The Sevan Podcast - #406 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: May 21, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:28 Conditions apply. A fresh voice can speak to you and open your ears and your mind to new views and new perspectives. The call of the wild, a crescendo of culture. Listen as a chorus of fresh voices moves you, taking you to greater heights. Add your voice to the mix and let fresh answer back with perfect harmony in pure Michigan.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Keep it fresh at Fucking bam, we're live. Oh yeah. Oh, yeah. Caleb, where are you? I'm at the Coliseum Borough Syndicate. In the bathroom? Not yet, no. Locker room?
Starting point is 00:01:17 Locker room. Locker room. You are close to a toilet. Extremely. Like, if you look up, can you see one? Yeah. Literally like 10 feet away. So we might hear someone piss during the show.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Oh, for sure. So with Chris Roglosky, I don't know, it was like 15 minutes in, and some guy named Sam Alpine or something, I forget his name, but he said, cut cut cut back on the um uh f-bombs right i don't give a i don't give a look i don't give a that was some great
Starting point is 00:01:54 advice and during the show after he said that i was tripping a little bit i was like oh i wonder if that is um her dad or something no, no. I recognize him from the show. I wonder if that's a nervous – I wonder if that's a nervous – like something I do when I'm nervous. I just start dropping more F-bombs. Nervous isn't the exact right word because I wasn't nervous. I don't know what the word is, but I wonder if that's indicative of some sort of, uh, insecurity, nervousness, something, but I, but I, but I wondered that, but I really liked the advice. I think it was solid advice. You know,
Starting point is 00:02:38 Hey, uh, can you drop the F bombs? So anyway, thank you, Sam for for and that was a great show yesterday i don't like it when we have bad shows we don't have a lot of bad shows no bad we never have a bad show but there's shows that i've just i don't leave pumped speaking of pump paper street coffee thank you what's going on gabe this is the first cup he sent me it's starting to fall apart all the cups he sent me after this are deeply engraved this one was a sticker sent in a rush so that's uh he fixed that right away um you know what i wouldn't what i what i this is a theory i have about that coffee too it's strong but the beans are like those little brown beans and they're like all clean and
Starting point is 00:03:27 stuff. Like they don't look like commercial beans. And I think my grinder just grinds, just grabs shit loads of them. So not only are the beans strong, but like, you know what I mean? Like the automatic grinder,
Starting point is 00:03:39 I pushed the button and it makes a different noise than when you put shit coffee in there, like with the black beans. So I'm also guessing that it grinds more. Is that true, Gabe? Am I on to something? See Beaver looking solid today. It's the shirt.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Look at his shirt. The new politically homeless shirt. It's a spin. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. You're getting lots of comments today. That workout regimen is working for him. See Beaver?
Starting point is 00:04:07 Trey Stee steel workout right there it was it was it it wasn't hard getting up at five this morning but at about 5 30 shit got started getting a little weird you know what i mean by that no you after a half hour after you're up it got yeah like it like like i always get up and i'm tired and like the first half hour i'm like yeah whatever okay and i'm drinking coffee and i'm like going through my notes and then about five three i'm like oh i don't really feel like myself i was like whoa i'm not do you get nauseous no just i'm just not firing on like all the cylinders i used to get like when i used to have to wake up for the coach 5 a.m. class, I was up at 4 every morning. I was like, I would just get nauseous. Like, I just feel like shit. When you say nauseous, like in your stomach or in your head?
Starting point is 00:04:52 In my stomach. It was like I was like tired in my head, but like my gut was just. Yeah, well, mine's not my stomach. Mine's all in my head. Like. I was never into whippets, but kind of like how i imagine like you know they say like that's bad for you like to do those whippet things i kind of like that like some brain cells are dead but it's like just some just like maybe some of them haven't woken up yet
Starting point is 00:05:18 have you done a whippet i mean i i did i was at a dead show one time and i took the helium from the balloon the wah wah wah one, one, one. But other than that, but I mean, sometimes I'd be at parties and there'd just be dudes on couches just getting after it for like two hours. That's crazy. It's like I had Starbucks do a whip at one time and I was like, I'm never doing that shit. Have you ever done it? No. Oh, it's really cool.
Starting point is 00:05:40 It's cool because it's over fast, too. Adam, I am not watching, um, the ultimate fighter. Uh, as much as I'm into the UFC, I can really, I try to only give it my, I don't know if, I don't know how to word this exactly, but Saturdays, man, like it consumes my Saturdays. And I just, I feel like I shouldn't let it leak out of there. And to watch the ultimate fighter, I'd have to, I already give it like all day saturday to the ufc and i'm happy to do that it's um i found out one of my friends so i knew some of my berkeley friends don't come over they don't want to come over to my house during they don't want to bring their kids over on saturday nights because i watch the ufc which i just find fascinating because my kids never watch I have this. Yeah. I have a dream land.
Starting point is 00:06:25 If you're a child in all, in all humility, if you have kids between the ages of three and nine and you know me and you don't come over to my house, like every day you're fucking out of your mind. Yeah. One, I have the three nicest,
Starting point is 00:06:40 coolest kids ever who are always nice to other kids and not only nice, engage them, play with them and they will elevate your kids it's it's just i i mean it's just matter of fact that's the way it is and on top of that i have a massive playroom jujitsu room i have a massive garage just just for kids that's padded and then i have a backyard that's completely fenced in with endless stuffed in lizards and in millions of fruit trees and just it's going off and it's fenced in and i have a backyard that's completely fenced in with endless stuffed in lizards and millions of fruit trees. And just it's going off and it's fenced in. And I have a guard dog in there that just lays around.
Starting point is 00:07:12 And if anyone comes in, dog will smash them. And it's great with kids. And it follows the kids around, hangs out with the kids. And you don't bring your kids over because you're I mean, mean you're so – The kids aren't even in the TV room. I do understand. Some of my friends don't want their kids around me because I just swear like a sailor. I get that. I get it.
Starting point is 00:07:31 I get that. But because we're watching UFC, it's just bizarre to me. It's bizarre. Meanwhile, your kid has their own iPad that they're perusing. Constantly. And you feed – like would you rather have your kid be in a house where the ufc is playing or feeding your kid muffins at starbucks what are you doing yeah you could work at a restaurant you could observe some different parenting
Starting point is 00:07:55 techniques if you will there i saw somebody the other day i was at a coffee shop and like this woman came in with her kid and just literally sat down set up the ipad gave him the big old earmuff headphones and was like what do you want to eat and then obviously like toast and jelly and then the kid just fucking sat there with his massive headphones and chilled for two hours while she did uh worked on her fans only page um or only fans and i'm not i'm not knocking parents who do that like if you have if you for some reason you have to do that do what you have to do but i'm just saying you it's the same parents who don't take their kids to martial arts because they think it's going to make their kids violent you don't understand that i'm not
Starting point is 00:08:40 going to get into it now but you you are totally not thinking properly. If your kids are violent, it's because you're not cool. Probably. Something else going on there. It has nothing to do with the fact that you take them to jiu-jitsu. As a matter of fact, if you get your kids into martial arts, the exact opposite will happen. Yeah, I was going to say, whoever says that has never done a martial art. Because it's literally the exact opposite. You go to a class and there's no way that you're going to be violent or aggressive.
Starting point is 00:09:07 I mean, not in no way, but... Some guy this morning sent me a bunch of... A whole paragraph, two paragraph, massive DM talking to me about the benefits of TRT. Games athlete. Yeah. 38 years old. And then i went to his instagram and of course he has a beautiful body his wife was ridiculous his wife was ridiculous i was thinking also about chris yesterday that i was thinking about just what the perfect girlfriend she's like the perfect
Starting point is 00:09:41 girlfriend i mean just from the superficial one and a half two hours we talked to her but that's pretty much my wife too i could just move into like i could just move into a van with my wife my wife so my wife's so easy i was like oh wow i imagine that's what obby's first girlfriend will be like i have the cross no we're gonna i'm he we know he's gonna probably get some tatted up chick with a nose ring and blue hair. Just the rebel? Yeah, just the fuck you. Yesterday, Matt, Susan and I were talking, and Matt shared this idea with me that I just found absolutely fascinating. It's probably one of the most true things I've heard in a long time.
Starting point is 00:10:24 I hate to just bash on the left i really don't like doing it they're so the whole racist thing about how racist the left is and the whole dei thing i know you guys have heard me talk ad nauseum about it and so i won't go into, but it's truly profound how they, by trying to fight racism, actually have created it and force it upon us. Force it upon us. But yesterday when I was on the phone with Sousa, he was talking to me about the definition of what a dictator is. Do you remember this, Sousa? Was this you and I talking about this? Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah and and and and and what was it what you were telling about the the components or one
Starting point is 00:11:10 of the elements or um signs uh not correlates but actual um elements if you live in a dictatorship tell me what they were yeah well a lot of people including my grandfather used to say trump was a dictator right and and when you say dictator i think of a russian guy who controls everything Yeah, well, a lot of people, including my grandfather, used to say Trump was a dictator. Right. And when you say dictator, I think of a Russian guy who controls everything in the country. Yes. I don't know. I just think that because we were raised that way. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Sorry. A ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force. Yes. Okay. But the big thing with that, that's the literal definition that was just read. But the big thing there is that the whole system works with the dictator. So in communist countries, like, let's say we were media, and we started having opposing views, we would immediately be shut down, we'd be censored. And in some cases, there would be harm brought to us or our families. So a defining characteristic of a dictatorship is when the leader has complete control over the media or the media is completely behind them. Yeah, the whole system, the cops, the media, everything has to work in conjunction with the dictator. There cannot be no opposing point of view.
