The Sevan Podcast - #336 - Liver King

Episode Date: March 18, 2022

In this podcast, we get to meet the Liver King and hear never told before stories of how he became the King. Liver King has dedicated the past 20 years to reviving the primal patterns that progressed ...the sole surviving species of genus Homo. Liver King is an evolutionary hunter (a serial entrepreneur) by nature, with a singular focus to honor our ancestors. To teach, preach, and model the Ancestral message so that it becomes mainstream. So that Primals don't have to suffer and struggle unnecessarily. Ancestral Living was discovered not out of choice, but necessity. At the roots of today’s suffering, therein lies tremendous friction between modern environments and our biology. Our ancestors had it right. Many years before us, they identified a simple, elegant way of living that enabled us to genetically express the highest version of ourselves. Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - WORLD'S #1 JOB BOARD FOR THE CROSSFIT COMMUNITY - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:08 Have you ever had a king? I have not. I have not. I'm just sampling queens in this lifetime, but I'll come back in another lifetime and sample a king. Yes. Well, everybody has that barbarian inside of them. And you got to fucking eat. That barbarian has to eat that old person,
Starting point is 00:01:23 you know, so that you can become that evolutionary hunter so that you can you know uh go on that trajectory that everybody's you know has to go on that path you have to go on that path before you become a king so if you haven't and i think maybe you have savannah maybe you just got to think about it when i i know i was it was just a um a play on sexual talk i just love the sexual talk excites me. I'm like a sixth grader at heart. I, when I look at you, what I see, I see a world full of mirrors. I don't believe, I think Sevan's just a signifier for this body that my ego tries to hold down as a real person.
Starting point is 00:01:56 And it's a whole fucking lifetime of that ad nauseum. And so I think we're just mirrors here. And that's why I think we're all important role models and when I see you you set me free you tell me your being tells me that it's okay to grow my beard long it's okay to walk around with my shirt off it's okay to let my my DNA express itself I I learned the I learned the um the fitness philosophy methodology from CrossFit and from you, I'm learning the actual personification of it. This is like, once you do get like that, it's okay. You can be humble and still walk upright. You can be humble and be a King. It's just, it's crazy what you're doing. You're setting people free. And when I see people attack you and anyone in your space who's like setting their spirit free through their body, I get it. I get it. They're scared. But you'll get there.
Starting point is 00:02:55 You will get there. I think attacking is like the natural thing to do because it is scary what Brian's doing. Is it scary? Tell me, Mr. Liver King, is it scary? Taking whatever step you took, you couldn't have been born like this. There must have been like some crazy shit you went through to get here. Oh, there's a lot of crazy shit. And that crazy shit continues. And, you know, what I would say really is there's all these social norms, right? There's all these things that you sort of grow up being taught or fed.
Starting point is 00:03:24 And like, why are we supposed to wear a shirt why are we supposed to trim our beard you know i i got asked that question the other day like what's the deal with your beard and i'm like what's the deal with my beard what's the deal with you another man paying another man to buy his disposable razor blades to buy his aftershave i'm like oh this guy got you and what is this for so you can look less like a man you know so like when people like women who are less into men i don't get this thing or people are like hey why do you refer to yourself in the third person well why the fuck do you refer to yourself in the first person it's wild to me how people have just like sedated themselves enough to accept whatever it is that the social norms are is the way that they should be and uh and you know the other day uh i was
Starting point is 00:04:13 talking to paul about this you know like the whole uh dr paul saladino awesome dude yep yep okay carnivore md and um in the whole hey we should work smarter, not harder. Like, dude, whoever the fuck said that, they got you real good. Because now you're not doing shit, right? You're the guy who thinks that they can buy their status at the mall. And you go home and you sit on the couch and you go drive your car and you never really earn anything because you think you're working smarter. But, man, if you never really worked hard, if you never really went through those crazy times, there's not a requirement for hard work today. So if your parents don't teach and preach and model that to you, or if it's not self-imposed, that other part of you, that barbarian part of you who says, I don't give a fuck what everybody
Starting point is 00:05:00 else is doing. If you never free that barbarian inside of you, if you never free that barbarian inside of you if you never let that barbarian get out of its cage and eat the old being the old fucking brian johnson you know then you're relegated to a life of what's already sort of been decided for you you're gonna go stand in lines i went to an airport um i'm sorry i just said i'm sorry i'm sorry By the way, before we go any further This is Matthew Souza, the owner of CrossFit Livermore Wearing the beautiful red Ancestral Supplement shirts He's the producer of the show Okay, go on
Starting point is 00:05:33 So this is the craziest thing Matthew, real quick, are you eating liver? Not yet Fuck, then I'm just gonna call you a brother You're not a primal Yes, yes. We got some work to do. Put that shit down the fucking hatch right now, man.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Let's settle it. That way I can be on the podcast with two badass fucking primals going out and creating the future together. Hey, but he is eating raw meat, just so you know. We did get on the raw meat thing. We started with the ground beef. We have dabbled. We take the ancestral supplements every day. We're in the raw meat thing. We started with the ground beef. We have dabbled. We take the ancestral supplements every day. We're in the cult, brother.
Starting point is 00:06:07 We're just fucking, we're so pumped to know you. We're so pumped. Yeah. We feel this energy. So here's the deal. Yes. So you're officially, they didn't go. Yes, there it is.
Starting point is 00:06:19 You're a fucking primal. This is it. So we are at the airport and there's a lot there's a long line coming out of man's bathroom and it's like how often do you see that and so everyone's just getting in line and this just happens in life right i mean everybody just gets in line just falls in line and and they put on their shirt and they put on their sunscreen and they put on whatever you know the the the popular advice is and then they continue to live a life that fucking sucks and they never really wake up,
Starting point is 00:06:45 and they never really ask questions. So I told my kids, we're going to go to the front of this fucking line and figure out what's going on. At least we're going to ask them questions. We go to the front of the fucking line, and it turns out that the guys in the very front are waiting for a stall,
Starting point is 00:06:57 and the urinals are empty, and everybody's still fucking piling up in line. So I yell back, you know, I'm like, hey, guys, these fucking urinals are empty. I'm going to take my boys in here. We're going to take a piss. And then you guys might want to follow leadership. This is just what people just accept.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Let's just get in line. So I would say along the way, yeah, there's been a whole lot of crazy shit that's been happening, but we've seen a whole lot of incredible benefit. And when you see that kind of change in the world, you know, you got to figure out all the ways to amplify this. And this is why we're doing this today, right? We got to get this message out. And at the end of the day, the ownership is on you. Are you going to take massive action? Because most people's lives, you're going to hear me say this over and over today. Most people's lives fucking
Starting point is 00:07:41 suck. They're going to a job that they hate. They're coming home to a life they don't love. Then they're taking medication to feel better, to feel happy, and to get hard. And they're sedated just enough to get through the week. And then they do it all over again on Monday. And the thing is, there's a simple, elegant solution to living a fucking kick-ass, goddamn worth-living life that's full of excitement and full of adventure and full of joy. The reason that we're here, it's too too short man so this is this is why i'm like you know what did i want to go on this on your pot i didn't really want to do any of this no no i know you've
Starting point is 00:08:14 been asking me to go on a podcast for over a year yeah over a year and uh and you probably don't know this but i told liver queen i'm never fucking going on this podcast because i'm never going on a podcast period but i really feel like it's an obligation. It's a responsibility in life. We know what the path is to a better kick-ass fucking life. And it's not getting in line. It's, it's doing these things that stretch us. It's sharing this message and, and, and hopefully motivating and creating enough momentum in people's lives to become primals. And so then they can touch the shoulder of the person next to them and they can do the same. Man, you opened up so many doors here.
Starting point is 00:08:51 When I was a young man, I was probably 22 years old. I went to this ball in San Francisco. It's called the Erotic Exotic Ball. It used to be called the Hooker's Ball. And it was run by prostitutes. And they would do this ball and raise money and give it to the orphans, right then by the time i got there in my 20s it was just a fucking raging party right and and that community knows how to fucking party the gay community's gone through like when they party they fucking rage so i go to this this party and there's two huge lines coming out
Starting point is 00:09:19 the bathroom like you know it's gonna be an hour each and i've been i'm 22 and i'm just drunk as fuck and there's a huge silver trash can you know like one of the big huge like ones you just see like at the fair or something i walk right over to it pull my cock and balls out i'm only five five get them up over the edge and i and i pee in the can before i'm done i'm surrounded shoulder to shoulder by other dudes i come back 20 minutes later and it's 50 gallons of piss and i'm done i'm surrounded shoulder to shoulder by other dudes i come back 20 minutes later and it's 50 gallons of piss and i'm like leadership fucking a leadership i yeah this is what an evolutionary hunter does you leave the comfort of the cave for a better life for excitement for adventure for a better life and this is what you did you invented
Starting point is 00:10:06 a fucking bathroom so i could get back to hit on girls sooner exactly and this is what we're programmed to do right like to be healthy enough to procreate and this is what you did you you you had to figure out a way to get back to do that so you could pass on your genes or get better at experiencing things to get better at passing on the jeans. But, you know, I get people who say all the time, oh, you know, pissing in the bathroom or pissing in a tub. They're not actually saying this literally. That's not very ancestral. Wearing a hat's not ancestral. Doing a podcast is not ancestral. Flying on a private jet is not very ancestral. And what I always say back is these same subprimal primals back in the day would have said oh using a rock to open up a cranium that's not very primal using a bifacial blade that's not very primal using fire that's not
Starting point is 00:10:54 very primal we have a technology story across time and the real evolutionary hunter pisses in a fucking can when there's an hour line so you can get back to your real business. I love it. Yeah. So all these people, they say stupid shit like that. I'm like, yeah, I'll say stupid shit all you want, but you go out and do it and you see what it feels like when you let that bar buried out of you and you really free yourself. This is the life worth living. You say something that I really, really, really, really like. You're going to suffer one way or another. You're going to suffer one way or another.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Can you go into that for me? You touched on it when you talked about medications and coming home and watching Netflix as opposed to doing the suffering that we do. Yeah. So it really is delineated either by like active suffering or passive suffering. And I would say most of the world is just passively suffering, right? They've accepted this life that they feel that they're just, I don't want to say given, but it's like, you know, if you really work for it, if you go into the gym, if you suffer, if you struggle, if you go through the pain, if you earn anything and everything, on the other side of that active suffering
Starting point is 00:12:09 is real relaxation, is real peace of mind, is real vacation, is real, God damn it, this fucking tastes good, this looks good, this feels good. Shit, everything's good because you really earned it. That active suffering allows you to really earn and love that sort of life that's on the other side of it. And then so the alternative to that is when you don't earn anything, when you don't actively suffer, you're still suffering. This is what I alluded to earlier. Most people's lives suck. Talk to your neighbors, talk to your friends, talk to, you just talk to people. And there's hundreds of thousands of anecdotes out there, if not millions, but at least hundreds of thousands that I've been in contact with. My life sucks. I have depression. I have anxiety. I really want kids and I can't have kids.
Starting point is 00:12:55 I have these autoimmune conditions. I have low energy. I have low libido and I have low ambition and low ambition in life. How horrible to be relegated to a life like that. And so we know this, right? That if people, people, most people are suffering, are struggling, and they're passively going through these motions and there's not much they're doing about it. They're looking for quick fixes. They're looking for these solutions because we're taught or told, hey, let's go get in line, aka let's go to our doctor. Let's go take a pill. You know, let's go do this thing and let's go see if we can be sedated
Starting point is 00:13:30 just enough. Right. So that we can come back and do it again. So you can actively suffer by, by putting forth the effort, by enduring some fucking pain, some suffer, some struggle, and really earning it. I make my kids earn everything. If they get on the electronics for 40 minutes a day, they earn that shit. A lot of people are like, oh, you're a liver king. I bet you don't let you, I let them earn it. You know, if they earn it, they can do it. And so we're either actively earning it, actively suffering, or we're passively one way or another, you are going to suffer. So why not choose to suffer in a way that you be, that you can create a life that's goddamn worth living?
Starting point is 00:14:07 So this is what I talk about when I'm talking about, hey, you're going to suffer one way or another. Get your ass in the gym. This is the easiest way to shift your state of being is to work hard in the gym. Because after that, you really know what it feels like to relax because guess what? Before that you were already relaxing. You were already not doing shit. And so you don't even know what, what that demarcation point looks like because you never really changed anything. So I don't know if that answers your question.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Yeah, it does. A kind of a real world example of that to give to one, they say, pay, pay your money, your 150 bucks to go to the gym or save that money because you're going to need to go to the hospital in 10 years so do you want to pay now
Starting point is 00:14:50 or do you want to pay later do you want to suffer later suffer now in the gym work hard and then and then you don't have to go to the doctor in 10 years but another thing is you're going to be suffering every fucking day leading up to that point right you know i mean the the suffer the passive suffering is exponentially greater. And, you know, there's no major peaks and valleys. These are like valleys that are just slowly getting bigger. You know, so the difference between actively suffering and passively suffering, it's drastic. It's night and day, you know, so get out there. We're wired to work. You know. We're wired to do these things.
Starting point is 00:15:30 And as evidenced by the feel-good neurotransmitters that we get, the rewards that we get afterwards. This is the whole evolution of dopamine. Endorphins is to reward certain behavior. You get out there and fucking work and you feel amazing. We get rewarded for that. That active suffering produces a life. You stack a life and in a week, your life is pretty, it's better. In a month, it's much better. In a year, you know, you, you can become anything you want. So it's a different life. Greg Glassman used to say that if you start CrossFit,
Starting point is 00:15:59 three things are going to happen to you. You're either going to, your relationship's either going to get better or you're going to get out of it. You're going to, um, you're going to, uh, get a raise or you're going to get a new job. And what was the third thing? It was something along that line too. I forget there was a, do you remember what it was, Sousa? There's a third thing, but basically once you start changing your life, everything around you will start to change. I even just now before this podcast started, I told myself, okay, you get, you get to interview the liver King today. And I feel this way about all my guests. What are you going to do to make sure that it's a great interview? And so my wife's like, Hey, you're 50 years. I turned 50 today. She's like, why don't you go out there and do 50 burpees as fast as you can before the podcast?
Starting point is 00:16:35 I said, excellent. But really I was inside like, fuck the fucking queen assigned me. I've never done 50 burpees as fast as I can. I've done a hundred as fast as I can, but you can kind of hide in there 50 you can't kind of you can't hide okay there's no like okay i'm resting so i went out in the garage rode that assault bike for 10 minutes uh reviewed my notes and then got out there and i did uh 50 burpees and 157 took a cold shower and bam here i am for you that's a great time and i earned it you know i mean like like you're saying like i feel like i earned it to be here with you and Susan now. It's like, yeah. You know, this is the approach that I have with almost everything that I do.
Starting point is 00:17:11 There was a time I was going on a hunting trip with one of my sons, and I wanted a piece of gum. And I told him, hey, I'm going to just talk you through everything that I think about because, you know, by default, we just do stuff. You know, we don't explain everything we do. We just do stuff. You know, we don't explain everything we do. We just do stuff. And so when I'm on vacation or I'm connecting with just one of my guys, I explain everything to him. And so I say, Hey, I really want this piece of gum, but I'm not going to have this piece of gum. You know, I'm going to wait 15 minutes before I eat this piece of gum. And he's like, why are you going to do this? And I said, well, this is how I do everything. You know, you're going to earn it. You know, if you just go ahead and I'm going to do, I made a story about this, doing a workout in the car. You know, you can do isometric holds, you know, and you can start sweating. And I'm getting a pump in my biceps and my shit. And I'm like, I earned that piece of fucking gum. And you know how it tastes better?
Starting point is 00:18:07 Everything tastes better, man, when you earn it. Life is just better when you earn it. And do I, you know what? Absolutely, I'm obsessive about this. You know, I'm sure that I've taken myself to depths. I don't recover nearly enough. But it's the way that I'm wired. And so I hear a few people criticize, you know, that liver King way.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Hey, aren't you over training? What kind of message are you sending? You know what I'm really worried about? I'm worried about, you know, these people that are passively suffering, that aren't doing shit. Do I give a shit about the less than 1% like me that are over training? And I'm going to encourage them to over training, you know, over train. I'm not worried about the liver Kings. These guys will figure it out. I'm worried about the rest of the world that don't earn shit yeah so you can you can take this as far as you want you know and it's a great thing if we're out and about somewhere uh and we're going to a meal let's say we're going to liver queen's parents house um if we're over there i'll either do a workout right here at my house or if we get there i'm gonna do work i'm either gonna do burpees i'm gonna do a few max separate push-ups i'm doing something before i eat and it and everything tastes better and you're in a better mood everything's better man when you earn it do you know the raw meat guy
Starting point is 00:19:14 he's on instagram he had really really bad skin for 15 years he had acne that was so bad he's a kid uh maybe he's not how old is that guy suza will you bring up his instagram his face was covered with acne um uh i'm pretty sure he learned it from you he got turned on he started eating raw meat and within a week 15 years of acne gone he said that he couldn't wear a t-shirt for more than two months before he had to throw it away this guy do you know this guy no okay so i had him on the podcast and it was on a mond morning, and I never eat on Sundays. I stop eating Saturday night, and I don't eat again until Monday morning. Well, when he was on the show, it was the first time I ever just opened up a pound of raw meat and ate it raw.
Starting point is 00:19:58 And it's exactly what you said. It tasted so good because I hadn't eaten in 36 hours. And I would recommend anyone to take that wisdom that liver King just gave us. If you want to try a new food and in the past, you hadn't liked it, whether it be liver, grapefruit, I don't care what it is fast, fast for 24 to 36 hours. Let your palate really, really need something. And do you ever, do you ever do that? Do you ever notice that what I'm saying? Is that along the same lines as you're thinking? This is life. Yeah. The same goes when we probably eat a snail after 48 hours. Oh, that's when people have never really worked. How does vacation feel for them?
Starting point is 00:20:37 Right. Right. When you've always stuffed your mouth with the foods that you've wanted, how do you think that next meal really tastes and makes them feel? You know, so every once in a while when I'm talking to my kids and they're feeling like they're overworked or they're overdoing things, they're not really enjoying something, I'll either remind them of the vacation coming up and how much they're going to love that vacation or I'll remind them, hey, what if we did another fasting mimicking diet right now? Just remember what that's like. And how does it feel when you have your next bite after that?
Starting point is 00:21:09 So this advice is not just for food. This advice is really for everything in life. We had Patrick Bed David on. He's a businessman and insurance guru. Got like 20,000 agents, 150 offices, big time guy, right? And he was talking to us about being a young man. And this was, I was, I thought this was so amazing. He told himself he was in his twenties that he wasn't going to allow himself to have sex until he made a million dollars.
