The Sevan Podcast - #320 - AJ Fletcher

Episode Date: March 6, 2022

UFC Fighter: "The Ghost" Empire of the Summer Moon: Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanches, the Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History: Gwynne, S. C.: 8589671111113: Books Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order: Why Nations Succeed or Fail (Audible Audio Edition): Ray Dalio, Jeremy Bobb, Ray Dalio, Simon & Schuster Audio: Books Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - WORLD'S #1 JOB BOARD FOR THE CROSSFIT COMMUNITY - 50% off first year with code "sevan22" h Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:42 We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions Bam, we're live. Hey, you're in a new spot. No, I'm in the same spot. Different camera? Same camera. I changed the flag in the back.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Oh, you did? It was a different U.S. flag? No, I had like a Matty Rogers flag. It said, I can't remember what it said, but I put it in the gym instead. You're a good dude. Public gym? Like the gym on base? Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:01:31 It's my own garage gym. You have a garage gym? Yeah. Dang. It's kind of nice. And you got your Star Wars shit in the background? Yeah. How old are you?
Starting point is 00:01:41 Only 26. Wow. AJ, look at your, oh, you're a year older than AJ. A year. One year. One year. AJ, this is nice, buddy. You with the apex of the triangle over your head,
Starting point is 00:01:57 the back kind of mysterious, you well lit. You see that little dude right there? Yes. Creepy, huh? Yeah, is that like some tribute to some soldier what is that like murph or something kind of it's uh have you ever heard joe rogan talk about uh kwana parker no okay so it's a comanche the last like comanche kind of war chief i guess i don't want to go off on a on a whole tangent but he's a cool dude real cool i want you to go off on a tangent before but first he's a cool dude, real cool dude. I want you to go off on a tangent before – but first I want to say one thing.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Guys, we've done a podcast with AJ Fletcher before. Since then, the podcast has exploded. I'm so excited. I went back and looked at the last podcast we did. Holy cow, were we primitive back then. I didn't even have this beard. um this guy um my biggest concern about aj fletcher is that him and my other favorite in the 171 are someday gonna have to meet up and it is jack de la magdalena who it's a scrap brother yeah these you're looking um these are two of my favorites i my favorite
Starting point is 00:03:00 part about the next level i've taken my UFC fanship to is to jump on bandwagons. Um, but before what's crazy is even when I do jump on the AJ Fletcher bandwagon, you already have this huge, like catalog behind you of fights and battles and it's nuts. But, um,
Starting point is 00:03:21 uh, AJ, we did a podcast with them. Great guy. Uh, he, he's smart as fuck, biology major. He uses Android, makes me hate him, but know that he's smart. And he is fighting on March 12th against a guy who, this guy's a handful.
Starting point is 00:03:41 This guy is a handful. Matthew Semelsberger, I think he destroyed Jason Witt who I had on the show who I really liked. And, um, and, and, and there's, even though AJ is a large man at five 10, uh, this guy is a giant, uh, for the weight class, uh, eight inch, uh, reach differential, which, uh, AJ doesn't respect the reach statistic. I saw your podcast. What? Said not at all. And these are two extremely, extremely powerful men. And when AJ wins this, it is going to do
Starting point is 00:04:20 something very interesting to his career. I normally don't have any interest in interviewing the matchmakers, but this one I'm so curious because you are a beautiful man. The cameras love you. Yes, yes. You're extremely talented. Your physique just screams all sorts of crazy shit, and yet they're just putting you right away with this uh but the guy's been around a little bit more in in in the ufc so um i mean both you guys did
Starting point is 00:04:51 it's a tough sport right every fight is like the super bowl there's no homeostasis you're either going better or worse exactly dude each fight from here on out and i mean really from the beginning of your career if you're doing it right each fight is going to be bigger and bigger and bigger. That's what you want. That's what you come to expect. And for them, like you said, Matt's a tough guy to have as a debut, you know, and I feel like for them giving you are considering this your debut. Sorry to interrupt. You're considering this your debut. Yeah, dude. I got the contender fight, but I don't know. I want that first UFC win under my belt for me to really feel like I'm in that thing. And for them to kind of give me somebody like Matt right away with some wins, some knockouts under his belt. Yeah, it's a big step. It's a big risk, I guess some people would say,, they've seen my skill level. They see what I bring to the table and they think that I match up well with somebody like this. Getting to, you know, be the feature prelim on my first, my debut. Like, how many people wish for that? You know, and it's coming true. So I feel like I've done the work to get here and I feel like I deserve it.
Starting point is 00:05:58 And, you know, I know Matt's a tough test, but I feel like I'm right where I belong. The dude you fought, Leonardo, is a savage too in the Contender Series. That's why it's kind of hard to say that that's not a debut. That guy was no joke. Oh, yeah. He could swing some hammers, bro. Boy, hit hard. So tell me about this guy in the background. Can you spell that word, Caleb, whatever that guy's name was?
Starting point is 00:06:20 Let me turn on the light so you can see him a little bit easier. All right. I was going to call him a Navajo, but that was the racial light so you can see him a little bit easier all right i was gonna call him a navajo but that was that was the um racial comanche that was what they used to call did you ever see the movie young guns i don't think so oh it's so good and and one of the i'm trying uh what's that actor's name he's a um what is that actor's name he was in labamba but anyway he plays a native american in it and the whole time the other guys are just keep calling him navajo now like as a as a racial slur so as i said it i'm like oops um but i but i'm exempt i look like osama bin laden i can say whatever i
Starting point is 00:06:57 want fair enough kuwana parker was a war leader of oh hold on hold on caleb don't get squirrely he was a war leader of kawadi antelope band of the kamachi he was likely born into okay okay he did something tell us you're gonna have to give us the cliff yeah i can give you i can give you this part no it's basically his mom they say it there cynthia ann parker was uh she was a frontiers lady i guess um kind of when the west was being settled. And back then the Comanches, a lot of times they would go and they would raid a lot of these forts and take captives and stuff like that from, you know, from people kind of coming in on their land.
Starting point is 00:07:35 And one of the reasons that the book says that they did this is like a little aside, but the Comanches rode, they were notorious like horsemen and horsewomen like they just lived on horseback probably 80 percent of their lives just following the buffalo herds and all that but what it did is a lot of the women had had trouble childbearing so one of the ways that they would keep the population numbers in their tribe up is they would go and they would raid and then you know take women Cynthia Ann Parker was one of those women and she was a young girl whenever she was taken eventually like as she kind of lived with the tribe more and more, she became assimilated in some way into the tribe to the point where I think three separate times settlers had capture been able to capture her and make trades for her or something. And she refused to go back to, you know, civilized life, to European life.
Starting point is 00:08:22 She's she wanted to stay with with the indian way of life and uh that can happen to kids too if you raise them as democrats i was raised as a democrat and i escaped but it can a lot of us don't escape a lot of us don't like you yeah i escaped yeah but go on so but she did she didn't escape okay go on right so she uh i think she ended up marrying a like one of the war chiefs or uhs or a soldier or something from their tribe and ended up getting Kiwana Parker. He grows up, becomes like this human, just the face of, I guess, their military, if you will. You know, a savage war leader, stuff like that over time in his life. So that guy's 50 percent whitey, that guy that we're looking at right there. That 50% you 50% Native American yeah man man he looks probably wow okay sorry go on no you're good he
Starting point is 00:09:13 was uh anyway like as they start as we started kind of you know moving everybody into reservations and you know starting to head that direction a little bit. He transitioned from this savage war leader and figured out, taught himself English, taught himself all these different things and essentially became a fighter on the, what would you say, political front, I guess. He was able to carve out opportunities for them. He was able to make sure that they got the fair end of the deals, at least in some ways. Obviously they still got, you know, massively screwed over and everything, but yeah, just the,
Starting point is 00:09:48 he, he's to me is a guy that embodies like the whole, like warrior ethos, not just of, you know, blood and guts, but also brains and, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:56 being able to fight verbally and, you know, those little mental battles, I guess as well. So super cool dude. And the book is the book about him and his mom, Cynthia and Parker's called empire of the summer moon. It's really, really good. You read it. i guess as well so super cool dude and the book is the book about him and his mom cynthia and parker is called empire of the summer moon it's really really good you read it oh yeah it's
Starting point is 00:10:10 awesome you're you're a you're a what what do you call people who read a lot didax is that is that a word i guess maybe that is that a word caleb you're smart i don't know about didact didact is not what you call people like you read a lot didacts I remember that from the last emperor of the what emperor empire of the summer moon empire of the summer moon someone told someone recently uh dme is like dude you guys talk about so many good books in your podcast please put them in the notes okay we're going to try to put that one in there empire of the summer moon as suggested by aj fletcher as we like usual on this podcast recycle content from joe rogan thank you joe rogan the seven podcast recycle joe rogan content what
Starting point is 00:10:56 send them everybody bro it's a bibliophile it's a bibliophile? What's a didact? Didact is a person over-inclined to instruct others. Oh, yeah, that's me. God, can you imagine living with me? Lou Diamond Phillips. Thank you, Adam. Richie Valens. I think he played Richie. I think Richie Valens is a singer, and Lou Diamond played Richie Valens.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Right? Richie Valens is La Bamba. Okay. Yes, yes, yes. All right, all right. You, do you have any choice for the fight? AJ, you're just kicking it and someone calls you. I know it's been six months and when I talked to you before,
Starting point is 00:11:42 it's maybe even seven months by the time you fight, right? Yeah. And that was a longer wait than the time you fight, right? Yeah. And that was a longer wait than you wanted? Oh, absolutely, man. I want to be in there. I want activity. I want to feel like there's no way to kind of – you can train. You can kind of get ready for fights and all that, and we have been.
