The Sevan Podcast - #409 - Syndicate Crown Live | Andrew Hiller & Taylor Self

Episode Date: May 21, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Introducing TD Insurance for Business, with customized coverage options for your business. Because at TD Insurance, we understand that your business is unique, so your business insurance should be too. Contact a licensed TD Insurance advisor to learn more. This episode is brought to you by New Balance Running. New Balance believes if you run, you're a runner. Whether you're going for your first ever run around the park or going for your personal best in a marathon. Speed, strength, stamina. Whatever goal you're working toward,
Starting point is 00:00:31 New Balance has the running shoes, clothes, and accessories to push your run further and help you run your way. Find yours at slash running. New Balance. Run your way. Bam, we're live. What is this we have here? New Balance. Run your way. May you turn it down? How's that? You gone? Turn it down on YouTube. Just a little bit. So, Vaughn's a professional. Yeah, I'm a media guy.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Don't tell me what to do. How's that better? Much better. Yeah, a little lower. Oh. Like right there. You just want to hear a little bit of Tommy and Shawnee so we know they're there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Why don't I hear shit from them? Because we're going to do better welcome everybody welcome i don't know what's gonna happen here cory eric travis jeffrey andrew hiller jeffrey the thumb tom gearan the thumb taylor self zachary cadets yeah hayley crossfielder bir crossfield yeah hayley's a freaking monster if only she could lift something so uh a couple highlights before since this is going we might as well talk about this first and not go back to how the torian ended but a couple things i want to bring up right away this torque tank um in right before the events started um they were talking about not this event but the prior one too they were talking about how the torque tank, right before the event started, they were talking about, not this event, but the prior one too, they were talking about how the torque tank this year, you have to push it twice as far. Does that mean it's twice as annoying?
Starting point is 00:02:13 I mean, has anyone clarified for us? Has anyone clarified for us if you can actually change the speed of this at all? Or once someone touches it, you're basically destined to just go at one speed. It's just work. It totally looks like it's one speed forever i made three two one go and the entire field just moves like this the whole way down has anyone ever seen anyone pass someone using the torque i guess that would be the question is there any documented evidence of one torque passing another torque there's no documented evidence and you can't know whatsoever is there actually not only if the little lever is turned off so if the lever that controls the
Starting point is 00:02:50 tension is turned off then you see someone zoom by we've seen that before taylor i think you're streaming simultaneously no i'm not streaming i'm not streaming anything that's playing do you want me to turn this video off uh just exit i'm not playing no no it's okay it's okay um if you want me to turn this video off? Oh, I'm not playing. No, no, it's OK. It's OK. If you want to go to Steve's formerly known as Steve's Club, Steve's Paleo, Steve's Jerky, use code seven. You get 15 percent off. I don't get a dime from them, just so you know. I just thought it was cool that they were giving you guys 15 percent off.
Starting point is 00:03:21 So that's why I'm doing this. So there. Take that. Jesus. has 15 off so that's why i'm doing this so there take that jesus um so why is there any other implement is there any other equipment have we ever seen someone not past sending anyone in any other movement modality in the history of crossfit the only thing that I can think of that comes even close. Ah, no, it doesn't come close. You can throw a softball as far as. So the berm, there's the stairwell. And that's the only thing.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Because once you're locked into the stairwell, there's one spot. That's all I've got. Top of my head. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm kind of okay with that, right? And I'm more than kind of okay with it because it's just a portion of the run. It's just like there's actually a huge part of strategy there do you
Starting point is 00:04:08 want to try to get in front of the guy before you get to that 100 foot stairwell climb or the 100 foot stairwell climb down you're talking uh for those of you who don't know or new to the sport andrew hiller's referencing um a section of the playing field the competition field in los angeles carson california uh which was which was one of the most kind of cinematic and coolest spots because of that staircase, that narrow staircase. I can't think of anything else, no. It makes it ridiculous. I mean, it's so obvious it's fucking garbage.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Do you know what one of the things that they said? Can I say really quick? James Sprague is probably going have a top three of finish on this event i'm calling it i would agree i think jason's gonna win it i'm a little biased but i but that's a safe pick are you saying you've done it with him uh no i haven't done it with him but i know what he's good at and he's good at all these workouts. We'll see. Tell me about James Sprague. I mean, he's a great kid, but why this workout for him? Massive injury.
Starting point is 00:05:11 He was messaging me one day, and I know what he's capable of on the herbs, and it carries over into an event like this. He has something like a 618 2K row, which is just ridiculous. It's retarded fast. 618. How are his how are his text it seems like the the quality of his dms is what caused you to think that he's going to do so well uh yeah no it had nothing to do with that it was just that that row really stood out from what i've spoken to him about and uh how many people do you know that 618 wrote, Taylor? Like not very many.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Maybe Jason. He has a 608. 608. Yeah, that's ridiculous. So if he's going to win, and you say he's going to be top three, well, what's your 2K wrote, Taylor? Probably in the 20s, right?
Starting point is 00:05:58 Somewhere around there. Yeah, just under 630, 620. So what's your 2K? 12 minutes. What's a 2K? 12 minutes. What's a 2 minutes? That's a world record. Everything is like 1 minute, 2 minutes. It's like that.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Wait, what did you say? My what K? Your 2K row, 2,000 meters. I think it's 8 minutes. It's 8 minutes, right? Doesn't that sound right? That sounds about right, yeah. I do see things like that
Starting point is 00:06:26 carrying over into events like this, personally. What was his? 620? What's his? 618? 618, yeah. That's really fast. What's the world record? 543? Didn't they just do that? Was it just hit? There was someone who just hit the world
Starting point is 00:06:42 record 2K, and I think it was like 543. What was Kalipa's at the games? Do we know yeah give me 628 632 maybe it's one of those two it's like right there hey didn't he do that he did that to start the marathon right and then he won them and then he won the half marathon yeah it's unbelievable okay so james is is gnarly i wonder what his mile time is my My mile time is 10 minutes. No, it's not. It's faster than that. Your mile time is faster than that.
Starting point is 00:07:10 He's got short little legs. Yeah, but he weighs 150 pounds soaking wet. He's fast. Oh, okay. Well, that guy, maybe I should take that back, what I said about Nicky. That guy just had to lift up the back end of his torque tank. Who is that? Is that James?
Starting point is 00:07:24 That's James, yeah. That's James, yeah. Yeah, and straighten straighten it out so maybe she knew what she was talking about my bad sorry nikki look at he's swerving out of his lane again that's two adjustments my bad so no rep why are they pushing it down low and why does that make it easier uh take this one taylor they're pushing it down low because that is the rule um and i don't know that it makes it easier i just don't think it makes really any difference do you remember last year when everyone was kind of hunched over the freaking thing like this they basically wrapped their shoulders and arms around the top handles you look you look at it and it almost forms to your upper body yeah and i remember watching tia in particular chalk her hands when she was pushing the tank.
Starting point is 00:08:07 So taking away those – they could take them out. I know you could take them out. I don't know why they didn't take them out. Maybe because it's extra weight. I don't know. I still don't know. No, because they're trying to sell them and they're trying to show them off. This whole thing is one giant commercial for this torque tank.
Starting point is 00:08:20 I mean it is. Let's face it. I'm kind of okay with it, i'm not and then we would be the anti-commercial for this torque tank uh travis says way harder down low on any other implement other than a torque tank yes on a torque tank it has wheels so you're not putting more friction into the ground so if you're pushing like a log sled you're pushing down you're giving more friction this has wheels so that's not it's not a factor it's just body position so if you're pushing like a log sled, you're pushing down and you're giving more friction. This has wheels. So that's not, it's not a factor.
Starting point is 00:08:47 It's just body position. So if you're taller. The energy you're giving it is pushing it the direction you want it to go. None of it's going down onto the wheels. Because it has wheels. Yeah. The physicist. And JR text me, JR text me and he said that this has become a bike workout.
Starting point is 00:09:06 It's all bike. Why is that? It's if you have the balls to push the first 30 and then the fitness to hold the pace throughout the 20 and 10. I think most guys, aside from range of motion, are going to be pretty similar speed on the dumbbells. We've seen, at least at the top, the guys at the top are going to be a similar speed on the dumbbells unless you just have a really short range of motion or really long range of motion torque tank's going to be the same speed for the most part across and then it's who's probably going to hold 600 650 watts maybe for the first 30 and then can can hold that so like an 80 rpm
Starting point is 00:09:41 yeah yeah uh no no that, that's above 80. I think a 75 RPM is, uh, like 450 Watts. So it's probably closer to 85 RPM. Got it. Okay. So James is done and this is a heat one.
Starting point is 00:09:54 So as far as we know, I mean, he's the winner. Yeah. He is the one. And how many heats? Three. Oh,
Starting point is 00:10:00 three. Oh, we're going to be here a while. It's okay. Where you got to be? Nowhere. Nowhere. This is it.
Starting point is 00:10:07 So let's – I want to talk while Heat One's going. I want to mention Lowlands event too because we haven't talked about that at all, right? Correct, yes. That's the one with the axel bar deadlifts? Yeah. It was not a super fun workout to watch i think it reminded me of like triple three but i thought the pirouette was really cool yes jr was right about that that was pretty cool to watch i was wrong about the time i felt like an idiot saying it was going
Starting point is 00:10:34 to take upwards of 45 seconds oh the pirouette how long did it how long it was like 20 seconds because all of them were managing it rather well yeah there was no problem whatsoever it looked shorter than 40 feet though, didn't it? Well, it was 20 feet out and 20 feet back, I thought. Okay. Yeah. Hell Fisher, he's a good dude. He's the man.
