The Sevan Podcast - #378 - An0moly (@Dreamrare)

Episode Date: April 22, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:59 Conditions apply. See in-store for details. My internet connection looks bad are you on the right one that's not a good sign i have one dot that's not good oh shit my internet looks really bad are you are you on the right one though remember there's two my internet looks fucked up hey uh should i be on ocean front or spectrum setup 28 spectrum setup 28 yeah oh really man my internet's bad bam we're live do i look chunky yeah the greatest news source on the internet today. My internet's fucked up. Good morning, Anomaly. Hey, how are you? Good morning.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Dude, can you believe it? Can you believe it? Hey, seriously. Can you hear me? Anomaly, can you hear me? Or is my connection all jacked up? I can hear you good. And it just got clearer, too. So it looks good. Do I it just got clear too so looks good do i look good do i look like i'm 25 or do i look like i'm 50 23 you look 23 oh good yeah this is dope unless you want to look 25 whatever you know
Starting point is 00:02:15 hey um uh first off as i walk by my wife she said to tell uh dream rare what's up oh thank you tell her i said hi 380 guests she's never said that about a single guest you picked a winner then she's got good taste in in news now i'm just kidding when she met me i had long hair i'm tripping i'm tripping uh you are the most reliable there are some amazing people um that we have access to today i just want to start with the great james o'keefe i like like dude um put build a little statue on president lincoln's lap on the memorial of james oKeefe. But what you are doing, you are the only reliable news source, broad news source available to me today that I know of. And there's great people out there, but they're not as concise as you. They're not as frequent as you, and they're not as topical as you.
Starting point is 00:03:22 And I have to assume that you have ideas that are way off the fucking outer space that you suppress and you don't share. You just keep it logical and real. I try. Yeah, I guess when you have a bigger – I mean I try to say what I think, but definitely you got to think a little bit more. And also there's millions of things going on every day, so I guess that's kind of part of it. I appreciate the compliments. Thank you. It's an observation. It's not even a compliment. It's just an observation. It's not even a compliment. A compliment would be like, damn, you got nice hair. I'm not even saying any subjective shit. Yeah, it's nuts with I'm sure you see it, too, when you log in and there's all information on
Starting point is 00:04:02 Twitter, Instagram, wherever you're on. And it's a lot to intake. And there's usually something everyone's talking about. So I try to think about that too, is cover current events, but also not to get sucked into certain things. So say like with Trump and Russia collusion, no matter what side of the debate you were on, people just talked about it for three years. And as somebody interested in psychology, what's the psychology? We're not talking about building things and working together. We're talking about this narrative for three years. And as somebody interested in psychology, what's the psychology? We're not talking about building things and working together. We're talking about this narrative for three years straight that now no one even thinks about. So it's like, what a waste of time as well. I try to work in things that I think are important because sometimes it just feels like we're just arguing. And, you know, there's especially with all the technology we
Starting point is 00:04:40 have, there's got to be like a better thing we could do to to to make the country better or whatever yeah we uh by the way this is the executive producer is uh matt souza he's down below what's up matt hey what's up man you're in um los angeles anomaly uh orange county now actually yeah i'm in uh i'm in newport not normally but I am this week for two weeks. Okay, yeah, I'll hit you up on Instagram after this. Are you close to me? Are we close physically? Yeah, absolutely. Wow, Tripp.
Starting point is 00:05:11 No, I'm right. Go ahead. Look out your window. No, I'm just kidding. No, I'm just kidding. I'm homeless, dude. Yeah, I've been grifting the whole time just trying to see if, you know. Do you have a, I know this is awfully private what I'm about to ask you, know do you have a um i know this is uh awfully private what i'm
Starting point is 00:05:25 about to ask you but do you have a benefactor like somebody uh like like giving money or something yeah like if i was a big baller liberal and for the last three years i saw what happened to my party i would be like oh fuck i'm jumping ship and i'm and i'm using this i'm gonna back this dude with some fat yeah no not at all no i have. I have a, I have a Patreon account. Um, you know, I have like, people can donate stars or like, you know, badges and, you know, stuff like that. But no, I don't have any big, big backing, like super pack. None of that. It's a hundred percent independent. It's great. How could you not? I don't know. I mean, I mean, there are, I know there are people in positions that are like, hey, I like your stuff, but no one's reached out. I don't I don't really go to like donor meetings. I don't consider myself in politics.
Starting point is 00:06:11 I just kind of talk about it. So maybe if you want that type of money, there's a different game you got to play. You know, and I don't know. There could be there's got to be some benevolent dude out there who would just be like, hey, this guy's the real deal. And I'm just going to cut him a check for 10 grand a month. And just, you know, you don't have one of those. No, I wish definitely people have like donated on Patreon and said, Hey, like, you know, I like what you're doing, but there's not 10 grand a month from somebody just, just to talk. I mean, at the same time, it's not just talking what you're doing, if they would want to control me or, or if they would just, you know, I guess if they just said, hey, I like what you do and did it through like normal, normal ways.
Starting point is 00:06:50 I for sure would be grateful. But no one's done that. Fascinating. As I dug into you today, I had no idea that you were a rapper. I had no clue. To me, you're just some guy and I just on Instagram and I'm like, wow, this is this guy's just keeping me up to speed. And and you allow people. And I hate to say there's tons of tons of people out there who are intellectually lazy. Right. So they hear like I was just looking up the the lady who the 33 year old lady who's the judge in Florida who just put a halt to the mask mandates.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Right. The federal judge in Florida. And I was reading what she was saying, or I was reading the article on CNN about her. And they were saying that she is, she has a racist past because she was concerned about someone's citizenship status. And when I used to be intellectually lazy and I was a liberal, I would think, oh yeah, that is racist. Now that I'm not intellectually lazy, I think, was a liberal i would think oh yeah that is racist right now that i'm not intellectually lazy i think wait a second why does being concerned about someone's immigration status make them racist that's an enormous leap right but but what i really like about you is the people who are intellectually lazy who aren't going to change you're a safe place to land at least for now until like till pfizer gets you till goat gets you i try to you know i i try to think because there's a lot of heat on both sides
Starting point is 00:08:13 i think the left has lost a lot of people because they they used to be so like hey like we don't care what you think now it's almost like we absolutely care what you think and you better line up exactly with us and it's creepy but even the right, there's a lot of people that are just nasty sometimes where I'm always thinking to myself, I mean, if someone's like breaking into your house, then, yeah, you know, you got to do what you got to do. But when you're talking about politics, if you're trying to actually get through to people, you have to have compassion. And the irony is, I don't know if this is ironic but you know some people were just left wing a year or two ago which but then now they're like treating people
Starting point is 00:08:49 like garbage I guess like as if they never know what it was like to be 21 or how they felt a few years ago so I always try to think about it somewhat rationally as like first of all how can I prove my point and I'm not one of these people I'm sure you see like I don't just like ramble and say things that I'm not really quite sure. I guess I do ramble a lot, but, you know, I'm trying to make an argument of like, this is what, here's where I'm getting the information. Here's why I think what I think, and then show it as to make it as clear as possible, because I guess that's what I would want to see when I watch somebody who says, you know, they say something, I go right to Google, not that I completely trust it, but I'm looking for like, where did they find this? And, you know, trying to find both sides
Starting point is 00:09:28 of that argument. So instead of making people go search for that, if they are, you know, curious, I try to put it all on the screen and just make it as easy as possible. And also, I guess, you know, I'm not, I don't, I'm not like a nasty person. So as far as, you know, people being wrong about stuff, as long as they're not like psycho and angry about it, like unfortunately a lot of journalists today, it is what it is to me. I don't really care that much. I don't know what a lot of people like to call it critical thinking. I was referencing as intellectually lazy. But the good thing about Google is this.
Starting point is 00:10:01 They'll say there were 12 people on the bus and 37 people were killed on the bus. And then you can be like, wait, if you can think you'll be like, wait a second, that math doesn't make sense. How did 37 people die on the bus if there were 12 on the bus? And that's the same thing. That's, that's finally one of the reasons why I jumped off the, uh, one of the things that finally got me to jump off of being a liberal was the constant attacks of Trump. And then I would search them and I couldn't find them. So like the racism towards Mexicans or specifically about crossing the border, um, I was, or, or the January six riots, I went back and I use all liberal sources. I used all CNN, ABC news, and I go back and I read the transcripts and I'm like, where is he
Starting point is 00:10:39 inciting violence? Or if I think what they did, and then I just do relativity. I compare what they did to Ferguson where they lit police departments on fire with police officers inside and did 760 million dollars damage versus um what they did at the capitol which was 30 million dollars damage no fire and the vast majority of the videos i've seen the vast majority are just like just like shit i would have done in college me and my buddies buddies would have just been gone in there and smoking joint or something. You know what I mean? Just fooled around. And on the, on the, the Capitol thing too, it's wild.
Starting point is 00:11:10 And in Ukraine, there's something, I think it was in 2014, they call it the revolution of dignity. Like it was this amazing thing. Maybe it was, I don't know. I don't really live there. I only have outside perspective, but 80 to like 120 people were killed. Dozens of police, like, like almost a hundred citizens dozens of police like like almost 100 citizens you know like like a real insurrection it literally happened and the media likes that you don't know
Starting point is 00:11:33 so it's like yeah the hypocrisy that they're always doing there's this journalist now i won't name her because she'll probably cry and say it's hate speech or something but she's saying she's depressed and suicidal which is terrible and i feel I feel horrible for it. Is this the Washington Post one? Yeah. And then she's going in like doxing some lady for running a Twitter account. So just like the hypocrisy of being like, I don't want this to happen to me, but then I'm going to do it to somebody else. And then I'm going to act shocked that it happened to me. Like it's, it's not even politics anymore. It's just like basic humanity. And it's, these people have no like self-awareness and self-accountability to the point where it's, it's almost like
Starting point is 00:12:10 funny at this point and fascinating that it's like, you know, it's like this friend that of course you're going to be depressed because you're, you're bad ass crazy, you know, and you have zero self-awareness. It's wild. You come home. You think your wife's out of town. You come home with your mistress and your wife's banging some dude on the couch and you get mad at her. But you got your mistress, your arm around your mistress. It's like, what are you doing? Yeah. Wait, what?
Starting point is 00:12:35 Hey, what is it? What is that? What is the definition of doxing? What is that? I guess it could be construed by different people, but really putting someone's private information to the public. So someone consider posting someone's address, you know, someone consider posting their full name, like if they're an anonymous account, just putting them on blast where now people can search. Yeah. So either posting someone's address or posting their like full information that it may be work information like, hey, this is this person. She works there when they run an
Starting point is 00:13:05 anonymous account or they're not trying to have their private information to the public what about um what about big picture stuff um i voted for obama but there was something he did one time and i wasn't a huge fan of police but there was something he did i can't remember the exact words but he did something once that basically i hear an echo does anyone have a youtube open no i don't hear it but i could i could turn my volume down a little i don't think But he did something once that basically I hear an echo. Does anyone have a YouTube open? I don't hear it, but I could I could turn my volume down a little. I don't think it's you. He said something bad about police that kind of like turned the whole country against police.
Starting point is 00:13:44 And then and then and then a week or two later, two police officers were killed in Texas while sitting in their car. Is that a form of doxing or does it have to be really specific? It has to be specific. And I guess, you know, it's a fine line because on one hand, you know, now you found out I'm a hip hop artist. Like NWA, like NWA saying, sing and fuck the police. Is that doxing? Exactly. There's been an anti- rhetoric in in in culture.
Starting point is 00:14:05 And then it made its way into politics because that's kind of how it works. You know, politicians, they don't want to lose the you know, I'm not going to say white vote, but I guess like 80s, 90s, you know, like adult vote. But now the kids are the adults and they like they think after the police. So now those after the police kids growing up on that culture, you know, are politicians. So but yeah, I wouldn't I wouldn't say that's doxing. I guess you could say that's like inciting, but that's a slippery slope too. Cause then they could say anything you say or Trump says, or anybody, you know, your opinion about something.
Starting point is 00:14:37 And then someone does something crazy, they could pit it on you. So yeah, there's the word you could read it, man. It is that, that is some pretty slimy shit to give someone's address. What would be your intention? What would be my intention for giving Anomaly's address? Right, yeah. So that people send him gifts? There's another thing called swatting, which is also super messed up.
Starting point is 00:15:04 You know, it happens to a lot of people online that that do like controversial stuff. But it's when you like call the SWAT team and say that there's some sort of threat at your house. So they pull up with guns like as if there's some sort of murder going on. But there's not which that's crazy illegal. I mean, I think doxing can be illegal as well. But like that, you know, people could get really hurt in that. So these are like these are definitely forms of, you know, just the evils of, I guess, anything where people take it so far and they want to, you know, hurt people or, you know, put them on blast. Did you see the there was a I think she was she was some sort of medical professional Asian lady. I had a link to it, and what's funny is –
Starting point is 00:15:47 Nana Nguyen maybe from CNN? No, no. She's a medical professional, and she gave someone a – this is recently. On her badge, she had her pronouns. And one of the people she was giving a shot to made fun of her. Like, oh, you're she, her. Thanks for letting me know and so she per she tweeted that she she purposely pricked him in the wrong spot and missed the vein have you seen that no but i is that true she tweeted it dude she tweeted it could she go to jail for that
Starting point is 00:16:19 she tweeted that well um and you know what i think maybe she's a whatever they're called when they're baby doctors when they're doing their internship okay i would think you could almost get sued for that and go to i mean that's like purposely trying to hurt somebody i don't know i mean especially with those type of injuries some of them are not from just the product but it's just the placement you know that i know people that have their arm paralyzed from a shot because you know maybe it was you know i don't they might have got the wrong spot or something like that's it's a pretty evil thing to do that's like i messed up the surgery because he voted for trump or something you're like uh you're going to jail the irony is is that she wears that badge to not hurt people's feelings
Starting point is 00:17:08 is is that she wears that badge to not hurt people's feelings supposedly to make them feel welcome but when someone doesn't toe her line she hurts them it's it's it's fascinating yeah i mean these people are clearly like hypocritical and you know with all that stuff i always i bring up freddie mercury because i think of him as like a super talent when it comes to music but it's like if he just stood in downtown Los Angeles and was like screaming I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay nobody would have liked him you know because it's just like annoying but instead he just kind of like made a product that people enjoyed and was a personality people enjoyed so you know he lived a great life so I don't know people are so self-righteous nowadays you know regardless of what gender you are you think you are like just get over yourself you
Starting point is 00:17:49 know i don't know i have long hair if someone calls me a woman one time i could get mad and defend myself but it's like do i should i wear a badge you know like it's it's just like so self-righteous it's not it's not as nice as they think it is oh there that's that's easy for you to say uh mr dreamwear that's because you don't deal with the struggles of a woke north carolina medical student put on leave after tweeting about deliberately injuring a patient for mocking her pronoun badge but she didn't intend to harm the man dude you should see the tweet can we see the tweet the tweets i didn't intend to harm is man. Dude, you should see the tweet. Can we see the tweet? The tweet's like. Yeah, didn't intend to harm is what you say when you're trying to not go to prison.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Because, you know, I mean, that's like, there could be a serious mess up with that. You know, probably trying to stay out of jail time. Yeah, someone writes here in the note. Oh, I can't click. Shit doesn't. Oh, there, my signal. I can't click anything on the bottom. Oh, here we go. The person was trying to start an IV or draw blood and missed a vein on purpose. Hey, do you have, do you have favorite software you use? Um,
Starting point is 00:19:01 Oh, here we go. Uh, K Dell. I had it by the way, she lives at three33 mississippi avenue in los angeles if anyone wants to go to her house and give her a hug i had a patient i was doing a blood draw on to see i had a patient i was doing a blood draw on see my pronoun pin and loudly laughed to the staff she her well of course it is what other pronouns even are there i missed his vein so he had to get stuck twice okay so maybe she didn't do it on purpose uh yeah i don't know it's we don't want to read into anything maybe she did it because he was black let's leave some doors open i don't yeah they're they're being filled with such like rage and rage and
Starting point is 00:19:46 emotion so being emotional you know even if you're like a warrior or something like if you're a boxer you can't be emotional you'll lose you have you have to be calm you don't see boxers getting too angry because if you did you lose same with any sport you get a technical year so there's really no uh especially and i mean the field, you can't be, but I mean, these people, they feel so self-righteous, they hate. I mean, this is years ago, but I remember I went on a date with somebody in LA and, you know, I didn't really like her that much anyway, so it didn't matter. But, you know, I think she asked me about Trump and I said, you know, I think the media is exaggerating about him. And I think he's not as bad as they're saying.
Starting point is 00:20:27 That's all I said. And she was like, I don't think this is going to work out. It wasn't anyway. But I'm like, this is crazy how intolerant I didn't say I voted for him, which in my opinion, I have the right to. But I just said he's not as bad as the media said, which is pretty much just factual. They act like he's the return of, you know, Hitler, like a thousand times over. So that was enough to like, I'm like, God forbid I actually told her the truth. Like she'd probably freak out and want to punch me or something. I don't know. That's the difference between men and women. Isn't it fascinating? Someone could tell you that they've worked on Hillary's campaign for the last 20 years and they love Hillary to death. And, um, and they believe that, uh, um, that all white
Starting point is 00:21:06 people should have to do 75 years of slavery, but if she's got a good body, you'll keep dating her. I think there's a chance. You're like, right, right, right. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Is that you on Insta right there still though? Can I see your vagina? I mean. Maybe you should have made it. Let's wait till after I have sex with her. Hey, that's a good, for anyone listening, that explains men.
Starting point is 00:21:25 We are, we are, we are more focused than you women. You are all scatterbrained. We are extremely focused and disciplined. We stay on target. I like to kind of get to where people are at. Cause like, if they say they vote left, like I was talking to someone and they, you know, I just want to hear why they feel that way. And you know, it's like, I, even if I wasn't interested in them, you know, and I didn't
Starting point is 00:21:43 want to like hang out with them anymore or do anything like I wouldn't treat them like garbage. I don't know. Maybe I'm just what they pretend to be. I'm actually a nice person. But, you know, it's like they could literally be like, I voted Hillary. I'm this and that. I'm just I'm kind of like fascinated at this point, you know, so I'm like, tell me, like, why do you feel this way? A lot of times that I'm not trying to be rude. I'm not saying like everybody on the right is perfect. Everyone on the left is mentally ill. But a lot of times you do see that they're like wildly depressed and wildly lost. And then especially like if they're younger, like in their 20s, I kind of feel bad, you know, where I'm like, I'm not going to just make fun of this. I'm like, I feel bad that this girl's lost in L.A., you know, and and it's like depressed and doesn't have a good surrounding group.
Starting point is 00:22:23 So I just I don't even like make fun of them. I, I, I, I love, you just feel really bad. Um, like, how can I help you? Do you know? All of the, all any, all the kids, parents, and once again, there's a lot of crazy kids on both on all over the political spectrum, but all the kids who have progressive parents end up being crazy kids. It is, it is the source of anxiety and mental illness, because if you don't have boundaries for your kids, they will grow up extremely anxious and they will feel a ton of stress. And I've explained it in other episodes. And I've had kids on here who people on here who have like crazy anxiety. And I'm like, yeah, you were raised
Starting point is 00:22:57 progressive. They're like, totally. Yeah. Kids don't need that. Kids just need to be taught to work hard and they need really strict boundaries to be free. I take my kids to the beach and they know the rules and then we never have to talk again. The example I always give is that you don't have kids yet, huh? Anomaly? No. Um, how old are you? 32. Okay. Um, uh, I see parents who let their kids use their touch their cell phone. And so then every day there's 20 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour of fighting over whether the kid can use myself or not. I,
Starting point is 00:23:31 my kids don't, um, their life isn't ruined by that. They know they can never touch my cell phone. So they're free from that. So instead of spending an hour every day, can I use your cell phone? Can I play a game on it? Can I listen to music?
Starting point is 00:23:40 They don't have to, they already know they're free. They can be playing Frisbee on the beach cause they don't have to worry about that desire. They have they already know they're free they can be playing frisbee on the beach because they don't have to worry about that desire they have boundaries so they're free and a lot of parents don't have boundaries for their kids and so their kids are mentally ill i have a question for you because you know i'm 32 um you know i've heard it because a lot of conservative people say you know have children have them young have as many as you can i get that my parents my parents divorced when they were like, I was three or four. And my father always told me because he got married extremely young. And
Starting point is 00:24:09 he was like, when I was married to your mama, I wasn't really ready. He was like, think about how old you were then and what I was dealing with at the time. And I didn't have my stuff together. He was like, you know, wait until you're 30. That was his advice to me because he's like, wait till you have your stuff together. On one hand, I think kids are never a mistake, right? You have them. It's great. Even if it's like it's a life, it's amazing. But I look at myself at like 25, 26. I would have been a horrible father.
