The Sevan Podcast - #299 - We have a BIG week ahead!

Episode Date: February 14, 2022

We are looking forward to a great week at The Sevan Podcast. This week we have episodes with Joe Illuminati Iron, Ed Calderon (Ed Manifesto), John with Raw Meat Experiment, Rich Froning and Scott Sloot to talk about Mayhem's new movie Undisputed, Akira The Don, and the comedian Hans Kim. Today on the show, we talk about masking kids and the hypocrisy that went on at the superbowl. We also talked about why you can be against hate speech but not against prohibiting it and many other topics. "The Sevan Podcast" T-Shirts Follow us on Instagram Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:03 I can tell. My glasses make you smile. They sure do. My kids are nice. My sister thinks Rich Froning is going to be on this morning because there was a picture of him on the – Many years ago in 2010, I went out visit visited rich and took a shitload of pictures of him and hung out with him and that was fun good old days and um now the thought of traveling sounds horrible but and um and uh so i used that picture to hold the space for this show just because it was a picture of
Starting point is 00:01:46 me it's a live call-in show and i just figured okay well if it's a live call-in show with me you should have a picture of me and i i think i even scooted like rich off to the side for the photo i like that photo thank you um my my kids are my kids are nice it's funny because i don't realize how nice they are because it should just be a baseline it should just be normal until i see them around other kids it's um i love you thanks yeah they love you too that was trippy when you came over the other day they really like you dude i had such a good time with them they're so nice to other kids and and i don't realize that but i when i see them with other kids, I just realize how bad other kids are.
Starting point is 00:02:28 And I'm trying to figure out why other kids are bad. The first thing you have to think of is, am I just biased? I'm the parent. Am I just thinking my kids are perfect? But I don't think my kids are perfect. They're far from fucking perfect. I know as soon as the other kids are gone and the guests leave, my kids are fucking gnarly. But, man, other kids are gone and the guests leave, my kids are fucking gnarly. But man, other kids are bad.
Starting point is 00:02:49 And I've come to the conclusion it's because of the way their parents treat them. Yeah, I have a little theory of that. I was going to wait till you had yours first before I gave mine though. Go ahead. I want to hear yours. I just think it's the attention level and what they're awarded for. But most importantly, the attention level. Yeah they're awarded for, but most importantly, the attention level. Yeah. Because I feel like you're very present. Like you and Haley are both
Starting point is 00:03:09 very present with your kids. And, um, what does that mean? I hear people say that. What does that mean? That means like this, you hear something and then everything else stops. A hundred percent of your focus goes until either the thing is resolved or until they have been satisfied with whatever the question is and then there's a okay even if it's the opposite even if it's like get the fuck away i'm busy even if i say that i'm present in my yeah yeah yeah yeah and uh when i address them i address these little fuckers and what i've noticed is like like i i like to have relationships with all the kids at the gym and stuff like that so when they come in i'll kind of like play with them and have some.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Oh, and that's why they like you because you you're present with them because you gave my kids more attention than you gave me when you're at my house. But it's interesting because once I'll do that with with some kids, not necessarily just at the gym, but just in general, it's like they won't leave you alone because you've given them that attention. And then you could tell they're kind of starved for it. So they keep coming back, keep coming back. Now kids are always going to be kids, but. This is something my wife would tell me. Not bad kids just made bad. I don't agree with it, but, but my wife agrees with you. You're probably right. It's just, it's just too much work for me to think that you'd have to explain that to me like 500 times for that to sink in like why but go on okay sorry so yeah so then so then it's it's tough because like once they see that level of attention and being kind of like present with them they either get really annoying
Starting point is 00:04:36 because they keep coming back to you and want it and even if you tell them like hey okay stop now or leave it alone they they almost ignore it because they're like i don't care i'm going after this right they they right i was just noticing the reason i'm holding this up is not necessarily to plug it but when you put this in it's not it's not reverse right the writing you can read that yeah but a lot of cameras and a lot of shows that must be stream yard must flip it around because sometimes if you just hold something up to the camera on my computer it'll be backwards yeah i don't know i don't know how that works i'm so annoyed um not maybe a noise not very right i don't want to hang out with people who um make presuppositions so that then i have to unwind them. What does that mean? Give me an example.
Starting point is 00:05:26 I have to unwind them. Okay, I'm going to give you an example. Like a presupposition. Why aren't you having Brooke Entz on the show? The presupposition is that there is a why. Like that I thought of it and I already shot it down or some shit. Like, why aren't you having Joe Biden on the show? And what the worst thing – here's the thing that's bad about presuppositions, and this ties in nicely with what you said about being present.
Starting point is 00:05:56 When you make a presupposition to people, most people will accept it, and they'll go down that rabbit hole of lies. As soon as someone makes a presupposition, especially if it's wrong, you're just going down a rabbit hole of lies. And you could even do it to someone like, man, why are you in such a bad mood today? And the person is not in a bad mood, but they'll answer you. They'll be like – they feel like they have to answer the question. Oh, because a button fell off my pants this morning. Do you know what I'm saying? And the correct response is fuck you
Starting point is 00:06:26 i'm not having a bad day get the fuck out of here you fucking stuck in your head numb nut and so when i go to youtube so when people send me dm and to be really really clear most people are not like that to me anymore i feel like i've weeded them out i feel like a year ago my dms were full of that shit they're gone but but i I still, now that we're on YouTube, I see it in YouTube and I'm like, man, these people are fucking, how would you have a relation, how would you have an intimate relationship where you were to communicate with your mate if it's just all presuppositions? it's it's um yes it's it's so it's so taxing there's never any intimacy you're never connecting with someone when there's presupposition you know why did glassman fire russell burger man i wish i could remember that he did fire him i thought he quit for for some reason. I think that the interim, the douchebag CEO fired him. Oh, my goodness. I forgot to tell you.
Starting point is 00:07:30 We might have a special call coming in today. How come I don't hear the phone? That's not, uh-oh. Hold on one second. We haven't, oh. Uh-oh. Oh, my Bluetooth isn't working. Uh-oh. I always get nervous when you say we have a special call. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Stand by. I know this is an expensive call coming in from England. Let me give me one second. Oh, shoot. That's my fault. That's my fault. I'm so sorry. Please call back.
Starting point is 00:08:08 I'm so sorry. Let me see uh that's weird it got disconnected from the roadcaster i wonder what's going on let's see click that sound check yeah i have so many road i have so many you know like when you have bluetooth shit just like you don't know which one to choose because there's like three things that all say the same thing let's see let's choose this one ah so i apologize if i misled anyone into thinking rich was here i just really like that picture of uh it reminds me of the good old days i don't think it said anything about like rich in the title no it said live call-in show so i would think my my sister would know too because she knows a live calling show doesn't have guests dude does a live calling show have guests oh okay the bluetooth is connected it's
Starting point is 00:08:52 done i'm uh mr richie if you that was mr richie from i recognize the number from england if you want to uh you know craig richie the guy the biggest pod biggest podcaster or vlogger in the CrossFit space? The guy who won the United Kingdom National Championships in weightlifting? I don't know if that's exactly correct. He won something. I saw it all over. Everyone and their mother was posting about it. Oh.
Starting point is 00:09:20 Yeah, I know. I know he's a vlogger. Yeah, so he… We had a great conversation at wadapalooza you did no um oh he's calling back in 20 minutes okay okay boris uh uh yelson has um turned off all the phones in the uk for the next 20 minutes uh in order to stop the spread of the virus so he will be craig richie will be calling back i apologize guys what happened so i don't know i forget i i forget why he fired um uh
Starting point is 00:09:53 russell i want to say it had something to do with that he poured he i want to say he posted something about abortions or he was he was deeply he's a deeply religious man he's a he's like deeply i mean i don't i don't know if i'm saying this right but like he thought jesus was his dude if you've never met russell burger russell burger has yeah yeah craig ritchie's gonna be calling in 20 um russell burger is one of the most incredible human beings i've ever ever ever ever ever met he is so fun he um he just is oozing unlimited potential i think he may have even been a games athlete in 2009 he's little yeah he's little he's like he's he's probably an inch shorter than me and he's probably no shit four times as strong. And he can do all the, he's so fucking cool. He went in front of an abortion clinic once
Starting point is 00:10:52 and was like talking to women before they got their abortions. I think, not being rude, but like kind of trying to talk them out of it as I recall. I didn't like that. But it's his prerogative. Like he's not an asshole. So when did he post that? He posted something that got him into trouble?
Starting point is 00:11:13 I can't remember. Maybe he did something like that, or maybe he... I can't remember what he did, but he did something that got him fired. Is he on Instagram or is that? That's a good question. I don't know if he's on Instagram. And the reason why I'm asking is I just wonder how many – like what the statistic is on because of Instagram or Twitter people got fired. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:41 That's a really good question. I think it could be social media related. That is a fucking great question. Yeah, it's like how many people that would never have been fired got fired due to what they said on social media. Oh, yes. Did I say Boris Yeltsin? Yeah, thank you. Boris Johnson.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Yeah, it is Boris Johnson. Boris Yeltsin? Yeah, thank you. Boris Johnson. Yeah, it is Boris Johnson. Boris Yeltsin was the guy before Putin, right? You got my Boris's all fucked up. I have to remember to drink with the label. Oh, so I'm going to turn the lid around like this. And so now every time I drink, I'll plug Paper Street Coffee. Nice. That's thinking upstream.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Holy shit. my drink i'll plug paper street coffee nice that's thinking upstream holy shit hey all the sponsors we have they each need their own cup and i'll just rotate the cups do you like that i do like that i spoke go ahead here no i'm just gonna i i spoke to um uh marcus yesterday that's the um owner of life is rx that's the t-shirt guy and he said shirts will be ready like in three weeks well there's already a little bit into that process but yeah that was kind of the total from it going live to a pre-sale to then majority of the orders coming in and then it going to print then it being a week before or a week to ship to wherever they're being shipped to yeah and anyway i think i think within i think within three weeks people will have them yeah that's a good estimate you guys we have a crazy week coming up oh did you get it uh i'm
Starting point is 00:13:17 not gonna ask you that i was gonna ask you if you saw this show yesterday but you did i don't want to ask you because i don't want you to feel like you have to go watch it with Sarah and Danielle. No, I was running out. I just caught little bits and pieces of it. Yeah, don't worry. So tomorrow we have a guy named – say it again. I said why did they ask about me? Yeah, lots, lots.
