The Sevan Podcast - #345 - LEAKED CrossFit Quarterfinal Workouts

Episode Date: March 24, 2022

CrossFit Games added the Quarterfinal workouts to a playlist on their YouTube channel... and we could all see it. This happened 12 hours before they were supposed to be released! Let's talk about it. ... Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - WORLD'S #1 JOB BOARD FOR THE CROSSFIT COMMUNITY - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:57 Conditions apply. See in-store for details. Very, very clear. Bam, we're live. Now we're live. Will, good to have you back, buddy. Good to see you. Oh, very clear. Bam, we're live. Now we're live. Will, good to have you back, buddy. Good to see you. Oh, my goodness. Brian, friend, good to see you, buddy. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Holy cow. How exciting. Christmas came early again, right? Is that the term? I don't know. I woke up at 2.30 a.m. with a half dozen messages telling me that the quarterfinal workouts were available. They did this on purpose, right? To build height. Come on. Come on. They had to have to build height.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Are they still available on YouTube? I heard they were down. I don't know. Will's shaking his head. Let's see. Let's check in with Will. Will, what do you think? Still available still available no they took him down okay but that doesn't mean that they didn't do it on purpose i know what a what a um uh what what a great like psyop stunt that would be just release them on purpose like okay fuck it we do we do what we want to do you agree angelo they released it they leaked it on purpose to build hype? No.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Get all this free media? No, come on. I don't think so. What do you think, Brian? I'm trying to be serious about it. No? I don't think so. Who is in charge of that?
Starting point is 00:02:20 Do we know? They got a CMO there, Chief Mark. You tell me. Aaron someone. There's an Aaron over there. I just saw her name on some release. I wonder if she's in charge. It's either her or Haynes or Haynes' girlfriend, Emily.
Starting point is 00:02:36 I think Haynes was – at least when I was there, we put him as head of games media, and then he hired a girl, and then I think they started going out or they were going out beforehand, and they're like a dynamic duo now. If they didn't do it on purpose, it's – I don't know. I feel like the – I mean I do know. The secrecy of the events is really important. I mean it's sort of – it's part of the character of the CrossFit Games. So one of the guys from our media team said that – and now I can't follow all this because it doesn't really make much sense to me. But they posted the video of Boz going over the quarterfinals, like the overview or whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:25 And that was in a playlist with the workouts. And the workouts were unlisted. But since they were in that playlist, if you watched that video, it would come up and it would pop up with the other videos. I don't really understand it exactly, but that's kind of – basically, they've tried to release one video and they released all of them at once on accident. Dude, we were – we used to be so advanced at YouTube. We were like the YouTube golden child. That's what that's what he says. Like someone over there just doesn't understand YouTube.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Fucking nuts, dude. Hey, so there was there was this thing I'll tell you guys a story here. Brian, you might be familiar with this working with the games. But when we worked at HQ, there was one year where there was a leak i think was the year that froning and fraser went against each other at the um at the uh at the ranch and they had a big uh studio truck there and right before the event went live they had pieced together who the leak was and it was some guy who worked i think on graphics for crossfit hq i mean he was a contractor and he worked in the big studio truck. And right before they went live, it was either Dave or Justin or someone went in there into the truck and said,
Starting point is 00:04:32 hey, pack up your shit and get the fuck out of here. We have these text messages that show that you were leaking the workouts ahead of time. Then after that, and that guy just got fired right there on the spot. Then after that moment, they made everyone at CrossFit HQ sign a piece of paper saying that you would be fined $300,000 in damages if you release these workouts in advance. And that's how serious it is. You can't run someone over in the middle of the street. And I'm not comparing this to running someone over in the middle of the street. I'm just using it as a metaphor. But you can't run someone over in the middle of the street i'm and i'm not comparing this to running someone over in the middle of the street i'm just using it as a uh a metaphor but you can't run someone over in
Starting point is 00:05:07 the middle of the street and then say oops i it was an accident you still do time so there's this is the second this is two in a row guys yeah and it's uh in a row you are fucking there's not there's it's hard to package this one it's hard to package this one. It's hard to package this one. Maybe you should charge the affiliates more seven thousand dollars a year to hire better people. Oh, man. And at this at this point, it's just ego because you have access to the right people. At this point, it's just ego. from the brand perspective, you're slowly whittling away at the brand because these are the things, these small things are what makes the brand so cool. The secrecy, sort of that militancy.
Starting point is 00:05:50 You're just wishy-washy now. Just wishy-washy. Anyway, okay. We'll move on. Are they exciting? Do we like the workouts? I haven't seen them. Well, let me just say this before we get to the workouts. Yeah, yeah. Please, Ryan. Please. I posted a little bit about this.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Like, they're out there now, so probably, you know, everyone's screenshotted them and has seen them, and it's not that relevant that they took the videos down from that perspective. However, we don't have all the information. Okay. So a good example would be that in one of the workouts it had said that there are walking lunges. But in the floor layout plan for that workout, there was no distance to traverse. The dumbbells were in a fixed location. So are they walking lunges or are they lunges in place? So I wouldn't, that's, you know, so we, basically that's an example to say, we don't know the movement standards for all the workouts yet
Starting point is 00:06:38 or the movements within the workouts. Additionally, sometimes for online competitions that CrossFit runs, there are passwords associated with workouts. So you might have to say, hi, I'm Brian Friend. The password for this workout is barbell. And here's my weights, et cetera, and I'm about to do it. And lastly is that CrossFit did mention in the video that they meant to release that Angel referenced. Although it was kind of weird phrasing, they said, we recommend showing some kind of timestamp in your video. So you might have your camera that you're recording with and you say, here's my phone. And it's a Thursday at 3 PM in Chicago. And I'm doing the workout. They recommend this. They don't say they don't mandate
Starting point is 00:07:18 it, which is strange that they would recommend it and not just say, do this. You know, it's kind of a gray area, but either way, those are three reasons why you should still not do the workouts ahead of time. You should wait until they're announced at whatever the local time is that they're going to be announced that equates to noon Pacific time. So you have all that information so that, you know, you don't have to redo the workouts for any one of those reasons, because even if you do exactly right, but forget the password, if they find out that you're edited your video in any way to include something else additionally, or take something out, then it will be an invalid video. If they were, is that noon today? When you say noon, you mean we're talking in a three hours, three hours
Starting point is 00:07:52 and eight minutes to two. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes. Yes. Okay. Okay. Wow. Okay. So I want to recommend doing the workouts early, even if you have them. However, it does give people a certain advantage in terms of strategy and game plan and whatever. They can see what they are and say, okay, I think I want to do them in this order. I might do these now and these later. Plus, depending on where you are, if you release the workouts at noon and it's 8 o'clock p.m. where you get them, you might need 30 minutes to an hour to evaluate what was released, warm up, decide what you're going to do. So you can't really do any workouts that evening, or maybe you don't want to because it gets to be too late.
