The Sevan Podcast - #364 - Funniest Show Ever

Episode Date: April 9, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning, in an exciting live dealer studio, exclusively on FanDuel Casino, where winning is undefeated. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem?
Starting point is 00:00:23 Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit connects please play responsibly this episode is brought to you by disney's young woman in the sea now streaming on disney plus i've decided to swim the english channel a woman i believe she'll die in that water from producer jerry bruckheimer and director joachim Roening comes the must-see true story. Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Disney's Young Woman and the Sea. Now streaming on Disney+. Oh, I forgot to change the start time. Five minutes before everyone. All right, it's just us now. You know I fucked up the monetization on that other thing. I wouldn't have happened to be this same way, would I? Fuck now. Look at the night. How come I can't do this, but radio stations can do this?
Starting point is 00:01:51 So I never changed the start time, huh? Damn. Alex, bam, we're live. We're live. Five minutes early this morning. I'm going to start trying to do the shows at 6.55. So is 7. I forgot to change the start time for you guys
Starting point is 00:02:07 good morning man good morning oh i'm becoming a big fan of the start-off music. I know, me too. We've got to figure that out, how we can do that. I don't think we can. No, not fuck it up. Hey, will you pull up Mark Bell's Instagram account? Yeah. I know it's not on the show show notes but i saw it this morning it made me think of a
Starting point is 00:02:50 fun a fun story when your parents are alive you might wish they behaved different when they're dead you'll wish you behave different pretend your parents are dead someone sent me a dm last night or this morning and it said change parents to kids so let's give it a try when you're oh no it must be uh sorry sean baker's instagram when your kids are alive you might wish they behave different when they're dead you'll wish you behave different man when i don't even like that version i can't do my kids dead even pretending but anyway thanks for uh fucking up my morning by suggesting i read it that way oh my goodness you guys so we have this email coming out a weekly well it's going to start off weekly i i think it's going to
Starting point is 00:03:37 quickly become daily and uh i'm what the hell is going on? Let me see that. Is that, that's not Sean Baker. Sorry. Wrong. Sean Baker, uh, Sean Baker, the, um, S H a W N. He's the meat guy. The guy who's like, just always eating steaks while looking at girls with like blue hair, say stupid shit. You know, that's kind of, do you know what I'm talking about?
Starting point is 00:03:59 Oh, he's pretty good. He's pretty funny. Hey, that's a, that's a, um, Sean Baker is a classic example of a guy who's an amazing guest but not so good host at podcasting. I think I'm the opposite. I think I'm a shitty guest but an amazing – Okay, yeah, look at this. Click that one, My Medical Residency.
Starting point is 00:04:19 The great meat-eating Sean Baker. I want you guys to hear this real quick. I don't even have my headphones on yet doctor when i went through my training residency back when i went to it wasn't a good time you were abused as a resident people would yell at you scream at you sleep physically i mean you'd be sleep deprived i mean there were some guys that were physically literally hit i mean this is this is normal i'm searching practice they didn't do that to me because i was six foot five 280 pounds,
Starting point is 00:04:45 and I kind of acted a little psychotic. I kind of let them know I was a little mentally unstable. So if you fuck with me, you might die. But, I mean, there's some advantages. So this guy is in medical residency, Sean Baker, and he's saying it got so aggressive that sometimes they would hit you. What do you mean? Like if you screwed up, they would give you the old like smack to the back of the head or something i guess my teacher in the fourth grade used to hit it was cool uh good morning travis good
Starting point is 00:05:15 morning alex heidi ethan mr jeffrey birchfield oh remind me to ask you about a workout after this i want to ask you about this workout that Keith Walters mentioned. But anyway, so this friend of mine, he's this old dude. He's the old Jewish dude, still in great shape, handsome dude. I think it's hair you ever seen, but probably like seven years old. And he's walking out of a diner yesterday, a couple days ago. He's walking out of a diner, and he has a clove cigarette in his mouth. Those ones from Indonesia, Dajaram.
Starting point is 00:05:44 And it's not lit, and he's got this thing hanging out of his mouth, right he has a clove cigarette in his mouth. Those ones from Indonesia, Dajaram. And it's not lit. And he's got this thing hanging out of his mouth, right? Because he's getting ready to smoke it. That's what we used to, that's what smokers do. When I smoke, that's what you do. Like, you're so excited you're done with your food. Yeah, so you just put it in your mouth and you're ready. As you walk outside, you're going to light that shit up.
Starting point is 00:05:59 So he's walking out. So he's walking outside and these two people walk, and they say to him, they start coughing. Like that. And he turns around, and he goes, are you kidding me? And the lady goes, well, you're polluting the air. This buddy of mine, this old Jew dude, is like, it's not even lit. If I was a black dude who was 6'2", you wouldn't have said shit. Black privilege.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Black fucking privilege maybe it's six two foot privilege either way just don't fuck my story up but i just love it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah say that shit to a fucking six foot two black i say to that guy that co-hosts with mark bell what's that guy's name see me yeah he ain't saying handsome dude yeah no one's saying shit to him remember that next time you open your mouth you don't have black privilege you're a fucking white old lady talking shit to a dude with a cigarette in his mouth you wouldn't say shit to a big black dude black privilege i want to make a t-shirt can i make that black privilege It's got an arrow pointing down into my pants. I told you this is going to be a good show. Thumbnail pick is epic.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Thank you, Catherine. Thank you. I would used to be quite the piece of ass. Stefan, will you apply for the new CF marketing position? Thomas Radnai. So Thomas, I'm gonna tell you a story. There was this about the enormous ego and narcissism that comes with being a, um, um, five foot five, super insecure little Armenian man with a giant schnozola. I, my son was in a jujitsu class. He is in a jujitsu class over at Garth Taylor jujitsu. And I really, really, really, really, really love Garth Taylor and Steven and all the dudes over there. I love them. And this is my rendition of the story. They may have a different rendition and this isn't like, I'm not this. I love those guys. Like, uh, Colin, uh, Daniel, the kid over
Starting point is 00:07:52 there, uh, Paul, every teacher over there is dope. Love them. I love that place. Anyway. So I was like, Hey, maybe there can be an advanced class. Cause you know, you got the Matosian boys in here and they're dope and they need an advanced class. And it, in after a couple of months, there wasn't an advanced class yet. And then finally there was an advanced class and I wasn't on their email list, even though I'd been going there three days a week for two years, somehow I didn't make it on their email list for maybe it was three years. And, uh, um, they did it on a Saturday. They did a testing for the advanced class and my kids didn't make it to the testing because I didn't get the email. So when the school, when the Monday came around,
Starting point is 00:08:31 my kids show up and they split the class into two and all these other kids go over here and my kids are over here. And in all the humility, I can say there's not a greater kid in the jujitsu class than, than my son Avi. It doesn't matter if they're better than him. It doesn't matter. Like you just add up all the components, contribution, niceness to other kids, ability to train with other kids, focus, um, timeliness, amount he shows up commitment. There wasn't, there's no six or seven year old. Like you could put him with a five-year-old and he'll teach them. He has no peer in that class, just completely off the charts. Avi's like beyond perfect. I can't even explain it. Like that Travis Bajan's kid, Tyson Bajan, the one who just won the –
Starting point is 00:09:10 he was on our show. He won the – what was that trophy called? He won the Division II Heisman. That kid we had on the Holland Award, whatever. Just – you can't even believe him. Anyway, so the class is going for like two or three months, and Avi's still in the baby class. And even during sparring time,
Starting point is 00:09:27 they have to bring the kids from the advanced class to spar with Avi, and he whoops their ass. Well, that's the most important part anyways, right? And someone's like, hey, why don't you just ask them to put him in the advanced class? And I'm like, no. Harlan Hill, thank you, Waters. I'm like, no, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Good morning, Tom. I can't get Monty Python's song, I'm a lumberjack out of my head when you have that hat on thank you i'm afraid i'm afraid to pull it up because we already got i know we're so screwed already we just lost 100 bucks by the way playing that neil diamond song we won't get any monetization on this now it's and by the time you fix it you guys have stopped watching the show so it's i don't think it's eligible at all the other one even though it's fixed it still wasn't eligible at all you had to be fixed two more times and each time takes like 12 hours i just did another fix on it this morning anyway so so so they don't put avi in that class and like two months pass
Starting point is 00:10:19 and i'm just sitting there i'm stubborn i'm like fuck you Like, I'm not like you guys know how great he is and what his contribution is. You know, he belongs in that side. And finally, even the instructor like tested him and put him on that side. But like, it was a no brainer. But what was the question? I'm not applying. They already know I'm the best guy for that job. I mean that with all humility. Someone said someone made a joke that in the comments that I was bitter and I'm and then I came back with I'm not bitter. Ask your mom if I'm bitter. She knows exactly how I taste.. Someone said, someone made a joke that in the comments that I was bitter. And I'm, and then I came back with, I'm not better. Ask your mom if I'm bitter. She knows exactly how I taste. And someone said, well, he's a narcissistic blah, blah, blah. They, you know, they just ripped me a new one. And the thing is, is it's, it's not, it's, it's not that I'm narcissistic at all. All
Starting point is 00:10:59 the metrics are there. You can see everything I've done. You can go back to the accounting records and see everything I've done when I was in charge at CrossFit for when I started and all the contributions I made. It's not narcissistic at all. The metrics are there. Everyone knows that the people who hate me the most know it. Everyone knows that I could single-handedly change everything that's going on there. I'm not fucking applying for the job. They couldn't pay me enough. It would require $500,000 a year for me to stop doing this. Well, I mean, yeah, I would do it for half a million a year for me to stop doing this what i mean yeah i would do it for half a million a year yes and bonuses and all that but i'm not um uh i'm not i'm no i'm not playing but thank you but they know so it's the same thing it's like with my kids everyone knows you know yeah i'm not bragging exactly and i'm not better either i i'm thankful that i have that this shtick to run
Starting point is 00:11:44 with i'm thankful that that that that somehtick to run with I'm thankful that some of the people over there have slept their way to the top and Greg would never let me fuck them to get higher in position I think Greg is very thankful many people over there have slept their way to the top I think I think of two that just pop off the top of my head many paths to the top
Starting point is 00:12:03 yeah and I ain't hating I ain't hating it's not for all no but don't act like you're the big shit when you fucked some other dude who works there don't get all in your woman empowerment shit and celebrate women's women's month or whatever the fuck you guys do when i know you you should be celebrating wonderful pussy month or the weakness of dick month because you slept because you had a why did you say wonderful pussy month no no no the weakness of dick so you're you're married you bang some dudes to get to the top you leave your husband and
Starting point is 00:12:42 now you're at the top and then you leave the duties i get it like whatever like allegedly yeah allegedly i just just what it's just what people tell me that's sexist dudes can't do that they can they can i know some handsome handsome dudes who make it hey um i don't understand this t-shirt thing suza i don't understand it what do you mean when when we would release movies through gravitas at thank you casual sender when we would when we would release um movies at with through gravitas that was our distribution company that we would do a pre-release and it would sell on itunes and the movie would go to the number one and then what would end up happening would be in there to go to the number one the movie would go to the number one. And then what would end up happening would be. Drop it in there to go to the number one. Yeah, go to the number one.