Starting point is 00:24:31 I had no resources, finances. I was in the middle of L.A., not a place to raise a family when you have no money, especially. So now I'm at the place where I'm more settled, et cetera. Now I'm obviously looking for someone I like. But, you know, I see some of these Will Smith relationships where they just got a straight up Jezebel, and I'm sure he doesn't regret his kids are pretty cool, but at the same time, I'm like, my gosh,
Starting point is 00:24:53 to me, I'm like, or like Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, she's punching him, he's crying. I'm like, yeah, I'm still no drama that I can't even like, so when do you think is like a good time or too early, too late? I'm just curious of your opinion. Do you have a girlfriend now? There's someone I'm seeing, but not, I guess, not like not married or like hard dating. The thing.
Starting point is 00:25:19 So I didn't have my first kid till I was 43. So that should make you happy. OK, cool. And I'm 50 now and I have two five-year-olds and a seven-year-old and I'm a huge, I'm a huge like workout freak. So even last night, I'm in Newport on vacation, even yesterday after drinking two Bloody Marys and two beers throughout the day, I at 1030 at night while I did research on my computer of Dreamwear podcast and listen to your podcast. I sat in front of this computer and I grinded hard for 20 minutes. I did a hundred burpees and a hundred snatches with a 20 pound dumbbell or no 30 pound dumbbell too heavy for me.
Starting point is 00:25:58 And and just cover because because I'm just disciplined as a motherfucker. But what you are doing right now, you're in a, like a total league of your own man. And I grinded in my thirties too. In my thirties, I, in my thirties, basically this is going to sound,
Starting point is 00:26:13 um, well, it doesn't matter. I was basically the chief marketing officer. I was everything that made CrossFit the fastest growing chain forward facing. I was like the key component outside of the ideology that Greg Glassman created. I did, I was in charge of the media for the fastest growing chain in history, faster than McDonald's and Subway combined together. While I was there, it went from 300 gyms to 15,000 gyms. I was the second person hired on the media
Starting point is 00:26:37 team. And when I finished, I was the executive director. We were on all seven continents in 162 countries. And I, and now it's only in the last year that that i've realized actually in the last few months i'm like holy shit that i'll take i'll take credit for that i have no i have no peer in the world but i did that with my head down grinding in my 30s right and i had that girlfriend my whole time and i told her we were never going to get married and we were never going to have kids that's dumb shit people who get married are tools of the man and there's there's no reason to have kids and then at some people who get married are tools of the man and there's there's no reason to have kids and then at some point she's like when we were like 42 and i had a bunch
Starting point is 00:27:10 of money she was like hey i'm like what she's like i want one of those and she pointed at some lady holding the kid sucking on the titties and i was like all right we can do that and we pulled the goalie after 20 years of practicing um condom sex basically so yeah do you think now i got three kids and it's the greatest thing in my life but i'm done like i see the work you're doing and i'm like how does he do that it's i know it's no joke you have to be grinding all day getting the knowledge and then i know you spend all night putting the piece together and then launching and you don't even get to enjoy it because it's like the next piece has to be done by enjoy it i mean the fruits of it you don't like back in the day we would
Starting point is 00:27:48 publish something on youtube and sit back for a month and be like yeah we did shit you gotta be doing that instagram's demanding you feed it every day all the time yeah it's rough but it's also like i'm not like lifting bricks or anything so i consider you know i've done farming so it's like we were like that must be tough like yeah it's, it's tough. But at the same time, like, not really on a scale of like I could be like, I mean, farming is actually hard. I've done that for a while and it's very laborious. But I guess, yeah, that's that's my thought, because I don't you know, I guess you never want to wait too long. But to be real, I think if you're like a male, you're doing well, you know, you're fit, you're making money and you're doing successful. You have way, way more options where it's like, you know, a lot of people, they're like, you're going to run out and you're going to, but it's like, once you got to that point, you accomplish what you wanted
Starting point is 00:28:31 to have. Now you can actually take care of a family. Now I'm sure if I don't know what your wife does, but she probably doesn't have to work, you know? So it's like, there's a huge benefit to also get like, I know conservatives that will tell me like, you have your kids in your twenties. And I think it's amazing, but it's like, for me, there's zero percent chance I would have been like a loyal husband, a good father. Oh, I'd never been loyal. I'd never been loyal. Like in the dumpster or something. I had no money. So how the hell am I going to have a family? So now I'm in a good place, but also I don't want to squander it. You know, and I'm not saying every woman would, but I see these Will Smith relationships and it makes me laugh. Cause I'm like, I could never even get to that point because I'm, I'm
Starting point is 00:29:09 almost like selfish in a way where like one eighth of that came my way. I would have been like, you got to go out the door because I've built, you know, you're not going to ruin my entire life. And in five minutes when I built this for 10 years, I can't believe some guys put up with that stuff. Yeah, I don't think that there's any rush. I do think, though, I do think this. And my wife didn't have her first kid until she was 39. And we ended up, she just ended up, you know, she does CrossFit, too. She eats well.
Starting point is 00:29:40 So she just had the babies on the living room floor and we just roll. But I do think that my wife's known since we've been together 20 years,'s seen it all right i mean she's seen it all and and like she she accepts me for who i am and and that that that is kind of important the person the woman who's going to get you and this is a huge topic of 380 shows we've done in the last year if you want to be with someone great like dreamwear you you you don't know what it's like to be with the fastest man on the planet you don't get to like it's not normal he's not he's not normal if you're a girl and you want a normal relationship dreamwear is not for you that's true he's not he's not because because you're great and and and great is not um there isn't there is no depiction anywhere in media of what it's like to be with a great man or a great woman.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Right. You have to be you have to. Yeah. I mean, it's it's it's just it's a lot of sacrifice, but there's a lot of reward, you know. Totally. I could be lucky that you have a front row seat to greatness. You should be lucky you have a front row seat to greatness you should be lucky you have a front row seat to greatness sorry what did you say appreciate it yeah i'm gonna chop up that clip and i'm gonna just play it on my phone for any girl i ever see you know what i'm saying just letting you know they'll run away real fast like what a douchebag oh my gosh i i never stayed in one place for more than five days for like three years. I was always traveling, always had my camera, always editing. You, you, you always have to be working out. I would come home from being in Africa, working all day, then going to dinner somewhere, getting drunk off some fucking local,
Starting point is 00:31:17 illegal alcohol, and then still do a hundred burpees in my room. Like there is no quit in us. Right. So is it, is it, is it good to do burpees after you drink i don't know because yes yes always you should always do burpees you're feeling hyped up off the alcohol but i'm always like i don't know if it's time to go to the gym right now 10 10 10 10 if no matter how fucked up you are um you you got the triple COVID Omnicon and you're in your six shots of Bacardi Deep. You just set a timer and you do 10 burpees on the minute for 10 minutes, take a hot shower and go to bed. You feel like a king.
Starting point is 00:31:53 I do like doing burpees or like on the beach and stuff. I like a good a good nature workout, you know? Yeah. What software do you use? What are your tools for this just constant – can you play the most recent thing he posted, Matt, the Elon Musk one? I loved that. Did you post that this morning? Yesterday, I think. dream rare i repost every time he comes into my feed i repost thank you you have an obligation to repost o'keefe and anomaly you have an obligation by the way i don't i don't spend if you're not shadowing you so that's all i appreciate it that's all how it spreads is like
Starting point is 00:32:38 through word of mouth so i appreciate that if if if you're i i'm starting to think that if you're not shadow banned you're either fucking intellectually lazy or you're a bitch i'm seriously i thought of that when i was going through your pieces if you are not shadow man you are you are on the wrong side of history you're you're it's it's um it's becoming so obvious and to all my friends out there who are famous and rich and you're not shadow banned like fuck off i'm starting my threshold for you this is an unpopular opinion man up get called a racist now yeah serious a few times come on yes all the cool kids are doing it yes is this the clip yeah this is it this is good i like this all right this is one with the banana yeah yeah let me tell you something
Starting point is 00:33:24 it takes a fucking man child to have eat a banana in public here we go Elon Musk responded to the Netflix stock dropping by saying the woke mind virus is making Netflix unwatchable someone followed up with woke mind virus is the biggest threat to the civilization Elon Musk said yes now I don't care what you think about Elon Musk but you have to admit it's pretty funny that perhaps one of the only cool people left in left wing culture considers left wing ideology the biggest threat to civilization. Let me know what you think. Also, aren't bananas pretty cool? It's got like a protective layer. They just grow. It's crazy. So Elon Musk responded to that. I was eating a banana like as I was filming and I just like I didn't even like I was like, I'll be kind of funny if I just ate it on camera because sometimes I'm drinking my coffee.
Starting point is 00:34:08 So I was like, let me just see how this works. Ever since I've been a young man, if I see anyone eating a banana in public, the 13 year old boy in me wants to snap a picture of it. I know. It's the dick in the mouth metaphor. Eating a banana, dude. You know, I'm looking for a woman i swear well the people do this to me with a drink so like you know i'm not i don't drink that much and i i like beer i'll take a shot it depends who i'm with where i'm at like if it's saint
Starting point is 00:34:38 patty's day i'm trying to really turn up or i'm just like at a thing but you know if i'm just sitting at dinner and i want a drink or two a lot of times I look for the drink with ingredients that I like and that I consider like somewhat healthy. And a lot of time it's like fruit, agave and like, oh, that's a girly drink. And I'm like, since when did girls get fruits? You know, I don't know. Like, why is that a girl? I can't eat an apple or something. So I'm not picking it because of the color. It's like pink. It's just like watermelon. These are things rather than like soda. You know, i'm not picking it because of the color it's like pink it's just like watermelon these are things rather than like soda you know i'm not trying to drink like diet coke and jamison those people are biologists what do they know yeah exactly hey tomorrow cut a papaya what drink to drink tomorrow cut a papaya in half and start your show like this
Starting point is 00:35:20 well then you're kind of asking for it but it's also kind of funny you know as long as you're man enough to not care about the consequences like eating up a pie like that in public it's just like entertaining yeah and then people are like what's that like on the park bench you're like okay um so so what software are you using are you using adobe premiere are you do you work in your cell phone how how is this content for the creative side of you? What are your tools? Yeah, so for the longest time, all I used was to film. And still, most of my videos are filmed this way. But just my cell phone, I think I have an iPhone X, and I just use the cell phone and then upload it.
Starting point is 00:35:58 But I'll use a microphone. I have a blue microphone. So it's just like a USB one. It's pretty easy. So I'd use the mic and the cell phone, and it would look pretty good. I recently got a Logitech Brio, you know, I guess webcam. I wouldn't buy it again because it just seems like since I got it, my computer's been freezing. It's never froze. It's weird. Sometimes it like glitches and stuff. So, you know, it'll like pulse. So I wouldn't buy it again. It said it was like the only 4K camera do you use like a webcam because i gotta get a different one this one kind of glitchy i know right now i'm with my traveling setup so i got this um i have i have uh the
Starting point is 00:36:36 newest mac pro which is i mean it's crazy expensive it's like seven grand fully loaded but it's nuts okay it's nuts and then i i have the roadcaster so i can take live call like live calls oh cool and so i usually do um this when i'm lazy i do a live call-in show oh that's cool and then i just like post stuff that and then i talk about stuff that you posted so i steal your shit to do my live youtube show it's all it's all it's funny when i see people especially with information like one time somebody hit me up and they said, you know, this person's running around saying you stole his thing, like like his idea for this. And I'm thinking to myself, I make so many videos I don't even know what he's talking about. But there are times where like I'll take, you know, like a video of Lori Lightfoot from Chicago or, you know, one time there was this thing that someone had I couldn't post because there was music in it, know and it wrote like that would have like flagged my video so i had to like recreate it but
Starting point is 00:37:29 to me it's like i'm giving information so i'm like i want people to take it you don't i don't even care if i get credit you know it's like i don't dictate these ideas or thoughts or it's everybody's talking about the same stuff anyway so i just thought it was funny someone was trying to like gatekeep it so even if someone was like hey i'm taking i'm like that's why i'm saying it it's not you know i'm hoping that people just act semi-normally and stop stealing my tax money so much and locking me in my house and putting masks on my face that's kind of the goal so yeah i never i i don't care for your safety though for my safety yeah i mean you know so so you so you use your iphone and you use a professional mic um and obviously audio is
Starting point is 00:38:06 crazy important but but what about all the green screen shit you do or the stuff you have coming up on the screen there's no how do you what editing it's all final cut wow okay and by the way also final cut just did an update and now there's like one thing i do with transitions like a fade in fade out it's broken now so it's like i don't know like this might just be like a fade in fade out, it's broken now. So it's like, I don't know, like, this might just be like a random mistake. But I want to hear your side on the technology. Like, I almost feel like and I felt that this was coming. But and I'm blaming woke culture for it. But say like, on your phone, there used to be autocorrect. I remember like 15 years ago, when I was in high school, it was perfect. Like I would just start typing something and it would know my words before I knew my words.
Starting point is 00:38:48 And it was smooth and it was quick and it was amazing. Now autocorrect is wrong every single time. They're like Kentucky. And I'm like, I never even typed Kentucky and I'm talking like ketchup. So it's like it's getting worse. And this is like it is getting worse. And now I can't even use it. So I almost feel like I don't know. I don't know if this is why, but it's and now i can't even use it so i i almost feel like
Starting point is 00:39:05 i don't know i don't know if this is why but it's like they're so worried about their pronouns and stuff that the the tech side of certain things and like the workability like google youtube they're making it like crappier you know than it used to be almost so final cut is great but it doesn't work for me anymore but that's what i used to do my transitions when when i went um the very first day final cut pro came out they were this was in like 2000 i don't know something one i i bought final i was i was homeless at the time and i bought final with every cent i had i think maybe i used my girlfriend's credit card time i i bought final cut pro and the computer laptop it runs on i couldn't believe and up until then i'd always wanted to edit but you had to go like to a building at a public access studio and there's where all those fucking weirdos are right and
Starting point is 00:39:53 and you had to you and you had to use that shit so for like five years i used final cut pro 7 12 hours a day like i i just lived in a car with it plugged into a cigarette lighter and i just made content content content this is before youtube i have to play it on public access and then they switched to final cut pro 10 and just imagine it ruined me i basically stopped editing because i could edit so fast on final cut 7 it was the only thing i used and then final cut 10 came and it was nothing like final Cut 7. Nothing. The whole platform fucking changed. It was crazy. And it's weird. That was a really weird experience I had with technology. That really fucking set me back. That rocked me. Yeah, I guess they're always trying to update even like Facebook,
Starting point is 00:40:39 Instagram. At first, a lot of times you're like, oh, this sucks. Like stories suck, you know, real suck. But then you kind of get used to it. Um, that happens sometimes with technology, but I do think sometimes they definitely mess up like auto-correct. I'm convinced it's way worse than it was 10 years ago. And I almost feel like, yeah, no one's ever, I've never said duck you. And yet now for 10 years, all I get is duck. It's like, hey, they're trying to tell you to stop cursing. You know, they're they're your liberal overlords being like, yo, it's not you know, don't don't don't use that word. Don't affect. How do you know? How do you know to not step over the boundaries?
Starting point is 00:41:23 Do you not wait until you have like some sort of definitive proof? Like, like, like the thing when the, when the vaccine first came out, like, how did you treat like the thing where the quarter stuck to people's arms? How does someone like you treat that?
Starting point is 00:41:35 You're right. I feel like your news is so reliable, but that gets so much bad press that even if it were true, it might fuck with you. Like, you're like, I don't know if I should do that. I guess when that I'm, I might fuck with you. Like you're like, I don't know if I should do that. I guess when that I'm skeptical of anything, but I guess my first
Starting point is 00:41:50 thing is this, and this was always when I started, I'm even more careful now because of fact checkers. It's almost made me like better at what I do because they're such psychopaths and they lie all the time. But, you know, I don't like fake news. I'm not looking for some random lie. I don't care if it's Fox or CNN. So I want to be accurate. So that's always what I'm thinking. It's like, if I know something, I'm going to say it. If I don't, I don't. I'll tell you when it's my opinion. I'll tell you what it's based on, but I don't want to just run. I'm not that type of person. So with the quarter thing, here's my first thought. I never posted about it, but I was like, to do an experiment, there's a way that you have to do it so you know you have to get what would be like a control group which is what nobody was
Starting point is 00:42:29 doing that was posting that stuff and find out okay if a quarter sticking to somebody's arm that's vaccinated uh that's interesting but like does do i don't know enough about magnetic of humans and stuff does it stick to somebody's arm that isn't vaccinated? And what I found was I knew somebody, you know, that posted she wasn't vaccinated and she had like metal stick to her chest. So that would be this would be if I was to post about it, I wasn't interested, but I would have to do the research. Maybe humans are magnetic in some form because I see non vaccinated people having stuff stuck to them. Was this a phenomenon five years ago before the vaccine even came out? So this is what I would go through just in order to even think about posting that, because that's really like a real experiment. That would be like me, you know, drinking water, something happening, be like, well, just I drank the water. So that's what happened. That's not a real experiment. So, you know, that was my first take. And then I started seeing people doing stuff like that and being like, oh, wow, it does stick to me. Oh, maybe that's because they're vaccinated and it's coming out.
Starting point is 00:43:29 And I'm like, go back four years before this vaccine was even out and try to find videos of, you know, if that's something that some people, for whatever reason, things stick to them. I'm not really sure. It's kind of like when you rub, you know, a balloon sticks to your head like there's friction. There are weird things in science that people don't understand so i'm that would that that's where my mindset um i would repost those people's things in my story and people would be like hey you're spreading false information i'd be like yo yo yo like i'm just reposting what like i'm not i'm not trying to be like this, um, spot of, of, of all truth and news. I'm just reporting on what someone else is reporting. This is just an idea. I don't know if I believe it either. Like, feel free to chime in, but people would just right away attack me.
Starting point is 00:44:14 The same thing with the microchips. That was like a big thing too. Do you remember all those pictures of like those little tiny Hitachi microchips that you could fit inside of a needle? Did you ever see those pictures going around instagram i heard people talking about the speculating that that was what they were doing but i don't know that i've ever seen the picture of it and so you keep all that stuff at bay until and if you did want to look into it you would thoroughly investigate it that that would be it you would need to like take someone's poop yourself and be like hey are there any microchips in there yeah i would have like like with the the, that's what I was thinking. It's like, I would have to do a full scale and it's not that I wouldn't post it, but I would want to like, be sure about what I was talking about. Same with
Starting point is 00:44:52 like the microchip. Cause now you even have, there's this documentary that's out. Uh, I watched part of it cause everybody's been talking about it where they're trying to say that it's their snake venom, uh, in the water. So now like, but people will just post this. So now I have to watch this documentary. I'm like, why are people saying this? But my point is this, okay, there's, there's some people that say it doesn't exist. There's some people that say it's coming from this and now it's coming from that. It can't be all of these things at once. So, you know, I guess people need to have the humility to know that they don't know and not get that triggered on either side of what people think. But it's like, I find that certain people that will like fall for certain things. It's like
Starting point is 00:45:28 they're simultaneously saying multiple things that can't be true. I want to read that real quick. Someone said Anomaly is a sick rapper back in the day. I ball hard like a glass pupil. That's like from a song I wrote in like 2009. Get it? I ball hard like a glass pupil. That's crazy. That's like a very old like maybe 2009 2010 before i ever people knew about my news analysis before i did it i was just freestyling in my car and in my house and doing some written raps and i had a couple million views in like 2010 when i was 20 and there wasn't a lot of people on youtube so i was considered one of like the bigger youtube rappers and i always had like people interested like at
Starting point is 00:46:05 record labels because it was getting pretty big. And they would always be like, you know, don't talk about politics, even though I didn't really think I even talked about politics. But I guess I did. I was like rapping about conspiracy theories, I guess. And they would always tell me like, don't do that. And I never got it. They were like, do this, do this. And now I get it, though. It's like, oh, even back then, it was of like that. Like, yeah, you can, we might sign you, but like you have to change your topics, you know? And now I get it. Cause I'm like, oh, like I didn't even know what Democrat, liberal, that didn't, I didn't know what these words meant. Cause I didn't care about politics, but it was like, even back then it was kind of like they were semi-interested, but no label ever really wanted to work with me
Starting point is 00:46:42 because I think, you know, they realized that I was like I was rapping about like Bin Laden and like his like other name. And they're like, yeah, like that's not. And I was like, but didn't Eminem rap about that? But I guess not like that. So, you know, it was funny how they always put up the block. But I was I was stubborn. You know, I had a lot of confidence. So I was like, I'm not going to do that. I'm going to talk, you know, I'm going to talk about Ron Paul. And, you know, I don't want to be told what to say. I don't think of you as political. I mean, I definitely dive into it, but I try to come from like a more spiritual angle of it. Like the energy of like, say, like Fox News. It's like, here's Geraldo Rivera.
