The Sevan Podcast - #399 - Andrew Hiller

Episode Date: May 14, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:52 Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. That thing, bam. We're live. Everyone be professional. Hey, that preview scared the shit out of me which your preview on instagram are you talking about the 300 thing have you never seen that
Starting point is 00:01:14 i don't know what i've seen or haven't seen but i was like i was at the beach getting my swerve on throwing some disc i stopped to get some sunflower seeds and check my phone and I saw that shit and I was like damn going hard going hard going hard tonight ready your breakfast and eat hearty but tonight we died in hell it's about oh he looks nervous I like that in the cartoons when the dude bites his nails and the shit's just flying off everywhere you know like who does that like jerry used to do that right like tom and jerry no tom the cat would do that shit we were just talking about how you don't have any movie references to you whatsoever except except for twilight you know twilight real well i got a cartoon reference like twilight that's the um
Starting point is 00:02:06 you know i i do want to actually see that see that was one that was one of the series i kind of did want to see because i was into the ann rice um books when i was a kid do you know ann rice i'm assuming she's the author of twilight no she wrote interview with a vampire she did your vampire was like i didn't read much fiction but i I read those vampire books. I'm kind of into vampires. I'm a big vampire fan as well. You are? Van Helsing. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:31 That's not really a vampire, though. It's like half vampire, half Frankenstein. Van Helsing with Hugh Jackman? I don't know if I... Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think I've seen that. Anne Rice died. Do you know a Bram Stoker's Dracula? Of course.
Starting point is 00:02:43 That's old. Yeah, and how about the one um there's one it's my favorite one i actually cried in it it's the one where the guy has to become he become dracula to save his son look at you laughing at me because i cried do you know what i'm talking about hey can you pull up dracula movies caleb yeah man i was gonna make fun i was gonna make fun of i was gonna make fun of all of the uh the uh um podcast out there that um focus on marvel movies today i guess i'll scrape this cross that off the thing don't make fun of guys for uh let me try to do this dracula movie oh dracula untold dracula untold blade that one's good I cried during this Dracula movie. Oh, Dracula Untold.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Dracula Untold. Blade. That one's good. Yeah, Blade's great too. There we go. Okay, no more movie talk. This is ruining... We're going to say something.
Starting point is 00:03:33 We're ruining my shtick. I had a whole thing to make fun of this guy. We had to bring up Dracula the Musical still. We haven't even talked about that. Is there such a thing? From Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Oh, yeah. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Excellent. Excellent show. show see they know hey no grown man talks about marvel shit it's just stupid like watching video games only dc wait here i gotta show off this guy i got i got this guy today even even oh geez okay now hey suza scratch, cross all that shit off the script where I was just going to destroy. How about those guys who got the lady from the Doctor – there's a Doctor Who movie or a Doctor No movie that I heard Shawnee and Tommy talking about on their podcast or on that private one that they had. And they were talking about how they were – I think Tommy was saying he was going to go see it or Shawnee. I can't remember but that chick in that movie just got busted yesterday
Starting point is 00:04:27 her and her husband for uh fucking pedophilia did you see that disney movie i have no idea what you're talking about all right fine there's a i said i said you like it bring up i want to know yeah bring up the link dr no dr who dr strange definitely dr strange yeah dr strange zara Dr. No. Dr. Who? Dr. Strange. Definitely Dr. Strange. Yeah, Dr. Strange, Zara. Zara Spond, come on. God, I hope she's not Armenian. Look at that last name. Convicted of sex with girl. Her and her husband supposedly, yeah, they seduced this 13-year-old girl. Can you imagine being on the top of your game, your big Disney Marvel movie comes out, and then you and your husband go down for…
Starting point is 00:05:04 Oh, it's both of them yeah no good yeah when you read the story it kind of sounds like the Epstein shit like she basically yeah yeah that's how they become vampires they gotta you know do that weird crap hey the Tyler the Tyler Watkins article a video you did so so okay sorry I'm getting ahead of myself guys the the premise for this is I asked Andrew Hiller I said video you did – so, okay, sorry. I'm getting ahead of myself. Guys, the premise for this is I asked Andrew Hiller. I said, hey, you're making so much content. I'd like to try to do a show that's like the cliff notes of your content once a week. And he's like, sure, let's give it a shot. And he said – I said, so you'll come on, and for 90 minutes we'll try to talk about the five, six, seven, eight, God knows how many videos he's made.
Starting point is 00:05:43 We'll try to talk about like the five, six, seven, eight, God knows how many videos he's made. But then then these two monster videos that he that he made this last week, I hope they don't take all the air out of the room. I want to try to be not give those more time than they deserve because there's other great work in there. We'll leave you to scheduling out the show so you can decide how long each of them get. it's all to you man yeah it's all it's your show right yeah sort of sort of sort of um it's my ring but you're the diamond in it oh that was so sweet of you thank you that was good thank you hey so we posted an article on the sebon podcast, and it's What Is Media, and we posted it before I read it. And, man, we just kicked the shit out of our own selves. Well, you could go down to the last paragraph.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Oh, shit. I didn't see this. That's a – Look at this last paragraph. My guess is that Andrew Hiller wasn't allowed because he refuses to wear a shirt most of the time get with the program bud this isn't your father's fitness program anymore and as far as seven we've only been able to hypothesize two conclusions as to his media access denial his homosexual tendencies or his proclivity to lay on his back naked while doing energy body this is it like i'm
Starting point is 00:07:06 just taking we're just taking an ass whooping in my own in my own is this who is dan is he is this sarcastic is this i'm not where he's one of our he's one of our senior writers he's one of our senior writers yeah is he writing sarcastically or is this real what the hell he's doing scroll up but hey we're just looking at the end hey when there's no competition you can do you can get away with anything apparently you can spit whatever you want this is crazy who needs tommy or shawnee when you got your own writers to fucking mash you all right that's right nice thank you dan yeah i'm not professional this is this is my it's hot in here all right it just hit 90 in chicago yeah Tell the liver king that with his 1.5 million followers in the last six months. I don't think he even wears – he doesn't even wear underwear.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Are you wearing underwear? He walks around – yeah. Yeah, I am. I am. I had to check. But he walks around New York City in no shirt. And yeah, he's not media though, so we can't use that as an argument. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Good point. He's clearly a salesman. that as an argument right good point he's clearly a salesman um uh um before we start i i i stumbled across something this week that was interesting that i didn't know um the the layers of uh andrew hiller are um are sort of coming coming out uh he on that pot on one of the podcasts on the rogue one which is really good sorry on the video which we'll get to could you pull up his um uh youtube page um and we'll sort of look at the the main themes for uh this show but as as we watch these videos that andrew makes we learn more and more about him i had no idea how fit he was i didn't know that he went to the regionals i didn't know that he had done the rogue challenge he talks about in there that he got um no rep his chest missed the bar and one
Starting point is 00:08:42 of the reps we'll talk about that and show that and then so i started digging around and um you also you you do programming yes i do and you have a programming uh like like people can jump on the andrew hiller train is that the programming you went to the regionals i did 2016 individual team in 17 and 18 okay shit um sorry sorry we just made two dollars you got to answer this question uh tidy whitey or brief for two dollars uh they are nike compression shorts there we go there they are yeah there you go that's all for you simon i know you love that stuff hey sweating you know hot and bothered in that sweater over there. Yeah. Oh, Susan.
Starting point is 00:09:28 I also had to make sure I prompt up Noble right there. Those are my shorts. Those are Noble shorts? Yeah, I had to make sure everyone saw the Noble shorts. How much were those? I don't know. I got them as a gift. I don't really buy many clothes.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Hey, Wadzombie, add a zero to that and i'll get them to send those uh um compression shorts to you unwashed unwashed i'll take them off right now i'll package them and everything a ziploc bag with a sticker on it yes oh look at look at no no look at this well i guess it's time to analyze the programming hillar fit oh man that would that would be wicked and i hope it goes so south it's like this is the worst program i've ever seen that'd be awesome uh does hillar fake hillar do you lay under lights and let them cook your skin is the question i did a 30 minute bike outside yesterday because it is warmer in chicago right now so i'm extra tan that's why but i believe we covered the tanning thing in our first talk.
Starting point is 00:10:26 And that's a yes. Hey, do you own a tanning bed? No, but I almost bought one during COVID. I've gone every single week since I was 17 at the recommendation of my dermatologist. I had really bad acne when I was a teenager. And the dermatologist was like, yeah, just go do some tanning and it'll take it off and she was right it did and i've gone every week since
Starting point is 00:10:48 wow that's amazing what about the health uh i thought that that shit was bad for you it's weird isn't it wicked that a dermatologist is the one who recommended that and they also are the ones who tell you you've got skin cancer yeah yeah ironic they must do something did you do any research on it do you know as much about tanning beds as you do steroids? I don't know anywhere near, but I can get the fiancee in here. She knows more about tanning because she's got the skincare business, but nowhere near as much. No. All right. Chris Hassell, I'm a little worried that Bill Cosby shows sweater, uh, seven. So funny. You should say that racist. Um, many, many, many years ago, I went to the great level one trainer flow master, most senior guy on the training team, probably now Chuck Carswell's house and did a video with him and his family. And I stayed out there for several days and hung with Chuck. And I did like a 30 minute video with him and his family. And at the time he had a young son.
Starting point is 00:11:55 I don't remember how young, but young. And, uh, recently this came in the mail from his, uh, from his son. I guess he watches the show did he make it he made it yeah oh he he made it and he said hey i'll take any feedback and so i wore it once and worked out with it and like didn't pay it any mind and i didn't and i couldn't actually stand the colors and then today i saw it by my um uh like stack of clean clothes that were folded and i was like holy shit that's actually kind of nice and i put it on i was like damn i like fucking yoked in this color you look yoked in everything man thank you thank you it's not enough people tell you that no they don't you're right give him his love dylan dowell i'll take that offer send me those shorts i'll wear them for my next fight holy
Starting point is 00:12:40 smokes all right how do i get his address? I'll send them. We'll get it for you. Get me Dylan's address. I'll send him my compression shorts. Not the Noble pants. I'm still paying for those, the payment plan. I got like 12 months to go. I've been paying a dollar a month for the past 60 months.
Starting point is 00:13:02 For what plan? The payment plan on the Noble shorts. Oh, right. I couldn't buy them outright, the payment plan on the noble shorts. Oh, right. I couldn't buy them outright. So they're, they're on a payment plan. Always smart to go with their financing options over there at a noble.
Starting point is 00:13:14 That's right. They have them. I think they better. Um, can you, uh, uh, Caleb pull up,
Starting point is 00:13:21 um, his YouTube page one more time. I will pick a video out of here. I watched all these. I enjoyed all of them. Don't tell anyone. I'm sort of getting addicted to your voice and just the whole way you cut shit up. I'm getting addicted. I used to watch you. That's why you had me on now.
Starting point is 00:13:36 That way you can make me say things that you want to hear. It's like one of those hear people talk things. Have you heard about those? No, but cameos? i have a client that i work with who was telling me that you're able to pay to hear rich froning say certain things like you pay a service 50 bucks and they'll have him say like hey happy birthday so and so and then it's like a 10 second clip for 50 bucks froning and i'm not sure is that cameo i think i don't quote me because it's coming from a secondary source but i believe that you can get people like uh who is the the lightweight baby you can get him to say some
Starting point is 00:14:11 stuff too but that was like 200 bucks yeah yeah how about the island boys how about the island boys island boys look at i just started singing an singing and I got 50 bucks. Well, I'll make a Kelly Stein's video about his mom. Olsen dudes. Love it, fellas. Keep being good dudes. Thank you. Olsen dudes. Oh, wow. 50 bucks. They'll buy you a pair of shorts, then, right? That will. It's your first play-by-play. Half a pair. Almost.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Hey, will you look up Island Boys cameo? I want to see how much it costs. I'm probably going to get that for Susan. We had our one-year anniversary for the podcast. I feel like I should get them something. You got Hayley Adams' on there? No way. Hey, she's got a pretty unique voice too. So I was asking the guys before the show if anyone ever knows the plan.
Starting point is 00:15:04 I know this wasn't part of the plan. What? To talk about the shorts? There's no plan when we go to these shows. It is on there. Look at that. Wow. $600 for a business?
Starting point is 00:15:17 What does that mean? Just don't tell them that you're using it for business. I'd pay $6,000. I'd pay $6,000. Here, can I hear you? They're my favorite. For them to sing that for you anything do they have a sample this is awesome like so every dollar in this show needs
Starting point is 00:15:33 birthday john b you turning 24 i'm 05 26 keep up on boxing yeah and moving those cement feet For real. For real. That's worth $600. Okay, Caleb. Caleb, I want to know if that's true about Spiegel shorts. Will you look up Danny Spiegel shorts? That would be amazing. On it.
Starting point is 00:16:00 If he finds this, I'm going to lose it. I'm going to walk out of the garage. I'm going somewhere else. Hey, wasn't someone farting in jars and selling it? She sells you and make it bang. Who buys that? What if the people look like that buy that? What does it look like jarring that?
Starting point is 00:16:21 Oh, Dylan, will you send me a link to your knockout uh last week thank you uh uh gary it has to be obby and the one of his train well i don't know what that you think they would walk into traffic for 600 dollars it's funny one of the um okay okay okay let's get focused here back back to the hill or youtube page this is entire this is yours remember this is your job you have one job this is part of the plan it's so fucking hot at my house i'm just pouring okay uh take that shirt off so oh god i wish i had that i wish i had that ability are those the videos why is it so blurry first i want first i want to go look at this first hip and steel video. Can you scroll down a shmidge? Oh, 30K views two weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Are you surprised? Why does this video, why does anyone really give a shit about this? Why does this have so many views? I think it's because there's not nearly enough content put out there for the Masters athletes. So when something goes out, it just kind of shoots around them, and they're all picking up on it. And also of the comments sections that I've been looking at, they tend to be the most well-spoken comment section and the most upspoken comment section.