Starting point is 00:10:54 I was surprised. I thought Sam Stewart maybe was going to make a comeback push on that workout, and he didn't. He did worse, and I think he's for sure out like you said, Hiller. There's no coming. He's 18. He's called that all that yes he's called by a shot he's done um how do you feel about that taylor people like sam stewart kind of not really hitting their potential and i mean he seems to be far off from his potential this year because he was six last year yeah this year looks like he'll be struggling to push top 12 maybe oh he was no i thought he qualified last
Starting point is 00:11:25 year does he he didn't qualify out of the semi-finals because i looked at the leaderboard earlier he finished sixth maybe it was the last chance qualifier no he didn't take those spots he was at the games he went i interviewed him i wish i could jump in and tell you but i can't remember here let me let me pull up uh let me pull up the leaderboard let's look real quick the gentleman they're referencing is from Ireland. He took 14th in the first event, and he took 23rd in the second event, and that has convinced Taylor Self that he is out. Andrew Hiller earlier in the previous podcast we did said he's out when he saw his 14th.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Sam Stewart. Yeah, 37th. He finished third. Oh, he tied for third with Uldis. Yeah. So I guess, yeah, you're right. Okay. He was 37th. He finished third. Oh, he tied for third with Uldis. Yeah. So I guess, yeah, you're right. Okay. He was 37th at the Games.
Starting point is 00:12:09 He was 37th at the Games, I think. Maybe a couple things. Maybe you have no idea what's going on with him right now, right? Correct, yes. I think last year, the fact that he finished 37th is a pretty good indication that maybe the semifinal programming benefited him or was played to his strong suits um but at the same time he had a he had 15 events of experience at the crossfit games and a full year train um aside from anything i know aside from anything
Starting point is 00:12:39 you know sickness injury something like that i don't think speculation. Yeah. Yeah. Aside from any of that, just speculating. I don't, I don't, uh, aside from injury and sickness, there's not an excuse to me. Um, well, so I think about people like Lucas Hoberg where he finished second in the games in 2017 or 18, and then he hasn't been anywhere near since. And I see that with a couple of other athletes and Sam Stewart's a similar case where he's like here and then he's nowhere to be seen and like he's right there but we're expecting something from him yeah he doesn't hit what we're expecting from him anymore i in in lucas hogberg's case and i hate to say this because i don't know the guy but it just looks like he doesn't fucking take it seriously and care and that pisses me off like yeah i remember ouch
Starting point is 00:13:21 ouch what did you say what lucas hogberg doesn't care what did you see that makes you say that like last year in 21.1 is the is the big example that i have he he did the wall walk workout and got fucking murdered by it and then posted like this um you know a little reel of him laughing about it and like well we're through the open it doesn't really matter anymore um blah blah blah blah and kind of laughed it off. And to me, if I take like a 2,000, 3,000th in a wall walk workout and double unders, I'm going to be fucking livid. I mean, can you – It's also interesting having finished second in the games and then saying something like that.
Starting point is 00:13:57 You can't agree to have a different head on his shoulders after that. Exactly, exactly. And I don't know the guy, so who knows. Exactly, I do too. The other thing to note is that on his Instagram, he's prioritizing, it seems, his online coaching business. So it doesn't seem like he's prioritizing his training. He's trying to build a brand through coaching and good for him. I don't see him in the lowlands.
Starting point is 00:14:21 He's not. He didn't qualify. I don't think he qualifies. Oh, okay. Sorry. That's kind of what I'm talking about savann when he finished the games and he's slowly been working his way down the leaderboard which is it's just kind of rare because he's been like panchik every year at the top and like you even figure if panchik took some time off which he says he took it easier he works out an hour a day and then he comes and he dominates at these events so it's interesting to see a second place finisher the games not like do the same and that's the lucas oberg harvey dent wow
Starting point is 00:14:50 harvey you were looking you were looking amazing good to have you on the show um you were at the syndicate is that correct i'm outside currently yeah i mean how is it what do yeah. So you guys keep talking shit about the torque tank. Here's my one observation. It's time under tension. I mean, the point of the workout is not the torque tank, but it's to fuck you up and make you feel terrible. That's the only reason I can see that it's in there. I'm playing devil's advocate a little bit. you love it i agree with you no i disagree okay go ahead i mean
Starting point is 00:15:34 nobody's moving fast they got to be feeling like shit okay unfuck me then the nobody's moving fast because to push it any faster is just not worth it. Time under tension would be better done by a yoke, you know, like put a yoke on them. Or a sandbag carry. If you put a sandbag carry in that workout, you fucking – Like the 200. Yeah, that would be awesome. 200-pound sandbag carry destroys people.
Starting point is 00:15:55 The thing about the torque tank is these guys are so fit that they're literally pushing it at one speed knowing that they're catching their breath for the dumbbells. Right. Pushing it at one speed knowing they're catching their breath for the bike. So I guess at this point, if they have time or attention and we want to see them push those other two movements, sure, it's a good implement, but it just kind of kills the race. I think a sandbag's better. It's not a race. That's the thing. If you can't pass someone with the implement,
Starting point is 00:16:20 then it's not a race. You can, but it's not worth it because then you're going to get passed by further or to a larger degree on the next implement on the bike of the dumbbell it's almost like the camera team and the people who hired the cost benefit ratio it's not there yeah at all the the the people who hired the camera guys that the games are the same people who developed the torque tank they don't understand competition wow this uh renata i'm not a fan of hopper we shall see what he does but doubt he repeats last year i doubt that he repeats his performance of the games last year i think that takes top 10 um but i definitely think he's top three at the mat at uh syndicate tyler why are you
Starting point is 00:16:56 why are the um seats why are the seats so empty is it just because it's friday because this was kind of this happened at the games too friday would be kind of empty and saturday would fill up well i didn't know if we wanted to cover that straight off the bat, but I've been kind of noticing that walking around. So it is Friday, but I've been to other regionals where it's Friday and it's still more than this. And then also,
Starting point is 00:17:16 Vendor Village is really, really... There's not that many vendors. It's the weakest vendor village I've ever been to. It's like going to a strip mall or something. It's like, I know what this is supposed to be but it's but it's not theirs were you at granite games last year yes i thought that was a pretty thin vendor village was it what are you comparing it to thin compared to what a lot of loot is stacked yes like. Every inch of that place is covered. Noble's not here. There's only two or three big vendors here.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Noble's not even there. That's crazy. Aren't they the official clothing line? Isn't that all the gear? Noble gear, like the shoes and the shirts? It's right on the screen right there. Noble CrossFit Games. Can I make that a little bigger?
Starting point is 00:18:06 The guaranteed rate mortgage games. Hey, that is indicative indicative of something by the way that that's worth noting i need to bring that up later on a podcast why would i i've been trying to figure that part out is whoop there no no no they're out they're not a sponsor anymore it's like born primitive um like a jump rope company, and victory grips. Is Rogue there? No. Yerba. Wow. You're telling me there's not a Rogue tent there?
Starting point is 00:18:33 There's not a Rogue tent. And I'm wondering, so I didn't want to open my mouth about this because it's like, okay, are other vendors going to show up tomorrow? Like maybe they're just like, fuck Friday. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt, but I don see it wow i've never heard of that i'd be really curious if road has ever skipped a an event here's one more interesting thing too the there's going to be event at the same venue next week correct yes and what's that one called mac the mac the mac will be in the exact same venue um uh will there be a bigger draw of athletes this event has the biggest guy has two of the biggest guys you got you got a matt fraser
Starting point is 00:19:15 they're coaching right and you got rich froning uh the ultimate fan favorite uh more wins in crossfit than anyone in the history of the game. And you would think the fans would come out, right? I mean, Richard's there. You have the only two remaining CrossFit Games champions in one field on the men's side, Ben Smith as well. The only thought I had about this was that there is another one next weekend, and you're going to sell out from mostly the surrounding area. And if have one next weekend everybody's like well i'll just go to
Starting point is 00:19:48 the next one i don't have to see this is why he called himself harvey dense so that everything we say he can come at us with like the devil's advocate crap you know there's not many people there this weekend because they're going to come next weekend but savann's over here saying that the rich froning justin maderos are standing over here along with uh ben smith and yeah why why wouldn't they be here this weekend i'm hopeful i mean i'm hopeful but i think you're right i think you're already done the whole man hopeful harvey and you have you have the hype chain the hype train there um jason hopper um justin madera scott panchik will morad and then and then and then Morad And then the Great Hope Tudor Magda
Starting point is 00:20:27 The next generation You just gave him a name That's going to be his name He's James Townsend He's James Townsend's Great Hope Wouldn't it be great If Tudor could just fucking explode On the scene
Starting point is 00:20:43 That would be awesome. Yeah, it would be just sweet. It was wild. All day, he's outside chilling, like straight Yoda style. Comes in, like is full of life, like kills everyone, and then goes back outside, sits on the grass, and turns into Yoda again. What do you mean? What do you mean he's just got like a blanket out there,
Starting point is 00:21:02 and him and James Townsend are just fucking playing Scrabble? Like he's just laying there, like sitting. That is exactly, believe it or not, how I met Guimo Harris. I competed against him a lot of Palooza in the RX division in 2019, which he won.
Starting point is 00:21:17 And I remember he was just quiet as can be. And then he totally dominated every murder. Maybe that's how you get strong as shit. You can't say a fucking word that's a waste of your energy what was interesting to see exactly what um that's what frowning used to do sorry tyler go ahead no it was just interesting to see how lively he was because i figured he would get out there still be stoic and he was kind of like fuck all y'all yeah that's exactly what rich would do rich would just just sit there, lay down. I can just picture it now in Carson.
Starting point is 00:21:47 He didn't give a shit. Note, note everybody, don't say anything unless you're competing. And then fist bump them to big dick them. How is he going to do it? Is he going to qualify, Tyler? Tudor Magda? Yeah. I don't want to speak off of that event.
