The Sevan Podcast - #344 - Martin Dcosta

Episode Date: March 24, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:33 Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. Can you hear me good? Yeah, we're Gucci.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Let me turn it up. Bam, we're live. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're good. Good to see you. So what's going on, man? How do you say your name? Like Seven? Like Lucky Seven?
Starting point is 00:01:01 Like Lucky Seven, but Sevan. Sevan, I like it. Se it's it's a it's a lake in armenia my parents are both armenian armenia is armenian okay okay yeah okay every good every good every good man every strong man should have a sidekick armenian man the only cats that the black panthers rolled with their their lawyer the only white guy they allowed in the group was their lawyer he's armenian dude the armenian guy i always say you gotta keep if you're doing business you gotta keep a good armenian and a quality jew next to you for sure i got a jew wife and that is fucking money my wife
Starting point is 00:01:41 is jewish also look at us collaborating right now i imagine i was having problems this morning because i'm using her laptop we came to arkansas where i'm from to visit my mother my grandmother and her laptop is in hebrew so so imagine when you sent me the link everything was in hebrew so i started clicking shit thinking it's like the basics and everything got blocked are you tripping that just some strange a little armenian man in um uh california reaches out to you on instagram is like hey come come on my podcast oh bro i was loving it i was loving it because before i never so many people used to ask me like come on my show come on my show and then when i kind of like look at the individuals you kind of like i'm like man
Starting point is 00:02:22 you know what i i don't really gel with that individual just looking at his post looking at what from what he's saying even if he's supporting trump or if he's supporting biden at the same time i'm going bro you don't even have quality content you don't have quality conversations so when i saw your style i was like yeah yeah this is this is this is a definitely a capital yes you know like that awesome you vetted me um so i stumbled across your instagram account and i'm fascinated by it and i'm fascinated by it for a couple reasons one because it scares the shit out of me so those are the things that i i like to lean into right a little bit and i was raised to be a good liberal boy to uh um uh you know feel sorry for the Mexican immigrants, feel sorry for the black man.
Starting point is 00:03:05 And my life was so good. And even even though my parents struggled. Right. They're both basically Armenian immigrants. We lived, you know, very poor, pretty damn poor. But but there's this whole it's this liberal mindset. Right. It's there's this disguise of you're being sympathetic and nice. It's it's it but really you're demeaning people you're demeaning people and it's weird and i have really good parents and nice parents but first i think that they're slow to the trigger to realize um you know it comes from a good place yeah it's like my parents are even they're like blind democrats but i let
Starting point is 00:03:43 you love them to death you know because it's like you just got at this point, you can't even judge people at this point. When you start looking at all of the crazy things, I'm going, man, whoever had like good foundation, like my parents are married over 40 plus years. So I come from a good background. But then when you start understanding that we rise above where they even reached. So I'm in business, whereas my father's still driving trucks. So I've leveled up and now I level my son up. So then the mindset must have to change. So when you look at the structures, like what my mother and why they vote or why they still vote Democrat, you go, that's their peak. This is where their information stop and they're not seeking any opposite information. So it's like, I have to be
Starting point is 00:04:25 that seeker. And, you know, so when I start seeking better information to better my family, to be the beacon of light, to like, just take us into a generational change, because for me, people go left, people go right. I just move forward. Like, I don't, I'm not in the business of going in circle or left side, right side, Democrat or conservative, liberal. Like I don't, I don't care about all of those things. I go the simple fact like our children in trouble, bro. Like the children are literally in trouble. So I go, you could be a Democrat and still understand that your kids are in trouble. Do you think that you wouldn't have been this passionate about these subjects if you didn't have kids? I sometimes think that like, sure for sure there's this obligation how how do you make how do you make the mind shift um i'll tell you a quick story just
Starting point is 00:05:13 super quick there's two guys walking down the sidewalk there's a snail on the sidewalk and one of the guys says oh shit i'm gonna do the good deed i'm gonna pick this snail up and i'm gonna set it back in the bushes and what he doesn't realize is he picks the snail up and he sets it back in the bushes, um, right where the snail bait is. And he kills the snail. He thinks he's doing good and helping, but really he just killed this guy. And we were, we live in a society full of that. We live in a society full of it's one of the biggest problems for our children. We have this huge movement. We have these huge movements like Asian hate BLM that they, they think that they're helping, but they don't understand the mechanism of the mind, and so that they're really hurting people. We could go into that.
Starting point is 00:05:52 But they're really just dividing, right? Every time they say black man, they're forcing everyone to ā€“ it's just like every time they say Trump, they're forced ā€“ that's a trigger word for people. You can't even say Trump around ā€“ something starts up in their brain. It's the TDA. What's TDA? trigger word for people that you can't even say trump around something starts up in their brain you know and um what's tda the tds is called the trump derangement syndrome you know like because people see that trump sign they just lose all aspects of just everything you know how did you come out of it how did you like make the shift if you were raised to be a democrat how does someone like come start to evolve and be like wait a second i'm not thinking clearly for me it was more like just it was not even about even politics because when i was growing up we were like such sports oriented that you didn't even realize like your parents or even even looking at that side and my parents
Starting point is 00:06:43 are not even like big political people so they never even talk about it my mom was always like you just better yourself better yourself you're going to be a superstar one day here's your you need to learn how to write you need to learn how to read you need to learn how to cook you know so i'm from the country so we weren't we're not political at all my parents are not political at all they just vote blue so so for me it was just like when i started just becoming more independent and just being around more people because I do business and I'm doing business in Vegas, I'm doing business overseas. And then you start mingling with different styles of cultures. And then you start realizing, I'm just like, no, hold on, hold on. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. We've been taught
Starting point is 00:07:22 wrong. And then when you start questioning everything, it is not even just believing anymore. You just seek your truth. And everybody's truth is different. And that is what's so crazy. You can take someone who was a Democrat and switch him to a conservative. And the reason why he did that is not just for the simple fact that the children in trouble or that these guys are trying to feminize men or they're bringing in a whole new world. That is not even the trigger. People are just so tired of just being lied to. People are tired of being just bamboozled. And that's left side, right side. And now people are just evolving. And this is where I always say, I was never even jumping in on, I was supporting Trump for the simple fact i'm just highly against the clintons you see what i'm saying so i'm like highly against the clintons
Starting point is 00:08:11 because i'm from arkansas so i knew like yo we can't allow the clintons to get in there or we would have a russia ukraine in 2017 right yeah that's that's some of the scary shit on your uh instagram by scary i don't mean it's scary because of because i don't want to believe it there there's a video you put up there of um hillary clinton and it shows her history and it shows that she was in a um as a young attorney she defended a pedophile in 1975. And knew he was a pedophile. Yeah, and it shows her laughing about the fact that she got the court to believe him. That shit's hard. That shit's really hard to process.
Starting point is 00:08:56 It's a big horse pill to swallow, and a lot of people are refusing to take those pills. You know, and it's likeā€” Do you research the shit out of that before you post that because i'm thinking to myself like imagine if someone said like there's a hierarchy of shit you want to be accused of right like like like a few years ago used to suck to be called racist now it kind of doesn't matter because it's just been ubiquitous but now you don't want to be called a pedophile. Like, really, like, that one still is bad. Yeah, no, no.
Starting point is 00:09:27 To be honest, to be called a pedophile nowadays, it's like almost, they're like normalizing. Have you seen those flyers, pedophiles need love too? Pedophiles are humans? No. Bro, I'm telling you, man, Google it, look it up. They got flyers out. Like, pedophile is not like a, I think, what is it called? got flyers out like pedophiles me is me like pedophile is not
Starting point is 00:09:45 like uh i think what is it called i think it's like pedo love it's a brochure like check it out like there's a whole organization that is pushing that pedophiles are human beings and they're not criminals they're not like like they're like okay sexualizing like children it's a whole operation yeah i did i it's it's so crazy i did see something where they were basically saying they were trying to extend this thing like we have to accept everyone for what they want their sexual appetite i saw this thing where like you have to accept men who want men and women who want women and then you have to and then they were kind of creeping into that space where you have to accept adults who want children yeah it's it's it Yeah, it's so creepy at this point because it's like they normalize the most weirdest thing.
Starting point is 00:10:31 And then when you start looking at the people who are looking at the weird things, it's like, yo, this is weird. Now we're like homophobe. We're like like transphobe. We're like now. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm like, like yo what are you why are you doing a 360 on this there's no grown-ass man should be having a thousand of pictures of naked children on his laptop like why are you okay in that and that's why i i just my my my passion comes because of the children and i have kids and i'm going listen how many kids do you have? I have three. So if I'm not going to see the victory, then the best thing I can do as a father is make sure that I blaze the trail. And if we blaze a proper trail and they're following in proper good footsteps, they can create their own footsteps, which will still mimic mine, but it'll be more evolved. And for me, I think the biggest issue is the wealth gap.
Starting point is 00:11:26 So when you speak of the elitists or the individuals that everybody hate, just the evil government, these guys' money is way longer than the average individual that is out there speaking the truth. Okay. I don't have an issue with the wealth gap. Why do you have an issue with the wealth gap? Because the wealth gap, with the wealth gap because the wealth gap i think personally keeps a lot of individuals from truly growing because they're not educated and once you're educated you can make educated decisions that will financially benefit you and the reason why the wealth gap is so big because most people don't read anymore but why is it but okay maybe i'm misunderstanding but are you against how much money Bezos has? You want to take some of his money?