Starting point is 00:08:30 But now you have an opportunity to plan for potentially all day and be ready to do those workouts as soon as you can say, okay, here's the scorecard. Yep, everything we thought was there. Oh, this is different. Okay, no problem. I'm already warmed up and I can get the, you know, so you have a little bit of extra time potentially. Brian, what's your response to this? If you watch the videos before they hid them, I think it said do 10 lunges in one direction and turn around and do 10 back.
Starting point is 00:08:52 That's true. I heard that. That's true. That is far enough, but yeah, I wouldn't do it. I would go off what Brian said. I would wait for this whole list of stuff. Brian, how are you woken at 2 AM? I didn't think you slept with your phone next to your bed. I don't have any clocks. I don't like having any extra light there. So I do have my phone in my room and a do not disturb mode. I went to bed early at 8.30 p.m. I woke up at 2.30 to pee.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Usually I can only sleep about six hours before I have to wake up to pee. And I use my phone as a little just light so I don't have to turn on any bright lights. And, uh, I saw that there was quite a, quite a few messages. Um, so I checked them. You guys see what I was doing there. I was trying to manipulate Brian to see if he was the source of the leak. I was just didn't want to take his word for it that someone sent it to him. So from what I understand from what Angela said is that there was one video that was supposed to be up there, but somehow on the back end, that video was attached to other videos in a playlist and it fucking released the whole fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:09:53 Yeah. At that point, I wonder why they even pull it down. Make sure that Graham asks, I don't use the whoop to evaluate my sleep. I'm pretty in tune with my own body and I can understand when I'm tired or not. I use the whoop to tell me sleep. I'm pretty in tune with my own body and I can understand when I'm tired or not. I use the whoop to tell me when I have to pee or else I pee the bed.
Starting point is 00:10:08 I have one whoop for my wrist and one whoop I put right around where my cock meets my balls and then it tells me if I have to pee. It's just me. I'm not as in touch with my body as... And don't you use your extra whoop straps as toe spacers?
Starting point is 00:10:24 I totally, yes yes yes the whoopie i'm telling you the greatest use of the whoopie was uh on that froning video where it shows his heart rate going down while he's working out i swear to you whoopie you guys should pay me i don't know a thousand bucks an episode it's probably half a million dollars a year and i'll wear that shit and people can always watch my heart rate on the show as i suck down paper street coffee oh my goodness if you want to win a free rogue bar you should go to paper street coffee and buy coffee use sebon as the code you get 20 off but more importantly um not only do you get beans delivered to your house but you get uh entered in contest to win a bar so you can be as fit as Angelo and Brian and thirdly me.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Big drop-offs on each of those. Right, like huge. He's just levels to this shit. There's levels to this shit. So tell me about the workouts other than that. So I want to just review
Starting point is 00:11:22 the open workouts for me in a nutshell, you two. give me a couple sentences about how you were they didn't what you guys thought about them and how they whether they were heavy enough where they work were comprehensive enough or not you go ahead first angela all right um they put all of the movements from last year into a hopper and they pulled them out but they added shell runs basically what we're doing no no you were talking about the open or the quarterfinal seven i doing no no you were talking about the open or the quarterfinal seven i'm talking about i'm talking about the open oh you're talking about
Starting point is 00:11:48 the open yeah yeah tell me but tell me how we got to this quarterfinals part and then we'll talk about the corner files because that way we can put it in context so tell me in a couple sentences what did you think about the open this year in terms of movements and then we'll circle and then we'll get to the quarterfinals i think the open wasn't a broad enough test. Okay. And in what way, what pieces were missing? Strength? Strength, a long workout, and I don't know. I guess those two are the ones missing the most. Well, I would say –
Starting point is 00:12:17 There's possibly enough tests. Yeah. I would say that it's not missing more. It's more of that it tested the same stuff more than once. So yes, it was missing things, but the bigger problem was that it more than the same thing was tested literally two weeks in a row.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Okay. So strength, too much redundancy and movements and maybe a longer time domain would have been things you'd like to see. And then after these tests, I'm 10% of the people who have the 280,000 or however, 300,000 that entered, then they move on to this quarterfinals in a nutshell, right? Do you agree with Angelo?
Starting point is 00:12:54 Do you like Angelo's summation of the Open for a quick, Brian? I just think that in general, and now that we also see the quarterfinals programming, this year we can understand that the Open and quarterfinals, we can kind of see what direction it's taking going forward. And it's a different than what we're used to looking backwards. So I'm not going to say that that's necessarily good or bad, but we have to reframe our expectations for these two parts of the season. And I think this year it's far more telling in that regard than last year. Okay. And what is that reframing? When you see the quarterfinals workouts, what do you see? We'll start with the open. So first of all, I think that going forward, people should expect a three week, three tests open with very minimal like barriers to entry. So it's going to be fit, like the highest skill things you'll see will be a bar muscle up that will be like earn the bar muscle up a heavy barbell could potentially show
Starting point is 00:13:42 up in the future, but you'll earn the heavy barbell maybe something like handstand walking double unders those types of skills nothing that's like uh really beyond that most likely and capacity is going to be the like the basic thing that's being tested there as at a relatively low entry level so as a representative from the dei council i would like to say that the open will have less diversity, but more equity and more inclusivity. It's not surprising at all that you're on that council. Because that is what it is, is what you're saying. They basically, they've lightened the loads and made everything more accessible in the open. Yeah, this year I would say I would be surprised
Starting point is 00:14:26 if there wasn't something heavier next year. But still, it's probably going to be three tests and probably going to be, you know, in general, testing low-skill, high-capacity stuff. Okay. Unless Dave were to come back. Well, even if Dave came back, it was Ray's work. Yeah, even if he did come back it could be and and part of the i think we can see by looking at the quarterfinals
Starting point is 00:14:50 this year which is uh we should talk about especially what angela said with the hopper and the same movements what's i think what is going on here i use my open money to buy a ceo shirt um okay so so so so let's talk about that. Let's talk about then the quarterfinal workouts. What are we seeing and do we like it? It's the same. I mean, it's the same thing. I mean, I don't think it's bad. I don't think the test is bad. I just think that it's not original. And I think there is both truth and more to be uncovered than that. And to what Angela said, why does it need to be original though? Doesn both truth and more to be uncovered than that, to what Angela said. Why does it need to be original, though?
