The Sevan Podcast - #338 - CrossFit Town Hall March 2022 with Affiliate Owners Craig Howard & Matt Souza

Episode Date: March 19, 2022

Let's talk about the presentations of Nicole Carroll, Gary Gaines, Justin Bergh and Jason Dunlop. Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - WORLD'S... #1 JOB BOARD FOR THE CROSSFIT COMMUNITY - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items. Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your list, then swap it for one that's cheaper. Craving chips? The app will suggest some on sale.
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Starting point is 00:00:53 Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. Bam, we're live. Hey, come on. Good morning. good for me oh hey liver king podcast getting a lot of good um kind of getting a lot of love oh that's awesome that's really cool yeah it's so funny what people care about it's so it's so funny the criticism hey um i'll talk about this more tonight but um when i tell you to drink paper street coffee and if you buy it by march 27th uh you get 20 off if you use the code seven which is crazy i don't
Starting point is 00:01:40 know how he's doing that but that you also get um um inserted into a contest to win an ohio bar from rogue i'm not suggesting any way if you drink this fucking coffee that you'll be as cool as me not even tiniest bit your kids won't be as cool as mine you won't walk around with as much happiness as mine you won't you won't have the deep insight into uh the mechanism of the human brain as me i earned all that without this coffee this is like this i i just drink this and i don't think for a fucking second that the liver king is claiming that if you eat those you're gonna look like him not one he's never claiming that if you eat those, you're going to look like him. Not one.
Starting point is 00:02:27 He's never claiming that. He's telling you not to eat that shit. And I don't give a fuck if he's on steroids or if he told you he lifted 200 pounds and it was only 180. You fucking idiots. You're missing the fucking point. People who fucking think like that. You – you're – I don't even know how to help you. You're so fucking self-centered, arrogant, and trapped in your head, and I mean none of that with negativity. But it just – you're like the person who's standing on a fire and complaining it's hot.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Dude, just take a step off. You're complaining that why did I build the fire there? Hey, dude, stay – like what do you care about that stuff in regards to him? Take what you want from him. That's inspiring, moving. And if it's not, then move on. He's doing nothing wrong. It's like you're the guy.
Starting point is 00:03:16 There's a couple of kids on the beach doing practicing their backflips. Are you the guy that walks over there and starts lecturing them on how dangerous it is? Let's fuck out of here you are what's wrong with society you are you really are kenneth den lap did the lap kenneth the lap bang we're live kenneth uh great name the lap what made me think of that is that the president of crossfit inc his name is jason jason dunlop dunlop dunlop not dunlop uh guys i am going to try to stay somewhat calm today uh thank you uh california hormones california hormones for your sponsorship paper street coffee and of course Maybe they could go to and find themselves a CEO.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Maybe. All of these sponsors chose to be here. They weren't solicited. They are friends. They're listeners. They're just people like you who have the means or the resources or want to be involved. Oh, I like the way you kind of sizzle in like that. Are you frying something in the background, Craig?
Starting point is 00:04:29 Can you hear something? Yeah. Bad, brother. It's bad. Craig Howard from Diablo CrossFit comes in. My noise is bad? Yeah. I think it's your mic. Something's plugged in that's weird. Oh.
Starting point is 00:04:41 I muted your ass. No, not better. Whatever you did made it worse. It's a cable or something, Craig, that's plugged in something weird. It's probably a cable. Give me a second. Okay. Oh.
Starting point is 00:04:57 Oh. So I'm going to give you guys a little backstory here. So CrossFit had an affiliate town hall, or at least that's what they – I think that's what they call it. Is that what they call it? That's right. Affiliate town hall. I don't know if I'm very aware. I'm aware that I have biases and hangups and presuppositions and expectations. And so I wanted to make – we were going to do this last night, but I wanted to make sure Sousa and Craig Howard were here. I invited on a couple other affiliate owners who couldn't make it. So i'm going to try to stay calm but but i want to tell you
Starting point is 00:05:48 the first thing is is in all honesty here we try i can't unmute them i must have not can you unmute i tried craig you have to unmute yourself when you're unmute yourself i think, brother. There we go. Is that better? That's it. Try to have a nice mic. Can't have a nice mic. You still sound great. Sounds good. Sounds real good.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Gotta use my computer mic. You sound great. That's a cool hat, by the way. Hey, thanks, dude. I'll send you one. Is it real snake skin? Did you catch the snake? It's a tribal pattern. Oh, that's an environmentalist hat.
Starting point is 00:06:35 That's made out of old tires. Yeah, that's cool. Craig, did you get a chance to watch the affiliate town hall yesterday? Yeah, I did. And you watched it too, Sousa? Yeah. Okay. I watched it twice.
Starting point is 00:06:50 I watched the Jason Dunlap piece at the end probably five times, to be completely honest, for the life of me. At least there's some other pieces in here that I think are just minutes and minutes of just nonsense. And by nonsense, like I need – when I listen to someone talk, I need to know – it's not enough to tell me that, hey, we're going to bake beautiful cakes. I need to then hear about the ingredients, how long it was in the oven. I need some tools then to how to replicate that or what the mission is or how we're going to do it. It's not enough just to give me a, I don't know, are they adjectives? I need more than adjectives. And I struggled with that a little bit in this, a little bit.
Starting point is 00:07:37 It feels like it was a cheerleading piece rather than if I, and I don't own an affiliate, rather than if I owned an affiliate, I would want to know exactly what you're going to do. It felt more like, Hey, we're doing great things over here. We're going to continue the positivity. We're going to continue the media. We're going to continue. And then I just, but, but I need some like dates or how often or what the, what anymore. And I felt them. And then finally with, with the guy at the end, Jason Dunlop, I listened to his last three minutes and I have no idea what he's saying. And I gave a lot of it to maybe it's because of his English accent, but I have no idea what he's saying. And I think he's confusing the word mythology for methodology. I listened to it like five times, and I don't think he knows.
Starting point is 00:08:21 I don't think – I have some serious concerns. No one came across bad, but I don't think you need to listen past Nicole Carroll. If your time is of great value to you, if you don't want to get wound up, me personally, that that's that's that's where I'm at with it. And they called it a town hall. And I and I right off the bat, I felt like that's really disingenuous. We have a problem here for those of us who have been around for a while. We had a leader named Greg Glassman, and he had chops to stand up in front of all the entire community and answer questions. You could ask him anything. Hey, Greg, is keto good for athletes?
Starting point is 00:09:02 Hey, Greg, are you racist? Hey, Greg, why don't you give more money to the master's athletes? And there's a chance they'll just be like, hey, Greg, is keto good for athletes? Hey, Greg, are you racist? Hey, Greg, why don't you give more money to the masters athletes? Hey, and there's a chance they'll just be like, Hey, fuck off. Or he'll go into it deeper than anyone's ever heard go in on into a subject. And he owned the company. And so those of us got used to kind of having him around to, um, to do that, to just get up in front of a crowd. Now that's clearly, there's no one there. I think Nicole Carroll could do it, but there's no one. It doesn't seem like it's part of the corporate ethos to be transparent.
Starting point is 00:09:33 And this thing reeks of that. That's their value. That's their values though. They said transparent like three times in there. Yeah, that's the tough part about what Jason Dunlop starts off saying. They're going to be transparent about their CEO search. But the line right before that, he lied about what happened to Eric Rosa. So it was just – have you guys ever seen this guy before?
Starting point is 00:09:52 That was my first time even seeing him or knowing that there is a president. Do you guys know? Did you know that? I had to Google him. Okay. And what did you find? OK. And what did you find? Nike, former Nike executive for international operations or international growth at Nike. And it made me recall when he was initially hired. I didn't know that he was acting as the president because he's been in the background, I think, for a year and a half, however long he's been on board.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Just for those of you who don't know, Nike is the company that recently said that they'll fire all of their employees that aren't vaccinated. And they have a long, long history. If you look at all the Kaepernick stuff, in my opinion of just blatant racism. And I, it's it's interesting that he comes from there. He came across, he came across nice. I just didn't understand a word he said. Okay. Do you guys want to give your thoughts, big picture, and then I'd like to dig in and celebrate Nicole's first 12 minutes, 13 minutes, and basically explain to the world,
Starting point is 00:10:55 especially CrossFitters who are new to the game, why it's important they listen to that. Sure. Go for it, Craig. Dig in, baby. Craig, have you had your coffee yet? Yeah. All right. I came into the gym this morning because i didn't want to do this from home and wake up my family okay we'll get drink take a few big gulps on that performance enhancing caffeine what kind
Starting point is 00:11:17 of coffee you're drinking paper stream yeah yeah good answer yeah sure um so no you i agree i agree with what you said what the nicole carroll's piece was excellent all of them clearly were prepared for this event and it was as you said you know almost over prepared i think it's over prepared i don't know if you said they're not being intimated that um that it was over prepared it was very corporate feeling um it it didn't feel transparent it was it was uh scripted even It was very corporate feeling. It didn't feel transparent. It was, it was scripted. Even Nicole's part, while the content was really good, she was clearly reading a script. And that makes me as an affiliate owner, long-term affiliate owner, a little bit uncomfortable because then I feel like it's, like you said, it's a sales pitch
Starting point is 00:12:00 to us. It's not relaxed. It's, and, and, and, and I get a sense that they're very nervous. I think the last couple of years have made them very scared. And so that, and they have a real desire to make everybody happy and be inclusive. And I, you know, I think they even use that, that term inclusive. Um, it, it, it, it seemed a little bit incongruent that they were presenting all from different locations in a Zoom format. By the way, I'm sick of fucking Zoom. Agreed. But it was like a Zoom presentation with slides from each from different locations. And all I was thinking was, you know, it's not what CrossFit is.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Couldn't they have all gotten together in the same room in front of a whiteboard? Maybe it's somebody's gym and done this, you know, with a, with a handheld, with a, with a handheld phone. That would have been, that would have felt more CrossFit, but you know, that's just, that's me nitpicking in terms of the content. I get it. I get it. We're used to, we would, we would have liked to have seen someone announce Nicole and then her walk up and people clap and then she say hi and then she address and be like, hey, I got a monitor over here. If I see some questions I like, I'll answer them. Let me dig in. It's like the L1. You wanted it to feel more like the L1 or typical Greg Glassman presentation.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Yeah, me too. And I can't tell if that's my bias but man it felt so it feels so much more familial when when it's done that way all of those guys are very competent nicole is extremely competent she can get gary gaines man that guy's got speaking chops too like whoa he's he's he's a sharp guy and knows he knows what he's doing if he misspeaks i don't give a shit right right right i trust the guys he's earned his he's earned his keep over the last two and a half years how he's stayed on board over the last two and a half years is amazing to me it's been tough yeah yeah yeah and and justin berg knows what he's talking about he's been doing and participating in the games for a long time he knows what he's talking all those guys none of
Starting point is 00:13:58 them need just ironically justin has fucking crazy crossfit pedigree his felt the fucking most corporate and the fucking most like I'm thinking to myself if I was an affiliate I wouldn't give a fuck about any of this and he's lying he comes from a fucking pedigree of fucking Dave Castro there's no like don't tell me that the open did great this year
Starting point is 00:14:19 same with Jason Dunlop said fucking the games are doing great this year great this year compared to what? I felt like Justin's whole entire pitch was a subtle way of telling us, hey, the game still has a heartbeat. It's not dead. He was like a guy standing over a body being like, I got a pulse. And I'm just like, what? I was really disappointed with that.
