The Sevan Podcast - #315 CrossFit Games - Open Week 1 Recap with Angelo DiCicco & Brian Friend

Episode Date: March 1, 2022

It wasn't Dave's workout. Talking everything 22.1 with CrossFit Games Athlete Angelo DiCicco and CrossFit Analyst Brian Friend. Angelo has won the CrossFit Games as a teen and will be returning to the... competitive scene again in 2022 as a part of the newly announced CrossFit Mayhem Independence team. - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - WORLD'S #1 JOB BOARD FOR THE CROSSFIT COMMUNITY Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:55 To get started, just open the app. It's as easy as that. See the PC Optimum app for details. Bam. We're live. Wow, Angelo, you look young. Ooh, ooh-wee. Hey, uh... bam we're live wow angelo you look young hey uh colton merton's 23 cold 23 brand for cows he 3051 no shit you know he didn't he don't give two shits is that why or what's up i don't know just just hey it's that mayhem training it's
Starting point is 00:01:25 overrated that mayhem empire training he's been doing is totally overrated mckowski should have stuck with that canadian stuff is he doing our training dude he's fucking all of it the rumor you would know the rumor is there's a tent set up behind the barn and uh he's back there. That's the rumor. That's only a rumor. That's a rumor Savan's telling his kids. Yeah. My kids love Brent Fikowski. I haven't told them that when they're full grown, they'll only come up to his kneecap. It feels like a full circle, Savan.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Yes, right? Yep. Four years ago at this time, you started the Tlling the leaderboard segment for the crossfit podcast and that was the impetus for us eventually meeting that is it so and then wow that's crazy and what happened i did it once and it was like half-assed and you reached out to me and you're like yo you need a hand and i was like bring it brother and we were on like donkey kong i know i mean i thought i was I was like, finally, someone who has a platform is creating an opportunity to talk about the smaller stories that are out there.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Because CrossFit, for the most part, during the Open, they'll highlight the total number of registrants, maybe the total number of countries participating. And then they'll talk about the winners every week. And it's understandable. It's a huge competition. But I always thought there was a lot of other really cool stuff going on. And when I saw this segment come out and I knew that you had the freedom to have, you know, hour, two hour long conversations about it, I thought that was great. But you missed on a lot of the biggest stories of week one that year. So I just sent you some thoughts.
Starting point is 00:03:02 I said, man, this is amazing. But what if you talked about this oh and and it's speaking of small stories these are all the small fries in the space i got the i got the fewest subscribers on the account i got the the the guy behind the scenes brian friend who doesn't know does all the analysis and i have a fucking has-been fucking games athlete. I can turn fireman, Angela DiCicco. So we're just like, shit. That's a good crew. Just a little baby crew.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Just a little ducklings. Hey, there were two things I wanted to go over with before we dig into the numbers and stuff. And maybe if Caleb, what's up, Mr. Beautiful Features? Can you pull up either of those videos? I can't even pull up his own voice. Oh, I think I may have muted him on accident. Which one do you want first?
Starting point is 00:03:52 Let's do the L1 first. I want to do my little L1 talk here real quick. We'll go ahead and play this. Thanks, everyone, for checking in. Here's a quick video I want to show you guys. Ooh, the chat is filling up. it's getting quite robust in there the evening chat is always more aggressive yeah people got a little bit of their swerve on already yeah they're all high and drunk perfect hold on take your time uh who's who G? Who is Jimmy G? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Does he mean Kenny G? What was Rich's score? It's on the leaderboard. It's on the front page of the leaderboard. No shit. Again. Again. And the front page is the top 50.
Starting point is 00:04:45 At the bottom, we have Alex Vigneault. And at the top, we have Victor Lundahl. Thank you. That's an impressive score. This is a really good workout for him. He's probably not that well-known, but he's like, you look at the other guys out there, Cedric Lapointe, Saxon Panchik. He's kind of in that physique mold, should do well on this kind of thing okay let's check this out watch this this this video is from uh 22.1 this past week i want to show you
Starting point is 00:05:12 guys this has nothing to do with the open here we go oh i can't hear it take two maybe Maybe we got an audio issue, Caleb. I can't hear it. Could you guys hear it? Nope. Sorry. I sent this to Caleb just minutes before we went live. I could try it too, Caleb, if you want. That's the girl who used to have the purple hair, right, from Australia? Caleb Banfield, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Was she ever a games caliber? Does she have games aspirations? She's dating James Newberry, right? Not anymore. But they were for a long time. Do they have any kids? No. Not that I know of.
Starting point is 00:06:01 I always like to see... I always want to see the... Have two just insane CrossFitters had a kid yet? I'll tell you this. Yeah. Uh, Frederick Aguilis and Annie. Oh, good point. Yeah. I'll tell you this about, uh, uh, James Newberry and Kayla Banfield. If I'm not mistaken, you know, they had a, when they ended their relationship, they were kind of public about it.
Starting point is 00:06:22 And they said, you know, we had an amazing time together and we're both ready to just move on in our lives and i don't think you necessarily hear that in a public forum that often about the ending of relationship and then there's some kind of mutual moving forward into different stages of your life so if that's really how it went down i think it's really cool i think it's cool too but it is also a little weird to have to talk about your well they were fairly well known in the crossfit world especially in australia so and i think that that gave uh an opportunity for both of them to continue to have a you know good status and you know whatever they just addressed it in a
Starting point is 00:06:58 like a shallow kind of a way that we're still putting something out there. Yeah. Okay, hold on. Text came in. You got to share the whole desk. Oh, look at Will's bossing Caleb around in text now. You got the Microsoft dude, the 22-year-old, the youngest guy with the least experience knows everything. It's because
Starting point is 00:07:21 the younger people are learning twice as fast as we used to learn. Training age. What? Training training age it applies to the tech world too he started doing this stuff when he was probably three years old on an ipad so he's been doing his whole life you got to share the whole desktop and check the audio box at the bottom of the oh i never do that either that's awesome if you're an aspiring athlete here we go. Here we go. Rewind one more time. Good job. Now we spoke a little bit about our level one, so let's go into a little more detail. If you're an aspiring trainer or athlete looking to fully understand the CrossFit methodology, check out the CrossFit level one certification course. Learn from the best trainers in the world,
Starting point is 00:08:02 either online or in person. From Sydney to Sao Paulo, Boston to San Diego, there are over 15 courses every weekend. Elevate your CrossFit game. Scan the code or go to to sign up for your level one. Now, this is not a dig at her. Go ahead and pause this. Thank you. This is not a dig at this young lady doing the talk at all. In 2014, the L1 sales and training in general started a sort of a downward decline. But I mean, it was still always insane. Tons of L1s, tons of seminars being sold at CrossFit Inc. And it was a downward decline until 2017, 18, when Greg Glassman finally said, hey, we have the tip of the spear. We have everyone at the tip. We got the SEALs, we got the Delta Force, and we got the Taliban. Sorry, sorry, Caleb, sorry.
Starting point is 00:08:51 And at that point, he said, let's go to the other end of the spear and let everyone know the truth about the L1, that the people who've taken the L1 have the cure for chronic disease. And the second thing is that the L1 is for everyone, and it is actually the owner's manual the operating system to the human genome so if the bible were for how to ascend to heaven and get to the next life this thing is what the fuck to do in this life how to make it so eat this way move this way and your dna will express itself in the greatest way possible and within there there's some great stories about struggle and adaptation and control struggle and safety and things that you can apply everywhere to life raising raising your kids, how to get your job done. There's some deep wisdom in there. When she said – so in 2018, we did that.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Sales skyrocketed because we started getting people in the L1s for the first time who were – did not want to open an affiliate and did not want to be trainers, and they realized it truly was for every parent should take it every human being should take it why she is saying that or who wrote her copy in the most benign way i can say it they completely fucked up that is not what the l14 is for it is for every single human being who's going to live a year or more so if i help you help you yes please please they missed the mark is more benign okay they missed the mark that's not thank you thank you thank you you're a good dude you're a good dude that's why you're brian friend instead of on the cockwad so so like please stop saying that you You're hurting your bottom line. You're hurting your brand, and you're lying. L1 sales skyrocket after that, but it's not even about the sales. It's about spreading the message because when people get fit, eat healthy, they start to think correctly also.
Starting point is 00:10:37 They start to realize and take personal responsibility and personal accountability, and that is vital for all of our happiness. Okay, and the second video, and then we'll get on to the fun shit. and personal accountability. And that is vital for all of our happiness. Okay. And the second video, and then we'll get on to the fun shit. The second video I want to just address really, really quick. Thank you, Kayla. We should make a Sevan podcast leaderboard for the – yeah, that's a good idea. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Justin, I want to talk to you being the GM of sport. One of the biggest questions coming into this year was who was going to be programming the open. We're going to use Dave workouts or someone else is coming in. And what was the process for the open? And what does that look like going forward for the rest of the season? We had some terrific workouts, the Dave program for all three weeks. And the reason that. And this was one that was originally created by Dave.
