The Sevan Podcast - #388 - Live Call In Show with Hunter McIntyre

Episode Date: May 4, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Put your hands together for Lady Raven. Dad, thank you. This is literally the best day of my life. On August 2nd. What's with all the police trucks outside? You know, the butcher goes around just chopping people up. Comes a new M. Night Shyamalan experience. The feds heard he's gonna be here today.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Josh Hartnett. I'm in control. And Salika as Lady Raven. This whole concert, it's a trap. Trap, directed by M. Night Shyamalan. Only in theaters August 2nd. At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media,
Starting point is 00:00:39 you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Oh, very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run!
Starting point is 00:00:59 Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. Bam, we're live good morning 28 minutes earlier than usual why is that that's weird next shirt i want c beaver me too cory good morning alissa good morning mr brian welcome to the show. It's weird. I wonder if Hunter's coming on. I think he is. Excuse me. Let's start with 1.4.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Please, Mr. Sousa, good morning. Good to see you. Good morning. Mr. Smith. Mr. Waddell, I got your email. Thank you. I read it backwards and it still made no sense. No, it did. You said my name right. Alyssa. How do I normally say it? Alyssa? Alyssa. Who's ready to pay attention? Okay, here we go. Dig right in. Why are we 27 minutes early this morning? Well, that's because Matt Souza has a real job. People get offended and there's a new culture out there who can get offended first and for other people. And that's the weirdest thing in the world. I had that at a show I did once. There
Starting point is 00:02:13 was a blind gentleman in the front row and I was teasing the blind guy and he was having a great time. After the show, he said, most people ignore that I'm even there. So thank you for making me feel like a part of it. And that's where his head was at. But during the show, I'm teasing the blind guy and a woman in the back is like, excuse me, I'm offended. I'm like, what? Why are you? Because don't talk to him anymore. I'm offended for the blind gentleman. I'm like, you're offended for him?
Starting point is 00:02:37 He's laughing. He's facing the wrong way, but he's laughing. He's facing the wrong way, but he's laughing. And to his credit, this is the best part. I go, do you know her? He goes, I've never seen her a day in my life. Yes. That guy was a good dude.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Do not get offended for other people it makes you a vile good morning mr mcintyre oh shit i didn't know it was fucking glasses week damn right boy all right you gotta do what you gotta do beep is on the bone baby The beef is on the bone, baby. The beef is on the bone. Why are you up so early? Do you have to hop for an hour in 30, 40 minutes? Oh, please. Excuse me. One of our callers.
Starting point is 00:03:35 You're just a guest. This is a regular. Jamal, good morning. How can I help you? What would you like to say to the freest podcast in the universe? I'm about to go to the hospital and have my second daughter. Oh, dang. Oh, dang.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Hey, did you start a podcast? I know. I just had to announce it live. Y'all have a good day. Wait, wait, wait. Jamal, Jamal, Jamal. He didn't answer any of your questions. Jamal, Jamal.
Starting point is 00:04:01 He's going to go. He's having a baby. Jamal, did you start a podcast he's like no almost i was waiting to have her she was bored all right make sure that's gonna be the second most exciting thing we talk about all right hey good luck today uh love you buddy thanks for letting us all know you demand later oh when are you bringing killing the fat man back well that's what a great question as hunter mcintyre pops up onto the stage because we are going to do i believe killing the fat man season
Starting point is 00:04:33 three california hormones edition what does that mean that means gary great great question good question inject some truth into this conversation uh um uh suza won't we'll bring up the killing the fat man series on youtube right now it is the most popular non-game series in the history of crossfit um it's one of those little just a side project i did when i was there nothing i had to do but one of my friends needed to find a healthy lifestyle change. And Gary Roberts, I introduced him to CrossFit. And he embraced it wholeheartedly. And basically, he's put on a little weight again. And he's 50.
Starting point is 00:05:17 And he has two more new kids since we made this. And so he's going to get some blood work done um from uh an amazing facility called california hormones and we're going to get him a crossfit membership and we're going to see uh we're going to do a 12 12 part episode on what happens when a man in his 50s uh is revitalized takes care of themselves yes you you guys should you guys should do some research on this. This will be an interesting way to kind of infuse this storyline. Yoda Sena used to take, this is the founder of Spartan Race,
Starting point is 00:05:53 used to just have this open call for people that were, let's just say for brief term, fat. Really. Didn't have their shit together lives total mess so fat okay um and he would allow these people to come move into his home in vermont all expenses paid for but you had to do everything he said you were a prisoner you were on 100 to a certain extent you had on your knees put this penis in your mouth. Dude, most of these people would have begged for a dick in their mouth because the way that he fed them.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Right. I was living there at one time with this kid. That's why I hardly feed my wife, by the way, just so I can get that effect. Go on. Go on. It's a method. It's a method. It's a method.
Starting point is 00:06:42 I was living there at this point with a guy. He had been there for two weeks before me. And the only thing Joe had let him eat at the time was spinach and blueberries for the last two weeks. And at this point, I think he was only on a diet of spinach and green apples. And the amount of physical exercise he was putting these people through was like that above of the CrossFit games. And it's probably, I don't know how he has that documented anywhere can suza pull that up like we see the first guy i think he started with was chris the guy that he was working on with me was danny there's always iterations of these people and what they're doing but there's nothing like it i've never experienced anything like it. It's crazy. So killing the fat man. Peace on that.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Please get information about this story and bring it in. I will. I will. I think what we're going to see is we're going to see Gary as a 50-year-old man. We're cheating a little bit because he has done – he did do CrossFit for a couple years, and he is a pretty good mover. But he was one of those guys. He applied actually to get on The Biggest Los the most popular show i think are you vaping how is that and i do this when you're what i'm trying to lose weight before my championship so i don't
Starting point is 00:07:59 eat in the morning i just drink black coffee and puff on a e-pen ladies and gentlemen we just witnessed the fittest man by the way you fucking idiot in the fucking comments so someone on the show the other day called hunter mcintyre the fittest man alive and someone like laughed at that you're a fucking idiot if you don't think that that's plausible i want to tell you something as the biggest defender in the fucking world of CrossFit, Greg Glassman defined fitness and it's a fucking miracle. And when, when he put it on,
Starting point is 00:08:30 you know, you got to listen to Greg talk about it, but, but he defined it in terms of science, right. In terms of kinematics. And, and we, we crown the fittest in the world based on that.
Starting point is 00:08:43 But if you don't think, if you think that anyone who won the CrossFit Games can go do what fucking Hunter did and beat his time at High Rocks in Dallas last month, and you don't think that that's a super-duper valid expression of human power even under Greg Glassman's model, then you're out of your mind. You're crazy. You are out of your fucking mind. you're crazy you are out of your fucking mind i i i would i would i'd actually like to see i'd actually like to see the fucking cross your games champ um uh go against uh um mr hunter mcintyre we'll just use the hopper how about we just use the hopper just randomly pick out fucking 10 fucking uh movements modalities time domains and let's see what fucking happens fucking not to consider this guy the fittest man on planet. You're a fucking retard. With a capital R.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Hello, welcome to the show. How can I help you? Yes. This is the Don. This is the Don. This is the Don. You've been diagnosed with what? Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:40 I am a blind guy, okay? Okay, I understand. Oh, yes, yes, yes. Thank you for calling into the show. I see you. I see you. I have a son in Central Mass in Worcester. I have a nice husky, very capable, and just loves to have fun.
Starting point is 00:10:03 I love a nice husky that likes to have fun. That's what I refer to Hunter on our long weekend getaways. I just see him as a husky that wants to have fun. And I just love to mount a pump. Okay? What do you love in your mouth? I'm sorry, I missed that. You broke up.
Starting point is 00:10:22 And I just love to mount a nice beefy ass and to pump and dump my hot loads of hum do you understand this is this is vile it is 6 30 in the morning you hang up now this is a lot just like the airbag on them to breathe and feed with my big creamy loads on a regular basis. I hope my mom's not watching this morning. She's got to be asleep. Are you going to type this in? Yeah. I have a nice hard cock.
Starting point is 00:10:53 It's me. You can't see my hands. I'm still a nice guy. Hey, don't you think that that's a little redundant? A nice hard cock? Couldn't you just say a hard cock and we all know? Okay. Okay. Whoever this is, the audio is fantastic, right?
Starting point is 00:11:12 It sounds like he's going from like a I mean, the audio is spectacular. It sounds like he's taking a hot load right now. I'd love to make a body contact and nipple and ass clay and making out. A blind man can say whatever he wants. That's the world we live in.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Thank you for your question. Hey, it sounds like it's almost like I am typing it in, right? And then it's going through like a voice. As I said, you can't see my hands down here. Caller, thank you very much. I didn't realize we had any blind um call uh listeners but it doesn't surprise me this is the most welcoming show on the planet um and i hope you will call in again do you have a question for either myself um asuza says or uh mr mcintyre no one has questions
Starting point is 00:12:00 for me thanks i hope to breathe and see you real soon okay i love you i hope to breed and feed too bye-bye this guy's storylines dog shit he should have said speech impaired being blind oh my goodness oh what do you are you seriously trying to slender down? Yeah. Naturally, my curvaceous body sits around 210 to 215 pounds, and I'll go race day like 197 to 195. And, I mean, scientifically, it all makes sense. From a personal standpoint, it sucks. But what about that shit getting on your lungs and sticking up your lungs? Don't you need like perfect pink like vagina, beautiful vagina lungs, don't you?
Starting point is 00:12:51 I kind of like chewing tobacco. You don't really inhale it. You just go – you don't really do anything other than that. It's just the idea of – listen, you're going to make fun of this this but it's the idea of an oral fixation it's just like if you chewed on celery it'd be the idea of chewing on bubble gum it's the idea that you're doing something rather than nothing yeah just put this in your mouth and exactly i knew you're gonna take off yeah i know i appreciate it thank you you set it up nicely yeah it's good it pans out whoa holy cow i wonder if the phone's always been this busy and it's just working now because I fixed it.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Yep. Yeah. My favorite cabinet maker. Hello. No? Oh, wait. Hold on. Shit.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Wrong button. My favorite cabinet maker. All right. It's your cabinet, gal. How are you? Good. I have my list of items to go over with you. Let's do it. Let's go. Let's do it. What you need. First and foremost. Wait, hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hunter's tripping. Hold on. Sorry. Sorry. Hunter, you okay? And I lost a crack in my items.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Don't worry about it. I'm bolted in. Okay. All right. All right. Okay, Ms. Cabin Maker, go ahead. Sorry. Hunter started getting a little twitchy.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Dylan's vowel was awesome. Yes. Yes. Hey, do you find – I got a lot of DMs from women saying that he's hot. It's weird because I didn't get that hot vibe from him. I got more like smarty pants. Was he hot? No, I didn't even think hot vibe. I got more like smarty pants. Was he hot? No, I didn't even think about that.
Starting point is 00:14:28 I was just listening to a story. It was great. Okay, cool. He was great. Yeah, he was awesome. Good deflection. Yeah. So you have to be very moderately attractive, if not attractive at all.
Starting point is 00:14:37 I mean, it was, it was, I mean, it was great that he was available when you needed him. I thought that was kind of cool. Yes. Yes. Haley, take note. Take note on a moment's notice. Dylan fucking took one for the team. I agree. was great that he was available when you needed him i thought that was kind of cool yes yes hayley take note take note on a moment's notice dylan fucking took one for the team i agree yes i'm also cracking up about uh matt offering to fight trudeau oh yeah wouldn't that be great that comment in the in the uh in the podcast i just i literally just finished the one with the Twitch guy.
