The Sevan Podcast - #400 - Reply All to a CrossFit HQ Company Wide Email?

Episode Date: May 17, 2022

Who done it! Somone hit reply all to a companywide email to advertise their personal CrossFit event they were holding... nice! Sign up for our email: -------------------...------ Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! - THE BARBELL BRUSH - OUR TSHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- #TheSevanPodcast #CrossFitGames #CrossFit Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Attention all soccer fans. From Orlando to Los Angeles, take to the fields of the USA for your next vacation. Ready to kick off? Discover exciting games and events. Plus, find amazing hidden gems in cities full of adventures, delicious food, and diverse cultures. You'll love it so much,
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Starting point is 00:01:13 like that's a fucking brilliant idea and they told me like what i'm supposed to do but and i you're supposed to um gook g-o-oG. You're supposed to go G-O-O-G. From like the highest to your lowest. That just fucking made me tired. And then you do the same thing with yeast. How are you? I'm good. It always does feel weird.
Starting point is 00:01:39 This is the first time I've spoken this morning. I gotta know if people are awake at your house. Taylor Smith, good morning. morning mr bellinghausen coffee bacon and podcast good way to start the day no doubt hey did you see the um do you think you're going to be able to pull up that um i know we've had some issues not quite as savvy as the great caleb um did you see the uh i sent you that someone from crossfit like i don't know his name jt salinger no no that's an author who wrote that um is it on the notes no it's not on the notes it's um i sent it in our thread and it's a uh it's a it's a letter from hold on i'm gonna make it bigger jt salinger guy wrote some book that I read.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Jeremy, what did J.T. Salinger write? He wrote, it's like the coming of age book. What is that? This is from a Jeremy Landis over at CrossFit Inc. It's a product and technology org update that looks like was sent out from him to the company. And where is it at it in the text thread i blew it up you don't even have to um i can read it but basically let me go back a little bit i'm getting ahead of myself this um i guess i never really did work at a uh i used to run a home for
Starting point is 00:03:01 disabled adults and when i started when i started there um I think I was making four 25 an hour. I forget what it was, but whatever minimum wage was maybe it was seven, six 95 an hour at that time. But anyway, I started there. I did the job interview barefoot and Oh, catch her in the ride. Thank you, Peter. Yeah. Catch her in the ride. in the rye thank you peter yeah catch her in the rye um and uh i did um i did the uh i worked there i got the job there and was to take care of developmentally disabled adults and and um my my i was i was homeless at the time and what's funny is my wife at the time she knew we knew each other and i told her i was going to apply for a job there and she's like oh do you care if i apply too and we talked about it And basically she was saying like, hey, we're both going to apply. I'm this fucking really cute fucking college girl who's like from LA and kept.
Starting point is 00:03:51 And you're a fucking homeless dude. Like if we both apply, you're fucked. She's basically asking, is it okay if I have your job? Yes, yes. But anyway, so we both apply and we both get hired. And over the next five years as I worked there, I climbed the ranks to the highest position at the place. And I have like 20 people working for me. And one of the things the owners of the company said was they had never seen a, um, such a low attrition rate. Like once you got
Starting point is 00:04:13 a job there, you didn't quit. And none of the other houses, none of the other branches in the company, it was, it was a pretty high turnover, uh, situation by the way, on a completely side note, all the professionals that came to work there everyone who's a psychology sociology ba ma phd they all quit within months like they had the book smarts which they didn't they had the the brainwashing they could not hang that shit is totally different in practice it's like thinking you're going to take your l1 and go straight to the games i mean it's just idiocy so, but that's the way the world works. Anyway. It's true.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Then when I was at CrossFit, it was the exact same thing. I guess I've never had like a real job, like where most people do. And by real job, I mean where you're just a fucking slave. You're a tool. You're not an intrapreneur or entrepreneur within the company. You have no pride. You have no integrity. You're just a fucking douche. entrepreneur entrepreneur within the company you have no pride you have no integrity you have no
Starting point is 00:05:05 you're just a fucking douche and the thing is is even when i had those kinds of jobs i i still like when i i've said this before i was a cashier at a uh at like a it was like a costco before costco was around and you had to punch in the price for everything and i prided myself on just fucking being the best and being present for everyone. Even as a 16-year-old kid, I knew that. Or I don't know if I – I didn't know it. I did it. I didn't know it.
Starting point is 00:05:31 I did it. I lived it. So when I worked at CrossFit, there was no attrition. I wouldn't fire people, and people wouldn't quit. It was crazy. It was the dream job. And 90% of your employees 90% of your employees, I want to say 99 worked their ass off. Like you'd never been with harder working people.
Starting point is 00:05:50 There's no Saturdays and Sundays. We didn't have like holidays or like you would never even in the, in the, for years at CrossFit, you didn't even, you could just be like, Hey, I'm going on vacation. Like we didn't have like paid time off or, or you could be like, Hey, my wife had a kid. I'm not going to come in for two months. Like people would just did that. And everyone was cool with it. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. It's a company with a hundred employees and like, we just ran like, just like how I imagine the Smurfs to run.
Starting point is 00:06:13 It's a unique situation. Yeah. It was crazy. No one would be like, Oh, he's faking it. Or he's, he's lazier. He's taking time, too much time off. Right. It's assumed you're still going to get the work done and you're on top of your stuff yes yes i wanted to work there so bad or dude while you're there while you're doing your surf trip and fucking el salvador you also stop in in the gym there and make a video there i mean right now it was and people love that too yeah hq people would stop into the gym you're like oh recognition and it didn't matter whether you were on the legal team. The legal team would – like one of the ladies on the – like one of the lawyers on the legal team or one of the dudes on the legal team would go to Italy on vacation with their family. And then they'd send everyone a picture of like, hey, they're in a CrossFit gym there.
Starting point is 00:07:00 And then we would post it on the main – I mean it was just a good place. there and then we would post it on the main i mean it was just a good place but now now they have a situation there where i mean they can't keep anyone it's just it's especially the people at the top which is really concerning you know they already lost their ceo they didn't replace him they fired the director of the games they didn't replace him i mean they say they replaced him with justin but we know that that's not true. A replacement would be if you get rid of a pillow in your bedroom and you bring in a new pillow, that's a replacement. If you get rid of your pillow and bring in two throw pillows, that's not that you didn't replace it. You have something different. Those are throw pillows from your couch. They're not even supposed to be used. Thank you. I need to like, whenever I come up with these analogies, I need like a cheering.
Starting point is 00:07:47 A cheering? Like a button? Like if it's good. Like if it's good. Yeah. Our boo. Yeah. Like you should just be judging my analogies.
Starting point is 00:07:54 So this guy, this guy is the CTO. That's chief technology officer. And he runs the, you know, let's say the games website. The games website. Yeah. Hi hi this is from him jeremy landis hi team it is with heavy heart i don't know what that means i do not know what shit like that means so also we know because of the dave castor debacle that when people are let go there there's some shenanigans go they go on in the background. We know that it's not a sincere departure. The presentation of the departure is not sincere.
Starting point is 00:08:31 We know that. You could even say it's lying. I'm not saying that. That's what they've established with us as people who are just watching this. They call it PR, though. Yes, PR, yes. just watching this they call it pr though remember yes pr yes uh you would you like to get together with mr andrew weinstein and justin lefranco at the morning chalk up and figure out how we're going to tell the world that you're leaving i wish that oh wait oh wait here comes tommy and
Starting point is 00:08:57 shawnee let's ask them to how they want to present it on their six listeners on their private patreon okay uh so so jeremy landis hi team it is with heavy heart that i write to let you all know i've six listeners on their private Patreon. Okay. So, so Jeremy Landis, hi team. It is with heavy heart that I write to let you all know, I've decided to leave CrossFit. As you heard at the offsite, as you heard at the offsite, that's,
Starting point is 00:09:17 that's what they call their meat. God, they're such corporate goof. We should do that in the newsletter. We should do a corporate, uh, like key. Like I'm going to be out of pocket for the corporate uh like key like i'm gonna be out of
Starting point is 00:09:25 pocket for the next two weeks uh i'm gonna be out of pocket for the next two weeks uh suza can you have someone fill in for me on the podcast you can't live now this has got some real legs what what a shit life i apologize for all of you who are living that shit life but you can fix it you could be garbage man you don't have to do that you can still be the best you in a shithole you could be the best prisoner it's always up to you you could live in china and be the or canada either of those places and be the best uh um slave call me yeah call me call me uh it is with is with heavy heart that i will write to let you all know i have decided to leave crossfit as you heard at the offsite crossfit has been working to refocus its strategy over recent months to build for future success on our remarkable legacy and
Starting point is 00:10:09 existing core products i mean this is just horseshit basically what he's saying is like hey this is how i interpret this hey we we don't have uh and i'm not gonna interpret it in pursuing that vision we've shifted our focus for the next 18 to 24 months away from new initiatives so we can make sure we establish the right technology foundation for future growth and success. CrossFit has traditionally underinvested in technology, and we're still playing catch up in building the right systems and tools for our needs today. Getting that foundation right is critical, and we have a tremendous progress on our technology, and we have made tremendous progress on our technology foundation. So it's with heavy heart that he wants to leave a shitload of work needs to be done. A shitload of great work, great work has to be, has already
Starting point is 00:10:51 been done, but, but they're not going to do any more for the next 18 to 24 months. I think that that's not interpretation. I think that's what he's saying. As I look at the work ahead of us for the next two years, I realized it doesn't match with what drives me. My passion has always been fueling large transformation and rapid growth by building new B2C business to consumer products. And that opportunity was a big part of the reason I joined the company. Because we have pushed back the timeframe for most of those new initiatives, I've given some thought to my own future. And I decided it's time to hand the reins to some new leaders who can complete the critical foundational work we've started. So is it foundational? Is it not foundational?
Starting point is 00:11:29 Is it really because it doesn't fit what you wanted to do? You know this could all change next week again. I mean, there's no fucking way of knowing. This thing does not have a rudder in the ocean. It's just bobbing around. rudder in the ocean it's just bobbing around yeah uh with my departure my org will be split into two groups with sarah cowell running program and product and robin opie running data and technology i've heard that name before that dude was there that opie dude was there for the for the minute that i was there that's not good by the way what that whatever he just said right there
Starting point is 00:12:02 that's what happened to the games team. We're not sure what the fuck's going on over there. And when you split those up like that, what you do is you lose leadership. And with leadership, you lose accountability, which is huge. And you get a power vacuum, get all the drama. I don't know that department, but that's not good. Basically, that's what's going on over at the games team, if you ask me, too. good basically that's what's going on over at the games team if you ask me to basically you have uh really really capable uh adrian bosman over there and you have justin berg and and i don't know who else but you don't you need someone at the top who's who's sitting on the horse with the
Starting point is 00:12:35 helmet like that everyone knows they're accountable to uh this was not an easy decision and it was certainly made much harder by getting to meet so many of you during the offsite professionally i'm so impressed by the quality of this team across the board crossfit has a bright future with passion of all you bring to the table each day man if you think it has passion now you should have seen it uh three years ago dude a fucking blown your you got blown out of the room i'm truly proud of the team we've built my time here and the tracks we work so hard to lay so we can support crossfit's future growth. I wish he would tell me exactly what they did.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Like, you mean you fixed the games app so it says it's in Madison and not Hamburg, Germany? Personally, I leave a CrossFitter for life and will always be part of the community. That's cool. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you'd like to grab some time or need anything over the next two weeks. Okay, cool. I'll do that, Jeremy. Maybe come on the podcast. We can talk about um what happened i'll keep plenty say that again that would be cool i will keep plenty of time for one-on-ones and
Starting point is 00:13:33 laurie hansen has graciously offered to help me coordinate times i don't know who that is after that i'm always available by text or email away and would it be good to connect don't call me no it's great respect Jeremy man that's a lot Jeremy I think you could have done that in one paragraph if I was uh if I was uh yeah I'm surprised the Frank will let you put out that much that's weird um no no no no no no no no I gave uh um i did not i gave uh adrian bosman a compliment an observation i made an observation that could be perceived as a compliment regarding adrian so they have no ceo they have no cto there's no they have no head of the games department so it's just uh it's just a ship out to sail with with no with no sails no wind
Starting point is 00:14:27 the people there have to yeah and the people there know what's going on they know what's going on can it be safe i wonder if that dude got equity in the company i bet you he did so he he came there he got a little piece you think so i'm i i bet i bet that's how those dudes work that's how that whole the rosa clan works that was the why would he leave then i'm sure there's an nda yeah but i'm sure i'm i don't even know what that is never mind i'm not even gonna go there uh okay uh further furthermore so that takes care of our talk about the um technology department let's talk about the technology department. Let's talk about the affiliate department now.
