The Sevan Podcast - #398 - Christian Toetzke

Episode Date: May 14, 2022

Former Olympic hopeful turned his energy towards developing events around the world. Christian was the originator of some of the largest cycling events in Europe and has since created HYROX. In 7-8 di...fferent markets, HYROX is becoming one of the fastest growing fitness tests to be a staple among the likes of Spartan Races, Tough Mudders, IronMan, and the Modern Day Marathon.  Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! - THE BARBELL BRUSH - OUR TSHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- #TheSevanPodcast #CrossFitGames #CrossFit Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:52 Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. Not me. That's not me. Oh, that's not you. You confused me with the other podcaster guy, Wodcast Podcast that you did with Eddie If.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Oh, sorry. It's okay. I thought you also live in Malibu or you stayed in Malibu. No, sir. I am about 300 miles north of him in a small town called Santa Cruz. Oh, Santa Cruz. Yes, sir. Yes, Shane.
Starting point is 00:01:21 And that's good. Yes, sir. Good morning. Yeah, good morning. Good to see you. Yes, sir. Good morning. Yeah. Good morning. Good to see you. Yeah. Same.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Well, you're in Las Vegas right now. I am. Yes. Correct. Uh, Christian. Yeah. Tutska. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Tutska. We say in German, we say. Say it again. Very hard for you to say. Say it. Tutska. Tutska. Yeah. Yeah. Very good. Oh, you to say. Say it. Tutske. Tutske. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Yeah. Very good. Oh, you just gave up on me. No, I know. I didn't. What time did you wake up this morning? I woke up like 30 minutes ago. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Good. Good, good, good, good, good. Guys, we are so lucky to have christian on the show today basically what's going on this weekend is the world championships for high rocks i know most of you know um what high rocks is because of the amazing hunter uh mcintyre who's a frequent guest of the show and a great gentleman a great sportsman and a just a great role model uh for all of humanity uh and and and the high rocks events in an incredible event um i'll run through it real quick it's a it's a thousand meter run a thousand meter skier
Starting point is 00:02:33 thousand meter run 50 meter sled push a heavy sled i might add for the big boys it is 175 pounds then a thousand meter run then a sled pool 50 meters 125 kilograms then run a thousand meters then this one's brutal uh burpee broad jumps 80 meters uh run a thousand meters row a thousand meters run a thousand meters farmer carry 200 meters with two heavy kettlebells run a thousand meters lunge 100 meters with a 45 pound uh sandbag on your shoulders run a thousand meters and then a hundred wall balls fastest time in the world is around 55 minutes by the great hunter mcintyre and then regular human beings like me do it in three hours in the slowest time maybe in the world is three hours and 35 minutes which is also
Starting point is 00:03:23 as anyone who does fitness knows, is an impressive feat just to be on your feet that long. When I heard that number, I thought, oh, I'd like to see Hunter do it in 335. Like literally, okay, let's leave you out there for three hours and 35 minutes. See what happens to you. I mean, it's crazy, right? Yeah, absolutely correct. I mean, it's impressive what we see because we have every ability of athletes, as you say, from 55 minutes, which is unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:03:49 And you think it's impossible for a human being other than a hunter and up to three hours and something. So that's the whole idea of High Rocks, that everyone can do it. It's just a matter of time. Yeah, infinitely scalable. Everyone is welcome the largest indoor participatory event in the world uh how what christian what's the what's the minimum what's the smallest venue you've done it in smallest amount of square feet uh it was roughly around 100 000 square feet that's. Yeah, that's roughly the smallest.
Starting point is 00:04:28 It's really, really big. So usually we do it at 150,000 to 200,000 feet, so square feet. I want to go back a little bit. You're born in Germany. I am, yeah. Sorry, one more thing before I go back to your childhood. This event officially starts today, right? The World Championships kind of weekend.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Absolutely. Well, today we have the opening ceremony. We have amazingly 1,200 athletes from 22 countries that travel to Las Vegas. Like literally everyone is not from Las Vegas. Of course, we have the... Do you have any Armenians? Any Armenians? Unfortunately not, because we would actually open the award ceremony.
Starting point is 00:05:15 But we have Australia and Austria. Oh, it starts with an A. I like that. Okay, good. Yeah, next year, next year. But yeah, that's today's opening ceremony. Then tomorrow is race day. From 8.30 onwards, we have in every age group,
Starting point is 00:05:29 and as you know, everyone is doing exactly the same. We have all the world championship divisions. And then the big, the final highlight of the season and of the day is 6 p.m., what we call the Elite 15. These are the best 15 male and female athletes across the season. So this is when Hunter McIntyre is racing it out head-to-head with the other 14 best guys. And the women do the same.
Starting point is 00:05:56 It's almost like at the same time. So it's the stadium concept set up. It's a little bit different for this event now than the other age group events it's really great to watch it's up one hour as you said uh so everyone is welcome to come out if you're coincidentally you are in las vegas which can happen and you want to see some amazing fitness yeah everyone is invited and everyone can spectate is this um is this correct is this good morning in um german guten morgen correct actually it is wow wow i thought they were just making fun of you
Starting point is 00:06:32 okay well good uh that's what my uh audience does they just make fun of me and the guests the entire time i like it um so 6 p.m may May 14th, that's tomorrow in Las Vegas. How much are the tickets if I want to come watch? It's 20 bucks to come. But that's for the whole day, of course. There's also beer and wine if you want to have some entertainment next to the racing. But I think people will be thrilled it's really it's one apparently it's one race right from uh which kicks off starts at six and then finishes one hour later it's it's
Starting point is 00:07:11 very exciting it's very close head-to-head racing great to watch uh yeah everyone is invited to come out and and the way i'm told the way this event is set up and from what the little bit i've gleaned from the internet is you can follow it's kind of there's a little bit of a golf component um meaning i we can you at the start you can be there with your beer and when hunter takes off you watch him take off on the thousand and then you can switch positions and get closer to the sled push then he runs the thousand and then the audience can move closer to the sled pole you can get different vantage points to see um where they do the movements other than the running absolutely correct actually that is a great expression
Starting point is 00:07:49 so on therefore i never i never have used that before but it's exactly what it works like this when you watch your your family or friends or whoever is racing you go from workout to workout with them because this is how we have designed the whole setup. So you are always very close to the next workout. And of course you see them on the run as well. But that's why it's very intense. And other than any other mass participation event where usually you see them at the start and then whatever, one hour later when they finish for a few seconds,
Starting point is 00:08:22 you really, really see the whole race and can follow everyone um are there any characters we know hunter mcintyre is a character and i'm guessing i don't mean to put words in your mouth but i'm guessing he's brought a lot of attention just because of his personality and his efforts to get out there do you have any other characters forming um like whether they're employed like you know like crossfit has a dave castro right and they have nicole carroll and then they have rich they have these different people or like football football kind of has some people too but their faces are covered so you just kind of get the quarterbacks you know um are there are there other people who are characters
Starting point is 00:08:59 forming within your community so that there's sort of a narrative? Yeah, of course. Because it's hard finding stuff about you. It's hard stuffing stuff about you, Christian. Really? Tutske. Tutske. Tutske. Tutske. No, we have a large number of characters.
Starting point is 00:09:17 You find every kind of people. We are already a very international sport, so it's very interesting to see how different the people are it was very funny so unfortunately our reigning world champion who's a German guy Tobias Lautwein oh yes Tobias Lautzwan
Starting point is 00:09:35 Tobias Lautzwan he's injured so he's not able to race unfortunately he was asked a video message and he's exactly 100% the opposite of Hunter McIntyre. So he's very German, very focused. I don't want to say dry or dry humor, but we are working on faces, of course.
Starting point is 00:10:02 We have Sarah Coyte is a very interesting figure from Germany in the women's race. She has quite interesting stories to tell. We have, well, my partner is a very charismatic guy. Moritz Hirste, he created the whole high-risk concept together with me. And he's a two-time Olympic gold medalist and kind of a little, how do you say, sports celebrity in Germany. You don't know him in the U.S. What were his events, Christian? Yeah, I don't want to say it because probably you don't know what kind of a sport this is.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Actually, he won. He was the best field hockey player in the world. Ah, yeah. I know field hockey. I know field hockey. Yes, yes, yes. In the US, we had a couple of discussions with people there. What is this?
Starting point is 00:10:59 Ice hockey. Ice hockey. No, no. It's not ice hockey. It's actually the same, but not on ice. They are never in the basketball sport. However, maybe Armenians play it. I'm not so sure.
Starting point is 00:11:12 If it's inexpensive, Armenians play it. It can be very inexpensive. It depends. Okay, well, then they don't play it. Christian also, for those of you who don't know, and I'm sure a bunch of you don't know, is an extremely accomplished decathlete. He tried to make the 1988 Olympics. At the time, he was like sixth or seventh best in Germany at the decathlon. And then you stayed in that world and you pivoted to starting your own events, right?
Starting point is 00:11:44 Your first event was a cycling event is that correct uh-oh did i lose you is your internet bad christian no i'm here yeah did you did you did you hear any of that so so your first event so in 1988 you you had aspirations of going to the Olympics yourself. I have. I had. Yeah, yeah, indeed. I did decathlon, but unfortunately at that time, Germany was the strongest nation in the world with regards to decathletes. So I think we had like the top three next to Daley Thompson. So the older people in the room might know the name. He was a famous UK
Starting point is 00:12:25 icon, two-time gold medal winner in decathlon at the Games. It was very hard to qualify. You only have three positions, right? Every country can maximum send three athletes to the Games. It's a very hard work. It's a lot
Starting point is 00:12:41 of training with no money involved when you're not really on the world's top. And so I had to give up relatively young because I had the feeling I would probably not make it. And I have to make some money. So unfortunately, this dream never came true. I then joined the Olympics later because of my job multiple times. So I had a little bit of Olympic feeling. Tell me about your job that had you cross paths with the Olympics again.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Well, my whole career is in creating sport events and creating sport products and sell them. So that's a funny story. I never had to plan to be in the sports industry so i like i studied macroeconomics and i worked at an advertising agency which i thought was quite boring uh but we had a client and the client said it wasn't an energy company in germany and they said, we made a research, and it came out that cycling can be a very interesting sport for us. Can you not do something with cycling? Advertising agencies say, yeah, they want an event, but how stupid is that idea?
