The Sevan Podcast - #357 - Stories from Odessa, Ukraine with Yevhenni Pt. 5

Episode Date: April 4, 2022

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Starting point is 00:01:07 Oh, you have? Oh, shows how much I'm paying attention. Yeah. So how are you doing? I'm good. I'm good. I live in a weird place. It's hard to complain when I'm talking to you,
Starting point is 00:01:21 but they're trying to pass this law in California where they want the police to enforce medical health measures. Have the police. So basically, if you don't get an injection, then the police will grab you and give you an injection. Crazy, right? Yeah, it's really crazy. It might pass. It might pass. It's not like far-fetched either i'm not it's not like i'm making up some crazy shit like it's a it's a bill on the floor it's
Starting point is 00:01:52 a bill on the floor you know there's there was also a proposal coming out of san francisco that in order for there to be um it wasn't a law but it's being proposed by some intellectuals in san francisco that that people who have black kids and people have white kids they exchange them at birth why why are they doing it because they think that that will bring equality we have a lot of crazy people in this country it is so bad here but but but like i said we don't have uh our neighbors not well i was going to say our neighbors not inv, but our neighbor kind of is invading. Kind of. We have a good neighbor, so that's good.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Go ahead. Fake vaccine certificate you have. Say that again? When the whole stuff with the corona start, yes. Yeah. And we have the COVID certificate yes and there was uh many news about uh fake certificates in ukraine yes yeah yeah you don't have it so everyone has those in the united states you mean the fake vaccine card that you got the vaccine? Everyone has those here too.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Many people don't want to have this shit, yes, and they buy some certificates and live with this. I think Ukraine has the lowest vaccination rate in Europe. Maybe, yes. Especially in that time now. So when our women and child go away from Ukraine, they don't need a certificate on the border and they just arrive to Europe without it. So when we travel somewhere by Ukraine, travel somewhere by Ukraine,
Starting point is 00:03:44 you must give the vaccine certificate on the train or on the bus or whatever it is. And only after that you can write what you want. But now it's finished. You can write whatever you want. This,
Starting point is 00:04:00 you know, the guy who used to be President of the United States, Donald Trump, he's speaking again. And one of the things he spoke of recently was that we should be very careful letting Germany and Japan build up their militaries again. And I posted this on my Instagram and someone from Germany said, hey, you know, it's not a big deal. Germany is a safe country. And I said, well, look what you guys did with the COVID vaccine. Look how you treated your people. And he said, oh, shit, you're right.
Starting point is 00:04:31 It's not a safe people. It's an authoritarian regime. It's freaky. Yeah, it's really, really, really, really freaky. Yeah, so Ukraine is 34% vaccinated. On that time, yes. Which is very low. I mean, look at Brazil, 75. The U.S. is 66. It's about half that of the United States.
Starting point is 00:04:57 It's fascinating to me. They're saying that 58% of the population on the planet is vaccinated now. 4.57 billion people have taken this drug. Crazy. Have you had COVID, Yevgeny? On the 2020, yes, I have something like that. And it was one day, yeah, I made the test. I know that I have COVID.
Starting point is 00:05:31 And after one day of feeling bad, yes, I was good. And that's the whole story with COVID for me. I want to show you something. So I want to believe that my health care, yes, and fitness helped me maybe oh of course of course but i want to think like this of course yeah yeah yeah of course of course it helped you it helps you in everything if you fall down the stairs it will help you um if you get a venereal disease it will help you um if you get emotionally hurt it will help you your fitness helps you your fitness helps you everywhere um it's kind of cool like that about stress and yes that will you know i i feel like my fitness helped me to uh create a better better day yes so even today we have a very bad night uh i tell you later about that yes but i find some
Starting point is 00:06:31 20 minutes to recovery with with my head to go on the street and do some double unders 500 double unders for time and and it's good it's uh every time is good i'm sorry to hear you say that that um that you're having some hard times now it seems like we're getting a lot of good news in the united states at least just from the little bit that i've seen did the ukraine it well before we switch before we switch i want to show you. I'm going to show you. This is from ā€“ we have a group here called the CDC, Center for Disease Control. They're supposed to make sure the United States is safe from the flu and whatnot. And this is ā€“ let me see if I can pull this up, share. Normally, I have someone here to help me. They're not here today.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Let me go here and let me move, see if I can make this full screen. Okay, now listen to what she says here. Our data from the CDC today suggests that vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don't get sick, and that it's not just in the clinical trials, but it's also in real world data. Our data from the CDC today suggest, you know, that vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don't get sick, and that it's not just just in the clinical trials but it's also in real world data so this is she's saying that if you're vaccinated it doesn't matter how old this is by the way she's saying that people um who are vaccinated they don't they don't carry the
Starting point is 00:08:17 disease and they're good to go well that's never been true not even even for one second. No one ever said that. Not Pfizer, nobody. No one ever said that except for her. And it's batshit crazy. Batshit crazy. I have a lot of examples here. Yes, yes. Yeah, everyone knows that's not true. Even Joe Biden knows that's not true. Fucking idiocy.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Uh-oh. Are you on your phone? You turned sideways, Yevgeny. Ah, there we go. All right. I have a problem with that. Hey, you sent me that link to, um... God, that was a horrible read, what you sent me.
Starting point is 00:09:03 You sent me this link to what happened in Vucha. Let me see if I can pull this up over here. This is the shit we don't want to hear. You can hang up and come back, Yevgeny. You can hang up and come back.
Starting point is 00:09:19 One second, please. Okay. Yevgeny sent me this this morning uh this is absolutely the shit you don't want to see and um i i think this kind of shit unfortunately is um is uh man you're gonna see it no matter who goes to war this is a this i think this was published in wikipedia today april i think it was put up April 2nd, yesterday. And Yevgeny sent this to me in WhatsApp.