Starting point is 00:14:43 But sorry, go on, Craig. I interrupted. Yeah, his portion felt like a pitch to investors or sponsors. Yes, that's what I was thinking. I felt like it was a pitch to the SDN. Can we get on the air? Fantastic data. And as an affiliate owner, that doesn't mean a whole lot to me, that data. As a guy that might be interested in in a spark a sponsorship relationship it was meaningful and it and it was you know that data had been researched and yeah there's a lot of work put into that presentation um that and and but that made it but but that gave it the kind of corporate feel um there was a there was a spot oh i'll get to it i i gotta play you this this
Starting point is 00:15:24 section of there's two sections i gotta see played and if you need anything played, let me know. I really want people to have access to the Jason Dunlop talk because I really don't know what he said. And then there's a portion there where Justin's talking. I seriously can't believe if he had someone in his life that he rehearsed that with that were like, no. I seriously can't believe if he had someone in his life that he rehearsed that with, they were like, no. Do you think that these people rehearse this in front of people that they love? Like, do you think Gary Gaines rehearses that in front of his wife? He's like, hey, I'm going to give you my – I mean, I would. I would rehearse that shit in front of my wife.
Starting point is 00:16:00 She'd be like, hey, you sound like an arrogant douche. I think they definitely dry ran it. They did a dry run of it because the transitions the transitions and everything else the way it flowed you you think that nicole and gary and jason dunlop heard justin berg bergs before he went up yes well fuck they hate him then i thought if i if you did that craig i would have just been called matt if me and matt were watching you rehearse i'd be like are we gonna tell him or do we just let him go up because it was not it's not it's not um anyway i got no warm fuzzies from it none hey is is that is that what we we want some of that right the affiliate town hall
Starting point is 00:16:43 we want to galvanize the base. Yeah, galvanize. There was a lot of terms there, by the way, in this whole presentation that was really just that. Did you not like my word galvanize? Yeah, I know how you I knew where it came from. And it's actually in writing in the slides somewhere. Oh, it is. Yeah. Oh, yeah. There's I'm writing in the slides somewhere. Oh, it is? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Oh, yeah. I'm looking up the definition. What do you mean by galvanized? There's – You're excited about something, to take action. Yeah. The word's like – I just don't see the ecosystem transforms stewardship, metrics, curating, stakeholders. Rosa brought that word in. It's a shame. It's a shame. It should not be used.
Starting point is 00:17:32 I'm picky about the words, too. And I own this. But the the lack calling it home office, calling it education, calling it like, come on. I do notice something weird is happening on the front end though i saw the word hq on the front yes i saw fortunately fitness on the right on the front end yes uh something something weird's going on well i think there's a number of people within the organization the some of the ogs that have been around a while that are just kind of fed up and they're just and they're taking action on these things. Their website guys like, you know what, we're, we're putting forging elite fitness back up.
Starting point is 00:18:08 You know what, we're calling it HQ again. And they, you know, those were very superficial changes that were made in an attempt to be more inclusive and less offensive. Yeah. And to,
Starting point is 00:18:22 to erase our past because, you know, people were uncomfortable with some of the things that may have happened in the past. And so now – but it's nice to see us come back to reality. Were you ever offended by all the military stuff when you first came on? When I came on in 2006, all that shit rubbed me the wrong way. Did it ever rub you the wrong way? Not me. Not me. But I could rub you the wrong way? Tree hug. Not me. Not me.
Starting point is 00:18:47 But I could see, oh, I remember reading, remember reading the blog? Yeah. You know, anytime there's a picture of someone with a gun, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:56 if you looked in the blog comments, there were comments about him. And even after I drank the Kool-Aid, you know, there were, you know, and I started being around more of the military people and the first responders. And I started realizing that I wasn't I hadn't been thinking correctly.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Then even like, you know, 2012, then there would say Happy Easter and it would be a guy who spelt it out on the side of the hill with bunnies he killed. And I would be like, oh, fuck, you know what I mean? And I would just be like, oh, fuck, man, we are gnarly. I mean, and I would just be like, oh, fuck, man. We are gnarly. But you kind of go through this. It takes all types. It really takes all types. And even the, you know, one of the controversial things that Greg put up was – I forget, but when Bush was in office, they passed something.
Starting point is 00:19:48 I could be wrong, but bear with me here, people. Something called the Patriot Act where they could snoop on you, and the country was all for it to protect the country from terrorists. Well, one of the first things that they did with the Patriot Act is they started busting porn sites. And Greg's like, yo, yo, what the fuck? And he started posting – he posted a porn site up there, and the community got pissed. But they were missing the point. The point wasn't about the porn site point is that our freedoms were being tread on and so there's this the site used to be really smart and edgy but but not for the sake of being edgy but being like hey let's think clearly about shit right that's interesting because it's so it's so it Yeah. And it's made it sort of forging you to eat fitness, right?
Starting point is 00:20:26 Curing chronic disease. Yep. And then it became, no, it's a platform for health, happiness, and I forget what it was. Performance. Performance. Performance is a platform, which was more inviting. Yeah, the platform. And now the mission is, although I don't know if it's going to change it's going to be the new tagline is is transforming transforming lives or something
Starting point is 00:20:50 like that yeah those were all byproducts greg didn't like those words like that's those are byproducts of constantly very functional movement executed high intensity yeah and cross what was always courageous and and bold and and and from thing, you know, what's interesting is they want to do more for us. And that's great because they're good people and they do. They want to heal the wounds of the past. They want to offset any damages that have been done over the last two years. They want to help people out of this the last two years of difficulties. And what me as an affiliate owner,
Starting point is 00:21:27 as I look at them as a partner, all I want is my, I want my partner to carry their load. I don't need them to help me, right? I know how to run my gym and there's tons of tools out there for me to run my gym and run my business. What I want them to do is build up the brand,
Starting point is 00:21:41 focus on the brand, continue, focus on virtuosity of your uh of your methodology and make that so did they damn desirable that me by affiliation people come in the doors and and instead they want to they seem to be um intent upon going out and and getting involved in my business and wanting to help in my business. And this might be just an OG. I don't know. Matt might have a different opinion, but I don't need it. I don't like the whole –
Starting point is 00:22:16 It's all for the operations in my business. Yeah, he – Gary references something called the APN. And I'll take some ownership of this, but strictly as being me and not as a maybe as a logical conclusion but I see this as like one of those magazine sales that they make you do when you're in elementary school you sell magazines for the company and they give you a little stuffed animal and it's like and you're trying to sell magazines to your grandparents and everyone and it's like it's crazy it's using the emotional appeal that kids have with their family to sell shit to their parents and it's fucked up like i don't if i'm an affiliate
Starting point is 00:22:50 like you're giving me fucking discounts you're basically selling me stuff but under the guise of giving me discounts for it i don't know if this is possible but but if if i'm crossfit hq and and we should have done this when g Greg was in charge and we tried several times. Bruce Edwards was a huge champion of this. What CrossFit HQ should do is they should find out, okay, the average gym owner pays $2,000 a month for health insurance. If we can get health insurance for gym owners, that's $1,700 a month. That means each gym owner would save $300 a a month times 12 months that's thirty six hundred dollars and now being a gym owner actually makes you six hundred dollars a year if the affiliation
Starting point is 00:23:34 fee is three thousand a year instead of costing you three thousand a year and everyone's hooked yes now you've given fucking proposition the mom and dad who have three kids if you could lower their health insurance by 300 a month you've now paid for their gym affiliation and that's fucking value yes i don't care about the fucking discount at rogue me personally like like you because i find it disingenuous that you're um you're actually trying to sell me something to help leverage your partnership with those people those types of discounts are dangerous too. And the reason why they're dangerous is you, it they're promoted as one thing. And then you go onto the rogue side and you search and this,
Starting point is 00:24:11 and you load up your cart and like, and the discount doesn't apply to certain things or, or, you know, or it really doesn't add up to a meaningful number or those things are out of stock. Like then, and then you have to manage all of the, like it's almost, it's one of those things are out of stock. Like then, and then you have to manage all of the, like, it's almost, it's one of those things like they're, they make it complex and then they create more work for themselves. Like all of those things are great,
Starting point is 00:24:31 but are you following up on all of those vendors to make sure they're still upholding it? What are their websites look like for the right. It's, you know, and it's, and it becomes, it's just a big uncontrollable pain in the ass.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Some of those things on there are neat, you know, and I've and I've looked into it, but I haven't used any of them. With the exception of Thorne, but I've known Thorne many, many years. They're not stupid, though. If they want to give a discount to the CrossFit community, they're going to give a discount to the CrossFit community. Well, here's the other thing. If you're in a gym, any gym can go into Thorne and set up. Any fitness professional can go into Thorne and set up a discounted website with them.
