The Sevan Podcast - #341 - Elliott Hulse

Episode Date: March 21, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:40 enchilada? Oh, very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. your enchilada. Oh, very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Ew. Ew. Ew. Must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run!
Starting point is 00:00:56 Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. Bam, we're live. Started a minute early today. Huge guest coming on. Holy cow cow elliot holst i had no idea i don't even know how someone like this can exist on the planet and me not know about them for so long it's weird i should have known about him i should have been following him we should have been neighbors we should have been best friends nutty nutty what i uncovered in the last 48 hours um anyone who wants to buy coffee
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Starting point is 00:02:12 Good morning, Bruce. Wow, look at you guys. Megan, good morning. Elliot Hulse. Thank you to for continuing your support. You guys rock, And of course, of course, of course. That's the sound of a 360 degree barbell brush by Hybrid Athletics. Does that freak anyone else out? Rich was saying that when Froning was on and he saw that,
Starting point is 00:02:40 he's saying that it felt like fingers on a chalkboard. I don't get that at all. But I'm not rich. Oh, you do love Elliot. You know Elliot. Crazy. This is crazy. I don't even know how to start this. I don't even know how to start this. Why didn't one of you guys tell me about this guy? It's your fault. You guys are actually great. So many great references in my DMs for people to have on the show. And I use so many of them. And you guys send me so many great links. And I repost them. And I use them on my live call-in show to show videos and whatnot. Been watching him for over 18 years.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Wow. I'm going to call you on that, Olivia. Hold on a second. How old is YouTube? Did you know him before YouTube? YouTube is 17 years old. 2005, started by Steve Chen and Chad Hurley. And a guy, Jawad Kareem.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Jawad. How's that for a name? Jawad. Jawad. Good morning, Elliot. Good morning. Where do you start a show with Elliot? Elliot Hulse?
Starting point is 00:04:01 Yes, sir. It's crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy. Do you start here and show them this picture that I saw the other day? This picture? Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Where is it? Where is it?
Starting point is 00:04:17 Where is it? Are you on a computer, Elliot? Yes. Okay, cool. Then you'll see this. Oh, the browser can't access your stream. Try capturing a different screen. Darn it.
Starting point is 00:04:28 All right. It's a picture of Adam with his face between Eve's crotch, and the title is It Wasn't an Apple. Yeah, but it was sweet, and I couldn't turn it down. It wasn't an apple. Elliot, I've never started a podcast like this, And excuse me. Do you know anything about me? I'm sorry. No. Oh, yeah. And you don't need to. You don't need to at all you, or I brought you on the podcast to hopefully talk about you and more importantly what you know. But there's a crazy story that's kind of long that you should know.
Starting point is 00:05:11 I think you'll find it fascinating. I was raised by my mom as a young man. My parents divorced when I was three years old. Both my parents were workaholics. My mom was the first woman to graduate from her night law school in Oakland, California, Armstrong Law School. And my dad was a Middle Eastern man who opened up a liquor and wine and cheese store. And my parents worked their ass off to raise my sister and I.
Starting point is 00:05:39 But they divorced when I was at a young age. And my dad was in my life quite a bit, you know, still took me on trips, took me to Tahoe, saw me on the weekends, but my mom primarily raised me with my sister. I was raised in a household where I was to avoid all discomfort. Sweating was bad. You know, always choose the easiest path. You know, um, when I, as I got older and became a young man, if I sweat, it bugged me. Uh, when we did, we'd do the presidential fitness exam, I thought I was clever cause I would let the kids lap me and then come in with them on the fourth lap. So they all ran a mile, but I'd have a great time with only three laps run. I went away to college and somewhere in there in my twenties, I resigned to,
Starting point is 00:06:20 I was ready to die. I was done. Not in a, I was not depressed or bummed, but I felt like I had done everything I needed to do on the planet. And I started contemplating ways of killing myself. Killing myself is a little harsh. I never even thought of it in those terms, but turning myself off because I didn't want to hurt the body, of course. And I was in a friend who I don't visit very often. I was in his bedroom and everyone else was looking at the marijuana plants he was growing. And I wasn't interested in that. And I saw a book on his floor by a Russian mathematician named P.D. Ouspensky. He comes from that lineage with Krishnamurti and Madame Blavsky and Gurdjieff, people that you might be familiar with. And they believed that when they had found Krishnamurti, they believed that he was the second coming of Christ. I'm not
Starting point is 00:07:04 sure if you're familiar with that story, but Krishnamurti is a cool cat. You would like him. Everyone from Bruce Lee hung with him to Khalil Gibran, the poet, to anyone who's anyone. He was in Ojai, California, which is just north of Hollywood. So he had all those types coming up to see him. up to see him. In that book, in that book that P.D. Ospensky wrote, he says we're nothing but a bunch of I statements and that if you deny the I statements that you will see the final I and you can see what you are. So I thought, oh shit, that's what I need to do. Deny all my I statements. And then when I see the last I, I'll just turn it off and I'll die. I thought I was so clever. So I laid down and I
Starting point is 00:07:48 shut the door in my place that my mom was renting me in college. Everything was taken care of. I was a pampered boy, brand new car, just all the coolest shit. And my mom loved me to death. And on the fifth day, and I'm trying to tell the story as fast as I can, on the fifth day, there were only two eyes left, and this is a very, very scary journey inward, very scary, you have to be committed to dying, you won't even make it to this point, you have to be committed to dying, and on the last day, I was, imagine a circle, and there was, and I was on one side of it, And on the other side was this wall was going to come up and I was going to see the two eyes were going to come together. When it started,
Starting point is 00:08:28 there were thousands of eyes. I'm hungry. I'm thirsty. I'm horny. I have an itch, but you deny all of those. You lay perfectly still. You're like a man trapped in a room with a Cobra. And if you take your eyes off it, that motherfucker is going to bite you. So that wall comes up and that eye that I see on the other side is my mom. There was me and my mom and that was all that was left. I can't explain it any other way than that. The two eyes fucking came together. A giant fucking bright light appeared to come out of my eyes. And just like you would be, if you were in pitch blackness, you wouldn't know where you were. I was in pitch light. And at that moment i came out of
Starting point is 00:09:05 my head and i realized oh it wasn't that i was done with the world it was that i had been trapped in my head and i and i got out like so i went from knowing everything because in my little world i could know everything to not knowing anything fucking egg that cracked into the cosmos holy shit if you don't have the tools to to stay in that spot you could go batshit crazy what are those tools discipline meditation um fine-tune eating um and so i knew that the only way and i don't i don't know if i've ever even ever told this story on the air um only my closest cohort maybe a couple times only my closest cohorts have known this so the re and the really weird parts about to come what's really trippy about this is because you came kind of from the opposite way you were the fittest kid that got
Starting point is 00:09:56 enlightened i was the fattest kid that got enlightened sloppiest and i wasn't really too i was fat but i wasn't like it's fat fat and and then um so so so i was borderline gonna go crazy right because i didn't know what had happened and i needed some semblance to to rebuild my persona because you can't walk around in the world like that you'll you'll you need some tools so i gave up everything i owned everything and i became a became a homeless man. And I didn't wear shoes. I gave up everything because I knew that was the only way to stay. Like I couldn't manage objects anymore. I couldn't manage a big identity.
Starting point is 00:10:33 And if I did, I would go crazy and I would become myself again, a new version. And I didn't want to. I wanted to stay in that spot. spot. So while, while I worked on honing the skills of cultivating awareness to get control of my emotions, my intellect, so that I could be the observer instead of the dancer, I could watch the dance. One day I walked by a home after being homeless for a couple of years, I walked by a home for disabled adults and I thought, oh, I should go in there and get a job. I went in there and got a job and I got to interview barefoot and all that. And I started in, since I was homeless, I should go in there and get a job. I went in there and got a job. And I got to interview Barefoot and all that. And since I was homeless and I was making $7 an hour, within months I was rich.
Starting point is 00:11:08 I had like $7,000 saved up. Fucking filthy rich. I still ate out of a dumpster. You know what I mean? And on one day, I saw that Apple Macintosh was going to release a G4 black clamshell notebook, or was it the G5, in a program called Final Cut Pro. And I hadn't used a computer in fucking five years i didn't know shit about editing but when it came out i went
Starting point is 00:11:31 to the student hall at uc santa barbara and the day it came out i bought that computer and that software and then i also bought a shitty like 1977 toyota chinook and i plugged it into the cigarette lighter and i taught myself how how to edit. This is like in 2001, two or three. And this is where mine and your story gets really fucking weird. I started just making TV shows, movies, anything commercials for all the local shops. I'm a fucking workaholic.
Starting point is 00:11:57 My fucking parents are Armenian fucking immigrants, right? In 2006, I'm making a show for ESPN and there's a guy and I'm still living in the motor home, but I'm directing, producing, commentating for ESPN, just doing what ā€“ like hustling. I'm fucking crazy. And there's a guy there, and he's telling me about these workouts he does, and I think he's a fucking liar. He's built like you.
Starting point is 00:12:17 And I'm like, hey, this guy's beautiful, and he's got an insane body. He doesn't have to lie about his workouts. He tells me he does this thing called CrossFit. I'm like, okay. Later on that summer, I see that he was telling the truth. It's summer of 2006. I started doing CrossFit. I contacted Greg Glassman and Lauren Glassman. And at that time, as you know, being the fucking YouTube fucking OG that you are, websites didn't even want to put pictures or videos on their websites because it would slow down the website, right? Everyone
Starting point is 00:12:42 was scared. Do you remember that? I don't know if I'm going to put this picture up. Slow down the bandwidth. You remember that shit? Yes. So as I dig into your history, at the same time you were building the Elliot Hulse empire, I became the premier filmmaker for CrossFit. I was their only really media guy. It was Tony budding me.
Starting point is 00:13:03 And I basically made, it was basically and then i eventually became the executive director of crossfit media i was there from 300 to 15 000 gyms i was greg's right hand man i'm closer to dave and greg than probably any two people on the planet wow but we you used your video making skills and so i'm a dirt twirling barefoot hippie making all these videos for crossfit like like 90 of them in the early years that hated the military, hated the police, all that. But I'm in that circle. I'm in that world. And those dudes fucking turned me into a man.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Nice. That's pretty awesome. Yeah. And here I am at 49 years old, and I'm watching your fucking podcast yesterday with Mark Bell, just stealing all of Mark Bell's and that fucking beautiful God see me. And I'm like, holy shit, I cannot fucking believe I'm about to meet this dude. I needed to meet this dude when I was 25. I needed you. I needed you so bad. I was so confused. So bad. I was so confused. Holy shit. It's a pretty cool story.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Yeah. It's amazing how putting a barbell in a young man's hand will turn him into a man. I'd already been doing all, I went to gold and I did lap pull downs and shit. I was, and I rode my bike, but, but so,
Starting point is 00:14:20 so you, how did you, there's so much deeper shit for us to talk about. But how did you get the camera in your hand in 2007? It's so early. Did you do your editing? Can you tell me about just that superficial technological part first? How you, you and I'm assuming, did you use Final Cut Pro?
Starting point is 00:14:41 You keep talking about editing. There's no editing in my videos. My videos, if you really pay attention, it's just me talking zero cuts and turn on the camera, turn off the camera. God, so much pressure on you. It's all you. Now in order to, I want to do some updates on them. And from today's perspective, I can see that they're actually pretty bad. They're good because I'm charismatic and I had interesting things to talk about. So people engage. Plus the barrier to entry and the expectations in 2006, seven, eight, nine, 10 for YouTube videos was very low. So,
Starting point is 00:15:19 people were watching my videos. Today, they wouldn't. If I came out the way I was making videos back then today, they would turn me off immediately off immediately in fact my views have just plummeted because i haven't updated my editing and so uh i think that those videos became very popular mainly because i'm good looking and charismatic well you know your shit to tell you the truth i didn't even know who you were until about a week ago which is fucking mind-boggling to me but but it's because i'm probably like you i'm just focused on my shit like i'm just i'm a dude i'm a i'm a labrador someone threw a ball over there and i'm chasing it i don't see the car coming i'm gonna get hit by a car oh shit someone's right i told you i was 49 i just turned 50 sorry sorry it's hard to, that's a hard one. Um, so what did you film with?
Starting point is 00:16:07 A flip cam. Do you remember those? No. So this was when, when phones still had to, uh, had buttons on them. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Yeah. Yeah. So there were no iPhones back in 2007 when I made my first YouTube video. In fact, my very first video is on a, a handheld DV, uh, where it had like the little tape. Remember that I used to use these big VHSs and then they got smaller. So my videos are like on a small VHS. It wasn't even a disc in it. It was literally tape.
Starting point is 00:16:39 So it was a tape you were watching. When you watch those videos on my strength camp channel in 2007, you're watching a tape. Remember tapes. That's so funny. So it was, it was done on a handheld camera and then not too long after that, they came out with these flip cams and they call them a flip cam because it was a small box. It looked like, I can't even, I don't know how to describe it. Like, like two cigarette boxes stacked on top of each other with a lens on it. And then you push a button and a USB would pop out. Oh, do you remember? Wow. Yeah. They were like maybe 200 bucks and they were just, you can put batteries in them.
Starting point is 00:17:21 And if you've ever having to put, you know, AAA batteries in them. And, uh, and I use that on a, on a tripod and that's how i became youtube famous like i said zero editing i didn't have intros it was just turn it on somebody's got a question i answered questions that's how i that was my content strategy was a yo elliot series right yeah crazy and and you had no peers doing that peers meaning like other youtubers like you did like your buddy who was the professor at wherever he wasn't making philosophy videos your wife wasn't making cooking videos you were just like shit i see this thing youtube i know some shit about lifting weights i'm going for it well i started a gym in fact it was out of the back of
Starting point is 00:18:03 my van i was training people in city parks before bootcamps were a thing. And I remember learning about training. What state was that in? Florida, St. Petersburg, Florida. And so I had like, I was involved in strongman training. So I had a lot of odd objects like tires and sandbags and used equipment, a lot of stuff I found in junkyards. And I threw it into the back of my 1987 van that my dad gave me. And I would go around to the city parks and I'd do workouts. And I knew that it was appealing. These were different than going to the gym. Like you said, you're doing pull-downs and stuff.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Well, we're out here pulling and pushing cars. So I wanted to get more members at my camp. And so I started filming those workouts so that they could show their friends and family, Hey, look at what I'm doing. It's pretty, it looks, it's pretty cool. It's visually stimulating. And then they would, you know, invite more people to come in. Little did I know completely just to be transparent. I didn't know YouTube to be something where you become famous i didn't know it was a thing that was going to become worldwide and that it was going to be a big deal and then i was going to have a million subscribers i had no clue are you the first guy to get to a million
Starting point is 00:19:14 were you the first fitness guy to get to a million i think so wow in fact i think i was because i was trailing behind the hodge twins and they were huge at the time and i crept up right behind them and blasted through a million in 2014 so i might have wow i gotta put that on my resume i think i actually was so uh it was but i was i started purely just to get members to come to my little warehouse gym that I opened up, you know, not too late, not too long after that. Crazy. And do you remember seeing, so if you started in 2007, do you remember seeing CrossFit like as the parallel? Did you ever see that? Oh shit, I'm growing, they're growing. This is a whole nother, but yours is built on Elliot Hulse and this was Greg Glassman had called it CrossFit. Did you see those two?