Starting point is 00:09:54 The top says this article and information may change rapidly as the event progresses. And there's a city called Bucha. And I'm going to read to you the Wikipedia article now. As a part of the 2022 invasion of Ukraine, the the town of bucha being one of the initial outlined areas of kiev the russian forces moved into so it's basically kiev's like their capital that's their big city that's where you know all the the politicians hang out i guess and uh on the outskirts one of the suburbs was a town called Bucha. Unlike in other towns, the mayor continued to remain in office during the occupation. He was not abducted or executed. In late March, which is I think last week, prior to the Russian retreat from Kiev, Prosecutor General of Ukraine Irina Vendiktova stated that Ukrainian prosecutors had collected evidence of 2,500 suspected cases of war crimes.
Starting point is 00:11:06 It goes on and on. Basically, it looks like 400 people in this town were slaughtered. And this is not the final number of people. Right, right, right. You're talking about Bucha, yes? Yeah. Yeah. And some of the evidence they're seeing is, you know, people in the streets with their hands tied behind their back, dead, mass graves, pets, pets killed everywhere. This is terrible. Not only men and women, but a child with tied hands. It's a strange thing. And I read about the girls under 10
Starting point is 00:11:46 years with the signs of rape so it's terrible and we know about it because I think you say yes about that cities, yes they was
Starting point is 00:12:02 under Russia last couple of weeks but now our military liberate this key region and fully completely liberate and now we can see all this all these crimes of Russians of russians uh rima um savchuk says uh those cities are 30 kilometers from kiev well-organized european style cities damn yeah there is a good infrastructure so this is like uh under kiev so the the part where many kiev citizens live. They like to buy some houses near Kyiv. It's not a village. It's good
Starting point is 00:12:51 cities with good infrastructure. I read a lot of stories about that. The stuff that made my last days. You can just read this from young women yes from from that
Starting point is 00:13:10 who uh survival there and i have a couple of stories for you to please give you give you some some these are stories that you've heard coming out of Bucha? Yeah. You know, now volunteers help the people that come back from Bucha, Irpen, Dmitrovka. So this is the cities around the Kyiv. And now volunteers help these people because there was a long time under shelters, basements, yes. They don't see the daylight
Starting point is 00:13:48 yes, many of them have no food and water by the weeks yes, lost their relatives or something like that so this is the stories from real people that volunteers now post in the
Starting point is 00:14:04 social medias and all my social medias today with these stories you can just come to instagram or something you you see that body how do they validate these stories by the way how do they how do you verify them i only bring this up because we were getting stories out of new york City during COVID and out of China that there were just mass people dying everywhere. Right. Or we heard the stories out of India. And now we know they're they're not true. You know, like they in New York, in our own country, they pulled the tight hands, about rape, little girls, yes, it's information from the journalist that was there, yes? There, okay.
Starting point is 00:14:56 And me, as a man who's sitting in the shelter most time of the day, today it was near five o course yes so i sitting in the shelter because it's air alarm and we don't have the russian troops on this on our cities on our streets yes and just realize the situation where you uh in occupied city where every time you heard the bang, bang, bang, yes, you see how it happened. The building is destroyed near you, yes. So you go in the basement of what you can go. So when I see the alarm, I just carefully take all my stuff, yes, and go with the elevator
Starting point is 00:15:46 yes I go down so I don't run to the stairs I don't run because of banks yes so I'm just I'm just go like regular stuff so if you have the real dangerous situation on the street you
Starting point is 00:16:02 see troops maybe yeah you see like the bullets coming yes or something like rockets yes you don't go uh calmly down yes you just run and take what you can take yes and uh when you sit there in this situation, so I can't believe that people, uh, not have enough food. Yes. Because they don't, can't just go from the shelter.
Starting point is 00:16:31 You can go, but you can be died there. So I read the story. I read this story for you. Yes. About when, uh, now,
Starting point is 00:16:43 what language are these stories written in? It's written by Ukrainian, but I'm translating English, of course, so we can understand this. By the way, for those of you who don't know, I'm zoomed in using the satellite imagery on Google. This is Bucha. And I just want to pull out really quick, if you can follow my arrow,
Starting point is 00:17:06 I'm going to show you where Yevgeny is, who we're speaking with. He's down here in Odessa by the Black Sea, the water that's in the most southern part of this photo. And then where the red dot is up here, the balloon, that's the city we're about to talk about. And he's about to read stories from. And then just to give you perspective, if I come give you perspective if i come all the way over here all the way over here this this is paris all in the left side of the screen near um near where yevgeny and i are our pictures are so then you come back all the way over here and i'm gonna zoom in on bucha okay sorry to interrupt you have guinea let's do it yeah you you also can show the little bit north and that Bucha. There is a Chernihiv region and north and little bit right. There is a city Bobrovitsa that I have my mother there and all my relatives there.
Starting point is 00:17:59 And this region now it's also without Russian troops and this is good. And we'll talk about this later. But now a story from the people from Bucha. So people say that for several weeks they sat in a basement without electricity, heating, and food. The story of a rescued 60-year-old girl. We ran out of water. My uncle left the basement for water and did not return. So we
Starting point is 00:18:28 can think that he was died by or killed, yes, by Russian troops. It was completely dark. We sat among the dead bodies and smelled them. So realize you're sitting in the basement without lights
Starting point is 00:18:43 and somebody died. Yes. I don't know. And this is terrible. My mother died three days before we were rescued. Wow. I wonder why she died. Did she die from a bombing, starvation, stress?
