The Sevan Podcast - #331 - Yevhenii, Live From Ukraine Pt. 2

Episode Date: March 14, 2022

Live with our friend from the Ukraine. You can follow him on instagram: Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - WORLD'S #1 JOB BOARD FOR THE CROSSFIT COMMUNITY - 50% off first year with code "sevan22" - SAVE15 coupon codeĀ - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:11 Oh, the actual production you're referencing? What? Are you referencing the open production with Strange? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a strange world right now. Yes, bam, we're live. Okay. Hi, everyone. You are, you're alive. Oh, shoot, shit.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Hold on. My perfect world is all fucked up right now. Can you bring me my coffee? Can you bring me my coffee? You're alive yeah today the coffee was one of my best friends because the last night two nights we spent in the shelter because uh the alarm starting three in the morning today yes and we must go down and till the eight 8 of the morning, we're sitting there. And I was exhausted because I have a couple of hours of work today, train some people, and then try to train by myself. And yeah, it's photo from the shelter. It looks like that.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Yevgeny, is that really what makes that place safe? It's a parking place underground, so it's minus third floor. So it's deep in the ground. And there is
Starting point is 00:02:39 some fundament, yes, of all the building. So that place might be self safe and i would be scared that i might get trapped in there yeah there is there is this problem but we have a couple of exits so not only one so if we have a problem with one, we can go another and another, another. A lot of exits there. So now we have the Wi-Fi, yes, Internet. We have some electricity so we can put some hot stuff and not being cold there.
Starting point is 00:03:24 But it's not my bad, yes. And the sleep there is impossible. So I'm like this. You're a very handsome man and you're young. Yeah. I don't see any signs of wear and tear on you, which is kind of amazing. And important that I'm alive. Yes, you're alive um for those of you who don't know last week we met yevgeny for the uh first time he is in odessa ukraine
Starting point is 00:03:54 we were um basically we're using remarkable technology to find out what it's like living in a country that's being attacked by another country, by its neighboring country. And, and I, and I would say that's, I would,
Starting point is 00:04:14 I would describe it as that. There's obviously some issues. Both of us do CrossFit. You have, Kenny has worked in the largest gym in the Ukraine, CrossFit affiliate in Ukraine. I was, was worked.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Was yeah. Nine months ago he really um uh he's a he's a he's a lover of crossfit like all of us he's part of the community and with some of the we were talking about some of the concerns uh in regards to um crossfit hq's response to the war response to the russian athletes etc but but the conversation i think is also much bigger than that it's just it's it's um it's healthy for the world to see hey this is what a young man looks like in a country that's fucking being attacked by another country and so and we're trying to and those of us who are in the united states i don't know about those of you in another country but the real problem that we have right now in the united
Starting point is 00:05:03 states is that the news outlets that lied to us the last two years i mean brutally lied to us are now covering the war that's going on in in yevgeny's uh beloved homeland and so we can't trust them so we we don't we we don't have any news that we can trust in the united states it's it's a it's a mess but we do know but we do know some pictures go ahead go ahead it's not the only problem in usa it's a mess. But we do know from your pictures. Go ahead. Go ahead. It's not the only problem in USA. It's a problem of all world. We have a lot of information and mostly it's a fake news. And the point from some people who want to say that that's right to you.
Starting point is 00:05:41 So it's not only a problem. That's right to you. So it's not only a problem. They, we, I could pull up the picture, but the classic example is they show us a person who is so a 16 year old boy who's 400 pounds. And they tell us he was, the headline says healthy boy dies of COVID and you know that, you know, you can see it's a lie, but, but the weird part is is that people fall for it in this country i don't know if they fall for it in your country too and so we're just like this yeah this
Starting point is 00:06:10 is what this is the news perfectly healthy 16 year old boy who loved photography died suddenly from covid and then if you scroll up and you see his picture this boy this boy is not perfectly not very healthy oh this isn't this isn't isolated this is the norm right and so we have this huge um we have this huge vacuum of information i do are you aware of this um movie that um people are talking about in the united states it got banned from youtube oliver stone's movie uh yes something about that i saw that i saw it early i can't find it now uh after we chat about it yes but i saw it early basically the premise to be honest with you it's hard for me to follow um but one of the premises in the movie and oliver it seems like oliver stone is
Starting point is 00:07:03 getting this from putin of course the leader of the country that's attacking you but that basically in you i think it's in your north that there is a large faction of nazis and that's who he's rooting out i mean it sounds like a fucking hollywood movie right of course because we we have no party from nothing here. I know about the European countries who have a Nazi party. Sweden, by the way, is for the example. But we have no Ukraine. There was some right party in 2014.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Yes, it's the right sector. Yes. But they have very little of people who can join our government, and they don't go there. So there was some kind of people who was this kind of point, yes. But in general, it's not the of people, of government in our country. There is a free country, yes, and we have a lot of points, a lot of parties in our country. And that's not a problem here.
Starting point is 00:08:18 It's a problem only for one man who is a Nazi now, by himself. And who's that? This is Vladimir Putin. Oh, right. By the way, the official from our, I don't know, the guys who talk about the right sentences, right world letters yes they tell that putin now it's from little letter putin russia we write from little letter not not big letter understand yes no no
Starting point is 00:08:57 when when you write your name yes you start from the big letter. Oh, yes. A big C, yes. Yes, yes. So in Ukraine, we start to write Putin from little P, not big. Oh. This is official now. So if we write Putin's name, we write it with a lowercase p. Yep, yep. I like that.