Starting point is 00:20:04 Yeah. i saw the parallels between what they were doing what i was doing in fact i started strongman training which became my brand right uh because i went to a crossfit seminar that was hosted at a gym not too far from me a few cities away but the uh they brought in a speaker who was the Florida state chairman for, uh, the strongman, uh, American strongman. And so it was from that meeting that I created strength camp. And then I started a strongman competitions myself. So myself and CrossFit have, uh, you know, quite a history there. I never been a CrossFitter. I never never joined a crossfit gym but we kind of came up at the same way and i was inspired yeah definitely it was we were we were siblings yep yeah um
Starting point is 00:20:53 what year was that that you went to that seminar i want to say like 2006 2007 that was when in in the early days the seminar you know it was it was it was so mom and pop back then what they would do is they would like they would have saturdays sometimes they would have three days but they would have saturday sunday and then sunday morning they would have like if you wanted to come like at 7 a.m super early they'd have some expert like a guy who just trained with dogs or a guy who was a the world's best karate guy or the guy who was the world's best strongman guy. You know what I mean? Some expert, they would have like Louis Simmons come in or John Hackleman, Chuck Liddell's coach for an hour. And was it one of those things that
Starting point is 00:21:35 was a strong guy? He came really early. Yeah, it was. It must have been on a Sunday. Yeah. And he spoke for about an hour about what he was going to do and then he took us out back and had us drag a giant tractor tire and carry kegs he had beer kegs filled up with water and sand and i died i remember falling to the ground and my legs cramping up and I really could not walk for maybe 10 10 minutes and I was in love in that moment I was like this is what I'm gonna do for the rest of my life how how old were you you must have been let me guess I was 34 in 2006 you're about eight years younger than me you were you were 26 that sounds about right yeah Yeah. Crazy. Elliot, how did your parents meet? Your mom and dad? I'm from Belize. I'm a first generation American. And so, you know, as is with most immigrants, when they come to the States, you know, they went to Brooklyn. They stay in small communities where, you know, they kind of all know each other from back home and so i think my
Starting point is 00:22:45 my father's brother my uncle and my mother's aunt so my my great aunt uh they linked up they became a couple so my dad and my mom knew each other by proxy and so they started hanging out got married and had me they're both belizean correct but they didn't know each other in belize no uh i i've been to i i filmed a movie in belize uh it's a trippy place man it the my first thing was like holy shit the tarzan movie is real i could not fucking believe the natural environment there people have told me costa rica is like that i find it hard to believe that there's anywhere in the world like belize i mean i'm sure there is have you been there yeah we went for the first time um in 2017
Starting point is 00:23:36 i took my parents for their 40th anniversary and there's some really scary parts of Belize too, right? Really scary. I remember reading the newspaper, the local newspaper, and the top crime in the country is murder by machete. Yeah. Is that where the McAfee thing went down? Was that Belize? I'm not even sure.
Starting point is 00:24:00 I don't know what that is. That was the guy he ran for the Libertarian Party. Do you remember McAfee? Oh, yeah. Security software. Yeah. He killed someone in some country over there. It's a trippy documentary.
Starting point is 00:24:14 I highly recommend watching it. McAfee. When I was there, it was like a full it was a full blown jungle. And then the cities were pretty, pretty gly um when we would stay in the city and the jungles you know literally like at at night like you you could hear jaguars i saw i saw i actually caught a jesus lizard there do you know what that is the ones that run on water yeah on two feet yeah i actually caught one there it was crazy i couldn't even believe it it was like it was like one of those things you only see on tv as a little kid and then when i was there i saw one and i grabbed him the people i was with are like what are you doing i'm like dude it's a once in a lifetime opportunity he got all
Starting point is 00:24:52 fucking put up his big old you know shield and he's all come here boy crazy and and so so your parents meet meet in in new york and in are they still married correct wow so you grew up with both parents yeah i did i'm very blessed and do you have siblings yeah there are four of us and uh boys or girls i have two brothers and the youngest is my sister. I'm the oldest. Oh, you are the oldest. Wow. And did you feel that? Yeah. Like the responsibility of that and the.
Starting point is 00:25:35 It, it shows itself in the way I live my life today. I mean, I'm like the king of the boys. Right. So, I mean, speaking to all these young men on YouTube and leading guys in my gym, I played football. I was the captain of the football team. I mean, it's just, it's my karma to has meant to be here. Um, how did your dad, um, is your dad a trippy cat? My dad is the most alpha male I know. He didn't grow up in America where, you know, they, they beta-fy us through the school system and the media. He grew up, like you said, Tarzan, totally Tarzan. He didn't wear shoes. He spent his days climbing trees to eat fruit and playing soccer with a coconut barefoot.
Starting point is 00:26:14 He was a wild man. Interestingly, when we went back, he was showing us the jungles he would run through. It was like Apocalypto with him and his friends. That's how we grew up. I mean the houses were that's they were like thatch and uh it turns out interesting they didn't know at the time he thought he was just running up and down through hills but archaeologists have excavated it and he literally grew up playing in the mayan ruins he was like he was running up hills that were basically temples that were covered with dirt and trees crazy i i remember when i was there
Starting point is 00:26:52 the i don't remember if it's a puma or it's a jaguar which one is jaguar it's crazy yeah just everywhere i couldn't even fucking believe it they're in they're they're basically cats that look like pit bulls but scarier yeah they are they're so scary so he he raises you and what do you grow up eating i ended up i grew up eating very very well so my aunt his aunt my great aunt came and lived with us and she was a cook but she would cook traditional belizean foods belize is a so it was an english-speaking country as you know so there's a lot of english influence so it's it's a it's a colony right or what do they call it the queen still owns that shit right yeah i forget what they call it was colony until like 1989 or something like that. Okay. Sorry. Go ahead. And so we ate, we ended up eating a lot of traditional Belizean foods, which include
Starting point is 00:27:50 like coconut rice and a lot of, a lot of chicken and stewed fish, stewed chicken, stewed fish. But it was all like homemade, natural food, as opposed to my friends that, you know, they were eating microwave dinners that their moms would throw in, you know, they were eating microwave dinners that their moms would throw in, you know? And so it was very helpful to me. I mean, I, I was genetically gifted with a strong body, but then also with the alpha male mindset of my father, who I resented because I wish he was weak like the other dads, because he never let us get away with anything. And then eating really healthy, like home cooked meals every day. get away with anything and then eating really healthy like home-cooked meals every day what did it what did it look like what did it look like when he wouldn't let you get away with something
Starting point is 00:28:30 he just said no he just had boundaries there are certain like for example we never had cable tv like he was just not interested in having us have us being entertained by the screen so we had like one tv that like he had to turn with the knob. Meanwhile, like my friends had like, remember the cable? You had like the box that was, had a string to the TV and had like all those channels. So it was, I mean, those were like small things. But as a kid, I remember thinking like,
Starting point is 00:28:58 why won't my dad let us have that? Also like being home at a certain time, like we had to be home for dinner every night. My friends, it was like they watched dinner in front of the TV whenever they felt like. My dad believed that we had to be home all day on Sundays. So he just had a lot of rules and he had a lot of boundaries that we thought were just silly as kids. But as I grew up and had my own children, I realized, wow, my dad really saved us from the streets by having all these boundaries that we resisted. There's this, there's this thing I call it the hostage. Don't let your kids hold you hostage.
Starting point is 00:29:36 And I see so many parents being held hostage for their kid by their kids, like almost all, it really bums me out. The hostage situation is this. I'm your child. I say, Dad, Elliot, can I watch TV today? And you quickly process, if I say no, he's going to scream and yell. Do I want to deal with that? So parents say yes. And they're held hostage by their concerns of their kids fighting back. And what parents don't realize is every time you give into that, you're making it worse. But it doesn't matter. It's not your job. It's not your ā€“ sorry. It is your job to say no. People ask me about raising kids all the time.
Starting point is 00:30:16 I have three little boys, and I spend almost all day with them every day, and it's all fucking boundaries. I don't give a ā€“ no one's holding me fucking hostage. Even if I make the wrong decision, we go with it. Yeah. I'll apologize after I'll be like, sorry, you're right. I should have let you watch TV last night, but, but I already said no, no. It's all. Yeah. One of my dad's favorite lines. And I don't know,
Starting point is 00:30:37 I don't think he ever even saw a scar face, but do you remember? I'm the bad guy. Because you know, we would pout or be upset i mean we couldn't talk back but we would show our discontent and uh he said don't worry about it i'm the bad guy you just you need a bad guy like me and so we just you know figured we live with a bad guy um would he ever if you if you if you you like poke one of your brothers in the eye, would your dad ever make you do burpees? Like what did you have to do? No, he was, he was a spanker. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Yeah. So we got, we got spanked. There was a belt. He and my aunt, my mom really didn't spank as much. She just said, wait till your dad gets home. Oh yeah. We got the belt as a kid, the belt and a vine. We had a, we had vines growing on the side of our house.
Starting point is 00:31:28 And my aunt had a jump rope. So we'd get lashes around our legs. Did your mom ever have to jump in? Jump in what way? Like to stop your dad from spanking? No. She didn't like it because she would cringe. She'd get queasy. So she would just just go away but she knew that we needed it so she she she would save us sometimes where like we deserved for dad to know something and she said i'm going to tell your dad
Starting point is 00:31:57 when he comes home but then she would change her mind maybe to you know to prevent us but when he um but when he had to unleash on us, she knew that that, well, that's what he needs. So she would just go away. Does your, does your wife jump in when you discipline your daughters? Does she ever feel like, Hey, Hey, Elliot, chill? No, me and her. The only time she, she jumps in is like, I tend to go overboard with the preaching. Like, I just won't shut up. Like, I'm like, it's not over because I'm not done talking yet. And she's like, okay, it's over. But, um, she and I are on the same page. 100% facts. I call her the commander because she, she will pick out things that I'll let go. A lot of times I'll just like, ah, just leave them. And she's like, no, that can't,
Starting point is 00:32:41 she can't get away with that. I'm like, all right, let's go. So we're a good team. It's interesting also. So, so you were, you you you ended up with four daughters and i ended up with three boys almost like to teach us three daughters three sorry oh you do have a son yeah he's the youngest oh wow wow um are you excited about that or are you like shit it's the fourth kid like like when i had my first kid i, I remember everything about him. Then I had some twins. I'm like, I don't remember when they started walking. I don't remember when they.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Yeah, that happens. Yeah. You know that. I grew up, there were three brothers and a sister. I actually have the opposite. He has three sisters and he's the youngest as a brother. But yeah, you know, with the more kids you have, the less attention each one gets. Yes.
Starting point is 00:33:24 That's just the way it is i my dad grew up there were 12 of them and my dad was like like number six so like he in fact my dad said he didn't even know he had a dad until he was like you know 13 because his dad was always working in order to pay for the you know 12 kids that he had so he just grew he literally was raised by the jungle like a pack of like lord of the flies yeah um i call it benign neglect so like we had a dog before we had kids and and like we fawned over the dog non-stop but then once we had kids like the dog get to like run across the street to the neighbor's house, get into the neighbor's. I just call benign neglect.
Starting point is 00:34:08 You just stop. It's like and that's how it is kind of for the every new kid you had. All the kids get a little more benign neglect. Like you stop being a helicopter parent or what I heard you introduce the other day, which is crazy. Did you introduce that term to me? Snowplow parent. Did you do you know that term? I think I heard you say it. I don't know. Maybe, but I don't remember. Oh, are you familiar with that term to me? Snowplow parent. Did you, do you know that term? I think I heard you say it.
Starting point is 00:34:25 I don't know. Maybe, but I don't remember. Oh, are you familiar with that term? Snowplow parent? It's parents who push everything out of the way for their kids to make the path easy.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Like the kind of parent that would go with you, like to a job interview. Wow. No, but that's like the world we live in for sure. So you, um, you build, when you had a million subscribers on YouTube,
Starting point is 00:34:47 did YouTube allow monetization? I didn't know about it. They did, but I didn't monetize my channel. Cause I was like, well, first of all, I was annoyed by commercials anyway. So I was like, I don't want to put commercials on my video. But then when the Hodge twins reached out to me, they were another fitness channel and they were doing really well. They liked what I was doing, but they asked me, he said, why don't you monetize your channel? I was like, I don't know. How much could you possibly make? A few bucks. I mean, I, I rather, I was selling eBooks at the time too. So I was like, I don't care. I rather just sell my eBooks. And so he challenged me, he said, turn on monetization and see what happens.
Starting point is 00:35:25 He said, just do it. I turned it on. I made like $18,000 the first month. And then it just steadily went up. I was making like $40,000 a month. I was like, that was money I was leaving on the table for at least a year. Crazy. And were you and are you good with your money?
Starting point is 00:35:43 What do you mean by that? Meaning, and you talk a lot about this. And were you and are you good with your money? What do you mean by that? Meaning, and you talk a lot about this, hopefully we can get into this, but are you a consumer? Like, do you save your money? Do you try to extend your runway? That's how I picture people who are good with their money. I don't think so. If that's what you mean, not really. If that's what you mean, not really.
Starting point is 00:36:11 I use my money to buy and invest in things that are going to help my family grow stronger now. So, like, for example, we just bought 42 acres of land out here in rural Florida. I consider that I'm saving your money. Yeah, you could say that. Yeah. Wow. Yeah, I'm not, like, into, you know, stock market investments or crypto or, you know say that. Yeah. Wow. 42 acres. I'm not into stock market investments or crypto or anything like that. But property. Yeah, property.
Starting point is 00:36:33 I mean, I still have that old Belizean country boy blood running through my veins. So I've always just wanted to live rural, country. And I'm blessed now to have purchases. We're homesteading. We're homeschooling our kids. And my parents will be coming to live with us. My dad's going to build a little cabin out here on the back. And so he kind of gets to, quote, unquote, go back home and live in the country again.
Starting point is 00:36:58 By the way, you can take a bathroom break whenever you want. That's the cool thing about my show. That's what separates me from all other podcasts. Anyone can pee at any time. We don't have to raise our hand no you just be like hey i'm taking a piss break okay um what is home tell me about homesteading so the desire the goal is to be as self-sufficient as possible and so for example uh, the first thing that I wanted to become sufficient in was water. I don't want to be dependent on municipal water. So out here, everybody has a well.
Starting point is 00:37:32 I have a well, but the problem with a well, with these wells, is that they're run by electricity. And so the electricity can go out at any moment. In fact, out here in the country, it usually does. And then it takes forever to get it turned back on. So I built a solar generator with the panels and batteries so no matter what i have my own water nobody could turn my water off you can't even turn off my electricity to my water so being home the first goal of homesteading was i gotta have my own water so with that i built an orchard and so nobody could turn off my water and nobody's going to take away my fruit, right?
