The Sevan Podcast - #348 - Yevhenii, Live From Ukraine Pt. 4

Episode Date: March 27, 2022

Live with our friend from the Ukraine. You can follow him on instagram: Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - WORLD'S #1 JOB BOARD FOR THE CROSSFIT COMMUNITY - 50% off first year with code "sevan22" - SAVE15 coupon codeĀ - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:04 Hey, we're live from Ukraine. Hello, guys. Okay, go on. Sorry, what about shelters? Talk to me. I just talking about the percentage of people who go down when air alarm is here. So today I am from the shelter because hour ago we got an air alarm.
Starting point is 00:01:28 So I'm sitting here and I just told that only 10% or less than 10%, 9 or 8% of all people go to the shelter and other guys sit in homes and playing in Russian roulette, you know. So you never know what building is destroyed. But mostly we have a calm situation, yes. So people don't want to go down, especially if there's night. So in springtime, we usually go hour clocks on hour forward. So early we meet with you in 21 o'clock, yes, p.m.
Starting point is 00:02:26 But today we have 22. So it's midnight there right now. No, no, no. It's 10 o'clock. 10 o'clock in the evening. Oh, 22. Oh, okay. 27 of March,
Starting point is 00:02:41 clocks go forward, yes, and autumn, I don't remember what day, the clocks go back in the hour. When's the end date for the war? When's the war over? Did they give you a date yet? No. You know, the situation is not very positive now, so it looks like Putin wants to prolong this time, yes, because he likes to terrorize cities and see what happens.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Has Odessa been attacked yet? Yep, we had a couple of attacks this weekend. And two days ago, yes, I woke up from Big Bang and we saw the smoke from the window from something. I don't know. Our media does not show all the information for us because there is a law now that you can post the photos and videos from the attacking yes and because of maybe you know i drop your photos with the big shop in Kyiv, yes. So some of guys post photos with our militaries near this big building, yes. And after a couple of hours, there was a massive rocket attack.
Starting point is 00:04:18 And you can see what we have from that good building. You can show it. Let me see if I can understand that correctly. You're saying that someone posted where the military, the Ukrainian military was on the internet, and the Russians tracked that and struck it, and that's the photo you sent. They were at this building, and then someone posted it on their Instagram or Facebook,
Starting point is 00:04:41 and the Russians saw it and attacked it? There was a photo from this building. There were some military cars, yes. And after a couple of hours, you can see what happened with this. This is a live situation. When you see some band, yes, and you can show this for your friends or relatives, yes. Oh, yeah. that's crazy shit. Do you know that building personally from when you were in Kyiv by any chance?
Starting point is 00:05:29 That was building in 2020 and that in the Vinnograder, it's the far far district in Kyiv. I never be there, but I know where this territory is located. Can you show us the other photo? Can you show us the other photo again, Caleb? Yeah, that thing just completely is leveled. I mean that every window in that building is blown out. I want to talk about these photos, next photos, from a little bit after time, because there is some stories about it. Do you have a death toll
Starting point is 00:05:58 in a Ukrainian death toll at this point? Death toll? What is it? A number of people killed? We have some numbers, yes, but I think our government don't want to have bad with us
Starting point is 00:06:14 and they don't tell all the truth. So we have some numbers, like a couple of thousands of militaries, yes, but only in Mariupol, it's one city, yes, there is communal structures that work with the Tams, yes. They take away dead people, dead civilians,
Starting point is 00:06:39 and they talk about four and a half thousand of people that they take away to the Brother Tomp. So from one city, yes, this is the city that Russia can take full, yes, but
Starting point is 00:07:02 we're talking about earlier and there was 80% of destroyed buildings, and now it's 95% and near. There's 100% of destroyed buildings and all the infrastructure. In what city? In Mariupol? In Mariupol, yes. Mariupol, yeah, wow. So that city's gone, basically. In what city? Mariupol, yes.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Mariupol, yeah, wow. So that city's gone, basically. Mm-hmm. So we can talk about 10,000 people because there are 150 children, only children, yes, and near 5,000 in Mariupol, and we have another city like near Kieviv it's Irpen, Gastomel now Kharkiv by the way also yes and we have the difficult uh stuff yes and it's a strategic strategical uh point for russians and they try to uh attack there
Starting point is 00:08:18 um go ahead go ahead keep going uh i also want to tell about the dead Russian troops, yes. And for that time, it's more than 60,000 dead bodies, yes. 60,000? 16. 16. 16. Yes. And why do you feel confident about those figures, Yevgeny? Once more, please.
Starting point is 00:08:51 I don't understand. That number, 16,16000, why do you feel it's accurate? Why do you feel confident? Why do you feel it's true? Because we have many fireplaces, yes, many hot places, yes. Like we're talking about Mariupol, we're talking about Chernigov and Kherson and others, Kiev, yes, in the first days of war. and others, Kiev, yes, in the first days of war. And there was a massive attack from air, yes, to the Russian columns of tanks, yes, and other techniques.
Starting point is 00:09:41 And there was also many people. So I saw the videos where from the air yes you see like many kilometers of technique yes and the big bang and you see all only the piece of fire steel yes and and nothing else so I believe in these numbers because they, you know what, the military government in Russia, they don't have a really plan for this attack. So they just drop young guys. Maybe you hear about the young army from the Crimea, and the guys are 15, 16 years, yes? And this is crazy when they drop these boys for our militaries, yes?
