The Sevan Podcast - #374 - Sevan's CrossFit Show Idea, Torian Pro Vax Questions, and More

Episode Date: April 18, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Introducing TD Insurance for Business, with customized coverage options for your business. Because at TD Insurance, we understand that your business is unique, so your business insurance should be too. Contact a licensed TD Insurance advisor to learn more. At AirMiles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. Mmm, how's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Bam, we are live. Good morning. Good morning, Jamal. Jamal, Clay called in yesterday. Sorry, I didn't answer. Sorry, I did not answer. There's a crazy answer. Who would like to record this computer screen? Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Shit, I can't do it. I'm not capable of sharing screens. I didn't prepare right. Hello. Oops, I almost said my password. Who are you sharing the screen with? I was going to. Oh, I can't.
Starting point is 00:01:19 There's an echo. Oh, boy. That number one. Can you guys play uh number uh hi caleb good morning good morning yeah that's way better there's a massive echo something's not right how's that better better okay uh can you guys play number... Boy, I have some interesting stuff to share with you guys today. Number four. Start the show with this. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Happy Easter, Adam. Happy Easter, Mr. Bruce Wayne, Jamal Smith, Matt Burns, Johanna7x88. And let it play. Here we go. Joe Biden's brain is on a vacation. When he speaks, he makes you wonder. He doesn't even know what he wants to say. And we know he likes the girls a whole lot younger.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Joe Biden's brain is on a vacation today. I couldn't believe I found that. You're welcome. You're fucking welcome. Okay, number five. Start the show with this. Let's just blow our nut. This should be for tomorrow's show, but let's just let it fly.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Let's let it fly. Jim Cleese says, show but let's just let's just let it fly let's let it fly jim cleese's cuando en la buenos dias i was texting with colton burns last night he said how's the okay here we go here we go sweet Who am I to disagree? I travel the world in the seven seas. Everybody's looking for something. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Who is this girl? I think I asked her to come on my face. No, podcast. And I couldn't get a response for it. I think she has come on my face. No podcast. And I couldn't get a response for it. I think she has like 2 million views. You know, I think Greg sent me a link to her. He's like,
Starting point is 00:03:32 man, listen to this lady's voice. Recently. Probably famous on Tik TOK. You hear about Renaissance men. That dude is a Renaissance man. Mr. Glassman.
Starting point is 00:03:42 He does it all. He's into it all. Architecture, painting, music. He's into it all. Architecture, painting, music. He's into it. I mean, he's really into science, physics, math. He loves math. Math nut. I also heard he's a big fan of
Starting point is 00:03:55 Paper Street Coffee. He is. He is. He doesn't drink coffee, but if he did, he told me that. It would definitely be Paper Street. I've never seen Greg drink a cup of coffee. Really? No, never. Not once. Doesn't he wake up early, too? Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:09 I like the two-go hand-to-hand. I wouldn't. He wakes the sun up. He is that guy. It's not like, oh, he occasionally wakes up. It's so funny when I see people like, there's that one seal who always posts pictures of his clock. He's not my cup of tea. Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Good. always post pictures of his clock he's not my cup of tea yes um good when you're an early riser you know early risers and i see that shit i'm just like but i guess there's a little bit for everyone i guess i guess i guess like you know some people yeah i guess yeah that stuff like come on dude really but i guess that motivates hundreds of thousands of people to see his cocks showing that he gets up early in the morning no shit yeah get some watch one of his jiu-jitsu camps hey with after what happened to joe rogan that that dude's response right there that watch guy i don't need friends like that the watch guy like i don't need friends like that go fuck yourself his half-ass fucking like i didn't know joe rogan was a fucking
Starting point is 00:05:09 alcoholic drug abuser until that guy um came out and defended joe that's what his defense sounded like you can head on over to bob or job seven you're considered an early riser ask my wife i was early i'm i i up always, always late today though, like this hard, like hard, like wood. I'm telling you. So I heard this last night.
Starting point is 00:05:35 This is not from a credible source. Those of you who are into the CrossFit stuff, this is not from a credible source. I would love for someone to just tell me to eat a dick. So, and I'll cue it out. Thank you. The kid to eat a dick so and i'll queue it up thank you the kid that eat a dick but i heard that i heard that cara saunders and royce dunn
Starting point is 00:05:57 i gotta wait till caleb's done swallowing this dollop of whatever he put in his mouth before i say this because he might choke on this i don he might choke on this. And I don't want to fuck him up. I heard that Cara Saunders and Royce Dunn, no, not that they're dating. No, nothing like that. I heard that they are going to compete at the Dorian Pro, and because they, what I'm about to say makes no sense. I want to tell you that.
Starting point is 00:06:28 At least I can't make sense of it. So don't get all crazy and be like, hey, that doesn't make sense. I agree. It doesn't make sense to me either. I'm just saying it. Don't downplay our YouTube. I hate putting words together that don't make sense, but I didn't put these ones together.
Starting point is 00:06:42 That Kara Saunders and Royce Dun dunn who are competing at the torian pro since they are not vaccinated the torian pro will only be allowed half capacity now i did ask some questions is that to protect them or the audience and i could not get an answer maybe it's not not even true. I'm excited about that because it shows they're focused on safety. They're focused on safety. Athlete safety. Athlete safety. Yeah, which in the past, a lot of these things haven't been focused on athlete safety.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Dear world, I want you to know something. Dear planet, dear other countries besides the United States, I know it scares the shit out of you when you see the United States falling apart. You're like, oh, my God, what a joke. What chance do we have? Yeah. But I must say this. Dear Australia, to watch how stupid you guys are has broken our heart because we kind of think that about you.
Starting point is 00:07:44 We always thought that about you. We thought you were the cool kids. Like your chicks like get drunk and run around topless and your dudes are just free spirited and like, you know, like getting scrums together. Like you express yourselves.
Starting point is 00:07:55 You drink out of big beer cans and shit. We always thought you were cool. The weather was great. You had nice bodies. Steroids wasn't frowned upon. It was just part of fucking your throat and your cheerios but man to see how dumb you fuckers are you guys are fucking oh my god and by the way i saw a documentary the other day talking about the lockdown about how um
Starting point is 00:08:19 uh california was locked down you have to know that that's a lie like maybe those nutballs in la did that no one ever locked me down if i went to know that that's a lie. Like maybe those nut balls in LA did that. No one ever locked me down. If I went to a park and there was yellow tape, same police line, I cut that shit off and me and my kids went in. No one tells anyone. No one's telling anyone what to do here.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Yeah. Can't stop. All of a sudden, except on that can't be true. They both traveled to the games last year and needed to be vaccinated to enter the U S I hear you. Maybe, maybe that wasn't in place last year.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Yeah. Daniel, that's exactly what I, that was my response to, I don't know Roy's done that well. And, but I do know car Saunders a little better and I don't think she would get vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Fucking step on. I understand someone needs to be fucking stick dick butter someone fuck me i got three kids but listen i i feel like i stole nunley's line justin lee's line this is just crazy if the toy if they really do events like that and supposedly they're trying to hide that by the way that's not supposed to like i'm not supposed to say that we'll know when it airs out so all 78 of you listening to the show right now don't say anything keep it between us yeah everybody else viewing it i'm dying to know i'm dying to know if that's true i'm dying to know if that's true that it what do you think suza or caleb who do you think let's say it is true who do you think
Starting point is 00:09:40 that's to protect is that to protect them or the audience what does even vaccinated have anything to do with how many people you put in the stadium what do what do those people think that the vaccine mitigates well you know when you have athletes who are breathing very heavily in a in an enclosed space like that you know it could just like go into the into the air molecules and everybody could start breathing that in. And then not good, not good. Maybe like is going to get COVID. They're all good. Hey,
Starting point is 00:10:10 I, every, every single CrossFit event I've ever heard of is a super spreader event. I mean, I wouldn't, I didn't used to not talk that shit when Dave was over there and that would suck. If Dave ever went back to CrossFit,
Starting point is 00:10:20 I'd have to stop talking shit. But, um, that the games last year was a full-blown super spreader event. Everyone knows it. No one's like, no, it wasn't. I mean, every first major event where a lot of people got together was a super spreader event.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Yeah, it's like, who cares? So it's a lot of palooza. Yeah. It's the same with the Olympics. I've had COVID for two months now. Everybody gets STDs and everybody gets a cough and a cold. Speaking of STDs and everybody gets a cough and a cold. Speaking of STDs, Caleb, I heard she may have had the first two vaccines across Fit Liz.
Starting point is 00:10:51 You think she has a good body? Is that a girl named Liz? Across Fit Liz. She may have had the first two vaccines but not have had the booster, so she wouldn't be classed as fully vaccinated if that was the case, depending on one of her. Oh, okay. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Okay. I mean, we know, I've played that clip many times on the show where the CEO of Pfizer says that the first two shots hardly work, if at all. That's verbatim, by the way. CEO of Pfizer made $38 billion selling something that doesn't work, hardly works, if at all. Wow. Sounds about our government wow you stood in line to get an injection that hardly works if at all
Starting point is 00:11:34 there wasn't a line at our hospital my my my my penis hardly works or My penis always works. My penis almost always works, yet I've never seen it fail. My penis is the opposite of the vaccine. The opposite of the vaccine. It always works, but I heard it could fail, but it has not. Shouldn't the vaccine be as like as good as a helicopter like you can't have a helicopter like kind of work right what have helicopters worked as good as the vaccine helicopters kind of work all the time like it's a complete anomaly because i mean half the time it shouldn't work but then it does and then when it doesn't work, it still works.
Starting point is 00:12:27 The helicopter. What about Haley's Comet? Here. Haley's Comet. If it's my wife, Haley, I don't want to read it. Okay, here it is. No, it's not. It's like those silent concerts where they won't let the audience sing along for fear of spreading COVID, yet they're packed in stadiums. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Is that real? Is that real? Those were a thing before covid even happened like you could like go to like a silent disco and like you just wear headphones and you like dance around whatever no no but she's but she's saying they're not allowed to sing oh yeah they're not allowed to sing along that's like the white house said recently when they saw um that there was a picture of either pelosi or kamala kissing joe biden and shaking his hand. And they said that, and whoever was, whoever it was had COVID at the time.
Starting point is 00:13:09 And they said it's no big deal because of the 15 minute rule, dude, that's like, that's like the shit your kids do. You know, when they drop food and they're like 10 minute rule, 10 second rule. It's like, dude, you just kissed him. The rules don't apply to them. Sevan, can you get Cara on? I can get her off. I know that.
