The Sevan Podcast - #328 - Morning Chalk Up Retracts E. coli Article About Dave Castro

Episode Date: March 11, 2022

The Morning Chalk Up published an article on January 19th detailing alleged negligence on the part of former CrossFit Games director Dave Castro. That same night, we went live and detailed the inaccur...ate journalism done by the author Emily Beers and Justin Lofranco of Morning Chalk Up (even though it was claimed they waited so long to publish the article so they could gather the facts... oops!). Almost two months later, Morning Chalk Up has retracted the article and subsequent podcast. Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - WORLD'S #1 JOB BOARD FOR THE CROSSFIT COMMUNITY - 50% off first year with code "sevan22" - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:44 is always like this because when we're done with the show, I switch the speaker to my computer so I can take off my headphones and we can debrief. But then I got to put it back in my headphones. All right. The mechanics of when a man – we have someone watching on Facebook. We don't have Facebook. Yeah, it's our favorite Facebook viewer. But I got rid of our Facebook account. No, it's our favorite facebook viewer but but i got rid of our facebook account no it's up there let me click it when i press the broadcast when i started the broadcast well shit good job thank you logan i did just i took an extra shower for this show oh you figured me out hey i um uh paper street coffee Just so you guys know, Paper Street Coffee. I drink this for every single show, not this one, because my machine needs to be D-D scaled. So today, this is a scoop of Strong Coffee, I think Sam Dancer, and Van something.
Starting point is 00:02:42 The guy was on the podcast. Shit, I DM with him all the time. Anyway, they're the owners of this company. It's dope. I just put a little scoop of this black stuff in there and then filled it up with hot water and I'm ready to go. What I wanted to tell you about Paper Street
Starting point is 00:02:59 is we got something going on with them that's fucking cool. You guys should hear this really quick. I was just going to tell you about the mechanics of peeing and like I'm right handed. I want to tell you about, about pulling your penis out versus in, in when you're a little kid, how it gets all fucked up. Cause I, cause I watched three little boys pee all the time and it's just, I don't understand the mechanics of it. Well, let me see where the, uh,
Starting point is 00:03:21 Oh, here we go. Here we go. I don't have the official thing yet, but it kind of looks like this. Okay, you guys ready? So basically, you can go to Paper Street Coffee. You can go to that website,, and you can get coffee for 20% off now, which is crazy. He must not be making any money. Right? Or he's just a good dude. Or he's a good dude and not a making money dude.
Starting point is 00:03:45 And that lasts until March 27th if you use the code SEVON. But here's the thing. Every time you buy coffee, you get signed up for a barbell giveaway with a rogue custom Paper Street Coffee Ohio bar. I don't know if it smells like coffee or if it's brown like coffee. And those orders start at 10.30 p.m. Eastern time. Okay, so it started already. Yep, it's brown like coffee but and um those orders start at uh 10 30 p.m eastern time okay so it started already yep it's already going yeah so you can just say fuck off to the show and go order coffee right now if you want yes and you can get your choice of a regular bar or a bella bar 45 over 35 pound bar oh that's cool yeah you know i when, I, when I, when I, when I, when I watched Justin LaFranco's videos and I, and I think I met him once at the games, I wanted to buy, do you know the story about me and Morning Chalk Up, how I wanted to buy Morning Chalk Up?
Starting point is 00:04:36 You did? the media department basically he had this email that went out every day and i thought it was super freaking cool and i invited him to come out to the games and i got him a vipc but within minutes i knew like we were we weren't compatible i without saying anything mean uh he's an adult and i'm a child like he's an adult he's like do you know what i mean like okay he wants to run out of the house with like leather shoes on or something. He's goal-oriented. He's like a real adult. And I'm like a kid with a pack of rubber bands.
Starting point is 00:05:12 You know what I mean? I'm just like, let's party. We're not cut from the same cloth. Fair enough. Okay, I'm going to say something say something he's kind of corporate he he's he's corporate he wants what do you what do you mean by corporate what does that mean he wants to fit within he he wants to he wants to play in the rules he wants to like his idea of being an adult i suspect i'm making this all this bullshit up but he he wants to play you know what um a new york times reporter right he's like a he's a political um animal oh from the looks of it it's more of a cnn reporter but yeah yeah yeah yeah he's like
Starting point is 00:05:57 that he's a political corporate uh um media leading to a corporation especially a large company or group he wants to play like anyway there's some other people like that i know too but i but i i don't want to do that i feel suffocated in that environment so um so when you pee as a man there's a certain mechanics your left hand you pull the pant like if you're wearing shorts or something like like like you pull the pants down you pull your underwear down and hold it down. You've got to get it past your scrotum or at least so it's it doesn't have to be past your scrotum, but it can't. That's banned. Can't be leveraged up against the bottom of your penis because that's the tube that the pee comes out of.
Starting point is 00:06:38 So you you're pushing down with that very lightly, a few pounds of pressure. And with your right hand, like you're holding your penis or cupping your balls or whatever. And then you – you know what I mean? Like this. It's like this. If this is holding the pants down and then this is holding your penis, and then this is how you point where you want to pee. Okay. My kids let the waistband – they just pull their pants down under their penis, and it's pushing up against their penis.
