The Sevan Podcast - #334 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: March 17, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items.
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Starting point is 00:01:02 I got my CEO shirt yesterday. i'm so pumped oh it's nice i didn't think i could like a shirt that much i haven't liked a shirt that much since i don't know second grade damn it's a sweet shirt oh oh there we go we use this software called stream yard stream yard like when you pee it leaves a stream yard like where you keep the dog backyard and sometimes it has a little bit of a lag actually i i shouldn't even blame the software who knows if it's a software but it's just the whole connectivity good morning actually thank you it's the whole connectivity. Good morning, Ashley. Thank you. It's the whole connectivity with YouTube. This morning we have David Onama.
Starting point is 00:01:53 I just realized that if you change the N to a B, it would be David Obama. I never realized that before. UFC Featherweight. Amazing, amazing dude. Uh, amazing, amazing dude, Gabe paper street coffee. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Thank you guys. If you are, Oh man, we put the wrong link in our URL. I am so sorry there. I guess there's two paper street coffees, but if you can make it to the right one, you will see that you can purchase coffee using seven as the code and get 20 off which is kind
Starting point is 00:02:30 of crazy you should stock up for the year over there now that's so cheap and uh you get a 20 off on your coffee between now march 27th and i think that day was chosen because that's when quarterfinals quarter quarterfinals you're a crossfitter that's when those start um but uh you get entered to win a rogue bar ohio bar custom every time you make a purchase paper street coffee discount code seven twenty percent off i also want to thank Thank you to all you guys. Ooh, I'm a little slow this morning. You know, usually when my alarm goes off in the morning, it's like I've already been awake for two minutes.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Like I'm like synced up to it. And this morning I actually heard it go off, which was weird because I went to bed so early last night. I normally don't go to bed till like midnight and then I get up at six. I do like six hours sleep. But last night I went to bed like at 9 30 someone did you get the edible bouquet i sent to your house for increasing your risk of covid by another one risk of buying i don't know what that means but no i did not get it please resend ohio or bella depending on your sex yes oh okay one of those is for boys one of those is for girls
Starting point is 00:03:46 I wonder what's going on where's David I kind of like being on the show before the guests get on the show as opposed to getting on at the same time uh this guy David Onama he trains with uh James Krause who he had on the show he's a really cool dude when I trains with James Krause, who he had on the show. He's a really cool dude. When I think of James Krause, I think of a guy. He's a 171-pound fighter, but he's also an amazing coach. And more and more and more people all over the MMA community are talking about what a great coach James Krause is. I'm kind of new to this scene. I've only been following for like 10 years.
Starting point is 00:04:22 But Krause is, I think he's on a six fight win streak as 171 pound fighter but he says he gets way way more pleasure watching his fighters win we had james on the show he's cool as shit he's not just cool when i think of him i think of him as an investor which is kind of funny i just i always hear about all the great things he's done with his money and how he's setting his life up to be independently wealthy so um no i do not have any fight training. I have zero zeros. I mean, I mean, you know, just stupid little things that, um, maybe every boy does take a little bit of Taekwondo. I took a bunch of, uh, striking classes. I wrestled in high school a little bit, but nothing, nothing. And I, and I, I wrestled a lot with my sister as a kid and with other kids, a lot like backyard shit. I mean like a lot, like every day, a lot
Starting point is 00:05:12 for years and years and years, but nothing, nothing. I, I, I like, I like it. I like wrestling with my boys. I like that kind, all that physical, like, stuff. I'm really sensitive these days, though, to my back. My last back injury, like, three years ago has made it so it's, like, made me. When I take my kids to jujitsu, I'm like, oh, that looks so fun to roll around with the boys on the mat and some of the other guys. I just don't want to get, like, stuck. I got stuck last time I hurt my back for a few days. It was weird.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Yeah, it is my birthday, Jared. Yes, March 16th, 1972. Today I am 50 years old. Yep, 50. I wonder what it's like for my mom and my dad to have a 50-year-old kid. So weird. Can't imagine to have a 50 year old kid. So weird. Can't imagine my kids being 50 years old. Am I on the wrong day?
Starting point is 00:06:12 Is this guy showing up? Maybe this guy's not showing up. It's been a while since no one showed up. What show is this? Where is everyone? Where's, where's the guy with good features? Caleb.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Where's will. Where's where's what's the other guy's name? Who runs the show? Matt Sousa. Where's that dude? Where's the guy with good features, Caleb? Where's Will? What's the other guy's name who runs the show? Matt Souza. Where's that dude? Where's the boss? Should I just start with my live call-in show? Man, I have so much good stuff. Like my dad says, you know how old you are when your kids start looking old.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Yeah, no shit, right? No shit. No shit. are when your kids start looking old yeah no shit right no shit i'm excited i think we're gonna have liver king on the podcast very very very soon uh he did a podcast yesterday with uh paul saladino i think that's his very first podcast ever. Oh, good morning, mom. Thank you. It does not feel good to have a 50 year old son. Ha, you know, it does. I can't, I'm, I'm excited for my kids to be 50. I hope I'm, I hope I'm still alive. Ooh, I don't like to think of that. Um, they're waiting for you to give me the sunglass purchase info for these are you talking about these these are uh you can't get these i don't think these are custom prescription
Starting point is 00:07:37 uh it's some fancy brand oh here we go these are custom prescription louis vuitton glasses made in italy and when the guy you can't tell when they're not on me but the bottom is clear i'll put them on for you the bottom is clear and the top is super dark and the guy when he made these prescription lenses for me oh shit i forgot my phone again he made them so that i could um uh look at my cell phone through the bottom here with no shade, but I could also be out in super bright lights. I have so many prescription glasses. I don't think it's the kind of stuff that makes me –
Starting point is 00:08:16 I have so many, it makes me uncomfortable to talk about. It's like, whoa. It's like someone who had too many cats. Like, ooh, that's too many cats. I don't think this guy's coming on. I don't think this guy is coming on. We checked in with him yesterday. Maybe I gave him the wrong link.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Let me try that. Let me try that one more time. Invite. Copy to clipboard. We have his number here david onama david we're looking forward to chatting with you tomorrow morning at 7 a.m uh-oh he never responded to that okay i'll send him the link again we are live, brother. 708 AM on the west coast of the United States, Pacific Standard Time. It's funny.
Starting point is 00:09:20 100 shows ago. I wonder when this went away. 100 shows ago, I'd be like really nervous and sweating that the guest didn't show up. Now, for some reason, I give two dicks. Two shits. Two something. Oh, man. I'll tell you something bad that happened. So we have a, I mean, bad relative. relative it's not i don't live in ukraine
Starting point is 00:09:47 but we have a um we have a youtube channel called sevan subclips and it's it's listed underneath a different email account it's listed under like my email account is sevan matosi in a gmail and it's listed under matosi and sevan i don't know why why i have two gmail accounts but i probably did it like to get an extra Instagram account or something like that. And basically, basically what happened, uh, last, last night I was, uh, Susan and I were looking at the sub clip station and trying to figure out why it's not a channel if you're figuring out why it's not getting any traffic and what we need to do to, to, to kind of beef it up a little bit. And I was messing around with my login on YouTube and now on my computer in my house, which is the one I do most of my like work, work on, like don't disturb me work.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Uh, I can't get into my YouTube or into my, uh, Gmail, which really sucks. Really, really, really sucks. It just keeps saying error does anyone know why that is but i can't on this and i can't on my phone at first i thought my account got hacked that would be really bad uh what's up with danny what's up with seven praising danny spiegel for her high morals uh we invited her on the show one time and i or susan invited her on the show and i think she she made some comment. I believe that, uh, she's doing a podcast with someone else, the memes guy, her, I think she, I think she said this, don't quote me on this, but I think she said she's doing a podcast with the
Starting point is 00:11:14 memes guy and Alex Smith, who I'd like to get on the show also. Um, and she said that she had different morals and values than me. And then when I went over to her Instagram account, her profile picture was her in a bikini with her legs open pointed at the camera, which I thought was fascinating. Maybe I better look up the word morals. I don't think I have any morals. I don't know what those even are. I don't have a gender or morals. are i don't have a gender or morals uh morals a lesson especially one concerning what is right or prudent that can be derived from a story a piece of information or an experience i guess i have morals i don't believe in hurting kids i believe that the right thing to do is to take
Starting point is 00:11:58 care of take care of our kids i think it's important to, what was the one? Love thy neighbor. Give me an example of love thy neighbor. Yesterday I was at the skate park and a guy pulled up with his two sons and I hadn't seen them in eight months and I was in my car. like this guy and I like his two kids a lot when they're there and of course I like them because they're nice to my kids so I got out of my car and I went over to him and I just made contact you know just like hey what's up dude your kids look great and then they did look great good to see you we've already been here for two hours we're leaving but I always like seeing you because it was how I felt but it would have been just easier just to drive away with my kids but I just I don't know maybe that's just adult shit but i like to spread the love um not forced though not weird like if you don't want to be loved like fine like i would like if like i'm not i'm not trying to make anyone's day great but um i i i like to be um
Starting point is 00:13:03 recognized but i i don't want anyone taking my time. Do you know what I mean? And by recognized, I mean let's say you're walking by someone and they smile at you and give you a nod. Like you're being recognized, and then you smile at them, and it's like just that kind of recognition goes a long way with me. With everyone, that's why I think it's so important. Like when you see homeless people, like there's these when you see drug addicts and they're categorized as homeless people, I think it's important to look at them, make eye contact with them when they make them ask you for money. You say good morning, good afternoon. You know, you just say something to them. People just want to be acknowledged. I think I do not want to be, but it's important. This guy's not showing up. What sucks is a few minutes before the show starts,
Starting point is 00:13:51 like 30 minutes before the show starts, probably around 6.30 in the morning, I start doing the show in my head. And, hi Victor, good morning. And so then I get here and I'm already doing the show and I'm ready for them to come on.
Starting point is 00:14:04 You know what I mean? Like I'm on the treadmill and I'm ready and I'm already doing the show and I'm ready for them to come on. You know what I mean? Like I'm on the treadmill and I'm ready and I'm ready to do the show. And then about a minute ago, I noticed I was leaving the show. Like I'm not, I'm not ready. So if he popped on now, it'd be kind of fucked. It was like, now I don't want him to come on. Not, not, I don't want him to come on, but like my brain has already shifted gears. Do you know what I mean by that?
Starting point is 00:14:23 It's like um i don't know i can't explain it no i don't take it as he's blowing me off i really don't i really don't just scheduling shit i'm easy i'm easy i'm so easy i don't i don't take it that way at all he was so cool he was he was great to text with he was super responsive in the um in the dms all right guess what i'm gonna do i'm gonna put my phone number up here bam i have a show with a phone number who do i think i am oh here i could do this i have time to do this today i have some great great stuff, by the way, in my notes for my live call-in show. I think you guys are going to like some of this stuff. So that's good.
