The Sevan Podcast - #349 - Quarterfinals Finale Ft. Danielle Brandon, Haley Adams, Andrea Nisler, Olivia Kerstetter, Chase Ingraham, Brian Friend, and Angelo DiCicco

Episode Date: March 28, 2022

2022 CrossFit Quarterfinals Finale Show with Haley Adams, Danielle Brandon, Andrew Nisler, Olivia Kerstetter, Chase Ingraham, and Brian Friend. Partners: - THE COFFEE I... DRINK! - WORLD'S #1 JOB BOARD FOR THE CROSSFIT COMMUNITY - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them.
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Starting point is 00:01:06 Oh, Red. That's different. We came on a little early and Susan was Christmas episode. Say that again. Is this the Christmas episode? We have the Red subtitles instead of the yellow? This is the World War III episode.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Oh, the bloodbath. Nice to see you, brother. Hey, what's up? Can you guys hear me okay? I can. Tell me about your logo and your hat before I suck myself off. Hey, wait, wait. What's going on?
Starting point is 00:01:32 We got red subtitles, Instagram handles. You got a red vest. He's got a red hat. Do I need to do something different? No, it's pink. This is pink. This is pink. Oh, okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:01:42 This is my gym logo. This is my gym logo. This is my gym logo. That's nice. I like that. I'm going to have to steal one of those. It's got the star with the D. You know, I have to tell you this, Jason. It's not a good or a bad thing, but someone's probably going to tell some silly story in a minute, so I might as well get one in.
Starting point is 00:02:00 I am, yes, yes. Good. I am going to tell a silly story, please. When I moved to Texas to go to college, I played on a soccer team there. The first guy that I met on the team ended up being a very good player, and he came from the Dallas area. And he was just one of those sports fans that if his team had a bad day, it was unpleasant to be around him during and after the game the whole day.
Starting point is 00:02:20 And he ruined Dallas sports for me. I used to be a Steve Nash and Dirk Nowitzki fan. I loved the Cowboys in the 90s. Dallas Stars were fun to watch. Mike Madonna. This guy just totally killed all my momentum for any Dallas thing. Fair, fair. I'm not a Maverick fan.
Starting point is 00:02:38 I'm a Spurs fan. I was not a fan of Steve Nash and Dirk either. How did Zach George do? Did he qualify? He's coming on the podcast tomorrow morning. Have you guys ever seen this guy with his shirt off? Yes. This guy with his shirt on.
Starting point is 00:02:54 This guy's like a human freight train. Anyway, I'm getting distracted by naked men. This is a text I got this morning, and it said – it's from Peter from the coffee wads and pods podcast. It says, um, and I asked him if I could read it before I, I read it by the way. Uh, by the way, even people who write the worst, absolutely nasty as shit to me, I will never read it on the air, post it unless you were to block me and didn't let me respond to you. So if you me something like totally fucked up i still wouldn't post it until i asked you uh destroying it with the destroying it with the quarter final episodes and everything else such a good team you've built speaks volumes of the caliber of people who show up for you on episodes you built something special peter that's it peter exclamation point thank you i don't take any of her granted and i'm actually tripping and i am actually tripping well that's very nice of him he said he said you've changed the game i don't think it's nice it's just a solid observation what are you doing chase don't ruin it uh you've you've you've
Starting point is 00:03:53 changed the change the game uh looking forward to seeing what you guys do between now and madison um i say this with all humility this is going to be a tough one i didn't i don't know anything about changing the game but there's for some of you who don't know i i made the game every single fucking person you see involved in crossfit media anywhere on the fucking planet is on my shoulders. The people who were here before me, they're gone. I was never paid. Just like Dave Castro was never paid to run the CrossFit games. I was never paid to do the behind the scenes. We didn't have to do any of that. I never had to make any of those videos. I never had to jump in my motor home and crisscross from California to fucking New York and back multiple times chasing down
Starting point is 00:04:45 athletes i did it all because i wanted to and i love to and i love the fucking athletes i love human beings and i did it all just fucking because what's interesting is the people you're looking at here it's probably identical although i can't speak exactly for Angelo. Everyone's put in thousands of hours of free time. So, and I don't mean that as a dig at Angelo. He's just not media. We just brought him on for his good looks in his youth. And I never even really thought of that until Peter said that. Are you sure it's not his proximity to rich that keeps him around well that
Starting point is 00:05:25 too it's multiple there's like five things i have over here reasons evangelo on the show he's he's pretty fit i mean he can give us a perspective when i was training at mayhem today as long as he throws in three of those were so i just thought of that because someone said on the on my instagram account the other day, he said someone doesn't know shit about CrossFit. What's crazy is, and I told the guy to eat a dick or something, but it's fun saying that. You didn't say thank you?
Starting point is 00:05:58 It's just nuts. It's just nuts. I'm not asking for any credit for it i'm not but for those of you who historically want to know like i was i i i did i made the game i registered the first twitter account not because someone told me to they were totally against it i mean the stories go on and on and on and that is true about dave castro he was never paid to run the crossfit games there was a training department he ran it with n it with Nicole Carroll and the CrossFit Games were just his hobby.
Starting point is 00:06:27 That's what SEALs do. They run international fucking sporting events as a hobby. Okay. Those of you today, this is the last chance to get 20% off at the coffee Paper Street Coffee. It is now the only coffee I drink except for when i run out i drink
Starting point is 00:06:46 strong coffee because it's quick and easy and fun to make and uh you can get 20 off and you get um enrolled in a contest to win a rogue bar uh and i want to thank california hormones for all of their generous contributions anyone who makes this show work and of course our original sponsor sponsor and our most recent sponsor um unfortunately um this sponsor brian has already called them out for lying and i think brian's correct it's the 360 barbell brush and as brian pointed out we think it's only actually about a 270 and uh we apologize for any misinformation there uh chase ingram angelo brian those brushes are incredible it's like it's literally and i We apologize for any misinformation. There. Chase Ingram, Angelo, Brian. Those brushes are incredible. It's literally amazing.
Starting point is 00:07:27 I can't wait to get one of those. The brass-tipped one is the best thing you'll ever use. I used it this morning to scrape off 12 years of herpes, and it was fucking amazing. Oh, man. So let's start there, Zach George. Did that guy make it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, no, he's in. So let's start there, Zach George. Did that guy make it?
Starting point is 00:07:47 Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, no, he's in. So we don't have to cancel the show tomorrow. He's in. 36. And I'm sure we can talk about it later if you want. Wait a second. The European men's division?
Starting point is 00:07:58 No, no, they get 60. They get 60. They get 120, 60, and then all 30s across the board. But the 60 men that made it, there are like 50 killers that I know in that 60 men. Okay. And that'll be interesting to talk about that because we know that's a favorite subject, actually, of Brian's. And now it's kind of of mine about this shortage of entries from these foreign lands. Brian, no, Mr. Sousa and Caleb Beaver in the back end. And, of course, who we always keep in the back end and just pull up to get the ratings up.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Danielle, do you have a shirt on? I do. Oh, shit. Can you hear the wind out here or should I go inside? We only hear you. You can only hear me? you can only hear me danielle we got brian um angelo de chico from the mayhem empire and chase ingram fresh off a diaper change how are you that's not untrue wait what'd you just do nothing changing diapers you know dad stuff oh oh oh yeah
Starting point is 00:09:00 i don't know about that are Are you getting ready to celebrate? I did last night and some more. We're actually going to a Kotler's daughter's gymnastics meet. Oh, cool. You're awfully dressed up for a gymnastics meet. We'll do more after. So do we want to talk about your success um just now with the uh quarterfinals or do we want to talk about annika greer and bethany uh shadburn which which are which you will just roll the dial wait what's why why the first name like why why did that pop up isn't she training in vegas does
Starting point is 00:09:39 she train with you no she just came for quarters okay and yeah Okay. And I think she's just having some issues. I was listening to Tommy and Shawnee podcast, Talking League Fitness. It's where I get all my information so then I can bring it to you with the R-rated version. And they were saying that her fifth score hasn't landed in the bucket. We are working on that. Oh, okay. Can you give us any information on that is that top secret yeah i mean it was just yeah it's it's top secret for now good answer yeah it's good yeah
Starting point is 00:10:16 i mean yeah yeah it's not it's not my information to give Understood Where are you? I'm actually at my apartment I hear girls Yeah, I have a bunch of people over This is a girls episode We've dedicated this episode to women We got Annika Greer here Bethany's not here though Tell me about doing the workouts this year
Starting point is 00:10:44 Who you did them with was it a good environment are you happy with your finishes yeah it was it was a good environment i would say it was rocky in the beginning because i was overly competitive and who was not probably the most welcoming to new people, but, um, it was good. It was overall good. And, you know, that's amazing.
Starting point is 00:11:10 That's how all of you are. You guys are super friendly, but when it's competition time, it's, it's, that's the time it's like, yeah, you're now you're my opponent.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Exactly. Oh, I want to hear that story. So you're in the gym getting like, you know, chalk and some body part. And all of a sudden you look in and Anika walks in, Anika walks in and you're like, gym getting like you know chalking some body part and all of a sudden you look in and annika walks in annika walks in and you're like what the fuck is this bitch doing here exactly yeah is that how it was oh yeah i was like this is my house hey you need
Starting point is 00:11:41 to have some lines so when that happens again next year, you pretend like you don't even know the girl. You're like, can you put the music on to this station and stand off the court while I'm going? Just totally act like you have no idea who they are. Done. Doing it. So can you tell us that story, the details of that story? What a fun story. What details? Just of someone coming on the yeah of her and you yeah yeah i mean like has a happy ending she's at your house right right
Starting point is 00:12:11 yeah happy ending you know uh i'm like i think it was just like a territorial thing and like having a new athlete right like she's my competitor and she doesn't train with us. Right. So I didn't welcome it necessarily as like, Oh, she's a training partner. It was like more like, Hey, she's a competitor coming into my house using me and I'm going to use her for these workouts. You know what I mean? Um, and again, being a competitor and how competitive we all are, And again, being a competitor and how competitive we all are, I probably was really aggressive about it in the beginning. I was. I was. Does Justin come over and he's like, okay, Danielle, settle down.
Starting point is 00:12:57 We have a get. Yes. There were some snapping moments that I had to suck it up and apologize for. Are we going to see this? Are you going to release this? You need to release this on YouTube. The funny thing is it's freaking in one of the, one of my videos after a workout. And does anyone notice it? Has anyone commented on it? I don't know. I honestly realized, yeah, I probably should go to YouTube and check that out. This is a great question by Rich Holton, or I'm going to turn the question. Did you treat her worse than you treated
Starting point is 00:13:29 Jason Hopper? Did she treat her worse? Very different. Very different. Two different. Jason deserved it. Jason deserved it. I'm like hisika's innocent oh come on jason's so quiet and you and you just beat him every time not innocent annika yes innocent it was not
Starting point is 00:13:56 deserved um you you see your finish um uh in third place um are you happy is that is that are you happy with this is just like hey i'm going to semifinals that's all that needs to be done or is it like fuck i need to be at the top of the heap no i think we went into this weekend like you know yeah the goal was just make a semifinal and there were a couple events where it was like okay we know there's more there and that's fine we don't have to be there right now are you healthy i am yeah and like the scariest event i would say was the total like i was like dang i've been squatting for i think two months and we just took out overhead squats again because those didn't feel great and then like i haven't been benching so i was like fuck but so the numbers i got like were totally more than what i could ask for yeah in the top 10 there was i'm only seeing one girl who beat you and she just happens to be a 16 year old she
Starting point is 00:15:00 must have punched in her numbers wrong there's no way a 16 year old is 713 pounds is that mal is mal 16 no no olivia kerstetter or or olivia kerstetter heppner oh and and amanda barnhart she amanda barnhart had 715 yeah i just need to put on like 10 pounds. How much did you bench? One 95. Holy crap. Yeah. And what is your lifetime PR on the bench? I don't even know. I literally don't remember the last time I benched. How was time? How was time? How was the 30 minutes? How'd you do on time? Easy. It was fine. Especially like I, we didn't really know what I was going to do. So the clean,
Starting point is 00:15:47 we just like hit a number and I probably, I could have gone up on the clean and overheads. I could have gone up on all three lifts, but we just didn't want to push it. There's no point. Chase, you didn't do any of the workouts yourself, did you? No, no, no, I did not. I wanted to, but I'm trying to do more self-preservation than I have in the past. Did a lot of people at
Starting point is 00:16:05 your gym do them uh we had a couple qualify for quarters the our female athlete she has got some bicep thing going on but we're focusing on masters because i tore my calf in week one of the open so i figured lunges and pistols probably not best to keep that up so but i love all the events i really it was the hardest thing ever not to do these quarterfinals well specifically i was just curious because of what daniel was saying about the um the total test like i saw 30 minutes and i was like there's no way i'll need 30 minutes to do this test yeah 50 minutes i'll be done but suddenly i get into it and i use the entire time and so did i really yeah yeah yeah you know especially like you had to measure like you had to measure your bar in there
Starting point is 00:16:51 too and that was like super awkward like there was one guy in our gym who like they wasted a lot of time measuring um what do you measure your bar what part of the bar did you measure you had to measure like from the, like 40 inches or whatever, and you couldn't go wider than that, which is ridiculous. For the bench. Yeah, for the bench. Sorry. Oh, is that to maintain some sort of range of motion?