Starting point is 00:10:43 The guys who prepared for this and the guys who prepared for this and the guys who know that Russia it's soon or later they come and want to do something so because of because of
Starting point is 00:10:59 military government of Russia fucked up and they don't really care about their people. It is a fact. You can see this from the piece of money they give to relatives of dead soldiers in Russia. There is some crazy money, yes uh like a hundred bucks yes i i can't tell you a real number so it's uh 60 60 000 16 000 of russian rubles so now it's uh 100 bucks
Starting point is 00:11:40 for for dead son for dead brother yes, or something like that. And this is not, and there is one point. You can't have this money because of blocked all the banks in Russia. Oh, shit. The few dollars they're giving you, you can't even get. Yeah. Yeah, I listened to the voice message from soldiers who talked with their wives. So it's in open sources.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Yes, you can find it because they don't have... It's bad in Russia. The people in Russia, it's bad for them right now. Yeah, it's really bad. So you can find a lot of these tokens because of bad canals of, how do you call it? Isn't it amazing? They're attacking you and shit's also falling apart there for them, for their citizens, right? You're basically saying the economy has come to a halt over there. Yep.
Starting point is 00:12:53 So they destroy our city and just destroy their economy. So no good and positive sides from the war. We have just guys who sold the weapons and tried to do bad things. Yes, hell mining. But in general war, it's a very bad thing. I want to say that you seem a little more solemn today than the first few times. You seem a little more low energy. Not bad, but just a little more serious. Maybe more serious.
Starting point is 00:13:23 It's true. You know, all day I don't want to talk. Yes, I have some demoralization, maybe. Because a lot of, you know, in the first days of war, you can read and you like, there was 800 tanks destroyed by air defense. There was some crazy stuff. And now it's a low part of war when something happens, yes, but it's not too much and you don't have such emotional emotional emotional things yes so so it's like little soreness from from all of this stuff yes and i have yesterday we have two big air alarms, two and a half hours of each.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Yes. And one of them I spent in the gym. So I hope that when I train, yes, I don't be bombed by missiles. Yes. And all this time I was in the gym and I look for my phone. see alarm alarm okay so i'm wait before it ends and only after that i go home so on these two and a half hours i have one big workout 30 minutes then some strength part with heavy squats and some core work. And then I have another part of time I spend on the air bike. And when I finished 25 minutes of intervals,
Starting point is 00:15:17 there was stretching because air alarm was there. So what I want to say is that I have the alarm in the morning, early in the morning, so I don't have enough sleep. And all the day after that massive workout, so I saw many, many
Starting point is 00:15:38 not really good news. So yes, not too much energy. You're right. Look at this story um you odessa zoo in ukraine opens to visitors for first time since invasion yeah it's great new by the way i know about that yes there was uh many uh many news about that. And that's because the animals who live in the zoo, they need food, yes, and the zoo needs money for working and to take care of the animals.
Starting point is 00:16:18 So I saw the photos from the opening. There was a lot of people, really. I think in the peaceful time there are not too much people but today that happened today i think yes but today yes it's uh it was the show now and then look and then look at this story go ahead go ahead it's more like uh uh the piece of good you know it's not for i i don't like the zoo yes i don't like animals who's sitting in the cages but for for that that animal it's bad times so they yeah and it's just weird right i mean what do you expect people have families and kids there it's a trip it's a i can't imagine. And then look at this story over here, Yevgeny.
Starting point is 00:17:09 This guy, I think this guy OD'd on drugs, this Taylor Hawkins guy. So here you are sitting on a place in the planet. You just want them to stop dropping bombs so you can get along, get on with your life and help people be healthy and live a happy life. And this guy's ODing on drugs. It's just fascinating to me. Yep. All the different shit going on on this planet. Yevgeny, you said that there were airstrikes.
Starting point is 00:17:34 I didn't even ā€“ I guess I didn't even think that Ukraine had an air force. Ukraine is doing airstrikes on Russian troops? Of course, yes. russian troops of course yes uh you know what uh if we don't have uh the ulterior artillery yes uh so force uh the air force yes they'll not be ukraine uh without this because the most part of destroyed uh russian troops yes it's's because of air defense and all this stuff. There's a number that they put out. I don't think. Please repeat.
Starting point is 00:18:17 There's a number that they've put out that nearly 4 million people now. Sorry. Yes, nearly 4 million people now, sorry. Yes. Nearly 4 million people now have left the country. And if you do the math on that, I mean, it's a, it's a massive number, but here's where it gets really weird. If it really is 4 million and you make the assumption that half that all the people leaving are women and that half the people in the country are women that means 20 because there's 40 million people living in ukraine 20 of the ukrainian women have left the fucking country and and to put that in perspective for americans what that means
Starting point is 00:18:58 but what percentage of our country is chinese in in the united states do you know caleb i'll look it up listen i think 16 i think like 13 of this country is uh is um people with black skin so it's like if everyone in the united states with black skin left or if everyone who's uh everyone who's uh i wonder what percent of our 1.5%. Yeah, it's crazy. So literally five ā€“ actually, what's interesting is there's 3.8 million Chinese people in the United States, which is about how many have left Ukraine. But relative to the size of Ukraine, it would be like if all of the Chinese people ā€“ I bet you it's like if all the Asian people left the fucking country. I mean that's how many women have left your country. It's staggering. That's a shitload of women to be moving.
