The Sevan Podcast - #402 - Andrew Hiller & Taylor Self, Fraud and Semifinals

Episode Date: May 18, 2022

Joined by Andrew Hiller and Taylor Self to round up discussion on the situation with Talking Elite Fitness and Greg Glassman. Talking through the instagram post by the CrossFit book talking about fina...ncially benefiting from deception behind a paywall. We then talk through some of Hiller's video on the semifinals. Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon codeĀ - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! - THE BARBELL BRUSH - OUR TSHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- #TheSevanPodcast #CrossFitGames #CrossFit Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Attention all soccer fans. From Orlando to Los Angeles, take to the fields of the USA for your next vacation. Ready to kick off? Discover exciting games and events. Plus, find amazing hidden gems in cities full of adventures, delicious food, and diverse cultures. You'll love it so much,
Starting point is 00:00:18 you'll want to extend your stay beyond the matches. Get the ball rolling on your soccer getaway. Head to This episode is brought to you by New Balance Running. New Balance believes if you run, you're a runner. Whether you're going for your first ever run around the park or going for your personal best in a marathon, speed, strength, stamina, whatever goal you're working toward. New Balance has the running shoes, clothes, and accessories to push your run further and help you run your way.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Find yours at slash running. New Balance, run your way. Good enough. Bam, we're live. Oh, we're in. Here we go. Holy shit. Are you on MDMA? Am I? Yeah. How'd you know know just because of the strobes and shit or does that mean it's just that what is that pride or is that emergent is that defcon 5 i mean it could be interpreted a lot of ways you know i've had a lot of people ask what it is and i haven't told anybody yet should i leave it a mystery it's my it's a
Starting point is 00:01:22 freaking stereo it's like the the flashing stereo lights you heard it now now the illusion is gone everyone knows Jeremy Williams wow three kids four kids one wife three kids well either way thank you super sticker what does that mean that just means I got $5. That's cool. Thank you. It's very cool, actually. Sevan and Hiller, dong the show.
Starting point is 00:01:55 And then the next one says, remember when you were afraid of me? I remember. Remember when Sevan was scared? Why can't I still be scared? Look at it. I'm very scared scared these lights and all this shit he's never invited me to his house so he's still afraid look at that dude this thing is so nice i don't know if everyone gets one of these when they order
Starting point is 00:02:21 but mine comes in this magnetic glass case like that with this protection it's a colton merton's uh collector's card and it it sits in here open it you're gonna feel good anymore oh shit do you not know how that works man only worth twelve thousand dollars now and then look it's got this stand no way No way. Oh, no shit. You should get him to sign it. I will. Oh, shit. Get his dad to sign it, too. Do you want to re-stay all you?
Starting point is 00:03:00 Do you know he was on the show? A fake Colt Mertens dad called in dick mertens once and then and then and my mom thought it was the real colt merton's dad and then later on the real colt merton's dad called in right caleb like it was oh shit oh shit oh shit no the show got canceled unless you want to be on this show what show fuck hold on hold on fuck okay hold on i fucked this all up this is what a mess hold on i oh man what a fucking mess what a mess it's like you're a professional media man okay let's see and i'm not a professional i am for sure media i don't want anyone to say different, but professional, not so much.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Like Dave's a professional. I'm not a professional. I'm very effective. We will have a newsletter be going out at 645 this evening. Go to the Sevan Podcast website and sign up for your email now and you will get it in 12 minutes. Is that what it's called? The Sevan podcast dot com or? Yep.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Sevan podcast dot com. Holy shit. Look at your bandana. I hope a shirt wasn't injured in the making of that. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Yeah. You sent me a medium, man.
Starting point is 00:04:22 I can't wear a medium. It was like the tightest shirt i've ever worn in my life you know what you do you you cut the sleeves off of it and you get this awesome it's a one of a kind stand up and step back a little bit i want to see yeah man oh that is good holy shit okay so as a medium it does it's good it fits well as a medium so yeah you buy a size small and you cut the sleeves off you learned that in high school wow everyone does that to learned that in high school. Wow.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Everyone does that to their shirts in high school because they have all the ones I'll never wear again. Do you actually cut them off or do you take one of those thread removers, like, from your mom's gear? I was never able to find one of those, so I did it myself. Oh, Taylor. Andrew Hiller, this is the thumb with a mustache, otherwise known as Taylor. taylor so we were supposed to do a show with brian tonight and it got moved why did he cancel i can't tell you that it's not it's too private can we still talk about semi-finals programming i did we're we could a little i guess what else are we going to talk about if we have to you can hang out and i don't know if you want to be a part of this fucking debauchery.
Starting point is 00:05:25 I don't know if you want to be a part of this debauchery. We appreciate his comment on my YouTube video the other day. That was pretty good. I actually laughed. Did you see it? He's investing in his future by saying nice comments on your account now. Did you see the comment? No.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Where is it? Is it on your Instagram? It's pinned on the first video of the talking privy fitness it got like 100 likes i bet by at this point oh yes i did see that i did see that it entails how he was watching the video it was awesome caleb are you on that or what oh followed by the meme that she put up of Brucie and Matilda with a chocolate cake. That was good. I died at that. That was very funny. We should start with ā€“
Starting point is 00:06:11 Sevan, you identify as a ā€“ Shit, where is that? There was something funny on there. Sevan, you identify as a media person. Anyone says anything different, and it's sexism. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Corey. Media person, anyone says anything different and it's sexism.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Corey. Caleb, can we start with something lighthearted and see what the champ was doing today? Mr. Justin Medeiros, the fittest man alive. Sorry, we're already going to make Taylor feel bad. Why are you making me feel bad? Because we're going to show, because we're showing what the champ's doing. While you're sitting around on a podcast.
Starting point is 00:06:47 This is champ shit champ shit baby she's a fussing and a cussing as i'm packing the truck i ain't working for daddy and her mama thinks i need to grow up oh that's dangerous I got two questions. Yes. Is he sponsored by that truck company? I hope so. And two, Frazier would have never allowed him to do that. It's like, you know, Frazier wasn't taking risks.
Starting point is 00:07:19 He could have fell on his neck there. Well, if they were paying him, he would have. Exactly. Exactly. Sponsored by Ram, including the injuries. Seven, are you going to ever open that box on your couch? Yes. on his neck there well if they were paying him he would have exactly sponsored by ram including the injuries seven are you gonna ever open that box on your couch yes the thing with this box was is they were they were i think they were doing a deal where you get 15 off if you go to steve's caleb do you know about that deal no that you were supposed to get
Starting point is 00:07:44 15 off if you went to steve's and you put in seven and i never got for sure about that deal no that you were supposed to get 15 off if you went to steve's and you put in seven and i never got for sure if that deal uh went through can you can you go to steve's caleb the website steve's auto sales or no steve's beef jerky oh my goodness you got a beef jerky sponsor that's so cool sticks um and so i was waiting to like i was gonna eat a little bit of this shit on every show once i found out if the if the if they really had a discount for our yeah that's it someone buy something from there and type in seven see if you get 15 off Someone buy something from there and type in Sevan, see if you get 15% off. Oh my goodness. By the way, the California hormones thing is exploding.
Starting point is 00:08:33 So many of you guys are contacting them and getting your blood work done. That's really cool. If anyone wants to talk to me about that in the DMs, let me know. I'm really curious to hear about that. Oh yeah, you should. Okay, let's not talk about that while Taylor's on the show. That could fucking end up drug testing him in five minutes. Did you see that list that came out? What?
Starting point is 00:08:49 Did you see the drug test list that came out? No, what's that? Nope. What was it? Where is it? I haven't pulled up. It just came out. Athletes with negative tests for results ban substances.
Starting point is 00:09:00 And I have everyone from the 2021 and 2022 season. I was going to do a video on this, but I guess we can talk about it. Wait a second. They're negative people? Yeah, it's a bunch of athletes that are negative. Everyone's negative, which is good. I mean, they're supposed to be negative, but everyone in 2022 is like Andrea Nistler, Gabby McGowan, Laura Horvath, Sarah, Ricky Gerard, Roman.
Starting point is 00:09:21 They're all negative. So the discount code does work. Steve's. Oh, shit. Go to Steve's and type in Sevan and get 15% off. I don't know how long that's going to last. Holy shit. $1.01 off.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Dude. Sick. I want to tell you something. When they did this, I go, hey, they're like, hey, we'll send you some jerky. And I said, okay, but I want my guys to get a discount who watch. I go, nothing stupid either. And I was thinking like 5% was stupid. I was thinking 10% would be good.
Starting point is 00:09:51 15% is fucking a good discount, I think. Beef jerky is not cheap. No. Good. Okay. Are you going to share that or are you just going to eat it? Send some this way um have you have you watched any of taylor i'm not sure how valuable you're gonna be on tonight's show besides just
Starting point is 00:10:12 being looking like a thumb um can you pull up hillar's um youtube page and we'll go through the videos holy cow um tommy and um sean Sean got... You saw the post, right? I sent you or you sent it to me? The Ronald McDonald one? I sent you the clip on my research on what the hell that was talking about. Otherwise, I had no idea what it was talking about in reference to Ronald McDonald.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Oh, because you're too young. It was talking about something in the 70s, man. Who knows what that's talking about? Did you get it when you saw it? What did you think when you saw that? Well, to be honest, at first I thought they fucked up the Mayor McCheese
Starting point is 00:10:54 and the Hamburglar. I was like, that's not what the Hamburglar looks like. Do you remember the Hamburglar? Yeah, I know him, but Taylor, did you know who Mayor McCheese was? Any idea? No fucking clue. Yeah. He's, uh, he was excommunicado in like the 70s um can you pull up the ronald mcdonald i don't know what you google for that caleb um and then we'll go sorry i know i'm asking you a million different things uh the ronald mcdonald team like uh i wonder if ronald mcdonald would he looks more like a decathlete than a crossfitter huh
Starting point is 00:11:25 Ronald McDonald I suppose yeah that was a softball for you buddy that was just like a easy one over the plate like so for you to say something so uh talk about something that I can put in put in uh okay so here we go here they are so we I know Ronald McDonald and I know the Hamburglar, and... Grimace. Is that the shake guy, the purple guy? The purple dude, yeah. He got the... Oh, damn, I don't know these people's names.
