The Sevan Podcast - #407 - Semifinals Recap | Torian Pro Day 1

Episode Date: May 21, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:42 I have a MacBook Air. Damn, we're live yo hey before we start the show i want to say something that i'm super duper excited about uh in 2012 we started a series called uh killing the fat man season one this is a story about gary roberts losing uh going from basically almost 300 pounds i'm gonna say 260 270 maybe 60 to 70, maybe two 80. I'm not sure. Uh, down to a 200 pound man, uh, maybe even less. I think he went down to one 98. Then we did a season two. These were the two most popular series CrossFit ever has run that are non-game related over a million views on episode one, 10 years later, Gary Roberts, uh, is going to embark on killing the fat man season three.
Starting point is 00:01:27 He got his blood work done a couple of days ago. He started shooting episode one. And, uh, and I suspect them that there are going to be some issues. He's 50 years old now, and he's working with California hormones, and this is going to be a year long series. And I think we are going to see some amazing results that will even make Andrew Hiller jealous. Are we going to be able to see the blood work? We'll see it all. We'll see it all. That's going to be cool. Taylor is here. There's a dude wandering around.
Starting point is 00:01:58 It looks like the Unabomber is here. The sweaty J.R. Howell is here. J.R. We haven't met before hey and uh andrew hiller's here we don't have anyone running the back end today uh so i apologize but taylor is becoming quite proficient at stream yard holy cow i bet you there's not a lot of people who've watched in the world who've watched what we've watched we had to get up really stay up really late and get up really early to uh participate in the show i was up at 4 55 yeah i was up at four yeah i got up at six but i stayed up till one wow wow wow yeah just trying to catch up i fell asleep like watching one of the box jump over things i woke up like oh shit who won um are you gonna do we
Starting point is 00:02:44 have anyone who can bring the schedule up are you gonna do that stuff taylor at all so i don't have i don't have the schedule up on my screen let me the only things i have pulled up on the back and i guess i can't i can find it let me grab it from my uh phone and oh here and i also i thought i left it in the other room i i have it at least here in front of me so guys uh as we start to get organized here uh you you have to thank taylor self for this show to even exist um today uh or his injury he was injured um thanks i i want to say i want to say if i remember the story right like nine months ago but it got pretty serious in this last couple weeks and he had to pull out and he could
Starting point is 00:03:25 not participate out you did qualify for the semi-finals correct yeah i would yeah and then and then you weren't able to um participate uh so he has just um done what any man does with a strong pathology he's trying to focus that energy elsewhere and he's really dove into covering this. And he's brought in his buddy, J.R. Howell. J.R., you own CrossFit Crash? Correct. And we have Day One under our belt, which is weird. Not entirely, right?
Starting point is 00:04:00 No, not entirely. Sorry. Thank you. Not entirely. Is it done, though, in Australia? Is Day One done in Australia? It's done in Australia, yeah. It's done in Australia, but not in Amsterdam. Okay. So in this show, we will be talking about individual events one and individual events two in Australia,
Starting point is 00:04:21 Editorium Pro, and individual event one in lowlands. And for the first time, I kind of saw what a bunch of you guys were saying, the importance of having unified events. Oh, of, of just, it would just be so nice.
Starting point is 00:04:40 It would really help if all the events were the same, they all happen in the same order. Even if all the events were the same. They all happen in the same order. Even if just the two events that CrossFit mandated happened in the same order, it would be awesome. Like, hey, that has to be three and six. I mean, it's a little – when you have two semifinals going on at the same time and we're going to have three semifinals going on at the same time, it's always a little jarring to me when I look at event one and all the event ones are different we know how easily confused you are though right right that and that is true but i like that i like that too because you get to see how in australia the torian they do that king arthur event one which just fucking thrashes everyone's legs and then ricky garage still goes out and puts up a time that's faster than any of the men at lowlands which is
Starting point is 00:05:23 you know that's cool but you would like to see maybe how fast you would have gone without that first event and they go to 15 feet there that i think they go to 15 feet everywhere it looked taller it looked taller and torian than it did at the with the blue crossfit rigs 13 or 13 and a half yeah i know wow lowlands is also they're all 15, I believe, is what they look like. I agree. It did look higher. It'd just be really hard to believe that it was different heights. I wouldn't be able to believe that.
Starting point is 00:05:52 That'd be so messed up. And that's coming from Andrew Hiller. Do you have any confirmation on that? Has anyone said that to you? Well, there are a couple of things. Go, JR. You can just kind of count the number of pulls, especially with the males. And when you watch the Torian legless thruster event, it didn't look like the one, two, three touch like it did in the individual events for like for Lowlands, for example.
Starting point is 00:06:20 I actually have an I have an exception to that on the on the Torian side. But I do think they're all 15 feet. Watching all the heats, I think at Lowlands and at Torian, they both look to be at least a lot higher than they were in 2014, for sure. Did that event have a name? 2014 Regional Event 5. Okay. at five. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:45 And as you were saying about Ricky Garrard, one of the things that's developed with him is that we found out in his post interview that he had been vomiting all morning and not able to keep food down. He does say he's better now. I don't know if I believe him. I don't know if he's just saying that because you have to say that as an athlete, like he's trying to convince himself.
Starting point is 00:07:02 But he looked destroyed after the first workout. I would believe he's better because the next but uh he looked destroyed after the first workout i would believe he's better because the next workout takes a lot of power and he won it so i would believe he's probably doing okay um where where do you want to start do you want to start with torian pro um into the i want to say this also about the coverage uh last night people started bombing me with text telling me how horrible the coverage is. I didn't see anything wrong with the coverage. I watched all the final heats at Torian, and I watched all the final heats at Lowland. I thought the commentating was fine, and I thought the coverage was fine.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Do you guys have any – People just like to throw out the negativity at you, huh? Those negative people. It also may have been a lesser coverage prior to the individuals coming out. You know what I mean? I may have had the B cameras and the B team. I think I like the coverage so far, especially the camera angles. The public cameras were awesome.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Yeah. I agree. I thought they were pretty good as well, with the exception of maybe the first heat, which was always the case. The first heats at every event were always not the best. They iron out the wrinkles and heat ones. They're warming up. And, Caleb, you're over at Syndicate? And nothing's happened over there yet, right?
Starting point is 00:08:11 No, we'll start for another couple hours, I don't think. Okay. So should we start with Torian Taylor? Individual event one? Yeah. That was the King Arthur, right? Yeah, it started with 15 overhead squats at 155 and 115 for the ladies which i like a lot and then it went into 15 burpee box jump
Starting point is 00:08:32 overs at a standard height then they went to 15 axle bar thrusters at 135 95 i believe i might be off a little bit but somewhere in the ballpark, and then they moved on to 15 power clean, the two Oh five, one 45, um, 15 ring muscle ups, 1500 meter run, and then back down the pyramid,
Starting point is 00:08:55 15 cleans, power cleans, 15 thrusters, 15 burpee box jump overs. And then finally 15 overhead squats. And it looked like a brutal workout for a lot of guys except i think you were off by a couple pounds on all of those because they're all in kilos but you're yeah you're like right there i just don't know what the conversion was kilos it looked like a good though it looked
Starting point is 00:09:16 like a brutal workout except for one dude baden brown looked like he just he beat the next closest male by a minute and 35 seconds wow wow it did look terrible he fucking annihilated everyone and he i just think he out of at least oceania he has the ability to hurt worse than anybody else and it's not even close taylor what sense of that workout do you get watching it because you could have been there you could like with with your fitness level and everything except for your knee you could have been there competing right now i mean it would have been it was some semi-final somewhere but watching the semi-final event so you thought how would i be doing right now watching this i think i got a little bit of that i'm just curious what you thought i think this is a is a pretty good workout for me um just because i'm really good at overhead squats power cleans i'm okay at thrusters
Starting point is 00:10:06 um but it's all the run too though i'm a really really good runner and really good very box of overs and the long time domain suits me i i feel like the workout starts after the first set of muscle ups and you can see the guys who will push the run and then you can see the guys who can push the run and then come back and stay with big sets or unbroken on the second set of muscle-ups um and then again i think a lot of time can be made or lost on the power cleans because everyone's going singles and then the burpee box jump overs again and i think those two places are predominantly where a lot of the time was made um With the exception of a couple of people on the overhead squats. I just couldn't believe how devastated some of these people look that even on
Starting point is 00:10:50 the burpee box jump overs on the back end. And then especially when watching Ricky not be able to finish the overhead squats at the one 55 bar. I want to talk about that. Yeah. You want to talk about an hour later? Let's talk about it now. So I'm going to go ahead and share the screen and we can watch this. I had Brian friend, you know, kind of reach out out and say i don't think that's why he was
Starting point is 00:11:08 struggling and then ricky came out and talked about his uh vomiting vomiting hey can i share who's got this up uh oh yep yep yep this right here yeah here we go all right so anyways talks about you know he had nerves vomiting and whatnot but i want to focus on his overhead squat because that's really where he lost the workout you know he gets the overhead squat second behind baden brown to that point in the workout he didn't have a fucking chance of catching him to begin with he made brown baden brown was 40 seconds ahead of him off the run and then just absolutely annihilated the thrusters and the power cleans. And we could go back on the thrusters and see this same issue. Um, but I noticed let's press play.
Starting point is 00:11:52 I'll turn the volume down a little bit. Um, so we got Ricky areas. He's coming into, uh, how do I, okay, this is pretty big. He's coming into his overhead squats and I want you guys to just watch his toes. All right, so he fails his first rep. That's not a food issue, unfortunately for him. And I'm not shitting on the guy. I just think that if Ricky watches this, he's got the easiest way in the world to get a minute fitter. His midline looks a little wobbly there, buddy.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Watch his heels. Watch his heels. It's not the midline. Heels off the ground. Steps back. Toes. Heels off the ground. Again.
Starting point is 00:12:32 So you're just saying he's coming forward. He doesn't – Yeah, he comes forward in all his squatting, and it's not the worst shift in the world, but at the same time when you're overhead squatting and your heels are coming off the floor, it makes things pretty hard. Your bar is bouncing all over the place. Now watch Bailey Martin sitting into his hips.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Heels are staying on the floor. His feet look flat. And then just watch how much of Ricky's weight shifts forward in the bottom of his squat. It's subtle, but it's an overhead squat. You can't do that when you're overhead squatting. He drops the bar. He says, fuck, because he knows he's fit. He knows he's fit, but he's struggling with the squats.
Starting point is 00:13:06 You want to know what I think? What's up? I think he went from the burpee, which was pressing, from the thruster, which was pressing, from the muscle-up, which was pressing, and everything on the front of him is all wound up so much that the bar is pulling him forward, so you're seeing him in his toes. Well, let's watch this thruster, too. See it with a lot of people. Actually, they're all dropping it forward like that. Crouch looked amazing.
