The Sevan Podcast - #377 - Live Call In Show with Hunter McIntyre

Episode Date: April 21, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:59 Conditions apply. See in-store for details. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. What the fuck? Brilliant. Brilliant. I just wanted to see a beautiful man and a beautiful woman on the screen at the same time what how did this come up so they're basically I decided since this is just like a fucking podunk show that couldn't get a I have to get like the only kind of professional athletes I
Starting point is 00:01:42 can get are crossfitters and hydrox athletes hydrox high rocks hydroxy guys are next I'm gonna get the go ruck champion guy that guy that CEO guy's 12,000 followers that's huge for me anyway that's so instead of getting I don't need big guests I just take people people on Instagram I love like there's this guy Sean G like he gives like advice like he'll be at a gas station jump jump out of his car he's like yo what's up player i'm sean g listen you don't just need a bitch with big old titties and a fat ass you need a bitch you got cash player and then like and every week i have him on the show giving like advice and so like since i'm just a since i'm no fucking joe rogan i just would just i just go to people's instagram accounts and they will be my guest and that chick's gonna be a regular now.
Starting point is 00:02:25 I just love her creativity. Do you know these people? No, I don't. But they put their shit on Instagram, so I might as well make my show better using their creative. I mean, that was great, wasn't it? You can hit it again if you want to. Yeah, I mean, it is so good. Her whole account is, you you guys don't start just
Starting point is 00:02:45 going over her account watching shout stuff let me slow drip it to you over the next couple years either don't go i just like this look at this you know can you can you hear the music too oh yeah it's really creative i mean it's and look how close she gets to the camera people got upset with me when i unfollowed everybody and it was because half of my feed was girls like this and the other half of my desperado in the skies i gotta get out of this portal of just awfulness um I don't follow any beaver unless I don't follow like any just like chicks who just like just beaver chicks, like chicks are just using strictly their beauty to garnish followers. Besides, like, I have to know you. Like, there's this one that I do that all she is is thirst, right?
Starting point is 00:03:45 like there's this one that I do that's all she is is thirst right she's just like huge titties small waist big old ass and it's just her like always doing crazy workouts and she's nuts and but I only follow her because I know her like I'm like I'm friends with her but other than that it's just it's it's not it's not healthy for my brain it'd be like living it's like living next to Disneyland and just wanting to go there every day and just get drunk. I just can't. No, I don't want it either. I don't want shit to do. No, but Daniel Brandon doesn't do that, though. Like, I like her. Like, like, you think she just just does pussy shots? She just does just uses the power of the beaver.
Starting point is 00:04:19 I don't think so. No, I'm not suggesting that. I think there's this humongous rift in the world right now. I mean, she has that power. Don't get me wrong she got the power but i think she like like she was in a pair of shorts and t-shirts and she's on her couch opening the blinds fuck that's good for me i'm fitty you know what i mean well if you think about it i've talked about this yesterday uh one of my friends her engagements shot through the roof through the roof and i just said to her i was like if we just put this sweater on top of you and a baseball cap and you did all the same exact
Starting point is 00:04:53 things that you were doing yeah no one would give a shit i i told my wife my my wife's got this insane body and insane thick red hair. And I said, if you got some huge D titties, 100,000 followers would come with it. Immediately. Immediately. I'm not a fan, though, of that, to be honest with you. 100,000 followers would come with that for your whole household. Right. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:20 My wife could give two shits. I'm telling you, I bought I bought a brand new car. Brand new. I went into the toy dealership and I said, not as nice as not as nice as your brand new car, but I bought a brand new fucking minivan. 50 K 2017. Everything. I just walk in there. I go, I ball. Give me everything. I drive it home and I said, yeah, all that shit wipes your kid's ass. And, and, and my, my wife's inside the house and I go, Hey, I bought you a car. She's like, okay. I'm like, are you going to go out and look at it? She's like, Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:56 And she goes to the front door. It's parked on the street. So she got to look through the whole front yard and shows you. Oh, thank you. And closes. That's it. That's about as excited as my wife gets it's a power play she saves it all for the bedroom do people know where you are right now um do you know where i am right now yeah dude um i'm yeah i've been telling people this is the home i'm in newport beach we have a fabulous new sponsor benefactor for the show who she has uh an incredible uh uh gnarly businesswoman um she's got her hands in
Starting point is 00:06:34 fucking everything and anyway she has this fat dope pad in newport beach right on the beach and she said my family and i could stay here for two weeks do you know what and you want to know what's a really good sign too so i've only been here I've been here like maybe let's say a week and, um, she already said, Hey, I blocked off another two weeks for you at the end of August to come back. That means I left a good impression. Have you checked behind the pots and the plants and stuff for like cameras and like things that like send out like knockout gas? God, I hope my life's that exciting. What's this joke is Hunter now sponsored by Arby's.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Does he look because of the hat? Is it the hat? I don't know. People are hack jobs. No, this is, this guy's got usually good humor. This guy just tears me up.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Usually I'm glad he's focused on you a little bit. This is aloe yoga. I didn't know this existed until like a week ago, blew my mind. And this is a hat that I have to remember to bring to florida because i don't want to get sunburned so i've got shit on lockdown quit what's the word you used aloe what aloe yoga that's a color alo but that's a color aloe yoga no no no this is the This is the brand. I don't know. You can't even read it. Oh, oh, oh. I didn't know about it.
Starting point is 00:07:47 And my friend said, why don't you come to the store with me? I got to get something. And I was like, I have zero interest. It smelled like different kind of weird spices. And all the girls were running around like this with their hands in the air. And I was like, I don't want to go in that store. And then I touched one of their sweaters, and now I live in it. Well, I think you can pull anything off.
Starting point is 00:08:10 What's amazing? Like, I couldn't pull that off, but I know under there you have an amazing body that's not only show, but there's go. So you can dress like you work at Arby's. Yeah. Savant, I'm an old housemate. Brian McDonald. I lived with you in the Swain you house. Are you kidding me? Were you homeless? I ran a home. I lived in a, uh, I re I lived in a house. No shit. If this
Starting point is 00:08:41 guy's really, if this guy really, if this is really if this is really true if this is an old houseman on isla vista and the swing on sueƱo road i oh i lived in two different sueƱo places the one where we live brian did you did you live in the house with me where we lived upstairs or downstairs in the downstairs house when i lived downstairs i ran a homeless shelter in the backyard or you could say or it's a place to come do meth either way but there were like literally 50 60 dudes who came in and out of there. This is a big thing. I mean, if he used to live in a homeless shelter with you and now he has access to a computer and he has. I ran.
Starting point is 00:09:11 I ran the homeless shelter, motherfucker. I didn't. Well, I lived there, too, but I ran it. Didn't you live in a van across the street? I did that, too. Yeah. But I was going to college and I just let homeless people just pile into my backyard. Intense.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Oh, shit. Yep. This is one of the dudes who lived in the backyard. Wow. Beowulf? What a small world. No, he had a dog named Beowulf. Oh, I was going to say, damn, Beowulf is a good movie.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Yeah. Hey, dude, in my backyard, there were just tons of fucking dudes. And that dude was there and dudes were living in my driveway and there were tents set up everywhere. And dudes would be grinding with Dremel tools on bicycles all night, just tweaking out of their mind. Stealing shit. They would steal shit and bring it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Hey, this house, this house I lived in, literally I would go to school. I'd come back and some of my shit would be missing. And the dude who stole it would be on heroin, nodding off on my couch in my living room. I'd be like, Oh, I live like this in my life. I will say the most exciting time of my entire life was living at the university of Montana. And there was these things that was like a, it was like a ride share experience where basically there was just like an unwritten rule where there was bike racks in front of every single dormitory and you just go up and shake bikes. And if one of them would come out,
Starting point is 00:10:29 you just take it and ride it throughout campus, do whatever the heck you want and park it somewhere else. It was just like a, as I said, like what school is that? University of Montana, Missoula. Oh man, you must've been, you must've partied hard there. Dude, it was insane. So there was this other thing, there was this outside business where it was some kind of thing where if you were part of the university, you could build a free bike at their thing, whatever establishment. From spare parts? Spare parts. And it was just crazy. You go in there, you could build whatever you wanted.
Starting point is 00:10:58 So kids would build mini bikes and would like tiny ass bikes with big like eight panel bars. Yeah. You have jousting tournaments in the middle of the night on college campus mind-blowing so like all these things you're saying about in the backyard chop shop type shit while doing heroin was there at a different time so so this guy right here brian mcdonald if i remember correctly sorry brian if i'm fucking this up but he he was just one of the homeless dudes in the town. And I ended up becoming homeless in that town. And he was a homeless dude in the town.
Starting point is 00:11:30 And he got this fucking fat check from the government. And it actually said in his letter to him the first of a government project. And they gave him like $60,000 all at once. So he moved into one of the bedrooms in our house because he could start helping pay for rent. And he bought this crazy fucking expensive recumbent bike but i do remember it said like first of a government project is that true was that true sean i'm trying to yeah yeah i remember all those dudes wow what a small world i wonder what happened to craig cruiser you're putting this dude on blast and you're giving no no no no i'm i no no no if you can't yeah yeah he
Starting point is 00:12:05 got 60k from the government one fat check came homeless dude got 60k from the government i'm doing that and he had his recumbent crate i'm telling you crazy stories you want to see what i'm getting from the government bills we we went from having just smoking hot chick on here to ā€“ okay. So you are going somewhere this weekend. Where are you going? It's called the Go Ruck Games. Okay. I am not privy to any of the information that actually is going on there,
Starting point is 00:12:38 so I can't really give you a full understanding of what's going to happen. But, like, what they've said is this is the go ruck games, not the go run game. So I think that's their trendy way of telling us that we're not going to be running. It's going to be, everything is involved with a weighted backpack. The partners are go ruck, rogue fitness and savage race, which is an obstacle course race company. So, you know, I'm assuming they're going to test strong man type stuff. They're going to test And Savage Race, which is an obstacle course race company. So, you know, I'm assuming they're going to test strongman type stuff. They're going to test obstacle course races.
Starting point is 00:13:17 It's a two-day event in Jacksonville, Florida, combined with a fitness festival that no one's ever heard of. When I contacted him, because when you told me you were doing this, then I reached out to him, and I thought maybe he'd want to promote this thing prior to going. But there was And, but there was also the, the chance that he was going to be too busy and he was too busy. He was very kind, Jason McCarthy, right? He's a very nice guy. Yeah. He responded on Instagram and he was super nice. And he said, I could do it this Wednesday where we can wait till after. So then when I realized he wasn't eager to promote it, I was, okay, let's wait till after so that I could get more of his time. Um, but he made it seem like it's a private party. He goes, Hey, this is a kind of a private party reunion. Unless maybe I read it wrong.
