The Sevan Podcast - #330 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: March 13, 2022

LIVE CALL IN SHOW w/ Matt Souza Book Recommendations: Doesn't Hurt to Ask by Trey Gowdy Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - WORLD'S #1 JOB B...OARD FOR THE CROSSFIT COMMUNITY - 50% off first year with code "sevan22" - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my ki Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them.
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Starting point is 00:01:02 Bam, bam, bam. We're live. This is basically, this was like this is that was like a giant branch like like probably twice this long right and really really thick like you know like super like huge leaves everywhere like this thing was probably like this you know what i mean yeah massive like maybe 10 inches across and then you cut all the leaves off. And this isn't like groomed really well. Let's see if I can. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:29 And then you just leave it out for a few days. And then you put it in a glass jar, ideally. And then seal the jar. And then some moisture starts coming off it again. And then you open the jar again. I do that a few times back and forth. This is like a year old and i bet you it would still get someone high as fuck or two years old maybe fuck i don't
Starting point is 00:01:50 even know but i have bags and bags of this shit you know i just give it away to like you know like someone comes over to like to teach my kid tennis or jiu-jitsu or something i'm like hey you want this or i give it like as a tip dank nose yeah it's a tip as a tip some of the some of the guys some people won't even take it anymore oh there was a butter um the guy who dropped off my um air runner the other day he helped me he helped me bring it into the garage and it's like 450 pounds and i'm like here you go and he's like dude and i go what he goes i can't take that i go why he goes what if i get pulled over i'll lose my job i'm like i don't i okay but what if you don't get pulled over and you sell it to the homies what strand is that i don't know oh come on man you gotta make it up i'll tell
Starting point is 00:02:36 i'll tell you what i'll tell you what strand is there a friend of mine sent me to the um years ago this is probably now going back three or four years sent me to the marijuana store i'd never i'd never go to the marijuana store i stopped smoking weed way before it became legal and i went in there and he was i was buying like 1200 worth of weed for him and i go hey give me 20 20 seeds and they're like which ones and i go your most expensive ones so i got like 20 seeds for another 400 bucks and i planted them in my backyard and no actually i planted them in my house and then i cloned them and i made like a hundred plants and i planted them all in my backyard and like my friends especially my cop friends are like dude what are you doing i'm like i'm growing a shitload of plants he goes dude everything over six plants is illegal i'm like come on i'm out here in the fucking sticks no one's in he's like dude there's whole fucking
Starting point is 00:03:23 departments of police that just look for this. And that's how they keep their jobs by busting people. So what ended up happening anyway is because I live in this fog line. And so basically what ended up happening was about probably a month before you were supposed to harvest the plants, I'd say 80% of them just molded. And I just left them out there, these giant huge plants. You could still go in my backyard and find remnants of this shit all over. How do you clone them? What is that?
Starting point is 00:03:51 They're so easy. It's just, you just cut off a branch with a razor blade at a diagonal angle and you do it where there's a node where there's basically a leaf coming off and then you cut that leaf off at a diagonal angle and you stick it in this shit called cloning gel. I don't even know if you need that. It's some sort of like plant hormone, I now i'm just making shit up and then you just and then you stick it into this cube it's called a rockwool cube and it's moist and you just set it in there and you put it under a light and within days it sprouts it's it's crazy oh so
Starting point is 00:04:20 it's like just taking the seeds out of like oranges or something or like it would be like it would be like you were going to leave town for a month. You cut off your finger and you grew another Caleb. And within two months, you come home and he's banging your wife. You're like, OK, I got it. Thanks for hanging out. And then you send him on his way. I mean, it's like. Hey, Brian, how did you know? How did you know it's Philippe? Philippe's coming on and at 715. Hey guys uh if you go to uh caleb i'm gonna if you're gonna hang out i'm just gonna mute you oh you're a good dude um guys if you
Starting point is 00:04:52 go to uh pete's coffee no not pete's coffee paper street coffee if you go to you go to paper street coffee these guys by the way i can't leave this bag here much longer because i'm gonna have to um use it oh you got one too oh i guess i can your bag's empty yep i guess i could dump the beans out and bring the bag back if you go to paper street coffee and you um between now march 27th all the coffee there is 20 off if you use seven as the code and you get entered with every purchase into a contest to win an ohio bar from rogue a custom one oh there it is nice okay yeah that's it oh we should repost that um you guys do you guys i wanted to explain this concept to you real quick it's called dynamic range it's a it's like it's
Starting point is 00:05:37 an idea that i learned or it's a concept um or theory that i learned when i used uh when i was big into cameras i mean i'm still big into cameras uh, when I was big into cameras, I mean, I still am big into cameras, but I was really, really big into cameras. Like I owned every camera that I could get my hands on and dynamic range. Could you pull that up, Caleb? And we'll read the definition of it. But dynamic range is basically like, um, it's, it's, it's the amount of light your eye can see. So when you were, let's say, let's say I'm peeing in my van, no one, and it's a sunny day. No one can see that because it's so bright outside that you can't see the details where it's dark. But if it were a little bit darker outside, you could see into my van. You know,
Starting point is 00:06:14 like you can see into a car when it's nighttime, but you can't see in it when it's daytime. It's because your eye only has so much bandwidth in order to gather detail based on this wide range of lights. That that's like if you look into a tunnel on a super bright day you can't see in very far but if you are on it when it's a little bit darker you can see into the tunnel and you can see in further dynamic range is the ratio between the largest and smallest values that a certain quantity can consume it is often used in context of signals like sound and light ah that stuff but so so basically when when you have a camera and you take a picture of something the greater the dynamic
Starting point is 00:06:51 range the more you can see into the shadows the more detail the photo will have so if you put let's say a um let's say you're in skin color has will really will really expose your camera's ability for dynamic range. So if you take a picture of someone on a really, really bright day and they have really, really white skin. No, no, sorry. If you take a picture of someone with a darker background who has really white skin on a really dark day, you have to choose. If you want the background to have detail, the person's face will all be blown out. You won't see the texture of their skin at all. It'll just be blown out and overexposed. And likewise, it's the same thing. If you have a black person standing next to a white person and it's a really bright day, you can only set the
Starting point is 00:07:39 exposure so that you can see the detail on one of the people's face that's not racism that's technology that's technology those are the limits of technology that's called dynamic range that's not called racism i ended up on this guy's website the other day there are some really scary people out there there are some really really scary people out there um will you there really scary people out there. There's these people out there that just take an idea and just run with it. So let's say you were a colorist. I don't even know if that's a word. And you believe that the color red incited violence.
Starting point is 00:08:24 And then from there, you just extrapolated that police cars have red sirens because they want people to get violent when they get there so that it keeps their jobs so that they can arrest them there's people who like think like this they think that the curbs are painted red because um it it's some sort of uh conspiracy theory up to uh to to incite violence so it's a way to to keep people there's and and there's these people that's so in in essence that's what um that's that's the problem with critical race theory. It's not it's not a problem to see things as a potential that color may play some role. Like I'm left people have cancer and you want to be like, hmm, maybe skin color plays a role in that based on equatorial placement. This better be good. i was on a roll what's up guys it's plumber plumber what's up brother how we do good how are you staying
Starting point is 00:09:13 strong pretty good yeah figured i'd call in since all the boys are here this morning yeah always good to hear from you how are things going you ready to do something you ready are you going to any events are we going to cover any events? We're doing Granite Games. We are. That's what I thought. I hope so. The thing is right now is they, what I'm hearing from people is that CrossFit has owned the feed to all of these. And I suspect that they're not going to be willing to work with me.
Starting point is 00:09:37 But the hosts of these events have been very open to the fact of us going there and doing behind the scenes. But we wouldn't be able to point our camera at any of the events. Isn't that amazing because of their ego and their personal conflict towards me, they wouldn't want me to promote them or the athletes. It's fascinating. That is fascinating. I can't imagine why. That's fascinating. Oh, cause the ego tripping self-centered douchebags. And because I say stuff like that. Hey, they know though too. they know it must be so tough they know like there's people there that know like i guarantee you like like the the guy
Starting point is 00:10:14 who's in charge of games media over there right now jonathan haynes he knows he like me and him are friends i mean i haven't talked to him in a while but he's come over to my house all the time he knows i'm a beast he knows that there i have no peer he knows so he must be tripping he must be like damn i wish i could use him and and and justin knows too that goofball justin he knows they all know it must be trippy well the games would be so much better and people would love it so much more if we could just use seven but we we can't. I mean, I'm speculating. I'm wanting to know. I'm just this is like part intelligent analysis, part just super insecurity on my part.
Starting point is 00:10:52 But they but they also they know. Hey, you were right when you speculated about the open workout. I cheated. Oh, yeah. Well, we're having this guy, Philippe, on from Poland. He's not the guy that actually sent us the URL. By the way, we used it from the Make Wads Great Again site, but I guess afterwards, Mr. Susie here looked into our email, and at 10.54 a.m., we got an email. Yeah, he sent it directly to us.
Starting point is 00:11:26 But either way, we can – yeah, that that's awesome you could have been broke here first um so so we will basically um we have a guy this isn't the guy that sent it to us but this guy also cracked the code on the url and we'll have him on for a few minutes and ask him how he did it i mean i will ask him how he did it yeah hey you know i when i was i was looking for some pictures today, my computer and this thing popped up. My new role on the team, it's the letter Eric Rosa wrote to the team when he left. And one of the things it says, it says, as board chairman, I will provide support and mentoring to the leadership team and continue to partner with them on long-term vision and strategy. I would really like to ask Gary Gaines, Nicole Carroll, I don't know her last name, but the lady who's in charge of the media team, Erin, I would like to add the racist,
Starting point is 00:12:18 the ladies in charge of the racist team that promotes racism over there and sexism and homophobia. What's her name?ish or or eleanor i'd like to ask them if they're getting mentorship that's where i was going with that by the way that's that's the thing you have to understand when people when you have a job where i was going with the curbs being red or or thinking that dynamic range has something to do with race do with race, there's a group of people out there who are just doing that. That is basically – that's one of the biggest problems with critical race theory because then those people just start seeing the world through that lens. They released a video before the games this year, and they said – and it was about women.