Starting point is 00:17:16 Yeah. I guess, but I don't know who's going to bench that wide. To do something here, like someone grabs the bar outside the weights what did you do last Daniel because we heard a bunch of people we've talked to a bunch of people
Starting point is 00:17:30 ran out of time they did overhead squat last and they were running out of time you had to do overhead squat so there was that order that's true I don't know shit about CrossFit yes that is correct uh so you're you're in now and yeah is there anyone in your gym who's who's walking the line or who didn't make it or does everyone get to celebrate is everyone pretty um raf is really close rafael durant i think i would say that right and then um mitch
Starting point is 00:18:08 carrie's boyfriend he's like one mcclune i want to say yeah mitch mcclune he's like 123 124 which is you know assuming that it goes away as last year's you know he has to prepare as if he's made it because there'll be people who don't accept it. Exactly. Yeah, that's what we're hoping. How did the giant dude do? He did good. Like in the workouts, we knew he would crush like he crushed.
Starting point is 00:18:38 He's in it? Did he make it, Brian? I wasn't very impressed with his rowing paces. They're insane. And he totally flexed. He posted it before scores were even due. And, like, he posted it. He just – he was that good.
Starting point is 00:18:54 You could afford two minutes and 19 seconds to watch him do that workout. Yeah. Holy cow. So awesome. Wow. Hey, how did he – And it sounds like he got, like, 220. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Hey, is Scudsy in your gym? Allison Scudsy? Is she what? Yeah, she's here. And how did she do? Did she make it? Yeah, I think she's right around the top 50 even. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Holy shit. 60? I think it's 50-50. Yeah, Alex made it. Kyra made it. I was talking some mad shit about her. I didn't think she had a chance in hell. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:28 For semis? Come on. Yeah, there's a big difference between having a chance for semis and having a chance for the games. She could be a top ten at a semifinal, but even that is different than making a top five. But to go to the semis is never a question for her. Yeah, true. So, Danielle, when you say you're healthy did you let the wheels come off the bus on all the workouts that's it it was it was all there
Starting point is 00:19:52 uh i would say like the pistol ghd one i didn't attack it like i wanted to um and then i just kind of like didn't really play my own game and went 10-10 and then had to break it I did eight and then had to do two singles um but I just like went for it but I was just like nervous I was nervous on the GHD pistols I just should have should have attacked it more but it was all good um do you do you still have the same boyfriend you had last time we interviewed you the guy in the middle of the country I'm just wondering if he's come out and visit you yet I'm wondering what you're like if you're going to be traveling or what you're going to be doing that I'm just leading you down to see what like I'm trying to like get a test on how serious you are between now and the games what's going to
Starting point is 00:20:42 look like yeah I probably I mean I go toia tomorrow for like for true grit for a true grit thing a sponsorship thing and then i don't know that i'll really leave that much especially we don't know what we don't know what semi i'm doing okay and do you drive there to california you're in vegas you know we're gonna drive or we're gonna fly sorry what are going to wear a mask on the plane? Do you have to? No, you don't have to do shit. You do what you want. You're Daniel Brandon.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Well, probably not then. Are you going southwest? I think we're southwest, yep. Yeah, you don't have to. Really? A friend of mine just flew southwest to San Diego. And she said every time someone asks you, you just say okay, and then you just fumble around in your purse, and then you just move on.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Yeah. Just stand up and look them in the eyes and be like, you know I benched 195 on a bad day. Alright. Two girls that I did outlift them. No, actually, me and Kyra tied. I think she
Starting point is 00:21:46 won 95. Do any of you guys have a question? Chase, don't get too excited. Do any of you guys have a question for Danielle before we let her go party at the gymnastics meet? Danielle, how many days off do you take? Do you take any days off after an event like this? Or do you get straight back
Starting point is 00:22:04 into it, even like today? Like today like today i wanted to do mono but then people said they said no don't do it so i was like whatever and then uh tomorrow and tuesday because i'll be in california i'll probably just do conditioning some like longer e-bombs and stuff but no like no plan to break off this is oh i didn't really i didn't really deload for quarters i mean like the day before but it's one of my favorite phrases uh chase do you have a do you have a farewell question for miss brandon uh well were you there for the lugos's 219 oh yeah and it's what was that like well it's funny though because he he's right right we had all these heats i was like okay like me and alex will go together because like she's really strong we'll push each other and then like matt just like set himself up in the corner in his own heat
Starting point is 00:23:00 and like just like was going and you're like that's going he like you know keifer likes to say he called a shot on that one and he yeah that was my horse for that one yeah i i he was just ready to go he was i couldn't wait around for whatever was happening he was he knew it was he had to be in his own heat i get it uh here's uh my friend who works at southwest is one of the six flight attendants to have filed a lawsuit against the airline to stop masks all right wow
Starting point is 00:23:29 good all right cool good for you thanks for coming on appreciate it you're awesome of course thank you guys everyone thank you thank you you guys you too okay bye she's single Thank you. You guys do too. Okay. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 00:23:48 She's single. That's the takeaway. That's the takeaway. All that. 2248 in. I would like to run through the people who won all of the continents, the top three in all of them. Top three in all of them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Just basically run through men, women as fast as we can before our next couple of guests come on. Susan, when do they come on? 4.30? Okay. Let's preface this section by saying you're going to recognize a lot of these names, and then we can talk about afterwards why. Okay. Sounds good. So can we start with North America?
Starting point is 00:24:31 It's also unofficial. Oh, thank you. Good point. Yep. First place women, we have Mallory O'Brien, Alexis Raptus, Danielle Brandon. Anything you want to say there, Brian? Of course, we'll circle back around with these later, and we can say anything we want, but just to make it through, make sure we get everyone mentioned in these. Yeah, I would say of the three, Alexis Raptus is probably the one to take note of here.
Starting point is 00:24:54 I mean, she was basically an executioner away from making the games last year. I would consider her one of the 20 most likely candidates to make it for North American women this year, and a performance like this suggests she's on the right path. Chase, anything? Danielle is one casual competition away from winning the quarterfinals. Per her description. Yeah, and what do you mean by that?
Starting point is 00:25:22 I mean, she said she didn't push the pistol one, and she got 11th. And then she left all bunch of table and still got 64th, and it was only 27 points out of – or not even that, 17 points out of first place. So that's good for Danielle Brandon. The other thing to notice here is how high the points are at the top. Remember from the open that like Mal was winning the worldwide open with four points competing against a hundred thousand women or 80,000 or whatever it is. And here against a much smaller field, there's more, a lot more parity in terms of the points. Also worldwide too, which is even more indicative of what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:26:03 It's pretty crazy. Angela, you can, by the way, I'm not going to ask you, but at any point you want to jump in and slap these guys around, just do it. Well, I don't want to jump in. I don't want to, I feel like I'm jumping in too early, but Brian, have you compared Mallory's scores to Tia's scores at all? Have you looked at that or no? Yeah. If Tia was competing in North America, she'd have scored 12 points. If she was competing in Europe, she'd have scored 16. she'd have scored 12 points if she was competing in europe she'd have scored 16 great question by the way 16 16 in europe uh but that's because i believe and i'm not 100 sure on this and i don't i don't know but i believe that any time on the leaderboard for
Starting point is 00:26:35 event number three that's faster than 12 minutes and 45 seconds is an invalid time and in europe there are she's like you know there's like nine of those scores, basically. Really? For women. There's people who thought the shuttle runs were for the 25. Oh. I heard that's kind of an issue. That's what I think.
Starting point is 00:26:57 And I'm actually shocked that it hasn't been corrected already. So I'm not as confident as I originally was in that. I don't even think we talked about it last night. Cause I was like certain that those would all be gone. I mean, I had known earlier yesterday that a lot of the like no notable top men were all finishing between 13 and 14 minutes. And I'm talking about like guys that if I had not seen a leaderboard, I would have expected to be right at the top of this. You know,
Starting point is 00:27:18 Lazar Jukic, Jeff Adler, Alex Gatoulis, Pat Belner type guys. Ryan, hold on one second. Is this strictly a European thing? No, they were.
Starting point is 00:27:26 I have this South America as well that I know of. Sorry, outside of North America. Anyone who uses the metric system? It's in those areas? Right? I mean, because we use the, what's ours called? No, no, no, no, no. Listen, listen, listen.
Starting point is 00:27:38 There are still, yesterday, Jeff Adler with a time of 13.11 and that workout, which I think is a legitimate time, was in like 11th place for the men in North America. Right now, he's all the way up to 7th. But the people ahead of him are people with the exception of Mitch Spute and Owen Bernstein are people I've never heard of. And even Owen Bernstein's time, there's no way that that's legitimate, 11-46. And if you look at all the other scores, it doesn't add up for these people. So I think that everyone except for maybe Mitch Spute, who is on the games winning team in 2017 with um wasatch will probably drop down
Starting point is 00:28:11 and that's going to happen in every region so those 16 points for tia will actually be less than that in europe once that happens explain to me what angelo what happened again where what where's the misunderstanding so the shuttle sprints were per 50 foot section not like per touch so the 25 foot shuttle but a down and back equals one not down and back equals two is that correct right yeah these everybody say that okay okay and and it was it was clear but i could i can still understand how people would confuse that, I guess. Are there people who aren't going to go to the semifinals because they fucked this up? Like big names?
Starting point is 00:28:49 I don't think so. Okay. Maybe in Europe for the women. Sam was like 64th, 66th. There could be women that are out that could end up moving in. That's a good point, Chase. Well, that's what I mean. How is CrossFit going to change that?
Starting point is 00:29:04 I mean, that's really – it's the athlete's fault right ask for the videos yeah yeah that 100% and they have to be asking for those videos watching them seeing and then they will have you know assess a penalty for everyone accordingly and it could be an invalid score i mean i'm not exactly sure you just have to watch like the first four minutes of the video they go down back for four okay yeah shit brian i wish they had um a worldwide quarterfinal leaderboard even though it doesn't matter just so you could talk about this last night cross comparison it would be super convenient and and very beneficial the other thing that we were saying is we wish that they listed the individual lifts for the total i know i want to know who has the biggest bench in the world right now. Well, at least in quarterfinals.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Yeah. And I mean, there are obviously a lot of people that are interested in getting stats out about the athletes and breaking that stuff down. And I don't know why CrossFit is withholding that. Like, it's very, very easy on their end. They have it listed. One rep max clean, one rep max overhead squat right there. You could easily have an input column and just input them, sum the total,
Starting point is 00:30:06 and export it to the leaderboard the same way. And let the people who want to do that do that. But maybe they'll do it on themselves. That would be really cool if they did something like that. Maybe Schroeder has all that. Have you talked to him? I did talk to him today, but I didn't ask him that. Men in North America, top three, Justin Mede chandler smith and uh jeffrey adler
Starting point is 00:30:27 are we um is chandler smith is he the is he like the super child over there at ben bergeron's training camp now with the solid krypton he did it in like in like 24 hours or less yeah that's the craziest part he did it all day and i i was reading his instagram post he says well i like it's basically saying oh i don't know if it's gonna be enough you know i gave it my best like who knows he's in second place he said well i hope this is enough to to make it with a big dog second place and he just got engaged too right so he's got probably he's gotten a little soft right oh yeah that definitely soft a little bit of the fire out of him. Holy cow.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Well, congratulations. That's scary to see. Okay. Can we move over to – let's go from North America to – let's go to Africa, and then we'll just work our way down. Africa, no surprise, Jason Smith, Ruan. That is surprising. He's 38 years old, and there's still no one in Africa that can take him down?
Starting point is 00:31:23 Dick Africa. There is. By the way, Ruan Duvenas is really good because they only get one spot and he can never beat Jason. No one knows who he is. That guy's a beast. Pronounce his last name again for me. Ruan what? I said Duvenage. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Duvenage. Ruan Duvenage in second place. And third place, Keelan Henry. Who's also very good and does exceptionally well in online qualifier events over the last couple of years. That's the guy that just loops the videos, right? No, I'm just joking. He looks like a rugby player. In the women's division coming out of Africa, we have Michelle Morand, Michelle Bassinet, and Lee Quirouz.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Have either of them been to the games before out of those three? Yeah. Michelle Besnett made it last year, but it's, it's more than likely going to come down to Miranda and Besnett again this year. They seem to be the best two. Obviously Lee's scores are very close.
Starting point is 00:32:21 I think there's a little bit more competition here. Like maybe three or four people can make it, but there's not a lot of depth at the top. Like it's going to be, this is going to be one of those. I mean, I see their scores are kind of high here, but probably at the semifinal,
Starting point is 00:32:31 the winning score will be like less than 20 points. If assuming there's seven events, does Sam Briggs make it if she lives in Africa? Well, yes, easily. Wow. Serious. Yeah. Not even close. okay all righty sorry that was almost not even nice that to ask no i mean like sam finished 21st at the games last year michelle basnett was the
Starting point is 00:32:55 lone representative there meaning she beat every other african woman who tried to make it and she was in the mid 30s including like three or four women that dropped out so and and lee looks like she could be like uh 2022 cindy lopper look at her i'm looking at michelle miranda it's interesting she's 33 and lee is uh 34 michelle is 25 it's in that's sort of indicative of you know crossfit in the states i don't know. Ten years ago. Right. Just the ages. Now the women are so young.
Starting point is 00:33:28 All right. Let's roll over to Asia and we'll look at the women first. Oh, this is going to be a tough one. Do it. Sing your joy. Sung Young Choi. Sung Young Choi. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Sung Young Choi. Seung-Yong Choi. Seung-Yong Choi. Yeah. Seung-Yong Choi. Good job. Shahad. Budebs. Shahad Budebs. Shahad Budebs. And Seher Kaya. Dubai's finest.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Have we seen her? Oh, and Seung-Yong Choi has been to the games before, right? Last year. Last year. Okay, so that's why I got that name right. How about any of these other ladies? I know we talked about Sahara before. Have any of these other ladies been to the games?
