The Sevan Podcast - #379 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: April 24, 2022

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Starting point is 00:01:05 i don't know what's gonna happen when you go back to your original lighting and stuff because you look so good in that in that apartment there i look orange well my i had a friend come over yesterday and uh my life's do you when you go to the bathroom do your friends just come in the bathroom and just talk to you? No. Yeah, it's weird. I have a weird life. What happened to you?
Starting point is 00:01:35 I have weird friends and shit. I remember my mom telling me when I was a kid that LBJ, when he was president, he would hold conferences in the bathroom and reporters would come in and he'd be at the urinal taking a piss. And I thought, oh, that's weird. But like yesterday I was in the bathroom peeing. A public bathroom? No, I'm in my own private bathroom at my house, at this house i'm staying at and my friend uh and my friend um my friend's over here and he comes in there because he's talking to me while i'm peeing and then and then he just is like hey come here and he just starts trimming my beard what a good dude it was just it
Starting point is 00:02:18 was the whole thing was he wanted to trim my mustache i asked him not to if he would have pressed i would have let him know hey i don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings in the um in the uh comments i really don't um i view all of you though as it's all just one giant show so if you're in the comments and you say something and i comment on it anyway someone dm me and was just like, hey, it's like a regular guy, like a guy or gal who listens all the time and they thought I was being an asshole to them.
Starting point is 00:02:53 I think maybe they were joking when they DM me. Is this a joke? Is this real? But I didn't mean to offend anyone. That's what kind of sucks. Oh, I started following Bruce Wayne. Have you guys seen the CF Me More? No, what is that? I've heard a little bit about that.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Do you know what that is? Yeah. Yeah. I saw what happened. Although, Travis, I did sell a camera last month to pay my mortgage. But, yes, I do never travel from my million-dollar mansion. It's weird. It's a weird life.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Oh, that's the bald guy. MakeWadsGreatAgain. Who's he warring with? Every single other meme account. Oh. I think that dude's out of his basement. Someone sent me a screenshot saying he was on an airplane. I was like, how many masks do you think that guy wears on an airplane like 17 can he block the people sitting next to him or how does that
Starting point is 00:03:49 work for him in real life i guys so weird um yeah is there anything is there anything worth showing is there anything that like if wad zombies bending him over and giving it to him i'd like to look at that um i think it was all in the stories like let's see if i could bring it oh but basically yeah he he was like this is uh showed somebody with like a hurt back or like going like this or something like that and and um he posted like me carrying the crossfit meme community for the last whatever four years oh and then wad zombie was like yeah sure you and then like tagged a bunch of other meme accounts and was like maybe these guys too and then all of them just started like posting memes about making fun
Starting point is 00:04:35 of that dude that that uh i think that's been the only meme account. He's been carrying the woke crowd, that's for sure. So then, Wild Zombie posted this. Thank you, Wild Zombie, for keeping it real. Me carrying the CF meme community, CF meme community. I just see Danielle Brandon. I i can't read danielle brandon it's it's i you know i think i need to start traveling with a printer because my notes now are only on a screen and i can only see like three or four like things at a time okay that's how it is right let's um let's uh let's play i don't even know where to start
Starting point is 00:05:27 i don't even know where to start oh this will make your morning okay let's see good who is that that's danielle yeah what happened she's so sore she got stuck on the box yeah i just she like tried to get off from her weighted pull-up and the thing pulled her down. Oh, she's wearing a – let me see one more time. She's wearing something around her waist, and she did a weighted pull-up, and it just drug her ass to the ground into the splits. Yeah, I started following Bruce yesterday. I forget what your real name is, but it was kind of crazy.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Instagram suggested you to me. Okay. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. SOS sos you're a good dude danielle this is her just raging i didn't know danielle party that's weird it is weird right yeah i wouldn't expect that from her he blocked my personal and business account solely based on this chat space because I've never called him out. Oh, you mean like he listens to the show and he heard you say something about him?
Starting point is 00:06:32 And so he blocked. Dude, that's the thing. That's the whole thing where he just got destroyed. That's the thing going way, way, way back in the day when Mr. Woke was on Noah's account and Noah was donating money to charity and I made a comment like don't post this. Don't give your money to woke people. And that wasn't to dig at anyone except woke people and I specifically explained what woke was in there. And he just went hard in the pain at me. And what was funny is there were like 40 people, I don't know, 20 or 20 or 20 30 40 people like just criticizing me just
Starting point is 00:07:05 ripping me a new one after i said that but i think that that post got like two or three or four or 500 likes maybe more who the fuck knows of what i said just basically showing that like yeah the people who agree with me are quiet and all those other babies anyway uh there was a there was a point oh so basically what he did and this is just totally out of the woke playbook of bullying because that's what they do, right? He hates black people. He hates homosexual people, but he guises it as loving them. This whole woke crowd thinks that they are doing a service, but really what they're doing is they're afraid their true feelings and their true sentiment might leak out. So they go the opposite way. They go hard in the opposite way, trying to attack everyone else.
Starting point is 00:07:48 It's basically like if 20 of us were on our horses with pitchforks going out and looking for a child molester, but the child molester was riding with us. I mean, that's the best place to hide, right? Right. With the guys who are out trying to get the child molester. Yeah, so he hides in that group, and what he did was he made a threat basically saying, in a nutshell, I'm looking at the people who like this. Like threatening you that if you liked what I posted, that you too were part of the problem. He's probably – I mean these are the people who are just totally against freedom of speech.
Starting point is 00:08:23 He's probably terrified that the mask mandate's been lifted. He's terrified that Elon might set Twitter free. He's just terrified. Guy's a goofball. He's a bad person. He's a bad person. He's got real demons. And yet probably most of you guys listening follow him, which is batshit crazy to me too.
Starting point is 00:08:48 You know, I saw this post today about – you know, I actually have it. I'm going to send it to you. I didn't – I just put it on here this morning. I'm going to say – do you have access to your text right now? Look at this. Look at this. This is our cohort. This is our cohort. This is so sad.
Starting point is 00:09:08 These are probably the listeners of this show. And the listeners of this show are the strong people. Good morning, Andrew. Good morning, Melissa. Good morning, Katie. Good morning, Geraldo. Geraldo Camacho. Gerardo.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Gerardo. Chris Fugate. He's gotten me so many times with the clickbait titles am I playing this do you want to play this yeah yeah play this check this out this is I this is like despicable and sad but but it's our it's a it's the reality of some of the strongest people in our society if no one would have got on planes they would have lifted the mask mandate in less than a day but one day they would have and now you guys are excited because they lifted them
Starting point is 00:09:56 it's like it's embarrassing it's embarrassing and look at this guy singing as he's collecting masks. You know, there's just spittle going everywhere. Everywhere. Oh, remind me to read this Danish study that came out yesterday. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Okay, can we play this? The Transportation Security Administration will no longer enforce the federal mandate requiring masks in all U.S. airports and on board aircraft. JetBlue flight attendant did a happy dance. They're excited that they got their masks off when they didn't have to wear them the whole time. What would you let someone do to you?
Starting point is 00:11:02 What would you let someone do to you before you spoke up and protested? Mr. Craig White, good morning. My favorite listener. The rest of you can go fuck yourself. I only love Craig White. You're out. You're out of here, too, Sousa. I just want to have some alone time with Craig White.
Starting point is 00:11:19 You got it. I'll block everybody. Thank you. Head on out. Hey, someone DM me this morning saying that they didn't get the newsletter. Yeah, usually what I do is I immediately write them back. This one sleeve is kind of hugging and the other one is not. Yeah, show them, show them, show them.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Your left arm looks bigger. Have you only been doing curls with your left arm? Oh, is that a Hiller shirt? Yeah. yeah what were you gonna say uh i'm gonna say something about masks like white i was just um it was interesting being on the on a flight where they had announced it i was on i think one of the first flights yes yes yes the way i was telling the stories and then people didn't take their masks off, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Well, I didn't have my mask on the whole time. So I got into the airport and I was doing a bunch of stuff. And I'm not trying to act like I was a tough guy. It was in my pocket. So I was prepared to pull it out of somebody. Right. But I was walking past TSA security and they both kind of looked at me and then didn't do anything. So then from that point on, I just took it as like, all right, we're cool.
Starting point is 00:12:25 We don't have to wear it. And then there's multiple other people in the airport that didn't have it. Then I got on the plane and, uh, and as bright as I walked on, one of the students just goes, she goes, Hey, she goes, yeah, yeah, you don't have to wear it anymore. Cause I looked at her and she didn't have hers on and I have mine in my hand. Cause the guy at the front was like, you need to have that on by the time you board the plane. So I kind of did the like on and i have mine in my hand because the guy at the front was like you need to have that on by the time you board the plane so i kind of did the like and then have it in my hand and i was walking through and then i got there she goes yeah you
Starting point is 00:12:51 don't have to wear that anymore i go awesome and then they make an announcement and then people cheered just like in those videos people cheered and then i turn around and i look and they all still have their masks on including the two people next to me, which I thought was kind of funny. And then one of them, I could hear like some judge in Florida who's 33 year old girl. So we had an 80 some odd year old man who's, who's singularly focused on being afraid of diseases. Tell us to put them on.
Starting point is 00:13:22 And then some 33 year old girl in Florida, tell us to take them off and the some 33 year old girl in florida tell us to take them off and the whole world in the whole united states did it it's so it's so it's so tarted i cannot but yeah sheeple it's it's so it's so bad uh a study come came out of um denmark i want to read you some of the highlights from it um therefore as it has now been established in numerous studies vaccines may have completely unexpected effects on overall mortality different from what could be anticipated based on the protein against the vaccine targeted disease let me go on to read this. The Danes summarize this neatly.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Essentially, you get some reduction in COVID deaths from the vaccine, but it is offset and a bit more by cardiovascular deaths. This alone should give quite a lot of pause. It's fairly astonishing that this was so completely ignored around approval, as is the fact that something of the order of 27,000 deaths from the vaccines have been reported to VAERS. You know, Harvard, one of the most liberal organizations and lying organizations on the planet had said that VAERS was underreported by 90%. They said basically only one in 10 incidents was reported on VAERS. And then that was a few
Starting point is 00:14:44 months prior to the COVID vaccine coming out. And then, and then that was, you know, a few months prior to, um, the COVID vaccine coming out. And then the COVID vaccine came out and bears started skyrocketing and, and crickets. No one's saying it's over reported. All they're saying now is that bears is unreliable because it's voluntary. But if you ask any doctor,
Starting point is 00:15:00 any doctor, what they think about bears, they will tell you that they are not paid to fill that out and that if you fill it out wrong the consequences are extremely severe and so therefore it's not filled out most of the time you mean to tell me the incentives favor the corporation and not the people that that doesn't seem like it. It's crazy. I know. Sevan, I took your opinion into account. My next shirt has no words on it.