Starting point is 00:07:04 under their penis and it's pushing up against their penis so like the flow comes out like in these weird spurts and then when they're done peeing like i'm like hey dude so i have to always reach around and pull that band off of that whatever what is that a urethra you're a medic what is that tube on the bottom your penis urethra yeah you got to pull the pressure off the urethra and then another like three tablespoons of pee comes out and i'm like all right yeah hey one thing that uh bod zombie not to destroy the talk, but you do have to use code Sevan if you want to be entered in the barbell, the barbell drawing. You might want to mention that. And if you want the 20% off.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Yes. So use the code Sevan, get your 20% off, get your entry to the barbell, and now we're back to learning how to pee. I always took it you you kind of struck me as maybe the kid that took his pants all the way down when he peed at the urinal hey hey hey that's what i mean by lefranco and i are different he definitely took his pants down that's exactly what i mean that's corporate that's corporate that's corporate pants are down around the ankles yeah at the urinal corporate
Starting point is 00:08:08 i want to show you guys um so so the so the reason why the show is so late is because i was at uh i was watching my kids play tennis and then there was a pizza party and and and i just loved every second of it it's so cool i want to share uh i want to share something with you guys uh no not that not that sorry sorry someone sent me that so that's not that's not appropriate hold on hold. That's not appropriate. Oh, okay. Here we go. So here's the issue. The issue is this.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Morning Chalk came out with an article and a podcast that was accusing Dave of gross negligence in regards to athletes going in the water and getting sick. And they made some claims about what Dave and CrossFit knew. And in the video, Justin LaFranco – oh, shit, I left my notes. Damn it. I mean, don't worry. I have them here, but I like to have them in hand too. It makes me feel like an adult. Oh, we don't get to stack papers? Yeah. And in that article, they basically – they said that there was some – or in the video, they said there was gross negligence on Dave's part for letting athletes go in there knowingly.
Starting point is 00:09:36 They knowingly put people's health at risk. And I disagreed with that a ton. A ton of other people disagree with it, but a bunch of people just jumped on the bandwagon. They took the evidence that was presented, I guess if you want to call it evidence, at the morning chalk up. That's Justin LaFranco's rag and took it. And for some reason, they've called a retraction to it. Now, it's interesting. In the comments, people are saying – well, let me ask you this first, both of you guys.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Why do you think they retracted it? Fair and honest journalism. Okay, that's one. I'll write that down from Matt Souza, the dumb kid in the back. What are you, Christian? What are you, Christian? What are you, Christian? A fair and honest journalist. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:10:29 What do you think, Mr. Nice Features, C. Beaver? What do you think about... I mean, maybe somebody told them they were wrong and they decided, like, you know what? I'm going to make up for what i said and i'm gonna apologize and let everybody know that i'm not that bad ah gotcha you think that they found out the truth somehow and decided to come to fix the article they're not like CNN. They can't just keep rolling stories and everybody correct them and nobody say anything.
Starting point is 00:11:14 They just leave it out there. Caleb and Matt, plug your ears for a minute. John, would you like to work on the podcast? We have two openings this week. Go ahead and DM me and we will bring you on. Let's go with the guy with two first uh first names they are being threatened with legal action i i mean i wasn't going to take it that far but something weird's going on there is no way that they just did that and here here's i wouldn't even bring that up i'm so like ahead of myself and so excited about this about how juicy and
Starting point is 00:11:44 funny this is that um i wouldn't have even brought this up but in the comments people are like oh that's great that you guys are coming clean with this or that's great that you got like yo that's like saying a homeless man robs you at gunpoint you give him 50 bucks and they're like oh good job giving that homeless guy 50 bucks that was really sweet of you like what yeah what what what what uh uh life is rx if you're watching would you please send lefranco a ceo shirt i think he would appreciate that man james o'keefe i've been dming a little bit with uh mr o'keefe i hope i can get him on the show wouldn't that be fun he's that's an adult too hey you know what's crazy um him and lefranco kind of remind me of each other
Starting point is 00:12:30 which is fascinating because they're they're i would say that they have totally different character and levels of integrity but but they do remind me of each other it is interesting that they brought this out because it was a deep dive into the situation and if i do recall and i'm paraphrasing here because they don't in front of me i thought that they were saying they did some real serious investigative journalism yes so wouldn't this completely just tarnish their reputation now because if that was going to be their golden horse of of investigative journalism and doing a deep dive and then they come out and realize it's incorrect what else is incorrect right savon you should see the comment
Starting point is 00:13:14 i left on there i wish i could i wish i could maybe someone will send it in can you copy and paste it in the comments and i'll post it or c beaver do you have access to that to their to where did you leave it in their on their instagram i heard that they've already posted a few things after their post on instagram it's interesting is there's an article on morning chalk up and it's an instagram the retraction yeah yeah fascinating to me and they tried they kind of tried to hide it they like posted it and then post two things quickly right after it yeah they're digging deep um i want to read to you this sorry guys i this kind of can annoy me when people do this but i kind of annoy myself here we go this is the
Starting point is 00:13:59 correction that was posted on the instagram account this podcast originally aired on january 19th 2022 has been removed by morning chalk up don't worry people i have a copy and we'll be looking at it closely tonight it incorrectly stated the crossfit games and its then director of sport dave castro knew on the day of events taking place at lake monona wisconsin during the crossfit games that tests showed unsafe levels of e coli at event locations so they're saying that the article saying said that dave knew that then it goes on to say there was a one-day incubation period before the department reported results for testing at event locations that um i don't that word incubation is a trip right we have no idea what
Starting point is 00:14:39 what what it means like does that mean that the sample has to sit for a day before they get the results or go ahead i'd imagine so with like lab results and stuff like that sometimes they have to grow the specimen itself so like if for covid testing let's say like you're going to swab somebody's nose and then you have to like take it to a lab and they take the particles or molecules or whatever and they have to grow it like basically like on a petri dish oh yeah yeah like a culture okay right like a culture so it takes i mean it's legit it does take 24 hours to come back essentially okay fair fair they don't put it under a microscope and they're like there's the fuckers right it takes a lot of time a little bit i shouldn't say a lot't say a lot. Okay, that's fair. That's fair.