Starting point is 00:13:27 And then, and then about a week before the movie was going to be released, they'd be like, Hey, let's do a sale on the movie. And I'd be like, what are you talking about? We just sold it to 5,000 people for 1499. They're like, yeah, let's lower the price to 999 and get more. I go, but it hasn't even come out yet. And they're like, yeah, but let's lower it to 999. I go, that's not fair to the people who paid 1499. Are you me on that it's not right no i mean now i can't i can't sell you a car that
Starting point is 00:13:53 hasn't come out yet and then a week before it comes out drop the price and sell it to someone else for less that's just an asshole move that's like no integrity no ethics no i don't know what the way it's been out for a while to drop yes under that and i would never let them do that so so the i love the t-shirt guys are working with life is our x's og is shit they're dope marcus is the man but we did a limited run and i don't even know what limited run means and then we did a pre-sale and then the shirt sold out and then we released more shirts and those shirts sold out and then now that it's like there's always a struggle to get ceo shirts and and then these ones for the girls the tank tops and there's always like some sort of like hang up or something going on but then we're about to
Starting point is 00:14:35 release another shirt that says politically homeless but he ordered a shitload of them and i'm like why did you order so much of those and not more of the ceo shirts because the ceo shirts didn't sell well in pre-sale well what do you mean they didn't sell as well in pre-sale we can't keep these motherfuckers in stock i just don't i just i just don't want to do any of the um i don't want to do any of the salesmanship i think i think it's hard i don't want to be like my tip dick tastes like butterscotch like and then it doesn't like dick butter dick butter yeah why can't it just be um like hey here's a dope-ass shirt. You want it?
Starting point is 00:15:06 You want it to be cool? There's a CEO shirt. Well, I think because it's the new one. It's gangster. So let's say you ordered 300 shirts, and then everybody that bought the CEO shirt ordered 200 of them, right? Yeah. So all those people that already ordered the CEO shirt, you could generally assume they're not going to order a second CEO shirt. ordered the ceo shirt you could generally assume they're not going to order a second ceo shirt but if you have a new one a political homeless and you are 300 everybody who had the ceo god i
Starting point is 00:15:30 hear you i hear you i hear you but i just don't what's that emoji and you know why they do the pre-sale because so that you guys have to pay for the so so we we get your money and then we print the shirts that it reduced the risk for us I don't even like that either I'd rather just print 50 at a time if that's what it takes just being pussies
Starting point is 00:15:57 yeah it reduces risk something about it sounds my red CEO shirt is going to arrive whilst I'm on holiday. Whilst? Whilst? English? What country are you from?
Starting point is 00:16:08 Whilst? You're either really smart or you're English. And now we did get the red CEO shirts out in a much quicker turnaround time. I agree. I agree. I will buy seven politically homeless shirts, one for each day of the week. I know. I only have one CEO shirt.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Did we show what those would look like? Did they know about the women's crop sweatshirt? Oh, the crop sweatshirt's dope. I don't have access to that, but that is dope. See, we're making lots of different garments. Okay, so we talked about, we did the parent quote. We talked about T-shirtsshirts we oh we have a newsletter coming out oh my goodness so many of you people have been reaching out to want to sponsor the newsletter i so appreciate it it is going to be really really cool it's it's going to be like the original email of the day but it's going to be it's going to have a lot of fitness and fun
Starting point is 00:16:59 stuff like that but also like you know we would drop stuff like will smith getting cracked in there or um uh elon buying% of Twitter or whatever did 9%. We'd definitely highlight Heidi's new Instagram account all the time. If you want to see just violent, abusive people who come on this show, go over to that Instagram account. It is so abusive. Heidi's a dark, dark woman dark woman all right let's start with number one i want you guys to see this video this uh this this video i think explains me really well and explains to all women out there if you are wondering why dudes are cooler than chicks this
Starting point is 00:17:43 is it this is it you You're going to see this. This is, this is why we're so fucking, I mean, you guys are great, but for superficial reasons, you guys just have, it's just for your bodies,
Starting point is 00:17:52 but, but we're just cool as shit. We're, I want you guys to watch this video. This is, if you were ever like, ah, who's cooler,
Starting point is 00:18:00 men or women, this is it that you, this'll tie breaker for you. So break it. And this is it that you this will tie breaker for you so break it and this sums up I was kind of kidding. One more, one more. Play a little bit more. A little bit more. A little bit more. You see? you see you see dudes are just good dudes like yeah he you you get arrested if a woman laid down on my lap you get arrested if one i just love it how that guys
Starting point is 00:19:24 i just love it how the other guy just puts his arm around him or feeds him that's what i would do like if some strange dude put his head on my lap i'd feed his ass or fucking whatever put my arm on him we we know we have to act cool oh but seven men are perverts and it's dangerous out there we can't do it we can't do it whatever excuses you want you run them did i tell you we're coming out the newsletter you can go to the the seven and sign up for the uh for the newsletter i dropped it in the comments already as well you did okay good and one more time nick nick writes uh this is dumb insert cricket sound look at look where nick has his finger
Starting point is 00:20:09 that's exactly where i was gonna nick it bothers you because it triggers you because you know you want to no one clipped that and play that on the internet and then look he's got his finger in his mouth i get it i get it triggered you made you horny you said it's fake. No, it's not. Definitely not fake. Don't ruin my story. Don't ruin my story. I'm just going to burn through these today. I would love to get through this list.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Thank you, Wadzombie. $2. No, actually, we're going to hit you up for more than that, Wadzombie. Probably like $1,000 a month or something. Give me a little fucking link on there. Will you play number four, optimizing something that doesn't exist? What's up, Martin Luther King, 5240? Number four, optimizing something that doesn't exist. Listen up, people.
Starting point is 00:21:03 It's going to take away my excitement now that they're all numbered. I'm not going to lie. I was pumped, and now I'm like, it's too easy, you know? The reason it's the first step is because it's very common. Possibly the most common error of a smart engineer is to optimize a thing that should not exist. Right. Okay. And so how do we get, why would people do that?
Starting point is 00:21:27 Well, everyone's been trained in high school and college that you've got to answer the question. Convergent logic. Yeah. So you can't tell a professor your question is dumb. You'll get a bad grade. You have to answer the question. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:39 So everyone's basically, without knowing it, they've got a mental straitjacket on. That is uh they'll work on optimizing the thing that should simply not exist think very hard about that one people covid global warming racism global warming covid racism how many people you you know who are so adamant about climate change and global warming have ever read a book that explains the science behind it? You don't know any. None of them have. They all heard it from CNN. blown away what you find very simple math very simple logic climatology is is is no better than astrology it's nuts it's nuts and so and so people basically you don't you just have to he uses the word engineers you just have to take society they give us a problem and then we start trying to
Starting point is 00:22:40 solve it when there is no problem. It's always an agenda. It's always in it. Not, I don't know about always, but it's, it's man. Think about the stuff you named. Where does that come from?
Starting point is 00:22:52 The media. Yeah. Where they perpetuate it, but they don't really give you a lot of context. They don't really give you alternative opinions. And they all like glaze it over with like, this is what's good for people. And if you don't agree, you're not a good person.
Starting point is 00:23:07 So in order for you to dispute this, therefore, you must be an evil person. Why would you need to lie about conservationism? Why wouldn't you just point at some shit that like everyone wants it? Everyone wants the ocean to thrive. Right. Why not just point to some shit that's like real about it? And so we can all get on board and get on the conservation wagon together. Well,
Starting point is 00:23:26 cause then we'd actually have to do something. It's, it's just, it's so weird to me that you would lie about something that, um, could, could be done so effectively with the truth. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Um, did it, have I ever talked, I, I didn't erase number five, i don't know how much any times i've talked about it does anyone dehydrate fruit i want to get into dehydrating fruit i think i have talked about this a lot my neighbors have all those extra trees yeah i need someone to dm me about that who dehydrates a shitload of fruit my neighbors have all of this extra fruit on their
Starting point is 00:24:01 trees i just want to and they let me go over there and pick as much as i want but still like thousand pounds of fruit rot on the on the ground every year thousands collective fear stimulates herd instinct and tends to produce ferocity towards those who are not regarded as members of the herd yeah i mean amazing. Yeah, and they're all now like moral sticks that are used to beat anyone who asks about them. Yeah, I mean, that's how you stop it from being questioned. Because if you question it, you're the bad person, or you're a conspiracy theorist. Just like, well, personally, I've been called that on this show,
Starting point is 00:24:42 because if I have some sort of- No, you were called a cahooter. You were called a cahooter. Yeah, which, by the way, I've been called that on this show because if I have some sort of... You were called a kahooter. You were called a kahooter. Yeah, which by the way, I should have coined that. That phrase became much popular after I said it. Hey, we should have made a shirt. The kahooter shirt. With you having hooters eyes and owl ears and it would say kahooters.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Great. You could still tell it look like Sousa. Oh my goodness. I saw some templates being made for the newsletter. It looks so good. I'm so excited. Do you know what? I'm excited.
