. So on you idiot. And so I got him up and then we finally figured out how we can use the one wheel. He just has to ride it barefoot and that activates the pads better. But, but I got him a four pound vest and I haven't shown. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:04:43 it is sketchy. I haven't, I got him a four pound vest and i haven't yeah it is sketchy i haven't i got him a four pound vest and i'm thinking about having him play tennis so i play tennis with him every month i mean he plays tennis all week but on mondays i take him to play tennis with his mom and i was thinking about putting that four pound vest on him for like the first five minutes of every um oh cool tennis yeah everything and and then take it off of them and and the reason why is because um not because i think it'll help but i want them to have stories
Starting point is 01:05:11 to tell my dad put a four pound vest on me i was only seven years old i want to i want to have like i watch these stories like you know i haven't seen the movie yet but i can't wait to see it but like the serena williams movie with uh Will Smith, my kids need stories like my kids. My kids need stories. He did this to us. He made us run blah, blah, blah. 60 rounds. They already have them.
Starting point is 01:05:33 And the funny thing is, is like what the ones that you remember versus them will be different. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. They already call me on shit that I can't even remember. There's two things that my mom used to used to always say. Well, there's a lot of them, but two of them I'll share here. And the first one has helped tremendously. And the second one was completely false. But the first one was, we would always be going somewhere. My mom's very social. So we had a lot of like family friends and you'd go and there'd be other kids there. And she would turn and be like, well, I know Sally is a little different and doesn't necessarily play with some of the other kids,
Starting point is 01:06:10 but Matthew, it is your job to include her, okay? You need to be a leader and you need to include everybody. And like, it was like, and then you're like, oh, fuck, you know, Sally's so hard to get along with. But it was funny. So she'd always just do that everywhere we'd go be open-minded about the situation okay you need to include everybody have a good time blah blah blah and then the other one was you need you need to go to school you need to go to college so you don't have to work hard like your mom and dad oh shit you need to go to college oh the first one
Starting point is 01:06:46 democrats and then the second well the only example my brother is the actually the only one uh within our immediate family that graduated with a college degree i graduated high school on a plea bargain and um he uh so the only other example besides besides that after he graduated of course was my uncle and my uncle that, after he graduated, of course, was my uncle and my uncle is very successful. He was one of the first people that started with Microsoft early on and retired and is like late. Does he want to sponsor the show?
Starting point is 01:07:14 He's a good dude. He's he helps out, but I don't know if, uh, you remember he's, he's, he's wet. He's rich. He's white. He was in the tech industry and has a place in San Francisco. So this might not be the – What came first? Was he white or was he rich?
Starting point is 01:07:30 Definitely not rich. Hey, I bet you he worked hard. Yeah. Yes, he worked very hard. I know this is off-subject. How about when we ask Mesric if he knows any billionaires who are lazy? Yeah. That was such a good question, though.
Starting point is 01:07:45 Thank you. Thank you. Okay. I like how you always turn it back to me you're a good dude okay go so so was there any more to the story about your mom you're good you're well well-hearted and good place democrat mom no my parents are nice too that's pretty much it because it the i will say those things back to her and she's like i i said that a lot like yes every time we'd go somewhere and she just completely you know didn't remember it when i say it in front of my brother especially he just starts like cracking up and then he'll say the ones that he remembers she's like okay guys okay like you know so it's just funny what what your kids will remember and pick up and take with them versus like what you what you will i should not share this next story this
Starting point is 01:08:22 is going to be this is really not one to share. But I was in kindergarten and I remember asking my mom, oh, my mom's going to be so angry that I'm sharing this probably. And I asked my mom, if George Washington was such a good dude, why didn't he free the slaves? I asked my mom that in kindergarten. And my mom's racing to get ready for work and she's a single mom. And I just remember her in the kitchen getting like our lunches packed so we could go to school and she said because uh because he was too busy i'm busy to free the slaves but still good dude i just remember just like me like all right and i tease her about to this day i'm like mom maybe you should just
Starting point is 01:09:01 throw it out there i don't know he was a douche. Jeff, hi. Good morning. What's up, Devon? When I say hi to people when they call, it's like, if you ever want to see me be fake, that's like the fakest version of me. Like, hi, good morning. That's why you started with me today. Did it say Jeff on the caller ID? Yes, sir.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Yes, sir. It does. It does. This is Bubba Merton. This is Dick Merton, sir. Yes, sir. It does. It does. This is Bubba. This is Bubba Merton. This is Dick Merton's cousin. Oh, Bernard is my brother-in-law.