Starting point is 00:15:10 I'm always working on a live call-in show. Oh, yeah, I have something good for you guys this morning. It's a good way to start your morning. Before I start my morning, let me do this. That's the sound of a 360- barbell brush by hybrid athletics okay took care of that we talked about paper street coffee oh where's my my backdrop is missing where is that isn't there can you guys see that okay there there's that. There's this. But where's that backdrop? Oh, there it is. Background, background.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Oh, it's chosen. Oh, Will, this is so weird. I have the background chosen. Anyway, the other sponsors are California Hormones, Paper Street Coffee,, and this bag of weed. The bag of weed is sponsoring the show today oh oh you guys seen this oh it's too much i can't what can I do?
Starting point is 00:16:28 There's a guy out there named Ben Garvey. Oh, I really need help for this show. There's a guy out there named Ben Garvey. I think his name is Ben Garvey. Anyway, he hates me. He has a blog. He has like, he's a, he's a, he's a, he's a crazy, crazy woke account. He doesn't just hate me.
Starting point is 00:16:44 He hates a lot of people. I'm in good company. Like he was ripping on all sorts of people in the CrossFit community, basically who aren't standing up for what's right. But anyway, he has a documentary coming out called Rosa. And it's, and I was looking at the trailer. Oh, I can't wait to show you guys that on my next live calling show. It's so funny is that documentary gonna end rosa my goodness here i realized uh for those of you who are watching this i realized someone sent me this the other day if you see see Spider-Man, I've got bad news for you.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Oops. It's the gay test. If you see Spider-Man, I got bad news. I don't think that's bad news. It just sucks if you see Spider-Man. I saw Spider-Man. If you see Spider-Man, it should be, it doesn't need that. I've got bad, it's not bad news if you're gay. Just makes life a little more challenging.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Do you guys think that if... Oh, I can't even do this. I'm not signed into my Instagram account. No wonder. No wonder. All right, this show's gone to shit now maybe i should start sweating oh good thank you i can't do the, I can't do my, uh, Hey, good morning. Good morning. Shit.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Good morning. Try it like this. Oh, there we go. You get it. Hey, good morning. I can't sign into my Instagram account. It's the same problem I had yesterday because I need my phone to punch in the security code and I left my phone in the house.
Starting point is 00:18:43 What a shit show. You know, I actually saw Spider-Man on that. I'm not phone to punch in the security code. And I left my phone in the house. What a shit show. You know, I actually saw Spider-Man on that. I'm not going to lie. Yeah. Me too. Me too. Me too.
Starting point is 00:18:52 But I think that the line go out, you want to go out. You saw Spider-Man. I saw Spider-Man. You want to go out? Sure, man. Birthday dinner.
Starting point is 00:19:00 I'll take you. We'll get some tofu and fucking, you know, drink some ice shakes or something. I don't know. Well, if I saw Spider-Man, does that mean I need to call California hormones? Right. Yes. I don't think, I don't think that's going to change anything. That's just going to make our date better. We're still rolling with the date, bitch.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Hey, uh, I have this, uh, Logan, I have this uh logan i have this uh friend um who ordered a uh he ordered he was having supposed to have a party at his house on monday right for 50 people yeah and he ordered this big huge like catered mexican like dinner with like all fresh guacamole they they do all the pork and steak and all that stuff, cook it all up right there. And he decided he didn't want to have it, but he had already paid for it. So he's like, hey, you can just have it. So I just switched it over to my house today. So I moved it from Monday. It was supposed to be Monday at his house, and I switched it to Wednesday at my house.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Oh, so you're having a party. I thought you were just having the food. Awesome, dude. Yeah. Isn't that crazy? Well, I don't know how much of a party it is i mean like my mom and dad will be there shit like that yeah don't get it we'll all be there i get it i understand this is a low-key invite for everybody here yeah we'll just we'll find your uh we'll find your address on google map and everybody will just show up don't worry about it we'll we'll be there we'll be there uh hey did you see that that Instagram clip of that guy? I think it was a UFC fighter. I don't remember his name, but he was asked,
Starting point is 00:20:29 what would you say to an overweight version of, I don't remember what his name was, who's sitting on the couch watching this right now. I don't know. Oh, is his name Roundtree? He started crying after he won, and he said he used to weigh 300 pounds, and he can't believe the turnaround in his life. And he wants to tell his story now before he gets famous. Is that who you're talking about? Roundtree?
Starting point is 00:20:53 Khalil Roundtree? Is it Khalil Roundtree? It's some tone black dude. I know he's sponsored by Venom. I don't remember his name. It's on Paper Street Coffee. Posted it on their story. Like, you know what I'm talking about? Could you find that? Or maybe not. Maybe, but I can show you. I can show you.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Oh, he's, damn, someone already scooped him up. As soon as he said that, he said he lost 100 pounds and he was starting to cry. And he said he wants to talk about his story. And I immediately DM'd him. Khalil Roundtree jr discusses turning his life around after finding mma and how he's lost 100 pounds in 11 months hey isn't that the girl's name on morning chaka uh the the kalisi isn't her name khalil i have no fucking idea i don't read that khalil yeah but she's the interviewer girl with the big
Starting point is 00:21:43 old eyes and she always has tons of, like her eyelashes look really thick. She has tons of mascara on or something. Is mascara the stuff you put on your eyes? I don't know. You're the one asking to go on a date with me, so I think you can answer that question perhaps. Her name is Khalil.
Starting point is 00:22:00 I know that's her name. I know. I know. God, this guy's name is so great. Wyatt B. Gay. God, I wish we were friends. I'd love I know. God, this guy's name is so great. Wyatt B. Gay. God, I wish we were friends. I'd love to say your name every day. Her name is... Dude. I call her the Khaleesi.
Starting point is 00:22:15 That's another graphic we need. I want to show... Do you remember when I was throwing temper tantrums? Yeah. Yeah. I would show all the dragons. Yeah. I need one of the Khaleesi walking out of that building, burning naked. I would love
Starting point is 00:22:28 to show that on the regular. Yeah. Yeah. That'd be great for YouTube. Oh, Lauren Khalil. Oh, that guy's first name. Khalil Roundtree is her last name. Her name is Lauren Khalil. His name is Khalil Roundtree. That can only mean that one of them fakes their name. One of them has a fake name. Every name is fake. I played this... Along with her gender.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Her gender is definitely fake. I think Brian asked me if I wanted to have her on the show and I said yeah. I don't know if he was just like teasing me. Oh yeah. Lauren Khalilil she spells it different than um than he does hey did you see the o'keefe interview i did a part of it uh first quarter oh yeah there it is someone i i guess i said in there that all my kids friends are dipshits i want to say not all of them there's a couple of them that aren't. Someone told me, hey, that was a little harsh.
Starting point is 00:23:27 And I'm not walking it back because it's harsh. I'm just walking it back. The sounds that come from your phone are so weird. I'm trying to remember to mute it when I'm not talking, and it's not working very well, and it probably makes things worse. Yeah, it reminds me of a horror movie. Well, that could be a backdrop. Just pretend that terrible things are going on in my background.
Starting point is 00:23:53 It's just normal. No. This is a Biden America. This is Biden America, Siobhan. Just live with it. Give me three more years. No, no. Because there are some kids that come over to my house
Starting point is 00:24:06 that are good kids but but but we have but we filter them if they're not good kids i don't i don't want them at my house like the bad kids suck man it sucks that there's bad kids that i'm not trying to derail you but that clip with that guy that lost all that weight just, like, kind of broke down. It was really emotional. Like, I used to be pretty overweight. And, dude, it really, it strikes home. Because, like, there is a fork in the road. Like, when you lose weight, you're on a completely different track. There's a fork in your mouth.
Starting point is 00:24:42 That's the problem. There's a fork in your mouth. Not in the road. I'm going to put a fork in your mouth. That's the problem. There's a fork in your mouth, not in the road. I want to put a fork up your ass. So tell me, why did it hit home? What's the fork in the road? It's crazy. When you're overweight, you have almost like this frame or this vision where you see things and you think, I can't do that because this.
Starting point is 00:25:04 And it always has something to do with your weight. Everything is always framed from your weight. And that's why like, it pisses me off when I see this fat acceptance thing, there is a complete, and I'm totally open to this being a problem with me and not being a weight thing. And I understand it's all framed and I can get over it.
Starting point is 00:25:21 I can be like, I can be like, Hey, live your life. But I mean, you're still consequences, but like there's a fork in the road and when you lose that weight every everything that happens from that point is a reaction from losing all that weight i wouldn't have give me an example of something you can't. Give me an example of something you can't do. Give me an example of something you can't do. Yeah, well, I wouldn't have walked up to the girl that's my wife
Starting point is 00:25:47 if I had been 280 pounds. I was 200 pounds then, and I felt great, so I walked up to the girl that's now my wife. That would not have happened. I would have probably reframed it, and this is going to sound bad, but I probably would have gone for somebody. My confidence reframed it and this is going to sound bad but I probably would have gone for somebody my confidence would have been lower that's all I'm trying to say and like when your confidence is lower
Starting point is 00:26:12 it affects every single decision you make and it is just a crazy compound interest like it's like you either have a negative compound interest every day of your life or a positive compound interest every day of your life or a positive compound interest every day of your life. And for me,
Starting point is 00:26:29 a big factor was losing the weight and it just changed all my confidence. And now, I mean, I don't, life's not perfect. You move on to the next thing, but dude, it's, it's fucking awesome. If you're somebody who's on the couch and that guy motivated you, or that guy crying, didn't motivate you, I'm serious. If you get up and you lose that weight, it will have all sorts of crazy effects and things you don't even realize that are holding you back because of your weight, 100%.
Starting point is 00:27:00 I don't think, it would be really hard to imagine being really overweight and having the confidence I have right now. And maybe again, I'm open to that being a problem with me, but it's something you can change. You can act on. What's worse, the sounds coming from Logan's background or yesterday um sammy in the background of uh maddo keeps called the entire time i kind of want to go back and listen to that podcast and just let's find out what she's talking about the whole time she's like talking like for an hour and a half in the background there yeah i can tell they're bothered you could you man. It was like one of the first things you said to them. You said, yeah, they better be doing million-dollar deals in the background, man.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Hey, you know what's funny, too, is it just shows what an arrogant, pompous douche I've turned into. Like, 200 podcasts ago, I just would have just been like, oh, my God, I can't believe Matt O'Keefe's on. Now I'm like, fuck this guy. Does he have no respect for me with having fucking someone talk in the background? Just completely. Well, that's why I'm here. I'm here to, like, get this guy. Does he have no respect for me with having fucking someone talking in the background? Just completely. Well, that's why I'm here. I'm here to get you used to the background noise. It's fucking
Starting point is 00:28:10 sounds like animals getting murdered, which it's not. It's not animals getting murdered. Not today, everybody. Can I read you something? Go for it. It's your show. Okay, thank you. From the Tao Te Ching, number eight. Go for it. In dwelling, live close to the ground. In thinking, keep on the simple. In conflict, be fair and generous. In governing, don't try to control.
