The Sevan Podcast - #347 - Quarterfinals Day 1 & 2 Ft. Noah Ohlsen, Scott Panchik, Cedric Lapointe, Taylor Self, James Hobart, Angelo DiCicco, and Brian Friend

Episode Date: March 27, 2022

CrossFit Quarterfinals Day 1 & 2 with Noah Ohlsen, Scott Panchik, James Hobart, Angelo DiCicco, Brian Friend, Taylor Self, and Cedric Lapointe. Partners: - THE COFFEE I... DRINK! - WORLD'S #1 JOB BOARD FOR THE CROSSFIT COMMUNITY - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! - THE BARBELL BRUSH Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them.
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Starting point is 00:01:16 you don't even know what a woman is uh that being said i have declared that a woman is someone with a vagina and today there will be no um yes why were you late uh i forgot my i printed my notes out i sat down like thinking i was all cool and then i was like bug my notes we were we were trying to speculate it was we thought it was either the notes the socks or the coffee yeah and it is that is solid that's so solid ang Angelo, what's up? So today we have an all-star cast of badasses. It is all people with what I presumed are penises. I've not checked any of them just to guess. I don't care if they do or don't. But tomorrow I'm going to try to go for people that I would guess all have vaginas.
Starting point is 00:01:59 So I apologize. It wasn't on purpose like that. It was just the women I invited on the show today couldn't make it. But some of them have already said yes for tomorrow and i think you guys will be very excited and just tell you something real quick so yes yes so i did the the final workout of the quarterfinals today and one of the members from the gym uh he always hangs around for a while after classes and stuff and he's hung back after most everyone would left and i was just kind of sitting there reflecting on the weekend he goes
Starting point is 00:02:30 you want to go out for brunch i said sure so he went out for brunch and you know what he wanted to talk about what something or some group of people called furries oh i don't know that group and i i didn't either and i learned a lot about it and I didn't really want to. Is it part of the progressive culture? Well, just on your own time, you know, if you feel like it. On the back end today. And when I mean back end, I don't mean literally back end. I mean, it's a from the IT perspective.
Starting point is 00:02:59 We have Caleb and Matt Souza. I learned that I got in trouble last time I said that. My mom, I won't say that. If you guys purchase coffee from Paper Street Coffee, you have to first of all go to the right Paper Street Coffee. If you do it before tomorrow or maybe it's up until tomorrow, you'll get 20% off, which is kind of crazy. you'll get 20% off and you'll get, um, which is kind of crazy.
Starting point is 00:03:24 And you'll get, if you use seven on as the code S E V A N, and you'll be put into a drawing for a barbell. So that's everyone. Everyone just stopped listening for the last 20 seconds. That's what I know. Good, good,
Starting point is 00:03:37 good, good, good. Everyone go get your coffee. And, uh, um, I want to thank and California Hormones. So we went from the open to the quarterfinals.
Starting point is 00:03:51 It feels like it's just all one show. I kind of wish it was more like that. How many people did the quarterfinals, men and women in the individual side total? Or how many qualified for it total in men and women, individuals? I don't know exactly across all the continents, but there is an article on Morning Chalk Up that lays that out very easily to see. It's got like all you need to know about quarterfinals or something. And I can tell you general ideas.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Yeah, give me a rough amount of how many men individuals entered the quarterfinals this year. Not entered, sorry, qualified. So we have two different things. Okay. 7,000 men in North America qualified. Okay. About 6,000 men in Europe qualified. I'm just rounding here. Okay. About a thousand in Oceania and Asia and maybe 600 in South America and 400 in Africa, something like that. And when you said 1,000 in Oceania and Asia, is that 1,000 each or 1,000 together? Each, each. Each, okay. So that gives us 13, 14, 15,000.
Starting point is 00:04:57 That gives us about 16,000. Okay, yeah. So Darth Bane says 15,000 men worldwide and like 12,000 women. Okay, so something like that. Okay, cool. And then then basically 80 of all those numbers for women okay okay um and and how many of these so then these people can pay 50 bucks and go to the quarterfinals they this these are the ones who qualified from the open and how many of those men and how many of those women do we know actually go on to do the quarterfinals?
Starting point is 00:05:26 Is it 90 percent, 95 percent? I don't think so. I have only checked this for sure in North American men. It's about it looks like it's about 50 percent this year. Wow. I don't know about in the other regions. Maybe someone else has looked into it or can look into it. But I would guess I would guess that it's similar.
Starting point is 00:05:45 And why is that? Why do only 50% go on? Just because they know that they can't make it to the semifinals? Possibly. I also think there's a possibility that if you're competing on a team and you know that and you've qualified, you might not do it. There might be people who are in the master's divisions that qualified for both.
Starting point is 00:06:03 And they're like, well, I learned from last year, I'm not going to do these workouts or variants of these workouts more than once. I'll just prime myself for the qualifier. I think I have the best chance in whichever one that is. And so I'm sure you lose a big percentage from teams, master's athletes. And then, yeah, my guess is, and I wish there was a way to kind of know what percentage of these people, like where are they coming from? Are they the last 3,000 to qualify that decided not to participate? Or are those the ones that are the most excited to get in? So they do sign up and it's the people that are like 2,000 to 5,000 that aren't signing up because they're like, yeah, well, whatever.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Yeah, I was going for that, Kenneth. That's the way I like to say that word hormones like that hormones. I appreciate you for that, Kenneth. That's the way I like to say that word, hormones, like that, hormones. I appreciate you noticing that. When you say that it could be because of teams, why teams people don't need to do the quarterfinals? Angela, are you doing the quarterfinals? No, I'm not doing it. And why is that?
Starting point is 00:07:01 Why you don't have to? Tell me how that works. The same thing that brian just said about the masters uh last year the workouts were so similar i mean the workouts were almost identical so i don't want to do that workout and then i'm having to do it in two weeks but i think this year they are going to be different so because the equipment list is vastly different okay so you have your own twice you have your own workout the teams have their own like next stage is that called what's that called is that called teams quarterfinals
Starting point is 00:07:29 yeah okay it's in two weeks and it's it's um it's more team oriented i wouldn't say it's like you know seeing i guess yeah there was syncro stuff last year but there's no like worm stuff or anything like that it's kind of just entry-level team stuff. And what I said may be kind of stupid. I said, well, maybe it's because they're not doing the quarterfinals even though they qualified because they know they can't make it to the semifinals. But if that's the logic, then why even do the Open? That's kind of what I'm wondering.
Starting point is 00:07:59 And I have kind of two thoughts about this. One, from that perspective, I just am curious about the person who signs up for the Open knowing that they are likely going to finish in the top 10% and then chooses not to do the quarterfinals. Like why do one, if you don't want to do the other. And then the other thing I wonder from CrossFit's perspective, like, I wonder if they're looking at those numbers and asking the same question, where are the people coming from who did sign up and where are they like, and who are the majority that didn't sign up. Because one thing they could consider is, well, it doesn't look that good if only 50% of the registrants of the qualifiers register.
Starting point is 00:08:31 So maybe we should reduce that. Let's make it 7% and then we'll get a much higher registration rate and it's a little bit more exclusive and prestigious to make it through. Or open it up to 15% because then let's say that in the 90th to 94th percentile, 50% of those people do it and 50% don't. But in the 85th to 89th percentile, you'd probably have the same thing. So then you end up getting double the number of registrants out of those two groups. And you would out of either one of them, which means double the number of revenue out of those groups for the quarterfinals. And people give a lot of critical comments about, no, CrossFit is now all about the money and the business.
Starting point is 00:09:07 If there is even any element of that, which why not, then maybe open to 15% and you'll get an extra 2,500 men, or maybe 1,000 extra men in North America paying 50 bucks. I would have paid if I'd made it in. I totally agree. Like it's already, I don't even think you should have the quarterfinals, by the way. I think you should go straight from the open to the semifinals, but if you're going to do it, open it up to more. I totally agree. So does Shane Estrada, a resident Mexican in the country. Well, I'm not saying that I, that that's definitely what they should do. I'm just thinking if I was them, I would be asking these questions and say, you know, I think that it's also an opportunity for a self-reflection. Like what's the purpose of the open? What's the purpose of the quarterfinals? And are we meeting those objectives? Um, but who cares if it's a money grab, like, like, like, right. Like
Starting point is 00:09:53 who, like, it's up to you like that. We've already established that it's up to you if you want to do it or not. Why not open it up to another thousand men? I bet you it's a lot of people who aren't doing it because they're doing other shit. Masters, uh, team. I bet you, I think you it's a lot of people who aren't doing it because they're doing other shit. Masters, team, I think you nailed it. Or spring break. And why – It is spring break in the school systems right now, I mean. Right. What is the average age of the – where is the biggest demographic?
Starting point is 00:10:22 Do we know any of that stuff? Like is it 18 to 32-year-old guys who make up 80% of the people who of the where is the biggest demographic do we know any of that stuff like is it is it 18 to 32 year old guys who make up 80 of the people who do the open oh the open i have no idea i have no idea do you have any idea angela no i have no idea all right someone will say it in the comments someone someone will crunch those numbers i guess rich isn't going indie well that sucks thanks for ruining that part of the show. Tomorrow – so tomorrow we will know roughly who all the people are who have been cut and left who's going to the semifinals. I think we roughly already know. Okay, and that's 120 men from
Starting point is 00:11:06 north america and 120 women from north america and what are the other uh the other continents europe is 60 and 60 okay and the other four are all 30 and 30 and who and who are the other four australia oceania africa asia south america um australia has the same as africa asia and south america yeah i mean right there in the most controversial spot of the show noah olsen enters what's up crew oh no you did it perfect i told you make sure that you're driving because the rumors that you don't know how to drive are vicious and i want to put an end to that bullshit man listen i wish i was driving right now but i'm actually being chauffeured around by my handsome fit friend, Mr. Jake Berman. Oh, Jake. Jake Berman. Now, are you Armenian?
Starting point is 00:12:08 There's only Armenian Uber drivers. What are you doing? Don't take jobs from us. I look Armenian. You might be part Armenian. I'm an arms dealer, and I'm Armenian. Racist. Both my Uber driver and my arms dealer.
Starting point is 00:12:21 It's a good time to get in that business. Noah Olsen, the most popular active male crossfitter don't you dare put that on me most popular active male crossfitter in the sport oh it's true because i was so i only think of true shit when i'm soaping my nuts and i was soaping my nuts just about 45 minutes ago when i thought of that i'm like okay this guy is the most popular fucking guy who's acting man well you're making me blush i don't know if you could tell and i also to be honest with you guys can barely hear you but i'm doing my best okay tell um jake tell jake to turn down his beeper if he's an arms dealer tell him to lower the volume on his beeper and his beeper is off the hook right now just turned it off so i i was listening to um uh tommy and sean show and uh patrick clark and the calise show uh just prior to coming on trying to prep for this one that's how i prep for my show
Starting point is 00:13:17 steal shit from other people and plagiarize and they were saying that you got the no reps because of what happened at the top and not at the bottom. Are you talking to me right now? I'm talking to you. Yeah, man. I got a couple of no reps, I guess, on the pistol workout, which I appealed and haven't heard back from yet. I figured there was no harm in seeing if they would reconsider. But I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:47 I was a little bit bummed when I got the email about that. I felt pretty confident that my reps were looking good. It's tough to do pistols at speed and have the proper judgment on it. You guys tell me. You can watch them all if you want. I am happy to have the video live for the world to see. I don't feel any sort of ashamed about my movement. Oh, how convenient.
