The Sevan Podcast - #385 - Coach Grandy @grandytwins_boxing

Episode Date: May 3, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by Disney's Young Woman and the Sea, now streaming on Disney+. I've decided to swim the English Channel. A woman? I believe she'll die in that water. From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story, Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young woman and the sea
Starting point is 00:00:26 now streaming on disney plus whether you're practicing your morning breath work waiting for your favorite artists to come on stage or running errands at the perfect pace liquid ivy powder helps you turn ordinary water into extraordinary hydration so you can live a more extraordinary life. Live more with Liquid IV Hydration Multiplier. Available in refreshing lemon, lime, passion fruit, and strawberry flavors. Buy a stick in store at Costco, Walmart, Amazon, and other Canadian retailers. Bam, we're live. Oh my goodness. it bam we're live oh my goodness i can't believe it good morning guys alyssa bruce brian we're here this morning oh this is gonna be a good one one of my favorites as you guys know uh my life is dedicated to my sons when i knew i could get the
Starting point is 00:01:21 opportunity to speak to another great dad yes Yes, I'm a great dad too. Daniel Grandy. I was pumped. I was pumped. Daniel, I'm going to start the show. I want to play a little video for the people who are watching live right now that I plucked off your Instagram. Absolutely. All righty, brother.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Give me one second here. Here we go. I get up at three because it's silent. it's easier to be focused when the environment is focused so a lot of you you don't have to be honest be honest i'm not playing no games here talk to sam we got a way to help you after this how many of you honestly you are knocking on doors and grinding and making moves but you don't necessarily have every single step written down for every single day. Just be honest. Some of y'all, you in the dark. That's the problem. So we're going to help y'all. I got a plan. I'm going to do some video, give it to y'all. I'm going to show y'all
Starting point is 00:02:15 really how to walk through this because the day I got up and every day now I know exactly what I'm supposed to be doing. Here's what's funny. Most of you wake up and you try to make money. Listen to me. If you would make you, money would come to you. Okay, you missed that whole thing I just said. If you would make you a better person, you'd make more money. Now, watch what I do. The way people
Starting point is 00:02:38 spend their money or treat their money is how I treat my time. Alright, let me explain what I mean to you. I get up at three because it's silent it's easy to be focused who made that uh we got a videographer guy that that follows us yeah everywhere we go so he take care of all that he's pretty good uh daniel uh he that guy is one of the luckiest men in the world or woman, whoever's doing it. I hope he knows that.
Starting point is 00:03:06 I was fortunate enough to be a homeless videographer that came across the great Greg Glassman, the founder of CrossFit back in 2006. And today, in 2022, man, I killed it. But I just worked hard 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. I just worked hard 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. I, for those of you who don't know who the Grandy twins are, you should go to their Instagram and check it out. It is a beautiful stroll. Oh, you've taken down a ton of posts, huh? Yeah. I usually, I'll be archiving stuff. I don't take it all the way down.
Starting point is 00:03:46 It's just archive. Okay. Yeah. And check out their YouTube also and their Facebook and just Google their names. You will see some stuff, especially if you're a parent. If you're not a parent, it might make you want to have kids. And if you are a parent, it will realize that you can do more. And if you are a parent, it will realize that you can do more. Use the right four lanes to exit 763 onto I-610 North and I-610 South. Yeah, that sounds right. Grandy, why did you have kids?
Starting point is 00:04:21 Honestly, you know, I envision having sons. To be honest, I come from a family full of twins. Wow. And it's crazy when I tell people this story, but I always envisioned that I would have twin sons. You know, just my kids in general, because I have daughters too. And it's like, they just made me a better person. They made me an unselfish person that we all start off as,
Starting point is 00:04:41 you know, not having children. But it opened up my eyes to a lot of things in life. How many kids do you have? A total of seven. I have five girls and the twin boys. Oh, wow. Are the boys the youngest? Where do they fall on the line?
Starting point is 00:04:56 They fall in the middle. They're in the middle. Okay. And all with the same woman? No, no, no. A couple of different mothers. I ain't that lucky. Yeah, seven kids is a lot. Seven kids is a lot.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Do you have any other twins? Do you have any twin girls? Nope, just the boys. The boys are the only boys and the only twins. And did you know that you were going to get him into boxing from the beginning? Honestly, yeah. I didn't know how they were going to perceive it to be realistic i mean it's a family sport everybody in my family pretty much in in there with him boxing at some point in their life
Starting point is 00:05:33 including myself so i didn't know how they were going to take it so i would just take them around the gym when they were young never put gloves on them i just let them hang around the sport and i'm gonna say around the age of i'm gonna say like three four they got like real interested and started picking up the gloves and then the rest just did itself like it's never been a time where i actually told them put these gloves on you're going to box i didn't want to introduce it to them like that i wanted them to find it theirself so we would just literally just hang around the gym and they picked up on it i think similarly to how i think my boys are are full-time doing movement right i have a two five-year-olds and a seven-year-old they're not
Starting point is 00:06:15 enrolled in school i homeschool them and i just have them doing basically movement all day math and english for a portion of the day and then a small portion of the day and then it's movement all day primarily uh skateboarding tennis and jiu-jitsu and striking nothing at the level that you do it but but you might imagine they're pretty amazing because that's all right absolutely and people thought that I wanted to get them into sports and I have no interest in sports like I let zero and I and I feel like kind of in that regard that i'm not interested in them getting into sports what i what i hear you say is a little different than what i say but i'm gonna steal what you what you're doing too my thing is is i wanted them to be around adults from a young age who are professionals who would talk to them and i wanted my sons to um be able to take instruction and
Starting point is 00:07:02 execute on it. Right. But what you're, what I've heard you say is you're not interested in your kids being boxers. You're interested in your kids learning on a deeper level, the lessons of hard work and that hard work creates opportunity. And boxing is just sort of a vehicle for that. Is that, is that true? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Boxing is pretty much our platform to where the places we're trying to get to in life. It was never... Uh-oh. I lost you. I lost you. Daniel, I lost you. Darn it.