Starting point is 00:15:27 Doesn't it just need to be valid in order to make sure that we get the good guys? Yeah, but it's just – it's boring for – I'd say for the athletes. It's boring to continue to do the same test. But, yeah, I mean it worked last year. So I see they're probably with that mindset that you just said, that I don't think it's, I think it works. So why even change it? Which is kind of lazy though. Can we see the workouts? Will you, are they, do you want to see this year's workouts or last year's workouts? Cause now we're talking about them in comparison to each other.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Okay. Which, which one, I guess it would be good to see last year's workouts really quick, right? Well, we can just, we can look at this year's workouts and we can talk about last year's workouts at the same time so what angelo is referring to is that last year the first workout of the quarterfinals had strict handstand push-ups kipping handstand push-ups dumbbell movement and double unders and this year in the first workout we have a dumbbell movement with three different variations of handstand push-ups so it's similar in essence there are i think some significant differences to uh these two workouts
Starting point is 00:16:28 yeah i mean do you want to talk stick with this workout for now no let's go through let's go through them let's go because i think we have a shortage of time right we just have about 45 minutes or an hour today and then angela feel free to jump in. Go ahead. One of the guys at Mayhem said, Scott, you've talked to Scott Vandersloot. I think it's Vanderslut, by the way. Someone said, if you want to use the Dutch pronunciation, is that true? I don't know. They call him that, but I don't think that's obvious. I agree to say it.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Okay. Scott said, it's like one of those memes that says, hey, you can copy my homework, but change it a little bit so no one knows. It's exactly what's going on here from last week. Hey, I love it when you jump in and say, I heard it mayhem. Will you just do that after every workout? You just make shit up. It's so fucking good. That would make the show unbeatable if you say that every time.
Starting point is 00:17:22 That is a good analogy. Side note, there are some amazing memes going out about this. I don't know all the memes channels, but people have been sending me to them and they're very good. So if we want to pull those up for entertainment at any point, we'll. But the major difference I would say in this workout is, because keep in mind that the quarterfinals is a test for thousands of people to find hundreds of people. a test for thousands of people to find hundreds of people. And this workout compared to last year's workout one starts with 50 dumbbell walking lunges, which everyone can do. Last year's workout started with 10 strict handstand pushups. You don't have to do a single strict handstand pushup until the very end of this workout this year. So this is far more friendly for the bottom half of the
Starting point is 00:18:01 quarterfinal qualifiers. And last year, there were close to half of the men in North America alone that didn't sign up for quarterfinals, probably because there were a couple workouts at the very first thing, like a strict handstand push-up or 185-pound snatch, was something they couldn't do at all. So if I can get a zero on two workouts, why am I going to give you 50 bucks? But at least in this version of the workout, you can progress through it. I'm assuming there'll be some time caps after, you know, tiebreakers after certain movements.
Starting point is 00:18:29 And so you can establish, you know, you can at least put a score on the leaderboard. So that's one. That's a great observation, by the way. That's a great observation. Thank you. From a, from a business perspective too, on their part, right? Get, get more people, get more. And if Get more people. And if we go to workout five, it's exactly the same concept. So last year's workout five had burpee box jump overs and snatches at 185, 135. This year's workout five has burpee box jump overs and snatches at 185, 135 with some rolling. However, last year, the very first movement was a snatch at 185 pounds. I tried for however long the workout was and missed it a bunch of times. So I got a zero this year.
Starting point is 00:19:10 I can do 50 reps, log a tie break time, presumably, and then attempt to PR my snatch. For example, that'd be an example if I, if I was competing. So it's an, it's still is what Angelo said. It's a, it's, it was, they copied someone's homework and change it a little bit. I mean, man, that's a really, but,
Starting point is 00:19:27 but they've, but they've improved on it. That's an improvement. Wouldn't you say Angelo? Yeah. I think I give things like Brian a chance. I think definitely that, uh,
Starting point is 00:19:35 I think that first workout for sure. I do think it's better. Um, I like the way it's written. The last workout is, I think it's going to be for, especially for the people who are going to qualify for semifinals, I think it's going to have the exact same feel as like a 95% sprint.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Like it's not 100% sprint because when you get the snatches, you need to hold a little bit back. But it's the same kind of sprint style. I think both of those events are very similar. But I think, yeah, I would say they're improved upon. And those final workouts, they have a very similar feel for the elite athletes to a final event at a regionals from previous time periods. Where they have, you know, most people are going to finish them in a three to five minute window. It's going to be really small margins, tens of seconds and whatever that separate people.
Starting point is 00:20:22 But it hurts. seconds and whatever that separate people but it hurts yeah i mean that is almost it's closer to the regional finisher from 2016 2017 with the burpee boxing boards and then the sandbag cleans yeah the bike it's like it's like that exact same workout hey things don't make sense in the world right like let's say you put your dog outside and it starts barking really loud. And instead of letting them in, you're like, okay, fuck it. I'll put another dog outside. I wish I could think of a better example. That's what they did over at CrossFit HQ.
Starting point is 00:20:54 They fired Dave. They realized it was a mistake. And instead of bringing him back, they fired the guy who fired him. I mean, it's just the whole fucking thing doesn't make sense. I wish I could explain it to you, but I cannot answer that person's question. I mean, they're going to put someone else to get fired now. Let's just keep firing people. If there was no one left, it might still be better than Spartan Race.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Okay. Sorry, Joe. I'm just joking. Can we go back to workout number two, Brian? Is that what we want to do? And Phil, we sit with these two. I thought that one and five were good to talk about together there just because they're different in similar ways this year. Yeah, and they are very similar.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Especially five is the same workout, just different order, right? They added rowing. Yeah, added rowing. Okay. All right. Can we look at workout number two? Sure. Do you like these, Brian? we work and look at workout number two? Sure. Did you like these, Brian? Do you like the workouts as a test?
Starting point is 00:21:51 Yes. So I wrote an article earlier this week that said, based on what we know from the floor plans, there are certain things that CrossFit needs to include here to make sure that this test is balanced. And so they need to have something that's demanding on the legs that was not apparent in the original floor plans. That amount of volume of lunging is a significant taxing. That's that workout's pretty tough. It's going to be tiring on the legs, but also extremely demanding on the shoulder fatigue. I think that the last couple parts of that workout, the deficit handstand pushups into the overhead lunges into the strict handstand pushups is going to be really challenging challenging for everyone but the very very best um and there's definitely some leg fatigue there uh here we have another example we didn't know that pistols were going to be in there they said there was this eight feet of space and i speculated that they probably would include either double unders or pistols in
Starting point is 00:22:37 there so they put the pistols to add another another leg movement however the weird thing is that they've chosen to do double single leg modality movements, which I didn't think they necessarily needed to do. That's probably the biggest critique I have of the programming upon first seeing it. You mean lunging and pistols and pistols. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Whereas I had proposed a different, a different, like, I think if they had just put double unders here instead of pistols that, that, you know, you, you eliminate that and you add another amount of structure element and it might be a little bit more balanced but i'm not like i'm not upset
Starting point is 00:23:09 about it i just noticed that there were two sing you know unilateral leg movements in the first two workouts why do they call it single leg squats have you seen is that normal yeah they don't they don't call them pistols they call them single single leg squats. Why are they called the Washington Wizards? They used to be the bullets. Well, I was going somewhere. I'm wondering if they did it because they didn't want to use the word pistol. I think that's exactly what I was saying. Oh, that would be crazy if that's it.