Starting point is 00:34:14 Did Shahab make it as a representative in 2019? I think so, in 2019. I just know her a lot from Divine's competition. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Hey, look at number six her name is yuracha tiran stan her last name is like a country isn't it anyway you guys are gonna have fun as these
Starting point is 00:34:37 people start making it to the games uh we go over to the men out of asia roman uh and i know these guys all because i've heard b Brian talk about them quite a bit. Roman Krennikoff, Alexander Illand, and Hamza Tarifi. Tell us, how is Roman, Angelo? Good headspace? Hey, yeah, Roman is awesome. I mean, he did great in these workouts and uh he uh i don't know i mean he's he's pretty cool to have around it's tough to the language barrier is pretty tough but um he's
Starting point is 00:35:12 i mean is his internet connection better than yours no probably not where is he can ask for a weapon password where is he staying is he does he get a vrbo or is he staying at someone's house or a hotel where does he stay he's he's staying with luke it's him and luke and i guess sam uh cornway are all in her house together right now wow wow they're putting a lot of pressure on that foundation and there's no there's no's no one there that speaks Russian? Nobody. So he's just like not saying very much. He's learning a lot.
Starting point is 00:35:53 He actually has learned a lot of English in the few weeks he's been here. Well, this is like, I mean, we don't think about it because we live here. This is like total immersion for him. This is the way to learn a language. Just get him drunk. He'll speak english fluently he uh yeah i mean he knew the only english he knew were crossfit terms and then uh so there was a there was a story he was in a coffee shop asking for bananas he wanted a banana smoothie and uh you know he only knows the word banana he looked and he goes banana and they go we don't have any you know they're out of bananas he goes banana
Starting point is 00:36:29 they go man we got no bananas i'm sorry you guys just take a bong rip over there what's going on yeah pop that shit out. Pat her on the back, Andrea. Pat her on the back. Pat her on the back. She put my name in that. Hail Storm.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Oh, turn it off. Hey, has she? Why don't you? Did Roman have to get left alone with Haley like Guy did? Like, does he know? Like, oh, did Roman have to get left alone with Haley? Like, like he did, like, does he know like, Oh shit, don't be left alone with Haley. That's exactly what happened. That's exactly what happened. Tell us, tell us.
Starting point is 00:37:15 That, that you almost killed Roman this first few days. I heard you're a bully over there, Haley. We, we had to, so we took him home one night and we go hey Luke explain to Roman that like you know hey Roman we get your fit man like you don't have to try to prove anything like if Haley's beating up on you you need a day off like just let us know because uh after his first day training with Haley he was going home and uh he tried he put in the translator he said can I get uh magnesium sodium potassium tablets he goes because i'm cramping really bad that's awesome andrea how long have you been there when did you show up hey hey um i've been here since the season
Starting point is 00:37:59 started oh you have been hanging out in cookville those are the rules stuff huh oh oh yeah good answer good answer good answer andrea great answer between here and yeah knoxville taylor and and how and how's everything going living with hayley you liking it it's horrible she likes she likes the cats and they like yeah actually she has some great cats i'm a big animal person um i thought that um only happened people got beat up by Haley like if Rich went out of town. Like wasn't that Rich's story? He is out of town? He was.
Starting point is 00:38:34 He was. He was out of town. And so then Haley just steps up and just hands it to people. Something like that, I guess. Did you know, Haley, you were doing that to him? That you were giving him the same treatment you gave Guy? Yeah. She knows.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Roman is a real one. He was down. He was a real one. He does love to train. He loves it. Explain that. What do you mean? What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:38:57 He's just down. Like, he doesn't care if I'm rich or not. Like, he's like, oh, I'm going to work out with Haley. Like, I'm down to do whatever she does. He's a real one. And he just goes balls to the wall Like he, he's like, Oh, I'm gonna work out with Haley. Like I'm down to do whatever she does. He's a real one. And he'll just, and he just goes balls to the wall. Yeah. He was, he was down. Andrea, how was your, um, last couple of days watching these guys get at it and you like, what do you do? Do you make fun of them or do you chill?
Starting point is 00:39:18 Or do you do the workouts or no, all I can think about in my head is like, I gotta do this in two weeks. So I can't really, I just watch Haley go. And then I think if I could move half that speed, then our team should be good. Is it really like that? Are you, are you impressed by her? Yeah. I mean, I forget what it's like to be so young and just always have energy to go. And then she's obviously really talented. You just stack that on top of each other. And yeah, it's like, it's inspiring in a way that I know I'll never be there ever again in my life. So it's fun to watch. What was your day job again?
Starting point is 00:39:52 I forget. I want to get it wrong. Oh, so I own a gym. That's right. Back home. That's it. And Taylor was, is Taylor a nurse or she's going to school? What's she doing
Starting point is 00:40:05 she's going to school um to be uh well no i have a brain but pa thank you i was gonna say pt and that's obviously all right yeah it's basically like she's an assistant to doctors in surgery or something right well she's more than so she graduates in december i'm not really sure where that lands her like what she'll do after that but um yeah she's basically like a surgeon she's a mini surgeon sure she took out my stitches once so she's good yeah has she sewed anyone up at mayhem at mayhem i don't think so but the season's young so um tell me about tell me about the team are you happy with the team what do you think about samwell cornway being on the team do you even give a fuck is it just like you use this full
Starting point is 00:40:52 name that was weird so you just call him sam samwell when you have a name like san well biorgvin i just and i can say it i run with it no i think it's great i mean we got to know him last year too because he was here for a lot of the season. So he's not a new face to anyone. Just during the first year he was there, did he ever fill in for a team workout, a warm workout when someone was missing? Nope, but he's not bad on the worm. So I saw the video you guys posted today. He looked very focused, like, okay, make sure I don't step on her ankle.
Starting point is 00:41:21 Yeah. I mean, there's a lot to think about in the beginning. Plus everyone's a little different and, you know, we're just getting to know each other's grooves. But no, he did really well. Do you think if you were,
Starting point is 00:41:33 if Andrea was individual Haley, you would let her stay with you? I don't believe you. I know. I think I would. I mean, it would be a little different, but no, she's, she's one of my good friends for sure it's just like i mean oh you can't do she's kind
Starting point is 00:41:51 of someone too that like shuts it off like outside of the gym you know no i don't believe hey well let me ask andrea if you were if you were competing individual would you be staying with her i mean yeah through uh sanctional and then I wouldn't make it on So sure See I'm not buying that from you because You don't believe anything she says Yeah Andrew if you were Competing individual I would rank you a fifth In whatever semi-final you went to No higher than that
Starting point is 00:42:17 Higher than that she is so fit Okay maybe it depends fourth Fourth or fifth Wait Andrea doesn't win Africa? That's not what we're talking about. North America. She would win in Africa. So any semifinals that she could, like, that she's actually capable of going to? If she was in the North American women, I think she's one of the 25th North American women. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Okay. Yeah. I don't know, because I've never played that. Haley, how's your ankle doing oh it's fine it's like it just flares up i mean those movements are not um great for it but yeah it's okay is that just gonna be something you're gonna have to manage moving forward like what's the healing process on that after you retire i wrote it again a few weeks ago um they just because that ligament's not there so it's like you roll it but uh yeah it's just gonna be management unless i want to get it fixed which you don't have to get fixed so what ligament is not there my atfl uh caleb can we see what an atfl is
Starting point is 00:43:21 atl it's only like on your ankle somewhere in there when did that happen that happened prior to the games a couple years ago yeah the first time i rolled it in 2020 please don't pull up that picture whoever's doing the back and stuff i will i will jump off this podcast immediately if you show that what is is your ankle all cockeyed? It goes 90 degrees. And the worst part was I was running down a hill, so it was even worse. And that was in training prior to the games? Well, it was at this trail run that I didn't even want to do, but yeah. It's coming back to me.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Angelo, are you there for any of this stuff? Um, for watching, um, Haley, uh, do her quarter, quarter finals. Yeah, I was there for the first two days. And then yesterday I was at work. And then, uh,
Starting point is 00:44:12 I think, I don't know. Did you do the last workout today? I, I missed it this morning. Yeah. I was there for the first half of it. At least I watched everyone go.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Anything, anything you want to tell us with remember your job here is to say at mayhem i saw you've already given us one great story hi andrea i'm nate lions how are you do you know this guy nate lions no i like him hi andrea uh no i don't have anything crazy to report. I think everyone did really well. It was awesome watching them. And I think I was the same way. I wish I would have – I mean, part of me wanted to be doing them,
Starting point is 00:44:51 but the other part of me kind of just got me fired up for a couple weeks. So I'm excited for the team quarters. Oh, yeah, because we go against you. So we're – ha. Is it going to get competitive in there? Is it going to get nasty between the teams? Yes. Will you guys do the workouts at the same time?
Starting point is 00:45:15 Let's go. I don't know. I haven't even thought about it. Stevan looks like if Paul Bunyan produced estrogen. No, Haley, that's not funny. Okay. Okay. Haley, what was your bench?
Starting point is 00:45:39 Now that we're just getting at it. I stopped at 192. Wait, how much did you bench at 192. I got scared. Wait, how much did you bench? 192. Holy crap. She's been working on her strength a lot. I can say, like, I see a lot of background things that go on,
Starting point is 00:45:55 and she's dedicated a lot to strength. Actually, I want to ask you about the strength test, Haley, because, you know, obviously people can look at your score and say, oh, well, she still doesn't have her strength. It's way down here relative to all her other scores. But I think in this particular test, like, did you really, you know, did you have a lot of misses or did you just say like, no, I'm pretty happy with that. Let's move on. Yeah. I was like, I'm pretty happy with that and just moved on. Cause I think, I think that that was, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:22 especially for someone that, you know, you're going to score really well on the other four it's like you can feel good about the lifts without maxing out necessarily or having really stressful misses right i mean last year i was like 500 something so i was like 170 this year so i'll take it i'd love to see that video of of her uh bench in 192 that's crazy what was your bench right before that, before you jumped up to that? Do you remember? I think it was a weird number. Either 185 or 184 or something. I don't know. And Caleb, also this...
Starting point is 00:46:54 I'd love to see the blonde in the Muppets band too. Haley reminds me of the blonde in the Muppets band. I'd like to see... That's not a good compliment. Which Muppet is a good compliment, Haley? I don't want to see this. I'll pull it up for you. You is a good compliment, Haley? I'll pull it up for you. You're a good dude, Andrea.
Starting point is 00:47:12 That's so sad. What do you mean she's hot? It's the eyelashes. I'm leaving. Leave Andrea. Don't takerea if you're leaving okay one more one more who's this who's who's who's angelo should quit crossfit and just tell people he's jimmy garoppolo who's that who's oh wow yeah quarterback where's he at is he still with 49ers yeah 49ers for now yeah yeah oh that's not a muppet which is pretty good looking guy i want to see which muppet uh angelo is jimmy garoppolo that's not too bad see he's a good oh yeah right that's not that's not nice
Starting point is 00:47:59 at all hayley's so pretty and then angela gets to be the super handsome guy and hayley has to be a fucking muppet it's opposite day sad um is is there any relief um hayley now like do you is there is there like this big math is it last like so you had to open and then well let me ask you that do you get any relief after they open or is it just right away it's just like oh my god the quarterfinals are right there anytime i can get an online event over with i'm so happy i hate online events i never do well in them i just prefer in person and then and then so then the quarterfinals happen so how do you feel when did you do your last workout was it today quarterfinals today yeah and did, is there a noticeable like, ah, shoulders down and yeah. I'm like, I can just focus on semifinal training now. And yeah. Andrea, will you push her off to the side?
Starting point is 00:48:55 Just put your hand on her head and push her off the side and tell us what you're whispering in her ear. Just shove her aside and tell her. Oh, I know. So she doesn't do bad in online events. She got 30 in the open. So, okay, shut up. And then also that's her little like snack stash for being done we've been having a we've had a party i don't even want to ask what's in there i'm not going to promote any of that bullshit hey um one day hey i have organic snacks you have organic licorice in there or um twizzlers organic twizzlers so there's there's these people who are these superstars right like i'll use you and laura laura horvat and there's
Starting point is 00:49:31 this thing that just like just comes out of just people's mouth like just on autopilot well if handstand push-ups show up well if something heavy shows up well you know and i'm sure there's someone you know it's like that for the run. How do you, where do you process that? How do you process that? Do you process that? I mean, it is what it is. I think people confuse a heavy barbells and like, I'm bad at everything heavy when it's really just like one rep max lifts.
Starting point is 00:49:58 I can actually move weight. I just am not good at top end strength. So automatically people are like, oh, you know, she's fake. She'll do this, this, that. But it is what it is. I don't really care anymore. Can you give me an example of that? So like you would do 10 deadlifts versus your one rep,
Starting point is 00:50:14 10 unbroken deadlifts versus your one rep map. Or we could give her an example from this past weekend. You know, she said she was 170th on the lifting event, but on the cycling 135 barbell snatch, 15th. Okay. What is around your deadlift max? Do you know? I honestly don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:34 I mean, I hit 330 in 2020, so maybe like 350, 360 now. And then what would be 10 that you could do on on a really good day what could you do 10 on broken deadlifts you think go big go big talk shit pretend like andrea's go big maybe 300 yeah the hardest part for me is getting off the floor once so yeah me too me too that's that's my problem too, just getting off the floor once. Once I can get it to start bouncing. Is there a – obviously the preferred semifinals for you guys would be just right down the street. And is that almost a guarantee since there's two there? I hope so.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Yeah, Knoxville. It was like so convenient last year. It was only a 90-minute drive. So nice. It'll actually be – I'm not sure of the rules this year, but last year because of the pandemic situation, they said if you live in the state that's hosting it, you have to go there.
Starting point is 00:51:34 They used that as a criteria, but I don't know if that will be the case this year or not. Hopefully, I get to go to one of those. I don't know. This is for all three of you guys over there at the Mayhem Empire. Anyone have issues putting in their scores that you know of? Have you had anyone miss the deadline?