Starting point is 00:07:40 The car interviews are always hard, right? Oh, you're back. Yeah, you're back. I was saying, I said, of course, the car interviews are always hard, right? Oh, you're back. Yeah. You're back. Okay. I was saying, I said, of course, you know, if they go on to become world champions with dad, wouldn't be happy, but I don't use it. It's not, it's nothing pressured on them because the boxing part for us was pretty much
Starting point is 00:07:59 we were previously in Philadelphia, which is, you know, a rough city. And it was, it was a lot of crazy things going on outside, and I wanted to keep them away from that, first and foremost. So I felt there's no boxing to keep them busy, which it has done over the years. We've traveled everywhere and, you know, given them an opportunity at life. Like, it wasn't more, say, about boxing more than it was about
Starting point is 00:08:20 saving them from the streets of Philadelphia. Well, do they play any other sports? At the time, no, they don't have any interest in any other sports. I actually be trying to sway them to play other sports, but they're just so in love with the sport of boxing. They don't have any interest right now. They probably will later on in their life. Next year will be their first year of high school, so who knows?
Starting point is 00:08:41 Oh, so they are in school? Yeah, yeah, yeah. They homeschooled for a little bit and then now since we moved to texas they are been in school but we'll probably go back to homeschooling yeah what do they think of school they actually like it i mean like i said this this is pivotal years for them eighth grade grade going to ninth so it's just i felt as though it was important for them to actually be in school these years because these are the years where you create your social skills. And being kids who have been in the light since they were seven years old, I didn't want them to get too far away from social skills.
Starting point is 00:09:14 So that was the decision to go to school again. They seem like they've developed quite – they seem more like adults than children. And I feel like my children are like that too. Not in the sense of the way they behave or the way they act or the way they move, but just in terms of their maturity of how they, you know, in the videos when they interact with other people. They're already very civil. They're already very present. They're already really focused. They're not goofballs, you know?
Starting point is 00:09:43 And boys can be goofballs in the eighth grade, right. I mean, that's one. I was a goofball in eighth grade. Absolutely. Yeah. Me too. Me too. But, but your, your boys seem to like already show some really, really, I mean, even at a young age, some really high levels of sophistication and attention. I don't mean that the child's been taken out of them. Obviously they're still children. They, and they ooze with that in the videos but i mean that they're um they're uh they're highly disciplined and highly focused for for their age wouldn't you say i would i will always tell people it's it's like kids are like sponges so you pretty much become product to whatever you grow up around and for them i'm more nervous than them at this point because for them this is just life
Starting point is 00:10:25 like it's their everyday life like i said they've been in the they did their first big tv show at seven years old steve harvey they had to go in front of the cameras and hundreds of people for a week straight and film it so it's like everything else is is easy after that so i think the maturity part you're talking about it just comes from exactly that, like being in that light thus long. They're 14 in July, so it's been eight, nine years they've been in this light. So they've grown accustomed to it. Like I said, it's life for them. They don't know anything else.
Starting point is 00:10:56 So they're in situations where they deal with a lot of adults, a lot of networks and this and that. So, yeah, I would say they are definitely pretty mature for the age. i tell them that because at 13 i don't know how i would handle it right right yeah and it's it's again this is a walk down the street for them when we go away to these events you can imagine how many people stop them for pictures right and they take every picture they never get mad they hug everybody they smile and i'm just like at 13 i was probably a little jerk i probably wouldn't be able to deal with it like that. Yeah. My mom told me that I was the greatest kid in the world until I turned 13.
Starting point is 00:11:30 And then she basically said, I just turned into a complete asshole. Yeah, me too. I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember that. But I guess that's when you start to go through puberty, huh? You just start losing interest in your parents. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:43 You know, 13 year old, 13 year old boys is a rough task now don't get me wrong we still go through some 13 year old boy stuff but it's not to the to the magnitude of of the the things i gave to my parents nowhere there yeah how do you see it as a father what are they what do they start doing what mine's wrong i only have two five-year-olds and a seven-year-old what are some of the signs you see when that testosterone starts pumping? It's the question. You know, they get to that point where they – I honestly think on some things my sons think they know more than me.
Starting point is 00:12:13 To me it's funny because I was actually a 13-year-old boy before. So, I mean, it doesn't get to me. But it's that. It's that I'm a boy. I'm a teenager. You know, you start getting your little body orders. You're smelling yourself now. And it just, you know, start getting your little body orders, you're smelling yourself now. And it just, you know, it changes the dynamics a tad bit.