Starting point is 00:22:05 You're so pigeonholed on that event. I got to see. Like, if he did well in this next one, okay, he'll probably qualify. I don't think he qualifies. I don't think so either. I don't think he qualifies. But he has to do well in this to qualify. I hope he qualifies.
Starting point is 00:22:18 How about that? I don't know him well enough to say I hope he does. I'm apathetic about Tudor, but I just don't think he's got the motor to keep up with the rest of this field. I don't know him either, but I hope he does. He might prove me wrong, but we'll see. That was the thing about Haley. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:22:37 I wanted to know if she had the guts in the first event or if she had been working on her strength at all, and I was let down again. Oh, man. I mean, it's tough to say that. From my perspective, I'm not typically great at the strength event. It's not like she's not working on it. She's just doing it.
Starting point is 00:23:00 I mean, she fucking grinds it out. But look at her body type. She is so slow twitching, so aerobically powerful and endurance built. It's fucking hard to train that quick twitch, just a different muscle fiber, and to put that weight on. And I think the other thing is at some point she's probably – you just – you got to get bigger. She's got to eat.
Starting point is 00:23:22 She's got to get – she's got to put on weight to get a lot stronger um what do you think about that hillar what do you think about her putting on weight i don't think putting on a weight would be the answer i think that she well the issue i've done the mayhem program and i think that the issue possibly with the mayhem program is that everything is based around crossfit specifically crossfit and and if you go to like any run-of-the-mill crossfit gym and everyone's just doing crossfit you don't see anybody who's outlandishly strong so i would think and this is me talking completely unconventional to like everyone else who does crossfit she needs to go on a strength specific program and move her on the other end of the spectrum.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Because it looks like that's not something that she's ever done before. Very similar to, like, there was a guy who worked with OPEX, and it was a big fucking dude. And he was a grid league guy. He could, like, power snatch 315 for reps, and he would just murder the assault bike. But they tried to bring him down a notch by only having him do slow twitch aerobic work which is what taylor was talking about so she would only need to do like high power output work to bring her to the other end of the spectrum that's my take yeah i i see i hear you i hit this guy go for it tyler there we go devil's advocate man so i i don't want this to turn into the
Starting point is 00:24:43 the the hearsay podcast but but I will say this. I worked out with someone. You can say I heard a rumor. That works here. I heard a rumor. I heard a rumor this morning from someone who works extremely close with Haley and said that she refuses to do strength work without doing conditioning first. Yeah. So that's, and I think, but here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:25:07 I don't think it's, I don't think Haley is seeing that as a bad thing. I think Haley is so good at her aerobic work and her conditioning, and she's so locked into the way she does things. Maybe she's a little nervous to take a step back and what she's so good at to improve somewhere else. I don't think it's the fact that she's not working hard i think it's probably more of the the mental aspect of understanding like hey you're well then that she's working wrong is what you're saying she's a little james townson in her life everyone has come out of james townson's camp apparently is the strongest shit ever i think she could probably use a little
Starting point is 00:25:42 t or maybe a little matt because they seem to be like the people that will tell you to fucking stop doing the shit that you shouldn't be doing. That one's good too, yes. All he did was what he had to do. Rich is that caliber of coach. He has to be thinking that. I think he's thinking that, but I also see Rich as not – I also see Rich as like Haley's his golden child,
Starting point is 00:26:02 and I can see it being hard for him to tell her the shit she she needs to hear dick butter's on fire his next one says she should just go do high rocks yeah that's fuck no if she can if she can play wow listen to this listen to this she'd dominate that i think she'd dominate high rise on fire she would but here's the thing for everyone in the comments if she can place top fucking eight at the games her first three years and lose the strength events you can all go fuck yourselves oh wait a second okay so let me bring up this comment i i hear you but here's the real problem did we lose uh she'll never be the strongest in the field that's not that doesn't matter the problem is that she's
Starting point is 00:26:40 23rd at a fucking semi-final event which means she's going to be 158th at the fucking games when there's only 40 competitors. You can never be a fucking CrossFit Games champion if you're fucking 23rd at some fucking event in the semifinals. It's just not going to work. She's 21. Okay, good. Hey, I want
Starting point is 00:27:00 her to get strong. Don't get me wrong. I love her. If she takes a step back from what she knows, she'll be strong. Remember when Sam Briggs went and trained over a west side barbell yeah they need to do some shit like that she's gotta do some shit like that but hey i like the james townsend thing i can't see you something happens if she goes over there and trains with james townsend's eight-year-old daughter she doesn't need to do that she needs to stay where she's at and she just needs to take a step back and then she's gonna listen to this and tell all of us to fuck off yeah well that's true that's true yeah i mean she's gonna win this event or tell us to fuck off yeah that too way better than
Starting point is 00:27:33 all of us right taylor what would you have tried to go out on the lifting complex and hit i would probably have been right around what ben smith did uh 28. And then a three. Did he go 305 or 300? I probably would have gone 300. And then I probably would have ended at 315. So I would not have done well. What would that have put you in? Have you looked? I mean, that wasn't terrible.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Do you have to populate your scores if you were doing the events? No, I haven't tried to do that. That would put him like, I don't care. 17, 15. He would have gotten like 40-something points. Yeah. 12. 12. 12. He would have gotten like 14, 40-something points. Yeah. 12. 12.
Starting point is 00:28:07 He would tie it with Mark Hutchinson. Let's be safe and say I hit 305 and failed a 315, and that would have put me at 17. I always look high as fuck. I've gotten that since high school. The first time that bag's been touched, I was always high. 20 episodes. How many heats do we got?
Starting point is 00:28:25 Three? Yes. We got one more heat of men, which I cannot wait to watch. I'm going to hop off and go watch the last one. This is a great point, by the way. And then when the high rocks talk breakfast talk,
Starting point is 00:28:35 Sam Briggs, isn't the best at high rocks. I doubt to you would be good too. I agree. I high rocks. Yeah. I don't think, I don't think Sam did good at Spartan race either.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Alex Smith is in. What's this mean? Chili ring butthole. Oh, you know. Oh, you know. Chili ring butthole. Tyler, what else are you seeing there? Any other insights?
Starting point is 00:29:01 Anything else you want to share that you saw there today? Who is this? I think that's a Sundayay conversation okay come on so you so so do you feel like you're being oh here we go oh wait look at that wow it won't wear a while holy shit oh i came to join the sausage fest in case i had three more people yeah we need three more dudes in here no i'm running the back i run the back and i could disappear i could disappear no no no no oh who's back in there you're running matt anybody who's willing the chili ring butthole back in tyler um are you saying that um are you saying basically there's things that you feel like you want to be critical about but you want to give them a chance
Starting point is 00:29:41 to fix it or see if it's right or you don't want to jump on the on the yeah okay essentially there are there are really good things they in certain ways they run a really tight ship as far as the syndicate goes there are other things where i think they're like they they're so confident that they're missing some other key pieces okay well it looks good i want to say it looks great from uh just from watching watching at home. Branding on point. Hey, can we... Oh, never mind. Shut up. Say it. Say it. There was a lift
Starting point is 00:30:14 that happened earlier that I think we should show real quick. Can we pull that lift up? Yeah, I've got it. You just go ahead and pull my screen up. Oh, wait. Here we go. Is it roaring? Here we go, Billy. Pull me up. Fucking hell, I can got it. You just go ahead and pull my screen up. Oh, wait. Here we go. Is it roaring? Here we go, baby. Pull me up. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Starting point is 00:30:36 She's so fucking lucky. So someone tell him. So what happened there? I really like the commitment. I'm like, wow, that's an amazing commitment. That was so great. That was so great. She missed her first lift. No, I thought she missed her second lift.
Starting point is 00:30:53 She missed her first lift, went up. Look at her face. No, she hit her second lift. They gave it to her anyway, but I was sitting there. Oh, my God. And I was like, I think she missed the second lift. They gave it to her, and then she was like, fucking roll the dice. Just for 240.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Hold on, guys. Let Tyler tell this story. Let Tyler tell this story. So she made her first lift. You didn't think it was. Oh, it was total balls. Like, she was just like, add weight. And she just stayed.
Starting point is 00:31:20 She stayed on that one platform. She made her first lift. You questioned it. She made her second lift. She questioned it, and then she did this lift. Now, I'm going to ask you guys a crazy question, but I'm asking it for a reason. Is this a good lift? No.
Starting point is 00:31:33 What? No. Well, she argued. I heard she argued. If she looks locked – oh, that's great. Look at that. It's at that moment that she knew she fucked up. Oh, my God. Who swan dives? at that it's at that moment that she knew she fucked up oh my god
Starting point is 00:31:47 who swan dives she's trying to get flat under the bar so that she can get under the bumpers look at the judge's face he's like holy shit she uh she was very confident going into that lift. And that's why I reposted her yesterday because I was like, she is going to murder everyone. She's a Florida grid leader. Is she okay?
Starting point is 00:32:13 Do we have confirmation? Yeah, she's fine. She's fine. I think she's embarrassed more than anything. Oh, for sure. She's strong. This is her. I think this is a 100-pound dumbbell, I'm pretty sure.
Starting point is 00:32:22 She's so small. How much was that? How much was that? 240 pounds. Tyler, how much was that how much was that 240 pounds tyler how much was it 240 okay and so that wasn't a good lift you don't think she locked that out at the top before she teetered over no i saw it from a different angle as well and it was definitely not a good lift the art the lift that she was arguing about was the 230 before okay so she didn't get up and argue that lift no that's what
Starting point is 00:32:45 someone told me okay and and i earlier i had said that uh ricky gerard um after doing king arthur um fell down but uh compared to this he did not fall down can we hey can we no not compared to that i sent a clip and if anybody can play that it's epic look epic. Look at the keys to success from Tommy and Sean. 2020 vision and hammer down. What does that mean? Where are we looking? Where are we looking? Oh, you know.
