The Sevan Podcast - #319 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: March 4, 2022

Live Call in Show with host Sevan Matossian. Call in with your questions or comments about literally anything (okay, almost anything). Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! h...ttps:// - WORLD'S #1 JOB BOARD FOR THE CROSSFIT COMMUNITY - 50% off first year with code "sevan22" - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! I am the father of three boys, husband to my wife Hayley, brother to one sister, and son of Armenian immigrants. After I spent five years homeless, I spent my time filming movies in one hundred countries, seven continents, and forty-nine American states. As the Executive Director of CrossFit Media, I was a vital part of growing CrossFit from a movement with three-hundred gyms to an organization with fifteen-thousand gyms and an international footprint. During that time, I became educated on health in the United St Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items. Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your list, then swap it for one that's cheaper. Craving chips? The app will suggest some on sale.
Starting point is 00:00:23 To get started, just open the app. It's as easy as that. See the PC Optimum app for details. At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Oh, very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. Bam, we're live. Sorry I'm late. Good. I actually got to finish my breakfast real quick. Shit, two minutes late. Son of a bitch.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Slacking. Good morning, Heidi. Good morning, Joey. Good morning, Jake. Good morning, Victor. Good morning, Tomas. Tomas. Any discount codes for Paper Street Coffee? Good morning, Rob Miller. There's a lot of Rob Millers. I don't know if there's a discount code for Paper Street Coffee. That's a good question.
Starting point is 00:01:42 The guest yesterday, Moses Bernard, offered a discount code. I think he said it at the end of the show. It was kind of funny. I realized he said it when we got off. Hi, Matt. He said, he said,
Starting point is 00:01:51 um, for your listeners, we can use a discount code seven. Uh, seven. That's awesome. Deeply offended. Oh, he didn't mean it as a joke.
Starting point is 00:02:03 I know. No, no. Wouldn't have been better if he mentioned as a joke i'll get the you never know though i don't want to make any i don't want to make any presuppositions maybe he meant maybe it was seven dollars off maybe it was just good until uh april 7th i i don't know but i but i i i i if i was a betting man i would say that it was just a mispronunciation of my brain. It's really – I research the guests on Instagram, and I always get to their June 2nd post on 2020. That was when that dude was high on fentanyl.
Starting point is 00:03:02 That was the high on fentanyl, high on meth, drunk guy who put a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach. I can't wait for all of you. I can't wait for all of you who don't realize the implications of that until you have a wife at home who's pregnant. And then that passes through your brain, the thought of someone putting a gun to the lady's stomach who's holding your baby. I can't wait. It's going to...
Starting point is 00:03:22 That's crazy. You know, you want to see how fucked up it is take a fake gun take it like go to a gumball machine and and put in a quarter and get a little cap gun or something and then and then and then take it and point it at your pregnant wife's stomach and let me just tell you how that feels you will throw up you will throw up. You will throw up. Anyway, on that day, there was some guy, and then the police intersected him, and the guy was screaming in the back of the car, I can't breathe, I can't breathe, because he had swallowed all the drugs that they had caught him for. They pulled this guy over. He was just high as fuck. Giant dude, 6'5", 280 pounds. He was high as fuck giant dude six foot five 280 pounds he was
Starting point is 00:04:06 high as fuck on all the drugs he he um he was on and then he swallowed all his drugs and it was the third time he had done that third time in a row the cops had pulled him over that he had done that and in the previous time when this guy was in the hospital the doctors had told him hey you better stop doing that you're going to go into cardiac arrest and have a heart attack and die so, this guy's in the back and every time they caught in the previous two arrests, also as the cops are arresting him, he yells, I can't breathe. I can't breathe. But on this particular day, he also yells that. And he's in the back of the car yelling, I can't breathe. I can't breathe. So what do the cops do? I don't know why they did this. They take him out of the back of the car and they put him on the ground
Starting point is 00:04:46 and while he's on the ground he's banging his head on the ground and flopping around and going crazy and while he's doing that one of the police officers puts his knee on the guy's neck and the guy dies autopsy report says he was high on fentanyl meth alcohol and that he uh i think he said that he died of a heart attack you can go it's all it's all is that the official cause of death was heart attack uh well no the official cause he had covid the official cause is he died of covid i remember that i don't think they actually wrote that on a certificate but they were writing that on everyone else's i just met a guy yesterday who was telling me about how his – what was the story? It was crazy. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:05:28 A relative of theirs died in a car accident or something. They had COVID, and they put COVID death on the certificate. It's just batshit crazy. Did they get paid more for that? Didn't the hospitals get paid more? Yeah. I know some hospitals for sure did. I don't know if that was across the board.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Yeah, I think there was incentives like how many were in the icu how many were on ventilators how many covid positive patients you had and how many covid uh deaths went through the hospital because when they closed the hospitals off to elective surgery which is their you know money maker their profit hospital still had to get funded somehow so they got a little bonus for saying someone died of COVID. I don't know. The new book I'm reading has a pretty good story about how they did that with lowering crime rates and the lieutenants that were responsible in their different districts. And excuse me if it's not lieutenant, I'm not too familiar with the hierarchy, but they started fudging the numbers and lowering the different crimes or making them lesser than they actually
Starting point is 00:06:22 were. So that way their numbers looked good and they were still able to get promoted and everything else so unintended consequences there so this guy dies with this guy's knee on his neck and it's videotaped and i'm oversimplifying it just slightly but basically the whole world goes to shit well our world the united states and we have the biggest riots and the most damage ever done in a company company in the country's protest peaceful protest yeah in the country's history oh it's so sad what's happening to the january six people it's so sad it's so sad man oh man uh so so so i go to these so when i have guests on i see their posts in regards to that and it it drives me absolutely batshit crazy it makes me hate the guests and not want to have
Starting point is 00:07:17 them on the show when i see their um their spin their take on it When I was 16 years old, I was driving my dad's Nissan Maxima 60 miles an hour through the city of Albany. Albany is a very white, rich town surrounded by like two of the murder capitals in the United States, a town called Richmond, California, another town called Oakland, California. California and and I was doing 16 to 25 and cops pulled me over yeah cops pulled me over and and they arrested me they handcuffed me and they took me to jail it had nothing to do with my skin color the way they treated me I don't think so and I never went there in my head. I understand maybe how if you did go there in your head, if when you were six years old, your mom pulled you aside and told you that the world is going to hate you because of your skin color. I could see how then you force everything through that lens. You could see that. But then it's up to you to stop thinking like that. There's no
Starting point is 00:08:20 benefit in thinking like that. I was pulled over in isla vista california one evening um i was living in my truck at the time i was pulled over on uh the 6600 and 6700 block of sueno and i didn't have i didn't have registration tag on my car or no no i did it was expired and um the police officer and i had my dog in the back of my truck and the police officer told me to get out of the car and he actually asked me, have you been drinking tonight? And I said, yes, I had one beer or something. They gave me the all the tests. I passed all the tests and then they proceeded to make me leave my car there and they arrested me and I spent the night in jail for not having a car with update registration. I also do not believe that happened for my skin that was an
Starting point is 00:09:05 extremely that was maybe the whitest place on the planet outside of uh where crossfit hq and boulder i mean it was fucking white i was playing frisbee uh in a park one time and a guy went running through there and our dogs kind of got into like a little bit of a scuffle and uh and he started just talking shit to me and yelling at me and i was like dude just beat it and it was it was kind of like it was my hometown i played frisbee in this park every single day and this was like some guy who was visiting clearly the town of isla vista anyway he told me he was going to make that day the worst day of my life and i like 30 minutes later the cops roll into the park and the cops say to me hey uh we got a report that your dog's off a leash and and one of the girls who was in my harem at the time had my dog and she on a leash and she was sitting down with it and i said no
Starting point is 00:10:01 my dog's over there with a leash on she goes he's like yeah but we got a report that your dog was off leash and i said i hear you i hear you i hear what you're saying but my dog's on a leash right now so we go back and forth back and forth and he ends up giving me a ticket and i knew all the cops in the town i knew of them i knew we knew of each other i was the fucking barefoot wannabe jesus dude walking around the town. And so he gives me a ticket and I, uh, I pay the ticket. And, um, a few months later, I am sitting at a place called Javon's and Isla Vista eating a sandwich outside on like a picnic bench they had outside. I was eating a turkey, bacon, and avocado. Actually, that's not true. I wasn't eating it. I had ordered it and I was sitting down and these cops ride by on bicycles and I'm just staring at them.
Starting point is 00:10:47 I'm like 20 some odd years old and they're going by and I'm there with my long hair and barefoot just being cool as shit. And they come over and the guy says, what are you staring at? And I said, I'm staring at you. And he goes, why are you staring at me? And I go, it's what 20 year old guys do. They stare at cops. It's just what we do. Especially, especially cute cops. I didn't say that. Um, and,
Starting point is 00:11:08 uh, and he says, okay, can I see your driver's license? And I give him my driver's license and he runs my name and he says, you have a warrant out for your arrest. And I said, really? What for?
Starting point is 00:11:16 And he said, you did, you have a no show in court. And I said, that's weird. And he goes for a dog off a leash ticket. I go, Oh,
Starting point is 00:11:24 I paid that. And I happened to have the receipt in my wallet. So I pulled the receipt out. And I show him the receipt for the dog off the leash ticket. And he says, doesn't matter. You didn't show up in court. And I said, okay, I'll do that this weekend. He goes, no, you won't. Stand up.
Starting point is 00:11:40 And he handcuffs me. And he arrests me. And I go to jail. I spend the night in jail. Actually, that time, I don't know if I spent the night. I just booked you in. Yeah, I think they booked me in and somehow I got out right away. And actually, how that ended up happening is I went to I had to pay some crazy fine.
Starting point is 00:11:56 But then I went to court and I I was homeless at the time. But I lied to the judge and told him that that money was to pay my rent. I mean, it's kind of a lie. And the judge gave the money back to me, which was cool as shit i i could go on and on i've been pulled over hundreds of times i can tell you amazing super nice cop stories too just crazy crazy ones like me doing donuts in the middle of an intersection at three in the morning you know with four lanes in each direction there's no cars it's a rainy day and the cop pulls me over and i start pretending that my i start crying and i tell him that my uh i just caught my best
Starting point is 00:12:28 friend and my girlfriend fucking and he lets me go and it was a lie but but i one of my friends used that too one time it was so cool the cop it was so cool and of course it'd been a complete jackass and i was probably drunk what i'm saying is is the point of this is like there's I've heard stories. From black people, they tell you 40 stories and none of them are racist, but they claim every single one is racist. And I'm sorry to pick pick on black people. But and I really mean that when I say I'm sorry to do that. But like you you you have to take responsibility you have you have to take i suspect that fat people are more discriminated
Starting point is 00:13:13 against than black people but by a margin of a ten thousand to one i would i would also i would also say that's like how are we defining discriminated against i mean it's just what do you mean by that like i to be honest with you i don't even know because the only thing i ever do to discriminate discriminate against black people is that i'm that's and it's kind of more recent is now that i noticed that they're there because like i'm supposed to notice that they're there like before it used to just be people to me right like maybe like i would notice like if you were like if you were like aborigine or like albino or like like when i was in africa i didn't i never know saw black people but i would see some albinos it's kind of actually amazing how many albinos there are in africa like i can't
Starting point is 00:13:56 ever remember going there not seeing one but my it's it's just this um you – it benefits no one to use that as a crutch. And when I see that, like if you're pissed off that George Floyd died, okay, I'm okay with that. But if you're pissed off that George Floyd died because he's black, or then if you start telling stories about how cops have mistreated you, you've never – I've never seen one of those where anyone of color was mistreated worse than I was. I've never seen one of those where anyone of color was mistreated worse than I was. Just start looking at the numbers. 350 million interactions the police have or something crazy like that with the public, and 12 unarmed black men and 24 unarmed white men were killed. It's like, dude, look at the alternative. I don't know if those of you who live in big cities or not,
Starting point is 00:14:47 but the alternative is it's insane. What's going on. You ever been to Bellevue, Washington? I have. That's in a, that's, that's like a suburb of Seattle,
Starting point is 00:14:57 right? Or one of the neighborhoods in Seattle. Yeah. I think there was a CrossFit gym there, a fancy CrossFit gym there that went out of business because they let the homeless take over a really fancy one that, a fancy CrossFit gym there that went out of business because they let the homeless take over. A really fancy one. Oh. With the whiskey bar? I've been there.