Starting point is 00:13:29 By the way, do we want to watch him finish this or we want to go back to the thruster and watch him toesy there? Either way. He was toesy there as well. He's toesy on the ice. So let me see. He's always had an interesting squat. He's got it. He's got, he just shifts so much into his heels um
Starting point is 00:13:47 he's got a pretty narrow stance and he's got super mobile ankles which doesn't help no he can get away with a lot um it does or doesn't help jr well it helps his squat but it doesn't help him in terms of needing to rely on technique. It can rely on mobility to get away with some stuff. Okay. All right. So I want to throw one thing out there while you try to find this. You guys were talking about how great Baden-Brown did in event one. In event two, he took 20th, which has already knocked him down to seventh place.
Starting point is 00:14:19 And that really lets you know that there is no room for that kind of stuff here at the semifinals. So you have Jay Crouch who's in first with the third and second. You have Bailey Martin with the second and third. Wow. And Ricky Garrard with the sixth and first. Matt McLeod with the fourth and seventh. And Royce Dunth with the seventh and fifth. And once you start getting squirrely and you start getting finishes in 20th, then you've lost control of your own destiny and you have to have other guys screw up.
Starting point is 00:14:47 There's only six workouts. We're 33% of the way through the semifinals already in Australia. So did you see that, Andrew, in those thrusters? Sorry, no. I was looking at the leaderboard. No, he was listening to me, Taylor. I was also listening to some, yeah. If I can get JR to smile on on this podcast i would be extremely happy
Starting point is 00:15:07 it's gonna happen okay coming up oh i do see okay yeah he's been doing it you're saying it's something up with his positions in general yeah i think he's just a toesy squatter and that's yeah where i think it's just you can't have a bad overhead squat or an inefficient overhead squat and do well. So I think he spends a couple of weeks working on his squat and just simply sitting into his heels. And that's maybe 30 seconds to a minute faster than that workout. I hope he watches this and he uses this information.
Starting point is 00:15:39 He goes, thank you, Taylor self. I just won the CrossFit games. No, he's going to contact Taylor and ask for a online coaching. Online coaching would be even better. He's probably going to DM me and tell me to shut the fuck up. Bro, quit talking about my squad. Colin Lawrence, wow,
Starting point is 00:15:54 this is where Ricky fucked himself. If he would have been a good dude and not cheated, a bunch of people would have fixed that. Oh, jeez, Colin. He's not a cheater. He's a good dude. Bailey Martin. He doesn't... Are you familiar with Bailey Martin? He was in Heat number three, I believe. Yep.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Now, I want to show you his rope climbs when you're done. Okay. When I'm done what? Well, I believe he was in the same heat as Royce Dunn, if I'm not mistaken. Because I've never heard of him before. No, he was in the final heat. Was he in the final heat? Okay, then I'm speaking of the wrong individual and let's carry on.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Maybe it was... No, it was just somebody who was going head-to-head against Royce Dunn. Blond kid? Yeah, it was a younger guy. But just looking at the two of them, you would have had no idea that they were in the same league of fitness, but this guy was throwing Royce Dunn out of the water.
Starting point is 00:16:45 You're talking about Reese Michelle. Who? Yes, I am. Reese Michelle. He doesn't have any abs, at least in the video. Well, no, he looks, I don't know. He looks like he's an InShape affiliate member, but he's just blowing Royce Dunn out of the water,
Starting point is 00:16:57 who looks like he's cut out of it. It was pretty awesome. I was watching like, this guy's the fucking man. I kind of look like him too. Wait, what's the guy's name? Say it again. Reese Michelle. R-E-E-S.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Okay, it's a dude who has two girls' names. He's in eighth place right now. Okay. Yeah, he took fifth on that event. I remember he beat Roy, so that makes sense. That's the name, correct? Yes. Yep, Reese Michelle.
Starting point is 00:17:19 So we were talking about the rope climbs being at 15 feet. And at Torian and at Lowlands. I'm very, very confident that they are extremely confident. So but I want to I want to point out Bailey Martin's kind of one of the guys that Brian's been saying to keep an eye out for. And I noticed this on his legless and was just blown away that he can get up the rope in two pulls and a touch to a 15-foot target. And who is this again, Taylor? The green shirt. You'll see this guy.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Green shirt, green shirt on the left. Jump. One, two, touch. Did everybody see that? Yeah. A little stuttery, but I saw it. Yep. Let me go again.
Starting point is 00:18:04 This is nuts. Look at this. We don't know his name. This is Bailey Martin. Jump one, two, touch. Yeah, dude. I don't know, man. I think the cut rope may be kind of messing with us a little bit because I'm six one and I can jump that high and take two pulls and still need one more to touch 15. Maybe, maybe it's not quite.
Starting point is 00:18:25 I still think it's the same rigs they've used at all the regionals and semifinals forever. I think it's, I think it might be that cut rope. That's kind of throwing us off a little bit. Gosh. Oh, you weren't suggesting that that rig was low.
Starting point is 00:18:37 That rope was shorter. Were you Taylor right there? You're just saying how amazing he is. Yeah. I was thinking. That's what I thought. Yeah. I think that's what I was saying.
Starting point is 00:18:44 I think, man, I really think this is a 15 footfoot rope because most of these guys are taking it. Do you know how tall he is? He's 5'9". I looked it up, yeah. Yeah, I don't think that's two poles to 15. Well, this next one is, watch. Oh, I see what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:18:57 One, two, touch. I think it is. I don't know, man. He just takes it. It's entirely possible some people are just much better at the legless rope climbing, making the rope appear shorter. One, two, know, man. He just takes... It's entirely possible. Some people are just much better at the legless rope climbing, making the rope appear shorter. One, two, three. I couldn't believe that some of the ropes are shorter.
Starting point is 00:19:10 There's no way. There's no way they would be doing that. One, two, three. Yeah, he's struggling. I mean, he's really reaching. Like, he's reaching hard. All right. We need to get one of the members of the team to the torian and measure
Starting point is 00:19:25 the ropes before they come down i i want to say that they would absolutely tell us that but yeah they wouldn't say 15 feet but they have to be but man anything's possible yeah exactly mr butter yeah i totally agree richard anything anything is possible at this point but it but it really doesn't matter right if the rope is shorter because we're not comparing necessarily we're still going to get the right guy yeah in terms of it's it's even amongst those guys who are competing there they're not competing against the guys at the other regionals or the other sanctionals or the other semi-finals correct i think it's fine yeah how do you feel about everyone finishing close to three
Starting point is 00:20:05 minutes and it's the repeat workout yeah i mean i knew that i knew that was gonna happen it's jr why don't you like that i really like that workout i had fun watching it why didn't you like it i think it's fun to watch but i think it's more of an appropriate test for the women now in 2022 and not for the men i think they should have I think they should have done 15 rounds of the same workout or they should have done two climbs every time. Wow. 15 would have been amazing. So we get some people kind of failing like we did with the women. We need a couple of people failing the rope climbs towards the end there. Yeah. I just think that when the workout was originally written, it was written for the reason of seeing who's a good legless rope climber or more importantly, to see who maybe
Starting point is 00:20:43 can't do them and who blows up. And when the test now is just about who can run faster and who can descend the rope the fastest, the test is not what it was originally created for. Therefore, I think it should be progressed. I like it. Hiller? I do think that in 2014, they should have run it the way they ran it this year without moving the chest pieces because watching them do the run, shuttle run came across a little bit more cool if you will just like going down
Starting point is 00:21:10 and back they were hauling ass that was nice to watch it was much more entertaining than it was to watch him like oh here we're gonna move this chess piece and now we're gonna basically shuffle step down to the rope and oh look how high you can jump and things in the shuffle step not picking on easy but it was just kind of boring compared to this year, which was better. Not saying they should have repeated it, because I still don't think they should have, but it was more fun to watch. I agree. What a great observation that is. I totally agree.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Normally, you would think, no, the chess pieces are vital to the fact, so we know who's in the lead, but I think the commentators did a great job. Well, because it's so short, it was kind of a waste of time having the athletes move them and it was obvious who was in the lead because of that it was like you're saying it was so short that everyone was staying together so unless you laugh someone moving the chess piece for yeah oh right right right right one more thing for the judges to do i mean one more thing for hillary to judge the judges on how many how many no reps have you guys seen thus far none none of the judges didn't call um good good uh it'll be a surprise then uh this is the guy uh reese michelle that is competing in uh at the torian pro that andrew
Starting point is 00:22:23 hillar described as a guy who looks like he's just a fit guy at an affiliate. I'm not trying to fuck him up here, but I'm just saying it was awesome. You're not trying. You did fuck him up. Damn it. Sorry. No. What needs to be done is we have to go to the event where he's standing next to Royce because it was not so much his physique.
Starting point is 00:22:41 It was his physique next to Royce's physique. And Royce is just, he's freaking huge. He's like 220 and 10% body fat. Yeah. Giant shoulders. It's mostly like his hip area. He's got like the world's biggest ass. Look at him.
Starting point is 00:22:57 This guy's a dad too. That's a dad bod you're seeing. He should change his Instagram name to dad bod x fit or something like that for this dad in the world yeah he's he's the man it was awesome watching him beat down royce not that i don't like royce either it was just you know it's just fun to watch okay caleb what are you doing are you just hanging out what's up what's up yeah i was helping out a little bit oh you're good okay good okay good dude you're a good dude all right okay i didn't know if you needed like you wanted me to use okay good all right uh i really liked
Starting point is 00:23:29 overall i really like the workout uh and i totally agree with uh what mr howell is saying it was actually fun um to not to get too far ahead of us but in lowlands to watch laura horvat come out and just destroy the workout and then in in the 10th round, start to struggle on the rope climb. They see, you start seeing them kind of like doing that hanging thing. I mean, I remember that in Del Mar as a fan, that was the funnest thing to watch is people get so close and then you just see just fingers peeling off one by one. And then the crashing, it is a pretty cool thing as a fan to watch.
Starting point is 00:24:00 I thought you were about to talk about that giant tip swing that the females almost automatically go to that drives me insane. Oh, why? I took notes on that, and I was talking about how that's the athleticism that we're seeing, no? Yeah. So the same issue I see a lot of the females really driving away from the rings and not hitting the lockup, I see it as a lack of upper body pressing endurance on the ring muscle up. So they kind of move away from the lockout.
Starting point is 00:24:27 So they don't have to waste the muscles on there, like pressing chest, shoulders, triceps, whatever. I see the same thing on the muscle or the rope line, the legless that is when a female knows that she's going to struggle with it. And she doesn't have the upper body pulling capacity to get up a rope legless.