Starting point is 00:51:54 Anything weird happen with – because we're hearing a bunch of that stuff pop up, which I think is just normal when you have thousands of people trying to submit online scores and upload video. Have anyone at Mayhem had any issues where they're like, oh, shit? It's usually the first thing I do when I finish. Like upload my video and then start submitting the score. Because'm scared that like the website's gonna crash or something i think you gotta know how this works by now and like give it time you can't do the workout at the last minute and expect your score to be uploaded and the video's in has anyone had a score adjustment i don't think anyone has, right? What? Oh, from Mayhem. Yeah. Impeccable movement quality there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:28 I did. I think everyone... You didn't? I haven't. Yeah. I don't think anybody did. No, I think a few people did. Oh, really? Yeah. Anyone with the initials RF? Probably Dre. He didn't do it. That's right. Probably Dre.
Starting point is 00:52:44 Dude, and Ben, I know he's competing on a team this year. We finished almost the exact same spot as last year. Just like 12 to 15 spots up. So, so I mean, I don't know if it's public there that they had a bet going on between the two of them, Ben and Dre. Oh, they did not. Oh, you're pulling your weight today, Angelo. This is number three and we're not even one hour into the show. You're fucking.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Angelo from the Mayhem Empire reports go on angelo so ben davidson is um is one of the camera guys dre is obviously one on the team with rich and he was a camera guy now he just does apparel uh ben was trying to steal which he did tried. Tried to win the fittest cameraman award from Dre. She beat him three out of the five events. Came down to the last event, and he beat Dre by 12 seconds. So now Dre is going to get I Love Ben tattooed on his ass. What? That's the bet. That's the bet.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Like legit tattoo? Yeah, well, Dre has a tattoo gun that he bought a few years ago he tattooed a smiley face on ben this gets worse and worse by the second dude this is horrible i thought you guys were good christian folk over there what is going on you're defiling god's body everyone like backdoor tattoos at the back of the barn yeah hey let me tell you let me tell you something if someone gave me a tattoo gun and told me that i was going to tattoo something on their ass it wouldn't be that they love me i draw an arrow to the closest opening and write something creative my goodness my. My goodness. I am devastated. I am devastated.
Starting point is 00:54:27 And when Rich gets back from whatever charity he's working out, he's going to put an end to these shenanigans. He's not going to let any butt tattoos happen at the Mayhem Empire. It's actually been pretty fun to follow those guys. I mean, they went – Ben won the first two, and then Dre won the second two. And then they went back and forth for the last workout it was it was pretty cool and we have a group chat going and um they're talking a lot of crap it's awesome have you guys lost any bets andrea or hayley where you had to
Starting point is 00:54:57 get a tattoo we won't tell anyone we're good christian women. You know why they didn't lose those bets, Savan? They didn't make them. Right, right. We are the starter stations. So, yeah. Yes. And they don't lose. Haley, how old are you? 21.
Starting point is 00:55:18 And how many years have you been at this game, the CrossFit game? This will be my seventh CrossFit game season. Fucking nuts. So, that would put you at 14? I competed in my first games when i was 15 yeah crazy uh do you have any do you are you familiar with olivia um uh kerstetter the 16 year old world are you familiar with olivia kerstetter the 16 year old girl um training with uh jacob heppner down there. Middle there. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:55:45 Yeah. I don't know. But like I've heard of her. She's super strong. Yeah. Crazy, crazy strong. Any,
Starting point is 00:55:57 any advice you would give to the 16 year old Haley Adams? Oh, geez. That Olivia, that Olivia could benefit from. I've got a book. Hey, that's a great idea one day uh honestly just don't compare yourself that's like literally a thief of joy and yeah that's the biggest one i think okay how are you
Starting point is 00:56:18 supposed to not compare yourself when the whole thing is is that you're supposed to be winning i know but like yeah you know like take away from your happiness and you'll never be satisfied in like what you do. Does that make sense? It does. But on the other hand, isn't this, isn't, isn't that what you're supposed to be using to fuel yourself? Look at we're writing the first chapter in your book. Yeah. But it's a little bit different in that way. I think, I mean, obviously training you're working to be your hardest and if that's your best then you can't really worry about what
Starting point is 00:56:51 everyone else is doing so you can't compare yourself to what they're doing i mean i don't know that's just how i feel but i've learned that that definitely helps but are you good at it am i good at what are you good at not comparing yourself Are you good at it? Am I good at what? Are you good at not comparing yourself? Are you good at, like, with your own advice? Yeah, I've gotten a lot better as I've gotten older. Did someone teach you that or you learned it? I learned it the hard way.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Is that the only way? Just depends on who it is, I guess. Yeah. How about you, Andrea? Is that why you do teams so you don't have to deal with that shit just blame someone on your team i mean i think when she says compare yourself means more than just like working out it's like a whole everything's like a lifestyle thing now you like everyone puts their whole life on social media um for women especially i think that's
Starting point is 00:57:39 really tough because you're comparing yourself not only like how you perform um but then also like who you are like who you are as a person like you get judged by that too um just because everything gets shared so i'm not like how your clothes fit you who you train with who your sponsors are where who got invited to go to europe just all that the whole fucking package well and then there's just a lot of like growing up with like women are impressionable when they're younger so like there's a lot that just goes on mentally um i just like to stay off social media a lot like i don't go on it just because i mean i'm 32 and i still struggle with comparing myself to people so i don't know it doesn't go away it does it does like if you know how to handle it,
Starting point is 00:58:26 it just takes, I think you just have to learn. You think I can take the lifters out of my shoe and accept the fact that I'm only five to. Fan duel casinos, exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling saying I do.
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Starting point is 00:59:31 It's a good start. I really am 5'5". Don't anyone ever fucking repeat that. I think I'm taller than you. So is my wife. I'm 5'7". Yeah. Hi, Haley.
Starting point is 00:59:41 So if we ever, when I see you, I'll be looking up to you. I'll be looking up your nostrils. I'm actually an expert looking up nostrils. Yeah. You know, I really liked the way you said that, Andrea. It really is.
Starting point is 00:59:51 It's a comparison of the whole lifestyle. I didn't even think of that. It's like, it's God, it's a lot. Yeah. It's a lot. There's a lot of pressure. I think, especially on these younger women entering the sport. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:01 Hey, and the people at the top aren't even they're not even happier than it's like it's um it's it's never ending you know what i mean you think you're gonna i had this guy on the other day eli a weeby and he used to roll with dan blazerian and and um and uh justin bieber and just all those guys and he's just saying there's no happiness there's no just same fucking goofballs as everyone else. Depressed messes. Yeah. I need to go play some more disc golf.
Starting point is 01:00:32 I want to tell all the men who heard me just say that call someone a depressed mess. Don't ever call your wife that that doesn't end good. Okay. Yeah. Disc golf. Yes. Disc golf. That's how Brian gets peace of mind. Yo, Andrea,
Starting point is 01:00:47 you are one of my absolute favorite athletes, Christina B. Thank you. That's lovely. You made my day. Um, you guys, thanks for coming on. I really appreciate it. I know I didn't give you guys much notice. Thanks. You get bonus points, Hailstorm, for dragging the great Andrea Nistler on. I'll be bringing that name onto the broadcast in
Starting point is 01:01:13 semifinals. We'll talk to you guys soon. Thank you. Yeah, thanks. Bye. See ya. Bye, boys. I got to go do kid bath bedtime.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Peace and love. Peace and love. Good to see you guys. Turn that printer off behind you. Save energy. We're in a shortage in this country. No, not in Texas. Oh, okay. That's not how it works.
Starting point is 01:01:40 All right. See you guys. See you, Chase. See you. Oh, they're cool as shit andrea nissler and hayley wow uh yeah i really like hayley's voice i hate hearing her talk directly after me so if i ever ask her a question you guys are on you guys talk and then let her talk because her voice is so nice it makes me sound like a record scratching pull a tanya harding on the strongest woman i mean obviously yes cory's been drinking
Starting point is 01:02:07 okay uh in this one i in going back to africa um or asia sorry the men number four is dennis samson off yeah and i just find that cool because he's the fittest wizard and he has a just really cool instagram account so i just find that cool because he's the fittest wizard and he has a just really cool instagram account so i just wanted to give him a i mentioned do you know him brian i know who he is i haven't uh had a lot of interaction with him do you know him angelo no i don't know him hayley looks like a fit kate hudson is she single it's weird that dudes want to know if girls are single right no it's not weird if you think it's weird you're fucking weird okay men want to know if they're talking to men or women and then they want to know if the women are single that's that that that's a man that that's one of the definitive qualities um okay let's move on to
Starting point is 01:03:01 Oh, man. Okay, let's move on to... You're up, right? Yes, sir. You're up for the men. Björvind Karl Gudmundsson, Willie George, and Lazar Djukic.
Starting point is 01:03:21 And we'll give forth to Janikowski. By the way, this is a great example. If you see Lazar Djukic placed 273rd in the world in the Open. He was not concerned about it at all. And here we go in the quarterfinals and he's 3rd in Europe, which is obviously a very impressive result. So that's a great example of a guy who is not actually saying that he's not taking the Open seriously and probably just basically walking
Starting point is 01:03:45 through those workouts, getting them done, checking a box and, you know, that's a very different Lazar Djukic we see here with these results. It would be interesting to see who is the lowest or who is the lowest ranking Open participant to make it
Starting point is 01:04:02 to the Games this year. I'd be curious to see. To the games once that happens? Yeah, that would be cool. Yeah. Probably Ratajkowski, right? If he makes it to the games. Let's talk about that while we're here for a minute. Sarah, thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Sarah Cox, you're the best. Always. You're always the best. Did I thank Rob Miller? Oh, yeah. I read his question. Where is Luca? He's doing great. you're the best always oh you're always the best i think did i think rob miller oh yeah i read is his question um where is luca he's doing great he is yeah he fought all the way back up to 26th which is you know 60 make it so he's even inside the top half despite that penalty okay fantastic
Starting point is 01:04:40 which is good i mean if, if that, you know. And it's fine. So, yeah, he's in a good spot. Okay, let's go over to the women of Europe. First place, we have Gabriela Magawa. Second place, Emma McQuaid. Third place, Jacqueline Dahlstrom. Fourth place, Raghna Hidursada.
Starting point is 01:05:04 Sigmund's, the daughter. Look at, look at Sarah. Wow. Sarah fourth place. Yeah. And 13th in the lifting. Is that good or is that bad? That's great.
Starting point is 01:05:22 Considering what, you know, what the last year has been for her, the slow, the slow, the worst workout is the running with all the cutting. And that makes a lot of sense too. of all the things if she was going to maintain wouldn't it be her strength yeah but there's still a lot of loser that she might still be she might still be strong but yeah she had a scare at water plus two months ago so you're saying her head might not be in the right place it seems like it now right is olivia no sarah is not my wife uh welcome to the show this is the first time you've been on the show yep you're making your mate you made it you've made a huge fan out of me you're killing it and i apologize now that
Starting point is 01:06:01 i'm staring you in the face for how many times i've called you olivia heppner you are now now that you're a real person to me you're olivia kerstetter uh uh are you are you are you pumped are you on cloud nine is there a bit of uh reprieve you did the quarterfinals you kick butt yeah i'm shocked with how it turned out so but happy are you shocked with the um like where you ended up on the leaderboard or were there any individual workouts that you surprised yourself on? Um, a couple of workouts, but mostly just overall.
Starting point is 01:06:34 What, which were the workouts that were like most surprising? Brian, you believe her. She's shocked. I don't believe her. She's not shocked. She knows.
Starting point is 01:06:42 Well, she, she might, she might know that she has the potential to do it, but doing it is a different thing. Right. By the way, Olivia, that's Angelo. I don't know if you've met Angelo DiCicco before, and I don't know if you've met Brian Friend. And I'm Savon.
Starting point is 01:06:55 Awesome to have you on the show. I hope I have you on the show for the next 10 years as a regular. You're so awesome. Okay, sorry. Go ahead. I like having you on the show, too, because Savon's on very good manners right now. I'm in my best behavior. Yes, yes. You bring the best out of me. You bring the me out of me, Olivia, that my mom wants us to.
Starting point is 01:07:14 Okay, sorry. So the question was, Brian was asking, is you were saying you were shocked. Or maybe shocked wasn't the word. I forget what word you used. But you're happily surprised and pleased with your performance. Yeah. Do you say that because you saw the workouts and you saw, oh, there's some challenges? Or is it more like what Brian was alluding to? Like, hey, showtime is you never know until it's showtime.
Starting point is 01:07:40 I don't know. I just wasn't expecting it. Some of the workouts had some things that I would consider weaknesses, so I was just surprised by how they turned out. It's interesting. You're 16 years old. Yes. And when is your birthday? December. Okay. Wow. So you're fresh, you're a man. You're freshly minted 16. It's interesting to hear you say that, to even know about weaknesses already. But I guess you kind of have to. You're in the game to just push all of these numbers up. Is Jacob your coach? Like that is your coach. It's just you and him.
Starting point is 01:08:25 No, I have a different coach. He's just my training partner. He's just the punching bag? Yeah. Yeah, basically. You just beat up on him every day? Yeah. Who's the coach? Who's the coach?
Starting point is 01:08:38 Jill Glassnap. She owns the gym that I go to. And do her and Jacob fight over you? No. She coaches him too. Ah. So she cracks the whip on him too. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:57 So tell me your mindset going into, you're 16 years old, is the goal to go, can you even go to the games as an individual yeah i think so she she can she at some point this year earlier in the season this year you have to make that decision than you did last year though yeah i think you have to make the decision before semis so i can do the quarterfinals for both, but I have to make the decision now. Have you made the decision yet? No, I was going to see like where I was at after quarterfinals.