Starting point is 00:11:58 I was gearing up for something in December that ended up not coming to fruition and just kind of rolled that into getting you know, getting ready for March. But, yeah, I'm somebody who likes being in there. I like feeling that canvas under my feet, and I like, you know, feeling those little butterflies walking in there. I don't think there's anything that can replicate that. And the more you're in there, you know, the more – I think the more comfortable you get, the more experience you get,
Starting point is 00:12:20 the more – it's everything, man. You can't beat it. And where are you guys fighting? It's going to be in the apex in las vegas and the week after that they're going do you are you a fan of the sport yeah absolutely so so you'll watch the fights tonight oh 100 there's some guys that just aren't fans of the sport and i always wonder about that we're about to have alex casares on and he says he doesn't watch the sport at all that he's not into sports but i wonder like if in the beginning like how did he even find out about it like in the beginning did he watch it i don't know he could
Starting point is 00:12:54 have been one of those guys who came from like a traditional especially alex from remembering his background right came from a traditional martial arts background and then kind of blended into mma and he was a street he was a street fighter too there there's there's footage of him like you know doing the a lot of the backyard shit like the shit jorge used to do is there really damn i haven't seen that let's go scrounge yeah yeah it's it's it's it looks um those scenes look scarier to me than actually fighting you're in some dude's backyard there's 200 dudes back there there's dudes like pushing you back into the center while you're fighting it's like high school shit pretty much dude though have you ever seen the old videos of uh kimbo and i mean when george
Starting point is 00:13:34 fought back then yeah that's some real stuff dude that's some real stuff what was the one video of kimbo he's like fighting a cop and like they're they're like in a kitchen i mean it's organized there's like five or six people there but he fights this giant new york city cop giant dude and they're like fighting and like they're fighting inside like in a small enclosed area it's fucking nuts and they go to war they go to war oh is this it we're gonna get no no this isn't the this isn't the one i this isn't the one i was referencing but that looks like the dudes again oh you're gonna get us kicked off of youtube um aj do you feel stronger than the other guys at 170 yeah um i'd say i feel about average i do feel like in certain positions my body frame is stronger than you know stronger than most especially like a guy
Starting point is 00:14:33 like matt for example he's gonna have his strengths but my how would i say it my uh i'm stronger than him on the inside when i get close and i feel like his strength has to have more room to be able to work, if that makes any sense. Yeah. A lot of 170 guys. I get this impression from watching your fights that people are, when you grab them, that there's like an oh, fuck factor that they get. Like, oh, fuck. This doesn't feel like the guys I trained with. feel like the guys I trained with. There's a, there's a thickness or, and you're not,
Starting point is 00:15:09 it's not like you're short, but there's a thickness and a rotundness to you and a, and a, and yet an athleticism that doesn't, that they, that they weren't able to train with that. You're a very unique athlete. I think so. And I think that goes like, yeah, it's part of my strength, but it's part of, you know, how I squeeze and stuff like that. But it's also understanding how to get them in positions where it's a hundred, you know, how I squeeze and stuff like that. But it's also understanding how to get them in positions where it's a hundred percent of my body weight and my strength versus 20%, 30%. So even bigger guys, I've gone against 300 pound guys and made them look like they were like 125 pound females, just because I know how to put them in positions where they're compromised and they can't use that strength. And I can use mine mine and there's a certain way of of riding that lightning with other strong guys so that they put
Starting point is 00:15:49 themselves in that own position where i'm not using my strength i'm just kind of flow and i'm a big wet water blanket or whatever just letting you move and then when i get you in that spot then i clamp down and when i clamp down well good luck homeboy you're in for a rough night yeah and it seems like you're comfortable. It seems like the announcers say this all the time, and sometimes you see it and sometimes you don't, but you definitely see it with you. You'll love standing up and punching,
Starting point is 00:16:15 but your threat of your takedown is like for real. It's like no one's ever safe, and you're so fast. And you don't have a wrestling background, do you? No, I just did soccer and football. Yeah. It's nuts. Yeah. I just, go ahead. I'm just wondering how you were able to cultivate that so quick. Like they would, you know, you would think, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:41 they show the videos of all these great Russian, you know, guys, and they're wrestling at three and four and five years old. And yet you're you're you're a grown up when you cultivated that skill. Yeah. Well, so I think it's I think there's a couple of parts to it. I think the first one is that if we look at a traditional wrestling background, the distance that they start from is very close. Usually they're shooting takedowns from, you know, hands on their head or they're touching each other already. MMA, if you look at the distance, we're shooting from three or four feet, two or three feet, two to five feet, I'll say longer than a traditional wrestling shot. So if you try the usual wrestling shot where you drop your knee on the ground and, you know, you try to
Starting point is 00:17:19 drive your knees or whatever, you're probably going to get stuffed in an MMA fight. But if you adapt that, you learn the wrestling takedown, you learn all the things that make that work, and you adapt that with a football tackle where you're driving your legs, you're pushing, you're moving, whatever. I feel like that's kind of the best one for MMA. It transfers over the most. And having that football background and having a student mindset of, of going deep into the wrestling and figuring out what parts of a wrestling, what parts of wrestling need to be implemented, what parts of a football tackle need to be implemented and all that. And then combining that with, like you said, I'm comfortable in my feet.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Whenever you have somebody that can close that distance very fast, when you have somebody that can strike on the feet, when you have somebody that can take you down when they're punching or when you're punching, it just causes so many different questions. And all those different questions create little microseconds in those little transitions that we're doing between punching to kicking or kicking to punching or punching to wrestling. All those little microseconds add up and they stack in my favor just because he's worried about so many different things and by the time that happens man it doesn't matter if you're a d2 wrestler a d1 all-american or a fucking high school football player if you get on somebody's hips and you know how to drive you're gonna take them down especially if you got good timing the second you
Starting point is 00:18:39 get taken down as a as an mma fighter what should you do get on your hip push the head start finding find to the fence get your knee on the mat and go like it's what some guys i feel like when they go down they start dealing with being down and some guys and i'm naive like i don't fight and some guys i feel like when they get taken down they stand up and i know that sounds like an oversimplification but there are these guys that seem like that they're trained that no matter what happens when they go down, the next thing they need to do is stand up. And I know you gave some steps to it, but then there's other guys who start dealing with being on the ground. Like, like the guy who pops in my name, it's kind of unfair to use him as an example is like Izzy. The second he goes down, he's getting back up.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Like he did. There's no like he's not fucking around down there. Yeah, there's no. And I feel like a lot of I feel like that that's always the best strategy. The second you go down to just like like literally as you're falling down, start working on getting back up. Don't even try to fuck with the guy like at all. If you want to go down, take him down on your own on your own terms. Yeah, no, I'm with you.
Starting point is 00:19:45 I think, and you're starting to see that more and more. You know, I think as the game progresses, guys are not willing to accept that takedown, not willing to accept that position. I think jujitsu guys, guys with that kind of background are more willing to accept being on their back because they're just used to it more. They're used to triangles and arm bars and stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:03 But now the game is in a spot i think where most people have at least a decent level of jujitsu to where when you start adding punches in that if you accept being on your back with somebody on top punching you understand jujitsu as well it's not as advantageous as it was maybe seven years ago to just accept the takedown so So now guys like Izzy, especially strikers and stuff, you're seeing they have that more of a wrestling mindset where you're scrambling. As soon as your butt hits the mat, you're trying to get up. You're using your energy, whatever. But there's also a bit of a trade-off where, okay, how early is it in the fight? How
Starting point is 00:20:38 much energy do I have? How much energy am I willing to expend on not accepting this takedown? Whereas if I accept the takedown, can I get up in a stepwise manner that maybe, you know, saves my arms a little bit for later in the fight? There's all those kind of little, what would you call them? Little transactions, I guess, that go on in your head, little judgment decisions. And those are like finely tuned with how you train. So it's, I guess it kind of depends on, you know, what somebody's base is, what somebody's conditioning level is, how early it is in the fight how late whatever um there's a lot of things that go into it do you train that just getting right back up as soon as someone takes you down yeah
Starting point is 00:21:13 yeah hell yeah i wonder if that's standard high school wrestling shit too it's got to be right because as soon as you hit the bat i mean as soon as you hit the mat you're one you're down two points and two somebody's trying to pin you so So I assume that, you know, that's the way it goes. You do people. What is your five, 10? What is that in the 170 pound class? Is that is that average? Do you know what the average height is in that class? It's probably I'd say five eleven11", I'd say is the average. I'm 5'10", with socks on. They didn't ask whenever the UFC.
Starting point is 00:21:51 I was like, you know what? I'll give myself a little liberty. No, I'm definitely on the shorter side for the weight class. That's interesting. And what do you walk around at again, AJ? I can get up to mid-190s, but generally I'm 87, 87 88 and what's the heaviest you've been in your whole life when i was playing high school football i got up to 207 205 around there it's crazy to think that volkanovsky was 240 huh yeah it's fucking nuts
Starting point is 00:22:18 i think and now he's 145 i think he said 214 in the Australian accent. I know because the 240 thing I kind of got ran with, and I think he addressed it in one of his interviews. I was like, okay, that makes a little bit more sense. But he's a thick boy. That reminds me of one time I used to work for CrossFit Inc. And the owner said that the CrossFit ecosystem was worth $4 billion. And then Forbes Magazine published it that CrossFit was worth $4 billion.
Starting point is 00:22:48 And then from then on, it just ran with it. And I was like, all right, fuck it. Why correct it? 214 is still nuts. He's tiny, right? I mean, he's probably like 5'5". Yeah, he's a 45er, dude. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:23:02 When you're on a dude and you're submitting him and he's tapping, do you stop or do you wait until the ref comes over? Ref, for sure. They're in there for a reason. If they're not in there, then I know what I'm trying to do, and it doesn't stop at that. In training, yeah, 100%. I'll get you in a submission,
Starting point is 00:23:23 and I'll refrain from doing the last 10 of a submission i like getting people in arm bars kimuras whatever and holding the position like where their their arm needs to if it extends two more inches it's gonna pop but i don't do that i just hold that position as long as i can yeah in a fight bro you're cranking that sucker i don't until the ref comes and i feel his his hands on me or he steps in it's getting cranked on so literally it's funny because i was talking to nikki rodriguez about this the guy from who trains in uh with b team do you know who that is a jujitsu guy and i was like hey do you really what do you really try to snap their arm and break
Starting point is 00:24:02 their arm off he said yeah i'm like really you don't just go and like know you're in a good position he's like no you're just you're trying to tear their arm off and you can't even what's crazy is that's so savage but from the viewer's perspective you can't even tell what's happened you can't you can't tell that that's what's happening that that's the motive right well i would just think that we would see more arms just like i've never seen i mean we saw what happened to um tony ferguson's arm right we saw it bend backwards a little bit and hyperextend and then he didn't tap and the fight went on but but you would think that some of these positions you guys put the guys in that actually we would see it actually fold the other way but you never see that i've seen a i think two in the past year it was weird there was a string of them like over a span of two months there was like two or three arm breaks from arm bars that
Starting point is 00:24:55 were just disgusting um but in the ufc you saw them yeah i think one was uh was it Jacare maybe Jacare was one and then there was one other guy at least maybe two oh that's right someone did it to Jacare that's right he's a newer guy too I think uh got him from an armbar from the back he it was actually that same guy I think I think he did that to the guy before he fought uh man I can't remember his name. Andre Muniz? Yes, that's the one. Did he win by armbar before Jacare too? Good job, Caleb. I have no idea, but I found the video.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Yeah, this thing's gnarly. Damn. You going to get us kicked off again, Caleb? Yeah, probably. I'll take it down. Unless you want to go straight to the part where their arms breaking off. So, so you can't tell your manager, Hey, it's been six months. It's been like two months. I want to get back in and they call someone over there.
Starting point is 00:25:56 They do. But when we did a lot, it was just, you know, for, for December, I was trying to get on Dustin's card and it was a lot of, yeah, we we're looking we're looking we're trying we're trying we're looking and then just kind of staying on my manager like hey make sure we're you know we're keeping that little bug in their ear that we want to fight so then it was January we're looking we're looking then it was you know I think in late January I found out that they had matched me for March and I was like all right well screw it we're gonna rock with March um but I can kind of tell them to put that bug in their ear, but at some point they're tired of that little bug being in their ear. So you don't want to do it too much. Right. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:32 But definitely you let them know that you're ready. I wonder what the math is on that. I think I heard there's like 550 dudes on the roster. You could, you could probably do the math. And then, and then if there's 20 dudes who fight, I don't know, are there 20 matches every Saturday? Yeah, probably 20 matches. Probably around 12 to 15, I'd say. Okay, let's say 12 for the sake of the math.
Starting point is 00:26:56 So there's 12 dudes, so that's 12 matches, so that's 24 guys, and let's say that they fight 40 weeks a year. What's 24 times 40? 800 and something? 880? Is that? Let's say that they fight 40 weeks a year what's 24 times 40 i mean 800 and something 880 is that let's say it's 880 so that is kind of every guy gets to fight twice yeah right i hope you get a little bit more because then there's also injuries too you gotta think there's yeah visa issues now and all that shit too um and there's at the big at the the pay-per-view events there's definitely more than 12 fights it's just like on the fight nights the the ones in the apex it's usually from what i found 10 to 12 or so are you have you had to fight out of the country since this thing had this whole um pandemic thing so-called pandemic thing happened
Starting point is 00:27:39 no i have not have you gotten the medicine for it i guess you can call it the medicine but no i didn't you didn't get them yeah right um what are you gonna do i was just i'm having cody durden on the show and he's going to fight over in england and he said he got it to he got the medicine um to uh because he's going over there and that he had to bite the bullet and do it for his family would you do that if they told you to fight overseas would you take the medicine no i would not yeah did you see um novak djokovic i saw is there any recent developments with him i saw that stuff i guess a couple months ago i mean i mean basically he's he's a serbian i think the sir i i think the serbian president even said about five months ago, he got on the air and he addressed his people, and he said, hey, either – I watch CNN every day.
