The Sevan Podcast - #297 - Steven Mowry

Episode Date: February 13, 2022

Steven Mowry is an undefeated heavy weight fight in Bellator MMA.  Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE ...I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:01 Bam. We're live. My mom told me you have nice features have you ever heard that before not in its entirety i usually just hear that i have nice eyelashes but that's it oh yeah maybe she did say something about your eyes maybe she said something about your eyes but she said you had nice features i couldn't tell if she really meant that or like that's the kind of thing you say to someone when you're trying to dig to give them a compliment yeah it's like a bless her heart kind of thing yeah like oh my god it's such nice features
Starting point is 00:01:32 450 pounds and five foot two looks like an idiot uh mr steve good morning good morning what's up guys hey steven or steve steve's fine steve's fine what does your mom call you my mom calls me steven but but that kind of uh that's the uh what do you the exception that defines the rule type thing oh i better write that down no it's not like an offensive thing it's just that uh it was always steven at the house but then once i made friends it was steve no matter how much i insisted the other way so around high school i just gave up yeah my name's sevan but um i have friends who are like i've had for like 10 years and then and they call me sevan and then one
Starting point is 00:02:17 day they hear my name said right sevan and they're like holy shit why didn't you ever tell me i'm like dude when you have a name like this like you don't you stop correcting people just let people do their thing but we're friends i know i know i know i know we're friends but i like i have low expectations uh um steve this is uh caleb what's up caleb hi steve how you guys doing? Dude, living the dream. Crazy. Rubbing shoulders with dudes who are 10-0 in Bellator. When wrestling with my dog, I feel like I have to, before I do that, I check my insurance to make sure it's up to date. It's nuts. It's absolutely nuts what you do.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Why are you listening to Steve Mowry? There's a bunch of reasons he's a young man he wasn't uh oh he's a young man he um shall wait for him to come back before i flatter yeah maybe his picture is gone steve can you hear us you vanished he stepped on his router yes Yes, Kevin Smith. Bam. That is correct. Bam. There it is. You got to ask connection, Steve. I got Caleb. How about me?
Starting point is 00:03:34 Oh, never mind. I put gel on my hair. I hope you have me. You prepared for this. I look nothing like I look. If you look at me on this show, I look nothing like this the rest of the day. I got Caleb again. Oh. Is it his internet connection that's fucked up?
Starting point is 00:03:53 I think it's probably his. He's pretty laggy. But he doesn't have me. Mine looks good. Oh, darn it. Uh-oh. Can we bring him back? There he is. Good morning. I second that bam.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Good, a second bam. That's always nice. Hey, Steve, is that your internet connection that's jacked up? Can you move to a different spot? All right. look at someone someone wrote like and subscribe ceo and the seven on podcast t-shirts are now available for pre-order did you do that caleb i did not i just hopped off my wi-fi more often than not i feel like if you just use your data and i have an unlimited data plan so i was like you know what let's just this guy's got it made. I appreciate it. Are you on your phone?
Starting point is 00:04:45 Yes. Okay, cool. So this is why you're listening to the show today besides the fact that I put hair gel in. Steve is 10-0 in Bellator. He is a young man. He is a heavyweight. And he was – fighting was not – well, his parents didn't raise him to be a fighter oh well we'll find out maybe they didn't they don't know they did
Starting point is 00:05:11 maybe they started beating him at a young age they didn't know the implications maybe the the harder they steered me away from it the more i wanted to lean into it do not go to the catholic girls do not talk to the Catholic girls. Yes, dad. Um, and, um, and, and you popped on my radar because you went, uh, you went a few rounds with, uh, Nikki Rodriguez, who's a regular on our show. Oh yeah. Yeah. Okay. So, uh, so he popped on my radar and I'm a huge, obviously UFC fan and I would be a huge
Starting point is 00:05:41 Bellator fan, except there's only so many fucking hours in the week, but I have, have some favorites over there at bellator and um dalton rasta i don't know if you know who that is oh i grew up with dalton rasta yeah what i called dalton rasta and i when we when i first started dalton and i trained at the same gym back in newcastle pennsylvania this was i met him probably 10 years ago. This was, wow. Hey, speaking of upbringings, totally different upbringing than you. In what sense? You know, his mom and dad, you have two educators as parents, right? Teachers?
Starting point is 00:06:18 My dad's a teacher. My mom's a nurse. Yeah. Okay. And he grew up more like, Hey, it seems like from knowing his background, he is like, Hey, I got to raise myself early. Like he had a fucking tough upbringing. Yeah. Okay. In that sense then. Yeah. Yeah. Dalton did have a rough go of it. I mean, I don't know Dalton, like we were not super, super close, but I've known him a long time. And what I do understand was that, yeah, his, his childhood was a little bit, a little bit different than mine. Yeah. He's, he's, he's fighting to survive. He's one of those kids that like hey i better be good at sports so other people like me i have a lot of friends like that like you know you grew up in a trailer you want to take a shower
Starting point is 00:06:52 at night and so fucking you better do good at sports so the other parents invite you over to their house so you can shower that's right um i'm sure you've talked about this subject ad nauseum, but I, I have to go here. Um, when do you know you're tall? So just to, just to put it in perspective, I'm five, five. And I didn't know I was short until I went to college and like other guys would be like, that girl will never go out with you. I'm like, why? They're like, dude, she's four inches taller than you. I'm like, what? Oh, when do you find out that you're tall? How old are you? I still don't even really, uh, fully realize it sometimes until I see myself in pictures. And then when I see myself in pictures, I'm like, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:07:30 God damn, there's a lot more of me than all these other people. Wow. That's awesome. How old are you? I'm 29. Oh, that is so good to hear. And when you wait, Oh yeah. Wow. So, so you look at that picture. That a full-size human you're standing next to that's yes she is that's my she is five foot four and uh the way she talks to me you would think she's the six eight 250 pound professional fighter it takes me a while it takes me seeing myself in pictures to realize because Cause I'm like, God damn.
Starting point is 00:08:06 So the way she, especially when she wakes up, it's like the fucking boldness you just came at me with. It's fucking reckless. I went to bed with a young lady. I woke up with a dragon. That's right. It's like a Disney movie.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Um, uh, and you have a baby. I do. How old's your baby? I have a, she'll be seven months tomorrow that's awesome congratulations even still seeing that picture that was um her baby shower and that
Starting point is 00:08:34 was that was like i'm trying to think that was like five weeks before she was born so it's like even seeing it is like man that feels like just the other day that we were doing all that, like getting ready and setting everything up. But now you can't imagine a life without a kid, right? Absolutely not. And I remember being so like frazzled whenever I found out it was happening. I was like, man, I don't even have a house yet. And like, you know how it is. You, you have this vision of your life whenever you're younger and you have this
Starting point is 00:09:04 vision of your life whenever you're young. And you have this vision of your life whenever you're young where you're like, well, whenever I have kids, we're going to be married. And I'm going to have a seven-bedroom mansion. And I'll have three giant vegetables that will protect the house. And I'll have four cars. And, yeah, I mean, you know how it goes. You just construct this thing in your head. But here's me at whatever. I was 28 years old.
Starting point is 00:09:25 construct this thing in your head but here's me at whatever i was uh 28 years old and my my fiance now tells me you know i'm pregnant and it was like no everything's wrong everything's not right and now you know here i am in my life and i really couldn't imagine anything i really couldn't imagine my life any other way. And I would fight until my hands fell off to keep it that way. It is pretty amazing that you're 10 and 0 as a heavyweight. I don't even know how many fight fans realize that, let alone people outside the world. It's because of the sheer power that you guys have and how big you are. Really, I mean, they say that about all fighting, but really in your weight class anything can happen right um i was even watching one of your fights the other day against uh darian abby and the commentators had already called you
Starting point is 00:10:16 a loss and and you won the fight and it's like holy shit yeah and darian abby's a good friend of mine now so we still sometimes have a good laugh about, um, we still have a good laugh about the way the fight played out, the way everything had happened. Um, fun, fun fact. If you dug, you'd be able to, if you really looked into it, but I actually don't remember the fight at all. I don't remember any of it. I remember, um, you mean I made the walkout, we walked out, I touched glove and then I'm in the locker room taking off my shorts and, uh, I have my check in my hand. And the only way, the reason I knew I won was because I looked at the, the amount on the check. So I'm like, wait a minute. And then everything was like, it was just this intense blur of like, I realized that I had lost, you know, It was just this intense blur of like, I realized that I had lost 20 minutes of my life that I didn't remember. And I was like, wait a minute, guys. Of course, I was freaking out.
Starting point is 00:11:13 I almost had a panic attack. I was like, wait, did I win? Did I win? And they're like, yeah, you won. What's wrong? And I was like, did I win? And it went on for like 20 minutes. I'm showing everybody my time. I won, right?
Starting point is 00:11:22 And then the commission was there, too. So they were like, yeah, we're going to get this guy to the hospital like everybody was like what do you mean yeah of course you won and i was like and then they had to pull up the they pulled it up on a phone and i had to watch it again and i was like all that just happened it was crazy it was even when i think back it was like uh like i imagine like we touch gloves and then it's like this weird like you know those dreams that like where you don't even realize how tired you are and you fall asleep you have a weird whirlwind dream and you wake up and you're like what the fuck it was like that almost yeah
Starting point is 00:11:54 and even now thinking back about it i still have darren and i still have a good laugh about it um does your mom know this story i hope not yeah this is not one if you're a parent you want to hear. No, certainly not. What happened in that fight? This isn't my intention to go here, but what happened in that fight? Did you just come out a little slow and cold? A little bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:17 You're like, he just went zero to 100, and you're like, damn it, I'm at 90. Yeah, kind of. That was something that I think— I always wonder that about. Yeah. Kind of. Um, that was something that, um, I think I always wonder that about fighters, by the way, like if the other guy comes out at a hundred and you weren't ready at a hundred, then,
Starting point is 00:12:32 then you're kind of fucked. You're playing catch up for the first 30 seconds. Right. Yeah. And we see that sometimes. Um, I think that like the, there,
Starting point is 00:12:42 there, there seems to be like a general misunderstanding of how like pace plays out in a fight and it's you know the uh that like the higher the level of the the fight goes or whatever the participants of the the fight are in the slower the pace of it'll be but that's not the case i think that some guys you know try to use the pace as a weapon some guys they'll take note of how other guys start so they'll try to start fast. And I think so, like, in that fight, not to take anything away from Darian. You know, he came out ready to rock.