Starting point is 00:12:27 opposing point of view. People for those people who keep DMing me every day, who are in complete shock that they realize that my account is under restrictions or shadow banned. Dude, that has been going on for two years. There's tens of thousands of people everywhere who have massive restrictions on their accounts. Is Trump president right now right now negative i've never seen media maybe it's just i've never been more aware of it i've never seen media like this the media is completely controlled by one fucking side except for fucking fox yeah one narrative and and half the people i know who watch fox think that it's a psyop and it's controlled by the same people who it's like they don't really they don't really push against it i've had i've had a dozen guests on in the in the last couple months who say we can't talk about um the election being rigged yeah or about the movie
Starting point is 00:13:15 2000 mules that means do you guys understand what susie just said that means that the dictatorship is now that is the one of the core components of a dictatorship is that the leader has to be in cahoots cahoots hoots hoots i didn't do my voice exercises this morning no has to be in cahoots with the media and that's exactly what we're in right now and guess who the media hated i saw something 54 of the stories on Fox were negative about Trump when he was in office. Yeah. Did you see they're bringing it back to now? Because with the midterm elections coming up and everything else, they're calling it the ultra MAGA.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Oh, that's what CNN's calling it? No, that's what Biden's calling it. Oh, no. I've heard it multiple times. Like, there's this big movement, the the ultra maga and we can't let the ultra maga take any ground don't listen to their point of views don't it's truly unbelievable as soon as you told me that yesterday's like holy shit we really truly are and we're living in an insane dictatorship i want to apologize to china right now
Starting point is 00:14:34 I want to apologize to China right now. I want to apologize to you for – I mean your country is fucked up, and your leader is a complete magoof. You guys should be terrified, but I probably just point fingers over there because our shit is so sideways. I don't want to acknowledge it. I mean, well, if you look at the different things that they're doing, other than obviously the dictatorship and the communism, some of them are really like what they do with their social media. So their algorithm will upplay education, science, different things like that to make those people influencers. And the algorithm will downplay people that would just show themselves half naked or different things that offer no value. Who does that? China with their Tik TOK. Oh, right. Really? They have a different algorithm than us too. Oh, fuck. Yeah. Yeah. So none of the kids are watching these dancing things. They'll downplay the algorithm downplays all that. And if somebody that's doing educational or if it's math or if it's science or something like that, they'll algorithm will upplay that. So they control who their influencers are.
Starting point is 00:15:26 I mean, I don't even have tick tock on my phone. I don't have that app. Well, the algorithm would be different if you did it, you would have girls in bikinis dancing around. I think that's a song girls in bikinis. But yeah,
Starting point is 00:15:40 that's why I think it's funny because it always starts with, with good intentions, right? They want to, they want to censor some information so that way it doesn't scare people off for certain medical choices. And then slowly the rope gets let out more. Well, now we have to do it because there's the ultra-MAGA and we don't want those ideologies to spread. And then soon it becomes more and more and more information. And pretty soon there's a complete stranglehold on what could be said and what can't be said and you're like, how did we
Starting point is 00:16:05 get to this place? But it all started nice and slowly. Caleb, where did you get that shirt? I'll show you. Nice and slowly. Like this. Alan Kesterbaum,
Starting point is 00:16:22 that sounds like a Jew name. Being Hispanic, I don't know buddy jew hispanic venezuelan jew like steph cohen uh being hispanic i always thought trump was a racist understood and then step on open my eyes i now get triggered when people start talking shit about trump i know it's crazy right by the way so that is the final that was the final straw for me i had a shitload of family members over and they were talking shit about how Trump was racist towards Mexicans, and so I went and looked up the transcripts of what he was saying, and he was saying
Starting point is 00:16:49 that Mexico is sending over its worst people. And I was like, wait a second, that's not racist. All of a sudden, everything started, like, all sorts of things started opening up for me. Like, when I go to Livermore, all the, that's the town that Sousa lives in, everyone looks the same to me
Starting point is 00:17:05 those people how is that like do you remember that joke that was like the big joke in the 80s in sitcoms like some white person would be in a room full of black people like those people and all the black people are like what do you mean by those yeah like dude shut up like do you ever watch airplanes yes not in a long time. There's something like that in that movie. It's so fucking funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:31 So I think that's a really, really strong – I don't think it's – I want to say it's not just a correlate. I want to say it's a component of a dictatorship. It's the most important one. The system has to work for you. You have to be able to control all of it so that way there's no opposing views because because you because you have to be in control of course because otherwise people would start to do what what you did which is like huh let me research this actually shithole countries yeah that's another great one that's
Starting point is 00:18:01 another great one hey it's just like the thing it's just like the thing don't get me who cares if he said that maybe if you don't think it's a classy thing for our president to say sure but there's nothing racist about there's tons of shithole countries i've been to them it sucks i made a movie about disabled adults at 130 film festivals it was huge it's on it's somewhere on youtube i think it's called our house and when i made the movie i lived with these mentally disabled adults there were eight of them in the house and when i made the movie um uh um oh shit what's the name of the the government not the cdc but but within the state, there's an organization, a regional center, and a group, Child Protective Services, CPS? No. There's some organization in the state, big organization, gets a shitload of money, shitload of bureaucracy, and they basically manage all of the money that trickles down to mentally disabled people or people of needs, right?
Starting point is 00:19:09 that organization from the state saw the movie and they they came to the house and they started auditing the house and they're like and they and they came at me really hard and they tried shutting the house down and they started saying that i've depicted mentally disabled people in a horrible light and you want to know what happened oh there it is yeah it is in 2000 the parents of these adults all stepped forward for me i didn't even ask them and the state was like this is a horrible depiction of of mentally disabled adults and you know what the parents said no this is actually a perfect depiction of our children and our loved ones and it sucks being mentally disabled and this guy fucking finally captured it it's not a fucking fun life it's fucking hard knowing having awareness that you're mentally
Starting point is 00:19:56 disabled very hard but they didn't like the depiction. Who cares? It's honest. If you think it's racist that someone says Mexico is sending its rapists over to us, you know what that means, right? It means you're racist. You're a liar. You're uncomfortable with it. Okay. This is what it's like when I have male guests on the show sorry this one's not numbered did i send the notes to you caleb that's how early it was this morning i mean they were
Starting point is 00:20:33 early that was a 5 30 no dictatorship that was so good when you shared that with me yesterday i really like that yeah well i hope it just opens people's eyes to just not because sometimes we get so caught up in our labels and the tribalism of everything, left, right, conservative, Democrat, that it's really important that you just take a step back from all of it and just say like, what are the mechanisms in play here? Like just become an observer. Don't become a participant. And then you'll be surprised at what you kind of find in that journey there. You need to remind me that every day. Be an observer. Stop participating.
Starting point is 00:21:08 I start participating. Ever seen a grown man? I bathed many a naked grown man. I took fucking pride in it. But did you call them a bunch of retards? No. But there is a scene in there. But there is a scene in there where yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Just go watch it. You guys will not be disappointed. I watched it just when I stumbled upon it, and I was like, oh, I'll watch a few minutes of this. And I got sucked in. I watched the whole entire thing. It's like 90 minutes. But I can call them retards because I lived on the driveway in my car. I was one of them.
Starting point is 00:21:38 I hung out in the hood. So I can use the R word, playa. How old do you have to be to enter that house? I don't know, 18. wait at least 18 at least 18 kayla what's going on oh it's at the very very top this is what it's not numbered it's at the very top right below parents quote t-shirt talk email newsletter oh newsletter. Guys, sign up for the email. You're missing out. We got to start pushing that.
Starting point is 00:22:07 There's some great stuff coming through there. You guys are missing out. Because we're politically homeless, Sousa. Yeah, I like that shirt. You don't see it, Sousa, right at the very top? It's at the very, very top. Caleb probably doesn't have a second screen either, so it makes it even harder because then we have to probably go away.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Hold on, hold on. Or maybe I added it before I sent it to him but that susan i'm not saying it at all how about private chat that means i screwed you that's all that's got to be my fault what do you think about? Oh, yeah, this is fantastic. When they get together, the conflict really is who gets to be the male. So they do what's called penis fencing. They approach each other. They rear up.
Starting point is 00:22:57 That's an indication both are ready to breed. When they rear up, they both have an erect penis. And this is a penis that has a weaponry on its tip. Each tries to impale the other one and not get inseminated by the other. This is the worst game of tag I've ever heard. Flatworms are called simultaneous hermaphrodites. They're male and female at the same time. And when they get together, the conflict really is who gets to be the male.
Starting point is 00:23:25 So they do what's called penis fencing. Penis fencing. That's incredible. If anyone wants to come over to my house and do some penis fencing. I would call it swords. I want to try anything once. Penis fencing. Those are beautiful creatures, right?
Starting point is 00:23:43 Flatworms. Hi, Jody. Good morning. Good morning. I'm sorry. penis fencing those are beautiful creatures right flatworms hi jody good morning good morning i'm sorry oh how are you guys i'm living the dream wonderful of course of course i saw our house that was very good oh thank you thank you you think i thought it was a good honest honest depiction of mental health for sure yeah tough right tough tough tough one of those cats in that movie got in a motorcycle accident and ended up like that oh shit one in the wheelchair no uh actually I haven't seen I shouldn't speak I haven't seen the movie in 25 years when did you watch it um within the last
Starting point is 00:24:22 few months yeah maybe that now that I think about it maybe that guy didn't make it in the film oh my goodness someone has a picture of my of me for their avatar those penis fencers are so sexist they both want to be the man i agree no one wants to no one wants to be the woman that those are some sexist fish now that i think about it sexist fish wow i don't think anyone really wants to be inseminated everyone just wants to everyone wants to do it but no one wants to i don't know jody do you have kids? Two. Two. And that's right. And did you enjoy being pregnant? Loved it.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Yeah. I wish I hadn't. I think my. I wish I. Sorry. I was very practical. Sorry. That was my fault.
Starting point is 00:25:17 I cut you off. My wife enjoyed it too. And she would even. When it got hard at times with the twins. She would actually talk to herself and be like. Hey, you got to figure out a way to enjoy this. Cause this isn't going to happen again. So like she would do her best to make the best of every moment of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Oh, I loved it. It was nice. It's cool. It's amazing how proud women get of their bodies when they're pregnant too. It was awesome. Yeah. And to see the women who work out pregnant now i was behind the times back then i didn't do too much but i did enjoy it
Starting point is 00:25:53 last night the lady we the lady we had on who won high rock she said that one of her competitors was eight months pregnant. What? And it was the former champ from the previous year. It's fine. I had to stop. I was listening to that this morning, and I had to stop it midway to get into this one. You're good.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Smart move. Chasing your podcast. Oh, my goodness. Mr. Olson, thank you so much, brother. Thank you so much. Means a lot. What else she said about this lady who did high rocks at eight months pregnant? Eight months prior to that or seven months prior to that, she competed against this same woman in some sort of crazy Spartan, like the hardcore Spartan race, the one that's like for the elite level. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:26:53 Oh, we have a special guest coming on the show this morning. Wow. Just got nervous. The whole philosophy is like, you don't know what your body can do until you can, until you do it. Yeah. Yeah. When she told me that, I just imagine this lady only does two things. She's either running or she's resting.