Starting point is 00:15:34 I'll send you one. Thank you. It has no material either. It's actually just you without a shirt. Oh, is it? Oh, because he just never wears a shirt. It's nuts i i also saw a study and i and i'm and i didn't i'm not going to post it that basically shows that people who are vaccinated are getting coveted at such a faster rate than unvaccinated people but all i see when i see that is is like yeah that's that the only reason why
Starting point is 00:15:59 that is is because unvaccinated people are not getting tested like i would never be tested for what would i care i met a guy at the beach yesterday two days ago who had covid did i tell you that no and uh more than he had covid i mean we've met i know you and you've had covid and uh he was in the he was in the hospital for 82 days 82 days yeah I go, do you remember any of the days? He goes, just a few. He had a hole here in his throat. He had a Band-Aid over it. And then a hole down here in his stomach he showed me.
Starting point is 00:16:32 The dude's probably like 20 pounds overweight. And he told me he lost 50 pounds in the hospital in 82 days while he was in a coma. Wow. 38-year-old dude. He said he was hitting the Juul like a madman. I think He said he was, he was hitting the jewel like, like a madman. I think he said he was smoking two cartridges of the jewel a day. Either, either he was shooting meth or he had, or he had, he had a long history of shooting meth in his, in his past. And, and, and, and, and basically they thought he was gonna die he had like a five percent chance of living
Starting point is 00:17:07 they said if he was a 50 year old man he was 38 this cat they said if he was 50 they wouldn't have even gone through the steps to try to save him that they that they i guess they don't cut that hole in your throat or down here in your stomach if you're if you're fit if you're like old like me do you think he respects the second chance oh this dude was so great you know what's crazy i was talking to this dude for 10 minutes and i was already hugging him i don't even think i had been i don't even think i was drunk i wonder what it's been like before i just felt so good around him uh say that again i wonder what i wonder what he would have been like prior to that experience like was he just like i think this guy is inherently a cool dude. He's been through a lot of shit. Um, but, uh, and he's a father, but, but for sure, I don't know. I didn't know. You know, I asked him that too. I'm going to try to get him on the podcast. Yeah. Overweight, overweight, meth head smoker, like crazy. I know at first I was like, he's like, yeah, I almost died of COVID. And I was like, oh shit, tell me about it. Cause I'm like, I don't believe that shit at all. And then he told me,
Starting point is 00:18:05 I'm like, Oh yeah, that's the people who died from COVID 70 pounds overweight, 80 pounds overweight, hitting the jewel. Like it's like, it's like it's the only thing you do. And, uh, and, and, and, you know, former, uh, meth or heroin addict. I mean, it makes sense, right? Yeah. Well, it was, it was funny I was talking to one of the firefighters I work with. He just got back from Italy and he was like, yeah, you know what's crazy out there. And I go, right? Yeah. Well, it's funny. I was talking to one of the firefighters I work with. He just got back from Italy. And he was like, yeah, you know what's crazy out there?
Starting point is 00:18:27 And I go, what? And he goes, just the crazy amount of people who they smoke so many cigarettes. He goes, you get so sick of the smell because like, you know, he's like, it's so there's so much and so many of them smoke all the time that they just step like right outside the door to where you might as well still just stay inside the restaurant. But technically they're outside and they go, they smoke cigarettes. And the first thing i thought it was like oh yeah i remember when they started saying you know covid deaths are spiking in italy all the
Starting point is 00:18:50 way across well it's like you have a population that lives with the younger generation they all smoke copious amounts of cigarette and you're kind of like it was like i looked at i looked at that up too it was like 38 percent more common to smoke in Italy than any other European country or something. I mean, it was nuts. Yeah. And that was this, those were the stats coming out of China too in the beginning. It was just dudes who'd been smoking 30 years or more and their wives who were dying. I don't even think I was drunk.
Starting point is 00:19:16 I know. It's crazy. You guys, I have a, I have a, I have a interesting personality. I basically, I've come on this vacation. I really don't drink much at home. Like, like once a month, like if Sousa comes over, I'll, I'll crack a kombucha and I'll dilute it. Right.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Sousa, I'll make a can of sparkling water with the kombucha and I'll, and I'll put it in a big tumbler and I'll drink it all day. I buzz. And I'm like, I'm not on vacation. I'm just in a different setting. And there's a bar right down the street from this house. So after the show, I've been just going in, in, um, instead of having breakfast every morning, I've been having a Bloody Marys, spicy Bloody Marys, red Bloody Marys. I ran, I ran a 16, 100 meter sprints. lady marries i ran i ran uh 16 100 meter sprints i ran one head with my boys yesterday we ran 100 meters on the beach but oh let me ask you this i took a hundred steps to mark out 100 meters
Starting point is 00:20:14 at five foot five is my is each one of my steps three feet i have no idea but close enough right okay it's the spirit of the workout that matters. I'm like, well, I just need to look and see that it's – I don't know if the spirit thing works here. Does it? It's a mile or – anyway, so we ran 100 meters, and then we walked back, and we did 16 rounds of that. Not really – two of the rounds, which is just absolutely fucking nuts if you want
Starting point is 00:20:45 to try something crazy i think round like 10 obby's like hey i'm gonna do jumping squats the 100 meters i dare anyone to try that i tried that i broke him off so jump squat 100 meters and then and then and then we walked back and we did a couple more sprints and then he goes hey i'm gonna bear crawl 100 meters he bear crawled a fucking 100 meters i had to stop like five times that shit is hard i believe it he was crushing those burpees and squats with me and then he would finish and he would count the rest of my reps oh you guys were nuts uh so suza was here for a few days and we um twice uh buzzed we did uh to get our buzz to go away and get a workout we did a 10 10 burpees on the minute for 10 minutes we did 100 burpees i did that a couple times with
Starting point is 00:21:31 susan avi and susan avi they would do the 10 burpees and then 10 air squats that's nuts that's nuts uh okay okay that's fair anthony marquez i'm six feet my pace count for 100 meters is 68 paces. Okay. I kept asking myself, is this a football field? But I really have no experience on a football field. So I didn't know. One pace is every time my left foot takes a step. Wow. Detailed memory. Thank you. Yeah, that's right. You confused me. Too much.
Starting point is 00:22:05 No. So let me be clear. It's not a stero. You confused me. Too much. Too much. No. So let me be clear. It's not a steroid challenge, but I appreciate that. So here's the deal. Here's what we're going to do. We had too many people bomb us. Here's what we're going to do. We're going to give you an email address, and we ask that you send a picture of it so we can judge the shit out of you.
Starting point is 00:22:21 No dick pics. Don't listen to Sousa. Do what you want. Don't listen to suza do what you want and don't listen to suza he's he's so close-minded and send send a picture of yourself and a description on why you want to do it and i honestly i don't think we're looking for someone who like a regional athletes i think we're looking just like someone like schlep like me or or like you know or like the dude who is in the hospital 82 days with COVID. And send a picture. But maybe, I don't know, maybe send a picture if you're all jacked and shit too,
Starting point is 00:22:54 and we'll see what it does to you too to get on this program. Send a picture. Maybe send a few sentences, a paragraph. I don't know. And women too. This is for women and men, vaginas and penises. I am significantly smarter than probably most biologists. I don't understand why that if you're a biologist, it makes you some sort of expert on cock and balls.
Starting point is 00:23:14 But if you have a vagina or a penis or both, any derivation – I don't know what that word means – send it in. What is the email that they would send it to? Well, I think they should probably just send it to the podcast email because I already started a file and everything else where I've been categorizing all of them into there. So just send it to thesavonpodcast at gmail. Thesavonpodcast at Send a picture, a little paragraph.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Most people have been just doing it correctly with literally no instruction. Like all the emails I've gotten has like, they put it in the subject line and then they just give a brief kind of like, Hey, here's where I'm at. Here's, here's what I, what I want to do. Here's where I want to take it. I'd be willing to let you guys like show you pictures along the way and talk about it and what have you. what what i want to do is i want the person i want to talk to the person um basically get blood work done and they give you some advices based on your blood work yeah um but i would want to talk to the person like monthly on the podcast like for 15 to 30 minutes once a month um just just just so the
Starting point is 00:24:22 rest of us can know um and and you, and, and, you know, and this will be completely unbiased. So the sponsor California hormones is taking a risk, right? So if you come on here and you're like, man, my dick shrunk, it's like, it's bad for business. But if you're like, dude, I feel incredible. Unless you need a dick reduction. Um, right, right. That's right.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Right. I was so close minded. So close-minded. Okay. Let's burn through some of these. What did we see? There's no age limit. You guys can forward me the ones with nudes.
Starting point is 00:24:56 No problem. Yeah, no age limit. In fact, you should probably be a little bit older. This sounds like some right-wing conspiracy shit. Testosterone is king. Craig, be a good bit older this sounds like some right-wing conspiracy shit testosterone is king craig be a good boy craig mr white be good boy craig's a good dude he's a great dude uh okay um can we play number can we can we play number six number six this i was supposed to start the show with this today okay not not babble for 20 minutes your balls will shrink dick will then look bigger oh shit the old smaller balls bigger dick picture okay oh hold on
Starting point is 00:25:38 a regular on the show sean Sean G. Our boy. By popular demand. I don't think you can say that. I don't think you can say that. We'll ask the meme guy if you're allowed to say that. Okay, let's go. Here we go. Sean G.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Live on the Sevan Podcast. I'm down in the dead of the earth. The first thing that took was when I hit the road. And the dark, dark, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, Ah, he's adjusting the radio. When I was a kid, my dad used to make fun of Bruce Springsteen, and he would say, he sounds like he's pinching himself when he sings. And my dad thought it was so funny. And I was kind of programmed to hate that song. That song? Yeah. I just like that he's just on the freeway, no seatbelt, filming himself.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Rocking out. He's free, man. He's free. The best birthday I ever had, the most memorable birthday I ever had, was I was, I remember I was sitting on the floor in our family room watching TV. I had my hands on my chin. You know how you like, as a little kid, you do that. You lay on the floor and you put your hands on your chin like this.
