The Sevan Podcast - #308 - Bryan Battle

Episode Date: February 21, 2022

Bryan "Pooh Bear" Battle was the winner of "The Ultimate Fighter" Season 29. Battle is now a middle-weight fight in the UFC. "The Sevan Podcast" T-Shirts Follow us on Instagram Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items. Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your list, then swap it for one that's cheaper. Craving chips? The app will suggest some on sale.
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Starting point is 00:01:24 to people i'm like yeah i know i need to handle it that that's how it that's how it comes in like that yeah no man it just comes in like this that's amazing i don't think you need to fix it i think you need to let it express itself holy cow the symmetry well you know what that makes me feel good you know what i mean because usually no one has anything positive to say about my mustache you know what that makes me feel good you know what i mean because usually no one has anything positive to say about my mustache you know oh dude no one ever has anything good to say about this thing and you know that that just made my day a little bit hey if you let that thing grow in and then you just wax it out real pointy holy crap i mean it has a lot of potential you know know what I mean? A lot of potential.
Starting point is 00:02:06 What's your ethnicity? I'm biracial. My dad was white. My mom is black. So, you know, there's a lot of people that come up to me all the time and think I'm, you know, their ethnicity. You know, people, Spanish people come up to me talking in Spanish. And they're always disappointed. I'm like, un poquito espanol. They're like, oh, come on.
Starting point is 00:02:26 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Polynesian people come up to me a lot, especially when I weighed more. They were like, hey. I see the Polynesian. I see the Polynesian for sure. That's what I would have guessed. I would have guessed like you're.
Starting point is 00:02:41 But what's interesting, I'm in California. I got a bunch of mexican friends and they're they're like hairless cats those guys no armpit hair no chest hair those fuckers are lucky well i mean that's what i mean the rest of my body is pretty much i've never shaved uh anything so you know i'm pretty thankful for that i mean i figure being hairy can be kind of inconvenient sometimes you know what i mean it's just It's just, it's just, and it's not, it's just not cool. No one's like, damn,
Starting point is 00:03:07 no, no one's ever like, damn, I love how hairy that guy is. It's always like, I don't mind his hair. It's like, I mean,
Starting point is 00:03:12 for real though. I mean, you know, that could be like some secret kind of deal, but yeah, no, for the most part, yeah,
Starting point is 00:03:18 you're onto something there. You know, no one's really like ever pointed out how much they like the chest hair. Right. My, my wife of 20 years never takes in her finger and like curling my chest hair they used to do that in those old school movies though like you know the guys would have their fucking their chest out and the girls would be like stroking their chest through their chest hair and whatnot maybe cartoons i feel like they did that in James Bond movies. Am I wrong?
Starting point is 00:03:45 I don't know, but I like it. That's a good thing for it to happen to. For those of you who don't know, this is a very special guest, Brian Battle. He won the toughest game show that I've ever heard of in the history of man. It's like one of those Arnold Schwarzenegger movie game shows. It's called The Ultimate Fighter. He won season 29. Um,
Starting point is 00:04:06 if you're like me, you have some weird addiction to sitting down every Saturday and watching dudes and booty shorts beat each other. Um, in the, the athleticism, the stamina, the endurance,
Starting point is 00:04:19 the training that goes into it is absolutely nuts. And, uh, and Brian, Brian won that. He had to win it twice he had to he had to he had to beat the dude on the show and then for the first time in 29 or 30 years then he had to come on last week was last week or two weeks ago uh it's two weeks ago two weeks ago had to come on and and and beat another guy who man uh and i think i've been bugging you for quite a while too uh man it was
Starting point is 00:04:48 easier to get al jermaine and alexander volkanovsky on than you now it was really like this past year and a half like like my december 5th 2020 i got married And then a couple months later... Wait, wait, December, 2020, December... Fifth. Okay, so one year into the madness, okay. Yeah, and then in February was my last fight outside of any UFC stuff. And then in April, you know, it was the show.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Do the show, get back, you know, have the finale the finale i mean my wife is pregnant at this time too after my fight in february i come back and she's like by the way i'm pregnant holy cow and so they go on the show uh win the finale i have a baby you know and it was just like uh and you know uh my nephew lives with me, and so he came and started living with us after the finale too. So how old is your nephew? He's 13. Wow. Good on you for taking him on. That's your sister's kid. Uh, yeah, it was my oldest, oldest sister's son. And yeah, I know he, he's a sweetheart. You know what I'm saying? He makes me a better person. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:06:00 So, um, yeah, no, it's just been, it's just been insanity. You know what I mean? And, uh,'s just been it's just been insanity you know what i mean and uh yeah i've never been good at uh phone like social media something i'm working on right now but uh yeah you are not working on it but look at this he's lying go to his instagram again he ain't working on shit i mean i post stuff you know what i'm saying nothing so i interact with the people you know the let me you? I interact with the people, you know, let me, you can scroll down to this guy's first post faster than anyone on Instagram alive.
Starting point is 00:06:31 This is, this is, this is actually the old Instagram account. My new one is Pooh bear battle with no underscores. Oh, okay. Before we go to that, I want to, I want to click on something real quick. Will you go to the very first post on that account, Caleb? And I want to i want to click on something real quick will you go to the very first post on that account uh caleb and i want to read this uh out loud it's a post um i don't know what book it's from i've seen this a few times now it says uh first they came first they came for the socialists and i did not speak out because i was not a socialist then they came for the trade unionists i did not speak out because i was not a trade unionist then they came for the jews i did not speak out because i was not a jew and then they came for me and unionists. I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews. I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Starting point is 00:07:06 And then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me. You posted that five years ago. I, if that's five years ago, that would have meant nothing to me. And today I'm watching this shit unfold in real time. And I'm like, how the fuck did he know? Oh, five years ago. Wait a second. That's more than five years ago. That's 10 years, in a year how many times is 52 going to 475 nine times
Starting point is 00:07:29 that's nine years ago yeah yeah no uh that that's actually from a book uh i read called bonhoeffer and he was like um uh he was like a preacher and a theologian, and he was involved in one of the big assassination attempts on Hitler's life. And the whole book is happening from a religious perspective, seeing the Nazi takeover of Germany. And so that's what this quote is in reference to. And so it was just as I read it was like incredibly profound because you know it's like one of those things where everyone always looks to take care of themselves first um but you know at a certain point if there's not you know the drive to take care of others as we would take care of ourselves this is the kind of thing that happens this is how like takeovers
Starting point is 00:08:22 happen when we stop caring about our fellow men and only care about ourselves was there something that you saw i mean because i'm seeing that it's funny that they use socialists because now it's the socialists who are who are who are driving the ship and and taking away everyone's rights but but but you're right it's the reason why we have to stand up for hate speech because because because we believe in freedom of speech we cannot we cannot let anyone treat anyone the way we wouldn't want to be treated. But, um, uh, oh, one of the guests says great book. Um, how, what resonated with you? Like I would have read that nine years ago and I would have just passed over it. Why, why did that affect you nine years ago? Was someone not speaking out for you or did you see something that was coming?
Starting point is 00:09:03 Um, well, you know, just to have a little bit deeper background on me, I, I, you know, I came up very religious, um, and I was actually, before I dropped out of college to become a professional fighter, I was actually in school to get my degree in religious studies. And, um, I was very, uh very uh involved in you know like community stuff and um like inner city kids and um you know i think you know at the time i'm reading this you know i'm being introduced to like a whole bunch of new ideas you know um you know i'm seeing the way a lot a lot of these kids are kind of just like written off um you know what i mean and you know, I'm seeing the way a lot, a lot of these kids are kind of just like written off.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Um, you know what I mean? And, you know, there's so many like talented people, uh, over there, you know, we'll never really get the chance to show what they got one because, you know, they don't know what they're capable of and, you know, other people aren't able to tell them because they don't see that in them. Um, but, uh, yeah, no, just, just seeing, just seeing that it just really like resonated with me because it's true. You know what I'm saying? Like, um, if you sit idly and you let bad things happen, uh, to people,
Starting point is 00:10:17 you know, and you don't, you're not willing to protect other people, then, you know, at a certain point when you need protection, there won't be anyone to protect you. So, uh, it was just something that I saw and immediately resonated with me. And it's something that, like you said, is like, uh, you know, now is more prevalent than ever now that everyone's so divided and, you know, into their groups. Uh, yeah, no, that's one of my favorite quotes of all time. Yeah, no, that's one of my favorite quotes of all time. It's interesting to be in your sport because I think particularly because Dana's not playing that game. But they sold to WME, so in WME's woke as shit, it's just so interesting that you're in a sport where he's not doing that we did we did a show last night and my co-host was explaining like you can't be democrat or republican anymore you gotta like you gotta be your own thinker
Starting point is 00:11:12 yeah yeah no i agree as and i mean like you said i mean the the uh the sport in general has you know ever since conor mcgregor kind of hit the scene and made all that money you know everyone is all about promoting and promoting in the most toxic way possible you know what i'm saying like no no explain that to me you mean like like the like the colby's and the in the jorge's and just i mean i like those guys by the way i i mean i enjoy i enjoy the antics but sometimes it does get a little like some of the stuff Connors, like the stuff about people's families and wives get like, I get a little turned off by that actually.
Starting point is 00:11:50 No, no. And you know, and there's a certain extent where, you know, if you're talking about somebody and you're talking about their skills, I understand that, you know what I'm saying? I'm going to beat you because I see this in your game and I'm going to exploit that. You know what I'm saying? But yeah, no. Once, you because i see this in your game and i'm gonna exploit that you know what i'm saying but yeah no once once you start like getting really personal for the sake of selling um like you like you say you're insulting people's families and religions for the sake of selling like you have to become a different person for the sake of some uh pay-per-views like i feel like that is like
Starting point is 00:12:29 pay-per-views, like, I feel like that is, like, you know, that just seems, like, really against, like, you know, how genuine and honest the sport actually is, you know what I'm saying? Because I feel like as far as sports goes, there's nothing really more honest than two guys getting inside of a cage and figuring out who's the better man, know what i'm saying look with uh you know as few rules as possible and as little equipment as possible you know um it's like you have your mind and your body in there uh and so all the antics outside you know this is fighting it's gonna get heated sometime there's nothing wrong with it you know i love a good rivalry um but especially when it's true you know what i'm saying um when it has to be rivalry. Um, but especially when it's true, you know what I'm saying? Um, when it has to be drummed up and people are doing ridiculous things and, you know, uh, you know, the,
Starting point is 00:13:15 the more I get involved with the sport, the less I like it because now I'm getting to the point where people are telling me I have to promote myself and I have to start, you know, doing stuff and talking and, you know, calling people out. I'm just like, I, I don't like it that much. You know what I'm saying? I feel like, uh, you know, it's almost played out and you know calling people out just like i i don't like it that much you know what i'm saying i feel like uh you know it's almost played out you know what i mean yeah um what what of it is so there's being fake yeah but then there's just people who just have bad behavior so let's just pick like one of the worst let's just write and let's just pick one of the worst incidents when um connor threw the the hand truck at the bus like that that wasn't fake do you think that was fake or that's just bad behavior that's just like he was on coke or he was i'm just making that up i don't know i've never heard that rumor but he was just out of his mind and it's just bad behavior or is that fake i think um
Starting point is 00:13:57 what i think about that is like um you know if you look at like fighters over like the time there's like usually like an alter ego especially for like really successful fighters uh you know like mike tyson had iron you know what i'm saying uh you know conor mcgregor had the notorious you know what i'm saying yeah and you can see in a lot of situations where the alter ego kind of like takes over the fighter you know what i'm saying where yeah you know you can do anything inside the cage so the the you know how you trick yourself to have the courage to do anything inside a cage kind of leaks over into like everyday life you know what i'm saying well i don't know but i'll take your word for it you're talking to a world-class pussy right here but go on well but i mean like someone like connor you know what i'm saying you couldn't see
Starting point is 00:14:41 him doing something like that when he had just entered into the ufc but you know right right right he became he became what he was promoting you know so he's not high on coke he's high on the persona all right that's what i yeah that's personally so it's not so it's not fake it just gets away from you i mean yeah you start believing that you're bigger than life yeah yeah start getting too close to the sun you know what i mean um caleb can you show that again that clip that is a remarkable throw have you ever tried to pick one of those up um i've picked up a dolly a few times oh those those things are fucking heavy and awkward as shit i mean they're so heavy at the base once you once you get the momentum going you know what i'm saying it's all there once you get it over your head you're good to go you know what i mean you know uh okay if i can say this uh the first time
Starting point is 00:15:29 i saw you and i was actually excited to do this i saw you on the crossfit games oh okay yes sir uh and i think you know now that we're talking about this maybe they should work this into an event where they go across the football field throwing a doll in at the right after it. And at the end of the football field, they had to stack weights on the dolly and roll it across back across the football field. If they, I, if I knew my,
Starting point is 00:15:53 but my buddy who used to run the games just got fired. But, but other than that, maybe I'll write, maybe he'll start an event. Wink, wink. And,
Starting point is 00:16:00 and I'll, and I'll suggest that to him. Did you ever fuck around with CrossFit? Did you ever play with that? Honestly, if I had started watching CrossFit before I had started watching MMA, I probably would have got super into CrossFit. It was only because I spent all my time training MMA. Like, I was like, I think it's kind of counterintuitive to do CrossFit while I'm doing MMA.