Starting point is 00:21:35 So he stopped having sex and it took him 17 months, 17 months to make a million dollars. Yeah. So go ahead. But, but i just like the motivate i like the motivational factor for that it's like the gum thing right you're like well i'm gonna have a piece of gum um and so the reward would be a 15 you'd be 15 workout for a piece of gum but to be with a woman you gotta make a million bucks and i just i love this kind of experimentation with life to put the brain under that much stress to really earn the reward and and they're really maybe there is no greater reward that we have as humans than the union with with the opposite sex i mean it's it's fuck it's so cool i mean it would be horrible if we were like amoebas and we just split
Starting point is 00:22:21 you know i the thing is there's a lot that goes hand in hand there right um when i was with the messiah we were asking them i asked this gentleman um amigbe if uh if he had a wife and he said no not yet and i said how come it's because he doesn't have enough cows and so to to pay the dowry, you need to make the equivalent of a million dollars to get a wife, to, to have, you know, those, those cows so that he can also procreate with her. So this is something right. That, that transcends time, that transcends cultures. Wow. We need to be worthy, right? Like we need to have resources. We need to have status. We need to say that we
Starting point is 00:23:05 have value too. And so, you know, I love that he did that. Everything on the other side of earning it, man, exponentially better. You amplify everything. So I was in Africa, in Kenya, in between, I've been all over Africa, but there was this village I was in, in between i've been all over africa but there was this village i was in in between mombasa which is on the coast and nairobi so nairobi is the capital of kenya and mombasa is on the um eastern seaboard and there was a town there in the middle called moi i think m-o-i and then inland there there was this there was this tribe right they had it was like it was like probably similar to your experience they have no no objects, right? They have like no – like their bowls are made of wood. They live in teepees and mud huts and all that shit. Anyway, so I was there filming this documentary, and this – there was a father there, and he – there was a grandfather there, and he was 80 years old.
Starting point is 00:23:59 And he had five grandkids, and his daughter had died. And they were five grandkids from five different fathers. And now he's taking care of them from like three years old to like 12 years old. So I was there filming with him for two weeks and I bought him goats. I can't remember if it was four or six goats. When I came back a year later, he had a wife. And I said, how did you get the wife? And it was what you said.
Starting point is 00:24:26 He said, I bought him the goats and the wife showed up. I was like, holy shit. I mean, that wasn't even my intention. This is it. This is the dowry. This is how it's done. You know, one way or another, you know, you're going to work for it. You're going to earn it. You know, I don't know if he really built that status on his own. It seems like you helped him out with it right right but everybody can can you know take a helping hand he better transform and become that person that would have built that status on his own you know yeah but but yeah that's an incredible thing this still happens you know and when he told me that i was like oh shit like did you hook him up with a cow what i said is how the fuck you're gonna go get some cows how you gonna go get your five or seven cows and he said some excuses some bullshit you
Starting point is 00:25:09 know and i said what you need to do is you need to go fucking kick someone's ass and go take their fucking cows because this is also the way that it's been in the past right the easiest thing to get something that you want is you go to the neighboring tribe and you impose your force of will and you take that shit and he just just thought it was hilarious. You know, he's, he's really laughing, you know, mucking it up. And I'm like, at some point you got to do something, you know, you can't just wait for your dad to give you seven cows. What if your dad gives you seven cows, you got to start figuring out how are you going to go get those cows? So no, I'm, I'm not about to give this guy seven cows, you know, again, cause at the end of the day, you know, it sort of says the worth and value and the status that you have as a man,
Starting point is 00:25:48 I could go give this guy seven cows and now they're, they're done with those cats. And now the wife is thinking who the fuck is this guy that I thought was worthy of, of possessing seven cows. Yeah. So this, this is not something that I would contribute. I think it's great that you did this, and you helped this guy get married.
Starting point is 00:26:04 This is not i corrupted him he was 82 it's crazy hey he was he um the one object that i did see he had is he had a razor blade and he kept it in this um in the skin of this animal and i remember he would cut his own nails and all his kids nails with this razor blade and it was it was hairball it was hairball um brian these um the the organ the organ pills what i've done is i've taken them all out of these bottles here and i put them all in one glass giant jar and i shook them all up and i take between 6 and 12 every single day but i'm just curious how are those made how how and and how actually you and
Starting point is 00:26:43 i met is like when i, so Paul Saladino introduced me to the carnivore diet basically. And then I use that to kick my last bit of sugar addiction. I really not, I don't even know if it's addiction, but I didn't want to eat any added sugar refined carbohydrates anymore. So I found this thing, Paul Saladino. And basically he said, um, you could just eat meat and you should eat Oregon meat. So I just did that for a month and I started feeling a little weird. Something was off. Like my heart felt a little weird. My, my fingers started feeling weird. And that's when I, he pointed me to heart and soil and to ancestral supplements. And basically literally within hours, that shit went away.
Starting point is 00:27:16 It was, it was, I've never had a supplement affect me like that. You know what I mean? It was like, it was, it felt like I took a drug, but it's and so I've just been sticking to it. And then I would always make these jokes on my Instagram. Here I am taking dead animals and a pill. And and then that's how I met some of your people. We started they started like teasing me on Instagram. I teased him back and we became friends. And then I wanted to have you on the podcast, not because of this, but because of the incredible story of how you helped your kids, which hopefully we can get into. but because of the incredible story of how you helped your kids, which hopefully we can get into.
Starting point is 00:27:50 But how do they get the dead animal parts in those capsules? Yeah, it's not rocket science. Help me out. The animals are slaughtered, and all the organs are collected to specification. And so once that's happened, then we go to a freeze-dry facilityce everything we grind everything everything is uh gently freeze dried so i don't know how what does that mean freeze dried what is that i don't even know what that means yeah i would say google that shit because for me to try and explain that technical process um what we're really doing is taking the
Starting point is 00:28:20 moisture out of it to get to a water activity level of 2% or less. And so if you can get to that sort of water activity level, you know, there's multiple ways of drying things. You can either use heat or this sort of vacuum sublimation where you're taking the moisture out. But any way you look at it, you're trying to get all the moisture out so that you can turn it into a powder. And so that the microbial load is virtually non-existent. And so then you can get it into a capsule and then you can get people to not have to taste it. And then people can let it change their lives because, you know, we've evolved with organs, glands and organs since the inception, you know, and you could make the argument that the first organs we ever consumed that made us who we are today
Starting point is 00:28:58 is the brain and the bone marrow, right? Before we could go out and do our things as predators, you know, we were scavengers and we would wait for the predators to go and do their things. And when they would leave the kills, oftentimes all you had were the skeletal remains, but you could take a cranium, you could take a long shaft bone that had marrow in it. You could break that shit open with a rock, or you could smash those, you know, together on the rock and you could access the brain, you could access the bone marrow, and then the cranial vault starts to explode explode and then we start to learn how to make other weapons and we learn how to how to hunt and we learn how to then take preferential uh access of the animal but we've always had organs right we've always prior in modern day primitive culture tribes this is what they go for
Starting point is 00:29:38 first nobody's going for the muscle meat first everybody's going for the organs first and a lot of times then you're full and you're not even eating the muscle meat this is going to the muscle meat first. Everybody's going for the organs first. And a lot of times, then you're full and you're not even eating the muscle meat. This is going to the dogs or this is going for something else. So it's just really important that this is the nourishment that we evolved with over millions of years to become the apex predators that we are today. Yet it's been missing from the diet for decades, if not hundreds of years. We've been favoring this tender, fall-off-the-bone muscle meat that's not nutrient void, but if you compare it to organs that are completely rich of nutrients and peptides, this is why this has to be in the diet. This is why this is one of the nine ancestral tenets. The second tenet is eat. And if you let liver in your life,
Starting point is 00:30:26 The second tenant is eat. And if you let liver in your life, you said that it helped you with, you're having some issues and it helped you with the sweet, the sweets. No, basically I got on, I went on to the carnivore diet so that I could feel like I could eat as much as I wanted and that that I could leverage that to not eat sugar. So I did that. And I'm assuming I went into ketosis. I started craving fat, like, like no other, like I wanted to eat avocados and nuts, like they were going out of style. But then after about a month, I was having some circulatory issues. Like just my, I noticed my hand, my fingers and my feet would get a little cold or I would hear my heart sometimes. And the second I started taking the ancestral supplements, all that shit went away,
Starting point is 00:31:02 like within hours. Yeah. And so most people don't even know what they're missing, you know, but, but I'll tell you again, we always had these organs, right. And people like, Oh, why should, why should I eat liver? You know, what's in it. And I can tell you the riboflavin and the choline and the B12 and the heme iron and the peptides and the, you know, all the good stuff that's in there. But, but the gist of it is alpha organisms have always selected the organs first, right? If you want to be like a lion, like a killer whale, like these badass modern day primitive culture tribes kicking fucking ass in life, this is what you need to be eating, right? And so you don't even know what micronutrients
Starting point is 00:31:37 or what peptides you're missing. A lot of people, there's this reductionist thinking, oh, this is protein, protein and fat. This is so much more than that, right? Food is a signaling mechanism. Food is information that we interpret that allows us to epigenetically express something. And so when we've been missing the things that we've evolved with for millions of years, chiefly liver, bone marrow, brain, heart, thymus, kidney, spleen, you name it. We've taken that out. And that's the stuff that allowed us to grow into these baddest mammalian predators that ever lived. We recently took that out. And so when you add that back in, this is what happens.
Starting point is 00:32:16 You know, your skin tone comes back, your energy comes back, you know, things that you didn't even know that you were living a suboptimal life. The best version of you starts to express itself. And this is really why the name is Liver King. Because it's not like some egotistical. Well, maybe part of it's egotistical, right? But it really is because liver is king. This is what I want people to know. In a 60-second clip on Instagram, if I'm making a story and I say,
Starting point is 00:32:39 Liver King here, one more time I'm going to say Liver King. I'm going to refer to myself in the third person for branding purposes. And then Liver King out. You heard liver king three fucking times. And it's liver king because liver is king. And when I went to New York City and people like, oh, liver king. And I said, why is it liver king? And half of them know because liver is king. I just said to one of my kids friends, I was coming into the house to come to the podcast and he calls me liver king and i said why and he goes because liver is king and oh god i love this oh it feels amazing right and so this is the story behind liver king right because i want everyone to know that liver is king and if you start eating liver you're going to pull the biggest lever of your
Starting point is 00:33:19 life you're going to become a prime well you can start embracing more of the nine ancestral tenants and and then you could become anything. You can express your highest, your most dominant form, and then you could become a king. So this is why it's liver king. And when you start eating these organs, you start to learn. You don't even know where you have deficits, right? You start eating liver and bone marrow, and your energy is better.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Your sleep is better. Your mental acuity is better. Your libido is everything gets better. And you don't even know that you were living suboptimally until you start to fill up the tank are you having any um how are you doing mentally with all of the attention how do you go from not wanting to do this stuff to like were you freaking out in new york city like you have to like are you working on your breathing is it like a shitload of stimulus for a man like you? You know what I mean? Like, you must be like crazy sensitive to all that shit.
Starting point is 00:34:08 It's just fun. I'm having fun with it. Oh, I'd love to hear that. Early on, it was like, fuck, I have to do this. I have to do this. So I started doing it. And, you know, I gave myself a time. I'm like, oh, this is a two-way door.
Starting point is 00:34:20 If I don't like this, you know, at the end of the day, people pay for value. And they pay for value with time or money or both. And so a followership of primals is an indication to me that what we're doing is valuable. If we're creating valuable content, then more primals will come. And so when we saw the audience, the followership growing, I'm like, oh my God, we got 100,000 followers this quick. And now it's 200,000 followers. And it's like, I wasn't loving it. And I said, Holy shit, I got to figure out a way to love this. And so I started having more fun with it. And I think as you know, this, like, I love the metaphors, like putting reps in, in the gym is just like a metaphor for putting reps
Starting point is 00:35:01 in, in life. And with enough reps, I got less concerned about the process and a whole lot more concerned with doing Barbarian and Times Square. Do you know how much fun I had doing that? Yeah. Did you actually, how far did you pull that there? A long fucking way. Yeah. My guys.
Starting point is 00:35:20 What did the cops say? Did the cops say anything to you? This is great. When we went to Grand Central Station, the first cop was like, this isn't going to happen you're not going to do this here another two cops run up and they want my fucking picture they want to i couldn't believe it because i y'all i don't get out i don't get out i don't i mean i love the life that i've created here you know i live on acreage on the water and then Texas, Texas, right? In Texas. And then liver King ranch is 30 minutes from here, 500 acres at liver King
Starting point is 00:35:50 ranch. There's nowhere else I want to, I love, I don't have to go out for anything. And so when I went out there and I realized like the cops, the police officers know who liver King is like, this was a special thing, you know? And, and so it's up to me, like, I want to do barbarian because if you have a breath in you, then you have strength in you. And if you have strength in you, you got to preach and teach this message. And you know what this is about the barbarian, right? That's the barbarian that lives inside of us. Every man's got this barbarian in him, but he's been caged. And we got to figure out a way to let this fucking barbarian out of this cage and eat that previous version of himself. And when you train barbarian, a way to let this fucking barbarian out of this cage and eat that previous
Starting point is 00:36:25 version of himself. And when you train barbarian, you have to let that person out. When you do barbarian, you have to let that person out. You know, and I say this every Saturday, this is a way that we honor early ancestors, our recent ancestors, and all of that ancestral heritage in between. So we can be here today and we can enjoy the spoils of the modern world. There's a lot of other reasons why we train and we do barbarian but this is a big thing that i want to make sure that we showcase to the world is i want to take special places i want to go to the kremlin the taj you know i want to go to several places and do fucking barbarian and explain why we're doing barbarian and the craziest thing is I see people from all over the world
Starting point is 00:37:06 training Barbarian and figuring out a way to get it done. They're using paint cans. They're holding paint cans for kettlebells. They're building makeshift sleds. They're finding animals to put on there, but they're figuring out a way that they can train Barbarian. So there's something special about doing this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:28 can train barbarian so like there's something special about doing this yeah uh this guy wants you to culturally appropriate him take whatever you want from this guy take take grow the beard um walk around with pride um you are so awesome it is so cool you you are the walking example of it i i i just love when you pop up on my Instagram because then I can take I can be like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's me. Like I can. That's I'm that same guy. We're all just mirrors here and I'm him. I can be like that, too. And and there's all I have to do is connect with you one place and then the rest of it keeps growing. So one place we definitely connect is shoes. People would all the time. I was I'm a barefoot man. I've been barefoot before. It was cool. Like I I was lost my shoes in college and I just never put them back on. People would all the time. I was, I've been, I'm a barefoot man. I've been barefoot before. It was cool. Like I, I was lost my shoes in college and I just never put them back on.
Starting point is 00:38:08 People be like, why are you barefoot? And I'd be like, no, no, no. You're the one who put shoes on. I wake up like this. You're the, you make decisions because you're confused. I don't make decisions. Like I put on shoes, like if I was going in the snow, I would put on shoes, but, or if I was, you know, but I, but didn't even need shoes to like I could I could when I went to Cabo San Lucas, I was down there for two weeks in the desert. And even the locals were like, holy shit, he can walk barefoot down here. Yeah. The bottom of my feet are like leather soles. I could step on tax.
Starting point is 00:38:37 Nothing. We've always had this connection to the earth. Yeah. This is ancestral tenant five is connect because there's a slightly negative charge on the earth and with rubber-soled shoes buildings elevated beds and you name it like how it's sad how few people actually connect with the earth and and how many people make up excuses oh it's cold it's you know hard to walk here and you know the machiganga tribe in the amazon they don't have any shoes um some of the tribes in africa they did have shoes some didn't have shoes or they had sandals i'll never forget
Starting point is 00:39:08 on a hunt with the hudza they were booking it these guys move so fast is it nice to see them move too like do you want to just is it like watching gazelles and shit are you like wow these are movers beautiful you've never seen humans move like this yeah awesome and yeah like i've said this before i'll say it again they're beyond one mind you know the the way that they move before you can think about it they're moving in tandem there's this electricity and intensity and once again you know they have to be successful on the hunt because if they don't if they're not successful they don't even if they don't eat they die this uh this this one tribesman in front of me um has his sandals on and like i said he's fucking booking it his sandal broke and i was so happy i was so happy that it's time to slow the fuck down a little bit
Starting point is 00:39:51 i'm like okay when's he gonna fucking pick it up and uh and so i'm like i'm counting i'm i give him to 10 i'm like one two three i get to 10 he he finally picks it up without breaking stride and doesn't slow down not only does he not slow down, I'm behind him. He doesn't know I'm watching him or what's going through my head. He kicks a fucking rock with his bare foot. And I really think maybe these guys know when you have the selective pressures that they have, I think they can communicate. I don't want to sound like a total freak, but almost.
Starting point is 00:40:20 No, no, no. And it's almost like he knew what I was thinking. And it was almost like, look at what the fuck. Not only am am i not going to slow down i'm going to show you this thing you've never seen feet like this by the way yeah you guys are the wild bushman and it's incredible the way that they move the selective pressures that they've overcome and adapted to what we're capable of what they're capable of you know You know, it's such an incredible, valuable experience to know, like, man, we are capable of so much more than what you think. You know, so the connection that we've always had to the earth, this is one of the ancestral tenets. Primitive culture tribes still do it.
Starting point is 00:40:56 They have nowhere else to go. You know, they're sleeping on the ground. They might not be connected all the time when they're wearing their sandals. But when they're sitting down, they're connected. The Macha Ginga, like I said, are always connected because they don't even have sandals. And when you're walking hand in hand with a loved one, and let's say you're on the beach or anywhere, and you have the sun shining on you, you're forced to be in the deepest sympathetic state. Imagine that state of abundance. Imagine the way that that's healing you. And so few people return to that. You got to know what it feels like to have the grass,
Starting point is 00:41:31 the sand, the earth beneath your feet. To connect like that is an important ancestral tenant. I'm just going to take this just a little bit further. When you're in a deep parasympathetic state, you probably know that you can be in a beta oxidation state. You can burn fat for fuel versus the contrast. You know, if you are stressed out and you're living a life of scarcity, then you have your glucose is high, your cortisol is high. You're not burning fat for fuel. Every non-ancestral tenant helps to shape how we look, feel, perform and function in a modern world. shape how we look, feel, perform, and function in a modern world. And so people like, hey,
Starting point is 00:42:09 you don't want to do it because you think it's hocus pocus, or it's not good enough for you to understand that this is the way we evolved with millions of years. We were always connected to the earth 24, 7, 3, 6. That's not good enough for you. You should at least know that this is going to affect your body composition. You want to look lean? You want to be ripped? You got to start fucking grounding. And a lot of people will start to just notice like their resting heart rate goes down. Their blood pressure goes down. Their autoimmune condition is less flared up. You know, they can sleep better, you know, and it's I get it. It's tough, you know, to go from zero to 60. You don't got to start with 30 minutes or an hour. Start with two minutes. You know, if you like how that feels, go to five, go to 10. You can always find
Starting point is 00:42:44 ways to connect. And this is why we went to New York city because I can't tell you how many bullshit excuses I get, or you can't live ancestral in the city. Not if you're a city guy, you can't, you can't do it. And I knew that they were full of shit because of how many other primals will send me messages and success stories of how they do it. I'm like, fuck it. I'm going to go and I'm going to show them how to do it. I'm going to show them the way that these other primals, you know, in the big city do it. There's trees everywhere. There's I'm going to go and I'm going to show them how to do it. I'm going to show them the way that these other primals, you know, in the big city do it. There's trees everywhere. There's trees everywhere. So again, it's not fucking rocket science. You touch a tree. If you don't want to take off your fancy shoes and stand, you know, there in that plot of dirt,
Starting point is 00:43:15 you can touch a fucking tree and boom, you're connected, you know, and some primal thought he was wise. And he's like, uh, you know what, if you're connected to the cement and that's connected to the earth, you know, how far can you take this? There's polymers and there's other things like that, right, that are going to disrupt the conductivity to really be connected or grounded. But, man, that's just an important thing that you brought up. Connecting to the earth is a profound ancestral tenant. It's free. And you're going to derive massive benefits, once again, to express your highest and your most dominant form.