Starting point is 00:28:32 And it's so funny to see the Serbian president say this. He goes, either they're batshit crazy or I'm batshit crazy, but one of us is batshit crazy. I'm going to go with they're batshit crazy, and we're lifting everything. We're not doing that. There is no coronavirus in our country anymore. It's just the cold. Yeah, right? And this guy, Novak is Serbian, right?
Starting point is 00:28:56 He's Serbian, right, Caleb? He's Serbian, and what's crazy is he has 20 Grand Slam wins. I'm not even a huge tennis fan. And then Federer had 20 Grand Slam wins slam wins and nadal had 20 grand slam wins so you got these three guys tied for the three greatest tennis players of all time and that sport is nuts i've watched a little bit of it it's fucking nuts and to be that good and um and and they won't let him play in australia because he didn't get the injection. Just make him sign a fucking waiver.
Starting point is 00:29:28 He's an adult. I'll be responsible if I die from COVID in your country. It's one thing, too, if it's maybe, say it's rugby, right? You're rubbing up on each other and all that. You're tackling each other. Tennis, I mean, you're across the court. I know there's other different things or whatever, but I don't know. It just seems like of all sports, the one to draw that line on is tennis.
Starting point is 00:29:51 You're like, come on, dude. How about these assholes in the NFL? To play, you have to be vaccinated, but they had those people in the stadium all kissing up on each other who don't have to be vaccinated. It must suck to be a professional athlete when you don't have a – I don't care what anyone says bad about Dana White, although I've always liked him, and I met him once, and he was nice as shit. But the fact that he's standing up for the athletes,
Starting point is 00:30:16 or at least in doing what's right and freedom. Yeah, no, I agree. That's enough for me. I'm with you on that. I'm glad we have a choice. I'm glad he doesn't can anybody what they have to say. He doesn't can anybody with, you know, what they want to put in their bodies or anything like that. He's, he's letting us do what we do. And, uh, it's nice to see. It really is. Why the, um, how did you get the nickname? The ghost? Sorry if I've asked you this before. No, you're good.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Pick up your ghost shirt today at The fighting spirit never dies. How did you get The Ghost? Tim gave me that going into one of my amateur fights. He posted a little something on Facebook, and it was of me shirtless flex and all that, telling people I had a fight coming up. And I guess because of my pastiness in that picture, he just put AJ the ghost and stuck ever since.
Starting point is 00:31:13 So it's not that you're impossible to hit. It's that you're so damn white, racist, racist. Did he get canceled for that, for calling you pasty white? Not yet. Not yet. You cut down to 155 once. More than once. More than once. Tell me about the last time you did that. By the way, I want to thank John Coe,
Starting point is 00:31:32 because I just go and watch your videos of interviewing fighters and just steal all your shit. Thank you. And Joe Rogan. Thank you. I just steal your shit. Tell me about that cut to 155. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:31:44 I did it early on in my career. I did my first amateur fight at one 70. And then from then on out, once I got a handle on the diet and had some idea of how to cut weight, I was like, okay, I can go down to one 55. And back then, you know, I was 18 or 19, um, early part of being 20, I was walking around at 165 to 67. I think when I turned 21, that was just not happening anymore. The lowest I could get my body through dieting, through everything was about, I'd say before I cut water and everything, fight week was 178-ish. Then it would just be over the course of two or three days probably two days cut from 178 down to 155 man yeah dude it was just you know i could feel you know things going
Starting point is 00:32:32 on in my body i knew it was i knew something was up when dustin and another one of our veteran kind of fighters had they were walking into the gym as soon as i got done cutting weight and they like looked at me and they're like you made it i was like i made it they were like damn dude you gangster you looking rough i'm like fuck i was thinking that that was just this was just normal you know and then uh but no i i just i started getting a sense of the amount of damage i was doing to my body and then the most frustrating thing was I wasn't taking the same product that I was training with out to fight night. I was maybe 50%, 60%. I had a round and a half, a round of gas rather than three rounds of gas. My squeeze wasn't the same.
Starting point is 00:33:17 My power wasn't the same. My chin. So there was a guy with an Afro who was shooting a single single leg on me and he was running the takedown into the cage and it wasn't hard or nothing, but he had his, he had his head right here with the Afro. There's even a little cushion too. Right. So he, he's pushing me into the cage and just racist. No, it's just the facts. Yeah. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:33:38 But the facts don't matter anymore, AJ. Thank you. I know, but he was a white guy with an Afro. Well, violent Bob Ross. I don't know if you've seen him right but he pushed me into uh into the cage and just from his head being right here when you know with the weight cut and all it was enough to rock me and I was like that after that fight I was like okay enough of that if I get beat because I'm smaller at 100% I would rather get beat like that than get beat at 155 being bigger and putting myself out there at 40 50% of what I'm smaller at 100%. I would rather get beat like that than get beat at 155 being bigger and putting myself out there at 40, 50%
Starting point is 00:34:07 of what I'm used to. What makes me... Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I see Bob Ross, the drawing guy. Yeah, well, go look up Luis Pena. There we go. There we go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Yep, yeah. Poor Luis Pena. He go yeah poor Luis Pena he got in some trouble right like hit his wife or something and his shit got all unraveled I think so man that sucks I mean I feel bad for his wife but I feel bad for him too I feel sorry for any professional athletes or anyone who works so hard to get to the top of their game
Starting point is 00:34:39 and then some social shit goes sideways with them whether it be drugs or stealing or hitting their wife. It fucking sucks. It's like a scream for help. I liked it. I liked him, too. He was weird.
Starting point is 00:34:53 He had his corpse, that's for sure. Yeah. Did you know him? No, I didn't know him. I saw him on The Ultimate Fighter, but that's about it. He was on that season that he was on The Ultimate Fighter. It's a crazy list of dudes. It was like Izzy. I think Alex Caceres was on that season that he was on the ultimate fighter it's a crazy list of dudes it was like izzy i think alex casares was on it hey does the ultimate fighter take dudes from the
Starting point is 00:35:11 ufc and then put them in that house they've only done it with james kraus i believe i could be wrong though okay i really like james kraus too because i thought i thought alex casares was in the house for season 27 but he was already in the UFC at that point. He might have been. You might be right. I could be wrong on that one. I'll ask him. So I hear that when you lose too much weight that that sack around your brain, whatever that thing is called – what's that thing called, Caleb?
Starting point is 00:35:40 That sack with the goo in it. Caleb's a medic in the Air Force, so i just think he knows all the medical shit and um i heard that that thing can get dry and that you can and you don't take a punch so good did you feel and then i and then i heard you talk about hearing your heart and i fasted for five days a couple times and both times when i would go to bed at night, my heart didn't sound right. It sounded like someone was knocking on the door. It was like too loud. I was like, that's not right. Mine wasn't.
Starting point is 00:36:12 I couldn't hear it. It was just it hurt. I'm fighting that day. My heart hurts. I was turning yellow because my kidneys, my ears had something going on. My voice changed. There's just a lot of shit going on and then regarding the brain thing I was watching I got curious one day I was like okay I was
Starting point is 00:36:30 thinking about you know why we get knocked out but rams and shit that have horns and just constantly like go at each other why they don't get knocked out and the reason is that before whenever they're getting ready to go up against each other they have something that clicks in their brain where it triggers more water more fluid to go to that part that Caleb's showing us right now. It triggers that. So you have an extra layer of cushion. Well, ours probably has that at least in some ways, but when you drain all the water out of your body, that's the last part that gets filled up. So we're eliminating our ability to really take a shot. And I don't know that was uh that
Starting point is 00:37:05 kind of solidified it in my head yeah that's fascinating that's like when i get around my wife after 10 o'clock at night i have certain parts of my body getting gorged with fluid too your body just knows it's a wow that's really true about the rams and shit huh yeah i saw this um i I saw this helmet today. I don't know how I came across it, but it's a collar. It's an airbag for people who ride bicycles. So instead of wearing a helmet, it's a collar you put around your neck. And then if you crash on your bike, it inflates.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Have you seen this thing? No. Have you seen that thing, Caleb? I don't trust that thing for a secondaleb i don't trust that for a second i don't trust that thing for a second can you show us on youtube can you show asia that thing it's crazy it's got it's got to be some uh those you're it's something european for sure those guys in the north of europe man those engineers they'll think of anything they will think of anything it sounds pretty sweet if it
Starting point is 00:38:06 works though if it works it if it works yeah yeah yeah oh no it's not that this thing not that thing this thing actually inflates it covers your whole head i think it does inflate it's just activated at the moment we find a video of it you may have to go on youtube and get us in trouble are you um are you doing crypto aj yeah yep yeah um how do you have a crypto mentor uh i've i watch a lot of videos from i try to get different different perspectives uh the dude rao pao i guess his name is i try to find people that were in the traditional investing kind of sector, I guess. And then I've since crossed over. Um, but I find some others too,
Starting point is 00:38:51 like depending on if I'm trying to look up the technicals of something or if I'm trying to just get an overview, I'm in it, but you know, so still learning. What's the app you're using. Okay. Go ahead. Play this real quick. Play this real quick. Yeah. This thing's crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What? play this real quick play this real quick yeah this thing's crazy yeah yeah yeah what in 0.1 seconds yeah so basically they show this guy you can fast forward this like to the end and it shows the guy yeah keep going yeah i want to see him take a spill yeah oh it's a little bit before then i think it's a little bit yeah right there oh yeah a little one okay here we go and this guy's a stunt rider they even tell you oh shit all right eight times the protection
Starting point is 00:39:34 as a regular helmet they claim no shit how does it sense when you're about to there's some algorithm they show the guy like programming it and uh and but but it costs 300 bucks and it's one-time use only what's cool though is that it doesn't block your eyes so that if it if it does actually go off on accident at least you don't yeah but then you get walking around like a marshmallow head for the rest of the day yeah i guess once it inflates you could just wear it like that and use it that's probably a fashion if you bro if you can make a visor and put a mask on that thing you are safe from all of the world don't have to worry about nothing you can crash
Starting point is 00:40:14 and not get covid have you had covid probably okay fair so so whatever if you had the sniffles if you get the sniffles you don't run out and get tested. I didn't do that. I've noticed that it goes kind of like in waves. If we have like a bunch of people around this, like my family or, you know, there's a bunch of people from the gym. It's kind of, I don't know if they're sick or if it's COVID or whatever, or even like in Lafayette in general, I'm just like, oh, okay. I'm sick. Probably could be, might be a show for a little bit couple days good to go yeah i just i just go yeah i just go uh um you mentioned a guy justin longoria am i saying his name right is he on instagram uh i think so what's his handle longoria htx or something like that. Longoria HTX. Okay. Well, you,
Starting point is 00:41:06 we used to look at it cause I heard, I've heard you mentioned him a couple of times now and I look him up and I can't find the guy. Let me see if I can, let me make sure it's something like that. HTX. He's from Houston. Was that.
