The Sevan Podcast - #393 - Alex Stein

Episode Date: May 9, 2022

Prime Time Alex Stein 99 - Conspiracy Castle Host and BlazeTV Broadcaster Sign Up for Our Newsletter: Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! http...s:// - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! - THE BARBELL BRUSH Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:00 That's cool. Okay, what are you doing? Bam, we're live with Alex Stein, Primetime 99. I stole it all. There he is. What are you doing bam we're live with alex stein primetime 99 i stole it all there he is what are you doing it what are you doing at 8 30 i'm going on sky australian news some australian news thing oh shit you gotta meet do you know avi over there no but some girl name let me find out who her name is you know who avi is right you've seen his shit on instagram he's the the guy. Yeah, of course. He's always at the protest.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Yeah. Have you talked to him? Never. Have you? Okay. Whoever talks to him first is bigger. If you get him first, you're bigger than me. If I get him first, I'm bigger than you.
Starting point is 00:01:37 When I was... Oh, fuck it. I want to show something else. Oh, we are live. We're live right now. Okay. I didn't realize. I thought you were kidding.
Starting point is 00:01:44 No, let's go. Prime time 99. Let's do it. When I was living in a house in college at UC Santa Barbara, and there was this guy that came into my house one time when me and my friends were just sitting around smoking weed, and we were playing like Nintendo or something, right? This is in, let's say, 1997.
Starting point is 00:02:03 I don't know exactly. And the guy comes in. 97, the 90s, man man i miss them compared to today sorry go ahead and uh there was a guy in there with a guy comes in his name was karm uh big black dude dreadlocks i'd seen him all around town for years i went to school there and he comes in and he's all fucked up right but super nice but so fucked up and drunk and just it's like like i'm this fucking preppy college student like what the fuck are you doing in my house my parents pay rent here there's six of us cool kids here he just walks into our house and he's just being a belligerent dude but he's so nice no threat at all you know what i mean just good vibe but well in college
Starting point is 00:02:38 you hang out with anybody you know what i mean yeah yeah it's different okay sorry you wouldn't do that as an adult right well i. Well, I mean, so. You know what I mean? I'm saying in college, like you almost hang out with like sketchy people because you've never hung out with sketchy people before. It's your first time like in your house. Like that's when we were buying cocaine and stuff. We'd hang out with a cocaine dealer in LSU. Like, so you would never do that now. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:02:59 Just because we thought we were being edgy or something. Remember what you just said. You'd never do that now because I'm going to this back to you mr stein okay so i i tell this dude hey dude get the fuck out of my house he's like all right you know i'm gonna be a dick and he fucking leaves right flash forward six months and i'm fucking homeless and it's just me by myself and i'm walking through this fucking park with my dog and and I'm homeless, right? All my shit dried up. Were you out of school yet, or what was the deal?
Starting point is 00:03:27 No, no, no. Mom and dad were like, hey, you've been an undergrad for 10 years. Fucking you're toast. Okay, yeah. Mom's like, uh-uh. Okay, so I'm in the park. It's my first day being homeless. I'm like, oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Everyone's left. Like, all my roommates leave and go home for the summer. And I'm like, holy fuck. It's just me and this fucking dog. Where am I going to sleep tonight? What am I going to do? for the summer and i'm like holy fuck it's just me and this fucking dog where am i gonna sleep tonight what am i gonna do and this fucking dude who i kicked out of my house comes walking across this park towards me i'm sitting in the middle of the park it's like it's like a two acre park it's a small like corner park on a street in santa barbara and um he's walking towards me he's got a
Starting point is 00:03:58 big black trash bag he goes hey dude what's up and i go hey what's up man and i'm way more cool now right and he opens up the fucking trash bag and he's got like 20 rotisserie chickens in there in the plastic and he goes you want one i'm like damn dude do i ever because i was tripping on what i was going to feed my dog that day i had no money homeless parents cut me off and i take one and me and that dude end up being friends for the next five years bros just tight just so tight right yeah when i invited you on the show i was scared to fucking death to invite you on the fucking show i'm like who the fuck is this fucking guy with these fucking the moon landing the 9-11 which all is crazy shit i go no one this is this guy could fucking tarnish my reputation he says shit that like i'll
Starting point is 00:04:45 never come back from hanging out with him is like doing january 6th oh my god but i was like let me face that fear i'm gonna face that fear and and and then and then i have you on the fucking show and you have the audacity to tell me hey i'm streaming live on my youtube channel i'm like which i'm not today i'm not today you're not killing me. You're killing me to stream on my channel. Yeah, I do. You the man. So at the time you only had like 4,000 subscribers, I was crushing you on Instagram. You're just some fucking dude. I just wanted to play with fire. I just wanted to play with Alex. I just wanted to touch and put in poke fun, maybe a little massage feel fucking a i hear jorge ventura claim
Starting point is 00:05:27 you're the funniest man in the world or the funniest man in the united states i'm like whoa jorge is a serious reporter i fucking text jorge i'm like what the fuck's up with you and stein dude he's a man i look over on your fucking youtube and you've just torched me you lose more subscribers and gain more than i gain in a day you got the deal with blaze tv i'm like holy shit it's the fucking guy in the park again walking up with his fucking bag and like i'm like this guy's never gonna come on my podcast again he made it oh shut up dude it's so funny you say that too because you know i i so many people reach out to have me on their podcast this and that and and so like you know i like to do
Starting point is 00:05:59 people's podcasts of course i want to do yours um but sometimes i ask people to come on my podcast that don't have anything to do with conspiracies like you just said and dude they i get no's a lot because they're nervous they're like oh i'm and i talk about sports or i'm a comedian like i'll ask comedians on and comedians like i don't know if i want to come on so it's funny how really and truly like i guess the the word conspiracy theorist was created by the cia to demonize anybody looking into the official story. But that word has been stuck into our brains. The word wasn't created for that, but the narrative around it.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Yes, the negative connotation around it. It was literally after JFK. So, no, you're 100% right. And it's funny because I wasn't even at January 6th. But, dude, you're right. It's like I am edgy. And that's the reason I didn't think I was going to sign a deal with the blaze but i think they kind of wanted somebody that with a little bit of edginess because when they really look into my story i'm really not that edgy i just talk
Starting point is 00:06:51 about i just talk about taboo subjects a lot of people won't talk about um because they were like you know alex you know you talk about you know the moon landing that's the first thing people always talk about but really dude when you talk about the moon landing, we talk about that. It's like so easily debunkable. But the problem is people are emotionally attached to it. They're like, oh, no, we 100%. I'm emotionally attached to it. Of course, of course.
Starting point is 00:07:14 And I get that. And I don't even want to. And that's another thing. Dude, me and what I'm doing and why I've started to be successful. The reason you had me on your show that first time is I had that super viral video of me doing the vaccine dance. And, you know, I had had, you know, I mean, I had a little following before that. It wasn't like, but that was the. Don't ruin my story. Don't ruin my story. Well, no, but what I'm saying is, you know, how the saying goes is you got to work your whole life to become an overnight success.
Starting point is 00:07:40 So it wasn't like I just, you know, one viral video and you get picked up by the blaze and all this stuff. But my point, dude, with that hold that caleb roll the film 45 what he just said what alex stein just said and then i promise you guys i'll stop interrupting him as much he just said you're not an overnight success now listen to this and take everyone just be cool take a deep breath close your eyes and listen to the two minutes of alex nine here this is for everybody in the world please Please listen. I can talk funny. So nobody can stop me. Because I got a computer. I got a keyboard too.
Starting point is 00:08:15 So I got everything you got. And then some! So you're messing with the master. There's very few people that can grind like I grind and shine like I shine. Now, am I the biggest deal? No, no, I'm not. I ain't not. But I'm about to be.
Starting point is 00:08:38 I'm about to be a big A deal, as they say. And nobody can stop that. Yeah. Except for myself. Unless i get whacked out on drugs or alcohol unless i sell myself you know short which a lot of people do which most people do which i did for a big part of my life you know becoming a debt slave and you know basically working a job just to pay my bills instead of taking a chance on myself everybody here should take a lesson i'm not a role model We need to take more chances on ourselves.
Starting point is 00:09:06 That doesn't mean open a Ponzi scheme, multi-level marketing crap. That hit me hard, by the way. That means go out there and create something other than just hate on the internet. And maybe you're not even creating hate. That doesn't mean don't do something either. You know, even if you're just a normal person, you need to go create too. Everybody needs to create something.
Starting point is 00:09:23 you need to go create too everybody needs to create something you need to just take chances and be simply disobedient at the same time and this isn't advice wow i hate watching myself over though makes it it's hard that's jordan peterson shit dude oh i don't know about that but you're nice i mean you're a motivator too so you get it like i played high school football sport i mean i played high school football i played sports or something about the competition that brings out you know the leader in you you're either a leader or a follower and i feel like i'm just naturally a leader so when i speak like that it's like i'm just speaking from the heart it's not even that brilliant or anything i'm just talking from my gut as they say but that's the thing i can tell i can tell you're almost channeling i can tell you kind of get into this um you have a black
Starting point is 00:10:09 affect about you you want to be embraced by the black culture so bad you are like a black it's too bad there's so many people who are fucking with the identity thing because you really are a white man trapped you are a white man you're a you're a black man trapped in a white man well you know what i grew up in a bail bond office. My dad is a bail bond. So all I did, I was literally raised by black guys that got out of jail that were my babysitters my whole life. I didn't ever have.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Racist. Racist. No, because every time I had a female babysitter, I was so bad they couldn't handle me. So my dad would have ex-convicts basically watch me. So that's why I have that affect is, yeah, I mean, I'm from Dallas, Texas, and I definitely and dude, I'm a culture vulture. I love the black culture. I love everything about it, because like as an athlete, as a person that loves sports now, I really hate sports. Basically, pro sports kind of make me sick to say it. But yes, UFC. Do you like the UFC?
Starting point is 00:10:57 Well, of course, UFC is awesome. But that's a one man wrecking team. You know, that's like that's a little different than like these team sports or these divas are like and UFC. They don't get paid enough. So like that's a little different than like these team sports or these divas are like and ufc they don't get paid enough so like that i definitely like them but these players that sit out because they're not getting paid or fake injuries and in like lebron james acts like he's all political and he every time he has a book he's only read the first page it's just i just don't think they use their platform for a positive thing like these little kids bright selling sprite to black kids while he came well he claims he cares about black lives? Yeah. I mean, seriously, that's all he does is try to sell. And he sells us out for China. He just cares about money. But this is what I don't get. If you have $20 million, if you have $40
Starting point is 00:11:36 million, if you have $60 million, how is that not enough money? I mean, at some point, you don't get to take this money with you. And these people have this idea like it's a pissing match. Oh, if I have X amount of dollars, I'll feel better. But this is one thing I've learned is that materialism is probably like the worst thing and most poisonous thing we can have because people will put their whole entire self-worth into an inanimate object that doesn't even know they exist. And a lot of people, that's how they shape their ego was the crap that we have around us.