Starting point is 00:15:09 What's his name? Oh, yeah, Joey. How was that? I was venturing off into some new area. I loved it. But I was cracking up with Matt keeping in with the I'll fight Trudeau. Yeah, that was nice. That was nice.
Starting point is 00:15:22 Matt's been waiting to use that line for two months. Who's a beast? Hunter? You talking about Trudeau? The Canadian Prime Minister or whatever he is. The dictator? The Canadian Prime Minister, yes. What do you think about him? Is he a horseback champion? Is he a...
Starting point is 00:15:39 That's what the blind guy called him earlier, a horseback champion. He calls Trudeau a horseback champion. Oh my goodness. Okay, I have a few more things. Yes, let's do it. Killing the fat man. Yeah, juiced up, Gary.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Yeah, but I mean, come on. You gave him two chances. I know, I know, but this... Give somebody else the attention. Hey, well, there's going to be... Give somebody else the attention. We got four or five's going to be... Give somebody else the attention. We got four or five people, but here's the thing. That show...
Starting point is 00:16:08 I mean, I love Gary, and I love Killing the Fat Man. I watch it. I love to re-watch it. Okay. But come on. Get with the program, bud. I understand. I understand.
Starting point is 00:16:20 I understand. All right. All right. That's all I'm going to say on that. Okay. Maybe we can get my dad signed up for killing the fat man. Is your dad chubby? Let's say he's just a hard body dude.
Starting point is 00:16:32 He's one of those kind of dudes that doesn't have any flab on his body, but he has that keg chest. If you shot him with a gun, he wouldn't die. It's not like that. Okay. Let's not mess with that then. That sounds good.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Yeah. Let's see what else um you said something very poignant you know you always say great things thank you and you probably don't think that we listen but we do okay tell hunter this is good for a hunter to hear because usually when i call him he he answers and goes he's nice because he answers but he's like i'm in a business meeting and then hangs up. I like it. I like it. But 32 consecutive, I'm in business meetings. I'm starting to get suspicious. That thing you said about what you say to your parents when they're alive. May I? May I? Yeah, go ahead. When your parents are alive, you might wish they behave different. When they're dead, you will wish you behave different. Pret when your parents are alive you might wish they behave different when they're dead you will wish you behave different pretend your parents are dead
Starting point is 00:17:29 okay so that again just kills me but I kind of transposed it into when your children are at home with you versus when your children have become adults and left how did you treat them when they were home versus yeah so i i yeah a few people have sent that to me that's interesting that doesn't work for me for some reason well you have a cushy lifestyle there you don't you don't have to you know you don't have to go to work and bring them to daycare and right oh that would fucking kill me that would kill me if i took him to daycare and fucking mr johnson was fucking yeah you gotta you but you if you transpose that into like your kids like at home sometimes you're short with them and then they're gone and you're like god remember that day when i was just like
Starting point is 00:18:23 so short with my kids and that does happen like in a in a micro in little micro uh segments like the other day i got mad at avi in front of some people and later on i was like right in front of those people i go hey dude you deserve way more respect than that he goes i know my fucking seven-year-old i should never talk to you like that in front of other people. He goes, thank you. I was like, wow. Anyway, it's real life stuff, you know. Hey, why? So I'm a pro-choice. I'm pro-choice to the core.
Starting point is 00:18:58 But why are we? Oh, man. Why are we? Open up this fucking can of worms. I am... Why... Why is it being talked about in a way that's not... I mean, I know why. Yeah, I'm going to play a clip for us. I'm going to play a clip for us real quick. I want you to see this.
Starting point is 00:19:17 This is Elizabeth Warren. Yes. Good old Lizzie Warren. It's a number... Will you play number 153? This really – this concerns me more than abortion law, that this is one of our politicians, and this is how she thinks. She's talking about popularity and what the American people want. I really hope that most people know that that's not relevant, what the American people want.
Starting point is 00:19:40 I want you to – what they did over in egypt is fucking savage and it's the same fucking batshit crazy shit they did in canada our laws are to protect us from ourselves not do what people want not not oh 82 of the people want to round up the jews and kill them so we're going to do it that you cannot do that in the united states that might be around 83 you you can't – thank you, Hunter. You cannot – in Egypt, through democratic vote, they voted out democracy and brought in – what is that? Shia, tria, zia law. You can't do that in the United States. You cannot – because if everyone in the United States wanted to vote out democracy, you can't do that. We have a constitution. We have liberty. It does not matter what the majority of the fucking people want. This is a country to protect people's freedoms. You can't pass a law that makes it illegal to stand on a street corner and yell, I hate Jews. That's freedom of speech, and the reason why is because tomorrow it will be – I know you guys aren't going to believe this, but bear with me.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Tomorrow it will become illegal to say eating lean meats, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, no sugar, little starch will become illegal to say on the internet. Our form of government in the current state just isn't efficient. It's just a fucking mess. You probably, for the size of our country and… Well, they're stupid. They don't understand the rules. They don't understand the rules. they're stupid they don't understand the rules they don't understand the rules yeah i know but all this stuff was created in our design by like a population that was under a million over 250 years ago or however long it was but 250 million years ago yes exactly well i want jody to
Starting point is 00:21:17 hear this as a woman i want to hear what you think where do you stand on abortion miss cabinetmaker are you pro-choice or pro-life i am pro-life you're probably uh both i don't know what happened i don't know what happened in the last couple days but everybody is posting about abortion and that we're gonna lose our right to abort our babies and i'm like why are people like bragging so they're conflating basically they're messing up the issue i'm totally pro-life and but. But what the pro-life side is saying is complete idiocy. They're fucking morons. They're suggesting – they're thinking that the – basically – Are you guys completely unaware of what's going on right now? Basically – yeah, tell us. Do you want to tell us or do you want me to tell them?
Starting point is 00:21:58 Yeah, they're basically saying that Ukrainian refugees are not allowed to have abortions in poland once they get over there that's why you guys are fucking completely clueless and you're on some podcast being like why is it happening you sit in you goons the supreme court is basically saying it's up to the states yeah and they're making that and they're making that decision based on the rules of this country that our forefathers wrote. It has nothing to do with women's – and the way they keep couching it as women's reproductive rights. I mean that in itself is so biased. I wonder if anyone on the pro-choice side has said, besides me who's fucking brilliant, has said, holy shit, these people really do have a fucking great point. Constitutionally, it should belong to the states.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Or, hey, maybe it is not a good idea to kill people. Will you play the clip, Sousa? Elizabeth Warren is so bad. We need an age limit on being a politician. 153, please. How are you feeling? I am angry. dad. We need an age limit on being a politician. 153, please. I am angry. Angry and upset and determined. The United States Congress can keep Roe versus Wade the law of the land. They just need to do it. I've never seen you so angry. You seem to be. This is what the Republicans have been working toward this day for decades.
Starting point is 00:23:25 They have been out there plotting, carefully cultivating these Supreme Court justices so they could have a majority on the bench who would accomplish something that the majority of Americans do not want. Complete bullshit. Doesn't matter at all. Across this country, across this country, red states and blue states, old people and young people want Roe versus Wade to maintain the law of the land. We need to know we have a right. We've heard enough from the extremists and we're tired of them. It's just crazy. She said nothing nothing she says absolutely nothing nothing she said has any
Starting point is 00:24:08 validity with the operations of this country she hasn't given an argument on why babies should be killed yeah but she's emotional yeah and i love it how the report i love it how the reporter says that's the angriest i've ever seen she blames republicans that was it emotional passion blame some republicans You're good. She hit all the touch points. Fucking just sloppy reporting and sloppy politicians. So what do you think? What do you think, Ms. Cabinetmaker? Oh, I'm sorry. I'm in the middle of a design. Sorry. No, I think that it's I think that it's, you know, a very divisive issue. I'm pro-choice. It's killing me to see even my daughter post anything about, you know, very divisive issue i'm pro-choice it's killing me to see even my daughter post
Starting point is 00:24:46 anything about you know glorifying abortion so i'm just very torn on it i know it is kind of sad that it makes it turns pro-choice i mean i i mean it just posting about it like just feels like you're glorifying it and to see my daughter do that it's just really hard because that's you know that's not how i raised her so whatever it's it's okay let's not talk about how your daughter's a baby killer that's not cool let's talk about how let's talk well tell your daughter she needs someone to talk to i agree with her i'm pro-choice too so have her call me anyway um one more thing yes have you ever seen these um dancers from africa they're called the ghetto kids no sounds racist oh my god they're so cute but they're constantly taking off their shirts stuffing them in their pants dancing i mean they're little kids so all i'm thinking about is
Starting point is 00:25:46 your kids being censored oh yeah i was reported yeah for their but you should look at those ghetto kids they're really cute okay when they're dancing their dancing is really cute but they're always stripping down their shirts putting them on in their pants pretty cute stripping down and putting their shirt in their pants okay we're gonna look going to look at it now. Thank you. Ghetto Kids. I forget what the... Don't make me hang up on you, miss. You're my favorite guest. Listen.
Starting point is 00:26:12 What? When is Haley going to call me and FaceTime me and I'll get her kitchen done? Oh, thank you. She's going to do that when she gets up this morning. Okay, bye. Listen, every show is awesome. Thank you. I'm always listening bye
Starting point is 00:26:26 fuck i hate it when i like the guests they need to be hung up on sometimes i'm pro-choice i don't think i don't think you should put laws on women's body i don't think you should put laws on women's bodies but seven it's killing kids i know i can't fuck it well how do you explain that i don't i'm a piece of shit it's bad i just don't like precedent on um i just don't like setting precedent i'm putting uh laws on people's bodies i'm totally against abortion but but i i say i say i say um i say, can we play number 145? I want you to see how science goes awry here. More – this is like Elizabeth Warren were the attorney.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Number 145. This is the whole megapint. I'm sure a lot of you guys have seen this already. Megapint. I Googled megapint pint there's no such thing as a mega pint damn i've been following this closely this is my favorite oh you have been oh tell me about it because i have not it's tragic so what's going on exactly is he getting Is he married to that lady or no?
Starting point is 00:27:45 Was married. Gave a massive course settlement. Thank you for calling in. Hunter was about to start talking. Hello. I was not actually sure if this was Hunter S. Thompson or Hunter McIntyre. Both are probably... Astute. Both are probably equally high right now.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Yes. I'm about to open up a conversation you probably buried hours ago. I want to ask Hunter about Johnny Depp because I want to hear Hunter talk about that. I don't want to hear anybody talk about Johnny Depp right now. I'm so fucking sick of that. Are you guys actually following that?
Starting point is 00:28:30 I want to. I just don't have time. Oh, bro. Well, I have a question for any of you. Let's say somebody eats a shitload of food all day, every day. What happens to them? Eats what? Shitload of food. Shitload of sugar.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Shitload of fried chicken. Pizza. All day every day. They don't exercise. They're pretty sedentary and they just eat a bunch of food. What happens? Probably nothing that bad. They get fat. They get fat. that's absolutely right so what's one what's the cure to getting fat do you you stop putting shit in your mouth right yes yes yes not necessarily dude all i eat is is is like lucky charms and mcdonald's i eat more's. Okay, well, Hunter's on the longevity diet.