Starting point is 00:13:12 He came out ready to win. I did come out a little bit flat, which was something that, especially up to that point in my career, was something that had – it was something that bothered me about myself, but I was just kind of resigned to it and it was you know oddly enough it was darian made me stop and think like okay i need to take charge of this if i wanted to change like i'd always just kind of been like yeah whatever you know i'll figure it out in the fight i'll let you know once i wake up i get going and um not
Starting point is 00:13:41 much longer later my coach was like yeah look dude like that's not really how it works if i need you to start fighting i need you to start the fight and then like come out and it's the second round already come out and fight come out yeah when the bell rings you're ready to tear something what do you do do you think do you have to think okay there's someone with a knife to my mom's throat or like do you have to play some sort of head game like how fighters do that do you have to make some shit up or no absolutely not it's i kind of um i'm not really like an angry person and i'm not really like i don't think i'm a dick but i am i do have like a natural we'll need two other references two other sources to confirm or okay well my fiance's in the show but um no i think that i am naturally very competitive for one and two i think i just do have a natural proclivity to
Starting point is 00:14:35 like be physical you know to be like want to get my hands on things and it's not necessarily always to hurt things but i think i just like like the i like the the whirlwind and the i don't want to say the chaos but you know like the the heat of the moment um so to kind of like course correct what i had to start doing was thinking about i had to simulate it in training i'd simulate instead of treating every round as just another round where i'm trying to get my work in i had to simulate and think every round was the first round of a fight. So I had to, as soon as the round started, boom, pop, like get ready to rock. So role play.
Starting point is 00:15:13 There is some role play. You role play. A little bit, but it's not so much like I'm not thinking, okay, well, this is the specific person that I'm going to fight whenever the round starts. It's for me. It's always for me. So, Steve, you're in the cage. They just read your name. It's locked uh the ref is getting ready to point you both
Starting point is 00:15:29 he points at me are you ready to go you're ready to go and then let's go and that's me that's my time so it is it is like a role play but it's less like um less of a it's i'm not trying to make it a i'm not trying to make it a situational thing i'm trying to make it a, I'm not trying to make it a situational thing. I'm trying to make it a reactionary thing. So like, as soon as for whatever that amount of time is on both ends of it, it's the whole time is violence in the middle. Do you think you're getting better at that?
Starting point is 00:15:55 Can you train that cultivate that? Yeah, I do. I think I really feel like my last, especially my last three fights had been like a marked, um, like there really is like a marked difference in my last few fights so whenever i had that talk with my coach i really really was like kind of an aha moment it was like he was like well hey look like that's that's not something
Starting point is 00:16:19 you're gonna just wake up one day and be better at that's something you have to make a conscious effort to improve and i really feel like from that point on it was and i'm not not to say that i'm perfect at it it's definitely it's even looking back man these in those last few fights there's points where it's like man i could have done this better that better not just on the technical side but on like the uh the like the performance side of it like on the how i came ready to to perform is it an alertness not even really so much that it's more for me it's more like not in alertness but it's more of a like being in touch with my myself in a moment kind of thing and i i think alertness you know it's not that it isn't alertness. It's more just like presence.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Does that make sense? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm trying to feel it. You know, you could think you're really, really alert and really aware. And then someone just hold a king cobra in front of your face. And then you'll be like, oh, shit, I wasn't really aware because now I'm fucking really aware. You know what I mean? So it's like realizing that you're in the ring with like a dude who's
Starting point is 00:17:25 trying to kill you that's what i was thinking like okay somehow like you have to make that that has to become like a uh a reality like i heard someone say the other day there's no reason to fear death but man fearing death is kind of like a it's such a cool drug yeah it's such a right it's such a like tangible part of the human experience no it's like that's why we go on roller coasters right that's why you go to that yeah yeah right right right you're trying to get a girl or avoid dying yeah but that's what i'm saying is like you it's such a it's such like a it's such a breathable part of like what it is to be a human being is to know
Starting point is 00:18:05 that like, you're going to be born and you're going to die. So you might as well live in the middle. You think that's part of the reason why you fight? Part of it, no doubt. And then, like I said, it's like competition's a big part of it. Um, but then a big part of it too, is just like you said, is because it's, you know, it's like one of those things that's exciting and it's scary and it's it's fun. It's kind of like I kind of dreaded a little bit. It's this weird mix of like all these different these different, you know, emotions. And it's like it's just so it's just so beautiful and real. And it's very I just feel so alive whenever I do it. You know, you said something really smart. One of your interviews, I heard people are going to be the first and only time, right?
Starting point is 00:18:50 People, people are going to think it's not a big deal, but the reason why it is a big deal is because you acted on it. If you wait till you're 35 and decide you want to fight, you've, you've, there's, you will not, I don't care what anyone says about age, not mattering age matters. It is too late. It is too late to be the best fighter you could have ever possibly been if you if you wait to your 35. I'm not saying if you decide when you're 35, you shouldn't try. But basically, in the interview, what I heard you say is, is like, hey, I knew that I didn't want to turn 35 and say, oh, shit, why didn't I fight? to turn 35 and say oh shit why didn't i fight and um can you tell me about that like how old you were how long you've been fighting and was that a tough decision well was it a tough decision to
Starting point is 00:19:34 decide to fight no yeah yeah just just kind of kind of the whole thing i'll give you an example i do this podcast and i'm 49 and i still get get uncomfortable Like when I start talking about cock and balls and making your mama jokes, knowing my mom and dad are listening, meaning that there's an outside pressure in the world. There's to chase your dream. There's all of these things you have to like disregard for a second and be like, dude, it's me. Like your mom and dad, I'm assuming for sure.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Don't want you fighting. No, no mom. And I'm guessing no mom and dad wants anyone. I mean, you're fucking there. Um, you're there, uh, pinnacle of creation,
Starting point is 00:20:09 right? You're there. Sistine chapel. And now it's going out there and letting other dudes hit it. No, thank you. Just for an example, like,
Starting point is 00:20:15 how do you break through and be like, this is, I'm, this isn't going to be what I'm going to do. Well, um, to give you some insight into my life, it's interesting. We're talking about like Dalton and I because they're not opposites, but they are different.
Starting point is 00:20:32 My upbringing wasn't so much marked by a need to find love and acceptance so much as it was a need to find meaning. You know what I mean? I didn't really have anything until fighting. And it's not to say I had friends know i had friends i had like i had family my parents loved me all that happy whatever but um i didn't really have anything that like lit me up like when i woke up in the morning it was just put your clothes on go to school wait for the weekend hang out with my friends fighting was for me it was the first thing i ever had in my life that I was like, I can't fucking wait to do that.
Starting point is 00:21:10 And it was like, even before I had done it, which is crazy. Like I said, I knew that it existed, but I didn't really know much about it until I read about it in a magazine. And just something about it spoke to me spoke to me as a human being. And I was just instantly needed to do it. And it was like one of those things where it was like, it chose me more than I chose it. Does that make sense? Like, I couldn't keep myself away from doing it. And it was like, I mean, I'm sure, I'm sure there's probably more examples of this. Like if you,
Starting point is 00:21:48 especially if you asked her, but with my mom, it was a thing where it was like, as a kid, generally I did, as I was told I followed the rules, I, you know what I mean? Whatever. But fighting was the first thing that it was like, both my parents at first, but then for a much longer period of time, my parents were like, yeah, this, this probably isn't for you. Maybe you should find something else with your life. And with most things, how old were you when you had that conversation? Uh, like 17, 18.
Starting point is 00:22:15 So you had already expressed you're living at home and you'd already expressed that you, you want to do some fighting and your parents, it was terrible. It was tough. It was really tough, especially cause, um, my, this is, you know, around the time that kids are time that kids are getting ready to pick what they're going to do with their life. They're getting ready to go to college or getting ready to go to a trade school or whatever, start working, join the military. And for me, who, like I said, I came from an educated household, for me to tell my parents, not only do I not want to get an education, I want to stay away from getting an education and I want to do this fighting thing. It was as if I'd given them both a big middle finger, especially the way they reacted, and told them, no, I'm going to do my own thing. And as is the case, I just ended up being successful at it. It was something that I knew right away that if I worked really hard, I probably could be successful.
Starting point is 00:23:11 And it's not that I didn't have my snags along the way um so especially what made it tough was at the beginning my my mom for such a long time wasn't supportive um and it was hard because it was you know how long how long how long how long steve what do you mean how long was she not supportive uh Not until like two years ago. Wow. Okay. So, so three, six years of six, seven years. Okay. I mean, maybe like eight years, like really until.
Starting point is 00:23:35 And now she's just faking it. Yeah. That's the thing. Not even her faking it. She would tell me like, you know, whenever, but whenever you're ready to go back to school or blah, blah, blah. I'd be like, it just, it broke my heart. Like your mom, the woman, the matriarch, the person who kind of sets the standard for what women should be in your life.
Starting point is 00:23:53 And here she's telling me like, well, that thing, Hey, that thing you really like to do more than anything else. Don't do it. I want you to do something else. Yeah. And what broke my heart about it was, it was like, well, look, mom, like, you know how hard life is. Like, you know how hard it is to get out of bed every day, do something you fucking hate. Like, I finally have something that I'm in love with. Like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:10 You know, not to turn this into a Freudian therapy session. No, this is so good for people to hear, man. This is this is this is true coming of age. No, for sure. And it was that was like for me was always the hardest thing about it was I was like. Not so much i mean the fight fighting in it in and of itself competing getting better training all that is hard enough but for me to not have like the one person that was like one of the only people that i really
Starting point is 00:24:35 needed the support of to not have her like fully hey babe you can do it you know whatever and it's not that she wasn't like actively trying to stop me from it it's just that it was you know in my head and in my heart i was like why are you like why are you not really here for me so it's like she was happy when i won and you know i mean she would she would be happy to hear if you know i mean whatever things were going well but there always was this steady like undercurrent of i was waiting for at any time for like the ball to drop you know or the floor to come out from underneath me and say well you, you should have gone back to college. And that in a weird way motivated me. But it also was very difficult.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Caleb, are your parents did your parents freak out when you joined the Air Force? No, it runs in our family. So they were just kind of like, oh, you just had you just had bad parents who didn't love you. All right. Yeah. They're like, get out of my house immediately. Yeah. Isn't it interesting?