Starting point is 00:12:04 And there's nothing more poisonous because this crap doesn't matter and there's always new crap that's coming out so i think that's what's wrong with our society especially the younger kids they're so attached to material things like it has to be gucci it has to be my tiktok that's what you said they're attached to material things i think you might be conflating something here let me propose this to you okay i have no problem with lebron selling sprite i have no problem with bezos going to the moon or mars i think it's fucking awesome this is the problem i have and i have no problem with someone making a billion dollars five billion yeah i have a problem with the line yeah okay me too but if lebron could say i wouldn't drink this shit you'll never make it to the top drinking that shit if he could say
Starting point is 00:12:47 that so so this company paper street coffee they're like hey we want to sponsor you yeah i said i drink good dudes coffee they said yeah do they pay you i said no he said okay well we're gonna pay you i go but i'm still gonna drink good dudes he goes i don't give a fuck i go you don't give a fuck he goes no i go why are you me money? He goes, because I want your show to survive. And fuck God bless him. Wow. Okay. Okay. Asshole. Send me some of your fucking coffee. So he sends me some of his coffee. It's a little fucking brown beans that are just roasted and don't have all that shit on them. I drink the coffee. I get all wound up and I'm almost as fucking got almost as much money as Alex Stein, but just honesty, right? right yeah that's why he sold you he
Starting point is 00:13:26 said i don't care i respect that we do need to be more transparent we need to be more unapologetically ourself you're right it's like we all lie to fit in or to try to make people like us and there's a saying it's like your biggest fan is a stranger and your biggest enemy is somebody close to you you know so it's like we really we shouldn't lie to people to try to impress them like lying lie. And dude, everybody's had a white lie, but it's like these people that, you know, that just misrepresent stuff in order to, you know, pull a fast one on somebody that there's nothing more evil than that, in my opinion. That's why I like, I really don't like all this crypto stuff. And, uh, you know, I'm not saying I have a little bit of crypto. I'm not saying don't have a little bit. You probably should, but just, there's just so many scams out there in this, in this world. You know, I was a used
Starting point is 00:14:07 car salesman. Now I signed the blaze. I'm going to close down my car lot. I got to tie up some loose ends. You had, you had, you had your own lot. I got, yeah, I got my dealer's license. I have my own car lot. Yeah. I'm in the wholesale car business. And so that's why, what I'm trying to say is I've just had every type of scam. I had guys come with me with where they bring a cashier's check and I call the bank and the cashier's check is good, but they have six copies of it. So they got six different guys trying to use that cashier's check. At the same place, I've had every kind. I've had guys where they take the car for a test drive and they come back with it scratched and they still want to buy it. They purposely scratched it. I mean, there's all kinds of scams. My point being is
Starting point is 00:14:39 in this world, it's not a happy-go-lucky world, sadly. It's like there's just somebody out there looking to knock off your head and that's the opposite we need to be but because we've just been screwed over so much you think that thinking like that is what keeps that going what do you mean that people are going to knock our heads off i mean i don't know i think you have to be cognizant because this is why it's like in society we're so detached anybody i do a lot of like uh social sociological like kind of stunts with my buddy, Cassidy Campbell. He has a big YouTube channel where like, we'll ask somebody for a dollar and they say no, then we'll have like a plant behind them. If they say yes, we give them like a fake
Starting point is 00:15:12 $10,000 check. What I'm, what I'm trying to say is people like just judge people. They don't want to actually help people out because they've been so screwed. So you're right. Like having that negative, like, you know, you're kind of stuck in that negative feedback loop. Like it was this person scamming me. But at the same time, dude, there are people out there trying to scam you that will try to, you know, do whatever they can to make it. So it's just it's not the world that we live in is not perfect. It's not like a board game. It's not Monopoly. It's real life. It's pretty scary. How about when you just don't care if someone scams you? That's the best way to be is to I think is to act like you don't really care and to not care, to not sweat the small stuff.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Well, you know, like I was talking to one of my good friends. She just got out of a relationship, a four-year relationship, and she's so depressed and she's a lot younger than me. She's 25. I'm 35. I'm actually pretty old now. Not old, but compared to her is what I'm trying to say. And so I'm trying to give her guidance. I'm like, I've had so many breakups where you're so depressed, you're so sad. And now I look back, you laugh, you just laugh. You know, I literally, I cringe. I'm like, oh my God, I can't believe that girl even bugged me. And it's hard to, you know, explain to somebody that I think their world's ending. And like you, I'm sure you've been through a breakup and you laugh about it a year later or
Starting point is 00:16:19 years later. So it's weird. It's like, there's just a saying, there's a saying, Dan Bilzerian said this on Joe Rogan's podcast, but I steal it. I say it all the time. It's a story, the proverb of the Chinese farmer. So what happened was the Chinese farmer, he had a horse and the horse ran away and everybody in the village is like, oh, that's so terrible. Your horse ran away. You know, that's so bad. And he's like, maybe. Then the next day his horse came back with seven other horses and everybody in the town was like, oh, that's so awesome. Now you got all these horses for farming. That's so good. And the Chinese farmer's like, maybe. And then the next day, his son is tending to the horses and the horses trample his son's leg. And his son's like temporarily paralyzed. Both of his legs are broken. And everybody's like, oh, that's so terrible. Your
Starting point is 00:16:56 son's legs are broken. And the Chinese farmer's like, maybe. Then the next day, the draft service comes around and they see his son's all mangled. His legs are broken. So they don't draft him into the war. And everybody in the town's like, oh. His legs are broken. So they don't draft him into the war. And everybody in the town's like, oh, that's so awesome. Your son didn't have to go die in the war. And he's like, maybe. So my point being is you don't even know what a bad thing is until you get perspective. It actually might be the best thing ever in your life.
Starting point is 00:17:17 So same with good. So many people think they're doing good and they're doing absolute harm. Yeah, I agree with that, too. But what's an example? what what what is an example of that in your opinion like somebody's doing good and and then like overworking out maybe in the exercise world or what sure but i was thinking even more big pictures than that it's basically the whole um liberal ideology the whole liberal ideology is violent and discriminatory and racist and and i want to i want to say something very interesting.
Starting point is 00:17:45 Oh, well, you talked with James Butler about systemic racism. Yeah. And there is systemic racism, but I would propose to you you're thinking about it all wrong. Okay, well, tell me, because I do believe it. And people in the conservative world are like, there's no systemic racism. I'm like, dude, we've been – There is. Yeah, of course there is.
Starting point is 00:18:02 But here's the thing. It's being – here's the part that's so hard to get your head wrapped around. It's being maintained by the people who believe in systemic racism they start to see racism everywhere the only way the only way this goes away is with each individual stop viewing the world through the racist lens that doesn't mean that you can't be prejudice or discriminatory you have to use prejudice and you have to use discrimination you see someone speeding down the street you have to you see three guys walking towards you and they're belligerent you cross the street. But the second you say it's because of color or those types of things, you on planet Earth is a word that the left – not just the left, the left and the right requires you to be offended by your whole life. It's waiting for you. Why do we allow that word to be? mean n word why is it i don't know
Starting point is 00:19:28 that is the enforcer of systemic racism the but those those types it's that deep naming is the origin of all particular things when we allow when we when we when when people when white people are keep just saying n word n word n word and they don't actually say the word, they're enforcing it. When Joe Rogan says sorry for what he said, do you know what he's really saying? That's systemic racism. He's saying I'm enforcing all of you to remember that that word oppresses you. Yeah, I agree with that. behind it and that's why the left is so fucking dangerous because in the guise of being benign and good they are telling the black man get in your fucking cage they're the plantation owners
Starting point is 00:20:13 they're the psychological plant and it's fucking it's fucking it's maddening and you have people like lebron enforcing that enforcing it and yet he broke out of it you have obama enforcing it and yet he broke out they should be telling everyone stop being a fucking victim it doesn't matter it's the victimhood and see it's funny because you bring that word as a white guy like in my car lot it's only two black guys that work there and when they call me the n-word it's like the badge of honor i love it i'm saying i love it when they call me so it's weird how it's like how we make it you know we give the words its power we're the reason why it is a negative thing. But I think you make the best point, though. It's the victimhood mentality. And that's like everybody has a reason why they
Starting point is 00:20:53 can be a victim. Like that's why like the trans thing is a big deal. That's why, you know, anybody if they have a bad relationship with their parents, they feel like a victim. We need to actually take ownership of our life and stop being a victim. Like you're not promised a rose garden when you're born. Your life's going to be tough. It's tough for everybody. And somehow we have to instill people not to be a victim, even though bad crap's going to happen to you. Nobody's going to have a life where everything goes according to plan. But these people, they want to be able to use that victimhood as an excuse for their failure. So why they eat bad or why they don't have a job or you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:21:26 I think that's a crutch. And I think society is using it because even white people now, they're saying they're a victim of, what is it, the reverse racism. It's just racism. Let's just call it racism. I grew up in the Bay Area and the black people there are,
Starting point is 00:21:49 first of all, I grew up in the Bay Area and I never saw any white person be racist to a black person. But I've been racist. Black people have been racist towards me 10,000 fucking times. Like, have you ever had a black girlfriend and try to hang out like somewhere like where there's all black people? I've hung out in a lot of places. All black guys. And yeah, dude, there's a video on my thing. And let me be one more thing. But let me make this happen. Say I went to a barbecue. It's like an all black barbecue. And they're like, who is this guy? I mean, some people are really cool.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Nice. A majority of people were. But there's a few people you would have thought they thought I was an FBI agent just for being there. You know what I mean? Just for being a white guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've been I've I've ridden my bike through Oakland at least a dozen times where I was
Starting point is 00:22:21 fucking chased for being police. But here's the thing. Even we are being – we're miscategorizing it because it actually has nothing to do with being black because I've spent months and months in Africa, and it's not – it has nothing to do with black. It has to do with – I don't know what you would call it, black culture in America. But the black people in Africa, you can't categorize them with the – that's like categorizing the Armenians in LA with the Armenians in Northern California. Yeah, dude. A black guy from Africa is way different than a black guy from Oakland. Yeah, that's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:22:51 That's why you can't even say it's black. It's a total fucking lie and mischaracterization. And those are the things that are keeping systemic racism alive by referring to them as black people. It's just fucking nuts. Yeah, but systemic racism – And people can't see that. Yeah, fucking nuts yeah but people can't see that yeah but dude people can't see anything dude i mean people like i like i believe we went to the moon yeah well that's fine but this is how dumb i am no but this is this is the thing this just
Starting point is 00:23:15 shows you society and i might have said this last time on your show i say this all the time but a and w hamburgers you know they're not just a root beer company they used to sell hot dogs and hamburgers and they were trying to compete with mcdon McDonald's in the 80s and early 90s. They did a nationwide market research survey. And they were trying to compete with McDonald's Quarter Pounder, a one-fourth. And what they did is they asked people what they thought was a better value. And this was, they did it nationwide. They asked people what was a better value. It was like $3.99 for a Quarter Pounder burger, or like basically the same price, like $3.89 for a third Pounder burger, for one-third. Overwhelmingly, people thought it was a better value to get the one fourth pound burger
Starting point is 00:23:48 because, yeah, they're going to say that, you know, this is their word. But overwhelmingly, people thought that the quarter pounder was more than the third pound burger. And this is A&W's argument because it makes people look stupid. They tried to like, they came out with a thing trying to say why people got confused. But it basically comes down to this. Overwhelmingly, people don't even know a simple math fraction. And that's where we're at. People are just not that smart. And if people could figure it out, if you gave them time, if they weren't just, you know, in a rush, you know, answering some question, they probably very easily could figure out what's more, what's better value. But we're constantly under what I call trauma-based mind
Starting point is 00:24:23 control. We're constantly under this fight or flight response they want to keep us in this low vibrational energy state so we're stressed about our kids we're stressed about our job we're stressed about money we're stressed about being overweight we're stressed about what kind of car we drive so that we can't even actually focus or take ownership or actually enjoy our short life that we're here on this earth short life hey did you know rosa parks wasn't the one who sat in the back of the bus she was that she was an actress dude they did that bit three or four times you know that right dude that's a great someone just sent it to me the other day it was really a woman named claudette colvin i know and then they redid it with her and then i think they had to do with
Starting point is 00:24:56 rosa parks twice before she got arrested or something so they did it yeah like she did it a couple times fucking fascinating yeah that was a that was dude. That's the same social justice. Look at Black Lives Matter, dude. The one Patrice Cullors. She bought a house in a 98.7% white neighborhood, a $3 million house. And the other biggest race here was Chinese. It was 0.01% black. This is Black Lives Matter.