Starting point is 00:25:15 It's like, I feel like we're growing. We are. I feel like we're growing. We've grown an appendage, even though we can't monetize this episode because I screwed up with the Neil Diamond song. That's okay hey that's that's your version of throwing money in the air yeah yeah i'm wasting money yeah it's rain don't tempt me i mean you can see it right can you pull up the hooter can you pull up the hooters logo you can see you can see it right right? Is this me just walking into my own demise right now? Yes, yes. You can see
Starting point is 00:25:46 the owl. I mean, he kind of looks like Sousa kind of looks like an owl. He just needs some ears. That's fine. Accidentally bring something up that shouldn't come up. It's good for the show. Oops. Let's see the look yeah yeah so that would see where that owl is on the left there that who yeah that would be you yeah yeah or yeah yeah yeah it would be so good
Starting point is 00:26:16 and instead of saying hooters it's a co-hooters yeah that was the shirt that a dude made. I was with my wife in St. Louis and we walked by a cooters and it wasn't open yet. And there was a lady outside. I'll actually, I'll post a picture of her on my Instagram. I'll find it. And she was so fucking hot and she was barely closed. And I just stopped.
Starting point is 00:26:43 I'm like, Hey, can I take pictures of you? And she said, yeah. And I took pictures of her for like 20 minutes. can I take pictures of you? And she said, yeah. And I took pictures of her for like 20 minutes. It was so dope. That's when I knew my wife was cool as shit.
Starting point is 00:26:51 St. Louis, St. Louis. I've never even been into a hoot. Oh. I think I did go into a Hooters once somewhere, an arm wrestling tournament. It was such a letdown. There was no, what's up, Nate Dogg? Oh, I should play Nate Dogg and Warren G's song in the beginning.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Good morning, Travis. We're never going to make any money off these ones. Let it rain, money fools. Let it rain. I went to a Hooters one time, and it sucked. It sucked because I was like, I think I was like 19 or something. There was one here in Dublin, and my friend was like, oh, was like 19 or something there's one here in dublin and my friend was like oh let's go wait there was one there's one in dublin there was
Starting point is 00:27:30 one there's not one anymore god you would think california would never tolerate that shit it would just be too risque or something we went in there and like the chick who was serving us like instantly knew like we were young and we were like had no money and we're buying any alcohol yeah yeah like zero attention like zero like it was it was it's actually quite hilarious you go into a place just because hot chicks have to come up and talk to you because they work there and then they don't it's like the story of my life i've never had a one night stand i never never never if if if most dudes hunt went hunting with a gun you know like the the parallel for me would be um a slingshot yes yes yes exactly i like like the tools i was given to hunt women was a slingshot with a
Starting point is 00:28:26 box of cotton balls you remember if you wanted to call i wasn't slaying shit i wasn't i had to fuck it was it's crazy you remember if you had to call and then i got into ecstasy mdma in my 20s and it just started raining vagina it was great sorry go ahead truth hashtag truth go ahead I was gonna say when you had to call the house there was only a landline
Starting point is 00:28:49 yes you had to call and be like you know hi Mr. Sousa is Jill there yes yes
Starting point is 00:28:57 yes now it's too easy yes I've never even seen a dating app that's how old I am MDMA I've never seen seen a dating app. That's how old I am. MDMA.
Starting point is 00:29:06 I've never seen Tinder or, yeah, yeah. We had to use drugs. We didn't have Tinder. We had to use drugs. Oh my quality women too. I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Will you pull up Andrew Hiller's Instagram? I don't understand his post this morning. Is he, um, uh, yeah. Live college. I don't understand his post this morning I'm a major sponsor is he live call in show show you see if I can
Starting point is 00:29:36 invite someone who's texting me to come on the show someone texts you to come on right now well they don't want to come on but i'm just taunting them if you call me if you call me during the show on my on my oh the this i don't i don't explain the ways let me read this to you so this is andrew hiller we all know who he is by now he's the guy um who's exploding on youtube and and and everywhere in the CrossFit scene.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Former, I think he's a regionals athlete. Good coach. I've heard great things about his coaching. And he's at HillerFit, at HillerFit. And it says, Subclip from my most recent video, which covers CrossFit mayhem and their burpees on event two. Keep it up with the bats.
Starting point is 00:30:21 It's not just a call. It's a warning. Fuel. He must have been drunk. Full video is up on my YouTube channel. Okay. Let me, let me,
Starting point is 00:30:32 let me, I don't understand this, this post. Can you play us everyone? Okay. It's Andrew and he's in front of his car, which is, I like this,
Starting point is 00:30:39 how he always frames it like this. I'm in section. Who's like, cut out the bad stuff. You don't get it. Andrew Halo guy is stupid. It sounds like those guys don't know shit about. If you're watching this video, how stupid do you think I am? this. at the end or handle guys stupid. It sounds like those guys don't know shit about it. Is he attacking Josh or me? Is he just using that clip to help his point? I don't know what the fuck's going on.
Starting point is 00:31:09 I bet all of his reps don't look that great. It sounds like those guys don't know shit about it. Everyone in the comments section... Okay, Sousa, Sousa. Oh my goodness. Sousa, explain that to me. I don't get it. Is it because he got attacked in the comments
Starting point is 00:31:22 so I can't understand it because I didn't see him get attacked? Yeah, I don't think he's making fun of Josh at all. I think he's using it as the other clip that he uses all the time when it's from the rest of the movie. He's like, it doesn't matter. Okay, so Josh is the Batman. Josh is just a funny clip to let people know about shit. At least that's the way I see it.
Starting point is 00:31:42 I don't think he's like... And how come Andrew Hiller censors himself? how come he doesn't um how come he has instagram really yeah i think when you put in the captions it does it automatically oh he doesn't do that oh that's why i said andrew andrew halo instead of andrew hiller like it typoed his shit that's right okay. Okay. I thought he was doing that. I don't know shit. I did a caption with your name in it, and it said Sebon, like with a B. It said BDP. BDP. BDP.
Starting point is 00:32:14 It's the Cobra Rhodes taught me BDP. One B. Who can tell me what BDP stands for? Okay. This one's been in here forever. Weight loss injection number six. This shit's crazy. This is,
Starting point is 00:32:32 this is old news. Old news. Old news. Old news. Jesus Christ. Nobody. Nobody. Nobody. jesus christ nobody nobody okay uh just thought i was from a different country oh you're from la so kind of wait how come i can't see what's going on here can you close that ad or something how come i can't see wait last job recommended by the nhs i think that's that's england right nhs
Starting point is 00:33:09 scroll down let me see keep going i want to read this to you the the treatment semaglutide branded we govi makes people feel fuller so they eat less and not as hungry and trials alongside a healthy diet and exercise and trials used alongside a healthy diet and exercise it helped obese people lose a tenth of their body weight about two stones on average the national institute of health and care excellence is recommending it should be made available on the nhs appetite drug could mark new era and obesity women lost 14 pounds struggling with loose skin all right so you can take an injection does it say any other people should speak to the gp about losing weight safely so they have hey dude you could just snort a line of blow some man and just not eat for the day
Starting point is 00:34:01 yeah some manage weight loss through diet and exercise alone. Obesity affects about one in four adults in the UK. Effects. Effects. There's an implication there that it's outside of their control. Argue your limitations and they are yours argue your limitations and they are yours okay uh don't take this injection people just work out clearly right do you know what i did last night i didn't stuff my face before i went to bed that was hard it was 10 30 and i pulled out a salami from the fridge and a hard block of cheese and um
Starting point is 00:34:51 an avocado and i was gonna eat some and then my wife said offered to make me some soup or something from the couch and then i said you know what i'm just going to bed and because normally i just i eat before i go to bed i was so like proud of myself i didn't do that you know i heard like trevor cashy cashy's voice like just reprogram yourself i love how hillar strategically releases videos a few hours before the live shows tactics i don't i don't think he's doing that, but if he is. Okay. Number eight, a morning chock-up. Matt Fraser programmed event for Madrid. I found this weird. This is a cool picture.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Is it? Oh, it's three hot chicks working out. Well, they got like the projector behind them or whatever, the lights and the way that it hits. Yeah. It's pretty cool. Who is that girl in the center? Well,
Starting point is 00:35:47 Brian was here. He'd probably be able to tell us. Good point. I have no idea. So let, let me see the headline here. I didn't read the article. I like the way I like the,
Starting point is 00:35:59 I like the way those, the two refs on the right look to matt fraser to program madrid crossfit championship and scroll down a little bit i want to see what uh make sure i don't say anything stupid or than i need to matt fraser programming his first ever competition headline how can you have a guy who sells programming uh program your competition doesn't that make it i mean first i was like hey why would hey jim why would matt do that because basically it exposes him to be a shitty programmer but then i realized it he's doing it because right so that now you have to buy his programming if you want insight into this madrid
Starting point is 00:36:34 crossfit championship it's nuts to me that they would do that it seems um unethical is that the word unprofessional what's ethical mean hey jim what's up oh shit i can't hear you hold on something's not right stand by jim jim now now hello no now okay hold on hold on something's not right. Hello. There you go. Jim now. This thing on? Oh, yes. There it is. You just had to put it closer to your mouth.
Starting point is 00:37:10 No, I'm joking. Oh, that's what she said. Good morning. Hello. I'm going to, and the bat signals can go out, whatever. I'm calling Hiller out, dude. Get your ass to a semifinal or your ass to the games and judge. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Oh. or semifinal or you're asked to the games and judged. Oh. Oh. Oh. I mean, anybody can nitpick a video, and I understand it. I've judged at, you know, competitions before. I've judged at Granite Games several years.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Yeah. I'm calling them out. He hasn't gone after judges yet, though, right? No, he's not going after judges. He's gone after the – but it's easy to judge. I mean, I know it's fun. I mean, you used to watch football. I don't know if you watch it much anymore. I don't know if you do, but like everybody.