Starting point is 00:29:28 But, so, it's funny, though. We talk about things like... Stand by, Mars. I don't think COVID is real. I've never said that. You're a fucking moron. Peace and love. Well, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:29:41 And there is no... Why don't you define to me what science is christy a hey if you're not going to bring the energy mr logan then i'm going to stomp all over your shit okay all right well how about how about you get greg glassman on here you want to tell us about science yeah thank you uh so you so derailed me and i'm trying to find where i was derailed i derailed your mom eating shit all day we talk about we talk about people that put shit in their mouth all the time there are consequences of putting shit in your mouth all the time no well i like eating shit right greatest golfers of all time, drinking Coca-Cola, smoking cigarettes.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Some people are just built better. Some people are weak. You guys got to get the stats right. Built different. Champion. Champion athlete. People that eat shit turn fat fucks. That's great.
Starting point is 00:30:43 We understand that. Actions have consequences. When we talk about abortion, we don't talk about there's consequences to casual sex. There are responsibilities that come with that. I agree. My body, my choice. But that's where consent comes in. And we completely jump to It's as if women have
Starting point is 00:31:05 randomly combusted and fertilized an egg. I'm not talking about race, but there were choices made earlier. No, no, no, no. Mars, Mars, Mars, Mars. No, no, no, no. I love you, bye.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Yeah, look at that. He didn't hang up. Did you hang up? I did. Oh, that's big. I know. That's my favorite caller. We should have Hunter answer next time. Caller, welcome to the show. What's your question? I don't know if I have those technological capabilities.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Okay, can we go back to the Johnny Depp thing, please? Johnny Depp thing? Oh, well. Oh, this is good this is good this is good i like this because this is from a girl what happens when someone runs into a wall with a boner he breaks his nose fine that's good that's good that's good christy's been on a tear in the comments she woke up on the wrong side of the head i didn't even know girls had that kind of humor i am sexist as a motherfucker she's ripping into people in the comments she's ripping
Starting point is 00:32:04 into you yeah yeah but the covet thing she was off base but the the and the dick thing's off base too but i'll take it i'll take it i appreciate the uh same guy devon and hunter yeah who's this yeah i'm not here don't worry about it and matt hey i just wanted to tell hunter real quick i'm a part of house and uh i just started a couple weeks ago and i love it that's right baby for you honesty on here i bet you didn't know you could smoke during the program you could become the fittest man alive and smoked in the program it's incredible it's incredible
Starting point is 00:32:40 and i wanted to see if savon watched that new Ultimate Fighter last night. No, I didn't. Episode one. No, how is it? How is it? It's good, man. Those chicks are crazy. They're pretty crazy. All right, I'll check it out.
Starting point is 00:32:54 You know, I don't usually feel like I have time to do that. Between watching, like, the embedded and having the guest on the show and spending all day fucking Saturday watching UFC, I don't normally watch Ultimate Fighter, but you think I should watch this one that's my assault bike uh show okay i feel you i feel you on that are we gonna start anyway i'm uh i'm part of house and i like hunter so let's go what is house tell me what house is hunter's academy you guys did that in tandem that was nice can you pull that up suze i want to see this that was nice hey hey why what do you think about hunter being i mean obviously not under the um uh
Starting point is 00:33:31 the the the rules of the crossfit game but hunter actually might be the fittest man alive even with greg glassman's definition of fitness agreed maybe some of the the specific skills but overall athlete yeah for sure big fan hunter mcintyre's academy of strength we build the strongest endurance athletes on the planet well yeah okay i buy it i see it i mean you are it anyway i run pro it's pretty good it's hard but it's all good you sound like my wife she runs pro it's hard and it's good good. You sound like my wife. She runs pro. It's hard and it's good. Thank you. All right. All right. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Anyway, good luck. I'm out. Thanks for being part of the team, dude. See ya. My wife's taking a beating this morning. The center of every joke.
Starting point is 00:34:19 You know, I'm overcompensating because I didn't feel good this morning. So I'm like, I'm coming to come in extra hard. What did you say, Hunter? We teach people to exercise on here properly what does that mean properly well listen elevator pitch i just think most of the programming companies you're going to
Starting point is 00:34:39 see online is just like getting people to like move and sweat. We are trying to actually like periodize and teach people to train and compete. We're not like a movement exercise company. We're a competition company. Okay. Fair. We do like to have fun though. I'm going to do a summer shred challenge.
Starting point is 00:34:56 I'm going to get fucking jacked this summer. Thank you, Jiggy. I really like it when people attack hunter in the comments sebon is the fittest sebon is the fittest man as long as you have no no no no that's attacking me i thought this is gonna attack hunter someone's the best man as long as you have to go upside down or snatch and i sit and say that with love i i'm good i'm good upside down can i raise my hand for something please what exactly is this what are we a part of right now is this like just like
Starting point is 00:35:25 kind of show or is there like uh is there a storyline yeah it's loose we shoot from the hip no storyline i'm just wondering i don't know because i've shown up this is probably like my fourth time joining and i never know what's really going on i know sometimes it's like hunter how are you and it's like it's like this really sincere, tell me about the week, blah, blah, blah. Tell me about your challenges. We did a little counseling session with you like a month ago. That was harsh. It's coming out.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Big backlash of a big win, and I was wasted. Not wasted booze. I was just wasted in life. I'm just capable. I go both ways. Handy capable? I'm super capable. I go both ways.
Starting point is 00:36:11 I go the third way that no one even knows about. Interested to hear more on that. I like that. Will you do that again? Together. I'm trying to practice stops like stop using um it's so hard not to just the way that my brain moves so fast if i don't hit a speed bump every once in a while i can't catch traction on the rest of my thought you know i'm trying to say so i use um to be this like a boom
Starting point is 00:36:40 and then get back on so i'm trying to avoid It's hard. Someone called me out on it the other day and I was like, fuck, I'm an um guy. I don't really mind ums. I'm pro um. No, I get it. But every once in a while, if you listen to yourself, like if we're on this podcast,
Starting point is 00:36:57 I listen to it post-recording, you're like, hey, I want to catch up on what we did the other day. You catch how many times you say um. You're like, we did a beer drinking game where if we had to have a shot of beer every single time i said um we'd be blackout in like 15 minutes the word that i use that i would prefer i didn't use is like it's like oh i love that like what am i 12 and have a vagina it's like it's like and sometimes i'll do like three likes it's like
Starting point is 00:37:21 it's like it's like and i'm like have you. It's like, it's like, it's like, and I'm like. Have you done the I mean thing? When you're, like, you ask me a question, you're like, I mean. Oh, yeah, yeah. That's, that's the word. All those, I prefer an um, or dirty joke. Eddie's really upset with me right now, by the way. I was supposed to do a podcast with him yesterday, and I got a tummy ache and decided to go, go to sleep. I said, dude, I'm really not feeling well.
Starting point is 00:37:45 I'm going to take a nap. And he flipped. And I took a nap and felt great. And then I went for a bike ride and I posted me on the bike ride. It elevated his level of anger even more. So we might have a breakup. I know. You sound like you're going to.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Isn't it interesting? You have one guy that wants to precision scheduling with podcasts with you. And then it's me. And it's like, Hey, we're going live in an hour. You just, you just want a happy medium. You just want someone, you just want a happy medium. I seriously didn't think you were going to come on this morning. Who's Jeff Evans? Former games athlete, a really cool dude um started a
Starting point is 00:38:29 say that again are we talking billions here jeff yeah billions billions he he has this i wish i could remember the name of his company is it sarah suras saris it has the or is it cerebus is it the three-headed dog what's the category here he basically just has like natural supplements one of the things that i take that he has is um it's this tincture of stuff and it's cayenne pepper and a couple other things and it's supposed to help you breathe better oh yeah they sent me one of these things i thought it was like some kind of testosterone in a bottle so i didn't take it i literally have it here in this room i was too scared it was like some kind of testosterone in a bottle, so I didn't take it. I literally have it here in this room. I was too scared.
Starting point is 00:39:06 I was like, people send me stuff all the time, and I'm like, man, I'd really like to take this, but I have no fucking clue what's in this bottle. Cirrus. Oh, it's a boule. Cirrus Flow. I think that's what I take. Wait a second. I'm going to go find this thing. And I really like this stuff.
Starting point is 00:39:21 I like the tincture over the bottle stuff. Oh, there's a pro i need the pro well that's what that's what i take it's fun i like it because it's spicy you kind of sleep one that might be good for you none i sleep like a fucking rock star although you mean like because i drink a coffee at 8 30 at night when i'm doing the podcast yep all wound up all right can we go back to um uh johnny depp when he comes back i'm gonna see if i can get us back on track with johnny depp in this scene the attorneys the thing what'd you say he might go he's grabbing the supplement i
Starting point is 00:40:01 think he's gonna take it he's gonna try it oh good that way he can do that too well then we'll switch back oh here we go check this out oh oh yeah yeah does that have the cayenne pepper just look at the back of it as the cayenne pepper it says beta vulgaris that's beetroots with thionine somnifera that's ashwagandha there's no cayenne in here it's gonna take a while to get through this. I have his phone number. I'll give you his phone number. Oh, no. He sent it to me.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Look, the wrapper's still on it. I just didn't feel comfortable opening it because I was like, I really just have no clue what's in this, so I can't take it. Not to say anything bad about your company. I hope you're doing great, dude. Jeff supplements everything with just a little bit of bull semen. Okay. Um, uh, okay. So, so I don't like the fact that the way the lawyer asked this question, go ahead and hit play. Let's, let's get back on track. What's important. You poured pint of red wine correct a mega pint i mean it's such bullshit the judge should just reach across and bitch slap the fucking a pint is a fucking measurement there is no fucking and to throw the word mega on there is just like embellishment fucking dramatization there is no such thing as
Starting point is 00:41:25 a mega butchered butchered him like their whole side of the case he did such a bad job the girl's side yes it's terrible i mean they have so many of these recordings of they should not allow public recordings of court cases because now they're just ruining this whole like they're trying to they even try to shut down the court case because they think that the public out like you know the public outreach is basically tilting the scale of the case against them because of the amount of social media stuff that's being posted about it but the only reason why that's happening is because they're doing such a bad job so they try to get the court case thrown out and then the the judge said fuck you guys we're keeping rolling is there a jury i don't know i mean i'm really not
Starting point is 00:42:11 i just watch these little mean things that just are super embarrassing yeah i think it's a civil case right isn't there not a jury in that dude and she pooped she pooped on the bed that is awesome that is like as hardcore as it gets that's like but like on purpose on purpose she did it yeah his side of the bed and security guard i think was the one that kind of testified to back it up i mean this shit's this is hardcore this woman's in deep deep water and he's got a lot of stuff. He's been recording conversations, all this stuff. Wow.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Bruce Lane, I'm just trying to drop you some money, dude. By the way, Bruce, I haven't even made it through all my DMs. I'm looking for your DM with your number so I can text you back. Is that the only things portal for people donating to this show?
Starting point is 00:43:02 I mean, people are supposed to be able to donate. Okay, everyone who's listening right now, donate a dollar. Let's see if this works. Let us know. They're all going to be like, oh, we all tried. I would donate a dollar.