Starting point is 00:27:18 And whenever she rests, her husband jumps on her and nails her. But other than that, she's just trained. That's like, he knows she's either training for Spartan or high rocks or or she's sleeping and that's when he he gets her pregnant i just just imagine i just imagine oh i'm so tired i can't run anymore oh no problem honey lay down over here gotcha yeah uh um jody is there anything specific i want to try to get
Starting point is 00:27:42 through some stuff today i don't mean to rush you but is there anything specific and now now I get a little nervous about our guests coming on. I'm getting a little nervous. I just was wondering if you remember during your, um, behind the scenes, the funniest thing I ever saw on behind the scenes was when you're talking to Kalipa and Froning and they're like watching all these people warm up and they're like, I don't know. They're all warming up. We're not warming up. Do you remember that? I don't. Was it in the 2014, uh, open announcement? Oh wait. No, it was in the, it was underneath the stadium and Kalisa and Froning are just kind of looking
Starting point is 00:28:21 at people like, I don't know. They're all warming up. We're ready. Let's go. And Froning are just kind of looking at people like, I don't know, they're all warming up. We're ready. Let's go. It's really funny. And Froning probably won. Oh, yeah, Froning won. I mean, it had to be like, what, 13 or 14 if Kalifa was in there. I want you to close your eyes. Are you driving? No.
Starting point is 00:28:40 And I want you to close your eyes, Miss Jodi. Not you, Caleb. You can too. Fine, Caleb too. He wants to do the you to close your eyes, Miss Jodi. Not you, Caleb. You can too. Fine. Caleb too. He wants to do the exercise. Close your eyes. And I want you just to picture Rich Froning.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Can you picture him? Sure. And maybe just so it's not weird, let's picture Angelo next to him. So it's not like just us alone with Rich in our head. Let's have Angelo there as a chaperone. our head. Let's have Andrew, uh, Angelo there as a, um, shopper chaperone as a chaperone. Let's try to summon them. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Maybe they'll call in. Maybe Angelo and rich. We'll call in in a few minutes. We'll see if our manifestation powers work. Thank you for calling this morning. Yeah. Hey, you guys take care. Have a great weekend.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Okay. Bye. Good to you, Jody. Thanks. When you said picture rich phoning, the first thing I thought of was like, this portion of just his torso perverts shoulders and i was like i gotta go beard or no beard in mine he was carrying a gun in mine he was carrying a shotgun it's a very manly depiction of uh mr froney uh okay so we did the um we did the the the flatworms that i'm just two
Starting point is 00:29:50 dudes can you imagine that it's just two dudes with a dick and whoever gets stuck is the one that gets the baby oh god oh my goodness um i wanted to uh one of the things I wanted to talk about in today's show subject that. When when Susan and I were down in Newport meeting with California hormones, we went to a birthday party there. Kids. Yes. Newport. We went to a kid's birthday party there. Maybe I should put my nose up. there. Maybe I should put my nose up. And we were at a kid's birthday party there and this man shows up and he's got a daughter with him. And at some point I want to tell that story, but I think we're going to have a call soon. So let's get through some of these other things. Susan and I had a blast talking about it, about him and his daughter and the way they behaved.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Put that subject on hold. Can we go to number one? I don't know if this is true, but this is how I live my life. Try to organize these notes. Do you see that one, Caleb? Yes, yes. You guys went to Newport? We did.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Will, you have time to watch the show here we go here we go pass it being paid for you'll never be paid for more than you're doing giving is one of the laws of the universe you've got to willingly give and graciously receive and if you have to think before you give you're trading you're not giving if you're not willing to do more than you're being paid for you'll never be paid for more than you're doing giving is one of the laws of the universe you've got to willingly give and graciously receive and if you have to think before you give you're trading you're not giving if you're not willing i want to tell you a story um there's There's these people who – so karma is real, and anyone who tries to fuck with karma, like get good karma or bad karma, is just fucking up. That's the weird thing about it.
Starting point is 00:31:57 You have to just build good habits and then kind of go on autopilot and just be like Forrest Gump. If you think you're doing something nice to someone to get something back, you get it right there. That moment is the moment you're getting it. You've put nothing in motion. It's like putting gas in your car while it's running, but only dripping it in at the same speed that it's consuming it at the gas station. You're burning that as fast as you're putting it in. Those of us who do nice shit for people, we don't think, we're not thinking. It's already, it's in our habits. It's ingrained in us. Those of us who work hard, harder than what we get paid for, it's ingrained in us.
Starting point is 00:32:36 We're not trying to get some fucking reward. All those people around you who are successful that you might resent or you don't think deserve 50 billion dollars that that's how they all got there like them love them don't like them joe biden was never lazy he didn't get to where he was being lazy never that's true yeah hunter biden no no all those people they're like've, they've, they've created their lives. He didn't get all that crack just by sitting around doing nothing. Now he's doing foreign deals, baby. Yeah. Read that book. He's fucking working his ass off to get his next rock. He's hustling. Yeah. It reminds me of the same thing with, uh, I forget what the video was,
Starting point is 00:33:21 but it's somebody picking up a piece of trash as they're just walking by. Yeah. Oh, that's nice. You picked up that trash for them. And he goes, I didn't pick it up for them. I picked it up for me. I'm cultivating a mindset. It's a habit to where every time I go buy something, I'm leaving it better than I found it.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Yes. Yes. Wow. That's a great one. That's a fucking great one. Do everything you do. What is it to the best of your ability? Do everything, everything, all of it.
Starting point is 00:33:50 That was so good. But so I had this friend, and we were talking about a third friend. So let's say Caleb and I were talking about Sousa. And Caleb said, hey, I called Sousa to check on him. Or he would say to me let's say caleb said hey i hate suza and i go why he's all well i called on him to check on him and i go and what happened and he goes well see he didn't he didn't answer he didn't answer yeah and he never called me back i'm like wait a second you called him to check on him to do something nice, but he didn't answer or call you back, and now you hate him because he didn't let you perform your act?
Starting point is 00:34:32 I mean – and I think that that – when I heard that, of course I unfucked my friend. I'm like, dude, your shit is all fucked up. So much ego in that. Yeah, your shit is all fucked up. Yeah, your shit is all fucked up. It's like – and I used to be like this as a little kid. It's like when you do something nice for someone or you say hi to someone and they don't say hi back to you. They don't owe you shit.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Don't get me wrong. They're fucking knuckleheads for not keeping the game going. But no one owes you shit. It's the same thing. If you ask someone a yes or no question but you just assume they're going to say yes and they say no then you're the piece of shit you ask them with an expectation don't do that to people don't set yourself up for failure like that i've told the story about the guy who asked me for a cigarette once right the rastafarian guy at a park at a band basically i was at i was at a i was at a show like an impromptu show in college, just some dudes playing music and drum circle.
Starting point is 00:35:25 And, uh, and I'm sitting there and I'm smoking clothes and this really cool Rastafarian dude comes up, you know, just beautiful long dreads. Uh, Hey man, he's, he's like clearly like from Jamaica or something. Um, can I get a smoke? And I, and I might seriously, I'm like, no. And he goes, oh, why not? And I said, cause they're mine. And he goes, you don't have an extra one in there.
Starting point is 00:35:44 And then I, now I'm getting like just mad. So I'm like, nope, every pack just comes with 12. There wasn't an extra one in this one or in any of the packs I ever bought. And then he's like, you're being an asshole, man. And then I was like, hey, dude, you came over to me and asked me for a smoke. That means I have two choices. If I didn't have any choices, you should have just come over and said, give me a smoke or taken my pack from me. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:06 But you're, you're disingenuous fucking douche. He just walked away. He didn't like that. I haven't heard something like replace expectation with appreciation. Expectation. Yeah. I like that.
Starting point is 00:36:19 So it's like, yes, you know, if you go do something or whatever, it's like, rather than have placing some sort of expectation, which is normally never going to be lived up to, you might as well just have appreciation for whatever it is you're doing or attempting to do or going to. It makes life a little easier.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Good morning, GP. Any kind comments we can get from GP. Let's acknowledge this. Let's reward GP for this one. Usually I just reward him for his negative shit. Good morning. Good morning, my friend. I'm not getting nice.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Hey, Adam, this is for you. How good are you at hacky sack? I know what you're doing. I know what you're doing. Hacky sack. God, I wanted to be so good at that. I suck. That requires practice. I didn't have that. So don't be afraid to just put in new practices and and like uh suza gave a good
Starting point is 00:37:12 one pick up pick up trash when you see it that's that's just a great practice i you guys have all heard my one no matter what money i see on the ground a penny a nickel a dime anything i pick it up and i tell myself you're a money money magnet. There'll be like four adults, like grown-ass men in their suits and shit standing somewhere and I'll walk by and I'll see a penny by their feet and I'll be like, excuse me, gentlemen, is this yours? And they'll be like, no. And they look at me like I'm a weirdo and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:37:35 I'll take that. Oh, you guys are early. What are you guys doing? You guys can't just crash this show. Oh, hey. Oh, what's going on, guys? Yeah, we can. We can do what we want.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Do what we want, man. Samuel Cornway. Nice. Rich Froning and the only dude who matters, a man with a camera. Who's that in the back? God, Rich, what a great fucking morning. 6.30. This is the earliest I've ever hung out with you.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Uh-oh. They're frozen. They are frozen. It's still a great great fucking morning. 6.30, this is the earliest I've ever hung out with you. Uh-oh, they're frozen. They are frozen. Still a great frozen. Scott. Scott. Scott. Yeah, Scotty, what's up, dude?
Starting point is 00:38:13 Living the dream, huh? Where are you guys going? You guys are breaking up pretty bad. Where are you going? Well, fantastic having you guys on the show that just gives me an idea we could always just put a screen with them in it and be like oh they're on again for all the clicks for all the clicks i put oh um scott uh yeah it's a little better that that that one cell tower um in cookville is struggling right now. I think like six people are on their cell phone at the same time. Seven.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Seven. Sorry, seven. I think we switched off the Wi-Fi. Samuel, can you turn your phone off so we can get better reception on Rich's phone? Airplane mode, please. Yeah, yeah. Where are you guys going?
Starting point is 00:39:05 We are headed to Knoxville for a semi-finals. And it's just the three of you in that car. Yep. Just the three of us, three best friends. Is this, um, is this normal?
Starting point is 00:39:19 I thought for some reason I pictured you guys all getting in the van and, and, uh, dad driving. Yeah. You can't see out of the back of that thing so everybody gets car sick no um right now like i said it's just us and there we go it's okay no one wants to look at you anyway people only like your voice yeah no it's me me scott and sam heading that way the girls uh headed up last night and uh yeah check in day today um any regrets um bringing some well onto the team pretend like he's not
Starting point is 00:39:55 there um only that he's canadian understood understood. That's the only one, though. Does he take a lot of – are there a lot of Canadian jokes? Not really. Mostly French jokes. Right. He speaks French, you know. And we're dumb and only speak one language, so we like to make fun of people who can only speak two languages okay. Yeah, got to smack them down a little bit. You guys critique his French even though you don't know it.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Hey, you said that wrong. Same with Guy, too. We like to give Guy crap even though he speaks two languages and us stupid Americans only speak one, you know? Samuel, you had the wrong inflection. That's not how you speak French. What are you, from Canada? Hey.