Starting point is 00:12:29 But I feel like if you if you stay on top of it, it shouldn't be that bad. And the discipline we've put in over the years, I still see it showing because even though they're 13 and hold on, let me throw this in. And this generation has an influence that me and you didn't have it's called the internet right i got questions about that yeah that's a big part of it well like i said overall they're doing great with it i can't say i just said you just made me think of this i wonder if this has anything to do with it because i was i was girl crazy i was i was a yeah i was so girl crazy and um, um, and the more and more I've been meeting a lot of great men lately. And, uh, even though they really suppress that girl
Starting point is 00:13:14 craziness shit, they said, they make it like, Hey, the girl's got to come to me. I'm focused on my task and women should come to me. Like, like they act more like the lion that sits on the top. I wasn't like that. You know what I mean? I was in the field just chasing shit right um but i i wonder if part of the thing is is um like my boys all they want is attention from me right so like i don't all i have to do if they do something i don't like i just don't give them any attention if they do something i like i shower them with love and affection go hold them kiss them and like and i just use that game but i wonder if at 13 you start to realize there's something that's better than attention from your parents and that's girls.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Oh yeah. That plays a huge part. I believe so. So then they can be like, fuck off dad. Right. Exactly. Because the girls come into play. I mean, it's testosterone. It's something we can't, we can't even control just being a little boy. You know, we all went through it. Yeah. Again, I think it's how we approach it and i i try not to stray away from the realities of life with them so we talk about things like that like i'm okay with it but i don't want y'all to go crazy to where it knocks you off your square like i get it you you're going you're like girls all right daddy's happy but you still have to
Starting point is 00:14:19 stay focused on the task at hand because it's like, I explained to them many stories of people I've known over the years who had all the talent and could have been things. And then they went girl crazy and went left and it didn't pan out the way it was supposed to be. So I'm like, at this point, you guys have your whole life set in front of you. So it's up to you to control it because now it's not about me anymore. Like when they were nine, eight, yeah, sure. That was me giving them a little push
Starting point is 00:14:45 but now it's all about you guys you can't make a 13 year old do anything wow wow like nothing so if you don't want to do it it doesn't get done damn is that hard is that hard as a father to make that transition yeah oh no yeah it's a task it's definitely a task it's not easy and i've found myself frustrated at times i ain't gonna lie but yeah you know we bear with it for the love of our children yeah and i always got to factor in that you i think the biggest thing the biggest part of a coach child relationship is that you have to grow with them and start treating them accordingly to the age that they're in they're not your little babies anymore i think that's where people were growing
Starting point is 00:15:29 at yeah are you are you really affectionate dad like are you all when they were young were you always holding them and kissing them and are you is if are you a hands-on you know with your affection oh yeah absolutely i i try to make sure i tell my kids i love them all the time like absolutely i mean i when i'm in the gym I'm not that bad I'm not going to lie to you Because I'm the coach in the gym So it's different But outside of the gym
Starting point is 00:15:51 It's funny because people They look at me crazy when I tell them this But we don't talk about boxing at home Ever I know I heard you say that I'm having trouble believing that No we don't talk about boxing at home They don't even watch boxing. Yeah. My kids don't watch any of the sports they play either. Nothing.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Because you have to find that balance. You have to separate the two. So if I give them boxing, boxing all day long, then it's like those, those kinds of kids usually quit because it's overpushed. Right. So you have to find that balance. It's a thin line between being a coach dad and being the dad. You have to find a balance. And if you don't find a balance, you're just going to drive them away from the sport. And then you wasted all these years trying to prepare
Starting point is 00:16:32 for whatever people are trying to prepare for. And it's down the drain. So it's a thin line. Yeah. I learned it early from mistakes. Oh, tell me. Can you give me an example of one of those? I just like, you know, in the earlier days,
Starting point is 00:16:49 we had little situations where we would get ready for a competition, and I would be, like, overexcited, of course, because I'm a father. And then, you know, them, it's more like, all right, I prepared. I did everything I was supposed to. And then you get closer, and, you know, we start working a little harder. It's just like they lose a little interest. They're like am i working this hard i did what i'm supposed to do you can like i said you can over push you can over push and then a kid may go out there and not even perform his best because he just want to spite you for over pushing it that's what i'm
Starting point is 00:17:19 saying so right you got to be careful. One of my kids was rolling on the mats. He was seven years old, and he got injured while messing with – it was a younger kid in jiu-jitsu. It's probably like this in boxing too. Sometimes the new people will be just flailing, right? And they're a little bit dangerous to the veterans if the veterans are trying to go easy on them. Absolutely. And so this kid was new, and he was flailing, and he did did up kick and kick my boy in the stomach and it fucked up his bladder a little bit. Right. So for like six weeks, one of my sons was like, hey, I'm not doing anything
Starting point is 00:17:53 in a group class anymore. No more group tennis, no more group wrestling. He would do some one on one stuff with some adults, but he wasn't fucking with kids at all. And that was a really humbling experience for me because I went from wanting my kids to do well to by the end of those six weeks of not seeing my kid participate to just like wanting them to participate. It made me completely recalibrate. I was like, okay, fuck it. I don't care if they do well. If I can just make the baby step and get them in the game, I'd be happy. And it was a really good learning moment for me. Like, okay, I need to just set the expectation that he shows up, not that he goes out and wins fucking everything.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Right. Yeah. See, that right there is what we deal with in boxing from a whole another standpoint. You have all these overbearing fathers, like, trying to live through their children. Yeah, I was doing that. I'm doing that for sure.
Starting point is 00:18:44 I'm pulling that jackass shit for sure. Yeah, I was doing that. I'm doing that for sure. I'm pulling that jackass shit for sure. Yeah, I deal with that on a regular basis, especially when it comes to the twins because when we go to events at this point, they're not even fighting us anymore. Well, I don't know if they ever were fighting us, but they're fighting popularity. Like, because people have this fixation in their mind
Starting point is 00:19:02 that, all right, if I beat one of the twins, I'm going to be famous. That's not how life works. It doesn't matter if you win or not. The people choose who they choose. But with that being said, it's a lot of that. It's a lot of these overbearing dads. We had a situation this past weekend.
Starting point is 00:19:15 I mean, it was simple, so it ain't really nothing sweet. But they do this all the time. And they put this pressure on these kids. That makes no sense. And honestly, I'm going to be realistic with with you they help us because they're sending these kids in a wing saying oh are you fighting one of the twins and now the kid is scared to death or nervous or whatever and it makes our job easier because i don't have any idea who the other boxing kids is right so it's like yeah you it's a thin line like i said said, you you got it. You got to tread this line like like a real, real easy because I've seen this story.
Starting point is 00:19:49 I've been through this. I grew up in a boxing town. I seen it. I seen kids that were super duper good get over pushed by the dad and quit. Yeah. And I'm watching it again while I'm doing it with my sons. I'm watching this whole human, you know, action take take place again. And it's just like I said, I try not to be that at all. So even when it comes to, like, the national tournaments, if you pay attention, we only go once in a while. Like, we don't go to all of them.
Starting point is 00:20:14 It's about four a year. We don't go to all of them. We pick ones once in a while. We go to them and, you know, what happens, happens. And then we go back to our life because you can over push these kids i don't feel like a kid should be fighting every two weekends every weekend like it's too much so you have to have some time in there to have a childhood i'm going to show you guys who are watching live right now uh the um daniel uh coach grandy um had mentioned uh his son's being
Starting point is 00:20:43 on steve harvey and i wanted you guys to check this out. This is pretty incredible. I watched this whole clip. Man, Steve Harvey's cool as shit. I didn't realize he's so cool. He is cool. Here we go. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Come on. Come on, boy. Yeah. Come on, boy. Yeah. Oh, nice. I think they're six or seven years old here. There's dad. Steve Harvey moves pretty well for himself.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Who's he kidding in that suit? I saw him doing a jumping rope. I saw him jumping rope. Yeah. And you were saying that that was a great experience for himself. Who's he kidding in that suit? I saw him doing a jumping rope. He's a funny guy. Yeah. And you were saying that that was a great experience for him. Hey, was any of that... By the way, anyone can find that clip on YouTube and watch the whole thing, and I highly recommend it.