Starting point is 00:47:23 And then there's a lady and they just like yell at each other. And they both just annoy me. And I'm just like, oh my gosh, it's just, you know, it's like watching something that just ticks you off. I always hated that. So I was like, all right, I got to talk about stuff. But also, I always I mean, as somebody that's into fitness, I try to work that into almost every conversation. Some people have told me I lost 100 pounds listening to I ate better. I'm not trying to preach to people but it's like i don't know that's what's going to change your life more than any politician for sure every combo yeah i just think of you as a um as something maybe that computers can never do you're you help and i've had a lot of friends do this you help explain the world to people i try you clean you clean up the mess and you present the world i if anyone thinks
Starting point is 00:48:13 of you as political it's because they're political if anyone thinks of you as spiritual it's because they're spiritual i just think of you as sort of like this super duper um friendly neighbor who you're like hey i don't understand this can you explain this to me i just you just it's you you explain things that are all that are a clusterfuck because fox is saying this and cnn is saying this and you kind of unwrap hey guys these are the facts here we go i appreciate that yeah like an unraveler i like that you know this is a glass of water this is a piece of butterscotch candy when you mix the two dilutes in 30 seconds make up your own mind what the fuck's going on i appreciate that i think that's accurate like i try to unravel the news and uh it's because i also like to just like be a simple person and it's like man this is this is not uh i don't know
Starting point is 00:48:55 this is not ideal there's got to be a better way to present this so yeah that's it what about what about the god stuff do you think that that alienates people and what i mean is this when i think of the right i think they have god and when i think of the left they have gender and gender is just your imagination and when you when you conflate reality because sex is real it's it's um i can hold on a second oh hey dude i'm a dude. I just saw 10 inches of meat in my pants. I'm a man. And that's real. And that's sex. God watched God watched you do that. He's not happy about that, brother. Oh, he's really happy. And I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything that you gave me. Go ahead. I don't mind being five five. I'll take the trade off.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Oh, he saw that for sure, dude. He just texted me. I'll take the trade off. Oh, he saw that for sure, dude. He just texted me. But why does the right have to have an imaginary friend too when the left already has, like, that's the whole problem with the left, that they have imaginary friends, that they can't distinguish between the fact that what's real
Starting point is 00:49:56 and what's not real. How does someone who's so real like you have, how do you know God? Do you know god or do you believe in god well let me backtrack real quick because i think there are i mean i'm coming at you hard on purpose don't don't read it yeah yeah yeah that's life but uh the i would say like most people more people on the right believe in god than the left i think that's probably true like statistically but there are nowadays there are like right-wing atheists there are like left there's a lot of like left-wing churches i'm not sure what they're doing there blm gay flags jesus i don't know it's it's it's a weird vibe in my opinion but uh you know so there is a mixture but you know i guess to answer the first question like do you think it isolates people
Starting point is 00:50:45 i definitely alien alien alien yeah absolutely like a like a like a a a leftist close-minded fucking agnostic douche like me wants to love you and then i see your god bless shit i'm like you got imaginary friends i don't know you seem to like me a lot anyway so it's like i'm i think it's because i'm not i'm not I'm not like a preacher. Even when I say certain things, I always tell people I'm not trying to be like a preacher. I'm not even trying to not even like a Christian preacher, but like a preacher, like telling people what to do sort of thing. I'm just like, I like to work out. I like to get outside. So I'm going to talk about it. But if you don't want to, that's fine. But don't put a vaccine in me and a mask on my face.
Starting point is 00:51:24 to talk about it but if you don't want to that's fine but don't put a vaccine in me and a mask on my face so i think you know because i'm not like just jamming it down people's throats like even someone like you i don't think it's isolated you at all because i'm not just overdoing it you know i'll just wear a hat or yeah i never hear you talk about it i never hear you use the word evil either i think evil's uh intellectually lazy uh idea i guess what would you consider someone though that like thinks like you know it's okay to steal and like rob women and like punch pregnant women in the stomach like what what would you call that type of person like evil could be you know a word yeah that's how you make a living in california what are you talking about career let's go that's called wednesday in los angeles for a crackhead let me let me i i hear you on that and and i and i think you've been very kind in choosing
Starting point is 00:52:10 something that's not harsh either there's you could have chosen way harsher shit like talked about pedophilia and stuff or or the murder um but what about on the other side that i think that the vast majority of people who think that they're doing good are actually doing evil. I think the vast majority. I think that's why self-awareness is important, right? Because, I mean, anyone could say, I'm good, you're evil, but that doesn't really matter. There's a lot of hypocrites in the church. There's a lot of, you know.
Starting point is 00:52:41 But they really do believe they're doing good. I think, I mean, does the left believe they're doing amazing things for the world does the the church that you know i think that that's definitely like hitler thought he was doing good by cleansing the jews they were dirty every every criminal i mean that's why self awareness right self-accountability because you gotta focus on what you're doing or else you can be evil and and be good i want to say real quick, I had a great chat with like this Muslim guy and he had me on his show. He has a big YouTube and he was like, a lot of my Muslim supporters watch you. And I was like, really? That's awesome. He's like, yeah, they like you a lot. But he was talking and he liked my video. I made one and I said, well, I think
Starting point is 00:53:18 God is real. It's only three minutes long. I didn't get into super religion, but I said growing up, I was an atheist. So I actually like rejected the church. You know, I was reading Richard Dawkins. I went through an atheist phase. I went through an agnostic phase. I went through like a spiritual phase. I still consider myself spiritual, but I was like the universe, you know? But it's like, if you look at these two theories as somebody that's skeptical, like you, you seem, you know, smart, skeptical. It's like, okay, both of these, in my opinion, make just as little sense. It's like when the left will tell you or when somebody that's atheist will tell you, and I was this person, so it's not like I'm not aware of it. It's like, that's not real.
Starting point is 00:53:56 This is what happened. It's like, so does it make any more sense to say there is no God, so the Big Bang created everything? It's like, well, where did that come from? And if God is there, where did God come from? Right. Except what, what put him there to create everything. So it's like this idea, I think that atheists will say like, well, nothing came from nothing. It doesn't really, at minimum, you could say it makes just as little sense as God, but I feel like the people that don't believe in it, they think it makes so much more sense. So nothing came from nothing. Like it doesn't really make more sense. Let me, let me be super duper. Uh, well, I don't know. Let me be as clear as I possibly can.
Starting point is 00:54:34 I a hundred percent believe in no thing. I believe that naming is the origin of all particular things and that no thing does exist. That there is no thing. And twice in my life, I've accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. You know, like someone would be like, hey, you can accept Jesus Christ as your Savior. I'm like, yeah, sure, let's do it. They had you at gunpoint. They're like, did you accept him today? No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:55:01 You don't got to have me at gunpoint. No, no, no. I'm as open. But I think that there is a journey you can make. There's a there's a component. In a nutshell, I think a lot of people who've experienced or gotten close to no thing quickly adopt the bible because it's so or any religion for that matter because it's so scary to go deeper into oneself and so clearly you want to fill it with the narrative and and i think that there is a an intimacy there that each individual can have if they let the narrative down i like a lot uh this was before i even really i would did you
Starting point is 00:55:44 have some sort of experience by the way did you have some sort of experience, by the way? Did you have some sort of like you got hit by a train or Uncle Buck got to you when you were seven? Before even coming back to God and like really accepting that type of stuff. The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu blew my mind when I was. And that was a massive, massive mindset awakening. I love that book still to this day I still listen to it I'll take a bath you know I'm saying and just kind of like soak in it metaphorically literally with a banana a hot bath and a Lao Tzu book yep
Starting point is 00:56:13 yeah so that that definitely was an awakening early on um so I think also as like you know I wasn't I rejected Christianity early on and then I came back later. So I feel like it gives me a different, like, I wasn't it the whole time. I don't use it as a thing. Like I'm better than ever. Cause those people, they turn people off. First of all, like if you talk to a Christian that talks down to you like that and, and you look at like, you seem like a pretty smart, successful guy and you don't look at them like, oh, they're better. Like they're clearly not better than me, you know? Or like whatever. It's like that doesn't make you want to be like them. You're like, oh, they're, their spirits ugly, you know, saying their
Starting point is 00:56:50 energy's ugly. Their, their, their self sense of self is inflated from what they really are. It turns people off. So I think, you know, it's, it's like, I don't, I don't look around and try to tell everyone else what to do. I'm more focused on myself. And I still listen to things like the Tao Te Ching and stuff where that's all about self-awareness, self-accountability, living in the present moment. And I think those are principles. If you lack that, it doesn't matter how Christian or Muslim you are, your spirit will seem ugly to others. And it's the people for sure in religions that are not spending time on who they are and they're always judging others that's when it becomes really ugly because then you just you know you're yeah yeah you're not even you're so awesome yourself and that's that's when people are like yeah that
Starting point is 00:57:36 you're you know you're not making me want to feel this way anymore but yeah i don't i don't consider myself uh one of these people that like people that does that or runs around. And I'm not also, there are Christians that don't, you know, they'll cling on to the Bible and say everything else. I don't want it. To me, you know, I think the Tao Te Ching is a beautiful text. I don't subscribe to every single thing in it, but I believe my judgment to be able to take what I think is valuable and, you know,
Starting point is 00:58:06 leave what I think is not valuable. I don't, I don't block it out and say like, I can't read that. You know, I like to learn from other places too. And I trust myself to not fully immerse myself in something that's like wicked. And yeah. When I, when I think of the Bible, I think that when you pointed at yourself it's it can be one of the most beautiful powerful tools in the world and when you point it at other people it's vile and it's kind of like what you were saying like it's an incredible tool to understand yourself and maybe have union with god but when you point it at other people it's it's not cool it's a fucking weapon it's it's it's it does no good i mean it's like use it to judge people like you you see that the country's getting away from that and this is where if i find it fascinating like say the christian pastor 15 years ago you know the gay
Starting point is 00:59:02 people are going to get married and then all this stuff's going to happen. And you're like, nah, they just want to get married. And I'm not blaming everybody who got married, but you see the slippery slope is real. Now it's like, let's sexualize a three-year-old and I'm going to stab your arm in the wrong place. You're like, whoa, you know, that's where I feel like Christians and Muslims. Although obviously like you look at every Christian Muslim country, it's far from perfect. I get why they want to kind of close off the slippery slope, because it's like it's not to say that you can only have this or this. But it's kind of like you open the portal to this stuff. And now this like left wing ideology, I'm not sure that it's better than certain biblical principles. Like it's like thou shall not steal. That's a pretty, pretty basic one, you know? And then it's like, you know, in San Francisco, it's like, thou shall not steal. But if you do,
Starting point is 00:59:53 you know, you can get out of jail quickly. But then you go to a Muslim country and it's like, we'll chop your arm off if you steal. So you have these like differences. That's like, don't steal or we're going to chop your arm off. Here's like you can rob a best buy and we'll probably let you out of jail and like the christians are kind of like in the who would you rather have as your neighbor who would you rather have as your neighbor uh 25 woke people or 25 mormons oh i'll take the 25 mormons yeah who would you rather have as your neighbor 25 hardcore practicing muslims or 25 woke? I'll take the 25 hardworking Muslims. Who would you rather have as your neighbor, 25 Christians or 25 woke people? And that's what's fascinating.
Starting point is 01:00:31 And you know why you want the Muslims and the Christians and Mormons? Because there's not going to be crime. Your kid's bike's not going to get stolen. No one's coming. Your Muslim neighbors aren't driving around drunk, high on meth like Mr. Floyd like like mr floyd did they're not they're not yeah no i hear you muslims don't do that so that's why so who would you rather have as your fucking neighbor the high integrity woke i have my pronoun right but i drunk by i drive by your house high on meth and fentanyl and it's okay with your three-year-old on their tricycle in
Starting point is 01:01:02 the front yard or do i want mr muslim uh 25 muslims please surround me by them in echo park in la there's i mean there's a nice lake that is not so nice anymore because they just let it go to shit and the police were finally going to clean it up because there's like tense trash just like crazy people everywhere and the left wingers the woke crowd they go out and it's like they love the filth. Their activism is like, don't clean up our park where it's like you go to certain places in Orange County or you go to like pretty much most of the country that's not major cities. And parks are for children, not for like urinating, you know, crack. But like they don't get that. Wow, dude, that's a T-shirt. Dreamwear, that's a T-shirt.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Parks are for children. Not methods. I mean, that'll really trigger a leftist. So that's where I start to see religion coming into play too. And I think that can be attributed really to my, you know, wanting to explore it further was just, just seeing how real the slippery slope was and seeing how lost people got without those principles. So I think, you know, even in America, there's there's text written, although I think some of the founding fathers were like total degenerates. I don't know that they were like I'm sure they were having like wild sex. And so, you know, people are like they weren't really as Christian as people think. But there are so many parts of, you know, writings from these people where they're trying to explain, you know, these laws only work if people are moral. And this made me think even about law enforcement. Like now at this point, I support good law enforcement because there are bad
Starting point is 01:02:35 people out there. However, you know, would you rather be in a town of, you know, a million, I guess a big town, a million moral people and zero police, or a million immoral people and 1000 police. So that kind of even shows you Yeah, please report because people are bad. However, like if people just act right, I mean, you've traveled the country. And this is what the left doesn't want to hear. And even certain racial activism don't want to hear. Yes, you know, the police are not perfect. And there's bad people in government. But like, you got to act better. And if you can't act better, you know, like a community is the net sum of bad people in government. But like, you got to act better. And if you can't act better, you know, like a community is the net sum of the people in it and the south side of
Starting point is 01:03:09 Chicago. I'm convinced you could give them a bajillion trillion dollars. You could send every rapper, Al Sharpton, Democrats, Republicans, you could send everybody in the world there. You're not making that better with just money. It's a mindset. It's a culture. And people got to act better than that. You know, you don't have to be rich, but it's like you can't be acting like that. You know, it's not normal, even for certain areas of poverty. Like you can't act that way. So that's where I kind of see now where it's like, you know, nothing works.
Starting point is 01:03:37 Not this country, not the laws, not the police, unless people are somewhat moral. You have to have some sort of moral code. Like thou shall not steal. You know, if you're young and you steal something by mistake, you learn your lesson. You're 35 years old and you're robbing a lady at gunpoint. I'm sorry, bro. You got to go to jail for a long time, maybe forever. I would be-
Starting point is 01:03:57 What about a pregnant woman? What about a pregnant woman? What about putting a gun on a pregnant woman's stomach? You're done. You know, that's a crime. To you know that's that's that's a crime you're to me that's a wicked evil act were you on drugs were you lost i don't know but you got to go in my opinion uh founding fathers were banging slaves left and right no high morals back then either yeah i guess i mean it's like. You could say that like, I don't know, like Michael Jordan was like a gambling, you know, Michael Jordan was not a great athlete. He was a gambler and a degenerate. It's like kind of true. But at the same time, he was also like a great human. So I find that about the founding fathers. I'm not one of these people that act like no, they were absolutely, I think, like sexual degenerates. You know, I feel like they were banging a lot of people like Ben Franklin was like a hoe.
Starting point is 01:04:47 But, you know, at the same time, they weren't just like some dummies like they're basing their things off of like Greek. Thank you, Matt. Thank you, Matt. You know, like the Tao Te Ching and like, you know, like Aristotle, Marcus Aurelius. People act like this. This annoys me the most. I'm just going a little little bit about it. It's like there's bad things in the past. But the people today that say, oh, the past is all evil. Read Marcus Aurelius, read the Tao Te Ching, read, read scriptures from the founding fathers.
Starting point is 01:05:12 These people were way smarter than Democrats and Republicans today. So you can't throw the baby out with the bathwater. I absolutely, they were sexual degenerates, but you know, the people today that are like, oh, there's nothing. I mean, in my opinion, Tao Te Ching is more profound than anything communist China is doing. If they got back to those principles, China would be epic. But right now they're in a lockdown because they have no, you know, no good morals. And same with Greek and Roman philosophers, way smarter than people today. So it's not, you know, don't throw it all out and say it's all evil. There's there's some really profound stuff.
Starting point is 01:05:44 And even reading like Frederick Douglass, you know I'm saying? Black man from hundreds of years ago, he's smarter than anybody today, in my opinion. So something happened where I don't know that we got as smart as we think we got, you know, cause he was better spoken, better written, logic, wisdom. I don't see that even in, let's say not just like a black liberal, but a black conservative on fox news i think these scriptures written by frederick douglas are more profound than you know the bickering going on today so we have fancier tools but a crappier operating system um there's people today well when you're talking about sexual degenerates you just think of just
Starting point is 01:06:24 like places like porn hub or you porn or these places that we know are the largest traffickers of web traffic in the world today. So it's hard to judge anyone in the past. But there's also an entire – I'll use stealing at first. You know there can't be stealing without ownership. And ownership isn't real. It's delusionary. It's something we agree – Can I have your car then?
Starting point is 01:06:53 Yeah, yeah. I mean you can say – no, because we live in a society where we've agreed upon ownership, but it's not real. I don't know. Tell me. Can I take all your stuff? I don don't want it but i'm just saying but but but but no it's it's it's an idea and i don't even think in the bible i don't even think in the bible you're allowed to have ownership right i don't know about that i think there's certain things that are our years absolutely because there would be no thou should not steal if there weren't anything
Starting point is 01:07:22 right right and that's what's interesting. Thou shalt not steal. Stealing is an idea built on a delusion of ownership. Here's the thing, though. In this country especially, we have private property. At this point – And I'm okay with that, by the way. I'm not saying that I'm against that.
Starting point is 01:07:38 I'm totally for ownership, but it should be agreed upon delusion the same way – but we shouldn't lie to ourselves. The same way red means stop. It doesn't really mean stop, but we agree on it so that we don't get in a car accident. Right. I guess the whole money system. Yeah. You could, you could, you could pay that in agreed upon kind of, you know, fictitious thing. This is where I'm interested because I hear what you're saying, but you know, in, in this country,
Starting point is 01:08:05 at least like if you have money in your bank account, no one can take it, but maybe the FBI or something. I don't know. You know, there's probably some government agency that can freeze it or IRS took money from me before they gave it back, but they took like 15 grand from me once. It's crazy. It's crazy. I mean, it's, it's straight from my B of a account. What happened? Or they thought I, I can't remember to What happened? They thought I can't remember. To be honest, I can't remember if I didn't pay or they thought I didn't pay. Something went wrong. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:30 And then but but they ended up being wrong. And I got the money back. But it was scary. I was it was like all my money. It's creepy. Yeah, they've frozen people's bank accounts over January 6th. And people that didn't I don't even believe committed a crime there where that that's like. I mean, if you like broke into Pelosi's office, I don't think your bank account should get seized. But like, you're probably going to jail, dude.
Starting point is 01:08:51 You know what I'm saying? Like, I would think I would go to jail. I wouldn't do that. I'm not dumb. But in general, like, you know, you have certain stuff. you know, American legislation, old one, I don't know what they're writing now. You know, there's a lot of, say, amendments that put a little bit of space between you and the government. Like, you should be allowed to speak. You should be allowed to own a gun. You know, you have the right to private property. And now with the left-wing ideology, you know,
Starting point is 01:09:16 I've read the Communist Manifesto, too. I'm not just going to call people communists. But in there, their main tenet is like, there is no private property. You know, this utopian idea of like, you know, we got to abolish private property because the elites are hoarding too much. And I get what they're saying, but it's like in this country, especially, you know, even though it might be an agreed upon situation, it's like any time the government gets this chance to take away your private property or stuff you own, it's going to go south in my opinion. So. Oh, we definitely should. By the way, I wasn't arguing that at all.
Starting point is 01:09:47 We need everyone needs to be able to own their own shit. And there has to be competition. I use this metaphor. I wonder what you'll think about this one anomaly. I use this metaphor a lot. And this is coming from a guy who is just a hardcore liberal just a few years ago. Liberals are basically the people, you know these restaurants in California where they're sitting, they're on their ocean?
Starting point is 01:10:10 And liberals are the ones at the restaurant who think it's cute to let their kids feed the seagulls. And a thousand seagulls descend on the restaurant and shit all over it and ruin everyone's time. They think it's okay. They think that they're doing something benevolent by feeding the seagulls and they're ruining it for everyone else.
Starting point is 01:10:27 The seagulls are an amazing, beautiful bird. I love seagulls. It really disappoints when people don't like seagulls. But the reason why you don't like them is because you've never looked closely at one and enjoyed them because every time you interact with one, it's because a fucking liberal has ruined it for you. time you interact with one it's because a fucking liberal has ruined it for you because they've fucking thrown a fucking bagel up in the air yeah to make their three-year-old fucking kid happy and the fuck and they and that's what's happened to our cities the liberals have fed the zombies and they descended on portland and ruined portland right you cannot have that we have to have competition my youtube channel has to be competing with your YouTube channel. Right. It has to. A thousand percent agree.
