The Sevan Podcast - #307 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: February 21, 2022

Live call-in show with Sevan and Matt. "The Sevan Podcast" T-Shirts Follow us on Instagram Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
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Starting point is 00:01:12 one that's on the youtube the placeholder are you at home yeah yeah oh looks a little different sounds a little different does it sound bad um i think bad's a little harsh. I don't think that's necessary. Is that this gain function? I don't know. I haven't taken a phone call since I got this iPhone situation. It's funny. I plugged in a new phone, and it's asking me if I want to be part of the COVID exposure program.
Starting point is 00:01:41 I don't know if that—no, it's nothing like that. It's nothing— Okay. I think that you're pretty good. Let me see. It's asking my, I probably should have done this before. Shit. Oh no. It's asking me instead of Apple pay. I don't need that to do this show. Right? No. Uh, let's see if someone's going to call in. Well, hopefully all our problems will be solved tomorrow because, uh, that, that fine new
Starting point is 00:02:05 computer should be arriving oh yeah congratulations and this one's giving me a ton of issues congratulations well you look good well thank you that that vest is nice thanks look at oh dang dude you've been bench pressing i have and. And, you know, I had two days ago, I just ate basically just steak or ground beef all day. And I let myself eat as many avocados as I wanted. I think I had three or four. I had a clamshell of greens, which is just spinach and arugula and a pound of ground beef. Then today I'm in my fast, my 36 hour fast. And then tomorrow I'm going to do another pound of just ground beef with as many avocados and clamshells as I want. I know. Where is the S on the shirt? Man, something doesn't, something doesn't feel right. We're here. This is the show. Savon podcast. Oh, cause Superman got it. This is it. What's wrong?
Starting point is 00:02:57 I don't know. Savon, you got that hair on point. Ah, you want to talk about my hair real quick? If someone calls in and I don't answer, something because i don't know if this phone or this shit's working um so basically i don't look anything like this like like suza came to my house oh look at what's up hey thank you hey did i send you the notes caleb no oh fuck me did i send him to you suza yeah i got him oh caleb you should you should have him your name is on the email here sorry my bad your bad um um caleb with the nice features my mom told me that caleb has nice features caleb does have nice features um so i don't look anything like this like when you come to my house i don't when you visited me a couple days ago i don't look anything like this. Like when you come to my house, I don't, when you visited me a couple of days ago, I don't look like this in person. Do I? I, I don't know what that means.
Starting point is 00:03:49 I mean, you look like you, like I wake up, like I have like so much clay in my hair and I just took a shaver and shaved here and I shaved my neck and I'm dressed all nice. Like when you come to my house, I'm like in fucking pajamas and my, and I got like a Jufro.
Starting point is 00:04:03 I'm just like wild, right? Kids are running around. I meanro i'm just like wild right my kids are running around i mean i'm not like this this is like i'm this is this isn't fake me this is just podcast me you're just put together that's all that's all that yeah like if you saw like god forbid anyone who watches the show sees me uh although it does happen every every couple weeks one person will see me at the beach where i go, and I'll be like, oh, shit. How did they even recognize me? And I usually wear big sunglasses to cover my face when I'm out, and I should stop doing that. I think it's bad for my eyes.
Starting point is 00:04:37 I don't know. I think you're too hard on yourself. You look good all the time. Thank you. Well, I think I'm about to get lean and mean. I think I'm going to go into a lean phase for like a week yeah well you got raw meat yeah i think that's gonna be uh dude did you see myself did you see the oh yeah you told me the liver king getting off the fucking jet from africa oh my god he is something else he is something i want He is something. I want to talk to him. I used to want to get him on the podcast, and I still do.
Starting point is 00:05:07 But I'd like to get his mom on the podcast or his dad. So this is the man Matt and Josh used to hate this shit. If you want to know why Matt and Josh left me, even though they didn't leave me, but if'd like to spin that jackass narrative um yeah this is why they left me because i do stuff like this this is what i use in my hair that's it right there clay pot and i scrape that fucker clean like i have like three three now that should be thrown away but i'm just wiping them you You know what I mean? Just like I can get a little more. This is what I use. And I never, I just started again about a month ago using it because I'm basically not going to cut my hair for like a year.
Starting point is 00:05:55 And, uh, I mean, I, I, that's the goal. I want to let my hair get long and my beard get all crazy long. Oh shit. The guests will respect me more. Is that what it is? That's what that'll be? Caleb, do you have a cell phone nearby? Yes.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Could you call? Sure. Let's just see what happens if you call. If the calling number works. Act like you're someone else, though, so we have a caller. Dude, did you guys see the... Caleb, were you guys see the... Caleb, were you on the Hans Kim episode with me?
Starting point is 00:06:28 No, Will was. Oh, yeah, here we go. Okay. Well, shit, it's working. Thank you. Was that the same ringtone it always was? Oh, no, because it's a new phone. I like that ringtone better.
Starting point is 00:06:39 It doesn't scare me. Or whatever the one was. Yeah, that one scared me. Maybe it's just because i always got nervous when someone called um i was told hans hans kim is uh really autistic by who by some but people in my dms are like hey jackass that guy was autistic hello caller phoenix how can i help you oh wait wait wait i can't hear you are you talking wait a minute are you talking caller i am ah yes there you are hi hey how are you
Starting point is 00:07:17 um putting together a half-ass show with with full ass you probably you're a full ass caller but i mean there is a half ass show so one and a half asses I sent an message on an earlier show talking about the CrossFit Journal and what happened to it and it was an interesting explanation and then I watched this
Starting point is 00:07:41 show on the Hoover Institution earlier this weekend. They were talking about alternative media, sub-stack, podcast, and so forth. Do you think there's a place for an alternative CrossFit journal? Like maybe it doesn't have the name, but everybody knows that's what it is? We would have to define what the CrossFit journal is first of all it's it's kind of like it's like crossfit health i think a lot of people think that they know what crossfit health is but they don't know what crossfit health is the people who are running it don't even know what crossfit
Starting point is 00:08:15 health is crossfit health was founded i mean i'm not even trying to be mean i'm just i don't tell the truth um crossfit health is was founded by greg Glassman and run by a lady named Karin Thompson. And it was about the ills of modern medicine, basically showing like, you know, statins were the number one selling drug in the world. And he would bring up scientists after scientists who would be like, how the fuck are people using this? And they would talk about the fallacy behind cholesterol and all of this stuff, right? Like real science, not, not. And so the journal was kind of like that, right? It's Greg Glassman telling you to squat below parallel while the rest of the, while the NSCA and the rest of the world or whoever is saying, no, don't squat below parallel.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Right. So is there a space for truth tellers? I mean, yeah, dude, the hardest thing is, is no one wants to do it until you're canceled. Once you're canceled, it's good to go. And even then people are scared. The hardest thing is, is no one wants to do it until you're canceled. Once you're canceled, it's good to go. And even then people are scared. Like, but once you're next time, Seban unbuttons his vest, he should have the CEO.
Starting point is 00:09:14 I know, I know. Yeah. So I think that's the issue with the journal. It's really bizarre that the journal hasn't been pulled forward. Here's the thing. I was thinking about it today. They have the lady, Erin, who's running. She's the, they call her chief marketing officer. And we would have never had marketing at CrossFit before because Greg didn't believe in selling anything to anyone.
Starting point is 00:09:35 He just believed in adding value to stuff. So we called it the media team. She, and she was brought in by Eric Rosa. So I'm assuming Eric Rosa was supposed to train her and get her up to speed on what the company is. Well, not only did he probably not have enough time to get her up to speed, I'm guessing, I'm guessing, is that now, and he didn't even know what CrossFit is. You remember, this is the guy when I left the company,
Starting point is 00:09:56 he texted me and said, thank you for everything you've done for the games. That's like, I would guess like, I would like, if Josh Bridges said that to me i'm like yeah cool no problem thanks bro like i get it right that's where i saw him on the field of play but no one who has even the tiniest bit of notion of what crossfit is would say that to me they would be like holy shit thank you for the fucking all the movement videos and being the primary source of videos from crossfit from 2007 to 2010 non-games related i mean so they don't they're i i don't they don't even know what they're sitting on the treasure trove like those
Starting point is 00:10:32 he did they don't even know that um greg like people still i mean 90 of crossfitters don't know and i guess they don't i guess you can drive a car and not really know the true value of the combustion engine and what's going on in there but 90 of but it is important someone knows it is important someone knows right like the ceo of like engineering at ford has to know that but but um or the head of the engineering team but um the if greg wouldn't have defined fitness i there would there would be no like this thing wouldn't be so profound and people don't get that like it's a tiny little spark that's causing the whole explosion for the Ferrari to go 210 miles an hour. Damn. My arms look good today. I'm telling you, dude, I'm about to, I know I'm telling you, I'm about to get something all juiced up and nowhere to go.
Starting point is 00:11:18 But what do you think? What do you think? I need to ask more questions. This is a podcast. I'm supposed to ask questions. What do you think, my friend? I mean, it's really, you know, an idea. It's like, how do you, and we kind of detach from, you know, the, the word or the brand or the logo a little bit. You just say it's the idea of functional fitness. We have a definition, the 10 general physical skills, and we have this, all of this knowledge and this really
Starting point is 00:11:45 good idea that was you know initially started by that content on the old website and the journal and so forth like how do you like get that back out again because it seems to me like CrossFit is like you said sort of just becoming the games in the open but really it was this whole other thing about health and fitness and how do you get that idea back on track is there a different route like can somebody else do it the thing is here's what here's what's interesting though right right what was your name greg greg here's what's interesting it still is that we're just confused it's like just it's it's like looking at just a huge pair of beautiful titties and not realizing confused it's like just it's it's like looking at just a huge pair of beautiful titties and not realizing that it's really just a gelatinous sacks of fucking fat high with blood
Starting point is 00:12:32 and veins and arteries and shitting them you know what i mean like we're so confused we're so confused like like um the the the the all that stuff is still on the inside the the the i mean that's all the affiliates that's what's so crazy and even i mean the only surviving media oh i don't know if this is true i'm gonna say it and then someone can tell me to go fuck myself. The only surviving media that's not games related around CrossFit Inc. is this. This fucking show right here. Exterior. And in the inside, I don't know what's left. There's some DEI media, maybe CrossFit training, that Instagram account.