Starting point is 00:13:49 And he invited me to it. But it sounds like it's like just his homies, like a thousand of his like, like a thousand of his homies. I don't know. And you're calling it a festival. I don't get it. Like there's like live music. There's. Oh, yeah. Yeah yeah yeah look that's what he called it the jack sandlot yeah yeah there's I think I heard him say that term there's live music
Starting point is 00:14:12 there's like VIP meetings and dinners uh are you going to any of those are you going to any of those speakers no dude I I had I contacted him multiple times I'm like listen I'm not trying to be difficult here but you've given zero. I'm flying out in like 48 hours. Like just, do I need to bring flippers, goggles, headlamps? What do I need to do here? What the hell is happening? And then I got an email yesterday. I don't know what the heck their goal is here because it's not like anybody knows about it other than the people that are showing up and it seems like a significant expense to put out there for you know to invite a bunch of just hungry hippie athletes to feed them look at this sorry to interrupt hunter not really that sorry but look at this dude can you read that yeah i've read that i locked my eyes on that shit
Starting point is 00:15:03 your homeboy j Josh is going. Go on. Sorry. Okay. So you're a professional athlete and because you're obsessed with just like running and making sure you're prepared for whatever the event is, you have questions that are probably different than the guy who doesn't travel the world going to professional events. So you're thinking like, hey, do I need to bring the Vaseline to stop the chafing between my legs? Is it that kind of run?
Starting point is 00:15:24 Or do I just bring condoms and my favorite beer cup and just hope for the best for the weekend? 100%, dude. And what did you find out? What is it? Is it to go and meet hot chicks or is it to actually compete? I can't tell. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Fair. Hey, that's truly the unknowable. all right fair hey that's truly the unknowable you know how you guys at crossfit are like you know be ready you know to test high intensity multi-varied movements blah blah blah i assume that i'm just gonna be wearing a backpack for two days straight if you if you see if you're running side by side with josh and you were to see he tripped and um fall falls will you take the weights out of your go ruck and throw josh in the back oh my goodness just just just fucking drop an elbow on him while he's down not pick him up and throw him in your backpack i almost broke my bed frame um how much do you weigh 197 oh man yeah you're looking lean and mean in your photos
Starting point is 00:16:29 skinny is that is that um how much did you weigh when you competed at the crossfit games 217 wow yeah crazy chunky is that all basically muscle that went away? A lot of it. I would say it was probably like 2% more body fat, maybe 3%, maybe. 2% more body fat going into the CrossFit Games. And you should see. I mean, you could put your hands around my legs. You know when you pick up a child, you're like, Ooh,
Starting point is 00:17:05 you can do that same thing to my legs. Now you can just pick them up and throw them. They're so skinny. My body looks like. That's not your leg. That's not your leg. Yeah. If you put like a toothpick, you grabbed a toothpick and then you put like a little piece of pork on top of it. That's what my legs look like. I have like a string, a little pole attached to a big, a butt cheek i'm tiny dude uh you just set the world record how many times did you set the world record for high rocks three three times so people don't know high rocks is as an event that it's the
Starting point is 00:17:37 same event everywhere you go in the world to do it all the time and it's basically um it's basically picking like a really gnarly crossfit event it's run a thousand meters and then do some shit run and repeat eight times and it's like different things like wall balls or jumping broad jump shit like that at lunging with 100 pounds on your back anyway and and hunter does that and it's really big in europe especially over there with the germans and uh go ahead i just said germany and he went and he recently um was uh he was in a psychological tailspin to put it gently and he competed in that state and when he should have done really bad and he set the world record again which is just bizarre have you read the book winning no and he did it in 55 minutes and it's crazy there's dudes out there he's been at
Starting point is 00:18:26 the top for so long there's dudes who just want to mash them like dudes that would probably like cheat to beat you you should read this book the unforgiving race of greatness winning by timis grover you should bring more authors on here i'd be interested in that rather than just people that exercise aggressively i do i bring authors on here what kind of meaning the rise of the lakers dynasty what was it winning what winning what's the author's name tim s grover tim i'm uh i'm reading uh hunter biden's laptop now is that good lap it's called the laptop from hell dude oh no give me some i don't know if i should be reading that shit i mean his fucking brother died and he banged his fucking brother's wife and uploaded the videos to fucking pornhub this is our president's son no yes yes no yes dude yes this is john mcdonald john hi how are you pretty good i was i recognize
Starting point is 00:19:33 your voice yeah you do yes of course i recognize your voice this is devon how you doing brother i'm doing great buddy good good to hear your voice where are you living these days uh casper wyoming wow fantastic in uh life good what's that hold on a second let me turn this okay what'd you say hunter if you have to take a shit go ahead this is going to be a second um is life good well it's all right i'm now. I've got kids and grandkids and quit using along. You've been busy. Took me 30 years to get off dope, but I finally did it. Oh, congratulations. How did you do that? How did you do it? How'd you get off? Oh, I just quit. Made a determination in my life. You know, you can only put so many holes in you before shit starts coming out of you.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Were you shooting drugs? I was in that bedroom on Swain Hill Road. Yeah, I remember sometimes we would find needles and shit in the bathroom. I just didn't know who was using No, that wasn't me. That wasn't me. I never left shit in the bathroom. But no, I had that room.
Starting point is 00:20:43 You know how you walk through the front door and there was the big living room? Yeah. Okay. As you went down the hallway, it was the first room on the right that had the dead bull. Right. I remember. And I was on felony probation at the time. I remember. Yeah. And that black guy came over and I was sick inside my room i didn't open i had bail wolf with me he didn't bark or nothing yeah i remember i don't remember that when you see the black guy
Starting point is 00:21:13 was it a cop or something oh you were at school you were at school that blonde skinny kid that was there anyway uh um what's he gonna uh rest in peace caesar oh thank you caesar thank you yeah thank you yeah bail will bail will passed away in 2004 from cancer so but i yeah i was living in montana we got a lot of shit to talk about i know you're a busy man hey i don't want to take all your time let me just tell you let me just ask you this story because it's a story that I tell often. I don't think anyone could, I don't really talk about that house too much because I don't think anyone would believe any of the fucking stories. But do you remember
Starting point is 00:21:52 do you remember skinhead Dave the Nazi and the hate tattoo on his hand? And do you remember Karm's the black Rastafarian? And do you remember how they would sleep on the couch in the kitchen together with their heads on opposite ends of the couch? Right.
Starting point is 00:22:06 And I would explain to people that racism is a fucking luxury. And how do I know that? Because when it came to eating and getting shelter, people would put all those fucking stupid differences aside and come together. Do you remember those two? Yep. Everyone was just in fucking survival mode. And they ended up being like best buds. Yep.
Starting point is 00:22:26 And the only reason I was able to rent a room was because Social Security gave me like 20 grand. No, wasn't that? No, it wasn't 60 grand. I just put that on there. No, I got paid $17,800. So almost 20 grand. I just remember when you got that check, we were all like, holy shit, he's rich.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Yeah, I bought like a half a pound of dope or a half a pound of weed. And what was it, like four, eight balls of dope, quarter ounce of dope or something like that. Yeah. We were all spun and drunk. I bought like two keggers, three keggers. We had a big old party in the backyard. Hey, do you, do you, do you. All the homeless people were there.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Brian, are you still, are you on Instagram? I'm on Instagram and I'm on YouTube right now. Just watching your podcast. Okay. Will you send me, will you send me a DM and Instagram? I want to connect with you and piece some stories together. Okay. So how do I do that?
Starting point is 00:23:29 Oh, here's Instagram. Okay. I got, I got to go. I got to get back to the show, but thank you for reaching out. All right,
Starting point is 00:23:35 man. It's great hearing your voice, dude. And I'm glad that I'm glad you got, I'm glad you got off all the drugs. That's awesome. I got, you have my number.
Starting point is 00:23:42 I do have it now. Keep it. Okay. I will. Thanks, brother. All right. number. I do have it now. Keep it. Okay. I will. Thanks, brother. All right. And if you're, you take care.
Starting point is 00:23:50 God bless. Bye. I don't mean to rush him off, but it's a fucking show. What? Where the fuck did you go? We just stuff in your face over there. I've been eating chicken nuggets.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Oh, I thought maybe you got off because you didn't want to meet my friend. want you guys to connect thank you that's beautiful what a trip what a trip it's interesting how he found you how do you think he found you i'm fucking famous dude like 3 000 people watch this show i'm like i'm fucking famous, dude. Like 3,000 people watch this show. I'm like, I'm fucking, yeah, I'm. How many do you think are regional? Dude, the High Rock, how many podcasts have you done since you won the High Rocks championship?
Starting point is 00:24:34 Or sorry, since you set the world record in High Rocks. How many podcasts have you done? Yeah, and you've been on mine twice. You know why? Big time. I enjoy the company. Big, big, I'm just, I'm big, know why big time i enjoy the company big big i'm just i'm big i'm big time okay i want you to uh uh-oh no i'm trying to share my screen and it's saying i can't but i already shared that girl right
Starting point is 00:25:02 i already shared that girl, right? I already shared the girl. Oh, here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Okay. You might not like this. This is pretty amazing. This is the Mexican. Seven acres of lawn mowing.
Starting point is 00:25:16 No breaks. Then use the weed meter till failure. Mexican workout for beginners. Part one. So this Mexican workout. This is Mexican. We've got three sets of 12 starting the lawnmower. See that? Cable raises. Seven acres of lawn mowing, no breaks.