Starting point is 00:15:25 There was a one-day incubation period before the department reported results for testing. So the way they word that is it feels like it's just late in the reporting, but I'm going to go with what you said, that you have to grow it in a petri dish, and that's why, which were specifically requested by CrossFit. So those tests were specifically requested by CrossFit. So those tests were specifically requested by CrossFit. The test results returned to CrossFit on the first day of events at Olin Boat Launch, taken from samples the day before, reported the water there was safe. And then it goes on to say unsafe levels of E. coli at this area were not reported to CrossFit until the day after the participants were required to swim in this area after exiting that their kayaks exiting their kayaks so they weren't even they weren't even wait they weren't even swimming in that water they were in the kayak they they didn't did they enter at olin did they exit at a different place that they entered correct and then oh fuck dude this is getting just ridiculous now how would
Starting point is 00:16:24 you have drank how would you have swallowed e coli if you were getting out of a boat? Yeah, and so if you remember, they parked their kayak, and then they got out, and there was a super short swim to the boat launch where they got out and ran. Man, I hope none of my – I hope this wasn't written by one of my friends because this is some horrible writing. Well, can we look up the word regret we regret the error i wonder what that means what's regret me good night logan happy sleep dreams they did swim a mile before that event but if they didn't exit there suppose supposedly the levels of e coli are different all over the lake uh feel sad repentant or disappointed okay so they have sadness and repentance or disappointment especially towards a loss or a missed opportunity uh it's good isn't it okay and then and then and then this one's a little bit different this one's's a little weird.
Starting point is 00:17:25 So this one is – I don't have the article, but this one's like the apology or the retraction for the article. I guess that's what they call it when they're adults, retraction. An article published on January 18, 2022 about the CrossFit Games at Lake Monona, Wisconsin, which has since been taken down, did not report information? There was a one-day incubation period before the department reported test results from testing in event locations specifically requested by CrossFit. Okay, now here's the weird part. Ready? This wasn't in the last one. one in addition morning chalk up incorrectly reported that this swim event took place at olin beach so yeah no swim events took place at olin beach this this is okay so my interpretation of that and i don't read so good is that we really really fucked up we fucking had the wrong location and we and it was all wrong
Starting point is 00:18:56 here's the here's here's what i want to know so we're good i'm gonna go with john george and say that they receive some pressure from somewhere i don't know if it's legal action i don't know if um i don't know if uh dave seal buddies you know he had some muscle i don't know what happened showed up late one night but they but they but i but i would be willing to bet um uh this cup of coffee plus another thousand more. That something pushed pressure on them. I mean, how do you even – I cannot believe the people, the comments that don't realize that in the morning chalk up. Are they like – they think that they voluntarily did this? I mean, I hope they're right, but they're not. It's the same people that thought Rosa was promoted.
Starting point is 00:19:40 And have we heard of him since? No. It's the same – it's that same crowd and i bet you memes guy was the first one on there saying it oh man memes guy yeah about him um i'm intrigued by the whole thing there's a lot of facts still missing i think we're gonna get more facts i do oh please okay can we get an update on a p velner actually got oh yeah it's just so it's just such passive aggressive douchebaggery i wonder i wonder if more if if if the mean guy and is in cahoots with i want some of the cahoots if he's in cahoots with the morning chalk up but more
Starting point is 00:20:20 specifically i wonder if the morning chalk up is in cahoots with crossfit let me play out a different let me play out a different scenario for you we're totally off track and it's actually in crossfit actually turned the screw on um because originally i thought wow this is a hit piece being can be an orchestrate i seriously thought this i speculated this that this was a his piece orchestrated by um morning chalk up and Andrew Weinstein over there at CrossFit. I seriously was like, wow, these guys are going to smear him. But the reason why the clue was is that they said no comment from CrossFit. Normally it would have said no comment from Andrew Weinstein. But then on top of that, I know that that guy, I know LeFranco likes to brag that he's best friends with this guy.
Starting point is 00:21:03 And I know Crossfit must be spending a ton of money on ads and whatnot and so there there is some sort of relationship there i'm not even not even eating on the franco for that like shit he gotta make he gotta make cheddar speaking of which crossfit you're crazy you know what you should do i thought about this today while i soak my balls you guys should just hire me you should give me half a million dollars a year i'll spread that sprinkle that shit around maybe a little more because you know how much i used to make you know you know check those books these glasses didn't these glasses didn't gonna pay for themselves buddy these aren't what c beaver's wearing? He's got the... Government issued. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:48 $99 for the frame and another $99 for the lenses. Not these. Government issued. Straight out of Beverly Hills. Oh, it's interesting, too, this comment that was made by LaFranco in that piece released. I don't always come out with an opinion, but basic athlete safety seems par for the course here, especially when it's blatantly ignored. Athletes often fear to speak out against the games for many reasons.
Starting point is 00:22:12 So I'm just going to go ahead and say it. This was just plain dumb. Yeah, you're right. Yeah, you doing that piece was just wait, wait, that's Justin LaFranco wrote that. That's right. Wait, that's Justin LaFranco wrote that? That's right. Chalk up J-Lo, baby. Wow. Wow. The CEO.
Starting point is 00:22:34 And founder. I don't always come out with an opinion, but basic athlete safety seems par for the course. Mm-hmm. Yeah, this is just mudslinging. It's so trippy. Athletes often fear to speak out. Here's that story. So that's the woke crowd shit, by the way.