Starting point is 00:13:19 That's a fascinating story you might be interested in. When the CEO was hired was uh brought in the one that came before dave the one that came before greg and dave the one that was eventually fired um sorry logan i don't mean to ruin tits for you i mean they're great but they're just they are what they are and um that guy i forget where i was even going with this what were you saying what were we talking about? The tits thing. I should turn off these damn comments.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Oh, surviving media. So that guy told us to turn off all of our social media accounts, told us to turn off Facebook, told us to turn off Instagram. Now, imagine that. And just so you know the implications of that, when we turn them off revenue drop, basically 30% overnight, overnight for all of CrossFit Inc. So to give you an idea, you guys of how that, why you think that might work. If there are a billion users on Instagram, I want you to do the math. If 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% were to accidentally stumble upon the training page and buy a, um, seminar. I mean, when you have a billion, it can just be a few five a day, 20 a day. And, and, and so, um, so, so they, they, they, they, they turn all that off and we're fucked. And then now I just don't
Starting point is 00:14:43 think anyone's no one needs, there's no one there's no there's no proof of what crossfit is except in the affiliates and that's a huge amount of proof but coming out of hq or coming out of the external media sphere who is it right you have craig gritchy making amazing content not not uh core content it's it's uh how cool he is we have the buttery bros doing it there's some mixture of core content in there but it's mostly just like it's it's fun get to know people kind of peewee playhouse um we have nate and um uh uh uh with zekiel the guy in what the fuck is that guy's name weeks and weeks weeks like weedies weeks weeks weeks um they're they. They're kind of more like up to news,
Starting point is 00:15:27 like reporting on like, hey, today Dave Castro broke his toe and the games is being moved a week later because of a storm cloud that's coming. You know what I mean? They're kind of like the TMZ. UFC's got a lot of that. I like that shit.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Mayhem's got a little bit too, right? Yeah, Mayhem has all that stuff. Jerking off Froning. I'm stuff, jerking off Froning. I'm all about jerking off Froning. Giving him a Hans job. Loving on the Froning empire. Wondering, you're like watching those videos, seeing if you can see Fikowski in the background yet.
Starting point is 00:15:56 But no one's doing, uh-oh. This is interesting. Oh, no. This is Kristoff. I thought maybe it was Laura Horvath's brother, but he's not in Mallorca or Mallorca, wherever. Oh, my God. Anyway, so there isn't – no one even knows what CrossFit is anymore. It's all just lost in the – it's lost.
Starting point is 00:16:19 I think I remember, too, when you got a level one, they would give you like a year subscription. Yes, sir. Yeah. Yeah. All CrossFit Inc. has to do, it's so easy. All they have to do is bring the journal back up to the front, ditch that DEI tab or whatever that fucking virtue signaling shit that you're trying to do. Put the journal up there. If you want it to just be pictures of all the people working out are Asian and black and brown, fine. I'm okay with that. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Or, or fat people or chicks or whatever, anything besides white dudes. Cool. Let's do it. And bring the journal up and everything you publish, put in there and give a little bit of budget to it. What I would recommend is with the money that you've saved from firing Rosa, what, and I recommend, and this will change the entire landscape for every single affiliate. It's so easy to do. It costs $10,000 to make an insane transformation story. So you hire someone like, what's the guy's name?
Starting point is 00:17:15 There's a guy named Torn out there who used to work for CrossFit. Amazing guy, Emmy winner. You pay him $10,000 or like Michael Dalton, you pay him $10,000 and they go somewhere and they find a fat black guy who's blind, who's started CrossFit a year ago. And now he's lost 60 pounds and he's getting laid and he's going to his L1. And you release one of those every single week for 52 weeks a year.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Yeah, that guy, that guy's a beast. And you release one of those. Man, what a fucking talent. That guy would make his own equipment when it was needed. Anyway, and you just release one of those a week, 52 weeks a year, and you just hammer it. Sometimes it's a Los Angeles Lakers cheerleader who uses it to stay fit. But you just show these – no, no. Her husband – it's an LA Lakers cheerleader.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Her husband died, and she uses crossfit for community support right and you you just tell one of these stories every single week and what you're doing now is you're giving all the affiliates the only real thing they want from hq they don't want you to fuck up the brand i like having the ceo say he's mentally ill they don't they don't and and then they want content right that's it i mean and then publish it in the journal it comes out every week and we're all excited and happy and then have some videos with like like lisa ray teaching someone the squat i don't even know if she still works at crossfit but if she does have her do it she's great or michelle moots or someone yeah no i i, I, I, I like that. Yeah, totally agree.
Starting point is 00:18:46 It's like, I just get them to do it. And it's so easy. I would, if they hired me back for 50 grand a year, I'd run that for them. I don't know what we're waiting for. I'd run that for him.
Starting point is 00:18:56 It's so easy. I mean, I told Greg this, I told, um, uh, when Dave was CEO, Dave started letting me fire it up, but he's only CEO for like two months.
Starting point is 00:19:02 And I got like six projects in the, in the, in the making and the dude in, we take that that's that's the key to take over show kids in the what's that the falafels what are the kids living in brazil flavelas you show kids in brazil doing it you show kids in ethiopia doing it you show special ops doing it you show the taliban doing it you show russian troops invading ukraine doing you just show their stories like do you show all the stories you show my mom doing it taliban can't even use ellipticals correctly what makes you think they can do crossfit
Starting point is 00:19:34 okay okay sorry sorry sorry look at look at caleb's never just put himself on the show you talk about the taliban and the air force guy just flies in he was triggered he was triggered fucking yeah triggered caleb got triggered terrorism is not a joke guys so yes everything else so i agree they got to bring the journal back how are they going to do it what's it going to look like i don't know will they do it they don't even know what they have yet they gotta just give them another five years to figure out what they have they're not gonna do it they're gonna sell shoes so they're gonna turn into commodities crossfit jump ropes crossfit t-shirt crossfit shoes crossfit sunglasses crossfit sunscreen crossfit backpacks basically greg told us at one point it would never wow caller do you mind if i i let you go i want to get this call from new zealand absolutely thanks a lot yeah thank you like you're so polite with the callers
Starting point is 00:20:29 thank you hello how are you what time is it uh hey how you going it is 3 20 p.m at the moment okay on what day uh monday 25th of february how you going good hey could there be a 21st of february yeah could there be a wave so big that it just takes out your whole country uh probably probably what's the highest point on what's the highest point on New Zealand? What's the highest point? Like if there was a tsunami, how, where, where could you, what's the highest point? Hey, we've got Mount Cook, which is, let's have a look.
Starting point is 00:21:11 12,000 feet. Okay. You're good. 3,724. Yeah, we're good. We're good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Um, good to be on the show. I just want to say, love this show. I love everything you're doing. It's awesome. Um, keep it up. Thank you. But I wanted to drop, love this show. I love everything you're doing. It's awesome. Keep it up.
Starting point is 00:21:25 But I wanted to drop, this may be news, this may not. I'm trying to keep up with all the episodes, but they're talking to some Australian athletes and they mentioned to me that they are not allowed, like last year, they were allowed to
Starting point is 00:21:41 for the semi-final stage, they were allowed to go to, like, see I didn't have to come back for the Torian Crow. Yes. But the rumor is that they, sounds like CrossFit has told them this year they have to travel back to Australia. I'd like to hear your thoughts. Yeah. Boy. Here's the reason why I don't, I would need to know more.
Starting point is 00:22:04 This is a really just off the cusp i don't think anyone should have to travel anywhere outside of the united states because to come here you have to be vaccinated if you're a foreigner so if you are here basically what crossfit is doing is they're forcing any athletes who want to compete to get vaccinated now you could say well that's not their fault that's the that's the country's fault let's not even say vaccinated to take a drug injection of an untested fucking drug that's new on the market. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You know my shtick. OK, so. Yeah. So. So why should they have to do that to compete? Well, those are the rules. Nothing's fair. Fuck off. Stay in your own country if you don't like it.
Starting point is 00:22:36 But what if you're here already? What if he has been here the whole time? He doesn't want to get the injection. What if her coaching team doesn't want to get the injection and they're making her go home and then come back here i don't know i think it's bullshit if i i i think it's um i think it's completely insane i i i like uh i'm a huge fan of what jokovic uh jokovic is that his name jokovic novak jokovic the tennis player i'm a huge like good job good job yeah that was a big spanner in the works
Starting point is 00:23:08 definitely yeah yeah and you know what fuck that guy is it Ralph Nader Ralph Nadal and is that who ended up going there and winning
Starting point is 00:23:16 I don't know and well whoever went there and ended up winning the Australian Open he's a bitch and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Like, that is not standing. He's a bitch.
Starting point is 00:23:30 He really is. You got to stand by your guy. You got to stand. You guys, people have to stand together. People have to stand together. Yeah, another question. What do you think about it? What do you think about it?
Starting point is 00:23:42 What do you think about it? Oh, I don't know. I think it's pretty crazy that some of these athletes, too, Another question. What do you think about it? What do you think about it? What do you think about it? Oh, I don't know. I think it's pretty crazy that some of these athletes who have moved to America, Canada, that kind of area, they're training all year round, and then what, they have to fly back across the world to compete. I don't know, it's a massive expense.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Like when there was rumors that Tia had to do it last year, it was like, well, she was kind of explaining, especially about, oh yeah, I put it about quarantine as well, but like, um, it's a, it's a massive ask, but, um, and everyone said, oh, she can pluck her fingers and sponsors would pay for it. But there was a, yeah, there's a lot of logistics going on. The quarantine's insane too. The quarantine's insane in Australia. You fly into one town, you're quarantined for two weeks,
Starting point is 00:24:24 then you've got to drive to your town, you're quarantined for two weeks. Yeah. Someone should be more. Yeah. No, well, there was a bit of an uproar last year because I'm in New Zealand, so the New Zealand athlete was wondering what was going to work to get over to Australia to be able to compete at Tour and Pro. But it managed to work.