Starting point is 00:11:23 We did make a couple modifications to make it a little bit different for affiliates, especially around the world, that still have limits on space and closures and things. But it's going to be those programs or that programming for this week and the next two weeks. Going forward, Adrian Bosman – Okay, we can stop. Do you believe that? Do you believe that? No. They changed Dave's workouts? I know 100% they changed the workout and that it's not minor.
Starting point is 00:11:49 And when the time is right, I'm sure the truth will come out. But there's two things to know here. The most important thing, like honestly me, I don't give two shits. Brian, if Brian found out what the other movement was, I think he would give like a huge shit. I think all the athletes would give – from what I saw at Wadapalooza about people losing their shit there with the rain thing and what the movements were, people would really give a shit. I mean really. This is not minor at all. Not nothing.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I mean it's not minor. And I'm telling you, I don't give a fuck. But what I really want to point out is it's integrity, man. We just need integrity. Everyone just wants the truth. We're all badasses. Just tell us the truth. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:12:35 I chained this motherfucker. Fuck you. I'm the man now. Not this, like, God. Anyway, I'm done there. I'm done with that. But we'll circle back to that. I just want you to know that there, there is no truth to that.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Okay. Uh, I am so, I, I can't believe how excited I am about this. Why am I so excited? I'm always trying to tell you guys, like, I don't give a shit about CrossFit. And then I'm just like tickled. I'm just like texting Colton Mertens. When am I going to see your score? When am I going to see your score?
Starting point is 00:13:02 I'm confused. I'm in denial. Um, how, um, Angelo, you did the workout, right? Yeah. And Brian, you did the workout. Yep. Just another open workout. Like, like you guys feel good. Like everything seems like, okay. You guys familiar with this feeling, the tension, the buildup, all that stuff. Yeah, I think so. Angela, how many opens is this for you? You can include your teenage years.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Uh, I think I did it in 2013, 2013. What did it start with the snatches and burpees, the ladder of heavy snatches and burpees. I think so. That was, that was my first open workout. So this is your 10th year. This is my ninth year. Yeah. And I think, uh, you know, at this point, um, I don't, I used to get super nervous for open workouts, but now I would have really realized is that, uh, that, you know, the consistent training over time prepares me for these things. And
Starting point is 00:13:58 obviously I do better on some of them than others, but I don't think there's anything that can come up in the open. That's going to, you know, come up in the open that's going to you know razzle me that's going to throw me off i yeah i i was a little nervous but more excited i was kind of excited because um with the tension taken off the open especially being on a team like there's really no pressure and thinking oh man i'm not going to make the next next stage or anything like that it's just like it's uh i mean i'm going hard, doing it as hard as I can, but I don't put really any pressure. I would say nervous, but no pressure. Can you go – can you do go – how does it work for teams?
Starting point is 00:14:40 So basically for individuals, it's like 10,000 go to the quarterfinals, right? How does it work for teams? There's a team leaderboard, and it's like 10 000 go to the quarterfinals right how does it work for teams pretty similar there's a team leaderboard and it's it's the same 10 of the teams in every continent advance okay so the pressure for you will start when the quarterfinals quarterfinals i think quarterfinals only because we would like to be in the last heat at our semifinal we'd like to have a better option so there's two obviously in knoxville so or wherever they're going to do it i'm not i think they chose knoxville um so we would like to go to the other one that freedom doesn't go to because we would have a better chance of winning if freedom isn't there so freedom goes to one and we go to the other uh if we're higher on the ranks of quarterfinals
Starting point is 00:15:21 we get a better choice that's about that's really all the weight on it is for us. What is, are you like, what do you mean you get a better choice? I don't necessarily, I don't really understand how that process works. Oh, I mean, last year they sent us an email. If I'm imagining it to be similar to last year, last year they sent us an email asking, I think where you live and then your choices in order. So, but last year, if you lived in the state where they,
Starting point is 00:15:46 if they were holding a semifinal in your state, you had to go to that one. So I had to go to, um, I had to go to the Mac. So, um, I didn't know that before. And then, um, this year, I think that was a COVID thing. I don't know if this year is going to be the same or not. Um, but, uh, but i think we get to choose pretty much in order the ones we want to go to and the higher you're ranked the more likely you are to get the place you want uh someone here brian is saying it's 25 of the teams i don't know if that matters but oh yeah i think that is right thank you, Justin. Why so many teams? Probably just so more people can continue on this season, I imagine.
Starting point is 00:16:32 More people can pay? Yeah. I think it's a money thing. That makes sense. It's either a community thing hidden by a money thing or a money thing hidden by a community thing. Let's go with the community thing. So benign of you. Thank you. And, Angela, have you announced who's on your team yet? Yes, it is me, Luke Parker, Alexis Johnson, and Sasha Nieves. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Yeah. Wow. Who is the first girl you said? Alexis Johnson. I don't know if I've ever heard Brian mention her name, but Sasha Nieves. Is that how you pronounce her name? Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:12 She has individual aspirations, right? Sasha? Yeah. She was at the game with us. She went last year. Her first year was last year. Yeah, I think this year she plans on going team with us just because it sounded like fun to her i believe and then i think she wants to go individual after that and alexis
Starting point is 00:17:32 johnson has a i think two years individual games experience also but one year team one or two years team yeah and i don't think she's competed individually since 2017, or at least not at the Games. Was she on Don't Stop in 19? I don't mean it. Teams, yeah. Teams, she said. Yeah, I think 2007. I don't know exactly if she deliberately abandoned individual pursuit,
Starting point is 00:17:59 but the last time she was at the Games as an individual was 2017, and she's done a bunch of team competitions since then, yes, including at 2019. Is this team – has Mayhem ever had two teams that are on the podium at the games? No, that's a plan. They've had a – their second team got fourth in 2018, so they narrowly missed it. And that was the last that was the last year that mayhem independence was around okay um okay so this is a kind of a resurrection of that
Starting point is 00:18:32 team three-year hiatus for this team um are the girls on this team better than the boys yes wow would you agree with that brian or is just angela being uh humble you got two individual games uh females and uh neither angela or lu or Lucas qualified in the open field. So I think based on that alone, I'd go with Angela. And is this uncommon? No. In our sport?
Starting point is 00:18:55 No. Every year until Andrea and Taylor competed with the rich, I would say they were stronger than the male counterparts. I think that the girls out in Norway that we saw at Wadapalooza with Kristen Holt, Alina Richter and Ingrid Hadenmeyer are the stronger two on their team. Um, so it's,
Starting point is 00:19:13 and it's, that's the recipe for, for success in the team field. You need your women to be, you know, very, very, very good.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Yeah. Oh, okay. So what is the, what was the workouts in week one? There's one workout. Sorry. What is the workout?
Starting point is 00:19:28 The movements? 15-minute AMRAP. Yeah, which is common. That's amazing. 15-minute AMRAP. Hey, that's not really Rich Froney. No one get excited. That's not really Rich Froney.
Starting point is 00:19:41 You're going to be eating your sock again in a minute. Yeah. And we know you're wearing them because you put them on while the show was live And wrap 15 minutes Three wall walks Okay 12 dumbbell snatch alternating arms How heavy?
Starting point is 00:20:00 50-35 And then 15 box jump overs with a mandatory step down. Explain that to me. 15 box jump overs with a mandatory. If you're jumping over the box, how would you mandatorily step down? You jump on the box and then step off it on the other side. You cannot jump on it and then jump off it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Could you jump over it? Yeah. Can you jump over it? It, can you jump over it? Actually, in the movement demos across the release, it appeared that that was an option. Yeah. I don't recommend it, though. I thought I saw a guy do it.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Maybe. I mean, the only time that I would recommend doing that is if you're doing box jumps as the time's expiring and it's your last rep. Yeah, I feel like i want to see someone send them a fucking link my goodness i'll just leave and watch uh i want to uh maybe it was adam neifers. Somewhere I saw a dude jumping over the box. I want to say he was even a master's athlete.