Starting point is 00:25:26 Some parents are like so proud of their, I wonder if parents are really proud of their kids who joined the military. You're just, you're faking it. I mean, I would be, part of me would be obviously so proud, but the other part is scared to death, right? You just don't want your kids being hurt. Yeah. I think it was a little bit of both for my parents.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Like my. Are you close to being deployed now? Probably. Yeah. Over to Europe. Who knows? Break bread with the Russians. I hope everything's okay.
Starting point is 00:25:58 What are you, what's your ethnicity, Steve? English and Irish. Just a good old-fashioned goofy white boy um i growing up i'd always hear this thing about short man's complex you know and then as i got as i got older especially like into my 40s i realized in um there's i don't know if it's a true term but i call it i call it tall man's complex maybe it's just part of short man's complex but the tall guys i've known in the projection of the short man well that's true complex yes probably um the um the the tall guys i knew especially in the workplace and maybe just because we're in such a soft era for humanity, period. But the tall guys I know were really sensitive and couldn't – they weren't picked on enough as a kid.
Starting point is 00:26:51 No one picked on them, and so they don't have thick skin now. Did you experience any of that? Yeah, I would definitely say I'm emotional and sensitive. You just ask about pretty much anybody. But I don't know part of that part of that too is just how competitive i am i always feel like i have to get the last word in so somebody will say something and it'll be like oh you think you can fuck with me and then before i know it we're trading insults back and forth and did you know did you used to sit around in
Starting point is 00:27:18 the seventh and eighth grade and do these things called like cap sessions there'd be like a we called it capping i don't hear that term anymore but like 10 dudes would get together just like under a tree or in a in a room somewhere and it's just everyone just insults everyone you just take turns just insulting the fuck out of each other did you ever do that i thought that was just like hanging out like yeah that's right right right right um there's um people just like you because you're well let me go to this i had i had great danes and and i was a crazy stoner i don't smoke weed anymore sorry throwing up yeah sorry i didn't mean to interrupt you go ahead no holy shit you had four simultaneously so we had we bought two i mean i was way younger um we had two and then both of them had a litter of puppies and then we
Starting point is 00:28:04 kept one of each of their puppies. We also had a we had a golden retriever before the Great Danes, too. There was a time we had five of these big dogs. Yeah, they will. Did they destroy your yard with urine? They destroyed everything. I mean, kind of like an interesting animal pejorative or not pejorative, an animal like my animal version of myself, just big and goofy and friendly. But they fucking break everything. I don't know how big they are. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:35 And they are kind of they're goofy, but they're wonderful athletes. I had three great Danes at the same time. And I was making a movie and I left him at my mom's house to take care of, which know what you should never it's so dangerous to leave three great danes with a woman who's five foot tall 100 pounds but anyway they peed my mom's yard to death they just they just hose it down with urine and killed and just killed everything with urine just i mean you can't imagine do you remember taking them out in the morning and they would pee for like two minutes straight and you'd be like, holy shit. They'd take a thump and be like this big.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Yes. Yes. It's crazy. Man, they're great dogs. But so I was a stoner and I was in college and I had a great day and it became a point where like I didn't want to walk. It was a conflict. I didn't want to walk my dog or I had to stop smoking weed because I just hated all of the attention. You cannot fucking go anywhere with them.
Starting point is 00:29:32 I can't just go to Storm by Six Pack and walk with my dog. 20 people are going to want to talk to you. And it's always dudes. It's always dudes. There's no like hot chicks like, oh, beautiful dog. It's always like dudes like, damn. Is it like that being six eight like everywhere you go is everyone just like
Starting point is 00:29:49 yeah looking at you i get asked if i go out to go show if i'm out for i would say at least once per hour on average i get asked how tall i am if i'm going somewhere wow um caleb what is the... What percentile is he in at 6'8"? I one time looked at 5'5". I think there's like only 12% of the population of men is shorter than me. And if you go to 5'4",
Starting point is 00:30:16 it's really fucked up. But I don't see people shorter than me. And I'm not... I don't even think I'm short. But when I see a dude who's shorter than me and I look down, I'm like, whoa, that's weird. Do you ever see dudes taller than you? Occasionally, yeah. And I had a good friend that was taller than me. And that kind of like upset the natural order of my life.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Because I was like the only dude I ever really felt like I looked up at him. And he was, you know, so like seven foot. So he's like significantly taller than me. like seven foot so he's like significantly taller than me and just to look up at him was like you know challenged everything that i'd ever come to know and learn about myself i don't know the validity of this but it says less than one percent of people are taller than six five yeah it makes total it makes total sense wow all of a sudden I feel normal compared to Steve because I, you just don't see people. I don't see someone.
Starting point is 00:31:09 If I look carefully, I could probably find someone who's my size or shorter every day. If I looked really hard, I do not see anyone who's six, eight in my town ever, ever, ever, ever. What time is that?
Starting point is 00:31:18 I'm sorry. I mean, I mean, I'm in Santa Cruz, California. Okay. Yeah. Where are you?
Starting point is 00:31:23 Good for all the damn vampires, right? Yes. Oh, wow. Where are you? We're in for all the damn vampires, right? Yes. Oh, wow. Look at you with your movie. You're too young to know that movie. No, I fuck with movies. Movies are one of the great passions of my life. Do you know what movie
Starting point is 00:31:38 he's talking about, Caleb? I honestly have no idea, no. What movie is it? The Lost Boys. Yeah, man, that's a great movie. Damn, that's old. You live in Florida? Yes, I live in Fort Lauderdale, or more accurately, Plantation. So like 45-ish minutes north of Miami.
Starting point is 00:32:01 And girls like you because you're tall. I got a little bit more attention probably than your average bear uh i would like to think it's because my devilish good looks and um charming personality but i'm sure being tall helped yeah i mean it's the natural it's the natural order of things if you're i believe whatever the fuck that means that's just like god that's just a horrible talk but anyway anyway, let's just go with it. The natural order of things is a woman would want a tall man because she wants to have big babies because big would survive better. I mean, it would just I understand you love me for superficial reasons.
Starting point is 00:32:37 I'm perfectly OK with that. I mean, I don't know, but I've lost out to plenty of dudes who I was like, man, what the fuck? What does he see in him? Like I said, that's not even me factoring in the fact that I'm tall. I'm just like, yeah, that dude's a fucking dork. Do you have red hair? No, I have fucking blonde hair. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:02 It's just the lighting. It's just the, yeah's just the yeah and then i have i have it propped up i got my daughter a teddy bear and it has like a big red bow so it's probably like bouncing off that all right um you have you have a fight coming up but you haven't announced to yes um i'm not sure if i'm allowed to talk about it yet but there is something this spring there's something going on and how does that happen so tell me like you're you're at the gym and you look down at your phone there's a text tell me like how fights happen in your world that's pretty close to it actually um usually it's like a thing
Starting point is 00:33:37 where um i have an agent so generally what happens is the promoter will be in touch with the agent about how they want me for an upcoming event. The agent will tell me. I'll verbally agree yes or no to it. And then I get sent a bout agreement, which is just a contract to fight. So this fight was pretty standard in terms of that. It's like a business deal. Normally, you know,
Starting point is 00:34:06 you just, you, you verbally agree to a business deal. You work out the Kings and then you, you know, make it official with a piece of paper. And do you have any say, do you have any say in who you fight?
Starting point is 00:34:21 Like is, is the person that they've chosen someone that you've had put feelers out for? Sometimes. And that's, it's's it's all very fighting is much more of a uh it's like this interesting game of chess not in the sense like not in the microcosm sense that like every fight is a physical chess mess blah blah blah but it's also this very interesting game of chess where like the farther along i learned the more people the people pick their opponents people say yes or no to certain types of people at certain times and um you know the general uh that it it tends to be looked upon as cowardice but it like the more and more i go the more and more i see that it's like it's
Starting point is 00:35:03 sometimes it's business sometimes it's like personal things sometimes it's you know like just things going on in people's lives at certain times it's like this this whole interesting thing that i'm learning about now that like you can leverage certain dates and times and certain opponents and certain you know it goes on and on and on forever and it's not even just stuff that i've experienced but you know stuff that i've seen too and on forever. And it's not even just stuff that I've experienced, but, you know, stuff that I've seen, too. And it's some of the best fighters I know. They're like, well, yeah, I turned this down at this time because this. And then even in my own, like, personal experience, I've had times where it's like, well, it's like not the opponent, but like the date of that is messed up or like, OK, well, I'll take that opponent.
Starting point is 00:35:40 But I want more money. And it's like it's a whole thing. But, you know, I mean, just just as it's been laid out yeah generally promoter calls your your representing liaison they call you and then you say yes or no then you put it on put it on paper make it official what year did you turn pro 2016 like the end of 2016 i think it was august 2016 or september 2016 so you're averaging two fights a year yes is that what you want to be doing no i want to do probably like three or four oh shit especially right now um that was it you know i mean i've had some things just along the way that you know obviously is i like, just like I said before, some professional, some personal things, professional things, business things.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Sometimes you get hurt. Have you been hurt? Have you been, have you had any injuries where you're like, I had one serious, like the closest thing I guess I've ever had to like a serious injury. I broke my toe on my, my right, my right pinky toe. And it was very like, it happened at such a weird time in relation to the next fight, because it was like one of those things where it's like, okay, well, I can't take the proper time off to let it heal and then take the fight
Starting point is 00:36:55 anyway. But like, I'm far enough away that like maybe if I give it a couple of weeks, it'll bounce back. But then I went and I got the x-ray and it was like the, the pinky toe itself. If this is the foot if this is the foot and this is the toe was like this it was like broken in half and then like it slid it was like there's a whole thing it was you wouldn't know how much huh do you know how it happened yeah i threw a kick and my pinky toe hit somebody's elbow like this and my foot i think kept going and my pinky toe hit somebody's elbow like this, and my foot, I think, kept going, and my pinky toe stayed. It just popped and slid.
Starting point is 00:37:31 What about maintaining that undefeated streak? is that part of, as you choose going back to what we were talking about before, as you choose your opponents, you're like, okay, I need to make sure that I stay undefeated and like, not, not necessarily run from fights, but take fights that are in my, people who are at my skill level. Not really, to be honest with you.
