The Sevan Podcast - #327 CrossFit Games - 22.3 Announcement with Dave Castro, Rich Froning, Jason Khalipa, James Hobart, Angelo DiCicco, and more

Episode Date: March 10, 2022

CrossFit 22.3 Announcement with Dave Castro, Rich Froning, Jason Khalipa, James Hobart, Angelo DiCicco, Sam Cournoyer, Luke Parker, and John Young The CrossFit Open has long been the largest particip...atory fitness event in the world. This year, there are nearly 300,000 people signed up to participate. The Open is an online competition available to anyone who either trains at a CrossFit box or has a CrossFit certified judge that can judge their workouts. Every Thursday for three consecutive weeks, CrossFit will unveil the workout for that weekend. All participants must then complete the workout and submit their score before monday evening. The top 10% from the leaderboard will then move on to the quarterfinals. The quarterfinals are a set of workouts that must be completed within the same weekend. This test resembles the format of what we normally see during a test of fitness. The CrossFit Open is the kick off event of the official CrossFit Games season. Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - WORLD'S #1 JOB BOARD FOR THE CROSSFIT COMMUNITY - 50% off first year with code "sevan22" Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:03 Oh, naked dudes. All sorts of naked dudes. A lot of me. I can't even tell all the Mayhem dudes apart. Do what? Was that a Royce Dunn or a Luke Parker? I can't tell the Mayhem dudes apart. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:01:20 It's a bad connection is what the fuck it is. Bad connection? Is that a Luke Parker or a Royce Dunn? Oh, look at that. That's a Luke Parker. Giant human being. Yeah. And also Trice.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Trice, what's up, playa? Hey, Rick, are you at your house or somewhere else? Am I what? That's not your house, is it? Yeah. Oh. He got new windows. New windows.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Rich, this is the blue-eyed guy that looks like Dan Bailey is John Young. I don't know if you guys have met before. Hello, Rich. I've seen John Young before. Yeah, let's go on. You do look like Dan, kind of. I just saw a lot on the comments. That is, they
Starting point is 00:02:08 call him a, they actually called him a low-rent Dan Bailey, which I think is really mean and really funny. Low-rent Dan Bailey, that's not nice. A low-rent? How can you call Dan Bailey high-rent? That's why it's not nice. It's mean to Dan.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Mischaracterizes him. Hey, I wanted to play this for you guys here real quick. Let me see if I can. I think you guys will find this. That's the sound of a 360-degree barbell brush by Hybrid Athletics. Oh, my gosh. that's one thing. That's one thing you guys need to see. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:47 And then I wanted to show you guys this. I, someone sent me this, this, uh, here we go. Let's see. I saw this already.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Oh, just two CrossFitters with tiny schlong staring at each other. Someone sent that to me just before we went live on the show i said oh the boys will really appreciate that that uh that barbell thing makes me cringe it's like nails on a chalkboard oh shit what was my idea i'm like rob you need a slow-mo of that brush cleaning a bar i just like it hurts me, though. Hey, Rich, you really got Jason stunned. Usually he comes on here like just fucking Kramer on Seinfeld.
Starting point is 00:03:32 He just fucking kicks in the door and I just chill. Basically, I could be texting my wife and shit, but you're on here now and he's just completely fucking beside himself. He doesn't know his law. I'm just mesmerized by his good luck i'm still in jason's dome from rogue imitation oh my god i've been i've been occupying jason's headspace
Starting point is 00:03:56 since the invitational oh man dude the invitational that was a lot of fun i'm looking forward to doing it again but uh i mean it wasn't easy that, you know, you didn't want to go against me one-on-one. So, of course, you had – who was it? Was it Julie? Julie went instead of you. You guys, that was a nice little riff back and forth for sure. Yeah, Julie, that was the most fun part of that whole thing
Starting point is 00:04:24 is just messing with you, honestly. Oh, gosh. Because it's too easy. It's too easy. It's just like old times. Rich, I know you have limited time today, so let's talk about this guy from Mayhem, Charles Coran. Is that a real guy? We're hearing rumors that he's not a real guy and that he's just some dude you guys made up just to mess with the leaderboard.
Starting point is 00:04:44 He's the fittest guy I've made up. No, he's a real dude. He's fit. We're going to start changing everything. We're going to rebrand What's Charlie Doing? We've got all the banners at Mayhem. Everybody, we were joking. Dude's fit.
Starting point is 00:04:59 It's a real deal. At first, you're always suspect, but the the hard hardest part is is like you want to call bs on it but he's literally the nicest human being on the planet the most soft-spoken person you've ever met and he's legit really good at the two workouts that came out oh damn oh yeah wow oh my goodness very i love the word choice here and the sequencing of words. You know what? Tell me about tell me about Charles. How how old is he? Did you know about him before before he popped up on the leaderboard? I've seen him in the gym a ton. I don't know a ton about Charlie, honestly.