Starting point is 00:09:20 And when you read news now in our chat, in our social media, there is little Putin here. People ask me all the time, do you know what's going on over there? Do you know why there's a war? And I say no, I have absolutely no idea. Do you know? Yes, I know. There is hundreds of years of hating by the Russian government to the Ukrainian people. That was when they have kings, yes. Then we have the free Kazakhs people, maybe you know, yes. people, maybe you know, yes, it's a horse ride guys with some weapon and they just love the just love to be free. Yes. And we are the grandsons of these people. these people. And when Ukraine started to go to the European side, yes, there was a reason for Putin. He's scared that his people look at us and think, oh, the guys can be in good stuff, yes, they can have more good stuff, yes, more freedoms and he's scared that people
Starting point is 00:10:52 go on the street and tell, we want also to have a good economy, yes, travel more, have more money and other stuff. So... Let me see if I can follow you so far. Basically, the Ukrainian society, the civilization that was growing in the Ukraine,
Starting point is 00:11:18 Putin was afraid that it was going to look appealing to the Russian people, that they would look across the border and be like well shit that looks good and that that would cause why why we don't uh be like that yes and then the people would be like hey we want these types of freedoms we want electricity that runs 24 hours a day we want to be able to do this we want to be able to have this political party so he he was afraid that it would be contagious and that that would hurt his ability to hold power of his country. Yes, it starts from early years of independence of Ukraine when the Russian government tried
Starting point is 00:11:58 to move their guys to our government. Yes. Oh, right. By the years. Yes. guys to our government. Yes. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:12:04 By the years. Yes. We have a couple of revolutions when Putin by himself, right, to Ukraine. Yes. And he was with one of our presidents, Viktor Yanukovych. It's the running president who have a couple of criminal cases now in Ukraine, yes, and we are searching for him here to go in the jail. So they will be the friends, and Yanukovych wants to go to Ukraine to put him near. And then people go on the streets. Putin near. And then people go on the streets. 2014, yes, there was a lot of heels. There was
Starting point is 00:13:06 a start, a Putin operation to annexate Crimea, yes, start the war on Donbas in the east of Ukraine where they have a couple of cities and now Russia says that they are free republic and they come here to protect them so this is the point and all this stuff moves 8 years
Starting point is 00:13:23 now and we have a big problem right there on our windows. So let me see. So one perspective, and both perspectives could be true, I guess. One perspective is that the Russians are threatened by the Ukrainian lifestyle, whatever it is, the political parties, whatever they have there. whatever it is the political parties whatever they have there and then but but putin hit the narrative that he's spinning is that there's these people inside who want to break who don't who want to break away from ukraine and that's basically who he's going in and helping yes interesting okay very it's very interesting i wonder if they're explained i feel like i just
Starting point is 00:14:02 can't see that explained in our media. Our media is really focused on the fighting now. I guess a journalist was killed. An American journalist was killed there a few hours ago. Yeah, I saw this news. His name is Brent Renaud. I guess he's a former New York Times reporter. I couldn't find his Instagram account. I guess another journalist was killed also. It sounds like they were killed at gunpoint, that they were at a checkpoint and someone shot them in the head is what it sounds like from the little bit of information I have. It doesn't sound like they were hit by a stray bullet or a bomb. And it also sounds like the Russian military is just outside of Kiev now. It's about nine miles outside of Kiev.
Starting point is 00:14:45 The Russian military is just outside of Kiev now. It's about nine miles outside of Kiev. And then are you also hearing that they're attacking right on the Polish border also? I saw that the Russians are now attacking like 12 to 20 miles away from the Polish border. And the media here in the United States is saying that that's a huge concern because Poland's a NATO country. Yeah, of course. They want to provocate other countries to go into war. So maybe you know about Belarus. On this week, there was a situation when Russia attacked Ukraine on the border with Belarus, and then attacked Belarus and say that it's by Ukrainian soldiers.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Yeah. So that was a provocation. So that actually did happen? They actually did that? That actually happened? Yeah, because all world was ready for this. So it's a little bit strange when you do this and all world know that this is fake and you just like a clown.
Starting point is 00:15:52 What about these American, we keep hearing about these American-sponsored chemical plants inside. Are those real? No, this is a very interesting situation. Just realize that, say, Russian propaganda. Ukraine is the country that have biological laboratory to work with viruses, yes. There are secret projects with American engineering, bioengineering, yes, from Pentagon, yes. Also, we experimented with COVID, yes,
Starting point is 00:16:19 and make some ethnic groups more prone to infection. That's what they say. So this crazy stuff, everything we do in Ukraine now, yes? By the way, we're also developing nuclear weapons now from that search of information. You're speaking facetiously, sarcastically, right? You're saying that these are all the rumors that are spreading. Because it's very funny because we are a right government country.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Not right government, but we have laws, yes, and we try to follow these laws. So we don't have a nuclear weapon from 1992, I guess, yes. have a nuclear weapon from 1992, I guess. We don't have biological weapons because we don't have it. By the way, before Putin dropped bombs on Ukraine on February 24, he said that we are going to attack Russia. Just yesterday, Lukashenko is the president of Belarus, yes, because there are no people who choose Lukashenko in Belarus. He said that if we were not for preventive strikes, just as he called these preventive strikes from Belarus territory. Yes, Ukraine will have attacked Belarus in six hours after that. So if we look at all this stuff, we are a very crazy country. And why we have such a big problem?