Starting point is 00:43:11 How do you do that? Super chat. You can't do it with dark sunglasses on. Well, dude, I have boxed clothes. What's the point? So they're married and this is their divorce case? Is that what's going on? Divorce already happened happened so this is like another really interesting part about it she got this massive settlement um for the divorce she did massive settlement seven million dollars and
Starting point is 00:43:35 then she goes on to tv and tells everybody she's like i'm not just taking this money for me i'm actually donating it all to these causes, like these really good charities. And then they brought one of the people who runs the charity on and basically were like, yeah, she hasn't donated that much money. So like everything, I just used liked a bunch. It's the whole thing's a mess. It's hard to keep track of even, but it's fascinating. Like I'm fully in, like this is my new OJ.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Like, you know, remember the last really good celebrity trial was OJ Simpson. This one. I like him more than ever. Seven. When you talked about abortion, you said removing a fertilized egg, be intellectually honest. It's killing a fetus. No, what you're doing. I'm not disagreeing with you, but what you're doing is you're insinuating that I'm being dishonest, which is not true. And you're saying it's killing a fetus and a fetus is a concept to describe a fertilized egg.
Starting point is 00:44:37 And so what you're doing is you're doing the same thing that everyone else wants to do. You want to take these things and keep moving them further and further using signifiers to point at actual truths. And it's actually the exact opposite. So I think you could just say without any of that, you could be like, let's not forget that a fertilized egg is now called a fetus. And the only difference between a fetus and your boys. I tried, Tyler. I tried. Hello.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Yeah. Yeah. Is that. Hello, caller. How are you? Hey. I tried Tyler I tried hello yeah yeah is that hello caller how are you hey we got cut off okay I'm Joel from where you're Joel from where
Starting point is 00:45:16 this is another typer dude you gotta hang up on this dude he's too slow he's no good at typing give him the chop yeah you're caught you're caught He's too slow. He's no good at typing. Give him the chop. Yeah, you're cocked. I want your cock. I understand. Cut it.
Starting point is 00:45:34 What are you talking about? No one said that to me in 50... I've been alive for 50 years. Someone finally says, I want your cock, and you guys are voting me to hang up on them? Well, fuck you guys. Hunter gets that on a nightly basis. Let me live this moment. Yes, sir. Hey, I really appreciate you finding me attractive. Hopefully, sometime we run into a bar and my wife will see other people find me attractive.
Starting point is 00:45:58 What is happening? Yeah. Hey, fuck yeah. I need you to cut coffee. A little flared out mushroom head. Big balls. Yeah. Hey, fuck yeah. They need you to cut cock. Little flared out mushroom head, big balls. Yeah, that shit. It was pretty cock, big balls. Fuck my mouth.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Fuck yeah. God, look at all this money pouring in. You need to call more often. Big old cock head. Kevin Smith, $1.99. Big shit there at the head of that thing. Yeah. Ian Williams, $1.99.
Starting point is 00:46:28 I like how we're just letting this guy in. You know what? Honestly, I'm glad that Kevin Spacey is out the game. I don't want to hang up on him. I'm just going to lower his voice for a second. So Hunter can talk about what, how he's, if he's stimulated. Go ahead, Hunter. Nothing.
Starting point is 00:46:52 I just, I just missed Kevin Spacey. I watched a movie a couple of nights ago called margin calling Kevin Spacey. He's fricking legit. You know, Kevin, you missed the child bluster. No, here's Kevin Spacey right here. Make mistakes. Here's Kevin Spacey. Go ahead, Kevin. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:47:04 This is Kevin Spacey calling from a boy Spacey. Go ahead, Kevin. Go ahead, talk. This is Kevin Spacey calling from a boys camp. Go ahead, Kevin. Kevin Spacey's got a lot of free time. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Hey, I love you.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Thank you. My cock loves you. And call back anytime. When I was a younger, more immature podcaster, I would have hung up on that guy. But now you want to let everybody have their room. I know.
Starting point is 00:47:28 I just know I'm just, I'm just leveraging it. That's how you, that's how you hack. That's how you hack the podcast. If you ever want to get on, just call, start rambling.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Siobhan's too nice to hang up. So you just, you just get some. What's the deal with that casting couch in the background? The Hunter McIntyre couch. Rodney jackson thank you blair chapman thank you jiggy josh you're a you're a you're a man amongst boys if you're a girl i'm sorry matt reynolds uh hi uh gabe uh yes um yeah dude paper street coffee dude five dollar donation Yeah, dude. Paper Street Coffee, dude. $5 donation. Dude, this is pretty good. You probably are going to rack in around $35. After taxes.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Tom, me and you need to have it out someday. Sometimes you really piss me off. That's a family jab right there, dude. You just went for your family. Oh, gosh. I'm nervous. Caller, welcome to the show. What is your question? Hey,
Starting point is 00:48:31 this is Mark Fuentes. Mr. Fuentes, how are you? Good. How are you doing? I'm stimulated, to say the least. You opened up the can of worms, so I i maybe that's why so many people are calling in today okay uh you said i had a point tell me about my tell me about my cock mr fuentes i was always wondering why that couch is so dirty now that that now that i know it's a
Starting point is 00:49:04 casting couch that means my mom's gonna be so upset that's not that couch is so dirty. Now that that, now that I know it's a casting couch, that means my mom's going to be so upset. That's not, that couch isn't dirty. That couch is, she had that in her law office. And then she was, I just, all I have is used furniture.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Shit. This is all my mom's furniture from when she was an attorney. Now you guys are ripping on it. I hope she comes to your house and. I can't tell if Hunter's really. Okay. Go ahead ahead Mr. Foy just say something powerful about abortion what is that the
Starting point is 00:49:29 door we open the only question that matters the only question not whether a man or a woman not whether separate body different body like any of that is when does a fetus become a human being and I want you to answer that question
Starting point is 00:49:46 the second the fucking the second the sperm fucking cracks that egg I think hey here's the thing have you ever seen the sperm crack the egg with my own eyes I don't think so I don't think anyone has
Starting point is 00:50:04 I think that there is some footage of it i think that there actually is some footage of it there's so many there's so many things we have to define in there but if i were just to take the easy way out i would say the second this like like it's like this it's like oh oh fuck i love you And then like 18 seconds later, I just imagine those guys making the baby. Okay. I think it's that fast. Maybe it's like a day. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:32 I don't know how long it takes them to get up there, but you feel me on it. That time, that conception, right? That's the moment of fertilization. I think so. It's that time as a human being. Yes, sir. That is it not worthy of every other,
Starting point is 00:50:46 worthy of the same dignity, respect, and protection as every other human being on the planet i hear you i have no argument against you you win i fucking hear you i hear you then you have been your pro-life congratulations but but i'm not i i i'm against you in a box ah i'm i'm stuck no i'm 100% against abortion. I will not make laws on women's bodies. I'm not fucking doing it. I'm not fucking doing it. If it's not a woman's body, if it's not the woman's body, then you'd have to say that you are for making laws that regulate abortions because it's not the woman's body anymore.
Starting point is 00:51:19 It's a separate, totally unique DNA. Well, it's not separate. It's not separate. You can never win these conversations. It's completely unique. It's one of a kind. You can't have this conversation. You cannot win this war. He's talking
Starting point is 00:51:36 to you, Mark, because I'm not trying to win. So he must be talking to you. He's got a storyline. Well, I'm not. Everything else you're totally conservative on, except for this. And I was kind of surprised. I'm just not for, I'm not for putting laws on fucking people's bodies.
Starting point is 00:51:53 And I totally hear you. I know, I know I'm, I am a hundred percent comfortable being fucking wrong. What are you doing? But it's logically unsound. And here's why. If I were to, if you're saying that the mother is keeping the baby alive and therefore it's part of her body, there's plenty of machines that can do that too, especially for preemies. It doesn't make it less. The baby, a machine.
Starting point is 00:52:17 So you can't say, I'm going to fix this machine. And therefore you're somehow doing something to the baby itself. That's a separate entity. It's a separate function. Hey, there's a million fucking things I do fucking horrible every single fucking day knowing they're horrible. The one I use all the time is this fucking example of this iPhone. We know this is made with child labor and it's in China and it's like my favorite toy. I love this thing.
Starting point is 00:52:41 I hold it with me all day, every day. I can't explain it to you. Like a non-aborted baby. I can't explain it to you. There's conflict in me. I can't explain it to you. There's conflict in me. I live with conflict. I'm not a smooth... At least you're honest, but this has more gravity than an iPhone. You're right. you're right you're right really hey people die making an iphone than every than abortions every year you should probably get more more people more people die from abortions than making iphones i fucking guarantee that i wouldn't say how could you
Starting point is 00:53:17 guarantee that i wouldn't say that dude you probably don't have any because it's in the hundreds of thousands every year because it's in the hundreds of thousands do you want to hear something you want to hear something crazy? I looked at this stat the other day. One for every one for every three melanated children that are born in the United States, one is
Starting point is 00:53:35 aborted. That's why it's such a weighty issue. That's fucking gnarly. What did you say? Basically, for every black kid That's why it's such a weighty issue. That's fucking gnarly. What did you say? These are not, these are not just aborted. These are killed. For every black kid, for every black kid that's,
Starting point is 00:53:49 for every three black kids that's born, one is aborted. It's like, it's fucking, it's. Introducing TD Insurance for Business with customized coverage options for your business. Because at TD Insurance,
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Starting point is 00:54:55 And the left goes on and on about having to make things equitable and make all these underprivileged communities. And this is the single biggest issue for them. And they don't even realize it. I what's crazy to me, Mark. I think that you're falling into the weeds and I don't want to go there because that's not where I, but I appreciate it. But I appreciate it. But, but the, the big picture,
Starting point is 00:55:15 I like to think of this as a bit as really, really big picture. And where you're going is, is like, Hey motherfucker, you're like, if you're not against this and you're okay with kids be dying, right. Being killed. Well, that's the only question question that's why i asked a single question i don't want to get in the weed either i think there's only one question that needs to be answered and you answered it life begins at conception so therefore it should be protected just like any other life just like the laws that you make for people wearing seat belts to protect lives you make for people unable to commit abortions because that's also ending a life.
Starting point is 00:55:47 It's also putting a life in danger. I'm sorry, I didn't understand that. So you think that as long as you're wearing a seatbelt when you have sex, everything should be okay? I wasn't able to make the connection. I think it's just like you're going to make laws protecting human life in regular society. You should make laws protecting human life in the womb.
Starting point is 00:56:02 I'm not going to say that this is a true stat because it comes from a website called sounds like bullshit but more than 100 000 people die every year in industrial accidents in china 99 of them from iphone now now do abortions in america every year Now do abortions in America. Dude, Mark, you know, it's like I looked it up one time. It's like 40 million dead babies since 1970. Someone needs to draw a picture of what that looks like. Hey, here's another thing, Mark. Here's another thing. I've thought about this too.
Starting point is 00:56:37 And fuck, I'm not a woman, so it's easy for me to say. But if, God forbid, something were to happen to my wife and she were to get raped and she were to get pregnant and i i i would not be for aborting that baby at all zero if she wanted to keep the baby i'd be i'd fucking love that baby raise that baby and i talked about that on a show in in the last week if you look on my instagram now i have two posts of people whose parent whose moms were raped and they wouldn't be here today if their mom didn't have the baby yeah i've never i don't know i don't know yeah i know i know i know too i know too i know a woman who went and got a fucking abortion they told her they got the baby and they didn't and she had the baby and she's the fucking happiest person i fucking know
Starting point is 00:57:24 with the fucking greatest i i fucking know what the fucking greatest i'm telling you what's meant to be i've never seen anyone who's like oh my god i wish i didn't have this kid i just don't i just don't know anyone like that it blesses people that's how god intended it but wait wait god god hold on hold on don't get all weird on me we were we were talking smart and you got to bring god into it. Imaginary friend. Okay. Go ahead. 629,898 abortions in 2019 alone. Wow.
