The Sevan Podcast - #339 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: March 20, 2022

Live Call In Show with Matt Souza. Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - WORLD'S #1 JOB BOARD FOR THE CROSSFIT COMMUNITY - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items. Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your list, then swap it for one that's cheaper. Craving chips? The app will suggest some on sale.
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Starting point is 00:01:04 Oh, wait. You have some funky audio, I think. Good morning, Sousa. Good morning. Do I? Is your mic turned on? It sounds like your computer is picking it up. Who's not 5'6"?
Starting point is 00:01:16 I'm not 5'6". That's for sure. How about now? Oh, because it says that on my driver's license i know i saw that too i saw that too there is no way i shouldn't say there's no way i'll measure myself what if i what if i what if i've shrank i'm four i'm 50 what if i'm but don't dudes get shorter as they get older i don't know if that's the thing because it might sound okay you know that guy who trolls our account uh you know that guy who trolls our account uh you know that guy
Starting point is 00:01:45 who trolls our account yolo to the moon yes he's like at a hundred thousand and i just just constantly ignore that fucking douchebag yes yes i saw that that guy commenting on someone else's no post the exact same way i'm thinking about banning his ass not that he does anything mean it's just like enough it's like it's like quackadoodle shit what were they saying in the other account same stuff same stuff remember when i went to blah blah blah with you really hey corbin what's up what reminded me of that is because corbin says yo oh and that's like yolo to the moon yeah yolo to the moon i sent over my um notes for the show.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Did you see them by any chance? They're crazy long today, which I think is good. It makes me feel when I'm interviewing people, I don't want a lot of notes. It scares me like, oh, man, I'm going to be all over the place. But for these live calling shows, I feel like I'm showing up to a fight with like a loaded gun oh my gosh hey can you can you tell i do you know how to order a ceo shirt like do you know what website to go to and all that you know how to do that you mean the link that we have or just in general just in general like it like someone said to me yesterday hey i want to buy one of those shirts how do i do it i'm like i have no idea and they're like how can you not know i'm like how would i know
Starting point is 00:03:08 you know life as rx that's where you go you can't go to our website and do it yeah you can't actually i'm really fucking wound up about the shirts i should be like i should be happy can you tell by my texting in the morning that i'm like irritated i know i could tell by now i know when i i feel like a prima donna or like i have some sort of um i don't think that's it but that's the way sometimes i don't think like that i hope that's not it but what do you mean prima donna like instead of being happy like oh my god we sold out of our shirts i'm fucking so annoyed that i only have one i can't find my ceo shirt this morning why can't i order five more why are we sold out like that shirt is so dope you know like my inbox is just full of people asking where to get that shirt and that shirt is really fucking cool and it's fun to wear and it
Starting point is 00:04:04 fits fucking great and it says ceo on it it's in the gold lettering it's just gangster and and like and marcus and life is rx did an amazing job but like i just here's the good news i just ordered a shirt from i've ordered a shirt from patrick bed david from value attainment at least a week before he came, and it just showed up yesterday or the day before. That's a couple weeks. Yeah, so his shit's slow as fuck too. Not as slow as ours. I swear to God, I used to make fun of Josh Bridges for how slow his coffee came.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Our shirts are like – his donkeys run laps around our shit. Well, I think you – I mean there was a pre-sale, right? So technically we had the shirts up and then it took a little bit to get them into into production i guess i'm just so fucking annoyed i i just and and i want to see a mock-up of that politically homeless shirt and i want to see the red one already like how can we don't have a mock-up of it i just and and here's the part that makes no sense it's not it's not like it's not like we're selling thousands of these and making the guy
Starting point is 00:05:11 anybody rich i mean we haven't made any money we're putting all the money back into sending out like free shirts hoping like sarah sigman's daughter wears one or danielle brandon ties it around her waist so you get a glimpse of ceo on her butt but but it's like i don't know i don't know why i'm wound up we better get maybe it's just me maybe yeah that's awesome i love hearing you say okay so here's the site how do you how does someone order a shirt okay so merch god i hate that term i hate that term is so fucking millennial merch yeah merch but it's fine it's just me we could have that changed. I just – when I see merch, I just think of like Logan Paul.
Starting point is 00:05:49 I agree. Whoa. Did you see what Will said? Our shirts are delivered on a wagon attached to Josh's new infant tummy. You guys know that there's no debate about freedom of speech, right? That's the one you bring a gun to, the freedom of speech debate guys know that right don't ever i i saw this um logan paul and his buddies were interviewing dana white i'm a dana white fan and so i watched it and this guy's like the guy was saying the dumbest shit to dana not logan one of his his buddies and but but maybe
Starting point is 00:06:23 maybe he was doing it on purpose i want to cut him some slack it may maybe he was acting naive maybe he was doing that on purpose to stir the conversation but there should be no limit to freedom of speech none really i mean it's it's it's they're like well what about hate speech they were trying to defend hate speech no one knows what hate speech is can you define hate yeah no no no you cannot i was thinking about this morning starting about why black lives matters is so bad again i remember the first time i saw black lives matter sign i was in berkeley many many years ago and i thought it was internal um i thought it was internal speech like if they said like if i like since i'm armenian i get all these armenian newsletters and things. And I thought it was like, hey, you should worry about the Armenians in Armenia and send money there.
Starting point is 00:07:09 I thought it was like that. I thought Black Lives Matter was like the black community speaking to the black community like, hey, you know, that 51 percent of all fucking murders are committed by six percent of the population, which is black men. And 96 percent of those killings are black people. Please stop killing your people. I thought it was like that. And, you know, I was thinking it's so obvious that everyone who that touches is racist because um confused ah well they're confused because they're racist because to like that that means nothing to
Starting point is 00:07:41 me black lives matter because i don't see people as black or white. But if you see black people, that means that's huge to you. It's huge. And so right away, it draws out all the racists. That's why I know all of you who have those black squares are racist. I know how the brain fucking works. It's not fucking rocket science. And at the essence, that is what racism is, is when the predominant mechanism that you use to see other people is the color of their skin. By the way, isn't it fascinating?
Starting point is 00:08:08 I was watching something that my kids were watching the other day. It's like science for six-year-olds or something. And they were saying that basically when you see something, it's not actually that color. That's the color it's reflecting that it's actually not. So black people are everything but black. I was like, wow, that's fascinating. I don't know if that's true, but like my glasses, everyone sees them as red, but they're not red. That's the color that's reflecting on them because that's the color that it won't absorb.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Interesting. You know, fire doesn't burn shit either. Yeah, it's like the gases on top of it or something like that. Oh, yeah, you hang out with firemen. Yeah, I had a friend who went to the fire academy and he's like yeah fire doesn't burn stuff i'm like what he's like yeah look at a match he's like the object gets so hot that it starts gassing and then the gas ignites and then i was like looking at a match i'm like oh shit the fire doesn't touch the match if you can't think clearly about stuff you're screwed someone be like well why is that important
Starting point is 00:09:07 you have to be able to think clearly about things and see things for what they are or you'll fall for some shit like black lives matter which is which is a fantastic mechanism if it was in speaking internally armenian lives matter like that would be good for like like armenian lives matter please donate to orphans of armenia earthquake. Like internally, it's a good message outside. You don't want that. You don't want non Armenians to be messaging them like that, because what it does is it separates you from them. It doesn't bring you closer to them. It's just the way the brain works. Guys, if you want to get 20% off of, oh, I use my, I had a bag of paper street coffee here that i used but i i grinded it i grinded it so katie thank you for the uh 20 merch sounds like something you'd say right before smash that yes i know why am i so opposed to that it's all just that's okay you can be opposed to that i'm not really a huge fan of like smash that like button although i am the
Starting point is 00:10:02 one that comes into the comments when i'm not around and puts it yeah that's the part like i want everyone to like it and subscribe but like i don't want to beg for it for it yeah then so going back to the original stuff but maybe it's not begging it's reminding go ahead sorry yeah okay sure yeah well let's pretend like we're buying a shirt let's do it so here i am at the seven yeah i'd like a large please i'm gonna go check out our blog here. I'm not interested in the blog. I'd just like to buy a shirt. I just listened to the podcast.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Thank you. Boom. Oh, yeah. Can I buy that CEO shirt? I'll take a large, please. 30 bucks. That's a little expensive. And you could take a small
Starting point is 00:10:37 or you could take a double XL. I'll take a large, please. It's sold out. I don't know if I like the name written on the side either on the on the sleeve you don't i don't know i mean i don't know if i do i just like i just like it reminds me of the ross fit shirts it's so nice yeah the ross fit shirts do you have one of those did those i did i probably i don't know what happened to it and you know what you have one of those? I did. I probably, I don't know what happened to it. And you know what? It was one of those shirts that was just a little too small for me. So I had to be like, my diet had to be good. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:11:14 and I didn't want to wear it cause I didn't want to screw it up. And while I was, I have some issues and now I've lost it. Um, Oh, here, this makes sense. Our shirts are delivered from a wagon attached to josh's new infant donkey ah that makes sense that's why we only keep like 12 in stock because we don't guys this is for animal rights i think we sell it a little bit more than 12 it's a fucking joke though it's a hey the good news is is i think in 2022 a red shirt's gonna come out that's gonna say ceo in there and it's gonna be dope i but do you think do you think that rich is ever like oh i can't
Starting point is 00:11:53 find a mayhem shirt this morning well rich has been doing it for like seven do you think you're rich i have plenty of these do you want me to drop you off one of these? You don't like this one, though. What's on the back? It's nice. There's nothing on the back. I ordered these shirts from Amazon, and then I just had Grace made this and then
Starting point is 00:12:17 ironed it on. Oh, that's cool. I've had these since Miami. I just don't wash them. Right, right. Thanks, brother. Jackoff.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Thank you, Jackoff. Katie, thank you for the money, by the way. Honestly, it means a lot. I'm taking my son to a tennis lesson this morning, and that will cover that. A 13-year-old boy. I think he's like the best 13 year old boy in the area i'm in santa cruz california um he's the jiu-jitsu instructor's brother young brother and he's 13 years old he's supposedly fucking amazing at tennis so i i've been asking him if he'd play
Starting point is 00:12:59 with obby so i can't wait to see that i'll put some video up on my instagram by the way i'm wearing uh today's my fasting day i and i and i always put on like jeans that are like too tight on me that are like cutting into my gut oh you look good thanks and i always put these on i always put these on the days like i have like 10 pair of jeans that are like too small for me but on my fasting day by the end of the day they fit me you know what i mean they like feel good and i'm like oh wow and and i just love that i just love that because all the inflammation i mean it's not that i'm losing weight the inflammation goes away and i am puffy as fuck now i've been taking so much creatine and arginine
Starting point is 00:13:40 oh you're still taking that yeah i got this i bought it in bulk like five years ago and about like four months ago i'm like you know what in these two glass jars i'm like i need to just work through this shit hey i'm speaking of supplements i want to go to um can you pull up the comments on the um on the liver king episode yeah you should do a fast for like a month and see if they fit better thanks dude they fit great after fucking 12 hours shut your pie hole there oh my gosh goodness uh the value i will say this on one final note not only did patrick david shirt get deliver faster than ours but it's actually it's a nice quality do you own one
Starting point is 00:14:21 i do not know yeah i usually don't like thick shirts but it's a little bit thicker than ours i don't like super thin shirts either then they're too clingy to the body these are nice well this isn't the one that life is our accent out but the life is our x shirts are nice yeah they fit really well they're really really nice so all the people who are dming me and asking me for those shirts, so you saw, I guess if you're tiny or giant, you can get them now. And I'll have – maybe I'll let – why can't we just say that they're not sold out but just delayed and let people start ordering? That's a great question. Okay. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:15:02 That's why you run the back end and I'm the interviewer because i ask these amazing questions that's your business you're the business guy you should be asking the business questions i will i'll get on it after this um can you uh can you put them in uh order of oh it doesn't matter there's not that many comments i don't know like i had to switch around the comments that might be above my pay grade so so weston pright diet theories oh this is interesting but so weston price diet theories jocko discipline and ownership traditional strongman activities okay this was rob wolf means jocko will like damn near verbatim but you could just keep going back and back and back that kind of talk is just nonsense you should know that the truth is only the truth and the truth is the truth is the truth and once you get to the truth people just keep repackaging
Starting point is 00:15:49 the truth and there was a guy named william burroughs crackhead genius from the i don't know the 60s and he wrote all the the greatest artists are just the greatest plagiarizers i i see things like this as this karmic neurotic is just this weird kind of arrogance. It's fascinating to me. There's a deep negativity to it, I feel like. Like who got it before Rob Wolf and who got it before Jocko? Who got it before Weston Price? And who got it – It doesn't even matter.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Just stop. Yeah, yeah yeah yeah okay um and then keep going down there's a there's a question down here about steroids um so this just tory k i don't know if you guys know this about me i know some people must know it about me okay here we go I know some people must know it about me. Okay, here we go. This is number 76.