Starting point is 00:15:11 I forget. I can't. Why? What's up? I got it all mixed up. Well, I was just thinking about what you were saying as far as like discrimination and having grown up with a very diverse group of friends. I would say like the more rich, affluent, white neighborhoods you go into, if you are somebody who's like black or Mexican, the chances of you getting pulled over is significantly higher. And usually because those neighbors are like looking out the windows or
Starting point is 00:15:33 seeing it or seeing a car that doesn't belong or a person that doesn't belong. And then they call the cops specifically on them reporting a suspicious vehicle. And I was making the correlation to Bellevue, Washington, because if you go to this one part in it where bill gates has this like really big like mega estate as you enter into it you go through these um like posts that have all these crazy security cameras every single way because they have their own private police so there's like bellevue police but then there's like this neighborhood security and that you'll get pulled over for any reason at all. And it's funny because you see the different- Any reason at all.
Starting point is 00:16:11 I mean, literally any reason at all, like the light above your license plate isn't out, or they're just conducting just an investigation stop or something like that. But it's funny because it's different levels of affluency so like if you're mega mega rich and somebody's probably driving you you're probably not going to get pulled over but if you have like a honda like mine and you go into there they're going to stop you they're going to question you and from the moment you drive into that neighborhood you're under surveillance and so i wonder if people are you know conflating that with being specifically discriminated against because there's always there's all it's always going to be there like like you really just have to mind you you have to worry about yourself
Starting point is 00:16:48 on some level it's always gonna be there but it has nothing to do with your skin color like as as some like as some what do you know you're just a white guy as some sort of um broad stroke it's never going to be there i'll tell you what what will be there is if you're if you're a young man it will be there more than if you're black. Yeah. I got pulled over a lot in living with my wife. Yeah. If you're a young man, it's definitely – I mean you're like – keep your shit tight.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Don't let your car smell like weed. Keep your shit tight. Yeah. It's getting searched. I don't know if that matters anymore. You're so 2002. Like they give a fuck. The guy takes a hit off your joint when he
Starting point is 00:17:26 pulls you over now a lot of times i got my car searched for nothing coming of it has been a lot in the past not not in the recent in the past when i was when i was uh when i was 16 i lived in a neighborhood where i was the only white person besides my dad and my stepmom and the heroin dealer the chinese guy and i got pulled over all the time all all the time once a week i got pulled over i thought you were buying drugs right oh they actually they actually that's funny you say that a lot of times they did think that yeah yeah i thought i was in that neighborhood they would say where's they would say where's the crack yeah and that's exactly yes you good why are you in this neighborhood i live right there no you don't yeah i do where are you going who do you know here
Starting point is 00:18:04 where'd you come from yeah and then you know it's funny all the all the black dudes i hung out with there were only black dudes there the other the dude like when we would roll up on other dudes i was the they assumed that i was they had a word for me i don't know if it was john but they thought i would i like they were all prison dudes all like spent time in folsom or san quentin and they thought that i like just suck the dicks off the older dudes. I want to clarify. I did not, but I also want to clarify. I didn't mind.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Like if they thought that I didn't give a shit. Well, whatever it took to get access access. I will say it just has to maybe do with just like where you are in the situation. Right. Because, uh, one time in my later adventures, we were in Richmond and the guys that i used to richmond by my house in berkeley richmond california yeah like on realm street like in the heart of there aerosol arts mediums ah right right right bar tracks bar tracks no no this was a uh even better it was a railroad tracks i went down underneath this
Starting point is 00:19:05 thing and it was back behind this liquor store and stuff. Right. And so the guys that I used to, um, hang out with in were, uh, all black or Mexican guys. And they were usually from Oakland and stuff like that. And they used to make the joke that depending on where we would drive would depend on who was, who was driving, like depending on where we were going was who was driving. So we went to like Concord area, like over there, they'd be like, okay, Susie, you're driving. And then if we were going to Oakland or Richmond, I'd be like, okay, one of you guys are driving, right?
Starting point is 00:19:32 And my car broke down one time in Richmond. And I will say... Oh, my car's broke down a couple times in Oakland. Man, it's fucked. Yeah, and being the only white guy in that situation, I was very thankful and happy for my for my friends that were with me because you stick colored friends you stick out like a sore thumb you know it's funny if you're if you're if you're if your car broke down in san francisco
Starting point is 00:19:56 let's say on polk or something you you you don't you don't you wouldn't need like you don't need any gay friends no you're good you good. You're good. You're good. I had a breakdown on Realm Street in Richmond. Oh, man. Hang out there for a while. And I'm young. And I had long hair. I was the only dude in shorts with Vans and Go socks on with, like, a skateboard t-shirt on and long hair.
Starting point is 00:20:23 All my other friends were all tatted up their necks and everything else. You know, they were like, what are you doing here? I bought these books to show off to Zoe that I bought them and I didn't even show them off. You're blurry again. I am blurry? Maybe it's just me. Anyway, that kind of bummed me out. That I said you're blurry or that you didn't show the books
Starting point is 00:20:46 that i didn't show these books like it's i kind of like want to show off to the guests like look i supported your shit i bought your shit you did tell her though i did yeah you were like i have both your books or all your books or something i think you said hey you got that other one neil recommended i could see it there this oh who recommended this neil maddox yeah yeah i probably will see if they have the audiobook i don't really read that much but i'm an audiobook of nut wait so what was our conclusion on your uh your piece there as far as discrimination 99 of the time you're lying you made it up and it's between your and i'm being super generous you're lying and you made it up between your ears and and then the other one percent is fuck off deal with it it's i just keep thinking i keep using kayla harrison as the example like you want
Starting point is 00:21:36 like you're worried about being pulled over by a fucking cop and somewhere and him calling you hey boy when this fucking chick was fucking molested from the age of 8 to 16 by her judo instructor five out of seven days a week for fucking eight years to a point where she had disassociation and had to leave her fucking body and then she fucking wins the uh she's the first american to win the gold in judo and she does it twice and now she's the most sought after fighter in the history of or of the sport maybe that's a little bit of an exaggeration most sought after female fighter in the history of the uh sport like stop like i like i don't want to hear it we're so beyond that
Starting point is 00:22:16 we're so beyond that and maybe it's just that i want to say it's maybe it's just the media i consume but these are like real people who come on my show, and they're such cool people. But when I go back to their posts, they're finger-pointing, non-accountable, non-personal responsible. They're bad humans. There's a lot of social pressure on that, though. I don't necessarily want to make excuses for them. You are. I hear you.
Starting point is 00:22:44 You're right. There was, you know, there was a lot of judgment on that. Like whether you did that or whether you like didn't, you know? Yeah. People were saying you have to make a statement.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Yeah. Yeah. They were, it was like, remember silence was violence. Oh, it's so nuts. And I just kept thinking of like,
Starting point is 00:22:58 no, silence is just silence. Violence is violence. There's, you know, I don't know, but there was a lot of social pressure then i'm trying to think if i ever had a guest on because of their like uh ethnicity or race or i guess there's this guy i'm courting over in the ukraine and i want to have him on
Starting point is 00:23:19 because he's from the ukraine because there's there's people fighting their country you know my mom sent me a text and she said and my mom was like this she said hey will you donate some money and it's like some link to like help people in the ukraine right and at the same time a lot of armenian people are sending me dms being like hey you know what the ukraine has been doing for the last two years right i'm like no what and then they send me links and the ukrainian government has been sending weapons to the country that ar has been fighting with for the last couple of years. And this country is rich as shit. The name of the country is Azerbaijan and they have oil. Armenia does not have oil. And Azerbaijan also has an ally right next door called Turkey. And
Starting point is 00:23:59 Armenia is just down there all by itself. And for those of you who are religious people, to give you an idea, Armenia is the first Christian nation in the world. So basically they accepted Christianity as their national religion before any country in the world did. It's basically where the Ark is and where like all those Bible stories are. And if there is an Ark. And Armenians are surrounded by Muslims. So Armenians are Christian and they're surrounded by muslims georgia azerbaijan turkey and so they're down there and the ukrainians have been fucking pumping money and weapons into azerbaijan to attack the armenians for the last couple years and when
Starting point is 00:24:33 azerbaijan won the most recent conflict or battle they congratulated them so and what the armenians are telling me is is like look they're saying that that land the armenians were on belonged to the azerbaijanis so the ukrainians deserve it well you could flip the script and be like hey this land the ukrainians are on belongs to the russians and they deserve it and so it's like it's it's it's uh it's fascinating because you know there is that facet to me that knows like i'm not sevan and i'm not armenian yeah and whose land like isn't that funny yeah but but also it's like i i i feel you and it's easy to once again to say from inside the three-plane brothers empire to just be like fuck it uh sebon you see the story about cain velasquez velas velasquez
Starting point is 00:25:22 situation i did uh there's only one thing that concerns me if there's only one thing that concerns me if it is not correct like if but but from the little bits that i'm getting is that dude uh molested his daughter oh shit a hundred times and i man this is a subject that i really feel i don't want to talk about because I don't want to be accused of inciting violence. No violence. Or and if you fuck with kids, if you insist that someone's kids wear a mask, if you insist that someone's kids take a drug injection, if you touch someone's kids inappropriately, if you yell at someone's kids take a drug injection if you touch someone's kids inappropriately if you yell at someone's kids you should expect for your life to end i mean not for me but like if you fuck with someone's kids at all you should expect to be killed like as as just a i'm not saying it's right i'm not saying it's wrong
Starting point is 00:26:18 i'm just saying like no one no no parents don't – healthy parents don't have tolerance for that at all, zero. You have zero tolerance. You just have zero tolerance for it. But like horribly bad, you should just – I'm not saying it's going to, and most of the time it doesn't. Horribly bad. You should just – I'm not saying it's going to, and most of the time it doesn't. But if you were to – let's say you send your 10-year-old to school, and they come home, and someone's giving them the vaccine. You should expect to be killed. Yeah, you do not do anything to anyone's kids.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Treat them like bears. Yes, yes. Stay the fuck away from everyone's kids. Do not fuck with anyone's kids when you see like anyone's kids parents are capable and and i and i i'm torn because we can't have vigil vigilante violence but um right you you cannot you cannot mess with someone's kids walk the other way always walk the other way from kids someone else's kids yeah i i'm so disappointed almost that at how how little parent yeah well there's there's memes going around now
Starting point is 00:27:31 don't act like you care about the ukraine you didn't even stand up for your kids for the last two years i just saw that i just i just uh saw the pfizer study came out for kids taking the vaccine. Holy shit. It's scary. I've still asked some people that are like very pro vaccine. And I said, so we all agree that COVID has virtually unaffected anybody under the age of 18. And what do they say they say yeah and i said so then how does it make sense to alter anything inside their bodies for protection
Starting point is 00:28:13 against that let me tell you this though it is affecting kids at the same rate as measles so either covet So either COVID. Oh, man. So what do they say? What do they say? the like PhDs of nutrition and health and everything else. And there was a smaller group that graduated with their masters. And so they're going through all these thesis that they had up there and they kind of like are just doing little brief overviews of all the work people did. And I was like, you know, what's interesting is they like were scrutinized over those theses to make sure that, you know, everything was statistically sound and that it made sense and everything else. But then I looked around and I i was like but they're all like forcing us to have like masks on so like if they were to take that yeah yeah exact like thought process to the studies of the masks and
Starting point is 00:29:16 like the statistical studies of the evidence that they're giving us about covid cases and everything else like none of it would hold up like all those same professors would completely like reject all of that yeah but if i and i did i had my mask off at one point and they were like you need to put that back on and i was like how well how are you just picking and choosing what we're thinking about here well in one case you're saying oh no this isn't statistically sound you have but you've left all this out of your. This doesn't make sense in the way you presented this. This numbers are wrong. And then on this side, they're like, wear your mask. And you're like, well, why did we alter society without putting it up that same scrutiny?