Starting point is 01:09:31 Oh, yeah. Bernard. I don't know why that. Yeah, that is. Hey, this is Jeff.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Um, uh, back in 2017, just to give you a reference to it. You might remember this. I, uh, shot an email off to you guys at the Journal, and Andrea Cecil ended up coming out. I'm an affiliate at Mississippi.
Starting point is 01:09:54 I had to deal with training the convicts in our jail. I don't know if that rings a bell or not. I definitely remember Andrea Cecil, and she did an article on it and i think she took a little sony rx 100 to take photos there i it's starting to come together tell me more yep they were they were male convicts yes it was a male trustee and her and uh mike coslop came out that year um but that was just a reference of who I am you probably remember that because you were included on the emails was Kozlop did that video ever get published
Starting point is 01:10:31 Jeff? that trip his hard drive got smashed and so Andre was able to do the story on the journal was able to publish a story on the journal but the video side of it got smashed what was the name of the article uh when a when a cop trains a convict
Starting point is 01:10:49 okay go on sorry i'm just looking it up so you remember the crossfit journal can you imagine sorry jeff you got me started uh in 2018 um greg glassman and and and the new ceo they turned off the journal maybe the top five worst things you could have ever done for crossfit inc up there with like firing dave and hiring rosa and then and then these new owners have had it for two years and they haven't turned it on dude that's like having i i don't know what that's like, but you bought a company and your greatest asset is the CrossFit Journal and you haven't turned it on and you've had it for two years? I mean are you brain dead? But I mean at least you're in good company because Greg's smart as shit and he was part of turning it off. So maybe – I mean who am I?
Starting point is 01:11:45 maybe i mean who am i and i was just look i just looked back for that email the other day because greg i actually uh cc'd greg on it because i was like let me just throw him on there because you know he's probably the kind of guy he's going to respond and no shit if he didn't respond back to me directly it was like just talking about you know how great this is you know keep up the good work blah blah blah and then even at the end he said and by the way he i guess he looked at where in mississippi um i live you can't tell by my voice i'm in the middle of the um you know the capital of the redneck world but he said my mom lived in such and such alabama about 70 miles away next time i'm down that way i'd love to try and meet you what i just he was so personable so personable it was exactly what i expected from him like. Like to just see a CEO of a company like that on an email to their journal and for him to take the time.
Starting point is 01:12:31 I mean, that dude's inbox is probably ridiculous. Can I say one more thing here? Because you've opened up a nice segue to attack Mr. Rosa. Mr. Rosa didn't Rosex. When you emailed him Rosa at CrossFit, it didn't even go to him. Like he had another email. He got like some chick named patrice or like or someone who answers for him like yes yes yes yes greg was never like that greg at crossfit send me the fucking email like this motherfucker was hard yeah so i'll go ahead and i'll preface this and then i'll back up and I'll kind of guide back to where I'm going to.
Starting point is 01:13:06 So as it fits right now, I have my affiliate renewal email and my docu sign for the agreement and the payment sitting in my inbox. And it's been sitting there for about a week now. And this is the first time in nine years. This is nine months. I mean, this month is nine years an affiliate owner, 12 years a CrossFitter. And this is the first time that I've had to sit here and agonize over what to do. So I'm going next week. I'm here to help you. I'm here to help you with that, Jeff,
Starting point is 01:13:34 and talk you through it. I know you are, Siobhan. Yes. And I'm here to just get you fired up about the journal and the media because that's what I miss the most of this whole thing. Craig Howard said it. All I want from HQ is don't fuck the brand up that's it and and and make me and make me some good content that's it it's like these memes it's like these you had one job meme that's it if all
Starting point is 01:13:59 you ever did was put out the journal i'll pay you three grand a year to keep the journal going i don't care about anything else because my journey to CrossFit, like a lot of people, I was in law enforcement. I'm still in law. I'm 23 years in law enforcement, but my journal, I mean, my journey into CrossFit came through a PTSD incident. And when I found CrossFit changed my life, I started coaching within the year, helping my buddy out. I went to my level one within two years. I wasn't a level one for three, four months. I was like, I've got to open my own place. Opened my own place in 2013. And we're nine years in. And I have not personally made any money since before COVID. But since I have, me and my wife both have
Starting point is 01:14:42 good full-time jobs, I can keep the gym going without making money. That's a whole nother story, but it's the place is fucking awesome. And the people are amazing. And from a business standpoint, it should have been closed down about four years ago, but from an impact on humanity standpoint, this thing cannot stop. It can't die. And the journal, I, and I don't know how many other people, I go back and watch the behind the scenes probably at least once a month randomly just watching YouTube stuff. Journal stories are what inspired me to plow ahead like I do and to email y'all about me and Savino, the inmate, our story. Like guys like those underdogs, like Donnie Medina.