Starting point is 00:13:36 They said we wish Sousa was here and not – what's the other guy's name? Brian. Tomorrow we have Joe Illuminati on. What's the other guy's name? Brian. Tomorrow we have Joe Illuminati on. He's a guy who's a former veteran, lives in his van for half the year and lives in the gym for the other half of the year. He kind of jumped on my radar when Dave was kind of reposting some of the stuff he does. On his Instagram, he seems very, very flamboyant. I'm interested to talk to him. Then on Tuesday, we have Ed Calderon. Holy cow. Started doing a bunch of research on him. That is going to be a hell of a show. Ed's an expert in Mexican and U.S. relations in regards specifically to cartel activity.
Starting point is 00:14:24 I don't know if that's true. I just made that up, but something like that. Then on Wednesday, we have a guy who's like this guy who's doing the raw meat experiment. I think he was on Mark Bell's podcast. Basically, he's just kind of just been showing up in my Instagram search a shit ton. I think he's on day like 100 of just eating raw meat.
Starting point is 00:14:44 I posted a picture of him eating a raw octopus then on the 17th we have um uh they have a new movie coming out on thursday in the evening over at the mayhem empire it's called undisputed it is about uh the mayhem empire's journey to the games i believe in 2021 so not just, but individuals and just all that stuff. It's just a whole mixture of the mayhem empire. It should be pretty cool. I've never seen, I've seen a lot of games, movies.
Starting point is 00:15:10 I haven't seen one like this where it's just going to be like a, about one team's effort to make it, not to make it, but their journey to the games. And for that show, we'll have the director on named. Ohoh scott scott scott van sloot and uh and hit and one of the main characters um the founder of the mayhem empire rich roney man i saw the stupidest comment in instagram they someone posted a a um
Starting point is 00:15:48 like undisputed speaking of reading into things i read into this comment someone someone posted a um uh the cover of undisputed and it's like rich and chase his cousin hugging him and then in the comments that basically said something like oh great another move another movie just talking about how great rich is and it was and i took it as i read into it as being like um uh facetious is that the right word and it's like fuck off it's his money it's about his fucking um uh mayhem empire you haven't even seen the movie so you don't know if that's true and i sure the hell hope it is true i watched five or six more movies yeah that's of course that's what i want to do anyway yeah about on on friday we have a cure the dawn and hans kim that's crazy i'm a little starstruck those are two that's going to be something special if you do not know who hans
Starting point is 00:16:42 kim is you have to google hans kim right now no not right now after this show's over um and then um and then on the on saturday uh matt it looks like matt sues is going on vacation but we won't let him do that because he'll take his computer with him and then the following week we start off monday with the ufc fighter then uh with a UFC fighter than Moses Bernard. And that's all I have right now. We actually have one person we could add to that too that just emailed us. This week, something big is going to drop, I think. Something really yummy.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Something that's a bit of a street fight, you know, along that whole, um, along that entire, uh, genre, that theme of Dave Castro getting fired and Rosa getting fired. I'm sorry. I mean, getting promoted. um we have something dropping this week along those lines i believe it will be on uh wednesday i could drop as early as today i i don't know but i've been trying to um stay ahead of it um i just need a few more sources um before i can uh share but you guys will love it it's it's another i i think it will i think it will help sales of the CEO shirt tremendously. And in the end, does it really matter? Okay. You're on a roll today. I like it.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Thank you. It's the glasses. So this is going to be really harsh. If you are a parent of a kid who puts masks on your kids, you may want to turn the show off at this point. If to the right crowd, I will defend you guys to the fucking not to the death, but I will fucking defend you guys endlessly saying that you were forced to get vaccines, masks, and quarantine, that you were forced. I will defend you saying you were coerced and forced. When people say, well, they weren't forced. They have a choice.
Starting point is 00:18:52 I will argue with those people and explain that you didn't have a choice. But to your face, you have to know I think you are world-class pussies. I think you're fucking part of the fucking problem. I think you are contributing to a narrative that hurts children. Do you understand that? Those two can exist inside of me. I have sympathy for you that you felt coerced, that you felt like you had to wear the mask. You didn't have a choice. You got the vaccine. You feel like you had to quarantine.
Starting point is 00:19:29 You were scared. But I think you guys are such fucking pussies because I know how much of a pussy I am, and I don't play that game. So it's kind of like when you see someone who weighs 400 pounds, and you're like, man I, I eat a little thing of Ben and Jerry's every night and I'm only 10 pounds overweight. What the fuck are these people eating? Like, you know, you know that they eat a loaf of bread every day. You know that they swing by and pick up two Big Macs before every dinner. Like, you know, we know. Because I know I'm a pig. So I just only think, holy fuck, what the fuck are they eating?
Starting point is 00:20:03 So I want to bring something up. Can you, um, did you see the last thing I sent you i want to bring something up can you um did you see the last thing i sent you it says super bowl no masks do you see that link it's on twitter if you live in california and you allow a mask on your child one more time i i don't think you're a pussy i know you're a pussy you are but you you are a child abuser let's be more specific you're a child abuser i want you to see this video this is this weekend in california i'm not hating on these people at all by the way jay-z what's up player i'm not hating on these people at all nice got the iphone 13 killing it that day is matt damon i don't know who that is charlize
Starting point is 00:20:41 theron our homeboy the racist le LeBron James hates black people. J-Lo and Ben Affleck, I guess they're fucking again. That's kind of cool. I was kind of happy for that. Emmitt Smith is getting his swerve on. I'm going to make a presupposition there's alcohol in that drink. Andy Garcia, I heard he's hard to work with. I hear he's hard to work with.
Starting point is 00:21:02 He ain't no Seva Amatossian. I don't know who that is, but he's got iphone 13 so he must got some loot back to lebron uh mr aids himself the poster child some other chick i don't know uh mark woolberg looking thin that's looking good this is in los angeles sean penn fucking confused fucking liberal also hates homosexuals gays black people matt damon uh also known racist no so no uh is it so here's the deal these people are at the super bowl with no mask and i'm impressed i'm proud of them i'm not hating on them it's you guys it It's you, my friends. Oh, someone said that was Chris Tucker.
Starting point is 00:21:47 No shit. He looked good. Fuck. He's all swollen shit. Wow. Wow. Maybe he got AIDS and then is like on all sorts of shakes and shakes. Trying to put on.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Anyway. trying to put on uh um anyway will you click on the scientists in hollywood thing i want to show i want to show that too it's so crazy that you that that that's any one of us would put masks on our kids after seeing that the are those those are just people too man my kids are lucky that they have me as a parent. So we have a race car driver, a TV presenter. Oh, I think that guy's from Craig Ritchie's country. Pierce Morgan. And we have a country singer.
Starting point is 00:22:42 They all say that you should take the vaccine. Therefore, masks, quarantines, all that shit. They speak badly of people who don't. Derogatory. Derogatory. They hate people who don't do it. the father of mRNA, he has the vaccine. He's taken it already. And he's saying that pretty much you shouldn't take it. He's saying, if you want to wear a mask, wear a mask. If you want to take the vaccine, take the vaccine, but you should listen to him and get some in here. These are the scientists. Here's a retired chief scientist, Dr. Michael Yeadon, an allergy and respiratory therapeutic expert for 23 years. Here's a Nobel prize winner. I think he may have even been the former vice president of pfizer these these people are saying don't take it these are the scientists scroll back up but but they're okay if you do and they're okay if you wear masks in quarantine but they're saying
Starting point is 00:23:37 none of it should be mandated these people not the scientists say you should take it and if you't, you're a piece of shit. It's fascinating. It's fucking fascinating. Can you go to the kids in masks thing? The original one I had? I'm doing this show so that if my kids ever look back, they know what a fucking – I'm just for them i'm just showing off for them it's funny i was gonna ask you about that i was like how you're almost documenting your thoughts and this whole journey and everything else and
Starting point is 00:24:14 what that how they'll be able to literally watch it if i thought mass could protect my kids i would fucking i would wrap my kid in bubble wrap i would have the world's best mask it's not like i don't walk the walk you understand like my kids have never fucking worn a mask they don't have any fucking vaccines they don't wear shoes we fear nothing except for like cars and alligators and shit parking lots um uh bodies of water when they don't know how to swim you know that's the leading cause of death in the united states for kids under the age of five drowning and you put a mask on your kid you think do you closing closing down all the pools for two years for two summers all that did was increase the chance of more kids to drown because less kids
Starting point is 00:25:03 are going to learn to swim they don't care about your kids and yet you're listening to them on how to um here are all the legitimate reasons children should still be wearing masks can i see the next uh the next um slide there it is what's in it oh it's just empty. Oh, zero. Yeah, there you go. That is the reasons. Okay. Good morning, Mr. Richie. Thank you for calling in. I apologize. Mr. Richie, I apologize for the trouble with the connection earlier in the show.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Thank you for giving us a second chance of calling in. Congratulations on the incredible victory. It's great to have you on the show. I hope you know that all the times that I take the piss out of you. I am just joking and envious of your 386,241 subscribers on YouTube. Someone the other day said that you have 10 times the amount of subscribers as me. And I quickly unfucked them and said, no, 38 times you dipshit. And, uh, thank you for coming on the show. And I'm gracing this with your presence. How can I help you? exact number hello can you hear me uh i can thank you mr
Starting point is 00:26:07 richie oh god he's so smart yeah well no i just know how you roll and i figured that there'll be some sort of technical difficulty oh ouch well not all of us have all that fancy gear and the wife with the new titties like you some of us are still uh just have the wife at home with the natural titties and the kind of some of the old equipment old equipment old you know everybody likes the victory story so i'm not really sure why anyone's listening to you but that's okay i i understand i understand um tell me how how are things going i um i i was listening to your blog and you're just telling everyone to really calm down and chill out. It's okay that Dave and Rosa got fired.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Everything's okay. Just take a sauna and chill. Is that still your... Yeah, I think people really get lost. They start looking up the headlines, and they don't realize 2022's been a pretty good year so far. I mean, shit, I'm here in Florida making a documentary with Obama,
Starting point is 00:27:04 and it's been a pretty good year. I know everybody's freaking out. Wow. So you're breaking out of the fitness space. You're over in Florida with the Obamas making a documentary. That is awesome. Do you want to talk to him? I'm actually having some tea with him.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Do you want to talk to him? Oh, which one would I talk to, Michelle or Barack? Oh, this is a savant, a short little man named savant? A short little man named savant? Mr. President, you know I voted for you twice. Well, not really. Well, let's be clear. I know you're a whitish man from Santa Cruz,
Starting point is 00:27:37 so it was a safe doom that you campaigned for me on my behalf. Just to prove you have a black friend and perhaps even a hispanic one as well that's why it goes in that demographic of the area yes uh mr president i actually didn't vote for you twice to be completely honest my mom at that time in my life i'm in my 30s i'm gonna let you talk to uh team ritchie again here we go i shouldn't have said that i lost him i lost obama my at that time in my life my mom filled out my uh ballot still i'm not gonna lie hey hey yes yes yes you want to talk to me what did you have you want to say something i just wanted to you know give you a little boost i i i that is very kind of you you
Starting point is 00:28:18 i've always suspected rising rising side right off ship yes that's exactly what I was going to say. I feel like I just steal lines from you. I'm just one step behind you. Right, right. But I do appeal to a different demographic. I'm gray. I'm not as buff as you. Angry white man. Angry white man.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Yes, yes, the angry white man. Mr. Ricci, I heard you're a quadruple vaccinated. How was that second booster? Oh, it's great. It's been great. It actually inflamed an area of my body that I'm not quite mad about, to be honest, actually. It's all right. A little larger, and that's fine.