Starting point is 00:28:47 In work, do what you enjoy. In family life, be completely present. When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everybody will respect you. Number eight. Damn, this book is good. Society treats fat people different, in my opinion. When I was fat, i didn't get the attention i did oh yeah of course they should treat everyone gets treated differently if you're 100 pounds overweight i saw something the other day someone said about being um if you can't control what's in your mouth why should what you put in your mouth why should anyone trust you with anything
Starting point is 00:29:20 and uh they all it was there was also if you if you once you can't control what you put in your mouth you can control everything else everything else is easy dude everyone everyone gets treated for a different for everything when you have this gray beard the world's actually a little bit nicer to you and easier to you you could sneak into fucking the crisscross concert no one's questioning you and when i was 100 pounds overweight let me do Mr. Mars. Let me tell you one more thing.
Starting point is 00:29:46 No one wants their kid date in a fat person. No one's like, Oh, here's my beautiful daughter. I want her with a dude who's a hundred pounds overweight. No one wants that. Nobody wants that. You're basically burning your,
Starting point is 00:29:59 and let me tell you what something else. No one else wants. No one else wants to, no one wants to date a drug addict. So if you and your girlfriend like smoke weed every single day together you guys kind of hate each other no one wants to be with someone who smokes weed every day no one wants to be with anyone who's addicted to anything even this coffee we all really want to be with someone who's really really fucking cool and who isn't who who isn't, who's independent.
Starting point is 00:30:28 No one wants to be with the person who's addicted to weed, addicted to coke. No one wants to be with the person who drinks every day. No one. We're all assessing different data points about different people. When we first meet somebody,
Starting point is 00:30:41 you kind of take a lot of things at face value. And I know it's not good to do this, but so's like you said you don't want somebody dating a fat or you're don't want your kid dating a fat person like listen like yeah some person's gonna hear that take it out of context and get triggered but at the same time it's like you're taking how would they take it how would they take it out of context what do you mean give me an example how that would be out of context someone's gonna take that and say they're gonna imagine in their mind the nicest like saintly fat person they've ever met and uh they're gonna frame it as you hate that person or something like that it's not that you hate that person you don't want to imagine someone who's you don't want your 137 pound daughter um being fucked on the couch by a
Starting point is 00:31:24 dude who's 420 pounds you just don't want it it's your it's your princess you probably don't want her getting fucked anyway but if she is getting it you want it to be by a man who respects himself it just is like it's it's not it's it's just like i wouldn't it's just like i want my boys to be in clean clothes, and I want them to have a nice car. It's not for a superficial reason. It's because it's better. Yeah, I said it. It's better.
Starting point is 00:31:56 And I'm saying we're taking data points at face value, and then this person, I mean, if they're overweight, granted, yeah, sure. It doesn't matter how cool. Even if they're overweight, granted, yeah, sure. It doesn't matter how cool. Like not even, even if, even if they're dating the fucking Buddha. You, you, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't want your loved ones with someone who's obese. It's a sickness. It's a fucking sickness. They're a carbohydrate addict and then they're also sick and they're going to die prematurely. You know, their brain's not working properly.
Starting point is 00:32:21 It's just, it's a, it's a leading indicator on so much bad shit and hardship. Now that doesn't mean that you like the the the fat person any less i'm not i'm not suggesting that like i don't i don't care if my friend i don't like my skinny friends more than i like my fat friends i love them equally i'm just saying like what you would want for your kids you want your kids to be with someone who has everything in their life in control and when you look at that at the data point of gluttony or this or this or this yeah so and you know that they're and you know that they're gonna die when they're when they're 62 and my kid's gonna be like my daughter's gonna be all like fuck that sucks like like you want a mate who like takes care of themselves so you can like grow old together i hope like i got up this morning and i hear my wife say happy birthday and i'm just thinking to myself man i need to take care of themselves so you can like grow old together. I hope like I got up this morning and I hear my wife say happy birthday.
Starting point is 00:33:06 And I'm just thinking to myself, man, I need to take care of myself for her so like I can be around for her. When I lost weight, people said they liked, uh, they liked fat Logan better. And, uh, people said that. Yeah. Yeah. And a lot of it was because I was an extreme pushover and i thought and it was because i didn't like myself that much oh right so i would kind of i'd let people treat me with a lot of disrespect you know like i was the center of all the jokes for a long time and i still do that to some extent but like at some point like no i just i i appreciated myself so
Starting point is 00:33:41 much more after i took care of myself and i didn I didn't put up with that shit. Like, man, I like fat Logan better. Like, yeah, I know why, but it's, it's crazy, dude. Everything changes. I love it, dude. I wasn't, I'm never going back. It's not going to happen. I have enough tools in my chest. I, it won't happen. Like I've, I've, I don't know. what was that eight years ago yeah i lost the weight like eight years ago i got up like i went from 280 to 180 i was doing crossfit and i'm at like 210 215 now but i'm not like it's been at 210 215 for like three or four years it's just a comfortable place look at this girl.
Starting point is 00:34:27 This girl, Jeannie Beaver, said to me, happy birthday. No, no, I'm listening to you. This girl, Jeannie Beaver, said happy birthday to me. Is that Caleb's chick? Is Caleb married? How could there be a girl with the name? So he's C. Beaver. She's J. Beaver.
Starting point is 00:34:39 By the way, thank you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what I was wondering too. Yeah, I think they're great. Um, um, uh,
Starting point is 00:34:52 when you say you have enough tools in your, um, in your toolbox, not to get fat again. Um, like what, what's the tool you have? Give me an example. If you don't mind.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Well, I mean, I've found that there's literally like a hundred, but there's like infinite ways that you can lose weight or not get fat again um like you can be somebody that counts calories you can be somebody that does keto you can be somebody that just doesn't eat like everybody's worried about if you don't eat oh that's a eating disorder it's like no it's it's not even on the fringe anymore fasting you know
Starting point is 00:35:27 like and then you can exercise like mad but I mean it's hard to exercise if you're you know on a negative trajectory but it's there's a thousand ways to skin the cat it's you just really really gotta want it what I did
Starting point is 00:35:43 when I lost it was i was on this crazy restrictive diet and i probably ate 1100 to 1000 calories a day for like 40 days and and that's the diet danielle brandon was on she was eating like 1200 calories a day yeah i was not working out though i'll tell you that. Hey, is this lady, is she joking? Who's Caleb? I can't tell. I hope she's joking because if she's not, she'd be being serious looking in the mirror. Hey, can you see her picture? No, I'm not looking at my phone.
Starting point is 00:36:16 Oh, well, if it is Caleb's wife, he scored. That a girl. Yeah, man. I'm going to let you go. Hey, happy birthday, Saban. Happy 63rd. But yeah, man. I'm going to let you go. Damn. Hey, happy birthday, Savant. Happy 63rd. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, yeah. I feel like I'm 50. It's crazy. Yeah, it's great. Yeah, I think you're doing something right.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Maybe it's all those tests you're getting. Oh, hey, you know what? I got one more thing. No. No? If you're fat. No.
Starting point is 00:36:44 If you're fat, go on Barbell Jobs and search personal trainer or health coach. Give that a shot. Yes. Maybe. Maybe that'll work. Or if you're Savan and you're 65 years old and you need to become a little more mobile, search for a mobility coach.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Yes. Give that a shot. You're good, Doug. Go to Bar Double Job. Code Siobhan. It doesn't do anything, but give it a shot. Bye-bye. Bye, Logan.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Good morning. Two beavers on one podcast. Thank you. Well said, Heidi. Damn, that's good. Two beavers, one podcast. Okay, let's go back to the phone phone number okay let me i forget what the can you guys hear this the same attitude wouldn't that help oh no wait wait wait wait let me see
Starting point is 00:37:34 is there's there's i always hear um i always hear will brands that are tell Caleb, you have to check a certain box, but I don't see the box. So let's say I go stop sharing screen. Then I go share screen. Then I go share screen. And then I click on it. Oh, maybe I go to Chrome tabs. Oh, share to audio. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Share tab audio. Okay, here we go. Let me see if you guys can hear this. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:38:08 With that attitude, there's three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine levels ahead of him that he can get to. But what only happened if he goes back and digs in and remembers what it felt like to not quit until you crack the code to get to the next level. Can you guys hear that? Can someone tell me if you can hear that? He said, crack the code to get to the next level. Can anyone guys hear that? Can someone tell me if you can hear that? He said, crack the code to get to the next level. Can anyone hear that?
Starting point is 00:38:27 Oh, it's very quiet. Damn it. Oh yeah, you can? Jeff says, yes, you can. Can you or can't you? Now my comments are all jacked up. I can't even see the comments anymore. Sounds good.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Oh, okay, okay, okay. Let me see if I can refresh it and start from the beginning. Here we go. Patrick, bet, David. The same attitude of never can refresh it and start from the beginning. Here we go. Patrick, bet David. The same attitude of never quitting that helped him get to that position. If he continues with that attitude,
Starting point is 00:38:51 there's three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine levels ahead of him that he can get to. But what only happened if he goes back and digs in and remembers what it felt like to not quit until you crack the code to get to the next level. Very annoying. I'm telling you, very annoying because I'm a byproduct of 20 years every time not thinking I can get to the next level. And at one point I'm like, screw this next level. I'm content. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:39:16 no, we got to crack this code. And then you crack the code like shit. This is actually cool. This is actually interesting. But hopefully for you, I hope you're not yet at the point that you're quitting to upgrade to the next level. Yes, you may, maybe you're a little content right now. You need to hear this message. Hopefully this kind of pissed you off a little bit and inspired you to say, I'm done quitting at this level. Maybe I'm going to go 10 more levels before I quit. Great. Keep continuing to figure out how to get to the next level. You know, it's crazy about that. So could you guys hear that? Uh, him talking about going to the next level. You know what's crazy about that? So could you guys hear that? Him talking about going to the next level?
Starting point is 00:39:48 Oh, finishing up his book. What did you think, Bruce? Did you like it? Did you guys hear that about getting to the next level? I hope you did. The reason why that's so fascinating when I see something like that from him is because when he came on the show, it was one of those moments for me, right?