Starting point is 00:57:50 Yeah. That's what I, I was trying to get that stat in, but I think, Hey, we need a vacuum sound effect. Every time you mentioned abortion, you just hear a vacuum go on.
Starting point is 00:58:02 Okay. Thank you for calling Mark. Thanks for making me feel like shit appreciate you good dude i love you bye all right i gotta get to work boys let's have real fucking jobs thank you hunter thanks thanks for having me on always a pleasure oh i don't know why that gave me such a headache all of a sudden all this conversation you guys fucked my day up okay can you play number 12 real quick uh page three before hunter leaves just play number two before he goes before he gets naked actually let's keep money starting to take clothes off let's keep him on i can't i can't live the rest of the day in this winter jacket. This was for the show. Sean G. Do you have a window open?
Starting point is 00:58:48 What's the show? Me? Yeah, Sean G. Here we go. Hey, I'd be so proud of my son. I'm going to actually probablyorn niggas with attitudes When I'm gone, dawg, I got a saw, dawg Squeeze a trigger, everybody's on hard, dawg You do what if you fuck with me The police are gonna have to come and get me
Starting point is 00:59:11 On your ass, that's how I'm going out For the boss motherfuckers, they're showing out Niggas wanna mumble, they wanna bumble Makes a man do them in a pot like gong-gong Going over the motherfucking right now With a dab, that's where you got your ass Look at me, I'm smooth, ain't no telling what I'm down for That's a cool band. Can I make an argument? What?
Starting point is 00:59:58 Yes. What? Yes. It's my favorite when you see these rappers that started out in this part of their career
Starting point is 01:00:04 and where they've sold out to be now, how they're all in Disney movies, babysitting kids. And you know what? I'm happy that these people have made progress in their lives in whatever way they wanted to, whether or not they still idolize that attitude or just making the paycheck in this world. It's just crazy. attitude and are just making the paycheck in this world. It's just crazy. Like it's, they've completely sold out to some kind of degree yet all of them are like, yo,
Starting point is 01:00:31 this is awesome. This is Disney money. Like you can't get better than Disney money. So yeah, whenever I watch that shit, I'm like, wait a second. Isn't what the fuck, what's the name of the rapper who sings that ice cube?
Starting point is 01:00:43 Uh, yeah. It was NWA from back in the day. Yeah, but that's Ice Cube, isn't it? Aren't they? God, I hope you meant to call the show and not my phone. Yeah, man. Ah, you're on.
Starting point is 01:00:57 I wanted, is Hunter still on? He is. Briefly. All right. I just, I want to get this out before you jump off so a bunch of people have been asking me this is hydrox gonna take over crossfit in the competitive space are more people going to start jumping ship and going to hydrox i i think it's high rocks but whatever i call it hydrox hydrox sounds better the fact that you can can't get the name of it right is a terrible sign for its future.
Starting point is 01:01:28 I think it's more accessible. I don't know if they'll ever reach the point of fame and stardom that CrossFit did just because I think they had people like Savan managing it. Unfortunately, a lot of these companies need to understand that sports are meant to be played and, you know, dynasties are meant to be talked about. Like CrossFit was a dynasty because they talked about it a lot. And it's more so that than a sport. It's a culture. It's a, you know, it's a lifestyle. I don't think High Rocks has got the guts to do that. So I'm being honest. No.
Starting point is 01:02:08 I think, I think it can be, I think it can explode. Here's the thing. Don't get me wrong. It just saying it takes people like you in the position that you are in to really have the foresight to understand, like, this is something special. The world needs to know about it. How do they know about it? You have to create content. What do we do with the content? We make awesome documentaries. We reach the people. We create inspiring stories. That's how you get it out there. Hey, I was actually thinking about what it would be like to go do behind the scenes with Hunter or at a High Rocks challenge. And there are some challenges to it because it's just one event, right? And the cool thing about the CrossFit Games is it's like 15 events. So you get to, you have like 15 chapters chapters but it could be done and it could be great and the really cool
Starting point is 01:02:49 thing about high rocks it took me a long time and a lot of people have talked to me about it and i didn't kind of grasp it but it is the same thing every single time yes and so you can start wondering yeah go ahead uh like i've had a bunch of people reach out and ask me to cut like think about covering it with the sad stuff that i've been doing and then all of a sudden it's like well there's only one event like how much innovation how cool would it be really to watch but it's got all these events ironman world championships has been on the television since 1989 and it's still one of like the most publicized events in the entire world as far as endurance same with the boston marathon oh they're dumb as shit and they're dumb as shit you can make
Starting point is 01:03:31 a storyline out of people running the same pace for 26 miles you can make something out of high rocks if you have a brain i gotta bounce guys peace later thanks i think the same is kind of true with the um the tour de france i think. I thought the Tour de France was going to be dumb as shit, and then I watched like a – I bought this many years ago. This is before I made every second counts. I bought like a 13-DVD series on the Tour de France where they covered the whole thing, and, man, they covered it good. I think you could make it exciting. Why couldn't you like know – like they have a section that's just doing lunges, or they have have a section that's the final run or you could know the times and the splits for all of those right there could become world records for each chat you know maybe they have it already but
Starting point is 01:04:13 there's eight different events do you know the event tyler i know a little bit about it uh but no i i haven't looked into it it's just like i've had so many people all of a sudden say well you should try to cover this. And I'm like, okay. And so, like, I wanted to ask Hunter, like, is this even worth getting into almost? Basically, it's eight. And I might be wrong here, but I'm close enough. It's eight events split by eight runs.
Starting point is 01:04:39 And you do it all at once. So it's run, and then it's run 1,000 meters, then row 1,000 meters. It's run 1,000 meters, 100 wall balls. Run 1,000 meters, 100 lunges. You know, it's like that. And, I mean, each section could be broken down pretty nicely. But I don't know. It's funny.
Starting point is 01:05:00 I'm over the exercising thing, kind of. But I'm not over people. And so, and that they had a fucking great ambassador in the sport, right? Hunter McIntyre. I mean, you can't, it doesn't get better than him. So is he not part of that deal anymore? Who knows? He just set the world record and then we had him on the show and he had a gun in his mouth. And now he seems to be better again. Maybe he'll go break the world record again. I don't know. in his mouth and now he seems to be better again maybe he'll go break i don't know so i guess like there's some sort of champion and championship in las vegas in like two weeks uh oh yeah i wonder
Starting point is 01:05:32 if he's going to that he had been talking to me about that and he actually said that the owner of the company would like to meet me and of course i would love to meet him or her uh but for some reason i don't see an email from them but i kind of don't want it anyway because i don't want to leave home i'm leaving home i just wanted to like save the sanctity of the call in line the guy was getting a little a little hairy for a second so i was trying to pull it back in but i wanted to call earlier before before hunter jumped off i think you're supposed to say you wanted to pull it back in, but I wanted to call earlier before Hunter jumped off. I think you're supposed to say you wanted to pull it back out, but you know. Right.
Starting point is 01:06:09 You do you. Anyway, thanks, guys. Hey, are we doing an article with you for the— Fuck yeah. Oh, God, I'm so excited. That's going to be our first—that's our first Sevan podcast. Man, we're going to be bigger than Vice in no time. Well, we shouldn't talk about this offline but like what i'm trying to do is like so this one's going to be a little bit more
Starting point is 01:06:29 opinionated that you guys haven't read it yet but i mean there's a lot of facts in it it's mostly facts and then a part at the end that's opinion yeah i like it let's be opinionated let's be opinionated well that's why i want to do it with you is because like hey guys like i gotta kind of church it up everywhere else i go this is the part where i i say my it with you is because like hey guys like i gotta kind of church it up everywhere else i go this is the part where i i say my facts but then i'm like hey this is this is what the part that everybody is really talking about and this is the main takeaways here which are in my opinion um but like i'm gonna put it on my sub stack um and sub stack is basically just only fans for writers but if anybody doesn't want to pay me to see my content,
Starting point is 01:07:08 they can go to your all's. You can pay, you can pay Mr. Watkins, or you can get it for free at All right. Thank you very much. Yeah, man. I'll see you guys later. Peace and love. Bye. Later. Christy A. in the comments,
Starting point is 01:07:24 Julian, who's healthy and fit got COVID COVID, but someone thinks COVID isn't real. Hey, you slut. Christy's going to get after it. Was that a comment? Did you save that one? I'm just, I was going through my YouTubes, or my YouTubes. I was going through my emails when Tyler was talking. And I have no idea what the fuck COVID is. I know they got a little test for it.
Starting point is 01:07:45 They shove it in your nose, but I've never even come close to saying it's not real. You dumb fuck. And who knows if Julian's healthy? Everyone knows that fucking, every Mexican eats a cotton candy every night before they go to bed everyone knows that i can't be good for you sweeping generalizations all right what a show what's up suza so much just hey join the commentary hey tell me um there was a story you told – can you tell me that story?
Starting point is 01:08:29 Last night I was thinking about that story you told me about the – you told me a story one time about how your clients got in a fight, and you lost a client. They ran a – you had a coach who shut the door. Someone left. Are you sure you mean? Yeah. There was a workout at your gym and someone was running around the building and coming in and out the wrong door and when your coach you shut the door and the client had a fucking meltdown will you tell that story i love this fucking story yeah yeah so in the old building that i used to have it was just in the back of a it was in the warehouse of like a bigger building. And so there was two bay doors like this. You can imagine it in the
Starting point is 01:09:08 parking lot was here in this bay door, or I should do this one because it's reverse. The further bay door was where the line was drawn to where the running started. And, um, I used to have a, uh, uh, business partner that was very stringent on uh standard if you will maybe he was hillar before uh hillar was cool and anyhow um one of the members kept running out of the second door like her her setup was actually closer to that door so logistically it kind of made sense but as she ran out that door i could see it starting to bother him so he comes over and he just shuts the why did it shorten the race when she did that it shortened it like by 10 meters or something i don't even i
Starting point is 01:09:51 would even say 10 meters but yeah maybe maybe 10 meters maybe 50 feet maybe less than 10 less than 10 meters and so it shorted off so then she goes she's out on the run and then she comes back and that bay door is shut and so then it forces her to have to come back in from the official start and stop line. So she took off, and when she comes back, the door's closed. Did you see her reaction? The whole big bay door. Yes, yes. Well, I actually witnessed it because I could see him start to look over,
Starting point is 01:10:19 and I could see it start to bug him, and he was getting hyper-focused on her running. By the way, she's like no competitor or anything it's just a saturday morning workout she's just there to sweat it out and and have a good time and she's doing a good job she's getting her work in but she's just fucking it up a little bit great yeah yeah doing doing great like at street parking they would have been perfectly okay with this fitness freedom that's right you want to run 50 feet it's no big deal yeah yeah yes it was just a normal class, Jared, just a normal Saturday class. And none of the person who was coaching the class, no issue. Because like I said, logistically, it actually made
Starting point is 01:10:54 more sense for her to go out that door. So anyhow, he comes over and I could see it's bugging him. And it was like slow motion for me because I knew it was going to be an issue. And he just starts shutting the door down. Boom. So he shuts down the door. And now you're just kind of waiting to see what's going to happen. How many people are in the class? There is probably like 15 people, 15 people in the class.