Starting point is 00:24:41 And she knows she's got to do 10 of them. She's like, okay, well, how am I going to do it? I'm going to start kipping immediately and it's almost like it removes the upper body pulling and it's like okay grip strength slash pull and i guess you make the same argument that kipping pull-ups do the exact same thing i just think that i was watching this and thinking about taylor's workout that was the pegboard workout where you're unable to do that
Starting point is 00:25:02 sort of thing which would have made it a better test of upper body pulling endurance. But there they put their feet on the wall. Yeah, and I also think on a pegboard, you can still use your legs to a really high degree, and you can see the difference in people who know how to do that and don't. Correct. Okay. Unplugged.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Thank you. They also did have that rule that you can't pinch the rope with your thighs, even your thighs on the way down. I mean, they're pretty strict about that. What do you think about that, JR? I like the swinging. And let's say Hiller doesn't like the kip. How would you even stop that? Here's the issue right is the athlete
Starting point is 00:25:45 limited by upper body pulling endurance are they limited by grip endurance the catch 22 is if they're limited by pulling endurance and they go to the kip to use more hips they're actually increasing way exponentially the amount of time they're hanging which is just going to blow their grip up more so instead of pull release pull, release, both hands are on the rope almost the entire time for longer just to take one pull at a time versus faster, more aggressive pulling. I'll admit it was me being finicky for sure. It's just like a personal thing with me that I hate seeing females automatically go to it like if it's the last couple rope plans and you're trying to get up there
Starting point is 00:26:28 and you got to implement that kip then it's okay but i almost always think right away the issue with the testing in the beginning it's like if you're testing upper body pulling like eliminate the fact that they can kip and i know that they're going to do what they can do because it's allowed to kip so i thought the pegboard was better i want to use your legs anyway yeah no no no no you're right i like the pegboard is way harder enough like pulling i want to see how gui mayeros does this workout and if he does his fucking stupid butterfly kick i hate that yeah i you think he will or you think that was just a cool gimmicky instagram post it's it's a lot slower but i also don't think he's probably got too many people to worry about in Latin America. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:09 I mean, we will see. What was the world record on time on this? It was easy, right? I think it was 330 by Jay Newberry. Oh, but I mean previously. Yeah, 330 by Jay Newberry. It was. And that one was –
Starting point is 00:27:24 There might have been a at 329 but i think that what i had found was newberry was the quickest notable athlete time but i think there may have been somebody in europe who was 329 328 but it was right there uh yeah this is an uh legless uh pegboard is that even a thing yeah up until oh'm gonna do one right now i had never i've never even seen anyone do use their feet on a pegboard until crossfit like all through high school and in college i never saw anyone use their feet and then it's actually a crossfit thing right i mean have you guys ever seen anyone use their feet before crossfit no no yeah have you have you seen the backwards pegboard that was the big thing when the pegboard first came out was everyone would do them backwards
Starting point is 00:28:05 and they'd be going up it this way. Oh, wow. That's crazy. Yeah. It was just a bunch of people doing like a bunch of stupid crap. It wasn't like a real thing. I think. Go ahead, Tavon.
Starting point is 00:28:17 What? I was going to go back to the King Arthur. Yeah. I have some women's notes on that. Did you. What did you guys think about it before? And what did you think about it after i'm watching it go i thought it looked a lot like the chipper at the 2013 games that finale where there was the burpee ring muscle up at the end it was the down and back one that froning won and i think bridges did it in the off season i think it's burpee bar muscle up in the end. It was the down and back one that Froning won and I think Bridges did it in the offseason.
Starting point is 00:28:45 I think it was Burpee bar muscle up in the middle. No way. It was Burpee ring muscle up at the games. One of the games where they had the overhead squat, the box jump overs. Maybe it was 2012 then that I'm thinking. There was a finale where I know there was Burpee ring muscle up right in the middle of the chipper.
Starting point is 00:29:02 It was the down portion and then you came back, you went to the toes to bar and then you went to the power cleans that were at 205 and then there was the overhead squats and then there was like an axle there was also an axle bar thruster so that that is that it reminded me of that event which made me kind of like it i've come out with a video today which will kind of get into that a bit uh royce um royce dunn uh paced that one incredibly and i when i when i watched him do that i was like okay there's the veteran there's a guy who just completely stayed in his own game um which which was pretty which was pretty darn impressive what place did he end up taking in
Starting point is 00:29:40 that do we know i don't know that i agree with you savante okay tell me tell me well he took seventh he took he was also in the third heat which yeah which which hurt him for sure he was in the third heat and he won his heat i think if he's in the final heat he probably races a lot harder royce yeah no he got beat by michelle he did oh he did really uh the event of the weekend oh you're talking about sorry king arthur I was talking about the legless rope one. Yeah, no, I agree. On King Arthur, he for sure looked like he paced a little bit, but I also think he looked wrecked on the burpees. And, I mean, he was just like, he was hands on knees after like every burpee for a few burpees and then picked it up a little bit.
Starting point is 00:30:21 So I don't know. He paced, but I still think that workout really hurt. I don't know if you've even watched Heat 2, but James Newberry was actually in Heat 2, which is kind of an odd spot for him. And if you watch him perform that workout, everyone's looking at him like, what's wrong with him? What's wrong with him?
Starting point is 00:30:37 He's doing his first 15 thrusters in sets of five. He looks like he's in no hurry. He's the second to last on the rings. And then coming back in from the run, he's in second. He's an amazing runner. It's a one mile run. He just kind of knows, too, that that workout was the back half. So I counted some seconds per rep just on the burpee box jump over. On average, it was taking most athletes three to four seconds per rep on the front end and on the back end seven to nine
Starting point is 00:31:06 seconds so you're talking about 15 reps so you're talking about one minute on the front end and two minutes on the back end but at the same time you have to look at you if you get off the front half of that workout onto the run uh and say the front half takes you four and a half minutes for some of the guys but that forces you to an eight 30 pace. Whereas it takes you five minutes and you're running a seven minute pace. You pull up 90 seconds on somebody in a mile run. I mean, the run mattered so much.
Starting point is 00:31:35 I mean, there were people running a 1500 meter in like eight to nine minutes, which is bad. The run did matter. It was a mile, dude. It was a mile. I think people will be upset if we don't bring up tia to
Starting point is 00:31:46 me on this workout unless we're waiting for later because she beat all the males on that she beat all the men and she got off the rings with kara and came in 40 seconds in front of her i mean she got off and then get another set of 14 of 15 unbroken unbelievable before we go to her, let's stay with the men real quick. I want Jared or you guys to answer this question. Why would the run be so – if you have 30 muscle-ups, aren't the muscle-ups – I mean, there's so many places that that workout could get sticky. But I would think that the second round of those muscle-ups, no. It is the run.
Starting point is 00:32:19 So that was a running event. Well, how long does 30 muscle-ups take? How does a layman like me figure that shit out? How do you guys know it's the run? was so that was a running event well how long does how long does 30 muscle-ups take how does a layman like me figure that shit out how do you guys know it's the run what do you see in the run that makes it a running event the way that i look at it is what jr was saying is it's like you're going to get to the muscle-ups and what royce was doing was he was trying to keep everything kind of under control he's breaking up the thrusters he was pacing the burpee box jump overs and it's like the muscle-ups were that last little pinch where if you do them too quick,
Starting point is 00:32:46 it can really kind of fuck you up before you do the mile run. So it's almost like he was keeping himself under control. And then he did the mile and then he came back and then you can kind of lay it on. Whereas if you kind of do everything on broken, like anybody who doesn't know how to pace a CrossFit workout did, then you're going to really hurt for the entirety of that mile and lose ground the whole time. That's my take at least. Unless you're Tia. Unless you're Tia really hurt for the entirety of that mile and lose ground the whole time that's my take at least unless you're unless you're tia who's your stupid bit i will say i think i like i like to look at his time under tension you're spending it's a one mile
Starting point is 00:33:14 run versus 30 muscle ups so you're it's at least double the time running than you would be doing muscle ups or any of the other before gr goes uh goes, I'd like to Austin Martin, Austin Hartman, whatever. Run doesn't matter. The extra energy required to run 30 seconds faster per mile isn't worth it. JR, get him. I very much disagree with that.
Starting point is 00:33:37 It depends on how good of a runner you are. If you fucking suck at running, then pushing it 30 seconds faster. You got guys in heats one and two, a lot lot of them that came to one of the pylons that are walking around the pylon and then walking with their hands on their hips for like 10 seconds before they start running again um well uh jr why does this matter why is there so eric is saying um he expects me to know what this means because he's smarter than me eric is saying run matters they are 195 pounds well yeah that's what my coach told me last year too big big guy it matters for big guys
Starting point is 00:34:09 that that generally speaking most most high level crossfitters aren't amazing runners but again i think that's just a byproduct of overpacing the first half of the workout i think that the guys who are really intelligent or had the biggest engines understood that they could make a move on the run versus using the run to just recover it shouldn't be a recovery you got to make a move on the run absolutely and then hold the pace through the finish in the back half there's two types of crossfitters there i bet recover on the run and push the run crossfitters and then then there's the ones like to you who can do both. I apologize. I'm saying I'm going to send a, let's see. I'm going to,
Starting point is 00:34:52 I think I have Jay crouches number. I don't know if that's really him in the comments, but I'm sending him a link if he wants to pop on and what did he say? And unfuck us. He said the run doesn't matter. I think that's what he said. Okay. Before here's some funny things. things i want i want to point this out uh baden brown wins event one at torian uh when ricky um uh when ricky finished across the finish line did you guys see him fall down yes he fell down he didn't lie down he didn't his knees didn't bend his hip didn't bend he just fucking collapsed did you see his soul left his body yes
Starting point is 00:35:26 yes yeah he got it was it was it was like fucking uh michael chandler kicked him in the jaw it was nuts he literally just tipped over uh it was it was it was an impressive uh fall um uh baden gave his love in the interview to the new mayhem programming. At the end of his interview, does that, um, what, what do you guys think about it? Do you have any comments on that? Any, anything to say about that? Did he say why? He just, no, he just in a quick thing, he said, yeah, he said, you know, um, I think
Starting point is 00:35:59 he mentioned that he might be old. He didn't look good, but, um, he's been doing the mayhem programming. He said, um, I think maybe he even said he's been doing the mayhem programming he said um i think maybe he even said he's beat up a little bit but but i thought it was kind of i thought it was cool that he's given a nod to his new programming it sounds like it's his first year doing mayhem sounds like he has to hit a sponsorship deal oh shit i'm kidding i i didn't hear him say that so i don't have much to fill in on that it's cool though it's cool it's getting better as a result of it because i think mayhem is one of the better programs out there for sure um uh the lady who interviewed baden afterwards um she's been around for a while i think in years
Starting point is 00:36:34 past she's had purple hair i can't tell whether she has a nose ring or just a rope of thick nose hairs hanging out of her nose but when she interviews people oh i saw howells i didn't i wouldn't say he smiled but i saw some change in his lip profile there is something dangling from i would love someone to explain to me what's going on with their nose it's a beautiful woman but there is like something pointy coming out of one of her nostrils and i i don't see a screenshot i i should have. But it's not one of these. It's not like the bullhorn or it's not like the piercing in the top.