Starting point is 00:37:50 That's the organization that judges people by the color of their skin, right? They hire based on whether you're black or white, they're racist. Absolutely. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, no, I stopped. That's the exact organization I'm talking about. Yeah, I apologize. No, I stopped watching them, but go on.
Starting point is 00:38:01 But you look at football and anybody, anybody can make the correct call when it slows down frame by frame by frame. Anybody can do that. That's easy. Yeah. Get your ass in front of a live competition in front of people with money on the line and do it. Maybe that way. Maybe that's not his expertise though.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Maybe his expertise is just doing it from a computer. Well, if that's his expertise, that's not his expertise, though. Maybe his expertise is just doing it from a computer. Well, if that's his expertise, that's fine. And you're right. That's a good thing that you said, because I might be way out of line saying that. Jim, what if he did both? What if he went there and he was like, hey, I suck at this, but I'm still really great at it in front of the computer? He's still really great at it in front of the computer.
Starting point is 00:38:44 I mean, is this guy going to do this through the game? Is this guy going to like, okay. Do you not like what he's doing? Do you not like what he's doing? I like what, I like what he's doing. I've been a judge. I love being a judge. No one places in judging, but you know, at the same time, it's like, things are different in live action. I love what he's doing. I love him calling people out.
Starting point is 00:39:03 I've seen it a thousand times all over the place. People not getting to stand. He said it in his video. He can't lock out his left arm. He can't be in a competition. I wonder if he can wipe his ass with that arm. I don't know. I mean, how much attention do you really need for that, though, if you think about it?
Starting point is 00:39:21 I always wonder about that about people. That's one of the weird things. If I see someone who can't move move so good the first thing i think is how do they jerk off and how do they wipe their butt like if they got some limitation you know what i mean i actually i can say i don't know what you mean so but um but yeah those are like those are those are i mean those are important i love the fact that he's doing it because it's going to hold athletes to a higher standard, and I agree that 100%. But again, and I don't know, does CrossFit Mayhem finish the workout,
Starting point is 00:39:53 look at the video, say, okay, this is good? Or do they look at the video and say, eh, it's quote-unquote good enough? I can't—Mr. Dick Butter, a consummate and top contributor to the show, says Mr. Jim. He's not attacking the judging. He's telling the athletes to do better so judging isn't even necessary. I don't think he's attacking the judges at all. I agree 100%. But what's happening is these athletes are getting in their gyms.
Starting point is 00:40:22 They're doing their workouts, whether it be open, quarterfinals, any local competition. They're doing these repetitions. And people are telling them that these repetitions are good. But at the higher level, they're not. I know he's not attacking the judges. I know that Richard Margerin. I'm 100% on board with that. Oh, that was good.
Starting point is 00:40:42 That cut deep. That cut deep. Richard Margerin. He fucked you up. I was going to go. I was going to go. I was that was good. That cut deep. Richard Margerin. He fucked you up, Dick. I should have gone Richard G, but I wasn't quite sure anybody would get that. G-H-E-D.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Dick, first he called you Richard, totally degrading your name. That's like he's treating you like a child. And then Margerin, that eludes that you're fake as fuck. He called you fake. You're not the real deal. Oh shit, he's treating you like a child and then marjorie and that's like that eludes that you're fake as fuck he called you fake you're not the real deal man oh shit he's crying fan duel casinos exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling winning which beats even the 27th best feeling saying i do who wants this last parachute i do enjoy the number one feeling winning in an exciting live dealer studio, exclusively on FanDuel Casino, where winning is undefeated.
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Starting point is 00:42:08 Air Mile. Oh, shit. I cut deep. I knew that cut deep. I knew that cut deep. One thing that I think that Andrew's doing that's the most important piece here is that he's calling out the really high-level athletes or the high-popularity athletes that normally wouldn't get
Starting point is 00:42:26 called out because of their social media following or because of where they are in the sport and so he's really forcing the hand by showing you exactly what's happening and then saying hey something needs to be done about this it doesn't matter that they have 800 000 instagram followers they need to be held to the same standard as the guy trying to make it to the quarterfinals for the first time or to the semifinals i mean i like i like the one he showed with malo bine versus sam briggs on ring muscle ups that's perfect what do you think about a matt fraser programming an event that gets you to the um crossfit games and yet he sells programming he makes a half million dollars a month selling programming what is what what is his i mean his programming proved to be to work for himself um what does he what is he shown from
Starting point is 00:43:12 from a worldwide standpoint of is there i mean i don't know how many subscribers he has hwpo and because of the names because the programming is good nobody knows let's say he has 12 000 at 40 bucks a month my point is is this i'm not my point is is just like how can they – I'm not – it's not Matt's fault. So at first I was like, why would Matt do that? Everyone's so aggro about the programming. He's going to get tore up. And then I thought, oh, shit, I'll tell you why he's doing that. Because if you want to fucking now go to the games, you should buy his shit.
Starting point is 00:43:41 And I would buy his shit. If I wanted to go to the games, I'd buy his shit because it's him he's gonna be he you those movements i mean you think he's you think that's not gonna affect mal o'brien's programming the fact he's effect he's programming for madrid or it's not gonna affect madrid of course it's all it's all one no one no one's separating that shit i don't care what i don't care they say. It's like saying all your pee goes in the toilet. No. Percentage of it splatters out when you pee. That's why you don't put the stack of toilet paper.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Listen, women. And if you're a dude, you should just go jump off a bridge right now. But if you're a woman, I give you a pass. Can I tell you what you're going to say? Yes, yes, yes. Don't stack the toilet paper up. Leave it in the spot where you can stand and reach it so you can wipe your dick off and it needs to be covered everyone's wiping their ass with my piss if the stack of toilet paper is next to the toilet yes it's not cool it's not cool
Starting point is 00:44:36 now i know why i listen to this show man it's not rocket science people and whoever designed that it's like you hate you hate people unless there's some something scientific i don't that, it's like, you hate, you hate people. Unless there's some, something scientific. I don't know. Unless it's like, Hey, actually piss is sterile. And when a little bit splatters on the toilet paper makes everyone's butts cleaner in the long run. Maybe I'm not, I'm no scientist. Yeah. It makes it a little moist. Maybe it's like using one of those whites. Who knows? Right. Peace and love, Stevan. We'll catch up with you, man. Keep, keep it on.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Thank you. Thanks, Jim. All right. So here's the deal with not programming Okay, yeah, tell me I don't think it's a conflict of interest at all We've seen this in other events Including his own, which he didn't compete in But he's done this film before Or he's helped with the programming of stuff
Starting point is 00:45:21 Doing it before doesn't make it okay I can't hit my wife yesterday And then when I hit her today and the cops come it's like don't worry i hit her every day i'm saying it's not a conflict of interest because he doesn't you just said that and i schooled your shit okay and the other thing too is is like if the merid crossfit championships is just trying to get more attention to their to their um event why not get Matt Frazier to program it? Now everybody cares. Now we're talking about it. Would you have even known the Marita event was going on?
Starting point is 00:45:52 So you're saying it's okay. It's fine. Like who cares if people now have to buy his programming? Good job. Good on him. Yeah. Like I'm saying, if you have an email of the week and you're going to release it and people really want to hear the Glassman interview, and we say we've already recorded the Glassman interview. And the only way to get this is through the email of the week and you're going to release it and people really want to hear the glassman interview and we say we've already recorded the glassman interview and the only way to get this
Starting point is 00:46:07 is through the email of the week so you need to sign up yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let's do now that's a little different that's blatant manipulation and how is this that's blatant manipulation that's like hey we're that's blatant i'm okay with blatant yeah you want to get the glassman interview the only way to do that is going to be through the week so go sign up right now what if they were to say hey if you sign up for them if you're going to madrid you get um free uh fraser programming for a year that would be even smarter i mean that guy that guy won't do anything for free so they either paid him i mean nothing for free he won't take a picture with a he won't take a picture with a five-year-old for free.
Starting point is 00:46:47 So they're either going to, they're either paying him or he sees it as a smart business decision. I'm just curious which it is. It's for sure. It's both. I think it's both. I bet you it's both. And even if they didn't end up paying him, he's being paid in other ways because now there's going to be a ton of
Starting point is 00:47:06 advertisement for it. Basically, he could be like, hey, Madrid, we want to sponsor it. His name's bigger than the whole entire Madrid CrossFit semifinal, though, already. Yeah, for sure. So maybe it's just a benevolent thing on Matt's part. Maybe he's just like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:47:22 I'm really going to help the community out. Catch my name to this thing. That it i i i just think there's a it's just it's clearly a a strategy here to complete to continue to help his programming and he might be getting paid for it neither which are a bad thing by the way okay okay i don't think so and i don't think there's a conflict of interest like you know what i mean then you'd have to say like hey since dave's programming the games you better do crossfit you know like yes it's kind of yes that is it that is it it's the same thing right yeah that's the thing the best part about when david program it like if you go back and would read all those old um workouts from like 2001 2002 2003 you would see
Starting point is 00:48:03 the pegboard in there you would see a ton of 2003, you would see the pegboard in there. You would see a ton of dumbbell use. You would see wall walks and everybody would come out and go, Oh, Dave, put in these new movements. And it's like, no, they're not new at all. He's just taking a bunch of stuff. That's kind of got lost from the workouts from the past. And he's just bringing them into the forefront again. So if you go back and look at all those things that you used to say to like whatever, three rope climbs, if you don't have a rope climb or don't have access to a rope or a place with a tall enough ceiling sub for a pegboard. And wall walks were in the main site workout back in 2003, 2004, 2005. It was all there. Dumbbells, all of it.