Starting point is 00:43:43 I took my kids to the mall yesterday. First, a two, five-year-old and a seven-year-old never been to the mall before we get out we walk in there they're barefoot of course why would i tell them to put shoes on like good we're in there and um and they see it we're in this it's like it's a shopping store called cole's it's kind of it's i guess it's like a macy's and and i was going in there to return some shit that i got from amazon they have a space where you can just dump it off and they scan it so i took the kids like we want to go in i'm like all right you never seen a place like this so we go in there and the first thing they walk in they're like holy shit i'm like what they're like it smells crazy in here and i'm like oh yeah shit it does smell crazy here they're like
Starting point is 00:44:20 i've never smelled these smells before right and it's just all fabrics and perfumes and just like cleaning products like stuff that i just block out because i'm a 50 right that i've smelled a million times and then they see you know in between the departments in the department store like the lingerie and the underwear there's those long strips you know they have all those tiles on the ground and my boys think it's a fucking track track and so they just start doing sprints i put it on my instagram 25 yard sprints back and forth and they're doing races and setting up races and people are just stopping and staring at them and taking pictures i'm just over there returning my shit at amazon i'm like like i'm not
Starting point is 00:44:54 like part of me wants to be the parent telling the stop i'm like no let someone else tell them to stop stop ancestral tenants yeah multiple ancestral tenants you know that these these guys are doing a whole lot better than you know the people that are watching them is this it yeah this is it they're in the mall they're like what the hell is look at look at and they're they just start doing sprints here oh hell yeah and they're tripping on the floor they're asking me can we take any of this shit home i just want to, they don't want to know everything about the store. I'm like, I just do, just keep doing what you're doing. I don't know. Hopefully we don't go deep into this rabbit hole,
Starting point is 00:45:32 but you know, a lot of those smells that they're smelling, I'm sure that you know it, if you can smell it, it's getting into your lungs. And if it's getting into your lungs, you're diffusing that into your bloodstream. And you know, a lot of this stuff is just estrogen laden shit. You know, whatever synthetic things that they're spread that they're spraying a lot of these you know garments with to preserve them you know none of these are native chemicals you know and so it's like let's get in let's return that shit as fast as possible and let's get the fuck out of here yep yep yep i i
Starting point is 00:46:02 hear you on that you say something um and this something – and this one touches really home with me because I'm having a lot of issues with this one, positive issues. But you said you're a piece of shit if you don't – I think I know what you want to say. Okay, go ahead. Go ahead. Basically, if you know the things that you know, if you know the things that are best for all of mankind, and you're sitting by idly and not doing something about it, then you're a piece of shit. And I basically express that quite a bit on my Instagram. I'm so frustrated with these parents because I live in a city area.
Starting point is 00:46:45 And I'm so frustrated with these parents who are putting masks on their kids when they know. Like when we're sitting together, they're like masks are horrible. They're fucking up our kids. They know all of these bad things that are happening all around us, and yet they're still participating in them. And it's like they're my friends, but they're also pieces of shit. Do you know what I mean? But they're still my friends. I love them.
Starting point is 00:47:04 But they're fucking cunts. And I know I not special do you feel special brian like i don't feel like i'm doing anything like crazy by like going in the store and the guys like put a mask on i'm like no i'll take three apples please well it's my face fuck you i don't go to the store okay and um i don't know you know i feel an obligation and a responsibility. This is why I say, if you know these things and these things are free and these things are accessible and you can start implementing these things, the nine ancestral tenets today, and it will radically change and transform your life for the better tomorrow. And when you know this stuff, because your kids were sick as fucking hell and my boys were taking ambulance trips to the hospital because they stopped
Starting point is 00:47:49 fucking breathing they turned blue they needed epi pin shots they would take ambulance trips to the hospital and then stay in the hospital because they didn't recover their breathing you know and how long are you going to put up with that you know you as a as a good cave dad that really loves your guys like this is your purpose in life you got to put up with that? You know, you, as a, as a good cave dad that really loves your guys, like this is your purpose in life. You got to make sure that you're, that you're going to be able to raise your kids, right? This is your job. And so we got just tired of the same answers. It was just more Benadryl,
Starting point is 00:48:16 more bullshit, fucking EpiPen. And it just stay away from the, stay away from dogs, stay away from dust, stay away from grass, stay away from pollutants in the air. So it's like, what do you fucking want to happen? So you keep looking for solutions. And finally we found ancestral living and that really resonated with us, right? We cut out the seed oils, we cut out the liquid calories, we cut out all processed foods. And we did that overnight. We cleaned house. Liver Queen did it. She cleaned fucking house. She took absolutely everything out. I i mean there was no going back and i'll admit um i was like fuck like my ice cream like i mean this is like yeah
Starting point is 00:48:50 my wife my wife's been doing that for years slowly but surely everything that i like like tide soap gone like everything that i like gone good on yeah yeah my wife does that because as soon as we switched over to wild cod organic nose, organic, nose-to-tail, chiefly liver and bone marrow, and within two days, my kids were incredible. My boys that were not thriving reached a level of thriving, of vibrancy, of robustness, of mental clarity, this sort of personality that you realize, holy shit, you felt guilty that they were living a dulled-down version of themselves for all these years. You were basically poisoning them. At 100%.
Starting point is 00:49:27 And that's child abuse. You know, and so the thing is, when you know this, then it becomes your obligation and your responsibility. And I say you're a piece of shit if you don't go model, teach, and preach this to the world. You know, because how many, these are kids. You know, they deserve the chance at a bad-ass fucking life at a decent life, but we continue to sedate them and give them poison, you know, and they're living this extremely doled out version of themselves,
Starting point is 00:49:55 you know, and, and, and so in kids, there's an epidemic of kids with mood disorders today. This is, this is beyond me, metabolic disorders. There's an epigency, you know, and once again, there's a simple, elegant solution. And now we have, we got something to do about it. You know, so, so this is my job as the CEO of the ancestral lifestyle is to take this ancestral message mainstream. I'm going to go on every fucking podcast I can go on. If you'll take me, I'm going there. I'm going to spread this message. And once again, it's accessible to everybody, you know, and some people will say, oh, you know, the eat part. Well, that's expensive. You know, first thing I'll say is we'll focus on the other eight. The other eight ancestral tenants don't cost anything. And whatever you're spending money on related to food
Starting point is 00:50:38 right now, I believe it's a wash. I believe it's a wash. And when I started eating organs, it was two or three dollars a pound. And then I decided, fuck, I'm eating a lot of organs. I'm going to go start Liver King Ranch. So I don't have to fucking pay. I just drop cows and I drop babies. And now my herd is growing instead of being reduced every time I take a cow. So now not only does it not cost me anything, the thing is we got to figure it out, right? And I say it's virtually free because you just got to be inventive. You got to figure out a way, how can you get these organs? A lot of butchers and a lot of processing facilities are actually paying to give their organs away.
Starting point is 00:51:17 You just got to go develop a relationship. You got to go figure out how you can get this stuff in your life. Because when you start to build a platform and people are listening to you, you got an obligation to be more than entertaining. If you know how to improve somebody's life and what is life about if we don't have our health, if we don't have a health span, this is another hilarious criticism I get all the time. It's like our early ancestors, you want to live like our early ancestors? They only live to 30. People say that shit all the time, you know, and I start fucking cracking up. And I'm like, you think what we're doing right now is living?
Starting point is 00:51:50 Again, you call this living? I know I said this earlier, but you go to a job you hate, you come home to a life that you don't love. Then you take medication and you sedate yourself as much as you possibly can until you get to the next fucking day, until you get to the weekend. You call that living? You know, our early ancestors didn't live that way. And these modern-day primitive culture tribes,
Starting point is 00:52:07 this is one of my favorite things about them. They seemingly have nothing. I know you saw this also, Savan, in your travels. They have no material possessions. There's no way to repay these people. You can't give them money. There's no court. Yeah, they have no – they don't do money.
Starting point is 00:52:20 That part's trippy. It's cool. And you could possibly repay them with a weapon. Weapons are – this is what they need to subsist i got my guy a wife you definitely got me there um but but this is the thing these are the happiest most fulfilled most content people group that i've ever met and and so this is the deal that is what living living is. It's about your health span, not about your lifespan. And so when people say this rubbish, this bullshit about our early ancestors lived to 30, the first thing I say is you call that living because that's not fucking living.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Let me tell you what living is. And it's living a life that's goddamn worth living, that's full of excitement, adventure, and it grows. And it gets better because you got better. You know, that's what living really is. And then the reality of it is, like, this is just a fucking myth, right? If you take out infant mortality and adolescent accidents, the lifespan is the same. The lifespan is the same, but with a far superior health span. So remember, and by the way, even if that were true, I would rather live to fucking 30 with that kind of life than the way that we limp along in this kind of life. Yeah. So I think
Starting point is 00:53:26 I went down on a tangent there. I forgot. No, it's good where we were, but this, this is what, what living is about. And this is why, yeah, we got to amplify the message and spread the message. Tell me about where did you meet your wife? How old are you? 44. 44. Okay. Cause I heard you saying that I think on Paul's podcast, I think you had mentioned that. How long have you been married? 18 years. Wow.
Starting point is 00:53:52 Congratulations. Thank you. Congratulations. Congratulations. I view my marriage with my wife as kind of my crowning achievement in my life, my relationship with my wife. My crowning achievement in my life, my relationship with my wife. It's having a long relationship, I think, is that by the way, anyone who wants to see these ancestral tenants, there is a beautiful, beautiful PDF on the website. I highly recommend you go there and download it.
Starting point is 00:54:19 It is awesome. The whole entire website is amazing, by the way. Congratulations to you and your team. Easy to navigate and beautiful, tons of fun pictures, endless information on it um how did you meet your wife snowboarding in park city you know that this this has always been a passion of mine is snowboarding and uh i just happen to be in park city and i brought a best friend with me to park city and uh it was his first fucking time snowboarding we're going up the lift and i saw this girl that waspping into her snowboard. And all I saw was a ponytail because she had her helmet and goggles on. But this is what I do. This is what an evolutionary hunter fucking does, right? You leave the comfort of the cave. I tell my best friend, I'm like, I see a girl. You figure out
Starting point is 00:54:58 what you're doing next. I know what I'm doing next. And it was literally on the slopes. I thought that I impressed her enough. Maybe she saw me. Because she took off before. I'm yelling next. And, uh, and it was literally on the slopes. I thought that I impressed her enough. Maybe she saw me, maybe she, because she took off before I I'm yelling at her. Turns out later, she had her headphones and she saw me yelling at her. She's like, who's this fucking guy I'm leaving. Um, but I fucking, uh, I, I hunted her down. I, I, I trapped her, uh, at the next lift line. And I just, I started talking to her, you know, and, and, and this is something that, um, like what, where the fuck did this go wrong? Like what, why do not, we not do that anymore. Right. Like how I don't understand, you know, cause I got teenage boys now. I need my teenage boys to be
Starting point is 00:55:36 engaging people like this, you know, let, let them strike out a hundred fucking times. I don't know how many hundreds or thousands of times I struck out the one time it mattered it fucking worked you know yeah i needed my my my my crown jewel achievement like you said it worked yeah you know so uh we we rode together for the rest of the day you know we hit it off and what a cool thing we we didn't know how the other person looked we're both wearing helmets and goggles wow what ends up happening fast forward is uh we got engaged in Fiji about three or four weeks later and we got married and we got married in Nevis about three months after that. So I'd never really been in a serious relationship in my adult life. But the minute I met her, the minute I met Lever Queen, I'm like, she is so much better than me. than me. And I've never met anybody like this. I better make this happen fast. And I better become the person that I'm projecting to be because I know she's going to see through it. And so she
Starting point is 00:56:32 100%, you know, what was the catalyst to me becoming before I was a man, I was good at being a man. I would not have called myself a good man. There's no doubt in my mind that she was a catalyst to me becoming a good man. Yeah. I could say that too. I don't even know if I was a man when I met my, my wife, but she definitely turned me into a good man.
Starting point is 00:56:53 She taught me some really important things. That is amazing that you didn't see her. That's the first thing I thought when you go skiing, you can't see shit. You can't tell if like someone's trying to, did you like her voice when you would talk to her? You just fucking take reps. You know, you take reps.
Starting point is 00:57:06 It's sometimes it works out. And most of the time it doesn't. I'll tell you what, what, what I noticed immediately is she's the most earnest person I've ever met. What's that mean? Earnest, pure hearted. Okay. You know, she's, she was born and raised Poland, and she had like none of the typical sort of corruption that you might expect from someone in college or that that maybe I was in the wrong circles before. But the minute I started talking to her, I could tell how much she cared.
Starting point is 00:57:37 I could tell how pure her heart was. And, you know, this is the kind of person that you you want to marry. And, you know, this is the kind of person that you want to marry. You know, like if you're looking at your reciprocal opposite, like this is it, your complementary reciprocal opposite. You know, and this is something I talk to my kids about all the time. You know, they're like, hey, you know, like I'm working out and I'm not really wanting to do this. Or what about eating this food? And I said, what kind of life do you want to build, you know, in 10, 20 years? What kind of wife do you want to behold?
Starting point is 00:58:03 Because whatever value you create in yourself is what you're going to attract and your complimentary opposite. Right. And so I tell them, you want a piece of shit wife, you become a piece of shit and don't do much. You know, if you exponentially create and build your value, you will create and build the life and the wife that you get to behold because we marry our complimentary opposites. And, um, and so there's no doubt in my mind that I leveled up major when I met her. And so that was it. I was like, how fast can we get this done? And then what's really funny is after we get married, like, damn, I thought I fucking had it all figured out, but I didn't. So now I got to get her pregnant as fast as possible. So it all
Starting point is 00:58:42 worked out, you know, like, um, it, we, we were set on this trajectory. We loved to go and snowboard together. We loved a mountain bike together. You know, there's a whole lot of it when you can meet somebody and you share in that passion. I think, um, even though we didn't share in a lot of principled things, um, we knew how to have fun together and having fun together always brought us back. And I think if you meet someone who's also open-minded and committed to that growth mindset, well, the rest is fucking history. Were you like this as a young man too? So basically, and hopefully we'll get there, but I'll sum it up in one sentence. You basically found something that helped the greatest loves of your life, your two boys. And so now,
Starting point is 00:59:27 like a man who found God, you're screaming from the mountaintops, hey, this helped my boys. Anyone out, you feel a moral and ethical obligation to share that with the world, because it's your greatest love, right? But did you already have that passion? Were you like that about snowboarding? I mean, you got married in three weeks. Were you just like obsessed with her and writing her poems? And what was about snowboarding i mean you got married in three weeks were you just like obsessed with her and writing her poems or what and what was before snowboarding were you obsessed with weightlifting did you ever get obsessed with drugs like is this are you um i guess um i'm hyper obsessive like like even even i don't know if this is right where accent would you say even eccentric i don't know if I would say eccentric, I would absolutely say obsessive, you know? And,
Starting point is 01:00:07 uh, the thing is I, as soon as I'm, I've never felt this way about anybody, you know, and I just knew it. I knew that this was my shot. And, and I talk about using momentum, you know, this is why we share wins and you got to use momentum to create and shape the life that you want to live in. Cause I got the fucking momentum. I got the momentum. This is on my side and you can get deals done that you otherwise would never be able to do. I'll never forget when she said to me, hey, some of my best friends think we're moving a little fast. A little. You know, your friends are trying to fuck this up for me. That too.
Starting point is 01:00:42 And so I remember telling her, hey, I know for certain you're the one for me. I know you're my soulmate. And, um, if you don't feel the same, that's fine. You take your time. You take your time. I'll be right fucking here. And of course he's like, Oh no, no, let's, let's, let's, let's stay the course, the course. Um, but I would say that I have been, um, hyper obsessed. And when I find something I like, I chase it. Right. And you hear a lot of people say, oh, yeah, you know, like if there's something that I want to win at or, you know, I'll go after and I'll do it. You know, but how many people really put in the work, the sacrifice, the dedication over time to become a master at that thing? Like you've got to use the momentum and you've got to take massive fucking action, continue relentlessly in order to get it done. So, you know, as a kid, you ask, you know, like when I started lifting weights or if I was like that in weightlifting, you know, I don't know if you want me to get into the story.
Starting point is 01:01:35 But my adolescent years were fucking horrific. I would say from about 10 to 14, these were the worst fucking years. And I wouldn't trade it for anything. Why? Were you abused? I went to a school where I was the only one of my kind. What does that mean? Well, I was the only white kid in fucking school. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:57 And what city was that in? San Antonio. Okay. Yeah, so here's the deal. I was so fucking little. I ended up graduating middle school. I think at 14, I was still under five foot. And I got the shit kicked out of me almost every fucking day.
Starting point is 01:02:13 What were you doing? Were you in school with Mexicans or black dudes? Or what were you in school with? Everything except for me. Okay. Everyone except for me. There was one other kid I ended up making friends with in seventh or eighth grade. This guy's name was paul chalk and i i oh my god it was the best to have someone else who
Starting point is 01:02:29 could but this guy had figured it out this guy kind of knew how to blend in you wouldn't really necessarily know that this guy was a white guy like me you could but for me he had a little m&m in him but you weren't you weren't pulling it off you had had a little Pee Wee Herman in you. I don't know how to do any of that shit. Right, right. And then when my mom, she had this boyfriend who gave us some of her, gave us his kids' clothes, some hand-me-downs. And for the first time ever, I remember going to school. I was like, everything's going to change. I'm wearing these Red Wing boots, these cool guest jeans. I'm going to look like them, and I'm going to fit in and all of this fucking
Starting point is 01:03:07 hazing and get, I'll walk to class and not know where the punch is coming from. And I would just wake up after the bell ring. No shit. It was that bad. All the fucking time. And I don't know what schools are like now, but you would, kids had guns in schools and the teachers would never break up the fights.
Starting point is 01:03:23 Cause if you broke up the fight, you would get the fucking shit kicked out of you. If it breaks up the fight, this stuff just went on my first day of school. This guy's named Felix Sanchez. I'm thinking this guy's like, he looked like 30 years old. This guy,
Starting point is 01:03:37 he probably was 10 or 11. You know, he's got a mustache and everything. And this was like slow motion. And I remember him spitting a loogie in his hand i'm like what the fuck next thing i know we're we're sort of coming towards one another he smacks me in the face with it and this guy's fucking hand is way bigger than my head it didn't knock me out but that's like welcome to fucking middle school this is before first period every single day every single day did you cry when that happened or does i think it's it's shocking
Starting point is 01:04:11 it's shocking and the cry doesn't happen until you go home right right and so there was nobody i could turn to you know i didn't have a dad i didn't have anybody that i could turn to to share this with brothers and sisters no siblings i have an older brother my older brother didn't have anybody that I could turn to, to share this with. Brothers and sisters, no siblings. I have an older brother. My older brother didn't give a fuck about that. You know, my older brother was tall. He had a mustache. He had fucking hair under his armpits. He had none of the, none of the problems that I had. So he was two, two grades ahead of me. And, and so he was in eighth grade when I was in sixth grade,
Starting point is 01:04:43 but then he was fucking gone after that. So I had no one to stick up for me or to mentor me anyone that had been through the same thing i just remember uh my self-worth was fucking non-existent i was embarrassed completely humiliated of the person of that that i saw in the mirror um so here's the deal i'm wearing these boots and these jeans and i'm thinking everything's gonna change i made it i made it and so we get to a gym class that day now it's time to go put my fucking boots and jeans on and they're gone somebody took them i remember running to coach coach moberg coach moberg somebody stole my shit out of my locker and he makes everyone stop he starts doing these random inspection um long story short of course i go home without those fucking jeans, without my boots. It all starts all over again. You know, and I can't tell you how many days I walked home or went back into school without shoes because lost and found right now. They run out of shoes. I ended up taking the shoes and we ended up running out of shoes.