Starting point is 00:25:19 I mean, dude, come on. I mean, talk about hypocrisy. With the money they got, they didn't even buy a house in a black neighborhood. How tall are you? Six foot three. And how much do you weigh? I got to get on a diet, dude. I'm 241 pounds this morning.
Starting point is 00:25:35 But listen why I've gotten so fat. So I quit smoking weed. I don't drink alcohol. And this is not an excuse. This is not an excuse. But dude, ever since I stopped smoking weed, I've just been eating like a fur. I mean, I still, I go and exercise every day. So this is what I'm going to offer you.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Please. Offer me something. I'm going to set you up with someone who's going to get you some blood work. I need some blood work. They're going to taste it. You know, I don't eat meat. You know, I don't eat meat too. And last time I got my blood work, they said I'm a little anemic because I'm a vegetarian.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Oh no. Why are you vegetarian? Just spiritual reasons. Cause I'm weird. Oh, cause you don't think animals should die for your existence. Yes. I'm an animal lover. Mad props.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Salaam alaikum. I, I, I think that's, I think that's great. I think that's the only reason by the way, that's really cool. Do you know the raw meat guy? The raw eating meat guy? Yeah. He's nuts. That one guy, well, there's a couple of them them but the one guy that's like has like two million followers or whatever the guy
Starting point is 00:26:28 that's really super jacked no not the liver king can you pull up the raw meat guy uh mr beaver we had him on the show we had both guys on the show are you impressed yeah of course yeah but dude you're big dude my buddy sent me a message the other day he's been your biggest fan for forever i didn't realize that like in the fitness world or whatever world i don't know what you would call it the health and wellness world dude you're a big deal i didn't realize that yeah i'm the guy uh look at this fucking guy that's why i'm normal i'm normal i'm nothing like you i'm normal just what's he what's he washing it down with you see the people to slonk the eggs do you
Starting point is 00:27:05 recommend that because like i don't really eat what is that stupid i don't know what is that i just don't like the word slonking um that's what they call it that's what they call it i thought i think they call it slonking eggs dr paul saladino says you shouldn't eat the whites and he told me why and i forget but i believe him see you know that's another thing is i don't like this chicken dude they put so much crap you know the average size chicken in the 80s was like four pounds now the average size chicken's 11 pounds because they give it they they pump it up with so many steroids and stuff this guy he's a monster eating that raw chicken like that this guy has a mental disease dude
Starting point is 00:27:40 hey so this guy's really cool um. How many followers does he have now? This guy built two meme accounts with like over 2 million. Wow, he's doing good. He built two meme accounts with over 2 million followers, I think. Wow. Yeah, I love this guy. And he was a great guest. He was a gentleman.
Starting point is 00:27:56 So, okay, so are you ready for this, Alex? Yeah. So I have this. I just thought of this just now because they commented in the comments, California Hormones. I have this sponsor, and they do blood work for people, and then they give them advice on what they need to do to help themselves. And one of the things that they're big into is they check your testosterone levels. And if your testosterone levels are low, they put you on some sort of prescription for peptides. Yeah, how did you have such a good hairline?
Starting point is 00:28:25 Are you on testosterone, dude? You have such good. No. Dude, how is your hair? Because mine started to get like I have a full head of hair, but mine started to recede. And I'm looking at your hairline. I'm like, wow, I want to get what you're on. You got that great hair.
Starting point is 00:28:39 My sister, my sister just showed up in town today and she goes, man, you look really good. I'm like, oh, man, people are going to start thinking I'm on testosterone placement i'm not i am not i am not um i'm i'm i'm a fitness freak though like i like i work out a lot okay so um not in my community in my community i'm just fat slob i don't even work out that much so intense yeah it's so intense because you know you get addicted to working out too because it makes you feel so good after you know that's kind of like a drug too yeah even before we come on so every podcast i do pretty much before the guest comes on an hour before i ride a bike a bike an assault bike for 10 minutes even if i've already worked out twice i pour i'm pouring sweat then i jump in the shower then i put the goop in my hair and
Starting point is 00:29:18 then i come in and i'm all wide-eyed yeah i just watched my dogs and i took a shower that's why i'm still kind of wet i feel like now I'm starting to dry off. You look good. No, but I'm saying, you're right. The exercise is for the mental health, though, is so important. And I think we talked about that last time. People don't realize. They think, oh, I just got to work out because I don't want to be fat.
Starting point is 00:29:36 But it's going to take so long. Being fat is all about diet. I know that. You know that, too. I mean, that's such a huge part. You can't outwork a terrible diet i guess is my point but the mental the mental health benefits no but dude i want to get i need to go with california what are they did they have a place in dallas what do i how do i need to get
Starting point is 00:29:54 my blood tested i need to do it like this week so here's the thing you just just for your own mental health or for for some other reason well just because last time i got my blood tested last year it's about been about a year, and I mean, my – well, I was a little slightly anemic, and that's because I've been vegetarian for now going on two years. So what I would – Three years, actually. So what I'd like to do is I'd like to have them do blood work on you
Starting point is 00:30:16 and then tell you what you need to do, and then if you decide to go with that, with that advice, taking the peptides testosterone replacement whatever vitamins b12s whatever they decide then you come on the i didn't even think of this by the way this isn't a setup i just thought of this like just now just seeing you and then i saw her post in there and then and then um uh and then basically you come on once a month and we talk about you and you i will dude i gotta get back in shape i I was, I was totally, two years ago I was, you know, doing the yoga every day. I was kind of addicted to working out and I just let myself go, you know?
Starting point is 00:30:51 Yes. They have a lab in Dallas. Holy shit. Okay. Okay. I'm going to hook you up with Sarah tomorrow. Okay. I'm going to go. I'll get it this week. I'll come on. We'll do a monthly check-in and I'll weigh myself on stream. I'll bring the, we can, we can do it. And you'll, and I'll weigh myself on stream. I'll bring the – we can do it. And you'll start working out a little bit. Yeah, of course. No, I got to get back in my fitness grind.
Starting point is 00:31:10 We're going to crazy support you. We're going to fucking ride you like a donkey in Tijuana. Okay, good. And see, I live next to this place called Bachman Lake. I walk my dogs there every day four miles around it, but that's not enough. I got to work out. I got to start lifting weights and doing the thing. But I walk every day, but that doesn't – that's not – Hey, you know what we'll do too? You need to get a ruck. Do you know what a ruck i gotta start lifting weights and doing the thing but i walk every day but that doesn't you know that's not hey you know what we'll do too you need to get a
Starting point is 00:31:27 ruck do you know what a ruck is what's a ruck it's like a rowing machine what does it sound can you show them if you're walking four miles a day then we need to put a ruck on you what do you do during those four miles you talk to your 25 year old girl and pretend like you're just giving her advice but you're just really trying to get her in the sack no i mean i listen to a podcast i walk my dogs. I got my ginger. I got my dogs. I used to wear the weighted vest a lot. I need to get back to wearing.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Yeah, this one goes on your back. And it's pure just weight in there. It's not even a bag. Super trendy. You could use it as a bag or you can put these plates in there. We'll figure all this out. We'll figure this guy's going to, the founder of this company is scheduled to come on the show.
Starting point is 00:32:04 I'll get him to sponsor you. He didn't even sponsor me. Hey, welcome to the show. Can you sponsor my friend Alex Stein? OK, Hunter Biden's laptop. What about it? I know all about it. Yeah, I mean, I'm an expert.
Starting point is 00:32:16 You know what his password was? Anal fuck 69. That you didn't know that. Google it right now. Pull that up right now. Pull up Hunter Biden's laptop password. I want that pulled up for the people that don't right now pull that up right now pull up hunter biden's laptop password i want that pulled up for the people that don't believe me it was anal fuck 69 this show i'm fucking can't i'm double no i know i also want to talk about us no no i'm joking
Starting point is 00:32:35 i'm joking let's go all anal i'm so excited i just read the book um i'm like one hour away from finishing listening to it um what's that laptop from hell yeah well who wrote that michael who i don't remember who wrote that it was a lady i can't get her on the show for some reason even though she goes she goes on fox all the time um something divine or uh biden then reportedly revealed the password is anal fuck 69 or something to that extent with mac isaac noting that biden's inebriated condition made it when he came in he said he stunk like alcohol from like a mile away can you find out who wrote that book uh but let me let me tell you why this is the problem though with the hunter biden thing is everybody knows somebody that's addicted to drugs or alcohol
Starting point is 00:33:20 somebody close to him so this is the problem they give us that actually makes hunter Hunter Biden seem more endearing than he might have a drug and alcohol problem. What the thing is, is they're they're not talking about how he sold us out to Ukraine. They're not talking about how he's doing deals with China, doing deals with Russia. So they're going to give us all day long. Oh, that he's a crackhead. Oh, that, you know, he's a sexual pervert because nobody cares because everybody's, you know, has whatever, like a little bit of demons like that almost humanizes them. You're like, oh, that's the president's son. But he's real on crack. So is my cousin. So is my brother. So is my sister. So what bugs me about it is this is all done on purpose. These people, the CIA, whatever you call this alphabet agencies, they know how to portray him. And they give us just enough information to where they like make him seem like he's a loose cannon, but not enough information to sink the ship.