Starting point is 00:19:53 And they're moving with kids too, right? Of course, yes. Because they can, yes. So if we can have a possibility, yes, to go, maybe some guys, some men also go away. But there is a law that we don't can't go from the country, yes. And it's good about women, yes, because for many families it's the reason why the man can grab the weapon and he knows that his wife, yes, or his mother or kids, yes, they are in the safety
Starting point is 00:20:38 and he can do what he must do, yes. So with this reason, I also write you about this on this week, so that I want to go on the... Sorry to interrupt you, Evgeny. 20% of the U.S. population would be if all of the black women in the united states and all of the asian women in the united states were all gone just to give you a perspective of how many people are migrating out of the ukraine and they're all women it's it's um it sucks a lot yeah yeah it sucks it's crazy and and now you're thinking you so let's talk about that. You were thinking about leaving Odessa to go to a city, LVIV, Lviv?
Starting point is 00:21:29 Not right to leave, yes, we're thinking about next steps. Yes, maybe in Odessa it's not too dangerous now, but we don't know what will happen after a week, yes, or tomorrow, yes. It's a strange situation, and I want to do something to protect her so first what i think that we must go near border yes so i can can help her to go away from country yes and we start to look in a situation and look into what we can do and And there was, I have a friend who now, he lives in Kiev, yes, but he goes to the south of Ukraine. It's far from Lviv, but he can meet us there, yes, and help to go further.
Starting point is 00:22:39 But we forget about this idea after that, after the attack on Lviv. So you can show the photos. Can you show us the map first of where this place is, Caleb? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. I got one too if you need help. Oh, okay. I got one too if you need help. Until recently time, the western part of our country was considered a relatively safe place.
Starting point is 00:23:18 So we think we can go there. So it's this place over here on the left. So if you guys can see my arrow right now, I'm going to take my arrow down here, Odessa. It's on the Black Sea, and this is where Yevgeny is. We're speaking to him right now. I'm circling this O-D-E-S-S-A. He was going to travel, considering traveling to L-V-I-V, Lviv? Lviv,viv it's right to take his girlfriend so that she could cross the border safely how far is that that journey
Starting point is 00:23:49 and how would you make it because of many roads now controlled by MES and there's some danger
Starting point is 00:23:58 on that road so you can't tell 100% how much time it must be. Because in a regular way, you can go there by 14 hours on the train, yes,
Starting point is 00:24:14 and on the car, something like 10 hours, yes. But what can I say to you? My good friend, we see the map of Ukraine, yes he go from the chernigiv region it's north part of ukraine and he goes to the kiev yesterday yes and they're like 80 kilometers so it's not too much yes in distance and he must go in such way so all the road consists by 4 hours 80 kilometers yes and he must go by the forest and fields yes and looking for safety
Starting point is 00:24:53 way for hours so that's 20 kilometers an hour how fast is that that's 10 miles an hour 12 miles an hour really slow so you can imagine how long can we travel uh to the view is there a train still running from odessa to levive it's a train for for go away so it's special train without money so just hundreds of people uh staying staying not sitting but staying and with some little little
Starting point is 00:25:30 things with you so maybe one one bag bag yes and you go in this place. I show you photos if I find with this but we want to go on the car yes now many people help other people help with money of course yes so they go to the places yes on their car and looking for safety uh safety roads so people are transporting like you can pay somebody to transport you yeah and and they earn a good money for this now because because it's it's very popular now you know but this is not really really good take money for this but what can we do like vultures
Starting point is 00:26:32 so you were going to go and why didn't you go why didn't you go because two days ago maybe three days ago there was a first attack on Lviv, yes. And before that, yes, all the month there was quiet and no rockets, no air alarms, yes. And now you can see also in Lviv the missiles, yes, and attacking. And it was yesterday, yes, hit an object of military infrastructure,
Starting point is 00:27:12 yes, and also on oil deport, on which fire was extinguished all night. So, guys... Yeah, I see this photo of this oil field in the New Yorkork times if you type in levive news uh caleb you'll get it it's the oh sorry it's washington post man ha isn't it funny washington post has this uh uh slogan to talk democracy dies in darkness and they're at the forefront of killing the democracy in the united states that's fucking amazing amazing so so but basically what you're saying is is you saw these oil fields get attacked
Starting point is 00:27:56 in that you don't think it's safe to go there now so you have to you haven't you're just yeah of course we we don't have in odessa now like this fire, but, you know, there is no safety place in Ukraine now, maybe. It's all big question where you can go and stay safe. These cities now, you can find guys who film Ukrainian militarists, who grab the information about our militarists, and then they have attacking. So, by the way, in Lviv, police found a man who was filming the moment the rocket flew and hit the target. Photos of all checkpoints of the region were found on his tablet. And he sent this information to two Russian numbers. So there are some bad guys who got the information and sent to the Russian militarists.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Is there any news of of biden being over there we heard yesterday i heard a report that he said that putin cannot stay in power i'm sure that scares the shit out of people in the united states like what does that mean exactly by the way uh why is one of the reasons why lv was attacked yes because biden was not for not far from that place. It's far from that place, yes, but in rockets, how rockets fly, yes, it's not far. So many guys say that it's because Biden was in Europe, so they attacked and showed like, see, we don't scary and we can do like that so it is are you seeing any of the support from the outside world come in in odessa like are you seeing any of the any of the military aid any of the food aid any of the clothing any of the supplies of the billions of dollars are supposedly buying? I read about it every day, yes.