Starting point is 00:28:59 No one's complaining. God's not complaining. I know that. That's amazing. And you have a clothing line. It looks like a bank's name, like HSTL or something. How is that going? And do you have any advices for me and my new CEO line?
Starting point is 00:29:17 Well, I'm looking at the statistics. I'm statistically speaking. C-A-O, is that your brand line? Yes, yes, sir. That is. Well, unless you're looking to start an airport, I don't think it's really going to start with three letters. Thank you. Okay, we'll add a letter to that.
Starting point is 00:29:37 We'll call it C-O-S. We'll make it a little lowercase. C-O-S. Yes. Mr. Ritchie, is Obama still there? Because one of the viewers is saying that Obama sounded a little bit like Sean Woodland. Sorry, Shawnee Woodland. He spelt it wrong. He might be here, but he's probably going to be quite angry.
Starting point is 00:30:00 I'll do what I can. I have to. I want to honestly tell you, you sound so good. Now, now let's be clear. I don't actually know what Sean Woodland, Sean, he, I do know he voted for me. He's in the fan club, I believe. And we do talk about science. We both read science textbook magazine and we both attended the University of Science down here on the coast of Florida, where, you know, I don't know why I bought this house. It'll be overtaken by the rising tide within a couple of years, but I'm going to let you go.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Sean, one quick thing real quick. My time is a privilege. Sean, excuse me, this is former President Barack Obama. I'm sorry, Mr. Obama. I got my people. Mr. Obama, are you happy with the outcome of the Super Bowl yesterday? Well, you know, I had a joke and I was going to say it as the other voice. I'm going to go now. OK, well, thank you. Welcome back, Mr. Ritchie. How are you? If you only knew how proud I am.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Oh, man. I'm so proud. To quote you, this show. I am so proud. So that's the thing, guys. Just stop. There's no – I will defend you. I understand there's pressure.
Starting point is 00:31:29 I understand there's coercion. I understand you want to keep your job. I understand you can't get on the bus. I understand you can't fly, drive to your girlfriend's house two hours away unless you got the vaccine. Just don't. Don't. You know that, like, when they say they say we weren't going to allow anyone to fly unless they got injections. If everyone just would have said, no, I'm not taking an injection, they would have let us fly.
Starting point is 00:31:50 I mean, it's so easy to explain that you're the problem because you got the injection. It's so easy. You participated. Please stop participating. Please stop participating. It really is that easy. Please stop participating. It really is that easy.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Can we look at this Robin Black clip? I want to get this guy in the show. He won't respond to my DMs. This guy is so cool. If you don't follow this guy on Instagram and you're into fighting, if you're into commentating, if you're into observational talking about what you see, this guy's a master at talking about what he sees his mouth is in his brain and his eyes are connected so well can we can we hear this too at the same time craig richie side somersault and then float smoothly into the open window of the trunk he'll try to achieve this through relentless practice and incremental adjustments, he hits it again. Too short, jammed the leg, so he hits it again.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Too high. Failure and pain is going to be part of the feedback loop that helps him adjust his physicality and proprioception. Finally, the perfect approach to launch the body and elegantly slide himself home big. A lifetime of intense, joyful practice creates fingertip knowledge, a self-awareness so strong it's unimaginable to the rest of us. Making something look easy is the hardest thing in the world, but with dedication... I think you have a YouTube window open.
Starting point is 00:33:19 What do you think about that? Did it echo or something? Or something. Guys, I think a lot of you know every Saturday night I stop eating and I don't eat again until Monday morning. And it's pretty loose, meaning it doesn't really matter what time I stop eating on Saturday. And it doesn't matter what time I start eating again on Monday. Basically the goal is, is not to eat all day Sunday and then to get two sleeps in, right? Cause that's free fasting in my mind. So I go to bed Saturday night, I get that sleep in, I'm awake all day Sunday and then Sunday night I sleep.
Starting point is 00:33:59 And then I wake up and today's Monday and I feel great every 65 mornings, or I'm just making that up. I don't even know. I've crossed over the year mark and, um, uh, maybe I'm even approaching two years, maybe April or May is two years. I don't know, but, uh, I feel great every Sunday evenings can be a little bit difficult around five or 6 PM, especially with the kids. It can, evenings can be a little bit difficult around five or 6 PM, especially with the kids. It can, I can start to get really slow, like just, I don't get angry. I just really slow down. Even if I am going to get angry, it comes out like in slow motion, you naughty boys. Uh, then I wake up on Monday morning and I feel, I cannot tell you how great I feel. If you don't know what, if you haven't, if you don't know what inflammation is, you have to start fasting for 24 hours or 36 hours and you'll experience it. You'll experience what
Starting point is 00:34:48 it's like for all your inflammation to go away. It is fascinating. All your clothes fit differently. You move differently. It's, uh, it's remarkable. But the main reason I bring this up is for the first four to six months, every time I, when I would fast on Monday, sometimes during, during Monday, usually in the morning before noon, I would take a shit and it would be such a unique shit. And it would smell like burning plastic. It was a trip. It was like a toxic shit. And, and I, and I just told my wife yesterday, I don't have those anymore. It's been like a year now and I don't have the toxic shits anymore.
Starting point is 00:35:23 But, but, but if you did, I would never get those unless I fasted. Did you record what you ate before the fast? No. Like have that changed at all? Are you pretty consistent in what you eat? I'm pretty consistent. I eat eggs and meat and vegetables. So nothing out of the ordinary?
Starting point is 00:35:42 And a shitload of nuts, unfortunately. But I don't don't talk about that i'm in denial okay ask me what i eat and fuck up but fuck up my i thought we're getting to the bottom of it fuck up my reputation i just thought it was hilarious how well you were able to segue from those calls right back into the topic from before it was like seamless i i did a lot of a lot of you have texted me every time i mentioned craig richard's names you're like what's your problem with them or what's your problem with these guys and whatnot the thing is i don't necessarily have a problem with them i just don't think that they're deep thinkers and i think they're wishy-washy maybe it it's just because they're young. I'm not in that phase.
Starting point is 00:36:25 I do believe love conquers all. Yes, I have that piece in me. But I don't think that... I think a lot of these people don't have the perspective that I have, and I use this all the time, that they're looking through life through a paper towel roll, and they don't see the bigger implications. They don't see everything that's going on. It's like looking at a man standing on a ladder and thinking he's 12 feet tall, but not pulling down the paper towel roll and realize he's standing on a ladder. The implication, the thing is, is I don't, and it's a, I'll give the example that Greg used to use. Greg didn't have a problem with Coca-Cola.
Starting point is 00:37:06 He had a problem with Coca-Cola meddling in the health sciences. Drink all the Coke you want. He was a full-blown capitalist. Mine is the same thing. I don't have a problem with corporate America. I don't have a problem with Eric Rosa buying CrossFit. I have a problem with him lying, telling us that he bought it. I have a problem with people thinking that it's going to be the same when it is not.
Starting point is 00:37:26 And if you're just like, well, everything's still happening the same in my box. Well, everything's still happening the same in Matt Sousa's box here too, but he can still see what the implications are. From the top, your leaders do not have integrity anymore. And I think it's worth knowing. And once you know that, it's cool. Like you don't have to be defensive. We'll go back to the iPhone thing. We know iPhones are made with slave labor in China.
Starting point is 00:37:46 We still use it. Just feel bad. You don't have to be defensive. I think people, too, don't think about the long-term implications of what's happening. So they're like, oh, it's fine. You guys understand the community is fine. And it's like, well, is the community still going to be fine in five years, 10 years, 15 years? Where is it going?
Starting point is 00:38:05 And if they're lying to you now in the beginning, if you're dating a girl and she has a boyfriend and she tells you she doesn't have a boyfriend, it doesn't matter how much you like her. You should know that. And you should know that. It's fine. You can still love her.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Oh, she lied to me. She has a boyfriend. She's fucking both of us. It's cool. You can still love her. I'm not asking you to pass judgment on it um uh something white people do better than black people oh stand by welcome to the sebon podcast you are the second caller in three months. How can I help you? Hey, well, Obama threw my phone into the ocean.
Starting point is 00:38:49 I just had to go get it and just say one more thing. Oh, thank you, Mr. Ritchie. Welcome back. Hey, dude, just so you know, you can call anytime. You and Cole, Dick Mertens, can call anytime. Well, anyways, I had a joke I wanted to say. If you were going to ask me about the Super Bowl, when we're live, you can do that.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Yes, yes. What were your thoughts about the Super Bowl? Well, I don't trust America. Because Las Vegas is Sin City. But Cincinnati has sin in its title. Very, very well said. I really... I'm thinking about comedy. You know, I'm Very, very well said. I really, that... I'm thinking about comedy.
Starting point is 00:39:26 You know, I'm thinking of moving from YouTube to comedy. You think I have a shot. You have comedian in your bio. Maybe you could rise my tide. I'm actually a comedian, a rapper, and a boxer. I am all three of those, which allows me to speak to...
Starting point is 00:39:42 They must really throw titles around in America quite liberally. Say that again? Yes, quite liberally. Everything is quite liberally done here. I'm going to put trans too. I'm going to just throw trans in there too. Triggered?
Starting point is 00:39:56 You know, if you are trans, you have an absolutely impeccable chance of being a CEO. Thank you. That's correct. Let me see. New CEO tagline, we don't quit unless you're eric rose x damn damn i've got to go okay uh you should really try uh themes on toast fine thank you mr ritchie everyone wants to be on the show so don't fucking kid yourself i promise you i promise you i guarantee you eric rosa wants to be on the show
Starting point is 00:40:31 i guarantee everyone wants to be on the show craig ritchie wants to be on the show everyone i'm the the the you know when we were interviewing justin kotler the whole time i just i was just like thinking is this the meme guy? You see, maybe maybe they're the same guy. Flawed twist. I know a woman who is wondering if she's Travis because she's good at driving. I don't know what the fuck that means. OK, what are
Starting point is 00:41:06 so back to this something white people do better than black people well that's gonna be a triggering title for most yeah let's see can you play that clip it's a great clip oh dude is it labeled that in here oh yeah want me to play it i'm trying to find it i just can't i can't find it you have to you have to yeah i think you have to let it play once before okay here we go here we go here we go you have it yeah oh but it won't play for me damn it you gotta hit uh which which link oh here it is here it is right no no here it is on the screen did you know that dora the Explorer's real name is Dora Marquez? Now you do.