Starting point is 00:14:22 You cut out then. What's that? I said how convenient. You cut out right then perfect yeah no all good if it was like gonna keep me from winning the crossfit games i'd be a little bit more upset about it but because it's quarterfinals and right now it's the difference of me being in second or third place overall it really doesn't matter much so i'm not gonna put too much energy into complaining about it you are arguably one of the most positive people i've ever met definitely the most positive in the sport like you you jumped through those mental hurdles pretty damn good um it was did did you did you have a moment where you had to go into the broom closet and like throw some
Starting point is 00:14:59 shit around or like hey fuck you guys no not at at all. I just – there was a tangible change in mood last night. Jake and I were at a little celebratory dinner because I had wrapped up all the quarterfinal workouts, and I was in a really, really good mood, especially having been in first and first on those workouts. And then I got the email, and it was like a little bit of a downer, but nothing that upset me too much. And what did go ahead, Brian, go ahead. No, I was just, I was wondering from my perspective,
Starting point is 00:15:30 it seems like they are, um, doling out penalties at a little bit quicker, more efficient robot right now. He is a robot, but it's called Asperger's. Don't be mean. Don't be mean though. It's just Asperger's. Don't be mean to Brian, please. It's actually hilarious the way that it sounds, but I didn't get any of that. Me or Brian sounds like a robot? I'm gender fluid. You think that's me or you guys? It's probably me. Can you hang up and call back? Can you hang up and call back? It's back. It's officially back, and I don't need to hang up and call back. Sorry, what were you saying?
Starting point is 00:16:07 You sounded like a really cool robot. Go ahead, Brian. From our perspective, it seems like penalties are being assessed more quickly from CrossFit this year. Does that feel like that from the athlete side too? Yeah, I think so. It's been a weird year too with some of the social media stuff that I've seen. so it's been a weird year too with some of the social media stuff that i've seen um i don't know i don't like how much of a big deal people are making out of all that stuff um seems unnecessary and annoying but i just stare at your abs the whole time by the way i never even they're like
Starting point is 00:16:39 i'm like abs i'm just like no no no but it yeah i do but what i'm saying when you i'm just talking about when you do the workout like i people are like did he go low enough did he go deep enough i'm like abs i'm just like no no no but it yeah i do but what i'm saying when you i'm just talking about when you do the workout like i people are like did he go low enough did he go high enough i'm like abs just i just do abs yeah they don't call you i don't remember what they call you anymore that's not nice eric you're calling them they're look they've made up a new term instead of no no it's clever i'll take it nicely done eric nicely done uh but yeah no to answer your question brian i think that it's interesting jake and i were just lamenting look at what a good guy he is have a great one buddy yeah i'm use a clean needle okay go on didn't have to take it there can't take that guy anywhere
Starting point is 00:17:25 so we were talking about how for event number two which is the pistol one it seemed like they were slamming penalties on everybody and then event one Jake and I both got like a very quick and easy approval and it doesn't seem like
Starting point is 00:17:42 anybody has been shifted around and to me the incons doesn't seem like anybody has been shifted around and to me the inconsistency of like being that nitpicky on the pistol extension but then nothing not on the muscle like stepping through on the lunges or the handstand push-up it just felt a little weird it's like they're like hey we're gonna set an example on this workout and then that's it you know in years past the uh qualifiers like this sometimes they'll ask for two videos maybe they're asking for all the videos but they're just choosing two workouts to you know zoom in on maybe yeah which is not great obviously the consistency would be
Starting point is 00:18:16 the best but right on our first videos right yeah our. Other ones have already been accepted. Anyway, what else do you guys want to talk about? CrossFit's boring. How's your penis? You cut out there. Angelo, what's up, bro? How are you? What up? I'm good, bro.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Good to see you, man. Hey, tell Jake I like that car. I can't even tell what it is, but it's cool. It's got a nice low rumble. Are you done with all the workouts? Is that what I heard you say? Aren't you supposed to do some tomorrow? They release them all on Thursday, five of them,
Starting point is 00:18:57 and you can do them on whatever time frame that you want. So we did three of them on Thursday, and then I did the other two yesterday. And so technically I'm done. I have all my videos. I have all my scores. You just have to submit them during the windows that the score submission is due. Oh God, that must feel good. Yeah, that's a good feeling for sure. Like all day today, I had no obligations and just kind of bounced around the gym cheering people on helping set weights up and felt nice to be on the other side of the barricade for once I think it feels like it most of the the high level like the elite elite athletes in the sport did that three one day
Starting point is 00:19:38 to the next they were done yeah it's hard to tell the way like the social media perception is i saw somebody post today like one of the games guys was like one to go tomorrow and i thought oh that's weird that you wouldn't have already done them all but maybe you're not telling us the truth i like this side of noah he seems like a genuine good dude now let's see those abs again it's all it's all the big hoes ruben you've achieved what I always just wanted. I just wanted people to like – I just wanted one girl in my life just to like me for the most superficial reasons, just to see me as a slab of meat. Just like, hey, you're just a slab of meat to me. How is everything, Noah?
Starting point is 00:20:17 How is the dog? Max is amazing. Joanne is amazing. Life is really good, man. I am happily training down in Miami. We just had our pool finished and filled up for the first time this weekend. You have a pool? You have a house with a pool?
Starting point is 00:20:35 Yeah, we built a little pool in the backyard, which we're excited about. Take a celebratory dip in when I get back home. But life is good, man. So you have good sponsors. Life is good if you can afford a pool yeah i agree hwpo as they say you know yeah uh i think i've heard that yeah um any p any prs here with these guys i did yeah that clean that looked a little bit funky was a PR 380, which is kind of hard for me to believe. Like if you would have told me a handful of years ago that I'd be able to clean 380, I don't know if I would have believed you. So it's cool to feel strong and
Starting point is 00:21:19 have that be possible. Bench press 300, nothing too crazy. i've never been a great bencher there it is oh baby well it's almost even cooler than hey i just got an email from crossfit you guys want me to read it live please please especially if it's the release of the semi-finals workout this is the official show of all announcement workouts for crossf inc by the way should i should i let me do a quick scan and see what that email says my appeal request has been noted our team will be in touch all right oh i lost you guys what if it would have what if it would have been okay that's not even a funny joke i won't even say that one um i'm proud of you savon i'm proud of you a little restraint that i hey that that overhead squat where noah did where he like did a little curtsy second before going in there i don't know if we'll lose no you won't you won't lose an elevator
Starting point is 00:22:15 no no no um that little curtsy you did when you um got ready to do the overhead squat where you brought one of your legs behind the other leg and you stood on one leg for a minute yeah that was purposeful is that um is that the training think tank method is that a max el haj like hey you need to be on one leg before you squat yeah it activates the opposite glute and allows you to really drive through on the uh extension no i i said i was gonna be doing one leg over at squats now that would be impressive i tore something in my shoulder last season and so my shoulder is not quite fully healed and it was a little unstable there hey how good is that little video right there my buddy joe yates does some media for me when i'm up there. He's, I think, probably maybe the best
Starting point is 00:23:06 in the game at taking photos and videos. Is that just photos right there? Is that all photos? Yeah, it's like a little non-stop shot of pictures. Yeah, it's really good. What's the guy's name? Joseph Yates.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Oh, you didn't even tag his ass. God, you suck. I did, I did I did He's awesome He always talks about him on here too He likes that guy Yeah I like him a lot He's a good buddy of mine I'm going to his wedding in a couple weeks
Starting point is 00:23:33 I like how you said he's the best in the biz And just fucking destroyed the rest of us Good job solid You're not in this biz anymore I ain't in the biz How about the guy next to you Jake Berman How did he do You're not in this biz anymore, dude. I ain't in the biz. How about the guy next to you, Jake Berman? How did he do?
Starting point is 00:23:51 Does he have any chance of, like – Oh, yeah, Jake's killing it. Jake, I'm trying to put some light on him right now. We're in a parking garage. No, no, I'm trying to put some light on him. I'm trying to put some light on him. Well, we appreciate that. Yeah, Jake is a stud. He has been doing CrossFit since he was 13 years old.
Starting point is 00:24:06 And I think this is finally the year, now that he's 25, that he's going to make the games. He crushed everything this weekend. I think you're currently in what, 19th? 19th. Overall, so I'm proud of Jakey boy. Noah, is there any chance that this is your last year? Definitely not. way um no is there any chance that this is your last year definitely not um this is interestingly enough at the beginning of the season i was having a lot of like doubt and consideration on what i wanted to do for the season and how much longer i wanted to do all of this but now that i'm kind of
Starting point is 00:24:40 finding my flow i'm a little bit more confident in my decision. I'm trying to put some good. There it is. Found the right light. Here, you want this? No, that works. I feel good about my decision to be competing full time. I am definitely competing individually this year, potentially next year, most likely, because that'll be 10 years in a row competing as an individual.
Starting point is 00:25:07 And then there is a high chance of going team in, what would that be, 2024 with Mr. Chandler Smith, and we would need to find two studly ladies to try to win the games. That could be fun. I think you have some qualities that lovely ladies might be interested in. The fitness is all that I'm hoping to recruit them with. Yeah, of course. Of course.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Noah, it is interesting that Scott said he was going to retire, and it kind of set him free. And he experienced that. And I was just wondering if, you know, it is an interesting mindset to explore. Like, hey, this is going to be my last year. Yeah. I mean, ironically enough, I would say in 2019, I had a very rocky season in the lead up to the games to the point where I was thinking, hey,
Starting point is 00:26:03 maybe I can't hang with the big dogs anymore. And if this is going to be my last season, I really want to enjoy the experience of the games. And so I kind of had that approach to the actual games, where I was trying to soak it all in and really zoom out and appreciate the things that I was there and experiencing. And I happen to have my best year ever. The other years when it was all about winning that pressure, I think, um, is a little detrimental for me.
Starting point is 00:26:31 So I think there's something to that for sure. When I seen walk next to the other athletes, you seem like the most senior fellow out there. You have the most swagger. You have this, uh, very good, still,
Starting point is 00:26:42 I didn't even notice that, uh uh you had to dock any points for that shit by the way um and uh i'm trying to be a hipster dude dude no don't do that don't do that listen listen if you do that so i gotta do something we're all gonna be punished for that nose ring and a dude's now gonna enter the women's division for that you've just you've opened the door with that nose ring um but in all honestly it's awesome to see you out there nobody wants to see you uh retire you are the guy it's crazy to see what you've done um you are um you're amazing and it's awesome seeing you out there i appreciate that a lot you're 10 or 15 minutes away from berman today and i wish i could have asked you some questions
Starting point is 00:27:22 about uh some things not games-related. You can. How about you ask me a non-games-related question, and then what if you guys chat with Jake for a minute? No. Okay. Sorry, bud. Next time. Let me see Jake one more time.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Let me see. Yeah, he's hot. We'll reschedule it. He's hot. Jake, if you get a fucking nose ring, though, buddy. It's fake. His is fake. He's a fraud. Alright, guys. I exposed him.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Noah, Mr. Berman, you guys are the guys. Thank you for taking us down deep into the bellows of the parking lot. Hey, it's been our pleasure. Have a wonderful rest of the podcast. I would lie to you and tell you you'll be watching the rest of it, but we got plans. Alright. See you guys hey y'all how you doing
Starting point is 00:28:11 from Miami to Canada Canada I think Noah is just jealous of my most person he just wants to be like me a little bit more you have one too I thought that was your way of introducing me actually yes it is this is actually noah just with an accent a big french accent when i was a kid if you got your ear pierced depending on what side you got your ear pierced it was like whether you like men or women
Starting point is 00:28:39 and i noticed noah has his nose pierced on the other side of you is there a significance to what side you get your nose pierced actually i went with my girlfriend to get my nose pierced on the other side of you. Is there a significance to what side you get your nose pierced? Actually, I went with my girlfriend to get my nose pierced at one of our first dates, and we just decided to do the same side, both of us. So maybe. No one can tell you. Yeah, maybe yours says you like guys, but fuck it. You do what you want.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Exactly. You do what you want. Buddy, how you doing? Are you pumped? I'm excited. The quarterfinal has been doing has been good for me uh minus my i got the same penalty as jake and noah actually so all three of us from triniting tank got the same penalty for lacking extension on top of our pistol
Starting point is 00:29:15 but it's part of the deal jake got that also jake got it and noah too and i uh myself included so i appeal the decision but uh they already said hold on a second jake looks like and noah too and i uh myself included so i appealed the decision but uh they already hold on a second jake looks like a gay version of you hold on yep there he is uh um amazing amazing yeah yeah that's funny he's never coming on your show oh jake's coming on look at that as soon as they said he's on he he looks like he's an Armenian arms dealer. I was like, we're having this dude on. We should have him on. Jake's got a very, I think, a lot of interesting things he could tell us.