Starting point is 00:21:36 It's a few minutes longer, and it gets pretty funny. Were the boys coached at all on what to say, or is that all... No, actually, it was all... We did a dry run without him him and everything else was just natural they didn't he he didn't want it to be scripted so everything was like dry run and then straight to the job because he didn't want it to feel scripted yeah the boys were chopping it up with them yeah it was yeah it was just like like i said it for them it was another day It's the conversations I had with them.
Starting point is 00:22:06 So they didn't. Honestly, I'll continue to say this. They take this way better than me. Yeah. A hundred times better. I'm the one that's uncomfortable most of the time because I'm the parent. Right. And a lot of times people forget that even with taking pictures.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Like I'll give you an example. We are out this week at the national tournament. Of course, it's a boxing environment. Everybody knows them. So a lot of times people, grown people will walk up and just like reach their arm out for one of my children.
Starting point is 00:22:37 And I get real defensive because I'm the dad. Right. Right. And I'm not trying to be a hole or anything, but it's just like, this is my child. Right. So that part it's I've got better with it but it's hard
Starting point is 00:22:51 when you're trying to separate the two when you're a father it's not easy yeah I don't what's interesting is I don't leave my kids alone with anybody me neither I tell my mom it's not that I don't it's not that I don't trust, it's not that I don't, it's not that I don't trust anyone.
Starting point is 00:23:07 It's just that it's 100% my job that everything goes, that they're protected. So, and I just have to do that. So like, even like if I have people stay at my house, you know, even my own parents, if my dad and my stepmom come over and visit anyone, people like I trust with my life. When I have guests in the house, my boys always sleep in my room. Always. It's our job. Yeah, it's my job.
Starting point is 00:23:30 We've seen so many stories where kids wind up getting violated by family members. Not to say your family or my family is like that. Right, right. We've seen so many stories of that. So we have to be that protection person. And that's the part, like I said, I get misconceived
Starting point is 00:23:45 and a lot of times people look at me as are their dads mean no i'm not mean i'm just being a father i'm protecting my children that comes way before any popularity stardom yes i don't give a fuck yep yeah the hell with all that these are my kids and i feel like that's that's a big part of me that people don't understand or they don't they just probably don't want to understand because people don't, at this stage in our life, being as though they've been in this game so long, they don't look at us as a father and son combination the more I'm starting to realize it's more like the talent.
Starting point is 00:24:13 I look at the twins and their coach and I'm like, no, these are my sons. That might be the most trying part of this whole ordeal and mission of ours ours that part right there how old are you i'm 42 actually in six days oh happy birthday thank you appreciate it um the other day my boys were in the shower and um and i and i'm in the bathroom and i'm watching
Starting point is 00:24:37 them shower and they start like they start fighting in the shower and i'm like hey guys you know no horseplay in the shower and they start fucking with each other some more. And so I turn the water off, throw them some towels, drag them out to the garage, and I make them do 100 burpees, 10 burpees on the minute for 10 minutes. Right. And it's a really good experience. They're kind of – it's like on three levels. They get fitter. They understand that I don't fuck around.
Starting point is 00:25:04 But then they built camaraderie with each other like, fuck's us against that so so it was like a win on every level and i was telling one of my friends this who who only has one kid and he's like yeah i can't do that to my kid because it'll be abusive and i and i totally get that it was like this eye-opening i i don't know what the answer is but like with them those three all of us like i could do that, right? Hey, motherfuckers, get out of the shower. Get your fucking towels. Hunter Burby's, you're not going to listen to me?
Starting point is 00:25:31 And we go out to the garage, but they can huddle together, you know? It's them against me. They got each other. They got each other. And I'm working that angle. They think they're being slick, but I'm manipulating them. I'm like, yeah, I'm making you guys tighter as a group, you know? But my friend who just has one kid, he's like, yeah, I take my one kid out there and fucking do that to him, and he's going to fucking crumble.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Do you notice that with your sons, too, that you can do some shit to manipulate them and bring them closer together as a pair, and you play the bad cop? Absolutely. I feel like this has been their advantage thus far in this sport. The reason they got good so fast is because of each other. It's things that others have to do that me and you will never have to do because we have multiple sons. So even with like Sparn for instance, we don't have to go out
Starting point is 00:26:14 for Sparn if we don't want to. We can work with each other. So those kind of avenues, like the same thing you just said, along with some of the lines. They have each other. So they're going to put... And I'm going to throw it out there. I grew up with no brothers.
Starting point is 00:26:29 At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them.
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Starting point is 00:27:33 So this is new to me. But I've noticed that early that they feed off each other. Like, it's just a brotherly thing. It's a push. And the energy, like, if you watch the fight this week, we just had the championship. I sat down the last round and a brother walked up on April. I never got up there and he didn't like something he's saying. So he cussed his brother out.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Wow. Went out there and performed at one unanimously that right there. Wow. That that's the clip. Yeah. It was, it was at the fight this weekend. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:02 I'm going to, I'm going to see if I can pull up this clip. Is it this, is this. Is this it right here? No, it's not on that one. Okay. Because he made that video. It's actually on the actual rounds. I'm actually going to see if I can get it up there.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Okay, wow. He stepped up on the ring, and he looked at me and said, I got it. He walked in front of me and walked up there and said, I i just said that and he gave him a piece of his mind and he went out there and executed everything that we talked about and how did the boys do this weekend uh we won he won the championship and are they in different weight classes yeah i always keep them separated because that's another thing in this crew unusual world they'll try to match my kids with each other like that's insane that is insane yeah they've done it to us before so yeah we keep them in different weight classes
Starting point is 00:28:53 we keep them five five pounds apart and what weight classes are those uh Stephen is fighting 110 right now and Danny's fighting 114 and then do you and do they ever switch just like hey i took 114 last time now you got to cut weight for them honestly i'm probably one of the few boxing dads in the world that i don't cut weight on my kids whatever they weigh is wherever we fight at good job good job dad they're too young like i i see these kids at tournaments that they've been 80 pounds for five years. I'm not doing too much of it. Yeah. I did see that some of the kids that they fought looked bigger than them too.