Starting point is 01:15:23 And what was the guy? I want to say it was like Malik Abdul. I don't know if you remember him. He was actually an inmate in a prison somewhere. It might have been California. I can't remember where it was. But if the story was about him finding CrossFit in prison and then getting out of prison, starting to train people,
Starting point is 01:15:40 get his level one, those are the kind of stories that make this thing what it is. You know, it's not is. It's not snap, it's not gold, it's not planet, it's not, hey, let's see how cheap we can let people borrow machines. It's changing humanity person by person for the better. And the journal just put out such amazing stuff. Like I said, if all my affiliation agreement was, hey, you pay us $3,000 a year and we'll keep this CrossFit Journal rolling like it's rolling,
Starting point is 01:16:12 that's all I ever would have seen. So now not only has that all disappeared and now it's gone woke, now you've got who knows who owns it. Y'all talked about that earlier. I don't know who owns it. I don't know what's going on. And it was like that for years. There's people who used to gripe about, man, we're never here for HQ. They don't do it. And I about that earlier i don't know who owns it i don't know what's going on and and it was like that for years there's people used to gripe about man we never hear from hq
Starting point is 01:16:28 they don't do it i'm like i don't care i don't need to hear from hq keep protecting the brand sue everybody that threatens the brand put out the journal hey jeff and that and that's what i loved about glassman so now i'm sitting here debating on what to do i'm going on my L2 next weekend because I will keep my certificate valid because I will always train people however that looks, whether my name is called it or not. Of course. But the thing that kills me is now, like all these companies,
Starting point is 01:16:57 they have a DEI council. And look, like I'm telling you, when I'm telling you I'm in the middle of like the redneck capital of the country, like I am, I'm telling you, when I'm telling you I'm in the middle of like the redneck capital of the country, like you could, like I said, you can probably tell them my voice, but even sitting here in the middle of Rankin County, rural Rankin County, Mississippi, before COVID hit, my five, me and my four coaches, the representation in our staff right here in the middle of this redneck county was white female asian-american black and a homosexual among the coaches three of my three of my favorite that much diversity oh and another buddy that helps coach he's dominican his dad's cuban his mom's dominican but that much diversity amongst a crowd of just coaches five coaches in this little rural redneck gym. And that's what, that's why CrossFit blew up across the globe. I mean, people talk about, we got to be inclusive. We got to be inclusive. What's more inclusive than exploding across the
Starting point is 01:17:57 globe with 14,000 kick-ass people helping out in every corner of every country. Amen, brother. Tell me something that is more inclusive. Preach it. There is no barriers to entry. If you don't want to be an affiliate, you can go on. Look at the content that CrossFit has put out for free. You can go online for free and not spend $1 and change your life.
Starting point is 01:18:21 What is more inclusive? The board just kind of like the you just poured um like if a vampire sees a cross when you say crossfit put out stuff for free everyone on the board just now even if they're not listening to the podcast like felt uncomfortable you just yeah you just said terrible um i want to also say this here you are an affiliate owner speaking and this is really jerking myself off and being really presumptuous but i'm gonna go for it your voice is louder here than anywhere in the fucking crossfit universe from me from from from this podcast the sevan podcast where affiliates can call in we can have
Starting point is 01:18:57 an honest conversation i i want to tell you de-affiliate fuck those guys but i have no fucking idea what to tell you because my opinion is so fucking biased. And I want to say one more thing. You said, I know what I need to do no matter what. I just need to keep training regardless if I affiliate or not. Here's the thing, man. People totally misunderstand. They think I'm attacking HQ or they think it doesn't matter who the CEO is.