Starting point is 00:19:00 We don't know. We don't know about that. But this is a short story. Yes. We don't know about that. But this is a short story, yes, and I have another from just... I have tears from this story. They prepared food in the yard on stones. I dropped you photos from this, yes, it's from Mariupol. Then there was the shelling, their shelter was destroyed.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Who can Escape and other people dying on this shelter people were buried right in the yards Russians were not taken away and their bodies were taken away by animals She prayed every second for the children to survive There was no water no food the basement where survive. There was no water, no food. The basement where we were sitting was found by accident while running between the bombings. So they're running away
Starting point is 00:19:52 and just some place that they can find, yes, they go there. She told how she did not sleep for a second and huged the child tightly, sometimes turning off from helplessness. They were overwhelmed and there was no point in shouting because the shoulders would kill them just for fun. There were various thoughts of starvation, such as killing our dog and eating it to last a few more days
Starting point is 00:20:27 so when were these posted? do you know when these were posted, Yevgeny? this story is it from, is it recent? is it in the last week or the last month? this is last week from Mariupol last week from Mariupol.
Starting point is 00:20:45 So now from Mariupol every day, two and a half thousand of people go away from the city. But you remember, yes, the city was destroyed totally. You can show the photos before and after the rush is coming. And now some people can run away from that. So this is a story from a woman that was there. And after this, she writes that she thinks about killing her dog, yes, and she thinks that she's sleeping, yes,
Starting point is 00:21:31 that this is like a dream, yes. And after that, they were rescued. So the Ukrainian army just coming for them. So when you read all this stuff, and in the morning today, we have the bomb on our oil plant, yes, in Odessa. So there is a fire. Is that the first time Odessa has been bombed since you've been there? So they have a tried a couple of times
Starting point is 00:22:05 but our our defense our defense yes was here and have a good time but today it was five rockets but two of these five
Starting point is 00:22:21 they destroyed and three was in Odessa and the oil depot was destroyed. It was five or six in the morning, yes. And I was on the streets a couple hours ago and I saw clouds of smoke in one place. When this happens, how much did you get noticed? So you said you were outside when these rockets struck? No, no, no. I was in shelter, yes.
Starting point is 00:22:56 And what's the story? We was in the shelter. We lost our Wi-Fi there. We lost our Wi-Fi there. So every 50 minutes, I go to the place where I can find mobile network and looking for the end of alarm. So we don't know where it finished, so I must check every time. So I go every 15, 20 minutes. And in time, our friend came to shelter.
Starting point is 00:23:28 So you know that not all the people go to the shelter in the alarm, so many of them just sleeping. So some of our friends came to shelter and said that there is a lot of bombs. Yes, she heard it's bombing and she was scared because she went down. And we sit down and tried to look for the news and nobody writes anything because you can't tell information about the bombs because of helping Russian yes so if you if you write about the place or take a photo from this or something like that you can help to write to hell next rocket yes just in place when they want and after it finish in the hour yes we come back and what
Starting point is 00:24:28 time was that at it looks like it's daytime even though the sun even though it's dark it was uh early morning so 6 a.m or 5 a.m so let me paint this picture a little bit here so how far is this from your house it's looking like two kilometers, two or three kilometers. Wow, from the building you're in right now. Yeah, I just take photos from clouds of smoke. Wow. Can you send those to me? Yeah, I think it's done. Don't worry if I lose you. Don't worry. Don't worry.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Don't worry. You can just call right back. Don't worry if I lose you. Don't worry. Don't worry. Don't worry. You can just call right back. Don't worry. Crazy. I'm tripping on these. I'm tripping on these people walking around here. Just like, look at, look at, there's a dude down here. And then there was a lady. Did you see that?
Starting point is 00:25:14 These are incredible images, by the way. Look at this dude down here. And then this lady's just walking casually. But look, guys, this is daytime and it's black under there. I've been in a massive fire one time, 3,000 homes burning, and it turned the day into night. It was a trip. So this photo that I sent you was in the evening,
Starting point is 00:25:37 so all the day after that, and that's a lot of smoke in this time, too, because of oil, yes. is this is 14 hours after the rockets hit you this is a photo nuts so you can can imagine the air in the desert it's not very good quality i think yes and it's it's a it's a disaster for... So the people can't have oil for the cars, yes, for their needs. So it's bad for the city to lose the oil factory. the oil fact. Isn't it incredible that you can take a picture,
Starting point is 00:26:30 send it to me, open it up, and we show it to the world. Hey, I got a question for you as I pull this photo up. Have you done any other podcasts? Is anyone else contacting you in the CrossFit world or news world or any world? Have you, are you talking to anyone else? Is anyone from the Ukraine talking to anyone else who's in this community? Yeah, we, we're talking with the, with the old guys who in the CrossFit community.
Starting point is 00:26:59 So we have the change with information. Yes. We talk about the volunteers. But I mean, publicly, I mean, publicly. heavily changing with information yes we talk about the volunteers publicly i mean publicly publicly i was on the podcast in the in the escapist corner podcast is from from the germany yes oh okay i was meet with one guy from that and that's all no Interesting. I find it's fascinating to me. But I have a lot of words from many people from other countries. So every time I post something, the people send me some messages.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Here's why i find it fascinating most of the cross most of the planet is sympathetic to the people of ukraine i think very sympathetic like holy shit by sympathetic i'm that may even be an exaggeration they're glad they're not you how's that you know what i mean like i'm glad i'm not in odessa right now um and and they feel for you like they they can think for a second oh shit if that was my best friend or my grandmother that would really suck that would be real or if that what if that happened in my hometown right but i it's not that i'm, I'm the most politically, I'm so far politically skeptical of what's going on in Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:28:30 You would think based on the way the narrative is in the CrossFit community in the United States, that I would be the last person to talk to you. Do you understand what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah. And instead, all these virtually really motherfuckers
Starting point is 00:28:47 they can't fucking because they're afraid to ruin their uh their ratings their reputation they're like like like it's just fascinating to me i know i'm sucking my own dick a little bit here but but it's just fascinating to me that they're not, it's like this, you know, I eat meat, but I still go to the vegan websites and I watch their videos that show the mass killing of cows. And I cry. I need the whole story. Of course you must see the story. So, so right here, tell me where, so right now you're on the 21st floor of your apartment in Odessa, Ukraine. And then this picture is how far from where you're sitting right now?