Starting point is 00:15:12 There's some good passion and some good intrapreneurship going on over there. There is. Let's say I worked at Apple and I made an app. Do you think Apple would allow me to use their email list to push forward my app? Let's say I made an app that could track... Not even an app. What if you just went left field and made t-shirts?
Starting point is 00:15:36 Caller, don't ruin the show. Please. Do we have a caller? We did. Caller, what affiliate do you belong to and what's your question this morning caller caller hold on caller caller sounds like you're calling your dog now well that's one way not to ruin the show just don't say anything uh or or let's say i worked at um porn hub and I updated my latest work. And do you think Pornhub would let me tap into their email list and fucking email everyone who watches Pornhub to direct them to the Sevan Dong show?
Starting point is 00:16:17 Do you think that they're cool with that? Might get a little in trouble for that one. Yeah, you're not allowed to do that, right? You're not allowed to do that at Apple either, right? No, it's literally intellectual property theft. Like you're stealing those emails and using them for your own personal gain. And if you did do that, you would think that there was maybe some sort of common sense component missing in the person who did that. And here's one thing.
Starting point is 00:16:43 I'm not a big thing of like fair well that's not fair well that's not fair but i am but i do believe in precedent and so if apple let them do that with one employee then apple all they would be doing is sending out fucking emails all day every day um promoting apps of their employees and then people would start paying their employees to promote apps so even if suza didn't make the app someone would pay him fifty thousand dollars and give him a credit for working on the app and then suza would have access to the apple email list and they i mean it would be ridiculous yeah same thing with pornhub imagine if i worked there and I was just fucking spamming the fucking largest email list in the history of the fucking world with my personal work.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Or better yet, you could pay me, Alyssa Larson, and I could be putting out your best work in email. So my point is this. There's someone who works for CrossFit Inc. in the affiliate department who's a country liaison or country manager or whatever you want to call them. They took their list. They took the CrossFit's email list, and they sent out an email promoting one of their own events. i mean i'm not i'm not i'm not mad just so you know at it it um i'm mad at like just like if um i'm mad it it's it's like um it's like uh it would be like if the clown came to your kid's show to blow up balloons and when he opened up like his bag with all his shit his wife's dildo was in there oops and you got to hide that shit it would just be weird like dude you're at a kid's birthday party your wife's dildo got in your bag of balloons i don't know hard to explain it would be hard to explain you don't want that around your kids now no no no no trusted that's like that's like some disney shit oops oh i swear to god it was an accident how male how male centric is the whole podcast world?
Starting point is 00:18:48 Look at even our mics look like penises. Can't they shape one like a vulva? Oh, it's just, it's just, it's just ridiculous. It is. But it's fun. Don't get me wrong. It's fun. Tommy, Shawnee, fun dudes. At the affiliate level, using the CrossFit email list to promote their events. That's fun tommy shawnee fun uh dudes at the uh at the affiliate um level using the cross email list to promote their events that's fun cto quitting it's fun in a weird way it's fun i'm not the lack of leadership and accountability you think something would fly like this if uh dave was still around and you were on his team like if i was working for dave and he found out i i you know swiped the email list and sent out my – Oh, you'd get your ass beat.
Starting point is 00:19:28 You would get your ass – you would get such a gnarly chewing to. And you know, he's – Publicly? I don't know if he'd do it publicly, but you would swab the decks. You would – there would be repercussions so you didn't – that respected you, but that if you didn't get fired, there would be repercussions that and I don't know what the repercussions are for these people. And like I'm like, maybe this dude did get fired for this. You would be fired. Yeah, but it is it is I removed from your position for sure. And the reason why I ask is because especially with all these stuff going on with the discrepancies and the judging and the videos and the lack of, because we see the same, the same thing that's happening
Starting point is 00:20:09 with this email, same message that the CTO wrote, the same thing that we've been seeing from the games in terms of like what's going on with the leaderboards and those adjustments. I specifically remember, and I can't, I think it was either 2000, I think it was 2013. And there's a video, I don't know if you it was 2013 and there's a video I don't know if you filmed this and there's a video where one of the athletes I think told their judge I will fucking kill you
Starting point is 00:20:34 that was the Ryan Fisher incident and the video I did film that I filmed all that so you know what I'm talking about right the video is where Dave gathers everybody around and you can tell obviously he's a little um pissed yeah this was in uh san diego yes yeah so he gathers everybody around and he goes hey listen up and he has the judges there and he has all the athletes there and everything else and uh and he
Starting point is 00:20:58 goes yesterday this guy and he has it for everybody he goes told this judge i will fucking kill you and he's like that's not to be tolerated you respect these judges on the floor they make the call and then he goes now you need to apologize to all these judges into the other people and and he did ryan handled it good he did he went yeah he goes yeah you know what yeah it was out of line and he apologized and then and then i think i meant to say i'm gonna fuck you in your ass sorry but then i think – I meant to say I'm going to fuck you in your ass. Sorry. But then I think after that, he goes, Andy McDonald, who was like the fighter, right? Was that him? Do we have a caller on right now?
Starting point is 00:21:34 Oh, yeah, we do. Caller, hi. How are you? You hung up the first time. What's wrong with you? How many people in prison do you think are jacking off every night? 62%. I just read an article on it. Why am I getting locked up?
Starting point is 00:21:50 62%. 62% are doing themselves and 21% are at someone else's hand. A grand total of 83%. Obviously, the urge comes to me, so what do I do? I jack off oh man i wish your phone line was better well thank you for calling this those types of
Starting point is 00:22:11 statistics are important um and i think that your presentation of it i think i think your presentation of it being jack off is very sexist it feels like it's only talking about men and i don't really like that because this is an inclusive show. So please call back later with stats that include trannies, women, and what happens at the local pound. Thank you. Bye. At the local pound. Caller there thinking about your mom. Thank you, Travis. Well said.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Daniel Brandon and Hunter McIntyre, that would be a hot couple. Who told me? Hunter may have told me to contact her and tell her that they need to make a kid. I can't remember. Like their DNA needs. No, no, no. Please, please. Your connection's too bad. You're fucking the show up. What? What? What? Who's fucking who in prison? I don't know. Aggressive.
Starting point is 00:23:12 It takes my good time for Jack and all, for something that every person over the age of 12 or 13 does. You're going to do that to me. You're going to put me in prison for this. You're going to actually give me an infraction. Hey, doesn't this guy sound like an old black and white movie, his audio quality? I feel like I'm talking to fucking Laurel and Hardy, like Abbott and Costello.
Starting point is 00:23:33 I want to look at you in the face who says, oh, that's wrong. I want to know you because you're a jerk off yourself, and you need to jerk off because there's something wrong with shit in your brain. Okay, okay. Hey, I appreciate the call that we have we have a audio quality issue that makes it um okay thank you bye who is this i swear that guy seems like he's like 1922 where the hell well why is he so angry about the jerk did you make a comment about jerking off i have no problem with people jerking oh maybe it was the dildo and the uh clown oh he did sound kind of like a clown not appropriate at the kid's birthday though you gotta take that out of the bag no definitely not appropriate
Starting point is 00:24:16 maybe at a disney parade but no it's not appropriate anywhere all day i i i would i would stop the book burning and just burn dildos. Okay. Can we just start? I want to see if I can just burn this list today. Okay. I want to do 20 of these in a row. Can I just make one closing statement about that email that you were talking about earlier?
Starting point is 00:24:43 I just want to put that in the cancellation of that event. I was reading through it a little bit more in preparation of the show. But it said – it didn't say anything about the misuse of the emails, but it did say, we will make it happen another time that lets us come together safely and effectively. Almost like it was like a COVID cancellation. Oh, geez. Or something like something like wow it was gonna be unsafe uh wow yeah anyhow okay sorry about this list no that's important yeah it is because in the in the email you got a first email where it came out and said hey we're gonna do this we're getting people together and then the second email of the cancellation yeah thank you for and it also
Starting point is 00:25:24 said thank you for all it also said thank you for all your support i can't believe what a great response right yeah yeah there's so much interest this is awesome i wonder if it had good intentions it's weird it's just weird no one should be crucified for it or anything it just it's just tarded tarded i also realized that that person calling and just had the number saved because we never no one should be crucified for it or anything. It just, it's just tarted, tarted. I also realized that that person calling in just had the number saved because we never had the number up there. Good dude.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Paper street coffee. East coast number. Oh, you think it was Gabe from paper street? Probably was. No, I was just saying they have the number. Just blame Gabe.
Starting point is 00:26:02 That was one of our sponsors. can we, let's, um, someone, someone sent me this. I thought it's, it's amazing the things people send me in my DMS. That was one of our sponsors. Someone sent me this. It's amazing the things people send me in my DMs. We play the mushroom. This is a purple slimy mushroom. For those of you, everyone take a big deep breath and just sort of enjoy this.
Starting point is 00:26:22 I don't know how Danielle doesn't have a DBE shirt. It's weird. Check out this protective slimy coating on this mushroom. This gooey purple mushroom is a viscid violet court. When they first emerge, they have a bright purple cap, which can expand two to five inches in diameter. And we'll. Hey, hey, that's the kind of shit people send me in my DMs. It's totally inappropriate. And do you know why?
Starting point is 00:26:56 Because of me, not because the imagery is inappropriate. I'm totally inappropriate. I take full responsibility for what that image triggers in me. I'm not blaming anyone else. I'm not mad at the person who sent me the giant mushroom, the purple fucking mushroom that expands when it first emerges. I should have known it would have been something like that. I'm perfectly,
Starting point is 00:27:17 I'm, I think I'm perfectly okay with that. Maybe take away the music. I'm perfectly okay with that. Son of a bitch. I'm perfectly okay with that being of a bitch i'm perfectly okay with that being used uh being shown on tv uh yes hi hi hi oh gosh go ahead you you have the floor probably 50 fucking years old 60 fucking years old you don't have a a wife. You don't have no kids. Get no bitches. You're probably a virgin. Correct. He's talking to you.
Starting point is 00:27:48 He's talking. He's talking to you. Everyone knows I'm a player. Oh, rich. That's why I keep letting this guy call in too, so that you don't have to be embarrassed. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Yes. Okay. So I appreciate your perspective. We really have to be embarrassed yes yes okay so i appreciate your perspective and we really have to move forward with the show it's with a heavy heart that we have to listen thank you i love you bye okay uh so we did that we did the mushroom can you do the um rich wait till you see this next one if you were embarrassed for me for that mushroom wait till you see this next one can we do the um island girl this is i thought this the island for those of you who follow the island boys now it sounds like they're going to get an island girl i just watched uh i've been i've been
Starting point is 00:28:33 researching them i watched their podcast on impulsive did you did you see that one i saw the part where they storm off they okay yeah it's gonna shake. Oh, my Atlanta. Is this the same dude? Okay, yeah, yeah, but I didn't answer. Go ahead. Pennsylvania. Okay, let me get the sound. Okay, here we go. So I get a call from this girl.
Starting point is 00:28:56 She told me just like this. You ready? She said she wanted me at Highline, girl. Yeah, she wanted me at Highline, girl. I, she wanna be an island girl. I told her put the vest on, yeah. All I do, guam, man, man. She said she wanna be an island girl. She doesn't wanna be an island girl.
Starting point is 00:29:17 She said she wanna be an island girl. I just wanna take her to a trip to paradise, a nice wine and i live the fine life yeah yeah i got money that's good right wants to know how these guys really exist i wonder wonder that too. It's so, it's the world, the world, I mean, the same way that mushroom exists,
Starting point is 00:29:48 the same way that fucking, like, what do you think is more trippy that those guys exist or that purple mushroom exists, the slimy purple mushroom?