Starting point is 00:40:41 How about that dude in the back? Does he speak any other languages? Negative. He speaks camera. Scott speaks content. That's all he speaks. What's up with the other camera dude? Made it on the team?
Starting point is 00:40:56 Yeah, Ben. Ben's team, they're competing this weekend with us on Justice. That's the redheaded dude? Yep, that's redheaded Ben. And is that kind of like a, do you think that when he became a cameraman it was kind of like a gate like he knew that that was his way shit i'm never gonna get to train in the barn i'll start as a cameraman and then slide onto a team i'm being serious you think there was any of that no no i just think ben uh ben's been incredibly fit since he started coming to Mayhem.
Starting point is 00:41:25 And then over the years, I mean, what? I have a good Ben story. Oh, Scott has a good Ben story. He'll let you know. Let's hear it. Let's hear it. Hey, Scott, before you start, does Ben ever take off his shirt? Sometimes.
Starting point is 00:41:34 I told him if they're comfortably in a qualifying position for the last event, he needs to take off his shirt so he can show everyone what peak performance looks like. Wow, you did tell him that? Yeah. Hey, he doesn't seem like he has a good sense of humor he seems like a really stoic guy like you got miko salo as your ben probably has the best sense of humor of anybody in on our crew oh okay good all right he said in 2019 he went to iceland to film um and he was watching like the competition and he saw how people were doing and he was like
Starting point is 00:42:06 wow i can do way better than that guy or way better than that team or whatever he's like i should try to compete and so in 2019 after that happened he brought on a pair of white nano fours like sanctionals 2019 or something and he claims he's gonna wear those out on the floor but so in 2019 he decided he should probably compete across him wow and so the iceland competition disappointed him so much and this is his first time yeah yeah he was uh what like a couple spots out of semi-finals as an individual last year yeah and he backfilled this year he backfilled in this year but uh went team okay caleb now that scott um has got started talking can you put in scott in there too it says rich samuel and uh and and camera guy scott yeah camera see scott
Starting point is 00:42:53 like you're c beaver he sees scott uh samuel any any seriously any anxiety about being team and going to this event and not being individual? Is any part of you like, shit, what did I do? Like, man, the field is just a bunch of pussies this year. No, it's going to be next weekend. Say that again? That's going to be a nice weekend. It is.
Starting point is 00:43:25 But you're not answering the question. Is any part of you – He's Canadian. He's coming out. He doesn't want to say anything negative. Don't give the politically correct answer. Like who are the – do we know who – you're going to the syndicate? Yeah, syndicate.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Syndicate. Caleb, can we see who the guys are on there? Let's ask Samuel who he can be let's just pull up that let's just go down the list can he did would he rich did would he qualify as an individual from there yeah 100 i don't know who the uh i know a couple like i know scott's on there ben's on there hopper's on there uh madero's. I mean, it's a pretty heavy hitter, sanctional, but Sam's super fit. I have no doubt he would have made it. Scott, can you vote in on that?
Starting point is 00:44:12 Yeah, he'd be on the podium. Wow. Okay. 100%. So how about this guy, Mateus Porter? Does he beat that guy? Whether you're practicing your morning breath work, waiting for your favorite artist to come on stage,
Starting point is 00:44:31 or running errands at the perfect pace, Liquid IV Powder helps you turn ordinary water into extraordinary hydration so you can live a more extraordinary life. Live more with Liquid IV Hydration Multiplier. Available in refreshing lemon-lime, passion fruit, and strawberry flavors. Buy a stick in store at Costco, Walmart, Amazon, and other Canadian retailers. Put your hands together for Lady Raven. Dad, thank you. This is literally the best day of my life.
Starting point is 00:45:01 On August 2nd... What's with all the police trucks outside? You know, the butcher goes around just chopping people up. Comes a new M. Night Shyamalan experience. The feds heard he's going to be here today. Josh Hartnett. I'm in control. And Salika as Lady Raven.
Starting point is 00:45:19 This whole concert, it's a trap. Trap, directed by M. Night Shyamalan. Only in theaters august 2nd no that's the only guy that we get worried about uh what's your um rich what's your relationship like with justin madaris do you have one yeah i like justin yeah i mean we haven't he's been to cookville once and um you know anytime we see each other, we talk a little bit. I'm not – you know, I don't have – we don't talk on the phone. Damn, we lost him. Is red-headed Ben a stepchild?
Starting point is 00:45:58 Great question. Fair. Totally fair. Say that one time again, Rich, so you guys don't talk on the phone, what? No, we don't have – we don't talk on the phone or anything, but anytime we see each other, we talk a little bit. I like Justin a lot. Good kid. Seems like a positive energy guy.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Like him a lot. Yeah, he is so positive, right? Yeah. And a good son. Too positive. No, I'm just kidding. No, I think that's fair. He is almost too positive.
Starting point is 00:46:23 And he has a totally different uh where you guys train in this crew he trains totally alone yeah i mean that's you know some people are different like that i i like to have people around us and um like to hang out and work out at the same time so uh but yeah he's he's got a little crew i think he when we were at uh rogue he was up there and they were doing their own thing. Uh, but there was like five or six of them kind of, I don't know. And that could have just been that he was on a trip, but, um, I like the impression he's re he, he doesn't want to train with guys from last time I talked to him and now
Starting point is 00:46:57 he's got, um, Ellie over there, that, that girl from Australia. Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah. Did you ever train alone? I would do a, maybe a session or two alone, but for the most part, we always kind of had a crew. I had a bunch of good, good people around that would, you know, when I was an individual that would push me in different areas, like people that were stronger, people that were maybe better cardio wise. So it's always, I've always just kind of trained with a group. I like, you know, hanging out and like I said, hanging out and working out.
Starting point is 00:47:30 It's more fun that way. Not that there's any comparison between me and you, but I used to love working out with other people. And then I started training by myself and it's hard to go back. Yeah. There's some days where, you know, it's, it is nice to just either go out to the barn or go to the basement, not have to worry about anybody else's schedule. You know, they're kind of warm up and, you know, whatever. And you can just kind of, especially having kids or, you know, family stuff. There are days definitely that I'm like, ah, I'll just go knock something out. And it's a whole lot easier. Um, and that's, you know, that's kind of our Sundays or our Thursdays and then Monday, Monday through Wednesday and then Friday, Saturday,
Starting point is 00:48:10 it's kind of, we just bigger group session. Are you, are you spending time every day with your kids? Oh yeah. Yeah. We, uh, if my kids can go, if, you know, if we're doing something that they can go to, you know, if I'm going to the gym or whatever, or if they're down at the barn every day, basically getting in the way, riding their bikes around, making everybody super nervous with barbells overhead. It's great. Sam is ranked so high for me. I'm disappointed he isn't going into. I mean, let's not let's not beat around the bush. We all are.
Starting point is 00:48:38 This is fucking ridiculous. This is just a just a jerk off session with these two on the same team. Let's come on. This is just a jerk-off session with these two on the same team. Come on. This is ridiculous. The two guys we want to see going individual the most are now on a team together. Whoop-de-doo. Great. Tell them, Scott.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Tell them. Scott, how excited would you be if these two guys went individual? I'd be very excited. Yeah, very excited. Hey, um, Rich, what's going to happen to Annie?
Starting point is 00:49:09 Um, look, I moved them up so that the writing wouldn't cover their face. And now, and now, and now they just keep tilting the camera. Do you think, um,
Starting point is 00:49:19 is it once you go team, you can't go back to like, have we lost Annie now? I don't think so. To the abyss of teams. I don't, I don't think so. I, you can't go back to, like, have we lost Annie now? I don't think so. To the abyss of teams. I don't, I don't think so. I, you know, I enjoy team better. Sam, Sam's going to do a one-year stint.
Starting point is 00:49:34 He'll be back individual. So we haven't lost Sam. I don't know. I just, it's just so much more fun to, to compete with other people personally. You know, I don't know. You know, that's not for everybody. But I think, you know, depending on how Annie's overall experience is this year, you might see her back as an individual or she might stay there.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Who knows? But Sam will be back next year. So there are – but that's what I'm saying. You think that there's some things about now Annie has a kid. There are some things that she's going to see about being on team that make it a nicer lifestyle. I don't know. You know, I don't know. She's I can't remember what her kind of growing up sport background was. But for me, you know, always playing team sports, I the team sport aspect of uh of competing and so i just really enjoy being on a team and um i don't i can't speak for her and like i said what her
Starting point is 00:50:33 kind of background was um in that that regard samuel did you play team sports Yeah, I've been lucky in my life Worrying about So, that's why And Is this scratching that itch? Are you feeling something similar From when you were on a team with hockey To the team you're on with Mayhem? I feel like being on a team Is scratching that itch
Starting point is 00:51:01 Like, nah, nah Oh, that was cool, Rich You translated it into French for him That was awesome, thank you on a team is scratching that itch like nah no oh that was cool richie translated into french form that was awesome thank you we we we we we i mean just like you said it's uh team sport is always more fun to do and uh you know being the team it's like uh when you have like a uh a harder day of work or at the gym it's just i don't know you push for your teammates because they're coming on you for games day so just it's a different mindset but i like it a lot and yeah i'm enjoying this year okay here's the best question i'm gonna ask the whole time
Starting point is 00:51:35 scott you ready scott yeah how of all how did you as the cameraman get to go with these guys like if let's say that i'm guessing that there's a handful of camera guys going and like everyone's like, oh, fuck. I hope I don't have to ride in the car and fucking listen to Guy talk fucking Portuguese for fucking two hours in the car. Oh, shit. I got rich. I got rich in Samuel. Oh, fuck. You call your mom.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Oh, fuck. I'm going with the champ. Do you like that? No. I guess I just tell people what to do so I ended up in this truck. Yeah, Scott's the director of media so he gets to call his shot.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Scott, were you on the show? What's your last name? Vandersloot, yeah. Oh shit, I didn't even recognize you. I apologize. I was like, he didn't recognize you. No, I didn't fucking recognize you. He's just Vandersl, you didn't recognize me? No, I didn't fucking recognize you. He's just Vander Slut to me. That's it. Old Vander Slut, that's him.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Yeah. Damn. Yeah, no, Scott gets to pick what he wants to do. And most of the time I'm like, hey Scott, you're coming with us. Because I like to hang out with Scott. I like all of our camera people. But Scott. But not Ben, because Ben doesn't really talk. Ben doesn't have a sense of humor
Starting point is 00:52:48 and he doesn't say much. Ben, you need to meet Ben. That's about as far from the truth as... Interesting. Yeah, you need to get... After the semi-final, we need to get Ben on there, because Ben's got some pretty good hot takes. He's the most entertaining of
Starting point is 00:53:03 our media team, for sure. For sure. Probably the most entertaining of our media team for sure for sure probably the most personality honestly okay good i'll just keep picking on him like he has no personality until i meet him meet him meet him meet him so i'm on let samuel corn y a speak french then google translate it in the subtitle no it's a lot of work bruce uh samuel and here comes the worst question of the uh show um how's your kid where's my kid how's your kid how is your kid they're great they're great i miss them a lot when i interviewed you you had mentioned that you were in cookville and um this was before you announced you were going on the team and i was like man this is crazy dedication that he has going down there and being away from his kids but now i kind of piece it before you had announced you were going on the team, and I was like, man, this is crazy dedication that he has going down there and being away from his kids.
