The Sevan Podcast - #356 - Don't Let Anyone Tell You To Be Offended

Episode Date: April 2, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:40 started, just open the app. It's as easy as that. See the PC Optimum app for details. started, just open the app. It's as easy as that. See the PC Optimum app for details. Bam, we're live. Two minutes early. I know. I think I want to start doing that more and more., Pete Street Coffee, Paper Street Coffee, Cock Street Coffee, Vagina Street Coffee, the Paper Street Coffee thing. What what was that did you just wake up about 30 minutes ago and normally when i see you've already taught a class huh yeah slacking 6 30 a.m on saturday look how red your lips are you wearing lipstick no i don't know why they're if you're like a chapter you're down at the y this morning they look like really red that's weird you get that joke you get that joke you're down at the
Starting point is 00:01:28 y this morning you get that joke what do you mean the y the ymca no but that why this why oh no isn't that a great name for a woman's anatomy the why i've never heard that before we had the why this morning you had a little snack at the why got by the why this morning good morning tyler the zoomed out view so it doesn't seem so weird for me cory you're nice dude nice to see you always tyler bruce br Bruce Wayne, always good. Bruce, I think about you during the middle of the day. Don't tell your wife or your girlfriend, but I do. Sometimes I, like,
Starting point is 00:02:12 when I'm telling myself jokes or something, I think, I wonder if Bruce will think this is funny. Dick Butter? Dick Butter's name just cracks me up every time. What are we commenting on today? I don't know what to call the show that's why i call it that that's why i call it the commentating show commentating javi javi alam
Starting point is 00:02:30 with an accent over the a7 did you saw oh oh you're a foreigner did you saw get it i mean you're a foreigner right i mean you got that this line over the a and you got a did you saw did you saw make wads great again meme on doing a pod to get i did i think like one or two thousand people sent me that um just never h word that one never h word travis good morning damn the bats are ready he got his blood wings thank you thank you bat blood uh mr hiller good morning damn the bats are ready he got his blood wings thank you thank you uh bat blood uh mr hiller good morning buddy thank you for the uh kind video giddy up bam oh man what a show today we only we only have uh 90 minutes it is going to fly by good morning helson
Starting point is 00:03:25 uh yeah i did like your video actually it's cool it's funny it's funny the things that um i i really admired all the uh work i didn't realize you were so buff dude yeah hillary's a fit dude he was like that's crazy stuff is he did he was he is he games aspirational i don't know if it was his aspiration to be to go to the games but i know he was he qualified for regionals a couple of times those shoulders my god those are almost as big as mine they're crazy and he's tan he fake bakes he fake bakes you know what's crazy is when you hear stories of people who fake bake who like you didn't think fake bake like a really good friend of mine that i never thought what a fake bake told me a fake bake story the other day i was like wow he told people you
Starting point is 00:04:14 weren't gonna tell me dude you need to get out in the sun motherfucker no one's ever gonna accuse you of fake baking man i just got made fun of by my friends about being like extra white too dude you're part vampire you're part vampire a farmer's tan going and and look at those lips of yours even too that's why i know you're part vampire you were just out feeding and you just rolled into your house you just i don't even know why they're like that now i'm super self-conscious about it no red lips are awesome they're sexy you want your like you want the tip of your penis your sphincterer, and your lips to be red, I think. It's a good sign. You're probably excited to see me.
Starting point is 00:04:50 It's probably just blood flowing to all your... Your dick's probably hard right now, too. You're just excited to see me, dude. It's good. It's healthy. I was getting really emotional this morning thinking about all these people in the comments. That's why I started reading all their questions or their names. I was thinking – for a split second, I was thinking about how committed I am to this show, and then I thought there can be no one more committed than the listeners.
Starting point is 00:05:17 I know. He is sexy. There's no one more committed to the show than the listeners and I so don't take it for granted I wish you knew how much pressure I put on myself healthy pressure I love it I'm so committed to this show I so love doing this I don't do this for any other reason I I don't know why I do it I do know why why I chose my wife. I wanted to tell you this. And there's a, there's a bigger picture story here. I saw my wife walking from far away and I could see her boobs like from really far away and like a block away. And I was like, wow, those are some, like those are nice boobs. And she was walking towards me. I was in a college town and she came up to me and I was just like, right away started hitting on her.
Starting point is 00:06:09 And within like 15 minutes, we were talking about the idea. I don't know. I was probably 20 at the time. I don't remember. But we started talking about the idea of personal responsibility. Not in those words. Not in like these Jordan Peterson words that have taken over the thought waves these days. And I don't mean that as a dig.
Starting point is 00:06:26 I mean that as a positive. But about one's own happiness is their own personal responsibility. And she knew that. And for some reason, you know, some people might be like, hey, I'm Christian, and it's so important to me that my wife, they might have these bars set. It's so important to me that my wife's a virgin and that she believes Jesus Christ is the Savior and blah, blah. But at that moment, I realized, holy cow,
Starting point is 00:06:54 I'm not sure if there's ever a more important trait in another human being that you're going to spend the rest of your life with, that they know they're solely responsible for their own happiness. And she had an awesome body and so i spent the next five years trying to bang her that's commitment dude five years of fornication yes yes i wrote this script it's going to be a great movie and and i just uh it's just nuts because some people just say you'll know when you know and i didn't know at the time if you would have told me and we went through a lot of ups and downs you know i don't even know if there were downs we just our relationship's been through a lot um you know, when we separated, we came back together, we had different boyfriends
Starting point is 00:07:45 and girlfriends. But to this day, we can still talk about that. Like we know that. It doesn't mean you can't help assist. You can't work on yourself. But when both people know, the blame game really gets shallow and thin. and it's really important to discriminate and prejudice to be prejudiced it's so important and these words these words maybe have negative connotation or maybe i don't even know their exact definitions maybe we should pull them up and i should read them but what's important here is what i'm saying is that some people will say hey you need to get rid of hate speech you need a world that gets rid of prejudice and discrimination. You know that if you get rid of a world with prejudice and discrimination, you can't choose to love someone because they're kind.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Because that requires prejudice and discrimination. And there are these people out there, a huge swath of people, who just jump to those conclusions. They really want to push away some of these amazing traits that we have as human beings that are so necessary that kill themselves. Everything we push away or we want to get rid of, we need to triple down, quadruple down on and make sure that's the right idea. I'm going to give you another example. But I think that one's pretty clear. If you got rid of discrimination and prejudice,
Starting point is 00:09:12 you wouldn't be able to choose people to love because they're kind, because they're nice, because they're helpful, because they make good moms, all because they're smart it's it's um we're in a trippy time the the do-gooders are doing the do-gooders are random totally random number 18 from the Doubt of Ching, Stephen Mitchell translation. I think you started a books link on the Seveon podcast, right? I did, on the website. Can you believe, not a boobs link, a books link. Can you believe how fast I went through that sickness?
Starting point is 00:09:58 I just steamrolled that motherfucker. Yeah, it's impressive. You sounded good today. I told my wife. I kind of like the sound of me being sick, but i told my wife i kind of like the sound of me being sick but i told my wife i'm like i um i uh i like to do this thing i never get sick and and one of the days like i was really sick i go next time i tell you i never get sick just write tell me to shut the fuck up like i am she's had to just take a picture or video of you then and
Starting point is 00:10:21 then she just hold it back to you that was a mess uh when the great dow is forgotten i still rode my assault bike four four times on my sickest day with my head being light i mean you i so did not want to do it and i still rode it four times 10 minutes each and each time for the next hour i felt felt wonderful. When the great, and when I say rode my assault bike, like for me riding a hundred calories in 10 minutes is easy. And I was riding like 79, not 69, but 79 calories. 79% output. It's pretty slow.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Oh, I like that. When the great Tao is forgotten, goodness and piety appear. When the body's intelligence declines, cleverness and knowledge step forth. When there is no peace in the family, I don't even know what this word means. Filial piety begins. What is that word? F-I-L-I-A-L. That's number two. I a L that's, that's, um,
Starting point is 00:11:25 that's number two. That's number two for the most important thing to be the world's greatest podcaster. Number one is no matter what, always be confident, never fucking show any insecurity because the second you feel insecure, the audience feels insecure and they don't want to feel insecure. Uh,
Starting point is 00:11:41 but the paradox to that is number two never fucking act like you know something when you don't never be embarrassed when you don't know something enter into it and embrace it because deep down inside that's embarrassing shit that i don't know the definition of this word but i just fake it and push through and none of you notice at least don't tell me you noticed filial oh my mom's gonna tear me up today i mean not in a bad way but she's gonna like send me like the exact pronunciation of this word and like it's latin you got it oh wow i did filial of or do from son or daughter where there's no peace in the family filial filial piety begins son or daughter piety piety but this is look up this word too p-i-e-t-y when the country falls into chaos patriotism is born uh-oh
Starting point is 00:12:29 that's where we're headed by the way it's okay that's not a bad thing but that's where we're headed wait where are we headed we're headed towards patriotism this next election is going to be amazing. The quality of being a religious or reverent. Right. Where there's no peace in the family, the quality of religion begins. Yeah, I get it. I get it.
Starting point is 00:12:57 That makes sense. That, that totally makes sense. These are all, they're all just escapists. Yeah. Probably the most religious people we know are the know where their lives are the most chaotic. I mean, you need something to hold on to.
Starting point is 00:13:15 You know them, right? You can think of like three examples. Yep. Easily, without even having to try. You guys are awesome. I'm so glad we're doing this together. I was going to lie. I was going to say,
Starting point is 00:13:33 I wish at one point we could all get together, but I really don't want to do that. A live podcast? No, no, but I mean like go somewhere and they're like the thousand regular listeners, you know, or whatever.
Starting point is 00:13:41 We were all like in the same stadium, like, we were dropping hits but i don't really wish that i would just be uncomfortable dude how crazy would it be if we did a live show not everybody there i could just imagine you in the back freaking out it'd be great i would be freaking out fucking freaking out oh we got an invite from uh colton we could do it at the farm oh that would be crazy. What was that?