Starting point is 00:37:57 No, just fight anyone, just fight anyone. That's the thing. It's like, I'm at a point in my life and in my career now where it's like, well, now it's really time to like test myself. So's like i really made it a point these last um
Starting point is 00:38:09 these last like three four years to just say yes and like i said it's not to say that like i haven't passed on opportunities or maybe kind of like you know been a little bit cautious but i definitely made it a point to be like okay like let, let's see what we can do to make this happen. As opposed to, you know, like, your first couple years, you are, most people are generally pretty picky. And then, but like, like, to build on what you said, no, like the undefeated record thing is like, I really feel like it's a myth, you know, like, even the guys that have that are, you know, undefeated are guys, you know, I mean, they might've had help along the way, or they,
Starting point is 00:38:47 they had fights that were questionable or they had, you know, whatever, like you look back and you see the, some of their fights and like, I don't know if you want that or kind of thing. And even, even the guys that do make it out truly undefeated,
Starting point is 00:39:01 even those guys, it's like, there's always blemishes on their record you know what i mean so for me it's i don't really know if i'm as attached to an undefeated record as i am of leaving a legacy of just being a bad man behind me you know i mean like i want to be i want to be known for being violent and effective and just being the slickest savage the most skilled fighter you've ever seen um you move really well for a big guy you move really well for a guy period you do not move like a guy who's 6'8 and you're in
Starting point is 00:39:31 your endurance your metabolic capacity is great too i never saw in all i watched probably five of your fights in the last two days i never saw you gas out i never saw you move goofy it's kind of crazy right i mean that that is a problem sometimes i see people who are so tall that they when they walk they lift their leg like you know like we walk we lean forward and catch ourselves like they walk like like they lift their leg up like how like a uh yeah like oh yeah or like how a crane walks or a yeah a great blue heron you're like those giant birds it's like stepping over grass yeah like you're stepping over something um do you work did you work do you work on your movement a lot are you is that you're like god i birds. It's like stepping over grass. Yeah. Like you're stepping over something. Um, do you work,
Starting point is 00:40:06 did you work, do you work on your movement a lot? Are you, is that, you're like, God, I don't want to be that guy who's six, eight and moves like I'm fucking seven, 12,
Starting point is 00:40:13 seven. Yeah. I mean, that's part of it. And I think that my coaches especially really hold me accountable. Like for not, they don't want me to be just a, another heavyweight.
Starting point is 00:40:23 They were, especially my, especially my wrestling and, my wrestling head coach. Yeah, your ground game is nuts for a big dude. You don't see that either too often. Thank you. My wrestling coach especially makes it a point to not have me move like a big fucking goon. And then my striking coach, we've kind of evolved.
Starting point is 00:40:42 That's Henry right there. We've kind of evolved over the years in terms of like the different things we would try and do. But the last, I would say, year and a half especially, he's made it a point to just not be another big guy, to be somebody that's dynamic and athletic and can do things that generally most people don't do. Something's happening to that division, I think. Let me go back a second here. Do you think that when you look at heavyweight fighters and you see their physiques, do you think – and for those of you who don't know,
Starting point is 00:41:16 Steven Stenino, he's in Bellator. He's a heavyweight. He has a very, very nice body. He looks like he could be a fucking lifeguard. He's thin thin broad shoulders yeah good lats i mean he's he's he's he does not look but do you think that the fact that we see so many fat heavyweights that's indicative of where the talent's at that like flash forward 10 years and we will not see that like that that that um it like it seems like hey like you look
Starting point is 00:41:43 at someone like ty right who? Who fought last night. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you just think he's a heavyweight because he doesn't want to lose the weight. That's the thing. Ty is fucking sick to watch. Incredible, by the way. Incredible athlete. Not to take away from him at all.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Yeah. But he wanted to be a fighter, and he landed in the weight class he was in. Where the rest of us who are at home in my living room watching were like, dude, you're in the most dangerous sport in the world. Why don't you get in better shape? I mean, that's like – you know what I mean? I think especially – I don't know if I'm being too exemplomatic or – like I don't know if I'm focusing maybe too much on Ty, but I'll digress to answer your question more broadly. Is that a real word to just use, Caleb? Exemplomatic?
Starting point is 00:42:27 Is that because his dad's a teacher? Did he just fucking school us? Exemplomatic? That's like focusing in on a specific example. Is that a word? It might not be. I really like it. I'm going to use it.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Hey, Caleb, you're cutting out there. Maybe don't talk for the next minute. I don't want to focus too much on yeah caleb uh i don't i don't want to focus too much on just ty but to to to say specifically about ty i really feel like he doesn't have a choice like he is very gifted athletically and i think even if he was you know like your low body fats like like like yours truly i don't know if he would be able to make heavyweight. He's just so dense and his bones are so big. And like I met him in person one time and his fucking legs are like – his legs are like my waist.
Starting point is 00:43:15 He's fucking unreal. Like you said, it's – but to answer your question more broadly, it's a thing where like what we're seeing a lot in heavyweight now is we're seeing a lot of guys that fought at 205 who maybe they don't want to make the weight anymore or they can't make the weight. Or they feel like the level of opposition they face at heavyweight is going to be much lower skill-wise than it would be at their own natural weight class. So they just choose to go up and let their own athletic abilities carry them. And we see in the, it seems scary to me, seems scary to me,
Starting point is 00:43:50 but that's the thing is like, it wouldn't be such a, it's not preposterous because more often than not, there's some truth to it. You know, I, um, I see a friend of mine,
Starting point is 00:44:00 Lynn, Lynn Vassell, a good friend of my training partner was a guy, he fought at two Oh five5 and he it was just getting tougher and tougher and tougher for him to make the weight and i think he took note of how he did against the the bigger guys in the room the heavyweights and he said yeah fuck it why not and he went up and he's only he's like three and one four and one at heavyweight now and it's it's like just just to have seen it like myself, like it,
Starting point is 00:44:25 it wouldn't be such a ridiculous notion if I didn't see it proved true more often than false. You know what I mean? You're, you're, you're 29 years old. You're how much do you weigh? Two 30, two 35 to like 45, two 50. Wow. Wow. When's the last time you weighed two Oh five. yeah wow when's the last time you weighed 205 my junior year of high school probably and and how tall were you i was my junior year i was like six five okay so impossible to make 205 now yes um so i we actually when i moved to florida i was only like 230 and um my coach, I just remember being skinny. And it was like the game had an interesting like – it was almost like it was totally out of control of that. Like I thought being in Florida would be hot.
Starting point is 00:45:16 It would be losing weight, blah, blah, blah. But like my coaches and I were kicking around the idea of like maybe fighting at 205. worth kicking around the idea of like maybe fighting at 205 but within the first like four months that i moved here i went from like like 228 to like 242 in like six months and it was just like just the natural you know what i was eating what i was doing in the day-to-day i was lifting i was being serious about my lifting too um so it was a thing where it kind of picked me. And then we, we got to a point though, even early where we looked at the numbers and I had, I did a, uh, uh, body composition test. And it was like, even if I were 0% body fat, I would have been something ridiculous, like
Starting point is 00:45:58 two 10. So I was like, okay, well, does that really make sense? Like to cut myself all the way down to that weight and then try to compete. And then the weight, the, especially then the weight cut protocols were becoming much more strict so it was like okay well no let's just focus on being a heavyweight right now i i heard ty in a in an interview um yesterday say or leading up to this fight, I heard him say, he's not here just to, um, fight. He's basically here, here to win. He's here. It sounds like maybe he even said to win a championship. I don't think he used that word, but here's the part that was weird to me. Cause I'd seen him in previous
Starting point is 00:46:37 interviews and he's like, Hey, I'm just here to fight and drink basically. And now something has happened in the last couple of fights where he's changed his his his mind right or or he's being me or or maybe he hasn't changed his mind maybe he's just changed his story that he's willing to share with the public we don't know what the truth is but um does have you had any evolution like that or did you know from the beginning like like do you like what is your goal as a fighter to never lose to, um, you know, you said you really want to be a fucking slick fucking machine. You want to be a fucking savage, right? You want to be just like a weapon, like, okay, set Steven in there and let them just destroy shit.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Right. What is the goal? Yeah. For me, it's like kind of, if I were to close to what he said, but more, I don't want to win fights. I want to fuck people up really bad. And, um, I know that, like, we talked about earlier, like, it doesn't come from a place of, like, it doesn't come from a place of, like, malice or, you know, whatever. It comes from a place of, like, I want to be so fucking dominant that if you end up in a cage with me for that amount of time you leave with a little bit less of you after the fight's over and that's not like i said it's not like i fucking hate that
Starting point is 00:47:49 guy i want to kick his ass it's just i want to be that i want to be that far ahead and you know what i mean if um it doesn't look like for me it doesn't look like for me turning into a thing of like wins and losses okay well if i win this fight it means i dominated what i want it look like for me turning into a thing of like wins and losses. Okay. Well, if I win this fight, it means I dominated what I want it to be for me is like, I was so fucking dominant and so violent and so far ahead of him skill wise and conditioning wise that who the, the result was really just like a watermark on, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:21 the, the, the piece of whatever the 15 minutes or 25 minutes that happened before that so you sound like you're describing that guy um who's from russia now he fights 71 and 85 in the ufc he's last fight yeah he picks the guy over and carries him and shows dana like look and throws him no problem yeah no problem i give me fight yeah uh hey is it how when you see that guy are you impressed by him like um because as a viewer as a layman like me there's an emotional um and confident piece there that's like kind of mind-boggling to me i can't
Starting point is 00:49:01 tell if he's is it a combination being that good and that emotionally strong or confident what's going on with him that's the thing he's such like a um or do we just not know some people say we don't know but i think he's going to destroy uzman me personally um well he has to get through gilbert burns first i think gilbert burns gonna kick his ass okay okay but um did you train with gilbert just let's find out what does it have to do with anything i can't i can't just take you i'm sorry just take gilbert by the way say hi to gilbert he's got one of the best smiles in the sport he probably doesn't want to hear that but what a fucking gem of a man yeah oh gilbert's fucking amazing um no uh gilbert aside from being my close friend now, is – and even though he's like my coach now, Gilbert and Herbert both.