Starting point is 00:34:05 And this is my conspiracy tinfoil hat. What's gonna happen with Hunter Biden is they are going to do what is called a humiliation ritual. They do it to everybody. And that's because Barack Obama and Joe Biden are not as close as you think. As a matter of fact, even before the election,
Starting point is 00:34:18 I think Barack Obama said, if you want something messed up, screwed up or fucked up, I forget exactly his words. He's like, put Joe Biden in charge of it. So he knows that they put him in there. They kind of put him in there as a puppet president and they're going to have to take him out because they don't want him to run at 81 years old. So just wait. They're going to give him another year and they're going to have a public humiliation. Everything's going to come out about Hunter's dealings, about his brain not being all there. You don't think everybody on the left and right
Starting point is 00:34:43 doesn't realize that Biden is a little slow? No little slow no hey dude i've been asking my liberal friends about biden if he's okay they're like yeah he's fine i i swear to god i swear to god yeah they really think that you know i i think that maybe whatever news sources they listen to where they don't see the same videos we see but even even if he can read the teleprompter, okay, like there's gaffes of Donald Trump reading. And that's another thing, dude, I don't even like, I'm so mad at Trump now, dude, going back and looking at his presidency, Trump was such a freaking idiot, half the stuff he did. When you talk about the WikiLeaks, he basically, Julian Assange with the WikiLeaks gave him the 2016 election. He didn't pardon Julian Assange. Now he's the biggest pharmaceutical
Starting point is 00:35:23 rep in the world. Did you see at his last last rally he called up the Johnson and Johnson family talked about how great they were I mean we can only say so much because they're on YouTube but it's like dude this no no you can say it you can say it I don't know I'm just saying he's a show for the vaccine I don't want to say anything bad about the vax it's so perfect get it it's safe and effective even though almonds and peanuts aren't safe and effective for everyone the vaccine I promise you is safe and effective for everyone I liked it when you touched your ear like that well i was just itching it i felt like you were talking the cia was like you're doing a great job you're doing a great job keep going um do you know i'm all over the place now i want to go back to
Starting point is 00:35:58 the laptop in a second but do you know dream rare anomaly of course he's a man i've done a show with anomaly he's awesome have you done one You got to get him on your show. Yeah, yeah, I figured. I wonder if I'm going to – I met him in person, and I swooned like I was meeting Anna Nicole Smith. I swear to fucking God. Have you seen – pull up Anna Nicole Smith's daughter, though. She looks just like her. She was just at the Kentucky Derby.
Starting point is 00:36:19 I saw – pull up Anna Nicole Smith's daughter at Kentucky Derby. I thought it was funny how much she looks like her. Straight as an arrow. When I fucking got around Dream got around dream rare i was like holy fuck he's so fucking cool he is a cool guy hey he knows about the moon ask ask anomaly about the moon he knows all about it but he believes in god too yeah but you can believe in god well are you an atheist no what's an atheist but what do you mean this is her at the door she looks a lot like her mom and nicole smith people don't realize she was like a babe of all babes uh super babe i mean her daughter will be really pretty when she's you know older but it's just funny seeing her grow up it's
Starting point is 00:36:56 really sad what happened to ann and nicole smith did you see how it's it's funny you bring her up but like did you see her all that stuff when she was dating that guy howard k stern her attorney and like her last years how she od'd in that in the bahamas wait that 90 year old guy's name was stern no no no that that the 90 year old guy's name i remember but i just can't think of it right now but she ended up like her lawyer that was like her friend the whole time ended up becoming her like husband or whatever and took over her estate and just let her do drugs basically let her kill herself on drugs but he was he was the media would always talk about it because his name was Howard K. Stern and she used to go on the Howard Stern show all the time. So like- Wow, I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, what happened to Howard Stern? He sucks! Dude, I'm the biggest Stern fan. I used to be the biggest Stern fan in the world. He sucks! He's a germ freak loser. All those those guys he talked about bought and sold by uh corporations he's sold out dude he's not he's not edgy at all do you think he's sold out i just think he's just a like a so um a mental lunatic like he's like got so much pussy in him that like he's like just pure cowardice he's the he, he's the super, but he's the alpha beta. Wow. And you know,
Starting point is 00:38:09 and I used to think Howard Stern was this big badass, but now like I've actually met some people that used to work on the show and stuff. And dude, they say that Ralph Silpharella, Ralph, his hairstylist was really his secret boyfriend. And that Beth, his wife is just a beard.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Like, and dude, he even said on the show when he's listening to that, he used a condom every single time. Nobody used a condom with her wife. Every uses a condom with their wife every single time. Oh, I do. I do. Every time?
Starting point is 00:38:29 Well, except for the three or four years that we had kids. Wow. Wow. And you did hear I thought you and Anomaly were handsome. No, I'm just saying. I just can't believe that. Oh, it's – Not you.
Starting point is 00:38:44 I can believe it, I i guess i'm talking about howard stirred he's just i was scared to death of getting aids i was scared to death of getting aids and getting someone pregnant i know i know i got problems you gotta use a condom with random strangers yeah you gotta do that yeah i wasn't afraid of getting aids with my wife but i built those habits i built the habits of condomizing and then my wife and, and then the crazy thing was, is then my wife was like, Hey, I want to have a kid. And she was 39. And then we spent the next, you know, three or four years just having sex. That economy was the greatest, greatest days of my life. Okay. And so you guys were able to conceive at 39. So what do you think about all this
Starting point is 00:39:16 reverse way? And I'm 43. That's when you had your first kid at 43. See, that's awesome. That's what I'm going to be. I'm 35. I haven't had a kid yet i want to have kids but i'm just dude i'm either so selfish right now but i'm also every girl that i've been with for a long time um i i don't i'm afraid i'm afraid to get married for some reason i'm just afraid of that commitment because why would you ever get married why would you get married i don't know i don't really want to my parents got married then divorced and married other people got divorced i just feel like it's just, I don't know. It scares me, sadly. I need to buck up.
Starting point is 00:39:49 No, no, don't get married. Marriage is stupid. Are you leaving savings behind at the gas pump? Get up to $0.07 per liter in value every time you fill up at Petro Canada gas station. When you link an eligible RBC card to your PetroPoints account, you instantly save $0.03 per liter at the pump, and you earn 20% bonus PetroPoints. That's like $0.01 per liter liter plus 20% bonus Avion reward points. That's like 2.8 cents per liter for a total value of 7 cents per liter. Don't leave these savings behind.
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Starting point is 00:40:38 Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn air miles i mean i love i'm so happy i'm married it's the greatest thing i ever did but i thought it was so stupid until i did it yeah don't do it don't get married and don't have kids that's what it was my plan and then when the time came when my wife was like i want one i was like okay cool and and we pulled the goalie and just and she had a baby and i was like holy shit this is amazing then we got really sloppy with no condoms for and then she got
Starting point is 00:41:14 pregnant again that's good though we had twins yeah and then and then when i got married we got married in the courthouse and i was like afterwards now i'm like so happy we're married but i don't think you should want to get married i think that's an unhealthy desire I think so too dude I think so too like if that's you I've dated so many girls and you could tell that was like their goal like they had to they they the marriage thing was the end goal you know like your goal is like I want to lose 20 pounds your goal is I want to get this promotion it was like their goal is to get married and when you do that you settle you don't actually fall in love with a person because you're just trying to reach this goal I think that's a big thing that's happening
Starting point is 00:41:47 in this day and age i can't get snipped brian g because i have these concerns that will change the viscosity the viscosity of my load and i don't want to change it's a perfect load it's a perfect load and i don't want to do anything like it i just don't want to do anything to change it you don't need to get your balls clamped what the heck you don't need to do that i think just and then and sex is an important thing but i mean come on it's 10 minutes you know once a day or so whatever it's not that big deal to put a condom on the part that is really got me concerned about hunter biden's laptop is the trips in 2013 2014 when he went with his dad and his um daughter or it was his brother's daughter i can't remember um to uh
Starting point is 00:42:32 meet xi jinping in china that shit is fucking scary and the implications behind it and when you read that shit in the book and then you read about and then the ties to ukraine something does not fucking feel right and then what god wait i just want ties to ukraine something does not fucking feel right and then what i just want to say this this is the problem with their this are with america right now is we're not being run by human beings we're being run by multinational corporations the same corporation disney that's fighting the don't say gay bill in florida when they put out a movie in china the beast of dumbledore they edit out all the gay scenes when they post when it's pride month in saudi arabia they just post a black logo they do not put a uh gay flag apple computers or apple iphones one of the biggest companies in the world they they have their factories in china it's
Starting point is 00:43:15 called the fox con factories they have suicide nets there because so many employees are jumping off the roof killing themselves so the great device it's a great device i ain't hating a couple kids gotta die and hating it's a great see it did if it was made in amer device it's a great device i ain't hating a couple kids gotta die and hating it's a great see dude if it was made in america it is a great device but if it was made in america yeah it might be three times the price but it would actually help americans and this is this is the problem though these multinational corporations they can buy and sell these politicians like toilet paper the perfect example you look at the biden crime family or whatever you want to call them and because it's not human beings because these politicians are
Starting point is 00:43:44 going to sell out for whatever money they can get in their political action committees to keep their position of power. We're not actually being run by humans. These corporations don't have the ability to feel empathy. Apple doesn't feel empathetic to our to our woes so much. So their employees are literally jumping off buildings. And the best thing they can do is put up nets. You know didn't change any of their uh business practices in china wow wow our employees are killing themselves instead of changing the work environment we're gonna put up nets hey that isn't that so funny that's exactly the same thing that covet is the the problem isn't the virus the problem is obesity in america and
Starting point is 00:44:26 instead of fucking helping working on obesity they just put up nets to catch people and they're not even good nets the vaccine holy shit dude have you have you heard one have you heard one person say go outside and get some vitamin d no i mean they even asked jen saki and jen saki the recommended method for COVID is to get vaccinated and wear a mask. When they asked, should people take care of their fitness or physical fitness and exercise? They said, no, the CDC recommends a mask and a vaccine.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Would you bang Jen? Speaking of getting some vitamin D. I would bang Psaki. I love redheads. If she was like, hey, no, you don't need to go outside and get some vitamin D, would you say to her, well, how about you come inside and get some vitamin D? I'd give her the vitamin D all day long.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Vitamin D, vitamin A, anal. I'd give her the Hunter Biden password that he likes to use. Oh, her hair. But, God, she's a fucking bitch. She sucks. But this is the problem, too. My mom would hate to hear me call a woman that. But, man, Pataki Pitsaki, she's such a bad person but dude and more dishonesty how can you do that job
Starting point is 00:45:30 why not just be honest why not just say like what boris johnson said i mean he kind of was honest about he's like look you're all fat you don't have the fucking willpower to work out just get the fucking shot i mean he didn't say as good as I just said it, but basically. Well, Boris Johnson was pretty based because what do you think about this? I want to talk about Saki, but what do you think about, you know, Leah Thomas swam on the men's team for three years and then goes and competes on the university of Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Women's team was ranked 457th and then wins two national championships. Isn't that against women's sports and women's rights? I mean, and the media cheerleads that. That's the upside down. When are the Ls going to break off? The lesbians got to fucking make a break. Well, I mean.
Starting point is 00:46:11 That should not be LGB. They should just start LGB. What is it? Lesbian, gay. What does LGB stand for? Lesbian, bisexual, gay, and trans. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The LB and the G need to break off.