Starting point is 00:16:30 But it's definitely once I retire from MMA, I'll probably get into CrossFit and do a couple of competitions. Like, you know, I don't say that too much because people people are like CrossFit. But, you know, I think it's cool. I think it's badass. Personally, it's hard, man. What those guys are doing is hard. It's interesting. You'll get a lot of. doing is hard um it's interesting uh you'll get a lot of you get a lot of retired athletes like guys maybe who had like five or six amateur fights or a couple fights in ufc and then they'll come to crossfit same with you'll get a guy who has a couple years in the nfl sitting on the bench they'll come to crossfit you know all the sports kind of like if if your dreams as a professional athlete don't last a lot of these guys because they're so fucking um physically capable they
Starting point is 00:17:04 come to crossfit and there was a guy named chris spieler in the early years and he was a uh i think he was a division one wrestler and he said the interesting thing in wrestling the whole sport is a dude trying to stop you yeah but in crossfit it's just all it's just you and that's like the kind of the coolest thing about it like to switch from there's no one's trying to stop you it's just all you and and i and people often ask um should there be some sort of fighting or wrestling or grappling in the games and i don't i don't think so i think it's just so different yeah no i that would uh because like you said that that's the best thing about the crossfit games is it's like um the the mental war that's happening it's like the the war
Starting point is 00:17:45 of attrition you know that's going on you know i'm saying who could put the barbell over their head the most amount of times and take the least person between the reps you know what i mean yeah having like some kind of fighting yeah no that wouldn't be because then guys would get hurt and stuff like that that would be unnecessary i don't think that would add too much to the games i've never even considered them fighting in the games it would just be it's just it's a totally different it's a totally different thing yeah i'm glad to hear you say that that makes me feel better like i said something smart absolutely you're a smart man you know what i'm saying um what about the religious studies
Starting point is 00:18:21 that you don't do anymore is that something you get back to and where do you go with that i wanted to be a religious studies major and my dad was pretty much against it even though my dad went to seminary school and used in in lebanon and came to the united states to become a priest but uh then i then i switched to i went i think i went to college as a statistics major failed out of that i went to uc santa barbara then i was a uh i wanted to be a religious studies major my dad was against that then i was a black studies major and i and i realized real quickly that was just bullshit i got kicked out of one of those classes and uh because i had been homeless and then i had also had homeless guys living in my house and i had black dudes living in my house who were homeless like in my backyard and tents and then i had dudes like with nazi swastikas and shit and they were like friends and shit right because like that's hardcore well when you when
Starting point is 00:19:10 you need a place to sleep and somewhere to eat you kind of push all that other shit aside right facts hierarchy you don't have the and i remember saying in my sociology class one time i raised my hand to professor i think uh the idea of racism is a luxury if like we were just worried about surviving that didn't go over well yeah i got yelled out kicked out and then i became a film studies major and then then i dropped out i think my parents stopped paying i did 10 years as an undergrad don't tell anyone i don't want anyone to know that it's embarrassing i mean that just means you got like a lot of knowledge thank you
Starting point is 00:19:41 are you trying to compliment me because i came at you hard loving on your mustache and now you're trying to tell me it's okay i dropped out i'm smart as shit i like it because i tell people all the time like i want to uh eventually like have enough money that i can go back to college and get all the degrees that you can't make money with that i always wanted you know what i'm saying like yeah like like like stuff that i'm interested in but you know you can't it's not easy to make a career out of like sociology like like philosophy those are like those were those classes were interesting to me uh but you know and you know even religious studies that's not something we make a whole lot of money but it was just like i was like ah you know i can't just do
Starting point is 00:20:25 something for the sake of making money you know what i mean did you do you did you or do you feel god did you have something happen to you that made you go oh shit something something's going on here like getting a car accident or someone put a gun to you or something like that no no it you know it's just like my whole life you know i was around it and um you know i see the truth in it you know, it was just like my whole life and, you know, I was around it and, um, you know, I see the truth in it. You know what I'm saying? Especially like the older I get, um, you know, a lot of those stories you hear in like Sunday school, I think about, I'm like, holy cow, man. Like the, the lessons I learned young, uh, really translate, you know what I mean? Like, um, having the faith of a mustard seed can move a translate, you know what I mean? Like, um, having the faith
Starting point is 00:21:06 of a mustard seed can move a mountain. You know what I mean? Um, you know, you hear that you don't really think too much of it, um, until you try to move a mountain, you know what I mean? And, uh, you know, in order to move a mountain, you know, figuratively, you know, you have to be able to have like real genuine belief in yourself you know whether that starts off small there has to be something in you that genuinely believes that you can move that mountain and then you have to take the proper steps to move that mountain and then you know incredible things can happen um but you know stuff like that you know um you know story of david you know what I'm saying? It's cool.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Everyone knows about David and Goliath, but they don't know that David came from the lineage of a prostitute. You know what I'm saying? Who, David? David from David and Goliath. Yeah, I didn't know. His mom was a prostitute? His grandmother was a prostitute, or he came from the line of a prostitute, and she helped out God's people. So God blessed her line.
Starting point is 00:22:10 And then eventually David, who was the youngest of all his brothers and was the run of the litter and was out taking care of the sheep. He was out taking care of the sheep, but while he was taking care of the sheep, he was learning how to defend them against like lions and bears which gave him the confidence when he went against goliath to take out goliath and then he goes on to become the king of israel and does all this stuff and you know it's just like one of those things where you can miss like how great of a story that is you know when you're hearing it as a kid you just get caught up in the david and goliath stuff but it's like the whole story dude that's khabib's story right there he had to fight bears when he was a little kid so he was ready for fucking connor holy holy cow i didn't i didn't so he that's that's how david got david was um got his training protecting
Starting point is 00:22:57 sheep and that's what made him such a good warrior that's awesome i never knew that no there's a there's just like a lot of like things in that you just don't think about as a kid. Like as I've gotten older, I like reflect on life. It's just like, wow, man, like there's like some heaviness to this. And, you know, like we were talking before, you know, just like loving, like loving people. You know what I'm saying? That's like, you know, not to like go on too much of a rant, but no, please, please. I love loving on people. I love, I love Bible stuff. Cause,
Starting point is 00:23:32 cause, cause I don't believe, but I, but I know it's true. Yeah. No. Well, it's like, you know, if you talk about Christianity in America, you know, you think about going to church and Bible studies and whatnot. But, you know, the Bible, it talks about if you read Isaiah 1, you know, God says he hates the gatherings, you know what I'm saying? He hates the offerings. He's like, if you're not taking care of the widows, orphans, and the oppressed, none of that means anything to me uh and james 127 he said true religion is to take care of uh uh um i'm having a blank but to take care of like the widows and the orphans and to have control of your tongue you know um is this the one you're talking about pure religion and undefiled before god and the father is this to visit the fatherless and widows and their
Starting point is 00:24:23 affliction and keep himself unspotted from the world. It's, you know, saying, you know, it's like you're taking care of the people who can't take care of themselves. You know what I'm saying? You're taking care of the people who can't give anything back to you. Because, I mean, if you look at the story of the Bible, that's what Jesus did for us. You know what I'm saying? My parents raised me to be like that, by example. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Both my mom and dad took care of people yeah they took care of people they were they're such good people man my dad used to do so much good shit for people i probably still does yeah and i mean those are like the people who like make impacts in the world you know what i'm saying and you know they don't need a a phone on them while they're doing this stuff to like go out and help people. You know what I mean? You kind of got to make it a habit too. I feel like, I don't know the exact statement, but I remember seeing something in the Bible one time and it said basically Jesus was saying,
Starting point is 00:25:13 if you stand up and pray in church, you'll receive the glory of God there. And if you pray behind closed doors, you will receive the abundance of God throughout your life. Meaning like, if you do it as a bragger, you'll get that glory from your peers. It's sort of how I take it. But because I saw my dad do that stuff. And my mom do that stuff, help people, you know, like if I see, if I see an old lady and it's raining and she's standing on the corner,
Starting point is 00:25:36 you know, and I don't think it'll be weird and creepy. Like if I have my kids with me or something, I'll pull up and I'll, and I'll roll down my window. I'll be like, yo girl, you want to get in? Where are you going? You know? And like some seven year old lady will open the front door and jump in the van and she's got it she's like i'm going over there is that okay i'm like sure yeah and um and i don't make eye contact with her like make her feel uncomfortable at all you know and then drop her off and um it's it's interesting um you you got gotta make it a habit. So you're not doing it. It's gotta feel like, um,
Starting point is 00:26:05 it's gotta feel like your duty, not your obligation. Yeah. Like, like you gotta see that, that woman as your mom or your grandmother, your sister. It's like the other day I saw these, these like eight kids, you know, young, they're on their bikes. They're, they're the, we have wheelie gangs around Santa Cruz, you know, they just do wheelies like, and I see, and they've stopped and they're being loud and they're hood looms and they're 14 and i'm just looking at them being like man i remember that what a great life you know they're probably gonna go steal a beer in a minute and share like 140 or something so i walk over to them and i said hey one of the kids holding his phone i'm like give me your phone i'll take a picture of you guys you guys
Starting point is 00:26:39 will have it forever and one of the kids is like how do we know you're not gonna run away i said because i'm 5'5 and 49 motherfucker and there's 80 of you and now all the kids is like how do we know you're not gonna run away i said because i'm five five and 49 motherfucker and there's 80 you and all the kids start laughing so the kid hands me his phone and i take a picture but but you can't um like my first instinct was to stay away from those kids but you can't you have to go you have to face that and go over to them and treat them like humans and give them a picture and like like let them know like hey you're not alone you're not you're not just 14 year old hoodlums in the park we're all here we love you we've all done what you've done let me get a you know what i mean just a little just interaction just you know it's like you said you love people like you just got to go over and just put the love on them a little bit well i mean that's like i mean like the worst thing
Starting point is 00:27:25 that's happening right now is everyone's splitting off into their groups because the way you kill all this stuff is by having like actual real conversations yes i'm saying and like when you get to know people and you get to know them beyond their you know political party or you know their um you know whatever they put on as their like social front, you know, as you get to know people, you know, you get to know that, you know, the people are bigger than all those things. You know what I'm saying? Like the actual like human is like bigger than all of these like manmade constructs
Starting point is 00:28:00 that we have. You know what I'm saying? But yeah, you know, that's easier said than done. You know what I mean? Like you said, talking to people can be kind of hard sometimes. You know what i'm saying um but yeah you know that's easier said than done you know i mean uh like you said talking to people can be kind of hard sometimes you know what i mean like i mean yeah everybody you know like especially people like 14 year old kids i'm a i'm a fucking old man they don't want me coming over there or like if i see people who are 80 like get out of your comfort zone go talk to the dude in the wheelchair go talk to the kids go talk to the old people like get out of your even just a high so that like you know i look i look so different than them but a high and then
Starting point is 00:28:29 all of a sudden like all those differences kind of fade oh he speaks he speaks i speak wow you know yeah yeah just like acknowledging them they're just like yeah yeah yeah just the acknowledgement you know but yeah same with people same with the fentanyl addicts that people call homeless but they're just drug addicts everywhere on the streets those people need eye contact like who do you have that but do you have people that believe in you brian yeah yeah no um and how huge is that that is i i always say like the haters um the haters are what motivate me when i'm in the gym and i'm sweating and i'm tired i get angry you know what i'm saying i think about the haters but um the people who believe in me are the people who get me out of bed to go in the gym when i'm sore and tired you know those
Starting point is 00:29:18 are the people who really matter the most because those are the people who i don't want to you know it almost feels like they're riding in I don't want to, you know, it's almost feels like they're riding in this journey with me because they, you know, as they are. Yeah. And, uh, who is that in your life? Um, well from day one, my dad has always been my number one supporter. He's been to every fight that he could go to, you know what I mean? Um, uh, you know, even these past two fights, he couldn't get into the apex because tickets were so hard to get but he still came out to vegas and he was there um to be no shit yeah you couldn't get your dad in no no i can't get my dad in it's crazy the demand is
Starting point is 00:29:58 really high for them things um and then yeah there is yeah i know my dad is a legend man he he's he still trains with me to this day he actually that shirt he's wearing is dope that shirt he's wearing is dope no we did a shirt swap uh we did a jersey swap so um and then, and then, um, uh, obviously my wife, I mean, you know, we started dating right before I went pro. Um, but you know, going pro as an MMA fighter, isn't really, you know, being a pro in and of itself doesn't mean anything because you could be a terrible pro, you know, you have to be a pro fighting for a major organization for that, to actually be something to be like actually proud of um so um you know that was 2019 you went pro yes sir 2019 i went pro uh it feels like forever ago right now
Starting point is 00:30:53 holy cow it's only been two years but um uh you know i i got um a couple friends my my good my good pal cowboy joe um you know you know this man uh has literally fixed my car for me before you know what i'm saying because i was you know people call like uh broke fighters like we're like struggling artists you know what i'm saying yeah you know there's times my brakes around i'm like ah man i don't mean you know he helped me fix my brakes for free. You know, he's a mechanic and whatnot. Man. I mean, I, I keep on going, coach Tom, you know what I'm saying? He's all my coaches, you know, my big bro. And you know, almost like a role model for a fighter, Keith Richardson. You know, my good bud, Frankie, you know, it's just it's it's like a short list.
Starting point is 00:31:57 I remember everyone who's on it because, you know, there's either people who like outright or like, what are you doing? Why are you doing this? And then there's the people who you tell what you're doing. They're like, Oh, okay. Yeah. You know, and you can tell by the tone of their voice and their body language that they're kind of like, okay, yeah. What are you doing? And so like relatives, like you haven't seen in a long time or like, or like they find out what you're doing and they kind of like congratulations, but they're, they're not happy for you. They're like, yeah. You fight for a living. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, um, mean um and more more peers i'd say more peers you know what i'm saying like um yeah you know i mean it makes sense you know i mean i started fighting at 21 which is kind of you know a later age to get into something like that and
Starting point is 00:32:40 you know all my friends are graduating college you know what i'm saying and they're all getting real jobs and stuff like that you know I'm still kind of having to work at the fast food restaurant, um, you know, while I'm training, uh, to make ends meet. So it was, it was definitely even, you know, the people at the fast food restaurant, they're like, Hey, Hey, you know, when are you going to get serious and buckle down? You know, um, where do you live? What state do you live in i live in north carolina okay uh yeah north carolina is cool if you ever come through let me know you know i'm saying i'll show you around charlotte charlotte north carolina that's a big difference because
Starting point is 00:33:17 i guess north carolina is decently big you know very good dude i think i think i'm 300 guests this year already you're the first person who person who's offered to show me around their hometown. Thank you. Hey, man, you got 300 guests this year? I'm just on a tear, dude. You're on fire. Holy cow. Yeah, I'm on a tear. I just decided, yeah, I'm just on, I'm taking over. I'm Howard Stern and Joe Rogan had a baby. That's me. Hey, let's go. I mean, that's what they say. Content is king, right? Yeah. I'm just on a tear.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Look how hard it was to get you on and I was persistent and got you. Yeah, man. You're like, I'm going to get that in. I was like, let's go, man. Three pro fights in your first five months. Yeah. What is the cadence
Starting point is 00:34:04 of... Well, let me go back.'s sorry let me go a second as you were building up to your ultimate fighter finale you were telling people this is the biggest fight of your life but one of the interesting things about um ufc and i and i think that a lot of people don't understand this even the diehard fans is every fight is your biggest fight this isn't fucking baseball where there's 7 000 games in a year every fight is either biggest fight. This isn't fucking baseball where there's 7,000 games in a year. Every fight is either one step forward or one step backward. There's no homeostasis. There's no equilibrium.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Like your shit, you lose. You're fucked. You win. It's good. So like every fight, no matter who it is. That's why like who did I see? I saw this weekend a number 10-rank guy had to fight a number 12-rank guy. Who was it?