Starting point is 00:27:22 And my mom comes home. I was a latchkey kid. I was probably i don't know let's say 11 years old and i even remember the carpet and it's a small slight scent of carpet cleaner and urine we had a dog and uh and i was in there watching tv that's when the tvs were crazy right like our tv was like this fucking thick. It was nuts. It was massive. Yeah, hella hella.
Starting point is 00:27:48 And it had more edge around the TV than screen. It was probably like a 27-inch screen. It was such a baller TV. I think Melissa predicted the story here. Maybe you told us one before. Oh, I told – okay, fine. Thanks for reminding me. Anyway, it was – fine.
Starting point is 00:28:03 I'm fine. Thanks, Melissa. Thanks. Fine. That story's dead. Thank you, Melissa. okay, fine. Thanks for ruining my story. Anyway, it was fine. I'm fine. Thanks, Melissa. Thanks. Fine. That story's dead. Thank you, Melissa. Good, good. I'm getting through the list.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Melissa, you're hired. You're hired. Do you know the story too? Or are you like, we heard this story? Yeah, but I don't know what we've talked about on here and not, you know. Okay, I'll just tell you really quick. In a nutshell, my mom came home and she said, she didn't know it was my birthday. She forgot. She forgot.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Yeah, because she forgot your birthday. If you want to know this story, just text Melissa. Maybe there's like a, this is the what do they call it when they give you a movie that's popular? Hi, I'm doing a podcast. Can I call you back?
Starting point is 00:28:47 Okay, bye. Who was that? Just the guy in the other room. We spent the night last night. Oh, right on. Who shaved my beard. Oy, oy, oy, oy. So what were you going to say?
Starting point is 00:28:58 Sorry. If you're going to make fun of Melissa, please do it. No, I wasn't going to make fun of Melissa. I was going to say this is like the different version where like there's a different ending or it's like a little bit longer than the original oh yes yes yeah you don't know what happens that was you're thinking of when i was 10 melissa yeah she forgot when i was 11 my mom came home and beat me she put she burnt me with a curling iron how's that it was those were rough years. There's a, there's a place here. I'm in Newport peach and the Newport peach.
Starting point is 00:29:32 I'm in Newport beach and there's a place here called Dory's a couple doors down from, from where I'm staying and it's a bar. And I walk in there yesterday or two days ago and I order a cup of coffee. It's like six in the morning and the lady goes three 23 and I give her a five and she gives me a dollar back and i go ma'am didn't you say the the the coffee was 323 and she said yeah and i said well you only gave me a dollar back i go i was going to give you that 77 cents oh god i sound like an old man when i tell this story i go i was going to give you that 77 cents for a tip. Where's that money? And she goes, I rounded up. Bitch. Yeah, yeah, yeah. More or less. I rounded up.
Starting point is 00:30:17 That's how rich Newport Beach is, by the way. I rounded up. I bought a coffee for 323. I gave her a five. She gave me a dollar back. She should have given me $1.77 back for those of you who don't do math. I only got a dollar back. I said, where's my money, honey? She said, I rounded up. Bitch. Booyah. Obama math.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Get the steps in. So that happened to your dad too alan crazy so so i'm just sitting there kind of like just a dipshit now or as matt would say i'm sitting there like a bitch yep just kind of like uh i'm old i don't get it you don't use pennies anymore meanwhile i'm fighting over a lady with 77 cents and mclarens are just driving by like it's just their fucking job fucking newport i rounded up so i take it you're not buddies with the bartender that was there when i was there maybe she's the ugliest girl in town and she's a nine and a half and she's a nine and a half everyone here makes me look fat, ugly, and dumb and poor.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Newport. Oh, do you want to feel fat, dumb, ugly, and poor? Newport. Do it, Sousa. Newport. Newport. You bitch. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Oh, I love this place. I'd move here in a second. I'd move here in a second. Go ahead. What? That breakfast spot we went to was crazy. It reminded me of Grace Walsh's Tr you know like the trash tv i call it screaming ladies where the show is just like perpetual middle-aged screaming ladies and uh that that
Starting point is 00:31:54 um lunch spot we went to remind me of that because it was like super nice like everybody was really good looking just every girl that door are you speaking about Dory's? No, no, no, no. I forget where it was. We went there. Oh, we had lunch. Yes. Oh, it was like the Ivy in Beverly Hills. That was ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Baker and the butcher or something like it was. It was crazy. Susan, I went to lunch with the benefactor and I think the lunch was like almost $700, but we didn't eat. I think we had some french fries i was like damn i'm starving this is like well we only got 700 worth of shit yeah we gotta get we got our appetizers we gotta get out of here hey it was just it was just fake titties everywhere like i just turned around and all i saw were tits it was crazy they all looked like they were actresses and models and we definitely bought down the ratio like we walked in there and yes like oh we're gonna
Starting point is 00:32:55 no there was a table next to us with an ugly dude and an ugly girl oh thank goodness but they're probably fuck yeah but everyone else like else like yeah we we landed in the middle somewhere seven do you ever get to aldo's down by the santa cruz lighthouse uh no uh maybe once maybe back in the old days greg used to take me there greg was a crazy did you drink at least yeah i had three drinks and i didn't even have a buzz on and the ice cubes were the coolest ice cubes i've ever seen in a drink i guess that's why the drink was 30 37 50 each what'd you say crushed ice it was awesome anyway uh so so just so you know to end that story about how i uh number 14 i just erased it um i uh now i only pay with credit card at that place fuck you you want to round up you pay with credit card now pay cash have you take
Starting point is 00:33:46 my money i'm such a baby okay did we play this i think we played this um trevor noah clip number 17 already where he's like even trevor noah's like fuck none of this shit would have happened with trump yes can you believe it the guy who spreads fucking hate and racism trevor noah even he knows now it's nuts so good so good who who is who is ah sorry my little brain fart i was thinking there was someone the other day pat velner made a comment the other day during one of the podcasts. He made a comment regarding – he was fucking at me. Yeah, he was fucking with me.
Starting point is 00:34:33 And then I made a post back on my Instagram, like getting back at him, like attacking back. And I told him to fucking Venmo me money because he was living in my head. and I told him to fucking Venmo me money because he was living in my head. That line, he's living rent-free in my head. Well, if you're fucking living rent-free, Venmo me some shit. I don't want anyone living rent-free in there.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Venmo. Number 21. Let's get through these. Man, I would love to get through these. These things have just been hanging out here forever. Agency made to protect. Now it's used against american citizens and this is the problem every time you allow government overreach this is just the norm here what happens this happened during the bush administration also i remember it was a big thing in the crossfit community dhs agency created after
Starting point is 00:35:19 9-11 to protect transport investigates 3 800800 non-masked passengers. And this is the problem every time you give the government authority. This happened during – right after 9-11, George Bush got something passed called the Patriot Act, and they started using it to shut down porn sites. And I remember Greg posted something about it on the main site. The community got in a huge uproar. How dare you? How dare you post anything about porn what an interesting thing right that that obviously um people who are right-wing take more personal responsibility more personal accountability have more belief in in their fellow man and uh and so therefore something like crossfit would attract those kind
Starting point is 00:36:05 of people who understand hard work and perseverance and believing in your fellow man but they also come with the belief in god a lot of them and how interesting that uh you know i don't think greg believes in god i mean i've heard him say he doesn't he's an atheist not that he does more so i think i've heard him say he doesn't. He's an atheist. Not that he does. More so, I think I've heard him say that he knows that there's… Whoa, didn't even have the number up. Who is this? And Christian dudes don't even like – they don't like that porn stuff, I don't think, or at least they're supposed to, not outwardly. What are you doing, Siobhan? It was fun. I'm talking about porn. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:36:42 I'm driving down the road, coming back from the veterinary clinic. Oh, yes. Did you operate on a cat today? I did not operate on a cat today. I took my security cat dog to get a vaccine. Disgusting. Disgusting. Well, rabies is kind of disgusting, too.
Starting point is 00:37:04 Where's home for you? Oh, yeah, yeah. And let me tell you something. Anywhere, those of you who are not American, anywhere you hear an accent, just assume there's a rabies problem in those states. Thank you. Public service announcement. Thanks, Yvonne. You know, all of us in Texas sound like you.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Yes. Hey, have you been banned from the bald guys account? The meme guys account? I'm not on the meme guys account. Good, good answer. Good answer. You avoided the trick question. If you have not been banned
Starting point is 00:37:35 from that account, you are not doing your part. I kind of feel that way about anyone who's not shadow banned on Instagram. Like you're not doing your part if you haven't been shadow banned. Well, I haven't been shadow banned either,
Starting point is 00:37:46 but you know, I promote a lot of your stuff. Well, thank you. I appreciate it. I appreciate it. Are you going to work out today? What are you going to do today? What's in the lineup for PRs today?
Starting point is 00:37:59 So we're not PRing today. I had a little bit of a injury issue with, have you ever heard of exertion headache? Yes. No, we're not PRing today. I had a little bit of an injury issue. Have you ever heard of exertion headache? Yes. No, no. That's like where you're holding your breath too long when you're lifting something? So I did a 20 rep max the other day, and I started to get a severe headache in the back of my head. So I'm kind of looking it up.