Starting point is 00:29:34 Three kilometers, I think. No, no, no, but where you took it from. I know the smoke is three kilometers. I took it from the street near my house, my building. So this is ground level. You left your building, and this is ground level looking towards those oil fields that we just saw burning. Mm-hmm. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:29:57 And why attack those oil fields? For the obvious reasons, so that you guys don't have oil for transportation? Yeah, yeah. It's theā€¦ And for heating homes and whatnot i think not with homes now just infrastructures in odessa now they don't they attack some houses on the sea line yes but it's not nothing massive attack and i hope it's never happened but oil it's like a critical infrastructure yeah so they interested in this so military infrastructure so tactically like oil base or something some uh food base, and this is tactical moves. So they...
Starting point is 00:30:48 Go ahead, go ahead. Sorry, go ahead. They want to destroy infrastructure so you can find food. You can go away because you don't have the oil, yes, and maybe it's water, yes, you can have some poison in water. So maybe you heard about the chemical weapon. So Russia wants to activate a chemical weapon to Ukraine. Have they done that? When they spoke about our
Starting point is 00:31:27 biological laboratories, yes, so this information was forcing in their media to high level, yes, and we can use it to their people. So it's like if we don't do this, yes, they can do this. So this war starts because Putin says that it's day or two and Ukraine attacks Russia. So we must do this first. So it looks like that. And our government prepared us for this. So we have a lot of...
Starting point is 00:32:12 Wait a second. You're saying before Russia even entered the Ukraine, the Russian people were told that Ukraine attacked Russia? Yep. I wonder if I forgot that or it's the first time I'm hearing that. We have hundreds of memes with the president of Belarus, Lukashenko, where he's sitting
Starting point is 00:32:31 and told about the preventive attack on Ukraine because he said, I show you the map, yes, I have the places where they want to start attacking Belarus. So this is very useful for Russians told that we do this or they do this. So we must be first. And I want one small talk about the
Starting point is 00:32:57 situation. So we see these clouds of smoke, yes, but I'm here and I have a light, I have an internet and some food, yes. And before we talk about the people who sit in a month in a basement without lights, without water, and from this perspective, we can imagine what feeling that they have. Yes. Now we have a many, uh, messages from volunteers, uh, because of, uh, we don't have enough,
Starting point is 00:33:30 uh, psychologists. Yes. And people who can, uh, help, uh, mentally for these people.
Starting point is 00:33:36 So this is, I read the story about the, uh, boy who was, who see like the, uh, many soldiers yes it's hard
Starting point is 00:33:50 to tell yes but they rape his mother by days and then she died and this boy he was six years old and after all this stuff and he have a white hair now in six years.
Starting point is 00:34:12 You imagine that. So you, in six years, you watch like the soldier is rape your mother. One soldier, second soldier, and I can imagine this. One soldier, second soldier, and I can't imagine this. Not only did those people that you described, were they in their basement for weeks, but there were dead people amongst them and they started eating their pets to survive. That's the situation it came to. They were eating their dogs. Introducing TD Insurance for Business, with customized coverage options for your business. Because at TD Insurance, we understand that your business is unique, so your business insurance should be too.
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Starting point is 00:35:28 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. For those of you who don't know, this is a map showing. I'm going to show you where I'm moving my arrow right here is the Ukrainian-Belarus border. Belarus is north of Ukraine, and basically this was the country that was saying that they had to attack Ukraine as a preventative measure. Is that border always been a little sketchy? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:01 For the last two years, there's ā€“ No, everything's fine with this border oh it was fine there was no problems before yeah are these people who live along this border are they mixed are they ukrainians and like if of course yeah okay so some of the belarusians live in ukraine and some of the ukrainians live in Ukraine and some of the Ukrainians live in Belarus. There's a blend. For example, my girlfriend has relatives in Belarus. Yes. And her mother has an uncle in Russia. So it's mixed. And it's an interesting story because her uncle who lives in Russia, he can't talk with us now. So he can't give some information or something like that. He's scared that someone's listening to the phone and he could get in trouble.
Starting point is 00:36:56 He's scared and it's reasonable because he can't say nothing now because Russia have a very blurred law about the fakes. Yes, so literally all that you're doing you can add in this law, yes, you can add in this law, yes, and they start, go on you, yes, and some straps or go on the jail, something like that. Did the Russian oil fields get attacked by the Ukrainians recently? We think no, but our government says nothing. They're reporting here in the United States. I thought I saw it. I'm looking for it now. Russian oil fields, Russia oil fields, Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:37:58 I think that our media was reporting that Ukraine struck Russia. Novgorod. And Russia talking about that. But I saw the information about the Russian helicopters there. So we don't have such helicopters that attack this. How did they attack that oil field, those oil containers by your house in Odessa? Were those airplanes that shot rockets? No, by rockets. It was the sea rockets from the ships.
Starting point is 00:38:26 From the Black Sea, wow. From the Sevastopol. It's from Crimea, if I'm not mistaken. Okay, so this is Ukraine attacks Russian oil depot as Mariupol awaits evacuations and Putin's troops abandon Chernobyl. I wonder what that means, abandoned. I wonder why they would leave.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Is there any news that the Russians have had enough already? We have news about red dislocation, Russia troops. So they go away from Kyiv and Kharkiv, yes, and the new plan is to go on the east part of Ukraine, yes, where we have Donetsk and Lugansk, yes, and they want to have the ability to do something there. So they understand that in Kyiv, that's all for all this stuff because they lost all the technique, all the maximum number of personnel, yes, equipment, and they have nothing, just stole some personnel, yes, equipment, and they have nothing, just stole some things, yes, raped our women and do other crazy things.