Starting point is 00:46:20 They got to be like, fuck you. We ain't doing this bullshit. Well, dude, that's just social engineering. How the fuck are they hanging on to that fucking bizarre boat the amount of people in the 90s and 80s is probably the same amount of gay people but the amount of people that have transitioned their sex is up like 40 000 that's because that's why all these bills and i hate to be the conspiracy theorist like always there is some sort of child grooming going on where these teachers are like encouraging kids to be there you go they're encouraging kids to like in order to you know stand out and you know how what it's
Starting point is 00:46:51 like to be in school and you kind of want attention or whatever reason because you're just quiet or something and so a way to get attention from your teacher is to say i'm trans now and a lot of kids are doing it dude they're putting hormone blockers on kids at nine years old and they're saying oh it's reversible. And you only have one shot at puberty. You know what I mean? Not reversible. Of course not.
Starting point is 00:47:09 And you only have one time you go through puberty. And to block that, you don't automatically start puberty again at 18. And these people are crazy. That's that's like I mean, that should be a crime when they're doing that to children, in my opinion. I mean, that should be a crime when they're doing that to children, in my opinion. How come how come Disney is so vocal about? I want to say, be honest, enforcing racism. Coca-Cola is so open about enforcing racism under the guise of of being against it. Why are all why aren't they speaking up about abortion?
Starting point is 00:47:43 How come they're so vocal about gay rights? How come don't know what to think mr stein i need disney and mcdonald's to tell me what to think i don't know what side of the line to fall on with abortion dear mickey mouse can you please help me you help me with black lives matter you help me with trans gay issues dear mr mickey can you now help me with abortion i'm so confused why why are they not speaking out well some companies are because everybody's saying like tell me well tesla is giving a free abortion leave to go to a different state and get an abortion but that's the wait what's tesla doing tesla google it right now tesla you get a free abortion leave a bunch of companies are doing it now they're they're at
Starting point is 00:48:18 tesla's not the only one a bunch of major companies if you have to get abortion you can get time off of work to go get it but that's the psychological operation is people think, oh, Roe versus Wade is going to stop all abortions. There's going to be states that are going to be pro-abortion, like California, like New York. They're probably going to have systems where you get a free bus ride there if you want to get an abortion. So people are always going to get abortions.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Yeah, it might be a little harder than it is today, but literally you're always going to get an abortion, even if Roe versus Wade gets overturned. Oh, they'll pay your travel costs. Yes. Lodging, travel costs. Hey, that's sexist. That means that's only for women.
Starting point is 00:48:51 That's not fair. Oh, dude. All of a sudden, they care about pronouns now. Like Gavin Newsom said, if men could get pregnant, this wouldn't even be overturned. Yet they've been saying men can get pregnant forever. They have a man a pregnant emoji. They're so confused. What do you think about abortion are you pro are you do you think um i mean i hate it when i was younger i used to think it was okay but now i think there should be a limit like in texas they
Starting point is 00:49:15 put a heartbeat bill after six weeks i think that's a fair enough um and the only reason why i'm a little more intense about it is when i was younger i was kind of dumb and I didn't know. But those are lies like that is a baby's life. I hate to say that precedent. What about the precedent? I agree. But why not just some honest, open dialogue about it? Let each person choose for themselves. And but aren't you concerned?
Starting point is 00:49:38 It's like we just we just we have these laws enforcing people to get vaccines and this. And when you exactly women's bodies, why should we make a law over a woman's body? I hear you. There's a baby in there. Yeah. And it's crazy what they're trying to do in California where if a baby dies seven days after it's born, it can't be investigated. Yeah, infanticide. That's insane.
Starting point is 00:49:58 That's insane. I don't care. They're like, well, the intention is in case the mom was on crack and blow. Shut the fuck up. I don't care what the intention is. I'm telling you we can't let people kill babies at three days old no but this is why they did it though because now all the people on the right that were like you know you can't mandate my body the government we want less government we don't have government
Starting point is 00:50:16 involved in our medical decisions now they make all the people on the right look like idiots because they're like oh we want the government involved in the medical decisions and now all the people on the left that were like, oh, you got to get vaccinated. You got to mandate the vaccines are now like my body, my choice. So it's just another, like I keep saying, psychological operation to make everybody sound like a hypocrite. So when they're arguing, now somebody has dirt or leverage on the other person. Like, didn't you just say you want limited government? You don't want the government making your medical decision you think that there's a uh uh like a okay uh release uh operation two on the public now thank you very
Starting point is 00:50:51 much yes something is up to encourage them to do this i mean i don't know why the supreme court justice now it gets overturned under biden's presidency i wouldn't be surprised if they didn't do it to rile up their base because they're going to get it killed in the midterms everybody was and so now dude beta work he's been he's been going he's running for governor of Texas. Nobody's going to his rallies now. His last two rallies have been passed because now all these people on the left think, oh, we're going to fight for abortion rights. So it's just a way to stir up this base that has been had no motivation, nothing to really, you know, attack. So it gives them it's like all the people on the right that were against the mandates. Now, all the people on the left, it gets them riled up to be against the roe versus wade overturn god i hope you're wrong uh trina um the best term i've ever heard for sperm is baby
Starting point is 00:51:37 batter baby baby perfectly dig baby batter uh excuse me miss would you like uh um some baby batter baby batter is the best baby batter that's the best one and uh and it was a dear friend of mine who's extremely funny and creative a wordsmith who created that but i can't tell you uh his or her name who did the alex stein song it um uh mr beaver uh april 27th show 2022 i think that's the same show we took a clip from if you could play the beginning of that show dying to know oh he's a rapper he's hell can i get a rap song but i did have christian harris do a little rap and my name was in there dude this guy'll dude i'll give you his contact after the show he'll do a rap for you today tonight he's awesome he's like i probably charge you
Starting point is 00:52:22 i think i paid him 160 bucks for this song and he produced it all. Original beat, everything. Let's listen carefully. I can't believe we're not on. My nigga, my nigga, my nigga. Damn. My nigga, my nigga, my nigga. Damn. Look at the time. My nigga, my nigga, my nigga. Damn.
Starting point is 00:52:51 My nigga, my nigga, my nigga. This nigga. Conspiracy council. R.P. Keller. We feeling your spirit. Yeah, your mom? Yeah, that's my mom. What do you think about that one? Michelle Obama's a boy. hey i think white people that hang with black people get mad cred i don't know why
Starting point is 00:53:31 i know because i'm 99 yeah that's a whole show i could explain that um uh it's cool that your mom's in there how was mother's day i know this is gonna crazy are you tripping at all oh yeah dude today's been so sad i woke up real emotional and you know this is the thing uh like i was talking about how it's a like a pain that will not go away and i've really kind of been like uh that's kind of why i quit smoking weed dude i was smoking weed as she died it made me so depressed I had to quit. And I thought I would have smoked weed, like, you know, forever.
Starting point is 00:54:09 So it's changed me. It's matured me. But, dude, all the little success I've had, I would trade it all to have her back. Like, it's just you don't even realize what you got until it's gone is what I'm saying. And I was really close to my mom. I mean, I was her, like, best friend. We were so tight. I, you know, basically took care of her. It sucks, dude, especially this Mother's Day.
Starting point is 00:54:26 It's the first Mother's Day without her. It's been a real – I was going to go troll Beto Rourke at this rally today. I just was like all day. I couldn't really. Just something's off. It just sucks. Wow, that's a trip. I want to go back.
Starting point is 00:54:40 Mr. Beaver, can you pull up the – I want to talk about your mom a little more, but can you pull up the rapper? I want to close this. I want to give that guy some credit. Shrell. Shrell. No, Shrell. Shrell.
Starting point is 00:54:50 T-R-E-L. Let me find him. Shrell. I don't even know what his YouTube is. Hold on. I don't know if he can pull it up. Why is it racist if you say all white people look the same or all black people look the same or all asian people look the same if you don't hang out with those people how the fuck would you know to distinguish between them why is that racist that's not racist right no that that's that's not trail
Starting point is 00:55:13 i don't think it's uh i i gotta send it to you oh beaver thinks they all look the same that's disgusting beaver no but he's an awesome rapper i'll send you his info uh after the show he he made it after the show i but these guys gotta know this is it here this is it here i'm messaging okay i'm sharing it okay copy i'm sending in the group chat right now this is the guy's profile okay and then i'll send it over to beaver i can't speaking to beaver beaver's a beast dude beaver's on it with 100 biden password and everything just he's he's a pro i need a beaver beaver i just as i send it your text you want to send it in the private chat
Starting point is 00:55:51 private chat too here i'll put it in the private chat what am i doing oh shit uh can i just drag oh he got it okay oh this fucking dude that's him that's not him i was like you got a verified mofo okay hold on hold on i know i need to get verified but they're never gonna verify me i sent them all my tmz articles and all this stuff they're never gonna verify me because they consider me a you know right wing lunatic you're really not right wing though i don't know dude i'm a populist i'm not even really super this is it this is the trail this is the man right here this guy you hit him up the only the song this guy i'll give you the song can i see that one where he's the the dude i'm grinding on that chick's backside thank you
Starting point is 00:56:51 wow wow yeah wow that video is really weird of her eating a rabbit but it looks like she's eating a dog that click that look how weird this video is oh my goodness this went viral they thought it was a dog but ended that being a rabbit supposedly okay okay i've had enough of that i would get off his profile i would probably get a strike for half of those videos he had a she had a she had a dog she had a dog looked like a dog i think and i did a bunch of research on that because it scared me so much you know it, it shook me to my core. I ended up finding out it was supposedly a rabbit. I'm going to follow him. So your mom passed away. October 25th. Of 2000.
Starting point is 00:57:33 This year, 2021, right before. Crazy. And basically, if you want to hear more about that, we talked about it in depth on the last time Mr. Stein was on. Alex, and she died from uh uh medical errors right basically she's in the hospital with covet and they gave her medication you told him not to give her and they gave it to her and she passed and she died five days later her organs filled up with fluid and she died right in front of my arms and and dude they they were giving it
Starting point is 00:57:57 to her not even telling me they're giving it to her it's like and and so now i'm working with uh you know this here this is this is my mom right freaking here, dude. This is her ashes right here. I mean, it's just so fucked up. I got it right here. I don't even know if I'm ever going to empty them. But wait, they're in a plastic bag. Yeah, I just I didn't buy a thing because I don't know.
Starting point is 00:58:19 I just I was like, I'm not going to buy an urn there. And yeah, this is my mom. This is my mom in a plastic bag like this have you ever pulled it out of there no you don't have to but i'm just wondering not really i don't think you get her back in if you take her out yeah i just and like i was gonna buy some nice urn but it's like i just look at this it's just so sad dude i don't even think i'm ever gonna scatter them i don't know i don't know what i'm gonna do it's really difficult uh it's really fucked up dude it's really difficult uh it's really
Starting point is 00:58:45 fucked up dude it's really fucked up that's but this is the one thing i got alive yeah and i'm really close to my dad and this is the point i guess i was trying to make is now life is almost it's gotten easier in a way because nothing i will ever go through will be as bad as watching my mom die in her arms i mean my dad's gonna die that's gonna be probably just as bad and i'm sure i'm gonna have bad stuff maybe have a kid no you'll have a shitload of money then and you'll be able to buy something and the pain will go away but go even the money doesn't help dude the money doesn't the money i know no i know you're saying that joking but you would think like you would think that would make it easier and it's just like oh dude i mean and just no, nothing, nothing.