Starting point is 00:21:08 He had his shirt off. He was shredded black dude. Look, sometimes even in high-level competitions in the first round of workouts, you see people transition from the jump rope to the GHG by hurtling it. But by the last round, they're barely struggling to get on it. It's more for show than anything. It's not really practical. struggling to get on it it's it's more for show than anything it's not really practical angela is this the kind of thing is i don't know if rich is joking or not but is this the kind of thing um he would say to you guys like did you hear rich actually talk about this in the gym
Starting point is 00:21:34 did you do this at mayhem i'm assuming you did yeah yeah well at the at the gym at the gym and um and was he have you talked to rich since the since you've done this workout yeah and did he express these feelings to rich since the since you've done this workout yeah and did he express these feelings to you that he didn't approve of it uh uh there's a difference between not approving of it and saying that it's lame okay i was trying to be nicer i was trying to i was trying to i was trying to uh no i would censor i was trying to censor rich i don't know what he necessarily means by lame but not approving would be like I was trying to censor Rich. I don't know what he necessarily means by lame,
Starting point is 00:22:08 but not approve him would be like, if I was going to not approve of something, I would consider this. Wow, that was good that he found that. Is that Nefer's gym? Caleb? Thumbs up, nodding, yep. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Wow. Yeah, look at this savage. It's ridiculous. I would love to know his score. Does it say a score there? It looks so easy for him. So speaking of the box, I wasn't picturing a box like that. What could you use a big,
Starting point is 00:22:34 like one of those robe square boxes, or you could use any box you wanted. Yeah. There was like a minimum dimensions, I believe of like the width, obviously the height, but the width as well. I actually think that the minimum dimensions for the width is,
Starting point is 00:22:47 is kind of interesting. I mean, I'm almost, is that right? Yeah, but almost, I mean, here's the thing for this, the box jump over step down for the women, almost every box that's being used at a, at a gym is going to have a 24 inch diet or length, I guess, for the, for the women, which is a lot further than the men if they're standing on end and it'll only be 20 inches um so if you have access to a box that's only 16 inches and you're a woman especially i think that is a massive advantage in this particular workout you see here's where this is where uh i think rich is um no rebounding so i
Starting point is 00:23:24 think this is where rich's comment comes into play, that saying it's lame. And we were talking about this today. I think it shows more – I mean, everyone can disagree with this, but I would rather do the workout, go set up my place like I would as a normal workout, grab my dumbbell, grab my box and not think too hard about it. Hit the workout one time, walk away, put my score on the leaderboard and be like, Hey, I did pretty good. Like I'm pretty high up on the leaderboard. And I, and I just did a workout. I didn't find every little inch I can get out of it. And, uh, like squeak out, you know, like,
Starting point is 00:23:59 like we're saying, get a smaller, shorter box. Just go and do the workout and leave. That's the only problem I think that I personally have with the Open. But, I mean, that's the Open. It's what it is. You can't change that. And I think they have made improvements in that regard with the floor layouts. Because, I mean, you saw that. It wasn't even that long ago there was that 20-minute AMRAP.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Not only that one. There were some funny setups for that. But the dumbbell thruster, toe-to-bar, jump rope. Yeah. I mean, just it's like tight spaces people are doing these things in. And, like, literally you could not replicate them in majority of gym formats. So having the floor layout, I think, addresses a majority of those problems. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:42 But, you know, it's just the nature of it. Like people are always going to – there's people that will always try to find those little advantages. Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, that's, I do, I do like part of it, but then the other part of me is like, wouldn't you feel better if you just went up and you set it up? Like, you know, you didn't really think too hard about it and you just did it. You won, like you would feel a lot cooler than like you squeak out every little inch and everything. You'd like man you know i still i still beat everybody and i just kind of did a workout yeah i left the collars off and they didn't even know yeah yeah exactly yeah yeah yeah i hear you um how did you do angelo in this uh i got i was two box jumps box jump overs away
Starting point is 00:25:23 from finishing 11 rounds even, which last time I checked was like 500. That could be totally much farther down. Maybe Caleb can – Caleb, do you know this guy, Angelo DiCicco? His name is on the bottom there. I know he's not recognizable. 5'30". 5'30".
Starting point is 00:25:38 Okay, there you go. 5'30". Look, we woke Caleb up from his nap. Oh, tied with Tola Maracanio. Yep. Javi Benito. These are good guys. Miloš Sabrazynski.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Haraldur Holgersson. That's not a good – it's not a good workout for me at all. Terrible workout. And why do you say that? What about it? My overhead – anything overhead for me is hard. So, like, wall walks, handstand walk, handstand push-ups, all that stuff for me. And then, yeah yeah that shoulder stamina so
Starting point is 00:26:05 the dumbbell snatch kind of plays in that as well the box jump overs were you know whatever they're just kind of made me dizzy but the other half was just a shoulder burn stuff i'm not great at did you say tola's tola was down there with him let's say up there up there with him up there sorry sorry i'm screwing i'm screwing up all my way brian's having a really unfuck me today Brian's got like a thesaurus out there on his desk Tola's the cat that's on Annie's team right with Khan Annie and who's the lady on that team with them
Starting point is 00:26:34 Lauren Fisher wow okay hey there I am I wonder if did does that wonderful man that Lauren Fisher's with Rasmus
Starting point is 00:26:48 God he's so cool did he go to Iceland I think so yeah wow I haven't really seen him in any of the footage that they've been putting out but he's you know I don't think he's training the same way that they are but I'm I would be surprised if he's not there what country is he from Rasmus Denmark I think he's training the same way that they are, but I would be surprised if he's not there. What country is he from?
Starting point is 00:27:06 Rasmus. Denmark, I think. Him and Kristoff Horvath should be friends. They kind of like being the same. They're like got that same vibe. You know what I mean? Do you know both those guys, Angelo, Kristoff? I've met Kristoff I think only once,
Starting point is 00:27:23 and then I hung out with Rasmus a couple times Christoph's a little more I wouldn't say Christoph's a little more stoic I wouldn't say I know either of them very well they were nice to you though because you're friends with Rich probably
Starting point is 00:27:37 so any surprises you don't want to ask how I did oh how did you do Brian I know you did great. We talked on the phone. Sorry. Yes. How did you do? How did you do? I'm always impressed by, by what you do. What, how did you do? see the workout. And this was what I like about the open is that, you know, it's some, it's a test that someone's created for the global community. And then I get to see it and I get, you know, it's a chance to evaluate it, come up with a plan and attack it. And I almost always hit it once on Friday afternoon. I have a very kind of a set schedule that I like to follow during the week of the open that I feel prepares me to do a really good workout on Friday. And, um, I was really happy with my execution on this. And I,
Starting point is 00:28:25 uh, uh, I knew as soon as I finished it, that I would not even, there was no second chance. I was never going to give it even a second thought to doing it again. I was able to do nine rounds plus two, which was my, my minimum expectation was eight for this workout, eight rounds. So I was really happy with that. Um, and you know, Angela will know this and we're probably most people listening. Like sometimes you just get it to a workout and you know, that will know this and probably most people listening like sometimes you just get it to a workout and you know that you've got the pace like you can just hold the pace and it started to hurt really bad with about five minutes left but it was something that i still knew i could manage and uh even increased my pace a little at the end and i was super happy with it i did not
Starting point is 00:28:59 feel that way i felt like i uh i felt like i sandbagged it for the first 10 minutes. And you were two away from 11 rounds, and Brian was two over eight rounds. Nine rounds. Nine rounds. Every round counts. And what place did that put you, Brian? 8,600, I think. And where was Fikowski?
Starting point is 00:29:23 3,051. Is there any reason to be – should Fikowski be worried at all or no that's still you're in the game i'll be i mean i'll be curious to know what what happened uh i haven't really had a chance to look too much into who's posted what about their performances yet this week but um that's lower than i would expect for him, regardless of the workout. And it's still, hey, we'll have absolutely no chance of missing the quarterfinals. Okay. Do you know any of these names on your page with you? Torvald Moberg, Matt Lopricola, Leonardo, Enriquez, Bo Graff, Ali Reese. You know any of them? You got a girl below you, Ali Reese.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Reese you know any of them you got a girl below you Allie Reese no no but there was uh there were quite a few uh people who messaged me on Instagram and said that they'd had very similar scores to me so um I might know them in that regard but no no competitive CrossFitters if that's what you're asking and and um as a as a what do you think about Angelo's score as a team? How did the rest of the people on your team do, Angelo? Did you beat all of them? No. Alexis beat me by three reps. Sasha beat her by eight or nine, and then I beat Luke by five. That's a pretty tight margin.
Starting point is 00:30:39 It was tight, yeah. We were pretty happy with it. The fact that all our strengths and weaknesses are – I mean I think very different. And then to be that close on a workout that has three things that one of us are good at, bad at, kind of okay at, that we all ended up really close with. And I think the whole gap between Luke and Sasha was like, there it is. Well, this is your total – this is your – Oh, yeah, they do have it on their side. Oh, that's cool. Ten reps apart, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Oh, shit. And they have a leaderboard for the teams already. Wait, I thought you could change, but you can still change your team too, right? Yeah. Yeah, look at the team at first. Some of the teams will have like 100 people on it. And then they can just pick their best two men and best two women for that team yeah see that those people aren't going team i don't know i mean i don't know much about who's going team this year but i'm pretty sure
Starting point is 00:31:34 they are a few at least a few of them aren't oh oh brooke wells jumped into the open wow brooke wells she's jumped into the open seven she was like 15th worldwide, and you told me I was crazy for putting her in my top 10. Yeah, I thought she was retired. I thought that arm would always be tripping her up. What do I know? Okay, let's do the dude. Let's get in this real quick. To give perspective, Brian, let's start with Rich and give us some big names on how they did.
Starting point is 00:32:01 First of all, does Fraser do the open anymore or he's done? He doesn't even dabble. There's not even like, I do it for the community there's none of that no he did it last year you know you did the workouts last year i'm not sure i i definitely don't think he signs up for the open he may do the workouts and he might do the and especially now i wouldn't be surprised if he does them just to be able to provide some feedback for the athletes that he's working closely with and he's cheap he's cheap i mean uh frugal he's very frugal he's very okay um how uh so so i guess there's no one really to compare them to well let's let's talk about some of the big names just right off the bat how did how did rich do rich is 34th worldwide, I think. 43rd.