Starting point is 00:25:12 It's a cool thing that they do if you're in the industry. So it's not really unique to CrossFit. And that's not to discount what Thorne is doing at all or any of the others are doing. No, no, no. It's not an attack on an attack i'm just thinking about what we're doing real value crossfit shouldn't be managing that or creating i like what you said
Starting point is 00:25:32 man let's do the stuff that's meaningful health insurance what i got from it is crossfit has a huge identity crisis on their hands crossfit has no idea who they are i saw nicole carroll's speech and she was the only one that looked like she was able to hold it together with scotch tape. And to be honest, looking at her and watching, somebody even commented and said, like, Nicole's part was reminiscent of the Jedi speech she gave back. Yeah, except for one thing was missing, the light with inside Nicole. She looked like it was almost like she almost looked like it was at a hostage video as she's there on Zoom. Because she was acting like the CEO, but they won't make her the CEO. That's where the light's missing.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Someone's not supporting her, but she took charge. I agree with you. There was the light was missing. The light was missing, but she was the only one that actually felt like – she was the only one when I watched that I felt like she was speaking with what I understood. She was trying to say like, hey, guys, we haven't steered too far away from this. And there's still an opportunity for us to get back to the methodology at its core. And she was appealing to the L the L ones out there. And she was appealing to the affiliate owners. And she was the only one whose language I understood. Everybody, everybody else was spinning their wheels in dirt, especially when it came to Jason Dunlap. I'm going to read
Starting point is 00:26:43 you something here. District manager at Gap Inc. Divisional head brand of sales, Marks and Spencer. Regional controller of the body shop. Divisional manager of Waterstones. Nike. Chief operations officer for Europe, Middle East, and Africa. Starbucks. Every single one of those companies companies he'd only been out for about three or so years so jason dunlap i could already tell you he will be exiting crossfit in 2024 now the biggest issue i had with him was he said we're looking for a new ceo look no further than nicole and everybody else get the fuck out of the way then second piece of it your words right you're saying that i'm saying that yeah i mean she gave
Starting point is 00:27:25 the ceo talk in the fucking beginning that what i do you guys think that those people heard her say that did jason dunlop here know that she was going to say all that i mean that was all that was all the that was just leadership shit she was doing they are probably so lost that they were like oh yeah that's fine nicole go ahead say that. That has nothing to do with our go forward brand strategy. There's basically a power vacuum there and she just filled it. Someone should have walked over to her in the middle and just pinned a CEO tag on her. I mean, she did it. Well, the thing is, Jason then says, whoever's going to be the CEO, we want to make sure that they have CrossFit at our heart. Unless he was doing Fram inside all these stores, I don't really know what's going on here and also
Starting point is 00:28:06 all these all these are all commodities everything that he's worked for before we're all retail what what and what's the implication of that what are you saying by saying that i don't know what he's going to do with a brand and the question with the brand crossfit because we don't sell soaps or coffees or shoes. So I'm confused as to far as like the choice. And you think it's a big difference. What do we sell? What does CrossFit sell? Well, that's what I was going to go into.
Starting point is 00:28:32 So who's CrossFit's customer? What is their brand strategy? And what is the long-term strategy for return on investment? You've heard me say this a lot of times. Until we actually know that, until Marnie, Marnie Miss Payne, actually speaks up and tries to give us some direction here as far as we could connect the dots between the board to the— Who's that? Who's Marnie Miss Payne? I would imagine she's the person in control.
Starting point is 00:28:57 And why do you say that? Do you see her name somewhere? Yeah, on the Berkshire Partners controlling manager list of their crossfits. Okay. Her, George, and Ross, I think it is manager. Ah. Ross Fitts. Okay. Her, George, and Ross, I think it is. I got to bring him up here. Have you met or, Sivan, thought that, considered that Nicole's been asked to be CEO and she doesn't want it? No. That is a very – that's funny you say that one time.
Starting point is 00:29:22 One of my friends one time made fun of me that my wife and I weren't married, and I told the whole table, dude, I've asked her to marry me three times and made everyone feel uncomfortable. Wow, that is interesting. Do you know something? No. No. I suspect that that's a possibility. Wow. If they have – okay.
Starting point is 00:29:43 If they have, I apologize. That's very, very interesting. If they have, I apologize. That's very, very interesting. If they have, I apologize. If they have not, they are leveraging her right now to hold down the ship. They better fucking increase her pay or offer it to her. Wow, that's fascinating to me. That job is incredibly scary right now. Sure, yes, yes. With the turmoil within the existing affiliate groups and within the conflict with the games that has been created with the departure of Castro, and then you've got a Berkshire management team
Starting point is 00:30:24 that may or may not really have a good understanding of of crossfit like being the ceo is what's hard it kind of reminds me of this position adrian bosman and justin are in yeah like they're being there i mean they're they're man it's big shoes to fill. And if they do make her CEO and they don't give her the power to be CEO, then she's got another big problem. You know, I have this avocado tree in my yard, and it gives about 500 avocados a year, and it's wounded. It's in bad, bad shape. When I moved into the house, it was fucking dead, and my dad told me cut it in half.
Starting point is 00:31:04 So we've left a stump that's like 12 feet high and it rebirthed itself but there's holes in it that are so big you can see through it and and uh my dad told me recently i have to cut another two feet off the top or it's gonna die and i'm and i'm struggling with that i'm struggling with pruning a massive chunk off the tree. And I think that's where CrossFit is. If someone like Nicole came in, I mean, this thing has to be probably pruned way the fuck back before it's going to grow healthy again, right? Correct. I think the – a little bit of an answer to Matt's question. I see CrossFit as a methodology and i see crossfit as a certification and and a certification and training company and there's i i i personally
Starting point is 00:31:56 don't think there's anything wrong with with continuing to build off of that entirely and then create such demand tell the story tell the story through media social media you know tell the story of the transformations tell the story of the successful affiliates that that grew their businesses from nothing people that had you know very little money in their pocket now have thriving businesses all of the coaches have been hired continue to tell that story and continue to how rewarding it is how it's so much better than being a fucking. CrossFit and incredibly desirable place to be at. One of the I think one of the problems out there is that because it hasn't been well defined, affiliates are setting unrealistic expectations for what CrossFit should be doing for them.
Starting point is 00:32:47 And CrossFit hasn't reined it in instead they've gotten almost apologetic i mean how many people that i don't all three of them just said profuse thanks and i know they feel it to the affiliates but you know at this point i don't what does that mean profuse things well so so they were they were always they all started out with we are so grateful for our affiliates and our community for sports each one like in in it it sounds almost apologetic meaning we haven't done our share but you've been you've been hanging in there with us and and that's not the case right um crossfit has has done some great things the l1 through l4 program is unbelievable the certification process getting adding 300 more affiliates has been that's impressive but why but let's talk about number second on that what yeah i want to know the net number on that right
Starting point is 00:33:40 don't say things don't say things like we've added 300 affiliates without telling me how many also left and why do why do affiliates care that so when i hear that stuff i'm thinking all you're doing is just trying to tell the affiliates that the company's not dead yeah and like it's it's a weird place to like like they all have their back up against the wall nicole didn't do that you know it's and you know, the JFK saying, don't ask what you can do for your, don't ask what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country. The truth, someone needs to come out like Greg would have done this. Someone needs to come out on the attack almost and give the affiliates a fucking pep talk not there's a yeah there's a wounded there's a wounded a wounded like a deer
Starting point is 00:34:27 in the field fucking um feeling from it all and it's like you don't need to do that like we're all badasses that everyone joined this thing because we're badasses there's another thing that they kept saying too we're going to listen to you we're going to listen to you we're going to listen to you and i understand the sentiment but i want to tell you as someone who used to work at crossfit hq those of you who are talking to CrossFit HQ, 99% of you are batshit crazy, and you are actually goo in the fucking cogs. And so when I hear that they're going to – that they say they're going to listen to you, I wish also they'd say, and shut the fuck up and don't email us unless you have something really fucking important and get back to work. Someone needs their – because that's what they would have said. The Greg would have told us in the old days, you remember on the site,
Starting point is 00:35:06 it said, don't contact me. Remember that shit on that, on the site, everything you need to know is on the site. Don't contact. Greg Glassman never said we're here for you. He never,
Starting point is 00:35:18 I never had an expectation. If that guy stopped by and said hello to me, I was like, Oh shit. That's awesome he trusted me to run and build my affiliate and i all i wanted them to do was make continue to position crossfit within the world to be a desirable thing that people wanted to do and then they would come to and they google and they'd find me and they'd come to my facility. Yeah. I think, Craig, you hit it on the head when you said that, and Nicole touched
Starting point is 00:35:51 on this too, they need to really lean in to the certifications and they need to put a ton, a ton, a ton of media and focus onto that. Because if they grow the certifications, not only will it be a revenue stream for them or money coming in, I don't want to get into too much corporate talk here, but it'll start bringing dollars more into CrossFit. But more importantly, it'll start creating more L1 coaches, which will then be passionate about the work, which will find their ways either into existing affiliates to help rejuvenize and continue to staff those places, or they'll go in there, open up their own affiliates, creating competition within the,
Starting point is 00:36:26 using the word here, the ecosystem, right? Essentially, they'll start opening more gyms and competition. Although for some of the gyms that aren't willing to get in there and do the hard work to become the best, might be a little tough. But at the end of the day,
Starting point is 00:36:38 it'll benefit all of us more if we have more of them coming in. Every person that takes the L1 turns into a freaking crossfit kook and all they do is they talk to their friends their families people come in here and they go yeah i'm here because you know my sister does crossfit i go she doesn't shut up about it does she he goes she no she doesn't and people won't do crossfit for a period of time just because you know i don't want to do what my sister-in-law told me I should be doing. But in the, but deep down inside the seed has been planted.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Right. And they're thinking, I need, man, shit. Why is she so excited about that? And then the other, you get people certified and you'll have all these mavens out there raving about CrossFit. Yeah. And not only that, but like I said, it's, it's a big revenue builder for them. Right. And then CrossFit can continue to grow their red shirts and everything else. But the other thing in this, I don't think the opportunity is completely missed here, but where's the media on health? And I think the reason why they're not going to do it is because they have to push back against this narrative that's happening right now. And if they would have leaned into just the CrossFit methodology
Starting point is 00:37:46 and just pushed, pushed, pushed, pushed as much media as they could, simply speaking, the 100 words of fitness and basically taking the L1 into small bite-sized chunks and just blasting content out there with it, people would have drawn their own conclusions against a lot of this bullshit that we're seeing coming from the pharmaceutical companies
Starting point is 00:38:04 and the mainstream media. And they should have really been, here's what we're going to do. We're going to become a hardcore media company saying nothing but the truth when it comes to health. We're going to untangle this mess when it comes to science and understanding science and understanding research papers. And we're going to tell you, we have the solution. It's called the L1. Grab your mother, grab your cousin, grab your best friend, and go take it right now. Even if you don't want to be a coach, only because you want to be responsible for your own health. I want to say one thing about that too, because I started going down that pathway as I was watching this. I was like, man, why is Nicole really driving the L1 in terms of coaching? But we have to remember that this was for the affiliates. Nicole knows that the L1
Starting point is 00:38:43 is for fucking every single human being on the planet. But this was for the affiliates. Nicole knows that the L1 is for fucking every single human being on the planet. But this was also directed specifically at the affiliates. I want to take us down Nicole's talk a little bit and talk about how fucking amazing it was. And I really, really encourage everyone to share this with your gym
Starting point is 00:38:59 members. And then I'd like to move on to Gary a little bit and then Justin. And then I kind of want to play a little bit of what Justin said and a little bit of what dunlop said and see if someone else can decipher it um we talked about how this wasn't live and that's that's a true disappointment it's um at least just tell us it wasn't live don't try to fucking like dupe us don't call it a town hall don't mischaracterize it the first thing cross needs to do is work on its integrity and its honesty. We talked about how they're leveraging Nicole Carroll. She came out there.