Starting point is 00:14:07 What was the big one, like when our parents were kids that they did at a farm in upstate New York? Woodstock. Woodstock. Colton Rock. You know, they tried to have the second Woodstock here in the Altamont, by the Altamont Pass. Well, the Altamont Pass. Look, there's my mom. I knew it. I fucking knew it.
Starting point is 00:14:24 I didn't know that it was gonna be up there by the oh is that where the rolling stones played and the dude got stabbed and the hell yeah the hell angel ran security and they just ended up just mobbing people wasn't exactly the uh love fest that the first one was i look at this bag of weed every show i remember i for those of you i brought this i brought this on because of alex casares was on the show and he the first time he came on – damn, that smells good. He smoked weed, and so I have all these bags of weed, and so I put it on. I need to give this away to somebody.
Starting point is 00:14:54 I need to give this away. It's like the meanest thing you could say. Hey, could you bring up the list of shows that we've done just like – I don't know. What do you mean, like on YouTube? Yeah on youtube yeah yeah guys there are some shows if you didn't listen to the darien week show and you um realize that i'm the greatest interviewer who ever lived you should go listen to that show darien weeks he's a ufc fighter he's gonna fight in two weeks if you didn't listen to the kayla harrison show and you um realize that i'm the greatest interviewer who ever lived you should go you you want to hear those i know some of you are like that i just want to hear the crossfit stuff i'm telling you you want to hear those they're they're it's they're nuts
Starting point is 00:15:35 they're nuts can you scroll can you scroll uh keep scroll scroll below it yeah that one right there with the black dude with the yellow halo like that dude's so that dude's cool as shit you want to hear that podcast those ufc ones never get the attention he'll give you hope for humanity he's so cool these are just two dudes who just jump on a call together and we just start chopping it up okay keep scrolling down a little bit i want to see if there's any other ones um that one with mr holistic the warrior god such a trip so far out of my comfort zone but i saw this dude on instagram amazing there's some bombs in there dude about how he never changes who he is it's like the deepest shit like you can't go deeper than what some of the stuff that he's dropping
Starting point is 00:16:18 michael easter so fun i'm gonna tell you something else too share this with you all All of these people, when they get off the podcast, they say the craziest, nicest shit to me. These are people who've been on like, like this guy, um, uh, Zach bitter. He said he's listened to thousands of podcasts and he's been on hundreds of podcasts. And what he said to me when we got off, it's crazy. I can't even say it say it because it's like it's like even beyond my self-congratulatory arrogance elliot hustle liver king that that podcast is fascinating because he comes in in character and i dance
Starting point is 00:17:01 with him for 30 or 40 minutes in character and then we we get to it. The dude cries in the podcast. You've allowed him to feel comfortable. Take a little bit. Dr. Roger Boyer. Dude lost 150 pounds and he's a, he's like, he's got this, he's determined to help indigenous people based on,
Starting point is 00:17:25 on their, their current health climate of eating Doritos, drinking Coca-Cola and alcohol, and just getting destroyed, decimated. I mean, at a slightly high, faster rate than the rest of the world.
Starting point is 00:17:37 You want to, you want to see a really superficial show. That's really good. How about this guy down here with the 200? This guy graduated from MIT with the 200 um this guy graduated from mit with the 200 plus guinness book world records what's his name again something rush can you speak that over i can't see a david rush david all great all great the flowing dutchman oh i'll tell you one that i didn't want to do that ended up great look moses show me moses this one yeah dr moses bernard how is that how
Starting point is 00:18:08 has someone not watched that if you like this podcast it's crazy so good so that that one changed my life actually dr moses bernard for on a first superficial reason that what's that what's that curl called where you do a deadlift but you don't keep your back flat you round your back to jefferson curl yeah yeah anyway i just wanted to just i was thinking about that patrick bet david why would that dude come on on my podcast oh my mom said humility i i'm trying but there's some things that are just observational we need to do a thing like when they used to air it on TV during like holidays and stuff where it would just play every episode, like Caleb was talking about where it just runs.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Take like three days off and just let it run through the best of chosen by you. Miss Olivia Houston, you're so honest and interested in your guests. You engage them and take them to places most podcasters don't. There's nothing I do on here that you don't i there's nothing i do on here that i don't do because i want to do so there's guests on here i a hundred percent i don't want them on the show and don't want to interview them and that's why i want to do it at the top it's always like i'm there's there's i'm never and i'm so lucky i woke up this morning and I was just – I can't believe I get to go in my office with Matt Souza and see you guys and hang out. Good morning, Athena.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Good morning, Rachel. Okay. I want to do – I want to read a couple things, and then I want to do some funny stuff. Can we go to Kyle Creek Offended? I have a message for Bill and and katie henninger this morning for them or from them for them to help them make their second billion dollars and i hope they like this idea this is a gentleman who came on the show uh this gentleman when he came on the show he immediately a day later um said to me no suggested no what did he do a day after he was on the show he sent an email to another uh
Starting point is 00:20:14 best-selling author and best-selling author yeah and said hey you need to be on seven show that i mean that's a huge compliment feeling offended is a fucking choice the moment you let somebody else's words upset you you've let somebody else defeat you and who the fuck wants to lose a battle to an opinion but i want to just look at this first sentence feeling offended is a fucking choice why would you let someone else so let's say suza said something to me and he said uh seven um that shirt's cutting into your gun and it makes you look fat no that's a bad example let's say he just said i don't know what you pick anything let's say he said something to to that that hey those glasses aren't the
Starting point is 00:20:59 he looks stupid today ah it's a little strong, Matt. You hurt my feelings. Regardless, if Matt says something to me and it doesn't offend me, but someone over here chirps in my ear and says, hey, that person is being really rude to you. What is that person's relationship to me? I'm going to give you an example. I have this friend who has a wife and whenever she's around and they go
Starting point is 00:21:31 out and there's a little booze, she incites this man into violence. If anyone disrespects her husband, she makes sure that he knows so that he fights. It's way worse. It's way worse to have someone in your life who's pointing out people who are offending you. Those are the worst people in society. At its core, that's what virtue signaling is, by the way. That's one of the major components of virtue signaling. They not only tell you how great they are, but they're pointing out other people who aren't, that you should be offended by. You should be really upset because this person is doing this.
Starting point is 00:22:17 All the neighbors in the neighborhood have BLM signs in their front yard except this one guy. And then you start telling your neighbors bad stuff about that guy. You do not want to be around those people. You do not want to follow those people on Instagram. You don't want to follow the people who are inciting you to attack other people, especially if you don't notice it first yourself. If Matt said something to me and it doesn't bother, I have business relationships with so many fucking people. What do I mean by business? They're superficial. I don't even mean that in a bad way. They're just totally superficial relationships. And yet someone will be like, Hey, that person was being rude to you. Or that person was being bossy to you. Or like, I don't care. Stop. I'm not, I'm not, I not i'm not interested in being right my that my relationship with that person isn't about feelings it's not
Starting point is 00:23:08 about emotions it's about just it's just all transactional don't tolerate those people they're everywhere it's what politics has turned into. Don't tolerate those people who are inciting that. Who are inciting that. Usually their attacks are ambiguous. Not abstract, ambiguous. That's what the whole attack was on Greg Glassman. It was during the Me Too movement. and they said a bunch of ambiguous stuff, and so people painted him in a picture that's completely insane. But it was crazy it was crazy absolutely crazy you know man i so
Starting point is 00:24:06 didn't want to do that i thought we were just going to get on and talk about how she's the greatest female fighter alive and who ever lived and currently fighting instead it was try to go somewhere every single day that's really uncomfortable for you in your head don't be afraid to go to the weird spots. Don't be afraid to acknowledge that global warming is real. No, it's not. Yes, it is. No, it's not.
Starting point is 00:24:33 It's okay. Let it go. What are you doing about it anyways? Explore. Explore. It's okay. Maybe they're right. Maybe it is real.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Those people that summon other people to hate or to jump on the bandwagon with them are also the worst type of people because the only way they got to that conclusion is they first judged everybody around them and said, I'm a good person. And I'm a good person because I'm better than everybody else around me. I'm taking the moral high ground. And then you need to listen to what I say. And then when I point at this person because I feel that they are bringing other people down, it's because you have deemed yourself the almighty. And most of the time, they're just wrong. They're hiding their own hatred. They're hiding their own hatred.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Almost everyone who's pointing at something has four fingers pointed back at themselves you have to know that yeah a majority of the time i know it's kindergarten psychology but it's it's the truth by the way sorry susan that tasted good uh colin lawrence is the one who pointed me towards kyle creek i just want to say that and then recently he told me i should have Derek Weed on the show and I reached out to Derek. I should have reached out to him the first time. He told me he might be too big time now. He might be too big. I mean, he's got, he might be too big time now.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Okay. Sorry. Go ahead, Matt. Lost my train of thought. I should have wrote it down. Good. You should have wrote it down. Teach me a lesson.
Starting point is 00:26:02 No, you shouldn't have wrote it down. Those, they're following the lead of the corporation. It always brings to mind, you remember when they had that compilation of the actors that were crying because they were like, I'm so sorry about my part in racism. They were wiping their tears away, and it was clearly scripted, and they put it together. People have to know that they're only doing that because they see that it's the popular thing to do at the time and they're trying to jump on the bandwagon and just pretend that that's what they do because the same with like the corporations like all the corporations like the major companies like nike and like disney and everything they're trying to have this outward appearance only because they're trying to maximize profit like they don't care about social justice in any way they're just trying to flow with what
Starting point is 00:26:45 they think the majority of the crowd is doing so they can continue to sell you tickets. I don't see that, though. I can't see that. No, because at the core of the business, they're extremely derivative. I think they really believe it, Sousa. I think they really believe it. I don't think they know they're being fake. You think they know? They want you to believe it. They want their employees to believe it because then they could be on the good side you're telling me that there's people who know what i know and who can think clearly like me but are still playing the game yes i don't believe you and on top of
Starting point is 00:27:15 that how how would those people sleep at night i don't believe you i think they're all fucking idiots who can't think straight i don't mean that in a bad way sorry i won't call them idiots i think they're all um they're all sleep they're all asleep there's no way you can know what i know and still proceed down that path there your soul would rot out and they are basic you're telling me that there's people who know that they're spreading racism at the most rapid pace possible while saying that they're fighting racism? No, you're crazy. You're batshit crazy. And on top of that. No, no.