Starting point is 00:30:06 And our Odessa government talk about this. We have the brother city in French. Yes, it's Marseille. So Odessa, I don't know. It's historical. Like Odessa and Marseille are brother cities. So they drop some stuff for us and every time I read about that yes so well volunteers grab a lot of money for for military reasons for guys
Starting point is 00:30:37 who lost their houses yes so, I think it's happened, but I, I don't touch not of this. Yes. If you ask about that, you haven't received anything yet. Yeah. Because you don't have an Apache helicopter that you're shooting people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Yeah. I mean, not, not that situation that when I need some food or something like that. I'm just okay now, yes. There is thousands of people who feel worse than I. So I try to do some help from me with this. Hey, I want to explore the idea of how this thing ends with you outside of World War III.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Let's say Putin finally ā€“ let's say Putin gets Ukraine and secures Ukraine. Is he going to go into Poland? What do people over there think is happening? Is he just trying to get Ukraine and annex it back into ā€“ and he just wants to call it Russia again? Is he just trying to get Ukraine and annex it back into, and he just wants to call it Russia again? I read about one of the experts, yes, political experts say about, stop, not political experts. Some Russian deputies, some Russian government staff say about that Russia has some reasons for attack next countries. So Poland,
Starting point is 00:32:10 Czech and other. I read about it and I was like what? They're talking about it. So you can find the news about it. It looks like it's not the situation that ends after months we we think, all the people, because it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:32:32 I don't want to live in Russia, really. Well, I was actually going to even say something even darker. If for some reason they do secure the borders, I wonder what they do with all the men in there that's the fucking scary part there'll be 20 million people still left in there and what the fuck will happen to them that part's scary as shit to me um but let's okay let's go the other way let's say that enough aid comes in and the in the russians start um just retreating and they retreat to the border then will they just be fighting and they retreat to the border. Then will they just be fighting with Ukraine at the border for another fucking hundred years?
Starting point is 00:33:12 I think the history is circuit, yes. And maybe a couple of ten years there was peaceful. And then again, because we can't believe Russians. Again, yes. Planning for a summer road trip? Check. Luggage? Check.
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Starting point is 00:34:14 Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. We can't what? What did he say? We can't what Russians? Bully. Bully Russians.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Okay. Bully? Like they're not going to bully the Russians? I think believe. Oh, believe. Yeah. Right. Yevgeny, if you can hear us, it's okay to hang up and then log back in again to help the connection.
Starting point is 00:34:46 You know what's crazy is my wife was just reading to me an article. Sorry, guys. Okay, go ahead. Yevgeny, can you show us really quick before you continue? Can you show us the shelter you're in right now? You are in a shelter because there's air raids going off in the city, correct? Yes. Actually, I'm now on the parking place, yes.
Starting point is 00:35:05 On the minus third floor. And I can't show you the place where shelter, because there are some people, yes, and it's not very correct. But I show you the place where it's... That's okay. You don't
Starting point is 00:35:21 have to disturb those people. But basically, is that parking lot underground? Are you underground? Yeah, it's the minus third floor. So it's some setting. By the way, the alarm is finished, so I can show you something. And are you safe down there? Is there any chance that someone could see you and just come rob you and take your cell phone or anything? That was my girlfriend, yes.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Hi, girlfriend. And look at this, yes. So there's some place you can lie down and sleep. There's some warm place, so you can have some warm and the soul. So that's not normally there. Those cots and all of that is there because you're in a war. Of course, yes. It's not the five-star hotel. Right. That's not where you park your car and go make out with your girlfriend and watch
Starting point is 00:36:15 a movie. That's for a war shit. By the way, some guys bring the projector there so we watch some movie. I send you photos later with this so it it was uh the the minute of interesting time in the shelter yes every time you go here and you think fuck i want to uh come back and there are no no in my house, but in that time we're sitting together, watch some series
Starting point is 00:36:49 and don't think about something bad. Last time not to No, no, I'm staying here for the time. Girlfriend asked me if I go up or stay there. So she's done. She's done in the shelter. She's going back up.
Starting point is 00:37:15 They stopped you. You're down there for two hours and you're done. All the guys go away from the place. Yes. Only me here. So where are we sitting and watching the movie there was a good time and uh we need more uh that that kind of time where we can see some good emotion so war it's really hard for a brain and you feel exhausted mostly yes you can
Starting point is 00:37:48 brain and you feel exhausted mostly yes you can uh you can say something bad to your relatives or girlfriend yes you can think something bad and it's it's a other side yes that uh that will do your life worse than than with rockets yes. So another venue from this. Are the Russians doing anything propaganda-wise to the Ukrainian people? Like, are you getting flyers dropped on you saying, hey, don't worry, stay still, the war will be over soon, we'll be in control and life will go back to normal? Are you getting that? I can tell you a couple of situations about that, yes.
Starting point is 00:38:33 So there is a city, Kherson, near the Crimea and not far from Odessa, it's south of Ukraine. south of Ukraine. And the occupiers are intercife and terror against Syrians. They search for servicemen, volunteers, and members of their families, yes. And they kidnap women and torture all the citizens that they like. all the citizens that they like. So there are a couple of cities that have the Russian-like government. Yes, they want to do something there. And they're looking for bringing the cars with the food
Starting point is 00:39:21 and want to give something to people. But people don't take anything yes yes yeah and they go to your home, we can kill you and others. But you haven't heard anything in Odessa. You haven't received, they're not dropping pieces of paper on the city with instructions on what to do and how to behave? No. Odessa now is mostly a peaceful region.