Starting point is 00:29:54 Right. And then in the case of the Ukraine thing, a lot of people are saying Biden needs to help. Russia is invading. And I don't really know a ton on the situation. So this is an opinion here. This is just an observation. But like, didn't we also invade afghanistan and iraq and iran so like i under the false presences of weapons of mass destruction during the bush administration
Starting point is 00:30:16 that turned out to be completely false so i it's just one of these things right like people want to post the black squares and want social justice for the oppressed but we buy iphones so like what lots of them we buy lots of them yeah and i mean i like an iphone you know but we also know that they're made by child labor in china and where is my iphone and there was a good thing. I think actually you posted it and it was like, if, if, um, Apple's going to say that they're going to cut off Apple pay and cut off products that they're being sold in Russia right now, like would they do the same in, in China for Taiwan? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. That's a great one, isn't it? That's a great one. It's just weird when we just kind of go back and forth and choose.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Apple's a joke. Apple's a joke. Apple's a joke. Speaking of a joke, the CrossFit Games are a joke too. Apple's a joke just because of their, I guess you call it marketing, their ads. It's so pandering to just the worst of society. But the CrossFit Games put out a video the other day and it's like the it's from week one of the open and it's like the 10 um it's like the 10 like highlights of the of the week
Starting point is 00:31:33 and like three of the it goes 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 and for 10 through um 10 through 2 um three of the people i think are like uh um i think they're called handy abled or able-bodied or disabled but i don't know what the fucking right word is they're handicapped they're like people in wheelchairs are like missing limbs and shit right yeah but every but and it's like it's like so obvious it's forced in there they're not like these great fucking clips or anything right it's so obvious and then um but but but 10 through 2 there's not a single black person and then the final one it's just all black people and it's like it it's just so it's so unauthentic what do i mean by that it's so forced like you're you're
Starting point is 00:32:22 judging people by the way they look in their color and not the merit of their performance or the comedy of the piece or the validity of like what makes that interesting as part of building the community it's just a joke it's just so blatantly racist and you could say to several you could say to me hey seven that's just you projecting onto that you're right it is i'm a little damaged and obsessed with it you're right i i take i own i own it i own it I'm a little damaged and obsessed with it. You're right. I own it. I own it.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Damn it. No matter how much I tighten this thing, it never gets fully tight. Maybe we should get you a new boomstick there. That one looks like – Have you seen commercials today? Yeah, it's nuts. When I watch the UFC, yeah, the commercials. The commercials are – it's fascinating. I'm embarrassed for all of those people.
Starting point is 00:33:09 I'm embarrassed for the people who are in them. I'm embarrassed for the companies. It's nuts. Oh. It was like summer here for a little while. We had like two and a half weeks of summer, and now it's kind of went away. The nights were cold, but man, the days were hot. I had a question for you about boobs.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Did I send you the notes for this show, Susan? Yeah, I have them here. Do you see this? It's an Instagram, and it says you why do you need the tit grab could you pull that up yeah this is just some random account that i don't know came across my feed the algorithm thinks i want to look at naked girls it's so weird you know what's funny is the less time i spend on instagram the more of those will pop up in the explore page. Yeah, I believe it. They're chumming the water. Okay. Scroll down a little bit. Thank you. Wait, what's her name?
Starting point is 00:34:12 Thank you. Mads for letting us use your account. Keep scrolling. Keep scrolling. Oh no, no. Keep going. Oh, sorry. Right there. Stop up, back down a little bit. Right there. Go to that one right in the middle. Why, why when a woman shows her abs does she have to squeeze her boobs like that okay now go out a second and then go to the one next to it she's doing it too i don't think you really have to do that do you i i i have a a theory the girls are you did they do it and it funny. I mean I like seeing it. There's something like – You're not against it. There's something like evocative. Is that a word, evocative?
Starting point is 00:34:51 Provocative. Provocative. Is there invocative too? There's something provocative about it. You're grabbing your tit. I guess it's like when Michael Jackson used to grab his – whatever it was he grabbed. But it's just crazy because it's like it's a thing you know what i mean like girls will be like i think there's two things i think you
Starting point is 00:35:10 said the first one but i think the second one is it actually like stretches the skin more oh like over like you're pulling some of the excess skin up and then so then it it it makes your abs look like there's deeper crevasses in there, extensories to shadows in between them. Okay. You got a female perspective on that here. Stretching the skin to tighten her abs. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:33 She's moved them out of the way so you can – nah. Heidi, that's funny you say that because I think that's like what they want you to think. Oh, I'm just moving them out of the way. But it's not. It's not. Did you just randomly stumble on this one and you got a lot of guns huh i just saw that and i'm like what is up with the tit move yeah i've seen that part of it too okay so so the thing is that we're gonna go with if someone asks me that the answer to that is um
Starting point is 00:36:02 to pull the skin tighter and to seduce males because there's there's some like subtle i'm touching myself component i would say so and i mean we're pretty stupid we fall for that every single time right so yeah i think it's great i love it yeah yeah hate on her for it i love it we could keep track of it she's's got 9,000 followers. And at the end of this, she will have 10,200. I had a friend fly. Did I talk about this already? I had a friend fly to San Diego on Southwest. Oh, but I guess the mask. Do you have to wear a mask on airplanes still? federal mandate right like as to why you have to do it but isn't that is this i think it's gone right i mean you and i live in the spots where it's been gone for weeks but you would never know it so i don't really know and also haven't paid attention to it in the last couple years the the flying part no the mat just the mass thing in general oh right right like you would
Starting point is 00:37:03 still think that the mass mandate is happening here because everybody has masks. And I've talked to a couple of the parents at the gym. And they'll be outside playing different sports, right, in the youth sports. And they'll go to some of the kids and say like, hey, you know, little Johnny, like you don't have to wear the mask anymore. And they like will not take it off. And they'll like freak out if you try to take them off. And you know how they used to have those commercials where it was like, play with your infant and talk to them.
Starting point is 00:37:29 And it would just show this baby like alone in a crib. And you're just like, oh my God, right? Because like if a kid needs like a 10 out of attention, like a one through 10, and you give it a one, you know it's going to be a sociopath. Like some shit's going to be fucked up, right? But what happens if mandates and other government responses just push all of them to a seven? What's the outcome that that's going to happen? And we won't know for years. Right. So they used to have commercials like talk to your kids, play with them, let them see you smile.
Starting point is 00:37:59 And then they're like, nah, screw all that. Just mask everybody up and we'll see what happens. like nah screw all that just mask everybody up and we'll see what happens well um uh i don't know how they test it but basically the consensus is is that there's three years of tarded kids now that the average iq of someone born into the pandemic is 20 points lower i don't know how i don't know how you test a kid's iq at one or two but maybe the way that it interacts with like facial expressions and communicates through that way, because you'd have to imagine that obviously 20 points is huge, by the way. Like if you're a hundred and you are supposed to be a hundred and now you're an 80, you're targeted. Well, that's what I'm saying. Like they dropped it. We, we were like a lot of the parents were fortunate because some of the young kids that were basically like, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:43 zero to two through the pandemic, they would like bring them in and expose them just to large groups of people and stuff like that because there wasn't any masks or anything at the gym. Right. So when they would come in there, they would just see all the adults interacting and they would have them outside and different things like that, which was pretty much the only like large group interaction that they were having through some of that time think about that shit yeah it's uh but by the way um i think it's okay to say tarted the way i'm saying it i got into it with some chick in my dm she was telling me not to say the word retarded anymore and i got into a fight with her and then i think she won i think i backed down i think she was like you're hey you're doing it to be mean and i was like not really i'm kind of doing it to be
Starting point is 00:39:24 funny and she's like well it's mean and doing it to be mean. And I was like, not really. I'm kind of doing it to be funny. And she's like, well, it's mean. And I'm like, well, I think that those people are clinically retarded. I think I was talking about Craig Ritchie. But anyway. Poor Craig Ritchie. I know. He's such a good dude, too. It just gets hammered here.
Starting point is 00:39:40 When I come across his post, he's always so happy and nice and upbeat and positive. But it's still tarted. Well, which also tells you there's a certain level that's superficial, right? Maybe. I don't know. I don't know him. I don't know him. I mean, some of the people that are just always crazy positive, some of them are genuine, I would say.
Starting point is 00:40:01 But even those people, like there's this lady at the grocery store that's always crazy crazy upbeat. Like you could be, she's like, have a great day. Oh my gosh, how are you doing? Someone could be like, oh, fuck you. And she's like, okay, you have a good day. I hope it gets better. And then she would turn to the person next to be like, oh my gosh, I think they're having a bad day. And then even sometimes you come in and she's kind of like doing the thing and you're like, hey, how are you's like oh life just kind of got me down but you know and we'll kind of like keep going so if you don't have that ever you kind of have to ask yourself like okay what's going on with this person because it ain't all sunshine and rainbows every single day what is the antidepressant usage in the united states and then i'll come back to the word retarded do you have it in front of you am i gonna guess and
Starting point is 00:40:43 you know no no i don't know i started typing it in and I realized that like I, like my computer started doing that. I realized I don't know how to spell. I would probably say somewhere around like, like on prescription drugs for like mental, not, I don't want to say mental health issues because then you're going to have like people who are clinically like schizophrenic and stuff like that are like clinically depressed on a high level mixed in there as opposed to people that just need to exercise how many i wish i had alexa in here list of antidepressants anti uh oh here antidepressant usage okay here it says uh it uh in 2018 the daily 18.6 of the u.s was on daily holy shit yeah i mean i've known people i'm sure i've known a lot of people who are on antidepressants but i've known people who that
Starting point is 00:41:35 i knew for a fact they were and it was nuts it was nuts it was their their moods or their moods were yeah they would be when they were positive, man, they were so positive. It was like overwhelming. It was like chill out. Yeah. This says that 66% of all adults in the United States are on some sort of prescription drug. Anyway, the – when I refer to these people who their IQ goes from 100 to 80, I think it's okay to call those people retarded. I think what she didn't like is that – I think ret a, like a clinical diagnosis or some sort of reference to someone
Starting point is 00:42:09 that's like, just means like slow people. Right. I've looked it up a few times and that when I say it as an insult, I'm insulting the people who are actually retarded. And I kind of got her logic. So it kind of was like, all right, fine. Yeah. But if you're like, you're not intending to do that. Like, I don't, I think there's been very. I know, but like, I don't, as much as I think you can, I know it's not what you tend, but like, as much as like, I think like, like I don't use racial slurs, even though like I say them every day when I'm singing songs since I've been six years old and listening to rap music. But like, I don't say them like out loud because even if I'm not intending to, well, I say
Starting point is 00:42:43 them out loud, like I'm in my car, but like, like I don't say them like when I'm walking around the grocery store, even like if I want to, like, just like, cause it's like the vernacular I use in my songs, but like, I still don't use it cause I don't want to like get beat up.