Starting point is 00:29:55 It's a fascinating world we live in. We're lucky. I think it's the island. The whole time I was waiting to see the island girl. Please,
Starting point is 00:30:03 please tell me what you think is more remarkable. That that purple slimy mushroom exists. A. B. That the island boys exist. Or C. That CrossFit actually thinks that anyone actually believes them.
Starting point is 00:30:20 That they did a press conference when it was a propaganda conference. And that no one was invited unless they were somewhere fucking on the payroll or downstream from the payroll and it wasn't shown to anyone and you weren't allowed to ask any questions you wanted so yeah i believe in the purple mushroom okay um uh ladies and gentlemen uh i bring to you um uh the girl um can you play the hot girl is this her uh who got an infected uterus during um oh this girl yeah please please just cruising through these today just oh hi hi god i would love it if she came on the podcast this is the kind of girl who i don't even think looks at her DMs.
Starting point is 00:31:05 You're always like, you realize people only follow you because you're a girl and you have boobs and you're hot, right? And it's like, fucking duh. People on here are always like, you realize people only follow you because you're a girl. Oh my goodness. That's good. I'm not usually a fan. She's so special. We can't bring her on the usually. She, I, she's so special. We can't bring her on the show.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Yes, we can. I invited her to my house for a barbecue with my family. I'd like the boys for three plane brothers to meet her. Where are we speaking of beautiful women? Are we still going to do. I guess you can watch him as many times as you want. Later. I have it on replay over here. Now got caught. Now what rich? Now what? still gonna do you realize people i guess you can watch them as many times as you want later i have
Starting point is 00:31:45 it on replay over here now got caught now what rich now what you embarrassed for me now i'm embarrassed that you're watching this with your wife right now and she felt a little movement in your pants that's what i'm embarrassed about um um uh in the in the in the last three years um it's interesting this came this came to my attention when uh when we were doing the tommy and shawnee thing and hillary and i were talking about whether they know um what they're, like where they're off. If they know that it's weird that like they say something like media is XYZ and then they do the – or media, if you do this, you're not media.
Starting point is 00:32:34 And then they say XYZ and then they go ahead and do XYZ like within 30 seconds. And it's bizarre. You wonder, do they know? Do they know that they're exposing themselves to us like that? It's not even hypocritical. It's like they're just not conscious. It's like people in glass homes shouldn't throw rocks or whatever that statement is, and you're saying it while you're sitting there just throwing rocks at a glass home. And you're just wondering what they're self-aware of, what they've cultivated, what awareness. aware of what they've cultivated what awareness and and the whole woke the whole woke culture culture in general like the most simple example is you're gonna you want to you say you want to
Starting point is 00:33:09 defund police because 12 unarmed black men were killed in the united states after 365 million stops and that you don't even know if those 12 unarmed black men attacked that's it that's the only details you have maybe those black men attacked those cops. And then you make this decision to defund police to try to save black men from getting killed. And within two years, an extra 30,000 black men are killed around the world because the cops have stopped engaging those neighborhoods or whatever it is. I'm making those numbers up. And so basically you have a net loss to save one black man. You lost $29,999. And those of us who can think and see are like, yo. And that's the kind of shit – that's the kind of fucked are, um, have an agenda and yet they're
Starting point is 00:34:06 in the hive. They're protecting the honey bowl. I mean, that's it. So, and that, that's not a dig at them. I don't know what they know or what they don't know or what they're aware of or what their perception and perspective is. But since in the last three years, I cannot tell you how many people who are like, holy shit, I'm starting to understand. i'm starting to see what's going on in the world i'm starting to like and it's hard um there's even things you know um when uh when when when alex stein says the earth is flat you know or whatever whatever shitter that the moon landing doesn't happen he's right there's an emotional attachment to it i don't even want to hear that shit yeah i don't even want to entertain that stuff but why what do i care why wouldn't i
Starting point is 00:34:49 entertain it when people say you know oh crossfit's dying or crossfit's dead and part of me personally in my selfishness i'm like well i could come in and we could save it they could just hire us or you're just in denial you come back with hey stop hey, stop being so negative. And it's like, hey, dude, I'm just. Well, I wondered a certain part of it speaking about like Tommy and Sean would possibly be that, you know, they have a lot of brand sponsors and different things like that, which maybe only allows them to speak within a certain parameter. Yeah, I don't. So I think I think that they feel that for sure. Yeah, I think they feel that for sure. Like I would feel that I would feel that like, if you're one degree of separation from, you know, with CrossFit, you,
Starting point is 00:35:32 and you want to come to the games, you want to be hired as a broadcaster. You want to keep that yourself tethered to that, but I don't think they do it consciously. I don't think that they're, I haven't spent time with, I mean, you know, I'm better than I do. I haven't, I don't think that they're – I haven't spent time with – I mean you know them better than I do. I haven't spent zero time with either of them, so there's no way I could tell. But that's what I would assume, that they're trying to make –
Starting point is 00:35:54 But you couldn't do it consciously, could you? No, because I put a lot of thought into what is the outcome here? Who does this outcome benefit? How am I going to get – how are we going to do that what what information are we using to make that outcome happen if i was doing something malicious yeah what i'm saying is if i was doing something to hurt someone else and i knew it wasn't true i couldn't do it right or if i was doing something malicious and i knew it wasn't true it was just for me i couldn't do it i just couldn't do it like take all the emails
Starting point is 00:36:25 and send out your own product? Yeah. Yeah. And then that's what I mean. I don't think that that dude knew that that was wrong. Right. He probably thought
Starting point is 00:36:33 that he was doing a cool community event. It doesn't make it okay. It doesn't make it okay. It doesn't make it okay though. It was like Sean said in the podcast. Adrian and Justin or whoever he was referencing, they're trying their hardest.
Starting point is 00:36:44 That doesn't even matter. That doesn't matter. That's not – you're conflating issues. It does not matter how hard you try to save the drowning child. It has to be saved or it's dead. You don't walk away being like, well, I tried my hardest. Especially if you're in a paid position. Can you imagine saying that to
Starting point is 00:37:06 your boss i had an employee once at that home for disabled adults who would showed up late consistently and i and i pulled him aside it was like giant dude six six stoner super skinny i wish i could remember his name really smart and i go hey dude if you show up late again i'm gonna have to write you up i'm gonna write you up and he showed up late the next day and i said i'm like hey dude i gotta write you up and he goes dude it's not my fault i go what do you mean he goes my watch is off by 10 minutes clearly out of his control oh my goodness i i i had exploded woke logic woke logic okay um can we play this jordan peterson clip my watch oh so are we doing the love's line are we gonna do the love line show with daniel
Starting point is 00:37:58 i hope so okay that wrong Yes, of course we are. Okay. Yeah, there's definitely – Rich says this before you start this. Rich says this. Tommy when him and Sean talk, you can tell that they've had conversations before and they're just reworking them again. And I'm guilty of that too. I try to make fun of myself when Matt and I do that or, or in whoever do that. But yeah, there's a definitely a lot of it is, uh,
Starting point is 00:38:37 they're just throwing alley-oops to each other and trying to make it seem like it's real. Okay, let's go. I did a sports reference alley-oop. I said, let's go. I did a sports reference. Al Youp. I said Al Youp. This is from Robert.
Starting point is 00:38:49 So interesting about being alive is that you're all in. No matter what you do, you're all in. This is going to kill you. So I think you might as well play the most magnificent game you can while you're waiting. Because do you have anything better to do? Why not pick the best thing possible that you can do? Because you're more powerful than you think. Way more powerful than you think.
Starting point is 00:39:08 I mean, God only knows what you are in the final analysis. You're blind to your own weaknesses, but you're also blind to your own strengths. How far could you take that? If you stopped wasting time, and if you stopped lying, and if you oriented yourself to the highest possible good that you could conceive of, and you committed to that, how much good could you do? Well, I would say, why don't you find out? The thing that's...
Starting point is 00:39:29 It's good, huh? I like that one, yeah. Yeah, and that's Ronnie Teasdale. I don't know where he is, but he's swimming in some water with some crazy fish, and good on him, the commitment to that creativity. He had to set his phone up under there, whatever his GoPro.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Could you do that with an iPhone? It goes underwater now, right? I don't think that far underwater for that long. You're so negative. You're so negative. If any one of the listeners would like to dump it in water and report back. After the show, can we text Danielle Brandon andon and ask her to come on yeah we can text i'll text her right now okay uh 30 in the morning she'll enjoy that i i don't know why number 44 is
Starting point is 00:40:14 um there but let's check it out to start the show with this i wonder what this is i wonder if this is something we've shown before teesdale What a trip. We have him coming on the show again in like two weeks. I think it'll be a second time on the show. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. This is so good. Even if we've seen this before, let's see this again. Can you guys see this?
Starting point is 00:40:38 Pay attention. This is so good. This is so good. Here we go. your love tonight I don't want to lose your love tonight it's kind of old that thing's been that thing's been going around for a while oh that's good I've never seen that aren't old people cool just just throw an old person in anywhere with some drumsticks and and and you and you're and you're good to go i wonder why some are cool and some are just bitter and old okay uh um you should tell uh your loved one to uh step away for this next turn the show off for this next clip uh suza uh will you play number three give a nigga a break this video has
Starting point is 00:41:47 a million plus views on youtube and the comments are fucking brilliant this guy got a pass from the black community i think he's uh i think this song of the comment section alone solved any racism issues in the united states yeah this he this guy gets a pass. Look at his fucking hair. He's the wolf man. I've been working a long time now. I've been working for free. There's nobody around this town. You give a damn about me.
Starting point is 00:42:20 I've been slaving away all my life. Do no whipping the chain And lately I can't help but feeling Like I'm going insane Give a nigga a break Amen Give a nigga a break How much more can I take
Starting point is 00:42:42 Give a nigga a break Give a nigga a break. Give a nigga a break. Give a nigga a break. How much more can I take? Give a nigga a break. Now look at the first comment. Look at the first comment. God, this guy is good. If you don't know this guy, I've been trying to get this guy on the show, Tyler Cassidy. Look at the first comment. God, this guy is good.
Starting point is 00:43:05 If you don't know this guy, I've been trying to get this guy on the show, Tyler Cassidy. He is so freaking creative. I clicked on this. This is from Ikalb. I'm going to make the presupposition that this is a gentleman of melanated skin. I clicked on this Madden Ready to Hate. By the time the song hit five seconds, I was done downloading and vibing. Approval granted, Whitey.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Actually, if you scroll through, because I saw this. If you scroll through and you read all these comments, the whole thing's really positive. As a black man, this is the funniest shit I've ever seen, and I feel you on this, man. Keep doing what you're doing. Hey, this is what I'm talking about. He's setting people free from the word.