Starting point is 00:40:14 But that stuff that you're talking about was in the Chernihiv region. There they, on occupied cities, they have the papers where you can read the ukrainian is controlled by nationalists yes we come here to save you and you you you can continue to go on the work yes we we just looking in the city for nasi yes we destroyed all the bad stuff yes and And you will live in good life in Russia. Yes. And we say, oh, I read something like that. Yes. And that's horrible.
Starting point is 00:40:54 I want to read something. I want to read something to you here that someone wrote in the comments. I dropped you something like that. I'm going to read this to you. So this gentleman writes writes what was the reason for the u.s and the u.n to act in iraq kuwait conflict following the same line of thought they should also act in this war fair enough but but but here here's then he writes the difference is that this time it's nuclear russia that's on the other side but and i agree with him everything
Starting point is 00:41:22 he's saying except for this last part he says hypocrisy of world politics I'm not sure it is hypocrisy I mean the nuclear piece is a game changer right? Yeah of course and you must play a very dangerous game when you
Starting point is 00:41:40 try to show all the kind of stuff you can push on Putin. So, of course, it's a really difficult chess game. So you don't need to show all the stuff on the first day. But you pay on this with the life of the people, with the cities on fire and other. But it's war and it's really cold and terrible face of war that we're looking at now. So I understand why all the countries are talking really safely about that. So they don't want to escalate something, yes. But in that time, I understand that I don't know how long we can stay here, because it's really the situation when cities, by
Starting point is 00:42:50 control of Russian militarists, they don't have food, they don't have nothing. And the thing that they do, yes, it's not about the law and some principles, yes. They just do what they want to do. It's terrorists, like country of terrorists. So there is no one idea how can exceed of this situation. When I was a young man, if I was driving on the freeway, if I was driving my car on the highway and I saw police officers, let's say five or six cars, and they had someone pulled over, I would know it's okay.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Now I can break the speed limit. Now I can go 80, 90, 100 miles per hour. That is also what's going on in the United States. People are very concerned. These other countries, you know, that I'm sure you've heard just for a couple examples. Taiwan and Armenia are terrified, right? Because when the world's attention is on the Ukraine, the other bad other people will start doing bad things. Of course. So there's this there's this there's there's vulnerable people all over the world right now who are absolutely terrified because of the distractions.
Starting point is 00:44:18 And it's not a distraction to you. It's your fucking life. So i apologize for wording it like that but but from the distractions going on in europe right now if it wasn't if it weren't for russia having nukes we wouldn't even have thought twice about it yeah okay we'll go in and fix it like you can tell already just because of i mean it's been like that since the beginning but like russians aren't russia's armies just isn't up to par like their soldiers they their like ground forces are not up to par. But strictly because they have a nuclear option, just like China and just like everybody else, we have to tiptoe around them because they have a nuclear option. You know, it's just like North Korea with their ICBMs, their intercontinental ballistic missiles. They all of a sudden created that and they're like, shit, now we need to kind of respect North Korea a little bit
Starting point is 00:45:05 because you have to play delicately with these kind of war games, which I mean, it's not a game obviously, but... What about the generals, Yevgeny? We've heard that six Russian generals have been killed. Is there any truth to that story?
Starting point is 00:45:22 I saw their photos, yes, and read about that also yeah i think it's true uh some guys it's uh uh follow all this uh russian troops yes so of course the generals also here lying on our ground. Yeah. So basically, we don't know anything. If we were to guess, we would think that they've come to Ukraine to take Ukraine and keep Ukraine. And so we can't imagine how this is going to end.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Yeah, we can only wait. This war could go on for a really long time. Of course. And many political say that it can only wait. This war could go on for a really long time. Of course. And many political say that it's only beginning, yes, and all the world must wait for something bigger. But it's scary, really. So we can only think about what Chinese think about Russia now. So when Russia, all the Russian militaries in Ukraine, Russia talking about attack Europe, yes.
Starting point is 00:46:29 And in this time, China just sitting and think, okay, guys, we can come from another side, yes, and do what we want, yes. And that's what happened in many countries. So it's scary, but it's true that we don't know what can be next. I never hear about Romania. Let me talk about Moldova first of all. The people that I know who've told me about Moldova have told me that basically it's just a gangster kingdom. It's just a gangster kingdom it's
Starting point is 00:47:05 just a kingdom of it's just it's being run by a gangster is that true what's it is that a scary place i'm not too much know about moldova but uh guys who from from there yes they uh famous but by their uh skills to uh grab grab some stuff, yes. I know what you're talking about. And what is that country that's south of Moldova? Okay, that's Ukraine also. Wow, so Moldova's landlocked. Ukraine got that whole chunk of the Black Sea.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Incredible. And then you border Romania over there. And then you border Romania over there. How's the relationship with Romania, Ukraine and Romania? I think everything's fine because nothing bad I know about it, but not too much I know about it. It's close to you. Mm-hmm. Too close. I mean, it would seem like instead of going to Poland,
Starting point is 00:48:18 a safer bet for you if you had to take your girlfriend somewhere would be Moldova or Romania, wouldn't it? Why would you go all the way to Lviv and try to get to Poland? Because it's more near to Europe and you have much variance to choose. So you don't know what to expect from. You can go to Moldova, yes, and be only in Moldova. And there is Pridnestrovje, the territory that's controlled by Russians, yes, and you don't know what to
Starting point is 00:48:50 expect from that guy and how it ends, but in close to Europe, yes, you have many friendly countries without doubt you can go there and don't worry about what will happen there.