Starting point is 00:40:08 It's like I work, I work, I work, I work, I work, and then here's a guy who did the exact same thing. He works, he works, he works, he works. And I don't even know if work is the right – I don't even know if work is the right word, but there was some validation when he came on the show. At the very end of the show, I asked him why he came on, and it was cool. It was cool what he said. And what I thought I wrote him was sincere, but after I sent it, I'm like, holy shit. That's like – he's going to think I'm a complete fucking goofball. I want to tell you this for those of you who have kids with kids it's like that also there's this moment that your kids will be really really really bad
Starting point is 00:40:54 and you won't recognize them and then 30 seconds later they'll be asleep and for my kids that's like 90 of the time that they're ever bad in 30 seconds they're asleep so they could be screaming in the car about something just fucking i'm just like like, I don't even recognize my kid. What's he doing? This isn't Avi. And literally my wife will be like, Hey man, they're really tired. Just be chill. Go easy on them. And like literally 20 seconds later, they'll be asleep. And it's like that at home too. Eight 45 at night. I'm trying to brush someone's teeth. I'm trying to like corral them in bed. They're just bouncing off the walls. And my wife will remind me, hey, they're just really, really tired. And for some reason, when I saw that Patrick Bed David talking about that, it reminded me of that. It's really good when you're about to lose your shit on your kids or anyone to just take a ton of space. Usually you're so close. What is that statement that sunrise happens right before the darkest point of night? that sunrise happens right before the darkest point of night. And I think the human brain works like that too. Isn't it like as just before you fall asleep at night, your body's producing the
Starting point is 00:41:53 most amount of the chemical that's trying to keep you awake. And then all of a sudden it reaches a tipping point and you just fall asleep. And I think the same thing is when you wake up in the morning, that's why it's important to just to wake up naturally and comfortably because right when you wake up in the morning. That's why it's important to just to wake up naturally and comfortably because right when you wake up, there's, I guess there's some chemical your body puts out, puts out in your brain that keeps you asleep. And right before you wake up, it's putting out the most of that. So if you get up too early, you're crazy groggy because your brain's trying its hardest to keep you to sleep. The dark sunrise thing is bullshit. Oh, all right. Well, it sounds good. It doesn't matter whether it's bullshit or not sounds good you don't think it's darkest right before the sun comes up no
Starting point is 00:42:30 because yeah you're right i see what you're saying that wouldn't make sense it's got to be when it's equally distant from sunrise and sunset is that what you're saying somewhere in the middle there that's when it's the darkest that would make that because it's being blocked by the greatest portion of the earth is that is that what you're saying either way you're fucking up the story you guys want to see you guys want to see the youtube video for the rosa documentary it's so fucking funny can you imagine if you it's a movie talking about like the hope with greg glassman and and all the racists and everyone being gone and roses coming in as the savior. But it's so funny.
Starting point is 00:43:10 This guy's invested all – Ben Gar – let me see what this guy's name is. If you want to see the weirdest YouTube channel of someone who does the exact opposite of what a happy life is, this guy is just 100% blame. Blame, blame, blame blame blame blame blame blame all he can do is blame other people it's it's it's amazing let me see if i can see his name ben garves you can see him on youtube and he's got a blog um i don't even know if i should play it it's 58 seconds it's so fucking funny it is the wokest shit you've ever heard this guy's so fucking trapped in his head i wonder if people like this can ever wake up you guys want to see it you want oh do you want to see it uh bruce yes is that yes you do want to see it i can maybe i
Starting point is 00:44:00 can play let me see oh i go to share screen and then I go to tabs again chrome tab um there's something different about 2021 oh yeah here it is here it is here it is and here's what's fascinating to me what you're about to see this is what's so funny in 2019 I was just looking at it the other day and judging people by the colors of their skin in 2019 there were like i don't know in in the male competition there were like 13 black athletes and then there's like another 20 that i can't even tell what they are right i can't tell if they're asian or black or whatever they're from countries like i just i'm just not uh privy even with my vast background
Starting point is 00:44:45 of travel um to even know i can't even tell literally is that guy asian is that guy black i can't fucking tell right but in 2019 it was the most eclectic by color and fucking eye type and whatever the fuck you use to to tell the difference between people um that's ever been in the history of the crossfit games and that was was Greg Glassman's last year. It's so fucking funny. And, and then this year I think is the whitest year of all time. I mean,
Starting point is 00:45:15 imagine like those people, like there was a gym like rocket CrossFit that cared about, I bet you, I would like to know what, what the gay to straight ratio is now too. I'd like to know all of them and just be like, you fucking idiots. There was no one more inclusive than Greg Glassman, and there's a variety of reasons for that, and I can – I've gone over it a ton of times. Homeboy had a chip on his shoulder to help people.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Like it was one of his pathologies. He overcompensated he wanted to help to all those communities okay here you go this is this i'm gonna play it this is pretty funny if you guys can't hear it someone make a note in the comments and i'll just stop it 2020 changed everything we've grown as a community we have new leaders, new divisions, and a renewed purpose. We took a look at ourselves and decided we want to be different. We know what people see of our sport on TV. We have a larger community. No, actually, you have a smaller community.
Starting point is 00:46:18 We have new divisions. I thought the point was to reduce divisions. Or does he mean new divisions at the game? point was is to reduce divisions or does he mean new divisions at the game like now you can now you can uh compete if you're uh if you're uh they have a division for people who are albino with one arm he is not the same as what we live in the gym every day the support the diversity the diversity now it's less diverse than ever the CrossFit Games. Than ever. Than ever.
Starting point is 00:46:48 The 2009 CrossFit Games had, if you consider diversity by color or skin, which is, who knows what the fuck these people think. These racist fucks. But let's go on. Love, the inclusion, the humanity. The humanity? Venture capital? That's humanity? Venture capital? That's humanity? Are you out of your fucking mind?
Starting point is 00:47:10 This guy is such a tool. We want to empower worldviews and journeys we haven't empowered. We want to see different faces and hear different. You want to see different faces? You want to see different faces where? Go outside. Oh, thank God, Susie. You're here.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Dang. Did he show up? No. It's not a big deal, though. He's a good dude. I really don't... Thank you, John Young, for the happy birthday. John just texted me.
Starting point is 00:47:40 That's why I came on here to say happy birthday so everybody knew. Oh, thank you. Will you hang on one second? Let me play the rest of this. Yeah. Come on. Well, in 2021, isn't it time we started to tell a different story?
Starting point is 00:48:00 Have you seen this? This guy fucking has a Rosa documentary. How is he going to end it now? A Rosa documentary. How the fuck is that guy gonna end it oh my goodness oh where are you is that your gym across yeah yeah the uh limor president fire academy actually just walked out they're actually they're still driving away oh wait now you can't see it oh what tell me um i yes i am i'm fitty i'm fitty um so tell me so what's going on what what were you doing there the the with the fire department tell me yeah so it's a little more pleasant fire academy so they come into the gym uh two four days a week so these aren't firefighters these are due to wannabe
Starting point is 00:48:42 firefighters yeah they're still like they're on payroll and stuff because they got it with the academy it's it's five days a week long from uh 6 a.m to like 6 30 p.m oh shit for how long do they do that uh this one's accelerated so i think it's 10 weeks but sometimes it's a lateral academy meaning they're like firefighters from before it it's like eight to 10 weeks. And normally it would be like 22 to 18 weeks. Do they accelerate it because there's a shortage of dudes because they got booted because they weren't dudes weren't vaccinated? Whether you're practicing your morning breath work, waiting for your favorite artists to come on stage, or running errands at the perfect pace. Liquid IV powder
Starting point is 00:49:27 helps you turn ordinary water into extraordinary hydration, so you can live a more extraordinary life. Live more with Liquid IV Hydration Multiplier. Available in refreshing lemon, lime, passion fruit, and strawberry flavors. Buy a stick in store at Costco, Walmart,
Starting point is 00:49:44 Amazon, and other Canadian retailers. At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. I don't know if they got booed because they weren't vaccinated,
Starting point is 00:50:21 but they didn't have any hiring going on during COVID, that's for sure. Gotcha. Yeah. Oh, look, there's caleb too oh good job guys 48 minutes in fucking lost all the listeners already you guys are good dudes hey uh i saw you just um invited roger for the show tomorrow to confirm thanks for doing that uh just so you guys know roger boyer is coming on tomorrow he is. He lost 100 pounds. I think he thinks he's coming on to talk about the great work he's doing in Canada with the indigenous people. But I'm more interested in his 100-pound weight loss. I mean, I'm interested in both.
Starting point is 00:51:01 I love the spread of CrossFit to people who – to new people. I don't give a shit who it is. I love the spread of it. Oh my goodness, so many people are wishing me happy birthday in my text. That is so nice. Wow. That's why Caleb and I came on here to bail you out for a minute
Starting point is 00:51:19 and say happy birthday. Do we need to just break out in song? Please. Caleb, happy birthday do we need to just break out in song or please uh caleb can i um god my computer situation's all screwed up did you hear me complaining about that um yeah i'm out go ahead caleb i heard you complaining about it on my way home yeah oh hey is that girl your wife yeah holy shit good job dude was it genie yeah yeah that's her yeah that dress is crazy that's her picture that's her linkedin photo it's no shit holy shit that's a great dress um it's like a summer dress right it's like yeah it's so cool it's pretty it's pretty hot yeah send me a link to that i'm gonna get that for my wife okay it's
Starting point is 00:52:13 probably on amazon or something honestly even better cheaper the better so if she doesn't want it anymore just send it over to me you have my address okay yeah yeah hey i got my um um i got my ceo shirt did you get yours caleb not yet mail doesn't come till later today so oh yeah you're in the military i think you guys are like second class citizens you guys don't get it till we get everything last everything just shows up last like i swear the delivery guy shows up at like 10 p.m sometimes and sometimes on sunday they'll just like oh yeah we forgot about you on saturday so we'll just deliver it on sunday um want to become famous by followers primes viewers on so when i see this i what do i how
Starting point is 00:53:00 do i block that dude oh i can't block block him. I don't think you can block it. Oh, that's a trip. Maybe that's how everybody gets their followers. Maybe we need to start looking into that. Maybe that's... My Sevan Matosin account is just plummeting. I wonder if it's because I'm not buying followers. Probably. Yeah, it has nothing to do with the shadow ban.
Starting point is 00:53:22 That's for sure. Hey, Caleb, are you staying on for a while? Yeah, I can stay on for a little bit. Can I send you my notes? Sure. And then we do some – I'm only going to stay on for another 30 minutes, 40 minutes. Yeah, that's the CEO shirt. It's dope right that is dope it's a good picture it's a great picture it is i just took it while i was sitting watching my son play tennis
Starting point is 00:53:52 the sun flare the sun flare really does it yeah that's just a filter it's not a real sun flare no it is it is it is it is the sun's setting behind me i'm sitting there oh my gosh and i think it's a great i think it's a great angle of my nose It is. The sun's setting behind me. I'm sitting there. Oh my gosh. And I think it's a great, I think it's a great angle of my nose. Kelly. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Hello. I knew it wasn't. You're not Kelly. Are you? No. Yeah. I think I called him last time. And he asked about Kelly.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Oh yeah. That's right. Cause my caller ID. Yeah. Does Kelly wear summer dresses? Uh, my mom. Oh, but yeah. Yeah. Does Kelly wear summer dresses? My mom. Oh, but yeah. How old's your, how old's your mom? She's 55.
Starting point is 00:54:32 Ah, right. Right. My, right. My age range, right. My age range. Please send her a link to the show. As of today. I will. I think you'd be proud. I think you'd be proud of your mom. If, if me and her were dating, is she with your dad still? Yeah,
Starting point is 00:54:48 she's with my dad. Maybe you wouldn't be proud of her. Nevermind. We're off to a rough start. I could just be a neighbor who admires your mom. And that, that makes your dad realize how good he has it. He needs that.
