The Sevan Podcast - #391 - UFC 274 Prediction Show with Darian Weeks & Justin Nunley

Episode Date: May 7, 2022

Talking everything UFC 274 with UFC Fighter Darian Weeks and comedian Justin Nunley. Sign Up for Our Newsletter: Partners: - THE COFFEE I ...DRINK! - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! - THE BARBELL BRUSH Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:55 Buy a stick in store at Costco, Walmart, Amazon, and other Canadian retailers. When I have good guests like you, bam, we're live. Where is Justin Nunley? Oh, we're live. Darian Weeks. Where is Justin Nunley? Oh, we already have an error. There we go. We're back. We're back. Darian, I'm going to change your...
Starting point is 00:01:15 What's your Instagram? I'm going to change it. Is it at Darian Weeks? It's at 19Darian93. At Darian... Or 1919first and then Darian sorry sorry sorry sorry all right at 19 Darian that's it 93 yeah oh that's some like football number shit right hey never understand that stuff because I didn't play any sports I was what was I doing i was playing dungeons and dragons oh you look like a sports player well thank you thank you i see workouts your workouts on your instagram they think you play sports you're a good dude i'm late to the game i'm late to the game i'm late to the game
Starting point is 00:01:56 uh let's um how was it you fought ian gary the uh what people are calling the future of the sport you um while we wait for justin let's talk about what people are calling the future of the sport. While we wait for Justin, let's talk about what happened. It went the distance. It's really kind of a—not really kind of. It's a huge fight. Yeah. Have you thought about it? Are you settled about it?
Starting point is 00:02:18 How are you emotionally? I'm very unsettled about it, but mostly on my part. There's a lot of stones I left unturned in that fight. I just, I didn't do everything I wanted to do. And I don't know if that was quite because of, you know, how he was reacting or even if it was, you know, just the type of energy in the arena. even if it was just the type of energy in the arena. I just, you know, I really, I mean, as you see in the fight, I mean, he did not, to me, look like the future.
Starting point is 00:02:54 That's the number one thing. Oh, you both look good, man. You both look like good fighters. But I think the reason why he didn't look like the future is because you did so well. Yeah, and I definitely was too hesitant on my attacks. Should have, uh, like you seen, I mean, he wasn't, he, he did not want to get hit by me and, um, and I should have realized that earlier into the,
Starting point is 00:03:16 into the fight and actually, uh, done something about it, but, um, it is unsettling. Um, I got a few more fights on my contract um we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna get some some big big wins and uh we're gonna try to try to get that one back we're gonna try to go back to that one in the later in the later career to come justin darian darian justin i'm so happy to introduce you guys what's up darian how are you doing bro i'm doing good i've been watching your instagram videos all week so i mean bro you're a super funny guy i love i love the things that you do with the stuff thank you you're getting brushed up you're getting brushed up on your justin i am I definitely am. Justin, first I'm going to play this one here real quick.
Starting point is 00:04:08 I got beer and I got beef. What else do you need? A beer stick. I'm pretty good. Drinking a beer. Are you sponsored by Beer Stick? I am. Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:04:21 God, you're a legend. How much does that hold? Was that just 12 ounces right there? No, you can put a full two beers in it. So you can pound two beers in less than two seconds with that thing. It is crazy. Wow. Hey, you could kill someone with that.
Starting point is 00:04:37 You put the wrong thing in there. Absolutely. No joke. I want to give a warning to anyone. Don't get stupid and put fucking vodka in that shit. Yeah, don't do it just take it to the end there are those guys who uh you've seen those patrone chuggers who chug a whole little square bottle of patrone in like 15 seconds that would the most impressive thing i've ever seen anybody chug there was this guy he had like this really epic mustache it's probably about five years ago and he opened up a uh a handle of jack daniels and put a straw in it and left the straw out for the air to get in and killed it absolutely murdered it wow be horrible
Starting point is 00:05:17 horrible yeah i can't imagine how you would feel after that. I would hope he wouldn't throw up, honestly. Hey, how much is that that you're chugging right there? Is that eight ounces? Yeah, that was 12. 12? Yeah, eight ounces. I'm not a pussy. Come on, man.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. I forgot. I forgot who I'm talking to. At least get a whole beer down. um when i when i went over here to pull up uh darian's um sure dog i saw this and i am so embarrassed i didn't know this so i want to make sure there's a couple things i want to promote here right off the bat um kayla harrison is fighting tonight oh really i mean if that's right that's your sure dog yeah Yeah, that's pretty tough. And she might be the greatest living female fighter in the history of the world.
Starting point is 00:06:10 We're about to find out. But, man, the fucking hype train is behind her, that's for sure. I mean, she is a savage combat performer. I mean, her judo being in the – I mean, I saw a couple of her Olympic matches in judo. I mean, she is just – she is a stout girl. Yeah, even at 155, she's lean and mean. I mean, I feel like she could beat most men in America, you know? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Every man at Disneyland. Every man at Disneyland in one fight. Anyway, so I wanted to say that. I want to say also a listener of the show, Dylan Vowell will be fighting tonight on Combat Cast. He's been a great listener. It's his second fight and second amateur fight, and I'm super stoked to support him. I'm going to make sure I watch his fight.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Let's start the show with something really um strong here uh i'm kind of surprised you didn't lead with me getting me getting uh jawed up by sam alvey oh wait oh that would have been good too i was like i was like he's definitely leading him with that well let me tell you something normally there's someone who runs the back end and i would just be sitting here running my mouth. But the three guys that I normally have running the back end all have day jobs, and when I shifted it on them, the fucking whole show came to a halt. It's all your fault. No, it's your fault. It is my fault.
Starting point is 00:07:40 It's both of our fault. It's definitely, yeah. Yeah, these are the fault guys right here yeah but but but i but i want this is this is for you darian and this is this is really uh important um i don't know if you guys know uh elliot uh holst he's been on the show before he's one of the first guys uh um in the world to get a million subscribers on youtube and then as soon as he got to a million just abandoned his platform. That was his, um, seven likes guys running his backend. All right. Pipe the fuck down.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Um, is it true? No, no. Well, we'll talk, we'll talk, we'll talk. Um, so this, this is Elliot, uh, speaking on, um, and, and he, he's a sportsman and a trainer. And I found this – I've always wondered about this. I'm curious what Darian thinks and what the common practice is in the gym regarding – well, let's let Elliot talk here. There may be amazing benefits to having strength without blowing your load. So check this out. It's from the book of Dallas Wisdom. If a man has intercourse once without spilling his seed,
Starting point is 00:08:47 his vital essence is strengthened. If he does it twice, his vision and hearing is improved. If three times, all physical illness will begin to disappear. The fourth time, he'll begin to feel inner peace. The fifth time, his blood will begin to circulate more powerfully. The sixth time, his genitals will gain new powers. The seventh time, his thighs and buttocks will get firmer. The eighth time, his entire body will radiate good health.