Starting point is 00:38:07 So I built a bunch of fruit trees. We have a bunch of fruit trees, berries, oranges, mangoes, avocados. So the land produces what we'll eat. We started cattle ranching. We got seven head of cattle and they're out on the pastures eating. So, I mean, worst comes to worst, I got to put a bullet in a cow's head and I got liver and rib eyes. The thing today is just eat it raw. You just go out there and just jump on its back and take a bite out of its back.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Yeah. I have a hard time convincing my daughters to join in that, but at least we have it. Have you shown any of this on your social media? Not much. Not really. I made some YouTube videos where I kind of show what I'm doing around here. But no, I'm kind of private about my life in a lot of ways. So, I mean, I don't want to be like walking around. I remember when I started making YouTube videos, it was all just me in front of my, in front of the camera. I'm not telling anybody, I'm not showing anybody my life, but right around the time that my channel
Starting point is 00:39:15 blew up, now the whole vlogging thing came out, you know, Casey Neistat and stuff. And it was like, bring your camera with you everywhere and show everything you're doing he's showing like his wife waking up in the morning and i'm like is that what it's going to take to continue to survive on youtube and i had to make a decision i was like i'm not going to do it like my life needs to be i need something for myself and i don't need my life on blast the homesteading thing is like it's the the dream for so many people, what you're doing. Like I'll give you an example. I have a well and I'm a cute and I, and I'm so happy I do. Right. And I have a hundred fruit trees, but I am acutely aware of that other problem that you already solved that I haven't solved yet. What do I do? What do I have a generator, a gas generator,
Starting point is 00:40:01 but it's still hooked up to the city's gas. So if the power goes out, it automatically fires up, but it uses the city's gas, right? But like propane or whatever that gas is, methane, whatever our stoves use and our dryers use. But solar is the way. And you're doing it. Do you have chickens? No, that's the next thing we'll do. Apparently, chickens are going to be a little bit more work. So I got to kind of gear myself up for that i think here the orchard's easy cattle they just graze chickens will require a little bit more so that's the next one um uh i think it was i'm friends with the liver king i don't know if you know who that is i think i think he's the one who shared this with me he said um you shouldn't eat chickens anyway they They're for pussies. I hate chicken. Yeah, I don't eat chicken. The only reason I would have them was for the eggs. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Yeah, and he does eat a lot of eggs. He's like, you don't want, or maybe it was the carnivore MD Paul Salino, but someone's like, yeah, you shouldn't be eating chicken. Chicken is just a bird. Yeah, it's just a bird, beak bird. Wow, incredible. And your daughters work the land?
Starting point is 00:41:04 No, not so much. You know, they're homeschooling with their mom. They're, they're involved in sports. Um, you know, they have their own creative pursuits at the moment. There's not much, interestingly, there's not as much to do here as I thought there would be. And the things that do need to be done require like a man, you know, a grown man to do like fixing fences and stuff like that. So I ended up doing a lot of it. My dad is going to be coming here and I can't wait till he comes because I need another pair of grown man hands to do some things like repairs and stuff. But that's why I'm waiting on the chickens because once the chickens come, I'm going to have to become a manager and, you
Starting point is 00:41:40 know, they're going to want to need their help with that. Yeah, man, you're doing exactly what I want to do. Were your parents Democrats? My parents were apolitical. They were grateful for America to bring them in in the 1970s, you know, when they started the whole, you know, bring in every immigrant that you possibly can. So they were grateful for that. It was like, wow, you know, they were able to make their way here. They had to jump through a lot of hoops. But like, I guess a lot of people in their in their shoes at the time. And I think about all of my my uncles and aunts and stuff. They really didn't care. They didn't care about politics. They were like busy working, just doing what they had to do.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Because, and I don't know this for a fact, but I would speculate the Democrats are really great at leveraging the immigrants by basically making the other side look like the bad white people. And they play on people's skin color. They play people's um ethnic differences and they try to really get that poor me narrative going right avoid discomfort everyone's against you don't worry we're going to build a safe space for you daddy's going to build a safe daddy government's going to build a safe space for you. Were you were you ever a Democrat? So that that ideology is so pervasive, especially if you understand that cultural Marxism is the brainwashing of the day. So that was kind of a default. That was a default for me. I think it was a default for my parents. Yes.
Starting point is 00:43:18 They didn't know. They didn't think about it. It was just what Oprah was saying. Right. And it wasn't until uh for me it wasn't until donald trump to be completely honest because i became apolitical at a point too i was like when i actually know it wasn't donald trump it was when ron paul was running against obama and i was listening to the debates because of course i had to vote for obama right i'm
Starting point is 00:43:41 brother he's my guy yeah there's no question but then then I'm listening to Ron Paul talk and I'm like, wait a second. This guy is actually saying something. Because the political jargon is basically just speaking in circles and not saying anything. Ron Paul was teaching history during the debates. And so my eyes opened up and I went down the rabbit hole with him and started reading all the books he recommended and became libertarian. And it wasn't until for my parents, you know, I became libertarian at that point, which leaned Republicans. I was like, Ron Paul was my guy. But once Obama got elected the second time, I just washed my hands. I was like, America doesn't get it.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Then when... Wait, I want to stop you really quick which book did you read that helped you start to think more clearly well all of his books ron paul's books uh liberty defined and the fed uh and he's got a he's got another one a couple of them did you ever read david boaz's book um libertarianism no okay just curious okay okay when trump ran in uh when trump ran first of all uh he of course he was very interesting he was fascinating to listen to i was still kind of apolitical at the point at that point i was kind of thinking in terms of you know this is just entertainment forget it but then when he actually got into office and was doing
Starting point is 00:45:05 and saying the things that he, most of which, not all of it, but he promised to do, I became a big fan. And then I started, because he reminded me of my dad. That was the thing. Like when I saw the way he was behaving and how he didn't care about being a bad guy, I was like, this guy is just like my dad. So I started showing my dad Donald Trump clips, like check him out, watch what he says. And my dad would just crack up and laugh because my dad's objective about himself. He knows, you know, he laughs at himself. So he's watching Trump and he's just in love. He's like, this guy is awesome. And so my dad became a Trump fan. My mom hated him because my mom watches Oprah. And that's when my family started becoming political because donald trump and my dad are like the same i want to see if i can share this i don't know what's going on with
Starting point is 00:45:49 my screen share let me see if i can share this well son of a bitch son of a bitch i just i just saw trump say i saw a quote says when i was at the white house we had peace through strength they didn't fuck around with us did you see that quote that just came out from him was repulsed by him. My liberal side thought that he was offensive towards women. He was rude. He grabbed pussy. I thought ā€“ don't laugh at me. I was really turned off by him.
Starting point is 00:46:42 And then I was at my house one day, and a bunch of people were talking talking about how he was racist and they were talking about all the racist shit he did. And that's kind of a trigger word for me. And so I went and started trying to figure out where he was racist. And the stuff that they were saying he said he never said. They were saying that he was racist against Mexicans and I was only seeing that he loved Mexicans and that all he said was that they're sending us their bad people. Mexicans and I was only seeing that he loved Mexicans and that all he said was that they're sending us their bad people. And then I went to all the liberal media outlets and I started looking at the January 6th riots and I saw and I read the transcript and he said, let's protest peacefully on the Capitol.
Starting point is 00:47:18 And then the more and more I looked into that and I started comparing those riots to the Ferguson riots. And I'm like, there's not even a comparison. You can't even like you have to look aton and take care of that problem before you even consider what happened on january 6 in my opinion 750 million dollars damage versus 30 million dollars damage like if the capital rights were really rights they would have started that building on fire it would have lit a match and uh and for some and i had already been around it for 10 years because greg glassman was a hardcore libertarian hardcore um but that was the final straw for me like just not a fan of lying
Starting point is 00:47:54 right it's so obvious all you got to do is watch the media to know what not to believe and they're so implicit they're so obvious what they're lying these days i mean right through covid to where we are right now with ukraine there's not a sentence that comes out of the media's mouth that is truthful. It's sad. So I have this weekly call with a kid, a CrossFitter who's in Ukraine, right? And he's in Odessa. And of course, he's freaking out. And I don't blame him. His country's under attack. He's there. And every week we talk for an hour and a half and he reports to us what it's like on the ground. And I'm exaggerating a little bit, but his basic question is, is how come the world's not coming to save us? And what I try to explain to him is, is like, hey, in the United States, the media outlets for the last two years that have been lying to us about COVID are now the ones telling us what's going on in Ukraine and we don't believe them. Right. They've lost all credibility i wonder what you think about this statement people will say well everyone was scared about covet in the beginning and everyone believed it for a second and i always go no i never believed it for a second i never wore a mask i never put my shoes
Starting point is 00:48:58 on i never i never stopped picking my nose i still wipe my eyes every day i would never my kids um still went to all the juiu-jitsu classes. I still ā€“ when they had the yellow tape around things, I cut it. And they said, how did you not be afraid? I said, because I can do third-grade math. I just looked at the numbers. In China, the average age of death was over 65 with 30 years of smoking under their belt. The average age of death in sweden for covid was
Starting point is 00:49:26 80 80 years old and the average age of death in sweden without covid was 82 i was like i this shit ain't nothing this thing kills fat people right did you ever fall for it no yeah not for an instant oh you're my hero man yeah not for an instant. And for me, this is, you know, this is my dad speaking, but I'm not afraid to die. I'm not going to, I'm not going to alter my life to, to save my life. I'm not going to, I'm not going to go out of my way, you know, wearing masks and avoiding people and doing all this stuff, uh, in order to quote unquote save my life i don't want to become a slave to my life and so it was like look if this thing's gonna kill me then that's god's plan you're um i i am afraid to die afraid maybe is not the right word i'm motivated um to
Starting point is 00:50:21 spend as much time with i can with my kids and dying kind of fucks that up. Yeah. But living here's, here's how the quote goes, living on your knees versus dying on your feet. Okay. If you're going to die, you're going to die anyway. I don't want to die like a coward wearing a stupid mask, you know, behaving like a, like a scared freak. If I'm going to die, I'm going to die either way, but let it be on my feet. Yeah. I tell my kids that my kids point point if my kids point to a candy bar i go you can have that but then you got to wear this the rest of your life i hold up a mask they're like fuck that we'll pass
Starting point is 00:50:53 on the candy bar right yeah it's a big lesson exactly if we have children i can't have my children see me first of all cower in fear second of all, to pander to tyranny. There's no way, man. There were these, I don't know what's going on with my computer. It's like the fucking, the rookie hour over here.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Usually I have a guy in the back end working. There was another video I wanted to show you too, that I thought you would absolutely love. I'll just send these to you when, when we're off the air. Um, I, I was never going to get married or have kids i thought marriage was a tool you
Starting point is 00:51:28 were a tool of the man if you did that that that was just fucking um nonsense and um and i was never going to have kids and then when my wife was 39 and i was 43 someone said to her if you don't have kids you might regret it if you do have kids you won't regret it and i did the algebra on that and i was like fuck and she's like so you just got to give me one i want to see this shit i said okay so we had one and then because because we had one we just stopped um practicing you know safe sex and so of course she got pregnant again we just got really sloppy just you just get crazy right pull the goalie and it's like just party on. So I ended up with three boys.
Starting point is 00:52:10 I've never felt like anything, Elliot, my whole life. When I was the executive director of media at CrossFit, I never felt that way. I never felt like ā€“ I don't know what it's like to feel like a man. I don't have a gender. I guess I'm non-binary. I don't feel like ā€“ I directed and produced over 10 movies um huge huge documentaries i never felt like a filmmaker but when i had kids i'm like holy fuck i'm a dad like i do dad shit you know what i mean like um which kind of maybe even transcends man. I'm surprised you got married.
Starting point is 00:52:47 I married my high school girlfriend. A radical man like you. What did you think about marriage? I eventually got married because I just wanted if I die, all my shit to go to my wife or vice versa. If my wife died, I want all her shit to come to me. But why did you get married? What was your evolution of thought? And now I'm glad I'm married.
Starting point is 00:53:03 Don't get me wrong. I'm really happy I'm married. But what was your evolution of thought about marriage? And so it was just kind of in me to see my future. I couldn't imagine not having a wife, not having a family. No other vision of my life manifested. I met my wife. We started dating when we were teenagers. We were in ninth grade.
Starting point is 00:53:38 And so we were together. I was basically married since then because we were together that whole time, all through high school, all through college. By the time we were 23, we wanted to start having children. And so we got married and started having children. We had our first child. I guess we got married at 20. She was 22. So she was 23.
Starting point is 00:53:57 I was 24 when we had our first child. And was it planned? Yeah, it was because about that time I became a personal trainer. I started learning and the Internet was just coming about and becoming popular. And so I started learning things that were counterculture, like birth control pills are actually a bad idea. Contraception can destroy a woman's body. And now I understand even why that it's it's an affront to God and creation. But back then it was, oh, my goodness, I was reading Dr. Mercola's website, right? So it was like 2001, 2002. And I started doing research on various aspects of
Starting point is 00:54:33 natural health as a trainer. And I began learning about, you know, health for preparing to have children. And so, you know, a year after we got married and I learned this, I was like, all right, you got to get off this, these chemicals. And so she got off and six months later we had a baby and we just kept going after that. Birth control pills are a trip, huh? Yeah. And back then, I guess, and I wonder, I kind of live in a bubble, so I don't know how it is with most people, but back then it was just so omnipresent. It was just kind of a given. It was like, oh, your daughter's 16. She, she needs, and the doctors would be like, she needs to go on birth control. I remember my sister too. The doctor was like, oh, this is just, it was like taking vitamins. It's like, oh, she needs to go
Starting point is 00:55:15 on birth control pills. Uh, and we just back then took whatever the doctor said for granted. Oh yeah. Okay. Sure. I mean, you're 16, you should be on birth control pills. No conversation about sex, no conversation about the implications or the ramifications of bodily health. There's nothing. We never, we didn't think anything of it. It was just like, oh, you're 16, take this pill. Now I think people are waking up and realizing just how detrimental it is given the tremendous amounts of cancer that has even come about because of it same journey with finding ron paul first then liking trump i'd rather have my pussy grabbed than a pussy for a president yeah how dare you how dare you olivia 20 burpees when my boys are bad i have them do burpees
Starting point is 00:56:03 whatever fuck bad means and and basically i have them do burpees whatever fuck bad means and and basically i have them do burpees when so that i have time to figure out how the fuck i'm really going to deal with the situation right like someone's about to get a forearm to the face i'm like someone better do burpees instead and if you cry you have to do double the burpees if you don't cry you do half the burpees so like like your brother's eating eating his food and you do half the burpees. So like, like your brother's eaten, eaten his food and you fucking hit the back of his hand and shove the fork into his mouth and think it's funny. You got to do 20 burpees. If you cry and complain, you got to do 40. If you don't, it's 10. So they know they just jumped down and knocked 10 out. Just like crazy. It's pretty funny. We'll be in
Starting point is 00:56:37 the funniest places. You know what I mean? Just like in line somewhere. I'm like, I got 20 burpees and they just all drop. And so, and they're good brothers too. Like if I give it to give it to one the other two be like we'll do them with you don't worry don't cry don't cry so so tell me about this um your your thoughts you were saying that it's an affront on god and creation birth control yeah what's. Explain that to me. So where do I begin? First of all, this whole idea of a sexual revolution is of Marxist theory. The idea that you have to remove sex from procreation is a means by which feminism makes its rise. So birth control pills and abortion is a means of destroying inter sexual dynamics between men and women and destroying the family, which is ultimately the goal of,
Starting point is 00:57:34 of cultural Marxism in order to take, why do you say destroy? Why not alter? What do you mean? Alter? Like it changes the dynamic, but it doesn't destroy it. Right.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Oh, it destroys it. When something, when you change the dynamic, but it doesn't destroy it, right? Oh, it destroys it. When you change the function of a thing, you destroy it. If I take the wheels off of my car, I altered it, but it's destroyed. It's not doing what it's supposed to do. Sex and procreation go together. Uh, and so among many things that, uh, birth control and contraception have, have destroyed is the dignity of men, men in particular, men now have free access to sex. Not even going to talk about the women. I talk, I deal with men.