Starting point is 00:05:46 i've seen him in the gym a ton i don't know a ton about charlie honestly um he like i said he's in the gym trains pretty much every day that we're in there that we're popping in there um i've seen him in there and everybody says he's got an incredible engine which is obvious by the first two he did really well on both of those um today i don't know ang, did you get your eyebrows waxed or something? You're looking like really, really sharp. Your nose waxed. The edges, you look sharp. The edges are sharp. You get nose hairs like that?
Starting point is 00:06:14 I think this guy's giggling inside. I think he's known, right? Like this is his whole thing. Hey, I'm going to sneak up on the leaderboard and crush it. Like deep down inside, he's just giggling his ass off because you guys never noticed him before yeah i mean he should he should giggle his ass off because he beat beat us in both workouts wait where is he on the leaderboard so i'm i'm not keeping track of any of this stuff i need to should be pulling that
Starting point is 00:06:38 shit up but he's stunned by rich too no one wants to pull rich's face make rich's face smaller he's number 12 in the world who Who of his judges been Rich? Did you talk to his judges? Did you get any verification? I'm pretty sure he's filmed both of them, I think. And we have security cameras, so I can pull it up if we really need to, if we didn't trust this guy.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Charlie's the type of guy, though, I don't feel like he would do anything suspect whatsoever. And you're a good judge of character? Depends. I guess you'd have to ask my wife that, but she would say no. I'd say yes. He's ninth in North America, Jason.
Starting point is 00:07:14 He's 12th. Charles Curran? Yep. Oh, man. Hey, Rich, why? Do what? Why why i'm sorry i didn't mean to interrupt your conversation with your son why um why does it matter why does it why do you like it that the open doesn't matter as much wasn't it more intense and more fun from the fan perspective when it was more intense when when it was just like hey these guys go to the game i think it's why it's more fun for us as athletes
Starting point is 00:07:45 when it's not as intense and not so stressful. Do you think it's better for the sport this way too? I think it's better that quarterfinals have more of an emphasis because that's a truer test of overall fitness. I think you can get more um done you know thursday to sunday or whatever it is thursday to sunday i think that's a better test of fitness versus just one workout um a week for three weeks i don't think that's personally i just i like it better it's more hey rich is this your last open oh this probably won't be my last open um it'll probably be my
Starting point is 00:08:27 last season for a full season for a while kids are getting older i'm gonna go beat one of them real quick make them go outside so hold on just a second you guys for a while for a while what does that even mean what does that even mean savann i don't know i don't know and then he exits angelo and John. Um, who does Sam dancer, Sam dancers entering the, um, uh, it looks like he's going to try to compete with Hobart and that
Starting point is 00:08:52 master's division. Does, does, does have a chance? Yeah. I mean, it's based on, based on the performance that seems to the open,
Starting point is 00:09:00 I mean, on workouts that I wouldn't think you do that well on. I mean, he's been, I mean, what is he like 85th or something, which is really impressive. I haven, on workouts that I wouldn't think you'd do that well on. I mean, what is he, like 85th or something? Which is really impressive. I haven't seen what he is in his age group,
Starting point is 00:09:11 but he's killing these first two workouts. I'm talking about Sam and Dave. I think it just depends on what workouts come out in the games because Hobart is pretty well-rounded, and Dancer has had holes in the past. So if he gets lucky. Yeah yeah but you would have thought that the two workouts that have come out it would have been holes and so he's done pretty well which is it's impressive yeah yeah impressive for sure if you had to put money down rich
Starting point is 00:09:35 hobart or dancer who who wins that division this year man i've i've trained with james so much that i i feel like like come games time, I would put my money on James. I do love Sam, though. Sam's literally the nicest human being on the planet, so you can't have any ill feelings. And he's a guy that you want to just not like for some reason. I don't know why, but he's literally the nicest human being on the planet.
Starting point is 00:09:59 I thought Charles – wait a second. I thought Charles – Oh, yeah, Charles, sorry. There's a lot of nicest people on the planet. Wait, Dan Bailey's in the 36 to category, too, or 35 to 39. How about your boy, Dan? Where does he stack up, Rich? Dan, Dan will be really good. Oh, look at all. What's everybody talking?