Starting point is 01:11:06 That's a fantastic analogy. I love that. That's, that's flawless. Very good. Yeah, no, it's, and, and I'm reading, uh, I I've read like half of it. It's by Klaus Schwab of the world economic forum. It's called. Oh, that scares me.
Starting point is 01:11:17 Every time you hold that book up on your show, I'm like, oh, he scared me. But he, he talks about, he demonizes competition and says government intervention is like superior. And it's like, you know, I mean, especially you. I would you play sports or just like workout? I play a little sports. Yeah, I play a little Frisbee. I'm a super competitive person. I play basketball, soccer.
Starting point is 01:11:35 I love sports. I body. I love MMA. Yeah, it's great. It's just like the world. It's especially somebody I play competitive soccer basketball since i was like five this idea that you can breed greatness without competition is is is bananas like there's there's no innovation no prosperity is going to happen and it doesn't mean you have to be mean to
Starting point is 01:11:57 people who aren't great at stuff but it's it's such a it's such a bad thing that they're doing government intervention over competition so it's like you know you's such a bad thing that they're doing government intervention over competition. So it's like, you know, you go to a city, the reason that the food is so good is because there's so much competition. There's so many different cultures. That's a good thing is you, it would be like eliminating Thai food and Greek food and only having hamburgers. And it's like, yeah, it's going to suck now. You know, that's not, that's not the right direction. I remember listening to a video, a story on NPR npr not a video but a story on npr even like 10 years ago where they were talking about how bad it was when when people were coming from europe to the united
Starting point is 01:12:36 states and all the boats were run by the government and that once they let the boats be privatized and the competition grew the boats became safer and cheaper, and more people could immigrate through Ellis Island. The same with building of the railroad in the United States. Once the government got out of the way and they let people bid on the projects, the railroad started building really, really fast. And it's like, I remember my dad visiting Armenia when it was part of the USSR, right? And it was communist. And he said that our relatives, they were the trash collectors and they would go to work and the garbage trucks wouldn't have gas in them. So they would come home because there was no, like, that wasn't their job to put gas in them. That would never fucking happen if we were competing, if my garbage
Starting point is 01:13:21 company were competing against your garbage company. Right. I have a question because as somebody who worked in business, and this is what left wingers don't understand. I didn't understand it when I was in my early 20s. This is why people tend to lean left when they're younger. And I'm not saying everybody, but I didn't pay taxes. I didn't get it. I'm not selfish now. I just get how the world works a little better.
Starting point is 01:13:41 But as a business owner in CrossFit, if you in your advertising budget squander $15 million and not run a bad advertising campaign, just blew it, lost it, got it robbed or something like that, what would that do to the company losing $15 million and getting nothing for it? Right. End it. It would cripple us. It would be done. It would be done. It can't happen. It cannot happen.
Starting point is 01:14:05 They do that every day and nothing happens because every year they go and take people's tax money. So it's like you can drone strike a kid in Yemen. You spend a billion dollars. Be like, oh, my bad. And nothing will happen. You could fake build a railroad or whatever they tried to do in California. Mess it up. Spend, you know, build a homeless shelter that is 50,000 times what it should cost. It doesn't
Starting point is 01:14:25 even work. Nobody lives there for four years. And then you get the money again next year because I just paid taxes. So it's like it's this it's this system of theft where they're just taking money from people. So Elon Musk, Bezos need to pay more, maybe. But honestly, I don't I want to pay less. Wait a second. Wait a second. They take my money. It's like I don't think anybody should really be paying that much, and that's the system. And that's why it's not just the corporations are perfect, but as wicked as Amazon may be in people's eyes, the service is amazing. I mean, you could get anything, anytime, and it delivers in two days. Amazon is amazing. Out of everybody, Jeff Bezos, he's probably got the best service in in the whole world what
Starting point is 01:15:06 about what does the government do yeah i mean that usps is pretty good i mean they definitely deliver mail but as far as like you know if amazon no amazon's amazing they go bankrupt in two days it's it's crazy that left-wingers don't get that the government is worse than corporations because they have like unlimited budgets of the money that they're taking from us and zero accountability like he said it's zero accountability they get mad at you if you try to hold them accountable they call you like a nazi or you know they're like what do you hate children and black people and you're like you just stole a trillion dollars like no yeah that's not where'd it go and how'd you become richer off of that too by the way right a hundred million dollar bank account off a fifty
Starting point is 01:15:42 thousand dollar salary it's right. And then I'm, you know, people say, oh, we're taxing the 1%. I'm somebody who worked my ass off in my 20s. I was broke. Now I'm starting to make money. I'm running a business. I don't even have any employees right now. And the amount of taxes. Wait a second. You don't have any employees. You don't have one. Not right now. No. How the fuck do you do it, dude? Man, the same way you do the burpees. Let's just, you know, you just got to get it. You just got to wake up.
Starting point is 01:16:07 I don't know how you do it. We've done a burpee live on air. Hey. I like doing push-ups live. It gets me amped up. Dreamer, I explained to people the other day how taxes work, basically. Basically, rich people. There was a time when I had just shitloads of shitloads, shitloads of money.
Starting point is 01:16:26 And so I would eat out regularly. My gardener would come, you know, like all the time. I always had a handyman at the house, always painting, always do stuff. And then as I lost money, I just got rid of those people. I still put I still bought. I still took care of me. But I pushed those people away. I ate out less.
Starting point is 01:16:43 I had the gardener come half as much. I got rid of one of my nannies. I stopped signing up for Sirius XM. You know what I mean? I pushed people away. The handyman doesn't come over and paint once a week and eat chips in the walls. I just got rid of shit, right? But it didn't affect me at all.
Starting point is 01:16:59 And I try to explain that to people. If you fuck with rich people, the only people that hurt are downstream from them. And someone wrote in the YouTube comments, you're so fucking stupid. If someone makes a billion dollars a year and we just tax them extra hundred million, they're still going to have money to eat out. No, you don't get it. Right. You don't fucking get it. They have four jets and they need 200 people to take care of that four jets.
Starting point is 01:17:22 And when you fuck them, they reduce down to two jets and they only hire 200 people. And do you know where those 200 people to take care of that four jets and when you fuck them they reduce down to two jets and they only hire 200 people and do you know where those 200 people go instead of showing up to work every day competing against the other guys who are cleaning jets and maintaining jets they apply for fucking food stamps from the government because you thought it was better to give the money to Pelosi. Right. And then you make them
Starting point is 01:17:55 lazy with $90,000. Say that again. The government is corrupt, but they need They need more money than you. I don't know if I'm telling you, I love you. Thank you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:20:36 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Hello, everyone. We're going to be doing a little bit of a quiz. We're going to be doing a little bit of a quiz. We're going to be doing a little bit of a quiz. We're going to be doing a little bit of a quiz.
Starting point is 01:20:54 We're going to be doing a little bit of a quiz. We're going to be doing a little bit of a quiz. We're going to be doing a little bit of a quiz. We're going to be doing a little bit of a quiz. We're going to be doing a little bit of a quiz. Thank you. anomaly no so i mean you know i was kind of seeing someone for a little bit but it wasn't super serious and uh just someone this year i you know there it's more long distance so we had a good time i guess before i had i did have an employee for a month that i was trying to make stuff work with and we just had like a mini vacation sort of thing so it's not they don't live with me they're not even close so um how how do
Starting point is 01:22:45 how do you meet girls do you do you just go to a bar you you see a girl at the beach in a bathing suit or you use an app how do you do that um i guess it really depends so i would say i'm really focused on work so i don't you know i prioritize that so much where i'm not one of these people that has like googly eyes that's all over the place but I feel like if I ever go out anywhere you know I do well so you know I'm pretty I got I'm a good talker etc I'm it's not hard for me I guess if I go out but also you know people will contact me all the time and just like you know I won't say throw themselves at me but they'll like say something and I'll just read a message or something. So sometimes like Instagram in person, a little bit. Some girl DM you and be like, man, I love you. And will you go out with me?
Starting point is 01:23:32 I'm just not like all over the place. So I kind of just, you know, I, it's just whatever to me now where I'm, I'm so focused on what I'm doing that I don't spend too much excess time on, on all that, but it, it happens. What do your parents think about you becoming this fucking one man media mogul? I don't know that my mom understands it, but I think she realizes that I'm doing well. I said if she visits me that I'll pay for her hotel. So I think she's happy now that she gets that aspect of it. My dad likes it. He's a lifelong Democrat, but he's tired of the nonsense. You know, he's pretty chill guy. I think he thinks it's cool now that it's getting bigger and I'm able like my dad, he played softball his whole life, you know, like men's softball. And now
Starting point is 01:24:19 he's coaching a team. I sponsored the team and they have dream rare on their arm. Wow. He thinks that's when every, every time they win a tournament, I sponsored the team and they have dream rare on their arm. Every time they win a tournament, I give them more money, which they love because a lot of them know me and stuff. They're in their twenties, but nobody really cares. I guess, you know, like nobody's doing that type of stuff, like giving them money for every tournament they win. So I think it's now starting to get cool for my parents because I'm, you know, doing stuff for them and I think they finally get it. But yeah, my mom, I'm not sure she really... She doesn't even use the internet, really.
Starting point is 01:24:48 She's pretty old school. Crazy. Are you shadow banned pretty bad? I guess so. You pop up in my feed a lot. It's weird. I'll say on Facebook, I think a lot. I have 1.7 million people, and I can't even get 1,000 people to my live streams.
Starting point is 01:25:07 I used to have 10,000. I got 10,000 people to my live stream talking about mandates on airplanes. Next day, I'm banned from live streams for a week. I've never been up to that number. So to me, that's clear rigging against me on Facebook. But I'm still able to reach a lot of people. And maybe it's because people aren't using Facebook as much. I don't know. But Facebook, I would say yes. YouTube, absolutely. It's hard to even search and find me. Instagram, actually, I don't think I really am that much on Instagram, but I have
Starting point is 01:25:35 been demonetized. Once they monetized Reels, they demonetized me. There's been little stuff, but I would say Instagram probably messes with me the least out of every out of everything. So so you were making reels on Instagram and you got a note saying, hey, we're not going to pay you anymore. So, yeah, basically they they monetize, I guess, a lot of people's pages. And I got a message and it said, you got three monetization strikes and now you're banned for a month. And the three videos were all about Russia and Ukraine. And it's crazy because these videos were not fake or it was basically me quoting Wall Street Journal, moderate stuff. In one case, it was the Snake Island story that I actually reported accurately that the entire media, Fox News, CNN, everybody, right wing
Starting point is 01:26:22 amoeba cats, everybody got it wrong. They said, you know, there was a story where these these Ukrainians were on Snake Island. They said, go F yourselves. They died heroically. None of them died. And I didn't I didn't say I knew what happened, but I accurately slowly said, here's what the Ukrainian government's saying. Here's what they're saying. I think that it's wrong. I was right. So I'm actually getting penalized. And this is what a lot of left wingers don't understand because they're so everything's misinformation, misinformation. There are dummies that make mistakes all the time. I don't really make that many mistakes. I'm not saying I'm perfect, but I'm like, I'm not just yelling. I'm carefully assessing and making sure I don't spread misinformation. But I still get in. I got in more trouble for being right about the Snake
Starting point is 01:27:01 Island story than the media got for being wrong. Because this is if you're wrong in the direction of their agenda, they don't care. You could say Donald Trump is 12 feet tall and he came from Somalia. You think they're going to fact check you if you say that on Twitter? They don't care. But if you say Joe Biden is confused at a speech, now you get fact checked. He's not confused. And it's like, I don't understand how people don't realize it's not this unbiased team of fact-checkers. They are pushing a social narrative and trying to engineer people's thought process in their way. I always get penalized for things I never even said or penalized for just being honest. It's crazy. Is it that thought out?
Starting point is 01:27:42 Is it just – is it really that thought out that it's trying to be social engineered or do they really just think we're. I think so. So if you go to fact check that org, right, you can look up who's funding them. They're one of the main fact checkers. The Annenberg Foundation is one of them. And you could look up who they are and what they do. Another one, I think it's like Robert Wood Johnson, who has a lot of pharmaceutical. Yeah, those are all the NPR people, too. Growing up as a kid, I would always hear this show is sponsored by the Annenwood. This is sponsored by John. Right. So it's like Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation. Right. The Annenberg Foundation. I doubt they're voting for Trump and the conservative policies, and they don't have to. I'm just saying it's like they have a clear, you know, narrative and
Starting point is 01:28:23 worldview that they hold. And I think the fact checkers, for sure, there's times where they do decent fact checks. But I think like every even here's how they operate. Like, say, with like Hillary Clinton, the uranium one deal, there was something conservatives were talking about. They strawman everything. If you know what strawman is, it would be like about you take this narrative that no one's saying and then fight that narrative. So it's like people were saying this, they'll fact check this, some French thing that I've never even heard and be like, well, that's not true. So people will, that's not true, but that's not what people are saying. So I do think it's very concerted where I don't think they're just sitting there saying, Hey, let's fact check everything and make sure people don't lie. It's like, they this, this skew, political and social skew. And they're just basically hunting for any narrative that breaks the mainstream that goes viral against what they believe. And then it's like a PR team where they're figuring out how to rein it in, either censor it or tell people how to think. So, you know, why they're doing that, what they're doing. But yeah, I do think it's social engineering, whether they know it or not, because, you know, it's just like,
Starting point is 01:29:29 here's what you need to think right now. You know, don't they don't to call it social engineering. Don't we have to like say that they know that they're doing it? Isn't that sort of like or else it's I guess it could be unintentional. Then we're all social engineering, right? Totally. Yeah. I guess you could say that anybody with a platform is in some way engineering the social sphere. It's just there's levels to the power of it where Google – Do they know they're knowingly lying to the people in order to manipulate them? Well, let me ask you this. I'll ask you something really specific.
Starting point is 01:29:59 Go ahead. Do you think – so when Reagan was in office towards the end of his career, we would see some really weird shit. Like he would be – and that was before the internet, right? But we would still – it would get out in the news, and it was fucked up. Like he'd be like waving to people, and his wife would whisper something in his ear to say, and then he would say it. Like you could tell he was fucking broken. Okay. And now we're seeing like that every day with Joe Biden.
Starting point is 01:30:23 Right. Like it's scary. It's a kind of abusive what they're doing to him. They did a fact check the other day because Biden was kind of abusive. He was done with the speech. I don't know if you saw it. It looked like he shook a hand, but maybe he was gesturing. But he turned and he was like.
Starting point is 01:30:40 Yeah, I saw that. What the fuck was that? I needed a wider angle of that to be sure what he was doing. I'm sure you've done public speaking and like i do shows and stuff where it's like there's difference between someone with really good stage presence and someone who doesn't have good stage presence that's just the truth there's some people who have amazing and there's some people who are goofy and awkward biden is just goofy and awkward he just says you know he's not he doesn't he's not like this guy that i would consider as somebody who's seen thousands of people speak. He's in the lower echelon of people who are good public speakers, in my opinion.
Starting point is 01:31:10 He's no Obama. He's no Trump. He's no Obama. And yeah, he's no Trump for sure, whether you like either of them as far as how good they were at speaking. But the fact checkers are trying to say Biden wasn't confused. They're not just saying he wasn't shaking a hand. Biden wasn't confused. They're not just saying he wasn't shaking a hand. Biden wasn't confused. You're going to sit there and fact check me and tell me Biden wasn't confused. I think he's often confused. I mean, he uses words like he says
Starting point is 01:31:35 prostitution instead of like another word, like he's jumbling words. He's he's stumbling. He's saying like Iranian instead of Ukrainian. I mean, it's not it's not someone who's not confused. So that's the type of fact. That's how low they're going to fact check, because, you know, they're trying to, in my opinion, social engineer people to be Democrat and not Republican and think that anything that questions big pharma, you know, government intervention on your life medically mask wise. pharma, you know, government intervention on your life, medically mask wise. It's all this kooky conspiracy theory. Like four years ago, if I would have said the government's going to force mask you and try to make everybody get vaccines, you would have said anomaly. That's a conspiracy theory. Now, I would have said you were batshit crazy. I would have said so. It's a crazy thing to say, although I will say I did predict mandatory vaccines years ago before the pandemic because I just saw legislation how they were acting. But now the same people that would have said I was
Starting point is 01:32:29 batshit crazy, rightfully so, are now on the side of the conspiracy theory they said didn't exist, gatekeeping that saying, no, no, no, no, you're a conspiracy theorist if you don't want to put on two masks, you're a conspiracy theorist. And I'm like, I'm a human that has the right to say, just like you, if you've ever played football or something, like some people think the helmet's uncomfortable. It's a heavy thing on your head. It's like telling me that I can't feel that this is uncomfortable. I'm not, I mean, there's people who don't like hats. I don't want to wear this hat. You can't tell me that a mask on my face for eight hours is comfortable and it's not restricting me in any way. I mean, that's not how I feel. I'm, you know, maybe I get anxiety. Maybe it's rubbing my skin the wrong way. Maybe
Starting point is 01:33:09 it is tough for me to breathe and it's causing me, you know, to feel claustrophobic, which it does. It's like, they're trying to fact check that. And not only that sensor and penalize people really take away their whole career and their income for voicing an opinion about being forced mass. That's where I consider this like really like a human rights violation. It's not just that they're doing it, which is bad enough, but the fact that they're trying to do something crazy abusive and act as if you're not even allowed to disagree with it. It's so, you know, mind-blowingly wicked in my opinion. Introducing TD Insurance for Business with customized coverage options for your business.
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Starting point is 01:34:50 did you know did you did you think right away uh-oh something's up like this is all part of a fucking game this is we're about to fucking the game has begun well i think the first i heard of it was in january because china was going crazy with it. And, you know, my original take was like they're overreacting, you know, because I mean,'m pretty optimistic. But once stuff started coming, I guess they did a good job of really overselling it. And with Trump there as a conservative Republican, just, you know, it's like you're thinking you're trying to figure it out. Like, did this leak out of China and it really is deadly? You know what I'm saying? Like, is it a bioweapon? Are they over exaggerating? So I would say I was cautious. But at the beginning, it was tough for me to figure out. On one hand, I felt like they were using it to an advantage and they were going to push mandatory vaccines and lockdowns. I saw that coming. But also there is this concern,
Starting point is 01:35:54 right? That it's this super deadly virus that, you know, maybe leaked by mistake. So I was a little confused, I think at first, you know, maybe it was really bad or something i was i was definitely trying to like figure it out in january they released some data out of china and this is how i knew right away the whole thing was a joke they said that 85 of the deaths maybe more maybe it was 95 i can't remember some huge number were men who were over 65 who had been smoking 30 years or more. Wow. That's a good find, though, for you to find that. 30 years or more.
Starting point is 01:36:30 And then they said that the second highest were the women who lived with those men. Once I knew that, I was like, okay. And then so I started putting this thing out anomaly where no one healthy has died from COVID. And I would write that on my Instagram, show me one healthy person that's died from COVID. I want to see one. And, and, and, and the same three people would always get sent to me. One of them was this biker, not healthy, lives off of refined carbohydrates and goose sticks.
Starting point is 01:36:59 The other one was a kid out of New York who died, a 15 year old boy. I could never prove what his thing was. And the other one was a Broadway artist who was skinny, who later on I found out was on cocaine and poppers. Not a single healthy person has died from this thing. What do I mean by healthy? They don't need added sugar or refined carbohydrates, that they're not obese. There isn't one.
Starting point is 01:37:17 You cannot find one. Not one. What you would consider healthy and what everyone would consider healthy are two different things. But this country, I think you're- Well, I defined it, right? You're raising a good point where it's like, this is probably for you, maybe the most frustrating thing, definitely for me.
Starting point is 01:37:32 I don't judge what other people do. I take care of myself. But when you have people that are morbidly obese, people that eat garbage food all the time, they have no idea what they're putting in their bodies constantly. They drink all the time. They don't work out. And now they're telling me that I can't go to the gym or go to the beach. And that's for my health. Yet there's Corona and pharmaceutical ads on the television. I mean, I lost it. I never
Starting point is 01:37:53 fat shamed people or, you know, I don't care who you are, but like, you're going to tell me not to do like, and you're negatively impacting my health. You're locking elderly people inside, taking away their, how many elderly people do you think, you know, lost muscle mass, their bones weakened from, I mean, they probably killed, I don't know the number, way more elderly people than they saved with lockdowns. You know, this idea that treating elderly people like prisoners is healthy for them, it's mind-blowing. But I think in order to know this stuff, you have to not be oblivious to like root level health, which is what diet, exercise, mental health. These people are 30 years complicit in their demise. If you've been drinking Coke for 15 years or 20, and that was another thing. So
Starting point is 01:38:34 that was another thing where the society is manipulated. I'm not going to argue that elderly people, that their immune system doesn't wane, but you can't make age a factor when it's only a correlate. And what do I mean by that? Someone who's 70 has had 70 years of bad lifestyle choices. Someone who's 30 hasn't had as much time as the person who's 70. You can't blame age. You have to know that they've been drinking Coke for 50 fucking years. It was the same thing with old folks homes. 40% of the people who've died from COVID in the beginning were all in old folks homes homes So I quickly looked up what's the average life expectancy of someone in an old folks home? It's like 13.4 months, right?