Starting point is 00:55:03 He needs that. A little reality check. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Everyone needs that he needs that little reality check yeah yeah yeah everyone needs that like you haven't looked at your wife like like she's a piece of meat in a month and you see some other dude looking at like a piece of meat you're like shit i better start looking at her like a piece of meat start buying her flowers something get a fork put a fork in it yeah hey uh i want to can you see your screen, Mr. Fink? No, I'm on the phone, but I can – I'm actually on my office, so I can pull it up where I can. I wonder if – oh, shoot. So now I can't see. Wow, shit. I need to see my notes too.
Starting point is 00:55:45 There is a – Caleb, did you get the – Yes, I got them. Okay, down on the bottom there somewhere, it says it wasn't an apple. Do you see that? It wasn't an apple. It's an Instagram. I saw this yesterday. I was dying.
Starting point is 00:56:03 I don't know how i never thought of this oh it that one got removed oh it did yeah are you kidding me yeah i got a 404 page and i found oh shit can you google that and see it wasn't an apple and see what you find just you can look it up yeah it wasn't an apple oh it's it's an epic photo. Okay, caller, what's up, brother? How are you? I'm good, I'm good. Are you calling to save the show or what's up? Just to say hi, just to call in.
Starting point is 00:56:35 I actually started a book today called The Art of Seeing. Very interesting. Who's the author? Aldous Huxley. Oh, damn. He wrote Brave New World. Yes, sir. And The Doors ofuxley. Oh, he, uh, he wrote brave new world. Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:56:46 I know the doors of perception. Yep. Yep. Yep. I read brave new world in college. I mean, it wasn't for college, but I was in college and I read a great book.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Changed my perspective on a lot of things. Art of seeing, uh, it, well, if you know, like, I don't know how much you know about him or not,
Starting point is 00:57:03 but he was, it is a generative degenerative eye condition to where he was almost he's pretty much legally blind and he talks about how the conventional
Starting point is 00:57:14 methods of like wearing glasses is just masking the symptoms but you can actually train yourself train your eyes to
Starting point is 00:57:21 adapt to see like to relearn how to see properly it's really interesting do you wear glasses? So, bring your eyes to adapt to see, like, to relearn how to see properly. It's really interesting. Do you wear glasses? I used to wear glasses. Did you practice the protocol and you got it?
Starting point is 00:57:38 Actually, that's why I started this book. Like, I just stopped wearing them. And, like, I just didn't feel like like i felt like my eyesight was getting worse like it was degenerating like nothing was being done to like retrain my eyes so to speak it's like kind of like if you break your leg you're not going to go around on crushes the rest of your life or you might have to but you can learn how to like rehab it and you know the eyes are part of the body, just like anything else.
Starting point is 00:58:07 And he's basically saying that through this method, but it's called the Bates method. You can like retrain the connection and the pathways on how to, how to see, which I think it's really interesting. Yeah, that is interesting. I just started it.
Starting point is 00:58:21 So I didn't get into the exercise part of it, like actually how to do it. I just read the first couple chapters of the philosophy behind it. I suspect that there's some truth to it. I do too. Because it's just the orthodox method of looking at it is, you know, there's nothing that can be done with your eyes basically like oh you have to wear glasses the rest of your life but whereas if you have something else that's wrong with you like say a heart condition like oh go exercise more or change your diet like there's
Starting point is 00:58:57 but somehow with the eyes like the only body part that they that are just sliding off is you can't fix it. You can't cure it. Um, there is a, uh, I was in, um, uh, Africa once I was in South Africa once. And, um, uh, with Greg and, and a bunch of people from CrossFit, we were meeting with Tim Noakes and there were some really, really amazing people at that meeting. And there were these two. Ophthalmologists. Is that, are those the eye doctors? And there were these two ophthalmologists. Are those the eye doctors?
Starting point is 00:59:27 Optometrists. And I was sitting at the table with them, and we were talking, and they were basically saying that inflammation is the cells holding water, I guess. And when your cells in your eyes, when you're inflamed and the cells in your eyes hold water, it puts a false curvature in the lens of the eye, whatever that is, in some components of the eye whatever that is in some components of the eye and that's what causes people to uh get bad vision and they said basically if you go into ketosis and you basically get you know get off the the carbs refined carbs and added sugars your body you'll drop a lot of water and uh and your vision will get better and that is actually
Starting point is 01:00:02 when i when i was doing hardcore carnivore for about a month i stopped wearing my glasses for a couple weeks it was crazy all my everything got good another thing that's a trip is my my my close vision is amazing like like if i want to like i can see like every little fingerprint in my hand yeah but i need my glasses kind of to see a little more far away but yeah yeah it's like once i've changed my diet up a lot that helped too like i started i intermittent fast and then i also like cut out corn syrup and all that stuff like all the processed foods like reduce that inflammation travis if you spell my name wrong, you don't need to correct it. I mean, you can correct it. But if you do, it's fine.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Hey, so you called in with nothing to say just to call in? I mean, I like our talk. I'm just wondering. I like our talk. I guess just to call in. I'm about to go. I just cleaned up some cat throw up.
Starting point is 01:01:07 And I'm going to go. Oh, dude. That's crazy. You say that because literally I think it was yesterday's show or the day before. It's like seconds before I'm on the air. I'm on my hands and knees with resolve cleaning dog vomit. My kids eat these sogo snacks and they leave the wrapper around and my dog eats it at night and then in the morning throws them up i so hope they don't kill my dog but um but i think people only knew like like what i did just 30 seconds before we went live on there i've been cleaning up so much dog vomit lately yeah and it got in between the jiu-jitsu mats at our house and i had to lift up all the mats and it was like early in the morning and my back was hurting it was a mess
Starting point is 01:01:49 what do you what do you use what chemical do you use do you use a chemical or just water and soap what do you use to clean up the dog puke was it on the hardwood floors or carpet or where was it it was so half of it was on carpet half of it was on the hardwood floor i was like sleeping and i heard her throwing up so i like picked her up and just threw her onto the hardwood floor. I was like sleeping and I heard her throwing up. So I like picked her up and just threw her onto the hardwood floor. Yeah. That's the worst sound in the middle of the night.
Starting point is 01:02:14 My girlfriend makes like an all-purpose cleaner. Kind of like, I don't know what she uses, but sometimes I just have to use like, I don't even know, like a little bit of bleach, but I mostly just use it's like vinegar, water.
Starting point is 01:02:27 And I don't know what you put in it, like in this bottle. I want to address that one second. Thank you, Jeffrey. That's the kind of thing later on today. My mom's going to send me like a link explaining that all to me. Watch because I used it wrong. You're right. It wasn't a it was that it was in.
Starting point is 01:02:43 I can't pronounce that word. Ophthalmologist is like diseases of the eye and optometrist is just glasses. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Then he was an ophthalmologist, ophthalmologist, ophthalmologist. Yeah, that's what he was. What kind of protection do you and your girlfriend use? Contraception? Absinthe. No shit. No. protection do you and your uh girlfriend use contraception abstinence no shit no
Starting point is 01:03:08 i mean i asked because i wonder because i wonder if you're using natural products in the like i want like you know she's making her own cleaner like it's called the it's called the pull and pray you know you uh you hit the nail on the head like like she tracks everything like she's not on birth control so like she knows her her timing and everything so does she ever say to you that she feels her um ovulation like you ever be like oh shit i feel the egg yeah oh yeah yeah she knows like she she has everything like trapped she's like an ass too what'd you say she's got a great ass she's got she has an application that tracks it oh yeah yeah are you guys catholic and that no no okay okay well that's cool good on you that sounds like it sounds
Starting point is 01:04:02 like you got a good one that's a keeper you know why that's a good one because that that's cool. Good on you. That sounds like, it sounds like you got a good one. That's a keeper. You know why that's a good one? Cause that that's what you want taking care of your kids. You want a wife who's like, Hey, I don't think we should be washing the kids clothes with tide. Hey, like, like you want a woman who's like thinking of that shit. Like even if they're wrong, like that's like, those are the things that you should, you're the person who's nurturing. Your kids should be on high alert for.
Starting point is 01:04:23 Yeah. She's amazing yeah she she actually works i like commented a while ago but she works at a methadone clinic as a counselor she's in a like an addiction counselor wow she goes she gets gets her like 4 45 a.m to 1 p.m and then she's getting her master's degree and uh she wants to be a licensed mental health counselor so she's she's one in a million for sure have you taken methadone? no me neither
Starting point is 01:04:54 I need to I haven't either that's where we met actually no I'm kidding yeah have you seen the interview of Vladi Divac that's where he met actually no I'm kidding yeah have you seen the interview of Vladi Divac Novak Djokovic
Starting point is 01:05:12 explaining he would never take the vaccine even if it cost him not going to Wimbledon I don't know if I've seen it but I'm so impressed by him I'm so impressed by him I'm so impressed by him did you get the vaccine yet brother oh i got my 10 booster shot did you and the vaccine no no not at all what do you do that
Starting point is 01:05:38 you're able to not get it didn't your job require it or don't you want to go to like i want to go see world cup or something no i work for a chiropractor oh those guys are straight wackadoodles they they don't most of those guys don't believe in any of that shit huh yeah yeah so that's that's what i'm in so i want to i want to be a chiropractor but i work at a chiropractor's office right now and it's pretty you know it's obviously it's holistic so you're not going to really get anyone trusting those like the pharmaceutical companies or that right the allopathic model allopathic someone needs to look that up uh well that's where you get it i think lasik would have been 4k for both eyes so i had a friend who took like 20 of us um on a trip to the middle of the country somewhere to visit an eye
Starting point is 01:06:26 doctor who would do all of us lasik for free and the only two people who didn't i think three people didn't didn't take him up on his offer i went on the trip but like 17 of the group got lasik and it was the guy who offered to pay for it all myself and my wife who were the three that didn't get it and i just i just can't trust that shit either someone putting a laser in my eye to help me see again like yeah i don't i don't trust it and i can't totally be wrong i could totally be wrong i don't and that's fine i don't really know a lot about it i don't know yeah so there's this i don't know too much about it there's this picture this is a kind of a fascinating picture right here, by the way. I looked up. It wasn't an apple.
Starting point is 01:07:13 And this picture came up. Oh, I saw that when you posted it. Now I know which picture you're talking about. Yeah, do you? Yeah. I do. I don't know what – this is a detail of Michelangelo's fresco in the Vatican Sistine Chapel depicting the fall of man and expulsion from the Garden of Eden. And what's fascinating here is look where her head is next to his dick. Probably just a coincidence.
Starting point is 01:07:37 Yeah, probably. Probably. um but what's what's interesting is that the picture i saw recently is it showed a woman standing and it was eve and it showed a man with her his head in her crotch and it was a really cool pencil drawing maybe it's in my story um and uh and it said it says just the caption blows it wasn't an apple and i was like how did i never think of that how did I never think of that? How did I never think of that? I mean, that sounds right up my alley. All right. Well, thanks for calling in.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Appreciate it. Yes. Thank you. I enjoy your show. Happy birthday. Thank you, brother. Thank you. Tell your mom I said hi.