Starting point is 00:17:57 We have a lot of weapons. Yes, we attacked Russia, attacked Belarus, maybe Poland we attacked. Yes, next time. attacked Russia, attacked Belarus, maybe Poland we attacked, yes, next time. But it's crazy stuff from these old people, old men, yes, who want to destroy Ukraine and all good that we know about Ukraine. You want to tell all
Starting point is 00:18:24 world that this is a liar. We just, look, we stay near the Russia, yes, and everything's going to be fine before Russia go to our territory. And they go to us and start to tell that we do all this crazy stuff. Strange, very strange. And of course,
Starting point is 00:18:46 people who read this, they must follow to true search of information, yes? Look on the situation from any perspective, yes? And find the truth.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Because as we start speaking about too many fakes now, yes, we speak about that people, I go to my social media and I read about bombing in Odessa that I
Starting point is 00:19:18 look in the window and no bombing in Odessa, but my mom can read this. She's not in Odessa now and and she's scared about me she thinks that I'm dying there but I sit here and feel good by the way and this is a easy example of what do fake information with us so we read something we tell each other wrong information and that's all the machine was going on yeah the same the same media outlets that are telling us that there are there are media outlets in the united states that are saying that they're um uh american bio labs in the ukraine several of them
Starting point is 00:19:58 that the same and basically they insinuate or maybe even more than insinuate, they say that they were making chemical weapons. Those are the same people also told us that last week Odessa was going to be bombed. You know what? Another thing that ā€“ I don't know if you've heard this yet, but a few hours ago, there's also reports in the United States now that ā€“ let me make sure I get this right here. There are reports that Iran attacked the U.S. consulate in Iraq. That is really bizarre. That is really, really bizarre. But this was a fake, yes?
Starting point is 00:20:35 We don't know if it's fake. You think that's fake? I don't know. I read about it in the shelter in the morning, and I just, fuck, I'm in the basement, and now the third world war started here. But I don't know, fake or not.
Starting point is 00:20:50 But this is interesting. I heard about, next, if Russia now start to work with the Syria guys, yes, they want to pay from 300 to 600 dollars per month paid by Russia to recruits from Syria and Libya for the fate of the war against Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Yeah. And there is our information that people from Syria want to go to Ukraine, give up here, yes, and move to Europe. They just want to go from Syria because there's some fucking shit after Russia coming there. Yes. And also about We know that all the world wants now to move away from Russia's oil, without using their electricity. Yeah, we... Oil, yes, oil. And Iran is another country that has oil, and it's very useful when you attack Iran. You have a reason why to do this, but we don't know for sure now. I don't know if you see what's happening in the United States, but that's another problem that we have in the United States too. I don't know if you see what's happening in the United States, but that's another problem that we have in the United States, too. The people really don't support our gas prices are skyrocketing and it looks like it's not going to stop.
Starting point is 00:22:39 And before this president went into power, the one we have in power now, Joe Biden, we had another president before him, Donald Trump. And it was the first time this country had been energy independent like in 80 years. And now all of a sudden um we we had the cheapest gas we had had you know forever and and now all of a sudden so that's another thing too no one trusts no one trust our trust within our governments at an all-time low too i wonder how that affects the sympathies of americans for what's going on in the ukraine has any country come to your aid has any Ukraine. Has any country come to your aid? Has any country come to Ukraine's aid? I mean, like, really come to their aid?
Starting point is 00:23:13 I don't understand what you're saying. Has any country said, hey, Russia, you better stop or we're going to fuck you up? Oh, yeah. It's a couple of countries like Belarus, yes, Syria and some little country who just for the least. And more than 160 countries say that Russia, yes, is the sanctions for Russia. Yes, it's like a normal situation.
Starting point is 00:23:54 And he's looking for the ways to move from this. Yes, so it's the back side of the medal, because I think if some country work with us, want to protect us, it's not only good stuff for that country, yes? Of course, if you want to ban Russia from something, there be some responsibility, some, I forget this word, consequences, yes. Yes. Yeah, and this is that we must be ready for. So if we close eyes on the war now that can just shut down all the earth,
Starting point is 00:24:57 we have a lot of ecological problems. And the last years, all smart people talk about the finish with the oil, yes, and move to the eco-energetics. Maybe we must talk about more. We talk about it more now. And we don't know, be we alive or not, after that stuff that's happening. Maybe you heard about Chernobyl, that Russia occupies Chernobyl now. Know about it. And I have some information that Chernobyl was captured by Russian military, and it's completely disconnected from the
Starting point is 00:25:45 monitoring system of the International Atomic Energy Agency. So nobody knows what happened now. And the station is de-energized now, so there is no electricity and that atomic stuff, that radiation stuff, that must be be cold all the time and when you have no electricity you can move water there yes and
Starting point is 00:26:14 they have the diesel generators and they work by 48 hours and then maybe we start a new ecological problem. Not we, but the crazy Russian guys who sit there. I think that it's a good idea to go on the atomic and energy station
Starting point is 00:26:45 before all of this happened were you this politically aware were you up to speed on Ukraine's politics what before this happened were you this educated and aware of Ukrainian and Russian politics
Starting point is 00:27:03 no no no I talked with you earlier that educated and aware of Ukrainian and Russian politics? No, no, no. I talked with you earlier that you don't interest in politics before the politics go to your home. I live, I want to be free. I know the curse of our
Starting point is 00:27:19 country, so we go in Europe, yes, we think about good life. So I go in Europe, yes, we think about good life. So I go on all the... When I start to talk with you, the easy words that I use every time, I forget about. So I go on all the elections, yes, in my country. So interest, but a little bit of all this stuff. But now I am the expert of all the situation, yes.
Starting point is 00:27:49 And all the people who sit at home or sit in the shelter and have internet, they all scrolling phone and read about the news. So you know all the Russia bad people in the government, you know, all the I know many of city mayors of Ukraine now because they go to the video and say that everything good in, I don't know, everything good in Kyiv. I don't know, everything good in Kyiv, some stuff, because all the cities now have that situation. But that's good, yes. We don't have too much problems now, only provocations, yes.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Every day, maybe. Catching some saboteurs almost every day, yes. Some guys who want to start to do the mark for the bombs, yes. So the marks were bombed and landed. You do see those people? You do see people marking Odessa? Like planes flying over people?