Starting point is 00:24:44 It worked out great. We all got there and it all went fine. I shoot CrossFit Media stuff with my mate Callum, and we're called the Crispy Dudes. We were, I think, being called the Marjorie Men, but that was pretty lame. And we travel
Starting point is 00:24:59 to Torian, and we've shot behind the scenes at New Zealand Nationals. We shot a bit of behind the scenes at Torian, which is so much fun but definitely inspired by you, at first I thought who, can you swear on the show? Yes, you may you may, only you though
Starting point is 00:25:16 I just thought who the fuck I just thought who the fuck is this guy asking questions, this is back when I was watching the early videos and it was you and I thought, who is this guy? And obviously I grew to love what you're doing. I kind of realized that you're
Starting point is 00:25:31 probing deeper than the superficial and you were like, I don't know, just throwing a stand around there for these athletes. So when we went over to Australia, we were allowed access backstage and I was like, what do we ask these athletes? Um,
Starting point is 00:25:46 but I don't, obviously we didn't want to like just try and be you, but it's like, yeah. So what, what goes through your mind when you are backstage and you're talking to these athletes or in the little pen before a workout, like,
Starting point is 00:25:56 um, is there something that's off limits or are you like, Hey, I'm just going to push the buttons and hit record and see what comes out or, or what's your mindset there? I'd love to know. Cause i got roasted by a car saunders you got roasted by car saunders yeah yeah she got me good yeah yeah tell me i can give you the full story but okay um can you make it quick hey i want to show her i want to before you talk about car saunders i want to show her
Starting point is 00:26:22 just really quick um Just really quick. Do you see those two clips? Thank you, Caleb. He gave me the... I would like to know what Brian Friend thinks about this. This fucking chick is out of fucking control. Let's ogle Kara Saunders' body for a second. Are you kidding me? And here she's like yelling at someone.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Looking at her traps. I'm telling you, like, she's... Someone's in trouble this year. I want to move her back up in the rankings. Click this other one where she's pulling a boat with her kid in it. Feel free to ogle the shit out of her body
Starting point is 00:27:02 everyone who's watching this. If you don't like good bodies, look away. If you're offended by the female form, holy shit. That's mama power. Look at her. Look at that jaw. She's fucking there to eat. Don't scroll. Don't be crass, Caleb, and scroll down to her vagina and just her titties and cut off her head. That's not cool at all. Come on, man.
Starting point is 00:27:20 What are you, some sort of scumbag? I mean, look at this body. Holy shit. It's nuts it's nuts yeah she's she that looks like she's in it to win it yeah she looks good she's real fit i'm a little concerned that she doesn't have her thumb wrapped around that uh the front of the boat and that like a little more of a hook grip she don't even hook grip that boat i guess she doesn't need it you know she's strong enough four finger pull look at even her boat's about to bite her ass. Look at the teeth on her boat.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Even her boat's not fucking around. Okay, go ahead. Now you can badmouth her. What do you want to say about it? So the girls are about to go on the final heat in one of the events, I don't know, in the middle of the day. And I was standing there in the little, like, lanes as they were about to, I don't know, five minutes before they go out,
Starting point is 00:28:06 waiting for the next heat that was going. And I was just pointing to camera people, maybe having a chat, trying to try and build some confidence up. I knew some of the athletes and I didn't know others. And I was talking to Ellie Turner and I've met her, what's her name, before at Australia CrossFit Champs in Monarch. She's great.
Starting point is 00:28:22 And I just said, oh, Ellie, how are you feeling? And then Cara, this is on our behind the scenes, by the way, if you want to check it out. But Cara just kind of stopped me and was like, don't you ever ask an athlete that. And she kind of goes on to explain what, man, like really, like you don't mess with Cara.
Starting point is 00:28:40 So she's pretty much just like, hey, look, she's not going to give you a real real answer because she's not going to say that she's tired right now, right before she goes out in front of all control, like the rest of the heat. So you're not going to get the true answer. Like don't try. So I tried that before a workout.
Starting point is 00:28:57 So kind of. That's all I got. And man, it just rocked my confidence for the whole day. I was like, Oh, I don't even know what to ask people I know that feeling
Starting point is 00:29:08 okay for those of you who don't speak New Zealand I have to really concentrate to fucking understand this this gentleman said that he was some sort of starting line or no don't be sorry it's a beautiful accent he was at the corral and Ellie Turner was there who we tried
Starting point is 00:29:26 to interview and uh ellie turner and car saunders was there and this gentleman was doing a behind the scenes and he asked ellie turner so how are you feeling or something generic like that to break break the ice and car saunders put a whooping on him and he had his confidence broken i want to tell you every oh man i don't think I've ever told a story. There was there's one year I was doing behind the scenes. I was so scared to talk to the girls. I had my wife do it. I gave my wife a fucking camera. I'm not even shitting you. Like the women are so fucking weird. They are. I don't even I don't even get them. They're so not all of them. You know, there's Sarah Sigmund's daughter.
Starting point is 00:30:02 There's who's the girl from England we had on the show? She's Sam Briggs. There's Danielle Brand. And there's girls that – there's Katrin David's daughter. God, that hurts my soul to say that. They're great. They are so fucking good with the camera. They're so real. They'll give it to you.
Starting point is 00:30:22 But, man, it's hard. I don't – it's hard. I I'm that I don't, it's like when I start these podcasts, I'm so fucking insecure for the first like 10 seconds. And if some, if like some guests were to just to blast me in that first 10 seconds, like car blasted you at fucking, I'd probably just hit the button, hang up button and run, run inside, hide, hide behind the toilet. I get it. I mean, I'm fully with you it's fucked up people have no idea
Starting point is 00:30:46 that's why you look at what ours do and you're like holy shit not only are they out there they're acting like herman how the fuck do they do that but kind of ignorance is kind of bliss too i i think when i'm asking questions i think okay a question pops up and i'm like i don't want to ask that and then i usually will start circling it like a shark like i'll feel myself circling the question and maybe i'll ask like two or three loaded questions to get to that question um but but what comes to my mind is is like you know there's a guy and he's rubbing fucking uh brook wells's glutes and i'm in the back room and it's like, dude,
Starting point is 00:31:25 do you have a wife? Do you have a girlfriend? I mean, I just got to ask him like right there. And then, and then the whole thing is, is like to get her, her Brooks reaction,
Starting point is 00:31:34 his reaction and my reaction. But I do not want to ask that, but, but it has to be said, it's a straight, it's a dude rubbing some other chicks, like the best ass on planet earth. And it's like, what, what, like you got to want, you gotta want you gotta wonder and and some girls don't like dudes rubbing
Starting point is 00:31:50 uh another girl some chicks don't like their dudes rubbing another girl's ass especially when it's the greatest ass on the planet and so it's makes for you gotta ask it if you don't you fucked up you owe it yeah to all of us to find out. And, and, and that dude was cool as shit. And you know what? Brooke Wells was even fucking cooler. I remember that scene. Because, because if you're not cool like that,
Starting point is 00:32:12 you're a fake fuck. This guy, this guy made fucking Facebook to get pussy. And you're all on Facebook and your grandma's on Facebook. You're all a bunch of scumbags. We know it already. We know Zucker made it to get pussy. We saw the movie. We read the book. Now you're all on it trying to get pussy. Like, all right. You feel me? See the connection? I mean, I'm being a little strong,
Starting point is 00:32:39 but you get it. It's like. Yeah, cool. All right. No, it's just crazy how some athletes are so different like Khan and Royce Royce Dunn
Starting point is 00:32:49 that is so chatty backstage whereas maybe even like James Newbury can be quite like he was sitting there
Starting point is 00:32:56 just doing some brief work and stuff. So it's just really interesting how different athletes kind of approach
Starting point is 00:33:01 preparations. Someone like Josh Bridges or Rich Froning will you and probably Katchen was the same but I don't know different athletes kind of approach yeah uh preparations yeah someone like josh bridges or rich froning will you and probably catch him was the same but i don't know specifically um but definitely bridges and and rich know how to you and noah know how to use the camera people by that and we want to be used do you know what i mean they know how to talk to us to make themselves calm down they know how to calm us down they use us to um to to to help their situation they're not you know what i mean kalipa finally after a year or two figured it out it's basically like hey they're nervous they'll talk to us and calm their nerves or they'll get some
Starting point is 00:33:36 they'll get some time or they just know how to use the media and i don't mean just in the sense of get their name out their instagram followers followers. I mean, as actually use them to facilitate a better performance. They know they're going to have to deal with us that we're there. I mean, Noah is a master at it. So is Josh and Rich. I mean, like I could be looking at Rich from across the room and be like, OK, come over. You know what I mean? Thank you.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Like, like, fuck, like all my prayers have been answered today. And if you get a couple of those back to back like after car steps on your dick but if rich calls you over and josh tells you he likes you or makes fun of you or even better makes fun of you then you kind of build up your sack again and you can go over and talk to cara and then you have to you have to be like dude that was harsh you broke my confidence and you know what i mean you kind of got to like just face that demon too and start with that throw it throw it back on her but But you also don't want to fuck, you never want to fuck them up.
Starting point is 00:34:27 You never want to influence their performance. At least in the negative. Never, never, never, never. I would never ask them to pose or do some shit. I was pretty respectful. Well,
Starting point is 00:34:43 if I hit it back over to Torian this year, um, yeah, we'd love to do something. If you need some media coverage over there. Um, I don't know if you're going to be seeing people over to Australia, but we'd love to hook up and do some interviews for you or something.
Starting point is 00:34:57 We're so ghetto. We won't be sending anyone anywhere, but we could probably use you there. If you do have an iPhone. Yep. Yeah. Would you send me an email? Sub on Matosian at Gmail.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Yeah. Sounds good. Yeah. You the man. All right. Thanks dude. Awesome. Thank you bro.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Bye. I don't bet. I asked Lucas Parker if he's ever tried meth. That seems a little out there. That's that's, that doesn't seem like something you'd say at all. Hey, how about this guy's name is dick butter he's a reg yeah there was there was there was hey no we have a there was supposed to or or there was or there wasn't who knows yeah hang tight guys hang tight big
Starting point is 00:35:41 news is i'm gonna get i'm gonna get a background hang tight hang tight don't get me in trouble hang tight hey we have a website we could direct people to to uh contact us now you don't have to give out your email address oh what do we have we got a website they're gonna be the seven the contact form and they could drop us uh whatever they If you want to come on the show, if you think you're good enough, if you've got enough followers, drop it in there. If you've got a comment, you want to help out with something, drop it in there, and we'll help you guys out. Want to be a sponsor? Drop it in there.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Hey, if you want to be a sponsor, actually use my email address. My mom was ripping on this photo. Really? Yeah. My mom said, but, you when i i think i was sending you guys photos for something else and i thought that was a funny photo and then ended up on the site um can you scroll around on the site i haven't actually been to the site yet you know that oh gosh that doesn't surprise me excuse me you don't like that photo?
Starting point is 00:36:45 I mean, my lips. I mean, what expression is that? You know what we'll do is when your hair and beard gets super long in a little bit, we'll have it to where when you scroll the mouse over it, it changes. And we'll just set that up the same way. Gimp shirt, gimp strap. But it'll just switch from that to enlightened. Enlightenment.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Oh, this is cool. Wait, where is this, Caleb? It's under our blog. Wow. Also, if you have a cool article you would like to submit, please use the contact form and we will take your intellectual property and use it as our own. Wait a second. Who does that? Caleb, who does that?