Starting point is 01:05:41 And we ended up running out of shoes. But so my mom had another boyfriend, Michael Gleidsner, who had a bench and a weight set. And I asked him if I could use it. How old were you now? How old were you at this age? 11-ish. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:57 Yeah, I'm definitely in sixth or seventh grade at this time. And he said, go to town. You know, you can have this thing. So I did bench and curls, benching curls every fucking day. And I started getting stronger. And I couldn't believe it that I'm getting stronger. And so then I started doing other things. I'm doing leg extensions. This is going to help me.
Starting point is 01:06:16 But then I'm doing like tricep work. And then I learned about power cleans, you know, like whatever the training in football, I'm doing these things too. And by the way, thatix sanchez story there's there's dozens if not hundreds of those stories just like that and so now i'm figuring out like oh shit i'm actually getting strong there's something i can maybe do about this and and before there's a physical confrontation my peers other people are telling me what are you doing because i'll never forget this some of the guys were saying, I look like Marky Mark.
Starting point is 01:06:46 And when they said, I look like Marky Mark, what greater compliment? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I would have loved that. I'd love if fucking a dog, I thought I heard a dog bark that. And then the girls finally, for the first time ever, I started to get some attention.
Starting point is 01:07:02 And so I realized that I can create my own worth, my own value, my own esteem. This set me on this trajectory where I realized I could become anything. This was my rite of passage. This is what made me into the evolutionary hunter I am today. I figured this out. And when it came time for me to impose my own fucking will, I got strong. And when I realized how strong I was was and now nobody wanted to fuck with this guy all i had to say is let's fucking take it outside not one time did anybody want to take it outside there at one time i take it back one time this guy lee he runs outside before i'm even done saying let's take it outside he runs outside and i'm thinking fuck this guy's serious like he
Starting point is 01:07:43 must know something and i'm thinking i got myself this guy's serious. Like he must know something. And I'm thinking, I got myself into it. Let me fucking handle it. I get outside. He's not there. I go to one other place. He's not there. Anyways, I'd go back in the building and he's fucking hiding in the building. And, and, and so one time I thought someone would get, but, but the thing is you can build to strengthen yourself, right? And you can become anything. And when you have this strength, this is alpha virtue, number one of men across time and space is strength. And you need to be, strength enables all other values to even be possible, right? Strength enables mastery, honor, courage, generosity, integrity, anything. You got to be alive to philosophize. You got to have a breath
Starting point is 01:08:22 in you, strength of a breath to be alive to do anything. So I think when I figured out this part of my life, I'm like, man, I can do anything with this now. So this is sort of how the whole working out thing, when I figured that out, it's like I just continued. So I would say from about 10 to now, I've been working out for 35 years, you know, and when I see people that ask me maybe on the beach or something like, hey, how long did it take? Like, you don't know.
Starting point is 01:08:53 Yeah, I'm like, wrong question. Like, let's talk about some other things, you know, but like, yeah, this has been it for 35 years. Basically every day. Oh, 100%. And then, you know, when I started working out twice a day, pretty seriously, at least a decade ago. And,
Starting point is 01:09:08 and then, and I don't even count the third workouts. I mean, there's these little micro third workouts that I do. And I'll tell you, I don't know if social has been good or bad with this, but you know, like I stacked the fucking deck.
Starting point is 01:09:20 So like, if I'm going to do a video, you bet your fucking ass, I'm going to get a pump on. I'm about, yeah. Like right, right now I, I don't look vascular at all right but um but if i'm going to do a video i'm going to do let's say upper body for five minutes on a salt bike i'm doing fucking sprints i'm getting my veins out i'm getting my shoulders pumped i'm doing a couple of max effort you know push-ups and so because there's a decent amount of social that we do now you know how many extra
Starting point is 01:09:45 workouts i get a day hey you know what's cool about that someone might say some dumb shit like well he just gets vascular like that for the video well of course everyone wants to look good on video but it's the other side that's really cool that it's actually motivation for you to actually work harder the same way i use the motivation to before i do the podcast with any of my guests i feel like i owe my guests to be the biggest bright-eyed biggest bushy most alert i can be and what can do that 10 minutes of hard work on the assault bike of 50 burpees and fuck i'm awake yeah i'm fucking away yeah it's cool it it's a two-way street it's it's a it's a two-way street were you ever when people are that mean to you do you ever
Starting point is 01:10:26 do you were you ever mean are you a nice person there was an evolution um so there's no doubt i had everyone's fucking name on a piece of paper because i wanted to fucking kill him right no hyperbole whatsoever i mean but you got to remember this spitting on another man's pretty bad man it's pretty fucking it's about i'd rather get fucking punched in the face spitting on a man's pretty bad man it's pretty fucking it's about i'd rather get fucking punched in the face spitting on a man's pretty fucking bad this is in the 80s you know this is in the late 80s super early 90s uh but i would say from like maybe 87 to 91 or something like that um but but i knew that you could kill someone because people would get fucking killed all the time around where i was growing up yeah i just remember man if i can get because people would get fucking killed all the time around where I was growing up. Yeah. I just remember, man,
Starting point is 01:11:05 if I can get, cause people would bring these little three 80 guns to school. Wow. I get myself on a three 80 gun. Here's my fucking list. So, um, you know what?
Starting point is 01:11:14 Like, Oh, so you started getting pretty hard. I, I hear long story short. I got hard. I learned how I got strong and I learned how to fit in. And then my mom moved me to a totally different area of town to really fit in with the caucasians so by this time i'm sticking my hair
Starting point is 01:11:32 back i got my ears pierced you fucking name it oh okay you look like you've done prison time and then she just moves you to the white neighborhood and now no and now now i'm i'm the only one of my kind again you're the one i love it Right when he made it to the top. I'm telling you, it's starting to all fall into place. All the pieces are starting to fall into place. You figure it out. You figure it out.
Starting point is 01:11:52 You're most comfortable being the only one of your kind. Now you've been trained to be the only one of your kind. Maybe so. Maybe so. Yeah. But, but you know, again,
Starting point is 01:12:02 you figure it out. You just figure it out, you know, and then you can go anywhere and you can do anything. Yeah. And that is what you're doing. You've become comfortable. Being the only one of your kind and you've parlayed that into, OK, here's the gift for humanity. I'll be the best version of a man that I know of and I'll fucking bear naked to humanity and they can pick and choose what they fucking want part of the responsibility that I feel to have that too is um I uh I I did my own form of bullying in high school you did oh yeah again I got strong I I was
Starting point is 01:12:38 strong and when I see when I saw how people feared me and when I got in fights in the way that I could I was so dominant in those fights. This is all I knew. This is all I knew. And I didn't have one person to tell me this was bad. You know? So, so in fact, the guys, my peer group loved it. Yeah. Like Brian go, this guy said this shit about you. Go do this thing to him, you know? And, and, and so my peer group, you know, egged it on too. And one day I grew a conscience. I was like, this is fucked up.
Starting point is 01:13:07 This is all wrong. You hurt someone and then you felt bad? Is that what happened? No, there was not one incident. There was not one incident. It was just the, I mean, in college, I was in a fraternity and everybody loved to fight. Right, right.
Starting point is 01:13:25 So finally, I just remember, it's not like i woke up one day i just remember this isn't good like i'm not helping anybody i'm not doing anything productive with this um and then over time i remember thinking i i gotta make good on all this stuff now like i've done some bad shit in the world you know i would never harken that back to, oh, you know, they deserved it. I got bullied. Other people should be bullied. Right. But it was like, I got to figure out a way to go do something really good because I've
Starting point is 01:13:53 also done my share of that. But yeah, so it was tough. I fucking hated some of these guys so bad. You know, the guy that did that. I mean, this other guy, Robert Bridgeford, I hope he's he's listening you know i'm going to football practice or gym one day he just punches me in the face for no i mean again it happens non-stop all the fucking time and uh and this is one reason why i feel like um i've become hyper aware of things you know like you you hear the vibration of a car you know because you you don't know if you're if they're gonna get out and
Starting point is 01:14:24 jump the fucking shit out of you you become hyper aware of your situation, you know, because you don't know if they're going to get out and jump the fucking shit out of you. You become hyper aware of your situation, where you are, and how to grow and get better at everything all the time. You study how people communicate, right? And pick up those habits from them. And so, yeah, it's the best thing that I ever went through. I would never wish it on anybody, you know, but how do we recreate a legitimate rite of passage for our own boys, you know, for years of real struggle to overcome, to persevere, to win, you know, at the end of the day, I always say our job as a parent is to affirm our kids with such depth that they come to believe in themselves. When they come to believe in themselves, they take real leadership, agency, ownership, responsibility over the life that they are going to create.
Starting point is 01:15:09 But this is what's happening today is parents are affirming their kids with hollow worth and modern day trophies and what they're producing are hollow adults. And so, yes, I'm hard on my kids and yes, I make my kids earn it. But what I would say is I'm affirming my kids with the depth of challenge. And my goal is not for them to enjoy everything that they do. You know, my goal is to make sure that they come to believe in themselves, right? And they understand that they can create and shape the life that they want to live in. And that's real leadership. And so nobody deserves to go through four or five years of that. But kids today need to go through something tough. And this is part of the reason why I'm trying to promote Barbarian the way that I'm promoting it
Starting point is 01:15:49 is because you know how many adults never have had a rite of passage period? And they know something's missing. All they know, adults know that there's something sacred that is missing. They can go through a rite of passage. They can go through this rite of passage. I can't tell you how many people come here and visit and they're like, hey, can I do that thing? Can I do barbarian? You know, they want, I mean, this is a multiple hour workout. A lot of people don't ever finish it, you know, but, but this is. Oh, I can't wait to talk about that. Do you have a bunch of time left by the way? Let's keep talking. Okay. I just, I just need to go pee in my yard, right? Can I give you 30 seconds? I just need to pee. If you're going to piss, I'm going to piss. Okay. Let's keep talking. Okay. I just need to go pee in my yard, right? Can I give you 30 seconds? I just need to pee.
Starting point is 01:16:26 If you're going to piss, I'm going to piss. Okay. Let's pee break. Pee break. Quick pee break. That's the sound of a 360-degree barbell brush by Hybrid Athletics. I can't wait to get in some of that talk about the barbarian, though, because I used to do a mile sled drag so often,
Starting point is 01:16:45 and I thought that that was difficult. And once I started to see the way that you do it there, I was really inspired to challenge myself to. What have you done to up it? Nothing, nothing. Now I'm feeling weak about it. So I definitely need to get back after it, stack another plate and carry some kettlebells with my next one. That's for sure. after it's stacked another plate and carry some kettlebells with my next one. That's for sure. I'll tell you, you know, after doing barbarian for so many years,
Starting point is 01:17:07 I started another company called a tip of the spear, which is sort of a parent company to a lot of these other companies that, that I'm running. And then I said, okay, tip of the spear is going to need something that's much more difficult than barbarian. And so that's when I started super barbarian.
Starting point is 01:17:25 And so when I, when I started training super barbarian, you know, and super barbarian is it's, it's half of your body weight in each hand is the kettlebell, right? So I'm 200. So I have a hundred pound kettlebells in each hand. It's a hundred pounds in the backpack. So 50% of your body weight's in the backpack. 100% of your body weight goes on top of the sled, right? So I have 200 pounds on top of the sled, which it's all the way full with the plates that we use. And then you have your 20-pound ankle weights. I remember I didn't really work up to it.
Starting point is 01:17:54 I basically went from barbarian to super barbarian, and the sled wouldn't fucking move. I couldn't get it to move. And I said, oh, my God, how am I going to do this? Because I already told people I came up with the next evolution. If you're going to be in tip of the spear, if you're going to make it, you have to do super barbarian. And it scared the shit out of me as I started training for it because I didn't know how I was going to do this for a mile. And this is what a rite of passage should do for you, right?
Starting point is 01:18:22 It should stretch you so drastically that it should scare the shit out of you. And you really seriously doubt, like, can I do this? And so I continued to train and I continued to train. And I'm like, oh, you know what? Like, this might take me six, eight, 10 hours to do. I can do this. I know I can do this. Like, I built the confidence where I could do it.
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Starting point is 01:19:41 And so this is such a special thing to be able to share this with people. When I see people do barbarian, we just had two guys do barbarian. We had a barbarian party just recently and it was Andrew and Cullen. And to see these guys do barbarian is one of the most special things I've ever seen. Are they employees
Starting point is 01:20:00 of yours? They are. They are. And by the way, we don't make people do barbar are. They are. And by the way, we don't make people do bar area. You should. You can choose to do it. And so far, we've never had anybody not choose to do it. But here's the thing, Cullen. Your 15-year-old son did it.
Starting point is 01:20:18 My 15-year-old, this was his rite of passage. I was talking to someone the other day, and they're like, you know you can't do that. I'm like, why not? They're like, you're a fucking little, you're a little man. You need mass to move mass. And then yesterday I heard your 15 year old son did it. I'm like, well, fuck. This is right. Yeah. My 15 year old son did it because this is how many hours for becoming a man for my son. Yeah. I believe it was two, two or two and a half is it emotional at that length like like like at 30 minutes is he angry at 45 he's happy at an hour and a half you're crying and at two hours you're like shit i need to get a new girlfriend you're like you're pumped like is it is it an emotional process here's the thing for for him or for me or for other people for for him for the doer for the i mean i'm sure for you
Starting point is 01:21:01 as emotional as all get out but i mean for to watch your son do that, but for him, does he go through ups and downs and. Yeah. So for everyone, it's so drastically different. Okay. This is the reason why I, so it's not just about the physical strength. When you go out and do barbarian, this is what, you know, requires every aspect of you, the mental strength, the emotional strength, the spiritual strength. And there's, I think it's such an elegantly designed workout that there's not one thing that's going to fail before the other. It's not like your grip fails and, and, and then like, you still have capacity left in you. It's like your grip and capacity and your shoulders. And it's like almost everything kind of goes about the same time. So to answer your question, um, um it was it was his time to do the barbarian
Starting point is 01:21:46 and i fucking i saw him start and i left i left because i had another obligation and i see liver queen go out and i said hey he started and uh and she goes to check on him and i said do not fucking check on him could you imagine the great nurturer mama comes out and checks on you when you're doing that's not good like i knew that would be so bad i said do not look at him do not check on him you can be here for his homecoming right the thing about barbarian is a lot like other primitive culture tribes um this is something you do on your own this you go out in the world you go do this thing on your own you may or may not come back and and so when i got to talk to him about the experience um he knew how hard that he had been training for this
Starting point is 01:22:28 for months you know and when you train this is another great example of life right like when you really really train really hard for something that you don't think you can do when it comes time for the real thing you fucking crush it right you crush it so even when we were on vacation anywhere we went he was training for barbarian because he knew it was coming. And everyone thought he could do that. His peers thought he couldn't do it. His own CrossFit coach said, don't do it.
Starting point is 01:22:51 Change the weights. Get him to do something else. Liver Queen said, we can't have him do this. And I'm like, he's 15. It's time for him to complete his rite of passage. He's going to learn that he can do something that not only did no one else think he could do, he didn't think he could do it. And not only did he do it, but he did it with a mental and emotional and spiritual
Starting point is 01:23:07 strength and the physical, the preparation guided him through it. And again, he realized the leadership, the ownership, the agency that he had in this, he created the life, the outcome that he had set forth. This is part of crossing that chasm to become a man. So he did it. And this is something that I want to create the opportunity for millions of people to go out and to complete this rite of passage. Because again, you don't just put on the weights and go and do this, right? You start to train for it. And the training aspect is, oh, it doesn't just happen. That barbarian's got to come out. And then eventually one day, like the barbarian continues to come out and you're like, oh, I'm getting to know who this guy is. I'm getting to know this barbarian
Starting point is 01:23:45 and you let him out enough and that barbarian figures out a way of that cage permanently permanently and then you create and shape the life that you want to live forever so yeah he my i'm so proud of him to do that and uh my uh my 13 year old rad is uh he can't wait to do it do you know another um you say that again liver king do you know another you? Say that again? Liver King, do you know another you? Like, do you know anyone? And you're like, oh, that guy's doing what I'm doing. Like two lawyers who went to law school and now they're in a law firm and they can't wait to meet a girl and they can't wait to have kids and they can't wait to buy a house in the Hamptons.
Starting point is 01:24:21 And, you know, there's 10,000 of those guys. Do you know another barbarian? do you know any other kings i haven't thought about that if i think about it maybe i i the thing is a king is somebody you're doing something sorry sorry to interrupt you you're doing something so unique you're not just another buff guy on instagram that's the thing and everyone knows that you're not just you're um you're not just another buff guy on instagram that's the thing and everyone knows that you're not just you're um you're not just um you're not not just another you're you're doing something that's really really that everyone's connecting to because they know it's accessible to them and you're showing us how you're doing it. And there is a emotional, spiritual,
Starting point is 01:25:05 physical, intellectual freedom to it all. You're kind of, you're, you're like, you're kind of what the hippie should have been. You know what I mean? Like you're, you're just a big old,
Starting point is 01:25:15 like, you know, you picture, you're like, you're, you're just a dude who's like, looks like he should be sitting on a throne with a drumstick from a pterodactyl.
Starting point is 01:25:24 You know what I mean? Like, from a pterodactyl you know what i mean like i love you just said pterodactyl um when i went i'm just thinking i'm thinking the only bird you would eat you wouldn't eat a chicken you would have to have like a real fucking like a like something yeah yes yes yes and it's it's so it's so you're so fun it's so it's so refreshing this um this freedom and and and then and then the story that it comes from and i and i got and i gotta i gotta get to some of the details of this um it's when when um sorry i'm gonna hijack this a little bit when so you had so you get your wife pregnant with your you have two sons is that correct i actually have i have uh three boys three boys okay yeah my wife and i have, and then I have an older son.
Starting point is 01:26:06 Okay. And how old is your oldest son? I believe he just turned 18. Oh, shit. Congratulations. And your youngest son is how old? 13. 13.