Starting point is 00:17:38 That was up until today and yesterday, the comments today. But up until then, every other one was like yeah yeah whatever but these ones they were really up in arms about it oh that being the quality of movement meaning the subject took a fucking beating in this one uh and and it's like the biggest beating and most and more than most your videos the subject gets except for these last two on tommy and shawnee they kind of took a beating too. Correct. And here's the thing is I look at, Oh,
Starting point is 00:18:08 you can see how many likes I got. How did you do that? How come you can see, but nobody else can see. I thought that wasn't, Oh, you can't see the dislikes. So on my page, I can see the dislikes.
Starting point is 00:18:16 I'm just waiting for a video that I put up. It should completely not make sense. And everyone's going to download it. And it hasn't happened yet. So that's basically my main metric to make sure that i'm doing things in the right fashion is like the like to dislike ratio you're kind of a loser if you dislike it okay will you hit the like button you're kind of i don't really ever dislike hey dislike it i want to see what happens oh now like it again oh it didn't take
Starting point is 00:18:41 it down to 705 though well it's not an average it's not it's not take it down to 705, though. Well, it was 706. It's not an average. It's not like it fights the people who liked it. No, but it was 706 when he went there, and he clicked it up to 707. Okay, click it back up again. Okay, go to a different video. Go to a different video. Let me see. All this means is that you didn't like it in the first place.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Go to any video, and then, yeah, that one. That's good. And then click down click it down it's like it's like click it down okay so you took it look it and now click up yes this is how it works man what are you talking about no do you see what's happening there is anyone following what's happening no it doesn't take away from the likes it just just kind of gets rid of it like it never happened yeah so you're at 637 when he clicks this lights you're at 636 but when we came to the page it was at 637 no is that 636
Starting point is 00:19:32 oh all right i'm gonna be the one to keep the show moving what are we talking about you already liked it fine okay hip and steel so so you so you think that there's just a a drought of masters stuff and that's why that did so well that's like the stuff um if we look at the crossfit instagram page they do a pretty good job of kind of touching on a lot of stuff but when you look at the games page there's no content on the masters that was up until there was something recently and i featured her in one of my videos and i forget the name of the athlete involved it's short it's not an american name because i don't think she spoke english because when i went to her instagram i had to translate everything but up until then
Starting point is 00:20:14 there wasn't very much content on the masters especially as of late and i i'm sure you can speak more on that in the history but it's always kind of been a general thing is that the masters want more coverage. So when I, yeah, yeah, yeah. I, I, believe it or not, I used to be, um, uh, ahead of the media team, uh, maybe the greatest living CMO that ever lived and, and, and also managed the CrossFit journal with more than 10,000 pieces of content. So I know a little bit about media. Um, and what is also the premier, which is, which is also the premier health and fitness journal in the world, which is still buried somewhere on the internet, uh,
Starting point is 00:20:49 which, which if someone gave a shit at CrossFit in media, um, they would have already pulled it up to the front. That would have been the very first thing they did when they bought the company. That's what every affiliate would like. Just so you just for,
Starting point is 00:21:01 uh, Gary or Aaron or Aaron, you're not going to be there very much longer probably, but, um, but, but, well, their CTO just retired today. We haven't even got wait till we get to that. But someone pull the fucking journal up to the front, man. I swear to God, for ten thousand bucks a year, I will I will start tweeting to you guys how to run the fucking company.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Jim wants to see Tommy and I fight. And the first thing you do is you bring Dennis Miller inside the fucking cage. Inside the fence. Don't leave Dennis Miller outside anymore. Who is Dennis Miller? Andrew Hiller. Andrew Hiller. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:21:42 Is that a – what? Yeah. Okay. killer are you kidding me is that a yeah okay i i would have never if i hadn't asked you i've had no idea what you're talking about glad i cleared that up yeah bring me in the cage i mean dude bring i understand you don't want to bring me inside the fence i understand that would take some insane humility but bring i i wrestled in college did you know that that? Uh, maybe I was a wrestler. I got, I got to admit to everybody. I was not a good wrestler and it was D three. I wrestled in north central and Naperville and I did a couple of years. Thanks man. Uh, I was decent enough in high school where I made it down state and I only did so
Starting point is 00:22:22 because of things like CrossFit like kind of like and I wouldn't say I was doing it at that point in time but basically the headspace to just like get better than everybody physically and I was a dog shit wrestler and that really showed in college so one of my favorite comments ever that I read was like hey this guy who never made to the games and had a record in college that was sub 500 oh yeah we're all gonna listen to you and I'm like yeah I'm a bad wrestler what are you trying to tell me i know and i had to make sure at some point i made that pretty evident that i know i wasn't very good but i tried harder than everybody to make fun of a collegiate wrestlers fucking that that's just the first the second that comes out of your mouth i don't care if
Starting point is 00:22:59 it's division 17 you're a moron you're just like like like no no one no the i think they call that juco but please don't say i have three jewish boys please don't say that but but um but it's nuts it doesn't even matter if you're if you're wrestling at that level it's nuts even the training was nuts right hillar the training was wild and actually in college that's where i got introduced to crossfit so So there were the Bratlin brothers and they were all about, uh, Murph. And I remember we would do Murph in the preseason and we would do it on these swinging pull-up bars and it was just out of control. And there were people who were doing it way quicker. Oh, didn't you want to talk about this?ald trump jr's murph time oh yeah i remember i
Starting point is 00:23:46 remember in college i would yeah see i'm doing the show thing for you i'm keeping us yeah thank you thank you i know all the comments oh thank god hillar's keeping seven on track uh dylan val dude what the fuck saying you suck at d3 wrestling is like making it to the regionals and saying suck at crossfit i was gonna say it's like having a nine inch dick and saying it's just average but you do you dylan the thing that drove me crazy about d3 wrestling was that everybody who went to state was a high quality state wrestler but didn't give a shit about doing better at wrestling anymore with d3 and then just kind of like drink their lives away and now most of the guys i wrestle with are 400 pounds because they didn't know how to control their body weight outside of wrestling
Starting point is 00:24:21 tactics and it drives me insane here we go look at this 3156 okay uh this is donald trump jr's page i was imagining a 400 pound guy oh boy let me let me read okay it was only 31 after being really inconsistent in my workouts coming back to crossfit murph is a recipe for disaster did, but five minutes off my PR of 3156. Run one mile. Run another mile. I was excited. But I don't see him with a vest on. No, it doesn't count.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Well, it's still insane without a vest. So without a vest, he did it in 2656. No, no, no. No, no, no. 36. 36. It was five. Was 36, 56 was that time today. Someone in the comments. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Gotcha. Okay. Who in the comments, has anyone in the comments done it without a vest? I think I've never even broke 40 and I don't use a vest. I think like 41 or something or 44. I've broken 40 without a vest i think like 41 or something or 44 i broke i broke in 40 without a vest you have well you're broken 40 with a vest with a vest both correct yeah but it wasn't like game standards and like everything was like tight-knit and right there and i did it where you
Starting point is 00:25:39 can do whatever repetition number you want whenever you want to do it yeah so it wasn't set up where you had to go like three or 100 200 300 or it wasn't broken up where it was 20 40 60 like it was the next year of the games but who's 40 some go ahead so do you buy that do you buy that um is that donald trump jr hell no oh you know we should do we should invite him on the show and ask him to do it live. Or just invite him on the show and ask him about it. I was going to say just invite him on the show. Did you watch Hunter McIntyre's attempt at a sub-30-minute murk with the vest on? No.
Starting point is 00:26:14 How'd he do? I think he was close, but the guy who was doing it next to him had the most dogshit push-ups I've ever seen in my life. Hunters were good. Hunter was good the entire way through. dog shit push-ups i've ever seen in my life hunters were good hunter was good the entire way through and i remember watching it live because i thought he had a chance at it because as i've said before i think he's one of the fittest people ever uh mostly based around his ability to push the machines and actually ben smith put something out today talking about machine work and how the syndicate is completely based around machine work have you you guys seen that? No, but Ben's,
Starting point is 00:26:45 I really like how vocal Ben Smith and Rich Froning are starting to be about CrossFit. It's fascinating to me. It's a travesty that that video only has 80 views on YouTube. Last time I checked. I think Dave shared it. Is it a recent one? It's put up this morning, I believe.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Okay. So I think it was shared on there i think it was it was ben smith talking about programming so i got something coming up with that so hopefully it doesn't take off before i get my video out i'm always nervous about that i'll make a video and go i got to get it up because i don't want anyone else to cover it before i cover it no one is don't worry don't worry no one's covering what you're covering don't worry no one's covering tommy and shawnee all right worry. No one's covering what you're covering. Don't worry. No one's covering Tommy and Shawnee. All right. All right. Someone out there. You're desperate. You're desperate.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Joe Rogan had a YouTuber on Mr. Beast. Do you know who that is? Mr. Beast. Do you know? No. He's like the biggest YouTuber ever. And he said that if anybody had his notebook full of ideas, they would be million dollar YouTubers as well. But it's all about the ideas. It's not even about the content it's not even about the production it's about the idea that goes into it and that's said by the most successful youtuber on youtube wow he thinks he was on rogan uh jim jim lubinowski uh a a former uh um patron or guest of the show he's hit his patron patron it's big in my head this week i've hit 38 unpartitioned two different times and that was running 740 miles i think hunter could go faster than he did wow i'm having a uh kind of a flashback so what or deja vu just i don't know, something. Hi.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Am I being nice? Oh, in case I get hot? Yeah. Oh, Haley brought me another shirt in case I get hot. Hey, look at that shirt. This one. CrossFit Livermore. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Yeah, so there's my affinity for homosexuality, too. Then again, being Haley's Haley just heard it. You're good to go. So we neglected the masters all the time. I had no interest in the masters. And so I get that. And I did see, I don't know if it was Get With The Programming or Tommy and Shawnee, but one of them a few months ago covered a bunch of master stuff, and their fucking numbers skyrocketed.
Starting point is 00:29:02 I was like, holy shit. It was like 20,000, 30,000, 40,000 views. And I was like, oh shit, maybe recovering masters is the way to get some shit rolling. They love it. They don't want to be appreciated. They just want to be spoken of at some level
Starting point is 00:29:17 in relation to the three people that CrossFit talks about all the time. Oh, that hurts. DTJ did it. Probably partitioned. He's a good good dude i messaged him to clarify probably not necessary oh thank you tommy let him know thank you what did he say i want to know more yeah you can't trust any one mexican dude with the first name tommy tommy's a good dude i know tommy oh okay fine is it yeah he's a good guy yeah fine fine Fine. Yeah. I trust Tommy.
Starting point is 00:29:45 I don't know. Donald Trump jr. I, I trust Donald Trump, Donald Trump jr. Tyler, the Tyler Watkins article. Holy shit. That was amazing.
Starting point is 00:29:55 What you did with that. Can you pull up that YouTube video? Caleb? Was that, was that actually good? I wasn't sure how that would come across. Oh my goodness. Cause here's what happens
Starting point is 00:30:05 is i have youtube premium and most of the stuff that i listen to i'm usually doing something else working out or doing yard work or i don't know anything driving and i'll put on the background and it's so i could turn the phone off and listen to it podcast style so i envisioned that people wouldn't be able to read this awesome article so i just transcripted it and then also put a voice to text to speed on it. I hope it came across well. Yeah, this is a fantastic article. The worst of a bad situation rehash rehashing CrossFit quarterfinal events. The actual article is on the seven podcast website.
Starting point is 00:30:40 But Hiller does an amazing. Basically, he has some AI read the article and then he pa pauses the article every couple minutes and gives his two cents. And basically what it is is it's an article where Tyler is thinking very, very clearly, and he explains in detail three ways that – based on a Jocko Willick book – three ways that Jocko, if he were the leader of CrossFit or leader of the CrossFit Games, how he may have handled that situation. The first one was he would review all the videos. The second one was, and I had never heard this one, drop the event. Did you ever think of that, Hiller? Like, hey, event three is such a fuck up, let's just drop it. I don't know where I had heard it.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Maybe it was Brian, but I had heard it a couple of times. And I think that that would have been Sue. We heard somewhere like what, I think it was in the Tommy and Sean interview. Like what would you do if they just admitted that everything that they were doing was wrong? And I'd be like, I would admit that it's a step in the right direction. So if they would have done something like drop this event, then all of a sudden everybody in the community would know that at least
Starting point is 00:31:40 they're holding themselves accountable. And it would have been a step in the right direction because all they're doing is not saying anything ever. And that's the worst part of all of it is that we don't know anything ever at any time and i yeah i'm gonna stop there hey um dropping castro suggests that yeah dropping event i didn't know that he must have talked to him but yeah dropping the event what it would not have been popular but but the way if you if you listen to this video or if you go read the article tyler explains why it's fucking brilliant and it is brilliant the only
Starting point is 00:32:09 the only issue with dropping it would have been it would have also had pissed off just as many people so i know i've spoken with athletes like jordy and jordy's upset that he's like one spot out due to the fact that that workout is clearly not done the way it was supposed to be done across its end but also there was an athlete named named James Sprigg who was mentioned in the article who would have been booted from the semifinals as a result of dropping it. So either way, somebody was going to be pissed. Right. Right. The perfect scenario would have been.