Starting point is 00:32:45 43rd. I had a little flip of the numbers. 43rd worldwide, 354 reps. And he did it on Thursday night. He did it against, I think, Tyler Christoffel, who had 350 reps, and Bailey Rail. And I don't know how you guys strategize who does it over there, but they all seem to be pretty close. You guys all seem to be pretty close you guys all seem to be pretty close um uh there's really no strategy to it just who likes to go for you know people like to get in there and get warmed up and go after it really quick richard
Starting point is 00:33:14 was feeling kind of sick that morning so he went in the last heat i believe and uh because he's he wasn't sure if he wanted to go or not at all that morning. And, yeah, I offered to go in the first heat, get it done, and just move on. But we all know that if you're going in the second or third heat within our group, you're probably going to end up doing better because you're going to learn something by watching the other people do it. And it's really, like I said, we're trying to put literally no stress in the open. So Rich said he'd kick us out of the barn for a week if we redid it. So it's just, you know, show up, do it and then leave. Wow.
Starting point is 00:33:53 And why is that? Why is that one of those rules? Well, cause it's going to affect our training and we don't need to be redoing a workout that, I mean, if we did, if you did all right in the first place, then you don't need to redo it at all. It really means nothing at this point in the season. So the only thing it means is ego. The only reason you would want to redo it in our eyes.
Starting point is 00:34:11 I mean, other people have their own reasons, but in our eyes, it's just ego. So we're like, there's no reason. Just do the workout once, walk away, and then move on with training. I saw a post. I can't remember who posted it. And it said that in this person's mind, there were two legitimate reasons to redo the open workout. One would be that your first workout was invalid. So you realize after the fact that you didn't meet the movement standards or you had a chance to make the quarterfinals, that's important to you. And you think that your performance on that workout was significantly worse than you could do on a second try. And it might affect your ability to break the top 10%.
Starting point is 00:34:55 And I would say outside of those two reasons, like, you know, I hear all these people, oh, my brother beat me by five reps. I got to do it again. It's like, why? That is not the reason. I can understand that people want to do that. feel oh my my brother beat me by five reps i gotta do it again it's like why yeah i can i can understand that people want to do that but if um if i do the workout like i said i did it once and i think maybe i could have done better on monday like i do i truly think i could have done a lot better if i would redone it but yeah what am i gaining from we're not really gaining anything like a few more wall walks and reps on his dumbbell snatch i got i don't need that and i mean i think back to like the first open
Starting point is 00:35:28 you remember it was like very dan bailey was chasing winning the open and there's yeah there's that documentary of him doing it over and over and over and he achieves that cool so you know i guess if you're in a situation like that especially now there is some prize money for winning yep yep if you think you can. If you think you could win, then you should redo it. What about this? Fraser is on the leaderboard. I would say, yes,
Starting point is 00:35:54 that makes sense, Angelo, but at the same time, Justin Medeiros is sitting fifth right now. I'm struggling to think that this guy, he must have only done it once. Why would he do it twice? Yeah, I'm sure. I'm sure he only did it once brian um here here's one to test your um your knowledge and and let's just say going back five years what's the worst score the winner of the open took i'm not gonna know that no okay but i. Okay. But I'll tell you this. I'll tell you this. Usually, the winner of the Open has somewhere around 80 to 120 total points.
Starting point is 00:36:30 And they usually have several top 10 finishes. So I would say that probably they have like a 50th or something like that. So I'm probably not winning the Open this year, you're saying? You're out. Well, let me ask you this. So you don't think anyone's ever won the open who didn't get every workout on the uh first page uh yeah yes pretty close yes i would i would i would bet on that yeah because then that would mean well i mean you could you could have like a first second third
Starting point is 00:36:59 fourth uh 90th and win yeah you know so know, so I don't know. And the reason why I bring that up is I wonder how many places you could go down here before you would say, okay, like now, if I look at 30th place and up, are those the only people who can win the open this year? FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute?
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Starting point is 00:37:43 or visit Please play responsibly. At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season.
Starting point is 00:38:09 And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. Not necessarily. Not necessarily. Um, not necessarily because there's a huge, huge, uh, X factor in the open,
Starting point is 00:38:33 which is if a weightlifting event shows up and that could drastically change a lot of things. So you have to, you know, if you're a guy like Rich who sits in 43rd and you are also going to be in the top 40 in the weightlifting thing, well, you know, 30 other people ahead of you are going to be outside the top 1000 in that because they happen to be very good at this very, well, you know, 30 other people ahead of you are going to be outside the top 1000 in that because they happen to be very good at this very, you know, aerobic, no, no heavy weights, just move through space quickly type workout, then those people become irrelevant. But if there's no weightlifting, or no, like, you know, especially no single modality weightlifting tests, then it's very different in those years. especially no single modality weightlifting tests,
Starting point is 00:39:04 then it's very different in those years. Okay. And the Matt Fraser is in the 40 to 40. There's two Matt Fraser's and they're both in the masters. They all spell their name with two Ts. Okay. So you didn't even bite on that? No.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Okay. And we talked about Fikowski got over 3,000. How about some of the new guys? How did Jason Hopper do? Great. He and Taylor Self tied, actually, on reps, and they ended up on the first page here somewhere. They are? Yeah, tied for 35th.
Starting point is 00:39:37 358 reps. Four more reps than Rich. Wow. And we know how Colton Mertens did. He got 23rd. Yeah. Do you have a timer on your phone to make sure you mention that every 10 minutes? Yes, yes, I do. Is this – when you see this workout, because he's an outlier of his body type, do you think, oh, hey, this guy is going to do really well on it?
Starting point is 00:40:03 Not necessarily. It's a high box right yeah but i don't think that would really stop someone as powerful as him but it's not a short guy's workout i i don't think so maybe a little bit i'm trying to box jumps the box jumps is so much time of the workout that yeah there's the speed on his wall walks and maybe his dumbbell snatches would definitely play a factor because he's a little shorter, but he's also strong and explosive. So I wouldn't – I mean, I wouldn't put him up against anybody in that workout, but I wouldn't say he would be favored.
Starting point is 00:40:40 The guys that are up at the very top of this workout, you have like Victor Lundell, Cedric LaPointe, Saxon Pantic, Justin Medeiros, Jeff Adler, Matt Poulin, Phil Toon. All of these guys are a J-crouch. They're probably 5'8 or 5'9, every one of them. But you also have guys like Dallin Pepper and James Sprague, who are well over six feet. Travis Mead, who's over six feet. Travis Mead, by the way, 11th on this workout, third last year in the Open Worldwide, did not participate in quarterfinals. He's been doing a hero workout every day for a year and is approaching the last 30 days of that challenge, maybe last 50 days of that challenge.
Starting point is 00:41:15 And that's supplemental to his training. And here he is getting 11th worldwide in the Open Workout one again. Oh, he's an old dude, too, 35. Can we see that dude's instagram dude this guy is crazy i've i wrote an article about him actually wrote an article about him last uh april that still hasn't been published yeah this is good shit uh brian uh brian why why didn't he go to the quarterfinals last year and what's the deal with uh the hero wads every day he loves uh kind of crazy challenges like that he's one of these guys who's done murph every day for a month he i think he trained for some spartan race that he did this past fall and and i think he
Starting point is 00:41:50 did the spartan race and a hero workout on the same day by the way he just likes putting out challenges he talked about it on his um instagram i think and getting after it he also got i think he got married this year in the midst of doing this thing like he's why no quarterfinals did you say why no quarterfinals uh he just his that's not his interest i think he owns his box that he trains at also and he just has other pursuits personally and business-wise and uh he likes doing the open but i don't think he's like actually trying to compete oh he looks young too. Man. This is Matt Poulin. This is not Travis Mead. Oh. All right.
Starting point is 00:42:28 Matt Poulin is very good. And I wrote about him after Guadalupalooza. He had to withdraw from Guadalupalooza because of injury. I think he sustained in the Celebrate 10 workout. And it dropped him to 20th. I think he would have finished in the top seven or eight. We were right in there with the Pan Chicks if he had not gotten injured. He was, I think, 13th or 12th at west coast classic last year and he's kind of a guy i have
Starting point is 00:42:48 my eye on this year as a wild card potential to make the games for north america what was his injury that he's already back in it i don't think it was too serious but i mean there's a lot of a volume in that workout with overhead squatting and handstand pushes ring muscle up so he might have just felt something and said it was better this close to the season to not continue travis me looks like one of the uh bad guys in the original superman from the 80s do you guys remember that when they get banished into that glass square at the end and they're just kind of like floating in space i don't remember yeah that that picture right there look at him yeah look at this this is what he says. This is just a random day. He's doing this hero workout. 313 of 365. A hero
Starting point is 00:43:27 workout every day for a month used to be this crazy thing. Hero workout every day for a year? I didn't even know there were that many hero workouts. Well, he's probably going over doing some. I'm not sure if he is or not. If you dig through the hero workouts, there's
Starting point is 00:43:43 some absurd hero workouts and there's like there's so many that we haven't heard of it's expensive about real estate wait wait this is a this is a uh oh no i know i will not i shall not i cannot go back to the last podcast yeah thank you mr beaver Thank you. Any surprises up here? Let's talk about some of these guys that I've never even heard of. Oh, post that comment from Will R. He did the research and found an answer for your question. Worst score for an open winner.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Oh, that's about what I said. 80 for Fraser in 2015, 86 for Sarah. Wow. Yeah, and so they probably had that up toward more towards 120 total points that year but generally if you want to win the open like i think that's the range 70 to 120 total points hey will um do you know if the brian was also thinking that well he alluded to the fact that it would probably weight lifting workouts that would do that like you know like max clean and both of those years had a max lifting event my guess is that that was the workout yeah like
Starting point is 00:44:44 someone like cloak off like all the big heavyweights come out and just push everyone down. While we wait for Will on that, what's this Driss Bouchai? What flag is that? That's Morocco. Oh, that's crazy. Look at this. I'm wearing this shirt from CrossFit Morocco. That was completely unplanned.
