The Sevan Podcast - #384 - Dillon Vowell

Episode Date: May 2, 2022

Dillon is an MMA fighter and also a long-time dedicated listener to the show. He has his first fight on May 6th, and one of our great sponsors Paper St. Coffee is sponsoring his fight. Stoked to get t...o catch up with him and find out more about who he is. Sign Up for Our Newsletter: Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Planning for a summer road trip? Check. Luggage? Check. Music? Check. Snacks, drinks, and everything we can win in a new game at Circle K? Check.
Starting point is 00:00:42 With Circle K's Summer Road Trip game, you can win over a million delicious instant prizes and a grand prize of $25,000. Play at or at participating Circle K stores. Which stock is going to be the silver? Where are you?
Starting point is 00:01:01 I'm at Temecula. This lighting is terrible. Oh, that's worse. Without having all the controls. I'm multitasking. I was asking my gardener how come one of the lawns is like so massive at my house and he said uh they didn't mow it because it was raining I wasn't in town so I didn't know it was raining wow this guy Alexis is gnarly
Starting point is 00:01:38 yeah stuff is crazy crazy I'm gonna show oh oh I'll, I'll, I'll peruse his Instagram while we, uh, wait for him. What are you doing right now? You're going to a wedding? No, we're going to like the brunch afterwards. I'm just kind of hanging out for a minute until the ladies are ready. All right. You can ditch me whenever. Okay. So this, so this guy is what they call an urban climber. Austin, Martin, Ryan, what's up, guys? Urban climber. Sevan, do you have a half pipe in your backyard? Dad, yeah, I do. I don't ride it, though.
Starting point is 00:02:21 I walk around on it. I use a leaf blower on it. Alexis Landot from France is coming on any minute now. He says, we rescheduled this three times. I am pretty pumped. I wonder how many of these guys there are
Starting point is 00:02:38 in the world. He's only been doing it two years too. That's crazy. Does he get arrested every time? I was reading an interview he did and it sounds like the police are pretty cool with him i i was having trouble it was uh there's an interview with him on uh medium you know that platform no and it's just it's like some self-publishing uh platform and so um it's a self-publishing platform and uh it looks like they translated the interview with him from france france to inglise and uh so some of the words i wasn't sure but i think what
Starting point is 00:03:16 it sounded like is that you could get a fine up to one year or 15 000 euros but it sounds like everyone's really really cool with them and the reason why this is because he's not endangering other people he's only endangering himself but dude if he fell from there that's what i was gonna make the argument that if he falls off and hits somebody they're toast yeah but i imagine i would imagine that once he starts to climb there's probably a crowd of people that like are watching him i mean how often do you walk by a building and look up and just see two dudes climbing the side of it it's it's uh funny you say that um i i didn't i had no idea about this until about an hour ago i was reading another article about him and you're right there are people who you know we saw in these videos that you and i were looking at one time together there's people from the inside of the building
Starting point is 00:04:02 for sure looking at him like so there's people like in the office building and they see the dude show up but it says he went to ukraine on march 7th and the war there started on february 24th so he went to the ukraine on march 7th after the war had started and he climbed a building there that was 700 feet tall and uh 200 people came out to watch him that's crazy. Don't stand there just in case. Please give him a little room. Could you imagine that? That sounds so painful to die from another dude fucking
Starting point is 00:04:33 hitting you. There's zero mistakes. Zero. Like you don't kind of slip and what happens if you slip? You catch yourself on what? He says the reason he does this is because um it's his way of taking control of his life and then i and i read i read a little deeper and uh i read a little deeper and it says that he's so he has this fear of his loved ones
Starting point is 00:05:00 dying so it's this kind of fear that he lives with he always is afraid like his mom or sister or his dad's gonna die like in a car accident or something so he does this stuff to sort of feel like he's in control of his life but i mean you know this has got to scare the shit out of his parents dude it scares me my palms are sweaty right now just watching it on the small screen susan's retrieving avocados from seven back there Yeah and hey That's the shirt I make him wear but he's wearing No pants and underwear so me and my wife Are go in the backyard and sip margaritas And just watch
Starting point is 00:05:31 She's a climb trees naked I think there's gonna be some comments about the polo For sure Well it's just so Rare to see you in it so it's like it's like almost like a costume you know what i mean it's like it's like my beard i was thinking about doing a suit for the alex stein later today oh yeah that'd be awesome if i had to die from a dude falling on me i'd want it to be the ceo you're a good dude you're a good dude i'd want
Starting point is 00:06:03 you to be i'd want you to be laying on your stomach and i fall directly on you with the hard-on bam just slip into you like a puzzle not exactly what you wanted martin but since you opened the door uh matt in his sunday's best looking cute as fuck i agree yeah you're you were at a wedding last night yeah cool i missed you on the life calling show fancy one i know i want to be on it i peeked I agree. You were at a wedding last night? Yeah. Cool. I missed you on the live call-in show. Fancy one. I know.
Starting point is 00:06:28 I want to be on it. I peeked in real quick because I always need to make sure that they're going off. I don't know. As if I could do anything. But was that Gary Roberts on it? Yeah. Dude, that's awesome. Yeah, how about that?
Starting point is 00:06:42 I sent him a link and he just called in. That's really cool that's cool yeah when i watch when i see those shots what from the gopros i don't know why but i have trouble like separating myself from the footage at that point and i start to feel a little queasy like that shot yeah yeah it's funny because i bought this drone a while back you know to like get some video shots and like i'm thinking you said he's climbed a building that was 700 feet in Ukraine. And I'm thinking about just when I fly my drone like 200 feet, my hands get sweaty. And I'm like, oh, we got to bring it back down.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's spiraling out of control. Oh, he's yoked too. Yeah. He had some – he was saying some interesting stuff too that you can climb with, oh, it looks like he did some ninja challenge shit. He's basically saying you can climb with bloody fingers, but you can't climb once your fingers start to lose mobility. Wow. Because then, then shit gets dangerous. And I kind of, I understand that, right? Like if your knuckles start to get stiff and whatnot, but't blood really slippery like you hear about that in the ufc for sure i didn't realize how those windows and stuff went in because if you watch him climbing i mean obviously he has to pick his buildings so that
Starting point is 00:07:54 would be an interesting question like how does he pick the building but i imagine like if you look inside he's like sliding his hand like in between the crevice of the buildings and the windows and stuff and that's how rock climbers do it though too right yeah into the crevices um you watch that movie free solo sorry go ahead no i think i did that's the honnell movie yeah yeah yeah i did see that i think i saw that in the theater with dave dave and i would when dave and i hang out in person we don't talk it's so weird but when we're on the phone when we're on the phone we talk like fucking two little fucking 12 year old girls even when I go to his house like I could go to his house like once every four months for like you know four or five hours my kids will be swimming in his pool we won't talk
Starting point is 00:08:40 I told I when I saw him in Colorado i was like hey dude even if we're sitting next to each other we should just talk through the phone and he actually is like yeah probably we would talk more that's funny i i just kind of like zoned out for a minute thinking about you and dave walking into a movie together yeah yeah yeah i i never know if I'm with one of those dudes who needs to put a seat in between the other dude. So this guy looks like it says, oh, this is in France, so I can't read it. But I'm guessing that dude in all the colored shit, that's like the OG. There's a guy he says he looks up to name, name, Adam. What was that guy's name?
Starting point is 00:09:28 There's some guy in France who's, oh, Alan Roberts. They spell Alan, A-L-A-I-N. And he's considered the French Spider-Man. I'm guessing that's him. Look at that dude's fingers. Oh, they're all taped up. Oh, yeah. I think that picture we saw of him him you guys are saying he's huge i think he's i think he's really lean and i think that was him just
Starting point is 00:09:53 blown up to all get out and i think he comes from parkour roots i mean he's a fucking supermodel good looking kid. How do you get into urban climbing? Just one day you're like, I climbed up a two-story building. I'll try this 30-story next. Like I was saying in the beginning, the whole thing is he was saying he wants to take control of his life. And the reason why he wants to take control of his life is that he feels like people that are close to him could die, like loved can die all right i bet you this is gonna be a live calling show back to back last night's show was last night's show was pretty wild do you have a good time i did have a good
Starting point is 00:10:33 time that's good i did have a good time kayla was acting a little weird had a good time oh we already we already have wow we already got a monetization limit on this show. I didn't say any of the words. I didn't say the V word or the A word or the N word or the R word or the C word. I didn't say any of those words. None of the alphabet letters. But this show has already been flagged. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Yeah, last night's show already has 2,600, 2,700 views on YouTube. That's the one that's going to go over 100,000 on Apple. Wow. Dude, the Hiller show is exploding. Yeah. People wanted that one. People wanted that one. We're going to have to bring it back.
Starting point is 00:11:19 There was a point in the show where Hiller was saying was saying that – we were talking about David Hippenstiel, and he was saying that David Hippenstiel could get a pass or that someone could get a pass. And I made this joke that – I made a joke that it was – he's not even a minority. And someone flagged it in the YouTube comments like something was wrong with it. And then I don't know if it was Will or you or Caleb. Someone said it's just a joke. And then they said, oh, interesting joke know if it was Will or you or Caleb. Someone said it's just a joke. And then they said, oh, interesting joke. And then I came on. I said, well, it's not a joke.
Starting point is 00:11:49 But it is a joke. But it's a joke that falls under satire. Right. And it's just so weird that people don't get that. Eh. I don't understand. I don't understand what they want to do with that. Like, what are they going to point it out and be like, hey, everybody, come over here and be upset at this.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Yeah. Is it racist? Yeah, it's racist. It's not me being racist. It's satire. I'm making fun of the people who are racist. And who are those people? Those people with the leftist ideology that think it's okay to be racist in order under the guise of being benevolent. It's not. Sometimes the weird thing too about satire,
Starting point is 00:12:20 like Babylon Bee and stuff is sometimes it comes true. Yeah. Yeah. They'll put something ridiculous and then like three months later it's true. I guess it's satire with like a Babylon Bee and stuff. And sometimes it comes true. Like, yeah, yeah. They'll put something ridiculous. Yeah. Three months later, I guess it's, it's sad. I wonder if a component of satire is irony. Maybe I don't even know what word I'm using. Should I look up the word satire? Are you getting nervous? Cause you have to go and leave me. Don't be, don't be, I'll be fine. No, they'll, they'll yell at me. Oh yeah. That is what satire is. I, so I had it right. The use of humor and irony and exaggeration or ridicule to expose or criticize people's stupidity. I should make some ridicule.
Starting point is 00:12:49 And that person didn't fall for it. So does that mean that person's stupid? That person didn't understand it. Yeah, maybe they misread it, given the benefit of the doubt. Man, oh man. Yeah, I see here. And by Caleb acting weird, that means Caleb was speaking. Yeah, I see here. And by Caleb acting weird,
Starting point is 00:13:07 it means Caleb was speaking. Yeah, correct. That's right. Well, what's weird is that Ken Walters noticed it like 10 minutes into the conversation. Like, hey, something's different. Something is different. Did you guys sit back in the back row of the theater?