Starting point is 01:19:20 You can just put your head down and keep training. You're talking about a given. Of course everyone's going to keep taking what they know from CrossFit and sharing it with other people. No one would ever suggest you don't do that. What we're concerned about is the fact that it can be influenced by money, and in five years you won't be squatting below parallel because Coca-Cola told them it's wrong.
Starting point is 01:19:38 And if you don't think that that can happen, it's already happening. What we're concerned about is that CrossFit participates in a program that allows all trainers around the world to get government licensure on their back we don't even know what happened with the nsca case what what tell me and i love what you're saying tell me what like what for i have a couple questions for you when you use the word woke what do you mean i mean um i'm looking you know who Thomas Sowell is? Thomas Sowell, yep, the famous economist, yep. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:09 I look at those kind of things kind of like through his lens. What does data show? What are the facts? And so when I say woke, I look at it in that sense of people want to look at institutions and generic things that don't mean anything. Like, let's say, for for example like discrimination of any kind right you're not going to get rid of or any just pick your evil you're not going to get rid of any of that from an institutional standpoint it's going to be from savon has a good value and has the truth and he mentors or impresses that on me and it changes me right it's not because some guy was on cnn saying oh we got to get our colleges and universities to do xyz right we take
Starting point is 01:20:53 things that are on a personal value system and try and throw it up to institutions that are just names and have no meaning and no it's just it's So wokeness is, it's just another buzzword that people can use the virtue signal or look like they're, Oh, look, we got a DEI council now. Maybe we'll be more inclusive. Well, I already said, look how inclusive CrossFit is. Like where on the planet is somebody being discriminated out of a CrossFit gym? And so seeing things go that way,
Starting point is 01:21:26 like you said too, like I'll always train, I'll always do my thing. I don't want to make like an emotional decision on giving up this affiliate or something I believe in. But it's that, where is this going?
Starting point is 01:21:37 You know, like five years from now, is there going to be enough money thrown into their ecosystem that next thing you know, the hundred words includes eat starches and sugars, some meat, little veggies. Like, because, I mean, there's money involved. And like you said, when you start getting people that are worried about their wallet in the mix, truth is going to get beat by money. That's human nature. truth is going to get beat by money that's human nature it's going
Starting point is 01:22:05 to happen so what extent is that going to happen and when and how long should i hang on because i like i said hq has never done anything for me personally for running my gym other than i believe in the methodology i'm 100 percent no it is the best thing for every human on the planet regardless i tell people in my gym just like you i'm like you got an extra thousand bucks to send 100% know it is the best thing for every human on the planet regardless. I tell people in my gym just like you. I'm like, you got an extra $1,000 to spend. You go to the level one regardless if you ever coach a day in your life. Or whether you're a CrossFit or not.
Starting point is 01:22:35 Yeah, any sport. That's the best $1,000 a person could spend just to be woken up to the fact of how your body actually is supposed to work. So that's why I have no problem for nine years throwing three grand their way to support that mission of we have this chronic disease epidemic. We've got the solution, the most affecting problem. If I can throw three grand a year at pushing that message, I will gladly always do it. But like you said, what's going to happen to that message now? Like now that I don't know what the message is.
Starting point is 01:23:06 I haven't really decided about Rose and Castro and all the media hype of those situations. Nonsense media hype. What bothered me the most about that situation was when they used the term, I think it might have been a quote from Rosa, whatever it was when Castro was gone. It said, our go forward plan. Well, what are your go forward plans? There's no plan. There's no go back.
Starting point is 01:23:33 How about your go forward plan is to go backwards? It's been accelerated, guys. It's been accelerated. If you're on damn Twitter or getting on Instagram, you shoot out an email to affiliates and say, hey, we figured we might give y'all a little heads up. This is our go forward plan. And it's that kind of generic, like you've been talking about the PR guy.