Starting point is 00:12:05 Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Oh, okay. I'm an entrepreneur. Make your money. I'm saying individuals who are complaining about those individuals should get their money up. Oh, yes, yes, yes. This is the wealth gap I'm saying. Like, there's such a big difference in the, say, just for me to just the average individual next to me.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Whereas they're shooting for an income a year, I'll make it in a month. Right. Because of the mindset, like the whole mindset is different. So when people start talking about issues, like for an example, when the pandemic. So you're talking about also personal accountability. Yes. Don't hate Bezos. Don't hate Branson. Go get yours. Go get yours. Go get yours. And if you're not creative at this point, then you're going to be with the masses anyway. So when people start saying, man, the vaccines, the mandates, and they start speaking over those things, I go, man, I don't feel that pressure. I will give that pressure to my people if I was going along with it. So everybody in my operation, nobody felt like, mandates. Nobody felt like, oh, my God, I was going to lose my job.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Nobody felt like that. And I have over 32 like like like like like salesmen. So imagine so it's all about, I always say, like having the right mindset as a leader and properly leading the way. Now you can be manipulated. People, people have numbers. Everybody has a ticket for me, I'm a check writer, and that's where I stand at. And I tell people, listen, I don't do business unless I can write the check. And if I can't write the check, let's just have a proper conversation. We can brainstorm. You can get some great ideas. I can get some great ideas, and we can keep it pushing. But most people, when they try to complain about something, they're not doing the proper basic steps to even get to where the actual solution is.
Starting point is 00:13:50 You know, that's what I mean by that wealth gap. Did you do you remember the last time you voted Democrat? Oh, I never voted Democrat. I just I first time I ever voted was for Trump. Yeah. First time I ever voted was for trump and i always tell people they go well why you never vote for one i was i was never really in the country because i was playing overseas oh what were you playing so i was i played in argentina i played in qatar i was over there in philippines i was like basketball oh yeah you have an amazing physique oh yeah you're still training hard oh yeah yeah i still get it so i went from
Starting point is 00:14:25 basketball to mixed martial arts because i was never successful in basketball because i was always on like losing teams so being a professional everybody was happy but i'm like always on these that's not the mindset of accountable person saying you weren't successful because you're on losing team and so i'm like bro like and imagine being a point guard they're always pointing the finger so i was like yo man how can i how can i change this because i'm feeling like and i was young so i was never really even being able to accept it so i was always fighting it because of the ego when i went into martial arts i was a one on one it went from a team sport to one-on-one and I immediately became
Starting point is 00:15:05 a champion. I immediately became a champion within like six months. I won an amateur world title in Muay Thai. And within a year, I'm like fighting with Chuck Norris and things like, like fighting for Chuck Norris. So I immediately felt successful, but it created a whole nother energy because I felt like I didn't need people anymore. You know? you see what i wanted to get at yes yeah how old are you i'm 43 okay i'm 49 nice man that's what's up i like that beard bro thank you it's it's kind of new it's kind of new some of my friends were growing up my younger buddies are growing out these big ones i was like all right motherfuck, I'm get you. Throw some shit out. Okay, so, because I was going to circle back on that.
Starting point is 00:15:48 So that is fascinating. Your, when you, the martial arts brought you to a point of some personal accountability and personal responsibility. It was like, oh shit, it's not, who am I going to blame for this shit? Exactly. Exactly. And that's where I started going, you know what? just me my opponent and the referee and once they close i keep telling people i'm 49 sorry i just had my birthday i'm 50 now the comments are blowing up saying i'm 50 i'm 50 okay okay okay okay get the fuck off my back thank you fucking the peanut gallery okay sorry i interrupted Okay, sorry, I interrupted. No, it's okay, man. So it was more like when I, as a fighter,
Starting point is 00:16:27 it was like, I got the joy of saying like, oh man, I received victory and I did it by myself. But then you start realizing you're not truly by yourself. You're really with the team, but you're performing. You're in charge of the performer. So I took that mentality and I moved it from fighting to business because I eventually realized I had the same energy as a basketball player.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Because I was like, listen, I'm still not getting paid what I think I'm worth. And you guys are making negotiations for me when I'm the fucking fighter. Like, why are you guys negotiating what you guys are going to pay me when I'm the fighter? I'm going to tell you what I want. And if you want me to fight and represent your organization, then we're going to shake hands. But it was always like, yo, this is what you're going to fight for. This is your purse. This is who you're going to fight. This is the day you're going to fight. This is the gloves you're going to wear. And I need you guys to sign right here. And I'm like, well, wait a minute. What is this? Why is this? Why is this? Oh, don't worry about that. You see what I'm saying? Because they just want you to fight.
Starting point is 00:17:26 And then I started realizing the real money was in training fighters because you don't take damage and you get the same amount of money. So I just imagine I was a three-time world champion. Because hand me that amateur title in there. I just got to my mama's house, so she pulled out my amateur title belt, bro, from like 2006 right now. And what was your discipline? What was your martial art?
Starting point is 00:17:47 I was in Muay Thai, and then I was Muay Thai kickboxing, and then I started doing jiu-jitsu. I started learning all around the board. I took up Krav Maga weapons training, so I started doing hand-to-hand combat. I started teaching weapons training. So imagine this is my first title from like 2006, 2006 and uh and i think it was in des moines iowa yeah it was like an amateur kickboxing title and i went to support my friends and then they was like listen bro you should fight and i was like no bro i ain't i ain't getting into all of that shit bro i'm just now to start a training they was like bro you should fight and soon as i got
Starting point is 00:18:23 out there and man i got my first knockout ever and i i felt like i dunked on michael jordan for a game winner bro so it's like it's so crazy how when i realized like as a fighter like how long can you keep fighting how long can you stay a champion how long can you keep just beating people up when when you when you're when you're when your energy is so much more. So when I started teaching, I found love with teaching children. And when I started teaching children, I started a kids program, which literally blew up. And so most people know me from my kids program, which used to be called Little Strikers. So I was teaching kids from ages three to 12, the beginning stages of fitness, martial arts and obedience. And I think right now we are in trouble with our children because there's no one giving them obedience.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Like they have no no no authority figures. And then when the police gets into them to give them authority, they there's a rebel right there. You see. And so that journey took me into India. I lived in India seven years. Where in India? I was in Hyderabad, Mumbai, New Delhi, Gujarat. I was like all over India because I was teaching military hand-to-hand combat. Did you ever spend any time in Varanasi?
Starting point is 00:19:40 Varanasi? No, no. Okay. Not Varanasi. I was just, again, out from Punjab to Kerala. You must have been quite the sight there. Oh man, let me, bro. When I dropped down over there, people were looking like that Django scene when Jamie Foxx was on the horse.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Like people were looking at me like that. Yeah. When you took your shirt, did you walk around a lot in like tank tops or shirtless oh yeah i walked around i walked around like shirtless for like literally like the first two months and then i started understanding that i need to like people coming up and touching you right like that people just running it was like this like like yeah it was like an indiana jones scene i swear yeah i know yeah i i was there i'm a little five foot five armenian and i i went there in my early 30s and i and i still get at it a lot but i and i was wearing a warrior's tank top in varanasi
Starting point is 00:20:31 and i was like people fucking started wanting to touch me and shit oh man all right i gotta get dressed yeah yeah i'm like holy fuck what the fuck is going on here yeah man it was it was crazy but then i i started realizing, I started understanding energy when I was in India. And when you start understanding energy, you start understanding how to make decisions with different people according to their energy versus their words and versus their emails and versus their proposals. And when I started learning about energy, that changed my whole vibration. And I started understanding from low chakra energy to high chakra energy from people. And then I started putting that skill set into leaders that we were listening to. And at that
Starting point is 00:21:19 time, we had Obama here. And I started saying, listen, this guy speaks extremely well. This guy can manipulate a whole slew of people. He has everybody on hope. And at that time in a martial art and martial arts, my trainer was telling me, we don't hope for nothing. We don't hope for shit. Hope is for the week. We make shit happen. And then you got your president saying, yes, we can. Yes, we can. You remember that mantra? Yes, we can. And everybody started hoping for change. Everybody started hoping for change. And then he got up there and he spoke to everybody and he says, we're going to allow gay marriages. Yes, we can. And I said, that's what it is. When people start speaking from high energy vibrations with low vibration intentions. And that's where the world is so corrupt. And I go, man, everybody knows our government is evil. Everybody knows the government. It's not new. What what baffles me is that people still comply to it and as a fighter and as an individual as a
Starting point is 00:22:27 warrior of god i said man i have to protect the children so we have to plant the proper seeds in the air and one thing yeah back to the energy thing for a minute tell me about energy like how do you how does someone go from um you know being an american kid basketball having fun whatever you did as a young man i'm assuming the stuff that all of us did chase girls and work out how do you why aren't you like all this energy shit is mumbo jumbo well for the simple fact it was like because you you become like you can ignore something for so long but then when it's like a part of you like because that's what we are we're energy with frequency we and we and when i would go into a room people would say man he lights that room up man he's got that room up and they would say this
Starting point is 00:23:14 from a kid but i never really truly kind of understood it and then when i started like being like approached by colleges and stuff like that then i knew like everybody wanted me everybody wanted like everybody wanted me, everybody wanted me to be that guy. Everybody wanted me to lift the team up. So no matter what team I was on, whether we were like one in 27, they were saying, Martin, I need you to pick the guys up. I need you to lead the prayer in the locker room. I need you to motivate the guys. The guys are down right now. So I want you to come and practice. I won't even show up because everybody's mad at me. So everybody always wanted me to be that little light, you know? and it's obvious on your instagram by the way you have an amazing smile and even when shit's like hopeless you're like talking to the people like um it's good you're
Starting point is 00:23:57 still centered in you oh yeah fact you when you're saying the worst shit ever you're it's still you you you don't get all crazy i don't get all crazy man and that's where i i not when i started thinking like oh man like what what why why why is people why why is that light in me you know what is the difference between me him you start questioning that and i realized it's god god is in all of us and for those who have a a true relationship and a true like understanding that man, he is within us. We don't know. I don't look outside for nothing. Everything that I need to indulge in, I need to create or manifest. The miracle starts right there. Oh, man. You see.
Starting point is 00:24:39 And so when I started understanding energy, I started understanding like, man, every decision that most people like conjure up in their brains, they're not even manifesting like a non-existent manifest. They're not even understanding that in itself is a miracle because that comes from like, like energy frequency, things firing off in your brain. And then we're talking naturally. Like we're, we have had no conversation. This is a freestyle conversation for the audience. Like, and we're, and we're, we're like like you're asking questions and we're going back and forth. That's energy. Now, you could ask me something that could ruffle my feathers and then the energy shifts. You see. Yeah. But for me, I go by being an energy guy. I never give anyone, not even my wife, not even my kids, not my business partners, nobody.