Starting point is 00:13:23 I don't remember. I don't remember where Dave and I sat. I always think about, like, is there people that do CrossFit, like have done CrossFit for a while that, like, you guys come in and someone's like, holy crap, it's Dave and Seth on. And they're, like, in the movie theater. You guys go to lunch. You go to the lunch outings that you went with Greg,
Starting point is 00:13:42 and everybody's like, oh, crap. I will say this. lunch like you were in the lunch outings that you went with greg and everybody's like oh crap i i will say this um this this weekend in colorado normally my whole career at crossfit basically if i'm with dave and greg people will ask for pictures and i'll never be in the pictures but i mean never i mean 99.99 of the time and if i am in the picture it's an afterthought and i think the people just feel sorry for me but that's maybe just my insecurity so i'm always the one who takes the picture right so we'll be together and someone the person will be like hey stevan can you take a picture of greg and i and they hand me the phone you know what
Starting point is 00:14:11 i mean just a stranger and i'm i'm more than happy with that to do that i mean that's my job you know what's funny is i thought about what like if we end up doing one of these sanctionals or the games or something like that and and you're in you're there and you know let's just say there's other other characters there such as dave or greg or something like that. And, and you're in, you're there and you know, let's just say there's other, other characters there such as Dave or Greg or something. I would just opt out immediately as I see somebody come up with the camera. Be like, Hey guys, I'll take that photo for you. Why don't you get in there? It's like, I just headed it off. It's like, no,
Starting point is 00:14:36 they probably wanted me in the photo, but I had to take it, you know? And I, and I, and I did that and I do, I did that a lot. So if someone came up, I would also do that too. Like if I knew they wanted a picture, I would just take the camera from them or the phone. But this weekend in Colorado, I took a lot of pictures. Podcasts, I guess people want a picture with the guy who does the podcast. Oh, like people ask for a lot of pictures with you. A lot of pictures, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Oh, I thought you meant like you bought a photo album together for me to view afterwards if you're no no okay i really i always realize when i'm around crossfitters how little i am like when i'm working out in my own um uh garage i'm like damn i'm looking buff and shit and then i go to these events and like everyone's more buff than me like all the girls the dudes the kids everyone's buffed all right uh i don't think he's coming on yeah we're 14 in what do you guys disappointed me did you check the whatsapp he was only super responsive i did not i did not i'll check make sure uh no yeah no maybe he died maybe he fell off a maybe he fell off a building all right well i've been summoned now too okay bye all right i will see you later okay bye for crying out comment the comment friends always the comment friends always deliver hilarious the
Starting point is 00:16:03 comment friends comment friend oh just the. The comment friends, comment friends. Oh, just the comments in the friends. Don't, what are you doing right now? Should I send you a link? You're going to come in. You're going to, um, you're going to, uh, pinch hit. I know we're supposed to have you on the show. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:17 I'm sending you a link. Don't. Oh shit. I just saw your shirt. I just saw your shirt. Driveway dumpster and paper street coffee you have the shirt and i'm an island i have nude photos of your mom i'm about to pull up who am i talking to you're about to see okay you guys ready i was going to start with my next uh
Starting point is 00:17:02 i was going to start my next uh live call- show with this, but I guess we're doing a live call-in show. So let's go to share the screen. This is normally much smoother because I have someone helping me. Okay, you guys ready? And here we go. Uh-oh, no we don't. I've been trees. I've't wrestle with a whale. I don't wrestle with a whale. I done something new for this fight.
Starting point is 00:17:29 I don't wrestle with an alligator. That's right. I have wrestled with an alligator. I don't wrestle with a whale. I don't handcuff lightning, throw thunder in jail. That's bad. Only last week, I burned in a rock,
Starting point is 00:17:44 injured a stone, hospitalized a brick i'm so mean i make medicine sick man dude yeah fast fast fast tell me someone in the comments can you hear ollie Tell me, yes, Alyssa, yes, you can hear me. Isn't it crazy how different this is? This shit talking versus today's shit talking. It's so different. Does anyone know if Ali prepared this shit? Did today's shit talking it's so different does anyone know if ollie prepared this shit did he prepare this like did he know he was gonna say all this or is this i'm so mean i make medicine he's so fast my goodness Last night I cut the light off my bedroom. Hit the switch was in the bed before the room was done.
Starting point is 00:18:47 He's so fast. My goodness. My goodness. I'm glad you guys could hear that. Shit talking has come a long way, huh? A long way. Not talking about no one's mama. Not talking about.
Starting point is 00:19:02 I wonder if I wonder if this was I wonder if this was uh i wonder if that was a i wonder if that was offensive back then yo what's going on man to save the show dylan vowell hey man i'm happy to be here we don't need no fucking rock climber building climber hey i'm a rock climber all right i know i see that thing hanging in the back there. Is that some rock climbing stuff? No, I'm actually at a friend's house right now. Oh, is that a lamp? Chandelier, something like that. Yeah, it looks low.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Yeah, well, it was over a table, so you can walk face first into it. Hey, what day were you supposed to come on? I know you're supposed to come on because you have a fight on May 6th. What day were you supposed to come on i know you're supposed to come on because you have a fight on may 6th what day were you supposed to come on i was supposed to come on um friday and then it got moved to monday um monday meaning tomorrow yes all right well bitch and now it got moved to now how are you how's your time right now you good it's great man yeah i'm good and and you have some like 1980s headphones on yeah they're just they're good for work what's the cord that's like coming down that's another headphone ah gotcha gotcha gotcha uh dylan how old are you i'm 27 and you're getting and you're in the fight game i'm in the fight game some would say it It's crazy. You know, you have such a strong intellect as well.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Do you know that? Like you're a great writer. You say good things. You're insightful. Thank you. And you're going to let someone punch that brain of yours. Well, the goal is to not get hit, but I guess inevitably it'll happen. You've had one amateur fight.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Correct. And how'd that go? What happened? It was good. It was everything that I wanted out of it. I mean, I lost in a split decision. But, man, I lost in terms of who got their hand raised, but I won for, for, for the goals that I wanted to get out of it.
Starting point is 00:21:10 And that was just being able to go through eight weeks of camp and fricking hardship, man. And, um, uh, just tough, tough, grueling exercises and mitt work and sparring and all that. And then to develop a strategy and practice that strategy and execute under extreme pressure, which I did. And unfortunately, it wasn't enough to come away with the with getting the hand raised. But I still won because I was able to execute our game plan. You were. You were. with getting the hand raised but i still won because i was able to execute our game plan you were you were you were able to you were you were able to execute you were able to execute i was yes and then so then why didn't you win uh because i would say i wasn't active enough
Starting point is 00:22:02 um i was active with forward pressure, active in the wrestling, active, um, with the wall wrestling, all that was, was good. And that was all part of the game plan,
Starting point is 00:22:14 but he was a phenomenal striker. So he had more volume of strikes. It was similar to the Darian weeks fight, actually. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Which when you,
Starting point is 00:22:24 when you go up with a, a uh a striker who's gonna really the guy you fight is it this guy eli wilson i'm looking at here yes okay okay and did he have a karate stance yeah yeah so he comes from upstate karate which is steven wonderboy thompson's Ray Thompson. Oh, shit. Okay. Okay. It was like a celebrity appearance. So the pressure's really on, right? Wow.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Yes. Yes. That kid was incredible. And his brother's a fighter as well. They're great. And, but he, yeah, he outdid me in footwork and outdid me in striking, but we weren't going to get into a footwork battle with somebody who's got great footwork. You know, it's not enough time for my novice, you know, to catch up in that realm.
Starting point is 00:23:11 So we focused on really pushing the pressure, getting up against the fence. We knew we were going to win in the wrestling. But to the judges' eyes, man, when you're throwing out a lot of strikes, landing or not, they're just seeing that they're beating you to the punch yeah it went it went it went the distance it did okay so that's another reason why you feel good sure yeah yeah plenty of uh time to learn in there um you go in there and get knocked out or have a quick knockout for your first fight that's not the best because you want to see what you're made of right uh-huh so yeah um and man third round grueling you know that's what i wanted i wanted like let's push the pace let's try anyway you know let's let's dig down deep and all i heard uh with a minute left uh was from my coach when I had him up against the wall my coach in my corner just screamed out as loud as he possibly could we need a takedown and we worked on this particular
Starting point is 00:24:13 takedown off the wall a ton of times in training and so I went down for the high crotch hoisted him over my head and slammed him on the mat and ended it with a little bit of ground and pound so that's how the bell with the bell rang at the end of the ended it with a little bit of ground and pound so that's how the bell with the bell rang at the end of the third round with you on top of them yeah oh that's good dude and the first round oh that's good yeah so if you would have won would you have been surprised or no could have gone it was that close i haven't seen the fight i just tried to pull it up i can't find it no i thought i thought i had done enough with that final takedown is it on youtube it is yes okay so you thought you won yeah yeah okay with that final takedown ending in
Starting point is 00:24:52 ground and pound top position like i knew it was one one going into third round my coach was honest with me in that sense of i rocked him in the second round pretty bad. But then he kicked me in the old. Did? Cockins? Yeah. Wow. And that one, that's a weird one because it doesn't hurt like a normal nut shot. Like it just zaps you.
Starting point is 00:25:15 You're just, you have nothing left instantly. It's a weird feeling. Is it the LFA 27? No, that's his brother. His brother fights for the LFA. Okay. You're going to want to go to – you can probably type in my name on YouTube, and it will pop up. I thought I did – D-I-L – is it one L or two Ls?
Starting point is 00:25:35 Two Ls. D-I-L-L-O. Yeah. Vowel. Yes. Versus Eli Wilson. Yes. Yeah, I don't fucking get it.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Am I spelling vowel wrong? Oh, Aries Fight Series 2, Eli Wilson. Yes. Yeah, I don't fucking get it. Am I spelling vowel wrong? Oh, Aries Fight Series 2, Eli Wilson versus Dylan Vowell. Yes. There you go. Surprise, surprise. Oh, shit, you guys really did go the distance. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Okay, before I put this on, I have some questions I don't want to forget. How long have you been CrossFitting? I think I started back in, I think, probably technically my first workout was Fight Gone Bad, I believe. And that was in the military. And that was probably 2014. Okay, so you've been CrossFitting for a while. When you talk about that third round for those of us who've never been in that situation is is there anything um tantamount to that in crossfit where
Starting point is 00:26:30 you're like oh shit i gotta dig or is it never like that because there's there's no one there to punch you in the face i would i would say through the crossfit competitions that i've done yes it's it's similar um i i don't know. I think it would just be how you contend with yourself and like your notion to quit. You know, I think how much of a hold do you have on that? And in the gym, it's really easy to succumb to that, right? Like with a barbell and, you know, I can set it down or I can walk around the other side of the barbell to catch another breath. And like, yeah, there is a bit of urgency that makes it different. Like with, they're still coming, you know, they're still trying to hurt you. So there's no real time to like drop your hands or, or, or step off the gas pedal. And I felt that in competitions.