Starting point is 01:23:51 I can't remember his name. But it's that generic, just blanket statement, throw crap out there. It's like, OK, dude, if you've got some go forward plans, why don't you share those with me? go forward plans why don't you share those with me well i know whether or not it's time for me to you know jump off this train or not because the glassman crossed it regardless of what you care about him that dude dude i got you and that dude could get you on this and like nobody there's probably not a glassman lecture or youtube clip out there that i have not seen multiple times you have six minutes you have six minutes. You have seven minutes left. You have seven minutes left before the show's over. Keep going.
Starting point is 01:24:27 So, like, regardless of what you think of him, it's getting on mission and seeing that. And think about the things you do in your daily life. So, you know, we know who Jeff Bezos is. We know who Eric Rose is because we're in the CrossFit world. But how many products, how many things, how much stuff do you invest your time and money in every day that you don't have a clue? The CEO could walk in the gas station beside you and you wouldn't know it. I'm not going to sit here and worry about the ideas or the personality or the faults or the vices or the good or bad of every freaking company or person I deal with. I'm looking at the mission.
Starting point is 01:25:07 Ah, that's a component of not being woke too right there you just mentioned. Jeff, do you mind if I say a couple things? Go ahead, brother. Oh, thank you. This guy, Kevin Grief, the only discrimination in CrossFit is the price, and we already have the solution subsidized the cost of gyms and lower income areas. No, this is not. Sorry, Kevin.
Starting point is 01:25:24 I mean, I appreciate your thought. I don't agree with that at all that's just more woke bullshit i don't think that everyone needs to pay more for a rolls royce so that i can also get a rolls royce everything is everything is free you can figure out crossfit on your own on the internet if you want to go to a gym ask the owner if you can clean the bathrooms after the gym is closed every day and get in there. No one should be subsidizing shit. That's how airplanes work, by the way. You motherfuckers who sit and coach, you're being subsidized by the first class passengers. So shut the fuck up and thank him as you walk by him, you bitch.
Starting point is 01:26:03 Anyway, it is a very trippy thing to figure out whether to affiliate or not right now. This thing is, what do we know? We don't know who the the leader is we don't know what happened in the nsca case which and if you guys are like why does he keep saying that because as the affiliates you guys paid for that and that company tried to take you down that company tried to and you have to know you have to know what happened in there i should do i need to do a whole show on it. I wonder if Marshall Brennan, the general counsel of CrossFit, come on, that guy over there,
Starting point is 01:26:29 Marshall knows everything about that case inside and out. Write him an email and find out. And he's a good dude. I really liked that guy. I mean, he probably can't talk to me. That's what I was going to say. It might be like legal stuff that he can't.
Starting point is 01:26:41 Well, it's sealed. It doesn't matter. It's sealed, but you have to unseal it. It has, someone has to get break in, hack, whatever you to get it's yours it's yours yeah and just going back to the journal like i love all the content like i love behind the scenes i loved all the by the way i couldn't find your article i googled it andrea cecil and all that
Starting point is 01:26:59 shit i couldn't find your article i brought it on oh you did bring it up well yeah okay go ahead go ahead jeff sorry keep. You have five minutes before the show's over. I'm going to go to the skate park. That was one good thing about the journal, too, is the journal also kept us up to date on those things. So affiliates that have been around a while, and all of those kind of things, the journal would
Starting point is 01:27:17 always keep us, keep people up to date like, hey, this is what Coca-Cola's doing. Hey, this is what the NFDA is doing. Hey, this is what's going on. Because without the journal, most affiliates of it i mean how many crossfitters even know that that was going on and that was one thing i loved about greg going back to the early days going back to the mckimba men's case and how he would talk about wow that's some old school shit when he would say things like i would rather spend five million dollars on our legal team to beat that crap down rather than settle out and set a precedent that you could come, you know, get rabbed, sit in a hospital, eat green jello and get paid, you know, 100 grand. Yes.
Starting point is 01:27:54 Like, is it fiscally make more sense to settle? Yes, of course. But then you're going to have these sumbitches coming for years and years, get the settlement. some bitches coming for years and years to get the settlement when like he sees it to protect the mission, to protect the name and what the goal and what people are doing is no, we're not going to listen to that noise. I'm going to spend this much of my money
Starting point is 01:28:12 to make sure this doesn't happen because that's the mission. That's the purpose. We're not here to be a big company that just can be targeted to settle out because we know it's easier for PR or it makes more business or financial sense to just settle it and go on. And the fact that that kind of fighting mentality is gone and that the NFDA case is sealed,
Starting point is 01:28:33 that a journal is not out there to constantly update us on things going in the background, that's what sucks now. Thank you, Jeff. I'd love to, will you call back and tell us what you decide and why you decided it, why you decided it? I'm going to guess that you are going to pay your affiliation dues, that you're really attached to the feeling because you're a woke motherfucker. No, no, you're not, Jeff. I'm just joking. You're attached to the feeling because you're a good human being. We all have feelings.