Starting point is 00:49:14 You hear about new Putin's plan. Our Kirill Budanov is the head of the main intelligence directorate of the minister of defense of ukraine yes and he said that there was reason to believe that putin was considering a korean scenario for ukraine a what scenario korean so uh he want to uh So he will try to establish a dividing line between the unoccupied and occupied regions of our country. And in fact, he wants to create a border where his territory that he occupies and independent Ukraine and attempt to create North and South Korea in Ukraine. North and South or East and West? It seems like the natural place to split that sucker would be right down the river.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Mm-hmm. What river is that that goes from the North to the South that I see in this photo that goes through Kiev? Do you know what I'm talking about? Yeah. Dnieper. What? D-N-I-E-P-E-R, river?
Starting point is 00:50:35 Dnipro. It's called Dnipro. Dnipro, it's by Russians. If you say by Russian, Dnipro. But in Ukrainian, it's Dnipro but in Ukrainian it's Dnipro so he would want the southern
Starting point is 00:50:50 he wants Russia to have the southern half of Ukraine that borders the Black Sea he wants the Black Sea yeah it looks like true it looks like the plan B maybe so if he wants to attack Ky Kiev and grab
Starting point is 00:51:05 Kiev, so that plan is fucked up. What happened in that city now, Mariupol, Izum, and in the Dnieper region, it looks like really he wants to
Starting point is 00:51:21 occupy all the territory that's located there and create something like that. So he got a lot of land, yes, that be on border with Russia, yes. And much control, the Crimea, not far from that. And it looks like a good idea for him now. So it seems like it looks like a plan for him. So ā€“ and he follows up with this. The gentleman says ā€“ Rui says the is putin won't stay for ukraine meaning
Starting point is 00:52:08 and he knows that he can threaten with nuclear that no one will face him so basically the rui saying it's either we do it now or later but he he almost seems like it's it's inevitable that he's just going to keep showing his his threat of nuclear weapons and keep taking more and more of Europe. We can look on him, yes, and he's nothing to lose. The people in Russia now have really bad times, yes. They come back to the 90th century. And the rubes have cost less than paper. So there was a meme where you can buy a pack of paper, yes, 500 pieces,
Starting point is 00:52:55 and look how much it costs. So one piece of paper costs four rubes, and this looks very interesting. And people fucked up. He don't care about people. He don't care about the militaries. There was the statement where he said that 20, 30, 50,000, I don't care, but we must take Ukraine. Yes, that was his words. And of course, when nothing holds you, you can go forward and do whatever you want now. Because there was the summit of uh or on yes and they they're talking about nothing they uh tell that they worry about the situation in ukraine they tell that putin put stop putting and take away your militaries yes and that's all and that's the one month of war and we're talking about this thing. We're not talking about some lethal weapon or some, I don't know, snipers that come to Russia and kill Putin about the secret.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Oh, we don't, maybe it's a secret, some secret operations. Yes. And many countries walking about that and don't talking to us. I hope that this can happen. talking to us. I hope that this can happen. But in what we see in media, it's only the situation when monkey goes with the bomb, yes, and all the people staying away and no, don't do nothing, no, no, nothing. Yes, you can play, but don't drop the bomb. Yeah. Don't drop the bomb Someone here in the comments is saying Is Russia still restricted
Starting point is 00:54:48 On naval vessels passing through the canal Which canal? The Suez? Which canal is he talking about? Maybe it's Bosphorus But There's no canal into the Black Sea Is there through Istanbul?
Starting point is 00:55:03 It's closed, right? Yes, Bosphorus is closed by Turkish, I think, yes. And there isā€¦ Oh, shit, there is a canal there. There is a passageway there. I had no idea. I thought the Black Sea was completely locked in. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:55:19 We're talking about early and there is a bomb place from Russia they got they dropped the bomb there like the sea a bomb yes and they tell that this this is Ukraine do this yes and nothing not ships go there now because they can't they it's dangerous for ships and is that is that over there by Istanbul is that what you're talking about because it's dangerous for ships. And is that over there by Istanbul? Is that what you're talking about? I don't know about Istanbul, but on our sea line, it happens. So do you know what your next move is
Starting point is 00:56:07 Yevgeny my next move yeah what's your next move are you just holding tight still yes I'm thinking about one project now I've lost my camera I'm thinking about one project
Starting point is 00:56:22 and maybe it took my time and I don't think about bad things and see what happens about that. It's about my training and I don't tell many things about that. I want to do this and maybe show. maybe show but in general i can do nothing i looking for the possibilities to get safe my girl yes so maybe i find some some because I can go to the army. Yes, it's one of the reasons. And I can be killed. That's the second reason. And we don't know what happens next. We don't know what happens next. Are there any countries that are committing troops to fighting with Ukraine? Like actual countries.
Starting point is 00:57:33 I know that there's supposedly people going there from other countries that are just on their own. But have any countries said, OK, we're sending troops? troops? Maybe. I, uh, uh, uh, uh, Biden yesterday say something about the USA troops that can. 82nd airborne. That what he said about them? Uh, they say, he said that, uh, they can, can go and help, but, uh, I don't know if it's true or not.
Starting point is 00:58:04 And I know that many volunteers come to other countries it's like the 50,000 of volunteers from other countries it's medical guys it's some I saw some famous snipers yes here and some you know it's the Kadirov yes Chechnya there is one Chechnya and we have another Chechnya it's like another nation yes so they not the same but, but called Chechnya, and they go to Ukraine. By the way, I saw the photos of black guys who were from the DPR, the Donetsk Republic, like they call this. And there were some volunteers that wanted to go on the Russian side from this republic. So I saw their passports and they were killed. And it seems like Russia got some guys from Syria, from Nigeria, yes.