Starting point is 00:27:28 How was your conditioning for this? was it was yeah yeah it was great man um my coach did a lot of uh good stuff with me to to make sure we were ready for a three-round war um and this is and this is coming towards the this is with uh 58 seconds left in the fight and that's you that's you pressing him against the fence right there yes and what weight class is this this is 170 damn and what do you walk around at uh before that when i stepped into when i started camp i was about 200 pounds oh shit oh you handled them wow Does he come up easy or is that hard what you just did? It was so hard. It was like my legs were full of blood, lactic acid, all that.
Starting point is 00:28:12 You feel like you don't have it in you, but I knew I had it in me somewhere. I was like, I'm getting you off the fence, motherfucker. I don't give a shit. Yeah, it's so crazy. Does he make a noise? Is he surprised when he goes up in the air? I would have imagined he was surprised, but he didn't make a noise i actually almost knocked myself out on his hip when we landed i didn't i didn't uh i didn't change uh in the air to a better position um and oh so you finished strong dude holy shit you finished strong
Starting point is 00:28:43 let's see let's see where you almost knock you let's see where you almost fucking ding yourself here it was right in the beginning of the second round oh right oh you're talking about me when i landed yeah yeah yeah you can't really tell because my head was buried in his hip and his hip bone just hit my temple so hard that i just saw a flash of light dude look at him i mean you pull him up so easy so that's hard as shit yeah well um relatively yeah to that in that time in the fight yes it was very difficult if you're doing it in practice or you do it fresh like it's it's not that difficult with right mechanics right and he is um i mean i mean not all the way up to his midline but you got quite a bit of his body over you
Starting point is 00:29:31 already when you lift and you dig oh man okay so you think so no wonder now it all kind of makes sense why you feel so good about the fight you finished on top. You thought probably you won two of the rounds, and it's just an amateur debut. I shouldn't say just. I mean, it's huge for you and for anyone. A lot of people never do that. But if that was a professional fight, you'd be like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:29:57 Because it's there forever. It's on your permanent high school record. Yeah, you'd probably be like, what the fuck? Because you get half your purse. Oh, what the fuck because you get half your purse oh you do you only get half your purse too oh yeah with professional fights you know the loser gets half um which sucks but i guess it's kind of there to win right yeah yeah yeah for sure for sure um how old is that kid i think he's's 26. He's around my age, 26 or 27. And do you know how many fights he had had?
Starting point is 00:30:29 He had no fights. No MMA fights. He was a, I think, just doing kickboxing his entire life because of his family and the gym he was a part of. Okay. So that was a fair fight. That was a good fight for both of you fight for both you two high level fit dudes but who had never had a fight correct and then and then who are you he was definitely way more versed in the in the fight game than i was i just had a little bit of wrestling experience and then six months of of training and who are you fighting on may 6th i'm fighting a guy named um geez now i don't even remember uh what what's the dylan val event tickets may 6th uh 6 p.m venue oh here i got the link right here it's in knoxville yes i'm a john mccarthy oh it is yeah okay and it's the aries fight series um wow a table there oh it's fucking sold out the tables
Starting point is 00:31:27 are sold out yeah yeah it's sold out uh well the tables are sold out tickets i think are still available um just i'm looking at it i'm looking who you're fighting um cody farm no uh blake no No, Blake, no, no. Stephen Kent. Yes, Stephen. You're fighting at 155? Yes, sir. Okay, tell me about that. What happened? So that last fight we saw, you fought at 170 welterweight,
Starting point is 00:31:57 and now you're dropping down to, what is that, lightweight? Lightweight. Lightweight, yeah. Yeah, I was, man, I was just fat. You know, I was just, I was just fat and, uh, knowing that like, well, I weigh 200 pounds, but I'm five, nine. And so it's like, I'm not going to fight at 200. Typically like amateur fighter debuts will go in at their walking around weight. Um, but I was like, I can get down to one 70 cause I know I was just fat.
Starting point is 00:32:22 And then from there, like once I went through the eight weeks of just good nutrition and a lot of cardio and training and all that, you just naturally lose weight. So I did about a 10 pound, 10 or 12 pound water cut. So I was down to about 185 when I walked 180. And then when I walked in the cage, I was like 183 or something like that. What did he say? He said you're looking good too the dylan val i'm staring at right here on this camera right now how much do you weigh right now i weigh 170 oh shit and and so so have you been training at the weight when was that fight that we just saw that eli wilson fight? November 2nd last year.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Okay. So five months ago, four months ago. Yeah. And, oh, look, one of your sponsors is piping off in the comments here. We all better stream this fight. Yep. We will. Gabe is amazing. We will.
Starting point is 00:33:21 So since that, you fought that fight. You're a 200-pound man who fought that fight at 170. Yes. Since you went down to 170 back in November, let's say that's November, December, January, February, March, April, May. Let's say six months ago. Have you stayed at the 178? Well, I was right around 180. I mean, the entire. Okay. So when you, right. And you said that, sorry. When you walked in the ring 180? Well, I was right around one 80. I mean the entire.
Starting point is 00:33:45 Okay. So when you, right. And you said that, sorry, when you walked in the ring one 80, did you ever go above that? Did you, have you been back up to 200 since your fight? Nope, not at all. That's why I decided to have a one 55 because I was like, well, I can, you know, get back into a caloric deficit, good nutrition, do all the training and then I'll have plenty of time to just lose more weight and get down to a
Starting point is 00:34:06 a more um achievable water cut if you will um because you don't want to do a 30 pound water cut i mean that's that's death's door you want you don't 10 15 pounds you know you see a lot of guys um who even six days before their fight especially guys who are coming from a 200 pound down to 155 their faces will look funny you look good yeah i mean you look you look like that you look good like marcus philly good well even better than him that motherfucker been walking around like really sucked up lately do you follow him he dude he's so shredded yeah i mean yeah but his kind of i kind of want to go over to his house and make him eat something he's like he's too skinny yeah i remember watching you do the behind the scenes and talking to marcus But his workout – I kind of want to go over to his house and make him eat something. He's too skinny.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Yeah, I remember watching you do the behind-the-scenes and talking to Marcus Billy and all them. It's cool to see him doing his own thing now. Oh, he's a beast. But let me see how skinny he is. Yeah, you're looking good. I can't believe you're going to get down to 155. Oh, it looks like he's put on – his face looks better again. I'm looking at his post.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Yeah, yeah, he looks better. He was too skinny for a minute. Yeah, I'll share this with you, and then we'll get back to talking about you. I wonder how healthy he feels now being outside of such a high-level competition in the CrossFit Games. Oh, probably so much better. He feels so much better, yeah. But his face looks great here, right? But if you look at him, maybe it was like six months ago he wasn't looking so good like this like this like this is
Starting point is 00:35:31 uh like that that's too skinny see his cheeks what was he doing with nutrition was he doing like something experimental or i don't i don't know i just come for the pics i don't do any of the reading i just stare at the pics i mean look at his fucking back it's insane it's a burlap sack full of snakes hey i think that's where you're headed at 155 when's the last time you weighed 155 oh six grade say that again six no i'm joking i i wrestled at 52 when i was a junior in high school um so that's probably probably the last time after that i i got into the bodybuilding like a bunch of weight for baseball um what is your uh instagram at relentless dylan vowel all one word yes b-i-l-l-o-n
Starting point is 00:36:27 e-o-w-e-l-l yes how's that that's perfect all right bam um so you're fighting this guy you're gonna fight at 155 and you've never fought at 155. Correct. And do you think you'll walk into the ring probably closer to 170 than 150? Probably. Yeah. Um, any part of you nervous about that weight cut? That's 20 pounds. And from where you're at right now in six days,
Starting point is 00:36:54 I'm nervous. That's why I asked. Um, no, I mean, yeah, no, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:03 It's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's great. And I'm confident in that.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Yeah. And you look good. Um, and what will you be eating for the next five days? Like what's the, the, the foundation of your diet? What will it be like chicken and broccoli? No, just sort of, I mean, not, not really any vegetables. Just can't have any carbs or salt. So it's just protein and fats, whatever fits that mold with no salt and no carbs, protein
Starting point is 00:37:24 fats. Um, so it could be hamburger or eggs or, you know, any of that. Um, and so you can eat entirely through the out through the entire water cut. It's just, it's all about water loading and then a few days of cutting it out. So, um, so not avocados and no go. so um so not avocados and no go probably do the oil um but i would i don't know i don't know the uh carbohydrate content of like so you'll just avocado so for the next five days you'll just have hamburger meat and chicken and shit pretty much yeah yeah but that's not i don't i don't care like i i just like it's just fuel at that point you know and so it's just and i i fast uh 20 hours a day anyway so i don't like no shit yeah seven days a week i hate eating during the day i cannot stand it it makes me tired no even if it's good food like i just get tired immediately and i don't
Starting point is 00:38:20 like that i just go you know i like going and feeling feeling hyper aware throughout the day and yeah so typically like outside of something like this training i'm such a freaking glutton so i'll i'll get a pizza on the way home you know like take a whole pizza or something uh in those four hour uh feed window but uh yeah it's uh i can't if i i don't eat before a podcast ever your mind works better you think yeah i just i yeah i just don't want to be um there's a like you're saying there's a lethargic maybe too strong but there's definitely a component of that or so yesterday i um uh yesterday i did i i flew home from denver and, I, and I, and all they had were fucking waffles on the airplane. So I asked for a bag of beef jerky and then the bag of beef jerky comes, I open it, I eat one piece and I'm like, I better check the 13 grams of sugar in my, so
Starting point is 00:39:15 then I'm like, Hey, do you have any nuts? And he brings me the nuts. And the first ingredient I see is sunflower oil. I'm like, you motherfuckers. So I get home and I can't remember if I, oh, I went to, um, I went to kelly clark uh she's a aspiring games athlete she was having a fundraiser and i went to her event and her boyfriend there was making hamburgers and uh so i ate like three hamburgers right and then i came home and i'm like okay and i started watching the fights did you watch the fights i did not no oh god oh god okay we'll talk about that second so i come home and i'm watching the fights and i'm preparing at the same time i'm sort of preparing for the podcast and i have one can of kombucha like alcohol eight percent mixed with three cans of sparkling water i put it in a huge
Starting point is 00:39:55 thing so it's like so diluted right right it's like but even then but uh 45 minutes for the podcast i get on the assault bike and I fucking get at it. I need to sweat all that shit out. I need to feel light. I need to go into the podcast like wishing I could eat something. I just have to. I just – I don't want to feel any – Lag.