Starting point is 00:48:40 And then it popped up in the games. And then it popped up in the games. Athletes going to Madrid are not going to buy his programming because he's doing the programming for the comp. Catherine Schreier. If I were going to that, I'm serious. I for sure would buy his programming just to kind of look at it a little bit, just to see some of the stuff that he favors.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Does he favor a work-to-rest ratio type style workout? Does he place more of an emphasis on a dumbbell? Is it going to be skewed a heavier? Is it's going to skew to longer? Like, I really think that. Yeah. Catherine.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Yeah. Catherine. Just at the beginning. Catherine sure. As a podcast is hers, the Clydesdale podcast. Catherine, what's your,
Starting point is 00:49:20 what's the name of your podcast? You don't have to buy it. Just ask a friend to share. You don't need your own girlfriend. Just ask a friend to share. You don't need your own girlfriend. Just ask a friend to share. Dick Butter, there will be a 2024 hard work pays off games with a bigger person. The CrossFit Games, this is just practice. That's another reason he brought in O'Queef. That I don't think is far-fetched. I don't think it's far-fetched
Starting point is 00:49:44 either. I want to tell you uh we pull up number 30 yes clydesdale podcast clydesdale podcast one of the places i go before i interview people to steal questions yes yeah well steal guests yeah get guest ideas and steal uh questions and answers and be inspired okay so i talked about this yesterday and some guy um um said hey this is bullshit i looked it up on the internet and of course there's a ton of fact check that says it's bullshit does that mean it's bullshit absolutely not do i think it's probably bullshit god who knows but i'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and he called me some negative names um he said that like this is like info wars or i don't even know what InfoWars is.
Starting point is 00:50:27 I've never seen that show. I don't know if it's an internet show or what, but, and he said some other things. And here, here's the thing. Here's the thing. I'm just going to show you. You, he, this guy, oh, I wrote his name down. Justin Burch. He, and I think he's a good dude. I think he's just also to show you. This guy, I wrote his name down, Justin Burch. I think he's a good dude. I think he's just also fucking with me.
Starting point is 00:50:50 There's so much crazy shit out there to act like this is so far out in left field. You're now crazy. Oh my God, I can't believe you believe this. The article says, Court in France ruled death from COVID vaccine suicide. Some guy died
Starting point is 00:51:08 and his family tried to collect on the life insurance and supposedly the courts ruled that he couldn't get his life insurance because he committed suicide. And this guy is saying the article is fake and then what am I? Some sort of fucking crazy conspiracy theorist. The conspiracy theorist again. Attack.
Starting point is 00:51:23 Will you show that video, Palm Springs money for trannies? Listen, let me show you fucking batshit crazy. This just happened yesterday. I can pull out a thousand of these, by the way. So don't act like I posted something crazy. Like that doesn't sound crazy at all that a court in France would do that.
Starting point is 00:51:42 California city to give universal income to transgender non-binary residents regardless of earnings so i don't even know what that means regardless of earnings who cares how much you make you're telling me that if i chop my cock off i get fucking paid for the rest of my life you just have to identify oh well i already identify as transgender sign us up 900 bucks they're a I already identify as transgender. Sign us up. 900 bucks. They're a sponsor. I'm fully transgender.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Will you look up the definition of transgender? I bet you I'm totally transgender. Can I see that definition really quick? I know you're a fan of the Fulson podcast. I'm not even joking either. Oh, go ahead. What were you going to say, Fulson? I only listened to the one with Donald Trump, but man, it was good.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Did you see the one with Caitlyn Jenner? No. Is it good? Interesting. I haven't watched it all the way through. Is it new? It's good or not. Yeah, it's a couple days old. I don't follow them. I only started looking into it because of you. And then I started— Look at this. Actually, Hard Work Pays Off is programming for three CrossFit-sanctioned events this year.
Starting point is 00:52:46 I wonder what that means, CrossFit-sanctioned. It means you get to use the CrossFit name. Oh, but it doesn't mean you get to go to the games through those events? I think you get a pass to the games if you win it. Wow, thank you, Patrick. I mean, okay, denoting or relating to a person who's sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex. Yeah, well you, Patrick. That's crazy. I mean, okay, denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex. Yeah, well, of course.
Starting point is 00:53:09 Of course I'm transgender. Denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity? I don't even know. It doesn't even make any sense to me. What would that mean? Like if I howled, would I be transgender? like if i identify with my dog one time i was on mushrooms and i was like totally when i was in college and i was like totally identifying with
Starting point is 00:53:32 my dog you should watch that jump roping has got to be the most jump ropings for girls okay and we all jump rope we all jump rope can you girls what can you do double unders i can't not so good but i can just practice a little bit and they come right back jump roping is i'm telling you when i was a kid jump roping is what girls did that is a girl activity and everyone who does jump roping is transgender fact it's truth oh that's a t-shirt another t-shirt the seven podcast jump roping is transgender i like it i don't like writing on t-shirts that's why i don't like the politically homeless shirt or the awake not awoke shirt it's too much writing i don't want to read i want to look at pictures so there so so don't tell me that it's like it's batshit crazy
Starting point is 00:54:26 to mention um um remember this yeah i wanted one of those i think i had one of those and i couldn't do it as a fat kid i wasn't fat but i thought it was fat you identified identified as fat okay we're here okay okay okay um play play the Springs Money for Trainees, and this is – Birch, Mr. Birch, this is for you. 15 – play this other clip. They're saying that – so Nancy Pelosi came down with COVID, and she shook the president's hand – President Biden's hand and kissed him on the cheek.
Starting point is 00:55:03 But they're saying that that doesn't break white house covid protocol because it's not proximity it's duration ah right so look at this so pataki the redheaded the hot redheaded chick who talks to the world i have a thing for redheads um they wow look at pelosi's hand she hugs like a pterodactyl that's cool look how far that I bet she likes um uh like Kelly Starrett would love that look at her hand mobility you know what I mean it's like she uses toe spacers on her fingers that's incredible I admire that the power move but anyway they're saying that that doesn't jeopardize the president of getting him COVID because it was so short the amount of time. Makes sense to me.
Starting point is 00:55:53 So don't tell me that it's crazy. Don't compare me to some batwing crazy shit because I think some insurance company in France doesn't want to pay because someone died of the vaccine what are you a doctor now you don't know that let's get a doctor's opinion on here okay we have any doctors i i did see a doctor in here who uh thomas iscron was in here um uh science sorry sorry bellinghaus is right science Science fucking morons. I apologize. Mr. Pelosi is a lucky man. I want to say something about Nancy's body. I do think he's a lucky man. Uh, I disagree with, uh, miss cat Catherine Schreier. Oh, they must be friends. He calls her cat. Um, uh, Sousa is correct in saying that athletes will buy or follow the programming
Starting point is 00:56:44 in some way or form prior to the competition to try to gain competitive energy yeah but she sort of did acquiesce on that i don't know if acquiesce is the right word but she did say that i mean she wasn't she was just using the word buying specifically i think she was being more specific than you and i patrick because she was she implied that they might steal or borrow so i think she agreed with the spirit of what we were saying but they wouldn't have to buy it i don't know we'll just leave it at suza is correct thank you okay okay um where where are we oh we got tons of time i'm so happy clip of um when obama's at the white house and he's like
Starting point is 00:57:20 trying to get the attention of uh and Obama just completely ignoring him. Like not even like. I didn't like it. What do you mean? I just thought it was picking on Joe Biden too hard and I needed to see more of it. It was out of context. Maybe it was everywhere. It's kind of like how I imagine how kind of like Hiller feels like in his last video when he attacks the games.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Like you just sees like he ko'd these motherfuckers over there justin berg is ko'd wad's wad zombie has just just castrated the games team especially justin and i think even hillar feels bad now and i there's only i don't know yeah he's just wandering around there right and his eyes look like something is really wrong. It kind of hurts me a little bit. It hurt me a little bit. I start thinking of him as like my friend and like, if, like if that was my friend, if Joe Biden was my friend, I wouldn't let him get in that situation. Right.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Yeah. But Obama's not his friend. But anyone, how about, does he have any friends down there? Like I would not let... Like, when we were at the beach the other day, you were two drinks away from me being like, okay, Matt, we have to go. And I would have, like, shuttled you off to your car and driven you home. You know?
Starting point is 00:58:37 I like you. I don't want you to, like... Like, you know, you were... You were one beer away from getting in your thong. You know? Yeah, yeah. It was gonna get intense there, wasn't it? Yeah, yeah. Once I started beering off into other people's spots on the beach and talking to them randomly, you knew it was time to wrangle me in. Triple G fought this morning, is that true?
Starting point is 00:59:00 Someone just sent me a text. And Ryan Garcia fights tonight? Can you guys believe the fights that are going to happen tonight? Check this out. Will you find out who won in the Triple G fight? Well, let's just make our audience aware of this. If you guys would like to go and follow Miss Nancy Pelosi, you could track her index fund and invest the same way she does.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Yes, this is brilliant. Because she happens to have really good timing, her and her, well, not her, her husband, because if it were her doing it, well, that might be illegal. So I think with this here, you could track exactly where she's investing, when she's investing it, and you could follow along with the fund. And it turns out she's been right quite a bit. So head on over to the Pelosi indexed fund and, uh, watch your money grow even in the worst of times here in the United States. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:59:55 I follow some Instagram accounts that follow her, her investing, and I'm an idiot for not jumping on that bandwagon. Um, Jeff Birchfield throwing, um, Susan under the bus. Let me tell you something.
Starting point is 01:00:04 First of all i had i had three drinks in our business meeting and we had our shirts off and i tried to hug suze like three times now every drink i get i'm hugging someone like three times inappropriately it's like too long and it's not like we were at a party and i was hugging it was just me and him shirtless at the beach susan was a gentleman susan wasn't even close to buzzed he had to fucking fight me off i was almost i tried to put a pillow on his lap i was building sandcastles i tried susan's trying to build sandcastles with the boys and i put a pillow on his lap and slept on him fed me chicken mcnuggets hey last night last night susan and i are on the phone and he's out walking his neighbor's dog and his fiance is with him. And when Susan and I get on the phone, we don't talk a lot.