Starting point is 01:26:15 And the middle guy is? 15. 15. Okay. Oh, man. Did the 13-year-old see the 15-year-old dude, the barbarian? Yeah. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:26:24 We sent him out on his ranger just to make sure he wasn't fucking dead. And like, just go make sure. Cause if he's passed out, cause people start barbarian and pass out, people start barbarian and they, they legitimately pass out. So we're like,
Starting point is 01:26:36 rad, you go check on striker. You just drive the Ranger out there. Don't go talk to him. Don't look at him in his eyes. I just need to know if he's up and if he's moving wow wow so so you have you you have you start having the boys when do you notice within um and which boy um of these three the middle youngest or that you notice okay something's wrong this but this is not something this this child's not being is not healthy when
Starting point is 01:27:01 they were sick yeah oh man i mean. I mean, it was nonstop. It was like, uh, they would projectile vomit, you know, and we would feed them something that was supposed to be okay. You know, like baby, like even when they were babies. Oh yeah. Oh, a hundred percent. Yeah. Even when they were babies, all three boys. Um, I don't know a whole lot. I can't really say that about Zach. You know, I wasn't really engaged in his life. Uh, so don't know that. But, um, you know, I remember we got a dog, a boxer and they broke out in hives, you know,
Starting point is 01:27:33 we're like, Oh, well let's watch the dog, you know? And then they continue to break out in hives. And there's obviously like this immune reaction happened. They're allergic to life. They're allergic to, I mean, they would be breakout hives and have issues breathing. I'm telling you about the extreme examples about going to the hospital, stuff like that. But they had issues breathing. You can tell respiratory distress, the wheezing, that's nonstop.
Starting point is 01:27:55 And so there were continual issues. And so, I mean, I wouldn't really say like there was one massive issue that said, hey, we got to, I mean, there were several. I mean, were you scared? Were you living in fear for your boys like that sounds like the worst thing like a parent wants to see their kids thrive and like um were you living in fear like oh fuck are these fuckers are these my my two greatest it's it's it's like um that that's your Sistine chapel, your boys. Yeah. Your greatest, your greatest creation. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:27 And anywhere we went, think about this, like anywhere you go, ski lessons. Now you're talking to the instructor, you're giving the instructor an EpiPen. You're making sure that he has an EpiPen on him also. And the Benadryl, you know,
Starting point is 01:28:39 and then you're checking on them all throughout the day too. You know, it's like anywhere and everywhere you go, you think about where's the closest hospital, you know, what's the emergency system look like? Does everybody knows everybody prepared? What if there's a shift change, you know, because there will be a shift change and you won't even know to ask that question until there's a shift change. And now you realize this other person who's taking care of your fucking little kid don't even know what the fuck is going on and so you
Starting point is 01:29:05 kind of get used to it you know and of course it's like with anything in life you got to take extreme ownership over it and you got to figure out these are the questions that i didn't know to ask that now i know to ask so who got you on the right path when were you like like for a while i'm guessing you were like okay this thank god for doctors thank god for epi pens and then at some point were you just like did you see something i mean you were telling me that your wife started figuring some shit out okay we're getting rid of the tide so we're getting rid of the cleaners we're getting rid of this um these pollutants around the house but what was the like did you how old were the boys and when did you reach that like oh shit i really have to this can't go on like this you know what we never
Starting point is 01:29:42 stopped trying to figure out a solution you know we started allergy shots we you know it, you know, it's like, you know, when you're wired this way, this is the growth mindset, right? This is the betterment mindset. It's like, how do you figure this out? How do you, how do you shape and get better? How do you continue to just switch doctors? You just switch doctors. And it's like, you're looking for a different answer, but the answer is exactly the fucking same. Everyone you go to. And I would say, you know, after asking doctors over and over and it's like oh god we got to just read we got to start reading and researching and then like i said we came across uh i think it was actually sal one of sally fallon's books you know then we learned
Starting point is 01:30:16 about weston a price and we're like wow this whole ancestral thing like well this doesn't seem like there's no fad diet you know this has been our diet since the inception of time you know like this makes a lot of sense maybe we should try just cutting out all this futuristic shit and just go back to the original human diet and i'm within what did we have to lose there was nothing to lose you know the at first um there are boys didn't want to eat in any of it like who wants to eat liver and bone broth? You know, when you're eating this hyper other palatable shit. And so at first they didn't eat, but then after a couple of days, they were starving. How old were they when this happened?
Starting point is 01:30:53 Five and three. Yeah, it amazes me when parents are like my kids. Like, I'll use pizza as an example. I order pizza with bell peppers and tomatoes, let's say, and a parent will be like, my kids won't eat it. And I'll be like, what do you mean they won't eat it well they won't eat it so i had to order them a special pizza well and i know pizza is not the um the ideal food i don't really feed my kid pizza either but and i'm just thinking to myself what do you mean your kid won't fucking eat it then he doesn't fucking eat like what the fuck are you talking about yeah it's crazy so you took
Starting point is 01:31:21 that you took that attitude all right then you won't eat oh 100 yeah yeah and and so it's crazy. So you took that, you took that attitude. All right. Then you won't eat. Oh, a hundred percent. Yeah. Yeah. And, and so it's hard. It broke your heart a little bit, right? It was one of the hardest things I've been through. You know, when you see how emaciated they are, when you see that they have no energy, when, when it looks like they have the flu, when they're just begging for anything that they used to eat, you know, imagine when you're a bowl of, they want a bowl of grape nuts or a bowl of raisin bran, right?
Starting point is 01:31:46 Anything, anything, yeah. And so when eventually they realize, you know, that you're gonna get the same thing for lunch that we put in front of you for breakfast, same thing for dinner, it's the same thing the next day. Again, once you're hungry, you'll eat anything. This is the trick. You know, once you are hungry, man,
Starting point is 01:32:03 you will eat it and you'll love it. And then they wanted more and they wanted more. And I'm once you are hungry, man, you will eat it and you'll love it. And then they wanted more and they wanted more. And I'm telling you, man, it's just, it was such a radically fast transformation and all of those doubts, all of the efforts that went into it, you know, the return on investment, we got to see exponential return immediately. And so now you lean in and now you say, how far can I take this? Right. And then you learn about everything ancestral based on first principles. So at first it's out of medical necessity. And then it's like, we see how much they're kicking ass now.
Starting point is 01:32:31 And so then it's based, based out of like, how, how far can we take this? How far can we optimize? And once we apply this to ourselves, we're like, holy shit. Like I'm getting stronger in the gym than I've ever been. And I'm 30 years old, you know, 35 years old. And I'm like, you're not supposed to like peak and get stronger at 30. My physique has changed. And I've been working out. You got to remember, I'd already been working out for 25 years. So now I'm getting stronger and better build than I ever have. I'm like, how far can
Starting point is 01:32:58 we go with this? And so we've really leaned in and like, okay, now how do we model, teach and preach this in an organized way, which then really the nine ancestral tenets were born out of. And then I thought, well, who the fuck am I to go and teach and preach the ways of our ancestors without going to visit with the primitive culture tribes all around the world? So I felt like to give the nine ancestral tenets any credibility, I really got to go and observe this. I got to go see firsthand, which is why we hung out with the Machu Picchu in the Amazon. Then we went to Africa, and we've been with five or six tribes. We're headed to the Arctic later this month or next month. So the journey will continue. How are you getting, are you flying or boating?
Starting point is 01:33:34 We're flying. Wow. Wow. In the Amazon, I'll tell you what, it was like, obviously it's a long flight to get there, but it was like an eight hour drive. Then we spend another eight hours on a riverboat and this is the thing when you go visit a primitive culture they're not close to a big city you better fucking get ready to buckle down and go on an adventure because you know an eight hour riverboat drive i mean this is all all the electricity's gone you're going down the amazon no one's going to be able to help you. And so once again, like as a leader, you got to be thinking about all the contingencies because your guide, fuck that.
Starting point is 01:34:11 Your guide doesn't know shit. I'm telling my guide, I want a backup boat. I want a backup car. What if the car breaks down? What if the boat breaks down? The cost for me to have an extra boat or an extra car is nothing. If you look at the whole cost of the trip, the cost of the trip is pretty expensive. To have this backup stuff, to have me have a doctor on hand that knows the infrastructure there,
Starting point is 01:34:35 this is me planning for these things. And I'm like, oh, so now I know what I'm going to do better on the next trip. But this is our job, right? As a leader, dominate your environment. This is how you get prepared. And you're not going to be able to make excuses later. Oh, the car broke down. That sucks sucks we have to spend an extra two days here the river but if the riverboat breaks down you're really fucked yeah dude i was i was on the mombasa nairobi highway in a two-car caravan and and one of the cars broke down and everyone fucking jumped out into one car and i was helping those people, me and the bodyguard. And the car drove off, and I was left there with two $15,000 Canon 1DX lenses, all the flashes, everything hanging on my neck. And it took me probably six hours to get back to my hotel with the guy.
Starting point is 01:35:21 And, of course, you know the scene. We're the only two people who even remotely – we're the only two people i saw for hours that have shoes let alone i mean anyone could have just taken our shit fortunately everyone was nice as fuck to us yeah but man dude it was yeah that's smart what you're saying about the backup shit and the people that were there we were with like grown-ass men turned into whiny bitches like right away oh my god oh my god the car's breaking down i'm like shut the fuck up like like now's not the time to panic yeah so i'm not do you thrive in stressful situations i don't panic in stressful situations my kid falls off the roof and like i get calm i might be panicking when he's up there but when he falls i'm like all right
Starting point is 01:36:00 i'm cool yeah i do think that there's a reason for this. I mean, if you look in your history, there's probably a reason for that too. But I've been through it so many times, you know? And so now it's really like, you got to be calm in order to observe, to educate yourself on what the next moves are. Yeah. When we were hiking in Banff, there was a grizzly bear. We didn't have any spray. And my wife is freaking out.
Starting point is 01:36:21 One of my sons starts running and I'm like, you better fucking stop. You better chill out. I put myself between the two of them so that we could assess the situation right like you gotta be able to be calm to assess the situation yeah um i think i think it just wait wait wait what happened i told everybody just fucking walk slowly this is just and i didn't turn my back to it you know my uncle's like an expert in all this shit he wasn't there but um you know the experts tell you to like if it gets close enough to you to get down in the fetal position and cover your fucking neck and are you familiar with this uh play dead yeah yeah and i'm like you think i'm gonna fucking die like that you know i'm like you can die like that i'll let you die like that anyone that wants to die like that. I'll let you die like that. Anyone that wants to die like that. Fine. Go ahead. And I'm sure I'm going to get a lot of comments about this. But like, I'm going to fucking do everything I can, you know, to fight for my fucking go and i'm just kind of standing there facing it uh i would say it's about 50 yards away and and we just backed up and it didn't bother us and as soon as we got it see you did it look at you and you looked at it and you're like yo what's up yeah
Starting point is 01:37:34 yeah yeah but um but yeah you know like you you got to remain calm under pressure yeah um you switch your child's diet when they're around three or five, you start moving to Oregon meat. How long, how successful you saying it was successful right away. You just saw your kids basically just light up. And has it been just smooth sailing since then now for 10 years? No, it hasn't been smooth sailing. I mean, you know, it's life, right. And, and, uh, but I mean, but I mean, with their health, we had one incident with rad that was tough. That, uh, was maybe the hardest thing we've ever been through. Have you heard of pandas? No. So it's like, uh,
Starting point is 01:38:13 I might get it wrong, but it's like pediatric autoimmune neurological disorder. And it came out of nowhere. It came out of nowhere. And, uh, it's like nonstop like obsessing over like irrational behaviors. And we'll never forget like one day out of nowhere, he came up and said, hey, if a bad person spits, if you look at it, does it make you bad? And of course, the answer is no. What if what if you're just in the area? Well, of course, the answer is no.
Starting point is 01:38:37 What if it touches you? Of course, the answer is no. But now the questions, the same questions repeat. And he doesn't even know that he asked that question. And he's obsessing over it. And there's no break. It's nonstop. And there's violent screaming. I mean, we can't believe this is happening.
Starting point is 01:38:52 What the fuck happened? We have no idea. I mean, this is like occupying all of his awake hours. And this is really why, fuck, dude, I never thought I would get emotional on a podcast. Um, Paul is so much more than a friend to us. You know, uh, Paul Saladino, we needed him. Uh, he was there for us when we needed him most. And, uh, and we're thinking, you know what, like we're eating this ancestral way. What else can we be doing? And Paul dissected everything. And he's like, and we eat some chocolate and it's a cacao fucking chocolate 100 cacao
Starting point is 01:39:25 chocolate with some wild uh honey and um and paul's like this is this is it you got to take this out and um and and i'm telling you like you you've lost your kid man like your kid there's no resemblance of your kid and i remember he had sort of a moment of clarity rad did where he said uh i wish i had a baseball bat. And I would rather give myself brain damage than have the brain that I'm dealing with right now. Oh, fuck. God, that must have broke your heart. Oh, and he's 11, probably 11 at this time.
Starting point is 01:39:56 Maybe even 10. I don't know. But anyways, Paul's like, well, everything you're doing is pretty solid. But here's what you got to do, like the honey and the chocolate. Within two days, he got better. chocolate within two days, he got better. Within two fucking days, he got better. And, and so again, this is like, this is, I think so important for people to hear this. I, at first he clicked, this was like the only thing he would eat, by the way, was at this time,
Starting point is 01:40:20 we would put other foods in front of him, but he's like the only thing he would look forward to was that chocolate and honey. And so now we remove the chocolate and honey and oh my God, you know, it was an even fucking worse living hell. And, but here's the thing. If, if I, people need to know that, that this stuff happens, you know, first we're like, are we going to share this with people? People need to know, you know, I believe a hardcore keto carnivore diet can fix so many things. You know, you can get your child's life back. And so no, it sure as fuck hasn't been smooth sailing. You know, this was much worse than anything we'd ever been through with them. Like this was much worse than going to the hospital, you know, not being able to breathe
Starting point is 01:41:03 because this is like, you got to start to think like, how are you going to get this? But we always knew we would figure it out. But you did know you had, you had faith. You would figure it out. We knew we would figure it out. Didn't, we had no fucking idea how, because we thought we were doing everything. Right. Right. Yeah. But, but very quickly at first he, again, he didn't eat, you know, when we took that away and not eating, like, you, like when you get into fasting, you know this, and this is why you fast the way that you fast. It's probably the most profound, effective metabolic intervention for almost everything out there, right?
Starting point is 01:41:33 And from an epigenetic standpoint, it allows you to start to fix and heal some of that shit. So I think that that was a powerful lever. And then we proceeded. There were still no carbs in his diet whatsoever you know wow well a month or two or three even but but within like about two or three days he's better he's better like two or three days it's like yeah it's nuts 90 better yeah 90 better um and so yeah definitely not smooth sailing um i hope it's smoother sailing from here on out but again like what you already it's like once you figure out like you've been faced with some impossible situations in life, you always figure out those impossible situations, you know, and now you're out in front of it.
Starting point is 01:42:14 Like then you start to build the confidence. Give me any impossible situation. I'll take anything. I'll be able to figure this out. Do your boys go to school? No, no. My boys are homeschooled. Liver Queen is their teacher. Yeah, my boys don't go to school no no my boys are homeschooled liver queen is their teacher yeah my boys don't go to school either they do that and what where do they play with do they
Starting point is 01:42:31 play with other kids when do they see other kids yeah she has uh this is gonna i don't know this is gonna come off um she uh so they made friends a couple years ago where we used to live and these are like their old like school kind of friends and neighborhood friends. She'll normally send like a limo to go pick up their friends. Yeah, yeah. So number one, you have a professional driver. It's our same driver. And it's not our limo, by the way.
Starting point is 01:42:59 I would never fucking own a limo. And they love to get in the limo. And so she's great about this. She's great about like making sure that that infrastructure is there for them so that they can keep pushing each other. They can do these wild fucking crazy things. You know, they're stirring up so many issues on the streets.
Starting point is 01:43:17 You know, they're pushing the boundaries for one another. And I always just tell them because they're driving these cars, you know, these like high lifters, these SUVs pretty fucking fast around here. And sometimes I'll see one of them, you know, dangling around the top and I'll say like, the one thing you can't fucking do is you can't take a head injury.
Starting point is 01:43:33 So you need to get in a fucking seat, you know, y'all can do everything else, but no head injuries. Gotcha. So they, like-minded families and friends and the kids get together. Definitely not like-minded families and friends, but like-minded families and friends and the kids get together definitely not like-minded families and friends but like-minded kids wow no shit there's no like-minded you don't have like a um like it i'm a bit of an oddball in my community and but but we found kind of our like-minded people you know what i mean like people who feed their kids the same thing people who expect their
Starting point is 01:44:03 kids to say please and thank you, you know, shit like that. You don't have that in your area, like some like minded, like, like, like, you know, like all the homeschooling moms and, you know, the moms that, you know, use cloth diapers or whatever. You know what I mean? I'm just like choosing shit. I don't know. That's probably a better question for liver queen. I don't really meddle a whole lot in that. All I know is this, like it um from a real hardcore principle standpoint if you're looking at the nine ancestral tenants which like shapes and guides our life um it's hard to really meet people you know that that believe in those sorts of things and act and execute on those sorts of things you know and when their friends come over and like yesterday they did the cold plunge and the cold plunge with them. You know, that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:44:46 Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, and so and of course, like when their friends are here, their friends aren't going to eat. No, we still have our guys eat nose to tail. Their friends aren't going to eat nose to tail. Right. But like today that they're doing, I think your guys also do boxing, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:00 A lot of fighting, a lot of a lot of jujitsu, a lot of boxing, like four or five, six, seven days a week sometimes. Yeah. So today was, was striking classes. And so I looked out and saw on the lawn under the sun, everybody's doing striking, which is cool that, that they bring them into that. So yeah, that might be a better question for Lever Queen. But I'm okay with that. I'm okay. It's like, it's, it's fine at this point. I'm not looking to like build
Starting point is 01:45:25 friendships or relationships like you know what i need to do is i need to spread this fucking message you know so again it's like let's show them not telling at first and then a lot of people start asking questions right and if you ask questions well now you're really interested because i'm done trying to shove this information information down people's throats like the the fact is like especially people around you you sound so much like Greg Glassman. You sound so much like the fact that CrossFit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You guys, it's, it's amazing. It's almost like you guys are, we're cut from the same cloth. And that's probably why your business is flourishing too. When I first started working at CrossFit, there were 300 gyms and there were only eight,
Starting point is 01:45:59 eight, eight employees and there were 300 affiliates. And when I left, there were hundreds of employees and 15,000 affiliates. And when I left, there were hundreds of employees and 15,000 affiliates. And one of the craziest things about working there was, is that it was basically, it was a cult in the sense that everyone who worked there, their life had been completely fucking changed from CrossFit. Right. And so that's what you, and you cannot recreate that. You can't pay someone $500,000 a year. And so we had all these, what Patrick Bed-David calls intrapreneurs, people inside an entrepreneurial program who were basically treated them – the boss let them be entrepreneurs inside of an entrepreneurship. And those are the hardest-working employees, right?
Starting point is 01:46:43 And it's crazy. I'm guessing that's what you have. Like everyone there has drank the Kool-Aid like everyone there's trying to eat more organs. Everyone there's trying to work out. Everyone's trying to fucking get further away from the EMF. Everyone's trying to connect more with the ground. Everyone's trying to have healthier relationships. Is that the way it is? And, and, and, and as your business, you were a poor boy and now you're a wealthy man in every aspect. Yeah. I make no apologies for the value that we've created in the world, you know, especially if you look at where we've come from.