Starting point is 00:32:37 No, you go ahead. You go ahead. Tell me. Perfect scenario is they would have just done what they're supposed to do and that the workout. Oh, what do you mean? Suggestion number one, just review all the videos. Yeah. Like they should have done. And that was brought up in, I got a pie or I got like a flow chart. And one of them was, you got one person doing 20 days worth of work, or you've got five people doing two days worth of work, which would have totally made sense. Right. Uh, yes, totally. I want to say this, um, that something you said in there that I disagreed with you.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Well, you were you handled it a little bit nicer. You basically said, hey, guys, in a nice way, you said, I don't think you guys are doing everything you can. And I want to tell you that I that i think that the reason why they're not doing everything that they can is because there's no ownership there used to be ownership of the games the people who worked there used to feel like they had ownership of the games under dave everyone felt ownership it's hard to explain unless you've ever worked somewhere where you feel like you have ownership ownership and there's no leadership so with no ownership and no leadership that there can be no uh there's no accountability there's no pressure there's no peer pressure there's no guilt um i know you were more positive about me on this but um uh
Starting point is 00:33:59 that that's what i think the issue is the fact that they don't care per se because they don't have any ownership over it or what do you say yes yes yeah that's what i'm saying i'm saying why would they take any of these steps tyler cared more by writing the article than than it's sort of like this my my dad went to uh uh some of you aren't going to know this but russia used to be called the ussr and it was a bunch of fucking countries over there. And it was communist. And when my dad went to Armenia to visit our relatives there, one day they went to go – and my relatives drove garbage trucks, collected garbage in the town. And one day they went to work, and there was no gas in the garbage truck, so they fucking went home.
Starting point is 00:34:42 The gas was right there. They could have just put it in but they didn't because it wasn't their job yes it wasn't their job bro that's a good meme and so that's what's going on that's what's going on over there there's no and and there's no one there you know that that shit didn't happen uh one day was there when there's when you when you're with five people who have ownership it's like doing a workout together. You'll make sure shit gets done. And that's what I mean by ownership. Accountability.
Starting point is 00:35:11 But what do I know? I'm not a professional. I'm not a professional. So what do I know? You understand corporation hierarchy? Yes. Because you're still wearing your shirt. The second you take your shirt off, you're going to figure it all out.
Starting point is 00:35:23 He's not going to do it, though. All right. shirt off you're gonna figure it all out he's not gonna do it though all right so when i ran the affiliate when i always looked at the affiliate as it's my baby what was the name of your affiliate what was the name of it uh crossfit alpha dog okay and and you weren't and you weren't and when you mean your baby i mean like you mean like really your baby yeah like i put my heart and soul into the thing i was there as much as i could be there as long as it like wasn't literally killing me and at some points in time it did and i'm sure that everybody kind of resonates with that like it takes a day your soul the same way that i would
Starting point is 00:35:54 think and i don't have kids and i know you do but at points in time you feel like they're taking a little bit of you and that's okay because it's super important to you correct right right it's like it's like you want to do everything you can for them at any point in time. And everybody who would like go in and out of their building and all of a sudden became family. It was very important to think they had to say were very important to you. And I don't get that same sense from CrossFit with the entire season. So like, if somebody would say something to me, I would need to make it sure that everybody knew that at least I was hearing them out. All right. I heard what you said. If I'm not going to do something, one of the biggest things that people would say is that
Starting point is 00:36:28 we have to have a 5 a.m. We have to have a 5 a.m. And when people would say we have to have 5 a.m., I go, okay, but I also coach the 7.30 p.m. And then I know that if I lose a coach, then all of a sudden I would get home at 9.30 p.m. And I'd have to wake up at 4 a.m. to get to the 5 a.m. And look at Susan laughing.
Starting point is 00:36:44 He knows. He knows. He can get my language, baby. And and look at susan laughing he knows and i was like yeah so i would tell them like guys we can't have a 5 a.m i'd be super transparent like we can't have this because i know you have a coach right now but if the coach that was there right now all of a sudden needs to quit and gives me a week notice because that's the way the affiliates kind of work say hey i'm out it's like well there's no two-week notice this isn't corporate i made it to cross it and i would have appreciated the two weeks notice someone in the comment sections would be like andrew i asked you for a 5 a.m like screw you but uh do you understand what i'm saying here doesn't seem as if crossfit has the want or need or have the connection to their business that people like the affiliate owners have to their gyms and when when
Starting point is 00:37:23 somebody has this at least you're going to tell your members why you're not going to do something if you're not going to do it. So like, why aren't they going to do it? And I wouldn't lie to them. Like I was honest. I'm like, guys, I already get very little sleep as it is. And I'm also trying to be a very competitive athlete.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Like I need hopefully six and a half to seven hours. And then I want to operate and I have to find times to work out. And I would tell them all of this. If they want to say something like, screw you, you want to work out more than you want to give us at 5 a.m. I'm like, you can go into another gym.
Starting point is 00:37:48 At least I'm telling you, maybe that gym isn't going to tell you exactly what you want to hear. But that's just how I work. And I guess that's also how I'm going about doing all this stuff. And everyone's going to know exactly what's, I want 4 a.m.
Starting point is 00:37:58 All right, so I got to get up at 3 a.m. I got to get up at 3 a.m. And I got to go to bed at 9.30 p.m. And then all of a sudden, I don't have any time to do anything ever but sometimes you do things that you don't want to do also on the other end of the spectrum so you make it's a balancing act and it should be
Starting point is 00:38:15 right? Caleb will you pull up Richard's post again? Sorry Show them your whoopsleep score Hey Richard I want two more vowels in your name Okay His fucking last name the fuck is that mess um nobody would show up for 5 a.m i like the 5 a.m comments in here okay so so so so um what you're saying is is that um that uh that the reason why they that they had they couldn't do uh i'm being
Starting point is 00:38:47 too negative that the reason why they couldn't do workout three right wasn't because that no one cared but it's because that they had a 5 a.m class to teach fine you win okay they're too busy coaching 5 a.m class yes yes they're too busy coaching 5 a.m do you want the 5 a.m to 7 30 or do you want event three done right the fuck fuck do you want? Oh, that hurt me a little bit. What's a 5 a.m.? I have a 5 a.m. for the record, right? And it is my busiest class. People in the comments, they turned on me.
Starting point is 00:39:13 They're like, get a 5 a.m., Matt. What's your latest evening class and do you coach it? 6.30 p.m. and no, no, I do not. We had a 7.30 that was over at 8.30 with the people who would hang out until 9 and then there was a half hour. Sorry, sorry, man. No, no, you. We had a 7.30 that was over at 8.30 with the people who would hang out until 9.00 and then there was a half hour. Sorry, sorry, man. No, no, do your fucking thing. I'm having a sip of coffee. Do your thing.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Sorry, I just start ranting and then I can't stop myself. Now it's hot in here, I'm sweating. Fucking alpha dog CrossFit's just stepping on my dick everywhere. They're going to get a whole bunch of freaking influx on their dot com page now. I wonder if we can handle it. You are not safe in the audience.
Starting point is 00:39:49 You think that you can just sick Hiller. You can think you can sick Hiller on everyone. You bunch of fucking – you guys think that he's a – Are you referring to the road challenge? Yeah. You think he's a gun for hire. You think you can just point him over at Bill and Katie and make him fucking attack. You think he's yours to fucking manipulate?
Starting point is 00:40:07 Or am I talking about myself? But this is a brilliant video. Can we look at that? Can you pull at least the homepage of that up? So what happened here is I guess Rogue has an event
Starting point is 00:40:22 that they do every week or every month. I don't know what it's called some rogue challenge thing and the winner of it gets money they get money yeah you know who won last year take one one guess yeah yeah after somebody cheated though right yes yes so so so right here in this video you can see these are all the people calling the Batman, hey, someone needs a whoop-ass. Someone needs an ass whooping. These aren't actual Turkish get-ups. But Mr. Hiller is a critical thinker.
Starting point is 00:40:53 He's a critical thinker. Just because he sees a Lamborghini, he doesn't say it's a Lamborghini. He goes and checks under the hood to see if it's a kit car. You know those ones with the Volkswagen engines? When you hear them start up, you're like, that ain't a fucking Lamborghini. Yeah. Have you guys seen that up, you're like, that ain't a fucking Lamborghini. Yeah. Have you guys seen that shit? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Oh, yeah. You're like, that's a fucking Volkswagen engine in there. So in this video, basically, people want him to to to critique the the the participants and to critique Rogue for their judgment. And Hiller very eloquently explains hey this is their fucking contest and based on the rules they laid out they followed them to a t did you hear the part of the video where when i first saw it i was like oh god no rep and now rogue is also following in the footsteps of the crossfit games and now i got to attack everybody but then i went to the rogue website and i was like oh wait a minute it doesn't
Starting point is 00:41:47 say anywhere on there that they have to not plant off their opposite leg and while it doesn't quite look like a turkish get up actually i was just having this conversation with somebody about they may have even been doing it as a safety precaution because when i first saw the turkish get up challenge i was like oh no someone going to try and do it to 300 pounds, get crushed to death by a 300 pound barbell that they've never tried to do before. But I actually think that because they're not going down, if you really think about it, you probably all know a guy who can get up with the weight somehow by the grace
Starting point is 00:42:17 of God. I know a guy who can get up. He's almost always up. Is it you? Yes. Right now. Right. Yeah, I know. i had a feeling i can just sense it but anyway on the way down that's probably when they'd be most likely to just drop it on themselves they slip or something who knows what happens you son of a bitch oh that was very batman-esque have you ever seen a batman movie i like the origin one what's the one where they show him training christian bale to become the Batman? That's Batman Begins. That one's good, but I don't think he calls anybody a bitch.
Starting point is 00:42:50 I don't know, but that's the only good one. Get out of here. You haven't seen the new one, then. You've been too busy making podcasts. It's good. That's true. Every time he drinks a full glass of water. I don't get it.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Oh, yes. Thank you, Will. Thank you. That is a listener who listens to the details of the show. Can someone run a Skype email at 5 a.m.? That's good. I have a love-hate with Craig White. Why? Just because of his comments.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Oh, the one that you're like, Tucker? Yeah. Oh, Craig. Craig, meet me in the DMs. I'm whooping your ass after the show. Meet me in the DMs. Somebody already said that I should fight with Tommy. We'll wrestle. How about that? I think that wrestling would be one of the greatest events of the CrossFit Games,
Starting point is 00:43:33 along with the 50-meter swim elimination-style tournament that I brought up in a couple of videos. And if it happens, I'm the one who said that it should happen. So if it happens, it was my idea. Call on him. They'll never be wrestling in the games Yeah why Because it's not fitness
Starting point is 00:43:50 Are you out of your mind You know the fittest people I know are Outside of Hunter McIntyre they're wrestlers And then they're crossfitters But I agree I'm kidding Different show I'm also kidding crossfitters are the fittest.
Starting point is 00:44:06 What's up with the buttery bro video? I didn't even under, I didn't really understand that video. I did. Did you, I watched it and maybe I wasn't paying attention, but then I went back and like scrolled through it really slow. I didn't even see you show catcher and snatch. Do you even show? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Because every once in a while, how can you talk about a girl's snatch and not show it? That seems like something that a talking elite fitness does. I'm not trying to get canceled on the internet like you are. Oh, okay. I don't want to get canceled on the internet like you. I'm not going to do that crap. Good call. Pull up the video.
Starting point is 00:44:37 You can see what it looks like. But every once in a while, I'll put up a video. Not that video. Close your giant eyes. I saw what you were doing over there. You were like, like oh pull up the video but i get really heated about something and i just start the camera and i start going and that one i actually didn't need that many cuts because i just talk like this the entire way through
Starting point is 00:44:53 because i am so engaged in it so the buttery bros video and the clip bar that one is probably arguably the most clickbait but it is the thing that got me going was i saw it and i'm like this is what's wrong with it. There's like a four-part process here where one, Katrin has to be doing the reps wrong. Two, probably her coach has to be allowing her to do the reps wrong. Three, the buttery bros have to videotape and do the videotape and say, okay, this is something that we should put together in our little montage of cool clips that we're doing over in Iceland. And then the next step in the entire process is they need to give it to Katrin to post
Starting point is 00:45:24 to her Instagram if she's even the one who runs her freaking instagram but then at that point in time it's gone through like five different steps in order to be posted on the internet for the world to see hey this is the bright and shining light of frostbite and look at what's going on here it's terrible and i actually did it on the buttery bros channel so so wait a second so going back so the snatch katrin snatch is it's a still photo you never showed the video it's a it's a video but i actually do you show the clip do we have it ready can we pull up caleb is that possible you showed the part of the clip it's like where she like the bar comes up and then she like how How are the Buttery Bros responsible for that? Make that – you're such a logical man.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Why do – these are artistes. Why would they be responsible? Are you putting a chew in? Why would they be responsible? No, I'm doing one of these. Oh, shit. High tech. We got it.
Starting point is 00:46:17 This is – how do we – Yeah, that's good. It's the second record, homie. That's in the – Did you see that? That was it. Hang on. Yeah, but why are they responsible's the second record, homie. That's in the... Did you see that? That was it. And I'm on. Yeah, but why are they responsible for that?
Starting point is 00:46:28 I see it. Because they're the one... I mean, they're one step removed from being responsible for it. It'd be like, oh, Savani, one of your favorite things. It's like if I caught you cheating on your wife and I got it on camera and then I put it on the internet. It's your fault and it's my fault. I mean, I guess it's not their fault in this exact example that's a bad error this is exactly what i was looking for what do you think that they should have told her hey girl that was um can you
Starting point is 00:46:54 redo those they're a little shallow what i actually think is i actually think that they put that beating me i i thought that after i put the video up i'm like they got me they got me going they did it on purpose and the whole video isn't the cleanest video I've ever seen. But the worst thing in there was that first snatch by Katrin. There's a whole bunch of weird, not so great looking repetitions by some of the fittest on earth in there. Wow. How about BKG? How did he do?