Starting point is 00:59:27 They got some guys who already go from their country, yes, for low money. And they don't really want to kill somebody, yes, but they just want to go away from their country. Yeah, we're also hearing that, oh, yeah, we're also seeing stories of Russians who are leaving Russia, that as things become more and more unstable there, they're leaving.
Starting point is 01:00:02 Have you thought about coming to the united states and what that would look like in near future i don't really think that it's possible but of course i i was living with the dream that i come to united states that i come to famous CrossFit box yes that I got some some good stuff from that and can have more can have more knowledge yes so how how it goes I look for other good coaches yes and have some I forget this word about the skills and tips and tricks that you know after you do something from from a long time so i wonder what i would do i wonder what i would do if i was in your situation you have all your family to worry about too it's not like you can just get in your
Starting point is 01:01:00 car and go fuck it i'm gonna i don't give i don't care what it takes i'm gonna drive to london then i'm gonna get on an airplane i'm gonna fly to new york i don't care who i what i have to do but you have your girlfriend you have your mom and dad do you have brothers and sisters you have no i'm just just one in the family yeah but i i have uh, like, uh, one minute. The, it's not like, uh, your,
Starting point is 01:01:30 your own brother. Yes. But from, from the brother of, from the sister of your dad, how it's called. Right. Oh,
Starting point is 01:01:39 cousin. Cousin. Yes. Cousin. I have a lot of cousins. Yeah. So of course I have a lot of cousins. So, of course, I have a family. And, yeah, I don't care about them. And every day we have a phone call.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Every day we're talking about the situation. And we're asking each other about, do you have food? Yes. How much does the food cost in your city? Because Odessa doesn't have the problem with food, but the little city where my mother is now, there are some entrepreneurs that go for the food and they come back and set the price that uh just crazy yeah so they sold some regular regular stuff for some crazy crazy money yeah and this is a problem i got a question for you caleb um i'm looking i was just looking at the 82nd airborne and i'm
Starting point is 01:02:43 seeing they it's they've sent troops over there to poland and looking at the 82nd airborne and i'm seeing they it's they've sent troops over there to poland and it says the 82nd airborne is 57 000 people it's a big it's pretty big yeah um yeah i'm just looking at that now it looks like they got sent over to poland usually they just i think that happened a few months ago did it or yeah last middle of last month they just kind of like send them places just in case i mean i think they put it under the guise of like oh we're just doing uh i mean i don't this is all just speculation but sometimes they'll just send people to do like a training exercise or um like do a co-op with some of the with another set of forces like we have pretty
Starting point is 01:03:22 good um relations with poland and then i we've even done training exercises with the ukrainian air force too so i know a lot of uh like a lot of fighter pilots are pretty aware of of their of their air force and probably worked with a few of them um the u.s military has about 100 000 personnel stationed in europe that's crazy i had no idea if you look at a map of like all of the military bases in europe we have one in just about every country at least one if not more and nato has another 40 000 troops yeah it's a lot wow so the shit could escalate quickly if shit gets weird
Starting point is 01:04:07 I mean the benefit of sending people to Poland is that they're also a NATO member I mean they're willing to help just as much as everybody maybe not willing but they have an obligation to man it's crazy the entire German army is smaller than the troops we have in europe
Starting point is 01:04:28 i don't i think there's some sort of regulation about their the size of their army but i also know that they have to like hey you guys had hitler so you guys can't have any this many people yeah that's pretty much what happened they uh that, and Japan has the same problem, too. I mean, I don't know if it's a problem, but after World War II, there's an agreement with the United States that said, like, hey, you can only have, like, the size of your army can only be this big, and you can only allow, you can only have these kind of weapons. Basically, if you want anything else, like, just ask us. And by us, I mean the United States so then it's look like preventive matters yet but it's not look like it's really work yes right good point this is true sister it's a best intentions but not necessarily the best way to being the best solution
Starting point is 01:05:25 but following hostilities in 2014 Ukraine increased the size of its armed forces to 204,000 and don't forget that not only militaries
Starting point is 01:05:44 we have yes but there is some people army, yes? Yeah, National Guard, another 60,000 in the National Guard. Yeah, that's as big as Germany's whole army. You can read about the grandmothers that dropped some bottles to the drones, yes? You can read about the guys who stopped the tank just with their hand, yes? So tank stopped and the drone dried. And this is the crazy guys who help a lot.
Starting point is 01:06:16 The guy who with the, you know what is tractor? Tractor, yeah, it's some machine for for the fields yes yeah the the farmer stole tank with tractors yes oh yeah yeah yeah and it's the some crazy volunteer stuff when they just find something from where they can find so they have some crazy questions about so maybe some medical stuff or some military stuff and they very
Starting point is 01:06:56 soon find the money very soon find the guys who can send this stuff and it's the big part of our helping system yes it's not only militaries but just regular people who can uh we don't forget about our it army yes about the computer war so they just did those russian sides they just uh do they can do they write a comment yes they have a war
Starting point is 01:07:28 with some companies who can get can go from russia yes so i was like this guy was a crossfit and this all this is our front and we all want to finish this up. I know there's a, there's a group called the global surgery, GSM, SG, global surgical medical, something rather they are,
Starting point is 01:07:54 they're teaching. So I think it's, it's just a group of a bunch of American special operations, like surgeons and medics and stuff like that. And these guys are teaching um like t triple c so tactical combat casualty care which is like a big um like medical course that we have to take in the military and they uh they're teaching it to people in ukraine like just regular civilians they're teaching it in ukrainian um just how to take care of people who are who have like gunshot wounds or in shock
Starting point is 01:08:27 and stuff like that and so it's really really cool to see and i i know those guys are just all civilians now they're not active duty military anymore but they all have combat experience and special operations yeah we have something like that in odessa you can go and the guys teach you how to give first help first medical help yes we have some courses to tactical courses yes it's all for free yes and you can go and teach yourself and protect the land by the way you know about the Red Cross? Yes. The Red Cross, yes. This organization, they grab a lot of money from Ukrainian people and go to Russia and open their fund to help Russians who have a problem with the war.