Starting point is 00:41:50 It's named something white people cook better than black people. Meth. Listen to... Oh, my goodness. Okay. Oh, my goodness. For those of you who missed it, what is something that white people cook better than black people and the guy responds meth no more toxic shits i'm pretty stoked i wonder what the best way to um oh here's something i wanted to show you guys um this
Starting point is 00:42:20 is for um if you work at the morning chalk up, uh, this is an amazing routine for you. Um, before you, uh, before you guys write an article, um, or go on a podcast, I think if you're, if you work at the morning chalk up, you should do these lots of these. I think this, this will be great for you. Here it is. See that I'm going to practice that motion as much as you can before you write an article and ideally that that that you ideally you'd have your mouth open that guy's not doing it exactly right but if you would this is a free psa for anyone who works at the morning chalk up feel free to uh use that before you write warm your neck up before you write any articles or go on any podcast yes
Starting point is 00:43:00 brutal brutal Yes. Yes. Jeez. Brutal. Brutal. I was doing a little research earlier in the week. I had talked about how Fikowski – there was a Reddit article about Fikowski being concerned about not being able to speak his mind openly to CrossFit, that there would be retaliation, retribution, something along those, uh, those lines. What's up, Jeff? You know, it's true, Jeffrey. You know, it's true. You know, it's true, baby. You know, it's true. You know, it's true. You know, it's good to practice ahead of time. You know, it's important. Practice makes perfect. Practice makes perfect. So there was a – it's funny. In my head, I imagine the people who are watching the show and what they think when they see that.
Starting point is 00:43:54 I imagine the difference between maybe a Chase Ingram's reaction to a Shawnee Woodland to a Elaine over at the head of DEI. Travesty. Okay, so Fikowski was concerned, I guess, that he was – he felt that he couldn't speak his mind because there would be retribution. He was scared that maybe Stalin would come after him and his family can you imagine you're in canada with that fucking leader trudeau and you're afraid of fucking someone at hq are you out of your fucking mind anyway and matt souza came to fukowski's defense and was like hey i don't know if that's true what was your validation for it blah blah blah blah blah and then will brandstetter came on in the comments
Starting point is 00:44:45 and said it is true so we're going forward with it anyway i did a little research and i saw that fukowski he actually does a monthly phone call with someone at hq from the games team i want to say it's with adrian bosman and maybe just Berger or a mother. No, no, no, no. It's Adrian Bosman.
Starting point is 00:45:08 And, um, the guy out of Washington who owns an affiliate, it is now the longest running affiliate in the United States. What's the guy's name? Used to be a, uh, undercover cop.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Very quiet, very fucking amazing trainer. trainer, very cool. He's got a wife with red hair. Damn, what the fuck is his name? I cannot believe I cannot remember his name. You know who I'm talking about? He's out of Washington. He's been around forever.
Starting point is 00:45:35 He used to be a strong man. He's a CrossFitter. It starts with a B. Will someone help me? He's a games dude. He's like always at the games. He's very stern. Even I'm afraid. Everyone's afraid of him. I mean, he's great. He's a games dude. He's like always at the games. He's very stern. Even I'm afraid. Everyone's afraid of him. I mean, he's great. He's a nice guy.
Starting point is 00:45:48 I love him. Give him a big hug and then give him space. God damn it. What's his name? Oh, sorry. You know, I kind of broke that. Did I stop saying that? And then I just said it again. Yeah, I think you did. Then you brought it back. Thank you. I'm going to send it away again. And
Starting point is 00:46:04 you cannot get these sunglasses. you cannot get these sunglasses. You cannot get these sunglasses. These are like Versace Louis Vuitton prescription special lens. You cannot get these. You would have to take out a second home loan. You know the name is CrossFit. Is it Old City CrossFit, CrossFit DCfit dc starts with a b i want to say will someone help me for i'm trying to search it no not ben stoneberg this guy it's gonna come
Starting point is 00:46:34 to my head like i know him no i bet you have his phone number my phone anyway so fukowski speaks to these guys i guess i guess fukowski's on some athlete council he's the head of the athlete council if you if you're an athlete and you of all, that athlete council thing is a complete facade. You have to know that. That, the DEI council, anytime there's something like that, one hour a month for the last 12 to 18 months. Is that accurate? There's the call number if you want to call in, Mr. Fikowski. And I guess he just talks about how upset he is that the rings weren't high enough and his feet touched the ground and no one else's feet touched the ground at the games and how unfair that is. And that he wishes that on all the bus rides that they take at the games he could sit next to pat patrick velner because he only wants to sit next to another socialist i mean i fucking don't know sorry pat i was trying
Starting point is 00:47:35 to keep i didn't want you to take one between the eyes that's and uh it's just crazy to me that this guy who claims that he's afraid to say anything to HQ is not – he represents the athletes on a phone call. Guys, pick someone else. Let me tell you who's not afraid. Kristen Clever was never afraid. Jason Kalipa was never afraid. Danielle Brandon is not afraid. But you probably won't get a lot out of danielle brandon because
Starting point is 00:48:06 she takes a lot of personal responsibility and personal accountability and she probably won't blame hq for a lot of shit so you need a whiner but someone who's not afraid oh look a bible quote john 3 8 unless that's is that what what is that is good one? Find out. Vet that for me, please. Sometimes that book says some silly shit. Sometimes it says some great shit. So I just found it fascinating that Fikowski claims to be afraid to speak
Starting point is 00:48:38 to CrossFit, and yet for the last 12 to 18 months he speaks to CrossFit, Adrian Bosman and Do you want to hear that quote or the Bible verse? Sure. Can you put it up there? Yeah. Maybe it will help me.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Maybe it will help me. Yeah, retribution of what – I don't know. Put you in a bad heat. Not give you – like tell one of your sponsors to go away. I don't know. I can't think of anything. It's just in John 3.8. The wind blows wherever it pleases.
Starting point is 00:49:06 You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it's going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit. Okay. Do you want to do the New Living Translation? The wind blows, John 3.8. The wind blows wherever it wants, just as you can hear the wind, but you can't tell where it comes from or where it's going. as you can hear the wind, but you can't tell where it comes from or where it's going. So you can't explain how people are born of the spirit.
Starting point is 00:49:30 Yeah. Don't tell me what I can and can't explain. I don't read stuff that tells me my limitations. You just get triggered by that Bible verse. I just schooled the Bible. I just schooled the Bible. It has to happen. Sometimes you got to school about maybe someone misheard God. God would never say that. That was also just like one of the first hits, so maybe I was wrong too, but they all seem to relatively say the same thing about that one. That's a great question, retribution. I mean, but you know what I mean. I'm being coy, but you know what I mean.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Maybe there would be some retribution. Let's say there is let's say that then um i i don't when when the shoes come on the wrong that they i mean it would never it wouldn't be something as nefarious as dave being like make sure you make his uh noble shoes one size too small when he shows up the games i want to fuck with him nothing like that but but it would be just normal retribution shit it would be the same thing like if your neighbors let always let his dog take a shit on your lawn maybe the retribution would be at christmas time you'd buy all your neighbors on your block a present but not that guy i mean yeah that's just life dude that's just life i was going back to my kids i was a very nice
Starting point is 00:50:38 kid i'm a very nice person and so a lot of fucking really nice things happen to me. What does it mean to be a nice person? It's so fucking easy. It's when I go to pull into a parking spot and it's a tie, I pull out. I let the other dude go. I don't give a shit. When I, when I'm in line at the store, I don't go out of my way, like trying to get good karma. But when I show up to the store and there's a kid in front of me or someone in front of me and they're buying something in the store only takes cash and they're buying a sandwich and it's three3.50 or $7.50 and I have it. And they're like, oh, man, and they put the sandwich away and the kid's crying and the mom's walking out with the kid. I'm like, no, no, I got it, and I pay the $7.50 for the sandwich.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Just easy. You're in line at the grocery store. There's someone behind you with one item and you have 30 items or 50 items, let them go. Just simple shit. Please, thank you. Eye contact. Presence. Stand up when anyone comes in the room.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Acknowledge them. Don't avoid eye contact with homeless people. And first you need awareness to do that though because i think so many people are caught up in their their bullshit all the time is that they don't really have like the awareness of what's happening around them like if you really sit there and i know you're pretty like you're observant as well too like how i am like a lot of times when you sit there and you're in some a public space and you just kind of like scan or whatever and look i would say that probably like% of the people are so caught up in like their,
Starting point is 00:52:06 Oh yeah. Or on their phone or like what's happening immediately in front of them that they don't even have like the space to even recognize like, Oh, this is an opportunity to like be nice or this is an opportunity to, you know, be selfless because you're so caught up in, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:21 your own shit. Right. See the thing that Joe Rogan posted, like, recently is with that sun guru guy. And I probably screwed that up. I'm sure the people in the comments will let me know. But he was saying there's, like, three dimensions we live in, past, like, present, future, essentially. And, like, we're always caught up in the other two. You're either, like, worried or sad about something you did in the past or, like, worried or sad about something that may or may not even occur in the future that then therefore you rob yourself of the present.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Everyone I see wearing a mask I know is trapped in their head. Like 99.999% of them. They're worried about something. They're stuck in their imagination. They're playing out their imagination. Everybody's – I don't even know. I would say out of the people that wear the mask and this is just my own opinion and speculation. I would say that 80 percent of them, at least at this point in time, are doing it because they just don't want to have to deal with somebody else thinking they're not a good person.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Like, I would believe you got up to most people and you were like, hey, like, are you wearing that mask? Because like you think it's a protecting you. They'd be like, no, I don't want to be harassed by the person at the store. No, I just don't. You know, you see the things on the Internet. I don't want somebody chasing me down and call me a bad person. It's just easier just to put it on as opposed to like they're actually afraid. Then the ones that you could tell the ones that are afraid because they got like the double thing going. They're still in their head.