Starting point is 00:29:56 His career has been – I think he's had a lot of experiences for a young guy. I agree, actually. I'm tripping that you guys got popped at the top. Yeah, I got second place in the first workout and then on the one I got a penalty I was fifth before uh before getting a penalty yeah and did you have any idea when you were done with that is that something that gives you anxiety like you submit the video and you're like oh shit like I know it's perfect but I'm still someone's going to be scrutinizing this yeah a little bit because i had a i have a background of getting a lot of penalties so i actually got a penalty during the 20 uh 2020 open or was it a quarterfinal that was the open 2020 i got a major penalty for pistol on the right side and i just got yesterday a major penalty for
Starting point is 00:30:42 pistol on the right side once again so so i was a little sad thing when i was looking at my video because you can see that i'm still leaning a little forward before starting to switch from one leg to the other so knowing that i knew that it was a possibility but uh and even if i look at at um at noah's rep actually noah's rep looked much better than mine um so i mean if he gets a penalty it's just fair that i get one as well do do we know angelo or brian that when the judges are looking at that that there are there points of performance like that they know to look for like are they like okay is that opening is someone scrutinizing that well it's i mean it's a majority of the movements that have been tested are detailed in
Starting point is 00:31:26 the judges course for this year. Um, so then they have those of course to go by and then they have the, obviously the movement standards that are accompanying the workout releases that they're looking at the exact same ones that the athletes see. Um, but the, you know, who are those people and the pro and how much attention are they giving to each video or each rep? I don know that stuff the one thing i don't like about the review process is i don't know exactly how they do it but i imagine they get the video and they slow it down and stop it and pause it whenever they want when in real when in real life when you're at the games like with the best judges in the world they got eyes on you and you, who's to say that if they took those videos and they brought them back into the back and then reviewed it,
Starting point is 00:32:09 then maybe you would see a few no reps here or there. You know, it's not – it's too – I think it's almost like if you were to stop every single football play, then you're going to see maybe one person holding, you know, in probably every play. And the game's never going to go anywhere. That's why I don't watch football mean it's the way sports go and it just doesn't it's uh i think they should have to watch the video i'm not sure you know maybe they do but watch the video at real speed you know a couple
Starting point is 00:32:36 times through if they want to but they shouldn't really be able to stop or slow it down it should be done the way a normal judge would see it done. For you, what place are you in right now, Cedric? Do you know? Oh, you're in 11th. I'm in 11th, oh yeah. And have your penalties been itemized? Do they tell you that? Like, hey, you lost one second here.
Starting point is 00:32:57 We're giving you one extra second here, two seconds there. No, I'm not sure how it works. I think they have a small group of judge. I got some knowledge on the reviewing process when I got my first overruled actually penalty in 2020, which was a first for CrossFit too. I'm sure Brian remembered that where I got a major penalty and I appealed the decision with like a bunch of proof and they decided to reverse the decision. Oh, that's cool. Yeah, so that was great. That was in 2020.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Oh, that's cool. Yeah, so that was great. That was in 2020. But then – so it's like a small group of judges that decide, and they have like a group chat, and they can talk about the athletes' reps and take decisions based on their knowledge or on the standards. It's cool that you could appeal it and they reversed it. It's also a little unsettling. It should be that – it should be not – there should be something where they can't take a rep from you or penalize you unless they're 100 percent certain. Well, I think that's what they do, although obviously sometime if you have a bigger name, you're you're you're you can get away with not perfect reps where if nobody knows your name, often they're a little bit more strict with you. Although I'm glad that they took down a couple of people that has big name on the leaderboard this year.
Starting point is 00:34:10 If it's, it was worth it, like looking at Noah's video and I know Noah really well because I was in training tank at the Georgia for a couple of months last year. I think Noah's video is awesome. Like I don't see any Noah up there. If I would be his judge, I would have given him 100% of his reps.
Starting point is 00:34:27 What do you think from what you just saw there, Angelo and Brian? Do you guys have an opinion on it? I know we barely saw it. On Noah's? Yeah. I think Angelo froze. If you go on YouTube, you can see Noah's full video. Do you have – Matt or Caleb, if you go on YouTube, you can see Noah's full video. Have we,
Starting point is 00:34:46 do you have a matter? Caleb, do you have Cedric's video? I'll say about Noah's that I think at worst, they're questionable. I don't know that I would say that they are obvious. No reps. I would say the absolute worst.
Starting point is 00:35:00 There are maybe some questionable reps. If, but if I was his judge, he probably would have gotten all those reps they look good to me i mean and at the end of the day it hasn't fucked anything up for anybody except for luka is that correct is that the only one we know of we're like okay this guy's penalty was so massive that he may not be going to semi-finals luka jukic yeah his was pretty uh pretty severe but he had a really good uh workouts number three and
Starting point is 00:35:27 four and put him back into a really good position with only one workout to go actually what happened to luca she got docked over i think it was a minute and six second penalty i don't i'm not sure what everyone else's was wow for pistol extension but it seemed like it was a lot bigger than most of the other ones my penalty for pixel extension was a minute wow it's about the same yeah a minute six yeah a minute six yeah oh that's yeah that's exactly what he got yeah and did you say that's what noah and jake also got uh noah got a minute too okay wow i mean noah's moving so fast so it's really hard like it's i understand
Starting point is 00:36:08 it's it's hard to say yes or no i mean from my point of view it looks like he's opening his hips but his head and shoulder is still running up but he's still like clearly showing his hips so um does that mess with your head at all set are you done with all the work workout cedric or do you still have two more to do no i do one tomorrow morning just i had to repeat the first workout because i started way too fast and then i just couldn't couldn't do a lunge with my with my dumbbell overhead so i had to repeat like the morning after so because i was planning on finishing today but because of that I have one more to go tomorrow. And is that everyone's already,
Starting point is 00:36:48 everyone's had to turn in four so far and everyone has one left if they haven't done it. Is that where we're at? Okay. So, okay. So no one can. Okay. And are you, are you happy with everything mentally? Like as you go into semifinals, is this a, is this a good show for you? Yeah, I was, I was really pleased uh getting a a pr on my clean so that it was a good highlight of my weekend and overall i felt pretty good with with all of the tests i think it was a good test of fitness and um so that was 376 for a big 11 pound pr wow and was that the plan i was aiming for like 370 at least but it felt really good but then i couldn't bench press anything after what was the lift you hit right before that i think it was 356 but it might have yeah i think it was 356 okay so you didn't you didn't hit two
Starting point is 00:37:43 prs you like you made a jump you're feeling good you're like let's go for this i just went for it i missed it actually the first time and then i i redid it and i got it and then i'm on the bench press i spent 20 minutes on the bench press i just couldn't lift anything and i gave myself i gave myself like six minutes on the overhead squat and it it went okay damn that's incredible's incredible. It always blows me away how many people set PRs in competition. I know it's like what you're supposed to do,
Starting point is 00:38:12 but it never makes sense to me. I guess the pressure fuels you guys when I would think the pressure would cause you guys to collapse. That was last week, though. I was not throwing the quarterfinal. How much was this?
Starting point is 00:38:30 365. Go ahead. I had 356 because I had no time left and I didn't want to play too risky. The order of the events matter. If you overhead squatted first, maybe you hit another 365 or even 370 or something.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Yeah, because that felt pretty good, actually. How much time did you have to do all three movements? You had 30 minutes. Yeah. But no specific denomination of time for each one. You could do however many of each lift you wanted. But once you stopped the cleans, you couldn't ever go back and do any more cleans. So if you were running out of time and you would have gone for an overhead squat that you didn't make, then you'd have to start the whole fucking thing over again? Like if you logged a zero?
Starting point is 00:39:17 Yeah. That would be terrible. I mean, there's got to be someone out there that that happened to, right? That would really suck. I mean, that's your only that that happened to, right? Ah, that would, that would really suck. I mean, that's your only option at that point, right? Yeah. If you like zero. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Was your coach there with you? Was your wife there with you, Cedric? Yeah, I don't have any, I don't have any coach right now. I'm just following the online programming of training tank. So I'm doing my own thing, but my girlfriend actually helps me and try to program for me once in a while, some specific weaknesses that I have, but I'm just trying to have fun. And I feel like during the last six months that I've been just like enjoying the process, I've been like progressing more than I've, I've done. I've had the last, last year or so. So I'm pretty happy. And when you say you're training with training, think, think you're not in Georgia. Are you? and when you say you're training with training think think you're not in georgia are you no i mean i'm still in canada and um you know i'm just i'm just because i used to like
Starting point is 00:40:09 training was my entire thing in my life right i used to train in the morning noon and then we would have a third session in the evening where right now i only have like 90 minutes to two hours to train per day um because I have a lot of other things going on in my life. But I feel like by lowering my volume and trying to maintain a bigger intensity, I've been able to keep my body healthier and I've seen better progress during the last six months than during the last year. Wow. Does that sound like something you've heard before, Seva? No.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Maybe. before seven no maybe i've definitely heard it before but i'm trying to think who specifically you're talking about just this general prescription for crossfit yeah i was about to say that yeah thank you um here here's what i'm tripping the two things i'm tripping on um he said he's busy he um with other stuff in your life that's not good that makes me nervous um and uh and is your gym open my gym is open okay so you're not sneaking around you don't have to do your gym is open you're not sneaking around we've been open for almost a month now yeah okay congratulations and what what's taking up other time in your life besides crossfit what i mean it's game time isn't it yeah it's game time um i i've been trying to focus more on training like because the quarterfinal we're coming up but um obviously i have a girlfriend here i'm finishing
Starting point is 00:41:37 my degree i'm going to start my master in september so i'm still at school i also do a lot of volunteering for political parties so i'm trying to be more present in the society from where i live and um yeah that's it i also uh also coach and work a lot right and uh at the gym i work for there'll be a change of ownership coming up soon so i'm gonna have more responsibilities too so i've been taking over a lot. So I have a lot on my plate for sure. Yeah. So anyone, Cedric's currently in 11th place in the quarter finals. I don't want to hear anyone complain.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Listen to the things this guy has to deal with. He's trying to stay more active in politics, which I think is important in this day and age. He's going to school to get his master's. He works. He has a girlfriend. I mentioned he's in 11th place. And on top of that he lives in canada and i'm a business owner so i so i have 10 personal clients that i do one-on-one coaching for
Starting point is 00:42:32 yeah pretty busy is the goal of the games though still oh yeah 100 feel good this year Awesome. Do you guys have any more questions before, for Cedric, before we let him put him to sleep and tuck him in? Tonight is date night. So I'm going to, I don't have any work to do. I'm just going to spend the evening with my girlfriend. Awesome. No, it's great to, it's great to really to hear that about the change in the training and the way you've been feeling because you know, people who know you know that the last two or three years you've probably had all the skills, tools, et cetera you need.
Starting point is 00:43:10 And just not feeling 100% here, a little tweak of a thing here has kept you out of possibly making it already. So hopefully you can keep that going and have a really good semifinal showing. Thank you. I really appreciate it. Is your girlfriend a woman? Yes, she is. You said she was pretty last time i got on i was on the show all right yeah and and and how do you know how do you know she's a woman because i sleep on dan's head yeah i feel comfortable answering whatever. Oh, yeah. Your girlfriend's beyond pretty. Listen, Franco.