Starting point is 00:40:17 I don't want to – yeah, no lag. Yeah, I want to be like kind of like hungry, kind of like happy to be here but anxious for it to be over to eat. to be like kind of like hungry kind of like happy to be here but anxious for it to be over to eat i wonder if there's some component to it like uh through some some kind of uh the nature of us through throughout our lineage that that like uh i wouldn't want to call it starvation but maybe it triggers something in your mind to be more alert and more because i feel like i'm um i've problem solved far better like when you're a little, when you have a, well, you know, there's that, that theory that basically you're more alert. So you're like seeing like a fly go by or an animal go by.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Cause you got to grab it and eat it and get that like little, even if it's a fly, that bit of protein. But there's also the part of this, I think it's safe to say that no world-class athlete in the, in, in a track and field event has ever won uh the in the longer time domains who's not dehydrated like i don't think i think it's i don't think anyone's ever won the new york city marathon crossing the finish line like um hydrated there i have to guess 100 are dehydrated right right there's no way they could yeah yeah yeah and so there's an element to peak performance at um i mean we all know that feeling when you're just fucking working out and you're starving, but you feel so light and you're getting it.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Mm hmm. Yeah, it's you can. And I don't know, particularly in training, like I achieve that flow state way better, you know, where your flow stays that we said. or, you know, where you're... Flow state, is that what you said? Yeah, flow state. You know, I would imagine that's what I'm experiencing. That's what I've heard it referred to as, you know, but where you're just hyper-focused and nothing matters but the task in front of you. And when you can get there,
Starting point is 00:41:56 it's because you got past that initial, like, wanting to quit because it's hard. When you want to stop because your body's telling you all these things, like, we can just stop for a moment. We can just, we can just, if we just take a deep breath, or if we drop our hands for a second, or if we fake an injury, you know, or whatever, like, you want help. And to contend with that, and to break through that barrier of saying no to your mind, that's when you can get in those flow states.
Starting point is 00:42:26 And it's hard to get there, but that's what I thrive on. I love experiencing that because, you know what, man? Everything in life is hard. And you're going to have to be able to suck it the fuck up. What do you mean by – there's two things I want to ask you real quick. One, and I just don't want to forget this um we you know what we should do after this fight i was going to say we should ask the the aries fight series if we can just play your fight after this and have you talk about it like just do an
Starting point is 00:42:55 hour and a half show where you break it all down oh yeah i remember that oh i remember that oh that he gouged me there oh right here my balls like one of my balls went up into me like just really it would be so fun. Yeah, it would be awesome. But then I was like, fuck them. Even if they don't let us, all they're going to do is just monetize it off my account. I don't give a fuck. Fuck it. Whatever. So let's do that if you want. What do you mean everything in life is hard? Like when you when you push the button and send me $19.99 and you only have $21 in your account, is that hard? Man, you've given me so much money. Hey man, that's why I'm on this podcast right now. Philanthropy, right?
Starting point is 00:43:36 You scratch my back. I scratch your back. Hey man, I'm still mind blown that I'm on here, but. So, so, so what do you mean everything in life is hard you know how uh when you have tragedy right you mean like your dog dies or like you get your finger chopped off by a saw yes okay that's tragic and that sucks and that's hard right um thanks my life's so easy though like for me it's like a gopher ate like killed one of my trees that's like the worst thing that happens in my life my life's easy i think that i think that your life is easy because you have uh spent years of practicing to make it easy right and by by what i mean by everything in life is difficult
Starting point is 00:44:16 or hard or like think smaller than the tragedy and think to your overwhelming willingness to quit because it applies to everything you do. I guarantee it. When you get home from a long day at work and you don't do the dishes, you quit. You succumb to that notion of I'd rather relax than get something very simple done. It probably takes five minutes. That is the prime example of what goes through my head always, the little things. It's like every decision that you make in not doing the dishes or that tiny little task where you're like, ah, get in the morning, that's chalk one up for the quit side. So the more you can identify these little things where you don't quit and you refuse to relax and get things done that need to be tended to right then, because you have the time, right? Don't say you don't have time, because I don't care if you get home at 1030 and you got to shower and you got to eat and it's midnight.
Starting point is 00:45:19 Oh, dishes are still there. Guess what? Another five minutes before you can lay down. Dishes are still there. Guess what? Another five minutes before you can lay down. The more things you can identify with that, the more your life becomes smooth. It becomes an easy ride because it's not up to question anymore. I don't have to say, am I going to do the dishes? Am I not going to do the dishes?
Starting point is 00:45:36 You know? The things that. Wow, that's how you raise kids too, by the way. Go on. Go on. Say that again. Compile. Those little things that that you ignore they compile and i'm not saying that the dishes will always they'll just build up build up build up obviously right but every time you decide not to do something
Starting point is 00:45:54 like that it it will affect your life down the road so down the road the more times you could have gotten rid of all that quit by the time i'm like several Matosi and I'm living in paradise because I figured it all out. Right. And I use the dishes scenario because, man, I work a lot. I work all day full time job. And my job is physical, pretty physical. I'm a general contractor for residential construction and like commercial construction and maintenance as well property maintenance and so it can get physical and what state in what state Ohio okay and so then I have to drive to my gym and train well I get off at maybe 6 30 maybe 7 I'm still going to the gym to train right I might get off at maybe 6.30, maybe 7. I'm still going to the gym to train, right? I might get off at 5.30.
Starting point is 00:46:47 It just depends. I still got to drive to the gym and train. And I put in two, three hours if I can. Drive home, it's late. When I get home, if there's something that needs to be this precious thing in my life that's going to demand a lot of attention from my fiance. Your fiance is pregnant? Yes. Oh, wow. Did I know that?
Starting point is 00:47:18 Probably. I don't know. Oh, congratulations. Crazy. Thank you. So I take on this practice of doing those little things because she's going to be holding this infant nonstop that's going to demand so much of her that she's going to look to me to pick up the slack. So it's like you don't start picking up the slack when the baby's here. That's when it's overwhelming. You can't deal with it. You start practicing now. Are you going to keep fighting? Yes. Yeah. She knows that yeah oh yeah she's dude she's game oh that's awesome uh bruce uh so this is not the um i
Starting point is 00:47:56 bruce deserves he's always here so he deserves an explanation of what the fuck is going on with the show today uh so the urban climber Alexis Landot didn't show up. We immediately turned to the bench and picked up Monday's guest, Dylan Vowell, who all of you guys know who listened to this show. And he's having a second amateur fight on May 6th against not Eli Wilson. That's who he fought in November. It's against Stephen Kent. And he's dropping from 171 to 155.
Starting point is 00:48:32 This is the first time he's fighting at that weight. And it's going to be the Aries Series. I wonder what time this is at. May 6th is what day? Is that a Friday or Saturday? I wonder what time this is at. May 6th is what day? Is that a Friday or Saturday? Friday. Are you allowed to drink water now, Friday?
Starting point is 00:48:52 Yeah, oh yeah. I'm in the midst of the water load. Okay. So you can drink as much water as you want right now? Yes. Oh, well, it's actually measured. It's two gallons, then one gallon, then one gallon, and then half a gallon and then no gallons is that just a um a wisdom uh that all fighters know like is that just like like whether you're alexander volkanovsky or dylan value that's the that's the protocol i think it's uh probably the standard of practice yeah for probably higher level fighters like i said
Starting point is 00:49:19 amateurs don't typically uh cut too much weight um but it's important to load before you cut because if you don't look like a lot of people like if you don't know this method you're essentially just going to be starving yourself and drinking no water and it's going to suck way more than it has to um is is the reason why you picked up fighting um one of those things that you were just referencing that hey you better do it like it was there's things that you were just referencing that, Hey, you better do it. Like it was, there's things that compile on the outside, which is dishes, but fighting was something that was compiling inside. Like, Hey, these are some things I'd like to do. I'd like to climb Mount Everest. I'd like to be nicer to my mom. I'd like to do professional fighting. Like, you know, like that list of things, like you're like, okay, I'm never gonna, I'm not going to talk back to my parents.
Starting point is 00:50:01 I'm a man now, or I'm, you know, whatever. Hey, anytime my wife upsets me i'm gonna make sure i don't snap quickly i'm gonna take a deep breath you know like we have like these things that we're like trying to improve our life that we rules we place is that is fighting one of those like hey fuck i i want to know what it's like to fight and i'm and i'm 27 i better fucking do it before the window closes or no there's probably a little bit of that um but no essentially okay um then where does it come from i have a i have a tremendous i don't want to call it it's a fear i have a tremendous fear of not being able to um respond under pressure that fight or flight, I fear the flight, I fear the freeze, you know, I fear, and it stems from my childhood, the traumatic experience in my childhood that lingered with me, lingered with me for to this day, and so I think as I got older and as an adult, um, fortunately when, when like
Starting point is 00:51:07 pressure situations came about, or I got myself into some dumb shit and I had to fight maybe, you know, um, I was able to respond, you know, and that that's unfortunate that I didn't freeze in the adult world. Um, but I still fear it. And I don't think that, uh, just because I recognize that I can respond under pressure or act under pressure, that's like with everything in life, just because you can do it doesn't mean you shouldn't practice it. It's a tool. You must sharpen it. And for me, it's protecting my family.
Starting point is 00:51:41 So I go, I go, I go as deep as you can go with it to my family being attacked in the middle of the night and me not being able to get up out of bed i go if we're out do you ever practice that do you ever practice that like so so like what i'll do sometimes is i'll wake up at three in the morning like my eyes will just pop open and i'll just go straight to where my guns are. Open the safe, open the safe in the dark, get the gun and walk out into the living room. And I just like I just did an impromptu practice fire drill like I wasn't planning it or anything. But I probably do that at least once a month just to like, you know, just be like, hey, it's like something you should just practice like that. Like, will you do that? We have a plan.
Starting point is 00:52:21 We have a plan. We have a hard point in the house. stuff like that we have a plan um we have a hard point in the house um and a hard point is essentially where you're that's it you're there and you're you're you're locking down and you're not moving that's the fight to the death spot that's that if they go there like somebody breaks into your house i would imagine typically they're not there to murder you they're there to rob you right so the important thing is to not engage that okay to me yeah i used I used to. That was the plan before I had a wife and kids. If someone ever breaks into my house to jump out the window and run down to the bar, get a beer and then come back and call the cops like that. Seriously was the plan.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Fuck that. I ain't fighting. Whether you're practicing your morning breath work, waiting for your favorite artists to come on stage or running errands at the perfect pace. to come on stage or running errands at the perfect pace. Liquid IV powder helps you turn ordinary water into extraordinary hydration so you can live a more extraordinary life. Live more with Liquid IV Hydration Multiplier. Available in refreshing lemon, lime, passion fruit, and strawberry flavors. Buy a stick in store at Costco, Walmart, Amazon, and other Canadian retailers.