Starting point is 00:59:26 Cause I got a pretty good, I got pretty good money from the blaze for signing a contract with them. I mean, and doing for, for doing what I love and I'm so happy now I'm pretty financially pretty comfortable. I don't, I don't, I mean,
Starting point is 00:59:36 I have to work a little harder, but it's not, I get to working, doing what I love, dude, I would trade all this money that I'm getting from them to, for her back. Like,
Starting point is 00:59:44 yeah. Someone said something the other day. They said, Hey, if you told Jeff Be money that I'm getting from them for her back. Yeah, someone said something the other day. They said, hey, if you told Jeff Bezos that he could be 25 again, but he has to give up all ownership of Amazon, he'd do it like that. Yeah, of course. I think you'd have to do it. Right. Hey, if you're 25 and you just heard what I said, you need to fucking listen to that.
Starting point is 01:00:02 Did you just fucking hear what I said? Well, let me get in the conspiracy real quick because we haven't gone too deep but that's oh wait wait wait wait before i'll promise you i want to say one more thing about your mom okay fuck it slipped no you don't come back to you but this is what i want to say about the 25 thing this is well this is what i'm saying is they want to make life so bad hell on earth it's It's like movies like The Matrix and movies like Vanilla Sky. I'm dead serious when I say this. Eventually, they're going to try to convince kids to plug into the metaverse.
Starting point is 01:00:31 They're going to say, oh, well, your life's only 75 years here on Earth. But in the metaverse, you live to a thousand years. You live forever and you can be skinny. You can drive whatever car you want. And I really do believe in the transhumanist agenda. That's the that's like the next big thing. It's not going to happen in our lifetime because the technology won't be good enough,
Starting point is 01:00:47 but they're already trying to develop like digital sex. It's into indistinguishable from actual sex. But that is going to be the next thing. You think there's a heptatic suit that like you put your penis in and there will be there a hundred percent will be there. They already have technology similar to that. Google it right now. Digital sex indistinguishable from regular sex.
Starting point is 01:01:08 They have it. Please don't tell Beaver what to do. Tell me and'll tell you what i mean i'm joking i'm joking i'm joking but it's not there yet but they're they're trying to get it there and that's what they're going to do that's like the alex jones they always talk about in the future if you there's two there's two thoughts of the future the george orwell 1984 thought where you're going to have nothing you can't even love anybody You're just going to work and they're going to follow you with a computer screen and you have like no joy or no happiness or or it's going to be the brave new world. It's going to be the brave new world aspect where they're going to try to give you antidepressants, constant sex. They're going to, you know, they're going to. I don't even like a handjob for more than two to four minutes. That's like way enough. I start to feel bad like someone's forearm like how can your
Starting point is 01:01:48 forearm be doing that i don't need a hand job how can you need constant sex well people are gonna want to have to ejaculate a thousand times per second yeah isn't isn't it amazing that one of the greatest things on earth still has like a shelf life of like you know a couple minutes and you're done and you're like all right let, let's go outside and walk the dog. Dude, it'll make you, it's like brought down kingdoms, you know, just trying to bust a nut. Uh, uh, Beaver, can you pull up, have you, can you find a suit that I put on and I can fuck, uh, other dudes in the metaverse and think that they're girls? Yeah. See, put in a, uh, indistinguishable from regular sex suit. Um, what about this flat earth thing? Is this, is this one of the things you play with this
Starting point is 01:02:26 A little bit I'm a little bit into it I don't call myself a flat earther but I do call myself a geocentrist I believe the sun, moon, and stars rotate around us I think the earth is immovable So people consider me a flat earther for thinking that but I don't know the shape of the earth
Starting point is 01:02:41 What about guys who fly in airplanes? Don they know no well not necessarily because this is why this is why they think the earth is immovable so when you say this is what they say that the earth spins towards new york city so you're in california the earth is spinning towards new york city so when you fly from new york to california the earth should be spinning underneath you so you should the flight should be shorter but the flight's actually longer no No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Listen, listen, listen. That one's easily solvable. There's a thin... What?
Starting point is 01:03:08 What? Because of the force of the spin? That's why it's slower? No, no. It's not just the Earth that's spinning. It's the atmosphere that's spinning also. Yes, but that same atmosphere. Okay, this is what they say.
Starting point is 01:03:20 That same atmosphere, you're talking about gravity is what holds us on there. That's what basically holds the atmosphere. what you're saying is the theory of gravity the theory of gravity yes i know but dude this is the thing it's a buoyancy and density issue because if you look at a balloon a balloon floats a butterfly can fly so those are anti-gravity machines it doesn't make sense like what what i believe is there's only one, you can go, how, how do I explain this? There's only up and down is the only, uh, that's the only like, uh, hard, fast direction is either up or down that never changes. So that's, that's what I'm trying to, it's kind of hard to explain, but like my right
Starting point is 01:03:59 can be your left. Your left can be my right. Your East can be my West, but up and down it never changes like no matter what okay okay so that's what i think that i think those two directions don't change and so that's when they say that you're flying if you're flying across country and the earth is spinning underneath you and dude do you know how fast the earth is supposed this is how fast this is the machinations of the heliocentric model that you're on a ball that's 25 000 miles around the equator and that it is spinning around the equator, how fast is that to spin if it spins one time a day?
Starting point is 01:04:26 It's like 20,000 or 12,000 miles per hour. 1,100 miles an hour around the equator is how fast we're spinning. Then on top of that, we're orbiting the sun 1.4 million miles, and then the entire Milky Way galaxy is going 4.4 million miles through the ever-expanding universe of space. Yet, Polaris, the North Star, is in the same spot every night. And if you take star-trailed pictures, you can look up star-trailed pictures, and you keep a stationary camera and just take pictures all night, the stars literally rotate around that. So, dude, it's a very intense topic. I don't really like getting too deep into it
Starting point is 01:04:57 because people are like, what? What? I just don't think the Earth is moving. Now, the shape of the Earth, I don't know. But for me, I think the Earth is standing still, shape of the earth i don't know but for me i think it's i think the earth is standing still and the sun moon and stars are moving and it is you know from our perspective you know the sun and the moon are the same size that yet they tell us that the you know moon is 237 000 miles away and the sun is 93 million miles away and that's just they happen to be from our perspective look the same size but this is what i think i think the sun moon and stars are a clock in the sky because the moon has 13 28 day cycles that's 364 days that used to actually be they say the ancient ancient calendar was like the moon cycle that's how they you know so i just do believe the sun moon and stars are the most important thing but they're more of a clock and they are
Starting point is 01:05:37 these like celestial things you know hundreds of thousands of light years away let me let me ask you a question um this is i don't know if that's a machine but there's machines like this there's articles about it but is that thing on is that thing on her cross say goodbye to the real world and deplete your body fluids in record time by slipping inside of this virtual reality sex suit suit covers you from head to toe and stimulates your body in such a way that you'll no longer need for actual human. Is this for men only? They're going to have women's ones.
Starting point is 01:06:11 They're going to have ones that go on your vagina. They're never going to get women into this shit. Women, that looks like a woman. Women don't care about this shit. I don't know, dude. I don't know. I feel like women have sex toys just as much as guys almost. I think the sex toy industry.
Starting point is 01:06:22 Good point. I think the sex toy industry is a lot of women are involved great point that's it that's a really good point i would think that women like i told man you just fucked me all up i think of men wow yeah i guarantee the women's sex toy industry is way bigger than men yeah men probably watch way more porn women need like more like physical objects that would be my guess well and the porn thing is weird too because like that's really the over sexualization of kids when you and i were looking at porn we had like a or at least me i had like a magazine i kept under my bed for years yeah just one magazine and maybe maybe not even a whole magazine maybe like just a picture like ripped out pages but now these kids can get on their parents ipad and type in boobs
Starting point is 01:07:02 and they just have unlimited amounts of sex so So that's why these girls are even like over-sexualized. Boobs, they're probably typing in crazy shit. Well, you know what I mean. I'm just saying how easy it is to find it. It's like, you know, for me, it was like going on a mission, dude. If we've had a Playboy, dude, we used to borrow people's, like my friend, we had like a movie. I think we, you know, pass it around to five different guys. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:07:22 He'd be like, oh, let me borrow the movie. Like it was that hard to get. You know what I mean? You'd be like, oh, let me borrow the movie. Like it was that hard to get. You know what I'm talking about? Yeah. Why is it so frowned upon? Why is it so frowned upon if you believe in things that aren't the norm? Like there's levels, right? Like you have a friend who's a scientologist and they don't want
Starting point is 01:07:45 to tell anyone because they think they're going to think they're a weirdo or you have a friend who's a flat earther and they don't want to say anything or yeah um you know even you know the trump thing in california if you like trump in california you have to be uh in in the closet about it yeah um uh i guess the gay thing used to be like that i don't know if it's like that anymore but gay people can't come they They can't be free about their sexuality. Who's genitalia they want to touch. Why does it matter? Like,
Starting point is 01:08:09 why would I, why am I passing judgment on you? If you, if you think the earth is flat, what, what, what would, what are the,
Starting point is 01:08:20 what, what are the implications of that? Well, that goes back to, like I said earlier, the CIA demonizing people that look into, you know, conspiracy know conspiracy theorists that word is like like such a negative connotation and so this is this is bill hicks had the perfect stand-up bit talking about when you're driving and when somebody like drives flies past you're like oh look at that fucker why is he going so
Starting point is 01:08:38 fast or if you're behind somebody going real slow you're like man why the fuck is this guy going so slow and then if somebody the reason is because you only like people going the same speed as you if somebody's going a little faster you're like fucking somebody's going a little slower you're like man why the fuck is this guy going so slow and then if somebody the reason is because you only like people going the same speed as you if somebody's going a little faster you're like fuck him if somebody's going a little slower you're like fuck him so people just want that herd mentality you want to you only respect your drivers driving the same speed yeah it's like the guy in the fast lane who's going 75 and someone pulls up behind him going 85 and he could easily move over but he's like fuck it i'm going already 20 over the speed limit fuck you it's like dude really like that doesn't work scoot over be cool yeah but nobody's cool at the end of the day i speed up and get out of the way you know what i mean like you come and i speed up and get out of the way i'm like sorry dude and i like a jackass if i
Starting point is 01:09:18 block someone well i consider myself like a driving expert i got my hardship license when i was 15 my dad let me get my license at 15 um so like i'm just saying there are some rules to the road you let the people that are speeding go ahead of you and you a lot of times i trail them so they get the ticket first they call you know whatever the rapid you know being a rabbit like chasing them uh but yeah i think that's just our mentality if somebody's driving faster you're like fuck that guy somebody's driving slow you're like fuck that guy it's just you want everybody to be the same sadly we're just we don't have this we used to like talk about being an individual but i don't think that's the mentality people want to like they only feel comfortable if somebody's the exact same as them and the herd thing is just trippy yeah dude how
Starting point is 01:09:58 about this how about how about this different disinformations? Does that make you just like – I can't – I mean – Yes! It's one nutty thing after another, and then I see that. Or how about all these liberal news stations now that are saying that they're concerned about Elon and Twitter and that he's going to throttle people back? I had a friend – so I've been shadow banned for two years. If you go on your Instagram right now and try to follow me, it'll say, hey, don't follow this guy. He's full of misinformation. If you go on your Instagram right now and try to follow me, it'll say, hey, don't follow this guy. He's full of misinformation. You can't tag me. I dare anyone to try to tag me.