Starting point is 01:09:32 And like, now that I did better than I expected, I feel like it makes that harder. Yeah. Why would you want to go individual as opposed to going individual as a teen? Why, why would you want to go individual as opposed to going individual as a teen why why would you want to do that um i guess just like yeah for the name of it like i'd be the youngest one there so to sort of do something that that no one else has done that no one else is doing boy that's yeah and you can make some money if you make the games as individuals here even if you take last that no one else is doing. Boy, that's scary.
Starting point is 01:10:06 And you can make some money if you make the games as an individual, even if you take last place. True. Do you have a job? Like, do you babysit or, like, work at Starbucks or milk cows? What do you guys do out there in the middle of the day? No, I don't have a job.
Starting point is 01:10:25 At this rate, I don't think she'll have a job for a long time. How's your health? I can't believe I'm asking a 16-year-old that. How's your health? It's good. Have you quit smoking yet? Do you still smoke cigarettes? No, I haven't had any major injuries or anything anything so I'm doing good yeah you're I mean
Starting point is 01:10:47 you're not even done growing you're a 16 year old human you're like it's nuts when did you know you were strong um I don't know I just I've always been like the people at my gym say i am like big like bone and i've just always been bigger so i've just used it for strength but there had to have been a time where you like arm wrestling boys in the fifth grade or or like one time beat your dad up or you slapped your dad because he talked back to you like how did you know you were strong? I don't know. I just good genes. And I beat my sisters up sometimes, maybe. Or Jacob. You do.
Starting point is 01:11:35 You did the quarterfinals this year. What what impressed you the most about yourself? Like, what did you do that? You're like, OK, what brought you the most happiness in what you saw of yourself because because we i'm guessing that like all the other athletes um you you surprised yourself or you you set some prs because of the pressure around uh the competition yeah i think just like my overall standing like i wasn't expecting to get top 10 at all. That was just the most surprising. A lot of people know about your lifting because you've been having such success this year.
Starting point is 01:12:17 Did you have any no reps with any of the handstand push-ups or ring muscle-ups in these tests this weekend? with any of the handstand pushups or ring muscle ups in this, uh, test, these tests test this weekend. Um, not on the handstand pushup one, but I had, I failed like a couple of ring muscle ups, but that was it just at the end. Just right, right towards the end. Yeah. I think that was, you know, a lot of people probably had a similar experience with that, but it's good. You know, it's, I think it's good for people to see and to hear that, like, you know, you're lifting all these weights,
Starting point is 01:12:43 but you can still move your body through space very well also. Yeah. What sports did you play? Do you play any sports right now besides CrossFit? Are you doing anything? No, not right now. I used to do everything. I did basketball, softball, volleyball.
Starting point is 01:13:02 How old were you when you started that? volleyball and how old were you when you started that um probably like five or six or just started playing sports but i quit most of them they were just like temporary things until i found crossfit um how when did you get your first muscle up and can you tell me that story it was during like a water palooza qualifier workout i think and i was like 11 or 12 because the because it is the uh the uh water palooza age divisions go down to 13 years old, right? They're like 13 to 15 instead of 14 to 15. Yeah. 12. I think it'd be 12.
Starting point is 01:13:50 Really? Well, either way, you know, that's like a high level competition you can do before you can qualify for the games as a teenager. So Olivia, do your,
Starting point is 01:13:58 your parents do CrossFit? Yeah, my whole family does. Okay. So you got to tell me the story you got to make tell me the longest story you've ever told make this a five-minute story i want you to talk to me for five minutes straight because i'm doing a shitty job at asking questions i want you to tell me the story of how you got into crossfit and the first time you tried to muscle up and whose harebrained idea
Starting point is 01:14:18 was to sign an 11 year old girl up for wadapalooza Can you make that all into one story for me? I'll try. So, so my dad started it originally. Uh, he just went to a gym by our house and my sister used to do gymnastics. So like my whole family would just kind of go there and then me and my sister would like mess around on the bars or whatever. And, um, just, we just basically messed around until we were old enough to do like the kids class or whatever. So then we did the kids class and fundamentals and we learned everything. And my sister actually qualified for the games. So she went to the games three times.
Starting point is 01:15:04 So I just always trained with her. Did she qualify there, sorry, as a teen? Yeah. Wow, shit. Okay, this is cool. Oops, darn it. Did I just swear on accident? Okay, go on.
Starting point is 01:15:16 Pretend like I didn't. Don't let your dad watch this interview. Go on. But, yeah, so she qualified for the games, and then I just trained with her throughout her whole games career and then we started training with Jacob and then I started being able to compete she like aged out of teenage and went to college and doesn't do it doesn't like compete anymore but then i was old enough so then now i compete and when you say are you going to age out and stop like do you have plans to be like okay i'm just doing this for two more
Starting point is 01:15:53 years i'm going away to college bye no i i would like to do it for a long time and actually compete in the elite division you're in it to win it you'd like to yeah uh you're doing it um so so then you start by the way some textbook stuff here by the way her dad did it and drug her along to the gym so she was fooling around and it turned into something i mean it's just like this is why people need to raise their kids just drag your your kids everywhere you go. And I'm assuming you're a good kid. That's why your dad could take. Depending on where you go. Right.
Starting point is 01:16:29 I'm assuming you're a good kid and that's why your parents could drag you to the gym. Right. You weren't bad. Yeah. Are you well, are you well behaved? Are you well behaved daughter? Yeah, I think so. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:42 And so, um, do you remember trying your very first muscle-up and how old you were? Or you can't even remember because you were just always swinging on the rings and trying to get up? All I remember is it was doing a waterpalooza qualifier. And so I was doing the workout. And whatever you get to them, and you have to have to just like keep attempting until you get one. And I think I just eventually got one. How many attempts do you think you made? I don't know, maybe like four or five.
Starting point is 01:17:19 Oh, that's not bad. So not like you weren't like on 57 and then it happened. that's not bad so not like you weren't like on 57 and then it happened yeah i think the hardest part for me was like i could get into the dip but i couldn't i wasn't like strong enough to like dip out of like do the ring dip yeah wow when's the last time you cried in a workout um it's been a while but it has happened yeah tell me about that, what elicits that? What causes, I'm assuming it's not because you dropped weight on yourself, but because there was something emotional about it. Um, yeah, definitely something. Sometimes just have a mental breakdown in the middle of a workout. I probably haven't done it for a long time, but Jacob used to make us do vineyard sprints
Starting point is 01:18:09 if we were talking back or whatever. So it was probably during those. What's a vineyard sprint? On his old property, he had vineyards, like the grapes and he he would make us like run to the end of the vineyard and back in a certain amount of time or something wow it sounds like me growing up at rich's house preparation for shuttle sprints. Yeah. Olivia, some people – fuck. Maybe it's all people, most people.
Starting point is 01:18:49 A lot of people don't realize – Language, Seth, on language. Sorry, sorry. Excuse me. Sorry. Sorry, Mrs. Kerstetter, Mr. Kerstetter. Seriously, I'm sorry. I was trying my best.
Starting point is 01:18:57 A lot of people don't realize – I think they die without realizing that hardship is really what makes life rich. And it sounds so cliche, but if you don't – if you've never worked out and started crying, then you're really missing out on life. And I think a healthy person might not realize that until their 30s or 40s, right? And I think a healthy person might not realize that until their 30s or 40s, right? And it's not just working out. It's like your car breaks down and you cry or someone in your family dies or whatever the gambit of painful things that happen. At 16, are you already looking back at those? And in your head, do you think, Jacob, have you matured to the point where you're like, I see the value of hardship. You're like, wow. You think maybe you're eating or you're showering. You're like, man, that's so cool that Jacob pushed us to crying, and I have that under my belt. Do you see these hardships stacking? As I'm telling you this, you're like, shut up, dude. I want to go back and work out.
Starting point is 01:19:56 Is the interview over? I haven't really thought about it. All right. it but all right i definitely think that like if you haven't gone hard enough to like cry or like really hurt in a workout then you probably aren't going hard enough my my six-year-old when he was doing jiu-jitsu against some kid and the kid was crying and he walked off the mat and he goes do you know why kids cry when they do jiu-jitsu and i said why he goes because that means they're trying their hardest. Yep. Noted. Yeah, crazy. Any concerns from your family? You are you mean I know it's just you. So you probably don't know this, but you are truly doing something like remarkable.
Starting point is 01:20:36 You really are pushing the outer limits of human capacity. And it's a trip that those of us in the CrossFit community get to see this. It deserves worldwide attention. We should all be celebrating it because you're just, you're a human doing these remarkable things. But do your parents have any, it's got to put a lot of stress on them to see their 16-year-old daughter, you know, push these outer limits. I mean, they're proud of you, of course, but do you see their stress? Yeah, I definitely think they probably stress about like how i do and workouts and stuff
Starting point is 01:21:08 but i think it's more stressful for me of course of course of course all right um my last question is this you hear people say like when i was seven years old, I knew I wanted to be a professional baseball player or I had visions of it. Do you do you already see yourself as a CrossFit Games champion? Are you having those, you know, delusions of grandeur that you're determined to pull out of the delusion category and make a reality? Yeah, I think that once I started competing, like that's what I wanted. And that's like the end goal. So, yeah, you are going to be a CrossFit Games champion. think that once i started competing like that's what i wanted and that's like the end goal so yeah you are going to be a crossfit games champion i told brian yesterday
Starting point is 01:21:49 i can't wait i can wait it's going to be fun there's no rush actually i can't wait my wife says don't rush anyone just enjoy watching them grow um is there anything you'd like to ask angelo um he was a young prodigy star and he burnt out and crashed and now he's stuck on teams. Is there anything you'd like to ask him or feel free to DM him? If you have any questions about what I have a question, I have a question for you. I'll let Brian go. I was just going to make fun of Seva. Oh, go ahead. Yeah. Make fun of me. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:22:23 That's not really making fun of you. It's just, I'm pretty sure that most of the wise things you say come from conversations with your wife. Yes. All, all of them. Oh, wait, let's make fun of me one more time. What were your list? What was your bench? 201. Yep. Okay. I have bench 201. I don't think, I don't know if I can do it right now. I benched 195 a couple days ago. Are you going to attempt these weights?
Starting point is 01:22:47 You're going to go attempt these weights to see like, if you can do all these personnel. Dude, if I can do, I'm just going to try her bench. Can you, this fucking 60, oh,
Starting point is 01:22:53 oops. 16 year old girl bench 201. Look at, she's such a nice girl. She's such a little girl. Okay. What else? I know it is 50 burpees for swearing.
Starting point is 01:23:03 I will. I will. So somebody else asked this in the comments and i wanted to ask you this so is it true i've heard this rumor is this true that the only reason jacob beat josh in the boxing match is because he lost to you so many times and probably i'll take credit for his win were you scared for jacob um to be honest yes but i was surprised yeah i was scared for both of them you were surprised were you proud of him also yeah i saw him like he would come into the gym and just punch the bag for like a whole hour while
Starting point is 01:23:40 we were working out so i definitely think he earned it okay and what were your other two lifts what were the other your your bench was 201 what were the other two lifts um my clean was 251 never did that i've never done that and overhead squat was 261 hey this is a serious question you guys are gonna fucking make fun of me so bad for this how do you get 261 over your head you you jerk that up yeah i would snap in half oh my goodness olivia you're the greatest. Thank you for coming on past your bedtime. I know you're only 16. Oh yeah, yeah. Let's watch this.
Starting point is 01:24:29 Let's watch this. This is crazy. Oh my goodness. And that's Jill back there on the side. No, that's Taylor, my training partner. Oh my goodness. That looks so good too. Oh, Taylor's a good, Taylor's very, very cool because she must see you and be like, oh, my goodness, if I could only be 16 again.
Starting point is 01:24:51 Okay. Thank you very much for coming on. Thanks for responding to our email. And can't wait to see you in semifinals, and we'll try to drag you back onto the show again if you'll have us. Okay. Thank you. Great job, Olivia. Say hi to jacob punch jacob in the face for me okay i will bye bye oh my goodness so giddy i'm so giddy i can't believe we had her
Starting point is 01:25:18 on someone's gonna have to lower his dose of estrogen oh my goodness oh my goodness i do i do owe a lot of burpees man i just swear words were just about to start pouring out of my mouth that was a long that was a long time to not swear that's a great this is a great show tonight i'd like to meet i'd like to meet her parents they must be stressed to the max okay let's finish this and then and then we got some people to talk about I want to talk about Bethany Shadburn I want to talk about If we have time I want to talk about Annika Greer
Starting point is 01:25:50 Zach George Ann and Manganese Anam Manganese If we can Ellie Turner Do we still not know who got the highest weights? Does anyone have that information?
Starting point is 01:26:09 The individual, the highest clean individually, the highest bench individually. That's yeah. Don't know. Okay. Do you know? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know how, if CrossFit doesn't release that information, I don't know that we'll
Starting point is 01:26:20 ever know. I mean, sucks. Oh, I see what you're saying. So they might, because probably what I would assume is that they'll at least announce the winners of every workout. And then usually they publicize those videos,
Starting point is 01:26:33 but it's not a guarantee that the winners of those workouts had any of the heaviest lifts in any of the lifts individually. It'd be close. Like it'd be cool to see, but yeah, I won't, we won't, I won't mean that,
Starting point is 01:26:44 but I did. I got to see he cleaned 40 won't we won't mean that but i did i got to see gee clean 407 pounds i'm not sure i think someone cleaned more than that i'm sure there may be a couple people that clean more than that but it was cool i had never seen someone clean over 400 pounds in person it was awesome crazy it was crazy and he could have done way more he could have oh he could have 425 i think i mean it? Oh, he could have done 425, I think. I mean, it's so crazy. I've never seen weight look heavy for him, ever.
Starting point is 01:27:14 Other people I'd like to hear what's going on with them is Quant, Katrin. I'd like to talk about Hopper, Self, and Mertens. Should we get through the other thing we were doing first? Yes. Who did I see? Who did Tommy and Sean have on today? They had Alexis Raptus and that they had on. I don't know. You didn't watch that. I watched it before. I was preparing for this. Oh, they had Scott Panchik on whoever they had on.