Starting point is 00:11:55 I used to know the Hamburglar. You said him already. And what's that black shadow in the background? There's just a good dildo back there. It's probably you. And then I don't know who the pirate is and then and then are those like the french fry guys is that where's mayor mccheese that's the mystery man isn't that part of the entire deal or no can you play that video um uh beaver that evidence we have that mayor mccheese um exists
Starting point is 00:12:24 exemplified in a 1971 mcdonald's commercial about him running for re-election. In his bumbling speech, he consistently requires Ronald McDonald to correct him. Ronald has to recommend the word trustworthy instead of Mayor McCheese's strange use of self-winding to describe cheeseburgers. Ronald also shoots down his idea for a cheeseburger in every glove compartment. Well, McCheese has been re-elected. cheeseburgers. Ronald also shoots down his idea for a cheeseburger in every glove compartment. Well, McCheese has been reelected. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. By the late 80s, however, Mayor McCheese had disappeared while Ronald McDonald enjoyed popularity into the next generation. The only time the beefy. OK, and can you show the post from the CrossFit origin book today? Have you seen this, Taylor?
Starting point is 00:13:05 No. So basically what happened is Sean and Tom put out a video on their Patreon, and they took some shots at myself, Hiller, and Greg. And it was a bunch of ambiguous, just, it was mean. It was mean, woke shit. Mean and woke. Was that? I was going to ask, was that from the clip from the second video,
Starting point is 00:13:37 Hiller, that you made? Both videos. They were both videos. Yeah, I watched both those videos. Oh, thanks. So basically, they make these unverified claims, but they're ambiguous claims. They don't exactly tell you what you're talking about. So, Taylor, I'm not going to tell anyone that I saw you leaving the preschool this afternoon, but you should be worried.
Starting point is 00:13:58 It's like, wait, what? Just saying shit like that. It's just fucking nonsense. And so this was posted today, and this is from the CrossFit book, and it says, Greg and I were chatting about what should be done to address the recent podcast that called him a liar, made false and disparaging claims about him, and warned Greg's friends they should be wary of posting pictures with him. That was one of the things that Tom said in there, that Dave shouldn't take pictures with Greg
Starting point is 00:14:28 because Greg could be persona non grata or something like that. Yep, yep. Greg had this to say about the co-host. Beyond the uncanny resemblance lies the striking similarity between the importance of Tommy and Sean to CrossFit and Ron and Hip Zoner, I think that's a mayor McCheese to, uh, McDonald's,
Starting point is 00:14:47 uh, success. Wait, well, his, his honor, his honor, his honor,
Starting point is 00:14:53 his owner, his owner. Oh yeah. His honor, mayor McCheese. Okay. His honor. That's how they spell his honor.
Starting point is 00:14:59 It's gangster. Okay. It's super gangster. And then, uh, uh, yeah, this, um, this is interesting. And can I see the comments real quick?
Starting point is 00:15:14 Did CrossFit book ā€“ there's something else in the comments that they said that really caught my eye that I was like, oh, shit, that's not good. Can you pull that back up, Mr. Beaver? good can you pull that back up uh mr beaver um uh keep going a quick uh the last thing i want to do is drive traffic to fake news that comment yeah what else does it say so the last thing i want to do is drive traffic to fake news it's behind behind a paywall. It was a response to a comment. Yeah, they're financially profiting from their deception, which is classified as fraud in the legal world. That part trips me out. That part's really concerning. The last thing I want to do is drive traffic to fake news.
Starting point is 00:16:10 What they do is drive traffic to fake news. It's beyond a paywall, so they're financially profiting from their deception, which is classified as fraud in the legal world in case anyone is interested. So that means someone is talking to lawyers, and fraud is not good. I think fraud is criminal shit. Can we look up the word fraud, Beaver? uh beaver uh so what's interesting is i think one of the one of the defense elements that tommy and sean were saying is hey it was behind a paywall we were talking shit okay fraud wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain yeah that's bad it's bad i thought oh and he's gone where'd he go just like that he can just go like that yeah he can just go i don't blame him he doesn't want to do you know why he want nothing you want nothing to do oh shit he's back bad
Starting point is 00:16:51 i was like look he don't want none either dude i was trying to i was trying to respond to a comment so i hit log in just shouldn't have touched anything oh my goodness this is if you look up fraud hopper's picture pops up my goodness savage so so caleb caleb caleb's gonna fall out of his chair he's laughing so hard ouch oh my goodness gp's previous comment was funnier oh tommy marquez is in the chat, baby. So it's an interesting ā€“ it's an interesting ā€“ oh, he did. Why is he crying in that picture? Is that really him? We're triggering him. So it's a ā€“ will you pull that back up again, that quote? I'm just tripping on that.
Starting point is 00:17:45 If it was supposed to be your defense that people were charging or it was private, but now it seems like that defense may backfire and that that actually is profiting from deception, which is classified as fraud in the legal world in case anyone was interested. Interesting. The RealSavon podcast has all the details. Well, I don't know if I have all the details, but I find this. It makes for good media. It makes for good media. It makes for good media. I've done a little research.
Starting point is 00:18:19 I have three pages of notes. Is it on what media is or were you going to get back into that? No. pages of notes is it on what media is so were you gonna get back into that no um uh so and and i oh can you bring up the um can you go to the talking elite fitness uh instagram account um caleb this is another interesting thing that i found and there's a um i gave you a link to that oh oh that's not what the bats look like on my when on wow do you see those bats but is that the way the bats look on your phone no they're not they look smaller and neater they look much cooler than that hey that's because caleb's on a fucking pc my gap my when people post because he built it wrong yeah he built that because he built it wrong. Yeah. He built that thing. He built it wrong. The bats look all messed up.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Yeah, it's supposed to be a profile of the bat. Yeah. Anyway, what's up with the shirt? Well, I don't know what's up with the shirt, but I'm just noticing that the sale of their shirt, maybe it looks like these people want you to buy one. Well, if you scroll through, are there more bats in there or is that it? I think that's it. That's it on the bats? Let's see.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Let's see the reply. Let's see the reply to those bats. More bats? What are those those sheep oh gosh anteaters what are those someone bending over grabbing their ankles they're poodles oh no they're poodles man i don't know what type of freaking poodle you know okay yeah but either way i see what i want to see i see a man smiling at me bending over and grabbing his ankles. That's what I see. So, you know, that's a quote from a YouTube video, right?
Starting point is 00:19:50 Oh, don't hug me. I'm scared. Have you seen that? No. All right. Don't watch it. It's kind of messed up. I should have.
Starting point is 00:19:56 I should have. That should have been my theme song before I met you. Don't hug me. I'm scared. And then, and then finally we have the, um, the WAD zombie meme. Um, which there's a new meme account. Do you see the new one? And then finally we have the WAD zombie meme. There's a new meme account. Do you see the new one?
Starting point is 00:20:10 Oh, yeah, I did. So I don't get this. Anyway, this one's good. What do you mean you don't get this? This is funny as hell. I know. People say that. Why am I so ā€“ I'm dumb. She's like, oh, she's tempting him.
Starting point is 00:20:20 She's chaining him to the bed. He's like getting into it. He's like, oh, what's with the headphones? And then they turn on talking and leave fitness. And he's like, get me the hell out of here! You get it now? Or does that resonate with you? Screaming the safe word. She tied him up.
Starting point is 00:20:32 She's torturing him, man. Oh, it's torturing. Okay, okay. What new meme account? I don't know. It had a handful of followers. Let's see if I can find it. Do we, do you know about it? I saw, uh, I want to say I put a link to it. I saw it today.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Why is it not popping up on my phone? Oh, I can't wait to talk to you about the torque tank. Pukie posts. Oh, there it is. There it is. Yeah. I don't get this one either. I mean, I get it. It's Ronald McDonald and i get it's uh tommy and i get that it's a
Starting point is 00:21:09 i don't get it there are some other funny ones on there this one's just kind of a hodgepodge of a whole bunch of stuff i think i don't get it it needs it needs to be funny seven way to put yourself as a true boomer because i don don't fucking get the fucking sex torture. Quiet. Oh. Okay. The comments are kind of wild right now. They're going to need that shirt money.
Starting point is 00:21:36 I don't think that was really Tommy. Do you? No. I don't know. It would be a wild icon if it were. I wonder if Sean will call in again today look at his look at his instagram profile picture he takes himself way too seriously yeah that's why that's why you got to be here taylor so you can tell us that those facts that's
Starting point is 00:21:56 good i wouldn't have thought of that i mean he's like he's like they've got the whole yeah no way uh i don't think he's coming for that ass. I think he's going to three, three D me through a glass. What? He strikes me as a guy that can't laugh at himself. He's going to three D me through a coffee table or something is what he said. I don't, but,
Starting point is 00:22:18 but I mean, if he wants a piece of that ass, I've got a bit of a rabbit hole to go down here. If you're ready for it, man, is that, are we leaving this subject? No, it's on subject.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Okay, let's do it. Is it about fraud and slander? Is Tommy Marquez's brother a buttery bro? I think he's a filmmaker. I can't remember his name. He's definitely a filmmaker. Is it by chance that I put out a buttery bro video and then they put out that video or is that just a coincidence that we don't believe in oh you mean like you fuck with his well i mean tommy fucks with the buttery bros too yeah he's in a lot of their videos they have it like they
Starting point is 00:22:57 have you know it's obviously primarily marsden and heber and then there's the supporting cast. I see Julian in there a lot. Julian? I don't know. And I see Tommy in there a lot. Yeah, so it would just be connecting a couple of dots right there. I was like, wait a minute. Is this why?