Starting point is 00:53:45 This episode is brought to you by Disney's Young Woman in the Sea. Buy a stick in store at Costco, Walmart, Amazon, and other Canadian retailers. Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea. Now streaming on Disney+. But now it's like, fuck you, you're dead. You know what I mean? For sure. For sure. The planet changed a little bit.
Starting point is 00:54:03 I've talked to quite a few people who are well versed in the home defense area and through combat and some military and stuff like that. Yeah, I always I always try to gain their insight on something like this because I should probably do that, too. I just made up my shit in my head. think i think the uh that's that's where it starts right and then you can refine it down into a plan but um you the important thing is to have a hard point you gotta have some but some somewhere where it's fort knox yeah somewhere to go to that's the immediate you hear someone kicking the door you know the bison kids are going to that room because it's the room that's the least accessible right you tuck them in there and if you want to go and fight then you go and fight and maybe that's the better option but maybe it's the better option to not engage at all you
Starting point is 00:54:52 all yeah yeah in in the in the fort and then if they come into that room you're melting their barrel yeah right yeah all the while as soon as they kick in that door, you get into the hard point and you call the cops. Yeah. Wait for them to come. You have a dog. I do. Yeah. And I contend with that a lot, too, because I some people think that me and the dog should go engage because the dog can be my my point man. He can go down there first and he's going to attack and he's going to he's going to grab somebody. Yeah. My dog would my dog would be so if my dog grabs someone they're in so much fucking trouble yeah i have a german shepherd so yeah you know good luck yeah it's not it's not it's not going to be pretty yeah my dog definitely wants to engage my dog wants to engage so bad it's hard to think that um i kind of feel like in a way i have a hard time with it because it feels like a canary in the coal mine um because
Starting point is 00:55:47 he'll go down and he'll jack somebody but if there's multiple guys like he's dead oh yeah but do you care about that not when it comes to you feel bad for your dog sorry i don't mean to sound like a cow's piece of shit i love my i love my dog but part of me is like well no i know what you're saying right and when it comes to protecting your family you're like I don't mean to sound like a cow's piece of shit. I love my dog, but part of me is like. Well, no, I know what you're saying, right? And when it comes to protecting your family, you're like the dog's dead. Like, see ya. You're the canary.
Starting point is 00:56:14 I've even thought I would eat my dog. I've thought about circumstances where I'd have to eat my dog. Oh, yeah, you'd have to, for sure. I'd start with the cat, but, you know. But I think of it not in the sense of of comparing it to my family is i go is it necessary can i take the dog and the wife and the kids to the hard point and we hunker down there and if isn't it amazing think about it you're so much more capable than me and and yet your plan that's the thing that people don't realize the more capable people are the less they want to engage it's like that with all the the jiu-jitsu
Starting point is 00:56:52 guys i know all the black belts all the guys who are the collegiate wrestlers like they're not they like the bar breaks out in the fight and they're like holding their beer up you know what i mean like excuse me yeah they're not they're not fucking no one up but but but but also something really weird does go down, they just will go over there and just take care of it. Yeah. And they're usually pretty calm at first. And then if it gets squirrely, then they just kind of toss the dude over the fence. Yeah. Yeah, it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:57:16 So you've seen enough violence every day. You don't need to do it to prove anything. Yeah, you're just like. Mine's fear-based. Yours is like safety-based. Yes. I'm all about necessity. Is this necessary? Do I have to engage? Um, at what point, like, I think that if you can't talk somebody down, um, or get away from the situation, um, they better have done something pretty crazy or they might be crazy, you know, to where you just have to engage. But I think in most cases you can either get away from the situation or you can,
Starting point is 00:57:51 uh, sometimes talk them down. Hey dude, my bad. I didn't mean to piss you off or insult you. I'll buy you a beer, you know, set the ego aside just to protect yourself from getting hurt or you hurting somebody and maybe killing somebody by them smacking their head off the concrete. I wonder if you could explain the political ideologies in that way too like i defend my house like a liberal like fear-based like like scared right and the and and and and i'm just it may i don't know if this is true i'm just making a shot at this and the conservative guys are like tough and they know they have guns and they shoot bears and they shoot birds and they they bring food for their family and they're more and so they're more like, hey, it's safety. It's safety first.
Starting point is 00:58:27 And the liberal guys don't understand that. So when they see the guns and they project all of that violence onto those guys, but those aren't the violent guys. Those aren't the violent guys. And that's why the liberal politicians are the warmongers. They're fear based. Right. But the Republicans are portrayed that because they're collecting the missiles. I wonder if there's something to that. Are you conservative? Are you more conservative than liberal?
Starting point is 00:58:54 I don't – yeah, I would think. I don't know. I'm not big into politics, but I'd say I like maximum personal freedom. Oh, yeah. Okay. So you're probably libertarian. Yeah. Sure.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Call me whatever. I don't give a shit. Because to me, there's so few like. You can do heroin. Just don't do it on my kids in Starbucks. Go do it in your own house. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Me too.
Starting point is 00:59:17 Yeah. When you do it in Starbucks, it's no good. Starbucks is trying to run a business and I'm in there trying to tutor my kid in math. Like, get the fuck out of here. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. What incident happened as a young man that you froze in? I was probably, oh, 10 years old.
Starting point is 00:59:42 And we had a stepdad, and he was, you know, the relationship crumbled with him and my mom. Um, and I don't know the details as to why or what, you know, but, you know, a week before there was a smashed computer, you know, he threw the computer monitor on the ground, you know, he got started getting weird and kind of violent. And so my mom kicks into the curb. And then at one point. In the middle of the night, he she had the locks changed the day before and in the middle of the night, he came in, kicked the door in. and I was again like 10 years old immediately when I heard that happen that bang I don't know what a break-in is but I knew nothing was good right right and uh so I my eyes shot open I just remember laying there staring at the ceiling petrified I could not move. And no matter what I could do, I couldn't move. And he went straight into my mom's room, attacked her. She bowed 9-1-1, I think in time from what I
Starting point is 01:00:56 remember, but he grabbed the phone and smashed it, got on top of her, held a knife to her throat. So from, you know, 20 feet away as a 10 year old, all I'm thinking is I have to protect my mom. I have to protect my mom. I have to protect my mom, but I couldn't move. Right. I had a baseball bat. It was like, it was like a little league baseball bat, you know, tiny. So I had a small baseball bat and all I could think was grab the bat and go in there, hit him over the head. Like I had all these things were going through my head, like, go, go. Why aren't you moving? Go. Yeah. And it was just it was a very short incident.
Starting point is 01:01:32 Like this isn't a long duration. This is probably, you know, I would guess it seemed forever in the moment. And in retrospect, it's probably like it was probably like a couple of minutes, you know, of just a tussle, of just a fight. And he smashed the phone. Once he realized she called the cops, he hightailed it out of there. So that's where I felt like an ability to, I could have done something. Yeah, yeah. And maybe I hit him over the head with a bat and he just laughs at me and kicks me in the face, you know? Yeah, and maybe kills you or maybe kills your mom.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Yeah. Right. Or you hit him in the head and he goes unconscious and you saved your mom. Yeah, exactly. I mean, if she would have died, you'd be fucking in the park right now shooting heroin. Probably, yeah. Well, my sister does that so you know okay i think it was likely for me to go there one way or another but how old your sister
Starting point is 01:02:30 uh fuck 35 she better stop man that fentanyl thing's not a joke it's everywhere yeah it's been her pretty much her whole life um but i don't live with that. Like, I don't that doesn't dwell. That doesn't consume me, that memory. Right. But I take it and I file it and I use it frequently. Yeah. Yeah. Do you leverage it? Yes. You you bring your ego out. It's funny you say that. So I have a friend who. go out to it's it's funny you say that i so i have a friend who um i have a friend who is a police officer and his in his officer who um who is his training i forget what they're called they're like a three-letter word field training officer field training officer yeah field training fto
Starting point is 01:03:19 yeah um he he was ambushed and killed and he was telling me yesterday that at the at the gym and at the department he has the guy's picture up on the wall and he uses it and that's probably the most crude way to do that i mean that in a positive way not a negative way but he has the picture up there so anytime he feels like tapping or not going harder he looks up at his field training officer right and uses it for motivation but there's other ways that the ego can be leveraged too in all sorts of situations that are positive. And that is what we should do. At least I believe that that is what we should all do.
Starting point is 01:03:56 We should be leveraging our ego, not letting our ego leverage us. I agree. I had something similar like that happen. I've told this story before. I was in a car at like a Wendy's and my sister accidentally honked the horn. I was probably 12. My sister was 16,
Starting point is 01:04:11 probably just got his driver's license. We're in the drive-through and the guy gets out of the car and he's like a 40 or 50 year old man, big dude. And he just starts fucking screaming at us and spitting at the car and coming over to my sister's car door and banging on her window and then coming to mine, banging on the hood. i just felt like i felt horrible i felt
Starting point is 01:04:32 fucking horrible and it said that sat with me for fucking 15 years you know what i mean yeah just like i wanted that i don't know what i would have done but like i just want i like part of me wishes i would have done something not part of me all of me wishes i would have done something not part of me all of me wishes i would have done something to protect my sister even though like we were no harm's way we're in the car right um but uh i don't know if you heard the will smith story but but after that thing happened with chris rock i played it on one of the shows in his biography um he he saw a man go into his room i don't know who it was or his mom's room or in the kitchen he saw a man go into his room. I don't know who it was or his mom's room or in the kitchen. He saw, he witnessed someone punch his mom in the face
Starting point is 01:05:09 and knock her to the ground and blood pour out of the side of his face. And he didn't, out of her face. And he didn't do anything. And when I heard that, I'm like, oh, that's what he's doing. He's standing up for his wife. He doesn't want to relive that again. He's trying to make, he's trying to like, you know, rewrite the story. He just chose a kind of a weird time to do it.
Starting point is 01:05:26 Do you think he chose the weird time to do it because he's reactionary and not responsive? No, it's fine. Explain that to me more. Explain that to me more. When you have an experience like that and that lives with you, like he talks about. Yeah. I'll never let that happen. With my experience, I'll never let that happen. With my experience, I'll never let that happen.
Starting point is 01:05:48 But how I choose to make sure it never happens is I practice it in every way possible. I'm in constant competitions with being under the lights and things like that, CrossFit competitions or baseball or whatever, wrestling. I was always striving to like perform, perform under pressure, perform or practice. And once I figured out what it was, it's like, okay, we need to find a way to manufacture this as extreme as possible to get as close as possible. And that's where fighting came in. Where it's like, that is so terrifying. And it's like, that's the closest you can get without actual real life, you know, uh, right, right.