Starting point is 00:42:56 I mean, offend people. Get beat up. I don't use racial slurs cause I'm scared for my safety no because you don't i don't like it's it's exactly what she's saying like i'm not saying it to be racist i'm saying it because it's just like it's in all the songs i hear and it's just like yo but but this isn't this is i am she's right i am saying it to be like offensive like if i call you matt you're being a fucking retard uh delay or hold back in terms of progress,
Starting point is 00:43:25 development or accomplishment. Yeah. I think that there's like people who are retarded and then it's like the term when you called someone gay or like a faggot, like basically what you're saying, you're saying it in a negative way to someone, even though they're not referencing their sexuality. But then there are people who really are gay and then the two get blended
Starting point is 00:43:42 together and it's fucked up. And I, and I, I get what she's saying. Like if I'm going to call someone retarded, really are gay and then the two get blended together and it's fucked up and i and i i i get what she's saying like if i'm going to call someone retarded it should really be people who are retarded and that and my point is is that i think that there are studies out there that say that kids who've been wearing mash for the last three years lost 20 points on their iq which puts a ton of people into the tard category i mean it does because it's literally delaying their development or progress.
Starting point is 00:44:14 So the study I saw yesterday on the Pfizer vaccine for kids, I want to say it was kids under the age of – it's in my story somewhere. It's kids under the age of 12. The study had two groups of 1,200. There was 1,200 kids in one group. It was the control group. That means they got nothing, and there were 1,200 kids who got the vaccine. This part really doesn't make sense to me. Of the 1,200 kids who didn't get the vaccine, who were in the control group, within seven days of the study finishing, seven of them, sorry, 16 of them got COVID. And in the group that did get the vaccine, none of them got COVID. What's really weird about that part of the study is that there's never been a claim that the vaccine stops you from getting COVID. And so I don't even know how there could be all of a sudden in the control group that
Starting point is 00:44:57 didn't get the vaccine, there's 16 kids who got COVID. And in the group that did get the vaccine, none of them got COVID, which is just bizarre to me. But anyway, I'll proceed with the study. So in the study of those 16, none of them who got COVID, who were in the control group, who did not get the vaccine, none of them were hospitalized. None of them had any severe illness. The side effects from the kids who were in the group that did get the vaccine, although none of them got COVID, were crazy. Six of them were hospitalized with a very, very gnarly severe side effects. You can read about them. Bad shit. Shit that would freak you out. Going back to hurting your kids again. Shit that would freak you out if someone did to your kid. And then, of course, it's like 55% of the kids had headaches. 20%
Starting point is 00:45:41 were nauseous. I mean, just the list goes on and on and on but the point being is that in the study the control group no one died no one was hospitalized, no one was hurt but in the group that did get the vaccine no one died but there were a lot of fucking injuries and sick people so why get it
Starting point is 00:45:59 and I would even go on to say and they don't say this this is my hypothesis that those who did get it won't get it again, meaning you're going to be more immune from the variants. You got it, you're done. Same thing with measles and chickenpox. I have tons of friends whose kids got the chickenpox vaccine and the kids still got chickenpox. Those of us who got chickenpox, we never get it a second time. Measles is the same way, and the kids still got chickenpox those of us who got chickenpox we never get it a second time measles is the same way by the way look at the last outbreak they had at disneyland a couple years ago look how many kids were vaccinated who got the measles
Starting point is 00:46:33 but no one ever gets the measles twice unless you're vaccinated have you looked into the argument of like why life expectancy rose so much over the last like whatever it is 70 years or more and maybe even maybe even longer than that I don't have the numbers in front of me but they claim like a lot of people said it was like advancements in medical or vaccine but then there's also a strong claim that just societal hygiene became a lot better. Oh, yeah. That's the whole thing with polio.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Polio is a shit disease. Yes. The knobs got turned at the same time. It's hard to describe like which one actually made the biggest impact. Dude, polio was on a crazy steep decline. Crazy steep decline before the vaccine came out. Crazy, crazy, crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy yeah totally hygiene's everything i mean well there was a time when doctors i forget god greg
Starting point is 00:47:32 used to talk about this there was a time when doctors used to not wash their hands and then when they started washing their hands and it's like a 90 percent like just immediate drop overnight in like infection rate amongst people. It was nuts. I think that was found in childbirth. I forget the name of the doctor, but it was almost by an accident. And there were like something was happening to where most, most of the mothers were like surviving with this one doctor. And then they just realized, Oh shit,
Starting point is 00:47:58 he's just washing his hands between birth births. And then therefore the like life expectancy for mothers and kids went up significantly after they just started washing their hands yeah good thing uh yeah i don't know if i'm not even worried about i wash my hands a lot but i'm but i'm not i don't do it because i'm afraid of germs i just like clean hands like i'm not afraid i'm not do you know what i mean like i like i don't do it because i'm afraid of germs i just like clean hands like i'm not afraid i'm not do you know what i mean like like i don't like sticky i don't like i don't like to just my hands to feel dirty but like i don't i'm not i i know i've said this a million times but like if you had covid or pneumonia or laryngitis or strep or whatever you can still come to my house and
Starting point is 00:48:41 your kids can still come like i don't care um uh there's this there's this um there's this link will you pull this link up it says uh other dudes fucking your chick this is a this is an interesting one i think i'm too old to understand this is this the right link it's it's like the squat oh no no no wait hold on i don't um do i have it marked wrong it's a dude in a gas station talking to the camera okay yeah we're good he's like i'm for the liquor store yeah okay listen up people listen up people hold on here okay here we go oh nice you're getting good at this indeed that's new right when you said new computer okay here we go check this out don't never allow yourself to believe that you're the only one knocking down your honey man telling you telling me listen i'm
Starting point is 00:49:43 dead serious don't set yourself up for the big letdown That you the only nigga that's hitting that Don't do that Even if you are You never let your mind get low to sleep And get comfortable to thinking That she won't do that Because just like that
Starting point is 00:49:59 That could change And if you don't set your mind up To where you believe that you the only one And then you find out you don't set your mind up to where you believe that you're the only one hating that, and then you find out you ain't, you're going to be devastated. You're going to be devastated. Some dudes kill everybody when they find out because they think that that belonged to them. That's not kitty cat.
Starting point is 00:50:17 She can get that to whoever she want. And you know what? She going to give it to whoever she want. Yes, she is. Yes, she is. It ain't nothing you can do about it don't never believe you're the only one pace okay so the premise of his argument i think and tell me if you if you're right is that that if you make the assumption that you're the only one um
Starting point is 00:50:40 hitting grace getting grace mr suza that when you find out she has been sleeping with someone else, you'll be devastated. Wherever you're going, you better believe American Express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away? You can use your travel credit. Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4 p.m. late checkout? You just need a nice place to settle in? Enjoy your room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. I'm going to say that even if you make the assumption, even if you make the assumption,
Starting point is 00:51:22 either way, you're going to be devastated. I don think i'm like yeah no one's and no one else is fucking hayley and and and then i find out she's fucking someone and then and i'm devastated i think goes the other way too i assume she's fucking everyone and i find out it's true and i'm still devastated i don't i i don't i'm not buying his premise like he think like you think you can get some psychological hedge of protecting yourself by just assuming that your girl – You know what I find interesting about that clip? It's just that you're wondering how many times I watched it before I decided it deserves to be on the show. No, that's kind of funny though too. But I'm just thinking about like how did he get that thought at a gas station and
Starting point is 00:52:06 just was like you know what i'm gonna set my camera up here and film this right now yeah that's what's interesting to me like you're a big picture guy you're a big picture yeah like what was he doing prior to that like what was the thoughts going on his head and like why did he shoot like did he just pull over and get some gas and you know what you know what i got this thought i'm about to let it go here but i really like like his enthusiasm and the way he delivered that. Oh, his account is great. His account is great. His account.
Starting point is 00:52:31 When are we going to get Greg Everett on the podcast? I like your name, Devin. You spell it wrong. You should drop the D and put an S in there. But other than that, it's a great question. It is a great question. I never actually met greg everett i don't even think i know i don't i don't even think i can pick him out of the group and i yet i've i hear his name all the time and i hear it in the uh best light i always hear that how amazing he is
Starting point is 00:53:01 devesh maharaj Maybe he just found out he was getting cheated on. Maybe. It's good. Maybe. Matt Burns, hood logic, a racist. Racist. I don't know what makes you think he's in the hood. I like how it transitioned to
Starting point is 00:53:22 get Emma Lawson on the podcast. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know, it's, you know, you know what else is kind of crazy.
Starting point is 00:53:33 I think this is a good thing. I, when I, when we're, we're having all these UFC fighters, well, I watch a lot of podcasts now. I never had watched a podcast until like,
Starting point is 00:53:42 I don't know, the last three or four months. And I've become obsessed with like researching our guests. So I've been watching lots of podcasts. And I just realized, especially in the UFC, in the fighting world, how shitty podcasts are. Like there are these podcasts that have like millions of subscribers. And the guests will come on and the host will be like oh my goodness suza nice to see you i appreciate you so much for having you on you're such a sweet man i love your
Starting point is 00:54:12 newest book it's fantastic suza oh my goodness it's beautiful i love this book can you tell me a little bit about yourself. That actually did make me feel good though. Just like, dude, really? I'm going to come back. I mean, really? And that's like a common opening line for podcasters. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself? You know, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:44 And I think that people, if they come on your show and you're going to give them a handy, you should give them a fucking handy. Like you should say some like deeper shit, like real shit about them. Like Jim Hensel, this fucking guy, do you know what he's doing now? Since he's been on the show, I think since he's been on the show, I think he was getting bombed already. But a police officer called, there's a police officer who has a program. It's called Franklin Fit. Franklin County, Georgia. I don't know where it is.
Starting point is 00:55:18 But anyway, this guy, he's a police officer, and he has this program at the police station that kids can come. It's like after school program. And they they get kids to come to the police station to work out and they work out with the cops. And they got like a regular crew there and it's growing and it's getting bigger and bigger. They sent me a shirt. I think I wore it yesterday, actually. Yeah. It's starting to look nice, nice on me. And I'll be right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That is his name, right? Bobby Brown. Yes. Anyway. And, uh, those guys reach, those guys are doing amazing work. Amazing work. I repost their stuff. Sometimes the group is growing and growing and just seeing those cops working out with those kids is awesome.