Starting point is 00:34:45 Johnny Walker and Jemele Hill. Yeah. And I'm i'm like holy fuck this is so fuck for johnny walker like this is so fuck because he's number 10 this guy's 12 it's like that movie highlander it's like he's stealing his soul when he beats him that i mean that's really that's like like you said that's like the craziest part about it it's like um because hype hype is everything you know i'm saying yeah yeah get paid off of that and whatnot so there's no like ah this is just a fight this is like yeah this is just like i don't feel so good today there's none of that shit yeah you have no wiggle room someone someone beat you like you said they took all your hype they took everything uh there's a it is so it's so's like the, I was looking at all this stuff this weekend and Johnny Walker was getting
Starting point is 00:35:27 knocked out. And I was, that's the worst part about being in the sport is like not necessarily losing, but you know, you do so much to get to that level. And if you like lose like that, but anybody can,
Starting point is 00:35:40 anybody can become a mean, but it's just like, ah, man. Um, and dude, three years ago, I thought that dude was on the trajectory to be the fucking greatest ever. Remember when he did that, he fell down and he hurt his shoulder? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:54 Like what if he would have never done that? That's why you don't do worms after fights, I guess. You got to do some shoulder rolls first. I don't know, man. Yeah, I know. I know. I mean, I was happy for Jamel. That's the tough part.
Starting point is 00:36:11 It's like I'm happy for one guy, heartbroken for the other guy. Like Derek Lewis getting knocked out last week. I was so happy for Tai Vasa, you know what I'm saying? He seems like such a cool dude, but at the same time, I was heartbroken for Derek Lewis, man. It was was like damn man lost in his hometown you know what i mean yeah twice now yeah in a short period of time too it's just like that blows man hey i had i had like um six or seven people at my house during the derrick lewis fight maybe more and when he got knocked out i've never seen and i have people over every every weekend to
Starting point is 00:36:46 watch fights yeah i've never seen it where everyone jumps up at the same time like usually one person will or one person will cover their eye everyone jumped up it was it was like seeing a rhino get shot like from 800 yards and put it while it was charging at you and put it down it was nuts how it put him to sleep i mean it's it's crazy to me because it was such a nice knockout that people think it's fake i'm like there was nothing fake about that knockout man he he ate all of that elbow and went straight to sleep like uh and and the shots ty took like were nuts no i derrick did what he had to do It was just crazy that it was nuts. That fight was nuts. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:26 I mean, Ty, Ty just like made a decision in his head, man. Cause you know, looking back at his past fights, you know, you've seen Ty get knocked out before, you know what I'm saying? And you know, you see Derek knock out everybody. So as soon as he got them on the ground, he was throwing those punches at him. It's a cage. I was like, the fight's over. Yeah. He got back up and he ate a couple more punches and started throwing back. i was like oh this is it's a fight now you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:37:49 um but yeah no i still didn't expect that that knockout i was still waiting for derrick lewis to come back until he got knocked out i was like wow that is crazy uh but that's just the sport man you know what i'm saying as is you live by the sword you die by the sword you know those are two kind of carefree dudes who acted like they didn't really give a shit about the championship and then over the years we've seen them mature and they're both like legitimate hardcore martial artists now you know what i mean it's like they've turned their shit around it's like right before our eyes it It's nuts. Like their whole demeanor, the way they talk, their training. I mean, what Derek Lewis does in the CrossFit gym and his training and the flying knees and ties the head movement.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Now, it's just nuts how they've improved. It's crazy. That's what's crazy about this sport, too, especially in that weight class. You can get better before our eyes. In your weight class, you better be good already when you get there, right? But in that weight class, we can actually watch people kind of grow well i mean even like that's what's like you said what's incredible about the sport is you can watch the best at the top of the division you know you see someone like kamaru uzman become the world champion and still get better even after
Starting point is 00:39:01 becoming the world champion it's just like yeah you know uh it's like the sky is really the limit we don't know how good someone can be at mixed martial arts yet you know what i'm saying uh so that's that is to me one of the most exciting aspects of the sport is like they're you know if someone like kamaru uzman can keep on getting better after becoming a dominant world champion then you know uh you know what is there in the future? I mean, uh, like kids coming up, uh, I teach a kid's class and some of these kids, what they know at eight and nine, uh, you know, it's kind of scary. You're like, man, dude, like when these kids grow up, they're going to be doing things we did in video
Starting point is 00:39:42 games. You know what I mean? But you're tough. Yeah tough yeah man i'm a little tough you are tough you know i mean i got a little chin on me and you're and you're a little bit scary like no one sees it now who's watching the show but like when you went in the ring with tray sean you're scary like like i'm like i'm like oh god this guy's fucking scary like if this dude came into the fucking liquor store and was like he wants his money back because the like his his 40 was cracked open like i'd be like yeah here take the register i mean you you come in there fucking scary my rbf has gotten a lot better since i got married what's rbf uh resting bitch face ah yeah yeah that's it that's to keep the wife at bay what's wrong honey nothing
Starting point is 00:40:22 just got to keep you at bay. No, no. It's really more, I think, because she won't get mad at me for saying this because she says this herself. She has extreme RBF. Like, it confuses me sometimes. Like, I'm like, hey, are you good? She's like, yeah, I'm fine. I'm like, oh, your face didn't say that just now. You know what I mean? And so i think i've uh i've caught a
Starting point is 00:40:45 little bit of that and so sometimes i'll go into places and people think i'm angry and disgruntled i'm like no man i'm just chilling baby yeah yeah yeah i got permanent permanent stink face now i'm trying to get scarier looking i got a couple scars on my face i got the cauliflower going uh you know i'm trying to look more imposing you know what i mean did did both you and um trey sean know that you were gonna win like when you went in there did you know you were gonna win and when he went in there did he know he was gonna win like before round one starts i have a really hard time telling exactly what was going on in trey sean i knew i was gonna win i knew i was gonna win i like made that up, you know, in training, you know, I pushed myself like past my limits in training. I knew I was going to win. Um, and I'm even disappointed
Starting point is 00:41:36 with the performance I put on. I should have put on a better performance, but, um, Treshawn, like part of me believes that he a 100% knew he was going to win. It was his destiny. And then the other part of me does think that, you know, there was a lot of insecurity. You know, he had to prove it to himself. That was why he had to talk a lot because he was trying to convince himself. Um, yeah, I, you know, I, I really, I don't, I don't know how much of it was a hundred percent belief or how much of it was him just trying to convince himself. Right.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Um, you have a remarkable weight loss story. I mean, I don't know if anyone ever talks about, but what's the most you've ever weighed? Um, the most I ever saw on a scale was 290 and some change 290 that was yeah that was the most i ever saw on a scale and i think i want to say i probably got to 300 or probably a little over 300 but after i saw 290 i stopped stepping on the scale for a little bit you know what i mean yeah um uh yeah yeah there it goes and then just so you guys know that's francis ningano he's standing i tell you that guy right there he should be that's one of the crazy things about mma is like how many killers there are that no one knows about. Right. Because they just get performance anxiety. Yeah. But in the gym or in the streets, they could take out like anybody,
Starting point is 00:43:11 take off. Anybody said this guy right here is an absolute animal, but you know, most people don't know that. I think he's, he's like four and three as an amateur, but it just gets bad performance anxiety. it's it's crazy to me you know what i'm saying it just it makes me wonder how many people are out there that are just absolute assassins i can't you know uh turn it on at the right time you know what i mean yeah well i i am a uh i'm the i'm a world class probably the number one porn star in the world but i just get a little performance anxiety so no one so no one knows i mean there's ways around that
Starting point is 00:43:48 don't ruin my story don't ruin my story let's just leave it at that this is where don't ruin my story um so so why how did you get so big how why how did you get to 300 pounds and what was the motivate how old were you what was the motivation? How old were you? What was the motivation to lose weight? And what's the least, before we go there, what's the least you've ever weighed now? The least I've ever weighed now, probably, I want to say this morning, I woke up at 197. This past fight, I got my walking around weight down to about 195. So right now, it's probably the smallest i've walked around since i've been a
Starting point is 00:44:27 teenager but but you did but you do make 185 yeah yeah no i make 185 but that's that's a water cut that's what the the water cut at the end um and you know as far as like getting up and weight in the first place, it's funny because I had five sisters growing up and four of them lived with me. And, you know, it was like, you know, was it limited resources? You know what I'm saying? And there was a bunch of hungry mouths so you know if there's something if a bag of chips came in and you didn't get your chips when they were there you might not get any chips you know what i'm saying or if we're eating dinner and you want seconds on the chicken you better hurry up and eat your chicken and clear your plate so that you can get seconds on the chicken you know uh and so uh so now like as an adult you
Starting point is 00:45:26 know it's like um you really felt that as a kid like oh shit i better top off i might not be eating breakfast tomorrow morning i better eat double down on not not like that like we weren't we weren't like uh we were middle class you know what i'm saying so it wasn't like i was like hungry but it was just like uh you know but still but still i get it yeah as a kid you know i get it there's 10 chicken wings on the on the at the table yeah you got to eat your two before you can get some more you know what i mean yeah yeah i get it i i had i had a sister uh um i have a sister she's probably listening now um and uh my mom would make a pitcher of orange juice and then a couple hours later i'd go to to get a glass and the whole fucking pitcher would be gone.
Starting point is 00:46:08 I go into her bedroom and there's four fucking cups of like orange juice. She was on the same program as you are. She better fill up four cups and carry them to a room. Yeah. Yeah. And it's like, uh, I think that just kind of after high school sports, I was still eating like, you know, it was a competition, you know what I'm saying? And, you know, I just, I didn't have a whole ton of direction, you know what I'm saying? And so, yeah, I mean, it wasn't something that I really even noticed happening, you know what I'm
Starting point is 00:46:42 saying? It was just like, it kind of happened one day and I was just like wow I am really out of shape uh because even when I played high school sports I prided myself on good conditioning and whatnot and then I tried to go up a flight of stairs in college and by the time I got to the top I was like breathing heavy I was like this is a problem I need to start how tall are you um Six one and three quarters. 300 pounds is like really fat. Yeah. Like embarrassed to take your shirt off fat. I always carried it pretty well, but no, I wasn't ever thrilled to take off. I was, you know, honestly, until it got down to like 220, I wasn't thrilled to take off my shirt.
Starting point is 00:47:21 You know what I'm saying? Like, you know, I did it just because, you know, I was going to own it. You know what I mean? Yeah. It wasn't something i was looking forward to yeah that's how i feel every day every morning my wife every day my wife sees me naked i'm like just fake it like you don't care like you're cool with it um uh it's uh when he hey does your wife work out? Does your wife work out? Yeah. Yeah. She, um, um, she's actually, uh, since she just had the baby, you know what I'm saying? She's trying to, uh, get back and get, get back to how she was before she had the baby. So she's been pretty disciplined about that. You know, I'm pretty proud of her. Um, it must be weird to do that. Right. Especially when they're pregnant especially when they're pregnant when they're pregnant they
Starting point is 00:48:06 look so good and they're so proud of themselves and they're just like you know they're walking around with their just like with their belly all out and shit and everything's all tight and their titties got all big and like they just look amazing and then all of a sudden baby comes out there's like oh shit yeah yeah man we're gonna go through some shit that's what's crazy about the whole pregnancy process is you know you always think about like actual birth but you don't think about what happens after because you know usually ladies stay in recovery for the next couple weeks they're staying at home recovering so or months they gotta eat and they gotta eat good and keep them titties full and feed the baby and all that shit, right?
Starting point is 00:48:45 Yeah. It's like I never thought about the aftermath of birth until I was in it. And I was like, holy cow, this is like just as serious as freaking right before the birth. Like it's a whole – It's a serious open wound. Yeah. Yeah. No, for real.
Starting point is 00:49:03 That was crazy, man. I was was sitting there you were there for the birth i was holding one of her legs oh it's amazing yeah i was there for all three of my kids it's amazing no it really like um it's like yeah you see the head pop out like you know like it really is it's too crazy like it's always really gross watching the videos, getting prepared for it. But I think that's cause that was not my wife. Not yours, baby. Yeah. It's not yours. Yeah. It's not gross at all when it's yours. No. And it's your baby. You're just like, wow, this is, this is terrific. And you know, I know she's not, she was like, ah, get this thing out of me.
Starting point is 00:49:39 But you know, I was like, this is crazy, man. You know, see his little head pop out. It comes out like an alien. You know, yeah, no. I feel like seeing a birth has to change you at least a little bit. I feel like it's hard for someone to get through seeing a child be born and not change. You know those plastic coin purses you may have had as a little kid? It's shaped like an egg and like you squeeze it and it opens yeah are the do you know what i'm caleb do you know what i'm talking about
Starting point is 00:50:10 it has a little clips on it at the top and no clips it's just like it's just like a plastic thing and it's got like a slit in it looks like sorry it's like silicone yeah yeah and anyway i always i always trip because the vagina's got like all these fucking layers to it like it's just a fucking like like 10 hamburgers lined up you're like what the fuck is all this skin it's like a fucking sharpay down there you're like what a fucking mess it is down here and then when the baby comes out you're like ah that's what all that extra skin is for that shit gets as smooth as a fucking coin purse yeah like that yeah it's like a coin purse it's like yeah yeah yeah exactly that's it and It's like a coin purse. It's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:50:46 That's it. And it's all smooth and shit. And you're like, hey, the vagina's gone. And then the baby comes out. You're like, holy shit. Man, yeah. Right? It's like a coin purse that drops babies.