Starting point is 01:29:00 And I have a feeling you're going to pay it and you're going to stick it out a little while longer. And it'll eat away at your soul like a cancer for the next year until you have a chance not to pay again thank you brother please please stay in touch thank you for listening I'll do it I DM you on Instagram every once in a while too just for random stuff that's all I'll uh I appreciate you wanting do I respond to you when you DM me? You do. You do. Another thing I love about your brother, you always, always respond. And, and you're the only Armenian dude.
Starting point is 01:29:31 I know it's down here. You know, if you say something about racist, somebody says they're Armenian. It's a, it's a cut in that they think it's a theological discussion because I'm a Calvinist and they're an Armenian. And then we got to start having a debate about religion because most people
Starting point is 01:29:42 don't know what an Armenian is apart from that down here in the good old bible belt so yes yes they're good bible people they're good bible people you're a good dude all right love you man bye thanks jeff seven why did you let him talk so much he's a fucking affiliate dude he's affiliate think of all the stones i kill when i have an affiliate it it drives them fucking bananas at hq it's always fun to do that right um he had a twang he had a twang in his voice that that's always nice like he said bubba on my show um he said uh homos he he got a homosexual trainer i mean this guy was in boxes boxes the ceo shirt is dope in gold i am gonna rock the shit out of that i am so smug uh sean sullivan um uh i know you're a regular listener um uh the the the bogosian the ethics professor uh peter bogosian his definition of those words, diversity, equity, and inclusion are fantastic.
Starting point is 01:30:49 If anyone needs Peter Bogosian. Where's Hobart been? I don't know. I'm guessing he's just like, I'm guessing like everyone's just ducking for cover. No one wants to be on the show when I say racial slurs. Oh, I had this great thought. You know how like all these videos are going around of like people saying racial slurs like it's like a compilation of joe rogan saying them or the rock saying them every time i say a racial slur i'm just gonna come
Starting point is 01:31:13 over here with my microphone i'm gonna be like you dumb armenians and then when they and then when they put them all together it'll just be suze's face on there so if you see me get up and walk over there it's because i'm getting ready to drop some just crazy slurs and then uh and then it'll be the compilation i'm gonna be like that that uh suza guy what have you did he's a ventriloquist they don't need to bleep out the words they need to bleep out the dude's face so if you're gonna say a bunch of just crazy racial shit then you just bleep out you just you just blur your face and then they really like how cnn gonna use it was that sebon who said that like what oh i could just do that yeah i could just do that right just let me know so then that way right right what it
Starting point is 01:31:56 happened yeah yes yes as soon as you hear me doing oh that's awesome yes just pop off i think hobart was feeling pressure from spotify and he can't come on this show anymore oh my goodness oh my goodness no more bart no more bart my goodness the difficult is asking for the definition woke which we've given we've given like several times on this but but you got to be, first off, you got to be free and open-minded to kind of allow those things to come in because it seems like you're just ready to like attack. But the thing that I look at it is, I would say that a lot of the stuff that comes out when we, if it's like labeled woke, it might be well-intended, but if you actually put some deeper thought into what's happening and really analyze it,
Starting point is 01:32:47 um, you realize that it's just symbolism and really it doesn't actually help anybody. And, uh, Katie who donated the $20 earlier, thank you very much. Noted.