Starting point is 00:13:31 We had her on already. Yeah, I'll reach out to her. I'd love to reach out to her. She's cool as shit. She's easy. Throw in the categories. Josh Bridges, Hunter McIntyre, Car Saunders,
Starting point is 00:13:42 some of the easiest guests you could have. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Torian Pro. Please, please, someone tell me if that's true. Oh, here we go. Okay, let's do it. We haven't even put the phone on. I know.
Starting point is 00:13:58 That's what I was going to say. This is someone who loves us. Mr. Smith. Oh, good morning, fellas. How are you? Good morning. Long time. It's been a long time. I know. I know. I've missed you. I've seen you. I just haven't heard from you much. Nice. Have you had your cup of coffee yet today? I have not. I have not. But I
Starting point is 00:14:18 woke up just because I need to ask you a question. Okay. I thought you were going to say you woke up just because you need to ask. But ask me. But that's all of us. That's all of us. Okay. I thought you were going to say you woke up just because you need to ask, but ask me. But that's all of us. Okay. Yes. I woke up this morning to get asked and to ask you a question. Yes. So I'm looking to enter the CrossFit space and I was wondering if you had any type of advice of how to get started or, you know, what are some good ways to befriend some of the games athletes, you know, stuff like that. Get into the CrossFit space in terms of like if it's to work out, Sousa should answer that question. If it's to get Katrin David-Doder's's phone number maybe i'm the maybe i'm your dude uh on the media side uh you know what i i apparently don't need a lot of views to become popular so that's a good news for you yeah i want to i want to show you um so so there's a guy coffee wads and pods and i was
Starting point is 00:15:22 i was scrolling his instagram account the other day. Not the other day, last night at 10.50 p.m. And he got a new studio built for his podcast, and it's really cool. Well, I'll play the clip from that. Or maybe you could play it now. It's number… It's moving on up. It's number 70.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Can you play number 70? What's this guy's name? Ethan? Peter. Peter. Peter. Peter from Coffee Wads and Pods. I was on this podcast. I was on episode 111.
Starting point is 00:15:50 That would be the person to definitely ask the question because did he have a start outside of it or he just start the podcast and just start grinding? I don't know his origin story. Can you see your screen, Jamal? Yeah. That dude just did that to a wall in his house, which I i'm gonna tell you makes me
Starting point is 00:16:05 envious yeah i just got a pile of shit behind me i mean not today now i'm on vacation i got my mobile set up which is dope but um that's really i mean he so he so he's done 200 podcasts and i noticed like i can't get fraser like on my podcast for the life of me and this guy's had him on twice in the last two months. So maybe that's a good word for us. Come on, man. Um,
Starting point is 00:16:31 uh, so it, I guess it depends on what you want to do. Um, I always just think of how I did it and how, uh, Lillian Fuentes did it and how Matt Sousa did it. Like basically just go to events and
Starting point is 00:16:46 volunteer and try to get us get close to someone whose work you like so if like lillian fuentes is a filmmaker if you like her contact her and be like hey can what events are you going to go to and can i just be just your dude but being someone's dude is hard man if you want to do it good there's no like you won't leave when you go to one of those events there's a chance that the person you thought you were helping the whole time will hate you half the people whoever whoever helped me by the end i hate them oh that's good to know yeah so i mean if you're you're you and it's because you know like they just they just don't pull through they're not focused enough so they think they're helping you but they end up being just drama for you or extra work for you or, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:27 so, um, what, what, in what capacity did you want to do it? Oh, that's the thing. I'm not too sure because I,
Starting point is 00:17:37 I mean, I realized that I dedicate a lot of time to watching a lot of podcasts, videos, following their different games, athletes, Instagrams, their coaches and stuff like that. So, you know, I realized I do have a passion of, you know, trying to dig deeper into the space. I have something for you.
Starting point is 00:17:58 I have something for you. You could just take over. Ready? Sure. Do you, there, there are these sites,'re like called like mma junkie or mma they're just these if you type in ufc into into youtube these videos will pop up and they're 10 minute videos and they come out every single day and it'll be like it'll be like colby covington gets his tooth repaired after so-and-so knocks it out. And then like the guy just says that and it's like a three minute clip or a
Starting point is 00:18:27 three second clip. And then it'll be like Dana, Dana White today talks about his favorite meal is pizza. And then it plays that. And it's the, it's basically what Craig Ritchie does, but does it well. Craig Ritchie's thing is,
Starting point is 00:18:37 is 12 minutes long and 11 minutes and 58 seconds of him just sucking himself off. I do not know how anyone watches that shit. But these MMA ones, there's none of that. And the memes guy does that too. Don't ever put yourself in it. Like they think, that's why everyone, that's why that guy has 400,000 subscribers
Starting point is 00:18:58 and I have 3,000 and he has to ride my dick because the 3,000 that we have are stronger than the 400,000 he has because he he he doesn't realize why people are there. The people are there to see his memes and to hate on him. They never seen anything so woke and illogical and tardy. Peace and love. But but so but you but but you could be like the like. And so they're desperate.
Starting point is 00:19:21 So they get attracted to people like him or to Craig Ritchie. I mean, Craig Ritchie is at least positive. I'll give him that. I shouldn't say at least. That's a great aspect of him. He's super positive, always smiling, his chicks smoking hot like it's good. darkness and hate but um but uh but i would just put i would just start i would follow like i would start an instagram account and follow like a thousand people the biggest influencers in the space you know a thousand of them and every day try to make a short video that's 10 minutes long and put it up that's the basically just a quick commentary just a quick little highlight of what everyone's doing that will explode dude yeah there's a good idea there's nobody doing that it will be huge it will be the biggest thing in the space you'll overtake everybody and then you don't have to come up with your own content you could actually use their
Starting point is 00:20:14 content for your content how come it says you're muted but i can hear you because i mute my own mic because i'm using the mic that's plugged in to the Rodecaster. Correct. Yeah, so it would be like Craig Ritchie smiles 354 times today in his video. Sevan calls out Spix and Kikes today on his video. Cara Saunders' quads are bigger now than they've ever been. You know what I mean? It's just like you just go down the line. I mean, meme guy gets exhausted from riding Sevan's cock and dies of dehydration.
Starting point is 00:20:42 I mean, you just go down the line of just shit and just put it all. Always throw Andrew Hiller in there too because he's the popular one, so ride that wave. Rich Froning gets a divorce and then in there you put April Fools. That's how you get the clicks. But if you want to know clickbait, you just ask those other dudes.
Starting point is 00:20:59 And how many times a day do I say breaking news? Right, right, right. As many times as it takes. say breaking news? Right, right, right, right. As many times as it takes. I'm telling you, this idea, probably Hiller's listening right now. He probably already put together the first video. He's like, damn. He's halfway through it.
Starting point is 00:21:15 That's why someone was chief marketing officer for the fastest growing company in the history of planet Earth. I was feeling sorry for that lady, Erin, again over there. The Waze lady? Yeah, all those people. Andrew, I feel sorry for anyone who's in the media space over there that has to fill my shoes. I mean that with peace and love and humility. Everyone there knows you're not one one-hundredth of me. Everyone.
Starting point is 00:21:41 A lot of zombies giving you some love. Come work for the evening wipe down. Thank you. I will I will thank you I think he's talking to Jamal not you thank you go ahead Jamal go ahead sorry no I like I was saying I knew I came to the right person
Starting point is 00:21:56 because you know over time I since I started watching your podcast I've been slowly trying to find more of your work and stuff that stuff that you film, the behind-the-scenes stuff, and really get a better understanding of the CrossFit space. Yeah, I mean, thank you. Thank you. I appreciate it. I hope that – I will say this about all those people in that space. We all inspire each other to make stuff. Like the meme guy inspires me to say funny shit. Craig Ritchie inspires me.
Starting point is 00:22:29 I mean, his following is fucking awesome. And I hope that I do the same for everyone else. I hope it's just one giant ball of inspiration and we're all just like feeding off of each other. The guy I spoke about yesterday at the Morning Ch up who wrote that article that made absolutely no sense um i mean i'm thankful i really truly am thankful like i got excited when i see that like part of me inside is like thank you patrick um whatever handkerchief handkerchief that was it so so um so someone just needs to write all our dicks. Someone just needs to be like,
Starting point is 00:23:07 this is what's going on. Yeah. Seven cannot stop talking bad shit about Craig Ritchie. Like make that your highlight and then she'll play that clip. You just do the best of like you already said it. You just take a piece, the best piece of content from each one of the people that are already creating,
Starting point is 00:23:20 creating media in the space and then just put it together as a short little like, what'd you miss this week? And then once you get the following, you could start to branch out and kind of do your own stuff off of that. But don't do it too soon. I don't know about that. I don't agree with what Sousa said. Don't put yourself in it unless you're funny and awesome.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Unless you're amazing like me. Like his own. Okay. Yeah, you're right. Okay. And my last question is, I would like someone to draw a picture of andrew hiller and i in the 69 just had a vision of that two adversaries warring my only other uh question for you as far as editing goes for videos what is the basic thing that i can start with and then build up to i mean fuck man there's these cats you You're asking, I'm go ahead, Caleb. I said, pull it up on YouTube. That's what I did.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Just find a video editor that you like using and just start like looking up how to do shit, like figure out the shortcuts to the stuff. So it makes it faster. Use the program, just chop up random shit. Like that's basically how I picked up on doing it. It's just watching YouTube videos or i mean you can ask maybe dm some people every once in a while that make good videos i know uh christian harris posted a something a while back in his instagram of like the apps that he uses to edit videos and stuff like that and i use probably half of those like there's like splice and Rush and all that shit.
Starting point is 00:24:45 And you can just throw every video clip you've ever made and just throw it into a project and then create it from there. Craig White says he uses InShot, but a fucking violent anarchist like him, everything he uses has to have – it's like in knife, in shot, in fucked, in killed. So I don't know if you should take his advice um there um the you gotta ask someone who's younger they know what they're doing they don't even actually have to be younger in age but like that justin nunn like so many of these like we had the guy i'm sorry i'm all over the place who's the guy we had on the raw the eats raw meat guy john john that guy has two fucking or three accounts with over a million or maybe 2 million subscribers. And they're all meme accounts.
Starting point is 00:25:31 And he does all his shit on his phone. The younger generation. That's the thing. That's why like old people shouldn't be present in the United States. Like I'm almost like, like I have like five years left to me before I should just be through. I'm only capable now of talking into the podcast. I shouldn't be doing any of the technical stuff. There's some 12-year-olds who can do it better than me already.