Starting point is 00:37:13 But there is from this – anyway, I think she should – if it is – something should be done about that. It's distracting. It's her little rope. It's her personal PR bell. Oh, okay. Dang it. You bring it from your nostril. Women.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Okay, for the women, for the King Arthur, let's do it. For sure. It was the Tia show, right? I mean, Kara tried and Ellie tried. We have to give them a nod for trying, but it turned into the Tia show. I thought all Kara and Jamie both beat Ellie as well um which was i was they did yeah i was i was stoked to see jamie simmons doing well because she's extremely fit and i think a lot of people forget that because she's been out for the past couple years but she crushed it both events no she's the shit yeah for those you don't know a little bit of history
Starting point is 00:38:03 on on cara and tia cara uh started competed at the Games for the first time in 2012. She had three years at the Games before Tia ever showed up. And so Kara – I mean Kara's been doing this a long time. And she's fucking good. Yeah, yeah. Do you think that she came out of – I mean, this is kind of splitting hairs here, but do you think maybe she came out of her game a little bit trying to keep up with Tia in that King Arthur? Do you think she would have kept that pace regardless? No, I don't think she did try to keep up with Tia because I think she pushed the barbell to start, and she's amazing on that and burpees.
Starting point is 00:38:47 burpees um she broke up her muscle ups in a smart way and that just ended up to have her and tia off the rings at the same time but she got in 40 seconds behind tia so i think tia is just an amazing runner not as good of a or car is not as good of a runner i don't think she tried to keep up with her on the run and it was like you know i'm gonna let tia go because she's she's gonna beat the men on this workout they They walked out to the starting line. It was about 30 seconds before go, event one. They're both out there. There's obviously a ton of tension. They're both super-duper hardcore individuals.
Starting point is 00:39:18 We know Cara is a complete savage. Maybe even you could say unfriendly to her competitors if you want it to be really harsh. And Tia gives her a fist bump. And you can see Kars looking straight, but Tia comes over to do that to her. Are there any psychological implications of that? Is that Tia saying, I'm the bigger woman. I can do it all. I can give you a nod. I can win.
Starting point is 00:39:43 I mean, is there a little – I mean, it's a friendly gesture for sure. But is there also like a psychological component? Like I'm the queen. Because I remember Annie used to do that too, right? The two years Annie was the champ, she would make sure she gave everyone attention. And it was kind, but it's also kind of like a big dicking thing. Oh, yeah. I think it's so annoying.
Starting point is 00:40:01 I think you're so on to it. It's so fucking annoying. Like Dave would walk up to me if I, when I worked at CrossFit Inc and David, if something happened in the media department that was good, Dave would call me and be like, I'm proud of you. And I never felt like he was proud of me. I felt like he was big dicking me. Like he's my daddy.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Well, he is. Right. Right. Right. Right. He is. And he was right. Yeah. I would, I would hate that so much. I were in Cara's position, but that's me. I think it depends on, I think it depends on your, their relationship. That's a hundred percent true. Yes. If they're like best friends, then of course we don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:38 If Jason fist bumps me before an event at Wapalooza, I'm like, you know, he's, he's like a brother to me. We're really, really close. Whereas if, uh, who's your, who's your mortal enemy, Taylor, who would you not like to fist?
Starting point is 00:40:52 I know who it is. You're neat. He knows, you know, he knows a lot. A lot of this said individual walked over you and fist bump. Do you'd be like, motherfucker,
Starting point is 00:41:01 get the fuck, get this fucker, chop it off with a sword. I was just saying, there are a lot of guys who I think are really cool. And there are a lot of guys who i think are fucking douchebags but i think that's probably the way everybody feels uh to to jr howell's point uh chris whiteman a racist name uh cara lost out on the run tia left her on the run. Is this what you're talking about, JR? She lost it on the run? I think the run matters not just because of that six to eight minutes. I think the run matters because the way you feel coming inside. A lot of people were doing the muscle-ups in two sets. Tia
Starting point is 00:41:38 did them unbroken. After the muscle-ups, if you watch people's body language, what I watched was what they looked like on the cleans. Cause when some of them started the cleans, it was clean. As soon as the bar stopped bouncing T his hands were back on it for the most part, some of the guys would do two or three and just step back and put their hands on their knees. And at that point, you know, they've probably overreached. Then when they get to the thruster, it takes them a while to start it.
Starting point is 00:42:04 And then everything is just, they're just trying to hold on at that point. Uh, it's interesting to say that. What about this? Uh, I observed this in the run when Tia started running, she had quite the pep in her step, but when she finished, she even had more like she actually rested on the run. She started looking better as the run went on. Did you guys see that? I don't think she rested. I think the best runners in the world in any sport build their pace as they go, unless it's a sprint and a mile.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Good call. Awesome observation, Taylor. At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Y dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season.
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Starting point is 00:43:31 Now streaming On Disney Plus It was my observation He just gave it some fucking fancy polish Yeah but just like writing a workout He understood the workout Tia seems super relaxed She came out waving to the crowd um i i feel like maybe her and shane like doubled down on the talk i'm just making this up speculation make sure you go out there
Starting point is 00:43:57 enjoy yourself this year make sure you go because there was a component to her i feel like in the past or as i i did not feel like i remember from the past that she had more of that matt frazier approach where she would go out there and she would almost look sick to her stomach but we didn't we didn't see any signs of that this year is that like the 2015 2016 to you you're referring to right right i think training with matt also he probably gave her a lot of experience and uh perspective on on things he met you you know, on things like that, potentially. Because he started to enjoy himself a little later on as well. You know?
Starting point is 00:44:32 Are you guys watching this on a computer or on Apple TV? Computer. Computer. These 10, I don't know how it is on the computer, but scrolling to try to find what you want to find on Apple TV is fucking nuts. Wow. That sucks.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Why would you do that to yourself? Cause I want to watch it on 90 inch, 90 inch, 90 inch TV. Yeah. It's like, I'm fucking complaining, dude.
Starting point is 00:44:56 I'm like a 13 inch. Um, did, did we see anything unheard of in that workout from tia is is that second round of muscle ups that she did on broken just like like all right i think that's pretty unheard of that she beat all the men in that workout and there's 30 muscle ups there's 30 muscle ups and a mile run i mean generally men are gonna run a little faster too but she beats all the crossfitFitters, at least the men in run, swim, run as well. But I think just the fact that there's 30 muscle-ups in a mile
Starting point is 00:45:29 and she beat all the men is pretty unreal. Generally, those are things that men have a bit of an upper hand on. Yeah, that's crazy. There's a podcast out there. I'm pretty sure Royce is being interviewed on it. Some of you guys may have heard it, but he tells a story about them training in the barn with Tia and how one of the things they did was 30 muscle-ups for time and everyone you know they had done a couple pieces beforehand so they were all trying to figure out they were going to
Starting point is 00:45:52 go you know 12 10 8 or how they were going to break it up and tia goes 20 10 and beats them beats everyone that's crazy that's fucking crazy so it's it's unheard of, but it's almost expected. You can think of it as she did two sets of 15 unbroken, or for someone like Tia, you can think of it as she did two sets of 15 unbroken with seven minutes of recovery in between. Trina, that is not nice. I don't have a 90-inch TV to compensate. You are a mean young lady. Can I say something, to mom not if it's
Starting point is 00:46:26 about that it's about something else i asked i asked your as our ex lady for a ceo shirt and i didn't get one they sent me two different shirts which ones that they sent me this one which i like but that's not that's nice it's not even a step on shirt and then they sent me the one that says politically homeless which i don't even I don't even like that. Send that. Hey, so I would love to talk about the shirts. I saw that I had – I only have one CEO shirt. And the fact that I saw it just now in my closet clean, I was like, holy shit, I've arrived.
Starting point is 00:46:59 But I don't even have a red one yet. I know. It's a shit show over there. You know why it is? Because they're – They're sold out. Yes. The CEO shirts are selling so damn damn fast they're so fucking hard to get okay um send me a text afterwards it's it's unacceptable imagine how many of these i could sell if all you guys were wearing them right now hiller's hiller's so full of himself he took one
Starting point is 00:47:19 of my shirts and cut it up with a pair of hey you sent me a medium i can't wear a medium i turned it into a headband i have the headband right here. I can put the headband on. There is no catching... Yes, please. There's no catching to you, right? Absolutely not. And there's no question she's the greatest of all time, right? Man, woman. We're seeing...
Starting point is 00:47:39 Each workout she does now going forward, we're seeing it's done. Well, she's got six individual... Five individual championships? Yeah, she's got five's got five she gets six she's the greatest of all time yeah matt's got five so i think right now there's an argument to be made that they're equal anything negative you can say about her anything she's ruining the competition we don't know who's gonna get first other than her now that's the only thing to hate about her is that she doesn't make watching the women's field that fun and that yeah i don't know i i think that going into it but then when i watch her i can't take my eyes off her it's amazing to watch her yeah but you like to watch like 2017 her and kara like racing on the lunge and and 17 that was cool
Starting point is 00:48:19 that's what i'm talking about that's what you want to watch um ellie didn't look so good on the run i thought because she's yeah that's something she struggles with everything else she's really really good at she's sitting in sixth jr anything any any advice you have for tia to make her better no but one thing i am thinking about is going into day two you know the first event they get to do is that complex and i'm really interested to to see how Jamie's shoulder is for that and how heavy she can go there because that event may end up being the one that, you know, they only get three spots. So how she looks tomorrow on the complex with, you know, probably not a ton of heavy hitters, but you know, Tia and Cara are going to go super heavy ellie's going to go super heavy so that's something to look at moving forward um i don't know man thinking about
Starting point is 00:49:10 tia and the fist bump something something makes me think that maybe that's her way of saying come on give me something let's go oh i like it i like it like maybe yeah maybe she's the only early the only worthy adversary in tia's eyes and she's's like, hey, let's get after it this weekend. Yeah, I love that. I agree. Give me a push. Come at me. Something like that. That's a good perspective. That's a great perspective. I wouldn't even have thought of that. I thought she was trying to steal her powers.