Starting point is 00:10:20 I'm talking about just talking about you. Is your ears burning? They bad just the headphones oh hold on i like sam i like sam too but i think i think hobart's gonna run away with it i don't think niceness has anything to do with it no i like i said i think i've spent so much time with james and know how good of an athlete he is, I think James will do well. As far as Dan goes, Dan will be – he'll throw an interesting wrench in there as long as he doesn't get any cramps. Oh, my God. So the cramps comment I'm going to throw in there is also in with that comment
Starting point is 00:11:03 where you said Charles did really good for these first two workouts for the Open. There's two things. Hey, you're the one that's, you know, the words are whatever. There's nuance. Hobart, you have some bias being that you are affiliated with the mothership. How do you feel about
Starting point is 00:11:20 these first two workouts? There's been a lot of criticism that they are similar in scope and uh and that and that yeah and that and that that's why charles coran is number 12. um is my mic working finally and you look really good thanks you do too um those two workouts are pretty similar wow hobart thank you uh thank you pull the jump transition yeah i mean it's it was it was push jump pull i mean they were very very very similar yeah do you know what workout number three does anyone here know what the next workout is i wish um why don't you let people do it why don't you let people do it twice rich why yeah i heard i heard about this this big government
Starting point is 00:12:13 pay the man the censorship coming out of mayhem um pay i don't own rights to pay the man so we gotta be careful using that on the show i just just, you know, go at it once, you know, in years past when it did actually matter, when it was a huge deal. I mean, James, there was times we did the workout, I think four times, twice in a day. It was a bar muscle up power snatch one. And I got the same score three damn times. Yeah, I don't know. It's just kind of the way we train and the way we kind of program,
Starting point is 00:12:50 when somebody, you know, we do it twice, it just kind of throws off the rest of the couple days. And, you know, I don't know. It doesn't really matter. We let Luke redo it last week because apparently he had a migraine on the first day he did it, and he did so bad that he needed – just mentally he needed to redo it. So he redid it, and we allowed that.
Starting point is 00:13:08 That was one pass, but it just – Luke had a migraine? Is he cycling with the girls in the gym? Well, he has a girlfriend now, so I think that might be it. No, it's fresh too, so you know how that goes. It's not that fresh. It's fresh to the point. Oh, I get what you mean by cycling. Thank you, Hob that goes it's not that fresh it's fresh oh i get what you mean by cycling thank you hobart thank you i got it not by center not biking cycling lunar cycle yes yes yes got it do you get that joke clipa cycling the lunar cycle you get that
Starting point is 00:13:43 one yeah it's it's brand new to me. But yeah, I have two girls in the house. I figure I'll... Never heard of it. You got... Do you have a first aid kit in the gym with like Midol and tampons and like all that stuff? Like, are you thoughtful like that, Richard?
Starting point is 00:14:00 No, no, not you, Kalipa. Of course you do. You're a businessman. I think the board... Hey, I just want to say one thing. I don't think that stuff goes to the firstleeb. Of course you do. You're a businessman. I think the barn. Hey, I just want to say one thing. I don't think that stuff goes to the first aid kit. Female, feminine product. Say that again, Rich.
Starting point is 00:14:15 There's even a fake cactus in there now or something. I don't know. I've never noticed it. Kleeb, you have all that in your gyms, all nice and neat, like every bathroom, right? Yeah, but it actually sometimes comes to haunt us because we put tampons in the bathrooms. And then last week we had like a huge toilet clog because everybody put the tampons down the toilet. So it's a blessing and a curse to give those out, I guess. What's worse, leaving the toilet seat up or flushing a tampon down the toilet? Flush tampon. I think flushing a tampon down the toilet? Flushed tampon.
Starting point is 00:14:47 I think flushing the tampon for sure. Well, I didn't know that you weren't allowed. I mean, I've never used the tampon and thrown it down the toilet, so I didn't know what the rules of engagement are. But, yeah, putting a – you know what's worse? Pits all over the seat is probably the worst. Sometimes I just take my wives and throw them down the toilet for fun just to, like, hide them. Just unwrap them and throw them down the toilet for fun just to like oh man i handed one to my kid the other day i'm like look at these these are little bullets for your gun he goes no they're not there for mom's vagina and he's like five i'm like all right well i guess you already know that all right wow how come he knows that and I do at 25? Right.
Starting point is 00:15:32 I have this idea for – Proven's in Nashville, right? Proven. Proven. Proven. Proven. How about a competitor competition to the CrossFit Games, and it's just Mayhem versus Proven? You guys are close to each other.
Starting point is 00:15:51 You got a lot of big names. We wouldn't even have to go to the CrossFit Games to do that, huh? No, just right there at the barn. A couple iPhones. Do it at the barn. It's my idea. I only want 3%. Dude, the shades savannah really adding to your look right now like thank you yeah it's a whole i think we should all put on sunglasses it's it's my um it's my this is when i do any of the games content that's how serious i take it i put on the most expensive glasses i
Starting point is 00:16:23 have so nobody can see what hand you have right exactly and i put on my favorite shirt because i know my audience what year did you buy that shirt i have um i don't remember i have this there's two years in a row that i asked reebok to send me 10 of each and there was a time when this is like the only shirt i i wore like that's it i only wore the froning shirt i think it's a really nice shirt thank you and and the year before this one it said froning on the back and i started to put that one on and i actually took it off for the show and i'm like you know what i'm gonna put it with the froning on the front thanks man hey i don't know if you guys want this but it just got sent to us. Oh, it's the workout.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Oh, yeah, please. It's on Make Wads Great Again. So I don't know how true it is, but it says 21 pull-ups, 42 double-unders, 21 thrusters, weight one, 18 chest-to-bar, 36 double-unders, 18 thrusters at weight two, 15 bar muscle-ups, 30 double- 30 double unders and 15 thrusters weight three i don't know how accurate that is but there you go can you pull that up suza i got those fuckers blocked so i can't see shit it says 95 115 then 135 i don't know how accurate that is but but but the show hasn't started yet right their show doesn't start till noon right no hey rich so like you know back in the day like we did well we've done a few open
Starting point is 00:17:51 announcements and like when the open was like super super important obviously people are trained and whatever is open now feel different for you or do you still get anxious like excited about what the workouts can be or not not really as as much. It's like, whatever, you don't really care. I think as a competitor, you still, uh, get anxious. You still get nervous before the workout, whatever it is. There's definitely a little bit of a, you know, you want to know what it is and what the test is for that week. Um, I don't think that goes away for sure, but I, what I do like about it is I don't need to stress and obsess about the leaderboard once it's over. Is that true, Angelo? Does he not stress? Oh,
Starting point is 00:18:29 look at this. No, I forced them all to listen to what rank they were in. You can probably tell us. Well, who is that guy? Hey, Dave. Is that Bear Grylls? Yeah, we can hear you.