Starting point is 00:58:20 Mostly men have free access to sex. When men have free access to anything that gives them pleasure, they're going to become addicted to it. If somebody says, you know, free access to porn, look what happens. Free access to marijuana, look what happens. Free access to anything that gives pleasure creates addiction. What makes sex addiction that much worse is that you're not just a slave to technology. You're not a slave to pornography, which is, you know, there are no people there. You're not just a slave to a drug. You know, you're not essentially not hurting anybody. You're a slave to women. You become a slave to vagina. And we see this with the way the pickup artistry movement has happened and
Starting point is 00:59:00 how men and, you know, the dating apps, these, they call them simps, but essentially men have put shelved everything as it relates to becoming dignified in their lives for the pursuit of sex. That wouldn't be the case if there were more, if there were natural boundaries around sex. When you remove the natural boundaries, we begin to live in a very unnatural way, which is, you know, hungry, sex addicted simps. People have, I've heard that term on the, on, on Instagram. What does that mean? Simp? Exactly. I've heard people like say it in a derogatory way. Do anything to get some sex, essentially. Hungry, hungry, hungry, hungry for attention from women so that they can get their get their rocks off get their needs met get their their drug hit um uh you said something in that podcast with mark and see me i highly recommend i know some of you guys are like why do you always compliment other podcasts i because i don't watch very many but um but if i steal shit from them i'm
Starting point is 01:00:03 gonna give them credit you said on their podcast i think it was on their podcast. You said that, um, masturbation gives you a false sense of accomplishment. I was like, holy shit. I just shared that with my wife. I was like, wow, I've never heard of masturbation explained like that. Um, do you know who Patrick bet David is? Yeah. Um, I had him on the show and he said that he said that at one point in his life, he said he's not going to have sex until he makes a million dollars. So he went 17 months without having sex, and I thought that was fucking brilliant because I'm the kind of guy who like I would be at the gym, and I'd be like, okay, if I bench this 135, 100 reps, I will ā€“ that girl over there will date me. And even though there was ā€“ and I would finish 100 reps, I would do it in as many sets as I could. And of course, that girl never dated me. But I would set little prizes up like that for myself. I'm delusionary prizes,
Starting point is 01:00:52 you know what I mean? But I just thought that that was fucking brilliant. And I really liked the way you said that, too. There's this whole, there should be a book, a whole book of like, short, quick phrases like that, that really help people get their head wrapped around what sex is, what masturbation is, like these little anecdotal stories. Have you ever done that, leveraged your sexual desire to get a goal? Yeah, I remember I had a gym in my basement. My dad bought me some barbells when I was a kid. I was like 14, and I would put pictures. I'd put pictures of bodybuilding women on the wall that
Starting point is 01:01:25 were looking hot and i would just i don't know i would i guess i would use it to use it to motivate myself like you know if i get big strong and ripped or become a professional football player then women like this will pay attention to me yeah leverage kind of leveraging the ego to get work done did you then we make women our God and that becomes a problem too. They say putting the puss on a pedestal. That's essentially what it is. It's like now everything I do is motivated
Starting point is 01:01:53 by getting validation from women that I hope will open their legs for me. Holy shit, dude. Do you do a podcast? Do you have a podcast? No, I still make YouTube videos where I speak like this for the most part, but there's this guy you got to meet. Um, uh, his name is Nikki Rodriguez. Do you know who he is? He's a jujitsu guy kid. He's from Jersey. He has a, he has a, um, he has a jujitsu school in Austin. It's called B team. He kind of just exploded on
Starting point is 01:02:24 the scene. He's this big, beautiful guy. He was training with Gordon Ryan, the best guy in jujitsu in the world. And they had a little bit of a breakup. So they've it cat up and he's really good. And it catapulted into, into fame. But when I was asking him, I was like, dude, how do you stay so focused on, on competing and training? so beautiful how do you how do you like not like get distracted by women because i would never be distracted by women i go what do you mean he goes fucking look at me i don't chase women women chase me and i was like holy fuck like you know what i mean like this this is alpha right right that's maintaining your own frame. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:05 Explain that to me. What is that? What is that? Explain that to me. It's exactly what he said. He says you live as your own stranger. And he said it with all humility. He said it with all humility.
Starting point is 01:03:14 There was no arrogance when he said it. It was just like a matter of fact. Here's the thing. Men are a distraction to the people in power because men are the ones that notice when boundaries are breached or that values are destroyed and that societies are on their way down. So they need to step up. It's always men that produce these magnificent revolutions, 3% here in America. So the oligarchs understand that they need to solve the problem of men. And so Stephan Arnault in his book, Hard Times Create Strong Men, says this is beautiful. He
Starting point is 01:03:56 puts it this way with regard to video games, but it's also as it relates to women. Men solve problems and video games solve men. Men solve problems like there's a problem in society. Sex addiction, pornography, video games, effeminacy solve the problem of men. And so if we're not living by our own set of values, We're not working towards some great end. We don't have a mission or a purpose that's transcendent above and beyond my mere desire for attention and validation from the opposite sex. Then women become our center of focus rather than mission. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning,
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Starting point is 01:05:06 Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. This episode is brought to you by Disney's Young Woman in the Sea, now streaming on Disney+. I've decided to swim the English Channel.
Starting point is 01:05:21 A woman? I believe she'll die in that water. From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story, Daisy Ridley.
Starting point is 01:05:30 I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman
Starting point is 01:05:40 and the Sea. Now streaming on Disney+. Men are to be mission driven men are supposed to be creative outwardly creative women are inwardly creative they create children why put our focus on women and you know women they put their focus on their create creativity like they told your wife if she doesn't make babies she's going to be regretful. She has to focus on her creativity. But why do we make women our creativity when women can make themselves their own creativity?
Starting point is 01:06:11 Men need to make their mission, make their purpose, make their revolution, make their great. Whatever it is that is calling them out in the world, their mission first, the fighter makes his fighting first. And then a woman becomes added to, or steps into that frame. So the frame is a man's mission, his purpose, his meaning, the meaning he makes for his life. And also women prefer that as well. Women don't really want men to make them their gods. They would take it and they like it because it gives them a sense of power, given Eve, and like you said before with Eve in the garden, she wants to have that sense of power, but ultimately she'll resent you. If you make a woman your center, at some point,
Starting point is 01:06:57 she's going to start to resent you. A woman wants a man that's on his purpose, that is building his life, and she wants to be a part of that not the center of it regardless of what they say you're so right i have this i have friends but i'll try to keep this somewhat ambiguous but i have a friend basically who who was so good to this woman and i would always tell him like hey you better stop hey, you better stop doing that. You better stop doing that. You better just be yourself. You better like ā€“ and then finally, men will do that to an unsustainable level. The relationship will then end up going to marriage or they'll end up having a kid or something will happen. Now, no matter how alpha, and I'll ask you to define that in a second, no matter how alpha a woman is, she still needs an alpha male in the house. And if you let the woman be the alpha, eventually she'll resent you and the house will have two betas and then the house will have no leadership.
Starting point is 01:07:57 And then if you have kids, the kids will assume the role of a leader and they will be the most stressed out mentally fucked up kids ever because as they get older they'll well they won't have had any boundaries yeah this is what we have right now yeah it's you asked me earlier about you know destroying the family or altering the family that's an altered family i.e a destroyed family and a big part of the reason now go back to birth control how did we get here well once men began believing that they needed to live their lives in order to get between the legs of a girl that they're not even married to, that whole paradigm of woman first becomes their default. have children now that see that and believe that of course the media tells them that and they're living it in their home there's a perpetual decline of the stability of the family a family without a strong alpha male father is like an animal without a head it's a beast with no head it's just it's ugly and it's distorted it's destroyed people ask me all the time seven how are your kids so happy
Starting point is 01:09:04 how are they so well behaved i go they know their boundaries their boundaries are so fucking firm and strict and so they they're free you understand that they have such strict boundaries that they're fucking free they can go fucking berserk they have not a worry in the world because they know their boundaries foundation with you and your wife say that again they also stand on a firm foundation with you and your wife. Say that again? They also stand on a firm foundation with you and your wife. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:09:30 Solid, strong, well-ordered relationship with your wife. Yes. So your children have no anxiety about, you know, first of all, who is in charge? Or what are our values? Or who should I listen to? Or there's none of that. Right. What are our values or who should I listen to?
Starting point is 01:09:44 Or there's none of that. Right. The example is, is I see people like my kids are never allowed to touch my cell phone and never allowed to touch my car keys. They're never, the TV never, ever goes on except on Friday nights and Saturday nights after the sun goes down and it's just one movie. And so we never have those small battles. I would never fight with them over my phone or my keys, or they're never asking on, on Monday at 6 PM. Can I watch TV? And so because of that, we never have those fights at six o'clock. My kids are outside throwing rocks as hard as they can against the fence, telling me, Hey,
Starting point is 01:10:13 come out here. We found the lizard. Can we keep it? That's where our fight is. Can we keep the lizard? Not, not that fight that people have with their kids every fucking night about, can I watch TV? And then you're like, well, have you brushed your teeth yet? No, no, there's, there's, my kids have boundaries. They know, and they're free within them. Right. Yep. You just go do your shit.
Starting point is 01:10:32 You know, you know, the rules. Shit's free. And then, and then when, you know, when they, when they catch the lizard and they say, can I, can I, can I, can I keep it? Then we said, we have to set new boundaries. We're like, okay, what would that mean? We need to build a cage for it. Who's going to feed it? Have we looked up on how to take care of a lizard and that shit yeah it's cool um you you're how did you learn to think um clearly do you know what i'm not really sure if i think that clearly my mind's all over the place i was
Starting point is 01:11:04 let me give you an example not to be not all over the place. Let me give you an example, not to have emotion interfere. So let me give you an example. So when I hear people talk about the homeless problem in the world, it frustrates me because there is no homeless problem in the world. There is a drug problem. That is the issue. And the symptom is homelessness. a drug problem. That is the issue. And the symptom is homelessness. So there's all these people who want to fix homelessness. But they're not thinking clearly. They're not defining words. They're emotional. They're bringing their own shit to it. And there's lots of examples of like COVID.
Starting point is 01:11:40 There is no danger from COVID. That is the symptom. The issue is that we have Americans that eat too much added sugar and too much refined carbohydrates, and they're fat, and that's fucked up their immune systems. But we have people ā€“ like how did you learn to ā€“ like I was around really fucking smart people who would be like, what do you mean by that? Define that. Define that. And I'd be like, fuck. And that's how I learned to think clearly. Like what do you mean by homeless? What do you mean that person died of COVID? What, what exactly?
Starting point is 01:12:12 And how did you learn that? Cause I know you think clearly like that too. Like you break things down, you define shit. Not always. There was a time where I, there was a time when I was thinking like a beta male, because that's the way the world teaches us. Yes, me too. We live in a world where emotion reigns, right? And so people, they believe that what they feel is true. And the height of that diabolical disorientation is transgenderism. I feel like a woman, therefore I alter reality. You must now call me a woman. So it's gone to the heights of ridiculousness with regard to feeling becoming truth. Yes. And there was a time where I, I, I panned, I gave into that a little bit,
Starting point is 01:12:48 right. I think mostly in my early twenties, right. That's when I was more of a liberal bent because that's what I thought was, was true and was right. It really wasn't until I started having my own children that I started to think like my father, I got a lot of my dad's wisdom that was pounded into my head i resisted until i had my own children then it was like oh
Starting point is 01:13:12 my dad was right oh my dad was right and then it all started coming back online but the bottom line is that we have reason we have we we have to put reason above emotion. We have to put logic above emotion. A lot of things that we take for granted, all you have to do is, like, look at it mathematically. But, hey, mathematics is racist now. Two plus two doesn't always equal four. So I can see now how diabolical this attachment to emotion actually is. And, in fact, because the world has gone so far down that path, it's very easy to be reasonable. All you have to do is just look. For the most part, you can get the truth if you just open your eyes.
Starting point is 01:13:54 You don't have to do too much digging. Like if that's a man and he's calling himself a woman, all you got to do is look and say, wait a second. That's actually a man. No, you can't say that but that requires mental gymnastics i'm not going to pretend like you're a woman or a man i know that you have the genitals of a man it all it requires is oh there's a truth oh, there's a truth, and then there's what you're making up. It's pretty simple, in fact. I have a friend who's a math teacher.
Starting point is 01:14:35 He has four kids. A couple weeks ago, the Pfizer released its studies with how the vaccine's working on kids under the age of 12, between the ages of five and 12. It was a study of 2,400 kids, 1,200 in the control group, 1,200 who took the vaccine. And I sent this to my friend who has four kids. I go, hey, dude, and I read it. And I go, hey, dude, you should read this. If you're thinking about getting your kids a vaccine, you should read this first.
Starting point is 01:15:00 And he said, he said, responds back to me. Oh, you're an anti-vaxxer. And I'm like, I wrote, no, you're a math teacher teacher i'm sending you fucking the study you're a math teacher i thought you'd want to see the fucking study right and that and that's what i mean i used to be like that too what say that again i'm sorry the craziest thing is that these are smart people they're not people how did they get how did they lose their marbles so easily i mean for for me i was for me it was exactly you nailed it you nailed it i was raised that way i come from immigrant parents who are gonna have a bend um towards being democrats i they're they're they're my parents are extremely good nice people? And so that's the thing with the Democrats, help the poor. But now we know it's really keep them poor.
Starting point is 01:15:48 And school. I was raised that way in school. I mean, really, the thing that really nails it is discomfort. If it wasn't for the fact that I had stumbled on CrossFit and I started hanging around all these SEALs and all these cops and all these first responders and realize then I'd be, I'd be really fucked. I'd be, I'd be like, I'd have been fucked.