Starting point is 00:13:00 First of all, you should have never said that it was about women. Just show the women. You don't need to say that it's about women. Just like you don't need black history month. All you need to do is like, you want to change the perception of people. You want to just show a bunch of Japanese people's orthodontist over and over and over. And we'll start thinking all Japanese people are orthodontist. You want to show black people in the good light, just show a bunch of black people, just hanging out, working out, broing out, hugging, eating together over and over. And we'll start to to people will start to think that you want to show that like all armenians have huge dicks just fucking just start showing a ton of us with our
Starting point is 00:13:32 pants down all you have to do is you don't you don't you don't have to say it but when jennifer i think her name is jennifer hunter marshall i i really like her i actually did filming with her like going way back in new York at the black box. But in that video, she says, and I know it's edited and I don't know what her thought is, but she says that her mom told her that she had to do twice as much and work twice as hard to get half as much as other people because of the color of their skin. And she hopes that her daughters don't have to do that, deal with that. My question to her is are you going to tell your daughters that because when you tell your daughters that you put them at the 51 yard line of that nightmare and i and i don't know jennifer's mom and i don't mean specifically
Starting point is 00:14:16 like to call her out but fuck the examples there you can't just say that and leave that open how is she gonna change that the first thing is is don't tell your kids hey everyone out there hates jews don't don't do that it's it's fucking complete yeah black box is racist i understand it's because she's black yeah yeah exactly that's 100 it's like telling it's like telling a kid that they're fat and then they'll believe they're fat when they're just overweight and they can lose that because then it's a permanent thing is Is that true, what Will just said? I don't know. I want to agree with him, but I'm...
Starting point is 00:14:49 It's like telling them you're big boned. Yeah, and then they just think that they can never lose weight and then they're just going to be that way for the rest of their life. But in reality, it's like they're not. They can just be a normal person. It's like all the Division I linemen who are just like... They just continue to gain weight all the way through college and then they don't make to the NFL, and then they're just fat for the rest of their lives. They're like 6'7 and just obese.
Starting point is 00:15:11 They don't need to – they aren't training as hard. They're not doing the same things, and they can just lose the weight. I think you guys might have derailed me. Derailed. You're welcome. Derailed. That's when you pull out. My son loves loves juice i want to know what your mom loves i know what your wife loves hey this guy travis do you guys know who kevin johnson is he's a hardcore og crossfitter this guy travis bellinghouse always
Starting point is 00:15:38 reminds me of him when i see his picture i love kevin john, he, he knew Greg way, way. Kevin Johnson's the guy who told me that I go, he comes over to my house. I'm like, you want a drink? He's like, nah. I'm like, why not? He's all, whenever I drink, I break out in felonies. Um, that's a good line, right? Uh, well, thanks for calling in dude. I, um, thanks for always staying in touch. I love you. Thanks for everything you did. Uh, you know, we you know we had like all these uh people volunteer for water pollution you were like one of the few that had a brain and i really appreciate it you and heidi and it was cool you weren't an asshole you didn't take advantage like you came to grind and i really appreciate that will's the man appreciate it guys yeah have a good one okay see you uh someone is another is another example is when you when you make a joke and then uh somebody turns it into into uh uh transphobia yeah what did that happen i don't remember that
Starting point is 00:16:34 yeah did you did you see uh our our friend again over at the uh memes page no was upset no oh shit now what now what let's see if i could uh who's who's trans who's is is am i transphobic or is someone else transphobic you got to pull up that definition so i'm ready to i don't even know what the fuck that means i i do i do believe i do believe he was referring to you trans transgenders when you um when you change your sex right Like or is it when you just Want to change it if I just want to be a woman He just like identified Oh you don't actually have
Starting point is 00:17:12 To do anything you don't have to Remove your penis and have it turn into a vagina Or vice versa vagina to penis can you can I see the definition of that This guy this the The dude the That dude the meme guy Is let me see what he said it got it got said i don't want to see it
Starting point is 00:17:31 picture i showed on the um this is his story this is the make wads great again, guys. Story. The story. I think that was right after the multiple apologies for him posting the, uh, workout.
Starting point is 00:17:53 He, who he apologized. Hold on. I want to hear that story too. I want to hear that story too. Uh, it's a poll. He posted in a story,
Starting point is 00:18:02 a poll. It says, what do you think? Transphobic as fuck? Is that what that means? Yeah. Or damn John's – damn John looks – that's his name, John? I guess so, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:14 I think it's John Wooley or something. Damn John looks good with hair. Damn, darn it. I wish I didn't hear his name. I just like calling him the meme guy. Transphobic as fuck. Damn John looks good. Oh, shit. This is a great time to remind you what a terrific organization like OutFDN exists. name i just like calling him the meme guy um transphobic as fuck damn john looks good oh shit
Starting point is 00:18:25 this is great time to remind you what a terrific organization like out fdn exists what's out fdn are those the outwad guys are those those guys if they're the guys that greg met once with in madison those guys are fucking assholes those those are bad people those are mean people those are mean and hurtful people but but um uh and that guy that guy who's in charge of that the super handsome curly haired guy he presents so nice and then the second he gets into a setting where he can power trip he's a dick let me see that again do you know what he's doing i don't i don't know if that's the same group i don't even care i don't even want to go down that that rabbit hole i don't know if that's the same group. I don't even care. I don't even want to go down that rabbit hole. I don't want to give those guys any attention.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Those are bad people if it's who I think it is. They're mean people. He's suggesting that – oh, you know what he's doing here? This is the same thing when I made that post on Noah's site and like 500 people liked it. He tried to intimidate people by saying he was going through the list of people who liked it. And this guy is such a bully. So now he's planting this seed. He's planting this seed that because – is that the thing? So you can't – a white person can't put black paint on their face because that would be blackface, and now dudes can't put wigs on their head because that would be considered transphobic is that what's going on here is that and he's planting the seed this is he's leveraging people who might be offended by that
Starting point is 00:19:55 in order to be aggressive towards me is this hey dude if you think i'm transphobic just say it yeah let's go let's let's war dude why is he such a sissy why dude do you understand that's the essence of wokeism you're just stirring the crowd dude how about just it's funny that's what i was gonna say is it how about how about and that this is a perfect example of what i'm talking about looking through the lens this guy looks through the lens of trying to make transphobic people feel bad by making everything about their hurtful situation what if that's just an attack on blonde women that's really who i have a problem with because
Starting point is 00:20:29 none of those bitches would fuck me when i was a kid what if that's just an attack on blonde women i can't stand blonde women and i want everyone to think they're ugly as fuck that's why i put that hair on you actually i didn't even do that i by the way someone sent that to me maybe he just looks good with long hair too you fucking silly goose that guy hey dude you're the mean guy please tell me please tell me you're just trying to be funny please tell me you're just trying philip what's up brother oh what's up hi good morning good afternoon it's 4 4 40 4 15 4, yeah. implication is we'll find out sunday when i talk to him but that i conflated back and forth using russia and ukraine confusing the two countries it's like yo what's your point okay so i fucked it up okay so you're in germany tell me how is germany these days philippe i don't know how is germany i really i haven't been out in germany so. Where in Poland are you?
Starting point is 00:21:47 Poznań. It's Western Poland. Can I see a map, Caleb? Isn't technology amazing, Philippe? It is. Yeah. How old are you? Especially when you find out the URL to the 22.3.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Especially when you find out the URL to the 22.3. Let's see. Pull out a little bit. Okay, so you have some time before... Oh, shit. You don't have a lot of time before the Russians get there. Holy shit. Holy cow.
Starting point is 00:22:24 How is Poland? I know this isn't the point of the subject. Are you guys freaked out at all? Is it like the United States? Most people don't give a fuck and everyone's still just doing their own shit. Being offended by stuff. There is a lot of worry for sure.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Because it's so close. It's like 600 kilometers to the border. So everything could change overnight. Yeah. Yeah, but Polish people are excellent in helping Ukrainian refugees. We all organize ourselves to provide them shelter food clothes blankets everything they need at the at the border there do people speak like at the you know at our at our borders there's a lot of people who speak both languages right so at the close to the mexican border there's a lot
Starting point is 00:23:17 of bilingual people and they're close to the canadian border there's a lot of french-speaking people is that similar to um is the is... Is there a blurry line there between Poland and Ukraine? There's a lot of Ukrainians who live on the Polish side and a lot of Polish people who live on the Ukrainian side? Maybe a bit, but also the generation of my parents and my grandparents
Starting point is 00:23:39 had to learn Russian in school because of communism. So they know Russian, they can somehow had to learn Russian in school because of communism. Ah, right. So they know Russian, they can somehow connect to the Ukrainians. Sorry, Philippe, one second. Canada RVA, I looked up weak women
Starting point is 00:23:57 and John Woolley's picture came up. Weird. So you're a CrossFitter? Yeah. I can tell by this chiseled jaw and these bright eyes and this beautiful skin. What – so – and are you a computer science major? A minor, but yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:22 And have you done this before? Well, tell me what happened. And have you done this before? Well, tell me what happened. Tell me about your story to find digging up the URL. And is that really exciting when you get it right and you see the PDF pop up? Are you like, yeah. Yeah. Like better than Christmas, right?