Starting point is 00:25:24 I never give them access to change my energy you see so i'm always consciously you you you don't allow that i never allow it i never allow it i can get upset i have things that bother me i'm human but at the end of the day like i'm always like this i'm always like this for the simple fact people are watching. Children are watching. And this is where you learn. You learn from from revelations. You understand, like I always tell people like people are scared of revelation. That's how you learn. Like God reveals your true purpose through revelation. Then people are thinking revelations from the Bible. Even the Bible is manipulated.
Starting point is 00:26:03 So I'm not talking about that revelation. I'm talking about my individual journey is revelations from the Bible. Even the Bible is manipulated. So I'm not talking about that revelation. I'm talking about my individual journey is revelations. You know, I made some shitty decisions in my life that put me in a shitty situation. And it was my revelation of learning and bettering myself not to put myself in that situation again. What is that word? What does that word mean? Revelation? I would even break it down to like your your story, you know, like like most people experience. Like I would say it was even experience, you know. Yeah. It says a surprising and previously unknown fact, especially one that is made known in a dramatic way. The divine or supernatural disclosure to humans of something relating to. So so it's for you. It's something like trial and error.
Starting point is 00:26:46 to. So for you, it's something like trial and error. Facts. Facts. It's just like that. And it's also having a proper risk factor. A lot of people don't understand. If you don't understand risk management, this is why most people are not even having an eye or ear to digital currency. They don't have any knowledge of risk management or our time, like value. Like so many people are lost in the sauce when it comes to that. And I go, when you understand your own risk management, you're not going to put yourself in a situation like I understand risk management. So I won't be out there trying to sell drugs and talk shit about someone who is working at McDonald's when the guy is working at McDonald's will be in the end of the time more profitable. Yeah. Risk assessment to write Risk management and risk assessment. Yes. Yes. And so many people are so like, like, again, they learn from the streets, they learn from bad individuals or they're, I would always say when you learn from men who
Starting point is 00:27:40 have not evolved themselves, then your involvement revolves around what they show you. You know, and so me being overseas, it would immediately allow me to see different men and how they act and how they were raised. And like when I went to India, I was shocked to see 22 year old businessmen with family. Here at 20, I had already had a kid. Imagine i at 20 i had already had a kid imagine that at 20 my son is 22 and i'm 43 wow wow wow yeah yeah yeah so we're doing business together right now so imagine that you know so it's like a lot of people so i was forced to become a father like super quick forced to like like like not be in the clubs, not be doing all of the BS and just always trying to better myself because they were always watching, you know?
Starting point is 00:28:30 Are you shadow banned? Always, always. Yeah. Yeah. Always, always. I'm going to, so I'm going to change your, um, your name here. What's your Instagram account at? Uh, Mr. Holistic. Okay okay and no 88888 right no no no that's yeah my 888 i have eights on my wrist you see like like like that how's that
Starting point is 00:28:55 is that right so if you want to find this guy by the way so i could i had to go yesterday um when i was digging through his instagram account i couldn't find him on my computer no matter how much google search i used so then i had to go back I couldn't find them on my computer, no matter how much Google search I use. So then I had to go back to my phone, find them on my phone and then text it to my computer to pull it up. Like I'm shadow ban. And by the way, no one texts me or DM me and say, you're not shadow ban. You just have restrictions.
Starting point is 00:29:17 It's all the same shit to me. Yeah. I like when people are like, you're not shadow banned anymore. I found you. It's like, dude, it's revolving. They let in just little time. They just let in a few people at a time. I call it the Davy Jones censor locker. Why is that?
Starting point is 00:29:33 Because you know how in the pirates were like, I'm going to throw you in Davy Jones' locker, you know? So I go for the people who are speaking the truth, they throw us all down in the censorship locker. Why don't they just kick us off? What are they waiting for? This is what I said. Just throw me off. Like, why are you even tiptoeing? Like, you know I'm not going to stop my language. You know I'm not going to stop saying what I'm saying. Why don't you just kick us off? I don't get it.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Just kick me off. And this is what I always say. I mean, I don't want to be kicked off. Don't get me wrong, but it makes no sense. It makes no sense. It makes no sense. I remember I got on TikTok. I have over 179,000 followers on TikTok.
Starting point is 00:30:06 All organic. I've never paid social media anything. Everything is organic. So imagine I get on TikTok. You are a fucking moron if you pay someone to get your followers on social media. Exactly. I think that's so stupid. That is fucking insanity.
Starting point is 00:30:19 It's insane. So imagine TikTok reaches out to me. Oh, we love your content. As a platform, we're your content as a as a as a as a platform. We're looking for more more adult content because nothing with children was like dancing on there at first. So they started promoting like Mr. Holistic. We need to listen. And they started making me go viral on TikTok. And then when I started going against their narrative and they started saying, listen, you're a community guideline. You're a walking community guideline violation. And I'm like, how is that even possible when you got 16 year old girls shaking their ass on here? And I'm sitting here saying, listen, whether you're
Starting point is 00:30:55 Democrat or whether you're Republican, at the end of the day, there are some shit that is about to happen. That is some real revelation is going to come to everyone and i go and it depends on what level you're on on how you're going to be affected by it and no one understood that and then the pandemic hit and then i said imagine now your title does not matter anymore because everybody is at home now it matters where is the willpower and the spiritual because it's a spiritual war at this point who is going to stop and who is goingpower and the spiritual? Because it's a spiritual war at this point. Who is going to stop and who is going to keep going? So I say it's a spiritual war. What do you mean by that? When in the sense of a spiritual war, because they want to break your willpower, you know.
Starting point is 00:31:35 And so, like, when you start looking at the big fight between, like, devil and God, it's always to take the will, like the will, the willpower away from the people, because they don't want to give you that free will. They don't want to give you free choice. They want to manipulate you at this point. And when now as us, as like free thinkers and truth seekers, we're like the bad guys. And I go, how could we just sit here and speak the truth? And if you sit on here and you go with the lies, you're a good guy. Right. And so I go, I can literally be an algorithm whore right now. I can be an algorithm whore and start saying, oh, my God, Trump 2024, Trump truth circle. Everybody go to Trump truth circle. Everybody go to here. Everybody go there. And then I'll start going viral again.
Starting point is 00:32:23 You just start talking, Donald Trump, you'll go viral. If you start just start talking Donald Trump, you'll go viral. If you start talking bad about Donald Trump, you'll go viral. But if you start talking about Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Reform, you start talking about the laws, you start talking about what's popping out right here, right now. Oh, they censor that. But if you yell at him, you start telling black people, yo, we are oppressed. The white man is always keeping us down. They're not a part of us. We should be killing them.
Starting point is 00:32:47 They have enslaved us. Bro, you go viral times steroids on steroids. Yeah. And it's crazy how they, and I didn't- They're rewarding those people. They're rewarding those people that push their agenda. Fact. So imagine this.
Starting point is 00:33:02 I did a- And who is they? When I say they i want who am i referring to i would even say like big tech you got big tech big pharma for an example i smoke marijuana and people say man when are you going to stop smoking those drugs as they take like 12 pills like bro i'm i'm on medicine you're taking drugs and it's like a guy that smokes weed you don't seem like a guy that smokes weed well yeah i love marijuana bro i love it for the simple fact i always tell and i don't do it publicly i only do it in my home so most people who know me they have never even seen me smoke
Starting point is 00:33:34 they just know i'm an advocate of it and i always tell people like by the way i think that's cool i think that's i think that's cool i don't think some people might be that's fake there's shit that i do i tell people don't ever eat added sugar or refined carbohydrates, that it is fucking the death of you. But if I'm at a birthday party and I eat a piece of cake, I would never post it. I'm not like, hey, guys, I'm cheating. No, no, I'm supposed to. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just know that I'm not perfect.
Starting point is 00:34:00 I do cheat. Exactly. But I'm not showing you that shit because I'm trying to be a good role model. I'm not trying to be fake. I'm trying to be a good role model not trying to be fake everybody has their flaws and like and i don't say marijuana is a flaw but this is just something i like to do but you can't just go out and just start saying oh man i'm not i'm not snoop dogg i'm not wiz khalifa i'm not trying to like like promote that image this is just what i do you don't have to do it i like cigars also i don't like cigarettes i hate tobacco but i'll smoke me a cigar on just on some good company you see what i'm saying but i'm not
Starting point is 00:34:30 you're not gonna see on instagram like doing that like like you know so on my lives i have like these waking bake sessions but these sessions are when i'm just going well you know what i'm shadowbanned anyway i'm sitting outside let me Let me cut my phone off and give some people some juice. And so when I do things like that, this is just me just being organic. But when you start talking about what I want my kids to see, what I want other children to see, I want them to understand, man, don't be scared to speak the truth. Don't be scared to speak the truth. And you have so many people right now that are creating lies just to hide the truth because they like, you know, and I don't, I don't know what they're people going to say or what they're going to think, how they're going to feel. Who cares?
Starting point is 00:35:14 We are gods. Like God is in us. Speak your truth because only the truth will set us free. And you got so many people lying. You got so many people lying. There's this guy the other day, I was talking about him. His name is Rob Earth. He's on Instagram. And he was talking basically that God is in us and that if you want to experience that, take 100%. Well, he actually took it a step further. He said you are God.