Starting point is 00:53:41 They're still in their head, though. I agree. They're not afraid of the virus. They're afraid of what someone will say. They're afraid of what someone will say they're afraid of what someone will think like hey take a deep breath and take the hard way you're fucking you exercise every day anyway i want to address something uh real quick uh i'm glad you put up the bible quote just so you know i'm just teasing you about arguing my limitations it's cool the show's cool you have to be triggered there it's not the still is afraid of retribution he said he was in the
Starting point is 00:54:06 past and it's getting better it's not it's not getting it's not getting better that that just means he's getting he's he's he's having the wool pulled over his eyes i'm gonna tell i'm gonna say some really harsh shit okay here we go it wasn't before no this is now i'm gonna say some really harsh shit. Okay, here we go. It wasn't before? No, this is, now I'm going to say some really harsh shit. Go from telling you how nice I am to being a complete asshole. They, that company over there. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning. Which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute?
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Starting point is 00:55:26 To get started, just open the app. It's as easy as that. See the PC Optimum app for details. No one is happy. The new people that were hired by Eric Rosa are fucking super confused because he was supposed to get them up to speed and he's gone. And all the old people are fucking completely freaked out because Dave is gone. And when I mean all, I'm talking like those are 90% majorities.
Starting point is 00:55:48 And nobody – almost no one who works there now wants to work there. They're looking for a fucking way out. They're in a room that's filling with water, and they're looking for a way out. People are just slogging through the days, barely dragging their asses through the days. Most of the leadership has no idea what they're even leading. They don't know if they're on a boat, an airplane. They don't grasp what CrossFit is at all. You could work there 10 years and just barely start to grasp it.
Starting point is 00:56:15 I had Jolie Gentry on. She's a 20-year veteran of the police force here in the Bay Area. She's on the SWAT team. She said it would take a good police officer three years to get comfortable in a position as i recall there's no way something as complex and as nuanced and as deep and as um uh fundamental to to human beings um can be just uh you you can't just get into that job in a leadership position and start being able to, to, to work on that level. It's, it's what, what you, what the,
Starting point is 00:56:46 what CrossFit is doing as a methodology is not something you just, um, it's constantly flowering. When you're dealing with the truth, it's not something you're just going in and just immediately get and then hold on to. It's always like passing through you. I know that was really vague.
Starting point is 00:57:07 Anyway, I'm getting on subject. So you have this group of people on this boat who are not, do not want to be on the boat. None of them, the vast majority of them do not want to be on the boat and it's hurting them. They're hurting intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. It is not what they signed up for. And there's been too much change too fast with no explanation and no real leadership. You have this company. You have this wing of the games called the CrossFit Games, and Justin Berg was there, and Justin Berg worked for Dave. Justin Berg was not popular with the staff. He was really good at what he did, but everyone looked to Dave for
Starting point is 00:57:46 leadership. Everyone trusted Dave. Everyone felt safe with Dave. Even if you didn't like him, you felt safe with him. You knew that you were going in the right direction and things were going to get done well. The biggest sponsors in the world who sponsor the CrossFit Games do not like this new leader. They do not like Justin. The biggest management companies, the people who are like the liaisons and the managers in this space, the biggest ones do not like Justin. These are two major challenges he's going to have, the people who pay the money. ones do not like Justin. These are two major challenges he's going to have. The people who pay the money. The executive
Starting point is 00:58:29 team at CrossFit Inc. I don't know if it's the majority of them, but I know many of them do not like Justin. They may even see him as a fall guy. They may even be wishing for him to fail. And finally, the staff. It doesn't matter whether they like him or not. They do not want to fucking be led by him fail and finally the staff it doesn't matter whether they
Starting point is 00:58:45 like him or not they do not want to fucking be led by him i'm telling you what i fucking have observed and know and have heard he's not a bad guy i mean he my relationship with him was always frictionless he's a trip he's a trip he's he he. He always felt like a corporate dude. He always felt a little out of place at CrossFit Inc. He belonged over – he belonged at Planet Fitness. He didn't belong at CrossFit, although he was a CrossFitter. He was an affiliate owner. He was on the L1 team, but he's different. But he's different. He has aspirations as a businessman and as a leader. He had all these aspirations outside of what it would need to lead that team.
Starting point is 00:59:38 There are some fucking gnarly fucking savages on that games team who will not be led by him. I've told you that. I told you that from fucking day one when they fired Dave. This isn't like something new. I'm just regurgitating, repeating. I want to emphasize to you that they have you that from fucking day one when they fired uh dave this isn't like something new i'm just i'm just re regurgitating repeating i want to emphasize to you that they have a problem over there and they and no one how do they not know it's so funny um someone you know went over to the wiki page and changed the fact that who's the ceo from eric rosa to me and then someone switched it back to eric rosa and someone switched it back to me but eric rose is not the ceo right that's what the funny the funny part isn't
Starting point is 01:00:05 that they keep putting me as a ceo the funny part is is that uh uh no i don't i don't speak with chuck and i do wonder what he thinks and i purposely don't speak to chuck you know i don't speak to chuck because because i don't want to i don't want to compromise anyone over there like i don't want to compromise anyone over there but i'm telling you i i i would be willing to bet anyone a thousand bucks that people like him fuck five thousand bucks are are struggling this thing this thing is a boat filling with water taking water and people are going to get ready to jump or they're going to die on the boat they're forever going to rot but there's no one manning shit right now
Starting point is 01:00:51 no one knows what the fuck is going on over there though and i can't only imagine the pressure on nicole carroll because everyone's probably looking to her from every fucking department all the fucking staff who were there before and and and i can't imagine like what the in all fairness like this new lady that they hired to run their media department aaron i can only imagine how freaked out she must be like what the fuck what brought me on and fucking rose is gone this is my media team there's like five people left on it and you have to deal with andrew weinstein it and you have to deal with Andrew Weinstein, if you guys don't know who that is, you're going to. Man, it's a mess. It is a mess over there. Yeah. Leadership. Once leadership starts to fail.
Starting point is 01:01:35 The most disingenuous fucking thing ever. Once leadership starts to fail in the way that it does and once the communication breaks down between leadership and like, I always just relate everything kind of to running the affiliate, right? That's the business obviously I'm familiar with. And so if you start to have breakdowns between yourself and your coaches, then what ends up happening is that frustration leaks out to the members, the coaches and the members get talking and then it cultivates this kind of us versus them situation. And I don't know, obviously, but I would speculate that a lot of the stuff that is being forward put out to the crossfit community from uh rosa is very just generic it's not an actual opinion it's not it's nothing it's just yoga babble it's just a bunch of bullshit
Starting point is 01:02:17 that same type of stuff is happening to his team there uh meaning the l1 trainers and the people that are working at hq they're gonna they're indeed yeah that that that's a great thing if you're an affiliate and you're like what the fuck are these letters saying to me that's how the staff feel caller will you hold on one second i want to say one thing uh todd i'm taking my l1 this weekend you got me pumped for it back in the day but it kind of feels awkward now that this is all happening. Dude, I'm telling you, you are going to have so much fun. Those L1 staff are like consummate professionals. They're so loving. Although I have heard from several sources that they've reduced staffing on them and that they are not as good as they used to be.
Starting point is 01:03:00 I don't know if that's true. But from several sources, i've heard that um no one at the company and it's one of those things like i don't even want to ask i really don't want to ask but i'm telling you that l1 if i were if i was any if i if you're thinking about getting your own you better hurry up and get it now before that thing becomes like um you have to be uh a tranny to take it i mean i think i think I'm joking? You think I'm joking? Yeah, get that one. It's a rock-solid thing.
Starting point is 01:03:29 You will not regret that weekend. How did anyone watch the Super Bowl yesterday? How do you watch something that's such a racist organization? Do you know that they hire people based on the color of their skin? How does anyone participate in that? Caller, go ahead. Oh, hey. Hi hi how are you calming down chilling I'm excited I got a lot of sponsors
Starting point is 01:03:50 shows blowing up a girl called in it's cool you're riled up I kind of have to be though I don't have a guest so I feel obligated to get a little wound up all right well I don't have much to say other than I'm back in the USA after a trip and I
Starting point is 01:04:07 have to catch up on all of the podcasts. Where did you go? Barcelona. Oh, sweet. How was that? It was, it was okay.
Starting point is 01:04:18 I'd rather be in the USA. Did you go for work or? No, I just went for pleasure. It was nice. It was just a nice getaway. By yourself? No, with my husband.
Starting point is 01:04:29 Oh, that's cool. Do either of you speak Spanish? No. No bueno. How did you, how did you, that's what they speak over there, right? Spain, Spanish? Yeah. For most of the services that you actually need, they have multilingual people and we had a Google translator.
Starting point is 01:04:47 We just did a Google translator on the phone. So it was easy. Why did you choose Spain? He chose it. He chose it. He had heard it was nice and romantic and he said, that's what we did. How long have you been married? About two years. Oh, because you use the r word that's cool all right what did what did what do you mean you said it was nice and romantic i figured you hadn't been married if like you don't use that word once you've been married for like 10 years well you know it's nice when you can get away and there's
Starting point is 01:05:21 no and no distractions right of life and work and people. Well, thanks for calling and changing up the pace of the show. That was nice. Did you have a question? I think I had messaged Matt when I was over there about my CrossFit experience in Barcelona with the vending machine. Ah, yes. I remember. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:44 They were selling sugary snacks. They had a vending machine in their lobby with Kit Kat, Reese's, Coca-Cola. I was like, what? Crazy. Well, it's in the hospital. So if it's there, you know. Anyway, it's good to hear you on a live call and show i've really missed it and uh great great topics this morning awesome thank you thank you all right you guys take care ciao bye
Starting point is 01:06:14 that was good that was nice there's only four people who are happy that dave's gone justin rose x the morning chalk up that's not a person and and and and and oh no uh and uh no sorry five wine wine wine schnitzel weinstein the pr guy over there goofball dork doesn't even do crossfit i don't use that word very often dork but he's a dork the bad dork i'll write these guys down. And Fikowski. Those are the only ones who are happy that Dave's gone. Wait, Justin, Rosa. Morning Chalk Up.
Starting point is 01:06:56 By the way, that's free advice, that video I showed you guys earlier about how to warm up before you write your articles. And Andrew Weinstein. The guy who lives in Costa Rica, sits on his deck and fucking manipulates people at crossfit okay so those four so oh no i'm fikowski don't forget andrew andrew fikowski right andrew no it's brad it's brand i was just seeing if you're listening i'm writing him down here because we i want to um are you gonna give me a reason for why why you think that for each i did did um just like once it's like eric rosa fired him yep justin got justin got justin got his job but you got to remember the firing was mutual yes sorry i bet every time someone gets fired from a job that's right
Starting point is 01:07:41 justin justin got his job yeah morning morning chalk up his has repeatedly lied about dave it has shown dave absolutely no fucking uh trusted extensive journalism got it man did andrew weinstein likes likes problems that's his whole job the premise of that man's job is and i use the term man loosely is to um is is to fix problems and so without problems he has no job i don't fix or just kind of address address kind of like newspaper over a really big yes yes address okay just wanted to make sure that people knew why Yes, a dress. Okay. Just wanted to make sure that people knew why.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Oh, did you get some breaking news? No, no, not yet. Give me a couple days. We got some breaking news. You were reading something that I thought was – we should have a little sound bite for that. Like, dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun. You know, like that was a terrible rendition. Sorry about that, guys.