Starting point is 00:29:32 It's because they cut weight and then blew back up. Yeah, like I said, whatever weight we have, we fight. I'm confident enough in everything that I've taught them over the last eight, nine years that they can handle any situation. I've taught them over the last eight, nine years that they can handle any situation. Our regular sparring partner is a 23-year-old, 120-fight, 3-0 pro that we spar with. So I don't really worry about kids. And do you love that guy? Is that guy part of the family?
Starting point is 00:30:00 Yeah, yeah, absolutely. It must be a weird relationship with the guy who gets in the ring and punches your kids. No, I mean, you become accustomed to it. You know, boxing is a strange sport anyway. We're not going to lie. This is not normal what we do. So it's strange to begin with. But after a while, you just become accustomed to it. And honestly, it's cruel and unusual because as a coach, I'm sending a guy in to go as hardest
Starting point is 00:30:25 because I want that push from my child. So this is another thing I tell a lot of people that everybody can't deal with this. This is not for everybody. Boxing is not a sport for everybody. I promise you it's not. Because I've had a lot of dads over the past, their kid get hit with a little punch and they get all emotionally distorted. And I'm like, you do know that you get punched in boxing right yeah like do you know do you know this is part of the sport so it's like
Starting point is 00:30:49 you you gotta you gotta separate the two and i honestly say this isn't for everybody everybody shouldn't step into the sport because every parent's not okay with watching their child get punched so well it doesn't sound like you're okay with it either from some of the interviews that like it sounds like something you have to work on like i've heard you say stuff in interviews where you're like yeah i'm a father first i don't want my kids getting hurt yeah no no no no what i'm saying is i don't want them to get hurt in far as like wrestling and tackling and all that stuff that a lot of kids do as far as the competition part i i'm a realist i understand what goes into the sport yeah it's a sport where you get punched i did it myself you see what'm saying? So I understand that aspect of it.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Yeah, of course, I don't want them to get hurt when kids get rough in wrestling. This ain't wrestling. So I try to stay away from that. But as far as the getting punt, it doesn't bother me none because we've been dealing with it. And like I said, I've taught them so much that I know their defense is on point.
Starting point is 00:31:41 I'm a defensive coach. So I know they can get away and do everything they need to do. So I'm unbothered with it at this point. I'm a defensive coach, so I know they can get away and do everything they need to do. I'm unbothered with it at this point. Were you a tough kid? Yeah, I grew up in the streets of West Philly. You ain't got no choice. When you say you grew up in the streets of West Philly,
Starting point is 00:31:58 meaning your mom and dad were working or they weren't around from a young age? I'm a single mother. She was working and I was out you know being an inner city teenager and and um and what did you know your dad is he around now yeah yeah we absolutely know each other we didn't have a relationship but i know him you know we we speak here and there it's just you know we didn't have that father-son relationship growing up. And honestly, I'm not even mad at him because I feel like his absence made me the father I am.
Starting point is 00:32:29 So it all worked out. Daniel, are you familiar with an economist named Thomas Sowell? Nah. No. He's at the Hoover Institute. He's like 90-something right now. He's written a shitload of books. I think you would love his stuff. I'll'll send you i'll send you do you ever listen do you ever listen to audiobooks yeah i do okay i got i got a book anyway one of the things he he talks
Starting point is 00:32:55 about is that um this the strongest correlate of all like a lot of people will say stuff like uh um you know 62 of the of the people in jail are in jail are black males or – and they have all these statistics, right, that separate the world between color, black and white, right? But Thomas Sowell, who's this economist, says, hey, man, the strongest correlate, the thing that really defines all human beings is having both parents at home, specifically having a dad around, and that 85 percent of the people in jail have one thing in common they didn't have a dad at home and that's the same with like everything like cancer rates obesity like all these things that you wouldn't think have to do with fucking having a parent around when there's no dad no it does the whole fucking thing gets fucked up right i agree yeah yeah i totally agree it's a lot of things that miss when when the male's not present especially in the lives of little boys and i feel like that's what we're going through in today's time when you look at this generation they're they're they're very
Starting point is 00:33:56 very feminine in the way of women emotions when it comes to the boys right and i i'm not talking speaking on their sexuality because i believe people could do whatever they want that doesn't bother me right i'm saying as far as the way they carry themselves as males they're they're very very feminine they act like more more emotionally like women than men because of the absence of so many fathers right and i deal with these kids every day in the boxing gym and the littlest things took them off things that me and you growing up would have never cared about right they're they're ready to go to the end of the earth and put their life on the line for it and it kind of reminds me of a man having a fallout with his woman and she throws his clothes
Starting point is 00:34:34 out the window it's emotionally driven you know what i'm saying action all actions are emotionally driven yeah i say that daily it's the lack of fathers it's the lack of male role models and this is why I dedicate myself to the gym not just my kids for other kids too because I train a bunch of other kids so I dedicate every day of my life to these children because I feel like that male presence is
Starting point is 00:34:57 missing a lot in this generation a whole lot a lot of people don't understand the importance of a certain kind of um selfishness and ego and there was something you said that i thought it was a perfect example of it it was a video i was watching and you said i train kids and i think it was something like 24 7 seven days a week because when i have my kids in my gym, I know those kids aren't going to be picking up guns and shooting my boys. Absolutely. And I just love that.