Starting point is 00:45:03 And he's fourth place do you know this guy you heard of this guy no he uh was the second fittest in morocco last year i guess and uh but no i don't know anything about him anyone else that pops up that stands out and you're like yeah i never heard of that guy and by the way it's not that unusual for a person to have uh you know one a one-off workout that they do really well on in the open. It definitely can happen. There's some guys here like Jacob Wheeler, Inoxio, Ilario Mendy from Spain. We actually have a guy on the leaderboard higher than Rich, Charles, I believe.
Starting point is 00:45:42 I was just going to charles coran is the next is the next name on here that i don't actually know yeah let's see let's look at him and does he does he have to stay out of the gym for a week no no he didn't redo it this is this is first time i believe it i know but they're in small print it says or if you beat rich hey his avatar on my computer looks like he's naked. Like he's a Tarzan. Like I watched him do it.
Starting point is 00:46:14 And I like, just didn't pay that much attention. And someone said, Hey, you got over 12 rounds. I was like, Oh my gosh. I was like,
Starting point is 00:46:20 is that what you have to, you have to get as least, you have to get 12 rounds this workout. And no, you don't. Thank God. So yeah, there are, there are a couple of to, you have to get as least, you have to get 12 rounds this workout. And no, you don't. Thank God. So yeah, there are, there are a couple of guys that I don't recognize up here, but, um, I'll, you know, I'll, if they stick, stick around for another couple of weeks, I'll learn
Starting point is 00:46:34 more about. Brian, you say that there, this happens where we see people on, on page one that we don't recognize and they just happen to be good at this workout, but this isn't really one of those workouts, right? It's not max burpees for time. It's not a heavy lift. I mean, this is, this is noteworthy, right? Yeah. But the other thing that's, that's possible, given the last three, four years of the way that CrossFit's gone is that there's people that have been, you know, straying away or staying away for whatever reason, not participating, but have been continuing to train. And I know some people personally that are very, very good
Starting point is 00:47:08 that have never participated in the open because they have this mindset of when I finally do participate, I want to make a splash and make my name known. So it's possible that there's guys like that out there. You never know. And that's kind of, you know, that I think is, is okay, because that was kind of the idea in the, in the beginning was we're going to put a challenge out to the world. If you think your methodology is better and you can outperform us on these things, then let's see it. Looking at the workout that we have here within the confines of this workout, was everything okay? Was the box the right height? Was the dumbbell heavy enough?
Starting point is 00:47:44 Did the wall have enough Vaseline on it? You're watching documentaries? Yeah. I think this is a, you know, I understand Rich's comment of this is a lame workout from that perspective. I think that sticking to the, you know, the historical trends of week one open workouts, someone just said in the comments, very low barrier to entry. You know, everyone can at least get started on this workout. Scaling options are even more approachable. And I think that that's an important thing for CrossFit to maintain with week one of the open is that it is
Starting point is 00:48:21 accessible and everyone can do it while at the same time as we can see on the leaderboard it does there is opportunity for separation at the top um are you okay with it angelo in terms of just without critiquing the entire workout just the numbers they use within the number of reps the weights the box size yeah i'm okay with it it's pretty light right in line kind of what brian says right in line with the first open workout of every year it It's very similar. Very low barrier to entry. But that doesn't really – what you guys are saying is kind of 2000 and – how many workouts were there last year? Were there three?
Starting point is 00:48:53 Three weeks, four workouts. Okay. And when was that? So that was 2021. How about in 2020, how many workouts were there? Five. Five. Okay. So what you guys are saying is kind of more the 2020 mindset.
Starting point is 00:49:07 All the first three workouts should be for everyone because we have the quarterfinals now, right? Like all of them should – no? I don't think so. I think it's still okay to have kind of a building or an escalating difficulty level. And the difficulty level can come in probably two different ways, one being a higher level skill gymnastics and the second being a heavier barbell. Sevan needs to do the open
Starting point is 00:49:32 workouts before the show. No, I do not. Why won't you do the open workouts? You don't want to give me your money? Is that what it is? No. Actually, that's not the reason. I don't know the reason. I'm not inspired. Not interested? Yeah. I wonder if my wife or my mom is doing them.
Starting point is 00:49:54 You know what's interesting is my mom did say, hey, I want to come over and do the open workouts with the boys. And what did you say? I said, fuck no. You voted for Biden. And what did you say? I said, fuck no, you voted for Biden. So, I like what we see. I like the fact that a lot of the people on here we've had on the show. I don't see anyone missing.
Starting point is 00:50:22 It's interesting to see Sam Dancer on here. That jumps out on me. Isn't he like old old and selling coffee? I thought he was retired. No, he's motivated this year to try to win the Masters 35-39. Okay. And Hobart's in that, right? Yes, but Kyle Kasperbauer has aged out, so that actually makes Hobart the guy to beat.
Starting point is 00:50:40 Okay. And did Sam do it last year? No. And how did Hobart do? I haven't checked. All right. Let's check. Kaylee will bring it up.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Do you remember James Hobart? He used to do the news before he got scared and ran off. Caleb, do you remember that guy? Talk about no-show Bart? Yeah. It's more likely that I'll do the open workout than Hobart ever to come back to this show. the open workout than hobart ever to come back to this show wow he he beat me by um 11 reps 10 9 10 reps that's it yeah i don't know okay did you ever train you see if i'd seen that i would have redone it today no yeah yeah see so what's going what's going So what's going on here? Why such a piss-poor performance from James Hobart?
Starting point is 00:51:28 I guess that cap programmer is not doing the trick. No, I have no idea. I haven't talked to him. I don't know. All right. Do you have any thoughts, Angelo? Are you surprised to see someone of James' caliber? I mean, I think he's going back to win it this year.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Last I talked to him, that was the goal. Yeah, don't know his goal so I don't know what I don't know what uh if he just I don't know I don't know if he's just not training as hard or what he needs to do may him he needs to may him athlete that would help that definitely would help um what about um what about employees um being in the CrossFit games That was always something when I worked there. I was like, fuck it, let anyone enter. But there were some staff who thought it was inappropriate. Do you guys have any feelings on that? Employees from CrossFit participating in the CrossFit Open?
Starting point is 00:52:15 Just in the CrossFit Games in general. I like it. Practice what you preach kind of well but but but about like what what if uh what if um what if like those like matt fraser the whole time his his five wins he also worked for crossfit i mean people would be like scratching yeah true true true i see that i see that but i think it is good like i mean i think i think it's cool for people i mean like me like when i went to my level one i had games athletes doing it you know like austin and James. Like I thought that was pretty cool. Yeah. I think it's cool too. I'm perfectly okay with it. I don't even care. I don't even care
Starting point is 00:52:52 if they were cheating to get there. It's like so hard at the top anyway. It's like, what? Yeah. Um, how did, how, uh, is there, is there anyone else, Brian, that stood out at you that you were like scratching your head, like at how well they did or how poorly they did? We're sticking to the men? Yeah, sticking to the men. I was just checking. I was kind of curious because I don't think that – yeah, neither Pat Vellner nor Noah Olson redid the workout it looks like. And I think that that was a good choice even though I'm confident that, like Angela, if they'd done it again, they could have improved by probably an entire round and been towards the front page of the leaderboard.
Starting point is 00:53:34 But neither one of them is chasing winning the Open this year. And I don't think there's any reason for them to. But outside of that, no, I i didn't uh i haven't had as much of a chance as i'd liked prior to this to scour the leaderboard but a lot of the guys that you'd expect to see are doing very well and i would say that you know as far as we know so far on the men's side the only real big outlier is fukowski but like i said it will have absolutely no impact on him advancing in the season and we just just saw that Patrick Vellner was 404. What was Noah?
Starting point is 00:54:08 He was close to 700. Okay. And how did Travis Mayer do? Do we know? He's pretty high up there, I think. I remember seeing him. E334, something like that. How many pages have you scrolled back?
Starting point is 00:54:26 And do you normally do that Angelo? Just to look around? I was just trying to dig for myself So I just kind of dig And I was too lazy to type my name in So I just ended up seeing a lot of names Gotcha What was going on with these?
Starting point is 00:54:39 Were there people from the Ukraine? There's a K in there right? 333 Oh wow how it's close. Wow. 219th place for Travis. I'll stay on the Travis Mayer bandwagon a little longer. What was up with these Ukrainian protest videos? There were people from Ukraine who instead of – they were uploading videos. That's the topic. Is that the topic tonight?