Starting point is 00:55:57 And, uh, and it's all free and he's doing it all on donations and all with his own time and blah, blah, blah. But, um, uh, that guy connected with Jim Hensel. Jim Hensel was on the show. That's the guy from the mayhem mindset. Man, be so important to get Jim in front of those kids like that. Yeah. But Jim should just be working like with rich athletes like Michael Chandler. He didn't have time for helping people. Yeah. But once he gets a little bit of money, maybe he'll, he'll get back. He seems like a really good dude. Well, that's the point. He's already giving back. And those, that's the kind of thing when you have a guest on you should be talking about you should just like immediately be like holy shit i cannot believe what you're doing like you should
Starting point is 00:56:31 be out getting your own and instead you're over here fucking around with these cops and these kids and helping them with their mindset and i just so tell me about yourself give me the two-minute version it's so lazy it's so lazy i mean sometimes i think too because like podcasting and everything like in relative to media is pretty young right so sometimes say that say that again i said like podcasting in terms of like just media in general and all the performance media is pretty young so like i'm talking about people who have like millions millions i know that i want to say the guy's name, but I like, I like, like, that's what I was getting at. So what if you were just,
Starting point is 00:57:08 what if you were just the first person that cruised over to Malibu and was like, Oh shit, I'm going to buy some land here. This is cool. I like this coast. And then you did it. And then you saw maybe a couple of other people were coming and you're like, I'm going to buy a little bit more. Then you buy a little bit more. Now all of a sudden you're the richest land owner on beachfront property in Malibu. But was it because you were the smartest, best one at negotiating and understanding where things were going to go or were you just the first one there?
Starting point is 00:57:37 That's a good question. Well, I'm fucking late to the game, so that would explain my situation. Now you're trying to buy enough when the price is high uh seban have you ever blocked anyone i clicked this guy's name because i just wanted to say his name man so ruden ahmed i don't think you can just be the first one and and should be good i mean i think people like this kind of this oprah uh super like just this real superficial covering of situations. Where did you buy your shirt, Matt? How do you pick out your clothes before you go to an event? Um, what's your favorite food? Um, what are the three things that made you most successful? Yeah. Like some of these guys,
Starting point is 00:58:17 it's like, they just have this list of questions. So Matt, tell me, um, what are the three things that you think most influenced your decision to open a CrossFit gym? And I just, I don't want people talking to me like that. And I don't, and I don't want to talk to people like that unless there's exceptions, of course, everywhere. Like if you're going off about the importance of decision-making and I said, can you give me an example? Like, what are some of the top decisions you need to look at before you open a gym? Then, then you go there, right? Like you just come on the show and it's like, what are your three favorite colors? Like, go fuck yourself. Well, I think the Oprah ask is easy, right? Like if you're giving out Corvettes
Starting point is 00:58:58 to everybody in the audience, you're going to get a pretty big audience that shows up. But I don't know. I can't, I can't, I can't let her off the hook like that. She's got some appeal to some, she's got some appeal to someone. I mean, she's good at what she does. The point being is like, it's easy to keep it like fluffy, happy and superficial. But if you have a podcast like yours, that's going to really challenge some deep beliefs and ideas and ask yourself to go internally and really question yourself. Now you're selling something that's a little bit tougher because you're, it's thought provoking. And a lot of people are afraid to go internally and really question yourself. Now you're selling something that's a little bit tougher because you're, it's thought provoking. And a lot of people are afraid to go there. I mean, wasn't it, didn't you say like, I figured where I heard this, but I thought maybe it was
Starting point is 00:59:33 you said like most people don't want to sit in the room alone with themselves because they're just afraid of the questions that they know will come up and they'll have to spend time answering them. You mean to themselves? To themselves? Yeah. I mean, people, I've, it's fascinating to me that some people wouldn't want to spend a shitload of time alone. Yeah. Fascinating to me. I mean, me too, but I think we like to like question and like analyze and like really go into stuff. And I think for some people that maybe haven't done that and you're, to David's book and he even says in there, you could spend a lifetime with sports and entertainment and mundane and going out with your friends and everything and never actually question your own beliefs or why you believe what you believe or if it's true or what you really want out of life and you could just spend the whole entire time in entertainment land and especially now i mean you could lose yourself in a freaking two or three hours just scrolling on
Starting point is 01:00:30 instagram and then you could watch your favorite show and then you could think about the weekend with your buddies and then the big game that's coming up and you talk about that with everybody else around you and time will fly by yeah some of those questions it's funny that you say that you kind of called me on my own shit some of those questions, it's funny that you say that you kind of called me on my own shit. Some of those questions that he asks in there, they're not even that deep and I'm scared of them. Yeah. Because you'll go there with them. No, no. Well, I'm scared of him a little bit too, but I'm scared of the, some of those questions. Like, like, like, what do you want? Like, like, I don't really want to answer that yeah i mean he's gonna eat me alive
Starting point is 01:01:07 we could we could we could start i could say what do you and this is the question that i pose a lot of time i'm not letting him take over my podcast like no no no i'm not letting him i'm not letting him i'm gonna just keep asking what it was like what's it like being six foot five 240 pounds yeah right i'm not letting them fucking like in two minutes. Tell me about your background. Yeah. But if the same thing that I posed to all, all my staff or like anybody else is like the coaches and the people I work with, or even some of the people that, you know, our
Starting point is 01:01:36 team here at the podcast, like, Hey, if you had a magic wand and you could wave the magic wand, none, no circumstances affected what. Describe to me your perfect day. And then tell me what you want that to be in 10 years. And most people would take my shirt off and go to the beach every day. Not, not ever wear a shirt again. And so then the next question is what's stopping you from doing that now? Cause I got to get there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:04 That's a good, that's a good,'s a good that's that you're right most people if you ask them if you said hey man you just had here's your magic wand go ahead and explain to me what your perfect day is what's your perfect income level what type of house do you want like all this stuff like they just sit there and they're just like i have no idea so then it's like well then what are you working towards right now oh yeah then it's kind of like survival Oh, yeah. And unfortunately, there's no – I think that's a healthy thing to want, but unfortunately, there's no end to that. And we pushed ourselves. We had this psychiatrist on. I can't remember his name, but the guy from Stockholm, Sweden, who ran the psychiatric clinic in Stockholm.
Starting point is 01:02:53 He says the more security you get, the less secure you are. And that's what's happening to society as a whole. People want so much security that they're willing to wear a mask, quarantine themselves, and take an artificial untested injection in order to get more security. And now we've lost a ton of security because of it. And so it's, because it's never ending. On one hand, you just want to say, I want my house paid off and I want to be independently wealthy so I don't have to worry about property tax and I can buy food every day. And you think that's all you want until you're like well what if there i want to have enough money to buy a backup house in nevada in case there's a flood at this house and then you just keep wanting more and more security then i want to store some food in my basement it
Starting point is 01:03:34 never ends right right i wonder if people i'm curious i'm going to ask patrick bed david what kind of like when he what kind of things that he does to mitigate that kind of fear like does he have a house that runs off of solar and is off the grid somewhere that he could run to with his family? If I had his money, I'd have that. Have you got to the part where he talks about having a secret bank account that nobody knows about?
Starting point is 01:03:56 Oh no. I'm close. I'm done with almost done with the book. Maybe it's not in his book. I mean, he's a pretty influential person to me and so i've listened to a lot of his stuff but that's one thing he he talks about not a lot now but you know we say have a bank account that nobody knows about oh snap
Starting point is 01:04:14 oh i haven't tried using the phone in a long time jody good morning good morning how are you sexy it's your cabinet gal from connecticut hello how is my cabinet gal good i have a list of notes here just like you oh good let's get to them welcome to the new segment on the show jody the cabinet gal first of all matt that beanie i just feel like you're gonna you're gonna leave the podcast with your can of spray paint hop on your skateboard and go okay check uh matt is a mark matt is a thug okay that sounds like a judgment there you were saying they used to do great you know spray paint allegedly
Starting point is 01:05:15 allegedly oh allegedly that's right okay all right um just a couple just a couple things that have impacted me that you said okay Bozeman's take on friendship ah yes yes will you remind us what that is that is don't take things so seriously if somebody can't make a date yes be a low maintenance
Starting point is 01:05:40 just let it go low maintenance friend that's it someone says hey I can't make the date and you're already sitting there be like okay cool instead of your first response wants to be like you fucking asshole like i didn't do my waxing appointment came to meet you for coffee instead you should write okay let me know if you need any help with anything love you bye right i've completely changed my attitude on that i appreciate that and then maybe find a a guy that and then maybe fuck their husband or wife to pay them back.
Starting point is 01:06:07 I don't know about that. The other one was painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. And don't take it so seriously if you don't get a text back right away. What's the Sistine Chapel one again?
Starting point is 01:06:23 What's that one? No, you were you were just like you know relationships are high maintenance like i'm trying to paint the sistine chapel woman would you stop bothering me yes yes yes yeah if you want great people yeah well if you want if you want to date pablo picasso don't interrupt him when he's painting the sistine chapel a hundred percent that's right that's right hey i'm sitting here painting the Sistine Chapel. A hundred percent. That's right. That's right. Hey, I'm sitting here painting the Sistine Chapel. Don't worry. Yeah. Jeffrey, if you want to, if you want Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer, don't interrupt them when they're, when they're at the barbecue, frying up the bodies. Like, yeah. Do you have someone great in your life who needs that
Starting point is 01:07:00 space? Um, I have a couple of people. people yeah and you know i i've i've completely changed my take on when i don't get texts or somebody can't show up uh please um please uh i would like um if you would venmo me cash for those changes All right. Check mark two and three. Okay. All good stuff. And then, uh, just like you, I identify as the affiliate owner at my box. Like you're the CEO, Jody, the CEO of CrossFit. Yes. Well, not Connecticut, but whatever. My box., but my box. I identify as the affiliate owner. And you're also the CEO of your own box.
Starting point is 01:07:55 Well, I am of my own box, my own personal box. Yeah, your own personal box, yes. No matter what is going on in the CrossFit world, I still have control over my own CrossFit life. Yes. And every woman should have control over her own box and be the CEO of her own box. That's right. Step away from the box. Yes.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Excuse me, sir. Can you take your hands off the box, please? Thank you. Thank you. Take a number and we'll call you when we're ready. Oh, my God. I've been out at a job for an hour, so I missed the first hour. So I can't wait to listen to the first hour.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Does the place that you sell cabinets at, are they good cabinets? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I have the worst cabinets in the fucking world in my house. They're from Home Depot. It's like this whole fancy, beautiful kitchen, and they are the worst. Not a single cabinet opens or closes properly. From the day that it was brand new, they didn't follow up on anything. I mean, who knows?
Starting point is 01:08:54 I bought a flip. Well, that's why I'm not with the big box. I'm with the little tiny shop where I cannot hide. If they have a problem, I'm taking care of it. Yeah. My, my kitchen is so depressing. It feels like the kitchen that you had, like when you were in college, I'm a grown ass man. I'm like rich. The one in the house that you live in right now. Yes. Well then you got to correct that. No, you can't. It'd be a hundred thousand dollars to get it done. Right. It'd be like
Starting point is 01:09:23 to get a custom cabinet guy. I had custom cabinets in my last house and my kitchen was tiny and it was so nice. You're the CEO and you don't pay your employees. So I think you can afford it. Am I right, Matt? Oh my gosh. I'm going to have to go to my secret bank account where my secret money is. Okay, wait.
Starting point is 01:09:48 I have a question for you. Okay, hurry up because we're about to go into abortion. Okay. Is Khalifa an affiliate owner? No, I don't think he is anymore. I think he did. I can't figure it out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:02 NC Fit. He was an affiliate owner for a long time, and now he has his um a pretty successful empire i think nc fit yeah yeah yeah and and and he has corporate corporate stuff sorry say that again jody yeah yeah he's a just a generous great person and i just always love when he comes on your show because he just is so natural and he just gives you his time. When he's done painting the 15 chapel, he comes over to the podcast. The whole energy on the show changes when he's on for the
Starting point is 01:10:35 better. Oh, yeah. You don't have to agree so much, Jodi. You could have just been like, okay. That was on my list in my head, but it didn't get onto the paper so i'm glad i brought that up he's good he's good so anyway well listen i've taken enough of your time you have thank you for coming all right you guys enjoy your day there on the west coast okay peace and love you too have a good day bye-bye susan to your point about ukraine small problem is that the U.S. and the U.K.