Starting point is 00:49:38 We're going to go with that. She's sucking power out of everybody. I would like to say this, a pat on the back for Ellie. Ellie did come out on King Arthur hot. Really hot, yeah. Yeah, and I'm impressed by that. She can say she had the lead. She was leading those girls.
Starting point is 00:49:53 I know. As being strategic, maybe it wasn't the smartest, but I liked seeing her in the lead a little bit. She's the one who – Go ahead. Go ahead, Andrew. She was training with madero's yeah that was ellie turner yep yeah okay that was the only thing i wanted to say yep did you guys
Starting point is 00:50:12 notice that one of the trifecta keys for success on king arthur was to come out fast so one of them was come out fast and then when they put up the key stick success on the legless event, it was recover on the run. And I'm thinking to myself, like, these are not guys. These are not success on these workouts. Wow. And that's terrible. Come out fast on a 20-minute workout? Yeah. I wouldn't say that it's outside of the realm of reality
Starting point is 00:50:48 that most of the commentators on any sports don't really understand what they're talking about. I think that, and I've talked about this before, CrossFit's actually much better at it than some other sports. The second you bring it, you talk about it with the UFC all the time, when you bring in an ESPN analyst to commentate on a UFC fight like Stephen A. Smith then they don't know what the hell they're talking about and it happens in like
Starting point is 00:51:09 American Ninja Warrior I used to watch that thing and all they do is they would talk about one thing because it's the only thing that they could possibly understand and this is possibly CrossFit dipping its toe into not knowing what the hell they're talking about JR well who made those two things well I mean they I mean they got to read what's on the screen, right? So it may not be right. I think the other thing to note about those other sports, I feel like most of the commentators that don't know what they're talking about are in these after-action talk shows.
Starting point is 00:51:38 When you have Tony Romo commentating an NFL game, I fucking love listening to that guy. I like Kirk Her curbstreet also i mean i think a lot of commentators do but that's pretty bad live on screen analysis what what what country did you see that in which event was that at torian australia yeah it was like it was like come out fast and then one of the next keys was um unbroken through the power cleans on the barbell. I mean, the overhead squat, sure, you're not going to want to put that down, and you're going to do the burpees steady.
Starting point is 00:52:12 But even doing the 15 thrusters, no one that went fast on the thrusters didn't die on the run. So it's understanding that the workout is not the front half. I don't think as a commentator was something that was really explained to the viewers because most people watching know a lot less than even they do. And especially on the legless run, the workouts for the most part won on the run. I mean, for some men, there's like a degree of speed gained on your speed up and down the rope. But if you're not running fast, you're done in that event. Yeah. So check this out right if you have 10 legless in the workout and i watched the final heat of lowlands let's just say it's three seconds up and down that's 30 seconds of a two and a half to three
Starting point is 00:52:56 minute workout so where's the rest of the time running so it's not a place to rest you're saying no no no hey there were dudes was it like that in years past i i was so impressed the way they just ran and jumped and then some of the guys look like as they came off the rope it was they they were like the wily coyote like they were already running as they hit the ground well to you know what andrew said about the workout being the same, but still being different because as they move the chess piece in 2014, their runs got longer every round, AKA a little bit more time to recover. And back then people probably weren't training legless like they are now for sure. So it was a, it was a legless workout the way it was originally written to be. But now with that run being the same every time
Starting point is 00:53:45 and you don't have the opportunity to stop, pick something up, move it, and then start running again, just increasing the intensity of all of it. You think that moving that thing is sort of like a built-in water break or chalk your hands or take your shirt off moment? It very much seemed like it, yeah. Yeah, that's a great call that that's gone. Hiller, did you know Rep Ellie?
Starting point is 00:54:06 Let's just say, did you have any issues with what you've seen? A lot. On the overhead squat, I remember I saw a male in the second heat of the Torian who was not extending his hips on the overhead squats. I don't have a very vivid memory of Ellie because I believe she was in a heat where the camera was i was trying to see everyone's overhead squat for the elite female but i think the camera view was like far and away and it was showing everybody by the time it got to her
Starting point is 00:54:34 they were already moving on to the burpee box jump overs but i might be thinking of the wrong instance and i do plan on going back and going through the whole weekend but first glance i didn't see that. I didn't see anything that was not hers. I have seen a couple of that over in squats. Anything that made you yell at the TV? Yeah. Muscle ups.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Wow. I got, I got some muscle ups. I actually have four athletes, one that you guys wouldn't believe where they're getting away with some pretty terrible. I know exactly who you're going to pull up. My thing about that is – What are the initials? KS.
Starting point is 00:55:11 That's it. I can see exactly what you're looking at. I have a sharp eye. I just think that – Can you believe that? Oh, he's going to push back, Hiller. Don't intimidate him, Hiller. I would do the same thing.
Starting point is 00:55:23 I would do the same thing. You know why? Because if anything about a cornerbackard sherman i'm not sitting here complaining about richard sherman holding a receiver when it's not i mean yeah you complain about it but it's part of the sport so if we want the sport to be professional and we want yeah you got to pay the judges pay the fucking judges make them professional and then if the athletes continue to stay get away with, you fire that fucking judge. But you can't.
Starting point is 00:55:46 It's an amateur sport. I don't agree. I don't agree. I think in any sport, you got, I don't know, man. Think about offensive linemen. They do so much dirty shit. And when they see it, they get called and they stop doing it. So it's the judge's job to call it.
Starting point is 00:56:02 And if you're not going to call it. It's the judge's job to call it, yeah. And when you're not going to call it, you're not going to take it and if you're not the judge's job to call it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah is you pay the judge i agree with all that i agree with all that i mean so i see everything you're seeing and i agree like yeah not the pain part i just don't agree well i don't know man you want to professionalize the sport i don't think paying anyone gets anything better how much does our president make you're right but i'm but you're right you're right but i think if you professionalize the sport i don't think paying anyone gets anything better how much does our president make you're right but i'm but you're right you're right but i think if you professionalize the judges so you train them and then at that point they have a skill set that's unique to them and they probably deserve if we're being honest i don't think the judges are all that bad i just
Starting point is 00:56:38 think with the higher level of athlete that happens i think the judges become what was this guy doing it's a female what was she doing she wasn't extending on her muscle ups and it wasn't the typical like falling back but no she wasn't even coming close you're right you're right she's her elbow yeah i saw another person it was bad i would say over the course of the 15 there had to have been six or seven that were blatantly not reps yeah and it wasn't the standard where it's like, ah, she's pushing back. Her elbows were locked out at some point. There was no lockout. It was bad.
Starting point is 00:57:10 I think I was going to say that to Hiller's point. Well, go ahead, Tavon. Did you see the judge? Did you see the judge? I mean, yeah, the judge is right there. Another instance of the judges that I thought was a little messed up is that not that he was doing anything wrong, but James Newberry and the box jump over. His judge was the only judge standing on the wrong side of
Starting point is 00:57:28 the box. He could have done whatever he wanted on the one side of the box because the box was he didn't have to touch his chest the round. You guys are talking about Carl Saunders? Yeah, we don't need to pull up a video. You guys can go watch it. I'm going to make a video on it, but if you want to pull it up.
Starting point is 00:57:43 I just think it's the judge's fault. It's not her fault. It would take me an hour to find it. It's not her fault. No, it's not her fault. I'll say this. I'll amend that. It's her fault, and I would do the same thing.
Starting point is 00:57:53 She should be doing better. Yes. I think she should be doing whatever it takes to win. But if the judge is letting her do it, she doesn't know what the hell she looks like. I just put this mirror in my gym, and I love the mirror because I can hold myself accountable with the mirror and I don't need to like do the whole feedback on the phone. Where did you get the mirror? You took it down from over your bed? Yeah, it was there. I, you know, we don't do that anymore. It was fun while it lasted. Come on. This is what I mean. Pull that comment back up. The judge is being intimidated. And
Starting point is 00:58:20 Hiller talked about this. This is where I talk about professionalizing the judges and when you train them and you know not the ten dollar online fucking judges course that anyone can take but when you train them and and give them a course or to some degree and you make that you make their service uh something that is you pay them for it and they become a professional you don't have you don't have you don't have judges that are like oh i'm scared to know about this person just like you don't have a lot of refs in the nfl that aren't going to make a call just because it's one person and that happens maybe to a small degree in the nfl but if you're a cornerback and you rip a guy's face max doesn't fucking matter who you are you're getting the penalty there has to be something that comes down from crossfit
Starting point is 00:59:00 saying that the judges are the all-being power and like whatever they say goes but that's the problem yeah exactly crossfit has to be saying that i think yeah if you're a judge if you're a judge you don't want to be the person that the youtube stream pulls you out because carl saunders arguing with you but if you've got crossfit that's by backing you if there's someone on crossfit saying hey community shut the fuck up the judge can do whatever they want and we know that and then we know that these judges are professional and they're paid then yeah for sure it's like i'm not yeah i mean as a former judge many of these people i judged with were just huge fanboys or fangirls well of course they all are that i mean that's why they're there right who get starstruck by their favorite athletes athletes and are blinded
Starting point is 00:59:41 by little mistakes i don't know uh uh thank you brand. I don't know if I agree with Brandon, but I will say this. I saw, um, uh, Tia come out and as she went to, uh, at the starting of one of the events and she went over and ask a guy a question, a judge who was standing there with his hands behind his back or in front of him. And I could see the guy blushed. Like he was caught off guard that Tia, that Tia to me, like stepped up to him and, and asked him a question. And I, and for sure, uh, those two, uh, Kara and Tia have insane presence, like crazy presence. You know what this makes me think of? Yeah. Tell me. Remember when like the Michael Jackson case was going on and they needed to
Starting point is 01:00:18 find a jury to do the Michael Jackson case. And they were having issues finding people to fill the jury because they had to find somebody who had never heard of him before right and it became impossible that's almost like what's happening here you're saying this guy sees Tia Toomey and he's blushing you've almost got to find people who don't know who the hell these athletes are that are going to hold like an unbiased opinion watching them do these things and it would be damn near impossible at this point especially if they're unpaid let's find an unpaid person that knows what a muscle-up looks like come watch tia toomey do reps it would be impossible and probably harder than it would be to fill a jury seat for a michael jackson's face who the fuck's gonna want to come judge tia clinton to me
Starting point is 01:00:58 that's not a fan of her if they're not getting paid and then also knows what a muscle-up looks like anybody who knows what a muscle-up looks like anybody who knows what a muscle-up looks like is gonna know who tia toomey is uh paper street coffee thank you uh uh car saunders no reps are sponsored by paper street coffee yes thank you thank you moment of silence for paper street okay uh um someone is saying that they were the oh by the way about that thing if i can imagine chase reading those three elements that were like sponsored by trifecta and saying this is bullshit i can see chase like if chase read something on there that he didn't like um he would call bullshit and to give the people at the torian pro a little a little leeway um they're just warming up the
Starting point is 01:01:41 weekend just started um i don't know who the dude is but the the female is eminently competent uh pit malone she's a fucking lifetime fucking world-class athlete and uh and i didn't see anything wrong with her commentating but but they should call that shit out if it's bullshit right yeah we we need more ryan fisher judges You saw that. That's a good comment. Shall we go to the lowlands? Before we move on out of here, do you ever do that thing where you, so Brian puts out his picks to see who's going to qualify or like who he thinks he's are going to qualify. Do you follow that sort of deal throughout the weekend?