Starting point is 00:53:47 But now I kind of piece it together. You had to get in there within the time frame, right? That's why you had to go before Jan 1? Yeah. I mean, they came to visit me a couple of weeks ago here in Cookville. I'm going to go see them for a week at the home, and I'm going to bring them with me back in July for Kings prep. So at least I'm going to be able to have some time with them.
Starting point is 00:54:09 But, yeah, I miss them a lot. How old is the baby? Those sacrifices are paying off. I'm getting fitter every day, and, yep, ready to kick some ass. Awesome. And how old is the baby? She just turned six months. And it's just one, right?
Starting point is 00:54:26 Mila just turned six months, and Liam is four. Oh, and was Liam there too? Yeah. Yeah, that was actually kind of funny because he played him and Trice. So just to put you in context, Liam doesn't speak English yet. Trice obviously doesn't speak English yet. Trice obviously doesn't speak French. He barely speaks English.
Starting point is 00:54:50 And they played the whole week together non-stop and I don't know how, but they were understanding each other and they had a blast. It was pretty cool just to see those two interact without being able to speak each other's language. It was hilarious. How long was he there uh they were 10 days yeah um any part of um your wife
Starting point is 00:55:13 having concerns because the froning kids just run wild was she like okay uh because you know like parents get like that like when they get around kids who are like these country kids like trice was doing stuff and like uh uh, really, should he be taking cow patties and throwing them up against the side of the barn? And like, did your wife have any issues at first? Like letting them kind of free range with the Buffaloes? Uh, I mean, I mean, Liam and Trice are different a little bit, but I think what's great for Liam too, I was a friend, like tries to to show him to be a little bit more wild.
Starting point is 00:55:46 Yeah. Wild is a good word for Trice. Wild is a good word. But, you know, we shared the same values as Rich's family, so it was great for us. And I think it was a great fit for everyone. And I know Liam is missing Trice a lot, and he can't wait to come back. How old is Trice? Trice just turned five in April.
Starting point is 00:56:06 Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, him and Violet. Violet's four. But, man, Trice is, yeah, he's 1,000 miles an hour all the time. It's fun, but he's a lot. So, yeah, he definitely showed Liam some bad habits. Those are my friends. You nailed it, Samuel. showed Liam some bad habits. It's that is those are my friends. You nailed
Starting point is 00:56:28 it, Samuel. My friends now, it doesn't matter whether I like them or not. If they share the same values as me for their kids, I can accept anything about them. They could pee on my toilet seat. I don't care. You know what I mean? You can park in my spot.
Starting point is 00:56:44 You can eat my food. If you share the same values as me with how you raise your kids, fuck, you're family. We're really lucky to find people in our tribe, right? Yeah. Yeah, it's nuts. I was just talking about how some of my friends, we watch the UFC every Saturday night at my house. And it's basically what it is is people with kids come over and the kids just run wild for like four or five hours at my house and there's some parents who don't bring their kids there because they think
Starting point is 00:57:12 that because we're watching the ufc it's going to damage the kids first of all none of the kids ever don't they don't give a shit they never come in there but they're like so missing out because it's like the greatest group of kids it Hillary gets a little upset sometimes with how much I let the kids. I just let them go. They'll wrestle on the trampoline and do whatever. She just didn't grow up with boys either, so she doesn't understand why Trice is the way he is sometimes. When she sees other boys, she's like, okay, I kind of get it now.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Are you getting more uh rich more kids i can't do the baby stage uh we hillary came to me i guess it's been a couple weeks ago and she was cleaning out the girls closets and like of all their old clothes and stuff and she's like hey are we done with kids and i said absolutely and how quick i said yes you have four right we have three and three we're just in such a good spot with where violet's four where we can do stuff you know like adding a baby an infant to the mix i'm just not a nurturer that's just not i'm a i'm a glorified playmate. Um, I'm not going to sit there and hold a baby for hours where Hillary, that's her, like, that's what she does. She's a nurturer. She loves to hold babies. She could hold them
Starting point is 00:58:34 for 24 seven. And one of my best friends, uh, Matt, they, they have a six month old. He's great now, but in the beginning, just watching years be sucked away from matt's life because they had an infant i just it was like power leaving his body you know so um he's in third and great i can't i just can't do it you know as bad as that sounds and as selfish as that sounds like i really like my kids like a lot and adding a fourth in i'm like i don't know if i could go back to the baby thing again condom sales just skyrocketed did rich just say the power was leaving that man's body aging like a movie where like you know they just suck suck the life out of you crazy oh what your guys's first event is um
Starting point is 00:59:20 tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow i know i have a schedule here somewhere let me see this i know uh taylor sent me a schedule yeah tell yeah you got to be getting close to like a regular city with like gas stations and shit now. Say that again? Yeah, there's like one gas station in about 50 miles. What is... Midday-ish.
Starting point is 00:59:53 Okay, I have the schedule somewhere. Let me see. Okay. Syndicate, team event number one, 10 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. You guys are two hours ahead. So it's at noon. Is that what you just said? Oh, you're awesome, kid. Three hours ahead. You guys are two hours ahead. So it's at noon. Is that what you just said? Oh, you're awesome, kid. Three hours ahead, I think, from Easter time.
Starting point is 01:00:09 Oh, you're Eastern time? Okay. Oh, yeah, you're right. Okay. So we'll... And do you take this... Is there any difference between this competing here and competing at the games? Like, in terms of the mentality
Starting point is 01:00:24 of the team? I know Scott doesn't't give a shit he just lets the camera dangle from his neck and shit he's like that's just fucking semi-final but but for you guys is there any difference or is it just scott says content's content he doesn't really care but for us yeah yeah we want to we want to do what we're going to do with the games and it's a good practice for us in the environment and a little bit of chaos thrown in there and and you can't replace the intensity of of competing uh you can train as much as you want but um intensity of competing just does something to your i don't know psychology your body uh you know,
Starting point is 01:01:06 after the end of the weekend, even though it's a semi-final and people think we don't care, it's gonna, it'll train you. Hey, um, when you train, is there stuff that you're, that you still, um, learn or things that are still developing? Like maybe like when in 2009, you never thought about your breathing and now it's like always your breathing 2009 you never thought about your breathing and now it's like always your breathing or you never thought about nostril breathing or um you know uh when you're dead lifting you you're like holy shit i should have been doing it like this the whole time i should have always been pushing down on my big toe like are there any things that you still refine like do you have aha moments still yeah does anything does anything stick out
Starting point is 01:01:46 uh yeah actually you know it's been a couple months but i widened my deadlift um hand position uh k-star was out here a little bit and um i had just kind of intuitively for some reason started doing that when he was out here he was saying he did the same thing because you can actually engage your upper back a little bit more uh start a little bit lower not more not like a an ollie position on the deadlift but a little bit lower and that's one thing that you know i've kind of developed over the last couple months and then you know just just little things i think refining movement and i think we're all constantly learning and honestly the the older i get in certain things start to nag,
Starting point is 01:02:25 you got to kind of change up, um, the way the body moves a little bit too. So yeah, I think, uh, if you're not learning, you're gonna, um, you're gonna fall behind. Let me ask you this question. Um, when I used to see Rob Orlando deadlift, like back in 2000, I don't know, nine or 10, it would always look like his weight was going on the outside of his feet. Yeah. And I noticed as I got older, I started doing that more and more. Do you know what I'm talking about? That feeling? It's probably because you have less joint space on the inside of your knees now from all the years of, no, I'm just kidding. I was going to be like, shit, I don't have any knee issues, but
Starting point is 01:03:02 does that happen? I mean, your feet looked flat there. I'm sure I roll just a little bit. I noticed when I squat, especially, yeah, I rolled to the outsides of my feet. I pronate really bad with my feet anyway. That's the way I am biomechanically, I think. Yeah, maybe that left foot looks like you're on the outside a little bit. Maybe that left foot.
Starting point is 01:03:22 I can't tell maybe if it's a camera angle or not. I'm pretty bow-legged, I've realized in the last couple of years, like I saw myself walk on a video or something. I'm like, damn, you're bowlegged. It's like my boots, they wear out on the outside. So yeah, I'm definitely, uh, you know, more towards the pronated side of my feet. So I don't know, that could be something. Um, I think about, you know, you know, foot tension and try to keep weight on the whole foot. Not necessarily. You know, I think for years we talked about heels, heels, heels. And that was just a kind of a coaching cue because people are so used to being on their toes in most sports. But I think it's more whole foot pressing versus heel pressing.
Starting point is 01:03:59 So that's just something over the last couple of years I've thought about is, you know, contact of the foot and pressing through the whole foot instead of just the heels. God, I'm so glad that question worked. That could have been a really dumb question. I could have got destroyed. In that video that I don't know if you guys made it or CrossFit made it, I'm halfway through it. It's you guys, I think, doing quarterfinals or something. And you're watching one of the other teams, Mayhem teams, work out.