Starting point is 00:16:56 I just opened up to it. Men are born soft and supple. Dead, they are stiff and hard. Plants are born tender and pliant. Dead, they are stiff and hard. Plants are born tender and pliant. Dead, they are brittle and dry. Thus, whoever is stiff and inflexible is a disciple of death. Whoever is soft and yielding is a disciple of life. The hard and stiff will be broken.
Starting point is 00:17:17 The soft and supple will prevail. That has nothing to do with what I was going to tell you. But it's cool. That's from the Tao Te Ching, Stephen Mitchell translation, greatest book ever written. I know that bothers some people uh i don't i only can where we come from before we are born how we we are created, who we are, what we are, the depths of our identity, where we go when we die, what happens to our energy when we die, what are the pieces that mechanize us, that make us seem like conscious beings and allow us to cultivate self-awareness and to feel and be as what we are, that's the only thing I care about. Every single question that I'm talking about is headed there. That is the only thing I care about when it comes to talking to people.
Starting point is 00:18:17 How deep can we go? There was a saying that I used to hear when I was a little kid. It would be like the whole world can be seen in a grain of sand. It doesn't matter what the topic is. We can find God talking about how shirts are sold and deployed over the earth, or we can talk about God by using the Bible, or we can talk about God talking about the taste of this coffee. We can get to it. If the right questions are asked, every subject leads to the deepest, deepest, deepest depths of our essence. And so that's why I'm – that's what I'm always doing. If you're ever wondering what I'm doing or why I didn't ask a certain question or like some people like to be like, he likes to ask the hard questions or he keeps it real.
Starting point is 00:18:59 It's none of that. Maybe those are just byproducts or symptoms because people don't want to talk about those things. But that's where every question I'm talking about. That's why I'm – it's always better if I'm on a – better is not the word. It's always heavier and deeper if I'm on just one-on-one with someone because I'm going to run into the darkness, into the unknown, um with someone as fast as they'll let me most people don't even know the unknown exists if you're like what is someone talking about there's a book um called the power of now written by a man named eckhart tolle and then if you i recommend listening to the audiobook and the entire book some people read it and be like
Starting point is 00:19:42 that guy didn't say a fucking thing in the whole book that's because the entire time he's pointing at the unknown the entire book is pointing at god and so a lot of people when you point at something they'll look at your hand it's really it's a trip but don't look at the hand look look look look and so that's this thing about the liver king seven why did you avoid the obvious question? So that person's trapped in their head because it's obvious to them. And so then they assume it's obvious to me. That's like when people do that, you see that all over the internet and all over social media. That's like the essence of narcissism, right?
Starting point is 00:20:18 I don't mean that in a negative way, but someone who's stuck on themselves. There's a lot of people like this. Women can be like this the week before their period comes where they they think that the world is them they're they're so fuck it's a it's a massive conflation between your thoughts and the external reality why did you avoid the obvious question at 131 15 after he said he's in such great shape due to his ancestral lifestyle ask him if he's on steroids or testosterone like for me i would only ask him if he's on steroids or testosterone. Like for me, I would only ask him if he's on testosterone or steroids. If I thought that it was going to lead us deeper into the conversation of, of, of God, of where do, where does mankind come from? Can we dip into the unknown together? Both learned something new for the first time. And that thought – like I have – I only cared that Ricky Garrard was on testosterone because I'm interested in taking testosterone.
Starting point is 00:21:16 I have no interest in judging anyone for that. I have none. Right. He's not competing in anything. He's not claiming that he didn't take it for a sport. He's not claiming that he didn't take it for a sport. And I'm not trying to get views or likes or be controversial or ask edgy questions. Edgy questions, I'm trying to go in – well, and I want to be funny. There's a piece of that. But I want to – when I see him, I just want to touch him i want to like run my finger over the bumps on
Starting point is 00:21:49 his veins i want to feel how hard his titties are i want to touch his beard i want to feel his abs and i never think i never think about asking about steroids or testosterone did you get a lot of messages about that after that podcast no actually I didn't. don't hear that i i don't hear that i don't um if he's going to say his ancestral lifestyle is the reason he looks the way he does he should at least address the topic sure then write to him i i don't think he has to or doesn't have to but but write to him but but do do it i mean like um when comedians go on stage do we demand to ask them if they're on coke or weed or alcohol or what they're doing to be funny like i mean that in all seriousness this was a great conversation but we can usually count on you to ask uncomfortable questions i i hear you
Starting point is 00:22:58 and i and i and those questions come up they're uncomfortable uh you i like to ask uncomfortable questions because i feel like those are usually when I feel something uncomfortable come up like, OK, this is the this is the path. Like, that's my that's my my North Star. You don't want to ask that. That's probably where you should go. But please, like you have to know, I don't care about that. I see him as just this inspirational figure. Like, I don't even I don't care if he's fake. I don't care care if he's real i'm taking from him what i want to take from him i see him as this man who wants to better himself who's like exploding onto the scene who's introducing us to new ideas even let's say everything he did is wrong he he's made me more conscious and i you have to see that in my in my um it's funny i'm trying to click the screen like i'm in control no i was gonna do the viewer i was curious what the reply is but but i don't um
Starting point is 00:23:54 he addressed it many times in the podcast as claims the natural but who really cares i oh yeah and if you do care i'm not saying that you shouldn't. That's your trip, but that is not my trip at all. I would love to fucking get juiced to the gills. I would love to be just so fucking jacked on steroids like – what's the guy's name? Like Lee Haney or Arnold Schwarzenegger or whatever those guys are, bodybuilder dudes. I'd love to, but I'm just scared. I don't want to fuck with my hormones like that. I don't want anything weird to happen to my dick. I got a marvelous dick. whatever those guys are bodybuilder dudes i'd love to but but but i'm just scared i just i don't want to fuck with my hormones like that i don't want anything weird to happen to my dick
Starting point is 00:24:27 i got a marvelous dick marvelous marvelous yeah and it just gets better it gets better and better by the less shit i put into my body man when i kept getting the messages about people would just like message me and be like natural or not or? Did he talk about what his stack is and things like that, implying that he was taking steroids? And it just sucked because there's three hours there. I'd slap those titties around. I'd like to see Avi punch those things. I must have stared at those things.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Sorry, go ahead. Avi can hit hard. I almost threw up my food one time when he got me in the stomach. Did he really? Did he punch you in the stomach? Yeah. I know. I got to tell him to tone that shit down.
Starting point is 00:25:13 No, no, no, no, no. That was my fault because he was doing little playful ones, and I started just egging him on. I'm like, what are you – are you going to hit me, or what are we doing here? And then he went back and just went boom and i had to do one of these like you're only seven yeah exactly um but well i thought it sucked because you have three hours and you we've we got to know who liver king was everybody was like who is this guy it's mysterious we don't know about his background we don't know where he came from he's just on the scene and if you listen to those three hours, like you dug it all out.
Starting point is 00:25:46 He started naming bullies by name. He started talking about old best friends. He started intimacy with his wife. He talked about some intimate conversations. It was so good. Yeah. And I'm like, so you mean to sit there? You took the, you went with that whole three hours,
Starting point is 00:26:00 listen to how deep you're able to go with him, found all this stuff out. We learned about him as a person. And then the next thing he were like, like well we didn't ask if he had steroids so would the podcast been better if you went bam we're live hey i'm here with liver king are you on steroids no okay all right guys and we are taking off we'll see you next week like you know yeah and if he wanted to talk about it and he brought it up i would be fascinated by it right i don't give a shit either way. You know, when I when I when I talked to Mark Bell. He came on our I asked him to come on our podcast. I didn't go on their podcast. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:35 Did they ask you to? I don't remember, but I'm trying to figure out where I talked to him here. I remember he was a clusterfuck in my head. OK. There was a point in the conversation where I asked him if he wished i think i asked him if he wished he would have never taken steroids right i remember that and it was it was kind of it was kind of a weird uncomfortable moment the only reason i bring this up is because i not in a bad way weird uncomfortable but i bring this up because like that's why i don't that's why that's my only thing with taking drugs like i know that i used to smoke cigarettes and that some i wish someone would have told me hey dude um i know people tell you it's bad they tell you this but really the really fucked up part about smoking cigarettes is that someday you're gonna have to quit and you know that term that the meme guy always likes to say i'm i'm taking
Starting point is 00:27:18 real estate in your head for for rent half rent or whatever that statement is if you get addicted to something that shit fucking, that shit will stay in your head rent-free your whole life, even after you quit. And that part's lame. That part is lame. When you have something that your brain, that you get kind of a note, okay, time to smoke a cigarette,
Starting point is 00:27:42 but it's not an option anymore. You're like, really? I thought I took that off my calendar, but you kind of can't because the shit's so – Oh, Jake, you were sauced the other day on the show. You were sauced. What were you drinking? My goodness. No drinking and watching the Sevalon podcast.