Starting point is 00:33:13 I'm looking on the Syndicate Crown livestream. Well, it's gone now, I guess. Are we a little? Yeah, it just lost it. The keys to success were 2020 vision and hammer down my dad maybe they didn't write that that's solid do we know who writes that that's uh no idea who writes that but that's well for the the clean and jerk they had okay here it is placement and a well drawn out plan or something like that which is 20 vision and hey well that
Starting point is 00:33:43 that makes sense because they have something like the torque tank in there that you can't fucking pass someone with it's just just so so as long as you can see and stay in your lane and then put your hammer down you know that's the uh that just means go hard i'll translate that for you thumb first day of crossfit you walk into the affiliate hey how do you do this workout you have 20 20 vision hammer down that that's the answer yeah this is there's no way tommy and shawnee wrote that they know better no they didn't write that that was the push the bike and uh don't stop that's yeah that should be the event too these are my keys to success my keys to success are don't be a pussy and look at who's close to you when you're on the
Starting point is 00:34:22 sled i'm hopping off. I'm going to go watch this last event. Okay. Hey, thanks for checking in. Please check in later, Tyler. Thank you so much. Appreciate your insights, brother. The video you're talking about, Taylor, that you sent me –
Starting point is 00:34:37 or no, Andrew, did you send a video? I sent a video in the chat, yeah. Is it the YouTube video, Bedazzled? It's a YouTube video, Bedazzled, yeah. It's just a guy saying, I video bedazzled it's a youtube video bedazzled yeah it's just a guy saying i gave 110 and it's pretty funny it's exactly how i felt when i watched her just eat it it's brendan fraser you know who that is when he was an actor yeah oh yeah you don't have to play it i just thought you maybe watch it later he did uh journey or there's a rule right He did Journey to the Earth, right? The first one? He did, yeah. And The Mummy. Okay, guys, here we go.
Starting point is 00:35:09 This is Event 2. Wait, why does it say James Sprague Heat 1? That's not right. That's the top time to beat. 9.14. 9.14. Okay, so this is the final Heat Event 2 over at Syndicate. And this is the last time we'll see these guys on the floor today, right? And up front here we have justin madaris look at that hair flapping in the back so are you trying
Starting point is 00:35:28 to say whoever wins the first bike will win the event taylor is that you know no no no no no i'm saying you can i'm saying who can push the bike really hard and keep the pace the keyword and keep the pace and okay and i like this i like that that Jason's not the first off a lot. Oh, keep telling yourself that. You're just telling yourself that. What else do you like about Jason? Keep telling yourself that. He gives me some Nike shorts when he's done wearing them out.
Starting point is 00:35:59 Oh, have you seen Nike's release their activism shoe? Activism shoe. If you're an activist, they have a shoe for you. Like if you like activism shoe? Activism shoe. If you're an activist, they have a shoe for you. Like if you like flying banks on fire and shit. I've been waiting for that shoe. Yeah. I've been waiting for that shoe. Miller is an activist, actually.
Starting point is 00:36:15 He's going to buy one to lock, one to stock. I heard there's a bad logo on the side of it. He's the no rep activist. Who is this in the foreground? Who is this? Derek Clark. And he won the fittest experience in Texas a couple months ago. And he'd be up there if he had hit that last clean complex.
Starting point is 00:36:34 He missed 330. He is. Where was he? Oh, he was at Granite Games last year. Yeah, I remember. He'd be tied for sixth going into this. He's in 11th because he missed that. That would have been big for him.
Starting point is 00:36:45 And is that Ben Smith in the green next to him? Yep. How come in one video I see Ben – oh, okay. It's too – okay. Confused by the two splits. Two dudes with the same shorts. This camera work is, in my opinion, not – it's a little lacking compared to Torian's. Well, this particular is confusing
Starting point is 00:37:05 because of their shorts that's just take a zoom out i would i would like them to take a zoom out and just show the whole field yeah me too me too i want to see how tutor i want to see i want to follow tutor and griffin raleigh how did griffin doing that and has he gone yet griffin raleigh's going right now okay and tutor and tutor did they reseat them after the first event griffin raleigh is on the left of the screen um with the ponytail tutor magda i believe is in the cut is that him in the cut sleeve no that's scott uh justin tutor magna must be off to the right to the other side of scott on the other side of will morad oh this, this is an epic heat. Jason Hopper, Scott Panczyk,
Starting point is 00:37:47 Justin Medeiros, Griffin Raleigh, Tudor Magda. Stacked. Yeah. Didn't you want to talk about Griffin's, uh, clean and jerk?
Starting point is 00:37:58 Unreal. Oh, Tudor Magda is a second from the far right. Did I mention this? Didn't you want to talk about it? I thought you wanted to talk about that who's that who's that first off i'm checking my notes what did i say about it that's cole grayshade you you are upset about him not going heavier and putting tutor in his place
Starting point is 00:38:16 oh no no that wasn't me that was me that was oh i did see in the thread. Someone said, what is he doing? Why didn't he go to 50? I think he probably just wanted to power clean it and show off to everybody that he was able to do that. Or there's a good possibility. He didn't even warm up a squat. He not thinking you would need to. And then he was like, well, I can't squat this one now. I don't know. I know that's like, well, I wasn't.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Okay. Look what happened. So sorry. Sorry to interrupt. Look what happened. That's like, well, I wasn't. Okay. Look what happened.
Starting point is 00:38:43 So, sorry. Sorry to interrupt. Look what happened. That guy actually had to stop because his torque tank went, was started going the wrong direction. And he probably lost like 10 seconds. I think whoever gets off this bike. And I think this is probably the linchpin of the workout is the 20 Cal bike.
Starting point is 00:39:01 So you're saying Savan right there. That is the first time in the history of the torque tank that a difference was made well just saying it's crazy it's even worse it's even worse that nikki brazier was right that thing is all about keeping it in your lane there's nothing else being fucking tested there's nothing else being tested ridiculous that's so stupid that was the story of the 2021 season in your lane. Chris, I'm only lost when I look in your mom's eyes,
Starting point is 00:39:28 buddy, but it is true. She's right. I do get lost. I guess that's what 2020 vision means. Keep it in your life. Put the blinders on. Don't go left or right.
Starting point is 00:39:39 You're going to lose time. How the fuck does that? God, that's, that's bad. I don't like it. Here comes your boy. Oh,
Starting point is 00:39:44 buddy. So Jason's in first year. Oh's smart and i think who yeah and i think what did he do susan what did he adjust in the front he adjusted the front so it's going the right direction there was an off on an angle he pulled that little lever on it that made it go faster dude i if somebody had the balls to do that they know they're not going to qualify and they're just like fuck it let's make a show yeah just run it across who do we have who do we have uh who's behind jason and the red shorts over there cole gray shaver then justin madaris garrett clark at the bottom of your screen and scott in the middle towards the back those are the guys on the sled right now oh hopper's so stoked he's done with that stupid machine.
Starting point is 00:40:27 That's the only thing he's thinking right there. You're right. But did you notice that he got to the bike maybe 10 seconds behind those guys and punished them off? It's a bike workout. I noticed that we haven't seen your hands. Every time Jason's on camera, we don't see your hands. Hey, what is this movement called what do they say this is a hang snatch yeah okay and and they're basically have
Starting point is 00:40:51 turned into some hybrid kettlebell swing uh it's just a double dumbbell hang snatch okay madero says the best lockout yeah actually penchix looks really good too and yeah hoppers also looks good but madero's is next level with his lockout overhead his overhead is is unreal it's a very there isn't one extra centimeter that he could lock out overhead i love it there we go he's got a little oh i can't wait to see jason push the torque tank again yeah what the fuck is this thing about i wonder if he's gonna pay for not straightening it out i think he's gonna leave he's gonna get out of the lane uh and then he's going to pay for not straightening it out. I think he's going to leave. He's going to get out of the lane. And then he's going to lose the event because of it.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Who's the guy in the red again? Who's the guy in the red? He's adjusting. That was Cole Greyshaver. There you go, buddy. Cole Greyshaver. Looks like he's close to the lane. You can't steer those from the back then, obviously, right? Wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:41:40 So what the fuck is – I just don't understand why that needs to be tested, keeping it in your lane. It's accuracy. It's one of the ten components of fitness. Yeah, unless one wheel's got a little more friction than the other, and that's the reason it's turning. It's like when you get the shopping cart at the grocery store that has that finicky wheel as you try to push. You get the slip like that. What the fuck is this about? Vent is over.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Oh, wow. He's easily above 600 watts. Maybe 500, 550. Cole Gray Shaver is clearly going a little bit slower. I don't know that the 10 is a huge part of the workout. That could be a shirt. That could be the next shirt. Such a stupid machine.
Starting point is 00:42:25 Wow. That was be the next shirt. Uh, such a stupid, stupid fucking machine. Wow. That was a fast 10 calories. You ever wonder if the inventor of this machine just going to stop on the show one day and be like, guys, shut the hell up. Come on. Now I understand this,
Starting point is 00:42:36 why this is the first time I've watched this event. This is bad. Yeah. The, the torque tank is, uh, if he's got to readjust it again... He will. It looks like it's already angling off to the left there.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Hey, if the manufacturer of that walks out with a check, like for 50k and gives it to Hopper, I'll be like, that's a great machine. You'd really talk to him if he gave us the check, too. Yes. Oh, okay. Fucking stupid. Yeah. Oh, and he's still on the on the oh and that was right before the line oh he's he's gonna be james sprague though what do you think 10 devils press in about 45
Starting point is 00:43:12 seconds um 35 seconds time was 9 14 oh yeah no way um i don't know he's moving he's got you think if you added up those two adjustments would he have gotten uh sprig's time there you would have gotten it, yes. Three adjustments. Duse, you got it. That's pretty ridiculous that that's – Ridiculous. That would cost him a win.