Starting point is 00:43:51 There's people who are professionally offended and demand that others get offended because of their own insecurities. And this man has found a key through his art to fucking – to make an adjustment on that. Chris, Chris, Chris, are you black? Please tell me. You have no business chiming in on what happened to Chris Rock. he threw his art to fucking to to to make an adjustment on that and i wonder chris chris chris are you black please tell me please you have no business chiming in on what happened to chris rock oh maybe you are black um yeah i mean it's all everything's context like you can say caulk the floor needs some caulk and it's it in context. I need to caulk the rubber mats with a dollop of caulk, caulking. It's actually black caulk because my mats are black, and I don't want the caulk to be seen, so I use black caulk to seal the cracks. Yeah, but I think I would advise anybody over, if you're having a rough day, go read the comment section of that, and it'll brighten your view on humanity.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Oh, God, it's so good. Even people responding to other people's comments and stuff like that. I just clicked it off, but I think there was like 4,000 comments on it. Yes, yes, yes. And out of those 4,000- Not a negative one yeah you you start scrolling down there's just there's like no way you could but there's i mean you would think that there's a ton of negativity in there you're like there's no way there's not
Starting point is 00:45:14 but you go and you start reading they're all positive and they all start with like i'm a black man and i accept yeah i would say the majority of them do. Which makes me wonder. White people really are evil. For the record, it's still a derogatory term. Not when you use like that. There's just a cultural reference. It's just a homeboy. He's down. He's grinding.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Right, right. And I think that's why he's a he's a he's a brother he's a you know i think that's why the comments were so positive there yeah because that was really what he was going after it's a it's a derogatory comment if you've used negatively yeah yeah if it's just if it's you're trying to be a fucking asshole and hurt someone's feelings you're a fucking dickhead okay the type of hurt you have to feel to be that person like how fucked up do you have to be to go out and like find that offensive what he just did no well not only find that offensive but but like use those words negatively towards
Starting point is 00:46:17 somebody else oh you're an asshole yeah you're you know what i mean like i i was at the grocery store what's worse you saying that to someone like seeing some like like like you know like driving through that part of brooklyn where the jews are and screaming die kikes what's worse that or demanding that people be offended by it yeah i mean they're both they're both pretty vile they're both terrible they're both they're both negative and they're both spreading but i remember i was at the grocery store one time and they have to do this reset because it's a 24-hour open grocery store so they have to like officially close the store for their books at some point in time and everything just resets and restarts and the guy that was uh standing in front of me in line the lady goes oh i'm sorry the store is resetting it'll just take
Starting point is 00:46:56 a minute and he goes and he just like slams hand is like you're not sorry bitch oh yeah and she's just like sitting there and i'm like two hours back and i'm like no no no that's not gonna happen Oh, relax. We ain't, we're not playing that game, you know, calm demeanor. And it turned out the guy behind me was actually like a retired, uh, Albany County sheriff. So he's like, eh, you know, and then the guy tried to get tough with me and he'll see you outside and he'll fight you. And I'm like, no, I'm going to pay for my groceries. If you're out there by my car and I got to go to work, I got to go to work, but I'm not going to go seek that out. Was he out there when you went out there? No, no, of course. Those type of loud people. I mean, if you're going to, if you're going to do
Starting point is 00:47:51 that, you're going to threaten a lady who's just doing her job at the cash register. You're a coward. You're not somebody who, you know, is going to be out there with any threat to me or anybody else. But I didn't really ill mentally ill. Yeah. Like it just, it's, it's crazy. But I also think in the terms of like you or you're allowing what you tolerate in your presence. So if you see something like that, like nowadays you see these people where there might be some altercation on the street and somebody is clearly getting their ass beat. Not one person just steps in and is like, Hey, it's done. We're over here. Right. Everybody just films films with their phone. Oh yeah. Good. That's it. It's like, we're all so removed from the
Starting point is 00:48:28 situation, but you don't have to be. And I'm not saying you have to jump in there and start like fighting anybody, but you could easily be like, Hey, that's not cool. And you'd be surprised that when you're the one person that just kind of steps out and is like, Hey, relax here or tries to take the situation. More people go and they're going like hey yeah you're right we're not gonna we're not gonna tolerate this in our presence and i you know i hope more people have that mindset sorry that was a danger no no no no good one person has to should i feel safer now that my avatar is sexually ambiguous yeah totally wait we're open here i would say that's good yeah you do you you'll be as sexually ambiguous as you want thank you
Starting point is 00:49:05 chris for participating in the show today good to have you here we feel safe to be around chris savon savon likes filling holes with uh black cock uh um uh thank you austin that is uh true okay a number um uh there's this one doesn't have a number it's just called the left's poster children and examples this is nuts i always love reading your titles and clicking these links. They're like little presents. Like I don't know what it's going to be. This one is nuts. And then after this, we're going to have Sean G on, which is pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:49:35 I always loved having Sean G on the show. Our boy, Sean G. Go follow Sean G if you guys don't already. These are the poster children from the left. We have Elizabethren who claimed that she was native american which she's not we have um uh princess kamala saying she's african american i'm not sure i get that why is she is she not african-american is she like indian or something i don't know we have a girl with autism who's the expert on um global warming we have uh
Starting point is 00:50:01 george floyd who put a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach in a home invasion and then was also uh pulled over while driving uh high on fentanyl meth and and alcohol for the third time and swallowed his drugs um and he's referred to as a hero we have some weirdo fucking rich dude who they refer as a scientist uh we have the first lady uh who is the poster child for being oppressed damn i do i do i do find her very attractive i i wonder you know you know like how like the the conspiracy theory group says she's a man that that would explain a lot but anyway uh we man i don't think she's man either uh we we um uh she her face is amazing though i really like her i would like to meet her
Starting point is 00:50:46 me more than obama like i think i had a choice to have lunch with one of them you meet with her oh yeah 100 percent um ferguson uh they got they got five protests with burning buildings the democrats that's a peaceful protest um they got this head of fucking health in the fucking United States. They call a woman, but it's really a man. And then we have our president. Why did I show this? This just made me depressed. We have this guy, Joe Biden, in office, and they call him competent, but – I mean would you – I wouldn't drive with him. I don't think legally he probably can oh well that makes i mean have you seen some of the stuff where they've clipped him on stage and i hope that it's wildly out of context like what they used to do to trump you know right we just see one bit and then if you zoom out and you watch the whole thing you're like oh that makes sense oh he was really trying to shake someone's hand there was someone there was a dwarf there
Starting point is 00:51:43 right they just only showed it from here but they really do watch the whole thing you're like oh damn it is it is just that it is just that bad the the worst by the way one of the bad things about that the that thing next to uh biden and in between the peaceful protest where it says woman that dude that dude killed a lot of people during COVID by putting old people in hospitals or in nursing homes while taking his mom out of a nursing home. That, that is a fucking bad human being. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:12 And I think next to the scientists, you could also put farmer with a old gates up there because now he, I think he officially does, or maybe he did before own the most farmland in the United States. He almost has a billion dollars worth of farmland in the U S. I hope Elon buys that from him next. Introducing TD Insurance for Business with customized coverage options for your business.
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Starting point is 00:53:44 oh does he? Or Jake Paul? There's like another guy that's like on here with him. That's like, you know, motivational speaker. He's like all jacked. And they just do these funny things where they're both doing stuff at the same time. And I was going to send you one and be like, we should make one of these next time I'm over. Oh, yes. Just where you're doing stuff and I'm just in the background walking around. It's like, I just come in and say something. All right, here we go. Shonji, ladies and gentlemen. Get your Shonji apparel.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Man, let's check this out, man. I can't judge her on what y'all had going on together. What y'all fell out about. I can't judge my man over him. Because you and him had a disagreement. You understand? You can't come to me and drop soda on her. You understand? You can't come
Starting point is 00:54:31 to me and kick my man back in. You understand? I'm going to take it on and listen, but I got to get my own experience with her. I got to get my own experience with him. You may have did some fucked up shit to make her do what she did to you. You may have did some snake shit to get my own experience with him. You may have did some fucked up shit to make her do what she did to you. You may have did some snake shit to make my man do what he did to you.
Starting point is 00:54:51 I can't go on for that. I got to judge people for my experience with them. I can't go off of what you say because you may be a piece of shit. You understand? You see what it is? Beautiful day out here man all that podcast was sold on spotify thank you thank you podcast is on spotify thank you thank you for plugging the podcast uh basically what he's saying there is uh if suza tells me that um person d is a piece of
Starting point is 00:55:19 shit i i have to judge them myself because for su Sousa, it might be important that he doesn't like people who smoke cigarettes. And for me, it's like I might have compassion for people who smoke cigarettes. I may tell Sousa this person is a piece of shit because they drive too slow. And Sousa is like, well, he has to find out for himself what if he likes people who drive slow. Or what if I'm a piece of shit? What if I just drive too fast? And that really important we have to we we do have to set each other free uh thank you mr g um that was so positive i just love how he's out there like doing his thing right in the middle of a parking lot all the time. And he's just like, it's a beautiful day. You know, like his energy.
Starting point is 00:56:05 It's good. Yeah, he is good. Number 24, women champs are men. We might just fly through this one really quick. This just might just be like the Leah Thomas thing. It's kind of like beating like a dead horse now. Thank you, Yon, Yon Clark. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:56:21 No, this actually looks like it might be better than I thought. Okay, let's see. Let's see what this young lady has to say. Okay, let me explain. Oh, okay. No, this, this actually looks like it might better than I thought. Okay. Let's see. Let's see what this young lady has to say. Okay. Let me explain. Let me explain. So the women's Penn swim champion is held by a male and the highest female winner ever on jeopardy is actually a male. Also the female who holds the record in women's weightlifting, that's a male and the woman of the year that's also a male what am i missing okay let me explain let me explain wow i i remember seeing this and looking that up that is true yeah the the jeopardy players has a cock not a cock a cock fucking a man
Starting point is 00:57:10 that's so wild it is so wild you know what's crazy too is like we the dykes need to fucking um uh the lesbians need to uh um um they have to they have to stand up it's their time the same same way black people had to stand up against blm obese people have to stand up against covid it's time it's just the lesbian the lesbians i mean i guess the gay dudes could do it too but like lesbians really need to be like fuck you get the fuck out of here and to just kick the trannies to the curb isn't it it's it's it's out of fucking control well it's crazy like all the different things that are happening in the world and all the different things that are happening in the u.s that we could improve to
Starting point is 00:57:53 make better the three that we're hyper focused on is race sexual orientation and gender or sex yeah like is there any more three i mean you could of course toss like whatever covet into that mix but those three things are like we're just like hyper focused on it well what's that because some people are saying some bat crazy shit and trying to get away with it like by saying that by not by by not knowing what a woman is by claiming you don't know what a woman is at the and you and you're sitting on the highest court on the planet. It just seems like a distraction. Doesn't it seem like a distraction to you?
Starting point is 00:58:30 Oh, I see what you're saying. I don't want to go down the Stein 99 conspiracy castle hour, but it just – I mean we're worried about what's in school curriculum of what age. Okay, so I should be focusing on other stuff in the show? No, no, no, not on the show. I'm just saying us as a total in general. Well, no no maybe i should be doing it on the show too maybe it's like fuck i'm why am i drawing why am i partaking and giving this thing energy well i think we give some comic relief to it which is a lot of people to process it hopefully but in a different perspective but i just think it's like the curriculum we're arguing over is like what age
Starting point is 00:59:00 kids should be taught sex in right and like whether you're a traditional traditionalist and just kind of want to edit air quotes there want it to be taught within the family which is you know how it's normally been done or waited till a certain age i think it's like 13 right eighth grade or something like that yeah they talk most about biology not like yeah biology yes factual information of here's how these two horses fucked yeah this The semen hit the egg, and a baby horse came out. Right. And since it's a mammal, it's born live. So we have all this being shifted and moved around, but yet at the same time, nobody's pushing for personal finance to be in the curriculum, to understand the tax code. None of that.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Like local government things. There's no sense of like a personal finance responsibility or anything oh did you see i have something about that well that's really good that you bring that up okay we'll go to that i just want to say this too i don't care if if matt wants to tell me he's a woman and he wants me to call him a woman like we're friends and i would be like okay you're a woman you're a woman you're fine you're a woman you're one but but i but if he tries to push that narrative as the truth that that's where i have the problem i don't i'm not it's like if he wants to tell me that the that we're really when we're driving our cars it doesn't matter what side of the road we drive on the right or the left he can
Starting point is 01:00:16 say that all he wants i don't care like that's cool i'll entertain that he can still be my friend but if he puts that shit in practice no fuck, fuck you. You're going to jail. You can't drive on the fucking left side of the road. You can believe it. That's the right thing all you want. But the second you start doing it, fuck off. You're not participating. You're not participating in the successful narrative.
Starting point is 01:00:38 And to call men with penises women, you're not participating. And you want to make that a fact. You're not participating in the successful narrative. Well, how are you to say what's a successful narrative? The successful narrative is always going to be the truth. Always. Okay, so you said something. Let's go down to – there is something.