Starting point is 01:04:35 And it is the most – and maybe there's other videos where you're doing this too. But it was the most aggressive I had ever seen you. Like I had never seen you really in that coaching um mindset and that was the first time i thought oh shit maybe maybe and i don't know if it's if i'm just making this up but i've heard you allude to maybe this is your last year and i was thinking oh shit maybe he's gonna just become a hardcore coach uh you're watching our road to the games for justice and independence that yes yes yes yes yeah i think uh you know oh if you would ask me five six years ago if i would ever coach coach i said no um i think of myself almost like my parenting skills i'm a glorified training partner
Starting point is 01:05:20 um but you know over the years i've learned a couple of things and, um, ways to help. And so, um, yeah, I think, uh, you know, I, you know, I've said this is my last year. This is my, definitely my last year on the team. Um, but who knows, you know, guys like me, guys like Scott, we can't just full on retire. We're going to be working out anyway. So I'll still do the open. I'll still do probably age group on like qualifiers. Cause I am a master starting next year. I missed it this year by a week um and then you know if i feel like i can go to the games and and compete at the level i want to then who knows you know every couple years i might do a master's run i don't know guys back guys like me we don't really retire so i don't i don't know you know oh my goodness he's gonna
Starting point is 01:06:07 play with everybody's emotions like panchay oh my goodness um have you have you have you talked about this before this uh this this thing a little bit you know i and i don't want to like commit to say hey i'll do that too late too late stop stop stop too late, too late. Stop, stop, stop. Full on commitment. We've decided. I don't know if it'll be next year. Like I said, if I feel like I can still compete at the level I want to, which is win, then I'll keep doing it. But, you know, I kind of was joking with us internally. And I said, what I'll do is I'll wait till 40. I'll come back for 40. I'll wait till 45. I'll come back at 45. I'll try to win one master's championship in each of the hk oh god that would be fucking classic division companies you better hurry up because the company's not going to be around much longer okay um that's true
Starting point is 01:06:54 oh my goodness i can't wait to talk to you offline uh i appreciate you guys coming on we will we will be watching uh closely you are uh so generous with your time scott thanks for sharing these guys i know it's not fun sharing the stars uh samuel uh can't wait to have you back the individual we'll we'll pretend to cheer you on um too uh send us a link throughout the weekend while you're podcasting if he wants to jump on always dude i'll send you a ton yeah no pressure if you can or can't and uh when you see angelo uh um give him a big hug for us we're sorry we missed him i'll give him a nut tap we'll do all right brother thank you so much all right love you back bye that was a big was that just a big announcement that just happened?
Starting point is 01:07:46 I don't know. I think it was. I did want to ask him what happened to our boy Hobart. No Bart. What happened to Hobart? He's focused on other initiatives. Uh, but yeah,
Starting point is 01:07:59 Caleb, um, we, we open up a, uh, uh, a text thread to Rich Froning. Um,
Starting point is 01:08:04 and, and, and I'm going to dictate here. Dear Rich, please do not come on the podcast again with your shirt on. Sincerely, Head of Sebon Media LLC. Thank you. Just go ahead and send that off. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:08:20 Put my seal on it, wax it, and thank you. Very good, dude. Oh, wow. Wow. Wow. Fantastic. Wow. That is amazing. Sorry. Sorry. I want to, I promise you what we, we, I, we will share this with you in, uh,
Starting point is 01:08:52 I just saw a text come in that I'm on this thread also with, uh, Caleb and Matt and a bunch of people from the team. And I, I'm going to make a note here. Share that, uh, on Tuesday, share on Tuesday.
Starting point is 01:09:00 I will share this moment on Tuesday. Wow. You guys are going to love this. This is fun. Okay. Um, let's, uh, we have, uh, I will share this moment on Tuesday. Wow. You guys are going to love this. This is fun. Okay. We have a few minutes left of the show. How dare Rich derail our show thinking he can just call in?
Starting point is 01:09:17 Oh, I forgot to ask him that. I forgot to ask him about Chris Roglosky beating him at that event. Do you remember? That's okay. We'll save that one. She put the whoop on what are those headphones or did those come out of a cheerios box uh caleb i mean look at those things those are like some 1980s from like that waterproof walkman i used to have yes exactly so i was driving to knoxville and i my airpods died or like they weren't connecting and so i had to stop at a gas station and buy
Starting point is 01:09:46 like the 30 like small pack of headphones hey and you know those are 85 cent head the kind it's like on a spinning thing you spin it and like you're like okay i'll take those and they have like some chargers that you know don't work worth a shit and those are also like 50 with like but just record you can't get the block. The block's like another 20. Yeah. That's exactly where I got. Oh man. Hey,
Starting point is 01:10:09 um, send me your, um, uh, I don't do, I don't know if I have your mailing address. Send me your mailing address after, after the show.
Starting point is 01:10:19 And I'm going to send you those same exact headphones. I just got a pair for Taylor self. They're the exact same ones that, um, Brian was wearing yesterday on the show. And, uh, Sousa wears them when he's on the road.
Starting point is 01:10:29 Those are incredible. And they have a noise canceling mic. Also Jabra makes them so that like, if there were people in the room with you, like we wouldn't even hear any of that. Or one of those fans on your computers. We'll do that. All right.
Starting point is 01:10:42 Uh, okay. Uh, I did, I don't know if this is true, but this is how I live my life. That's the thing where you need to be working. What was the exact way you said that? If you're only working as hard as you're getting paid, you're never going to get paid more?
Starting point is 01:10:57 Yeah, work as hard as the amount you want to get paid. Well, most people do under the amount too, right? Like especially people that don't work for themselves. So they just kind of have a job. Usually they're like, what's the minimum I could get by and not really get called out and stuff. It's not, that's not my job, bro. Yeah. I don't get to take that out. That's not my job.
Starting point is 01:11:15 It's the next guy's job. I'm offended that you asked me to do that. A number, number. And along that line too, if you're embarrassed about the job you're doing then you should quit that job because you're an idiot but you shouldn't be embarrassed about the job you're doing if you're the dude who cleans the bathroom at starbucks make it the cleanest bathroom ever everyone gets rewarded who does insane work it's nice to see matt's face on the podcast matt who thanks albert uh uh number two and this is why my kids will never go to public school can you imagine sending your kids to public school
Starting point is 01:11:56 and they get charged for sexual harassment because the wrong thing comes out of their mouth you sent your kid there to be educated, to be learned. Oh, wait till you see this. This is nuts. Eighth graders using wrong pronoun is now considered sexual harassment. The insanity of transgender ideology doesn't stop with encouraging children to undergo damaging, irreversible procedures that involve mutilating or poisoning their bodies now children who don't butcher the english language at the behest of gender dysphoric students must be investigated for sexual harassment i mean we used to call each other all sorts of fucked up names yeah yeah it's kids on the playground this is thought police people this is 1984 thought police this is thought
Starting point is 01:12:44 police who published this this is a trigger article yeah i checked it like in three different This is 1984 Thought Police. This is Thought Police. Who published this? Is this a Trigger article? Yeah, I checked it like in three different places. Just gets you upset. It's one of those articles to provoke and prod and create more division. Worry about this. Don't worry about lobbyists.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Don't worry about the spending Congress is doing. Yes, don't be distracted by the seven on podcast i'm sorry i brought that i just can't imagine sending my kid to public school you went to public school didn't you yeah but it was different back then like if a kid brought a gun to school they just took it away from them exactly like nothing happened they were bringing back at the end of the day come to the office and pick this up yeah yeah yeah yeah jesse good jesse glaze bought a gun to school he also brought a beer to school one time we all drank and both times the yard duty miss pachilla she must be dead miss pachilla uh took it from
Starting point is 01:13:38 took the gun from him and the uh beer from different incidents jesse glaze hey he he was he was the toughest dude in the class and every time he got in a fight he cried so like he'd be on top of a kid beating a kid up and he'd be crying and i remember i was like that too i was always like wow is he this dude just dominates in fights but he's always the one crying yeah that's funny i knew if he gave darren like that and he would just be like yeah yeah eating the crap out of a guy and then he'd be like super upset afterwards it was this kid was a human tornado super skinny great at sports always came to school filthy filthy uh number three James O'Keefe if you
Starting point is 01:14:18 don't follow James O'Keefe on Instagram and Twitter and repost everything that he that he that he posts I don't want to be your friend. I mean I can know you, but you're not my friend. Like we're not – you're not doing your part. If you just want to do your part, just repost his shit. This guy is amazing. This guy is basically hunting fascists. He's hunting and exposing fascists.
Starting point is 01:14:46 The kind of people who want to get your kid arrested for having thoughts. Okay, go ahead. Who do you love? He's a capitalist. We weren't really operating on the capital. It's more of a race. We're all like, call me a s***. Ideologically, it does not make sense. Because we're actually centering, call me a s***. Ideologically, it doesn't make sense.
Starting point is 01:15:06 Like, because we're actually censoring the right, not the left. It's true. There is bias. I don't know if the two parties can truly coexist on one platform. What do your colleagues say about you? They hate it. Oh, my God. Some of my colleagues are, like, super left-left. Left-left-left.
Starting point is 01:15:23 They're like, this could be my last day if it happens why are you guys so worried you know our job was to take you to capitalists if we weren't really operating on capital he the a senior engineer at twitter they're worried about their jobs because elon musk is a capitalist do you know that's why we have airbags or the whole society we run on right now yeah do you know that it's all it's any the only reason yeah the only reason why we have anything is because human beings compete it's the only reason everything all that coca-cola we only have coca-cola because humans compete we only have Twitter because humans compete. There was this thing I remember with CrossFit where all the people who originally started it loved it because of the low barrier to entry.
Starting point is 01:16:16 And in two days, you could learn so much. And then you would get out and train people and spread the good word. And then after about five years, I'm making that date up that time up. Those people who had their affiliates for five years all of a sudden started hating the protocol and the method that got to them to where they were at. Two days of seminar isn't enough. I don't want anyone opening a gym next to me. It shouldn't be that cheap for those people. And they started wanting to place rules in place, forgetting where they came from and why this thing spread the way it did instead of focusing on themselves and making their shit better hey i've interviewed two cops now one cop said it takes
Starting point is 01:16:51 three years before you're a halfway decent cop and the other one said five years and they're in the academy for nine months you go to law school you graduate you take the bar you become a certified whatever you call those knuckleheads that prey on society because of the insane laws do you think that you're a good lawyer after five years of law school no this whole argument that you can't be a good trainer after just taking your l1 um it's nuts you can't be a good anything unless you put in shitloads of time of practice. It's a moot point. Stop saying that stuff. That's how you got into it. Stop thinking that you're better than other people.
Starting point is 01:17:31 And those are the same jackasses that we're seeing at Twitter. That's what we're seeing. It's nuts. Taylor Smith, speaking of low barrier to entry, can you tell us what you guys are using to stream no fuck off uh i i really like james o'keefe uh yeah we're using stream yard did you see his interview on uh bet david's podcast taylor smith no no oh james o'keefe no no oh it's pretty good but one of the things that they were asking about, which I always wonder is like, what type of like paranoia fear does he live in? I mean, this guy's had like the FBI show up and like, I mean, he's going after some really powerful people and he's doing it very ruthlessly.