Starting point is 00:35:37 And he said if you want to experience that, you have to take all personal responsibility and accountability for everything that's happening in your life. Everything. And some people some people were offended by it. And I'm like, hey, man, you don't have to be offended. You can try the experiment. And it's amazing how everything you say comes back to you. Yeah. Yeah. I tell people when how you ask me that question, like, how did you realize like energy was a thing and you didn't just brush it off? I had a conversation in the mirror. I had the conversation in the mirror and that reflection, I said, man, I don't like it. And I look good. Imagine. And I didn't like what I was seeing. I didn't like the direction I was in. I had women in all other countries,
Starting point is 00:36:19 my kids, I was barely in contact with them, but I'm financially blessing them just because I'm overseas and I'm not there. So I feel like, oh, I can do whatever the hell I want to do over here. And then I go back home. I'm like a father or this, I'm a good son. And that's not the image for sure that I want to like, like, like live because you're like, you're living like separate personalities at that point. And when you start creating these different personalities, it comes with different characters and each characters demand like consistency. And when you're with this girl, you have to be this character. You over here in this girl, you got to be this character. You over here at home, you have to be this character. And I just got tired of playing character after character. It's
Starting point is 00:36:57 like movie roles. And I said, you know what? This is me. This is who I am. This is what I'm going to stand on. And if people don't like it, you have to accept that not everybody is going to like what you've got going on. Not everybody is going to like what how you feel, how you think, how you move. But you have to fuck them and just keep moving forward. Like, why stop? Why try to explain? Why try to go outside of your character, your individual character that God has created within us, when you're just being you, to please other people. You were saying that you don't, you basically, you stay on this straight and narrow, right? You stay who you are and you don't let other people get in there and manipulate or alter your way. For me, the way I do that is i create space i try i i really basically life
Starting point is 00:37:47 is just one like when people say i meditated today i believe that you should be meditating 24 hours a day there should be never a moment that you're not watching your brain like it's a dangerous cobra inside your mind oh i love it i love that right you're trapped in a room with a cobra don't take your fucking eyes off of it and so thoughts are thoughts or bodily sensations arise and you decide whether you want to address them i have an itch on my shoulder i shouldn't itch it automatically the practice of cultivating awareness is to feel the itch observe it maybe let it go maybe itch it but either way be aware and same with thoughts you know someone someone flips you off when they drive by. Your first instinct is to mirror them and flip them off. You let some time pass and you wave and instead of flip them off, you make the next choice. Yes. How do you do it? Is it the same for all of us humans? That's what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:38:35 You're constantly trying to create space between Martin, the warrior of God and and this mind that some people confuses themselves. Is that what you're you're you hit it on the nail, bro. I just gave a big lecture on the accountability of awareness. And I think so many people are so unaware because of these, because of the cell phones. Okay. So many people are lost in the sauce and they walk with their hands down. They're walking like with their eyes into their phone and they're not aware of their surroundings anymore. So when something kind of like pops up or a driver pulls out in front of them and then that guy flips you off and then you immediately mirror that.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Right. Because now you have lost track. And this is what I always tell people. I said this just just the other day. Be willing to stand 24 hours a day by your ears to play security for your brain. Oh, say that. say that one more time. That is so good. Be willing to stand, be security up to your ears to protect your brain for 24 hours a day.
Starting point is 00:39:38 People are allowing whatever to go inside their ears, and they don't understand. Man would ever come out of their fucking mouth. Bro,'m telling you and there's some countabilities to that and so when you start going like bro i'm still walking a narrow path but i will whoop your ass like like i would beat i would beat the brakes off you for just disrespecting me and i don't care about going to jail either i'll go to jail i'll bond out because i know the system i'll be out in two hours when you just start talking raw and then when go, but that is not my energy. I don't want to drop my energy level down to physically harm someone because they just losing their tongue. So what I like to do, I go, you're going to be accountable for that.
Starting point is 00:40:20 You're going to be accountable for that versus me even making sure that you're accountable one day you're going to slip at that tongue again and someone is going to cut that off yeah someone is going to cut that off and people are not realizing when you allow your mind to just roam free and you allow whatever to be fed into it your energy and everything is going to mirror that and i'll tell you another thing to the people who are listening. Everybody must understand that your brain is not your mind. And a lot of people fail to realize that the brain is in charge of sending signals, allowing my hands to move the way my hands move and feeling things and giving messages.
Starting point is 00:41:01 That is not your mind. Your mind is the spirit. The mind is the glow. The mind is the consciousness. That's the beauty of the human nature, that we have the ability to change our trajectory at a drop of a dime. We can be going down the shithole world and just go, you know what? I don't like which way I'm going. Let me just go this way. And your whole life can change just from understanding and developing your mind. And so most people are so stuck in feeding their brain what is on their TV, what is in their cell phone, what their friends are saying. And then when you look at your friends, you go, man, they're not really doing anything. And like the old man would say, if you're the smartest person in the room, find another room.
Starting point is 00:41:46 And then when you keep going to other rooms and you're still the smartest person in the room, you start thinking like I used to think, man, fuck it. I'll just create my own room. Yeah. And then you end up sitting there going, well, man, I'm in my room by myself. Oh, nobody likes me. Oh, maybe I'm the bad. Maybe I'm the weird one. And then you start realizing, no, God has put you in a place to now you can self-reflect because being alone allows you to self-develop. And when you start learning and truly who you truly are.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Nothing can affect that. And now everything starts being aligned with your blessings. And a lot of people are staying at this level right here, seven, and they're asking for blessings right here. And they have not developed a character to be right here to receive those blessings. So as an athlete, as a basketball player, I could openly say my talents took me to a place where my character was not developed to stay. And this is why I can openly say, man, I had a great opportunity.
Starting point is 00:42:44 I saw so much as a basketball player, but I was very unsuccessful, you see. Whether you're practicing your morning breath work, waiting for your favorite artist to come on stage, or running errands at the perfect pace, Liquid IV Powder helps you turn ordinary water into extraordinary hydration so you can live a more extraordinary life. Live more with Liquid IV Hydration Multiplier. Available in refreshing lemon, lime, passion fruit, and strawberry flavors. Buy a stick in store at Costco, Walmart, Amazon, and other Canadian
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Starting point is 00:43:40 or get a rain check. Discover more value than ever at Loblaws, in-store and online. Conditions apply. See in-store for details. I never got to play. When I was with the Atlanta Hawks, imagine this, for three years as a practice player, as a practice player on 10-day contracts,
Starting point is 00:43:57 every five, six days, some guy coming down from upstairs telling me, oh, you're not good enough. I don't think this is going to be your week. I don't think we're going to sign you this week. But we like your energy. We like what you bring to the table. you're not good enough. I don't think this is going to be your week. I don't think we're going to sign you this week. But we like your energy. We like what you bring to the table. You're always on time. Your percentages are good.
Starting point is 00:44:11 Your skill sets are good. Man, just hang in there. We're going to give you that call. And three years later, I just asked. I'm like, bro, are y'all ever going to give me a shot? And he says, well, we will. And soon as I go back downstairs, I have a pink slip in my locker I got cut for asking and I before that I never asked I never asked why you're not signing me
Starting point is 00:44:35 why you're not giving me an opportunity why are you using me I never asked and when the minute I opened my mouth it everything was snatched away and And I was like back in Arkansas. And I'm like, what the hell? And that's what got me into the fighting because I was angry, you know, and I was just like, I wasn't successful anyway. And when I started reflecting and I became like, and I started like developing, even as a martial artist, it started calming me down because I started like understanding energy, like meditation, like breath work and stuff like this, started understanding meditation, breath work, and stuff like this, calmness. And when that calmness starts taking over your body, you can start making proper decisions. And a lot of people mind is so clouded with bullshit judgment, misinformation, horrible careers. The corporate
Starting point is 00:45:19 world is just killing people's souls. And then they come home and they bring that same energy home. And now they're yelling at their children, they're yelling at their husband, they're yelling killing people's souls and then they come home and they bring that same energy home and now they're yelling at their children they're yelling at their husband they're yelling at their moms they're yelling at their siblings everything at this point and they're just losing control so it's like people who have made bipolar even like a joke at this point like oh i'm bipolar it's okay like no no it's not okay it's not okay or the i like when people say oh yeah i was diagnosed with adhd everyone wants to say they have adhd like it's crazy to me it's like they just create all of these things and then they go because the doctor said it and it's like you can even go back to the
Starting point is 00:45:56 energy of people saying i love my doctor but i fear god I'm going, why would you fear someone who gave you everything that you need? Everything that is inside of you, all the treasure that he put inside of you. Why would you fear that? You should be loving that. Isn't that what the Bible says to fear God? This is, but again, I always tell people that book has been manipulated so many times. Right. So you, it's a great great book i love the book and i don't shit on nobody who was a bible thumper but at the same time there's questions that need to be answered on why did you tamper with the book yeah why did you tamper with it and if you tamper with it you tamper with it for a reason hey do you think why don't um why don't people who've made it to the top tell everyone, hey, I did this through hard work.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Quit being a pussy and feeling sorry for yourself. Why are there people like Oprah and LeBron and The Rock allowing the victim mindset to grow? Why would they feed that from the top? Those people we know had to work their ass off to get where they got. Those fuckers didn't have shit given to them. Why don't they just say that? Why don't they take the David Goggins route? Like, fuck you, bitch.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Work. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, they won't do it because they're paid off. Because they're paid. They're getting paid, and they're scripted individuals. But can't we still pay them? And this is what I said. I go, man, I was so disappointed when the i mean i want them to be
Starting point is 00:47:26 rich as fuck i'm stoked for them i'm so happy for for the for the for the for those blessings but then i go like for an example like a lebron james i said man this guy has so much like like opportunity to set people's minds free yeah let's talk color lebron james can change so many young black men's mindset on how they feel about the system how they feel about white people how they feel about the corporation set them free he can set them free he can literally set them free just by saying yo bro i work my ass off and i deal with shit on a daily basis but man i just let that shit go in one ear and not the other and i stay focused on my dreams my visions my affirmations and what I want to attract for my family. If they speak like that, they would have true followings. Yes. But they would have true positive impact. It's like you said, they would set people free from their jail that they've built
Starting point is 00:48:17 of this victim identity. Yeah. And you can, I always say like they say never say never. But I'm going, why would you not say never have a victim victimized mindset like like who is victimizing you? Like who is like victims always lose. Like you're a victim. You're a victim. Like, I don't understand. I always tell people, like, why are you speaking that language? Like like no one is oppressing, you know, like like who do you think is your oppressor thank you this is what my question was to a lot because i remember when the trump shit like like was just first like brewing and like everybody was hating and calling him a racist so i went to the hood you know i just went to the hood i went to the streets i play basketball so i can play in the streets i can play in the community center so i went to the most ghettoist places in vegas and imagine i was like the only black conservative in liberal as las vegas in 2016 2017 and i was going to the most ghettoist communities
Starting point is 00:49:11 with my make america great hat on and people were just like ready to fight ready to shoot and i'm going bro we can do that too but where is this going to lead why is this this hat trigger you to the point for the simple fact only individuals get triggered? Because I know energy is because of lack of knowledge, lack of understanding. Yeah. So now you have seek something and you have validated that and it's not enough. So therefore, you're ready to fight. You're ready to be physical.