Starting point is 00:39:26 She spoke first. She basically is the CEO. So now, unfortunately, instead of taking just good shit away from her, we're wondering, have you guys offered it to her? And she said no. Or what are you guys waiting for? Just make her the fucking CEO already. She acknowledged the two years of craziness. She acknowledged the roots of CrossFit, that it came from a fucking dub
Starting point is 00:39:46 down, dumbed down, um, industry. I thought it was interesting that she didn't invoke Greg. I didn't hear her say Greg's name. I don't think she's afraid to, but, but I think that that would have helped, um, to, to use Greg's name or maybe even speak about galvanize the base a little bit or talk about the base and talk about first responders that I didn't hear her mention that either. But she did go back about how this thing basically saved the industry.
Starting point is 00:40:07 And I think a lot of people don't realize that because they're so new to CrossFit. Like if you're 30 years old or younger, you probably don't know this shit was fucked up 15 years ago before CrossFit came along. And Nicole touches on that, it's important. She talks about how there's no gimmicks in CrossFit. She talks about how we revolutionized the industry.
Starting point is 00:40:28 She talks about the courage and the courageousness that CrossFit used to have. And she gives some examples. And all of that was courageous to say to squat below parallel back in the day, for those of you who don't know. It was crazy. No gym would have a fucking rope hanging from the ceiling at Gold's because they'd be afraid for insurance reasons. We used to get kicked out of everywhere for doing wall balls or deadlifts and and crossfit has changed all that so she gave a lot of she was being very honest and that was refreshing coming um from hq she talked about virtuosity virtuosity doing the common uncommonly well all great she talked about science observable and repeatable
Starting point is 00:41:01 of a fucking whole half this country fucking has no fucking clue what the fuck that means. Believe. She said that CrossFit is for anyone. That's why they don't fucking need a DEI council. That's all they need to keep hammering. She said it. We've all known that. That's why we came here.
Starting point is 00:41:18 You love walking into the gym that's fucking owned by a fucking Filipino couple. And it's fucking 52 Filipino people. And one old white lady. That was my mom. I love that gym. It's our fucking favorite gym in the world. Sorry. Sorry, Annie.
Starting point is 00:41:31 She likes your gym too. Another Filipino. Maybe my mom or Asian. Maybe my mom only like, maybe my mom has an Asian bias. That said, we don't have to. And one of the things that concern me about the presentation is we don't
Starting point is 00:41:42 have to advertise or, or highlight that we're inclusive the presentation is we don't have to advertise or or highlight that we're inclusive and it is available for everyone forging the elite fitness was exceptionally desirable curing chronic disease was was kind of an elite type approach to fitness and we don't when people walk through the doors it's's proven. We accept everybody. We welcome everybody. We're happy about it. But showing everybody that we're inclusive and telling everybody repeatedly we're inclusive, that, just in my opinion, it weakens the brand. It dumbs us down for sure.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Yeah, it dumbs us down. You don't need to tell us that Jennifer Hunter Marshall is a black strong woman. Just fucking show us the fucking video. We fucking get it, man. We all know her. Everyone who's been around for 15 years loves the shit out of her. We're proud of her. We just need the video of her.
Starting point is 00:42:40 We don't need it like – yeah. Yeah, Juke CrossFit. Thank you. She talks about the methodology, how CrossFit defined fitness. A lot of people don't need it like – yeah, Duke CrossFit. Thank you. She talks about the methodology, how CrossFit defined fitness. A lot of people don't realize that. They're just like, oh, CrossFit, anyone could have invented it. No, actually. Well, anyone could have, but they didn't.
Starting point is 00:42:55 They didn't. Greg defined fitness. They professionalized coaching. She defines what that meant, and she talks about the spirit of the community. I think that's a lot of the problem, what's going on, why this thing is limping along, by the way. I think there's people who want to leave CrossFit, but they don't want to leave the community. And they're not sure if they can do that, if they pull the trigger on it. When you see Nicole Carroll up there, and is gives her an unfair advantage over over everyone
Starting point is 00:43:29 else who's up there especially Gary who's who's I think a pretty hardcore crossfitter um is that she heard all of this from the horse's mouth she was trained by Greg taught by Greg mirrored Greg I mean she knows she knows fucking everything. She lives it. She lived it. Um, her husband, her, her husband is a, uh, um, is a, is a man who used it to, uh, to, to save his life and fight for this country. I mean, she's immersed in everything from the base to the most far, far outer fringes of what this company is. I seriously can't believe she hasn't left to be honest. She talks about stewardship of the brand. She talks about bold conversation.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Greg Glassman used to say this in terms of, hey, we're the caretakers of a national forest. We are not the, we're not, you know, grooming a fancy garden. And she's basically, the first time I really heard this said very simply was from Craig Howard's mouth who you see here on the call. He said, hey, how about you just don't fuck up the brand and make good media and we'll do the rest? And – Elegant solution there. Yeah, and I think Nicole touched on that. Like, hey, like we need to just focus on ourselves. And yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:44 And like Justin can say that. Like, that's another thing, too. Like, it's okay for HQ to be like, listen, motherfuckers. The game does not work unless you all join the open. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning. Which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do.
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Starting point is 00:45:52 terms apply every fucking crossfitter out there please join the open let's get these fucking numbers up that will get us more fucking money thank you crossfit aq is perfectly okay making money we'll reinvest that money into more video and then we'll all grow fucking together don't tell me that you had your best year you had a great year when you hit 300 000 when we know it's gone over 400 000 like just like just talk to the community like like they're fucking people yes stop being a fucking pussy there's no pussy in this pedigree there's no pussy in the CrossFit pedigree. The games are the unique and distinguishing characteristic of CrossFit. And because it's measurable and observable and repeatable, we can have the CrossFit games. That's where it was born. This is proof of what we do.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Orange Theory, F45, Barry's Booking. They can't have a CrossFit game. They can't have a Proof Your Fitness event because CrossFitters would win it. We have motorhomes there that people sleep in. The greatest athlete of all time sleeps in the fucking park at the fucking event.