Starting point is 00:38:21 20 rep max of what? What movement? Back squat? Yeah, I was doing back squat. You know, Josh's challenge of the 20 rep back. So I was doing 215 20 rep backs. And on about the last five rounds, I wound up with a sore headache in the back of my my head And do you feel tension back there? I've had
Starting point is 00:38:47 Not very often But once every two or three years I'll be doing some lifting And it's usually like some movement That I've Like I haven't done before I'm trying to think Ball holds will do it to me
Starting point is 00:38:56 So if I hold like a 60 pound Or 100 pound D ball for time I'll start to get this crazy Like Almost like my scalp is tensing up Is it like that? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:07 You never had that, Susan? Susan looked at me like I'm a weirdo. Your scalp tensed up? I just would think your traps in your neck. Because if you lean to the side and like take a PVC pipe and like roll out just underneath your skull there, you'll find that a lot of times that your neck is crazy tight. And then if you do something or you're constraining through there it just starts to yank on it give you a headache i mean obviously i don't know you're not in front of me then also too breathing is important during those
Starting point is 00:39:32 20 reps yes probably i don't know you know how your breathing cycle is held down but if you try to hold your breath and then you get through 15 of them and then you create that pressure i don't know maybe it has something to do with that too yeah i tried to breathe through it all but it apparently has to do with the the blood flow from your lower chain because it's increasing pressure on your on the meninges in your skull from what i've read your meninges your lower skull and your chain your ball chain hey do you ever do do you ever do ball holds i think i i think fraser was big into those i think he would hold up like a hundred pound d ball i want to say for some crazy amount of time too like 20 minutes or was it five minutes it was something absolutely bad
Starting point is 00:40:20 shit no i don't i don't ever do those. I have my kids do those. Yeah. All right, Jeff, I got to get through a shit ton of stories. Do you want to, is there anything else you'd like to add or were you just, you just wanted to hear my voice directly into your head? I just wanted to hear your voice, Devon. Thank you. And I hope you have a good, good weekend. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:40:41 I'm going on a boat ride today. A boat ride with my kids. Awesome. Awesome. All right. with my kids. Awesome. Later, brother. Hey, the Tyson Fury fights today. Will you see what time that's at? I want to watch that.
Starting point is 00:40:55 I do ball holds every morning when I wake up to make sure it's worth getting out of bed. Thank you. You're a good dude. Good commitment. Put an empty barbell on your trap bar facing in front and behind you and roll it around. Great way to relieve trap tightness. Yeah, that's a good one. Tyson Fury, I believe.
Starting point is 00:41:16 And then after that, can you play number 23? I want to get this one up too. My note says, teaching kids about sex isn't normal. Man, there's so much weird kid sex stuff. I watched a video yesterday from 2007 about things that Barack Obama was talking about, things that he thinks kids should be taught at five years old. It was fucking batshit crazy. It's like, dude, do you have kids? It says the –
Starting point is 00:41:36 How would you do that? Main card starts at 2 p.m. Eastern time. Okay. So that's 11 a.m. for the main card. I'll be on the boat from 10 to 11. That means that the fight fight won't be for at least another hour or two later after that. Yeah. And then which number did you say?
Starting point is 00:41:52 I'm sorry. 23? Number 23. I bet you that's pay-per-view too. Do they play pay-per-views in bars? Only if it's licensed to the bar. Then usually they do a cover charge because the restaurant or business can't just play it. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:42:07 Yeah. So they'll probably be advertising like, we're going to play the fight here, and there might be some sort of cover charge. I wonder if you can Google that too. Meanwhile, 2008, Barack was against gay marriage. No shit? Are you kidding me? That's the one thing that seems like a slam dunk to me. Why would I care who gets married? No moral human has ever interacted with a child and thought I'd like to teach you about sex. I don't even know what moral means. No, oh, no normal. Yes. Yes. I do know what normal means.
Starting point is 00:42:47 No normal human has ever interacted with a child and thought I'd like to teach you about sex. Do you know – it's the same thing with people who aren't racist. No one who's not racist is ever concerned about racism in the sense of being anti-racist. You're not. You're not hiding anything. You're just normal. you're just normal you're just normal there's just dudes who who want to get your girlfriend from you and dudes who don't no normal person
Starting point is 00:43:16 wants to teach children or talk to children about sex no normal people this was right underneath it you don't even think about it. Oh, yeah, this is great. Okay, check this out. This is great. This is great.
Starting point is 00:43:29 This is a little kid out with his mom, and this is the way a normal kid should think until he's a sophomore in high school. Okay, go. Go. Hustle. Hustle. Hustle. Go. headphones headphones headphones
Starting point is 00:43:46 headphones headphones headphones that boy sees headphones do you know why he sees headphones because no one's talked to him about sex no because he's blind in one eye because he's on a leash yeah i know that ruins the
Starting point is 00:44:09 whole thing yeah it's kind of weird i remember the first scene that was at disneyland that should have been the first sign of grooming if you don't if you don't hate me you might hate me after i go to disneyland my i have a feeling my instagram account is going to get crazy. I'm going to be savage when I'm there. Savage. Do you know what someone told me? Someone told me three days ago, they go, Hey dude, you're going to be discriminated against. I'm like, what the fuck is this person talking about? And yesterday I told someone I was going to Disneyland and you know what they told me? They told me that people in carts, obese people in carts get preferential treatment over people who aren't and i'm like that's the discrimination if you're in a fucking cart you get you're rewarded for me and then and
Starting point is 00:44:51 then they told me that uh people will go there in carts just to go to the front of the line yeah i used to know one oh my goodness craig have i ever told you how much I want to hit? Really? I want to, give me a pair of clippers. I'm going to chop off that branch in your family tree. It's okay. It's already, it's already offed itself. Remember she was the one that I was telling you that like she got addicted to a pain pill so bad. She was married into the family that she kept falling asleep and she was so heavy that it kept cutting off circulation to her legs and they said hey you know if you keep doing that we're gonna have to amputate your legs fanduel casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling winning which beats even the 27th best feeling saying i do who
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Starting point is 00:46:01 At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! collect more moments with more ways to earn air miles and then like years later my dad and heard this crazy lady yelling and he looked and he was like it was your aunt with no legs oh shit well there's the they're they're punishment you were you were you were punished crazy for faking being fat yeah then then you yeah but jay wants to know if i'm on true social yet no olivia hudson this isn't normal for him to be on a leash no i agree i agree we agree i'm not i don't go on vacation i don't go on vacation mr mancini I don't go on vacation. I don't go on vacation, Mr. Mancini. I don't go on vacation.
Starting point is 00:47:08 I don't compartmentalize my life. I'm either with my kids or I'm not with my kids. I'm with my kids. Not during the show, though. They're probably eating breakfast right now. You kind of have a vacation schedule, though. I always have a vacation schedule. You're still working, but, you know. Yeah, I always have a vacation schedule, though. I always have a vacation schedule. You're still working, but, you know.
Starting point is 00:47:27 Yeah, I always have a vacation. The movie – I was in the bathroom the other day, and my buddy just came in and shaved me. That's what I mean. Like, I don't – it's not normal. It's not – I don't do normal shit. And this is going to sound so self-serving, but that's the thing about being – okay, I'll say it. that's the thing about being okay i'll say it that's the thing about being great my there's nothing that's i always try to use that example like with um rich froning or matt fraser like it shouldn't surprise you should be disappointed if you're at rich's house and it's
Starting point is 00:47:58 at 11 o'clock and he doesn't come downstairs and wake you up on the couch and say hey let's go do fran like those that's what you want to see you want you like you know there's some weird shit like like matt o'keefe told us like but before the games um you had if you wanted to go to uh see matt there would be a stack of like uh swabs on the porch and you had to swab your nose and do a covid test before you came in the house i guarantee matt does not care well care. Well, I don't guarantee it, but I'm 99% sure Matt doesn't give a fuck about getting COVID or not. He just didn't want to get it before he went to the games and not be able to make us half a mil
Starting point is 00:48:32 or whatever the fuck he gets. Those are the, they're just, it's just like, so if you're going to be, if you're going to be, if you're going to be a great podcaster, you have to be okay with some dude walking in. You can't worry about taking a piss and one of your buddies walks in and starts cutting your beard. That story didn't go exactly the way I wanted it. I remember being at a wedding, and I was getting crap because somebody looked over and they go, you're on your phone?
Starting point is 00:49:04 And they were basically waiting. At this point, we're just sitting at the dinner table, like waiting for your table to be called to go get food. Like nobody was doing any speeches. And I was like, yeah. And they go, what are you doing? And I said, I'm scheduling two people for the podcast right now. Yeah. And they looked at me like I was crazy.
Starting point is 00:49:18 And I was like, I mean, I don't know what you want from me. Like the show's going on. It's moving on. Like it's not, no one's, you know, you don't need that much. I don't know what you want from me. Like the show's going on, it's moving on. Like it's not, no one's, you know, you don't need that much. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:30 Some people get too weirded out about the whole work life balance. And those people oftentimes will not create anything great. Like, especially the book I'm reading right now called founders. I don't have it next to me, but it talks about Elon Musk and, uh, and kind of in Peter Thiel as they built PayPal, multiple other people too, but they're the two kind of main ones. as they built PayPal, multiple other people too,
Starting point is 00:49:45 but they're the two kind of main ones. And they basically would, people would show up just for an interview. They'd go, okay, come down at 10 o'clock for an interview. And then they wouldn't leave till like two in the morning. And they almost use that as like a litmus test to see if this person is like correct for this culture. Because people would say-
Starting point is 00:50:01 Where was that at? Where was that at? Oh, where was that? Next in the book. In Caffinity before they merged and became paypal wow that's hardcore yeah it was super hardcore and that was like a vetting process uh mr bellenhausen how may i help you long time listener first time caller how are we doing great to hear your voice oh man you don man, you don't sound anything like I thought.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Do I not? Okay, so the first time you saw my profile picture, you said I looked like I was drinking on a yacht and I had my sunglasses on. Do I not sound like that? No, you know, I have this friend named Kevin Johnson who's maybe like the fittest dude I know who's like 65 or 70. He's so gnarly, and he's a gnarly fighter too, man.
Starting point is 00:50:48 It would be a mistake if anyone ever fucked with him. And, uh, and you look, and you look like him, like you just look like him. But, but I mean, I don't see so good in the pictures like this big, right? So, I mean, look at Bruce Wayne's picture. He looks, it's fucking scary. so I mean look at Bruce Wayne's picture it's fucking scary as opposed to like this guy from Spain
Starting point is 00:51:08 Fran Sevillano I mean yeah look at his, his is clear as day he looks like that fighter in the UFC, the 185 Apollo Costa Fran is a handsome man did somebody google these photos and fake them?
Starting point is 00:51:27 No, they didn't. What photos? Their profile. Oh, no. Yeah. I always just assume it's the real people. I assume it's the real people. I got to ask you this one question.
Starting point is 00:51:40 What's that? I like how you answered your question. You're like, did, oh, shit. I'm just looking at something I'm going to share question you're like did oh shit i'm just like that's something i'm gonna share you're like did people google these photos like no they didn't they didn't um what's well i'm calling the call because i know you like this i'm calling the jerky off a little bit tell me about this show uh no i just wanted to say everybody in the chat. Super cool. I have a, so I'm a designer.