Starting point is 00:43:32 What the fuck? What if that cost him a trip to the games? If that cost him – That's crazy. Wow, he's moving. Let's go, buddy. What's the time to be? What's the time?
Starting point is 00:43:40 9-14. 9-14. It's going to be really – He's not going to get it. Wow. No. Wow. what's the time 9 14 14 it's gonna be really i don't know he's not he's not gonna get it wow no wow hey if he does it under 9 20 really under 9 20 we know it's that machine that machine is really stupid in 9 20 wow oh my goodness that's fucking ridiculous damn ridiculous that's he for sure knows it that's i don't think he. I don't know if he knows. Do you guys think Tommy and Sean are saying the same thing on their stream?
Starting point is 00:44:08 No, they're not. If it weren't for those adjustments, he would have totally gotten James Spring. Yes. That was three adjustments he made on the torque tank, each one taking probably five seconds. Look how wide Medeiros' stance is. What's up? Is that because he's feeling fatigue?
Starting point is 00:44:24 Or is that just normal? Yeah, he's got really good hip mobility and he can, it shortens the range of motion a little bit on the burpee and I don't think he's doing that on purpose, it just feels natural he also knows you're watching and he knows I like his legs open yes he's a good dude
Starting point is 00:44:39 Medeiros is third behind some guy I can't remember his name cole shake and bake planning for a summer road trip check luggage check music check snacks drinks and everything we can win in a new game at circle k check with circle k's summer road trip game you can win over a million delicious instant prizes and a grand prize of $25,000. Play at or at participating Circle K stores. Put your hands together for Lady Raven.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Dad, thank you. This is literally the best day of my life. On August 2nd. What's with all the police trucks outside? You know, the butcher goes around just chopping people up. Comes a new M. Night Shyamalan experience. The feds heard he's going to be here today. Josh Hartnett. I'm in control.
Starting point is 00:45:34 And Salika as Lady Raven. This whole concert, it's a trap. Trap, directed by M. Night Shyamalan. Only in theaters August 2nd. Yeah. Cole Grayshaber. Cole Grayshaber. Cole Grayshaber. Oh, Will Morad's in.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Great. I want him to grow his hair back out, like, long, like he did in 2014. Yeah. When he almost beat Froning in that regional. He didn't. It wasn't close. But he qualified. This is better than a fight companion from
Starting point is 00:46:05 joe rogan experience thanks someone for letting hillar hop on the show i didn't let him the torque tank paid me 50k to have him on one second i paid for a tank to convince him if you're wondering what taylor's doing right now he's fucking telling his white girlfriend to come over the box of kleenex because when this show's over he's gonna be crying because his boyfriend didn't break the record are you reading this off somewhere did you come up with that off the top of your head off the top of my head you're good you're so good you should write a book cole clambaker i like it the hill or tank oh shit now it. Oh, no. The torque shaver. The torque shaver.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Oh, my God. We will, on Monday, we will have Jason Hopper on the show. I should tell you guys that. We will have him on the show on Monday, 100%, to celebrate with him. Do some shots with our boy, Jason Hopper. Oh, there he is right that's tutor that's tutor magnet did not do very well in that event oh would you think he's top 10 uh no i don't do you think ben smith would be doing better if he hadn't talked shit about the
Starting point is 00:47:16 event before he did the event no i think he's i think he's probably tired or hurting all serious this note is that do you think that's i think that that, uh, Hiller's onto something there though. No, I don't think talking shit about the events is probably good for your, he didn't talk shit about him last year and he didn't do, you know, what we expected of him. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:34 You're right. Yeah. I think he's just, man, it's hard to fucking compete with these guys when you get up there. Well, what's Scott doing? Should I text Scott?
Starting point is 00:47:44 Totally. Totally. Yeah. What? Why shouldn't he be at home or something man no he's got a win he's got a win he's got a win he's gonna beat everybody except for madero's probably so second he'll qualify he's the man can we turn can we turn this up and hear what these guys have to say uh sure let's do it guys our show is hopefully they're just advertisements for the top three athletes competing at semi-finals in the mac last year running it back here at the syndicate crown but a newcomer garrett clark throws his name into the mix during the early rounds pretty close overall
Starting point is 00:48:20 with cole gray shaver as well another teenage athlete trying to make his mark but jason hopper one of the best in the world on the bike really pulled ahead during the 20 calorie echo bike oh god listen it's tommy and tommy and taylor are gonna fight over who can chuck hopper's cock the hardest afterwards i'm not i'm not playing that fucking game one of the best on the bike my god please please best on lance armstrong's the best on the bike they tell me jason hopper it's not about the bike he wrote a book called that armstrong did it's called it's not about the bike it's the journey back to life by lance arm, autobiography.
Starting point is 00:49:05 We will turn this back on when they interview Hopper here. So we got James Sprague in first, Jason Hopper second, Cole Greyshaber third, Justin Medeiros fourth, Matt Poulin fifth, Will Moore at sixth, seventh Scott Panchik, Hal Fisher, Evan Rogers, and Garrett Clark in 10th. I am such a bitch because I said Sprague was going to finish top 3 because I didn't believe in myself to say he was going to win over Hopper, but I should have fucking said it.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Yeah, but you would have been wrong because of the time. I think that's the definition of the pain cave, and I've got to know how do you convince yourself to go there at the end of an event like that? Well, with 10 calories left, it's all about thinking there's light at the end of the tunnel. All the hard work is over at that point, and it's just about finishing. So that's what you got to think about.
Starting point is 00:49:52 I know that in the last year, since last year, this past season, you've been training with a champ. You've got Matt Frazier in your corner now. How has that changed up your training to prepare you for this event? So much. He's just the wisest dude when it comes to approaching workouts approaching competitions and so just even like that like him telling me what i need to do what i need to think about just sets me up perfectly to succeed and so he really has my best interest in mind which is just matt if you know him um he's just a kind dude and he loves us and so just it's unbelievably awesome so yeah well congrats thank you
Starting point is 00:50:28 wow he didn't sound like the neanderthal jason hopper locking up 96 points to close out oh dude he's so happy can you tell how happy he is oh crossfit mayhem no surprise there a training think tank crossfit is that what that is oh yeah who's on that team mike mcgillic probably his wife brandy yep is uh what's his name he's been there forever he's one of the coaches they got a good team wow uh i i saw the the i've never seen um uh rich be as intense as he was he was so relaxed too i watched that um series uh they released episode one it's called uh mayhem calm before the storm and uh he was he trusts those guys so much i'd love for you guys to see that and watch the interaction between taylor uh nistler and uh corn why and rich like basically corn why is calling shit out and rich is just like cool with it and doing it like he's they're all leaders they're all you see on the
Starting point is 00:51:34 snatch workout he just let him take the final snatch too so they got to choose i was wondering how that worked they got to choose that was interesting because i don't think i was really fond of that but it played out. Okay. Where they, if all four athletes are like, cause it was the two males going through the ladder. So if the two males made it all the way through the ladder, one of the males got to hit a final lift,
Starting point is 00:51:54 or I think that they should, that would have kind of messed up the entire leaderboard, I suppose, because some of the teams wouldn't have had both males, but then you would have also, did you see that play out at all? Anybody else and have an opinion on that? Cause I just didn't like the fact that if both made it through, only one got a chance to hit the final bar. I think they should have both had a chance to hit the final bar.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Or all wait. To be honest with you, I wasn't paying that close attention, but I did notice that it was just one guy who got to hit it at the end. Why was that? That was just the way it was designed i think it's probably because if you were to look at the leaderboard and let's say you got samuel and froning who hit the final bar their number would just be way higher than anybody else who had one member hit it and it would have been like why did it why is their total 800 pounds and everyone else's total is 500 something pounds does that make sense yeah but it populates on the leaderboard and it gives someone
Starting point is 00:52:46 a better chance of beating them doesn't it because then you could you may only have one person who's stronger than the two of them i suppose yes yeah all right good i'm glad i said something smart i thought it was weird i'm looking at the schedule here, and we go back to... We're done with event. We're done with day one. Individual event two. We're done. Yeah, you're absolutely right.
Starting point is 00:53:16 We should just keep this stream going all the way through the night because Torium Pro comes on at, what, 9 o'clock? So we can just stay on for three, four hours? 9, 15. Yeah. Well, the team events-15. I think the team events have already started at the Torian. Oh, yeah, you're right. That's right, they have. Um, wait a minute. Is that right?
Starting point is 00:53:36 The team started at 7-15. Check out Taylor's master schedule. I got it. I got it here. I'm just seeing if i type in crossfit games by the way i typed in crossfit games into youtube and your videos show up but my videos don't show up did you want to talk any more about roe arguing that her lift was a rep i don't think we finished that conversation there's a lot to talk. I got a bunch of stuff, but I think,
Starting point is 00:54:07 I think I just had that wrong. I think what happened was, is I had someone in the comments just brought that up. I think she argued that the previous rep was a good rep, not the one she dove forward. Correct. The previous lift. Jiggy.
Starting point is 00:54:23 I weigh 191 pounds this morning. Who is Jiggy? Uh, how much does another comment jerky? Josh this morning. Who is Jiggy? Another comment. Jerky Josh. Jerk off, Josh. How much do you weigh, Taylor? Jerk off.
Starting point is 00:54:35 I weigh probably right now pushing close to 200. Boy, nice. Hey, as soon as he found out his knee was fucked up, he put on 20 pounds like any good dude. Well, three pounds. times yeah what do you weigh oh i weigh a 173 whopping pounds over here yes healthy shirtless we know how most of on way take it off everyone harps off top the top no i just i just this is the first time i've worn this shirt i'm loving it does it fit well great. Have you guys seen the movie with Robert Duvall's secondhand lines? No.