Starting point is 00:24:39 Uh-huh. And you immediately share it with your friends and they're like, no way. It's like sending a picture of your new girlfriend to them. They can't believe it. They're like, you're dating her? You? You get to hold her hand in the movie theater? It's like really cool.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Shout out to my Mayhem family. Oh, yeah. Are you a Mayhem athlete? Oh, you are a Mayhem family. Oh, yeah. Are you a Mayhem athlete? Oh, you are a Mayhem athlete. Holy shit, okay. Are you a good CrossFitter? Sub-RX, but I'm fighting to get better. Last week I got my first bar muscle-up, so.
Starting point is 00:25:24 Hey, congrats. That's awesome. Congratulations. Okay, so can you tell me how it works, like your thought process of how you dig out the URL? Yeah, so first thought is maybe there is some leak just because there is, because someone tested it and leaked it and you look for the signs but of course now it's a bit harder because of the of the NDAs and shit so you dig into the website and you check if maybe there are some links that are there, actually, but are hidden from visibility.
Starting point is 00:26:12 So inspect the website. And then you start checking how the URLs of the previous PDFs look like. And if you go to the game's website where the open workouts are, there is a series of links with various divisions. And those links are generated in a way that includes a random string of signs.
Starting point is 00:26:49 So you cannot really figure out what the other random string of signs is. But if you click the bigger link, if you open open the website, I could show you. Okay. Can you do that, Caleb? I was actually thinking Caleb would have just done that, but it looks like he's looking at porn right now. Let's see. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Okay. Okay. So, oh. To the actual page. Yeah. So you look at the URL from the week before. The link of the 22.2. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:31 And it looks super basic. Yeah, go down a bit. Yeah, here. This one. And it looks super basic, like CFG 22.2, blah blah and the end had version 8 or something so you obviously change the point 2 to point 3 because he wants to find point 3 it's that easy at the end of the link there there is the number. So it's version something. Right.
Starting point is 00:28:06 And I started checking all the numbers in order. One, two, three, four, five, six. And then at nine, it clicked. It was there the whole time. Hey, did you try to do this with 22.2 also? Yeah. But you failed. You didn't get 22.2 also yeah but but but you failed you didn't get 22.2 no wow this is so good and then so you're just sitting you're alone at home doing this no i was talking to my friends from my home my home usuals we have a group chat we talk every day and so you're on group chat
Starting point is 00:28:47 and you're what kind of computer do you have uh lenovo oh so you're a pc guy that makes sense mac app mac people don't do that stuff and then and so you put v9 in there you just changing, and all of a sudden it just opens. Yeah, because there's no safety in the link. There's no security. So all it took was to change the numbers, and you got it. Yeah, we used to not do that. Some kind of encryption in the random string.
Starting point is 00:29:24 You can't figure that out because you don't know how they generated it. some kind of encryption in the random string. You can't figure that out because you don't know how they generated it. It's a pretty basic mistake, right? Like they should know better. Yeah. Schoolboy mistake. Schoolboy mistake, yes. What was more exciting, when that URL opened up or when you got your first bar muscle-up?
Starting point is 00:29:41 Bar muscle-up, for sure. That's awesome. Do you have a girlfriend yeah um was she a dude was she able to enjoy that excitement with you or is she like oh good job philippe uh come pick me up now she does crossfit too so she was pretty excited to see it earlier. How about your parents? Are they proud of you? Like, who do you share this with? Like, who?
Starting point is 00:30:14 I mean, it's such a great thing. It means nothing and yet means so much. It's so fun. Yeah. First thing I did, I sent it to my CrossFit friends and my friends. And they were all, wow, no way. But it was real. It was on the game server.
Starting point is 00:30:34 And then I turned on your podcast and saw Hobart saying, it's a fake, it's a fake. Oh, Hobart's such a good dude i hate to see him in those positions he's such a good dude he got fucking wrecked um well you you have my phone number now if you uncover any other links can i be part of your i mean i don't i i don't pay for a mayhem membership but i would love to uh be your friend still and uh and be in your circle of uh sharing i promise you i'll be really excited i'll be more excited than your girlfriend okay all right philippe thank you very much you have my phone number if there's anything i can ever do for you or if you want to um come back on and um when the ukrainians or when the russians there i go i've just missed up the two but if the russians start
Starting point is 00:31:28 invading and you need someone to talk to call me okay i will i'll be your outlet in poland okay thank you brother thanks guys thank you that's a good dude what a good dude god that's so fun i wish i could have been there right next to him when he like when it popped open it must have been so crazy okay um maybe we should start at the bottom of this list i have so i have so much uh i thought he was going to stay on forever in the back end i have so many things to get through you should invite people for backstage passes say that again like give them backstage passes like you know maybe we just like bring bring them on i was gonna ask him did you just say you're gonna ask him about gas prices
Starting point is 00:32:20 oh no i should have i'm gonna ask him about about gas prices. I don't know where you wanted to go with it or what to do with it. I have to get off in 55 minutes, and I have so many fucking things I want to get through here. So many. I like it when Caleb does his headphones like that. I like it when you just bring us on sometimes with no warning. It's never safe. I literally was like scrambling. I got in here, and I click it when you just bring us on sometimes with no warning. It's never safe. Like I literally was like scrambling. I got in here and I click it.
Starting point is 00:32:48 I see you're like holding up a nug of weed. And all of a sudden I look up and bam, we're live. Bam, we're live. Okay. Caleb, did I send you the notes? Okay. Can we pull up a – I want to do just a little bit of house cleaning here. Can we pull up Dave's IG? Can we pull up a there i would do a little bit of house cleaning
Starting point is 00:33:06 here can we pull dave's ig can we pull bill henniger's ig honestly i i uh it looks like dave is now in maybe we should just have a series on this i think there's too many l um yep there he is like tracking dave yeah dave tracker because i'm tripping on the fact that he was in Palo. Okay. See his most recent. Oh, there we go. Yep. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:33 So that means Bill's in Texas. That's Bill's pile of rocks. I don't know if I'm supposed to say what those rocks are for, but that's his pile of rocks. And go to the next in his story here. Wait, like he collected and built that pile of rocks? Yeah. It signifies something in his life.
Starting point is 00:33:50 It's actually so freaking cool. Bill is so interesting. He's very interesting. I have like – I would die to just have a short – I know he doesn't do interviews or like clearly he doesn't because I bet he's had offers just like crazy. or like clearly he doesn't because I bet he's had offers just like crazy. But I would love to just sit down and just hear the origin story of Rogues and the trial and the turbulence that he went through and just all that stuff. I bet it's just – I bet it's just crazy. I bet the hardship they faced too in times has just been nuts.
Starting point is 00:34:18 Wasn't he in the Air Force? He was like a maintainer or something. Yeah, he was – I thought he was a Marine, but he was some service. He was definitely in the service. I think he was maybe even when I met him. And all the stuff that they do with them. I mean, it's just so freaking cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Oh, my mom said good morning, Caleb. Damn, I got to be nice. Was I nice to the memes guy? Did I say anything mean to him? I don't know. She didn't say good morning to me so maybe she was maybe she's mad at me oh good i got jealous i'm jealous of caleb now um uh you also brought i want i want to go back to the apology thing too you mentioned something about apology but but first i want to okay so we so bill is in texas now go to dave's tdc hunts remember the
Starting point is 00:35:03 other day how we looked at dave was in palo alto i know i know for a fact something weird's going on we're putting the clues together yes yes yes yes and then i saw this so this is in texas so that means dave is with bill here's the thing with bill henniger you guys in katie henniger we should never forget katie um for those who don't know katie won the CrossFit Games in 2008. She's the original CrossFit Games champion. She is an amazing, amazing person. An extrovert, I would say. Beautiful lady. I love her. And she, Bill Henneger was her coach and she trained at his gym. And I don't think Bill could rub two nickels together. I think he may have even lived in his gym. I don't know, and I know some people with hundreds of millions of dollars, and I have to guess Bill and Katie are the wealthiest people I know.
Starting point is 00:36:19 That website is like candy. It's like Amazon for CrossFitters. It's beyond. It is the funnest website to go to. It's fucking unhealthy to go there. And basically, they built that up from scratch. And I've never seen them live. I don't know how. From what I know, they don't even live in extravagance. My feeling is that Bill and Katie save every fucking penny they have. What I heard the story was is when Bill built the new rogue that it was that 600,000
Starting point is 00:36:46 square foot facility it cost 50 million dollars and he did that with every penny he fucking saved i wouldn't doubt it the majority the majority of the pictures of us that i've seen of bill and katie have been them working alongside their crew yes like there's no jets there's no fancy anything like the rocket hard hats she's controlling a group and and pushing the people along and he's out there tightening the bolts on the rig and even a few years ago when i would order something from rogue like like i don't know let's say i ordered a barbell or something i would get a note from katie hey did are you sure you wanted that color or something like she saw the order and i'm like what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:37:28 Shouldn't she be like in the Seychelles drinking margaritas? I have to address this comment real quick. I will not. I will not. A fangirl of who? Bill and Katie. Oh, no. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Or maybe Dave. The three of them. That's fine. I'll take that. Rosemary. Rosemary. Oh, Rosemary. All four of them. I will not. I will not stop being a fangirl. That's. Oh, rosemary. All of them. All four of them.
Starting point is 00:37:45 I will not. I will not stop being a fangirl. That's it. You got me. I asked Bill to be on the podcast one time, and he responded to me. He doesn't do podcasts. What's also crazy is he responds to my texts whenever I text him. I had an idea for something that I wanted to make a ladder that mounts to ceilings and that you could, so you could put pull up, not pull up bars, monkey bars in any kid's bedroom.