Starting point is 00:49:38 Yeah. I'm well equipped in that, too. So that would be a very big disappointment for you. So let's have a conversation. And then I started talking to people, bro. And you will be amazed how people started understanding like, really? Really? Oh, I didn't know that. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:49:53 And I'm like, yeah. You think I'm just sitting here like just jumping on some Trump train? I can give two shits about Donald Trump and all of that hype. To me, Trump is a product. He is a product he is a product and it shows that america will always buy products like food the food here in america is not food it's products it's like which culture do you think is the best critical thinkers inherently like do you think do you think that black culture if there is such a thing and if there's not i'm willing to push back or do you think like jew culture or do you think like puerto rican culture
Starting point is 00:50:29 do you have do you have any thoughts on which ethnicities i like to think of people by their culture rather than their color for sure i was i would say the indian culture is probably the most underestimated for sure for sure for the fact, they go for spiritual enlightenment first. But they're also easily manipulated by the West. They're still like, they're crazy. I feel like they crave too. That's the masses. The masses are very easy manipulated. You can poke them with a stick.
Starting point is 00:50:59 It's a crazy materialistic culture, which is kind of trippy to say about one of the poorest places you could ever be. One hundred percent. But when you start talking about just the because, again, I live there. So when you start talking about like the individuals who are on top versus the individuals who are on the street. Yeah. The guys who are on the street understand that this is where they are. My father served tea. My grandfather served tea, I'm going to serve tea. So that kid is happy serving tea. You can see a guy in India with a Bentley running an IT firm and sitting there on the street with a guy serving tea and they have the same face. They have the same energy because they're both happy with exactly where they are. And that's also like a handicap because in America,
Starting point is 00:51:44 we're always wanting more more more more more i want bigger bigger better and stuff like that but when you start talking about being being happy with who you are where you are and then getting the best out of those moments like that that is like like i i think like the end game yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's the end game you know so people in india they're starting with the end game first and then they're grabbing all the materializations for buying cars buying houses traveling seeing the world and doing all of those other things but at the end of the day their natural foundation they're they're already at the end game and this is why you see this energy right here. Yeah. Like, I don't know, sir.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Sir, please, please. No. No, sir. Baba, no. God. I wish I didn't have to fly to India. I would love to take my kids there and walk around barefoot and live on the streets for a few months. Damn, I loved it.
Starting point is 00:52:37 This is what happened, bro. I loved India. I didn't take my kids, but I took my shoes off. Imagine. Yeah, I went barefoot there, too. Fuck that. I ain't wearing shoes there. Oh, man. I said, no way. I remember when I got there, I had some Gucci shoes on. my shoes off imagine i yeah i went barefoot there too fuck that i ain't wearing shoes there oh man
Starting point is 00:52:45 i said no way i remember i had some i when i got there i had some gucci shoes on and the guy says sir i like those guest shoes i guess um would you do you think you could this is such a broad question so do you think you could um walk onto a basketball court in Oakland, California and explain to five black men, ten black men, unfuck their thinking? Or do you think you could walk onto campus at UC Berkeley and unfuck ten soy boys, chubby, fucking estrogen-filled white kids? I don't even know if there are white kids at uc berkeley they might just be asian but um and i hate um but uh which do you think we can stereotype i just feel like black people are because of their upbringing because
Starting point is 00:53:39 of that culture that they're better critical thinkers they're way better critical thinkers because you gotta understand there's a survival instinct in them kind of like west virginia white people these motherfuckers know how to survive they know how to survive they got good critical thinking skills yeah go ahead sorry so when you take like the old now you the youth is no different like there's no more culture it's just just viral movement so black white asian they're all the same no more culture just viral movements yeah yeah just viral movements man so so you can look at black people and white kids they're all doing the same thing you got white kids walking with their pants down their ass with big gold chains on you got black people doing it
Starting point is 00:54:14 you got asians doing you got everybody doing that shit so it's like when you start talking about that survival instinct it's damn near stopping at my generation, the 70s and 80s. When you get to the 95s and the 2000s, like these kids are something different. Even cell phones have made the hardest kids pussies. Yeah. Yeah. That's interesting. Yeah, man. Because imagine to answer even that question, I would for sure go to the hood, to the court and speak to the five black guys. Because those five black guys, I could manipulate and plant the seed with them. They will go back and tell two other three other black guys.
Starting point is 00:54:54 And now you take those five and now you got 12 and now you got 12 and then you got 24. You see. And now you're changing the game just in that little arena. And most people try to hit the masses. And I go, this is where you're changing the game just in that little arena. And most people try to hit the masses. And I go, this is where you're wrong. We have to stop talking to the people who are not listening. We talk to the people who listen, and then you gauge the results. And when you gauge the results, you get data. And when you get data, now you can assess.
Starting point is 00:55:23 And when you can assess, you can make a decision. When you can make a decision, now you can be financial beneficial. You see? Because now you can put people together and you say, okay, now we're going to make this movement for the children. We're going to put up a gym over here. Why do we need to keep going over to this gym and paying these people $5, $25 to get in this gym when every nigga in the hood selling dope got money? Why we just don't build our own shit imagine lebron russell westbrook uh duane way they're going to people's facilities why does they not have their own gym for everybody to come and hone in on their skills even during the pandemic right right right right right like little decisions like that i go man people are so used to just saying okay this is what i'm
Starting point is 00:56:05 able to do they're just like always putting themselves in a position to be told no and i'm going why would you put yourself in a position to be told no when you can't accept no so many people this is what you started the show with too this is what you started the show with too do your yeah yeah and you have a great theme here. I love it, man. This is a great conversation, bro. It's a great conversation. How did you end up in Florida?
Starting point is 00:56:33 So I'll tell you that. So I have businesses in Vegas. And so, and so I started, I was in Daytona bike week when I do rallies. So I do a whole bunch of rallies with Harley Davidson's with my company. So I was in Daytona bike week two years ago. I just left. Daytona is a city in Florida for people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:51 It's a city in Florida. It's like an hour from Orlando. And so I was there when people started saying, Oh, the Chinese people are eating bats in there and they're passing out. And I said, Oh, I read some shit like this.
Starting point is 00:57:05 They're going to lock the world now. And then people started saying, oh, here you go again, Mr. Holistic, talking that conspiracy shit. So then I started saying, I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm a conspiracy therapist. Because when people started talking about the conspiracies, people were just like, man, I'm losing my friends. I can't even go to my church anymore.
Starting point is 00:57:24 My mother's not talking to me. I'm like'm like bro you have to be a conspiracy therapist you can't just start throwing out of these wild ass shit and thinking people just going to accept it people don't want to they'll play security to that shit you see what i mean and so when i started being in daytona and they started all of the pandemic shit i was almost like almost four or five months ahead of the first lockdowns in march 2000 like martin and march of two years ago in 2019 or 2020 so when it happened i said oh they're gonna fuck the strip up they're gonna shut these casinos down and they're gonna really really show people that you're you have no value and then people say what do you mean by that in the very next day seven the very next day they came out with the essential and non-essential. You remember that?
Starting point is 00:58:10 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And I said, I told y'all, I told you motherfuckers. I told y'all, can't nobody tell me I'm not essential. I'm God. I'm godly. Like I have God inside me. Like, how are you going to tell me that we're not essential anymore? Because you deem Walmart essential. You deem wow essential you deem essential no no no no i'm way more essential than those motherfuckers because i'm not drinking like that i don't fucking so we elect dumb people we elect ungodly people hey you know how like um sorry to interrupt martin you know how uh the the pope i don't i maybe i got this fucked up, but like if you want to be the pope, they won't choose you. You know how like they go into a cave, and they all sit in there for like a week or some shit, and it's like whoever is like the most humble and doesn't want to do the job, they pick that dude.
Starting point is 00:58:58 And then they build a fire and smoke comes out, and they pick the next pope or whatever, however it works. So basically everyone who runs for office is a piece of shit i mean i know that's pretty broad sweeping generalization but but we have low vibrational people to use your term running for office we don't have anyone who's um thinking clearly are going to stand up for us issues and you know what's so funny when i see the we need gandhi we need a guy in a robe who's willing to like not wear anything except a fucking banana hammock and sleep in a tent in the front lawn of the white house and we need to be he needs to be completely
Starting point is 00:59:33 transparent it needs to be a fucking a tent but like we can see in it he needs to be like hey i'm nothing i'm nothing man you know people it's so crazy that that you know, it sounds crazy, but I'm not even joking. That's what we know. It is. I'm like, because it's like you'll see the politician like there's politicians who are preachers. And I'm like, are you fucking kidding me? Like, you can't be both of them. And they say, well, well, yes, you can.
Starting point is 00:59:59 You can be whatever you want. I said, bro, if you're talking about being the beacon of life to enter the stairway to heaven, that's what preachers are for. Spread the knowledge of God, speak the truth and enlighten people on the spiritual journey to get them close to the pearly gates. Like this is what preachers are doing. So how could you immediately go there on Sunday and then Monday through Saturday, you're dealing with dirty politics. And you're voting and like literally for some of the most craziest ungodly policies towards children. You're not a messenger of God.
Starting point is 01:00:41 You have been bought by men. And this is what I tell people about politics. I said, the only reason why I really, truly liked Donald Trump is that he didn't accept nobody's money until Big Pharma came around. When Pfizer came around, that's when this guy made the deals for the warp speed. He made the deals then. And then I said, the minute you do a deal with the devil, you're no longer godly. You're not godly, especially if you're dealing with God people. You're dealing with the children of God. You're dealing with the innocent. I'm personally OK. Like I can look at policies and I can move my energy over here and I can evolve because I'll read the policy.