Starting point is 01:47:11 Yeah. This is an incredible story to share and I hope that it's inspiring, you know, for others to do the same. We've, so I've been a serial entrepreneur since my early twenties and I've had plenty of failed businesses. And one of the things I figured out similar to the, how did you say it? An intrapreneur? Intrapreneur. Am I pronouncing that right, Matt? Yeah, intrapreneur. Intrapreneur, okay.
Starting point is 01:47:31 This is what I figured out is, being an entrepreneur can be like one of the greatest growth levers for any individual in their life, right? I mean, I think it would be great if you have a little bit further along the maturity continuum because you're about to lead people, right? And how do you scale and lead when you're still further down that maturity continuum?
Starting point is 01:47:50 If you're still insecure, if you're still dependent or even independent, I think you're going to have some major challenges, which I clearly had early on. But I think one of the most important things to do is the next step is to get hyper clear on what your why is. What's your why in the world, right? If you know exactly what your why is, and now you can find out other people that you're hiring, what is their why and do your whys align. And if you have alignment with your whys, the mark that you want to make in the universe, these guys will go shoulder to shoulder and do anything, go to the edge of the earth for you. So now you've got true believers, right? A true believer will go to the edge of the earth.
Starting point is 01:48:28 And so the true believers for the companies that are higher people that have been through other horrific things that have had Crohn's, you know, that, that have had other autoimmune conditions that have infertility reversed, you know, they've had anxiety and depression and things that have trapped them in their own homes. They've been able to connect with the outside world. These are true believers that have been through these sorts of life experiences. And now you share the same why, because the why in the world, again, it's because people are suffering and struggling with X, Y, and Z. Their lives suck.
Starting point is 01:48:57 There's a simple, elegant solution to make a life that's goddamn worth living. They've been through this themselves. So now you have the deepest, most profound true believers. You have their discretionary time when they're driving, when they're taking a shower, when they're taking a shit. They're thinking. I had one guy ask me, I swear to God, he said, all I think about is work. Can you pay me for this other time? And I said, I fucking got you. This is how I hire. You know what I believe. If you believe what I believe, if we share, if we merge these whys, we're going to create all this good stuff
Starting point is 01:49:29 in the world. This is how we make our mark in the universe. This is our purpose. This is our passion. We share this. This is why we exist. So I think that this is one of the most important things to do in a business, right, is figure out where you are in the maturity continuum. Make sure that you continue to focus on yourself. You've got to figure out a way to let that barbarian out, that evolutionary hunter out. But then the next step is get really hyper clear on your why. Make sure that you understand anyone you're going to hire. Make sure you understand their why. If you've got a true believer, you can move forward with the next step. The next step is massive fucking action, relentless, massive action. Don't pivot to some new idea every three months. I'm sure you guys
Starting point is 01:50:02 know the guys that do this, right? They pivot to a new idea every three or six months. And then the last step, I would say, is you're going to fucking work hard. So make sure the way that you're working hard is for nine-digit figures annually. Because what it takes to make seven, six, let's say six-digit figure annually, it's the same kind of effort it takes to make nine digit figures, right? So playing a market that is that expansive, if you're going to work that fucking hard, because it's no more effort, it's no additional effort to work that hard. If you have true believers and you have this altruistic vision and you share this, these guys will go to the
Starting point is 01:50:41 edge of the earth for you, right? And, and once you have that and you've, you're clear as day on what the vision and mission is, you guys can go anywhere. You can do anything. Have you ever thought about writing a business book? That all I care about right now are the people whose lives fucking suck. That was, that was a trick to see if you pivot. No, it wasn't. But I caught myself. I'm like, Oh shit. I'm not being ancestral lifestyle. And oh shit, I'm not being-
Starting point is 01:51:05 I have this PCLV ancestral lifestyle and this is what I'm going to continue to do. I know. So what I tell my guys is, you know, I never try and compare myself to anyone or what we're doing to anybody, right? Because once again, that's the finite game and that pulls you away from the infinite possibilities in life. But I will say this, McDonald's has done a good job. Coke has done a good job. If McDonald's and Coke can become mainstream while doing harm to the human condition, ancestral living can become mainstream while doing good to the human condition. This is my vision is to make sure that we take ancestral living mainstream and ancestral living.
Starting point is 01:51:38 Almost all of it doesn't cost anything, right? Virtually all of it is free and you're already eating. So now you just got to transfer your dollars to the bullshit processed foods and the liquid calories to the stuff that's wild, caught nose to tail. And you're probably going to save money. If you switch over to the ancestral tenants, you're probably going to actually save money and you're going to realize you can become anything, even a King, right? So, so this is what I will continue to focus on. And, and, and I know that we're getting there. I know we're getting there because now when I go places, I'm telling you, this is the weirdest thing. A few months ago, you already know that I was never on social media, right?
Starting point is 01:52:10 We just got on social media like seven months ago. And so I could go anywhere. Nobody fucking knew who this guy was. And then finally we went somewhere and, and multiple people were like, oh, you're the liver king. And I was like, I didn't even know what to do. You know, one guy said, can I come talk to you?'m like get the fuck over here you know who are you we get to talking and uh and he and i said why were you so timid he goes well i don't know what it's like to be a celebrity and i'm thinking fuck i don't need to do i'm a barbarian what are you talking
Starting point is 01:52:41 about did you pound your chest how are we calling a celebrity? I couldn't believe it. And then going to New York city is really evidence that we're creating value in the world because people know who this guy is now. And if you know who this guy is, you know, that liver is King. And now we are going mainstream. You know, we're, we got a lot of work to do, but I think we're well on our way. We have momentum and we're, you're going to lean the fuck into that
Starting point is 01:53:05 and amplify anywhere and everywhere we can um you you mentioned the the no processed foods i bought a bag of the whole beast absolutely love it i also um i'm not a big uh processed food guy but i will put that into some raw milk and chug that as a for a meal for myself and after my kids do a workout or if they're doing two or three workouts which they often do in a row i'll take a adult size scoop and split it over three cups and put whole milk in it and when i put it on my instagram people be like oh you're peddling processed shit and like i like i don't care like i've never i've never told people i'm not peddling processed shit. I do whatever the fuck I want. Fuck you. But I looked at the – what do you say to that? So for me, ancestral supplements, heart and soil supplements, the fittest supplements,
Starting point is 01:53:55 medicine man plant company supplements are all processed. So it really comes down to – I've always said if you can go out and hunt, go on a sacred hunt, have that connection with the animal, have that connection with the land. There's nothing better than this. Yeah, you actually told me, you're like, don't take the pills, eat all the organ meat you can. The pills are just like for a backup. And I'm like, oh, dude, I can't. I'm not there yet. You're like, OK, well, start getting there and get off the supplements.
Starting point is 01:54:21 And it's like, yeah, I'm preaching. Yeah, you preach it. Go do this thing. And then if you're not going to go on a hunt, go get to know your butcher. Go shake his fucking hand. Go look him in the eye. Go to a farmer's market and go put down the goddamn phone and make an actual connection. Know where your food comes from. And these are the best way to collect and to nourish yourself, right? Because you get more nourishment than just what the organs provide. This is what I know. A fraction of people are going to do that. And so there's this easy, simple, convenient way to let this stuff nourish you. And so my message is still the same.
Starting point is 01:54:55 This is still processed stuff, right? We got liver, heart, pancreas, spleen, colostrum, blood, and bones inside the whole beast. And I still drink the whole beast every day. And people are like, why the fuck? You have protein on top of protein? And these guys at Barstool Sports did a podcast, and they were talking about liver king for like 15 minutes, and I loved it. I loved hearing it every second of it.
Starting point is 01:55:17 And they're like, yeah, it's true. I see what this guy eats for dinner. In addition to like five pounds of meat, he actually has a protein shake, which is true. And the protein in there is bovine protein. You know, it's not some whey protein isolate. It's what comes from the carcass of the animal. And then there's other things.
Starting point is 01:55:34 I don't take colostrum otherwise. I don't take kidney every single day. I get enough from the whole beast to top off all of those peptides that I, that I otherwise would not even be getting. And so what I try and tell people is don't let perfect be the enemy of good. I think I said that it's the other way around. Don't let good be the enemy of, you fucking know what I'm saying. Right, right, right, right, right. Well, well said. Yep. I don't give a fuck. You know, if, if, if this is the only way you need to get liver in your life, you need to get bone marrow in your life, the organs,
Starting point is 01:56:03 the complimentary blend that's in the whole beast. Again, if you can go out and go on a hunt, do it. If you want to get to know your butcher, do it. If you're going to prepare it and consume it, go do it. There's nothing better. A fraction of people are going to do that. The next best thing is to go get this stuff that's lightly processed and let that nourish you. And when you see how that nourishes you and change your life, maybe one day you will start eating liver but i guarantee you this this will change you this will put you on a trajectory you're officially a primal you know and when you're officially a primal that barbarians fucking cut it's a matter of time that barbarian comes out um i i i when paul saladino says you shouldn't drink sparkling water out of a can and he talks about how the inside sprayed with this
Starting point is 01:56:44 plastic and shit but there it is again you could what you just said hey if you're drinking six cokes a day and your step to getting off of six cokes a day is to drink three sparkling waters god bless you go for it brother like do like do your shit like i i fully support that like it's it's steps um are you a man of faith at all do you are you religious guy were you brought up religious do you do you have uh are you i get asked this question all the fucking time why why do you ask i'm just wondering because you've been through a lot of fucking hard shit and a lot of people who've been through a lot of hard shit will seem to be religious people like at some point they they they turn to god they turn to some something
Starting point is 01:57:25 something esoteric yeah this is what i say i believe we're all of one people you know that um my animal is my brother i believe that we all breathe from the same body of air we all drink for it from the same goddamn body of fucking water right it's in our ability to deeply love to build these bonds with one another you know to share the success of the hunt that has made us who we are today what makes that possible is something fucking extraordinary you know something extraordinary i don't know what that thing is you know i'm still trying to discover that thing myself yeah whenever we start to talk about religions or anything that potentially is like there's multiples, which means maybe I'm right and maybe you're wrong.
Starting point is 01:58:06 You know what I'm like? We're pretty much fucking the same. Like we all have been shaped through the same life-giving forces. We're a whole lot more alike than we are different. This is what we need to focus on. Yeah, and this cracks me up too. I'm just going to take a stab at this. When people ask me about like my views on what's going on around the world.
Starting point is 01:58:24 Right. You care what Liver King fucking thinks? You my views on what's going on around the world, right? You care what liver King fucking thinks, you know, like what's going on over here. What first thing I say is get your fucking life in order, get your life in order, get your household in order, be in a position where you can help your own fucking neighbor.
Starting point is 01:58:38 If you can do this, you have the right to now maybe go help someone else. But when people are limping along in life and their own house is a fucking disaster, which is a lot of people's lives, like you have no hand in these other topics. So I, you know what? My mom raised me in a lot of, we went to a couple of different churches. I never really paid attention.
Starting point is 01:59:02 In fact, my brother and i both got bullied in sunday school like we would go and we'd eat the fucking donuts and then we couldn't wait to go we couldn't wait to leave so in terms of identifying with the religion i don't identify with a specific religion but but what i would say is we have a whole lot there's something extraordinary here and and what i'm hoping to also discover going to visit all these indigenous culture tribes is I hope that there's a tentative. I want to expand whether it has to do with plant medicine or because now some of the tribes have some really interesting thoughts on afterlife. But sometimes don't even think about it. Like some tribes are like, what we care about is today.
Starting point is 01:59:43 All we care about is imagine living that present, you know, like the Hudson, all they care about is today. They devour the food for the day. They devour the day. They don't save a morsel for tomorrow. There's no visionary planning. There's no, imagine if you could live like that, there's something special there. Now I'm not saying that's right. I'm just saying what an incredible experience, you know, the way that these people live. So, and again, like the fulfillment, the peace of mind, the happiness of these tribes, it transcends the way that, you know, any of us are living today. These people are so incredibly happy. So I am hoping to expand and hopefully have another tenant. Like I'm not just going to these places saying, oh yeah, you guys sleep like this, right? You guys eat like this. You move like this. Like what I really hope to do, like, this isn't about me, right?
Starting point is 02:00:30 This is about the way that our ancestors have lived since the beginning of time. This is the way that about the primitive cultures, how they live today. This is about taking this back and refining the nine ancestral tenants, maybe having a 10th or 11th over time. And I am seeing a lot of dogs. There's a lot of dogs in these primitive culture tribes and making sure that we're empowered to live our best lives. Have you been to India? Not yet. Well, you're about, you're going to see something. I'll tell you about interesting about living in the present. When I was in, I don't know where it was. Maybe it was Malawi or Mozambique. I was, I was somewhere and I was in, I don't know where it was. Maybe it was Malawi or Mozambique.
Starting point is 02:01:05 I was somewhere and I was in this fucking really isolated spot, right? Where people came from 10 miles away to get water to this one watering hole, right? And the water only came out of this pipe a couple hours every day. So if you got there and it wasn't, you didn't walk home. You stayed the night there. Everyone slept around this water hole. It wasn't a well. It was actually water brought in from the government.
Starting point is 02:01:26 And I'm sure you saw those – when you're in Africa, sometimes you'll just see on the side of the road women walking with the huge yellow buckets on their head of water. And their whole life is just about getting water, a lot of these people. And I was there at this watering hole, and about really close to it, like 20 feet away, there was a, a mulberry tree and it was fucking hurting. And I was so surprised to see a mulberry tree in Africa. I was like, wow. And it was hurting. It was so hurting. And, and, and next to it, there's all this water spilling on the ground and there's all these people filling water. So while I'm there, I put my camera down and I get a stick. And from where all the water spilling on the ground in in between when the because the water just comes out of this pipe and they move their bucket in between it so every time you move a bucket in between it water hits the ground i dig a little
Starting point is 02:02:11 tiny i don't know four inch wide fucking aqueduct little canal that goes from where the watering hole is to the tree so now all the runoff water is watering the tree. And I'm like, how the fuck did no one like – here, see that? But I thought, well, it's because these fuckers are just – they're just living in the present, like trying – they just want to make it like not to tomorrow but one more minute. And they need to get their lives in order, right? Their own lives in order, their own families, their household, because they can't help a neighbor, you know, and they're not going to go help this tree. They're forced. Yes, yes, you're right.
Starting point is 02:02:51 To focus on that tree. But this is something that also transcends all primitive cultures, is we got to work just for water. I mean, they got to go work just for water, and we can't go do 15 or 30 push-ups. I can't believe it it you can't wait 15 minutes to have a piece of gum what the fuck is wrong you gotta wait 12 hours for a cup of water yeah i mean it's built into their daily living the way that they move the way that they lift
Starting point is 02:03:16 heavy shit you know the way that they have to be mobile to carry to balance that kind of water you know i mean it's built into what they do and i'm not surprised when i see how healthy they are because of all the work because of all the mechanical loading because of all the self-signaling that they're feeding themselves once again to epigenetically express a superior form this is what we need to be doing we need to take some notes when you told that story about the gum you know i heard i got a totally different lesson from it what i heard was here because i think most people and and i know a lot of people use that term most people but i think most people um open a piece of gum put it in their mouth chew the gum spit it out and
Starting point is 02:03:56 if you ask them hey did you have a piece of gum they don't even know and so when you told me you were watching you watched your thoughts come in saying you want a piece of gum. This is by, this is called meditation. You're in a 24 hour meditation. You are the man who's trapped in a room with a King Cobra who will not take its eyes off of it. And that's your brain. You're not led. The King doesn't let the brain rule him. You hear the brain turn on being like, I want a piece of gum. And the King goes, who the fuck are you? You'll wait 15 minutes. You don't run this fucking shit, bitch. And then the okay i'll chill for 15 minutes and and and and what i hear when i hear that story and then when you share that with your son you're basically telling your son the big profound thing there isn't that you wait for gum but i am a man who i am i am a
Starting point is 02:04:41 king who watches my brain my brain does not rule me there is another there is an other there is an awareness that is uh conducting and and the thoughts are just a tool i'm responsible for these thoughts but but but um but they are not me you know and there's not a lot of instant gratification that you see in these primitive culture tribes ah you know that you get you got to really work for it you know you, you got to do, if it's just water, if it's just water, you know, if you're just thirsty, you know, let's just say you just want to take a piss like we just did.
Starting point is 02:05:14 Yeah. You don't even just go out your front door to take it, you know, a piss or your hut to take a piss. It's like everything requires, you know, some thoughtfulness, you know, and a little bit of effort. Yeah. And wouldn't you say, I mean, come mean come on we got a the way that instant gratification is ubiquitous today you know when it comes to food when it comes to water when it comes to pleasure when it comes to entertainment like we have instant gratification 24 7 so this should be something that i feel like
Starting point is 02:05:40 something that is maybe a knee-jerk reaction for us like let's be a little thoughtful about that let's just wait a few minutes let's train the brain like you said to show the brain who the fucking king is right because you get wrapped up in in that world you know you can have a hard time really enjoying life dude people the um the um porn addiction i hear people talk about porn addiction i'm for i'm old. When I was a bad word. And now these kids, I don't know how I'm ever going to give my kid a phone. Like you could just type in any crazy thought you wanted. And there's a video of it probably happening.
Starting point is 02:06:55 And yeah, what I think of that is because that's the instant form of gratification. And I think that that's got to be corruption, just corrupt. I think it just corrupts you, but not in the traditional – I don't mean like in the religious or moral sense. I think it just corrupts your – well, we saw what Patrick Bet-David did. He put a fucking safety pin on his dick for 17 months, and he made a million bucks to take it off. I mean, it's like, you know, or a clothespin. This is the way that it seems like TikTok feeds you content. You know, people mindlessly— Are you on TikTok? I don't do TikTok or Facebook. I just stick to Instagram.
Starting point is 02:07:21 Liver King is on TikTok, and I do respond to three or four. I just started responding to a couple of comments a day on TikTok. But here's the thing. We were at a barbarian party and somebody got in the back of the dually and they said, hey, your phone is on your profile page. And she was kind of poking fun at me. And I said, she thought it was real funny. She's like, oh, look how egotistical. I caught you being egotistical, right? And I said, she thought it was real funny. She's like, Oh, look how egotistical
Starting point is 02:07:45 I caught you being egotistical. Right. And I said, well, where else would it be? You know, I mean, and I kind of meant that, like, I'm not just trying to be clever. And, and, and so I follow five people, you know, and, and half of them are my companies. You know, I'm very thoughtful about what I curate and I use social as a weapon, you know. Yes. And but when you mindlessly consume content, this is when it gets dangerous because somebody was talking about a BuzzFeed. Steffi does an interview and she says something about like a TikTok for you page. I don't know if I'm saying this right.