Starting point is 00:47:21 Pretty good. He's one of the better. And Andy in the background, like the bar isn't over her midline. Hey, careful. She's coming on the show next week. Be cool. Be cool.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Wait, what do you mean? Oh, I see what you're saying. She's not picking on anybody. I'm not picking on anybody. There's someone over there, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:35 it happens to look like someone we all know who isn't getting the bar over her midline. It looks like one of the greatest CrossFitters who ever lived. And then I've actually put up something on a story once and I had someone reach out to me in relation to you don't know the intent of the workout and it's like i i understand i don't know the intent of the workout but i understand the sport and in the sport there's certain things that you're trying to do and then i've also had people i've seen you not doing the best ever and i go yeah but then i also try to make sure that i learn from that exact experience and if anything i'm the person now pointing out to these people that they're trying. I just commented on sex and pan chicks,
Starting point is 00:48:10 Instagram video. He put something up and he's not locking out ring muscle ups. I put a giant blurb up about what I'm trying to do with these people. I'm imagining I was in their position. And if somebody told me I wasn't doing well and I hadn't realized it yet, I'd be like, okay, yeah,
Starting point is 00:48:23 you're right. And he actually did that. He was like, okay, yeah, you're right. Thanks, man. but it's a cool video right is what he said we're gonna get canceled you're gonna get us a cool video we're not gonna we're not gonna get any more uh uh crossfit guests and you're gonna you're gonna blame me you're gonna blame me we were gonna have any instead we have we have andrew Hiller with a red wig.
Starting point is 00:48:46 Is her hair red? It's not. It's not red? It's blonde, bro. In between my ears, it's red. She's red. Okay. You're open to your own opinion, man.
Starting point is 00:48:58 You got a thing for him. Okay. Wow. That's hardcore. That's hardcore. Okay. Wow. That's hardcore. I'm going to weigh in and cut the filmmakers some slack, and I don't think that she wants to be rehearsing poor reps. Okay. You don't think she wants to? I agree. She probably doesn't want to be rehearsing bad reps. Right. And, and,
Starting point is 00:49:26 and maybe she'll send you a box of chocolate for pointing it out to her or, or Yami will hire you as an assistant coach. I don't want that position. I'm good. All right, fine. In that, in that video on it though,
Starting point is 00:49:41 Yami offers me a job as assistant coach. He had a good thing on the other day with uh morning chalk up where he was talking about the integrity of the sport it was him and another coach it was uh the guy in florida with the james brigg and phil toon crew who's that coach matt torres they were talking on a morning chalk up about having trust within crossfit They had a pretty good talk on that. I like those guys. Who, Tommy and Matt Torres? Matt Torres and Yami. Oh, Yami, not Tommy. I think it was him, yes.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Yeah, Yami's cool as shit. I don't know Matt Torres, but Yami's cool as shit. A smarts. You say in that video, it's good that she left Mr. Ben Bergeron. That's just a joke? No. You do think her time was up there he's better she he's been better at a life coach than a crossfit coach maybe that's why she left him or something dude dude he had two champions in one year how can you say that he had two champions in one year and what did the one champion do did he stay or did he go somewhere else? Matt Fraser?
Starting point is 00:50:45 Yes. He went, I think he went off by himself, right? I have a perfect, I have a perfect example for this. And I love that these just pop into my head. And otherwise I'd just be sitting here like, oh crap, what am I going to say? But I was the head coach, programmer, athlete, you know, bring her in her and work with all these athletes at CrossFit Alpha Dog. And I would have the team and the team was very important to me. And there was an athlete who
Starting point is 00:51:08 her name is Keiko Tanaka. She came to me from somewhere in Chicago, and she wanted to work out with me and she wanted to do my programming. She said she wanted to take it very seriously. And I made it abundantly clear to her and I hope she like hears this sees this and like seconds it that I didn't want to have anything to do with her progress in the sport and maybe this is a personal thing but she then went from this is back when there were regionals and she was 110th or so in the region and then the next year she qualified for regionals and if you ask her she says that i have a very large part to do with it and my program and like working out with me and my methodology my mindset training and all that but i didn't want anything to do with it.
Starting point is 00:51:45 That wasn't for me to take. It was all about her. She's the one who showed up. She's the one with the work in. And all I can hear from Ben Bergeron is it's like, if it worked for me, Katrin would keep failing rope climbs. And if it worked for me, she wouldn't have won the games two times. And then when Matt Frazier does something like he leaves the year after,
Starting point is 00:52:01 it's almost like he's like, okay, cool. This guy doesn't have anything more for me. Maybe he picked up on the good things that maybe Catron also picked up on for Bergeron. And Matt Frazier is a smart individual who then went and learned more elsewhere, picked up on things from Hinshaw, went and picked up on things from Broening. I don't really know because I don't know the guy and I can only speculate, but that's what I see having been in a position similar to Bergeron with athletes under me as well and i hope that that all made sense basically what i heard is is that he was taking oh sorry sorry one second one second i also can't listen to his podcast anymore gary uh you could gary
Starting point is 00:52:41 you should go elsewhere you're creeping me out i don't creeping me out. You're a fucking creepy sexual predator, and you're fucking creeping me out. Gary, big chalk. Go wait for Hiller on his page. Wait for me? To do what? I don't know. He just assumed he can't. Yes.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Bruce Wayne says that Bergeron is more proud that Cole got speared to the games that year, and Frazier was really pissed about that. It's like, are you proud about me for winning the games? It's like, yeah, you would think so. But then also don't take credit for this.
Starting point is 00:53:11 It's like, it's not about Bergeron. It's all, it should always be athletes. Really? Why? Just because that's the cool thing to do. Why?
Starting point is 00:53:18 Why does it always have to, why can't the coach take credit? Cause it's not the cool thing to do. I, it depends on how they then go about marketing themselves and it's possibly a thing that i have with me but i'm not trying to pop myself up i don't want to become like this big old oh look he got this person the games because of this or that or look at how successful his team was over there for doing whatever they were doing our best finish
Starting point is 00:53:42 we were like 10 points out little know in fact we lost to colton merton's team in the 2018 regionals he beat us by 10 points him and his team beat our team out by 10 points in the 2018 regionals and i thought you might like that but anyway i don't want to be known as the guy who yeah yeah i don't want to be known as the guy who was responsible for it because i think that they all had their own stories, and it was because of their efforts that we ended up where we were along with being my efforts. No one wants to be called a racist or a pedophile or a fucking homophobe or any of that shit. No one wants to be called that shit. So if you're going to fucking hang out in my fucking comments and call me the shit I did sexually creepy,
Starting point is 00:54:28 point out what I fucking did. What'd you do? You're a fucking bitch. Nothing. Nothing. I didn't do anything creepy. That guy thinks it's creepy because he's got a fucking demented mind. I'm sitting here thinking you're yelling at me.
Starting point is 00:54:41 No, no, you're a good dude. I was like, what did I do? He's confused with someone who's chill and relaxed like me. You're confused. I've watched those behind the scenes so many times. I don't remember it. But of course. It just makes people uncomfortable because I just,
Starting point is 00:54:57 like one of my favorite parts is when the guy's like massaging the shit out of Brookwell's thigh and ass. And I walk over to him and I go, are you married? I mean, yeah, it's fucking weird and uncomfortable, but it's not creepy. It's supposed to be weird and uncomfortable. And then he laughs and he's like, no. I mean, yeah, I am married. Remember?
Starting point is 00:55:15 Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like weird and uncomfortable. Like you accidentally put your underwear on backwards. Like I put this shirt on today backwards. I'm like, something's not right. But it's not creepy it's creepy because what you destroy you tell yourself you douche go ahead sorry i think that's i think the reason i've always so you say you watch all my videos or you have recently been watching all
Starting point is 00:55:37 of them i think you owe me one because i think i've seen every single thing you've put out for the past since 2015 and what i always appreciate that you've done is you do that sort of thing is you ask the questions to these people that they don't usually have asked to them and i actually made reference to that in a video of mine recently like i don't want to go on a podcast where they ask you the same old stuff like hey what did you eat for breakfast every day of your life and it's like did that make you really good at working out and podcasting or youtubing like i don't care to do that and it's something i think you do very well thank you these people maybe don't understand or maybe they need to be
Starting point is 00:56:09 reminded that when you ask questions like that it's important and you weren't afraid to go and just get the camera in someone's face when there was an uncomfortable moment i'll never forget when josh bridges didn't make the games but he was like right there on the cusp at that region and you like caught it still to this day my fiance grace she won't watch that part because she gets like emotional i'm just like i can't see him not go i was like yeah i almost got punched in the face i almost got punched in the face and that type of stuff is like it's so intimate and the audience doesn't realize like what that's like to get that shot and to go in there and to be able to do that they only just
Starting point is 00:56:41 absorb it as a story that's what makes it so good i figured while we were just uh sucking you off a little bit i might as well hop in there susan yeah we got to do that every once in a while he does a lot of work he deserves a little you know a little something something a little rub and tug a little rub and uh uh have late to the party have they talked tommy and shawnee's accusations about greg and seven it looks like you just queued it up no what are you talking about what accusations what are you talking about what accusations what are you talking about please tell me what accusations you're talking about how i'm excited i'm excited for that hey all that shit all of that shit i've talked about ad nauseum before but i'll i'll i'll we'll we'll touch on it again but there was a whole yeah we'll
Starting point is 00:57:22 do the clip and there's a whole i don't have a really i'll answer and i'll talk to you guys about it and spell it out as fast as i can um with hillar's help but um this was all old news i've talked about this ad nauseum it's kind of i kind of feel bad for them that it's come up again um because it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't bode well um for them i'm sure it cannot be fun getting 400 negative comments. And also, uh, just on, on a, on a side note, um, I'm pretty sure that when Greg aparted ways with CrossFit, there was a very clear piece in the contract that Greg was not allowed to say anything defamatory negative about CrossFit Inc and CrossFit Inc in hand wasn't allowed to or have any employees or contractors
Starting point is 00:58:07 who would say anything negative about Greg. And so therefore, I'm not interested. I'm concerned for a little bit for Tommy and Shawnee's well-being. I don't wish upon them what happened to me being rich as fuck and making bank and making all the greatest media in the world and then getting fired because some asshole fucking spread lies about me i don't i don't wish that upon them although they don't have three kids so it wouldn't be as bad for them
Starting point is 00:58:37 and four houses two cars one of them's got one of them's got a look at all the stuff you've got and crazy versace shirts in a in a bag of Steve's beef jerky. Okay, okay, okay, okay. Back to the – so in this video, can we bring up the video of the five best finishes? This is kind of a fascinating video, and there's some irony about this. First of all, I really like your blue sweater. That is like a pretty sexy ball or buff guy thing to do to wear the blues. And you're not wearing a T-shirt underneath it, right?
Starting point is 00:59:05 Like you don't give a fuck. Why would you do that? What a waste of a shirt. You're so Miami. And is that right? A little V-neck with no shirt on. No V-neck, no V-neck. You're wearing a blue sweater and you talk about it's the five best finishes.
Starting point is 00:59:26 Caleb, could we see just – I don't know, just for sake of just not looking at us anymore, pull up that video. Five best finishes. And you bring up a really good point here. The list is really fun. They do an amazing job at it. Your list is really fun. They do an amazing job. The list is really fun. They do an amazing job at it. Your list is really fun. They do an amazing job. The two things that I that I really jumped out at me is I think that the reason the Josh Bridges video doing the sled pull is so cool is not because it's a close finish necessarily, but because of his celebration.
Starting point is 00:59:57 That is some iconic shit that made Josh so famous and loved in the community, not only his performance, but his celebration that he would share when he would win. This is the part that Hiller said that I think is brilliant. And the irony was not missed on me. Hiller's trying to understand as he watches this video, what the criteria is for making these the five best finishes in CrossFit. Is that the word they use best? What do they call them? What's the title of the video closest finishes crossfit i can pull it up for one second give me two seconds can we find out the name of this video the exact name uh caleb uh five close oh just close five close finishes at the game so not the closest but but but hillar's trying to understand the criteria for the judgment is there some empirical data so he lays them out
Starting point is 01:00:45 by um by the distance between the two people who finished measured in time in seconds and he quickly realizes that there is no he can't figure out what the objective element is to ranking these one through five the irony is this we don't even know how the fuck they're judging the open workouts the semi-final workouts we don't know how anyone gets to the semi-finals we don't even know how the fuck they're judging the open workouts the semi-final workouts we don't know how anyone gets to the semi-finals we don't know why anyone goes to what region they're in like this isn't just like i mean for this video i would let it look loose i'd be like hey hillar chill out but like it's it's indeed it's a um it's a systemic problem over the fucking entire fucking company we don't know why the fuck anything's happening
Starting point is 01:01:22 my favorite thing is that it says top five close finishes right top five close finishes and you already said it like what are they defining as like top is it actually the top five closest finishes because when i tried to get across was there were other finishes that were closer at the crossfit games it just becomes abstract and i guess it's okay to be abstract, but if you're going to be abstract, like what sort of, I say the word, and someone's in the comment section goes,
Starting point is 01:01:51 you use the word sentimental too much. It goes, well, that's clearly what they're trying to do by bringing up the Spieler finish at the 2009 Games because it's an older finish. All of a sudden it gets like a higher ranking than something like the... Introducing TD Insurance for Business with customized coverage options for your business. Because at TD Insurance, we understand that your business is unique.
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Starting point is 01:02:59 Please play responsibly. Frazier Fikowski finished in Strongman's Fear in 2017, where Frazier dives across the line. He has like a 200-point lead at that point, and he's diving across the line to get more points for whatever reason. But that's a closer finish than the Spieler one, so how in God's name is the Spieler finish higher?