Starting point is 00:29:04 We see many photos of that of uh of how this mark looks like so there is there are many uh many staffs like that yes so they work with the lighters from the windows or they work with the paint. Not paint. So they do this and the plane see from the plane, you can see this mark and drop the bombs and i see something like mark and i go with our militaries and we look on that thing that not be the mark but all the civilians look for this stuff now because it's really really the possibility to help our army.
Starting point is 00:30:07 But if I ask your questions, no. I know very little information about the politics of my country. Last week when I spoke to you, there were 1.4 million people, refugees had left the country.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Now we're at 2.7 million. 2.7 million, yes. And many countries say that they can't have more Ukrainians in their city because it's enough. Do you have a strategy? Do you have a plan, an evacuation strategy? You personally, Evgeny? Like a man, I can't evacuate from the country because I go to the military. If real war, yes, in our city start, I must go and protect city. So I can't go on the border. So I can send my girlfriend on the border, but I can ride by myself. Only women and children can go now. and children can go now.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Are you speaking to anyone else in the outside world? Are you doing other podcasts besides this one? No. No. What? I really appreciate it, by the way. I really, really, really appreciate it. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Go on. Sorry. Thank you, first of all, because if we don't talk with you nobody know about that i read many comments about uh like people from all the world from the usa yes they help us they work with us now and they tell many good words to me. So thank you. Yeah. But if we come back to our- I saw the one girl on your Instagram account told me to fuck off and die. At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments.
Starting point is 00:32:12 So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. Mmm. How's that spicy enchilada? Oh, very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Yodeling.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Miles. This is another side, yes. There is a lot of people who with Putin now in Russia, many people say, yes, everything
Starting point is 00:32:59 is fine. There is no war. There is the operation for dematerialization of country. So we have on the borders, we now have many cases of men who try to dress like women. Yes. And go on the border. Yes. We have a lot of photos. I forget to send you. Hold on one second. I want to say I want to say something for those of you who didn't hear what yevgeny just said and that's why it's so important to talk it would be interesting to speak with someone in russia to see if they would talk openly with uh with us but yevgeny was sharing with us that the story to the russian citizens is that this is a demilitarization operation into ukraine to to because they are a threat to the russian people
Starting point is 00:33:48 and so that's how the narrative is being spun to the russians so if you lived in russia you might actually think that i mean it and i i i feel sorry for those people oh i feel sorry for everyone who's involved um it's it's bizarre how much it's affecting the united states to me it is really really uh it really shows how connected we all are and i'm curious what what and i don't have an answer for you but how this is because as gas prices go up everything goes up in all of our lives right i've already had to make changes in my life i'm not going to pay we know gas is going to go to 12 a a gallon here. That probably doesn't mean anything to you, but at that point ā€“ No, I know this is too much, of course.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Yeah, and we have runaway inflation, and we have a leader in our country. On his very first day in office, he shut down our largest oil pipeline that was going to bring in 800,000 barrels a day. He shut down that project and he got rid of 10,000 jobs. And if we would have had that today, we would have all of this leverage against Russia. They wouldn't have any leverage against the United States. It's the whole thing is is is really bizarre. But I don't want to forget to ask you this too. Can you give me the details? You're on the 21st floor of a building and you were sleeping.
Starting point is 00:35:11 And then at 3 a.m. you heard an alarm. Can you kind of tell me about that? Was your girlfriend with you? Yeah, my girlfriend was with me. I sleep with the phone in my hand. Yes. But now I cannot do this because on the streets we have good alarm systems and you can't just sleep when you start the alarm.
Starting point is 00:35:33 So you just wake up, grab your backpack with the documents, with some dress because you don't know maybe the bombs drop on your on your building and you can go and take some some clothes or you take some food from your refrigerator yes so we have some food in our backpacks we have some clothes some documents money and we drop the backpacks. We have some clothes, some documents, money, and we drop the backpacks and go to the basement. It's a minus three floor. Yes. We go on the elevator because it has electricity by itself. Yes. So we don't need to go by the stairs it's it's very good because if i couple couple of times of the day i go by my legs i don't need any training i think yes and i don't want anything after that so i go there and we sitting uh before we hear wi-fi there, we're sitting just and waiting.
Starting point is 00:36:46 And then I can go to the place where we have some little bit of internet, yes, and we look, are the alarm is finished or we're sitting more? Yeah, and you don't know how long can you sit. yeah and and you don't know how long can you sit so if i plan the training with you yes and i go to the basement i can't have a job i can't have the money and my client is don't understand the situation he wants to have some training yes and you know the situation, he wants to have some training, yes, and you know the situation. So I have some work now because in that gym that I work, we have a good community of people and these two weeks shows that there can be some sort of calmness now, yes? And we start to train a little bit, yes? Have some
Starting point is 00:37:48 group Zoom classes, but this is a home workout and not too much people want to train at home, not too much people want to train in this situation, yes? So in Odessa we have a mostly calm situation, but in other cities
Starting point is 00:38:04 it's not even talk about the training so uh when alarm is over and come back if it was night yes you can sleep good after that yeah so you maybe start a good some breakfast or read some news and maybe another half an hour of sleep. Or like was today, we only undress, yes, lie on the bed and five minutes and another alarm. But we don't go to the shelter. You didn't? Why not? We just go to the corridor of our floor, yes, and sit there. Because it's very hard with your brain when you three hours spend there,
Starting point is 00:38:54 when you can't sleep there because cold, some people talking, yes, it's not a very comfortable place to have some rest and recovery, yes, if you can. comfortable place to to have some rest and recovery yes if you can and you come back relax for the for the minutes and then you need to go another time that so we think just logically that we sit three hours there and another alarm can be three hours more so we think like that It's only our selfness, yes? So we're sitting on the chairs on the 21st floor on the corridor, and after 10 minutes, alarm is over, and we go to prepare the breakfast because no more sleep. Have any bombs dropped in Odessa? Any so far?