Starting point is 00:37:23 The website. GLM does. They transcribe just popular. I think they did our most popular podcast so far. And then it just gets pasted in here. So you see comments from Sousa, stuff that you say. And then whenever we have guests on, it'll show whatever they say, basically. It's like literally an hour and a half long contract. Oh my goodness, it's a script.
Starting point is 00:37:53 It's a movie. We've got our screenplay out now. I think we just need to tell them who these guests are, I guess. I think it's just automated. It doesn't know who the person is. It just like picks up. Or yeah. I wonder if speaker was somebody calling. Did we have any people call in on that show? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:12 That was a live calling show. So yeah. Maybe that's right then. Let me see that photo again. The, the, the one on the, I don't know. Someone said, there's someone in here. So that photo is in Africa. I'd have to see the background. I don't know. Someone said there's someone in here said that photo is in Africa. I'd have to see the background. I don't think I would wear those glasses to Africa. I think I'm so funny. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:42 What? okay okay what what what um uh darren wants to know if the rumors are true that i'm moving to the morning chalk up there maybe that is that was going to be the big news this week um but a little hang up on pay hector drink hq will have something listen seven and take notes but to cancel seven like the ones who did it to rogan god i hope someone cancels me again that shit is a boon for your career um so i had hans kim on and people were saying he what he is legitimately autistic do we
Starting point is 00:39:18 caleb is there any way to search that i looked it up earlier actually and is he when you mentioned it um i don't i didn't see anything there was a reddit article about it uh but i don't think it was i don't think he's autistic well okay he might have like ass burgers did he make a joke on the show did you guys listen to it i'm thinking maybe at one point he made a joke where people say i'm autistic or that it's because i'm autistic and i think i just let that go over my head. Like I would say, you know, because I'm a midget, like you just like a, I don't recall him saying that, but I had, I did look it up and I saw he had like a bit where people,
Starting point is 00:39:56 or he mentioned something about how people said he's autistic. So that might be like a bit that he has too. Okay. We'll have to read the transcript when it comes out. I wish I could look, I wish I could see the screen when I do that. Oh, it's covered up by the,
Starting point is 00:40:13 your chair is the same color as your nose. Oh shit. I'm going to hurt myself. Last time I pretend to give this mic a blow job. I told myself I'd never do anything like that again. I hurt my fucking jaw. Yeah. Don't let it cramp.
Starting point is 00:40:26 God. You don't need a neck tweak online here. You know that's happened in real time before. Guys, I want to explain. I got a clip of it. Oh. Thanks. Oh, you suck.
Starting point is 00:40:39 You suck, Caleb. Hey, so what happens on our RealSavon podcast thing? I saw Sarah Sigmundsdottir. When Will publishes, there's a button in Instagram where you can say offer to collab with someone? Yes. And where do people get that request? Have I ever got that request? I just don't see it.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Has anyone ever requested? Does Paper Street Coffee ever post something and then they're like, we want to collab with Savon and then I miss it and I don't click it. Like, has anyone ever requested to collect this, this paper street coffee ever post something. And then they're like, we want to collab with someone. And then I miss it. And I don't click it. Where does that pop up? I don't think you would be able to,
Starting point is 00:41:10 because you're like your main account. Yeah. I, you can't do anything to that. I can't mention you. I can't put you in common. Okay. Not me.
Starting point is 00:41:17 Let's say someone else. Well, notifications, like just as if somebody had tagged you in a picture or something. Oh, Oh really? It's in there. It's in the heart. So you got to hit that heart and like i never do they know we'll just
Starting point is 00:41:28 send it in your messages oh okay so i would see it that's the only place i check is my messages the heart's a mess who has time for the heart unless i post something and i want to see if like people think it's funny. Will also said here the comment, he said he looks autistic, so he plays it as a joke. Not that he was. Was Will on that show? Will can't be on that show.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Will was on that show? That good Christian young man like that can't be on a show with Hans. Holy shit. With a loose cannon like hans some people are like that's the most boring show ever some people are like that's the most brilliant show ever it's really interesting um i wanted to explain something to you guys talk to you guys about something so i was sitting in my one of my kids class the other day and oh that's nice Did you just make that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Paper Street. Thank you. Paper Street Coffee. If you can't get a job at Paper Street Coffee, then you should go to and look for a job. So I'm sitting in my kids' jiu-jitsu class, and there are two parents talking, and one of them is a doctor who I respect and who's been extremely helpful and polite and kind to my family. And she's talking to one of the other parents over there, and they're discussing gender. And they're talking about gender, and they're talking about it as if it's real. And I'm eavesdropping, so I'm not hearing all the details, but they're talking about it like it's real, like this wristband is real. You guys see this?
Starting point is 00:43:09 Oh, darn it. Not Victo's. When am I going to get the CEO wristbands? This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, You'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items. Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Add coffee to your list, then swap it for one that's cheaper. Craving chips? The app will suggest some on sale. To get started, just open the app. It's as easy as that. See the PC Optimum app for details. Oh, damn. They're talking about gender if it's real like it's like this wristband um okay and i'm just tripping on it and they're talking about how to how to like help a child pick their gender and and they're just and they're talking about over and over and over and i'm thinking to myself i'm like trying to be i'm like i wonder what my gender
Starting point is 00:44:04 is i wonder what my gender is and then i'll be myself, I'm like trying to be, I'm like, I wonder what my gender is. I wonder what my gender is. And then I'll be quiet and see if like I get an answer. And I'm like, shit, you don't know what gender you are. And they just keep doing that. And I hear it all the time these days. I hear it at least once a day where people conflate gender with sex. And it's really important that you guys don't do that.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Because it dumbs down everyone. And when you use those words wrong, what happens is you confuse what's in your head with reality. So we've all agreed that red means stop, and so we stop. But we know it doesn't really mean stop. It's an agreed-upon element of our society, so we don't get in car accidents. The same with money money we know money has no value but we've agreed upon that it has a value so one of the ladies gets up and leaves and i and i say to the other lady i said you know gender is not real right yeah yeah exactly that is my gender you that is shit thank you that is my gender. That is shit. Thank you. That is my gender CEO.
Starting point is 00:45:07 And I say, you know, you know, gender is not real. And the parent says to me, well, I I've heard you say that before in your podcast, but but I don't get it. And I and I. I want to explain it to you guys in two ways, and I'm sure this is this isn't this isn't the last time I'm going to explain it. guys in two ways and i'm sure this is this isn't this isn't the last time i'm going to explain it um but if someone asks you what your sex is you can always look in your pants you just on you or if you're if you're not wearing pants you just look down at your crotch and if you have a penis you the word to signify that that sex is man and if you have a vagina the way to signify that sex is woman and if you have both it's i think they're called hermaphrodite like jamie lee curtis right which was yeah though it's on the outside like this wristband sex is i think so yeah she's hot right she's hot hermaphrodite you didn't know you were you would bang a hermaphrodite. Well, we all would.
Starting point is 00:46:12 This wristband right here is on the outside too, like my penis and like your vagina. They're on the outside, and that's how we know – and then we use the word wristband to signify it. Hermaphrodite, a person or animal having both male and female organs or other sexual characteristics either abnormally or as natural condition oh okay oh i see what you mean so it'd be abnormal for a human but thank you caleb but a leech and an earthworm has both and it's not um abnormal it's i think it could also be compared to like seahorses like the males carry the eggs but they impregnate yeah anyway sorry no no no no different seahorse is different seahorses those dudes are just like me they're bitches they raise the kids themselves i mean i mean they're real men um so so when you tell someone you would never say to your kids, hey, you have to choose.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Is it the Easter bunny or is it Santa Claus that brings you your presents? Do you guys see what I'm saying? You're making up two fake creatures, two fake things, and you're having them choose one that brings them presents. Neither of those things really bring your kids the presents. It's either the UPS driver, the FedEx driver, or the Amazon driver. There is no Santa Claus and there is no Easter Bunny. We pretend like there is, but we really know there's not because we can look out the window after we would look down and see our penis and we know we're a man. We look out the window, and we see the Amazon driver drop the package off.
Starting point is 00:47:46 We know it's not Santa. These people want to believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny. Now, here's the problem. That's why I said when you tell a kid, Sevan's gender vest. This is my gender vest. When you tell a kid, hey, when you start explaining to a kid what gender is, you're asking them to believe in the boogeyman. You're asking them to believe in Santa or the bunny. They're not ready. Most adults can't even figure out what I'm saying. They're not ready to realize it's not real. It's made up. If afterwards you're 18 or 25 or whatever
Starting point is 00:48:19 and you want to pick a gender for yourself, go for it. But it's not real. Like people like me would just complicate my life. I have no gender. I just, I'm just like wise, wise people. I'm sorry to say this. Um, wise people don't have genders. Only weak, insecure people trapped in their head have genders. I'm not even saying that to be mean. It is the truth. There is no reality to it. It is the Santa Claus. It's if you – and when you trick someone, once you trick someone to start believing things in their head and they start conflating reality, this wristband, with their imagination, you'll never be able to empathize with another human being you'll
Starting point is 00:49:06 constantly be offended you'll be you'll be defending something that's not real that it's so much work it's such a waste of energy it's like the war on terrorism i see what you did here the obsession of gender is is harmful. I agree. I agree. I agree. It's just hard. I agree. You got me. And the thing is, it's just everywhere. I'm just protecting my kids from it now. Logan Mars meant to say, Sevan, I am so fucking hot. I know. I make you hot, not lost. Please rewrite that. Thank you. Gender is Santa Claus. that's in my notes sex is is the fedex guy like you you can see him right it's real the nsca case is sealed there's a real verdict we can't see it
Starting point is 00:50:11 sealed there's a real verdict we can't see it why is that and it does speculation speculation why do you think it is why do you have an idea i have no i i mean you can speculate the craziest things why would they seal that case why wouldn't they want all the affiliates to know greg glassman for years and years and years was suing the nsca for making up false injury maybe that's the wrong question maybe we should ask the question of who does with the case being sealed who benefits from that you don't think that that's even more presumptuous i mean somebody benefits from it right right right so who benefits from it i think if you start with that right, like going back to your gender thing, who benefits from misinterpreting things so it causes some sort of confusion and then we base policies around it, right? Like who benefits from that?
Starting point is 00:51:03 Children should not be boxed in my gender. They should definitely not be boxed in your gender. But yeah, they should not be boxed in my gender. They should definitely not be boxed in your gender. But yeah, they should not be boxed in it. That's the thing. Yeah, let them free. Let them like let them roll. No one cares. No, Mike, my people called me a girl forever.