Starting point is 00:41:17 And then, and then who do, how, how do you buy crypto? What app do you use? I was on Coinbase, but then the fees started eating my lunch. So I moved it over to
Starting point is 00:41:27 And then I also have a Celsius account, depending on what coin I'm trying to stake. Because Celsius only has the Ethereum network, from what I understand, and Bitcoin and stuff too. But they don't have the... I'm into Polygon. I don't know if you've heard of them. They're a layer two solution that's coming on up, but you can't... Anyway, I got accounts. I've got a MetaMask. I've got like four different wallets depending on what coin I want to put where. And when you go on crypto now, did you link it to your bank account? Is that how you did it so that you don't have to pay fees? On some of them I do, but not all of them.
Starting point is 00:42:02 And why do you say it like that on some of them? You don't trust some of them? do but not all of them and why do you say it like that on some of them you don't trust some of them well i mean if you look at the writing on the wall that our government and i think europe from what i understand too is starting to try to build a central bank digital currency um i just think the writings on the wall for the infrastructure of them to fuck you just like they have our current monetary system so So I don't mind paying taxes on all of it and all that for the most part, but I do want some sort of layer of security in case what happened to the truckers or what happened. I just want, I want some option. And I think that's what the whole crypto thing offers is everybody was talking about
Starting point is 00:42:39 being anonymous and stuff with crypto whenever it first started. But practically, I don't think that offers itself to scaling very well. However, having the option- It does or does not? Does. Does not, okay. I think if you want to have wide adoption, if you want to have big institutions getting into this, which we're already kind of seeing over the last year or two, you're going to have to have some KYC. You're going to have to have your bank account linked. You're going to have to have all this, at least in the beginning stages. But you want the option of them not having complete control over that account. You want the option of being able with the touch of a button almost instantly to send it to some account that they can't touch.
Starting point is 00:43:23 to monitor it, they can watch it, but they can never freeze it. So they can know where you're spending money. They can know what you're doing. If they follow the money from your KYC account to your non, uh, you know, credentialed account, but it makes it a lot more difficult. And it takes that, that button press away from them to, Oh, you're going, you're donating to these people. Boop, no money for you. You're going here. Boop, no money for you. You know what I'm saying? I think just having the option of anonymity is a good thing. What's KYC stand for? I'm not really sure, but it's when you have to put in your bank account details and your social and all that. Do you know the story of what happened over in Cyprus?
Starting point is 00:43:58 I don't know Cyprus, no. The country of Cyprus? I mean, I know what it is, but I don't know what happened. So basically what happened is, in a nutshell, the spirit of what I'm going to tell you is true. I don't know if the exact details, but basically what happened was Cyprus was in huge financial trouble, and they needed to get out of financial trouble. So the European Union bailed them out, and I think they used the IMF to do that the international monetary fund and maybe the world bank some people came and they bailed them out the cost for bailing them out the trade-off was is that they shut down all banking in cyprus for like i forget how many hours
Starting point is 00:44:36 days and they pulled money out of basically everyone's account they made everyone and i think the way it worked is anyone who had over a hundred thousand euros had like a portion of their um uh yeah accounts taken out and they called it a levy tax they didn't tell anyone they just did they flipped the switch froze all the accounts in the country and took the money and and one of the justifications for that was is that one third of all the money in cyprus banks was r Russian oligarchs and was made illegally. And when you start saying stuff like that, like when people use the term wasted time or wasted money, you know right away they don't know what they're talking about. It is impossible to waste time and it is impossible to waste money.
Starting point is 00:45:19 The only way you could waste money would be to burn it. But if I buy a Bentley for $6 billion, that money still stays in the system. You may think it was a waste on my part, but you cannot waste money. I cannot waste money by buying those NFTs for $300,000. Someone else uses it and then pays their gardener with it or buy. The money's always moving. So when you hear people say this dumb shit like they wasted $100 million on the California recall. No, they didn't. That made jobs that that money just stays in circuit it's just idiot think and so basically what happened is the insane with the oligarchs and the illegal stuff like based on what it's all just propaganda emotional propaganda in my part
Starting point is 00:45:54 in my thought so so soon as they did that in cyprus and they shut down the banks they um basically bitcoin skyrocketed and that's when those two brothers, the Winklevoss brothers, are you familiar with them? The twins, the Winklevoss twins? They owned 1% of all Bitcoin currency at that time and Bitcoin skyrocketed because people like you and people like me
Starting point is 00:46:18 were like, yo, wait a minute. If that shit happened in Cyprus and you got those civilized Europeans doing that shit, these fucking barbarians in the US will for sure do that shit. Argentina in some ways too. Okay, tell me. What happened there? No, I'm not. What happened there?
Starting point is 00:46:34 There's a dude, Michael Saylor, who's the owner of MicroStrategy. I'm trying to get him on my podcast. Yeah. Tell me about him. What happened? He's one of the guys that I've like, you know, delve into crypto and kind of, you know, learn from a little bit, but he had, he was saying he had a bunch of money stored in Argentinian banks. Right.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Well, I forgot what exactly happened, but basically Argentina, their government did something where I don't know if they switched. They did something with their currency where they D where they devalued it by basically 10 to 1 so he had like a hundred thousand dollars or a million dollars or whatever he had a tenth of it left i forgot what exactly they said they did to the currency i would screw the technicals up but something similar to what you're saying where with the flip of a switch you know that money just or that value just essentially disappeared yeah yeah and and he's a big crypto guy right dude his whole company i mean if you listen to what he's talked about like the converting micro strategy his company into it's it's it seems like a bitcoin holding company now essentially
Starting point is 00:47:39 and so i had i was wondering what was going on you there is the first time I've heard it said the way you just said it. You basically said that you believe that the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank is building a competitor to cryptocurrency. them or if it's it's nations doing it you know on their own or if they're trying to make one i think it's more nations trying to do it and i don't even look i don't even think it's necessarily a bad thing that they do it having something that's that that i that you that you use that i use that we know is backed by some third party even if we know that that third party isn't necessarily you know holistic in their in their means the whole way. By holistic, you mean benevolent. You mean kind? Yeah, exactly. Okay, okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Having something like that where we all agree it's a form of exchange I don't think is a terrible thing. But in the same breath, you also need – you need a safekeeping in case something like in Cyprus happens, something like in Argentina, something like in Canada, something in case these measures of government get tainted and bad people get in positions or there's some reason that you would need it to be not connected to that mainframe, if you will. I think that that option is good, too. I don't know how far they are along with it but they're definitely they're definitely working on this do you play video games i do yeah not as much as i used to do i i heard this thing talking the other day about how you know facebook is building this this whole metaverse thing and then then and this this kid on youtube was saying that facebook's fuck they'll never win that game because the metaverse is already here, and it's been here a long time, and it's video games.
Starting point is 00:49:30 And those video games are provided by Xbox, and we all go in there and shoot people and do all this shit. And the metaverse already exists, and it's just going to expand through Xbox. And Microsoft basically is going to be the master of the metaverse. But I started thinking yesterday – I haven't shared this with anyone yet – there's going to be the master of the metaverse. But I started thinking yesterday, I haven't shared this with anyone yet. There's going to be no pussy in the metaverse. I don't know any cool chicks who play video games. Until you get the haptic suit, right? Until you get the suit that they're already developing.
Starting point is 00:49:54 So you're going to be fucking me in the metaverse? I hope not, bro. There's going to be no girls in the, do you know a single cool girl who plays video games look okay one just tell me one don't avoid the question aj not xbox vr virtual reality that's where the leap is but i don't care even if i'm fucking someone in virtual reality i want it on the other end of the joystick for there to be a vagina well maybe they'll tell you that maybe it's ai right maybe they all seem like it and then you're all good to go as long as you get the you know the semen like you're not made you're not
Starting point is 00:50:31 you're not making me happy if if i if i god i need to get some more i need to get some woke people on the show so i can find get the answer to some of these questions. If, if, um, do you want to be the giver of the receiver, AJ, in my story? You want to be the what? He hung up.
Starting point is 00:50:57 He's like, fuck this conversation. I'm out of here. I just like, if you fuck someone in the metaverse and it's another dude on the other end, even though he's a virtual chick, are you gay? That's what I want to know. Or is that not even sex? And I've just left the whole the whole world of logical thought.
Starting point is 00:51:13 I don't think anybody's considered that yet. Oh, my goodness. I think probably masturbation is pretty gay. It's it's it's clearly some dude on dude shit, at least when I do it. Unless you use your opposite hand and then it's not right oh my goodness oh my goodness we lost aj he's like i'm not doing this look at he you can even see he leaned forward and hung up and i'm out yeah he that dude knows a lot about crypto he seems like it yeah i want i want to keep picking his brain on that i just swerved off into the meta sex universe darn it more important things to talk about
Starting point is 00:51:54 are you watching the fights today uh yeah i probably will after this did you uh are you have you been watching the rogue invitvitational at all? Rogue what? The Rogue Invitational. What are you talking about? The Arnold Strongman. No, no, no. Are there CrossFitters there? No, it's just like say Strongman,
Starting point is 00:52:14 but a guy dislocated his knee on the log lift. I don't know if I can show it, but they're like one of the heavy hitters on the Strongman event. Yeah, show it. Fuck it. Let's deal with it. Let's deal with it. but they're like one of the heavy hitters on the strongman event. Yeah. Show it. Fuck it. Let's deal with it. Let's deal with it.
Starting point is 00:52:28 We'll like this shit. Let's see. Somebody posted a comment about it and I went and went and found it. Is this it? Yep. This is it. Brace yourself, people.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Brace yourself. It's really not sunglasses. No one should be working out with sunglasses on unless you're rich frowning. Oh my God. That thing looks heavy. That thing's 420 pounds? 420, yep. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning,
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Starting point is 00:53:53 I don't even think him falling back was what injured him, but I think when he fell back, his knee went underneath the log and it popped it out. Hey, something happens even before. Like, there's a jerk. Do you see, like, while he there's a jerk do you see like wally has is that what you're saying like see if you can pause it like something crap something like he wobbles right as he squats something pops there and then this right here when you can barely see it but isn't this is his knee underneath the log
Starting point is 00:54:25 oh oh oh but he holds the right knee oh yeah like let's see what happens boom let's see if uh what oh my goodness oh my goodness yeah i think his right knee got caught underneath it. And it just got stuck and twisted. So is he out for the day? Yeah, they took a massive pause and everybody's like, oh, what happened to the live stream? So he'll be back in like 20 minutes or something. Femur, femur. I bet you, look at Chris. You know Chris was watching that live.