Starting point is 01:08:45 No, that was good terrible rendition sorry about that guys no that was good that was good um i want to talk to you guys about hate speech for a second and why uh you can't you can't be against you you can't you can be against hate speech all you want you can't prohibit hate speech pretty much on any level you cannot prohibit it if you prohibit hate speech then you are prohibiting free speech there is no one qualified and there is no person or computer or machine that can regulate that in a way that's what's best for all of mankind so for instance if i say hitler's a piece of shit cunt um someone would say that's not hate speech but if i said it about mickey mouse it could be considered hate speech who's going to regulate that in nazi germany that would have been hate speech to say that about Hitler.
Starting point is 01:09:47 It's not anything real. Hate's just an idea. It's not anything real. And so when it's just an idea, it can be manipulated and used in any way. And so you have to tolerate hate speech because the tradeoff is free speech. And without free speech, we have nothing. Yeah. There's always a trade-off for it.
Starting point is 01:10:12 It's good intention, but once you really think the long-term implication through, it's a very slippery slope. Because once you say, hey, we need to have repercussions for hate speech, then now we have a governing body that's going to determine what is hate and what is not. And that will change over time as it has. Things that were said in the past were acceptable in the past things that you wouldn't necessarily say now. So once that changes, like, how are you going to regulate that and, and, um, upgrade it? And, and, you know, what if, what if seven says something that I find offensive, but nobody else does. So that's, so that's one side of it. Hate speech changes depending on the subject that you're talking about. Completely impossible to monitor and regulate. Completely impossible. But the other hand is now you look at what happened to Joe Rogan, and it matters your skin color? Who can say what? Changes again.
Starting point is 01:11:06 who can say what changes again so someone says a word and you're like hold on a second well what's his background what's his skin color uh was he oppressed can he say insanity people that whole game yeah that whole game again people just not thinking through the long-term implications they they think that it'll be a fix, good intent. It maybe has good intentions behind it but terrible and practical application. Yes, exactly. It's just word fuckery. So one, those are the two problems with it. Those are the two huge problems with it that make it completely – Do we have a caller on the line?
Starting point is 01:11:39 I don't think so. Oh, okay. No, I heard someone call. I don't know what happened to them. Okay, okay. So those are the two problems with it. One, the subject. Like the same words I say about Matt Souza might be hate speech to Matt but not hate speech to Hitler.
Starting point is 01:11:55 We can't regulate that. We can't figure out that. We can't – what's a yard duty do? We can't – the word's slipping my mind. We can't monitor that. my mind. We can't monitor that. Not monitor. We can't anyway. And then the other side of that is who's,
Starting point is 01:12:12 who's the speaker. We can't be like, we can't hear something and then be like, Hey, we need to know your skin color to determine whether that's hate speech or not. Fuck you. Fuck that.
Starting point is 01:12:22 You can say whatever you want. And on this final note, and I will pound this in every week, you have to understand that when you acknowledge a word is a bad word, you are giving that word power and you are imprisoning the people who are offended by that word. You're imprisoning them by saying sorry about something you said. You're demanding.
Starting point is 01:12:54 It's a presupposition. Like what we started this show with. You're demanding that they get offended. I'm so sorry I called you a guinea. I don't care i'm not a moron words don't hurt me sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me that's nice to say we gotta we gotta start making that uh saying popular again right uh i don't know what thursday is but i am excited for wednesday i think wednesday is going to be the big day oh thursday is the open yes yes i know i'm not excited i mean I don't
Starting point is 01:13:26 want to hate on the Open. I know a lot of people want to do it. I'm all for... The movie premiere. I'm excited for Froning coming on, but is that the movie premiere too? Oh, they're doing that the same night as the Open? Yeah, because I think the movie premiere was on...
Starting point is 01:13:42 I think they had to post it on Central Time or something like that. Yeah, 6.30. Man. Interesting. I didn't even think, what exactly are you talking about? The open, the Froning coming on? I'm very excited for Froning and Scott Van Sloot.
Starting point is 01:13:58 I've never had a van, anybody come on the show. Oh, no, that's not true. I did have a van. The guy who owns Strong Coffee, he was a van. Isn't he Vaughnn vaughn something or another um so we might as well get this out of the way too uh this this canadian do you see canada trudeau oh man i spelled massacre trudeau's name that's all right yeah put up right now let's see let's see here
Starting point is 01:14:28 where's next week oh not this week all right fine open starts on the 24th i'm excited i think wednesday i'm gonna have some good news for you guys i don't know if it's good news for you guys but i'm gonna have some news for you guys, but I'm going to have some news for you guys. And then I think on Thursday, if Ronin on, that's always fun. I think I think I could play this audio and I'm going to try something with it. OK, let's pause this real quick. Let's open this up. We've got to figure out a better way to show. Instagram clips, if you're not following this account, you should follow this account.
Starting point is 01:15:04 This is the convoy account. The world is moving on. Other countries all around the world are lifting restrictions. Provinces across the country are doing exactly the same. We've got this hold up. The prime minister is hunkering down and out of spite and personal pride, refusing to lift these unjustified and unscientific restrictions. If he would only do so, then the truckers could get back to work and the other protesters could go back to their lives. And everything in Canada would get back up on its feet and we could get back to working on giving people control of their lives. One person is responsible for this mess, and that's the prime minister. He caused this mess by attacking Canadian the prime minister he caused this mess
Starting point is 01:15:45 by attacking canadian citizens and taking away their freedoms okay we got to figure that out better that was my fault because i brought a caller and i think the caller has her youtube on hey kelly what's up ah almost had it you did kelly hello kelly hello oh not kelly hey can you hear me yeah are you Kelly? This is Zach. This is Zach. No, I'm a Zach. Hey, Zach. Hey, Zach.
Starting point is 01:16:09 Not much. Good morning. It is. It is. It's 816 AM on the Pacific coast of the United States of America. It's a great morning. And very soon I'm going to be off the show and playing with my kids, but thinking about what you left me with, Zach.
Starting point is 01:16:25 So leave me with something good. I just got off work and I'm in Florida. It's 1116 here. And I tuned in when you were talking about hate speech. Ah, yes. And then I took a phone call and then I called you guys. So I'll try to leave you with something good. Okay.
Starting point is 01:16:46 Why are you getting off work now? What do you do? What do you, what do you do? So I work, I work at a chiropractor's office and I essentially, it's kind of part time. I just do their external like marketing and events. So I just had to make a few phone calls at the office and then I'm in school as well. I'm working on my bachelor's degree. Oh, cool. So I'm, to make a few phone calls at the office and then I'm in school as well. I'm working on my bachelor's degree. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 01:17:08 Yeah, go ahead. Chiropractors in general are pretty, they're pro-immune system, right? Oh, yeah. Vitalism versus determinism. Vitalism is that your body can heal itself, essentially, if you put it in the right position, versus determinism is, oh, you're only determined by your genes, by your genetics, like the two different conflicting philosophies. One of my friends wakes up every morning,
Starting point is 01:17:37 and I've known him for 20 years, and drinks a Mountain Dew. That's really good for you. Yeah. That cannot be. I think that's an east coast phenomenon i don't mean to hate on you but i don't think i don't think anyone on the west coast of the united states of america does that not one single person out of 50 million of us between seattle and fucking san diego no one and in their right mind we're just the dumbest of us be smart for that
Starting point is 01:18:02 have you been to la i have but? I have but don't ruin my story oh sorry yes you're right I'll hit you I don't know my fucking story the corn syrup is what I think cancer feeds off of anything with corn syrup in it which is almost everything
Starting point is 01:18:20 hey when's the last time you had a Mountain Dew? don't lie Zach you had one this morning so I had one that was the guy you're talking about I had one when I woke up we got out of bed get out really no no no I cut out corn syrup completely so anything with corn syrup in it or high fructose corn syrup i don't consume or digest or ingest would be the term to use isn't it amazing are you crossfitter i am yeah isn't it amazing for 15 years like at least 15 years as long as i was around great glassman was saying the tsunami of chronic disease is coming and at the root of it is added sugar and refined carbohydrates
Starting point is 01:19:02 and that if you stop that yeah but you're pretty much good and all you have to worry about is then accidents like you know getting hit by a fucking yeah tire that falls off a car and comes through your windshield and yet here we are he's gone rich is fucking somewhere in the middle of the country somewhere living the dream and we're fucking over here like it's like what the fuck like yeah you think you died from this virus you fucking tarred exactly oh by the way someone told me that someone was um uh being critical of me of using the word retard i will use the word retard whenever you want it's a fucking legitimate word retard we can i can i read the definition of that if you're offended by retard you're a fucking jackass i worked in a home with a home with mentally disabled adults for five years.
Starting point is 01:19:47 I worked with a lot of retarded folk. I made a movie about it. It's called Our House. Watch it on YouTube. You should watch it on YouTube. It's actually pretty good. It's a fucking amazing movie. It won awards at 30 film festivals.
Starting point is 01:20:01 Google's giving me a hard time with this. Zach, welcome back to the show. I'm sorry you had to leave so abruptly. I thought he hung up on me. I heard you. You're saying it retarded too much, so I hung up. Oh, shit. There's someone calling from the Netherlands.
Starting point is 01:20:20 Are you going to say something good, Zach? Okay, retard. Delay or hold back in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment. I don't see anything derogatory about that. Not at all. Like in its essence. It's not like, fuck you. Stop taking words away from me.
Starting point is 01:20:34 Or at least know the definitions. I'll say whatever the fuck I want to. You are afraid. You are the one who's retarded. And that's why you're offended by the word retarded. Exactly. You are not free. You are not free.
Starting point is 01:20:51 You are not a good person. You wish to stifle our growth. You wish to inhibit us. You're afraid of open dialogue. They masquerade morality with cowardice. Yes. Wow, wow. I like that.
Starting point is 01:21:03 Hey, that's a great idea. That's a great concept, right? Zach, there's so many people who are doing that masquerading. I always use the word feigning their feigning kindness, but that's good too. Masquerading.
Starting point is 01:21:13 Yeah. Masquerading morality, but it's really cowardice. Yeah. Yeah. That's exactly what's going on. Okay. Is that your contribution to the show?
Starting point is 01:21:22 That's my contribution. Thank you guys. All right. Thank you. That's a good one. I love my contribution. Thank you, guys. All right. Bye. Thank you for calling. Have a good one. I love the show. Thank you. Those are just sympathy calls. That's like a guy who, like, fucks some ugly chick at a bar because he feels bad for her.