Starting point is 00:35:30 For whatever it takes to be a good person and contribute to society, even if it's just for your kids, fucking do it. Right. Absolutely. We all have a habit of selfishness. Some people just won't admit it but i'll admit my my agenda to why i do what i do because at the end of the day it's going to always bring it back to my children yeah these are my kids like so i'm helping others to help us
Starting point is 00:35:56 that's that's just reality like and it's not in in a sense of i don't want to see others succeed of course i want them to see them succeed along the way too. But I feel like if I can dedicate this and teach these kids to defend themselves, it's a less chance that they pick up guns and shoot one of my children. Absolutely, I'll stand on that. I say it daily. And if that provides my time
Starting point is 00:36:17 to help your kid, then here it is. You have me. Right. It's just that simple. Do your boys show any interest in MMA? Nah, they have no interest in it. They don't like the wrestling part. It's funny because we just talked about that yesterday. They're like, ah, nah.
Starting point is 00:36:37 And I think it's more, they're at that age where they understand the compensation of sports, too. You know, boxing is a huge compensating sport mma just didn't get there yet i'm not watching mma don't get me wrong but as far as the compensation aspect of it didn't get there yet then those guys take a lot of punishment and don't get compensated the way they're supposed to yeah um it's it's interesting right too though but but their um their sport kind of moves faster too doesn't it yeah a lot faster yeah in terms of like like the the the fights there's more fights like there might be two boxers you want to see fight but they might not fight for five years right we're in mma it seems
Starting point is 00:37:14 like they're on a collision course right away right and then the guys be on top and then they off right immediately right so i'm saying so it's like yeah it's you know we weigh the options of what makes sense at this point and i i don't care what anybody says when you get into a sport and you become good at it and this is what you do your ultimate goal is to succeed financially as well as physically like come on right that's realistic like a lot of guys will say oh i'll do this for money but then i'll say something to them like so you're a prize fighter that don't fight for a prize that doesn't make any sense right right like so you're a prize fighter that don't fight for a prize? That doesn't make any sense. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Like, so you're going to put your body on the line. You got to have a goal, an end game at the end of it. And I think, like I said, they have their own minds now. So they know what they want. They're at that age where they know what they want out of life. They're car crazy. They love cars. So all they talk about is, when we get a contract,
Starting point is 00:38:03 I can buy this car, that car. That's the kind of stuff they're into. So, yeah, they have their own goal set. And then they've had the example of their generation, what would be a Floyd Mayweather who made a billion dollars with his hands. So everything seems doable in boxing to them. And like I said, it's no longer me. It has nothing to do with me anymore. They took over the whole mindset of the sport.
Starting point is 00:38:23 I have nothing to do with it. Because anybody who has teenage sons know, if you can get a 13-year-old to get up and do something you want him to do, good luck. I don't know that yet. Every time you say that, it scares the shit out of me. Good luck. I'm telling you, when you get to that stage,
Starting point is 00:38:37 you have no control. None. When they went off from the gym, I give them off. When they miss a few days, they go, that's when we're going back to the gym. Because what happens is, this is the gym, I give them off. When they miss a few days, they go, Daddy, when are we going back to the gym? Because what happens is this is the mindset now of a teenage boy for a little information for you going into. All right, boom. Let's say I do make him go to the gym.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Get up. You're going. He's going to get in there and he's going to half-ass because he knows how to do that now. His mind is different. So he'll get in there and play around. So now we're taking the chances of you getting hurt. So it's not even worth it. It's not worth it.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Especially with a sport of somebody who's trying to punch your head off, that doesn't make sense. So we don't play those games at all. So now, like I said, this mission is theirs. I'm just here. God has got me here to help at this point. If one of them fell off the path so severely, God forbid, would you take some drastic actions? Like when I see one of my friend's kids just getting into drugs or something, I spend a lot of time in Africa, and I spend a lot of time in India and just all over the world.
Starting point is 00:39:39 I was thinking, okay, what I would do is I would just grab my kid and fucking take him to Kenya or to fucking Uganda or something and fucking just okay we're gonna be out here for fucking three months with fucking nothing would you ever think about that like what you would do if one of your kids really I mean really fell off the path as a parent I'm gonna do whatever I gotta do to help them yeah like I would kidnap that motherfucker tape him up and take him I'm gonna do whatever I gotta do to help my kids as a parent and that would be outside of any sport that's another thing i tell them all the time like right if y'all ever get tired of this and you don't want to do it just say it yeah because this is our our life is not subject to just this so all right boom if you went left or whatever i'm still your dad i'm going to do
Starting point is 00:40:21 everything i gotta do to make sure you succeed in life my love for my children will sustain will stay where it's at no matter what's going on like like we've all seen the story with parents who kids went drugs and we were like why they keep doing this or why they keep taking them back and yeah once you're a parent you understand yeah it's nothing that can change your outlook on your child it's your child right so yeah i'm with you we might wind up in kenya somewhere too yeah i mean i just it's just weird how my brain goes there i'll be like okay i'll just i i know a village and i'll take him there and like in three months he'll have his whole fucking world changed like i had my world changed when i was there like all right yeah
Starting point is 00:40:56 it's not weird actually when you think about it it's your child yeah it's really not you you're gonna do whatever you gotta do to make sure your child succeeds in life and back to what we were talking about in the beginning this is our job right this is what we're supposed to do these are our kids this is why i want people be giving us kudos of oh you're doing a great job i'm so humble with it because i don't feel like i'm doing anything special i'm just being a father right right i don't i don't ever get that like aroused by that When people tell me that And they probably think I'm being a jerk But I'm not
Starting point is 00:41:26 I'm just like I'm doing what I'm supposed to do Did you Know So So I was heavily involved in CrossFit One of the tenements Elements of CrossFit is that If you put people in hardship they go through adaptation right so if you do 100 meter sprint as hard as you can your body will adapt to it and the next time you do it you'll be a little
Starting point is 00:41:54 better at it right oh so i knew from i took that and i ran with it so i knew that if my kid fell down i shouldn't pick him up my job was to turn around and make sure that an alligator or a bear didn't get him or a car didn't hit him right because if i picked him up i stole i stole a an opportunity from him and that was hard right because i wanted to do you got to do something am i fucking with you um actually i gotta i'm at a meeting okay go go go hey can can we do this again? I need, I need like, and I promise you won't be a waste of your time. I got, we got like three to 500,000 downloads a week.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Hey man, I ain't tripping on that. I enjoy the conversation period. Okay. I, cause I don't want to keep you from your meeting. Why don't we, can I just, I have your, I have your number and I'll just have my producer reschedule us. Yep. We can do it whenever you want to. Okay, brother. Thank you. I'll just have my producer reschedule us. Yep. We can do it whenever you want to. Okay, brother. Thank you. I so appreciate it, Daniel.