Starting point is 00:27:48 It's not the first time I've been called that. No, there's no way they know. I know people, I know that's, I see that shit all the time. There's no way they know. Yeah, because all they're doing is at the core of all their business, the business model hasn't changed. They're extremely fiscally conservative because the business model is there to solely maximize profit susan they can't even understand the mechanism of the brain that causes
Starting point is 00:28:11 that you have way too much you think they're smarter than they are they are not um um you think they're smarter look i post – I'm having Con Porter on the show, and he's a champion of mental health. And he's coming – when are we having him on? Monday. Monday. And so I started researching him and digging into him, and one of the things he said he was saying is 80% of, when he posts something about mental health, he gets 20% of the people, um, were like, yeah, good job con. Thanks for standing up. And 80% of the people were like making fun of them. And he says, it's a really polarizing thing. And I'm thinking to
Starting point is 00:28:53 myself, well, shit, why would it be really polarizing? And then I was thinking, oh shit. I wonder if he thinks that when I was going after Rosa for his mental health, if I was making fun of mental health or if that was polarizing, because that would be conflating the issues. if I was making fun of mental health or if that was polarizing, because that would be conflating the issues. I've had my own, holy shit, man, I've hit fucking rock bottom, like an anvil sunk to the bottom of the ocean. I've been to the depths of that shit.
Starting point is 00:29:14 I'm not making fun of any of it. I am concerned. I should never have been flying an airplane or been responsible for kids or babies or anything in between during that time. I should have never had some ultimate responsibility for other people's lives while i'm dealing with my own massive issues they're not by the way you don't even need to have issues i didn't even have any issues if you want to plummet to the depths shit gets crazy down there you could have you could have the most amazing metabolic and lung capacity in the world if i pull you 100 feet underwater and you're not prepared for it,
Starting point is 00:29:46 your brain's going to pop. It's training. And if you go to the depths of who you are without cultivating awareness and training, it's a scary place, man. Holy cow. It's scary. I mean, only for those who are untrained. And I was untrained when I went there. Most people go there the first time completely untrained. I mean, only for those who are untrained.
Starting point is 00:30:02 And I was untrained when I went there. Most people go there the first time completely untrained. I'm trying to find it. Patrick, but David was too big for the show. I was too big for your mom. I don't understand the point. We made it work. We made it work.
Starting point is 00:30:23 We don't understand, too. It's like how much. Will you pull this clip down stop screen sharing i want to see myself the world wants to see your red lips thank you i was uh i was looking for something on here too um do i ever seem bossy to you no would you tell me if i was probably not i would okay i mean i don't i don't think i would rather have direction than uh leave the screen share up there for too long while i'm looking for something to oh you're a good point you're a good dude and i can't seem to find it there's two kinds of sick they're sick like i'm sick which never happens it happened two days ago and then there's sick like i mean i get sick
Starting point is 00:31:06 10 times a year but it usually like never affects me like i might set a pr still on the assault bike or or um pr my my burfee time or some or set a record in pull-ups but then there's like sick like i can't even believe like i didn't take my kids to tennis my wife called didn't go to work and took my kids to tennis i was gonna go i was gonna try to read this thing but i can't find it so maybe i'll just um maybe i'll just let it go but i was gonna i was gonna push you and go somewhere weird i was gonna use one of the 48 laws of power here and read you two of them yeah whenever you quote that book i get a little scared and then i was gonna make the argument that i could even push this to show that biden's actually conservative oh man okay can we skip i was gonna um i um man who do we want to do okay let can we go to um uh
Starting point is 00:31:57 way down on the bottom there's a bill and katie video dear bill and katie i have this idea for you mom you should probably not watch this part um say dear bill and katie no no no uh i'm looking for it um is it the one that says rogue should sell yes yes thank you now i want you guys to watch this video right here i i i can't believe this is okay i can't i can't believe this is real but this is this is fascinating i don't fascinating mom go do something please go go go somewhere if you're a mom in general go somewhere watch this. This is for boys only. Now watch this. This is just crazy. This is this lady's Instagram account and she's deadlifting. And as she's deadlifting, look at the people in the background too. I don't know how much it is. I mean, it's more than I can deadlift. It's 375, 496, 440. She got a bunch of different numbers on there. I don't even recognize these workouts,
Starting point is 00:33:05 but she's peeing all over the floor. And all I'm thinking when I watch that is that there's peas going in between the cracks that can't be cleaned. Do you see that? That's all I think when I see that. It's like when my dog vomits somewhere and it's like somewhere like smooth
Starting point is 00:33:21 and that I can clean up. I'm so happy. But if it's anywhere near like cracks or something, I'm so I'd start tripping. Yeah. Look at you pulled that one away quick. Now, Bill,
Starting point is 00:33:33 Mr. Henninger, Bill and Katie Henninger. What about a pee pad? And every gym has one. Every gym has three. You just make all the CrossFit gyms realize that it's a must have for there to be equality for those women who pee themselves when they're dead lifting.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Every gym should have a pee pad. First, you release one that's like white and it costs like $100 a piece and each gym has to buy three and there's 15,000 CrossFit gyms. So what is that? Four and a half million dollars or something? And then we start a campaign saying that it's not fair that they're white because it draws attention to everyone who pees himself when they lift out. So you sell ones that match the floor color and then they got to buy three more.
Starting point is 00:34:17 And we just keep just running with that. It fits perfect with the whole like wokeness thing too. We really pressure them to be inclusive for those who pee that's hunter henderson and it's real i i i believe you i know no i appreciate it nate i really i i hear you i i um it's been talked about it's someone saying Mark Bell talked about it's been talked about in CrossFit since I've heard it been talked about since 2007 forever
Starting point is 00:34:51 oh she talked about it yeah that's just that's just a lot of pee that's not yeah man oh my goodness if they do that if they do the p-pad we're gonna need about 10 royalty on that okay let's let's balance this out there's this um do you see it says handstand walk milf look at look at can you can you play that that was totally inappropriate that i wrote milf there i think i meant to erase that before i sent that to you no you didn't yeah it is better than she shit herself and that there you go great it suits context relativity
Starting point is 00:35:38 it's one of my favorite things in life yes it is it is totally better than um the thing is is i don't think there's like chronic shitters i i suspect that she does that yeah i suspect she does that every time she lives yeah call it a sweat diaper i mean if i was that lady i would wear a diaper i i think it's like a a like a pelvic floor issue i know that's what I know that they say that pelvic floor issue or, or maybe it's not an issue. Yeah. Like I wonder if she's had kids.
Starting point is 00:36:08 It's definitely an issue for the people. Okay. Look at this. Look at this. That's okay. Enough of the P talk. I'm crying out loud. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Look at, has anyone ever seen this before? Just practice those stack synchro handstand pushups. This lady who's against the wall, the tall one. I think this lady has like three kids or four kids this might be the most beautiful mom on the internet can you go can you go to her account yeah what's her name how many followers does she have let me see and look and she's even 2100 followers for the most beautiful moment and look at wait let me see that old lady what's she
Starting point is 00:36:50 doing in the pink right there squat making gains strength balance flexibility are so important as we age virginia put in that three times a work week videos from last month she's even stronger now look at that cult look at those colors i don't really do purple although i want to get a purple ceo shirt i asked mark hi rachel good morning i've worked with a couple of um like older ladies that are like this and it's it's actually really rewarding because oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's what's crazy about that what you just said it doesn't even translate in video in video it's kind of stupid let's face it but if you're in the gym and some old person is doing that shit you're kind you're blown away like you're absolutely blown away appreciation and
Starting point is 00:37:33 like how much like like you could just feel the confidence you've instilled in them and like what you've given them back you know it's like man this chick is hot do you have a picture with her with her daughters i saw her like a picture oh yeah there they are that's the yeah look and she has and she has three kids it's nuts three hot kids does she have twins are those girls twins not in this picture they don't look like it but in the other picture they do yeah um one might be a couple of years older than the other one. Do you, do you watch WrestleMania? Uh, no,
Starting point is 00:38:08 but I, I did when I was a kid, I watched the first, uh, WrestleMania one and two, you had to go to like an, we went to like the Richmond auditorium and they played it on like a huge screen.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Isn't it cool when you see beautiful families like that? Yeah. I screw up my, I, my screw up all my family photos. Cause I just looked like this like homeless dude but my kids and my wife are so fucking cute it's it's only it is it's even awkward sometimes like yesterday i was at the beach and people walk up and i'm just sitting there i feel like you'd be
Starting point is 00:38:38 the difficult one in the family photo no uh yeah yeah you ask me i'm not anymore but if you ask my mom like if if my mom or my mother-in-law asks for a family photo i get really annoyed but i push it down i try not to let anyone see it i push it down they want me to take the picture is the problem yeah because you're the videographer you're the photographer that's how that works right i've birthed three kids. Can you imagine that? What's this girl's name? Elise? How do you know, Elise? Are you a biologist?