Starting point is 00:55:04 I know it just can be. it's it's it's nuts i mean there's there's countries fighting well there's there's there was two live near chicago aren't you afraid you go to bed at night and someone's gonna drop a nuke on your city that's that would be the first one i would get yeah but i think i that that'd be not the most dangerous thing to happen in Chicago, probably. Oh, good point. Good point. Good point. So there were two big things that happened today, I think. And one was on a more sport global level was the announcements that the Olympic Committee and FIFA made about their basically just banning Russian athletes from participating in their sports or competitions for now. And then at the same time, on the CrossFit front, there was Ukrainian athletes, especially on the men's side, were flooding the top of the leaderboard with scores that were not legitimate.
Starting point is 00:55:56 And then their accompanying video submissions were videos that were basically asking for support and help for the situation. They're from the CrossFit HQ or a home office or the CrossFit community at large. I approve. I would have left those up for a couple hours. I approve. I approve. But I don't think I approve of banning the athletes. I don't think – like what the fuck do they got to do? No, it's a good question. You have to keep in mind that the reason why I think the Olympic and soccer decisions are comparable to CrossFit is because of the global reach of all three of those things. The reasons why I think that they're very different is because there's a ton of money in both soccer and the Olympics compared to CrossFit. to CrossFit. So banning the CrossFit athletes is not going to have a very significant impact on Russian economy, but not being able to participate in those other two sports might be a little bit more influential. But, but influential for what? That's what I'm saying. I don't think anyone
Starting point is 00:56:55 knows what's going on. We just had an entire movement pass through this country called Black Lives Matter that only hurt black people. And so like, how do, how do I know? I don't know. I don't know how it's going to be, but I do know that historically you know russians have a um uh propensity to you know they want to they want to represent their country well in in sports when they enter into those things yeah and so those commit those those organizations are making decisions to say you cannot and from you know from an ego or pride perspective, you know, it might be something that's upsetting to Russians, maybe the athletes or the athletes or the athlete committees or the soccer federation in Russia speaks out and says, hey, man, this is our livelihood. We have this many thousand people who participate in this and
Starting point is 00:57:37 rely on this and we're being banned from being able to do this. I don't know if what I don't know what it's like to live in Russia. I don't know if what happens if you say those things or what anyone's expecting to happen but um it's happening and so that's why it was relevant today and crossfit hasn't said anything yet like whether they're going to ban the athletes or what no hey um caleb how many people live in in in russia do you can you see the population and how many of them are ukrainian and then we'll move on for this when i was in i filmed a movie in sochi and there were tons of ukrainians there and i filmed with a guy who was on the russian olympic team who is ukrainian both in judo okay 144 million oh they got population decline going on that's not that's a trip that is a trip you see that shit wow that's crazy that's not good that that's bad for a country right there oh and how many of them
Starting point is 00:58:38 are ukrainian caleb that's bad right caleb you're smart that's bad right you can't have your population be flatlining and dropping over 10 years sure okay thank you and uh and how many of them are ukrainian i couldn't really find a number wait are you um but any more questions about the men's leaderboard no no let's go to the women unless there's anything else you want to say. Do you want to say anything about it, Angelo? I think we, we, no, not enough.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Is there, do we want to talk about anything about next week? The importance of next week real quick in, in regards to the men. Did we, did we mention how Colton Mertens did? We did. We did 23rd.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Thank you. Right on time. And Rich Froning. Yep. And Rich. And we, and the Matt Frazers were fake. Yep. All right. We're good on the men got everything okay and we just don't have a lot of tension in this show because
Starting point is 00:59:31 we're taking the top 10 percent right i mean it kind of fucks up our show yeah no no no there's there's still uh things that are worth talking about for sure okay um it it would be okay let's go to the leaderboard the women's leaderboard because i think there's something really interesting here who's at the top of it and i wonder what so so both hopper and mal o'brien are now at hwpo that's correct i wonder what if there's competition between them i mean i think mal's up there all the time i don't think that jason's up there all the time so i don't think that Jason's up there all the time. So I'm not, I'm not sure where Jason did this workout. I think that, or I know, I feel confident that Mel and Jake Marconi both did this workout in Vermont. I don't know about
Starting point is 01:00:16 Jason. Angela, what kind of pressure is there around training at the mayhem empire and that you represent it well like i'm trying to figure i get into hopper's head here hwpo is is brand new they're training they the the the lineage is is pure right it's just one dude and he's fucking was the best and now is is is do you guys feel that pressure at at the mayhem empire to to to to to represent and it is in his hopper tripping um is it a curse i blessing i don't have i mean i don't have any outside pressure i don't think i yeah yeah no i don't i don't know maybe maybe hopper does i don't have any pressure i don't think that anybody else has any pressure any added pressure with rich being there i don't i don't know because there's you think it's because there's so many of you i mean there is kind of with only two athletes there i just feel like that there's this um like that there's got to be like
Starting point is 01:01:20 this hey this is the programming the champ did. I have everything on my side, and the expectation is just so damn high. And then he had that win at the MAAC last year. I just have to imagine that it's just brutal. Yeah, I mean, I guess it depends on how he thinks of it. I mean, I don't think Matt or anybody else on their team would probably put that pressure on him. I guess it would just be up to what he thinks of himself. I'm sure no one else says, hey, if you don't win the Open, we're going to cut you off. Oh, I don't know. I could see Matt saying, if you're not on page one,
Starting point is 01:01:48 you're toast. Take your last bag of podium and beat it. Good news for Jason and Mel then they're still hanging around. Yeah. At the top, at the top of the women's leaderboard here after week one of 22.1, we have Mallory O''brien uh the the superstar uh exploded onto the scene gabriella magawa who's a huge uh shows a huge fan of hers emma carrie shows a huge fan of hers alexis raft as we've heard a ton about her and then we see someone i haven't heard of before in fifth place of these five women that are in the top five the oldest one is 23 years old wow leah soren was a was a
Starting point is 01:02:27 teenage athlete last year i had not heard of her she was her first open last year she was 17 i think and now she's 18 and this is a very impressive score obviously she has a tied tia clartumi on this workout how do they determine they have three people in fifth place how do they determine who they put on top is it alphabetical or no uh i think it's by most classic oh no it's not by most classic games championships i have no idea okay do you know angelo i mean i'm guessing maybe by the time they put it in i don't know no i don't think so because karen frey over definitely entered before these two and it's not alphabetical and it's not by age, so it is completely random. It looks completely random, yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:10 And then let's go down to Iran, number nine. Who's this? Zahar Mozaffari. Do you know who this is? First time doing the Open was last year also, and I have no idea. Interesting. Is there any way we can know? Oh, did she...
Starting point is 01:03:29 She uploaded a video, yeah. She did, okay. And Brian, when I click on her name and I click on profile, in the upper right-hand corner, it says CrossFit Open... One. She did one CrossFit Open,
Starting point is 01:03:44 which was last year, and she placed 16th in Iranan so to go from 16th in iran to ninth worldwide on a single workout that's i i believe it i think it's just a wheelhouse workout for sure you know that's it yeah that's that's that's the way to say it however i need to do something yourself and i have to give credit to Joe Jeniton Palawa, who is an editor for the Morning Chalk Up. And he told me that he thought Matt O'Brien would win this workout worldwide, and I told him I thought Emma Carey would,
Starting point is 01:04:16 and I want to give him the acknowledgement of being correct. Joe Jeniton, what's the rest of his name? Palawa. Palawa. That's a hell of a name. I i wonder is he hawaiian what is he no i don't know he's definitely not a lot hey that's like that's like one of that's like one of those names where like the man and the woman got married and the woman's like hey the kid's gonna have my name too hyphenated with your name like Like that's what he got. He got like alpha. He has an alpha mom.
Starting point is 01:04:46 Ask him that. Ask him when you, when you see him. I'll just say it's, it's the open is very difficult to predict who's going to win. It's very difficult to predict who's going to win anyone workout. And as soon as it came out, he said that and he was right. And that's impressive.
Starting point is 01:04:58 I'm impressed. Oh yeah, I was right. Look at it. That is, that's his mom's name and his dad's name. I'm guessing. I'm betting $5 on it. Uh, yeah, it is right. Look at it. That's his mom's name and his dad's name. I'm guessing. I'm betting $5 on it.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Yeah, it is crazy. It's also – do you feel like that there's more big names at the top in the women's Open than there are in the men? And why is that? Less depth in the field. Really? Yeah. I've talked about this before. How many women entered the Open versus how many men?
Starting point is 01:05:24 Do we have that stat? No, it's not just that. The thing is that CrossFit has – I think that CrossFit has created a greater opportunity and adaptation for women in fitness than it did for men. Because men, especially in North America, have been working out in high-intensity environments that would more closely prepare you for CrossFit for longer than women have been working out in high intensity environments that were more closely prepare you for CrossFit for longer than women have been decades. All right. So I think over time, over time that the women's field will continue to grow and evolve as it becomes more acceptable for women to have these kinds of physiques and skill sets and pursue these kinds of careers. And it's obviously already changed dramatically.