Starting point is 00:23:19 I don't know. I don't know what the, Oh, there's two. They're both Julian Julian and Tom. Okay. Well then there's another Julian too, who used to work at CrossFit that rolls with them too. Those are two separate guys. Wow. I didn't know Tommy's brother was, that's a coincidence too. We don't believe in coincidences. Oh, it's not a coincidence. It was, it's just why it happened.
Starting point is 00:23:43 I don't know why those guys have um and i i i seriously have no idea why those guys had why tommy and sean have an axe to grind i have no idea why they keep bringing this shit up i don't know if something rubbed them the wrong way i like they need to move off of it whatever they're doing but but that post i'm sure freaks them out freaks crossfit out freaks CrossFit out, freaks everyone out. That is fucking ā€“ someone is talking to fucking legal. And I ā€“ what they said, if I ā€“ to say that ā€“ to say what they said about Greg and Dave and about taking pictures with Greg and just to leave it like that is fucking ignorant and it's and it's vicious it's a vicious fucking attack it is truly vicious and to think that there won't be repercussions for that or that they won't get greg's attention they're they're mistaken and that's showing that post is showing it and i also think that this
Starting point is 00:24:40 thing isn't playing out if you want to know my two cents the way tommy and um shawnee would have liked it to i think what's happened is uh based on your videos, there's 500 comments now on both videos, and no one's come to their defense. It's almost ā€“ I don't know what they're going to do. But I had made the statement that I'm pretty sure in the sale of CrossFit, CrossFit Inc. is not allowed to disparage Greg. And Sean Woodland is the voice of CrossFit and Tommy is the CrossFit Games host.
Starting point is 00:25:13 And they're both going to be working events in two weeks. And how are those guys who are the face of CrossFit disparaging Greg when that's in the agreement of the sale? It's not good. It's not good. It doesn't seem very good. I wouldn't want to be there right now.
Starting point is 00:25:29 It's like that feeling where your butthole puckers up. You're like, ugh. Yeah, yeah. I agree. I agree. Okay. Can we pull up that footage we have of Taylor in high school when he streaked the games. Let's just fuck it.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Let's just burn that right now. When he streaked the high school homecoming game naked. You did this? No. I wish we had that. Caleb, can you? I was looking forward to it. Caleb, can you pull up Hiller's videos again?
Starting point is 00:26:00 Okay, here we go. Let's start so we get, no, we'll just start at the beginning. You introduced your fiance early this week and you said something. We won't stay on this one long, but you said something. It's called special guest two days ago. Right there. You say in here that when the relationship started, it was under her terms. Oh, yeah, that's about right. And i immediately went to the place of oh that means you were just like she had like four boyfriends and you were just like wednesday she had no i was
Starting point is 00:26:31 thursday oh okay no she had a long-term one that i was just trying to like you know get out of here and it took a little while so did you share her or did she have firm boundaries with you there were some firm boundaries for me. Wow. I kind of went off and did my own thing for a little bit. Yeah. Then she came around a couple of years later. Can we rewind that part where she does the shake weight again? I thought, you know what?
Starting point is 00:26:57 I got you. I click baited you right there. I'm like, I know he's going to see this. I know he's going to be all about it. There's a handful of other things in here that I thought you would have liked to. There it is. Yeah, that's really good is that is that on accident or do you tell her to do that on purpose she was just doing her own thing and i edited the video on my terms i kept it in there she's she's gonna come in here right now i'm like
Starting point is 00:27:21 what are you doing it's so fucking fucking it's so funny. Fucking brilliant. Take note. It's always good to use two hands once in a while. It's always good. It's always good to use two hands once in a while. One hand is usually the preferred technique, but two hands, there's nothing wrong with two hands. It's not nothing. And if you can find a third hand. You ever done that?
Starting point is 00:27:43 Six hands. Six hands. The more hands on the pole the better i didn't know six hands fit on this yeah dude i meant like there she is these are all for you too seven how do you think who took that who took that the black and white that may have been ron gooley it's either i think it was either ron gooley or it might have been fury fury photography i know fear no that was ron for sure this one and then the one in the yard It was either Ron Gouldy or it might have been Fury, Fury Photography. I know Fury. No, that was Ron for sure, this one.
Starting point is 00:28:07 And then the one in the yard is totally Fury. And then that one, I'm not sure. Is she growing her hair long again? She's working on it, yeah. She was a brunette for a bit. She was a redhead for a bit. And when I met her, she was blonde. And now she's back blonde.
Starting point is 00:28:20 It was long. She chopped it all off. It's been a cycle. Yeah, it's short and blonde there. What color do you think the human thumb, what color do you think his hair is? Andrew's hair? My hair. Yes, your hair.
Starting point is 00:28:34 It's red. Look at it. I mean, it's mustache, right? It's like an orange. It's red. My hair's brown, but for whatever reason, my mustache. When's the last time it was grown out? Like two years ago, maybe? This fucking guy, Taylor, thinks that Annie Thor's daughter's hair isn't red. What? whatever reason my when's the last time it was thrown out like like two years ago maybe this fucking guy taylor thinks that annie thor's daughter's hair isn't red what yeah no it's not what you're the only one who thinks that annie's hair is blonde my hair is brown but my stash and
Starting point is 00:28:58 pubes are bright red oh your pubes do so yeah same color god i would love red pubes do? Yeah, same color. God, I would love red pubes. And my eyebrows are blonde. Like if you, it almost looks like I don't have eyebrows. GP, don't believe anything your mom tells you. Okay? Please. Richard. Okay, so that was the deal. That was the deal.
Starting point is 00:29:19 You know, I had that too. When I met my wife, she had a boyfriend and I waited around for five years. I put on full court but she had really strict boundaries too it was crazy so we share that with one another our our process to getting our ladies uh your colorblind yeah why don't can we do a poll caleb does annie thor's daughter have red hair or blonde hair oh you demand i'm about to whoop some ass here. She has red hair plus... She has blonde hair plus butt red poos. Alright, fuck. Alright, we're getting to the bottom of this shit. I hear that's just the way it works,
Starting point is 00:29:54 so I don't know if that's not too deep of a statement. I'm going to syndicate this weekend, Hiller. I'll be sure to tell Tommy and Sean real media means pussies. We should make a shirt that says that. Or you need a sticker so you can just slap it on them. Graham. I just pow.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Graham, blonde. Jaime, Jamie, red. Matt Burns. What female are you guys looking at? She's blonde. What about Daniel Brandon's hair? Who knows? Rainbow? go, who knows? Rainbow real hair color.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Oh, Susan asked Frederick. That's a good question. Okay. Oh, we'll get to Frederick tonight. Okay. Um,
Starting point is 00:30:33 uh, Ben, so, so Ben Smith has a podcast. I had no fucking idea. What's the name of his podcast? Have you listened to it, Taylor?
Starting point is 00:30:40 Yeah. The coach's corner. I listened to it. How is it? Uh, that podcast was good. Uh, I liked Ben's take the other guy the other guy he was talking with was not did not know what he was talking about the favorite thing i've heard from that is why is this guy wearing sunglasses inside
Starting point is 00:30:59 to do a podcast i know i was thinking the same thing i'm'm like, what the fuck? Don't you dare? I knew, I knew we were going to reach for this to get him. What are you talking about? Was it me? Was it me? Um, I just, I didn't even know Ben Smith talk. I got to have him on my, I've been scared. You know who I'm really scared to have on the podcast is Ben Smith because he's always been so reserved when I interviewed him. So I've always, that's my only hesitation. I mean, not that he would come on, but if I invited him on, I'm just scared that he wouldn't talk, but this is excites the shit out of me. And I love that setup. Can I hear what they say a little bit?
Starting point is 00:31:29 I want to hear what they say. Here. And I'm ready to hang and talk with you guys. Doing well as well. Didn't know there was a good time of year for espresso. It seemed like 10 people. A bajillion people were going to regionals six but didn't dave go that year there were no there were yeah but there were four of us in the
Starting point is 00:31:54 last heat yeah there were four of us in the final heat of the competition at regionals it was cool in the top 10 it was incredible yeah and uh that event or those events were. Hey, so that guy's always a regional athlete. That guy's a former regional. Always. No, he doesn't know shit about. Oh, he doesn't know shit about shit, dude. Shit about fuck.
Starting point is 00:32:18 You don't know shit about fuck. I want to hear a long sec. Let me hear. I want to hear a long section where Ben talks. I want to hear Ben talk. If you ask Ben to come on for the semifinals podcast, he will. It was a 30-pound wall ball instead of a 24-pound wall ball. 24-pound wall ball.
Starting point is 00:32:31 It was a 405-pound deadlift instead of a 225. But it was done in an appropriate manner. It wasn't a 405 deadlift for a 21-15-9. It was a 405 deadlift for seven reps for three rounds. Right. That was it. Right. It tested your strength, but it also was a ā€“
Starting point is 00:32:44 if you could blow through it you gained so much on the field correct and it was like that's the kind of test that you need to throw in it's not which i don't know which is what i was thinking about the store tank thing make it as hard as possible like it needs to be something like that like if somebody's just going to dominate hand over okay fine fine great i need fine i'm gonna have to listen to this in my time does does ben smith ever just go off on a monologue does he like i just going to dominate hand over hand, fine. I'm going to have to listen to this in my time. Does, does, does Ben Smith ever just go off on a monologue?
Starting point is 00:33:08 Does he like, I just want to hear him just go off. He does. Yeah, he does. Okay. Okay. I'm trying to rack my brain for the best thing.
Starting point is 00:33:15 He said, he talks about the athletes and thinking about the athletes over the course of the weekend. That's something. Yeah. Colton. What's up, man?
Starting point is 00:33:22 You got to think about imagine Taylor. Taylor probably would have had one of these if he hadn't strained his labia majora is that in the knee what part of the knee is that yes yeah that's in the knee pussy yes but that's the back of the knee you know have you seen have you seen my colton Merton's card? Did we want here, Taylor, when I shown it off? No,
Starting point is 00:33:47 I've seen the card, but I haven't seen yours. Is it a nude one? No, it's not. Well, on the back, he's naked on the front and the front.