Starting point is 00:55:03 Look, he's got like the, look at his tank top and his, his forehead and that nose, that dude lifts heavy shit. Look at that. That dude watched it live. Femur. Exactly. Femur. Yeah. This guy's got the one that commented earlier. Jeff Corona at the Arnold just got crushed by a log. I, yeah, yeah. But, uh, something popped and then and then. Yeah. Hey, I think that probably AJ's.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Oh, I think probably his. Oh, yeah. Here he is. Internet just shorted out. Should be back in a second. Roger. We are making fun of you while you're gone. Dude,
Starting point is 00:55:48 that guy's such a bad-ass. I was watching him. He is such a bad-ass. Like threw like a flying knee at a guy and knocked him out. Like dude, that, that we're, we're,
Starting point is 00:56:00 we're, we're fortunate that we're talking to him now. Cause someday that dude's going to be too big to talk to us. That's a future world champion. That dude's such a savage and smart and a good dude. So fast, so fast. And usually those twitchy,
Starting point is 00:56:14 those fast twitchy guys don't have endurance. This guy can go. No. Yeah. I was looking at his, uh, sure dog. And it was,
Starting point is 00:56:21 he had like some, some long fights in there. Like he's, he's gone a couple rounds yeah he he is a savage and he's so young and new to the sport um guys uh tonight at oh that's eastern time are you good did you say you are gonna watch the fights tonight yeah probably it's not cheap no it's not usually i have a buddy that helps yeah it's not cheap um a guest we've had on the show before also is fighting he's fighting in the uh early prelim um card it's davante smith he's in the third fight of the night i highly recommend watching that unfortunately he lost
Starting point is 00:57:03 his last one. And then there's another good fight in the early prelims, Tim Elliott, another great fighter, maybe one of the guys longest who's ever been around in the UFC. These fights start at 1 p.m., by the way. These fights, I was going to say, are free, but they're not free. You have to have ESPN or ESPN Plus, but once you have that. And then the last, the main fight on the early prelims is a man it's an old timer Brian Kelleher oh thank you yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:57:30 and that should be a good fight and look who he's fighting he's fighting a guy named Umar Nurmagomedov is that guy related to Khabib I don't know I'm gonna see if I feel like there are a lot of Nurmagomedovs
Starting point is 00:57:46 that are just out there that have no association. Let me see. Umar Nurmagomedov. I mean, he's 13-0. Who is... Is he related to Khabib? No.
Starting point is 00:58:04 Okay. No, he's not okay they're cousins they're cousins yeah this guy's a savage poor brian keller he's gonna get just masholid i hope i'm wrong uh and then on the fights yeah he's been around forever he's that guy's i i i could be wrong but i think he might be friends with um tyson old droid i used to work with tyson over at crossroads senior producer over there yeah and then i don't see anyone on the prelims oh jamie malarkey's is worth watching for sure for sure um and then let's go over to the main card kevin holland is fighting tonight yeah it's i think it's his first time at 171 he i like alex olivera he's gonna retire alex olivera
Starting point is 00:58:57 tonight alex olivera is he'll just talk a bunch of shit the entire time. Oh, man. Just embarrass him. But Alex is so bad. He's at the end of his career. And Alex seems like he could almost fight 155. And then Greg Hardy's fighting. I've been creeping in Greg Hardy's DMs for quite a bit, hoping that he would come on the show. He's a former NFL player. I really like him.
Starting point is 00:59:25 I think he's got a little bit of a bad rap. I tried to get Bryce Mitchell on the show. He's a former NFL player. I really like him. I think he's got a little bit of a bad rap. I tried to get Bryce Mitchell on the show. Bryce Mitchell is the Colton Mertens of the UFC. If you don't know who Bryce Mitchell is, you should look him up. He's basically a dude who just, he's a farmer. He's an aspiring farmer.
Starting point is 00:59:41 He's like a beginner version of Colton Mertens. He fights to make money to support his farm it's dope he's dope never he never responds to my dms either uh rafael the pigs right but at least colton colton responds uh and then rafael dos anjos in the co-main event they had to find a new fighter for him. The guy he was fighting dropped out due to injury. Rafael Dos Anjos is one of the greatest fighters of all time. What's a trip is that he's getting older,
Starting point is 01:00:11 and this is kind of his last run at trying to win a title. His words, not mine. And I think he's fighting at 155 now. Yep, he went up to 171 for a minute. He's 37 years old. So this is a must-win for him. And then the main event we have colby covington and jorge masvidal um i was even a little bit overwhelmed and got exhausted by the
Starting point is 01:00:30 antics between these two it was a little much even you know do it they can do what they need to do but um both super talented fighters with incredible gas tanks um if you have time before one o'clock before the early prelim start i recommend um going back back and looking at Jorge's early fights when he used to fight on the street. They're on YouTube, and you can see him doing a ton of backyard fighting, and it is nuts. I love watching those. It's just a free-for-all. It's crazy. And there's, like, I would never want to put myself in that situation where you're like, you know what? I'm going to have 100 guys standing as a ring around me, and then people are just going to fight.
Starting point is 01:01:09 Like you're going to fight another guy. It's like imagine somebody from the crowd just shoving you around to like put you back in the fight. Yeah, and I think dudes there like – I mean you've been to those places where you've been to fights like in high school or like you go to a professional fight even. And then after the fight and during the fight, there's just dudes who want to fight because they see other dudes fighting. Exactly. It's so stressful. I don't like that shit. What did you say?
Starting point is 01:01:32 It's like in a locker room. It's the same shit. Like if you find two guys who are just going at it during PE and they're like – you just find them in a locker room and then two guys are fighting and then their friends and their friends are fighting. Yes. And it's just like a fucking massacre. Yes. I, I was,
Starting point is 01:01:47 I actually, um, one of my friends fought another guy one time in a parking lot of a supermarket late at night. And there were probably like 50 of those guys and like 20 of us. And it was so sketchy. Dude, it's like a hockey fight,
Starting point is 01:01:59 but with twice as many people. Yeah. And, and, and no, and no safety. No, there's not.
Starting point is 01:02:07 Um, yeah, it it's it's bad all right um i think maybe i'll just tell aj we'll talk to him after the fight oh here he is he responded that's right Um, uh, let's talk again after the fight, we are going to wrap, wrap it up. You're the best. Thank you. Uh, tomorrow we have two two ufc fighters on we have cody durden on and we have alex casares and the reason i want to have uh alex casares on is because he is he's won five in a row he's been around the ufc a long time he may be the longest fighter in the ufc under contract i tried to look that stat up and i couldn't find it because they haven't, I couldn't find a page where they've updated it since 2021. Let's see what Caleb can do
Starting point is 01:03:08 while I run my mouth here. Alex Caceres, um, he's won five in a row and he's towards the end of his career. I mean, theoretically you could say, I think he's like 19 and 12 and, uh, now he's won five in a row and he's going to fight a dude tomorrow who is uh extremely worthy opponent opponent alex is ranked number 15 and this will probably push him up and it's fun to see guys late in their career make runs like this and you don't see it very often but we are going to see it we are seeing it also in jorge masvidal who's also a late in his career with a lot of losses and making an incredible run then we have cody durden on at 11 a.m cody durden beat a guy from china a fighter from china a couple months ago and he and the post fight interview
Starting point is 01:03:53 he said i sent that guy packing back to china and there was a whole series of ufc fighters who came on and said he was racist for saying that and that's why i want to have cody on to explain to him that those people outed themselves as racist because saying you're going to pack someone to go back to China is so far from fucking racist. And if you do think it's racist, it exposes the fact that you're racist. And I, and if you haven't, if you followed my show long enough, I've explained that to people a thousand times, the mechanism in the brain and how it works. If I'm walking down the street and there's a guy walking towards me and, and I crossed the street and he says, I crossed the street because of, I was afraid of him because he's Chinese. Um, then that guy is racist. Not me. Cause he made that shit up
Starting point is 01:04:36 in his head. And why did he make that shit up in his head? Because that's how he sees the world. he sees the world. Not me, him. And so if you say to someone, I beat Caleb's ass and send him packing back to Israel. I beat Sevan's ass and send him packing back to Armenia. I beat Mickey Mouse's ass and send him packing back to Anaheim, California. These aren't racist comments. It's not racist that Trump called Obama a Muslim or Kenyan. It's not racist that Trump said that Mexico is sending over its worst people. And if you see that as racist, it's because you're racist. You're making that leap. You're bringing what you see Mexicans as or what people from Kenya as. And you're putting your spin on it because you, my friend, are racist. And it's crazy how many UFC fighters outed themselves as racist by attacking Cody for saying that there's nothing racist at all. And here's crazy how many UFC fighters outed themselves as racist by attacking Cody for saying that.
Starting point is 01:05:25 There's nothing racist at all. And here's the irony. This is what I think is so funny. Cody's next fight is in London, and it's against a Russian, a Russian who also called Cody racist for saying that. And the fucking irony that they're going to fight in two weeks in fucking London, and this guy's a Russian. It's fascinating to me. So, and all the people who've interviewed Cody are like, do you want to take back what you said? No.
Starting point is 01:05:53 If Cody would have taken back what he said, he'd be acknowledging that what he said was wrong. There's nothing wrong. You could argue that it was disrespectful all day long. But to argue that it's racist means that you're racist. Unless Cody wants to come out and tell us he's racist but if he's racist and the best you can do is i sent your ass packing back to australia i sent your ass packing back to iceland let's say me and annie thor's daughter got in a fight and she said i sent your ass packing she beats me up and she said i sent your ass packing back to america or armen. You think that's racist?
Starting point is 01:06:28 You're a fucking racist moron is what you are for thinking that. And you're the problem with the rest of the world. Yeah, right, right, right. I sent your Jew ass packing back to Israel. Now I'm racist because we're sensitive about Jews? I sent your ass packing back to Africa. Oh, now it's racist because we're sensitive about black people? All you're doing is acknowledging that you hate Jews or you hate black black people if you think that or you think that they're less is that what you think i'm sorry do you think black people are less and
Starting point is 01:06:53 so they deserve coddling you think jews are less they deserve coddling tards anyway cody's a good dude and he didn't back down from his statement and i'm happy to have him on so i didn't find anything about him being the longest tenured, but I think, but there's a video here and it says, he says that he will be in the next one or two years. And that was last February. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:12 I'm guessing by now he's probably the longest tenured UFC fighter as of probably this year or coming. A fascinating guy too. He, he says he fights 100% conscious that there is no instinct that he chooses everything that he's like. It's interesting, his definition of presence. He's a he's a I think he's a vegan or a vegetarian, at least in the yoga. Last time we had him on the show during the show, he rolled a blunt on a paper plate like like we're like, I'm like, hey, Alex. And he's got a paper plate with a ton of weed on it. Maybe I should do that this show.
Starting point is 01:07:44 I don't even smoke weed, but I got a ton of weed around here somewhere. I'll have to go back and clip that again. I lost it somewhere. All right, Caleb. Thanks for coming on. I'll be texting you. You are going to watch the fights tonight? Yes.
Starting point is 01:08:01 Okay, I'll text you and shit while we're watching. We can watch it together with our social distanced guys thanks for tuning in we'll see you guys tomorrow morning at 7 a.m with uh alex casares and then i think at 10 or 11 with uh durden do we have a show tomorrow night too do we have three shows tomorrow no i think the the third one we have is Monday night for the open recap. Okay. Yep. And then Monday we have Chris Montanillo at 7 a.m., a UFC fighter. And then where's Dylan Vowell today?