Starting point is 01:32:56 She was reading the book libertarianism. And, uh, I strongly suggest that you listen to that or you, um, read it. Okay. So first you're going to ask me what the read it okay so first you're gonna ask me what
Starting point is 01:33:06 the definition is and then you're gonna say i don't know the definition there you go okay you nailed it so also all here here's where is that comp where is that person does that person need to be smashed no not really i mean for me where are they where are they it's allowed to they're allowed to have their own opinions but if you're saying no they're not in the terms if you're saying something in the terms of like actually wanting to know the law knowledge or like just have an open discussion about it versus just saying something to be like do you know this huh you don't you're an idiot then like there's not
Starting point is 01:33:43 really a point of entertaining it. Right. For those of you who really do give a shit, I'm going to just before we get off here, I'm going to show you a website real quick. This guy, this guy. Oh, here we go. Here, I'm going to give you. I wonder if my shit shares differently than yours. Well, because you share the whole screen and I just share the tab on Chrome. There's a different option when you share the screen. Woke. The word woke means simply to become aware of.
Starting point is 01:34:17 Originally, woke meant becoming aware of racism, that is, waking up to the reality, horror, and pervasiveness of how people with dark skin are treated. The word woke was used by woke people to express the fact that they were, to borrow a phrase, born again in their understanding of injustice, that is, they woke up to injustice. The meaning of woke soon expanded beyond race and included waking up to oppression and other forms of bigotry and discrimination, like discrimination against women or immigrants. Recently, the meaning of woke expanded yet again to mean people who hold particular beliefs. To borrow from Dr. Andrew Doyle, author of Woke, A Guide to Social Justice, woke people have four core beliefs. One, censorship is necessary. Two, some groups of people have more power than others
Starting point is 01:35:08 and only those trained can tell which groups have power and which don't. Three, what groups you belong to is more important than who you are as an individual. And finally, four, lived experience, that is certain individuals personal knowledge of the world, is more important than empirical evidence. I'll explain these four core beliefs and what these words mean in future videos. You've got to love definition number four. Hey, how's that? I don't even know who that is. I wish – I'm kind of glad.
Starting point is 01:35:42 I don't see them because I want to shit in their mouth. They called me an idiot and said it's all good that's okay i respect the right for you to think i don't think about me and fuck off and die i don't i don't perhaps you're a good dude susan where is that person where is that person what's their name you're an idiot and it's all good are you not an idiot i don't know i'm not i'm not a fan for sullying a deviation of what woke means the meaning of woke has been co-opted your mom has been co-opted shut the fuck up you don't even know what you're talking about that's the whole thing with woke they co-op everything you dipshit yeah i'm calling you names you fucking you're a jackass yeah that
Starting point is 01:36:26 go away don't don't don't listen to my show anymore you're there you're hopeless co-opted yeah i like like anti-racism can you define that for me? You don't even know what racism is. You do not know what racism is, Mr. Difficult Ten Light. They're still learning, and there's still evolution and thought there, and I respect their opinion about myself, or however they have it either way. This is a great—besides the fact that he put my name at the end, I really like the sense you don't know what you are talking about. You don't know. It's a fascinating sentence.
Starting point is 01:37:15 You don't know. I don't know what I'm talking about. That may be woke. Can you rephrase that for me? Kevin from the earlier comment said, but I'm not an affiliate owner, so I don't know shit about what I'm talking about. I mean, it's not that I wouldn't say you don't know shit about what you're talking about. You're still allowed to have opinion. But maybe if you're a business owner, you might understand those economics and how that works a little bit more.
Starting point is 01:37:45 And then if you don't own a business, it doesn't necessarily need to be an affiliate because any business owner would understand the economics of how that works and the market of that you're in and the prices that are able to sustain in those markets versus you being able to actually take an income from the amount of work that you're putting into something and then learning like, hey, is this worth it? Is this even probable through just simple math? Um, I would say explore that a little bit and you can pick up any sort of basic like business or economic book that economics book that wouldn't go too far, like over your head or get too deep. And you'd understand those mechanisms and why the price points are out where they are and why they have to stay at where they are versus the demographic and geographic location of your gym. Demographic um it doesn't matter what the definition of woke is those it doesn't matter whether the word is being co-opted so mr difficult doesn't matter we'll choose a different word then it doesn't matter what basically the implication is is that there
Starting point is 01:38:41 is a um there is a group of people out there who fit under those, that bucket of those, uh, that definition of woke. There's a huge group of people. Most of them are probably Democrats and, um, they, they have a ass backwards way of looking at the world. They think that you can use racism to fight racism. And then in the end, let's say all the racist people killed all the racist people then they don't realize they can't do the math they can't think clearly they don't realize then you would only end up with racist people it's that kind of just it's just insanity it's believing it's the censorship is another fascinating thing we have freedom of speech here for a reason and when you start saying that you don't want hate speech you're basically not
Starting point is 01:39:24 speaking of not knowing what you're talking about you don't know what you're saying no one knows we would have to define hate speech to such tiny bits of minutiae that would that it's impossible so what we have to do is we have to protect freedom of speech and you should everything that comes with it, and you have to be very careful, yeah, of how you – every time you say it's hate speech, you're manipulating people through emotion and thought and miscommunication, what people think hate is. Right. And you just can't do that. You won't be productive. We won't go forward.