Starting point is 01:39:11 You can't shut down a country if 40 of the people who are dying from a disease are dying from it because With a 13.4 month life expectancy, right? Cannot here. Here's the crazy part about the testing which was crazy This is why I kind of like Elon Musk. A lot of people don't trust him because he's got Neuralink, whatever. But he was the only person with high status saying this in April. And I was thrilled about how they're testing. And this is not what he said, but he was talking about testing.
Starting point is 01:39:38 Here's what I said. If you look up how many people get the common cold every year, I'm not saying COVID is the common cold because you're not allowed to say that. And I don't even think that. But I'm just saying, OK, like, I think it is. I'll say a lot of people get the common cold every year. I'm not saying COVID is the common cold because you're not allowed to say that. And I don't even think that, but I'm just saying, okay, like, I think it is. I'll say a lot of people get the common cold. I don't know if it's 50 million, you got to look it up, but like, it's very common. Okay. So if you took those numbers, you don't really test people for the common cold, but if you did, if you tested people for the common cold, as much as you did COVID
Starting point is 01:40:00 with the numbers of how many people are getting it. Okay. How many people die in America every year? Like 3 million, 2 million. That's a lot of people. So if you just take the math and you write this out on an equation, so this many people get the common cold, this many people die. If you're testing people with the common cold all the time, and within a couple of weeks, if they die with the common cold, you're saying they die from the common cold, like with COVID, It's statistically impossible to keep that number under a couple hundred thousand deaths. And that's what they did with COVID. They're saying that if you die with COVID or you test positive for COVID, you died from COVID. That's how they
Starting point is 01:40:34 were testing in America. Even if it was the common cold and they were testing the same way, it's just like statistically impossible to keep these numbers down because like Elon Musk was saying on Rogan in 2020, if you got bitten by a shark and you had COVID, they said you died from COVID. And Rogan's like, no, you're exaggerating. He's like, I'm actually not. They're testing everyone for COVID. And if you get positive for COVID, they don't care if you have 15 comorbidities and you clearly died from a heart something. They're going to mark you down as the death from COVID. This is something Trump didn't talk about. The Santa's doesn't talk about. Yeah. Why didn't, why didn't they talk about that? How come, how come, um, why did, why,
Starting point is 01:41:13 why won't they talk about exercise? Why didn't, why doesn't, why didn't Trump say, Hey, and even Joe Rogan was being a pussy for the longest time. Why wouldn't someone just say, Hey, all you have to do is stop eating added sugar and refined carbohydrates. Your T cells and your NK cells are fully capable of killing anything in this stage. And you're fine. Why didn't why didn't Trump get on an exercise bike in front of the White House and ride it for an hour? Why won't someone do that? I mean, he's mentally healthy, I think, but physically he's not a healthy person. He eats McDonald's. He promotes terrible stuff. He drinks Coke. No, he's mentally healthy i think but physically he's not a healthy person he eats mcdonald's he promotes terrible stuff he drinks coke no he's massively obese he's a healthy person and but his son is healthy his son's a crossfitter right why doesn't junior slap his dad around i
Starting point is 01:41:55 know i like you i feel like junior is definitely more more awake um you know and trump sold the vaccine like oversold i think he sold it harder than Bill Gates did in 2021. He sold it as if it saved the entire world. It was some crazy stuff. But this is politics, right? This is why they don't want people to not just have these conversations, but think this way, because here's the dynamic like it, you know, is Trump better than Biden? I don't know what your audience thinks. But I mean, I would say Biden is in the lowest level. Like I consider Obama 20 times better than Biden just off of like not being a geriatric weirdo. But it's like now you have two options, right? The Democrats or
Starting point is 01:42:31 the Republicans. The Republicans had no problem printing nine trillion dollars in 2020. So are they fiscally conservative? I would say as somebody who's more libertarian leaning on tax and stuff, that was more socialist and communist than certain Obama things. Trump had no problem doing that. Now Biden's doing it so that they want people to argue, well, AOC is annoying. Well, I hate Trump, orange man bad. This stops people from getting to the root level. Here's the real red pill. The FDA and the CDC are full blown insane. And our food regulations in this country, the additives and the dyes that are illegal in Japan and Europe, you know, the dough conditioner that they use. Forget about I mean, I have no problem with a hamburger, but how good is the meat? Not very good. It's illegal in Europe.
Starting point is 01:43:14 How good is the bread bread like decent bread? I mean, what kind of bread is it? It's dough conditioner. That's not even legal in multiple parts of the world. They're they're killing you with the food and Trump's never going to talk about it. So they like when people just get trapped in this, like either you're pro-MAGA or anti-MAGA, you're pro-vax or anti-vax. These are conversations where they, it's like a Roman circus, right? Everybody fights, but they never get to the root level of, there's maybe three politicians that are talking about food quality. Thomas Massey is one of them. I don't even know a second one. It's weird, these words too, these words that don't mean
Starting point is 01:43:51 anything like anti-racist, anti-vax. It's just sorcery. It's just word fuckery. Right. It doesn't even mean anything. Oh, I'm anti-Bigfoot because I don't believe in Bigfoot. I'm anti-Bigfoot. There's no end to that nonsense. I'm writing a book on that. I've been trying to finish it forever, but go through all these words, racist, sexist, xenophobic, anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theorist, climate denier, how they're used, what they mean. Say we were having a conversation even about when we were talking about God. Maybe that was one time where we were having somewhat of a debate. If I said, you're anti-God, you're anti-Christian, you're evil, you know, that would just mean I think I'm better than you. I'm not even going to entertain what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:44:34 And I win the conversation by default because I'm censoring you with these words. They're really words of the censor, right? It's like intellectually lazy. And it's just like you can win with a word like, you know, let's talk about welfare. Actually know let's not you're a racist okay i win you know i'm out have a good it's a great way to pretend to be like a moral superior if if if the two of us talk about a subject and we talk about god and i don't bring you into it and you don't bring me into it we can use both our brains together to to solve the problem the second i say you don't understand anomaly or that's because you hate black people or um that's because you the second i bring you into it the conversation's over right we can't we can't and and you know through name calling you know they they were they referenced that as ad hominem you know what i mean like you say to me
Starting point is 01:45:29 you're a fucking idiot you're that you're a fucking idiot because you don't believe in god and the conversation's over and it's it's um it's uh there was this conversation i was having with someone one time and they were like hey if it can't be measured it doesn't exist and these are the five measurements and i said well what if there's something um what if there's a sixth measurement and that's why we can't see this other thing and they said don't be fucking stupid and it's like whoa whoa whoa whoa like it's over the conversation is now over i've i don't know about you but now i have like because i'm i'm someone like four years ago you call me a racist it devastates me because i used to devastate me too you know because I was like, I am so not that.
Starting point is 01:46:07 And it hurts my feelings because I don't want people to think I'm that. Now I just laugh at it, not because I'm heartless, because that were toilet papers, racist, my walls, racist. You know, I get so overblown that it doesn't bother me. So in a way, it's like I have like an armor now where I'm like, I don't even care. And it's made me, I think, a better analyst because I don't pander as much anymore. People do this with so many things with me. And it's funny because left and right wing, everybody has a certain trigger. There's certain times where if you criticize someone Jewish that's powerful, they'll call you an anti-Semite. And it's crazy because I mean, that word, in my opinion, I don't know what everyone else thinks it means because it's
Starting point is 01:46:48 overused like racist, but like, to me, that means you hate all Jews. So it's a really bad thing to call somebody because it comes with a lot of like social stigma and like, wow, like you hate every, so it's like, it's not only like childish, but it's like, if you have a question of like what Israel's government's doing, oh, you must hate everybody on the planet. It's like, it's so, it's such a childish thing. And it's so, it can be so hurtful because I mean, it makes you look like a terrible person, but now these words are so overused that I just don't care anymore because I also know, thank God I've reached enough people. I have thousands of Jewish, Muslim, Christian, white, black, like I got people in Africa, like nobody's going to believe it because I've had so much I have thousands of Jewish Muslim Christian white black like I got people in Africa like nobody's gonna believe it because I've had so much content out there that
Starting point is 01:47:29 maybe the media will and these psychos will but it's like people who listen to me they know I'm not hateful I don't I don't I don't spew like racial hatred but I will have difficult racial conversations because I do find it interesting but it it's like, yeah, you know, just like, do you care anymore? Like four years ago, I'm devastated. You call me racist. Now I'm just like, it doesn't even I'm like, this word means nothing to me now. Like, do you care now when people call you that? If I believe that there is a word that someone should be offended by because of the color of their skin. I am now the purveyor, curator, and guard of the existence of racism. Are you following what I'm saying? If a black boy is born tomorrow morning,
Starting point is 01:48:29 why would anyone have a word be waiting for him on planet earth that he is supposed to be offended by for the rest of his life? And if you're a person who supports that narrative around a word then who is actually the racist who is actually the creator and curator of racism how is it that a little mexican boy who's not born yet he's going to be born next week that there's already a word form spic waiting on planet earth that he's supposed to be offended by you are the fucking racist you are the creator of systemic racism by demanding that every person of mexican descent be offended by that word and that's the most mind-boggling thing to me that more people don't get that and there's whole there's whole people's whole careers are built on that.
Starting point is 01:49:25 Right. That's the entire BLM movement. We demand that black people be offended. The only thing that keeps every single human being from having union with God and enlightenment is the fact that they're offended. And because offended is basically your ego. It's fascinating to me. It's absolutely fascinating.
Starting point is 01:49:43 Every time you're offended, that's your ego, and that separates you from God. I think it's a superpower to not care. And it's almost like that Washington Post journalist. Or to see through it, right? Beyond not caring, to see through it. It's not real. But when you care a lot and you don't have self-awareness, it keeps coming. Like Sean King's fighting racism and Al Sharpton. He's probably got more slurs than any person on the planet, not because of his skin color, just because he's such a wicked person. And he's always doing something weird where it's like, I have a friend, Bryson Gray. He's a hip hop artist, black dude. He always says, I don't even care if people call me the N word, like he'll laugh at it. And now he beat it because he doesn't care, you know,
Starting point is 01:50:22 and he doesn't get called it that much because it doesn't affect him. It's like it's like you can't beat the Internet. Say you do something stupid and people make fun of it. You got to just own up to it, because if you're always trying to fight it all the time, it'll always come. I get why people are emotional, but I think the same way as a person. You know, I'm part Hispanic. I'm not completely. But, you know, I don't know. Like if someone uses a word or says something towards me like either they're they're right and they're telling me something, they're angry and that's their issue. But, you know, especially with other men, I have to say this. I hate when people drag me into drama like you're not my girlfriend.
Starting point is 01:50:56 I don't know you. Yes. I don't got time. Yes. I've had guys be like, you know, I could have beef with them and been like an alpha and be like, oh,, but I'm thinking in my head, what I like to do. I like to go to the beach. I'm running a business. You know, you're not my girlfriend. You're not even a girl. Um, I don't even have five minutes to give you that. I'm not even mad at you, even though you're mad at me. I'm like, just leave me alone. You drama queen. You know, it's like, that's how I think about this stuff.
Starting point is 01:51:20 So I don't, I don't have the time to yell at people saying words like you go that way. I'll go this way. Like you're not, you're not my wife. Uh, I don't, I't have the time to yell at people saying words like you go that way. I'll go this way. Like you're not you're not my wife. I don't I can't entertain this like fake, you know, fight of something that's not going to benefit me. And real quick, if I've seen this song, it's hilarious. Do you know I had this guy on the show. So, OK, so, you know, this song. I've heard the song. Absolutely. Yeah. But I think, you know, absolutely. You know, when you do stuff like that and say in inner cities and stuff, if you look at, you know, high crime areas that are majority black, where there's, you know, black kids getting murdered, places like Chicago where innocent people are getting slaughtered all the time, it's evil. Donald Trump, it's like you're fighting your own community, you know? So it's like this anger and this hatred, it's not, you're not fighting the white man or the cop. It's like, these are people
Starting point is 01:52:08 killing each other, the same racial group that they say they're trying to empower. And the only way to really get over that is to really, I mean, obviously money and resources can help, but it's this situation where you got to get to this point where you can't, you can't be beefing all the time, you know? So it's like, if you're mad at a word, you can be, if you want, but it's, it's going to lead you to this irrational lifestyle where you're, you're going to, you know, I, that's the craziest thing to me when left-wingers, like they act like Chicago doesn't exist. If you're an activist, that's interested in saving black lives. This is a huge problem. I know it's not politically convenient, but when you have 15 people getting murdered in a weekend and you don't want to talk about it because the races don't align to the
Starting point is 01:52:48 crime that you want to talk about, these people need to learn the culture and the mindset of like, if you really want to stick it to the man, you know what I'm saying? Get out, crush it and start a business. Don't kill your neighbor. There's no benefit. How about Asian hate? 95% of all crimes done to Asians are from black people. And yet I was like, what is the left doing? That Asian hate how about Asian hate 95% of all crimes done to Asians are from black people and yet I was like what what is the left doing that Asian hate thing might have been a misstep like like what the fuck are you guys claiming that's like a conservative white thing but it's really like Asians in bad neighborhoods that are not safe anymore right it's like San Francisco LA it's right yeah and of course it has nothing to do with color. Here's the crazy thing too.
Starting point is 01:53:25 The Washington Post will report about all of these deaths and they'll break them down by color, right? They'll never mention to you that 6% of the United States is black men and that 51% of all the murders are done by black men. By their sex, meaning that they have a penis in their pants and by their skin color, meaning that they're melanated. Biologically, the sun affects them differently.
Starting point is 01:53:50 Obviously, their skin has no factor on whether the fact that they're violent or murderers. Zero. It's a cultural phenomenon. It's like I say on the show all the time. If you think you know anything about black people but you haven't lived in Africa, then you have no business saying anything about black people as a sweeping generalization. Because even if you are black, because the majority of black people live in Africa and they're nothing culturally like the people in the United States. Nothing. I spent a ton of time in Africa. Right. Zero. Especially like, you know, like when African like Nigerians crush in America, but like African families, like I know a very successful African kid, like I'm talking like Africa, Africa came from Africa. You know, a lot of times their families say, don't, don't hang out with the black culture kids in America because that's not who we are.
Starting point is 01:54:37 That's not our values. And I don't want you to get swept up in that. It's like a Hispanic, you know, when Hispanics get swept up in rap culture and stuff, I rap, there's nothing wrong with it. But like, if you start to try to live that gangster lifestyle, you're going to end up dead or in jail. It's not the fifties anymore. You know what I'm saying? There's technology, there's phones, the feds are on this stuff. You can't be gangbanging like that. It's not, I'm trying to help people. You know, Nipsey Hussle used to say that he's like, guys, we got, so, you know, you, you're not getting away with this stuff. There's no point. Why, if you want to stick it to the white man and the guy at the top, why are you fighting people
Starting point is 01:55:07 in your own neighborhood? Like, what's the what's the benefit of that? There is none, you know, but I wanted to ask you with the with the men thing, because I'm not even I'm not like weaseling around the race thing, but I'm just curious, like it is true sex wise that men are committing like what, 90 something percent of the violent crime. that men are committing like what 90 something percent of the violent crime why do you think that is that like women don't murder as much on the on the like the on the gender side the same thing that it's it's it's just all biological shit right it's the same reason why we will
Starting point is 01:55:36 tolerate almost anything if for vagina whereas they they won't almost tolerate anything for penis do you know what i mean like we were talking about that earlier. If a woman has a completely different ideological stance than you, you don't care if you're, if you're physically attracted to her, if you want to see her naked and you want to lay with her and shower with her or whatever, but women aren't like that. And it's the same men. There's just, I don't know. Yeah, sure. Sure. There I'm sure there's some chemical, there's something, but it's the same reason why we get more car accidents. Isn't that fascinating? They can charge us more for insurance. Right no one's like that's sexist right well because we know we're shittier drivers we're more aggressive we do crazy shit we do like you and i
Starting point is 01:56:14 at 16 years old see the sign says 35 and being that we're good at math we're like i wonder if i can double that you know what i mean i wonder if i can do 70 and you don't even know why you want to do that. I've never heard of a girl doing that. Yeah. I wonder the first thing I want to do is jump my car. No, I don't. I've never seen a girl like be like, Hey, I want to, I can't wait. My girlfriend used to be like, can you please not rev my car over 3000 RPMs? My dad said, it's not good. I'm like, what? It's definitely gotta be a biologically. I don't know if it's like testosterone or just men. It's the same reason like men are more dominant in basketball. But it is fascinating because like women love watching like crime shows and stuff, but it is men that are usually murdering with the higher insurance, too. I mean,
Starting point is 01:56:58 you know, I'm not playing the victim because this doesn't affect me. I'm not going to cry over it. But there is a massive attack on men in the media where it's like men are committing more suicide. You know, there are things that are disproportionate. It's not to say that men need to cry about it. But, you know, I think what they're trying to do is they're trying to like feminize men. They're trying. Yes, for sure. They're trying to demonize men. And I have an interesting take on it. I mean, socially, it's obvious what's going on. But politically, I think I figured out why they hate certain groups. And once again, I'm not playing the victim. I'm not saying other racial groups don't face certain things because there are black Jewish Muslim. Everyone has their own thing that they're
Starting point is 01:57:33 dealing with. But in America, if you really unbiasedly look at the media and say, who are they constantly like bashing and left-wing media? It's a lot of Christians, a lot of conservatives, Republicans. If you're a black Republican, they hate you. Trust me. And then like white people, white culture. But once again, if you're a Republican, if you fall into any of those categories, they're going to hate you anyway. But it's like, these are the groups that they hate. And if you look at statistically, who's voting conservative against big government in policies, the white race is, white race, whatever. That is the number one demographic voting men that they're also is demonizing. If only women voted, the entire
Starting point is 01:58:10 country would be Democrat. If only men voted, the entire country would be Republican. It's that women are voting massively Democrat on a skew. So it's like every group that they demonize, I don't even think they have a deep insatiable hate for, you know, race or gender. It's just like they know if they can destroy this group and badger them, that they can gain power. And here's what I say to women or any group that's voting in favor of Democrats. They're not doing it for your best interest. If they can assume total power, we're all screwed. So they're just scapegoating right now. It's not like, oh, white people are amazing or they don't need any scrutiny, but it's like they've identified
Starting point is 01:58:49 racially, this group is an issue. This religion's an issue. Even now, Hispanics are starting to vote more conservative. And you're seeing these op-eds, the white supremacist Hispanics, the Hispanics gone awry. And it's like any group that doesn't vote for them. I mean, you know, look at like someone like a Candace Owens or like a Kanye West. They say one thing against the media narrative and all of a sudden they're like literally Hitler. You know, it's like they. Right. Right. Anybody that questions them gets gets bamboozled. But they know statistically who will benefit them over time. And I feel like they're trying to, you know, socially engineer to get power, just like with the illegal immigration. I'm part Hispanic. My stepfather is 100% Mexican. I'm not saying that
Starting point is 01:59:31 to pander. I'm just saying my like, a lot of my family is Hispanic. But anyway, you know, it's not like they love illegal immigrants. It's like there's two things going on. One, they're doing a cheap labor thing with a lot of corporations. Two, they understand the voting patterns of certain people. And if you give them money and a visa, you know, they're going to vote for you. So I don't think they're doing it out of the kindness of their heart. I think they're and they've said this publicly, like they're trying to figure out how to win places like Texas. But then if you say that, they'll be like, oh, that's racist. I have videos of them literally saying that, you know, it's not like i made this up you know democrats are literally like yeah if we do
Starting point is 02:00:08 this long enough then this will be a blue state like yeah yeah yeah it's crazy you know jorge ventura dream absolutely yeah dream rare dream where dream yeah he's a hard he's a hard worker he's a good guy great guy hey do you ever have guests on your show oh yeah i have a podcast now dream rare podcast how long have you been doing it the podcast i've been doing for a couple like Great guy. Hey, do you ever have guests on your show? Oh yeah. I have a podcast now. Dream Rare podcast. How long have you been doing it? The podcast I've been doing for a couple, like a month or so. So I just kind of restarted it. Yeah. Okay. Okay. I think I saw you have the bandwidth to do that. What do you mean? Like time-wise or?