Starting point is 00:50:57 I mean, it's like there's, I mean, for real, though. Like, it's almost a little unsettling. I can't look at those coin purses the same anymore. Like, you know. Right. Getting flashbacks. Oh no. Did you see Platinum Perry spit that blood this weekend?
Starting point is 00:51:14 Have you seen that going around? That's crazy. See that? That's grosser to me than a fucking birth. That is nuts. No, man. I love, I love that stuff. Like, you know, I feel like that's like that
Starting point is 00:51:26 like taps into your little romanticism as like a old fight fan you know someone just spitting blood out of their mouth and have blood all over their face in the middle of a war yeah man that's the bare knuckle thing uh uh caleb platinum mike perry um he was spitting blood and they show it in slow motion it's an incredible clip somewhere on instagram i saw it this morning i was like holy shit he he won that right he won yeah he won all right can i ask you a question real quick yes please did a bare knuckle match what do you think would hurt the most when the match was over. My head, I'd have a headache.
Starting point is 00:52:10 That's what everyone thinks, right? Right. Yeah. I know a young lady. She's, I think, number three in the world in her weight class, Taylor Starling. And she told me it's your hands. Oh, I think I was going to have her on the show. Taylor Starling. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:24 You should have her on the show. She's, oh yeah You should have her on the show She's a good interviewer She's a crazy lady, dude She's awesome Dude, I hear that sometimes in the UFC Like in that O'Malley fight against Chris Montanillo Yeah
Starting point is 00:52:39 I think I heard O'Malley say his hands hurt for like a month No, and then especially Like in bare knuckle you're hitting them with your bare hands and then you're blocking the punches with your bare hands and so she told me there was a fight where it's like in the third round she wasn't punching as much and you know uh coach is telling her like go go go and she's like dude my hands hurt you know what I'm saying it's like it's not that I don't have the conditioning for my hands freaking out so that's like bare knuckle that is like a whole nother level of savagery like that is that stuff
Starting point is 00:53:09 is badass hey when you when you go when you go sit down like to the fans it looks like you're resting but is that also when some of the pain sets into like you could be in the second round everything's great you go sit down and you're like oh shit shit. Also, you take some inventory of your body and you're like, fuck, my glutes locking up. My fucking pinky's broken. My fucking ear hurts. And are you like, fuck, I kind of wish I wasn't sitting down and I could have just gone through that round. You know what? I tell you what, for me and I know for a lot of guys, it does work like that. That's why some people don't sit down in between rounds. For me, once the adrenaline gets going uh like i need the
Starting point is 00:53:47 fight to be over for it to like settle down like even when i'm in the corner i don't really after about three minutes into the first round i stopped feeling things after i've been hit a couple times because it's like i've registered how much it hurts i think someone tried to call him and he's and he's getting rid of the caller you can talk to you can talk to brian uh battle later please call back later thank you hi i'm here we hear you brian ah he'll be back he'll log back in oh yeah i think i think that was great that i'm glad i thought of the coin purse caleb that was great thank you for uh bringing that up that that really sums it up i follow a a live birth thing on
Starting point is 00:54:32 um on instagram it's an account that just like shows live births yeah and it's uh it's pretty crazy it's i usually don't watch them though they pop up and i just like i'll probably like watch like one a month just to remind myself. It's a lot. Yeah, we had to watch – we had to work in labor and delivery when we first got started. And it's like I've never seen so many just innocent-looking women just scream expletives for a long time. And then it's just like relief relief and then there's a baby did you see any dudes pass out no i i just saw most of them would just like step out or like sit down and just be
Starting point is 00:55:17 like oh this i'm good for now yeah i've seen some dudes i've had some friends who said they had to leave the room during birth so they don't pass out uh welcome ladies and gentlemen to the sevan podcast we have a guest today is brian battle we have to start all over brian oh man no i'm joking i'm joking no it happens all the time don't worry yeah i know my wife gave me a buzz and it just shut everything down i had to go back to the text and go back to the link oh boy this is it's my show we do what you do what, what you want. So, so you were saying, so basically after, after three minutes into the first round, you've, what does that mean? You've registered the pain.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Because I mean, when you first get hit as generally a shock, I mean, at least speaking for myself, you know what I'm saying? That first impact is generally a shock. And, you know, for me, you know, it's like. Oh, lost radio. Take three. Oh, oh, his wife called back. He's gonna have to text her and be like yo girl i'm busy you froze
Starting point is 00:56:29 you are frozen mr battle i didn't ask him yet why he's poo bear did i caleb no not yet who went for it okay okay you back brian no not back Brian? No, not back. You back, Brian? Not back. Bye-bye. When I think of it as poo bear, I think of Winnie the Pooh, not like poo as in like fecal matter, right? Is that how you think of it? That's what I would assume as well. Okay. I think you just had to go to the bathroom and you ran to the bathroom, Brian, and you're just using your disconnection as an excuse. You know what what i'll take it take three take three so you register the pain and you're like okay it's not going to get worse
Starting point is 00:57:15 than that i'm good and then you just go numb to the rest of the shots um more or less you know what i'm saying it's like i I feel things when they first land. Yeah. But then after that, after they first make contact, yeah, I'm generally okay. And then once the fight is over, once I sit down after the fight is over, like I'm back with the doctor, that's when I'm like, oh, I can't walk. You know what I mean? I'm like, like oh i can't walk you know what i mean i'm like oh i can't move my left elbow i'm like oh this is crazy i can't feel anything anymore you know what i mean i heard you say in a press conference that you thought it would be your head that hurt but it
Starting point is 00:57:55 was your body yeah yeah no um i had a pretty decent defensive show because he didn't land that many head shots the whole fight talking about trey sean yeah he had a few really impactful ones uh but he didn't really you know it wasn't a whole lot of headshot volume um but um the the the kicks and uh yeah i would say a lot of the the because a lot of those kicks i was circling into them too. So yeah, no, he kicks like a mule. I'll give him,
Starting point is 00:58:29 I'll give him his credit. He kicks like a mule. But it wasn't something that was phasing me while we were going to battle. That was a great line you used on Bisping, by the way, in that quote, I was epic. I loved that.
Starting point is 00:58:42 I was laughing. He probably loves you for that too. Oh man. And people are trying to say I did that by accident i'm like come on man that's michael bisming everybody knows he yeah he won the title with one eye that's oh he did i didn't know that he had only had one eye when he won the title yeah he had one eye when he won the title yeah yeah i think he lost his eye after the luke rock not the the vitor belfort fight actually he was kicked by vitor belfort he uh i think that's when he lost the sight in that eye oh my goodness i did not know oh but but now he doesn't even have an eyeball at all
Starting point is 00:59:17 yeah it's a glass eye right yeah he's like popping that thing out. It was crazy. There was a fight you had against Krizan. K-R-I-Z-A-N. And when you – I feel like when I watch people's earlier fights, that wasn't in the UFC, right? No, sir. I feel like referees let shit go a little longer than they need to outside of the UFC. Even in the UFC, you see it sometimes but what that you have that guy against the fence and he's not going down but but but he's done he's but but the ref doesn't stop it are you like aware of that like at that point like
Starting point is 00:59:59 like it's almost like you're a cook and you're cooking something in the oven and you know it's done but people haven't told you to take it out. So you don't. And it burnt. I mean, what do you think as a fighter when that's going on? Um, I, yeah, no, you're right. I knew a hundred percent that he was like toast. And I knew if I could just get it, but to hit the ground, then the ref would step in. I knew that was the only thing keeping the ref was stepping in. It was the fact that he was on his feet, but he was, he he was kind of just i don't even know how he was standing yeah i know that was he doesn't he came to me afterwards he doesn't remember anything from like halfway through the first round you know oh my goodness and uh yeah and i that's why eventually at the end of the second round i just i said screw it i shot
Starting point is 01:00:40 for the leg because i knew once i took him down and landed some ground and pound the ref was gonna stop it you know what i mean um and so but yeah no 100 i knew he was and he's a great fighter i almost feel bad that like he had well not almost i did feel bad he had to like take i mean he took 10 i mean not your fault i'm not blaming you at all but like and maybe not even the rest fall i don't i don't know what you do at that point. The guy standing. But clearly someone has to stop the fight. I mean, I'm a fight fan, but at some point, I guess even I have a threshold to where it becomes inhumane. I don't I don't know what that threshold is or. To me, to me, as long as the person still has the will to fight, I'm OK with them fighting. long as the person still has the will to fight i'm okay with them fighting you know what i mean but once once they're not there anymore then it's like okay let's let's call this you know once the
Starting point is 01:01:30 will to fight is gone then it's like there's no point in letting this keep on going and yeah no he had definitely that's what's interesting about that fight is he still had the will to fight like that was like the only thing happening on his feet was his was his will but uh his faculty his ability to win the fight was gone you know what i mean um so yeah i know there's definitely yeah it's just one of those like brutal things about the sport you know what i mean uh because there's a lot of times where you see that where a guy wants to keep on fighting but his body is just like dude we can't do this anymore yeah you know you could tell the refs are conflicted they're like ah i don't want to i don't want to take it away from him but he doesn't have it you know what i mean yeah he looks like a newborn giraffe yeah yeah for real uh so and yeah i don't really know how you fix that
Starting point is 01:02:21 either you know i'm saying unless you just have like a standard, like an overall standard for when someone is gone. Because reffing is to a degree subjective. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And I'm okay with it. Anytime anyone badmouths, like I don't have any problem with early stoppage. Yeah. Never, ever, ever.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Even if I'm like, ah, that was way too early. I'm still okay with it. I give the ref a pass. I'm way rather. It doesn't happen often, I give the ref a pass. I'm way rather it. It doesn't happen often two or three times a year, but you see shit that you're just like, come on, man.
Starting point is 01:02:51 The guy was unconscious and he got hit two more times. Like what? Like, but I mean, as a ref, you can't even fall asleep for a second in there. You can't be like, Oh shit.
Starting point is 01:02:59 Did I leave my, the oven on? I mean, you can't do it. You can't, you can't do that. Right. No.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Cause yeah. If you're like five feet away, like you that's two shots and like you the whole time you're running over there as fast as you can you know uh but yeah no being a ref is not an easy job especially at like the highest level when there's everything at stake and you know you make one mistake and you got fans jumping down your back yeah being a ref uh it's not the it's not like being a judge too because people don't see the judges faces right i'm saying right they know the judges names but they don't see the judges faces like everyone there's no glory in being a ref no no you know what i mean yeah zero no one's ever like great reffing everyone's always like you fucked up
Starting point is 01:03:41 yeah facts so yeah um do you know who you fight next i have no idea who i fight next that is i would like to fight in the summertime but who i'm fighting next i am unaware and and do you have an agent you have a guy that they call um jason house at iridium sports oh yeah yeah yeah yeah god that guy is everywhere yeah he's busy he's a busy b he's a busy b i've been signed with them since i was one and one so um you know like you gotta give jason his credit man that man is a hustler man i mean he like you said he's everywhere doing everything i don't like if i text him at three o'clock in the morning you know what i'm saying i might get a text back you know what i'm saying it is crazy how on top of it he is yeah that's cool
Starting point is 01:04:32 that's cool i think caleb we didn't have him on the show right i think i've been begging him to has he been on the show i know but i bet but i've begged him and we're close we got to be getting close we got to be getting close me i'm just going to keep interviewing his fighters until he has to come on okay fine um how do you um how does that go down will you just be working in the gym and then like you'll take a rest between rounds and you'll pick up your phone and there'll be a text hey give me a call brian i think we have a fight for you and then you pick it up and you call him and he's like hey what do you think about is it literally like that that simple more or less yeah more or less yeah it's like um um i mean it's not even what do you think about this person normally it's like like uh when trey
Starting point is 01:05:16 sean pulled out of the finale i just got a call and it was like hey you're fighting gilbert in the finale all right uh you know i didn't think me and trey sean were going to run it back immediately because of his injury uh but you know i just got a call it's like hey your next fight is trey sean all right okay well you know so it's really um you know especially at this point in my career i don't think i have enough clout to um you know really go demanding fights with people yet you You know what I mean? So I'm kind of just at all, anybody, anywhere, anytime kind of stage, you know what I'm saying? Just trying to get better in the gym so I can whoop everyone's ass.
Starting point is 01:05:53 You know what I mean? Is the goal to win the championship? Yeah, absolutely. Um, that is, and it's getting weird. Like it, now I'm, I'm saying that out loud to people. And, you know, it was kind of daunting. Cause like, once you say it out loud, then it's on record. But yeah, man, no, that's to me, you know, I got into the sport.
Starting point is 01:06:20 It wasn't something where, you know, I liked the fame and the money that came with it. I mean, all that stuff is nice. You know, I enjoy it, but I'm one of those people that I would have been fighting in someone's basement if it was still illegal. You know what I mean? I would have been a part of some kind of fight club. I just enjoy it so much. And I want to test myself and see what I can do. You know, uh, I feel like at this point in the UFC, it's so much more than like punches and kicks. It's overcoming obstacles, like figuring out puzzles, how to beat these monsters, you know? Um, and so. It is a nutty division you're in. It is a nut. It's, it's amazing how good,
Starting point is 01:06:55 um, uh, uh, the number two guy is so under ranked. He should be like the second most famous fighter in the UFC. Um, Whitaker. Yeah. It's like, I like the fact that he fighter in the ufc um whittaker yeah it's an it's like i like the fact that he got in there twice and did that with yoel romero i i mean i've only been watching the sport maybe 10 years but i've never seen any that's about as high as accomplishment as i could give anybody and yet there's this dude israel in your weight class that's even gnarlier and it's like what the fuck is going on in that weight class it's not and then and then you get that guy in the 171s who picks
Starting point is 01:07:25 hazmat who picks guys up and yeah and carries them over to the edge and throws them on the ground like like like he caught a wild animal and showing dana i mean it's bizarre some of these guys and i tell you um it is also uh you know the last guy to knock out stylebender and kickboxing. Yes. In the UFC now, too. Yes. I saw that guy. Whoever he fought last, I remember the commentators, like, being kicked by this guy is like being hit by a piece of mahogany. And then he kicked the dude and put the dude out cold.