Starting point is 00:39:10 Yeah. She grew three kids in her. That means she's had sex at least three times. And all three times she was pollinated. Oh, my gosh. And when she was pollinated, she then gosh. And when she was pollinated, she then grew the baby inside of her. Do you want to hear this amazing story
Starting point is 00:39:32 that I haven't shared on the internet? Right outside my front door, arms distance away, for the last month, there's been a hummingbird nest. Did you see it when you were at my house did i show it to you i don't think so maybe maybe i'll take a picture of it today and post it and in a hummingbird um and we thought the hummingbird abandoned the nest and there's
Starting point is 00:39:57 babies in it but my wife looked it up and i guess hummingbirds because the nest is tiny right and there's birds inside of it and you can see them with their heads out we've been watching them grow for the last month but my wife said that the nest will get so crowded that the mom will build another nest and so we never even see her anymore except when she flies by real quick to feed them i those nests are small they're like they're tiny tiny i've seen one before um do you see this condom sex uh post will you click that i've been looking at that one too long that one's got to go let's play that one you get to you see i don't want to read the punchline in case it's important to the video it's right below the handstand walk the pretty lady steffy whatever name was i like looking for him because it gives
Starting point is 00:40:44 me a certain level of like anxiety when i have to scroll for it like everything's waiting on me to like make the show move forward yeah condom sex and turkey bacon is the same is that supposed to be are the same i don't know what my mom would say about. Is that supposed to be are the same mom? Condom, sex, and turkey bacon. I don't know if I agree with that. I don't have any issues with condoms.
Starting point is 00:41:14 I mean, not really. Hey, they got male birth control now. Do they? Yep. Like a pill you take and it disarms your dudes? Like they lose their tails or something? I have no clue how it works, but I saw it on the Jerry News, and I was just upset because it had already been posted five minutes ago,
Starting point is 00:41:30 and I couldn't unleash my Bill Gates comment. Travel better with Air Canada. You can enjoy free beer, wine, and premium snacks in economy class. Now extended to flights within Canada and the U.S. Cheers to taking off this summer. More details at This episode is brought to you by Disney's Young Woman in the Sea, now streaming on Disney+.
Starting point is 00:41:52 I've decided to swim the English Channel. A woman? I believe she'll die in that water. From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story, Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this this don't let anyone take me out of the water no matter what disney's young woman and the sea
Starting point is 00:42:13 now streaming on disney plus oh oh oh it's good so okay, below tuberculosis study with rabbits. I have to open my front door. This door, it's too hot in here. Will you find that one, tuberculosis study? Yeah. I always get scared when I'm the only one on the show. Like everybody walks away and it's just me standing here. It's a little scary sometimes.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Don't search the internet raw use vpn oh that's like uh that's yeah was that a commercial r so my mom did my mom did say that was wrong it should have been r i know there's a guy in our comments wait is this what i is this the link oh yes this is fascinating i want to read this to you guys in a second but um there's a guy in the comments he's like from crossfit north or north crossfit and he always makes these comments where he takes stuff he must be a foreigner it must be maybe i'll find it maybe maybe i'll find it but he makes these comments about stuff i say that he takes seriously that's always a joke and he responds to it in a serious way and i'm at first i took offense right don't get offended but i just feel sorry for him now i'm just like someone's got to explain this to me like why does he keep watching the show if he thinks what i'm saying is serious
Starting point is 00:43:34 i haven't seen jackass forever i haven't seen any of the jackass movies i don't think i mean clips of them and i think they're amazing here we go people in the summer of 1886 dr trudeau devised a simple experiment which simple experiment which demonstrated the beneficial effects of climate fresh air and ample food on the course of tuberculosis and infected animals he infected a number of rabbits with the tubercle bacchicillus and then confined half of the infected animals along with a control group of healthy rabbits giving them a minimum of food sunlight fresh air and exercise the rest of the infected rabbits were set free on a little island so he he put a bunch of he put a and if you're if you're watching this you can see that the little the small island he put a bunch of rabbits with
Starting point is 00:44:22 tuberculosis on an island and set them free a little tiny Island. It's probably like 100 by 200 feet, the dimensions of it. And then he had a bunch of other rabbits that were caged also with tuberculosis. Okay. After a period of time, he examined the animals, the infected rabbits that were confined. Those are the ones that were in the lab, all developed tuberculosis and died. Oh, interesting. Okay. They didn't have tuberculosis, the ones he put on the island. He infected them with something called tubercle bacillus. It must be the precursor to tuberculosis. Okay. So they didn't have tuberculosis already when they went on the island. After a period of time, he examined the animals. The infected animals that were confined all developed tuberculosis and died. Yet the healthy ones merely failed to thrive in confinement. Okay, so there were some healthy ones that didn't get the infection, but they didn't
Starting point is 00:45:14 thrive, whatever that means. They did not come down with tuberculosis. On the island, however, all of the rabbits thrived despite their infection. The results provided the proof which Dr. Trudeau had sought. Oh, that's scary. You don't want to hear that. Why was he seeking proof? That's not scientific. But anyway, first was the conclusion that bad conditions in and of themselves could not produce tuberculosis. His second and far more reaching conclusion was that tuberculosis infection,
Starting point is 00:45:48 a subject's resistance could be directly affected by the environment, fresh air, good food and ample rest and moderate exercise could actually slow down or stop the progression of tuberculosis. I mean, we, we know all this, but it's just, it's, it's 1886, Dr. Edward Livingston Trudeau. Go figure. Be outside, exercise, breathe fresh air. I was talking to someone yesterday. They were educating me on steroid use and low testosterone.
Starting point is 00:46:17 And they were really knowledgeable on it. It was fascinating, all the shit they were saying to me. I kind of wish I didn't even hear half of it. Because it sparked even more questions, right? But I was like, hey, I don't care if I had low tests or not. And this person said, of course you don't. I go, why do you say that? They said, because you get outside every day. You walk around barefoot. You exercise. You don't eat garbage. You feel great. And I was like, wow, okay. I kind of like that answer. feel great i was like wow okay i kind of like that answer uh there is a um a link here it says nipple movement this this might be some anti-bra um nipple movement this might be some anti-bra propaganda as i recall i put this in a while ago nipple movement propaganda this has become the
Starting point is 00:47:03 news show we have we don't have Hobart anymore. I mean, he used to bring up some good shit. Now it's just all perverted shit. What happens when you stop wearing bras? The nipple of women who stopped wearing bras during the research were lifted by seven millimeters. At the end of the study professor jean or jean or jean from the university of beska besan con states that bras were inter were to interfere in blood circulation so in the case
Starting point is 00:47:38 of women who do not wear them the amounts of collagen are increased and the elasticity is improved this are this is suggesting that bras cause oh i thought it was for a different reason the bras actually cause nipples to like lower on the titty but i thought the whole reason for bras was to keep the boob up over time so it doesn't have to carry its own weight and stretch the skin i don't know i've never put much thought into bras the nipples of women who stopped wearing bras during the research were lifted by seven millimeters what's your opinion as a woman with this research
Starting point is 00:48:16 there is no right or wrong approach why do people do that is is that whole thing i noticed fraser started doing that at one point and i noticed a lot of people do that they say something um they say this weekend i did bench press five by five what did you do this weekend in their instagram and i'm like is that so people will comment and you'll fly up higher on the algorithm i mean i don't know or is that because they really care what you did the bench press one seems a little abstract i posted something recently and said, like, where do you think- I'm going out this weekend to get fresh air. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:48:52 I mean, that's probably just open-ended, some people call it. But sometimes, I'm usually generally curious. I'm not. I asked this guy about Rad 14. This person I spoke to made it so i don't i kind of i don't want to do steroids anymore he ruined a lifetime of desire no i don't think fraser wore a bra i don't know if he wore a bra but i just noticed he never used to do that stuff maybe like a year or two ago at least or at least i didn't notice it and then all of a sudden he started doing it
Starting point is 00:49:20 oh maybe when i see that i think that someone's not running their own Instagram account. It feels commercial to me. We comment, we were stomp back. If you start looking at our YouTube videos, Susan and I read that if we comment back on YouTube, it helps us in the algorithm. So now we hired some guy from India just to give you guys generic responses. No, I'm joking. The second part's true, but it's not some guy from india it's like either me or suzer or will or caleb hey it's pretty obvious if you could tell if he's just doing it to try to get more people to comment because just look at it does he comment back to everybody i uh no uh i don't think i haven't i haven't noticed that i don't know i don't know but but i do notice that when big name people do that like or anyone or anyone does it
Starting point is 00:50:05 it's just so weird to me no no regular person does that no one with like you know 3 000 followers is like i just got a new jump rope i love how it spins it's an rpm jump rope what's your favorite jump rope what is your favorite jumping pattern have a great day i'm gonna make that post now fuck you hey so so we're doing that you should try to we're doing that in our youtube comments now we're giving you guys cheese dick responses don't take it personal or don't don't be flattered either we're just i mean i read i read all the comments by the way but i um but don't be like we're not responding because we care like you. We're trying to, you know. Well, some of them I like comment back and forth with, like if somebody posts, like if I post something.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Oh, here we go. Here we go. Listen up closely. Go ahead, Sousa. Just tell me about how real you are in the YouTube comments. I can't wait. No, I was going to say the YouTube comments, but on like on my Instagram, like I'll post something and i'll post something and people oh yeah yeah yeah i'll go back and forth with them on it yeah yeah yeah sorry i didn't mean that i just mean just on our youtube oh yeah you instagram i someone the
Starting point is 00:51:14 other day someone the other day it was pretty funny because it was i was trying to start the campaign early on when hillar showed up on the scene that he's far too aggressive. He's very aggressive. He's very aggressive. And then someone wrote, someone wrote, someone doesn't know shit about CrossFit. And I wrote right below the comment, you're a fucking idiot. And Hiller writes, oh, yeah, I'm really aggressive. And I'm like, oh, damn it.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Darn it. Why can't we both be aggressive? Why? Why does it have to be? Yeah, where is YOLO? Where is YOLO to the moon? Oh, please, please, guys. Please.
Starting point is 00:51:56 No, I don't want, I don't, I don't like that character. I know, but it's weird that he did just go away. He got COVID. COVID. COVID. My wife made a post. I think I told you guys this, saying that I'm actually going to erase this. My wife made a post on Instagram saying she wanted to beat my burpee score, and it was pulled down for having violence in it.