Starting point is 01:39:57 Yeah. We'll end up having less innovation, less good people, less nice people. So it's – to say that it's co-opted it's completely irrelevant it's that you're you're missing the point we're pointing at the moon and you're staring at the hand to to to sarah to talk about the great loud too i said what i said with my chest the word woke has been co-opted also i said you were not an idiot and it's all good i'd, I'm sorry. No, no, I'm going to pretend like I didn't mean that. I apologize first, Ten. Yeah, and I didn't obviously read the comment on the thing.
Starting point is 01:40:30 I thought he was calling me an idiot. I'm obviously triggered by woke people. It's just my goose. I apologize. But regardless if it was co-opted or not, it doesn't matter to me. I'm happy to step off of that word and go to another word. You can just call them fuck nuts if you want. Fuck darts, whatever. Democrats, whatever. And the other thing we said about the media, I said it with my chest, that's almost a good way.
Starting point is 01:40:55 You have your emotional responses and emotional decisions, which tend to not have very good outcomes all the time versus analytical, logical ones that you've like sat down, right? So like sometimes emotional things might make you feel good, but might not necessarily have the best outcomes at the end of the day versus a logical decision. Sometimes like hurt and suck, but they might overall have a better long-term result.
Starting point is 01:41:21 Well said. I make prank calls to radio programs, play them on my page. i think that's an advertisement for their page oh but but i don't even see what their page is but if there's a girl making crank calls and she wants to like contribute them email them to me or send them to suzer or some shit and i'll play them on the show we need to we need that would be cool okay last last comment and then and then i'm going to the skate park here's a good vaccine story my 45 year old girlfriend you don't have a girlfriend is
Starting point is 01:41:50 double jabbed and had covet already and is being forced to get a booster with within one week of going through ivf egg transfer to get pregnant uh i am i am no doctor or scientist but i'm a i'm impeccable at third grade math and at reading. Do not let her do that. Do not let her do that. Man, I'm so sad. One of my doctor friends who I'm just fascinated by, I wish I could spend more time talking to them, but they're double vaccinated and they're about to lose their job if they don't get boosted.
Starting point is 01:42:26 And I'm so bummed. A brilliant, brilliant physician. That's tough. All right, guys. Thank you so much. Great show. Hope you guys had fun. I had a blast, to be honest with you.
Starting point is 01:42:39 It was an easy show. Tomorrow is Saturday. Tomorrow morning at this time, we have jason clebaugh on and brian friend will be talking about the open um we will be talking about the semi-finals we'll be talking about uh just crossfit um in in general uh and then on sunday like i said we have steven mowry then we i think we're going to have sarah sigman's daughter and then we're also going to have daniel brandon that's a big day that i can't tell you like how cool i think i am for that um then on monday we have joe illuminati this is a guy uh crossfitter lives spends half his life living in
Starting point is 01:43:14 a van the other half at his gym he recently tore both his bicep tendons get to the bottom of that uh then on tuesday we have ed his name is ed his his instagram is ed manifesto i think his name is ed calderon he is a cool dude i can't wait to talk to him um then we have the guy who eats just all his meat raw he's doing a raw raw meat eating experiment i think he's on day 90 now that's gonna be fun talking to him uh and that's all we got right now laid out. Got a ton of people in the queue and, and we have somebody cool coming on that Friday that just got back to us a little bit last night. Okay.
Starting point is 01:43:54 Tell me who, without telling them, go ahead. Boy or girl. It's a guy. Is he CrossFitter? No. Is he an author?
Starting point is 01:44:03 No. Is he hot dog eating contest champion? No.

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