Starting point is 01:21:34 We've had the phone number up for fucking 80 minutes, and we've had three callers. He's like, all right, I'd like seven. I don't know. I think maybe people are a little intimidated. I give him a handy i still think that um if we just if we formatted it it gives them an out a little bit you know like hey caller what's your name where you're calling from awesome what's your question and then that way we like we like guide them down down the path you know god you sound corporate as shit i wonder if justin's hiring for you. You just don't understand corporate structure. I don't.
Starting point is 01:22:06 Okay. That's the issue here. It's fire retardant offensive. It is. It is. Yes, let it burn. So one of my friends works for a company, and he is the medical officer for a company that has 800 employees. And he was telling me this the other day this is crazy but but and by the way like they're 85
Starting point is 01:22:31 vaccinated and and they have like uh everyone there who gets coveted is all the vaccinated crew it's pretty hilarious um the n90 the n95 um is is the is the preferred mask, I guess, for spray painting your car. I don't know what it's the preferred mask for. It's the preferred mask for what you should put on your kids while Sean Penn goes maskless at the Super Bowl. But legally, I guess, you're not allowed to put it on someone or ask them to wear it until first you do a pulmonary function test on
Starting point is 01:23:11 them with something called the spirometer. Could you look up spirometer, S-P-I-R-O spirometer. And, uh, and you have to, and then, and only then are you allowed to wear it according to OSHA. Can you imagine putting a mask on your child that requires a pulmonary function test? The implications are is that it inhibits your breathing. Oh, yeah, this is nuts. This is nuts. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:42 Spirometer. I like the Fordd look at look at you can get a nineteen hundred dollar one or a four dollar one oh my goodness well you got to make sure that you're you're you're able to breathe strong enough to then restrict your breathing right right? Because if you already have issues breathing, maybe it's not a good idea to restrict it. I don't think those things are very fulfilling to blow into. I think they don't like, it's like blowing into a balloon with a hole in it. I think I've blown into one of those before. I did not enjoy it. Isn't breathing funny because it's something we do automatically all day, every day, at the same time we don't do it at all yes watch your breath watch your breath that's it that's a it's a good one i think there's some books on that i really like the ufc fighter that we had on steve maury i have a note here it's been on here a long time i'm just gonna say it because i don't I really like the UFC fighter that we had on, Steve Mowry.
Starting point is 01:24:46 I have a note here. It's been on here a long time. I'm just going to say it because I don't know why it's on here. But Brian Friend has only honked his horn five times in his life. I have that in my notes. I don't know. I guess I – I'm just laughing because I saw it in there like a while ago. And then I was very curious as to like what
Starting point is 01:25:05 where you're going with that or like like was it something you guys talked about before like he's like i don't use my horn i've only used it five times yeah i guess i don't even know i'm gonna cross it off though it's not i'm not gonna talk about it again i mean maybe i'll talk about it again but not intentionally so he's so anti-climatic yeah he he's only he's only used his horn five times in his life that's amazing oh this is good we should finish on this will you play this um uh tiktok warfare china thing okay oh man i hope the audio is good on this should i do what i did last time where i because i muted my mic but then i let it yeah that was good yeah yeah that was great okay but i think there's like a caller issue on that one i did no not bill casimir no no
Starting point is 01:25:50 this curtis bowler curtis bowler it's curtis bowler that's the guy that fikowski gets on the phone with thank you for uh jeffrey uh it's curtis bowler and adrian bosman speak to fikowski for an hour a month from what i hear for the last 12 to 18 months and now that now it makes sense because i'd be scared to say anything to curtis bowler too that if because he'd come over beat my ass um seven did you watch the fight i sure did i sure did i cried a little bit when derrick lewis got knocked out okay let's let's let's go let's listen let me get my process down here. Screw it up. Page Street Coffee. Oh, Paper Street Coffee.
Starting point is 01:26:29 Paper Street. Because it was a social media platform we didn't create. So it's like, oh, shit. We don't want some other country's tech influencing us. In China, the way that the algorithm works, it doesn't reward people doing stupid dances and playing with their dog. The algorithm is rewarding things that they want to see their youth do doing cool engineering people doing cool but if you're china and you wanted to disrupt another country wouldn't you reward the dumbest possible shit on that app twerking people doing stupid dances you want the next level of youth to go i can be famous doing something that's truly worthless to society,
Starting point is 01:27:06 not beneficial to society like being an engineer, being a doctor. This is how you get to manipulate your society into doing something good and how you fuck over your competition into doing worth. It's genius. Is that why Trump wanted to get rid of TikTok? That's a different level of warfare.
Starting point is 01:27:21 This is how you fight wars. Now that we have enough military weapons so everybody can kill each other, we need to find other ways to fight war that's why the tiktok thing was a big deal because it was a social media platform we didn't create so i don't know if anything that guy said is true but i'm going with it i'm going with it i i it doesn't hurt to just believe that it yeah it actually i've i've heard that before from like multiple different stuff. If you look it up, you could research a little bit yourself, but that's absolutely true. And what they do is a lot of the stuff that they try to make more addicting is actually
Starting point is 01:27:55 educational. So like the video games and stuff like it all has an educational purpose to it rather than like first person shooter or something like that. purpose to it rather than like first person shooter or, you know, something like that. And it's also funny too, because none of the big tech companies in the US are allowed in China, China regulates that and stops all of them. But we welcomed their apps with opened arms. And until recently, Apple picked it up and stopped it. But until recently, anything you copy pasted from your phone, TikTok was picking up and then saving it into a database. Because they were saying that that information that you're, because you're picking that information up and you're moving that
Starting point is 01:28:35 information around, it'll tend to have more value than just maybe something you're putting in the search bar. Because maybe you're seeing something is true. Maybe you're taking information from one thing to the other. And it was a kind of back doorway for them to collect more and more data because the more data they have the more behavior they could predict on you i thought i thought apple kicked off tiktok or something for a while it's back no man it's still there yeah it's too big and it is interesting they got that algorithm down to where they know that when you first come on the app, within a handful of your posts, it'll put one of your posts in front of a ton of people. So that way you get that first kind of hit. It's like walking into the casino and maybe you hit the slot machine once or twice and then boom, you get, you get a nice little, nice little dope meet and hit. Maybe you win a hundred, 200 bucks, just enough for you to believe, okay, I could do this. I could get a bunch of followers here. I could win a bunch of money out of this casino.
Starting point is 01:29:34 And they've also really perfected the, like what they call just like the seamless, um, like room. Cause you know, when you go to the casino, there's no hard angles, right? Oh, yeah. And so what, yeah, there's no clocks. There's no, and there's no hard angles because what they don't want is they don't want anything to frame towards a stop. I mean, Netflix has perfected this too, where they don't scroll end credits. It just pops up five, four, three, two, one, boom. Here's your next episode. Same with the endless scroll on Tik TOK. There's nothing that cues you that, Hey, this is coming to the end.
Starting point is 01:30:05 It's all just to keep you in a circulatory process. I'm so glad I don't do TikTok. I'm so glad I don't do TikTok. Hey, there's a reason why Tim Cook will not let his nephew on any social media. And if you look into what a lot of these execs in tech are, is a lot of them restrict that stuff from their kids because they know firsthand how manipulative it is in the process that they're constantly, constantly need you on the app because you are the product. Without your data, without you consuming 100% of the time, their value proposition to the advertisers starts to lower, starts to drop. Their value proposition to the advertisers starts to start to lower. It starts to drop.
Starting point is 01:30:47 I like dancing. I always hear there's good dancing on TikTok. I like dancing. I like I like I follow people on Instagram dance. That was bad. I don't know why I did that. I kind of know is good. Just seven.
Starting point is 01:31:00 Did you watch the fight this weekend? I did. Someone said, do you do someone's? Where's someone? Someone do you watch Kill Tony? So it's funny you say that because we're having hans kim on and i'm doing research on him and i saw that he goes over to kill tony and i went over to kill tony and i tried to watch it and granted i only watched one show and i watched it for 20 minutes and i wanted to blow my brains out it was they had some super girl they're supposed to be these comics that go up and
Starting point is 01:31:24 talk for 60 seconds and then you gong them it's like a gong it was like had some super girl they're supposed to be these comics that go up and talk for 60 seconds and then you gong them it's like a gong it was like a gong show and there's a guy with the cowboy hat who's driving me fucking kind of nuts too and maybe i just got a bad show i mean i could totally see someone starting up my show and watching the first 20 minutes and saying the same thing like what the fuck you watch that but um but but i i was hans was on the show he wasn't one of the comics on it he was like on the panel with the cowboy hat guy and they said it's the most popular live call-in show on youtube or most popular live show on youtube currently i i found the i don't want to say anything bad about it because I only saw it once.
Starting point is 01:32:06 And I only watched 20 minutes. But I didn't hear Han say Jack. He basically – I think he said – he just told the girl she was bad. But she was only supposed to speak for one minute, and she spoke for like 10 minutes, and she was horrible. And they knew she was horrible. So I don't know. Do you think I should give it another chance? Do I – someone, do you think Whitaker did enough to beat – no, I do not think he did.
Starting point is 01:32:34 I wanted him to win. Like I really like Whitaker. I wanted him to win, but Israel's – man, he's good. How about the retard CEO ofvi firing the woman for not staying silent on covet restrictions like levi jeans i i'll look that up i don't know what that is i don't know what that is social dilemma uh watch it people watch it oh i watched social yeah is that the mark walberg movie or is that the documentary that's on netflix documentary um yeah i mean i don't know that one was kind of like it really painted it like super evil and like there are negative implications to it but at the same time there are some
Starting point is 01:33:15 wonderful things that have come out of these platforms and social media hence our show right so like good point it like you said there's always just a trade-off but it's just more so being aware of what it what it's doing to you and um and how to slow that process down or just being just be just cultivate awareness around what it is so that way you know how to regulate yourself and regulate your your kids and everything else on those apps that's the most important thing right same with like government like we always like dude if you let your kids on that shit i'm just going to tell you all the kids that my kids associate with all the bad kids um are tech savvy all the bad kids none of the good the good kids are not the good kids are not and the
Starting point is 01:33:59 bad kids are and the vast majority of the kids are bad kids yeah and again it all just depends on what you're putting in front of them so it's it's what do i mean go ahead and what do i mean by bad they're they're rude to adults they're they're aggressive they're they're assholes they're assholes they're not anyone they're not they're not they're not fun kids to be around i promise you if you come over to my house you'll want to hang out with my kids like they're cool they're fun they say smart shit they're engaging they're they'll touch you they're loving as fuck susan was here fucking the other day and they fucking can't stop like sitting on his lap talking to him um uh fucking my seven-year-old son's like encouraging matt to share his one wheel most seven-year-olds will be like fuck you i ain't sharing shit i don. I don't teach my kid, Jack, I'm just fucking be a good person.