Starting point is 00:09:15 And for the ninth time of having sex without blowing your load, he'll increase his lifespan. This is either total BS or mind-blowing. But you let me know how all that stroking without blowing is going for you, bro. Hey, and here's the thing. Elliot Holst don't fuck around. Like he, like he's no Justin Nunley. He, he not, he not cracking a fucking joke. Yeah. I think this is an important time to let everybody know that if it's hard for
Starting point is 00:09:43 four hours or longer, you need to seek medical attention. Thank you. The doctor has spoken. Now from the professional athlete, what is the protocol on letting one fly before a fight? What's crazy is what he's saying is, so there is that thing where they're like, you shouldn't have sex however long before a fight. I usually do it three weeks weeks no sex before a fight and by no sex you mean no ejaculation yeah no ejaculation but yeah that's crazy because i do actually have sex with my wife without blowing my load during that three weeks during that three weeks i do do that um that's like some russian shit i
Starting point is 00:10:26 heard like the russians do that shit too like to like they don't do it with women they do it with farm animals but but it's to elevate it's to and then they they stop and it's to elevate their testosterone levels and i feel like and maybe it's just a mental thing but i feel like to an extent it does work. I mean, and I mean, that could just be built up frustration that I'm using as maybe a high testosterone. But I mean, I have done it. I put it into my game probably like two years ago because I mean, whenever you go out with sex for three weeks, I mean, you really want to have sex. I mean, you know, so I started saying, you know what, maybe I'll just have the sex without the ending.
Starting point is 00:11:10 I mean, to be honest, women do it all the time. You know what I'm saying? My wife does. My wife does. I'll get some race to the finish. I win that shit every time. Justin, if he's going to be doing the punchlines, he's throwing up alley-oops. If you're not going to say the punchlines, Justin, Darren's just going to just throw it out there.
Starting point is 00:11:27 But, I mean, so I don't know. I mean, of course it's not scientifically proven. But, I mean, it hasn't gone wrong for me yet. I mean, I've felt great in every camp that I've done leading up to the fight when I do it like that. I mean, this is crazy that I've never heard anyone else say anything about actually having sex and then not ejaculating. I've just done it off of the whim just because I was like, well, shit.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Rousey used to talk about it all the time. Who? Rousey. She used to talk about getting digged down right before a fight, before she'd go out, which would be different for women, I guess. Rhonda Rousey would talk about taking the cock right before she went out? I'm pretty sure it was Rousey. And that's great because I never understood.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Does that work backwards for women then? Does it increase estrogen to have sex before? Hell if I know. That's crazy. Yeah, I've heard a lot of women in competition. Yeah, they choose to have sex, but like, you know, I didn't never know about the day of, but definitely. Do you really be edging like three weeks before a fight?
Starting point is 00:12:32 I mean, I mean, I love edging. Like it's so satisfying for me. Like when I'm, when I'm cutting my grass, when I get right to the end and I start edging that sidewalk, it's so satisfying. when I get right to the end and I start edging that sidewalk. It's so satisfying. Hey, have you heard about this thing that Mormons do called soaking? Huh? Yes, I have heard that. I have not. What is that?
Starting point is 00:12:57 So soaking is I guess basically they're not allowed to have sex before they're married. And so in sex is the thrusting part of it. So as long as they can just put their penis in there and just sit and they're good with God, the whole God's cool with them. And that's called soaking. Okay, well, yeah, that's a new thing that I heard. I mean, I guess that works. I would figure sex would be the entering of the woman altogether.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Hell, that's what I always thought. I would too. However you get around it, I mean, it works for you. I mean, I don't really think that that pertains anymore, you know, sex before marriage thing. But that's just my outlook on it. I mean, society has evolved so much that, I mean, I'm really not thinking that that's a broad aspect on God's spectrum where it's like, oh, you had sex and you weren't married? Well, you're out you're bad out so i mean sorry you were perfect in every way those orphans you saved from the
Starting point is 00:13:50 building amazing job but you fucked at 17 get the fuck downstairs i don't see that being a big a big thing and i mean and i mean even you i'm a i'm an avid bible reader and i mean even in the bible there's a couple of men who are right with God who had sex before marriage multiple times. Abraham conceived a child with his maid, right? Yeah, for sure. You know, and, you know, King David, when he made David king, he had sex with multiple women. You know what I mean? So, I mean, it's just.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Are there any threesomes in the Bible? Is there any what? Threesomes in the Bible? When you say multiple women, you mean separately? I think separately. Yeah. I don't think they were engaged all at one time. I think.
Starting point is 00:14:36 I'd tell you what, if you want a wild Bible first, look up Ephesians 2320. What was it? Ephesians? Ephesians 2320. Okay. go ahead and pull that one up let's let's have a bible moment okay let's have a bible moment um let's read from the word spell ephesians for me e-p-h-e-sians okay all right i'm good uh oh it came out are you making fun of me no i just said eph esians oh yeah but it came up it came up ezekiel 23 20 yes ezekiel 23 20 get it oh yes okay yeah there we go okay i think you got i think you got to do the old king james version, or don't hit near as hard. Okay. Pun intended with hard.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Yeah. After you read the verse. Let's see. And there she left it. Sorry, Ezekiel 2320. You got to get the pastor voice. Are you ready for this? Come on, man.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Do you want to do it? Let's go. No. There she lusted after her lovers whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emissions was that of horses. Okay. Wow. Hey, can't turn a hole into a housewife. I mean.
Starting point is 00:15:53 That's what Ludacris is talking about. I wanted a lady in the street, but a freak in the bed. And I'm telling you. Immersions like horses. That is a savage. immersion's like horses i mean that is a savage ladies and gentlemen welcome to the ufc 274 prediction show with darian weeks and justin nunley oh my goodness that is a professional fighter the professional comic and a guy who's trying to get youtube followers using them that's me go wow wow we're glad to be used hey this is one of those tabs justin i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:16:27 move over to the left and uh save like i'm going to you know what i mean you know when there's something like you saw that's good you don't want to close the tab let's go incredible that is i haven't seen yet so that is that is hilarious to say but like seriously like who'd be who's coming like a horse like i don't know if y'all have ever saw anybody jack a horse off and one of them videos right because i mean that's the job people have yes yes i've seen it they've got those little sleeves you put over the wiener yeah and then there's like a little spillage when she like grabs it away literally a lot of cum yeah a lot of cum it could fill up it could fill up that that's
Starting point is 00:17:03 darian after three weeks of edging right there before a fight. Hey, what's that stuff spilling on the – it's round three, and there's some stuff spilling out of his shorts. What's that? He's just pent up. He's pent up. He's edged too long. Too long to edge.
Starting point is 00:17:22 I want to show you this is the face off from earlier today and Darian I want to know what you think about this what do you see when you see Carla's body language here I always trip on this check out can you see this okay yep yep okay here we go you guys just so you know this is UFC 274
Starting point is 00:17:40 this is the fight tomorrow night this is the for the championship fight Rose is one of the most tomorrow night. This is for the championship fight. Rose is one of the most dominant champions in the history of the UFC. Everyone loves her, fan favorite. And if she beats Carla, she will have beat every champion in the straw weight class, which is fascinating to me. But these two have met before, and Carla beat her. Yeah, she did.