Starting point is 00:43:50 This guy, Franco, says a girlfriend isn't the same as a wife. Hey, I'm from the United States. We don't even know what a woman is anymore. I'm asking my Canadian brethren what a woman is because we fucking lost our minds in this country. Yeah, no, we have a ton of woke here, too. We're fighting against them pretty harshly right right now we have a crazy government in place all right brother thank you so much i really appreciate your time i know we hit you last minute it's cool to see you here and you're keeping the tie-dye alive as usual and that's cool there you go thank you guys nice to meet you angelo and hopefully brian hopefully brian the
Starting point is 00:44:24 next prediction you do, you're going to put me in the top five. All right? Good luck with the rest of the season. Bye. He can't be in the top five. This fucking guy's got a whole life going on. He means like at semifinals.
Starting point is 00:44:38 I know, but you heard all the shit he's doing. I know, but we've seen this before. We've seen guys like, uh, Vellner and Fikowski when they first came on the scene and made their breakthrough that they had a lot of other stuff going on and they were still able to make it work. And same with Fraser and same with froning and maybe it makes them soft when they start.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Rich is rich. Rich is rich. Has nothing. But he used to back in the day when we visited him, he, he was, what did he do? What did he do back then he did stuff i just remember he did stuff he trained well he trained dudes he trained a bunch of dudes he trained he trained all he did is train it's a rich rich has always been just training cheating and training he's a good dude though now he's now he's got kids and
Starting point is 00:45:24 stuff but yeah he he just uh all that guy knows is training it's insane can we pull up the overall rankings um before uh for the uh for the men right now and let's try to do some of it let's try to do 10 minutes of the overall men and 10 minutes of the overall women it's not going to show overall it's going to show by continent oh really we can't do overall i don't think there's any way to sort by that even though they've all done the same workouts like in the past someone will do that but yeah i wasn't made that available damn okay i mean okay uh so right now we're just looking at north america i want to say this really quick about patrick velner at number eight because it's fresh in my head because I was just watching Tommy and Sean's podcast, Talking Elite Fitness.
Starting point is 00:46:10 They went live earlier today, and they had Patrick Vellner on. And Patrick said some really cool shit. He said PRs in all three of his lifts. He said a PR in the overhead squat by a pound, and he sent a PR at his clean and bench by six pounds each and i thought that was really cool and um and uh tommy and sean were celebrating with that um too you know making the joke that he's an old dog even though he's only 32 and velder was saying that at that age that he can't take the pounding that he used to and so he's not been training a lot uh with heavy weights and it's nice to see that when he does go out to do that,
Starting point is 00:46:45 that the numbers are still going up. Any thoughts, any thoughts on that from either of you guys? Well, yeah, I, I saw that he did that. And so I decided to do the same thing and I got a couple of years on him too.
Starting point is 00:46:56 How old are you? I'm 34. Yeah, but he's a, I mean, he's congratulations. I don't mean it's, it's awesome,
Starting point is 00:47:03 but he's also at kind of a high heat. I mean, his fucking face is pushed against the glass ceiling. Yeah, and he obviously has been training at a higher volume than me for several – many years now with a much different goal. But similarly, I haven't been hitting high percentages of my weights very often this year. But I've been hitting a lot of volume at mid, you know, middle percentages, 70, 80%. And I think that it's not like, that's not surprising to know that that formula is having a similar effect for him as it, as it did for me. Angelo, how are you doing these days? How old are you, Angelo? I'm a hundred. I have so many miles. Uh, the funny thing we talk about is me and, uh,
Starting point is 00:47:48 me and Guy are the exact same age. Like I think he's a few months younger than me. And then, um, we were, I was talking about how old I feel, which is what, how old are you?
Starting point is 00:47:55 25, 20. I'll be 23 in a couple of months. Holy shit. We were talking about how beat up my body is. And, uh, Tyler Christoffel,
Starting point is 00:48:04 he goes, Hey, wait, aren't you and Guy the same age? No, no, no. Way different. I've lived in Cookville. Those are, I have Cookville years. It's like dog years. Are you still sending PRs? Are you still sending PRs?
Starting point is 00:48:18 I can't remember the last. Yeah, I'd say yes. I can't remember the last one I said, but it's not that far away. Oh, my goodness. It might take me a minute to think about it. But I haven't attempted many PRs. I think that's true for a lot of the athletes. So I think that's a lot of what you're seeing is that they're not attempting a lot of PRs because, like we said about Pat, that he's not going that heavy.
Starting point is 00:48:44 ours because like we said about pat that he's not going that heavy and that's true especially for the older guys that um when these lifts come up they go for it and they get it you know so because it's all it's in there they just don't attempt it uh seban has underwear older than angelo that's true uh justin madaris first place noah olsen second place i would know olsen be in first place he He's in second place? Did something change? Oh, wow. Literally five minutes ago, Jeff Adler was in second place. Now they're tied for second. But this is what CrossFit is, assessing penalties without making announcements.
Starting point is 00:49:17 So they're already doing the review process. And then when it's decided that they're going to apply a penalty to someone, they go and change it on the leaderboard. And it just happens. So if you're like not screenshotting it every hour, you might not catch all the penalties that have been being assessed. Hopefully they'll release that at some point. And do you think it's fair to say that it was Adler who got a penalty and not one of Noah's? No, no, no. Noah actually dropped the point.
Starting point is 00:49:42 It was 112 points, 113 points. And Noah gained a point which means it probably wasn't a penalty to either one of them it was someone who'd beat noah but not jeff on a workout that got a penalty that dropped him below noah shit i always forget about that mess okay okay so so okay so and we still don't know noah put in an appeal and we don't know uh what happened with his appeal yet but it he did sound very hopeful. What? It was received. The big story here, I think, and you guys correct me if I'm wrong,
Starting point is 00:50:12 is the Panchik brothers. What is going on with Scott Panchik? We have Scott in fourth, Saxon in sixth, and Spencer in tenth. I think if this makes everyone happy in CrossFit, it's always good to see three brothers, they're cool brothers, a great reputation, all kicking ass. What do you guys think? I say that Scott is like – who said that?
Starting point is 00:50:35 Did you say that, Seth? Or Brian, did you say there's a lot less pressure on him since he said he retired? So he doesn't have that pressure. And I think just like a lot of the guys who are getting older they realize that um the intensity matters more than the volume and so he's dropping some of his volume down and just training with intensity and obviously staying as fit if not fitter than he has been in years past wait a minute i don't know anything about his knee or there's just the fact that he's extremely fit. He got second in the quarterfinals last year.
Starting point is 00:51:08 It's not like he decided to retire because he wasn't doing well anymore. He's still got it. He's still one of the 10 best guys if he wants to be. I would like to know what his training looked like this past year compared to the year before it to see the volume change i think that that'd be interesting because i'm sure there is one um i want to move on here for a second uh when we were looking at the open we were talking about what's going on down in florida with matt torres's camp and uh the brute strength crew. Are we seeing a lot of – the highest guy now I'm seeing is Phil Toon.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Is there anyone I'm missing? Let's see. Well, where are the other guys? Well, Phil Toon and then I don't see anyone else. Dallin's in 25th. 25th, okay. And then James Sprague's down in the 70s or 80s, I think. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:04 Oh, and then Matt Poulin. I actually haven't seen where he is. He's not down there with them, but he is a brute guy that everyone was also talking about after the Open. Let's see where he is. I think I saw his name. And why are we seeing that big spread now? Because more guys are taking it seriously,
Starting point is 00:52:21 or because this is big boy time, or both? No, because the test is testing for something completely different okay explain that to me um you know i think completely different or just significantly broader significantly broader okay yeah and and in nature also different the open was very clearly a capacity test like that was the primary thing and there were and so far just the four tests that we see on the leaderboard here because are also different. The Open was very clearly a capacity test. That was the primary thing. And so far, just the four tests that we see on the leaderboard here, because we don't know how the fifth one will play out and may potentially, again, shift some things around. But on these four tests, we have four, I think, very different things being tested. You have the first workout is
Starting point is 00:53:00 a shoulder stamina workout. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning, in an exciting live dealer studio, exclusively on FanDuel Casino,
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Starting point is 00:53:52 where you can count on great offers being in stock or get a rain check. Discover more value than ever at Loblaws, in-store and online. Conditions apply. See in-store for details. The second workout is... Oh, there's James. Oh, my God. The second workout is... Oh, there's James.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Oh, my God. The second workout is... Where? I don't see him. Where? Where is he? The second workout is a midline and muscle-up workout, depending on, you know, the athlete. Then you have, obviously, the kind of long, grindy, nothing-in-your-way workouts.
Starting point is 00:54:20 It's just, you know, that's kind of the long aerobic test. And then you have a heavy lift so you're getting more diversity in the testing which means that if you have a weakness in any of those four things um it could potentially drop you significantly further down the leaderboard than probably anything in the open world i need a metaphor is the open like a small net and so we're only catching certain kind of fish and the quarterfinals is a big net and so we're catching different kind of fish like what'sfinals is a big net. And so we're catching different kinds of fish. Like what's the metaphor here?
Starting point is 00:54:47 The difference between the, the open and the quarterfinals. Anyone, anyone quarterfinals is a bridge. James, you're coming in late. Nice of you to fucking show up. We're talking about the quarterfinals are a broader,
Starting point is 00:54:58 a broader test. I got the context. Uh, because, because we're not, because earlier we were seeing the Matt Torres group kind of clumping in the open and really fucking making a huge show in the open. By the way, before we go on any further, there was an interesting note in here. Someone in the comments said that a 62-year-old woman at their gym bench pressed 170.
Starting point is 00:55:20 He's saying that because she bench pressed more than I did, which is fine. And I'm super happy for her. That's incredibly impressive. Congratulations. Man. You benched 340, Hobart? No. I don't think I could deadlift 340 right now.
Starting point is 00:55:38 Please. Angelo, you benched 340? No, not quite. Caleb, you you bench 340 in the Air Force yeah he said yes all we do is push-ups come on so then
Starting point is 00:55:57 we go down for we had Jason Hopper at 18th place we have Jake Berman who made a guest appearance on the show today in 19th place. Okay, maybe we should have interviewed him. Who is this? Number 21, Tudor Magda. Yes.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Tudor Magda. He won the games as a teenager one time. And he's now training with James Townsend. And he and James Sprague, who used to train together for, I think, the last four or five years in Seattle, split and went their own ways this year. So Tudor's with James in Iowa, and James Sprague is down in Naples with the Brute camp. And James Townsend is where Mallory O'Brien was before she went to HWPO. And he is, if you don't follow him on Instagram and you want to see some crazy shit, I highly recommend it. He has two amazing young daughters that kill it, and he is a savage.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Look at Tudor's shirt in his profile picture. The chest on that guy is testing the thread count on his – oh, it's not in that profile pic. Okay, are we surprised to see this guy in 21st here? Definitely not surprised that he makes the semifinals. He finished around 20th in his semifinal, which was a West Coast Classic last year. So that would put him in the 80th range if you just extrapolate that out. So 20th year is pretty good.
Starting point is 00:57:20 I can't remember what he did in the quarterfinals. Sometimes, again, the scope of the test can change. So last year in the quarterfinals sometimes you know like again the test the scope of the test can change so last year in the quarterfinals he was 115th so if he stays up here in the 20 to 30 range that's you know i would say is a significant improvement um alex smith at uh 33rd i thought for some reason he wasn't doing he wasn't going to go i think he's going to modeling or something. I think he's coming back this year, and I think it sounds like he's coming back with the intention of actually making a comeback and making a run to the game.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Can we see his Instagram? I want to see what he's doing. Why did I think, didn't we hear, or didn't we talk about how he's kind of done competing? Yeah, this might be an actual case study of the thing that you've said is impossible to do. Which is take time off and come back and come back and be back. I would say back to your level,
Starting point is 00:58:09 you know, it's not, he wasn't winning the games before. So, but if he comes back and he finishes 25th to 35th at the games again, where he had been finishing a couple of years in a row, then, uh, he was be able to do it.