Starting point is 00:27:59 That's not true. It's an entertainment show. Okay, so we talked about that, steroid thing i mean ask him to come on i think paul saladino um couched it as are you on supplements so you so you could watch that um and i'm guessing he asked i would even guess to go as far as to say paul asked him ahead of time, hey, can I ask you this question? Hmm. I don't know why this is in here, but it's kind of a theme. The most memorable birthday that – oh, my wife threw me a surprise birthday party yesterday.
Starting point is 00:28:45 I know. It was weird because I didn't hear from you for like 12 hours. Did she invite you? No. Seriously? I mean, no. Oh, fuck. That breaks my heart.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Yeah. Look at that. Here, here. Maybe she. Sorry, man. Maybe she didn't want to put pressure on me to come all the way out there maybe maybe that's really weird or just slipped her brain two of my friends showed up from berkeley who i hadn't seen in months it was crazy that's awesome but you need to spend time with those people we talk all day i didn't spend time with any of my guests i watched ufc i'm fucking a
Starting point is 00:29:20 horrible host i am a horrible host. I feel no obligation. I'm like, oh, my God. Hi. Got up, hugged them, and then sat back down. One of the most memorable birthday parties I ever had in my entire life is I was like nine years old. I was a latchkey kid. I was laying down in the family room at my house, and I was watching TV, and my mom came home from work. I was all alone at the house. And she goes, hi house and I was watching TV and my mom came home from work. I was all alone
Starting point is 00:29:45 at the house and she goes, hi. And I go, hi. And she didn't say anything to me and gave me a kiss probably. And then went and took her shoes off or something. My mom was an attorney and she had wore high heels. And so then I, then I probably followed, I think I followed her into her room. I'm like, what's up. And you know, always hug my mom really tight. And then I was like, well, you know, it's my birthday. And my mom's like, oh, shit. And she had forgotten it was my birthday. And she's like, what do you want to do?
Starting point is 00:30:14 It's like seven o'clock at night or something. I'm like, I want to go to McDonald's. And she took me to McDonald's. And to this day, it's like my most memorable birthday. I really remember it well. I remember being like, holy shit, I'm going to McDonald's. And so it's weird. It's weird that like things that can be negative, like if it would have just been a regular
Starting point is 00:30:32 birthday, if my mom would have come home and give me a box of Legos and Hot Wheels, I'd have never remembered that birthday. Never, ever, ever, ever. But because she forgot, because she took me to McDonald's, it's one of my most memorable. And that there's a there's a huge lesson there in life. You can even take it to that place that a lot of people, it's kind of the trendy thing to say now. The harder things are, the more you remember them, the better they are for you. So that was like a little bit of a hard moment.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Not really, but you know what I mean. Yeah. On my 27th birthday, our family i mean yeah on my 27th birthday our family dog died on your 27th birthday and and you don't remember you're 26 or you're 28 how'd he die uh he was just old they're just old old family dog and it used to come up and like jump and like lay on the bed and stuff like that. And this is when I moved back in with my parents because I was, you know, took over the gym and was getting after it. So I was still living with him. And he jumped up on the bed.
Starting point is 00:31:32 And I remember feeling like the bed was like moving or something. And I like popped up and he was having like some crazy like seizure. And I was like, oh, fuck. And then I like took the dog. And then like afterwards, he kind of like came to and then like sat it. And he was just like all out of it. And then I took the dog, and then afterwards he kind of came to and then sat it, and he was just all out of it. He was a little beagle. He had a heart attack?
Starting point is 00:31:50 No, I think it was something to do with like, I can't remember, but it was something like his body wasn't processing proteins or something. I don't know. So it was just like seizing up. Did you cry? Not then, but later. When you had to throw them in the trash and your mom's like, can you put them in the trash? No, both my parents.
Starting point is 00:32:12 I feel like it was harder on them than it was like me. But both of them came home and then they had to like, they brought some lady who came in and just kind of like put them down and then took them off. When you put them in the trash and in the morning you woke up and he was covered in maggots that broke your heart dude i want to tell you a fucked up story right now god damn uh i i i i like eddie i i like eddie more than ever i never even liked eddie i didn't even give a fuck about eddie but i like Eddie Hall now. So, so this, so this, but this was during my homeless years and this, it was, I was in my twenties and there was this dude we used to roll with who was in his thirties. And it was me and my buddy were just sitting on someone's front yard or someone just getting stoned.
Starting point is 00:33:05 And my other buddy comes and he's like, Hey, my dog died. And it was was like a good friend of ours like a guy with another homeless dude we all hung out with all the time and he had this husky the dude's name was craig cruiser it's a good name yeah he was cool he was a trip man he was so trippy and he took his dog everywhere with him man it was this husky and it wasn't even a good dog it was like a bit people and shit but he took it everywhere and it was never on a leash it was fucked up it was so weird but so we're like okay and he's like i want to bury the dog and we're like okay so we go out to this to this this orchard in isla vista where like all these fruit trees are and all this shit and it's like a public fruit fruit orchard and and we start digging the hole me and my buddy chad and this this dude's fucked up right like he can't dig a hole because
Starting point is 00:33:49 he's like crying he's like sobbing he's like his chest is like heaving and shit so we're digging this hole we're digging this hole and then we he's like hey we got to throw the dog in the hole now it's a fucking big hole and it's probably like four feet deep it's probably like three feet it's probably like three feet by three feet by four feet deep and like you could stand in it so he so he it's you know it's a big ass husky it's like a 90 pound husky so we drag this garbage bag over and he wants to see the dog one more time so he starts shaking the guard jack and before the dog falls out dude 12 million maggots pour out of the fucking bag i i looked at chata almost fucking threw up it was fucking nuts dude oh god it was fucking and then this fucking dog comes slipping out of the bag into the hole he's in
Starting point is 00:34:46 rigor mortis there's this there's this hey even before he died i just remember even before he died he had this huge open sore on his side that had like um worms and shit in it it was fucked up it was so bad it was so bad i don't know why i'm laughing it's not funny but yes it is i am like one of the kids in Stand By Me. That's the way my life was like in my 20s. It was nuts. It was nuts. And he's just bawling.
Starting point is 00:35:12 So like. It's this grown man just sobbing and. And a decomposing dog sliding out of a trash bag. It smelled so bad. God. Oh, my goodness the other day my kids told me that my breath smells like i think i told you this my breath smells like a cucumber dipped in poop i'm like dude i'll punch you in the face if you say that again. They say some funny stuff.
Starting point is 00:35:49 It's weird. I went through this and I thought I cleaned all this up. Oh, Roman Krennicroft. Will you click on that post? Is it in the notes? Yeah. Got it. Got it.
Starting point is 00:35:59 Got it. These notes are so long they're making me nervous like I'm not going to be able to. Okay, I'll be cool. I'm going to try to go through a bunch of stuff right now really quick because because the live the live show notes are just getting too long. Roman Kranikoff, for those of you don't know, is a CrossFitter who came from Russia. And it's been he's been trying to get to the CrossFit Games for many, many years and he hasn't been able to been able to come because of visa visa reasons. I guess basically what people say is, is that the Russian government hasn't been letting him come because they're afraid if he comes here, he won't go home. I don't know if that's true or not. But he's kind of a cool guy, even for not knowing him.
Starting point is 00:36:36 He's like a mythological creature. He's like Snuffleupagus. You know how like Snuffleupagus on Sesame Street, no one's ever seen him except Big Bird? It's like we see Roman on the internet, but no one's ever seen him, seen him. And now he's here in the United States and he's training over at Mayhem, which is really exciting. And it feels like a feel good story. I think I translated that. And I think what Roman said in there, is there a button you can hit to translate? In my notes, it says Roman asks for peace. But as I recall, it's a sweet note in there that says, hey, I really want to live in a world with peace.
Starting point is 00:37:08 I'm sorry if I'm misquoting it. Oh, that's weird that you can't translate that. Yeah, not on desktop. That bit is screwed up. Okay. I want to make a plea to all of you out there. Please don't send me stuff like this. Do you see that link?
Starting point is 00:37:24 It's right below the Roman Krennikov. Please, please, please. I beg of you out there um please don't send me stuff like this do you see that link it's right below the roman krennikoff please please please i beg of you do not send me stuff like this what are you laughing at can you see it already yeah oh that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Please don't. I'm a grown-ass man. This is a picture of a girl showing some cleavage, and it says, holding up a sign, looking for unvaxxed dick. I'm an adult. I'm happily married. This type of stuff. I am too mature for these kind of juvenile, juvenile posts.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Please do not send me stuff like this this looking for unvaxxed dick that one comment hold the line oh goodness hey do you think that's real or someone just photoshopped all that that's just that's what i was gonna say that's so funny that's so funny i'm like anytime i see a sign like this i'm always like and does it say that though we're even holding a sign um right below that it says putin and ukrainian president zelensky this i like because this just shows that like it's just people here this is this is vladimir putin god he's got a great name vladimir putin uh singing blueberry hills and it's zelensky playing a piano with his dick or simulating piano playing with his cock and balls. These are the dudes who are beefing.
Starting point is 00:38:55 And it's just crazy, right? It's a guy singing Blueberry Hills and Zelensky playing piano with his penis. These are the dudes who might start World War III. Wild. I hope I use their pronouns right. Above that, there's a phone lockbox. This kind of shit really trips me out because I'm not in this world at all. Even though I'm someone who spends hours on his phone every single day,
Starting point is 00:39:29 I never felt like if I forget my phone somewhere, like I don't care. I don't panic and run back for it. I don't sleep with my phone next to me. My phone is a tool. This is the muffins. This is a box. I think I heard there's a guy, Chris Williamson, who has a podcast, and I think he uses one of these to put his phone in so he doesn't use his phone for a couple hours a day. And I think this is like – I just can't ever imagine getting to that point. I understand that with like – the only thing I can think of is like cigarettes.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Or like for your kids. But even my kids, I would just say, fuck you, no. Right. I would tell myself, fuck you, no, too. A lot of people don't have that willpower. But how did you even get that addicted to your phone? I still don't even understand why anyone looks at likes. I have zero interest in likes.