Starting point is 01:02:22 It's like, Oh, this person's losing his placing on the leaderboard. It's going to be tough to come back then. And if you do follow that sort of deal throughout the weekend it's like oh this person's uh losing his placing on the leaderboard it's going to be tough to come back then and if you do follow that do you see anybody who might not be doing as hot as you thought they would like ellie turner she's in sixth right now but she's really only 18 points out so she's still in a good spot to possibly finish up the weekend but i'm looking at the male side biden brown's at 131 that's how many points he's got and the top three men are at 188 188 and 180 so all of a sudden he's 49 points out and he's got to make up some ground so if ricky jay and bailey martin keep going at the same speed they're going it's going to be hard for baden brown to get in there i think if i think royce dunn's probably i think i think bailey martin probably loses a little bit of ground on this complex. Agreed.
Starting point is 01:03:06 I agree, yes. And then I'm also thinking like Royce Dunn, he qualified last year out of the Victorian. So, yeah, he won. So, is he going to take one of those spots? That's just something that I like to look at. I think a lot of people have Royce Dunn out, and I feel like I like him to take one of those three spots.
Starting point is 01:03:23 I think Baden – I agree. I think Baden Brown's probably out after that event. on out and i feel like i like him to take one of those three spots i think i agree i think baden brown's probably out after that event it's just they go jay crouch ricky and royce i i think so no no you're saying no one what you have you get a 20th place finish and there's only six workouts you're not going anywhere um i don't it's tough i don't it's it's really freaking tough he's gotta he's gotta finish with top fives the rest of the way. But the problem with that is I think the guys ahead of him are finishing with top fives too.
Starting point is 01:03:51 That's the issue. We also got to look at the events that are left, right? And there are still some question marks because we still don't know, or at least I haven't gotten any information to know the deficit of the street and stand push-up on strongman Diane. And if any of those guys have a hole there, how kind of Baden didn't perform well on that legless event, I mean, 20th is not good.
Starting point is 01:04:15 If any of those guys have a strict upper body pressing limitation, then that could easily take someone from a qualifying spot out. And it's a different workout. If it's a four-inch deficit, it's a fast workout. And it's like Diane. If it's an eight-inch deficit, they're fucked. And it's all hand-stamped. Why aren't they telling us?
Starting point is 01:04:34 How? Why aren't they telling us? Unknown and unknowable. I just can't find it. Brian said he thought he saw somewhere that it was just three and one and a half inches. And I think that was close. Maybe three and a half and two inches was what it was just three and one and a half inches. And I think, and I think that was close, maybe three and a half and two inches was what it was for damn Diane. Damn Diane was one and a half too.
Starting point is 01:04:52 I want to say. So, I mean, if it's that, I don't think it's going to be an issue because it doesn't seem like the, the Husafel carry or that the yoke, or it doesn't seem like the, the strongman implements are going to be the separator.
Starting point is 01:05:02 It seems like it's going to be how many sets is it going to take for people to get through those handstand push-ups yeah i don't know this for a fact but just by looking at these guys bodies and knowing what i know the little bit i know about them i don't think jay crouch bailey martin or ricky gerard are going to have a hole in the handstand push-up area i would agree with that i don't think matt mcleod will either do you guys think it's a cool workout do you guys think you guys think in that final with the 1k row 100 double unders and 10 deadlifts do you think 10 deadlifts at the end is enough to make a difference at 405 if it's a heavy no i do i think it is if it's uh yes i agree if it's a heavy rope and it depends on the heavy rope what heavy rope is it drag rope it's
Starting point is 01:05:40 brutal drag that's good that's to be a nightmare. Yeah. So we'll see. Hey, JR, are you suggesting that that's a Royce Dunn workout? I mean, it sounds like a Royce Dunn workout. Row, big guy, row, jump rope, deadlift, heavy deadlift. Well, here's the deal. You know, I talked about this when we talked about syndicate in the Jackie workout, and Andrew's talked about it as well. There's a huge difference in rowing for meters and rowing for a different form of power output. If you have a 1K row and
Starting point is 01:06:14 I row a 130 and Taylor rows a 135, congratulations. I'm only 10 seconds ahead of him. And if I break double unders once and i transition slow to the deadlift and put on my belt that 10 seconds is gone and that's a and that's a lot of effort for those five seconds per 500 meter split but you're talking about 320 probably most of those guys hold a 140 or faster so we're talking about somewhere between three and three and a half minutes on the rower versus if you're rowing a hundred calories and someone's pulling 25 a minute, the difference between pulling a 1600 and pulling a 1400 is a lot more than 10 seconds. Would you like to see, would you like to see that workout be defined by the deadlift by,
Starting point is 01:07:04 by the same way, like you were talking about the rope climb workout, it would have been nice if it was 15 rounds? No, and because it's a six-event test and you're already testing strength under no fatigue. So in my opinion, another heavy determining workout isn't needed. Yeah. I think that's a cool workout. That's a great workout. I needed. Yeah. I think that's a cool workout. That's a great workout.
Starting point is 01:07:26 I like the workout. I think to JR's point, it might be a better workout if it's 100 calories, 100 dubs, 10 dubs. I agree. Oh, yeah, I agree. Yeah, that would be,
Starting point is 01:07:35 and it looks prettier too and it makes more sense, especially the 1600, 1400 gallon hour pace you just mentioned. Yeah. Which we talked about with Jackie. Yeah. And the 1K here,
Starting point is 01:07:43 I do think is a different 1K than the 1K. Oh, yeah. and the 1k out on that jackie it's the stupidest shit ever so one's got a 6 minute 1k correct that's correct that's wicked that's fast i know we were going to go to lowlands but i want to i want to uh ask you guys about one more um observation i saw when jamie simmons was jumping onto the box in the king arthur before um just prior to the final um overhead squats before you cross the finish line she was jumping like one of those instagram videos where you see like the guys look like they're floating you land on the box straight legged so the reason i can't go ahead no finish your thought no no no go ahead go ahead I think you got it. Go ahead. So the reason she's doing that is saving her legs. So if you jump in the bottom of a squat for some people, that's a little more efficient because the power output from coming from the
Starting point is 01:08:34 floor to 20 inches takes a lot out of their legs. Whereas if they don't have to jump as high and they land on a squat, and I think maybe for Jamie, she finds that her legs or her quads are more fatigued by catching the jump in a squat. And so she jumps up to the top 20 inches is not a lot for some taller females. She jumps up to the box with straighter legs, takes a step across the top to catch her breath, lands on the other side, and then goes into the burpee, jumps up. So she's resting at the top of the box, whereas other people are doing a fast squat hop and resting maybe before they descend into the burpee yeah car is right next to her and you can see cars when she lands on the box she's like fucking ass to grass it's a different place to rest and i think it just
Starting point is 01:09:15 depends on the athlete's preference and it's a different demand on the body if you land with straighter legs and a more hinged position it kind of tells me that your midline and your low back is fine but if you land within that squat position you're not doesn't seem like you're as concerned with your legs blowing up but you are maybe a little bit more concerned with being so hunched over which makes sense for cara versus cara versus jamie because car is a fucking squat monster and you know jamie simmons you know it's not a stretch to say she's not as good of a squad as car is so uh i don't know i think it's going to be interesting the the the next four workouts because you've got barbell in four of the six tests and that's a lot a lot of barbell in this in this in this semifinal.
Starting point is 01:10:09 Can we really say that after we've complained about having events with no barbell? Remember the whole 2018 regional? It's like, oh, maybe it was 17. 2017 regional, no barbell. Oh, no. Yeah. Maybe one half barbell would be perfect. This is me playing devil's advocate.
Starting point is 01:10:23 I'm not trying to be a dick. Everyone's got an opinion on how many barbell events is the right amount of barbell would be perfect this is me playing devil's advocate i'm not trying to be a dick no i i mean everyone's got an opinion on how many barbell events is the right amount of barbell events yeah i think it's balanced i think i like me and jr have a very like similar perspective and we like a lot of balance in not only movement pattern not only modality but also the implements too you can test strength without a barbell you do a dumbbell or a bag who's to tell bag exactly so i think you just like to see a lot of balance and variance just like saying who's to fill um so my second favorite word event number two at the torian pro was the uh was the rope climb sprint and that was also event number one low lens is that correct correct we just got to see that that's kind of nice that we got to see all of that go and in the fastest time we saw at low lens. Is that correct? Correct.
Starting point is 01:11:07 That's kind of nice that we got to see all of that go. And the fastest time we saw was from Ricky Garrard at 248. Is that correct? That is also correct. Are you guys happy to see that? If you're a Ricky Garrard fan, does that let you – 249. Oh, yeah, thank you. What do you guys learn from that, seeing him do that?
Starting point is 01:11:23 Are you excited or is it like, no no of course he was going to win that i didn't think that there was any chance he wasn't going to win that see i mean he his his one of his best performances at the games that year was the event with the cheese curd the hay bale um so we know that he's a good runner so we can assume that on an event this is i mean the legless rope climb of this one for the males is a throwaway. So it's basically what's your capacity on a shuttle run of not the shortest distance but not also a long distance. And he's a great runner. So I figured he was going to blow this out of the water along with James Newberry who finished at three.