Starting point is 01:08:20 I do. Peace, guys. Peace. I'll see you later. Savon, call me later. Happy birthday. Okay, bye. Thank you. thank you thanks Susan for checking in bye guys
Starting point is 01:08:27 it was like you and Susan came to the rescue like the cavalry is that what it's called cavalry check out this can you play the Teasdale video it's a little long some of you are going to get triggered right away just suspend
Starting point is 01:08:44 your getting triggered until you get to the very end. Is it the one in your story? Yeah, but it's also – there's a link in the – it is in my story, but there's also a link in the email. This one's really going to – this one really bugs some people that I reposted this. Check this one really bugs some people that i reposted this check this one out for you to walk into your god powers you must accept the fact that you are god whatever that word god means if you want to accept the fact that you're infinite intelligence or you want to accept the fact that you're all knowing you want to accept the fact that you are source or you want to accept the fact that you're all-knowing, you want to accept the fact that you are source or you are the universe or you are a bundle of energy within an energetic frequency matrix creating all of this.
Starting point is 01:09:33 Whatever you want or you want to just accept ultimate control of your reality, whatever construct you have, the first thing that is necessary is for you to accept and take responsibility for everything in your reality. That's good. That's good. So he says that, right? And people are going to be like, that's blasphemy. You're not God, blah, blah, blah. You can just start pushing back all the way. And then right before he gets to the punchline at the end, he says, and if you don't like, like the way I first described it, you can just rephrase it as, hey, if you just want to have control of your reality. everything around you. And we would have to look up the exact word of responsibility and that could be a whole show. I should have them on and we can talk about what responsibility means. But it's not to say that everything around you is your fault, but it's that you take responsibility for it. It's like thoughts. Every thought of yours is not you, but every thought of yours is your
Starting point is 01:10:40 responsibility. And responsibility, the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or having control over someone right okay so uh the state or fact of being accountable or to blame for something so you don't have to argue with him you don't have to be like no you're not god you don't have all you have to do is be like, he told you how to do it. You can just be like, Hey, I took personal responsibility and accountability for everything in my life. And you're right, Ronnie, I turned into God. Or you can say, Hey, Ronnie, I took personal accountability and responsibility for everything in my life. And I didn't turn into God. You're wrong. You don't even have to argue with him. He tells you, he, you don't, you don't have to have faith. You don't have to believe him. He tells you, Hey, if you don't have to have faith you don't have to believe him he tells you
Starting point is 01:11:25 hey if you mix this egg with this flour and this sugar and put it in the oven for two hours you will have a cake and you're sitting there being like offended by it and be like fuck no no you won't well just try it he just told you how to do it you don't have to argue with them you don't have to be triggered by it and i think it's just fascinating it's so it's so awesome most people won't even make it to the end of that those of you who want to get triggered but don't have to be triggered by it. And I think it's just fascinating. It's so awesome. Most people won't even make it to the end of that, those of you who want to get triggered. But don't let it trigger you. Don't let it trigger you. They're just words.
Starting point is 01:11:54 Go ahead. It's interesting that he posed it that way, though. Instead of, like, I don't want to say normal people, but other people would have posed it like the way to take control of your life is by taking responsibility of everything you're saying. Yes. But the way that he posed it, I think that was – I just thought it found that interesting instead of – Well said. Like he knows he's being provocative. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:15 And it's almost tongue-in-cheek a little bit. Yeah. I guess I kind of like that because I like doing that too. I kind of like that because I like doing that too. Yeah. And I guess it almost brings into question like, okay, then you're, you're forcing people to question like,
Starting point is 01:12:28 okay, so then what is like, what is God? What is the definition of God? Who is that? What is my definition of it? How do I grow off of this? Like,
Starting point is 01:12:37 what do I consider my faiths? Yes. Yes. Hey dude, I found it. Nice. I found it. i can't believe it i can't believe it i want to make it big first okay here we go i saw this and i was just like wow how did i not i used to draw i wish i would have i used to draw a. I used to spend fucking 12 hours a day drawing. And I wish,
Starting point is 01:13:08 I wish I would have, uh, I mean, look how happy she is. Yeah, that is a very good point. Everybody deserves it. It's like,
Starting point is 01:13:19 uh, and I love the drawing too on his back i like the line oh here we go here we go i love the lines on his back just how the shadows i just love everything about that he i i his butt's a little flat um but that's a real woman right there hello Hello, Mars. They weren't weight training back then. No. What's up? What's up? Mars. Lars. Mars.
Starting point is 01:13:50 Mars. Lars. Can you hear me? Can you hear me now? Oh, yeah, better. Yeah, okay. Okay. I'm listening and I'm hand free and I wanted to text you something.
Starting point is 01:14:02 So I'm going to call you and it's related to what you're talking about. Okay. Okay. So I'm just to call you and it's related to what you're talking about. Okay. Okay. So I'm just going to real quick. That thing you were talking about and the way to do, uh, to quote, become like God or whatever is to have full responsibility. Right.
Starting point is 01:14:14 That's what you're talking about earlier. See, see, yeah. And, I wanted to text you and I don't care if you pull it up or not, but there's an Akira the Don song. It's a Dutch DS piece, quote.
Starting point is 01:14:29 And it's every man is responsible for everything that happens to him and everything that happens to everyone else. Oh, wow. But in the beginning, it's the actual Dutch DS quote. And it starts off, it's like, there's only one way to salvation, and it's to something, but it's essentially take complete responsibility. So what that guy is saying, I mean, it's not necessarily, not that it's not legitimate because it's not new, but anyways, I don't know if you guys want
Starting point is 01:14:58 to pull that up. You can, doesn't matter, but you won't get copyright struck if you do. I'm gonna let you go. See ya. All right. Thank you. There's only one way to salvation, and that is to make yourself responsible for all men's sins. As soon as you make yourself responsible in all sincerity for everything and for everyone, you will see at once that it is really so. And that's the thing, man. Like, you can't argue this. You either have to do it or not do it, but they're telling you – he's telling you how to do it. And so you can test it out yourself if you want. Logan's background noises now are more annoying than O'Keefe's.
Starting point is 01:15:36 Yeah, I know. That's what I think. Cows being slaughtered. That's what it sounds like. Uh-oh. Anyway, what he contributed was good good and it was cool that he got off really quick uh my friend uh brandon just wished me a happy birthday happy birthday old friend 50 today crazy so crazy so fun though do you feel 50 oh well no uh i don't even know how to i don't know i don't know i don't know can i tell you tomorrow sure 50 in a day i mean just the mornings are tough for me man mornings the first 30 minutes are so tough for me i'm so fucking stiff but then i'm go ahead what are you gonna do you gonna eat a pound of raw beef again or
Starting point is 01:16:26 how are you gonna celebrate um for sure we'll do that i've been doing that almost every day but um what i what i'll tell you this is so a friend of mine on monday had ordered had ordered a party to be catered for 50 people and he never used it he's like hey i'm not gonna be in town and i'm canceling my party i'm like okay he's like do you I'm like, sure. So I just had to move to my house for Wednesday. That's today. Fuck yeah. That's crazy. Right? I mean, it couldn't, like, he just called me on Mondays. I'll do it. I got a big favor to ask you or maybe Sunday night. He's Sunday night. He called me. He goes, I got a big favor to ask him like what he goes tomorrow morning at my fucking house. I'm having a huge party, but I'm not going not going to be in town he's like so you can invite over whoever you want i was
Starting point is 01:17:07 like okay so then i called the caterer and i was like hey what's up you're having a huge party at that house tomorrow night and he goes no no it's tuesday night i'm like well shit can you move it to wednesday night and he goes sure i'm like can you move it to my house he goes no problem nice yeah cool right that's awesome i am calling i am still doing that i'm doing um uh last night um what did i do last night for a workout last night i had a good workout oh no it was okay last night i did um i've been benching a lot so my push-ups are getting crazy it's kind of crazy how it it uh it goes to it but i did uh 20 cows on the assault bike and 15 uh push-ups and 10 strict pull-ups for 10 rounds.
Starting point is 01:17:45 And then when I got done, I ate a half pound of ground beef with salt and honey and butter. My wife blends it in the food processor, a pound of ground beef. She used to use a third a cube of butter. Now I have her switch to like a quarter. And then I just smear it out onto a plate plate put sprinkled salt on it and put a little honey yeah yeah yeah you guys are all invited any anyone can come to my house and party it's gonna be fun i might even i might even break out the whiskey uh that one nutrition lady said not to add honey just watery sugar oh is that what she said
Starting point is 01:18:22 explain that to me watery sugar what do you mean by that? I heard her say no honey, but I just, I just can't, I should try maple syrup, Bruce. You're right. Or are you going to say Caleb? Sorry. No, that's just what, I mean, honey is basically just watered down sugar essentially, or I guess. Yeah. It's a, um, I, you know, it's, I know I, but I probably should, Travis, you know what it is too.
Starting point is 01:18:50 It's, um, there's a, if I, if I lay, so, so it's kind of a misnomer to call it a nap and sleep, but every day at some point during the day, in the middle of the day, I lie down on my back and, um, and I do something called energy body. It's basically for whatever that's worth. That's a whole nother subject. I do something called energy body and you could consider just meditation. And if I do that for like 30 minutes, um, I feel great. And sometimes, um, when I, in the middle of the night, like if I'm asleep for like four hours and I get up in the middle of the night to pee or I hear a noise or something, my back never hurts. So I have this theory that there becomes a point where I've been lying down too long that my back starts to hurt. It's some fucked up position I've been. I've tried different beds. I don't use a pillow at night. I sleep on my back. on my back. I never even try to go to sleep, which is something I need to find someone else who's like that. I never, ever try to go to sleep. It makes no sense to me when someone says I can't
Starting point is 01:19:50 fall asleep. I have no issue. I have no interest in going to sleep ever. I just want to lie down. I want to stay conscious. I have no interest in ever going unconscious, but I do. Don't get me wrong. I do, but I just try to lie there and just pay attention to shit. Cultivate awareness. But anyway, so I think that there's a point where I'm in that position too long, and I'm toast. So I reached out to the owner of Life is RX, the head honcho over there, the founder, Marcus. And I told him that – or I asked him. I told him. I asked him. Let's go with I asked him.
Starting point is 01:20:33 Sounds nicer. If we could get – if I could get wristbands made with the same material these Victos wristbands are made, but it said CEO here. Let me know. And then this side, just the logo. Not with the roots. You know the more – oh, the logo up there in the top of the show. Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:54 Yeah. Like these things? Yeah. These things are like so – these are the thickest wristbands ever. I know people always ask why I wear these. I wear these for the exact opposite reason most people i think wristbands are supposed to be like if you're sweaty right for keeping sweat off your hands but i use them to stay warm so as soon as i start to get sweaty is when i take them off 95 uh let me see the makeup with 95 polyester 5 rubber chassis i guess oh this this is gonna be good this guy's gonna have a strong accent let's see polyester 5% rubber chassis? I guess.