Starting point is 00:18:02 And I saw that fight, and it was a beautiful performance. I mean, Carla's just a great wrestler. Rose Namanunas is more of a striker anyway. Carla's ground game is phenomenal. So, I mean, I feel like she'll look to do the same thing, but we'll see. I mean, like you said, Rose is a champion, and she's dominated almost, I mean, every woman in this division so far. And she's special like Tony Ferguson is special, like Dominic Cruz is special. She's something special about this one, right?
Starting point is 00:18:32 Yeah, literally. And, I mean, you can just see it by the way she's ill-phased. My favorite one was her against Joanna Jacek. She was ill-phased by her, you know, putting her hands in her face. And I mean, just being, I mean, Joanna Jacek was being a belligerent bully. I mean, yeah, a complete show horse. And she literally, I mean, was as calm as, I mean, as calm as water. I mean, she didn't even move a muscle.
Starting point is 00:19:04 And I mean, it showed when she went in there the first fight and I mean, as calm as water. I mean, she didn't even move a muscle. And I mean, it showed when she went in there the first fight and I mean, just dominated her. And I think it was in like 35 seconds, 40 seconds or something. It was something crazy, you know? And you know, it's, uh, she's, she has amazing composure. And I mean, that's something that you don't see a lot in, in, in the UFC, you know what I mean? Not people have the type of composure at this level of fighting that she has. I mean, it's just... Go ahead, Justin.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Why is this guy in the middle looking so hard? Somebody should let him know. Somebody should let him know. Take shit out of your pockets before you're on TV wearing some damn skinny jeans. What the fuck is he doing? Good eye, justin i'm just looking at carla's stomach look he's ready to fuck somebody up he is he's been edging for three weeks that's
Starting point is 00:19:52 that face you get that's the edge of the face on everything and yeah they get so tough when they about to i mean i would understand it if it was two you know grown-ass men about to face off but i mean he's a foot taller than both of these women. He looks like he's ready to go Chris Brown. Literally. He's ready, bro. Yes. Find me an elevator stat.
Starting point is 00:20:14 And look at the poor camera guys. That's where I come from. That's where just all the betas hang out. That's me 15 years ago. Oh, man. The guy with the headband. He's got the black headband on. I like that.
Starting point is 00:20:28 I mean, it's really strange, actually, to be up there and to realize how many camera people. When you're doing stuff like weigh-ins and even coming out to the fight and being in the ring, it's crazy to see how many of those camera people are actually there. There's probably like eight people around you at all times when you're when you're doing this and it's freaking insane i was mind blown to see oh there's even like two people just holding the cord you know like there's yeah yeah yeah the union jobs yeah they're not even holding the camera so it's it was it was insane i wonder what they paid you know hey top tier comment right there resting edge face it's great isn't it good okay um let's not make fun of the rich uh executive at ufc who's stepping in for dana white um let's uh let's hit play and let's check out carla's body language here since we've've already eviscerated the poor guy who's doing the face off.
Starting point is 00:21:26 Here we go. You have any problems with that, Darian? The first problem I would see, like, I mean, look how much space is in between them. I mean, I understand maybe it's just a respect thing, but you are going into a fight. Me, personally, I like to get as close as i can to the person that i'm fighting you know i mean i want them to know like i'm stepping into their space you know i'm stepping into their comfort zone who has the worst breath of anybody you've ever faced off against oh the worst breath uh somebody got halitosis over there. I know they do. Don't say your wife.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Don't say your wife. To be honest, I'm I've, I've probably had some hot breath a couple of times, you know what I mean? And there, but I mean, I guess I never even really thought about it.
Starting point is 00:22:18 There are some guys that I have stepped up close to that are like, must be sweating profusely. That smell like straight, like they've worked four days with no shower like that's probably more of the smell i get than their breath like just that fear coming off of them that their pits are sweating you know that just aroma that just stenches off of you when you're you know nervous sweating um if i was doing a face-off dude i'd eat the nastiest shit i could i'd make it uncomfortable for you dude i'm telling you and i i i actually make it uncomfortable for people
Starting point is 00:22:50 during fight day is sometimes i won't shower in between that day i cut weight and then coming into the fight i want you know if you try to take me down I want your face to smell my nutsack stink. You haven't trimmed your pubes in two years. It's just a fucking, just a batch of odor capture. Oh, that's brilliant. Back when we used to, when I played football, right, and you had to do bull in the ring. I'm sure everybody knows what bull in the ring is. I don't.
Starting point is 00:23:20 What is that? What is that? It's where everybody circles up, right, and you've got one person in the middle, and the coach calls the number. And whoever's number it calls, you better keep your head on a swivel because you're fixing to get hit. It's been banned now.
Starting point is 00:23:31 But I guess too many concussions and CTE. But you do that during two-a-days, and he would always do it at the end of the last practice of the day. And I'm telling you, it smelled straight ass. It was bad oh i know and football aroma already i mean i know seven doesn't know this but i'm glad i don't know the smell of ass okay i'll take it i'll take it well yeah no but i mean and just knowing how uncomfortable smells make you you know when you first have a whiff of somebody who is fucking reeking like you're like i mean it catches you
Starting point is 00:24:10 off guard you're like oh shit what is that um so that's what i do it for i mean if you can get the mind out of the game you can you can win you know nine times out of ten so that i have a weak stomach i can't do smells the first time i ever went viral was with a video of me changing my kid's diaper, wearing a gas mask. And that was like seven or eight years ago. OK, I can't do smells. If you came in the ring with me and we was we was tussling around a little bit, you know, not not in a sexual way, but we's tussling around a little bit. Like I'd tap out. I couldn't do it. I'd throw up. You know, and that's and that's uh yeah it's usually that's i don't know how you would ever change a diaper i don't do smells either but
Starting point is 00:24:51 baby shit is just a whole different level like that's the color i could do all that vomit's my thing vomit's the only thing that freaks me out like if someone vomits next to me i'm i'm i'm wrecking i'm gonna vomit too man i'm i i would i mean shit is so much worse than next to me, I'm reckon I'm going to vomit too. Man, I would, I mean, shit is so much worse than vomit to me. I mean. No, man. It's got different smell, dog. I mean, baby shit is like the most potent thing on earth. You're not wrong.
Starting point is 00:25:17 The green with the seeds in it. Yeah. How the fuck they get seeds? They ain't even eat nothing. It's just milk, man. Why they got seeds? You know what Darian's breath smells like after he hasn't fucking blown a load in three weeks rewind the clip up rewind the clip about about five seconds and you'll see i've always said listen when when you're in the gym and you're doing you know the shoulder shrugs yeah right with the weights look at every dude doing shoulder shrugs.