Starting point is 00:58:20 When did he take time off? I thought he just missed the games. I didn't know that he would took time, like actual time off. I don he just missed the games. I didn't know that he took actual time off. I don't think it was... I just feel like he hasn't competed as an individual or had aspirations to compete as an individual since like 2018 or maybe 2019.
Starting point is 00:58:39 I think he's still training all the time. Yeah. Oh, yeah, I saw this video. This shit's crazy. He gives me some of that fitness wizard effect. What's the guy's name? The fitness wizard? Danny?
Starting point is 00:58:52 Dang. Who's Alec training with? I see Danny Spiegel back there. Is he training with his brothers at all? Is that CrossFit Krypton? Uh-huh. Okay. And the fittest wizard is named Dennis Samsonov.
Starting point is 00:59:08 All right. Okay, well, that's cool. That would be – that's cool. And how old is Alex Smith? 29. He's getting up there. He's an old man. Travis Mayer in 36th.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Taylor Self in 39th. Colton Mertens, two of our favorites, in 40th. Okay, so we saw Taylor and Colton and Hopper hanging out together in the open finishes, and now we have Hopper has pulled ahead of them by 20 places. Yeah, well, this is exactly what I was just talking about. So in the case of Colton mertens he's got three pretty good two really good finishes one good finish and a low finish in the rope climb while running workout which is of those four workouts is the one we'd expect him to do the
Starting point is 00:59:55 worst on taylor self had similarly three pretty good performances inside the top 100 and then a 330th in the lifting which is the one that we would expect him to do worse than jason on the other hand just he just has more consistency across the board and no real uh glaring outlier taylor needs swimming in the quarterfinals no he doesn't he just needs to make it to the semifinals but you know that on any strength test relative to the field right now he's it's probably going to be his worst workout, you know, unless there's a super heavy barbell, that's a part of a Metcon. And so the more tests there are, the better for him.
Starting point is 01:00:30 And the less athletes, the less harsh the penalty is in that one workout. Can we cruise over to the women? Are we done with let's cruise to the women. Sure. Man, Justin is just running away with it with the dudes. Well, that's interesting actually I mean it looks like that yes 32 point lead over those two guys um and then another you know nine points or 11 points over Scott and Chandler but in that last workout the margins are so I mean I'm expecting Justin to have a top 10 finish in it probably anyway he's so good at everything But it's a really short time domain. So there could be like to have 30 spots come between him and maybe Noah Olsen.
Starting point is 01:01:10 If Noah wins the workout and Justin takes 35th in it, they might actually only be like 15 seconds apart and have 30 guys between them. So it could happen, but probably not. Just to kind of close the loop on something we talked about before the winner of that workout is a guy named austin kahoy workout number four uh clean bench overhead squat his total was 11 41 they were asking about worldwide and there's a guy in asia who crushed everyone in this oh wow okay great let's get to him uh okay uh with the women women, we have Alexis Raptus in first after four workouts, Mallory O'Brien in second, Daniel Brandon in third.
Starting point is 01:01:48 I thought I looked earlier today, and I didn't see her in third. I saw her like in eighth. I mean, like I said, there could be some scoring adjustments. There are scoring adjustments coming in. In real time. Yeah. Anything crazy surprising here? We saw that video that Andrew Hiller made where he just fucking pulled Danny Spiegel
Starting point is 01:02:09 apart. And I think she got penalized pretty fucking bad for that. Um, anything else like that? Is that the big story in the women? Um, I mean, she's still in the top 50, right? Or is the big story? Olivia Heppner cursed at her olivia this this is crazy savage this is nuts that is crazy when i was looking at this uh getting
Starting point is 01:02:33 ready i was like my god like that's yeah she's fit and it's very strong yeah what is up with the andrew hiller guy he i i love his youtube videos he's a savage he's a savage i love it he's uh i described him to someone he is a uh he reminds me of like a lawnmower when i was a little kid and i would mow the lawn like when i was eight years old i was fascinated by the blade underneath it but i never wanted to like have it running and look at it like i just had to make sure like he he seems dangerous he seems very dangerous very very i i like that i like that he has to answer no one he just will say anything i love it someone needs to do it i i when he he made a video talking about people doing steroids and he used some old footage
Starting point is 01:03:18 of he made he used some old footage of rich that i shot all the way back in like 2009, maybe. And I, and he wasn't referencing rich. He was just using it as B roll. And that got us off on the wrong foot. Like right there. I just didn't like that.
Starting point is 01:03:32 Like how dare you use the word steroids with a picture of rich anywhere near it. But, um, uh, and, and my heart did kind of hurt a little bit for Danny when he went at Danny, but,
Starting point is 01:03:43 but I mean, it seems like he's just saying the truth i also what i also found that was fascinating is the guy with 4 000 instagram followers i'm just fucking giving it to people with eight or nine hundred thousand instagram followers and just it's just like they're i mean the plane the playing field is uh um been leveled by him you know just he's just the lone cowboy uh leveling the playing field is, uh, um, been leveled by him, you know, just, he's just the lone cowboy leveling the playing field. I'm glad he's using his time wisely. He should keep it up.
Starting point is 01:04:14 Is that sincere Hobart? Just leave it at that. Is HQ thinking, maybe HQ is thinking about hiring him at to assess, assess workouts and penalties. We will talk about none of those things and I have no idea if that's the case.
Starting point is 01:04:33 And this guy, oh look at, wow, I guess that is what you could call him. Look at Andrew Killer. Andrew Hiller. Get Corbin out of here. Get his comments out of here. Hey, there was a – Hobart, we had Noah on earlier, and someone coined the term Noah rep, like Noah rep, Noah rep.
Starting point is 01:04:53 I saw Noah was on here. I like how he handled you. Handled me? Yeah. I like the way you handle me, Hobart. Gently. Gently. Okay, so can we get the women's board back up there?
Starting point is 01:05:15 Are we... Anything else? Was that... Was Danny's penalty as bad as Luca's to where it just rocked her shit, where she's going to be struggling now and probably in a panic mode? I don't think so. She was still inside, right? The top 120 by a lot.
Starting point is 01:05:33 I could be totally wrong. No, she's in 37th. Okay, so that's great. I mean, because look, despite taking 200, she's basically in the exact same situation as Colton and Taylor Self. She got three good finishes and one bad finish. And you know what? Whether the reps are good or not, if you told me that she was going to have one bad finish in one of these four workouts, that's the one I would have guessed, which is fine.
Starting point is 01:05:58 In the format here, you're Danny Spiegel. You can have one bad workout. You're still easily making it to the next round. format here you're danny spiegel you can have one bad workout you're still easily making it to the next round uh amanda uh barnhart a 275 pound clean uh there have been some yeah some of the women are getting like scarily close to 300 pound cleans and she didn't even win the she didn't even win that workout. Crazy. She took ninth with 715 pounds. In first place is Danielle Peran, who is currently in 48th place with 769 pounds. Do we know who won that worldwide for the women, Brian?
Starting point is 01:06:37 I'm not sure for the women, no. What did you say that was? 749? 769. Oh, 76 769 that probably is it unless unless uh no no she got the even got cara saunders by 14 pounds yep that's it that's the best one do we know of any guy hit a 500 pound bench like i thought they might is there anywhere to see that? The problem is you can't,
Starting point is 01:07:07 you can't, I mean, they'd have to have posted on Instagram. There's no, like I was hoping that they would have each of the lifts broken down on here. They definitely could do that. There's a lot of people that would be interested in that and could show some really cool stuff with it,
Starting point is 01:07:20 but they haven't made it public. So we can't like search by it. And we can't even, even if you looked at everyone, you'd never, you wouldn't know anything like that yeah how about that guy who was on my podcast the wall street lifter the wall street he went and i made it through to this stage yeah he didn't post anything you don't think you would have made it i i don't i to the quarter finals yeah you don't think you would have made it did he make it i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know they even tried but i feel like he might have no i mean i think last
Starting point is 01:07:48 time he did one bar muscle up so that probably would just be enough to keep him out anyway yeah susan well you said scott pan checked the link he's asking for the link i don't know who comes on next but we'll see i said it said they in the comment that he was in the waiting room and i'm not really sure why i can't let him know he's asked uh let me see i don't know what's happening did you get the link did you did you resend it to him and will you resend it to him yeah maybe uh becca voight 66 place i saw this and i was thinking to myself, like, you know, obviously she's incredible. And what she's doing and continuing to do in terms of proving a high level of fitness over a long period of time is like it's on par with Sam Briggs. She's just a few years older than Sam.
Starting point is 01:08:37 And it's really, really impressive. But it also just kind of makes me feel like the depth of the women's field just isn't there. Like, Oh, ciao, ciao, ciao. I'm serious.
Starting point is 01:08:48 I hear you. I hear you. That's the kind of stuff that will make Hobart just fucking log off. He can't take that. No, you would know. He probably feels the same way. You would expect that.
Starting point is 01:08:59 What? People in the comments are saying that Bethany Shadburn did not put in scores. Is that true? Yeah, that's true uh angela believes that that takes precedent over any conversation of rebecca voight go ahead mr friend how do you feel about resting shatburn not i'm tired of seeing the comments there's like a hundred comments the assumption can only be that uh she's she's no longer competing as an individual this season for whatever reason. And I would expect that her and her team will make an announcement about that sometime soon.
Starting point is 01:09:32 Why can't it be she's injured? No, she could be injured. It could be any number of reasons. But CrossFit was explicitly clear that they will not accept any scores after the submission deadline. And now we've passed two of those and there's nothing from her. I think that there's no other conclusion to draw than she's not participating in the quarterfinals and therefore also not participating in the semifinals
Starting point is 01:09:51 or the games as an individual this year. Is she the biggest name besides Rich that we're just finding out isn't competing in the individual? Well, I don't think anyone other than you is expecting him to, so she probably supersedes him on that list as well. And if that's the case and that's a huge and if that's the case that's a huge disappointment because people were very very excited to see her compete at the games last year after how impressive she looked at the west coast obviously she didn't
Starting point is 01:10:14 get to do that it's been a little bit of a tough off season for her um and i know that she's got a ton of fans that we were looking forward to seeing her this year so if she's not competing for whatever the reason is i know that there'll be a lot of people bummed about that uh where are they sending it to he's not seeing it son of a bitch hold on uh is is he the one who comes on next pat panchett yes he is. Okay, cool. And was he supposed to come on at 5? Correct. Fuck, I shit the bed. Who comes on at 5.15?
Starting point is 01:10:51 Taylor Self. Oh, shit. Why do people get so upset when athletes post videos and then lose points for reps? Why does that make everyone so upset? It just hurts their heart, right? like them you're hurt if you don't like them you might be happy but you might might hurt also because you know the hard work they're putting in you tell us i just feel like the critics people are like i can't believe so and so did these reps and it's like i don't you've ever watched a car race like racers crash because they're trying to win the race like it's i don't know and
Starting point is 01:11:23 it's just that's an interesting thing to me you know it's like i don't know suza are you panicking that scott panchick's not here why am i panicking yeah i am i i don't know if it's the right group chat i mean the right number on there i said i sent it to him twice and then texted but he never well fuck send one to spencer um send it to spencer or do you have it do you have his number i did i said i just sent it to him i'm texting with him now okay he's not the night i think i might have the wrong number or something because he's not texting me back can you pretend like you're him hey guys how you doing today hey what's more impressive olivia kerstetter or um or uh emma lawson um uh i mean Olivia Kerstetter or Emma Lawson? Hmm.
Starting point is 01:12:12 I mean, Emma's a little bit – she's got an extra year on her, so I'd probably say Olivia. Hey, and Olivia has the strength. She beat her. She took tenth. Well, Olivia Kerstetter's strength is insane. Yeah, she's great. Dude, she's going to be a CrossFit Games champion. That's the most promising prospect.