Starting point is 00:25:50 So, Jamal, you got to find someone like that Justin Nunley guy. Ask him what he uses, the guy we had on. I mean, he's exploding. Five million followers on TikTok in three months. So, and maybe that's the way you do it, dude. They use that method of, that, that method of stitching. They get their brain into the stitching thing. So you play a clip from Craig Ritchie and then you talk about what he just said. You play a clip from someone, the seven, then you say,
Starting point is 00:26:14 then you talk about what he said and you stitch them all together like that. I don't know. You find even a whole new format, but if you go to go to YouTube and type in UFC, you'll see all the TMZ shows for UFC.fc they'll be like 20 and then the next thing what's really exploded the podcast as of recently is um is childish and superficial as this sounds these pictures that um will brandstetter's making the thumbnails it's fucking taking shit to the next level so what you gonna do what you gonna do it's not enough just to be amazing like me i know i know you can even be asked some variants of facial hair that people are really drawn to i think they don't know what's the bond they're getting yeah i put the goo in it today i was
Starting point is 00:27:03 kind of embarrassed the way i looked yesterday i'm kind of embarrassed the way I looked yesterday. I'm kind of embarrassed the way I look, period. But I'm fighting through it. I was inspired by Raw yesterday. He made a post, Raw of Earth. Ronnie Teasdale made a post basically saying, look at Caleb jumps to action. He made a post saying that he hasn't cut any hair on his body in four years. that he hasn't cut any hair on his body in four years. It's like, yeah. Why would I not try that? Even my huge dick would vanish in four years if I didn't trim the pubes. It would be crazy. Look at him. Does he have it tucked into his sweatshirt?
Starting point is 00:27:41 You know he has his own unique smell, too. Organic. sweatshirt you know he has his own you know he has his own unique smell too organic i haven't i haven't shaved anywhere or cut my hair in four years first reason to amplify the effects of technology produced by the hair of my body i don't know what that means but second reason was to be able to perceive myself as i was designed i mean that's some great glassmanship there's's no way. I got it pretty majestic. All right. Thanks, Jamal. Let me know. Hey, if you're going to do that,
Starting point is 00:28:13 the thing you need to do too, is there's this crew of people on here who are cool as shit. Like if you have, if you need help or you want ideas, ask Wad Zombie or ask me or ask Will or ask caleb or ask suza there's a ton of people on here ask heidi and i mean her her um instagram the fake someone podcast is crazy find other people out here ask andrew hiller every all these people are nice like as much as you guys see andrew hiller and i fuck with each other like if i had a question for him like hey how did you do that on youtube he responds to me right away.
Starting point is 00:28:45 And I would do the same for him. Like we're all just creators out there. Just everyone. Everyone's cool as shit. They'll share ideas with you. And this crew on here in general knows that the, that rising tides raise all ships. So if you do launch something like that,
Starting point is 00:28:59 just make sure you come on here and tell me. And even if we pull it up and just talk mad shit about it, it'll get you some followers. Right. I just got to remember that I have to hit the follower quota before I'm actually able to come on. No, you're good. You're an early, early, you get to come on just with one follower.
Starting point is 00:29:16 If you launch anything, we'll bring it on and tear it up. Awesome. Thank you. Thank you guys. All right, brother. Have a good one. Thanks for calling. Get some coffee.
Starting point is 00:29:23 All right. You too. Bye. Thank you. Thank you guys. All right, brother. Have a good one. Thanks for calling.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Get some coffee. All right. You too. Bye. Alan Kesterbaum. What is that picture? He's holding a dog up in the air? No, he's actually doing a dumbbell snatch in front of a garage door, but it does look like he's holding a dog in the air.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Like up here, like on his shoulder? Yeah. Yeah, it definitely does. Sometimes those small little like he's about to suplex a dog yeah it's good for girls because normally as long as you're like a girl in there we think you look hot it's because the picture's so small doesn't matter if you are so snotty mr cory hi you snotty boy hey what's up hey what's up good morning brother um hey first off i want to say thank
Starting point is 00:30:07 y'all um i'm the one who sent in that camo hat that matt suza put on one of the uh previous podcasts our little farms oh right on the place yeah that one yeah he probably didn't get it to you oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah he did he did did. He did. He did. He did. Thank you. Thank you. Sorry. I got it. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Kept all the coffee for myself, though.
Starting point is 00:30:29 He did. Yeah, that's shocking. No, I just wanted to figure out a way. It's not his fault. He does live far from me. Like, it's an ordeal for us to get together. It's like only 70 or 80 or 90 miles, but the traffic is nuts. Yeah. I figure.
Starting point is 00:30:42 And I've done a bunch of stuff. Well, something for Will, something for Steve Beaver. I don I, and I, I've done a bunch of stuff. Well, something for will, something for, um, see beaver. I don't know if they got it either, but no, they live across the country from me.
Starting point is 00:30:51 So it's the thought that counts. I see. My dad told me never to say that when I was a kid, I got something for someone who goes, and I said, well, it's the thought that counts. He goes,
Starting point is 00:31:02 don't ever say that. It's not. Yeah. It's the, if you do, he said, you don't say that. said, well, it's the thought that counts. He goes, don't ever say that. It's not. Yeah. If you do, you don't. He said, you don't say that. He's like, it's bullshit. Do something good for someone or don't. Well, I wanted to say two things first.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Yesterday was probably by far my favorite episode. Oh, cool. Thank you. Hey, you don't know how important that is to me. episode oh cool thank you um hey you don't know how important that is to me i when we get off the air i will i will squeeze suza like a fucking tube of toothpaste and be like dude we really are getting better seriously i'm not joking that really means a lot we're getting more and more feedback like that and i can't tell you how fucking simple i am and how much that i fucking love that that you guys are liking the live calling shows definitely feel because i'm on
Starting point is 00:31:43 vacation i'm not on vacation but i'm away from my house and i don't want to take any fucking guests for two weeks because because i can't don't feel like i can give them the attention that they deserve while sitting in a kitchen in a fucking five million dollar fucking house where i'm just getting drunk every day and doing well i mean i i mean we have a couple businesses and we have a couple businesses and we have a couple businesses and that's what I tell my wife on hers is, you know, people just want to see you.
Starting point is 00:32:11 You know, if they start to resonate and they tune in for the crazy shit you're probably going to say, but I mean, it's what we need to hear. And that's why...
Starting point is 00:32:20 That made me feel a little weird in my pants, by the way. I got embarrassed. I think I shrunk. There was some movement down south. No, it was like the wrong kind of movement. I hate compliments, but thank you. You can turn your fingers and sweat out without touching it.
Starting point is 00:32:36 The main reason was I've got a three-year-old, and that message that you said about your friend who told you, you know, fuck you because she's trying and she had to put a mask on her kid. Yeah, yeah. And she's a great, I love this lady and I love her kids and I love the fact that they come over all the time. And so it was like, it was a reality check for me. Like you fucking pretentious high horse motherfucker. Like you need to chill.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Well, that's how I felt, you know, about you. You know, I felt like a pussy for a long time because I didn't want to put a mask on my kid and we were going to take her out of school. And when she says, why can't we go to school? She bust out into tears because I didn't want to put a mask on her. So we were kind of forced into a corner to, you know, let her go to school because she was having fun at three years old. But my protest was I work at a university and I didn't wear a mask even though we were supposed to. I definitely wasn't going to get vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:33:29 And I just felt like I was trying to fight as hard as I could. And in near tears, seeing my three-year-old play with kids on a playground. And I just, my point is, you know, just out of consideration, consider that we're trying. You know, we don't're trying you know we don't know the right
Starting point is 00:33:47 we don't know the right answer but i'm trying my hardest to figure out how to think the right way and it was tough i i do i i do come across as is crazy judgmental and I am crazy judgmental, which weird is I do have a, um, I'm very open also. So it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a weird, uh, combination. Yeah. Yeah. I see it, but I appreciate it. I mean, I'm, I'm not good with conflict, so I get conflict from you on YouTube, but I just don't have to fight back. How old are you? If you don't mind me asking. I just turned 36 in February. Yeah. I was horrible at conflict at 36, man. Horrible. I'm getting better with our, with our businesses. We also have a property management company,
Starting point is 00:34:39 so I've got to be pretty good with conflict with the contractors and stuff like that. I'm getting better. I'm getting better. Yeah. By the time I got older and stuff like that. I'm getting better. I'm getting better. Yeah. By the time I got older and I got way, way, way better. It's weird, dude. There's this point in your life where like, there's people around you who are like mature who would be like, you need to, let's say you're an independent, let's say you were going to talk to your boss or you were an independent contractor and they'll be like,
Starting point is 00:35:00 you need to charge what you're worth. You need to charge. Like people would say that to me in my in my 30s and i was just like part of me was like i knew i was too much of a pussy to do that and i didn't believe in myself enough but it really worked out for me to go the other way to just do everything for free and just let like just focus on what i was good at and let the rest fall into place but now now that i'm I'm like, I don't know if my age has, I don't think my age has anything to do with it. I think it's just this vast, insane resume I have behind me that I'm just starting to realize I have. Like literally in the last six months,
Starting point is 00:35:36 I've realized, holy shit, I can't believe how much I've done. And that has made me realize, oh, I guess I do have crazy value. But I didn't think I needed to force it on people in my 30s. Like older people were telling me, and I'm glad I didn't listen to them, even though I think they were right. I think most people don't understand it's about value add. Like everything you do should be adding value. And at 30, 25, or since I teach at a university, as soon as they graduate,
Starting point is 00:36:05 they think, where's my big paycheck? You don't know how to add value to anything yet. You know, in internship, they get paid. Like, why are you getting paid when, you know, there's people who've been there for 20, 30 years and you don't know shit at 20 years. And I didn't, I didn't know anything and I hardly don't know enough, but it's just learning how to add value and then, you know, money will come. The other thing too, as I was talking about it, it's extracting your own value. What's that mean? What that means is when you enter a job, you have to say, what am I doing and what is the
Starting point is 00:36:36 optimal outcome? And if it's to hope that somebody gives you a bigger paycheck or something like that, that's completely out of your control. But if you go into it of like, what am I taking away from this and how can I use what I'm taking away from this to carry on to the next job or to the next whatever, then you're going to get value out of it back regardless if that comes in the form of a paycheck or not. Oh, we were just talking about this the other day. Well, hey, I can't speak.