Starting point is 01:16:09 It would have been a mess. Here's, here's what happens to, this is why we need men. And I saw talk before about destroying the family. It goes all the way back to that. You're, you know,
Starting point is 01:16:18 with all due respect, your family was destroyed. Yeah. And so when you destroy the family, little boys are the problem of little boys is solved because now they take on the mind of their mothers. Yes. And I did have the mind of my mom.
Starting point is 01:16:32 I'd like, I told you, I saw, I saw it without anyone ever telling me that I saw that I was like, holy shit, I am my mom. And then she died. And then she died.
Starting point is 01:16:41 I mean, not like she died. I mean, she's probably watching the show now. She's a great lady, but, but, but I had to, I had to, I had, she died. And then I saw, she's probably watching the show now. She's a great lady. But she died. And then I saw the father.
Starting point is 01:16:50 I saw the light. Right. We need fathers. That's what's going to repair the mess that we're in right now. Is the return to the father. And the return to the traditional, well-ordered family. Without that, any utopia without that is a dystopia um have you read any thomas so well i've watched some of his videos actually in fact i i've skimmed through some of his books but i haven't read them fully familiar with him he's an amazing guy yeah you're a fan me
Starting point is 01:17:18 too yeah some some of his books um there's he basically will just go through and show you like, there'll be like, this is, um, uh, he'll show how fatherless homes transcend all, all, all the race talk. So it'll be like,
Starting point is 01:17:33 someone will be like, Hey, it's, it's all black dudes in jail. And he'll be like, no, actually it's 85% of the people in jail come from homes that don't have a father.
Starting point is 01:17:41 Oh, it's all, it's all black dudes who are dying of cancer more than white people. No, actually the people who die of cancer, they predominantly don't have father. And it's fucking it's all black dudes who are dying of cancer more than white people no actually the people who die of cancer they predominantly don't have father and it's fucking crazy how he does that and i'm just like oh my goodness yeah he's spot on with that i didn't know any of this when i when i when i um had kids did you well yeah i guess i'm like you too when i had kids there was kind of a shift in me. Particularly with daughters. It really ramped up big time with regard to daughters because, well, they're a bit more susceptible
Starting point is 01:18:11 to the brainwashing of the culture. They are? Why is that? Well, because they're emotional. Oh, okay. They'll go more, just, you know, the whole movement towards emotionalism over logic is feminism at its peak. Because it's okay. Look, it's normal. It's natural for women to respond based on emotion. That's why they're mothers. It's very good for them to have open hearts and to be vulnerable and to be egalitarian. These are things that are normal and natural for a woman.
Starting point is 01:18:46 egalitarian. These are things that are normal and natural for a woman. But for a man, in order to protect the space for a woman to be that way, we have to be strong. We have to be masculine. We have to be boundary setters. Yeah. Earlier, you said something about 3%. What did you mean by that? Men are a distraction to the people in power, and then somehow you slipped in there. That's why we need the 3%. Do you know what I'm referencing? The American Revolution was won by 3% of the men in the country. Oh. The American Revolution.
Starting point is 01:19:15 You ever heard that? No. It only took 3% of the men to band together to fight in the Revolutionary War. How big do you think this ā€“ who do you think's in the majority here? Do you think it is this woke mob or do you think it is, and bear with me if you don't want to be lumped up with me, but I want to be lumped up with you, Elliot. Is it people like me and you? I think it's us. I think we are. The problem is that the Marxists own the media. So if you watch the news, you watch the TV shows, you watch the movies, you read the newspapers, you'll think that, oh, this is the way everybody thinks. Same thing like with COVID. I think the majority of people were not afraid of COVID, but because they kept pounding it into us through the media, they made us believe, well, and this is the point, if everybody else is afraid, then I must be afraid too. So I think it's a lie that they're the majority. The wokes are
Starting point is 01:20:11 the minority. I mean, you just look at Donald Trump, without being a conspiracy theorist, I think it's pretty evident that that election was stolen. I know for a fact here in florida most people are conservative at this point anyway for them to have held off the the final vote for florida to the night before to the to the next day i knew that they were doing something fishy anyway i don't remember where i was going with that but the point is oh yeah we're just talking about the balance of power. Yeah. It's so obvious. Most people are rational. I think that it's the it's the loud, squeaky wheel minority that makes us believe that this woke ism is somehow ever present. Are you are you religious, man?
Starting point is 01:21:00 I'm Catholic. Yes. And I see that there's a cross back there. And is that a picture of, what's below that picture, or below the cross? That's Joseph, St. Joseph, the father of Christ. And that's his son in his hand? Yep. The terror of demons is his name.
Starting point is 01:21:22 They call him the terror of demons. Jesus? No, Joseph. He fought off all the demons that were meant to destroy his son, you know, by helping his family escape and, and, uh, and, and saving them throughout all the persecution that was coming. Uh, and I see myself as that father figure, you know, I'm that father for my own children and I'm that father figure for a lot of young men worldwide so i'm very inspired by joseph if he it's hard to see but he's got uh there's a demon under his foot there it's a dragon a black dragon and he's and the baby has a spear right through that dragon and he's got his hand up like that you see i really like that um how did you you you said that you you were raised
Starting point is 01:22:09 catholic i was baptized and i went through you know catholic initiation as a child have have you have you ever hit rock bottom yeah you could say so you know for me it was rock bottom yeah can you share that story yeah so you know i'll keep it short but you know uh right after i became very popular on youtube about 2014 in fact i was looking at my old journals i would you know keep journals for some reason i don't know now what was going at my old journals i would you know keep journals for some reason i don't know now what was going through my head but i do know what i was doing that was destroying my life um i was very miserable i was not very happy at all and i started smoking weed so between 2015 and 2019 i was i was i became a pothead that's. So you started late in life with weed.
Starting point is 01:23:08 Yeah. I never smoked weed until I was like 35. Yeah. Interesting. And I was like, because I reached what I thought was the peak. I was like, well, I did it. I'm here. I have everything I want. And something just began to come over me where I don't necessarily think that I lost motivation, but I lost a sense of drive. I lost a sense of purpose and meaning. My life became empty in that way, even though I had children, because I was still very selfish at the time. And so I started smoking weed. And as a man who stands in front as a leader and one who gives advice about being a strong man, I realized how very weak I was because I couldn't, I couldn't stop smoking. And, you know, people say that, oh, marijuana is not addicting, but that's not true at all.
Starting point is 01:23:56 As many times as I tried to kick it, I was like, I just kept going back to it. And so that went on for about five years. And I hit rock bottom at some point when I was like, I am so weak that I can't give up this effeminate addiction. And it was slowing me down big time. Now that I've quit, my life has just skyrocketed again. Like I'm back on track, but it totally threw me off. And I absolutely could not stop by my own will. And that's when I reverted. I came back to the Catholic faith. One day I was just, I was crying by myself. I was in my backyard. I was like, just feeling like I couldn't do anything. I actually had thoughts of suicide. I was like, I'd be better off if I was dead. I probably wouldn't have done it. Definitely wouldn't have done it, but it started creeping into my mind. And so
Starting point is 01:24:41 I was not religious at all. I was more of a new ager at the time. And I reached out to God because I always believed there was a God, but I didn't know much about the God of the Bible, at least. And I said, listen, all these Christians are telling me that if I ask you to help me, and my mom used to say, lay it at the cross, let go and let God, if I ask you to help me with this, then I will, I'll dedicate myself to you because I can't do this on my own. Here I am strong man, Elliot, who's too weak. I'm telling you, I'm too weak Lord to do this. I need your help.
Starting point is 01:25:18 And he gave me the grace, but he requested something of me. He gave me the grace to quit. But for, and I don't, you quit. People say God speaks to them. I don't know if God was, God wasn't like coming down from the cloud, but an idea popped into my head. And all I can do is say that it must've been from God, a grace from God, because I wouldn't have thought it myself. I hadn't been to Catholic church since I was 12 or 13. It's been 30 something years. I would have never even imagined going to Catholic church because I had so many hangups and prejudices against it due to the infiltration and disorientation
Starting point is 01:25:53 that the world has brought forth in the church. I learned all about that later. But God said to me, or my conscience said to me, go and confess your sins. Go to a priest and tell him everything that you've done over the past 30 years. And to me, that was like weird. I was like, what? Where? What priest? I don't even know where there's a Catholic church. How do I do a confession? I haven't done confession since I was 12 years old. And so I knew it wasn't of my own logic. I didn't make that up because I wouldn't have thought of that. And so I went on YouTube and I learned how to give a confession. And I went and I wrote out a long list of all the things that I excused myself for doing, but were absolutely putting me to a state of mortal sin and darkening my intellect. And I went and I confessed and it was a crazy experience
Starting point is 01:26:46 because i wrote it out and took the paper with you yeah i took it with me i had to write down what to say i don't know how to do confession you know here i'm 40 years old and i'm like i don't know what i'm doing and i walk in there and there was a long line i was surprised i was like wow that's a long line i was a lot of bad motherfuckers in this world yeah i guess i was like wow people actually do this they're really catholics here i just thought it was crazy and i waited so i waited on that line and then right when it was my turn to go the priest walked out of the confessional he says i'm going to celebrate mass now you'll have to wait and i you know i just how I know that there's a spiritual battle going on. I sat there as the next person to go. And I was like, I'm not going to wait. This is crazy. I waited for like an hour. Now I got to wait again. And I got up and I walked out.
Starting point is 01:27:33 And as I walked out, I pushed the door and once again, something just knocked me on my head and said, what are you stupid? You sat there for an hour, turn around and go sit back down. And I went and I asked the guy who was behind me in line if I could sit back down. I went and sat back down. I waited for the mass. And then I went into the confessional and spoke to him. And I couldn't even, I couldn't even say the words on my paper because I was crying. I was just bawling my eyes out. And from that moment on, it's been a journey, but I've dedicated my life to God in Christ through the reception of the sacraments and living a fully Catholic life. Did you walk out of there feeling different?
Starting point is 01:28:18 I felt relieved. I think the crying, crying is like an orgasm. I learned this through studying bioenergetic analysis, the crying reflex, the coughing is, is a, is a, is a pulsation that brings release through the face. And so I was able to, I mean, I was blowing my nose. It was just a big release that happened. So when I walked out of there, it wasn't like, you know, a light was shining on me because now I'm walking with the Lord. It was, wow, there was a heaviness that was in my soul that needed to be released. And that sacrament was what allowed that to happen. I saw you doing that, that breathing thing
Starting point is 01:28:57 on Mark Bell's podcast last night. It i probably worked out yesterday's my fasting day i fast uh for 36 hours once a week for the last uh almost two years i stopped eating saturday night i don't start again till monday morning but yesterday i basically was like fucking around with weights and the air runner the whole time i was in there like in a mace and when you did that i did it too and i almost fucking knocked myself out i almost fainted i needed to take bigger breaths yep there's a lot of power you know a lot of these people that are using psychedelics now you know ayahuasca and stuff not realizing that we have the natural means to release a lot of the darkness or the or the confusion merely through breathing breathing can get you can work yourself into a psychedelic experience through breathing and release a lot of trauma. A lot of the new trauma release therapies and post-traumatic
Starting point is 01:29:51 stress syndrome therapies are body and breath based. On that note, I'd like to say this to all those people out there who are doing that stuff. If you're doing ayahuasca, if you're doing LSD, if you're doing MDMA for therapy, you are really, really playing with fire in this respect. And I touched on this earlier in the podcast. closer to enlightenment, as you become closer to fucking realizing what you are, aren't however you want to phrase it. If you don't have the tools in place, when you receive that power, you will fucking go batshit crazy. Yeah. So I like, before you think like people are going, before you do mushrooms, before you start microdosing, you need a fucking practice of 30 minutes of meditation every single day. You need to learn what this word space means.
Starting point is 01:30:45 You need to be able to create space. By the way, that's another fascinating thing. If you want to see someone who is creating a ton of space, watch the Mark Bell podcast with Elliot Hulse, and you will see Elliot create space. What I see you doing in that podcast, and feel free to tell me to fuck off, is they ask you questions and you're in no rush to answer and you are like plucking these answers down like you're hearing them from the first time from the heavens it reminds me of stephen king wrote a book it's called on writing it's his only non-fiction book and he basically someone says you know where did these writings come from your inspiration he goes, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:31:25 But I tell you, if you don't pull it down, it's just going to go by, so you better pull that shit down. And I was thinking about how I would explain that to other people. And I can't explain to you how it works because it is divine, but I can explain to you the inverse of it, and I wonder what you think about this, Elliot. And I wonder what you think about this, Elliot. If there are these trigger words that like I could say to someone, I could say the word abortion. I could say Trump. I could say divorce. I could say kike. And when people hear these words, it pushes them into allow that to happen or when that does happen, they watch it and let it pass and let the new evolved thought arise underneath it. Like this whole idea of abortion, I think it's such a ā€“ we've talked about it on this show a lot. I think it's so intense because I don't believe in setting laws over people's bodies. I also don't believe in killing kids. So every time this conversation comes up, you have to rethink it. You cannot go with your automated response.
Starting point is 01:32:33 You need to ask the higher power. You need to ask God every time for a fresh, new, stronger, healthier perspective on topics. And if someone says Trump and you immediately get defensive defensive it's like you're in your head yeah like and it's okay we all do that but you have to let it go does does any of this resonate with you and how did you overcome these things like going in your head and being so judgmental steven covey says uh between stimulus and response there's a space and in that space you'll find life something like that and so i recognize i'm very impulsive to be to be completely honest i'm a super impulsive guy uh i'm very feeling also too you know i'm speaking about you're not operating from emotion i know what
Starting point is 01:33:17 it's like to operate from emotion because i have strong emotions and so for me it's a matter of creating space right if i if somebody says something I feel it right away. The fire rises. I do have that gut reaction. I work on it. I recognize. But the whole thing is being objective about it. I feel it. And I'm like, whoa, okay. I have to breathe. And like you said, create space. That space is not naturally there for me. I have to actually stop and create space so I can say, okay, what is the best way to respond rather than react? And it's working for you, man. You say some, I mean, gems are falling out of your mouth. Yeah. I also have a tendency towards pride. And so it's very resourceful for me to thank the Lord and give all glory to God. I'm this way because God made me this way.
Starting point is 01:34:15 My dad is a lot this way. He's a preacher. He's a speaker. He gives his opinion. And so there was a time when you asked me about hitting rock bottom, a big part of the reason why I know I hit rock bottom is because I believe that I was the one that made myself successful.
Starting point is 01:34:30 And when I believe, when we tend to believe that we're the ones that make something great happen in our lives, when things don't go well or you get a little bit of a hiccup, then it's very easy to take that same responsibility and start saying, whoa, I messed this up. So I created this, but then I messed that up. And so it becomes sort of like a pendulum from elation to depression. And the reason why that happens is because we take everything so personally. Oh, look at how amazing I am. Everybody loves me.
Starting point is 01:35:02 I'm so good at making videos. I have a million subscribers. Oh, this person is making videos about me that make me look bad. Oh man, maybe I shouldn't have said that. Oh no, my life is. And so it was a bipolar swinging. Today, for me, it's most resourceful to separate myself from both ends of that spectrum. So even as you're saying a lot of nice things for me, but not out of a sense of false humility, but out of practical application of what's going to keep me grounded, I hear you and I say, well, glory be to the Lord. It's not me. It's not mine. I just happen to be an instrument and this is the way the Lord is using me.