Starting point is 00:25:46 That is their O face. I'm telling you, that's the face they make when they come. Because every time you go up, you're like. Either that or deadlifts. Deadlifts is what they do when they're trying to hold it back, but it's coming. You know what I mean? You get the lip curl and that's when you should think about vomit and baby poop
Starting point is 00:26:12 all up in the sugar wall it's just the neck bang comes out i got it should i say sorry or should i fight this one through um i i just she's so closed right here this is just so unnatural i'm just i just i just i i'm not i'm not i'm not scared of her at all yeah and even the way her face I feel like, you know, she's not even in the present moment, which is, I mean, the number one thing when you're when you're facing off with somebody, the number one thing is to be in that. That's the best moment right before the fight to be face to face with the opponent that you fight. So, like I said, I would I would have closed the gap a little more. You're right. She does seem closed off her hands even like are into herself you know yeah until she doesn't want to reach out um and i mean i mean i guess maybe we'd have to compare it to how she faces off with other
Starting point is 00:27:18 opponents that she's beaten before maybe she's faced off like that before where she's won the fight but right well i'm sure she has right she's probably won a lot of fights yeah but i do think um she's definitely feeling the moment i mean it's someone that you have to fight again that you've already beat the champion now you know the moment is so much bigger uh and you have everything to lose, you know what I'm saying? Everything to gain, but everything to lose at the same time because you already beat this person. So people are thinking, oh, this she should win again.
Starting point is 00:27:54 And if you don't, you feel like, wow, well, I'm crap because I've already beat that person. Now they beat me. Well, it's the end of her kind of if she loses this fight. It seems like that's like that for a lot of people. I mean, basically, Carla Esparza has to win win this it's been eight years since their last match it's been eight years since she's been the champion she loses this and it's like yeah and i mean it's just and if she loses this i mean when's she's not going to get a next time to be in the same position there's no and so that's a heavy burden on itself um i think that she she's done either way i think even if she
Starting point is 00:28:26 wins this she's gonna leave the game and you know retire as champion i think i don't think she even has a kid yet i think she was talking about she's ready to have kids and i mean i think she's what 36 37 years old so i mean i mean either way i mean she's i mean i guess it's so you know like this is all i'm putting it all out there so i mean maybe she's right last hurrah get that pay-per-view money yeah so i mean what do you think who wins that fight you got you got a prediction man i mean just rose namununa has just been so incredible these last few years. I mean, so incredible. I will say, I think it was Jessica Andrade that she fought, the real Brazilian. Picked her up and dropped her on her head. I mean, if Carla can wrestle like that, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:29:19 If she can really, you know, and I mean, Jessica Andrade is a different animal. I mean, she's what, five foot nothing, maybe 4'11", and she's just built like a freaking hit bull. Like a hit bull. I mean, so, I mean, if Carla could put the aggression on her like that with the wrestling, I really don't see her beating her in any kind of striking. I really don't see her beating her in any kind of striking. I mean, Rose Navanunas is, I mean, Joanna Jacek is the best striker in the world. I mean, she used to do even kickboxing, striking and everything. And, I mean, Rose Navanunas tore her a new one. So, I really think she wins it on the ground.
Starting point is 00:30:00 If it goes to the ground, if they stand up, she's getting knocked out. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why, Dallas? Why? ground it goes to the ground if they stand up he's getting knocked out why why why why why why dallas why why hey that belt's changing hands i'm telling you the belt's changing hands oh you're crazy just no i'm not watch heard it here first you're crazy why why why do you what what you're that confident in in in think Darian wants Carla to win too I hear it in his voice He can't just bet against Rose I mean it's just been She's had so much success
Starting point is 00:30:32 Against so many dangerous opponents That I just I don't know I don't know What do you see Justin I think Rose is gonna I think Rose is super dangerous on the ground too I think she's dangerous everywhere she's a fucking snake the way she's a
Starting point is 00:30:47 fucking just slithers around and shit she can be everywhere no ma'am it's I'm telling you all right telling you watch it all right okay I'm gonna watch are you guys gonna watch it yeah oh yeah definitely okay um I have some concerns here I don't want to tell you what my concerns are I want to see if
Starting point is 00:31:03 you guys see the same thing or something different than me this is the face off I think it's from earlier today with Justin Gaethje going to get up against the champ, Olivera, Charles Olivera. Start to grab with his pants and start pulling them up and everything. Are you talking about that? We'll see. We'll see. I'll give you – you can go ahead and go first. Let's go ahead and hit play on this and uh the turn away i can see the turn away was quick. You know, he, you know, looked at him and then, I mean, he was the first to shift his vision and turn away. That brings me to a thing that Mike Tyson used to say all the time. He's Mike Tyson. He looked away. He knew, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:32:04 He said, I would, I'd stare them down. And as soon as they turned away and didn't want to look at me anymore, that uncomfortability of staring into something that you have to overcome. This episode is brought to you by Disney's Young Woman in the Sea. Now streaming on Disney+. I've decided to swim the English Channel. A woman? I believe she'll die in that water. From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening
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Starting point is 00:33:16 I mean, it's batshit crazy to say Justin Gaethje is, I mean, he might be scared, but like it's batshit crazy to think that like he's scared, scared, meaning like he's not going to come in there and just fucking wreak havoc, right? Oh, yeah. I mean, that's a given. I mean, scared or not scared.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Look at his face right there. Yeah. I mean, he looks good. Yeah. I mean, he's a banger. Justin Gaethje is one of my most favorite fighters. I mean, just because Ferguson was a most favorite fighter of mine and Justin Gaethje hit him with things that, I mean, looked like it would injure, oh, my gosh, an elephant.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Like, he hit him with some strong punches. And, I mean, I feel like more than – I don't feel like opponent-wise he's scared. I feel like just more of he's been there already with Khabib. He's been, had his title shot. He got, you know, beat by Khabib. Justin Oliveira is a Brazilian black belt on the ground. I mean, Khabib was world's greatest wrestler. Now you got Oliveira, and he's just as great with with with brilliant striking as well so right i feel just he doesn't
Starting point is 00:34:33 and right gets higher higher up justin gaethje gets wild and he'll start throwing random combinations. I mean, still, they're dangerous, but they're random. So, I mean, I feel like he will. And look at this. The guy who thinks they have the smallest dick thinks Oliveira's going to win.
Starting point is 00:34:56 He's right on two occasions today. It's very rare that you're right two times in a row in a chat. In the comments. He's undefeated. In the first 10 minutes he's easy uh i'm gonna go i'm gonna go with justin gaethje here and here here's why because i don't know what i'm talking about and i think justin has the better chin yeah no doubt so but he didn't he didn't. He did not. He did not get beat by Khabib by getting knocked out.
Starting point is 00:35:29 He got beat by Khabib by being choked out. Right. And tell me about that. Are we going to see all of their. So it's better to try to get a submission right off the bat when they're dry. When your dude's dry and when you're dry. Right. So we might see Oliveira go for something quick.