Starting point is 01:10:30 They've left a small vowel open. You know what I mean? Yeah, just so it doesn't look so crazy. But yeah, I know. I know exactly what it's like to be Shadowman. Yes, yes. And I had a friend just recently try to tag me yesterday. And they're, holy shit, you're Shadowman. And I go, dude, I've been telling you for two years.
Starting point is 01:10:43 You think I'm fucking lying? Yeah, but Elon Musk isn't going to save save us he's the guy that wants to put computer chips in your brain so you can park your car like i like elon but he's not he's just another billionaire he's not going to be the yeah i i think i agree but my thing is why how are these people on the left thinking that a disinformation disorder is going to work or that elon's going to throttle back information when this shit's been going on now for two years to like a crazy extent. Dude. And did you see that when Rand Paul said when they're talking about this disinformation board with the Department of Homeland Security chief talking about how America is the biggest propagator of disinformation? I mean,
Starting point is 01:11:19 dude, they said the Russian for they said Russiagate with Trump for four years straight and they proved it's all fake. So they the fbi said hunter biden's laptop was a russian instrument yes they said it was fake dude i mean now they're saying it's real so if you're gonna get your trusted news source from the government it's gonna be lies it's not they're never gonna get us because they can't tell us the truth because it's a people management system that's what the government does they try to manage well it's just people it's just people no it's not it's no it's not people management system. That's what the government does. They try to manage. Well, it's just people. It's just people. No, it's not. No, it's not.
Starting point is 01:11:48 These people want to keep their position. It's not somebody. But they're just people. Like when we call them government, we shouldn't forget. It's just people. Yeah, it used to be, but not really anymore. Dude, Adam Schiff is not a person like you think he is, but he works for a corporation. That's why these people are bought and sold by Pfizer.
Starting point is 01:12:04 Hey, dude, they buy and sell these politicians at the lowest level, city council members. No politician that gets in their position anymore is able to be autonomous and be for themselves. They are literally all for somebody else. And the 2,000 mules, we can't even really talk about that. You know, that's talking about the election. We have to say the election was the most accurate election ever. Is that the thing where they pinged all the cell phones?
Starting point is 01:12:22 And something about, like, ballot harvesting. But, dude, I really, and truly, if you don't realize that, that the last election was a freaking, it was fuddy duddy. As they say, we can only say so much.
Starting point is 01:12:33 I don't want to get a strike, but people, the guy got 81 million votes. You can't say the election was, there was election. No, no, no,
Starting point is 01:12:40 you'll get a strike. It was the best and most fair election ever. I got a strike for it. You cannot say anything. I wouldn't even talk about this 2000 mules thing because you'll get a strike. It's the best and most fair election ever. I got a strike for it. You cannot say anything. I wouldn't even talk about this 2,000 mules thing because you'll get a strike. It's that. What if we call it 3,000 mules? Well, dude, I don't even like that movie.
Starting point is 01:12:53 Let's just say that and then we'll move on. Oh, you can see it. It's on Rumble. Google it. It's all over now. It's Dinesh D'Souza. Just put it out and people can watch it. But like it's a lot of stuff that I already knew.
Starting point is 01:13:03 It's just kind of reinforcement just to make you mad. I mean, dude, Joe Biden, they said 81 million votes, more popular than Barack Obama. You remember 08? You remember how popular Barack Obama was? I just, it did not have the same charisma or energy or, you know, his campaign was not even close to those campaigns.
Starting point is 01:13:21 And yet he crushed them. Who's Biden? Joe Biden, yeah. I know, but people were afraid of Trump. That's that's true but dude 81 million votes i mean and i think i think it was like 30 what happened in the last like three hours that was some weird shit i i've read some articles on the cell phone pinging um and basically how they showed how all those you know it's like i don't know the exact numbers but 25 people visited um uh 17 ballot boxes 3 800 times in 24 hours like i saw that i saw that data and that was some crazy
Starting point is 01:13:53 shit yeah well yeah i wouldn't even do not play this do not play it dude you'll get a strike on youtube i'm serious would chicks like me more if we play it well people need to go check it out for sure but dude if you want to if you don't want to get a strike i would not play that in your video that um that uh schnell made no uh trail trail made um there's a bentley oh yeah that's funny that's a 2005 bentley continental gt that's mine i bought that it's got a salvage title and it has a little bit of a transmission issue and like six gear and so i bought it from somebody knowing it's messed up and I drive it around if I want to look cool, but I could take that to the auction any day and sell it and make money on it. So I'm just kind of holding it because a car like that keeps its
Starting point is 01:14:35 value because it's just so it looks cool. But that car I spent like 17.5, I think I paid for. You drive a Bentley. No, I drive a Toyota 4Runner,ner but yeah that's an 05 continental what year is your 4runner what uh 2007 oh wow gutless piece of shit congratulations oh yeah right i love oh i have a 4runner i have a 2014 it's awesome dude the 4runner is the best car it's great it's not as good as my toyota sienna well but dude, the minivans are awesome too, but I'm telling you, Toyota, that's what the Taliban beat the U.S. Army with. All they had was type in, type Beaver, type in Taliban Toyotas.
Starting point is 01:15:13 Have you seen that picture? I like it when he calls you Beaver. Type in Taliban Toyotas and look at the Taliban with all their Toyotas and their Tacomas and their 4Runners and their Land Cruisers. Beaver didn't want to be on the show with you he's scared beaves come on justin beaver is what they say did he type in okay you see that that's the taliban look at all their toy that's like the helix or the hylix we don't have that one in the states right yeah but it's just the tacoma with a different badge on it i mean it's the same thing look that's what they
Starting point is 01:15:43 beat the u.s army with that's the one that the U.S. Army with. That's the one. That's the famous one. The one that go up. That one. That picture. That's what they defeated the strongest army in the world with. Toyota. Defeated.
Starting point is 01:15:56 Hey, that's a good ad. Toyota. We defeated the strongest army. That should be an ad for Toyota. Yeah, the Taliban uses us. How did you meet Jorge Ventura? Well, Jorge's the man. I met him at Blaze. So, so you're tied with jorge he's awesome he's become my buddy uh he's he's really cool yeah he's fantastic he's got some fucking balls he does so he's a young man so you know when you're young
Starting point is 01:16:17 you're kind of young dumb and not calling him dumb but you know what i mean you take risk and he's he's not afraid he goes to the border He talks to all those drug cartels, too. And, you know, and whatever they call that, the Marijuana Valley. Yeah. But they call it something else. I forget. It has some scary name. Kind of. I just remembered what I was going to ask you. What is it? Ask me. When you in that video where you dress up as Leah Thompson and you go to Leah Thomas and you and you and you. I honestly don't think you're being disrespectful at all you're there you're having fun you're getting to know them you're assimilating you might be taking a little piss out of them but you're being totally chill you're having fun
Starting point is 01:16:55 you're free and it's always fun to be around free people always and liberated you're liberated and that late that lady takes a jab at your mom past being passed away of course dude because that's all projection you know she's not close to their mom and how did she know your mom how did she even know they all know who i am at that thing at that ride because i have a viral video that went viral going they had a protest like earlier in the year with jeff younger who's the guy who's running for congress and he has a nine-year-old His wife is transitioning his sex. And so I went to one of those protests and they're like, oh, every single person. And that girl didn't even go to the school. She was like some sort of Antifa security guard. So they all know who I was. That chick didn't even go to that
Starting point is 01:17:37 school. No, none of those people following me around went to that school. No, the majority of the people I've had transiting were not even students it's it was it's so i mean she i want to say that i think she realized she shouldn't have said that probably yeah i mean you kept calling her on it and kept like in you you instead of getting upset you leaned into it and uh man that that hurt me that was like man that like i even from the most i expect better from human beings than within her doing that well duh that was like man that like i even from the most i expect better from human beings than what than her doing that well duh dude because these people that all talk about inclusivity they're the opposite it's all projection it's like they feel excluded so
Starting point is 01:18:13 they want to exclude other people like honestly i was going there to be nice to joke around yeah i was kind of taking the piss out but really there's other people doing other people in trans clothing like you're not taking the piss out of them why do i not get to do it you know why do they have to be only certain people get to be trans it just shows they're not inclusive they're not right and right we're humorless dude these people do not have a sense of humor like they couldn't just joke around like it's all about it's all because they have so many insecurities which i have insecurities you have insecurities but these people are so insecure when they see anybody else like having fun or joking around. Oh no, no, I'm going to cut them down. I'm going to bring them. I'm going to say the worst meanest thing possible because I got
Starting point is 01:18:51 to make them feel the pain that I'm feeling. Is that the vibration? Is that the vibration thing? It's all about low vibrational energy and I'm a high vibrational person. So that's why they want to bring in that low vibrational state. That's what the government wants to keep you in because that's when you're under fight or flight. You can't make a really good conscious decision because you're so nervous. You have such a your hormonal response is constant cortisol. And the stress hormone cortisol is actually addicting to people like when you have it a lot, you want it more. It's really weird. That's why you got to like take a vacation. You got to do something to reset your brain chemistry because actually being under stress and constant cortisol release is
Starting point is 01:19:25 addicting in itself so that's why those people stay depressed or stay negative and that's why they hang around other negative people and that's why they say misery loves company because you want to stay with other love it's your energy levels were like magnets that's why you're attracted to high vibrational people that's like when you're in the weight room that's why like you know it's easy to get laid in a gym if you go to the girls because usually like people are you know that are in shape and stuff are higher vibrational and they're kind of more sexual, more confident. There's a reason to that, if that makes sense.
Starting point is 01:19:50 Not just the sexing, but that's why you're able to make friends like in a yoga studio or a spin class, because you're at that high vibrational state usually when you're exercising instead of like when you're in that low vibrational state, you attract other people like at the bar when you're friends with other people that are drunks. You see what I'm saying? I do, but I just keep thinking I had to court my wife for five years well it's hard no it's not but dude there's a million girls you can go into a yoga studio and get laid in two seconds no i'm a loser no no no not a loser not a loser you're six three and you're in you weigh over 200 pounds and i'm five five and i and i barely crest over well i know
Starting point is 01:20:25 but we're about to get my blood work done and we're i'm about to get in shape i'm about to get ripped up you really do need to be working out i know i know i got to get back into my lifting but the four mile walking is great it really i do that every day but that's more for the mental i got to do it or else i have anxiety kind of not like real bad anxiety but i got to go out there and move around you know you're you know this one thing your heart is a pump you have to use it because it gets all the horse hockey out it creates a hormonal response that you know has a you know it's a chain of event it's a domino effect that's why we all need to use our heart at some point you have to raise your bpm a little bit or else you know you're just your body stays dormant like a lot of the hormones and stuff inside your body uh that's
Starting point is 01:21:05 weird i got a weird spot on my finger what the heck is that weird spot that's a weird that's normal that's normal i guess it's not a bruise that's where i just now notice that i always feel like that do you ever feel like that i get a bump on my neck or get something i'm like oh my gosh i'm dying i'm dying yes yes i have cancer i don't know i got a bump under my throat it's been there for like five years what is that um do you sweat every day yeah that's usually like when i when i'm walking my dogs that's usually will run a little bit just to get my heart going but i need to actually extend it like i need to do i need to get back on my grind i'm just not grinding like i was i am surprised that you didn't go to the i did play that video talking about how you grind and
Starting point is 01:21:43 you can't be outgrinded and i know that feeling because that's how i feel too like this is my second podcast of the day i'm fucking taking over this motherfucker but um but uh but but you didn't go to beto o'rourke today and i and i'm and i i know and sarah gonzalez she's at the blaze she was she was making fun of me she wanted to go so bad i just was in a i was just like man i don't want to be confrontational to these people i'm all i'm kind of shook i'm kind of sad today that's not an excuse that's not an excuse as a matter of fact that's the reason that's the reason why after my mom passed away because i've been doing so much stuff to distract me and i should have gone to
Starting point is 01:22:16 distract myself um uh interesting yeah because use it as fuel instead of uh as motivation as you'll leverage that insecurity insecurity to face it. Yes. Yes. That's what I did by having you on the air. I'm facing my insecurities. You faced your fear. My judgments.