Starting point is 00:40:26 It's affirmation. But the comments are so much better. Well, that's an engagement. But I feel like the likes and the follows and stuff, people seek it for affirmation. You want the follows because it feels like you have power. Right, status. Status, baby. And, status. Status, baby. And, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:46 You know, when I first put out the CrossFit podcast, someone made fun of me at HQ, and they said, hey, and they pointed at all the other podcasts that were out there. they just went through them the the wadify wad tastic wad and your mom all of them were five five star podcasts and and the crossfit one was 4.5 and there was like some really negative comments about me and someone goes does that bum you out what do you guys think do you want the podcast that everyone is saying is so great or do you want the podcast where some people are like oh fuck this guy's a fucking asshole because he's red pilling people you do not want everyone to like you that's a problem that is a problem now if you're selling protein powder if you're selling, maybe you want everyone to like you. Maybe you want every, you're selling some protein powder.
Starting point is 00:41:51 You're trying to make money off the masses. But if your goal is to be the best, you're going to have to be authentic. And when you're authentic, not everyone's going to like you. By the way, that's a good way to vet a mate also. Just be yourself. Most people will leave you. Most people will leave you. But the fucking great people will be like, oh shit, this motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:42:17 It transcends whatever bad thing you're doing that they don't like. They're just like, this person's real and I need to be around real. They don't be petty. It's interesting. My editor's on right now. There's something I really want to talk about, but I just don't think I should. I got nervous when you said that.
Starting point is 00:42:40 I don't even know what I was going to say. I just don't want to burn this bridge and it could burn it don't burn it yet okay you need to cross it first all right all right i don't even know what you're talking about but all right all right uh oh i need to be crossing these things off man isn't that a genius idea though that lockbox like you're just playing into like other people's just inability i mean it's almost like the same thing with like account i mean as a product to sell that lockbox yeah like you put your iphone in it and i think you push some buttons and then it stays locked for like two hours you can't get in it it's a great idea what if what if your wife put your box of condoms in there
Starting point is 00:43:36 she said it she said it not to open for a month what i'd make uh a hundred thousand dollars you make you make you make an incision in the bottom free the condoms i gotta drill i i i really don't i i the the phone it just it's so trippy to me i i was um you know we're having michael easter on from the the crisis comfort and um it's i watched i've been watching a bunch of his podcasts and um i'm curious what his take is on the liver king someone asked him what his take was on the liver king and him and it was him and chris williamson were talking and they both i don't want to say rolled their eyes, but they were, they were hesitant to talk about it. I think maybe more Michael Easter than Chris Williamson, but, um, they talk about discomfort and, and, and he actually defines boredom, Michael Easter, which I thought was really, really fucking cool. I don't know if
Starting point is 00:44:24 he did it on that podcast, but he defined boredom and i'll ask him to define it again when he comes on the show but basically when you're doing something he described i think as an evolutionary mechanism that it's when you're doing something and whatever you're doing you're not getting the value back from it that that you would want now, and now, so anytime anyone is still, they feel like they're not getting value. And so they turn to their phone. I, I agree with that or uncomfortable situations. Like I went to, um, a couple of like social gatherings a while back and I was like, okay, when, you know, when you like talk to somebody and then everybody kind of moves away and you're kind of just staying in there for a little bit,
Starting point is 00:45:03 or you're at a spot where you're, there's no one really to talk to, but you kind of have to wait somewhere. The natural tendency is just to pull out your phone because then you're like, Oh, I'm not a loser standing here by myself. I'm doing stuff on my phone. Yeah. And so I told myself, I was like, all right, whatever happens, just don't pull out your phone. Yeah. So people, yeah, that's good. Yeah. Yeah. That's a great practice. And then I just stood there. Yeah. And then, but then it's funny because then all of a sudden you realize how much is actually happening around you kind of like that analogy you used when you thought that there was no insects but then you really stared at the plants for a while and you realized there was a whole entire world down there yeah so that's what ended
Starting point is 00:45:34 up happening then all of a sudden i was like whoa and like looking at stuff and then i started in this instance i was at like an outside like backyard thing and then i started looking at the fence and then the other houses and like oh that paint's kind of old this house isn't new like oh these people don't really want to be talking to each other you know that's an awkward situation over there like you just there's there's actually a lot of stimulus going around but it's just the phone is almost like a security blanket at that time and you don't totally totally hey do you think people you um whose butt crack shows knows their butt crack is showing if it's a chick on instagram yes no but i mean just like you're somewhere you're somewhere and someone bends over and they have like four inches of g-string showing or a dude
Starting point is 00:46:17 bends over and is like i was i was at jiu-jitsu the other day and a dad showed up and he just and um he was one of those guys uh there's this there's this santa cruz surfer look you know where like you have like shaggy hair and you have the hat and he had a good body but but his pants were like really baggy and like like he was always having to pull him up and and he he must he flashed his ass crack at me like – I saw more of his ass crack than not his ass crack. You know what I mean? Like for every minute of no ass crack showing, there was a minute and five seconds of ass crack showing. And I just wonder – I just – do people know that?
Starting point is 00:46:56 Because I judge them. I'm like, what the fuck? I would know that, but then what if I don't know that? Well, he don't know what you don't know, but was he just free-balling it? Like he had no like boxers on? Yeah, yeah. I guess he didn't. I don't know that was, well, he don't know what you don't know, but was he, was he just free balling it? Like he had no, he had no like, yeah, yeah, I guess he didn't. I don't know. I didn't, I guess, but he is the kind, he seems like the kind of dude who would have his underwear up pretty high and have his pants sagging.
Starting point is 00:47:15 He seemed like that kind of dude, even though he's like a 50 year old dude. Whether you're practicing your morning breath work, waiting for your favorite artist to come on stage, or running errands at the perfect pace, Liquid IV Powder helps you turn ordinary water into extraordinary hydration so you can live a more extraordinary life. Live more with Liquid IV Hydration Multiplier. Available in refreshing lemon, lime, passion fruit, and strawberry flavors. Buy a stick in store at Costco, Walmart, Amazon, and other Canadian retailers.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Travel better with Air Canada. You can enjoy free beer, wine, and premium snacks in economy class. Now extended to flights within Canada and the U.S. Cheers to taking off this summer. More details at I would assume that you would feel it i don't know i'd hope i would but i don't really wear there's no no one's doing that you've never heard of anyone showing their butt crack on purpose right no it's not like no one pulls that look off right like people show cleavage people might like roll their sleeves up to show their arms you know what i mean but there's no like one who's like yeah i'm gonna show some butt crack i know not
Starting point is 00:48:29 that i know it used to be like the fat plumber thing right like that's yeah yeah yeah that's how yeah yeah yeah exactly it was like a big old fat plumber dude that his pants really didn't fit and like his shirt would ride up when he would bend over been called the plumber's crack yeah i don't know all right um on uh this um kids kids and masks thing uh can you play that it's a it's a jordan peterson clip is it titled kids and masks uh yeah it's it's on the bottom of of it's a link on it's an instagram link it's on the same page as the don't smoke weed psa sorry you're good i should number these kids in masks and then i could be like 17 oh that'd be good yeah oh pbd podcast oh this is from the pbd podcast this is from Patrick Bed-David, I'm stealing?
Starting point is 00:49:26 Mm-hmm. So be it. So be it. Do you want to listen to the audio? Oh, yeah, please. To their psychological development, both as children and as adolescents. We'll find out over time. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:49:39 We have no idea what the costs are of having kids in masks for two years. We have no idea what the consequences are. What that's done, especially to introverted kids who are high negative emotion, because they're going to be looking for a reason to hide anyways. And who knows what that's done to their psychological development, both as children and as adolescents. We'll find out over time. I don't believe him. He knows. I don't believe him. He knows. I believe he thinks he knows. Tell us, Jordan. It's a good clip, man. It's crazy to think. I see these posts with like people saying like, now don't you feel bad for not wearing complaining about not wearing a mask for the last two years now that you see what people go through in ukraine hey dude two wrongs don't make a right just because someone's getting punched in the face you don't be like oh i'm glad i only got punched in the stomach that doesn't that doesn't yeah that's this doesn't work that
Starting point is 00:50:34 way but that is interesting because i'm talking to some of the parents at the gym and stuff there are they have told me instances where kids are like hey you know little johnny boy it's okay you could you could take your mask off we're outside at the baseball game here and they're There are – they have told me instances where kids are like, hey, you know, little Johnny boy, it's okay. You could take your mask off. We're outside at the baseball game here, and they're like – Oh, yeah. A mutual friend of ours told me a fucking crazy story. It was at the – yeah, I'm glad you brought that up. A mutual friend of mine and Sousa's coaches kids – I asked him if I could tell the story, and he said yes.
Starting point is 00:51:03 He coaches kids baseball, and there were some kids in the dugout, and one kid walked over to another kid and said, hey, you don't need to wear this, and pulled off the kid's mask, and the kid fucking collapsed like a gelatinous pile of shit, went into the fetal position, and started screaming basically bloody murder. He thought he was going to fucking die. The coach had to go over there and fucking carry carry him out it was a whole thing yeah dude oh we we saw a similar incident to that at my kids jiu-jitsu it wasn't around the mass but the kid was just a fucking complete mess and the mom's
Starting point is 00:51:36 like yeah i think it was like a two and a half year old kid and the mom was like hey yeah he hasn't seen other kids his whole life because he's been his whole life. Holy shit. Whole life. Hey, there is there is some study out there that I think is pretty valid that like most people like are like, yep, that's spot on that. If you most things can you can be unfucked. But if you are not socialized by the time you're four, I've heard that you cannot be unfucked. I believe it's like the hardwiring. Yeah. And it's bad. It's bad the hard wiring. Yeah, and it's bad shit.