Starting point is 00:33:55 He's fully clothed. Send Ben a link. Get him on here right now. He'll do it. He'll, he'll do the semifinal show with you. He seemed very animated about that topic, the workouts. And I,
Starting point is 00:34:04 he, he, he, he, he's not going to the semifinals. He is. He's animated about that topic the workouts and i hey he is he he's not going to the semifinals he is he's going to see he is okay a couple things he talks about is one he talks about the the athletes and thinking about them over the course of the weekend he doesn't like the uh workout given to everybody by crossfit seeing that a bunch of people are doing a bunch of squats up front he doesn't like the torque tank because the harder you push into it the harder it pushes back so it's almost not it's not rewarding you for trying harder he does say that it's the stupidest piece of equipment i could fucking ever imagine
Starting point is 00:34:34 rest for everyone he seconds my opinion that the back-to-back high squat volume workouts are ridiculous the 150 wall balls into the 100 thrusters like who thought that was a good idea actually this thing i like it for training hey but but look at the look at the um scroll to scroll down a little bit this is what was tripping me out look at they're bragging that it doesn't get that it that it doesn't reward you for putting in energy features variable resistance training using the same technology, you know, and love from tank M four and tank MX and tank MN offers three levels of
Starting point is 00:35:11 resistance to make your workouts match the intensity you want. And then some, the faster you push, the harder it gets. I seriously don't know how Dave or Justin or anyone ever fucking thought that this was a good idea. I would love to hear this explained to me. It's fucking bullshit.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Yeah. It's the worst thing I've ever seen. It's like, if you were to crush the assault bike and then it wouldn't exponentially increase your calories, it would still give you one every four seconds the way it does or whatever. How does this thing facilitate competition? I think what they were looking for was an easy way to say,
Starting point is 00:35:43 Hey, everyone who complained about the turf and the sleds and uneven surfaces and heat and whatnot, these all have wheels. Shut up. Okay. I do think that Hiller did try to defend them, not explicitly, but implicitly, because you said that basically the difference between the competitors was going to be if someone stopped. So the idea of my event was that you would have gotten such a big lead that you would have then wanted to not stop over a longer distance. And I think that's the only way that programming in a competition would have made any sense. Where it's like, Taylor, go push the sled for a half a mile. And if you stop, someone's going to catch up to you. It's like that horse race game, you know, where you're like hitting it with the water at the fountain. If you get the water off the horse and the horse stops, you're like you gotta like re-aim yeah i like that game that's a great game yeah so you're just basically creating that game with the torque tank it's like you want to
Starting point is 00:36:52 get a lead throughout the workout and you're going to be hurting a certain amount from every game gain that lead and now you've got to keep that lead on the sled and i like the pulling and the pushing i have a client that uses that thing a lot pulling on it's pretty good workout as well much better than pushing it were you friends with her ex-boyfriend no i wasn't were you enemies with them oh yeah silent unspoken enemies we just stared at each other across the fields okay but not and like there was no relationship. No, we didn't. We said maybe two words to each other over the course of the entirety. Not very much. Were you in ā€“ What did you say?
Starting point is 00:37:31 Oh, fuck. Me and him knew each other like ā€“ and he's a big dude, and it could have gone sideways for me. Good thing you know jiu-jitsu, right? Right. Fuck. So Ben Smith has a podcast. He's the host. How many episodes in are they? A lot. Right. That just doesn't get any traction for whatever reason.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Why do you listen to it? You just get insights from a champ, from a guy who's been around forever? No, I listen to it because I didn't even know he had one, but I saw Hiller posts. I saw someone talking about ben doing a podcast talking about the programming and i was really interested to hear it because i thought it was i wonder how many people did that about this did you there hasn't been anybody to speak about a semi-final in the light he's speaking about it in forever and he speaks about it because there's athletes who are going into these competitions and that any sort of like negative sight you have towards it is going to hinder your ability to compete yeah you don't want to think that you don't want to think the test that you're about to compete is stupid right
Starting point is 00:38:34 i'm trying to help out here by wait wait what's going on oh caleb can you go to not this video but all the videos i don't say something go to the main page all the wrong way yep and it is evolved go to the like go to just where it wrong way. Yep. And it is evolved. Go to just where it says videos. I want to see how many videos. Do you think you drove a lot of traffic there? Oh, he for sure did. I do, yes. Well, since the games workouts where he posted the 2020 games workouts,
Starting point is 00:39:01 all of his videos had like 200 views at most. Okay. So they're all like 200, 300. And when I looked at that, it had 100. And then after the show that you and I did where I brought it up, it had 700. Then when I made my video on it, it pumped up to, it's probably at 3,000 now.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Yeah, it's helping. Thank God. Do we subscribe to that, Caleb? If not, we should. Introducing TD Insurance for Business with customized coverage options for your business. Because at TD Insurance, we understand that your business is unique,
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Starting point is 00:40:11 Just 300 seconds between you and your all-time favorites. Quick Crisp from Cavendish Farms. Made our way. Enjoyed your way. Available right away. See, look, 100. Yeah. right away so you look a hundred yeah but i i want to give you the credit but i'm also realizing that when he says issues with semi-finals that's going to bring a lot of people there too
Starting point is 00:40:32 right oh yeah for sure why do you think all of a sudden in the last couple years and maybe i'm wrong that people feel more okay i feel like you didn't hear from the rich fronings and the bedsmiths on programming and whatnot now we're hearing about him you think that's because dave's gone or that what do you think's going on there i think it wasn't as stupid when when dave was there when they threw away regionals and it became the sanctionals and semifinals the workouts were just like every fucking tom dick and harry could write a semifinal or a sanctional i'd have to venture to bet that at least people like Smith and Froning knew that there was an overarching goal. Everything that was being programmed was under an umbrella.
Starting point is 00:41:10 There was an idea. And when you look at this, you can't gather what the hell the idea is. Taylor, did you see the workout at the MAC with the dumbbell snatches right in the middle? I saw that. Yeah. Do you have any idea what they're going for on that? And then the time cap doesn't seem to make any sense either. the 2k echo bike which is so fucking dumb i think why is there a 2k echo bike i don't know why they're doing distance because that's kind of it's a
Starting point is 00:41:32 similar thing on like the torque tank for some reason when you're doing distance on the echo bike you don't get rewarded as much for effort put in correct but we also saw that in the two no shit is that real or are you just saying that that's a hundred percent real? It is totally real. Yeah. It's crazy. You can go balls to the wall on a two K and you'll be like seconds ahead of somebody else who's just cruising along at 70%. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:53 But it's not like that on the assault bike. It's also like that on the assault distance. Not for calories for distance. Wow. Interesting. It's stupid. Um, 2016,
Starting point is 00:42:04 do you know that event? It was the, it started off with the bike and then there was burpees over the box. And at the end of it, Wow. Interesting. started off with the 2k bike but you kind of understood that they were just getting you into a sort of a stat it's like they wanted you to be up and then attack the workout so i look at this workout i just don't understand why the 2k bike is even there and i don't understand what they're trying to get out of it the only cool part of it's like the high burpee box jump over i love that but it's but that's it yeah yeah that's the hey let me ask you this why are they using distance if calories are better because they're trying to be they're trying to be different they're trying to do they're trying to be different you just don't realize you're not trying to be different at all there's a million bald dudes with a fucking huge handlebar mustache you're just trying to fit in see look there's another one jeez look that. I'm not really getting the wheel, man.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Yeah, I was just going with it. Did you see Fitness in Cape Town's first event? I haven't, no. It's pretty fucking ridiculous. It has swimming in it. Wait, the worst workout? Sorry. What's yours first before I bring up what I think the worst one is?
Starting point is 00:43:21 This is Fitness in Cape Town's first event. I won't interject my opinion yet. It's a one-case e-buy-in, then five rounds for time, 100-meter swim, and 20 alternating bear hug forward lunges with a 50-kilogram ball for guys, 30-kilogram ball for women. Are they on a beach? Are they trying to like echo one of those Dubai events? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:48 I don't know. But the fact that one semifinal is swimming and probably nine others aren't is fucking horrible. Yeah, that makes absolutely no sense. How does that fit within the bumpers? Like what are the bumpers there? That's what I, that was my first thought. I was like, what did CrossFit tell them?
Starting point is 00:44:01 Hey, make a CrossFit workout. Were those the bumpers? What the fuck are the bumpers? I brought that up a bunch in the video why why why can't why can't one have swimming because you're saying it's so far out there it's such a different apparatus such a different modality the other semi-finals are testing swimming or anything i mean there's nothing close to it and it just is it's it's pretty obvious that up to this point swimming is a games tested modality of crossfit and they're not gonna how is how is one and i'm yeah i mean i like it's a pretty short it's a short distance it's 500 meters hundreds at a time oh that's five rounds 500
Starting point is 00:44:38 meters it's it's a swim workout 20 lunges with 100 pound sandball wow it's a swim workout, 20 lunges with a hundred pound sandball. Wow. It's a swim workout. Okay. All right. That's crazy. I think it was the lowlands. The lowlands had a workout with a dick load of devil's presses and sandbag over shoulder. And they also had handstand pushups. And the time cap was 11 minutes. The time cap was 11 minutes.
Starting point is 00:44:58 I was looking at that. I'm like, there's no, you tested it? No, I said, how'd you do that? Yeah. Who tested it and how close are they to finishing because it's unfinishable isn't it what do you think 75 devil's presses let's look yeah let's look at it again individual so the solution you're saying is is that crossfit should have said hey no swimming events so what happens they submit these events and then crossfit approves
Starting point is 00:45:20 them all of them that's what we know from the press conference right okay so that so i thought that they submitted moda i thought that they submitted but i don't know i i didn't hear the press conference you know gp wadapalooza always had a swim when they were a games qualifier they were a games qualifier that was also when the semi-finals weren't standardized amongst other semi-finals so that was back when it was free game. They're finishing Cape town to do whatever they want. Granted games to do whatever they want. There weren't standardized workouts.