Starting point is 00:25:36 And then use the weed eater. That's the only one. Is there really a weed eater like that? You ever seen a weed eater like that? In any workout, you take a barbell and you act like it's a weed whacker you ever run a chainsaw yes not very good that's a little too manly for me physically challenging things to do for a day i actually am lying to you i ran a i have a pole saw it's it's like a it's like a it's for like trimming hedges it's kind of like a um the vagina of um chainsaws would you say would you say that you're a masculine figure in your community and for your children
Starting point is 00:26:12 yeah cholo fit that is is that is there a whole thing cholo fit thing because every time i come across this i'm dying yeah he's really good he's super clever about it when did you use a uh when did you use a chainsaw i still use one a lot now but when i was living in montana the job that i got to keep myself clean was being a logger keep yourself clean oh so you could relate you didn't you got off the phone with this guy because you were afraid if we talked about drugs you'd relapse no not really oh i just thought you guys were having a moment i was like this is probably great you know this guy super excited to talk to you you're probably pretty interested and i was like what am i gonna do like yeah that time you guys are on the couch
Starting point is 00:26:59 oh you're a good dude now brace yourself for for this one, okay? This one, this, I really want you to brace yourself for this one. This one is, this one is, we'll come back to that. Yes, you are on with Hunter McIntyre, the High Rocks world record holder at 55 minutes and some change. How can I help you? Oh, so is this just open to talk about anything? Um, no, no, not anything. Oh, okay. Cause I heard the previous caller called in,
Starting point is 00:27:39 I guess you know him about, uh, I don't know, like substance or something. We used to, he used to do drugs in my living room hardcore drugs and shoot up drugs in my house and so i wanted to show up by having him on so you knew that i got a lot of life experiences i'm not just some bitch off the street but if me yeah fuck i really don't want anyone knowing that so if that's what you're going to talk about okay all right then go then yeah anything else maybe think about something maybe think about something because i know at some point you were homeless right yes so that guy was my mentor that guy was my mentor i'm just joking he wasn't but i had i had like literally over 50 homeless people living at my house while i was going to college i just let them pile in and that was one of the dudes and then not
Starting point is 00:28:21 not long after that a couple years after that i was homeless but mine was not drug related at all zero i did not do drugs when i was homeless more muscle more or less okay well regardless uh so do you think do you think in life you kind of have to go through something like that like i wouldn't say i don't know if it's traumatic like a traumatic experience but do you think you have to go through something like that in order to like truly find like yourself caller i'm trying to get hunter to answer this because hunter go oh uh i've said a lot you have to go you don't know the highest highs unless you've lived the lowest lows. If you're living a life of just like middle of the road, there's no it's like the hot, cold contrast. You don't really understand or value things as much if you haven't lost a lot. so you know what I mean like if you at one point in time my dad who I'm best friends with now cut off my cell phone bill and like that was the last straw I had no money I had no way of contacting
Starting point is 00:29:35 the outside world like I was completely isolated in the fact that like I had nothing and that's you know you remember those moments now I get emails and my dad has to forward me my cell phone bill to pay. But it's crazy. I think you do need to have stuff like that. I'm not telling everybody to get into heroin and jump off of cliffs or go get arrested. What do you think, caller? What do you think? Yeah, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:30:00 Well, yeah, that's why I'm kind of asking because I feel like, you know, your whole life you hear these stories and people are like oh you know i was doing this now and now look at me you know and it's like well shoot i i feel like i had a pretty good life you know you know growing up like don't i feel like i don't really have any you cut out brother are you driving through a tunnel he left no he still is did he leave i think he's still there i think he's just on a bad a tougher life say that again you cut out say that last 15 seconds again so i was just saying like if if your life is good or you feel like your life's fine are you like never going to reach your full potential? Like, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:46 if you don't, if you haven't suffered any vices or anything. Yes. Yes. Yes. A hundred percent. Here's, here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Here's the thing. Here's, there's this book, be here now. No, there's this book, the power of now written by a cartola. And basically he has some traumatic shit happened to him and he has an awakening.
Starting point is 00:31:01 And in that book, he says that you don't have to have traumatic shit happen to you in order to have an awakening. And I've read like four or five books from legitimate guys who I believe have awoken. That's a word. And they all say the same thing. You don't have to have traumatic shit happen to you. That's bullshit. That is a fucking lie. And maybe I'm wrong and I'm open to being wrong, but if you do not hit rock bottom, you, you, you, you will know it. It's like I had that guy on the other day, Joe, Joe, Joe, Josiah Fraser, and no one, there is no need to have a debate whether God exists or not. You can find out for yourself. You can find out the experiment is very simple. Lie down and let yourself die.
Starting point is 00:31:43 And that, that that and basically that's what happens to people who hit rock bottom shit gets so fucking bad that they want to die and they start to embrace this idea of death and that's why i have some like it's weird talking to people about mental health and mental illness because if you don't travel traverse that path to that dark spot you do not ever become whole so what happens happens is I'll tell you, and this isn't the true, but it's a fantastic paradigm for thinking of life. You're born. If you're lucky, your parent, you will get a really, really strong fake persona. I'm Hunter McIntyre. I'm one of four. I got that name. I'm one of four brothers. My family is a middle class. I'm the dumbest of the five kids,
Starting point is 00:32:22 but I happen to be really strong. I'm'm really like girls but I don't know how to talk to them and it's frustrating to me I really like drugs, I have ADHD you just pile in all this shit and that becomes who you are and if you're really fucking and then you carry that, that's your cultural identity and you carry that with you your whole life and if you're really lucky something
Starting point is 00:32:40 will happen and that guy will die but you'll come out the other side alive. And then all of those things you have now will be your toolbox instead of who you are. So when you're, when you are that person as a young man or as a young woman, that thing can be hurt and offended. But once you transcend that something happens to you so bad that you abandon all that your whole world opens up and you realize those are just your tools. You're not really Hunter McIntyre. You can do anything. And most people don't make it through that part.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Most people never, ever make it to that part. And that's the dangerous part about drugs and mushrooms and microdosing and all that stuff, because you can experience that, but without going through the hardship and the discipline to cultivate and maintain that enlightened state. And if you try to walk both paths without the discipline and, um, and, and the, and the, um, and the experience to handle that, you'll, you'll go crazy. If you try to be enlightened and hold onto your ego at the same time, you'll fucking lose your mind. And that's why drugs are bad. Does that make any of that help? Yeah. Yeah. I gave myself tingles from my balls to my fingertips.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Well, yeah. Yeah. So I was just, I was just asking, I think you're, I agree with you that you hear a lot of people say, well, you don't have to go through that stuff. And it's like, okay, well, why am I, why do you only hear that from people who've gone through stuff? You know, there's no one who's like, Oh, my life's been perfect. And I, you know, you came out the other end. It's like, there's no end to come out of. You're just kind of stuck. So yeah, interesting.
Starting point is 00:34:09 All right. Thank you. Okay. Thank you. Thanks for calling. Yeah, no problem. Have a good one. Hunter.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Yeah. This show is fucking amazing. You should have taken that one and run with it. You have so much fucking experience dang fucking at the bottom of the fucking pit of life you went on a rant you know it's hard all these books please don't say that my mom hates it when i go on rants sake you went on a brilliant diatribe how about that you did you did i mean i was impressed i probably would have interrupted if it wasn't somewhat of value okay it was interesting okay so now you tell me what do you think about that? Well, the show is going to be over and you're going to be like, fuck, that was a great show.
Starting point is 00:34:49 I fucking squabbled it. No, no, no, no, no. It's nice to listen. Sometimes that's one thing that I'm practicing is listening. And sometimes not on this fucking show to listen. You're not on this show to listen, practice some other fucking time listening to people talk because they're just fucking so stupid and they just don't have anything of substance. And you're just like, okay, I'm going to take this in. But all of these books right here, every single one of these books right here are all written by somebody that had gone through something incredibly hard. I don't know why it makes this shift. It does. You know, I made my shift around drugs and rehab and everything like that.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Even after I got out of rehab, I didn't understand it. I had to overdose on cocaine one week before a championship to recognize. I was like, I fucked up. Hey, that's a true story. That is a true story. Dude, write the book. What a great chapter. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:35:47 I'm a winner on Coke. Yeah. I ran a cross country race on cocaine in high school. Wait, how do you, what happens when you OD on Coke? That's like a nightmare of mine. Like, that's why I don't do drugs. I really don't want to OD. I didn't like kind of thing. I, uh, you heard your
Starting point is 00:36:08 heart and panicked. No, no. Basically like we had just continued to do so many drugs. I was the only one continuing to do the drugs. I went to bed at like six 30 in the morning and my heart was like, I'm freezing cold. And I was like, I am convinced that I'm going to die. Somehow I passed out because we've been drinking a lot. I woke up like an hour later and now I'm throwing up and I'm freezing cold in boiling hot water shower, throwing up, throwing up, throwing up, passing out in the shower, waking back up again, passing out. No one could get me to drink water. It just kept on going over and over again again and eventually it's like 11 o'clock in the morning and they were like we have to go get you some food we you have to take something in or like you're just getting pushing too much out of
Starting point is 00:36:54 your system you keep on passing out on us and then we go to collins street or maybe alton in miami what city this is in mi Okay. Everything happens to me in Miami. We go and I order food and I'm completely whacked out of it. I feel like I'm in outer space and I'm just like, I'm having trouble really perceiving what's around me. I order food. They get me the food and it's sitting there and I just run into the bathroom and I see the urinals and I just fall forward and pass out.
Starting point is 00:37:24 And I wake up and there's blood all over the floor and I see the urinals and I just fall forward and pass out and I wake up and there's blood all over the floor and throw up everywhere and I passed out thrown up and gotten a nosebleed and I'm you got a nosebleed because your face hit a urinal I don't know I think I had a nosebleed probably from doing too much cocaine I don't realize what it happens okay um and now wiping up the floor of vomit and blood and and i'm like uh and my family at the time didn't know that i was in miami doing this and my family was currently sponsoring me to go to races my family sponsored my first three races when you say your family's sponsoring you you mean you were living off of mommy and daddy's tit well no i i had i taken care of myself up until this point but you
Starting point is 00:38:10 have to understand like going to this event this weekend is going to cost me two thousand dollars every single time you go to one of these events it's the flight there it's the travel understand but when your parents pay for your shit it's not a sponsorship it's that you're taking care of child it is i consider it to be a sponsorship because i had to ask for it so when my mom pays my kids piano lessons my kids are sponsored i can say that yeah they sponsored a piano lesson oh shit all right my kids are sponsored pianists yeah all right i didn't have a credit card at the time that i could just go swipey swipey i had to ask for like could you get this this or this so you know but that So, you know, but that point, like, you know, my, my heart had almost shut down. I had never gone through anything like this with drugs before where I was
Starting point is 00:38:49 like, my body was stopping. It's like, you know, actual movements of like beating the heart, staying awake, being able to take him. Were you scared? Totally. So that's what I was saying. I booked a ticket home immediately because I was like, if I do die, I have to do it at home. I have to go back in LA or my family's going to find out that I've been taking their money and spending it to get fucked up in Miami. Yeah. And from that point on, just like I went and raced a championship. It was the first championship I ever raced in. And I went up against the two prior world champions and I was running alongside them.