Starting point is 00:14:00 We are producing commercials. I said, this is actually quite interesting, and I wrote down a concept for a cycling event that was brand new and was a new approach, though it was, as you know, a very traditional sport. It's really big in Europe. I think, meanwhile, also in the U.S., but Tour de France and everything. And I called it Marathon on Wheels, which was funny. At that time, it was the first event ever who said we combined pro racing and everybody,
Starting point is 00:14:28 like a mass participation cycling event, and we're closing the streets of Hamburg. And the funny story was, so I presented this at the agency, and everyone said, never, never, what a stupid idea this is. And so I gave it a little bit off the record i presented this concept to the chief marketing officer and he liked it so much that he only called me if i can organize it and suddenly i had to do an event with and i had no
Starting point is 00:14:57 idea i was what year was this christian what year was this 1990 1995 okay i. I was young, I had absolutely no idea. So I had to create a company. And I organized this event, which then became one of the biggest cycling events in the world. And now today, you have mass participation cycling events everywhere. Did that energy company end up selling that event? No, I used to own the ip and and the race and everything oh wow there's a founding partner headline sponsor who was the energy company was yeah okay but they trusted me and they gave me like i think it was 400 000 deutschmark at that time and i had yeah that's how i started suddenly being in this game of creating sport events and i always from the start i what we call mass participation events where you
Starting point is 00:15:53 bring pro athletes and thousands of everybody's every average shows to the start line which of course the marathon marathon events were already getting very popular at that time. But it was still the very beginning of all of that. There was no obstacle racing. There was nothing, right? Cycling had no mass participation element at that time. And then, yeah, so I got into this. Then I started my own company, and we were producing a lot of cycling events.
Starting point is 00:16:22 And I got into triathlon. Tell me the name of that sorry tell me the name of that company it's still the same name absolute sports yeah of course with up at the beginning little word game uh so it's kind of an img yes correct a european version yeah correct okay and were your events focused primarily in Europe? At that time, yes. And then I sold that company to a French media giant called Lagardere. People do not know it, but they own a magazine, stuff like this.
Starting point is 00:16:58 And the owner wanted to get it to sport and he wanted to compete with IMG. to sport and he wanted to compete with img so he got a massive amount of money to buy a lot of companies put them together and wanted to create one of the leading sports marketing companies in the world yeah competing with img on the same level and then so he also acquired my company and then i had to stay and i became the ceo of what we called lagardere events so we acquired a lot of sport events from tennis golf pga atp wow that's more friendlies and a lot and we created a large amount of mass participation events then everywhere in the world so that's when i started to work in global responsibility which was very interesting because you learn about how different countries are and how similar they are.
Starting point is 00:17:49 And I did this for some years and then I said, but I always wasn't more an entrepreneur, so not really the typical corporate guy. So I stepped out of that 2016 because I had this idea of creating something in fitness. And that was the first hour or whatever, however you want to call it of high rocks.
Starting point is 00:18:11 So I had this idea for a while and I started to develop it further. And then I said, I want to do that. So I left the corporate world and started absolute sports again. Same name, different company. No shit. Same name. And, but we only do high rock so it's we
Starting point is 00:18:28 can also call the company high rocks it's we have only one idea one product one determination and that's to change the world of fitness a little bit with with our product has anyone tried to buy it from you already uh yes yes good congratulations and and you're not ready to sell it well we have a we have an investor on board uh because what we do requires especially in the beginning funding uh because we want to like we want to create a global movement a global sport so we want to be in the next we we already are in eight markets in the U.S. and in Europe, but we want to be in every relevant country in the world in the next four years. What does that mean, eight markets?
Starting point is 00:19:16 What does a market mean? That's a country or region. When I mean eight markets, it's Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the UK, the Netherlands, Scandinavia next season, the United States of America. But that's what we call markets. Anyone who – this is one of the interesting things. So I worked over at CrossFitting for 15 years. One of the interesting things – so I worked over at CrossFitting for 15 years. I was in charge of the media over there from the beginning to – until I got fired, until Greg sold the company and the new team fired me.
Starting point is 00:19:53 I was part of the toxic culture. And one of the greatest things about things that pop up on – that started popping up in the fitness ecosystem is you have all these people going to these affiliates and they have nowhere to express their fitness. So something like high rocks comes up and it's like, I have to assume, I mean, it seems like the thing that all my friends would want to do because they need a place to express their fitness, right? You do all of this training and there's nowhere to express it. And to do CrossFit for the sake of CrossFit, I mean, sure, fine. But what a nice thing to have. Is there any separation in the communities or is it just one? Is this whole thing there's like – it seems like everything is just kind of blending together now. I mean you see a ton of CrossFitters also doing – oh, thank you.
Starting point is 00:20:41 You see a ton of CrossFitters like also doing marathons, half marathons, right? You see them entering weightlifting competitions high rocks almost seems like the perfect place for a crossfitter to test themselves no 100 it's definitely blending in a way that i think what we see now which is getting bigger is the sport of fitness uh way that everyone find the competitions that suits you. That's the difference. And we love CrossFit. It's an amazing product.
Starting point is 00:21:15 But when I created High Rocks, the approach was always to create something which is a competition that is really open for everyone. It doesn't matter how fit and strong you are. And this is a different approach. We started Highrox from the beginning purely as an event company that is producing these competitions or these races with crossfit in the beginning was a form of training right so right right right this crossfit box concept it was more like a franchise licensing concept in beginning and then but no no not really not really no no sir i don't want to say like i said it's amazing but they created the events
Starting point is 00:21:53 and the events are more based around elite events so right right right of the best and they come together and do this um everything at crossFit was, believe it or not, this is maybe going to sound a little hard to believe, everything was on accident. No, 100% I believe it. Do you know what I mean? It was just like, hey, let's work. It was like if you had unprotected sex with your wife.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Yeah, I know. Then you had a baby. Oh, shit. It was an accident. I know. It's just powerful forces coming together, Christian, shit. It was an accident. I know. It's just powerful forces coming together, Christian. And the rest was an accident. Okay, okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:22:30 No, no, no. I know immediately that it was never planned from the beginning that it will end up like this. So the way how the events are structured, et cetera, I think it was us just coming. I don't know. Someone came up with that and then bang, this is the answer we take. coming, I don't know, someone came up with that and then, bang, this is the one that we take. So we
Starting point is 00:22:46 tried, this is a different approach from the beginning and what I believe is that fitness events, and I have to say what this means, because what is fitness? Of course, if you run a marathon, it's fitness too. And if you do an obstacle race, it's fitness too. What I mean is
Starting point is 00:23:03 gym fitness. Does it make any sense as an expression? So what people do in a gym, which means you have barbells, you have whatever slats, you have dumbbells. Lap pull-down machine. You run. And that's the point. Of course, the majority of the people that are a member in a gym are not lifting weights.
Starting point is 00:23:25 This is simply the reality. Most of the people run and do functional fitness. When you go Equinox or whatever, F45, Barry's Boot Camp, Orange Zero Fitness, whatever, name it, LA Fitness. So we believe, and that's in the first place when we created that, we created it for everyone who's not doing CrossFit because CrossFit is an amazing product, great community, and they have this community thing, and they have these kind of competitions.
Starting point is 00:23:56 They have the workout of the day. You can do the open. And if you are really, really good, you can go to the regionals or to one of the top events. But we believe that there are millions and millions of people below or outside of crossfit that also love fitness and go to the gym every whatever four or five times a week and now that was our first target group and now we they have an event so we say it's a they have a purpose to train for. But funnily, of course, we see a lot of CrossFit members coming to our events
Starting point is 00:24:28 because they love it too. Of course, of course. They try something new. Of course, yes. They try something different. And when I talk to also like professional CrossFit athletes, I think it's a great thing to add to your training because it's more cardio-based.
Starting point is 00:24:44 I think it's a great thing to add to your training because it's more cardio-based. It's definitely increasing your capacity, your cardio capacity and everything, which helps you also in shorter, more cross-fit workouts that are dramatically shorter and super intense. So it's blending for sure. like super intense but uh so it's it's blending for sure and we see we we bring this a little bit together with coming people coming from the from the ocr community from triathlon from marathon running but a lot of people are really new because they were just going to the gym and they never had a competition where they exactly do what they train in the gym and the event is based around that and i think that's a new thing and why it's really really it's picking up so well yeah it's um it's infinitely
Starting point is 00:25:32 scalable also which is um brilliant right like let's say i i could do 10 of everything i could reduce the run to 100 meters i could cut the reps down um by by 90 and i could just make it just a quick workout i do at my house yeah so we had a lot of i had a lot of narratives or principles when i put this together which took a long time there's actually quite a lot of science behind it so it's not actually there's this random as you said at crossfit it was just accident it was not an event it's not created by accident uh so we i also wanted to create what i call some of the healthiest sports in the world you can do because when you talk to to experts and everything it's important that you a healthy sport is something where you don't do certain movements in a very, very large amount of the time,
Starting point is 00:26:29 so only one, always the same movement, nothing else. That is always good in the beginning, and it becomes a problem after a while. You need to mix different stuff in your training. If you can be really good and you can be competitive without the absolute need to to do something with max weights it helps you to avoid injuries so that's why we created it that all the workouts people asking me why these workouts because we all these workouts are natural movements you don't need certain skills for it though to do this like hunter mcintyre it's an unbelievable skill set
Starting point is 00:27:05 and and requires endless hours of training over years but everyone can push a sled i mean it might take a long time because we have really heavy sleds but uh you can push a sled you don't need to even you have never pushed the sled you can do it right when you sign up randomly for the race Even if you have never pushed a sled, you can do it, right, when you sign up randomly for the race. And the other part is that the distance, why is it eight kilometers of running and eight workouts? It's exactly at the borderline of length that you still can be really well-prepared when you do one-hour training shifts.
Starting point is 00:27:42 You don't need to do the three, four-hour things, which is socially sometimes really difficult. you do one hour training shifts you don't need to do the three four hour things which is socially sometimes actually really difficult like so i was also involved in ironman etc you i mean you have to basically leave your social life right and you go ah now i go for a little ride of six hours and two hour run right so darling i mean you see me back in eight hours which is not a very typical thing which is that goes from training to mental illness i think yeah well also you're alone forever on the bikes you have too much time to think about everything so and you do you train one hour and you're really
Starting point is 00:28:17 well prepared and you mix your training as you say you you can shorten the runs you you do always this interval training of short runs workouts and the cardio part can be rowing can be skier not only running right so yeah that's what it is and that's i call it the marathon of fitness effect which is i think that's perfect yeah that's a perfect name for it i just want to. I just want to be clear about one thing. Just to clarify, and this isn't for you. This is for me out of the respect for CrossFit. The methodology was not an accident. The business was an accident.