Starting point is 01:27:39 Oh, yes. I highly recommend watching Alexis Raptus interview on that podcast. The second half of it was great. She talks about what it's like to work out with Sarah Sigmund's daughter. And I thought it was really sweet. And I thought there was some deep insight there into why it's important for younger athletes to train with, with veterans. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:27:57 Sorry. Okay. Let's go through this. Were we in, were we done? No, no, we didn't talk about Europe men.
Starting point is 01:28:04 Did we? Yeah, we did Europe men. And when we were talking talk about europe men did we yeah we did men and when we were talking about europe women yeah we started okay let me ask you this about emma mcquade is her star uh rising uh well i mean definitely because the breakthrough win at wadapalooza put her on the map of a casual crossfit fan um even if she takes second place there it won't have the same effect as winning a competition like that does so people who who are you know very in tune with what's casual CrossFit fan. Even if she takes second place there, it won't have the same effect as winning a competition like that does. So people who are very in tune with what's going on in Europe, they've been watching Emma since probably 2017, 18, thinking she had this potential. And now she's starting to realize it. And she is a favorite in whatever semifinal she goes to,
Starting point is 01:28:41 she'll probably be one of the three favorites to favorites to advance to the games from there and she has uh i think top 15 potential at the games once again this year possibly pushing into the back end of the top 10 okay so okay i i thought maybe that when i said and what's the best she's ever finished at the games? This past season. And is that her first time at the games? No, she was there three consecutive years, 20th, 19th, 12th. Okay. So she is, if this last one was her highest and then she won Wadapalooza, right? Well, we can keep in mind what those other two years were, 20, 21, 22. So this is like last year was the first one, that 19th and the second, her second year was online and the, you know, it was only seven events. The first year was the cut. So she
Starting point is 01:29:29 was cut after five or six events. So last year was the first time that she had a chance to do the full number of events that we're used to at the games and she finishes 12th. So we don't necessarily know if she might've been right up there in the top 15 already three years ago, but because of the nature of the test those years, she didn't have the same opportunity to show everything she could do. Okay. Quick question about Laura Horvat. I'd be curious what you think about this too,
Starting point is 01:29:52 this analysis of her, Angelo. Yes. That she really is ninth out of this bunch. That out of when you do five workouts and they're online workouts workouts she really is ninth but what we see with laura horvat and maybe it's the same with patrick bellner is this athlete who has just tremendous endurance and recovery better than most people and and she's earned that because of all the running she does in her training but that this actually is indicative of how she would
Starting point is 01:30:20 do with five workouts and that it's not because she's like, she couldn't beat Gabrielle Magawa, even if she wanted to in, uh, in these five workouts. Yeah, she could have, if the one, if one of the five workouts just by chance didn't have deficit and then strict handstand pushups in it, you see, she took nine 90th in that workout relative to her other four scores, which added to half of less than half of that combined, or maybe half of that combined 33, 44, 46. So basically exactly half of that. And you look at the scores over the top of the leaderboard. And it's no guarantee that in a five workout test that handstand pushups are going to come up at all. It could have been a handstand walking workout, and then she'd probably be in either first or second on this leaderboard. Okay. Well, strike that down what I said.
Starting point is 01:31:02 No, that's the exact reason why, and it's totally fine. If there's a five-workout test and one of them's handstand push-ups, she should definitely be penalized for the fact that she's not as good as those as everyone else. That's completely fine. That's why the semifinals need to be the same, though, because otherwise it's random which one you're sorted into, and those five or six or seven tests that are there are not necessarily all going to include the same things, and therefore we're getting people at the games with different skill sets on that year.
Starting point is 01:31:27 So basically, in other words, what you're saying is Laura beat her in three of the workouts. And she beat everyone on two of those workouts, first and first to close out the weekend. I don't know if there's very many people other than Tia that won two workouts in their region. So basically, if it would have just been, if Gabby versus Laura and no one else, Laura would have won. Yes. Crazy,
Starting point is 01:31:51 crazy, crazy, crazy. Whenever I see these bats, I freak out. That means that I see his name, Andrew Hill, uh,
Starting point is 01:32:00 uh, Dylan Val, you guys never cease to deliver such an amazing product. Thank you for your dedication and passion in creating this content. Andrew Hiller, you talked about his man. He said he's terrified of Horvat. Yeah, I am. I would be really interested to see the standings worldwide.
Starting point is 01:32:17 He's too scared. All right. All right. Settle down, everyone. Settle down. Settle down, everyone. Okay. Let's move over to...
Starting point is 01:32:27 We did North... Oceania. Oh, this is... Oh, let's save Oceania for last. Let's do South America. What a cool thing Andrew Hiller has done. He's got the... He has his own emoji.
Starting point is 01:32:44 This fucking guy... You try not to even look at the comments, and you just see bats, and that's people letting you know that he's got the he he he has his own emoji. This fucking guy. You try not to even look at the comments and you just see bats. And that's people like letting you know that he's here. Like, you know what I mean? Rachel Kenny. How many bats does he need? He doesn't need six. You can make his head big.
Starting point is 01:32:57 Pull your shirt down. You shouldn't be showing your tummy. You're too young. OK, we have um south american women julia cato luisa marquez valentina ron hell melena rodriguez there's always a rodriguez you always read down to the rodriguez yeah i'm actually really uh curious about this this division this year i mean last year i thought there were three women that had a chance to make it through. Larissa Kuna, and she did make it through. And then she had, you know, everyone knows the story of what happened with her.
Starting point is 01:33:28 Sasha Nieves. No, what happened? What happened? Remember, she failed the drug test at the Games. She was not able to participate at the Games. She went through the appeals process. There's that whole thing. Okay.
Starting point is 01:33:37 Sasha Nieves. So she's gone. Whoever that is, you just mentioned she's gone for four years. I can't remember. She might have got a reduced to two. I think she did get a reduced to two by approving supplement contamination. But either way, she's not competing this year because she's suspended. Sasha Nieves, who is the other one who made it through to the games last year, is competing on a team.
Starting point is 01:33:55 I can't remember who her teammates are. So she's not in here, which means that there's a wide open here and the last person that was really the everyone thought would make it and was the fittest in south america last year was melina rodriguez and melina rodriguez was supposed to compete on mayhem libertad but their team got suspended so now she's back into the um individual pool finishing fourth here i probably would still project her in the semi-final to be a favorite for one of those two spots but not necessarily um there's i think there's like basically the women in the top 10 here are all pretty good even down to 11th amanda for sumo and i recognize these names and they're uh you know potentially could be a lot of competition for the women in south america at
Starting point is 01:34:40 some ice uh an interesting note here uh just to talk about strength there is nobody in the top uh there's only one in the top 50 who broke 700 pounds uh fernanda dato 41 out of 41st place out of brazil i mean look there's a there are so many cool comparisons that could be done if the Cross Continental or Global Leaderboard existed for quarterfinals. And it really, really would provide a lot of data for people to analyze what's happening on a competitive level with the men and the women in the various continents. CrossFit definitely has access to that and can do it.
Starting point is 01:35:24 And it would be really cool if they do have someone working on that in the back end to help them come up with a plan that's going to make the competition as good as possible at every stage of the season. But there's also people that are working on that. Tyler Watkins already has this, I think has a cross continent, a global leaderboard that he's created on his own. And it's going to be up pretty soon for people. I just reposted on my story. So if you don't follow his stuff, you can go check it out. And other than that, I don't know if it'll be available anywhere, but yeah, there's a lot of cool stories that can definitely be told in that regard because how many people in North America or Europe were able to do over 700. And if there's like 40 of women that could do that in those two
Starting point is 01:36:00 continents and none from all the rest of the continents, it's kind of interesting to know. in those two continents and none from all the rest of the continents it's kind of interesting to know uh and let me translate that for people who uh work in media over at crossfit inc the the divine leadership over there running the media team that means we would have fucking more to talk about more to compare oh hey more hype breaking news yes there's a worldwide leaderboard right now yeah i swear uh will you say will you send caleb a link in the uh private chat i'm gonna go pee Yes. There's a worldwide leaderboard right now. Yeah. Swear. Will you send Caleb a link in the private chat? I'm going to go pee real quick. He should be able to pull it right up, honestly.
Starting point is 01:36:32 It should be right there. Oh, it's on CrossFit Games. Yeah. Oh, wow. This is amazing. Yeah, it is amazing. Geek took second overall. Wow.
Starting point is 01:36:43 And then we could sort by any column yeah i like this okay wow i wonder why they i wonder why they did this but i'm glad they did well because everyone wants it yeah true i just i know they didn't i mean i think everyone talked about last year but i wonder why they kept it a and waited until the very last minute to do it. I like it. I kind of like it too, actually. And it's very – and, you know, we talked about earlier how if we pull up all these different continents, you're going to see a lot of names that you recognize. And still, if you look at the worldwide leaderboard here, which we have the women's right in front of us, I mean, these are all – no one would be that surprised if – I mean, I think every woman basically scrolling down to the top 40 has got a chance to make the games probably.
Starting point is 01:37:30 Yeah. But the top 10 are, I mean, Tia Gabby, Cara Mow, Danielle, Sarah, Amanda Barnhart. You know, the outliers here are Alexis Raptus, Emma Lawson, athletes that are definitely poised and primed to break through in the sport. Emma McQuaid, right where we expected her. Christy Aramal-Connell, where she always is. Brooke Wells. And this speaks to the quality of the test. Olivia Kerstetter, 19th, by the way.
Starting point is 01:37:51 Wait a second. We didn't do – is this the worldwide leaderboard? Yeah, they created one. Like literally while we were talking about it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Good. They're listening to us. Okay.
Starting point is 01:38:00 And it looks like if you look at it, if you were to show me this and I had no idea what it was, I would say, hey, is that the CrossFit Games for this year? Like, you know, it's very – I recognize almost every single name on here. So, yeah, I do. I agree. I mean, I feel like just based on what I'm seeing, I feel like the test was good. Hey, before we party over here, let's go back over. Let's just finish up.
Starting point is 01:38:20 Can we just finish up really quick? Sorry. I just want to make sure. Let's finish women. No, no. We did women South America. Let's do men in South America. And then we also need to do Oceania. Okay. And we'll get through them fast, and then we'll come over to the worldwide leaderboard. Okay. No surprise here. Guillermo Majeros in first place.
Starting point is 01:38:39 Augustin Riquelme, he was at the Games last year. And Nicolas Pedarte, who was again supposed to be on that Libertad team for Mayhem. And those three guys are, you know, last year those were the three guys I thought had the best chance to make it through. Two of them did. You see the points here. There's a 30-point gap between Nicolas Pedarte and the next guy down. But there's also 30 points between Guy and him. So probably pretty tough to make it if you're not one of those three guys. him. So probably pretty tough to make it if you're not one of those three guys.
Starting point is 01:39:10 Is Guy just on a totally other planet than the rest of the South American competition? Yeah, for sure. I mean, he's put himself into the category of top 10 in the world. Is there anyone else in any of these divisions that's like him amongst their peers in their divisions? Roman. Ah, okay. Jason Smith. of these divisions that's like him amongst their peers and their divisions ah okay okay very cool jason smith
Starting point is 01:39:29 hey you know what's fat let's go over to oceana we'll go to men while we switch over i want to mention something it's really interesting i was thinking about sam briggs just now while i was peeing um you have to people have to get worse everyone's getting better but at the same time to make room at the top people have to either drop out or their skills have to wane right oh yeah and there's this kind of there's this kind of passing okay uh in australia ricky gerrard first place, Jake Crouch, and third place, Bailey Martin. Any surprise here? Is this what we want?
Starting point is 01:40:07 Did we know Ricky was going to kick ass? No, I would say I've been saying I think that Ricky and Jay are the favorites to take two of the three spots there, and there's going to be a big pileup of guys trying to get into the third spot. An interesting thing to note in this region is that the longtime fittest guy in New Zealand, Luke Fiso, didn't compete. He did sign up, but didn't compete in the quarterfinals. I think he was fifth last year in the quarterfinals.
Starting point is 01:40:31 He was pretty close. And also, Con Porter's out. James Newberry, who also did an Ironman this weekend, Olympics-length Ironman, in addition to doing the quarterfinals workouts, did finish 26th. And so he'll sneak in. Why? Why? Why? Do we know why James Newberry did that? Why?
Starting point is 01:40:47 Why? He's just a, he's just a different breed, man. I don't know, but, um, reach out to him,
Starting point is 01:40:55 I guess. Yeah. We haven't had him on the show. So whenever we have callers that have an Australian accent, I just call them James Newberry. Maybe, maybe I will hope that didn't upset him. Anyway, it's going to be very competitive, but there are some guys that are missing luke de young's not competing luke feast was not competing comporter's not competing so there's some
Starting point is 01:41:12 opportunity here for maybe a new blood uh to get through in the oceanic men's division only three of these men on this list are going to the games right yeah and i mean like i said like roy stuns down in 12th baden browns in fourth both of those guys are finishing the top going to the games, right? Yeah, and I mean, like I said, Royce Dunn's down in 12th, Baden-Brown's in 4th. Both of those guys finished in the top half of the games field last year, and only three of those four, including Jay Crouch and Ricky Garrard, can make it out of Oceania. Obviously, there's still a last-chance qualifier, but there's some young guys that are going to make that difficult
Starting point is 01:41:39 for at least one or two of them. Is Royce Dunn in Cookville, Angelo? No, he's not. Not yet. I'm sure he will. for at least one or two of them. Is Royce done in Cookville, Angelo? No, he's not. Not yet. I'm sure he will. I imagine, like Brian said, I think it's going to be very hard for him to make the games. Obviously, I believe in Royce, especially in in-person competition.