Starting point is 00:49:52 Herbert Burns. If you haven't gotten a chance, I think you need to talk to Gilbert and Herbert within like two days of each other, and you can just see how just how like diametrically different the two of them are in their personality both savages both fucking killers but like personality wise where i'm more like a gilbert herbert's definitely the more areas gilbert's definitely the more like leveled out and like uh matter of fact of the two of them um but no god you look good there that shirt's that shirt's dope by the way that you're wearing in that oh they make really good coffee too and i'm not just saying like their
Starting point is 00:50:30 their thing is that uh it's the strongest coffee in the world but it tastes really fucking good i doubt it's better than paper street coffee oh wonderful okay go on um no so um going back back to kamzat is uh his thing is um i saw this really funny meme that was like kamzat is evil khabib and ian gary is good conor gregor i really thought that was funny because like what made what made Khabib so interesting in the beginning was he was so... People didn't know anything about him. He came from the hills of Dagestan and didn't really have a prolific
Starting point is 00:51:14 competition career, at least that we knew of before. Then he just burst onto the scene. Nobody could do anything to him. Khamzat is interesting in that it's similar. He has a very good wrestling background, like we didn't really hear anything about him until you know he's on the he's fighting on these you know these regional circuits and not just beating people up but like so fucking far ahead of them skill-wise that they can't do anything to
Starting point is 00:51:38 him and what that's translated into now is it's, we didn't even have time to get to know this dude. And he's already beating up people that are, that are names in the sport. So no, that said, um, that's part of his, like,
Starting point is 00:51:53 there's this weird, like mystique about him. You know, it's not just that he's such a fucking beast, but like nobody really knows anything about him. Fan duel casinos, exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th
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Starting point is 00:52:54 To get started, just open the app. It's as easy as that. See the PC Optimum app for details. We haven't even seen him fight in his last four fights. Yeah, he's just going in there fucking tooling people around and going home yeah and so is that that's the goal for every fighter well i don't know about for every fighter i don't know i mean in a perfect world yes ideally like that's what you do in every fight is you go in there and just blast people but yeah because then those guys are kind of broke even if you don't
Starting point is 00:53:25 break them physically they're broken intellectually and emotionally some kind of like probably 70 of the dudes that fight him go into the fight thinking like well fuck like i just hope i make it out of here you know like he fought the first time i saw him fight he fought that guy who's like the number two in submissions in the UFC, Mez Karat or something. Do you know what I'm talking about? I feel like I do. And he just went across the ring and punched the dude in the face and just got on top of him, and that was it.
Starting point is 00:53:53 It was nuts. But I've seen that guy fight since and win. It must be really hard when you lose a fight so... So did you watch the fight last night derek lewis and ty i mean i read about i woke up and read the thing we my daughter's with her with my my girl's mom so anytime we have the night off i i just go to sleep i'll usually end up i'll probably watch it this week sometime or something like that um have you ever retired someone like you fight someone and that's the last time they ever fought a couple people that haven't fought since i don't know if i would call that retiring them or
Starting point is 00:54:27 i mean would in the in the technical literal sense yes i guess but like i don't know because like last night like derrick lewis isn't going to retire like he knows like derrick lewis was winning the fight he was fucking beating him up but that dude's just ties just it's savage right like i don't think anyone's ever taken punches that the the kind of punches that derrick lewis He was fucking beating him up, but that dude's just – Ty's just a savage, right? Yeah, Ty's a beast. Like, I don't think anyone's ever taken punches – the kind of punches that Derek Lewis last night besides Ty. But did you ever hear the story – sorry, off subject – of Derek Lewis walked up on a guy who was burglarizing his car? Did you know that? I did hear about that.
Starting point is 00:55:01 I heard about it. I didn't hear the whole story. Have you ever walked up on someone who's burglarizing your car? No, never. Somebody's burglarizing my car. God, you must be so scary when you're angry. I used to work in the bars and the clubs, like doing security back in the day. And that was always like something I had noticed was just that, and I'm not bragging, it's just that I'd walk into certain situations and i'd there'd
Starting point is 00:55:25 be like a noticeable difference in like the tone whether it whether people calmed down a lot or people felt like they had to like puff up and it was always for me it was always like look like i'm i'm just here to do my job this isn't never is a personal thing can we all just like move on with our lives and it was it was amazing and how like how many people fucking like turn things into a situation where it's like personal. And it's like, bro, I'm,
Starting point is 00:55:49 I'm literally here to get paid and go home just the same as you're here to find some chicks. Yeah. Or whatever, whatever, whatever it is you came here to do. Or dudes, or dudes,
Starting point is 00:55:58 me too. Or dudes. Yeah, of course. But the point is, it was just, God, if you worked at a gay nightclub,
Starting point is 00:56:04 you know how often you would get hit on? Have you you worked at a lot of situations you know how often you would get hit on have you worked at a gay nightclub no oh man you would i got hit on a couple dudes in my time but but never and you would be yeah you could man you wouldn't get any work done all the dudes would just be at the door staring at you. Why did you fuck with Nicky? How did that happen? How did – like are you like, oh, I need to work on my game and I'm going to just go straight for that big old dude? Yeah, I wanted to test myself. Nicky obviously did really well.
Starting point is 00:56:35 He's another guy that like nobody knew about him and then he burst onto the scene and meddled with the ADCCs. and he was a guy that for a long time I've been like itching to compete at a high level in grappling that was like what I started off with wrestling and jiu jitsu and the goal was obviously always to get into fighting or MMA and Nicky was like
Starting point is 00:56:59 the Fury people contacted me about it which was nice I'd been bugging Gilbert about like hey can you get me in touch with some of these guys that do the high-level events? Excuse me. And it was funny. After bugging Gilbert enough, finally somebody reached out to me about it. And it materialized because I guess the Fury people had asked Stefan first because they were doing like a UFC versus – Stefan Groover?
Starting point is 00:57:24 That was my friend who i was referencing earlier he's oh that's that's your friend that's the friend yeah so actually um stefan and stefan and i for a long time were good friends and training partners i was kind of like his de facto jiu-jitsu coach whenever he fought alexander volkov um and uh not to say we were always you know very competitive in the room together it's just that like I was kind of the guy that had to he picked me but okay well you're gonna be my jiu-jitsu guy for now okay it was very nice it worked out very well um but anyway they had tried to link up with Stefan to get him to do it but he was in one he's in the Netherlands
Starting point is 00:58:01 they said well not only am I like not training seriously but i can't leave the country so he's like but i got a guy that'll probably say yes and then old stevie bear got the call and so so your phone rings and you pick it up and they're like hey do you want to fight in fury 3 and you go sure and then and then they tell you it's against nikki rodriguez no they told me right up front of was Nikki. So I was like, and that kind of had sweetened the deal in a way because I was like, fuck, yeah. It was like one flat paycheck to compete against one of the best dudes in the world and there were no real obligations surrounding the event other than just show up and compete.
Starting point is 00:58:45 And I think that's what I like the most about it. I was like, fuck yeah, I can do whatever I want leading up to it. I only have to show up the day before to weigh in. I can compete and go home. It was sick. And, I mean, obviously I didn't do very well. But the opportunity in itself is something I would do every other week if I could. Even with dudes, you know, Nicky himself or himself or nikki's caliber is just so much fun like um hell yeah it was just so much fun it's such a
Starting point is 00:59:11 great experience i really feel like just having done that i felt like there was so much i took away from that that it was you know it was phenomenal did you get to talk to him at all a little bit he seemed like he was especially before he seemed like he was in the zone and you mean whatever and then after we competed i would have liked to you know sit down hang out with him i competed with fun fact i competed against gordon ryan years ago like a long time ago you could be related to gordon ryan now that i look at you if he would stop messing with his hair color what's he done to it recently i haven't i don't know but but he shouldn't dye his hair i don't like i don't like his hair i've seen him done to it recently i don't know but but he shouldn't dye his hair i
Starting point is 00:59:45 don't like i don't like his hair i've seen him on i haven't i follow him on instagram but i haven't seen him in a while um no i competed against gordon years ago and i just remember like not to like to my horn but i hadn't been that thoroughly outclassed in such a long time that like when i had competed against nikki it had like reignited that sense of how much more work there is to be done and you know how much more room there is for improvement and um yeah it was just awesome so anyway like i said i like gordon and even after i competed against him i like to correspond with him i bought a private off him a little while later um and nikki's another dude i think if i'd spent some time with him i really feel like there's
Starting point is 01:00:24 a lot i could glean from him. And then hopefully stuff he could glean from me, too, obviously. But no, I really have the chance to, though. So I competed against Nicky and Craig Jones is in his corner. And then Craig Jones competed late in the evening. I think Nicky was in his corner. So I think it was a thing where they were trying to get each other ready. And I didn't want to like, guys how's it going my name's
Starting point is 01:00:45 um are you in there ever being like after the fight do you tell yourself um like hey like if if this would have been a fight fight i would have beat your ass like is there any of that like story going on in your head like hey this is jujitsu this is one thing but if we get in the ring you know I'll smash you. No, because I came into his world. You know what I mean? If he would have... I'm not saying that he did this.
Starting point is 01:01:13 But if he had said something to that effect, I would have been like, yeah, look. Come on down to the gym, Stanford? Maybe, but not even that. If he would have challenged me, I definitely feel like... Where I feel like where i feel like he's that much better than me at grappling i feel like maybe i'm that much better than him at fighting but it's not like a thing for me where it's like well fuck you i'd beat you in a fight for me it's a thing where it's like yeah grappling is his thing like that's what he
Starting point is 01:01:36 does you know full time um and i was really like i said it wasn't a thing where it was like i felt the need to to like compare myself. Okay, well, just because you beat me here doesn't mean I wouldn't beat you in a fight. It was for me a thing where it was like let's really see where my jiu-jitsu is at. And it's – we found out on that day it wasn't at Nick Rodriguez's level. Yeah, it's a trip. And you guys don't know each other. You come from two – I mean, you know, for those of us at least who are into fighting it is completely two different disciplines and you got in there what was the what was the
Starting point is 01:02:08 energy like compared to a bellator fight much more relaxed much more like um like i said it was i'm not taking anything away from nikki nikki was a much better grappler than me but for me i was just so much more there was so much less pressure surrounding the event because, like, the result, I don't want to say didn't matter. But, like, anytime you lose an MMA fight, you have to make a pretty significant pivot. You know, you have to really, like, at least for me in an MMA fight, if I, you know, were to lose, I'd have to really come back and look at what happened, you know, in the lead up just to address that. And even if it was a thing where it's like, well just had a bad night you still do have to look at okay well what led up to that bad night what could i do differently what didn't i do what what did i do you know um with the jujitsu thing it really was for me a thing where it was like you know fuck it
Starting point is 01:02:58 like let's just go out there have fun like this dude's a fucking beast like let's really go out see where i'm at and uh the result is just the result, you know? I mean, you said something interesting here. I want to come back to something that Nikki told me. But you said that after the fight, you look at what was the buildup to the fight and what could be better. What if there's someone in your life that's not helping you? Like, let me pose this at you. You're a fucking athlete.