Starting point is 00:28:54 That's what I meant. Yeah, yeah, sure. Okay. I know what you mean. Okay. I don't mean it in a bad way. Okay, okay, good. And I didn't think you did.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Guys, when he says that they're in eight markets, these are the cities that you can go play in. Dallas, Houston, Boston, Los Angeles, Madison, Chicago, New York, and Denver. I think this year alone, they've already done – have you done 30 events already this year, or you have 30 total the whole year uh no this season so our season is always like roughly from october till may okay we did 30 events in our eight markets yeah so you can go to as you know this is the us schedule but we have every beautiful city in europe on the list from Amsterdam,
Starting point is 00:29:47 Madrid, London, Berlin. You can actually make you go to every amazing city and, and do a high rocks event there. Yeah, this is really cool. And, and what I'm, what I'm getting from you and what I'm understanding is this, I don't know what the percentage is. So bear with me here. I'm being loose with my tongue, but I'm guessing 95% of the people who do a marathon do it to check it off the box to complete. And this is that type of event.
Starting point is 00:30:13 For a lot of people, this is a competition against yourself. You see this list of stuff that you have to do, and it looks so daunting. But it's actually doable. to do and it looks so daunting but it's actually but it's actually doable and not only is it doable but you have one month two month and three month training regiments on your website that people could follow it's even a great resource for all of the crossfit affiliates so like if you knew that um hyrox was coming to um dallas and you had an affiliate in dallas you could be like okay guys for the next three months we're going to have a class that meets every morning at 7 a.m and we're going to
Starting point is 00:30:48 follow this five day a week program that high rocks has provided and then as a group we're going to go and compete it or not even compete participate at high rocks um do the event and then drink a bunch of beer and take a picture and take a picture with christian or in front of a hall of fame a wall of fame that's exactly the idea and it combines the whole gym because everyone can do it right and then everyone goes to the competition and everyone is doing the competition and as you're you might have you know probably also we have we also offer a double where you do the whole thing together with a partner. That means you still run the eight kilometers, but you share the workouts. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:32 It's definitely a significantly easier first step into a higher level. I love it. I love it. And it works. This is so successful because you can do it with your wife. So we have mixed. We have men's doubles and women's doubles. So whoever you want your partner is, your friend, you can do it with him.
Starting point is 00:31:51 And it's great. You train together. You have a common goal. But like everyone, right? And we have, like I said, every ability of doubles from super fast to super slow. i said every abilities of of doubles from super fast to to super slow but it's everyone is like okay we we are challenging ourselves next this next weekend or we do this event and then like to say we offer these training programs and they have a real purpose to train and they have a focus and they and they do this together for three months and it's i think it's it's that's a great or the idea about it yeah it's awesome
Starting point is 00:32:26 um christian what movement was this close to making it into the eight that at the last that got pushed out uh yeah we had flipping a tire like maybe a hundred. And there are always like physical and logistical reasons why we have not decided to put this in because you have to understand the next season we will do 54 events. They are really, really large events and we work like a rock concert tour. So we have like six trucks and trailers and where all the equipment everything is on the trucks and they go from event to event so
Starting point is 00:33:17 if you we always have to also consider how much volume i need in the truck for one workout. And, you know, and if you have this massive truck tires to do the tire flip, it becomes like a – and lifting something where you – with your back and you have to go down. So we did all the testings, right? And we thought that might be dangerous for some people that are not so well trained that they hurt their back when they do not the right movement. Or like monkey bars. That was also very close.
Starting point is 00:33:52 We tested it out. So we have to do like whatever, like 50, 30 meters of monkey bars or something. But it has to be inclusive. Oh, wow. Monkey bars. Okay. And I don't know why, but women have a real, average women, not the super fit ones, but they have real issues in completing that. So it doesn't matter how much time you give them.
Starting point is 00:34:15 They always fail. If it's like- The monkey bars? Yeah. If it's 30 meters. When we were in school, those little boys, they were good at them. Yeah. Right. Very good. Do you remember that? You're like, how are those girls doing that? When we were in school, though, as little boys, they were good at them. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Very good. Do you remember that? You're like, how are those girls doing that? But so we did – there were plenty of other workouts. We did all the tests and what is the best. And then you have to combine it in a smart way. So you have to really use every muscle of your body when you do the eight workouts. every muscle of your body when you do the eight workouts.
Starting point is 00:34:49 And you can still discuss it if there would have been a good idea to maybe do another workout than this one we have right now. But it works so well and everyone is so happy with it. That's very important. It's uniform. It's exactly defined how it is. It's a little bit more the Olympic approach to sport. fine how it is it's a little bit more the olympic approach to sport you know 100 meter running is not a very complex uh discipline in in the first place but it's extremely complex to run it in 9.5 right the barrier to entry is very low yeah but to do it in perfection it it's like it's a science, right? It takes you forever.
Starting point is 00:35:26 And it's more complex than this, but you know what you have to do. And that's why it works as a mass participation event, because people are not scared that we are announcing a workout where they know immediately, okay, I'm out. I can't do that. It doesn't matter how much time I have. I'm not able to complete that. So every more average people, average fit, they are scared about something like that.
Starting point is 00:35:55 So they would not come out and do that. So here you know exactly what you have to do, even though it's tough. It's a real challenge on the day. Seriously tough. even though it's really it's tough it's a real challenge on the day so you have to seriously tough yep definitely prepare yourself to do it which is also we want this accomplishment right that's why i say like marathon running it's nothing you do every saturday to run a marathon it's bloody long it takes it's it requires training but you are everyone is super proud just to finish it and that's really true it's amazing if people
Starting point is 00:36:26 do this and if you finish in three hours it's you did minimum the same crazy and amazing thing like a hunter mcintyre it's just it's just a different motivation and a different angle if anyone wants to see that yeah it's sorry say that again To fight yourself through the soul cause and whatever, two hours, that's a great accomplishment and that's what High Rocks is all about. Tomorrow at 6 p.m. the World Championships will start.
Starting point is 00:36:57 You can go to the High Rocks anytime that the actual party starts today. It's in Las Vegas. What building is it? The Las Vegas Convention Center? Correct. South Hall 3. party starts today it's in las vegas what building is it the las vegas convention center correct south hall three las vegas convention center hall three um and it costs it only costs 20 bucks and man how exciting would it be um could this be well let me i want to ask you about hunter in one second but what event do you think i want you to try to read my mind what movement am i do i if i
Starting point is 00:37:29 if i could put a movement in there i'm sure i would ruin high rocks um do you know what movement i would put in there as a as a crossfitter what's the what's the movement that all the crossfitters think is missing uh you definitely wait some kind of a weight workout no no i'm old i'm an old baby no weights i like i like the weights perfect i'm old i'm an old baby i'm wondering where's the i would put a pull-up in but now after hearing you talk i understand why there's not a pull-up in there the goal is you don't want to just some people are going to see that a world-class marathoner is going to see that and be like a hundred pull-ups is too much. Cause I remember when I first started CrossFit, I was like a hundred pull-ups.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Are you guys fucking nuts? Yeah, exactly. Okay. And everything there can be done. Even your wall ball, your wall ball is 14 pounds for the, for the professional men. It's, I know it better in kilograms. It's nine kilograms for the pro men. Oh, okay. Maybe that is 20 pounds better in kilograms. It's nine kilograms for the pro men. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Maybe that is 20 pounds. Six kilograms. Nine is 20 pounds. Six kilograms is 14 pounds. And four kilograms are for regular women, or open women, for the open women's division. And that's a good example, pull-ups.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Trust me, we did the test. If you go out on the street and you ask average fit women and we want all the women to come out and also do competitions usually it's super male infused like every every mass participation event you have like 80 guys on the start line and they go test the throne and sometimes women are a little bit intimidated by this and they think i don't want this sheer competition and all this blood sweat and tears uh but i like to do it but i'm not sure so uh you if you target this these amazing athletes too but they many of them have a real issue for instance with pull-ups right it's a
Starting point is 00:39:26 classical thing that even push-ups is for many women is it's not that easy especially or even these skinny men even these like men who are running background you have to do a hundred of them right you you rule out too many other though the wall balls right work because you can make a rest and it can and you it i don't know works better you it still takes you maybe 10 minutes 15 minutes to do them but and you have to be strong to do 20 pound wall balls yeah um to do to do i mean you have to be very very strong i don't think it's missing the weightlifting component. I mean, I see what you're saying, but it has that heavy lunge bag. I mean, this thing is hard. This thing is not a joke.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Trust me, it's definitely hard. When you wake up the next morning and walk down the stairs, you know what you're doing. And it hurts. It's probably even more it sucks everything out of your body because it's the length it's really very different to high row to crossfit workouts where you are totally of course done like 15 minutes all in yeah you fall down but you recover faster if you do something one and a half hours you everything you had in your body every you know every kind of
Starting point is 00:40:45 energy at the end is out and so you take it takes you longer to recover but and you have this beautiful feeling of all the muscle pain and everything the next morning but you have a great feeling you did something extraordinary and you fight yourself through this yeah very long challenge but that's so that's like that's but at the end this is also the beauty of it so as i said earlier that we want people to be really proud if they finish one right not to be the fastest person to do it um that being said um you you did 30 30 events in this year's, 54 events in next year's season. Are there nuances to the courses that make certain arenas faster?
Starting point is 00:41:33 Like places where the sled, the floor might be different. Like, hey, if you want to set the world record, you should do it in Hamburg, Germany. Or if you're not good at slowing, if you're not good at pushing the sled, you shouldn't do it in Dallas. Are there different nuances that the athletes are starting to learn that come with the High Rocks? Not really. So we take it extremely serious that it's a legit competition at every event for everyone is doing it. So we have a very complex timing system. You get a timing ship.
Starting point is 00:42:03 We track everything you do. You get a full breakdown of your race, like every kilometer, what your running time was, every workout, how much time you spent in the rock zone. And every race in total is 8.7 kilometers long because I have to explain that you run the eight kilometers, but you run into what we call the rock zone. This is an area where you have eight workout stations.
Starting point is 00:42:29 So you run through an in-arch, and then you run to your next workout. And then you run to an out-arch where you start your run again. And that distance is sometimes different because depending on the shape of the hall, because they are different. Sometimes they are different. Sometimes they have columns. Sometimes it's a rectangle. Sometimes it's a square.
Starting point is 00:43:00 So the setup is different, but the distance everyone is completing in total running is at every event it's 8.7 kilometers. How about the number of turns in the run? Is it always the same good point that makes a race a little bit faster or slower if you have less turns longer straight runs it helps you to gain some seconds on the run rather than having sometimes i mean usually we always have only four turns because you know you run around sometimes, there is something in the hall, and you have to do it. So suddenly, you have two or three or four more turns.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Like a zigzag or something. Yeah, like a zigzag, not 90-degree turns. So that makes it maybe a little bit slower. Important to say, everywhere in the the world at every event we use exactly the same carpet okay and slats uh it's funny because people think it's oh it's heavier in the u.s and in europe or otherwise or the other way around this is definitely not true with regards to the equipment uh there might be miracles because we sometimes also have the feeling at some events it was heavier than at others.