Starting point is 00:55:10 No. I never wanted to know that. It's the only movie I haven't seen, I guess. Do you want to say something about it before I fucking launch into my notes here? Well, in the beginning of the movie, he talks about his first love, Robert Duvall, and she's this young, skinny, petiteian woman like riding a horse and i just imagined you like that's what kind of you look like you look like you'd be a good horse jockey you look like toby mcguire and sea biscuit
Starting point is 00:55:37 oh my goodness toby muire and Steve Hissler. Magnus Holmgren. Someone got 140 pounds, but that third leg got an extra 40. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Magnus knows. Let's keep that between us. The shirt connects well, though.
Starting point is 00:56:02 When Rich was lifting, he was pacing like a fucking bull, and I really liked it. Did you guys see that? He's the king. He's the king of pacing. Yeah. is you know what when they were doing that clean and jerk thing when he was doing that with samuel cornway when they were moving from platform to platform he was pacing like crazy it was a snatch right no no no oh yeah yeah yeah it was a snatch snatch you're right sorry sorry you're right i got all my lifts mixed up um and you guys want to talk about that his his thing uh samwell did 275 easy and then he hit 292 and then they won the event correct correct yes they did but it's also because the females hit all of their lifts
Starting point is 00:56:37 god they had to see the rock paper scissors thing no what was that uh taylor and andrea are like hey rock paper scissors to see who takes the lift i think it was actually Taylor and Andrea were like, hey, rock, paper, scissors to see who takes the lift. I think it was actually the loser took the lift. Not the winner. For the final lift? Correct, yeah, because they both hit it and they were both going to hit about the same number.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Or they were just super certain that they were going to hit whatever it was that was going to be hit. Brody was pretty pumped when Sam Well hit it. First of all it was odd that he like gave it away he's like go ahead and take the final lift and then it was he was pretty pumped when samwell hit it which is which is cool he put some trust in his guy uh what was the what was the weight the girls hit 190 crazy damn samwell hit 290. 292.
Starting point is 00:57:26 292. There weren't fractionals. Oh, we're there. I have it written down to 92. Maybe my, maybe one of my, my thumb slipped over and hit the two. Uh,
Starting point is 00:57:35 I want to say this also to today. Today's bill Grunler's, uh, birthday. He, um, does a lot of commentating for CrossFit. He has the get with the programming,
Starting point is 00:57:44 uh, podcast along with Chase. And there's a lot of people don't know this about Bill, but he really is a pioneer in CrossFit. Not the sport of CrossFit, but just CrossFit in general. He was a fire captain in California and down in… San Luis Obispo? Yeah, it's a small – Pismo Beach. Pismo Beach. but right by there and uh he was
Starting point is 00:58:08 using crossfit the way basically um he was using crossfit with that first wave of people who used it who used crossfit to save people's lives he was the first responder he was a firefighter and he knew the greatest way to stay fit and save people's lives and to save his own life was to do crossfit and he is kind of not that he's an old guy but he's kind of one of the first old guys that showed us like hey he was getting out there in the out on the field at del mar at the regionals and kicking ass and doing really really well and then getting injured because he's old but but but but he he pushed the limits and he's a pioneer in both ways both ways in the fact that he's one of the early early crossfitters that pushed it to limit, and he was using it as a first responder, and he stayed super competitive for a long time.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Do they even talk about that anymore, how CrossFit's one of the best tools for the force? I don't see that push anymore. You don't want to get me started. Isn't that why you brought it up? No, different show, different show. Thank you. I appreciate it. I i'm gonna try to stay positive i'm just gonna look keep looking at taylor adjusting his uh that's my stuff well i mean someone in someone in the comments said sit down wake up so i was just trying to get out get a little kick out of you and light a fire under your butt it was i think i was onto it uh sarah sarah sigmund's daughter was in the
Starting point is 00:59:24 pain cave on the row. Are you guys – what do you guys think about her performance today over there at the Lowlands? Thoughts, Sarah? Taylor, what do you got? You guys like her too much to say anything. Is that – No, I mean, I think –
Starting point is 00:59:42 I don't know. I think the first two workouts both have, I mean, my only concern was Sarah, she had, she had the ACL re-instruction. So she's coming back from a major surgery. You got to train a lot of, of movements and ranges of motion and planes of motion. And so that's challenging to come back from. I think that the three worrisome workouts for her are these first two
Starting point is 01:00:06 and the max lift. You know, these two have running, and then we've got to see how it can handle some heavier weight. But if she can power the first three cleans and then manage a couple front squats, I think she should be good. I would have to say she's in the Ben Smith camp of things from the look of it. She's kind of beat up. It's kind of hurting.
Starting point is 01:00:27 She was really top of the game a couple of years back hitting the podium. Everyone like knew who she was and now she's just kind of hanging around. And I don't want to say that because it's hard. You like her too much. I know. Right. It's on the downhill slope right now. Is that what this is?
Starting point is 01:00:44 If the finish ends up this way because like savannah just said she was hurting on the rower and back in the day she'd be the one who would just be crushing the rower she'd finish the workout she'd be standing there looking around like what's wrong with you guys that didn't hurt big smile on her face we're gonna go eat some pizza and now it's like she's dying like super dying and and like also taylor's bringing up her knee and that's also beckoning to what you was talking about with Ben Smith, where he's just like a little bit beat up. Someone in the comments is like,
Starting point is 01:01:10 he's a 75 year old man. I'm not saying, but it kind of, that's kind of how it looks. And it sucks. Cause you know, she's a great, but I,
Starting point is 01:01:20 and I hope I'm wrong. Like she can go qualify. What do you think? I don't, I don't think it's, I think any issues she has this year, if any, qualifying, I think they're due to her coming back too soon. I don't think she's on the downhill trajectory.
Starting point is 01:01:35 I think that if she maybe had taken a step back, had not done Waterpalooza, she might be in a little better of a spot right now. I think if she had not done Waterpalooza and chose to not try to qualify this season and wait till next, I think she'd again, be a threat to podium. I don't think it's, I don't think it's. You know what she says? She does her best training and competition. I think that's her. I think Sarah says that that's one of the reasons why she comes back early is
Starting point is 01:01:59 because, Hey, like she really feels like she grows in competition. It's she says that. Yeah. But that's, but that's not what happens to your body. Right, right. I saw that. Hila looks great in that hat. Sarah is still the best-looking girl in the game. That should give her a game spot. Let's also say this, too.
Starting point is 01:02:17 She has a 10th and an 8th. That's not bad. That's what I'm saying. I mean, Gabby, look who's right above her. Gabby. Gabby Magawa. Gabby, look who's right above her. Gabby, Gabby, Gabby, Gabby, Gabby. I got it up. If you want to share my screen, Gabby Mugawa got 17th in the first event and she has to, she has to get a bunch of firsts now. And she did it.
Starting point is 01:02:40 I'm telling you, that's the person to watch. That's where the fun is. That's what makes sports fun to watch someone try to make a comeback like that. That's the bandwagon to jump on. If you want to watch something all weekend, watch Gabby Magawa. I don't think there's any concern for her anymore. She wins that event. She's good. She's already done it.
Starting point is 01:02:58 And Sarah Sigmund's daughter. If she can keep staying eighth place or above, she's going to hang around this line of fourth, fifth, and sixth, and it's going to get interesting. Who's this Elena? Is that Spain? I'm not. Oh, Elena. You guys surprised to see her there? What's she doing up there? I have no idea who that is, and I can't pronounce her name. This is a Brian friend. Okay.
Starting point is 01:03:26 However, Mia Heskis. I have a feeling she'll finish a little bit higher than where she's at. Especially with the weightlifting come up. Why did you have me switch screens, Taylor? No, no. We just pulled up the leaderboard. That's all I was saying. If you wanted to pull the leaderboard up.
Starting point is 01:03:43 I've had the leaderboard up for 10 minutes. Yeah, I know. That's all I was saying. If you wanted to pull the leaderboard up. I've had the leaderboard up for 10 minutes. Yeah, I know. That's why I shut up about it. Do you have any interest in pulling up Tyler's Z-score? If I knew how, maybe I would. Can I get through my notes a little more? Do you guys have notes? My two big notes on the Lowlands event, too,
Starting point is 01:04:01 were Sam Stewart being out now for the qualifying. There's no chance and then gabby migala is for sure back in it with that first place she for sure back in it yeah oh yes she's i think she's a lot well it's hard to say she's a lot but i think that she's 100 in the hunt what is what is the uh event three workout three three Workout three. Let's go to – At the Lowlands? Yeah. I believe it's that.
Starting point is 01:04:27 I think workout number – not the devil's press one, right? No, that's event five. I thought that was five, yeah. Here we go. I got them pulled up right now. So I think workout three is the lift. Nope. Oh, let's pull this up.
Starting point is 01:04:44 So I'll put this on the screen. Nope. Oh, let's pull this up. So I'll put this on screen. Chest to bar dumbbell thruster. I love this workout. The only thing I don't like about this workout is that it's not a task priority. It's time priority, which I don't like. I don't like the fact that you don't have a set number of burpees to achieve that you just go for as many as you can. I don't like that. I don't have a set number of burpees to achieve that. You just go for as many as you can. I don't like that. I don't like. So this workout you're looking at right now is event three at the lowlands throw down.
Starting point is 01:05:13 They've done two events. And what the question I have for you guys is, will Gabby Magawa take first place in this? Yes. Will she take first? Yep. Because she's going to beat Laura. And I'm just going to say yes.