Starting point is 00:39:54 So we can see how the second army in the world have their business, yeah? Yeah, yeah. in the world have their business, yeah? So. Yeah, yeah. Are you see the video, the Belarus have video in internet, yes? Three hours on the some, a three hour video of Russian soldiers
Starting point is 00:40:17 sending looted items to a post office in Belarus. Yeah, there was someone here posted that. It said, let me see this rima savachuk she said um i think this is a she on most of the houses being robbed things were taken frying pans kitchen stuff and they they said on phone calls with girlfriend they're bringing his gifts so they're saying that the shoulder soldiers russian the Russian soldiers are robbing and then sending them... Just imagine, they stole all sorts of kitchen appliances, such as toasters and blenders. So they stole TVs, carpets.
Starting point is 00:40:56 I read about gold jewelry, earrings that were ripped right out of ears. Just imagine. earrings that were ripped right out of ears just imagine so they just stole all that they can and literally they call to to the girlfriends to the families and tell about our houses so we have good houses we we have a good things so the good roads on the street. So what kind of people we have war with? So this is like, I don't know how to say it. It is enough to watch how they fight, yes? So due to the lack of navigation in the first weeks of the war, they lost most of their equipment, machines, tanks, and whatever.
Starting point is 00:41:51 They managed to capture only the object of civilian infrastructure. So they attack Chernobyl, attack Energodar. It's another nuclear plant. It's another nuclear plant. Yes. And it is logical that you, it is not human to fight on the nuclear plant. So you don't want to come to nuclear plant and have some bombs there.
Starting point is 00:42:19 You know that it's, it's finished not only for your, for us too. Yes. finished not only for us too, but all the world can see the responsibility from this. So they are not interested in fighting with our army. Yeah, we can see this. It is better to destroy cities, to rob, kill, rape civilians. At the same time, Russia states that they are leaving Kyiv because they have already implemented the action plan there. But have they? Is that true? Have they?
Starting point is 00:42:55 No. If the plan was to lose the maximum number of personnel and the equipment and be expelled or killed, yes is this is what they got but it kind of reminds me how when um iraq attacked kuwait in the 90s they basically just stormed the country you know raped and looted the country and then left like pirates yeah like terrorists why pirates terrorists it's not naturally it's the tragedy for the thousands of Like pirates? Yeah, like terrorists. Why pirates? Terrorists. It's not naturally. It's the tragedy for the thousands of families. So some people lost men, yes, brother, father, yes.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Some families have ripped girl or killed child or lost some people because they leave the ukraine yes this is a tragedy and these guys just stole the rocket yes it's like the lebowski movie because they want to have a style in their room yes and And happy go home, yes. And like the vodka balalaika and Kalashnikov. Let me play this video here. This is from CBS. I'm going to run and pee outside this door real quick like a good Armenian boy. But I'm going to play this video for you and everyone. And this is CBS News reporting that the Ukrainians attacked Russia.
Starting point is 00:44:24 By the way, there's no judgment being passed. I'm not like, why would they do that? Like this? I mean, this makes perfect sense. I was accusing Kiev of attacking a fuel depot in Belgorod. It's the first report of a Ukrainian airstrike on Russian soil. Russian officials claim Ukrainian choppers crossed the border and fired on the facility. Ukraine's foreign minister isn't confirming or denying the reports. The Kremlin said the incident could jeopardize peace talks. Russian forces have reportedly given control of Chernobyl back to Ukraine. The defunct power plant is the site of the world's worst nuclear disaster. It was taken by Russian forces in late February.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Plant workers claim soldiers suffered radiation poisoning after digging trenches in the exclusion zone around the reactor. Meanwhile, efforts are once again underway to evacuate civilians from the besieged city of Mariupol. But Ukrainian officials warn they still need guarantees for an evacuation corridor. The Red Cross sent buses to help people on Thursday, but say what do you think? Bullshit. And I'm open to it. I'm open to all of our news here in this country is propaganda. So we don't know what the fuck is going on. It's true that our government has not confirmed the attack, but they say nothing.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Because there was the information that there was a helicopter that we don't have in Ukraine with the Russian flags, I don't know. So they're silent about that. But the fact that Russia may attack their oil plant, it's logical because all the news talk about Russia doing bad things, Russia killing civilians and all the stuff that we're talking about, and nothing about the bad stuff from Ukraine. So they must do something to compromise the Ukrainians. Because what they were, one side is attacking, killing, robbing, and the other side is just taking defense. So it must be happening. But I think it's not end with just go away all Russians from Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:46:52 I think after all this horror, yes, our soldiers just want to go to Moscow and do crazy things there. The people on the war, they don't have a good emotional phone. Right, right, right. When you go on the we read from the news about all
Starting point is 00:47:20 this stuff, but here the people who see firstly you go to the city with the weapon yes and you firstly see these bodies you see this scary things yes and this is very
Starting point is 00:47:37 bad for your nervous system we know about it and I don't know but it's you can't just forgive this you cannot is that what you said yeah yeah it's interesting uh chris so so chris said um this is this chris said but the absurd situation that from our perspective this guy's news might be coming from a comedy troupe running his country
Starting point is 00:48:10 and that's exactly why i talked to him that's exactly why i'm talking to him because we because we know because we know we know we're already where our news is coming from. But this guy is showing us pictures. Confirming rocket attacks two or three kilometers from his fucking apartment building that our own news is saying attack oil refineries. I don't think I don't think anyone's I don't think anyone's denying you cannot deny that this place has been attacked by Russia. I mean, I think you'd be crazy to. And I'm not suggesting he does, and I know it's a lot for you to process, Yevgeny, to see those comments.