Starting point is 01:07:58 It was like the dude got hit by a piece of wood. Yeah. Yeah. What's that guy's name? I want to say it's Pere perera is it alex perera you know some brazilian machine and he's training with glover in uh in maine i think they're in are they in maine i thought they were in california oh i don't think he's – I think that's his coach.
Starting point is 01:08:28 San Luis Obispo. Who is that? Hackleman. You're talking about Hackleman where Liddell trained? No, because I know – I feel like Glover has – I feel like Glover's in Maine now. I feel like he has his own camp now or Vermont or somewhere in the northeast. He has his own camp. And honestly, it's one of those things I have no idea where it actually is.
Starting point is 01:08:48 I just always assumed that he had his camp in California. You know what I mean? If I don't know where someone's camp is, I assume it's in either Florida or California or Vegas. One of those three. Yeah, no. Glover is now in the northeast. And I think there's a town in the northeast that has more Brazilians per capita. Yeah, Connecticut. and i think there's a town in the northeast that has more brazilians per capita yeah connecticut yeah i think that town bethel has more brazilians than anywhere like outside of brazil in the world
Starting point is 01:09:11 or some weird shit like that or maybe the most in the united states i think i heard something wow he's a wow he's a fifth degree black belt yeah yeah it's weird right they're not made for that they hey guys you got to move closer to the equator what are you doing what are you doing yeah um what do you think about this guy has matt this this this is that is he as good as it seems or is he untested or like like like i mean i guess he's gonna fight gilbert burns here coming up and we're gonna find out yeah man i would love to train with him because i want to figure out, you know what I mean? Because at this point, I mean, he's he's a stud. You know what I'm saying? He's he's definitely a stallion.
Starting point is 01:09:53 You know what I mean? So you believe it? That's that's like that's like real. That's real, man. You can't do what he's doing to guys unless you are that dude. Now, what I will say is no one is really standing up to him at all. You know what I'm saying? He has one of those auras that is making people melt before they even get inside, before they even throw a punch.
Starting point is 01:10:16 You know what I'm saying? And so, yeah, no, this fight with Gilbert should be a lot of fun because Gilbert's not going to punk out. You know what I'm saying? Gilbert's going to fight this this dude and so i want to see what he looks like in a second round uh when he's been fighting somebody yeah um i i saw darren till's over there is did darren go to sweden is that that guy trains in sweden um i believe so yeah he's a i know he's a native of sweden so i think darren till had to go out to Sweden. And that's funny. Can you just go ahead? Good.
Starting point is 01:10:46 Sorry. No, no, no, no. Go ahead. Can you just get on a plane and go over there and walk into that gym? That's a good question. I don't know. I don't know. Like, I assume they seem like they're not too picky.
Starting point is 01:11:00 You know what I'm saying? They seem like they're like, hey, you know, if you want to come and work hard, like, let's go and work hard. You know what I'm saying? They're just in there just grinding. You know what i'm saying they seem like they're like hey you know if you want to come and work hard like let's go and work hard you know what i'm saying they're just in there just grinding you know what i mean um but you know i think i have enough clout that if i went over there they'd be like oh yeah tough tough tough champ come on let's go train you know what i mean i think they'd like to test me as much as i'd like to test them so uh yeah you need someone in sweden to be like hey you can stay at my house for a month and then someone else over here to like sponsor you to fly you over there facts and uh and go that would be such a cool thing to do what a cool little movie that would be too
Starting point is 01:11:35 hey i'm i'm the tough champ and i'm gonna go over there and i'm gonna report back i'm gonna train with this dude and report back to you if he's the real thing. Facts. That would be so cool. And show the whole thing, like the first day you walk in there. Yeah. Just like surprise them. I'm here. Let's train. No footage cut.
Starting point is 01:11:53 If I get my ass whooped, I get my ass whooped. That's it. Is training – are dudes cool in training or does training get intense? Oh, man. Training has to get intense. It man, training has to get intense. It does. Training has to get intense. So it has to be both.
Starting point is 01:12:08 It has to get intense and dudes have to be cool. I mean, you know, there's a time and place for it all. You know what I'm saying? I mean, you know, the bulk of the time you have to be working drills and doing repetitions to develop that muscle memory. So when you're drilling and stuff, you can't really. No asshole mode. Yeah, you can't really, um, no asshole mode. Yeah. You can't, you can't be a meathead. Um, but you know, when you're training, you know, you get, when you're like hard sparring or, you know, you, you're drilling fast, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:12:36 You know, it can get, you know, me personally, I like my training to keep me sharp so that, you know, I understand like I have to deal with the same consequences in training or worse consequences in training than I would in a fight. So, yeah, no training can get pretty intense. There's been some times, you know, where I was beyond my limit during training. What do you mean? Like, you're like, like it's starting to get over and it's starting, like here's maximum training and then here's fighting. And like, next thing you know, you're, you're kind of like fighting a dude in training.
Starting point is 01:13:16 I mean, like, like physically, physically, like, you know, like you do sparring and then, you know, you start drilling. Like, I'll give you an example. physically like um you know like you do sparring and then you know you start drilling like i'll give you an example there's uh one time when i was an amateur i did all my sparring rounds you know you get a new person every round and then um we had we were doing these cage cage takedowns and takedown defense drills and the first round i was still i still have enough energy where i'm defending the takedowns pretty well but then you know as the rounds are going on you know people are starting to as fresh bodies are rotating you know uh like people are starting to like not just take me down but they're picking
Starting point is 01:13:57 me up and slamming me you know what i'm saying and so i'm exhausted i'm getting slammed on the ground over and over again the round ends and I'm sitting there, you know, like my eyes are like watering up. My body's like in shock. You know what I'm saying? I'm, I'm sitting there. My arms are shaking. You know what I mean? And you know, the bell rings. My coach was like, all right, next round, let's go. And I'm just like, fuck man. You know, I mean, you have to make a decision right there. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:14:21 I think that's like 40% thing that the Navy SEALs got going on where you know, it's like, okay, you know what i'm saying i i think that's that like 40 thing that the navy seals got going on where um um you know it's like okay you know what am i what am i going to succumb to right now you know what i'm saying am i gonna get up and finish this round or am i gonna sit here and lay here in shock you know what i mean and i think you need sessions like that to really prepare you for what's going to happen inside the cage you do need those i i'm i'm so exhausted i feel like i'm gonna throw up um but keep going have you ever throw do you ever throw up oh yeah yeah oh yeah like throwing up is like a badge of honor at our gym like if you throw up then everyone breaks out they. They're like, ah, we're a bunch of meatheads. You know what I'm saying? Um, so, uh, I'm not puking all the time, but there's definitely, I've definitely puked
Starting point is 01:15:13 my fair share and I've definitely been on the cusp of puking many more times. Um, who was the guy that Sean Strickland just fought? Do you remember that? Who was that? Jack Hermanson. Oh yeah. Jack Hermanson. just fought do you remember that who was jack manson oh yeah jack her manson um did you watch that fight yes yes that was a interesting fight um do you have you ever been that patient in a fight as patient as those two guys were or do you think i'm mischaracterizing that um well i mean you know i mean even jack said afterwards he said he he didn't
Starting point is 01:15:43 like that performance and he felt like he treated it like a light sparring match. I liked it. Yeah. Well, I mean, you know, they're being technical and no one was like over committing to too much. I think you and Sean Strickland would be an insane fight. You guys would it would be nuts. That would be a lot of fun me and sean we would we would throw down because you know um yeah i'd be sitting there in the pocket with them you know what i mean
Starting point is 01:16:13 yeah but i but i really appreciated sean more than ever because of how patient he was he was giving himself a hard time i didn't mind the fight at all i enjoyed it was it was kind of like watching like just instead of a painter working really fast just watching some strokes i i mean it's interesting watching him too because he he has a different style but he really has like mastered his way of doing things you know what i mean so yeah it was clean he's not there no it's not sloppy at all it's so fucking clean like you can see what's going on. It's clean.
Starting point is 01:16:47 There's no wasted movement. I mean, his offense almost deflects the other person's offense. So he's being offensive and defensive at the same time in like a weird way. So, I mean, it's definitely interesting to watch. You know what I'm saying? And yeah, no, there's someone where it's another person where it's like, you know, obviously he's like, what, number six in the world right now. So they wouldn't put us together anytime soon. But if I could get into extreme couture, I would love to do a round with them.
Starting point is 01:17:14 You know what I'm saying? I think it'd be a lot of fun. Where do you train? What's the name of your training place? I train at Highest Stand MMA in Matthews, North Carolina. Are there any other 185ers you train with um i train with there's 85ers in the area that and we'll bring people in but my main training partner is roger pratcher and he's a pro fighter uh out of my gym he's been in the gym longer than me you
Starting point is 01:17:39 know what i'm saying um what weight and he's a he's an 85 or's fighting at 85 or 205 in that range, but generally 85. And he's just another person where no one knows who he is right now. And his record doesn't show how good he is, but he gives me fits every week. You know what I mean? Yeah. But yeah. How did you get picked for the ultimate fighter how does that go down is that just another jason just calls you and is like hey you want to do this um that was more
Starting point is 01:18:12 me saying um i hit up jason i was like hey um they got my weight division i think i'd be good for this contest then uh he was like you know what I think you would be good for this contest. And so, um, you know, uh, he used his connections, you know, I got, uh, a little interview. It was interesting because of COVID the whole process was different. There was supposed to be tryouts. Um, but it got canceled because of COVID. Um, you know, it was really like, we started talks in like November, late November. really like we started talks in like November, late November. And I didn't know if I was actually going to be on the show until they had already flown us out to Vegas. And that was in like April. You know what I mean? And so like all the way from November to April, when I was in Vegas,
Starting point is 01:18:59 I didn't know if I was actually going to be on the show. So even when you went to Vegas, you weren't sure, right? No, even when we went to Vegas, like they're like, all right, on Monday, you're flying out to Vegas. I was like, oh, so I'm on the show. They were like, just fly out to Vegas. We'll talk about it when you get here. Did you see any dudes get flown out there who had to walk away? Um, I didn't see them walk away, but yeah, I saw some guys during the medicals because
Starting point is 01:19:22 we each had our medical group. And so, um, you know, you see guys in your medical group and then you had our medical group and so um you know you see guys in your medical group and then you see who got selected you're like oh dang man they didn't oh so there were dudes who have flew out there and then like didn't make the show yeah oh that sucks um and then and then and then when they're on the show and they're picking the teams you were the last dude picked i was the last guy picked from my team. There was, uh, actually the first guy I fought was the super last pick,
Starting point is 01:19:52 but I was the last guy picked from my team. Yeah. And you were on Volkanovski's team. Yes, sir. Yeah. That's, that's, uh,
Starting point is 01:19:59 that's, and then you won the whole thing. Yes, sir. Has that ever happened before in, in, in the 29 seasons? Oh, sir has that ever happened before in in in the 29 seasons oh um it's happened before um i want to say kelvin gaslum's like a good example of oh that's
Starting point is 01:20:14 right that's right they kept telling you don't worry don't worry kelvin no and that just that drove me crazy too like i was like people like yeah you can't really take it personally i was like bro i'm taking it personally bro yeah you Yeah, you can. What do you mean? They thought all these guys were better than me, man. I'm taking it. Yes, they did. Yes, you should. Hey, in high school, when they would, when in PE, I would remember they would, they would,
Starting point is 01:20:39 they'd pick teams. So the coach, the PE teacher would be like, okay, today you're going to play soccer. And they'd be like, you know, John, you're a captain and Carol, you're a captain. And the captains would start pick teams. So the PE teacher would be like, okay, today you're going to play soccer. And they'd be like, you know, John, you're a captain. And Carol, you're a captain. And the captains would start picking teams. And, of course, everyone picks all the boys first, right? Yeah. All the boys would get picked.
Starting point is 01:20:54 Then a couple girls. Then I would get picked. Like everyone knew I sucked at everything. That's cold-blooded. Yeah, but I knew it. Like I was cool with it. Like it never hurt my feelings. Like I wasn't like hiding and shit like i was like the funny kid you know what i mean like i enjoyed it i thought it was funny and um and i knew it i
Starting point is 01:21:12 was fucking sucked not only did i suck that was lazy you know what i mean like i'd be like i'll do goalie yeah we didn't have cell phones then but i would have been the kid playing goalie on my cell phone yeah so um So, um, but I, but I get it like, like they picked you last cause they thought you fucking sucked. Yeah. More or less. And I said it after my fight,
Starting point is 01:21:33 um, this guy, Paul, one of Ortega's coaches, you know, he leaned over after the teams were picked. He was like, if you did your research,
Starting point is 01:21:40 you would have known who to pick. And then just like, it bothered me. So I was like, I was like, Hey dude, like, bothered me so i was like i was like hey dude like i mean you know it's like one thing to hype up your people but if you're putting down other people yeah yeah process you know i mean i'm like i'm like bro you don't even know me you know what i mean uh and so yeah just like little things like that bothered me a little bit about
Starting point is 01:22:00 that but you know it's all rectified now you know we got it all settled yeah you sure did uh there twice you you won the title twice in one season um there's a guy there's a professional arm wrestler named travis bajan and he um and he's the greatest left-handed arm wrestler arguably that's ever existed and he's a fantastic right-handed arm wrestler and i used to film him and he was people would always like some people didn't like him because he was a braggart he talked about how great he was but what i loved about him is he always talked about how great other people were too so he wasn't one of these guys that he'd be like this guy's the greatest left-handed arm wrestler since blah he's amazing i can't believe
Starting point is 01:22:39 how great he is i can't believe and then he'd go out there and beat him he's like i just beat the greatest fucking arm wrestler and you know what i mean and i thought dude you are fucking brilliant yeah he would just build dudes up build dudes up and then go out there and just fucking slay their ass and it would be like holy shit i get what you're doing yeah and and then he would be it was so good yeah it was i just thought wow that you don't really see that too much in the fight game. And I know fighting is way different than arm wrestling. You got to get, yeah,
Starting point is 01:23:09 here's the guy right here. There, there he is right there. Just like holding the guy. Bam. He's playing it up too. He's a showman. Oh,
Starting point is 01:23:20 he's such a showman. He's so good. He's so good. He's so good. He's so good. He's so good. He's so demoralizing. Yeah. That's messed up. He probably is afraid he's going to snap that guy's arm off.