Starting point is 00:52:20 I guess because she used the word beat. It's nuts, right? Beat. in it because i guess because she used the word beat it's nuts right beat i want to beat him his burpee score uh what was that are you just a burp a wild hey look at cholo fit let's get rid of this one too i want to show this one cholo fit i'm tired of looking at this in my comments in my notes cholo fit i saw this this is pretty funny yeah this is pretty good. What sucks is sometimes there's stuff that's really funny, but it takes a long time to play out. And I'm like, does the show really have the patience for this?
Starting point is 00:52:50 Cholo fit. Cholo. What did the Mexicans say when his homework blew out the window? I've told this one before. I don't know. What did the Mexicans say when his homework blew out the window? Come back here, ese. Racist.
Starting point is 00:53:06 It's totally racist. It's cholo squat, eh? Whether you're locked up or you're at your homie's barbecue and it's time to represent with your peacock for a photo, then you go like this, eh? You go left foot, point it forward like this. Right foot, point it to the right in that direction. Feel how down you are for your homies.
Starting point is 00:53:22 And then we're literally going to take it down. Okay? Squat down. Bend the knees. for your homies. And then we're literally going to take it down. Okay? Squat down. Bend the knees. Keep your back straight. Hands on the knees. Chin up. Feel the power, eh?
Starting point is 00:53:32 Now we bring it back up. All right? Boom. Mommy, feel that burn. Represent. Because people come up to me and say, Hey, Creeper, Cholo Fit, eh? It changed my life.
Starting point is 00:53:42 One time this fool came up to me and said, Hey, fool, like I did Cholo Fit, and my glute One time this fool came up to me and said, I did cholo fit and my gluteus is sore. I said, don't be telling me that in public. Fools that don't know that I teach a class will be like, damn, was that fool ramming that fool or what? First one we're going to get started with is cholo squat.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Whether you're locked up or you're at your home barbecuing, it's time to rest. Part of me thinks that's real. The cholo fit? Yeah, we had some echo going. You need to up your game. Part of me thinks that's real. Control of it? Yeah, we had some echo going. You need to up your game. Oh, yeah. Is that real at all?
Starting point is 00:54:13 No. It's a skit. That's hilarious, though. You're going to fool me. I think it's real. Will you click that YouTube link fan of the liver king but i don't know about these two dorks when you when someone calls someone a dork wait it's a video did you want this or do you want the comment i want the comment but when you click video, I think you got to scroll down into the comments. Why does it say 2210?
Starting point is 00:54:49 Oh, well, let me see that video really quick. What is that video? Oh, that might be a video of the guy that I found. It is. It is. Oh, okay. Comment first. No, you don't have to. i'll just read it to you guys and
Starting point is 00:55:07 then we'll play so this guy writes in the comments for the liver king video that video brought a bunch of people to the account who obviously don't come here very often and this guy writes um uh fan of the liver king but i i don't know about these two dorks first let's go to his instagram account so i'm like oh let me check this dude out. First of all, this guy has a logo. His own logo. I'm a dork and you have your own logo? Who the fuck do you think you are? TDC?
Starting point is 00:55:34 You got your own logo? He's just missing a couple hundred thousand subscribers. This guy's got his own logo. Let me see this picture of this guy flexing. Let me see this. I want to show you something Of what a dork does Yeah see how Suze is flexing That's a dork flex
Starting point is 00:55:51 No one goes like that You better be the world's greatest arm wrestler When you flex your muscle you go like that See that thing You don't gotta close it Look at this thing guys Look at this motherfucker right here Boom
Starting point is 00:56:04 Look at that thing guys this is this motherfucker right here boom yeah look at that thing look at you that's how you flex that's like crazy forearm by the way no one better talk that shit i am strong as a fucking ox right now sick and strong um look at this dork how he flexes anyone who uses the word dork is a dork by the way hey buddy you need a few more tattoos on there A few more tattoos I want to make fun of your hair But I'm trying to do my boys hair like that So I better not
Starting point is 00:56:33 I'm curious about the scar What scar? Oh yeah shit You shouldn't be making fun of that dude Let me tell you Okay let me see Oh he had lung surgery let's read about him a little bit yeah uh yeah creatine and and and i and i think i lost a little weight
Starting point is 00:56:51 from i'm a little sucked up from uh being sick uh one year update last scans came back negative no signs of cancer well shit good job dude oh now i feel horrible oh man made a solid amount of progress last year since my lung surgery. Good job, dude. I hope you're not smoking anymore. Unfortunately, I got sick a couple months ago and couldn't work out for a while, but we stay chasing the dream. This year has started a little rough, but we about to turn that around. Oh, he's got a little gangster in him. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:57:17 He's got that, like, he just drops words and puts words in he wants. Never take life for granted. All right. Much love, brother. All right. So me and Suzer are dorks. Fuck off. Look at, wait, he did an Armenian guy comment on there. Let's click that link. Let's go into the hole. What's that?
Starting point is 00:57:30 No, no, never mind. He's not Armenian. Okay. But I'm going to continue to make fun of him. Let's go to his YouTube page. This guy calls me a dork. I could see calling Suze a dork, but me? Well, it would make sense for me
Starting point is 00:57:45 because I just sat there for three hours. Look how red Sousa's lips are. He still turned on by me. What if my nose turned that red? That would be fucked up. I would be sure to point it out. Thanks. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:58:08 At the end of the show. Let me see. Let me see 2210. Let me see. I was probably digging deep to get him. Look how much time I spent on this guy to fucking... What a douche I am. I'm so offended. Okay, let's watch him a little bit. Oh, he went to Park City on a snowboarding trip. You got 16 views
Starting point is 00:58:23 on your video. Good job. Good job. Okay, let's go play. Let's see what he has to Park City on a snowboarding trip. You got 16 views on your video. Good job. Good job. Okay, let's go play. Let's see what he has to say. It was a good trip. It was a good trip. Overall, did not go really as expected for everybody. You know, Brian took that spill, kind of messed up his shoulder.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Yeah, Brian. And they confirmed that he tore some ligaments in his rotator cuff and whatnot. So he's down for a couple weeks. But, you know, we only got one mountain open here anyway. So it's not like we're going to be boarding every single weekend this winter. But it'll buff out. Also, we got back from Whole Foods. We just picked up a community shot and doctor's orders.
Starting point is 00:58:59 Okay, I'm enough of them. A few other things. You just got a community shot? Did you hear that? He just said he got a community shot. Did you hear that? He just said he got a community shot from Whole Foods. And I'm a dork. Yeah, Brian friend.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Yeah, I only have dorks on the show. Brian's a dork. That's true. Angelo, dork. Now everybody's just talking about how red my lips are. It's actually good. I'm going to tell you something that you want red lips they're nice no we should feel bad that my biceps are so huge don't worry about your lips dude some old dude oh yeah those are pretty good How about Meredith Root writing that article for Morning Chalk of going after the liver king?
Starting point is 00:59:52 Seriously, do something better with your life. And then I like her too. I like her a lot. I like her a lot. I just like the fact that she called his diet privileged it's so insane and to be fair i didn't read the whole article i just saw that thing but it was like diets like this are privileged do you know how many people sent me really so this one guy sent me how he gets liver for two dollars a pound and he was just ripping her i almost was read it. It's so bad what she wrote. It's so lies. It's such propaganda.
Starting point is 01:00:26 It's more... It's the purveyor of racism, of hatred, what she wrote. I know she doesn't mean it. I know she doesn't want to be that person. I know she thinks she's drawing attention to something, but it's not.
Starting point is 01:00:44 It's actually the creator and purveyor of it. Go ahead. Sometimes when we talk about stuff, think she's drawing attention to something but it's not well that's what i was gonna say it's actually the creator and purveyor of it go ahead well when sometimes when we talk about stuff and you'll go back and forth and i'll say okay and i'll say okay what's what's our outcome like what do we want the outcome that we're trying to achieve by doing this we're trying to get more people to get higher on the youtube algorithm that's why we give fake responses to your comments on youtube all right well it's what I think about. Like if I sit down and I have like a meeting with like the coaches or something like that, I say, okay, what's the outcome of this meeting? What's the point of this? Like, what do I want them to take away? And then
Starting point is 01:01:14 what, what are we going to do with this information afterwards? And I wonder if the people at Morning Chocolate like sit down and have that same discussion. So someone brings an article and they're like, Hey, I'm going to write about the liver Kings diet and I'm going to frame it in a way that makes him seem privileged or makes the diet seem extreme or something like that. And then I wonder if Justin LaFranco goes, okay, what's the outcome that we want our readers to achieve here?
Starting point is 01:01:34 Like what, what do when they read this, what's the optimal takeaway? And then what do we want them to do with that information? Because sometimes we should start a competitor. You know how to do that shit. We should start a competitor to that shit. Yeah dude we should start a competitor you know how to do that shit we should start a competitor to that shit yeah we should hey morning chalk up riders if you guys are sick of dealing with that shit holla at your boy we're gonna i'm serious yeah me too i someone actually offered me a big chunk of change to start a newsletter.
Starting point is 01:02:06 Like the, like I, I, so I started email of the day over at CrossFit Inc. It used to be really cool. I don't know if it's cool anymore. I'm not a subscriber. And then,
Starting point is 01:02:15 and then Greg and, and, and, and that dipshit CEO fucked the whole fucking thing up. They, instead of sending the email of the day, Greg was against spamming the, the, the world, but, but he was against it out, sending out emails. He didn't want to spam people. But
Starting point is 01:02:29 the cool thing about the email of the day is you had to sign up for it. So we had over 300,000 people sign up for it. And the email of the day was awesome. I knew it was awesome because my mom liked it. And basically what it was is it would just be a splattering of everything every day that we could find in the ecosystem that we wanted to push to people's like emails. And reason why it gave me the idea was that it was actually from justin lefranco from his because that's what the morning chocolate used to be used to just be an email and it's cool when something lands in your inbox and you can just scan through it real quick but then that dipshit ceo made it so that the email the day was just a for crossfit was just a carbon copy of the main site and at that point the main site was stupid, in my opinion.