Starting point is 02:00:37 Yeah. Yeah. Man, it's every day, wake up, get some sun, go to the beach. You know what I'm saying? Get some burpees, some pushups and get working. i that's why my book's not done though and even songs and stuff you know when i record my own songs i'm like i write my own songs so sometimes i do shows it's something has to give but i always get to get it done even if you're a liberal woman man even if you're a democrat you don't want a liberal uh man i'm telling you you really don't do you think you really you really don't i mean i've been maybe maybe as a maybe as a conservative man you do want a liberal woman maybe i think like but but you
Starting point is 02:01:15 you you basically you are you are you are um there's two things with problem with the liberal man like the the the rich liberal men, they're all pharma executives. They hurt people for a living. I mean that's a huge sweeping generalization, but you feel me on it. And yeah, it's interesting. I think – They're basically closeted. Liberal people are basically closeted homophobes and racists.
Starting point is 02:01:44 They're basically closeted.ophobes and racists. They're basically closeted and they're pushing so hard. It's the guy yelling from his front porch. I am not a pedophile. Anyone who's doing that, you do not let your kids go play at their house. You're not like, oh, he's not a pedophile. Go ahead, kids. No, I knew the second I saw a BLM sign on someone's front porch in Berkeley or in Portland, I knew, oh, those are the racists. I know it. You're trying to keep that narrative alive that there's us in them. I met this guy one time in LA who was like a Democrat, just like, you know, I don't know. He was like super left wing. I saw his Instagram. We were drinking. He invited me back to his place, like, you want to smoke weed, whatever. I went back to his place anyway. You know, he was telling
Starting point is 02:02:22 me about how much he hated Trump, this and that. A starts calling using the n-word and not like in like a rap song or something you know i'm saying like yes these n-words jump me and blah blah blah and this and that like and i was sitting there i'm like is he just drunk saying this or does he think because i'm more conservative that we talk like this or something but it's like i've been with i've been wasted with republicans all the time i've never had someone like like it's almost like he just like freaked out where like you said it's like i'm not a racist i'm not a racist like five drinks and he's like oh these people i'm like bro if you're getting robbed move to a safer area dude like you know but it was this weird thing where you know hey dude it's the same with the conservative senators
Starting point is 02:03:01 who are again the conservatives who like spend their life being anti-gay. And then you find out they're getting their dick sucked in the bathroom. Or the guy in New York, the attorney general 10 years ago. I forget his name. Wiener or Spitzer? Yeah, Spitzer. His whole career is built on stopping prostitution. He's caught in a fucking brothel. Right, right.
Starting point is 02:03:21 It's like you just know. You just know. Right. I mean, the world is wild and and uh yeah we know if you have a black blackout tuesday we know you're racist i just know i know you are i want to say with the like liberal men you know for women sort of thing this was my experience even before i knew what woke culture was woke culture i just thought it was like hipsters you know i'm saying'm saying? Like liberals. They weren't as annoying, but they were kind of like beta, starting to become beta. When I used to go to New York with my friends,
Starting point is 02:03:53 like women would like throw themselves at me. I'm talking like literally just come up to me and like want me like immediately. And I couldn't figure out. I mean, I was like, I didn't think I looked at it. I was young and I didn't- New York City? New York City? Manhattan? In New York City. But then I started talking and I was like, I mean, I like the confidence boost. I was like, damn, I must be really, really steezing over here. But they were like, Oh, first of all, what my women friends were telling me in LA or in New York city at the time was like, there's more women than men, but also all these men are like these girly men and like beta dudes. And like, women aren't really, even liberal women are not really interested in that.
Starting point is 02:04:26 So I find even in L.A. and in New York City, like, you know, of course, there's the cycle like, oh, my God, if you even think about Trump, I hate you. But for the most part, just biologically and literally like even liberal women are not interested in these like gangly, like self-deprecating like, you know, betas. are not interested in these like gangly, like self deprecating, like, you know, betas. So I found it to be like, almost easier when I go to liberal cities, because it's like the last time they've seen someone that isn't like a puddle, you know, like crying themselves to sleep in a puddle, they like would run up to me. It was crazy. I was like, dang, this is a great for my confidence. It's funny, now that you mentioned that, I think that i was at a party in new york city one time and i went home with this girl i didn't sleep with her but i think i was thinking i think that's the only time that's ever actually happened in my life like usually for me like getting a girl is like
Starting point is 02:05:15 i've had no it's work i've never it's like like i gotta go out with you 20 times before you let me kiss you like i've never been to a bar and some bitch like take me home and fuck me like i ain't that guy sorry just just i don't got those looks never had them or that skill set but you're right in new york city i went to a party one time and this fucking hot chick who was an executive at a tv station took me home yeah it's a different world out there and the dudes are the dudes are it's kind of weird shaking those dudes hands i feel like in a weird way like their fingers come like when you shake their hands their fingers do this like listen people if you shake a motherfucker's hands even if you got a bitch handsake don't let don't let your fingers start crossing like keep them i find that new york is more liberal than la like obviously la is liberal and so san francisco but
Starting point is 02:05:59 like oh new york it's almost like the echo chamber and And I saw it six years ago because I had friends. I was born near New York, you know, in the tri-state area. And a lot of my friends moved to the city. And the echo chamber was more severe in New York than it was in L.A. And I had a friend that, you know, came out as gay. And then we were sitting and I was talking to him. This is probably like 2016. I don't even remember 2017. And we're talking, I said, Hey, like, as far as like gay, straight, bisexual, like I get it. But like, what's up with like the thousand sexualities, like demisexual, pansexual, you know, I was kind of like joking about like, if you're bi, just say you're bi. And he's like, like, he got like offended.
Starting point is 02:06:41 And it was like, I mean, there's a huge difference, you know, and like, if he would have just joked him and like, there's a difference, I would have laughed too. But like, he got so offended and it was like, I mean, there's a huge difference, you know? And like, if he would have just joked and been like, there's a difference, I would have laughed too. But like he got so offended and I'm like, that's, that's before it even really came. It was like boiling in New York city. And I think that's what happened. And like that echo chamber got crazy. And then it started growing where they all got comfortable with it. It was like on the outskirts and then they got it to break through to these corporations. Cause a lot of them are in New new york and and then it just got to the point where it was like you know it's everywhere now because they're running everything but it was i saw it boiling and i just thought it was weird at that point i was like i don't care if you're gay straight or bi personally however
Starting point is 02:07:17 yeah what's up with a thousand things like you need a thousand things and and he was like well it's more word fuckery and i was was like, damn, that's crazy. These people are. It's lack of precision. It's the same, same thing with gender. There is no such thing as gender. How do I know there's no such thing as gender? Because I don't have a gender.
Starting point is 02:07:35 I, Sevan Matosian, do not have a gender. You cannot make me have a gender. I don't have a favorite Bigfoot. I don't have a favorite boogeyman. I don't have. The comments said you were a transgender. So I don't know. Yes. Yes. I don't have a favorite boogeyman. Conspiracy Pierce in the comments said you were a transgender, so I don't know. Yes, yes, I am a transgender. Yes, I'm a fully transgender. I think jumping rope is feminine, and I love jumping rope, so I must be transgender.
Starting point is 02:07:56 I'm non-binary. But I'm telling you, biologically, I'm a fucking huge cock-swinging motherfucker. Biologically. I'm a man. The gender, I have none i'm a i identify as a pansexual astronaut so if you ever want to go to mars where did you get that is that yeah all right so i got this that thing is dope during the pandemic when they were making people wear masks like and it was like bad you know like before you could get around it i bought this and i would put
Starting point is 02:08:24 this on and walk around with it and like they'd they'd be like, excuse me, sir, can you put your mask on? And then I put that on and I start screaming at them just to kind of like troll. Like I would be like at like Cheesecake Factory and they're like, excuse me, sir, put your mask on. I put this on. I'm like, and I'd close it. They'd let me do this. But then I'd start yelling at them and be like, you know, you think a mask works? You need a full helmet, you know, get your helmet, you know, you need the helmet. And and like i started just treating them like garbage that was my way of not freaking out and getting upset and like kids loved it like if someone was with their family they're laughing hysterically at this like they're like oh my god that guy where'd you get it
Starting point is 02:08:55 just i wasn't doing it just to be funny it was like i was holding a mirror to how crazy they were and it was just like yeah i would wear that to every restaurant i went to just go full helmet for my mask i didn't um la was bad i didn't uh i lived i lived up in santa cruz and although it was bad i would i i am really around a ton of betas and like you really don't have to do anything like you could you really don't have to like you don't have to like you can just be like fuck off get away from me people be oh my God, I'm so sorry. I haven't been there in years. I mean, I used to live in LA, but as far as like, this is maybe, maybe it's just because of who I surround myself by, but that like her here, like, I don't see them in the real world. I know they, I mean, they all must work at Google and Facebook and stuff, but it's like, it's such this crazy ideology that I
Starting point is 02:09:45 almost just feel bad. It's not even like just making fun of them. I'm like, you know, this is not a good mindset. This is not like a long term solution. And you're going to be depressed. You know, like if you're a man, and you hate yourself, and you're ashamed of your race, and you're only it's also as somebody who works out and stuff like david goggins he's black positive mindset you know he doesn't ignore history but he works hard that's just how you win in this world my you know i watch sports like you think they're crying in a corner because of like you know 200 years ago no they're working their ass off to be great in in reality so this idea that you shouldn't learn from the great moments in history and take the good from everything and build off of that, you know, that's just like a recipe to just being depressed,
Starting point is 02:10:29 mentally ill, like weak, you know, unhealthy. It's, it's, it's sad because it's, it's, it's really unhealthy. Very unhealthy. How, how are you for time? I'm chilling. Cause I got up early. Usually I sleep a little later. So I got up early for you. So I'm, I know that's crazy. You did it this early. Hey, we, I have to early. Usually I sleep a little later, so I got up early for you. I know that's crazy you did it this early. Hey, I have to pee. Can you hold on for 30 seconds? Yeah, I'll read some comments. Remember, we're live, so don't do anything crazy like pull your dick out or nothing.
Starting point is 02:10:55 Yeah, no, that's what you do when I'm here. That is you? I'm good. No, I'm here. I'll read some of the comments. Let's see. Anomaly F. Yes, I have a horse head mask that I would use.
Starting point is 02:11:07 Yeah, that was the vibe during the pandemic. Like, you know, I didn't want to be like, I couldn't bring myself to wearing like a mask for two seconds. It's the craziest thing. Sir, can you wear a mask for three seconds and then sit down and then we'll give you bread? It's like you bring out the horse head, you get the space helmet. This one even has a little sound. Listen, hold on. Let me see if you can hear it. It's got the
Starting point is 02:11:28 power visor. It says mission control to pilot. It's a little quiet, but Amazon, 20 bucks. Good investment here. Someone said I'm late. Yeah, he ran out out he had to pee uh let's see see what y'all are saying i'm gonna scroll up someone said i'm pro gym said bruce wayne exactly i'm i'm pro gym and anti lockdown yo oh you were talking to people in the comments. I love it. Yeah. And I got my helmet back and stuff. I was trying to hold it down. Everyone's got to be watching you now. There's got to be people at the fed watching you. You've got to be Candace Owens watching you. You've got to be James O'Keefe is following you. Like everyone's got to be watching you now. It's, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a good place to get the tidbits. Are you – does that motivate you?
Starting point is 02:12:26 How are you – do you use that fuel? Does it intimidate you? Does it excite you? Does it – Yeah, it just is what it is at this point. Actually – Even the White House is watching you. I mean someone at the White House is watching your shit every day.
Starting point is 02:12:37 All four of those, the feds, James O'Keefe, Candace in the White House, I have a story about all of those because you write about every single one. So, yeah, let me know which one you want to hear. Let's start with Mr. O'Keefe, Candace in the White House. I have a story about all of those because you write about every single one. So, yeah, let me know which one you want to hear. Let's start with Mr. O'Keefe. Okay, so I have a friend who is a girl. She does like Republican stuff, you know, super nice and like super accomplished. She just hits me up and says, hey, you want to go on a boat with James? You want to go on a boat with James in like 30 minutes or something? And I was like, yes, of course. So what do you mean? Like just off the coast of LA, just off the coast here? Uh, yeah, I'll tell, I'll tell you, we'll hang
Starting point is 02:13:11 out. I'll tell you in person, but we, we went on a, we were on a boat out in the ocean and, uh, it was me, James, a few people. And, uh, I got to chat with him for a few hours. So, you know, that was pretty cool that she invited me. He was there, I guess they're like family friends or something. And James loves, if you ever like follow him on Instagram, he loved, that was pretty cool that she invited me. He was there. I guess they're like family friends or something. And James loves if you ever like follow him on Instagram, he loves he's like a good, you know, he drove he could drive boats and stuff. So he often like sails and does like stuff in boats. So I got to talk to him for a few hours. And my takeaway from him was real deal. You know, I've always liked him and respected his work. It's tough, insane, really scary work. But real deal. Because some people, everybody's got a theory about everybody out there.
Starting point is 02:13:48 They say that. To me, real deal guy. Like straight up. Dude, I'm in love with him. I'm fucking in love with him. He's a fucking warrior. I would never do stuff like that. And I don't knock it.
Starting point is 02:13:58 I'm just saying that's not the type of person. I don't like to be sneaky and do stuff like that. I don't like it. It's tough stuff because now you're kind of person. I don't like to be sneaky and do stuff like that. I don't like it. Like it's, it's, it's tough stuff because now you're kind of asking, you know, not like it, I know he knows the law and it's legal, but like, it's crazy work to do, you know, like crazy. And you know, people want to try to do it to him now. Well, that's, that's also how I feel spiritually is if you do something, you are inviting it to yourself. So like, I'm not that type of person.
Starting point is 02:14:22 I'm more like a hippie sort of thing where I don't want that type of energy in myself. If I'm sitting with you ever, you can guarantee I'm not privately recording you, whether you're my worst enemy or my best friend. That's not the type of person I am because that's kind of how I live my life. And I like to, even people that people can come and talk trash to somebody that I like. And I've always, even people I'm like, they've been cool to me. You know what I'm saying? Like I'm a loyal person where if they have a bad fallout, something happens in the media, if you were nice to me and good to me, I'm not going to bad mouth you, you know? Right, right. But like with James, I mean, and I'm not saying he's bad, but like he is just different energy,
Starting point is 02:14:56 warrior, you know, I'm, you've gone too far. I'm going this way. Like it's, it's, you gotta have a whole, you gotta be a strong person to do what James does. You know, like what I do is not nearly as tough as that. That's, that's pretty crazy. But you know, I, I got really authentic vibes from him and, and it was definitely a cool experience for sure. How about when he was like in the halls of Congress and he was like, he, I don't remember
Starting point is 02:15:19 what he said, but he said something that basically alluded to the fact that like, Hey, if I die, he's like, he made a post like, Hey, I'm not not suicidal or he did one of those posts you remember that this is a few months ago no oh it's like oh shit shit must be getting scary yeah i don't i mean i think he he seems pretty fearless and uh i'm sure with him too like because like i'm sure a lot of people are always trying to like throw fear on him as well you know what i'm saying where it's like i think to me like manifestation wise it's like, I think to me, like manifestation wise, it's like, you know,
Starting point is 02:15:47 I don't like that personally. And especially him. I don't know what he thinks or what he likes, but it's like, you know, I don't try to invite that type of energy where as I mean, clearly, like if you do what he does or like,
Starting point is 02:15:58 say you go, like you go to war and you're fighting and you're like, it's a dangerous job. You're a police officer. It's a dangerous job. You play in the NFL. It's a day. It's dangerous. You know what I i'm saying so there's a level of danger in everything uh driving a car you know more people will die in cars than like journalists will get you know in trouble so it's like there's extremely day and i try to look at it like that so
Starting point is 02:16:19 i don't really freak out because you know know, everything's dangerous in this world. And this is, you know, it's not probably James is safer than like a football player. You know, it doesn't seem that way. But, you know, it's like there's these physical sports where, you know, you're bashing each other's heads 16 times a year for 10 years. Like, you know, your chances of getting messed up. Connor and Nate Diaz fight. Yeah. I mean, that's another one. UFC.
Starting point is 02:16:46 I mean, I love UFC because it's, as somebody that respects greatness, just the toughness to just get in an octagon and beat the living hell out of somebody. Like, you know, just the same way you respect James O'Keefe, because you're like, that's tough work. Like, just beating another man. Have you met Dana? I mean, it could go to the death but it doesn't it's like what wow i love you i i take a drink and i'm always like oh oh you're here
Starting point is 02:17:12 saturday uh uh say that again you know see saturday yes yes i want to watch the tyson fury fight do you like oh i'd love to i love yes yes yes let's let's watch it okay that would be dope yeah i'm a huge Fury fan. I've tried to get him on the podcast. Hey, are you friends with Dana? Dana White? Do you know him? I wish, man.
Starting point is 02:17:30 I love Dana White, but I've never met him, never spoke to him. I mean, he's incredible what he's done. As a man of society, what he has done is amazing. He's the best sports CEO ever, in my opinion. What I love about him a lot of things but in nba i don't know if you know this if you question the refs you can get a thirty thousand dollar fine for questioning the refs in the ufc dana white the head of the ufc will question his own refs after a fight like he's the realest of of the ceos no question yeah i i really like him um i also what one of the things
Starting point is 02:18:09 i like about james o'keefe is that sometimes i think of him as like sort of being like having asperger's or or like autistic and then and then he flips the script on me and he's spinning records and he's dancing and he's doing like vaudevillian things and i'm like wow this guy is fucking a renaissance man right but that's also like elon where it's like yes like i don't know if elon's autistic or asperger's but like there's this level where like you know you just take it to where i don't know with james i mean when i was he seemed chill but like now he's he could dance like michael jackson he's amazing but it's like that's the thing it's like in order to be great at something you know like those those type of people like i don't i don't know what elon says he has or if
Starting point is 02:18:50 he has anything but like his socially awkward but like genius level like humor stuff is like you know there's something there for sure but it's that's definitely like just the same way that like someone's tough childhood drives them to be like an absolute monster in a sport or something. Right. Don't ruin his story, Lone Star. Be quiet. You pipe down over there. The spirit of the story is still accurate.
Starting point is 02:19:14 Someone said refs don't work for UFC. Well, still though, I mean, I don't know. He still, when he questions them, it fucks with the commission. And the commission is someone that most owners would kiss their ass. And so he's not kissing the commission's ass i see see how that works lone star and the reason they do it in the in nba too it's not i don't even think it's just because they own it it's just they're trying to protect the integrity of the league and if people start thinking the games are rigged it looks bad on them but what weirder way to gatekeep that than to block it you know right it's like right he could do that and say we want people to think these fights are fair so you're not allowed to question it so i think i
Starting point is 02:19:48 think it's more like uh you know people's perception of how fair it is is why they do it but you might be right i don't know um what about uh candace owens i think you were on her show weren't you i was i actually so the the way that me and Candice met is actually reverse what was, uh, okay. So I had a big platform on Facebook and I found her video and I'm not the type of person I'm not taking credit. She's done stuff in her life. You know, she's, she would have been, she would have been huge anyway. I think she's just got the spirit and the energy. Um, but I found her video when she probably didn't even have a hundred thousand views on YouTube. Found it, captioned it, uploaded it on my Facebook page. I had to share information I liked and it got like 30 million views.
Starting point is 02:20:32 So I actually have a signed book from Candice where she thanked me for being really the first person who made her go viral and blow her video up. So I met with Candice before most people knew about her. She never was on Fox, never was on anywhere. I had coffee with her and I remember sitting with her that day and she was asking me like, why did you blow my video up? And I was like, I just liked it. You know, I didn't really have an alternative motive. I had a page for content that wasn't on Facebook that I wanted to share, but I couldn't find it. So I made my own
Starting point is 02:20:59 page. But what I did differently is people never do this to me. I don't care, but I credited them. I tagged them. I made sure I was giving them, but I wanted to get that info out there. So, you know, I don't know exactly what she wrote, but, you know, she considers that to be really her first big break that I gave her. I not only uploaded the video, shared it, but got it like 20, 30 million views. And to be fair, I didn't get it 20, 30 million views. I mean, you can't just get any video that much.