Starting point is 01:23:38 Oh, my goodness. Don't ever arm wrestle. Fuck up your fight career. I mean, I'm watching this and I'm like, oh, man, it's hard. I'm watching this, and I'm like, dude, why are you even still fighting at this point? I'm like, after getting, like, it's different getting taunted in, like, a fight and getting taunted while you're arm wrestling. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:24:00 Like, you're trying your best, and this guy is still, like, playing around. It's like, okay, let me arm wrestle someone a little bit smaller than this dude this guy's out of my weight class do you um do you do you ever do you want to avenge your your loss your one pro loss like is that something some fighters i know want to like rematch and other fighters like fuck it i don't care no i already tried you did i already tried uh I think he is retired from the sport. Okay. He's a cool dude. Cool dude.
Starting point is 01:24:28 I definitely, because that was one. Oh, man, that still haunts me to this day. I didn't realize this during the fight, but I actually knocked him out and broke his orbital bone. And then I took him down. And when he hit the mat, he woke up And put me in an arm bar Oh shit You know I saw that in a fight Two weeks ago at the UFC
Starting point is 01:24:51 Two girls fighting did you see that fight Um no I didn't see that one but I heard about it There was a girl she had huge fake tits She was like from Ecuador or something And she fucking stiff jabbed this Black belt fucking chick Who I think this other chick it's crazy this is adam this is totally inappropriate but fuck it yeah this one chick
Starting point is 01:25:10 comes out there with big old fake titties like from guatemala or something yeah the chick she's fighting is a black belt stripper okay she punches the fucking stripper black belt stripper chick knocks her the fuck out yeah gets on top of her and the black belt stripper arm bars the or chokes out i can't remember i think it was arm bars the the fake titty girl and i just say the fake titty girl because i just can't get his arms right yes yes she's amazing i would love to have her on the show i i just can't believe uh i just i'm shocked that someone a professional fighter would get fake tits i just i just don't get the uh it just seems like like wait till you're done or something or don't get them ever like a good move throws your balance i mean you know granted i can't that's like we'll be like having a hard
Starting point is 01:25:53 it was like popping two viagra before you get into a fight yeah like the last thing i want is a big old dick in my pants when i'm in there fighting right it's it's like you know grant i've never been a chick with breasts before but I just imagine that being really inconvenient. You know what I mean? Like having long hair, having long hair is inconvenient. You know what I mean? So like, you know, having a whole nother part of your body that you got to worry about getting hit, you know, or just the weight you got to you got to make weight with it. You just it's like, hey, you want to fight me? I'm going to wear a weight vest. Yeah, yeah. I mean, how much weight does that put on, though? I don't know how much.
Starting point is 01:26:31 Probably not much, but I follow this one professional bodybuilder girl, and she just had a baby, and she had these huge – just the porn star ones. And she had them taken out, and she commented she's like i i i can breathe again wow meaning they were compressed and i'm just like oh my goodness like the ladies don't you don't need to do that just stop you don't need to do that she couldn't breathe that is crazy uh it's common to gain a small amount of weight up to five pounds immediately after breast augmentation small percent uh they rarely may weigh more than one or two pounds but even one or two pounds just like pulling on your chest yeah you talk about cutting weight those two pounds are crucial yes especially for you right oh yeah you're a big dude i tell you my worst weight cut i ever had uh was i was an amateur and I was supposed to fight at 205.
Starting point is 01:27:26 I was supposed to fight for the 205 title. My opponent dropped out and the opponent for the 185 pound title dropped out. And so that was another situation when my coach just messaged me. He was like, hey, your opponent dropped out. You're fighting for the 185 pound title right now. And I think I was eating a cookie when he sent me that text. And it was in like two weeks. I was like, oh. think i was eating a cookie when he sent me that text and it was in like two weeks i was like oh did you finish eating the cookie uh no i did not finish eating the cookie
Starting point is 01:27:52 i thanks kevin smith you do sound like vin diesel i've gotten that before i've gotten vin diesel forrest griffin and seth rogan those are the the oh maybe your laugh is a little bit like Seth Rogan but you sound just like Vin Diesel or no sorry Vin Diesel sounds just like you there we go but no this one weight cut on
Starting point is 01:28:18 Monday I was 222 pounds on Friday I was 187 pounds. And they were same-day weigh-ins. So I literally had to rehydrate and fight that night after I weighed in. You win? Yes, sir.
Starting point is 01:28:36 Yes, sir. And the young man I beat actually, he just got cut from the UFC. But he actually went on and he he had a pretty pretty good pro career he's still fighting he's fighting for khabib's promotion now um but yeah no it was a title fight too in north carolina so it was five four minute rounds so it was a 20 minute fight um yeah no but it was something you know about cutting weights almost like spiritual you know what i mean it's like the more you have to go through during that weight cut it's kind of like uh establishing your resolve going into the fight you know what i mean you're like if i'm willing to do this just to get into the fight what am i
Starting point is 01:29:13 gonna do once i actually start fighting you know what i mean uh i hear you but the part that freaks me out is when they say that the weight cut causes that sack around your brain with the fluid to to dry up a little bit and makes it so that when you rehydrate you can't take a punch as well that part scares the shit out of me for the fighters i'm like oh god like you actually hear people use that as an excuse why they lost the fight and and you kind of like believe it you're like shit that like that punch didn't seem to beat the guy in the last fight but in this fight it did and he's saying that the weight cut was too much yeah i mean you have to do your dude you know what i'm saying you have to uh be responsible before you make your cut you know what i'm saying um which you can't do if it's two weeks notice and you're going from
Starting point is 01:29:59 220 to 185 or whatever i don't think i don't think I'd ever do that again. That was pretty freaking rough, but I mean, you know, we got through it. We got the W. You're basically starving yourself and exercising, right? Yeah, and not drinking the last several days. So yeah, it was pretty... I dropped 10 pounds the
Starting point is 01:30:20 first day, 10 pounds the next day, and then after that, it was a really big struggle getting the last however many pounds off it became like grueling after that yeah it's like 15 more yeah and i did it the wrong way too i definitely should have did everything in one day but i tried to do it spread it out over the the week, which made the first couple of days, like I said, were great. And then the tail end was just miserable. So lesson learned.
Starting point is 01:30:50 Won't do that ever again. But we got through it. You know what I mean? We're still alive. There was in one of the interviews, you're talking about like some sweets that you eat that aren't high in calories. What was it? Bubble something? You said they were expensive.
Starting point is 01:31:04 I couldn't figure out what you were talking about. Smart sweets. Oh, yeah. What are smart sweets? What is that, smart sweets? Can you Google that, Caleb? Smart sweets. What is that?
Starting point is 01:31:12 It's like a vegan candy. Smart sweets. So when I heard that, I wanted to tell you about this thing that I do. If you need sweets, especially like before you go to bed at night or you start craving sugar you can take frozen berries oh kiss my keto is that it the kiss my keto isn't because the ones
Starting point is 01:31:33 i get are actually called smart sweets but that's basically that looks like what it is more or less um you can take frozen berries and put them into a bowl and then pour heavy cream on them just a little bit and the heavy cream freezes on the the berries like magic shell do you remember magic shell as a kid yeah the heavy cream will just freeze on frozen berries and then you'll have this bowl and it's like as good as ice cream well not quite i'm lying a little bit but it's good enough super low berries are super low in glycemic index. Like it's nothing. Anyway, I thought I would share that with you.
Starting point is 01:32:12 Frozen berries with some heavy cream. And the heavy cream is so good. Yeah, I was about to say. That's good because you give your muscles just enough sugar to have a little bit of juice the next day. Yeah. And then basically it's just fat. It's basically just fat you bit of juice the next day. Yeah. And then basically it's just fat. It's basically just fat you're eating from the heavy cream. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:35 You said that the house was pretty calm in The Ultimate Fighter. And you said that everyone was pretty cool, pretty chill, like at least calmer than you expected, right? Less tension. But there was the occasion when there would be some drinking right yeah is that is that a weird being in a room with like like like some dudes are cool when they drink like most of my friends are cool but there's always like one asshole that's like all of a sudden like wants to wrestle or it's just it's just too much like they they got their arm around you and they're trying to be loving but they got you in a headlock and it hurts.
Starting point is 01:33:07 You're like, what the fuck, dude? Does any of that – did any of you guys get drunk? You're like, ah, dude, you're not a drinker. You're not made to drink. You know, it was weird. I think because of the stigma from drinking on the show, one thing I'll say too that that, Oh, that rubbed me wrong. Uh, not that I'm still upset or anything, but, uh, you know, Ortega's coaches, they told the guys on their team, they said, win or lose. If you drink after a fight, we're going to separate you from the rest of the group, which I thought was weird. Cause you're dealing with a bunch of
Starting point is 01:33:37 grown men who are fighting in a cage. You know what I mean? What do you mean separate you? Like meaning you're not good. You like that doesn't show discipline. Yeah. Yeah. More or less like you're not going to be training. Like we're going to have the people who are disciplined and doing the right thing like they after aaron and rider lost they were actually chastising them like the night they lost they came over they're like what are you guys doing why are you drinking right now you can get back into the comp which you know they did have a chance to get back in the competition but drinking one night wasn't gonna cost them that you know, they did have a chance to get back in the competition, but drinking one night wasn't going to cost them that. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:34:08 But what I will say is we didn't drink a whole lot on the show, but when we did drink, we had a good time. There was no drunken idiots. You know, at least I say that because I was hanging out with the people who were drinking. But, you know. Right. But it was cool. No, it was cool. It was cool.
Starting point is 01:34:29 It was like, I wish they showed more house stuff on the show. You know what I mean? Because then you could really got to see everyone's personality. And there was a lot of funny, cool moments that happened in the house. But no. Yeah, no, we just did like dumb, dumb happy go lucky stuff when we got drunk you know what i'm saying uh cool we played like speed jenga and whatnot they weren't the only fights that happened were when people were like stone cold sober and there weren't even really any fights you know what i mean but the almost fights were only when people were stone
Starting point is 01:35:01 cold sober you know how about the dudes who smoke weed dude are you allowed to smoke weed in the house so um do they ever show that it seems like all the fighters smoke weed and then I'm trying to think if I've ever seen anyone smoke weed on the show I mean I've only watched
Starting point is 01:35:20 a few seasons so what I will say what I will say is I think if someone got a hold of some weed i don't think uh they they wouldn't get kicked off the show right like if someone i believe if someone got caught smoking weed they wouldn't get kicked off the show i don't think the producers like it though so you can't just be in your room just with a joint like scrolling through your instagram well yeah yeah definitely i mean you don't even have your phone so right okay reading reading the bonner book you can't even you can't bring any books but no yeah you can
Starting point is 01:35:56 only bring religious books like the bible of the quran and stuff like that yeah you can't bring the bonhoeffer book in no you can't bring bon off i was gonna bring some robert green with me this time i was gonna go on a robert green marathon but they said no sir not today uh wow like there was uh one time if you go do you know craig jones uh the guy uh b team yeah yeah yeah yeah i don't know him but but i know of him i know uh nicky i've had nicky on the show three times oh okay, okay. That's dope. That's dope. You should talk to Craig.
Starting point is 01:36:27 He's a riot. Okay. There is one point. I think it's on his Instagram where he came into the house and he had two joints in his mouth when he came into the house. And we were all cheering him on like he was a hero. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Like, all hail Craig Jones. All hail. like he was a hero you know what i'm saying yeah like all hail craig jones all hail and then you know uh he tried to disperse the paraphernalia but the producers came in and shut that down real
Starting point is 01:36:52 quick because of liability issues but who knows what would have happened if he didn't come in in such a grand grandiose fashion like if he just came in and snuck us all all yeah you know i'm saying who knows what would have happened, but, um, no, uh, I'm going to invite him on the show right after this, because that's worth having him on the show. Just to ask about that. Ask Craig Jones.
Starting point is 01:37:13 I just made a note here. Two joints on tough season 29. You entered the house. Yeah. That's awesome. Great story. He is. That man is a,
Starting point is 01:37:23 he is a wild man. No, Craig Jones should, would probably be an awesome guest. Yeah, for sure. Have you met, have you met, have you met Nikki? Have you talked to Nikki? Well, I want to, like I said, I mean, it's funny. You're on the show and you make all these plans to travel all over the place because you've got all these new people and then you get back to reality. It's like, Oh, I'm not going anywhere. This is, I got a wife. I got a kid.
Starting point is 01:37:45 Yeah. Yeah. The reality a kid. Yeah, yeah. The reality sets in of your actual responsibilities. But no, that is – especially when stuff settles down from COVID, going out to Houston and training with the B team is at the top of my list. That is one of the places I got to get out to just because all those guys are so nasty, man. Nicky Ryan is a cool guy. Nicky – I haven't met rodriguez yeah um yeah every show he comes on it becomes cooler and cooler he's young he's serious yeah he's he's fun i i like him when when he comes on the show he usually has his shirt off he always has his shirt off he i usually interview him he's sitting in his bathroom um he's cool um
Starting point is 01:38:25 uh he's serious uh but i but i want him to be a regular on the show like so anytime he has a match i like usually have to dm him like 10 times and he's like oh okay come on so last time he came on he's cool like this i'll be like dude why do i gotta dm you so many times i don't talk to anyone after i lose i'm like all right you know what i mean? So we keep it real. Yeah, he's cool. Yeah, I I'm a huge fan. Just because I just I'm just a huge fan of Nicky Rodriguez. I just love his like. I just love this attitude. I think Don hair or his coach said one time that one of the best lines he's heard in jujitsu is Nicky rod said if i get my fucking hands around your face and lock my hands or whatever anywhere below your neck yeah yeah yeah and i just love that like oh good you know what i mean what a great attitude to have i just and he's a bull he is yeah especially in grappling like he's probably one of the most fun grapplers to watch because he's just such a dynamic, explosive, strong, fluid.