Starting point is 01:09:20 So it's a very strange situation. And I saw many news about that. All guys tried to do something. So it's a strange position. What do you mean they go to help Russians, like the Russians who are opposing the war? Yeah, yeah. Oh, Ukraine says new Red Cross office in Russia will legitimize Moscow's alleged abduction of civilians. And just allow them to leave Russia? Is that what that means? I'm not sure I'm understanding exactly what it is. It sounds bad, though. Is it bad? Yevgeny, are you suggesting it's something bad?
Starting point is 01:10:01 Yes, I think it's bad. Yeah. Are you suggesting it's something bad? Yes, I think it's bad. Yeah. I think now it's this situation when some of companies, organizations go to Russia and try to help Russia. It's bad. It's my realistic position in this situation because I know how I feel my nation now. And I don't really believe in help russians now yeah okay so
Starting point is 01:10:27 there's problems in russia and red cross is opening um offices there to help the people and it's like hey just open them in in the ukraine or in the border countries and and let russia deal with its own shit because they're the ones who started the war i read many comments from the people who see this with their eyes yes when uh was the battles in the city yes and there was a member from the uh red cross yes and they just and there was a situation the bad situations when some some the russians tried to kill some Ukrainian guys here, and these guys, Russian guys, just staying and do nothing, yes, and they don't help, they're just watching. And there is many comments like that from the people who was with these guys.
Starting point is 01:11:22 So it's not really, I'm not really understand what the reason they come to Ukraine, what they doing, yes, what the good thing that they doing there. I'm reading this thing. I think this is the same as NATO, right?
Starting point is 01:11:46 Yeah, NATO and OTAN are the same. There's a military in Norway with around 30,000 troops, Europe and North America by April 1st. Wow. Yevgeny, I appreciate your time, buddy. Shall we continue the saga next week? Yeah, our saga is continuing. I'm liking you more and more.
Starting point is 01:12:09 We're almost like friends now. Of course. I feel like you guys say good words, yes, and interesting about what happened in my life. It's great because you see i'm more fun now from the
Starting point is 01:12:29 beginning of our compensation yes we're building a relationship yes and and and you're desperate and you're desperate for friends i mean you're in look at you you're in a garage you'll see yeah just two random guys from america oh yes it's funny really funny okay um so i i love communicating with you on whatsapp let's keep doing that thank you for the pictures again i love showing that stuff when we come on the air um yeah i try try to work more from for this because there is a lot of news and uh not all kind of stuff yet I figure out. So I work with this more. So we can show more pictures or more some information with this.
Starting point is 01:13:13 And if you're going around, if you make it outside in Odessa and you're walking around the cities, I'd like to see stuff too. Just pictures you take with your iPhone. You know, lines maybe of people getting food or empty parks or just whatever stuff that anything you want to talk about or tell a story about let us know you know we'd love to hear your take on it okay i got it and you can see the empty parks now in odessa there is the start of the season yes and you already can see the men who lying on the beach and uh have fun with the sun so there is there is a bomb on the beach and uh and the guy lying and uh happy with the sun so it's it's interesting to the station in the desert yeah the people who don't go to the air alarms yes they you don't know what to expect from there
Starting point is 01:14:06 all right brother thank you thank you guys well yep we'll be in touch yep thank you same time next week yep ciao weird right we're talking to a dude in a war zone it's nuts it's like i mean like you said you're seeing it like an evolution of what's been going on especially from his point of view
Starting point is 01:14:39 we need to find someone in Russia. That would be very interesting. I would say let's talk to Roman, but I don't think he wants to. His English is, I think, really, really bad. We need someone there who's kind of living under the same situation of Yevgeny. I'd love to, like, we need some young person there who's just like, what the fuck is going on? I going on i mean this dude just i mean think this guy's in the prime of his life this guy should just be working and and making out with his girlfriend and and and working that's it but he's in a parking garage living on pallets in two-hour stints every day
Starting point is 01:15:23 i'm bruce way Wayne says find someone on TikTok alright guys thank you very much we have a great show coming for you today at four o'clock we have lined up a crazy cast of characters of course from the Mayhem Empire we have Hayley Adams and
Starting point is 01:15:43 Andrea Nistler. We have Danielle Brandon over there from Justin Kotler's camp. We have Olivia Heppner, Olivia Kerstetter. Holy cow. I can't believe we got her. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 01:16:01 We have Chase Ingram joining us today. Oh, I forgot about Angeloelo i didn't invite angelo and invite angelo get angela and of course brian friend okay guys uh we will see you at uh four o'clock time to go work out shower and then come back and sit in front of the computer all right peace

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