Starting point is 00:52:07 I have a clothing company. Everybody in the chat has been super fucking cool. And I've gotten opportunities from your show. And I appreciate the show. Oh, thank you. You've been great to us by the way, too.
Starting point is 00:52:19 I know we're not great at being responsive. Well, we are great at being responsive. We're just so short. We're just show so short staff based on our popularity it's like we have one vagina and there's three million dudes who want to fuck us it's like we can't we can't you have three assistants you don't pay what are you talking i know but it's still it's nuts and you wouldn't even believe that's the thing i can't even tell those guys what to do because everyone's so fucking busy there's a
Starting point is 00:52:43 there's another person now that you guys don't even know about who's working on the show full time. I know. It's nuts. It's nuts. And someone asked if we had a sponsor, and you can't sponsor a show that tells the truth. It's impossible. You have to have people like Paper Street Coffee or or California Hormones. California Hormones people are so fucking rich they can just tell the truth and and paper street coffee is just a fucking like that's a fucking good dude i wish i could have told you the original the original conversation i was like
Starting point is 00:53:14 fuck you i don't drink your coffee he's like i don't fuck you i don't care i was like wow paper street's on his way yeah i hope. And now it's all I drink. And the Barbell Jobs guy was great. He's from Serbia. I think he built that up and now he's selling it. So he's kicking us to the curb. Hopefully he'll build up another website now. Depends on who acquires it.
Starting point is 00:53:38 We might still get to ride that out a little bit. But it's not lost on me. I know why Whoop isn't um uh um on the sponsor of the show they can't have someone tell the truth about their product and be like actually that that's not really rich froning's heartbeat that's 87 seconds behind or like some shit like that right i know i know but that's where you see the difference between this podcast versus all the other ones who keep fucking jumping ship and changing sponsors like no these sponsors actually do support the show.
Starting point is 00:54:07 I do want to sell out though. Someone has to give me enough money to sell out and be like, Stefan, like, sure. Please contact me and tell me that. And for $3 million, I'll say that I drink Coke.
Starting point is 00:54:17 Thank you. Gatorade. My favorite drink. Hey, our currency is attention. That's a, you hear me say that all the time. Our currency is attention. The more attention we we have the rest of that shit will follow
Starting point is 00:54:29 hell yeah i don't think i've ever drank a monster energy drink do you know that i've had i've had a million red bulls i've had um a five-hour energy drink uh once just once by the way that shit's fucking bat shit crazy um have you ever drank one of those? Monsters are nasty. I've never had a monster. I've had monsters. I drink Bang just because Colby Covington. And I just like just the scandalous skanks that they have who promote it.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Dude, I used to work with a girl who drank so much monster that she got it tattooed on her and had like a sticker on her car. And there was like this underneath the register. There was this wooden thing. And like one time I saw her stick like a monster sticker thing that would come off the top of the tab. And she like stuck it underneath the wood thing. And after she like walked away, I like looked underneath there to see,
Starting point is 00:55:14 and it just was like hundreds of those stickers. And I was like, Oh, wow. I don't, I don't even like, I don't, I'm sure I would like getting jacked up by monster energy
Starting point is 00:55:27 drink but but i i don't think the can's attractive i don't there's it doesn't oh it doesn't it's not like red bull there's so much sugar in it dude that you you they must have a sugar-free product they must have a sugar-free product sugar-free yeah i don't know yeah chemicals and i also like bang because it says to replace it with chemicals and i also like bang because it says creatine along the top and i'm a sucker for that it doesn't even matter if it i can't drink if i have a bang after 11 a.m i'm fucked i can't sleep oh i can caffeine i can't nope no groupies yeah i try not to do them anymore though i really really I can. I can. Nope. No good burpees. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:07 I try not to do them anymore, though. I really, really, like, I really, it has to be a huge trade-off to drink a bang now. It has to be like. Yeah. It has to, yeah, it has to be. I have to think. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:19 It has to be a crazy reward. Crazy reward. All right. Why are we talking about bang on here? Okay. I know. Oh, because we were talking about bang on here? Okay, I know. Oh, because we were talking about sponsors and people that would sponsor the show. And yeah, I think Gabe, small company, he can sponsor the show, Paper Street Coffee,
Starting point is 00:56:41 But I don't think anyone who can handle the truth, that they can't. This might be on your list, but I want to make sure it gets covered just in case you may not have listened to it and not to go back to make wads woke again did you hear his fucking interview with james townsend no i i wanted to hear that who interviewed him so i asked him to come on the so we have a we have a uh interesting uh chat going in the dms i really like him i admire that man for how he raised his daughters. He's obviously beautiful and fun to look at just in himself. And then when that, all that BLM shit started going down,
Starting point is 00:57:12 I think I started like kind of poking the beast with him. Um, cause he was supporting it on his Instagram. And I was like, fuck that. Like what's James doing? He's smarter than that. And I was doing that shit to him,
Starting point is 00:57:22 just fucking with them. And then eventually I invited him on my podcast and he agreed and we're just having trouble setting up a time. But then I saw he did – and I wanted to have him on and people like Elijah Muhammad, even though I'm actually friends with Elijah Muhammad, because I wanted people to know that like, I think we sit in the same chair together. We just have a different means of getting there. And I honestly do think that their way is wrong. I think their way actually keeps the problem alive, but, but either way, I admire them as human beings and I admire what a lot of the work that they've done. And I, and I think that we're, we're headed, we want to go to the same spot, I think. Um, but, uh, but, but I think that they have their foot on the brake and at the gas at the
Starting point is 00:58:06 same time and i don't think that works right but uh but he so okay so sorry so that was long-winded but tell me what did he say on this podcast and who was on was it coffee pods no no it was the uh kettlebells and cocktails one the one that he does with nicky brazier oh he went on the he went on the make wads meet the make wads meme again guys account yeah he was so he was on so make was great again he has he has a podcast with nicky called kettlebells and cocktail okay and it's exactly what you would think. A lot of woke shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:49 But he had Townsend on there. They just released it this week, and Townsend went into not a ton of detail, but talked about how the Mal O'Brien takeover happened with Frazier. Yeah. And how much he really has love for Mal, but the adults in the situation completely fucked everything up
Starting point is 00:59:10 and pushed him to the side. So basically it sounded like Frazier's team talked with the parents behind the scenes and nobody consulted with James about it. So he's rightfully kind of pissed about it. But he also said in the interview, no athlete is owned. They're free to go where they want, but at least be open and honest with me. But what I wanted to bring up was how two days later that podcast got pulled down.
Starting point is 00:59:40 Oh, oh, oh, God, this story keeps giving. Oh, this story keeps giving. Oh, this story keeps giving. It got blocked. So they put a long-winded post on social about it getting pulled down. Hey, another page out of the woke handbook, by the way, Travis. Exactly. Another page out of the woke handbook. I'm so sorry I released the workouts early.
Starting point is 01:00:03 I'm so sorry. But I know it didn't help anyone I can't give a sincere apology What'd you say? Did that tell you how much pull Frazier has? She gets pulled from the Atlas Games And reorganized Now he's fucking pulling podcasts down
Starting point is 01:00:20 Well Do we know that? Maybe Yeah shit who knows I don don't know i mean he should have that much pool everyone should be that afraid of him someone the other day was telling me oh my god i loved you it was uh at dory's some some guy came over um and said hey i love your podcast and he's and he's shooting my shooting the shit with me while we're getting our fucking swerve on and he goes like hey i really loved your podcast with matt and i said i was kind of a pussy on there and he goes
Starting point is 01:00:48 he goes no you didn't kiss his ass at all i'm like dude i was totally kissing his ass and and the guy's like well maybe a little but it was still good and it's like yeah he's got crazy he's got crazy pool he's got crazy he's got he's he's the It's like, it's like Matt Dorn on Rogan like starstruck and oh shit. Well, I wanted, mine was, mine was twofold. I was, I was pretty, I was pretty flattered that he would want to do the podcast. He has 2.4 million followers. So I wanted to leverage that of course. Right. And I didn't want to put him in a thing that place that would cause him to sell a less podium. So it's,'s it was it really was sort of out
Starting point is 01:01:26 of courtesy i was like how can i do this i don't want to be fake but i want to respect the fact that he's a businessman and not a purveyor of the truth and it's like right and that's my shtick all i got is the truth but to sell but he got all sorts of crazy good shit to sell besides the truth no and everybody knows why he's not on the show whether it's done or not well pretty fucking obvious yeah i mean he never he never told me why maybe it was you know he could easily come out and say hey it's just i didn't have enough time and and i don't think anyone could argue that but yeah i mean yeah we know yeah all right i'm gonna let you go otherwise the comment section's to start saying hang up on this guy.
Starting point is 01:02:07 Okay. You kept it going. I know that's pretty amazing that that didn't happen to you. You were on for 12 minutes and 18 seconds. Well, Travis brought some good content there. He had some good stuff to talk about. Yeah. That's how you do it, people.
Starting point is 01:02:20 That's our field reporter, Travis Bellenhausen, reporting to us what the bald guy, woke bald guy guy said on his podcast that has now been pulled down. Thank you, Travis. Travis, please go to Daniel. I wonder how many posts Daniel Brangham has pulled down. Oh, Christine, you's a hoe. A mean hoe. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Zombie Games Disaster 28. I think we've already used that i'm deleting that uh can you kill babies in california oh my goodness okay okay okay here we go i'm gonna i think i'm gonna erase that one can you kill babies and oh well let's look at this one really quick and then we'll talk about killing babies in california look at number 35 hiller fit i don't even know what that one is. We may have used this already. Yeah, there's so much old shit on here. We have?