Starting point is 01:03:22 You're fucking a nine. Let's say you go back to when you were 9-0.'re fighting bellator and the night before your wife wants to pick a fight with you about something like this sheet do people in your know life know that that's unexcusable that like yeah i mean people in your life know that like hey tomorrow morning i'm going in and fucking fighting to the death like what the fuck are you doing don't talk to me about that right now no matter how right or wrong i am i mean does everyone know to give you that space yeah i so so we we accept dogs we accept dogs no no everything's we we have a dei council will you check with the di council do we accept dogs caleb diversity equity inclusivity what color is your dog what color is your dog steve before we um
Starting point is 01:04:06 here i'll show you we we've reached our uh oh nice shirt wow is that a picture of me in five years ah yes the brown dog yes brown dogs are always welcome thank you and then she's got a little bit of the the black back action perfect i don't mean to be racist, but is that dog's name Juan? No, that is Peppa. Dude, I'm having Hans Kim. But we do affectionately refer to her sometimes as Peppasita.
Starting point is 01:04:35 Yeah, I see it. We're having Hans Kim on the show next week. Do you know who that is, the comedian? I do not, no. Oh, shit. I'm going to send you a clip when we get off. I gonna text you he's so fucking funny damn he's a he's a he's he's asian and he just rips on asians but but no one's safe but i just absolutely love it okay um so how do how do the people know you you asked me something and i totally we totally went off the thing there how do the people in your life know like so your wife has needs and your mom has needs and i totally we totally went off the thing there how do the people in your life know like so your wife has needs and your mom has needs and i don't know if your siblings have needs and they're emotional and they're strong needs and they're like their recognition and your team but listen
Starting point is 01:05:14 motherfuckers tomorrow i'm going to fight and you can't say shit to me the week before i don't care if you read my cell phone and seen i've been cheating on you for the last three years you cannot talk to me about this the week building up to the fight. Like do people in your life know that? I for a long time. So fun fact, I dated this girl when I first moved here, who was from where I was from, but lived in Florida. And the kind of like the straw that broke the camel's back in that relationship was. She was picky about what I specifically said in a text. And in that, like the word, like the order of the words in the text wasn't the way she liked it. And so keep in mind, I got off.
Starting point is 01:05:54 I was driving home and I called my best friend from back home and we're talking. We talked till like, I get off at two and we got off the phone. We don't get a phone till like three in the morning. So I go home, take a shower, whatever. I crawl in bed. It's 3.30 in the morning. She calls me and texts me four times in the span of a minute about how something, like the way the wording is and blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:06:18 And she's like, I just felt like I was being attacked. And it occurred to me in that moment that, and maybe it was just to build up with the way the whole relationship had been, but that was like my aha moment where I was like, this is fucking unacceptable. It's 3.30 in the morning and you're blowing me up about the structure of a sentence in a text message. And I was just like, this isn't going to work.
Starting point is 01:06:43 Like, what am I going to, imagine I had a fight coming up and you didn't like, is that gonna work like what am i gonna imagine i had a fight coming up and you didn't like is that is this you really be going on about this or would i have to wait till after the fight to have your fucking connect so i was just like i had it the next day we broke up anyway um yeah that's not professional that's not a mate of a super high level person man woman and it was yeah it was if anybody's gonna be a fucking high strong egomaniac in a relationship it's gonna be me yeah yeah yeah i mean it's who's ever it's who's ever turned it is to be that way but you being with it's a topic on the show i like to
Starting point is 01:07:17 bring up a lot so people know if you want to be a mate with it for a great person you too have to be great you too have to be great beyond your expectations beyond like you cannot put you you have to be great if you want to be a great person yeah i cannot have my fight i cannot have my wife fight with me before i come on to a podcast i cannot no matter what she has to like give me a kiss and be like i believe in you good luck and people be like well that's really weak or pussy have you said well it's just the way i am like i do not want any distractions when i come to do my fucking work that i fucking like i'm giving my life to yeah for sure and to be fair my fiance is uh fucking wonderful and i think it is i mean pretty much describes what you just said is she's the type where like no matter what's
Starting point is 01:08:00 going on or like the whatever the situation is not just between us or between you know what's going on at the house or um something like that if um whatever it is more often than not she's the type to even if she doesn't come out and say it she's the type to be like well hey look let's just put this on the shelf we can talk about it later go deal with whatever you gotta deal with and then if yeah if i come to pick it up back later i can expect her to and i'm not i mean i can't expect her not because i force her to but i can expect her because this is just the caliber of person she is to to be the kind of person to look at whatever the situation was logically or rationally and be like okay well can like we talk about what it was we were actually fighting about and you know maybe oh that's that's always huge no and she and it's part of it's her personality she's i'm more like i said
Starting point is 01:08:50 the two of us i'm the more it was only half joke i'm the more probably like high strong and emotional of the two of us she's more of the like okay bit like i was joking my friends like i knew she was the one because she felt like the type that if i walked in the front door of the dead body, she'd be like, OK, well, I guess I'll get the shovels out of the garage. We'll talk about how this happened and how it shouldn't happen again. Or even or even should be like, just whenever you're done digging the hole, can you please leave your boots outside like that type? And she has to. So when you're with a fighter, does she have to push that stuff? Let's say her concerns about you. Obviously she loves you and no one wants to see anyone they love get hit.
Starting point is 01:09:32 Does she push all of that down? I'm sorry. What do you mean? Like let's say she didn't want you to fight. Would she just push that down? No. That's the thing. She would let me know that's i think that's what i like about her is she's very good at like it's it's difficult just because of her personality i can tell it's difficult for her but she's good at like addressing the shit that you know you know
Starting point is 01:09:58 the things that you're like i really don't want to talk about this i just don't feel like hearing this out right now she's the type to like, generally she's the type, like I said, that's probably why our personalities work so well. She's really good at like, she's interfaced with like the things that, that are uncomfortable to talk about. She's probably coming up to stab me.
Starting point is 01:10:15 That, no, no, that looked like a friend that didn't look like he was going to stab you. No, that's Wesley. He's good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:22 He'll stab me. He'll, he still stabbed me in my front. Right. But, um, uh, no, um, no that's wesley he's good yeah he'll stab me at least he'll stab me in my front right but um uh no um she's understands exactly how she feels about things it's just that her personality is more the type that's like okay how can we how can we deal with this as much as we can before we make it somebody else's issue and it's happened a lot where like i feel like she'll she will have already addressed something in her head and in her heart before she's like come to me about it and it makes it easier for me because i'm like well you know 80 of the time we're like oh okay
Starting point is 01:10:55 we already know how you feel about it you just needed to talk to me about it and that was what was harder for her was talking about it not dealing with it does that make sense yeah yep yep yep so especially kind of like to go back to what you said like we had this hasn't happened yet between the two of us but like like the night before a fight or whatever even in the lead-up to a fight like probably two three weeks before a fight when you know things are the most stressful things are the most dialed in she can be like that dirty that i know okay well i won't have to like tiptoe around the house or be careful about what i say or do like if she really has something she needs to address she'll bring it up
Starting point is 01:11:33 and she'll know it's worth bringing up because she's already thought about it and if it's not if it's something that she can if she can can deal with without advising, then I know that that's already taken care of, you know? Yeah. Man, you're lucky. I mean, that's, or you made a good decision because that's, that's so huge. That is so huge. Especially at your age, you're still so young. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:00 No, it's, I, I was very blessed to be in the relationship situation. I mean, when I was when I was talking to Nikki about just matches in general, jujitsu, I was always like I would I ask him, I said, hey, so when you go when you arm bar someone, you just pull to a certain point and then look at them to see if they'll tap or leg lock. And he says, no, I go in there just to fucking rip their arm off like it's their job to tap and stop it i'm like holy shit he goes yeah everything is just break i just want to break his arm off and basically just throw it across the room um you're a professional fighter why risk why risk doing something out of your discipline with people who are, I mean, I'm assuming it's like that for you too. I guess I just,
Starting point is 01:12:50 I don't understand that mentality. Obviously it's important to have, but I'm assuming you have the same mentality. If you would have got them in an arm bar, your thing would be just to try to rip it off. For sure. Yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 01:13:03 I had a dream the night before that i submitted them and then obviously i went to the fight and got submitted but um um but yeah how did you submit them in your dream an arm bar uh in americana wow and it was like just and i woke up and i was like today's gonna be a good day and then i got fucked up. But it is, you're, you're so sure. I mean, I mean,
Starting point is 01:13:30 you're so sure of your skills that it's, it's not an issue to do something like that and risk getting injured because I'm assuming Bellator is more important than anything that could have happened. Yeah. I mean, there was definitely in WNR or whatever that was. That's I'm reading this book and this is,
Starting point is 01:13:45 I don't really want to go too off the rails here, but like, I'm reading this book, basic economics and by Thomas soul. And he's like one of the Chicago school of economists where he's very like, dude, amazing. Greatest guy ever should be a fucking national treasure. No, Thomas sold him it. But he talks about in the book – I'm on the chapter. I just finished it the other day where he talks about – he's talking about risk.