Starting point is 01:11:05 promised to protect Ukraine after they signed to gave up its... Oh, fair. Fair enough. Yeah, that's a great point. Jacek. Bait and switch. Good morning. How can I help you? You've called the 7-1 podcast.
Starting point is 01:11:21 Caller number two. Unlike the last caller, my full intentions are to simply take as much of your time as podcast. Your caller number two. Unlike the last caller, my full intentions are to simply take as much of your time as possible. Oh, thank you. How can I help you, Mr. Logan? How you doing, man? Living the dream.
Starting point is 01:11:35 I'm just getting ready to talk about abortion. Oh, man. Good thing I called in. Yep. Save the listeners. Save the listeners. Say it again? Not that. Save the listeners. Save the listeners. Say it again. Nothing.
Starting point is 01:11:47 I am simply just calling to divert. That's all. Yeah. It sounds like there's an abortion going on where you're at. It's terrible. Sorry, I had to hop from one to the other. I've been following this Ukraine thing quite closely. Okay, tell me, what the hell's going on over there?
Starting point is 01:12:09 Not closely enough to have an opinion on the live call. Oh, okay. I mean, basically what we have is, the way I'm hearing, I don't even want to get into it. I'm not ready to get into it. But there is a guy, there is a box owner in Odessa, Ukraine, that I'm WhatsAppping with, who used to work at the box in Kiev or Kiev? I'm going to say Kiev. I like Kiev better.
Starting point is 01:12:30 In Kiev. And I would like to get him on the air and hear his take. But it is a little unsettling that Ukraine has been sending weapons to Armenia for the last two or three years. Ukraine has been sending weapons to Armenia for the last two or three years. Yeah. I mean, you look at it from the perspective of the U S has been doing all sorts of things that, you know, if everybody in certain countries had, you know, smartphones and a cell, a cell signal, we'd be seeing this stuff all the time that we're seeing right now.
Starting point is 01:13:01 Good point. But it's, it's, it's pretty's pretty i don't know it's pretty sad that video of that uh spider jet that just bombs this i don't know i'm assuming it was a house next to the house the lady was recording in there's kids screaming in the background but i feel like i feel like we're all so primed to not believe what we see on TV. Well, not because of the last couple of years. Well, some of us, there's still, I think the vast majority are still completely brainwashed. In Biden's speech, he said something the other day.
Starting point is 01:13:42 He said, fund the police. And I was like tripping. I was like, wow, the cornerstone of the whole Democratic Party for the last two years, one of the cornerstones has been to defund the police. And I believe that that's one of the things that's caused the most damage to our society as a whole. Instead of trying to figure out how to work with the police, society was told by the media to attack the police. society was told by the media to attack the police and what we had is we had all the police all the police take one step back and crime just went through the roof and who suffered the most from that the poor communities right the communities that need the police the most and so murder rates are at an all-time high theft isn't an all-time high drug use is an all-time high everything is just so bad right now. And why is that? Because the Democrats got on that George Floyd bandwagon and did defund the police. Well, now out of the
Starting point is 01:14:31 blue, this guy says fund the police. So I was talking to one of my favorite Democrats and I'm like, dude, are you tripping? And they're like, what do you mean? I'm like, this is like one of the foundational elements of the Democrats is to defund the police. And they said, no, it's not. You can't lump all of us up into one box. And I'm like, holy shit. And I see Joe Rogan do this, too, a little bit where where where someone's behaving like someone's not behaving like a Democrat, but he's still calling them a Democrat because that's what they call themselves. That's not how it works. You can't you can't be I'm not how it works. You can't be. I'm telling you the rules. You can't be a Nazi.
Starting point is 01:15:10 Who is like I really like the Nazi party. Except for that one part where they killed the Jews. It doesn't work like that. You can't be a Democrat and be like. Oh I'm a Democrat. Except for that one part where it's defund the police. Then you're not a Democrat. That's like foundational shit of who they are. They hate the fucking police they're racist and they and
Starting point is 01:15:28 they profess um anti-racism which is which just pops up racism and they demand that people are offended that is the premise of the of the of the organization i don't know i don't know where i was going with that oh so my point is is that you were saying that people you think that most people know I disagree with you Lars I think most people don't know I think people like me and you who sit around and fucking drag hogs around all day mindlessly and have time to look at other forms
Starting point is 01:15:57 of media we have our eyes open but the educated class yeah the educated class they are Tell me about your hogs, Siobhan. I'd like to know more about the hogs you're dragging around all day. Fucking
Starting point is 01:16:11 dangles between my leg. Two pounds. Twelve inches long. Looks like two coke cans on top of each other. That's my fucking hog. How dare you ask me about my hog while we're live. I would say the politicians don't have anything that is actually being revealed.
Starting point is 01:16:32 They just kind of switch to whatever the popular narrative is that people want to hear. And then once they get into office, they do business as usual. And I bet if you were to look at all the issues that were ever discussed between Republican, Democrat, Republican, Democrat, or this little ping pong game we play so we could all argue with each other rather than really look at the issues and understand ain't shit changed. It's only gotten worse. So I don't really buy into the whole Republican, Democrat, what they said then, what they say now. I just think it's all pandering until they're in office. Yeah. Someone the other day just lit me up on on on social media they're like i was just ripping in the democrats and they just fucking tore into the republicans
Starting point is 01:17:11 and tell me what a dipshit i am thinking that the republicans are different and i just responded yep i agree with everything you just said like yeah it's like yeah it's like come on man like come on i like like just because i'm ripping Democrats, don't think that I'm giving the Republicans a pass. But we do need some course correction. The educated class, I'm using their terms, have completely ruined this country. I mean they are – oh, I can't call them that word. What do you mean by educated class? us if you if you if you did all my peers that i went to college with i sent i sent the exact pfizer study from the pfizer website to a friend of mine who has four kids who's a math instructor
Starting point is 01:17:57 and i said holy shit dude you should see these numbers and run these numbers and they said what are you anti-vax like jenny mccarthy i'm like like like you're a math teacher i just wrote back hey dude i just ignored what he said just the ad hominem attack and i just said hey dude you should look into the difference between relative and absolute numbers and you should also consider teaching your students that you don't have to use vaccine numbers for you could use stat numbers or any other scientific study. But that's like a really important thing to understand. What they say.
Starting point is 01:18:33 I mean, we had Zoe Hart. They just got they just kept up with the anti-vax shit. It's like, wow, you're a math teacher. And you don't want to do the math. It should be so exciting for you. The numbers. I don't even have anything. I just, uh,
Starting point is 01:18:50 automatically hit this because, uh, I just felt like, uh, boosting my ego. That's all. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 01:18:58 Hey, Chris Wayne in chat. Uh, no. Uh, tell Wad Zombie to call. Wad Zombie, if you don't call, you're a bitch., tell Wad Zombie to call. Wad Zombie, if you don't call, you're a bitch. Okay, bye.
Starting point is 01:19:08 Wad Zombie, no call, you a bitch. So the definition of abortion is induced termination of a pregnancy with destruction of the embryo or fetus. I think a fetus is like a human being that's still developing. I'd have to look that up. And then number – any various procedures that result in the termination of a pregnancy. So if something – if a woman is pregnant and you end the pregnancy, that's an abortion. and you turn and you end the pregnancy that's an abortion a cessation of normal growth especially of an organ or other body part prior to full development or maturation well and so so go back to the first definition induced termination of a pregnancy with destruction of embryo or fetus so
Starting point is 01:20:00 it's it's if you um destroy a fetus that – I wonder if that's – and I guess – I wonder what the word kill means. Can you say it kills the fetus or just – Can they say it terminates? I mean – Yeah, I just don't know if – How do you talk about it without being biased at all? being biased at all abortion is legal through and now i'm on the wiki page abortion is legal throughout the united states and its territories although restrictions and accessibility vary from state to state so uh oh since 1976 the republican party has generally generally sought to restrict abortion access or criminalize abortion. So according to this, Republicans want to make it reduce access to the termination of the embryo or fetus in a human being. So you have to somehow – oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:21:04 Let me see this. In 2018, 77.7 abortions were performed at nine weeks or less. Can you pull up what a baby looks like at nine weeks? I know that's just using my eyes too. And 92.2% of abortions were performed at 13 weeks. Wait. That's impossible. How can that be?
Starting point is 01:21:38 If 77% were performed at nine weeks, how would 92% be performed at 13 weeks or oh at 13 weeks or less okay okay that makes sense can you see what a nine-week fetus looks like well that's a description of it there the head is more erect and the neck is more developed your baby skeleton is forming but the bones are still soft little eyelids form but stay closed and nose appears during an ultrasound. Okay. Wow. All right. It's a fascinating one, man. It is a fascinating, fascinating topic topic there's a there's pictures okay all right so it's like it's it's starting to be a person it's got a fucked up head alien head yeah totally
Starting point is 01:22:39 and how do they do that i wonder how they get the baby out of there they vacuum it out or they cut the woman open or i have no idea it's a complicated issue isn't it yeah it's tough i mean it's it's um it's so tough you know it's interesting it's so tough. You know what's interesting? It's so tough. I'm still on the fence that you can't make it – I'm still on the side you can't make it illegal. But I really think that the words should be spoken out. I don't think that we should use signifiers and concepts to reduce the impact of the verbiage. It's the destruction of an embryo or fetus. It's, um, it's, uh, it's, it's, it's a lot, man. It's, it's, it's, it's, it's a lot.
Starting point is 01:23:37 And the reason why, well, it's multifaceted. Like a lot of times you hear like women saying like, uh, my body, my choice. So then they're making it about like personal medical choice. Yeah. Which apparently doesn't exist anymore in this country or other places. They induce labor. Okay. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:23:57 That makes sense. So you have the baby. The woman still has the baby, but it's just, it's, it's, it's like stillborn, I guess. And then there's this issue of like i mean there's so many different ways you go with it because then what happens if you the woman doesn't plan to get the abortion but there's complications and the only way that that woman can survive is by aborting the baby and then you have the whole entire thing of like what if it was yeah all that stuff all that stuff I can just shove to the side.
Starting point is 01:24:26 Okay. So then what do you like if the woman's going to die or if you're raped or if you're okay, so you're saying all that stuff is like, is complaining the issue. No, I don't know if I would say that. Maybe I'm maybe, maybe I just feel like, I just feel like I can push that one to like, here we go. Hey, Hey, hey. Hey.
Starting point is 01:24:49 All right. I think that those numbers are probably so small. It's like when I say there's only two sexes, male and female, and someone's like, no, there's both. Okay, fine. There's both too. The spirit of what I'm saying is correct. Those kind of details I don't think – just too hard to think about. Okay, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:25:05 Call her high. Okay, go ahead. Caller, hi. Okay, so I wanted to – you guys were talking about abortion, and you said it was a complicated issue. Yes. And I want – could you explain that a little bit more to me? Because for me it's cut and dry, but I want to know why you think it's complicated. Well, Simon, do you actually want to take it? Sorry. No, you go ahead, Matt.