Starting point is 00:22:51 People always ask me, what do woke people do? This is where you just say stuff that has no meaning, and then people go in their heads, and they add meaning to it. No, no, Dustin. No, no. I hope you're saying I'm TMZ. Because TMZ actually says, hey, Suge Knight ran someone over, and they show you the video. Underneath the comment, it's's hard to see and i don't really know who it is but it says
Starting point is 00:23:10 this is probably one of the reasons dave castro was fired and going back to what you were saying seven that's exactly right so if andrew einstein and him and and hold on reddit i'm putting my tinfoil hat on which doesn't seem to be so i don't even know what that means i don't even know what that means i looked that up the other day. I don't even know what that means. I looked that up the other day, and I couldn't even figure out what that means. The Khaleesi is beautiful. Leave her be. Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Understood. The Khaleesi is beautiful. Fine. But what you were saying before is that they needed— Judge a book by its cover. Dave Cascio was fired. They had no real reason why. The community had a huge backlash about it.
Starting point is 00:23:44 They realized that they screwed up. So then what happens? Director of comms gets together with their mouthpiece and they say, hey, guys, let's just kind of frame something up here to make it look like this is the reason why he was fired. And then they do a piece like this and then we comment like this. And then it worked. You could see it in its whole form here. You got the story. You got the comment from the Franco.
Starting point is 00:24:06 And then right underneath that you have the community saying, yeah, maybe this is why he was fired. And then you got this show piggybacking off of it at eight o'clock at night, trying to make some cheddar. Hey, we're just out here trying to separate. We're just out here trying to separate the game from the truth, baby. Um, what's interesting. Um, can you pull up a little piece of the video um uh caleb what's interesting about the video too is the article i don't have in front of
Starting point is 00:24:32 me and i apologize but i think the article emily beers does try to like lay it out like hey they went in the water here at this time the test said this and i think the video is just like not that the video is that there's just no evidence it. It's really just high school kids just shit talking. And the Khaleesi is just like the conductor. And she conducts it and soft serves, soft pitches shots to Emily and LeFranco. Go to, should I leave the Khaleesi alone? I will. I like her.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Yeah, leave her alone. I feel like she was just, you know, she's just doing her job. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning, in an exciting live dealer studio, exclusively on FanDuel Casino,
Starting point is 00:25:26 where winning is undefeated. 19-plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. Wherever you're going, you better believe American Express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze through security.
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Starting point is 00:26:05 Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. Okay. There's a spot in there early on. I don't know if I fucked up the time code for this, but it says Emily says that the E. coli says it's E. coli because there was no other explanation. She says that. It's like, wait a second.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Okay, go ahead. Start it like at – yeah, start it at a minute. Okay, that's good. Start it go ahead. But it started like at a, yeah, started at a minute. Okay. That's good. Start it right there. Let's hear, let's hear. Oh, just the way I like to hear the morning chalk up. I can't, I can't hear this Emily beer. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:26:41 That's okay. I think there's, don't worry. Will's going to come on and tell you what you're doing wrong here in a second from his sleep. He's going to have one hand on his computer. He backed me up earlier today too. He's so good. He's like, you got to check the box with the blah, blah, blah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:55 I thought I had to pull up, and I was like, yeah, I got it. He's like, no, bro, I did that. Could you hear it just then? No. Barely. Barely. something's not right though um so so that's that's not a that's not a valid reason you can't say that it's e coli because there's no other explanation that's covid science we don't we don't do that here on this show and i think the morning chalk up knows better than to do that too then they said that they've heard a ton of rumors we've been all over this a ton of rumors that's what i mean the video there's there's no substance to it
Starting point is 00:27:33 um justin nods his head every time she emily throws dirt like yeah get him get him then at 3 24 emily starts to tell a story i think about another another Emily, Emily Lawson or some other athlete, an athlete who got sick. But then but then had a first place finish in an event. And Emily flat out says, I didn't want to tell that story of an athlete that rebounded from sickness. Why not? I ask myself. I ask myself. Then she later on says is that she wrote the piece because she wrote the piece with the intention of wanting the games never to use that lake again. I just don't think that's reporting.
Starting point is 00:28:24 I don't – that's not their job. That's not their job. Why didn't CrossFit defend – I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, that you were wrong about this you got to write a retraction and that's why it's it's such a shitty retraction and when i mean shitty like it should say hey dave we are so sorry we really screwed up we love you thank you for your 15 years of service for the games i mean that that's what i would do that's what i do you know who i ran into today to today tonight for the first time i hadn't seen in five years the guy who started the crossfit media team tony buddy we had we had a really bad separation departure yeah i'm at a pizza place he was sitting down waiting for his pizza and we the guy who started the CrossFit media team Tony Buddy we had we had a really bad separation departure yeah he was on at a pizza place he was sitting down waiting for his pizza and we talked for the first time in probably like six seven five six seven eight years and you know what I said to him I said hey we we should we should talk we should be friends we
Starting point is 00:29:16 should at least talk because it was a fucking nasty breakup was he receptive to that yeah he was really cool he was really cool it's okay to be cool i go hey like anything i did that fucked up regardless like i think we should talk and it's like it's better to be friends with people or at least not have anxiety or hatred towards people like why why wouldn't you say something a little nicer are you trying to play adult are you trying to play new york times why wouldn't you just hey, maybe they don't think they screwed up. Maybe they're being told that they have to change that, but they don't believe that they were wrong. Why has CrossFit been silent about it the whole time?
Starting point is 00:29:54 Well, then let's go that way. That's a good point. Let's say they receive pressure from Dave. Why? Then I have to speculate. You look up the word cahoots for me, Caleb. Then I have to speculate from there. The morning chalk up in CrossFit is in cahoots with each other. I would have to speculate that it makes no sense.