Starting point is 00:45:50 There were no bumpers. So they couldn't have a swim if they wanted to. They still had to be approved. They still had to Dubai. Dubai had a swim that year too. Okay. Well, um,
Starting point is 00:45:59 two, two things, GP one, uh, Taylor says that they were only a qualifier once and, uh, and, and uh or twice and uh and it was behind a paywall patreon paywall so you can do whatever you want um back there swim events whatever whatever everyone goes to the games whatever you want to work out
Starting point is 00:46:18 yeah we gotta talk about the lowlands workout and then and then i'm pushing on to the machine centric exercises go ahead all right so listen 11 minute time cap four time 50 devil's presses if you are fucking burning it three minutes three minutes three minutes all right we're at three 40 handstand push-ups again two minutes if you're fucking burning it i was actually thinking a minute and a half on that one. Maybe. I'm just thinking after 50 devil's press. Okay. So I'll say a minute and a half. Let's say sick.
Starting point is 00:46:51 We're at four and a half minutes. Four and a half minutes. 30 sandbag cleans with a 150. I would say probably at that point in the workout, you're looking at three minutes. I was thinking three and a half. Okay. So if anything, our past two have averaged out a bit. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:04 So we'll say eight minutes. Yep. All right. We're at eight. Then you got 20 handstand pushups. So let's be generous and say one minute. Okay. Now we're at nine minutes.
Starting point is 00:47:12 And then you got another 25 devil's press. And at this point in the workout, you're thrashed. Your lower back is destroyed and your shoulders are gone. That's 10 minutes. No problem. You think you're going to do that last set of 25 devil's press in a minute? Not me. Not me. That's 10 minutes. No problem. You're going to do that last set of 25 dumbbells press in a minute? Not me. You can't do 25 burpees in a minute
Starting point is 00:47:29 at the end of that workout. I think anyone finishes that. I don't know. I don't think anyone at Lowland. This is kind of exciting. You're saying this is coming up this weekend? That's a cool workout. I kind of like that workout.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Here's the thing,'s the thing people we are talking some hellacious shit like no one basically we're saying no one in the fucking world did this in 11 minutes so so let's find out what time this is and fucking watch this shit what time is that do we know oh this will be good lowlands workout maybe don't even let us um who's in charge of the stream there maybe we just rip the stream and the three of us come on and fucking talk about it i think that's the event brian's gonna be at i wonder is bkg at lowlands because if anyone's gonna finish it it's it's gonna be him uh so you guys have issues with machine-centric movements something i heard about um and i don't know shit about these camps but but I've heard it two times now, that at the proven camp where Tia and Shane, their camp,
Starting point is 00:48:28 that it is crazy machine centric. You know who else was like that? Who? Matt. Frazier. Frazier, he was like... I'm glad we said that at the same time. I do a lot of... I do so much machine work. I do a lot of machine work as well.
Starting point is 00:48:44 It's so good. This is what it's machine work. You do? I do a lot of machine work as well. Yeah. It's so good. Like this is what it's amazing for. You can interject a fuckload of intensity into any workout with a machine without the repercussions of like 100 back squats at 225 or something that's just going to fucking crush your body. So like you start a workout with a 50-calorie echo bike or better yet, you finish a workout with a 50 calorie. You just it's easy to get intensity. But in the context of a test. Three, three times a ski, a row and an echo bike. That's not a good look.
Starting point is 00:49:19 You mean all in the same workout? And there's all that shuttle running. I would be curious if anyone thinks that the SkiErg is a fan. If anyone thinks that the SkiErg is cool at all, just as a fan. I like the Ski as a general. Even like I thought 2-2-2-3 intervals at the games was a sick workout. That was awesome. That was a very cool workout. And that has SkiErg in it.
Starting point is 00:49:41 I love the SkiErg. I just think you can't ski row echo bike and shuttle run at a regional you could do that at the games because you have 15 events but out of six events i mean clearly you can do it they're fucking doing it i think the skier is just horrible they are doing it but should they be doing it why don't you like the skiers what do you not like it does nothing for me with with the with the it does nothing for me like how about everybody else it's not a position i'm not enjoying watching them all i love i go to the games to watch the animal to watch the animals run to watch them
Starting point is 00:50:17 move i'm going there to see taylor with his shirt off come out of the fucking water at water palooza and then and then and then do some shit. And run on the treadmill and watch the waterfall off his body. At which point every machine is gone. Well, at least, at least the bike I can see, like I can kind of assess how hard they're going and the running. I get to see the whole athlete,
Starting point is 00:50:38 the skier, they're like fucking bent over. And I, and I just don't enjoy it. I just, I just, yeah, I loved watching this event i can see it so i'm
Starting point is 00:50:48 just watching this and being like this is the worst thing ever i can't stand it get him off the skiers i don't want to see josh bridges bent over are you sure like my goodness okay who's that oh look at annie's hair was red that was weird look kat Annie's hair was red. That was weird. Look, Katrin's hair is blonde. No. What did that? What are you drinking? Making you see colors. SkiErg workout four. You liked that workout, but I hated the SkiErg.
Starting point is 00:51:17 And that's all I got to say about that. Are you saying I liked that workout? Yes. Who liked that workout? You're saying in a very... Of the workouts, that was probably my favorite. That doesn't mean I like it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:27 It was my least favorite. And the one that you didn't like workout three with the rope, climb and run is like one of my favorite workouts. You're the worst. Get off the show. It's true. I am the worst. That's true.
Starting point is 00:51:37 Yeah. That workout is so fucking out. But listen to, listen to logic. Listen to fucking his logic. His logic is that, Oh, what if someone messes up on it and they don't get to go to the games because they mess up?
Starting point is 00:51:49 And he says the same thing for the squat. What if they don't squat to depth and they mess up and they don't get to go to the games? Fuck that. How safe does he want to be? Did Hiller wear three masks and get triple boosted? I don't think that was his main point. You've been following me around.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Yeah, I don't think that was his point. I thought his main point was that it was just an outdated fucking workout and people are going to be finishing it and under they're not going to be finishing it in three and a half minutes if if it's 13 and a half feet they're going to finish under three minutes and it's a fucking 11 minute cap well the fuck and it's also there's nothing to separate there's going to be a log jam between what also so i misunderstood your problem with it hillary i thought you were saying one of the things you were saying is there could there's so much room for error in that workout that no i misunderstood
Starting point is 00:52:34 in the grand scheme of the workout that was probably five percent of the issue that i well i'm myopic all right i can see that that was all of the issue for you so the biggest issue actually is that they're calling it a repeat and they're not doing it the way they should have it repeatable which is moving the chest pieces they're like going down and back it's like a shuttle run so they're running i think i was talking to helping about this and it's 300 feet less so everyone's going to be blowing those times out of the water because it's less distance that they're running and then they're going to be oh look at everyone so much better it's like no they're fucking not they're not doing
Starting point is 00:53:07 the same work shorter right they might they might as well make the rope 12 feet long too you showed a um a a little clip of a froning's reaction maybe it should be two rope climbs did you like that oh yeah that would help that would be cooler but i thought what it should be is is 10 rounds one pegboard and 170 foot run that would have been sick that would have been also that would have been good hey standardized so many pieces of equipment there it it seems like at a regional event they've had a strict muscle up they've had a lot of muscle ups they've had legless and they're waiting like you like in 2018 they had the handstand ramp so why not take the next step with a gymnastic pull and kind of up the ante you do how fucking cool is it to watch those athletes
Starting point is 00:53:52 sprint back and forth and do a pegboard that would be fucking awesome and that would be very cool yep mike halpin will say anything to defend you me yeah he's just a brother this dude just rides your mic no no no right well the two rope climbs thing was kind of echoing to the 2020 games where they did the reloaded event where they they did the row buy-in but then they upped the win on the barbells at the end of the workout you saw t and matt were failing because they brought the workout up to the level of competition that was that year so adding a rope line for the males would have totally that would be sick you think he's talking to you taylor i would i'm i'm glad that i got that i'm a level three dude i have some experience and i do it i'm a level three you're level three sorcerer and fucking dungeons and dragons
Starting point is 00:54:40 it's your purple you need your purple yeah i think they also could have just put the torque i mean as much as we're hating on the tour tank i thought they could have just put it in that event too left the time cap left oh my god hey heller fucking put the torque heller heller's not even as hard as i thought he knows the torque tank sucks and he still gave it some life he left it in there he bowed down you have to sponsoring yes he bowed down to the sponsor throwing my freaking thing at the screen just pick up your computer and just throw it at that bat symbol throw the bat symbol at your house and throw it over those mountains uncle rico over here i think it's crazy also that granite games is using flip sled and none of the other
Starting point is 00:55:23 semi like they're you know that's the only semi-final that's probably going to use that piece of equipment that would have been a good thing to have at every event i love every piece of equipment yeah i love that and why do you guys say that so so that you're i get that i get this swimming although i'm struggling with it i have to tell you and and i and i and i know you guys are right and i'm wrong just because i just think like who cares we're going for the fucking fittest like who cares if they're different like it's still fucking programming it's still gonna fucking test people and we're gonna still i think it's if you were like hey man uh we're we're actually we're actually i think we're gonna get the wrong guys if that was your argument ben smith made that point he said just because you can look at any
Starting point is 00:56:03 fucking five group of workouts and say okay justin Justin Medeiros is going to go no matter what the five workouts are. Does that mean you can just program fucking ā€“ No, no. No, no. I agree with you. But I'm saying ā€“ yeah, maybe I just don't understand. But what about ā€“ maybe I'll understand if we talk about this flip sled. maybe I just don't understand, but, but what about the, let's, maybe I'll understand if we talk about this flip sled, like why, why, why can't, if someone doesn't have access to a flip
Starting point is 00:56:27 said, would a tire suffice or what, how about just a, um, lunging with a heavy barbell or like what, what would be the substitute for that? Or are you saying there isn't one? Well, it's, I don't think there is one. A pig would be a substitute and a tire for sure would be a substitute. I don't see, but it's really the same thing it's the same thing but it's the question is is why like there's just not another mode i guess a heavy power clean potentially but you're just giving too much leeway it's just so different i don't know i've never had one of those i've had a couple of athletes who are competing at syndicate reach out and say they love the workouts due to the big athlete-centric style of the workouts. So you're saying that it's not going to affect who's going.