Starting point is 01:01:20 I'll find the loophole in the policy. I don't mind riding a loophole. I don't mind it, but you're not going to have me drop my vibration, become a victim, stand in line, get, get, have my whole DNA structure change just because you want to say, I want to protect the people. Now, when you're standing in front of me, super unhealthy, I can't even relate kind of to anyone who got the injection i i can't i can't i can't understand it i mean i want i want to understand it i want to have like empathy and compassion i'm just so um you probably hear my baby in the background she's talking to angels in the door right now yeah yeah i hear it going off it's fine i's fine. I just I guess I don't look.
Starting point is 01:02:08 There's just so many excuses that people have. When just now when you were talking, I was like, holy shit. Like I feel like talking to you, I've really climbed up on my fucking ladder that's sitting on the back of a horse now. You know what I mean? Like I'm so fucking like uppity and pretentious and like all knowing. looking like uppity and pretentious and like all knowing, but even looking at our schools, what they feed our kids, how can you allow anyone to feed your kids what they feed your kids in school? It's just my, it's my, it's mind boggling. It's like, you know what?
Starting point is 01:02:39 People are just completely throw their hands up in there. Oh, there's nothing I can do. I have to go to work and that's the shit they're going to feed them. And see, and this is the accountability. This is goes back to what we started in the beginning, having the conversation in the mirror, accepting that the simple fact that the, the, the journey, the trail that you're going to blaze for your children is way more, it should be way more prioritized than're going and clocking into that nine to five. And people right here, right now, 100% throw their kids into the most shitty, like toxic, unorganic situations and expecting them kids to come out organically educated. You can't put your seed, you can't take an organic plant, You can't put your seed, you can't take an organic plant, plant it into soil, which is horrible soil, next to toxic plants and think you're still going to get an organic plant.
Starting point is 01:03:36 It doesn't work that way. So me as an organic individual, my daughter is unvaccinated from, she has nothing. None of it. I didn't play with none of it i said listen if you guys are going to require rona vaccines for school she'll never get that so therefore she'll never go to school so therefore she's never going to go to school i don't want bullshit vaccines that you guys are trying to give her to okay to get into a daycare like fuck it yeah yeah none of that is going to happen on my on my watch so as a as a father i go there's decisions that i just made that i have to financially back them so i need to be able to pay
Starting point is 01:04:13 for organic babysitting i need to be or or take your kid fucking everywhere with you this friend of mine who lives everywhere bro yeah this is the decision i made this friend of mine who's rich as fuck who who gets everything delivered to his house awesome dude he he basically said that the lady who he the lady like uh whatever one of those services are where you just have people deliver food and whatever you want to your store those apps he says the lady that they got who does that through the app she takes her kid everywhere she got her baby everywhere with her yeah just it's a new mom just like fuck it i'm gonna hustle it reminds me of like how my parents rocked it just hardcore immigrant
Starting point is 01:04:48 shit yeah yeah bro it's like she got that fucking kid on you and roll or don't have a fucking kid exactly if you know if you feel like like you got people right now okaying and voting to abort babies after 28 days after they're born how about we we take your ass out like if you're a mother and you don't want your kid after having that kid how about you go how about that do you know elliot holst no he's in florida elliot holst you got to look him up i'll look him up i'll look him up elliot holst he's a belizean guy he exploded on youtube in 2007 put on a million subscribers like fucking back in the day he's a fitness dude and now he's just a full-blown you know just god freak but in a good way yeah i'm saying i don't say that with any direct but he's
Starting point is 01:05:37 in your hood he's somewhere in i mean he's in somewhere in florida i had him on the show the other day nice nice nice i'll check him out yeah he's cool as shit hey i want to dip into the weeds a second and see if i can handle it all right let's go bob saget bob saget so there's so many stories about this guy right now did you know he was in here's a here's a conspiracy therapist for for the for the watchers okay a lot of you guys who don't know bob saget was found dead in a hotel room he's a famous comedian from back in the day maybe even i'm 50 maybe even before my time but maybe he had some tv shows i didn't watch what was he had a famous tv show what was that home home something with with with the allen
Starting point is 01:06:22 guy too isn't it too yeah yeah, yeah, yeah. Home Improvement. Okay, yeah, I didn't watch that show. But it was huge when we were kids. Funny as home videos. Yes, yes. That's what he's known for. So a lot of people don't understand that he was found dead in his hotel, but he was found dead with a broken eye socket and a smashed bottom of it.
Starting point is 01:06:41 The bottom of his skull was smashed. Full house. Yes. Good job, Brandon. I see that. So people don't explain why did he, they say, oh, he died of a heart attack. Oh, he was triple vaccinated. Oh, they started making up all these excuses. So the true story from the police, in the police world, because I got a lot of police officers as friends and lieutenants and stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:07:04 They say he was hunting for a pet, like for a child he was searching for a child and he was made arrangement for like i think of like a 13 or 14 year old girl to show up to his hotel and the father showed up oh good yeah yeah yeah so they say the father showed up beat his ass bashed him up because the floor was carpet. They said he failed and then he got in the bed. This is what they say. This is proven record. Bob Saget failed. Looks like he fell, hit his head on something, went to bed and died in his sleep. This is exactly what they say. OK. So if he hit his head or hit something, it doesn't explain the broken eye socket. Right. So I go when you start looking at Bob Saget.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Well, what if he fell on his face? What if he fell? What if he was what if he was drunk and he fell and hit the edge of a porcelain bathtub on his front of his head? I go, I get that. Then what is up with the back of the skull? Someone's hit him with something. All right. Word. You see what I'm saying to me? I go. He opened the door. Someone. Boom. And then he went in a boom and then they walked out. Okay. Okay. It could be easy. This is how I personally, in my opinion, I think it's something like that could have just naturally happened. But for me, at the end of the day, I go, when you look at all of these Hollywood weirdos, they all are so satanic. You see what I'm saying? Because they all bow to the same people.
Starting point is 01:08:34 Yeah, it's so hard for me to get my head wrapped around it, except if I go back to the fact of like what you say about energy. Maybe they're just all attracted to the same. Right. You know what I mean? I turn on a blue light over here. These bugs come. I turn on a red light here. These bugs, these insects come. I have no I have no light over here over here bro it's that it's that satanic babylon i want to be famous i want and imagine when you look at those i'm just struggling with that word i'm struggling with that word uh martin satanic because i because i don't believe in that no no no i can understand you know what i mean like i'm struggling but i want to follow you but as soon as i hear that word it's like i'm like a libtard that hears trump you know what i mean like a libtard that hears Trump. You know what I mean? I know. I understand that. What I what I personally mean by it. Well, I'd like to say, Tannick, I mean, they're just like they're like they're like just suckers for materialistic things.
Starting point is 01:09:15 You see what I'm saying? Yeah, I like it. Thank you for translating for me. Thank you. This is exactly what I mean by that. Like, because for me, it's like the devil will always tempt you. And I don't mean like the devil with the red horns. I just mean dark energy. Okay. See, I mean, when you start talking about being narrow, being focused, being enlightenment, always being happy, there's always someone going to try to ruin that. Why?
Starting point is 01:09:37 For sure. For sure. They won't. Misery loves company. You see? Yeah, it does. It does. So when you have someone, when you look at them in the mirror, they don't look like a Hollywood superstar.
Starting point is 01:09:49 But all they want to do is be a superstar. And now you've got this individual who is preying on individuals. He's a predator to individuals. And now he sees those weaker individuals and he grooms them. Everybody that's mostly in Hollywood has been groomed, like The Rock, Stevie Wonder, like all of these guys, like these mainstream music, from music to theater to whatever genre you want to come in. If it's coming out of Los Angeles or New York, it's literally like manipulated individuals who are just doing things for fame. Because I go, how could I put on a comedy show and oh because that's the metric for success it's not even their fault that's the metric for success
Starting point is 01:10:31 okay okay by not their fault i mean that's the that that right that's why okay i get it i get it now you understand what i mean by that tupac fuck the fame while I want some money. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh my goodness. Hey, I'm going to make a quick change of direction here. You are... Get it right, get it right. Yeah. You are so attractive you you are such a um force of like um like a sunset do you know what i mean i appreciate that like like like people just
Starting point is 01:11:19 turn their head and look at that shit and be like wow and it is a tremendous, I say it because, yeah, man. God, I hope you fucking get, we need people like you in the fucking limelight. We need fucking kids and everyone to see that you're not doing anything to be attractive except what the sunset does. You're just doing you. It just comes up, goes down, bro. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's so great who you are. It almost doesn't even matter what comes out of your mouth. the sunset does you're just doing you it just comes up goes down bro yeah yeah yeah yeah it's so it's so great who you are i just it almost doesn't even matter what comes out of your mouth
Starting point is 01:11:49 it's crazy i mean i know you use that to um maintain your vibration it's your obviously it's your musical instrument yes it's your it's your surfboard i love it man you're cool i go man i try to ride the wave of just, just being free. Like a lot of people don't understand what free really is. And I go, man, I'm, I'm free as fuck, man. Like, like no one can pay me. No one can offer me anything because I'm not seeking anything. All I'm seeking for is being better who I was yesterday. Does it scare your wife or your friends? How free you are? Like you're.