Starting point is 00:30:14 It makes no sense. And let me tell you something else that I heard today. Listen carefully to this, you guys. When the workout was released early today, when CrossFit media screwed that up, and I'll talk about that too. There's no one over there who knows jack shit what they're doing who's in charge, by the way. No one. That should have never happened. That would have never happened under my watch, just so you know. It's because – anyway, just knuckleheads.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Just the same reason why cum fetish. By the way, I wasn't triggered by cum fetish. I actually think it's funny. I'm just playing their own game with them. They can put cum fetish all they want on their site. Like I still, the protocol is all I care about. I think it's fantastic. But if they're going to do that and claim that they're a family and inclusive and diversity
Starting point is 00:30:58 and like, like you're just playing into the right wings game by doing stuff like cum fetish on a site that kids attend to participate in. It's nuts. It's nuts. What are you guys trying to fulfill? The conspiracy theory that the left are pedophiles? Come on, you wing nuts. And I'm not triggered by it.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Like, I don't give a rat's ass what cum fetish song you play. So today when the workout was leaked, Morning Chalk Up contacted the guy who got the URL. And they said to him, hey, we want to do a piece on you on how you got the URL. Guy said, sure, I'll tell you how I did it. And they start talking and they start working on the piece. And then all of a sudden, the piece never came out. Why do you think morning chalk up? Don't make me bring John George on here, Caleb and Sousa. You better answer this one right. Why do you think morning chalk up? I mean, that would have been a really cool article. How the guy got the workout, you know, at 1054 morning chalk up didn't release the article
Starting point is 00:32:07 speculate for me please caleb caleb's always over there like fuck you dude i'm trying to fix a video i know it's easy bring back up that don't even worry don't even worry hey it's to do another show. This isn't over, by the way. This isn't over. There's more. There's definitely more. This isn't over. I don't think Morning Chalkup's autonomous.
Starting point is 00:32:36 I think that they're... No way. I don't want to be mean. There's all these things I told myself in the shower today. I don't want to be mean to Justin, Emily, and for sure the Khaleesi. I'm trying to the shower today. I don't want to be mean to Justin, Emily, and for sure the Khaleesi. They got their pee-pee slapped. I'm trying to be civilized. What? They got their pee-pee slapped.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Yeah, yeah. Here's the deal. If you look up the certain interest of Morning Chalk Up, if you said that they were getting help from CrossFit or maybe different vendors in CrossFit, so they were getting funding from them right yeah so then there you have it there's a there's a huge conflict of interest how are they going to be able to report anything honestly coming out of crossfit if crossfit is potentially and i'm speculating here funding them or helping them get funding through other brands right so it's obvious then they should just be honest about it i i will i will just so you guys know crossfit inc whoever the fuck the ceo is i just need a half million dollars a year and i will and i would and i'll stop fucking with you guys at all and i and i'll and i'll just do whatever
Starting point is 00:33:35 you want just i just need a half million a year to do that it's like pfizer sponsoring all the like morning shows exactly like any of the CNNs. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. But they should say, they should say, hey, we can't say anything bad about Pfizer. So if you want honest vaccine, that's what I would do. I'd be like, hey, I can't really tell you anything. Like, I think the lake's pristine. I'd go over there and drink a glass of water and be like, nope, good to go.
Starting point is 00:33:56 And then just like run off and vomit or shit my pants. Just tell the truth, you guys. It's so fun and easy. Scary sometimes in the beginning, not now. Yeah, they would lose that relationship. I mean, that's why it's vague. And that's why a lot of people that are close to CrossFit, and I don't blame them for this,
Starting point is 00:34:14 because their jobs depend on it. So if they were to start to say things that push back against them, or maybe didn't put CrossFit the company in the best light, like there's no leadership. Rosa was actually fired. He wasn't promoted. And that morning chalk up actually works for CrossFit as their loudspeaker because CrossFit
Starting point is 00:34:28 has no media. Then people would start to, they would start chopping them off the box. I mean, that's, that's how it is. And last time I said that they're in cahoots and I said, the, uh, the meme guy puts those, those, uh, comments up and kind of frames it up and they just frame everything up. And then they let all the community just kind of assume what is happening because of the way they've kind of directed it i have to be honest with you guys remember in the beginning of the show when i showed the meme guy in that picture like with the long hair. Do you remember that? That wasn't an accident. Okay. Okay. Um, so do we have access to the video? Cause if not, I just want to sum up a couple,
Starting point is 00:35:18 I want to sum up a couple more things. You want to give it one more try? Um, is it on the YouTube? No, no, they pulled it down. I, someone had ripped it and sent it to us had already got it so i had it so i ran home tonight and watched it again and time coded it and sent this over to caleb i mean just just a few like five minutes before we went on he didn't have any time to do shit excuse me oh we had it. You killed it. How about that little volume sign over there? Can you turn that full blast? I think it is full blast.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Oh, shit. He's on a Microsoft computer. Look at all those weird things down there. I don't know. I don't know what that is. Okay, forget it. Don't worry. Don't worry. We have this, and we'll get back to the next time we do a show on this. Cause this isn't the last time I want, I want to say something about the URL really quick today. Your guy's name is Dave Castro,
Starting point is 00:36:11 right? Like Dave wanted to move the event to a different area. He would have moved the event. Dave didn't want to move the event. And then both is going to get moved. And I don't think anybody should be waxing poetic about whose decision it was told. And we decided to go forward with making that with,
Starting point is 00:36:22 with putting this in the lake. Dave run, David, Dave for the last 15 years, Dave ran the CrossFit Games, decided what he was going to do with the CrossFit Games, and if he didn't want to do something, it wasn't going to happen straight up. I think the elephant in the room is whose decision was this ultimately going to be to? It's low budget. My stuff works. That is – I mean, that is just – Justin, you're – damn, is my mom listening?