Starting point is 00:57:13 There are some athletes who are bigger, and they realize, like, oh, cool, I get to kick ass on all these machines. When you have the mass to move the machines, you've got an advantage. Yeah, they're not getting punished by any sort of high skill. There's not enough skill anywhere in syndicate including how it's an art swimming swimming is by the way that's a great point hillary that um the machines are the machines are a big athlete centric uh swimming is fine being in africa their semi-final has no effect on any other if it were in north america it would be a bad call in tunis jeez louise racist racist but that goes back to the same thing saying it doesn't matter it it doesn't matter but at the same time it's still a fucking it's a shit look hey there is some there
Starting point is 00:57:56 is some irony there also by the way now that i think about it that the swimming is in africa because that was brought up to uh the crossFit Games team to take swimming out of the games. To take swimming out? Yeah. Why? Because supposedly black people don't have access to pools. Oh, yeah. That makes sense. Right. Let me tell you something.
Starting point is 00:58:17 The only thing Colton Mertens can swim in is a fucking lake of pig piss. I mean, they're just... It's just so... I bet he has the most callous nostrils on the fucking i bet his farm smut dude pig shit smells so bad oh man pretty bad colton didn't even know there was such thing as a swimming pool what color hair does annie thor's daughter have holy shit dude it's 50 50 people i can't believe that that
Starting point is 00:58:46 many people think it's red what the fuck is going on caleb is that real is that real yes look at this comment this guy jeffrey birchfield crossfit should tell them what stimulus they want to see test and build workouts around those stimuli that's not narrow enough bumpers in my opinion. Hey, that's what Taylor says to his wife every night when they climb into bed. That exact same thing. He's a mind reader. What stimulus would you like and for how long would you like it?
Starting point is 00:59:16 I think it's completely ridiculous that they're giving the events the ability to program these workouts. I always feature the MLB program these workouts. I think it's ā€“ I always feature the MLB, NFL-type examples. And imagine, like, in order to get to the Super Bowl, every other team could do whatever they wanted. And now some people are swimming to get to the Super Bowl. You can pick your own schedule. Yeah, you can pick your own schedule and do whatever you want. Hey, they didn't have to do anything over this amount of time,
Starting point is 00:59:41 and you can see that's not the case anymore. But still, everyone who gets to the big game should have probably done the same thing here's the here's my one argument against that and it is let's hear it looking at the open quarterfinals and the two semifinal program events i don't know that i even trust crossfit's programming this year more than i trust the semifinal it's a good argument it's a very good argument wow it's pretty bad ah yeah it's pretty bad i certainly don't trust it's pretty bad. I certainly don't trust it. I mean, the fricking workouts they gave him are terrible.
Starting point is 01:00:09 So bad. I'm workout, whatever. You can like the word rope, I'm workout. So I know it's not good. I want to show, I want to show you guys something really quick.
Starting point is 01:00:19 I don't like it. No one likes it. I didn't even show you yet. Oh oh will you bring up the uh the the man the the only instagram clip we haven't seen yet i don't want to say exactly what it is because if it's not written big on there i want them to guess how much this guy weighs it might just say right on there this is quite i saw this video today oh yeah, yeah. Thank you. Perfect. How much he weighs? I know how much he weighs. You know? I bet I guess right.
Starting point is 01:00:49 You have to dream the dream. You got to touch. You have to see it when nobody else sees it. You have to feel it. How much do you think he weighs? I bet he weighs 360 pounds. I was going to say 360. Yeah, he's claiming 430.
Starting point is 01:01:04 Can you slow down? What? Depends how big his legs are. I mean, they look tinier than ā€“ Yeah, the height is important. How tall is he? Is he like 6'4"? He has to be 6'3".
Starting point is 01:01:19 6'3", wow. I think that's higher than I can jump. All right. So the mountain is what? Six, eight. And wasn't he 420 pounds when he did that deadlift? Oh,
Starting point is 01:01:34 how much, how much did he weigh when he did the deadlift? Say that again. He was like four. He was four over 400. I think he was around 420 when he did the deadlift. And he's like six, seven,
Starting point is 01:01:42 six. I have a hard time believing that guy's four 30 then. Yeah. That's my reference there but this guy's got a little gut the mountain didn't have a gut like that that's not the same guy is it yeah oh i thought it was oh you're right it is maybe it is i don't know he's strong as all hell he's huge 420. Hey, is that guy natural? No. Oh. You can ask him. Go ahead and shoot him a DM.
Starting point is 01:02:11 I did. He's coming on the show. That might be the first time I've ever just said it like that because everyone's like, do a natty or not, blah, blah, blah. Oh, we wait, we wait, wait, wait, wait. I'm going to come at you hard today with your Frederick Gideas nonsense. Okay, here we go. It's got nothing to do with a nanny or not. I know, but it's some other.
Starting point is 01:02:27 You didn't even see his video. You didn't even see his. Okay, don't get me excited yet. Event six, I love a 200-pound bag. Isn't that just man shit? Isn't that fun? No? It is.
Starting point is 01:02:40 What do you love about it? Just because it's 200 pounds. I just want to see those guys out there. I just love the thought of a bag being 200 pounds and having to deal with it like it allows me to think oh yeah that's like just picking up a person just throwing them over your shoulder i thought that was the only cool part of that workout and i don't i i mean i love the movements but i think i love the way andrew rewrote it i thought it was a great way to rewrite it but event six event six when he made it just a straight through chipper
Starting point is 01:03:05 where you get the heavy shit out of the way in the beginning and then you kind of buy your way out with the gymnastics movements thank you yeah yeah i i think the way it's written is again terrible no room for separation why are they calling it king kong 2.0 it's so and i agree with that it looks absolutely nothing like king kong there's no dead sure there's four minutes three rounds yeah it's stupid there's four movements and three rounds. Yeah. It's stupid. They're trying to get cute. And when I see people trying to get cute with programming, it just pisses me off.
Starting point is 01:03:36 Because we went through such a long period where Dave Castro was writing workouts where it was the simpler the better. And you got the Pat Sherwoods of the world where the simplicity is almost what makes it so cool. It's like, oh, this is that hard and it's that simple. It's just super cool. And then you see King Kong 2.0. Look at all this fucking shit we can throw into one workout but three rounds have fun who ever fittest person wins right every single time but there's your cop out that's the thing dave's workouts were simple yeah but he still found a way to bring the unknown the unknowable which i think is a huge aspect of testing competition and variance and something weird holy shit i've never thought of that i've never seen that like the regional lunge in 2018
Starting point is 01:04:10 with the fucking 70s and the dumbbells yeah people were like holy fuck what was what is this or i don't know what the year was like the 104 pull-ups into however many overhead squats that was it was just such a simple couplet. What was it? It was like 64. It was eight? I think it was eight overhead squats to 205. 64 pull-ups into eight overhead squats? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:33 That was back when a lot of people couldn't just hit it like a squat snatch and it was nothing. Everyone had to clean and jerk it or power snatch it and hope they'd drop it. Such a simple couplet and you're like, holy fuck, I never thought of something.
Starting point is 01:04:44 What's really weird is CF can program the main site. Wads fine, but can't do competition workouts for shit. Yeah. Totally different programmers. Yeah. Totally different people. Yep.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Totally. Interesting. I asked someone who was and I got, someone told me that it was, uh, their fuck the head of their, uh, content. And I looked up who that was
Starting point is 01:05:07 and someone with the last name of haynes no that is not who does programming uh jonathan jonathan jonathan haynes runs games media or his girlfriend does or or one of them runs it is that the person who put up the elijah muhammad video instead of the james newberry video probably there's i i want to give you started i thought i would have just assumed that nicole carroll was behind dot com programming oh well but someone told me that someone who works for the guy who does the programming has done the programming forever and he is fucking good amazing you can see yeah he's he's amazing there's a yeah the programming forever, and he is fucking good. Amazing. You can see. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:46 He's amazing. Yeah, he's done it forever. He's fucking amazing. And he takes it very seriously in the privacy of it very seriously, or else I'd just tell you what her or his name is. Okay. Event number five. Go back to that one. This is at the syndicate, right? I once again don't understand why you're trying to protect Danny Spiegel.
Starting point is 01:06:02 What do you mean? Just because you're trying to protect Danny Spiegel. What do you mean? Just because you're trying to protect Danny Spiegel. Just because Danny Spiegel can't get below parallel, you just want her because you know she gets a lot of views for you. So you want her to go to the syndicate so you can make a video about her so that you can get more views. I know how this works. You see right through me.
Starting point is 01:06:21 I'm three moves ahead. You're a two-move guy. I'm a three-move guy. You're a master of the game of chess. You are a helicopter parent. Oh, I don't think that's the case at all. But I don't think that Danny Spiegel crossed my mind one time when I looked at this workout.
Starting point is 01:06:37 I was just pissed that there was 104 squats. And then I also don't like the idea of the 1K rows, although, again, this is them trying to get cute they did a 1k row to buy into jackie you understand why that's there because it just set you up to burn it down you've got to hold a high effort pace on that workout in order to get a good time like if you're a male present day in age and you're not if you're doing anything over a 135 you're probably not going to have a good time on jackie when you get spit out the back end so they have the 1k here and the 1k here but they're going to be completely different paces
Starting point is 01:07:05 than they are on this workout. And then also that 1K at the end, my big point in the video is make it a calorie output because when you burn down a calorie output, you're going to be able to inch closer or get yourself away from the next closest person much better than you would if you were doing it for meters. Not a lot more, but by a little bit more for sure.