Starting point is 00:35:45 I don't see Oliveira go for something quick. I don't see Oliveira go for something quick. And this is the only reason why is because Justin Gaethje is probably betting on that. And the world probably thinks he can't stand up with Justin Gaethje. Oliveira is a fighter who loves to be in dangerous waters, prove people wrong. You know, hey, you can do it either way. If you watch that fight with Dustin Poirier, he stayed up for the first three rounds and they banged it out. Like, yeah, yeah. It was vicious, you know hey he can do it either way if you watch that fight with Dustin Poirier he stayed up for the first three rounds and they banged it out like yeah yeah vicious you know so you want your dudes drop oh I like them I like them real wet yeah no uh it would be it's ideal but I mean even if you do it in the third round, you're tired from punching. You're tired from standing up, having to fight.
Starting point is 00:36:28 So it's less likely you'll be able to fight off a submission. You know, you'll be more careless. Your chin will be up more. You know, it's easier to get the neck. It'll be easier to get an arm bar because you're, you know, trying to strike from the ground or push off. So I look to see him to do that in like the third round i feel like gaethje can go um third or fourth round with this but i would think that he would keep him off the ground which people don't know about justin gaethje
Starting point is 00:36:54 he is a phenomenal wrestler a phenomenal wrestler i think he went to college for wrestling yeah yeah it was a d1 i think Yep. I mean, a phenomenal wrestler, but no one really knows that because he leg kicks the shit out of people to death. And then, I mean, uses his overhands to, I mean, put people into a horrible situation. So this is a, this is the funnest man. I think that the lightweight division has is these two. I mean, someone who like Olivera, who's well-rounded, skilled in everything, not afraid.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Justin Gaethje, not afraid, well-rounded, skilled in everything. Two of the most dangerous fighters in the UFC, I feel like, you know. So, I mean, this is the fight that I've been most excited for. Who you got? Who you got? Who you got? Who you got? This is so hard to make decisions. When you're in the sport, it's so hard to make decisions. You know, oh, it could go this way or it could go that way.
Starting point is 00:37:56 I would go. No one's going to hate you for a wrong call. No one's going to hate you for a wrong call. I would go Oliveira. You'd go Oliveira. Okay. He's the better champion right now mr nunley mr justin olivera wow and and i'm almost always wrong so if you're if you're watching this show you should know that i'm certainly going with olivera then let's go uh this is not what the show is about the show is about um uh ejaculate and
Starting point is 00:38:28 wrestling in uh and ufc 274 but um but i do want to show you this guy and get your guys's opinion on this guy since we're talking about this weight class uh there's a good chance that the winner of the fight is gonna have to fucking handle this fucking disaster nope that's a whole lot of nope right there for me a lot of dope uh is this the best guy in the weight class that's that he hasn't been proven that he's a khabib he is the second khabib um he grabs you he he's big he's big he is he is he and he's uh i mean and he holds you and he does not let go i mean he is on top he's like me after three weeks of edging he is on top of you that dude's so ugly he's of edging, he is on top of you. That dude's so ugly. He's been edging his whole life. Oh, that guy's an edger for sure. He ugly as homemade sin, like they say where I'm from.
Starting point is 00:39:30 He's definitely an edger. I don't think he's ever – that's what he looks like. I mean, he is the most dangerous guy, which that's why I say Oliveira wins because I would love to see that matchup against him and Oliveira. Let's see how his – Oliveira's – because I would love to see that matchup against him and Oliveira. Let's see how his Oliveira's... I mean, we already know that Justin Gaethje got beat by a Khabib. You know? So I think that's just a reoccurrence.
Starting point is 00:39:54 We just watched that fight twice, if it's him and Justin Gaethje. But Oliveira, I mean, it's just... I mean, Jiu-Jitsu is no joke. Like, I fuck around with Jiu-Jitsu people, and I think, you know, sometimes my wrestling can save me. Sometimes jujitsu people are fucking the sneakiest bastards ever. Look at that win record. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:40:16 I mean, just. I saw that one loss. What is that one loss? What's the one loss? He walked into a punch. Oh, and got knocked out 146 into the first round you're crazy if you don't watch
Starting point is 00:40:31 the Kayla Harrison fight tonight just so you know everyone who's listening I'm seeing this again I feel like I'm edging right now just thinking about that fight I just started edging I really would love Cyborg to go ahead and take that fight.
Starting point is 00:40:47 I feel like, I'm not going to lie, I feel like Cyborg's a little scared. Oh, they got to all be scared. I think fucking, you know, she trained with, what's her name? Who's the goat, the chick who had two belts in the UFC? Amanda Nunes. Yeah, Amanda Nunes and her were training partners. I think Amanda knows. Someone should, like, creep into her fucking headspace and ask her, can you beat her?
Starting point is 00:41:09 Amanda knows the truth. Yeah. And I mean, Amanda Nunes beat Cyborg, but I mean, I really feel like it was just off of... I mean, Amanda Nunes got man strength, too. She's one of those other women who can fucking knock a grown man out just off a whim you know she she is strong i mean you ever seen her walking around in normal life she has braids and she wears her caps backwards you know sounds like my kind of woman yeah like a woman boy fuck with a woman like that she wears braids and wears caps backwards. She's beating somebody's ass. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:41:45 And, yeah, Kayla Harris is a – she's a different animal as well. And, I mean, I like the respect that she gives other women into the sport. I mean, she knows she can beat the shit out of other women. And, you know, she's not cocky about it. She just tells them, you know, hey. Tonight, 6 p.m., ESPN 2, PFL. I'm definitely watching it uh we're way off track here with this one uh this is going to be just one man with a giant nose who wants to talk to
Starting point is 00:42:12 two other men uh about noses i'd like to take a moment here and take a small break in the show talk about greg nelson's nose i have no idea who greg nelson is but i noticed this in embedded too and he's doing some i don't first of, what is he doing with his hands with Rose? And how could I get that? If I entered combat sports, would I eventually end up with the nose he has here? Let me play this for you here. Tonight is a blowout, so it's kind of forget the technique. I think we're going to get another chance to see it one more time.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Kind of have those wooden dolls. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I would say it's a lot like that, you know, just trying to be able to block in any position that I actually wanted one of those.
Starting point is 00:43:02 That those seem like the coolest shit ever to have. I would. Is that what, is that what they call sticky hands is that what he's doing i heard that term sticky hands i have only heard that term in one phrase and it's not what he's that's when i don't take a towel to bed with me before i do that literally literally yeah i i've only heard that one in one step but yeah you see how she's moving his his arms with her with her just her wrist that's exactly what they do on that on that doll um and what's up with that dude's nose is that just from just fighting yeah that's probably been broke about six or seven times we need to start a go fund me for plastic surgery for that guy he doesn't even have a tip on his nose anymore no no that's what's weird there's there's some profile shots where this
Starting point is 00:43:56 bump sticks out further than his tip yeah that's like it's like when you're being a dude and your belly sticks out past your tits it's's like, all right, time to get on the exercise bike. Literally. Hey, when that happens, the only person you send your dick pics to is yourself, just so you can see it. You know what I'm saying? I actually had a friend. I had a buddy like that. Yo, tell us, Darian.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Justin will throw out the case studies, and then you tell us the actual people. I won't say his name, but he was 330 pounds and he's only like 5'9". You know what I'm saying? And he came in. He worked out with me. I got him into some workouts. He lost a tremendous amount of weight. I think he's like 240.