Starting point is 00:44:07 But we use exactly the same configuration. But there might be some impact of the humidity in the air and stuff like this, which you think is crazy. No. It makes the carpet is then more wet and that makes it more heavy
Starting point is 00:44:21 to push the sled. Which sounds crazy because you are indoors but when you are in miami the humidity is extremely high right and it's also inside the case so there might be little weird influences that make a little difference but it's not material even in your sport that you come from track and field um the nuances are important isn't it even like you if there's like a 10 mile an hour wind or more at your back um you you can't set the and you break the world record it doesn't count or they have rules like that in track and field right if it's a windy day and you break the world record it's like 100 meter running if you have like a thunderstorm
Starting point is 00:45:00 from coming from the back i mean it's not officially a world record. So, yeah, exactly. They are, which I like. You know what I always tell my team? They're like, I think, you know what? A sport needs that. You need this discussion. Oh, the sled was heavier. Yes.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Or the floor was lower. Yes. Or the fast race. This is like baseball. You know, what we do when we see a hockey game or whatever, what do we discuss? We discuss, oh, that decision from the refs was a mistake. You're discussing it up and down.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Was it the wrong decision or not the right decision? You talk about these kind of things. I think that makes it interesting. People want to talk about that. Yes, the ice melts faster in this stadium um the pucks in china are a little bit harder than the pucks in russia and which are different than the the the pucks in the u.s there's there should be all sorts of yeah that's what makes it fun yeah movements we get this crazy which i love i love it you see how involved the
Starting point is 00:46:00 community is they're shooting videos and then someone's not actually not on the top level only like on the on the age group level like someone whatever finishing in 15th position you get a video from number 16 and you think i didn't do that movement right etc so you should have gotten more no reps etc which i think maybe they are right but i think it's a you know it's a it's a it's a judging decision right in that moment so we are not doing so far we don't have the video instant replay instant replay and then we take a decision because that doesn't work for our sport it's the same in crossfit right at the games right it's in that moment the judge is taking a decision and everyone has to accept that.
Starting point is 00:46:46 And they might be wrong sometimes and they usually are right. And it's not always exactly 1,000% the same between different judges. But that's sport. That's what sport is about. But that shows me how serious the people take it, which is exactly what we want. You know, we want to create a very serious sport,
Starting point is 00:47:08 and it's a new sport, which we call fitness racing, by the way. So we think we're creating a new category that wasn't existing. And like people say, yeah, I do CrossFit. I want people to say, or they say right now already, yeah, I'm a fitness racer. And so, and yeah, that's, I mean, that's the idea and that's the beauty of it. And, but yeah, that's what we want to accomplish further in the next years. Where do people, this is the first one, World Championships,
Starting point is 00:47:39 you're streaming live, right? No, not really. We actually, we were always streaming the world championships live but the first ones look we are just in year three right i know i know it's crazy how fast it's grown it's crazy and you had to take a year off because of um some some fat people got sick yeah yeah yeah almost two so now it's amazing that's why it's also only our third season because we had to stop for two years yeah usually for a young new product it's a it's a killer so we are very lucky and very another reason to do high rock so you don't have to play this game that
Starting point is 00:48:16 with uh who and your local government you can just be like i'm healthy and fit and i'm gonna hang out with my healthy and fit friends okay sorry. Sorry. I interrupted. How do people watch this? Like tomorrow at six o'clock, I want to, I want to, oh, crack a beer. Yeah. And be like, go Hunter. Yeah, exactly. So go, it's, it's a live stream we do together with Obstacle Racing Media. And there should be a link on our website,, or on one of our Instagram channels.
Starting point is 00:48:47 You will find this tomorrow, which is High Rocks World or High Rocks America. Yeah, and then you just click in, and then you can see the live stream of the lead racing. What we do for the first time, and you were the best example of that. We always admired your work you did for CrossFit, these documentaries. Yeah. Actually, I was watching that and I said, okay, I love this. This is amazing.
Starting point is 00:49:14 And then I want to create something in the world of fitness too. But we were watching this and we are doing this for the first time on a higher level at this event. And we started shooting, of course, with our hunters, et cetera, weeks ago. So it will be a little bit the way to the world championships and then the event itself, but also explaining high rocks and everything. So we are doing this. This is where we put the most
Starting point is 00:49:46 effort in at this event so we have a lot of camera people but they're shooting it and it will come out on espn in the us uh for instance and but this i think it will be aired like in about four weeks um the the the the stream or the documentary, the documentary. Wow. Wow. Hey, you know, this year's, um,
Starting point is 00:50:08 we'll, we'll talk about Hunter in a minute. He, um, is this, are these the people doing the stream obstacle racing media? Correct. Correct. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:16 They're coming from, I don't know. It was coincidence. Matt picked it up very early. He loves it. Uh, he runs this, uh,
Starting point is 00:50:24 also it's a podcast and and the platform and they are doing the stream okay i don't see it on here the next event they have is may 22nd we need so okay we need to we uh i need to figure this out where yeah he's using uh it's not it's a little different route of him so which is specifically done for High Rocks. You can find the link on our High Rocks social media platforms. So it will come up, it will be there tomorrow. Is this a stream Elite Race 12? No, that's old.
Starting point is 00:51:01 That was one thing we, especially when we did during the pandemic when we couldn't have normal events. Yes, I see it. I found it. Yeah. I found it. Very good. I apologize for not being more prepared. Well, no, we have to do a better job so that you find it in an instant click. That's it. Yeah. Okay. I'm putting a link down here just so you guys know
Starting point is 00:51:26 in the comments um and i will also put a link wow this is really cool we'll give this a already but there's a set of reminder okay yeah it's great to watch because we are still on the search everyone is asking us what is a perfect athlete. And we still – they come from different backgrounds, right? Miriam from Roar, you see that she's currently the best – the European champion from Europe. She's actually also an amazing CrossFit athlete. And she started to pick high rocks up.
Starting point is 00:52:02 And she comes from that background. You have Hunter who comes from all kinds of backgrounds but you have also like didn't scott or some guys like tobias loudwine has he was coming from obstacle race no he was a professional cyclist then he picked up obstacle racing and now he's a high rocks athlete so it's interesting to see at some point, which I think you have seen in CrossFit as well, I think in the next years we will see that young athletes
Starting point is 00:52:32 actually train high rocks specifically for the past already three, four, five years. So you have a very special education and talent to be really good at this sport. But it's already amazing
Starting point is 00:52:47 how competitive it got to make it into the Elite 15. So it was a race. I agree. After every event, the list changed. And we thought at the beginning of the season,
Starting point is 00:52:59 you need to do a 102 to qualify for this race. And now we are almost at sub one hour, which was crazy, which was in the beginning. We thought this is a barrier, which barely someone can do.
Starting point is 00:53:11 And now we have already eight athletes that do a one hour race. And, and, and I mean, Hunter crushing it was 55 or nine, which I thought would not, we will not see before in four more years or something. So it's unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:53:29 Michael Sambach is on there twice. Make a note to your YouTube guy. I'm just joking. I'm just joking, Christian. No, no, you're right. That's definitely not correct. Two times 15, so he forgets the last one. He's number 14 which is qualifying time
Starting point is 00:53:47 fanduel casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling winning which beats even the 27th best feeling saying i do who wants this last parachute i do enjoy the number one feeling winning in an exciting live dealer studio exclusively on fanduel casino where winning is undefeated. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Oh, eco-friendly towels? And they're quick dry. Yeah, you know, HomeSense always has a lot of great towels. Let me see that. Quick dry? Will it dry quickly enough that I won't notice when you use my towel? Okay, that happened once. Maybe more than once.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Anyways, these are only $13. $13? Okay. Let's get you this navy one, and for me, this soft beige one. Deal so good, everyone approves. Only at HomeSense. one. Deal so good, everyone approves. Only at HomeSense. This kid right here, Tim Winish, he's 16 to 24. That's the category. That's the age range, 16 to 24 years old.
Starting point is 00:55:00 You have to be 16 years old for liability reasons to do it. Okay. And then after 24, there's a 25 to 29 then from then there's a 30 to 34 where the champ sits and then there's a 35 to 39 but all of these guys so so this tim kid looks like the future yes he is exactly that example he's something like 22 23 he's he's already doing high rocks for three years and He's not training anything else. He studied sports, still studies sports science. He's very analytic in what he's doing. Yeah. But he looks like, also, when you see him next to Hunter,
Starting point is 00:55:36 you think he's a different breed of people. Athlete, okay. He's more a skinny, very normal-looking guy. Not like the bike pony. But that's the interesting part. And Toby is more a skinny guy, right? And you can't believe that he can push the sled almost in the same, as fast as Hunter can do that.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Is this the guy who won last year, who got sick? Yeah, correct. He, he actually, he does the farmers carry most of the time, faster than Hunter. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:56:14 He's doing it unbroken, but you see his skinny arms. You think it's unbelievable, but it's, that's the interesting part. You have very different athletes from the body shape at the race line tomorrow. So from like more like muscular, very different athletes from the body shape at the race line tomorrow. From more muscular,
Starting point is 00:56:29 more bulky CrossFit athletes to very skinny runners, triathletes, obstacle racing background athletes. That's the interesting part when it comes together why the race goes up and down usually because
Starting point is 00:56:44 the strongman was leading after the flat, but then that's the interesting part when it comes together, why the race goes up and down usually, because you know, the, the, yeah, yeah. But then the skinnier guys come in, they run faster and they keep up again. Like Dylan Scott is like,
Starting point is 00:56:55 he's a, he's an American. He's like, he's looks also very different. He's more like the skinny type of athlete. Yeah. That's also interesting. So what in the end will be the most efficient way?
Starting point is 00:57:07 It's still a lot of running as well, right? So you have to carry your muscles around eight kilometers. It might be – it's all about balancing it out. It might be a bit too heavy, et cetera. Yes, strength to weight ratio. But Hunter thought, oh, I'm the best in this game. We wanted to talk about Hunter. He came in.
Starting point is 00:57:33 I have to say, I also thought, oh, it looks like we created it for Hunter. The whole competition, the way how it is, the length, the combination of workouts. So he came in, he was dominating it is the length it's a combination of workouts uh so he came in he was dominating it and then it was funny so last year or this past season uh you had suddenly all the other guys doing their homework right and hunter said i i'm i'm the strong guy. No one can beat me. He did other stuff. He got bigger, actually. He became 200 pounds plus. And then he came to our World Championships in Leipzig last summer, and he lost.