Starting point is 00:18:45 I came on for one reason. I want to find out who James Hobart works for. Because if he's on this show, he sure as shit can't work for CrossFit anymore. Who does number two for CrossFit much longer? Are you programming for the main animation, James? Especially with you on there, you're a political liability. James Hobart has left the chat.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Hey, Dave, we got an important question for you, seriously. Someone guessed the URL at the CrossFit Games site, and they released the workout just now 40 minutes early. If we show it to you, can you confirm or deny? It's public. Will you pull that up again, Sousa?
Starting point is 00:19:29 So basically, this is what they have. They have workout 22.3, 21 pull-ups, 42 double-unders, 21 thrusters, 18 chest-to-bar, 36 double-unders, 18 thrusters, 15 bar muscle-ups, 30 double-unders, 15 thrusters. Does that sound like what you programmed? That's out already? yeah and here let me read it let me read what it says here that make wads great again um that the um he said a follower sent this to me said he guessed the url cross Games uses. I tested it and it pans out. Get a
Starting point is 00:20:06 head start on the dubs. Hey, I gotta go, but what a shit show. Hey, this is fun. This was fun. It was fun for almost all of us. I gather from his response
Starting point is 00:20:24 that that's the workout. I mean, that's what I take of it. That may have been his workout. Yeah. Can you pull that up again? Oh, John George Dave confirmed. We can punch in that URL. Can you punch in that URL, Susan, and see if you can pull up that?
Starting point is 00:20:41 Please don't. Oh. No, please don't. James. Defend the realm hobart that's why you're here buddy okay well the url wasn't 42 double unders it's i mean that's it's the double under why the double unders even in there they're insignificant it's like not even a full minute of double unders in the whole workout okay so someone someone guessed the exact someone guessed the landing page and so that's how they found this is that what you're saying yeah but you know what that's been done before too with other stuff once people like those those computer guys who look at urls for a living they start to see that pattern
Starting point is 00:21:20 recognition and they know that stuff i wouldn't put it past Dave to just make us think that that's what it was. And it's something completely different though. It's possible. It's very, very possible, but I don't think so. Go ahead. What if Dave shows up at the announcement and it's a totally different workout? That would be the ultimate twist. That would be good. Especially since it looked like he was just out in the back at the ranch cutting down trees.
Starting point is 00:21:47 I was thinking that he was going to show up at this point. That's what I thought. But now that I just saw his background, I think that'd be pretty unlikely. He's already got a mic drop in an open announcement for you. That's bold news. Hey, Rich,
Starting point is 00:22:04 weren't you guys supposed't the two weren't you guys supposed to be in this announcement i don't know what you're talking about all right i thought i heard that i must have misunderstood i must have misunderstood yeah i guess you misunderstood angelo i didn't say that uh what do you guys think about roman? He's in the United States. Isn't he supposed to have to do a semifinal in some other foreign land, like where you got to cross the Atlantic? I would assume he'd be in Europe, right?
Starting point is 00:22:38 Yeah, or in Russia. He's in Asia, the Asian qualifier. Oh, Asia. How's that work, John? In the perfect situation, how would Roman make it to the games? Yeah, so last year, they submitted videos for everything, and it was at home. So I don't know how that's going to work this year just with COVID. If Asia has a semifinal and an in-person semifinal, he would have to be there.
Starting point is 00:23:11 But where that's at, I don't know. They've announced it, haven't they, where the semifinals are going to be? They have, but they also announced a couple days ago that he's in the United States. And the way that they announced he was in the United States was, I haven't heard anyone talk about it. I don't know if anyone has, but basically he escaped from there. Like he's lucky to be here. Like it wasn't easy to get him here.
Starting point is 00:23:30 If the Asia semifinal is in China, he could go to China and come back. You know what I mean? He's not going back to Russia. So, you know, if he got in America once, I'll be able to get America again.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Like that stuff's all settled. So, I mean, I think he'd be able to, and then if not, I mean, if it's, if it's, you know, I don't know how they're going to handle semifinals with COVID, but last year everything was on video. So it didn't matter. You know, he was able to do it because you just took a video of your workout. I don't mean to put you on the spot, John,
Starting point is 00:24:00 but of these men on the screen right now, who is the fittest? FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning, in an exciting live dealer studio, exclusively on FanDuel Casino, where winning is undefeated. 19 plus and physically
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Starting point is 00:24:41 spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run!