Starting point is 01:21:27 Oh, this is going to be good. This guy's going to have a strong accent. Let's see. Bradley, good morning. Yvonne, how's it going? Oh, you don't have an accent. I mean, everything's great. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:41 No, I don't. I don't have a little coon-ass accent like you might think. I just thought it was going to be crazy strong, and I'd be like, what? What'd you say? Nah. Yeah, no, I called back whenever the Eric Rosa drama started, and I went on a little rant, and all my friends gave me shit about it. So I said, you know what, I might as well just call in and try to, like, you know, save face space for myself what was the rant you went on hey hold on one second jeff did
Starting point is 01:22:11 you really back squat 403 that is nuts okay sorry what was the rant you went on um it was when they like uh when eric rosa fired castro um and i, I was like, what the fuck's going on? All that stuff like that. You know? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You're an affiliate owner. Yeah, yeah. Affiliate owner. Hey, it wasn't, it wasn't a shiny moment for me, for me either. Some people very close to me are like, dude, you've lost your fucking mind. And I, and even if, even if I, even if like, I just had to push back on that too i was like i didn't
Starting point is 01:22:47 like usually if someone gives me um feedback i reflect but i was like fuck you and lose shit fuck off yeah no i i told him i was like look it is what it is like that's how that's how i like my voice my opinion and like well i'm gonna rock thing, you know? So it's all good though. Let's reflect for a minute. Just for sake. I think it's safe to say that the – holy shit. That old fucker did that. That's crazy. I don't think I can back squat half that much right now.
Starting point is 01:23:20 I mean, I squat a lot, but I do not squat heavy. Jesus, dude. You got a solid squat too. Yeah. Sorry, Bradleyley we're just watching a dude squat oh yeah he's a savage dude's a fucking tank that's fucking awesome oh my god i'm gonna have to do some weighted muscle-ups today or something i gotta do something um but but let's reflect for a second. So he said a gym called Rocket CrossFit that doesn't allow people who – a gym named Rocket CrossFit in Washington who's run by a girl who's clearly got some fucking serious fucking issues. I think her boyfriend owned it, but she would act like she was the owner. I think we even paid her to write something for the journal once, and she didn't do it. And two other times we didn't pay her, but she, but she wanted to write for the journal.
Starting point is 01:24:07 She was into always constantly talking about sex. That was like her favorite thing. I want to say her name was something Royce. Anyway, this, this late, she tried to tell the world that she was the moral compass for CrossFit. Anyway, just some, just some psycho that there's a lot of fucking weirdos out there. Tons and tons and tons. And she had, and this this gym is like like just covered in rainbows and unicorns right they love the gay community and that's like sort of their identity like like when i was in
Starting point is 01:24:33 college and i love malcolm x and everything i wore i wore the malcolm x shirt like that kind of shit and so she she um now they have now their gym allows anyone to work out there because it's the most accepting gym ever unless you're not vaccinated so so they really are a segregationist gym and their identity is so rooted in their sexuality that that that they're not accepting do you know what i mean like when you're when you're when you're when you have an identity that's so rooted in one thing let's say just being a vegetarian then you don't accept people who aren't vegetarian it's it's amazing so when you have an identity that's so rooted in accepting everyone basically you just let's say just being a vegetarian, then you don't accept people who aren't vegetarian. It's amazing. So when you have an identity that's so rooted in accepting everyone, basically you just don't accept people who don't accept people.
Starting point is 01:25:13 And it's like, what the fuck is good as that? So she called Greg a racist. Greg told her to shut the fuck up. And people were like, how dare you talk to someone like that? And let me tell you, it's not a big deal anymore to be called racist, but five years ago it was the worst thing you could call someone yeah it was worse than calling someone a kike the worst the worst thing you could call someone is a racist no one would would would no one wanted to be called that it is the worst there's no word no spic no nigger no kike the worst thing you could call someone is racist they people hated it you would you would it it it's so offensive because no one wants to be that not because they really care if they're racist or not but they're afraid of how the society will
Starting point is 01:25:55 judge them okay so so she calls greg racist and of course greg responds in the right appropriate way you know the knee-jerk reaction when someone called you racist five years ago is to be like fuck off and um now so so then the floyd 19 thing happens greg sells the company and he's rich as shit then the pandemic happens floyd 19 by the way was just to protect black people if that's how you view the world in white and black it was to tell the whole world, hey, you do not want the same idiots who gave us the guidelines for COVID because it was the Imperial College or the Evergreen College in Washington,
Starting point is 01:26:33 maybe both of them, to give us the guidelines for how to deal with racism. Racism. Right. Yeah. And so it was a protection for them, but it was misunderstood and he got away fucking richer than fucking God at the fucking perfect time, right?
Starting point is 01:26:49 Because this shit, CrossFit can't be worth more than $20 million today. What a fucking disaster it's become. 240, 280,000 people entered the Open. Please, what a joke. What a joke. That's how many people? 240? Yeah. They got rid of Pukie.
Starting point is 01:27:05 They got rid of Forging Elite Fitness. They got rid of Pukie. They got rid of Forging Elite Fitness. They got rid of Dave Castro. The guy that fired Dave Castro is no longer there. Ironically, a white Jew. I love me some white Jew, but just the irony in it, right? Fires the fucking Mexican SEAL Team 6 operator. Like, hardcore Mexican. Like, Watsonville. Like, for those of you northern california people know like like vatos cholos tell us how you feel color shit then the and an american patriot
Starting point is 01:27:34 um then you have um the new guys this white guy justin berg the tall handsome white guy the whole fucking no one on the no one on the c-suite does crossfit i don't think and by by doesn't do it i mean like like like like how we do it like how we just saw jeff doing it like they're just out there fucking grinding every day they don't even have a fucking life it's just jesus and crossfit all day now the games doesn't doesn't have a fucking like how many black dudes are in the games this year or last year was it chandler smith gee yeah i mean hey i can't talk i'm going to war i'm going to war i'm on a you should hey if you're my friend you should be fucking watching the podcast people my fucking best friends call me during the fucking podcast how about fuck you i'm gonna for that. I should never yell at that guy.
Starting point is 01:28:34 Um, uh, so I'm in big trouble. I'm in big trouble. He did just text me. Oh, Nelly. Uh, and, and, and the women, I don't even think, I don't even think there is, I don even think there's any black women CrossFitters left. But look at 2019. When the racist man was running the company, it was just fucking reigning Asians and Mexicans and Arabs and blackies and a handful of whiteys. You guys really fucked up. You guys really fucked up. You guys really fucked up.
Starting point is 01:29:08 They fucking fired the fucking Armenian. My people, my people, you fired the Armenian, you fucking jackasses. And I just can't believe Rosa fired Dave and now Dave, and then he got fired. I just can't even even it's so weird you know we had something like that happen across when i was there plan we had something weird happen like that across there so there was the ceo that came after greg that greg put into power and he was the ceo for like a year and a half he was horrible he was the guy that fired the whole media department he's screwed everything up anyway that guy then um so that
Starting point is 01:29:46 guy then fired this guy bruce edwards who is the chief operations officer for crossfit he was to be completely fair to bruce he was like the only adult who worked at crossfit he was like so fucking mature he was so fucking cool he was so fucking even keeled he was equanimity and this guy bruce edwards i think he was like third employee at west marine and ended up becoming their chief operations officer and took it from just a small company in santa cruz to an 800 million dollar company and he did crossfit of course and uh basically so then bruce ended up coming to crossfit and um this this piece of shit ceo fired bruce and a few months after bruce was fired i think this some of the details may be a little blurry with this i have to go back and look at my notes but then greg called the ceo
Starting point is 01:30:34 of the time who was bruce edwards who had been fired and he said to bruce i think was on a friday hey i want you to fire the ceo bruce is like but I don't work for you. He's like, it's okay. I'll give you pay your day rate. So the guy that fired Bruce, the CEO was then, um, Bruce was then brought back for two or three days to fire the CEO. And I think the CEO figured that out because the following Monday he quit. So Bruce didn't get a chance to fire him, but it was so bizarre that he fired our operations officer, the CEO, and then Greg called the operations officer to fire the CEO.
Starting point is 01:31:09 It was so weird. Anyway, that guy quit, then Dave became the CEO, and then we started rebuilding, and then the Floyd 19 thing happened, and then Greg got super rich and left. Guys, guys, you're my second friend who's called. You should be watching the show. I'm doing a podcast now, and if you're my friend and you have my own personal phone number, you should be supporting me. Even if you're not watching the podcast, you should at least play it. Get the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 01:31:37 Don't forget to like and subscribe. I'm just running out of friends today. I'm just running out of friends today. So, Siobhan, real quick, I wanted to ask you. Yeah, yeah, sorry. So how do you want to redeem yourself? Because you were right all along. It's batshit crazy what happened.
Starting point is 01:31:53 It's batshit crazy. So it's funny, right? So you used to put out some videos. And that guy just texted me too. Sorry, go ahead so you used to put out some videos uh of uh on your your uh instagram of your three boys playing or whatever and it was all about like letting them play and letting them do and let them learn by their own experiences everything like that was kind of that's kind of how you know i take that kind of mindset i have two little girls and i kind of
Starting point is 01:32:25 let them just kind of learn on their own right guide them in the direction that they go uh let them be free as far as what they want to do they made mistakes they made mistakes it's not that big of a deal right um so i try to reflect back on myself um on on learning from them just to become a better individual right uh. Uh, I run my gym and I have a couple other businesses. Um, but it gets to a point, right? Like when you're running these businesses and you have employees that work for you, um, and the, the younger generation that, that we work with nowadays, um, they weren't built on that, right? They were, everything was kind of built on like they
Starting point is 01:33:05 were always given that that thing right oh you deserve this or you deserve this and you deserve this what a weird word right what a weird word deserves what a weird word yeah that word in fair tripped me out it's not fair i deserve this i'm like whoa whoa whoa what the fuck are we talking about yeah and i try to reflect back on that. It was like, I tried teaching the kids that work for me, you know, I have 15 employees. They're all college high school kids that work under me. And I try to explain to them like, Hey, like you don't deserve, uh, to have this job or you don't deserve to get paid the amount of money that I pay you. I pay you more than what you should be getting paid,
Starting point is 01:33:46 but, you know, that's the generosity that I'm doing. But at the same time, like, you have a responsibility, and they don't understand what, and you were just talking about responsibility before. They don't understand what responsibility is. And it's just trying to just mold them into a direction and kind of understand them because they're not being taught, right? They're not properly being taught to be responsible
Starting point is 01:34:13 in their actions and everything like that. So it's just one of those things I was trying to reflect back on and I was like, man, like, you know, I am me based off of how i was raised and how my mom raised me um but she taught me the proper way of going about it right now and uh how did she teach you that how did she teach you that i don't think my parents well my parents were just hard workers they didn't teach me yeah they didn't teach well i guess you could say that's what taught me that. My stepmom told me one time, and I really appreciated her doing this. She said – she broke the word responsibility down as your ability to respond. I like thinking of responsibility as two words, your response ability.