Starting point is 00:52:07 The outcome is not good. Yeah, it's like once that stuff's been hardwired and soldered down in, it's really tough to switch it up. When are we going to hear from Greg Everett? I don't know. Look, that guy has my name but with a d oh hey dude you better check your birth certificate I think your parents
Starting point is 00:52:34 fucked up you might be another seven oh I um I thought I saw the word ruck on here oh uh jeff's what's jeff saying about a ruck i think i want to get into rucking run or ruck for 20 miles every 20 minutes every five minutes do 20 air squats all right fine fine um this um did you see this thing it says reality and manipulation have we played that let's play it again anyway even if we haven't oh yeah we played this oh we did okay never mind okay never mind never mind we don't have to it was good though hey you know what else too in this book uh upstream the one i just finished they he talks about something similar with that, or just how like, if you're not conscious of stuff, or always kind of like, it's called looking through the tunnels, what he refers to it as, or tunneling. And in the book too,
Starting point is 00:53:35 and I was, as I was reading it, I looked down at one of the pages numbers, and I was like, this is a leprechaun. It's not even a page number. And then I read like 10 more pages, and it talks about tunneling and it says, and for example, if you've been too focused in the book, you'll, you'll, if you are in a tunneling mode, you won't have noticed that the page numbers turned to a small leprechaun over the last 10 pages. Oh, wow. And if you were observing it, you did notice it.
Starting point is 00:53:58 And I was like, oh, weird. I just thought it was part of the book. Is tunneling, is there an implication whether tunneling is good or bad or just is it's bad because then you're not you're not open to problem solving because you're so like in the reference of the book you're kind of so stuck stuck in the day-to-day stuff that you're not really open to solutions so for example if i always bring my laptop back and forth to work and then i get to work and i'm like damn i don't have my charger again now this this whole thing screwed up. I got to go back. Well, in reality, if I really just sat there and thought about for a minute, I go, wait, why don't I just buy two chargers,
Starting point is 00:54:30 one at work and leave one at my house. Oh yeah. That's how I'm that guy. You know, now you never have that problem again. So it's about, it's about trying to, rather than addressing the symptoms of what's happening, stop for a moment and then try to find the root cause of it, go upstream and stop polluting rather than wondering why the lakes polluted all downstream i'm also the guy if i leave my phone in the car and i'm and like and i go on a hike or a walk or i go into a store i don't go back and get it i and i take pride in that i'm also the guy if i drop my phone on the ground i know i use that as a moment to never be embarrassed to just act cool, to not react.
Starting point is 00:55:10 Everything I can do to try to not react to every situation is what I try to do. And when I'm doing that more specifically, I'm staying conscious. I start watching who is this guy who's embarrassed that he just dropped his phone. I immediately pulls far back away from it as I can and observe just the whole thing. And if you want to be a good parent, you better have that skill.
Starting point is 00:55:34 If you want to be fucking the greatest parent in the world, you better have that skill. Because reacting is no bueno. 99.9999999% of the time. is no bueno 99.9999999 percent of the time that reminds me of a story we were with uh grace's uh family and my family and it was one of the first times we're all together and i have a younger brother and uh we're getting out of the car and as he got out of the car we're gonna go on a hike and aptos and uh aptos and he gets out in this uh like weed pen like a little hash pen, like falls out of his pocket onto the ground. And it like falls right in the middle like Grace's mom has seen and everything else. How old is he?
Starting point is 00:56:13 This is a great story. This is a couple years back. So he's probably like in his late 20s, like 20. Oh, I pictured him being like seven. No, no, no. And all he does, he goes, oh, oh, like clears his throat and then just steps on the pen and just slides into him and picks it up and kind of puts it in his pocket. He's like, all right, well, let's head on out.
Starting point is 00:56:33 It was so funny because you thought there was going to be this reaction of like, oh, no. And he just kind of clears his throat, puts his foot on it. He's like, oh, what's that? Let's go. Did his mom notice? No, I don't think my mom. I think my mom was getting out on the other side of the track she would i had a glass bong in my in my room one time that just sat on my dresser and i remember one time my
Starting point is 00:56:57 mom walked in i was probably living with my mom i was probably 30 years old she walks in and she commented on what a nice vase it was and i was like wow that's like i guess that thing can just stay there i guess i i think the truth is too is i don't even think i was so maybe smoking weed at the time and it was like a really clean nice one but it's so obvious it was a bong you know what i mean it went down into the had the base it had this the bowl sticking out of it the glass stem like a fucking crack fight and i was like well i guess that stays is it hard for you not to react to your kids when they like fall down no no all i'm really good at all of those things there are some things that are hard the really hard ones are the screaming and yelling.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Those are the, when they come, when they like, like yesterday, my son, my kids were watching music videos and they were dancing and Michael Jackson's thriller came on. And one of my kids just started screaming and crying because it scared the
Starting point is 00:57:59 shit out of them. And like, I just want to be over there and be like, like, I literally would just want to run over to him and be like what the fuck how is that gonna help and now i'm yelling at him and he's scared of the fucking zombie and michael jackson's and it's like that like like there it is who am i really talking to when i say that to my kid myself i'm yelling at him telling him how the fuck is that gonna help that reaction when it's like him how the fuck is that going to help that reaction when it's like, dude, how the fuck is your reaction going to work?
Starting point is 00:58:26 That's like 90% of the world. I was coming home one night in the apartment with Grace, and there was a younger kid out on his tricycle riding up and down by these little garages. And his dad were up there, and he saw us and went to go wave or acknowledge us. And then he just goes right up over on end on the bike and smacks the ground pretty hard and uh he kind of looks up at grace and i and then we started just cheering we're like yeah buddy you got it like clap and he kind of just stood up and dusted himself off and the dad kind of turned the corner and he was like hey thanks guys wow and he just kind of does so then he kind of sniffled a little bit because it was a it was a
Starting point is 00:59:05 hard hit and the dad came over you know and addressed him and everything else and then a minute or two later he's kind of back on the bike again but it was interesting because i wonder if i was like oh my gosh like you know what what how would that change i bet you would have just went nuts yeah um a lot of times when my kids hurt themselves they do it on this trail that that i walked on with you on the beach and there's people there and when they hurt themselves they do it on this trail that i walked on with you on the beach and there's people there and when they hurt themselves strangers will come over and they'll be kind of far from me like 50 feet away and they don't people don't know who the parents are and people will address the kids and i think that's probably i don't get upset but i think that probably scares
Starting point is 00:59:37 the kids even more like they don't want some stranger standing over them some fucking 70 year old lady who's 290 pounds being like are you okay through her mask yeah yeah through her mask they're like i'm guessing that freaks them out more but um yeah the the i'm great at all but when they hurt themselves it's like yesterday i saw um uh ari went to uh he double no this girl double-legged him in jujitsu and they were they were sparring and he went to sprawl and when he sprawled she drove up and her head smashed him in the face and it sounded like two rocks hitting each other and i jumped out of my seat like from where the parents said i jumped up you know like i go like i felt it but but but i didn't go out there but i reacted
Starting point is 01:00:26 to it but i don't think i think of that circumstance i don't even know if that's like voluntary well if you're conscious like the goal is just not to react right if i was conscious i would like fully conscious i would that's like when your emotions come up from the basement and take over your body like there's a time for that i I mean, there's, there's a time, but, but, but, um, okay. Uh, I want to go to, um, some, we, yesterday we did a video with, uh, uh, Craig Howard. Thanks Craig for coming on. Um, and the video was, um, and the video was about, uh, we, we, we basically went over – there was an affiliate town hall is what they called it.
Starting point is 01:01:11 And Jason Dunlap, the president of CrossFit Inc., it was the first time I'd ever seen him or heard him speak. Justin Berg, the CrossFit Games guy who took over Dave's position. Gary Gaines, the guy who took over Kathy Glassman's position of running the affiliates. And Nicole Carroll, who runs training. They all spoke to the CrossFit community, and they called it the Affiliate Town Hall. I wonder how many views that video has now. Do you want me to check? Yeah, if you think there's 10,000 gyms, let's say. I mean, I understand that probably most affiliates don't care.
Starting point is 01:01:41 You know what I mean? The president talks, and most people in the country don't care. I don't even mean it as a dig. 2.7 oh wait no that's ours oh nice ours has 2.7 000 views already and theirs has 1 000 okay hey just so you guys know i don't mean this as a dickhead thing or an arrogant thing although maybe a little bit but when you see those our our biggest platform is not youtube like we have the the podcast is um you can even type in the seven podcast rankings and see where we're ranking in the world all around the world in podcasts we have hundreds and hundreds of thousands of downloads a week um on other
Starting point is 01:02:22 platforms i i wish youtube was bigger but but it's not this is just where we do our dance and where we record stuff but for some reason people would rather listen to us than look at us it it sounds cooler and like because i don't really listen to the audio version very much i always kind of have it up on youtube and stuff like that and it sounds cooler on the audio too you sound cooler oh thank you if even if i listen to pod let's say i'm going to listen to a pot we have a guest and he's on a podcast let's say he's on uh patrick bed david's podcast i still play it on youtube but then listen to it so that way like if i want to look at it i can just and it's easier to scroll around on youtube um i The comments and stuff.
Starting point is 01:03:06 Yeah. But I'll have the phone in my pocket or wherever, sitting by my side, and I'll be just listening to it. I'm going to switch to plug-in earphones. I've tried a few times. I think I found a pair that I like. I'm tired of the wireless ones. I'm starting to get EMF paranoia. So we reviewed the affiliate town hall, and there were a couple – there was some feedback we got, which I thought was kind of crazy.
Starting point is 01:03:32 It might be on the – oh, shit. I sent you way too much stuff. There's so much of this stuff that I thought that I erased. Oh, man. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. is it not on here or something no no it probably is on there um go to um go to the um it's the last page it says um was watching your recap of town hall it's a dm i got it's very close to the last page anyway someone told me so there's this thing called the apn i don't know what it stands for but it's basically affiliates have this page where crossfit has gotten discounts for them
Starting point is 01:04:19 and it's supposedly where the affiliate proposition is and yesterday i proposed hey screw all that lame shit. No one buys it. No one's buying any of that crap anyway. Not that they're not buying those products, but no one really believes that this is really helping them. Basically what you're doing is you're just doing it to leverage your relationship with those other businesses. It's crazy manipulative. And it's just lame.
Starting point is 01:04:41 It's low rent. It's ghetto and it's like it's like when those magazine companies come to your school and they leverage the kids to sell their parents magazines so the kids can win stuffed animals like just stop but it's actually even worse than i thought if this is true someone said that hey the rogue discount that the affiliates get isn't even a discount for the It's a 5% referral fee that fucking HQ gets. Is that true? Do they have no shame? If that's true, there's no shame.