Starting point is 00:46:58 And so we all should be doing the Open. Yeah. We should all be signing up and doing the Open. And it's okay to just talk to the community and just give it to them. You should be ashamed you didn't doing the open. Yeah. We should all be signing up and doing the open. And it's okay to just talk to the community and just give it to them. You should be ashamed you didn't do the open. Just own that shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:11 That's right. Just own it. The other thing too, Justin's piece, Craig, I think you already said this, but it was just one huge pitch to like brands. I think he was like – I felt like I was like – Hey, dude, that was a rehash of something i've seen before i think that he did the espn it literally yeah it was just him just kind of just going over like oh we have a billion you know impressions on social media and we have over 300 you know whatever it was million minutes of footage and in you don't need to just have a
Starting point is 00:47:42 30 second ad space in between plays. We'll let you run the ad the whole time they're lifting weights. It's like, okay, are you going to run an affiliate ads the whole time? You know, you should at least told us said that and said, Oh, and by the way, affiliates, if you have a great piece of content or a transformational story, please send it to us because all the numbers that I'm pitching right now will show your affiliate there. Do you want to tell you something that just came to my mind about um transparency nicole works in a fucking department where you get feedback from the people below you from the people at your level and from the people above you you get feedback from the participants it's a fucking tough place
Starting point is 00:48:20 to be it's life altering and career i mean and tear jerking to be on the l1 team no i don't think i've never even heard of a workplace like this everyone is fucking giving you fucking feedback and it's like it it's just they're constantly sharpening the blade sharpening the blade sharpening blade and when i was head of media like it would be a little scary to get a call from nicole she is aist. Like you would make a video and then she'd see it again. And she'd tell you she needs to sleep on it. Then she needs to see the video again. And then she's asleep on it. And she heard an audio pop or she didn't like the way this person was standing or the, are you sure that squat looks like it's below parallel? Or I see a
Starting point is 00:48:55 wrinkle on the screen. It's like, my God, there's her and Dave, man, there's no lack of ambition and perfection in them. And that all that everyone grew from that but it was hard it was like it was hard it was hard that i have i wish i there was something i could say about her that um um to balance it out the the negativity so i could but i wish i could say something negative i can't i can't think of anything in terms of in this um context like maybe i could tell you she eats with her mouth open i mean she doesn't but i mean maybe there's some personal things i you know but but as a leader there is i mean she she fucking killed it but i didn't even think of this what craig said her light has dimmed her light has dimmed maybe it
Starting point is 00:49:42 was because she was reading it but that's not the, that's not the Nicole Carroll. Um, she walks onto the stage at the L1 training seminar, the yearly seminar they do for all the L1 trainers. And she's a fucking beacon of light. And those people fucking stand up and jump up and down and shit. Um, she's a hardcore CrossFitter. Um, CrossFit changed her life, changed her life. Um, it changed her husband's life. Um, she, It changed her life. It changed her husband's life. She's through and through. And I highly recommend – can we put a link to that in the – A link to what? To the side, to the affiliate town hall in the side. I highly recommend everyone listen to her first 13 minutes.
Starting point is 00:50:19 And then you can probably find a similar talk she gave to trainers somewhere on the website. Is there anything you guys want to say about Nicole before we move on to Gary? I know I just took up a lot of time there. I'd agree with your comments and observations. Nicole's always been apprehensive about getting in front of crowds. She's very humble. Yeah, she doesn't want the attention, right. She doesn't want the attention.
Starting point is 00:50:43 And that's why I suspect that the CEO role may be something that she may have turned down. Interesting. That would be interesting to know. That would be. I have subtly slipped into her DMs. Even though I have her phone number at home, I don't want to text her and bug her. I have asked her to come on, and she just gives a little heart like i saw it she's a very cordial person i don't expect anyone there to come on because i don't you know
Starting point is 00:51:11 how cool would it be though to be it's part of my how cool would it have been to have been a format like this or them sitting all in a you know in a room together just having a casual conversation boy how fucking hard was this last two years holy crap and man yeah we shit we put 300 000 people in the open man but we had to beg borrow steal and everything else and we're counting on the affiliates to help us to get you know four or five hundred thousand next year you know we've we've added 300 affiliates but holy crap we're losing people on the back and like just have, just be partners in this with us. We're not dumb.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Right, right. Every OG I talk to knows what's going on, right? Well, the good news is it seems like most affiliates don't care because the video only has 1,000 views. So that's the good news, I guess. Most affiliates have their head down and are working. So that's the good news, I guess. Most affiliates have their head down and are working. Well, to that end, to that point, Savant, if CrossFit focuses on the brand and bringing bodies in the door, we'll be so fucking busy we can't bitch and moan and complain and ask for help.
Starting point is 00:52:21 All you want to do is build the brand so that so many people come in. We're making money. We can't bitch. Gary has a beautiful voice. He presents well. I think I think Craig said that it's obvious he does care. He is in a fucking tough spot. He's at that fucking vector where all the people in the community who are using the methodology to make a living are looking to him to blame and probably not give credit to. So that being said, he's in a really, really tough spot. He's new to the company. They appear to be rudderless and sail lists. And so they're just a ship that's out at sea. It's got to be fucking tough. And once again, I assume all of these people are leaning on nicole i mean i would i would even if i had been there for like 15 years like now you only have two choices to step up and start
Starting point is 00:53:11 acting like ceo like we saw her do or to lean on her and i'm assuming gary's leaning on her which which i which i which i don't think is i'm bad he said that the brand is going to start acting like one brand and not three departments i don't even know what that means i the more that's more like hey is that is that just internal talk like what why i don't want to hear that um uh i'll own this they keep referring to um the home office and edu instead of calling it hq or training i do think though that i I heard Gary say one time HQ. He kept saying how much they would listen, and I think that that's a mistake. I think that they should go on the offensive. I think they should be like, kids, clean up your room.
Starting point is 00:53:56 It's time. Let's get to fucking work. I think we need more of a you guys are warriors talk, and we're all going to fight this together. They said they're going to improve storytelling. Enough. Stop telling me that. We already fucking cracked the code on this in 2008 and 2009. Go back, watch those videos, just repeat exactly what we did.
Starting point is 00:54:18 If you don't know, basically fire fucking everyone. There's a guy there named Leif Edmondson or Tyson Oldroyd or hire Mike Workington back back from get him back from chris cooper's company um bring but bring the journal fucking back like stop i'm tired of you saying that you're gonna it's all there there's 10 000 pieces of uh uh um examples of what you need to do to grow this company and make the affiliates happy already out there just copy those i heard i heard just copy them i heard leaf was the one that put Forging Elite Fitness back on the CrossFit main site. I would not be surprised. I would not be surprised. It's very CrossFit of him, by the way.
Starting point is 00:54:57 For those of you who don't know who Leaf Edmondson was, the entire time I was there basically at CrossFit Inc., I started a little bit before him, a couple years before him. But he's in charge of everything that the that the world saw of crossfit he's one of those people that like even if dave wanted something published nicole justin me greg anyone it had to go through leaf he was the fucking gatekeeper and then he pushed the button and the rest of the world sees it and he took that fucking job seriously he's got he's got he's got something wrong with him too and you want someone to have something wrong with him. I think you're correct in everything you said and made a suggestion to everybody here at home office. Read this book because actually inside this book, they talk exactly about what
Starting point is 00:55:36 you're saying. And what happened was this was a small coffee shop that started to have a ton of success. And then they went and they were going to go for, they're going to go as on the public market. Right. And then they realized they started losing all their customers. And then they started doing all these different initiatives and all this type of stuff, but they had brought in a bunch of corporate people because they thought, Hey, we're going to be big and we got to do this right. So we got to bring in corporate people. And basically what the book says is that they've lost their way. They started reading all this stuff. It's called The Secret Lives of Customers. The Secret Lives of Customers. All right. I'll read it if that guy
Starting point is 00:56:10 will come on the podcast. It's a super short read. But basically what it does is you actually explained it perfectly, which is, hey, you guys found really great success early on. And then as it started to grow, or in this case, changed hands, and you brought in people that were a part of the original success, all the initiatives you're trying to do aren't working. And then you're continuing to lose some of your original customers that you built your foundation on. So if you actually look backwards as to what got you there in the first place, and then just continue to focus on doing more of that, it'll help guide the ship back into the right direction.
Starting point is 00:56:51 I'll give you something really poignant if you're listening, HQ. Send a filmmaker to an L1. Have him bust his ass or her buster ass and film 20 of the 40 participants who are there. Pick the ugliest motherfuckers. Pick the old lady with one leg pick the fat pick the fat guy whose shirt keeps coming up over his belly button in the back ask them why they're there turn that into a two-minute video on top of that for b-roll put show them moving they will never let you down those people those are the fucking people you want. That's where the accountability, responsibility, that's where it is.
Starting point is 00:57:28 You're going to get the – I overcame cancer. You're going to get that I used to weigh 600 pounds. You're going to get my sister died. This is the only hope I have. You're going to get all that shit. You can do it all in one weekend and just start pouring that shit out. You'll hit home runs. You want it.
Starting point is 00:57:43 You want to take over YouTube. you want to be putting out so much fun content you want to put the you want to bring um the journal back and you want to build an ott and over the top you want people to be able to watch this on their apple tv their who their uh what are those the roku amazon get all that shit it's easy it's cheap it's not expensive it's a couple hundred thousand dollars i'm talking about bring it right into their household and one thing too going back to what you were saying about Gary's job, I think for his position that he's in and especially getting out, man, he has stood out in front of everybody, taken a few punches with a smile,
Starting point is 00:58:17 and then continued to kind of track on. And I will say I haven't had any lengthy interaction with him, but when I was in Miami at Guadalupalooza, he made a point. I was sitting there and I wasn't even focusing on anything. I was kind of drinking my coffee, taking a break. And he walked past and he stopped. And then he turned around and he walked over and he goes, hey, Matt, I'm Gary. And he puts his hand out.
Starting point is 00:58:38 Oh, shit. And the reason why that's so profound is because probably a week before that, we did a whole show beating up on Gary. Not a whole show, but we beat up on him pretty good. Yep. We beat up on him. And so, okay, so he got no pussy in him either. He's like, I see you. No, he came right over and I stood up and I shook his hand and I said, hey, Gary, nice to meet you.
Starting point is 00:58:57 And he said, you too. And he just kind of turned around and tracked. And it wasn't assertive or anything like that. It was basically he was just he didn't shake you like this pulls me whisper something about here don't you speak on me again boy no but uh he um that that was and that speaks to his character i think right because i totally it's easy in those situations to just kind of hide it's easy for him to realize hey like i'm kind of standing up in front of the firing squad but you know what i'm not afraid to get out here in the community and walk around. And there's that dude that was
Starting point is 00:59:28 on that podcast. And I'm going to go right over there and shake his head and let him know, hey, I know who you are and just want to introduce myself. And I think that's really decent of him. So that speaks to his character. I think so too. Do you know him, Craig? Have you interacted with him? Yeah, I have been in a couple of meetings with him, one-on-one discussions with him. He was the one that fired me from CrossFit. Oh, yeah, yeah, he was. Hey, did he fire you gently? Yeah, he did. He's a great, he was really good about it. He's a good guy, but what I don't, but he's very approachable, very likable.