Starting point is 01:05:29 She's got the momentum in first place in the last event too, so that's a big mental boost for her as well. I think it's between her and Laura, and I don't know. I think Gabby wins it because of the burpee box jump overs, just because Laura's – Can we make bets on a live YouTube show? Is that legal? And then the second question is, will Sarah S sigmund's daughter take top 10 in this oh for yes also yes
Starting point is 01:05:51 okay i think sarah's a top five in this workout well if she does get a top five in this workout then she's fully back in the conversation are you guys thinking sarah's gonna make it to the games this year i think she's i think she's taking four or fifth fourth or fifth hiller i think she will yeah i think that she'll probably do well on that workout she'll do well on the lift she's going to do well on that god-awful stupid 11-minute time cab devil's press workout and she'll probably finish fourth or fifth like taylor said um i i wonder i want you to read these two comments here i just love the so this one says taylor don't link nothing but then but then look at the correction he makes look at taylor don't like anything so he he fixes the word like and
Starting point is 01:06:38 then also changes it from nothing to anything let me read them to you and and what in the in the accent i think mr tyler shangaris has taylor don't link nothing oh fuck that up uh taylor don't like anything yeah is that your is that your redneck accent yeah it's not it's not i love you i love you keep keep putting it there. Oh, come on. Come on, Nostradamus. Sarah's a joke artist. Wow. Go to your room. Someone told me here to check my DMs.
Starting point is 01:07:15 What's his name? This better be good. This better be some nudes. Northside Champ 16. Some nudes? I don't see you in my DMsms you probably sent it to my wrong um one you probably said how did you guys feel about the weightlifting workout watching that what do you think of it uh just we had our thoughts beforehand how about after boring to watch i would rather
Starting point is 01:07:42 that scene it'd be across that's what i to say. It was boring as all hell. So fucking boring. And it's just like, you know what's going to happen with the three lifts. Everyone's going to open up. Everyone's going to hit something that's doable. And then everyone's going to filter out kind of exactly how you thought they would filter out. And then I think, again, on top of that. What is that?
Starting point is 01:08:00 Oh, not bad. Sorry, Taylor. Colton thought I could be his neighbor. I was just going to say I thought that the other layer of that is that it kind of added to the fact it was so boring was that we knew it was going to do well because we saw people at Dubai do it. We saw people at Wadapalooza do it. We saw people at Rogue Invitational do it. So there was no surprises. There was no, wow, look at this crazy. Do you think that there was any surprises there was no wow look at this uh you know crazy do you think
Starting point is 01:08:25 that there was any sort of thought about that i think if i uh i mean if not then if not then it's a big question mark and i think if they did have a thought about that it's like either way if they didn't think about it it's. If they did think about it and still thought it was a good idea, it's still bad. So I don't know. Sorry to interrupt. Taking us back to Australia where the home of the Torium Pro, there were some questions about Ricky's situation. I think this is after event one. He has some bag on his face.
Starting point is 01:09:01 I'm guessing it's some sort of oxygen. I don't know if it's oxygen or if it's to help control his breathing but um it all got a bit serious when i actually couldn't recover and i was still struggling to stay conscious but a huge thank you to the medic team and the torian pro staff for keeping me safe and bringing me back to life smoking mirrors it's theater yeah it's all theatrics i'm telling you he he he fell like, what was that girl's name? Like, Roran. Oh, here he is.
Starting point is 01:09:31 Look it, look it, look it, look it, look it. Here it is. Oh. Oh, my God. It's like a gelatinous sack of shit just fucking just augers in. I mean, it's nuts. A gelatinous sack of shit. Oh ricky that hurts me that i like him that hurts me to see the fucking young stud from australia go down like that yeah that's like
Starting point is 01:09:55 seeing like a clydesdale break its leg you know what i mean like a horse like i like i like rishi's comment i would agree he's he's very connoresque. He kind of sells himself with all the shit talking he does. Damn. Yes, that's what I said. Ricky Garrard, he talks so much shit, and sometimes it's so unbecoming. It's like, ah. He does? No, it's awesome.
Starting point is 01:10:16 I've never seen him talk shit. Dude, he called Matt Fraser something. I'll say just about anything. I probably don't want to say that. You'll say it, Sivan. In the middle of his workout, right. Where he was doing the faux games by himself.
Starting point is 01:10:31 He was like, didn't he call him like a winker? No, he called him Australian form. He called him a, he called him the C word, man. He was like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:10:38 you can't. Oh no, no, that's dude, dude, dude, dude, you're so culturally naive. Let me tell you something. That's, that's a dude dude dude you're so culturally naive let me tell you something
Starting point is 01:10:47 that's that's a term saying hey bro yeah that's a term of endearment in their country that's how i'm serious i know it sounds crazy yeah it's like when i told my kids dang you're bad and they're like what did i do i'm like no like you're bad like you bad is that dude well that's you saying fraser you bad yeah that's like good dude you bad i don't know about that yeah i don't i don't know about that either i'm buying it someone from australia someone from australia could call listen listen someone from australia calling and and unfuck this this kid from North Carolina who's only traveled 20 miles from his home. Can we send a link to Colton? I like what he's doing.
Starting point is 01:11:30 I just think sometimes some of that's a little unbecoming for me. He's going to beat your ass when he sees you. Ricky? Yeah, I don't know about that. Do you think he does it because of all the crap that came out after the steroids deal? Everybody just cut loose on him, so now he's coming back? I just think that's who he is. i think he's a shit talker which you know it's there's their shit like conor mcgregor like what you were saying right it's part of who he is it looks
Starting point is 01:11:53 like his brother and him have that relationship too because if you've seen stuff in their training before like his brother be like oh you fucking pussy come on pick it up yeah yeah i just think it's who he is i just think it's you know i'm not shitting on him. I heard Hopper say that one time to one of the people he was competing with. As he crossed the finish line, he goes, you're a fucking bitch. Really? No, I just wanted to see the thumbs.
Starting point is 01:12:19 No reaction if I picked on his boy. No reaction. No reaction. I handled it good poker uh hillar should be decked out in the batman suit for the entirety of this podcast you know i had one of those when i was younger i gotta go find it i agree with matt queeman and i just think that you talk shit in person not over an instagram video oh yeah that's true um uh did the handstand walk play a role um or make or break it for anyone was there anyone who fell down and lost time on it not that i saw no i didn't see any falling down it just looked like people who are a little more confident and faster on their hands and it
Starting point is 01:12:59 didn't it didn't fatigue them as much but but nothing you never nothing stood out like oh shit that broke that person. No, not a big mistake. I totally thought that it would, though. Me too. That's not anything you see ever, except for maybe the games of the year where they had to do the obstacle course. They had to weave through, and then they had to go over the parallax at the one point. The thick axle bar, what are the implications of using that?
Starting point is 01:13:26 They pressed it today, right? And they deadlifted with it? They did not press it. Torian Pro pressed it. Okay, Torian Pro pressed it, and then we saw someone else deadlifting it. That was Lowlands? That was Lowlands. What are the implications?
Starting point is 01:13:38 Let's start with pressing it for men, and then what are the implications of pressing it for women? The implications for pressing it for women uh the implications for pressing it for men i think is it just gives you more more blood in your upper body going into yeah more i mean why isn't it wouldn't it be easier to press it uh it's a little harder to breathe it's harder to breathe but i also think you're trying to control the bar more and using more you can't it doesn't spin the biggest thing is that the bar doesn't spin yeah that's a good point but you can't relax your upper body with it oh shit is that why at the games when they had the i thought wow you just explained something to me so they had the axle bar at the masters event in the coliseum one year at the games in carson the clean it was
Starting point is 01:14:21 the biggest issue is the cleans with an axle bar yeah and it was 155 pounds and guys were blowing their biceps. And I thought they were blowing their biceps because of somehow the thickness of the grip. But it doesn't spin, so they were reverse curling it. Yeah, every barbell you ever had, you spin the end and the nice ones are in bearings. There's bearings built into there, not bushing. So those spin better, so they're more expensive. And an axle bar is actually built to not do any of that. So you've got to navigate it when you're doing a press.
Starting point is 01:14:49 So that is, so it's basically just a whip. Yes. A couple of people said that the bar isn't whipped very much like the short bar. It whips less. So it's harder to move. Like it's just like a solid.
Starting point is 01:14:59 The circumstance that I'm talking about, since it doesn't spin, it's basically a reverse curl. You got to grip it more it's not gonna your elbows aren't gonna rotate as smoothly you get you have to kind of bring it up as opposed to rotate around underneath it so yeah it's gonna be more like a reverse quote it's gonna get your biceps more do you remember that the old guy's biceps blowing but bicep tendons just blowing what year was that 2015 i should not remember that 16 15 or 16 didn't some of them
Starting point is 01:15:23 do it i don't know if i've imagined this but didn't some of them do it i don't know if i've imagined this but then some would do with like a mixed grip and then they like yes well that's a thing yes they do that that's actually a strongman move yes a zirker clean or something right something like that correct i do remember i remember that should i go get it out right now i can go demo it hey um actually i can't and i saw laura horvat using a split grip on that bar is there any did any of the men use a split grip on that bar that's what you're right the deadlift for the deadlift yeah sorry everyone i think everyone did everyone did that's the way you do a deadlift with that bar no one uses it no one does you know why you use a mixed grip on a regular bar
Starting point is 01:16:03 no because it spins so when you put your hand here and you put your hand here it keeps the bar from spinning either which way if you grip onto it this way it wants to spin out of your hands making the grip more challenging so it just keeps it in your fingertips like the neural almost works for you because it's trying to spin into your fingertips at least as soon as it seems to be agreeing yeah i agree completely yeah did you want that no okay uh i saw upanix is that his name pull out a hanky and blow his nose while he was on the runner did you guys see that? I just fucking said it. Yeah, that's what I would do too.
Starting point is 01:16:49 You're a freaking degen. You're a degenerate. I don't do it. You snarl all over the competition's air runners. You see the person who threw up in the air runner? Yes. When? This year?
Starting point is 01:16:59 No, this was at a regional. I think it was 2018. Yeah, he threw up into the air runner. It was in triple three, and it was a regional. I think it was 2018. Yeah, it threw up into the air runner. It was in triple three and it was fucking hilarious. Everywhere? Yeah, because it just ruts it around. It just gives it every way. Oh, it's so gross.