Starting point is 00:25:01 Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. I'm, I would say Rich Browning. We let Travis hopped off. That was it. He's like, fuck you, I'm out of here. Hobart, can you give it to Sandancer this year? Does he have a chance against you?
Starting point is 00:25:22 I think he has a very good chance. He's first in the division. What does that mean? I don't know how to make that sentence more clear than I did. You mean he's doing better in you in the Open than you are? Significantly, yeah. Yeah, but you're part of that
Starting point is 00:25:39 mayhem pedigree where you guys don't give a fuck about the Open when it doesn't matter. No, no, We started not giving enough about the Open after James left. Yeah, I still care about it immensely. I've retested every workout three
Starting point is 00:25:55 times. Is that true, or are you just fucking with us? No, that is not true. Same day. I did that deadlift one three times in the same day. Now that we've seen the workout um how's charles gonna do rich can we pull the workout back up suza probably not bad that 135 bar is not enough of a separator to do anything i don't think yeah but that leak doesn't have 22.4 that could could be 0.3, and then there's another workout after.
Starting point is 00:26:27 You know, it seems like a shorter workout. It doesn't seem very long. I don't know what a time cap would be, but looking at it, what we saw, I don't think it would be a long workout. So it wouldn't surprise me if there was a max lift afterwards. But, yeah, if there's not, this open did not test strength like one i own i think the time cap was 12 minutes oh but like elite people like i y'all will do it you know seven ish there's no separator in there right right like like there's nothing there to
Starting point is 00:27:01 make you stop so if there's not a max i think there's would be a max lift if that's the workout there's going to be another part where there's a max lift after um because they haven't tested strength at all if the page doesn't say a though you know there's no one a and there could be a b usually it'll last year was 22 21.3 and 21.4 there was no there was two tell that where did you get that suit and said hey just keep guessing your house the other one uh susan where did you get that our boy will sent it to me he was hot on the url code there i mean uh maybe he didn't want me to mention that so uh now he's on blast but i mean I mean – Oh, so Maquad's great again, pulled this out of his or Nicky's ass trolling to get – No, I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:27:52 I think he does – I think he puts things in his ass, but I don't think he pulled this out of his ass. So go back to the workout again. What do you think about what John's saying here? Is this a complete shit show if this is as heavy as it gets? So go back to the workout again. What do you think about what John's saying here? Is this a complete shit show if this is as heavy as it gets? Are you guys bummed? I'm bummed. Angela, Obart, Shobart. If that's the final workout and there is no fourth workout, then yes.
Starting point is 00:28:21 I don't think there will be though because I don't remember an Open where they didn't test everything a little bit. Right. That makes sense. I like the repeats too. You what, James? I said I like the repeats too.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Yeah, they're good to come back to every once in a while and see how much worse you've gotten over the years. Yeah, I don't need a workout to tell me that. For what it's worth, Sevan, from Brian, he thinks it's legit as far as the third workout. Yeah. Looking at this though, like the double unders, what's the point in them in this workout?
Starting point is 00:29:07 Is there even 100? Just to say that you can the double unders what's the point in them in this workout is there even 100 just to say that you can do double unders jumping right in every workout jumping in every workout you're right touche touche i do like that let's jump again yeah and 135 makes it inclusive inclusive. Yeah. It's not a heavy weight at all. Too inclusive. It should be 135, 185, 225. That'd be a better workout. Well, some people, a lot
Starting point is 00:29:33 of you are going to stop at 12. Who would that be a better workout for, John? That'd be better for me. 15 presses at 225? All day. I've seen you squat clean. Jesus. Hey, I don't think there is a... That's triple body weight for me, man. I don't think there is a part B to this, by the way.
Starting point is 00:29:55 I think this is it. I think we're staring at it. I think we would have picked something up from Dave, and I think it would say it in here. I think it would say 22.3A. Did you guys already say that? It didn't last year. Oh, it didn't? Last year, would say 22.3A. Did you guys already say that? It didn't last year. Last year, there were two completely separate
Starting point is 00:30:08 workouts. This looks like fake news to me. Yeah, I mean... You better hope it is. You're getting paid to say that. Hey, who's that sponsor? Go check out CrossFit Games' YouTube channel for full details.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Thorn? Yeah. That's what I said. Is that a new sponsor for the games? Yeah, I did see. Thank you. I'll call you back.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Okay. They were there last year. I thought, right. No. Who, what wasn't thorn at the games last year? I believe so.
Starting point is 00:30:44 What do they do? I believe, I believe so. My did they do? I believe so. My mom bought some of their stuff. My mom takes the Thorne. They're a supplement company. Oh. My mom takes the Thorne. Will you do this today, Rich?