Starting point is 01:00:51 So, you know, like you used to do with like your girlfriend, like in the eighth grade, like you just wanted to be on the phone with her, but she's doing stuff and you're doing stuff, but you don't actually talk. And, and, and his wife picked up on that. Like, so Susan and I will just stay on the phone for an hour, but it's like, we're, we're in an off where we might as well just be in desk sitting next to each other.
Starting point is 01:01:08 And like, maybe we'll say something every few minutes. And I hear his wife say, are you still on the phone? And Matt's like, yeah, of course. Like,
Starting point is 01:01:13 duh. Like, fucking we're like, we're like those two old dudes who sit up in the, in the balcony at the, at the Muppets. You know, those guys, do you at the muppets you know those guys
Starting point is 01:01:25 do you remember the muppets i didn't watch it a ton but i definitely know exactly what you're talking about have you seen the thing where they uh it was on i should have sent it to you they do a who's in the house and they find the muppet and then they find the person in the audience that looks like the Muppet. Oh, no. So they do it on the Jumbotron. You'll see the Muppet like it was the red curly haired one. And then it would like shift over and it would be somebody in the audience that looked exactly like him.
Starting point is 01:01:54 I love it. I had a friend that looked like Beaker. So it's just like, fuck, we are weird. Susan's just like fuck we are weird Hey hey hey hey Travis don't be mean Don't be mean Okay Let's play number
Starting point is 01:02:20 We have Hayley Adams Muppet Let's play number let's play number we Peter Yan UFOs WAD zombie games disaster Andrew Hiller
Starting point is 01:02:42 no we've done enough Andrew Hiller. We talked about Mr. Birch. Mashed his ass a little bit. Bar Falls on Girl. Okay, let's play number 33. Please. No, there's no heavy breathing. Settle down, everyone. Don't start inserting your own narrative.
Starting point is 01:03:01 A little bit of heavy breathing. Sousa was walking fast. He was breathing heavier than i was i was in the kitchen number 33 bar falls this is the second ball falls on girl we've had i really like this this shows the safety of the uh of the weights i wonder if when they made i wonder why they made plates the size they did was it so if you drop the bar it doesn't kill you or was it um was it on accident or was it because that's a better place to deadlift it why did they make the weights that size that's a great question actually yeah thank you thank you let's ask let's get bill henninger on the show maybe i'll text bill right now why he probably knows he probably does know hey i'm pretty sure that's how they teach it in the l1 look at oh my goodness oh my goodness
Starting point is 01:03:53 hey see here's what's crazy too keep playing it in the l1 they teach you this too they say hey if you push the bar in front of you you're not going to be able to hold it up but they teach you that the bar is going to fall forward she instead falls backwards that's how committed yeah that's that's dope it's a bench press now yeah great stop wow and she's laughing at the bottom right yeah she's all right it doesn't look like it i mean it might have hurt a little afterwards but it didn't hit her or anything what came first the bar or the hole? Well, let's see. Like, did they build, were they like, hey, we have these weights and here's the hole,
Starting point is 01:04:31 so we need a bar that fits in this hole? Or did they have the bar and then they build the weights with that size hole? There's so many questions. We need a whole history lesson. We should get Bill on here to give us the history of the barbell and the bumper plate. And send the Olympic setup. Let's study her. I thought, okay. Let's study her. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:46 Let's study. Go ahead. All right, coach. She drives the bar up. And then we could tell here with the muted hip where it goes all wrong. Oh, knees drive forward.
Starting point is 01:04:57 Hip doesn't come back. Cause if her hip came back behind her heels, then she would have the ability to sit into it. But since she didn't, she went knee forward, muted hip. She's now in a completely broken position um and from here is when you just give up but she's no quitter she is no quitter oh my goodness oh my goodness and her ankles fold over themselves and knees hit the ground and bar bounces off but look at the uh coach in the background here boom the amount of times i've looked around my corner of my eye and like see
Starting point is 01:05:31 that have happened before i know exactly what he's feeling he's going holy shit i hope she's not seriously hurt because that would be terrible um hey that might be that might be a 35 let's say that might be a 35 pound bar with a 225 so that's 85 pounds and let's say those are 10s 95 105 pounds yeah yeah she got tossed up 105 pound jerry she got tossed up all right well thank you becca gould thank you for the uh for not quitting that's probably yeah yeah that's probably if I wouldn't have screwed it up with a song at the beginning, you would have just made a $6. Clip it. Uh,
Starting point is 01:06:10 let's play number 34. Brace yourself, people. Brace yourself. Brace yourself, people. This one hurts. This one's crazy.
Starting point is 01:06:22 Uh, Pete Davidson was getting roasted. I don't know how old this clip is, but man, Pete Davidson's father was a firefighter who died in 9-11. And this is at his roast. This is at his roast. Okay. Here we go. Pete Davidson's here.
Starting point is 01:06:42 I'm appalled that people would come here and make jokes about the sacrifice Pete's heroic father made on 9-11. This is not the roast of Pete Davidson's father. That was in 2001. Pete Davidson's here. Go ahead one more time. One more time. Pete Davidson's here. Go ahead, one more time. One more time. I'm appalled that people would come here and make jokes about the sacrifice Pete's heroic father made on 9-11.
Starting point is 01:07:12 This is not the roast of Pete Davidson's father. That was in 2001. So his dad was a firefighter, last seen running up like Building 7, you know, and toast. And I think they actually found his body. And he's cracking a joke about how his dad died. He was seven years old when it happened.
Starting point is 01:07:35 I think his dad was 34. I know it's crazy. It's crazy, right? How much time has passed? Yeah, that is crazy. How much time has passed? So, man, Patrick knows a lot of stuff uh that was the comedy central roast of rob lowe man rob was looking good right there um it's just nuts but
Starting point is 01:07:52 you know it's crazy like that that that compared to compete i mean the the bald lady joke that will smith's wife took is like nothing compared to that one. Yeah. Pete Davidson got drop kicked like across the Atlantic. You know what I mean? Yeah. That's. I mean, I don't even think that joke was like funny, though.
Starting point is 01:08:16 No, it's like a little bit of a stretch even. Right. It's just like, hey, can I hurt this dude? Yeah. Yeah. It's not. I didn't like it. And you knew exactly where he was going with it right when he said like this isn't the roast of pizza like you knew he's like oh he's gonna talk about him roasting in the building like okay yeah oh susan didn't like that no i
Starting point is 01:08:35 didn't like that you didn't like that at all i'm fine with comedy in any form but i just thought the joke was stupid and if you're gonna go there with it it's got to be something really clever and it's got to be funny. And it's got to be a little bit more lighthearted. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Like,
Starting point is 01:08:52 come on. Uh, did you see the clip I made for one of our guests? I, I, I, I got on Photoshop yesterday. I want to show,
Starting point is 01:09:02 I want to show you this. I want to show you this. I want to show you what I made yesterday. How come all my YouTube stations are all on Hiller's page? I can't stand that guy. I have 20 clips open with Hiller on it. Look at this clip I made. Camera pans to the left.
Starting point is 01:09:20 Hiller photos all over the wall. Look at this. Look at this clip I made right here. No, don't be. This over the wall. Look at this. Look at this clip I made right here. No, don't be. This is so good. Look at it. Look at it. So this guy, Alex Lindot, is coming on the show.
Starting point is 01:09:33 And I took this picture of him from his Instagram. And then I took it. These are two pictures from his Instagram. And you can see he's climbing. See how he's climbing that building? He free climbs buildings. He's called an urban climber. And then I took this other picture of him, put it on top of it,
Starting point is 01:09:47 and then used the eraser tool and just got the edges. It's cool, right? Not bad. Yeah. Will will clean that up for us later. Will, what do you think? Is Will listening? This is so good.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Will's like, I already switched it. Oh, I'm so happy. By the way, can you play? You guys have to see this. This is absolutely nuts. Matt found this guy yesterday. It's clip number 39. Check this out.
Starting point is 01:10:17 This guy's coming on the show in a couple weeks. I can't even really believe I'm going to talk to someone like this. I think this might be the most amazing. I think this is the first guest that i like recommended that you were like pumped about and got is that true really yeah i've sent you like a hand no patrick bet david was yours i was really pumped about him oh okay all right i'll take it second second guest i've sent you like a handful of them and then i'll be like hey what, what about a, so it's, oh, is you looking new? And you're like, who? And then I'm like, yeah, this, uh, I'm so excited to meet this guy.
Starting point is 01:10:49 This is incredible. Look at play this video. This is, this is just nuts. We need sound. Right. And the problem may, I don't know, maybe, maybe not. I don't know how that works. I think he's barefoot here, dude. I think he's barefoot. Wow. Wow. He just climbed the world's largest cock. It is nuts. that's so insane i posted all my uh stories
Starting point is 01:11:30 too yeah i showed my wife you know what she said i feel sorry for his mom no shit i feel sorry that's such a great watching it literally makes my palms like start to get sweaty yes yes i watch it a bunch i watched like a bunch of them when i was looking into his profile I feel sorry. That's such a great line. Watching it literally makes my palms start to get sweaty. Yes, yes. I watched a bunch of them when I was looking into his profile yesterday, and I was like, it just started to get, my palms just started to get sweaty. You're like, what? Yeah, butt ass, butt plug, yes.