Starting point is 01:11:18 And then we had a weightlifting class that was going on off to the side as well, too. So you figure there's another three or four of us. And I'm just kind of in there, know shaking hands and kissing babies just hanging out and doing my thing and uh next thing you know she she comes back in through the door she has to and just loses her shit and the best part about it is she didn't even have to question who did it she just walks right in beelines right over to that guy and goes, you fucking asshole. You know what? Was she done with the workout or no?
Starting point is 01:11:48 This is like mid-workout. It's like, you know, maybe eight minutes into a 20-minute hand wrap or something like that. And the best part about it is the person who shuts the door kind of has this confused look like, what's happening? Why are you so upset? And so she just, she goes, and then she just storms out of the gym, leaves her whole set up there. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:12:11 She just storms out of the gym. And the guy who shut the door kind of just does like a look around like, well, this was totally, this was totally random. And then kind of walks back over to his bar and then just starts his power cleans. Oh, was he working out too yes oh
Starting point is 01:12:28 shit so he's working out observing the class sees this happening decides he's going to take it upon himself to shut the other door so she has to start stop where everybody else is she comes in flips out on him storms out leaves her poor uh husband there he's in the middle of his workout like what what's going on she's like takes off the door he comes over and he's like hey i'm sorry i'm like yeah don't worry about leave you guys this stuff go ahead and grab your bags and you know take off and then he takes off and then the guy who shut the door i'll just never forget just starts working out again and then kind of looks at me comes over later and he goes well that was crazy huh like he didn't light the fuse the whole entire time was that it was she done with the gym that was it you lost a client did you
Starting point is 01:13:17 lose did you lose her husband yeah oh fuck Yep. Well, he showed her. Got her. Oh, God. Hey, do you still have that business partner? No, but we're still buddies. God, I hope he's not listening to this show because he's a tard. I think he would like it. He would laugh at that time.
Starting point is 01:13:43 It was just funny how the narrative switched and he's like well that was that was an overreaction and i was like well you you could argue that shutting the door was also an overreaction to her and i wouldn't even call it necessarily like short cutting the run but inevitably short cutting the run pretty funny jeremy williams five dollars i'll give that to suza for that story i just i just can so visualize that i can so see that you're out for your run and you come back so that means the whole time she knew like she felt the vibe from him she knew staring she came back in the i mean the huge bay door is shut. And she was the only person. Maybe there might have been one other person that started running out of it after.
Starting point is 01:14:31 When I was at HQ, we had two bay doors. And there was a 400-meter run, and you would leave one. I can't remember what I would do if I would. Either way, you had to come back to your same bar. But I can't think of the exact circumstance but there were circumstances for sure that if you went if you went in and out different doors you were shortening like if you left um doing power cleans on one end of the gym and you come in the door on the other side you start doing pull-ups you've cut out that whole middle part of the gym
Starting point is 01:14:57 of the run right that is sloppy he also used to sloppy but you don't fuck with the client like that like fuck i don't think that was pretty funny was, um, sometimes he would come in, not, not coaching the class and we kind of look and you would see, you know, sometimes you have, um, uh, clients that'll come in or members of the gym that'll go and maybe the, it's like running and power cleans, let's say the workout is. And you could tell that maybe they're a little bit too light on the power clean for the attempt of the workout. Maybe it's supposed to be kind of a heavier drop and set drop and set right
Starting point is 01:15:27 but they're able to just do it you know super easy muscle clean because it's too light well when they would go back out on the run he would determine that it was too light and would add weight to their bar oh shit so then they would come back in from the run i have no idea that there's more weight on the bar few people would catch it like they would come back in from the run. I have no idea that there's more weight on the bar. Few people would catch it. Like they would look and be like, wait a minute, there's, you know, an extra set of tens on this or something. And some people would hit the first one and go, what the hell? And kind of drop and go, who, you know, who added weight to my bar? And, um, you know, funny in retrospect, but not funny at the time, but it would always be,
Starting point is 01:16:02 it would always be interesting because he wouldn't coach the class but would just determine like yeah that's too easy for you i need to up the weight that's commitment just like this caller hello caller is it the same one yes hey i really want your talk you want you want to do what to it what's happening hey i really want your dog. Bailey Keller, thank you for the $4.99. Jeremy Williams, thank you for the $5. Dave Chappelle got attacked on stage last night. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:38 Did you see that? No. What happened? Somebody ran up and, like, I don't know. The clip was super, super short, but it just hit them. It kind of looked like they went to tackle them or something like that. Hey, Brittany, what's up? This is Zach.
Starting point is 01:16:59 Yeah, that's what I said. What's up, Zach? Wait. First time caller. I've been a huge fan. Thanks so much for what you do savan thank you i'm i had a quick question i wasn't able to call in the other day for um madero when he was on maderas yes yeah and i just i had a question for you guys what your thoughts were about um you know he started so young remember hiller's video how he showed the progression of him starting out really young deadlifting I think he was about 14 you know deadlifting 275 I've got
Starting point is 01:17:31 I've got two boys they're both wrestlers they're really active they're both you know 8 and coming up on 7 years old and they've done some CrossFit kids stuff in general but for the most part just enjoying activities outside and I know you've got kids, Siobhan. I was just curious, like what your opinion is looking at, you know, some of these kids starting so young and how you feel some of those questions with
Starting point is 01:17:54 parents to get kids involved at a young, you know, and looking for a really good CrossFit kids program that's paying attention to form and things like this. I think this is one of the areas in CrossFit where we could be better is having better CrossFit kids programs and better avenues for kids to learn good movement. So I just kind of wanted to get your opinion on looking at Justin, how far he's come, but then comparing that long-term to the health of say Justin's body, like what that could do for him long-term and how us as parents should gauge like when to get kids involved and how to evaluate good CrossFit kids program.
Starting point is 01:18:33 Man, I don't know if I have a good answer for that, but I just remember back in the day, Richard always talked about the importance of kids to really just be playing sports and not so much be worried about lifting weights. And I really liked the fact that Justin was a wrestler. I think, and it seems like he was a pretty serious wrestler. I think to just jump into CrossFit as a sport makes absolutely no sense to me.
Starting point is 01:18:59 It seems like, I always thought of CrossFit as a place where professional athletes could kind of go to die it seems like as i get older it just seems to me kind of like um uh sports as a kid then then crossfit and you're maybe maybe your 20s and 30s and then in your 40s and 50s uh back to like you know um bodybuilding just slower more controlled i mean you can do crossfit but maybe just you know turn the clock off i mean that's that's how i see it for me i'm not saying that that's the right way i'm probably going to get a lot of hate for that but the intensity when i do intensity now like i have to really really really be careful like really fucking
Starting point is 01:19:41 be careful and so there are moments that i do um mess around with intensity but i would never like you know you're 20 you're 14 i can go out with my kid and just uh i marked off 100 meters on the beach and i can go hey sprint as fast as you want for 100 meters i cannot do that i have to run like five 100 meter sprints first which are basically like start with walking one you know what i mean right then jog walk one and then by the sixth one i'm like okay i can fucking let the wheels come off the bus um so i i think every kid is different if you grew up in a fucking gym like james townsend's kids i mean those girls do it all right i mean they do gymnastics they do weightlifting but like to um for your kid not to
Starting point is 01:20:26 experience soccer or tennis or some sort of or dancing or something that requires like some sort of footwork and agility and and make weightlifting like their primary thing i think i think it's a mistake i don't think that that kid lives i don't think that's a happy life would be my guess right off the bat i think i think you're i when i just listened to you cross i think you're right i think there's something to a traditional sport that crossfit doesn't necessarily give you if you're just locked into a gym but i think we are seeing kids i mean would you rather be the world's greatest dancer or the world's greatest crossfitter? I would take fucking dancer a million times at like every time.
Starting point is 01:21:08 Yeah, I think I would question how healthy your body is going to actually be if you start at CrossFit at six years old and beat yourself to shit until you're 40. I mean, look at the guy who just got kicked out of the CrossFit Games, whatever his name is, with all the complaints. You know, the older gentleman. Right, right. Who's older gentleman. Right, right. Who's a beast. Right. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 01:21:28 He's a total beast. But like you said, I think at some point the body inevitably, breakdown-based activities versus just letting them frolic in the yard and jump off of rocks like they're supposed to? You know what I mean? Right. Yeah, I don't think this is an either or question. And then I think the Hiller – I mean Hiller – the Hippenstein thing, I don't know if that qualifies here. Hippenstein is a Jewish man. I don't think this is a Jewish man.
Starting point is 01:22:04 He's a Hippensteel. H Steen is a Jewish man. I don't think this is Jewish man. He's a hip and steel. Hip and steel. Well, whatever. I don't know. We don't know his mobility or range of motion prior to getting into CrossFit right at 65, if you just take it back. So I don't think that qualifies in this conversation. I will tell you that one of the things that we do with our youth athletes at the gym is we use it as a supplement to the sport they're in. So we always say like, they should be playing team sports first because that is going to encompass
Starting point is 01:22:29 way more skills for them in life than just necessarily being alone in the weight room. But I think they should also be exposed to the barbell as soon as they're able to start lifting stuff. That doesn't mean it needs to be heavy. When I say barbell, you could buy one of those, you know, five pound barbells, you could buy a 10 pound barbell, and then you just harp on the fact that that that their movement is perfect before they're allowed to add any weight. And then another thing that we do that we've seen success with is never ever, ever place the emphasis like when you reward them, or when you give them attention, don't do it based off who scored the best or who lifted the best weight. Like that's the biggest thing. So sometimes because they're, they're watching and they're deserving and they're really in tune to that. So if I'm giving all my attention to Johnny, who's like lifting a lot more weight and I'm like, yeah, oh my gosh, you're killing it. I'm not giving attention to, you know, the other kid that maybe is just having the barbell and has
Starting point is 01:23:21 the Bambi legs, then they're going to see that they're going to want to rush to that. Same with the workouts. Like whenever we do a workout and we're doing something with intensity and it's never, first off, it's never done with weights that are heavy to where they could start to break down their form. And the second part of that is it's usually an AMRAP or it's a partner style workout. And that help controls, you'll still get intensity out of them, which is still going to give them all the good stuff that they need. But at the same time, you're not making it four times. So there's no real winners and losers. And that's crafted that way on purpose. So that way you could, they are always left. The goal should always be, is that they leave excited about exercising because then that's going to have a long-term
Starting point is 01:24:02 effect of them always wanting to exercise. If you do it to where there's a winner and a loser and they feel bad at the end of whatever they're the exercise they're doing or the workout they're doing then they're going to kind of carry that with them and they're going to say oh well working out just isn't for me i used to think that was bullshit but that's just like the whole and everyone should have fun and blah blah blah but after one of my kids uh pulled out for six weeks because he had a bad experience, I realized, oh, shit, it really is true. The main thing with kids is just to make sure that they're having fun. Once you get into the headwaters, it changes a little bit. But, you know, once you're like 16 and above, it changes a little bit.