Starting point is 00:30:57 Will the whole Mayhem team do this today? Is this something you guys just do right away? No, we'll probably do it tomorrow morning. We did a lot of bar muscle-ups on Monday. We did a lot on a couple days and a couple hours on Monday whole bar Thursday's usually a swim day
Starting point is 00:31:14 and then some type of either cardio or accessory piece it's usually our light on the joints you guys are still swimming you know James 2600 meters morning bro do you have a pool at your barn yet You guys are still swimming. You know, James, 2600 meters. Morning, bro. Do you have a pool at your barn yet?
Starting point is 00:31:30 I wish. Hopefully soon. Dude, Rich, that time I went swimming with you and Frazier was miserable. It was like, because I wasn't in like super tip-top swimming shape. And you assholes were like lapping me. I don't know if you remember that, but it was like a couple of years ago. Anyways, I felt very uncomfortable. That makes you feel any better?
Starting point is 00:31:49 Yeah. No, you don't remember it? All right, perfect. It doesn't make them feel better. It makes them feel worse. Why don't you have a... Why did... Oh, okay. Someone just sent me a text saying they're agreeing with you.
Starting point is 00:32:02 21.3 didn't say A or B. Interesting. Why don't you have a pool at the barn rich stuff's expensive man it is you're right i know i just think you just have this bottomless pit of like resources i just figured like you would just some sponsor would be like yeah okay like scrooge mcduck that i can swim in my money dude can't you do one of those cargo shipping containers? Isn't that what you were talking about doing before? Or was that Hinshaw I was talking about?
Starting point is 00:32:30 You think Hilary Froning would allow a shipping container pool? James, do you remember a workout where it was just pull-ups in the open? Because I think it's a sketchy a sketchy judging oh yeah just pull it's always a chest of bar or something like that your toes to bar instead of right toes to bar and then chest to bar yeah oh shit yeah have we done just pull up i don't recall where it was just pull-ups yeah i don't think we have i don't think we have either and that is not being brought up on any other podcasts that are live right now that is an exclusive from john young and that those are the
Starting point is 00:33:12 kind of deep no one else is talking about just pull-ups yeah and then we have live reaction from a master's athlete uh has been kids games champ and a and a former dude who used to win the games reactions two two dudes who win the game. Two dudes. Just saying that leads me to think that this is fake news or that's going to be some sketchy judging from at least a lot of people. Can we just acknowledge the fact that if this is fake,
Starting point is 00:33:39 whoever took the time to build it, spent a shitload of time on it. It's not fake. Hey, do you think it's okay that i say i retired from crossfit media or do you think that that's a a lie since i got fired that's not true that's okay i'm trying to think of how i could soften it a little bit soft i don't know how to say that as nicely as possible hey savon how about parted ways i mean they told me my position was eliminated oh that's devastating that's the way of covering your ass from getting sued because of not being terminated by cause do you think they told dave we're switching to Angelo's phone because I've got to leave. Okay. Peace and love. Bye, Rich. Thank you. He was eliminated.
Starting point is 00:34:30 What is your issue? Is that a problem, John? Are you concerned about that, the 21, that it just being pull-ups? I just think pull-ups is a sketchy – it's hard to judge as far as your chin being – in a professional – in a in-person competition with judges that are, you know, being told this is what to look for. There's no rep, yes rep. But whenever your best friend is judging you, there's going to be a lot of people doing pull-ups that aren't real. And so why is the resolution on Angelo's phone so much better? Oh, it is way better.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Hillary wouldn't let Rich buy a new phone. Your phone? Mine's new. Angelo, that internet is top quality now. Are you hooked up to, like, they got Rich on, like, the 2.5 Wi-Fi, but you're on the good one. 5G.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Sorry, you guys were talking about pull-ups. I got sidetracked. Hey, so the problems at the top, the problems with the chin, the chin going over the bar at the top? Yeah, it's just a hard standard to judge. It's easy to cheat. Do you think it matters with how many reps was it? 42.
Starting point is 00:35:37 I guess, I mean, that's a good point. I don't even think it matters with that many reps. I mean, you're going to – It was 21. Holy crap. What? It's like a six-minute everybody's 21 holy crap it's like it's like a six minute workout that's why it's so short there has to be a part there has to be a
Starting point is 00:35:51 second a max at my first at my first sectional you had to break the vertical plane of the bar yeah you had to do like a pull-to talk about unnecessary standards i don't i'm gonna say that there isn't a uh i don't think this is real hey rich you know what i was talking about earlier remember that standard for thrusters one year the thruster ladder where your feet couldn't move at all yeah you remember that that was as much as james is trying to lead us off the trail, I feel like. Yeah, I think James. No, no, this is not real. It can't be real.
Starting point is 00:36:30 I don't think it is, man. My only argument with the. Bye, everybody. Good luck. Bye. Love you. Bye. Thanks, Rich.