Starting point is 01:03:06 I thought when we went to the old dude sitting on the couch and all that for the main site, that was just dumb. We ruined CrossFit. It's important. It's important. Don't get me wrong. It just, it isn't everything. And, but, but so this lady, man, maybe we should, maybe,
Starting point is 01:03:24 I wonder how much those people maybe we should just explore that today like talk on the phone for an hour maybe we should just take those fucking guys over and yeah we definitely should and i think the other thing that would be cool inside those articles like the ones that meredith wrote whatever they still sorry sorry morning chalk up his newsletter is better than crossfit's email of the day right now i didn't i didn't know that they even do a newsletter still. I don't get it. I used to get it.
Starting point is 01:03:47 I don't get it. You've been kicked off the mailing list. Oh. But what would be nice is when they write pieces like that on somebody who has a lot of attention or whatever in Instagram or they're trying to talk about a diet, it would be very cool if they went, here's the facts. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Here's my opinion or my take on it the facts, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Here's my opinion or my take on it, boom, boom, boom. Because then you could take in the information based upon the facts that they're using to write it and then separating their opinion from it.
Starting point is 01:04:13 Yeah. Or how about everything he's doing is good. I went out and tried to do it and I realized that it's short, one bag of kale and it cost me $17 a day to do it privileged when you use those words you're just you're just revealing to us what you who you really what you're really about right you're about you're about propaganda you're about clicks you have no sincerity you're lazy you have an axe to grind it at that point it it's just all personal. It's so selfish. I don't believe in evil, but it's in that – that would be the lazy, easy way to describe what you did. Yeah, this is interesting. It doesn't help anyone.
Starting point is 01:04:56 You're not helping anyone with that Liver King article. You're being mean. Yeah, well, that's the purpose of it is trying to tear somebody else down but do it in a way that i love getting an email high ground wait say that yeah yeah yeah it's tearing my morning talk up should not worry about getting the moral high ground they should just worry about being honest oh that brings me to one more thing um hold on will you will you click on this nicole is and we can go back to that email isn't cool thing to say nicole isn't defending anything this this words are so powerful i think that's going to be like i'm going to be talking about that for the rest of my um oh i just got an email
Starting point is 01:05:34 a text from a really good friend that's cool great great i am excited um nicole carroll defends crossfit she i read this she's not defending we pull up the word defended this is all propaganda this is all lies this is why this this i don't know if i'm motivated to take these guys over i am i i mean it would only be good for the it would only be good for them if we started something up i mean they would i mean what is it all all boobs make all men hard no all all raising tides raise all ships defend resist and attack she protect harm or danger speak or write in favor of attempt to justify. She's not. Yeah, that's, that's the hardcore implication of the word defend attempt to justify or protect for harm or danger.
Starting point is 01:06:31 That is the, that's not even implicit. That's explicit, but that's what the kind of shit you do when you're a shit rag, like the morning chalk up. Meredith. Maybe I should, maybe I should maybe I should have her on the show
Starting point is 01:06:46 again and ask her like what is she doing LeFranco commenting and obviously they used a picture of Liver King and they put it behind the paywall in order to just get subscribers how do any of you still go there is it because there's nothing else Gilbert R LeFranco commenting on diet anyone see his stories this morning how do any of you still go there is it because there's nothing else uh gilbert r
Starting point is 01:07:05 lefranco commenting on diet anyone see his stories this morning shot shot yeah well i if you talk to anyone there he has some he's got some shit going on i ain't i ain't hating party on dude do your thing Party on, dude. Do your thing. I ain't hating. I ain't hating. I actually want to thank LeFranco for giving me my show content at 8.03 Pacific Standard Time. So I want to go back to this just for one quick second because I want to make a point here.
Starting point is 01:07:43 Josh, but email has not been cool for a while. Then he said, email is garbage now. And I actually don't totally disagree with him. But one of the things that I challenge, especially like, I don't really do it with my members, but I do it with the coaches a lot at the gym. Is somebody, they'll say something and they'll make, they'll make kind of a blanket statement like,
Starting point is 01:08:00 hey, we should do X. And then the first thing I say is, okay, great. Get really specific and explain to me how that's going to work. And then a lot of times people just kind of like sit there at that point. What do you mean? What do you mean you lost me? It's too abstract for me. Ambiguous. So let's use Josh's email as an example. He says, email is trash. And so, okay, Josh, then what should we do? Be specific. Do we go short message? Do we go texting? say okay josh then what should we do okay do we go short message do we go texting do we go texting to people's phones with links to another landing page do we are you saying that morning chockups email was trash like there's no like it's kind of like i know i know i'm falling into the weeds you want to talk about like a solution oriented but yeah let me fall into the second so susan
Starting point is 01:08:41 will say to me hey dude um uh that sponsorship money is still in PayPal. And I'll be like, yeah, what do you want me to do? And he's like, you got to get it out in PayPal and get it into the LLC. And I'll be like, oh, can you write me an email? Because then I'll be in front of my computer and I'll do it. That's the worst part about when someone sends me a DM with a YouTube video or a text with a YouTube video because I won't watch it because those formats aren't conducive to that. Email is perfect for that. I'm sitting down.
Starting point is 01:09:11 My bank account, my computer knows how to get into my bank account. I don't understand how someone – I know this wasn't your point, but I don't understand how someone could not think that email is not cool. It's awesome, isn't it? It's where I give things more attention. Yeah, and that's why I said I don't totally disagree with him because text is porn um emails making love or or like elise made love three times and had three babies that's email excuse me yeah so i don't disagree and here's the best here's the optimal choice we do both when then we a b test, we need to send Gabe a link. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:09:48 Yeah. Oh, shit. Did he just text us? Yeah. Oh, man. Oh, you guys, we're giving a bar away right now. Oh, shit. We're going to give the winner for the bar.
Starting point is 01:09:58 Are you texting? Slipping, just jerking off on ourselves about taking over. Justin's probably like this, too. And he's probably he's probably listening to this right now i mean like i dare you i work 200 hours a week i dare you i want you to try you pussies wake up in the morning do an hour and a half podcast ripping on people they go about your day counting your money i dare you to try the morning chalk up he probably i mean that's why he wants to sell it right it's probably so much work i don't know if that's probably like you you dishes we don't even know if that's why he wants to sell it right it's probably so much work i don't know if that's
Starting point is 01:10:25 probably like you you dishes we don't even know if that's true i i know but but cross email is trash before it was actual science on the heart of it and now it's like okay yeah so that's what i thought josh was referring to a little bit there is like the email itself and i agree that's what would be really cool about changing it because then we could we could put stuff and articles in there that really are provocative and thought like make you think and or a really cool thing would be like like a simple a simpleton version of how to break down a research paper and then we i was thinking our newsletter would be more like like that super hot mom doing handstand push-ups on top of that other lady we could do it all just like the show right i thought it would
Starting point is 01:11:04 that was provocative yeah yeah we could We could do it all, just like the show, right? I thought that was provocative. Yeah, we could do it all. We could do it all. No, not the squirting. That wouldn't make it in there. No, that's a little... What do you think, Peter? You think the squirting should be in there?
Starting point is 01:11:18 I don't think so. You mean the deadlift squirting? I'm not really into it. She could tell us what would make it and what wouldn't. yeah yeah do it all yeah i agree do them all okay guys so there's this there's this company called paper street coffee this is this is one of the things i was thinking about this morning this guy called me and wanted to sponsor the show and i told him i drink good dudes and he said he didn't care he's not doing it to sell coffee he's doing it to support the show and I told him I drink good dudes and he said he didn't care. He's not doing it to sell coffee. He's doing it to support the show. And that, that's what I mean when I wake up. That's my appreciation for you guys coming here. Sometimes I feel like you guys maybe just feel
Starting point is 01:11:53 sorry for me and that's why you come here. Like maybe you're not even really watching the show. Like I think there's people who feel sorry for me and they just hit play on YouTube so we can get the view and then they go outside. I'm going to do my charity work today. I really do feel that way. Oh my goodness. Hey, Gabe, what's up?
Starting point is 01:12:09 Good morning, brother. Hey, good morning, man. What's going on guys? What's up, Gabe?
Starting point is 01:12:12 Good morning. Hey dude. Thank you. Awesome. No, thank you. This is engraved in there. I know,
Starting point is 01:12:20 man. The other one boss. It is what it is. Do you know how excited I am when I get this stuff? Oh, yeah. He got the ass one. No, no, no. Hey, that one only has 6,000. That one only has 1,000 uses.
Starting point is 01:12:33 That one you have. Hey, I was thinking about putting a shelf up here. And then I can put a bunch of cool stuff. Like we could have this go in and like the books and stuff. Yes. You can buy that shelf with the money that gabe gives us i'm gonna i hope so i got like a 30 dollar one on amazon i was looking at how you guys doing good so are you oh awesome is it freezing in the room you're in
Starting point is 01:12:58 gabe it started getting warm hold on let me just take it well i saw you doing this too like god damn it's cold my joints got it started getting hot as soon as I got out of the pocket. Oh, look at yeah. Reppin. Reppin hardcore. I love it. There we go. A lot better now. That is awesome. Um, so Gabe, this was your idea. Um, you,. A couple weeks ago, you're like, hey, I can give a big, huge discount on the coffee. We are going to lose money if we don't sell a certain amount, but I think we should do a discount and give away a bar and just keep our fingers crossed. And I was like, all right, this motherfucker must be stoned or something. Let's take advantage of him. all right, this motherfucker must be stoned or something.
Starting point is 01:13:43 Let's take advantage of him. Even though in New Jersey, weed is legal now. It wasn't stoned, but I said, hey, let's figure it out. Let's see what happens. And everyone, like the whole community, just fucking blew it out of the water. They did. So a ton of people ordered.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Yeah. And it is an incredible deal, 20% off. It's nuts, right? Yeah. So what I was thinking, and I'd only probably say we do another discount only for your listeners. Yeah. And only bring it up every once in a while, whenever you guys want. Okay. So 7 still is going to work.