Starting point is 01:18:18 And so at some point he's got to lay there and be like, you know, not ruthless. He's doing it with he's doing it with um sorry and i'm normally i wouldn't i wouldn't stop you on that i'm sorry uh confrontational about it uh confrontational approaching them like they don't expect to be approached by anybody and all of a sudden somebody's approaching them and they're yeah maybe forward his forward approach okay yes extremely forward yeah like hey like uh uh you said you you said this about someone and um and he walks up to you while you're eating dinner and confronts you on it but but the reason why it's okay is because these people are saying really really harsh things in a really public setting and if you do that you should expect to be addressed
Starting point is 01:19:02 anywhere you go it's accountability right right and be addressed anywhere you go. It's accountability. Right, right. And so you're – thank you. Perfect. I believe that the – I agree with the level of your accountability should rise in the directly proportional to how loud your voice is. That's just one of the laws of physics, science. one of the laws of physics science uh i i don't i don't like um the right doing stupid things like conflating the fact that he said elon has asperger's and and like acting like that's a bad thing that's woke shit who cares if he said he had asperger's does he have asperger's elon's asperger's fucking diagnosed motherfucker who cares like good if you want elon to be offended by that you're the one you're doing
Starting point is 01:19:46 the exact same thing the woke crowd is you're trying to enforce the elon should just lean into that yep i got it sorry caleb what did you say he wouldn't be who he is without it to be quite yeah yeah i'm not offended that he called them asperger's or special help or fucking retard ah retard's a little harsh but it but it's the other stuff. It's saying that they, that they're against free speech that we cannot have. That's crazy. I wonder how, I wonder how that happens. Like, is it like a group thing thing? You think like there they've been, and this is going to be a pretty, pretty big assumption here, but you think it's because like they go, they travel through the educational system, right?
Starting point is 01:20:24 Then you go into college. And so you're around all these like-minded people. And what I mean by like-minded is like the same ideology is kind of being pumped from the professor and your other, you know, cohorts, your colleagues. And then you go into a big kind of tech industry thing. And then there's more of the same there, but your power is kind of growing a little bit in elevation to your job title. And so you're just kind of in that bubble. So your point of view just becomes strictly that. Like I wonder at what point don't they like remove themselves from that and look around and are like, hey, let's actually make a decision for myself rather than kind of lean towards this socialist approach. And like, haven't they?
Starting point is 01:21:02 I don't – like haven't they – I don't know. Well, you heard early on when he cornered one of the CNN guys, right? He had one of the CNN guys going to – it was interesting that that CNN guy who was like the head designer or something, he was actually questioning himself. He's like, hey, I don't know if what we're doing is good for society. Yeah, that's some – At first I was going to say, no, fuck no, Sousa. They don't even think like that. But you know what? Maybe you're right. I mean they are doing some really bad stuff. Yeah, but they see it as good obviously, which is – I mean –
Starting point is 01:21:35 But your question is do they question themselves? Right. The classic is this. You have 12 unarmed black men were killed. We don't know what – but probably most of them it was justifiable. But that led to this movement that all cops are racist, right? And so then there was the defund the police, and now we know thousands of black men have died because of the people being upset that 12 unarmed black men were died. And so there was this protocol put in place and a societal prejudice against police. And so they sort of abandoned their duties in these neighborhoods. And what ended up happening is thousands of black men then were hurt because of that. And kids and just these neighborhoods, right, where those people live. And so what we're asking is does anyone see
Starting point is 01:22:27 that who pushed for that protocol does does mrs lightfoot from chicago be like oh shit right i tried to fucking save two black men and i got three thousand killed like does she see the math yeah or did they look at at the beginning and on, let's get some data on what's happening with the cops and realizing actually more unarmed white people are shot by cops than unarmed black people? I don't have the data in front of me, but there's like 2,000. Or do we realize that, hey, it's actually – it's so insignificant, and the parallel we would draw is to seatbelts. Seatbelts killed two people last year, but they also saved 15,000. So do we get rid of seatbelts because of those two people who were killed by the – no. As a matter of fact, it's not even – it shouldn't even be an issue. The real issue is drunk driving, old people on the road.
Starting point is 01:23:17 Driver fatigue. Yeah, just shit like that. It's like totally – it has nothing to do with the fact of the color of their skin or the cops. It's tiny. It would be like addressing COVID with a vaccine. It would be as stupid as that. It's tiny. With a mandatory vaccine. Yeah. The issue is diet.
Starting point is 01:23:35 We all know it. And the issue with the violence of people getting killed is the way the kids are raised. Crazy. But you can't even have those conversations. James, hi. Yes, yes. Crazy. But you can't even have those conversations. James. Hi. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:23:47 Hello. How are we doing? You know, Rich Froney was on my show today. I think I'm pretty cool. Still riding that high. I saw that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:54 I saw that. I still have a, about a 10 person Coleman tent. I'm pitching in my pants, but, uh, you and me both, James,
Starting point is 01:24:03 I've always, let me tell you something. Let me say something. I got a huge dong, but I wouldn't say a 10-person tent. I have a little bit of modesty, a seven-person tent. A pup tent. But kudos to you. Kudos to you.
Starting point is 01:24:15 Maybe one time we'll run into each other and we can compare notes. I mean, can you imagine? We could have a commune between the two of us. Hey, did you see we opened with those worms That do penis fencing did you see that Penis fence I don't want to penis fence James Okay alright
Starting point is 01:24:33 No one should be doing any penis fencing with James No no no I'm calling for a serious matter actually Okay go ahead Okay listen Listen Penis fencing is serious especially if you're on the losing end if you're on the losing end of penis fencing it's not good okay go on sorry go ahead the buttery bros yes okay two hardest working guys in the business heber and marjan
Starting point is 01:25:00 hardest working right and now let me just say this and because here's my thing here's my thesis and hear me out they work too hard they are constantly plugging things in their videos constantly and they're forcing these like macho personalities douchey sunglass wearing and it's just it's too bad because i can tell they are good dudes i honestly can tell that if you're having a beer with them they are great guys my issue is they somehow get in with all the best crossfitters they get the best content and i love like everybody i want to see they're there with them before i can even think about it but because of the plugs and they're forced everything i can barely watch it what do you i mean am i the only one who thinks this? First of all, I want to be, be clarified one thing.
Starting point is 01:25:48 So we don't spread any rumors. I, I, I'm 99% sure Heber has never had a beer or any alcohol. So let's, let's, let's squash that rumor right there. Come on my show and spread some rumors. But I've had, and for everyone he didn't have i've i've i've had it i had it for him um they're they're uh i i guess i'll make a shit sandwich um they are extremely hard working and dedicated to their craft they believe in the methodology they always express what the greatest part about working at crossfit inc. in the early days. And I've talked about this is and I learned this term from Susan Patrick.
Starting point is 01:26:28 But David, it was full of intrapreneurs, meaning everyone there treated it like it was their own business. They took ownership. You never had to tell Heber or Marjan what to fucking do. They were working 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. If they were on vacation, they would stop into an affiliate and make content and send it back to the mothership. I mean, those motherfuckers work how they showed their relationship with CrossFit. It's part of them. Yeah. They are different creatures than me, how they were raised, where they grew up. And, um, and so it expresses, there is a, a Peewee Herman element to what they do that makes me uncomfortable. Maybe it's, maybe it's just me. Maybe it's like, I'm just into penis fencing and, uh, that's what makes me comfortable,
Starting point is 01:27:10 but there's an element to what they do. Um, they are, they're both sophisticated men. And I, when I see them make those videos, I don't know that side of them. Not that I knew them real well, but I mean, I would see them like every day or every other day or whatever you know and and i would consider them like strong colleagues uh even when we didn't get along and you know when i worked there i would hear rumors of them just talking mad shit about me all the time but i didn't even care like i like i i fucking respect the fuck out of those guys but their but their content is um when i watch it i watch it because i'm they they they had someone on their show who then I'm going to interview, and I use their show as a reference tool. But I can't – it's so hard to critique them outside of just what's my cup of tea because the editing is insane.
Starting point is 01:27:58 The audio is insane. The camera movement is insane. I'm never like – I'm never – it's kind of like um um do you ever do you ever like not want to bone and you bone and afterwards you're like at 90 100 of the time you're like man i'm glad i did that you know what i mean like you ate too much you feel fat you don't really want to fuck but you do anyway or you're tired or like you just don't want it but every every time afterwards like well shit that was good i'm glad i did that that's how i feel about their show i'm never like excited to watch the show but after i watch watch it, I'm never like – I'm always like, oh, I'm glad I saw that.
Starting point is 01:28:27 Never. So I hear you, and their access to people is insane. I'm so fucking jealous when they were with that boxer, Tiafemo Fomo. I would fucking cut off Caleb's pinky to interview that dude. off caleb's pinky to interview that dude but um but yeah i i feel you they have a special um they they're they're they're a niche but i i i've said on the show before i'd like to see them do other stuff yeah so that's that's my that's my two cents uh as far as the douchey glasses go um i like the fact that they push the douchey glasses because i think it's funny that i mean i never see a crack in their in their armor either so if they are insecure about that shit they never show it like i'm like watching the show i'm like man these guys
Starting point is 01:29:13 like they stand by their shit i mean wow really savannah because i remember when i used to smoke weed and i would like i would like analyze people on a deep level i feel like if i watch their videos high i'd be like, what are these guys doing? This is not them. I'll hang up. I'll let you guys, I'll let you guys move on. Okay. Hey, I appreciate the call. I appreciate the call. Yeah. Sorry. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Do you want me to hang up some? Is that what you're saying?
Starting point is 01:29:37 I thought you were going to hang up. No, he's going to finish. Yeah. Okay. Listen to this. Listen to this. This is good. Watching the buttery bros is bloated sex. Oh my God. Oh my God. Here's my overall point. And this is not my intention because I agree with everything you said. I can tell they bust their ass.
Starting point is 01:30:01 Yeah. Yeah. When you were, when you were going to like, whatever riches chip. Yeah. it was about rich and dan it was clearly like all rich and dan and all those guys it was like we were just watching them and it was amazing to see that shit and then with buttery bros sometimes it feels like it's more about kieber and mars and like all the little things they do than it is about like watching justin madero's train
Starting point is 01:30:26 and like here's perspective and stuff that's my only thing but don't they have that kind of self-comeback but james don't they have to do that i hear that criticism a lot too and i kind of don't have that for him here's two reasons one they both have beautiful bodies so right and they both work out and when i and when i met um i i can't ever remember Marjan not having a beautiful body. But when I met Heber, he was a fucking stick. Like I think as I recall, I could have run circles around him in the gym. Yeah, he's – Like he couldn't even put my weights away. And now he would fucking throw me fucking over my own house.