Starting point is 00:36:37 My argument with the pull-up thing saying it's too hard to judge is think about the burpees last week. There was no guidance. We talked about this last week with Brian. He's like like uh literally you don't even know what a burpee is like that that judging was just as hard yeah but we've had that before that's happened in the past like like there's um and this i don't recall an open workout where pull-ups were in the past it just it makes for no it makes for judging that shouldn't have to be there. You know what I mean? Angelo, do you think you or any of your crew
Starting point is 00:37:08 are going to do this unbroken? Yeah, I think so. Yeah, I think most of these guys will for sure. I think Angelo will do it unbroken. I don't think I will. Hey, Rich, do you think you're going to do this workout unbroken? I just want everyone to know that originally we had rich froning on now he's speaking remote through angelo de chico um and we will still be getting insight from the i think i think so i mean i think it's i think it's doable but uh please bear with us while angelo retrieves the important
Starting point is 00:37:42 data jason would you've done this unbroken in your day would you do it unbroken now right now i couldn't do that unbroken i don't even know if during the because you know what you know it'd be tough is coming off what are the 18 thrusters what weight is that at that's at uh 115 yeah coming off 18 thrusters at that and then doing 15 unbroken armhouse gloves and then with those uh 15 at 1 15 at 135 is already pretty hard uh then to do at the end it would be pretty shitty you know i think yeah i think what he's saying i think the one set that it would be probably the hardest to go broken or maybe the smartest to break is a better way to say the smartest to break would be the 18 thrusters yeah or rich says the last bar should instead instead of being 15 on 135 it should be uh max reps in the remaining time um at 225 that's what i said
Starting point is 00:38:38 jason i think i i think i saw you go against jeremy teal once i think i filmed it and you guys did a sprint race 135 pound thrusters um for 10 reps and then 10 burpees uh three rounds i don't remember early in your career and in like something crazy happened in the final round with your guys's burpees like they didn't even look like burpees anymore. You guys were just pivoted. Hovering people. It was nuts. It was like you guys were doing splits.
Starting point is 00:39:11 Your legs were so wide apart. It was nuts. You beat them. I think you beat them by probably like 10 burpees, but it was nuts. Hey, do you want me to tell these guys to put their shirts on, or do you want me to keep telling them to keep off? Tell them both shirts off. All the shirts off. What's up, have any do you guys have any individual athletes we're kind of we don't want
Starting point is 00:39:31 to slum it with the team athletes do you have any um no give us one second some well some well so good to see you buddy yeah good to see you man how's it going how is everything everything's going well yeah I'm enjoying Cookville yeah that's awesome and Luke and Angelo and Rich are being nice to you yeah I mean Luke is like
Starting point is 00:39:58 Liam at home I have to take care of him otherwise he's gonna burn it dead the house yeah I mean, yeah. Um, serious question here. When we spoke to you, um, and we had you on the show, there were, it's, it's, it's, it's hard to say this because so many of the games athletes are so dedicated, but it was really hard to say that we'd ever spoke to anyone who seemed like a
Starting point is 00:40:21 more dedicated individual athlete. I mean, you were just laser focused and everything you said your voice the direction you took every conversation your commitment and um i mean you're definitely as committed and now to see you go team i'm wondering why is is it because you just can't pass this chance with rich or are you hurt or what's going on here i mean uh yeah that's one of the main reasons why i did it uh i mean when we rich funny ask you hey want to be part of my team from my last year it's kind of hard to say no and the good thing about going team is i have more time to focus on what i have to do for when i go back individual next year and win the games so yeah has anyone ever no one's ever
Starting point is 00:41:01 done that right no one's ever been has anyone gone from a team to winning the CrossFit Games? Not winning. Vellner is the closest. I think he was team, and then he's had a second, a couple of them. Yeah. Right? Yeah. Yep.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Wad Zombie just donated $5. I appreciate it. Get your Colton Merton sticker today at Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Get your Colton Merton sticker today at Thank you very much. And is there, is there any resentment between you and Luke and Angelo because you,
Starting point is 00:41:32 because they know that like, if you wouldn't, if you would have stayed in your tyrannical authoritarian country, that one of them could have been on the team with during Rich's last year as a, as, as a games athlete. I mean, not from what I know, but maybe. We wrestle once a day because of our jealousy. No, I'm joking. Luke, we were notified
Starting point is 00:41:55 that you have a girlfriend. Is this true? It is true. And is she 18 years or older? Yes. it is true and is she uh can you verify is she 18 years or older yeah i don't have a lot of questions i just want to make sure we're in the clear we're in the clear yeah we're in the clear all right awesome uh is uh do you guys do you did samwell or luke have you guys ever trained with trained with james hobart uh nope never had the chance to yeah how about you me neither me neither well he used to be there he used to sweat in the gym before you guys uh showed up he was rich's old friend not that gym different gym a littler gym
Starting point is 00:42:38 not the big barn yeah that's what i used to change that's when I used to help Angelo tie his shoes. Yep. I actually had the pleasure this last Easter of having Hobart at Mayhem for my level one. So that was a pretty cool experience. He got to show me the ropes. Hey, I have three Jewish sons. You smashed that day one workout. I have three Jewish sons, and I'm a little – this guy's named Kent Sykes. Like you say that three times fast, and someone could get offended. I just want you to know, say that name slow, Kent Sykes.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Thank you for the $20, brother. $22.3 is an easier version of that video, kind of. It does every now and then. Oh, have you guys seen the workout? Did you guys see it, Luke and samuel did you guys see it i don't think it's the workout yes it is hey show will you have you guys seen this did you know that it was leaked nah that's not it man hey do you know do you know but all bullshit aside do you know the workouts for the open or not i don't know i don't know either but dave was on the show has someone are
Starting point is 00:43:51 you seeing this for the first time right here uh no we just saw it outside he's in the group chat when we got it yeah okay oh what do you think about this workout do you think that there's a part b do you think it's not heavy enough I think the consensus here is that the boys want something heavier. Yeah, I would agree with that. I hope there's a part B of that workout because it's a one kind of boring again, but
Starting point is 00:44:16 I guess that does the keywords of this year open. It's devastating. Hey, can you pull up the leaderboard i want to i want to get a prediction um i want to get a prediction from these guys can you pull up the leaderboard and show us the top 10 men i really hope charles is really good at this workout too. Me too. It would be awesome if Charles was in the top 10. I just got a text from our crew saying, sharing the screenshot saying like, this is all fake.