Starting point is 01:06:26 Consequences other than there's physical consequences, you know, that can be dire. But, you know, you want to get as close as you can possible. And you should think about those moments constantly and how you are going to react in a certain situation. Manufacture them in your head. Yeah. Make them up and think, OK, am I man enough to walk away from this? Or is my ego too big to where I'm going to have to just react? Right. Because your reaction is ego based. Yeah. I think Will Smith's reaction is a product of him just having that fear and that
Starting point is 01:06:57 trauma, but not ever practicing making it better. Right. So I think his reaction is bullshit and he's a pussy because chris rocks like 150 pounds well it was definitely it was 100 inappropriate what he did he knew he was there they're both hardcore comedians it was on the biggest stage it wasn't it wasn't even a harsh comment but i think maybe he saw as an opportunity to heal his own personal wound. Like, what did you say? Ego-based. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:28 I think it was an – like, somehow it was an opportunity to heal his own personal wound. Yes. And it was an enormous fail. Like, he should have done that in an alley with some dude trying to take his wife's purse if he needed to face it. Not some fucking, like you said, said 150 pound comedian who's your brother in in in colleague and peer in your profession yeah it was fucking it was fucking retarded i feel sorry for chris i feel sorry for uh for both of them and i thought chris rock handled it perfectly he handled it he handled it great yeah and i think that there are these situations in
Starting point is 01:08:01 life and even how he hit him he didn't even mean it. Right. Yeah. Like, like, like, well, my,
Starting point is 01:08:09 my wife's hit me before, like, and she hits me like, like this, um, not like, like, not like,
Starting point is 01:08:14 like lost control hit me, but like she hits me, like she pulls back when she hits me. And I always tell her about that. I'm like, Hey, don't fucking pull back. And Tony Blower talks about that too.
Starting point is 01:08:23 You have to give yourself permission. Right right do you experience that in the ring no but in sparring i do you know yeah like it's sparring it's really hard to uh make sure you're constantly checking yourself that you're actually pulling back because you don't want to hurt your partners but then man when you get on on the focus mitts and your coach has the body shield on and you're a week out and you went through all this shit of sparring and you're just wanting to knock somebody out and you're wanting to really see what kind of power you have or any of that and you just can rip into those pads and all you can think about is like okay now we can release it because we're ready like we can go into the fight and release
Starting point is 01:09:02 the like feel the full extension, the full follow through everything. And when you land, God, it feels great. When I see my kids train jujitsu, there's almost like this, they don't come at each other at a 10. One kid comes at each other with a two and the other kid's a one. And then the kid who was a one goes to a three. And then that kid goes to a four and it escalates, right? Like a fight, like with maybe one of your siblings.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Right. But you're saying, um, and, uh, and, and I guess that's how sparring might work too. But you're saying once you're in the ring in a fight, it's not like that. No, it's a hundred right away. Yeah. You're like, oh, if I can knock this guy out in three seconds, we're good. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:41 Sorry. So what were, what were you going to say about Chris Rock? And if you remember, sorry, when I interrupted Chris Rock and Will about Chris Rock and if you remember, sorry, I interrupted. Chris Rock and Will Smith. Do you remember what you were going to say and I interrupted? I think about these situations. They come about in life all the time. And I'm pretty fascinated with psychology and philosophy and how we work and why we do things.
Starting point is 01:10:02 and how we work and why we do things. And so I try to identify situations every which way possible within myself, within my past, within other people's past, within their stories. They're everywhere. There's an freaking, I mean, endless encyclopedia out there for you to unfuck yourself.
Starting point is 01:10:23 Yeah, yeah, yeah. So when I look at these and I evaluate them i just go okay what could have happened like what happened what could have happened sorry hold your hold oh no they're hung up go ahead okay back to unfucking yourself the endless tools out there to unfuck yourself yeah so you you have to you have to break them down um and and try to define everything as best as possible. And this is, you know, an evaluation. So it's you're kind of getting in the weeds of like what was going through Will Smith's head, what was going through Chris Rock's head, this and that. Right. But you can you can kind of gather some. So like I told you about Will Smith, it seemed like an ego reaction, not a response. Like I told you about Will Smith, it seemed like an ego reaction, not a response.
Starting point is 01:11:10 In these situations, I want to be the guy who responds, not reacts. So that's easy, right? Because you look way better. You're going to interact with hundreds of thousands of people in your entire life. And every single one of those people are going to come away with a memory of you. How do you want that memory of you to be? That I was in control. The cool guy is always the one who's in control. Yes, exactly. Yeah, exactly. I think about the ex-girlfriend that I had in high school, that their last memory of me is not so good. And not to say, not to be so egotistical to think
Starting point is 01:11:41 that they think about me. You know what I mean? Right, right, right, right. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. But I guarantee i guarantee you if i saw her dad he probably still want to shoot me you know or whatever like right like it's just how do you want people to perceive who you are and to do that is to really hone in on these scenarios and go okay do i really have the the the gall to just bury my ego in a situation where i want to react you know um because in articulate response is freaking powerful it is man but by articulate you mean not only verbally, but you mean emotionally and physically? Yes. Okay. Yes. It's not as satiating as an egotistical reaction, but it's like, you know, ego stuff is like pancakes.
Starting point is 01:12:37 I mean, they're delicious until 10 minutes after you eat them. You feel like dog shit. But if you're healthy throughout your whole life, it's an incredible reward. And I want my daughter to see who I am. That's my most important person in my life that I want her, her perception to be something worth following, you know, something that she wants to be like dad, um, measured and, um, even keeled and have a certain level of equanimity that you can gather. Yeah, great word. Because I see this in male archetypes all growing up, and I didn't have a father around to give me this day-to-day, how you interact with mom.
Starting point is 01:13:24 What are you doing when you get off of work are you snapping a beer open and then you're ignoring your your wife or are you are you engaging are you present you know um what are you doing to take care of the household um those are like small leadership just actions that kids follow um and so that kids follow um and so equanimity mental calmness composure and evenness of temper especially in a difficult situation great word i got um i got a very very sweet compliment from um from my fiancee the other night and it was about everything that I talked about just now of, of, of being controlled, right. And being measured. And she just essentially said that she's so incredibly fortunate for me and, and the way I am and the way I treat her and provide for her.
Starting point is 01:14:19 And, and just the, our relationship is, is very, uh, everything reciprocates. She is a godsend, man. She's so incredible. But she gave me this compliment and she knows this. But I always remind her, I go, baby, you have to, it's imperative that every time you think those nice things of me and you see what you see and you have these perceptions and they're all exactly who I believe myself to be. But it's imperative that you also understand that was every guy who ever broke your heart. I was every person where you see something doing egregious, like I've broken the law. I've made mistakes. You're capable.
Starting point is 01:15:05 Yep. I've made a damn full of myself in more than many places. I've disrespected my mother. I've, you know, shit on the family name by just the way I had represented myself in the past. I've hurt people. But I'm not that anymore. And it took a long road of understanding,
Starting point is 01:15:31 accepting that you were a piece of shit to unfuck yourself, you know? And so every time she gives me a comment, I try to remind her, you know, because I think it's important that when you see somebody who's doing incredibly well, like Sevan Matosian, how did you get there? Right. They have a story and they weren't Sevan Matosian at 50 years old. I want to know about Sevan at 20, 20 years old, living homeless and, and, you know, smoking weed every day. Yep. You know, what kind of crazy, stupid ass mistakes did you make then? Yep. Um, that's what makes a person. And as long as we can progress and as long as we're, um, growing from our past self, which was yesterday, I mean, you can get there. And I think, um, everybody's going to get there. Hopefully. I mean, most people will get there, but I never wanted to be the guy who was a 40 year old.
Starting point is 01:16:31 And they're like, man, like, yeah, you got it together, you know, or a 35 year old. And they're like, we're, we're 30 in their thirties, 35 seems to be the age where like, Oh, that's when you get it together as a young man. Like you get it together when you're in your late mid-30s and i'm like oh fuck that i want to get together now yeah yeah you always and the people who do get it together kind of once they get on the path they're always doing that too they're like you know what i mean once you for me it was for me it didn't start till later but once it starts you just stay on that path. Anyone in there? There's – it eats away at you. I want to throw one thing out there for those of you. For those of you who want to work on that, the greatest tool that I've ever seen for you want to be responsive instead of reactionary is start practicing taking a breath before you do everything.
Starting point is 01:17:19 And that's why I would always – when I would do the behind-the-scenes interviews, there's an interviewer from a young man when I've interviewed people. But when I ask a question, I don't do it so much on this show, but I do still practice the technique. I ask a question, and there'll be an uncomfortable silence, and I'll want to fill it. And instead of filling it, I'll take a breath. Because that will usually give the person to go somewhere really deep and come back with something. But it's the same thing with, once again, you're driving down the road and someone flips you off. If you can catch your hand before you flip them off back and take a breath,
Starting point is 01:17:50 you are now practicing responsiveness and control. And every time, sorry, 99.99999% of the time, it will serve you. You'll take that breath and option b will pop up and it'll be better than option a 99 fucking percent of the fucking uh time and and that's what i think um dylan was saying i also want to make an observation about you you are extremely um romantic by that i mean not romantic in the sense like um i i think what romantic means in the in literature is you speak from a place of timelessness the stuff you're saying a man could have said a thousand years
Starting point is 01:18:32 ago and he could say in a thousand years it's uh these these are you talk like you've been around forever it's kind of crazy okay sorry go on go on if you can remember where you were. I think it was fairly wrapped up, but I do want to point something out with that. I think it was a 2016 regional, West Coast regionals. You were doing behind the scenes, which is a great one. I love that one. But in particular, there was a there was a scene with or a brief interview with your good friend, Ronnie Teasdale. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yep. And at one point you catch him a couple of events in and you're asking him a couple of questions just about like, you you know how are you feeling with the standings you know and this and that and then you and then you just followed him and you said a few years ago there was an incident with you and a ghost bar and your judge and he's like now and you're like now i mean you look like you're getting along great with your
Starting point is 01:19:45 judge and he didn't want to talk about it but you just kept kind of like you um you didn't press but you you like you said exactly you just you let him stew on it and and and he responded eventually and man what he said was so incredibly wise and so misdirected at the same time. He responded with you're talking about 10 seconds of my life four years ago. Yeah. Yeah. I was I couldn't remember what he said until you said it. That was so good. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Exploded. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I couldn't believe how profound that was. I mean, it was just, but as I got older, the way, you know, the way I perceive that now is so, he had 50% of it, which was the notion of, hey, man, we should not define people about a few moments in their life years ago. And that's what we see with cancel culture, right? They bring up a tweet from
Starting point is 01:20:51 10 years ago and all that bullshit, right? You don't define somebody and their character and who they are by old times. We have to assume or at least give the benefit of the doubt they've grown right and i also think it's incredibly important for you you as yourself to look at those moments in time years ago and understand that that is a definition of you to some people and so how are you not going to let that be created again right oh yeah right right so you have to other and he seems to have done that yes he's a remarkable human being yeah he is fucking remarkable yeah he was he used to be so fucking hard you know he's a fucking fighter he's a killer inside yeah and now he's soft yeah he he soft isn't the right word he's supple now yeah yeah and he didn't that didn't come without work right you can tell he's worked on a lot
Starting point is 01:21:53 holy shit even then at that moment like i said that was incredibly that response is perfect um from outsiders perspective we should not define anybody by a moment in time years ago. But within ourselves, we absolutely should and go, okay, I'm defined by every moment. Because it shapes who I am as long as I'm willing to recognize that moment. Naming is the origin of all particular things. Name those things in your life. Wow, I've never heard it used like that fuck that's good wow but they're there you know like yeah yeah yeah it takes it's hard it's so hard to go within yourself because it's a dark place it sucks in there you know but it does get better it does get better it gets so much better yes
Starting point is 01:22:46 it absolutely the other side of it is yeah it's just man it's indescribable um i was probably in a really dark place when you're 27 yes yeah i was probably starting to go i was probably in some pretty dark places at 27 it's pretty dark places not like you're not like dark like isn't like fucking like what it's like growing up in sudan or somalia not like fucked up like that but just in my own personal head that the the demons in my own head were fucking loud and not even bad there's there's different degrees right my my motherfuckers were just loud yeah louds but there's there's different degrees right my my motherfuckers were just loud yeah louds but there's some people who got like you know like when i hear like bart simpson told
Starting point is 01:23:30 me to kill my family i'm like oh fuck you know what i mean like yeah like i didn't have no shit like that it was just fucking loud there was no escape there was just no escape i didn't have a i didn't have it i was trapped in there i think my brain i don't know what it does i it just goes it's just like you know if you put like ten thousand dollars in one of those money counters and it's like yeah yeah that's my head all day thinking about everything it's it's it's weird and it's been it's been this way for as long as I can remember. But I just that goes away in the ring that goes away in the ring. Yes. OK, sorry. That feels like you're watching what?