Starting point is 00:39:44 Have any bombs dropped in Odessa? Any so far? We have a couple of bombs, but not in Odessa, but near cities. In the region of Odessa. So every time if you have an alarm, it's basically about bombing. It's dangerous from the air. basically about bombing, yes? It's dangerous from the air. So somewhere it's 100% that drop the bomb, yes. It can be Odessa or some, I don't know, some village near Odessa. There are no false alarms. When you hear the alarm alarm something bad is happening
Starting point is 00:40:26 somewhere yes but but there is our protection systems yes that work and uh they can uh can destroy the bomb in the air so it's dropped from the air and our protection system goes there. So not 100%, we have the crash of the buildings or some dead lives, yes, but there is a big percentage. percentage it has has had during all of these years of conflict with russia has odessa in general been a sort of its own separate um i understand what you want to say you want to say that that's it's always telling that odessa is russian city. No, no, not that it was a Russian city, but just that the conflict never has come to Odessa. Has the conflict ever come to Odessa before?
Starting point is 00:41:36 Odessa is a part of Ukraine, so of course, yes. But historically, all people think that Odessa is a Russian city, but now our government, our mayor, and all the situations that we have on the streets, I can't tell you about that because it's the tactical secret. All this stuff says that Odessa is Ukrainian as never. Yeah. Ukrainian as ever? Never. Yeah. So... Ukrainian as ever?
Starting point is 00:42:04 Like it's... As never. So Ukraine, no more Russian thinking in Odessa. So all the people now understand that Russia is not different. Maybe sometimes... When I write in Odessa, yes, I basically speak in Ukrainian, yes, but I know Russian very good. You know, in Ukraine, we have a lot of people who also talking by Russian.
Starting point is 00:42:35 And if we talk about this little bit, this is hundreds of years of Russia operations to we that we have Russian language too because it's very very comfortable when people talk in russian you can go to their home and say I protect you. Yeah You you talk in russian language. I protect you, and everything's going to be fine, as Putin do in Crimea and Donetsk, yes? So this is a hundredth of a year when our books was fired, yes? When our historical people who work for Ukraine nationality, yes, they was killed, they was
Starting point is 00:43:23 killed over time. Now we have a situation where most of our citizens understand that it is not good to not talk Ukrainian because you gave a chance to uh to your warrior yes who who can go and tell you that oh you're russian you can tell the talk russian so that i want to say so when i come to Odessa, yes, I basically talk in Ukrainian. But here people don't ever understand, don't understand all that I talk by Ukrainian. So I work in gym and talking Russian mostly. Yes. But now we have a situation when all the people understand mostly ukraine yes and we only on our language our foreign language speaking and want to know this at all
Starting point is 00:44:36 is a is odessa is a vacation town though too right i'm guessing that people would come from poland and russia and just all over to vacation, right? A lot of... We have a sea, Black Sea, and a lot of beach in Odessa, a lot of good hotels, and this is a vacation city.
Starting point is 00:44:59 I think I've been there. Yeah, I... A long time ago. I can't remember. I was somewhere in Ukraine, some beach town. I think it was Odessa. Maybe, maybe. I ride there. What's the other big beach town?
Starting point is 00:45:13 What's on the Black Sea? On the Black Sea? Berdyansk. You have all the Black Sea. Where's Malta? All the Black Sea coast, yes. You have cities where you can come and be like on vacation. Right.
Starting point is 00:45:36 It's all the Black Sea coast. And as I recall, the beach there when I was there, it was rock, like big rocks. Big rocks. Maybe it's not black sea but azosi we have another sea in ukraine it's azosi and uh there also be some mountains have the russians told you do they tell the ukrainian people are they communicating like you excuse me you sent me a video of trucks driving down the street russian trucks driving down the street are they
Starting point is 00:46:10 tell it do they tell anything to you on those trucks like hey are they saying this is almost over two more weeks and it's going to be over or do you know what the end game is or no you know You know, there is a situation that the Russian people used to manual, yes, of 2014, when they desperately trying to hold a sham referendum for People's Republic, yes, in Donetsk and Lugansk, and they want to do this in Kherson now. It's a Kherson region. It's near the Crimea. So this is a tactical move from Russians. And the support among the people in Kherson is zero because nobody wants to go to Russia yet. And it is a complete fiction to do like this.
Starting point is 00:47:06 And yes, now the cars and militaries go on the streets and they only tell that you don't go to the protest, yes. You can't go with the Ukrainian flag, yes, and say Russia go home. They just want to scare people. And not only scared, but they kill a lot of people. And this week was a very scary week because a lot of died from the civilian people. We have a problem. I talked with you last week about it, but we have a couple of cities who have a big, big food problem,
Starting point is 00:47:56 water, electricity problem, because Russia is over the city and they don't give the opportunity to people to go away yes and one of this city is mariupol i sent you a lot of photos from there and on on this week uh they dropped the bomb on uh so that's right on the... That's very close to Russia. That's basically the Sea of Azov.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Yeah. They want to connect Crimea, Kherson, and Donetsk. Yes, and this is a tactical move, so they... All the stuff, a lot of stuff is happening there because it's something that they want to do.