Starting point is 01:14:13 And it's not like the chapter isn't about risk, but it's about investments. And he's talking about what risk is inherent and what risk is – and how there's no such – well, my is, there's no such thing as inherent risk or proposed risk. There's just risk, especially when it comes to like, oh, hell yeah. There's no such thing as proposed or inherent or actual. It's just risk. And he talks about how like even in investments, what makes risk in gambling versus a risk in an investment different is that in an investment there's risk just because there's risk
Starting point is 01:14:52 right like it's there okay you could if i um you think about like a movie okay well sometimes a production budget of a movie is 10 million dollars your movie can make 50 million dollars or your movie could make five that That's just risk. You know what I mean? Yeah. So to, to bring a full circle, um,
Starting point is 01:15:09 with that match or the, what makes it different from gambling is that in gambling, you create risk where there isn't any, you, you artificially produce risk to, to, um, incentivize an outcome or what,
Starting point is 01:15:24 in the hopes of whatever, a different outcome incentivizes whatever a different outcome incentivizes the risk that you're creating. But anyway, with Nikki, it was a thing where it was like, okay, well I did bounce that off my, that did come into whatever the, my, my dashboard or whatever, my, my windshield. Okay. Well like, what if something happens? What was, for me, it was a thing where it was like, I think that the opportunity to go out there and compete and learn and like do something pretty cool outweighs even if god forbid something terrible were to happen i think it out outweighs
Starting point is 01:15:57 the risk of that and you know i mean it did i can even looking back like i said i would do it every other weekend if i could so i i want to say something about Thomas Sowell for a second for those of you who are listening who haven't read Thomas Sowell or you haven't come across his work. The subject matter that Thomas Sowell speaks on is irrelevant to him of how great of a man he is. And I want to encourage anyone who hasn't read anything by him or listened to any audio by him to pick any fucking book you want that he's ever written and pick it up. And here's why the man thinks so clearly on subjects. Imagine a metronome that just beats. And when you listen to him talk because, or listen or read his content, because he's so logical and his thinking is so to who we truly are. One plus one is two plus one is three plus one is four plus one is five that you will start to see the
Starting point is 01:16:53 world more clearly in every aspect of your life. If you just read this guy's work, everything from fucking God to how you tie your shoes will start to make more sense, how you treat other people, how you treat yourself, the importance of love. It all – that one, I read that one recently, civil rights rhetoric or reality. What is that about? Crap. I mean it's more just logic. So I'll give you an example of one of the examples he has. Like it will say – there's this comparison between men and women
Starting point is 01:17:26 and their salaries, right? And people always say men make more money than women. So he says, well, I wonder if that's true. Let's look at the factors. If you take a woman who's been in a job for 30 years, who's not married, and you take a salary of a man who's been in a job for 30 years, who's not married, who makes more money? On average, it's women. Ah, so who's not married who makes more money on average it's women ah so it's not they're saying it's the men get paid more than women because they have cock and balls and that women have vagina and that there's a prejudice against women no no there's other factors the other factor might be that women get pregnant there's there's it's the same it's the same thing with when they say when they say that there's a prejudice in the prison system because most of the people are black.
Starting point is 01:18:07 Well, no, that's a correlate. A stronger correlate is that 85% of the people in the prison system don't have a mom and dad at home. Ah, so it's not skin color. The stronger correlate is not having a mom and dad at home. And so he's – Violently objective. And just thinks clearly. Not violent, but ruthlessly objective.
Starting point is 01:18:28 Yes. I love it. Yes. So the average salary of a Jew in the United States is $100,000 more than a Puerto Rican. A Puerto Rican. Okay? But the median age of a Jew is 50, the median age of a puerto rican is 25 well i'm 49 and i'm rich but when i was 25 i was homeless i get it of course puerto ricans make
Starting point is 01:18:51 less if they're out their average age is 25 in the united states and the jewish sorry i'm like steven i like this but you know i love the fucking guy i fucking love him it's just common sense it's you can't be manipulated he won't let you manipulate him with fucking lies and i just fucking love him he talked about i just finished the part where he talked about um how banks they're saying that banks are racist against they're racist in general they're racist against black people and he said that well no like statistically black people and white people are black people and white people are marginalized more in the banking system than anybody else asians are the ones that they put everybody else and it's purely statistical in the sense that asians when they is and it isn't so much because they're asians because okay well if you talk about ethnic groups they're the ones that they pay their loans back the fastest and
Starting point is 01:19:40 you know i mean whatever it was all of it he talked about like the men and women's pay raising he's like okay well men are this much more likely to die in the job men are you know i mean whatever it was all of it he talked about like the men and women's pay raise and he's like okay well men are this much more likely to die in the job men are the you know i mean all this stuff it was like it's not even you can tell it's not even him trying to like no and himself being a male he's just saying well this is the statistics like can we take a hard look at that first the the minimum wage one i thought was really interesting because minimum wage was like the one that people i think want to go to bat against the harness. Like, no, there needs to be like a living wage paid. And Thomas saw that a really good job of illustrating like, no, that doesn't really exist. What you're doing is artificially creating a system where you can't compete against other people in the workforce by artificially raising the the floor to work and
Starting point is 01:20:26 it was just so like he did it in such a way that was so easy to understand even like a fucking cave man like me oh okay yeah you know we're our society's being run by people who think that because when you eat cotton candy it tastes good and you feel good that it's a proper thing to do is the best thing to eat you know they think that it's so, because it's what feels good. It's nuts. But anyway, yeah, great. A great, a fucking national treasure. It's a shame.
Starting point is 01:20:51 I think he's like 95 now. It's a shame. 90, yeah, 90. But my friend told me the other day, he has the same birthday as him, told me he's 90. Crazy. How old is your friend?
Starting point is 01:21:01 My age. But he's right. Do you have the same birthday too, Caleb? Yeah. As Thomas Sowell? Yeah. I just figured that out. Wow.
Starting point is 01:21:09 Yeah, he's 91. What is March? June 30th. June 30th. Oh, way off. When's your birthday, Steve? July 14th. Oh.
Starting point is 01:21:21 And then my daughter's the 15th. Oh, that's nice. That's awesome. I've got the same birthday as my. Oh, that's nice. That's awesome. I've got the same birthday as my dad, so that's pretty cool. Do you really? Yeah. Wow. What was that like growing up?
Starting point is 01:21:33 It's bizarre. It's just like a double party, basically. Really? Yeah, you guys compromise on where to go to eat, or what you want to eat for dinner kind of thing, and then you just sort of break together. My my thing is even thinking ahead i'm like if it were a son i think like by and large we mostly agree on things and maybe i'm thinking about too maybe i'm maybe i'm being a sexist but uh because she's a girl i i really want it's like no i have to make it like her day
Starting point is 01:22:02 you know what i mean oh yeah i think my dad tried to do that a lot too. He was just like, well, what do you want to do for your birthday? And I was like, well, it's yours too. So we, but when I was younger, he was definitely more like, he wanted to make it my day when I was a kid. That's awesome. I can understand that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:18 Dude, it should be your mom's day. I always think that. Like she pushed you out of her vag that day. It's your birthday. How about fuck off? How about buy mom a present? My mom had six kids too. Wow.
Starting point is 01:22:31 I think maybe once a month I should have a little celebration for my mom. Are any of your siblings as big as you are? Yeah, we're all pretty big. I think the smallest one of all of us is my oldest brother is like 6'3". I think he's the smallest. 6'2", 6'3". Somewhere in there. My nephews, my brother-in-law is 6'4", 6'5".
Starting point is 01:22:55 And my nephews are into motocross. And they didn't want to be tall. Was there any sports that you were like, shit, I really wanted to do that. No, that's it. I didn't really have sports wasn't part of my life really until this. So I didn't have an athletic background or an athletic upbringing. My dad ran D2 track. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:23:20 My dad ran D2 track in Edinburgh, but like anytime he tried to put me in sports i'd want to get out of it so me too so you gained all of your athleticism strictly through doing martial arts and jiu-jitsu and wrestling just started wrestling one day yep hey was any part of that like hey i'm a big i'm 17 years old i'm a big dude and i'm a pussy and this is unacceptable i'm gonna fucking get tough part of it i was afraid that I was afraid I'd start dating a girl and she wouldn't like me because I couldn't fight. So that was like a small part, a small part of it. But that was part of it. Listen, man, we had we had the author of fucking.
Starting point is 01:23:54 What's the Facebook? We had Ben Mesrick on. He wrote. What was the Facebook movie? Social Network. But that's not the name of the book. Social Network. And basically in that movie
Starting point is 01:24:05 mark zuckerberg started facebook to get pussy and it's like i just wish they that's the premise that all human beings should know that's like being alive right yes we would be so much better like we'd be so much better people just knew that we didn't have to dance around that accidental billionaire yeah his most recent book no it's actually not even his most recent book, but I read accidental billionaire. Do you fuck with Bitcoin, Steve? Do I own any of it?
Starting point is 01:24:30 No. Do I think it's awesome? Yes. Yeah, it is pretty awesome. What's so well think about it. I've never heard him talk about it. Do you know?
Starting point is 01:24:36 No, I haven't. I haven't heard him. That's the thing is, I think I'd be curious to know what the, the, well, so what I, if I do know anything about the chicago school of
Starting point is 01:24:47 economics is that they like they like the least amount of government interference in um finance and economics as possible so but that's where there's a marked difference between so milton friedman that's uh that's uh that was thomasell's, whatever, his mentor, instructor. The real Chicago guys, they want the least amount of government interference. The Austrian school, which is kind of what the Chicago school came from, they think there should be no interference. So I would think that by and large, and then remember Milton Friedman kind of at the end of his life he like really popped during the clinton administration and it's because he he pointed out that while clinton is just the guy that's in office while the economy's good it's actually most of the things
Starting point is 01:25:38 that were good were good because reagan had imposed them 16 years earlier so there was a joke that he made on is this interview that he did or what the guy interviewing him and said like so you're saying that the good economy isn't because we're in the second year or the second term of the the clinton administration you're saying it's because we're in the fourth term of the reagan administration i thought that was really funny and it was he made a lot of really good points in that the gdp was high uh unemployment was low and it was because he peeled back a lot of the government's influence on the market i wonder how true that is with every with every president i wonder how long it takes it's interesting to think about and that's that's i guess it differs a lot too like like when they stopped that – Trump was building some pipeline and Biden ended it like on his first day of office.