Starting point is 01:35:42 What do you think about, there's this pretty pretty strong i don't know if you're on social media very often but there's this pretty strong movement i feel on instagram of especially in the fitness and health space of people hating and in it it kind of breaks my heart a little bit so like someone will be like hey man uh sugar is really bad it fogs your brain you should avoid added sugar at all costs and they'll give this whole talk on sugar and whether everything they said is 100 true the spirit of what they said is true and it's valuable information i think to the vast majority of people because they're obese right and and they do have brain fog and they do and then someone else will come on and be like and they'll show the person's clip.
Starting point is 01:36:25 They're a fucking idiot. Sugar is a vital part of brain function. You have to have ā€“ and it's like this big old jack dude, and he's just fucking ripping this other person apart. You know what I mean? What do you think about ā€“ do you think that that's ā€“ do you think that's good discourse to have do you think that some like those people you know it's two people with 500 000 followers that maybe one of them on the back end should be like should say it should dm the guy on the back end and be like hey dude i i think you took you you're
Starting point is 01:36:56 misrepresenting sugar or do you like this um this what do you what do you think about this type of of bickering there's a guy in. I'm trying to remember his name. He's made his whole account of ridiculing other people. BioLane or something. Maybe I'm saying his name wrong. And there's another guy from England, James Smith or something. There's these ā€“ and I saw recently the really strong girl. She was on my show. Who is is that girl she has 25 world records for
Starting point is 01:37:28 being strong she's into boxing now steph cohen i see she does that sometimes it's like this it's not even they're not it's not playful it's not playful it's like they're bashing these other people who are in the space when we're all kind of, I hope going like in my mind, we're all kind of going for the same thing. Yeah. But do you have any thoughts on that? Well, do you do that? Do you do that? Do you bash people?
Starting point is 01:37:53 I didn't see you bash. I don't have time to bash people. That's the other thing I'm curious about these people. I'm like, I'm so busy trying to say what I want to say and relate my message that if someone says something contrary, I don't really care unless I really actually, I don't care. I really don't care. I'm just trying to do the best that I can with it. Um, like yourself, I was a bit naive and thinking that we're all in the same boat. That was basically my general attitude. And a part of my downfall was when I became very popular,
Starting point is 01:38:23 I didn't realize, you know, being on the top of the hill means everybody's going to take a stab at you. So there were a lot of videos that started coming out where people were just tearing me apart. And I didn't know how to handle it. So I saw that others would respond. They were doing it to other people and people would make videos in response. It wasn't my nature to do this. But I was like, well, I guess I owe a response. I got to say something.
Starting point is 01:38:45 It was the worst decision I ever made. It was the stupidest thing. I was like, why am I getting into this banter with this person? It didn't make me look any better. It just made me look like a fool for engaging with someone who's trying to, what is it, patronize. They're trying to antagonize me. This guy was trying to get my response. I gave him exactly what he wanted by responding. And so that was a big lesson for me to learn. And I'm at the point right now where, I mean, there are so many videos that people make about me denigrating me, turning me toward it, making me look certain ways. And I just ignore, I just, I'm too busy. I don't engage. I don't, in fact, I don't even care. Sometimes I watch them and they're actually pretty good. I laugh. I couldn't laugh at myself in the past because
Starting point is 01:39:28 my ego was too big, but now I watch the videos. I'm like, that's pretty good. That's actually pretty funny, but I don't, I made it one of my do not do's. I do not respond to haters. I don't respond to people that make videos that denigrate me. I just let them be. And it's one of the things that St. John Chrysostom speaks of in terms of following the will of the Lord, which is if someone says something about you, do not feel the need to defend yourself. I don't need to defend myself. The truth, they've said, is like a lion. It doesn't need to defend it. You don't need to defend it. It will defend itself. If what I'm saying is true and sincere, then it will defend itself. There's no need for me to use my will to overcome.
Starting point is 01:40:14 Yeah. And maybe it is that I'm naive. It just hurts. It's just, I'm naive. It just hurts. It's just... I get it. They want to make content, and they're inspired by what they're hearing. But sometimes it's just so fucking mean. Do you watch TV?
Starting point is 01:40:35 Any TV? Do you watch any series? Did you watch Yellowstone? No. Oh. Well, it's this show, and it's been on for for four seasons and it's got Kevin Costner in it. And I don't know what's happening to me as I get older. You remember when I was older, people would be like, how can you watch the older when I was younger?
Starting point is 01:40:51 Older people be like, how can you watch that? There's so much killing and violence. And I'm like, what are you talking about? Yeah. But man, I watched his last fourth season of the show Yellowstone. I don't watch a lot of TV, like hardly at all. But I. It got too mean. Maybe I'm just getting soft. i just couldn't handle it like the characters are too mean to each other yeah i i feel the same way i can't watch anything that's of that ilk either what you have a camp that like dudes go to is it called grounding camp yeah i ran that between
Starting point is 01:41:28 2015 and 2020 and then after the pandemic i stopped you did why did you stop well first of all because i couldn't right because everything was closed down and you know so it was just i had to take time off and i also started doing more online training and as my online business grew it was more profitable than doing the events and i my because my we started homeschooling our children i really wanted to stay home with the kids more so this traveling around the country or traveling, you know, you're going to Europe and stuff for days at a time, I just realized is unresourceful for the life I really want to live. I'd rather be settled. And if people want to see me, they come to me. And so part of the reason why I bought this property is because at some point I'd like to start holding events here, but it's a matter of,
Starting point is 01:42:26 I'm not going to go and do it like I used to. So, you know, a combination of business went online and it was my best year ever. I stopped doing events and I started doing online events and that was my most profitable year ever. And then, you know, moving here and having a different lifestyle. Are you still doing online events? and having a different lifestyle. Are you still doing online events? So I do an online coaching program and it's called King Transformation and it's all about making men strong again.
Starting point is 01:42:52 In fact, if anybody wants to learn about it, you can just go to and watch a masterclass that I just created that really goes deep into a lot of what we've been talking about, particularly as it relates to the subversion of Western culture by Marxism. There's no question about it. I go into the history of it and how the destruction and degradation of masculinity is not by accident.
Starting point is 01:43:17 It is a purposeful plan in order to destroy us, beginning with the family. Tell me the name of the website again. I'm so sorry that I can't pull it up on the website. I feel like a fucking buffoon for that. Let me see. Is that it right there?
Starting point is 01:43:44 And I literally just launched it. So if there are any glitches in it, let me see is that it right there make men strong and i literally just launched it so if there are any glitches in it let me know you don't think that this is so so you're saying it's on purpose my thought is that it's not on purpose that it's a it's a it's a sickness mindset there's like just like imagine us as just like a there's a swarm of this mindset that's just like it there's a mindset that's a sickness but that it's not necessarily on purpose that it's not a sentient being or or someone at the top controlling it you think that but you i don't know if in the end if it matters if it was on purpose or not, either way, we both agree it's fucked up and it's fucking destroying humanity. It has to be stopped.
Starting point is 01:44:29 But what makes you think that it's on purpose? Well, first, I do agree with you. There is a natural propensity towards effeminacy and decadence, effeminacy in men and decadence in a culture when men become effeminate. And we've seen it through the fall of every empire. It's cyclical. It begins in the garden, right? Adam had all he needed. He was the alpha male of the jungle. And what happens? As is in our culture, in all cultures, he follows his wife, his woman, who is susceptible to more temptation because it's just our nature. This is not about being sexist. The serpent comes to her and seduces her. And he listens to his wife and he follows. And like our men today who put the
Starting point is 01:45:13 puss on the pedestal, follow women. We follow women just like Adam followed his wife. And that's always the downfall. That effeminate nature within a man and the subversive nature of the female still is present within us as a part of our fallen nature. So you're right. It will always be there. It's always been there. It will always be there. It'll just be our pattern. But just because a nature exists within something doesn't mean that it's going to manifest itself, particularly at the rate at which it has since 1917. And so what we have is a combination of, you know, there's a momentum in a particular direction, but then there's also an impetus to drive it in that direction as quickly as possible.
Starting point is 01:45:55 And this is what the Marxist indoctrination has done. This is what the ideological subversion has done to our culture, ideological subversion has done to our culture, has taken what is innate in our most fallen nature, which is usually held back by the boundaries and bounds of religion, and then facilitated, like they throw gasoline on the fire, and that's what's got us to where we are right now. So it's a combination of both. Now, all you really need to do, there's a lot of research done. And if you watch my masterclass, I give you all the resources. But it is very old. But if you just begin at 1917, the world really took a huge, a huge shift in the direction of Marxism, communism, global totalitarianism through the Bolshevik revolution. And the Bolsheviks were successful in Russia and in Eastern Europe to a
Starting point is 01:46:55 degree through sheer force. They were tyrannical. They used violence. It was bombs and bullets and war. They knew that if they were going to succeed in the West, that they couldn't win with bombs and bullets. They couldn't win through force. of cultural Marxism realized that it had to be a cultural war. So it was the cultural battleground where they were going to essentially subvert anything of high value in the West, which began with two things, which is really one. It's the subversion of the father. Gramsci knew that he needed to de-Christianize the West and they needed to remove the father from the home. And so you can really point point back to that, the evolution of their demise, their their plots in 1917 to where we are right now, where we're basically atheistic and broken family. No fathers. It's a it's all about destroying God, the father and fathers in the homes. It's all about destroying God the Father and fathers in the homes. This is what feminism hath wrought.
Starting point is 01:48:21 A lot of people take some of these things for granted, but I was talking to somebody the other day about why allowing women to vote was such a strike to the family and how it has led to the downfall of our society. I mean, if women couldn't vote, Joe Biden wouldn't be where he is right now anyway. But the point was that the communists understood that if they allow women to vote, they can destroy the family by subverting the values. In other words, before women were allowed to vote, there was one vote. And so the whole family, particularly the husband and the wife, had to have the same values. But because they separated the woman from the man in their values in the home, they empowered, you know, quote unquote, empowered women to be able to vote. But at the same time, this is a family from being a unified whole. The one thing I can't understand is the craziest thing is a family where the woman with a husband and the wife vote differently.
Starting point is 01:49:07 They essentially canceled the masculine vote. They canceled the male vote. That was their plan anyway. If you really read the work and the writings of the feminists and the Marxists, they wanted to cancel the male vote. Why? Because they knew that women would be more susceptible to egalitarianism. And the only way they were going to push communism was if they went through the woman. I want to look that i thought egalitarianism meant that um accessible but to everyone not in the way that okay so it's more a matter of equal what did he call it equity it's not even equality anymore equality is one thing one thing. Yeah, crazy.
Starting point is 01:49:45 Right. So these terms, you know, one of the things the left loves to do is to weaponize terms and words. They'll use words that mean one thing, but they'll give it a brand new meaning. What you are saying is so fucking offensive to some people. Yeah, that's how deep the indoctrination is. The basic things that we've understood traditionally for eons are now offensive, right? Like a man is a man. That's how dumb it is. A man is a man. You can't say that. That's offensive. But that's the peak. That's how far it's come. It started with this idea. I mean, most women, if you study the history of feminism,
Starting point is 01:50:27 didn't want to separate the vote from their husbands. They were not interested in that at all. It was a big marketing campaign. And the only way that they were going to get women behind that was to build up this narrative that marriage is slavery and that a woman who's a wife is somehow a slave to her husband and so all this you know now you got a bunch of angry feminists that really believe that that men innately want to oppress them which is not the case at all it's a lie but it's a part of the subversion
Starting point is 01:50:57 tactics that were used to destroy the family to destroy the culture matt thank you this guy's fucking amazing isn't he fucking crazy glory be to the lord darren uh next time give me three hundred dollars not a dollar ninety nine take that shit out of here no i'm just joking thanks brother you're a good dude uh you're so you're so you're so convincing you're so convincing. You're so good. I'd like to see you walk onto a campus at UC Berkeley and explain that it should be one vote. Oh, my God. I can't wait to talk to my ā€“ I hang out with my mom every day. I'm so fortunate to have my mom and dad in my raising of my kids' life. They're ā€“ it's ā€“ Yeah, it's uh it's brilliant you know yesterday you'll like this is just totally off subject um my kids my
Starting point is 01:51:53 my kids just move and actually you said something in the mark bell podcast in the see me podcast that makes me realize my kids will never go to school and they'll just keep moving. I don't think boys need to be kept fucking busy until they're 35. That's my fucking job until I die to keep my fucking boys busy and moving and building skills. Guitar to seduce women, jujitsu to protect women and math and science to be able to speak to speak to the people. And I believe that words are you uh you hopefully we can get into this you talk about the the king the warrior and the i think you call it the wizard or the magician but i think words i think whoever controls words controls uh reality oh yeah for the masses um there's a saying do you know lao tzu stephen mitchell uh translation naming is
Starting point is 01:52:46 the origin of all particular things yeah i was a big fan of the dow yeah he's dope okay so um uh so yesterday i take my kid to um to play tennis and i i found this kid he's the he's the best 15 year old tennis player in in this in this county and i got hooked up with him and he's, he's my kid's jujitsu coaches, brother. And he's the sweetest, greatest kid. And when his dad drops him off, I talked to his dad a little bit and his dad's like, yeah, he just got his first cell phone and he's 15. I'm like, yeah, good. I like that. Wait till he's at least 15. Right. And, um, my kids out there, he's playing with them for like an hour my kid just turned seven and they're playing and they're playing and i can tell the 15 year olds impressed with how
Starting point is 01:53:30 good my seven-year-old is and my pride is swelling and i go out there and i put a four pound weight vest after an hour of playing on my seven-year-old boy and the 15 year old's like holy shit you put a weight vest on him i go yeah five minutes on five minutes on, five minutes off. He's been playing an hour. Shit's too easy for him. Wow. You know, and it's just like, and my son's so proud too. You know what I mean? He's like, yeah, I got this. I got this.
Starting point is 01:53:52 And I just do little bits, you know, set the timer, let him play for five minutes. It's only a four pound weight vest, but he's a 49 pound kid. You know what I mean? So it's like, it's approaching 10% of his weight. Yeah, that's right. And yeah, it's good stuff. Do you ever go backwards? Do you ever, I mean, not you personally, can we, I mean, how do we convince women that they can't vote?
Starting point is 01:54:20 Well, I like to use my wife as an example. My wife has the greatest life and she thanks me every day for it. The craziest thing is that women were told and fed the lie that they're somehow free if they work for a boss, they work for that man who doesn't love you, hasn't dedicated his life to you, hasn't made children with you, doesn't live under the same roof with you, doesn't spend the night with you, but you have to drop everything and work for this man. And somehow that's freedom. But if you make your husband a sandwich, somehow you're a slave. Once again, it's not about, it's very logical. You tell a woman that it is her right, which it is. It is her right to stay home and raise her children. And her husband is derelict in his duty if he can't provide that for her. That is Catholic tradition.