Starting point is 00:58:15 For the first time, he lost a high-rocks race to Tobias Lautmann. Actually, he came in fourth. Two other guys overtook him. Then he came to the North American championships and ryan kent was crushing him in that race and then he realized oh it's not that easy i can't win it if i'm 200 pounds plus so i have to do my homework so he he really shaped off i think 10 15 pounds and 190 something low low 190s he's an amazing shape and uh and now suddenly then that's why he could then come back and do this new world record time of 5509 which is absolutely crazy savage completely savage you know he wasn't i spoke to him the day
Starting point is 00:59:03 after he set that world record, and he was in a weird spot. I mean, that really drained him of everything. Yeah, I know. I think he didn't expect that time. Yeah. But, I mean, you have to say this. Look, about Hunter, I'm in the world of sport.
Starting point is 00:59:22 I was in the world of Olympics, mean i was in the world of olympics for like i said for 25 years i've seen a lot of athletes the best cyclists in the world the best triathletes the best like in almost in every sport i really believe that hunter mcintyre is one of the most leading athletes in the world in his ballpark you know of course he will never win the crossfit games and i know there was a lot of talking about him when he got the wild card at the games he's still reasonably good in crossfit which is the amazing part but i think that there's a very strong argument that hunter mcintyre is the fittest man on the planet i think there is a very strong argument yeah it's a guy who can still at least go to across the competition is not finishing last and he can lift at these weights
Starting point is 01:00:13 but i think his pb time on 10 kilometer running is 30 32 minutes something which is absolutely insane like a guy of that big that can has that cardio ability i've never seen this before well even even if you did this christian so so in the early days what they did was is um you know the very first crossfit games they just put balls in a machine and they turned it and then they picked out the ball and read the workout there is a very strong argument that if you did that game using CrossFit workouts and you put Hunter McIntyre in there against the best in the world, there's a very good chance he wins. If you just randomly pick 10 things, you would have to be insane to pick shoes against him. You would have to be insane. He's so fit, it's ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:01:02 It's ridiculous. Like I said, if he's lucky and you don't pick Henson walk, whatever. Yeah. Yeah. He has his weaknesses because this is where you really need to really very specifically train for that. Right.
Starting point is 01:01:15 For a very long time. Right. I think that's also where he failed at the games. It was this wildcard appearance. No, I totally agree with you. So look, if Hunter. But I I totally agree with you. So look, if Hunter,
Starting point is 01:01:27 but I don't know if you could say that about, sorry to interrupt. I don't know if you can say that about the rest. If someone beats his time in high rocks, let's say like, I don't know. I don't know the other guys, but I don't know if you can say that about the other guys,
Starting point is 01:01:38 I guess is what I'm saying. The other guys already more specialized on high rocks. Yeah. They definitely have no chance in doing if you could bring if you put them into a crossfit competition they probably can't do 50 of the workouts it's a different kind of athlete right it's not that's also not that never was a goal or whatever it's like sure i always explain people it's like if you want to compare a hundred meter runner and a five thousand meter runner it doesn't make any people, it's like if you want to compare a 100-meter runner and a 5,000-meter runner, it doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 01:02:07 It's a completely different athlete. I mean, they both run. It looks very much exactly the same movement, but it's 100% different. So it looks like a CrossFit event, but if you want to be on the top of your game, and Hunter is the absolute rare exception, you have to be on the top of your game, and Hunter is the absolute rare exception, you have to be specialized because you are a different shaped athlete, right? If you want to crush these times, you have to look different because you can't run around with that amount of muscles. You will never be fast enough in the run so you have to
Starting point is 01:02:46 find this perfect balance of still being able to push the sled but uh also crushing the runs and everything so it's a different approach and we are just at the beginning sport a sport like this and you've seen us at crossfit it gets more and more sophisticated, right? The training, the programming, the way, how to train for that. We were talking to Invictus and CJ Martin. He was in LA. It was a big group from his gym. Amazing.
Starting point is 01:03:16 I think they came with like 50 athletes. Yeah, yeah. He has a great community. They always travel in a big group. And he loves it. And he says, but, he says, but he says, I have no idea in the moment how to do the programming for that. I have to learn it now. I have to see it and I have to start building it because it requires a
Starting point is 01:03:35 different kind of training. Right. It's more running. It's more cardio. It's, you know, but he loves it. He thinks it's amazing.
Starting point is 01:03:43 It's, it's opening it up for new different kind of people members potential members to his gym and he will become a great partner in the future uh victor they are working on a high works program as well which they want to launch uh in the near future i guess next season next season. So that's great. But you see, it's a different approach to fitness. Is Chris Hinshaw at the event this weekend in Vegas? No, we had a plan to bring him out,
Starting point is 01:04:16 but we thought we couldn't find the right format. Okay. We thought it makes sense. But he is a friend of yours. You're starting to work with him is that correct that's correct look he's he is actually this running coach right we we are in i have to say we are an endurance strength event so running is a very very important part but that's that's interesting because it's new because we created something that wasn't existing that's exactly the
Starting point is 01:04:43 game here how much running you do to not lose too much of your muscles and then you fail with the workout. So what is the perfect balance? Do you need to do just 400-meter interval runs or do you need also sometimes to run 10 kilometers and how you mix that, et cetera? That's interesting. Hunter, he created his own theory to to be that good in
Starting point is 01:05:07 this in the sport so apparently when you look at his time he's doing a lot of things right yes and he has a very very clear methodology now he developed to how he trains for that so he's creating blocks like running blocks and strength blocks. He has a different approach to that, but we will see. That's the interesting part also. How do you approach that from the training aspect? What's the best way to do it? Do the athletes ever touch each other, Christian? Like what happens if, is there,
Starting point is 01:05:40 when you start this top 15 event at 6 p.m. tomorrow, will they all be on the starting line together? Yes. At that point, they'll be touching each other. They'll be shoulder to shoulder. It's like a horse race. It's like, who gets in the best position right after this? There will be some elbows and everything.
Starting point is 01:06:01 Yeah. Everyone is very close. It's's very intense especially at the beginning before the race stretches out a little bit but they are so close all the guys it will be amazing to see and the girls there's like two three minutes in the qualifying times right from maybe Only Hunter is a little bit outside of the other times in the moment, but we will see what he can bring to the racetrack tomorrow. The second event is the sled push after the run, erg run, and then sled push.
Starting point is 01:06:40 When they get to the sled, what happens if they all show up there at the same time? That's not a problem. We have 30 lanes or tomorrow 15. Oh, okay. Everyone has their individual lane. That's actually how the event works.
Starting point is 01:06:55 So it's very, very based on stats and statistics and mathematics. So we kick off. We have 4,000 athletes athletes right in london for instance where it's almost like already exploding so it only works and everyone that's the number one most important rule that we have to manage it in the ways that not a single athlete ever has to wait at any workout because right right right it wouldn't be a legit competition anymore right because you have to wait you either have rest time which other don't have or you lose time because you have to wait so uh and it works that we start and we kick every we
Starting point is 01:07:38 start in waves right of 30 or 40 right uh for the regular ends or the age groups and that's why we need this massive amount of space because we are creating this arena for fitness gladiators which is massive it's it's two three times bigger than like a crossfit setup at the games uh for sizing yeah you said the smallest is 100,000 square feet. That's amazing. That's already like two football pitches or three. So,
Starting point is 01:08:13 because we need that space, because we have like 40 lanes of slats. So, when you come to the workout station, and we have judges there and people that guide you to the next free slat. And that's when you do people that guide you to the next free slab. And that's when you do it. But because the wave size and every 10 minutes we kick off a new wave,
Starting point is 01:08:40 we know how many stations we need that not a single athlete ever has to wait. And it works really amazingly well. We had only really, really very, very, very very few moments but that was just human failure not that the concert doesn't work so accidentally too many people are entering if it's the wrong start wave or whatever so suddenly you have too many people not 40 running
Starting point is 01:08:58 off you have suddenly 45 running off that can create a problem but it's usually very much in hand and we I have to see 45 running off that can create a problem but it's it's usually very much in hand and uh we i have to see this thing i can't wait to go to one it must what a show it must be to see to see that yeah if you unfortunately where are you based at santa cruz yeah i'm in santa cruz it's my it's my fault your team was very generous they reached reached out to me. They invited me. They set everything up for me. I'm just, I'm a bump on a log.
Starting point is 01:09:29 I have three little, do you have kids, Christian? Yes, two. How old are your kids? 18 and 20. Ah, okay. I have two that are five. Yeah. I'm done with that.
Starting point is 01:09:43 Actually, my son is just finishing high school and then I'm free. I can no summer holidays anymore. School holidays. I'm not bound to school holidays anymore. Do you travel to all 30 events? No, no. I can't do that. That's too much. Yeah, sounds
Starting point is 01:10:02 crazy. No, no. I don't do this. I go to a lot of events, but not all 30. Do you mostly do the ones in Europe, stay over there? No, no, I come to a lot of US events. I usually go to every event that's new. When we do it in a new city, we do it. Inaugural, yep. I go there and I go to the national championships,
Starting point is 01:10:25 the regional championships and world championships. And I pick, for whatever different reasons, maybe I have to meet sponsors, clients, people. So I go to this event. But I don't go to every event and I definitely not go to 54 events next season. Yeah, that's absolutely nuts um if if anyone wants to watch this and and i'm and i'm going to be watching it the the youtube
Starting point is 01:10:50 all you have to type in is high rocks hy rox world championships it starts at 6 p.m tomorrow and it's on youtube and as i'm watching here more and more people are getting on and waiting and they're starting to the first comment on here is let's go hunter and if you're in vegas you might as well go over to the convention center and check this thing out and like you said they have beer beer and wine i really like that no gambling but it's just hey don't tell us what to do christian we're free americans we'll gamble if we want to don't please don't tell us what to do sports betting right sports booking if i see a guy next to me and he wants to bet we'll please don't tell us what to do sports betting right sports booking if i see a
Starting point is 01:11:26 guy next to me and he wants to bet we'll bet don't tell us what we want to do okay um um when you go to all of these cities is there um do you ever get a chance do you ever get to play tourist do you get to go to the beach do you get to go to the museums do you get to get like what's your favorite thing to do when you go to these cities do you get to go to the museums? Do you get to like, what's your favorite thing to do when you go to these cities? Do you get to go to your favorite bar, restaurant? Like what do you do at these places? Yeah, yeah, I do. It depends where you are. Sometimes there's no beach.
Starting point is 01:11:51 So that's a shame. I always go at least, I always go around in the city. So the good thing, the nice thing about Hierarchy of the Land, we usually are doing it on Saturday. Okay. So, which I love because I was hating it.