Starting point is 00:36:50 This isn't – yeah, this isn't cool. Basically what Justin said there is no one should be waxing on poetically about whose fault this is or whose fault this is not. But what are you going to do? You didn't say anything in your apology. It's so disingenuous. How does – why do people still go there? What are you – everything – I mean I'm not a regular there, but everything there is substanceless. Substance, substanceless, substanteless. Let's look it up. jumped to that conclusion and that video offers no evidence. So the questions are, did you knowingly lie? Did you knowingly know that you had some things wrong? How sure were
Starting point is 00:37:50 you that you were willing to go on there and slander someone who had been running the games for 15 years? Vapid is my word. Thank you. I think Lars and Wadzombie are the same guy. They talk to me in the same way. They know how to stroke you.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Yeah. It's bad. Justin Blaine's Dave. This is Dave. Nobody should be waxing poetically. Then why are you? From an optics standpoint, blah, blah, blah. They were pretty poetic in their uh regretful post um yeah right
Starting point is 00:38:29 uh so today what happened with the url is basically uh some someone was just using the url that was very similar to the url from the previous week where the pdf was stored and a guy with uh you know, an understanding of how URLs work, just started guessing what the next one would be. That should have never happened. This is what, this is what a rudderless leaderless ship looks like.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Like if you just have, uh, if you have a true media director in there, if you have a true, like someone who knows, like, uh, the,
Starting point is 00:39:02 the guy I'm trying to, uh, the guy who used to do my podcast with me, Matt Bischel, that guy ran CrossFit social media. He would never let that happen. How does something like that happen? Like how do they normally like go about posting it? So it's – I don't even know who's in charge of publishing before. When I was there, there was a guy, Leif Edmondson, there, and everything went through him first.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Everything funneled through him. Everything. Everything forward-facing funneled through him. Everything. Everything forward-facing funneled through him. Even shit Greg would be like, hey, get up right away. We would push it to Leif. Games team, journal, everything. And he would look at it. He had a little bit of fucking Asperger's and a lot of asshole and a ton of respect.
Starting point is 00:39:39 He knew everything. Him and Mike Workington knew everything. Mike was like the good cop and Leif was the bad cop. would make sure like that that everything was tight he would have never let that happen that dude would have never let that happen either we could we could hear from uh emily beers what her intent was oh yeah let's do it let's do it here we go listen up very carefully people i mean to be honest that was my intention of the piece is to get them to stop using that lake because i mean yeah hearing it from what they went through and just knowing how dangerous i've ever talking to a doctor at my gym and they're like oh my god that
Starting point is 00:40:16 would be so dangerous to to do what they're doing having gone through a night of being fully dehydrated and depleted their system it's it's not you know it's not smart it's not smart, but I also, of course they're going to keep competing. They've been preparing their whole year for it. So they're going to take that risk, but I would hope that that would, you know, not put them in that, in that position in the first place. And again, there are solutions. There's another lake, there's a pool. There's not, it's not like you have to use Lake Minona for it to be a crossfit. She talked to her doctor.
Starting point is 00:40:46 There's all these, they keep – in this video, there's just nothing of substance in it. They invoke Pat Vellner. They invoke Samuel. They invoke Justin Kotler. I wonder how those guys feel about that. It reminds me of when Rosa invoked the names of the two military guys who committed suicide um and their wife still worked at crossfit and he and he invoked those guys to compare his situation to them i wonder how they felt about that uh so there is an apology there is there is an attempt at an apology there's no not. There's nothing. There's this thing that the morning chalk up has basically been caught red-handed. We don't have a lot of information for you. We do know that this didn't happen on accident.
Starting point is 00:41:43 happened that there is pressure on them that would be my biggest thing to you stop writing things like good job guys it's not it's not it's not good job guys good job guys would be for them just to come out and tell the whole truth where where's crossfit stance on this whole entire thing like was it them that put the pressure on morning chalk up was it them that that is just going to continue to feed different stories to them in the future like what what's where's their stance on this where was their stance when the piece first came out why were they silent then i hope i i hope that there's what i hope that's happening is is that shit's being subpoenaed like they're asking for people's cell phones ipads emails i hope that shit's happening i'd love to know i'd love to know um if if there's any truth to the speculation that CrossFit and Morning Chalk Up were in.
Starting point is 00:42:27 I'd love to know. I mean, something is weird here. Why would LeFranco even have that ax to grind with, Dave? Why is the journalist, Woody, jeopardize the Morning Chalk Up with just coming out and just attacking the dude who ran the game for 15 years? Why didn't he just leave it alone? Dave had already been fired. Boo-bye. Right.
Starting point is 00:42:44 So that's what I was going to ask you so let's speculate on this who who gained to benefit from that piece coming out who gained to benefit the most from that piece well at that at that time there was a lot of there was a lot of uproar about dave leaving and maybe this was just like to just you know stirred up there is something in there that the calise says sorry sorry calise she is something in there that Khaleesi says. Sorry. Sorry, Khaleesi. She says something in there. Maybe I heard a ton of rumors. Emily. She makes
Starting point is 00:43:21 some assessment that CrossFit was getting pressure from the outside. And when she says that, I'm just like social media posts or whatnot. And I'm like, man, I must just be old because who gives a fuck what they say on social media? Why would CrossFit even care about that? Like pressure from social media. Do you have the timestamp on that? I have the video.