Starting point is 00:23:36 That would be fucking batshit crazy. I think they've called the thing single leg squats before. Yeah, I think they usually put it as that. I think it clears it up for most people. Right, okay, okay, okay. Sorry, I'm guilty of looking for woke-isms. I'm guilty, guilty as charged, guilty, guilty. Wherever you're going,
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Starting point is 00:24:56 Okay, let's go to the third workout. Or not. Which one is the third one is it the rope climbs yeah so we said we knew that there'd be rope climbs and wall balls most people seem to assume that this would be handstand walking i thought it was pretty obviously not going to be handstand walking since they already had handstand push-ups in at least two varieties based on the floor plans and suggested that they might use the shuttle run here because we knew that there was a, it was supposed to be used in the open. Maybe they wanted to move it into this quarterfinals, which they have done.
Starting point is 00:25:32 And for anyone who's like shuttle runs, what the hell is that doing in a workout? Don't underestimate those until you've done Metcons with them in them. It's surprisingly, it fatigues you in a little bit different way than normal running would with all the stopping and starting and the explosive movement to get you know off the starting line every time it's a little bit harder to settle into a rhythm if you haven't practiced it legs will be a little bit fatigued the heart rates you know especially in those rounds of 12 16 12 like
Starting point is 00:25:58 that's a lot of running back and forth um i mean it's like seems kind of silly but like some people might even get dizzy doing that that many times if they haven't practiced it before. So there's a little bit of nuance to this that I like. And that up and down ladder of is, uh, is always kind of challenging to navigate as we saw with, uh, open workout 22.2, where you get into that middle round and you have to make sure you have enough left to get through that well, and then hopefully be able to push in the last half.
Starting point is 00:26:26 I want to go back a little bit. I should have set the stage. One note here. One note here. If you zoom in, you can see that the women have a 10-foot target for this workout, which is something that recent guests on the show, Bill Grundler and Chase Ingram, have been advocating for for a long time. But I doubt that a lot of competitors – I bet you that competitive CrossFit athletes practice this, but a lot of kind of recreational or fringe don't when on the women's side. Okay. Before I say what I'm going to say,
Starting point is 00:26:49 why, why, what did it used to be before it was 10 feet and why 10 feet? You're saying, are you suggesting that 14 and 20 is, is enough of a difference? Use the same height. I'm saying it's usually been 14 pound ball to a nine foot target,
Starting point is 00:27:02 20 pound ball to a 10 foot target. And here they have it listed where both men and women see that I'm not going to use the word sex or gender ever again on this show. Thank you. I have to throw to a 10 foot target, but you like this too, right? You're Bill and chase are suggesting like, Hey, the weight is different. That's enough of a difference. Just keep everything else standard. You don't have to change both. Change one or the other, not both. yeah. Okay. Oh, wow. What would you think about that, you guys, if everyone used a 20-pound ball but the women just went to a shorter target?
Starting point is 00:27:32 Or if everyone used a 9-foot target but a different pound ball. Yeah, wow, wow. How do – you get to see a lot of strong women, Angelo. Can women toss a 20-pound – do you see women doing 20 pound uh wall balls at your gym yeah yeah uh i i think the girls always throw to a 10 foot target even with 14 now and then um if they use it if they use a 20 i think if they use a 20 they might throw to a 9 it just depends on the workout i guess how much volume is in the workout but they almost always if we do 14 pound balls they're thrown to a 10 foot target it's just kind of just because timing wise it's there it just makes their rounds
Starting point is 00:28:10 quicker if they do it to a nine foot target then it's like you're going if they're your partner and they're going when you're resting and you know whatever then you're getting less rest because their wall balls take uh are a lot quicker because it's not going as high it's coming down quicker so timing you see 30 pound ball used a lot over at mayhem too yeah yeah we use a 30 pretty good amount how about a 40 pound ball no uh i do think i think there was one guy who did karen with a 50 more just like you do three or four walk away you know just got through but no no 40 or 50 wasn't it was it the guy the guy who was in first place on the mayhem leaderboard after two weeks of the open no was not him you you saw a guy do um karen with the uh 50 pound i don't think i saw it
Starting point is 00:28:58 i just i've heard the rumors but i and i don't think it was a very impressive thing it's like like 30 or 40 minutes like forever'm like forever. Mayhem. Mayhem. How dare you? Colton Merton's used a 300 pound ball, not a 30 pound ball. Jackass. Just joking, Brandon. So, so I want to go back really quick. So we've talked about workout number one and workout number five.