Starting point is 02:08:19 I don't even know what this is. I don't know what this is. She walks me through it. She shows me how to go to the home screen. So I go to the home screen and she basically is like, this is the content that they serve you. And I look at that and I'm like, this is horrific. It's entertainment. It's mindless. I can see how dangerous this can be for people. Like we got to be really careful about let's be like, let's go create the world we want to live in. Let's not be reactive to what
Starting point is 02:08:42 somebody else is serving us. Let's say, here's where I find value in four or five people. You know, if I, if I can find value from these four or five people enjoying their content, maybe, maybe if I have time, you know, I can follow somebody else, but I look at it as like a full library. If I want to follow somebody else, I got to take this other person away. Oh, that's smart. But this is, this is what happens with porn, right? It's like, it it's it's absolutely ridiculous what it's doing for people and this reminds me of one of my best bosses i ever had one of the greatest mentors hey it's junk it's junk food it's fucking junk food it's like eating cotton candy when you really should be going to the gym working out and then and then peacocking um at the beach looking for a
Starting point is 02:09:20 real girl that i'll leave it to you to summarize that perfectly. Jason Ritchie says this to me. We're in San Francisco and there's two other guys with us, Brett and Tim, and there's some pretty girls that walk by. And Brett and Tim are gawking at them like, hey, check this out. You guys, let's check this out. And Jason just almost like backhands us. He's like, what the fuck are y'all doing? What you need to be doing is you need to go work out. You need to go create value in yourself because do you know how you look when you gawk at – other girls are seeing you do that.
Starting point is 02:09:52 You look like a piece of shit when you're checking out a girl like that. What you need to do is go create value in yourself so one day they'll see you as the complementary opposite. One day you'll be worthy because right now you're not worthy. And I remembered when he said that, I was like like i will never check out a girl ever again in my life like that like that and and and so this is what we need to do right like porn is like the antithesis of this you know like it's accessible it's right there and and this is the story i just told you i tell my kids this all the time. Like porn is there. Don't go watch that shit because it's going to hijack, hijack your fucking brain.
Starting point is 02:10:29 And people can't be with people. Men can't be with women that they love, that they want to be with because they have this other idea, this fucking like distorted deception of what love and sex actually is. Distorted deception of what love and sex actually is. I'm like, y'all don't go watch this shit because this is what can happen to you. And then you won't be able to perform and be with somebody that you actually love and care about. And when you want to deepen that connection, that kind of bond, you're going to have trouble doing that. So don't let this create the brain damage that it does. So I think, you know, of course, one day your kids will be older and you're going to need to give them a phone. You're going to need to really talk to them. I just think that it's important to keep people busy, boys especially.
Starting point is 02:11:12 I mean, probably girls, too. But between the age of 12 and 35, if you're a dude like like people ask me, like a 30 year old guy will ask me, hey, should I be fasting one day a week? I'm like, fuck, no, it's an old man thing. It's over 40 years old. Like don't do like maybe once, maybe once a year, do that fast for a couple of days. But like I do it every week and it's good at 49. I've slowed down, but, um, and it's the same, but, but when you're 12 to 35, you should be fucking busy every day. You should be fucking grinding. And if you're not bad, shit's going to creep into your life. That, that phrase, um, the devil gives idle hands work. I mean And if you're not bad, shit's going to creep into your life. That, that phrase, the devil gives idle hands work. I mean, if you want to see the collapse of a society,
Starting point is 02:11:49 anywhere you see you're driving down the road in some fucking foreign country, or even in our own country, unfortunately, and you see 20, 18 year old guys hanging out together on a corner or these encampments full of tents, and it's just a bunch of fucking, they call them homeless. I know what they are. Cause I used to be homeless. They're just drug addicts. Anytime you see men, young men grouped together, it's a bad sign. It's a bad sign for society. It's a bad sign for civilization. It's a bad sign for them.
Starting point is 02:12:14 It's a tragedy. Men need to be kept busy. What does fasting have to do with that? Well, I was just thinking of different things. Sorry, sorry. That was a little bit of a brain fart but like like when you're older you can slow down like i do think that there is a um i really enjoy at 49 years old waking up at six in the morning walking into my backyard barefoot peeing in the tree taking my clippers clip some branches pick some lemons to bring into the
Starting point is 02:12:46 house i don't need a lot of like and then and then i and then i prepare for my podcast and i do my podcast from seven to nine and then from nine to ten o'clock at night or eight o'clock at night i just with my boys just just even if it's sitting on the beach watching i'm just like that lion just sleeping in the fucking i just lay in the fucking bushes you know uh and and just watch them and then they go to bed at eight i get my second workout in for the day i'm done with that by 9 30 and then from 9 30 to midnight i'm prepping for my podcast the next day and i repeat but but when you're but i just feel like when you're um uh 12 to 35 like you need to be grinding like the stay fucking busy or busy is going to get you like um smoking weed is and this is from a guy used to smoke a ton of weed
Starting point is 02:13:31 you're going to get older and be like who would i have been if i didn't smoke three packs of cigarettes a day who would i have been if i didn't smoke um weed every single day that all the bad shit that you do when you're younger it will catch up to you and you will wonder when you're older, who would I have been if I didn't do that? And, you know, a lot of these things are good troubles, but you don't want to damage your body. And you're not always going to be able to be young and work hard. No, I think what you alluded to, ancestral tenet eight is fight. Oh, I love this. I love it how you do that.
Starting point is 02:14:02 Yeah. Persevering, you know, and winning. And when you win, you get rewarded with a boost of dopamine and androgens that cultivate more of that behavior. It's like a closed loop. You know, the winners become more dominant. And so I think it's important. Yes, we've got to have a purpose and a passion and a drive towards something that we can point ourselves at. When you're hanging out in a group for long enough, you know what? That's great for some social bonding. Put down the goddamn phone and you can do that for a little bit. You need to know who you can count on. You need to know who's in your tribe. And that only happens by spending some time and space with them, but spend too much.
Starting point is 02:14:36 And I 100% agree with what you're saying. There's nothing good and productive that's going to come out of that unless you're cooperating together to, of course, you know, go make your mark in the world to go do something. That's your purpose and your passion. The fasting thing, which is ancestral tenant to, you know, is about eating. A lot of people want to know how to eat. It's just important to know that you better fucking stop eating. I don't agree that you shouldn't fast between earlier ages. I think what I've seen is that this is a selective pressure. That's a real pressure. Not everyone is successful with
Starting point is 02:15:10 a hunt. Women and kids come first. If there's anything left over or if there's a small rodent that's caught, the women and kids get it. And so the men, I would say irrespective of the age, if you're over 15, 20, you're not going eat you know and i just think there's so many profound benefits to this if if you're already really kicking fucking ass in life and you're already metabolically healthy um i think that you're probably right there's not a whole lot of reason to fast but let's face it most of the population number one is not like that and then number two when i talk about fasting i'm not like skip a fucking meal right because people skip a meal today. It's intermittent fasting. And I know I don't buy that shit either.
Starting point is 02:15:48 Are you going to say you don't buy that shit? Like really fast motherfucker. This is the last thing I'll say about this is I grew up without a dad and knowing what I know now, if, if again, I'm a total piece of fucking shit. If I don't do what I can do to be here for my boys. And so a five day water only fast once a quarter is shit if I don't do what I can do to be here for my boys. And so a five-day water-only fast once a quarter is something that I have to do to make sure that I'm here for my guys. A five-day fast once every three months? That's right, yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:18 So this is what we do. And I do this with my wife, and then my boys will do like a fasting mimicking diet. And don't get me wrong. People are like, oh, you make your kids do it. They're eating double fucking bacon cheeseburgers every day shut the fuck up they're eating incredible right food right you know all day long um and they're eating their eggs with slathered and butter and bacon you know maybe a little avocado give me a fucking break like they're eating it up um but uh but so we do this as a family you know and to do this as a family is a really special
Starting point is 02:16:46 thing to do together. And could you imagine on day five when it's time to feast together, that kind of celebration, that kind of painstaking effort that you endured for a week? This is not an easy thing to do. You know, so every Wednesday and Sunday, I go to 24 hours. It looks like you go to about 36 hours once a week. Is that right? Yeah, I kind of I do it.
Starting point is 02:17:05 I stop eating Saturday night so I can get the sleep in kind of like that's the cheating and then i don't eat all day sunday and then i sleep again because i'm trying just to get both sleeps in yeah yeah that makes sense um so twice a week i'll do a 24 hour fast okay wow but it's just 24 hours again for me that's like that's like skipping a meal. It's not a big deal. And so once a quarter is the big deal. That's the metabolic lever. That's the life extension. That's a life insurance you can't buy.
Starting point is 02:17:34 And so when I do that once a quarter, I'm like, and then I feel like it's immeasurable the way that I feel after a five-day water-only fast. There's new heights, you know, now you're going to PR everything, you know, so I do think it's important just whenever we mention the second ancestral tenant eat, and I'm talking about eat nose to tail whole foods, it's important to also be thinking about when do we not eat, right, to honor the feast and famine cycle, and so I love, it's just effortless you know whenever i fast twice a week it's like i feel like i'm skipping one meal but but i always do that simulated successful hunt
Starting point is 02:18:10 before i before i break that fast because you know we talk about breaking her fast and everyone's like oh how are you going to eat it what are you what are you going to eat i'm like you break your fast by putting for some real effort right this is what our early ancestors like you wouldn't have been fasting and then you snap your fingers and now there's food, right? You're fasting because you're not successful with a hunt. And now you still got to go out and hunt. Yeah, I work out when I'm fasting. A lot of people say it's crazy.
Starting point is 02:18:35 Yeah. And everybody thinks you're going to lose weight. You're going to go. I mean, it's all these ridiculous things, you know, people talk about. But eating once and the people say oh you can only uh you know take in so many calories or so much protein at one time like i don't know if any of that shit's true all i know is like um i try if our early ancestors did it and if modern day primitive culture tribes are doing this thing i think there's something to it i think
Starting point is 02:19:00 that it's a way that we can honor our early ancestors. I think it's a way that like the human organism has evolved through these pressures to express our highest form, to epigenetically say, you know, through autophagy and apoptosis and all these other, you know, mitochondrial biogenesis. All these great fucking things that happen from fasting are otherwise virtually impossible, you know, if you don't do this stuff. So, yeah, I just think it's important if our early ancestors did it, if modern day primitive cultures, and if you're kicking fucking ass in life, well, I want some of this, you know, obviously let's not adopt everything that they're doing. Right. But, but if they're doing something that helped to really shape us and, and, you know, if there seems to be some evidence to corroborate that well this is something i want in the nine ancestral tenants right i have to take another pee break well how about this we've been on the we've been doing a while aren't we going to be by the way why you got to piss so
Starting point is 02:19:56 much maybe you need to take some prostate no i'm going prostate's good i just i drank i worked out i worked out before we came on i did right before came on, and I drank two cups of water of this, and then I just drank a cup of this dandelion tea, and I'm fucking my bladder is going to break. Right on. And could you imagine if you got more people? What if you start training Barbarian? How much you want to bet people are going to be like,
Starting point is 02:20:18 what are you doing? I think a lot. And in fact, when I do the mile sled drag, I use that as motivation because there's about a 1.2 mile loop around the gym. And so I do it because I know that as the members and stuff are driving in, they'll see me out there doing it. And there's also no quit. I can't call somebody and say, hey, can you come pick up my sled and my weights and everything
Starting point is 02:20:37 else? So I use that as basically motivation to keep myself doing it. In fact, I already wrote out my first mini barbarian with uh some smaller percentages there and i think after this i'm gonna head down there depending on my time frame and actually go do it now based off of 25 for the kettlebell 35 for the backpack 70 oh we lost you suza he broke up oh in back. One thing I'll just say about that is we did Barbarian. I should say I did Barbarian across the Brooklyn Bridge. On this last trip? On this last trip.
Starting point is 02:21:15 Holy shit. Have you put that on your social media yet? I believe they live streamed it. They haven't been on the social media. I'm sure that they'll upload it to social or some of it to social but um have you either of you guys been across the brooklyn bridge yes sir i don't know if you remember but if you go from manhattan to brooklyn it's almost all uphill and i didn't figure out any of the logistics of this right i i let them all figure it out i just show up and i'm gonna do barbarian i am the machine and so i show up and i get all ready and i'm going to do barbarian. I am the machine. And so I show up and I get all ready and
Starting point is 02:21:45 I'm going, I'm thinking, okay, I know what my barbarian time should be. If I push it really fucking hard, by the way, I'm very proud to say I'm the barbarian world record holder. So I know what I can do. I know what I can do. And, uh, and I, and I'm going to do it. And so now I'm thinking we need to be leveling out. This bridge needs to be level. It never fucking levels out. As far as I can see, see it's not leveling out and then it goes from like concrete to wooden planks which increases the drag and then it's so afterwards i said who the fuck planned the logistics of barbarian across the brooklyn bridge because this was one of the hardest barbarians i've ever done and then and somebody sort of like sheepishly was like uh and i said because it's the only
Starting point is 02:22:25 fucking way to do it right because would go from high ground to low ground to do barbarian right you want to choose the hardest fucking path so i'm glad it was so during it you know like it was one of the it was definitely fucking hard as shit um so whenever you start uh training man like i would love, I would love, you know, for you can inspire so many people say, what the fuck are you doing? Why are you doing it? You know, and again, like it should be when you know that you're honoring the struggle of early ancestors, that you're honoring your own genetic fitness, you know, that you're doing this so that you can enjoy the spoils of the modern world, this kind of sacrifice, you know, and this is part of what I say in my speech. If I say enjoy the spoils of the modern world this kind of sacrifice you know and this is part of what i say in my speech if i say enjoy the spoils of the modern
Starting point is 02:23:07 world it can be a time of peace and plenty it could be a time you know to whatever the fuck you want to earn you know it's like again it means so much more and when they know what barbarian stands for and when you feel that barbarian coming out of you you are going to set off a new type of energy and how much you want to bet other members are going to be like bro i want to do that too i want to do that oh so many people want to do it so many people i know because i mentioned your name on the podcast a lot and so many and people all the time will be like oh i want to try that i want to try that i bet you ankle weight sales and all that stuff that you use have skyrocketed for sure i bet you they why don't you have why don't you have a place on your site where
Starting point is 02:23:45 someone can go buy all that stuff like these are the ankle weights these are the chains these are i mean not even to make money but just at a convenience is that is that once again that's just one of the things like hey you don't want to sway off course yeah you know um i got proposed to do so many ridiculous things you know the t-shirts the hats the coffee cutting board was kind of a cool one actually um and then like yeah that is cool the knife fucking like barbarian knife this fucking knife i don't know if you can see the oh shit the liver king on it he was like oh this will be the liver king knife let's and and um you know at the end of the day the core business is the core business right the core business is this message to amplify this message. And I refuse to get
Starting point is 02:24:29 distracted from that. Like, if you're going to tell me how doing that is going to amplify this message, if you're going to tell me how this is going to end the struggle and the suffer of this X population and improve their life, I'm all ears. But if this thing is to finance, you know, something else, I'm'm not interested in that. All the financial stuff, I'm sure that you know this. When you're living your life's passion, when you're creating value, again, people pay for value. And so it's validation that what you're doing is valuable. Right now, the last thing that I want to do is sell fucking knives or a hat.
Starting point is 02:25:01 Liver King sells swag. Fuck that. Liver King is not not gonna sell swag so yeah this is something that i'm like it's it's the full library you know if you start to point yourself towards anything else you take away from the most important thing in your life so if we talk about um prioritize execute dominate like this this is how you do it. Stay hyper-focused. Um, is your mom still alive? Yeah. Um, what, what, what, I, I, I mean, my dad was in my life. I saw my dad on the weekends and he was a great guy. It would be, it would be crazy to say he wasn't in my life. He was totally in my
Starting point is 02:25:37 life and invested in my life. But, but, but I live with my mom. What, what is your relationship like with her? Like, are you, you are you are you close to her are you crazy proud is she crazy proud of you um has it how do you think that's molded your view towards women like part of me is like whenever i see like a women's movement shit or like i'm almost like offended by it like you don't need to tell me what a fucking woman's capable of like fuck you or anytime there's like women's pride shit or like because there's this there's this there's this um implication that they're not that they're that they're um that they're not worthy i mean we're not we're not equal i'm not saying one's better than the other we're different creatures but but women are powerful creatures in their
Starting point is 02:26:19 own right they don't need any like fucking soft serve shit. Like what are your feelings on that? Like about, about what you learned about by being raised by your mom and, and, and your relationship with her now? Well, my mom was hardcore and my mom was, you know, mother and father and she had to play both roles and she had to
Starting point is 02:26:37 discipline two motherfuckers, you know, two boys that were kind of close in age. So we did a lot of fucked up shit. She was also raised you know like throwing rocks breaking windows stealing candy from stores shit like that okay yeah um she was also raised in a military family and then she was a military family so um you know this is i'm sure you remember the days like nothing was off limits and when it
Starting point is 02:27:01 came to discipline and punishment nothing was off limits and um and it came to discipline and punishment, nothing was off limits. And, and then just not too long ago, my brother, you know, let her have it. My brother was like, Hey, here's the way that you fucking raised me. Here's what you did. And you know, this, this probably wasn't a real good thing. And she's like, you don't believe all that, do you? I'm like, Hey, first of all, it's all true, but who the fuck is he to come tell you this? You're 75 years old. You know what I mean? Like how about some fucking gratitude? How about agency ownership leadership over the life that a fucking 47,
Starting point is 02:27:29 48 year old man is going to be living? Like you're going to go tell her this shit at this point in your life. Right. I got a problem with that. My mom has just been ultra competitive. The consummate one-upper anything that you've done, she's done and she's done it better wow you that yeah um she always really pushed us in sports like uh even in um high school when you were getting beat up she was like well take care of it you pussy she didn't know about any of that shit
Starting point is 02:27:57 oh okay okay okay she didn't know any of that and there was no how was your day you know there was one time when i came back from middle school the first day of no, how was your day? You know, there was one time when I came back from middle school, the first day of sixth grade, how was your day? And I said, I'm never going back. I'm never going back. And I'm sure I was crying. I'm sure I was fucking crying. And yeah, whatever she said to me, I remember there will never be words exchanged on this topic ever again in my life. And so that's what happened. You know, no words were ever shared. There was no questions ever shared. There was no questions ever again. She probably didn't want to know the fucking answer, but once again,
Starting point is 02:28:29 I just want to make it crystal clear that I am grateful as fucking hell for these, for these years that shaped my life. But my mom was just an incredible competitor, the best competitor I've ever known. And so I'm sure that she's taught me how to compete at life and uh and so this is how my mom is she's so proud about what's happening now and she'll send me text messages all the time like i liked it when you didn't yell as much into the camera you should go back to it oh yeah yeah my mom does that shit too can't you just be funny you're funny as shit why do you got to be get all crazy i'm like i don't even know i don't even know like what i'm doing the stories i'm like i am yelling you know and i'm like have
Starting point is 02:29:11 i just become this guy that fucking yells in the car i don't even fucking know but i'm having fun and and i'm and i'm seeing dms it seems like you know what it's working and so i don't even respond to i don't you're getting more comfortable Like at first, you're definitely getting more comfortable. At first, when you came on, you were more reserved. It's not that you were uncomfortable. You're more reserved. And now you're more comfortable. And for those of us who followed you since day one, when you had 100 followers, there's
Starting point is 02:29:37 an intimacy building. We're your family now, you know? You know what? You hit the nail on the head. And now I'm having fun i'm comfortable i'm having fun i'm still stretching myself in new ways um but but uh one of my best friends uh was was texting me and he said uh this this isn't the brian i grew up with you know like it doesn't sound like you're really having fun like where's that guy and he was he was right and
Starting point is 02:30:02 i was like you know what i gotta have some fun with this. And it was clear as day. Like if this is going to be sustainable and scalable, I got to have some fun. And somewhere along the way, we figured it out because I'm having fun. I'm having a whole lot of fun with it now. And then around the dinner table, like I remember Liver Queen says, you know what?