Starting point is 01:03:19 And it's only because somebody put this— Well, because I was there. I was there. I probably filmed that, by the way. I was going to say, you filmed that. So they should have titled it the top five finishes filmed by Savant. Yes, yes, yes. Or like how do they miss the sprint? Like that's the biggest one.
Starting point is 01:03:36 So before I did all of the research that I don't do, before that happened, I, top of my head, they missed the sprint. Where they're, the sprint where like what can't this guy do?'re, the sprint where, like, what can't this guy do? The call by Sean, where he's like, what can't this guy do? And he beats Ben Smith in the final heat. He doesn't win the event, but that's one of the closest finishes ever. And it also holds a rather high amount of sentimental value. Basically because of the call.
Starting point is 01:03:58 Who won that event? Sorry, who won that? He just won that heat? Marcus Dilley? I don't think it was Marcus Dilley. I think he was in that. It was, I think he's a Masters now. Brian would know. Don't worry.
Starting point is 01:04:10 I'll ask Brian next week when he comes on the show. Shoot, I am the worst. But anyway, yeah. You're the judge and executioner. You're not the statistician. Here we go. So yeah, Brian serves him up. Oh, Gamboa. Oh oh and that's brian's
Starting point is 01:04:26 butt buddy brian would have totally known that brian's a huge good roy gamboa fan he is but wait was i correct is roy a master's athlete this year i think it's his first year of eligibility so i think i was out of that yeah all right cool at least i like this guess i like the guest dan bailey that's a good guess i just told you i, I just told Jesus. Thank you. Told me, told me what? Okay. Sorry. Go on. What were you saying? What were you saying? So the biggest issue with that video was that I don't know who makes the videos. I don't know who puts out the things on CrossFit Instagram page, but it's just the, the theme of it all is that it doesn't seem to be aligning with somebody who knows what they're talking about on that side of this the big thing
Starting point is 01:05:05 i think i've heard you say before is that there's somebody who works for ways and they don't understand how crossfit's supposed to operate they understand how the tracking software ways she's quitting she's all right so maybe whoever does the entire instagram youtube page is going to get a level up then too because they need to because they just like the person who's it's the griffin raleigh example so in crossfit thor is like it only took him two lifts to be able to lift this much weight on the first clean of the quarterfinals workout and it's like well what about the warm-up the way that you're framing that for somebody who isn't as educated as the entire community is going to get an entirely wrong picture of this. This could be their only picture of
Starting point is 01:05:45 CrossFit right here, right now. It's like, oh, wow, they're really freaking strong because it only took them two lifts to lift 418 pounds. Maybe it's 413 pounds, but it's just the framing of these things is so messed up, just like the top five finishes at the CrossFit Games that they say. They're not the top five.
Starting point is 01:06:02 Well, they say close. They just say close they they no i just pulled it up i i just pulled it up it's titled the top five top five close finishes at the crossfit games top five Caleb Caleb responding to cross oh oh that's your title yes that's my title Caleb pull up the real video i don't trust Dennis Miller I don't talk unless I'm 99% Who is Dennis Miller Get out of here with the Dennis Miller He's a comedian
Starting point is 01:06:31 Yeah the top five finishes But what do you think Let's talk about something subjective then what do you think about Do you love Bridges celebration Do you agree with me that like hey Like if you are going to be subjective about it that's like Just the shit The best Did Bridget finish fourth that year in 2014 and if i don't know any i don't know any of that stuff i just know he has a nice body he looks good in red shorts and he's
Starting point is 01:06:55 fucking short top five close finishes top five close finishes yeah and he's tan too he's got oh wait they ask what's your number one so maybe they were looking for advice and i gave them advice oh scoot down sorry let me see what's the title again sorry i wasn't even looking i was top five dude hillar we're reading the comments that's the title top five close finishes top five close it sounds pretty definite to me doesn't it no closest it would be closest finishes not just close okay so why don't they include strongman's fear and why don't they include the sprint because i don't know i don't know but anyway you did a good job with that video that's a great
Starting point is 01:07:44 video that's a fun video hey that's the kind of shit that that's why they should bring you inside the fence i mean that kind of shit's good thanks like if i were them i'd say hey here's a i'd ask him to double my current salary and i'd do it for him i'd put my name on the crossfit games page i would i wouldn't listen to him very much because that's part of my thing but um i i forgot maybe we would allow me to do this full time so I can make two videos a day. No, you need to stay. You need to stay in shape or else you'll start wearing your shirt like me. Caleb, will you pull up that video of Gillian Michaels getting Turkish to get up? I want to show Hiller. Hiller, do you have a good are you on a computer?
Starting point is 01:08:24 I'm on a computer. OK, yeah. Because if you want a phone, you might not be want to show Hiller. Hiller, are you on a computer? I'm on a computer. Yeah. Because if you're on a phone, you might not be able to see this good. I don't know who this guy is, but look at him doing this Turkish get up with Jillian Michaels. Jillian Michaels? Whatever the fuck she is. Look. It's looking good. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:08:39 Her legs are skinny. That's rude. She needs to do CrossFit. Holy holy cow she's skinny okay come on get up get get it get some okay yeah this is why you need to crop things out man because my show is 90 minutes and yours shows 12 minutes so we we gotta we look at. Oh, nice. What is her leg doing? Counter balancing. Wow.
Starting point is 01:09:15 Okay. And Caleb, can you now bring up the video of Max Mormont back in the day doing it with the amazing Sevan Matosian? She's never done. Was that your circus name? Yeah, yeah, yeah. The flea. Look at this. Look at those tucked legs. Look at that. That's not you. Oh, that's him.
Starting point is 01:09:37 Look at the nose. Why doesn't your face move? Your face is dead stone solid. Because he's in character. I'm in the zone. Those are Lululemon pants I'm wearing. All right, Sevan. We need you to act like a dumbbell.
Starting point is 01:09:53 How much better do I do that? Tell me how great I am for that. I look more tired than Max. That's what you look like without all that shit on your face? What did you say? That's what you look like? Oh, look at you. You look you say that's what you look like oh look at you you look completely different that's not you how old are you there is this last year you were all that one year yeah that's six months ago look at that fucking shirt i'm wearing let's see did you get that from target six no but that's probably that probably is from
Starting point is 01:10:21 the kids department like at um big five or something because that's what I would get on my shirt. It's like – Do you think he weighed more or less than Julian Michaels in this video? I probably weighed like 157 there, 155, 157 there. Oh, so that Fergus Getup would put that guy – what did you say that guy's name was? Gary? Max Mormont. Max Mormont. He's known in the CrossFit community. He's a hoss.
Starting point is 01:10:46 I wonder what he could do with a barbell because that would have put him in the top 10, I believe, at Rogue this year. Yes, he can do crazy shit with a barbell. Crazy. He's a savage. Anyway, you're a pretty, like, taut ball right there. You look rather bound up. You do a great impersonation
Starting point is 01:11:02 of a dumbbell. Thank you. I appreciate it. That's what I was kind of looking for. That's what I was looking for of a dumbbell. Thank you. I appreciate it. That's what I was kind of looking for. That's what I was looking for, a compliment. Would you venture to say that Jillian Michaels wouldn't have been able to be a Turkish get-up by the individual who Turkish get-up'd you because she wasn't a dumbbell? No, no. He would have rag-dolled her. He would have rag-dolled her.
Starting point is 01:11:23 Yeah, but she was all over the place, though. Yeah, she's horrible. But I bet you she weighs like 90 pounds. But she was all over the place, though. Yeah, she's horrible. But I bet you she weighs like 90 pounds. But she was all over the place. Hey, that's the kind of shit that gets your arm broken. You would know. Actually, I would know. Have you ever done that with someone? I've over-squatted a female before, and it's not easy.
Starting point is 01:11:43 And you carried one around a room for 40 minutes 40 minutes it was for a picture you got me yeah i tried to whisper that while i'll give you the answer you wanted got him uh you sold you sold 1 000 no rep shirts just like right off the bat it was 700 it was 500 and then we opened it up and it was another 200 in two hours and then on the second run i believe it was 636 in 48 hours so tell me those so that's over a thousand it's 700 plus plus 636. So 1436, 1346. 1336. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:28 Crazy. Awesome. Crazy, crazy, crazy. They're nice too. Like they're incredibly nice. He did a great job on them. I got one heading your way. You got to wear it.
Starting point is 01:12:40 I couldn't believe it when you told me you were a large um i'm looking at my notes here um oh okay so going back to the closest finished videos you talk about koski and uh gee being close in 2021 um but but another one that you bring up that was driving me crazy was when Travis Mayer and Scott Panchik were having that fucking neck and neck and you never did I put that video in there or did I not do it
Starting point is 01:13:15 I don't remember if you put the video in there but when you watched it live you couldn't see it and I don't think that that's Chase and Tommy's fault or Chase and Sean's fault or or chase and sean's fault or whoever was doing the commentating because they're watching the tv sets but that was the greatest probably moment in the games up until that point and there was no not kidding at all all right i got it cool and and and and i love those two guys and they
Starting point is 01:13:43 deserve attention they're fucking OGs. But to not show them warring – what was that, like event seven? What event was that? That was the final event of the games. Oh, was the – okay, yeah. Okay. How the fuck did they not show those guys neck and neck? I mean –
Starting point is 01:13:58 Because they were too busy showing Medeiros and his family hugging in the crowd. Right, which I'm okay with. But especially Medeiros' family. I love his family, but... They're very nice. They're very cool. You can't blame... It's not his fault they were showing him
Starting point is 01:14:10 hugging his family. Right, don't blame Medeiros. Here's the thing. It's a competition. If you don't show them competing, then it's not a competition. It's just watching people exercise. And it's a fucking tragedy. Whoever's directing the games... And you know what? I think it's always watching people exercise perfect and uh it's it's a fucking tragedy that
Starting point is 01:14:26 whoever's directing the games and you know what i think it's always been pretty shitty to be honest yeah they've always kind of missed the mark sometimes it'd be some pretty cool like background stories and they'd be showing the winner walking around like wiping their face there you go sure yeah you're like what you want to and he yeah you don't see him you see at the top i tried to make that pretty clear i don't think i did a good job but you can see the finish finish and in the in the top you can see that they're finishing but you don't see it and it actually meant something it would have flipped their positions on the leaderboard and look how close to the finish that is that's really close and i had it right there it's a yellow which i think was pretty stupid on my part you can barely see it um craig white says
Starting point is 01:15:03 madaris is just a dude you can't not like. What if I told you his favorite activity is going to Disneyland and wearing his Joe Biden shirt? Okay. That's fake news. You can't say that and be legitimate. I understand. You're spreading hate. There's two things I have on my list here before we get to the last two videos here.
Starting point is 01:15:23 I wanted to talk about the – but I guess I'll push it. Are we doing a live call-in show either tomorrow or Sunday, right, Matt? Yeah. Okay. So I won't – the CTO at CrossFit quit, Jeremy Landis. I'll bring that up again. how one of the country managers sent, used the CrossFit email list to promote his own event and sent out the emails to all the people in his region. It's kind of mind boggling that someone got away with that or that tried that
Starting point is 01:15:54 shit. And then they had to send out a second email saying, I know Hiller, it's right. This story is right up your alley. You would love this story. Remind me to tell you. I haven't seen this. Yeah. You're an affiliate. Did you get seen this oh yeah uh you're an affiliate did you get did you are you on the did you get the emails matt yes okay so so we so okay great so i'll talk about both of those can you pull that up uh not right now let's save those two things because this is a good game this is a good uh a review of hillar and i don't want to uh okay um uh so so here's the thing um uh uh um tommy and shawnee have a a patreon a channel
Starting point is 01:16:34 that everyone should subscribe to and um over there they have premium content and they release some premium content and i guess the way patreon works – I used to have it. I've kind of forgotten that this is how it works. But you post stuff to YouTube, and then you give people links to it on YouTube. So YouTube still hosts the videos. And they're not private videos, but it's a link that only if someone gives it to you, you can see. Yeah, it's called Unlisted. Thank you. And so they had a video on there, and it was an hour long. unlisted thank you and so they had they had a video on there and it was an hour long and it's it's um i i i i there's no way for me to say anything about the video without being just really rude
Starting point is 01:17:17 it's it's um it's i guess it's ambiguous there's a lot of insinuation. It's there's it's mean. And I don't know why they made it. It's basically rehashing a bunch of stuff that we've already been through before. And when you're ambiguous about things, it's it's it's really, really not kind to do. I mean, it absolutely shows no integrity on those parts. But it would be like if I said it would be like if I just started telling you that I saw Jacob Heppner at a whorehouse, which I did when I interviewed him. Yeah, we did. Yeah, when I interviewed him, he was in front of a strip club. That's true. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:17:55 Why was he there? But I didn't tell you that he was there because that was the only place that had Wi-Fi. Yeah. yeah so you it but it could even be it could even be more than it could even be more like if i said oh man i i just i can't believe what i saw what what um your ex-girlfriend told me about you hiller holy shit i just can't believe it and then and then i got off the air and then i left it up to you the audience to make up why basically the entire video is that kind of shit. And so it's basically planting seeds of – it's all the shit that the woke culture does. It's just 100% woke cancel culture shit. Step on Travis would do better with your T-shirt ordering and shipping.