Starting point is 00:43:50 You see it? Oh, let me see. It's at 34 seconds, I think. Let's see. Start at 34 seconds. Right in the beginning. seconds right in the beginning. I got sick after swimming in the lake and ultimately CrossFit knew about this information, didn't do anything about it. So we're just going to dive deeper into the topic and see. I know we all have opinions on the topic and I'm sure many people do on this one. So
Starting point is 00:44:22 Emily, let's start with you because you did the story. When you were speaking with athletes, I mean, the ones that we spoke with did go on the record and wanted to share their story. But were there more athletes that you spoke with that just didn't want to come forward with their name? You can stop it. That wasn't what I wanted. But either way, that's what the whole piece is. It's just smearing. It's just like, hey, this is what happened, but there's no evidence. It's not like the article. I wanted to point out and show the things that they're saying that are just basically – to use his words, gross negligence. Just slander, just character assassination. That's all they were doing, going back to what you were saying.
Starting point is 00:45:19 That's why they did it. I believe they did it to – because to bully Dave. Yeah. To fuel the flame of dave being fired uh crazy that they didn't even get the facts right like i mean obviously the main part but like they didn't even get where the swim occurred right so i mean in all reality it's like do you know anything about the sport or anything about what you're writing about? Andrew Weinstein is in Costa, hides out in Costa Rica. I think he's been to the United States once or twice.
Starting point is 00:45:52 He probably has. He's not a CrossFitter. It is interesting that today was a great day for Dave. As a friend of mine said, Christmas came early for Dave. It's March Christmas for him. They got the retraction from the CrossFit rag. He had a guest appearance on the greatest podcast in the world. As a friend of mine said, Christmas came early for Dave. It's March Christmas for him. They got the retraction from the CrossFit rag. He had a guest appearance on the greatest podcast in the world.
Starting point is 00:46:12 And the workout leaked and fucked up. It just showed that it seems a complete shit show and a joke without him. So there's that. Well, what do you think is going to happen next? Do you think that's the end of this? I don't think that's the end of this. I morning jacob wants it to be the end of it i mean you could tell they posted that um retraction or apology or regret and then they immediately started posting more stuff right in front of it just to kind of do it and then bury it uh so let right so this
Starting point is 00:46:42 let's look at this question if crossfit is giving them info like people think why would they allow them to post that in the first place saying the games knew it um but yeah right so here's the here's the thought that it's a good question let's clarify the thought is this and correct me jump in susan from mangling it the thought is this that dave got fired and there was a big shit storm so what you do is you release an article saying that Dave put the athletes in harm's way. Now CrossFit looks like the hero because they kicked Dave to the curve and the whole story goes downstream. That's the speculation. And it's not – I don't think it's like some crazy shit.
Starting point is 00:47:22 I mean I didn't come up with it, and I've heard like 50 other people come up with it. And it's like, wow, I can't believe people do shit like that. Yeah. Cause it targeted Dave. Does that, does that make sense to you? Um, CrossFit Corey, is that, did I, did I explain that? Is that, you want to add anything to that? Either you guys, Caleb, Sousa?
Starting point is 00:47:40 No, I think you hit the nail on the head there. And even when they, I just played that first, the first one I had played originally with Justin Franco saying, this is up to one person. There's one person that's responsible for this. So he's shifting blame away from CrossFit games, the total and shifting all that blame directly onto Dave Castro. And that was probably also why they pulled all that stuff down immediately because then it would show exactly the crossfit corey's question there
Starting point is 00:48:06 that's why and so you could go back to what we said before which they were just the mouthpiece for crossfit to try to slander dave and and let's say it's not full full-on kahooting like like like people are speculating you like it i want some hooting let's say it's not full-on kahooting let's say it's just that Morning Chaka wrote the article. I still find it hard to believe that they would run that without running it past Andrew Weinstein and CrossFit Inc. And here's why. Because they had an amazing article to run today, an amazing one, about how the URL leaked, and they didn't run it. And I also speculate that was because – what was the term?
Starting point is 00:48:44 PP got slapped. Pee-pee slapped. Yes. The big boss said, uh-uh. But then they would be in line with what we're saying. And we can't have that. Right. But they did say Dave knew.
Starting point is 00:49:00 I'm assuming he meant didn't. They didn't say Dave knew. No. In the end, Corey, in that video, we can play it one more time if you want. He basically says let LeFranco says let's not wax on poetically or wonder who to blame. This is Dave Castro's fault. This is gross negligence. Go. Here we go. Gilbert, this is gross, gross negligence implied here we go gilbert this is gross gross negligence implied against dave not even implied just stated yes unfortunately made cross it look negligent negligence but yeah well okay thank you gilbert shouldn't have read your post but thank you for the money you're good
Starting point is 00:49:35 every time i see your name i think of uh gilbert burns ufc fighter um so so they they did blame greg uh greg they did blame dave in the end. They just completely blamed Dave in the end. That's what the video was about. That's what was weird too. You already had the article. Why come on and do the video? They really wanted to drive that home. It's really weird.
Starting point is 00:49:58 I'll tell you why I'm doing this video. Money, money. I mean to tell you guys about the 20 20 coffee giveaway between now and march 27th and the barbell don't forget the bar yeah by the way that is true if you buy coffee from paper street coffee between now and march 27th you'll get 20 off if you use the code seven that's s-e-v-a-n i don't know if that s has to be capitalized and then it puts you in a contest can you put up the paper street banner it put it puts you in a contest. Can you put up the Paper Street banner? It puts you in a contest to win a free Ohio bar. It's custom.
Starting point is 00:50:31 I haven't got my CEO shirt yet. Did either of you guys get a CEO shirt? No. I got this one, though. Oh, that's nice. Oh, sweet. Also, somebody keeps bringing up a good point about brian he's like he's i feel like at this point he's the only one doing any due diligence around there i think brian friend is carrying
Starting point is 00:50:52 both morning chalk up and seven on his back you mean like like my show maybe not the second half of that definitely not the second half of that oh well i like tell me more andrew i want to know more yeah yeah let's do andrew's educated opinion he carries me he carries hey listen listen listen i didn't care you when we got all those massive guests on this week no but listen i know you guys i know you guys love me but listen there would be no If, if, if Brian never came on the show, the, um, I would, I would do one fifth as many games interviews and I wouldn't cover any of the fucking events maybe. Or if I did, it would be so different. Yeah, of course I do. I do that because of Brian. I want to do that.