Starting point is 00:38:09 It was an idea I had. And I, and I either call bill or text bill. Yeah, there they are, man. Katie's hot. He scored. He's really quiet. He's really, really, really quiet anyway. And she's an amazing basketball player you guys should google her she may have even gone pro when i would film with her she could make a shot from anywhere in in the gymnasium it was nuts and she could do all the weird bouncing shot in the harlem globetrotter shit all that shit that's cool anyway uh even the last time i communicated with bill like a couple years ago at length he he basically said, no, we won't make that for you.
Starting point is 00:38:47 I don't want to be involved with the liability of that. But I but he drew a picture of it for me. And he goes, if you want to shop it around, here's a picture. And he drew like a picture of it for me of my idea for monkey bars that could go in a kid's bedroom and be mass produced. Wow. I know he's fucking cool. I heard I heard a thing like he has time for that it's like it's like it's like patrick bett david coming on the show i i seriously wouldn't be
Starting point is 00:39:11 surprised if if rogue um is approaching the b word an evaluation to be interesting yeah yeah i i i i would be very i'm very curious yeah i'm. Katie, if you guys ever need an assistant, let me know. No, no, no. Susie, you're on the show. Next time they do an event or something, I could clean trash and I could get coffee with the best of them, okay? Katie, if you want to sponsor a podcast. Okay, what were you going to say? Sorry.
Starting point is 00:39:39 So let me finish this thought real quick. So now he's with – so a couple days ago he's in Palo Alto, supposedly visiting a CrossFit gym there. I know Dave always visits CrossFit gyms. But he – I'm going to guess he's there talking to someone with a shitload of money. Let's just say he was there talking to Mark Zuckerberg, and now he's talking to Bill a couple days later. Something is going on. Something is going on. Something is going on. I love the way that Dave operates and the fact of like,
Starting point is 00:40:10 he's always dropping little hints. And when you see it, they're so abstract. You're like, I have no idea what this, what this dude is doing. But then once it comes into focus and you look backwards at what he did, it's like, it's so obvious, you know, it's, it's so cool. And how he, how he's done that. And it was so pathetic the way CrossFit tried to do it with you. Oh yeah. I made a comment there. He showed, he showed the dead pig. And I said, is that a hamster? What, what, what did people say? Can I see the replies? That's a tiny
Starting point is 00:40:39 ass pig. He should be ashamed. We'll still have hundreds of babies. I believe it's actually a Guinea pig. Thank you, Mars. Thank you. I appreciate you always pile on okay so that's interesting that's interesting and it was cool that dave came on for a minute the other day you know how that happened too is i just sent him a link and i said all the boys are on and i've done that a dozen times and he's never come on that was crazy that he came on yes they're approaching Bitcoin value. I don't know what this means, but boobs. Yeah, boobs are always – I like boobs. All boobs. Let's go to a little vaccine story here.
Starting point is 00:41:17 This kind of blew me away. United Airlines is now saying that their employees don't have to be vaccinated and can come back to work. is now saying that their employees don't have to be vaccinated and can come back to work. Now, that shouldn't blow me away because we had the CEO of Pfizer say last week or two weeks ago that the vaccine barely works, if at all. That's verbatim, by the way. United Airlines has announced it will allow unvaccinated employees to return to their full-time jobs by March 20th. Can you Google United Airlines and see if we have if there's we have any truth to that oh i gotta tell my wife the dog did dog the dog before i started the show uh are you checking that caleb to see if we have checked the news on that what we we heard the ceo pfizer say that basically the vaccine doesn't work, barely works, if at all. And then we heard the director of the CDC say that they got their information from CNN regarding the efficacy of the vaccine.
Starting point is 00:42:12 It's mind-boggling to me. And yet, United Airlines to let unvaccinated workers return. Wall Street Journal, OK? New York Times, United Airlines workers. Uh-oh. Reuters, United Airlines to let unvaccinated workers return. I just want to hear someone say that, yeah, if you're worried, just wear a mask and get the vaccine and leave the other people alone. This is fascinating.
Starting point is 00:42:37 Black people are now allowed to come back to work at United Airlines. Jews are now allowed to come back to work at United Airlines. Muslims are now allowed to come back to work at United Airlines. It's all now allowed to come back to work at united airlines it's all it's all that's all i hear it's all the same shit and the rest of you who don't who who are against it i i view you in the same in the same way it lumps you up and by the way those of us who aren't racist we we the vast majority of us don't even hate racist people that's one of the components of not being racist it's it's it's it's really fascinating we just accept you we know we're just glad we're not you those of you who like hate racist and who are like always
Starting point is 00:43:16 going after them it's because the vast majority you are racist you don't understand the mechanism in which this goes away and heals but i I've talked about that ad nauseum. Let's look up DuckDuckGo, by the way. I pulled DuckDuckGo yesterday off of all my computers and off of my phone. This is kind of a sad story. I need help, someone to tell me where to go next. DuckDuckGo will demote Russia propaganda in search results. ago will demote russia propaganda and search results first of all that that this lady i think she's a porn star uh a khalid um that is actually it's not that they're removing propaganda let me
Starting point is 00:43:52 tell you what that how you read that can you go back up to the oh here we go yes yes yes yes sorry gabrielle weinberg like so many others i'm sickened by russia's invasion of ukraine and the gigantic human humanitarian crisis it continues to create first of all you're you're not sickened by it stop lying i i'll show me yourself vomiting you drama queen at duck duck go we've been rolling out search updates that downrank sites associated with russia russian disinformation so i use duck duck go because i i didn't think that they censored and basically what this guy is saying is that he censors now which makes me think um to some extent
Starting point is 00:44:30 that maybe he's been threatened that his company has been threatened by google or twitter or some politicians or someone has threatened him and so now he's he's jumping in line so if you thought duck duck go would not um uh cens you, they'd now censor you. And searching on the web has become difficult again. Someone was saying that there's a search engine called Brave. This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your list, then swap it for one that's cheaper. Craving chips? The app will suggest some on sale. To get started, just open the app. It's as easy as that. See the PC Optimum app for details. Grave or brave? Brave with a B, as in boy. Oh, okay. But that's a... That's sad. That bums me out about DuckDuckGo. And it makes me even sadder.
Starting point is 00:45:37 That's the kind of shit that like Justin Berg would say, well, we've only changed the workout slightly or we've done it to help the affiliates. You haven't done... This isn't Russian. Don't worry about Russian propaganda. Worry about keeping an open and free site. Seb on podcast YouTube.
Starting point is 00:45:52 Ah, yes. Thank you. Please like and subscribe. I just don't understand. Do you fully understand the conflict? No. Why Russia? So here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Here's the thing. Doesn't it seem weird that it's turned into this? I watched that whole Silverstone movie, and I couldn't even follow that movie. To be honest, I couldn't even follow it. So doesn't it seem weird that all of a sudden it's turned into like an economic war of like who's going to shut down what and where? And all these businesses are now going back and forth, and the countries are threatening to hack the businesses and the businesses are shutting off their products and stuff and the companies and we're seeing like rise in prices of stuff especially oil and things and but nobody but yet nobody could tell you oh well the reason why is
Starting point is 00:46:38 because of a b and c so this is why this is why they're going after it and then the ukrainians are fighting because of this which obviously i don't really view the person who shows up in somebody else's house and starts breaking stuff as the good guy ever. And I'm very much against war and the destruction of that and violence as well at mass scale, especially when it comes to citizens that are just trying to live their everyday life. I mean, I don't understand that at all. But at the same time, nobody could fully explain this conflict, but everybody has opinions on it. It just seems, I'm just skeptical of it. Like, who's benefiting from this?
Starting point is 00:47:20 Someone needs to just sit down or show me the video where someone asked Putin, hey, what are you doing? Yeah, and have you seen the seen, well, first of all, first of all, Putin, are you in charge? Putin, is this your idea? Putin, did you give the orders? Let's establish that. And then if he says yes, we say why he's doing it. I do know this. I don't want to see it. I, well, it's interesting. It's, it's so interesting. I, I want to say, I don't want to see anyone get killed but um as a but but we had greg anderson on the other day and we were talking about that and regarding to the guy who molested
Starting point is 00:47:50 the um who molested kane velasquez's daughter a hundred times i don't want to say that i don't want him to get killed i don't want him to get killed but like i don't care if he does get killed and so i'm making the – I don't know what's going on there. That movie that Oliver Stone though made from 2016 paints that there is a problem in the Ukraine, that there is a very scary group of people who are very, very popular, and there's a shitload of them there. And it's basically Nazis. And who and and it's um and it's basically nazis and i and i who knows if it's true or not like that like like you said who knows if it's true right but they got it they got some people over there that that are according to this movie that are really really scary fucking people that really you don't want to leave ever
Starting point is 00:48:39 leave the ukraine so i fuck i don't know that's interesting yeah i just yeah it just and basically by by nazis i mean well you know what i gotta read i gotta read that book on um on the founders of planned parenthood i think i think that that would really rile me up i keep hearing about all the eugenics and nazi shit and the origins of planned parenthood it's some scary shit the first thing i always do too is i look at who who wrote that type of book and then like who who funded it like who paid for it to go into publishing and stuff because that's always like interesting right like if you could follow the money and kind of look back and be like okay well who gains the benefit from this information being out there the most like is it a moral play is it
Starting point is 00:49:21 truly just trying to break down history and understand how the origin of it came to be or is it like some sort of other message kind of being kind of being pushed in there that's true uh it's it i think you can only find this movie on rumble by the way i watched an interview there's these guys called the nelk boys i'm going to show how old i am and i they're like the new jackass i think they're the new jackass. They're cool dudes. There's four of them. I think they own the trademark to the word full send.