Starting point is 01:00:03 And one of the things that concerned me, and Matt spoke to this, especially with the book, is they're making themselves so accessible. We want to hear from you. We want to know. Well, the people that take advantage of that, I think, in my opinion, are the ones that we don't want. The rest of us don't want talking to them. It invites criticism. It invites complaints. and it's usually the squeaky wheels the people that have the most time i'm too fucking busy yeah to to to freaking
Starting point is 01:00:33 pick up the phone try and call someone and bitch about you know the the lack of advertising i'm not getting or whatever it is right those in making it more easy access for people to express their opinion, I fear will shape CrossFit into something that it is not. Fifty eight. Twenty four. I'm going to pull that clip. Craig Howard explained that perfectly. You do have to really realize this at HQ. You have to realize what should have happened is the 400 affiliates that got upset when Greg said Floyd 19, Greg should have told them to fuck off. De-affiliate, here's your money back. And I want to tell you on a hundred occasions over the years, I would hear affiliates call and complain or say something. And Greg would be like, fine, your check's in the mail. I'll send your $500 or $1,000 back to you and hang up on them. Someone has to be able to do that.
Starting point is 01:01:31 When people start saying stupid shit, they need to get off the fucking boat. You cannot try to keep every fucking – I hate to pick on the MakeWadsGradingIn guy, but he's trying to keep every follower. Sometimes you just got to be, fuck you. I leaked a workout. I don't give a fuck. Tell them to work better on the URL. It's fun. You don't have to say sorry
Starting point is 01:01:50 because you made a CrossFit Games video and you didn't have an albino, a homosexual Armenian in it. Like you didn't know where I was working out that day. Like you're doing your best. You don't have to say sorry for everything. Yeah. And they are professional complainers, the people hearing from you, my words, not Craig's, but I think that's what he's getting at. These are if you just would have had them all in a room,
Starting point is 01:02:25 like everybody who is on the town hall with a whiteboard, they're just having a real discussion and allowing us to be a fly on a wall. Even if they had to talk about some hard stuff, Hey guys, we're losing some money. Hey guys, we need to make a return on our investment here. Berkshire is putting a ton of pressure on us. What are going to be our long-term strategies? I know that we had to go with monster with the games. We know that there was a pushback with the community, guys. We had to do it because we need to generate some money here. Affiliates, we need you to step up right now. We need to strengthen this brand. We need the OGs in the game with us right now. And here's what we're going to do. We're going to brainstorm some ideas here and start working through it,
Starting point is 01:03:03 right? As opposed to curating this message in every two seconds next slide please and someone can even stand up i'll give you another example all the shit talking about monster and great and dave did this on his instagram um dave said yeah i fucking don't endorse sugary drinks sugary drinks are bad for you don't drink that shit i drink some of their sugar-free shit and i drink their water Fuck off. Or don't hook them as a sponsor. But someone just come up there and say, fuck you. We're getting money for the athletes. We've made that a priority.
Starting point is 01:03:29 We don't endorse drinking this shit. Thank you. And then continue with the sponsorship. End of call. Everyone can go there. Just address it. You don't have to make it any – and if you didn't, and if you didn't, and I missed it, I'm sorry. But that's what we need, just leadership.
Starting point is 01:03:41 This community is made for that honest talk. But that's what we need, just leadership. This community is made for that honest talk. That's the shit we're doing. That's easy to do that compared to some of the shit that people are doing in the gyms, what the people are doing in Craig Howard's gym or Matt's gym this morning. My final thing with Gary is what we already talked about. I don't want to beat a dead horse, but you said you put on 300 affiliates. And if we don't know what the denominator is like it doesn't matter like like did you lose a thousand like right did you regain and why do you guys tell me why why would affiliates care about more affiliates coming on why do you what do you guys care you guys want that or not want that no i don't i just think i think i forget if it was use of honor craig that said at the base, they're trying to be like, hey, guys, we're not dead. Don't worry. There are people that are in line. We're good.
Starting point is 01:04:30 The other thing that makes me a little nervous about it too is most of those came out of Europe. And I see European growth as like it it's gonna happen no matter what if we do a great job like you know any big popular show a product or anything when it's popular here it'll eventually become popular here like those are almost they're they're they're somewhat of a gimme right i and you i'm gonna say something kind of funny, but kind of tongue in cheek. But I wonder how the DEI council feels about that, because that council views Europe as just Whiteyville. They view everything through the lens of of color. And so you have you have this organization within the organization that's probably not even happy about that.
Starting point is 01:05:21 This guy's fucking celebrating. justin's celebrating um uh the growth of the he calls it mind-blowing and inspirational the the growth of the the open those are his words in europe i don't know what's mind-blowing but the di council's gotta be like that's just more white people that's fucked up i mean i'm not even joking you know that there's people there's a whole fucking faction inside of HQ that your affiliate dollars are supporting that think that shit. Is there a media team? It's fucking nuts. I have no idea, actually.
Starting point is 01:05:52 I don't know. How are they prioritizing the DEI council over like a media team? Yeah, it's, I don't get it. I have to send my wife a text right now. I think, but back to the affiliate thing, though, I think there's a lot of affiliates that have not re-upped on their affiliate fees. And I get messages from affiliate owners once a month saying, should I do this?
Starting point is 01:06:20 Do you think it's worth it? What's the added value? And the added value is not going to come on come in the form of things that they're going to do for the affiliate owners specifically for their businesses you're not going to hear from them right you know i told one affiliate owner the other day i said have you read did you ever read your affiliate agreement what you're you're agreeing to affiliate with the brand there There's no, you know, it's a partnership. You run your gym business. We'll build the brand and run the brand.
Starting point is 01:07:02 And if you pay me $3,000 a year, however much you're paying, you get to put the brand on your business or, you know, say that you use our methodology. That's it. It's really it. And so, therefore, the obligation is on CrossFit to build that brand and focus on that brand and focus on that methodology to make it so freaking desirable in the public place that people come and they click and they come and they want to be a part of it here at my business. It's not more than that there's there's nothing that crossfit can do for an affiliate in gilroy california to you know you know either whether it's a round table or or an event that they have or you know competition where they show there's none of those things are really going to help them right the kind of the oxymoron there let me play devil's advocate here on on from from hq You're saying a one part that HQ has to be like, make the brand. Don't fuck it up, make it as appealing as possible. So people want to come in. That being said, we're also saying, like, be honest and have integrity, even if that upsets some people and pushes some people away.
Starting point is 01:08:07 people and pushes some people away yep um because because we we just want to attract the right people we're not trying to make every fucking dollar we're just i mean do you see how there's a little bit of a we're giving them a little bit of a mixed message on feedback because that's they've gone overboard trying to accommodate everyone yes right and i get and listen i get that after the last two and a half years. Yeah. Oh, yeah, brutal. Brutal. Although let me tell you, there's a market for the – it's created a tremendous market for honesty. Peace and love. Thank you to my sponsors.
Starting point is 01:08:46 You know, I feel like I'm just beating up on them, but Justin talks about they have control over the narrative. No, you don't have control over the narrative. The media is fucking absolutely atrocious. Your Instagram account has become just one giant – it's lost all innovation and all sincerity. It's basically one giant copy off of everything that ESPN does or Barstool Sports does. It's kind of sad. It's turned in gimmicky. You did the Daniel Brandon force off flipping off the camera.
Starting point is 01:09:09 You're doing all these things to try to seem edgy. You don't need to do that. You're saying that the open was great. We know it's not great because Rosa told us the goal was 500,000. And I don't even know if you cracked 300,000. You're saying that you put on 30,000 people. Well, I hope you put on 30,000 people because we're coming from a pandemic year. There's just no relativity and no sincerity and no honesty. It's like you are putting lipstick on a pig. And for people, don't do that. You don't have to do that. Do you have the video pulled up by any chance, Sousa? I do. Can other started it. Can you start it at thirty three thirty five?
Starting point is 01:09:48 I want to play this. I want to play this one section here. Justin Berg said basically here he's going to tell you that because the open did so well this year in terms of registrants, they honored that by doing three live open announcements. This is batshit crazy right here, what he's saying. Unless I'm misunderstanding. Yeah, you can start here. Let's go. So our priorities for this year to share out with you all is one has been the open. So this was a terrific success. This year, we added 30,000 new participants in the open, which is fantastic. International participation was absolutely kind of mind-blowing. The amount of new participants that are coming from Europe in particular has been really kind of inspirational.
Starting point is 01:10:33 And in return for that, as we had more people participate, what we also tried to do was honor that experience by producing live open announcements that gathered our global community. And the viewership on those were over 100. you pause this viewers for each of the three shows it's not mind-blowing it's not um it's who who gives a fuck where they came from um you you were going to do the open announcements anyway they've always been done you only did three this year in the past there have been five you're honoring the community by doing a live feed, and now you're bragging to us how many people watched. Like, what the fuck is he saying? I'm angry that my time is being taken from me for gibberish.
Starting point is 01:11:15 It's like, what? Do you guys mind? Tell me I'm off my rocker. I'm open to being off my rocker. Did Dave already do this where he traveled all over the world each week to make it so that way each affiliate announcement – I mean each announcement was done in different parts of the world? Yes. Didn't that already happen? Yes.