Starting point is 01:12:24 Oh, hell yeah. I don't think it scares them, but they just lay with me. Man, this guy's fucking crazy. This guy's crazy. And I'm going, yes, I am. But I'm crazy and I'm free. You're not just going to come and just manipulate me and persuade me. And I'm cold-blooded at that, too. So I don't mind being cutthroat. I don't mind saying no aggressively. I don't mind saying no with a smile. I don't mind saying no with an email. I don't mind saying no. A lot of people have a hard time saying no to people that is close to them. This is a lot of people's flaws. People don't know how to say no to their sister, to their mother, to their uncles. I can say no easily you know and i don't feel bad people are emotionally attached to say yes yes and then they get themselves in shitty situations where their
Starting point is 01:13:11 character didn't want to be in the first place and now you're bumping heads with individuals that you should have just said no yeah you see and it's like so for me it's like i live my life being better than who i was yesterday and you know brother? I had a hell of a day yesterday. So imagine like today, if I'm going to beat yesterday, man, that's going to be amazing. So I always give that energy, give those blessings to that energy. And I focus it just moving forward. And there's so many reasons to go right. There's so many reasons to go left. There's so many reasons right now to just stand still and not listen to nobody. Well, I like that. It's to just stand still. How do you know about leadership? Who did you have in your life that was a good leader? Where do you get those skills? And like that no piece
Starting point is 01:13:54 kind of when you said you know how to say no, it took me a long time. It's okay to say no. Yeah. I would say I learned this from Boss Root. He's a well-known Hall of Fame fighter. learned this from uh boss root he's he's a he's a well-known uh hall of fame fighter yeah he was a guy was just like man he was just again he was cutthroat i i was in thailand with this guy doing some seminars on you were yeah yeah yeah yeah with boss man so he was doing some self-defense hand-to-hand comeback stuff over there and i was already over there teaching because i was living in india so this is how i was funding myself in India. I would be going to, I'll take a flight to Thailand, take a Muay Thai fight over there, get paid like five grand, take that five grand and take it to India and then convert it. And the dollar was $1 to 60 rupees. So I was literally making like
Starting point is 01:14:41 3 million rupees a month, just going to Thailand once a month. And so when I was literally making like three million rupees a month just going to Thailand once a month. And so when I was over there, I started meeting boss. And but I used to fight with like the world comeback lead. So boss, it was really cool with Apollo Cook out of Oklahoma. I'm just throwing some martial arts names out there. Yep. Yep. Please. Please. I like it. I like it. I'm a huge UFC fan. I've had Alexander Volkanovsky on the show. I had Aljamain Sterling. I've had a ton
Starting point is 01:15:07 of people on here. So yes. Yeah. So this guy right here, he taught me so much about just understanding like you can be a fighter, you can be a champion, you can be all of that. But at the end of the day, are you a real true warrior? And a real true warrior is going to stand even when the ground is shaking. So I take that energy from this guy. And so I started just saying, you know what? This guy is so right. When someone would tell a man, yo, your boss, I'll pay you $25,000 to come over here and teach my students. He'd be like, no, no, bro. I don't like your style. No. And I'm like, bro, it's $25,000 for a week. Like, I don't care about that. And so I learned like just watching his movement in Thailand,
Starting point is 01:15:50 people all come out and he was like, no. Oh, please come over here. No. But imagine I took that energy to India and I immediately realized that like, you just can't say no to everything. You have to indulge it sometimes because I never drink tea. And when you go to India, everybody's offering you tea. And one guy told me, sir, if you never taste tea, why do you say no? And then it was amazing. And I thought, holy shit, I actually like chai. And then I was amazing. And I thought, holy shit, I actually like chai. And then I started saying yes. And then I always say, like, you can't be so strong on I just don't mind saying no. I love saying yes as well.
Starting point is 01:16:46 I love helping people. I love serving. I love praising. I love doing all of those things to raise people's vibrations up. But then some people, they don't have the intentions to raise that vibration. They have the intention to just use your vibration to get wherever the hell they want to go. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I got lots of people like that in my life so and then what do you do with them for some reason i'm okay with it oh i'm totally okay with it i always tell people like listen like like if you're going to use me use me properly don't don't try to use and throw me yeah yeah this is where the the the the physical altercation comes in i shouldn't say i have a lot but i have some like that i have people in my life who use it's so funny some people don't want to be
Starting point is 01:17:23 used i want to be used just use me use me up use, it's so funny. Some people don't want to be used. I want to be used. Just use me. Use me up. Fuck out of me. Yeah. Use me up, baby. I don't mind.
Starting point is 01:17:29 Use me. Fuck out of me. Yeah. Use me properly. But if you misuse me, there's consequences and repercussions because of that. Right, right,
Starting point is 01:17:35 right, right, right, right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well,
Starting point is 01:17:37 I'm a sponge. Use me to clean dishes. Don't leave me in the sink. Set me out so I can dry. Facts, facts. Take care of me. Set me out,
Starting point is 01:17:44 set me out so I can dry. Next time you come, I'll be fucking ready to fucking clean your dishes. I yes i'll be ready yeah like like i have stores in the malls and then i'll have some of my salesmen someone will come up and be like can you please tell me what the apple store is and then they'll just give them the wrong directions and i go it was better for you just to say i don't know why give someone the wrong direction oh i'm tired of these people coming and asking i don't know. Why give someone the wrong direction? Oh, I'm tired of these people coming and acting. I don't work for the mall. I'm like, bro, it's human kindness. Just tell them the right direction. When you don't stand your way, that's it.
Starting point is 01:18:13 Can you imagine being like that? Bro, imagine. That dude's ego is bigger than fucking Mike Tyson's. That is fucking nuts. I was like, I'm not a fucking director. I'm like, bro, are you fucking kidding me? You're standing in the middle of the fucking mall people are going to ask you questions what stores do you have so my the name of the company is called the holistic world so i'm big
Starting point is 01:18:33 into what say that again you broke up sorry say it again a holistic world and so so i'm very big into like minerals crystals and things like that so when you start uh understanding like and i learned this all in india you start understanding everything that is coming from the ground is attached to us and it has some type of properties to us so i don't use minerals and crystals for like healing and all of this other thing i use them for nice little things for in your home so we make bonsai trees so i make crystal mineral bonsai trees with the bottom of them would be actual amethyst i think i'll i'll put my website in the chat i don't know if you'll be able to see it okay cool so you can i can put it i'll put it in the youtube comments i have a feeling you and i
Starting point is 01:19:15 are going to stay friends oh yeah man oh that's for sure i'm glad this happened i'd love to have you on the show again okay let's talk about um some something else that's fucking crazy too besides bob Saget. So we're waiting on more information from Bob Saget. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So we're still waiting on so much information on Bob Saget. But for me, I go, the guy's a pedo. Like when you reap what you sow, like at the end of the day when people are having like these little ā€“
Starting point is 01:19:44 I can't go there though i can't call him that it's so harsh oh bro you got to look at some of his stuff man you got to research it yeah you know what i think my what i think you want to know something my wife used to live in la and i think she had a run-in with box at bob saget and i don't want to tell the story but it's it's actually a very very weird story i think he licked her ice cream cone without asking her bro let me tell you bro i lived in la like and i'm just like as you're saying this i'm like i wonder if that was him bro i'm telling you these these people are weird as fuck bro do you hear me like i i was in la i'm telling you i was in la and i was literally doing some construction.
Starting point is 01:20:25 I had I own a construction company. So we were selling home improvements from Las Vegas. One of my friends had his contractor's license in L.A., but he was hurt and he couldn't use it. So I used it and I put crews together and I sent people all over California selling home improvements. And you will come up into some of these celebrities houses and you will go in there and being an energy guy, you can sense the energy there. And some of the things that they would have in their home is just like decoration. You're going like, bro, like, why would you want your children to see this shit? Why would you want your children? Like I've been into people's houses, not putting their names out, but it's like, they'll have statues of grown ass priests with like naked boys and their boys are like 12 they're like eight or
Starting point is 01:21:10 nine year old statue boys and they're like naked standing next to the priest and I'm like what the fuck is that like why would you have this in your house and and you can't even say nothing because you're like the contractor right right you see this shit and it's all over L.A. I went to an 86-year-old woman's house and she had nothing but black candles in there. And I said, what the fuck? Like, why do you have all these black candles? And then when you go around the corner, it's like pictures of like Baphomet, like gold. She has like horns everywhere.
Starting point is 01:21:44 And I'm like'm like man this bitch is a witch like she's a fucking witch and she's conjuring up negative energy in this neighborhood and i'm sitting here there to put windows and a roof on this lady's house and i'm like damn this world is crazy did you just fucking put me right here to see this shit to know what I'm dealing with out here? It's crazy. This is some fucking really weird shit. This is some really fucking
Starting point is 01:22:14 weird shit I found on your Instagram. This is fucking bizarre. This is fucking crazy. Here we go. Let's see. I don't know if you guys can... Oh, let me see. Can you guys hear this? In which one forces through microneedling, it's like a little roller with these. Some of you, I think many of you know it pushes through the skin and ruptures of collagen and then boost it.
Starting point is 01:22:39 You look like a burn victim for a day, but then it's but then it pushes. What are you pushing into the skin, Sarah? Sarah? Carrie? What are you pushing into the skin? Well, you push in whatever the facialist would like to insert into your pores. But what is it? It is an extraction from a piece of skin that came from a young person far, far away and they somehow figured out how to extract it's foreskin from a korean baby what the fuck how bro that what's that lady's name the blonde lady the comedian what's her name ellen ellen that's ellen and sandra bullock thinking it's funny that they take foreskin genital mutilation from young babies and use it as facial i now a part of me is like okay so i'll give them some slack like culturally circumcisions okay and like people are stupid like but but but i'm struggling, man. This is fucking, I can't even believe. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:23:45 This is light work. That's light work. This is fucking nuts. By the way, Sandra Bullock is hot as fuck. Bro, that's light work. Do you know Oprah is doing the same thing with lotion? She has little boys foreskin in lotion? Bro, she put that shit on steve harvey's hand
Starting point is 01:24:06 and steve harvey was like what is this and she started explaining to steve harvey steve harvey was like are you fucking kidding me right now like that the same like bro i'm telling you these mainstream puppets they put the weirdest like I won't even say they put like these guys have literally like they have been okay to be used like how we said as a bad vessel you see and because of they promote it and they prioritize it and they blue check them for the for the cell phone world they're're like, everything they say goes. Like, for an example, Ellen DeGeneres has never been married, has never had a husband. She's a lesbian, so she has her own woman.