Starting point is 01:12:28 We'll see. We'll see because this is the thing about the women's field. Dude, she beat Mal O'Brien, dude. In lifting? Great. Yes. Mal's still ahead of her on the leaderboard, and Mal's only a few years older than her.
Starting point is 01:12:41 She's going to be relevant for a long time. Haley's still relevant. Gabby and Allura are like 23 and 24. be the game champion to develop what's the hardest thing to develop strength okay the rest of my case your honor laura yeah but how often is strength tested that's my case you're lucky scott just got here oh shit and scott's got his youtube on scott just comes in like gangbusters hey let me say this before we talk to Mr. Confusion, Scott Panczyk. I'm looking at the top 50 here, top 49, right? And there's only one, two, three, three.
Starting point is 01:13:22 There's only three, four. There's only four girls who beat her five five girls who beat her in the weightlifting in the top 50 and before you answer i'm gonna ask scott oh shit he's gone fuck it okay answer brian because he knew your question was gonna be terrible oh he's like angela what do you guys tell me how right i am and how wrong brian is what okay go ahead seven she has elite strength. She snatched more at the games last year than Tia did. We know this about her. I want to hear you say it.
Starting point is 01:13:52 She's the prediction. She's going to win the games. Let me hear you say it. She's going to be better than Mal O'Brien. Can you say that? No, it's fine. She's going to be great. Hey, let me hear the case. Someone loop that for me. Hobart going, Sevan Someone looped that for me. Well, Hobart going seven.
Starting point is 01:14:08 Someone looped that for me. Very soon. Go, go Hobart. What? It's insane. It's just, we haven't seen this in Sarah Sigmund.
Starting point is 01:14:18 It's one component of, of elements that are tested. It's like, yeah, the strength is amazing. And it's crazy that she snatches more at age, whatever, 16 or however old she is than I did when I was 25
Starting point is 01:14:29 and probably could right now. But it's just one aspect of her fitness that's tested. If you look at all of the other tests that even went down in the quarterfinals, I mean, she definitely has a way to go to be beating Mal O'Brien, at least the way things are shaping up. Give her the numbers.
Starting point is 01:14:43 Give her the numbers. And the other three workouts. Look at the numbers. And the other three workouts. Look at Mal's performances on the other three workouts compared to Olivia's. She's 16, gentlemen. Mal's 18. You better get your helmet out, Savant. This is where Brian beats you to death with a Q-tip. 7, 5, and 14 against 54, 51, and 34.
Starting point is 01:15:01 And what James is saying is having that elite level strength will allow Olivia Corsetta to beat Mallory O'Brien in a couple workouts out of 13 that are tested at the Games. And to beat Hayley Adams. But on the other workouts, she doesn't have it yet. Kim Kardashian at 16? Oh, my God. Was not even fucking 120 at the woman she was at fucking 18. I'm just telling you.
Starting point is 01:15:26 I'm telling you. She's ridiculous. I think it's the craziest thing that we're looking at the leaderboard right now. It is her. Olivia Kerstetter. And I think you guys know that too. And look who's right below her, which is kind of weird. Mama. Ariel Lowen. But to win the games, you have to beat
Starting point is 01:15:42 everyone. Alexis Raptus is 23. Mal O'Brien is 18. Daniel Bryan is 25. Lawson, 17. There's all – and we already talked about all these other women. Sydney McElish in 23. Freya Mooseburgers, 20 or something like that. Annika Greer, 18.
Starting point is 01:15:59 There's a huge field of women that are three to five years older – three to eight years older than her that are still going to be there and in the way for the next five years. I hear you. I hear you. I'm just saying just saying i hear you i'm impressed i don't think it's maybe out of the realm of possibilities but um but i'm gonna go with brian um scott hi hi how are you good how are you pretty good scott are you are you familiar with Olivia Kerstetter? Is that the girl that Jacob Hefner posts about all the time? Yeah, Jacob Hefner gave birth to her a couple years ago.
Starting point is 01:16:35 She's 16 already. Yes, I am familiar with her. She's a beast. Yeah, her weightlifting total was 713 pounds. Yeah, that's probably higher than Jacob's right now. She's – In all fairness, he's told me that. She's 16 years old. The girl who's in first place is Alexis Raptus, who's 23 years old.
Starting point is 01:17:07 She has 701 pounds. The hope of all of CrossFit, Mallory O'Brien, has 676 pounds and is 18 years old. Do you think that this is like just – if you were 16 years old, would that be the most important thing you would want to have developed already is your strength. At 16 years old, I'd be, I'd be happy if I could have even back squatted those numbers. Scott doesn't even know what he's walked into. I'll be honest. If I'm being honest, I probably needed a whiteboard to write down all the numbers you just gave me because there's no way.
Starting point is 01:17:43 Right, right, right. I just know she's really strong right now uh i would say strength is is definitely important but i think the younger generation has missed out on a little bit of the uh kind of like the sports side the top of the pyramid with with playing sports regularly and i think that's one thing that is tested to some degree at the games is just that athleticism that is difficult to mimic in the gym. Yeah, that's a good point. And you and all your brothers played football. My brothers played football up until a certain age, and then they weren't able to play because of a accident they were in that uh kept
Starting point is 01:18:25 them in basketball and really got our family into crossfit i got an accident when i was a kid and it forced me to play a lot of basketball by the way if you want to hear those stories in detail i can't remember if it was the interview i did with saxon or spencer but it's an awesome fucking story one of them fucking laid it out for me it was it's an amazing story um so scott are you out of retirement what do you mean like are you are you are you gunning for the games like like pull up your to-do list of things to do for 2022 i want to look at it or just quarterfinals ranking right now yeah morning with my daughter go to the gym, coach classes. Life's changed a little bit. I'm doing less, less working out,
Starting point is 01:19:11 but staying pretty fit, which is pretty cool. And did you do any of these? Did you do any of these workouts twice here in the quarterfinals? No, or the open. And who are you doing them with? My brother Spencer has actually been out at our gym a lot more lately, and I've had the opportunity to get some training in with him again, and it's been a lot of fun.
Starting point is 01:19:39 I think that's a big reason that… Dude, the times between the two of you are insanely close. Isn't it crazy um he's he's following uh a new program with a brute coach right now saxon's uh following a program with proven right now and uh i'm just having fun with training and spencer's been popping into the gym and i you know had the opportunity to do some of the open workouts with him and the quarterfinals he's been coming out and it's been a lot of fun. It's kind of energizing having him in the gym. Did you have a chance to talk to either of them or did they
Starting point is 01:20:16 come and ask you when they were like, Hey, I think we're going to try a new training program or we're looking for something new? Yeah. I spoke to both of them as they were kind of exploring all their options. And I just shared with them that I went out and, you know, worked with the mayhem team and I saw, you know, big gains from when I started with rich to now. And,
Starting point is 01:20:37 and it's not that we were doing a ton of things different. It was just the the the workouts themselves uh were structured a little different my days were structured a little different it was and it was a it was a change of it's still crossfit i always say like there's so many different ways to to train and and program i've seen people that are you know spending hours in the gym doing a lot of accessory. And then I see people that are just kind of main site junkies. I grew up on the main site, so I still follow that a lot and enjoy seeing the workouts up there. But there's a lot of different ways to do CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:21:17 My brothers and I have trained together for a long time from when they were 12 up until 2018. time, from when they were 12 up until 2018. And then they ventured off and have been doing their own thing up until that point, up until now. And I feel like they've really developed a foundation to CrossFit with me to start. And now they're branching off and exploring everything that's out there. And it's been really cool to watch them grow up and take that next step in their career. Are you 35 yet, Scott?
Starting point is 01:21:53 No, 34. 34, yeah. Oh, shit. This is your last year to win it, Hobart, for this fucking dude comes up. Scott, when's your birthday? November 21st. Scott, when's your birthday? November 21st.
Starting point is 01:22:09 So he's three or four months too young to compete as Masters this year. I'm one month too young to compete as Masters this year. Hobart, what's going on? What's Panchik doing as a former athlete? And I'd be curious to hear your thoughts too, Angelo, since you had an injury and now you're dabbling back in the game. What is Scott doing? Thought doing thoughts i don't know hey i know some psychologically what's the headspace he's in right now you should ask the man he's he's right here himself i'm trying to he'll start talking
Starting point is 01:22:37 about his brother and matt torres and shit if we fucking let him talk again no i think there's some there's some uh insight in in that answer, right? When you start focusing on other areas of your life and making those areas full and, I don't know, you're just happier, a little bit more aggressive in the gym, good stuff happens. You don't need like insane amounts of volume to continue to get fitter,
Starting point is 01:22:58 especially with what I imagine Scott has in the last decade plus of his own training. So who knows? It's a good question for him. Are you getting more aggressive in the gym, Scott? My training is probably cut in half. So I was typically doing two sessions a day. I still go in. I still, like James said, that's a really good way of putting it.
Starting point is 01:23:22 It's like I'm more aggressive and I definitely am managing my time better, and I've given myself more time with my family, coaching more classes at our affiliate, and working on some new projects just outside of the gym. We hear these stories, and we see the videos of Rich training and not falling on the ground anymore. And when we ask Rich about it, he's like, yeah, I've gotten a little bit soft. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:48 Which is kind of weird to hear him say because he's still whooping ass. But are you pushing? Are you going pushing as hard? Like it may be even harder since you are only doing one workout a day. Or you cut your training in half? I would say I'm definitely. Yeah, I would say so. I'm definitely pushing hard during the time.
Starting point is 01:24:05 It's kind of definitely quality over quantity at this point. How's the knee? The knee's been good. Guadalupe was really the first step to see, what's this thing capable of doing? My brothers were heading down there, so I was like, you know what, capable of doing? And my brothers were heading down there. So I was like, you know what, let's go down and enjoy some sunshine. It's cold as can be here in Ohio.
Starting point is 01:24:33 So go get some sunshine, work out a little bit, have some fun, create some memories with those guys. And, you know, each month it's starting to get better. My strength numbers are consistent. I wouldn't say they're like at the top end of where they've been in the past, but I'm like, I haven't cleaned over three 15 since the games. A lot of, a lot of Palooza, I think we finished at three 15, but I haven't gone above that until the quarterfinals.
Starting point is 01:25:04 Same with like the bench and overhead squat. I haven't done a heavy overhead squat like that in probably a year and a half, maybe two years. Were you excited to have the opportunity to do those, nervous about it? I was definitely a little nervous. And my wife, you know, signed up and did quarterfinals too. And watching her like come into the gym after like taking care of Kinsley My wife signed up and did quarterfinals too. And watching her come into the gym after taking care of Kinsley,
Starting point is 01:25:32 and she's coaching classes and judging us, and then goes and does the quarterfinal workouts after we're all done, I'm just like, man, she's badass. And it's motivating to me to have somebody in my life that wants just like, wants to get after it like that. And it makes me want to get after it. I guess that's the, they say that you're the, what the, the sum of the four people you spend the most time with. So be careful who those people are. So you shit your pants and pee yourself and then work out really hard. Make sure you hear a bad name of JAMA. Otherwise I don't want to see you.
Starting point is 01:26:04 Um, how much is it influencing you? I'm so I'm going to make the presupposition that you're a bad mama jama otherwise i don't want to see you um how much is it influencing you i'm so i'm going to make the presupposition that you're just taking it day by day and you enjoy your with the headspace you're in and you like fuck off if like someone has a question for you about whether you're going to go to the games or not um but so let me get a little sneaky and try to come around the back side door here how much of it influences it to you to see your brothers doing well and the thought of going to the um next stages with them it's special it really is like seeing them progress in the sport is it almost is that feeling that i bet a lot of fathers get when their kids get into sports where it's like,
Starting point is 01:26:45 all right, I'm going to live carefully through you. No, I love it. I get excited for those guys and seeing them on the floor and just any opportunity, like even Wadapalooza, I decided, I think seven days, I text message Matt O'Keefe and I said, Hey, do I still have a spot? You guys invited me. Do I have a spot if I want it? And he's like, you good to go? And I said, we'll find out. But I, you know, at that point I was like, this might be my last chance to step on the floor with them. And then, you know, Saxon moved out to Tennessee. Spencer, you know, was like, hey, I'm going to come over and do the Open.