Starting point is 00:39:23 High Rocks or Spartan? Spartan. I felt like my heart was tearing at the seams and I came in third place by 90 seconds. And I was like, these guys are Mormons. They're living in Utah. They've both got like four or five children a piece. One works as a HVAC guy. The other one's a carpenter.
Starting point is 00:39:40 They just beat me by 90 seconds. I was just in Miami passing out in blood a week earlier. It was like, there's a huge difference, like what we're doing to repair for this event. So it was my shift. It was, that was my shift at least to not doing drugs anymore. I haven't done hard drugs like that ever since. Yeah. Hey, um, would you be scared to do it now? No. Like if I came over with some blow and I was like, Hey, let's go do some blow and play some Frisbee. You wouldn't, you wouldn't not do it because you were scared. I would be came over with some blow and I was like, hey, let's go do some blow and play some Frisbee, you wouldn't not do it because you were scared. I would be terrified to do some blow.
Starting point is 00:40:09 I'm 50. I would think my heart might explode. I just, I got other shit to do. Yeah, but it's not because you're scared. No, no. Wow. I think you could literally put every single drug on the table in front of me right now.
Starting point is 00:40:21 I could take probably all of it combined and I'd still have a great time. But I got shit to do. you're you're a businessman now no just i've got a podcast at 7 a.m where i'm going to talk to people who used to be homeless two homeless people got on the podcast right having a reunion what a crazy show you don't have that one show like remember that time we had nowhere to live together uh i i would never have believed that was gonna happen um i thought that was a pretty powerful moment i'm glad you were here okay speaking of powerful moments i want you to uh i want you to uh check this out this this is hard to see but but but this is hard to see but let's look is hard to see but let's look oh can you believe this look at look at she the way this story goes is that she's standing by the
Starting point is 00:41:14 train it's in argentina and she and she faints and dude they got her out was Was she okay? Yeah, she's okay. You know what the thing is? It's because she passed out. You know that when your body goes unconscious and all of your muscles completely relax. That's like some David Blaine shit, dude. Look at she vanished. Oh, look at her cell phone goes in too. Also, the reason why she made it through there is because she doesn't do crossfit she has no ass right he is my ass would have gotten caught and then ripped off on the train she just slid right
Starting point is 00:41:52 through the crack hey can is your ass too big to roll like a bar over you know that test way too big but i also have lordosis so that doesn't help that means like your ass sticks out like you want when your hips are like too tight. Yeah, yeah. I know what that is. Hey, that's a court. That's a courtship technique. Man to man courting technique.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Don't call it lordosis. You want a piece. You want a piece. That's sort of like that. You're in the prison. You like you like hang your pockets outside. Hey, what are you doing? I got lordosis.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Oh, sorry. I thought you were asking me to come over and get a piece. Yeah, that's prison talk right there. I just can't believe this lady survived. So here's the thing. Then it goes on to say, and we have to stop thinking like this. People write comments like this all the time. Then it goes on to say, after that happened to her, we have to believe in God because she survived. Well, how about the part where God let her fall into the subway? FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning. Which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute?
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Starting point is 00:43:31 Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. They're saying because she survived, there's a God.
Starting point is 00:43:52 I'm like, I don't think it works like that. That's not a proven point. I don't like small thinking. By that, I mean, I don't like the thought. Someone wrote in the comments, I thought I had it pulled up and ready the thought someone wrote in the comments i thought i had it pulled up and ready but someone wrote in the comments so there's this crossfit athlete where are you getting these comments from am i missing like half the show oh you probably are
Starting point is 00:44:13 there's a whole there's a live show oh so people are just in real time just talking shit about about us oh wow i had no idea this like look at this is this is todd saw that video that's how i attack my workouts just say he just leans into it uh look at this one crossfit saves lives not today yeah there's some funny shit in here i had no clue this existed so someone wrote in the comments and i wish i could pull it up but someone wrote in the comments that there's this there's this app there's this athlete that's um that's lives in texas who has qualified for the crossfit games and he lives in texas and they've told him to go into the you just found the comments and you're all you chubbed up like there are girls on the planet it's not just me and savon um so so this athlete oh don't now you're
Starting point is 00:45:04 gonna be one of those guys now it's like gonna be on with like jason kalifa he can't stop looking at the comments go ahead take your time no no i went to private chat i was stuck in private chat before i'm gonna stick in this conversation because this is nonsensical i've got add dude i'll just i'll rip those things apart um do you do you do you have a brother named Magnus Holmgren? For a second there, you had me, but it's not true. I guess you're right. I guess everyone was right.
Starting point is 00:45:31 He's the dumbest brother. That is not nice. Fuck you, Magnus. Yeah, Magnus. Yeah, and you could yell back at him. They like that. You piece of shit. You fucking hack job will come to your country and shit on you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:43 You just assume he's not from the U.S., right, with that with that name magnus you'd be such a douche if he was yeah so um so this guy so this guy in the comments so a woman writes in the comments that there's there's this crossfit games athlete that we had on yesterday named logan collins and he lives in texas and he's been assigned to the atlas games which is 1700 miles away right and there's and and and and you need to be vaccinated in order to go to chinada right so he has to go to china chinada it's what we call canada when we're when we're demeaning it's like when we want to demean canada that's what we call it okay and someone in the comments goes well other foreign or other foreigners who don't have semifinals in their country
Starting point is 00:46:27 have to travel farther than that, so he should have to travel, and the other athletes who have to be vaccinated to come to the United States, they have to, so he should have to be. Dude, we cannot use that logic and be smart. We can't pull everyone down to the lowest common denominator
Starting point is 00:46:42 to make the world equal. If that's the way we think, we will never have expansion. It's like those people who resent Jeff Bezos for going to space. This rich mother ā€“ like stop. This is the issue of the world right now. Let them go. We can all be dumb. We could just drag everyone down and we'd all be retards.
Starting point is 00:47:03 But why? This is the issue of But why right now, though, when the minority all of a sudden gets to the smallest group of the population gets to all of a sudden shift the majority of the population. That's where the problems. I don't agree with the fact that this guy should be vaccinated, but the whole fucking world has gotten upside down. When one person cries, everyone needs to stop and bring them tissues. Like I got vaccinated. I do not fucking believe in it. I don't want it.
Starting point is 00:47:25 I got vaccinated. I did it. believe in it. I don't want it. I got vaccinated. I did it. And that's your choice. But this person is saying that they should have to get vaccinated because the other athletes got vaccinated. We can't think like that. That would be like,
Starting point is 00:47:34 we should all drive Honda Civics because I drive a Honda Civic. No, no, someone needs a Bentley because in 10 years, all the cars will be as good as Bentleys. And we see that happening. A Honda Accord today is nicer than the most expensive Mercedescedes-benz was 15 years ago shit's tight right are you agreeing with me are we fighting i can't tell these are the facts i don't know i'm having a really hard
Starting point is 00:47:56 time with the way the world's gone like into this whole thing where every time someone has an issue that we all have to stop for it but this guy do you have a booster as long as he abides by the rules if it's either he has to get like his boogers checked or he gets vaccinated then he gets in if he plays one of those two things just let him in or or just move would you just move him to a semi-final that's much closer to him in the united states i know but that's it that's it that's the problem right now if it wasn't COVID, you probably wouldn't be as excited to talk about it. When the minority makes the majority have to shift to accommodate them, that's when the whole fucking world is always kind of ceasing to move in its,
Starting point is 00:48:33 you know, in its four momentum. Do you know that like we stopped the entire world to make sure that certain people have certain sexual identity, got their own version of a bathroom. It's like, that's the biggest thing that we're going through right now just those people hey i i love it when those bathroom signs say that gender all all genders it's always been all genders you can be any gender it's always
Starting point is 00:48:55 been all genders rip the sign off and just say restroom i want to explain i want to explain one more thing to people who really don't forget this yeah what's going on because i because i stood with a sign in berkeley and was like universal health care for everyone i was like pro obamacare yeah okay i'm gonna explain to what everyone but what what what happened so if you were poor and you couldn't afford health insurance everyone got health insurance in the united states no one was turned away no one was turned away there No one was turned away. There was never a point where someone couldn't go to the hospital and get service. Everyone got, did you do a bump, bump a Coke? And everyone got health insurance. Then Obamacare came along and what they
Starting point is 00:49:36 basically said was, is like, Hey, we're going to give everyone health insurance, but everyone already had health insurance and poor people didn't have to pay for it. They would just go in the hospital and they would get service. Now, poor people do have to pay for it because when they file their taxes, if they haven't signed up for insurance, they're penalized in their taxes. So you thought it was to help poor people, but it's not to help poor people. It's actually now everyone pays. Now everyone pays. And there's things, pardon me? It's just a privatized business i don't pay for health insurance and i don't have insurance well if you don't and that's that well that's the other thing if you don't have assets you don't need health insurance do you know what i mean by that
Starting point is 00:50:17 like i don't have health insurance for my health i have health insurance so that if i get hit by a car um they don't take my house exactly it's like you're you if I get hit by a car, they don't take my house. Exactly. It's like you're a fucking ā€“ If a person gets hit by the car, they have no liability. Right. But if I hit someone, if I don't have insurance, the only reason I have insurance is to protect my homes, my assets. It's almost ā€“ it's a misnomer to call it health insurance. And that's the problem with the trickery of words and the liberal mindset.
Starting point is 00:50:43 And I don't even know if conservatives get it, but you can't just take the, it's like these words, equity. You can't just take that word and think, Hey, that means everything's fair for everyone. That's not, that's not what's happening. There was already universal healthcare for either one equity or equality, but equity is the big tricky word that they try to use now for everyone. Equity means equity means um if me and you are both hitting on a girl um uh hunter that basically i have to chop off three inches of my
Starting point is 00:51:11 dick so that me and you are equal that's what equity is and i don't think that's cool that's true i watched a really fun video the other day are you are you googling equity i'll play a video for you about what equity is if you want to know partial okay i can't believe you're gonna do you're doing this to me all right just checking i was just checking i watched this really fun version of a guy explaining the uh the different sides of a ruler centimeters versus inches yeah and how men measure their penises with centimeters and say that they have an eight inch penis and women think the three inch thing, it was a great comparison. It was like the crazy hot scale. Have you ever watched that video? No. Is this supposed to be funny or is it real? It's funny, but it's kind of real. You've never seen the crazy hot scale video?