Starting point is 00:42:47 It's such an honor. And I got like a whole, we didn't even, we didn't even get into the meet yet. And then we're going to finish all of it. No worries. Okay. Thank you. All right. My guy.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Okay. Bye. Bye. And. He's gone. What do you think? Did I handle that okay? I don't want to be an asshole. I need to talk to him for another – I need to talk to him for another two hours. there's this thing that uh uh jew parents and black parents tell their kids and i'm
Starting point is 00:43:28 i gotta ask him if he told his kids that that line where you tell him the world's gonna be mean to you i want to find out i think he's muslim i wanted to find out how he's gotten to his faith i want to know if he's met king richard isn't that a cool dude? Yeah, I love that dude. Me too, Corey. Dude's cool as shit. Short but good. Hey, please don't talk about me like that. Please don't talk about me like that. I've not read War on the West. Do I need to? Man.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Man, oh man. Man, oh man. S man suza you listening uh we had some people helping us isn't it amazing isn't it amazing that i i have this fucking crazy fucking podcast that's just skyrocketing to the moon i can't get one fucking person to help me one person who would be interested in working with me uh the the guy who is the uh executive director of crossfit media the fastest growing chain on the history of the planet it speaks volumes of just the um like if like if i i don't i don't even know i don't want to sound like a bitch, but it's just crazy. I was sitting there last night, and I was thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:44:56 I was working on my computer like at fucking 10 o'clock at night. All I want to do is fucking go to sleep, and I'm fucking around with podcast shit. all I want to do is fucking go to sleep and I'm fucking around with podcast shit those of you who made reels for us I'm really appreciative of it but in five years when this thing's bigger than CrossFit and fucking bigger than Vice
Starting point is 00:45:22 we have our own fucking energy drink you're going to be like oh shit I could have jumped on board then bigger than vice. We have our own fucking energy drink. You're going to be like, oh shit, I could have jumped on board then. No, of course we can't get anyone to help Heidi. Of course. No, because they don't know how to help. No, no one can help.
Starting point is 00:45:36 That's the thing. If you can't run at a hundred miles an hour, then you can't help. That's the problem. It's not that people don't want to help. They just don't know. All the people who help on the show now, this is their life. You can't have – like you can't – if you work on this show, you don't get paid, and you have to work out, go to work, and then work on the show. And then maybe if you have – then maybe like bang your wife or something.
Starting point is 00:46:15 But there's that much shit to do. It's like growing that fast. Why would they want to be involved? I, I, I mean, I could think of fucking 10 million reasons, but, but one,
Starting point is 00:46:33 because, uh, it's, it's an incredible place. If you want to express yourself to do it freely, we're like in this explosive growth stage where all we need is entrepreneurs. Yeah. You are always here, Bruce. You are always here.
Starting point is 00:46:53 In the early days, it was like that in CrossFit, but CrossFit paid, but there were some of us like, so I remember, I'll tell you guys this story. I gave Greg and Lauren, that was his wife at the time, a budget of like, I don't know, I think it was like, I say $500,000, but I think it was like $464,000 to make videos for them. Like, hey, I laid out a whole budget plan. And I'm like, hey, you guys need videos for your website. This is in 2006. And I'll make all these videos and I'll do this. It'll be $464,000. And they came back with, well, uh, we don't have a budget for that, but we'll let you go to a free seminar. So I'm like, okay, cool. So I went to
Starting point is 00:47:29 the seminar and then I made videos every single day for a year for free. And then I think when they first started paying me, I think I made $3,000 a month for that next year. And I still continue to make videos every single day. And it's all I did. Now, granted, I didn't have kids then or anything. And I was formerly, and I think I was still homeless. It's like living in a motor home. But that's how you get to the fucking top. We could be doing, we could be, if someone made like three reels from every show the show would fucking catapult even faster i mean it's going to go to the top anyway
Starting point is 00:48:10 and there's and there are people with incredible means out there who have been helping the show financially that's fucking amazing okay i couldn't be more appreciative california hormones man that project's going to be insane you guys i'm going to tell you something that I probably shouldn't share. Ready? So Gary Roberts from Killing the Fat Man, I'm going to have someone go out and do – California Hormones is going to send a phlebotomist – is that the word I learned? – out to him and get his blood work. Is that the word I learned? Out to him and get his blood work. I didn't see the videos you sent me. Where would I see those, Bruce?
Starting point is 00:48:50 They're going to send a phlebotomist to Gary Roberts. And they're going to check his blood panel. And they're going to get him a membership at a CrossFit gym because he's fallen off the wagon. Do you fall off the wagon or do you get on the wagon? Let's say he fell off the wagon. He hasn't been working out. He has two kids now now and we're gonna get gary his blood work and we're gonna get him back into a gym and it's gonna be fucking insane and he's 50 years old now and i'll be bringing him on the show regularly and we're gonna see a fucking transformation that's gonna be mind-boggling
Starting point is 00:49:18 ig uh bruce you don't have my phone number how do you not have my phone number um uh i i know i didn't see what you if you made something i didn't see it why don't you bruce send me a dm to um at seven on matosian not seven on rinsta and uh and send me your phone number and i'll text you and then we'll be connected by text and then you don't have to worry about that shit. I wonder the same. Yeah. How about tonight's show? I, you know, what's crazy. We have, um, we have Justin Medeiros coming on today. Do you know how excited I am for that?
Starting point is 00:50:06 I invited him on the show and he said, I thought we didn't click because on one of the shows I was saying we didn't click. And I was like, oh, that probably didn't come across good. But that's not a bad thing that we didn't click. We just need to work on it. We need to work and click. Let me see what's going on it. We need to work and click. Let me see what's going on here. I'm really excited to have him on. I'm going to have him on for 45 minutes. It's going to be a live call-in show, so anyone can call in and fire a question at Justin, make fun of him, make fun of me.