Starting point is 00:44:40 And he said that in practice. We were talking about something. He's like, dude, you know what's great is when you can finally see your dick for the first time in fucking two that is fucking hilarious and i didn't think about it but i looked at pictures and i'm like yeah this guy probably couldn't see his dick not even laying on his back you know what i mean that's freaking i said yourself dig pigs man that's what you know like i mean that's fucking that's where you gotta send yourself big pigs man that's what you know like i forget what it looks like is it look down there you know so his wife go ahead go ahead no i'm just saying his wife i guess could describe it to him but i mean
Starting point is 00:45:18 he had a wife that dude had a wife had a wife he still has a wife she actually liked him better fat wow and she's nowhere near fat you know i mean chubby chasers man pretty shaped you know what i mean and she just says why are you getting so skinny i like you better with the belly wow i've heard from some women you know they get off faster when they have a belly it hits the hits the top part of their their clit while they're while they're right wow dead ass wow that's valid i heard that from a woman herself hey when we get off here can we can we stay around for a few more minutes so you can tell me where the clit is listen i saw a video the other day and it was it was a it was a diagram and this person was doing street interviews and it was a diagram of a woman's anatomy right but it wasn't like a picture it was like the inside of a
Starting point is 00:46:10 woman and they was asking different people you know where is the g-spot on a woman hell i let me tell you after watching that video women sure do talk a lot of shit for somebody who don't know where the hell it is themselves that's why they That's why they're frustrated when they expect us to find it. They're like, well, shouldn't you know? No, we don't know. No, hell no. No, we know how to get our job done.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Help a brother out. I'm telling you, hey, the G-spot, that's the big foot of the female body. Good luck finding it. Yeah, period. Michael Chandler is going against Tony Fergusonon who's lost three in a row um it is it is as a tony ferguson fan it is a little concerning like part of me kind of wishes he would retire like i don't want to and his fights are fucking bloody wars um and he's uh
Starting point is 00:46:57 who do you think is going to win this fight between chandler and ferguson and one more thing i'd like to throw out there is ch Chandler in the embedded series says he just adopted his second kid. Now he, he loves his first kid and you can see he's, he's always with that kid and all the videos, but it sounds like he adopted another baby on April 19th. Congratulations to him. A kid named Ace. Um, do you think that that's a massive, I mean, I have to guess that's a massive distraction. Massive. I mean, I feel like people who, anyone who gets married before, you know what I mean? And that time adopts a kid has a kid. I mean, that's a lot of responsibility that you're taking on while preparing for a major event. I mean, I feel like that's a big distraction. Um, I mean, unless you have one hell of a spouse that understands that hey i know we
Starting point is 00:47:48 just had this kid or adopt this kid but i'm gonna dump him off to you right now and i'm gonna focus on what i gotta focus on and then i'll come back and and build a relationship with that kid which i'm sure that's the plan but it's got to be hard to execute yeah i mean it really does uh especially if he is a as big-hearted as he is he probably you know it's probably hard for him to do um i feel like it's a great matchup though because i mean off three losses and michael chandler's off two you know i mean like they're both they both had great win streaks and then they lost a couple. You know what I mean? So this is a great comeback fight for both of them. Both of them got the tar beat out of them by Justin Gaethje, too.
Starting point is 00:48:32 That was both of their last losses. Right, right. I wonder if – I have to guess that if El Kukui loses this, he's done. have to guess that if uh all if uh if el kakui loses this um he's done man and i don't want to say that but i mean it it might it might even be time for him to be done even if he doesn't want to be you know right um it's just he's been in the sport since 2006 or 2008 or something like that i mean for a very long time um this sport is not meant to live your life in you know, I mean it's to Like Conor McGregor get this money get get you know famous quick get these knockouts and get out of the sport, you know I'm listening to you. By the way. I'm just looking over here to see if I can confirm that
Starting point is 00:49:22 Charles Olivera missed weight Oh UFC ufc 274 way in drama charles olivera misses weight on first attempt for justin gaethje title fight wow okay that's a half a pan he'll make that uh say that again that's a half a pan he'll be able to make that so what's he get he gets like a couple hours to go back what happens there darian yeah you uh you get weigh-ins start at eight i think and they end at 11 um and you can step on the scale um if you don't if you don't make weight i mean you have till 11 a.m to make sure you step on that scale at the correct weight but that that would be more concerning for uh justin gaethje because if i'm right they won't get to fight for the title if Oliveira misses weight.
Starting point is 00:50:06 Oh. I mean, that's just. How much stress does this put on Oliveira, though, Darian? Now he's got to focus on going and cutting another half pound today instead of getting himself right. Yeah, and instead of getting right or getting rehydrated yeah you have to go backwards and i mean that just speaks volumes to like how did the weight cut go what what what went wrong in your weight cut that you're not i mean you knew you were fighting for a title you knew you had to be on a certain weight i mean that's and this man's a professional he has professionals around him that make sure that these things stack up right so hey if he's on
Starting point is 00:50:45 that three-week edging program like you i know a way he could he could drop half a pound quick hey rub one out baby hey you might come in like a horse you have to use rousey's rousey's method and uh get it in the day before you know i don't know what to tell him. Ezekiel 2320. There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emissions was like that of horses. That's a big old digs, boy. That's a big old digs. I'm telling you. And that's a big – that's a two-pound load right there. I mean, he can get it – he can get down there.
Starting point is 00:51:21 How much did it say that he – did he miss weight by the first time? Did it say that he did he miss weight by the first time did it say charles olivera looked surprised when his weight was read at 156 and then 155.5 while weighing in for ufc 274 oh so they switched it while they were weighing them what do you have to weigh you have to weigh if it's a title fight you have to weigh 155 on the dot or less okay i'm gonna can you i don't hear any sound when i play this do you guys hear any sound this is playing nope okay it's interesting better so the so this is this is from twitter he looks a little pissed damn elon bus buys twitter now we have no sound good job good job elon you jackass
Starting point is 00:52:03 oh okay so he's getting naked they're bringing out the hey do you remember before they i've never seen that thing before but have you ever seen like when the towel drops and shit it's a fuck what a shit show when they bring the towel out you know the best one i've seen when the towel dropped with some girl misha tate yeah yeah is that on youtube somewhere i'm going to find that i'm sure her body's insane okay so he's got no underwear on and for all we know he dropped the load like we can't we don't know what's going on yeah but does he say he ever made the weight hey if you get on the scale and lift up your cock and balls does that make you lighter like if you lift it up with your right hand i think that's still you holding the weight on the same right right damn thank you good thing you're here darian hey if you're if you've got that surrounding you won't just put one foot off
Starting point is 00:52:55 the scale yeah right like a half a pound off yeah something i mean they had uh the and you know the reason they started using those is because daniel cormier used to weigh in for 205. And when they used the towel, he would press the edge of the towel to take off, you know, I don't know what it was, maybe half a pound or a whole pound. I don't know. But he would press that every time. So they started using that so you couldn't touch it. Dude, if you ain't cheating, you ain't trying. Yeah, that's some shit. Okay, here, the audio audio kicked in let's listen to the last 15 seconds and hear what
Starting point is 00:53:28 he says wait let's see here we go 155 and a half for charles olivero did you guys hear that yeah close that firm so that's that's what he weighed in that's from elon musk's uh social media platform twitter that's all that's all that's the best information we got it says he'll have an extra hour though to uh to cut that weight he doesn't look he doesn't look that lean so he could probably get a half a pound out in an hour. Yeah, I would feel that he could. But, you know, it's crazy. My coach is 6'2". I have this picture.