Starting point is 01:26:29 And like 10,000 people lost their jobs overnight. Like even in California, it rippled to me. Like I met a guy who lost his job from it. And so I think maybe things like that are massive. But other things probably take a little bit longer. That was huge. That was crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:44 And I mean there's such a weird – I read somewhere else too, and this might be like – Can you imagine starting your first day of work and firing 10,000 people? Yeah. That's tough. And not doing the thing you said you were going to do for two years in canceling student debt. And I'm not saying I think you should do that. I'm saying like, okay, well, that was the one thing people were banking on and you didn't fucking do it yeah that's interesting man student the student is a real elf white elephant in the room what a fucking crazy
Starting point is 01:27:17 number that is and it's like as if all that it's like well dude that was like the one thing people were looking forward to it's that and then it's like um are we like, that was like the one thing people were looking forward to. It's that. And then it's like, are we like, dude, are we on the precipice of World War Three? Like how far we've come from what the shit do you promise to what we're getting right now? I wish they would tell the truth, too. Like when they say they're going to make city college free. I wish they would say, hey, the rich people in your neighborhood are going to pay for city college. Everyone should be really nice to everyone who drives a bentley or don't say like we're not going to waive student debt we're going to increase the tax on um jeff bezos
Starting point is 01:27:53 and elon musk and they're going to pay off your student debt i wish they would just this this notion that anything is free is absolutely is in or that you're going to cancel something is absolutely insane it's like i use this story all the time but it's like that football coach who had his record shaved off because he was involved in child uh uh what's that called when you touch the turtle or yeah yeah yeah then the pedophilia they took off 300 of his wins it's like those things aren't even related do you think we're fucking stupid i'm okay if you want to tear a statue down don't take off his record like not because i give a fuck about him fucking throw him away kill him i don't care but i'm with you don't lie to us the paterno
Starting point is 01:28:34 thing he's in pennsylvania was a huge deal um when paterno because he was you know fucking like the face of for some reason coaches are like the face of programs and college football and it's like it's weird that i think it's really weird that that's like the case but if you think about it it makes sense like they're like really the only permanent fixture on every team no matter how hard you look at it but especially that one it's like yeah joe paterno the fucking douchebag who probably like caused a lot of hurt in these young men's lives. But like, OK, don't lie to us. Don't don't take off a football record.
Starting point is 01:29:11 That's fucking nuts. It's like, yeah, it's just for sure. It's such idiocy. It's such it's such idiocy. I know this is your show, Stephen, but I want to show you something. No, that's it. That I'm so proud of. Do you follow any CrossFit?
Starting point is 01:29:31 No. You're a CrossFit guy, huh? Yeah, I used to be an executive over there. Big shot. Oh, wow. Big, big shot. Yeah, big swinging dick. Like, I was the man over there.
Starting point is 01:29:42 Like, five years ago, I wouldn't have talked to you. I wouldn't even talk to you five years ago i wouldn't have talked to you i would have been i would have you to just i wouldn't even talk to you five years ago i would have you to sweat me out of the rug i'd wait until you're 12 and oh what about what about nikki rod nah not even nikki rod not even here's the thing what's weird about you i didn't really lose to begin with then. The thing with Nicky is I just – I mean Nicky is just so sexy. He's like just – did he have an aura about him? Not really. He was quiet.
Starting point is 01:30:20 The vibe that I hate – I don't want to be that guy, that energy guy. But the vibe that I got from Nicky was much more serious than what I was coming at him with. Like he was definitely the type, he was there to fucking win and I could feel it. And it was like, and now I'm not saying this isn't the reason I won. I'm just saying that like,
Starting point is 01:30:38 I was just so much more like I could feel it. I was just so much more like, yeah, whatever happens happens kind of thing about it. And that's, I mean, props to him. Like was just so much more like, yeah, whatever happens happens kind of thing about it. And that's, I mean, props to him. Like,
Starting point is 01:30:47 even if I would have, who's to say that even if I had taken it super seriously from the minute I took it to that point that I would have won, I might not have, or probably even statistic probably wouldn't have. But my point is though, that I was just like in such a good fucking mood, such a fuck.
Starting point is 01:31:03 Yeah. I'm here with like, I had my, one of my teammates was competing. We had our other teammate there coaching us. It was just so like a lot of the fighters, the general consensus was like, bro, I'm getting paid a flat rate no matter what. I don't give a fuck. I was like that, too.
Starting point is 01:31:17 I was like, good. That is not just me. They probably just say that to take the pressure off themselves, though, too. Right. I thought that, too. But that's the thing is like some of the guys that were saying that still did really well like submitted to jujitsu guys so it was like um for me you know to and like i said i really i'm not saying this to take anything away from like just saying that for me i really felt like like I was, I was like, just so much more like, I felt like I'd already gotten everything that I was going to get from it, regardless
Starting point is 01:31:49 of the result. But for him, I felt like he was so much more like, he was being so much more like analytical and methodical about the situation. And like I said, I really would have liked to talk to him just to get a sense of it was like, is this just who you are as a person? Or like, was it, was that how like, like seriously you were taking this or give me whatever like you know i'm saying does that make sense i don't know i'd still yeah yeah i've had i told him if he's ever down to fort lauderdale to hit me up and i'm not saying like hit me up we can train
Starting point is 01:32:17 together hit me up like i'll fucking pay you to come teach me shit um maybe i'll have to follow him on instagram i'll have to follow him tell him that he um when i had him on the show three times this last time it was he was the the most easygoing i like to have him on regularly just because i'm just i i'm i love him but i just picture him and there's no i have no evidence of this but i picture him doing three things training fucking and eating that's like i just that's i just think that that he just looks like a machine like yeah those are his needs and um and uh i just i just dig him i'm fascinated by him i'm fascinated by how he manages the pressure of what he's been through he's super
Starting point is 01:32:57 cool when he comes on the show he's always i always interview him and he's in a bathroom with his shirt off like you know and i just love that was what he was doing anyway yeah yeah it's just like it's just like so he's so rad so um and then there's this girl i was going to show you so there's this girl in the crossfit space who i think is like crossfit's nikki rodriguez and it's this girl on the right daniel brandon i gotta pee really can i pee yeah yeah go pee yeah yeah pee go pee. Yeah, yeah, pee, pee, pee. I can't believe it. So we have Sarah on at – I have Sarah on at – we have Sarah on at 9 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. That's in 29 minutes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:37 And then we got Daniel Brandon on at 10. I cannot believe it. But I just see Daniel Brandon as the – oh, this thing already has 12 likes. Shit, I'm going to give it a 13th like.iel brandon as the um oh this thing already has 12 like shit i'm gonna give it a 13th like hey what's the rule people say like you're not supposed to like your own shit on instagram i anytime i make a comment i immediately like it like fuck you it's my comment of course i like it yeah i think it's more of just like a i don't know i don't want to call it a stigma but like people just think you're a dork if you like your own shit it's like well i'm a dork fine fine i'm a
Starting point is 01:34:05 dork who cares yeah of course i like my own shit i wouldn't i wouldn't have written it if i didn't like it exactly um so we have a uh sarah on and then danielle steve this girl um on the right danielle these are both wonderful women right here. But Sarah Sigmund's daughter, they're both two of the best fucking athletes in the world. But the one on the right is Danielle Brandon. And I kind of think of I had her and Nikki Rod on the show at the same time just because I wanted to see what it looks like to have like the two sexiest people I know on the screen at the same time. Like I was like a scientist, like let's mix water and baking soda and see what happens. And she's so awesome. Her name's Danielle Brandon.
Starting point is 01:34:48 And these two girls. What color shirt is she wearing? It looks like no shirt and a tattoo. I don't know. I think it's a green one. The green shirt on the right. Yeah. Like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:02 Okay. What do you do? what do you do what's the best thing that you can do how is your engine so good you're a big guy you're supposed to peter out i've never seen you peter out what how is your engine so good um well we're very good coaches um my strength and conditioning coach i think is the best coach and the best strength conditioning coach in the game. Who is that? What's his name?
Starting point is 01:35:27 His name is Dr. Corey Peacock. So I should have said that Dr. Corey Peacock shout out to Corey Peacock strength conditioning system. Um, he's, he's a dude that I think his strength is a strength conditioning coach is that he's very in tune with the athletes. Um, I feel like over the years I've been training with him for six years, and I don't see myself ever training with anybody else. He's a dude that, yes, that's him.
Starting point is 01:35:52 He's a dude that's very plugged into the athletes. He goes above and beyond not just being the best coach he can be, but he makes it a point to really get to know what it is we're doing on the day in, day out. but he makes it a point to like really get to know what it is we're doing on the day in, day out. And then with him, you know, being the icing on the cake of everybody's, you know, day in, day out training, the coaches do a really good job of implementing a competitive environment. And that competitive environment, I really feel like makes us give our maximum output. So the higher the output and training them that you know the higher the output is going to be in the fight
Starting point is 01:36:29 um is there is there is there is there a movement you do that you think is is like the go-to movement jumping rope um uh burpees uh is is there is there any specific movement you do that's outside of actually wrestling and MMA I fucking hate sled pushes since you asked sled pushes and sled pulls or just sled pushes
Starting point is 01:36:58 sled sprints there we are you look huge compared to him holy shit he's a big dude he's like he's like probably 6'1 6'2 probably like 220 a big guy wow i'm gonna have him on the show just based on your recommendation you need to he's i think you'd really like him he's really cool yeah he's the kind of dude that um i would say probably 90 of our conversations are like pee and poop jokes or or we'll be,
Starting point is 01:37:25 we'll quote, like, we really like Steve rules. So we'll quote Steve rule back to each other or, you know, stuff like that. And then the lab, the other,
Starting point is 01:37:32 like 10%, like he can, he can flip the switch and all of a sudden he's Dr. Peacock again. You know what I mean? That's a, it's a good, it's quite,
Starting point is 01:37:39 quite the name. Dr. Peacock, Dr. Peacock, the cock doctor. Yeah. What kind of doctor is he? is he like a chiropractor
Starting point is 01:37:46 no he's a um is he an md a not an md he's a uh i want to say kinesiology but that's not it it's the other phd he's a phd and not not kinesiology it's the other one i just can't fucking exercise science a phd in exercise science he's a professor at um nova southeastern university i bet you he has some strong opinions about crossfit they always do very well might they always do steven i thoroughly enjoyed talking to you for the last 96 minutes and the fact that you took a break and that's usually me who has to take a pee break at 49 years old you you really made me look good so i just want to tell you that it was all the coffee i drank this morning so i'm gonna you are in my google alerts i will be following you very very closely anytime your name pops up there's a story about you um
Starting point is 01:38:40 i'd love to talk to you again sometime and and stay close to your career absolutely well thank you for having me i had a great time uh cool it was wonderful thank you caleb yes i want to talk about how much you talked in this show caleb far too much far too much meeting afterwards voice is gonna be ringing in my ears the rest of the day all right ma'am thank you brother tell your love your fiance thank you yes yes 100 unless something happens to you well even if you get addicted to meth or something we'd have you back that could be like a transformation story how's it going guys yeah

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