Starting point is 00:50:46 We'll do our thing with Justin. And then what I'm really trying to get on is Miranda Alcarez and Julian Alcarez for the last 45 minutes of the show. Street Parking is doing an event July 2nd and 3rd at the Ranch. And I think the tickets went on sale this morning for the open event that they're doing on july 3rd and when i say open event i don't i don't even really know what it is so i want to have them on it's not it's not like an open event like the crossword open event it's just a day at the ranch that anyone come and i think there's like food and music and coffee and like you can work out or you don't have to work out but you can just hang out and shit oh he has a new girlfriend really are you going to be around can you call ask him that really that's awesome i i heard he's got a new training partner i heard he's got a new training
Starting point is 00:51:30 partner you're a good dude heidi what you're doing heidi is crazy with the fake sebon podcast first of all you're mean. And it's just so good. And I know the effort that takes. It's so much effort. Yes to the public. Oh, the public is his new girlfriend? Christina, how did you pick that picture of yourself? Is that you?
Starting point is 00:51:59 How did you pick that picture? Why that picture? I wonder about all these pictures. Let's look at Heidi's picture. Smiling, smiling, Heidi, Bruce.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Look at that. Look at that line coming down. Is that just sweat going down between his titties? Corey, let's see what Corey's picture looks like. Just a buff dude doing jumping rope. So tonight's show could be insane. And that's,
Starting point is 00:52:32 that's quite the pool of guests, Justin, then Miranda and Julian, and that'll be fun. And I'll have the phone number up so people can call in and bomb them. I kind of start wanting to doing that. I kind of want to start doing that more. Who else do I have coming on this
Starting point is 00:52:45 week i have some great guests i i'm really surprised i'm not surprised it's because of the audience i have but that guest we had this morning that father that's insane what a great guest if you don't know that account it's the grady twins underscore boxing um tomorrow we have a guy on Joey Harrell. He's a Twitch guy. Those of you who don't know who he is, uh, you know what?
Starting point is 00:53:10 I'll pull up his Instagram right now and show it to you. It is so funny. It is so funny. I am a huge family guy, uh, fan. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:53:20 he does impersonations of Peter while playing on Twitch. And I think it's so it's it's fantastic. Let's see. Here we go. Check this out. How would you act if Peter Griffin was your teammate? Oh, my God. I love that song. Just give me a tune. Yeah. What did I just hear?
Starting point is 00:53:40 That was a soundboard. Do that. There's no voice changing here. There's no soundboard. Just me trying to give you a tune. Goddamn. Thank you, Meg, for that. So that guy, this guy plays video games on Twitch, but uses Peter Griffiths. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:53:53 This guy says some disturbing things about Meg. Meg is kind of cute. I don't know. You know, I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear that. Here, Peter, you want to see what I'm going to do to Meg? Oh, no. Oh, my God. Please don't. Oh, my God. Please don't.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Oh, my God. Oh, f***. You know what? Yeah, Danny's a son of a b***h. You know that? So this guy plays video games, I guess, on Twitch, and I guess that's like YouTube, but you watch people play
Starting point is 00:54:21 video games. And then uses Peter Griffith's voice when he talks to people all over the world who are playing the same game as him. Man, I love it. Yeah, Corey, I'm wound up about him too. I'm really disappointed. Shit.
Starting point is 00:54:39 If he was on Rogan, would he have done that? But you know what? Rogan wouldn't have let him talk from his car. He would have drug him into the studio. So I can't even compare myself to Rogan. Would he have done that? But you know what? Rogan wouldn't have let him talk from his car. He would have drug him into the studio. So I can't even compare myself to Rogan. Rogan's a good dude. Did you give up your listeners and give the California steroid prize to Roberts? No.
Starting point is 00:54:57 No, no, no. There's all sorts of steroid prizes. All sorts of steroid prizes. We got a – I think we do have three guys that we're really really looking at and we're about to choose uh two or three women um but but nothing's been picked for official that's why i can't i can't tell you about the gary roberts thing but the gary roberts thing is going to be huge it's going to be so freaking good and there's some really uh uh i don't tell you truth i mean we got to find out if he's eligible. What if, what if maybe his testosterone is already plenty
Starting point is 00:55:27 high enough? He might not even be, you know, eligible for, uh, the peptides or whatever, but, um, but, but, but I'm excited for him to check it out. I would love to motivate him to do a whole nother transformation thing again. Wouldn't it be cool to have him on the podcast every month for like a half an hour with his shirt off and asking questions about how that project is going changing his life again he has two kids now I don't know has it been 10 years no it's been yeah it's been 10 years
Starting point is 00:55:54 since killing the fat man I think I made that in 2012 yeah excited excited that if it works out yeah excited about that if it works out yeah it's great too bad I'm not on social media or i'd be all over that yeah what do you mean you don't have to be on social media to be uh part of this project you do not you do not cannot will not shall not i'm going to get off the air and take my sons to go play tennis today.
Starting point is 00:56:27 I put a weight vest on Avi and the twins. I rotate it. It's a four-pound weight vest. We play tennis for about an hour. Then I'm going to take them to Buell Surf Shop in Santa Cruz, and they're going to get their first wetsuits. And I'm super pumped. I think their surf journey is about to start. Thank you,
Starting point is 00:56:50 Bruce. Great show. Sevan. See you all tonight. Have a great day, Bruce. And also, send me a,
Starting point is 00:56:55 send me a DM with your phone number and then I'll text you and then we'll be connected. And then you can just send whatever shit you want over there. Obviously I'm horrible at returning texts, but, but I do get them. Eventually, I read them. I have like 50 unopened texts right now.
Starting point is 00:57:08 The reason why I don't open them is because when I open them, I don't know how to make them unread again. And I'm concerned if I open them that I won't be able to give a good response. My dad struggles with that. He thinks I ignore him. But it's not that. It's that I want to give you a fucking awesome response. So what am I gonna do all right i'll see you guys tonight uh i apologize for the short show but he was a great guest and uh
Starting point is 00:57:32 when we got a ton of we'll get him back and we got a ton of great guests lined up for this week love you guys bye

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