Starting point is 01:03:10 Okay, I'll erase it then. Never mind. Andrew, you don't get any love today. Okay, number 36. Another reason the Assault Bike is better than the Echo Bike, for those of you who don't fucking know. Here we go. By the way, if you haven't donated a dollar for today's show, please do it now. Okay, here we go. By the way, if you haven't donated a dollar for today's show, please do it now.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Okay, here we go. The reason why the Assault Bike is better than the Echo Bike. We are on Brains. Turkish get up, assault bike Overhead squat with assault bike Lunge with assault bike Oh my goodness, goodness really so he's doing the full turkish this guy did a turkish get up with the assault bike did a did an overhead squat with it with one arm and then went back down to the bottom of the turkish get up incredible that's incredible no one's doing
Starting point is 01:04:21 that with an echo bike no one's doing that with an echo bike. No one's doing that with an echo bike. Sorry. But maybe I would like to see Thor try that. Here we go. Sean Sullivan. Yes, the echo bike weighs 145 pounds. Alan Kestenbaum, who also did not receive his Sevan podcast newsletter for some mysterious reason. Stop spreading misinformation. Sevan the Echo Bike is better, period. I was looking through some of those emails too, and some people put or like misspelt like com at the end of their email. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:05:00 So if you haven't already, put it in a second time. Maybe there is just a typo. Yeah, yeah. Sign up for the email twice. Sign mom up sign a friend up we have some celebrities signed up i think the kardashians are signed up for the newsletter some real stuff in there that's cool that doesn't surprise me armenian game wrecking okay number 36 gone the assault bike is better than the echo bike uh number 38 this is from uh Dennis Prager over at uh Prager U um it's so funny I saw this meme the other day oh go ahead let's play this let's play this okay
Starting point is 01:05:37 now before I start here in 2019 Dennis Prager was on Bill Maher, and he said this, and Bill Maher made fun of him. It's crazy. When I was yesterday, when I was at the bar outside drinking, this guy, the guy who ran into me, who knew the podcast, he said to me, hey, if Kamala Harris becomes president, I wouldn't be surprised if we gave Texas back to Mexico. And you want to say shit like, dude, you're out of your fucking mind. Thank you, Bruce. Is that a real dollar? Is that a fake dollar? But you can't.
Starting point is 01:06:10 Oh, it's a real dollar. Damn, you're a good dude. Thank you, Bruce. If everyone just gave a dollar, this podcast, I mean, I would be rich. You guys would be happy for me. We'd be able to do some really cool shit. You want to say it's batshit crazy that that kamala harris would give texas away but it's not we just watched fucking the planet get duped into taking fucking drugs from pfizer
Starting point is 01:06:36 i mean anything is possible now we we just had a lady go to the supreme court and she was chose by her because of her sex and her race you would you no one in their right mind would have thought that and now texas can be given away it's and i want to be like you're a dumb fuck but i'm not i'm like wow you scared me mr serrano mr serrano okay, let's let's go ahead and play this and see. See, see, see, see how how dumb Dennis Prager was in 2019 and how smart he is in 2022. Giant left wing lie. We're talking about degrees. Say that men can menstruate. It's a lie. And that is now that is what is said. lie. And that is now, that is what is said.
Starting point is 01:07:25 Wait, wait, wait, where did that come from? You never heard it, right? Okay. Check it out, folks. Check it out. Anyone who says a man cannot menstruate is considered transphobic. I missed this whole story. Are you kidding me? I did. Tell me where you're getting this. Just Google it. Can men menstruate? Who is saying this? You're talking about a very small percentage. Oh, really? Then how do you allow men, biological men, to run against women in the races in Connecticut and set all the high school records?
Starting point is 01:07:52 Oh, okay. They're called men. The Nation magazine said they're women. Okay, but I would agree with you on that. The way you framed it is nonsense. nonsense. In just three years, Dennis Prager's words went from right-wing conspiracy theory to a pinnacle tenet of every single medical institution, government agency, educational institution, and corporate office. This is a slippery slope at work,
Starting point is 01:08:12 guys. I don't know what that kid said at the end, but it's nuts, right? Go back to that Elon Musk thing. Look at even Dennis Prager saying it in 2019 and elon's tweeting today making fun of the fucking emoji on apple a pregnant man it's here
Starting point is 01:08:34 bat shit crazy is here the zombie apocalypse is amongst us they're just not they're just it's they're just not dangerous in the way the movies made them seem that they would be dangerous. Ivan Vasquez, thank you. Oh, thank you. Make Texas a new country. Thank you. Dick Butter coming through. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:08:52 Dick Butter. Thank you. You guys just paid for another margarita after this. Or Bloody Mary. Dennis Prager. And he's good. Okay, number 41. We're cruising right now. Probably he's good. Okay. Number 41. We're cruising right
Starting point is 01:09:06 now. You're at the top of the list now, Corey. A bribe to be the California Hormones guy. Please send your picture. Thank you. Okay. Will you play number 41? Sorry, I should stop messing with the comments. That's your job.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Sorry. No, you're fine. It's a shared responsibility. These are three professional athletes playing against 100 kids in a game of soccer. Oh, this might be too small to enjoy. Oh, nice job. I thought this was so cool. Does it need sound?
Starting point is 01:09:40 I don't know. Probably. If there's some guy talking in Spanish, it would give it some nice flavor. It's just a thing of beauty. Those kids are jamming. Crazy, right? Yeah. It's just a thing of beauty.
Starting point is 01:10:04 And they color-c coded it and everything. Look at all the goalies. Look at all the goalies. Score! Crazy. That's awesome. And you know those guys could have been vicious too. I hope no kids were hurt in the making of that.
Starting point is 01:10:21 They just like check one of them. Boom! I hope no kids were hurt in the making of that. They just like check one of them. Boom. Boom. I like to think Steve Jobs would have fired whoever even suggested the pregnant man emoji. Interesting. Yes, Ivan.
Starting point is 01:10:36 Thanks, Sevan. You can send that to my Venmo. No problem. Why? Am I living rent free in your head? Oh, we're cruising. We are cruising. Okay.
Starting point is 01:10:48 Number 42, a chest and toes to bar. This is one of those things I watched and then I just went over and then later I'm like, wait a second. I need to watch that again. That may have something special. Have you seen this movie? Yeah, I think it's terrible. Tell me. Tell me why i just you know
Starting point is 01:11:05 there's one thing that um dave's done really really really well with the games and in regionals and stuff in the past is he's scare all the employees into not fucking up yeah well that but um also the fact that it's just never turned gimmicky oh right right right right they've always just been elegant they've been really well programmed and they've just been true to the methodology and when you get shit like this involved like somebody sent this to me and i just wrote back gimmick games you know is this an actual event yeah i think it's like a grid league So this is like... Oh, this is... Okay, I thought this person was just making this shit up on the fly.
Starting point is 01:11:49 No, the person behind him is doing the same thing. Okay. Toes to bar, chest to bar. Right. Toes to bar, chest to bar. Okay. I tried that, by the way. It's actually really hard.
Starting point is 01:12:03 I mean, she's killing it. That's a girl right yeah yeah i mean it's impressive no doubt but all right forget it pretend like no one saw that it's gimmicky i like it no i mean like it's a it's a cool like feat like it's cool to see but i just just don't like it when it turns into like, I don't know, it just takes away from the functional movement piece of it, I guess. The elegance. You're so close minded. Yeah, I am. You know, like I don't like I don't think things need to be like more extravagant or like some people to like will look at the programming sometimes at the gym and they're like, oh, well, why did this? I wanted to do this one. And it's some like hero wide with just a whole
Starting point is 01:12:49 laundry list of movements. And then they think that it's going to be like a harder workout, you know, and you just, you're like, no, you need to understand that just a couplet, just some double unders and thrusters is going to be way more harder to produce way more fitness than your laundry list of your 45 minute long workout that you like grinded through. Like people forget that in that the results lie in the intensity and like, don't be impressed by volume, be impressed by intensity. Right. Yeah. I'm so off the mark on that. I hear you. And so for me, that's, that's like, what's more impressive. Like I always loved when
Starting point is 01:13:20 Dave, like, I think it was at the end of the 2012 games. Like he just had a bunch of the benchmark workouts in a row. So you just got to see like Fran, Elizabeth and, uh, Isabel or whatever. And you watch them just like crush that. And there was like a series of cuts that happened along that way. And that was cool because those are workouts that we all know and do.
Starting point is 01:13:38 And when you just watch them just absolutely obliterate those type of workouts, that's, that's what I like. So whatever. I started the show saying that I, um, I, I did a 16, um, absolutely obliterate those type of workouts that's that's what i like so whatever i started the show saying that i um i i did uh 16 um 100 meter sprints yeah it's i mean it's kind of a lot not only is it a lie because one of them i did a bear i did a bear crawl and the other one i one i
Starting point is 01:14:02 ran backwards and then another one what do we do we did jumping broad jumps squats jumping squat jumps that was brutal but of those 13 that i did run i probably only ran three of them as hard as i could intensity just intensity is kind of hard though for me now at fitty thank you mike really really really appreciate it we are rolling now thank you yeah what did i say i said everyone should donate a dollar yeah yeah yeah yeah let's get to a thousand let's get to a thousand get myself a new gucci some new gucci glasses okay you guys are great uh okay so um let's do with tia with Rampage Jackson. What is that?
Starting point is 01:14:48 Number 43. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Just the intensity part. It had to have been. I did 100 steps. Okay, here we go. This is the Monster Energy Drink guy. I know this guy just because
Starting point is 01:15:07 I watch the UFC pretty religiously and I see this guy doing a lot of videos with UFC fighters. And I think this is a SoCal guy. That guy. Keep Tia's name out your fucking mouth I really the audio from the slap
Starting point is 01:15:38 is pretty good right yeah that is obviously they like set that up which was pretty funny tears like what am i getting myself that guy that guy um who uh rampage jackson slaps that mexican dude or whatever he is hans mullen camp i've seen that guy all over the ufc scene i think he he somehow he's affiliated with uh monster and then i think basically he's like he takes care of the athletes or whoever they he's like the rep like the liaison between monster and all the athletes yeah he's like he's the one
Starting point is 01:16:20 who says okay t is good let's give her some money T is good. Let's give her some money. Rampage is good. Let's give him some money. That's a cool job. I think it's a cool job. Sounds like a cool job. Looks fun. He makes it look fun on Instagram. Okay, made it to that one. Number 47, bird flu.
Starting point is 01:16:38 Is that bird flu or bird flu? That was a 10% slap. Yeah, yeah, but I still like it. I really like the slap. I like the audio. I'm an audio guy. Oh, shit I still like it. I really like the slap. I like the audio. I'm an audio guy. Oh, shit. Here we go. 10 million chickens slaughtered in North America and Europe over the past month in an effort to curb the spread of bird flu.