Starting point is 00:49:52 Tony, that movie, if you just go to Rumble and type in Oliver Stone, you can see the movie. I'm pretty sure YouTube pulled it down. But basically, there was an interview the Nelk Boys did a couple days ago with Donald Trump. And it's a great interview. It's the most calm and coolest I've ever seen Trump. And fucking YouTube pulled it down. It's not even – it was a 50-minute interview with Trump. They're just sitting around with him, four dudes shooting the shit.
Starting point is 00:50:18 It's so mellow. And YouTube pulled it down. Trump told them that it would get pulled down. Why? Why would they pull that down? I have no idea. That's a very interesting question. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:50:30 There's videos on there calling to kill people that are still up. Tens of thousands of them. Mars, good morning. Oh, wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Uh-oh. Good morning. Saval, I got a real quick story for you Okay, thank you
Starting point is 00:50:48 I haven't pooped in four days You haven't pooped in four days? Okay I haven't excreted bile in four days, all right? Right But this morning, I had some Paper Street White Roast coffee Paper Street White Roast Coffee. Paper Street Light Roast Coffee. I had the most glorious shit on my squatty potty.
Starting point is 00:51:14 It was incredible. And you know what? I think the problem with the world right now is everybody just needs a cup of Paper Street Light Roast Coffee. They need to take a good cleansing toxic bile shit. And then we can get over all this stuff and everybody can move on. Everybody will forget about the vaccine and, and Putin will like pull his troops out of Uganda. And this shit will just solve itself in a,
Starting point is 00:51:42 in a matter of one good turd, man. That's all I got to say. I love you. Bye-bye. Peace. Good dude. There.
Starting point is 00:51:52 You heard it. The medicinal value of paper street coffee. Not only do you get 20% off, you support the podcast, but you'll take shit. Wow. This is Alan Kester bomb. Steve from milk boys gave him a hundred thousand dollars presidential Rolex.
Starting point is 00:52:03 Can we see that Caleb? Um, I also, what they gave Dana White, something crazy. Here we go. This one, I'm going to get this too for Kyle Forgeard. This is a 70,000 chocolate. Kyle Forgeard, this is your watch. You like your watches like you like your woman. Same here.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Here's my president, Kyle Forgeard. You're fucked. just after i tricked you this guy shouted me out 300 followers he made me the person i am today he's my president oh that's so cool you know he should have just bought him a house thank you how sweet hey those dudes are i mean i've only seen like three of their videos those guys seem so nice have you um that steve will do it guy had a uh podcast i watched a while back with uh on is that the one buying the watches to see the boss yeah yeah yeah and it was interesting because he doesn't really do a lot of um he doesn't really do a lot of podcasts and in there he's like oh i'm i kind of i'm kind of slow when i talk and i it was it was interesting they were
Starting point is 00:53:10 also there's there's four of them one of the guys is is a little um i don't know if he's stone but he's a little brash he overcompensates that guy's nice there's a dude who's like darker skin maybe he looks ethiopian he's got like an an Ethiopian head he he was really a sweet young man and then that other guy that kind of looked like you was is nice but then there's another dude who's like a little more aggressive guy I can't tell but but yeah that's cool hey and then they bought I think they bought um they bought a uh Dana White some custom – yeah, that was the interview I saw. It was so good. They did such a good job.
Starting point is 00:53:52 During the whole entire interview, I was so stoked for them and then happy, and then when it was over, I was jealous and hated them. I think that's the normal evolution. We could start chugging whole entire fifths of fireball on here and see if i catch the same buzz is that what they do that's their thing they're the they're like the modern day like the new jackass that's about steve will do it i think that's where he first started to gain all his followers from i'm not really educated on it but i remember him talking about that oh that makes sense the one that looks like suze's canadian because he has a weird cadence to his
Starting point is 00:54:23 voice i wonder if that affects canadian thinking also that cadence i'm sure it does oh here it is they gave dana six hundred thousand i know you know what though alan i i don't think it was a mercedes i think it was like a rolls royce or a it wasn't a rolls royce either um or a uh maserati van it was some trippy van. I don't think it was a Mercedes, but it was something crazy. Okay, Caleb, we got enough jerking people off.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Oh, so what did you... Do you want the meme guy? Do we have anything else to say about him? You said something about him apologizing. What was he apologizing for? For being a dick to me? I mean, these things are only, these things are just sent to me because I,
Starting point is 00:55:07 he, he blocked me, but it's, uh, yeah, the other one. Oh, he blocked you.
Starting point is 00:55:14 He, what? He bought me. I wonder if he blocked me. After he, after he put all that stuff up and wanted to make the t-shirt, the cahoots t-shirt and went on this whole rant about me whenever i hear that word he kind of he kind of made that word better for me
Starting point is 00:55:31 whenever i hear cahoots i just see boobs now imagine being impressed by the other guy roots so on this one was said it was like uh yesterday on seven's podcast they showed uh oh wait no that's not the other that was That was another one. Can you screen share this? Caleb, we're going to have to screen share it. These are just sent to me by DM. First, let me ask you this. Who's he apologizing to? Us? Where is it?
Starting point is 00:55:55 It was in his stories. I don't know if it was still there. I hope he's not apologizing to us because that would suck. That would mean the fight's over. Here's the quote from it. I've written like two dozen apologies so this will be the last one and then i'm moving on from it moving on you're saying that or he said that no no he's saying this i'm reading the apology thing uh if i spoiled your open announcement experience i sincerely apologize i didn't think it through prior to posting and I could certainly see how people would be disappointed. Sometimes my enthusiasm gets the better of me and I work faster than I
Starting point is 00:56:30 should. It was shitty and it won't happen again. Now I'm going to get some rest because I have to do thrusters, double unders, pull-ups, and maybe some muscle-ups contrary to popular belief. Having the workout 30 minutes in advance didn't actually give me or anyone else an advantage on any of those movements. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Sorry, sorry, sorry. This is an apology. Yes. The meme guy, the guy that someone put a wig on. Correct.
Starting point is 00:56:57 That guy is apologizing on his Instagram because he got shit for releasing it early. And then it's kind of a half-assed apology then he just at the end he justifies it yeah basically being like it didn't give anybody advantage but he did apologizing for ruining their open experience dude I seriously mean this to you you're the mean guy you just need to tell people to fuck off you can't don't do both that's why you're so woke just do both be like hey dude fuck off I Don't do both. That's why you're so woke. Just do both. Be like, hey, dude, fuck off.
Starting point is 00:57:29 I'll leak whatever I fucking want. Unfollow me. Like you're taking responsibility for people who follow you because they're upset for what they posted. Do you realize how that you are the source of the problem? You are the insanity. You are the weakness. Oh, here it is does it appear as if i'm more in cahoots or less in cahoots since i posted that leak i was hoping it was oh geez i can't even this guy's
Starting point is 00:57:53 you're you're just you are cahoots dude it's now a noun you are a cahoots ask me out on a date with great power comes bad decisions with great power dude danny spiegel has great moral power not you buddy oh my god it must really be he's a tormented soul it's it's – I mean can you imagine getting a bunch of DMs of people that were actually upset because he posted that? Like who are those people that are upset? Like, oh, I went to your page and you showed me this and it completely ruined it for me. Like it ruined what?
Starting point is 00:58:41 Who read the open announcement anyways? And he apologizes but then says but but but it didn't give anyone advantage either dude either say sorry or tell them to fuck off like you're the mean guy everything is just supposed to be funny maybe maybe maybe he's like oh these but maybe he's the same as us maybe this is all just fun for him and it's just fodder and content and he just likes it but for some reason for some reason it seems like uh hey here's what i think here's what i think ready yeah i think he posted that and someone from crossfit hq sent him an email called him text him and said hey dude you're gonna lose your vip access to
Starting point is 00:59:25 the games if you don't pull that shit down are you team player or not front row parking gone meanwhile i'm outside with an iphone and a stick trying to film over a fence oh my goodness oh my goodness hey i uh yeah that is the shittiest apology ever i agree mr mertens good morning by the brother good morning good morning colton i um um people always say say hi to rosemary uh colton please say hi to your father what was his father's name again it's not dick i know that was the imposter martins anthony anthony anthony martins oh you know what i think that's the name of justin madaris's dad too is that a trip is it i think it is anthony colton's probably been what time is it there he's like two hours ahead says nine it's like 11 there he's probably already been up fed the pigs done a bunch of farm work
Starting point is 01:00:17 a thousand wall balls rode a 10k and what if we did a bit where i gave that dude therapy 15 minutes of every live call and show you know how like we want to do bits like how we had philippe on or we want to have guests on what if i had the meme guy on for 15 minutes and i explained to him that every like i explained to him that he's really just homophobic and that's why he does that or he's really racist and i help him work through that and tell them it's okay i still love him and just and i just help him through all that shit just hold them i mean i can't hold them but i can help him like see it i just help him through all that shit? Just hold them. I mean, I can't hold them, but I can help him like see it. I can help him see like what he's doing, how he's the purveyor and creator of all this nonsense.
Starting point is 01:00:53 It's bizarre. Yeah. Hey, that's the same thing with when he when he says is this photo transfer. He just can't. I bet you when he fucks, he can't bust a nut. He's one of those dudes who fucks for like four hours. I mean, he's just bust a nut. He's one of those dudes who fucks for like four hours. I mean, he's just so... And then apologizes.