Starting point is 01:05:13 That's fucking crazy. Meaning if you buy something from Rogue and you use it from the – go from the APN site, whatever they have, you don't get the discount. It's HQ gets 5% kickback. Use code ROSA for your 10%. Hey, there's three companies out there that offered that to me, by the way. They offered it that if I sold something to you guys, that I would get fucking money from it. And I told them, hey, I don't want that money. Can you just give my listeners the discount?
Starting point is 01:05:41 And they said no. So I said, all right, fuck off. I didn't say fuck off but i said i'm not interested i'm not interested here's another thing someone said to me he goes the the fide promo is that the apn uses is still 20 20 more than where i get it from um from some mega distribution companies in europe for fide i don't know if that i haven't verified either of these claims but but it doesn't it doesn't it wouldn't surprise me it wouldn't surprise me i'm trying to search it but it's gonna be hard to figure that out was the person who sent that to you like was that a reliable source it's no no one's a reliable source fair um jake i love it how you were you were drunk two days ago
Starting point is 01:06:28 and now you're dropping bombs on us uh smart bombs seven have you studied dialectic behavioral therapy at all no i haven't i don't know i don't know what dialectic i don't even know any of those words mean how do you know jake was drunk dude he was he may have said it he may have said it okay but but he was commenting he was a madman he was wild he was like throwing food in the chat like you know what i mean oh he was just shooting from the hip yeah he was just like throwing food and like leaning back in his chair you know that kid in class he's doing that shit he was just wild he's wild awesome nothing bad nothing bad just just wild just having a blast i'm really curious about that road thing now maybe a spit water too uh okay i want to go to this go to this the this is how
Starting point is 01:07:16 hot um uh um danielle brandon is this is fucking incredible if it i don't even understand how the world works but will you click that link um it says you know you're hot this is how fucking hot she is it's beyond hot she transcends hot she's not like some chick who prances around she's not there's nothing shallow about her hot – shallow is not the right word. She's not taking pictures of herself in a bikini with her crotch pointed at the camera. This is – she's still super hot. Don't get me wrong. Got it.
Starting point is 01:07:58 But she's doing – there's something – hot's not good enough. There's something better about her than hot. Maybe it's her giant butt, but I think it's even more than that. It's just crazy. Look at this video of her. It's Danielle Brandon opening blinds. That's it. I've been loving the space I've been been loving the space. I've been creating here in Vegas.
Starting point is 01:08:27 Long time coming. Routine is something I have been longing. I have finally been able to make happen. This is a girl walking around on a couch putting in toe spacers, and I must have watched this video like three times. I do not have that capability. I cannot put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that's too big for me and uh and walk around i mean it's just such a great video you can't even see her that good there's a cute dog in there like why is this so cool
Starting point is 01:08:56 do you like this video i think it's cool because like is it the orange table Is it the changing of the lighting when the blinds go up? Is it just staring at her legs? She's definitely got some good decor. I don't know. I think it's cool because it seems like she's really found her rhythm. Yeah, look. Here's another hot chick bought her shit because she wore them. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:20 Look it. She's balancing on one leg. I mean I just fucking love her. It's so weird. I know, badass hot. I know, but it's more than hot. She's – it's not – Hunter McIntyre. So I was on Hunter McIntyre.
Starting point is 01:09:38 I was on Eddie If's podcast with Hunter McIntyre. Don't anyone ask me to be on a podcast. I really don't want to go on podcasts. I don't know why I felt obligated to podcast i really don't want to go on podcast i don't know why i felt obligated to do that one but i actually had a lot of fun and i don't want to go on them because i feel stressed out that i have to perform on there but but um uh and i asked hunter i told the guys i'm like have you can you guys believe how big daniel brandon's butt is i mean the thing is fucking huge and hunter goes i don't know who that is and um uh after the show he he texted me or called me
Starting point is 01:10:09 i can't remember and he said dude you have to tell that girl that i want to make a baby with her me and her would fucking make the greatest fucking baby he's like our genes have to mix and i was like i get it maybe that's what it is you know there's like hot there's like some hot girls and you're like they're hot but like you don't just want to like be with danielle you want to have people want to have kids with her you know what i mean it's like it's beyond there's something there's something anyway well congratulations danielle you're doing your your congratulations on your home and balancing on one leg and your orange table and in your dog and your toe spacers and how uh what's this girl's name denise densa how are the toe spacers do you like remember last time we got this i think her name was like jenny oh i love her life story her struggle she's real i want to see her win yeah fuck yeah me too i thought it
Starting point is 01:11:05 was denise but it was dense oh here's this is it maybe this is it there are dragon eggs in there dude the calisi i feel you it maybe maybe um yes yes oh now we're on a roll it's like senior teacher in the grocery store yes yes like the one you have a crush on you're like holy shit that's good Jeffrey that is good it is like senior teacher in the grocery store it's a trip
Starting point is 01:11:35 that was good I like them helps me my knee pain when I squat oh that's cool no shit alright plug for the toe spacers the danielle brandon is selling all right um i was i was when in 2008 or 9 i was in rei and my my wife was uh she was changing clothes i like love going clothes shopping with my wife was, uh, she, she was changing clothes. I like love going clothes shopping with my wife. I used to do that a lot. Now I don't ever do that. My wife doesn't like to go shopping, clothes shopping. So we would go out and I'd be like, Hey, let's go clothes shopping.
Starting point is 01:12:15 So I took her to REI and she's like trying on clothes and she came out and I said, um, um, she came out and I'm like, Oh, your butt looks small in those pants. And she goes, okay. And so then she comes out and she hands them to the person who works there and she goes so you want these she goes no they didn't fit and he goes oh you're your husband said that your butt looks small no she goes oh yeah he doesn't watch your butt to look small who the fuck wants a small butt it's so fucking 1980s um um did you just click that again did that pop pop up? Oh, no. I may have. I may have. Sorry. You can unclick it.
Starting point is 01:13:09 Oh, I didn't like that. I didn't like that. How about Josh Bridges making fun of Rich on the podcast? Could you tell that made me uncomfortable? I didn't like that. Did you know about that? What happened, Susan? No, I didn't see that part.
Starting point is 01:13:18 I was telling him about how he saw the podcast that we did for the 22.3, the pre-show, and he was making fun of Rich for Rich not holding the phone still and walking around, and I didn't like it. I don't want to make fun of Rich at all. I just want Rich to feel like when he comes on my podcast, he could come in with the curlers in his hair. You're welcome. Do what you want. There's very few people you can't make fun of on this show.
Starting point is 01:13:43 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Leave Rich. What are you doing? Leave. Yeah, be cool cool can't do that um how about this personal air purifier do you see that that's gonna be a tough one for you to find no no i've been i've been trying i feel like you know those those memory games like you flip over and then you like see what it is and then you can slowly remember them i've been trying to like turn that on for this here this thing is absurd this i mean we live with crazies we truly live with crazies oh my gosh how is this a reality how is it i'll be buying one after this
Starting point is 01:14:29 this is a mask that you wear over your face you can use this personal air purifier mask anywhere people gather oh well thank you this high-tech face shield can protect you from viruses and hazardous smoke air safe face shield allows protect you from viruses and hazardous smoke. AirSafe face shield allows you to interact with others while staying protected. Wow. Is it a helmet, too? I don't know. It doesn't seem like it straps on.
Starting point is 01:14:58 Oh, look. They're there inside a board meeting at home office. Yeah, is that HQ? That's the president. Oh, my goodness what is going on with this world strap in hey i saw something the other day i walked into a bathroom and it said why it said fourth or where was i was like four things for safety and one of them was like don't put your fingers in your nose. Other ones, don't put your,
Starting point is 01:15:25 wipe your eyes and don't put your fingers in your mouth. I do all of that. I just lick my thumb when I'm off the air. I pick my nose every day and I wipe my eyes constantly like this. Yeah. I wipe my eyes too. And I go like this and I'm always touching my mustache and I never get sick. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:42 Well, Bill Gates can't profit off that. So fucking, I just can't profit off that, so. Fucking, I just don't understand how people. The most popular website on the internet. The most popular site on the internet is based on dick being in people's mouths. Pornhub. You want to tell me I can't wipe my face?
Starting point is 01:16:11 Fuck off. All right. I need to read the Dow again. I mean, it's crazy. We live in a fucking batshit crazy fucking world. It's fucking nuts. I didn't even think of that. Yeah, I do pick my nose and then touch my mouth.
Starting point is 01:16:25 But I don't eat my boogers. I stopped that. But I did as a kid. Good on you. Hey, there's a theory about that, too. Do you know that? That that's actually part of the... Ancestral tenets? Tenet ten!
Starting point is 01:16:40 Holy shit, liver king! Tenet ten! Someone actually told me what they thought tenet ten was, and it's actually really, really good. I don't know if I'm supposed to say or if she wants to keep that to herself, but it's really good. Someone should propose it to him. Remind me to tell you when we get off the air. Okay. Colton, call in.
Starting point is 01:17:10 tell you when we get off the air okay colton call in um yeah huh that's interesting niv says something interesting it looks like the masks we had in israel when saddam hussein was shooting oh you mean like to protect you from like uh um chemical warfare yeah yeah i do this too i lick my fingers to impossibly yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah for sure for sure dude to get the pages of the book dude i have such bad gas today because yesterday was my surprise birthday party and my birthday's been going all week it's weird i hate birthdays but my wife's been killing it and she threw me this party i'm so sorry i shouldn't talk about it since you weren't invited susa my wife's gonna feel it. And she threw me this party. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't talk about it since you weren't invited, Sousa. My wife's going to feel horrible when she hears this, too.
Starting point is 01:17:47 She's probably going to text you. I know you're uncomfortable right now. It's okay. You should be uncomfortable. I'm only uncomfortable because I just don't want you to make Haley feel bad. That's why. I want her to feel bad. I do not want her to feel bad.
Starting point is 01:18:00 Would you have come if she would have invited you? For sure. Especially. Oh, God. She feels horrible. Anyway, God, she feels horrible. Anyway, there was a tart cake. You know, it's crazy. There was a tart.
Starting point is 01:18:11 Someone brought a tart cake for when my birthday was and we didn't eat it. And so the whole week I've been like, hey, can I just eat the fruit off the top of that tart cake? And she's like, no, we're saving it for Saturday. And I never asked why we're saving it for Saturday. And then all of a sudden there was a surprise birthday party. I was in my garage working out, and people just started showing up at the house. I'm like – That's why she was asking if there was a show tomorrow night.