Starting point is 00:29:20 We've talked about workout number two and workout number three. The last one's remaining workout four. But basically the, the stage here is that the quarterfinals start today at noon they will officially be announced and that's when people can start doing them and they have to have their scores submitted by monday at the same time well no no sunday at the same time okay so i'm looking at it but that's the final workout you actually have to submit them 24 hours from when they're released to the first two 24 hours later the second two and 24 hours later the final one oh so this really is a clusterfuck well no this is how it was last year like no but what i mean is is that now that they've all been released it makes it even more confusing like
Starting point is 00:30:01 you're saying that normally at noon today they would have only released two of the workouts. No, they release all five, but you have to do the first two with and submit them within the first 24 hour window. Okay. But you don't have to do them in order. This gives people a little bit of a heads up to decide what order maybe they want to do them in. Well, do you have to do one or two the first day, but you can switch them two or one, or could you do workout one and three? Well, when we get to number four, I think there's a lot of people that will do workout number four first. Wow. Which is what happened last year also. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:33 So it doesn't matter. They're going to give us five workouts at noon today. It doesn't matter which two you do, but you have to have two done by tomorrow at noon. Yeah, so you could do them all or you could do just the two or you could kind of mix and match like what brian said most people do this one first probably one tonight and then one tomorrow morning um so they'll do four as soon as possible they'll do either one or two very soon and then in the morning they'll do one or two and then submit those and then they'll only have two left at that point so sunday the the 27th at noon we will know who's going to the
Starting point is 00:31:12 semifinals no we'll have a good idea but we won't know for sure there still will have to be a review process and crossfit hasn't i think they've advertised that the leaderboard for semifinals would be finalized by april 1st but they've also advertised that they will announce when the leaderboard will be finalized. And it's still open to interpretation of if that's actually going to happen by April 1st or not. Okay. And – but that was kind of the same with the Open. It wasn't finalized, but they let the numbers go up in real time. Will they let the numbers go up in real time here too? Yeah. Yeah. So the leaderboard will remain hidden until 24 hours past from the announcement. At that mark, all the scores have
Starting point is 00:31:54 to have been submitted. Any scores submitted after 24 hours will not be accepted. And Adrian was extremely explicit in saying that directly in the video that they meant to release yesterday. And then the leaderboard will populate with results from the first two workouts. It'll be an unofficial leaderboard, but you'll be able to see everyone's score on those workouts at that time. 24 hours later, you'll be able to see everyone's workout scores from workouts three and four additionally. And then after the final period, you'll be able to see everyone's scores for all five workouts, but the review process will still have to take place. Okay. Are we doing a show on Sunday night? You know, we could, we could do a show after each of the segments, if we want to, and talk about
Starting point is 00:32:33 how workouts one and two go on. If there were any surprises, if there were any major athletes that did really poorly that we need to see a bounce back from in the coming weeks, we can look at the cut lines by continents. So, you know, we could, we could be a little more nuanced than that if you want to. Okay. Awesome. Let's do it. I'll call you right when this is over. Okay. So I liked, I liked this and then, but, but we do know the only factor that we won't know on 27th at noon is who's not going to the semifinals based on the videos they submitted and whether they pass the judge's standards, but we will know how many of each because we know how many people, right? Like we will be able to say it's five, it's five Europeans. It's 10 North America. No, no, we already know that 120 men and women from North America will advance to semifinals who they are. We won't know for probably a week
Starting point is 00:33:20 to two afterwards definitively, because not only do they have to have the review process and I and I'm not sure how far down the leaderboard they're going to go. They said, if you finish within 180th in North America, I think 90th in Europe and 60th in any of the other regions, you should be prepared to submit videos for review. There could be several reasons for that, but one of them is in the rule book, it says that they may or may not extend backfill positions to semifinals. And it says it's something like that. That's not the exact wording, but it's not a guarantee. However, if a significant number of people decline, then they have created the option for them to extend backfill positions, which we saw even as far as 10 and 15 spots below the original cut line, getting backfill invites to semifinals last year. Mostly people are not going to semifinals if they're competing on a team. So let's say that
Starting point is 00:34:09 because of the, you know, if 10 men in North America do these workouts as an individual placed in the top 120, also do the team workouts and their teams qualify and they choose to go team, then those spots can open up. That can happen pretty late on because the team quarterfinals don't happen for two weeks from now. And then after that, there has to be a review. And then they have to send out invites for semifinals. And then at that point, athletes have to decide which path they're taking. Which brings up, I received a very good, from a very good source last night.
Starting point is 00:34:40 I wonder if this is going to bum out, Angelo. Angelo, do you have a Kleenex nearby? No. That's good. You passed the test that you don't jerk off in front of your computer then um i i i heard from a very good source last night a very very good source late last night that rich froning will be doing individual this year or that he's seriously contemplating it because this is his last year in the games and that he's thinking about surprising us. And I was like, can he still change his mind? And they said,
Starting point is 00:35:07 absolutely. And they said they heard from a very good source. He's going to do that. Who'd you, who can I ask who your sources? No, but it is a very, very good source.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Do you mean that he's going to do the individual quarterfinal workouts and log his scores on the leaderboard or that he's going to try to compete at the CrossFit games as an individual that he's going to try to compete at the CrossFit games as an individual. So you should have to try to compete at the CrossFit games as an individual. So you should have said both because you can't do the second without the first. Okay. So would we know what,
Starting point is 00:35:32 so then would we know after the quarterfinals, if he's thinking about that, by the way, he logs in. Yeah. Yeah. You should, you'll know if he,
Starting point is 00:35:39 uh, if I'll put it this way, if you see his name on the leaderboard, then he is going to the CrossFit Games as an individual. All right. We shall see. That's exciting. That's exciting news.
Starting point is 00:35:50 That's exciting news. Hey, you know who benefits the most from that is Justin Medeiros. Really? Why does he benefit? Because or anyone who can try to beat him because no one's been able to defeat a champion. Well, but there's no I mean, there's no. Is it really that cool to beat up on an old man that's a good point it's a good point it's a good point good point good point it's a good point it's prime it's like hey i'm gonna you know
Starting point is 00:36:14 what i'm gonna say to you guys with that money that you saved by firing rosa just cut rich a check for fucking 750 750k drive it over to him right there. Show it to Hillary. Show that she can buy more headbands for the baby and shit. A lifetime supply for the next 12 kids they adopt. This motherfucker will jump in individual. The whole place will go crazy.
Starting point is 00:36:37 We'll go crazy. I don't know. Doesn't sound like he has to. Not 750, just a cool mil. How much, Angelo? I think maybe we talked about it. a million is not enough for him i know that god he's a privileged little motherfucker out there in cookville yeah hey i'll tell you i'll tell you i'll tell you a story though i do know i do i this is also
Starting point is 00:37:02 from a very good source too i did hear that someone offered to buy him an olympic size swimming pool and put it in the ground if he entered the open uh entered individual not this year but a few years back i haven't heard that but he might bite on that i know i did hear that he wants one bad and i know it's, Will, you're a good dude. Thank you. Thank you. I heard a rumor. I heard a rumor. Okay, so that's fun. So that's going to give us a lot to talk about moving forward.
Starting point is 00:37:33 And then before we get to the last workout, what is the time space between this Sunday, the 27th, when the quarterfinals close and the semifinals. First semifinals weekend is May 20th. Wow. So it's almost two months. Okay. So we have a lot of downtime. Well, during that time, there's also the team quarterfinals, the age group quarterfinals, and I think the occupational games. Yeah, the occupational games.
Starting point is 00:38:04 What are they calling the next stage of them? Is it quarterfinals? Look at Angelo getting his panties all in a twist. Are you going to win that? It think the occupational games yeah what are they calling the next stage of them is it quarterfinals or is it just panties all in a twist you're gonna win that occupational games i'm gonna try to i'm gonna try to win it yeah do you know some of the other fittest fire firefighters that are that you'll be competing against uh well yes and no but like i don't know how many of them are even going to be competing so obviously dane smith i don't know if you guys know that he's a firefighter now. Roy Gamboa. That's Ben's brother, right?
Starting point is 00:38:28 Yeah, his youngest brother. Roy Gamboa. He was just a couple spots underneath me. And then I don't know if Travis Williams is doing it or not. I didn't look hard enough. Yeah, there's some really, really fit guys. There's going to be. They probably don't test those guys.