Starting point is 00:51:58 Oh yeah. Yes, yes, yes. The guy in the whiteboard. Yes. Yes. It's amazing. I don't even know if that was meant to be comedy i want to show you something that's man this girl's instagram account is so nuts i invited her on the podcast i hope she'll come on the podcast don't do this to us again hey did you ever have a type a type yeah like a type of girl. Yeah, I think so. Like I would be in high school and my friends would be like, I like girls who are blonde. I like girls.
Starting point is 00:52:30 I like Mexican girls. And I would be like, I like any girl that likes me. Some people are on that boat. You didn't have to be like that. Dude, I was the most heinous creature in high school. I don't know how girls talk to me at all i had at one point i had braces i had a mullet i had a skullet at one point where i was shaved on top and a beaver in the back it was awesome you um you still have a mullet i do i
Starting point is 00:52:59 think that's like the truest version of myself i've had a mullet for almost 30 years it's working it's working uh your comment is kind of vicious do you have a whack packer list like i'm a huge howard stern fan that's probably like the only way that i absorb like media or any information what's going on with the world is through howard stern so it's very skewed um i found this i used to watch howard stern but he's so afraid of COVID that I, um, yeah, you gotta, you gotta just like, you gotta switch to the other channel for a second. No, no, I'm not supporting that shit. No, no, no, no. Hey, I found this guy on Instagram. I don't know what his name's Aldo O'Kane. Hey, that's me. If I was a man.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Yeah. He's got fucking arms arms he's living a life that looks like it's like full of stories and adventure and yeah this is me if i was a man i can't believe i found this look at him look at it like is he wearing a hard hat yeah just a helmet connecting with the outdoors new friends in dorset so he gets paid money to do these things too. He's that cool. I think he's got more followers than me. Yep, 147,000. Extreme remote and hostile TV adventures.
Starting point is 00:54:16 You know what's so annoying is that these guys who like go through like a couple years of training and maybe do like a quarter of a tour they always get tv shows ah yes look how big his arm that yeah yeah you'll probably end up with the tv show dude someone's gonna see you on this podcast hey is this girl wearing pants or a skirt what is that she's wearing and that looks really that's a leather that's a leather skirt briefs underneath leather briefs underneath that looks like the most uncomfortable outfit you could wear in that temperature.
Starting point is 00:54:48 I'd love to see her with it off. Hello, caller. Hi. Hey, Hey, I have a quick question for both you guys. That means it's really for one of us Hunter, but he's trying to be nice. Just so you know, that's code. No, it's actually for both of you because Hunter's an elite athlete and you are, you know, way in on the CrossFit thing. So I had an epiphany recently just seeing how the viewership for the Olympics has tanked. And I just thought about the fact that they're doing a type of fitness, but it's nowhere near as dynamic as what Hunter does or what people do in CrossFit games. And I personally find those competitions like High Rocks or the Spartan Games or CrossFit games,
Starting point is 00:55:29 I find them wildly more entertaining than the Olympics. And I wonder, is there a chance that if with the right marketing and the right type of push, that those types of competitions could someday usurp the Olympics? No. And are they even thinking on that level because i feel like they should i think they should be like this should be better than the olympics because i think it is better it is it is better than the olympics it is better than olympics and that's another thing when people like what do you do and in the in the in you know i've heard people
Starting point is 00:55:57 do this josh bridges do this or matt fraser do this i don't and they think they're being cute oh i'm a professional fitness guy like what the fuck do you think and they think they think they're it's like i feel like it's being said i'm reading into it and i'll own it but it's being said like um like with some humility like they're making fun of their sport because they exercise professionally hey dude the fucking marathon is if if you think crossfit's professional exercise what the fuck is the marathon or like the javelin throw like crossfit's way more fucking athletic than fucking 80% of the fucking events in the fucking Olympics. How about this thing where professional athletes,
Starting point is 00:56:30 where they go to die, the luge or bobsledding? That's basically where dudes can get as juiced up as they fucking want, push a fucking rock down and jump on it and it goes down a hill. Like, yeah, I totally agree with you. CrossFit's way fucking cooler than the fucking Olympics. It's never going to make it. It's never going to surpass the Olympics.
Starting point is 00:56:46 And the Olympics are cheese dick, too. It's a political fuckingā€” Hold on. It is. It harbors everything that's bad about society, except in the Olympic Village where everyone's fucking. Here's the thing. What the fuck? It went from being a sport to complete nudity. You guys basically, it's like how many workouts can we do before we just take off more and more layers down to the point where we're... I heard Greg Glassman call the CrossFit Games is just really shitty porn.
Starting point is 00:57:14 That's what I'm saying. I don't know. Hey, the UFC's like that too. The UFC's like that too. The UFC is like that too. You got, you got fucking, uh, Conor McGregor fucking at 145 pounds and a pair of skivvies with the fucking like thing on his dick that makes it like a cup that makes it,
Starting point is 00:57:33 you know, it looks like people are going to look back at it a thousand years and think it's some weird tribal shit. And we're watching grown men wrestle around, slide around on each other. Okay. But here's the thing, Siobhan,
Starting point is 00:57:44 uh, before we proceed, Hunter, why do you not think that could happen uh it sounds like you disagree because it's run by individuals instead of governing bodies and they're always going to look out for their you know the bottom dollar okay i watched joe to say i'm a humongous fan of i'm i'm his biggest fan to be totally honest but he used to parade around town and say that we're going to make this olympic sport that was just a false flag it's like hey we're going to make this olympic sport meanwhile ticket sales sponsorship sales just how can we
Starting point is 00:58:17 sell these people as much stuff as possible we're trying to make it an olympic sport we need everyone support and you know it has to but you're saying there's like that's a contradiction i don't see the contradiction in that what do you mean i'm not saying it's it's it's not i'm not saying there's anything wrong of them to try to run a business but you cannot try to take uh elite level sports and try to make it as elite as possible while your majority goal is to make money off of it dude that i don't know if you i don't know if that's true but i don't think like no one was ever trying to do that no one was ever trying to do that with the crossfit games they might be trying to do it now but no one was ever trying to do that when i was there
Starting point is 00:59:00 i mean listen hold on the income-based, but you have to understand, like... That's what the Olympics does, Hunter. The Olympics will sell out to anyone. They would fucking sell a cocaine sponsor if they fucking could get enough money. That's true. Repeatable and standardized.
Starting point is 00:59:16 That's what's going to make it... Hold on. Oh, that's true. That's what I'm saying. Says the High Rocks guy. Says the High Rocks guy. I'm not saying what we do is any better than what you guys do,
Starting point is 00:59:24 but ours is measurable, repeatable,'s true that's going to be the yeah but it's in crossfit in crossfit this year the standards are completely fuck color you got to jump in there you got to like throw an elbow at it yeah yeah well i do i have things to say here so here's the thing i get what you're saying about the measure, like it being measurable standards. But I think it's clearly shown that it's a wildly entertaining sport, which means it's commercially marketable. Also, coming from America, which is a version of Greece, a version of ancient Greece, a version of ancient Rome, we're a country that has changed history forever. Rome, something, we're a country that has changed history forever. We could potentially usurp that entire competition, especially with our excellent ability to market things as a nation.
Starting point is 01:00:12 We're just better at that than anybody else in the world by a long shot. So I think that we have the potential and we have the economical swagger to usurp the Olympics. And I think that CrossFit and competitions like High Rocks and those types of things can do that because the Olympics is a very boring way of exercising and CrossFit and High Rocks are not at all. It's actually insanely entertaining. So I think CrossFit Open have been dropping every single year.
Starting point is 01:00:39 I think they had a spike just recently, but they've been dropping every single year since like 2017 or 2018. And then I know COVID hit. I know that sponsors have dropped. I think Olympics just had their worst year since 1352. Yep. Also.
Starting point is 01:00:53 Yeah, Olympics has been crashing too, though. They're not. They're not swapping off. I'm not saying it's specific to them. I just know more facts about CrossFit. So I don't know. What state were you born, Hunter? What state was I born in?
Starting point is 01:01:07 Yeah. Fucking Empire State, dude. New York City. God, you seem like a Canadian to me. That's not a compliment. Why would you say that? Just because. I just get some Canadian limit.
Starting point is 01:01:18 Like, think like, whoa, Canadian in you. Where were you? Not nice. It's not nice. I should be nicer to my guests. Where were you born? It's not nice. It's not nice. I should be nicer to my guests. Where were you born? I would. Oaktown, Oakland.
Starting point is 01:01:31 Oakland, California. I can see based on these comments why you're an aggressive person. These people are all just mean. They're shitty people. Hey, Hunter, easy. I'm not being mean. I'm not talking about the people in the comments. I'm enjoying your conversation. Otherwise, hold on. Can we just take a little break for a second? Hold on one second. Hold on. Hold on one second, guys. Hold on. Let me, let me just, let's, let's, let's get a, um, let's just do a little quick reset okay just a little quick
Starting point is 01:02:05 reset okay okay can you guys hear this i can't hear it oh sorry yeah i can hear you because there's two of them and then likes my top three favorite things in the world titties take up one and two because there's two of them and then chocolate milk here's a list of my top three favorite things in the world titties take up one and two because there's two of them and then chocolate milk here's a list of my top three favorite things in the world titties take up one and two because there's two of them and then chocolate milk oh okay what were we talking about what were we talking about i'm sorry i was distracted sorry what were we talking about? I'm sorry. I was distracted. Sorry. What are we talking about? Okay. God, she's so good. Isn't she incredible? Look at Hunter's rubbing one out real quick.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Okay. Oh, thank you, Christine. Thank you. Thank you. I just think going, I just think, so if I'm going back to your original point about not liking small minded people, I'm not calling Hunter small minded. He's a very ambitious man. But I do think that it's really important that people within the CrossFit community and people that are at HQ, that they think on this level. They think, hey, let's usurp the Olympics because we can. I think they definitely can.
Starting point is 01:03:19 People are not watching the Olympics, especially people that are millennials and younger. They just don't care at all. But they could definitely get involved with uh with with crossfit like i did like i just saw like a random i had some friends that told me about it who were like crazy paleoethic people way back in 2012 and then like a few years later i saw a documentary on matt frazier and then i was like oh i heard about it sounded ridiculous but then i watched a YouTube video and I was like, this is crazy. It was awesome. And by the way, I am not even part of a CrossFit gym.
Starting point is 01:03:50 I mean, I work out like a maniac, but I'm not in a CrossFit gym right now. I just really enjoy watching the sport. I'm getting ready to put on a in the next couple years here, a CrossFit Games-esque event at the ranch in Aromas with no drug testing.