Starting point is 01:24:17 I feel like I'm watching a different movie than everyone else. Oh, yeah. I don't think I I think I see everything completely different than anyone because I'm I'm processing simple, simple situations, not even mine. They could just be, um, whatever. And watching something, watching a movie or it could be out, you know, two guys arguing on the street. It's like the way I process it and take it is, it's just, it never ends. Um, the way I process like traffic and being cut off in traffic. And when that subtle, like urge to be mad, like comes in, I go, Whoa, what was that? Like, what, why, like, why did that even come in? And, and so I have to unpack that and figure out, okay, what was happening beforehand? Why am I seemingly like, you know, a bit shorter fuse today than normally? And then I can, as I follow that trail down and continue to extrapolate, I can pinpoint
Starting point is 01:25:18 a reason why, and I can mitigate it from happening in the future. So now it's not a matter of holding your hand to keep you from flipping off the guy, but it's a matter of even letting it bother you in the future. So now it's not a matter of holding your hand to keep you from flipping off the guy, but it's a matter of even letting it bother you in the first place. Right, right, right, right. And, and it's, it's taken years of practice, years of those thoughts that that's, that's the practice. And it all stemmed from a dark place that, you know, um, I was dragged out of by a few good people. And, um, when you have a brain that goes like that, it gets dark. How did, how did, how did, what do you mean it was dragged out? How did someone help you from that? My dad called me a pussy. I was, I was
Starting point is 01:26:00 living in his basement and I had no direction or anything. And I thought I knew a whole lot of things, you know, and I was slapped in the face by reality that said, you don't know shit, motherfucker. And just everything was taken from me. And that was due to my my doings. You know, it was it was it was a poor mindset that really culminated all of it. Um, I had, I had, I had this idea, uh, when I first moved out here, which was four years ago, five years ago, whatever, um, that I wanted to, you know, be a CrossFit games athlete. I wanted to, I was gonna, I just wanted to change up, change it up. And I knew that with the change up of where I lived, um, I could focus on CrossFit. I could live with the old man for a couple, you know,
Starting point is 01:26:49 for a couple of months until I figure out how to, you know, get on my feet. Um, and then, you know, as soon as I moved out here, I went to a gym and, um, I met a girl and, you know, fell in love with her. And I was so misguided and so misdirected that I became pathetic. Because I was so wanting this fallacy. I was chasing this fallacy that was disguised as destiny in my head. You know, it was disguised as a prophecy in my head that I was going to be this CrossFit Games athlete all the while I didn't have the work ethic you know to make it happen and I didn't have the wherewithal to make the sacrifices of working a full-time job I didn't want to work and and it was just um it affected me in the gym it affected me in the gym.
Starting point is 01:27:45 It affected me in the relationship. And I became someone who I don't even know who that person is. And I was never that person before, I don't think. But I became like self-loathing in my own head, not overtly, but in my own head. I was like, man, I hate work. I hate, you know, just looking forward for the weekend. And, and, and slowly, but surely I just crumbled as a person and I became resentful and I became negative and other success. Um, I became negative and other people who had it figured out.
Starting point is 01:28:21 Yeah. That's a bad trap. That that is a huge that was an awakening moment for me too when i realized wow i remember i remember exactly where i was resenting other people is stupid that went away in a moment i would that was so i was so lucky when i realized that it's a happy for other people it's the grossest feeling you know yeah and you don't even know most people and what's crazy is most people are like that. It's crazy. It's crazy. That's why they're not successful. That's why they don't have what they want.
Starting point is 01:28:52 From being successful in that moment. Yep. And, you know, so. So your dad called you a pussy and that whole bubble just popped? You're like, he's right? Yeah. I mean, because it was was when i moved out here i met this girl at this gym and i made a bunch of friends by proxy of her and the gym and when she
Starting point is 01:29:11 dumped my sorry ass you know i they were her friends so i also had no friends no gym and not not to um not to discredit the gym they welcomed me you know you know, but, but I didn't, you know, I made those choices not to talk to those friends anymore because I felt like I didn't want them to feel weird. I didn't want to go back to the gym and see her. It was too painful because we had, you know, there was a miscarriage and that was really hard to deal with. And also an eye opener of like, you couldn't possibly be more unprepared for something like that right for meaning a child the relationship was was not prepared because i was not you know i was not the right fit for many reasons and and and then to think okay this is happening and you're knuckling down you're saying
Starting point is 01:30:01 oh shit oh shit oh shit okay but it's beautiful it's awesome. Like, let's, let's go, let's ride out. And then the miscarriage happens. It's devastating. And then you just continue to be shittier because you're devastated and, and you, you know, and you're not of the same cloth as this person you know and they make the right decision by doing that and i hope anyone in a similar situation though you might love someone fucking cut them out because it's the best thing that's ever happened to me too and it's the best thing i'm sure that's happened to her but you know you mean getting out of that relationship yes yes you know i want to go back to what you just said about uh preparing for a child one of my wife told me that before we ever have a child together that i would have to do a vipassana retreat and a vipassana retreat is where you go and basically you you sit for 10 days and
Starting point is 01:30:55 you you're not allowed to talk or make eye contact with another human being and when you don't make eye contact with another human being what happens is you're forced to we're all just mirrors here and that becomes very apparent very quickly in that type of setting. And, uh, and you have to face yourself in a way that's that most people don't even, I think even come close to, it's basically like doing fucking thousand hits acid. Unfortunately, the whole Vipassana retreat thing got all fucked up. I would not recommend that program to anyone anymore because they demand that humans take injections now to do that program. But what was fascinating about that program before is they wouldn't even accept money for it. You could just do the program for free. You can just go. Not only
Starting point is 01:31:34 could you do it for free, they didn't accept money. You had to do the program. They gave you an envelope. And then when you got home, you could send money if you wanted to. So that way it couldn't be corrupted at all, but obviously it was corrupted. But yeah, it's, and there's other couples that I've met, famous couples who I've met them and they talk about the year or two of counseling they did together before they got married. Now I don't want to poo poo that, but I don't think a year or two of counseling before you get married is more, is even close to as powerful as doing a 10 day retreat on yourself before. Because once you can navigate yourself and your own happiness, you can be really, really powerful in someone else's life. And that's what your wife is experiencing when she's around you. You there's two things that you're probably doing for her.
Starting point is 01:32:23 At least in my wife has trained me and still trains me to this day to be like that, create space for her. So when my wife goes in her head or she's menstruating or the week before, if she's in her head, that is not a time for me to go in my head. That is a time for me to create space and be responsive and not reactive. Do not, do not engage that person in a, in a reactive way. It's not going to be good. And, uh, and, and, and, and don't keep her in a box. Set my wife free. I don't know her. Don't act like, you know, me always let, try to always let her be free in the moment. And she should try to let me be free so that we can continue to grow. You know, and you see couples do that selves to each other.
Starting point is 01:33:06 Well, you always do this. It's usually in the fighting sense. You know what I mean? Or you just expect what their next move is. Just take a step back, take a breath, let them out of their patterns.
Starting point is 01:33:15 Don't force them to be this, you know, that act, you know, I don't want my wife to be that, the fight I had with my mom in the eighth grade over and over and over. I don't want to be the fight she had with her father her sophomore year over and over and over and reacting those traumas like, hey, we got to set each other free. And one person has to be to become what I call hold the space or what you were calling responsive, not reactive.
Starting point is 01:33:40 So if you don't do that, I don't think you'll have happiness in your life you will not i think it's the only way happiness will at least be a misnomer you know what what do you mean by that oh yeah yeah yeah i see what you're saying yes yes yes happiness will be the mercedes-benz that you buy and the six drinks you have before you go to bed and not and not like running down the beach being like agape are you. Are you, are you religious, man? Are you Christian? I am. You are. Yeah. Yes. Um, what, what, thank you for, for jumping in. Um, awesome talking to you. I'll be watching the show May 6th. And then, um, I think we should just do like a, another show, like pretty, like when,
Starting point is 01:34:21 whenever you're, um, healed up and, uh healed up and and just watch the show we'll have like uh caleb or suzer will play it really slow and you'll be like and i'll be like wait stop it well tell us what happened here dylan and you can walk us through it yeah man that would that would be great um i i would love i'm open to anything i'm open to just coming on here and talk i'm open to breaking down the fight i mean whatever you whatever you want, man. Okay, cool. I love what you're doing. Thank you. Thank you for your support.