Starting point is 01:27:26 I was like, I'll sign up, do the Open. That'll be fun. And he's like, I'm going to do quarterfinals. I was like, I'll do quarterfinals with you. So it's just creating memories. I don't know how many more of these I'll get. And it's just day by day, like you said. Is that the biggest influence right now? I mean, you talked about your wife, but is it those two guys, Spencer and Saxon? No, it's really about not letting the sport consume me. There was like something inside of me that just changed last year. Leading up to the games, I, you know, obviously hurt my knee and I knew it was going to be a really stressful time. So, you know, I go into the games and I don't really know what to expect, but I knew it was going to be a really stressful time. So, you know, I go into the games and I don't really know what to expect, but I knew by saying like, Hey, this is my, my,
Starting point is 01:28:10 my last ride here at the CrossFit games. Uh, I knew I would be joyful in all of my circumstances from the highs and the lows. And, and now it's just like this stress of like, like I have something to prove and it's, you know, and it's been the journey that I've actually loved along the way more than anything else. I thought it was like, hey, I want to – standing on the top of the podium, you know, teaching my brothers muscle ups or handstand pushups or, you know, watching my sister get her first muscle up and, you know, teaching sneaky and, and, and tricking my wife into even doing CrossFit workouts. So it's just like all those memories, all those friendships. And, um, those are the ones that actually stick out in my mind the most, not so much the placing. God, you sound old. I mean, mature, right? I mean, yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:29:12 It's, it's been pretty incredible. Have you got any penalties yet? Actually, it's funny you say that I did. I had one, I put in the wrong time. I was one second off and I got an adjustment and, Oh, but, but. Oh, but you didn't get – you haven't had any issues with your pistols not opening? Like some crazy shit happened to poor Noah or poor Danny Spiegel or – Scott's from the era of impeccable movers. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know how to – I try not to move like that ever because it hurts. It hurts more than it hurts.
Starting point is 01:29:51 don't know how to move like that ever because it hurts someone's like you got to recklessly go at this workout down at guadalupalooza it was like those burpees over a line and i was like yeah first off that's really silly like i was really disappointed that that was the standard and i watched people do it and i was like i i physically do not know how to recklessly go like that. Scott, what would you, can you tell someone, can you share with your brothers how to get to this headspace you're in now without them? Yeah, that's, that's tough. It's, I think it's something that will, that comes in time. Um're definitely mature for their age. And I've had the opportunity to spend really the last couple months working with Spencer and getting to kind of reconnect. Like I said, they were gone in 2018 and had been doing their training on their own for a while. So him coming back and just getting to talk through mindset, mentality. And really, I think the best thing you can do in your life is your testimony yourself.
Starting point is 01:30:49 So it's not so much like you can tell someone until you're blue in the face. But, you know, my goal is I want to keep telling my story through my walk of life. And I think that people will resonate with that. That's a practice what you preach kind of thing. And I think that that's my plan on sharing it with them is, and if, if that means, you know, signing up for the next stage, then I sign up for the next stage, but we're just, we're day by day and workout by workout.
Starting point is 01:31:18 By the way, everyone who's watching, um, Scott is actually in a pitch black room, he is a light unto himself and that is why we can see him. Any questions for me that Scott I did read in the comments someone said there's always a light shining on James Hobart in the comments
Starting point is 01:31:36 but I think they were talking about sunlight No, right now that's you Scott Scott. That's just you, man. Shining through, bro. Who do you think is going to win Hobart's last question? Who's going to win the 35? Who do you have to deal with this year, Hobart? Adrian Conway?
Starting point is 01:32:01 I mean, I have a lot to deal with this year, but there are some very fit guys up at the top 10 spots of that uh that master's division oh shut up uh is kyle was kyle casper bauer gone is hobart gonna win this shit or what uh it's not panchic that's for you oh you're asking me yeah yeah yeah yeah i have no idea i haven't even looked at the 35 division i don't even know who's perfect answer so i'm not a good person to ask because I'm not on the leaderboard as much. I'm from the day and age when we used to do the open workouts once and you put your score in when you did it and then it went on the leaderboard and then that was it. And most people weren't fit enough to go and do it again before they died trying. Oh, it dancer thank you man you guys are piling in okay all right savon questions for you now last question go ahead what are your plan what are
Starting point is 01:32:52 your next plans will we see you at quarterfinals no i mean as soon as tyler taylor self's gonna come on and i'm gonna um get off with him and then I'm going to go over to Greg's house and party. You're done. Truth. Truth. Yeah, and then we'll be back tomorrow. Tomorrow we're going to invite women on the show. We only had dudes today.
Starting point is 01:33:14 Got it. But thanks for coming on. I wanted somebody else to take my coach's pass then, so sorry. Oh, I'll take your coach's pass. I'll eBay that shit. I'll eBay that. I'm so disappointed.'ll eBay that shit. I'll eBay that. I'm so disappointed. I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed.
Starting point is 01:33:29 You're not the first person. Did you see what he did there? He didn't tell you he was going to try to sneak attack you before he snuck attack you. I missed it. Totally over my head. Yes, I send my minions out into the world. That's true. I can't leave my house.
Starting point is 01:33:48 Scott, as always, tell your parents i said what's up especially your mom she's cool as shit your dad's second best dad in the world next to me and um uh good seeing you and thanks for coming on last minute i really appreciate it you got it good seeing you guys take care see you later yeah scott okay scott's going to the games. Hey, Holbrook, how much do you weigh right now? Probably about 188, 190. You look small. You look really small.
Starting point is 01:34:18 Thanks, man. Appreciate that. You look like a gust of wind might blow you away. Like I saw all over your chest. You need to eat a little more. I mean, you know, it's just, when you get older,
Starting point is 01:34:30 you'll understand, you know, Andrew Hiller's texting shit to Angelo to say to you daily dose of, uh, Metamucil is just not cutting it. James, how hard was that rowing thing you participated in? Um,
Starting point is 01:34:42 like the three straight days of rowing. What was it? I didn't stay for the three three full days i went to about halfway um but yeah they did like 72 hours and it was um for some of the teams it was two hours on two hours off others it was a slightly longer shift but um it was hard i just have to choose uh Can you pull up the Oceana? He's never big. You're not doing big.
Starting point is 01:35:08 It's up on men or women? Men. Let's do men. Let's do men really quick and then go jump over to women. See what Tia's doing over there. See what Tia is doing over there. This is – oh, man. I'm glad you're going.
Starting point is 01:35:20 I'm curious why you want to go to Oceana, but I'm glad that you are. Oh, shit. Ricky's in first. That's not that surprising no but i thought i saw the leaderboard earlier today and he was way down low and that was surprising okay great brandon swan he's back in the game has he been gone for a while uh kind of just remember like the last couple years were strange they weren't the traditional years people were doing all kinds of different things the rules are constantly changing but he was in the court semifinals last year um i mean he's in the mix the problem is there's only three spots and there's a lot of good guys right here uh is this is this where the strongest no no the strongest guy was
Starting point is 01:35:59 from asia um so so we have the usual suspects here. I think with a case for the men in Oceania, this year is that barring an unusual circumstance, Ricky and Jay will take two of the three spots. And there's probably about six or seven other guys that have the potential to take the last one. So you think it's almost a shoe in for him? I think they're the heavy favorites to take two of the three qualifying spots to the games out of that region.
Starting point is 01:36:27 Baden-Brown is probably the third, but then you're talking about Royce Dunn, who won the semifinal there last year, being an outside looking in. He's certainly in the mix. And don't sleep on these guys, the Fowler brothers, especially I think Ben Fowler has pulled ahead of his brother a little bit here, but Luke's down in 16th. I've heard from a lot of people out in Australia that these guys are really good. You still have Matt McLeod there and Brandon Swan, who are past games athletes.
Starting point is 01:36:50 It's going to be tough. How about Rob Forte? Oh, and scroll down to 21st. Can't count him out. Yeah, yeah. How about Rob Forte? What's his deal? He's in 17th.
Starting point is 01:37:04 I heard he just has his eyes set on taking down Hobart. Is he doing Masters, Hobart? Yeah, yeah. There's a ton of guys who aged up into Masters this year. Oh, that's scary. He's scary. Yeah, pretty much everyone who is like the big names in the 2010 to 2014 time period is either there now or getting really close. Damn.
Starting point is 01:37:30 Okay, let's cruise over to the women. And while we wait for that to pop up, let's talk to the man in black. Dude, my girlfriend's power went out. So we're having this candlelit ceremony for the Blair Witch Podcast. Did you guys have supply chain issues to get gas for your generator? What's going on? Dude, we don't have a generator. Yeah, don't you live like in one of the Carolinas or something?
Starting point is 01:38:02 We do, but we don't have a generator, unfortunately. It would be nice um how are you how are you doing how are you feeling about this this process this quarterfinal process i feel okay about it i'm a little on uh i feel okay about it i feel good no go ahead i'm kind of just us here it feels it just us here. It feels different without, I don't know, maybe I don't know if it's just the perspective or the perception with the new leadership of the CrossFit Games and Dave not being there, but the programming felt a little,
Starting point is 01:38:37 there just didn't feel like there was anything really new. And I think Angela said it well on a previous podcast. It just kind of felt a little boring for some of the athletes just same workouts same order heavy lift test for yeah pistol ghd test too yeah um how do you know that so let's see that that's part of the plan that's part of the mental aspects of the crossfit games like hey man this is the these are the mental hurdles we're going to give you the same shit we're going to see you stronger mentally. Nah, but Dave wouldn't have done that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:08 I don't let my kids use that word boring, Angelo. Really? No. Why? What's an alternative? Fucking do-fancy burpees. 250. Lazy is better. Could it be who you're training with?
Starting point is 01:39:23 Weren't you training with Jason last year? This year you're not? No, I'm training more with Jason this year. You are? Yeah, we're doing quarterfinals together. I wonder if he's giving you – does he – does everything that he gets from HWPO, he slide to you like right on a sheet of paper and slide it to you under your door? Dude, I try to never look at his
Starting point is 01:39:45 programming why is that no i'm just that's just a subtle dig he's got good programming his workouts are good but we usually we just train a little bit um on like saturdays and we'll have we do like a mixture of our our stuff do a couple workouts of each other's. Man. He beat me in that workout. Hey, you have to be happy with how you did in the heavy lifts. It's not your forte, right? I hate that.
Starting point is 01:40:22 I hate that. I hate that. It's like, asshole, Are you saying I'm weak? No, it's I'm getting better at it. Yeah. I mean, you did great. I did better than I did last year. I PR my clean and my overhead squad. I just had a really shit bench and I, and I didn't hit my PR bench. That was kind of what was frustrating, but it is what it is. Um, how were you on time
Starting point is 01:40:45 i failed three bench presses and that really made me rush the overhead squat and i had probably another 10 to 15 pounds in it it seems like there are you know at least a handful of people that i've talked to already or seen do it that the clean affected their bench a little bit differently than they expected i don't know i just haven't been benching heavy recently i mean i do a lot of workouts where i do a fair amount of workouts that have a lot of benching in it like 225 and under but i haven't been doing a lot of top end bench and so that's i mean i personally think that's why mine wasn't there not because of the clean i don't think think the clean, I mean, I PR my overhead squat after the clean. So. It's kind of cool that you're right next to Colton Mertens.
Starting point is 01:41:32 Is it? I don't like, I don't like being in 39, but it's better than last year. I think after four tests last year, I was in like 93rd. Yeah. So improving. I mean, you know, it's hard to get strong in two years. That's like a life – that's like a – it's a process to actually gain structural strength in your body. Have you done the last workout?