Starting point is 01:04:06 Yes. Oh, yeah. Yes, and it's going to be fucking off the hook. You guys heard it here first. It's Wednesday, April 20th at 8.01 a.m. along the Pacific Ocean here in the North American continent. You're hearing Seba Matosin with Hunter McIntyre and some random dude calling in. There will be a fitness there will be we will find the fittest human being on the planet who will destroy the crossfit games champion and they no drug testing what is a human being capable of look at hunters already like well shit i'm going to my doctor this afternoon chicken nuggets
Starting point is 01:04:41 i know some of you think I'm joking. I'm not joking. The juice. Do you? Yes, yes, yes. Just whatever. Just whatever. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:51 All right. So here's the other thing then. Like Hunter, if you see Hunter's physique, a lot of people on the internet would look at Hunter and be like, he's juicing. Now, I don't think Hunter's juicing at all. I don't think Rich Froning juices. I think a lot of these guys don't juice. I think they're just genetically gifted and they train harder and they're smarter.
Starting point is 01:05:07 But how bad really is under medical supervision with regulation is enhancements. I actually think that they're leaving money on the table with that. I think that they should consider a degree of legalization of steroids in professional sports.
Starting point is 01:05:24 Now in the NFL, it is legal. They have three months where they don't test off-season at least. But that's if you go deep into playoffs, you still get three months out of the year. We're not tested at all. So everybody's like juicing like a maniac in the NFL.
Starting point is 01:05:40 But I think you can achieve a lot without it for sure. being said i i really think that they should uh just stop messing around and allow athletes to do some enhancements because they will perform better they'll be better off and they'll be more healthy and it'll preserve their bodies if it's done under medical supervision hey i don't think hunter looks like he's juicing just for the. I'm looking through some photos here. Hunter is ridiculously jacked, especially for a guy that is running the distance that he's running.
Starting point is 01:06:11 He used to be. That body's insane for a guy that can run that much. Insane. So, I don't know. I don't think he's juicing, but I'm just saying that's ridiculous. Look how small his titties are here. Go back up so we can get a size comparison of your guy's champion. Yeah, that was a great photo.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Where is it? This one? Oh, you're mean. You're a mean man, Mr. Hunter. He's probably one of the nicest crossfitters that I ever hung out with. I don't think i i i would be i don't think it's good personally i i wouldn't want to mess with my hormones i don't i don't yeah but if you're i think it's so much of who i am just my i i don't want i feel so stable
Starting point is 01:07:00 just be like fluid and natural any extra muscle tone will get between that. Say that again. One more time. You want your body to be fluid, natural next. Any extra muscle tone will get in the way of your, you know, your deep thoughts and your podcast.
Starting point is 01:07:15 You can't have that. I'm going to get fucking massive Caller thank you for calling I appreciate it Alright we'll see ya Alright bye Who's calling you now? Mr. Fields
Starting point is 01:07:33 Speak your mind What's up Hey uh How you doing What's up man I'm good Turn into the podcast I'm good
Starting point is 01:07:40 Hunter has a beautiful body And I was just Ogling it on the internet Alright dude Nice Um So I heard you guys talking About like I guess podcast i'm good hunter has a beautiful body and i was just ogling it on the internet all right nice um so i heard you guys talking about like i guess peds and like gear and steroids and crossfit yes um isn't it really obvious that basically every chick is on it no like when you look at their core and just like how thick their abs are especially like how square they are their caps or their delts are all capped
Starting point is 01:08:05 to me like when you look at tia clara to me it's like extremely obvious she's obviously on shit my my wife is crazy jacked and doesn't even work out that hard but she has a she has a pretty gnarly ice skating background and so specifically her calves are just ridiculous but also yeah no her shoulders and arms and i saw this video video one time of Brooke ends in a kitchen somewhere and she was cooking with her mom and she goes for all the people who've ever accused me of being on steroids. I want to show you something. And her mom's like this old lady and she goes, mom, pull up your sleeve. And her mom pulls up her sleeve and she flexes her arm and it fucking looked
Starting point is 01:08:39 like Brooke ends his arm. Now you're right. Maybe her mom's all juiced up too. Yeah. I mean, look at Hunter's winding up. Look at Hunter's winding up. He's getting, Hunter was totally on your bandwagon. He thinks fucking everyone and their mom is juiced to the gills. Well,
Starting point is 01:08:54 I mean, I'm in denial, but I, but I don't think so. You're definitely not. But like, I say Haley Adams, like to me,
Starting point is 01:09:07 the ones who look natural, the Kowski looks pretty natural. Haley Adams. To me, the ones who look natural, Fikowski looks pretty natural. Haley Adams looks natural. Wait, wait, wait. Did you say Fikowski looks natural? Yeah, he's not thick enough. He doesn't have that thickness. His delts aren't capped. What did you say, Hunter?
Starting point is 01:09:19 I said he's the leanest and most muscular. He's probably the heaviest and leanest person at the CrossFit Games. Yeah, 217 or something last year. I don't think Kowalski's on anything. How about this, though? How about this? Sorry, I didn't interrupt. Dave Castro, I saw him do double unders for fucking two minutes straight against,
Starting point is 01:09:38 this is back in 2010 in Tahoe, against 15 CrossFit Games athletes, Miko, Ridge, everyone's there. And he did, I think he won the double under challenge. The fucking dude, and he's an amazing fucking ruck runner he has no calves none my dick is thicker than his fucking calf whatever muscle that is and yeah castro's i mean i run i'm on field fucking field team six like castro was but my calves are like pretty average so i see what you're getting at his aren't even average his aren't even average nice nice definition baby his dave's aren't even average and so i just can't there be just a broad spectrum like of i mean and like look at when you look at chicks look at dan bailey when he was in high school bailey's on everything in the world bro i don't
Starting point is 01:10:21 give a fuck with you it's so obvious He has 18 inch or maybe even 19 inch biceps. Look at him in high school. Look at his high school pictures when he was running. Women that look like dudes are probably on shit. It is what it is. So I don't know. I just want to throw that in. Thank you for having me in. Yeah, I appreciate your
Starting point is 01:10:39 opinion. See you boys. Bye. Women who look, I like women who look like dudes. It allows me to experiment with my homosexual desires. Women who look like dudes. Oh, I just,
Starting point is 01:11:00 whenever I hear anyone accusing someone of being a steroid, I just think they're Jews to the gills. Just think they're Jews. Got it. I really like that girl. My body. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:14 Okay. How about this? How about this? Let's talk about this really quick. Are we going to look at what's going on? No, this is not as fun as that. We're going to look at this. This is a meme of Bill Gates, and it says,
Starting point is 01:11:29 the world is overpopulated. I want to save your life. And I thought it was so poignant here. I was tripping on this because this guy is like the big, I want to save your life. I want to save everyone's life in all these countries,
Starting point is 01:11:40 and I want to save the world from malaria and AIDS and from COVID. But he also is like a big proponent of the world being overpopulated yeah and and it's just it's interesting i i like the meme i think it's powerful it's basically saying that there's a contradiction and what he's saying which should make you nervous about taking injections from this guy meaning if he saved your lives it's going to continue to grow the population uh no right yes yes meaning why would the guy who's trying to save lives also be like the overpopulated guy i mean i get it i give him some wiggle room it's not just like just cut
Starting point is 01:12:17 and dry but it's um these mass diseases are meant to be kind of like a rake picking up the leaves that were supposed to be kind of pulled away. Wow. Did you just make that up on the fly? No, I've said it before. Oh, it's nice. It's, you know, or like the wind, like if those leaves that were supposed to fall off the tree and they're just kind of hanging on there, it takes a good gust of wind to push them off. takes a good gust of wind to push them off and it sounds really fucked up but you can't have so many people like the world just filled with mass disease and medical science pushing them forward
Starting point is 01:12:51 and holding like keeping them holding on a little bit longer then all of a sudden something like this that's obviously a little bit stronger than you know the normal cold it's supposed to you know supposed to kind of really knock those people out and it's just going to keep on happening as medical science gets better. And then all of a sudden, you know, the diseases that come along with it, they're going to get stronger and stronger and stronger. They're going to hit harder and harder and harder. Um, for people like you and I that really take care of ourselves, it's just going to be like a fucking shitty headache, some chills and all that kind of stuff, but's fucked up have you had covid maybe two or three times or maybe zero times did you did you ever have sex when you weren't covid no no i don't think so
Starting point is 01:13:35 i had this i got something that on christmas eve and it hit me i woke up the next morning and I was like oh fuck and then I went down to the couch curled up in a ball and then I watched the movie The Game with Michael Douglas and there was this scene where he shot his brother and I was so fucked up I was like the peak of my trip
Starting point is 01:13:59 I was like my body was going to explode you rolled off the couch I shed some man tears like like one squinted out to your game down my cheek i can't tell if it's because the movie or because of covid but that was my peak and then after that i was fine i um i i've been sick for about a month now but but i like this kind of sickness it's the um like the snipper cups it's it's the kind where you know where mucus just moves around really nice like you can cough big thick yellow
Starting point is 01:14:30 lugs oh you snore i love and it's kind of got like a nice taste to it like your boogers and like all my everything's moving around nicely you know i mean there's no like i'm totally congested but it's not a headache and it's like yesterday i yesterday did a hundred thrusters with a 30 pound dumbbell. Just one. I know you're going to think I'm a pussy, but I am so sore from that. I didn't put the dump. I didn't put the dumbbell down. I took a 30 pound dumbbell and I did five thrusters with this hand. And then on the top, I lowered with this hand straight, not stopping. And I am so sore today, but I do that shit. Like that's just a sick workout. What? That's a good workout. Thank you. that means a lot coming from you because i'm fitty or it's just a good workout it's just a good workout i think really like the next chapter of my life is going to be the kind
Starting point is 01:15:14 of thing where i walk into the gym and i'm gonna say hey i've got 45 minutes i'm gonna do as many bench press at my body weight as possible or as many pull-ups as possible or just do you know 100 dumbbell thrusters with a 50 pound, 35 pound, whatever the fuck it is for time. Well, I just, my, my, I didn't even do it for time, but my thing was is you can't put the dumbbell down. Well, yeah, that's still your constant movement. You're doing your thing. Yeah. I just started bench pressing again for the first time in,
Starting point is 01:15:39 I don't know how many years, but I started bench pressing again. Yeah. I really enjoy it. Yeah. It's the greatest movement since sliced bread. But I, but i still don't like to do i still like to be moving like i like to do i'll put like 135 i'll do 10 reps then i'll go over and i'll do 10 pull-ups and then i'll walk back over and do 10 bench and i'll just walk back and forth i still don't like to like i don't i don't i still don't want to like you don't want to have i don't want to have like yeah yeah i don't want to have an awesome do you take time off like will you bench and then sit around for two minutes and then to get like the proper rest when i was younger i just was like one of those people to just like grab the bar
Starting point is 01:16:14 like whenever i just got like expired i was like i just like couldn't help it and then all of a sudden once i started doing more reading and then once i got a couple really good strength coaches working with me um you just learn how rest makes a huge difference like I trained with in between sets oh shit sorry sorry Fikowski's calling sorry I apologize
Starting point is 01:16:36 you're more important than Fikowski but he doesn't call very often Brent hi juiced are you juiced or not juiced Brent well obviously not Brent, hi. Juiced? Are you juiced or not juiced, Brent? Well, obviously not. Crossfitters are vigorously tested, unlike some other athletes. So was that a shot at Hunter, Brent? Are you saying that you're fitter than crossfitters or fitter than other big,
Starting point is 01:16:59 like as a big man, you're more fit than Hunter McIntyre here? Well, I mean, first and foremost, how did you do at the CrossFit Games? Hunter, how did you do at the CrossFit Games? I did great. He did great. He did great, Brent. And I don't appreciate you calling from fucking China and attacking my guest. I know he looks
Starting point is 01:17:18 like he's from Canada, but he's not. Get fucked! Sorry, that came right off my chest. I couldn't help myself. Okay, Brent, your turn. Is there anything you'd like to say? And I do appreciate you calling. It does help the ratings on the show a lot. It does. Well, I'd like to start off by
Starting point is 01:17:34 saying sliced bread was invented in the early 1900s and the bench press has been along far longer. Oh, wow. Okay. I'd also like to say, is it true that there was a leak out of CrossFit HQ? Hard to believe it was slash super secrets.