Starting point is 00:51:19 I did. I did not care. And then when you care, like you get over it, like people think my boys are girls. So they're smashing their daughters um yeah i well who would benefit um so does crossfit so we could just start by going off the you mean like like so an example would be crossfit benefits because like they want 100 million dollars and they don't want anyone to like the same way like if i was rich as fuck from this podcast i'd want to hide it from you and caleb so you guys didn't feel bad like i'd never show you my ferrari on my social media yeah yeah you guys are working for free and shit so i mean like that like hide it like that
Starting point is 00:51:54 well why would crossfit want the amount that they got disclosed like why wouldn't they just share that and say like hey guys we didn't want to put more efforts toward this legal battle we're going to go ahead and close this case and we settled for 100 million like why why would i mean the only thing i can think of is because the affiliates would want some of the money okay so that's one thing how many affiliates do you even really think understand what was going on with that case because like when i posted that little clip about it there was a lot of people that like dm'd me that were like holy shit i didn't realize and that was a clip that was taken prior to the legal battle so that was greg like discussing when he was figuring out the information of why it mattered to us as trainers and affiliate owners and then shortly after that i do believe they got into the legal battle
Starting point is 00:52:36 so that was even prior to that so you know i don't know that's just why we start is like who benefits from the case being sealed? Who would benefit from us not being told? Like we really think we're going to demand money from the legal case. Like how would you do that, right? Like there's no – I think the affiliates would be a little uncomfortable if they – I think the affiliates would be a little uncomfortable if crossfit ain't got 100 million
Starting point is 00:53:06 dollars for it i think they'd also wonder well the smart ones would wonder why they settled for if they settled for two million dollars too right i mean there wasn't there was some there was a big fucking offer on the table well four million dollars just covered the legal fees that they did that they owed oh yeah the four million wouldn't have even covered the legal fees right not have not even close the the forensics that they did on the NSCA hard drives were in the millions of dollars. And there was some bad stuff in there. I really hope I can talk to – this guy, Marshall Brennan, he used to be a friend of mine. I don't talk to him anymore because I don't want him like i really like him but he i think he's the general what's that called general counsel gc uh yeah he's a
Starting point is 00:53:50 head legal in charge basically yeah there's a term for it for executives general counsel yeah i thought it was yeah anyway he fucking knows the inside of that case inside and out russ green knows this a lot yeah yeah that guy probably the most the biggest class act in the entire history of him and bruce edwards was just such class act just class like dudes that would like take my mom to like to uh a philharmonic you know what i mean like to the oakland philharmonic like those kind of guys like marshall i think marshall and i were the only dudes who stood up like when women walked in the room or men we would we would stand up um wasn't one of the he knows that guy knows everything about the case and it's sealed i hope he gets fired so i can call him and ask him i stay away from him because i don't want to compromise his job i don't want
Starting point is 00:54:38 any of my diarrhea getting on his on a shiny white suit i mean he's a class act i think uh one thing and correct me if i'm wrong so on i remember greg speaking at a mdl1 and he was they were talking about the um the case after i think they had i think at that point they were getting close like they had like wanted in court or something they're gonna announce it but either way when they had said that there was over 200,000 emails that were being exchanged with all of them talking about crossfit and actually one of the emails was wishing that there would have been a mass shooting at our crossfit games to slow down the progress of the games now i can't remember if um if that was just something that whatever i thought about from that but i think there was even an email from some of those people going back and forth stating that as well too i'm gonna ask but i don't remember
Starting point is 00:55:25 that the the but the speculation but the stuff they did the judge said who is 30 years sitting on the bench specifically in these kind of cases they're not called defamation cases they're called a perjury cases i forget what the what the word is that's why we need someone like a russell berger russ green marshall greg on here dale saran holy shit man um uh oh and there's another guy out of san diego what's his name he was the outside counsel who led the charge on this case he was friends with jimmy letchford he was a navy guy god what is his name He was the outside counsel who led the charge on this case. He was friends with Jimmy Letchford. He was a Navy guy.
Starting point is 00:56:09 God, what is his name? These were all good people too. They're all great people. They were fighting the good fight. This judge who was sitting on the case for 30 years said they had never seen a case like this with so much misconduct. They had never seen a case in 30 years. I mean like we would subpoena like records. They would lie to us. They told us hard drives didn't exist. They erased their phones. They threw iPads away. I mean, it was just it was nonstop until finally I think the judge said, hey, we're not going to have the jury decide whether these guys are guilty or innocent. I'm going to decide that ahead of
Starting point is 00:56:41 time. There's a word for that. And. And the jury's just going to decide that ahead of time. There's a word for that. And the jury is just going to decide the damages. And it never got that far. Something happened. That was such a great thing. That was Greg's project. That was so good. Well, it was funny too. If anybody read those things that I linked on my Instagram and went back and read the original stuff and like how important that work was and then of course when you go over and see the stuff
Starting point is 00:57:08 from morning chalk up it was like well now they could finally get over that and get back to the important work oh i know it's like oh man it's nuts good point yes about that was the important work you know like now coca-cola and now Monster Energy drink and put its thumb up your ass. Bend over. Will you play this one way masking clip? Caleb, I'm feeling like an adult now. This is some adult shit. This is a good one. This one's bizarre.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Here we go. Also, the science has changed. Oh. And we also know about one-way masking, the idea that even if other people around you are not wearing masks, if you wear a high-quality mask, that also protects you, the wearer, too. One-way masking. After years of the media weaponizing people into the mask police, telling everybody if everyone doesn't wear a mask, they're going to kill grandma. One- way masking.
Starting point is 00:58:06 But rather that the responsibility should shift from a government mandate imposed from the state or the local district of the school. Rather, it should shift to an individual responsibility by the family. Oh, I don't think we should be looking at case counts at all at this point. Whoa. There actually is a form that we should be discussing of children continuing to mask. Oh, really? There is? The CDC is increasingly making itself irrelevant. I came back after the mothers, I'm too real.
Starting point is 00:58:34 I guess I'm glad she's starting to sound like me. But if you go to Democrat governor comment sections, the audience that listened to them for years are spiraling. I wonder why. Also, the science has changed oh how how how how does that lady sleep at night have you seen her before some of the crazy shit she says man i don't understand how people even work there i don't even
Starting point is 00:59:05 understand how people work there wouldn't you like like if if if i found out that it was true that um uh um eric rosa was um promoted to head of the chamber of congress or whatever the fuck position is head of the what's that what's that position he got chairman of the board if i thought that that was really a promotion if i found out that was a promotion and he left on his own and then i reported that completely all wrong and that shawnee and tommy were right i would fucking like come out here and like i'd come out here and fucking drink myself until oblivion for you guys so you could watch me and i'd apologize and beg for your forgiveness i bought the kleenex here and i would make a fucking mockery out of myself i would have to start like when i smashed austin maliolo and then i realized he didn't work there that he had sold the business six months earlier
Starting point is 00:59:56 for what i do i first thing i came on here is apologized i'm not saying i deserve uh for my apology to be accepted but i would. How does that lady come on there and talk about one-way masking and personal accountability and responsibility after two and a half years of our little kids being masked? Not my kids. I ain't no bitch,
Starting point is 01:00:15 but some of you motherfuckers out there. It's crazy. It's crazy. Like they have all these people at the Super Bowl just hanging out, masks they're like hey but your kids on monday when they go back to school make sure they're wearing their masks and make sure they got their plastic dividers up so just in case you know dude i went to the beach
Starting point is 01:00:37 today and there's a cafe there and it says you can't come you can't order from the cafe unless you're vaxxed and so then i see some people walk away and i'm like you can't and from the cafe unless you're vaxxed. And so then I see some people walk away and I'm like, you can't, and you have to have a mask on regardless if you're vaxxed or not. And you can't be in there at all if you're not vaxxed. So some people walking away, I'm like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:00:52 did they require you to wear a mask when you went in there? And they're like, ah, they're pretty cool. So I stand as I approached the front of the restaurant, this little cafe, it's like a 15 by 15 foot, like,
Starting point is 01:01:02 you know, just opening and you walk in and, uh, the lady says to me, Hey, do you got a mask? And I said, no. And she said, well, can you just order from the door? I was like, Oh, that's cool as shit. Yeah. I'd love to just order from the door. Scream into the building.
Starting point is 01:01:15 Yeah. So I, so I order from the door and then, and then she's like, and then I go to walk away and then she's like, well, are you going to pay? I go, yeah, I'd love to pay. So we'll come on in and pay. I mean, so i hang out there and and everyone's a man and we're at the fucking beach dude we're steamers like one of the greatest waves in the world it's a lighthouse it's fucking going off there's people everywhere and like 50 of them are masks it's absolutely bonkers and uh and i'm watching and people are going in there with their masks and paying and just doing all this shit. And it was like I saw some kid go in there without a mask.
Starting point is 01:01:50 He's wearing a CrossFit Santa Cruz sweatshirt. I was like, yeah. They were nice. They were nice people. I highly recommend that cafe. But it's just bizarre. I can't come in there and order, but I can come in there and pay. I mean, it's the same.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Go ahead, Gabe. It's the same as walking in there with a mask on and sitting down to eat your food and then taking your mask off yeah and taking your mask off to eat it's like that i think there's no difference you're gonna sit in there longer than you are gonna walk to your table do you you know how you can spot a uh child molester i cracked the code someone who who sneezes into their mask like if you're wearing a mask and you don't take it off and you sneeze your child muster that's trudeau logic trudeau logic canadian canadian trudeau logic there's no truth to that people i'm just fucking around
Starting point is 01:02:36 i saw three people in the last every time i see oh dude i see p i've seen three people in the last two days sneeze with their mask on they don don't even, and I see their mask, like come off their face, like, like in the cartoons, like come off. And then like, I saw a guy holding a baby and sneeze with his mask on.
Starting point is 01:02:50 And he's just like, his eyes are all watering and shit. I'm like, mucus is just pouring out. I didn't see that, but it should be. I told one of my friends, he's like a pretty hardcore mask where I'm like,
Starting point is 01:03:02 dude, I saw someone sneezing a mask. And they're like, that's disgusting. I'm like, well, at least you know. I mean, more importantly than the, I mean, the mask thing is obviously just a show of people's different degrees of critical thinking, especially at this point two years in. But the scary thing about me is that how, like, how do they still go along with it? Like, how do they still convince themselves?