Starting point is 02:30:18 You get to teach like this philosophy to the primals. Why aren't you teaching the same philosophies to our boys? And I said, well, you know what we're going to do now at dinnertime? We're going to talk about our wins, our losses, liver king and liver king philosophy as well. So, you know what? It's a real trick to get 60 seconds or less and say something philosophical, right? Especially when you're long-winded. This becomes, you know, something to really develop. And so, you know, like we get in, we get out and, but the cool thing is at the dinner table, you got an hour and now we get to talk about all this stuff, you know? And, and so something that we talked about just recently is ordering off the menu, you know, and, and because
Starting point is 02:30:59 in life, right. Like we're taught to get in line. We're taught to order on the menu, right. Before, before you're presented with a menu, you can order anything in the world. And this is what I loved when you said pterodactyl earlier, because you can order a pterodactyl. You have billions, trillions, you haven't virtually, and if you can think it, then you can order it. Then all of a sudden, someone gives you a meal, a menu, and you go from a trillion to, I don't know, 12 things, right? And so this is a special thing that I from a trillion to, I don't know, 12 things. Right. And so this is a special thing that I've been able to teach them at the dinner table. When you go to
Starting point is 02:31:29 the dinner table is you don't have to order from the menu. Let's off the, let's order off the menu. Literally when we're going out to eat, it's not some nicely neatly packaged fucking thing, right? We can order whatever the fuck we want. And then this is the way that it is in life, right? This is why we got to think, do we need to stand in line? You know, do we need to, I don't know what kind of shit I'm going to get about this. I don't stop at red lights. You're telling me you're going to fucking just stay here. Well, by the way, I don't know if there's these cameras. I've never gotten a ticket in the mail, but let's say no one's around and there's a red light. Are you
Starting point is 02:32:05 fucking going to let that light tell you to stay put? Just think about it. You know, if there's no cars around, if there's no cops, you know, you own your life, you know? And so I think that this is an important thing. You know, again, social norms are social norms, you know, for that reason, like we need to stretch ourselves. We need to grow. We need to be thinking, why are we wearing a shirt? Why are we trimming our beard? Why are we doing these things? You know, and if you can continually order off the menu, again, these are the dinner conversations we have. I think that you have all the inner makings of, you know, creating and shaping a really unique life. One that you get to define and call your own, not the way somebody
Starting point is 02:32:41 else, right? My mom chose my curriculum for me. My mom was like, my dad was a veterinarian. So she's like, okay, he was a doctor. You're going to be a doctor. And my mom chose biology, chemistry, and biochemistry. I don't remember a single fucking thing from college, nothing. And I wrote a thesis. I wrote a thesis on human nutrition. And I remember virtually nothing from what I did learn how to do from my mom is I learned how to compete. And I learned, and so I eventually graduated with a full ride scholarship, academic scholarship, because I learned how to compete. I was going to ask you,
Starting point is 02:33:11 how did you afford college? Who paid for it? You got a scholarship. Way, way, way smarter than me. I got better grades than them. I'll just give you one story.
Starting point is 02:33:19 There's a organic chemistry. I was, I had a girlfriend in this class, way smarter than she tutored me and I would try and cheat off of her. Oh, Kim, that was like a 101 ABC shit, right? That shit was hard. It was just stuff. I didn't even fucking learn anything from
Starting point is 02:33:36 any of the basic chemistry. And I didn't take any of this stuff in high school. In fact, I couldn't even get into college. I had to go to take remedial classes at the community college and the people I was taking classes with couldn't speak English. Wow. 100% fucking true. So finally I get on into Texas tech on probation. My mom's like, here are the classes you're going to fucking take. Here's, you know, here's what
Starting point is 02:34:02 you're going to do. And long story short in this organic chemistry um and this happened virtually in every single class i figured out that um the the professor um leads a bible group and i i joined his bible group and at the end of the fucking period i got an a and she got a b and what what tenant is that socialize socialize and socialize and stay close to the tribe. What tenant is that? That is some brilliant shit. I'm good at that shit too. This is ancestral tenant eight, which is fight, which is figure the fuck out.
Starting point is 02:34:33 Make sure that you persevere, you struggle and you win. And again, when you learn how to win time after time after time, you're not afraid to go to your biology teacher and say, you know, I got a 49 on this. I know I'm better than this. What can I do to make it up? You know, oh, there's nothing you can do. Well, guess what? I'm going to I'm going to rewrite the whole fucking test and I'm going to present this to you the next time I see you in the most impressive possible fucking way.
Starting point is 02:34:57 At the end of the day, everyone's just a person. Right. And some people try and stick to the letter of love, but we're still fucking human beings. You can always figure that shit out. My mom taught me how to compete like nobody else's business. And so, yeah, my mom is incredibly proud. That's ordering off the menu right there, too. Another great example. Get an F on a test. Tell your teacher you want a chance to redo it. She says, no, you present her the test again. And you, you know, with a presentation. Yeah. Fuck. we're all just people
Starting point is 02:35:25 here that's great yeah yeah so um i i hope i'm gonna send this podcast to my mom what's it's all because she deserves uh she she was really tough on us and i'm so glad she was really tough on us but i she absolutely taught us how to compete at the highest level you talk about rite of passage i was trying to think of what my rite of passage was there's a couple things but one of the things and this is pre-cell phone obviously there was some point in my life where i just fucking cut the world off like i just basically i get rid of everything i owned i became homeless there weren't cell phones and i didn't talk to my parents for a year god i'll fucking kill my boys if they do that to me um but uh did you and it was amazing it was it was probably one of the best years of my life
Starting point is 02:36:06 it was fucking i was free i experienced freedom being a homeless man and i wasn't addicted to drugs like my cohort so it was just it was amazing um was there anything in your life for you that was like where you kind of broke that umbilical cord with your mom do you know what i'm talking about i'm assuming all boys have it because i had it where it was just like and i'm like oh shit i'm free i've never i don't feel like i ever had the umbilical cord with my mom i feel like my mom was uh she was fucking hard you were birthed and you were free she pushed you out of the nest the same day you were born i mean i've been kicked out of my mom's house a bunch of times. My mom kicks me out.
Starting point is 02:36:46 I'm gone for a year. I come back. Kicks me out. I'm gone for a couple years. I come back. Kicks me out. I'm gone. But I always try to come back.
Starting point is 02:36:52 Yeah. No. No. You ever kicked out of your house? No, no, no, no. She never kicked me out of the house. But she was so physically rough with us. Okay.
Starting point is 02:37:02 You just don't know any better. Like, this is just what happens is um this is what the parent does and you don't know how other parents you know parent their kids like she she would fucking beat us up and she was way stronger than us she was way bigger than us and i'll never forget you know as uh my brother and i are getting stronger you know now we can we can push back a little bit. And I remember seeing my brother push back, and I remember, like, you knew that was wrong. You knew that was not okay. And so then it created friction between my brother and I. I don't know if you remember these movies.
Starting point is 02:37:34 Do you remember Boys in the Hood? Yeah, great flick. I remember, like, Boys in the Hood and, like, Menace to Society. Like, these movies kind of raised me and helped to shape me. And it was like, you don't fucking do it. You never touch a woman. And I don't care how bad she fucked touch a woman. I don't care. And I don't care how bad she fucked you up. You never do that shit.
Starting point is 02:37:49 And so I remember like wanting to protect her, but also not really faulting him because this is the way that she raised us, you know, but I'll be God damned if you're going to fucking do that. So I really wanted to protect her, but I will say this, the umbilical cord seems like it was never, never there. It was pretty fucking rough on us from, I mean, there was this one day it was her birthday or mother's day. And I was definitely like three or four years old. And I asked the neighbor if he could help us get the house ready for her. We'd clean the house,
Starting point is 02:38:19 we'd mop and do all this shit. And, um, what ends up happening? She, she, uh, she came home and we're like, Hey, hey um happy mother's day or mom's day or whatever or a birthday and um we use something called have you ever heard of mopping glow yeah okay so like has a orange bottle right i don't i don't remember any of that but all i remember is this we spent all day fun cleaning the house for her and then she comes home and and she sees this and apparently we didn't do a good job sweeping first and she loses it she is so dude i remember this like yesterday she is screaming at the top of her lungs how we've ruined the floor you know and and like this is when you think that you've done such a good thing you know and the juxtaposition is like, you're going to get praise to,
Starting point is 02:39:06 Oh my God, you fucked up so bad. Yeah. And there's a lot of incidences like that, that happened, you know, along the way. So, you know,
Starting point is 02:39:15 again, like she did to have two boys for her to do this with blue bottle, blue bottle. This is funny. Yeah. For her to, to, to do this with two boys without a dad,
Starting point is 02:39:25 I think she did a pretty goddamn good job. Yeah. Yeah, it's incredible. Is your dad still alive? No, no. He died before I have any memories of him. And what does your mom say about your success now? If she's a competitor, is she like, yeah, look, my son did this great?
Starting point is 02:39:44 Is she so proud of you? I feel like, yeah, look, my son did this great. Like she must be. Is she like so proud of you? I feel like she is. I don't hear her say that, but I've heard her saying that before any of the success that I have now. So, I mean, I remember like, you know, in high school, it would be like he's the best water skier you've ever seen. He does ramps. He does flips. He does.
Starting point is 02:40:02 He's a bodybuilder. You know, look at his she would take pictures and show everybody that she doesn't even fucking know you know and then in college of course anywhere we went i mean these are just the things that would hear and she likes to talk a lot so she would be saying this of course all the time without me you know he gets straight a's he graduated with a 4.992 you name it true is that true yeah this is true you know and uh and so three point nine two um there's no such thing as a four point nine two now there is now there is now there's all those extra classes and shit i think now you can get like a 5.0 it's like it's like crazy now oh
Starting point is 02:40:37 well here's what i know i got one fucking b i got one i got one b and i got one B too, but not because I got A's. She would love to brag. She was so proud. I don't get to hear her in those situations now because we don't share that same kind of space. But when she comes over, she always says how proud my dad would be. The way that I'm raising my boys and the sort of impact I'm making in the world. To hear her say that, she doesn't do a whole lot of looking me in the eye and she doesn't tell me, you know, like I've, I love, I'm proud of you. You know, she, she, she'll tell me how proud he
Starting point is 02:41:16 would be of me. Do you tell your boys, do you love on your boys pretty hard it's it's real interesting um i do yeah hell yeah i do um you know and you know like by uh this might be embarrassing to him but they both the guys here call me daddy i'm like i'm gonna fucking take that as long as i can take that you know um we have mandatory hugs in the house i don't know you gotta do that too but it's like i can't keep my hands off my boys if anytime i see my boys i just i just grab them and squeeze them they probably i'm pulling their ears and their hair and their arms i tug on them all day they're dope that's all yeah yeah and and so i would say um that i know a lot of adult men who have dads that never told them that they loved them yeah that sucks this this is not gonna happen yeah i don't think this is okay this is not gonna adult men who have dads that never told them that they loved them. Yeah. That sucks.
Starting point is 02:42:05 This is, this is not going to happen. Yeah. I don't think this is okay. This is not going to happen. Uh, so I'm, I'm pretty liberal with how I express my feelings with them. They, they, they also know when they fucked up. Yeah. And, um, you know, just the other day, liver queen asked me this a few weeks ago. She's like, Hey, when did you become a dick? And what do you mean by that? And she's like, for the last couple of years,
Starting point is 02:42:29 like you just cut right to the chase. And I'm like, you know what? This happened when I ran out of time, when I ran out of time and you run out of, you know, the niceties you, you,
Starting point is 02:42:38 you, everything now is like, it's, it's not an option anymore, you know? And this is why I think it's so important, valuable to have an incredible, compassionate team around you that can express the best version of you um and so this is what happens a lot of times with my boys too and and i'll talk to them about
Starting point is 02:42:54 it you know um i shouldn't have talked to you like that yeah i do that too i do that too like if i explode if i explode on them if they hear the lion, I call it the lion roar. If I roar and they didn't deserve it, I'll go over and lick them and be like, hey, you deserve better. You deserve better. I'm working on it. And I do work on it. Yeah, that's really important. I definitely never once had that growing up where it was like, oh, hey, I shouldn't have done that.
Starting point is 02:43:24 Fuck that. That never, ever would have happened. So, yeah, I think it's important to share with them. And I do this in business all the time too. I'll make a bad decision and I'll go back to, uh, you know, the CMO or anybody. I'll say I've, I made a bad decision. I get a take back, you know, or if I changed my mind, I'm the fucking CEO and the owner. I, I, I have the right to change my fucking mind. You know, something happened along the way where it's like people got too proud to say shit like that. And I think we need to be really comfortable saying, yeah, I fucked up and, or I have the right to change my mind. I'm changing my mind. So to be able to teach that to your kids, I think is an important lesson and an important value to instill at an early age is you have the right to change
Starting point is 02:44:02 your mind. You have the right to come and say, Hey, I shouldn't have done that thing. I did that thing, you know, and, and I don't apologize to them. And you know, a lot of cultures, primitive tribes, there's no word for, I'm sorry, or I apologize. It's a, here's what I'm going to do better. And here's how you can help me become better too. Yeah. Yeah. So I think that's a cool thing to be able to do that with them. I definitely love, love on them. And it's interesting to find
Starting point is 02:44:25 ways to love on them as they become adults as they become men yeah yeah because the now it's a it's like when they're younger it's like it's fucking great like they will you can do anything yeah yeah yeah you fucking cuddle with them all night and all morning and sit on your lap when you watch the fights and all that shit um it's interesting i wonder what you think about this my i don't want my wife undermining me but but i also know that she needs to protect her kid my kids from me and i don't mean for me like putting cigarettes out on them but like i'll fucking get fucking angry you know what i mean and she's the nurturer and she needs to calm me down or after i lose my shit she needs to pull me aside and be like hey before you yell at your kids did you connect with them like she'll have to like be be like, and, and do you feel, do you feel that man and woman role in your, in your,
Starting point is 02:45:08 it's kind of like we, we, we touched on a little bit when you're, when you're older or when your middle son was doing the barbarian, like, Hey, don't, that's not the time when mom, you know, cause mom will kind of invoke this, um, the, you know, your boys are older, but even my boys at seven and five, I can tell when she's around, they have, they remember breastfeeding. Like that's, that's, that's where all the love's at. Do you, is there kind of that in your family? Your wife's more the nurturer and you're more like, Hey, and this is what happens. Um, she doesn't challenge me in front of them. Right. Smart. And we walk every single day, my wife and I, and we hold hands and we walk in the woods and, um, and we walk in the woods and
Starting point is 02:45:45 um and she'll tell me here's what you said here's what you did and i don't agree with it let's talk about that now and so then the next day at dinner at least half the time she's fucking right right i know yeah i know i know yeah so then so then it's me saying hey your mom and i talked about this thing you know and i get a take back. You know, I get to be better. You know, here's what I should have said. Here's what we're going to do. But I think it's incredible, you know, because she doesn't challenge me in front of them. You know, she wants to make sure that the man is the provider, is the protector.
Starting point is 02:46:18 You know, if we get in a dark alley together, she knows that I can protect her, that I have the strength, not just the physical strength, but all the strengths that are required to protect her. And she wants those sort of traditional roles modeled in front of our kids. And so I'll tell you, it's way more effective to do this thing. And I mean, just the other day, I was doing like a dinner story and I was looking for the whole beast and I couldn't find the whole beast protein bag. And I think I said to her, I was like, where's the whole beast protein bag. Don't waste my fucking time is what I said. And I kind of yelled, right. Yeah. And, um, and you know what she did? She goes to get a whole beast protein bag.
Starting point is 02:46:58 She sets it exactly where it should be. And she kind of whispers in my ear, you took it to your office. and she kind of whispers in my ear you took it to your office and this is true this was and imagine how i feel right this is yeah true so then we talked about it afterwards and and she's like you know i'm definitely a queen now i'm a queen because the old me you know was the valkyrie was the warrior was the how dare you fucking talk to me like that in front of my kids you know you don't do that you know and this is what she would have said, you know, like, I don't know, seven, eight, 10, 10 years ago. And now like there's, you know, we, there are these rules of engagement, you know, and,
Starting point is 02:47:31 and she'll do that because she knows what the outcome is. And she knows what we're trying to model in front of the kids. And she knows we still got work to do. Like this story is that before we sit down and have a time of peace and plenty, this needs to get done. So everybody's got to, you know, pitch in to make sure that we corroborate. I don't think a lot of people understand that, you know, like when it's time to eat, most people just go and eat. But now what we're doing is saying, we're going to record this. And this may or not be exactly
Starting point is 02:47:56 what we're eating. Now we still got to move over to the dinner table, you know, and so, and there's a lot of stuff that goes into that, into doing that, because it's not like we, we, you know, use the whole beast every day. Everything's in a different place. So I would say in terms of traditional roles and the understanding, the mutual understanding that we have with each other, it's like we're on a synergistic, another level doing that versus the old version of us would have been like fighting and not good stuff. That's why it's so good staying with someone for so long man if you find the right person you can and you can work towards that greater good with them i mean you have to put in the reps you have to fight with someone a lot
Starting point is 02:48:35 in order to get through fighting um you've given us three hours your time it's it's probably uh i'm not usually a birthday guy, but it, what a great birthday present for me 50 years old today to have the liver King on the seven podcast. I'm so excited. Thank you for letting me pry into your life. Thank you for the intimacy. Thank you for all the stories. I love the stories. Um, and, uh, and you're, you're, I would love to have you on again. Uh, even if it's 15 minutes cameos here and there.
Starting point is 02:49:05 You've been nothing but good to me over the last year through the friendship we sparked on Instagram. So thank you. I really appreciate it. This has been great. And I appreciate the opportunity really to amplify this message, you know, to touch new lives. And so thank you for the opportunity to do that. I will absolutely take you up on the to be continued version. I never thought in a million years we were going to talk for three hours.
Starting point is 02:49:29 Me neither. But I'm like, fuck, I'm not letting this fucking guy go. He's going to run off into the woods with his loincloth. We're never going to see him again. Lever Queen walks by over here and then my boys are like popping the head and like, is he still on the fuck? So the deal is, again, like everything that we do in life we we learn from right we become a better version of ourselves and so i was telling matt earlier um i'll never get on a podcast again without defining the time i'm not doing it three hours my first three hour podcast i thought that too i i i stopped doing podcasts a guy kept me on for three hours and i told matt i'm never doing
Starting point is 02:50:03 another one like where I'm a guest. Fuck that. And we, we owe him an extra thank you because he did have something out for that. He just kept running the train by. Oh shit. Here's the deal. You know, it's the culture and the chemistry that,
Starting point is 02:50:15 that we have, you know, and, and this was great. I knew this the first time we talked on the phone, Savant, you know, when we talked on the phone,
Starting point is 02:50:20 I'm like, Oh, we're going to be in each other's lives. I don't know how, but we're going to be in each other's lives and we're't know how, but we're going to be in each other's lives, and we're going to do some things together. So to be able to do this, to have this to come to fruition, has been incredibly valuable to me. So I thank you back, and I'm just going to end by saying,
Starting point is 02:50:33 Liver King, out. Thank you, brother.

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