Starting point is 01:11:33 You're honoring who? You're honoring who because there's – you had a 30,000 increase from the pandemic year? I just – it's a fucking slap in the face face don't let that fucking guy talk again in some affiliate town hall it's not important if that wouldn't have been there would you guys would you guys have missed it but no would you have been like hey where's the we want to hear about the games no there was only one thing that he said and that whole thing that i cared about i've never heard dave talk for 13 minutes ever ever his talks are like three minutes you guys stand over there you guys stand over there get the fucking cameras fired up
Starting point is 01:12:11 uh seven mad i better not hear you guys talk in the back i'll kick you the fuck out go action he didn't say that adrian adrian bosman's gonna program the games that was yeah that was the one thing that i was gonna say he should have just popped on and been like, hey, guys, that would have been great. We'll see you later. And then he gave this fluff around Adrian that kind of – and I love Adrian to death. But then when he started fluffing Adrian up, I started hating Adrian.
Starting point is 01:12:36 I'm like, dude, don't fluff. We know. We know. We already know. We know. Everyone knows. He's the fucking man. He's the guy.
Starting point is 01:12:43 People probably – Or just say that, look, the games aren't going anywhere. They are a unique and distinguishing characteristic across it. No one else has this. We're going to keep doing it. We need your help, by the way. Please get your members, whatever is intramural opens, whatever you need to do. Let's get more people doing the open because you make them believers and you give them, to do that is a manifestation of what they've been doing in the gym every
Starting point is 01:13:07 day. And it's a, it's an amazing feedback loop. The bigger that thing, I don't think that the games, if the affiliates, if the affiliates don't flourish, the games will die. The games are the fruit, no matter what anyone thinks. I'm telling you that the, the affiliates are the root ball and the trunk and the soil and and the games are the fruit and we would we love the fruit i'm not hating on the fruit at all
Starting point is 01:13:29 but if the if the you you need that feedback loop and the only part of the feedback loop that really is the games is the open and it's okay it's just be honest about it you're you're not going to get bigger and bigger sponsors for the games that's going to make the games grow it doesn't work it doesn't work like that on a podcast too if i get fucking um j-lo on here all of a sudden my podcast isn't super popular doesn't it does not it does not translate like that you need all the other stuff consistency quality a community commitment yeah it takes time to build it all and it's only going to happen in the affiliates. And like Greg was saying this whole time, the theme has been, if you just nutshell it, it's like focus on the brand, build really valuable content that highlights the brand and the community within the brand, and give us a call to action. Fire us up.
Starting point is 01:14:18 Don't appease all the people that are just the complainers. And that pretty much almost nutshells everything we just said. that are just the complainers not pretty much almost nutshells everything we just said but i for one was i'm really excited to hear that uh adrian will be um involved with the programming and doing that because that way i would be more excited if they said they brought dave back well of course but i mean what's the realistic chance of that happening well well the the guy that fucking fired dave was fucking fired a month later. I would hope that they would bring Dave back. That would be huge for them.
Starting point is 01:14:49 That would be fucking a really good choice. But, I mean, realistically, it's like I don't really know that they would do that. I hope they do. I hope they do. It's crazy to me that they don't bring him back. It's crazy to me. My feedback on that is what would will would dave come back if they well yeah yeah yeah true yep great question i doubt it but but who knows i but i but you're right i doubt it but but
Starting point is 01:15:16 yep fair fair like fair maybe maybe i'm giving them a um challenge that's that's too big um Maybe I'm giving them a challenge that's too big. Yeah, the truth is when you do get off this ship, there is a sense of – I mean he's been off for a while now, and I suspect that there's an enormous sense of relief. And it doesn't help that he's fucking around with Bill Henninger, who's Rich as God, and guys in Palo Alto. So who knows what is going on. Do you think Rogue does total sides of it? Do you think Rogues does total sites? What do you know about Palo Alto? Do you think? Well, I see.
Starting point is 01:15:50 I know Dave's been over there fucking around with someone, some of your homies. I know you may know more than I do, Craig. I know you got your ear over there. Oh, do you think Rogues a billion dollar company? Yes. Yeah. Damn. Good on Bill and absolutely they work so hard
Starting point is 01:16:07 man you guys should sponsor the podcast don't be scared bill and katie don't be scared i need a bench i need a bench bench um i got a deal i need to go ruck bag too i'm gonna start rucking do you rock craig uh no but i want to after watching matt's video of the challenge the beast challenge i want to start rucking i'm getting on that that bandwagon i'm so stupid i've been watching i've known dave for 15 years and he's the ruck master and i should have been like i should have like seen that and done it but recently it got in my head um they want to talk they talk about expanding the global offering um justin was saying that i just think it's funny that the five teams from south america got cut with um for the games because they didn't they weren't they lied about where they train or
Starting point is 01:16:54 whatever i don't know if it's their fault or whatever but i just think it's funny once again that like you you want to expand this but really but you're talking about how it's expanding in europe but like like your di council only cares about it expanding where there's Brown and black people. Do you guys not realize that? Um, and the DI council must be flipping out the three, five teams from South America got cut from the games.
Starting point is 01:17:13 Um, I, I, I'm going to not say that. Cause you guys are on here. I don't want to, um, I talked about trying to grow the games
Starting point is 01:17:28 is like trying to force the fruit to grow like you really do have to focus on the affiliates and the community Craig why didn't grid take off because it's because it's expensive and it was hard to understand. Do you think what I was hoping you would say is because it didn't have an affiliate community behind it?
Starting point is 01:17:57 There's certainly that as well. All right. Good answer. An affiliate community would have accelerated the process of getting more buy-in, but it's complex. It's a cool sport. It's fun. And you watch it when you understand it, it's cool, but it, but it, people didn't relate to it. They couldn't understand it. It was too, they looked at it and you could see it from afar and it was so complex to them, even though we tried to dumb it down as much as possible. It was,
Starting point is 01:18:23 you know, it didn't make sense to people. And the thing too, about the games that was so unique, even though we tried to dumb it down as much as possible, it was, you know, it didn't make sense to people. And the thing too, about the games that was so unique, especially like in the early years when it was at Carson and stuff was it, it just literally felt like one huge gathering of affiliates, you know? Yeah. Yeah, exactly. It seemed like a big, like, you know, where everybody could just come and hang out and you walk through and it just seemed like you were with like your people, you know,
Starting point is 01:18:44 like everybody there was a CrossFitter and we were all kind of there for the same reason. You know, we'd sit there and watch people row for two and a half hours. And that, I don't know, that was unique. And that's only, that's only there because the affiliates and because you could see those workouts and then you could go, Oh man, like, okay, we're going to try this when we get home. You know, of course you're going to heavily scale it or do whatever it takes, but it's like, Oh, we could do that. Or, you know, how that feels or, you know, okay, we're going to try this when we get home. You know, of course you're going to heavily scale it or do whatever it takes, but it's like, oh, we could do that. Or, you know how that feels or, you know, oh, they're doing naughty Nancy. Imagine having to run that berm and do 15 or 10 more squats in the workout at a heavier weight.
Starting point is 01:19:14 You know, there was that sense of like community and you knew you could, you felt it with them, you know, you understood what was going on. It's relatable because it's measurable, observable, and repeatable. The final thing here on Justin, and then I want to move to Jason Dunlop, is he said that they're going to funnel people from the sport into the affiliates. No, they're going to funnel themselves. You ain't doing shit. People are going to see the sport on TV, and then they're going to be like, okay, what is this shit? And then they're going to go into a gym.
Starting point is 01:19:44 CrossFit's not – HQ's and then they're going to be like okay what is this shit and then they're going to go into a gym crossfit's not hq's not they're not they're not doing anything for that and it's hard to say he's trying to take credit for something that just happens water flows downhill sorry go ahead no i just gonna say it's hard to tell like that's that's really tough to actually base anything off of because you could easily make the argument for every person that season on espn also won't go into affiliate because then they see it on there and they go oh my gosh like this is way too hard the correct mixture was i think was it constance was her was her name that lady that was highlighted like that was the correct mixture because i remember at the time i was still bartending at black for those you don't know matt's referring to a video that's called constance it was made at david asario's gym in brooklyn and it's a lady who's 80 years old
Starting point is 01:20:30 all her hair's gone she's doing crossfit she's black and i think her husband had just died and her fucking life's a mess but she's but she's doing crossfit and that's like her saving grace it was a pretty fucking amazing story yeah and i And I remember working at the bar at Black Agus and it would come on, you know, like on Saturday at like, you know, whatever, 11 AM in October when there was no actual real sporting events going on,
Starting point is 01:20:54 you would see the CrossFit games going and I would turn all the TVs behind me to the CrossFit games and people would sit there and they'd go, what the hell is this? And then they would watch it and it would cut to that commercial of Constance. And all of a sudden, it appealed to everybody that was sitting there. The young, early 20-something that's like, damn, I want to look like those guys. To the kind of heavier, overweight guy that's like, I can never do that. And then it cuts to her and you're like, oh, wait.
Starting point is 01:21:18 And that was the perfect balance of how they've kind of displayed it. And that really brought people in from from the games to the affiliates in my opinion um can you pull up the video before um i i of jason dunlop uh speaking right where he starts the problem here is that um i don't know who this guy is so it's tough so i already have like a negative feeling like who's this guy if he's the president of crossfit not when we don't know who he is but he'll remember him from starbucks and uh so i have so i i'll admit that i totally have that bias he has a nice voice he sounds smart i actually have only heard good things about him from the people i know at hq i have not heard one negative thing about this guy which is
Starting point is 01:21:58 kind of crazy do you have a plan for it or you just want me to play it where he starts uh maybe just play it where he starts the problem problem is that he starts by telling us – Start with that slide right there. He starts by telling us that Eric Rosa transitioned to chairman of the board, and then he says we're going to be transparent. So there's the first lie. And then it's a bad juxtaposition of thoughts because we know that Eric Rosa left kicking and screaming, and it wasn't good. And he has no real power in the company. And then on top of that, then he goes on to say four minutes of nothing.