Starting point is 01:01:07 Did you see what they're doing in Florida? Let me see if I can find the – okay, 182. This is fascinating to me. I kind of wanted to do a little more research before I showed this one. But earlier this year or two years ago, I don't remember when it was, but we saw some laws coming out of the state of Oregon where they were saying, they were suggesting or trying to pass some laws where they were saying that math is racist and it's racist because there's only one answer and that makes it a white privilege thing. And that every, every math problem should have at least two answers. And it's unfair to say that someone knows the absolute answer. So when a kid in the school
Starting point is 01:01:40 there, and I'm not sure if it even became, um became um illegal but basically you weren't allowed to say um like two plus two is four and that was the only answer it was crazy then we saw some other weird shit in san diego where they were saying homework is racist and so that they this and i think this actually passed in san diego they weren't going to allow um uh homework to uh if you didn't do, they weren't going to make that – the teacher be allowed to cause that for you to get a lower grade. And the reason why was because that was to protect brown and black people who didn't do their homework. So instead of trying to help people do their homework, they were lowering the bar. Does that make sense? I didn't explain that perfectly well. wearing the bar yeah does that does that make sense what what i didn't explain that perfectly well so yeah so i'm giving these examples of two things happening that like wow this can't be good
Starting point is 01:02:29 for kids but but check out this law and um that uh de santos just passed in florida it's a financial literacy class that you have to take in order to graduate from high school and so let me explain to you what financial literacy would be. You know that you want to go to college and you want to be a sociology major, and you know that's going to cost you $300,000. And by the time you pay your loan back, it'll cost you $600,000. And you know that the most money you can make from being a sociologist when you graduate is $42,000 a year. And so if you made 40, so then you divide $42,000 into, so then you realize, okay,
Starting point is 01:03:15 you can live on $36,000 a year. So you can use $6,000 a year to pay back your loan of $600,000. So that it would take you a hundred years to pay back that loan. And that's when you start thinking like that, that's critical thinking financial literacy. And most people don't have that, which is fascinating. That's why people do dumb shit. That's why you see people who can't afford it driving around fucking Denali's. Yeah, I mean, not only that, but it's fueling a whole industry. And the industry being higher education.
Starting point is 01:03:43 You're allowing these kids that are 18 years old that have no idea about debt. They have no finance, you know, no financial literacy. And yet they're going to go and sign themselves on to a loan, a student loan that is going to be hundreds of thousands of dollars in some people's cases. And most people's cases right underneath a hundred grand. And then they're not allowed to go bankrupt on that right right right right so you're basically saying hey at 18 you're good to go ahead and just sign yours it's almost like you're signing yourself up to be a clog in the system and then how about this how about the the left is getting all this pressure to to um um cancel them that'll cancel the loans. That'll never happen.
Starting point is 01:04:25 It won't? No fucking way. No way. No way. That would be some crazy white privilege shit. I would love to see how they would make those two narratives fucking come together as one. We're going to forgive all the fucking rich white kids of their bones. It is past education law in Spain that makes it virtually impossible for any kid to fail a course.
Starting point is 01:04:46 Well, somebody on there before. Oh, yeah, right here. Because I said those loans have been getting waived. Have they? I don't. Oh, yeah, but just there. But it's very few. It's like a small percentage of them based on there is something like that.
Starting point is 01:05:00 Yeah, but very few. Have you ever had have you have you are are you having peter uh be on i think you mean peter bagosian i it's funny you say that because i just dm'd him yesterday to see if we can get him on again i dm with him but um he's a popular man okay sorry i think some loans have been waived suza but anyway it's just uh it's another win for fucking florida teach the kids something and uh and it's another win for fucking Florida. Teach the kids something. And, uh,
Starting point is 01:05:26 and it's another fucking just ding for fucking the liberal left fucking greed. Just want to stupefy our fucking kids. Yeah. Okay. They could lower the bar. Oh, somebody said waved only through employer.
Starting point is 01:05:36 No. So, but so it's not necessarily waved. It means you joined a job and they said, part of your benefit package is we would pay your student loan. So Corey Pulido, a job and they said part of your benefit package is we would pay your student loan so cory pulido public service loan forgiveness i'm 100k in student loan debt i'm sorry and that's not uncommon like when i was talking to a lot of the people i know him that are my agent stuff like that i'm like you get talking to him and they're like oh i'm still paying down my student loan debt and it's anywhere between 3030,000 to upwards of $100,000.
Starting point is 01:06:06 And then some of them have new cars and shit, so they have a car payment that they're making, and then not to mention the price of everything else. It's like there's no freedom there. When the city of Ferguson started protesting and they did 700, the protesters there did $760 million in damage. They fucking were basically burning the town down. And when the protesters rioted at the Capitol and we saw the riot, right, where they're just all hanging out and they're talking to the cops and shit, that did $30 million damage. There was no fire no no one set a fire totally different you're a fucking jackass if you think that that was a riot uh and that whole thing was weird and i would i would guess it's in the multi multi billions
Starting point is 01:06:58 tens of billions that blm was involved in uh and in the riots they were involved in, in the riots that they pushed with their agenda. And we, this is just a fascinating clip. This is Candace Owens visiting, I think it was the president of BLM in her mansion in LA. Can you play 186? And this lady is now playing the victim. It's crazy. And Ferguson is where they lit that, lit that police station on fire when the police were in it and they had to be is now playing the victim. It's crazy. And Ferguson is where they let that,
Starting point is 01:07:25 let that police station on fire when the police were in it and they had to be helicoptered off the roof. But this is nuts. Look at this. Look at this. Why does mine end at 185? Oh shit. That's my fault here.
Starting point is 01:07:35 Sorry. Sorry. These are, I probably put these on like at two in the morning after I sent you, I'm going to send this to you in a private chat down here. 186. Perfect. And I'm going to send you 187 too, because I'm going to go to that one next.
Starting point is 01:07:55 Got 186. So this Candace Owens on the right approaching this lady's mansion that she bought with blm money and this is the the blm president or whatever her name is whatever whatever her title is here listen to her she was demanding that i come outside hello um i was just looking to speak to whoever is at this property because it's listed as the Black Lives Matter property. Sir? Hello? The fact that she came outside my house
Starting point is 01:08:36 and demanded things harassed me is unacceptable. We're not trying to harass you. We'll gladly leave. We're just wondering if we can speak to anybody. Y'all, I really need my family to be safe. I need to be safe. I need my child to be safe. And this, this, what happened this morning is not safety thank you sir have a great day hey here's the thing i i this is uh patrice kalur i i in one in one way i i believe her like i believe she's that scared candace did obviously nothing wrong but it's crazy it's crazy that we're allowing people to protest in front of Supreme Court justices' houses. This is fucking crazy. Those people should be fucking scooped up with a fucking bulldozer and tossed off a cliff. It's bad, man.
Starting point is 01:09:41 Yeah, that's not cool. You can't do that shit. You can't do that shit. You can't go to Supreme Court justice shit you can't do that shit you can't go to supreme court justice you can't do that shit i don't care what's fucking aoc you got to fucking protect them you cannot let people fucking be aggressive towards our the people in political power there there are public servants if we don't if we don't if we don't play the game if we don't do the theater right they definitely won't do the theater right it's the same thing with cops show them fucking respect you know that i'm not going to go there okay can we do number one i i was going to go to the place of people like you see these things where people to parents tell their kids and you see a lot with melanated people um where they tell their kids hey make sure you be fucking respectful the cops do this do this do this do this and they claim that that's only something you have to do if you have melanin skin. No, all good parents tell their kids that.
Starting point is 01:10:30 And by the way, I never have seen all of these videos that I've seen of cops fighting with people. I've never seen anyone behaving. George Floyd was the furthest thing from behaving. the furthest thing from behaving if a cop tells you to keep your hands on the steering wheel and you reach for the fucking glove glove compartment just remember that what if that cop was your son who who has to get home to your grandchildren or that cop is your dad and you want him to come home and now some fucking dude is high on fentanyl meth um he's been he's uh you can called in and you know that he put a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach and he's reaching for his glove box. How the fuck did that dude not get shot in the fucking car? Number 187, Stanford professor, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya. This is a Stanford professor.
Starting point is 01:11:21 You also have to remember this is where John Iannotti is. If you don't know who that is, you should look him up. John Iannotti's is also a professor, maybe the greatest living scientist alive today. He's the most published, I think, living scientist alive today. And both of these guys agree with each other, I think, nearly 100 percent. Jay Bhattacharya tweets, the Federation of State Medical Bo boards is setting up an ideological infrastructure for disciplining physicians who don't follow the scientific consensus that you you have to know that there's no that that's a that's a that's fucked hard to read those two words together
Starting point is 01:11:56 scientific consensus and jay badacharya knows that too he's making fun of it the science got everything right except school closers natural immunity and lockdowns that's what this guy believes anytime someone says that the the real scientists um uh that it's conspiracy theory no this isn't conspiracy theory this is the fucking top dog at stanford him john john ionides all the fucking best scientists in the world know it you know what else they know that about too? It's climate change. Am I going to swerve over there? No, I'm not going to.
Starting point is 01:12:36 If you don't follow this guy on Twitter, you should seriously consider following him. J. Bhattacharya. J-A-Y, new word, B-H-A-T-T-A-C-H-A-R-Y-A. Dr. Bhattacharya fucking brilliant the scientific consensus i know it reminds me of when there was the whole thing of like uh when the vaccine first came out they were saying believe in the science believe in the science and it's like it's canceling it out because science by nature is about not believing. It's about repeating, observing and measuring, right? So to be scientific is to look at something skeptically and look at it and go, okay, let's see this. Let's put it to a bunch of tests. Can we repeat the same outcomes over and over again, no matter, you know, how we kind of
Starting point is 01:13:21 switch the experiment up. And then we can say, okay, this is fact it's it's science. So to say you believe in it, you can't believe like you either know it or you don't, right? Like believe is usually reserved for religion because you have to have faith because there is no knowing ultimately. God, the TV is so powerful, isn't it? It even tricks our politicians. It tricks everyone. Yeah, well, this is the problem that I have. So consensus, the definition we have up here, a general agreement. So he would say that, therefore, you're throwing out the science and you're just making it a popularity contest. And then the problem that stems from that is, well, then who's the popular one?
Starting point is 01:14:01 Bill Gates. So does the consensus start with something that he's going to put into play? And then are we allowed to look into his conflict of interest and say, well, Bill, are you sure that this is actually good for us? Are you just profiting in the multiple billions when you do this and extending your power and influence globally? Can't say that because now you're going against the consensus science that we, everybody who wants to be in the cool kid group, claimed was real. The thing is, do you want to believe the science or do you want to believe the consensus? You can't have both.
Starting point is 01:14:34 Yeah, right, right. Unless they both align. Unless they align. But that's why people always say, well, this hasn't been or this has been peer reviewed. So what? It's kind of, yeah, it's like, okay, so more people read into your study, but what's the predictive value of it? That's the only thing that you got to care about.
Starting point is 01:14:51 The predictive value. Yeah, that's the most important piece, not how many people signed off on what you did. The consensus was to lock people inside their homes, old people. And what happened there? They died. Exactly. Anyway, he's? They died. Exactly. Anyway, he's
Starting point is 01:15:07 a great follow on Twitter. Jay Bhattacharya. Are you more active on Twitter now that No, no. There's a stall on it now, right? I did see that there was a stall on it, but I didn't look into it. I didn't look into it either. I'm not educated on it, but I do know that there's been kind of like a hold or something has happened.
Starting point is 01:15:24 185. We already did 18 185 right uh that was the um yes okay um this is this is one that i've been just like just tripping on i talked about it a little bit before but then i was tripping on it again last night can you pull up this morning chocolate article 184 do you guys know if you do know you know if you don't know you don't know and i understand there is a company called street parking and this is the um this is the co-fan founder uh um branda alcarez and this company is a silent fucking juggernaut. This is a community that is being run by her uh bill grundler and chase ingram um she's in that original or at least very close to that original group of early crossfitters 2008 she's a broadcaster too for the games broadcaster for the games she um uh and she's rolled with all she's trained with all the the best dudes in the biz. She's been at the highest level.
Starting point is 01:16:49 Yeah, and no one would argue that she isn't probably one of the best trainers in the world, if not the best. It would be hard to argue. If there's 1,000 best trainers in the world or 100 or 10, you could put her on the list, and no one's going to be like, no, she doesn't deserve to be on there. She's the man. Agreed, yeah. I don't know if you can say that anymore. She's the woman. And so with her comes massive brand recognition, especially for those 35,000 people around the world who know her. It's like she's fucking Mickey Mouse of Disneyland.