Starting point is 01:08:35 He's usually here for all the UFC fighters. And then Monday night, you're right, we have the show with Angelo DiCicco and Brian Friend. You know what's funny? I'll finish on this. A lot of people keep sending me this video of Katrin's doter jumping over the bar during the semifinals, and they think that I'm going to like that, and they think that that's cheating, and they think
Starting point is 01:08:56 I'm going to like that because of just all the fun shit that I talk about Katrin's doter. I don't think she cheated at all. I think, I want to explain, go ahead or you say kevin good no no i just i the whole thing is just totally fucked like i did it today too and like if you look at the standard like if you look at like the written standard obviously brian's gonna talk about this but it's just the whole thing was absurd so you can kind of take it however you
Starting point is 01:09:18 want really yeah if so i i if you walk one of your feet is always on the ground if you're walking. That's kind of – let's – for the sake of this, I'm going to say that's the definitive – one of the definitive qualities of walking is that one of your feet is always touching the ground. There's not a single person who walks on the planet where both their feet are off the ground at the same time i'm gonna say that's a definitive characteristic of walking i want to say a definitive characteristic of jumping is that any one time both your feet are off the ground and what i see catch and daughter doing i'm even going to say her name right for this that was an accident i accidentally said it right um uh when she jumps over the bar but both her feet are off the ground at the same time that's legit as shit what she is doing is fucking legit i don't i don't think i have kudos to her dude being a champion travis
Starting point is 01:10:18 bagent told me this being an arm wrestling world champion is not just about beating your opponent it's about beating the referee. Brian talked about it too. Like who did Brian talked about in the past? Like, it's not about you completing the reps. It's about you completing the reps in judgment or for your judge, basically like to satisfy your judge. You're not doing it to satisfy the crowd,
Starting point is 01:10:40 right? If your judge says reps, they're good reps. Like you're, you're doing it i mean it it's a it's a game within the game essentially yeah how about aj fletcher said when i asked him i said that you got the guy's arm like this and he's tapping do you tap he goes not till the ref says so i mean you hear it in football too like you play to the whistle you're like if
Starting point is 01:11:02 you don't hear a whistle yeah you're gonna same and i mean any sport really you're gonna play until the whistle's blown if it's not blown and you just scored tough shit on everybody else yeah took advantage of the situation wasn't it like what was that game um uh when when i was a kid there was a game uc berkeley and stanford and the band came on the field and the guy still fucking ran the touchdown back no one blew the whistle yeah he blasted some drummer somewhere uh yeah oh my goodness hey i think this was our worst live show ever did not do great this is this reminds me what the fuck's going on with you guys people don't want to show up on a Saturday let me see what the fuck is going on here yeah people only watch the show when they're at work me
Starting point is 01:11:51 right I want to check the numbers really quick oh my goodness and he's such a good dude and he's going to be a champion someday we have him on now you assholes I don't even see it is itholes. I don't even see it. Is it unlisted?
Starting point is 01:12:07 I don't even see it. What's going on? Uh-oh. Am I on the wrong? Did I do something wrong? How are these people here? If Bruce Wayne found it. Bruce, I'm shooting for Colby. I think Bruce,
Starting point is 01:12:25 I like both of them. What? Um, I had the video from Katrin's workout. I think it's from like a couple of years ago or something. Do you see it? I don't see this show, Dylan.
Starting point is 01:12:38 Oh buddy, you don't got to do that, but I was wondering where you were at. I know you love the fighter shows. I got three fighters in a row, Dylan. What, what's going on here? What, what the, what is going on here i see it if i go to the channel i i'm on the channel and i don't see it i'm in the studio oh what do you know
Starting point is 01:12:56 do you see it yo goodness gracious motherfucker we're getting off wow damn oh my goodness what happened you had to call and pay and pay your uh your internet bill with crypto oh he froze again oh oh geez louise i really don't see it that's so weird you do see it though hey will someone in the comments write how you found the show today it's uh jeff says you on i think that's i think that's slang for you're on i found this randomly checking subs i normally click reminder for all your shows. All right. Corradino. Oh, look it.
Starting point is 01:13:48 Look it. He's on two channels now. Oh, my goodness. What do you think? Oh, look. There's two of you. Do you see both of you? I see the little square.
Starting point is 01:13:58 I'm kicking one of you off. Let me see. Kick him out. Oh. Oh, shoot. Sorry. He kicked it. Oh, shit, man. Sorry about that.'s okay this shows this show's so great this show this show's this show is ice cream but with you it's a cherry on top
Starting point is 01:14:14 um can we go over the let's wrap up with something fun and next time after after your fight i'd love to have you back on and we just dig into crypto. Hey, before we switch subjects to who's fighting tonight, since you're a fight fan, I'd love to pick your brain on that. What books should people read before the next time you come on to learn about crypto? To learn about crypto? Yeah. Dude, to be honest, I haven't dealt. It's on my list.
Starting point is 01:14:43 I don't have the – I would say if you want to look at a book for the case for crypto, look at – what's it called? It's by Ray Dalio. He's another guy who is a financial sector guy and then since kind of converted. What do you mean converted to being like a huge proponent of crypto or against it? No, a huge proponent. Just kind of saying – and he looks at it from a lot different perspective. This book is basically – he goes back and he looks at all the different empires and what called in their monetary system and a lot of factors that he diagnosed that were patterns that helped them rise. And that's it.
Starting point is 01:15:20 Principles for dealing with the changing world order. Principles is really good too from what I've heard. Ray Dalio. Is he still alive? Yeah I only like to read books of dudes who are still alive Because that way if I read their book I can get them on my podcast Yeah
Starting point is 01:15:37 That one is If you want to see just the pattern of civilization Homie didn't pay his internet bill The pattern of civilization. Homie didn't pay his internet bill. Damn. Hey, that's a cool dude that he came back on. Even after I sent him a text saying we're done with you. There we are.
Starting point is 01:16:02 What is going on, dude? AJ, what state are you in? Louisiana. I moved out to the country last month, so that might have a little something to do with it. In California, we don't even really believe you guys have internet out in Louisiana. Dude, we put some antennas on some alligators and just hope that the way they move, they get the coverage. That's about it. Hey, how often do you see an alligator?
Starting point is 01:16:27 I'm like a quarter mile away from a trail that has a fuck ton of them so pretty pretty regularly do you see one a month it depends if i'm going looking for them i could yeah but i mean like let's say you're just driving to the gym do you see one no well there could be i mean not right now because it's cold but when it starts warming up there there's been some that the guy says will come around the house a little bit so you're never surprised when you see one well i wouldn't say that bro i was a city boy until i moved out here and then as like the whole events of the last two years kind of just have shifted me from that to where i want to be you know a little bit further away are you are you going to buy a house as you get more and more loot and success? Are you going to buy a house, chickens, uh, solar, uh, generators, the whole.
Starting point is 01:17:10 I want, I want land for sure. I want animals. And then I'm starting to, one of the things I'm trying to develop is figuring out how to grow my own food. And yeah, we're building towards that for sure. Homesteading. Pretty much. Do you have a chick, AJ? Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah wow so when you say we we you and her yeah i mean like she's she's definitely uh down with that vibe you know she uh yeah maybe
Starting point is 01:17:34 so who knows i don't know where you know things will lead but i'm open to it how long have you been with her i think about nine months now eight months okay okay okay no reason to rush don't get crazy seven asking if it's with her don't get crazy um uh do you live close to your parents uh about an hour hour 30 you're gonna need them if you have kids i could imagine that's the only advice i give stay especially if you got good parents like i do stay close to your parents because they'll help with the kid they they'll do so much kid shit for you oh yeah my brothers are getting kids right about now and they're they're going into the grandparent role very nicely yeah it's awesome it sort of becomes the only people you can really trust your kids with
Starting point is 01:18:15 I was just telling someone today like I not I don't have I don't live in any fear I live from a place of love just loving people regardless of whatever nonsense they believe but my job is to protect my kids i don't take my kids to jujitsu and drop them off and leave they're five five and seven i don't take my kids to tennis and my my i don't my kids at night like like if we have guests staying in the house my kids sleep in my room has nothing to say about the guests my job is to fucking protect my kids at all costs anything stupid happening to them someone someone someone gets a fucking drunk at night and like anything that bad happens to your kids well they're your kids is your fucking fault as a parent take fucking responsibility guard your fucking kids yeah man a fucking alligator
Starting point is 01:19:00 eat them what say that again over the past week we've seen you know the whole cain velasquez thing too and that probably drives that home you know pretty good for for fathers out there hey that that dude fucked with his daughter supposedly numerous numerous numerous times okay because i just saw the headline cain velasquez's relative gets molested 100 times or something and then recently i'm hearing through the grapevine that it's um it was his daughter yeah that's what it looks like man listen people god i really don't want to say this publicly if if this is the kind of thing that some everybody says they would do but if you if you do something to someone's kid that's even like – like not even in the sexual realm. I'm not talking about molest someone's kids.
Starting point is 01:19:54 Let's say you, for example, your kid – let's say, for example, you send your 12-year-old kid to school and someone thinks that they need an injection there and they give your kid an injection without telling you. Anything that happens to you after that, I accept as human nature. There's things that you should know. I'll take full blame for this. There's nothing a man should do sexually that should surprise you. Men are just like – just nothing should surprise you like it's just the penis is just it made it made facebook that's why mark zuckerberg made facebook i mean we know that he made facebook to get girls he's been a million times but it should also not
Starting point is 01:20:36 surprise you if you do anything to harm someone's kids in the slightest i mean give them a fucking twinkie you give someone's kid a twinkie and they come to your house and beat the living fuck out of you, I'm not surprised and I'm not against it. Don't fuck with anyone's kids. That's the line. You see three 8th grade year old girls walking down the street and they're cute
Starting point is 01:20:57 and you're a fucking man who's over 18? Don't look at them. Look the other way. Take your fucking fist and punch yourself in the dick as hard as you can if you have to. Do not fuck with anyone's kids, you fucking idiots. I'm not for vigilante violence, but if you fuck with someone's daughter or son, you're – Yeah, like I don't care at that point. And I mean even dumb little shit.
Starting point is 01:21:23 Just leave other people's kids alone at all costs it's nuts you're fucking nuts no winners in that shit dude no it's nuts that's what we're here for i i i was in africa out in the middle of fucking nowhere nowhere and i was with these five fucks speaking to kids i was with these five kids ages like three to like 13 and i'm out there filming with them. And it's, it's like poor, poor beyond poor, like, like no running water, no electricity, no objects, no nothing. You know what I mean? They're like in loincloths and shit like Tarzan shit. And we're out there and I see this big pile of fucking trees and they speak the
Starting point is 01:21:59 queen's English there. It was in Kenya. And I said, Hey, what happened here? And they said, english there it was in kenya and i said hey what happened here and they said a lady in the village came across a mama elephant and a baby elephant the mama elephant grabbed the lady with her trunk beat her to death on the ground and then even after she was dead buried her with trees to make sure that the lady that's what you should expect from someone's parent if you fuck with their kids yeah like i'm like it's a little overkill but i feel you bro i don't look i don't even have i just got a little little dog that came actually on that trail and i'm kind of taking care of her a little bit until i can you know give her a hand her off to my girlfriend but uh i cannot imagine the urge that would come for the rage that would come when you find out something like that happened like that movie law-abiding citizen
Starting point is 01:22:50 you ever you seen that no who's in it uh yeah dude yeah that's the that's that's the kind of shit i feel like a lot of people would would be on and uh i'm just saying if i don't know the urge i i just imagine when i get to that point, when I, you know, when I have children of my own and stuff that yeah, I'd probably find a nice spot in the woods for you. Probably find some chains, probably find some saws and make it just maybe just by bare hands, you know, make it just as miserable as possible. And I don't,
Starting point is 01:23:21 I don't fault anybody for, for going into that mindset. You know, it's unfortunate with Kane and how a lot of these things turn out in that you know obviously the child is harmed the the the father who who gets the revenge you know goes to jail and then I think he's gonna get off I think he's gonna get off I hope so dude I hope so I think he's gonna go I I've heard stories of like women running over their boyfriends for catching their boyfriend cheating on him and they call it a crime of isn't there a word for that caleb crime yeah yeah yeah crime of passion isn't there like something like that or
Starting point is 01:23:55 if i watch too much tv the problem though is he got the guy the guy that did it and the father were in the car and hit that guy's father were in the car together. The guy that Kane ended up shooting was the guy's father. The guy that did it supposedly was unsafe. Oh, right, right. Crazy. Collateral damage. Man. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:24:18 Oh, shit. Okay, let's pull up the UFC fights. AJ, why are you talking about all this scary shit? Come on, man. Bro, this is what goes on. Look, I fight. I do this all the time. I'm putting myself through school, and sometimes the topics that I just get in my head are just awful.