Starting point is 01:22:37 And so if you're the president of a company, you want to make sure that if you talk that you don't do more damage than good, I guess. It's I would be so bummed if this was my boss. I would be like, what the fuck am I supposed to do? Okay, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:23:02 For everything you do daily to make sure that we're transforming lives and as we protect and evolve as we grow the CrossFit brand. I want to share three things with you, three questions that come up, one being around where we are with our CEO search. Secondly, where we are with the focus on what we're doing and how we're going to support you. And then thirdly, how we will actually do that, so the what and the how. First of all, the CEO search, lots of questions asked, obviously,
Starting point is 01:23:29 on where we are with this, given that Eric moved to the chair role a few months ago. Can you pause? And I want to be completely transparent. So we have a pretty bad echo. I'm not sure why, Matt, but... I can fix that. Okay. But basically, he gives the three things he's going to talk about and one of them is the ceo search and he says he's going to be transparent about that now we already just saw at the beginning of this that nicole's behaving as the ceo
Starting point is 01:23:54 so and they know that too everyone knows that who sees that it's it's not fucking rocket science so why are they searching why don't they just make her the CEO? And if she's not the CEO, why are they letting her act like the CEO? I cannot – do you think that there's crazy pressure on her, Craig? Do you talk to her, Craig? Sorry, I don't mean to – I don't talk to her either. I trade messages with her. Okay. But I think there is crazy pressure, and I think she's she's been through a lot in two years.
Starting point is 01:24:26 Yeah. And and again, like I said, this is a difficult role to have to walk into. Right. You'd be out as fast as you're in. Pay her more than if she says no. What if she says no? What if you offer 500 a year to be CEO and she says no? Did you jump into 750?
Starting point is 01:24:43 Pay her more. Get her the fuck in there. Yeah, or more. Get her the fuck in there. Yeah. I would. Make it worth her while to be there. She Nicole is a perfectionist because she wants people to because she seeks, you know, affirmation and approval for what she's doing. And she wants to Nicole wants to people to know that she she's doing a great job. And perhaps she feels like in the CEO role, in this role, she might be hamstrung from doing that perfect job.
Starting point is 01:25:16 You said it yourself. You got a call from Nicole, like, holy shit, you better be prepared, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah you better not can she can she you know being a ceo if you don't have experience being a ceo she might be really apprehensive to take it on if she doesn't feel she can do like 110 yeah everyone her and dave i want if they called you you you better have your shit fucking tight yeah they're not there they're not calling you to make fucking small talk okay um and so so he's he's going to talk to us about the the search for the ceo sorry go sorry matt apparent in that the search has kicked off we are actually looking for someone as you've heard crossfit is a business built around the coach with great leadership and stewardship.
Starting point is 01:26:05 And those will be things that we will be looking at really worth the cultural fit for how we're going to evolve the business. But them as the leaders, the CEO, their commitment to CrossFit will be absolutely a must as we continue this search. But also we will be looking for an individual that will be like everybody. OK, can you pause? Like, fuck you. You're telling me that your search for the CEO, he must have a commitment to CrossFit? Sorry, you skipped over the part. Does it have to be human since we're just going through like the most mundane? Like, of course they – like like I just right away I'm like
Starting point is 01:26:45 what you know for the criteria to be my wife is you must have a vagina other than that we're good like what the fuck is this guy saying I just feel like it's so I feel like an idiot when he's talking to me like he's trying or he's an idiot or he thinks he's talking to idiots
Starting point is 01:27:01 he's trying to be reassuring I think I think that's the name here. Reassuring. Okay. Go on. It's just nuts. And he doesn't seem like a bad person and he's reading, right?
Starting point is 01:27:15 Is he reading? I don't, I can't tell if he's reading. Okay. And I want to see him big. I want to see him a little higher up though. Cause it really looks like he's talking down to us. I want to see him bigger. I want to see him big i want to see him a little higher up though because it really looks like he's talking down to us i want to see him bigger i want to see his eyes okay that's the other thing too that was the other thing kind of annoyed me about the whole presentation is the
Starting point is 01:27:33 speakers this one-eighth of the size of the screen yeah and especially nicole and gary they're like good-looking people let's see them fucking big Let's fucking stare at these motherfuckers. Okay, go on. And continue with the growth mindset as we continue to transform lives globally. And there will be underpinned completely with making sure that the community and what we are at our heart, at our strongest,
Starting point is 01:28:00 making sure we preserve the community and we grow this together. So this search has kicked off and we'll keep you updated as to how that progresses. But I just want to share because that's been asked several times out there in the community. The second thing about what we will be doing, we're going to be preserving and evolving. And actually, that's been covered throughout the thread of this town hall. And hopefully you'll agree, we're actually grounding ourselves back in what we actually at CrossFit are good at and it's proven and it's proven time and time again over the last
Starting point is 01:28:30 two decades and that is our mythology is our commitment to fitness and it's making sure that we actually stay true to that and you've got a commitment from myself everybody in this call and everybody here that is supporting you that that is front and center as we think about what we'll be doing moving forward. And moving forward is evolving. And that evolving is actually going to make sure that we grow the business at our roots. But we actually-
Starting point is 01:28:54 I have no idea what he's saying. Can either of you help me? Do you feel like you're getting value from listening to this guy talk? I'm not even trying to be mean to him. I really need to know what I'm supposed to be hearing here as an affiliate owner to move forward. Oh, Craig, you're muted. Sorry, Craig, you're muted.
Starting point is 01:29:12 You got to mute yourself. I appreciate that they're going to preserve the methodology, but I assume they'll be true that anyway. Like I didn't know that that was on the table. And then I think they mean adapt, not evolve. Like adapt to the marketplace adapt to new environments adapt to you know changing population those types of things evolving in preserving or somewhat of an oxymoron yeah yeah but you know i i'm glad that the methodology i think you know we're gonna stay true to what we do it's really that's all that needed to be said it's like methodology still works methodology is proven we're not we
Starting point is 01:29:51 ain't changing that how much stronger is it when greg glassman says listen you guys are lifeboats we cannot save everybody we can't even save most of the people but you affiliates are lifeboats what do i mean by lifeboats you have a cure for the world's most vexing problem we have an elegant fucking solution for this elegant not in the superficial sense but in the mathematical sense and then he explains to you like these other fucking idiots are just using these words and greg's like drilling down and he's like and you have to get these people into your gym stop being a pussy walk up to the fat guy at taco bell and get him into your gym what are you afraid of of? You're a trainer. You have the cure. Don't you believe in yourself? Hey, I'm going to say something that's really going to piss people off, but it's the same thing. We have Joe Biden blaming Putin for gas prices
Starting point is 01:30:38 going up, whereas a real leader would have said, okay, listen, motherfuckers, we're going to fucking go rob Canada. We're going to build a fucking pipeline that fucking digs into their biggest oil reserve and we're gonna bring that shit to the usa don't worry like what the fuck i like like like i want to stop saying like i i don't i I don't understand what this, this man is not making me feel like, like the person driving the ship knows what the fuck is going on. I don't, I don't feel like he knows what GPP is.
Starting point is 01:31:14 I don't think he knows what a bar muscle up is. I don't think he knows that added sugar leads, destroys the vasovasorum, which leads to eventually cardiac arrest and that it's not high cholesterol. Like I don't, I don't, I'm not, am I getting the Greg Glassman effect from him? It's because it's not there. They're not talking about that. He could have twisted what you said a little bit around and just said, Hey guys, what our job is now is more important than ever. We've seen that health is on the forefront of everybody's minds and what we have and what you possess inside your gym is the cure to that.
Starting point is 01:31:45 And it is the hedge against sickness. And you guys need to go out there. We need to bring these people in. We need to share the message. Send us your transformational stories from inside the gym. Send us some content. We're going to start producing all of that. We're going to blast it. We're going to spend less money on pointless initiatives that have continued to fail over and over again and we're going to direct all those dollars into just building a ton of content brought to you by by you built by you and then we're going to take the best of what's working really well and we're going to produce it on a mass scale on our end let's get to work stop blaming us for not
Starting point is 01:32:20 enough black people in in your gym what the fuck are you doing? Show us the video of what you're doing. Not enough old people in your gym. You want more disabled classes? Then have a special class at your gym. You go to all the fucking – go to all the places where there's prosthetic limbs as a gym owner. All the places where they work with people with prosthetic limbs and put up flyers and start fucking getting people with fucking pieces missing in your gym and by the way we see that and they enter the open then we'll fucking provide them a fucking spot on the biggest stage in the world to be fit yep someone needs to be just like just giving it to them from the top and then follow
Starting point is 01:32:58 it up with and by the way here's people who have already done that successfully here's all the videos we're gonna let them speak here's the here's a who have already done that successfully. Here's all the videos. We're going to let them speak. Here's a link to all their handles and to their websites. Just follow that path. I want to say one thing real quick. Sorry, Craig. I have to go literally in 50 seconds, but I'm going to go, and then Matt will take over, and you guys – because I want you guys to be able to say the last thing. Go ahead. Go ahead, Craig.
Starting point is 01:33:22 I don't think he knows the definition really of crossfit constant very functional movements executed at high intensity i don't think had he known that he would have said that instead we're gonna you know preserve our you know our our methodology what's that methodology i want to hear it i want to hear those words come out of it i think he said mythology yeah he also said protect in the beginning instead of preserve. I need someone that knows and understands that methodology. I need someone to know that it's measurable, observable, and repeatable and why that's important. Nicole, I want you to succeed. Gary, I want you to succeed.
Starting point is 01:33:59 Jason Dunlap, I want you to succeed. Justin, I want you to realize that you'll never be fucking Dave Castro. And we all know that, and you're fucked, and you should stop trying to be. You should try something new. I don't think you're being yourself, dude. And you're corporate gooping up the brand. Matt, love you guys. Craig, thanks for coming on.
Starting point is 01:34:24 Thanks for having me on it's an honor yeah all right guys uh we'll be back on tonight guys with the live calling show we'll be partying um you know looking at uh naked girls on instagram like we always do okay love you guys and naked boys don't forget

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