Starting point is 01:17:17 You can't just use this girl's image wherever you want unless this article is about her which this article is not about her will you will you scroll down a little bit what title the article sorry up sorry title this article is um uh something about habits five habits of highly successful and fit people now if this written by meredith root if this was a if number one was like what maria a quote from miranda and then number two was Rich Froning and number three was Matt Fraser and number four was Savon Matosian and number five was your mom, I could get it. Use those pictures. But this is fucking bat shit crazy. This is like, so, so then I typed in Miranda and into, uh, into Google,
Starting point is 01:18:08 uh, and I've typed in Miranda morning chalk up and they only have two articles on her and the entire, they only have two articles on her. I don't even know if they have two, they have one for sure. The other one I didn't even click into, but it has street parking,
Starting point is 01:18:20 like as the fourth most desired training program or something. It's a ridiculous article. It's just fluff. It's nothing. How does the Morning Chalk Up make that mistake? By using her image? Yeah. I don't think it was a mistake.
Starting point is 01:18:38 It's totally inappropriate. I stopped and caught my eye, and I was like, oh, what did they write about? I thought they were writing about the Freedom Fitness or like something like that when you see it right when you see her on there yes yes yes so it gets you mean the event that they're doing at the ranch on july 3rd that you think it's going to be an article yeah would be which they should do an article how come i thought it was something like that or you know whatever or i thought it was actually which in my opinion would have been really cool is if they had actually had Miranda's list of like different stuff that she's kind of
Starting point is 01:19:09 utilized or distilled down that she would claim helped her and her success. It's a, it's fucking batshit crazy. That, that program, that street parking program, um, her and who only created that five years ago. They, I don't think they've had a single day of like, this is the company like this, but's kind of this is crossfit this is street parking yeah it's kind of a testament to her her authority and brand power though like if you think about it that way like i see a picture of miranda on there and i, Oh, what's this about? And I'll, I'll stop. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:47 The cool Coopers putting a lot of D in there. A lot of D in the comments. They won't do an article because they don't like Dave. Oh, and she's, and she's doing it at the ranch. Yeah. Either way. Either way. It's, it's, it's, I, I just throw it on there and just the list of just jackassery.
Starting point is 01:20:04 Just, just no what if I do that on my next Instagram post how are Shawnee and Tommy talking about what media is when Tommy's his butt buddy LeFranco is is a
Starting point is 01:20:19 I don't know if it's a shill is the right word but basically it's just all they're all kahooters I don't know if it's a shill is the right word, but basically it's just all was the, they're all co-hooters. They're all fucking co-hooters. It's just a joke. It's just a joke. You know,
Starting point is 01:20:36 she could buy morning chalk up like, like with her spare change, right? She can. And, and, and LaFranco would sell it to her in a second. That'd be a boss move.
Starting point is 01:20:44 That would be so funny. If she did that, if she did thatco would sell it to in a second that'd be a boss move that would be so funny if she did that if she did that please give it to me we'll help out with it yeah that would be that would be uh it's probably one of the most successful businesses to come out of the ecosystem when i think of successful businesses to come out of crossfit uh it's got to be it's got to be one of the most and they also morning chocolate also did an article on like successful women in the ecosystem and they left off her and katie henninger that was like a year ago i mentioned that yeah both of them right you did mention that's crazy that is crazy you you can't have a list with without having them on it. I would like to link to this video. There is a guy that probably a lot of you guys don't know.
Starting point is 01:21:30 His name is Mike Warkenton. He used to be the editor-in-chief of the CrossFit Journal, which in my opinion is the best sports journal in the history of mankind, especially the first two years where Greg Glassman – or three years where Greg Glassman wrote every single article. And that's just not my opinion. You can talk to people who are kinesiology majors who did, got their bachelors and then, and then took the L one and told you they learned more in those two days and they learned in their four years as a kinesiology major. It's it's, that's not an uncommon story.
Starting point is 01:21:59 I know that sounds just completely fucking crazy, but Nope, it's not an uncommon story. But if you could play number one 83, warkington was scooped up a huge mistake by the way if you're running crossfit over there that girl um if you guys are looking for a replacement for that girl aaron the ways girl this is this could be your guy you have a couple of people who work there too are fucking crazy competent who know the media ecosystem. Am I playing this? Yeah, yeah, or just at least pull it up.
Starting point is 01:22:30 This is Mike Workington's podcast. I just came across this last night, and it's a two-brain business podcast. Can you go to just the homepage of that YouTube channel? Where is that? And the name of the video is Gym Owner Profitable on Day One with 83 Members. So here's a video from Two Brain Business, run a profitable fitness business, and it's the one from four days ago. And it says, Gym Owner Profitable on Day One with 83 Members. It's funny, the picture that they use on that doesn't look like either of those guys i wonder if that's the guy when he had hair maybe that's the gym owner yeah but then
Starting point is 01:23:10 look at him inside the video he's bald was that hey he on day one he opened a profitable business but he lost all his hair it's stressful i'll tell you that anyway uh what a great resource this we um the seven podcast uh newsletter there will be a link to this this next one coming up if you're not signed up for the seven podcast um newsletter you're you're a jackass i'm glad you showed me this i i know i'm gonna start listening these. I feel like there hasn't been a solid podcast based around owning an affiliate and bringing on people who've been successful in the space in a while. Barbell Shrugged used to be good. I think Hiller mentioned it the other, I can't remember if it was in his videos or if it was on here, but he had mentioned the Barbell Shrugged from like way back in the day. And I used to listen to that. I would clean
Starting point is 01:24:03 the floors of the gym and i would throw that in whatever podcast and i would just like listen to it and get ideas and it was cool so i'm glad this is up i'm gonna check it out people used to love that yeah um what's this oh you know what i heard what uh well before i go on to this uh what uh get with the program wrote here um did someone die someone told me yesterday that one of the hosts of that show died. Not recently. Um, like a couple of years ago.
Starting point is 01:24:31 Was he old? No, no, no. He was young. It's like, I think they're all like mid thirties. Do you want me to look it up?
Starting point is 01:24:43 I don't know. I mean, it's going to make me sad. Yeah sad yeah it is sad i don't like people dying early um sorry i'm late got caught up watching the high ticket online coaching commercial i don't know what that is hey will you go to the um high rocks instagram account so last night hunter hunter mcintyre won the world championships for the High Rocks. The girl who won, I forget her name, but she entered, I think, as the 12th seed. Man, she is hot. The girl who won, she is really pretty.
Starting point is 01:25:17 But what's a trip is after Hunter won, I went to their Instagram account. I think that's the girl who won. Let me see. Scroll down a little bit uh they okay what time did they post that picture of hunter winning will you click on that because they need someone needs to someone uh final time 5805 man he has a nice body 12 hours ago yeah that's too, that's too late. That's too late. Like, as he crossed the finish line.
Starting point is 01:25:50 Someone needs to work on their media. Well, how do you know it wasn't posted as he crossed the finish line? Because I was watching. Oh. I was fucking around. Did you see? Oh, yeah. I was.
Starting point is 01:26:01 And I couldn't find. Unless you were on their YouTube page, you couldn't find where the winner. You couldn't find out what was going on their YouTube page, you couldn't find where the winner – you couldn't find out what was going. Dude, look at homie's hammies. Look at that man meat right there. Jeez Louise. And look at his forearm. His right forearm, yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:20 Man, he's something else. I wonder if he's – oh, is that his dad? I wonder if he's something else. I wonder if he's... Oh, is that his dad? I wonder if he's happy with his finish. Well, I'm sure he's critical about it. Do you think he had a vape pen in his bag? That's a good question. Did he bring the vape pen with him? He really is, huh?
Starting point is 01:26:42 He really is something special. And then let's click on that pretty girl look how cute she is big old mandible look at look at look at her mouth she's like she's like i think i think when you have a mouth like that you're just strong i bet you hunter has a big mouth too dude can i look go back to hunter real quick i want to see if he has a big mouth for eating a lot of food and taking in a lot of air that's kind of hard to tell yeah it's hard in these photos. I was going to check out her.
Starting point is 01:27:12 Uh, he's probably pissed. Cause he got a one minute penalty. What was the penalty for? I don't remember. I saw that. It said, um,
Starting point is 01:27:19 5,805 proposed penalty or pre penalty. What does that mean? What did, Oh, is that the girl who won? Yeah. Click on the photo of the three girls with their arms around each other oh yeah those girls are that that high rocks things makes pretty girls those used to all be boys just like two years ago now look at them oh no high rocks and they're hot Oh, no. High Rocks and their hot chicks now. Incredible. Can you type in just into Google Hunter McIntyre and penalty and see if like there's like there should be an article already up, right?
Starting point is 01:27:59 Or we should be able to look that up. And this is just sort of to pick on there. I really enjoyed interviewing the um owner of high rock christian tootska tootski but uh but they their social media person should just be just firing shit out well maybe they don't have a solid team around it yet maybe maybe they don't have any media team no i mean i got nothing it's being dominated by the 2020 like an article from morning chaka hunter spartan game results no shit peter our interview with him hey peter can you call in and tell us what happened what if you did that you'd be that'd be a cool dude were you there should we
Starting point is 01:28:48 call hunter and ask him what happened the judge waved him through meaning he was still doing the wall balls and the judge told him he was done interesting see it's not crossfit you guys as judges in general well thanks, thanks, Vincent. That was a nice. He got a penalty because he didn't do enough burpees. No, you watched online. No, he didn't do enough burpees, but the judge. Judge waved him through doing lunges.
Starting point is 01:29:16 Think of broad jumps. One of them did one less and back. Okay. Okay. Number 181. Well congratulations hunter i hope we get to talk to you soon and what was the girl's name uh shoot chris uh and uh smoking hot chris congratulations to you too maybe you and hunter should make it it's not chris i apologize but i think it was what'd you say 181 181 this this this is this is. Look at this. This is a tool for moving giant human beings. Look at this machine right here. So this is a bed, and then the bed adjusts and kind of dumps you out, and then this machine comes over.
Starting point is 01:30:04 Oh, I guess you have to play it. You have to be able to lean forward. You have to be able to lean forward on your own. and kind of dumps you out, and then this machine comes over. Oh, I guess you have to play it. You have to play it. You have to lean forward. You have to be able to lean forward on your own, and then that thing carries you over to the dinner table. Just put the bowl up to your mouth like that. Dude, that thing just dumps you off on the couch. Look at it.
Starting point is 01:30:19 Well, I would hope that it wouldn't be made for obese people. I'd hope this is made for people that are incapable of moving on their own. Oh, come on, dude. And then maybe it gives them a little bit more freedom. Hey, look at this machine that picks them up. There's a place for you. Look at that where your legs go into. You see that leg catcher too?
Starting point is 01:30:39 His legs kind of don't reach it. Oh, I guess maybe they do. Wow, that's nuts. Hey, dude, that's for obese people. That dude right there is probably, what do you think, 50 pounds overweight? Mm-mm, 35. Oh, come on. I'm 35 pounds overweight.
Starting point is 01:31:03 You're not 35 pounds overweight. Hey, hey, that thing doesn't look like it's wide enough to pick up someone really big. Well, that's what I was saying. I think it's more about people who are incapable of doing that on their own. All right, fine. You win. Because that thing ain't picking any of those people up from Disneyland. Well, you've seen the thing that they use for obese people. It's like a crane. You know? Have you seen them next to like hot tubs and stuff? Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:30 That's not for obese people. That's for – Like artists you know? No, those are for non-ambulatory. Non-ambulatory. I used to be in the business. See? So we just switched roles there.
Starting point is 01:31:39 You see what happened right there? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I knew something you didn't know. I think. Can you play 178? south park solves the world problems 178 wow we're approaching 90 minutes i cannot believe it that was fast i'll see i knew somebody was gonna call me out on it oh on your beard it's just just yes thank you someone paralyzed Thank you. Someone paralyzed. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:32:06 Thank you. Yes. That's what it was. That's what I figured it was too. He's that demo guy. Wasn't fat enough. The demo guy needed to be. We are from the demo guy. Okay.
Starting point is 01:32:16 178, please. 178 South park. Okay. Here we go. Here we go. This is amazing. What is it? What is it for? We built the pyramid a long time ago to illustrate how much people should eat Here we go. This is amazing. Turn the pyramid upside down. If Cap is serious, that would put butter and fat at the top of the... Flip the damn food pyramid! This is not FDA approved!