Starting point is 01:17:57 Anyways, and there was a leaked email. Let me pull it up here a second. Between Greg and some marketing. Oh, excuse me, what? No, we're waiting on you, Brent. We're hanging on your every word. Go on, please. This is amazing.
Starting point is 01:18:14 It's between Greg and marketing, and it said, oh, here it is. Brent, someone thinks that you're actually Barack Obama. Why does Brent Fikowski sound like Obama? Go on, anyway. I didn sound like Obama? But go on. Anyway, I didn't mean to interrupt. Go on. Got to give a little flair to the Brent thing. Brent's kind of a, you know, he's like somebody high on Ambien all the time.
Starting point is 01:18:35 But so it said that they pulled Hunter in because they wanted to see how someone, They pulled Hunter in because they wanted to see how someone who's clearly on steroid does against a vigorously tested group of athletes. Ah, I see. So Hunter was the one who was juiced up. Hunter, okay. So all CrossFit athletes are natural, and Hunter was juiced up, and that was a test that Greg wanted to do to see if a juiced up Hunter could beat all the natural games athletes. This is Brent. I really appreciate you calling in with the leaked email. I know you're part of the FFAA, CCAA
Starting point is 01:19:12 fitness alliance that supports athletes, and I'm glad you're willing to call out Hunter on his... I'm curious to know what the noise... I haven't been listening to what he's been saying, but what's the noise in the background, dude? That guy kills cows for a living, and those are like live cows being ground up in a grinder i have one more thing one more thing for you uh i'm mr hunter oh here we go noise bro uh it's a hydraulic one more
Starting point is 01:19:37 thing mr hunter uh how's your uh training for the uh earning your spot across the game going? I'm not. Brent, you cannot call and be hostile to my guests. Yeah. Are the factory workers calling me on your fucking hotline just to heckle me? No, that was Brent Fikowski. He's got a side job. He works in a
Starting point is 01:20:00 slaughterhouse. Good for him. I'm so sorry, Hunter. You deserve better. If I look through all these comments, the majority of them are just mean people. You're a world record holder. This guy drove Hunter away. Yeah, no, Hunter's
Starting point is 01:20:18 got like... I don't know what he's doing over there. He goes over there to lube something every few minutes. Or maybe he has a model airplane over there and he's just laying coats of paint on it off to the side. I don't know what he's doing over there. He goes over there to lube something every few minutes. Or maybe he has a model airplane over there, and he's just laying coats of paint on it off to the side. I don't know what he's doing. I don't know. Hunter doesn't care about CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:20:34 Jew tube. Oh, Jew tube. I love good Jewish listeners. Thank you. Jew tube. You have a very heavily biased male listener and comment. I know. It sucks. What does that mean about you? You know what blows my mind? So our training company, we have like 10% female clients. We have almost no female clients. Our supplement company, the majority of the buyers are females,
Starting point is 01:20:58 which blew my mind. I was actually pretty excited that girls were actually interested in some of the stuff that I was doing. What does it mean about you and the content that you're producing that girls just don't care to listen? Are you going to respond? No, I don't want to, I don't want, I don't like my guesses. All of these dudes want to just lay naked with me and run their fingers through my beard. I totally get it. I know what's going on. That's good shit. I totally get it. And I'm okay with it.
Starting point is 01:21:30 If it's what I have to do, it's what I have to do. Hey, there was a lady. I'm trying to find the article. You have a community, dude. That's awesome. Even if it's all dudes. Yeah, it's good. I like it.
Starting point is 01:21:43 I don't know. Do I have it? Is there a community? Look at Rachel Kenny. Look at it. I'm at i'm pretty most girls suck oh there we go at least the good ones do um i'm pretty impressed every time i do this people that i don't even know listen to stuff anything contact me and they're like dude i just heard you on the savant show i'm like you i don't you don't even have ears like you're listening mike anderson from yes yes good dude good dude yes the other day he was like i was on the savant podcast i was like wow and he's a great dude i'll look at
Starting point is 01:22:21 another redhead elisa mcguire maybe that's the girl i've been showing videos of that would be solid if your number one female fan was the girl that you've been looking at all the time god that would be amazing uh mark great comment mark and that's why this will probably be the hunter's last visit to the show he is not a biologist and he keeps swinging his dick around like he is one and you know what like um these sideways like comments are just harsh look at you just sifted the bottom of the lake for all the women they're like oh what are you talking about yeah right here yeah right here listen up so what does the rest of your day consist of just so i'm clear i'm going to as soon as soon as honestly soon as i get off here i'm going to uh get dressed well i am dressed i'm going to put on some actually
Starting point is 01:23:12 i don't even know if i'll put on shoes because i'm at the beach i'll walk those are bar right down on the beach and i'll go have a bloody mary really yeah and normally like and that's way off off like i don't i would consider myself a non drinker, but I will go straight and have a bloody Mary at this bar. That's right on the beach. Then I will come back to the house and I'll get the kid. It'll be, it's in the morning here. It's early here. It'll be eight 30. We'll get off in 10 minutes, be eight 30.
Starting point is 01:23:35 I'll drink my first bloody Mary of the day. Then I'll get the kids and I'll walk two miles with them and skate along the boardwalk because the boardwalk is empty because it's Tuesday or Wednesday. Right. And they'll skateboard. No, no, no, no no no good kids go to school no kids no my kids will never ever ever go to school they're doing school right now they do something called kumon cool and and it's what japanese kids do enough said enough said japanese culture right here in southern california we're living and and uh so they'll do kumon and then and then out from there they'll skateboard and i'll walk with them and i'll
Starting point is 01:24:09 pretend not to look at like people riding by me dudes with good bodies and girls in bikinis like doing you know what i mean the socal trust fund fucking smoke show that's around here and then um and then i'll come back and i'll get another Bloody Mary. And then I'll come back to the house. And by then, it'll probably be like 10, 30, or 11. And I'll have a good buzz on. And I'll do some sort of workout. And the benefactor yesterday dropped off two 30-pound dumbbells. So I feel obligated to use them.
Starting point is 01:24:36 So I was thinking about actually doing five burpees. And then with the 35-pound dumbbells, doing 10 curl presses or something some man maker type stuff you 20 rounds 20 rounds so i end up doing 100 burpees yeah but with some bicep and then i'll go to and then i'll go back and get another bloody mary and then i'll go to the beach and hang out all day that's it it's a life have you have you did you uh go to chalk yet have you been to chalk yet no that's a ryan fisher's place yeah you should check that out it's a good space i'm not really no i mean i like ryan fisher and i want to do it but like i'm i'm one i'm too scared but two like i don't want to get
Starting point is 01:25:17 in my car i'm just chilling here and the whole time i'll be on my phone talking to people like so as soon as we get off here so there'll be two things going on then i'll call like matt sousa the producer the executive producer of the show and i'll be like hey dude you're an asshole for not running the back end how was hunter a shit guest should we have him on again and we're like we'll talk a little business what's our next sponsor look like yes and then i'll be and then i'll be constantly like going through my dms looking for stuff that people think that i should have on the show so that's going oh that's going on also yeah look sousa was just here suza the routine's gotten so much tighter since you left i liked having you here and i miss you but there's it's
Starting point is 01:25:51 gotten so much tighter so much so you you should come back you have an actual like some diehards because that person is straight up listening and responding in the moment who suza oh that's the executive producer he should be on he should be in the background right Oh, Susa. Oh, that's the executive producer. He should be on. He should be in the background right now running the show. The reason why this show is so fucked up is because I have to be, um, pulling up clips at the same time I'm talking to you.
Starting point is 01:26:16 Oh, this is just fucking ridiculous. You want me to, you want to do, should I bash this person right now? Yeah. Get them good. Okay. Let's look at this. Oh shit. it oh no here it is here it is okay here we go i feel like hot trash you do you look good
Starting point is 01:26:35 thanks thanks needed that hey this is uh this is probably the most callers we've had for a live calling show. And I'm going to credit Hunter McIntyre, the Renaissance man for, for that activation on the crowd. How can I help you do this? And you're, and you're calling from work, which is really fucked up. Hunter, how's it going?
Starting point is 01:27:00 How are you? How are you? Big admire that jawline. Thank you. You too. This thing's razor Ramone right here. Hey, so I was wrong,
Starting point is 01:27:12 Hunter. I said they want to run my fingers through my collars. My listeners want to run their fingers to my beard. He wants, this guy wants to run it through your pubes. There we go, dude. I actually just trimmed those things down for the race this weekend.