Starting point is 00:37:03 I mean, he's sitting right here, but that's that's what definitely what it's got to be for will and caleb right so so it's like it's like they have to only be involved because they're somehow like they somehow are enjoying it like 99.99999 percent so because they ain't getting shit from me and suza well think about it coffee's nice did you even get a shirt did you ever even get a shirt yeah i've got a couple did you have to pay for it probably got more than i bought one of them but then yeah it's fucking ridiculous it's ridiculous that you had to pay for a shirt the other thing with the going back to the conflict stuff is you know depending each
Starting point is 00:37:41 situation is going to be different but i look at it in two different ways number one you have to be confident in the decision that you're making because if you don't have confidence in what you're asking for, whether that's a price increase or whether that's payment or whatever the case is there, then no one else is going to believe it. So first you have to believe that your work is that valuable when you go to ask for it. The second thing is, is if you're trying to solve a problem, look at it as like, hey, there's me and you, and then there's this problem over here and we're looking to solve it together. And if you use that verbiage and you, you kind of set it up that way, it becomes a lot easier to discuss certain problems or conflicts that are rising in the job. Now, like I said, each situation is different. So you have to apply those in, in
Starting point is 00:38:19 what you said, you have to be confident. You know what I would do because I didn't have any confidence. I would do it. People thought I was confident, but I wasn't. I would just convince myself that I didn't care what the outcome is. Yeah, that's kind of where I'm at. I'm just like, I don't care what the outcome is, even though I really did. I would trick myself into not caring. And then that would give me like the ability to speak up. Sorry. Go ahead. And that would give me like the ability to speak up. Sorry, go ahead. No, I've tried so many different things and I've failed, you know, a thousand times. And like, so that's kind of how I'm going into this conflict situation is like, I didn't know the end result for any of those other situations I was in.
Starting point is 00:38:55 So I'm not going to know how this conflict thing is going to work out. Just freaking try it and then continuously get better at these conflict situations. Like it's a freaking learning process and i don't know why i was so scared about it and in the first one it was like well damn that wasn't that bad he didn't punch me in the face um so i guess i can do another one cory i had you totally like i've seen your name forever right and i had you totally pegged as someone totally different so weird i pictured you like a 23 year old mexican dude who drove like a slammed um old uh older really nice like a toyota pickup truck that was like lowered with
Starting point is 00:39:34 nice rims and maybe like speakers in the back but you're not a honda civic s i turboed nice suza has a honda civic. Did you see that that guy, even though I'm not a fan of his at all, I think he's a bully, but that guy, Bio Lane, that guy bought a fucking what looks like an $11 million house on the beach and he drives a Honda Civic. He's like, fuck you. I'll drive what I want.
Starting point is 00:39:58 That's like a reminder to him to save his money. Pretty cool. You know what I'm talking about? No. My car's a reminder of me to save his money pretty cool you know what i'm talking about no yeah i'll send you mike has a reminder of me to save money too i do i know i totally you know what's even worse dick butter i think i don't even know that i think i know you like i i wasn't even conscious that i had cory figured out until now i'm hearing him talking it's like what like you guys are taking it. You guys live rent-free in my head.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Totally rent-free. I thought you were talking to me when you said dick butter. No, no. You're like, how did you know? I swear I'm on medication for that. Yeah. On FaceTime. I got one more question. How's the grossest thing anyone said on the show?
Starting point is 00:40:44 I just got the newsletter show I just got the Newsletter I just got the newsletter because it went to my fan So that could be an issue for some of your Listeners I didn't even get one I was looking for mine yesterday I didn't even get one
Starting point is 00:40:58 I don't even know how to look in my spam We had to stay on theme you don't get shirts You don't get the stuff that people send to you You don't get the. You don't get the stuff that people send to you. You don't get the newsletter. Hey, shut up and work, Seth. The newsletter is killing it. The newsletter is killing it, by the way. So we picked up an incredible...
Starting point is 00:41:13 I should not talk shit about Australia. We have picked up an incredible benefactor for the show. Like, fucking incredible. We're so fucking lucky we have this lady's nuts. She is a beast she is super successful physically mentally emotional fucking powerhouse and uh she and she's an australian woman no this is this is like some next level amazing shit i can't even believe it
Starting point is 00:41:42 it's basically the the lady who's letting us stay in this insane beach house. I was going to tie that into what you were saying. Oh, and so basically yesterday we had a meeting with her, if you want to call it a meeting, and we hung out with her for hours and we talked about the newsletter. And just in that time that we were talking about the newsletter, I watched another 500 people sign up. And I'm so excited. And I just want to make it something that you guys are excited to get in your inbox every single day. And so… There's going to be some cool stuff. We talk about it all the time.
Starting point is 00:42:16 And it's going to continue to evolve just like the show did. But I'm really excited for that because it opens up a whole world of possibilities. Oh, I want to say this really quick. I should have started the show with this. So when I worked at CrossFit Inc., there was this proposal I had to Dan Bailey, and I was like, hey, dude, what if we just got you fucking juiced to the gills
Starting point is 00:42:36 and tried to get you into the games without anyone knowing you were roided out of your fucking mind, and then we pulled you off, and then we made this whole documentary about how you were juiced to the gills. And then at the end, after you win the games, we show that you were on steroids and you give the money back and whatever. You know what I mean? Like it's just like it.
Starting point is 00:42:52 But on a totally different level, what I want to do is there's this company that sponsors us called California Hormones. And basically what I want to do is I want to find something. Basically what they do is they take a blood panel from you, and they look at all your blood work. I'll do it. And it goes through all these fancy – Sold. I really – and I want to find someone who – and I think what they do is is it's not they don't give you steroids but what they do is is they they find they optimize your they optimize your health
Starting point is 00:43:31 basically looking at your blood panel right and they and they and i think one of the supplements that they offer and i don't know all the details of it i'm going to get a doctor on and talk about it but they give you like peptides which then allow your body to i guess that's the precursor to making testosterone or something that leads to higher levels of testosterone. Anyway, I want to find someone who wants to do that and follow the… You said no steroids? I don't think it is. I don't think they give you steroids. No, it's not steroids.
Starting point is 00:44:00 But they give you something that turns up your man. But they give you something that turns up your man. And I want to find someone who wants to get their blood work done and then every month come on the show and tell me how this has affected their life, the treatment that they get from California Hormones. I'm dying to know. Basically like a killing the fat man. The reverse. How old are you, Corey? 36. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:26 The California hormones, they, I think they have clients like from their early twenties to like 107. So, um, but, but I really like to follow someone every month for a year and have them as a guest on the podcast and like,
Starting point is 00:44:39 just be like, so what did, how, how are things changing? And just like, you know, in the beginning, he's just like solo with some like old porno
Starting point is 00:44:46 mags on the ground. And by like the third episode, he's got like three women behind him. He's driving a Lambo. He's got a raise at his job. Yeah. I'm in for all that. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Yeah. So anyone who's interested in that, like, I'm serious. I think I'm serious. So anyone who's interested in that, like I'm serious. I think I'm serious. You should probably DM me or email the seven podcast at The seven podcast, And we'll find someone, we'll get them like somehow involved.
Starting point is 00:45:16 The seven podcast will pay for it. We'll get your blood work done and we'll just figure out like, Hey, peptides, HCG growth. And some swarms are usually prescribed at those clinics. Swarms? Swarms. I've been on TRT for two years. Look at Craig. He's just fucking just a dude.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Yeah, just a dude. Yes, this is actually what will happen. You will start with California Home Month and you will turn into Dan Balzerian. You'll just be on a private jet with just swarms of girls around you. You'll be like the swimmer for the college team. I don't want anyone who smokes weed.
Starting point is 00:45:53 I don't want anyone who smokes weed either. I'm judgmental. Don't be judgmental. I am, I am. You think they'll forget to take it halfway through? Oh, shit. I forgot, dude. I don't want anyone who's a drug addict
Starting point is 00:46:06 to suck down my coffee. Okay, thank you, Corey, so much for calling in. You sound like a great dad. One last question. Have you considered the non-profit route for your newsletter to do a Wikipedia-type thing where people can donate to support it instead? No, but I would like it. I don't...
Starting point is 00:46:26 No, I have not. I don't know enough about it to say anything, but really, I'd just like to become so fucking filthy rich like Vice or Barstool. Barstool or like I just would like to just let it seep into everywhere. So I don't know
Starting point is 00:46:42 if nonprofits form me. All right. I was just asking either way I'm going to support it I appreciate everything and thanks for chiming in I appreciate the reality check alright I'll message you about the steroids great thank you
Starting point is 00:46:57 I should not be spokesperson it's not steroids I just get excited when I hear steroids alright go ahead and message us for the steroids not steroids i don't know why i just get excited when i hear steroids all right go ahead and message us for this not steroids but i'm sorry that i just are they on by pfizer no they're not i'm like they're not on by pfizer um let's go to number uh 73 real quick i want to make sure i get this out there hey you i want to see something about comporter real quick there's like in my life i've hung out with just a lot of really good looking dudes like way more good looking dudes than good looking women and um there's always like some girl be like well he's not that good
Starting point is 00:47:34 looking not one woman has said that to me about comporter not one like every like i think he is he's won by unanimous decision yes yes yes like you'll hear some girls be like, I don't know. Rich Froning's not my type. I'm like, what? But not Comporter. There is no. There isn't. It's all men and all women.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Everyone just, like, he's just. I don't think he needs the nose ring, though. Every time I see his nose ring, I just imagine him laughing and like a bubble of snot blowing out of it. And you know that's happened. Just like a – you know what I mean? You know that's happened. You know it's happened. Just don't deny it.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Just a snot bubble. Okay, number 73. Stop using DuckDuckGo. So it looks like DuckDuckGo is out. Someone said to me, DuckDuckGo CEO Gabriel Weinberg, another white male, has announced that the search engine will begin purging all independent media outlets from the platform. Fuck off. Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Wait, what does that mean, though? Who knows? But I know that they were stopping Russian misinformation. And anyone who talks like that's just an idiot. By the way, I'm reading this book, 100 Biden's Laptop. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:48:56 I don't know if I should be allowed to read shit like that. When I mean read, I mean listen on audio. So DuckDuck goes out. Someone is telling me that the one to use is brave wait till the ceo came out and said that i don't understand explain this more basic um uh bruce wayne says it's not true let's see what else oh man i saw that last week let's see what he'll answer here soon someone you should ask eddie bravo on i know i should that would be a cool guess that's the the jujitsu guy right yeah. And I heard he's kind of crazy too.