Starting point is 00:38:46 And you know there's some 42-year-old dude who's on testosterone replacement therapy who's going to win the whole fucking thing. I just want to talk about it for a second. But I didn't look at that leaderboard until the last, until I put in my score for the last workout. And I realized if I would have. So the first workout, the guy in first place, I ended up in fifth guy in first place, beat me by four reps on the first workout, beat me by three seconds on the second workout. And then I beat him by 20 seconds on the last workout. If I would have redone just one of those first workouts, then I
Starting point is 00:39:19 probably would have been first out of the open. But, uh uh i love to hear those words out of your mouth redo redo that's how you make babies honey we got to do a redo we got to redo but yes i am going to compete that but i think it's just called the occupation games and it's just the same weekend as age group uh qualifier it's the same workouts and everything and i just figured it'd be fun like i'm not doing individual this year so it'd a fun way to do an individual competition this year. Who's the dude who whooped you? It's funny. I forget. Was it Ron Ortiz? No, it wasn't. Jeremiah Bailey? I could be totally wrong.
Starting point is 00:39:58 I sent a screenshot of the leaderboard to my dad, and he said, he goes, that guy in first he goes he must be your daddy yeah that's a good dad hey i and you know that guy redid them just you put your score when did you put your score up uh pretty early on monday is like monday at like 10 or 11 yeah oh oh so that doesn't give him much no no he can no he didn't redo the first or second one that i know of i mean i didn't look at the leaderboard but who knows i mean it doesn't matter that it really doesn't matter but it would have been cool i hope he redid him and made you pay i'm telling you this guy is entering uh look will you got that someone just uh
Starting point is 00:40:43 someone just sent that to you will and no it's true come on i made it i need to make it rich send it to me yes yes i knew it that's will's way of confer or uh rich's way of confirming yeah it's it's i'm telling you everyone in the comments thinks brent fukowski is your source for for the swimming pool oh yeah yeah yeah and that's the thing that's the thing rich rich forgot brent was back there listening in his tent for forgot he was in they need britain rich was walking around the barn talking about it and uh and fukowski heard that is but we do have we do have more athletes want to say, though, all kidding aside, I do have a source who says that it's in the works.
Starting point is 00:41:30 It's in the works. So let's – Do you want to talk about workout floor? We skipped it. Okay, let's talk about it. Let's talk about it. We have 10 minutes. I have to go eat breakfast.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Brian has to go make someone strong, save someone's life. Hey, could you be called at any minute Angela are you in the firehouse no I'm at home this is my does this look like a firehouse I guess there's a flag on the wall this is just like my little game room
Starting point is 00:41:59 yes now you're putting it together Brent replaces Rich on the team Rich goes you have fucking you're putting it together brent rip a game room brent replaces rich on the team rich goes you you have fucking you're cracking the code i don't know what code it is but and and devesh also feed brent took that pick that is correct that you guys are good um the brian what do you think about the other total i I think it's good. I like that workout.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Yeah. So, you know, if you're going to have a one rep max strength test as part of a five workout online competition, this obviously is going to better capture the person who's more well rounded and fit and strong as an athlete than if it was any of one of these three things on their own. And most people seem to think when they put the floor plans out on Monday that it was either going to be an overhead squat or a bench press for some number of reps, and they just didn't include it in the visual. Now we have a little bit more understanding of why the bench press
Starting point is 00:42:56 wasn't included in the visual. You can't have it there permanently for all three of these things, obviously. But I still think they could have put it on the side or something. Yeah, or noted it somewhere and say bench press would need it or something. Yeah. So, yeah, I mean, there's a ton of people that can bench a lot, but how good are they at overhead squat? You know, and, and actually there's another kind of cool thing about this total that I've always liked, which is in a, actually in the OPEX methodology,
Starting point is 00:43:22 I think is where I first came across this in theory, like a really well-rounded athlete should have the same one rep max bench press and one rep max clean. So it'd be kind of, yeah. So it'd be kind of a cool test for a lot of people. I'm guessing in the CrossFit world that there's a lot of people that are not balanced on that. And probably in both ways, I would say probably at the upper end, CrossFitters can clean more than they can bench, but there's probably a lot of recreational
Starting point is 00:43:46 CrossFitters that can bench more than they can clean just because they probably started benching when they were really young playing football or whatever. Yeah, my clean and bench were always the same, my max clean and bench, now that I think about it. 115? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Body weight? He didn't even take Brian one one second i wasn't even done he's like 115 i think um i shouldn't be making fun of anyone for either of those you got the 25s on someone you got the green ones go ahead i think um i think what uh what you'll see out of most which i guess this will be scored by one total weight um but would be cool is if it could see, maybe scored as one weight, but you could see the three lifts, I think you'll be surprised at how many people clean an overhead squat
Starting point is 00:44:35 almost the exact same weight and bench press is going to be way below, I think. For elite CrossFitters, I think that'll be the case. Their clean overhead squat will be um it's very similar and their bench will be lower yeah and i think that maybe like for the top top guys like 350 to 400 pounds is the range for the clean and overhead squat and the bench press will be like below 350 in general yeah i think so i think yeah think, I think for upper end guys and elite guys, you know, not talking about the outliers, if you can bench press over 300, I would say, yeah, like you said, clean and over at squat 350 to 400,
Starting point is 00:45:15 that's going to get you pretty good. I think we said about a thousand pounds is going to be really good, a really good score. But the really, the really good thing about the fact that this test is here is if it was, let's just say it was a three rep max bench press a three rep max bench press just like we saw at the four rep max front squat last year just allows for a huge kind of blow up in the leader board where there's you know 500 guys who are really really good at that and by really really
Starting point is 00:45:38 good i mean better than all the people who should be and will eventually make semifinals so it inflates all their scores. This, there might be someone who's, you know, or some group of people that are really good at all three of these lifts and can still do the same thing, but it'll be a smaller number of people who do that. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Yeah. I think you'll, why does he get the money? I, I fucking grabbed my ankles and took one for the team. Why do, why does he get the money? But you like doing that?