Starting point is 00:48:55 But it's also important that you see the perspective of America. You know what I mean? Of a lot of Americans, especially when our own country is falling apart. It's bizarre. I mean, of a lot of Americans, especially when our own country is falling apart. It's bizarre. Yeah. I read a comment from one guy about why I don't take a weapon and don't go to protect my country.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Because I don't know how I can do this. Yes, I can do the training. Yes, I can do the free training. I can work on my project for this. I can bring the money training. I can work on my project for this. I can bring the money for the army. Yes, that is the thing that I do already. Yes, but I don't know how to kill people now.
Starting point is 00:49:38 And I think I just go on the war and die there. So if time is coming, I take a weapon and do something with this. But now I don't see the possibility for me to help my country with the weapon in my hands. So I ask on this comment because I'm not the army man, yes? So I don't like all... I know that there is people who like this, yes? I know that there are people who like this, to be the soldiers, to do all this stuff, and to have a war too. It's not a secret that people who have good skills can help and ride around the world to help our army. Yes, because they know how to do this. And what can I do in this situation?
Starting point is 00:50:31 I wonder if this happened in the United States. I bet you 20 million people would die in a month from running out of medication. Just because we have so many sick people in this country. I bet you, maybe more, maybe 40 million, maybe as many people that are in the entire population of Ukraine would die if the United States went to war on our soil just because of the stop in the supply chain. Because what is happening to the people there who need medication? I mean, it's so your entire infrastructure is, well, not yet. Odessa, you're still getting food in odessa and your water still runs like of course of course yeah but but kiev is not no no no kiev not now it's
Starting point is 00:51:14 two is a good infrastructure so there was a problems yeah it's it's back it's back already in my own town you remember remember? On the north part. Where your parents are. Where is my mom? My father is in Kiev now. So he talked about good prices and a good amount of food. So this is not a problem. But in the north Ukraine, where is my mother located, there is a high prices on products, but you also can find all that you want now.
Starting point is 00:51:50 A problem with the food now in that cities that controlled by Russians. So it's the Kherson region, so this is Mariupol, this is the east of Ukraine where Donbass and Lugansk, yes. There is, you can find these problems because of the occupant is stay on the road and don't give the opportunity to ride with the food. And they try to give some help, yes, with the food or something but there is a curious story
Starting point is 00:52:28 with you remember Kadyrov we were talking about him earlier Ramzan who who
Starting point is 00:52:34 was hunting for Bandera who died 18 years ago so the Kadyrov his people
Starting point is 00:52:43 is this is a TikTok tock army. Yes. So the guys who like filming the videos, so they do a good thing. So they ride in one village. They ride with the wheat, wheat,
Starting point is 00:52:56 uh, Ukrainian wheat, and they give it to the people and say that this is from the Chechnya. It's a humanitarian help from Chechnya. So this is a comical situation. So they stole it from some other city and write to this city
Starting point is 00:53:14 and give to people to be a robbing goods. Yes? Right. If you were to describe the situation now for ukraine do you have any clear perspective on i know i asked this last week how this is going to end do you have any is it getting more chaotic every day we go or is it getting less chaotic are we coming closer to a resolution i guess i see that everything drags on so okay putin wants to continue this so it's like the uh you push it yes the people is exhausted the money is our yes the all this stuff is go go
Starting point is 00:54:00 go and this is this is the situation that happened now. But in strategy of the war, yes, Russia now tried to hold the east of Ukraine because every expert says that Putin wants to celebrate the Victory Day, you know, the 9th of May, it's for Russia, it's a special day because of, they celebrate every year the end of the Second World War, so this big victory,
Starting point is 00:54:36 yes, for Russian people it's like the, ideologically yes, it's very important and And he thinks that if he does that on the... No, no, no, no. It doesn't matter what he does until the 9th of May. Because of Russian propaganda, everything that happened in Ukraine,
Starting point is 00:54:57 it's good for Russia, for Russian propaganda. So every situation, they turn on and write about the good stuff. So they take some village, 50 buildings in the village, yes, and Russia take this city, and they write a big post, yes, about so they take this city, there is a megapolis, there is a strategy object and other. So he just wants to do this for the mental health of his people to believe in him so that he does something. Because we have a lot of percent of people in russia that can't believe in the murders
Starting point is 00:55:47 in all the stuff that we're talking today it's it's hard stuff uh you know all day i walking around do some things today and i feel it i don't know why but i feel it in my my organism so it's it's hard to read about the rip 10 years girl yes and about the killed children without reason so they they can't just stand and kill a russian soldier just can't so they don't have weapons so that they don't want this to do yes i i understand understand when they go to house yes and kill all the men but but what is this i want to ask you i want to ask you i want to ask you two questions about what you just said i don't want to ignore what you just said about the hardships that you're starting to feel it have on your organism, on your body, the stress. See this map here?
Starting point is 00:56:53 So were you saying that Putin wants to settle ā€“ well, let me start here. All of these places you see where there's red, are those all places where Russian troops have been? Yeah, they have been there. But in Chernihiv region, now it's clear. And Kyiv also clear. So it's not actual map, I think. But there are still troops in Ukraine. Where are they now in Ukraine? On the east side in Ukraine and on the Kherson region on the south of Ukraine. So where the Crimea is... So when you say the east, you mean over here? Yeah. Where this arrow is? This is where the Donetsk, Lugansk and Mariupol, you can see the cities on the east
Starting point is 00:57:41 side. And then the line... How about over here though and leave? Have any troops come all the way over there yet now they Do some preventive attacks. Yes for scared people on that region, too. So before we start our Conversation there was the alarm but not in Odessa and I see the map and that was everything about west of Ukraine so there was the reason to set the alarm
Starting point is 00:58:11 so they attacked Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk they tried to attack all the cities that was a colony before so the plan was work with the Kiev, yes, occupation with the Kiev, Kharkiv and with the Kyiv, Kharkiv, and from the south of Ukraine, Kherson, where you can see more red now, yes,
Starting point is 00:58:32 it's near me, near Crimea. This was the plan. And now they say that they finish with Kyiv, Kharkiv, and this is dislocated on that side that I talked about before. So it's the East Ukraine and all this region. So it's very good to Russia to own this territory. So you can have like gangrene on Ukraine. Understand?