Starting point is 01:32:47 It's dinner time on the East Coast in ten minutes. Now do it! Sir, we've got a match. Nutrition is ableizing. We've got a well-balanced vaccine, sir. Get the president on the phone. Tell him to have some steak with that pyramid. Even South Park knows that the fucking food pyramid is upside down. Isn't that crazy? We just watched over the last two years a million people die because they ate off the food pyramid wrong, and then they blamed it on some virus. It's fucking nuts.
Starting point is 01:33:29 And yet some fucking cartoon on Comedy Central has had the cure all along right in front of you. Hartman knew. Hartman? Hartman? What the fuck his name is. Hartman? It's so embarrassing. It's so fucking embarrassing hey does that make them that's real media that makes them real
Starting point is 01:33:52 fucking media and everything fauci said not real media do you understand that tommy shawnee do you do you understand that that makes them real media because it was real information that's useful to saving people's lives. And, you know, one of the criteria those goofballs said was production quality. There's no lower production quality than South Park. You know that, right? Tell me in 20, the South Park is not the good production value. Eric Hartman for president. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:34:23 You said something the other night to piss me off me no this fucking mr sprite oh i don't remember what it was i let it slide fucking open a can of whoop ass on that dude um we're getting through a lot of stuff here right yeah you're crushing it. Okay, thank you. This is a bizarre one. 179 from the Epic Times. Pharma gives $350 million in bonuses to Fauci and friends. What's crazy is you can't find a lot of information on this, but Fauci in the last two years has relieved 23 bonuses. I can't bring this up. Oh, you can't? Okay.
Starting point is 01:35:05 Here, I'll show you what it looks like. They want my information. Oh, let me see what happens if I... I know you don't like this when I do fuck around like this. Acting NIH director admits appearance of conflict of interest in secret royalty payments
Starting point is 01:35:21 to Fauci and scientists. Undisclosed royalty payments estimated $350 million from pharmaceutical and other firms to dr anthony fauci dr anthony fauci and hundreds of national institutes of health scientists do present quote an appearance of conflict of interest according to the agency's director like they even admit that it appears that way here's the part that was tripping me out though here's the part that was tripping me out uh but the issue faded from the oh so so this came up in 2005 when it was first reported may 9th of 2005 um hold on collins received 14 payments and fauci received 23 payments and his
Starting point is 01:36:08 deaf deputy clifford lane received eight payments between 2010 and 2020 it's nuts i don't even know how that can be okay well that's on top of his tax taxpayer funded salary of 456 000 a year it's not bad it's pretty good that's not media okay uh can we do what's what's can we do 180 this one scares me i didn't write anything or i erased it i don't even i don't know what this one is. Let's see here. Oh, my goodness. Okay. So,
Starting point is 01:36:57 how does anyone think that Pataki's not hittable? I mean, that is a yummy... That's a beautiful woman. I mean, that is a yummy... That's a beautiful woman. I mean, that's not the greatest picture of her face. It's kind of... But that's basically... That's the red-headed...
Starting point is 01:37:12 Let me show you. This is the same girl that we started the episode with. Do you remember her? Kiora? The girl who said, like, with the boobs? That's her. I think she's hot. I think she's hot i think she's i think she's smoking jen jen pataki i i invited this guy on the show too by the way the guy taking a picture with her peter ducey duchy ducey oh really yeah it'd be really cool to not like cool i guess but it would be interesting i should say to be around all those
Starting point is 01:37:46 people like all the political theater people when they're just like first woke up in the morning and they're just normal they're just up they're just like using the bathroom they're like hardly awake you know that everything hasn't been spinning yet or seem at the end of the night when they come and they sit down and they kind of take their shoes off and they hang the little White House badge up. Like what is what's going on then? What are they thinking about? What's a little self-awareness? What's I wonder if she hates herself.
Starting point is 01:38:12 She she has to know she she portrays herself as having no common sense. Not every prisoner is freaking innocent. If you talk to that prisoner. Oh, you know what I mean? freaking innocent if you talk to that prisoner oh you know what i mean like if you go into prison and you say hey what'd you do like very few answers you're gonna get somebody and half the time it's because they're in there for life and they have to like self-reflect and like deal with it but majority of the prisoners would give you in their eyes legitimate excuses as to what they did and why they did it and why they're not at fault so i don't know we have a incredible
Starting point is 01:38:46 coping mechanism for that inside of our heads too if you want to use it could be in denial about some shit i'm completely innocent johnny and tommy uh speaking of redheads how the hell does hill or not think annie thor's daughter's redhead yeah it's the first thing my mom and my sister said when i walked into the house. Thank you. I heard rumor that Andrew Hiller is on the Batman juice. God, I hope he's juiced to the gills. I don't think he is. I think he fake-bakes.
Starting point is 01:39:13 So he looks like he's on the juice. Yeah, I don't think he is. Parker had a good comment here. Thoughts on free Peloton membership for Congress members well nothing's free but yeah every like every every congressman should have a fucking assault bike in his fucking office and be required to ride it for 15 minutes for the door to open i'll start it if you're a livermore city
Starting point is 01:39:37 council member or anybody that's in the city council where you could have a free membership at my affiliate wow let's go with that What if every affiliate did this thing where they invited all the city council members into their gym and allowed them to go through some sort of free thing where you could get them working side by side within the community and working on themselves? Me likey. Put in the newsletter. Help the public servants. public servants yes yes yes we will get that in the newsletter that would be crazy i just got biden doing fran yeah just
Starting point is 01:40:16 a call to action we demand that all crossfit affiliates offer free memberships to their city council members hey doesn't it feel like the community is almost slowly taking crossfit back over uh just my delusion is that just because i'm hopeful for that to happen what say it again that what like the rebellion has started like the community is like hey we're done with the bs at crossfit like let's get back to the roots like and i i was thinking about this too and i was actually going to tell you this just on one of our normal day conversations. And I was like, because, you know, I've come on here and said, hey, if we did media, we did transformational stories about inside the affiliates.
Starting point is 01:40:51 And we just pushed the methodology and just kind of gave ourselves like CrossFit needs a bad guy, needs a villain, needs an enemy. Right. So, like, why can't we just make the broken science the enemy and then just charge right through with what we know about movement and nutrition and community and all the expertise that we have in that area and just start making a ton of media about it. And then I remembered something that you actually told me at one of the DDCs when I came up with my great idea about how you guys should turn every article into an audio version of that article so people could listen to it passively. And you were like, that's a great idea. You should do it. And I was like, oh shit, you're right.
Starting point is 01:41:28 I guess I'm over here just pointing out problems. So I was thinking, I was like, okay, well that's going to be the framework of the media that I'll use for the gym throughout the summer. It's just making content about the broken science and the different things that are pushed. This summer you're going to do that? Yeah, I'm going to do it now. I was just, you got me thinking about it too
Starting point is 01:41:44 when you were like, hey, you should have some of your clients be like, hey, what's one thing that you would normally go for? Like you go into Starbucks and you buy the, you know, coffee cake. And you know, I shouldn't have this coffee cake in the morning. It's loaded with sugar. It's got all the bread and everything else, right? And so we facilitate those conversations at the gym. Hey, what's one thing, you know, you sacrificed on or chose not to get in betterment of your health and then the question of the day and all the members answer it and then i was thinking about that after you had mentioned it and i was like that's a really good idea but we
Starting point is 01:42:11 i should just do it on a larger scale and then do it through social media content as well so not only at the whiteboard debrief but create that content put it out there and then make it free for any other affiliates that just want to rip it. They could either just steal it directly or they could just – And very soon you're going to hear it from the horse's mouth. You're going to get to come to the next – you're coming to the next speaking engagement that Greg's going to do. Super excited about that. Yeah, that'll be super stimulating. That's any day now.
Starting point is 01:42:41 that's any day now. Um, I was going to tie this into, I was going to say something crass until she opens her mouth, but I, but I'll leave it alone. Um, it's not that when she opens her mouth,
Starting point is 01:42:58 it's what comes out of her mouth. You just have to, okay. Uh, as you, uh, there was something I was going to tie to what you just said about, about the rebellion. This Jeremy Landis guy quitting
Starting point is 01:43:07 yeah it just seems like people are waking up to it and they're like hey let's just freaking make CrossFit for what it is and push back against all this crap can you play 172 I think Tosh.0 is the funniest comic and the best comic of life Can you play 172?
Starting point is 01:43:29 I think Tosh.0 is the funniest comic and the best comic alive. By far, hands down. I think he's hands down better than Chappelle. That's my opinion. He's great. I really like Tosh, but I don't know if he's better than Chappelle. I really, really like Tosh. 172. I know a lot of people have a problem with me saying that,
Starting point is 01:43:43 but I just think he is just beyond good. Here we go. This country, we're the only place with any diversity. The entire planet is segregated. You realize that when you watch international sports. I was trying to watch the World Cup despite hating it. Again, soccer is the most popular sport on the planet. That's because half the world can't afford AC. And that's about how long you have to run just to get tired enough to fall asleep in these godforsaken countries. You ever try to gamble on soccer? What's the over under? 0.5? How much time's left? It's a secret. I'm out. But we have diversity. Other teams don't. Or if you look at the Olympics, you look at our US gymnastics squad. We have an Asian girl, a white girl, a black girl. Look at the Chinese squad. Any guesses? Did you guess exclusively Chinese bitches? Yeah, that's all that's ever been on that team. That's
Starting point is 01:44:38 all that will ever be on that team. And they wonder why they're not getting golds anymore. Well, you better get a Harlem in China. By the way, I do love this country. When you hear this stuff too, it just makes all the fucking like, once again, it makes the last two years just complete idiocy to talk about the lack of diversity. I mean, we live with morons. I just want to take all of those people and just put them on southwest
Starting point is 01:45:07 flights and drop them off in beijing and be like here why don't you start here you can be the diverse people here you don't like it here go shoot go over there help this country really needs help we're good here and tosh is so funny my goodness he's so good that delivery uh uh i should oh man i should get this one into 175 for those of you who have kids you're gonna like this this i cannot believe jeremy i think this is jeremy kinnick will you click 175 it says this is i just started following this Instagram account. It's a homeschooling resource. It is Jeremy Kinnick. This is an insane Instagram account.
Starting point is 01:45:54 But if you have kids, you have to follow this account. You have to follow this account. Children are born with all the wonder they will ever need. Our job is not to take it away bam so true it's beyond true if you have kids who you came and believe their wonder their openness oh i'm gonna tell you a story i almost had to kick someone in the teeth it was gonna suck because it was a woman i showed up to tennis the other day with my kid and we always get there early of course and uh there's a parent there with her kid and the parents sitting on the lawn and our kids
Starting point is 01:46:33 are on the court warming up and one of the tennis instructors turn she's playing music and she turns to avi goes avi what kind of music would you like and he goes michael jackson and this woman with fucking two monster diamonds in her ear and her face covered with 18 layers of fucking makeup she's fucking clutching her fucking versace bags like he needs to be canceled no don't play him cancel him cancel him no no no and i'm thinking this this is the fucking idiocy of the world like no one wants to argue with this bitch that fucking michael jackson's not a fucking pedophile but my fucking kid is seven and he wants to hear beat it and he has no fucking idea even what michael jackson
Starting point is 01:47:17 looks like or that he's a fucking pedophile and you're fucking spouting off getting him fucking canceled well my boy just and he thinks now something's wrong with him, right? Because some parent is fucking having an explosion. And she was sitting on the grass. And she was like probably like three feet away from me. I wanted to just fucking just put my knee to her forehead. Like, hey, those are – that's like the same thing of like canceling – defunding the police to try to help minorities. No, no, that's not going to work.
Starting point is 01:47:44 Actually, that's going to get a shitload of them killed it's gonna make it worse like yeah like you didn't just help the situation there that was just completely selfish on your part what you just did it didn't help this you didn't protect any kids there you just hurt my fucking kid well that's as i said too because avi doesn't he has no context of what's going on. So what he's seeing is he made a suggestion that he was excited about and excited to share. And then an adult just went crazy about it. Yes. So now he's like, he's good. That that's it's in this weird little shit like that, that slowly happens that all of a sudden suppresses different things in kids right now.