Starting point is 01:18:41 Oh, thank you. He did a really good job i gotta make sure you know that he did great it was out there like this he was doing the whole all-nighter thing and just like popping shirts out you know he has family working on him and stuff yeah he was awesome his kid he had his like his two six-year-old kids crying and stuffing shirts in the envelope i want to say that they're a little older and I think they're high school age from the, he sent me a picture. He had the whole team working on them anyway. So I just, I just want to go for the,
Starting point is 01:19:12 we just start back with a little bit of history real quick on what happened. So I used to work at CrossFit Inc. I was in charge of all the media. And I've been there longer than any media person there. And except for Tony buddy and the guy who started the media department. And a couple of years ago I was fired. And when I was fired, um, uh, or around when I was fired, um, uh, um, Shawnee and Tommy made a video. And in that video, they're ripping on Dave Castro. And then they take a little section to rip on me and, and, um, Tommy and Shawnee both equally rip on me. They basically say that when I was doing the CrossFit podcast, if I recall correctly, I'm trying to recall when I was doing the CrossFit podcast, they wish that they would
Starting point is 01:19:47 have spoken up and said that that podcast was inappropriate and made them uncomfortable and they wish they would have taken a stand against it. They were like Gary, I guess they, they have creepy thoughts in their mind and they try to project them onto me. And, and I had no idea. I had never had any, um, uh, Tommy and Tommy and I didn't – we didn't click at work. Like when we saw each other, it was always weird. Like we didn't engage each other. We couldn't have a normal conversation like this. He was always – there was something – we were personalities.
Starting point is 01:20:13 But Sean and I got along perfectly, 100%. It wasn't a deep conversation. We didn't party together, but it was all smiles and handshakes and love and whatever. So – but there was never any beef between Tommy and I. So basically they – after I get fired, they make this video, and they point out how they wish to – and there was no reason to bring me into it. I had already been fired or already been fucking castrated. They know that I have three kids. They know that I'm down and out.
Starting point is 01:20:42 They know that they're the new in cool kids and they went out of their way to make a video that mashed me okay cool when they made that video there someone pointed out that when sean was on the crossfit podcast and he came in there in the first 16 seconds he says this is the highlight of his day and he always dreamed about coming on the podcast. And then they've been – yeah, thank you. Here it is. I've been looking for this.
Starting point is 01:21:09 Okay. Yes, yes. Play the first one. Can you play the first 30 seconds of this? Damn, you're good, Caleb. That was good. Did you say that this is the highlight of something? It's the highlight of my week being in here.
Starting point is 01:21:19 I'm not lying. Like, this is awesome. Oh, cool. This is really cool. We're honored to have you. Yeah, because I always walk by here, and it's like, there's always so much fun happening. There's, like, balloons and, you know. A lot of laughter. Strippers and fun shit going on.
Starting point is 01:21:30 Confetti and glitter. Yeah. We were actually talking about that, about how much fun we have over here. And, like, as you go that way in the building, shit just gets more and more serious until people are shitting diamonds. Exactly. You know what I mean? I mean, here, people have to wear rings. So, that's it.
Starting point is 01:21:42 That's it. So, and then people start writing in the comments on Tommy and Shawnee's video like, hey, you may like or not like Sevan, but one thing he's not is insincere or a fucking liar. And to be honest with you, I'm not trying to defend Sean, but I think Sean really meant that. I don't think he's blowing smoke up my ass. I don't think he was playing politics. I think he really did think it was fun there. We had a lot of fun there. And you look great. you look completely different now not that you don't look great now but you just look like next level yeah yeah put on a sweater
Starting point is 01:22:13 vest and shave the beard and everything uh all the accusations make cfhq sound like a pervy environment and and like just that's the kind of like these are the kind of fucking knuckleheads 23 stokesy that that um that that are lured in by that kind of shit do you know what i mean and and when this happened this was at the peak of matt lauer bending that chick over and fucking her on his office desk and locking the door and harvey weinstein and this was at the top of all of that and yet there's all these ambiguous accusations being made well just say it what did i do ask fucking kara hipskin who was in the fucking room with me ask any of the girls who i work with did i like
Starting point is 01:22:54 didn't you say they can't say that they could anyone can say whatever they want now apparently i thought you said about me you can say it about me you can't say it about yeah so so these guys won they got me out you win i'm fucking tripping over here i got fucking a mortgage to pay and i got kids you guys won and yet they fucking have to make this video so i address this video and i fucking mash them and fucking just like now all fucking hell breaks loose and everyone fucking comes out of the woodwork and talks about how much they hate tommy and shawnee that was never my intention by the way sure just getting that across sure it's never my intention
Starting point is 01:23:37 it's just like hey who who attacked who said something about who first right i don't know i'm sorry i interrupted you no No, no, go ahead. No, that's the irony too because Tommy – Shawnee at the end and Tommy try to play this thing that Sean's holier than thou, and he stays above all of this stuff. That motherfucker started it. Those guys fucking started it. Leave me alone.
Starting point is 01:23:59 I'm a fucking injured fucking cat in the corner with three legs and a huge cock. Leave me alone so so so they did that and okay fine and i'm sorry sorry sorry and and i um and i uh and and i just licked my wounds for a year and then and then i started this podcast and things have just been been chugging along and and i've had fun like poking fighting with them and just like i i hillar and i went through a little bit of a courtship where we poked each other and i didn't i don't i'm not interested in fucking like you guys ever feeling what i felt i'm not i'm not interested in that but but you have to you you have to stop there's no. I don't want to see you guys doing that shit on your fucking private account either. Don't tell me it's private. Everyone knows. All of that shit gets shared.
Starting point is 01:24:54 It's like if I came home and Caleb was shagging my wife, they couldn't look at me and be like – they couldn't look at me and be like, you said you were going to be gone for three weeks. No, no, that, that, that's not, that's not an excuse. Don't tell me that that shit was private. This is your fault. You came home. Yeah. It's my fault that you guys are talking shit. So then.
Starting point is 01:25:18 Where the hell do you come up with this stuff? Caleb texted me all the good, I have the book of analogies and metaphors and similes um so subscribe to the newsletter if you want it no why am i living rent free in your head so no one and no one no one's um no one believes you that i'm not media or that Hiller's not media. Everyone knows that he was fantastic. What he said in the video, he made 92 videos in 73 days, I think was the number. I can't. Yeah, 93. And that we don't do research.
Starting point is 01:25:58 I've made four or 500 videos in one year. You've made 273 if I look correctly. And I'm giving you guys a lot of credit in the last three years on talking elite fitness and i don't think i've ever spent less than two hours preparing for any podcast on average uh my what does my wife think is my wife just wants me to be nice she wants me to leave she doesn't want me ever to say tommy and shawnee's name she would prefer like if she just wants me to interview like elon musk and get on with my business oh my sister says i don't even want to be media yeah i don't even want to be media yeah i
Starting point is 01:26:29 don't want to be media either like we don't want to be media so it entails like a whole bunch of processes and then all of a sudden i can't put up videos whenever i want to put videos up i don't want to be media i'll i'll i'll just say good things as I get them and have everyone call me not media. I, I, I am concerned. I know that, I know that Tommy is doing that whoop challenge with the buttery bros and morning chalk up. There's an Instagram link. I sent you Caleb. I am concerned that maybe he's going, he's going to, are you doing the loop challenge with him?
Starting point is 01:27:06 I would like to see – Yeah, it's over here. It's doing its job. I would like to see Tommy's sleep score over the next couple days, how it's been doing. I guess it's unfair. Hey, just so you know, Tommy, the Buttery Bros and Morning Chalk Up and who's the other one? Mayhem Athlete. They actually told us to do this so to give them an unfair advantage to beat you even the whoop sleep score challenge
Starting point is 01:27:32 um big money on that they said um it sucked as someone's a a baby who used to not do any work who's just upset because he lost his five hundred thousand000 a year cush job. So part of that is true. I'd be upset. It was significantly more than 500 K and I'm upset and everyone knows that I never had a cush job and, and for whatever it's worth, um, I would put up any one year of my work against your entire life of work. And I mean that in the last 15 years, you want, you want to, life of work and i mean that in the last 15 years you want you want to it's my body work you can you're you're you're you're complete how do you how do you watch pulling john by the way you always talk about that thing it's on netflix isn't it used to be on netflix i think it's all right i'll go look at netflix i want to see what you're all about you should watch our house um our house did
Starting point is 01:28:24 he make that too i did okay and then the other one is like the uh the one about how the five-year courtship thing on your wife how do you find that one no that one's that one you can't see that one yet what's unlisted so so so so basically so then what ends up happening so then what what ends up what ends up happening is you you you've rehashed all this stuff with me and like I don't want to do it. I like like please leave me alone. I don't want to do it anymore. I don't I don't want to. I just want to like have fun. Like if you want to make your mom jokes about me or you want to talk about how I'm short or that I lie about the numbers that rich froning isn't the best it's
Starting point is 01:29:05 really matt fraser someone needs to stop saying that or if you want to make fun of me because my shirt says what does it say spice dick butter see it does say ceo oh it's over it's it's a little off center uh look at those yeah it's supposed to be. It's supposed to. Thank you. Thank you. That's what I was going for. Look at the strict muscle-ups pumping your lats out. Like, if you – please, can you guys just do that? John, Amazon Prime, $3. Done. So – but I am – Hiller did make these two videos.
Starting point is 01:29:41 I think that they're very, very fair. I think that a lot of the stuff you guys said just off the cuff was um didn't didn't make any sense like on one hand um sean is saying that people only got called on once but he actually got called on twice and then and then there's like 20 of those things uh but and here's here's the thing is we would have known more had we had been there right i mean i was there i've admitted that I was there, but I also – I tried to get in there. I couldn't.
Starting point is 01:30:08 I tried so hard. Yeah, I just couldn't. I'm not computer savvy. Somebody was like, Batman would understand how to use the technology involved to raise his hand. It's like, well, one, I wasn't going to make it obvious that I was there because I wasn't invited. I wasn't supposed to be there. So if I raised my hand, I thought it would have pulled attention to me. And I didn't see the fucking button.
Starting point is 01:30:27 Like, what is the raise hand button? Batman would figure it out. Yeah, he's the world's greatest. I don't even think. I'll figure it out. You don't even have to explain that. Like, you snuck in the room to listen like any good media person would do. And it doesn't even matter.
Starting point is 01:30:45 Well, there's the irony again. It doesn't matter. He says that the reason he didn't make a comment was because he was waiting for other people to ask the hard questions. I mean let's say that was true. He can't possibly think of anyone. What's the hardest question you would have asked? I would have asked why Whoop left. What's up with Whoop? Where are they going? That's question you would have asked i would have i would have asked why whoop left what's up with whoop where are they going yeah that's what i would ask just like that and then i would ask mal why she blocked me and then that's why they didn't let me in
Starting point is 01:31:12 uh well they're never gonna let you in now that you've done this show i want to be media congratulations Congratulations, Manny. Congratulations. The thing is this. Ecuador. It doesn't matter. Actually, that guy, when I was in Newport, I had a beer with that guy. That guy came down to the beach house and we hung. He was a cool guy. Oh, that's sick.
Starting point is 01:31:36 And I had a son. Yeah. In Newport? Dang. Caleb has spoken. Caleb has spoken. I don't think that there's too much more to say about that. I could go through and just nitpick everything they did and just tell you how each thing is wrong.
Starting point is 01:32:04 From the comments, I think that everyone else has been putting it together already, and you can see that there's just – everything that they say, then their behavior shows the opposite. Or they say one thing and they do the, the opposite thing. And the, the whole joke about media, I mean, it's just, it's all, it's almost, it's almost too, it's almost too easy to say. Here's the thing. I don't want to fricking be media. That's the thing. If this is what it takes, that's not what I want. I like my little YouTube channel. I like my little garage. I like people. I can't keep up with the inbox and the Instagram. I like that thing.
Starting point is 01:32:28 I'm sure you like doing what you're doing, sitting where you're sitting. And if you got to go through all these hoops and shit to post things on the Internet, that's no fun. You say you're having fun, right? Just let us have fun. I am just having fun. And I'm not just in the CrossFit space and you guys just are in the CrossFit space and I'm not trying to step on your toes at all. And I appreciate the work you guys do, but if you guys say dumb shit and you directed at me, then I might say some
Starting point is 01:32:56 dumb shit back. And I really enjoy the fact that Hiller is calling everyone out on the stuff. And I really did enjoy those videos. And I that um the two of you tommy and shawnee should take a lot of that stuff to heart the comments and try reworking your shit the the the george floyd era the of of crossfit is over that the rebellion has begun people are becoming more and more brave the woke that's why i made the uh 300 clip clip For the commercial for this show Yeah It is It is You're
Starting point is 01:33:33 People aren't going to The politically correct days are over It's now about the truth And you guys can tell the truth By no means is anyone here saying that this is the only truth I'm open to being wrong Totally open to being wrong And you guys can tell the truth. By no means is anyone here saying that this is the only truth. I'm open to being wrong. Totally open to being wrong.
Starting point is 01:33:51 I put the thing on sex and panchic. I put the thing on sex and panchic today. And that's all I ever want from anybody is to at least admit that there was something wrong. Right? So he's like, yep, I know that my elbows weren't locking out, but at least the video is pretty cool. That was his response. And then, of course, I go hard and just I had this paragraph of an essay under it. But that's all I want. So when I put you left dents in my garage door guys and i'm gonna i'm yelling at them so this is essentially me responding to the dents in my garage door and now everyone else is just looking at the garage door and they're like what the hell you dented his garage door why did you do that but i want them to then tommy and sean who put the
Starting point is 01:34:41 dents in my garage door i would like for them to say okay yeah we can see who put the dents in my garage door, I would like for them to say, okay, yeah, we can see we left these dents in your garage door. Sorry about that. That's kind of the, there's your analogy type thing. How does that work? Is that good? I did like it. I want them to go through the comment section and be like, okay, yeah,
Starting point is 01:34:58 I could see that. I could see that. All right. All right. All right. And yeah, sure. Sure. I would say some of them are stupid aggressive,
Starting point is 01:35:04 but that's just the way of the world. Some comments are more aggressive than others, but there's, if like you said, they're all pointing one direction, there's gotta be some sort of truth in there, right? Like where are the ones in the other direction? I haven't read any. And I asked, I go, guys, I need you to tell me if I'm off base here. I think I've said it one in the pin comments on the first video and also in the description down there. I'm like, guys, I understand this could be a little bit hot takey. Tell me I'm wrong. And then for what?