Starting point is 01:39:30 It's aesthetically pleasing watching him grapple. You know what I'm saying? When I think of man, like if you look up man, I just think like, oh, there's a picture of that dude just eating a steak or something. I just think he's oh, there's a picture of that dude, like just eating a steak or something. You know, like that. I just think he's such a man child. He's like, he's just such a man. It just oozes off of him. There's a woman. There's this woman.
Starting point is 01:39:54 There's a couple of women in CrossFit like that. Sarah Sigmund's daughter, Danielle Brandon. Do you know who they are? Yeah. Yeah. So I just think like when I see like Danielle Brandon walk out onto the field to play or Sarah sings on, I'm like, holy shit. Like, they just pulled woman out of the dictionary and just threw her out there. It's, like, just, like, yeah, it's cool.
Starting point is 01:40:14 I had Danielle and Nikki on at the same time once, and I timed that on perfect so I could see what that would look like. I just wanted to see, like, you know, like, if you're arranging flowers, I just want to see what – it was like that. wanted to see like you know like if you're arranging flowers you just want to see what it was like that i was like arranging humans just like podcast eugenics you know those those those crossfit ladies man like some of them like like i feel like uh that has to be like mad intimidating as a dude sometimes you know what i'm saying like around these ladies who got bigger shoulders. I mean, I feel like all of them are built better than I am. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:40:50 They're amazing. Like, like people who make it into the CrossFit games, like those, all those people just in general are like pretty ridiculous. It's like, it's kind of like the UFC too. It's a shame.
Starting point is 01:41:02 Like, and not a shame. It's just, it's just sport. But, um, the, the 40th fittest dude and the 40th dude on the roster, they're still savages. Yeah. But there's just crazy levels to the game. And you see people like Israel, it's just like, holy shit.
Starting point is 01:41:21 Yeah. No, it's like, I mean, there can only be one, which is like a harsh reality, a very harsh reality. But they can really only be one. And so, like you said, I mean, if you're the 40th best guy on the planet, I mean, that's cool. That's a major accomplishment. There's a lot of people on the planet, but no one cares about the 40th best guy on the planet. You know what I mean? Right.
Starting point is 01:41:41 But sometimes it's close at the top. Right. But sometimes it's close at the top. Like when I see Camaro and Colby and there's probably one or two others in there and now we have Hazmat. You're like, OK, or Gilbert. You're like, OK, like this thing is seems close. But then you see stuff like like you see Paulo Costo and you're like, holy shit, he's unbeatable. Then you see Martin V and in israel and whittaker and just all these people start dispatching of him you're like holy shit there's levels to this or yoel yeah yeah it's nuts it's nuts or or even look at glover what he's done at his age absolutely fucking he figured it out you know what i mean like? Like he, he, he, uh, you know, he, he,
Starting point is 01:42:30 like the way he wanted to fight wasn't working out and he just figured out a way to just take everybody out in dominant fashion. You know what I mean? Uh, what he's done is incredible. Did you see the fight between him and, um, John Jones, Glover?
Starting point is 01:42:41 Yeah. Way back in the day. Yeah. It, it almost seems this is gonna be this is totally it was unreal the punches john jones took from glover glover punched him as hard as he could right in the face a few times it was it was completely it was like almost like he was on pcp or something it was it was completely i i don't think i've ever seen anyone fight john jones
Starting point is 01:43:04 like that. I mean, and then obviously Jon Jones beat the fuck out of him, but it was nuts. It was absolutely nuts. The problem with hitting Jon is he's so tall and long. You're usually catching him at the end of your punches. You know what I'm saying? You're not hitting him at the sweet spot normally. Yeah, especially like Glover.
Starting point is 01:43:24 You know, he's heavy heavy-handed but he's not super explosive and so covering that distance is definitely i mean obviously it's a challenge for everyone because no one's really beaten john jones yet so um but you know it would have been interesting to see if you would have tried to grapple him if he would have if the glover that's fighting now would have fought john back in the day, that would have been interesting because no one's been able to take John down and keep him on his back. So that would have been a little bit more fun matchup wise to me than the first one was. Is there a dude you want to fight? Is there anyone in your head?
Starting point is 01:44:02 Like next or just future? Like just fight sometimes so i was thinking next but just sometime um you know like you said the people anybody who's got a lot of hype on them and people if there's someone that people don't know if this guy can be beat i kind of want to fight them you know what i'm saying like um so you're up for a test that's what yeah that's why i got into the sport man i want to see what i'm made of you know what i mean um but in the in the near future i really i have no idea i have no idea who i'm gonna be fighting because um you know i'm not in ranked territory yet so you know um I'll probably fight someone unranked. There's a wide variety of guys in the unranked realm.
Starting point is 01:44:54 There's some guys who are in the UFC and you're like, how'd you get into the UFC? And then there's some guys where they're not ranked, but they could probably take out a guy who's in the top 10. You know what I mean? So right now, my big focus is just getting myself to the next top 10 you know what i mean so uh right now my big focus is just getting myself to the next level you know what i mean to level up myself so do you see it happening oh yeah man oh yeah no the improvement has been uh extraordinary especially over the last uh since the finale since since I really gotten to focus on training and whatnot, uh, my improvement has really, really, really taken off. Um,
Starting point is 01:45:33 and yeah, no, it, I mean, at this point there's kind of like a desperation, you know what I'm saying? It's like, I have to get better or else I'll die. You know what I mean? Uh, if I don't get better, you know, I'm going to get murdered by one of these guys in the cage. So, um, you know, there has to be improvement, you know? So, um, that's really what I'm like focusing on right now more than anything. Yeah. That's awesome. Um, in, in, in one of your interviews, you drop a few F-bombs and you say, sorry, mom. And it, and it's, and it's interesting. Um, does your mom, is your mom a big fan and she didn't like you swearing? Yeah. Um, my mom isn't a, a big fan of the fight game. I mean, she's supportive. You know what I mean? Like I said, very religious.
Starting point is 01:46:16 She's a wonderful lady. She's done a lot in the community. You know what I'm saying? So, you know, she wants me to be, be you know an example when i'm doing these interviews and i agree with her you know i need to control my tongue a little bit more uh especially post-fight i'm all jacked up on adrenaline like i said i'm just saying things without even thinking um and so yeah i had like dropped i didn't even hear the first several i dropped it wasn't until like i was like a couple deep and i was like oh my bad mom i know i promised i wasn't gonna cuss this time but i've already lost it my mom doesn't like it either it's of all my that's the really the main my mom doesn't like me being sometimes i'll just go after
Starting point is 01:46:55 people yeah she doesn't like it when i'm mean and she doesn't like it when i swear other than that she's crazy supportive like i had a dude on here and we're talking about hand jobs and she's like, yeah, but no swearing and no, uh, she doesn't like me being mean to people. It's kind of good mom shit. Like I was thinking like, and my wife says to me after I tell her, uh,
Starting point is 01:47:15 my mom didn't like that. She goes, well, just imagine it was your son up there being mean to people or, uh, swearing. And I was just like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:47:21 you're probably right. Yeah. Yeah. No, I mean, it's like this, like, she's not asking for too much, you know? It's like, you, yeah, you're probably right. Yeah. Yeah. No, I mean, it's like this, like, she's not asking for too much,
Starting point is 01:47:27 you know, it's like, you hear that and you're like, you know what? That's fair. That's fair. I can do that. That's what I was thinking in my head.
Starting point is 01:47:33 I was like, I was like, you know what, mom, that's fair. I can, I can do that. And I failed.
Starting point is 01:47:36 I didn't do it. I'll say pretty much anything on the show. Yeah. Like anything. And, but, but some of my listeners were DMing me being like, Hey, could you stop saying Jesus Christ and God damn it.
Starting point is 01:47:50 And, and I was like, I took it to heart. Like I was like, okay, I'm going to not say those. I'm going to try not to say those anymore because I don't want to alienate anyone.
Starting point is 01:48:00 It doesn't put like, I'm just saying I'm out of habit. Yeah. Yeah. I don't, I, but I don't want to alienate anyone. Yeah, I don't want to alienate anyone at the expense of something that's easy for me, and I – there's some holes in that logic, but I also appreciate the discipline. You know what I mean? Like if – okay, I know i say that too much
Starting point is 01:48:25 i know i say those two phrases too much and they don't really mean anything and i'm and if it bothers people it's i'll help them by not saying it and then i'll also um uh practice on myself to try to refrain from saying them and i think i did a pretty good caleb did i do i don't really say those as much anymore right i haven't heard you say in, right? I haven't heard you say them in a while. Yeah. I haven't heard you this whole podcast. Oh, good. Yeah. And I have some really religious people who are regular guests. Like, Froning's been on here a few times.
Starting point is 01:48:52 I know he's really religious. I don't want to piss him off. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He makes the numbers go up. Yeah. No, I believe that.
Starting point is 01:49:02 He seems like a pretty cool dude, too. Oh, my goodness. I watched like a pretty cool dude too. Oh my goodness. I watched the documentary on Netflix about him. He seems like a pretty cool dude. He's so cool. I wouldn't mind working out with him. He's so cool. Dylan Vowell, awesome interview.
Starting point is 01:49:17 Battles an absolute monster. Taylor Starling next. The entire gym is full of savages. Do you know Dylan? If I saw a picture, there's a lot of people i gotta see there's a i've met a lot of people in the last year he's an he's an amateur fighter he's a cool dude he's one of the few people he's he's he's commented so much that i've given him my phone number hey there's probably only like a couple people i could say that about on the show i'm
Starting point is 01:49:42 like all right dude here just stop my dms here's my text you're gonna get lost in there yeah he's he's super he's super supportive fans that you can that you're cool with like that that's dope that's dope um i had alexander on the show um volkanovsky and he was he was exceedingly nice and polite and but we didn't have we never built a rapport so you and i just jump in and we just get at it yeah and it's like that with a lot it's like with a lot of guests i had um this guy ben mesrick on the other day he wrote the movie um he wrote the movie the the mark Zuckerberg movie. Social Network? Yes, yes. He wrote the book that that was made into a movie.
Starting point is 01:50:32 And so, like, you know, he's nothing like me, but we just jumped into it and got at it, and me and you. But there was a veneer on Volkanovsky that he wouldn't let me, like, penetrate. Like, we never were, like, was he like that? Did you ever get past that with him, or was he always, like he seems just so professional like he wouldn't like play with me? He was definitely. And he was like an example of professionalism of like what a pro should be, a pro fighter should be. But now he was I mean, what I'll say, what I'll say about Volk is he was, he was great to us. He was, you know, even now, if I like shoot him a message and ask him a question, um, you know, when he, when he sees it and whatever time zone he's in, he's going to take the time and like, you know, send me a thoughtful response. You know what I mean? Like Volker,
Starting point is 01:51:16 you know, he was really cool with us. Um, I will say he does, you know, he takes pride in being that kind of example. You know what I mean? kind of example you know what i mean he wants yeah you know he he wants to be on time because you know he feels like that's the right thing to do you know i'm saying he has a right he has a strong sense of conscious which is part of the reason i feel like he hasn't hit with the fans as much you know what i mean uh he's not like a like necessarily like the cool bad boy but um he definitely has he has a strong sense of what he thinks is like right or wrong um and i could see him like being on a show like this and you know thinking about his image and whatnot you know not knowing exactly what kind of questions you're
Starting point is 01:51:58 gonna ask him so i could see him kind of being uh a little shielded but no no, Volk was a riot. We had a couple of bets where we had, as they called it, nudie runs or streaking on the line. So, you know. That seems very Australian, by the way. Those fuckers are just like, every time,
Starting point is 01:52:17 nudie is just part of their game. Oh, man, dude. Man, I tell you what. We were doing shoeies, freaking, me and Ryder were a game of pool away from getting Volk and Uncle Joe, Volk's coach, from running around the house naked. Now we lost, so me and Ryder had to run around the house naked. But, yeah, they were awesome. They were really cool.
Starting point is 01:52:41 Okay, good. Well, yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. When he was on the show, he ran a tight ship ship i tried to swerve around a little bit he kept he kept us on the straight and narrow he was a gentleman though i really enjoyed it i mean i'm not trash talking them at all but but you summed them up well you yeah you summed them up well i would love i'd love to meet brian but i I know Taylor from high school and I've sponsored her a few times for
Starting point is 01:53:08 bare knuckle fighting dude come through come through MW on an open mat Sunday man you know what I'm saying I'll be there Dylan where are where do you live again I forget do you teach a kids class on the regular
Starting point is 01:53:22 me I teach kids class Monday through Thursday and Saturday morning. No shit. Yeah. And you train. Yes, sir. Man. No, I do the kid's class. That is just, that is something I, you know, and I get.
Starting point is 01:53:40 Do the kids know? Do they know who you are? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They know. And that's one of those big things, you know know like you go back and you want to fight you come back and it's like you're like a superhero you know what i'm saying yeah you are a superhero you can do anything and
Starting point is 01:53:55 um you know like i said i mean my kids yeah there they are a bunch of troublemakers but um you know yeah kids are great the kids class to me that's to me the most fun like teaching the kids class and then you know them going out and doing competitions and them competing and seeing them grow and develop as like young martial artists it's so much fun you know what i mean the little kid right there in the front with the orange shirt uh we call him lane the legend this man is is nine year old nine years old he's a little assassin you know he's been training since he was he looks like a little irish killer yeah no he's irish yeah he uh uh he came out to some irish song uh for his last
Starting point is 01:54:36 little pancreation match but um no it no kids class is a blast. I love it. Brian, who owns that gym? I have some, I just noticed the weirdest fucking thing ever. Who owns that gym? Um, so this branch of the gym, cause there's, um, multiple locations is owned by Kevin Ferrant, but the guy who started the gym, um, his name is Gokor, uh, Gokor Chavichian. Where is he? Is he still around? Yeah, he has the original high stand in Hollywood. That, we call that, I'm Armenian.