Starting point is 01:11:56 So everyone – and I haven't heard it yet, but I also haven't had the ability to filter through the internet after this event had been over. But everyone, I'm hoping, doesn't say, look at how much fitter the athletes are this year for the things we've already talked about but james had the best time back then you would figure he'd have a great time this year and then of course you got ricky who's beating him by 11 seconds which is a it's a great finish and yeah looking forward to the rest of the weekend for ricky i think he's going to chip his way up a bit. Do you want to say anything there, JR, before I move on to Baden Brown's performance on that? No, I agree. I expected Ricky to be a top three on that. Historically, he does really well in running events of all kinds. I mean, at Dubai with the ski and the run in the snow and the ski
Starting point is 01:12:42 up the slope, he did great on that. I mean, he's a good runner. We know that. He's got a big tank. Yeah, Savage. And there we got to see him go against Lazar, Luca, and Roman. And there was no question who was the best, right? So I saw Baden-Brown, who took 20th place, who took first in the first event, right,
Starting point is 01:13:04 and then took 20th place in the second event. And I saw what looked like to me some showboating as he crossed the finish line, and I think that could have cost him a second. But I wanted to show you – tell you how close people are. Matt Gilpin, 316.62. Jack Clark, 317.06. Baden Brown, 317.06. Thor Hodgnall, 317 06 baden brown 317 06 thor hodgenall 317 83 um he could have lost two three uh four places there by doing that did you guys see that baden brown as he crossed the finish line aiden didn't showboat he raced to the finish to catch jack clark ah no no no jack clark was
Starting point is 01:13:42 behind him about about about three three steps and jack actually got very close to beating him are you sure we don't have are you sure you don't have a mixed up or maybe i have mixed up he was doing this thing where he was running out like this like with his chest up looking at the crowd and i'm pretty sure that was baden i'm pretty sure that was baden that's interesting and even the commentator said oh uh yeah i mean they got him as tied by the chips but by visual i think i saw baden win by by a step um i mean of course i defer to the chip um i defer to your eyes but but but what's fascinating too is he's tying with a guy who took um who got capped in the previous workout, who took 24, 24 spaces behind him.
Starting point is 01:14:31 At this level, I just – I hate to see that. Yeah, I want to – I don't – he was looking up at the crowd. I don't even think he saw Jack Clark coming. Are you looking for the clip? Yeah, I am 18 seconds into that heat. Let me keep going. Okay, hold on.
Starting point is 01:14:46 I'm close. Very close. New drinking game. Every time Hiller says, I'm not trying to be a dick, take a shot. Wow, I saw this. This is funny. And then immediately say something dickish. Wow, that's a complex game.
Starting point is 01:14:57 There's a lot of drinking games around me. I've seen it. Hey, share my screen, Sylvain. Okay, yep. Here we go. Hey, share my screen, Sivan. Okay, yep. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:15:09 The chip has got Bade Brown at 317.7, so I wonder why they changed that on the leaderboard. But let's – everybody see that? Yep. Let's see. So I'm going to press play, and we're going to go back. Oh, so that would have been a tenth of a second slower. Slower. Which would have given Jack Clark the win.
Starting point is 01:15:24 Yeah. of a second slower lower which would have given jack clark the win yeah um you ought to be able to find the finish here uh they're still planning for it also also also i saw something at the end of that workout um uh ricky won that and he shook hands with everyone or gave everyone a fist bump yeah he did the thing that you see the big dogs do and i think ricky's feeling it i think he's feeling it he also said something pretty good here he said this is the biggest challenge of my life and i take that seriously when he says that i believe him and he says and i've given all to be here and that's really cool you say it you say it often like it might be the hardest thing ever to take a year off and come back right he essentially took four years off yeah it's nuts and now he's coming back so what do you think about that this is this
Starting point is 01:16:17 is your thing yeah i'm so i believe him that it was just same. Okay, was it the same? Baden Brown is in black. Jack Clark is the guy in the no shirt, and Baden Brown's sprinting to finish, and Jack Clark's the guy. Okay, I apologize, Baden. Okay, so Jack Clark is goofing off here. Okay, well, he took 24th in the previous workout, so I give him a pass on that. Okay, I apologize, Baden. Just strike that from the record.
Starting point is 01:16:42 Yeah, I don't know why you do that, coming in basically last in your heat. Well, these guys are all just excited to be there, right? Yeah, potentially. I mean, just imagine if you wanted to go and you couldn't go.
Starting point is 01:16:59 How does that feel? It feels pretty cheap. I still wouldn't be running across the finish line screaming my lungs out if i'm getting my ass beat uh uh it was it was after this event that ricky said i had been vomiting all morning he also said that he's better now um i i it's it's hard to take him um seriously if to whether he's better or not. He's obviously pretty high because he just fucking won that event and I'll give him that credit, but I, I wouldn't, um, I do believe he was vomiting all morning.
Starting point is 01:17:33 I don't think we will know if he's better until we see him in the next event. These kinds of things can be touch and go, you know, what do you, any, any comments you guys? He's got, he's got a big lift. His event three for Torian, right? That'll be interesting. If he's got, what's the issue he's throwing up the stomach issue that'll take some out's got a big lift. His event three for Torian, right? That'll be interesting. If he's got,
Starting point is 01:17:46 what's the issue? He's throwing up the stomach issue. That'll take some out of him on the lift. So we'll see. Can't hold his food down. That'll definitely take some out. What, what is this schedule?
Starting point is 01:17:56 I had a schedule here somewhere. What, what is the next? I got it on my, I got it on my screen. Uh, at least here we go. Uh, wait,
Starting point is 01:18:02 has something started trying to find. Yeah. The, uh, the fricking lowlands is going on right now, but it's team, I believe right now. The event.
Starting point is 01:18:12 Have you guys kept up with the teams at all? Are people going to be absolutely pissed that we don't talk about the teams? No, people don't even, they just, they just found out when you said that, that there are teams,
Starting point is 01:18:23 there's teams. They're not online? There's not an online team semifinal? They ship worms to all the affiliates? The individual 10 a.m. So the individual events don't start for another – the next individual event doesn't start for another two hours and 42 minutes. And that will be at the syndicate.
Starting point is 01:18:48 Okay. I got the schedule up. If we want to look at this master schedule, it's very... It's very... Look at this. So where are we right now on this? It's 520 and it's...
Starting point is 01:19:02 So right now, Lowlands team event number two is just finishing and then it will go into individual oh okay so lowlands does have individual event too i apologize a lowlands does have an event that's starting in um where'd you get this can you send me this 26 minutes i made this yeah i'll send it to you. This is nice. We got the fancy shit, Hiller. Hell yeah. We got the fancy shit.
Starting point is 01:19:33 I'm going to click around all the Instagram pages trying to figure out the start times. It's in Pacific Standard, so you just have to make that adjustment. Let's go over to Lowlands and let's look at the women. Let's do it. And there's only one event that's happened. It was the rope climb event. And in first place, you have Karen Frejova. And in second place, you have Laura Horvat.
Starting point is 01:20:00 In third place, Matilda Garns. Yep, Matilda. But down here, you have Lucy Campbell, sixth. Sarah Sigmund's daughter, tenth. How about Gabby? Gabby Magawa, 16th. Is Gabby Magawa out of it? Oh.
Starting point is 01:20:17 She's going to be fucking. You don't think so? I mean, it depends on if that's like a, you know. So they take five. Did you go to last year's events? Because I did. I think I did. I missed out by six points and I had a 19th. So I feel like she can.
Starting point is 01:20:35 You also had seven tests. That's true. That's true. Yeah, that's a good point. So last year at the Torian, the person who took fifth was Madeline Sturt. She had 479 points. And right now the best that if Gabby were to win every single event and she got 49 points on this, she could get 549.
Starting point is 01:20:57 So it's still totally possible. Yeah, but she'd have to finish top five on all of them and with a couple of twos. So this is something fascinating to watch if you if you're a fan and you want something fun to to watch and to like stimulate you and excite you this is the athlete you want to watch at least for the next event in the next cut and if she does well keep watching her because this is going to be one of those great comeback stories if she qualifies it is a great comeback right i mean she is in a bad bad spot but we also know she's one of the greatest living crossfitters alive right now right correct yes absolutely has proven i think
Starting point is 01:21:30 she finished what sixth or eighth at the games last year and then she finished second at rogue or third at rogue and so and so people know that's comparing apples and oranges too if you finish sixth or at the games last year now she's in her own region she should be dominating this region and not to say that there aren't great athletes in this in this event with her but she is amazing and we saw and we saw that at the games and we saw that at rogue so this 16th place um did she know she was going to be in 16th does anyone know her is this or is this her kryptonite i think legless are not a great movement for her in a similar way that some form of handstand pushups most are not great for Laura, which is interesting because they're good friends and they both have a pretty different maybe kryptonite, if you will.
Starting point is 01:22:19 Yeah, Gabby mates with Laura's gene pool, her brother. That's right. Actually, I have no proof that they made i just made that assumption they're dating they go out event two at lowlands is the air runner axle bar deadlift handstand walk air runner it's the 22 minute time gap one and gabby would have to do pretty well on that to make us change our minds but she probably will because she this this looks more favorable than the rope climb workout for her, in my opinion.
Starting point is 01:22:47 I think it'll be between Gabby and Laura in this next event. Laura's a fantastic runner. This is way too cocky. She a dance. Gabby will be fine, I'm sure. It's not like that. This is bad, right? JR, 16th place. This is bad, right?
Starting point is 01:23:03 I think her name might be Shay. I think her name might be Shea. I think her name might be Shea. What did I say? Shea. Shea. Yeah, yeah. You call her Shea. I used to date her.
Starting point is 01:23:14 Shea. Shea. Well, this one's tricky coming up. But this one's tricky coming up because I'm not sure if you guys have dug into the workout as much. But I'm 99% sure that handstand walk is an out and back and it must be done as a parallel. So you, so you, so they've never done that before in live competition, they've had obstacles, but I'm almost positive that you'll have to,
Starting point is 01:23:37 you'll have to walk out and then turn around. You would think a chess piece. That's massive. I i mean that's crazy i mean it's not it's not a hard it's not a hard skill but if you've never done it before i mean they've got six rounds of that movement so that's 20 feet it's definitely a running workout when you have 2400 meters but it's 20 feet 18 years is or sorry six meters is 20 feet uh yeah that's right about okay uh so so we could see if she has let's i don't know how her handstand walks are let's assume that they're fantastic but you're saying one error and you're out of that event
Starting point is 01:24:19 i wouldn't say one error they only have a total of if this is right 240 feet of handstand walk with a ton of running in the you know as a bigger chunk of the workout the axle deadlifts i'm not sure will give anyone really much trouble it's about 195 for the females and it's 72 reps total so i could see where it would affect the handstand walk. There's a lot more grip involved in handstand walk than people usually think because you're pressing into the floor and you're flexing those forearm muscles. But I don't know. It would just be interesting to see if I'm pretty sure that has to be done unbroken, the 20 out, 20 back. So it may make people stand and rest a little longer than they want to. So we'll see.