Starting point is 02:21:24 Right, right million views. I mean, you can't just get any video that much. Right. Right. Right. Right. And then she went on to just crush it. And, you know, so when I was on her show, I have her number. I just texted her. She'll text back in five minutes. Yep, that's fine. You know, so I really appreciate that she she signed the book do with Trump and Kanye. It's definitely the six degrees of separation and like how planting a seed can grow is fascinating. But yeah, that's I'm definitely, you know, grateful to be a part of that journey and a pretty big part of it. This is not a dig at her at all or at anyone else. She's great. I love what she does. What she does is so important. Unfortunately, I'm the most racist thing I'm ever going to say in my life, what's really important is because of the fact that she does it because of her melanated skin. Because you have to be so fucking – you have to be so cocksure of yourself and think so clearly and be so healthy in your mind to do what she's done but it's the same reason why obese people need to speak out against the coronavirus the black people need to speak at people with melanated skin need to speak out against what's going on on the side of liberals because because there's something really convoluted going on and it's like what you said in the beginning um uh the worst thing that could be growing up and you obviously experience this too the worst thing anyone could call you in the state
Starting point is 02:22:43 of california is a racist and then a pedophile and then a homophobe no one like we're terrified of those things and a sexist but but when black people will finally stand up and be like wait a second that's not racist right right then then it gives us cover and and it's i i just can't and but you have to be able to think so clearly and not emotionally, which is fascinating for her since Ms. Owens is such an emotional creature. She's so young, and she – but as a compliment to you, you are still the least biased person thinking clearly on the web right now in my opinion. You're the most concise and least biased, and it's, yeah, I think all those people know that. Like O'Keefe knows that. Owens knows that.
Starting point is 02:23:29 Everyone knows this about you. Your account, and I said it earlier in the show, you owe it to Anomaly and to Society to repost everything that he puts up in your story. You just should. I appreciate it. Yeah. With Candace, too, I want to say like, I just was reading, I don't know the exact statistics. I read 98%, but like obviously a majority
Starting point is 02:23:51 of black people vote Democrat, but black women, apparently it's upwards of like 98%. Like, you know, like, so that demographic, like if you narrow it down to women is, I mean, that's 90, if that's true, that's 98 out of every 100 black women. So as corny as it can be, sometimes it'd be like pander, like, oh, we need this, we need that. But like, it is really true. Like in order to break this spell that people have, you know,
Starting point is 02:24:15 sometimes it does take somebody in that community. And I bet she has woken up a lot of people, but at the same time, there's some people that just never learn And it's this fascinating sort of thing Where you can lead a horse to water But you can't make them drink But at the same time America would be so much better I'm not saying everybody has to love Republicans or anything But this brainwashed mentality
Starting point is 02:24:37 Of everybody right wing is racist So I'm going to go vote Democrat It's the most Would you rather have your daughter be Candace owens or your son be al sharpton oh fucking do you want someone who feels sorry for a whole generation of people and all they do is create victims for sure you want some a strong a strong leader who fucking teaches people to stand up for themselves right fucking 20 candace owens for sure over 10 million that's like the answer like night and day it's pretty yeah it's fucking crazy yeah
Starting point is 02:25:10 it's crazy okay uh what about um uh the white house what interaction have you had with the white house i got to go um like i said i'm i'm uh i'm italian i'm polish i'm czechoslovakian and i'm i'm part puerto rican but uh the hispanic republicans invited me to the white house under trump so i got to go uh no shit yeah talk like i didn't i didn't meet with him and sit with him but he spoke there's probably like 100 people there we ate hispanic food they had mariachi bands like i'm i'm i'm drinking lincoln's behind me it epic. That was definitely a moment for sure. That was so cool. How close were you to Trump?
Starting point is 02:25:47 How close were you? I would say probably like 20 feet. I could have been like a foot from him because my friend who invited me, his name is Jesse. He's in a wheelchair. And I didn't like ditch him, but there's so much going on. We're doing our own thing. If I would have just hung out with him after, he's like, man, if you would've chill with me, bro, I'm a, I'm handicapped, or you could have sat right in the front row. It's all good. Cause I didn't want to go early,
Starting point is 02:26:12 you know? So I, I kind of was towards the back. Cause I want, I mean, I'm talking to people, I'm eating, I'm drinking. I'm not trying to stand for an hour just to wait to hear Trump speak. But my friend's like, you didn't have to do that, bro. You know, if you would've been, I was like, oh, I should have thought that. Cause he's got's got the so i could i could have been front row but i was eating drinking and i just i got there late so i was towards like the back of the room but that was kind of by choice um so so uh o'keefe the white house um okay the fed the feds was the other one can't oh yeah the feds yeah all right All right. So, uh, after January 6th, which by the way, I didn't go to, I wasn't there. I did. I wasn't in DC had nothing to do with it.
Starting point is 02:26:52 Um, my father calls me and says, Hey, someone from the FBI said they want to come to the house. I think they're lying. I think it's a fake thing. So he gives, I said, give me the number. He gives me the number. I look it up. It's literally the FBI. So I'm like, oh gosh, what the hell? I knew it was about January 6th though. Cause I was reading all these things where they're going to people. And I'm like, I'm just annoyed at this point. Cause I'm like, I wasn't even there. You know what I'm saying? Like, I, it's just annoying because what? So I gave them a call just not because I wanted to talk to them, but like, I didn't want them to show up at my father's house. You know, he has nothing to do with it. So they just said, yeah, you know, along the lines
Starting point is 02:27:28 of like, we're looking, we got a tip that, you know, something about January 6th. And really what I should have done in hindsight is just probably said like, you know, I need to talk to a lawyer because now I understand that, you know, there's all sorts of tricks that law enforcement can try to set you up. But to be to be fair, they were extremely chill and they didn't like press me too much. And I didn't I'm not dumb. So I wasn't just saying like dumb crap. I told him the truth and I said I wasn't there. I wasn't even in D.C. and I told them just for the record, I said I appreciate law enforcement. I understand you're doing your job, whatever. But, you know, one thing that's annoying to me is I'll go to an event and I've taken a picture with Roger Stone one time. I don't even know Roger Stone. Someone just said, hey, this anomaly, you got to take a
Starting point is 02:28:12 picture. Now I got Democrats saying anomaly works with Roger Stone. I don't even know the dude. I just told him, I'm like, maybe I was bad. I was like, it's just annoying that I take pictures with hundreds of people. I'm sure I've taken a picture. I mean, I was like, it's just annoying that, you know, like I take pictures with hundreds of people. I'm sure I've taken a picture. I mean, I go to events, 50 people want to take a picture. I'm not fact checking. Who are you? What organization do you work for?
Starting point is 02:28:32 You're your supporter. I appreciate you. Maybe they saw a picture or something, you know, I'm everywhere. So it's like, I just told them that it was annoying that I was getting roped into something I wasn't even at just because I have a thing. But for the most part, yeah, they didn't really they didn't really like press too much. It wasn't like hours. It was that they asked like a few questions, really. And really, it was over. But, you know, I was like, it just really ticked me off because at least if I was there, you know, it's like I was there. I didn't do anything, but I wasn't even there. So I'm just like, what the hell are you calling me for?
Starting point is 02:29:04 You know, like bothering my father for. Did you when you, when you spoke to him, did you speak to him in person or on the phone? On the phone. Interesting. Damn. Well, cause they said, I mean, this is why, cause normally it's like whatever, but like, you know, I'm, I can handle whatever I have to handle, but like, it's just like, why are you calling my dad? I guess they didn't know my number or something, but it's just like, man, I don't know many people that got called that weren't there. Most people were there. It's just like, and, and maybe, you know, in a weird way, I guess with the Trump stuff, I've been calling him out because he sells the vaccine too much. And I think one thing that really annoyed me was that phone call. Not the fact nothing happened.
Starting point is 02:29:43 I wasn't under investigation. It's just like, don't call my parents. You know what I'm saying? Leave my family alone. But I think I'm extra annoyed at Trump because it's like, I'm not saying it's his fault, but like his leadership's just been piss poor. So it's like, he does this goofy event. That's all about himself. He's telling people to do this. He doesn't really have an aim. He's talking about Mike Pence. Mike Pence is not going to overturn the election, bro. Like I wanted you to win, but like, this is a Hail Mary, you know, last second, we didn't get what we want. Let's do a Hail Mary. I'm all for throwing a Hail Mary in a football game, but you got to understand it's a small percentage chance. You got all these Trump supporters hyped up on it. I think it was overblown.
Starting point is 02:30:18 They exaggerated about what really happened. There were some idiots, but not, it wasn't everybody's fault. But then after January 6th, I'm getting, I'm not going to say in trouble because nothing happened, but I'm getting annoyed by it. I'm being semi-affected by it. And now you're running around the country selling vaccines and I'm supposed to suck up to you? I'm like, no, bro, you kind of suck now, dude. So that kind of ticked me off even extra more where I'm sure people feel the same that actually went to that event, had their whole lives ruined. Some people lost their jobs and didn't even go in the building. And then you got Trump pardoning like random criminals, not even caring about his own supporters and selling vaccines.
Starting point is 02:30:53 You know, that to me, that was really like a moment where I was just like, you know, now your dumb stuff is like annoying me like extra much, but it ended up not being a huge deal, but it's like yeah they're like we're watching your videos or whatever and it's like i hope you're yeah you popped up on their radar for some reason i mean i i feel like i know why it's because i mean i go to protest events i take when i go to a protest with like a you know anti-mandate protest i'm taking hundreds of pictures you know what i'm saying so every mean, I've taken pictures with people that I know do things that I don't I mean, I don't agree with anybody completely. I myself, I'll never say no to a picture and I don't care. I still won't. You know, so it's like
Starting point is 02:31:32 I'm I'm debating people, talking to people, doing live streams with people, taking pictures of people. I must have popped up like 10 times, probably. You know, I got 800 million views. So they were, to be fair though, they didn't like, I know they can entrap people and like hassle them. They kind of just let it go pretty quickly. Like they even said, I don't know. They're like, I I'm sure out of everybody they investigated, I was hopefully the least crazy one, you know? Cause there are some people that we got to go and fight, fight, fight. You know, I'm not, you watch my videos, I'm making jokes and know, I'm not, you watch my videos.
Starting point is 02:32:05 I'm making jokes and stuff. I'm not, I'm not telling people, I'm telling people to do pushups and stuff, you know, because I really believe that. I'm like, you know, what's the point of being at the Capitol if you're, you know, I'm like, do some burpees at the Capitol. You know what I'm saying? Like, let's, let's, let's get some, uh, let's get some smoothies up in here. I'm not trying to, I'm not not trying to throw things at Mike Pence.
Starting point is 02:32:26 This video on your – well, it's a video of the director of the CDC. This is completely fucking mind-boggling. Which one? I'm going to play it right now right here. Yo, the CDC is so bad. It's nuts. You guys are going to have it right now, right here. Yo, the CDC is so bad. It's nuts. You guys are going to have trouble hearing this, but don't worry. I wrote down what she says, and I'm going to tell you guys what she says.
Starting point is 02:32:51 But just check this out real quick. Check this out. Here we go. Let's listen. The reason why the price of- Nope. Sorry. Not there.
Starting point is 02:32:57 Not there. There it is. Yeah. Give me one second. About why they were wrong. Yeah. It's that. Here's what it is.
Starting point is 02:33:05 Here's the video I watched today. Could we have improved? Well, you know, I think I can tell you where I was when the CNN feed came. I can tell you where I was when the CNN feed came. Listen, that's the director of the CDC telling us that she got the information about the vaccine from the CDC. And she got the information. That's the director of the CDC saying she got information about the efficacy of the vaccine from CNN and that she was hopeful that it was true. Right. And it was optimism.
Starting point is 02:33:41 So she was wrong. Can you wait? Isn't the Center of Disease Control supposed to give information to CNN, not CNN, give information to the I'm like, and when I see shit like that, I'm like, how is anybody believe anything now? And we're not in the science community, but like, say, even if you're doing some sort of study on fitness or something like you're you're supposed to do the experiment and look at the data. It's a total bias to say well i want this to work so i'm just gonna say it did before we even get the results it's it's psychotic even in something like basic let alone like the entire world's depending on your thoughts and you're just watching television being optimistic like she's i actually
Starting point is 02:34:20 have a picture over here because i like to hold it up and like troll and be like like look at her eyes she's like a full-blown nut you know that is a great picture thank you how how no wonder now the feds are going to come to my house how about how about the fact that she also says no one thought that this would that this vaccine wouldn't work on other variants uh excuse me we all thought that right we we have you have you heard that video i've put it on my instagram where the the um ceo of pfizer says the first two shots barely work if at all they made 38 billion dollars off of something now that he says hardly works if at all can you imagine if you bought a car and two weeks after you got home with it they were like hey sorry it doesn't work yeah you can't do that and it's like well because
Starting point is 02:35:11 you censored and banned everybody who said that because you weren't allowed to say that like they're so corrupt it's it's literally outlandish and at point, I honestly believe that most people know that I know people that are fully vaccinated, that love vaccines, that feel duped. You know what I'm saying? I know there's the psychos, they exist. But you know, that's why they're rolling back of the mandates and restrictions and stuff, too. They're going to get blown out in November at the current rate. And they're trying to figure out how to like, reach out. I mean, they're losing Hispanics, they're, they're looking really bad. But it's's like these fringe leftists, the further they go, it's finally starting to like lose even like people who believe them for Musk. I mean, you got to be pretty dumb at this point
Starting point is 02:35:55 to be like, oh, like, and this is why Donald Trump kind of sucks now because he's on television, not just saying he's proud he did it. He's trying to say it's the greatest human achievement and it saved a hundred million lives. And you know, like he's like, I'm like, dude, I know people that are fully vaccinated that get every vaccine that literally think they got duped or at bare minimum, they wouldn't consider it a top 100,000 achievement in human history. And you, the conservative candidates on television trying to sell it as if it's the greatest human achievement, even Bill Gates, isn't doing that. Bill Gates has come out and said this wasn't what we'd hoped. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Donald, that's what blows my mind about Trump now. Why so annoying is like people get mad at me on the right.
Starting point is 02:36:36 I'm just like he's selling the vaccine harder than Bill Gates is like that's it. It's he's doing too much with it if you just said hey I like Operation Warp Speed whatever but if you're if you're gonna say it's the greatest human achievement bro nobody thinks that nobody thinks this is the greatest human achievement like it's not about the VAERS report how about the VAERS report well that's another crazy topic I mean without saying too much the crazy part is the government made that when when Reagan did the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, it was created by the government to study side effects. And now you have the government and the media who works in many cases for the government telling you that it's a conspiracy theory. It's not Alex Jones didn't create the VAERS report.
Starting point is 02:37:20 The government created it purposely to study this stuff. And now they're gaslighting people into thinking that you shouldn't even look at it and consider it. How about before the vaccine came out, how before the covid vaccine came out, they said Harvard, the home of fucking liberalism, said that that that bears is it's actually 90 percent worse than that. That's only 10 percent of the injuries. Right. But now it's not reliable in the opposite direction and i've talked to doctors who are who are liberals and they say hey the various report is 100 right and it's probably way worse than that and they go why do you say that they go because we don't get paid to fill it out so we don't fill it out we have to do it on our own
Starting point is 02:37:59 time so no one uses it i was like oh shit and if you mess up there's a huge consequence so if you lie and say i'm vaccine injured and you get caught as a citizen there's a massive penalty to pay so massive once again yeah i think the only logical conclusion would be is it's probably underreported and it's it's flying off the charts for this one so it's just like if you were to say it's inaccurate and we got to do better, I wouldn't have a problem with this. But the fact that they're gaslighting people into thinking it's a conspiracy theory, they made it. So then there's two options, either the government's incompetent or you're lying. So it's like or both. Yeah, it's like that's where I feel like they've
Starting point is 02:38:42 kind of played themselves. And I'm somewhat optimistic where I'm looking at like election betting odds and Republicans are favorites to win 85 percent, 75 percent. They're they're kicking out the mask mandates on the plane. They're not doing this because they love people. They're doing this because they have the data that people are not buying it anymore. They're getting blown out of the water by Joe Rogan podcasts, Instagram, TikTokers. They're not competing. So they're trying to like regrasp reality. And here's where the exciting part's happening. I'm reading comments on CNN, Leona Wen, these Democrats who are saying, oh, I'm done with the mask mandate. They are getting obliterated by their own supporters
Starting point is 02:39:19 because they created a Frankenstein. They created a group of people that are psychotically attached to these false realities and this like enslavement of themselves. And now that they're, they realize like, yo, I'm not going to win office. We're going to get kicked off television. Like nobody's watching us. Like we're, we're being weird. Their own supporters are eating them alive. And all I have to say is that's what you deserve.
Starting point is 02:39:40 You lied to these people for two years. You got to reap what you sow. And, and, and they're trying to play the fence. They've, they've gone too far down the path of lies. Even people I don't, I don't really watch Hannity and I don't like him. And I honestly think he lies about wars and I think he's a warmonger, but he can pivot because he doesn't lie like 100% of the time. So he's able to pivot. Someone like Tucker Carlson is able to pivot. Laura Ingraham. And I don't even watch Fox, but it's like they're not. Like Brian Stelter, CNN, Liana Nguyen. I mean, they dove so deep into the Coach Lockdown narrative.
Starting point is 02:40:10 Joy Reid, she's disgusting. It's not even possible for them to pivot like they're trying because they've lied too much. I don't think Sean Hannity doesn't lie. I think he lies quite often. But compared to Brian Stelter, he looks like, you know, like. Do you think these people know they're lying? Like they i don't think joy reed knows she's lying yeah she's a women i think she's a purveyor of racism but i don't think she is i think she honestly thinks she's fighting it joy like women tend to be more emotional on average that's why with the democrat
Starting point is 02:40:41 the women the children they catch women and i'm not saying all women there's a lot of smart women a lot of dumb beta emotional men but like you know women tend to be more emotional biologically and it's really a great thing it's like men and women aren't exactly equal they have pros and cons it's women are more amazing at certain things that's how the world works you're not supposed to be exactly the same you make babies men do other stuff but in general i think juryury Reed is like when you give a woman power and, you know, she just starts going the wrong direction, like she's a nasty, wicked woman because she's just like emotional, angry, all these things that in order to be like reasonable, you can't be super emotional, super angry and super obnoxious.
Starting point is 02:41:20 Like she's been fed so much power and she's just like a, you know, a beast of evil in my opinion. And I'm not saying like everything she does is wrong, but you know, She's drunk on power for sure. I don't know what she thinks, but she needs, uh, she needs like an intervention. I think, you know, like her friends coming together and being like, joy, we love you. Um, but you get rewarded for that, right? You get a million dollar contract and everybody loves you. So how you're getting positive reinforcement for being batshit crazy have you ever watched the view i mean no no no no i cannot i can't like their energy i like certain women talking it's not like i don't listen to women the view i call it four harpies yelling at each other like they
Starting point is 02:42:00 just it's like you know like they're like, these women are terrible. It's just like such a bad vibe. Can't believe I see all those people as the base of systemic racism, by the way. I see all of those people, Joy Reid. They're demanding that people be racist. The view is demanding. That's how they make money without without if racism. Basically, what I think is this.
Starting point is 02:42:24 I think racism was just about fucking dead but since it exists in people's head right no one wants anything to die in their head like i don't want savon matosian to die so i have to keep them alive so so and it's the same thing with um uh people searching for bigfoot if you really believe Bigfoot's out there, you eventually will start seeing signs of Bigfoot. And so I think it was resuscitated by these people who need racism in order to survive because it's part of who they are. They have either some sort of guilt for it or that they are racist and they resuscitated it. And they are at the essence, like I said before and that's what i see the view as that's what i see joy reed as that's what i see the whole the whole left as and what's crazy is is the more and
Starting point is 02:43:10 more you dig into the left um you realize oh wait a second the kkk those were all democrats oh wait a sec the people against the civil rights movement those were all democrats and they voted against it oh wait algor's dad tried to filibuster the Civil Rights Act. I mean, and then you start putting it together and you're like, holy shit. Right. Holy shit. And all my Democratic friends, they it's always like, oh, the poor Mexicans. Oh, the poor blacks. Oh, there's this there's this fake benign kindness, which is really pity and feeling sorry for people. And I don't have that in me i see everyone's like fucking equal you could call it what they would call it i mean i don't like to overuse this word but like it's like this white supremacist ideology of like yes that's what they
Starting point is 02:43:53 help you because you're a mexican and i the white man needs to help you or i the i'm intellectually superior than you yes yeah like you can't do it on your own or you need my intervention and it's uh the mindset key i think you get that and kanye talks about that a lot, too. He's like, if you don't teach this to my kids, they're Kanye West kids. They're great. They're great kids. You start teaching this stuff to my kids. You're putting like this mental enslavement on them where now they're this oppressed group when they're multi. I mean, their father's one of the richest people in the country. And you're you're treating them as if like, you know, they're like slaves, you know, or like that they should have that type of mentality. And he hates that because he understands how to be free and how to be
Starting point is 02:44:28 successful. And it's not with that mentality. When it comes to him, have you met Kanye? Have you had any, I do know people around him. Uh, his, his, uh, the guy who designs his shoes, his name is Steve Smith. He's super cool. He he's like the, he worked at Adidas, all these like new balance. Kanye picked him up and that's who the he worked at Adidas, all these like new balance. Kanye picked him up and that's who like designs all his shoes. I've had lunch with him and he's like super cool. He's told me like he likes Kanye obviously a lot. But, you know, I've I've been close, but I haven't I haven't had a chat with Kanye.