Starting point is 01:30:58 So like I saw him put that work in, which is – and he's a savage. And I kind of think that they had to do that i think that they had to build those elements and i do think that we're seeing heber mature i was actually just looking on his site the other day and he's including his fan his wife more and more and when i see that i think oh i i i maybe i'm interpreting it wrong or i'm romanticizing it but i see him as a man like growing older and like falling more and more in love with his wife and, and sort of us getting more depth to it or him getting willing to share more depth, um, about himself to the public instead of just the, um, sort of, sort of the peewees playhouse. Yeah. In fairness, I have not seen that and I do respect that.
Starting point is 01:31:43 So that's fair. But anyway, we would agree on this, James, right? Regardless of what you think about them, we're glad they're in the ecosystem, right? I mean, they bring a shit ton of energy. Better off with them. That's for sure. A hundred percent. A hundred percent. I take five videos over one of theirs, over one of Craig Ritchie. You guys have a great one. I'll see you later. you guys have a great one i'll see you later thanks all right hey hey he was like he was like just about to run heber marston over and then he saw craig behind him he just backed over craig heber marston got to escape right at the end of the call you know what's interesting is i wonder if you like had a conversation with them you know how sometimes actors this is fair oh so sorry real quick sorry sorry hold that thought this is fair dan strob that's right they are the disney of cf
Starting point is 01:32:21 content that's a very in disney's the shits, right? Except for the molesting the kids part. They're amazing. Okay, go ahead, Susan. Actually, it's kind of along Dan's point here too, but it's, you know, like sometimes actors will start and they'll start in a comedy role. Like I think Jim Carrey and a bunch of these other people have done it where they do this, these kind of like comedies, these over the top essential comedies. And at some point they're like, okay, I want to switch gears and I want to do a serious movie or a different role, you a drama or something like that and then so you you see some of them make the transition like i wonder if that we'll see that same transition or evolution with the buttery bros like they kind of started with the caricatures that were all hype
Starting point is 01:33:00 and the litter box and stuff and it worked really well and then i wonder as that as they continue to progress if they'll say okay like let's kind of leave that behind and transition into something else or maybe they just enjoyed that that shtick you know that that litter box thing i've gone through a whole evolution with it i used to think it was just ridiculous and now i'm kind of like wow those like like it's hillar has the bat. They got the litter box. Yeah. Yeah. Quit being a hater, someone like good job, dude. I know, but nobody denies their hard work. And as far as it going for like commercial after commercial, like, you know what I mean? They got to make their money and they got to promote those brands and they got to bring value to the brands and they got to get it in front of all the eyeballs they possibly can.
Starting point is 01:33:42 So I don't really, you know, I mean, it sucks sucks but that's what they got to do to make the money right along that line i want to finish um uh as we as we wrap up here you have to go right i mean we've been on here 90 minutes yeah i gotta be done by like eight what do you do caleb what are you doing you're at the event what do you what what is that is that tape it's just yeah it was all tape and you're just waiting for someone you're just sitting there doing podcasts waiting for someone's hands to rip yeah basically wait for someone to skin a knee oh yeah how how single is marston i don't know if marston is single i there was there was some news a couple years ago i knew he was dating like a news anchored girl or a news lady chick tv lady
Starting point is 01:34:32 he probably uh private people who are like i hear these people who i respect and they're like no one needs more than 80 million dollars these people who have billions of dollars they don't need this money you you have any person who says that or anyone who says well that was a waste of money or um with that 40 billion elon could have um fed the world did about twitter those people have no idea how money works or what's going on they don't understand the mechanism of how money works at all zero Zero. It's like saying, how could there ever be a drought anywhere? We have the ocean. Like, let's just bring ocean water. I mean, that's not – no one – and I and leaving them in a garage somewhere is not wasting money. You don't understand what the word waste means and you don't understand how money works. If that person buys 20 Bentleys. And then they starve to death and die three days later because they spent all their money on Bentleys.
Starting point is 01:35:41 You could say that, hey, that probably wasn't the best thing for their survival. But it wasn't a waste that money just keeps going into the ecosystem and a ton of people a ton of people benefited from it that first mercedes-benz that was made in 1986 the 560 sel was 109 000 was the most expensive production car ever made at that time and it was the first car that had airbags. And now all cars have airbags. Shitboxes have airbags that are made in shithole countries. It's such poor thinking. You are not understanding how the world works
Starting point is 01:36:27 how people get better it's funny to me that people are more interested in how individuals spend the money that they earned like elon musk and jeff bezos but they're like not as concerned with the spending that congress is doing which is their money and their kids' future money. Right. Okay. So another great point. So you're saying, well, they have plenty of money. Why not tax them? Okay. So that is borderline. You could explain borderline a waste of money. And here's why. When you tax someone who's rich, what are you saying? Send that money to the government. Think about what the government does. Just really think long and hard. Why do you think Gavin Newsom needs more of your money?
Starting point is 01:37:24 Would you rather Jeff Bezos spend his money or would you rather have Gavin Newsom spend money? How do you think it makes society better? Every dollar that Gavin Newsom spends makes us weaker. Yeah, government's a terrible deployer of capital. Yeah. It gets wasted. And then the was that i was also making there too is like we're all obsessed with oh well elon just spent 40 billion here well congress just spent 40 billion for ukraine and that money kind of just gets shuffled off and there's all this other like
Starting point is 01:37:55 you know billions are being spent here on these initiatives and we never see anything come from it like who would you rather the point you're making who would you rather give a billion dollars to elon musk who's going to then turn that into a profit, create more money, bring more value to lives, or Gavin Newsom where we're just going to see California continuously get worse? So it's like – It's nuts that people don't see it. Yeah. It's absolutely nuts to me. Why are we more critical of Congress's spending?
Starting point is 01:38:20 Why are we paying attention to where those tax dollars are going? Yeah, where do they spend it? Yeah, they feed seagulls. Don't forget yes for those of you heard the show everything i'm saying makes sense to you if this is the first time you've heard this i'll get into it more later but we don't want to feed seagulls seagulls ruin the environment in which we live uh hi even though i love seagulls don't get me wrong seagulls are great one of my favorite birds but but feeding them opening up a bag of bread and feeding them is uh over a crowd of people is not nice hey how are you mars awesome how are you guys doing today good great
Starting point is 01:38:54 you're on the sebon podcast you get the final word today mars tell us well okay if that's the case so i always find it interesting how big tax bills are right they're like thousands and thousands of pages and nobody ever reads right yeah and all these people calling for more taxes are the stupidest shit do you have a tax accountant yeah tax accountants are worth their money in gold because literally money weight in gold whatever anyways literally you could pay 500 bucks and you'll save thousands on taxes because the whole reason the tax bill is thousands of pages long is so that you can find every loophole to avoid your taxes that's why it's thousands of pages long. It's to make loopholes. That's why all these people in
Starting point is 01:39:47 politics add a couple pages so that their little cash counts and find a way to slip through the cracks. Have you ever heard... Do you know who Paul Harvey is? Yes.
Starting point is 01:40:04 You have to live in the... Oh, i was i'm watching the the the listener numbers and i was expecting it to plummet with when mars got on but actually we just put one on yeah paul harvey he's the guy who talks about aliens in the middle of the night and you have to live like in iowa and fucking listen to am radio to know who paul harvey is right it's like people who don't have lives know who paul harvey is right you're like 50 correct uh like paul harvey's radio shows like out of an outhouse in the middle of kansas that's how i imagine it with like two rabbit ears okay okay well well chicago and uh anyways he's he kind of has like opinion takes on a lot of things but his one of his big things was in the 60s he had this this album that he put out, which essentially was just him talking.
Starting point is 01:40:49 And he said, history has shown that when you tax people above a quarter, you're doomed to economic clips. And he said that, biblically speaking, we shouldn't go tax. and he said that, biblically speaking, we shouldn't go taxed. God said, God was saying by tithing, this is what, it was like a representation of how the government, how the state should act, like a 10% or something. What would happen if you got some AirPods that were noise canceling? Would they make it so it didn't always seem you were calling from a place where animals were being tortured?
Starting point is 01:41:29 Yeah, I know. I should try something else. Dude, you're a frequent caller. Clean your shit up. You don't take this fucking shit seriously, do you? Oh, I don't actually. I'm on the toilet right now. I love you, Mars. You're a good dude. Okay. You get the last word. We can't let it end with sheeps being slaughtered.
Starting point is 01:41:49 One of the points I think he was making is I forget who the guy was that ran... I wish I remember his name, but he used to say, if God only asked for 10%, then the government can only ask for 9%. Oh, I like that. Speaking of Hebrew, I think that's what the
Starting point is 01:42:05 mormons do they take 10 right 10 tithe yeah nice okay hi caller how are you what's up boys it's will plumber hey will well what's up dude how come is your phone number not in my phone how come i don't know it's you when you call uh i don't know should be yeah it should be maybe it's because it's the wrong phone i think yeah it's the show one i'm pretty sure yeah i'm gonna fix that after this uh well where are you this weekend um i'm in indianapolis so you're not going to any of the events i'm not going to syndicate but i will be at the granite game okay when it's in minnesota yeah and what are you doing are you working are you volunteering or um i'm spectating and then working for you guys probably oh you're awesome
Starting point is 01:42:52 dude you're so awesome all right was there anything you want to say we're going to get off here we gotta let suzy go to work and i'm gonna take the boys to the skate park let caleb just wait for someone to get over. The beaver needs to go keep people healthy. Yes. The medic. All right. Well, always good to hear from you. And we'll look forward to hanging with you at the Granite Games and using your cell phone battery up.
Starting point is 01:43:16 All right. Great. See you guys. Okay. Stay in contact. Thanks, buddy. Later. Guys, thank you so much. We are putting together a schedule.
Starting point is 01:43:23 It started last night uh in the we hour i got another exposure notification covid code exposure notification you have that thing turned on or something or no i have to put stop setting up is it like what keeps wanting me to set it up uh um tomorrow uh i i suspect that early in the morning tomorrow. I'm trying to figure this out now. But by 6 a.m. Pacific Standard Time tomorrow morning, a bunch of individual events will have already occurred, both at Torian. I think two will have occurred at Torian and one at Lowlands. And so at 6 a.m. tomorrow, I think we're going to try to jump live with a whole cast of characters. with a whole cast of characters.
Starting point is 01:44:06 But directly, I'll be inviting the last group of people, J.R. Howell, Brian Friend, Taylor Self. So possibly we'll see you guys tomorrow at 6 a.m. Go to the Sevan Podcast YouTube station, and we will be updating our schedule regularly there. Bear with us that this thing is going to be by the seat of our pants. But of course, because we do everything beyond what we're paid for, it will be amazing. Bye-bye. Adios.

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