Starting point is 01:25:04 So it's six rounds? make people stand and rest a little longer than they want to so we'll see so it's six rounds it's three rounds after the first run and then three rounds after the second run and and if you do fall and you have to how how long do you think that uh handstand walk takes 30 seconds 45 seconds so so there is kind of a problem there if you're if you walk 20 feet out and you make it well no it depends on how easily they can finesse a parallette i guess so if they're pretty good at it it'd be under 30 seconds but if they're kind of standing up on their hands and they're finagling with a possible chest piece that'll be an issue yeah i hope i'm right there i'm gonna look like a douchebag for us talking about it. I hope you're right, too. Not because I hope you're right, but it sounds cool. It sounds stressful.
Starting point is 01:25:49 Well, it sounds like if it's not if it's not the case, then the handstand walk really shouldn't even be in there. 20 feet out, 20 feet back is not not very demanding. You've got you've got 80 feet per round at syndicate. And how did Lucy do? She was was uh people were predicting her to go to the games also right wasn't she supposed to take that number three spot lucy campbell it's this is one second let's go check out let's go check out brian friend's list she's on uh it looks like she took he's got he's got her fit brian's got her fifth on his list. She took sixth in the workout, which is not bad. The top ten is a good finish. Did you have Sarah third?
Starting point is 01:26:30 He had Sarah fourth, I thought. Maybe third. I mean, that's a top ten for her. There's a lot of running and jumping in that workout, so I think for her that's a good finish. I think the big sigh of relief or telltale kind of workout for her is going to be the complex. So you'll either say, okay, take a deep breath, she's back, or she'll struggle on it. So we'll see. One of the comments I saw on the side was that Laura Horvat has the same style rope climb as Ben Smith,
Starting point is 01:27:00 and she learned that from him while training there this year. Is that something someone can spot? I couldn't tell if that was a joke or if that's real any thoughts i haven't seen laura horvath complete a handstand or i'm sorry i'll reply with ben smith or before ben smith thank you uh Sarah Sigmund's daughter got lapped on that, on that workout. Yeah, but it wasn't too big of an issue. No,
Starting point is 01:27:31 it looked worse than the commentator made it sound even worse. Okay. And they did kind of miss, they put her in the wrong place. At one point they said she was starting her eighth round. That's what I'm talking about. As people were finishing and they were wrong. She was actually starting her 10th round.
Starting point is 01:27:50 Correct. Yeah. She was about to be done done and from when that when they said that it was like an oh shit but they were looking at the wrong chess piece on the floor laying next to her all right uh if there's nothing you guys want to add here or i'm sure there's something you want to add but as we get start running out of, I want to go back over to the men's at the lowlands. Yeah, I want to talk about the men in this heat one. I thought one thing was pretty cool to know. Oh, wait, is that your screen? No, this is – here we go. That wasn't my screen.
Starting point is 01:28:16 Oh, no, that's your screen. Yeah. Okay. So no surprise here, right? Lazard, Jukic, first place, 250-59. No surprise. I loved everything I i saw i loved his attitude uh his post-game interview seems uh event interview super duper confident not easy to do when english is your second language and they're talking to you in english um he was flying uh watching his performance is exactly what you guys were saying that that the run wasn't the
Starting point is 01:28:45 place to rest like that guy was not resting at all on the run right those were sprints right yeah yeah him and michael smith and luca dukic all of them were running really hard um and who is michael smith have we seen him before has he ever gone to the games he's an old team athlete i'm i don't know old he's a team athlete for sure, and he's super tall. He's a tall guy. Are we going to just see him drop off the rest of the week, or is this guy for real? We're going to see him keep up the good work.
Starting point is 01:29:15 He's fit, but I don't – or I said he's fit, but I don't think he's taking a spot to the games this weekend. Björvind Carl Gudmundsson, is he happy with his placement right now, you think? I think he's happy. Yeah, that's the with his placement right now? You think? I think. Yeah. I, that's the one thing I wanted to talk about in this workout. They were saying,
Starting point is 01:29:29 you know, to point out Taylor, I wonder if you saw the same thing I did that he started in sixth and then finished in second in his heat. Yeah. I thought that he actually, that he actually built his running pace as he worked out, which is so, which is so hard to do in this workout.
Starting point is 01:29:44 I can't, i'm not even kidding it's ink you just want to start so fast and you can hold a really fast pace so to start and and build the way he did is ridiculous impressive it's good to hear you guys say that that's the kind of thing as a fan you like you would just never know yeah well it's hard to pace yourself on a three-minute workout so that that in and of itself is hard and then once you do pace it typically people overpace it but he built and and and finished you know just a few seconds behind behind some of these guys i think he's happy with that there was a time that you that you wished you had that live scoring up there
Starting point is 01:30:20 to see people move closer and closer to the minus one. You wish it was this one because as a fan, no matter how good the camera is, you can't really tell what the judge is moving the pile on, who's on round six and who's on round seven after the first minute of the workout. So you're really just watching and waiting. I mean, if you know about what times people should be finishing, then you wait until the two or three minute mark and you're like, okay, I'm guessing people are going to finish up, but I don't know who's in what spot. I'd also like to make one comment on this legless workout, not for Lowlands, but just in general, and that is that Tia beat nine men. Yeah, I remember that. I noted that too.
Starting point is 01:31:02 That's crazy. That's wicked. Isn't it kind of party surprise she didn't beat more uh no no no that's hard that's hard to beat a guy period uh uh um sam stewart so so all the people who who followed below sam uh sam stewart there's no surprises down here everything looks pretty normal the one stand standout – I'm sorry? Casper Gamowar, that's a name that's been up there before. Not like a Sam Stewart-level name. I think he finished sixth last year.
Starting point is 01:31:36 He only missed by one spot. Oh, okay. Did he miss it? I think so, yeah. How bad is this for Sam Stewart? 14th, Gabby was in 16th. We're concerned about Gabby. There's no doubt that Sam Stewart's not amazing,
Starting point is 01:31:51 but he's probably not the caliber Gabby is, I think it's fair to say. Is he done? Is this a huge disappointment that we're seeing already in the first event? Yes. That's a tough – that's a really tough – No, he's done. Look at the things he's going up against. He's got Lazar, he's got Luka, he's got BKG, he's got Adrian,
Starting point is 01:32:11 he's got Oldis. And like, he's out. He's done. Casper Gamblemark was at the games in 2019. Okay, yeah, I think Sam Stewart is – I think you're right. He's entirely done. He can't come back from that. Not with the field ahead of him.
Starting point is 01:32:25 These guys are too good. Everyone else is too nice. I'm going to say. He's entirely done. He can't come back from that, not with the field ahead of him. These guys are too good. Everyone else is too nice. I'm going to say that he's done. I also think – yeah. I think 310 is a really slow time on that. Is this the Savant show or is this Talking Elite Fitness? Are we going to say, he's going to need to have a really good weekend to come back?
Starting point is 01:32:43 It's like, well, no shit. He's got to win every single event to come back it's like well no shit he's gotta win every single event to come back no shit yeah uh guys we we are uh it's 7 32 a.m on the pacific uh uh standard time over here in california um which means we are 12 minutes from an event starting and uh what's his name the thumb taylor self was kind enough to make a schedule for us and show us that the lowlands individual event two starts in 12 minutes what is that workout again mr howell uh it should be a 1200meter run and then three rounds of 12 axle bar deadlifts and then an out-and-back handstand walk with what we think is a round of pylon of some kind. And then another 1,200-meter run and then another three rounds of axle bar deadlifts and handstand walk and then finishing with a 600-meter row. Who is your pick?
Starting point is 01:33:44 Thank you, by the way. Just called you out right on the spot. That was like a test, and you passed with flying colors. You'll be on the show later on this evening. You passed. Who's going to win this? Are we going to see Lazar and Bjorgvin just war here? Yeah, I mean, I think at the end of the day, that's going to be one and two.
Starting point is 01:34:03 I wouldn't be surprised if they're battling on this one I don't know Lazar is going to take that Ullis is going to do well on that one I would honestly just say who's the who's who's the better runner of the three and that's probably who you're looking for on that one and that is Lazar right I mean both Jukic brothers are incredible runners right to my knowledge I think Lazar is the better of the two but they're both good yes Lazar, right? I mean, both Jukic brothers are incredible runners, right? To my knowledge, I think Lazar is the better of the two, but they're both good, yes. No, you don't want to throw him in the incredible category, JR?
Starting point is 01:34:37 No, I wouldn't throw him in that category, no. He's not like Aiden Brown. But didn't – wasn't it – was it Lazar and Aiden who wore it at the games last year? What was that run event? The Toes to Bar event with 25 or whatever and the three rounds. Yeah. Who won that event? I believe it was Baden Brown, right? Baden Brown won the event. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:57 A lot of guys at the games last year said he's probably the best runner they've competed against in person. Okay. He just can hurt so well. The guy's pain tolerance is insane. Or he's that good of a runner. Oh, but Baden's over in, sorry, Baden's over in Torian. No, I think he's got a higher pain tolerance than most guys that are competing in the sport right now. J.R., where did you see that pirouette thing?
Starting point is 01:35:20 Because I tried to look on their website, and I found the PDF of the workout, but I couldn't find anything on the pirouette with the handstand walkout event, too. That's information from someone on-site at Lowlands. Got it. Okay. What about the women, guys? Any predictions for the women? We're going to see them compete here in 10 minutes. Laura, for sure. Laura. Laura's a great bet on that one.
Starting point is 01:35:45 And I think Gabby second. I think with the machines and the running, Gabby and Laura both are going to be really tough to beat on that. Sarah too, but it depends on her running. How's her running doing? I don't think Sarah's going to do as well as you think on that one. Really? Where do you think she's going to struggle, Mr. Hilliard? The run.
Starting point is 01:36:02 Weren't you just saying? That's what I said. Yeah, I said as long as her running is backwards for me i found that distance running isn't an issue after that it's more of the sprint and jump type stuff so but we'll just see how much running she's been doing i guess already i guess she wasn't a great runner to be uh to begin with i hate to be a hater but the show just isn't the same without Brian. I was thinking that the show just isn't the same when Hiller's
Starting point is 01:36:30 wearing his shirt. I think she wants an OnlyFans account. I haven't worked out yet. She so wants an OnlyFans account. She had that typed up before the show started. This was a fun podcast. I like the crew. Just want to say I would never walk along giving out fist bumps before an event, especially to Mr. Self. Get lost, mustache boy. Wow. Colton Merton's my favorite CrossFit athlete. Coming in hard. He's a good dude.
Starting point is 01:37:03 final words from anyone before we check out and uh if you want to know when we'll be coming on next i will schedule something up very soon probably in the next 10 minutes so you guys can see when we'll be popping on again any final words uh um mr thumb taylor self no it's a good show hillar got nothing uh uh mr how nothing we're good okay uh brian friend we miss you you will continue to get invites uh any athletes that want to come on the show and um talk about not fist bumping uh taylor let us know

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