Starting point is 00:51:38 I want to just hang out with them. Yeah. It's like Brian, it's I do shoot with my wife all the time just because I just want to hang out with her and I don't really want to do it. But I do like talking to the athletes and asking them questions like i like asking luke parker today about his girlfriend it made me want to have him on again but like you're right like the yeah yeah the value brian brings to the um we have the crossfit sport games people honor when we're talking about the sport or doing his power rankings and stuff like that is obviously tremendous it's obviously tremendous and i like it but but if we didn't do it we didn't do it right and and what i highly recommend is that someone pay him fucking ten thousand dollars a month and just to fucking
Starting point is 00:52:14 scoop him away and so he never comes on the show again be like fuck you sebon you don't want him on the show fucking pay him 10 grand a month they're like you don't have to carry no one on his back he's the man yeah uh you don't have to carry no one on his back. He's the man. You don't have your wristbands on. You must be really hot today. It is weird. It's freezing outside, but I came into my office. I can't find my wristbands either.
Starting point is 00:52:35 Did you lose them? Did we do the barbell commercial yet? No. Hit it. That's the sound of a 360- barbell brush by hybrid athletics i feel better i like what brian said speaking of brian brian's like that's not a 360 i see a gap there brian brian friend is a huge asset of this podcast. I'll tell you what's a huge asset to this podcast.
Starting point is 00:53:11 This software stream yard. I mean, it is, it is. So, but you can't play videos on it. I am. Speaking of Carrie, where's Kate? Good question. I appreciate you bringing that back up. I, I, I am. I would like to to see... I don't want to tell you guys,
Starting point is 00:53:28 but I think there'll be a new show coming back here soon. Does anyone... There's Kate. There she is. Wow, I used to look like that? What were you? Tomorrow morning, we have Greg Anderson on. Greg Anderson is an amazing man he is a special forces guy turned air marshal turned jujitsu warrior lover of mma eventually became a police officer
Starting point is 00:54:03 in the port authority at seattle we'll find out exactly i might be having it wrong a little bit but somewhere up there and when he saw people's rights being taken away at the direction of the governor of that state he refused to enforce it and he spoke directly to all the police officers in his state and in his country, the United States of America, and told them that he does not – oh, we need to get that guy on too, Greg Laplin, the guy next to him. He told – he made an eight-minute video where he told all the police officers in the United States not to infringe on the rights of Americans and to make sure that they honor the Americans' rights, even if the governors or their bosses told them to infringe on them. And that video went up and did it get a hundred thousand, 1 million, 10 million,
Starting point is 00:54:54 a hundred million views. No one really knows. It's, it's crazy. It's everywhere. It's everywhere. I bet you it's, it's closer to a hundred million than zero.
Starting point is 00:55:01 And, um, he lost his job. And, uh, I think that's just, you don't see a lot of people with that kind of integrity. I actually saw something today that, uh, you know, we had Patrick bet David on and we were talking about whether people should stand up or not. Patrick bet David and I were discussing and I'll say, I sort of agreed with him about what the metric you should use on whether you should stand up is whether you, how much runway you have to put food on your family's table.
Starting point is 00:55:26 But what's interesting is I saw Jordan Peterson talking about it today in a clip from Chris Williamson's podcast. That's the smart British guy was on his podcast once. That was really uncomfortable. Anyway, Jordan Peterson says there's no you're never going to be braver than you are now. Either stand up now or don't stand up. You're not going to be richer and then braver you are who you are and i thought i thought that was fascinating but anyway this guy stood up lost his fucking job he's got two kids three kids to check my yes let me add two homes mortgages go ahead no i'm just gonna say in terms of like thinking of like a team right
Starting point is 00:56:02 like if you were like if you were the leader of the team and you would go okay i'm gonna stand up out of this trench i'm gonna go and charge it because i'm gonna stand up and like take a stand but then you stand up and you go to you know you go to charge and you get shot and you're down and now the rest of your team is screwed right so if you're the person that is in charge of your family or you're the breadwinner or something like that and then you stand up for your right and you go down and now there's no food on the table or there's no money, then was that the best choice you could have made for your team or the family? Oh, you'll do anything to defend Patrick Bed David. Do you see that? Like he had me checkmated, so I attacked him.
Starting point is 00:56:41 You see that? It's called ad hominem. Yeah. I mean, it's a great point on the other end it's like hey yeah security security for food for your family or um integrity for your kids or like where's that balance how much does it mean to you man we need to do a live call-in show how come no one calls in anymore people used to call in here all the time we need to do a live call-in show in a couple days i got so many great notes i think people were like probably sometimes we blast them or at least i do all right guys uh love you guys hope
Starting point is 00:57:14 you had fun in the show uh what what a crazy show we had today if you haven't seen it yet 22.3 i i i honestly did not think it was a good show but my mom told me it was great and it was funny i was like so uncomfortable. Maybe it's because I was just – I couldn't control the masses. Oh, Sousa, I was – can we schedule a podcast on the Josh and Sevan podcast? I guess it's Josh, Sevan, and Matt since you're on it in the back end. Can we schedule one of those on that channel? Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Do you reach out to him? All right. He's got to be ready he must be missing me it's been forever uh all right guys um do you did someone say do you want me to call in who said that no no not you okay uh bye

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