Starting point is 01:24:53 She's done all of this, but she's giving relationship advice. Yeah. She's telling people how to be mothers. Like, who are you to tell someone how to be a mother when you're not one? to tell someone how to be a mother when you're not one like like and then when you start digging into her you go bro you got ties to epstein you got child ties to the clintons you got ties with so many like dark energy individuals what makes you think that you can have a talk show and be the light of so many positive conversations when the whole audience is created you remember when when uh when all of the talk shows came and they and the corona was there so they took out the audience
Starting point is 01:25:30 yeah so imagine they took out the audience but they kept the sound so when people watch those shows there was no they did that stupid shit in stadiums they did that i'm so glad the ufc didn't do that fake ass i was so glad man i was so glad. The NFL is such a fucking racist shithole organization. So is the NBA. Yeah, I agree. It's a tragedy. Hey, just anyone who wants to see a fucking amazing movie, if you have kids or you're going to have kids,
Starting point is 01:25:56 or if you have any fucking thoughts about cock in general, you have to see this movie, American Circumcision. You have to see this movie. I've never even heard of this movie it is fucking intense a friend of mine got his got his boy circumcised first of all no one would i didn't get my boy circumcised but if i did you would never do it out of my eyesight but he was telling me after his kid was born they took the fucking kid and put him in a room and they circumcised him circumcised him and he said the screams that he heard, he's never heard in his life ever before. But he's still OK with it.
Starting point is 01:26:28 I'm like, motherfucker. Wow. No. OK, I want to play. I want to play one more. And then I got to we have to go. I have to pee and like go kiss my wife and my boys. But what a what a what a fun show this has been.
Starting point is 01:26:42 So a few days ago, I saw I saw Melinda Gates and I saw Melinda Gates, and I was tripping on her. I was tripping on her. And then I saw this on your fucking website. Bro, I'm going to tell you about an experiment. I'm going to tell you about an experiment that I did. Is that Kevin Kline? That's Kevin Kline. That's Kevin Kline, bro.
Starting point is 01:27:02 That's not Kevin Kline in a week. That's fucking Kevin K klein in a week that's fucking kevin klein in a week yeah her complete look has changed yeah in a year now i noticed it a couple days ago i saw her on tv or on the internet and i'm like what the fuck happened to melinda gates you see to be she used to be pretty that's him that's him and people and so so i did that experiment right there you remember on um on uh what was this pet detective einhorn is finkel finkel is einhorn einhorn is a man i saw the movie but i can't remember yeah all right so so uh jim carrey did a did a did a little skit where he kissed a woman and then he was trying to research and then he was trying to do an investigation on some corruption.
Starting point is 01:27:49 And he realized the woman was the man and the man was the woman. So what I did, I put a picture behind me of Melinda Gates. And I said, Einhorn is Finkel. Finkel is Einhorn. Einhorn is a man. And then I put Kevin Kline there. And then everybody started laughing. Bro, he got millions of views on TikTok. All the black people laughing, all the white people laughing. Everybody was laughing.
Starting point is 01:28:18 And then I told my wife, I said, you see how the album rhythm works? When you're a black guy making fun of white people, they will blast that shit out of everywhere and promote that. You think TikTok knows you're a black dude? Oh, watch this. Watch this. Oh, of course they know because they're interdividing. They're with that.
Starting point is 01:28:36 So imagine this. I did the exact same shit with Michelle Obama. I did the exact same thing with Michelle Obama. Ironhorn is Finkel. Finkel is Einhorn. And then I said, Einhorn is a man. Big Mike. It went viral. But now people wasn't laughing. All the Black Lives Matter people came at me. All of the Democrats came at me. All of the lefties. Everybody came at me because now I'm talking about their queen or their king.
Starting point is 01:29:03 So I tell people, I said, and I didn't even give a damn i can care less why are you hiding if you're transgender okay fine why are you manipulating that to kids right right if you want to be on that on that other side toodles toodles do you do you boo-boo why are you saying it and showing kids that they can do that also nobody need to hear that shit did you know right now there's a school there's a school teaching children how to tuck in their genitals what do you mean a school bro there's a i'll find it i'll send it to you. I'm literally doing more research on it,
Starting point is 01:29:47 but I've got enough research to be able to say it. But I'm going to find out the exact, I think it's in New Jersey. There's a, there was a counselor or something like that. And they were teaching sexual literacy to the school. It wasn't the school. See, somebody say to Corey, say this. It's the corey say this it's a school in oregon it's a school in oregon of course it is of course it is yeah yeah bro yeah you hear someone just
Starting point is 01:30:11 said oregon's children's hospital yeah yeah yeah it was something like that man they were teaching children how to like tuck their shit in like like it's it's crazy what they're doing right now but did you know victoria's secret even have a panty line with like dick prints what does that even mean wait wait before before we go there i want to show this so you have this post here and it's and it's blocked and i'm thinking it's gonna be like you know someone dead right yeah and i can't even believe this gets i i this is is mind boggling to me that this is censored. Mind boggling. So, so, so like you click on it and you see the post and it's, this is the, this is the
Starting point is 01:30:55 head of the UN, right? You see this guy, you see, I don't even know if that's really him. That looks like CGI to me. Bro. But either way, why would you block it? Why can't it just be funny? Because they know it's him. And this guy is telling the world, you need boosters.
Starting point is 01:31:15 You need vaccines. You need to be safe. Go into your home. And if they show the world that this is the guy that's saying that, no one is going to believe it. I mean, why block this? Why block this? Crazy. Hold on. I think.
Starting point is 01:31:33 That means the show's over. Oh yeah. Everything is in Hebrew. I think I'm back now. There we go. Martin. I had this, I had this, um, this whole show planned out, like to come at like bring up all this stuff on your instagram and it's weird like i didn't know how like i don't know i don't i stay away from all those things like info wars and and um and all those things that you have on there but but i knew that i needed to talk to you i knew that i needed to i knew i needed to talk to
Starting point is 01:32:02 you and like have our energies mixed and i'm so glad i did and i'm looking forward i'm looking forward to um continuing the relationship with you you guys you can't just you have to type in at mr mr dot h-o-l-i-s-t-i-c to get to this fucking account it's not even crazy the account it's not like it's not like dead bodies or it's not it's it's not dark it's not it's not it's cool it's a cool account it's just it's true i go man i walk a walk that most people are like like how do you do this how do you i'm i immerse myself around the people and now the people are becoming like just weird as fuck double mask with air shields on
Starting point is 01:32:45 and like and i'm laughing at this shit i'm just and i'm showing people like bro they're sitting here talking about it's a pandemic but they're throwing everybody's on the plane and then when we get on the plane i'm the only one on there without a mask and everybody's saying how are you doing it i just don't i just i don't allow people to do it say this shit to me you see what i'm saying it's like just don't don't entertain it don entertain it. Don't entertain it. Like, don't give the energy, like don't give the energy to it. And you'll be amazed how many times people just won't. I told a guy the other day on the flight, he was like, sir,
Starting point is 01:33:11 you're going to have to put that mask on. I said, do you want to fight me for it? I said, no problem. He was like, well, you're going to have to sit in the back. I said, well, that's where it's happening at anyway. Like who cares? Like I'll go to the back, bro. Hey, you know what you should have done that what a great chance to do a funny video be like you're telling black man to sit in the back
Starting point is 01:33:30 yeah yeah get your phone out and then just be like i'm just kidding bro i'm just kidding i'm just kidding i know it's because you're a pussy great grandson bro what the hell yeah yeah yeah all right uh martin da costa warrior of. Holistic, super entrepreneur, lover of life and light. Wow. We have a lot to talk about. And I started doing stand up comedian. I started doing stand up comedy, bro. And I and the reason why I did that, because I always speak the truth and I always get shadow banned. I always get censored. I'm always getting alert that my account is going to be blocked off permanently. So I said the only way to be able to speak the truth and no one truly take it seriously and just laugh at it is to be a comedian. Yeah. Well, you got to be a fighter, a rapper or a comedian. Those are the two.
Starting point is 01:34:17 Yeah. So I said, man, I started like like like doing my own comedy, like I started doing virtual comedy. And man, it is like going it is absolutely amazing so on my website which is that's where i promote most of my my tell me what tell me what it is again mr mr holistic no dot so it's just and even find out what the triple eight means that'll be next show oh shit it wouldn't load for me reload let's see it says this site can't be reached they're lying let's see okay maybe i got it i got it i got it i got it right now yeah yeah yeah yeah so imagine i'm teaching like forex i'm teaching teaching candlesticks, because I think right now, if I just want to give everybody a little tip before we leave, they're going to reset this thing. They're going to reset the world and the structural way the money is. They're going to blame the banks.
Starting point is 01:35:14 I think the banks are going to create negative interest rates here in the next like two, three months. People are going to yank their money out. And then once the people yank their money out, they're going to go into a digital dollar. out. And then once the people yank their money out, they're going to go into a digital dollar. And when they go into that digital dollar, people are going to have to understand charts, graphs. People are going to have to understand these things. So I teach the foundation of understanding candles. And the candles are the bars or the green candles going up and the red candles and money's going down. I teach these things to just the regular individuals who are interested in learning. And you will be amazed how so many people are out there selling subscriptions and like ripping off people when I'm like, man, people need to be
Starting point is 01:35:55 educated because so many people right now have a hard time texting. Imagine the irresponsibility of people with digital wallets and they just give up that link and then people wipe out their wallet. So it's going to be a come to a time where we're looking at a a global famine on the horizon. You're looking at individual who are wealthy at this point right now or just high middle class dropping down to lower class. And it's not even going to be their fault. Yep. Yep. So it's like, you can't even go back to the drawing board because there's nothing you did wrong. You know, you just got to start over at this point.
Starting point is 01:36:36 Um, I don't mean to cut you off, but I have to cut you off because I have to go take a pee and then do it. Start another show in 10 minutes, brother. Um 10 minutes. Brother, you have my text message. You have my text. I have your text. Let's stay in touch. You can text me 24 hours a day. I don't sleep by my phone.
Starting point is 01:36:50 I'm always available to you. And much love to you. Much love.

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