Starting point is 00:48:47 And we have the maternity hospital in Mariupol, yes, that had been bombed. And the scary is what? Scary is what? That four hours before the bombing on the maternity house, yes, where was some women with kids and you understand what it is, yes? So four hours before it, representatives from Russia say that in that building there is a national battalion. There's a what in that building? National battalion.
Starting point is 00:49:28 The war people from Ukraine. Okay. Soldiers. They claim there are soldiers hiding in the maternity room. Okay. And, well, the maternity hospital defensive position from which fire is confused. So from maternity house, yes, they think that somebody must to shut.
Starting point is 00:49:52 And they just drop the bomb. You can show the photos. There is some big, big, from the bombs. Big, how it's called. Caleb, do you have all those photos? I think I pushed them to you. Okay, anytime he's talking about any of these places, feel free to show those. A big hole from the bombs, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:17 You see this kid? And he already there and you can watch the escape of this. So this is a bomb. That's a soldier in there taking out ā€“ what's he doing? I think he's looking for some people.
Starting point is 00:50:39 I don't know. Can you show us the maternity ward photos too, Caleb? Thank you for sharing all of these, by the way. I think it's important people see these, obviously, because it makes it more real. And so that's the hospital behind us, and here's a woman being carried out who looks like she's pregnant. Yeah, and it's catastrophic catastrophic yes when when uh the bomb the forbidden bombs yes it's bomb uh the war protocols yes of this love stuff you you can you can drop
Starting point is 00:51:19 these bombs it's a big 250 kilos bomb. Yes. Then it's the Geneva Convention. Yes. And you can't use it in the war situations. Caleb, can you keep showing? Sorry. Can you keep showing pictures? Can you show the picture?
Starting point is 00:51:39 You showed us another picture for a split second of a lady holding a baby with a blanket on her. Man. That girl doesn't even look like she's ā€“ she barely looks like she's 20 years old. I'm guessing she has a baby in those blankets. Boy. And this is terrible because that was in Mariupol, yes, but on March 11, there is a situation when trying to evacuate from the village of Perimoja, it's not far from Kyiv, the Russian troops shot a column of women and children. women and children so there was a nine dying people because they want to go away by by the green corridor and the soldiers just shot him um someone is saying can you ask him if azov are in odessa who is azov i think azov is a city it's a sea right i don't understand this question i'm going to show it to you i don't i don't understand this question can you ask him
Starting point is 00:52:51 if azov are in odessa isn't azov the sea we saw on the map can we see the map no no no oh yeah show show me the map as though it's a little city uh sea, little sea. And this is, yeah, here. Can you read this? Did you read this? The sea of Azov there is. And Mariupol, by the way, the city that we're talking about, they're here in the north of Azov Sea. So this is Berdansk and Mariupol, something higher. Yeah, Mariupol. There it is. Okay. So I sent you a photo of the
Starting point is 00:53:40 people, dead people, yes. And this is a mass grave in Mariupol because people don't have the food, don't have the water. And we can send some help to them because Russia can give opportunity for this. So people put the... Let me read this to you really quick. So this is someone in the comments is saying,
Starting point is 00:54:07 Azov Battalion is a neo-Nazi militant group supported by the West. Does any of that sound legitimate to you? We have Azov Battalion, yes. I don't know who supports him,
Starting point is 00:54:24 but this is guys who also protect the Ukraine. And, you know, as always, that Batalion, what Russia can tell that this is a Nazi, yes, because they started to talk about it from 2014, when all the stuff was. So they find the people who can talk about Nazis from these people. So I don't know what that do as of now yes but this also the battalion it's not official battalion yes but they protect the ukraine also yeah it's interesting so i just googled that in there azav and then put in the word nazi and this is the thing man the media is like, this is where it all gets weird. I mean, are there really neo-Nazi fighters for Ukraine?
Starting point is 00:55:33 Well, yes, but it's a long story. I haven't read this article. And of course, when I Googled it, I put in the word Nazi, so that's all that's going to pop up. So that was the stuff that we're talking about earlier. So, of course, in any country, you have people who have some nationality looks, yes? Right. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:56 This country, we have a whole network. We have a network called CNN. The entire network is racist, and they just pump shit out nonstop. So I'm not ā€“ Azov representative said the symbol is an abbreviation for the slogan national idea. It's so bizarre to me that the word nationalism is negative. Yeah. It has negative connotation. We need to take that word.
Starting point is 00:56:21 It would be perfectly okay to be a nationalist. We need to take that word back. It would be perfectly okay to be a nationalist. Some people love their natural land more than others. Yeah, that should be fine. Some people are already ready to take a weapon and go and fight for their natural land. So I can't do like that because I don't know how to use the weapon. Yes, it's my problem maybe. And if you think about your country, if you read the news, if you know all the political situations that we're talking about earlier,
Starting point is 00:56:58 you know about that bad guys from another country already go to you and want to war with you. So they're ready. They go and train. They go and they know how to take a weapon. And this is not bad stuff. Because if we don't have people like that, yes, maybe we don't have a military. Right. Right. Go ahead. Sorry. Go ahead. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:57:32 There's a wick. I just pulled it up on Wikipedia. And it says that basically the Azov is a former paramilitary unit of the National Guard of Ukraine based in Mariupol in the Azov Sea coastal region. Azov initially formed as a volunteer militia in 2014. Okay. They were fighting Russian separatist forces in the Donbass War.