Starting point is 01:27:22 You know, you got nothing. I mean, how could I not look, look at the guy's assessment he is thank you thank you is hunter done with crossfit for now i think i'm done with almost everything i've uh tested all balance and now i kind of just want to go on an adventure i like this stuff more i can wake up in the morning chat for a bit this is more conducive to my mind and my lifestyle and then go do a little workout do some work all that kind of stuff definitely having a
Starting point is 01:27:50 lot more fun doing this my knees don't hurt my back it'd be nice if we could somehow do like a pay-per-view maybe revisit that feud between you and uh patowski oh i mean he and I actually are friends now. Every once in a while, we'll just hit each other up and chat. There's no more beef there. This weekend, if you want to see teeth getting knocked into the fucking sand, watch your boy. Supposedly, there's this little muscle
Starting point is 01:28:17 hobbit that I'm going to fuck up this weekend. Hey, careful, careful. Sorry, sorry. I used to be... Who's the muscle hobbit i think that's actually a compliment i think it's actually i'm gonna take it as a compliment he started beef with me it's gonna be a great weekend there's gonna be you know tears of the sun if you know what i mean shit's gonna be intense
Starting point is 01:28:40 if you want to see me go i i got one, I have one last question, I guess. Yeah. Go for it. Did you ever do the broken skull ranch where, um, there was a physical portion, right? What it was, there were a little, there were a bunch of obstacles. I think you, I remember seeing you do like the endurance portion, but wasn't there like a physical, like you would, you would wrestle or fight over like in like an octagon do you ever partake in that i did it all three seasons so you so you actually did the physical portion where you're like
Starting point is 01:29:15 pretty much wrestling your the person you're competing with outside of like that sand pit right yeah i had to wrestle i had to do strongman contests we had to do it all three seasons so there was nothing that you didn't do right hunter that's what he's asking he said he did the whole thing and you and you were the best ever at that too right you destroyed the great tommy hackenbrook at it tommy hack went down tommy's a good friend of mine too now uh yeah dude every single time you obviously have the endurance i just i want to see the physical piece that's cool i'm gonna have to go back and watch that he's soft he doesn't have the physical piece he faked it what he would do is and he got busted for it and that's what canceled
Starting point is 01:29:52 the show hunter would rub himself down with vaseline so no one could grab him and that made the whole show um that was like the scandal over there it Brokeback Mountain. My nickname is Boxing Cat. Hey, anything for viewers, right? Yeah. Hey, seriously though, are you making fun of him? How could you not think he would be good at the physical? He's a fucking hoss. He was 217 at the CrossFit Games, he said. That's as big as they come.
Starting point is 01:30:19 I mean, a lot of the people you see in the UFC, they don't look like Hunter. I mean, he's got the abs, he's got the look, but. And he's got a huge ass too. He's got a huge ass. But is he tough? But is he physically tough? He is. He's a fucking drug addict. He's a refined drug addict. Yes. He bounces. He bounces.
Starting point is 01:30:37 It's all on episode. It's recorded three fucking seasons of it. You're asking questions. I can just fucking let you watch. Hey, don't ruin the show, Hunter hunter you don't be rude to my i'm sorry i'm sorry i guess he thinks he can be rude because i'm jumping down your throat three years in a row undefeated he's like is he tough yeah hey he's tough he bounced it in the beginning of the show he told us he was he was coming down off a coke bender and he bounced his face off a urinal and that's actually how he got covid and his first and his first taste of semen in those bathrooms in miami i wasn't trying to be hostile it literally you could watch every single episode it was we did it for three seasons where i had to go through the pit through the strongman thing to
Starting point is 01:31:18 the broken uh to the skull buster one two did you lose the wrestling match at the spartan games yeah i lost this season i went to finals and went up against a guy who was a really good wrestler wait i don't are you allowed to say that yeah it's all out the the last episode for the whole show comes out tomorrow it's a terrible show it is it's so bad like i would promote it on here if it wasn't bad because it would make me look good but it is so poorly done that it is like you took hundreds of thousands of dollars and you basically just threw it in a trash and then put gasoline on it and lit it on fire. You just ruined it.
Starting point is 01:31:56 What's that? They sent it to you. Sent it to me. No, I didn't really get paid that much money, dude. I think I got paid $5,000, $7,000 for that thing. It was like, it was insignificant. I heard you did. I heard you were awesome. I can't remember which CrossFitter there. Someone told me that one of the athletes who was in it said you were dope. Christian. Christian was my roommate. We had a freaking Christian who Harris. Oh yeah. Maybe it was him. Okay. Okay. Okay. Christian was such a cool guy. I feel bad. Christian Harris is the strongest dude on the planet.
Starting point is 01:32:26 And the way that they did the programming, they basically beat the shit out of him all weekend long before you got to the events that could have tested him. Just the programming was, they should have done every other, like endurance, strength, endurance, strength. So the programming sucked, everything. I wish I watched Christian be able to have the ability where they showed
Starting point is 01:32:46 his power because that dude could probably power clean like close to 400 pounds. Oh yeah. He's a freak. Yeah. So he was such a stud, like watching him compete and everything. I was like, man, they're just, I don't know. It'd be like taking. There's no, there's no other like competition competition down on the horizon for you where you can test on TV and maybe win some major cash? No, dude. He should do porn.
Starting point is 01:33:14 Hunter should do porn. You got the look, you got the athleticism. He lives in the porn capital of the United States. He should do porn. Caller, thank you for getting to the bottom of that, and we'll send you some money for giving Hunter career advice. You're not allowed to call twice in one show.
Starting point is 01:33:32 What can you possibly need? Sorry, Siobhan, I have to because I'm a big Hunter fan, and I just wanted to continue the rant on how bad Spartan Games is and just how bad their media is. And I'm not trying to be like all negative and shit. It's unbearably bad. Like, I was super excited to watch it. Why?
Starting point is 01:33:51 Do you think the people making it don't care? Like, why do you think it's so bad? They have no clue what they're doing. The Buttery Bros apparently set up and did like the production and everything. And it's so fucking bad. It honestly blows my mind. Like, even because I do music. The Buttery Bros were there filming their own independent thing.
Starting point is 01:34:08 And the Buttery Bros should have taken it on because the Buttery Bros do a good job. Did you make the documentaries? Yes, I was. I produced the documentaries. Heber and Margin were the tour de force behind them. They were the directors. They did the majority of de force behind them they were the directors they did the majority of the filming they're they're fucking hard-working dudes dude you guys such incredible content i mean storyline and the arc of it all and the characters and highlighting
Starting point is 01:34:37 the significance of the workout it all was understandable for even people like if i sat my dad on the couch who knows nothing about crossfit he would understand the the spartan games there's there's no there's there's no continuation of a storyline it's always shifting around this asshole david watson is is like trying to be the next steve irwin and uh who here's that is that one is that one of the athletes no he's he's he's he's a fucking idiot i don't even know what he does for the company he is supposedly the director he makes it look bad he just makes it look so bad oh so there's a host of the show like maybe like the bachelor would have yes yes and he is embarrassing as the bachelor like you know you know he just doesn't really know how to get the sport um off the ground and doesn't know how to tell the story of what's going on so imagine in the middle uh
Starting point is 01:35:31 continue on or sorry no no i'm done uh savannah i'm just gonna say imagine in the middle of the fucking crossfit games imagine they just started changing the rules and imagine like dude hunter wanted to go back and look at film and they simply didn't let him look back and go on like go back and look at film because and they simply didn't let him go back and look at film because they knew it would make them look bad, and they knew he was right. But do they show that? That's good drama for the show. Do they show that in the show?
Starting point is 01:35:53 In season one, they did. Like, it would be good drama to see Joe and Hunter fighting and Joe being like, you know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. You just convinced me it's good. Both it's you just convinced me it's good you guys just convinced me it's good well it's not it's like it's it's super unprofessional like savants as someone since you're in a production um i'm assuming um like even as a watcher the
Starting point is 01:36:18 fucking audio levels will go from super quiet to super loud like no transitions it's just very odd hey um speaking of which my kids watch a lot of movies um on friday and saturday nights and who does the audio for movies um usually just like sound engineers and sound designers i i do sound design myself it's so bad it's so it's not well they need to do it using a tv set and not headphones and not monitors all the disney movies are completely fucked the music's so loud but then the voices are so soft so like you're always going into the room where the kids are and like turning it up or turning it down turning it up or turned down even even the last bond movie was unwatchable i watched an hour of it and had turned off because the audio levels were all over the fucking place
Starting point is 01:37:03 so something that like a really good music producer will do is they will in the studio like kanye even did this um in the studio you know you listen you listen on your monitors and all that shit but you always test out like the final master in your car because that's how people are going to listen to it or even like on it's realistic i like that thank you guys for having me on again sorry for being annoying everyone on the show is annoying of course love you
Starting point is 01:37:33 it was nice talking to you again call back anytime I was just joking about not being a limit of how many times you call in it's so skewed to Spartan athletes it's not a test of true fitness Patrick Clark Adam Blakeslee it's so skewed to Spartan athletes. It's not a test of true fitness. Patrick Clark, Adam Blakeslee,
Starting point is 01:37:51 seven on every mayhem and buttery bro video is like that with the music and voices. Thank you, Adam. Crisp. Ah, Christine. Why? It's so bad.
Starting point is 01:37:59 It's good. Okay, guys, we made it 96 minutes. Um, this was this was a uh you guys didn't know this but this was a job interview to hunter um this is the i invited him to come on the show too after he complained that i don't invite him to come on the show i invited him on two times and he blew me off then the third time he came down on he had a mental breakdown and then now this is the fourth time and so um feel free to go i don't actually
Starting point is 01:38:26 ask you guys normally to go into the youtube comments i don't think i ever have after 400 shows or however many i've done but please go into the youtube comments and rate hunter's performance uh f being um horrible and a being um acceptable you just you just want to just put your head up inside of his sweaty shirt um and and drink the nectar from between his breasts all right love you guys peace oh go buy a t-shirt a ceo t-shirt while they're in stock they're not gonna be in stock for long we're gonna switch to the next ones you hear me you want one they're dope i only have one yeah i'm gonna i need do need to send you one they're dope they're so gangster oh wait oh uh dylan vowel one of our listeners is fighting on may 6th i got to
Starting point is 01:39:11 get dylan on the show dylan don't let that slip through the cracks i'm on vacation and i'm drinking so my brain isn't like functioning but i can't let you slip through the cracks i got to have you on uh and he is um dylan vowel one of our listeners is fighting on May 6th. I had some other notes here. Shirts, Dylan Val. Okay. And all right. Thank you, Hunter. Good seeing you.

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