Starting point is 00:46:04 Oh, right, right, right. I got, I got my treat i go ahead go ahead i have five questions for you guys about this workout so do you want to say something angelo before i dig in oh good um why brian had mentioned that he thinks people will do this one first why i would think that you would do it last why first what don't i know so you can just warm up and hit these while you're fresh i mean because you don't want to do a lot of wall balls you don't want to do a lot of pistols and you probably don't want to do a lot of lunges
Starting point is 00:46:32 before you do a heavy squat in the clean and overhead squat you want to do it with fresh legs and before you push up to the bench uh yeah plus i think that a lot of people by the nature of their general programming more often than not lift and then do metcon so this like what angelo said earlier because of the 24-hour time window you can warm up do this lift and feel kind of primed for a metcon as you do in your normal training hit one of the two first metcons really hard rest and come back either later in the day or the next morning depending on where you live and what the time is and hit the other metcon and that just like makes sense within how people train for the most part the top and athletes probably train a lot where they will do a metcon and then lift because it sometimes happens in competition
Starting point is 00:47:17 but most normal people if they're going to a box or just following a traditional program will have the lifting before the metcon um if one of these three were switched to deadlift or squat we might it might be different right because that would be more aggressive towards the central nervous system it might make you really sore but since it's they're all relatively sub-maximal loads for people right and safe the bench you're on your back overhead squat it's not as much as you can back. And the clean is like it's not a deadlift. Right. So is there any truth to what I just said there? Yeah, I don't think I don't think most people will get sore from this workout. I think that if you attack it correctly, you won't get really sore because you're really only going if you warm up correctly,
Starting point is 00:47:59 you're probably going to hit four lifts at the most on each one um and then move on so you're not really going to be doing a ton of lifting and um and if yeah your form doesn't um if your form doesn't break down then you really would have nothing to be super sore from but but yeah central nervous system maybe would be a little fried but not too bad so four lifts before you go for your four lifts to build up your one rep max clean four lifts to build up your one rep max bench four lifts over squat and by four the bench press is obviously a little different you might you know do a set of 10 with 95 pounds on at first just to like the bench press i would i would do the least amount of reps with you oh you would oh for sure i don't know why i mean um i would probably i would do 135 once or twice i'd do 22 25 once or twice. Then I would start to be, I would start hitting my weights.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Wow. That's just me. I don't like to waste those reps. I don't like to waste those good reps. I just like to warm my shoulders up. I just like to do a set of 10, even if you just do a set of 10 with the bar set of 10 with the 25s, just get it. So it's weird when you go heavy, cold on a bench, it hurts.
Starting point is 00:49:03 I think, well, I'm old. Yeah. That spring, that spring loaded, uh, system you're just, you're so cold on a bench. It hurts. I'm old. Yeah, that spring-loaded system. You're so tight and tensed up. Oh. You need to bounce off your chest. The bench press is a good example, though. I'm not sure what the standard that they'll impose for the bench press is.
Starting point is 00:49:16 So there's another good example of something you really wouldn't want to do ahead of time, even if you know this workout's coming. You should be – they should allow it to bounce. So what do you think the standard should be in terms of what parts of your body on the bench for bench press i think you should just have to have both your feet on the ground and that's it basically so a strict press works i mean you you like you should be able to bounce you should do whatever should just be easy as fuck to judge do you have to keep your shoulder blades on the bench you have to keep your hips on the bench? Sure.
Starting point is 00:49:46 No, not your hips. Your shoulder blades. Three points of contact. One foot, one foot in your back maybe. I mean, I don't know how you could do it any other way. Say that again. Butt, yeah. Feet, butt, upper back.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Yeah. See, there's two. I just asked two of you and you said two different standards. Yeah. I don't agree with the butt. You should make it as easy as possible. No, that's – I don't know. I don't know what I – the butt coming off the pad is just – off the bench is – I hate that.
Starting point is 00:50:14 I don't know. I don't think that's – I don't like the way it looks. I don't like the way it looks unless she's cute. Okay. So we talked about why that's first. What are the – what's the max clean going to be that we're going to see? Okay, so we talked about why that's first. What's the max clean going to be that we're going to see?
Starting point is 00:50:30 Let's get some predictions from you guys. Men or women? Let's do both. Let's start with – give me men and then women. I will say that the max clean is going to be $425 for the men and $295 for the women. That's pretty close. I was going to say 420 and 290. So 285, 290. I was pretty close. It's about the same.
Starting point is 00:50:52 I'm not sure who's necessarily in this competition for the men that can clean that much. I'm sure there are a couple guys that can go over 400, but I think for the women that Christine Middleton from Ocean State Crossfit's a good candidate to potentially win this one for the at least have the heaviest clean and bench what do
Starting point is 00:51:11 you think the heaviest bench uh brian for brian for men and then and then women man i don't know this is way harder for me to uh to judge i think there'll be guys that can also bench north of 400 but not by much and i think women i'm not really sure i'm not even really sure what a good bench press is for a woman i would guess like 225 would be pretty impressive okay so you want to say 405 and 225 yeah yeah but i'm way less 225 would be nuts i think 250 for the women women. I'm going to say 250. Wow. Wow. I think there's going to be a few girls there who can really bench. And what about the men?
Starting point is 00:51:51 What about the men, Angelo? The men, I think, yeah, 405 is probably as good. I think there's going to be people north of that, but 405 is a good weight. Hey, I think we're going to see. The thing is, so there's like. You think we are going see the thing is so there's like like if it was you think we are gonna see a 500 i think maybe one guy will bench 500 maybe yeah yeah i don't think it's impossible either you know if it was the open i would say i'm sure there's someone out there that can bench yeah but now you've already eliminated based on a capacity test a huge percentage of the
Starting point is 00:52:21 people that did the open so that's why i think like 400 to 450 is more reasonable for the top bench for a man hey can you give us a story um angelo one time at mayhem i saw um i'll say how about this afternoon at mayhem i think i'll see gee clean 400 pounds yes gosh uh gee i love it okay and um uh over oh we're gonna go back to the bench Yes. Gosh. Oh, Guy, I love it. Okay. And we're going to go back to the bench press for women. We're also going to see some really sad numbers for the women just because we're going to see some women we really, really like and we really want to see do well, do 140.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Yes. I mean, there's another thing in play here is the last time, I think the last time we saw a barbell bench press in a high-level competition was Linda at regionals that one year. And there were a couple instances of people struggling so much with the bench press that they didn't make the games. Not a ton, but I think maybe one or two instances. And now in this case, I don't think that will be as much of a problem. You'll see, like what you're saying, you'll see some people, men and women, I think't think that will be as much of a problem. You'll see like what you're saying. You'll see some people, men and women, I think that have really respectable clean and overhead squat with suboptimal bench press.
Starting point is 00:53:30 But it will be less detrimental to them than it would have been if that bench press stood on its own. Yeah. But, Angelo, it's fucked up. You don't have your correct Instagram on here. This is like some of the most live. have your correct instagram on here this is like some of the most live well it's not not it's your your your loss because um you should be like promoting whatever you sell those whatever you sell those those fire hose beer bottle openers or whatever you sell is that you sell those um damn there's i can't believe how many people are watching you guys have something better to do it's
Starting point is 00:54:00 fucking thursday get the back get back to work it's 9 37 a.m how many people are watching a fucking like 900 wow okay um uh so and then the squat what is this max squat we're going to see no sorry sorry overhead squat this max overhead squat from the men and the max overhead squat from women what's that guy's name uh um is crossfit thor on oh griffin roll someone was talking about him in the comments What's that guy's name? Colt Murray. He's CrossFit Thor on Instagram. Griffin Roll. Someone was talking about him in the comments. He'll probably overhead squat 455 pounds. Wow.