Starting point is 01:01:09 Which I'm not hating, Mr. Kahooter, because I wish I had that problem. Shit, my mom's listening to this show. Okay, fine. Come on. Come on, come on. Okay, Caleb, can we go to... Stealing time is your life.
Starting point is 01:01:23 I want to see what this is. It's a link to Instagram here. Hey, Colton, congratulations on the open. You're fucking killing it, dude. Love you. Oh, yeah, this is great. This is great. This is California, people.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Hey, like 17 or something Walgreens closed down in San Francisco during the pandemic. And this is why right here. This is why. Watch this. Watch this video. This is a store. I'm going to call for a logo. We have this person that is taking everything from that counter.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Yes, please. Can you send it back? Can you send it right away, please? Hey, can you pause this? How does the woke crowd explain this to? These are Asian people working at a Walgreens? If you look at people by race and a black dude robbing it, that dude's just back there robbing and they don't do anything. I mean, in their defense, what are they going to do?
Starting point is 01:02:17 Like, you're not going to know nothing. Who gives a shit? The fucking world's falling apart. Like, I mean, I mean, part if me and you work there, we would beat the fuck out of that guy. If me and you were there and we were 18 years old, you know, mean you would have fucking just just for shits and giggles. Yeah. I would have jumped on you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:33 Me and my friends would have totally, which is why this wouldn't have happened 50 years ago. Oh, good point. But that was. But basically, this video just shows a guy walking to the back of a Walgreens and just stealing just everything. Yeah. Well, in California, if they tried to do anything, the cops would have showed up and been like, oh, wait. You shot him? Okay, now we got to take you to jail, buddy.
Starting point is 01:02:55 It would have gone the other way. Sorry. Hold on a second. Hold on. I'm sorry. Sevan blatantly lied twice and used a really offensive word directed at me. Is she saying that? No, she's quoting meme guy.
Starting point is 01:03:13 Oh, if one white dude calling another white dude – if one white dude calling – I don't think he ever called me. Did he call me? Calling another white dude racist, then it's the most woke version of racism possible this is their conversation tense after 40 was messaging with make wads great again she's just they're just putting the messages in the comments oh hey dude let me tell you there's nothing woke about me the zero zero zero zero woke is when you put when you blame other people for shit that well maybe there's a little bit of woke in me when you blame other people for shit. Well, maybe there's a little bit of woke in me. When you blame other people for shit, that's your problem. It's when you're completely closed-minded and trapped inside your head. Look up Peter Boghossian's. We've run him before.
Starting point is 01:03:58 When words mean the opposite of what they really mean. Or when you're constantly changing the definition of words. It's all just woke just nonsense uh seven i think the reason why you have again he was triggered is because ukrainians worked hard especially in the last decade to distinguish themselves from russian he was already upset and you triggered gotcha understood fair enough fair enough i hate it when they when they um confuse uh armenians with mexicans. Well, could I add some context to that too? Yeah, go ahead. The people didn't realize that you had done a podcast
Starting point is 01:04:30 every single day leading up to that, every single day. And then I think on Monday, there was a two-a-day in there. And the day that we did that podcast with the Ukrainian, that was your third podcast that day. So, I mean, just the fact that you would accidentally mix some of the words up there and have somebody get upset about it like taking the context that you had been you that was your third podcast of the day it's not like you did that on purpose that's what happens your bandwidth starts to go and you and you mix it up a little bit not intentional definitely not intentional definitely not
Starting point is 01:05:07 intentional um but but but when there when there's i don't use the word russian ukraine a lot and if i'm mixing them up all he has to do is just be like no dude it's this no dude it's that like all he has to do is be cool about it like that all he has to but i like the guy like i want to keep talking to him i want to learn I'm not apologizing for him. I'm just explaining. Yeah, it got too complicated. Thank you. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:05:28 That girl's pretty, too. What's her name? Denise? Dennis. Dennis, you're pretty. You're the prettiest, Dennis. What? Denise?
Starting point is 01:05:36 Oh, it's dense after 40, meaning, oh, she used to be smart, and she turned. That chick's 40? Denise after 40? Anyway, I appreciate you, but it got too complicated for me I'm a simple man a seven got the short and I'm Armenian gene bet David got the tall gene that's
Starting point is 01:05:54 for sure six five he's 12 inches taller than me it's a I shouldn't I shouldn't screw up the countries I take blame for that I take blame for that okay so basically if you want to come if you want to come to california you can steal anything you want no one's going to say anything to you um uh stop the asian hate uh okay um can we go to uh we're
Starting point is 01:06:18 just going to go backwards through this uh was this on purpose i don't know what that is do you see that instagram um link this is awesome we're cruising i have 20 more minutes i might get through all my notes for the first time ever uh yeah yeah fuck you jayden oh yeah this is amazing okay Okay. Is this real? No. I mean, it really happened, but she clearly like braced herself for that. I would like to see my mom try that at like seven. My mom's 78. What would happen? Oh, maybe it was. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:06:59 It's hard to tell. For those of you guys who are listening, it's a lady working like at a fast food restaurant. She's taking out the trash and she throws the trash over her back. It's incredible. Is there audio to that, Caleb? Can I see that? How about the lady who just walked by, or wouldn't you pick her up? Or get down on one knee?
Starting point is 01:07:23 If I saw that happen to one of my coworkers, I'd get down down on one knee that's what makes me think it was it was on purpose yeah it's so smooth and by the way that was that's starbucks and those uh trash bags do get heavy i worked at starbucks for a little period of time you did yeah when i was like uh 17 18 no shit yeah and then i got did you get insurance from No, I didn't work there long enough. I got a job because like one of my friends that was a couple years older than me was like a shift manager and two of my other friends worked there. And then the lady who was GM was like she really liked all of us. So she would just like schedule us together all the time. And we would scoot around all the time.
Starting point is 01:08:01 But those trash bags did get really heavy. And one time I got locked out in front of it and i like i got dropped off there because i didn't know it yet and i had my hands inside my little black polo when i was freezing and it was the day after saint patrick's day and like it was like four in the morning they hadn't opened yet the shift manager never showed up i guess they like drank the night before and so they found out that i had like waited there and like explained to all the other like regulars and stuff that were showing up but they're like what are you doing here and i was like the shift manager never showed up i don't have the key to get in but i'm just hanging out because i was scheduled they were like okay and
Starting point is 01:08:38 a couple actually came back and brought me a blanket too because it was like freezing and then that's fucking cool that gives you hope in humanity when shit like that happens yeah and then the regional manager came back and like found out what i did and they like uh i was partner of the month oh oh i think you should have told me that sooner we've been friends by the way i think uh this is mine and suze's one year two days ago is our one year anniversary for the podcast. That's right. What's the date today?
Starting point is 01:09:07 The 12th? Yes. I got this, by the way. My friend Cobra Rhodes used to do this, and I got that from him. I think that you should – I should have known that. I wonder what else I don't know about you. Did you ever date any of the girls there? Was that a good place to meet girls? No, I Did you ever date any of the girls there? Was that a good place to meet girls?
Starting point is 01:09:31 No, I didn't really date any of the girls that weren't there. No, it was just a bunch of my friends that weren't there. We used to close the store early, too. I probably get in trouble saying this. We used to close the store early. One of my other friends was made liquor manager of Safeway at 18 years old. So the liquor reps would come in. Wait, wait, wait. He wasn't even 21. He was a liquor manager of Safeway. Wow. Yeah. He was like 19 or 20. He was like a year older than me. So they have them doing the liquor section at Safeway and the reps would come in, right? And they would be like, Hey, how do I get an end cap here? How do I do this? And he would go, Oh, well, a bunch of my friends want to go out and we, we only drink really expensive liquor. So they would give us like, we only drink vodka. it was like, we just started drinking.
Starting point is 01:10:07 So they'd bring us like bottles of Belvedere and vodka. And he would show up after he got off and he would come to Starbucks. And we would, it was like when we'd close the store, but we'd let him in. And we would take the little shot glasses and we would put like vodka stuff in it, use like the syrup pumps of like the different flavors and teas. And we would like mix them up in there and be like drinking while we closed. It was one of these things that, um, we screwed around a lot, but all the regulars and the customers just loved us because we, you know, we always took care of them and we always treated them like homies,
Starting point is 01:10:37 treated my homies. Exactly. And we always still got all the work done and we were the quickest on the bar. Like we could just pump out drinks and when we had to work, everybody focused down. So it was a weird kind of balance of like screwing around. Like one time we told them that we were the quickest on the bar like we could just pump out drinks and when we had to work everybody focused down so it was a weird kind of balance of like screwing around like one time we told them that we were testing a new tea for uh starbucks and i actually just put a capri sun in a bunch of sample cups and we like set it out there and parents would like drink it right they'd be like it's not bad you know a little sweet but one kid came and tried it. He goes, this is a Capri Sun. Oh, that's awesome. Called your shit out. Hey, did you ever make crazy drinks there that weren't on the menu?
Starting point is 01:11:14 You're like, okay, I'm going to fill a cup halfway full of caramel. Yep. And you would do that. Just make sludges. Yeah. They make their own like whipped cream. Like you put the vanilla syrup in it and then you put the CO2 and 40 stories about that too. Maybe for off air.