Starting point is 01:18:39 I did this great workout. I highly recommend it. For me, it was like I haven't done anything like this in, in so long. I just started dabbling in these kinds of workouts. Again, you got someone I'm sure will want to try it. I did. Um,
Starting point is 01:18:50 I did, um, farmer truck broke down. Glad to have this entertainment while fixing it. Oh shit. Farm truck. The fuck's a farm truck. It's like beat up and it's got like the bigger wheels on it.
Starting point is 01:19:02 Yeah. I think that is what happened. I think I just ate a bunch of shit like yesterday and I have like just crazy ass. It doesn't bother me. It is really. Is there a theory on why people don't their own farts don't offend them? They don't bother them. Is there a.
Starting point is 01:19:18 I mean, it's like an evolutionary mechanism. It's not gross if it's yours. It's only gross if it's someone else's. Right. Like, doesn't that apply to most most things? My poop is I don't like being around my poop i don't like my vomit i don't mind my blood um but but i said but i hear you you know you know what i think is interesting um but going back to the the town hall yesterday when i worked at crossfit and when all the shit was going down the floyd 19 and and and the the the woke the woke crowd was attacking and people like
Starting point is 01:19:52 katrin's dota or virtue signaling and shit like that those goofballs um i'm out there i'm out um uh they by the way if you're friends with those people you should know that that is you saw how those people react when shit hits the fan all those people that you saw react like that you should know you know that's how all the people who like who immediately start posting black squares or like they do it right away or they just jump on the bandwagon that's what i mean by reacting those would be all bad parents did you get nice messages that's not what you do say that again did you get any nice messages went during that time um that was a loaded question by the way no not really because i know not really this one dude reached out to me and told me I should do a podcast.
Starting point is 01:20:49 CrossFit Livermore or something like that. So he actually came to my house and I did a podcast with him. You're like, I got fired. I'm like, so you got time for that podcast now? So, so the, the, the new, it's funny that the new york times um um i'm gonna say something here that's gonna be pretty sharp the new york times uh business insider and gq they all took shots um and they did ambiguous reporting during the harvey weinstein era when it was at its peak they did ambiguous reporting on greg and on crossfit and on the culture there and what do i mean by ambiguous the headline would say something like a toxic environment and then they would never say anything it would be like women feel uncomfortable there there was never like
Starting point is 01:21:33 greg looked at me too long or savon lifted up my skirt or someone asked me out or they tried to get us to drink at parties there was there there was there was nothing uh objective there nothing was said it was just all of these ambiguous like, and then you filled in the blanks based on the crazy shit that other fucking executives were doing. Like Matt Lauer fucking supposedly locking the door and fucking his secretary doggy style in there when he knows she has a husband. I mean that shit's fucking batshit crazy. And you could ask any woman there. I'm basically scared of girls. I don't make a lot of eye contact with girls. I give them tons of space. I've always been like that, terrified of women. And so there was nothing like that going on there that I ever saw. There was a lot of drinking and partying that we did, know i still never saw anything crazy i saw more i definitely saw
Starting point is 01:22:25 more people being i'm falling into the weeds here but but be more inappropriate with greg than him ever be inappropriate with other people i saw a ton of inappropriate shit come his way like crazy shit like shit that like you had to peel people off the guy um i apologize about that by the way right and it was both men and women um uh but these organizations did that, and there was this attack, and the people who purchased CrossFit HQ gave Greg a huge, massive chunk of money and then got behind closed doors, and you laughed. You laughed. You celebrated the fact that you stole this company from Gregreg that you got it for such a good deal and some of you were even complicit and organizing media to throw rocks at greg to try to devalue the company so you would have to sell it for even less and then you closed the doors and you giggled and you celebrated at the great coup that you did pulling it off i I know, I know, I know, yeah. I know people in the room now,
Starting point is 01:23:25 people in the room are now talking about it. And I wonder what you think now. I wonder what you think now. Yeah. How do you feel now? You think you stole the company from them? Think you got a good deal? You think the New York Times, GQ,
Starting point is 01:23:46 Business Insider is going to come save you now? They're going to write a nasty article about Sevalon that's going to hurt his podcast? You think the memes guy is going to save you? You think the morning chalk-up is going to save you? I'm going to tell you, I've told you a million
Starting point is 01:24:04 times, I do not know who's in charge over there. Stop talking to the public. From this fucking little office and from a couple other offices fucking around the country, podcasters and people are going to fucking eat you alive. Every time you open your mouth, you're inauthentic. You're liars. I've pointed the line out many, many times. That town hall was full of lies.
Starting point is 01:24:28 Do you guys hate Justin Berg? How did you not let – why did not someone – why didn't someone stop him when they heard him saying that stuff? You prerecorded that. That's the only reason why I know Nicole is not the CEO. She would have never let that go out Her and Greg were crazy like that Like do it over Do it over
Starting point is 01:24:49 Do it over How did that shit go out How did not some Does no one give the president feedback He said gibberish for three minutes But I'm telling you You guys You're gonna pay
Starting point is 01:25:04 Karma is a bitch And it's not on purpose. It's not vindictive. But man, shit's coming around. This podcast can be worth more than your company in five years at the rate it's going. I'm not joking. That's not a joke. That's not a joke. Yeah. I mean, we're here live. Anybody could jump into the comments. And in fact, if somebody came in and wanted, you know, but yet they're going to have a town hall trying to be sincere and transparent and address the affiliates. But yeah, it has to be rehearsed, prerecorded.
Starting point is 01:25:41 And still a flop. And still just gibberish nonsense. I'll tell you how bad it is. Yeah. Justin Burke said he's honoring the affiliates, and that's by doing the open, by doing the open shows. Dude, the open shows are done every year. What do you – he must not think that people are listening. Man, it was bad. I felt bad actually bringing Craig Howard on here because I know he – I know Craig really wants this fucking thing to succeed.
Starting point is 01:26:11 He really loves CrossFit. And I feel bad sometimes having anyone on my show who's not ready to dive into the unknown, dive into just the real. But, man, he handled his business. He did really well. Yeah, he handled his business he did really well yeah he handled his business yeah he he's he's it was good um okay so cross that off my list i just found it fascinating that that these big orgs um it's a different world man it's a different world now did you see there's a a comment on my on that thing that i posted of um of uh greg it was like an old podcast that he's on yeah and somebody was like hey what do we do here and i was
Starting point is 01:26:51 like i don't know maybe there'll be another brand that just focuses on the mythology one day and he tied a bunch of people and said who's gonna start the zoom meeting and then a couple back said i'm down who said that interesting i don't know if i'm gonna call it out but you could go check it out on the wow wow wow is that your most recent post uh no the most recent one was actually i clipped that piece of nicole carroll talking about in order to go the right direction or in order to go forward we have to first look back where we came from. And then I basically was like, Nicole Carroll nailed this and then kind of summed up what we had talked about on the on the show as far as my thoughts as to what the plan of action, the short term plan of action would be for CrossFit. Are you shadow banned?
Starting point is 01:27:40 Me? Yeah, I can never find you. I type in Matt Souza and it never comes up. And I follow you. Maybe because it's my full name. Matthew? Gracious says from outside the living room with a zero. I didn't even know she was out. Dude, you look like a black guy in your in your in your um profile pic that's
Starting point is 01:28:05 kind of cool did you do that on purpose to like for like to get some street cred or something i just changed it yeah last night i said that i was bored that's what i mean i can't even i don't even know what a black dude is anymore or white dude look at you look black as shit you look like the you look like our guest uh um uh jordan levitt the monkey king the, the UFC fighter. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Cool. Racist. Okay. I want to see who this is.
Starting point is 01:28:39 By the way, that's his fighting nickname, too. The Monkey King? Yes. Yeah, he's got a cool logo too. That he uses. Wow. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:28:53 Oh, shit. Did you just see what Wad Zombie just posted right now? No. On his Instagram account? Oh, my gosh. Yes. Are you going to pull it up? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:04 That's what's great about doing a show. You can just do it in real time. It literally posted one minute ago. You're going to like this. Found this on my phone. Not totally sure why I made it. Anyway, Harry Potter marathon today. Meaning he's going to watch a bunch of Harry Potter.
Starting point is 01:29:20 I don't know. I don't get it. It's Justin Berg, Justin Berg, and then Rosa. I don't get it it's justin berg justin berg and then rosa i don't get it explain it to me does he get it it's like i don't know if i get it but what i took from it was that basically he just like justin berg just transformed into into rosa oh i'll say i mean oh man i don't want to say anything nice oh this is interesting i've been subscribed since the beginning and have notifications turned on and never see your podcast our numbers do some weird shit yeah they do and i do some weird imagine what the growth would be if there was no shadow van like on your personal instagram like my instagram just shrink my instagram just
Starting point is 01:30:13 shrinks yeah we've seen weird stuff happen with apple we've seen weird stuff happen with with youtube like i feel as if we're almost swimming upstream a lot of times with this stuff you know um will you um there's a post i made it says this explains boys we put that up thank you by the way metabolic health and fitness for sharing that with us it might be on the last page. What was the title again? I'm sorry. This explains boys. It might be one of the last things I put up.
Starting point is 01:30:56 Oh, here. Someone explained it. No wonder I don't get it. I don't know Harry Potter. Berg is possessed by Rosa. Quirrell is possessed by Voldemort. He who should not be named. Is that what the character says? Yeah, that's like the whole thing in the series. I'm not really that into it. Grace hates it.
Starting point is 01:31:17 So I don't know. I tried to get into it. I can't. Okay. I saw this, and this, for anyone who doesn't understand men, this is it. This is it. We would just love stuff. Yeah, why not?
Starting point is 01:31:36 This is fuck Jerry. Why not? Yeah, why not? This is it. This is what it's like being a boy. Your principal's like, I bring a dozen eggs to school, and I throw them at a car, and my principal's like being a boy like your principal's like you threw like like i bring a dozen eggs to school and i throw them at a car and my principal's like why did you do that i don't know why not and people are like well that's wrong you don't when you're a boy you don't even think
Starting point is 01:31:57 about that you just do stuff you just do stuff that's why it's important to give boys direction because they'll just do that oh this is look at this they're testing out the goggles it's so obvious what they're doing and it's awesome right you agree with me yeah we used to do the dumbest things but i we used to we used to have this like a go-ped like a motorized scooter and we had a old ski handle rope and we would like attach stuff to it and then tow it and on a moped with them behind the moped oh that's crazy yeah and i would like have this like it was like an old school recycling ben when it used to just be a tub do you know yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so we took
Starting point is 01:32:43 it and i drilled the hole into it we bungee corded it to a skateboard. And I just had my brother sit inside of it. And then I would just moped around. And then he would like hold the thing and lean out and just go super far out. Like it was so dangerous. I'm surprised nothing ever. Yeah, so dangerous, right? How about this one that says boyfriend?