Starting point is 01:35:33 It's possible that the 12,000 people, the first video, part one. I think the only negative comment I saw towards you was, damn, Hiller, you're funny. That fluffer comment was a little heavy handed, but I laughed my ass off. i think that's the hardest thing i saw yeah that was that was even aggressive for me you know it's funny you said at one point that i was too aggressive to be on your show and i think i've heard you say three times on this show alone that i'm a little bit too passive you are too you are i thought you were so nice in those videos i was like holy shit he's being so nice i thought you were very nice i mean they're small dents the dents in the garage door are massive and uh the banging wasn't that loud
Starting point is 01:36:10 so i was trying to you know i didn't want to take out the shotgun has um are um has anyone has anyone reached out to you um since you um uh um made made those videos, have Tommy or Sean reached out to you? I've spoken with Tommy. Okay. I knew that I was just trying to act cool. Okay. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:31 Is it anything you can talk about or would that be uncool? I don't want to say too much about it, but is that part of my thing? I should be saying everything. What would I? No, no, no,
Starting point is 01:36:42 no, I don't think so. That's not part of your thing. I would advise you not to. I think the thing is, is like man to man. Like no. No, I don't think so. That's not part of your thing. I would advise you not to. I think the thing is, is like man to man, like you don't, you wouldn't say shit, but if you want to, I'd be more than happy to let the numbers skyrocket. What I could, no, I'm not trying. Sure.
Starting point is 01:36:57 I guess that's my thing. I want as many viewers, as much cloud as possible. I make that pretty abundantly clear. But what I can tell you from what him and I were talking about is he was telling me his side of it. I was telling me his side of it. I was telling him my side of it. It was behind the wall, which was the unlisted wall. And all I can think in that scenario is I've always had this thing, right?
Starting point is 01:37:16 So you have a certain audience. How big is it? And if you go to a concert, I'll be sitting in a concert and I'll be, I went to a Billie Eilish concert recently, United Center. It holds like 40, 50,000 people. I look around and I go, she's talking to 50,000 people all at once. And I'm like, this is super cool. So when you, I think you probably have this many, including your podcast, you're talking to this many people all at once. You say something, they all hear it immediately when it's live like this. Oh, you're freaking me out. Don't, don't do that. Yeah. That's why you get canceled, dude. So easily. But anyway, it works all the way down
Starting point is 01:37:49 too. And I remember if you're in a grade school or a high school, you're giving your high school commencement speech and let's say you slip or you say something and then all of a sudden 300 people are going to hear it. And then the present day and age, somebody in the audience can record it and it can go all the way around. And if 300 people hear it and you're in the other side of the world and you catch something, you want to make a piece on it because it's about you. Then that's the analogy that I like to pull right there. And let's say,
Starting point is 01:38:16 let's say it costs you five, $10 to go to the commencement speech. And I, that's kind of the route that I look at it. And that's one of the bigger, i was trying to say that my dude you're saying some stuff about some people including myself mostly about myself and i i should unfuck something right here where they say in the beginning that they weren't talking about me they didn't know i was in the press conference so why don't you say who you know is in the press conference?
Starting point is 01:38:45 Oh yeah. All that. The ambiguity of the entire thing is the issue here. Like, I think that if you were to ask me something right now, I would either say, I'm not going to talk about it or like, I think you've asked me things. It's like, Hey, where'd you get that information? I'm like, I don't want to tell you. And I'm like, cause I don't, or I'll tell you exactly. I'm not going to say, well, you know, you know, this person, you know, and they're really close to you and i don't think it's it's it's kind of fucked up because now everyone knows exactly who i'm talking about let's say i started describing greg glassman everyone knows exactly oh you know he was the owner of crossfit five years
Starting point is 01:39:19 all right who's that here's the i want to jump in here real quick that he says tommy says in the video there were a lot of people in there that didn't speak up that should have spoke up he says something like that because they talk shit behind uh they they talk shit like on their shows on their podcasts and their write-ups and now they're at the press conference and they didn't speak up and there were a lot of people there who did that well i immediately thought he was talking about brian friend i immediately thought he was talking about brian friend because i listened to the uh the um the the press conference afterwards recording of it and i thought oh shit he's talking about brian friend because brian friend i wouldn't say he talked shit but he but he has some analysis of what happened and then but but but he's talking
Starting point is 01:39:55 about a lot about me yeah exactly but he says we think they were talking about them you don't know who they're talking about right he says that he's talking there were a lot of people so it's all of you but here's the thing and i want to piggyback on what you said. No, Bruce. When you're ambiguous, he's open to – like his excuse doesn't even matter anymore. I wasn't talking to you. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:40:14 Yeah. You either don't say anything or take the ramifications of being ambiguous. It's just like that thing that he keeps saying. Greg's going to be persona non grata if that comes out with oh so some journalist tricks you into trying to get you to talk by making up some bullshit to you the articles were never published but you know what they told you and it's going to be bad for me and greg and and whoever they would i would just say i don't want to talk about it it's just it's so slimy it's so slimy i would i wouldn't i wouldn't i would never i would hopefully never do that to someone unless i fucking hated their fucking guts like wanted to like bad shit bad shit to happen
Starting point is 01:40:58 to them and let me tell you tommy if you ever think that i've ever done anything bad to you then you've never had anything bad happen in your life like uncle buck never got you you don't got any kids that you're worried about you got nothing in your life but i'm a dude who's already fucking been fired from that fucking position and you're still slinging shit at me like it's it's oh and you're and you're threatening you what did he say he wants to do wrestle WrestleMania with me? He wants something 3D-me into a glass table? Is that journalism? I thought that was a comment. Who said that? I think Tommy may have said that.
Starting point is 01:41:36 3D-me. I don't know what that means. I like it though. I like the funny stuff. That's actually like... You're not 3D-ing anyone anywhere. I don't understand. You don't even 1D. I don't understand either. It's just funny. You don't even have 1D. I don't even have 1D. I just got one big D.
Starting point is 01:41:58 You know what I meant. Alright. So, I think that they, I think that they know, um, I mean, all they can do now, they have, they have two, they have three choices according to, um, Tyler Watkins, uh, understanding of Jocko Willick. All right.
Starting point is 01:42:18 They can go back and review the video. Um, they, they can, they can erase their minds of it. Number two, just forget it ever happened. Or three, they can, they can erase their minds of it number two just forget it ever happened or three they can they can learn from this that's what i want i hope that they're not telling their story i hope they're not telling the story hey we were totally misunderstood or it was private or hey dude you guys said a bunch of fucked up shit that wasn't true that made you guys look bad. And on top of that, you were actually talking about yourself. The negative stuff you were saying about us, we actually saw those behaviors in you in the video. You're like, throwing rocks is bad.
Starting point is 01:42:57 And then you're sitting there throwing rocks. So I appreciate the videos, by the way. I thought they were fun. I enjoyed them. I actually looked forward to them. Oh. So. Yeah, do you have your bell notification turned on so that every time I put one up, it triggers your phone to yell at you?
Starting point is 01:43:16 You have that? That's an option? Yes. It's one of those things that you never tell anybody to do. Like, click the bell notification, subscribe to the channel, like the video. Hey, everybody do that. It's Hiller's like telling everyone to do it for Saban because, you know, he never does it because he slips his mind. I'll do it for him.
Starting point is 01:43:34 I just did it. Hey, can you show people how to do that? Bruce Wayne does it. Bruce Wayne does it. I'm doing, um, I switched it to personalized and now you can get on. We, we, we go on the same account, right, Beaver? Right. Hey, Justin. Take this moment to like the video and subscribe to the channel, and don't forget to hit that bell notification button.
Starting point is 01:43:55 You know what I don't like? I hate the smash the like button. It's like, all right, there's one way to do it, and it's the mouse click. I'm not going to smash anything. This is all expensive shit. Smash your mom. Good luck. Caleb, did you do it? Did you turn on the bell notification?
Starting point is 01:44:12 Yeah, I did. Did you do it with the screenshot so everyone could see how it's done? Hannah Anderson, how could I forget you? Whatever this is, is better than real media. Well, thank you. Andrew's got a soccer in the comment section that's cool all right comments on every video and somehow the comments always
Starting point is 01:44:31 get removed who knows how oh okay i didn't put the phone number up the whole time because of you babies yesterday what were the babies saying oh just they're like there's this whole discussion seven loves the phone it's so dumb and everyone was just tearing me a new one should i call it no no we'll get some crazy we'll get some crazy echo uh can you pull up hillar's page one more time i just want to make sure i talked about all the videos that i don't want to like have watched something and not gotten some meat off the bone on it even like videos that i was like fuck i don't know what to say here i was like okay make some you're like that idiot who doesn't eat the wings all the way okay i like his vest i like his vest say something about his vest let's see i'll let you know if you forgot
Starting point is 01:45:15 anything that's your favorite video the top one i have pinned uh which one is it crossfit and steroids that's that's that's rudimentary That's terribly Fake news The ones about Tommy and Shawnee's Patreon I like those The rogue fitness one You haven't talked about that That's the one where they talk about the rope climb Where I talk about
Starting point is 01:45:42 The event 4 or event 5 From the 2014 regional And how talk about event the the event for event five from the 2014 regional and how it's one of the worst choices they could have possibly done for a repeat workout amongst all the semi-finals this year yeah i felt like i was listening to a podcast with me and uh brian friend i tuned out oh okay we'll let him talk about that then um five close finishes um the man's a man with full-time job saves CrossFit. That was good. That one's good. Versus is basically the one where I speak about lifetime versus CrossFit and how whenever I walk into a lifetime or any sort of globo gym, you see a whole bunch of,
Starting point is 01:46:17 this one in particular was about trainers. Did you watch this one? There's trainers at a lifetime and they're getting $800 to $200 an hour is that really true i do have notes on that one when's the last time you walked into like a regular old fitness facility not in a long time but i but i actually i actually loved going to a global gym i never had a bad experience there i love that environment do you not pay attention to what goes around around you because it's rough so i go there because they have the steam room they have the sauna they have the pool and they have all of the accessories oh yeah yeah you go there it's your oh here i made fun of you you call your globo gym membership an auxiliary gym membership god
Starting point is 01:46:55 you're a geek auxiliary yeah come on you know sometimes you got to do some uh iso some like isometric work you got to do the hamstring curls and like they have a leg press so how are you going to do sets of 20 on a back squat without your lower back or back giving out before your legs give out you understand you don't understand but i do know that i started doing a little some some uh curls instead of snatches and within a month people in the comments started being like someone's arms look big i was like oh yeah we made you flex in the last show remember yeah freaking huge yeah oh look at this so here i'm talking about the freaking leg the hip circle that you know the hip circle is good it's got a purpose but when i was watching it being deployed at the lifetime fitness there was a single trainer who looked like he was overweight and i made sure to
Starting point is 01:47:39 make an emote note that when you're overweight it doesn't mean that you can't be a good trainer actually some of the best trainers i've ever met are overweight, have worked their way down to a point. But if you were to walk in, you would still view them as overweight. But it's almost because of the path that they've gone through and all the work they've done that they're arguably better than any of the muscular looking trainers that you'll have out there because they understand what it's like. They know what you got to do to get where you want to be.
Starting point is 01:48:00 So I wasn't making a presupposition based upon just looking at them. What I did was I watched exactly the mannerisms of this person. He was sitting on a bench and he was just like pointing around. He was doing one of these and he had the hip circles on his two clients, two females, probably about 25 to 30 years old. And they were doing some hang cleans of the band on, which makes no sense. They were doing squats that look just like that with the band on, probably 65 pounds on a barbell. And they were moving back and forth. They were doing an AM looked just like that with the band on, probably 65 pounds on a barbell. And they were moving back and forth. They were doing an AMREP of hang cleans.
Starting point is 01:48:28 But it wasn't an AMREP in the sense that we would be doing it. It was like they'd do five. They'd take some pictures. They'd do five squats. They'd take some pictures. They'd sit down. He'd go take a smoke break. And it was just out of control.
Starting point is 01:48:38 And they're paying him. I looked at the rates. The rates are upwards of $200 an hour for these group training sessions that they're having. And it's like that's the entire cost of a month at a CrossFit gym. And this is the issue. This is what drives me insane. I made it – one of my first videos I've ever made, I was sitting in a car. I was driving down the road.
Starting point is 01:48:56 I was going – and I put the phone on the dashboard. I just started talking at it. So there's wind in the background. But I'm talking about how CrossFit, if it doesn't fix itself, is going orange theory. And sure, any sort of fitness is better than nothing. But what orange theory does is if you go to an orange theory, you have access to weights and they have you using weights. They don't really have the time because they have to have you moving for the whole hour. It's their thing. I once had a client leave me for an orange theory, which was okay. She came out one day and she was drenched in sweat. And she's like, this is so much better than CrossFit. And I people, I once had a client leave me for an orange theory, which was okay.
Starting point is 01:49:25 She came out one day and she was drenched in sweat. And she's like, this is so much better than CrossFit. And I go, it makes sense that you're saying that because you don't, you never really did what we were intending to have you done. You never really understood the stimulus of the CrossFit workouts. The intensity was never gathered. But an orange theory, they have you run around like a chicken with your head cut off for an hour. And all of a sudden you think that everything you're doing is more applicable. And you have a giant sweat going.