Starting point is 01:16:57 It goes on to say, what tests are they using? Question mark. The same PCR test that created the 90% false positive rate for the COVID scam Demick. Yeah. You can't trust anyone. 10 million chickens. How do you kill?
Starting point is 01:17:14 How do you kill a 10 million chickens? Do you like my, do you like my beard? My buddy cut it for me. Just a few thousand of my closest friends. Who are you talking to now? Remember I told you yesterday I was in the bathroom and a dude came in and shaved my beard? Now he just entered the podcast for me too.
Starting point is 01:17:33 Awesome. Get him a mic. He can get anything. Yeah. We peed in front of each other yesterday. Not swords. We took turns, but we peed in front of each other. Not planned either. Not planned. He's just,
Starting point is 01:17:46 he's just the kind of guy like if you're talking to him and he has to pee, he pees. And so then I just start picking up on those behaviors. I mirror, I'm a good mirror. I'm a good friend. I'm a good mirror. There is no Sevan. Jeffrey, thank you. Uh, you and Matt have a beer on me. Thank you. Matt is back to to normal life he's not allowed to drink anymore i don't think i'm actually gonna drink today you know what i'm doing today after this um uh sarah and i sarah and her kids and myself and my kids and my wife uh and her husband are going to go on a boat ride and it's a special kind of boat she does yeah yeah Yeah, yeah, a duffy. Will you pull that up?
Starting point is 01:18:25 What a duffy is? I want to see what this boat is before I get on it. Somebody asked me a duffy. Does anyone know what a duffy is? Oh, look, they have an electrical boat. We did construction gender terms. God, we've done a lot of the good stuff already
Starting point is 01:18:46 elon not taking a board seat hey so elon just fucking attacked bill gates that's so awesome oh okay yeah so we're going out into the harbor today in one of those my kids are gonna have a blast what do i do if my kids have to pee the only people in the world i know who pee more than me are my kids what they just pee off the side of the boat oh okay i'll be around other kids and stuff though maybe not they gotta go in what i don't know if i can be on a boat without peeing for an hour i bet you this will be the one because this looked like the nicest out of all the photos like the little champagne on ice those nachos nachos. Some nachos. He didn't trim my mustache. My mustache is getting kind of crazy. He wanted to trim
Starting point is 01:19:29 just this part to show my lip, but you can't. The trick is, my buddy who works at CrossFit, Eric Diaz, told me that you have to grow them all long so that then you can, I think he said that way you can drag them over and do the thing you
Starting point is 01:19:45 know frame my nose out of the picture you shit in a van and you're worried about peeing off a boat yeah but because there's gonna be people's like kids and shit on there like they have kids i have kids i'm not worried about my kids okay just be peeing off people's boats um okay uh well let me uh i think we've done number 51 before i'm erasing that we talked about the price of the l1 going up i don't have an issue with that at all they should have raised it a long time ago uh we did number 53 sean g uh and fucked up relationships sean j regular on the show yeah uh here's some shit i wrote about eric rosa and then talking about him i'll erase that uh joe rogan and bill mauer talked about what pussies those two were uh and they're good dudes by the way i really like them they're just confused they're just
Starting point is 01:20:43 confused they don't understand them not pussies in your eyes? You have to realize it's the same thing that when we had Cedric LaPointe on or whenever we have Canadians on, they don't understand precedent. They think it's – and it's the same thing. I used to be like that too. It's the thing with affirmative action. Affirmative action sounds great. What a great thing, right? Affirmative action. Affirmative action sounds great. What a great thing, right? Let some people in who, for whatever reason, because of their circumstances, maybe had a harder time getting their college application in, and so people should be let in. And then you're like, but wait a second, it's based on skin color. That's racism, and we're against racism. You're like, it's okay, we'll just do a little bit of it, and it's okay because it's for black people, and we're going
Starting point is 01:21:24 to assume that black people need it more than white people based on the fact that they make less money overall in society without taking into fact that we're checking comparing people who are 25 years old versus people who are 80 years old and blah blah blah well you're saying that's what they're doing though yeah that's what affirmative action was that's how they convince liberals to like it and so so – no, no. So my point is that once you let a little bit – once you let a little bit of racism, it just grows. And so that's what Bill Maher and Joe Rogan were saying. They were saying that they haven't changed, that the liberal party has changed, but it hasn't changed. That the Liberal Party has changed, but it hasn't changed. You're just confused that – it's the difference of this. I could light a – they were okay with starting a fire with a lighter, and now the left is using a flamethrower to start a fire. And they're like, oh, we were okay with the lighter. The problem is you can't be okay. You can't be okay with arson using a cigarette lighter. You can't say that's okay and not be okay with the flamethrower it's all arson it's all racism affirmative action it's all racism and that's what they don't realize
Starting point is 01:22:32 they want to say a little bit's okay but that's that was the problem wait what would they say was okay though they're they're suggesting that the left has not changed or sorry they're suggesting that they have not changed and only the left has changed and they're wrong they the left has always been the same they're suggesting that the left used to have common sense no they and they never had common sense do you think they're trying you're just in denial you want to change the outside instead of change themselves they don't want to do the hard work the gandhi part well they don't want to be the change they want to see in society. They the problem with their little bit of racism. They started it. I started it too.
Starting point is 01:23:29 I was okay with it too. And that's what – when we talk to the Canadians, that's what you always get from the Canadians. Oh, it's okay if the government has a little bit of their finger up my ass, and now you're upset that they have the fucking whole fist. And what's crazy about the Canadians is they're not even like, hey, take your whole take your whole fist out of my ass they're like hey can you just pull it out to just the tip of the finger being in there it's like are you out of your mind and that's why i was trying to use the fire analogy eventually if you start a house fire with a lighter versus a flamethrower they're the same thing is going to happen the house is going to burn down just at different
Starting point is 01:24:01 rates well maybe maybe and that and that's what we're seeing now. Say that again. And so instead of realizing, oh, shit, I did something wrong, they're like, bring the lighter back. No, not bring the lighter back. No fire. No racism. I just wonder if it's – Good luck, Manny. I hope you kick ass today.
Starting point is 01:24:20 I hope we didn't get too buzzed yesterday and fuck up your competition today. Battleground events. I would love if the political parties were no longer. People would freak out to think without – yeah, you're right. That's basically – Republicans and Democrats, their whole identity for the most part nowadays seems about bashing the other. But the work has to be done on the inside. By the way, thank you for asking this question, Sousa. That was good. Because that's the part people don't understand.
Starting point is 01:24:48 We watched Bill Maurer and Joe Rogan on their podcast sort of deny that they were the problem. And it's like, no, you were the problem. Someone was the problem. Everyone who thought they were being nice. Oh, but I'm a nice racist. I would be a nice
Starting point is 01:25:04 racist. It's the same shit. I would be a nice racist. It's the same shit. I wonder how much thought goes into the fact that they have such a large audience and there's a certain amount of people that you're not going to change their mind, right? So if you're all the way over here, you're not going to change this person's mind. If you're all the way over here, you're never going to change this person's mind. But there's
Starting point is 01:25:22 a crowd of people that... I don't know if that's true. I don't know if that's true. There's a crowd of people that i don't know if that's true i don't know if that's true there's a crowd of people that sit in the middle that maybe have traditionally been voting democrat they're saying hey you know what i don't i don't know this is getting a little weird now it's moved away from what i thought yeah they go well yeah that's what's exposed that yeah you guys are the problem then even people that would have possibly converted to more open mind to thinking, Hey, maybe this stuff in these extremes, aren't the way I want to go. Mike gets shut down by that because now they're saying, Hey, no, we were the problem the whole
Starting point is 01:25:53 entire time. Like even back in the day when it was moderately bad, you know, that still was an issue as opposed to like, now you won't convert those people. Cause they might be shut down to that thought because you essentially just call them bad people. I don't know if they put that yes i agree with you i agree with you 100 hey at disneyland um uh 15 years ago if you were in a cart i would have been totally fine with you going to the front of the line i'm not i'm probably not going to be okay with it on monday because 80 of the people there are going to be in carts and yeah it's the thing
Starting point is 01:26:23 yeah it's the set precedent thing it's the thing it's the whole abortion thing is the exact same fucking thing it was cool i don't understand how anyone could be so sure about fucking either side i have no how could you be so sure about either side one of them is like fuck are they killing babies and the other side is holy shit you want to put a law on a person's body? Do you know the precedent that sets? I mean, how could you be so sure? And my stance is, hey, everyone needs to fucking figure that one out on their own. That's not – the law shouldn't be involved in that one. We should do our best to have really, really open, honest conversation about it so hopefully people can make the right decision.
Starting point is 01:27:03 I'm going to play you a video clip today right now in the last five minutes of the show that i can't even believe is fucking real and the thing is this i i don't think any woman has an abortion and is okay with it this clip is going to show you women who did have an abortion okay with it i think the ramifications the psychological effects of that must be long, long, long, long, long lasting, like maybe your whole life. I would think that it's, and that's something that's never, I don't think it's taken into consideration when people do that. It would probably haunt me now that I'm 50. Haunts may be a little strong. Can we go down to – I wish we were leaving with something funny today. Can we go down to – I wanted to do a game called Sousa Says, and we would have a caller call in. We'll start it next week. And a caller calls in, and we play a clip and then you decide whether it's Republican, Democrat or other.
Starting point is 01:28:06 And then Sousa tells you whether you're right or not. But this was going to be the clip. Where is it? We are sending out a newsletter. What's your favorite flavor? Where is that clip? You got down here in the 90s numbered. I just noticed.
Starting point is 01:28:28 Oh, yeah, yeah. Look at number 101. This is crazy. This is going to freak some of you guys out, I think. This is nuts. Yeah, yeah, murder. I know. Whatever murder means, I think that means you take someone's life.
Starting point is 01:28:43 But this is going to blow you away. Listen carefully carefully to this this is batshit crazy if they have a baby they can neglect them for seven days and if the baby dies then they can't be held criminally liable what do you think yeah i think whatever like helps women and helps them achieve their like dreams and however that needs to like happen is definitely acts to help that is helping all of us so so i prefer that most women make their decisions at eight weeks but but i'm also in support of 10 months out of the womb so you think babies should be aborted 10 months after they're born if if the mother wants to, yes. I think fuck them kids. So if like you want to get a late term abortion, like that's up to you.