Starting point is 01:48:20 He may, he may not speak out in class anymore because of, of situations like that. It's weird i remember we had this jar where you would like read a book in the third grade and you'd put a word in there that you didn't know and then they would like the teacher would go over and she'd grab all the words and we'd go over them together and i think i saw like batting eyelashes and i was like oh that's weird and batting eyelashes right you use a bat and this is a different this would be good i was all pumped about my word and i put it in there i remember she pulls it out and she goes batting eyelashes this isn't serious is it all you guys know what this is right and all the kids are like yeah and i was like oh man who put this one i'm like yeah who put that one idiot soon to know what that is and it was funny because that's just something that just
Starting point is 01:49:04 like stuck with me you know how old were you again i was in the third grade hey isn't it amazing and that's because she um that she that's because she was just reacting right that's because she's she's unconscious she's that's sheeple shit right it's actually one of my better uh teachers that i remember was really like invested this okay but yeah just funny that little things like that kind of stick with you and you're like well i'm not going to answer the question in class now because last time i did that i felt like shit um seatbelts kill 12 people a year did not people are where people are wearing seatbelts they get into a car accident and then the seatbelt kills them they also believe that seatbelts save 15 000 lives a year
Starting point is 01:49:51 so what do you guys think we should do should we get rid of seatbelts to save those 12 people yes oh okay every life matt then let's get we save one, Stefan, it is worth it. That's BLM. That's the left. That's liberal think. That's why DeSantos wants to teach financial literacy. We live with fucking morons who can't do a relative risk assessment, who can't do simple third-grade math. a relative risk assessment who can't do simple third grade math.
Starting point is 01:50:28 Medical errors, medical errors cost 250,000 deaths a year. Should we get rid of doctors? 5,000 people die a year from choking. Should we just liquefy all food to save everyone's life? Well, everything has to be blended life is not safe there's a quote i like it's actually so risky you're not going to make it out alive it's just nuts the people we live with just their thinking process it's just so fucking mangulated. I don't know what this clip is. It's 168.
Starting point is 01:51:05 Will you play that? I just love how much I get to erase because I've written so much about it on my list here. 168. Oh, here we go. Here we go. We're just committed in this country. We're committed by people of color. That's true.
Starting point is 01:51:26 But why are they telling you that on Fox News? We're not killing you. I looked it up. 92 percent of the people that black people that murder were other black people. What the fuck are you scared of, sir? I'm not clutching your purse. Move. I'm trying to shoot the motherfucker behind you yes 50 of all murders committed in this country were committed by people colored now you have to be batshit crazy also to think that skin color is is the cause it's just a correlate and it's a fucking whore it's a correlate. No one's born black, and then they're more likely to shoot someone.
Starting point is 01:52:07 That's completely missing the point. But unfortunately, it's presented like that, and that's why we have so many fucking idiots. It's culture. It's the way your parents raise you. It has nothing to do with skin color, but it's still a funny bit. It's still a funny bit, and that's why you can't – that's why it's so sad what happened. If you still know anyone who's a fucking liberal, you have to – it's come to the point where they're part of this ideology that's just getting fucking – so many fucking people injured and killed. So many fucking people.
Starting point is 01:52:54 It's fucking bad okay not people like me though not people like me who live up in the fucking in the in the in the hills in the country fucking a couple miles from the beach i was at the beach last two days in a row getting my fucking tan on playing with my kids not people like me um how about what's this 166 how are you for time uh i'm all right i gotta be at the gym in about an hour okay i gotta go i gotta go uh 166 not in the crossfit level one i wonder what this is not in the crossfit level one can you see what it is yes oh i don't even know what it is i'm glad you're laughing it's just this one ah yes now listen listen before we play this uh i i i really i was i've never a huge fan of partner workouts or any of that shit until recently i saw this video and um and i immediately sent it to my wife and i was like hey we should go in the garage and do some partner pull-ups
Starting point is 01:53:49 so look at look at this this is a great uh i've been sending this one around is there audio with this just a song look at that that a girl that a girl look at that what a generous generous help god hey when i watched that i in my brain like they didn't plan that out but they did right yeah yeah yeah in my in my brain he's just a fucking knucklehead and he actually did that i've seen i've seen some weird we did one time this fundraiser for uh the wildfires and um that happened like santa rosa this is years back and i watched one of the guys that we were doing with it was a couple of us like smaller gyms and what was like
Starting point is 01:54:36 a cardio kickbox gym and the guy was like super aggressive like the guy who owned it was like a trainer and i watched him go over and they were doing kettlebell swings and he grabbed one of my like members like hips that was there like just for the fundraiser and he's like no you got a hinge like that i she turned around so quick i thought she was just gonna knock this dude out oh like he was standing behind her like hitting behind her it went yeah and it was funny because afterwards she was talking to me she goes you know and she's been a member for a long time and she she goes, you know, I'm really close with you. And like, you've trained me a lot. And she goes, and I've never once felt uncomfortable.
Starting point is 01:55:11 She's like, I knew that guy for five seconds. And that was the most uncomfortable thing ever. She goes, how do you just grab? She goes, would you ever do that to somebody? I'm like, no. Only if you want to get punched or sued. You can't just grab somebody's hips like that see what wads on me just said no wow i posted that and got accused of promoting sexual assault
Starting point is 01:55:34 oh you did shit and then i think you had to come on and be like relax it's a boyfriend and girlfriend or husband and wife or something oh it's so funny okay now let let let the yes let's let's let's clean this let's go to 163 this says camera cock ring cock ring oh my gosh what is that one 163 oh sorry this page isn't available oh man oh like i this. I'll show you. Oh, man. Maybe it got blocked. Okay. Number 162, this never gets old. 162, this never gets old.
Starting point is 01:56:16 Is this something old that's been around forever? It's like an old prank, but it never gets old. Okay. Let's see. Oh, yeah. Oh, dude, I was fucking crying. I was crying when I saw this.
Starting point is 01:56:30 This is so good. Yes, let's play. Let's play this a few times. What the fuck? Are you fucking serious? What? You're a fucking cock fucker? What the fuck are you doing? This is a fucking filthy,'re a fucking cock fucker. What the fuck are you doing? It's Nathan.
Starting point is 01:56:48 Fucking filthy, dirty, fucking cock fucker. Let me hear that guy one more time. He's so angry. What the fuck? Are you fucking serious? What? You're a fucking cock fucker. What the fuck are you doing? It's Nathan. Fucking filthy,'re a fucking cock fucker? What the fuck do you think you are? It's Nathan.
Starting point is 01:57:06 Fucking filthy, dirty, fucking cock fucker. I like how funny you think it is. Oh, shit. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:57:30 Savon, what do you think about the little white boy going to the black family's house with the whip i don't like like like what kind of whip like a like a honda civics lower lowered honda civic what do you mean he went with the whip cool whip cool whip like that whipped cream yeah what i don't even know i don't know i don't get it i don Yeah, I don't even know. I don't know. I don't get it. I don't know. I don't know. Why does it have to be a white boy in a black family? Why can't it be just a little – maybe it was a little girl. How do you know it was a little boy? Did he tell you it was a little boy?
Starting point is 01:57:56 I don't know, man. I got just hyper-focused on race. Oh, my goodness. Hyper-focused. She's sneezing. So what happened? Did you say something to her or did the tennising. No, no. So what happened? Did you say something to her or did the tennis coach?
Starting point is 01:58:09 No, I did not. I, I, I, I assessed that, um, uh, that it probably wouldn't be. I told, I, I had some words with Avi later, but tell him like that he can listen to all the Michael Jackson he wants. Like that's just, That's just goofball. When you see adults do that, spaz out like that, don't mimic that. We always stay in control. 165's good. It talks about Rosa Parks, but we'll save that. That's a really good one.
Starting point is 01:58:41 That is an amazing wiki article on claudette colvin she was actually the woman who sat in the front of the bus and didn't go to the back and the case was actually about her and not about rosa parks but um but claudette colvin was uh according to the wiki article she was pregnant out of wedlock and so they didn't want to use her as the poster child so um i think it was originally like churches that really got behind the the movement right uh like oh i don't know i don't know because i read something that it was like i forget which book it was but they did a kind of like a case study on that like why it moved so many people and because it was just enough of a removal of like,
Starting point is 01:59:26 it wasn't somebody close enough to you, but it was somebody within your community that was acquainted. That was an acquaintance that you would continuously run into. And they found that like, that has like that particular relationship has a power to kind of like move people to action. Other than people closer to you or people further away. It's funny you say that too, because I remember, um, uh, uh, Greg wanted to build a,
Starting point is 01:59:57 um, he was actually in the process of building a CrossFit gym. He w he was looking for the biggest church in Atlanta. And, uh, and it was a church just, you know, it was a black congregation. I forget, I forget the details of it, but he wanted to build, or he was going to build a CrossFit gym right there and offer free CrossFit to anyone next to that church. And the whole point was, is not because it was for black people, but because he wanted a demographic that was obese and he wanted to train them for free. And he wanted to show proof of concept that you could have fucking 500 people in here that are all 100 pounds overweight and take the weight off of them but he was going to use a church to do that use that that community that's already there like what did you just how did you describe it like it would spread like wildfire through the church yeah because of the community that they have already yep yeah it's fascinating someone should still do that that would be a cheap project for someone who's got fucking bank
Starting point is 02:00:46 yeah and it would create jobs how about 158 from twitter that'd be cool I tried to go to HQ a bunch of times too when they had the
Starting point is 02:01:03 that program that was going on because that was free there, right? At HQ. Yes, yes, that was free there. Yes, that was. Yeah, we had that program. We had that program at HQ, yes. That was one of the things that Rosa closed down, ironically. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:20 They were going to make the company more inclusive, and now that whole office is gone. And yeah, that's a whole – I've talked about that a bunch. Okay. So this is this is Bill Gates lying to us. Listen to this. This is just more batshit crazy. Listen to this. there's no way, you know, this, there's been too much travel without diagnosis for us to contain this. And then at that point, we didn't really understand the fatality rate. You know, we didn't understand that it's a fairly low fatality rate, and that it's a disease mainly of the elderly, kind of like flu is, although a bit different than that so that was pretty scary period right uh where the world didn't go on alert including the united states nearly as fast as it needed to ah did you see his posture right there as fast as it needed to dude we always knew the fatality rate they had the fatality rate right away it was the china was sharing
Starting point is 02:02:25 its numbers like almost immediately we knew the fatality rate on the boat we knew the fatality rate he's he's a fucking liar and it does it kills the old people thing is once again just to correlate because he's not a scientist he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. It's fucking nuts. Oh, but that's real media because he was wearing a sweater and it had depth of field. That shot had depth of field. Please, boys, will you clip that and send that to Tommy and Shawnee and find out if that's true? Well, he uses right away.
Starting point is 02:03:00 Well, the experts. Well, Rosa isn't an inclusive person person if you don't fit what he wants for the company you won't be there even if you're perfect for the job good point mark bill speaking the truth people who created the virus and released it did not understand it would be far less lethal oh my gosh i like that well for you win good okay uh 158 guys two hours into the show thank you so much holy cow what a great show uh happy sunday uh tomorrow i do believe at um 7 a.m is tomorrow yami comes on yep 7 a.m i'm pumped uh he is uh one of the most uh i wouldrecognized and yet probably top of the food chain coaches in the CrossFit space. He's been everything Flowmaster, L1 team, gym owner, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 02:03:52 And now he's in Iceland with the super team. It's arguably one of the best camps going right now. I'm pumped to talk to him out of Iceland, find out everything that's going on. And then tomorrow night at 6.30 p.m., excuse me, Brian Friend and I, well, Brian Friend will be going over the semifinals, and I will be harassing Brian as he tries to get through the show and tell us the good shit about the semifinals. And then on Tuesday, we have Zach coming on. Zach's lost 120 pounds and kept it off for four years. I'm super pumped to have him on. And then I think in the evening we will have Hunter McIntyre on the high rocks, a world championship champion from Vegas and maybe the female winner too.
Starting point is 02:04:34 If we can get her. All right. Thank you very much. And we will talk to you guys in 18 hours. Bye. Peace.

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