Starting point is 00:44:53 I don't know, man. I think we should put up like a poll on this and see who thinks it's fake versus who thinks it's legit. Oh, can we do a poll on? Yeah, can we do that? Someone might be able to. I don't know. I just saw Susan shrug his shoulders.
Starting point is 00:45:07 That's some, like, advanced sit. You've got to be, like, under 30 to be able to figure that out. Will can do it on Instagram. I don't know if he can do it on here. I'm praying to God Hobart is in the demo video, Corey Leonard. If that is the workout, who do you guys think – nice dog. Who do you guys think is the workout who do you guys think nice dog who do you guys think's gonna win this can you scroll so we can see the 10 we'll come back nika rich and sam well will do phenomenal at this workout yeah but these will win it wow you know i like are we back yet i thought he would win the last one and he didn't
Starting point is 00:45:40 Wow. You know, I like Colton. I thought he would win the last one, and he didn't. Noah will be really good. I got a little pumpy. Yeah, we got Bill here. Bill. Yep. Any predictions on who's going to win the Open this year?
Starting point is 00:45:58 Any predictions, Samuel, looking at this list and knowing the workout now? I mean, Saxon and the new guy has a shot at it yeah i think phil toon's gonna win it he's great at this type of stuff who's the new guy samuel victor no i mean phil too i never really heard of him before willie palooza but he looks really fit right now i'm gonna put my money on charles i think charles is gonna oh no 52 points he's out okay can we check out the women can we check out the women the women have a larger i think discrepancy in points i think mallory oh yeah yeah she's gonna win yeah she's winning Yeah, and this, well, unless there's a 22.4.
Starting point is 00:46:46 Yeah. If there's a max lift, that's a, Tia's going to win. Mal won't be close. Yeah, I do think that matter you have a shot, even if it's a complex or if you barbell after that.
Starting point is 00:46:59 How can anybody question if this is real when we're sitting on the game's domain? And look at this guy's hair, Philip Borowski. Yeah, he's definitely an IT guy. Yes.
Starting point is 00:47:08 He works in IT. He's a mayhem guy. He's a mayhem guy. Who found it? Does he work in IT? That guy's hair is long because he doesn't want to get up from his computer to get it cut. One of the guys who started logging on to the Mayhem Lives when it was during quarantine.
Starting point is 00:47:27 Part of the Mayhem Athlete family. Did you put up a poll, Sousa? Sousa, did you get a poll? I think so. I scrambled and looked it up how to do it, and I think I posted it, but I don't know where it went. People are saying that they see the poll i don't see the poll either i didn't uh i didn't get my shirt yet either rich so don't feel bad i didn't get my shirt yet either but i'm seeing them pop up all over instagram all right um anything anyone else want
Starting point is 00:48:02 to say here well we it's 15 minutes before the big show starts. Everyone needs to take a bathroom break. Hobart needs to call and apologize to some people. John, you want to leave us with some with some party parting words? I just thank everybody for coming on. I mean, you had a party of big, big names and just mayhem crews pretty much been on here every single episode, so appreciate all of them, and yeah, that's it. I mean, I didn't mean
Starting point is 00:48:30 something nice like that. I mean, like, Hobart, you have no chance of beating Sam Dancer. Kalipa, you should come back with the team. Angelo, quit being a puss and getting the individual Sam well. Smart move with going on. I mean, something like that. That's more your shtick. I'll let you do that one all
Starting point is 00:48:46 right uh my mouse isn't working suza so you're gonna have to take us off the air guys thank you for coming on jason hobart angelo samuel john young what a blast uh travis mayor thanks for trying for five seconds he did try hard he buffered and then got out

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