Starting point is 01:12:06 I was always producing marathons and triathlons. They're always on Sundays. So you fly to a great city, but you're participating. So it's not the time to go out and have a great night in London, Saturday night when you're racing on Sunday. Right. And Sunday night is not the most exciting night to go out on Sunday. Especially if you're flying out Mondayay right yeah exactly most people all fly even out on sunday so uh we
Starting point is 01:12:31 have now a larger group of people that do all these great city hopping because they like i said they go to berlin crazy city super i mean amazing best nightlife in the world but you you're coming on friday you have a quiet night on friday you do your race on saturday and then you go to the berghain uh saturday night which uh is which is great and then you walk around the city and i always do that yeah we we are in so much of amazing cities uh and pittoresque large big amsterdam madrid but also maastricht is beautiful small town but yeah and then i walk around i try to look find a nice restaurant or maybe some museums or whatever you can do and oh and i always walk in gyms when i'm in the cities to see what kind of
Starting point is 01:13:20 great gyms they have i get the impression from the little bit of research that I did on you that you don't have to be working anymore, that you've been successful, that you're independently wealthy, you have investments. Why are you pushing? Why are you continuing? What drives Christian? Why are you doing this? Oh, I only do it because I really, really love creating that and doing that.
Starting point is 01:13:48 It's a young team. I see all these people coming. It's like you are an architect and you build a building and it's there. I don't work just because I need the money, which gives you an amazing amount of freedom to select, to only do and work in a way that you think you feel 100% comfortable with. So I don't need to be 16 hours in the office every day because someone is pushing me.
Starting point is 01:14:18 If I do this, I only do it because I think it makes sense and I like to do that. No, I do it because I love doing things and I want to go on. I'm not the type of person that is looking for retirement. I want to be more like, I mean, there are people that work until they're 85 or something. They never stop, right? Right. You do something more creative or whatever.
Starting point is 01:14:46 more whatever you do something more creative or whatever right uh it's i don't feel any kind of stress or that i feel any kind of pressure anymore i'm totally free of that i uh but i it's so amazing to create this and it's like a like a child dream you know you you create your own new sport and you are in are in the middle of that. That drives me every day, and it's great. We have a great team. It's not me. I'm the old guy. Everyone is younger in the whole organization, almost.
Starting point is 01:15:17 No, actually, everyone. So this is ridiculous. And I'm participating in a lot of events, and this is a great thing also. I can raise for free. I don't have to pay the MPC. You said the same thing about opening a bar. You get to drink for free. That's the reason why I opened the bar.
Starting point is 01:15:35 Honestly, I said I always wanted to have a bar because I think, oh, I can go there every day and I'll get everything for free. And I always get a table. That's why I started a restaurant so I don't need to wait uh i always have my free table what city is home what city is home for you hamburg and um is that always going to be home have you ever thought about moving elsewhere in the world i it sounds boring i really literally live for my whole life in hamburg but i am because of all my jobs i'm since 30 years i'm actually traveling a lot so i'm i'm not it's my home base but i'm not spending 300 days a year in hamburg so i'm everywhere in the world and I need that. I can't be longer than – it's very rare that I'm more than four weeks in a row just in Hamburg. And I take my family.
Starting point is 01:16:33 I always did also when the kids were younger. In the moment they had school holidays or whatever, I took them and we went. We go and we stay sometimes in America. We go in the UK. them and we went we we go and we stay sometimes in america we go in the uk or so we i'm a pretty international multicultural person so i uh i liked but it's great to go home to something where you know everything and you know everyone in the city and it's kind of your your base coming home but it's great also to go away and to see something new. When did you learn English?
Starting point is 01:17:08 How old were you? Oh, I don't know. We learned it at school, right? It's the first thing you learn. You have to do that. And now I have to say when I finished school, my English was really bad. I had to learn it. So I actually stayed almost a year in New York City
Starting point is 01:17:26 when I was very young. Spent all my money. Had a great time, though. It was... That's where your tradition of going to the bar started. Yeah, that was when New York City was really great still. I mean from the
Starting point is 01:17:43 end part. I mean like it was so, the acting part, you know. But I mean, like, it was, Seoul was just starting, it was 93. It was great. Meat-packing district was, at that time, really the meat-packing district still. Yeah. I loved it.
Starting point is 01:18:01 It was still more edgy and more dirty. Now everything is shiny and everything is clean and nice. So Berlin is a little bit like this it's also changing now it was since when the war came down berlin was the best place in the world to be out there's a there's a um there's a lot of you know uh doomsday uh scenarios out there there's you know nuclear war there's global warming there's pandemic there you know there's all of these uh threats i i'm i'm convinced that the only um serious threat to humanity is um is nutrition i i see it everywhere around me. My country is collapsing under the weight of its own people. I don't say this lightly. They're deranged in their thought process by the consumption of poor nutrition. They're extremely limited in their movement and their capacity. It would almost be
Starting point is 01:19:01 too kind to say that they're a disgrace to the expression of their DNA and that if I was – if there were a god and I were to come down and see the gift given to – the planet that I gave these humans and what they are – how they're – not how they're treating the planet, how they're treating themselves on the planet. I find it unfathomable. Do you, do you have an opinion on, on the, on the health of the world as a whole? Like by health, I mean movement, nutrition.
Starting point is 01:19:35 I'm not talking about these other things like war and pandemic and rising waters. I, of course I have, of course I have my opinion, but look, I 100 agree i think i mean that's why it's nutrition it's healthy find a healthy way of of living of lifestyle look i'm 54 i'm reasonably fit i work out five times a week that at the same time
Starting point is 01:20:03 keeps me i'm i can do everything i did 30 years ago i can also still go to the club and party right and i'm not then i don't need to recover for two weeks because i think my body still is working on a on a reasonable capacity i'm i'm uh i'm not overweight uh i think and all these aspects i think that's why it's great to create these kind of products because we want to motivate people right to to have a motivation to go to the gym and to care about their nutrition and this is i call it this is honestly the great thing about when these mass participation events came around. It started with marathon running and then triathlon and cycling and CrossFit and obstacle racing and now high rocks. And I've seen it several times. So people sign up for one of these events.
Starting point is 01:21:03 You change the way how you approach training, how you approach nutrition. Suddenly you care about nutrition. Yeah, yeah. That's what happened to me. Yeah. I smoked cigarettes and then I started CrossFit and I quit smoking because of CrossFit. Not because smoking was bad for you. It just didn't mix with CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:21:20 Yeah. Exactly. So that's why – because it's weird, suddenly we are like oh i have to i have to be on the start line i have to be in a better shape i don't want to suffer i want to be i don't want to be the last person finishing the finish line so it drives people in a very very amazing way to do it to live a better life and i mean this is the reason why we do this uh and it it comes automatically you know and, and I want, and the community is dragging other people in that saying, oh, no,
Starting point is 01:21:50 I'm a couch guy. I don't do anything. Potato chips. I just watch sport on television. And they say, ah, come on, let's join us. Let's do it together. Do a double. Right.
Starting point is 01:22:02 And suddenly amazing stories of people that find high rocks and then they lose 50 pounds and suddenly you can't you can't believe that these are the same people or suddenly i bet you someone cries at every event you do maybe out of happiness i bet you at that finish line, there's someone who cries. There's someone who recovered from cancer. There's someone who lost 50 pounds. There's someone who's fat who did it. And their families, they're waiting for them.
Starting point is 01:22:33 And they hug them. And I bet you that's phenomenal. No, we had the most amazing touching stories. And not the 55-minute guys. Right. Of course not. Of course not. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:44 Two hours on their feet. Worrying. minute guy. Right. Of course not. Of course not. Yeah. Two hours on their feet. Yeah. I said are crossing the finish line. We had this. And then you have, as you say, you have the whole family and this, this,
Starting point is 01:22:56 these guys are in tears that they, and they think, and now I changed my life. And it's, it's, but that's, that drives you again to do all. We have to continue to do that
Starting point is 01:23:05 because see the what you give back to these people so it's worth every every minute we put in hard work into this product and uh yeah i think no i 100 agree obesity all the sugar shit all like you know i mean all these brands are so good in pushing us to consume not the right stuff and it's all marketing tricks right i mean also all this bio product which is was a great idea in the beginning but now everything is bio and it's when you when you read the ingredients it's also full of sugar and everything so uh but this i think you know i 100 degree that this is something that we really have to change on the other hand i think especially the pandemic has changed a lot of the mindset of people god i hope you hope you're right. I hope you're right.
Starting point is 01:24:08 I hope so too, but people forget quick as well. But I think there is definitely more people now caring about how do I eat? How do I live? How do I work out? But that doesn't mean you don't have fun, you know? Of course. Life is here to have fun. It's not about to live like a very puristic life and you punish yourself every day but not doing things it's always a mix of everything it's again like
Starting point is 01:24:32 kyrox find a perfect mix of right how many workouts how long you want to run it's the same thing how much you party how much you drink how much you don't drink yeah and how much when you eat healthy and how much it's maybe sometimes of course you can eat a burger or you you can go to mcdonald's it's it's just not good if you go every day that's really bad for you for your body and for yourself so um you see this this the olympics is such a tragedy in this respect without the poisons of humanity the olympics does not exist in in the in the in the formation that we know it without coca-cola sponsorship which i would consider pro i i i have to assume that coca-cola is probably um i mean 50 what did i see 55 of the calories in mexico are um soda pop soda pop yeah i know yeah and it's it's um
Starting point is 01:25:27 it's uh it's it's it's just it's just mine it's just mind-boggling to me when i was what made me think of all this is that you have two kids and when i worked for crossfit i was so proud of my job because it's like being a firefighter right you can tell your kids every morning i wake up and i save someone's life and when you work for high rocks you wake up every morning and you know that you are extending someone's life longer than it would have been it's very true and that's our and that's our job exactly no 100 i can't say it i can't say it in a better way whereas if you work at coca-cola or you're an olympian you're claiming to be the the greatest shot putter in the world but you're but
Starting point is 01:26:12 but you were the vehicle for sharing poison and hurt and pain it's it's it's kind of batshit crazy yeah i have to say i'm but there's always like you have also this financial. I agree. I agree. I don't have the answer. Yeah, I agree. Yeah, because sometimes you have to accept something because you also, to bring the product to the people, you also need to find the money. Right.
Starting point is 01:26:39 And I'm not blaming Coke, but individuals need to take responsibility. I'm not blaming Coke, by the way. And I'm not blaming Coke, but individuals need to take responsibility. I'm not blaming Coke, by the way. What I mean is you can push the companies to do better. Yeah. They'll come around with better products and different products. But, of course, we know it.