Starting point is 01:24:34 And I'm blaming you. I love the topic. I love telling the world, don't fuck with people's kids, especially now because there's so many people fucking with people's kids. It's like you can't send your kids to school anymore. That's actually a prerequisite for getting into government. I don't know if you knew that. To fuck with people's kids it's like you can't send your kids to school anymore that's actually a prerequisite for getting into government i don't know if you do that to fuck with people's kids i believe it i think yes yes you like that caleb that is good right he's good he's a good dude okay um let's look at this guy who um let's look at the tim elliott fight real quick is that
Starting point is 01:25:03 is it tim elliott who's oh no no it's brian kelleher do you know brian kelleher i do not know he's been around forever though i think i think he's up there he he's he's like one of the longest tenured guys i think in the ufc true the odds on that and look who they're oh yeah what do those odds even mean do you know what those mean yeah he's got a bet if you want to bet on normaga medoff you got about a hundred dollars and win 800 if you want to bet on Kelleher you went you bet 100 you win 550 oh no wait so no no if you bet a hundred on Nurmagomedov you only win eight no you would have to bet 800 to win 100 oh okay and with Kelleher if you bet bet $100, you win $550. Right.
Starting point is 01:25:46 And that's Khabib's cousin. Okay, yeah. Man, so that's bad. Probably got that ground. I haven't seen him too much. I've seen more of Islam, but I would imagine that, you know, you got the Nurmagomedov name, you know how to smash. Smash. Okay, and then how to smash. Smash.
Starting point is 01:26:05 Okay, and then how about scroll up and let's look at Tim Elliott. Another guy, I think Tim Elliott might fight under James Krause, right? I think he does now, yeah. And he's fighting an OV guy too, a Kov guy, a Russian. Are the Russians scary? I mean, they definitely come from a harder background, but I would say in the beginning, their wrestling and all that, Are the Russians scary? I mean, they definitely come from a harder background, but I would say in the beginning, their wrestling and all that,
Starting point is 01:26:31 their ability was scary for sure. But now that the Internet's around and people can watch what they're doing and young guys like myself can implement that into their training, obviously I don't have the base that they do or whatever, but I can look and analyze certain things that they do and implement them into my own game and understand how they work back in the day. There, it was just a mystery as to how they were doing certain things. Um, at the end of the day, man, everybody's got an off switch, everybody bleeds.
Starting point is 01:26:56 And it's just a matter of getting in there and believing you're the savage, just like they are. Even the, even that guy in your class who trains with uh darren till calm's eyes yeah he's got an off switch oh yeah 100 i don't care how tough you are if you find this enough you're going to sleep 90 90 he doesn't even seem real to me he's tough for sure he's a gangster he's one of the real ones. That's like. Yeah, he's a gangster. He is a gangster. Oh, 100 percent. 100 percent. Tough background, tough upbringing.
Starting point is 01:27:35 But man, at the end of the day, like those are the kind of fights that I want. Like those are the ones I want to build towards. You know what I mean? Like having somebody in there with you to see what to pull out what what's inside of you. Right. You have to have somebody who who is equal or greater, at least in terms of that, that dog in you to bring that's inside of you, right? You have to have somebody who is equal or greater, at least in terms of that dog in you to bring that dog out of you. Somebody like me or somebody, I feel like who's a lot of, who does it the right way,
Starting point is 01:27:53 they're not gonna bring the dog out and get into a gunfight if they don't need to. They're gonna be technical, they're gonna be an assassin, they're gonna try to get the job done as clean as you can. Somebody like Comzat, he's gotta have somebody who one, refuses to be on the back foot. They refuse to be the beta in there. They come forward, but it's not coming
Starting point is 01:28:13 forward out of anger or out of angst or out of just wanting to get it over with because you're in there with a guy like Kamzat. You've got to pack your lunch. You've got to be ready for five rounds, and you've got to be willing to take the fight to him not just on the feet but on the ground as well on the wrestling as well the thing with wrestling is as soon as they get you to the back like as soon as you get somebody to the mat and their backs on the mat that's where a lot of wrestling stops right when you pin somebody their backs on the mat that's where it stops so a lot of the wrestling i feel like a lot of the wrestling what would you? The wrestling skill set is more for getting somebody to the mat, right? And pushing forward in terms of trying to take them down. When you take a wrestler down and you make them work on their back,
Starting point is 01:28:55 yeah, it's going to be like what we talked about earlier, where they're trying to get up instantly. But if you solidify that position on a wrestler, it becomes a jujitsu fight. It's not a wrestling fight anymore. You have to take that to Khamzat. you have to take that to khabib you have to take that to the russians you have to go into that fire and you cannot be scared of any place that the fight goes you have to be complete on the feet on the ground on jiu-jitsu everything and you can't be scared you can't be that back foot guy you can't be waiting you have to set the tone you have to go forward and you have to walk into that fire and and that's how you beat these Russians. When you say on your back foot, what does that mean?
Starting point is 01:29:30 It means, okay, so letting them walk forward, right? Putting your back to the – you know that black octagon in the middle of – like in the middle of the canvas? Yes, sir. If it's on the outside of that canvas yes sir what's on the outside of that i consider that being on the back foot you have to dance and dictate the pace in my opinion against those guys what he did to the guy from china i can't remember his name carry it picked him up and carry him over to the side and the talking thing that was like i mean from a fan's
Starting point is 01:30:02 perspective i mean i'm no fighter that oh, shit, what are we watching? Like, that was nuts. Yeah, no, I agree. That's kind of the gangster component. I like to get my hands on, what was the dude, Li Jing, the leech or whatever. I like to feel him and see what he felt like, too, so I could kind of, you know. His head is like a cinder block that dude's head that chinese dude's head right so where's the opening the ground right if you can't knock him out yeah
Starting point is 01:30:30 and that's what he did yeah good point yeah that guy's head is nuts it's a it's it's a trip all the and and speaking of uh heads that are nuts have you ever seen pictures of um hazmat with without his beard he got a little olive oil head he got like a little his head's just like a little cantaloupe like one of those like small ones you're like this thing's 4.99 this thing's too small i buy a lot of cantaloupe for my kids we eat a lot of cantaloupe in my house heard that okay let's go to them let's just stop fucking around and go to the main card i'm so i'm i almost don't want um colby oh yeah wait let's talk about this kevin holland and oliver i think holland is going to i feel bad for oliver i think he has like zero zero zero zero chance and i like the guy but i
Starting point is 01:31:14 think he's just toast uh i would agree with you on that one i think so he's tough but i think holland's too slick for him and and this is holland's first fight at 171 right yeah and yeah he's a lot of dude he is he's long he knows how to use it he's slick he's you know the only thing i would say oliver i think would have the advantage on the ground but i know holland's been drilling a lot of wrestling and stuff like that too so man i don't know it's gonna be interesting but i'm with you i think holland gets it done i can't tell if holland is mentally unstable or he's got he's got a little cuckoo in him i can't tell if he's just like at first i just thought it was that's his personality i just thought like hey he's just a guy who likes who needs to talk to like flush his energy through him like that's how energy passes through him but sometimes i wonder if he's a little cuckoo like it's a little
Starting point is 01:32:04 too much i don't think it's that i think it's a defense mechanism for him i see a lot of like i've seen this a lot of times in in other sports too but it's guys who are talented guys who are um really good and probably can make that next leap probably can be championship contenders probably can be you know the elite of the elite but there's something in his head where i don't this is me looking from the outside dude it's almost like he doesn't want to admit what his goals are and want to admit his he doesn't want to put his um oh that pressure on himself he doesn't want to come out just say hey i want to be world champion right he wants to live behind that you know that the funny guy the the trash talker the and it's great it's maybe it's his style maybe i'm completely off with this but to me there's
Starting point is 01:32:52 i've seen it before and there's like a certain thing where guys will they don't want to take it serious and they don't want to to put themselves out there like that so they be they relax and they be the funny the sarcastic, the, the, I don't really care if I lose. I'm here for a good time. I'm here for the money, blah, blah, blah. And maybe, maybe that's the truth. That's not my kind of deal, but I don't know. I think there's a bit of a defense mechanism up there with that. I wonder if that's what Alex Caceres is doing. I like the guy a lot.
Starting point is 01:33:20 Don't get me wrong. This isn't a dig at him, but his is the exact opposite. His is he's very quiet. He plays that purist martial artist. I don't watch the sport. I don't know who this is going to be too far out there of an example. But there's these people that realize that objects won't bring you happiness, right? And so they sort of take this ascetic lifestyle and they start to live like the Jesus or the Buddha lifestyle. And you think that, hey, I can't have – objects are the source of all unhappiness. What they don't realize is it's not necessarily the objects. It's your relationship to them. It's not, it's not your car. That's bringing you unhappiness. It's your attachment to it that when it breaks down. And so I wonder if it's like this, they're, they're afraid they, it's like, have you ever had those friends who don't want to like date a girl or fall in love
Starting point is 01:34:22 with a girl? Cause they don't want to get hurt. And you're like, are you fucking kidding me, dude? Go get that and get your heart broken. Who gives a fuck? Just come home and cry. If she, she breaks your heart. It's like, they don't want to put all their eggs in one basket kind of thing. Yeah. It's like, they're just scared of the, of losing and they're, they're scared of failure, I guess. I don't know why I say it's scared of failure, I guess. I don't know. In some ways. Yeah. I think it's a defense mechanism to that. then you can always say, oh, well, I could have put this.
Starting point is 01:34:47 I could have put that into it. I could have done this. You know what I mean? Like there's always that, yeah, but I could have. Which to me, as somebody who like tries to, you know, build their life into this, that conversation is one that I couldn't rest my head on the pillow and go with. Yeah, I could have done this. You could or couldn't? Say that again. Explain that to me again. You couldn't do what?