Starting point is 00:59:04 Yes. So this part that is bloody all the time, so where you can do some provocations, separatism attack and others. So you can just freeze the war, the world war, and work with the terrorist attacks and all this stuff for for the long period so this what experts think about that now um rima says they say it's the ukrainian um army killing civilians but that doesn't make any sense why would ukraine army kill its own civilians i don't know why yeah it's complete
Starting point is 00:59:46 so we can see the evidence of russia killed the civilians but when russian propaganda say that we kill civilians they can't take the some things to show to improve this, so that our soldiers kill civilizations. And this is strange for me to say this. You can find a lot of videos from Chernihiv region too, from the villages that are located near my city. When the Ukrainian army comes, people run to them, give them food, say that it's nice to see this, say something about the Russian army. They say, look, I'm happy to hear you, and this guy can be there. You go, guys, and help us. So people are happy to see army our government do the
Starting point is 01:00:47 right work about that so people mostly people motivated so i don't feel me motivated now because i'm exhausted from the last days and i can finish my projects that i want to finish, but it doesn't matter. But all our nation now, it's grouped, and we feel like, yeah, we go to the victory, and we all tolerable and pray for our army. This guy says, easy for us to say, go protect your country from our comfort zone he's relating to you it's easy for you know someone sitting on their couch um in the united states to say hey go go fight uh but but i can tell something about that so i do that i can do so i have many friends with it sector and we together we work on the attack
Starting point is 01:01:47 the DDoS Russian sites. So I try to do right thing about social media. So I write about what's happening. You're fighting in your own way. You might not be carrying on. I try to talk with you about this.
Starting point is 01:02:07 So if, if this guy asks that question, so he heard my story, so he, he can do some, do some conclusions about that. So maybe he, he looks different on this.
Starting point is 01:02:23 I, I give people free workouts now. I try to motivate people and to give them some reason to do something, yes? So not only sitting and look on the windows and waiting for the bombing, yes? So we do something. on the windows and waiting for the bombing, yes? So we do something. And all money that I earn, yes,
Starting point is 01:02:50 the half of this money I send to our army and to our civilians to help people who lost their houses, yes? So now I work literally for food. So I don't have the money to move somewhere, yes, to do something. But I do what I can do. If I have a skill or have the possibility to go and take weapons, I'll do this. But all my life, yes, I was like a peaceful man and I don't like to have fights, yes, or something like that, yes.
Starting point is 01:03:31 I have the experience in martial arts, yes, but it was just for my defense, but not for go and kill Russians, you know. Yevgeny, from the beginning of this call, you've implied that you're getting more and more stressed out, that you're feeling this in your body, that something is happening, that you're changing.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Have you broken down since this has happened? Have you cried and looked to the heavens and said, oh my God, what the fuck is going on? I was cried when my closest friend died. Remember this story? This was the broken moment and this was really hard. And I sitting in that night and feel all the horror of the war so I feel it just on my bones I feel it so I can sleep normally and and I can't believe
Starting point is 01:04:35 in this I don't know how it can happen to he died and I saw this video with his body and you know what about that this is what's finally resolved the story with my friend. So I tell you about after the liberation of settlements in my homeland his relatives were finally able to get there and pick up his body. So because early we know that we saw that he was buried by the local citizen of that city. But in reality, it's turned like his body has been lying there all the time. So all this month, his body lying on the road. And only yesterday it was the funeral, yes. And we can't be there.
Starting point is 01:05:39 So me and our closest friends, so I have friends who are now on the west of Ukraine, on the north of Ukraine. So nobody can be on his funeral. And this is a scary and horrible situation. So if you remember, that was the guy with whom I went to school, so from the first graduate and then we was in the college together and finish university together and then he he arrived to france and in the french legion he has a contract yes and before war started month before war started he come back and that was the good surprise
Starting point is 01:06:28 you know i come back to come back from odessa in my hometown and there was some some barbecue and my friend coming to me and he asked me to help him and he have some uh big car with uh no window so i don't know what was there and i go to help him he opened the door and there was this guy yes he he right for i don't know that he come back from france and he he coming from the car so we have some huge hooks and that was really happy moment so that was like a new year for me in this this was a couple months ago yes yeah so we was so happy and uh and the girl of my girlfriend of my friend filmed the video when we meet this and and i can't watch this video until this moment because I can't believe that he is not with us now. Yes.
Starting point is 01:07:31 Fuck, dude. Because of war, yes, I think I'm restraining my emotions. Yeah, yeah yeah yeah i'm wait for that time when i when i can sit and cry for him yes and single about all all stuff that happened because i see a thousand of photos with him a thousand of moments you know in everyday life i was like oh this is like the alexander tell me yes oh this is his words and this this. Yes. Oh, this is his words. And this happened all the time. So this is just that stuff that I must face with after war.
Starting point is 01:08:14 I don't know how it is. You're like a can of Coke that's been shaken, but you haven't opened it yet. And if you're talking about my stressful situation or something like that all this little piece of stress they be on me and all this week I must film some exercise so I do some
Starting point is 01:08:36 project with online trainings yes I want to give free online trainings with with filming exercises so with my programming and do this with some hashtags
Starting point is 01:08:52 yes with like we against war yes and it's like two hours of time I must go on right place yes and film all this stuff and we all week yes i can do this so i film like the half of this video and write a couple of programs
Starting point is 01:09:13 because i can like like be in focus you know because every time if you i do regular stuff, yes, so I can prepare some food, I can go on the training once, two or three days. But in general, if you want to sit and do something, because I like in the start of all this situation, I think, oh, this is a good time to study, yes, so I can go some courses in the free time, so if you're sitting in the shelter, you can read something, but it's only my thinking, because if you're sitting on the shelter, you can't think about some study information, your head is in another place, so it's it's uh it not give you time to think about something else so uh it's exhausted you it's uh uh scared you and And the worst is that you don't know what to wait in tomorrow. Yes.