Starting point is 01:07:26 But you did use a video. Sorry, you did use a video of her to show the range of motion not being deep enough. Again, this is where you're looking at 5% of the video. This is just something that popped up, and I wasn't even talking about her. So I'm obsessed with Danny Spiegel, not you. Okay, I understand. She's not even competing at this event. It's Alex Smith who's competing at this event.
Starting point is 01:07:44 And if you've seen any video of him squatting for the past year and a half, he's not even competing at this event. It's Alex Smith who's competing at this event. And if you've seen any video of him squatting for the past year and a half, he's not getting below parallel. Okay. Yeah. This is why you got to have me on the show to talk about my videos because you don't understand me, man.
Starting point is 01:07:55 I don't understand. I don't understand CrossFit is the problem. That's why I need to have you. That's why you two are on the show. Yeah, we're talking about it. I agree with Chase. I don't hate the last 1K. I just think that the first 1K is irrelevant.
Starting point is 01:08:10 Oh, here we go. Okay, one more time. Let's see. Let's see if we can air this without us getting in trouble. Yeah, that was a great line. Who said that? Was that Hiller or Taylor who said that earlier? I said, I don't know shit about shit, and he said, I don't know shit about fuck.
Starting point is 01:08:23 Oh, all right. I don't know shit about fuck. Who he said, I don't know shit about fuck. Oh, I don't know shit about fuck. Who does it better? Taylor or her? Taylor. The redneck me. Uh, the following, uh, the next video you made was about Frederick. And here's the part that I, that, that I was.
Starting point is 01:08:40 I'm ready to hear how you interpreted this one. Let's go. Here's the, here's the part that was driving me crazy. I can't believe they used the fucking Mayor McCheese in that post. Mayor McCheese. I got pissed, too. Great. No, no, you can.
Starting point is 01:08:56 You can. No, I'm totally kidding. It's going to be funny to try to leave you here. Leave me alone on my show. Anyway, what about Mayor McCheese? What does it have to do with do it it's got nothing to do with frederick no no this i'm waiting till taylor comes back the mayor mccheese thing is just fucking hilarious um and it's it you know like you said that that was around or someone
Starting point is 01:09:15 taylor you were or kayla was saying that that was around in the 70s yeah i remember mayor mccheese i remember mayor mccheese and the hamburger i remember all those guys, Ronald McDonald One of my friend's older brother Played Ronald McDonald in Hawaii He made like $300,000 a year Back then for that Yeah, crazy, right? He was the one in the Mayor McCheese
Starting point is 01:09:36 Do you know why they took him away? Did you see that whole video? Or did you see the little clip of it? They took him away because they were trying to hire somebody to create him and then they didn't end up hiring him but they used the faux version of some other character they had created so they sued mcdonald's and they had to remove mayor mccheese oh shit yeah so it had to do with he technically was the rights of two other people who had created him now you know and and um and in that post
Starting point is 01:10:06 they're claiming that mayor mccheese is sean and ronald mcdonald is tommy is it the other way i think oh you think sean is ronald mcdonald and mayor mccheese well the way that i interpreted it is that ronald mcdonald is still here he has something to do with the brand that is mcdonald's and And then Mary McCheese was just thrown away. Oh, I just thought that he was saying that these two contributed to McDonald's as much as and as significantly as Tommy and Shawnee did to CrossFit. Man, you and I see the world through different lenses. Well, Ronald McDonald is a pivotal part of McDonald's, man. He's huge. Okay, how about this? Beyond the uncanny
Starting point is 01:10:48 resemblance. Okay, so who's who? Are we asking Taylor now? Who's who? Sean, I like Sean Woodland better, although I think he's way less controversial. Which one do you think he is? Do you think Sean Woodland's Mayor McCheese? Don't get all squirrely and go off on your own, Taylor, on some sort of fucking
Starting point is 01:11:03 diatribe. The question is, is which one is Sean mayor mccheese or ronald mcdonald sean's ronald mcdonald that's what i was saying wow i just i think of him as a mayor mccheese just because that bun is smooth like his head you you just see things all wrong you're not looking for the deep reason behind them yeah i think sean contributes more i'm that's what i said i'm out of here i gotta pee are you kidding all right we're all let's all go let's leave the show on hold uh why why why not call the frederick agidius show crossfit drops the ball again why pick on frederick it's not fucking his fault man people clicked on that so They don't have so many
Starting point is 01:11:45 views. But you didn't even see his video. Couldn't you have said CrossFit lets understanding CrossFit? Why do we have it? And you got a picture of Frederick? I just feel bad for him because he's being judged by you
Starting point is 01:12:01 or he's part of the narrative, but we never get to see the video well the underlying thing thank you wait wait wait wait wait what tommy is totally ronald thank you okay can we have another poll can we do another fucking poll that last one yeah do a poll who he just uses words out in stupid overused analogies. Okay. We all know someone is strictly superficial on everything. Oh, that hurts from an Indian guy. They're like deep and shit.
Starting point is 01:12:33 That hurts. That hurt a little bit. Okay. Can we do a poll, Caleb? Thank you. You're a good dude. Okay. So why do that?
Starting point is 01:12:43 Did you think twice about that? Were you like, fuck, he didn't really do. Because your whole article is basic or your whole video is like, it's a good video, but it's like, here we go again. Here's it. By the way, you should, everyone should watch that video. Here we go again. We know this, we see that this guy has been charged with some penalties for a video that sounds invalid based on the penalties that they gave. You understand the video. Yes. But you're just upset that I invalid based on the penalties that they gave. You understand the video, yes.
Starting point is 01:13:09 But you're just upset that I was picking on your buddy. Yeah. I mean, I don't know if he's my buddy. And here's another thing that you say in there. Now, this is very interesting to me. Frederick's always been a bit controversial to CrossFit. He's always stood up and been like, kind of, fuck you. So there's always been a little animosity, like a friction between CrossFit Inc. and Frederick.
Starting point is 01:13:24 But that's a whole different story. I mean, I like the guy. I don't have any issues with him. But you also claim in this video several times that CrossFit protects its stars. Like protects Danny Spiegel instead of making her thing invalid. Protects her because she has 865,000 followers and that they want to
Starting point is 01:13:40 generate her eyeballs into views for the games. I don't know about now. Dave would have never tolerated that. And that they want to generate her eyeballs into views for the games that might, I'm telling, I don't know about now. Dave would have never tolerated that. Where did I come from? But we're in a different era.
Starting point is 01:13:53 I I've, I've said it before. I don't know where I said it. I don't know if it was in a video or just a bunch of people, but I always do say that anything I say to anybody is fair game for the internet as well. So the thing that I said was I would not have done any of this if Dave were still there, because it's almost like Dave was the,
Starting point is 01:14:10 the hammer that would come down on somebody like me putting me in my place because he would also say, Hey, fuck this Hiller guy. We don't do that. We don't do that sort of shit because black, does that make sense? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:23 Yeah. Um, so he would just call you just put you in your place right away there's no one putting you in your place there's no one telling you what's going on any longer he would have seen it and snuffed it out because that's this is the way that it is and then everybody in the world can see that somebody like me would have gotten snuffed out and all of a sudden saying okay maybe they're not protecting people like danny spiegel i say like danny spiegel because it's not about her she's merely the person with almost a million followers that you would assume
Starting point is 01:14:48 that because they're not invalidating her video they're going to let her go to the games no matter what happens if they can have anything to do with it um what what makes me sort of agree with you possibly is this i and i don't know what's going on over there but brookwell's capacity dave era I saw that. I was going to mention that. I felt like he did have some favorites. You spelled capacity wrong. It's C-A-P-A-S-S-I-A-T-Y.
Starting point is 01:15:18 Capacity. So Eric Rosa came. Do you guys know how Eric Rosa made his loot? How he made the money to buy the 1% or 2% of CrossFit that he did? Oracle. Oracle, Oracle Data Cloud, and some other shit. system that allowed data to be collected from people off of social media platforms and that turned into then making money for people so you could fucking brainwash them with their social media and get them to buy shit they don't need more or less like a terrorist right well it's everywhere around us right that's and so i and so i think that that was his um that was the plan for crossfit let's come here let's monetize the fuck out of it. Let's take all the data we have on the CrossFit community and monetize it.
Starting point is 01:16:08 He was an affiliate owner. That's how he made all this money. That's a good comment. It's not good. Why are we all laughing? Holy shit. He bought CrossFit. So maybe there is a cultural shift there. Maybe there is a cultural shift there.
Starting point is 01:16:25 Maybe there is a cultural shift there. The strongest part about that video is, like, I 100% agree. Like, either you did the workout right or you didn't. And if you didn't, it's invalidated. Did you understand the biggest part of the video was the fact that if you see something like that, you're going through ā€“ what happened? Oh, I thought you were going to say he walked out of frame. Cause that's what I, well, that's an issue. So like we brought that up in the hip and steel video, or I clipped in the part of the mat, the judge's course where you can see if you leave it's caused for invalidation.
Starting point is 01:16:55 Number one is we do, do you guys know of anyone who's ever been invalidated? Because I don't, for the most part. And number two is that if you see that nobody ever gets invalidated you could essentially start doing knee tuck ups on toes the bar call it rx and if you're somebody like whoever i'm not saying that that's how bad let's say let's say let's say fukowski is doing knee tuck ups on i'll work out like 14.3 or 14 i think it's 0.3 or it's 7 or 2 4 6 8. And then they're like, well, you know what? Major penalty. So they tack on the 15% that is required for a major penalty. And then all of a sudden he did the workout faster because he wasn't doing the full
Starting point is 01:17:36 movement and the 15% penalty still gets him into the next stage. Everyone's going to start doing that yeah it's a it's a crazy valid point why not you you in the you you use the um uh ring muscle ups as the example in your video yeah did you like that yeah it was fucking great it was it was it was it's really strong i i totally get it like it's the hardest part of the movement a hundred times i also didn't like the i didn't like the comparison to the nba because i have no. Yeah, that was a little bit rough. Yeah, but I thought it was also kind of close, so your opinion doesn't matter. You don't like the NBA. I don't either.