Starting point is 01:55:14 My mom and dad are Armenian. Oh, okay. And high stand means Armenia. Yeah, no, that's one of those questions where someone's been training for six months and you're like, you're like, what, do you even know what high stand means? And they're like, it's Armenian. Because Gokor is Armenian. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:33 Look up Gokor really quick. There's a guy who's going to come on the show soon. He's the only Armenian in the NBA. He's on the G team for the Lakers, I think. His name's Gary. Is it Javishian? Yeah, I think it's the same last name as that dude what a fucking small world i wonder if they're related could you look up gopors i think he has a son who's really good at basketball oh he has a son who's really good at basketball
Starting point is 01:55:56 yeah he's like really tall and which is weird because gocore is not tall at all but he's got two sons that are like really tall and one i know one is really good at basketball oh shit yeah his son's in the fucking nba in the g league and he's coming on this yeah holy shit i want to look up go core i gotta have him on find out how you raise you gotta go core is a sad like he's one of those people he doesn't get the the credit he deserves because he wasn't a part of the gracie family but uh yeah like he was a guy that the Gracies were afraid to take on back in the 90s. You know what I mean? He's a problem. I'd love to have you on my podcast.
Starting point is 01:56:40 I cannot believe what a small world this is. So here I am with Brian Battle, who is the Ultimate Fighter Championship of Season 29. He shows me a picture of his kids' class in a gym in North Carolina. And in the back, it says, Highest on MMA. And the owner of the gym is the father of a guest I'm having next week, who's the only Armenian in the— Man, I hope my mom or dad watches and sees this this is crazy that was a nice little trail we went on that like happened fast too yeah and i'm armenian my mom and dad are me and i'm just i'm pumped i'm pumped although i'm not armenian i'm
Starting point is 01:57:18 just a human armenian's just an idea we're all brothers and sisters i apologize yeah well i mean no i mean it it i mean any kind of love that go core can get is really cool because he is one of the probably the most underappreciated martial artist of all time you know what i'm saying like he's uh like the wealth of knowledge and like the people he's like helped coach i mean you know because he was ronda rousey's original coach yeah yeah she rolls she rolls thick in the armenians wait go back to that real quick uh caleb that's his son right there gary hit that link below that is his son i cannot believe this see it says gary um yeah click that and you're gonna see this he's called oh and his nickname is the armenian sniper go yeah look at that yep dude wow i invited that guy to be on the podcast a couple weeks ago he only had 119 000 followers now he's got 143 his
Starting point is 01:58:15 shit's blowing up bible boy look at that matthew 633 it's all Bible boys at the top. I bet the whole country of Armenia is going to follow this guy. Especially if he gets to the NBA. It's nuts. There's nothing about us that's made for basketball. We're cave dwellers. We're more gnome. I was going to say,
Starting point is 01:58:39 Gokor isn't a tall guy at all. He's not a super tall guy. The fact that he had two sons who are both like tall it's like man that's crazy go back to that again one more time Caleb I want to see what his other son does his other son's probably like a chef at like the
Starting point is 01:58:56 nicest restaurant in LA or something I bet something crazy I know he trains I don't know oh you know he trains fighting is that him hugging his son right there in the uh yeah oh but he doesn't have a link to him his name's arthur okay anyway i'll look him up later man that's cool what a small world oh and i have to invite i have to invite craig jones too okay yeah so this is impressive you're like picking up guests as a show yeah Oh, and I have to invite Craig Jones too. Okay. Yeah. So, look, this is impressive.
Starting point is 01:59:28 You're like picking up guests as the show's going on. Yeah, you're like my agent. This is impressive, man. You're like, okay, this is nice. Looks like a young – yeah, same gene pool, dude. Same gene pool. Like, yeah. I mean, we're like inbred. We're like – our means, we're like trapped in a small – in a caucus, a small little area in the world we're like inbred we're like the armenians were like trapped in a like small in a caucus a small little area in the world we're inbred as shit i mean not like
Starting point is 01:59:50 the icelandic people but but but close man i mean yeah oh man i can't imagine being born in like iceland in like the early 1700s or something like that that would be kind of rough yeah you just you only give your sister and your aunts to sleep with that's it yeah that's that's your that's your village that's a hard reality hey you adapt you yeah yeah i guess if it's the only reality that you know i guess it's different but it's like i always say i always say like you if you were just like if a spaceship were to come along and scoop up every female on the planet, like, and so there were just dudes here. We're three months away from every dude, just fucking other dudes. Like, dudes will just adapt to anything.
Starting point is 02:00:35 Like, there's no, I know you didn't come on the show to talk about that, but dudes will adapt to anything. Well, I mean, that's what always, like, I love and I hate prison movies or shows. Right. I love and I hate, because I love them because I love everything but the inevitable. Yes. Like, seeing that I know it's coming in every jail movie. I know it's coming. I'm like, ah, ah.
Starting point is 02:01:02 Like, oh, man, that just, oh, it gives me the heebie-jeebie like not not that not like the actual like what like not get in trouble like the act of like any any kind of like on uh what's the word unconsensual oh sex yes yes yeah like makes me like really uncomfortable and then like seeing that's healthy that's healthy that should make you feel uncomfortable yeah and so seeing it in a jail setting i'm just like oh because it's like uh you know there's some like reality to that where you're like what would i do in that situation that'd be pretty rough you know what i mean so yeah there was um i had it's you say that makes you uncomfortable i pride myself on being able to talk about anything and anything like you want to
Starting point is 02:01:44 talk about gay straight all that but there's one thing i don't want to ever really talk about and i don't really want to explore and and i'm okay with that and i'm open to it and i had a friend one time who is like trying to argue with me like they brought up the subject of jeffrey epstein and that they should lower the age of consent and i'm like no i'm not doing that they're like what i'm like i'm not i'm not talking about that they're like why i'm like because i don't think like even if there's a 16 yearold who's mature enough to have sex with a 40-year-old, I'm not okay with it. We still need that law at 18. It needs to fucking be that way. Kids need to fucking be protected. I'm not interested in exploring that. Facts.
Starting point is 02:02:16 Leave fucking kids alone. No kids – I had Kayla Harrison on here. Do you know who that is? Yeah, the jiu-jitsu girl, yeah. yeah yeah and so she wrote a book about how she was molested by her fucking judo instructor from the age of 8 to 16 and i read that fucking book and i had her on the show i didn't want to talk about it but we talked yeah 8 8 from 8 years old to 16 this motherfucker raped her and and she loved him but she would still do this thing she explained to me called disassociation when he would have sex with her she would leave her body and like be in a field somewhere and i'm like fuck that like fuck doing that to someone i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not you choose to go in the ring to be punched in the face yeah no no no no it's our job as adults to make it so kids the harsh realities of the world hit kids at some other time yeah but as
Starting point is 02:03:03 but like we like, they're prepared for it. Yeah. Like do your job as a fucking adult. Yeah. And that's not to allow any sexual activity to happen for kids unless it's like, um, it's kid shit.
Starting point is 02:03:14 You know what I mean? Like you kiss someone under the bleachers at the fucking homecoming parade, not being predated on predators, fucking getting kids. I have no, Oh yeah. No, I'm, I'm'm i'm with you on that that's like like anytime people are taking advantage of people like that's just like like go find yourself a girl your own age facts facts you know what i mean like no guy i know who's 50 years old who's dating a
Starting point is 02:03:41 25 year old woman is happy by the way not one and i know a bunch not one i'm 49 and my wife's 43 and let me tell you something and we've been together like 20 years it's the greatest fucking thing ever there's nothing better than staying through every single fight every single horrible thing you said to each other every time like love it out if they want to love it out both people have to want to love it out but if you love it out like you don't want to be you really don't want to be 65 and with a 23 year old girl you don't you don't it's not fun it's not fun it looks fun it's not fun i was about to say it's like it's hard to like say that you know what i mean because everyone's like what are you talking about but i mean um like i actually i went the opposite way my wife is actually uh three years older than me you know i'm saying i make a joke you know she's turning 32 this year uh
Starting point is 02:04:30 no i agree with you i mean you know i've only been there that's almost smart though because women in their 30s oh now i'm gonna get in trouble women in their 30s are insatiable they need a young dude well it's it's that you know what i mean she she knows she knows what she wants you know what i'm saying like there's no games it's nothing complicated you know yeah and like you like you said like there's like hey there's there's nothing this is there's no roundaboutness to it it's like it's either it's happening or it's not happening, you know? Um, and, uh, and then plus, you know, she, she was mature enough to be able to like deal with the schedule of a broke fighter. You know what I mean? I did not feel insecure when I didn't respond to her text, you know, right away, you know? Um, but, uh, no, I, I've only
Starting point is 02:05:20 been married for a little over a year now. yeah kind of like you said i mean you know uh obviously everything is not always like peaches and roses but it's work uh it's hard but it's like everything that is hard is like worth it it's like like you said i can't imagine even only a year in having to like restart this process all over again. Oh, my wife, if something happened to my wife, I'd fucking become a monk.
Starting point is 02:05:49 Fuck that. I never doing that shit again. I know fucking way. Yes. God forbid. I tell her that too. She's like, yeah, that's not true.
Starting point is 02:05:56 I'm like the fuck it ain't. I'm not interested in getting this close with anyone ever again. Facts. You gotta be. And it makes you a better person. On this lifetime. Like the, the, the, like the the the like the
Starting point is 02:06:06 challenge of like marriage yeah i feel like it definitely makes you better um yes but yeah it's like it's it's hard because it's like you have to have those like conversations with yourself you're like huh like was she really wrong like am i wrong right now you know what i mean like uh yeah i know what am i really gonna get upset, no. Am I really going to get upset? I've gotten upset 3,000 times because she closed the door on the washer. At what point am I going to be like, hey, it's your fault you're getting upset? Yeah, no. At what point are you just going to shut the fuck up, open the washer door, and just try a different approach?
Starting point is 02:06:57 I tell you, the biggest thing I've learned about myself is like trying to like if we're in an argument and almost like pulling something out, you know what I mean? Like you have an argument about or or I should say, like, I'm confronted about something and I don't enjoy that I'm being confronted. Right. And so then now I'm confronting her about something. But then, you know, now I just realized, like, within the time that I've been married, how, like, unfair that is. You know what I mean? Yes, it's totally unfair. Yes. Sheepish.
Starting point is 02:07:18 Yes. Go ahead. So what you're saying. Well, I tell my wife, like, I pick a fight with her. Like, yo, you fucking left it. You left the you left the cheese out and the dog ate it. Well, you did that yesterday. I'd be like, yo, look, motherfucker.
Starting point is 02:07:32 One fight at a time. You can't do that. You can't tell me you should have picked that fight with me yesterday. Yeah, I don't appreciate. And I try not to do that to her. Like, if she picks a fight with me, I'd take it. I grab my ankles and I just try to take it. She's you know what I mean? She's giving it to me. Like to me like yo whatever it is and my wife's not a nag at all she she
Starting point is 02:07:49 i see i'm the nag but but yeah like one fight at a time yeah when someone comes at you and you owe it to your mate to be a good fighter facts like just be a fair just be a good fighter no like when they when they come in throwing down fight them on their terms don't like start swerving and like being a bitch and like not acknowledge what they're saying or try to change the subject or turn it around on them fuck that yeah yeah no take the ass whooping if you're supposed to take it i told you to do that five times why aren't you doing it i'm so sorry i will do i will do better yeah yeah it's like yeah and then maybe write down on a note jump this bitch later on tonight and talk to her about this other shit you know what i mean like so you don't forget you
Starting point is 02:08:30 gotta owe you or no i'm joking like some little passive aggressive stuff like i'm gonna eat all your your secret hidden ice cream sometimes my wife will call me out on some shit we'll be driving somewhere and she'll be like i'm gonna pay for this later huh i'm like yeah not for a few weeks i'll store it in my brain and circle back around a couple weeks make you pay for that yeah yeah oh snap no i i um i'm normally if i get all hot and bothered i usually like just like go outside and think about it for a little while. And normally it's like, I either come to the conclusion that I'm either, I was wrong either that, or it's not worth it or that I'm a hundred percent right. And I need to go start a war,
Starting point is 02:09:14 you know, start a war, but like, well, she's lucky you got your, she's lucky. You think like that. Some people just react.
Starting point is 02:09:20 They're like, they're like flies that fly from one pile of shit to the other. And if you don't self reflect and be honest, then, then and you know there's different times to pick a fight like the week before their menses come you you don't you don't fight with them oh yeah you don't fight with them you stay away you're just like uh-huh uh-huh yeah facts 100 you're not gonna get any fair fight brian two hours and eight minutes of your time i've stuck you into my google alerts i track any article about you um i would love to uh have you back on again as we get closer to your next fight and and pick your brain and see how you're doing yeah man this sounds like a plan
Starting point is 02:09:58 this has been a very unique interview i think this is like uh this is definitely the longest interview i've done i wasn't mad about it it was a good time oh caleb does that mean he was mad about it how do i read into that no no no no no no i mean i wasn't mad about it like we're sitting here too i was like damn that was two hours but it didn't feel like two hours you know what i mean good but i felt like it went by pretty quickly man you demand are those wireless headphones yeah man they're bluetooth man you know what i mean i got these big chunky ears now you know uh having the bluetooth muffs are the way to go and and that has a microphone on it too i i guess so because your voice sounds great what brand is that what brand is that i want
Starting point is 02:10:41 to write that down this is this is under armor i I don't know what Under Armour headphone it is, but it is an Under Armour Bluetooth headphone. Well, they work for you for interviews. I'll tell you, you sound great. This is actually the first time I've used these for an interview, and that's good because I'll use these all the time. Yeah, they're money. All right, brother. It's actually a good time, and my phone's on like 5.

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