Starting point is 01:10:28 You have zero stability. Yeah. So in the morning we have these oil plants. Yes. But what happened? By the way, I want to, we have the open cinema. Yes. In Odessa.
Starting point is 01:10:42 And now they go like the godfather with original language with subtitles and i never see godfather in cinemas of course yes because when when when it was i i was baby not even born no no not born yes and i have some tickets and want to go there with my girlfriend but we wake up from the air alarm and then i understand that we don't go to the cinema because it don't end till this time so i must take off these tickets and that's all you think about cinema, you think about something good in your life yeah, I watch the movie, I sit in the cinema broke and
Starting point is 01:11:32 that's all tomorrow we want to start our outdoor training season I drop you some photo from our from this stuff, yes, there is a container near the sea and we have the classes there and i don't know can we can we do this or another alarm or another some some
Starting point is 01:11:57 don't understanding stuff happens so it's the life that you can't live. You just do what you can do in this moment and that's all. Yeah, it's a super unstable existence. Rima says something else good here. That's how propaganda works. In Russia, they do believe they came to save us, and our army don't let them do so. Do you know Rima by any chance uh no i i think i think i can't understand rima yeah rima is ukrainian now it's so true it's ukrainian uh
Starting point is 01:12:36 second name yes so i i can i understand who is this it's's like maybe a sister of some coach that I know, maybe, but it's not 100%. When Russian soldiers talk with their wives, so it's the conversation like, I stole this or this, and she's like, yeah, it's cool. I'm glad to or this. And she's like, yeah, it's cool. I'm glad to hear this. And I don't hear about this stuff, but many of them call their wives and talking about the ripped.
Starting point is 01:13:15 So they have other girls, yes, and they talking with their wife. So I don't understand what the people live in russia maybe it's something um just one second it's like the primitive herd yes something like that because they they need kitchen stuff they need the carpets they don't have enough sex. So I don't know. But yes, somebody say me that if you faces the war, yes, you lost your human face. Right.
Starting point is 01:13:56 But. Wow. But I. Yeah, yeah. Look at that's what Rima says here. Seeing your country being destroyed, death and all all that horror, and not being able to change it, brings the anger and tension they build, all the possible hate towards them.
Starting point is 01:14:09 This is what you're saying. It changes your face. Is there anything you want to finish with today, Yevgeny? Let me ask you this. Where's your girlfriend? Did she end up going to leave? Yeah, she's here now. Oh, but she didn't go to the city of Lviv? No, no. She
Starting point is 01:14:31 didn't come here. Do you have any plan to leave now? To leave? To go to leave? No, we have another plan because of the occupation of Kyiv and Chernihiv region and maybe it's can be possible in next week or next couple of weeks to go home and see my father and mother.
Starting point is 01:14:54 It's maybe most important that something else. Because there you were training me once in Banda. There, you were training me once, Banda. Rima says that she was training with me in the CrossFit box. So, hello, Rima. And Lviv was attacked, you remember, yes? Right, right. And the oil plant in Lviv was destroyed before the plant destroyed in Odessa so we forget about this idea
Starting point is 01:15:28 because it's not not safe to go there and she don't want to go without me now because of all this story about scaries of Russian soldiers
Starting point is 01:15:46 it's you understand and my heart also not in right place when I read about that and think about she's alone travel around Ukraine in this hard time so now we're thinking
Starting point is 01:16:01 now we I thinking about open the season and think that all things are going to be fine and I can finish my project and start to do something more. Because this is another problem when you see what other people do, when somebody can handle with that weapon and protect country yes and i understand that uh i'm the man and i also must be there but right i understand that this is not reasonable to go uh in in my situation now so i must go some some study of this, yes, or some I don't know what, but it's
Starting point is 01:16:48 turned on you and you think about it and all the time I have the free brain, I think what can I do more? What can I do about this and help in other way? this is the mostly people
Starting point is 01:17:06 in Ukraine think like that now what can I do how I help to finish all this stuff because economic is not work yes the you can go anywhere you can die every
Starting point is 01:17:22 time so you understand so we must finish war and then then everything is going to be fine so if i can to say something i want to all the people be safe and think think about positive way so yes it's it's horrible to read about this stuff that we're talking today but we must believe in better because if
Starting point is 01:17:53 darkness come to our hearts so we can stand with the light and can defense all the good that we have because of this bad stuff all good can die
Starting point is 01:18:09 in our hearts so if we all we be angry and want to kill somebody we can't build a good country yes and something like that
Starting point is 01:18:24 it was very well said Yes. And something like that. It was very well said. All right. Thank you. Right now, you're going to go to bed now. It's midnight, one in the morning there? It's 11 o'clock in the night. All right. Thank you for coming on. I presume we will try to do again same time next Sunday. I'm enjoying this. I appreciate the perspective. I think it's good for me.
Starting point is 01:18:53 In the most selfish way, I think it's excellent for my well-being, my heart, my mind. And I hope it's the same for you and the people listening. I appreciate, Sivan, for you to help me with this. And for me, you know, it's like the checkpoint, you know. you now it's like the checkpoint you know in last our meeting when I was in the shelter I think about all this seven days yes I can finish that project that I want yes and it's like checkpoint so I come to you and can't tell you about that yes have some emotion about it but nothing happened in this seven days with uh with my productivity so uh so i must be more motivated yes so i must be uh be strong yes and uh try to do something and not sitting without uh without business yes so it sounds like tomorrow
Starting point is 01:19:44 you're gonna try to start start the outdoor season for training. And that'll be the first thing we talk about next week. Maybe, yes. Yeah.

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