Starting point is 01:11:57 Hey, there's one where he's climbing. What? The first comment on here is, how do you go back down? I thought that too. What happens if you get the top and like the door's locked or something there's a question for him uh there is um there's uh one of the one of the clips he's wearing a gopro and he's climbing up and he's standing on a little tiny ledge you know 50 stories up and he's and he's resting and he's shaking his hands out and the camera tilts down and I felt like something weird in my anus like I know that
Starting point is 01:12:27 I know that feeling like oh how can an Instagram clip do that to you makes you feel something in your anus literally yeah it's not yeah it's one of these ones yeah like what yeah he rests on one of those ledges yeah see him shaking his hand out
Starting point is 01:12:44 look at that oh my goodness imagine being in that office just a normal monday and you just look over and you're like there's some dude climbing i would want to vomit i think if i saw that in person i don't think i could handle it i couldn't even um even at the crossway games year, they had the guy doing the backflips on the motorcycle in the soccer stadium. I struggled with that. It was so intense. It was. Did you receive the documentary of the guy that tightrope walked across the Trade Center Tower?
Starting point is 01:13:17 Yes. Amazing. That's so cool. What's up, boys? It's Will Plummer. Hey, Will. What's up, brother? Always good to hear your voice.
Starting point is 01:13:24 Not much. Just calling to give a little shout out for the CEO shirt. It's my new PR shirt when I go to the gym. Nice. Nice. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. Hey, we still don't have a plan for semifinals or what we're doing or where we're sneaking in or who's going to give us access or like, you know, we're still waiting for Dave to get hired back or maybe I will become the CEO and we'll get full full access so as soon as we know you will be the first person we tell you won't have to find it out from this from this ragtag podcast right now we're so don't hold your breath it's all about inclusivity unless you're on this podcast
Starting point is 01:14:01 in which case you're not allowed in well they're gonna they're gonna make me the the t-shirt people are gonna make me a purple one um with gold writing and yeah i'm so excited i've never even owned a purple shirt i'm so excited oh i like that one are you waiting on the red one still yeah i haven't got my red one yet i think that um i got an email from those guys at life is rx a couple days ago saying that they're in stock and that they've started mailing out. And I was telling them to mail mine last. Hopefully they send the right size. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. They actually sent Josh Bridges a return label and he's like, yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:14:40 Fuck you. You know, like, I'm like, Josh, but that's money on, that's my money. He's like, fuck, right, fuck you. You know, like... I'm like, Josh, but that's my money. He's like, fuck you too. And you have to remember too, they just switched it with somebody else that they were supposed to send. They did. It's just the sizes got a little...
Starting point is 01:14:59 And... Yeah, go ahead. I saw the video of, I think, Avi on the skate ramp. Holy crap. He's seven? Yeah, crazy. And he's doing that?
Starting point is 01:15:09 That's nuts. Yeah, crazy. I'm so proud of him. He's such a hard worker. They all get at it. Wait till you see the brothers, too. I always feel bad because I don't give the brothers more love, but they're doing stuff that he hadn't even thought of.
Starting point is 01:15:24 He couldn't ride a ramp like that the way they ride it at five and a half. Same with their tennis. love but they're doing stuff that like he he hadn't even thought of it his i mean the you know he couldn't ride a ramp like that the way they ride it at five and a half same with their tennis they do every they're a year ahead of them in everything they're not training partner say that again will there's little training partner yeah they were but i think soon what's going to happen is they're gonna it's funny i was talking to his tennis coach the other day and i said hey are these guys gonna one of these guys gonna catch ob He goes, they're not. I'm like, what do you mean? They can do stuff at five and a half that he couldn't do until he was six and a half. They go, it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:15:51 They said, Avi's getting so much better every single day. It won't be until they're like 20 that they'll be able to catch him. I was like, wow. It's kind of crazy. That is. Since I'm just bragging right now, I took them to this I'm just bragging right now,
Starting point is 01:16:05 I took the boy, I took them to this tennis court to practice the other day and there was a tennis tournament there. So we were waiting for the tennis tournament to finish. And there was these, you know, there was these like 14 year old white kids playing against like these nine year old Asian kids.
Starting point is 01:16:17 And the Asian kids were smoking them. These were all kids that come from over the hill, meaning like San Jose and shit. And over there, they got so many crazy talented Pakistani kids kids uh indian kids and asian kids right because it's um they're all like engineers and shit coming over there in silicon valley and the and it's they're just those cultures just breed just really high level kids right that the the families have discipline boundaries the culture is just made for that shit. Anyway. So there was a tournament there and,
Starting point is 01:16:48 and the tournament direct and we're watching, I'm just watching these Asian kids just destroy it. Like the sweetest, like little girls who don't look like shit, right? They look like, just like, just like dorks, but they just could crack a fucking tennis ball and know how to position it and run around. And, and so afterwards the tournament director afterwards, my kid went out there and played and when the term was over and the tournament director comes over and he goes, Hey, can I take some video of your son? And I'm like, Oh yeah, absolutely. He goes, I just want to show everyone. I know what, what little kids are capable of. And I was like, Oh yeah, my little Jew minion, half Jew, half Armenian seven-year-old is now, you know, like a guy who's used to seeing these world-class Asian kids appreciates my
Starting point is 01:17:27 kid. It was just, I was flattered. I was flattered. You should trademark that Jew minion. My wife won't let me, my wife was raised like, like black people, like that everyone hates a Jew, right? Like, ah, now listen, you're African American and the cops are going to come after you and you have to work 10 times as hard as the next white kid in order to get Jews are raised like that too. Everyone hates you. You have to stay only fuck Jews and stay in your family and you have to work twice as hard. And so she's afraid that if I tell the world they're Jews, like that someone's going to get
Starting point is 01:17:55 them. And maybe, maybe those, maybe they're right. I just, I don't think it's important. You tell, I'm glad it wasn't until I was 16 years old and I was in high school that someone was like, dude, your fucking nose is huge. I'm glad my mom didn't tell me when I was nine. Hey, I want you to get ready. In seven years, you're going to go to school one morning. Someone's going to break your fucking heart. I just would prefer to, you know. Let it happen.
Starting point is 01:18:18 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. You don't need to tell. You don't need to set black kids and jewish kids up to to warn them that it's true but not only that because you're making something up it's not it's not true in the truest sense do you know what i mean yeah the world the world is like put their boundaries on them already yes yes yes it's not true and yeah it's the same it's the same thing with like why why we're all freaked out around black people. Now the whole world is because of,
Starting point is 01:18:45 because of all this BLM shit. Like you never noticed a black person before. It was just like people. And now you go to the check stand and you're checking out and you're like, Oh my God, does this black person think I'm white supremacist? Because of some shit that CNN told you the night before. It's like,
Starting point is 01:18:57 it's all fucked up. Yeah. All righty guys. Well, I got a game to run off to. So have a good rest of your day. Okay. Kick ass.
Starting point is 01:19:05 See you guys. Well, I got a game to run off to, so have a good rest of your day. Okay, kick ass. See you guys. Bye. Bye. Okay. On that note, let's play number 32. Let's play number 32. I'd like to dedicate this to my favorite Instagram account
Starting point is 01:19:27 That I blocked Number 32 Action My bad Michael I'm honored You're honored? I'm honored What's up my nigga
Starting point is 01:19:43 Say it loud Do I get another one? I'm honored. You're honored? I'm honored. What's up, my nigga? What's up, my nigga? You fail out. Fail out or proud? Do I get another one? Oh, yeah. My bad. My bad. Yeah, yeah, yeah, man. What's up, my nigga?
Starting point is 01:19:53 Chad. Chad. Michael. My bad. Michael. Honored. Honored. I'm honored.
Starting point is 01:19:59 What's up, my nigga? What's up, my nigga? You fail out or proud? Do I get another one? Oh, yeah, my bad. What's up, my nigga? Hey, I just want everyone in the world to know these are my passes.
Starting point is 01:20:15 Oh, my God. I got a stack. I know that dude. He gave me these in my past. Look at this. My fat stack. My fat stack. I got my own stack.
Starting point is 01:20:25 Did you ever do that in high school? You would steal the – or someone would steal the stack of referrals from a teacher's desk. Not referrals, hall passes from a teacher's desk. And then someone would like, if you needed a hall pass, you just go to Joe. Joe, can I get a hall pass? My mom's signature was exactly the same every time. And you know how you could shade the back of something and then press hard down on it and then you get a rough outline?
Starting point is 01:20:49 Yeah. So I practiced it a bunch of times and like nailed it. And then I would show up at school to get out of classes, like if I missed a class or whatever, like it was normally English, like it was the first class and I would just miss it. And I would go to the office and show up like midway through and hand on the thing and they would see the note and whatever. And I knew the time that they called and it was just a recording as they tried to automate. So I would just delete it out. And of course I was getting terrible grades. And so my mom was always trying to be
Starting point is 01:21:17 like super involved. So it would come down the pipeline. Like I would get a progress report and it would be like, you know, whatever D D minus d minus but it was funny too because i'd always have the comment like pleasure to have in class so it'd be like d minus like pleasure to have in class doesn't fulfill potential my mom sets up this parent teacher conference which was like always the threat because then your mom shows up on campus we have to walk together and sit in the teacher's classroom and everybody sees it and it's like oh and um she was like yeah well matt would get better grades but i don't know what's going on um but he's retarded no she's like you keep excusing him from classes oh and my mom goes oh what what's going on and she goes well you know
Starting point is 01:22:01 he hasn't been in hardly this semester you You're writing all the notes that she goes, oh, okay. It doesn't wrap me up. And then we finished the conference. Like right then I knew I was like, oh, I'm so fucked. Oh, you thought that she, I, I would have just thought that my mom didn't make the connection, but she did make the connection, but didn't rat you out. So you took it. So you took it on the chin in the car. Oh yeah. That's awesome. That's a good mom. The door barely shut. We walked away from the teacher and she goes, so what are you doing?
Starting point is 01:22:30 How are you getting out of these classes? That's awesome. And I was like, oh. And you could tell she was totally turned off too because at that point she was like, well, he could do these assignments to make this up, but it really just has to do with his attendance. He's losing participation, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:22:42 And so, yeah, she didn't rat me out though, but she was pissed. Guys like you is why I want to retire. Courtney Guthrie. Savon, I pulled up your video with Zoe Harcone from my grandfather to watch, and he immediately asked if your nose was attached to those glasses. I was like, Grandpa. Tell him I'll whoop his ass.