Starting point is 01:33:08 Man, we're over the mountain hour and 30 mark i really want to get through so many of these notes oh this is great oh this is just crazy so this chick's doing a snatch and and she's wobbly like a giraffe but look at her boyfriend that's what he doesn't even react this is what i mean this guy this is the her boyfriend's the buddha look at him uh hello it looked like it hurt her hand more than anything else maybe maybe okay these are the options either she cheated on him last night and he's like, yeah, karma's a bitch. Or he's like the Buddha. I mean, this video is crazy.
Starting point is 01:33:54 She's doing a snatch. She backs up. She hits some bars. Then she drops the weight from overhead on her own neck. And she's holding her hand, right? Something bad happens to her hand right there. Yeah, because you see it smash against the beam oh and the boyfriend though the boyfriend doesn't give a shit or he does and he's just watching maybe he cares maybe inside he's crying
Starting point is 01:34:18 anyway i thought this was a uh a great example of not reacting uh right above it we have uh stupid people yeah that is scary right yeah i mean good thing she's not strong hey there was a video there's a video going around of a girl who's doing box squats at a global gym who dies it's it's tough we live in oh i love this yeah she dies. We live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so stupid people won't be offended. Wow. We live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so stupid people won't be offended. The most published living scientist alive today in the world named John Ioannidis, he said from fucking day one that, hey, COVID has already been everywhere. He did the math.
Starting point is 01:35:17 It's nuts. It's nuts. And they silenced him. They silenced him. Stupid people. It doesn't mean you have to be stupid though just don't buy it just don't don't don't don't believe the height okay so the workout i did was um i did uh first like like always i warmed up with the assault bike i did a hundred calories in 10 minutes on the assault bike and then i did um 10 calories on the assault bike five bench press at 155 um five deadlift at 195 five weighted pull-ups uh with a with 21 pounds
Starting point is 01:35:52 i did 10 rounds of that while i watched ufc took me like 40 minutes just really slow but damn i haven't deadlifted so i deadlifted 195 for 50 reps. I benched 155 for 50 reps and I did 50 weighted pull-ups while riding the assault bike for rest. It was crazy. It was a fucking great workout. Anyway, for those of you who are strong, just add weight to it. But it was so fun. I don't normally do shit like that. This has nothing to do with anything, but I would just like to say I'm still crushing it.
Starting point is 01:36:23 I don't even think you're playing the game anymore oh oh oh i am still playing the game trust me now i've learned so so susan i have this thing but i'm having to learn from susan he's he's the mastermind you basically i think it's correct me if i'm wrong susan you turn on notifications for like big accounts yeah so when they post and then you get notified and you go over there right away and you make a comment. And if the comments good enough and people will start liking it. And so we have this thing that it's like who can get the most likes on someone else's account because no one comes to mine and Suze's account. And so we have this game. And, you know, it's funny. None of those translate into followers for me i'm still losing followers none of them translate into followers for me either and a lot of times
Starting point is 01:37:12 it's just a lot of back and forth like this uh no that one didn't do that good 208 but lots of comments lots of comments all right um i i think that's oh my i i damn it this always happens i thought i went through all of this and erased all of these but this is like three weeks of fucking um live call and show notes i don't This happens to me all the time. Oh, man, did you see Trevor Noah? I'll save that for next time. It's really incredible how many people are finally waking up. What do you think about these people who are like, oh, my God, what do you think about these people who voted in Biden and now are like, oh, shit, what did we do? Like this guy told me the other day, he goes, hey, I live in Europe.
Starting point is 01:38:05 We hate we think we all hate Trump and we think he's a narcissistic piece of shit and a racist and all of this stuff. And what do you think? And I go, yeah, we that's the way he was painted to us, too. But but can you show me some examples? I but then someone like trevor noah is like saying on tv we wouldn't be in this position today if trump was president and it's like yeah it's so obvious we wouldn't be in this position do we do we forgive those people do we trust those people do we like those people are those even the wrong questions to ask does it not matter about trust i usually don't deal in the metric of trust i don't know man it's just so weird it's
Starting point is 01:38:50 i have a hard time buying into the whole like what do you do with the guy who had he's 50 years old and he's had slaves his whole life and now he lets all his slaves free you cool with him That's a good question. The Joe Biden presidency is so bad. It's done so much damage to this country. Some people are like, well, the president doesn't have that kind of power. Dude. Well, it's funny because those same, usually those same same people and this is an opinion for against anything but usually those same people that were saying that the president doesn't have
Starting point is 01:39:30 that kind of power we're also blaming trump for everything yeah and not only that like they do have that power not in the traditional sense that maybe like you think like i can go i have the power right now to go to my refrigerator and pull out a soda but I have the ability to stand up here and be like, and, and, and, and, and, and convince you all that it's important for you guys to drink soda. I'm going to go have a Coke right now and have the greatest workout ever. It's going to give me access to immediately 100 calories of pure carbohydrate sugar load. And with that caffeine mix, I'm going to bench press more than I ever had mean that was that was basically um uh that's basically what the president is he's our big cheerleader he's the one that either makes us feel like victims or makes us feel like we're in control
Starting point is 01:40:14 he's like um trump would have never have said it's putin's fault right it's always going to come down to leadership right now we're producing a lot, a lot of weak leaders. Yeah. And weak leaders, whatever you want to say. Weak leaders hurt us. I hate to keep beating a dead horse, but the reason why Greg,
Starting point is 01:40:33 the reason why, well, Greg too, but the reason why Dave was such a great leader was, is that he made you believe in yourself more than you believed in you, in yourself. He gave you tasks and he did it. That's why the athletes liked them too.
Starting point is 01:40:46 The famous story is the a hundred pound dumbbell. He put in in the regionals no one thought that they could snatch a 100 pound dumbbell became an event at the regionals yeah cleve has a good story about that yeah it's pushing it's pushing that and it's pushing that goalpost and and the our current president is doing the opposite he's not pushing the goalpost he's but he's it's like what they did the san diego unified school district they said brown and black kids weren't doing well in school so instead of like helping them they lowered the goalposts they reduced the requirements like this makes no sense to me right how is anyone part of that i want to tell i want to do one more thing before we go joe biden said that they want to fund the police you have to know you have that's somewhere in here
Starting point is 01:41:24 the defund the police thing will you find that you you have to know that have that's somewhere in here the defund the police thing will you find that you you have to know that if you are a democrat that that is what you stood for you can't be like well not that that's not okay that's like not that's like taking a shit in the toilet and then being like well that's not mine take responsibility for who you voted into office. What happened is very, very simple. You voted for a president and a vice president who are deeply, deeply racist. They hate black people. And what they did is they pushed this agenda. Give me one second for you, please. They pushed this agenda that made it so that our society would hate police officers. that made it so that our society would hate police officers.
Starting point is 01:42:08 They pushed this agenda that police officers are bad. They scared our police, who we have a civil partnership with as human beings, on this planet, and that partnership is that they support us, we support them. Sure, there's way more bad people who aren't cops than who are cops. You understand that, right? The number of people cops killed versus the number of people regular citizens killed, there's no comparison, right? We put these fucking people in power who hated black people and what they did is they they they they they they made cops the living personification of their hate they did a whole huge push for that and then cops stopped protecting these neighborhoods and killing and crime has
Starting point is 01:42:56 skyrocketed and who suffered not me not whitey in the hills not Not Whitey in Santa Cruz. But dudes in Chicago. Dudes in San Francisco. Cities destroyed. LA. Because the police don't want to fucking be caught on tape doing their job anymore. Everything that fucking Biden did backfired. The whole BLM thing was one giant fucking racist movement.
Starting point is 01:43:26 The entire fucking thing. The irony is that so many people fall for those words that they jumped on board with it. And now he's saying fund the police. By the way, it's beyond just funding the police now. It's beyond funding the police. There has to be the same way in the 50s. There was a time when people used to litter. Right?
Starting point is 01:43:45 And we know what kind of people still litter now. If you live in a city like i used to live in a city you see there's some people who litter and there's some people who don't you got good parents you raise you don't fucking litter but there was a time when everyone littered and there was a huge movement in the united states and they got everyone to stop littering there's a campaign there has to be a huge campaign supporting police officers huge massive so the people who want that job take fucking pride in it, fund the police. That's like saying – that's like Hitler saying – for Biden to say that, that's like Hitler saying save the Jews. It's fucking idiocy. And that's what I mean.
Starting point is 01:44:21 There's no – you can't – and someone might say to you, well, you can't lump all Democrats together. Well, then don't be a Democrat then because that is your – that's your shtick. Your things are print more money, big government. The government should tell people what to do. You're against freedom of speech. All big tech. That's all you guys. all big tech that's all you guys be racist feel sorry for black people okay go ahead and play this i just can't i can't believe i can go ahead play this please out here betraying his base once again he said we should all agree the answer is not to defund the police. It's to fund the police.
Starting point is 01:45:10 Like, who's we, Joe? Who is we? We did not vote for Joe Biden because we liked Joe Biden. We voted for Joe Biden to get Donald Trump out. Joe Biden didn't turn on his base. Joe Biden has never supported defunding the police. In fact, since 1994, he's been Mr. Tough on Crime. He wrote the 94 crime bill. And even as recently as 2020, he said this.
Starting point is 01:45:32 So your inability to be informed on who you are voting for sounds like a personal problem. The issue was that you voted for someone that didn't hold your beliefs. It's time to vote for somebody who actually holds your values and not the party of slavery, Jim Crow and the kkk oh oh yeah yeah all right guys thank you very much uh to leave on a good note it's a beautiful day today uh get out there and mix shit up let's work out let's party let's eat. It's my fasting day.
Starting point is 01:46:05 I never, I stopped eating almost for two years now. I stopped eating on Saturday nights. I drink black coffee on Sunday and I started eating again Monday morning. I don't know if I recommend it for everyone, but definitely at 49 years old. No, 50.
Starting point is 01:46:17 Oh, I highly recommend it. Spend as much time with your kids as you can. That's what I'm going to do for the rest of my day. Call your mom and dad. I'm going to go call my mom and try to get her to come with me. Love on all your friends. And if your wife needs to be yelled at for not inviting the producer of your podcast,
Starting point is 01:46:35 your birthday party, also get in some of that. Do not do that. Do not. Do not give her guilt on that.

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