Starting point is 00:57:58 Man. What a mess. This is the people that go first on the fire. How, how, does, did Ukraine have a, did you guys have, do you guys have a draft? Do all men have to fight in the military? In the Ukraine, does every man have to go through the military? Yeah, from 18 to 27 years you have the, you must
Starting point is 00:58:29 go to the army and have a year to know how it do. But if you have education so if you go to the university and have a study you have a time when you don't go to army.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Is that what you did? Did you go to the army or did you go to college? I don't go to army. I go to university. I go to college. I go to the university. Yes. And then then I work abroad. So so I was not in the army Caleb can you show us I don't want to run out of time and not show the pictures can you show the picture that Yevgeny sent us of the affiliate in Kiev
Starting point is 00:59:16 it looks like it's been turned into a shelter or a food bank yeah do you talk with those people there every day, Yevgeny? Yeah, I know all these people. And what is going on over there? How did that happen?
Starting point is 00:59:33 What are they using the facility for now? Oh, it's that people are sleeping there. Okay. This is a gym from the Lviv. It's on the western Ukraine. a dream from the view it's on the western ukraine by the way uh we have a couple of bombs in the view yesterday so it's the west of ukraine and russia don't go there till the last days so now they start to bombing all our cities so this is uh you you can see the rings you can see the bars and there are a lot of people
Starting point is 01:00:07 there is a basement in this gym so people find a shelter here so all the gyms that I know that work some way they now volunteer
Starting point is 01:00:22 or just like a shelter but nobody say at home all people want to help and if you show the big, big, big CrossFit box. It's a very cool box, by the way, yes. I like this gym. And they volunteered from early morning to the evening. They look for the people who need help and they grow money because there is hundreds of members in this box. When you say they grow money, they raise money? You mean donations?
Starting point is 01:01:17 Raise money, yes. And it's situated in the center of the Kiyomia, Yeah, and it's situated in the center of the Kyiv, so there is a lot of people who can help. And you can see all this stuff with the food and with the medicals. And they just write to the Kyiv and give all the stuff to the people who need it. And CrossFit Banda is the largest affiliate in Ukraine. They have four, I think, boxes, yes. And there is, from the Instagram, I sent you a photo of another box in crossfit banda located in kiev also and in the basement and there is also a shelter so the trainers live there and their relatives too um any any any any more word from crossfit hq have you guys heard from crossFit HQ or anything? No. We have volunteers from
Starting point is 01:02:26 all over the world, yes. A couple of events, yes. Burpee for Ukraine, maybe you heard about it. Burpees for Ukraine? Can you look that up here? And then the country manager for that region is Russian.
Starting point is 01:02:41 He must be put in a really weird spot. I don't know maybe he spoke with with some people but i don't have information about this and yes it's strange um and and you said that you've actually started you're still you've started doing a little bit of training is this the first time you've started doing a little bit of training in two weeks no no no no no i all this time when i have some window when i have some possibility i can send you later some some stuff with my training it's it's look looks uh different yes like training
Starting point is 01:03:18 in the regular gym but it's something yes you can do something do something. So I have a wall. I have a floor so I can push-ups. I can handstand push-ups. So I have a couple of street training stuff, yes. So the bar, the jump rope, I do some EMOMs today. I run 4K and then do EMOM for 20 minutes and four muscle-ups in the first minute and 40 double-unders in the second minute.
Starting point is 01:03:52 And for the 20 minutes, it was good stuff. But after three hours of sleep and a couple hours of work, I'm just... I don't know how I speak with you now, but it's interesting. The training, every time I tell to my clients, the training is that stuff that can remove the... The toxicity of the environment you're in, the mental, emotional... The toxicity, the voltage in your head, yes,
Starting point is 01:04:26 and keep your brain safe, safe and calmness. So if you really, you think, how can I train in this situation? But if you can sit and drink juice, if you can go and have eat, and you do some everyday stuff, you can train also. Maybe it's not the workout.
Starting point is 01:04:46 Maybe it's 10 minutes warm-up. But it's all that you can do for security of your body. And guys, you must train all the time. Yeah, I have a war in my country. But I know that many people, many coaches now write the free training. Yes, you can go to Instagram or you can write to me and I send the free training for all the people because it's important now. for some support. Fuck, I forget the word of support.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Or can I give you some training and maybe some educational stuff and I try to be uh useful yeah i try to be useful all this time yevgeny um i has your did you have before this war started did you have like okay next year i'm gonna marry my girlfriend then we're gonna have kids i'm gonna open up a gym here. I can't, did you have this, a future and a dreams? Where are you personally in your life right now? Are you like, are we talking, are you shocked? Are we like, you pull it off when I talk to you, you just seem so normal, but are you fucked up? Like, is it like just a scrambled eggs in your brain right now? Yes. I'm fucked up. Like the situation when you can't build some plans for the future.
Starting point is 01:06:28 So you don't know if it's finished after a week or maybe years. Yes, it's terrible, but we don't know. But there is a statement that many of my good friends and many people I've spoken about, they want to marry in the day when Putin dies yeah so about my plans I looking for the level two yes
Starting point is 01:06:56 and just because in Ukraine we don't have the seminars like that on level one and it's no no in that time so i have level one in you in that affiliate that you can that i show on the photos yes but for level two you must go abroad and i'm looking for some seminars near the ukraine and want to have level two want to have some experience abroad, maybe train a couple of months there,
Starting point is 01:07:29 because I want to be educated man, I want to teach people how to move well, and we have not very strong fitness mentality in our people in Ukraine. So there is not too much. It's a lot of people who train and do something, but it's not too much. We all know that it's important. Yes.
Starting point is 01:07:57 And why it's important because chronic disease and all this crazy stuff. Yes. I know that America has a big problem with that also and uh i want to call it they call it covet in america they're confused they're so confused and and in ukraine we work with the poet in our bio laboratory laboratories now you know about it yes right it is a joke, by the way. So, yes, I want to go far away from this. Yes. And one of my dreams was to go to the seminar stuff. But I don't know about it.