Starting point is 01:24:40 But 16 and below, it should all just be about having fun, movement, play. It should mimic just games that you're playing and stuff like that. Hey, Siobhan, I have just a quick request then. I love your show. There's been so much focus, of course, on competition season. We're in it. It's a ton of fun. I think one of the critiques that I would have against CrossFit right now is, um, I don't get, we don't get a lot of information from HQ on their investments into CrossFit kids programs. And I mean, those are, those are going to, those are going to be our legacy people that stick around our movement going. I would, I'll be interested for you to find like some good CrossFit kids advocates in our community that you could interview. I would just be interested in listening to them to hear what they have to say.
Starting point is 01:25:25 I mean, if that's an option, would love to. Awesome suggestion. Awesome suggestion. Yeah. And I can tell you from a gym standpoint, it's hard to make that program profitable. That's actually, that's what I mean. And I think that's the question we have to ask is the community. These fucking kids are our future, right?
Starting point is 01:25:42 They're going to be wiping our ass when our age, you know, how do we, how do we invest in them nutritionally, you know, movement wise, you know, from a depression and anxiety standpoint, how do we help gyms build better programs for kids that can be profitable? And I think it starts with educating parents on the importance of getting kids involved. And it starts at the top of HQ talking about all these issues, especially with all the COVID and shit that happened in the last two years. It starts with HQ taking a stance and driving that message downward. Well, the first thing we need to do is stop aborting them. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:26:20 No, you make a good point. You make a good point. But I appreciate you guys. thanks for what you do i would would love to hear all sorts of different topics but this one's top of mind just being a father and seeing kids now you know moving into sports and struggling with all the shit that covid had you know all this stuff my brain is just processing how can i support my children better in their growth you know thanks brother Thanks brother. All right, Zach. Thank you. Okay.
Starting point is 01:26:46 Bye. That's a good topic though. Do your fucking job as a parent. BLM is a, we knew it was a bullshit from the fucking day one it's divisive it's separated basically black people into you never want to separate anything you do not want to do that black lives matter you do not want to date when i first saw those signs 10 years ago start popping up in berkeley you know what i thought they were i thought i seriously thought logically i thought
Starting point is 01:27:21 oh this is the black community speaking to the black community. Like, hey, brother, stop killing brothers. That's what I fucking thought it was. And I start seeing these fucking signs all over these white motherfuckers' lawns. And then it turns into this fucking complete shit show that fucking – all Black Lives Matter is is an organization that talks down to people based on the color of their skin. It talks down to white people, and it talks down to black people based on the color of their skin. It talks down to white people and it talks down to black people based on the color of their skin. The color of your skin does not fucking mean a fucking thing except how you fucking interact with the sun. fucking idiocy you've never been to fucking africa you've never you don't fucking know shit that doesn't even matter if you're fucking black the worst offenders of it are probably black people people with black skin there's no two there's no two of us who are alike just to such a point that you can fucking pigeonhole us you can't make people like and
Starting point is 01:28:18 dislike people enforce that on the color of their skin based on the color of their skin, based on the color of their skin. And when you try to say that, when you try to take a stand up against for a certain group of people, but all you're doing is harming them, you're fucking despicable. And that's what Black Lives Matter is. It's a fucking despicable, gross organization. And basically, it's a place for racists to hide out. It is what it is. It's a haven for racists to hide out. It is what it is. It's a haven for racists. And the thing with them stealing their money and like – I don't even care about that. Like of course they did that.
Starting point is 01:28:57 Of course they stole all the fucking money. Like duh. Okay, that's number 25. We don't even need to show the picture of those fucking pieces of shit they're like the worst thing everything everything that they wanted all that defunding police if you hated people based on the color of their skin black lives matter would be the organization you would have wanted to start it everything played out perfectly for you in the last two years. It's fucking gross.
Starting point is 01:29:30 Stop using that as an excuse. Everything that you say that you think happens to you, oh, I saw a perfect example of it the other day. I'll give you an example. When I was a fucking little kid, I used to work behind the liquor counter at my dad's store
Starting point is 01:29:45 my middle eastern fucking dad owned a liquor store he worked his fucking ass off 365 days a year seven days a fucking week he would drag my ass there i'd have to dust wine bottles and i would work behind the counter from a young age, five years old, four years old. That's why I'm so good at third grade math. And I would give people their change. And I would say to my dad at least once a week, they're not paying attention to me. It's because I'm a fucking little kid. And I would say that to him.
Starting point is 01:30:19 And my dad would always like poo-poo me. Like he would be nice. He probably didn't address it perfectly, but he basically told me i was full of shit and you know what he was fucking right because the people still fucking ignore me every fucking day and i'm not a fucking four or five year old little kid yeah it didn't matter that was just a fucking excuse don't let fuck don't make it an excuse oh they're rude to me because i'm a jew they're rude to me because i'm black the cops treated me like that they're even if you're right there's there's no end game there you don't win
Starting point is 01:30:59 there it's feeling sorry for you bullshit i got these three people who work on the show with me on the podcast for people. And there was some stuff that was not being done. And it was fucking driving me fucking crazy. And I was talking to one of my friends about it. And they're like, why don't you just ask them to help? Why don't you just ask them to do it? I'm like, well, they fucking work so hard already. And, um, and, and I don't pay them any money. Like, how, how can I ask them? How can I ask them to do more? And he goes, you sound like fucking, you got all the excuses. I was like, whoa. So, you know what I did? I asked Susie to ask him.
Starting point is 01:31:44 And you know what they did? People, they said, oh, of course we'd love to ask them. And you know what they did? People, they said, oh, of course, we'd love to do that. Yeah, just a little direction, that's all. Stop fucking making excuses. Gonna get shit done. Oh, I'm doing myself now. I can't ask them to help me. What if they leave?
Starting point is 01:32:05 They're so important to the show. Stop being a pussy. We asked Caleb and Will, hey, can you do this too? After they're already doing a ton of shit and you know what they said? Yeah, of course. Sorry. Yeah, of course. Not even sorry.
Starting point is 01:32:19 Like, yeah, well, it took you so long to ask us, you dumb fucks. They're basically just like, yeah, well we now that we know whose job it is and what the responsibility yeah got it that's all sitting over here fucking complaining feeling sorry for myself my friend's like man those sound like a bunch of good excuses you got for not talking to him that's the yeah i i don't want to hurt their feelings i want to be nice that's that's another thing too with a in the gym, a lot of coaches will ignore certain people's movement. Like, let's say it's not, it's not done correctly and they'll go, well, you know, cause you have that relationship with them. They're your buddies. So you don't
Starting point is 01:32:54 want to say like, Hey, every time you do wall balls, you're, you know, you're not at full depth squat or Hey, every time, you know, every time you do your pull-ups, you actually never extend your arms all the way down. And we really want you to stay in that full range of motion. And then it's always funny because those people will go and drop in at a different gym, right? Let's say they're on vacation. They go in, they drop in at a different gym. They're at Sevan's gym now. And then they come over and he goes, Hey, Matt, your pull-ups, you're not at extension,
Starting point is 01:33:20 man. You need to let your arm go, relax it. And you'll actually be able to get more out of your kit. And then they come back to the gym and they go, yeah, I liked it over out there where I was at vacation. You go, why? I go, cause I actually got coached. And then the whole time you were the coach that was letting it go because you didn't want to be mean. And then you go, well, shit, I knew that for the whole year. And they go, well, why didn't you say something? It was like, I don't know. We were like buddies and I didn't want you to, to feel that I was like attacking you on your pull-ups or something like that.
Starting point is 01:33:48 And so we always talk about that during, uh, the meetings. It's like, Hey, don't, when you see that movement happening, even if you have a good relationship, they're your best friend, just go over there and coach them. That's what your, that's what your job is. And so don't, don't just let it go. Cause then they go somewhere else, they get coached and they come back and they think you're doing a bad job. And all along, you thought you were protecting them. I don't know if that falls exactly in line, but... Exactly. Oh, yeah, CrossFit Livermore.
Starting point is 01:34:12 Get your shit done right. You got to have friends like that. Yeah, I'm glad you caught that. Yeah, it's exactly right. Yeah, those are real friends, by the way, not the ones that coddle you and tell you you're right can you play number 62 uh they poison your kids and you're worried about ukraine and covid and racism they poison your kids number 62 i wonder what this is i don't even know what it is that's exciting all of these always scare me. I never know, like, the move. Oh, let's see. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:57 This is a place called Hello Rocket Family. Besides the fact that students will be safer with the COVID vaccination. Not true. Just a fucking lie. There are other incentives here. A few school-wide incentives currently 29 of our students have received the vaccination let's go look at look at if you at the mayo elementary school if you get your kids if the school's 70 vaccinated the kids get slurpees if they're 80 vaccinated they get tacos if they're 90 vaccinated they get a hot dog you know that's
Starting point is 01:35:23 just like a sugar bun that bun has like 40 grams of sugar. They want you to worry about COVID, the Ukraine, racism, and they want your kids to take drugs so that they can give them free Slurpees, free tacos, and free – this is – Is that real though? That's like Photoshopped in there. I mean the post is real oh yeah i bet you you know that that thing of the incentives we've seen giving away you can't reach in and grab that
Starting point is 01:35:52 hot dog and eat it no you can't that's just a picture it looks like that was put over something else but it said i want to start saying the lady's name who fucking wrote that fucking lying fucking article about me in the new york times i want to start like saying her name every episode just just going after it yeah what what is that called is that doxing would i be doxing her no only if you were like here's her address and i want to do that to her i want to do that to her do you know why i want to do that to her why because because what she I want to do that to her? Why? Because what she did to me, just like an eye for an eye. Is that biblical? But did she give your address and stuff?
Starting point is 01:36:31 It doesn't matter. She fucking – I lost my fucking job because of her dumb fucking article. She participated. Worse than she gave my address. She took food from my kids. Yeah. She took food from my kids. And there's maybe other opportunities that are brewing from it
Starting point is 01:36:46 but remember if it's an eye for an eye oh you're a good dude blind oh you're a good dude i think that's a buddha quote or something number 63 have we shown this um this is this is fast i think we did show this this is the the pcr test being uh bagged in china and the ladies okay okay fuck it you can skip it then that's fucking classic okay how about number 64 what is crossfit oh that's right it was a gandhi quote this is gonna be weird this is gonna be weird oh that is gandhi wow dick butter knows some shit yeah it does i turn eye and the whole world would be blind i've been joe salatin on tomorrow. Joel Salatin from Polyface Farms. Smart guy.
Starting point is 01:37:26 Oh, this is crazy. Okay, scroll to the top of this. This is the one. Cross-examining CrossFit. 10 questions about starting the fitness regime. And scroll down here. stop stop hold on wait they functional fitness they have patrick velner in here asking him about fucking crossfit and patrick's never even taken his l1
Starting point is 01:37:56 i love patrick they got hayley ad in here. Those are their two fucking experts. I wonder if Hayley and Patrick even know that they were quoted in this article. That's a fucking great question. You know what I mean? This is the greatest. Look how they spelled the greatest. Like, I did the like thing. It's so pathetic when I see articles like this.
Starting point is 01:38:24 Scroll down to the bottom check this chick out too you have no business writing shit about crossfit gabriella cassell a new york based in new york x and wellness writer and oh and a crossfit level one trainer follow her on instagram you're lucky you didn't give us your Instagram account. You're a sex, you're a sex and wellness writer? I'm a sex and wellness practitioner. Are we doxing if we look at her?