Starting point is 01:34:47 And I just really loving and affectionate to them. And they're loving and affectionate to other people. I share, they share. As soon as he walks in my house, I fucking offer him a sparkling water. Or maybe I didn't this time. Maybe I offered you a, no, don't tell what I offered you. Don't tell. I don't want anyone to know.
Starting point is 01:35:00 I remember what I offered you. We may have done a little morning drinking on saturday maybe i'm not i'm not confirming it yeah it's hit or miss okay ryan that's cool i mean it must be good it's if it's the most popular show it must it must have like some it must be good i'll give it i'll give it another try um yes these these are CEO sunglasses. Uh, there was something else. I did find that Levi's story. Oh, let's check it out.
Starting point is 01:35:36 It was a, well, it's from the daily mail that UK. So that starts to run all these ads and it just bogs down my computer. But the headline here is Levi's brand president, Jennifer say say that's how you s-e-y say can i look at the article can you pull it up yeah yeah yeah this hopefully doesn't block this thing is your computer hard hardwired in no this is a laptop and then i'm running it um there we go There we go. Levi's brand manager, President Jennifer Say, gets fired for speaking out against COVID measures for kids. Refused $1 million to stay quiet after relocating from California to Denver so her children could have a normal childhood. Say, 52, started working for Levi after competing for Team USA as a gymnast in 1986 at the Goodwill Games in Russia.
Starting point is 01:36:27 She worked her way up to become brand president and was on track to become the next CEO. On Monday, she revealed in Barry Weiss's Common Sense Substack channel that she was fired. When the pandemic hit, she was quick to speak out against school closures and lockdowns on kids. She moved her four kids from San Francisco to Denver. San Francisco is a nightmare, people. A nightmare. If someone tells you that they live in san francisco this is going to be really harsh but you can just assume they're a fucking jackass that they have serious mental disorders do not leave your kids alone and i could be wrong but
Starting point is 01:36:55 it's just a safe bet if you're gambling the same way it's a safe bet if you're gambling that you don't need a vaccine quarantine or wear masks in order to survive from covid you just need to stop eating added sugar and refined carbohydrates she moved moved her four kids from San Francisco to Denver so her youngest could go to kindergarten. Say appeared on Fox to talk about the harm lockdown had on kids and it enraged Levi's staff. She was told to stop making public comments about the lockdown and was branded racist.
Starting point is 01:37:19 There you go. You should know, you should also know that anyone who's calling someone racist in this day and age you are almost 100 i'm going to be accurate you're going to be above the 90 line to know that they are racist i'm i'm i'm the small exception because i understand the mechanism in the brain that that that allows people to believe in this idea of racism and project it onto other people and i share it with you regularly on this show last month she says last month say says company ceo charles v berg oh they have a berg over there also it was untenable for her to stay do you know why i bet she was untenable because so many of those fucking staff are like so
Starting point is 01:38:04 brainwashed and believe in the mass that she was having trouble leading them. She says she was offered $1 million payout, but had to stay quiet about what had happened, which she refused to do. Brutal. Brutal, brutal, brutal. I mean, obviously, you can just – anytime I see Levi shit or Gap shit, you can see they've gone woke as fuck. How could such an American company – same with Carthart. How can such American companies or even that guy, the old guy, Neil Young, how do they stand for so much freedom and love and and benevolence and and and trust your fellow man and all that shit and then it just goes out the door yeah that's interesting isn't it like i wonder what what there is to gain from holding that line holding that narrative
Starting point is 01:38:56 what's the solution for crossfitting.? For starters, bring Dave back right away. Hire us. No, don't hire me. Hire you. You could be CEO. I'll be a operations officer. You have to bring back Dave right away. You have to bring someone because I'm guessing this. I have no evidence of this.
Starting point is 01:39:18 I do not speak to Nicole Carroll. I do not speak to anyone who speaks to Nicole Carroll. Well, that's not true. But I have to assume Nicole Carroll is getting burnt out. I have to assume that basically there's so few leaders there now, and there's probably a power vacuum because there isn't an official leader. So people are jockeying for position and competing. So that's burning them out. And then the fact so many people are leaning on Nicole, looking for leadership, and she's feeling that pressure.
Starting point is 01:39:43 And not just her. I'm going to say it. Sorry, guys. I don't mean to throw you guys on the bus. It's Adrian Bosman, Curtis Bowler, Chuck Carswell, Todd Widman, Lisa Ray. I don't even know if some of these people live there or still work there. These are people like Eric O'Connor? Wesley Snipes?
Starting point is 01:40:08 No. Wes Pyatt? Wesley Snipes. Wesley Snipes doesn't work there. Hope we don't get labeled for misinformation. I'm just seeing if you're listening. These people who are the OGs who have been around forever, they're getting taxed. They're going to get taxed. They're going to get leaned on too hard.
Starting point is 01:40:26 And since no one has any real power, they can't really offer any direction or guidance to the staff. It's fascinating. I wish I could be – you know what CrossFit should do? You guys should make a documentary, internal documentary. It would be wild. 12-part Netflix series. Also, too, you could just kind of peek over at what's happening at peloton like if people are interested in just a case study that obviously has its own
Starting point is 01:40:53 its own issues and problems but ones that run a little parallel to what's happening now the only difference is is that's a public company so a lot of this information gets released it's also way more valuable so then therefore you know there's way more attention around it but i would argue that a lot of the stuff that's happening there might be a similar situation at crossfit no um i i'm going to very true i think i think you're 100 right um i want to leave you guys with something. I think this is, I think Elon said this. I think this is a, I'm sure Dave would go back.
Starting point is 01:41:29 I mean, I haven't asked him. I'm sure if they paid him the right amount of money and gave him the amount of control he wants, he really fucking loves the games. That's his baby, man. Yeah. He's not like me. Like I vacillate between fucking hating it and loving it.
Starting point is 01:41:43 He's not like that. He, he, he he he loves that that's a word isn't it i i don't i think so i haven't heard that maybe oscillate give me vacillate i like vacillate because it sounds like vaseline that's why i laughed and reset it i don't i don't know words that sound funny we'll look up vacillate and then and then let's go to um this uh this last instagram clip vacillate uh a fan oscillates right yeah like i always think of it like a young man masturbates go ahead what's vacillate me you've been cracking me up all morning people are gonna make fun of me
Starting point is 01:42:20 for how much i've been laughing this morning on this laughing's good isn't laughing weird isn't alternate or waver between different opinions or actions be indecisive yeah man when i used to smoke weed i was so indecisive holy shit should i get a burrito or should i get a sandwich i get a burrito should i get a sandwich i get a burrito should i get should i take my dog or not take my dog should i ride my bike or go in my car should i get it shake it oh fuck i hated smoking weed how do you guys smoke weed it's fucking stupid uh jeff jeff jeffrey man you need a job buddy you need a job on the show uh learn to pronounce survival or turn eight or waiver wow it's too much word uh waiver between different opinions yeah you got the same one yeah i got it um do you do you see this thing it says optimize something that does not exist i forget why i put
Starting point is 01:43:12 that on there but i think it'll come back to me if you play it is it towards the bottom uh yeah i uh no no it's not it's on the first page sorry it's on the page that says as coffee page street okay thank you page street it's paper street page that says as coffee page street got it okay thank you page street it's paper street coffee paper street coffee paper paper street coffee darn it that's all right we'll get it it's good coffee and we're gonna listen to this right so i'm gonna try to do the yeah you did great last time that was okay that worked all right perfect now we know now we know the rest hey that craig richie that called this morning is so good. I wish I would have had a better bit. Okay, here it is.
Starting point is 01:43:48 Just introducing the first character. Okay. This is fascinating what he's about to say. It's very common. Possibly the most common error of a smart engineer is to optimize a thing that should not exist. Right. Right. Okay. And you say, well, how do we get, why would people do that?
Starting point is 01:44:09 Well, everyone's been trained in high school and college to, that you've got to answer the question. Convergent logic. Yeah. So you can't tell a professor your question is dumb and you'll get a bad grade. You have to answer the question. Yeah. So everyone's basically, without knowing it, they've got a mental straitjacket on.
Starting point is 01:44:27 They'll work on optimizing the thing that should simply not exist. Okay, pause. You guys, this is exactly what I was telling you about presuppositions. When you make presuppositions, you're demanding that someone think that something exists that might not really truly exist. I'll give you a perfect example of it. Anti-racism. Anti-racist. There's no such thing. It's a complete word fuckery. So when you get behind anti-racism, you think because you hear those words, same with like a word like equity,
Starting point is 01:44:59 you think that that means that you're against racism. It does not. It does not manifest in action as that at all it actually manifests in action as the exact opposite it promotes curates sustains racism and if we weren't at 143 i'd explain it to you in detail but you have to start thinking about that stuff it's the same thing if i say to you um why are you such a bad racist person and you're not then all of a sudden you respond with um uh well i was brought up in an all-white neighborhood or i was brought up in an all-black neighborhood whatever your answer is i mean they all work whatever you have that what happened there is you took on that person's presupposition that's
Starting point is 01:45:40 exactly what elon is saying engineers trying to optimize something that doesn't even really exist it's crazy to me that it would happen in engineering I mean I see it happen in language all the time it really is like a fucking Bugs Bunny cartoon someone has cast a spell on society and it doesn't even matter if we're like no it's not true
Starting point is 01:46:02 it's not true I wish I knew the spell to counter that spell. We're doing it. Oh, call me whenever. Okay. Okay. I have to call, I'm going to call this affiliate right now. It's an affiliate that stayed open through the entire pandemic, even though the so-called
Starting point is 01:46:24 pandemic, even though their entire city and state forced gym closures and they stayed open for two years. I was fascinated by this. And I want to talk to this guy and see if he'll come on the show. We can talk to him. All right, guys. Love you. Thanks for coming on, Susan. Thanks for doing this. I know we decided to do the show last minute yesterday. Just my notes were getting too long. I wanted to get them reset on live calling shows calling shows tonight we will be back at 6 45 p.m with joe alu it's not joe illuminati it's joe illumine iron right i thought it was illuminati but i think i just see illumine and i always think it's just it's illuminati yeah that's but i thought i heard him oh here it is uh i thought i heard him answer, introduce himself to someone is. Yeah. Oh, Illuminati iron.
Starting point is 01:47:11 Oh, well, there you have it. Okay. Illuminati iron 645 this evening. Thanks, guys. Peace. Bye.

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