Starting point is 01:41:58 I think he proved that at the games this year that he's very good at in-person competition and that he got first at his semifinal last year. But I do think it's going to be difficult for him to make it either way i hope he still comes to cookfield to train with us for the season but yeah i think it's i think they have it i mean he's pretty much got his work cut out for him he's got a tough crowd there i wonder what about how how old's rob forte again probably early 30s oh 35 okay oh yeah that's right we talked about him last night that he might go to the Masters this year. I wonder if people like him – man, I feel like Brandon Swan's been around forever too.
Starting point is 01:42:30 These guys are trying to go to the games, huh? Would you say Rob Forte is trying to go to the game? No, I don't think he's trying to go as an individual. I think if he's competing this year, it'll be as a Masters. Last year, he didn't do anything as a team or individually, just coached. All right. Cool. Last year he didn't do anything Either team or individually Just coached Alright cool Well congratulations to all these guys Man what a tough division
Starting point is 01:42:51 You think they should open up more people That come from Australia That's your vote right Not necessarily What I think should happen is that the sole criteria For determining spots at the games Should not be open registration numbers. Because, I mean, Oceania is never going to have as many open registration numbers as Europe or North America. Look at the total number of people and probably
Starting point is 01:43:15 Asia and Africa, even if they have those populations, aren't because of the economic situation. There's just not going to be that many people that want to pay $20 to do that. And you're not talking about the best of the best. You're talking about the thousands or tens of thousands of people that can just throw away those $20 to participate in something that's fun and cool that maybe can't in different parts of the world. And so that's, you know, I think that's a totally ridiculous stat to be the one thing that determines the spots at the games. And I think that some kind of competitive excellence should also factor into it. the spots at the games. And I think that some kind of competitive excellence should also factor into it. And that based on the studies that I've done and others are doing right now, it's pretty obvious that the distribution of game spots is not producing the highest quality of average athlete at the games field. And we have actually come up with several different solutions and we'll
Starting point is 01:43:57 continue to provide those different opportunities or ways that we think could be a better way to still be globally inclusive, but also get a higher level of competitive athlete on average at the at the field of games, because everyone knows you can watch the first and second heat there and it just doesn't feel the same. I think there are maybe five men or five women that don't make it every year because of the circumstances that are currently a qualifying process that could elevate the overall level of competition. Give me an example of just one other criteria besides open. Well, now, now with this, we can take this exact season. So we could say this perfect cross the quarterfinal leaderboard. We can do a huge analysis off of this because everyone in the world that qualified the top 10% of the world got to do these workouts at semifinals.
Starting point is 01:44:40 We can pull this year from two workouts that all 300 men and 300 women will have had to do. And then we can continue to look at the games performances. So of the athletes that made it through this year, how they do at the games relative to everyone else. And what you'll see is, for example, that the women in, well, there's a problem with the games is that sometimes you have a situation like Asian men this year, where three of them made it, but none of them competed. Two didn't make it because of travel issues. One withdrew after the first day of competition. So they finished in the bottom three spots. So that would skew the data. But in the case of like the European
Starting point is 01:45:12 women, where they have half the number of competitors as the North American women making it to the games, and those 10 are performing just as well as the 20. So there's probably, you know, and the numbers support this, and I've written about it. You could pull a couple from North America and give them to Europe. You could pull another one from Asia and give it to Australia or from South America or whatever and balance it out a little bit more. Problem solved. Okay, women. Tia Toomey, first place, dominant performance. And I think from the worldwide leaderboard, we saw she was the number one in the world.
Starting point is 01:45:47 Kara Sanders, second place. Ellie Turner, third. And I want to jump down to fifth place here. Madeline Sturt. And then sixth place, Jamie Simmons. Sorry, Bailey Rogers. I don't mean to diss you at all. Are we surprised that Jamie Simmons is down here at sixth?
Starting point is 01:46:03 Not necessarily. I mean, when I look at this, I see fifth, fourth, and third in the aerobic capacity, you know, tests here, there's, or the gymnastic stamina tests that were the first three. And then I see a 36th and a 30th, both of which are probably limited by her lifting, which is probably a result of coming back from whatever injury she had last year and how serious that might've been. So we had two months until semifinals and maybe she'll be able to be a little bit more confident with that. Also, there'll be seven tests instead of, instead of,
Starting point is 01:46:29 uh, hopefully six or seven tests, I guess seven would be ideal instead of five. So, you know, even if she does take a hit on a lifting event, it won't be as penalizing because there'll be less people and more events. So I think this is probably a pretty good place for her, but Ellie Turner's going to be hard to beat. Maddie Stewart's going to be hard to beat. Bailey Rogers had a great performance here. And there's a couple of women that are a little further down the leaderboard that are good as well. And we've talked about it. We'll continue to talk about it.
Starting point is 01:46:51 It's really, really competitive. I hope Maddie, Maddie Sturt makes it. You've told me her story a few times. Oh, who's your boy? Jay Crouch is her boyfriend. Yeah. Yeah. It sucks that Maddie doesn't get to go.
Starting point is 01:47:03 She's fucking OG. She needs to be in there. No, it sucks is that T doesn't get to go. She's a fucking OG. She needs to be in the rock. No, what sucks is that Tia, Cara, and Jamie have done so well for so many years and that that has actually earned them less spots in their region. Because they used to get five up to 2018. Penalized for your success. One of the components of wokeism. Okay, let's go to the worldwide leaderboard. I'm so excited to see where Cara Saunders is.
Starting point is 01:47:28 Oh, it's crazy. You don't know yet? No. Well, let me tell you this before we go there. This is so good. This is kind of crazy. Also, Sevan, before we go to the worldwide. Tia had seven total points.
Starting point is 01:47:41 Seven total points across five workouts. Three first two seconds. Tia had seven total points, seven total points across five workouts, three first two seconds. That was the lowest point total of any person who won their quarterfinal by continent, man or woman. The second lowest was Kara, also from Oceania and women at 16. Technically, she tied with Sun Yang Choi out of Asia. So she's tied for second. So the lowest two came from the same region.
Starting point is 01:48:01 Yeah. Which drives your point even further. I mean, it's a nail in the coffin sorry angelo go ahead three the three australian girls we just talked about all in the top 15 i mean they have three spots and two of those girls are in the top three you know that's pretty tough well okay that being said in the top 15 also, we have six North American. That's 20 spots, right? And they get double the amount of spots, right? Way more than double, right? You have seven because you have to remember that Canada counts as North America.
Starting point is 01:48:38 Right. And then for Europe, you get Gabby, Sarah, Emma, Jacqueline, and Emma Tall. So you've got five or six there. So it's pretty close. And yet, you know, the North American women are still continuing to get twice as many. And if you go down the leaderboard. But they deserve twice as many based on that. No, they don't.
Starting point is 01:48:54 You just said one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, compared to one, two, three, four, five. That's not twice as many. No, no. I'm saying Oceana. They have three. Yeah, no. I'm saying Oceania. They have three? Yeah, yeah. They have three. And North America has, in the top 15, has 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Starting point is 01:49:14 So, and they get, oh, they get four times as many? Is that what you're saying? It's 30 versus 120? No, it's 20 versus 3 spots of the games. Ah, okay, okay. And it's 10 versus three spots of the games ah okay okay all right and it's 20 and it's 10 in europe you're right so that i think we're saying the same thing though right so with that logic just so we sort of agree um they either deserve 10 or north america only deserves six right i think that's a little crude but you know i've written about this i'll probably write about again before semi-finals um and it's gonna take more than four dollars a night mike i want to
Starting point is 01:49:55 thank you for your money but it's gonna take a fucking crowbar and a bat to get that out of them it's not gonna be money what are your podium i don't even understand the question he wants to know who's gonna win the games this year we'll do a show we'll do show that that's the there's girls who okay i'm not even going to say that brian get mad at me okay uh okay let's look at the dudes let's look at the dudes um tighter tighter tighter field more competitive field uh which fits uh your narrative that it's a it's a deeper field um anything anything surprising here wow look at these panchic brothers my i would say that in general the names are not surprising but maybe a little bit the
Starting point is 01:50:38 order is and uh you know especially seeing i would say like d and second and chandler and fourth and the worldwide leaderboards are very impressive performances here again it's you know, especially seeing, I would say, like, Guy in second and Chandler in fourth on the worldwide leaderboards are very impressive performances here. Again, you know, it's five tests, but everyone took the same tests, and you see who's on the top. So it's not, you know, it's not a fluke that Guy and Chandler are up there. They are, you know, they're looking really good early on in this season. Where's Zach George on this worldwide leaderboard? Oh, my God. He's coming on the show tomorrow at 7 a.m. Did I mention that? where's um where's uh zach george on this worldwide leaderboard oh my god he's coming on the show tomorrow at 7 a.m did i mention that he did mention that he is in 120th
Starting point is 01:51:14 i love it one spot behind travis mayor oh no kidding oh that's good company i think travis mayor was first in the worldwide leaderboard for quarterfinals last year, though. Or at least in North America. Oh, that's right. That's right. The Panchik brothers, we have three of the top 18, have come from the same mommy and daddy. Has that ever happened before? I guess we haven't had quarterfinals long enough to say that. Very impressive.
Starting point is 01:51:44 It is very impressive. We can say that regardless. And I should also point out Willie George in 10th place there. Also missed last year due to injury. He's coming back, entering to mix in that very competitive men's Europe field. And obviously a very, very impressive performance. Only BKG outperformed him from the European men. Notice that if you look at the top 10, top 11,
Starting point is 01:52:08 there's no first place finishes until you get to 13th place. I guess Noah Olsen had a second. Noah Olsen is the highest finishing person. What does that tell you, Sava? I don't know. What does that tell me? There's a lot of good men out there. Did you have to have GPP? You can't be a one trick pony.
Starting point is 01:52:30 Yeah, because you're looking at, and this is okay. Click whoever's running the backend, click on workout three and sort from the top down. So we can see, we can see some of these things I'm talking about. Scroll all the way up this top,
Starting point is 01:52:40 click on workout three and we'll see first place. Wow. That guy's in 396 places no this is what i'm saying i'm not buying any of these scores as legitimate scores until you get down to the first score that i potentially think could be a real score on here is jeff adler 30 34th i don't know about any of these other ones mitch spute oh Oh, I said Mitch Spute at 1302, maybe. The rest of these guys, you can just look at their placements in the world.
Starting point is 01:53:10 There's no way. There's no way. So this will all be fixed, and these scores will all look very different in a couple days from now. It won't change very much. Everyone's just like the guys that have 189, 203, 241, all those scores will just go up by 30. Do they know? Does CrossFit Inc. know this?
Starting point is 01:53:25 Does CrossFit HQ know this? They better. They should just make an announcement. Hey, guys, we've got some issues. One of the things that I'm not sure is what's going on. It would be fun if they announced this slowly, like gave us stuff. I mean, maybe they are. Maybe they're tweeting that shit.
Starting point is 01:53:37 I don't do Twitter. I don't know. This is a huge, huge undertaking to score this kind of a competition. And it's a big team across probably the whole world that's doing it and reviewing these videos and whatever, but this is something that should have been on their radar really early. It's been over 24 hours. Now we were all talking, I was talking about this with Patrick Clark and Tommy Marquez that like three 30 or 4 30 PM yesterday. So, you know, if we're talking about it, they should be talking about it. This should have been fixed, in my opinion, by now.
Starting point is 01:54:05 Okay. There's some things I want to talk about when we're getting along now. Did we get an update on Annika Greer? Did she get her score in by any chance? And do we know if it's something serious? Let's see. She still has one score outstanding. i i don't have any definitive information on that okay i in and i'm guessing hmm i wonder what that's like the the process
Starting point is 01:54:37 in trying to prove that you had some sort of like you know technical error like the like the power went out and i hadn't thought of this but i mean i guess all games has athletes have to think is if your scores have to be in by five you better have your workouts done by three right like you need two hours to like even before then i mean and especially you think about like she's in vegas and the west coast like there's absolutely no excuse for this these workouts were announced on thursday at noon you didn't have to turn that score until sunday at noon there's no reason, none, zero. This should never happen. And if it is a problem, it's completely on them.
Starting point is 01:55:11 This is not on CrossFit. Did we talk about- I just want to say this. Bosman was explicitly clear on multiple platforms. No late submissions will be allowed. If you're having a problem, do this. They put out the information. So if she doesn't end up being allowed in because she didn't get her score in on time, be allowed if you're having a problem do this they put out the information so if anyone's if
Starting point is 01:55:25 this goes if she doesn't end up being allowed in because she didn't get her scoring on time it's on her and her team completely not on crossfit at all i i don't know come on they very they very clearly communicated this obvious multiple ways and like you said what what you're but maybe i'm misunderstanding here i was multitasking but let's say the power went out in her town five hours before and it didn't go back on. communicate what the issue is. There's a timestamp on that. And, uh, there's, you know, this is why they advised you to also include a timestamp on your video when you were, um, recording it. And then there's a process that will be carried out. And if that, I don't know what the timeline for that process is. So it's possible that that's, what's going on. When I heard Danielle say, we're working on it and kind of smile, it seemed like that might, you know, may possibly be the
Starting point is 01:56:20 case. Um, like that's the only thing that makes sense to me logically. And so, you know, we'll see. I'm trying to get some information here on workout number three. Um, do you guys see, uh, an, an athlete? What do you guys see an athlete name? Oh, can you um owen um owen bernstein yeah what about him what's his score for uh workout number three very fast probably faster than it's possible to do okay so here's the here's the trip is he – we just put those in order. Oh, my – wait. His workout was actually adjusted. His time was adjusted probably very, very soon, like recently, to 118 reps.