Starting point is 01:35:00 So you know what I mean? Like an old lady falls down,'s your responsibility like how are you able to respond to that um stand from afar call for help run over and pick her up but what who do you like it's like it's an important thing to think about right what is your response ability your neighbor's house is on fire do you call the fire department and grab a hose or do you just call the fire department and get your kids out like what is your responsibility or do you just sit there and blame people no can't do that i mean that's a form of responsibility too like my level of responsibility like that guy i brought up earlier that that ben garvis guy or the guy who's making the rose movie his ability to respond is just to blame people
Starting point is 01:35:39 i mean he that's all he does yeah and that's and i think. And I think that's a characteristic of how kids are always, you know, generation now is it's always like what somebody else did, right? You got to reprimand an employee because they're not following, you know, the rules of the business. And they're like, well, so-and-so wasn't doing this. And so I did it a different, you know, it's just like, it's always something else or somebody else and stuff like that. Whereas in like, um, you know, my mom raised me and my brother by herself. She had three jobs. She worked middle of the day, early morning nights. There was times that we would sleep. Um, she was a night teller. So there was times where we would go to the to the bank and we would actually sleep in the bank while she worked. And then she would drop us off at school the next morning and she would go to our next job, you know. Damn, dude, that's hardcore.
Starting point is 01:36:36 But as we got older, you know, she was like, hey, I have three I have to work three different jobs a day to make ends meet. You're going to have to make your breakfast. You're going to have to make your breakfast. You're going to have to get yourself on the bus. You're going to get yourself off the bus. You're going to play with your friends and you're also going to feed yourself at 10, 11 years old, right? That's where I kind of learned responsibility is like, all right, like it's not always going to be, somebody's always going to be there and give you the direction of what's going on.
Starting point is 01:37:06 Sometimes you just got to figure this shit out on your own. Right. And I think that's what me and my brother did. We just end up figuring it out on our own. And I think that's where we kind of built the character within ourselves that we were we were going to rely on ourselves and be, you know, and have that responsibility on our own shoulders versus, um, you know, having the blame on somebody else. Yeah. It's, um, it's liberating, right? Oh, 100%. I mean, as a kid, you, I mean, you look back now and you're like, you know, damn, like that shit was hardcore. Right. Um, but then you don't really, at that time, you're not really thinking about it. Right. But, um, but now I got my, my wife, uh, my mom is, she crushes it. Right. She's been with a company, uh, for about 20 years now.
Starting point is 01:37:59 Um, and she gets paid a really good salary and she works her ass off. Right. But, and now she's being able to reward us, right. By doing little things that she couldn't do whenever we were kids. Right. It's always like, Hey, what's the newest, you know, pair of a workout shoes you want, you know, or what, you know, you want a new pair of Lulu shorts or something like that. Things that she had no, no possible way of things that being able to afford whenever we were kids. Right. But now she's able to, to, to give that and, and respond with that. And we can, we can look back on it and say, man, that was a great experience, you know,
Starting point is 01:38:34 and it's kind of the same thing that, that's going forward that we didn't try to do with my girls. Right. I try to give my girls as much as I possibly can, but at some time they're going to have to learn responsibilities, right? And that was just one of the things I wanted to reflect back on. Yeah, thank you. Hey, what were your friends giving you shit for about your response? They were happy with
Starting point is 01:38:56 the firing of Dave? Is that what you're saying? No. You know, some of them are newer to the CrossFit community, right? So they don't really understand old school CrossFit like we do, right? Like 2007, 2008, 2009, it was just like run through a wall and just get after it, right? So they're kind of used to, you know, they're all two, three years in. So they're not used to what the purpose and what the meaning of CrossFit was,
Starting point is 01:39:27 how we were brought up, right, and the things that Dave taught and everything like that. So a lot of them took that whole, like, oh, firing of Dave, and then it kind of rounded into Eric Rosa was going to now be captain or he was going to be the head of the chairman so he can make the rules and everything. So it was a combination of those two things that they were just kind of giving me shit about. Cause you know, I'm, I'm, I'm all about old school CrossFit, right? Like, um, I've had the pleasure of meeting, uh,
Starting point is 01:39:54 Glassman, uh, on five or six different occasions. I've had dinner with Glassman before. Um, and I'm, and, and you don't know Glassman unless you've had the one on one interaction for sure. And for sure. And get and get to know him. So they're just on the outside. They're on the outside looking in. Right. They don't have the understanding of I have of the foundation of CrossFit and how it started and what the purpose is and everything like that. So they've just given me a little shit, you know, but at the end of the day, it's all it got, you know, we can we can bust each other's chops and everything like that. So they've just given me a little shit, you know, but at the end of the day, it's all, it got, you know, we can, we can bust each other's chops and everything like that. And at the end of the day, we're going to work out together and we're going to high five and talk shit to each other and it's fine, you know, but, um, it's just a younger group of
Starting point is 01:40:38 individuals coming in, um, and not understanding the, the, the way that we were brought up on it, you know, and what we fell in love with CrossFit and how it's changed our lives and everything like that. Thank you, buddy. They can still kiss my ass, though. Yeah, exactly. I want to explain something about that, too. I want to explain two things,
Starting point is 01:41:00 because some people are like, oh, Savant isn't going to accept change. All things have to change, or Savant's against corporateon isn't gonna accept change all things have to change or savon's against corporate america um i fully accept change i fully accept what's happening um whatever it is like let it roll let it be i get it and and i have no problem with corporate america zero you do your thing kill it crush it i'm i'm so happy for fucking the richer you get the the fucking greater go Go do it. That doesn't mean you can't make observations of what some of the effects are. It's like it's like rain.
Starting point is 01:41:30 I do not hate rain. A lot of people hate rain. But to say that rain isn't going to get your car wet and to talk about that and to conflate that with the fact of hating rain or that it's going to make it so your yard's too soggy to play in with the kids today and to jump to say that I hate rain because that's bullshit. I love rain. When it's raining, most people stay inside. I put my jacket on and tell my kids, shit, this is the 21st century. Let's go outside and get wet and play in the rain. If we're cold, we can come inside and dry our clothes and take a hot shower. Let's rock this shit.
Starting point is 01:42:02 And so you just have to understand the implications of what it means for crossfit to go corporate this company hired or has hired or has currently employs another company in new york city that is telling crossfit inc what they are what their identity is now Now imagine that. Imagine that. I want to go back to what Bradley said. If you haven't met Greg, then you don't know Greg. The people who know Greg, whether they hate him or love him regardless,
Starting point is 01:42:35 whether you find them attractive or unattractive, whatever your judgment of him is, there's no one else like him. Not like there's no one else like you. He's a human tornado of passion and this was his for those of you who have kids this was his kid he loved this thing or he was maybe maybe love is not the right word he was as passionate about crossfit as anyone and there cannot be a leader that replaces him without a doubt he was gonna die he was gonna die for this thing he was gonna die for this thing he was gonna die for the truth that this thing represented and now you have to understand now it's a cash cow
Starting point is 01:43:10 making money thing they like you belong to a movement now that's oh man i i don't want to get sued i don't want to get sued um although although i guess if they want to sue me they can sue me but um there's uh it was the movement then right it was a movement uh in 2007 right it was it was a movement but it was a different type of movement well it's all it's it's the thing is is that it was about telling the truth and they cannot tell the the truth when you have to make money. And by law, they have to make money. They cannot tell the truth when you have to make money. The two do not go hand in hand. If you're – if by law you have to make money, you can't always tell the truth.
Starting point is 01:43:58 You just can't. You just can't. And you would never need anyone to explain to you what this company means if this company still cared about the truth. You could just go over and ask any of the L1 trainers. They fucking hired a New York firm to tell them who their identities. I mean you can see them doing it on the game site. They're trying to be edgy. You don't have to be edgy.
Starting point is 01:44:19 The truth scares the shit out of people. Let me tell you. I'll explain it to you like this. For all you women out there who have sisters have sisters and you and you're married. Ask your husband. Have you ever thought about fucking my sister? Want the truth? No, no, no one can handle the truth.
Starting point is 01:44:42 They run away when they hear the truth. And I'm not suggesting that every dude out there wants to fuck their wife's sister. I'm not suggesting that at all. I'm just choosing something that's like obviously inflammatory. But you will not be in a – it is very difficult to be in a truthful relationship, and we were part of a community where the leader was that fucking truthful. Greg would have told – Greg's the type of guy who would tell his wife, yeah, I want to fuck your sister. Yes, absolutely. He would say it. You cannot exercise away a bad diet. I wish I could tell you you could.
Starting point is 01:45:17 I'm the fitness guy, but you cannot. And if you had to pick one, a good diet or fitness, you always pick good diet. It's way more important than exercise. Way, way, way, way, way, way, way way way way more important it's all the shit he said and if you sat at a dinner table with him you you saw um uh yeah you're lucky that you met him five times that you had dinner with him he's so special he's so special he's he's a um everyone that has an issue with him, it's their own inability to stand close to the fire. I get it. I've been there.
Starting point is 01:45:48 There's times he's pissed me off. But I realize, like, dude, do you want to stand close to the fire or not? Yeah, I do. I do want to stand close to the fire, even if that means you get burnt a little bit. Yeah. Thank you. It will never be the same, but at least we had it in our life and we can share it with our kids you know what i mean and and and who knows what the next evolution of this thing will
Starting point is 01:46:11 be in in the next iteration of the truth you know but but but i do believe that he planted enough seeds that something will will come from it yeah i agree well i do appreciate your time Saban yeah thanks for calling thanks for helping the show out fuck I was hurting today hurting today can't get my ID to work my emails all fucked up guest didn't show up
Starting point is 01:46:35 just one of those days yeah all right have a good one all right thank you that's on the daughters yep bam oh man Yeah. All right. Have a good one. All right. Thank you. That's on the daughters. Yep. Bam. Oh man. Oh man. My two friends that I yelled at. Thanks for being part of the show. That was just a shtick. That was just a shtick.
Starting point is 01:47:02 All right guys. Well, I guess we'll change the name of the show from what was the guy's name? Who was supposed to be on Onama, David Onama. Still cool, dude. Love him. Excuse me. What's today? Tuesday? Wednesday. Garbage day. I took the garbage out. It's 845 a.m. I have another interview at 12 noon that I should prepare for. I am not going live with that one. I haven't not, I haven't not gone live in so long. Oh, that's cute. All right,
Starting point is 01:47:37 guys. Love you guys to death. Thanks for hanging in there with me today. It is 8 45 AM. Pacific standard time. Hope you guys have a great day. And I will see you tomorrow with Roger Boyer, a gentleman who lost 100 pounds, working closely with Spreading CrossFit and the Indigenous Tribes where type 2 diabetes is running wild up in Canada.
Starting point is 01:48:01 Why not live? That is a great question that I cannot answer. Thank you, Heidi. Bye-bye.

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