Starting point is 02:45:00 Go out to the ranch, do some shows from the ranch. Kanye is a wild guy, though. He's hard to catch because one, he's so famous, but he's also like a, you know, entrepreneur, flight hopper. Like even Steve was telling me, like, you know, even for him, he works for him. He's just a hard, you know, he's, he's not only a hard guy to catch, but he's also now family first. So, you know, not only is he a jet setter, but he's got kids and, you know, he's he's turning a million different directions. It would be a pleasure to talk to him. But is he still with Kim Kardashian?
Starting point is 02:45:31 Are they still together? No, they broke up and she's with a skeet. He calls him Skeet Pete Davidson. She's like dating Pete Davidson from SNL. Oh, yeah. Wow. That's the guy whose dad died. 9-11, the firefighter.
Starting point is 02:45:43 Right, right. Wow. Hey, you know, I do trip on this. I do think that there's something to the fact that people marry their moms and people marry their dads. That's what you go after. And you think about who Kim Kardashian had as her dad. She had that Armenian cat, the the lawyer who ended up dying but then she had that other dude jenner jenner yeah and and and kanye's got some shit going on upstairs sometimes i wonder if kanye's is confused as uh as as miss caitlyn well they're that and
Starting point is 02:46:21 then that's what she's attracted to that type and there's no doubt that jenner's it was a fucking great man right but fuck dude the last thing you'd want to do is go through the torment of having a fucking like that doesn't look fun what caitlin's doing that looks like a lot of work getting up doing your hair the makeup just the whole all that transformation it's like more work than i'm willing to do i don't even like to put i put goo in my hair for this podcast i fucking hate it It's a paradox where you have this guy who's trying to be Christian. He's trying to make a Christian out of the most, I'm not saying she's not a Christian, but you know what I'm saying? Who, who, who, Caitlin? No, I'm talking about Kim. She's the most like, you know, out there,
Starting point is 02:46:59 liberally cultural person out there. So I mean, it's, that's the hardest person to make a Christian wife, I would say in the would say. She is a liberal. I mean, I think she kind of plays both sides, but like, I'm just saying as far as like, you know, would you consider her like a classic, like conservative Christian wife? You know, now she's out, she's, you know, you know, done up out there showing off. I'm not, I don't, I'm not judging, but I would say she's one of the, and she's, you know, uh, like it's just the hardest person to make a housewife out of, you know, like the hardest person to make a wife out of, but maybe he likes a challenge. Um, I wanted to say real quick on the, on like the racism stuff and how the left does it. Uh, when it comes to like the BLM stuff not only the riots etc but then they put
Starting point is 02:47:45 like blm on end zones and in nba games do you think and i'm curious to hear your answer all this like racism ends on on like the end zone or like blm on the shirts and like you know and racism now do you think they even converted one racist into another way the other way completely the other way right right not even way. Right. Not even one person looks at an end zone. Oh, you know, I've hated this race my whole life. But, you know, now that I looked at the end zone type type of graphic, you know, now I'm not a race. I don't think they converted one single person, only millions of people despising the organization more and, you know, taking it out on others. So there's no way they've done any work.
Starting point is 02:48:26 Dear America, dear BLM, dear the left. There were hundreds of thousands, if not hundreds of millions of people who never noticed black or white people. They just didn't think like that. And now, and the perfect example is my wife. My wife went to Whole Foods. She came home and she goes, I had a black checker. And I go, yeah, this is like a year ago. I go, yeah. And she goes, it's fucked up. And I go, what's fucked up? And she goes, I would have never thought, I'm 50 years old or 47 years old.
Starting point is 02:48:57 I've never thought of my checkers race or ethnicity or anything. And I'm facing this checker and i'm wondering to myself oh shit does this person does this checker think i'm a white supremacist right my wife is like the fucking nicest fucking coolest fucking person in the fucking world she's dope right and and i and i and i know what caused that and it's the same thing that my friend told me the other day his five-year-old kid was taught at school about Rosa Parks sitting in the back of the bus coming up to the front and you know what the kid's takeaway was it from it was the kid at that point hadn't noticed that there were black people and white people so under the guise of teaching civil rights this kid was
Starting point is 02:49:41 introduced to the fact that black and white people are different and there's this that it just there's this stupidity of what how people think that the human brain works you think you're doing something good but what you've done is you've partitioned society you are enforcing racism i'm not saying that that shouldn't be taught i'm saying it shouldn't be taught to fucking five-year-olds who aren't fucking ready to distinguish between the world between black and white people right they're not they're not there black history month he calls it black future month because he's like we're not talking about what's bad about the past and let's talk about what black people are doing now that's amazing imagine if you learned in school about how great Michael Jordan was, right? Imagine if you learned in school about how great, you know, a black inventor was or a black, you know,
Starting point is 02:50:30 journalist, like, I mean, your perception would be so different. So it's not you can't teach about race. And here's the crazy thing about Rosa Parks. You know, I believe at this point, a lot of that was somewhat of a psyop because there's a lot of reports that say like the real Rosa Parks, like the real woman who was doing it at first, they considered her too ugly to really like catch on. And Rosa Parks apparently was an attractive woman. So they almost like used her because it was more photogenic. And at that time, you don't have cell phones and stuff. It's like a photo can change the whole world. So I think it's like there was this activism idea going on and they they like you know edited out who it really was and kind of told Rosa Parks to do it because she was more attractive and they thought
Starting point is 02:51:10 it would work better no shit where do you read that um I would have to look it up I mean I you know I try not to speak about stuff I don't know but let me see Rosa Parks pretty wow I want to I want to see if it got the whole idea of psyop and all that shit that's been introduced to me in the last couple years it's just fucking yeah if you search if you search about uh you know some of that it's hard to i would have a little background but do you know alex stein primetime alex stein he's been exploding on youtube yeah yeah i've talked to him i thought he was a liberal but then he messaged me said anomaly i love your stuff so i had him on my instagram live for a little bit he's wild huh yeah he's definitely like he's definitely going balls to the wall yeah i had
Starting point is 02:51:53 him on the podcast and i was i was really fucking nervous you know what he did when i when he came on my podcast he streamed it live to his without telling me i mean he told me once he came on but like we set it up and he goes, hey, I'm streaming to my YouTube too. And I thought, wow, that's a little presumptuous without even telling me. And fucking while we were on there, he had like, at the time he had like
Starting point is 02:52:14 half the subscribers I did, but he made like 800 bucks in donations. Like people love him. I'm having him on again soon. I really like him. He's wild though. Yeah, 800. Yeah, that's a lot for a stream.
Starting point is 02:52:26 It's crazy. Yeah. I think his his popularity is doubled in the last few months. He's exploding. Well, he definitely has found out what's working. It's hilarious. And, you know, he like I don't know how many town halls there are, where he's going. But I mean, you know, I get it, though, where as far as like, you know, for him, he's really funny. He wants to, you know, get his message out there and troll where it's like, once you get, and this is the key to like success, it's like, there's a lot of one hit wonders and everything where it's like nowadays with the internet, you know, if, if you're a hard worker and you don't want to squander, you appreciate it. Why, why fade away? You know know so he's taking his momentum that
Starting point is 02:53:05 he had with the one video and turned it into like he's keeping it going probably because he's worked for a long time and you know either when you get it you you blow it or you just keep it moving so he's just you know just trying to like double down on everything and just just ramping up do you know the story about his mom dying he He told me that. Yeah, that's crazy. Yeah, crazy. And hey, man, that's the kind of shit that could be like rocket fuel for you for, you know, 20 years, right? Like your mom dies because of some bullshit some politician did. That's fuel for sure. Yeah, you're going to be a fucking force to reckon with.
Starting point is 02:53:41 Yeah. Real quick, I want to say something like about on the race thing. And this is even on the right, this kind of gets misconstrued. And I think kind of like you do like mindset, like I love how you talk about race, because it's like at the end of the day, of course, you do want to understand evil and what had bad things. But at the same time, you know, people are impressionable. So I do believe, regardless of your race, like your mind is what you fill it with. So even though psycho left wing people, I don't just stare at them all day. If I did that, I would be insane. And a lot of people are even on the right. So, you know, I purposely only like entertain certain things that I think are going to be beneficial. But like, even on the right, like they're complaining a lot of times
Starting point is 02:54:23 about, you know, say like, anti semitism,, and there's a group called the ADL, the anti-defamation league. They're like a Jewish left-wing organization that is really far left. And they do a lot of weirdo stuff. And I think to myself, of course, there are bad people that are hateful and nasty and like hate groups. And I understand that these people exist and I'm not denying that they're the every world's perfect. But to me, if you really asked me like, and even the right wing, I feel like is guilty of this, where they're, they're focusing on that all the time. To me,
Starting point is 02:54:51 a group like the ADL is kind of like a BLM. I feel like they've created more hate towards their people than any of their enemies have. And that doesn't mean their enemies don't exist, but like someone like a Colin Kaepernick. And it's like, dude, I always liked Colin Kaepernick. I actually supported him kneeling. I don't care. But like now it's like, he's,ick. And it's like, dude, I always like Colin Kaepernick. I actually supported him kneeling. I don't care. But like now it's like he's saying it's like slavery, but then he wants to go play for the thing again. He's doing deals with Nike. It's like he's just a corny dude now.
Starting point is 02:55:14 I supported his original kneeling. Like, I don't care. Do what you got to do, bro. But now he's kind of cringe. So it's like, you know, even the right wing is always trying to like fight anti-Semitism. And I'm like, you know, of course there's going to be radical people. But in my opinion, as someone who sees both sides and I'm really observing, the radicalization or the further right or whatever you want to call it has grown astronomically, not randomly like people just found a book and read it. It's been groups like the ADL. It's been media going insane, right? More people are into conspiracies now. Why? Because they're loony tunes? No, because the media is full of crap and people are going elsewhere for their information. So it's like, to me, with all of this stuff, the only way to end
Starting point is 02:55:53 it, like you're talking about, it's a mindset and a teaching, but it's also like a self-accountability thing. For sure, I don't think that the end zone racism typograph, I don't think it converted a single person. That type of- I think it did, but just the wrong way. I don't think it converted a single person. I, that type of. I think it did, but just the wrong way. I think it made people racist. Writing a word on an end zone and thinking a racist is going to like, you know, I mean, you got to talk to people, make a good point, show them somebody black. That's awesome. And, you know, Daryl Davis has gotten a lot of people in the KKK to quit. He's black. He did it by talking with them, having a conversation with them. He's a jazz artist and he's such a chill guy there. A lot of these people in the deep South,
Starting point is 02:56:28 they've never met somebody like that. They've only met degenerates or, you know, seeing things on television where, you know, that, I mean, I definitely see statistics like you do. I'm not a moron. However, I'm grateful to have met different people. And I realized there are anomalies. There are, you know, people like everybody is not a net sum of their race or gender. And now I understand that although I could point out crime statistics, it doesn't make me a racist and I'm not going to blame Candace Owens for that. You know, so it's like this dynamic of like, I can talk about race, honestly. But at the same time, I'm not going to blame everyone. And there are people who do blame everyone, but what's radicalizing them is not these hate groups. It's groups like the ADL, it's groups like BLM, it's the mainstream
Starting point is 02:57:08 media. So I find that the best way to stop racism and hate is like, you know, these people have to be a little more accountable because it's almost like, you know, BLM and ADL, it's almost like they're using their race as a shield and like sacrificing their their brand for their own political agenda which is like yes it's not that's exactly what blm is you said it there that's exactly what everyone on the left is who's black is they're sacrificing their their race for their political agenda right it's it's fucking nuts and to think to think that color has of your skin has anything to do with this stuff anyway is complete batshit crazy. It's all cultural.
Starting point is 02:57:47 We could easily take – we could easily go back 5,000 years or however and just switch Chinese for black, and the blacks would be the orthodontists, and the Chinese would be the basketball players. We just changed the game up a little bit to fit them culturally. Your skin color has nothing to do with shit except your relationship with the sun. Zero. That's it. I'm interested in that because I don't have a big sense either way. I've heard, I've heard all people talk about IQ. People talk about where you're from, but it is interesting where like, uh, you know, like say like height wise, like, you know, there's not a lot of Asian people in basketball. Jeremy Lin was amazing, but like, I mean, Yao Ming was really good, but it's like the height is part of it
Starting point is 02:58:25 culturally now you see a lot more europeans in the nba i mean there's actually a lot of white europeans in the nba because now that it's cool it wasn't always cool in europe but it's been for the last 20 years so now like luca donchitz is one of the best players so you do see watch out the white man is coming to the nba yeah i would say it's almost like the nba is getting whiter now it's not diversity training they didn't hire him because he would say it's almost like the NBA is getting whiter now. It's not diversity training. They didn't hire him because he's white. It's just culturally they started taking the game more seriously, and usually they play soccer.
Starting point is 02:58:53 I'm open. As someone who's the race I am, it just doesn't offend me. If someone said, I think your race on average has a low IQ, I think your race on average is – You're not even a real race, dude. Listen, listen. mexicans are bait are are native are indigenous people of south america i'm italian puerto rican polish fine don't ruin my story mexicans are basically 300 years ago there were no mexicans the mexicans
Starting point is 02:59:19 are just native americans who were raped by the spaniards and it was a psyop to call the mexicans and to um now make them the poster children for catholicism the the the if if the akc american kennel club won't recognize the pitbull as a real dog how the fuck are we recognizing mexicans let's just say for what it is those fucking people were raped by the spaniards i got black friends who who say listen my grandma told me we're native. I'm not from Africa. And he told me, I have a dictionary from the 1800s. And it says, if you look up American, he was here. He's actually a rapper, pretty well known. But we're hanging out. We're chilling. We're listening to music. He goes, bro, go get that dictionary. This was a funny moment.
Starting point is 02:59:59 He said, look up what American means. And I read it. And it says the coppered colored people who are here. And he holds a penny to his skin. and he's literally the exact color of copper. He's black, but he don't look like that square on my wall. He's copper colored. So he's actually native. I'm native American. I'm not from Africa. They try to tell us we're from Africa. Some people are, but he's like, I'm not, you know, I'm actually native, but there's darker natives. And he's like, they tell us that to control our minds, to make us think we came from slaves. I've never been a slave. He's like, that's not who I am. That's not who I ever was. There's millions of people walking around thinking they came from slavery when they actually didn't. Some people I'm sure did, but I'm just saying it's
Starting point is 03:00:36 like that type of mindset. As somebody that's Polish-Italian, this is a superpower of mine. If you told me that you think Polish people are dumber on average, if you told me you think they're weaker on average, I don't care. Because listen, when I'm playing soccer, when I'm playing basketball, it don't matter what race I am or what race you are. You might have a biological advantage or whatever, but I'm there to play. I'm not a net sum of all the people that look like me. Maybe I have cultural connections to my ancestors and I could talk about that, but I've never thought of myself as a net sum of anything. I appreciate it. I'm not denying it, but, you know, I'm responsible for my life. So it's like, I don't, I don't care what people think, you know, when they say, oh, that's racist. That's, you could think what you want. I'm willing to have a debate about
Starting point is 03:01:17 it. But when it comes to genetics, ancestry, I listen, I learn, there's still a lot to be learned, but I just don't put that much stake in it where it's like, you know, if someone says something I didn't agree with, I would, I mean, Farrakhan says things all the time about, you know, white that I don't agree with, but I actually think it's funny. I don't, I don't call him a racist. Like he'll be like, you know, created in a lab or something. I'm like, they're like, isn't that racist? I'm like, that's actually pretty funny. If he thinks like I was created in a lab, I actually don't care. I think that's actually really funny. It's actually really funny. Look what this guy wrote. This is great. You don't know racism until you're three or more races. I'm
Starting point is 03:01:56 Mexican, Filipino, and Scottish. In school, I was either the white kid, the Asian kid, or the Mexican, depending on which group of friends. Yeah. But let me talk to Nick real quick. I actually appreciate that, especially in this world, because I could go in any neighborhood like I'm part Hispanic. I lived in a Hispanic neighborhood. I was on the bus with gang members going to work. No one really bothered me. I didn't stand out that much. Armenians think I'm Armenian. Every you know, when you kind of look like Nick, you know, I mean, because people think like white. But I mean, you go to Iran, people have lighter skin than me. You know, so you go to parts of the Middle East, Syria, people have lighter skin than me.
Starting point is 03:02:31 You know, Canelo from Mexico, the boxer, he's white. He's like he looks like he's Irish. So, you know, this skewed perception of the world that everyone in America is black. It's like, yeah, I get it. But it's actually good to I mean, you're Savan, you're the exact same way. You could almost fit in in every single neighborhood and people probably think you're them. If you're with Jewish people, they're like, are you Jewish? You're like, no, but, you know, but if you're with Armenians, you Armenian, you could look Hispanic. You could almost look Indian, you know, like you could be with Indians because there's light skinned Indians. Like, are you it's kind of nice to, you know, blend in sometimes, you know, you don't stand out. So glad I'm not don't stand out so glad
Starting point is 03:03:05 i'm not white i'm so glad i'm not white do you have you ever gotten that before if you're around indians they think you're like a sage indian like art you know well this is kind of a new look for me but uh but um but yeah it's coming it's coming but i but i definitely get jew italian greek armenian i could be any of those like mexicans always think I'm Mexican. If I say I'm Sevan, they call me, like, all the Mexican people I meet, they're like, oh, Esteban. I'm like, no, Sevan. They're like, oh, nice to meet you, Esteban. I'm like, you mother, you racist. It is nice, especially when you're traveling or you're, you know, because, I mean, in general, sometimes it's not like a bad thing to stick out.
Starting point is 03:03:41 But for sure, in certain neighborhoods, you know, it's nicer to just like slip under the radar sometimes especially if it's like not a safe neighborhood you know it's nice to just slip under the radar for sure yeah brother three hours and one minute maybe one of the longest podcasts i've ever done i've been standing up the whole time that's why i'm stretching you know that i'm not even sitting down you're a beast i mean i got it i got a standing desk it goes up and down you see um uh i'm gonna say goodbye to these cats but hang on a second i want to find out um how close we are to each other yeah i'll just well if you if you're down uh on instagram just text me your number i'll just give you a call okay and i also sent it to you in my email okay i'll do that during my doorbell but okay thanks for checking in um i will uh send
Starting point is 03:04:25 you my phone number uh yeah i'll give you a call in like five minutes someone someone just rang my doorbell okay bye guys thanks for checking in holy cow what a show what do you think what do you think we had anomaly i hope that's not the feds at his doorbell. Okay, great show. Let me see who we have. I don't think we have anyone on tomorrow. I'm going to do a live call-in show. By the way, we had our biggest live call-in show ever yesterday.
Starting point is 03:04:58 I don't know if I give Hunter McIntyre credit for being a guest. I guess I will. Oh, tomorrow morning. Oh, tomorrow we have Arman on. Big UFC fighter. Big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big UFC fighter. If you don't know. And Islam Makachev is supposedly the future of the 155. For those of you who don't know the 155 weight class, that's Justin Gaethje. That's Oliveira. That is Conor McGregor.
Starting point is 03:05:36 And there's two big names in that coming up. And they are Islam Makachev and Armin Surokhian. So I'm not sure how great armin's english is so tomorrow's show is going to be interesting but he's an armenian dude and i'm excited to talk to him that will be at 1 p.m pacific standard time tomorrow all right guys matthew thank you so much solid podcast fellas. Thanks for the honesty. Always. I appreciate it, Matthew. A lot. Every dollar counts. Yes, that Danielle Brandon show. So just so you know, I spoke to Danielle Brandon about that. She gave it a thumbs up. She has not agreed on a time and date, but I wanted to just put it up there and schedule it to start building the hype. So stay tuned. That is going to
Starting point is 03:06:21 move around that time, I think. I don't think so. But the idea for that show is really fun. It should be funny. A live call-in show, and people will be able to call in and ask Daniel Brandon relationship advice, how to get girls, how to get boys, anything you want to know about the mating game. Her and I will answer your questions. about uh the mating game uh her and i will answer your question someone like me who is it was a uh the hardest worker in the game and someone like danielle who's just a gifted gifted well and she's a hard worker but i don't mean to take away from her hard work look at that i stayed on for an extra two minutes usually i hang up when the guests hang up and you guys are just throwing cash at me sammy mr cop thank you that's my those are my initials. Savon Adam Matosian. Sam.
Starting point is 03:07:10 Daniel Brandon is going to be awesome. She's a good dude. Yeah. It could be a really funny show. If a lot of people call in and start asking her crazy shit, it'll get good. And she's game. She's game. She ain't no punk. She's game. So I think she'll go hard. All right, guys. Thank you. And I will see you guys tomorrow. Bye-bye.

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