Starting point is 01:39:03 No, we don't have to look at her Instagram. Okay. Queer sex educator, CrossFit, and sex journalist. Does this mean she's an L1 staff member? A queer sex educator. That means like you educate people on people who have intimacy with the same genitalia? Is that what that is? I think it's like, yes.
Starting point is 01:39:26 Yes. But I don't know if she's an L1 staff member? No, no. I don't have nothing. Let's take her off before I say something mean. Okay. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:39:43 We did Boris Johnsonson number 60 let me check don't check but wild zombie's been crushing it thank you wild zombie one just like like just dumping let making it rain cash yeah him and suzy have just been that was funny you basically just asked for a dollar and they came in today um i'm sorry the boris johnson is completely really dumb 61 uh yes a girl scout cookies will kill you they will reduce your life expectancy they are not good for you do not eat girl scout cookies why does the girl scout sell cookies to make money there's no benefit other
Starting point is 01:40:19 than to make money if you want to give money to the Girl Scouts, just give them money. Don't eat their cookies. Okay, this should be good. I like DreamRare. Anomaly, guest of the show. Fatter we are post-COVID. I think I saw a figure the other day. I'm giving you this exclusively, okay? I think there's 36% more obesity. I think that
Starting point is 01:40:47 can possibly be right. It's huge. There's been a huge increase in obesity as a result of, or 36% of people are fatter than they were. Maybe that's probably a more accurate way of expressing that. That was sloppy Boris Johnson, the prime minister of the UK, aka the hunchback of Pfizer Dom. Despite the fact that pandemic restrictions made obesity worse, this psychopath won't rule out lockdowns again. I want to avoid any such thing ever happening again. And I can't rule out something as to, I can't say that we wouldn't be forced to do non-pharmaceutical interventions again of the kind that we did. I think it would be irresponsible of any leader in any democracy to say that they're going to rule out something that could save life. Do you know how much?
Starting point is 01:41:35 So one way to just quickly think about it is he said it would be bad to rule out anything that would save lives. Whatever stat he was trying trying to say the worst thing you can do to society is make them fatter and you have to think of it in aggregate in terms of years and so if we shorten if we save um so we know that 50 of the we know that the average age of death from covet is 80 years old let's say worldwide right and so the and the average life expectancy worldwide is 80 years old so let's say it's a wash but if you put if you if everyone in the in the in the country in the world were to put on 20 20 extra body fat on them and we were to reduce all of their lives by 10 years and there's 7 billion people on the planet that's we reduced life
Starting point is 01:42:26 we reduced life on the planet by 70 billion years it's like what are you thinking we can't rule it out like we just saw that it kills it takes people's lives away and there's zero evidence that helped or did anything like positive speaking of positive, people keep sending me screenshots of this Make Wads Great Again guy. I guess he's turning over a new leaf. He's not going to do – I don't know what he's not going to do, but he's going to do – I think he was unhappy with some of his behavior, and he's publicly said that he's going to change his behavior, which I think is kind of weird. It reminded me of that weird shit that Julie Foucher does and stuff. Why do people feel like that they need to – like I could see if you're like, hey, if you want to be held accountable and you're like, hey, guys, I'm going to try to lose 30 pounds this month or I'm going to try quitting smoking cigarettes.
Starting point is 01:43:18 Yeah. Is that why you did it publicly to try to be held accountable? No, I think that is an identity crisis, and he's just trying to follow whatever the cool thing is in the public opinion. And so then all of a sudden he goes, oh, this will be cool. I'm going to try this. And then it does it, then it backlashes. And then he's like, okay, yeah, you guys are right. I need to change it up.
Starting point is 01:43:37 I've been going through a thing. And that never works. If you're sitting there trying to please everybody, you're going to please nobody. He's got no ground to stand on like what's the foundation of what do you what do you believe in just the cool narrative the cool thing that's being pushed by the social media influencers at the time like is he gonna post about abortion now i'm sure wow that's big picture so you don't think this is like a real change this
Starting point is 01:44:03 is just um just all falls under that same category of searching with, for what the public wants. I think it is, unless he really sat down with himself for a little bit and said, you know, Hey, what do I actually believe in? And what do I want to stand for? And do I want to use this platform for that? I mean, how many times has he tried to summon people to, for no reason to this? just oh go over there and dislike them and he blocked me like a little bitch even though i haven't ever said anything to him or even responded to his whole entire t-shirt sale which i'm sure was a fucking flop did you buy one of those i fucking should have i know that's it was kind of a cool show you probably would have been under the narrative of people that tore their crossfit shirt when greg tweeted floyd 19 did people do that i'm out people do that bitches hey someone needs to um anyone who attacked greg on that publicly you guys should apologize to him now now that like floyd 19 is 100 right it's it's pretty it's pretty
Starting point is 01:44:59 amazing uh luis lemos luis lemos i don't know if that's your real name but um he's tired of being angry i get it um no one wants to be that i i'm gonna give i i i i set him free he's free he's he's free to be kind and i and i'm happy for him i hope it works out i had a friend that wouldn't have sex in front of his dog we did that bit uh what's number 19 woman of the year let's get rid of this i'm tired looking at this these things some of these things kind of get me um so jacked and pumped when i write them and then afterwards i don't even care you know we're running long now right yeah i know i know i'm kind of nervous no i'm just gonna i'll probably be a few minutes behind what i'm supposed to be okay let's do number 19 and just really quick and then we'll um one of usa's today's women
Starting point is 01:45:49 of the year this is an old story the patriarchy is crushing it people keep sending me um more and more women are like holy shit there's an attack on women and it's weird because there's an attack on men and there's an attack on women but this thing with women like i kind of don't care so much about the attack on men as much as the attack on women the attack on women. But this thing with women, like I kind of don't care so much about the attack on men as much as the attack on women. The attack on women is weird. Why? How? I'm surprised like the whole lesbian community
Starting point is 01:46:13 hasn't stood up against this shit. Like aren't they like the alpha females? Dude, this is the funniest part about like the majority of these narratives. They're so conflicting. It's like women's right to choose. Well guess what? I've just decided I'm a woman and I'm against it now.
Starting point is 01:46:30 Right. Right. Defend women. Men shouldn't make laws about women's bodies. But they could swim with us in competition. What the fuck? Oh I know. It's such a mess.
Starting point is 01:46:42 What's happening? It's so backwards. We need gun control to ban them. Oh, but if you ban abortion, it'll go underground. You don't think the same shit would happen with guns? Oh, Austin, I spoke with the guy over at Life is Rx, and I think we're going to put it – we're going to make some new reds and some new blacks. And I wanted to do a purple and gold shirt. It's so out of my comfort zone.
Starting point is 01:47:12 I don't own anything purple. Or should we do blue? No, I want to try something out of my comfort zone. Okay, so USA Today has lost mind um why they're having men am i missing something are we being assholes by not seeing this man as a woman like i don't get it i don't get why i don't get it i i'm open to someone explaining to me if anyone if anyone trans wants to come on the show and explain it to me i I'm totally, I really want to be, um, but I can't, but I, but I just don't see it. That's a dude. It's now a woman. And I,
Starting point is 01:47:51 and I believe that that occurred because of some sort of mental health issues. I don't think that that's, um, I'm not buying that you were born into the wrong body. And if you were, I think it's like such an insignificant, uh, percentage. such an insignificant percentage. All right. We don't have time for calls. We don't have time for calls.
Starting point is 01:48:14 Suze is already late to his next appointment. Again? Farting to the phone? I think so. Yo, Siobhan. Hey, I got a question for you. Did you fart into the phone? I think so. It sounded like it. Yo, Siobhan. Hey. Hey, I got a question for you.
Starting point is 01:48:28 Please. Did you fart into the phone? No, no, no. Uh-oh. You ready? Yeah. If you had to choose between never being able to squat again or never being able to press anything over your head again, which one would you choose?
Starting point is 01:48:48 Press. Oh, sorry. that was a question for someone yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah because you got to you got to shit you got to shit yeah how about you yeah press for sure that's it that was a good question that was
Starting point is 01:49:04 an IQ test and Sousa solved it for me. That's like a no-brainer but I was slow. You can also still get stronger in the upper body by squatting. I'm burping a lot today. Yeah. Cool. One more. Ready?
Starting point is 01:49:20 Let's see how to choose between one piece of equipment inside of a crossfit gym to use for the rest of your life. If you can only use one piece, which one would you choose? It could be a machine or like a weight. I'll let you answer first this time. It would either be a dumbbell or a pull-up bar. it would either be a dumbbell or a pull-up bar,
Starting point is 01:49:49 but I would need room on the top for the pull over the top so that like I could do muscle ups and shit and get on top of it and like some, do some gymnastic stuff on it. How about you? What would you choose? Um, man, I've seen a bunch of kettlebell workouts. So much stuff with kettlebells seems like, not that I use the kettlebell a lot, but yeah, it just seems like you could get a lot done with it. There's so much stuff with kettlebell, it seems like. Not that I use the kettlebell a lot, but it just seems like you can get a lot done with it. So probably a kettlebell. Julie St. John also said kettlebell.
Starting point is 01:50:13 Also said kettlebell. Man, this girl doesn't look like she uses the word fart, but she uses it there. Someone farted on the phone. Not on the phone. Oh yeah, I guess it was on the phone. Next to the phone? On the phone. In the phone, on the phone oh yeah i guess it was on the phone next to the phone on the phone all right in the phone on the phone i am in this i know what steps what seven you always around this all like i know i just i love being sweaty okay thank you caller i appreciate it good stuff
Starting point is 01:50:37 okay guys thank you very much we didn't get this question. This person said, Hey, Suze is CFL your affiliate or your majority? 100% baby. 100% no partage. I'm 100% of it. Thank you. Okay, guys. Thank you very much. Tomorrow we have Joel Salatin on and we're going to talk about farming. Basically, I'm going to I really want chickens. And and I know that if we if I get that my wife's gonna have taken care of of him so i'm gonna like talk to him about how i can just show up with him trick her into uh letting us get chickens uh and and basically he he you know i wrote this note about him i don't know if he actually knows this about himself i think he does i'm gonna read this to you i'm gonna read it at the beginning of the show tomorrow also um He says some really beautiful things, this man. This is a lot to unpack here, but I really believe this. If we devote ourselves to sacredness in our vocations, the world will rise to meet us. Honor your personal ministry.
Starting point is 01:51:43 Meaning if you devote yourself to doing everything i guess you could say to god but to the most sacred thing that you know maybe it's your kids maybe it's yourself and if you dedicate that in your vocation so whether you're a checker or um or a garbage man or a podcaster or whatever you do if you dedicate every time you come on to do your vocation to your highest level of understanding of sacredness, the world around you will rise to meet you there. And I just really, really like that. And he says, you have to honor your own personal ministry. And that's sort of like what Gandhi said, when you, you can't, you can't separate religion and state because your life is your religion. Everywhere you go, you are expressing your highest level, your religion. And sometimes he calls himself a farmer, but he also called himself a minister of the ministry of healing the land.
Starting point is 01:52:39 I just really like that. All right, guys. It's going to be a great show with him tomorrow. We will see you. I think it's at 7 a.m.? 7.30. All right. Peace.

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