Starting point is 01:22:32 Yes. Hey, when I think I had you on the first time, I think you had less than 10,000 YouTube subscribers. Could that be possible? Maybe around then. Well, on my Alex Stein channel, yeah, I had less than 10,000. On my Conspiracy Castle, I think when I was on, I was like 20,000, though, I think. But that's not that many. Now, my personal channel, Alex Stein, I'm like 140 or something.
Starting point is 01:22:52 I'm blowing up on that. I know. I got fucked tonight. I was so excited that you were going to stream me on yours. I should have restreamed it. I know. It was in such a hurry. Well, dude, the next one, I'm coming on in a month, so I'll restream that one, and we'll
Starting point is 01:23:04 have it. I promise. I promise. And you'll get a bunch of subs. Mr. Beaver, can you pull up Blaze TV? I want to understand what Blaze – I'll tell you what it is. So this is why it's such a big deal to me to sign with it. They have, like, Steven Crowder.
Starting point is 01:23:19 Glenn Beck is one of the owners of it, the guy that used to be on Fox News. He used to be the number one broadcaster. Glenn Beck used to be on Blaze? He is a Blaze. He owns a Blaze. He used to be on, you know, Fox News. He was at one point like the Tucker Carlson of Fox News. He's not anymore?
Starting point is 01:23:33 No, he has his own field, the Blaze. But the reason why I like the Blaze is they took the old Paramount Studios here in Las Colinas. That's in Irving, right next to where I live. And it's an old movie studio where they filmed the movie JFK, Adam's Family Values, Barney, the show Barney. That was a huge hit filmed in the studio. And I remember going there on a field trip in middle school and like they had the set for Adam's Family Value and they showed you how they did the audio.
Starting point is 01:23:58 They had like a rain stick. They showed you how they fake the rain. They showed you like how they did the prosthetics. And I remember thinking as a kid, like, oh man, I want to, I really want to work here one day. Like I want to do something with movies or film. And then randomly, I mean, not randomly, but then I, when I started going viral, this girl Sarah Gonzalez noticed me and she's like, Alex, I'd like you to come co-host my shows
Starting point is 01:24:17 on Friday. And I did that for a couple of months and they liked me. And now they signed me to, you know, right now I'm just a contributor, but I'm talking with them. We're in talks to do my own show. It's going to be like a nonsensical late night show where i'm going to do a lot of stunts and you know women's bathing suit type stuff like that and it'll be kind of like the eric andre show was that's the only thing different obviously but just like kind of like a condensed late night spoof type show um do you like tosh yeah of course of course i like daniel tosh yeah i mean
Starting point is 01:24:47 he's a legend it'd be kind of similar i mean not similar but kind of like that we'll play clips and stuff but a lot of man on the street go because that's what that's what people want that's what goes viral like sadly a podcast for an hour-long podcast will never really go viral unless you're joe rogan and even hey hey hey hey you know what i mean like you can take your limitations and go argue them out i'm saying they take a clip from it well let me finish like you'll take a clip from it you know but the whole hour nobody shares the whole hour usually like it'll be a little clip so that's why people like the man on the street stuff because it's like short stuff you know that's why like my city council meetings are going viral because they're short
Starting point is 01:25:22 they're two three minutes that's kind of the content need. So my show is going to be a lot of two or three minute bits combined into one little show, like either 30 or 45 minutes. So if something's too big, you can't share it. I actually have a friend who has that problem. Yeah, it's because of the content. People don't want to watch the whole thing anyway. I mean, it's good to share a clip of it because then it gets people interested and then they want to watch the whole thing. But like what actually goes viral, it gives it virality uh what did i hit a nerve richie richie settle down don't confuse my shtick for my nerve don't touch my don't touch my don't touch my
Starting point is 01:25:55 shtick because i because i got all excited when you said unless it's joe rogan oh yeah i'm just playing i'm just playing uh so pool blaze up again i want to dig into this more so i saw mark levine on there i didn't know he was on there fucking everyone knows he's a genius i didn't know mark rubin was on there what a classy man you mean dave rubin dave rubin this that that guy uh oh no he's not on there it's not who i thought yeah mark levine is on there though but dude there's a lot of i mean mean, dude, Whitlock's a beast. Who's the Rubin I'm thinking of? Who's the Rubin who's on YouTube who's huge?
Starting point is 01:26:29 Is that the Blaze guy? Is that that guy in the middle? That Rubin report, yeah. He's a gay guy. A gay guy? He's gay? Dave Rubin's gay. A lot of people don't realize that.
Starting point is 01:26:36 Yeah, he's huge. Will you pull up his YouTube station? God, I love him. He's so classy. My mom would be so happy if I was calm like that and presented myself like that. Yeah, the Rubin report. He's huge. Oh, my God. I had no idea. No wonder I love him he's so classy my mom would be so happy if i was calm like that and presented myself like that yeah the ribbon report oh my god i had no idea no wonder i love him yeah he's really cool he's really cool but i invited him on my podcast like i think maybe he's fucked with me a little bit in instagram he's a really nice guy but see that people on the right guy gave him crap too
Starting point is 01:27:01 because he adopted two kids or he had a surrogate instead of adopting excuse me so like all the old see i'm not even super conservative all these people like oh i'm so conservative that's that's that's that's the thing they're loony on the left and then they're loony on the far right you know so like we got to meet in the middle that's where that's what we need to do so we're not all crazy so it is okay um let's go back to the Blaze one more time. So this is a are they are they more like Vice or are they more like a television network? Are they more like you go to their website? And well, they're all on YouTube, too. But then they then you can watch the shows earlier on there and they have like nearly half a million paid subscribers. And so they make some content that's just for the Blaze. But a lot of their content, you can see it. You can go and watch a lot of it on YouTube, probably 90% of it.
Starting point is 01:27:48 I wonder if, do they have an app, an Apple app? Yeah, they had a channel. They have a channel on all the, whatchamacallit? OTTs? On all the freaking apps, the Roku and all that stuff. They have a channel. And they were on DirecTV, but I think they stopped. I think their deal with DirecTV, they ended. Or no, they And they were on DirecTV, but I think they stopped. I think their deal with DirecTV they ended. Or no, they might still be
Starting point is 01:28:08 with DirecTV, but one of the services doesn't carry them, but they're still... But everybody... Dude, the cable is dead. Everybody watches stuff on the internet now. And if you're watching TV, I have it because it comes free with my internet, but I don't ever turn on and watch the mainstream news. My dad
Starting point is 01:28:24 does. My dad dad i go to his house he's watching cnn and stuff but like you know that he's a boomer so you live in this apartment in dallas yes i live in a duplex yeah and you um and you make and you spend the day doing some pretty hardcore um trolling you call of council meetings all over the united states and and you participate in them whether there be a school board meeting a city meeting uh yes yes okay and so you're doing that and you're putting them up on youtube and you're putting them up on social media and um one day you're sitting at home and you get a phone call or you look in your dms on instagram and there's this can i see what sarah g like? Or can I see her?
Starting point is 01:29:06 Sarah Gonzalez is my hero. Yeah. She contacts, does she own the blaze? Is she part owner? No, no. She's just a host on the network and she hosts a show, the new show there, the news and why. So go to the blaze, main blaze YouTube channel and then go to videos. I'll show you the episode from Friday I was on. And then, so she contacts you through instagram i think she messaged me on twitter i believe and she's like hey come she she she saw me like when
Starting point is 01:29:30 you saw me in that super viral video okay go click videos now go now now click right there my picture see that picture right there see this is her show and then uh that's sarah gonzalez she's the one she's like my queen she's you know and we had to we had to edit out the first 10 minutes of this episode because we talked about the pfizer release documents so like uh this episode's kind of it's kind of weird because you couldn't be on youtube but you can watch it on the blaze tv does that make sense so that's why i like some of the stuff some of the content we can put on the blaze tv and then not on youtube so they have a player their own player that you can watch on, on blaze
Starting point is 01:30:05 But if you, okay. Okay. Yeah. Wow. It's that serious. Um, we talk about the vaccine all the time on my show and I haven't been dinged. Well, it's a, you must say it's safe and effective, I guess. Uh, not so much. I can't believe that. Yeah. I got got medical you haven't got a medical misinformation strike wow maybe i'm just not big enough yet well no because i mean dude when i was small i got them too maybe they're not as strict or what you're saying doesn't sound as like you know you're not saying that there's trigger words you got to remember this is an artificial intelligence it's like you know triggering it it's that it's like you know transcribing it and then they find keywords well look so if i if i go if i if i go over here right now and look at um my uh my youtube channel i'll click on it i'm sure we have a warning already because i always
Starting point is 01:30:56 have warnings yeah well you get one warning for a strike that never comes off so so i always go okay so look yeah so we've already had a warning it says um it says this video is running limited or no ads due to content identified as not suitable but then look right now i'm gonna request a review and i'm gonna say hey that's bullshit and i'm requesting the review and by tomorrow it'll be cleared if they always clear it wow i can't believe that i'm surprised okay you know i got we got to wrap things up here in like next two or three minutes because i got to do that other interview with sky news wow i know i'm not trying to be like that they just emailed me the link they just emailed me sky news they gotta hey i am honored and privileged to have you on thank you
Starting point is 01:31:38 everyone for checking in listen tomorrow we're tomorrow evening we're having the doctors on from california hormones tomorrow evening at come on at six o'clock or 6 30 whenever it is ask any Tomorrow evening, we're having the doctors on from California Hormones. Tomorrow evening. Come on at 6 o'clock or 6.30, whenever it is. Ask any fucking question you want. We're going to bomb them with questions. I need to come on. I said tomorrow at 6 o'clock California time because I want them to do my hormones. I'm going to set you up with them for sure.
Starting point is 01:32:03 I'm going to set you up with the blood work and the whole shebang. You just have to be willing to come on and tell us about your journey and how it's transforming you. For sure. Okay, love you guys. Mr. Stein, you da man. See ya. Until next time, buh-bye.

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