Starting point is 01:18:13 I don't for the most part. What does that even mean, Hiller? I don't know what you're talking about, but anyone who wants to attack Hiller, attack. I don't for the most part. Attack, yeah. Will, more. Give me more. Can you pull up Hiller's account one more time?
Starting point is 01:18:26 You are killing it. Somebody said Andrew is feeling uncomfortable with this Frederick video. I'm not uncomfortable with this Frederick video. I feel very strongly about this Frederick video that has nothing to do with Frederick. It's merely a name with a bunch of things on the adjustments list. And when you look at the adjustments list, it says that he has a major penalty. And it's like, well, if he does the entire workout wrong, why is it not invalid? It looks just like the hip and steel video. And it hearkens to the hip and steel video where he withdrew his scores. If he didn't withdraw his scores, we would have
Starting point is 01:18:57 likely seen a major penalty. And that's the connection that I was trying to make. I was trying to basically put the pressure back on crossfit and it would have actually been much better if i had the video but the video likely much better much better it would have been the greatest video to ever grace the internet thank you yeah all right thank you uh um my dad's dna test on me was invalidated i'm sorry sorry dude that's this is the new guy right hey and by the way stop calling him dad okay um let's so so uh great uh we we got to meet hillary's uh uh girlfriend fiance that great video yeah please go see that uh please go see that short movie uh the ben smith one also um fantastic fun even for a guy like me who's like could give two shits about programming uh a giddy one great but um uh please send uh after you watch
Starting point is 01:19:51 that go and follow frederick and giddy and tell him hey dude like you're a good dude sorry you had to take some shrapnel on that one and uh the worst program team competition you didn't see this one did you i put it up today this is a two a day or i got i got two up today and i was so i was so uh furious about this one taylor have you seen these i saw the workouts and i'm not super let's save this for friday let's save this friday and then and then we can get together hillar and find out if um if we will use taylor but i wanted i wanted to know taylor's opinion i think a lot of them are pretty bad. All right.
Starting point is 01:20:27 I thought one of them I kind of liked. I guess if someone wants to keep it for Friday, I'd just like to know what you think in the first place. Does anyone know of anyone who had an invalid video? Oh, yeah. Thank you for clarifying that, Will.
Starting point is 01:20:45 Damn. The guy who looped his video. So the only way you're going to be invalidated is if you loop a video. That's crazy. Someone put that in the comments, the guy who looped the video? No, no. Yeah, someone put that in the comments. That guy was juiced to the gills, by the way.
Starting point is 01:21:01 And that guy ended up putting on after that. I think I'm right, like a million followers. was bachmeyer trevor bachmeyer yeah what will you pull up his account his account exploded and people sent me what's his name it's something he's some some some sort of physical therapist right some people i can't remember but people sent me posts of his where it shows him in the hospital with covid as an example of someone healthy who got hurt by covid. Oh, let's see how many followers he has. I think it's crazy amount. Is it a million? What? Yeah, it works. He was the guy who looped his video. Yeah. How does he have a million? Is that why he has a million followers?
Starting point is 01:21:42 Wait, go ahead and click on one of those things and see if they're real. Click on like a picture. See if they're real. How many views? Those aren't real followers. He only has 3,000 views and a million followers. Those are all fake, just like his fucking workouts. Oh, wow. Go to the next one.
Starting point is 01:21:56 Go to like a picture. How many likes? Yeah, that's not real. Go click on a Danny Spiegel picture and they have like 30,000 likes. That's crazy. Maybe he's shadow banned. Maybe he's shadow banned like me. No.
Starting point is 01:22:09 Why are you giving this guy so much credit? Get out of here. You're off the show again. Hey, so. You don't think that the guy who looped a video in an open workout would also buy followers on Instagram? You think he's shadow banned? I think. For a million? Probably a million probably a lot no no
Starting point is 01:22:27 people people people every day someone tries to sell me followers how much do they how much do they fucking cost dude i'll send you i'll send them to you i'll be like my friend taylor wants to buy ten thousand seven did you have you heard so you said he was in the hospital of covid right yeah here you go here's a picture of spiegel with 30, 40,000 likes. Oh, there you go. And he's got 300,000 more followers than her. How the hell does that make any sense? Hey,
Starting point is 01:22:49 play her story for a second, play her story. Sometimes there's some crazy shit in here. People send me, what do you think? What are you looking for? Nothing crazy. Like there was this one where she was in a hand.
Starting point is 01:23:00 Someone sent me, they call, Oh look, the beacon of moral, blah, blah, blah, blah,
Starting point is 01:23:03 blah, And it was her in a handstand position, like humping the wall. It was actually, it was pretty cool. I've seen people do that. Hump the wall? Yeah, I've seen you do that. Okay, look it, that's a pointless, the erg. God, the erg is dumb.
Starting point is 01:23:20 Hey, the guy who does the recaps of your show. Is that Ben Smith? Is that Ben Smith crying show is that Ben Smith crying that's Ben Smith crying what would she do to him I have a title for a video he looks like he's actually crying oh is it a filter
Starting point is 01:23:36 oh that's rad oh that's rad that's so funny I thought he was actually crying oh my goodness thank Oh my goodness. Thank you, Danny Spiegel for the good content. Okay. Anyway, you, you were talking about Travis and his in the, in the hospital for COVID.
Starting point is 01:23:58 Yeah. Have you seen the jerk, the review article about how, when people abuse steroids, they're more likely to... Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that's what I said to people. I was like, hey, man, I think this dude's... Like, being juiced up and COVID do not mix. Yeah. It sends you right to the hospital.
Starting point is 01:24:14 All right, I got to go to bed. Oh, you're never getting Ben Smith on now. You can't leave. Oh, I thought we were done until next week, until Friday. Yeah, you can... Okay, bye. Oh. Man, are you watching...
Starting point is 01:24:23 Are you doing live semifinal shows? I have no idea what we're doing dude syndicate starts friday that'd be cool we should live we should live stream it and commentate i don't think they'll let us do that because i was talking well i mean they'll they can't stop us but i think that what ends up happening is they take the show from me which i guess i don't care about that what do you mean they take the show from you i can't monetize it basically all the ads they they end up controlling it in my account that'd be neat because i think what happens but i don't really i mean i guess i don't care taylor's mustache has to get his whoop sleep score i know taylor's out dude he's just he's have you did is it public that you broke your labia is it public okay it is public that i
Starting point is 01:25:09 that i got hurt yeah hey will you pull up his taylor's instagram account did he make like a post like dear fans i made a story i didn't make a post all 1300 of you that follow me i'm sorry that i let you down all six followers i still will be there to carry Hopper's handbag at the games. Is that true? He has to ask Fraser if Taylor can come support him. Later, Taylor. You're welcome, Jeffrey Birchfield. And you guys are welcome for the pegboard workout.
Starting point is 01:25:43 No, that was a great idea. I was a big fan of the pegboard workout no that was a great idea i was a big fan of the pegboard workout uh okay so uh we went over hillar's videos i like this format i love this show uh good night uh taylor uh did you like the show tonight um mr hillar did i like the show tonight yeah yeah i like the show tonight i always like like the show. We learned that I don't know anything about programming. I'm hyper-focused. At least you didn't claim to know anything about programming like these goddamn competitions do. And then they put them on for the ill-fittest athletes on earth to do.
Starting point is 01:26:19 It's out of control. Hey, I'm commentating on programming the guy who only rides the assault bike and does pull-ups. Oh, okay. Here we go. Ronald is Tommy. Thank you. Thank you. Why? Oh, wait. Wait a second. So Ronald is Tommy, but Ronald is Shawnee. So we're kind of both right. Right, Caleb? Is that how that ends up?
Starting point is 01:26:54 Caleb's not a company. He's not explaining this. It really did not turn out the way I wanted it to. No, me neither. I wanted to win. I wanted to win. I also made a poll, and I'm trying to to find it and i can't bring it up there but it's uh is that are the workouts any good
Starting point is 01:27:11 to get with the programming that poll was that fuck that poll is fun uh hey you guys only know about programming you don't know about polls uh the poll was poorly executed but i love your beaver oh that's sweet thanks come on i'm not justice beaver sighting okay um anything you want to say anything you want to say goodbye finish with uh mr andrew hiller? I got a video coming out tomorrow and it's CrossFit is Fucked Up Part 9. Is that true? It's pretty good. It's actually two years in the making. Wow. Yeah, it's a pretty good one.
Starting point is 01:27:56 I had somebody reach out to me and I had to double check it and I've checked it with a couple of other sources and I couldn't believe that it hadn't been picked up on yet but it's been completely fucking up the leaderboard for the past two years. Wow. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:28:10 The open leaderboard. It's good. Okay. That should be fun. Any more videos with your girlfriend? I, everybody wanted her to do another one. So I'm going to kind of try to get creative and do a couple more with her.
Starting point is 01:28:22 Everyone's like, if you feature Alexis more often in your videos, this channel's going to go to the fucking moon. I'm like, I've had that idea for a while. I'm just going to have her sit here in a bikini. She'll be my new clickbait. Oh, yeah, just exploit her. I know.
Starting point is 01:28:36 She'd be all about it. She would do that for me. Tomorrow we have Zach on. Zach lost 120 pounds and has kept it off for four years. He saw the Disneyland venting episode, and he's going to come on, and we're going to talk about weight loss, which I'm pretty pumped about. I always love weight loss stories. I died.
Starting point is 01:28:56 What was that? Who knows? What did you do? I don't know. It wasn't me. It was you uh we'll see you guys tomorrow dick butter it's always nice seeing you buddy

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