Starting point is 01:26:56 Why is Coke sponsoring the Olympic Games? Because they want to give the perception that even the best Olympians in the world, the fittest people of the world, are fit even they drink coca-cola and yeah so people think also it can't be that bad and and recently um uh crossfit was sponsored by um uh coca-cola but one of the or pepsi one of the one of their by their by their their drinks uh monster energy drink and a lot of people got upset but i understand why you're upset but but the athletes have to make money i cannot blame the athletes or the organization now the thing is is you want to be able to tell the truth right you don't want to stand up there as christian and be like drink this coke if you want to win the high rocks games you want to be able to be honest you
Starting point is 01:27:43 want to be able to be like hey they sponsor us but i wouldn't drink this shit as long as you can be honest i guess and you're free to have integrity um yeah like again for me it's always the balance is the key thing here look everyone can drink a coke from time to time it's right it will not be bad it's bad if you drink you know if you have them in your refrigerator It's bad if you drink, you know, if you have them in your refrigerator, it's bad. And you drink nothing else. Then it's, it's,
Starting point is 01:28:08 it's really, really bad for yourself. It's about, it's always about the right mix of things. And, uh, uh, so I'm not just blaming these brands because,
Starting point is 01:28:20 uh, though I would not, it's not my, I'm not picking these kinds of products for myself, of course. Right. I don't do that. But we have to teach people to find a good balance of these things and to understand why it's not – You don't want your son drinking Coke.
Starting point is 01:28:39 No, of course not. Right? Yeah. I mean, that's – Kids will avoid – sometimes you know how it is, how kids are. If you say it's not allowed, it's not allowed. They want it more and more. Right. Yeah. I mean, that's. Avoid that. Sometimes, you know, how it is, how kids are. If you say it's not allowed, it's not allowed. They want it more and more. Right. Because it's not allowed. It's not it's not it's illegal. Or you say, no, you are not allowed to do that.
Starting point is 01:28:56 But it's kind of like that's a good litmus test, what you want for your kids. If if you saw if if if an elderly man were um walking towards a door you would want your son to hold the door open for him there's things you want um your kids to do and not do you don't wouldn't you're not proud of your kid when you find out they were throwing rocks at cars on the freeway you know but kids do that shit right but and the same with coke you don't want you like that's that's a great litmus test hey is that shit bad for you would you want your kids doing it no of course but i have to say i'm so proud of my kids and all her friends i see a real shift like like all the friends of my daughter i said like almost everyone is a vegetarian now wow and not because i told them or her you and she started this when she was 15 or something.
Starting point is 01:29:46 I was not the guy who said, you are not allowed to eat meat anymore. Because she made it up on herself because they started to learn at school, you know, all the bad impact for emission and whatever and all this and how we treat animals, et cetera, just to get this crazy amount of meat. And that was a point where she said, I don't want to eat meat anymore. And that was amazing, I think. And this young generation, and we were not thinking a single second about that when I was in that age, right? It was not a topic at all. They care so much more about these things it's my impression at least with with my kids and in
Starting point is 01:30:29 the environment environment my kids were growing up uh that they have a different approach to this and they know much better what what is good and what is not good and why they are not doing the things it's also everything is it's shifting they are so environmentally the things. It's also, everything is shifting. They are so environmentally sensible about stuff. The first thing we did was, oh, I need a driver's license. I need a driver's license. I need a car. I need to drive a car.
Starting point is 01:30:55 They don't care. Both of my kids don't have a driver's license because they take their bikes. And they also have a little bit of feeling that forever it's not good for the human mankind if everyone drives everything but the car and every five meters. And that's very interesting. So I think there is a change because the education is better. But we have to be the good example for our kids, for sure. of course but we have to give we have to be the good example for our kids for sure i mean right i hope your children will be open enough as they get older to to think to be to be aware that the
Starting point is 01:31:37 vegetarian thing might be propaganda i hope that they will yeah i hope they will be very i hope they will be very open i was a vegan and vegetarian also and now as i'm older and i'm and i'm and i'm i'm starting to see um the world uh i am i we're not going to debate nutrition here i appreciate people trying different things but um i hope that they will also be open to see i um that that uh those of the people who are educating us or can be um misleading on accident we again etc becomes also a marketing game now in a in a no in this all of the things so brands picking it up pushing it uh however everything i know about nutrition is that to be a vegetarian so you eat fish but no meat and so you call it pescatarian then right uh yes ways in the middle that that
Starting point is 01:32:34 i think are really in the end really healthier but again it's all about balancing yourself if you if you eat meat from time to time and not every day and up and down and and all these sausages the stuff etc i think it's that's that's the best way for your nutrition but uh look yeah it's a long discussion but again i want to come back to what you said that's why we create events like high rocks and that's why we want to motivate more and more and more people to do it and create this global community, which is growing, because then we know these people definitely will have a longer expectation of life. And that's a great side effect of what we're doing here.
Starting point is 01:33:17 Hey, are any of your champions vegetarians? For sure. Hunter, not. I know. For sure not. uh for sure hunter not i know for sure not uh but uh yeah i think many of the girls and some of the of the guys for sure amazing uh i i'm uh 6 p.m tomorrow night uh you don't have to wait till 6 p.m um you can go if you're if you're in ve Vegas or if you want to get online sooner than that. But the World Championships and those of us who many of us know Hunter McIntyre, what a fun thing to do to watch him tomorrow night, 6 p.m. You can go straight to YouTube, type in High Rocks World Championships.
Starting point is 01:33:58 And or if you're in Vegas, go check out the Las Vegas Convention Center. Christian, one final thing. Tell me about the name High Rocks. Where did that come from? Everyone is asking me. First and foremost, it has absolutely no meaning. We had to make up a name that we – so suddenly you're immediately back to commercial aspects. We had to find a name we can protect and we can trademark, which is almost impossible when you use anything
Starting point is 01:34:29 of fitness or whatever, because everything is already protected in every thousand and every version and everything of it. We had a creative process and we wrote down names where we thought there is a fit to High Rocks. We had a hybrid, because we thought there is a fit to high rocks and so we had hybrid because we are kind of a hybrid event of running and and workouts and we thought rock star is the cool word uh and then we make we wrote start writing it with an x and then we're putting the parts of the words together and bang with a lot of beers and one night we had high rocks let's um
Starting point is 01:35:06 let's start a rumor that it's like um some sort of illuminati or secret society that speaks to aliens and that this is actually just a fit it's parading as a fitness event but this is where uh people come and talk to the aliens and high rocks. When you make those sounds with your tongue, it summons them. Let's, let's start some sort of, but like I said, it's hybrid and rock star. And then you put, you put some of the letters together. You end up, I like it. Yeah. Hybrid and rock star. Yeah. All right. That's it. That's how we call our finishers. They are rock stars.
Starting point is 01:35:41 They are. Brother, thank you so much uh thanks for telling us a little bit about your life congratulations on the event you are a you're a gift to humanity um and uh and when you race i will be next to you at the start line i promise thank you and and i and i have to get the last word let's not forget, I have 100 fruit trees in my backyard. And if it wasn't for cows, they would not be growing as well as they are because I need that cow shit. So I just wanted to give one final love to cows. No, we don't want to get rid of the cows. Good.
Starting point is 01:36:23 Okay. Cool. Thank you so much. Thank you. I know you have a busy day. You gave us an hour and a half of your time, you're a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:36:33 Cool. Thank you very much, Stefan. That was amazing. Let's stay in touch. Okay. I will be in touch. Thank you. Tell Keith thank you.
Starting point is 01:36:40 Never stop competing. Yes, of course. Cool. All right. Ciao. Thank you. Bye. Bye. Savon is an onion. I like onions. I love cows. Atta boy, Savon. Thanks. I saw some comment in here. I want to beat one of your asses. Hold on. Savon's very professional and courteous right now.
Starting point is 01:37:02 I like this version of Savon. Sam, blow me. Savon eats me. That's all I eat. I, I, I can't. I see this is, there's a nuance here, right? I care what people think. By the way, that's a cool dude.
Starting point is 01:37:21 I would, I would tear it up with that guy. That guy's cool as shit. Christian. That's a successful man we were talking to. I care what people think. Like, I care what you think. Like, if you think it's cool, like, I don't know. Eating wine glasses, just one of those people that eats glass.
Starting point is 01:37:40 Like, I care what you think. I just try not to um react to it i i assess it i assess it i'm not going to change the way what i'm doing just because you think one thing ah thank you sam i apologize for that attack i i think seven is handling this well. Thank you. Thank you. Oh, your wife looks hot. Photo. Someone is going to waver his values and morals and belief isn't. No, not really. Oh, my goodness. I want to say thank you to this guy, Jean Clark, for the 450 and Sterling's. Just dropping in to drop some cash for the best show on YouTube, then going back to coaching.
Starting point is 01:38:31 Hope you guys are well. Thanks, dude. I honestly sincerely appreciate money all the time. Man, tonight's show is going to be fun, right? So basically what I've done is I kind of had this – Hiller's just tearing this shit up, right? He's just – he's, he's producing, um, let's see, what's he doing? He's, uh, he, he, he, he's producing just a shit ton of content. He's putting out content every single day now. And so I thought one of the things that I would do
Starting point is 01:38:56 or that I would want to do to piggyback off of what, um, he's doing, um, is, uh, watch every week, try to watch all of his videos or a handful of videos. And then on Friday nights, like with him do a recap. So, Hey, you said, and I, and I took a shitload of notes. So I'll give you an example of what I think the show is going to be like tonight. Hiller episode Friday. Uh, so, so in that video, like, so he, he, he, he, he made a – he said something about Donald Trump Jr. said he did the Murph in 30 minutes. I'll talk about that. Hey, is that really true? Did Donald Trump say that?
Starting point is 01:39:33 That was in the Buttery Bros video he made. He talked about Katrin Snatch, but when I watched the video, I didn't see an example of her Snatch being bad. So we'll talk about that. Then he said it's good that she left Ben Bergeron. I couldn't tell if that was a joke or serious. I want to talk about the blue sweater he wore in the May 8th video. I think it makes his body and shoulders kind of look nice. We'll talk about that.
Starting point is 01:39:52 It's the Best Fight Finishes show. He did a show this week about the closest finishes in CrossFit, and I wanted to tell him the argument for the bridges in, in, um, and froning finish for being, I think number one is because of bridges celebration. But Hiller says something really interesting in that video. He says, what, what was the criteria they used, um, for choosing what are the best finishes in CrossFit. And it's a fascinating thought that he's saying because we can't even figure out, we can't even figure out the criteria
Starting point is 01:40:30 they use for judging open workouts or for placing people in semifinals. And Hiller's asking, what's the criteria for choosing the closest finishes? So I think that's funny. And I think him and I will have fun talking about that. And then the list goes on and on. You know, he has a programming he offers.