Starting point is 01:03:23 And like, what are they actually using as like their reasoning for wearing it like is it oh i just don't want to upset other people or is it truly like a fear-based thing or do they actually think they're doing some sort of good and then where does that like that type of thinking or the type of subconscious like action like that's scary because that is scary eroding liberty and as everything you hear bill gates what he said the other today or yesterday will you play that bill oh bill gates said it's like wearing fucking pants oh we can and i've seen politicians write that too oh you have to wear a shirt and now it's a big deal you have to wear a mask i'm like holy shit these fucking people are nuts and next you're
Starting point is 01:04:06 gonna have to take the cock oh seven you're going too far no one would ever ask you to take the cock unwillingly well especially after the uh you know omnicron variant where everybody got it didn't matter of i'm gonna play the clip oh not this one sorry sorry let um go to the reinstate mask one first let's play that one this one's a. Sorry. Go to the reinstate mask one first. Let's play that one. This one's a little different. I don't think I have the right Bill Gates one. Go to the reinstate mask mandate. This is absolutely, this touches on what Suze is saying. I can't wrap my These are people asking for the reinstatement of a mask mandate. And I would be curious as to how many of them could actually
Starting point is 01:05:07 have an unemotional, intelligent conversation as to why we would do that at all. Have you had somebody just be completely wrong and then every time you prove them wrong, they just continue to dig themselves a deeper hole? Yeah, they eventually attack. Yes, yes. Right. and i feel like that's where people are at by now they've just like they've been so tied into this for so long that somebody finally proves them wrong and they're just like no no i can't be i couldn't have been wrong for these past two years like there's no
Starting point is 01:05:38 way that i could have said go followed along with this bullshit for so long and then somebody proves them hey no literally this is all fucking stupid as shit and yeah they just dig themselves into their position even further i think victor hit it with his comment here he said they've made mask wearing their identity and um that's a powerful way to actually change habits right like you're you're not somebody who like wants to eat raw meat or somebody who identifies as the person that eats raw meat. So it starts to really integrate into your personality. Well, this dude –
Starting point is 01:06:10 Gender argument. This dude called me on it earlier, the difficult 10 light guy. He said, yeah, it's just as bad to program people with gender imaginary shit without telling them it's imaginary is it is to be obsessed with it yeah you start to like i could become obsessed with gender and be the guy who's like identify with the guy who has to educate people on the difference between gender and sex yeah it's not good it's not good it's not it's not good to be a democrat and base your identity on hating republicans and it's not good to be a republican and base your identity on hating democrats and that's what kind of what it's become and then you're saying the mask thing is the same way.
Starting point is 01:06:45 It's like become part of their identity. And I think a lot of times too, I was talking to- That's bizarre, man. That is fucking bizarre. I was talking to one of my friends and he was saying, oh yeah, you know, I was talking to my grandma and she was getting all upset at the news and was saying those damn Republicans and blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:07:02 And so anyhow, I said, hey, next time you go to make a point or she makes a point back to you, just say, okay. And then let her sit with a thought. Because so quickly we want to start to defend our position or go right to proving something. And one thing that I found that during the discussions is if I normally start when they say something, I say, yeah, I don't disagree. And then you let it sit there for a minute. And then you actually start to slowly unwind your point where clearly you're disagreeing with what they've said. But if you've said, I don't disagree, or you just say, okay, it actually gives them space in their head rather than to formulate their argument. It gives them space in their head to listen back to what they said.
Starting point is 01:07:40 Right. So sometimes, and then within that space, like only they could change their mind that's why they say reading is so powerful right because sometimes you could watch stuff or you could have another person do it but if i read something and it's an opinion or i'm reading you know whatever somebody a discussion about something it's me telling myself in my own head so therefore i don't have to have a defense mechanism against that i don't have to say no you're wrong or they're wrong because it's just it's just my internal thoughts, right? So you could do that in conversation by just allowing a little space before your rebuttal.
Starting point is 01:08:11 But you have to kind of emotionally detach from it, which I know is hard sometimes. Sorry, I'm reading right now. Jesus is my Lord and Savior, and through him I will find God, and he is the only way. Oh, sorry, we're still on the air? Sorry, I was just doing some reading. I mean brainwashing myself. Fascinating. Allowing me the space thank you thank you thank you how about that lady who is fucking ripping on jesus and god and she fucking passed out on stage and cracked her skull the comedian yeah oh she was saying that she got like five
Starting point is 01:08:45 different shots back to back to back to back yeah and then and then talk some shit about jesus and his dad and got fucking what do they call that in the bible smited smited yeah she fell down and cracked her head and then she went on she went on dr drew and dr drew said it's still a good idea to take the vaccine. Wow. Brought to you by Pfizer. So there was a – I had a cure of the dawn on, and we were talking about manifesting shit and about thinking about stuff. And he was talking about how he either read a book. I think he read a book on like – oh, I think he read Snatch. Was that a book before it was a movie? I think he read Snatch and he got really, really into it.
Starting point is 01:09:30 That's the movie with Brad Pitt where you can't understand half the movie, right? Yeah. Anyway, and he read that book and he got really interested in that whole scene with the whole heroine and the Scottish scene or whatever those people are, Irish, whatever they are. And basically then like six months later, he's in that world. He's in the heroin world with fentanyl and people with crazy accents. And he's like, holy shit, I fucking manifest this. And then we talked about how he's done that throughout his life. Right.
Starting point is 01:09:54 Then later on that day, I have Hans Kim on. Hans Kim is the Asian comedian, Korean, North Korean, Oriental. He's on. I said that to fuck with people. He's he's on and he opens for Joe Rogan. And Joe Rogan, watching Joe Rogan all the way back to 2013 or whatever is what got him into comedy. So 2013, Joe Rogan was nobody, but he knew of Joe Rogan, and he watched him and loved him and admired him, and he got into comedy. And now he opens for Joe Rogan.
Starting point is 01:10:26 He lives in the same city as Joe Rogan. He sees Joe Rogan on the regular. I'm like, holy shit, you manifested that. Well, in that show with Hans Kim, we talk about how he gets handjobs. I guess he gets a lot of handjobs. I don't know where he gets them from. I'm going to assume he pays someone to give him the handjob. Those who don't know what a handjob is, it's you can give one to yourself or someone to give him the hand job they usually don't know what a hand job is it's
Starting point is 01:10:45 you can give one to yourself or someone can give you one it's usually done to a man but i give a woman a hand job but it's not usually called a hand job but it's where you stroke the penis until it ejaculates i mean ideally anyway that's a hand job it's a sexual act because you don't explanation anyway ideally so so one of the listeners calls me or texts me or emails me i guess doesn't call me emails me texts me dms me however they contact me dms me a listener random listener dms me and says hey dude you're never gonna believe this i haven't received a hand job in five years and i listened to that show and the next and i listened to that show and that night i got a hand job for the first time in like five years from his wife and i was just like holy shit he that man that show manifested him a hand
Starting point is 01:11:37 job like it was just like this crazy just a synchronicity of manifestations. One guy manifested us as Scottish heroin users. Another guy manifested Joe working for Joe Rogan. And then another guy manifested his first hand job in five years. It is it is weird. Don't I know. I know you guys don't want to acknowledge it. You're like someone's gone off the deep end.
Starting point is 01:12:02 I have not. It is weird that he listened to a show and his wife gave him about hand jobs and his wife gave him his first hand job in five years unless he took her hand and drove it over to his cock and was like stroke it i don't think that's what he did i i should have asked it's like i heard this podcast talking about hand jobs yes i don't know what i don't know what this has to do with Kara Saunders. I mean, are we all manifesting our own realities right now? Yeah. You know, you have those people that are like the butt yeah gang.
Starting point is 01:12:33 So you try to tell them, you're like, oh, I'm going to do this and we're going to have the biggest party. And he's like, yeah, but, you know, have you thought about this or maybe this? And then they're the ones that always seem to have like the worst luck and nothing ever goes right. And I can't catch a break. You know, they just got really lucky, right? And so like, maybe you're just kind of putting that out into the universe there. So that's becoming a reality.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Yes. I mean, what doesn't exist in our world that hasn't first existed in our minds? Hey, when he says that, Caleb, the yeah, but gang, does someone in your life immediately pop up? The what? Susan was describing a person who's a yeah, but person. It's a person where you're like, you know, I think I'm going to enter the Air Force. And they're like, yeah, but.
Starting point is 01:13:21 And they're like, yeah, now that I'm in the Air Force. And you're just like, motherfucker. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, it's almost, I don't think anybody I work with listens to this podcast, but it's basically just about everybody that I work with. Oh, damn. They're like, they're so just like stuck in like whatever their rhythm is, you know, they never want to step out of what's comfortable to them and uh like you'd say like oh well what if i want to go do this other job somewhere else they're like well yeah but did
Starting point is 01:13:50 you think about all of the repercussions that come along with that and you're like yes i did i did think of all those and that's why i just stopped asking them their opinion on a lot of stuff i just don't listen to that i mean all like my personal life stays my personal life now. I just – there's no use in asking them any questions. Yeah, but you work with them, Caleb. You work with them. You should give them a second chance. You got to be nice. Hey, I don't have any of those fuckers in my life anymore.
Starting point is 01:14:17 Good. Yeah. They're such a waste of time. I got my sister and my mom and my wife, and they all fucking believe in me like a mofo. And like like and they'll talk shit to me, but they just believe in me. Like my mom will be like, congrats on the website. Your picture sucks. It should make me a shit sandwich.
Starting point is 01:14:34 I'm happy for you. Will did a good job or you know what I mean? Like, yeah, but they're also the people you go to. Like if you want, if you if there's negative feedback about something, you know it you can trust them you can trust them with all the positive things but if you bring it up something like hey man no actually this is not a good idea they're like they're they're the people that are your sounding board right yeah as much like it is yes they do believe in you all the time but like say hey i wanted to go fucking jump off a cliff somewhere and they're like risk reward here let's not do that i don't think my mom was always like that i think she had to like consciously change i think that you have
Starting point is 01:15:09 to do that as a parent yeah because there became a point in my life where i just didn't want to hear my parents shit anymore and so like i know like when i planted the hundred fruit trees in my yard and my mom's like taking me going to the nursery with me and you know buying some trees for me or helping me plant them or whatever i could she just has to bite the inside of her cheeks like like she says once like are you sure that's not too many and then she has to like or else i'll just be like be done with her and like not want to play with her in the garden anymore and then i think like you right i mean yeah or else you push those people out of your life and my mom and now my mom never does that shit to me she figured me out she cracked the code i'm a baby i mean i was almost that maybe it's like a comfort thing like oh somebody you
Starting point is 01:15:49 just have people around you just say yes to you all the time but no they still say no like i want a new dog i want a great day and so bad and my wife's like no yeah but there's a there's a difference between somebody just being like negative and then somebody that's like so one of the things we do in the coaches meeting, we have a coaches meeting every week with the staff. And even if we all will agree on maybe a new service we're going to provide or something like that, we'll say, okay, why shouldn't we do this? And we all have to have discourse on why it shouldn't work,
Starting point is 01:16:18 even if we agree, because number one, we just want to make sure that we're just not all sitting there nodding our heads, you know, okay, sure, Matt, that's another great idea you had. I want to understand it better what could go wrong. So by being able to have people that'll not be the yeah, but crew, but we'll also just have the discussion plays double advocate. Just helps you draw clarity sometimes on your idea. Like, Siobhan, you and I do that all the time in conversations about different stuff we'll do. And sometimes I'll like agree, I think it's a good idea, but I'll just start throwing other things out there.