Starting point is 01:14:18 It's only going to be 10% because I still need, you know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I get it. I get it. I get it. And you know, postage is going to skyrocket soon with what's happening with gas prices.
Starting point is 01:14:28 Oh, 100%, 100%. Uh, coffee now is extremely expensive by like the 75, uh, kilo bags is fucking stupid expensive, but, uh, you know, we're here and I'm still, uh, rocking out, especially with your support and just growing. Yeah. Awesome. It's funny that you say with our support with because really you keep the lights on here and you allow us to be real. And I and I so appreciate that. You were like, hey, I don't even care if you say that you drink good, dude, blah, blah, blah. I don't care. I like what you're doing. And we talked and we got into like the importance of telling the truth. And I just, I thought it was cool.
Starting point is 01:15:07 And now it's all I drink. It's all I drink. It's all I drink. I appreciate it. All my family drinks. Any guests come over to my house, everyone. I blow that shit up. I keep it real the whole time.
Starting point is 01:15:16 Paper Street. We got to talk about, but people are going to the wrong website and buying the wrong Paper Street. Well, luckily because of the promo code, people have just like you sent me a picture of someone dming you saying hey it's not working a bunch of people have sent me the same the same picture hey it's not working hey it's not that lady who sent me that is smart as shit too if she's sending that like she's like a marketing fucking mastermind she's like i knew something was wrong i was like okay we got to send this over to Gabe. What can we do to make sure people go to the right website?
Starting point is 01:15:46 So the issue with that is I trademarked Paper Street Coffee. I then trademarked Paper Street Coffee Co., which, I mean, I could get into, you know, something. I guess Paper Street Coffee is trademarked by me. But, I mean, I'll do a better job. I mean, I'm a one-man operation right now. Well, it's not your fault. It's the fact that someone has the URL that's Paper Street.
Starting point is 01:16:09 Coffee Co. Oh, that's what they have. Yeah. Oh, yeah, you don't need that. Okay, so those people are just knuckleheads. Hey, man. You have Paper. Can you pull that up, Sousa?
Starting point is 01:16:18 You have Paper Street, Gabe? Yeah, Oh. And then trademark Paperstreetcoffee come on guys so it's your fault if they get do you know the owner of that other company that sells the piss shit piss shit beans no i mean they started in 2001 or so i think uh right around like a few months after i started uh because i I remember when I went to go get the URL,
Starting point is 01:16:46 that still was available. And yeah, I mean, it's working. Hey, is that a dude right there wearing that? Oh, that would have been awesome if that was a dude wearing a half shirt right there. That's Joanna. I used to coach with her. When I used to coach CrossFit, she's got eight kids.
Starting point is 01:17:03 What? She is 45, I think now. She's got eight kids. What? She is 45, I think now. She's got eight kids. Oh, that's not the – wow. Wow. Wait, that woman birthed eight kids? Yep. Same dude, same dude.
Starting point is 01:17:17 Great question, great point. Hey, we should get her on the show. She's an introvert, but I can definitely get her she is amazing she is an inspiration she's like when i met her i was like wow what percent yeah she's smoking too what percentage of the female population had eight kids and looks like that hey i don't know i i don't know anyone besides my grandmother on my dad's side and that's when like a you know a few decades ago yeah i think she had 10 that's like when kids died i think she had 10 and 2 died like you know i mean that's like yeah crazy crazy crazy
Starting point is 01:17:58 yeah yeah she had sex eight times yes yes i mean that we know that we know she was pollinated eight times actually seven times one time she just rolled through a wet spot okay um let's pick the bar thank you for coming on this is awesome um i apologize to the beautiful um uh model for being joanna no she's she's cool i can uh all right i can i can send you her uh instagram you guys can figure it out we can peep her okay let's do it okay so you do you have the name of the winner who won the rogue bar i'm about to do it right now i have everything up on a little roulette wheel thing hey it's so funny we did we did a giveaway before or i did a giveaway on my instagram i still never sent the winner their prize and i I pretended to do it randomly, but I didn't.
Starting point is 01:18:48 I lied. Wait, what was it? She lives more inside. It was those liver chips. Oh, Jesus. I think. Yeah. They're tough.
Starting point is 01:18:56 I don't want to knock the dude. They're tough. Yeah. My wife feeds them to my dog. They're tough. Oh, God. Hey, I fed them to my kids. They're like, can we have chips i'm like sure and i fed them to my
Starting point is 01:19:07 kids and i like like just like the kind of thing you do to one of your roommates in college like you know like put this hat too oh it's a like a um non-profit for uh dogs oh animal rescue i'll feed my dogs liver chips and did you ever do stuff like that like take oreo cookies and squeeze toothpaste in between and scrape out the white stuff and then put them back together and give them to people. Like I do that shit to my kids, but I did. I gave them liver chips instead. And then I stand back and get my iPhone out and start recording. Like one of them's like, these are good.
Starting point is 01:19:38 And the other two are like, I'm like, when I got in trouble, I used to, my parents would hold me down and feed me cod liver oil from like a cod fish that's abuse they'd go to jail for that today my dad would hold me down and my mom would spoon it in they used to give that to us I spent some time in Ecuador as a kid and that was a stable
Starting point is 01:19:58 it was horrible are you born in the states? yeah I'm Spanish. Jorge Ventura is Ecuadorian. Was he Ecuadorian? Do you know who that is? He's one of our guests. I think Nicaraguan.
Starting point is 01:20:14 Okay. It's all the same to me. Yeah, we're all, you know, big. Racist, racist. Okay, let's see who won the bar. Let's see who won the bar. All right, i'm spinning now hopefully someone from new jersey so i don't have to pay shipping
Starting point is 01:20:28 oh jesus christ i can't pronounce his name spell it i'm gonna write it down i'm gonna give it a shot all right you ready go ahead k-r-y k-r-y s-t-y s-t-y k-k-a christica k-a wait that's all one word that's all first oh hey dude that might be from a foreign country that's ukraine no it's not it's not hey this this girl has three k's in her name yeah Yeah, and two Y's. Oh, no, she can't win. No, no, no, no, no, no. You can't have three K's in your name and be the winner. God, I hope she's black. God, I hope she's black.
Starting point is 01:21:15 Please be black, and please be a lesbian and be Jewish. Oh, God, that would be so good for the show. Wait, can you spell her name again? I'll put it in a little banner. K-R-Y-S-T-Y-K-K-A. S-T-Y. Listen, look at... One of our guests was telling us how to...
Starting point is 01:21:36 It's pronounced Dick Butter. I hate it when people in the comments are funny. This guy and GP are so funny. It's like it's Christy. It's almost K-R-Y-K-K-A. Yeah. Where does she live? I'm assuming it's a she.
Starting point is 01:21:56 Where does she live? I'm assuming it's Utah. Okay. Well, that's okay. Oh, so it's a Mormon. That's good. That's almost like a black lesbian Jew. That's close.
Starting point is 01:22:05 Mormon. Let's see if I a Mormon. That's good. That's almost like a black lesbian Jew. That's close. Mormon. Let's see if I can do a little stalking and see if I find out exactly who this person is. Yeah. Type that into Instagram. Let's see if we can pull up that person's account. Oh, nice. Nice. Maybe you could change one of those Ks to another letter. I can't believe that person's name. That's just their credit card name, right? Christica? Yeah, that's not their real name, is it?
Starting point is 01:22:35 She's a CF Level 2. Alright. Wait, you found her on Instagram? Yeah. I shouldn't say that live on... no it's okay yeah yeah we can find her she's proud that she's a cf level two everyone's fair game these days if you have an instagram account we're pulling you up on the show you're you're good all right so we have our winner um thank you everyone who jumped in um to help pay for shipping oh you're you're a sweetheart
Starting point is 01:23:02 thank you and uh even though he's never going to see any of that, I'm keeping that. It's all good. And it looks like I didn't know this until just now. He said it. If you still use the Sebon code, you still get 10% off. After this podcast, I'll make it live.
Starting point is 01:23:20 So 10% off. Okay, cool. Gabe, thanks for coming on. I it i appreciate it maybe next time we do uh what's that thing called an assault bike or maybe a rogue echo bike giveaway during the games that would be awesome oh one of our sponsors at california hormones i believe i can't promise you this bought tickets for the crossfit games that we're going to be giving away too so paper street coffee will be giving away some another prize we're not sure what yet during the games and um and um california homeowners will be giving away tickets it sounds like
Starting point is 01:23:54 we just need to find out what barbell jobs will be giving away but barbell jobs gave away vip tickets to at water palooza that was crazy yeah three but three of them. And then the ladies had me take a picture with, take the picture with Brian for him. They're like, get out of the way. You got to actually here, hold the camera. We want a photo with Brian. Thanks Cindy.
Starting point is 01:24:15 Gabe, you demand. Thanks brother. I appreciate it guys. Peace out. Beautiful shirt. Beautiful shirt. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:24:19 Oh, we should have sent him a free shirt. There'll be that. We gave him the red one. Okay. Hey, that him a free shirt. They'll be in it. We gave him the red one. Okay. Hey, that's a good dude. Gabe's a real good dude. Yeah, that's a good dude.
Starting point is 01:24:32 Okay. I want to go. Let's go to the very last bottom. It says zero fucks. It's a, it's an Instagram clip. I want to go through like, I have nine minutes. I want to get, I want to bang some stuff out here. I'm going to bang some stuff out. Boy, the show is really exploding by the way.
Starting point is 01:24:48 Maybe that's why I was a little emotional or sentimental this morning. And thank you to all you guys. I don't know if you guys are telling friends to watch it or what, but, or the show is exploding. Um, okay. Oh, from Tyler Fisher, this was a guest on the show. I saw this. If you are a comedian, this isn't, by the way, a comedian. It should be if you're a human being. I recommend starting to train yourself immediately to give absolutely zero fucks about what people think. I don't know about that, but I appreciate the sentiment. Because the list of things you can't say will double every week until every damn word is considered hate speech.