Starting point is 01:40:53 He doesn't advertise it. I don't know why, but he's a legit coach. And you can go to him and get his programming. So I'll talk to him about that. We'll look at that tonight. We'll go through all his programming. So I'll talk to him about that. We'll look at that tonight. We'll go through all his videos. His Hip and Steal video has 30,000 views and 20,000 views.
Starting point is 01:41:12 Why so much? Why does the old white guy get so many views? So I'd like to hear his explanation on that. We'll talk about media, how he cuts the videos, the equipment he uses. And then, of course, this other thing unfolding around um tommy and shawnee uh that's just fucking hilarious uh
Starting point is 01:41:31 i don't know why those guys keep stepping on their own dicks um but but we'll we'll definitely talk about that it's um i did watch that i did watch that video um someone sent me a link to that unlisted video of theirs. And man, what a – the only thing I think is I wonder if they really think that stuff that they say. I think that they do. But there was a lot of weird inconsistencies in it. I think either they're broken or – I don't know what's going on't know what i don't know what's going on with them this is i don't know what's going on with tommy and shawnee um but but it seemed kind of ridiculous to poke the bear again um i had addressed all of those things they had ever
Starting point is 01:42:16 said ever before um to anyway we'll get into it tonight it'll be funny it'll be pretty funny uh but but um it probably not a good idea just to just sit over in your house and throw rocks at me and hillary i just don't yeah i don't think it's nice i don't think it's nice to do um if it was for comedic sake, I would understand it. I don't mind the comments that, hey, he's a crybaby who's making a half million dollars a year, and now he got fired, so he's just over there complaining. At least that is specific. this other shit that's like, um, trying to define media. And then everything in your video is the opposite of your definition. And you're, and you're, and you're preaching that to a guy who I ran the CrossFit journal, 10,000 people, which is basically the foundation of everything in the community that we know today. I mean, you're, uh, it's like a choice. It sounded, it felt like a, it sounded, it felt like a Chihuahua telling a wolf what a dog is.
Starting point is 01:43:30 Those guys are just Chihuahuas, but, but we'll get into it tonight. I'm sure it's going to be fun. I don't think Andrew takes it very seriously either. I think he's having fun, but I'm curious to talk to him and dig in. But anyway, we'll get to it. Love you guys. Great show. It was kind of the presidents. What a crazy week we had. We had Halbert on, Jared Halbert from Tactical Games. We had Jason McCarthy on from GORUCK. And then we had christian tootska three that was the total accident but kind of a fun like the ceos founders uh week it was it was awesome uh cory leonard five bucks oh and you guys are bitching about me taking callers all you guys hate it when i take callers like why why uh yeah i i would go back here's the thing. Here's the thing. There's something – basically what's happening here is the George Floyd era is over. There was two years of just like total victocracy. Just everything was pussified in the company. It was just completely sold out. It was just complete hypocrites.
Starting point is 01:44:44 sold out it was just complete hypocrites everything was the opposite of what's being said and and between kind of what hillar hillar um in in the videos i'm making there's some sort of revolution that's occurred and and we're kind of the only people you guys have who are who are um who are trying to trying to shoot straight right we're trying to just fucking give it to you real and so there's a there's a popularity in a very active group of people who are like fuck thank god someone's saying this shit and so they're finally pushing back at crossfit but the egos at crossfit are so fucking massive like it's never good to have people like killer and i on the outside of your fence you just don't want to do that. You don't. And, and, and, and for, that was another thing that they said in the video for them to think that, um, I'm, I don't work hard. I don't do research. I don't, um, uh, I don't say nice things about the community. I mean, you can see the 400 or 500 videos I've made in the last year.
Starting point is 01:45:41 I did, that's more content than they've made in their entire career combined. And, um, and I, and I, I think everyone knows that I do massive research on all my guests, like absurd amounts. And, um, and, and the quality I would put up any interview that I've done with pick your athlete, Pat Velner against any interview they've done with Pat Velner. So the whole thing is absurd, but yet CrossFit tries to keep those guys on the inside and us on the outside. Would I go back inside the fence? Maybe.
Starting point is 01:46:13 I mean, I would never say no to anything, but I'm living a really good life. And I see what happened to them. You know, that does not look fun, what they're having to do. And they – that does not look fun what they're having to do. And this is another thing, and I'll talk about this tonight with Hiller too, but you have to remember that we – I didn't start this. Basically what happened is when the New York Times and people were coming out and going out of their way to try to cancel Greg and saying – making all of these ambiguous statements with no specifics. And that's exactly what Tommy and Shawnee did on the video.
Starting point is 01:46:55 Like when you just say stuff that's ambiguous, like it's vicious and it's, it's, um, it's internet bullying. It would be like, if I said to someone, um, Hey, uh, don't worry. I'm not going to tell anyone about what you did when you were in vegas especially your wife like what if i were to say that about to uh one of these guys on on here eric hey eric uh don't worry and all of a sudden all of you are like oh shit what did eric do in vegas and why isn't seven gonna tell his wife like that kind of ambiguous reporting that's just fucking internet bullying that's just trolling that's just all that's the whole woke bullshit that's because you're you're not free to say what you really want to say and because there's no substance in what you're saying and so you just have to make hollow threats and ambiguous shit that was their
Starting point is 01:47:35 whole thing i mean the i'll give you the most ridiculous thing that was said in there was um tommy didn't want to ask the hard questions because he wanted to see if other people would ask the hard questions uh i was just when he said that i was just picturing him and his uh his girlfriend in bed together they probably haven't had sex in 10 years because he's just waiting to see if she'll make the first move i mean i'm just like come on you didn't ask the hard questions because you want to see if someone else wanted to ask the heart. Does anyone fall for that? So, um, this all started when, when, when the first cancellation, uh, happened, the first cancellation, Tommy and
Starting point is 01:48:21 Shawnee made a video attacking Dave and they spent spent a couple minutes attacking me and it was sean and it was i think it was yeah they both attacked me but the irony was is the shit that the irony is is that tommy and shawnee were saying that sean doesn't do any attacking he's above all that but really it was that they started it and it was specifically sean that said something that made me go okay fuck it i'm gonna come full tilt at these goofballs and what he said was, um, they were, they were saying that when I did the CrossFit podcast, that they wish they would have stood up against me or stood up and said something that it was inappropriate. Well, if you go back and watch the podcast that I had Shawnee on, all you have to do is watch the first 20 seconds. You can
Starting point is 01:48:58 see that it's a lie. Like he comes in there and just says some shit, like go, go watch it. But it's something I'm paraphrasing like, Oh my God god i've always wanted to be on this podcast i can't believe i'm in here thank you for inviting me you guys have the most fun of anyone at hq i was expecting there to be hooker and blows in here meanwhile we have cara hip skin in there who's a female who he he's he's presenting himself like he would never say anything like that um in front of a woman and someone wrote in the comments hey whether you like sevelyn or not there's not an insincere bone in his body and and they and they just go i don't they go on to just destroy sean and and that's what it like they started it they started it again now with the hiller thing i'm sure they're gonna say i'm sure they're gonna say ridiculous shit like well we
Starting point is 01:49:41 didn't know anyone would see it we was behind our our Patreon. I mean, it's just absurd. Oh, so people can only hear you talk shit about me and Hiller and Greg if they pay five bucks? I mean, it's so embarrassing. It speaks volumes of what's going on over there at HQ, though. So hopefully it'll be fun. Hopefully it'll be funny tonight. of what's going on over there at HQ though. Hopefully it'll be fun. Hopefully it'll be funny tonight. I want it to be fun. I want it to be lighthearted. I want it to be funny.
Starting point is 01:50:13 I want for those guys to be able to get past this. I don't think there was any beef between me and those guys when we worked at HQ together. Especially Sean. Should we invite Tommy on the show tonight? So,
Starting point is 01:50:35 Oh, that's a good question. That is a good question. Hey, did part two come out? Did part two come out? I really want to watch a part two come out? Did part two come out? I really want to watch part two. People fabricate lies about you when there isn't any dirt for them to dig up.
Starting point is 01:51:00 Yeah, I mean, the ad hominem thing is real. It's worse than making stuff up it's just being ambiguous i mean the the the when you when you're ambiguous like that that's just all that is oh my mustache is getting killer all it is is just uh oh part two is out oh shit how is it i can't wait man the comments were fucking crazy over there i'm going to hiller tiller fit right killer fit how catchy is this opening music i see stuff like that it kind of makes me jealous like oh shit i wish I would have had, like, music in my hand care for fitness. No, that's not the video I want.
Starting point is 01:51:56 Oh, part two. Oh, shit. Oh, my goodness. These are getting a lot of views. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. These are getting a lot of views. Oh, my goodness. Holy cow. 286 comments. Oh, man. It's not nice. It's PE for adults. It's really.E. for adult. It's really not that serious. Chill.
Starting point is 01:52:32 That's a good comment by Steve Cooper. Yeah, this is not nice towards Tommy and Sean. Man. tommy and um sean man oh maybe i should just do a show of just reading these holy shit this is brutal this is a fucking beat down yeah i'm gonna watch part two now too also melissa let me see uh i'm gonna watch it now too let's see let's do let's let's uh let's do you guys want to watch it now too. Let's do it. Do you guys want to watch a little bit together? Let's see. Let's watch a little bit together.
Starting point is 01:53:14 Bam. Okay, let's watch a little bit together. Let's do it. uh-oh hold on to your seats here's part two oh no oh no i always like the little preview in the beginning here goes back to the whole thing about the quarterfinal stuff if you're going to complain you're going to bring up issues and then you have a chance to ask the questions and get the answers and you a don't do it or b do it and get the answers and then you say that answer isn't good enough then i don't know what then you're not you're not media you're a provocateur who's just looking to stir the ship pardon me provocateur is a great word for that here we go again using the words
Starting point is 01:54:03 you're a provocateur and i I guess they're trying to say that they gave me an answer that I... Oh, wait. Can you guys not hear it? Can you guys not hear it? Put it on already. Shit. Can you guys not hear it? Alright, fuck you guys. Watch it yourself. Go over to HillerFit and let's watch part two.
Starting point is 01:54:19 And, um... Check out the complaint counter at the top. Um... Um, uh, check out the complaint counter at the top. Um, uh, oh, congratulations, Travis on the shirt sales. I got a note about that. That's, that's crazy too. Okay. Um, I will see you guys tonight at seven o'clock, um, with, uh, Mr. Um, Andrew Hiller, um, who is, uh,
Starting point is 01:54:46 coming on the show. I'll talk to you guys later. Bye.

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