Starting point is 00:49:25 And I kind of liked that. Yeah. It's off. Um, I don't smoke weed and I'm a, and I'm not a drug addict, but I'm a female. Am I eligible for your, yes, of course. Of course. Of course you are. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:37 There's women. There's women. It's not a steroid experiment though. I shouldn't have said that. It's because I'm an idiot that I said that. I don't know what I'm talking about. Yeah. Just trying to sell it. Yeah. though. I shouldn't have said that. It's because I'm an idiot that I said that. I don't know what I'm talking about. Just trying to sell it. Yeah. It would be like
Starting point is 00:49:48 if I said Caleb has alopecia, but really he shaves his head. It's like I'm just saying it wrong. I'm just saying it's wrong. Discover more value than ever at Loblaws. Like Price Drop. Hear that? Loblaws
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Starting point is 00:50:29 Disney's Young Woman in the Sea now streaming on Disney+. I've decided to swim the English Channel. A woman? I believe she'll die in that water. From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story
Starting point is 00:50:41 Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea. Now streaming on Disney+. HRT is the same, bro.
Starting point is 00:51:03 That's how you know he's on some stuff. If he wasn't on stuff, he would have just said HRT is the same. But. That's how you know he's on some stuff. If he wasn't on stuff, he would have just said HRT is the same. But because he's got bro on there, you know. Oh, this dude's so cool. I think this dude has three sons. Olsen dudes. Happy Easter, gentlemen. Have an awesome day.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Thank you. Thank you. We're going to an Easter egg hunt with my kids today. So excited. I don't think I've going to an Easter egg hunt with my kids today. So excited. I don't think I've ever done an Easter egg hunt with my kids. I'm so excited. I'm so, so, so, so excited. We're visiting these friends of ours, and they have twin daughters, and I got five bubble guns.
Starting point is 00:51:39 So three for my sons and two for their daughters, and their daughters are three. My son, these girls have never met my boys before. And it's going to be a trip because I don't think this mom and dad know how much other kids like my kids. It's fucking nuts, especially girls. My boys are so nice to other kids. And it's going to be on. I'm so excited. They're going to have so much fun
Starting point is 00:52:05 i guess russian ufc fighters made some controversial comments last night regarding the war like what like nuke them and let god sort them out like what that's what i was wondering like what controversial what does that mean there was uh i knew i knew a marine and he had this picture i think he had this picture in his house or where did he have it but he drew he had this giant picture and he drew it and it was a fucking nuclear blast and it was just bodies everywhere and it says nuke them and let god sort them out is that is that a military motto caleb do you guys say that every time you guys like kill them all, let God sort them out? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Yeah. That's a very good thing to say. It's really stupid. I like it. I feel like most people don't normally say that, but some people will. And it's like, fucking shut your mouth. Yeah. It is stupid, but I like it.
Starting point is 00:52:59 There's like that show Jackass. It's stupid, but I like it. There's a book that i listened to code over country and they were talking about uh when all these um operators got together in one dude's house he was they basically just cried around the tv and watched a slideshow of pictures from their most like gruesome kills oh and like drank and like cheered it on and everything else i bet that can't be healthy i would assume not no i mean it i could see it being a little cathartic because then you can like you're talking about it you know like i think the
Starting point is 00:53:32 one thing that most i mean this is just i'm not speaking from experience but i'm just from people that i know like when they do have uh like when they go through traumatic instances like that they usually just start talking about it and then if they can if they have like a medium to talk about it through and like kind of a stage too then it's a little bit more relieving i guess then well in the book they're pretty specific as to in one guy was hanging from the tree with the back of his brains blown out and apparently when your brains are blown out that mush actually could just get into one long string and they were drinking and cheersing and hooting and hollering at the tv screen so i i mean maybe that's a form of therapy caleb i'm not in the military i don't know maybe but sure whatever whatever medium people are comfortable about talking their experiences and
Starting point is 00:54:22 we should support that you You'd be surprised. Yeah. I think it'd be rather to like joke about it than to be like in a therapy session. I don't know. I just find it. Louise. It brought their wives too.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Louise. Even better. That's good. That's good. Will you play number. Is it Louise or Louis? Both. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:54:44 Will you play number 71, Caleb? Becoming a millionaire. Becoming a millionaire. And guys, the lines are open for donations. So go ahead and keep those coming on in. They are open now for donations. What does the word donation mean? Let me look that up first.
Starting point is 00:55:00 It means we're in a tight spot here. No, I'm just kidding. But we definitely appreciate all of it. It's crazy. We were just talking. You were talking about it. We were just saying, like, I mean, how incredibly grateful we are for all you guys and just how crazy the trad is and everything else. Something that is given to charity, especially a sum of money.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Well, basically, those of you who are giving money obviously know that all that money goes to supporting this and pushing this thing forward. And we push as hard as we fucking can. And we take it extremely seriously. Um, I don't ever just come on here and just wing it. There is no winging it. I take the show crazy serious.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Okay. Number, uh, so what was it? 70 speaking of winging it, uh, serious. Okay. Number, uh, so what was it? 70 speaking of winging it, uh, becoming a millionaire. Uh,
Starting point is 00:55:51 71. Sorry. Here we go. The second million is inevitable. It's not becoming a millionaire. That's important. It's the person that you must become in order to become a millionaire. You have to become a completely different person you have
Starting point is 00:56:07 to you have to develop character beyond 99 of the people in the world you have to develop honesty and discipline and the willingness and the ability to work and set priorities and because without that nothing is possible the first million is hard but the second i wanted to say something about that honesty when I heard him say that because honesty was something that was really hard for me to get a grasp on, and that comes with being a liberal because you're so trained that it's more important to be nice than honest. And there really isn't – they're not even in the same category.
Starting point is 00:56:41 They are not even in the same category. Being nice is such – if being honest is the best thing you can be in the same category. They are not even in the same category. Being nice is such, if being honest is the best thing you can be in the world, being nice is like number 654. It's not even like they're close. They shouldn't even come in conflict with each other. And I think Corey was saying this too, you avoid conflict. And so you lie and it's under this guise of being benign and nice. Honesty is so important. Once I started really becoming honest, everything started changing. Yes.
Starting point is 00:57:11 And here it is. Nick says it. This is exactly where I was going, baby. This is exactly where I was going. And then the next thing is about being honest with yourself. And that ties into that because you're not being, you're not, you're not being nice to the person. You're not being honest with yourself when you say're not being nice to the person. You're not being honest with yourself when you say you're being nice to the person because you haven't defined even what nice means.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Who is the bigger spoon? Come on. Come on, Nate. Come on. so you, you, and I do this part of the show where I always ask words to be defined because we really need to know what we're saying and what we're thinking. We have to,
Starting point is 00:57:52 it is the biggest problem with liberals. It is the biggest problem that I used to have. Cause I did, I thought that I knew what words meant. I thought I knew what I thought. I thought I knew who I was. I had some really amazing enlightening experiences, but, but, but you don't. that I knew what words meant. I thought I knew what I thought. I thought I knew who I was. I had some really amazing, enlightening experiences.
Starting point is 00:58:09 But you don't. Until you really start cracking into those words. You can be basically crazy powerful, crazy enlightened, and still be crazy manipulated by other sorcerers. What do I mean by sorcerers? I mean people who use their words. I'm not stopping. I'm not stopping. Oh, I was going to go the whole different direction
Starting point is 00:58:25 with that. Oh, I am stopping. I am stopping. Sorry, fuck Julia Slowinski. I am stopping. I'm sorry. I was going to say, well, it depends on how many people
Starting point is 00:58:34 sign up for this newsletter. Yeah, if we don't get to three million newsletter subscribers, fuck all y'all. Speaking of honesty and manipulation, let me go manipulate our audience. I fucked up the hype train. somewhere somewhere somewhere recently something has uh i'm pretty i'm pretty uh it's a runaway train now
Starting point is 00:58:54 i i had a fun i got so excited last night um colton merton's and i text him and asked him if he got his shirts i sent him some shirts and he hadn't got him yet and he texted me back and that always made me pretty excited excited so we chatted a little bit and he said how's vacation and i said i don't really do vacation but i knew what he meant because he sees that i'm here but yeah i don't um this is now part of my life um i was actually talking uh i don't know if it was i was talking to g or yesterday, but I can't even imagine what I'd be doing if I wasn't doing this now. Here's money for Sevan and Sousa's bar tab. Thank you, Tommy. Thank you. Thank you, Tommy. Tommy, did you see the interview with J Rodriguez,
Starting point is 00:59:34 Jacob Rodriguez? I wonder if Julie Slowinski is related to Slowinski who owns the building that CrossFit HQ used to be in, in Santa Cruz. I wonder if you're related. who owns the building that CrossFit HQ used to be in, in Santa Cruz. I wonder if you're related. I am not the bigger spoon. I wish I could say I am. I'm just a little spoon.
Starting point is 00:59:54 I need a big spoon. Good morning, Heidi. We trade off. You can't stop or my fake Insta will never take off. We were talking about your fake Insta earlier in the show. I don't know if you were on here yet. It's a little bumpy when you first start being honest it's a little bumpy but you you have to start with like the smallest things so when you um and those are the things my wife used to call me out on so like you know someone would say um hey like this this one isn true, but my mom might say something to me like,
Starting point is 01:00:26 um, Hey, can you come over to my house and help me move this planter? And I'd be like, tomorrow I'm in bed right now, but I wouldn't really be in bed, but I felt like I had to do, say that in order for you don't need to just start from those, those tiniest things. It's to avoid discomfort. You don't ever have to do any line. It's not necessary. That's what I was going to say. The social engagements are the first step. Someone's like, hey, do you want to come over? And instead of just saying, no, I don't want to, or no, now's not a good time for me.
Starting point is 01:00:54 I already had plans made or something. People tend to be like, oh, I can't because, and you give some random reason why you can't. I didn't text you back because I was in the shower. You don't owe anyone that. It's not being nice. It's being dishonest. It just – as soon as I got free of that shit, my fucking life exploded. And I didn't even know.