Starting point is 01:11:30 But we would put like different like mocha or different things like that. We would shake it up and we'd be like, oh, we're testing our new mocha peppermint whipped cream. And people would be like, all right, great. Let's try it. We would like hit it up and stuff. And actually one time, you're like this. I used to, the board for them when they would be promoting a new drink or something like that. And it was, uh, it was an actual tea that they were putting out. And I drew this bear, like it was a big, like bear and it had a fish jumping up and the fish like was in
Starting point is 01:11:59 its mouth and the fish had a cup of tea and it said, don don't eat me try our new tea and it had the thing and they made me take it down because it was aggressive and inappropriate for the store and i was like all right i'm not gonna do the boards anymore and they're like wait no we we need you to do the boards you do such a good job and i was like you stifled my creative freedom yes i'm out and i never did a board again after that. Who told you that, that it was aggressive? The regional manager. Did you work with the meme guy? He told you it was racist and homophobic? Yes, look at what Dave
Starting point is 01:12:38 Castro... Just now posted. Just now. He's listening. He's listening. I don't think Dave's listening. Let's listening he's listening uh i don't think dave's listening let's pretend he's listening okay let's pretend that's yeah okay so yes he's he oh i see why you say he's listening because he yeah because bill just posted that on his didn't he or i think bill posted it yesterday but that means that he is with bill and they're on, they're on bills.
Starting point is 01:13:06 Uh, they're, they're with bill. I don't know how much I should say, but based on what bills told me in the past or that I know, but he's definitely with bill. I'm willing to say that, or that's an old photo we posted,
Starting point is 01:13:19 but, but it is weird that the, the guy, the guy who's maybe one of the most influential people in the fitness and equipment space on the entire planet fucking earth is with Dave. I'd love to know who else is there with them. I wonder if one of these fucking ballers – and I wonder how they got – I wonder if one of these ballers from Palo Alto is with them. I would really like to know what these fuckers are up to. Okay. uh palo alto is uh with them i would really like to know what these fuckers are up to yeah okay um
Starting point is 01:13:47 uh can we uh what can you go to death from vaccine is suicide not insurance oh this is fascinating this is fucking crazy if you die from the injection court in france ruled death from covid vaccine is suicide side effects of the experimental vaccine were made public no law that forced him to be vaccinated therefore the death is in fact the suicide is that fascinating a guy tried to fucking get his life insurance because he died from the vaccine and it fell under suicide because it wasn't forced you're just gonna lose your job no one was forcing you you just couldn't fly anywhere no one was forcing you you're just gonna get into your favorite concert no one was
Starting point is 01:14:36 forcing you oh france france okay um oh this is interesting the the you have to know that i don't i don't really care this is just me just being just picking on the games but i do care in the sense that i enjoy picking on the games look at this look at so first they they for they asked daniel brandon to flip off the camera trying to be edgy then they did the cum fetish song but this one really is this one's really crazy look at the click that top link it's above been in crossfit since she was seven years old look at it look at it yeah they they played the cum fetish song and they wrote cum fetish on the on the crossfit games instagram and this this is supposed to be a family affair.
Starting point is 01:15:25 Do you see that link, been in CrossFit since seven years old? And there's a link right above it, Caleb. Okay, I want to read this to you. This is, I don't know who, a girl named Emma Lawson. I've heard Brian talk about her. She's the fittest teen in 2021, 16, 17. Oh yeah, this is the girl that went against Laura Horvath. Okay, I've been involved in CrossFit as a family sport since I was seven years old She's the fittest teen in 2021, 16, 17. Oh, yeah, this is the girl that went against Laura Horvath. Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:45 I've been involved in CrossFit as a family sport since I was seven years old and decided to pursue it. So this girl has been doing CrossFit with her family since she was seven years old. And they're like, this is the game site. Being like, yeah, we know that families do it together, and they're promoting it. And this is great. We love – it's a family event. Now, click the link below. Click the link below, below that.
Starting point is 01:16:15 And then just a couple posts later or a couple posts before, this is what they play. Can you give me the audio on this? Well, this is going to hurt like a mother******. Well, this is going to hurt like a mother******. Is that what a family site that wants kids to come to and seven-year-olds do? You know what a mother****** is, right? You guys are with the game site? When I was a kid, an adult heard me say, a family friend heard me say the word motherfucker.
Starting point is 01:16:46 And at the dinner table called me out in front of my mom and my sister. And this dude's like, you know what a motherfucker is, right? It's someone that fucks people's moms. And he like explained it all to me. And I'm fucking like crying at the fucking dinner table. You know, what is the cum fetish song they posted a song logan on the game's instagram and it's and it's and it's a it's a woman working out and it's a song it's a in the title of the song is cum fetish and it's talking about coming just a couple days ago and now and now i just i i just they're so confused they don't
Starting point is 01:17:23 know who they are i wonder if they hired a company company in New York to tell them who they are because without Greg, they don't know who they are. They could have just asked Nicole Carroll. She knows who they are. They could have just asked Chuck Carswell, Todd Widman, Eric O'Connell, Eric O'Connor. Shit, they could have called me. Or Ross or Marnie or Howard. Ross or Marnie or who are those people oh here it is here's the confeder song oh those are the people on the board i recognize the name marnie marnie's the sitting ceo by the way i think that would be my guess anyway you guys stop
Starting point is 01:18:04 stop trying to be edgy you're you're just stupid Marnie's the sitting CEO, by the way, I think. That would be my guess. Anyway, you guys, stop. Stop trying to be edgy. You're just stupid. I mean that with peace and love. Okay. Dumbest humans alive, we are not equal. Proof of that. Okay, will you go to the next?
Starting point is 01:18:18 We're done with the game stuff for now. Dumbest humans alive, we are not all equal that guy really apologized for leaking it and then said but it didn't help anyway but you uncovered that story already they were going to take away his front row parking and his box seat at the games okay right right right
Starting point is 01:18:41 and that is why I'm going to bet we'll apologize too guys if we could get a box seat some pass access Okay, right, right, right, right. And that is why. I'm going to bet. We'll apologize too, guys, if we could get a box seat and some pass access. I'm going to bet something. Okay, this is crazy. This is in Canada. Listen carefully to this conversation.
Starting point is 01:19:00 It's a little long, but it is so worth it. Listen to this. This is in Canada. Oh, that's over with. Didn't you hear? Wait, can you pause it why okay this is a guy um for those of you who are listening and can't see he's he's trying to get into the zoo i think in toronto and he's he's at the window and he's trying to purchase a ticket so he can go into the zoo and the person he's trying to purchase the ticket from says that he needs to show proof of vaccination. And he just said, no, that's that we're done with that in Toronto.
Starting point is 01:19:26 OK, go ahead, Caleb. Thank you. How many animals have died in the last two years of the coronavirus? A lot of Corona. Yeah. Which species? The hippos. I don't I don't think anyone sheds a tear for the skunks dying now, right? We've got a bunch of animals that can get COVID. We've got to keep them safe.
Starting point is 01:19:49 Wow. None have died here. Oh, none have died here? No, not here. Well, if none have died, what is the problem then, sir? Nothing, because we've kept the vaccine thing in place. That's why. You're proof of accident.
Starting point is 01:20:02 So he says a lot of animals have died. Then he finds out none have died. And then he asks the guy, well, died then he finds out none have died and then he asked the guy well how then why well how have none have died he said but because we keep the vaccines in place it's fucking it's crazy idiocy it's sad too because they're serious like i mean you would think that it's like some kid like going back to my starbucks stuff like you would think it's just a bunch of kids kind of maybe just messing with this guy or something and then they're like nah man you could come in but like it's not they're like they're serious i i was bit by a dog in when i was in india and i was in this slum with like three million people and and i know that's you can't even picture a slum with three million people but but it was and there's dogs everywhere
Starting point is 01:20:40 and everything's like made out of like clay huts and corrugated steel and shit. And in the center of town, there's the biggest well you've ever seen. It's a nonstop line of people pulling water out of it anyway. And I was walking backwards and I stepped on this dog and the dog bit me. And there was a doctor with us who was the doc, one of the doctors of the slum of the village there. And he said, hey, and the team of people from the West that I was there with who are bringing vitamin A to the village, they said, hey, you got to get start the rabies protocol right away. I got bit really hard by this dog on my pants, pant leg, bleeding. And I said, really? And they said, yeah, they said rabies is a huge problem in India.
Starting point is 01:21:18 And so I said to the doctor, I said, how long you been working in this village? And they're like, we don't have time for this, blah, blah, blah. We got to get the protocol started. And people are like freaking out. And I go, how long have you been in this doctor in this And they're like, we don't have time for this, blah, blah, blah. We got to get the protocol started. And people are like freaking out. And I go, how long have you been in this doctor in this village? She says, I don't know, 13 years. And I said, okay, how many rabies cases have you seen in 13 years? And he goes, none.
Starting point is 01:21:40 I go, wait, I thought you told me rabies is a huge problem in India. He goes, yeah. I go, but you've been in this slum for 13 years and you haven't seen one fucking rabies issue. He goes, no. I'm like, have you seen dog bites? He goes, yeah. I'm like hundreds.
Starting point is 01:21:49 He goes, yeah, hundreds. I told everyone to fuck off and I just kept working, kept filming. How'd you learn how to do that? To talk like that, to just ask questions. Yeah, but my mom let me do it as a kid. My mom rewarded me with love and kindness when I would ask questions. But like, not only ask questions, but like if I got bit, then the doctor was like, you have to do this. I'd be like freaking out a little bit.
Starting point is 01:22:10 I'm like, oh, shit, I'm in this foreign country, and I just got bit by this dog, and now I'm bleeding. But you would just like chill with it and just like ask more questions. Right. I don't know. I really like numbers, though, as a little kid. Like I was always into the Guinness Book of World Records, and I always like numbers. So I want to hear numbers. I want to hear like I'm not happy with like if you said coronavirus cases have doubled or have doubled in the last 24 hours, I would need go like if it goes from a thousand to 2000 and there's only 4,000 people who live there. Okay. But I, but if it's gone from one to two and there's 30 million people who live there, it's the same thing with the measles vaccine.