Starting point is 01:08:38 Because in CrossFit, now the position of CrossFit, I don't really understand it. Because they're just silent like a Russian CrossFit athletes who know the situation but continues to train and like never happening. Yes, nothing happening. Yes, it is very strange and I don't know where it ends so my dreams and plans just about to have food to have safety yes to have uh alive my friends and family and that's all and that's all yeah so it went from spreading
Starting point is 01:09:28 your plans were to take your level 2 hopefully become a red shirt for the seminar staff for CrossFit spread the good word throughout the Ukraine and the world to stop chronic disease and now you just want to stay alive and get food for your family
Starting point is 01:09:43 by the way a couple years, I write to the CrossFit. I talk closely with some bloggers in Ukraine who work to popularization of Ukraine. And I want and they want to support to translate Level 1. And I write about it to the CrossFit and they answer me that there is not too much, but not literally, but they say that not too much people in Ukraine who are doing CrossFit, not too much affiliate. So guys, there is no plans for Ukrainian level one. Yeah, like that. And now we have this. Maybe you should just steal it.
Starting point is 01:10:36 I told you early. I bet you Greg wouldn't care if you stole it. I bet you he'd be proud of you. Yeah. I used the Russian level one guide early. Now I think I use original level one guide without translation because fuck Russian. And, yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:58 And I think some... One minute. Yeah. Once, yes, I translate the CrossFit Level 1 guide in Ukrainian, yes, once we have a strong community fitness in Ukraine, and
Starting point is 01:11:18 I think in near future we have a victory, and have a good future for the country. All these good people who now near 3 million goes away. You know, they're scared. You know about this syndrome, yes, when you're in a dangerous situation for a long time. I don't know how it's called.
Starting point is 01:11:44 I'm not a medicine. dangerous situation from the long time it's i don't know how it's called i'm not medicine but all our citizens have this syndrome and this is this minus a couple of years of your life yes yes because because once because one stupid old guy who don't want to go and die oh it's hard you know dude it's fucking unfathomable. the, Yevgeny, will you meet with me next Sunday at the same time? Of course,
Starting point is 01:12:12 of course. Uh, if I, if I'll be alive. Yeah. It's crazy to hear you say that when you say that, I kind of block it out. But,
Starting point is 01:12:20 but, but I can't process that. I must say that because many people now maybe in in this second some somebody dying in ukraine i hear you this i hear you this second some some building is crushed yes some uh children and women dies and this is terrible stuff in our world when you you see my position yes about the education all this stuff yes why we don't live a good life yes uh be uh smile to each other yes and uh jump with the flowers yes like like that we must war we must have some fakes, some COVID, some crazy government shit, yes.
Starting point is 01:13:08 And we have only 80 years, I hope 80, 90 years of life, yes. And we must go through all this shit. And all the people go through this shit. I want to have kids and they don't know about war, nothing. War, about this Putin. Did you ever think... How old are you? 27 years.
Starting point is 01:13:36 Did you ever think prior to this that you would be involved in a war? That your city would be under attack from the Russians? Did you ever fathom that? i know it's uh it's it's a it's it's a man life is so weird yep dramatically but it's true all right brother hey thank you for coming on we met uh was this a good time for you? Yeah. I have a lot of fun. You know, I speak from my heart. Yes, you literally give me the opportunity to be open to this.
Starting point is 01:14:16 So thank you. Yeah. And I apologize for last week for using the word Russia and Ukraine interchangeably two or three times. Please forgive me. This is like a joke. I know about that, that people from USA think that Russia is Ukraine, Ukraine is Russian. It's popular stuff. It's all the hundreds of years of propaganda, of killing, of fire our books, of killing our culture it's all all from there
Starting point is 01:14:48 and you know you know i'm armenian right and that yeah of course my mom and dad and um and and i have family in armenia and um they are in big big fucking trouble right now because of what's going on they are in big fucking trouble yeah so they they have. When you said that the Russians had infiltrated the political scene in politics in Ukraine, I think that is what's happened in the United States, in Armenia. Also, I think that basically Azerbaijan and the Turks have infiltrated Armenia's political scene, and they're doing really bad shit there. It's fucked up. And I don't want to get all fucking crazy, but in our country, it feels like the Chinese have infiltrated our political system.
Starting point is 01:15:35 Something weird is going on. But the good news is this. I'll leave you with some really good news. Some really, really fucking bad people seem to be waking up. There's this guy in the United States named Trevor Noah. He's like the leader of fucking just horrible shit. He's a comedian. And it sounds like even he is waking up.
Starting point is 01:15:56 He said none of this would happen under Biden. And this is a really, really bad guy. This is a guy that just spreads weakness throughout our country. So in our country, it does appear that people are waking up, that they've reached a limit of the bullshit, the feeling sorry for people, the lack of accountability, this fucking bullshit like racism, gender, fucking all the confusion that's been sowed into our people. It feels like to me that it's coming to a head. Yeah, a lot of shit happened and a little or more whole world is feeling about it say that again a lot of shit happened in the world yes and less less or more all the countries feel it. Maybe not today, but it's coming. We must be moderate and think about our future. Because it's not only here that happens trouble,
Starting point is 01:17:00 or in Romania happens trouble. It's like the bad position. Now we have a bad ecological position. We have the war. Every time war somewhere in the earth, there is a war. We have terrorism and all this stuff. We must think, think and don't forget,
Starting point is 01:17:23 don't forget for other people too. Perfect. All right, brother. I will keep hitting you up every single day on WhatsApp and keep the conversation going. Please keep sending the pictures and we'll stay in touch. Thank you for your...

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