Starting point is 00:54:10 I wish I could pull it up, but I can't. I don't know how to do. Seven's a little miracle. Oh, he can whip it around here. But I have this picture of my coach. He's 6'2", 240 pounds maybe. He took a picture next to Charles Oliveira. They almost look damn near the same in size.
Starting point is 00:54:34 You know what I mean? Are we talking about dig size or their body type? I'm talking about from everything. Everything. Okay. But, no, like, and I mean, it's mean it's crazy and i mean i know my coach is so much more heavy than him but just to see the i mean olivera's even shoulder width and everything is pretty pretty crazy to be fighting at 155 pounds they say that he's 5'9 and that
Starting point is 00:55:00 justin uh gaethje is 5'8 i guarantee guarantee on everything that Charles Oliveira is not 5'9". I'm 5'11 1⁄2", and he was standing, if not eye-to-eye, a half-inch taller than me. Wow. Hey, I want to read you this. Let's switch subjects here real quick. It says that also failing to make weight was featherweight up-and-comer Norma Dumont, that's a a female a visibly drained immortal i think
Starting point is 00:55:26 that that must be her nickname went into the box of shame but was unable to get any lower than 146.5 pounds what is the box of shame is that like something that's like really hot that's there at the weigh-in like a sauna that they have there what is the box of shame i'm thinking they mean that naked box that jaw oh yeah oh shit the box of shame because you got to be naked in that motherfucker so that's kind of a funny name for it wow that's man remember that in college like you'd be up like it you'd be like coming home from someone's house at five in the morning you see some girl walking home what was that the walk of shame do you remember that yeah the walk of shame i'll tell you high heels in the hand, hair all fucked up.
Starting point is 00:56:08 Wearing the blue dress with some discharge on it. A dollop of discharge. That's what we call the Lewinsky. Hey, you know, that's pretty wild. Have you ever went back and like, because we were all pretty young when that happened. Have you ever went back and read some of the testimony like darian was still semen when that happened yeah i mean like i'm telling bill clinton actually took a cigar and like fucked her with it and then walked around the oval office with it in his mouth the rest of the day
Starting point is 00:56:39 that was in the testimony like that was some wild wild days no way that was in the testimony. Like, that was some wild, wild days. No way that was in the testimony. Yeah, yep. I remember reading that as a kid. Who put the testimony? She did? I don't know. Hey, we're getting way off subject here, but how do you feel about that, dude? Like, part of me is just like, so I have two feelings.
Starting point is 00:57:01 She's a grown-ass adult. He's a grown-ass adult. Fuck it. Shut the fuck up. Mind your own business. On the other hand, I'm like, that's my fucking daughter, and I sent her to the White House on some fucking internship program. Like, I would never – I don't even look at fucking girls who are under fucking 30. Even if it was my daughter, I'd be like, yeah, I've seen Hillary.
Starting point is 00:57:20 We're good. I'll allow it. All right, all right. You're a man of compassion. We're good. I'll allow it. All right. All right. You're a man of compassion. I think it's I think it was more on the lines of like. I mean, before Donald Trump, you'd think your president wouldn't do that, I guess, before George Bush.
Starting point is 00:57:38 You'd think your president wouldn't do crazy shit like that. I think that's more of what the shock and awe was. You know, this guy who's supposed to be a representation of, you know, a country would not be. I don't know. But, yeah, like you said, look at Hillary. I mean, she looks. No, but not even like Hillary now. Look at her back then. Hey, that was before she had like plastic surgery and stuff, dog.
Starting point is 00:57:59 She busted. And here's the thing. We're talking about like the fucking incredible absurdity of someone having to go three weeks without letting one fly i mean these are just men listen i want to put the disclaimer out there that i'm totally joking i and if i die like i didn't do it myself okay do what yourself oh it's all jokes we're just kidding oh shit justin someone's at the door we're just here yeah no uh i just i mean it's a shit like you said i was still semen at that point in time in life so i mean i can't you
Starting point is 00:58:37 were in the navy yeah i was his dad's Navy. I was a part of the edging back in that. I like it. I found this fascinating. Justin Gaethje says he doesn't do cheap meals in camp. And those are the types of little things that add to his confidence because when he steps into the ring, he knows he's done all the work is it i mean it's it's a fragile psychology getting in there right it is it's a it i mean physical game but i mean literally 60 to 70 percent mental in there i mean it's it's uh i mean you're going in there against
Starting point is 00:59:21 an opponent who is supposed to take your head off no matter what. I mean, mentally, you have to be mentally strong. You can be physically strong all you want. I fought physical guys who are physically strong without a doubt, but their mental was nowhere to be found. And I've crushed them in less than a round. So the mental aspect is the most important part, which that's crazy. That just shocked me. That just happened right now where Charles Lavera missed weight, huh? That just shocked me that I would not even have expected that from him,
Starting point is 00:59:53 especially being the type of guy he is, how much he prepares and how much he puts into this game. That's shocking to me. He looked shocked. He looked shocked. Yeah. I mean, that's shocking to me. He looked shocked. He looked shocked. Yeah. I mean, that's somebody I'll tell you right now, that's somebody on his team. That's effing up. You know what I mean? Oh, really? Really?
Starting point is 01:00:13 I mean, when you're at level, you, you have people to tell you this is what you need at this minute here. You can eat this at this minute, this is, and then they should calculate how all that goes and you should be at your perfect weight so that's somebody on his team that they didn't uh they didn't do what they were supposed to do you know they put one too many carbs in that last meal he had or something because i mean he should have he should have came in there breezing right at 154.9 yeah that was one thing that I thought was so crazy.