Starting point is 01:06:05 I think it will continue to change, and especially as it pushes more and more globally. But yeah, if you look, all the stuff that I do statistically will always support the fact that there's less variance at the top for the women at every stage of the competition. And I officially make their physiques acceptable worldwide. You heard it from the CEO? Done. Thank you. And I officially make their physiques acceptable worldwide. You heard it from the CEO? Done. Thank you. Any surprises on here?
Starting point is 01:06:33 Look at Annie, 36th. My goodness. Well, I think by far the biggest surprise on the first page of the leaderboard is Brooke Wells. And it's not that she's not capable of being on the first page of the leaderboard for the Open at all. But she is coming back, obviously, from that injury. And even though I had projected her to do very well eventually in this season, you know, I wouldn't have expected a top 25 finish on the first week of the Open. And she was able to do it, which is really cool. And additionally, so was her sister, who's in 25th. And I also love to see that she's tied right there with Jamie Simmons.
Starting point is 01:07:06 And I'm hopeful that Jamie will be healthy and able to compete again this year because, you know, with the, with Annie out of the field and Kristen Holt out of the field, if you reinsert Jamie Simmons and Bethany Shadburn, we're missing from the games and we still have that, you know, we're not losing that much at the top. We're just kind of replacing from the ones that were missing last year. Who's the top mayhem athlete here is it 15th hayley adams yeah i don't know if hunter mcintyre is on the leaderboard is hunter mcintyre on the leaderboard
Starting point is 01:07:37 i'm going to say no i haven't checked yeah i think she is the highest. Is that true? There was a stat that Brian or someone rattled off the other day that one-sixth. Who was on the show for that? Facundo. Oh, Facundo. A one-sixth of the athletes participating at the CrossFit Games are following the Mayhem
Starting point is 01:08:06 Empire programming. Have you heard that, Angelo? Yeah, I've heard that. Crazy. So, if there's 50 names on here, six goes into 58 times,
Starting point is 01:08:21 nine times, eight times. Are there eight Mayhem athletes on here? On where? On this first page? No. No, no, no. Are there any other Mayhem athletes on this first page? Let me check. What happened to the girl what happened to the girl who was on the team who popped at mayhem there was that like ellie yeah she she still trains with uh around us and did she did she
Starting point is 01:08:58 get a four-year suspension yes and and what is her plan is she going to come back i know sorry i don't mean to put you on the spot. No, I don't think so. I haven't talked to her specifically about her goals, but I don't think so. I think she's kind of more just moved on to the side for fun and hanging out. Was that mellow there or was that fucked? Was that totally fucked or did everyone just give her a big hug and just move on? I wasn't training as much then, so I was kind of out of the picture a lot.
Starting point is 01:09:29 So I wasn't around very much for that. To answer your question, I think Bailey Rayl is our second and she's in 68. So she's not on the first page. What's her – how many reps did she have? She had 349. Yeah, so she went right head-to-head with Rich and Tyler, and they got 354, 350, and 349. That's pretty cool. What was
Starting point is 01:09:49 the most reps a man got? The most reps that a man got was, I think, 390, which tied Gabby McGowell, who we should also mention did phenomenally well in this workout, and Mel, if all these scores are upheld, would have the best score worldwide at 392.
Starting point is 01:10:06 Oh, interesting that you bring that up. You mean these aren't official scores yet? No. So I'm not entirely sure about how the new system works when you do a workout in a garage that's not an affiliate with a registered judge and how that's validated and what they could potentially recommend, a request in terms of athlete videos or whatever else. But for now, when you enter a score, it immediately pops up. In the past, we could see this leaderboard right now and know that there could still be 48 hours before BKG's score appears on a leaderboard because his affiliate manager is waiting to validate it. But how I understand it this year is that once you enter your score,
Starting point is 01:10:46 it's on the leaderboard, but your affiliate manager still does have the 48 hours until Wednesday evening Pacific time to validate the score. And of course, also there's a video review submission process that will occur specifically in the case of the worldwide winner for the men and the women will request that video, review it, and then presumably announce these were the winners of 22.1 and at that point we can say that that is officially the winner of the workout um and we can identify who had the best score worldwide and do you like this process usually we we have some sort of criticism for them what's our criticism i like the fact that the scores all populate now because we can do stuff like this we can have the conversation seeing everyone's name on a leaderboard still with the fact that the scores all populate now because we can do stuff like this. We can have the conversation seeing everyone's name on the leaderboard still with the understanding that it has the potential to change.
Starting point is 01:11:29 They could assess penalties. I don't know what their process is going to be this year for how many videos they're going to request and review and how many spots will go down the leaderboard. It's a very cumbersome task. I don't know how critical it is with the quarterfinals being, you know, presented now, but the fact that there is prize money with the top finishers in the open, you know, you do have to take that a little bit seriously. Does that, does, does Mal get money if she wins this? What does she get? $2,022 for winning every individual event of the open.
Starting point is 01:11:57 I still think they're doing that. And I actually am not sure. Is it still 15,000 for winning or did it go up this year? I think it's 15,000. Angelo, do do as i recall when i worked at hq after every workout emails would start pouring in and about people being like hey this person's like commenting on people's videos right rumors would start people would start talking shit have you heard any like anything this year about workout number one any controversy yet? I actually read in the comments.
Starting point is 01:12:27 Someone said there was something sketchy about Annie Thor's daughter's video or dumbbell snatches. I haven't even seen her video, so I'm not sure. I'm not sure if that's a rumor or what, but that's the only one that I've seen. And how did Sarah do? I just saw. It was like 118 maybe or 121. I could be totally wrong. was like 118 maybe number 121 i could be totally wrong oh wait do you like that brian 118 i'm i'm crazy impressed
Starting point is 01:12:54 yeah she actually had the exact same score as carl saunders on this workout um laura horvath was 200th worldwide on this like and i'm not worried about any of this for any of those women. So earlier when I'd asked the highest anyone had gotten who won the Open, that makes sense to what you're saying about the depth also because for women it was 50 points was the highest, and for men it was 80. Is that right? Yeah, but again, it's going to be less likely that a huge number of women are going to, you know, be these outliers in weightlifting relative to men.
Starting point is 01:13:36 We know that men have been, you know, weightlifting for a long time. And so there's going to be guys that as CrossFit becomes more and more popular, like these, like, you know, like a cloak off who's competing this year, a Matt Rite, who's, you know, got some CrossFit, but he's an Olympic weightlifter or,
Starting point is 01:13:50 uh, that wall street weightlifter guy that you had on who won the, won the weightlifting last week. Uh, like there's a bunch of guys like that and there's just not as many women yet. Um, but they're coming.
Starting point is 01:14:01 They'll, they'll be there. Angelo's either drinking yellow Gatorade or the bottle that Rich pissed in at the games last year. This was sealed an hour ago, I promise. That's what they all say. Have you talked to any of these ladies or men, Brian? Has anyone told you specifically, hey, I want to win the Open this year?
Starting point is 01:14:26 In the past, we've had Noah who wants to win the Open or Dan who wants to win the Open. Has anyone told you that they want to win the Open? No, I haven't really asked that question. We did, Tommy and Patrick Clark and I tried to speculate on who we thought might win the Open, but it's a
Starting point is 01:14:42 guessing game. Looking at the leaderboard a, I mean, it's a, it's a guessing game. Uh, if we're looking at the leaderboard here, like, um, I would think that, you know, and part just because of their age, like the top four women there, especially the top three Mel O'Brien, Gabby McGowan, Emma Carey. I, I think all of them are, you know, could potentially at this point be pursuing trying to win it. I kind of have this like weird sneaky feeling that Kristen Holta might win it, even though she's retired. I mean, wouldn't that be be amazing that would be so awesome if she did that
Starting point is 01:15:09 yeah retired and wins the open and i can just see the headline now has a team competitor ever won the open has rich ever won the open as a team competitor jamie green right that's right 2016 with yes that's the only one I can think of. And why did she go team that year? She'd committed to the team prior to the start of the season. I wonder if she hates herself for that. Is any party – They got third at the games. I don't think she hates it at all.
Starting point is 01:15:37 Is any party chomping at the bit? Or do you think anyone on your team is is torn angelo like wanting to go individual uh anybody on my team yeah i don't think so i think everyone kind of was you know in the same boat that at the beginning of the season we decided and it was just the plan no one was you know no one's i don't think anyone feels stuck if that's what you're asking. Who's the highest-placing female on the teams after Event 1 at Mayhem? Is it Nistler? That's a good question. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:16:19 I have to try to make up as much shit as I can to make it to the 90-minute mark. She's in 91st worldwide. That seems to be pretty good. Yeah. And then I think Sasha was 170. So yeah, that would be. And how about Taylor? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:16:36 I haven't checked any of this. How did he end up doing? Do we know? Switching back to the men. He was a couple, I think a couple of reps behind Tyler and rich. Taylor was a 1097. She doesn't usually, if I remember correctly,
Starting point is 01:16:53 she doesn't usually do that great in the open. She did have one year. She was 30th, 117th, but she said finished last year. She was 880 second. I don't think she, you know,
Starting point is 01:17:02 it doesn't, it doesn't matter at all. Really. What's the highest you've ever finished angelo i have no idea um do you have aspirations to go individual this year no in general i don't know probably not you don't want to think about it you're just cruising you're just you feel the water you just put your toe in the water we were talking about it this morning and i said um you know everyone was talking about what we what we would do what we would do if uh rich wasn't around you know like we would probably all be lazy we all probably all wouldn't train as much as we do uh not that he tells us what to do but like you know it's just uh i mean i guess
Starting point is 01:17:39 there is like we were talking about there is maybe a little bit of pressure to put out because he's there he wants to train but like for me if me, if I quit competing in CrossFit, I think my life would look exactly the same. So it really, I, I don't know. I just don't have that much. There's not much pressure on myself to compete individual team, whatever. I'm just in it for the good time. That's yeah. And you just put it on your schedule and go down there and get at it.