Starting point is 01:34:50 You've been our greatest supporter. I think maybe Sarah Cox has surpassed you, but besides her, superficially speaking, you have been our greatest supporter, and it's really awesome. I just, you know, it's hard to be on live sometimes and, you know get the donation in so um but and then i got a daughter on the way man you're not getting 20 bucks all the time anymore dude you've done you've done your share dylan val is fighting may 6th um aries fight series that's this friday uh look it up do you know what time um well i think the i think the event starts at six okay oh yeah 6 p.m yep i don't know exactly when i'm going on just yet it'll be a couple hour event okay and do you know where they how they watch it or how where or how
Starting point is 01:35:35 yes combat cast tv combat cost combat cast dot tv I wonder why they don't get out what it would take for them to get on um oh wait combat oh I I wonder what it would take for them to get on
Starting point is 01:35:59 fight pass right yeah I think there are a few organizations that are getting on fight pass but uh they're they're a fairly new one so i think it'll be a while for them you got to probably show a lot of numbers to get on fight pass i don't know i would think they would want everyone that they would just want to be the home of all that shit but here it is combat cast a dot tv a view tab uh no that's okay cool well i'll be watching i am pumped hey man can i um can i say please yes yes yes yes just to kind of uh polish off uh what i was talking about before i mean please um
Starting point is 01:36:47 the interactions that you have with people and and and and what you you have a lasting impact on people and when i first showed up here i had no one and i walked into a gym called Fort Wright CrossFit. The thing that the affiliates do for people is incredible because when the gym owners and the coaches are just so inviting and welcoming that if you're in a new place and you're trying to find a group, man, go into an affiliate because it's just it instantly you have friends you know and and and zach watts was training there and oh yeah yeah how do i know that name that's a games athlete yeah yeah he went to the games last year um you interviewed him for like two hours okay great dude he and his family were so incredibly welcome they they invited they invited me. I was, I'd been there for like a week and they were like, Hey man, you know, it's July 4th, like come over to our house and we're having
Starting point is 01:37:50 a barbecue and a get together and all that. I mean, that's, that sticks with me when I carry that on, you know, and I go, man, they, they were so incredibly just, and so I, what I'm getting at is I want to do that for people so I think my interactions that that I that I have with people I try to do that you know I try to be inviting or I try to be um leave leave some kind of an impact that that's worth um you know sticking around somebody's head that's positive right like and Gabe did that I think Gabe did that with you. And I love, dude, what you have with Gabe. Oh, he's great. Dude, you found a freaking diamond.
Starting point is 01:38:32 Like, that dude is. I mean, I told you he wanted to sponsor the show. And I said, basically, like, no, I already got a coffee, dude. And I can't say anything nice about your coffee. And he goes, I don't care. Yep. And then I was like, oh, fuck. I was like, well well can you send me a bag of your coffee so i can taste it before we before i say anything about it and he goes yeah but i just want to send you money though because i don't
Starting point is 01:38:52 want the show to go away and and he was actually right like we like we needed the money we need the money dude he's he's he's just purely just in his – Oh, this is the wrong cup. I thought this was my Paper Street cup. But yeah. He's purely invested into what his business is, and he wants his business to be him, right? Yeah. And his coffee's great, and he roasted himself.
Starting point is 01:39:22 Sorry, I just have to say that. And his coffee's great, and he roasted himself. Sorry, I just have to say that. I reached out to him, and I wanted to get him in touch with Taylor Starling, the Bare Knuckle Fighter. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I've tried to get you in touch with her, but you ignore me. No, no, no, no, no. You actually hooked us up, and her and I started DMing.
Starting point is 01:39:40 I just wrote her name again. Awesome. I love hearing that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. By the way, is this Fort CrossFit? Is this in northern Kentucky? Was I on the right one yes yes okay okay zach watts actually owns his own affiliate now oh what's that one called crossfit illuminate i need to see like a light bulb because watts you know it's a great name it's a great place i've worked out there i had uh i had him put me through
Starting point is 01:40:00 a freaking 40 minute soul snatching thrash fest i wanted to do something uh something for camp oh this is um who's his girlfriend bailey bailey rail maiden no not no no no not bailey rail that's tyler christopher's yeah yeah yeah there you go oh okay i i recognize zach now fuck my memory is bad he's a hoss dude he's he's he's yeah he's so fit he's he's huge too like when i stand next to him i feel puny like but yeah fort wright's great too i mean mean, Stephanie Stark and Kyle Stark. Kyle was a team's athlete, I think, in the games back in the day. They were amazing. Okay.
Starting point is 01:40:51 Incredibly grateful for those experiences. Hey, you know what's interesting? When I think of CrossFit versus UFC or fighting, I would always say fighting is harder. But you said something today that made me realize crossfit's just different like it's it's kind of hard to compare the two because anyone can fight but but not everyone can do anyone anyone can and everybody does on some on some level verbally on behind their keyboard but like everyone can but everyone doesn't do crossfit
Starting point is 01:41:31 i just feel like if you wanted to pursue your ufc career you could stay delusional longer i don't know if that's true there's just something different that has to be explored on a different show it's just interesting because because because you can just go out in your yard and like just start punching bags and shit but like if i if i if i if i have you do fran once you there's a chance you might never want to do it again if i punch you in the face you might never want to punch in the face that's what that's how greg said to define cross it he said you don't tell them that's constantly very functional movement so you know you don't say all that you put a bottle in their hand tell them do fran and then when they're on
Starting point is 01:42:07 the floor you know trying to catch their breath and dying that's when you tell them like hey you know that's it yeah yeah that was at one of his seminars he did a while back that i saw on on youtube but um gabe when i reached when i reached out to gabe to get him in touch with taylor because i wanted to figure out a way to garner him some attention, you know, um, not that he needs me to do it. Right.
Starting point is 01:42:29 But I was just like, that would be a cool link. I know she's going to be fighting for the title here soon. And, and, and she'll be, she's, she's got a big fan base.
Starting point is 01:42:37 So that would be cool, you know, uh, to see him, you know, have, have his logo on her, you know?
Starting point is 01:42:43 Um, and, and the dude reached out back to me and said, I want to sponsor you too. Wow. I was like, dude, I I'm nobody, dude. I'm not asking for money or anything. I just want to wear your brand. I don't, you know, like, and he was like, no, I definitely want to send you money. I'm going to hook you up with coffee, all that stuff. And I couldn't believe it. It was, he's freaking freaking amazing no wonder i haven't been getting as much coffee you're getting my coffee hey when is she so she's three and oh and bare knuckle yes and
Starting point is 01:43:11 when does she fight for the title it's a big uh i think it's a big fiasco right now i don't i don't really know i know the the title holder was wanting her but bkfFC was like, maybe get one more. So she's been going back and forth with another girl who could possibly be fighting for the title. But she just attacked her and took her belt. So I think she's looking good for the next prospect to fight for the belt. Okay, I'm going to see if I've... I'm seeing if I've dm'd her before all right no messages popped up i'll dm her now
Starting point is 01:43:50 oh did you see did you see do you follow josh emmet yeah i do actually i i had him on the show and i i thought i thought he would be a good fight for uh volkanovski instead of the korean zombie but it looks like he's gonna he thought i thought he would be a good fight for uh volkanovsky instead of the korean zombie but it looks like he's gonna he's i think he's fucking 11 and 0 or 12 and 0 and i think um i think he's gonna fight calvin cater in june and if he wins that'd be a great fight yeah it's gonna be a great fight very high volume fight for sure those boys can crack both of them why didn't you watch the fights um last night i was close to your fight okay no no actually i dive into fights um because they're
Starting point is 01:44:33 scary you know it's a it's a uh you have random bouts of nerves like adrenaline dumps throughout the day um and i think it's important to sit in those and let them come in and go, okay, what is causing that? And it's typically a fear of, or I guess it's a thought of like getting knocked out instantly or whatever, like just, you're just thinking about it for a couple months, you know? And so instead of straying away, I just watch as many fights as I can because it makes my adrenaline pump when a fight comes on because you're just thinking about it even more. So it's like, let's ramp it up to 11 and really dig into that nerve, you know, into those nerves. That way we can control them and mitigate them. Um, we still want them,
Starting point is 01:45:21 right? We want a healthy amount of them though. Um, and so what I'll do is I'll watch every UFC fight, you know, uh, and, uh, that, that comes on throughout camp, but the scarier ones are the amateur fights because those are more relatable to me, you know, on where I am. And when you see somebody get knocked dead in an amateur fight you with the ufc it's a bit of a detachment right it seems like it's so far away that you're like yeah the highest level that's what happens up there but when you see it on the lowest level you go fuck yeah yeah yeah i'm feeling you on that i'm totally feeling you on that i dive dive in. I dive into those nerves, man. I like exploring them. I like exploring my emotions.
Starting point is 01:46:08 Well, you're going to be so happy when you watch the Rob Font, Cheeto Vera fight. I heard it was great. It was insane. Yeah, those guys are killers. What's crazy is just how good Rob Font is and that Cheeto Vera and Jose Aldo now have withstood the storm that is Rob Font. I mean,
Starting point is 01:46:27 Rob Font is so fucking good. Yeah. And for those two dudes to come out, I didn't, I'm assuming Chido Vera one. I started the podcast before the fight was over. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 01:46:41 it was over, but I didn't get, it went the distance. Did he win? Do you know? I think so. I mean, I saw a post from him uh that was him kneeing rob font in the face and then and then another one get him getting up off the top it looked like he won look how he smashed him in the last round dude rob font punched cheeto vera so fucking hard so many times in the face rob font's jab is nuts
Starting point is 01:47:02 yeah he's great and what he's got at that gym there, he's cultivating, I mean, these athletes that are – Who is that? I've tried to get the guy on the show. Who's his coach? Tyson Chartier? Oh, is it? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:21 That sounds right. But, you know, he's got Cater there. He's got Mout got cater there he's got mutinyu and like they can breed mutinyu to be just as savage as they are you know um and like there's a different they're a different breed it seems like you know they have a certain level of grit and toughness to them that's that's uh that's really beyond reproach because you you watch any one of them fight and you go holy shit like they don't like cater and holloway was absolutely batshit crazy right yep yep probably the most
Starting point is 01:47:51 memorable fight i've ever seen and then he comes back from that when everyone's doubting him and he smashes everybody's nightmare in giga chikaze oh that's right that's right that's right because he executed his game plan perfectly and he was like y'all must have forgot who the fuck i am right oh shit oh shit look at this oh shit alexis hello i'm so sorry i did not receive i don't know why WhatsApp. I just, I just like, I was looking at my phone and I received the WhatsApp like message, like on my notifications. Like I was just on my phone and I received it. Like, I don't know why I see that you send me a message like two hours. Don't worry.
Starting point is 01:48:41 Don't worry. We have to reschedule. Ladies and gentlemen, what a fascinating thing. We have Dylan Valon, who has a fight on May 6th. We'll all be watching at 6 p.m. And we have our guest, who is supposed to be the guest for the show. We watched all your videos in the first six minutes of the show, Alexis Landau. Don't worry.
Starting point is 01:49:00 He's from France, France, and he's the urban climber And we will reschedule with Alexis Thank you, I'm just glad you came on Alexis, don't trip Dude, don't even trip We had a great show I will check in with you guys I'm going to talk to you after the show, so don't go anywhere, Alexis
Starting point is 01:49:18 I will see you guys tonight When we have primetime Alex Stein on That's going to be a wild show I hope a bunch of you guys will call in I'll have Matt Souza doing the back end

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