Starting point is 01:49:48 And the disconnect there was that a whole bunch of work done the wrong way in this person's head and in some people's heads is better than getting the required stimulus done at a CrossFit gym. And there are just different people. I understand that. But when I was watching these people, they're going to this trainer at this lifetime to get something from them for $200 an hour. And I can guarantee you that they probably wanted to work on their glutes. So we threw the hip circle on them. So the entire time they're doing whatever the fuck they're doing, they're feeling their glutes light up because anyone who's ever put a hip circle on feels pretty much within 30 seconds, they're needing to keep their legs pressed
Starting point is 01:50:28 against the band to activate the glutes sorry i got going but that was what the whole video is about i'm sweating again that's all the whole video is about it's just a mess and i'm afraid that's where crossfit's going and i guess that's because i made that video before i put together anything worth watching in my opinion but the truth of that video was that that's what it seems like it's going to be happening if something doesn't happen like you watch the video with ben smith talking about how the semi-finals are being terribly programmed guys what do we got i'm done talking there cut me off thank you oh boy uh would you like to buy a t-shirt i know some of you have some yeah i think i know i think i know where you get one what do you think about what do you think about that shirt that uh suze is wearing
Starting point is 01:51:18 travis i kept seeing in the comments people commenting on it and I know I've seen the shirt before but I can't recall where it came from it's brand new it's the OG shirt with the pukey in it I think it's Get With The Programming has those I got one coming you got all the shirts coming
Starting point is 01:51:43 replace that damn thing you're wearing right now i love this thing it's a good shirt i like it it's so far out of my comfort zone look good in it it's almost as good as hillary this is actually a shirt believe it or not we got you in a full long sleeve whatever and he'll have nothing on. And almost nothing on because he almost took his underwear off. I got to send it to the address that sent it to me.
Starting point is 01:52:14 Yeah, they're up. They're actually off. I took them off during the show. I'm not wearing much anymore. Just shoes. I have Dylan's address. I'll give it to you you're a good dude we'll give you
Starting point is 01:52:27 what's the word dude what do we got no I was gonna say no I was calling to say thanks for the entertainment I'm over here you know
Starting point is 01:52:33 just packing shirts all night oh well thank you okay thank you Travis alright guys
Starting point is 01:52:43 congratulations shirt sales bye oh it's Travis oh yeah didn't even know shit Okay. Thank you, Travis. Congratulations to shirt sales. Bye. Oh, it's Travis? Oh, yeah. I didn't even know. That's the dude who said, when he said he was packing all night,
Starting point is 01:52:53 what did you think he was packing? Guns. Guns. Shirts. Travis, I'm sorry. I was lost. I missed that entirely. Travis. If you like this show that reviews Hiller's videos, please make a comment below. And we'll try to arrange to have Andrew Hiller back on for a third – this is your second time on or third? This is the third time.
Starting point is 01:53:21 That came off as insincere when you said it, though. I don't think you should say that ever again. You did good. You tried you tried though i'm kidding you didn't go you did a great job feedback oh maybe you can make a video of all the shit i say on my show that's insincere do you critique your woman's do you critique your woman's love do you critique your woman's love making i was just putting a video out tomorrow on that, actually. Wow. I swear to God, it's going to be incredible.
Starting point is 01:53:50 Because you watch everything. Haley, turn your YouTube off, please. You critique every movement. You're like in the Globo Gym critiquing movements. I could just see your wife getting stripping and walking to the bed, and you're like, you're doing it wrong. Oh, wow. There it is.
Starting point is 01:54:04 Best episode yet. Okay okay actually youtube took it down because i put up the picture of her butt so only people here can see it she's gonna love it lucky lucky you uh hi how can i help you miss springer hello i was just thinking you guys were the former football team out of the cast right here i think I've definitely got two big quarterback, Miller and running back, but Devon, I don't know what position you would play. Why can't I be quarterback?
Starting point is 01:54:36 No way. All four of you laughed at once. Here's what we need tomorrow. We need a clip of you throwing anything just throw something tomorrow we gotta see oh you wouldn't be able to see over me okay thank you hey you would be that is one thing i'm fucking pretty amazing at throwing things i'm like crazy good at throwing things i uh i'll make some videos i'll make some videos i'll show you how like i can take it i can take a baseball and hit a target from 20 yards away like 15 times or i can throw a frisbee farther than any listener on the show i can throw a frisbee my friend is on the show frequently right he plays frisbee golf all the time that's okay he
Starting point is 01:55:24 cannot throw a frisbee as far as me this is why you're not media because you just talk out of your butt okay you can't out throw brian friend in a frisbee contest he's out of your mind oh look at this guy wants to be my wide receiver you're good oh i would be a wide receiver would you be my wide receiver you would be left out you'd be my wide receiver. You would be left out. I'm a cheerleader. Left out, left out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:52 Did you see the comment in there about the functional places? I was actually going to take a picture of this today. I was at a lifetime today. And they have a class called Alpha. I'll bet you a thousand dollars you can't outthrow me. I can't outthrow you with the baseball. For sure I can't outthrow you with the baseball. But I'm very accurate. I'm very accurate with everything I throw.
Starting point is 01:56:07 Sorry to interrupt, Hiller, but with the Frisbee, I'm fucking dangerous. Very dangerous. You got to go to a football field, whip that thing, and then walk it out. Do it on live. Oh, that's it. Oh, whip it out. Remember what I said about the ideas? That's the main thing on Rogan with Mr. Beast?
Starting point is 01:56:25 There you go. I'm an idea guy. But anyway, Alpha Class, Lifetime. Have you ever heard of this? It's the entire thing that Greg used to apparently go around and just sue the shit out of people for, from what I know. I used to hear that he'd have the team of lawyers that would go around defending CrossFit's brand, and anyone who tried to imitate it would have people showing up at the door. So I'm at this lifetime and they have an alpha class and they had a workout called Filthy 50. And you look at it, it's like, that's a CrossFit name on a workout board that has things like you're doing a back squat five by three,
Starting point is 01:56:57 you've got a class running there called alpha on platforms with bumper plates and all this. And they have Filthy 50, but it's not the filthy 50 i know because there weren't jumping pull-ups involved and it's just well none of that shit was trademarked that was just an integrity component just like no one has to be an affiliate it's just about integrity at this point okay speaking of integrity man do i man do i got a crazy story to tell you when we get off the air or you could wait for sunday's show about what happened in california with the affiliates fucking nuts no just basically just the email list being used inappropriately i mean i'm going to tell the story uh saturday or sunday on the show i think man the comments were brutal i actually thought about coming on here today and reading the comments from your two um
Starting point is 01:57:43 uh videos it would have taken you too long i try to respond to a lot of most of them takes their forever they're brutal i think tommy feels like brian stelter from cnn they all can't seem to understand how people trust people that don't have an agenda and are just giving their opinions over news organizations see i don't watch any news i don't't understand who Brian Stelter is. Can you fill me in? I don't, I don't really want to, I just see him on, I just see memes of them, but, but it's just, um, it's just so, so basically I'll give you an example. There's so much crazy censorship on Twitter. Insane. They kicked the president of the United States off. You're not allowed to see, you weren't allowed to say that this say that this the virus was made in a lab. You weren't
Starting point is 01:58:29 allowed to say that men can't get pregnant. There's all this shit like you can't say on there. Right. Just crazy censorship. Fucking thousands of people have been getting kicked off. And then Elon Musk takes control over it. And people are like my god he's gonna the censorship's gonna be insane and everyone's like what are you talking about like what and that's what CNN's been saying the censorship's gonna be and everyone's like tripping how can they say that that's basically in a nutshell that's the that's exactly what Tommy and Shawnee are doing they're telling you that one thing's happening when we can see that it's not happening and or they are also doing it and that's the, that's exactly what Tommy and Shawnee are doing. They're, they're telling you that one thing's happening when we can see that it's not happening and, or they are also doing it. And that's why they're being compared to CNN. It's just woke shit. You can't tell if they're doing
Starting point is 01:59:13 it on purpose because they're being malicious or if they're just bat shit, crazy and blind. That's the problem. I was having this argument with someone today. They're like, they were, they were talking about them. Like they knew what they were doing. And I'm like, I don't think they know. You know, probably plenty of people like that. Right. And so one of my biggest things with people in the way that I go about, and I don't understand, this is a very me thing. And I don't know if this is a lot of people, but you'll be speaking to somebody and it's almost as if they can't possibly understand what it is you're saying, just for whatever reason, they're wired a certain way. There's a book out there. And I think that there's 13 different personality types something like that
Starting point is 01:59:49 and i might be misspeaking about the number of personality types but there's certain ways people are wired and when i speaking to somebody all of a sudden you can't get mad at them because of the things that they're saying to you because it's the only truth that they have because of their wiring take part uh quote unquote and this has to this is a lot of only truth that they have because of their wiring take part uh quote unquote and this has to this is a lot of the reason that i think there's so much divide in the world and there's a lot of what book is that i need i need to grab it from a guy of mine who's very big on reading um i have it myself read it but he he gave me about an hour long breakdown on it and that's what i took away from it is that when people have something that they're stuck on
Starting point is 02:00:24 it doesn't even make sense for you to try to argue it because it's their truth and i'm sure that i have my own truth and i am arguing something as strongly as i can because i no one's gonna make me see any different right and i'll hear things and i'll try to take it in and perhaps I'll, I don't know. I, what the hell? There was something that was jogging across my backyard. I think I ran it or something. That's Tommy. Tommy.
Starting point is 02:00:51 Oh, fuck. How does he know where I live? I would say one of the things that I really try to do is I try to hear everything out and understand where people are coming from. And I think it's because I know people are this way that, and I don't want to be that person. I don't want to be the person who's not going to listen to something when it's in my head as clear as day. I don't know why they can't take it. I would, I don't want to come off as that way to anybody else. I don't know if you're like that or you guys are like that, or if anyone in the comment section is like that, but that's how I try to go about things. I like to be unfucked.
Starting point is 02:01:29 Yeah, that's what you say. Right. Okay, fine. I'm sure I – yeah, unfucked. That's a good way to put it. Unfucked. I mean – 16 personality traits. Somebody said it in the comments. Does anyone know the name of the book? Is that the name of the book? I heard one time it was 13-2, Jamal. I heard it was based on the apostles, too. Did I sign an NDA? I'm not even sure what that means. Does Hiller have a lazy eye? No, I don't have a lazy eye. It just doesn't stay open quite as much.
Starting point is 02:02:02 No, he has a lazy eye. He has a lazy eyelid. Is that how that works? It's going to be closed by the time I'm 60. That's what your wife says. All right, guys. Savon likes to be poked. Okay, now we're getting
Starting point is 02:02:20 too many drinks tonight. That was Alexis. She's running around outside. She doesn't have pants on. Is that your chick? That's my chick. Oh, here we go. She's running around half naked. This might be Fikowski or Obama.
Starting point is 02:02:35 I recognize the phone number. Hello. Hello. For the final call. Sean, how you doing? Oh, Sean. Holy shit. Thank you for calling. I'm No, it's Sean. How you doing? Oh, Sean. Holy shit. Thank you for calling.
Starting point is 02:02:48 I've dried my eyes. I've listened, but it's a good thing I had a bit of a phone call. I had to dip away during that episode and I didn't talk too much shit because Tommy kind of
Starting point is 02:03:00 is catching a lot of dirty pancakes in this little festival here. Yeah, he did catch some dirty pancakes. I think that is very well said. I appreciate you calling in. And I hope that we were, I know we're not like real media like you, but I hope that we at least made you proud tonight.
Starting point is 02:03:20 Or you saw potential. I'll tell you what. Well, I mean, it's really not a big deal. If this talking to wheat business thing doesn't work out, I do know that you require a certain amount of gardeners. I'm pretty good at pulling weeds. So I just want to put my CV in there in case you need a little assistance around the house, trimming your macadamia nut trees and, you know uh trimming around your cactus uh that is amazing
Starting point is 02:03:47 um things got a little tight for me financially um and uh so so i'm probably not going to bring on another gardener yet but i'm but i predict that in five years this podcast will generate more revenue you can pay me in fruit uh fruit tree. That would be all right. Also, this Hiller guy. Hey, Mr. Hiller. Good to meet you. Good to see you. Is this Barack Obama? This is Sean. Sean Woodland. It's Sean Woodland.
Starting point is 02:04:16 No, no way. You know what? I really appreciate that. But I'm starting this new podcast sponsored sponsored by whoop it's called uh talking box fitness would you would you would all be interested in uh helping me out with that one because uh tommy's not exactly fan favorite at the moment tell me this will my heart rate go over 150 if so I might consider it oh my gosh well you know I can say you and
Starting point is 02:04:47 and prunes and what will talk okay I'll be him Sean I want to tell you that I believed you when you came on my show it's CrossFit that and I've always thought of you as a gentleman thank you for calling bye
Starting point is 02:05:02 that's a great way to end the show with some like yeah with some kind of like love right there was some I feel like there was some closure
Starting point is 02:05:10 I feel good about that I was uncomfortable as hell that's cause you're sitting on I don't know that's cause that's cause of what
Starting point is 02:05:23 you're sitting on I yeah confused uncomfortable yeah that was that was that was scary That's because of what you're sitting on. Yeah, I'm confused, uncomfortable. That was scary. Ladies and gentlemen, we will try to do this again next week. Andrew Hiller, you the man. Thanks for coming on, Caleb Beaver, Mr. Sousa. And to all the people who might hate us, let's lighten up a little bit.
Starting point is 02:05:45 Just be cool, man. Just be cool. Just be funny. Just be funny.

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