Starting point is 01:23:06 Come through. Pull up on Grandpa. Yeah, Grandpa. Tell him I'll whoop his ass. Come through. Pull up on Grandpa. Yeah, yeah. You tell him to roll through the beach today. Take my kids to tennis and jiu-jitsu, and then I'll be at the beach. I'm the guy with the foofy girl drink kombucha in my hand. Tell him to step up to me. I'll whoop his ass.
Starting point is 01:23:19 Grace, thanks for telling me because I drank those now. Attached to my glasses okay um uh kombucha there's i want to do one with this gundry guy uh let me see um let me see what number it is women champs are men women of the year we demand youed the man, you get offended. Peter Young, Andrew Hiller, suicide. Where is... I must be missing a page. Oh, maybe down here? Best birthday in most...
Starting point is 01:23:55 Oh, here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Shoot, maybe it's 34. Okay, let's play number 40. This is going to be a guest who's coming on the show but there's there's one you guys have to see oh no no no hold on sorry go to 37 this is back to you jeff birch birch mr birch you want you you
Starting point is 01:24:20 want to say that i'm some sort of tinfoil hat conspiracy wearing blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Look, this is the president of the United States of America. The link is bad. Oh, it is? Number 37? This is the leader of the free world? I know people who voted for Joe Biden. Like most of the people i know
Starting point is 01:24:46 i can't even believe it i cannot believe it it is it is there it for it is our but donald trump is racist not as racist as this dude this this is bad shit crazy listen to this this is how did you vote for him? What is wrong with you? Were you dropped on your fucking head? You have the world's largest nuclear arsenal in this guy's hand? Listen, listen. Play this twice. This is batshit crazy.
Starting point is 01:25:19 That can be defined in a single word. I was in the foothills of the himalayas with xi jinping traveling with them and i traveled 17 000 miles when i was vice president i don't know that for a fact america is a nation that can be defined in a single word i was in the foot him excuse me the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping. Look at Kamala. She nods. Watch Kamala nod.
Starting point is 01:25:49 I traveled 17,000 miles when I was vice president. I don't know that for a fact. Watch her nod. Like, yeah, he's right. One more time. One more time. Watch her nod. Watch her nod.
Starting point is 01:25:58 I know it's kind of sad, right? It's a nation that can be defined in a single word. I was in the foothills of the himalayas with xi jinping traveling with oh no oh no oh no oh no hey do you know so i asked my friend the other day he's like how can you like trump he's a fucking racist i go what did he do what did he do is racist and we go over the mexican thing i'm like that's not true and i show him and he goes well how about when he said that uh how about how about when he about when he was, um, um, uh, being racist towards his tenants? And I go, what do you mean? He goes, well, he wasn't treating the poor
Starting point is 01:26:31 tenants well, and they were black. Well, yeah, everyone does that. Who will the vast majority of people who do that? I'm not saying it's right, but the vast majority of people who do that, um, do, uh, treat their tenants bad in section eight. They're just trying to make money. They're business people. But I don't see that as racist. What about the time that he said that his accountant, he wished he had a Jew accountant instead of a black accountant? And? Well, that's racist. No, that's culturalist. Everyone wants a Jew or a Mormon accountant. Everyone. And you know what?
Starting point is 01:27:04 And if you want that to change, it's just going to just take like, you know, 3 million black people to start becoming really good accountants. Who's that racist towards black people or Jewish people? Like, I don't even know, I don't even know where to begin with that. If that's like, you're what you're pissed about. Joe Biden said, if you're not, you're not black, if you don't vote for me, he said, fucking Barack Obama was a nice was nice and clean for a black man. I don't know. There's got to be better choices than those two anyhow.
Starting point is 01:27:40 I hate when – You can't – it's not a hard – you can't get on your moral high horse and all that shit and be dead. And this dude is going to get us dead. By the way, both those ladies behind him, Kamala and then – I forget the other one's name. I should remember. If I would have told – sorry, Matt. Sorry, Matt. one's name i should i should remember if i would have told sorry matt sorry matt if i would have told you 10 years ago if i would have told all my democratic friends including myself 10 years ago
Starting point is 01:28:08 that someone's going to say that they're going to pick a supreme court justice based on their sex and their skin color they would have called me batshit crazy and that's the president all those people are behind now i don't even understand what happened to all the people i know. I seriously don't know what happened to you. I mean I used to be part of you, but that's got to push you out, right? How about these people – how about these news anchors who are saying white people can't comment on MSNBC, that white people can't comment on the Will smith um chris rock incident because i mean what has happened what the fuck has happened both those ladies behind uh mr president biden they were trying their hardest not to laugh they weren't like kamala wasn't like nodding like agreements like she had to like move because that energy had to go somewhere because she
Starting point is 01:29:08 couldn't hold it in anymore. And the Supreme court justice literally had to put her head down and she's like trying her hardest to hold back a smile. Like it's the, the body language is very telling. Like I would want my vote back. Yeah. I would want my vote back.
Starting point is 01:29:24 Hey, how about we vote for um getting lobbyists out of politics that's the most important thing i hate when people go back and forth between like the biden and trump and biden and trump like trump's gonna be some fucking savior or something get off of it what we need to focus on is getting the donors out of politics you have to get the lobbyists out of politics without getting the lobbyists without getting the money out of politics. The system will never change. It'll never be for the people ever.
Starting point is 01:29:51 If you think that Trump was for the people, you weren't paying enough attention. Word. Number 11. It looks like the link is broken. I'm so bummed. I hope it's not. I hope it's not. I hope it's not.
Starting point is 01:30:10 You see it? Number 11. Yeah, we got it. And by the way, to the link, wasn't broken on the last one. That was my fault.
Starting point is 01:30:16 There's something up with me. You had it all together today. You really had it together. These are numbered. You were like, this is good stuff. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:30:27 Every day. The show gets better. Every day. The day the show gets better listen let me tell y'all something man the younger dudes man let me tell you something the fly honeys is all right right big skinny badass all that pussy good all that all that is good right but what's even better what's even better than that is if, right? But what's even better, what's even better than that is if you got a honey on your team, fly or not fly, that when you get fucked up and get in the jam, you can call and be like, yo, I need 3,000. I'm fucked up. I need 3,000.
Starting point is 01:30:58 I need you to do that for me, right? And she call you back in about an hour and say, come get it. That's, and you getting the pussy too. That's the real, that's what you really need. When the worst come to worst, when you down on your back, when you on your flat on your ass, man, she could come through for you. Because the kitty cat and the titties, that ain't going to mean nothing when you need help. Sean J, peace.
Starting point is 01:31:28 Hey, man, listen, let me tell y'all something. I only watched it 18 times last night. We need to get that guy on the show. I just like it when he says the pussy and the titties. And then you get the money and you get it's you get but it's
Starting point is 01:31:46 god i i feel them i just i i just feel them but the the women in my life if the women in my life have saved my life crazy like i can't i can't thank god craig why i hate this show i know i don't know i i don't know like what do i do do i hug that guy or do i like be like fuck you get out or do i say thank you i don't even know how to respond i just have to i'm gonna i'm gonna write that on my wall with a crayon tonight i hate this show but every time i see the notification i log on and get hooked what do you mean we love craig we want more craigs it's uh it's like this show it's like this shows like the the the the the abusive relationship oh man guys thank you so much uh suza thanks for coming on uh we it is time to go oh good thank you thank you craig um uh we will um uh we will be on tomorrow uh with yevgeny i haven't made the
Starting point is 01:32:58 post yet i need to do that um live from the ukraine he sent us some cool videos of people walking around the park which actually made everyone on the team feel really good yeah we'll hear from him tomorrow i think that is our only show tomorrow unless andrew hiller posts something that we need to like comment on uh breaking news andrew hiller makes another video and we're gonna talk about it uh then uh where where is this manage the playlist? Oh, manage the videos. Let me tell you what we got on. I plugged in a bunch of I scheduled a bunch of stuff, so I'm kind of proud
Starting point is 01:33:32 of it. So I want to tell you guys about it. Oh, look, I got Justin Nunley on there twice. Okay. Okay. This guy's coming on the show too. Oh, David Taylor, the Olympians coming on. I watched him beat Jordan Burroughs last night in a video. That was really cool. Let me just play one more video before we leave it's um last one is that is it on the bottom does it say justin nunley yeah i numbered this shit and then my shit got all out
Starting point is 01:33:55 of whack i need to staple this okay cool we'll finish this guy's coming on the show we got con porter coming on the show we have nikki rodriguez's brother coming on the show. We have Nikki Rodriguez's brother coming on the show. Jacob just won seven out of seven matches at ADCC Trials. Basically, that's like the big jiu-jitsu tournament. And so this girl in this blue outfit here, I can't even believe this is real. I can't even – this is real i i i can't i can't this is just nuts the human body is just crazy these boobs are nuts okay go ahead play this this this guy's so good i think this guy's huge on tiktok this guy's making me want to get on tiktok okay y'all ought to be ashamed of yourself. Fix your phone and act like somebody. Listen, did you know that ladybugs can fly as fast as racehorses can run?
Starting point is 01:34:49 Now you do. I want to ride a bunny. I want to ride a bunny. Y'all ought to be ashamed. Oh, my God. Do you know, there was a show called Benny Hill. Oh, I can't. It's too late.
Starting point is 01:35:03 I got to take the kids. All right. I want to tell you about the stuff I used to watch as a little kid. Sevan, Hazmat smashes tonight, right? Torn, brother. I'm torn, right? I'm torn. But I think you're right.
Starting point is 01:35:15 I think you're right. But, man, I'm going to try to have Gilbert Burns on, by the way, after the fight. I'm reaching out to him. I mean, not like right after it. All right, guys. Thank you so much, everyone. Thanks for everything.
Starting point is 01:35:25 Love you guys.

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