Starting point is 01:16:47 Oh, you stop. Yeah, I would say you stop half my ideas. I was like, oh, we got to get on until I want to fucking smash this Joe Rogan shit. My man's like, oh, let's give that a little bit of a break. I'm so glad you said that. But it's different things like that that categorizes it a different way, right? It's just trying to allow you to you to more draw more clarity on your thoughts not me being like yeah but you know the good idea fairy can kill a lot
Starting point is 01:17:11 of things you know that's that's the thing in the military is like the good idea fairy because they're like oh let's just do all this fucking crazy shit and you're like keep it simple stupid man it's not no need to go crazy yeah yeah dave used to say that at crossfit keepFit. Keep it simple, stupid. Keep it not stupid, but he would just say, dude, you're complicating this. He would say, you're complicating this idea. You're fucking it up. Oh yeah. Nine times out of 10, there's already been a plan in place like well before you even showed up. So there's no reason to try to like create this wondrous idea because in all reality, as soon as you get into it, it's not going to be what you planned it out to be. Right. It really doesn't matter. And to be what you planned it out to be. Right.
Starting point is 01:17:45 So it really doesn't matter. And sometimes those people are doing it just because they think that adds some sort of value. So that's one of the things like when we get some new people in or to the gym, they're like, they want to come with all these great ideas. And it's not because they're just trying to complicate stuff, but it's mostly just because they're like, oh, I want to add some sort of value here. And you have to be like, hey, hold on hold on just slow down observe twice before you speak and it's almost more it's almost more beneficial to just sit back and just kind of like
Starting point is 01:18:09 like you said observe everything from like a 10 foot radius basically and just see what everybody else is doing before you even say like oh let's maybe maybe add your two cents here and there but and that's why i hope to like one of the things with uh art helped me a lot like i've leaked this out and some of the other stuff but back in the day i used to be an artist in the aerosol arts medium here in the bay aerosol arts medium fascinating and you were an n95 no i wore a full-on respirator oh that's dope good on you but that was maybe for security cam purposes um so anyhow when you would be painting anything or drawing something you you would sometimes people would focus in on these details right and it would always like no you have to first start by pulling all the way out and blocking in all the main
Starting point is 01:18:53 shadows and then you could kind of pull in and do a detail then you got to pull out relook at drawing pull back in so it's a macro micro view and gary vaynerchuk um coined it in business as like clouds and dirt clouds and dirt so we come up here and we kind of see this 30 000 foot view and then we get back and we start working in the trenches and so that's what i try to just apply to everything like even the mask thing so the mask is a micro so we focus on the mask but then you have to take a moment pull yourself all the way out to the 30 000 so many doctors cannot do that part it's we used to call it at CrossFit scope and focus. Scope and focus.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Perfect. And so many – and that's the problem. People are like, yeah, mask saves lives. So you're like, oh, great. Let's do masks. It saves lives. And then without taking the 50,000-foot view and be like, at what cost? Exactly.
Starting point is 01:19:38 Oh, shit. Six times the CO2. Oh, shit. 500 million masks in the ocean. Oh, shit. Killing old people. Oh, shit. They don't work. Right. Yeah. Hey, what is – hundred million masks in the ocean. Oh, shit. Killing old people. Oh, shit. They don't work.
Starting point is 01:19:46 Right. Yeah. Hey, what is it? Will you look up this emergency act thing? My my my wife a week before the Joe Rogan clip came out, I told my one of the shows I said I will never say the N word, meaning like I will never say N word. Like if I'm going to say nigger, I'm going to say it. I'm not going to say N word. It's fucking it's Loserville. It's cowardice. Do not bring up the subject unless you can say the word because when you say N-word, you're asking people to be offended by the real word. And there's never a reason to ask anyone to be offended. Basically, then you are the curator and the origin of all racism and systemic racism. It doesn't mean you should say the word freely.
Starting point is 01:20:24 But you should be mindful of how the mechanism of the mind works. Anyway, that being said, my wife said, please don't say that word. I said, why? She said, because someone's going to take all the times you've ever said that word and make them into a clip. And a week later, look what they did to Joe Rogan. But God, I wish someone would do that to me. I wish I was big enough for someone to do that to me. Just cut me out of it.
Starting point is 01:20:42 Yeah, right. You pussy. No, I don't blame you um what is this emergency is this canadian um uh for all is for for national emergency for the purpose of this act the national emergency is an urgent critical situation of a temporary nature that, A, seriously endangers the lives and health or safety of Canadians, and is of such proportions or nature as to exceed the capacity or authority of a province to deal with it. I think this is just the definition of a national emergency. Sorry. Okay. So basically, I think what's going on here is it sounds like Craig White was over at the con. Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 01:21:27 Oh, man. Prohibition to travel. Removal of personal property from any specified area. Damn. Requisition use or disposition of property. Authorization over direction to any person or any person of a class of persons to render essential services to a type of that person.
Starting point is 01:21:51 Or any person of a class of persons, like all Asian people have to go to the internment camp, like that kind of shit. All truckers. This is crazy. Regulation of the distribution availability of essential goods, services and resources. Holy shit. Oh, by the way, availability of essential goods, services, and resources. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:22:07 By the way, just so let me give you an example with that is people, that's – the government can just go into Costco and take all the food out. Right. Emergency payments, that's what they did in Cyprus. Look at F right there. That's what caused Bitcoin to explode. If you want to read an amazing book read ben mesrick's uh accidental or bitcoin billionaire bitcoin billionaire and what happened was is the country of cyprus took money from anyone who had over a hundred thousand euros
Starting point is 01:22:38 in their bank account there and that was like one third of like the russian mob or something but there were a lot of other people that had more than a hundred thousand euros in their bank accounts there and they fucking took it it's a fascinating story and that caused bitcoin to explode because at that point they knew that governments from around the world could take money from anyone that small country shippers did that the authorization and making of emergency payments that means take money out of your bank account yep or freeze it by the. By the way, I had money taken. I had $15,000 taken out of my bank account once by the U.S. government for not paying taxes, but I had paid them. And with no warning, it was gone.
Starting point is 01:23:15 They just garnished it out of your account? Yeah. I got it back, but it took a long time. Wow. Yeah, it sucked. It was probably like my life savings at the time. yeah it sucked it's probably it was probably like my life savings at the time if that happens in uh canada this emergency s pass passes in uh canada that that's it it's it's freaking it's 100 authoritarian wow look at this friends of mine that gave money have lost 60 points on
Starting point is 01:23:41 their credit score it's real yeah i know it's real yeah i know people to this day craig are like oh my god i can't believe you really shadow banned i didn't know that was real what hey i i probably have a video clip of it i saw something today that was so here we go smokes that thing is loud. Sorry, guys. Hey, what's up, dude? Hey, guys. Craig calling in. Hey, Craig. Hey, Craig. A lot of this stuff is so...
Starting point is 01:24:11 God. Tired. Long weekend, guys. Are you in Ottawa? No, no. I'm in Vancouver. We've been protesting on the other side of the country. Good.
Starting point is 01:24:23 We're on both sides, man. We're all trying to do our thing. I'm an American. When I hear protest, I just think of Black Lives Matter. You guys burnt the city down? You burnt Vancouver down to the ground? No, man.
Starting point is 01:24:34 We had a block party. Bro, we're just all getting together. It's just all, it's nice to see some like-minded people. But, I mean, if you guys haven't seen any of the content coming out of ottawa we have um it's just brutal it's a freaking war zone down there and these people are they're not they're they're innocent man they're peaceful people trying to trying to fight
Starting point is 01:24:57 for their freedom yep and and and friday uh trudeau put no, not Friday. So I think it was Monday last week. So it's seven days. Monday tomorrow will be when the emergency act will actually be voted upon. But this weekend, I mean, if you guys have seen any of the, any of the, any of the stuff coming down there, man, they brought in the military. Like they, they ran over somebody, some poor lady with a, with horses. Did she die? I saw a report that she died she didn't die she's alive um she she dislocated her shoulder i saw that that was
Starting point is 01:25:36 crazy she's just standing there and they just trampled her it was nuts that's crazy and i'm all for police i'm all for police using fucking crazy force. Like, if you're doing bad shit, like, fuck you. But, like, I haven't seen anyone doing any bad shit. No, and I mean, I understand, you know, they've been there a long time and probably longer than anybody really in Ottawa wanted. But they're just trying to get a point across, man. I mean, we're losing freedoms. I mean, we're losing freedoms. And I'll tell you, like, since Friday,
Starting point is 01:26:07 so Friday they opened up the can of Ottawa wolf bats and basically put through the emergency act without even having it voted upon. And these guys, like, I know people personally that have, like I said, lost points on their credit systems. Yeah, I mean, look at this. It's unbelievable. It is nuts. Those horses were at this. It's unbelievable. It is nuts. Those horses were completely pointless. They were useless. They served no purpose. The police were pushing back the crowd. The crowd is not fighting back. They're just literally walking back.
Starting point is 01:26:37 I can't believe this is Canada. I can't believe this is happening. Hey, is our government speaking to your government at all? Do the presidents talk? Is anyone talking? Has anyone talked to you? Oh, did you see Klaus Schwab's comment about Trudeau that came out? Oh, yeah, of course. The recent one or the one about the.
Starting point is 01:26:57 How they've penetrated the world economic forum has said that they've penetrated your cabinet and they named Trudeau by name. Yeah, I've heard that. I just can't even believe that that's – I can't believe anyone in Canada thinks that that's okay. I mean, I guess I can. We have our share of knuckleheads here. Yeah, this thing, this is nuts. Listen to this. They all have been young global leaders of the World Economic Forum. But what we are very proud of now is the young generation,
Starting point is 01:27:33 like Prime Minister Trudeau, President of Argentina, and so on, that we penetrate the cabinets. So yesterday I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau, and I would know that half of this cabinet, or even
Starting point is 01:27:55 more half of this cabinet, are for our actually young Nobel leaders of the world. That's true in Argentina as well. They don't even hide it. Why would they need to? They don't even hide it.