Starting point is 01:01:15 You don't even know. You don't even know. Say that again, Caleb. So I think people come – they come to you more too, like just to have conversation or to ask for advice or like – Yeah, they trust you. Exactly. too like just to have conversation or to ask for advice or like yeah they trust you exactly like it's starting to happen at work too where people just start coming to me i mean just to talk to me in general but some people come in and ask for advice or hey can you what do you think about my resume here like just things like that just because you're honest like you're going to give
Starting point is 01:01:38 them a good assessment of what's happening or what they're doing and they're gonna they're gonna trust that you're not gonna give them any bullshit yep i go ahead that that that's why people who don't like dave that's uh in my from what i can see from my perspective that's 100 of the reason why because he's honest and you will push away those people who are dishonest at first and like it takes it takes a while um i was able to get past that, even though I wasn't as honest as him because I'm emotionally like, I don't know, just rock fucking solid. But, um, so, so he, people can say stuff that hurt my feelings that, that won't hurt my feelings. I can watch that. But once I saw that his honesty built him integrity and he that what that does is that you attract better people to you who just want to like move forward i think bergeron said it um
Starting point is 01:02:33 growth at the speed of trust or something like that's another way of saying it and i think that's where caleb sort of was taking it one of the side effects of being honest is people trust you more and then you just start getting more growth just everywhere in your life. So I think Patrick Bet David talks about it. And what was that book you told me to read that I read? Your Next Five Moves. Yeah, trust. Yeah. I mean, that's the most important piece because without that, you're always going to be kind of second guessing and unsure. And to your point of talking about Dave being honest, they're one of the firefighters that helped me kind kind of get into the space he's brutally honest and very straightforward and he's the you know the union president of where he works and everything else
Starting point is 01:03:13 and uh my cousin said hey i want to get into the fire service and the first thing i did is i said okay so i sent him to this guy because i knew that it was going to be a harsh reality check for him but i knew it was going to be the best thing so if he actually wanted to get that job he'd go talk to him and when they when they had a discussion he goes okay why do you going to be a harsh reality check for him, but I knew it was going to be the best thing. So if he actually wanted to get that job, he'd go talk to him. And when they had a discussion, he goes, okay, why do you want to be a firefighter? And he goes, oh, you know, I just really like serving the community. And he goes, okay, cool. So what have you done to serve the community now?
Starting point is 01:03:37 He gets real quiet. And he goes, well, he goes, you don't need to be a firefighter to serve your community. So what have you done to serve your community? And he goes, well, I guess I haven't. And he goes, okay, lesson number one, don't say bullshit that a firefighter to serve your community so what have you done to serve your community and he goes i well i guess i haven't he goes okay lesson number one don't say bullshit that you can't back up damn and he goes so if you come into the room and a couple of the guys that you want to be friends with go oh we all enjoy fishing going back to being honest with yourself we all enjoy fishing do you go do you fish and he goes well sometimes i do with my dad he goes you don't fucking fish because the next thing they're going to ask you is what pole do you use where's your favorite spot and he goes in the
Starting point is 01:04:08 second you can't elaborate on you just said you like to go fishing then it then it's done they're going to be like this dude's full of shit he's just saying whatever to fit in so if you go there and they go hey do you fish you go no i don't fish because then you could break into the conversation later but i did enjoy going with my dad for the few times that we did, but I don't know anything about it. Another one is – so here's a big one as a liberal, affirmative action. Okay, you pick it there. Well, it's just a lie. It's racism.
Starting point is 01:04:36 It's letting people into college based on their skin color. But you don't say that. They change the name of it to affirmative action. And as a Democrat, you're like, yeah, that's a good thing. And everyone thinks that that's – like on some level, everyone thinks, oh, that is a good thing. Everyone should have a fair chance. Like we should be open. We should be. But then when you start thinking, but you're doing it on skin color, why don't you do it on culture? Why don't you do it on what street people live on? But like, where does that stop? But when you don't call it racism,
Starting point is 01:05:03 then it ends up, it grows. So that seed is planted and then it's grown into the nightmare that we have now. It's just nonstop lies coming from the left. I'm not saying that they don't come from the right. I'm just saying from where I come from on the left, it's just nonstop. It's all lies. And then they'll say to you stuff like, oh, but Sevan, it's not black and white do you know why they do that they just brought me into the conversation you see everything is black and white matt you see everything is black and white caleb you see everything don't bring me into it let's just talk about we're looking out here don't bring me into it they do that to stop
Starting point is 01:05:40 the conversation because they know you're you're now walking on on truth so okay i need to say something funny this is getting too much uh i'm gonna erase that becoming so we played becoming a millionaire on everyone to become a millionaire i had this i had this lesson yesterday in my meeting someone was saying that other people don't like other people's success that drives me crazy yeah to hear that. Going back to that millionaire thing, I think a tangible thing is just focusing, and I think it's Charlie Munger who says this, but focus on saving your first $100,000 free and clear of cash. Because so many people focus on a million, but they can't save 10,000.
Starting point is 01:06:19 They don't realize that it's not about, in order to get to the million, you have to have steps. So if you're able to save- I was a homeless guy making seven bucks an hour and I saved 20 grand. Exactly. So if you are going to think that you're ever going to be financially responsible with money, but yeah, you can't save $100,000 because that's really hard to do. Yeah. I agree. I agree. I'm talking free and clear. You just need to have 100 grand in cash sitting in your bank account. Maybe you can be, well, you got to invest it, whatever. Okay. Invest. But either way, a liquid a hundred thousand dollars free and clear of all
Starting point is 01:06:48 the bills that you're paying sitting off to the side has to be the first goal. And the reason why is because it's going to take crazy amounts of discipline to get you there. And most people see these different lavish lifestyles of people that make a lot of money and they don't realize that you're looking 20 years down the road on this individual. You're not looking at where you are. So right now, you need to figure out how you could pinch every single penny to put that 100 grand into the bank because then you'll be able to take those financial disciplines with you as you start to make more money. I was just thinking, as you're saying that, it's like losing weight or a diet. But just with money.
Starting point is 01:07:29 Start with those small steps. There's something called risk assessment. Let's say you were going to give everyone in the United States a vaccine or some sort of injection to heal them. Let's say you were going to do that, and you knew that it would save 5,000 people's lives, right? But you would have to also think to save those 5,000 people's lives, what if it cost 10,000 people's lives to do it? Let's say you've realized that in that process, 2,000 people were going to die in car accidents driving to get those 330 million injections or twice, 660 million injections, right? So that's two. So now you've only saved 3000 people's lives. And then let's say that all the needles you're going to make and throw away, they were going to do so much damage to the planet. They were going to shorten
Starting point is 01:08:12 everyone's life on the planet by three years. Like you have to, let's say that you also knew that for every 1 million injections you gave two people died by, by just because they had their genetics had an adverse reaction to it. So now you have another 2000 people. So if to say 5,000 people, 12,000 people have to die, you're doing the wrong thing. You are doing the wrong thing. And you have to think like that. You have, if you want to be smart, if you want to be smart, which I don't think a lot of people do. I do not think a lot of people do, but I want you to play number 63 please caleb and this shit like if you don't think this shit is happening this you want to know how covid spread
Starting point is 01:08:51 i'm gonna tell you this is it right here this is i i i would be willing to bet um two inches of suez's cock that this is how the majority of covid spread this is is in China. This is in China. And these are women hand assembling the PCR test. No masks on. Good thing they have hairnets on. They're just taking the swabs and sticking them into individual packaging. You don't think this can happen because you've never been to India or you've never been to China where they have over a billion people and you don't realize how much stuff is assembled by hand. When you go somewhere like that, you see stuff that you can't even believe. You'll see a pile of just the tops of like Coke cans, like those tabs that's larger than the biggest building in your hometown,
Starting point is 01:09:40 a 20-story pile of those just in a recycling center, and they were all thrown on there by hand. We're pen caps. I went into this one village, and they had piles bigger than buildings of all the different parts of pens. Here's the caps, here's the tips, here's the bodies, and they just recycled them. Those were women in China assembling PCR tests by hand. So that thing you stuck in the nose, that lady touched every tip. But I don't think she touched it for more than six seconds, so it's probably okay. Right. It's only the handle.
Starting point is 01:10:14 It's only the handle. I hate to just keep picking on liberals, but it's the same thing like this when people say, oh, I drive a Prius or a Tesla, and it's pollution-free. And then you ask, well, where did the electricity come from that charged it? Oh, well, they don't even know it's the coal-burning plant down the street from their house. It's like – how can you not think like that? How do you not think?
Starting point is 01:10:44 I used to package toilet seats by hand. No, with your tongue. You used to package them with your tongue. Oh, dick butter. Oh, dick butter. Yeah, it's just so – is it delusional, Bruce, or is it they just – people just don't – no one wants to think. No one wants to look in the kitchen of their favorite restaurant i i remember when i when you when you when i had kids and i had to put car seats in and i was thinking i wonder how many lives this saves versus how many years it takes off of people's lives with these things just being
Starting point is 01:11:14 thrown into dumps can you imagine i bet you the pile of car seats goes to the moon and back i'm not it's what do you think it's that many i think it's yeah absolutely just hundreds of millions of them hey it's like the thing with it's like the thing and i'm totally pro-choice but it's like the thing like i want to see a picture of all the dead babies that have died in the last 40 years from abortions show me show me the and show them by ethnicity and race too in the piles i want to see that i want to see a graphic of those dead babies that's intense yeah well people sit there and fucking pro they're like you can't understand pro-lifers it's very easy to understand a pro-lifer how could a pro-choice or be so upset at a pro-lifer they're the ones who are in the fucked up like you're defending your right over your body to a baby dying you should we need to be compassionate
Starting point is 01:12:09 for them they're they're clearly in the right they're clearly in the right you're defending your pussy sorry there's no comparison i would fucking if i was in the wound and you could ask me how many people should die for you to be born i'd be like all of them no baby wants to be aborted yeah it's true's true. But, Stevon, your life's going to be really, really, really hard. So what? I'll get out of it. I want a shot. I want to start crying. Can you imagine that?
Starting point is 01:12:52 Asking a baby, do you want a shot or not? Okay, fuck this. I'm going to say something funny now. That was heavy. I know. I started getting all twisted up in my shit. Well, now I'm thinking of that graphic you were saying of the piled babies. It's intense.
Starting point is 01:13:08 Let me think. Okay, number 36. Why the assault bike? 35. I didn't give Hiller any love yesterday. I want to jerk Hiller off for a second. What is this number 35 Hiller fit? What is this thing?
Starting point is 01:13:20 Should we plug a sponsor after those last comments? Hiller pays us. Go to Paper Street Coffee. If you want to think more about abortion, drink a cup of Paper Street Coffee and get that brain fired up. God, I felt my tear ducts turn on. We can't say abortion that many times. I think it dings us in the YouTube algorithm.
Starting point is 01:13:38 Sorry, sorry. I didn't say abortion. I said NASCAR. I said NASCAR. Will you play number 35, Hiller Fit? I need that. I got all sorts of Hiller stuff. Oh, yeah, yeah. This is so great.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Whether you're pro-life or pro-choice, drink a cup of coffee and think better about it. Paper Street. Even though I think half the people who bought the coffee have gone to the wrong website. That's fucking Gabe. Fucking Rob. By the way, remember, I need someone who wants to get
Starting point is 01:14:14 their blood panel done and live a healthier lifestyle using California hormones. Okay, let's watch this a few times. This was so funny when I saw this. I don't know whose Instagram account this is, but it's a motorcycle and it's tagged CrossFit and it's running down the street.