Starting point is 01:42:01 Sorry, Brian. I have not. I'm doing it tomorrow with Jay. He's really bringing the energy i really appreciate i think it's the candles they're really hyping you up can you give me on the count of three can you give me an oh we're doing the workout tomorrow i'm excited i think that's going to be my best one it was it was last year that's just a really good triplet for me in a short time domain. I'm a really good rower,
Starting point is 01:42:26 good at burpees and really good snatcher. So. I was pulling 1300 on the rower. I felt really happy about that. Is that the pace you're going for? I feel like to not to hurt your feelings, Brian, but I'm sure some of the women are pulling harder than that.
Starting point is 01:42:44 Just like some of the women probably banged more than i did hey that's okay i was only setting myself up for an attempt at a pr snatch and i hit it and i'm really happy about it there you go that's awesome hell yeah when you look at the when you look at the leaderboard is it your placement that you're just not like 100 satisfied with or do you see people ahead of you and you're like fuck that guy should not be ahead of me ah this is we're treading we're treading on he zooms in zoom in on zoom in on number 18 yeah yeah i just hate this and it's just the way the game is but i hate how skewed the strength tests always are i know i look like an idiot all zoomed in. Oh, no,
Starting point is 01:43:26 you look good. All zoomed in. So it's not how they always are. In this case, it's going to be far more. He is talking less than you, Jason. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:43:36 Shut up, Jason. At least he texts me back, Jason. Yeah. What a dick. So what were you saying, Brian? The smaller the field and the more, more tests there are, He texts me back, Jason. Yeah, what a dick. So what were you saying, Brian?
Starting point is 01:43:49 The smaller the field and the more tests there are, the less impactful the strength is. So a strength test in the Open would have a bigger impact than in the quarterfinals and so on with semifinals in the games. For sure. I agree with that. I guess I don't dislike it. It just hurts me more in the open and it hurts me more in quarterfinals because there are so many people who can throw a bunch into the leaderboard and i also feel like yeah like at at a semi-final at least historically um the the strength of the
Starting point is 01:44:20 heavy test comes in workouts or you get a i I mean, like last year we did the one rep snatch, but that's a really good lift for me. Um, but heavy and workouts is not anywhere near as bad for me as like a four rep max front squat or a three rep max deadlift. That's pretty different. Um, but what do you, what do you think about Hobart's a $600 headphones? Um, what do you, what do you mean by, um, what do you mean by the, uh, uh you mean by the heavy lifting is skewed? Well, people who are really, really bad at all the rest of the CrossFit get an input in the heavy lifting because a lot of people are strong. Whereas if you're really, really good at a lot of the high skill stuff, you don't get as much of a reward for being good at it because there's not as many people that can, can throw a wrench into that. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 01:45:10 Well, not even a reward. I mean, on that note too, it's just the fact that you're testing a singular component of fitness by itself and you're not testing, for example, like a single modality gymnastic, exactly, or monostructural. So yeah, I would, I would love 30 muscle ups for time. You would, that would be your jam. I feel like I'd be pretty good at it. I don't know if it would be the best thing that I'm something that I'm the best at,
Starting point is 01:45:37 but I, I, I probably can. I think, I think it needs to be more than 30. I think it should be 50 and 40 for time. If they're going to put that in 50 for time would be even better
Starting point is 01:45:47 that's a nasty 30 for time is so fast Noah's Uber driver is only in 19th place Jake Berman he's one spot below Jason Hopper he's a fucking Uber driver Jake Berman. He's one spot below Jason Hopper. He's a fucking Uber driver. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:06 Jake Berman. He's a cool dude. Why are some guys doing all the work? Why haven't you done all the workouts yet? Noah's done with all the workouts. Why are you waiting? It just seems like a smarter move. Or why did he do them all? That seems like a dumb move.
Starting point is 01:46:24 You have to consider the training volume of a day it's not doing three of these workouts yeah it's not unusual for any of these guys yeah i don't i mean i was planning on doing the third workout we were planning on doing the third workout yesterday but decided to just wait today why not you have another day to recover might as well um i couldn't tell you why some of those guys wanted to get them all done in two days. That's. Honestly, I think it's just go on and feel like we had a group of six to 10 people that were coming every day to do the workouts. And we didn't, you know,
Starting point is 01:46:57 some people did two workouts in that time period. Some people did one and would come back later and just no stress. Like when you're feeling it, go for it. And if you want to take it, take it to some time and recover, come back another time then do that did we put did someone put this up already you want some acts yeah that's already been up that's all done darn it darn it good one jason that was a sick joke original i don't know i mean i think uh i i don't like going i don't know i like to have a plan brian i like to have a i like to be pretty planned and i don't like i did not not yet
Starting point is 01:47:32 no penalties yet they've only approved the ghd pistol workout oh so you're good well i knew that I knew that. I knew that was the one they were penalizing. They collapsed some people on that workout. So wait a second. So you've submitted for work. Every time you submit a workout, you get an email back. It's good.
Starting point is 01:47:55 It's good. It's good. And you've only received an email back for one of them of the four. Yeah. Well, yeah. Last year they gave us an email for all five tests. And this I've only gotten the email for tests too, but we've submitted four. So I don't know if they're just reviewing two first or I feel like like last year they were really strict on the dumbbell handstand pushup workout.
Starting point is 01:48:25 So I feel like each year they probably the head judge probably says, hey, we're going to look at this workout closely, and I want you guys to pay attention to this part of this movement. And they do that. Like I think like most, if not all, of the penalties last year were on that dumbbell workout. Are you having fun? Yeah. Yeah, I'm having fun. I was a little stressed out going into it, but I'm having more fun.
Starting point is 01:48:43 Not as much pressure as I felt last year, at least. Will you be devastated if you don't make it to the games this year? I wouldn't say devastated is the word. I think I like my odds a whole lot better this year than they were last year, and I was pretty close last year. But I'm also young, and I'm not not a quitter so i don't see it as like you know i don't have a plan b if that's what you're asking but are you giving it your all
Starting point is 01:49:15 are you going to bed at night being like oh fuck i should have done this i should have done is this are you really in this i'm all in i mean my whole life is set up so that i can you know succeed be as successful as possible in this one kind of regard he's lying i'm just analytical i like like i like i just want to know how much i'm going to invest in you like to get on the fucking taylor self bandwagon i really fucking like you i don't want to fucking get on I'm going to invest in you to get on the fucking Taylor Self bandwagon. I really fucking like you. I don't want to fucking get on your bandwagon if you're going to start smoking cigarettes or some shit. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:49:50 Dude, I'm not a bitch. Come on. No, I mean, I'm invested. I feel very strongly about what I put into it. I mean, I feel extreme. I feel very strongly about what I put into it. I could not structure my life any more at this point, in any more of a way that would give me any more of an edge. I mean, as soon as I can make money and become a full-time athlete,
Starting point is 01:50:18 maybe coach a little less, but I'm in the gym all day. I mean, everything I have in my life is set up so that I can train, recover. I believe it. You're one of those assholes that when I try to get you on the podcast, if it doesn't fit your schedule, you say no. Usually guys like in your position are like chomping at the bit to jump on. So I believe you. I just wanted to hear you say it.
Starting point is 01:50:39 I'm all in stuff on time for a Taylor sticker. Oh, a big mustache sticker. I ditched the beard what do you think just a mustache ride stat a mustache ride sticker um i i appreciate you coming on thank you is there anything you want to tell us anything that we should know anything anything any insights uh no um thanks for having me on sorry for not being as exciting as i usually am yeah he's not a bitch like hopper oops that's not nice whoa jeez
Starting point is 01:51:12 i just like trolling the live chat that's that's what part. What's a khaki-laki, boys? Khaki-laki. I just love my khaki-laki, boys. What is that? Khaki-laki. That's how some people, their slain term for Carolina, khaki-laki. Hey, and by the way, you don't owe an apology. I think my energy just died. I think I fell into the black hole that is James Hobart, and I just turned off.
Starting point is 01:51:46 Just sitting here listening. Send admiring Taylor's ambiance, new mustache. What you can see of him. James is a good dude. I look up to you a lot, James. Back at you, man. I appreciate that. Well, let's explore that a second.
Starting point is 01:52:04 Angelo is just beating the shit out of him. I gotta go. Just let a good thing be. Angelo is just beating the shit out of him. Angelo just told him to turn the fan off because he was going to blow away. If you want to be good at CrossFit, you should watch videos of James working out.
Starting point is 01:52:24 Wow. He does a lot of work. If you want to be good at CrossFit, you should watch videos of James working out. Wow. They're all on YouTube. He does a lot of work. Cuts with Rich. I mean, you move really well. You move really well. So this is – The bet.
Starting point is 01:52:34 Oh. I'm going to ask you a question, then we're going to end the show. Brian, I want you to – this is all for you. Ready? Ready. Ryan, I want you to – this is all for you. Ready? As we – tomorrow as we finish the quarterfinals,
Starting point is 01:52:51 who are the majority of the guys who are going to go to the CrossFit Games? Are they going to be in the top 10 of each? So 120 will be – so we'll see – we'll have a list of 120 guys, right, and 120 women. Do you need to be in that top – will 80% of those people in that top 20 go to the CrossFit Games? Do you know what I'm kind of asking here if taylor doesn't finish in the in the top 60 uh or the top 20 how many of the top 20 from the quarterfinals will make the games yeah like what what kind of predictive value can you harness from the quarterfinals so we know whether to stay on
Starting point is 01:53:21 the taylor taylor self bandwagon i don't think it's that as high as 80%. The top 20. Yeah. So you're saying that if you're not in the top 10, you're saying he's already in a fucking bad spot. No, no, I don't think it will be as high as 80%.
Starting point is 01:53:37 So I'm saying, I think less than 16 is a top 20. We'll make it. Oh, okay. Okay. So you're saying if you're in the top 50 shit's good for you you can still it's because of the way the semi-final workouts lay out and how they're different than
Starting point is 01:53:49 the open and the quarterfinals that you're still in it to win it yeah i think that for north american men no not uh north american men um i think five to ten of the guys that make it to the games will come out of the like 21st through 60 spots. Yeah. Okay. Okay. We'll revisit that tomorrow. That's going to be interesting. So just because we see Jason Hopper in 18th place and in Cole Sager in 26th place, it doesn't mean that Jason Hopper has a better chance of going to the CrossFit games for workouts. No, no. The semifinals is, is it, is it is, again, another – it's a totally different stage of the season,
Starting point is 01:54:27 and the objective there is different, and the testing style will be different, and there will be athletes that excel in that live setting that don't hear and athletes that excel on the online setting that struggle in the live setting. Angelo Hobart, do you have – Brian, do you think – Go ahead, Taylor. setting angelo hobart do you have brian do you think go ahead taylor i was gonna ask brian if he thinks the semi-final program for this year is going to be an improvement over last year's i do
Starting point is 01:54:56 why um i think that crossfit will have uh learned from last year's semifinal programming that they can – and that there's a better balance. Do you still think it was – cool. What? What just happened? Did I freeze? Say it again, Taylor. Say that last question. What did you say about quarterfinal programming? Oh, I was going to ask, can you guys hear me now? Yep. Am I on it?
Starting point is 01:55:28 Okay. I was going to ask if, uh, after sitting on this quarterfinal programming for a couple of days, if he still thinks it's a vast improvement over last year. I think for the, for, you know, I understand what you guys are talking about with the monotony of the workouts relative to last year's programming. And I'm not disagreeing with that, but I think that the way for, you know, I understand what you guys are talking about with the monotony of the workouts relative to last year's programming. And I'm not disagreeing with that, but I think that the way it was structured was more appropriate for the entire population that was qualified to take the test. Copy that. Gotcha. Good stuff. Okay, guys. Thank you. Hour and 53 minutes. Everyone, thanks for coming on. Hobart, thanks for showing up.
Starting point is 01:56:05 Angelo, you're the man. Taylor, you're the man. Brian, of course, the show would be nothing without you. And we're out.

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