Starting point is 01:00:47 When we went, I was at the UFC Performance Center a couple weeks back when I was in Vegas. I was with Sam Alvey. He took us around, and we shot some content and stuff. They've got that cafeteria over there is amazing, and all the fighters have their own, like, it's like down to, like, the calorie, the carb, the protein, and, it's like down to like the calorie, the carb, the protein, and their stuff's already bagged up ready for them to eat.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Yeah, and that's, I mean, in your whole camp, that's how it goes. Even the UFC takes care of you like that. Like the UFC, once you're in fight camp, they send you meals. They give you a dietician. You tell them everything you know, you normally eat, what you wake up at, what you go to sleep at. And they build a whole meal plan around you. And they sit. Even for, even for you, a new dude to the game. Even I was shocked when that happened. Yeah. Even for me, they sit 27 meals every Friday to my, to my door.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Wow. And I was like, it was shocking. That was probably one of the, one of the best uh justin weighed in and he's already back to 165 though all right that's huge that's huge 15 pounds that's usually i i'm usually a guy who who does that as well 15 to 20 pounds i mean before i step in the ring I'm 20 pounds heavier than I was when I weighed in this is the 15th straight UFC arena sellout
Starting point is 01:02:12 damn congratulations to the UFC that's awesome I'm so happy that they're doing well Dana and those people over there for just how they stood so strong the last couple years through this fucking shit show I wish them always all the best. Is there anything else you guys would like to add?
Starting point is 01:02:30 I really appreciate the hour you guys have given my audience today. Hey, is that true right there? Is that true what WOD Zombie said? That they'll strip the title? I'm reading that the rules are if he doesn't make weight, he gets stripped of the title, and that Justin is the only one that can win it. Charles wins it if he stays vacant.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Oh, if Charles wins, it stays vacant. Wow. Oh, wow. Okay, so it's opposite of what I thought it was going to be. That's crazy. Hey, that makes more sense though, right? Yeah, so he can't even win the title back if he wins. He'd probably be the number one contender, I would imagine.
Starting point is 01:03:10 But he's already stripped of the title? No, well, I'm assuming he's going to get another chance to weigh in, right? Is he going to get another chance to weigh in? Who the fuck on the show is keeping track of this? Is it 2 o'clock right now? So what is it, like 12 o'clock over there? 12 p.m. in Pacific Standard Time. Oh, that's dead.
Starting point is 01:03:27 I don't think he will. Wow, what a mess. Let me type in Charles Oliveira again here. Let's see. News. Same thing at the top there.
Starting point is 01:03:44 Yeah, just that first attempt. He's probably weighing right now. Yeah, I mean, I'm so willing to see what happens. Yep, same thing here at the top. Oh, here we go. Let's check out the comments. Inboxing champs are stripped of the title if they don't make weight class for title defense.
Starting point is 01:04:06 I hope they employ that in the UFC. I bet Charles is wishing the guy no sympathy. I hope he loses. 25 minutes left. Come on, Chunky, do something. Oh, shit. So this person, if this person is accurate, it says he has 25 minutes left. And this was a post made 54 minutes ago.
Starting point is 01:04:27 This was – I think this came up 54 minutes ago. So I wonder what that means. Well, either way, and new. Wow. Okay, maybe he didn't make weight. Holy shit. What do you know, Wide Zombie? What did you see?
Starting point is 01:04:46 Yeah, fellas, please. Hey, do you think the UFC, Sevan, you can read our comments? Oh, yeah, I can read your comments. I'm going to, let me just go over here really quick to the UFC before we log out and see what their Instagram says says if they give us anything. I wonder if that's the kind of thing they promote or they're kind of ashamed of that. So they wouldn't. I'm going to walk you boys downstairs with me.
Starting point is 01:05:18 All right. Yeah. As long as you're in training camp, we know nothing weird is going to happen. We'll go anywhere with you. There you go. There you go. Safe to be around Darian three weeks before training camp. Three weeks before.
Starting point is 01:05:34 Darian, we need to get together and shoot some content sometime, bro. Yeah, for sure. I mean, whenever we can. I watched a lot of your videos this weekend. I'm a fan. I got you, brother. What's up, my guy? Did you catch one with Sam Alvey?
Starting point is 01:05:56 Look at – hold on. Some guy just dropped off a sack of weed at Darian's house. Yeah. He's hit. You like how I shook him up? Yeah, I'll be with you in a minute. Where is the Sam Alvey one? Where is the Sam Alvey? Go to my IG and I'll show it to you real quick.
Starting point is 01:06:16 Okay. And then we'll get out of here. I've taken enough of you guys' bam yep scroll down that booty hole one was hilarious i'll tell you that right there this is bro i'm gonna stop on this one here real quick too sorry dude i took so much heat for this bra oh you are absolutely wrong this time my friend she does not need a bra she needs you to not look at her coconuts okay you know what i need right now a bra oh you are absolutely wrong and my friend she does not need a bra she hey where did you get that did someone send you that yeah yeah oh that chick is genius does she know like is she serious or she just wants – she's – Oh, no, no. She's – me and her are mutuals on TikTok. She's brilliant.
Starting point is 01:07:08 She's funny as hell. She's brilliant. Okay, well, I've got to see this one too now. Let's go, girls. Listen, did you know that 1 in 11 people here on Earth earn their money from tourism? Now you do. Why the hell did I say here on Earth? Like, people are somewhere else.
Starting point is 01:07:26 I'm not talking about the actual space station here, you know? You know what's crazy? And these are all actual facts, huh? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Giant gummy worms are a thing, I guess. That was hilarious. Would you get this for your kid?
Starting point is 01:07:38 No, but my wife would like one. Excuse me? Don't you like gummy bears? Yeah. Listen, did you know that one in ten Americans think HTML is a sexually transmitted disease? Now you do. Giant gummy worms. And the watermelon one.
Starting point is 01:07:53 The one where you made your head the watermelon. Yeah, yeah. We're getting close to it. Keep going. Keep going. Right there. Oh, right. Oh, here.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Yep, right there. Here we go. What's up, guys? I'm with UFC Training Center with Sal Malby. Listen, did you know that Tito Ortiz's real name is Christopher Jacob Ortiz? Well, now you do. What's up, guys? I'm with UFC Training Center with Sal Malby.
Starting point is 01:08:22 That's a great one. Listen, did you know that Tito Ortiz's real name is they use that meme of Joe Rogan and them going crazy for everything, that's one of the things. Hey, that hit you, huh? That hit you. Yes, I told Sam, I said, listen, I said, I want you to pull every punch. Do not hit me until the timing's right, right? So we're going to run through this a couple times, right?
Starting point is 01:08:44 I said, and then when you feel like the timing is right, I don't know when it's coming. Jaw me up. Do you have a mouthpiece in or anything? No. You get hurt at all? Chip a tooth? No, I did. No, I got rug burn on my, on my ankle.
Starting point is 01:08:58 Such a pussy. Listen, I went down and that was the only thing I was complaining about was that I scuffed my ankle up. I was like, my ankle hurts real bad guys. Well, we know you can take a punch then. All right. I got it. I got a jaw. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for tuning in. This is now episode one of the greatest UFC prediction show in the history of
Starting point is 01:09:21 the earth. I think the earth, the earth. Yeah. I think he said, guys, thanks for checking in. Thanks everyone for earth. I think the earth. The earth, yeah. I think he said. Guys, thanks for checking in. Thanks, everyone, for watching. I'm pumped. Don't forget to watch Dylan Vowell tonight on Combat Cast. Don't forget to watch Kayla Harrison on the PFL. And then tomorrow, don't forget to watch UFC 274. Peace.

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