Starting point is 01:25:23 You have to be able to. You have to be able to have freedom of speech. You have to be able to, you have to be able to have freedom of speech. It is the only debate you bring a gun to. If you lose that, you shoot the person. You cannot lose the debate for freedom of speech. There cannot be any exceptions. There cannot be.
Starting point is 01:25:42 Oh, but it's seven. It's such a good idea to get rid of discrimination and prejudice. No, it's not. You need those. You need those so you can discriminate and pick out beautiful people, people that you love. Don't be narrow-minded. So many people are looking at the world through a paper towel roll.
Starting point is 01:26:02 There is this post that I made last night. I cannot tell you how brilliant and impressed I am. I started this earlier with Con Porter. There's an interview he did. It only had like 25 or 77 views. It is brilliant. I'm like only 20 minutes into it and I cannot believe how self-aware this guy is.
Starting point is 01:26:22 Most people don't even know what self-awareness is. And that's okay. I remember when I didn't know. It's awesome. It's an awesome life. You guy is. Most people don't even know what self-awareness is. And that's okay. I remember when I didn't know. It's awesome. It's an awesome life. You don't know what you don't know. It's an awesome life. And you have to go to a pretty dark spot for it to crack open and start being self-aware.
Starting point is 01:26:41 There's people that I know that I knew, high- powered, rich, smart people that I've known for like 15 years. And in the last three years, they've said to me, holy shit. I used to think you were a little nutty. And I know it was just because I didn't understand what you were saying. And these are all people who woke up. They had a, they had a little, they had a little awakening in their life. It's happening more and more to me. Maybe once a month, someone reaches out and like, wow. And it's okay if you don't understand a lot of the stuff I say. I'm pointing at something. I'm pointing at something. I get it. And I get most people when you can't see what I'm pointing at or you're not aware I'm pointing at something,
Starting point is 01:27:20 you start staring at my hand. That's okay too. That's why I try to be funny, to keep those who aren't quite awake enough yet to hear my voice or what i'm pointing at to be entertained and i mean it's my pleasure totally my pleasure okay uh let's i want to play this um also um this is tyler fisher what's very interesting about this guy is this guy really is hardcore neurotic he would be like one of the most susceptible people to to fall for all the covid shit and yet he's he too can make fun of it we had this guy in the podcast we have we had a comedian on the podcast that's funny i mean there's a oh yeah con is a con it's it's next level it's next. I've never heard anyone articulate what he articulated just randomly. I couldn't even believe what I was hearing. It's on my it's on my Instagram. If anyone wants to see its last 40 seconds of his talk. OK, let's play this. The flu for 14 days, should she get a flu shot?
Starting point is 01:28:21 Well, no, if she got the flu for 14 days, she's as protected as anybody can be because the best vaccination is to get infected yourself. And that'd be the same with COVID, right? Same applies to the coronavirus. If she had COVID, she doesn't need to get the COVID shot. She could get one, you know, she can do one shot just as some extra protection. So just one and done. one and done is probably all she needs because then the sort of if she's already at the doctor's office she might as well get a second shot natural immunity two shots she's good to go and that would really be all she would need except for the boosters of course because those offer this sort of extra immunity eventually protected and then of course just to be sort of extra safe i would just get
Starting point is 01:29:12 a booster shot every six months for the rest of your life and that'll sort of just get that ultra protection uh but she's had the flu for 14 days this isn't a joke well no this is how it's really operating and the people we love don't know it our moms our dads our cousins our sisters our neighbors this is real this is real this isn't um um what's what's that thing um shawnee said tinfoil he thinks we should have a tinfoil sponsor it's nice of him to look out for our sponsors yeah shawnee and tommy show said this is real you can just go on the internet and find it in a hundred different places this is real they're running they're paying people
Starting point is 01:29:53 brought to you by hey it's exactly how they operate it's exactly how the crossfit ecosystem operates crossfit buys two hundred thousand dollars in ads from morning chalk up every year and morning chalk up can't say anything bad and year, and Morning Chalk Up can't say anything bad, and Tommy and Shawnee can't say anything bad because then you're listening to Franco, and it's just this whole pyramid of house of cards. Uh-oh, we got to all stay in care. That's real.
Starting point is 01:30:18 It's funny. But we know so many smart people are following it. Like doctors by the fucking bucket load fall for that shit. That was going back to what I was saying before, that none of like all those corporations act a certain way because they want you to believe that they're on your side and supporting the causes you support. But then behind closed doors, all those executives.
Starting point is 01:30:44 Oh, I see what you did there. I see what you did there. I see what you did there i see what you did way i don't oh well okay i'm dude okay okay i'm i'm gonna let you get the last shot okay i i i don't want to i i'm not gonna say anything but you win closed doors until the next show i come at you harder behind closed doors those executives the cdc website said but before long before the covid outbreak you never ever quarantine the healthy you never it is not how you deal with the problem you never quarantine the healthy ever ever ever ever ever ever and they also said that quarantines all end eventually in riots, which we had those two, which is kind of funny. The CDC knows. Okay.
Starting point is 01:31:26 Um, so we did Tyler Fisher. We did zero fucks. Um, women champs are men. Can we hit that one? Oh no. Uh,
Starting point is 01:31:34 no, go back up to the top. Sorry. There's an, uh, we got, do we did Carl Kyle Creek offended? There's a guy I want to get on the show.
Starting point is 01:31:43 I feel so attached right now. Uh, weight loss injection, more divided than ever. Hold on. Oh no, the Don't Smoke Weed PSA. I really like this guy. He's been on the show. I've played his Instagram clips before, but I just realized that I think this guy did time in the federal prison.
Starting point is 01:32:00 And I want to have him on the show. It's called Don't Smoke Weed PSA. Do you see it? Here we go. His name is Gundy. It says Gundy Publishing. I think he's got a son. I really like this dude. You understand?
Starting point is 01:32:16 Right off the top, man. Y'all already know how I get down, man. You understand? I don't smoke weed, nigga. I don't smoke no motherfucking man. You understand? I don't smoke weed, nigga. I don't smoke no motherfucking weed. You understand? That ain't my job. That's not a part of my job description.
Starting point is 01:32:33 You understand? To get my mind and zoom it all the way out to where I can't even think straight. I'm high. I'm losing shit. My organizational skills is fucked up. My time management skills is fucked up. I can't think clear. I'm oversleeping. I'm missing a point. I ain't doing none of that, man. Never that. Never that. Oh boy, we don't do that. You understand? We stay clean. We do what we got to do. We take care of things. We make sure we get shit done, man. You understand? We don't never
Starting point is 01:33:05 get ourselves off our square. We all the way out the game. We not thinking straight. Why I'ma do that for? Hey, man, listen here. I don't smoke that fucking weed. Meredith, Meredith Root, Jess LaFranco, you guys gonna write an article criticizing this guy? He sounds privileged.
Starting point is 01:33:22 He sounds privileged. He sounds... How does he know that weed's bad for you that's just because he's privileged the rest of the people in his community don't know that and that's rude to say that he's a hateful prejudiced racist man he's against the weed i think that's meredith's next article put that behind the paywall oh no that guy doesn't have enough followers for you to attack him. Meredith, I do love you, by the way.
Starting point is 01:33:49 And your wife. You guys are cool shit. I loved having you on the podcast. But that was just nonsense. Don't play that finger fuck with that fucking, those dipshits over there. And by the way, I love you dipshits. I want you guys to keep going. It's not like I want you to go away. I was expecting you to ask Zach Bitter if he ever soiled the shorts in a race.
Starting point is 01:34:08 It was a great episode. Dude, Katie, that was – how crazy that I had a dude on who's that – oh, it's 830. Yeah. My boy do tennis. I had a dude on that was that great, and I ran out of time. Like I had to take my kids somewhere. It was stupid. I need less kids.
Starting point is 01:34:30 Thank you for the $10, by the way. I want to get that guy on the show. I want to get that guy on the show. Hey, let's say the liver king is completely full of shit. So what? hey let's say the liver king is completely full of shit so what like what why not just take something he didn't build off of it like cool like hey you know you are a cool-ass person by the way meredith you're a cool as shit you know who we need to get back on your show you were on you and um and and and you're in your
Starting point is 01:35:01 i don't know if you're married you and and your girl, for sure she's your girlfriend, but she also might be your wife. You and Alex were on here. It was dope. I know you're Canadian, and that's a massive hurdle to overcome. Yeah, this guy's coming back on the show. Dude, he's exploding. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:20 You're going to play this? Okay, this is it. No, I'm not going to. Oh, okay. Guys, I love you. I really mean that. This morning is something, you know, I always have my most profound shit while I'm soaping my nuts and my chest hair,
Starting point is 01:35:34 and I was just thinking about how all you guys choose to be here. It's fucking cool. We party. Yeah. Thanks for all the love. Thanks for all the DMs. Thanks for all the love. Thanks for all the DMS. Thanks for all the texts. Um, I'm glad, I'm glad that I got, have all you guys in the show in my life.
Starting point is 01:35:51 Peace and love. I will see you guys tomorrow. Uh, we, I think we have a, we, we for sure will be coming live from the Ukraine tomorrow with Yevgeny. Um, and, uh, and then Monday with con Porter. And then we have an evening show power rankings with brian friend and i think we have some surprising shit by the way i'm coming up with the hardest questions that i could possibly ask rich froning and i think he's going to be coming on the show
Starting point is 01:36:13 wednesday you know what i mean like like hard ones like what was like what kind of birth control does he use you know like like really get into i don't know if that's appropriate it's not definitely not appropriate but i i'm tired of letting rich off the hook. Well, I mean, because they had, they adopted. Oh, oh, I'm not telling that. Don't be sensitive. Don't be sensitive. Roger that.
Starting point is 01:36:36 Okay. What birth control did he use with before he was with his wife? How's that? Yeah.

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