Starting point is 01:28:13 Isn't that cause guy a Nazi sympathizer to you? I don't know. I have no idea about that. I have no idea about that, but like these poor truckers were, they were, they were taken out of their trucks, ripped out of their trucks.
Starting point is 01:28:31 They smashed all the windows, all their shit being repoed and sold off. Like they're not, they're literally selling these guys trucks now, man. Like they're selling them. Is that what you said? They've taken them and they're selling them. They've taken them and They're selling them? Is that what you said?
Starting point is 01:28:45 They've taken them and they're selling them? They've taken them and they're selling them. And the Ottawa mayor came out this morning and said they'll have them gone by the end of the week. Who's the mayor? I don't know. I can't remember. I can't remember his name.
Starting point is 01:29:01 It's not the Doug Ford guy, is it? Who's that? No no he he's the he would be the um um the premier of ottawa that's the guy who's like he was sorry was he the head of toronto was he toronto's mayor and he was all coked up and went to rehab and all that that was his brother that was his brother so anyways i don't want to be i don't want to put a somber mood on things guys and honestly i don't really want to talk about it anymore all right well cool thanks for checking in appreciate the show and what are you going to do though what are you going to do are you going to pull all your money out of your bank account or is any part of you like okay time to we already
Starting point is 01:29:40 we already have been yeah we already have been and And we have to be prepared. It's not going to get any better. They're already talking about a federal backspas. So if that comes into play behind the emergency act, we're in big trouble. 51st State, Canada. All right. Thank you. Cheers, guys.
Starting point is 01:30:03 Bye. Adios. I was discovered in Argentina revealed the names of 12,000 Nazis who lived there from 1930. And many had Swiss bank accounts. Interesting. I'm not going to get into it here because the last thing I need is to be on Reddit again as a conspiracy theorist. Oh, do you have one of those? Do you have a thread? Yeah, somebody sent me one.
Starting point is 01:30:24 That was when I was telling you that I was the other guy. Don't ever go to Reddit. I didn't. I read a little bit and then just left. It's kind of cool. It was a good moment. Somebody's talking about me on Reddit. Not by name, by association.
Starting point is 01:30:45 Oh, great. you know somebody's talking about me on reddit not by name by association oh great oh man my notes are all fucked up oh it's because i'm looking at the wrong ones darn it darn it darn it you know the thing too that i think keeps us kind of locked in this is when people jump back and forth between like republican or democrat or like liberal or conservative and they're like we need trump back and we need this and i'm like dude no like nothing is going to come from within that system that is going to change anything at all like if you think we're voting somebody republican in this thing like trump in 2024 is going to change these outcomes or the system that we're already currently living in it's just that's not going to happen either you might be less informed like
Starting point is 01:31:30 there might be less forms of it or he might be a little bit different than the other guy but it's all still within the same system is this is this true uh caleb that the gofundme donations Caleb, the GoFundMe donations were returned. Hey, but then what is the solution? The Constitution is fantastic. The way this country is set up is fantastic. Yeah, I mean I'm not denying the free markets and the capitalism, but you just have to realize that from what the Constitution was and the liberties that were given in that to what we have now are dramatically different and until you kind of break apart the system of government corporation and media it's going to be hard to really affect any actual change for the people and i know we've discussed this before about like you know there's nothing wrong with billionaires no there's not but then at some certain degree with with the big four meaning
Starting point is 01:32:25 the tech companies amazon facebook apple google you have to realize that things have changed meaning we have the internet now there's different levels of communication all at different times so so there needs to be upgrades in the way that the systems are run and i just think that everybody's in two colluded with each other to really have anything break out from that. Like bringing Trump in is just going to be maybe a lesser form of it. And he's taking a lot of money from pharma too, I think. They all have.
Starting point is 01:32:56 I mean, they all have. So it's going to have to change from a different way. I don't have the answers to it, but I just think if we got back to the Constitution and got back to focusing on liberties, things might change. And what people really understood about government and the role government should be, well, we have that guy Jay. What was his last name? Nara. Yeah, he put it fantastic.
Starting point is 01:33:20 Basically like, hey, uphold the law so people could have personal property and we could have businesses and contracts with each other so nobody imposes like their force or will upon us just by coming over and saying i'm taking your computer and abuchi up right you know it's kind of what's happening at crossfit right like the affiliates just want you to uphold the name and chill out yep and instead that they're trying to monetize it and that's what we want from our government but instead the government's like trying to rule our lives. And who are the mouthpiece? All the medias saying, it's all right, guys.
Starting point is 01:33:50 This is actually good for the community. This was a plan that was accelerated, and it's like – but nobody could point of anything of value that has actually happened. I wonder if any of those guys end up killing themselves. What do you mean? Like the guys in the media. Like you just feel like such a piece of shit for what you've done that you just commit suicide i think they you've done so much damage i think they firmly believe that they're like doing it for good you know what i mean oh man they that's how
Starting point is 01:34:15 they justify all their lying i mean that's how we can like flopping like that lady we just saw just talking just now man that's how we justify all these policies everything's always good for the with intent for the other person right like you wear a mask not for yourself but for your neighbor you know get your vaccine not for you but for grandma like it's all based off of like this moral high ground that there's no that doesn't exist do you yeah i don't know if i want to break into this topic uh i didn't have any no no that not no your topic's good i was gonna say a new topic no no your topic's good your talk's good i was i was gonna switch the topic your topic's good i was looking at hand jobs hans kim is autistic
Starting point is 01:34:59 i'm just erasing things that i've already been there's been something on that one that has been on there for like the first notes from a while back i wish we had it on a live doc so i could highlight it you could see it but this is the one about brian oh no i did the brian right brian brian friend hasn't honked his horn in five times have i done that one maybe maybe i just forgot i think i've done this but it's a note that's on here i'm gonna erase to erase it. Take it off. I just remember Brian saying to me, it was either on the phone or on one of the shows that he's only honked his horn five times in his life. I honk my horn like on the reg.
Starting point is 01:35:35 Like I see people I know I honk. Like there's this coffee shop in town. Like even though Matt, the, the mask mandates lifted, I probably shouldn't say this, but they still require it. And so every time i go by they're like at six in the morning there's people like sipping their coffee out front on the patio just fucking lay on the horn good morning okay i thought there was gonna be some sort of funny thing behind that i didn't realize it was just him saying he's only using that's the Midwest nice in him say that again
Starting point is 01:36:05 that's the Midwest nice in him yeah me yes yes maybe they don't have a lot of traffic or a lot of things no traffic there's nobody to honk your horn at you just you can drive wherever you want but Brian's in Chicago Brian might not even drive
Starting point is 01:36:21 Brian might not even own a car no no he owns a car he owns a car excuse me he owns a hoop yeah i bet you i bet you he owns like the i i bet you he owns the car looks very similar to yours susan susan has a hoopty i was gonna say would you consider my car hoopty oh my god yours is the ultimate hoopty so many people have asked me why i don't buy a new car it looked like my mom at one point was like why don't you get something nice and i'm like why would i pay for anything it runs perfect it does yeah your car does look like it probably runs perfect i mean it runs great there's a couple things that probably need to get fixed but you
Starting point is 01:36:56 know like the windows don't roll down on one side and stuff like that but that's all good that just attention to detail if i just spent a little time put the window back on the track it'd probably all right you got to open the passenger side from the inside so yeah probably his car is like that cars like that hey it's still better than the first car i had i've ridden in your didn't we go to the beach once it went in your car yeah i rode in your car yeah yeah it's it's one of those cars i think it's like the passenger seat you get in it and it's like the car is like so old that it feels like someone was just when you sit down and it feels like someone was sitting there who weighed 3 000 pounds before you know what i mean like you said like you think it's just like oh shit like
Starting point is 01:37:33 all the cushions gone like maybe you feel spring or something like that i mean it's tired it's like a tired 1970s casino the inside of his car you know what i mean the carpet's all worn it's it's i mean it's an 07 civic yeah it's 07 yeah that's what i would get i would get 04 but whatever how much are you paying your guys which guys oh my god fucking guys i text fucking they text them they text uh suza when he three days ago or two days ago and said hey let's do a show sunday and then i text caleb i don't know this afternoon and said do you want to come on you don't have to that's how i pay them i'd love to see you but um so a friend of mine i don't know
Starting point is 01:38:19 if i said this already but a friend of mine works at a company where he's in charge of 800 people he's like the head medic there and he's like if someone injures themselves on the job, he has to go to it. You know what I mean? Like there's 800 employees and they've contracted out to do work around the Bay Area. And if someone gets injured, my friend goes out there and like writes up the reporter shit, or my friend's asked to like, if someone gets like calls in sick, he has to manage all that, like the health of the health of the employees. one of the things that they're they they're doing now is that they're you're not allowed to wear an n95 mask there oh i think i talked about this already until oh yeah i did talk about this pulmonary function test it's crazy so the mask inhibits your breathing by so much
Starting point is 01:38:59 that you have to take a test before you put the mask on. Hey, I don't want to wear a mask like that ever. But I don't mind if my kids do. That's for their safety. All right. We made it. Tomorrow morning we have Brian Battle on, a UFC fighter. He won the Ultimate Fighter.
Starting point is 01:39:21 They call it tough. 185 pounds. I wanted him on the show for like six months he just had a fight this past weekend or the weekend before and he won um that's going to be a great show um then on tuesday we have we don't have anyone on tuesday yet that's right you left open on uh on the 23rd we have jim hensel i believe jim hensel is in charge of mayhem's mindset yep mayhem mindset that's gonna be fascinating uh we can ask him what kind of mindset we need in order for this podcast to go to the next level then on oh this
Starting point is 01:40:00 is awesome that you changed these thank you susa thena. Then on Thursday, we have Leah shut cover. If you don't know who that is, you should follow her. Leah, Leah shut cover. She has 24 world records. She has an insane physique and she also is a professional eater, which is just nuts.
Starting point is 01:40:19 The 25th, we have Neil Maddox, which is Friday. I have to pee. I can't do anymore, but we got a whole, yeah, this girl. We got a whole ton of guests on. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 01:40:28 Love having you guys. Sorry to end the show so abruptly, but my bladder's not popping.

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