Starting point is 01:55:18 And that's the way the family was for 2,000 years. The husband, it's his responsibility. Now, here's the thing. That's like his punishment as a man. You will work by the sweat of your brow. Why is it that women want to drop their luxury of being able to stay home and raise their children, which is the most important job on the face of the earth to go and be a slave like a man. And somehow that's going to make them free. Crazy. But the family has been so subverted and I can't blame women today for too much because
Starting point is 01:55:56 men are so weak that they, if they can't trust the man, because most men have the mind of their mothers, they're, they're weak men. They're not prepared to protectors and not providers. They have no authority of their own. They hate weak men. They're not protectors. They're not providers. They have no authority of their own. They hate authority, so they can't be an authority. So most men are not worthy of submitting to, and I totally understand that.
Starting point is 01:56:14 That's why my mission is to make men strong again. But if men were being what we were, what we're intended to be, women would be so happy to yield and submit to our authority and to our rule. Patriarchy, the word patriarchy literally means father's rule. But we've been told that that's the enemy. Women have been told that's the enemy. Patriarchy is the enemy. No, patriarchy is what protects women. Patriarchy is what provides for women. Patriarchy is what creates the framework or the space so the woman can be and do the greatest and the heights of what she's been called to do there's the i i've all i can't agree with you more it's it's
Starting point is 01:56:56 i don't know but it's crazy you're just fucking you're just saying so much good stuff it's's just nuts. I've never taken it to that practical value. I've always known, especially in my later, in my later years, in the last 20 years, that it's super important to be a really strong man. It's really important to know how to fight with, fight with your wife. It's really important. If you don't know how to fight with your wife, maybe you, someone could choose another word, then you're not a real man. There's these couples that never, ever fight or they fight or the man never, you have to know how to roar.
Starting point is 01:57:28 You have to know how to let your house, your house has to know that you're in charge. And it's the same way that your kids feel security with your boundaries, your wife feels security with your boundaries too. What about these, this is gonna get into some superficial shit here, but I think it'll be entertaining to talk about. What about these women who instigate problems for their wives?
Starting point is 01:57:49 Like I have a wife who really believes in me. She doesn't create problems for me. If I'm fighting with someone, let's say, out in the community, she steers me away from the fight. You know what I mean? She is a calming factor. What about these women who. Who provoked their man, like I'll give you an example, I was at a party one time in Washington, D.C., and I was in this dude was hitting on me and he was really drunk, like blackout fucking drunk. And, you know, there's a lot of gay dudes in D.C. and I didn't give a fuck. Like, so he's hitting on me. What do I care? But I but he was getting overboard. So I left. I went somewhere else and i went with to where one of my was with one of my friends and and this dude started hitting on my friend and the dude's wife is like you're
Starting point is 01:58:34 gonna let that motherfucker hit on you and i'm just like whoa and it almost broke out into a fight and i'm like i i don't i don't want my i don't want my wife trying to get me in a fight so i want her like talking sense into me do you know what i mean like hey let's go somewhere else or like right do you have do you have any thoughts on that i can only imagine that you know men are utilitarian we've always been and that's a part of our gift is to be utilitarian what does that mean what does that mean like like a swiss army knife yeah we get shit done yeah okay we're the ones that get things done i mean okay you look outside in society you know as much as feminists may rail about how men are useless there's nothing out there that's been created by women who created all the buildings who created all the roads who
Starting point is 01:59:17 created all the cars who created all the technology it's all men men are the men are utilitarian we're the ones that create women are much more creative in the fact that they can bring life into the world. Right, right. Knowing that men are utilitarian, but in a disordered world, a woman uses the power. First of all, my mom says this, and I understand what she's saying to a degree. It's right, but when we live in a disordered world, it goes all awry. A man is the head of the family, but the woman is his neck. goes all awry. A man is the head of the family, but the woman is her, his neck. And I understand that man is the head of the family. He's going to lead.
Starting point is 01:59:50 He's going to go head first, but it's the woman who said, who based on her needs, he's going to pivot. Knowing that that's a sort of a, it's sort of a, it's sort of an innate thing. It's sort of a primal thing. She's going to have a kid. The man's going to build the house to protect the kid, right? She kid right she's gonna have another kid he's gonna get another chicken to feed that kid that's right okay okay sorry i'm just trying to understand go on that in situations like the one you just described the man then becomes the cat's paw in other words the means by which she
Starting point is 02:00:19 gets evil done in the world if you if you remember the Old Testament, there's a story of Ahab, King Ahab and Jezebel. This is where we get this term Jezebel, which are feminist type women. Jezebel was an evil woman. Ahab was, he was the king of Israel. Jezebel was an evil woman. I think she was from another tribe. And she comes in and ends up creating havoc throughout the whole kingdom by using her husband, the king, to do a lot of bad things like kill all the prophets. She wanted to have certain things, and she caused her husband to kill men to get the things that she wanted. Even if you look at how John the Baptist died, it was because the king's daughter, I think it was his daughter or his wife, or both of them, his daughter and his wife, they didn't like the fact that John the Baptist was talking bad against divorce. And of course, women love divorce. Divorce laws are designed for women.
Starting point is 02:01:18 So when the king was to promise, he said he would promise something to the woman. She wanted John the Baptist's head. So this is a cat's paw. This is where women take advantage of the fact that men want to provide and protect them, but then through diabolical means, they get them to do really bad things. Yeah, it's fucked up. Yeah, she's a Jezebel, the woman that you described. That's what you would call is a Jezebel.
Starting point is 02:01:46 It goes both ways. I think when you're in a relationship with someone, whether you're the man or the woman, you want someone, at least one person, to be holding the space. So if my wife's angry at someone, even if she's right, I don't fuel that fire. I don't fuel that fire. I don't nurture her hate or anger. I listen to it. I'm open to it. But I don't feed it.
Starting point is 02:02:17 No one wants to be hateful or angry or spewing venom. It's not fun. And if you really love your husband, you really love your wife, your number one goal is to help them get to heaven. You want that person to to heaven. You want that person to be holy. You want them to be in a state of grace. If I'm egging my wife on to do diabolical things, I'm derelict in my duty as a husband. I remember recently there was a story of one of these guys in the red pill manosphere, Jack Murphy they've been like really tearing him down lately because he has had his wife uh cuckold he's been cuckold but he likes it he gets his wife to have sex with other men for his entertainment like that there's could be nothing more diabolical than getting your rocks
Starting point is 02:02:59 off by watching by allowing but encouraging your wife to be a prostitute. You're right. I'm just saying it goes both ways. Who's Jack Murphy? Who is that? You got to look him up. I don't know him too much, but it was like big news in the realm of men,
Starting point is 02:03:18 men issues. He's like a, I don't know, he writes books and he goes on news shows and stuff like that. How about that CNN dude who got caught jerking off do you remember that cnn's whole game is a jerk off those people are uh do you know what i'm talking about the attorney then then it was a zoom call that they were having and the guy didn't know his camera was on and he's one of the attorneys on the show who like speaks about political shit he's back who is that guy does anyone know his name oh my goodness and he got caught he got caught um jerking off um elliot do you have a few more
Starting point is 02:03:54 minutes sure okay i'm gonna run to the restroom real quick okay i will too then all right peace we take a 30-second break. Thank you. you show just keeps getting better and better holy shit can you guys believe we have this guy elliot holz how the fuck do i not know about this guy sooner should have him on the show once a week so far so good yes i agree uh when when When Obama was elected president, were you like, fuck yeah, we got a brother in there, a black dude? His first term, I mean, I'm obliged to. But then after I saw the way he was behaving and the things he was doing, I smelled a fish. And I couldn't put my finger on it, but I was like, there's something not right about this. I don't like the direction things are going in. the fish and i couldn't put my finger on it but i was like there's something not right about this i
Starting point is 02:05:45 don't i don't i don't like the direction things are going and and then it was you know when he was up for re-election and i started for the first time paying attention to politics and hearing ron paul speak i was like okay now i get it why i sensed that there was something wrong here it is wrong it's crazy because because i would be ecstatic i'm both my parents are armenian i would be ecstatic if an armenian was president too but man, it's a double-edged sword because I was so excited about Obama. I thought he was cool as shit. And now I'm just like, holy crap, he really shit the bed. has been spurted. I watched a video the other day about all of the medals that he won, peace medals. But I also, in that same video, they mentioned that under his, when he was president, I think it was something like 500 people around the world died at the hands of American bombs. He was just dropping bombs left and right all throughout the Middle East,
Starting point is 02:06:45 Northern Africa. We were in more wars than ever before, all undeclared. Between him and Biden, oh Biden, they were probably the worst presidents that have ever graced the White House in America.
Starting point is 02:06:59 Yeah, Biden's a real mess. He's the cat's paw for Obama. You know who's pulling his strings. You really think so? Oh, yeah, 100%. Actually, go ahead. He even says it. Obama even said it.
Starting point is 02:07:14 There's an interview you can find online where he says once he had to leave the Oval Office, he said something to the effect of what I really need now is somebody who can be my front man and i can work somewhere in a basement and continue to pull his strings i mean he's got his vice president up there now obama's totally i mean uh biden's totally a puppet for obama holy shit and is do you think obama's a puppet for someone else? Well, he's a Marxist. So, I mean, he's working for the Democratic Socialist Party of America. And their ultimate plan is to take down America. Because America is the biggest obstacle to globalism. So to say that he works for the New World Order is not an understatement.
Starting point is 02:08:04 To say that he works for global total World Order is not an understatement to say that he works for global totalitarianism is not an understatement. What what would be wrong with globalism? What would be wrong with let's say, let's say what would be wrong if the entire every every piece of land on this planet, let's say, were the United States and we all voted for one president. The problem is who's in charge and why. Right. So when you really dig deep, a little deeper, there's a whole lot of diabolical reasons why there's a certain group of people that want to be in charge. If you look, you look into the world economic forum, it is what it is. 100% that it's economic the same way that in other words, when there's globalism, there's McDonaldization of the entire planet. It's all about standardizing everything. And when you standardize the world by eliminating borders, you, among many things, destroy the beautiful diversity. These people are the first ones to talk about diversity, but they hate diversity.
Starting point is 02:09:04 Right. Because with diversity, they have to diversify their marketing to sell more of their products. It's all economics. A big part of it is economics. So what they need is for all human beings to be of one ideology, one world religion, one world government, one brainwashing system of media, one ideology. And when you get the whole world flattened out that way, you basically have global communism. Everybody is flat. Now it's very easy to unroll things like a global pandemic, a global, everybody needs to take this vaccine, a global. So the whole idea is to get the whole world marching at the at the beat of
Starting point is 02:09:45 corporations it's not it's not even like these are i am not against authoritarianism i'm not against the a righteous ruler kingdoms kingdoms were beautiful if you had a righteous king of course sometimes you get bad kings we don't have that what we have is essentially a uh what was the word like like a commercial commercialized corporate it's it's corporate totalitarianism it's these companies it's big tech it's the pharmaceutical companies it's the these are the companies these are the people that want to rule the world so they can sell more of their products and keep us more as you know corporate slaves it's a giant corporate slave uh plantation that they want to create and it um basically i think of it as a prison as a prison too when when i hear the terms diversity equity inclusivity do you know where there is the perfect example of diversity equity and inclusivity
Starting point is 02:10:40 is every prison they have equity they have equity there they have inclusivity there and they have diversity there i mean it is a fucking prison go to san quentin that's where it is it um as i asked you the question um i realized it also the biggest problem in this country is all the places where there isn't healthy competition so in search engines the reason why the our search engine is so fucked up is because there's no healthy competition for google it reminds me of the story of when um the railroads were being built from new york to california and california new york it was two private it was two companies um that were um two companies or was it the government doing it but basically for financial reasons they purposely missed each other so they were building from from either ends of the country, and they purposely missed each other suffered were the people that were supposed to be protected the most. Murder rates, not in my neighborhood,
Starting point is 02:11:49 not in your neighborhood, obviously, but in the bad neighborhoods where the problem was, skyrocketed. Crime is skyrocketing. Cities are falling apart. How do people like Obama not see that? Does he not care, you think? Oh, he sees that. That's his plan, because all he's doing is making though it's weaponizing us against each other so you know for lack of better way to describe it that's weaponizing black people yeah for sure they're more angry more more vitriol more uh entitled right it's like nobody stopped them from doing all the things they were doing. So now that sense of entitlement is just, so once this powder keg explodes, they've basically weaponized those people to go out and do whatever they feel
Starting point is 02:12:31 like in any manner they want without a sense of any sense of moral repercussion or law. Yeah. And you're seeing the videos more and more of that. You're seeing these videos of people just walking into a Walgreens with a garbage bag. I just saw one the other day. Go behind the counter and just take whatever they want. And it's like.
Starting point is 02:12:51 Yeah, that was the plan was to create that because I'm at the at the core. I always refer back to 1917. The plan from the beginning is to destroy the West. They've done a great job in Europe. They're not complete, but they're getting there. And America is sliding real quick. That way they can have global totalitarianism. How do you think this ends? Or what do you think the next chapter looks like for our kids? It may get worse before it gets better. I was listening to a pastor talk the other day about how we need to prepare our children for martyrdom. If history is any lesson, he's probably right. Severe persecution will come raining down on us. demise until they de-weaponize us, until we have the Second Amendment. And our founders,
Starting point is 02:13:45 it was probably the most brilliant thing that they did. They weaponized words and they destroyed the First Amendment through their censorship. But the American people are the largest standing army on the face of the planet. There's something like seven weapons, there's seven guns for every one American. We are armed to the teeth. And so the only way you know that we're going down, that in other words, we've lost if we are forced and we comply with giving all our weapons back. But if it,
Starting point is 02:14:18 when it comes to a head, it will ultimately be guerrilla warfare on American soil with Americaica versus un troops and chinese soldiers on our on our land damn that's my anyway that's my imagination what it says yeah so we'll be fighting just like you know like like they did in uh you know the balkans it'll be they've essentially balkanized us that's what the whole race war is about anyway and so ultimately i would imagine that america is just going to be like a pie that's going to be cut up and sliced and they're going to be different like you know chinese controlled and they're going to be those that are still you know a patriot controlled the cities are going to be trashed but this is what
Starting point is 02:15:01 this is our chastisement this is this is this is, first of all, it's history. It's always happened. It's always going to happen. Just like you mentioned before, but it's also our, it's, it's God's justice. It's his justice on us for among many things, the 70 million plus babies that were slaughtered in the womb for, for, for pornography and birth control. And all of the things that we've just taken for granted as woke is an affront to our creator. And he has to, as he did with the flood during the times of Noah, clean house. And so ultimately God wins.
Starting point is 02:15:41 When you said balkanized, what does that mean? Neighbor against neighbor. And that's what happened the whole country fractured and in a way we're kind of we're beginning to balkanize just think look about look at the difference between a state like florida and texas and california new york yeah i live in florida right now we have the group of the highest migration ever i mean people are coming here by droves. And it's the first time in Florida history that Republicans outnumber Democrats. It is the first time? I thought Florida was a Republican state, no? So we've always been a swing state, but there have always been more registered Democrats. Now we have more registered Republicans.