Starting point is 01:25:24 My answer won't go away well let's see can we hear why you think it's cut and dry first or do you want us to go first either way is fine yeah um you sound pumped so i don't want to like derail you if you're pumped stay fired up yeah yeah i mean i am super fired up but you know but also i want to be clear so i oftentimes a lot of times when i hear this and I don't, again, kind of why I want to ask the question, because I want to know if maybe I'm, you know, misrepresenting your opinion. But a lot of times what I hear for why it's complicated is people are like, okay, well,
Starting point is 01:25:58 here's the thing. You're, you got these poor women and they've had all these kids and they can't afford another child to get rid of it. Not my issue. Don't give a fuck about that. Okay, cool. But maybe Matt does. Do you care about that, Matt?
Starting point is 01:26:10 No, I'm just saying, like, I don't really necessarily have a strong opinion on this. Like, either way, I just think that there's multiple rivers that run into this one question. I want to have a strong opinion, though. I want to be able to think clearly about it. I really want to be able to think clearly about it. I really want to be able to think clearly about it. Me too. Right. Well, my opinion is that, well, first off, it's very misrepresented. They always say it's a woman's right to choose, but really it's more like a frat boy's right to choose. Because the reality is that women want to have children, and not all, and not all the all the time but they do and they would carry that
Starting point is 01:26:46 child i mean i've seen a lot of women that have had that have had an unexpected pregnancy and have said prior to that that they didn't want to have kids and blah blah blah and they went through with the pregnancy and it's like the greatest joy in their life yeah i have two of those i have two of those right right so you know so so it is a beautiful, amazing thing. So so but a lot of times women get pressured to have an abortion by a man. So I don't think it's a women's rights thing. In fact, it's more of a misogyny thing. It's really what it is, is it's irresponsible men who don't want to pull out. They don't want to do a blowjob. They don't want to do anal.
Starting point is 01:27:23 They don't they don't. There's all sorts of different sexual options and they choose to not wear a condom and there's a million ways to prevent getting somebody pregnant but they choose not to do any of them and instead and then after they get somebody pregnant like let's kill the baby it's like insane to me i want to say i want to say one thing the blow job thing is completely absurd everyone wants a blowjob. But the anal, I'm not doing anal. Am I giving it to no one? Am I taking it?
Starting point is 01:27:51 I don't do anal. I don't fuck with your ass at all. No one's ass. That's fine. So I fall into that selfish category, but I'm falling into the weeds here. I know the spirit of what you're saying is accurate, and I agree with you. Right, right. How about just jerk off too?
Starting point is 01:28:10 Yeah, that too. what you're saying is accurate and i agree with you right right how about just jerk how about just jerk off too yeah yeah that's true and so there's a lot of sexual options that don't involve impregnating somebody and then murdering a baby and so it's like to me it's just it's very cut and dry like look we there's something called self-control we all believe in it we all believe that there's consequences for your actions what about the precedent it sets um joseph what about the precedent precedent it sets that that you don't let someone decide what happens in their body yeah i kind of see where you're going with that that part really concerns me that part really really really concerns me yeah and my friend fought back with hey dude they had right they had control over their body before they sat on the cock like a woman has a right over her body then when she sits on the cock she loses a little bit of that right and i'm like yeah oh god i hear you i hear
Starting point is 01:28:54 you but yeah what about this other argument that like we have no business we we shouldn't have any say if you have a penis that only the vagina should get to decide on this issue. How about that one? No, I don't fully agree with that. But back to your other question, though, about the control over your own body. Your friend makes a very good point. It's like, look, now we're entering into a contract the moment somebody sticks their penis inside you. So it's like now it's two people.'re conspiring together here okay yeah so immediately that that that
Starting point is 01:29:30 disrupts that and that is just a fact that it's just the reality you're making love with another human it's not it's no longer just your decision um but but but but beyond that there isn't a notion of why why why Why, though? Why? There's lots of things that aren't – because it's not fair. It still is her body. And that's – the thing that – the only reason why I care about that, it's not for like – only for legal reasons do I care about that. I don't like opening the slippery slope at all that anyone has any right over anyone else's body. Well, but that's a
Starting point is 01:30:06 facade man i mean come on we have a draft it's a total facade we have a draft like i'm like if like let's say we create world war three here in ukraine joseph two wrongs don't make a right two wrongs don't make a right my mom taught me that when i was little just because we're drafty men doesn't mean that we should be okay so so so but here's the thing that there's like like for example does then then that that should be applied to abortion i mean just one poor decision doesn't justify an even more poor decision would be killing a baby so it's like i get what you're saying about personal liberty, but that is a facade. It's killing a – it's the destruction of a fetus. Right.
Starting point is 01:30:51 I mean, I guess you could use that term too if you want, whatever. I'm just trying to, like – I'm just trying to just get my head around it. Humanize the baby? Well, no, like, I – under no circumstances should a baby ever be destroyed or a fetus should never be destroyed i right i wholeheartedly agree there's there's under no rape nothing i can i cannot in a vacuum see any reason ever to destruct a fetus right i also think and here's here's where problem is, I also think under no circumstance should you be telling people what to do with their body. Like, under not.
Starting point is 01:31:31 Yeah, see, I mean, I get where you're coming from. Not tell them, force them. Yeah, I mean, look, I see with the current situation, people trying to force people to take the vaccine or something. I don't agree with that. And legally speaking, they're wrong to try and force people to do that. However, I don't believe- I can't believe you brought the vaccine up. How dare you bring the vaccine up on my show?
Starting point is 01:31:52 Yeah, sorry. Sorry. So, however, the thing is, though, is that, you know what? People don't know what's best for them a lot of the time. That is a true thing, that people make really stupid, poor decisions. And people think, well, you know, we live in a free country and people should be allowed to do that. And I don't agree with that on everything. I don't, I don't, I don't, I'm not a libertarian at all. I don't buy into that. Say you don't buy into what? Sorry. I was checking out that
Starting point is 01:32:17 chick's dress, Stacey Ward. Say that again. Sorry. I don't buy into the notion that people should have complete control over their own bodies. I don't think that that's right. A lot of people, that's why we have the situation we do with obesity in our nations. Because people are not strongly influencing others to control their appetites and eat healthy food. And the reality is that it's killing people. So at some point, people have to make a decision. Am I going to be a libertarian and believe that everybody should be free to make their own decisions because I do it and I'm a disciplined person? Or even though the reality
Starting point is 01:32:53 is most people are not, the vast majority of people are not, and they need to be told what to do with their bodies. They need directions. That's a slippery slope because then who do you put in charge to do that? And then once power is consumed, how do you control that power? I 100% agree with that. I think that at the end of the day, we have to first start by strongly encouraging people to be moral. And we need to create some sort of moral code in our country and stop telling people that they're just an animal because who creates the moral who creates the moral code who creates the moral code well that's the thing i mean we'd have to come we'd have to come together with some sort of consensus and that would be tough but who's we who's we you would it would have to it would have to be within the government i is what would imagine. The government is just people. Or like a marriage between like a religious organization and the government. It would have to be something along those lines.
Starting point is 01:33:50 Well, then who gets to decide which religion you belong to? Like I said, I don't know if it would be necessarily religion. Well, then who gets to decide the government? Who gets to decide the government to begin with? Well, I mean, we're currently allegedly deciding what the government does, allegedly. So, I mean, like I said, we would have to, of course, it's a slippery slope, but we have to figure out something. Otherwise, our country is going to continue to go down this downward trajectory of like immorality and not believing in self-control and not believing in like very basic things. Well, who gets to decide the morality?
Starting point is 01:34:25 Who gets to decide the morals? Who gets to decide the morals? I don't know. I mean, it would have to be the country. People would have to, it would probably have to develop organically. People in their own, it would- So wouldn't that just be a collective group
Starting point is 01:34:39 of people making individual decisions that they decided for themselves and then agreeing with the decisions that they came upon after they've already decided within themselves yeah yeah you could you could it could develop that way so then isn't that libertarianism because you gave them the freedom to decide as an individual and then they just found other individuals that they happen to agree upon yeah the thing is the thing is yeah you could i mean that sounds really ideal.
Starting point is 01:35:07 That's one way that it could happen. What's another way? Well, the other way would be is the way that humanity has done this type of thing throughout all of history, which is where there's typically one person in control, and they just tell everybody what to do, and people fall in line. Most of the time, it doesn't work very well. But sometimes it does. When's a time that it's worked really well? I think that it worked really well with,
Starting point is 01:35:34 there are certain rulers like King David, with the Hebrews. I think it worked really well with him. All right, all right, all right. No King David talk. Caller, thank you. Joseph. What's up? Hi, sorry to interrupt. i have to hang up on you
Starting point is 01:35:46 but thank you that was really good thank you for your call good thoughts yep it's it's funny because once you start going down the rabbit hole of asking the questions of like who decides who's the government who puts them in charge who does all that like very quickly that argument unravels and then morals change over time and morals change depending on where you are like i think uh in some middle eastern countries it's league it's legal to marry a woman at eight years old so what seems a little early to get committed to me? Yeah, for sure. But like, so those are their morals decided by whatever the collective group of the people there. So then who are we to say that that moral is wrong versus the other one is right? religion sucks the life out of everyone you know i kind of used to have that feeling and i don't anymore i used to have that thought process and i see so much value for religion now it basically like it's a great place for the sleeping masses to huddle
Starting point is 01:36:54 to incubate it's it's a great place for people to incubate but i'm open to being wrong about that but yeah but but but that's sort of how I see it now. And I give Greg credit for kind of opening my eyes to that. If someone is doing something for the benefit of mankind, but it's wrong how they're doing it or their approach or their reason, but it's benefiting mankind, I kind of like, I need to be less self-righteous. Before you answer this call, I got to like, I got to jam. Oh, okay. Thanks, Matt. What are you doing right now?
Starting point is 01:37:34 You going to work? Yeah, I got to go to the fire department, but there's not a lot of traffic this time. So that should be great. Well, I'm going to talk with Derek Mendez. It was nice having you on the show today, Matt. Matthew Souza. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:37:45 I feel bad leaving. All right. I'll see you guys later. Bye, Matt. Bye. That's Derek. Bye, Derek. Bye, Derek.
Starting point is 01:37:54 What's up, Derek? How are you? Hey, I actually named Jason, so I don't know. Oh, hi, Jason. Kind of weird. Hey, no. I heard you guys talking about abortion. I want to just call in real quick. Sure.
Starting point is 01:38:08 Because I think there's something that everybody misses when they're talking about the issue at large. And I kind of discovered this with one of my friends who, I'd say, you know, he definitely leans pretty far left. And I like to think of myself as more in the middle, but I probably would say I lean right. And we were having a good conversation about it. And he pointed out to me that, in general, where people should start with this issue is that less is better.
Starting point is 01:38:38 Like, neither side is saying, hey, we need more abortions. And so, you know, starting from that point where we both acknowledge that, hey, less abortion is good. How do we get there? And so, you know, there was somebody who wrote in the comments, Derek or Jason, there was somebody who wrote in the comments like those women didn't even want those babies to start with, which which kind of makes me think I'm not sold on it, but maybe that premise isn't right, that we all want less. I mean, I hope you're right. I hope you're right. But OK, let's just go down that path anyway. So we want less abortion and the ways to do that are to do less abortions and to practice more safe sex.