Starting point is 01:35:07 Somebody like me, I couldn't go in and I couldn't say to myself when I'm trying to go to sleep at night, oh, I could have done this. Some people take solace in that, in that they didn't put everything so that in their head, they can say, if I would have just put this in there, I'd be in his position or I'd be here, I'd be there. Somebody like me that eats me up, dude. Even before like a fight, if I feel like I didn't check every single box, put every little egg in this basket, I feel like shit. And I don't have confidence going into that fight. Confidence breeds from preparation. It breeds from what you put into it, from your lifestyle, from what you're reading, what you're writing about. It's, it's an intention kind of thing,
Starting point is 01:35:44 I guess. And some people have an intention where they don't want to put all of themselves into it. So they reserve a certain piece of themselves that doesn't get hurt in a relationship, in a fight, in a whatever. They have a certain piece that they can hold on to, but I don't know. It's that piece that if they gave it, you would see the next level of love in a relationship. You'd see the next level of fighting and you would see the next level of, of love in a relationship. You'd see the next level of, of fighting and you'd see the next level of, of whatever. And the other thing
Starting point is 01:36:10 you touched on a little bit too, I think about the aesthetic lifestyle and all that. For me, one thing I try to, I obviously want more things. I want to climb to the top of this division. I want, I want a UFC belt around my late, my waist, all that. It's, It's why you want the things. I think that's important too. Your intention. I still want, I want, I want land. I want cows. I want all these things, but I don't want them because I want people to look at me having them. I want them so I can go fucking pet a cow or have my own milk. I don't, I don't want shoes so that when I go out, people can look at my shoes and say, damn, he's got money, bro. He's, he's making it. He's done. He's done it. I want all these things for myself to build a better life for myself and the
Starting point is 01:36:47 people around me. I want these things that they're not surface level things. I don't know. I don't know. I think. Yeah. It's, it's funny you say it. So when I first started this podcast, I told the guy I was partnering with to do it. I was like, Hey, I'm only going to do 500 shows and I'm getting out. And I think that that was me being afraid because in my mind, I'm better than Joe Rogan and Howard Stern put together. And so that was just me being a fucking coward and building an out for myself. And you're in, and I want to be at the top of my fucking game and I want to own this space and you're right i don't want to i i'm not doing it to get pussy i'm doing it to uh so that i can uh build a fence around my property and get a cow and teach my kids how to milk a cow you're right it's crazy you're too young to be teaching me shit don't do that don't come on my show in school my shit i'll tell you the one i had
Starting point is 01:37:40 i'll tell you my little half my fucking age boy go ahead you're trying dude people like you i get to learn from a bunch so hopefully i can spout a little little something every once in a while but um for me the little thing i had to get over like you said comes out he's a guy he's one of those savages he comes from all those dagastani guys or maybe it's a favela in brazil for me one of the things I had to get over was that I don't come from something like that. In most places, most jobs, most things you want to climb to, those things are a detriment. In our sport, something like that, that rough background is your biggest ally. So for me, when I was first getting into the sport, I'd wonder if I had that dog in me. I would wonder if I had that when shit got tough, those guys are coming from you know, those guys are coming from nothing. They're fighting with everything they got. How do I get out for me? How do I get to that point? Because I have two great parents. I have I'm not going to say we were super well off or anything, but they made so many sacrifices that whatever opportunity I wanted to go after, I knew I had it. white privilege motherfucker white privilege right i want i want one of these fucking people
Starting point is 01:38:46 who talks about white privilege to tell white privilege to kayla harrison i want to i want to lock you in a fucking room with her and you spout off your white privilege shit to her to her see what she fucking does to you i pay money to see that tell me about her fucking white privilege you know her right no i wish oh okay sorry i had you confused so someone else we had on the show trains with her a complete savage and a brutal upbringing a brutal fucking upbringing i'll take fucking whatever happened to hazmat a million times over what happened to her you know her story i don't think i'm going into it too much of her judo instructor fucking raped her from when she was eight to when she was 16 on the reg jesus jesus man and that's
Starting point is 01:39:27 that same fucking instructor that fucking built her up to be the fucking first american world champion and you want to tell me that that's not a fucking tough yeah yeah yeah crazy right how scrambled is she and she's cool as shit dude if you ever get a chance to meet her she's on the show that that girl is real she's cool as shit yeah she's dope man she's dope okay okay sorry so we're all over the place i gotta get a piece so bad i just want to get his thoughts on colby and um and and and jorge i love both these guys i i love i i i i i don't they both are so real to me i get so bummed when people tell me about Colby's act because I don't see his act. I guess maybe game recognize game. I just see a dude who works so fucking hard, who has an amazing engine, who really wants to win and all that other stuff. I just I don't even see. It's like when I'm
Starting point is 01:40:16 picking fruit off a tree. I don't look at the leaves. I'm like, oh, there's an orange and there's an orange and maybe I'm naive. But in the same with jorge i just love jorge and i'm just i'm tripping that these guys have to do this but but what are your thoughts on them man no i agree with you if you look at colby's ability strictly his ability screw all the extracurricular shit all that he's a he's a he's one of the greatest in the world there's no yeah um i think where where it gets weird though is like when you create it, he, he's definitely created a character, right? I think where it gets weird is when you create a character, you start, that starts seeping into your personality somewhere, right?
Starting point is 01:40:53 That starts seeping into who you are, at least some way, especially when you- Like believing your own hype, believing your own lie. Exactly. But also believing the, believing the character that he's made. The character that he's made is this untouchable this this you know this invincible kind of guy this this larger than life figure from my experience I think George has said this you know in his interviews as well but yes that's great as long as the fight as long as the fight's going your way as long as it's maybe you know you're you're setting the pace you're on the front foot somebody like George man he's
Starting point is 01:41:23 gonna be in there whether he's on the front foot, whether he's on the back foot, whether he's getting his ass beat for three rounds or whether he's not. Somebody like Colby who's built that character, if he has started to believe that, when that facade gets broken by somebody like George who's not going to wither under your pressure, you can start to fall apart quicker than your opponent can make you fall apart. And I don't know that like,
Starting point is 01:41:49 to me, to me, recognizing my vulnerabilities going into a fight is like the biggest superpower. I don't know the conversations Covington has in his head, whether he recognizes those things, whether he gets, he gives George credit for what he's good at and whether he evaluates
Starting point is 01:42:03 himself and looks, you know, looks to see where his weaknesses are. But just that idea of not being in touch with your vulnerabilities and not understanding where you're weak or where you're, uh, where you're not in the greatest spot in a fight. I think that is as it gets longer, as the fight goes on, I think that starts to show itself a little bit more. Now, can you give me an example of that? What do you mean by vulnerability? it gets longer as the fight goes on i think that starts to show itself a little bit more now can you give me an example of that what do you mean by vulnerability like are you talking about like emotional or like what's going on in your life are you talking about like actual tangible stuff
Starting point is 01:42:33 like hey my my right my right hand's a little slow and this guy's i could expose like you're talking about like that i think it's more along the technical lines but i think also like yeah i can like regular life as well like if you're're, if you're not sure where you're, you're lacking in certain places, it's going to, you know what I mean? Like that, that shit pops up on its own, but I'm more talking about the technical side. And then when the technical side gets exposed, that's when the vulnerabilities in your mindset get exposed. When you start realizing that it's not going to be a walk in the park, that you're not going to be able to set a pace on this guy. Like you were able to, maybe he is, dude.
Starting point is 01:43:05 I don't know. But at that first sign of resistance, that second sign of resistance, that third sign of resistance that I think George is going to give him, does he start to unravel or does he keep it cool and keep his pressure or whatever? I don't know. I think – how about this? Let me push back here. The first fight he had against Usmanman i think they both walked away with their dignity intact then the second fight with uzman i can't remember i think let's just say the first two rounds it looked like uzman what was going to clearly destroy him but but but but
Starting point is 01:43:39 colby stayed in it he did and in the third fourth and fifth round we saw we saw um like he didn't he didn't fall apart like you like you felt like he could have i mean you see it's weird when you see fights like that like a guy win the first lose the first round and then come back even mentally and chug back along so and we know what uzman did to to to both of them right but but he beat up uzman beat up jorge more easily than he beat up Colby. That's for sure, right? He controlled him for sure, I think, more. The second one –
Starting point is 01:44:11 I guess beat up is not the right word. Yeah, yours is better wording. Yeah, he controlled Jorge more. He beat Colby up more. Right. And that's – honestly, I think that's what Colby is going to try to do to George. I think he's going to try to put him against the cage, make his arms fill up with blood, make him wrestle early in the fight, then hopefully for him you know start adding on
Starting point is 01:44:28 to the volume adding on to the wrestling later and later on but who knows man they're both beautiful strikers it's weird when people say Colby sloppy like I hear people criticizing him do you think that at all no not at all yeah me neither i don't think he's sloppy at all i think there's also like people underestimate like i get used to seeing a jab across a hook a uppercut a certain way right a kick a certain way when somebody has that that's just a little bit different from that it changes the angle it changes imagine you're we're playing baseball right you're used to overhand pitching all the time then you get this guy who comes in and throws 70 miles per hour but it's from a submarine angle right you've got to adjust to that it's different it's the same thing with guys who
Starting point is 01:45:14 i wouldn't say he's sloppy i'd say he has stuff that comes from different angles and he has different rhythms and he has a he has a lot faster pace than most guys too. Yeah, Colby? Yeah. Yeah, it's nuts. It's nuts. Is it that he doesn't have knockout power or he just doesn't throw – he's measured in his punches? I'd say he's measured. I would say he's also not – I don't think he cares about knocking. I think he punches to just stay in your face.
Starting point is 01:45:42 I think he wrestles to just stay in your face. I think his biggest weapon is his gas tank, and he uses that whether he's wrestling or whether he's he's fighting if he throws big shots that gas tank dwindles down like you said he's measured and he's just constant constant constant um and what about um uh jorge start how he starts the fights leaned up back up against the fence what do you think about that there's a there's a handful of guys who do that where they're just so chill like the fence. What do you think about that? There's a, there's a handful of guys who do that where they're just so chill. Like they're like, what do you think about that?
Starting point is 01:46:11 You know what I'm talking about? How he starts all his fights. Yeah. To each their own. I don't, I mean, everybody's got their own little triggers, I guess that make them feel comfortable in there.
Starting point is 01:46:21 They've got their own kind of little patterns that they do before the fight, you know, while Bruce buffer is announcing their name and all that um yeah i don't i don't read too much too much into that one um going scrolling down one fight um you have rafael dos anos uh arguably one of the greatest fighters in the ufc of all time just he's got this insane long career he was i think he was champion at the 55 class correct yeah and i think when i first started watching the ufc like six or seven years ago that he or eight years ago whenever that was he was the champion he was the guy to beat and then he went
Starting point is 01:46:55 up to 171 he got had some wars and then came back down and i heard him say that this is his last run. I think he's 37 years old. This is kind of a must win for him, huh? I'd say so. I'd say so. And his body looks amazing. He looks like he's in the best shape of his life. He looks like he's made of stone. He does, dude.
Starting point is 01:47:23 I think he's had – with that move up to 170, I think it's – oh, it's at 160, huh? Oh. Oh, because they had to find a replacement for the guy he was fighting. Okay. So they got this guy last minute, two weeks' notice. Okay, and this guy's a catchweight guy. Moicano's a gangster, bro. He's good too. Real good.
Starting point is 01:47:37 Didn't he just fight? I'm not sure. I'm not sure. Anyway, thoughts on this fight? Who's going to win it? This could go either way. I probably got Dos Anjos, though, to be honest. If he keeps the pressure like he kind of usually does, gets nasty up against the cage, I think he'll be able to get it done.
Starting point is 01:47:59 What do you guys? And then what do you think about Bryce Mitchell? You know, Bryce Mitchell's kind of doing what it sounds like you might want to do. Bryce Mitchell is fighting to put together a farm. Yeah. Dude, I watch all his little YouTube series. I watch, yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:15 No, he is the meta. He's what I'm trying to get to. Yeah, he's cool as shit. That's a fucking tough fight. That dude right there, he's fighting. I guess arguably one of the better athletes in the UFC. Barbosa's amazing. This is going to be a crazy fight.
Starting point is 01:48:36 This is kind of a, I guess, a moment of truth for Bryce, huh? Yeah, no, it's a big step up. If he wins this, I mean, his star power shoots through the roof, 100%. It's a huge fight. All right. Well, thank you, AJ. Do you have a pick for that one before we go between those two? I know that's a hard one between Edson and Bryce.
Starting point is 01:48:57 Man, I'm going to go Bryce just because I think he's going to be tough enough to survive the Edson onslaught in round one. And then once Edson kind of burns that explosive muscle of his, I think Bryce is going to slowly bow against Rick Drew. I think that you're just picking him because of the reach difference. Does he have a reach? Yeah, my man. I want to thank everyone for watching today.
Starting point is 01:49:22 Thank you, AJ. Thank you, Caleb. And thank you, of course, most of all, Dylan Vowell, our local fighter who watches every show. Thank you. And good luck, AJ. Not that you need it, but we'll all be watching. Thank you.

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