Starting point is 02:16:30 So you see that there's this, it's in a way a balkanization. It's a splitting. And so you're going to have the shithole cities like San Francisco and New York that are going to be more of what the woke people want. And then you're going to have states like Florida. And Florida and Texas, They're trying to destroy us by busing and shipping in illegal immigrants. But ultimately, if you got guys like DeSantis who stand up against it and speak out against it and is willing to willing to take bite the bullet. And I think more and more governors are going to are going to rise up that way because it's showing that american people want that that's why they're all coming here as much as the media spoke shit about florida and how crazy our governor is everyone's coming here and they want to be here yeah so they're tennessee tennessee texas florida man people are yeah all the southern states too you know alabama mississippi they're banning
Starting point is 02:17:23 abortion and all that stuff people with true, traditional values are going to make a comeback. And it's these states that maintain them. I say, of course, my bias, but I think I'm right. The good people are going to want to be in, and all the retards are going to be, you know, go ahead, stay up in the Northeast and, you know, in California. in in the northeast and uh you know in california it's a shame i'm in california it's so darn beautiful here when you when you see people like um like i saw recently trevor noah who who i think is a vile man who spread really really bad shit do you know who that is trevor noah uh he does like the talk show the night night show, right? Yeah, I think he replaced Jon Stewart. It's on Comedy Central. And he's just been spreading bad shit for the last couple of years. I heard him say the other day, we would not be in this mess if Trump was president. And I was like, holy shit.
Starting point is 02:18:17 This motherfucker is coming around. And we saw Joe Rogan come around. We saw Russell Brand come around. We're seeing Bill Maher come around. We're seeing, you know, are you familiar with Project Veritas? The guy, James O'Keefe, you know, we're seeing the stuff he's doing. Do you think that there's any chance that this whole thing just, you know, we get a new president and this whole thing just flips away, goes away in the next four years? I'm starting to think that presidents don't matter nearly as much as governors because as much as the president wanted to. First of all, this is what it was great that Trump was president because he exposed the fact that it's the governors that are in charge. So it's great. I believe the president, the fact that Trump was president allowed guys like DeSantis to stand up. he said, I'm not shutting down the country. I'm going to let the states decide, showed us who really is most important for us based on the constitution, if someone's following it. So
Starting point is 02:19:13 local government is going to be, is going to make a comeback, right? Who are your senators or who are the representatives of your counties, your mayors? That's where we're really seeing the, you know, rubber meets the road. Do you ever get scared? Of what? I don't know. Just these thoughts? No.
Starting point is 02:19:38 No, I'm not scared. First of all, I thank God every day for the graces that he's given me to live in Florida. I mean, just that alone. I have family members that live up in New York, and their life, you know, they lost their jobs, and things went really bad. So I can't help but to look back at my life and see the hand of God always, for some reason, and I don't deserve it, giving me good things. And so I believe in that. I believe it will continue. But I also know that if chastisement comes, it is merely for my purification. If anything hard befalls me,
Starting point is 02:20:14 I know that it is for my own good, so I don't resist it. Did you ever think about starting your own congregation? Can you do that? Do Catholics do that? No. No interest, no. No, but if i could leave people home to rome i would if you could say that again if i could leave people home to rome the catholic faith the catholic faith built the built the west western civilization was built on christendom all our values all of our values are. And, uh, even,
Starting point is 02:20:45 you know, we, we take it for granted that charities and universities and all these things are Western, uh, and just kind of were secular and they were there, but the Catholic church built all that. Do you know who the flowing Dutchman is? I remember hearing about it,
Starting point is 02:21:01 but I don't remember right now. So I, I came across him on Instagram. He's a guy. He swings a mace. Oh, okay. And he's doing great. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:21:12 He's built a master's course, and he's awesome. Anyway, that's how I found you, because he was quoting some of your stuff and talking about how you changed his life. He's in the Netherlands, and he travels all over India just swinging the mace and stuff. That's cool. I got to check him out. The Flowing Dutchman? Yeah, The Flowing Dutchman, yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:31 Cool, I'll check it out. Elliot, what is an alpha male? Well, we've been speaking a lot about it before, right? Like a man with boundaries, right? But a man who has boundaries has to know what his boundaries are first. A man with values, a man who's not willing to compromise his values or compromise his boundaries. But most of all, it's a man with authority. And the only way a man has authority is if he knows how to submit to authority. Part of the reason why we have so many weak men is because they eschew authority. submit to authority part of the reason why we have so many weak men is because they eschew authority wow wow uh uh an alpha male is a man with values a man with a man with uh boundaries a man with authority but who also knows how to submit to authority it's very interesting one of the things that i um realized is that i'm really good at choosing my leader.
Starting point is 02:22:28 Like there's men, I've cultivated that. I know who good leaders are and I choose them. And some people think that that's a submersive, subversive, not subversive, submissive, a submissive thing to do. But it's actually not. It makes me really fucking strong because I choose my leader. Very strong. One of the most alpha male things that a man can do is devote himself
Starting point is 02:22:53 to something outside of himself. Yeah, it's crazy. The most effeminate thing that we do is self-devotion. And this is what the whole world teaches us. My life, I'm in control. I'm the authority. But when a
Starting point is 02:23:05 man can place that focus center of focus outside of himself like you just said that requires a lot of strength the problem is that most people's they their their center of their focus is on themselves but as a result they're always looking at themselves. So they're more easily manipulated by the media and by false authorities. When you're operating off of fear, you're more subject to false authority. Can people learn all this stuff? What do you teach in this Make Men Strong Again at Will they hear stuff? This is it.
Starting point is 02:23:43 This is it. This is it. One of the things I learned when I hit rock bottom was that we were, there's a critical thing that's missing a critical part of the puzzle for all of society, which is the, which has been the elimination of masculine initiation. Women have a certain grace from God. Women live more by their nature. Women,
Starting point is 02:24:03 men live more by a purpose. The problem is that purpose needs to be taught and mirrored. A woman's nature is her nature, and she's going to generally live by that, and it's okay. It's good. She should. But a man doesn't have that same instinct that a woman has, and that's why I often say that God gives women certain graces that he doesn't give to men. Men have to learn it, and to learn it, we need to be taught it. And the only way we were taught it was by older men. And older men would teach men the way men learn, which is through experience and through austerity and through challenge and through meaning given to them, not this objective, lukewarm, gray, you believe whatever you want.
Starting point is 02:24:48 It was important for men to have a very direct and clear and subjective mythology, religion, sense of meaning, so that they could be of value to the society that they would be brought back into after being initiated am i the only one stunned by some of the things said in here not in a good way i am not a feminist at all first time in history of this podcast or am i missing something i i totally hear what you're saying melissa um do you hear what she's saying? Elliot? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:25:27 Yeah. I understand why she would say that way. Cause she was, she was raised in a culture that subverted the genders. One of the first ways they, they started subverting us. What was by making, uh,
Starting point is 02:25:37 boys and girls go to school together prior to the 1950s, boys and girls with the different schools, because we had, we think differently, we behave differently, we have different values, and that's just normal and it's just natural. But what the bringing together of the boys and girls in school have done is to give girls a male education and to teach them to think and be ambitious like boys and for boys to think and to feel and behave more
Starting point is 02:26:01 like girls. So we totally live in a disoriented time where both genders are swapped. And you don't have to believe it by coming from me. You just look at what happened to the family. Families don't work again. In some cities, there's 60% divorce rates. Broken homes is the norm. Since the 1950s, the amount of children born to single mothers has gone up exponentially. So I'm saying things that sound crazy because we've been so brainwashed, but all you have to do is look at the fruits of it. I'm with you. I'm with you.
Starting point is 02:26:38 Do you ever feel like, oh, shit, I just know too much. I went too far fucking down this road. No, this is my path. This is my mission. This is what I'm know too much. I went too far fucking down this road. No, this is, this is my path. This is my mission. This is what I'm supposed to do. And I'm, I'm willing to die on this hill. Meaning like if, if I get hate or confusion, uh, it's God prepared me for this. This is what I'm supposed to do. I came and I can't, I owe it to humanity. I owe it to my country. I owe it to my culture. And I owe it to God because I was raised in a well-ordered family. I have a strong father. I have a good mother. And God blessed me with the same. I didn't know what I was doing when I married my wife. I
Starting point is 02:27:18 was a beta male like most of us. Only by the grace of God that I come from a strong family and I'm raising a strong family. And as, as was revealed to us in a, in a, in a, in a revelation from God through mother Mary in 1917, right about the revelation, right about the, uh, the time of the Bolshevik revolution, the, the final war, the final battle, right? she predicted that there would be two world wars she said but the final battle will be for the family she says when the family is under attack you know that we're at the end and she said that anybody who works for the sanctity of the family will be will be chastised and will be you know uh. And so that's, I'll be a martyr for that because it's the, it is the key to our destruction and to our rising up out of this mess. Uh, look at this. This is from the flowing Dutchman, by the way, I've started taking your
Starting point is 02:28:17 master's class. Thank you very much. Um, Elliot's advice got me out of my darkest hours and showed me a way out by becoming a stronger version of myself. You're the elliot thank you that's awesome nice to meet you crazy crazy crazy crazy fantastic guest by the way great guy it's a it's it's a lot um it's a lot and it's easy. You, you make yourself a big target by some of the things you say. It's a lot. And, uh, and, and, and unfortunately a lot of people, you know, to go back to what Lao Tzu said, a lot of people are, you're pointing at the moon and people are going to stare at your hand. They're going to miss what you're saying because they're so distracted by your finger when all they have to do is look up at the sky and be like, Holy shit,
Starting point is 02:29:03 he's pointing at something. Um, and it goes back to what we were talking about earlier that he's going to say things that's going to turn on an automatic response in your head because you already have a preplanned unconscious response to some of these things. And you have to let that go to kind of get to that next, I don't know, evolution of thought. Yeah. When you say you met your wife and you were beta, how did she handle your transformation? She handled it very well. I tell the story in my masterclass that, you know, we were kids. We didn't know what we were doing. We enjoyed each other's companies. We're very compatible. We love each other. But when I, quote unquote,
Starting point is 02:29:50 hit rock bottom, I was going the wrong way. And I wasn't being the husband that I knew I could be for her and that she knew I could be. I was failing. I was becoming too emotional. I was becoming very effeminate. And it's amazing. At the height, her father was dying. And I had a dream one night. And in my dream, I received the message that me, the voice said, Elliot, you and Guy, which is her father, are about to make Colleen's life very miserable. I was like, whoa, me and her father are going to make her life very miserable. The two most important men in her life. The next day, I kid you not, her father died and the wake-up call came to me. And for a year, all I could do, it was like a mantra in my head, not given by me, but some other force, father, father, father. And so with that, I turned around and dedicated myself to being the best father and husband that I could be. And when she saw that, she was elated. She didn't even know what that would look like.
Starting point is 02:31:05 She had no idea what it would look like. But my wife follows my lead. And I'm usually, of course, I have her best interest in mind. And so every step of the way, she was there behind me, cheering me on and wanting more of what I was growing into. I needed that moment. And I needed a woman like her that knew that that was the strongest me coming out, especially because I have three daughters. And it was, it became around the time that my oldest daughter is becoming a teenager and starting to fall into some things that were unacceptable to us. And I couldn't have been any, I couldn't, I couldn't have continued to be the weak man that I was being and be there for my daughters.
Starting point is 02:31:54 What does your mom think about where you're at in your life? Just like your father. Is she proud of you? She's not surprised at all. Yeah. Both of my parents, they're proud of me. It's just funny that, you know, as the older I get, the more I sound like my dad. So I think that was just like latent. It was a ticking time bomb, just waiting to go off in my soul that finally I, you know, my dad is the most alpha male I know. And now I get that. I used to hate him as a result, but it took all this for me, for that latent sense within me, his DNA or whatever it is to
Starting point is 02:32:26 finally pop up. And it's like, wow, my dad's very entertaining to listen to. There's a video of he and I, uh, speaking, or he's doing most of the speaking. If you just look up Edmund Hulse on YouTube, uh, I get to, in a lot of ways, be the mouthpiece that my dad never was. My dad's a preacher and everywhere he goes, not literally a preacher, he fixes cars, but like he does what I do. He has contrary thoughts about things and he's very opinionated and he speaks his mind. So he did it to us as kids growing up and he does it wherever he works. You could be mesmerized by him when he starts talking. And I, being his son, his essence, I get broadcast on YouTube, basically spitting his own wisdom and, you know, in the way that I know, because I'm an educated,
Starting point is 02:33:13 my dad's not educated. He just knows this stuff. I'm educated. So I could speak about history and I could speak about statistics. Uh, but I get to, I get to be my, my dad, I get to carry my dad's lineage on and be a father figure. My dad was a father that all the young men from the 1970s and 80s needed. And now I get to be that for millions of men worldwide through YouTube. Yeah, crazy. What are you into right now? Is there anything that you're reading right now?
Starting point is 02:33:42 It's all catechesis. I'm learning the faith. I'm learning the faith. I'm learning Catholic faith. Like I said, I grew up Catholic, but then I fell away from the faith, bounced from religion to religion, spent a lot of time in the New Age. And now that my children are getting older and I'm getting older and death is a reality, not that I'm getting close to it, but it could happen at any moment. is a reality, not that I'm getting close to it, but it could happen at any moment. I'm all my time beyond work is dedicated to learning the faith, practicing the faith and teaching the faith to my children. Awesome.
Starting point is 02:34:17 Elliot. Thanks, dude. I had a lot of fun here, so it was a great talk. I don't think I've ever spoken for two and a half hours with someone but it was easy with you the truth is i'm i don't know what's happened i don't know if you made me so high but i'm starting to vibrate a little bit i haven't eaten in like 40 hours and i'm feeling cold i'm like either this guy's sending me like through the fucking roof or i'm uh i'm i'm freezing to death here in my office. I even leaned over and pulled my little portable heater next to me. Um, I'd love to do it again sometime, man. You,
Starting point is 02:34:51 you are a marvelous man. Um, if there's anything I can ever do for you, if you ever want to just shoot the shit again, if you're like, I mean, wow, you are a, you are a, um, you're a gift to humanity. You're very eloquent. you're very thought out there's nothing and anyone can follow you through the steps it's a lot it's a lot but you had wrong every time you spoke you gave me a ladder to climb up to where you were speaking from or climb down to where you were speaking from and i really appreciate that i really really appreciate that yeah yeah i had a good time uh mayor pat just you know hit me up if you want to talk again. Okay. Beautiful. I'm going to give you my, Oh,
Starting point is 02:35:30 I gave you my phone number on the I have it. Okay. Email. So feel free to text me at any time. I do not have your phone number. If I need to get in touch with you, I'll either use your email or your DM. Yeah, definitely email, but I'll send you a text with my number. Okay, brother. Much love to you. Thank you for sharing. Thank you.

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