Starting point is 01:22:51 When, when only 500 kids died a year for the 10 years prior to the measles vaccine coming out, that's a statistic anomaly. There's no proof then that the vaccine worked. Anyone can figure that out and think about that in their head. You can just think about that. And yet they said it's, or like, you know, recently we had the measles vaccine breakout in Disneyland in Los Angeles, California. And the first thing I need to know is how many of those kids were vaccinated. I just want to know, cause I don't want to just be stupid. And there's this group of people who are just like, what are you an anti-vaxxer? No, I just need to know the numbers. I just can't be like, you want to know how much a car costs
Starting point is 01:23:23 before you buy it, man. Maybe people don't care. I think it, yeah, it's weird because you're the, what I'm hearing you say there with the numbers is you're just trying to gather more context on the situation so you could process it better. You're not just nothing. Patrick bed. David is not tall unless he's standing next to me. Right.
Starting point is 01:23:39 Six, five is not tall. So many people have trouble understanding that I am the tallest man in the world when everyone else is dead and i'm the last guy smartest biggest dick all that but no one wants to know it people think it's a joke like they have no idea how reality is created that's the meme guy's problem i would have him on the show 15 minutes every show and just help him work that out. Yeah. They call it red pilling people. It's interesting because I'm reading this book called Never Hurts to Ask. And it was like a prosecutor, I think.
Starting point is 01:24:18 I forget exactly what it was. But they were talking. He was talking about the death penalty. And when they have a trial that will be going to the death penalty, how do they pick the jurors of that? And they basically just ask simple questions. And they say, hey, are'll be going into the death penalty how do they pick the jurors of that and they basically just ask simple questions and they say hey are you for or against the death penalty and basically the ones that say yeah that's it right there and he goes uh basically they just say i'm not for or against it until i hear the whole entire context of the situation so if you're somebody that says that then you're most likely to be a suitable juror on that case, as opposed to if you go, well, no, I'm against the death penalty. And then they bring up some heinous crime and they go, well, I don't know, I guess maybe in that situation.
Starting point is 01:24:54 And then they start doing so. They just they just basically wait for the person that that shows up and says, I don't know. I need to know the whole entire context before I could say I'm for or against anyone's situation, because i think at some point everybody is for the death penalty if the crime is heinous enough uh that's interesting there's something i have i have a link that kind of part uh i think shows that do you see the the link reality be minute be manipulation uh it's i think it's on the second page caleb i don't have one page oh what oh never mind i found it uh uh okay this is uh this this is great i sent this to my parents i was like this is exactly what happened to to you guys. Okay. These two circles are not equal. I repeat, these two circles are not equal. One is in fact larger than the other. What I need you to do is determine which one that is. So please raise your hand if you believe the blue circle is larger than the red. All right. Please raise your hand if you
Starting point is 01:26:04 believe the red circle is larger than the blue. All right, very good. Now, before I said anything about these two circles, what was your first instinct? Equal, right? Because they look equal. And the reason why they look equal is because, in fact, they are equal. These two circles are identical. Yet I got just about every one of you to raise your hand and say that they're not.
Starting point is 01:26:23 So what did we learn? Pause it, please. You can be manipulated like... That is another perfect example of what the meme guy did. out every one of you to raise your hand and say that they're not so what do we learn pause it please can be manipulated like that is another perfect example of what the meme guy did anytime you hear the word or you should be very very suspicious that you're being tricked that that is like that's like one of the biggest ways to fucking manipulate people the thing is is he doesn't even know he's doing that he's not smart enough to and he does it to himself so is this guy is this guy hungry or is he a pedophile and all of a sudden the person you're talking to is stuck to decide
Starting point is 01:26:50 whether he's a pedophile or whether he's hungry that was by the way one of the things in the nsca case um in this in the scientific papers that the nsca had published uh they used the word or and that was one of the things where their case fell apart it's like he's asking is this uh what was it transphobic as fuck or what was the other option it could be or funny no or what what was what were the two choices do you remember caleb uh do i look nice with short hair or something like that yeah or how about no how about or you're just a dumb fuck? Can I throw that one in there? Choice three. How or am I stuck trying to fucking make everyone think that the whole world's about homophobia and and racism because I'm hiding from my own bias? It's crazy. Or OK, keep playing that. Sorry. Sorry, Caleb. Let's get sorry that to believe in something that goes against your natural instinct.
Starting point is 01:27:47 Just imagine. Just imagine as a child you're taught that the blue circle is larger than the red. If you say it enough times, you convince yourself that's the truth. If you're told to lie enough times. And that's what Jennifer Hunter Smith, Marshall Smith, that's what her mom did to her. That's what my wife's mom did to her every every her step her her dad did do her everyone's out to get the Jews everyone's out to get the Jews you're gonna have to work twice as hard hey man you're fucking lucky your mom told you that I hope she did that on purpose knowing it wasn't even true or if it is
Starting point is 01:28:20 true it's not even relevant as the great great Malcolm X said, by any means necessary. I would lie to my kids if it would make them fucking better and make their lives richer and eventually get them to the truth faster if I thought I could. To freedom and happiness. But this, this, he just said that too. Let's, let's get, let's go. Maybe we'll watch this twice. Thank you, Caleb. Keep going.
Starting point is 01:28:44 This is so good. It becomes part of your reality. Despite what you might be thinking, these two circles are not equal. I repeat, these two circles are not equal. One is, in fact, larger than the other. What I need you to do is determine which one that is. So please raise your hand if you believe the blue circle is larger than the red. All right. Please raise your hand if you believe the red circle is larger than the red? All right.
Starting point is 01:29:05 Please raise your hand if you believe the red circle is larger than the blue. All right, very good. Now, before I said anything about these two circles, what was your first instinct? Equal, right? Because they look equal. And the reason why they look equal is because, in fact, they are equal. These two circles are identical. Yet I got just about every one of you to raise your hand and say that they're not.
Starting point is 01:29:30 So what did we learn? That you can be manipulated like that to believe in something that goes against your natural instincts. Just imagine, just imagine as a child, you're taught that the blue circle is larger than the red. If you say it enough times, you convince yourself that's the truth. If you're told your parents convinced you that you were inferior that sucks are those good parents i don't know what was the outcome okay uh i gotta go i gotta i gotta go that by the way that guy started reminding me of you did you get any of that you're like oh that's me up there of you suza of me yeah with this tie on i started getting um no should i wear a tie to the show one time yeah the thing you were talking about about the color you see when the microphone's in front
Starting point is 01:30:10 and then it's shiny but then when i'm in the light oh my god i haven't got my shirt yet i want my ceo shirt so bad i haven't got a shirt either kim you got a shirt it's because i ordered it oh you did yeah hey i'm actually glad everybody who ordered it. Oh, you did. Yeah. Hey, I'm actually glad everybody who ordered it got before us. Oh, Caleb, you didn't have to do that. I was going for my wife too.
Starting point is 01:30:31 Oh, we got you all that shit. You demand five. We'll still do that. I'm still going to do that. I still, everyone like I need five. I saw that he mailed them to me,
Starting point is 01:30:41 Marcus from life is our X. And I got one fucking CEO shirt, but two life is our X shirts. I'm like, and I got one fucking CEO shirt but two Life is Rx shirts. I'm like, dude, I need five CEO shirts and no Life is Rx shirts. I'm going to give my Life is Rx shirts away. Not because I don't like them, but I just should be wearing Sevan shit. I'm like the Rich Froning who just wears Mayhem shit. Michael Jackson just wears pedophile shit. Sevan's just going to wear – meme guy just wears woke shit.
Starting point is 01:31:02 I'm just going to a fucking seven on podcast shit we need it we need one with the pride flag as a ceo pride flag yeah there is there yeah i would love that yep i'd like the tie-dye ones too in cahoots codes you're telling me that allowing my kids my three kids to ask me 987 654 questions a day is actually answering them pay off oh i feel you girl god it's crazy right these guys my guys too it's like dude i'm like hey i'm not listening to you you gotta stop well we need to know yeah threes it's nuts it's nuts how old are your kids elise is that her name elise is that please call all of you i'm not gonna see anymore i thought dense was denise and it was jenny so
Starting point is 01:31:51 i'm just gonna stop please all of you wear dress clothes to a show i i have worn i i i've dressed up a couple times i'll dress up do another one and i'll wear I'll wear a full suit. I'm going to wear mine. I look like Lex Friedman. That's cool. Waiting for shipping. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. 840, man.
Starting point is 01:32:17 Yeah, that's a lot of talking. Holy shit. Are they boys or girls? Do girls do that too? My boys are out of control with questions and bossy as fuck okay i gotta go i'm taking i'm gonna take obby to tennis i love you guys thanks for the show meme guy no hard feelings just be cool dude just be cool just just just chill just chill just be cool it's just funny i actually have some other memes i uh that people have sent
Starting point is 01:32:42 me of you that are pretty funny i'll show those next week if you act like a dick. Even if you don't act like a dick, I'm going to show them. All right, guys. CrossFit HQ, please allow meme guy to have his VIP pass. Bill and Dave, whatever you're doing that's going to make you guys rich as fuck and take over the world, please include me. Media team, standing by. can take over the world please include me media team standing by all the uh athletes who have been i'm supporting me and coming on the show and the ones of you who are bummed that i didn't invite you know that all of you are always welcome on my show it really truly is an honor for us how
Starting point is 01:33:16 nice you guys to us and that you come on and fuck around with us we're having a blast and anyone can text me dm me um who has over 300 000 followers thank you

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