Starting point is 01:18:03 Yeah. That's about it. That's it's, it's funny. Facundo was making it sound like schedule and go down there and get at it. Yeah, that's about it. It's funny. Facundo was making it sound like it was more laid back than I could imagine. Danny, thank you for the $1.99. You should probably change your avatar picture. Thank you. Is that naked, baby? That was a naked child.
Starting point is 01:18:24 Kenneth D lap. Colton Mertens is number one. I thought it was 23. Oh, Angelo is number one. Colton is number two. Do you know that dude? Corey Leonard?
Starting point is 01:18:35 No, uh, no, I don't think so. He, uh, he just likes your, um,
Starting point is 01:18:41 Oh no, your mustache is gone. Shit. Yeah. Right now it is. Are you going to back? Uh, after, after quarterfinals, right now it is. Are you going back? After quarterfinals. I have it all planned out.
Starting point is 01:18:51 Serious? Yeah, seriously. That's good. Any predictions for week two from you guys? Oh, yeah. Of course, but I'm going to hold that tight until Thursday. Why? It's more fun to reveal it right before.
Starting point is 01:19:09 Because you think you're going to change your mind? No, I've done a bunch of studying of this, and I have. I was – it's curious, and you obviously brought up the clip earlier about whether this is Dave's program or not, but there are very obvious and defined trends in the open. They don't happen every year, but you can narrow it, narrow in. And especially with such a limited equipment list this year. And the fact that like, we know they're going to test gymnastics in some capacity and it's going to be
Starting point is 01:19:37 almost definitely toes, bar chest bars or bar muscle ups in some combination over the next two weeks. And we know that there's going to be a barbell cycling of some kind, and it will get heavy either with probably an ascending ladder or a one rep max or a complex of some kind. I, you know, and we can see what happened in week one.
Starting point is 01:19:55 So you can narrow it in pretty well. And it's when you start looking at movements that have showed up multiple times in week one, week two, week three, et cetera. You know, you can make a pretty educated guess angelo well before he started talking i had one but now i feel like you're wrong but actually this is great this is great what is your i'll i will offer some information if you if
Starting point is 01:20:22 you throw your guests out there i thought it i thought there was a chance it was going to be the squat snatch chest bar ladder, but since they already snatched with a dumbbell, I don't think they'll do that. If you're looking for a repeat workout this week, I think that the two most likely candidates would be the overhead squat chest bar ladder from 2014 and 2015 with the increasing reps as you go. However, if they ever do decide to bring that workout back, I hope that they put a limit on the number of rounds and that after X number of rounds, it just becomes for time because there were athletes like Josh Bridges and Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet
Starting point is 01:20:57 back then that could push into the 24 and 20 rounds of 26. And I think that now there's dozens of athletes, if not more, that can push that that far and at some point the volume just becomes excessive the other one that that may that actually makes the most sense for a repeat based on the movements that we've regularly seen is um is the toe to bar double under uh sending weight clean and jerk ladder those are those are born double unders are are the ones that show up the most often in week two. Yeah, that's true. Toes of Bar. What is that, 2019, 2020? That one I just said. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:32 It was repeated. Oh, it was? Yeah, but when they had the repeat, they made a small adjustment to the first time cap. Instead of having two four-minute wins, it was eight minutes and then four minutes. Oh, yeah. Increasing, but. Oh, yeah. Just squat cleans, right?
Starting point is 01:21:48 Just squat cleans? Oh, yeah. I may have misspoke there, yeah. That was originally done by, I think, Dan Bailey and Georgman Carl Goodman. Yeah. At Raj Gym somewhere. They miscounted his reps. Yeah, I remember that.
Starting point is 01:22:02 Didn't that guy get fired? I think he got fired. He can't be a judge anymore. I don't know. That's brutal. Anyway that's that's kind of what what did we decide the workout is i know you missed it you left so you're gonna have to listen i think i don't i actually think brian actually said his prediction that he said he wasn't gonna say he did yeah if there were if there were to be repeats those are the two oh no he didn't yeah no he didn't do it brian let me ask you this if you knew is you do is your is your week two prediction different than your week three prediction or they interchange let me rephrase
Starting point is 01:22:38 that sorry are they interchangeable or they or do you even have them predicted in the order in order i mean and again it's just going with historical trends like it's very unlikely based on history to see thrusters this week but it's extremely likely that we'll see thrusters in the last week gotcha okay okay i i said that i think this week could be a redo if it's not i would see them redoing 15.5 i don't know why the row and thrusters? There's no rower on the equipment list for open.
Starting point is 01:23:10 If they're going to do a thruster repeat workout, then I think that they'll repeat the double under thruster workout and that they'll have more high-skill gymnastics this week. It will not be a repeat and it'll be something where it's either chest-to-bars and then bar muscle-ups or toes-to-bar and it will not be repeated. And it'll be something where it's either like chest to bars and then bar
Starting point is 01:23:25 muscle ups or toes to bar and then bar muscle ups. Yeah. I think, um, yeah, I think that's a better guess. You're more calculated guess for sure than mine. All right,
Starting point is 01:23:35 seven. You got it out of me. We're supposed to be talking about 22. I like, I made this one. I am love and acceptance. I was going to use this for a show. I didn't, but it deserves to be on there. I am love and acceptance. I was going to use this for a show. I didn't,
Starting point is 01:23:45 but it deserves to be on there. Oh, that's nice. Is that, is that how you're closing the show? I think so. Is there anything else you guys want to say? I'm good.
Starting point is 01:23:56 No, I mean, I think, I think that, uh, uh, I'm not, I think that the open participation numbers ended up surpassing the last
Starting point is 01:24:03 year's by a small amount. I'm pretty confident that a morning chocolate, we will have an article detailing that more tomorrow 280 000 ish yeah okay ish so that's that's nice i guess and uh very nice and i i can speak from just like the affiliate level at the box i coached and seeing the leaderboard here that seems like participation was very good it seems like to me that excitement surrounding the opening of the season is is moving back in the right in a good direction we had a really uh really good friday at our gym and i've heard that from several other gyms so in terms of the affiliates and just the you know the the real global global community not the all-stars of the sport um i think that this was a really positive week one. Do you want to talk about Krennikoff at all, Roman?
Starting point is 01:24:48 He's probably not going to the games, right? Or is that a rumor? Angela, boom. We don't talk about today. I mean, he has the most unfortunate athletic career in CrossFit. What about, what do you mean me wake up? Angela is the one looking at his phone and shit. what do you mean me wake up but angelo is the one angelo is the one looking at his phone and shit let me wake up uh caleb what about uh can you type in any are there
Starting point is 01:25:14 any flights being or flights allowed from russia to the united states is there any travel restrictions no way right what are the travel restrictions for russia I keep seeing big protests there on Instagram. I think if you travel over, you have to bring at least a pint of oil. Okay. I think that's the stipulation. No, I think it's 3.2 liters that can fit in your plastic bag. Okay, so there's flights still leaving Russia coming to Norfolk. That's Virginia?
Starting point is 01:25:48 Wow. Crazy, all right. But there might not be any Russians on those flights. Oh, well, that's interesting too, right? Just evacuation flights. I think Americans got the order to beat it, to leave Russia, which is a little unsettling.
Starting point is 01:26:05 Yeah. Is that true too, Caleb? So I'm not making that shit up? Do Americans have to leave Russia? Were they told? Did the boss? I don't think they were told to leave, but I think they started halting any work in
Starting point is 01:26:19 what do they call those where an ambassador lives? It's probably been American citizens leave Russia. U.S. wants citizens not to travel to Russia because Putin's security officials could target them. Any other questions about 22-1? U.S. citizens urge to leave. No, I think we're good. No, it sounds all good.
Starting point is 01:26:50 It's exciting. It sounds all good. I'm happy to see those people on top of the leaderboard. Yeah, and, you know, it's one thing to do it for one week, and it doesn't matter if you're, you know, an established name in the sport or one of these people that we may be just seeing for the first time. But it's always fun to see which ones can follow it up with a good performance on the second week. So let's come back next week.
Starting point is 01:27:12 Okay, I love it. I just landed in Ukraine. I flew to the airport of Deez. Where's Deez? Deez nuts.

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