Starting point is 01:14:28 It's Travis Bell and House's company. It is? Okay. That better be an original. No. How come it's stuttering and I can't see it? Okay. how come it's stuttering and i can't see it okay so it's a motorcycle driving down the street and it's called crossfit and then a dog comes out barking at the motorcycle and that's the crossfit community and it forces the guy in the motorcycle to crash into a car and the car is hiller fit oh it's so much better on my phone than on this show is it is it choppy for
Starting point is 01:15:09 you too caleb no it's clean for me okay it might just it might just be all right it's choppy for okay um go to number 28 i didn't understand this one someone sent me this and they go dude this is brutal this is from a w Zombie. I didn't... Sevan, stop being a pussy and take some testosterone. Someone else... Someone else to be your pet is hilarious. My pet? You mean like
Starting point is 01:15:35 if I get all juiced up, I can make other men my pet? Okay. Play number 28. Let me see this. Okay. So this is a picture of Maury Povich. For those of you who don't know, I don't know if he's still on the air. Oh, he's definitely on the air.
Starting point is 01:15:50 He is on the air? He is. Holy shit. He's kind of like – Savage. He has like a talk show where they bring like one man impregnated like 30 women, and he'll be on stage with all 30 of them, and they'll talk about how he's going to support the kids and shit.
Starting point is 01:16:02 It's kind of like one of those weird shows. They used to be popular when I was a kid those kind of shows and um uh so it's a picture of him like reading a card and then there's justin berg next to him just looks so clean shaven and it says um you said it would take 70 of erroneous scores between athletes to make a difference by the way did anyone ever figure out what that even means do we even know what that means erroneous or just that whole statement i you said it would take 70 was that an actual quote from him though they said something about there being needing to be 70 of the scores would need to be wrong to affect the people at the top but anyway it says common sense and simple math
Starting point is 01:16:41 determined that was a lie. Can you keep scrolling? So that's just Wad Zombie saying, is there some underlying tone or it's just straight out saying, hey, you guys are lying? I just think that CrossFit said like, oh, all of the erroneous, just because there were erroneous scores doesn't mean it was going to make a difference in whether or not you guys placed higher or not. And then Wad Zombie made this just. Oh, it was a statement that he gave to the Morning Chaka. Okay. So it's Justin is the guy saying the top thing, and it's Moripovich saying the bottom, reading from the common sense and simple math determined that was a lie. Is that savage? I can't tell if this is savage.
Starting point is 01:17:20 It was that statement that you gave to Morning Chaka. It was on that statement they gave to morning chalk up anyway like hillary's comic common sense would be the downfall of crossfit could be the downfall i saw a great quote from greg the other day about the beginning of the end of crossfit like he said it like 10 years, what would be the end of demise of CrossFit? I'll post it soon. I'll post it soon. It's so good. I like his clown analogy about the games.
Starting point is 01:17:53 Where he said like, you know, the people who sell the cars, like the car dealership, they'll bring in a clown and a balloon to kind of attract more people. But really they're just trying to sell more cars to get them on the car lot. Right. And he goes, and then something ended up happening, and it became more about the clown and the balloons than it did actually selling the cars. They became a balloon factory and a clown factory. Right.
Starting point is 01:18:17 So meaning the whole essence of what it was originally there for ended up taking over and the principle of it's lost. Your marketing is more hype than the product. I heard one time that, I think you can just look it up too, I heard that Gatorade spends $300 million a year on marketing, just Gatorade. And I was like, wow. That's probably a low figure. Your product tastes that shitty that you have to spend $300 million a year tricking people to drink it?
Starting point is 01:18:51 Did you see that thing that our friend Patrick Pet David posted in? It said it's funny that – or I think he just did a comparison. What's more concerning to you, Elon Musk owning Twitter or Bill Gates owning all the farmland in the u.s or majority farmland owner in the u.s yes i think it's just yes isn't it we're seeing the entire country no i thought it was just in the state of california nah bro entire country state of california literally no gates no he owns the most farmland private farmland owner in the whole entire u.s i i saw another version of that too um okay play number 68 look
Starting point is 01:19:27 at this one this one fucking blew my brain this one i was like wow this guy's hitting a home run play number 68 talking sex to kids is okay but talking about your co-workers is not oh yeah this is amazing why is talking sexually in the workplace considered sexual harassment to adults but talking about sexuality to children kindergarten through third grade at school is considered essential? So there's the thing that the liberals are lying to themselves about again. They conflate gay and homosexuality with freedom and acceptance, and they have all these other words, but that's not what it's about, not even a little bit, not even the tiniest bit. Me having sex with my wife and making kids has nothing to do with freedom, and it's just me and my wife having sex and having kids. I don't understand why it's a topic conversation. so whether it's gay or straight say that again i would just say i don't why would it ever be a topic of conversation why can't why can't everybody just kind of figure it out on their own like you don't
Starting point is 01:20:34 need to you don't need to push it you don't need to force it you don't need to put it well something fucked up happened you should have someone you should be able to talk to like but that's like Like if a kindergartner comes to school and tells his teacher, hey, my parents are always touching my privates and I don't like it. I think maybe that teacher – not maybe. That teacher has a responsibility than to report that to someone. Yeah. But – I have a friend that went that but but outside of that no one the teacher should not be talking to the kids about their sexuality no yeah what or or bringing up any kind of bar last
Starting point is 01:21:15 night kids yeah yeah why would you yeah and you know what's and here here's the thing that people will say too what about this idea and i've've had this discussion quite a bit lately. They said, well, straight relationships are everywhere. Okay. And so what's your issue with gay relationships? And I'm like, they're not. They're not. just shouldn't be forced if for instance i had a kindergarten teacher and she was a lesbian and she forgot her lunch at home and her partner came and dropped off her lunch and hurt she would the two the teachers were to kiss that would be my kid's destiny to see that and i have no issue with that at all none none none if my kids if i'm dropping my kid off at school which i would never fucking do never um and and they and there were and there was two dads a dad dropping off a kid and in the in the in the in the dad and the i don't know somehow the two dads were in the car and they kissed each
Starting point is 01:22:16 other and one of the dads got out of the car and walked to the car it is what it is i don't give a fuck right i don't give a fuck but there is something and i'm going to use the word normal you choose whatever you want it to be you there's penises and there's vaginas and they're meant to go together and through their that pollination process other people are born and that's what's keeping the planet going so you can call it normal or not normal but that shit you're just going to be there and anyone who's pushing against that fuck you like fuck off i specifically remember that's what i feel it is i don't feel it's like this acceptance of um other other uh types of sexual relationships it's you're forcing you're forcing those relationships that's the part that's like
Starting point is 01:22:59 no fuck you you're forcing those relationships in and you want to denounce these other relationships no sorry that's what cocks do cocks and vaginas go together just like the bolts and nuts and screws and all that shit goes together at home depot go ahead well i just remember all the animals not just us all the animals do it the whole fucking planet i like that you're like go ahead that you just let one level higher it's just it's. It's not even like a – it's not even like – the gay thing is not even like 1%. It's like a half a percent of a half a percent of a half percent. It's like nothing. Everything on the fucking planet is fucking itself to make – the opposite sex in order to make more of the stuff. That's how it duplicates. Stop. Go. Sorry. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:23:49 So I think I was probably like maybe nine or 10. And I was going to San Francisco with my mom to visit one of her friends. And we get off the bar train and there was two gay guys. They were holding hands and they turned and then they kissed each other. And I specifically remember looking up at my mom kind of like, what? she just goes oh yeah they're very similar to mommy and daddy but sometimes two boys like each other and two girls like each other and then we just kept going on like there was no other conversation and then from that point forward i was like oh okay yeah like and if you're some sort of religious person and you want to tell your kids those people are evil that's your prerogative too that's not what i would do
Starting point is 01:24:24 and for anyone who's staring at two men kissing that's okay too it's just not normal my kids stare at people with one leg one arm two men kissing two girls kissing just not dogs fucking on the beach my kids stare at that too if you're just not used to seeing something it's okay you can stare all you want us animals do too. I don't think that's true. I think that caged zoo animals, you motherfucker, Aaron. I think caged zoo animals do some weird shit like dudes in prison. I think that's like the largest rate of like homosexuality actually in the animal kingdom is like if you like if you start cage when you cage animals, they start doing weird shit. You're not a biologist. I understand.
Starting point is 01:25:07 I just do to read some books and shit. You know what else to piggyback off that story now that I'm thinking about it when you were, I mean, we've had discussions about this, but if it's not normal, why are you trying to normalize it? That, so that's what I was going to say, because then we would go to, and if you want it to be normal, there's cities for you and it's okay. I'd raise my kids and I would raise my kids in the Castro. I don't care. Castro is the gay district in the city. Actually, I wouldn't raise them in the city anymore at all. I wouldn't – like, God, where is the gay – you know where the best part of the country would be?
Starting point is 01:25:40 If there was probably gay conservatives. That's all over. There are good. Absolutely that good like douglas like douglas murray that's who you want to be around i think they do wealthy intelligent and fastidious i think one of the guys that owns uh prager you is gay yeah good um i love it but on the flip side of that we used to we would go and do some sort of social thing right and there my mom would be taking us and stuff and um I love it's going to be a little strange, but you have to include him too. So then before I even Johnny, the black kid, no, Jesus. And so before I even met Johnny, right, you're already going, Oh, okay. There's
Starting point is 01:26:34 some, so there's something weird here. So I'm going to have to go and you're, and then you're looking for it. Right. As opposed to the flip side, when we saw the gay couple, it was just like, yeah, some, some mommies and daddies are daddies and daddies and some are mommy. And then it just moved on. There was no like over-exaggeration of it and you need to like them or anything like that. And then that normalized it. But going back to, you know, Johnny's, Johnny's a little different. It's going to be a little hard to, now I'm like, okay, well now there's something up with Johnny. That's not weird. Yeah. Yeah. So just make the statement, give give them space but it shouldn't be
Starting point is 01:27:05 i don't think it should be pushed in the uh classroom i don't know why that would be a thing there's a gay version of every type of straight person thank you you're right of course of course that's true of course that's true there's a straight person there's a straight version of every type of gay person too how about we say that the other way around god that should be some rap lyrics they're just parents yeah that's right hey i mean who how about how say that the other way around? God, that should be some rap lyrics. They're just parents. Yeah, that's right. Hey, I mean, how about in The Wire? That guy died, by the way. Who is the gay gangster in The Wire?