Starting point is 01:57:15 So this is exactly what I thought would happen. So he had done half the shuttle runs. That's basically what that means. So they're assessing some kind of a penalty here. That's basically – it looks like it's just, if you click on his score and you go down there, so it says he got eight shuttle runs after the 32 wall ball shots. So, I mean, I'm not exactly sure what happened,
Starting point is 01:57:33 but basically I think they're not crediting him for any shuttle runs after the actual amount that he did in the workout. Okay. And this is just people just misunderstanding. Yeah. And so now, like this is clearly, when you have so many of these mistakes, no one's doing this on purpose. Do you know what I mean? No one's like – no one's cheating is what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:57:52 Yeah, but it was very clear. I mean, and by the – Jeff Adler, who wasn't 34th on this workout, is all the way up to 26 already. So they're actually eradicating this as we're talking about it. Okay. Are they listening to us? Say that again? Are they listening to us because they're like making the exact changes as we're talking about it okay are they listening to us say that again are they listening to us they're like making the exact changes as we're talking about it well i well i like it and and i'm not yeah i like it and i'm okay with it this should happen
Starting point is 01:58:16 and it should you know like i said this is a huge undertaking to score this competition 16 000 people qualified to participate in or something like that. And, uh, they're, you know, they have been changing in real time. You're right. It was just 1136 was the fastest score. Now it's 1225. Yeah. So they're on, they're on top of it. And, you know, we're choosing to have this podcast right now, and we are fully aware that the leaderboard is going to change. It is not official, but it's cool to see. And look, all those things that are changing, they're not, they're going to affect the points. They're not going to affect the big storylines.
Starting point is 01:58:47 And the big storyline is basically this appears to be a really good test because most of the people that you'd expect to do well at a CrossFit competition did. I think it's also a huge success from the perspective of just the community. You saw so many people, whether they're just basically barely making it in or some of the best in the world that seem to be enjoying these workouts enjoying the competition posting their big results prs great times so i think this it feels to me like the quarterfinals was a success this year uh stop making excuses stevan um i'm not making excuses uh it's not a mistake it's people not reading the rules for their sport um well couldn't that be a mistake that you didn't read the rules for your sport it sounds like it sounds like a pretty big mistake to
Starting point is 01:59:28 me we'd have to look up the definition of mistake um but uh chill down chill out no one's saying that they should receive a trophy for this i just don't think that they should be accused of fucking cheating but for by making a mistake or whatever i don't care what you call it i just think it's it's uh don't get your panties in a twist. Okay. Bring back regionals. Yes, I agree. You see Brian's PR snatch. No, I didn't.
Starting point is 01:59:49 How is your snatch, Brian? You haven't seen it. Mistake in action or judgment that is misguided or wrong. Yeah, so that's it. They're just wrong. They were wrong. Brian PR to snatch, right? That's what you said at 185 during the workout?
Starting point is 02:00:01 I did. Congratulations. That's awesome. And that was your goal too right it was uh i i thought i might hit it last year at quarterfinals i never hit it the entire year but i did hit it this year what was your pr before hitting it today or not today but a couple days ago 180 i'd hit it once and i hit 175 a handful of times um who's out of colton merton's taylor self and jason hop, who finished the highest?
Starting point is 02:00:26 In what leaderboard? The worldwide leaderboard. The worldwide leaderboard. Probably Hopper. Hopper is in 33rd. Wow. Good job, Jason. Just ahead of him are Tudor Magda and Jake Berman.
Starting point is 02:00:42 Oh, and we talked about Tudor yesterday, right? Tudor's over at James Townsend's gym. Yeah. our tutor magda and jake berman oh we and we talked about tutor yesterday right tutors over at uh james townsend's gym yeah and we had jake uh jake uber driver at berman on the show that's right they are jake the armenian berman oh wow look at who day arms dealer taylor self 54th overall leaderboard all right good job tay job, Taylor. And Colton Mertens, 83rd. Can the guy who took 83rd in the quarterfinals win the CrossFit Games? Let's get Ben Bergeron on. He'll do the math.
Starting point is 02:01:19 I thought that's a Tyler Watkins thing. Oh, that's right. Because, I mean, in the show he gave the – yeah, that's right. I hear you. We talked about – oh, let's talk about Manganese, Anganese, Manon Anganese. She made a pretty lengthy post. I tried to read it. Is English her second language?
Starting point is 02:01:44 Probably, yeah. Okay. Or fourth or third or whatever those smart pants are over there. made a pretty lengthy post i tried to read it is english her second language probably yeah okay or fourth or third or whatever those smart pants are probably speech belgium german at least she was doing the quarterfinals but there was no chance of her coming anyway right she can't come to the united states anyway right i don't know i think she already made a claim that she wasn't going to take the vaccine just to come compete in the games is that you can't get into united states without it still uh i don't think so that's a good question i don't know i don't know hopefully that changes though are you following her story brian do you have anything you want to say about her no it's just like you know i read that post and i'm again i'm just kind of like i don't you know obviously we don't know exactly what happened basically she sounds like she was not she didn't submit one of her scores in time and she'd done these workouts
Starting point is 02:02:27 and uh she's done really well on them and she was you know similarly to some of the people we talked to yesterday you know taylor self in particular she's you know organized her entire life with the objective of making it to the games and uh oh here she's finding out for us you are a non-us citizen non-us, non-U.S. immigrant, not fully vaccinated. You will not be allowed to enter the United States of America. Crazy. Can you pull up her Instagram account? Sorry to interrupt, Brian.
Starting point is 02:02:52 Keep going. So you're saying, and we don't know what the issue is with the score, why it didn't get in. Right. And I had heard, I have heard like, you know, through the grapevines or whatever, that there may be other Europeans that also had an issue with this and that basically everyone felt like they were one hour off. But I'm but I'm just going to stick by what I said before. Like, why are you waiting to the last hour? If you're that good, there should be like you should be prepared for this competition. I mean, look, I'm training guys that are are in the finishing in the thousand to three thousand spot in North American men.
Starting point is 02:03:23 And we're well prepared for this. We're not like we had Sunday set aside as an extra day if we need it, because you know, we had a plan and these are for these people can do all the workouts in one day. We saw that with Chandler Smith and Kristen Holt. Like there's absolutely no reason that you should be putting it that close to begin with. And you know, so. When we see her post, can anyone can, can, can we, I think her name is.
Starting point is 02:03:44 Yeah. I just don't know how to spell her name. I just put it in there. Thank you. Oh, thank you. Thank you, Sousa. On a quick report, the gentleman, the drug addict that Jake Berman gave money to yesterday on the live show died of an overdose with the money that Jake Berman gave him. He got him EOD'd on fentanyl. I want to apologize on behalf
Starting point is 02:04:08 of anyone who gives money to drug addicts. Okay, here she is. That's not a good position to be in. Will you click on that photo? The on her knees devastated photo. That's a lot. People will say when your hour will come, you will enjoy it like the best moment of your life but that's already what i repeat to myself every single day it's one of the hardest
Starting point is 02:04:32 heartbreaks i've ever had and i'm not sure if my destiny is to make it to the games one day today i feel like i'm almost 30 and i accomplished nothing in my life okay okay okay okay wow and so uh someone in the comments said the clocks went forward an hour today, maybe in Europe. I don't know if that's true or not, but I just, you know. This is a little harsh. The first comment is CrossFit don't care about the Europeans. It doesn't care. They actually specifically changed the time of the announcements for all the workouts for all stages of competitions to noon to specifically accommodate european markets so that yes and i am fully against that
Starting point is 02:05:09 i want to reiterate what brian just said all the years before the open was announced at 5 p.m they switched it to noon because of some inclusivity shit because of you fucking europeans so when you post something like they don't care about you you're a jackass yeah that's just okay that's it but i don't want to take away from her devastation you're allowed to feel sorrow you've clearly devoted your whole life to it and if you i i feel for you it's it does suck but you know it um i i just can't understand why you would wait so long anyway they you know in the old days of the open when you know as soon as you put your score in then people could see it and try to beat it,
Starting point is 02:05:46 and it was actually really difficult to qualify for regionals. Then you had that huge pileup right towards the last hour. In this case, it was very explicit. Put your score in whenever you want. No one will see it until this time. So you should have done the workout and done what Haley Adams says. Done the workout, put your score in. Done.
Starting point is 02:06:01 If you do it again, change it at that point. Don't say, oh, I might do it again, so I might wait, or whatever else you're waiting for. And if you're uploading a video, that takes time. So you need to allow for time for that to happen. Scott, Kevin, Naro, the CrossFit rules for workouts aren't rocket science. It's bonkers. People fuck it up.
Starting point is 02:06:16 It's fitness. I kind of want to agree with you, but you have to understand there's countries like Canada where more than half their kids are still fucking masked. There's countries like Australia. There's countries like the US where you're not allowed to come here without a drug injection from Pfizer. There's also five pages worth of explanation of how to do the other total. You know people are stupid already. Five pages to explain the standards for bench press, overhead squat, and clean. That's a lot.
Starting point is 02:06:42 We know how dumb everyone is. Yeah, yeah yeah yeah the rules are harder than following the rules of the world okay um i think we did a good job today any anything that's just like holy shit congratulations or man you shit the bed like anyone you want to just call out and give love to or to say hey just go kill yourself no oh gosh i think i think we should just acknowledge the fact that you know bethany I'd love to, or to say, Hey, just go kill yourself. No. Oh gosh. I think, I think we should just acknowledge the fact that, you know, Bethany Shadburn didn't in fact make an announcement today on Instagram that
Starting point is 02:07:11 she's not going to be continuing with the season. And she had a little back flare up warming up for the total or the other total, which was probably going to be the first workout she did. And that that's really, you know, just, you know, probably disappointing for a lot of people who are very upset that she didn't get to compete at the games last year. Many, you know, just, you know, probably disappointing for a lot of people who are very upset that she didn't get to compete at the games last year. Many, you know, she might be one of the 10 fittest in the world. And to have another setback this year for her is and for her fans.
Starting point is 02:07:34 And, you know, just the general competition on the women's side of the sport is kind of a bummer. But it happens. You know, we missed we missed Jamie Simmons last year. We missed Sarah last year. Like there's injuries every year. But it's just sad to see that happen to her two years in a row yeah um yeah that does suck can we see her post i'm curious to see her post see if we need to call uh counselor or something someone should call if someone knows the nice the nice thing is that she's you know you can see if when we see the post just see just the
Starting point is 02:08:04 posture of this picture that she's selected is very different than manual. Yeah, good. Let's see it. Bethany Shadburn. Also pro tip, once you at least start uploading a video, it gives you a shareable link that you could use to submit your score. Yeah, you can upload it as soon as possible. Just do it unlisted and then you have the link, you know, it's right there. Hey, how does that? So you just upload it straight to YouTube and then give them a link?
Starting point is 02:08:29 Yeah, so every time I do any kind of workout, I usually come home and I upload it onto my YouTube. It's just unlisted. I'm the only one who can see it. I'm the only one with a link. And then once it's uploaded, it's – We'll never know. And, Angela, you can just do that using your iPhone? You shoot the video using your iPhone.
Starting point is 02:08:47 You shoot the video with your iPhone and then just go to YouTube and upload. And then you choose from your videos and just push the button and it goes. Yeah. And then it just, it's uploaded and send the unlisted folder. And if I ever need to send it to somebody, it's already there. It's ready to go.
Starting point is 02:08:57 I mean, it's probably timestamps when you uploaded it too. Exactly. Uh, Bethany says, I pick a word every year at the beginning of january to try and use the word that came to my heart for 2022 was perseverance and then i'm going to skip down then it's then it's uh it's a pretty long uh entry and the last paragraph is um i'm super hopeful and ready to take 2022 and persevere through this. I believe I'm on the right track. I just couldn't catch a break the past couple of months to put the plan into motion fully.
Starting point is 02:09:29 So once I get back to being pain-free, I can put my plan into action. It's because, like I said, I know I'm on the right path. It's just not right now. Those are the cliff notes of what she wrote. Oh, let me read it. Once healthy Bethany is on the competition floor floor it's going to be scary hmm good oh scary meaning that's how good she's going to be she's going to be scary good oh look at this and ladies and gentlemen just when you thought the show couldn't get better are you guys still going uh can you get rid of uh bethany shadburn she's beautiful but let's make uh shirtless chase a
Starting point is 02:10:05 little larger chase why would you need three ladders do i see three ladders or is it just two two okay chase have you been listening the whole time probably not no i just finished putting my kids to bed i'm about to do my 30 minutes of cardio we had these weird things happen we were talking about how nice it'd be yeah well they were one and two they've dropped on to number three now for the night but uh we were talking we were talking about having a worldwide leaderboard and as that was happening crossfit created a worldwide leaderboard on oh they did on the crossfit game site yeah so okay so the ce CEO shirt might be more than just a joke. And then we were talking about the fact that all these scores for workout number three could not possibly be real and didn't make any sense. And as we were having that conversation, they started disappearing from the leaderboard. No way. That was crazy. Dude, that's awesome.
Starting point is 02:10:59 It's just a coincidence though. Let's not be crazy. CrossFit released the worldwide leaderboard right after Jason and Brian posted on Instagram. Coincidence? I think not. Yeah, and you probably think Donald Trump won the election, too. Can you guys talk about my calf automatically healing by tomorrow? Because apparently you guys are on a roll. I think we can wrap it up. Two hours and nine minutes. Angelo, thank you.
Starting point is 02:11:26 Brian, Chase, thanks for coming on at the end of the show. Every show should have some nudity. Andrew Hiller, thank you for making it. Good day, Angelo. This is your future, 40 years old, buddy. Hey, that's my future. It's a lot better than what I thought it might look like. Andrew Hiller, thank you for making a guest appearance
Starting point is 02:11:46 with your fucking bat posse in the comments. We'll talk to you guys later. Bye.

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