Starting point is 01:39:17 Is that is that where you're going? Sorry to interrupt you. Yeah, I mean, I think those would be a couple of ways for sure. Um, but, uh, I, I guess when we're looking at solutions, more, more what I'm saying rather than offering a solution. Uh, but when we're looking and examining solutions, uh, to this palm at large, uh, just starting from a point where we're, you know, a point that we can both sides can agree on no matter what you mean is important. Because otherwise, I mean, it's just going to, you know, you turn it into this combative. I mean, it just escalates unnecessarily. Where can we start to agree on? Can we agree that no one really wants there to be abortions? You know, it's funny you say that is there are those wackadoodle videos you see on instagram where there's like 10 ladies and they're all holding a pill and they're like we're all pregnant we're gonna abort our baby and they're holding they all swallow the pill like i don't know if it's true or not but it's like holy shit this is like some dark shit yeah well and i
Starting point is 01:40:17 think that develops because people get so lost in their uh you know in their in their concept of concept of, of, of what it is, it becomes this, you know, this line they draw on the sand and they're going to defend it at all costs rather than cross the bridge and talk to the other side and figure out, you know, a real solution. But basically, and I'm a Christian, so, you know, I don't really mind saying this. What Christians and what people who are right, you know, we, we tend to think that abortion is right. Like killing a baby. But the problem is that the problem with that though, is that when you say something like that to a woman who has had it or
Starting point is 01:41:01 contemplating having it you're, you're essentially accusing them of murder, which, you know, just trying to wrap your mind around that. Like if I'm a young woman who, you know, has had an abortion and is contemplating one, I'd have to change my entire frame of reference to think of it that way. And if I went down that way way it would just make me depressed and feel awful and there'll be a guilt that lives with me the rest of my life so that's why i think i'm concerned about that for women too to tell you the truth i'm concerned with the fact of like women think they're going to get an abortion they get the abortion and then they have to live with
Starting point is 01:41:38 something the rest of their life that really really fucking sucks like i'm thinking for them like that so what they do though like i have a friend who got an abortion she thought the baby was gone and then she ended up having the baby and i like i know like like it's the greatest thing ever like her and her kid are like right she's like the best mom ever this kid's like the best kid ever it's like right holy shit it was a little bit older they told her the baby's gone she went and got the abortion baby's gone and she had the baby and it's like man like that's amazing yeah it's it's it's crazy when you get and i love this kid i love this woman and it's like i support her either way but it's
Starting point is 01:42:19 that's a that's a hell of a story man yeah. Yeah, I mean, it really is. Yeah, it's nuts. And that's the best outcome of all this, right, is a story like that. But the reason you get people who get their pitchforks and torches on both sides, especially on the side where you maybe see an Instagram video of 10 women taking the pills at once and kind of cheering on they they almost have to go that way otherwise you know they can get caught up questioning the action and and that's why you have that result it has to be questioned it has to be questioned it's a destruction and i agree yes it's not like absolutely absolutely we can't question it what makes us human what makes us better than dogs right and that's where i think it's so important to agree on like okay what can we agree on and which you know less is more and then i think the other thing too that people don't
Starting point is 01:43:15 consider is you know as a christian um the the concept of or just the question when the when the light starts it's such a simple, but if we could agree on that, or at least understand where the other person is coming from, then that would help a lot in the conversation. Because you can't point at me and say, hey, I don't care about women. No, that's not the issue. It's just I care about what I consider the life in woman. What would you define as life?
Starting point is 01:43:42 What would you define as life? Well, right, and that's the question i i mean if you were to say the baby can't be aborted it can't be destroyed once it's a it's a it's alive i wonder what that definition of alive is because part of me thinks that maybe we were all we've always been alive and that we and that we can't be destroyed well and that's how how Christians tend to approach life in general is that God knew us before we were even born. And so that's why a lot of Christians, we're taking such a strong stance against abortion. But on the other side, right,
Starting point is 01:44:22 it's like with my friend, right? So I was talking about, who leans left. We also want to care about the women. And so we don't want to accuse them of being murderers. But we also need to agree on a starting point, which is, hey, less is more. And then I think the other piece to that is understanding is understanding where the, what, where the other person believes life begins and, and we can cut through a ton of, you know, the,
Starting point is 01:44:53 the weeds just by examining those two points is what I found because I have a ton of liberal friends and conversations tend to be more productive when the answer goes to different things. Jason, thank you. Yeah, absolutely. Thank you, Siobhan. Okay, bye. All right, peace. All right.
Starting point is 01:45:13 Blanco. Blanco. Blanco. Siobhan. Blanco. Hello. Blanco. All right.
Starting point is 01:45:19 I'm not listening to the show on my phone, but now we're on the phone, so it's all good. All right. So I'm listening to this guy. Yeah, I'm listening listening to the show on my phone, but now we're on the phone. So it's all good. All right. So I'm listening to this guy. Yeah, I'm listening to this guy break down his Christian perspective and the Western perspective of abortion and all those things. And I think to myself, the key piece of this is murder and killing, right? That's kind of the basis of where we go and then you can
Starting point is 01:45:46 kind of branch off onto the destruction of the fetus which is kind of dehumanizing it in a sense and I think all the points are valid but the, I think one key thing that
Starting point is 01:46:01 separates the two ideas is yeah the humanization of it um and one thing that i think that a lot of us do is uh we eat animals right and i eat animals for sure but one thing that i can't seem to ration and i'm just gonna put this out there as an open point for the viewers is why do we kill and consume animals, but then also look at killing people as an issue? And I completely agree that killing people is wrong and that killing animals needlessly is wrong, but to use them as food is good for us. And one of the Ten Commandments is thou shall not murder. So I just like to put that out there for all of you.
Starting point is 01:46:51 Don't those people, the Christian people, don't they also like there's something in there that God gave us dominion over all the animals or all the planet or something? And so therefore we can just eat whatever we want. Isn't there like some sort of rationalization? Maybe not even rationalization, direct order from their boss? I think so. But it might be more, I thought it was more over the plants and the natural world. I guess it's all up to interpretation. It was based on Hebrew and all that.
Starting point is 01:47:20 Five people are going to come in, call in and be like, yo, God said we could eat these motherfuckers. Yeah. Over animals. Is that what, is that what comes out? Because it seems a little odd, but I'll just let that, let that play out.
Starting point is 01:47:36 Uh, the human rule over animals does not mean we have the right to mistreat or misuse animals. Isn't it funny? You can look up on the internet what God meant. Yeah, exactly. Right.
Starting point is 01:47:48 People like that. Take that word. This is so cool that God gave us the internet. The word dominion means rule or power over. God has sovereign power over his creation and has delegated the authority to mankind. I don't know. So can you sum up what you were saying in a nutshell,
Starting point is 01:48:06 sir? Yeah, sorry. I kind of went off. know so can you sum up what you were saying in a nutshell sir yeah sorry i kind of went no no it's okay um basically why why can we murder animals yeah and not murder people with no moral issue there you know and i'm not arguing for murdering people i'm arguing i guess against the murder of animals but when i eat it when i eat a big piece of steak i feel fantastic me too so um i don't like the fact that animals have to be yeah i've had that same thing i mean i used to have this girlfriend in college and she had a bumper sticker on she was vegan she had a bumper sticker on her car that said don't kill animals and then she also had a pro-choice sticker on man people would just drive by us and be screaming at us yeah i can only imagine yeah that uh yeah but i was i was in college i just wanted i didn't care about anything except the fact that she was a girl and that she had a vagina
Starting point is 01:48:58 and boobs i didn't care about her bumper stickers then all right well thank you for calling yeah i've matured i've come so far i've come so far you're allowed to eat steak in christianity well thank you that's a cool religion i don't think most murders come without some moral price probably you're right okay guys thank you very much uh it's it's I think in summation, what the practice here today is even if we don't come up with an answer, and I'm sure some of you did come up with answers or you have your answers, but the fact that something like this can be talked about and that it's important that it's talked about. And that through talking about it, we get – we find not the answer maybe, but new ways of talking about it. Because a lot of times, not only do we not know how to think, but we don't know how to look at things from different angles. So I feel like a lot of us just look at our hand like this all day, and it takes someone else to be like, hey, look at this side. And you're like, whoa.
Starting point is 01:50:07 Great show. Had fun. Thanks for tolerating my glasses today these are my cool glasses uh oh let me tell you some of the shows that are coming up oh i don't have my calendar do i have my calendar we have a crazy schedule coming up oh my goodness did you guys see the Flowing Dutchman show? That was so cool. That guy was so cool. If you are a young man or a young woman, that is what you want. You want to find your passion and travel the world sharing it with people. Okay, tomorrow we have AJ Fletcher on, UFC fighter.
Starting point is 01:50:37 He is, I want to say, 9-0 in the 171-pound class. He's been on the show before. We're having him on again tomorrow. Then on Sunday we have Alex Caceres on, another ufc fighter he's on a five fight win streak and then at 10 a.m we have another ufc fighter on called cody durden and the thing with cody is after cody won his match he beat a guy from china he said i sent this motherfucker packing back to china and daniel cormier got scared and ran off with the mic. And a bunch of people attacked this guy for being racist.
Starting point is 01:51:07 And I remember thinking, why is that racist to say, I sent this guy packing back to China? You should totally be able to say that. You should be able to say, I sent this guy packing back to Armenia. I sent this guy packing back to wherever the fuck he's from. He's pumped up. They were just in a fight. You can say whatever you want.
Starting point is 01:51:23 But the fact that everyone's so scared of that or think that that's racist you're out of your fucking mind that's not racist at all that's like when um um what was the president's uh donald trump said that uh that mexico is sending us their their worst people that's not racist that's that's not or or or when he called obama muslim or said he's from kenya these aren't racist terms that i was just watching john oliver the other day and he was accusing trump of being racist by saying said he's from Kenya, these aren't racist terms that I was just watching John Oliver the other day. And he was accusing Trump of being racist by saying that he's from Kenya or saying that he's Muslim.
Starting point is 01:51:49 These, these people don't know what racism means. Anyway, I'm excited to have the guy on the show. We can talk about it. What that is, is that's, that's character assassination.
Starting point is 01:51:57 That's, that's horrible. That, that is retarded levels of communication. When you do that to people, when you take what they've said and you run with it make presuppositions and then announce it to the world it's bad it's really unhealthy anyway then on monday we have another ufc fighter it's like it's like just ufc week
Starting point is 01:52:14 um chris montanillo um he was the guy he's been on the show before too he shot uh he fought sugar sean o'malley and he has another fight coming up, and I'm excited to see him fight. And then in the evening on Monday, we're coming back at 6.30 p.m. We have two shows on Monday, and it's the open recap of week number two. What a bizarre turn of events. The way they read the rules, the CrossFit Games has lost its fucking mind. You go to the website, and there's one set of rules for the open this week, and then you watch the video that adrian bosman gave and it's another set of rules
Starting point is 01:52:48 and i get it anyone with like anyone could figure it out what they mean but when you have 200 000 people who've registered for this thing you need to be clear crossfit is complete this open is a complete shit show but we'll hopefully we'll talk that, what a mess it is, the whole jumping over the bar fiasco. And we'll have Angelo DiCicco and Brian Friend on at 6.30 on Monday evening. Then on Tuesday the 8th, I don't see anyone. And then on Wednesday the 9th, we have Patrick Bet-David, which I'm super excited about. And then on the 10th, we have David Rush. I think he set more than 200 Guinness Book World Records. I'm super excited about. And then on the 10th, we have David Rush. I think he set more
Starting point is 01:53:25 than 200 Guinness book world records. I'm excited about that. And then on the Friday, the 11th, we have Greg Anderson. If you don't know who Greg Anderson is, you should follow him on Instagram. He is a police officer from Washington. And I do believe his story is he, well, we'll find out. It's a great story. Okay, guys. Thank you very much. Peace.

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