Starting point is 01:29:31 You know, I've had an abortion too and it was my choice and I'm happy I had that choice. I've had an abortion myself. Would you guys get an abortion again? Yes. 100% 100 times.
Starting point is 01:29:41 I'd do it multiple times. Until I feel that I'm ready to parent, that's the choice I'll continue to make. So basically, if they have their baby... So here's the deal. If I understand this law correctly, they're basically saying that they want to pass a law in California
Starting point is 01:29:57 that if a baby dies seven days... If a baby's born in California and it dies within seven days of being born, seven days after being born, fuck, I'm messing this up. Let's say a baby is born on the first of the month. If it dies before the eighth of the month, there'll be no investigation into why the baby died. So you have a seven-day period that the baby can die and there'll be no investigation. have a seven day period that the baby can die and there'll be no investigation and when i read that um so so a lot of people are taking that as well shit then you could fucking kill your baby at four days old and uh just throw it out the fucking window of your car and there'll be fucking no
Starting point is 01:30:36 investigation holy shit i can't even believe i said that that's crazy and and they're saying what this is the shit that's that i haven't told you the crazy part yet though. By the way, I don't believe in evil. I haven't told you the crazy part yet. The defense for making this legal, the death of a baby not being investigated seven days after it's born if it were to die. The defense is, well, our intention wasn't to let people off the hook for killing their babies or aborting their babies after they've been born. I don't even know why we use the word abort killing their babies. The intention was that if like you were a meth head, let's say you were doing meth during your pregnancy and the baby's born and dies of complications.
Starting point is 01:31:20 They didn't want to fucking they didn't want the mother to be responsible. It was to protect mothers who were drug addicts while they had the baby in the womb from being charged with murder after the baby was born, so to give them some leeway. And so they're – so is batshit – there's so many levels of batshit craziness to this. They're basically saying since our intention wasn't to allow people to kill babies the law is fine like who gives a fuck what your intention is if babies are being fucking murdered your intention doesn't fucking matter they want to pass a law to protect drug addicts who do drugs while the baby's in them during gestation so that the baby dies a few days after it's born the moms can't be charged with any criminal activity. But in the meantime, it's a blanket law that covers the death of any baby that's born. And I feel like this is the kind of thing that if I told my liberal friends this story, they would be like, oh, come on.
Starting point is 01:32:20 You're being crazy again. Excuse me? You know for a kid to go to public school, they have to get like 60 shots. Think about that. You have to take, give your kid like 60 shots produced by Pfizer if you want your kids to go to school. The lady who was just nominated and made it into the Supreme Court was chosen because of her skin color, her sex, and when they asked her in Congress or in her Senate hearings for approval hearings what's a woman, she said she's not a biologist.
Starting point is 01:33:08 And so this is kind of going back to what Sousa says. Sousa said earlier there's going to become a point where people, liberals, liberals can't take anymore. Like you just can't take anymore. You were pro-choice. You were for letting women choose, and now they want to push it so far that you can kill babies and people are going to flip people are going to jump ship okay enough i'm done i'm sorry i was a democrat i'm done yeah it's nuts it is nuts those and and you know what i don't i'm gonna cut the conversation like it's nothing but that's like even in the and you know what i don't i i'm gonna cut the conversation like it's nothing that that's like even in the conversation you know what i mean right like that that is even like a
Starting point is 01:33:52 possibility like like it's like you could go out on the street you think if you went out on the street in the 80s and had that same exact thing you would have gotten that same response from even people that might have leaned towards being democratic or like blanket everybody there just would have been like no that's fucking ridiculous use a condom hey you know like right like hey do you think do you think the meme guy do you think the meme guy uh is a liberal guy who hid in his basement with a mask the bank bank guy yeah so can you imagine hiding guy who hid in his basement with a mask the bank bank guy yeah so can you imagine hiding in your basement to protect yourself with a mask on but then being okay and i don't i don't know if he is a liberal or not or what his feelings are on abortion
Starting point is 01:34:34 but but then thinking it's okay to kill to defend that stance to think it's okay to let a baby – to not investigate a baby's death after it's been born. You selfish fucking assholes. It's crazy. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. It's just like – And then I feel sorry for those women who aren't getting counseled right, who have to live their whole life in some sort of probably some sort of psychological agony i mean i worry about the fact that i used to smoke cigarettes for fucking five or ten years how how i would i would be in fucking agony if i had to fucking consider the fact that i fucking aborted fucking 15 kids and especially after i had kids
Starting point is 01:35:21 maybe if i never had kids it wouldn't be a thing. But now that I have three kids, the thought of aborting a kid is like completely impossible. It's impossible. You know, it's like, imagine this. I think that if you're okay with aborting kids, that you're also okay with eating dogs. The reason why we have problems eating dogs in America is because they're our friends, right? If they weren't our friends, we wouldn't give a fuck. But we all have dogs and we have this whole narrative around them and they're't our friends, we wouldn't give a fuck. But we all have dogs, and we have this whole narrative around them, and they're like our buddies. But if you think it's gross to eat dogs, but you think it's okay to have abortions, then you got something fucking – you're logically not making sense.
Starting point is 01:35:57 You're not thinking correctly. Yeah, that's what I was going to say. I think – so how easy – Or you don't know how to think. Sorry, Sousa. Go. No, I'm elaborating on your point here because i i think that's what it all comes down to is that there's no ability to
Starting point is 01:36:11 separate emotion from facts and and logically kind of think something through so i was just thinking like if i was if i was back there at newport right and the boys were all sitting on the couch and i just ran in and i was like it's crazy you guys all gotta freak out and then they looked at you and hayley and then you guys were like you gotta freak out it would just descend into chaos they would start crying it would go yes yes but if there was one other adult in there that was logically looking through the process that didn't wasn't in on the on the prank and then just looked and was like what what are you freaking out about what's happening everything would kind of calm down so So the point here is that everybody is thinking like five and seven-year-olds. They're not looking, they're not reasoning with what's happening. They're not
Starting point is 01:36:53 looking at a larger picture. Someone's coming in. Yes, no one's looking at the larger picture. Exactly. Yeah, we all need to yell. And the crazy thing is, is if you have that argument, people just switch it and they go, well, I'm not, I'm not here to interfere with women's rights. And then you could say, well, then how are you accepting of a male swimmer swimming with the females? Isn't that in breach of women's rights and what's happening there? And then it kind of, then it descends into chaos. There's no logical thread that you could follow through all these arguments that make sense on any level.
Starting point is 01:37:26 You have to kind of do this like mental gymnastics to get your way through these arguments to have them all kind of interlinked to make sense. Where if you just had a thread of logic and facts between them, you could easily draw a line there. And I'm okay even if there isn't logic as long as you admit that. Like, hey, I know it doesn't make sense to want to die for my kids. I know it doesn't make any sense to fucking jump in front of a car and save my kids. It makes no fucking sense. I get it. I can't explain it.
Starting point is 01:37:57 I can't explain it to you. I'll be wired to the preservation of life. preservation of life it's just like it's just um i'm a complete meat eater and it devastates me to think that um animals die uh for me to exist i don't like it i don't like i don't like watching fish being caught we were gonna we're gonna have donnie vincent on the show eventually he's a hunter and those hunting shows break my heart. It's okay if shit doesn't make sense. Just be aware of the fact that it doesn't make sense. Don't try to just push through it and defend it.
Starting point is 01:38:35 And that's why people attack other people, right? That's the whole thing of ad hominem. You lose. When you can no longer logically traverse the landscape of your mind, you start attacking other people yeah and that's the other thing too you can't discuss and process things anymore because it's it's considered offensive and then offending somebody or making them feel uncomfortable is the ultimate crime not not killing babies but us having a conversation about processing these issue it's like well why would you talk about that you're gonna offend somebody people aren't gonna agree you might hurt their
Starting point is 01:39:10 feelings and it's like all we're doing is discussing and processing an issue right but we can't do that anymore because that might that might offend somebody especially the younger generation like a lot of the high school kids or something like that like um that'll come to the gym or just kind of watching the way they interact and stuff like that. They're all too afraid to have any conversation about it. It just has to be like, Hey man, that's them. And we got to let it be like, you can't question that because we don't want to hurt their feelings. Yeah. That we don't want to hurt someone's feelings. Shit is crazy. Yeah. It's like, well, when did discussing or processing an issue become just hurting
Starting point is 01:39:42 somebody's feelings? You can't just have a discussion. It's crazy. It's crazy. It's like the safe spaces are the least safe spaces. The safe spaces on campuses are the closed mind spaces. Closed minded spaces. The coolest thing about going to college is when the guy is there, like the four dudes, rednecks, fucking roll in. The Republicans with their signs saying, you're going to go to hell, you sinners.
Starting point is 01:40:08 You know what I mean? And they march around and one of them is reading from the Bible. I used to love that shit. Go over and just fucking check those dudes out. All the extremes are interesting. Did I mention I love Craig White? Did I say that already? We got it in one time or two, I think.
Starting point is 01:40:36 Victor, Sean, everyone who watched the show today, thank you very much. Saturday morning, 8.38 on the Pacific coast of the North American continent, in a place we call California. I will see you guys tomorrow at 7 a.m. I'm starting early tomorrow with Yevgeny over in Odessa, Ukraine. Those of you who didn't see the interview I did yesterday with Armin Surak. Not only will he be the best 155-pound fighter who uh is in the ufc at this time i and i really believe that he is a handful of a man but he also uh is from russia he's an armenian who lives in russia and we did talk a little bit about what's going on in russia and if you want
Starting point is 01:41:17 to get some insight into that that is the first guy i've had on the show who lives in russia and um it was it was interesting to hear his take on it as we brushed up against that subject a little bit. Anyway, thank you, Sean. Thank you, Bruce. Everyone who checked in today, the two female listeners. Oh, by the way, don't forget,
Starting point is 01:41:36 take a picture of yourself, man or woman, send it to thesevonpodcast at, write a little paragraph, why you'd want to participate in getting your blood panel done. And we'll get this ball rolling. Basically, all we ask of you is that you come on the show once a month and whatever the protocol is that you jump on board. We talk about it openly and you let people know whether you like it or not. What are the pros and cons about it?
Starting point is 01:42:01 All right. Thank you to, Paper Street Coffee, California Hormones. Sign up for the newsletter. Love you guys. And boobah.

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