Starting point is 00:54:34 I had him on the show. He's a good dude. Yeah, he's so strong. He's incredibly strong. I really think he'll overhead squat more. Well, what do you front squat in the games in stage one? Something like that. It like it was yeah and um i would say if i mean i know i'm like this that um or at least rich is definitely like this that his front squat and his overhead squat are very
Starting point is 00:54:57 similar so if you have good overhead then they're going to be very close so if he can do that then i'm gonna um i'm gonna say yeah lazar saying all these people are here just to listen to me that's then they're going to be very close. So if he can do that, then I'm going to, I'm going to say, yeah. Lazar saying all these people are here just to listen to me. That's funny. Cause I did a show earlier today without these two and there were only 40 people on. So, so, so for, do you guys agree about, about four 50 for the overhead squat or you guys in agreement?
Starting point is 00:55:22 Like I think like if like if any guy can hit 405 or more that's really impressive and it'll be right up there near the top but this is a lift that you could see a big outlier like that like you might see someone that's 20 or 30 pounds clearer the next man or next woman uh okay and then what about the women has it have we ever seen a woman overhead squat 300 pounds in the CrossFit ecosystem? I don't know for sure, but I can't think of one offhand. I'm going to say at least 275, but 300 is not out of the realm of possibility. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:55:57 What's Taylor do? What do Taylor and Andrea do? Oh, I don't know. Weigh a lot. They can do a lot. Weigh a lot from Angelo De Chico representing the Mayhem Empire. Quote that. Put that in quotes. Okay. And so they – oh, wait. They touched on this. Sorry, Vincent. They touched on this a little bit in the beginning, but let's just add the numbers.
Starting point is 00:56:25 bit in the beginning, but let's just add the numbers. If we take 425 for the biggest clean that they thought, and we say, um, the bench press, what, what number, what's the most we might see? Uh, 500. I don't think it's going to be by the same person. I don't think the same person is going to do the 420, the 500 and the 440. Okay. Uh, so, but if we, but if we took all the biggest numbers that we've heard, it would be 425, 500, and 450, which would be a grand total of 1,375 pounds, which would be fucking – I don't think that's going to happen. I think the heaviest overall will be around 1,200 pounds. Wow. Crazy. I think a lot of people will be over 1,000. I think there's going to be a lot of people over 1,200 pounds. Wow. Crazy. I think a lot of people will be over 1,000. I think there's going to be a lot of people over 1,000 pounds.
Starting point is 00:57:09 You think that guy Thor is going to win this whole contest? This whole workout for him? He very well could. I think he very well could. Like he's excited. Like he felt movement in his pants when he saw this. Yeah. I mean, he cleans like – I mean, he can clean 365.
Starting point is 00:57:21 There's like regularly like for reps like just in a workout. And the women, do we have a max number for the women that we're going to guess? If we choose the biggest numbers we have here, it would be 295, 250, and 275, which would bring us 022, which would bring us 825 pounds. I'm going to say the heaviest we'll see from a woman will be 750, 800 in that range. So men are normally stronger than women. Yeah, and they're faster swimmers too. The men are or the women? Men are.
Starting point is 00:58:02 Crazy. Racist. Racist. Okay. My last question for for you angelo is this what's it like with roman in the gym is it weird like like you know when you get around foreigners and they don't i mean especially russians their language is so different than ours are you comfortable like you have to like take some deep breaths and be like okay this is going to be weird and i'm just comfortable with it like we just don't talk or we just do that smile he's he's working on his english he's he's doing he's doing pretty well honestly um i mean can you talk all funny when you talk to him like you use an accent like you're like hello roman no i just you know like you act like a jacket not you
Starting point is 00:58:41 but we act like jackasses around foreigners like they're two years old. No, it was weird the first couple days because there was no – I mean there was – he only understood CrossFit terms. That was it. Yeah, you have a nice snatch, and he's like – Yeah, that's it. That's all he knows. But no, his English has gotten a lot better. I think he has like a little app on his phone. He's working on it.
Starting point is 00:59:04 And no, he's working on it. And, um, no, he's, uh, he's, he's actually pretty cool. He's pretty chill, but we just communicate through Google translate. He carries his phone around and Google translates everything.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. And how long is he staying? Uh, he doesn't know he's doing quarterfinals here. And then he hasn't decided if he's going to stay here for the, until the games or not. I don't think he's not well shit i knew it i knew it i knew no did roman
Starting point is 00:59:31 take this did roman take this who took this one will with doing hill sprints in the back will who took this one roman took it and i think that just to the right it's angela with a fire hose filling up the pool so that was part of the deal is like we'll give you a pool but you got to find someone to fill it up hey do you tell richie should have taken the 750k could have built that pool probably for 250 and had 500 to uh spare but whatever god that pool's so small uh uh fukowski could touch both sides of the pool like this at the same time um on a serious note it is interesting that roman chose cookville does that say something about um the the openness or the welcomeness of that group or i think so yeah i think he
Starting point is 01:00:22 so i think he reached out to the christian values of cross, so I think he reached out to the Christian values of CrossFit man. I think he reached out to Facundo and then, um, because saying he was in, in the States and that he just wanted to come to Cookville. And then, so, um,
Starting point is 01:00:34 he asked rich and rich kind of ran it by us. And we all said, well, yeah, no, I mean, that's fine. And he's,
Starting point is 01:00:40 he's worked with Facundo for years as a, like an aerobic capacity programmer. And I think even maybe they're friends. So it's not that uncommon that he would have reached out to him. Yeah. I heard that on the first day he got there, you guys were all wearing yellow and blue just to haze him. Colors of the Ukrainian flag. Is that true?
Starting point is 01:00:57 No, that's not true. All right. All righty. Well, thank you. Is there anything else we want to say um i i will just so you guys know if you um i will uh bug brian and angelo um later on today see if we can schedule um several of these throughout the next couple days uh keep you guys posted uh so we can all party together and talk about the the workouts um but is there anything you guys want to say before we
Starting point is 01:01:19 take off no i think uh you know ultimately regardless of if the workouts came out early or not and whatever the standards end up being this looks like a overall a pretty good test that will i think do a good job of their time to get to work a good job of of selecting the athletes that um you know need to be tested appropriately before competing in a live stage at semifinals. Yeah. All hail CrossFit HQ. Good, good, good closure,
Starting point is 01:01:47 Brian. Angela, do you have anything? No, I think the test will do a good job. I think it'll be, I think we'll be fine. I think the right guys are going to,
Starting point is 01:01:54 are going to make it through. Thank you guys very much. And girls and moms and dads and dogs and everyone is listening. Anthony Davis will hit 440 pounds for sure. Mark my words bright and green. I forgot about him. Fair enough. And we'll leave on a positive note slamming poor Mr. Rosex.

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