Starting point is 01:27:34 He's my favorite character in The Wire. I didn't watch the show. Do you remember that show, Caleb? Who's that guy in The Wire? Yeah, I can't remember his name, but I'm looking it up. Will you Google Omar? Omar. of his name but um will you google um um omar omar and um uh what was that famous line he would always say for real no um um there uh man what is that man what is that that show is so good yeah that's something you best not miss no that's good though i like that oh what is it omar omar don't scare no
Starting point is 01:28:15 um let me see uh it's like a uh omar i don't scare man money. Okay, let me see more. More items. Damn, you're good, Caleb. I think he died. I mean, that's one of the greatest characters in the history of television. He was gay. Remember that shotgun he'd carry in his trench coat?
Starting point is 01:28:39 Man, I would have liked to have met him. Avon Barksdale, Omar. Man now what is that line that he would say there's a shotgun it's it's just like it's like it's like for real or omar um and there's a there's a there's a he's sitting in a car with a girl and they're about to kill someone what is that
Starting point is 01:29:12 what's his last name in the show Omar what little Omar little what was the name of that show The Wire I wonder if I just go to was it The Wire I wonder if I just go to... Was it The Wire? I wonder if I go there and I go to YouTube and I go to videos.
Starting point is 01:29:33 It's a really short video. Omar's coming. The Wire. It's all in the game. Best not miss. For damn'll i'll think of it and i'll bring it back for another show aaron has a good question i'm not sure if we're why is omar the greatest character on the wire oh no doubt no doubt no doubt no doubt omar. No doubt. I got it. Oh, indeed. It's indeed. It's indeed. It's indeed. It's not no doubt. It's indeed. It's indeed.
Starting point is 01:30:14 I'm so excited. Where is... Do you see it? It's a 21 second clip. If you type in Omar indeed and he's in the car with that lady. Will you play that clip? It's 21 seconds. It says YouTube B Malloy, August 20th, 2011. Oh God. Oh, there it is. Oh, I have such bad memory. My memory is atrocious. I might as well just not even be a person. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:30:40 Here we go. This, this, this part right here. See if you can rewind it. I like this whole motherfucker. here we go. This part right here. See if you can rewind it. Ain't like this whole motherfucking Why would that keep hitting up the park still, people? Ain't like this whole motherfucking city ain't got stashes all over it. True that.
Starting point is 01:30:56 So why? Because. Because? Indeed. Liberal talk. Because. Because. Indeed.
Starting point is 01:31:17 Man, he was good. Oh, Omar. Why'd you have to die? Okay. What was the question? Sorry, before we... So we got this, and it says, off-topic, but are you sending anyone or a group to the games this year to do any shows or semis?
Starting point is 01:31:37 So I just said it was a good question. We also, I don't know if we're allowed to talk about it yet, but we also might be having some cool stuff for you guys too. Yeah. Whoever gets all juiced up, we give them free tickets to the games. How about that?
Starting point is 01:31:55 So not only do you get to be interviewed and we follow you for 12 episodes, and I get to ask you how it's affected your libido, and we see pictures of you with your shirt off and shit, and we blow you up, but we also send you to the game. And I kind of misinterpreted the question. I thought he meant like sending like a –
Starting point is 01:32:12 like we were sending people, but then now I realize he's asking like if we're doing coverage of it. Yeah, I don't know. No, probably not. We're not doing coverage, but we might send somebody. I don't know what's going to happen. I don't know what's going to happen with semifinals. I will tell you this. The semifinals directors that we've talked to have been extremely nice and extremely open basically they've just told us hey crossfit has a huge
Starting point is 01:32:32 fucking problem with you and they're they're never going to let you run the stream it's sad because they know that we would only help them and the community and the athletes there's no downside the only downside by crossfit letting us be a part of coverage of the games is that it would make this platform bigger, and then when I did talk shit about them, it would hurt more. So I get it. Like when they do the math, maybe that's what they think. They just need someone over there just to fucking somehow kiss my ass so hard
Starting point is 01:33:03 and bring me inside the fence. But they don't have anyone over there. First of all, they don't have the leadership to do that. They really don't. That is the big problem. But even if they did have the leadership, then it would require the humility.
Starting point is 01:33:13 So, and, and, and like, they don't know how I'm going to react. Like, what if I go public with it? What if I do acquiesce?
Starting point is 01:33:19 What if like, I mean, it might be as easy as just like, cut me a check for $18 a month. You know, yeah. And I'll know yeah i'll never say anything bad again i promise but but they don't know so um i'm not banned from the games they're just not um we're just not allowed no there's nothing like that there's nothing official like that i just have talked to people about getting the stream and there's no way they're going to give me the stream but it's a huge mistake on their part huge
Starting point is 01:33:48 really if that if that thing that fikowski gets behind or the faa or whatever that thing is that those guys do him and um and annie do like if they they should be like hey you should be giving the stream live to anyone who wants to to push it i mean, I would blow that shit up. Look at this, like a fake donation from Rich Holden, $7.99. It's like giving us a gift card that's not loaded with any money on it. Here's your gift card. Oh my goodness. Okay, guys, thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:34:19 Great show. Happy Easter. I hope you guys get to spend a lot of time with your family and friends and kids. Tell someone you love them a lot today. A lot today. Susan and I and the boys, three plain brothers and my wife are going to head over to... What are you doing, Caleb? We're heading over to an Easter egg hunt right now. What are you doing?
Starting point is 01:34:36 Make a bunch of food this afternoon to call my parents. That's probably it. Are you going to work out? No, probably not. What? No, I had a pretty heavy day yesterday uh one of my friends is um doing is still prepping for semis so i just hopped in on there it was like three hours of shit oh that's kind of cool really and so you i i'm lighted up on workouts i had a friend i had a friend like that who was training for regionals one time and like they would do workouts like um i can't remember which one i think it's like eva and in
Starting point is 01:35:09 it is like six eight hundred meter runs but then there's some other shit you have to do so i would just do the running part with them to push them three eight three oh three is that what you would do so like you wait over at the pull-up bar they run a 400 then they come in and you just do pull up with them yeah right or like do like a partner it's like they run a 400, then they come in and you just do pull-ups with them. Right. Or do like a partner. It's like me and a partner and then she'll do it by herself. Yeah, and you go against them.
Starting point is 01:35:31 Yeah, yeah. We would do that shit too. Like, hey, we beat you. They're like, yeah, well, you also did it with two people. With six people. Yeah. Did you see Nick's question before we jump off? Are you going to let us fans write articles for you? Yes.
Starting point is 01:35:44 Okay. I'll give you a quick tidbit on that. So we are about to start getting into that space. Let us like – let me tell you. The newsletter went out, and the link was wrong to Paper Street, and we spelled someone's name wrong, and we thought a vagina was a penis. The penis was a vagina. We had some issues, but it's okay.
Starting point is 01:36:03 I don't care. But we're going through those things. But very, very soon here, we will have... Jim, you asshole. Very soon here, we will have a spot on the blog, and we're going to expand out there, and we're going to start having a rankings page where we rank the best CrossFitters in the world.
Starting point is 01:36:25 I think we'll have a ranking page for the best UFC fighters in the world. And we'll start having people write articles for us. And we would, Nick, I totally appreciate if you have some articles, but I want them to be fun. I really don't care about the dumb shit stuff. I don't want to do anything that's like, I don't do anything because like, like we feel like we have to do it. Like that article that, that I was making fun of yesterday where the guy was totally wrong and it's talking about the affiliate liaison program. Like that's just, I don't, I don't want to do any of that. I want to do, um, either, either smart stuff like, Hey, um, fat, fat,
Starting point is 01:36:58 it is proven here that if you fast a 20 hour, every time you fast more than 20 hours, old mitochondria die and new mitochondria are born or created and therefore you'll have more energy. So you should fast 20 hours a week time you fast more than 20 hours, old mitochondria die and new mitochondria are created and therefore you'll have more energy. So you should fast 20 hours a week, three times, and then show the study. I like that. And then I also like, um, uh, interview with the three women regional at the three semifinalists who have fake breasts and what are the implications of having fake breasts at a professional, as a professional athlete. That's the kind of shit I want. Fun shit. having fake breasts at a perfect as a professional athlete like that's the kind of shit i want fun shit so um yeah beef organs a mouthful of meat yeah stuff like that do we do we have that
Starting point is 01:37:32 still that let me see where that is it'd be under brand okay and no i don't think we do it oh shit we don't have it what happened to it oh you know why because it's under the um the wadapalooza one oh oh did you just switch it yeah i thought i felt it switch oh yeah okay you mean like this Oh, you know why? Because it's under the the Wadapalooza one. Oh. Oh, did you just switch it? Yeah. I thought I felt it switch. Oh, yeah. Okay. You mean like this, right? Was this it? Grass-fed beef organs. A mouthful of meat.
Starting point is 01:37:56 Yeah. Classic. Hey, when you change that, it changes on mine, too. Yeah, it changes our whole platform. Switches the brand. It changes on mine too. Yeah, it changes our whole platform. It switches the brand. Yeah, that's cool. That's why we can't let you be in charge of the technology. Right, right. No one over whatever how old I am.
Starting point is 01:38:15 What about some satire? Yeah, of course. Always welcomed. Very soon we're going to be there. Are you going to steal Brian Friend from Morning Strike? I don't know if steal is the right word but i i think that everyone should be everywhere that's the that's the thing i think it's awesome that brian and um all the dudes who like uh the the chases and and hopefully we can get bill more um grunler but anyone anyone who's
Starting point is 01:38:40 willing to i don't want to keep anyone from doing their shit like at morning chalk up or or um as long as they can handle like when we point out what douchebags they are it's fine it's totally fine but but i but i but i i value those those publications for the content that they that they inspire us to create so if you want to be on the tommy and show or or um get with the program or coffee wads and pods or morning chalk up or um uh craig ritchie's um uh you want to work out with craig ritchie like yeah i think you should be able to swerve all over but but if brian was going to write cool shit i would like it to be on our site like by the cool shit. I mean, like I said, like fun articles that will draw a lot of like, oh, yeah, I give a shit about that.
Starting point is 01:39:31 I give a shit about that. Like why you shouldn't drink Gatorade while you're working out. Like I think that's interesting. If you can prove that. Or I think it's interesting that you would get fake tits, but you want to be a professional fighter. And they weigh weight and you're trying to cut weight. that's just fucking crazy to me when they hear about it when referring to bill grundler stefan just said stefan just say hi t me okay understood okay guys love you guys uh caleb thanks for coming on susan thanks coming on
Starting point is 01:40:00 uh we will see you guys soon adios

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