Starting point is 01:17:12 Yeah, at a competition? Fuck it. That's their job to clean it. I believe it was like heat one of the central regional or something like that. Maybe it was the southwest regional. Okay, so my feeling is that you should never blow snot rockets indoors on a public machine but in a competition it's fucking do whatever you want piss your pants blow a snot rocket like fuck you it kind of reminds me of like a run or like a marathon when they drink a thing
Starting point is 01:17:36 and then they just throw the cup yeah right you would never do that on a normal job yeah they shit themselves too on marathons that's true that's true and that means upenix will never be a champion. He doesn't have the champion mindset. Because he brought a handkerchief out? Yes. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:17:51 What if it was enforced for him? Yes. I'm saying. He never leaves the house without it. Hey, hey, the tour tank isn't a competition device and using a hanky isn't the championship mindset.
Starting point is 01:18:02 These are just facts that things I'm sharing with you over the weekend. Or he's like, I'm destroying these guys by so much that I'm just going to take a second, pull my hanky out. It was a mental game. It was a mental game. He's like, hey, guys, let me just continue on here for a moment. I have to crumbs off the side of my mouth. Or the only way that I could ever get on the Sebon podcast get mentioned
Starting point is 01:18:23 is if I pull out a fucking hanky. He knew that he'd get to you right there. Straight to your heart. I saw Lazar Djukic wave a camera woman out of the way before he started the handstand walk. Did you guys see that? Savage. These are the things that you pick up on, i like to hear about it but no i did not think i've heard you've been waved out of the way that's what i was gonna say i wasn't in the way
Starting point is 01:18:50 of fraser i was blocking uh one of the uh timers timers so you're saying that this camera person was standing in his lane in his lane yeah that's fucked up and he and he waved her but and he waved her back um by the way i'll tell you guys a story about that for those of you listening to this. When that happened, when I was in front of the clock and he was waving me away, I was like looking around like, what the fuck? Who's he talking to? And I was filming him. Yeah, basically. Well, afterwards, he came up to me.
Starting point is 01:19:18 And he basically – I can't remember exactly what he said, but he's like, hey, dude, you were in my way of the clock. And I'm like, dude, I'm so sorry. And Dave's like right in front of Fraser, I'm pretty sure dave goes don't tell him to say sorry tell him to fuck off i think i don't think that last part was on there but i think that little clip was in the in the behind the scenes wasn't it i think it was you saying like did i screw you up and yeah yeah and you're like dude i'm so sorry um i already mentioned this uh you want to watch gabriella magawa she is the story if you like competition if you want to watch fun stuff the two people to watch over there right now
Starting point is 01:19:49 i i think are uh gabby and sarah sigman's daughter they're going to be fighting for that fourth fifth and sixth place do you guys agree with that no i don't think gabby's fighting for i think gabby's gonna be fighting for second place yeah what dude she took 17th in her first uh she's dude she's only like one point out of fifth place. She's winning out, I think. Okay, don't watch Gabby. Fuck her. How dare you?
Starting point is 01:20:13 All right. She's 44 points out of second place. Hey, guys, don't listen to them. I'm the storyteller. These guys are sportsmen. Don't listen to them. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I'm the oneeller. These guys are sportsmen. Don't listen to them. Wait, wait,
Starting point is 01:20:26 wait, wait, wait. I'm the one who said that Sam Stewart wasn't going anywhere. You had a good take. You had the fresh take. Hey, it's the guy.
Starting point is 01:20:33 First hard take. I want to hear this too. He wants to hear my view on monkey pox. We don't have, you have monkeys in your country. We don't have many monkeys here. That's, that's one of the only bad things about the U S I wish we we had monkeys is monkeypox a real thing yes don't get me started
Starting point is 01:20:49 it's not real it's real like the vaccine works real colton would win in a wrestling match i bet somebody asked that listen this is what i want Colton to do. I want him to build five of those flip sleds for me and just sell them to me for the price of shipping. We can cut out flip sled. Let's start a business. You want to cut out flip sled?
Starting point is 01:21:16 He built his own. Did you not see that on his Instagram? Yes. Oh, yeah. It's crazy. You know what's even better is that he brought his assault bike out in the bed of his truck to do a couplet. I i think he just didn't want to unload it people are like why is he in the head of his truck he's like i just don't want to unload it so i can take it
Starting point is 01:21:31 back to the gym that thing is a bitch dog move it's like 100 pounds yeah 150 140 pounds i'm looking for i think it's 82 pounds the assault bike this was an echo bikes 150 yeah yeah it was 140 150 pounds that's a random how do you know those weights because i put it together and carried it up three floors to my apartment charlotte that'll do it i want to show you a video this is from uh i can turn those babies out. This guy is... Share screen? Is that what I want to do? Sure. This guy right here, Nathan Florence, is coming on the podcast soon.
Starting point is 01:22:14 Professional surfer. Are you trying to be Eddie Ift? Wow. Are you talking to a professional surfer now? Wow, that is a crazy picture. I reposted that. Look how cool his board is too. It looks like he's been decapitated.
Starting point is 01:22:31 Is that a GoPro on his head that you see right there? I think he's going to knock that out of himself. He's also a CrossFitter. Let me see if I can find... I got the video up if you want to share my screen or you got trying to share it without showing my porn
Starting point is 01:22:48 in the background get a little nervous yep yep yep get nervous 205 205 for the young man nice yeah surfer boy surfer boy living in Hawaii I like I like the front rack it's a good front rack
Starting point is 01:23:06 that's a good front rack but you could hear his girlfriend cheering him on or is that his mom his mom is he a good surfer not a good jerk dude crazy crazy oh my goodness oh hillar what did you say about his jerk it wasn't a good jerk. I mean, it's overhead. I mean, it'll count at the CrossFit events, but. It'll count at the CrossFit games. For how good his front rack is, I would expect it to be a little bit snappier.
Starting point is 01:23:37 Now, tell me, is he a good surfer? Dude. Nuts. This would be interesting because he's a great surfer, and Hunter, your your buddy is a great runner high rocks champion who's stronger between the two of them probably hunter is by hunter would throw this dude to the fucking uh to the moon mysterious yeah oh big daddy in the house well big daddy gets his camera fixed uh look at this from Nathan's Instagram.
Starting point is 01:24:05 Crazy. So on the share screen, we have a wave. And joining us right now, we have Colton Mertens, who's never seen the ocean. Perfect. Colton, what's up, dude? Are you enjoying it? How are these events going? Are you enjoying it? I haven't really been watching.
Starting point is 01:24:23 I've just been busy been peeking at the leaderboards but haven't really been watching very much uh other than that other than your guys uh you know if you show you earlier today i just didn't do all this at the farm but other than that what were you doing at the what were you doing at the farm i just take care of pigs normal day just chores and stuff farm shit farm shit I wanted to take for you to build that pig flip pig flipping pig not the pigs you pig all day um let's see um not really that well did it probably yeah yeah I just worked on it for like a couple hours each day when i got down
Starting point is 01:25:07 the farm before i trained that probably took me six hours seven hours total from start did you get the specs off of the website did you get the specs for it off of the website yeah yeah yeah i'm just trying to do this so Taylor can create a business plan. We're going to make your pay. It's like $3,000 to buy one. Yeah, which is crazy. I'm sure you could probably sell it for $1,000 and make quite a bit of tennis. Hey, it's that same fucking bullshit.
Starting point is 01:25:40 You didn't get a CEO shirt shirt either colton you got this shirt oh yeah he got the politically homeless one what the fuck is politically homeless politically homeless is when you're not a tool of the man when you're not a democrat or a republican when you just when you're when you're just homeless okay okay okay but but but i i told those guys i said hey these the colton mertens and uh taylor self well i was wrong about taylor they're gonna fucking be big time and uh send them to send them the ceo shirt so we can sell a bunch and look at they got their shirt in there oh how nice of you it's funny because i saw that
Starting point is 01:26:26 and i remember i was gonna tell you about it but then uh uh it wasn't a good day to tell you about it so i was like you just need another thing right now uh colton what do you think about the torque tank colton what do you think about the torque tank? Torque tank? I've only used it once. Yeah, I've only used it once. Um, ever. And that was at Granite Games. It was where? And it was a lot easier than I anticipated it to be. It was a lot easier than I anticipated it to be.
Starting point is 01:26:58 It was a lot easier than I anticipated it to be. The only time I ever used it was at Granite Games last year. And it was a lot easier than I anticipated. And it was a lot easier than I anticipated. Except for pulling it. Pulling it was hard. Pushing it was just kind of whatever. What did they tell you about it?
Starting point is 01:27:26 In the briefing, they told us originally we couldn't push it our shoulders were allowed to touch it but we couldn't use our shoulders to push it was the original standard which made a lot of sense then they changed it to where your shoulders couldn't touch it yeah what I'm wondering is do they tell you that the harder you push it it doesn't go faster
Starting point is 01:27:44 I don't recall them telling us anything like that we I remember hearing that a lot from athletes who have used it before you know it's just gonna have to find the groove and then it's gonna go however fast it's gonna go and did you did you pass did you did you think did you realize what we keep saying is is that there's no comp there's no competitive element to it at all it's basically push it they only go one speed the harder you push it doesn't matter and that the only challenges is keeping it in the lane which isn't even a real skill it's just fucking luck and that basically what we saw today was that jason hopper lost a first place finish settle down taylor don't cry or anything.
Starting point is 01:28:25 This is a little emotional for Taylor. That Jason Hopper would have won an event except that fucking thing couldn't stay in his lane. That pointless piece of apparatus. And that they might as well have just used a cart that they bought from Home Depot and put some fucking cinder blocks on it. And it would have been a better event. Does anyone disagree?
Starting point is 01:28:43 Yeah, the thing is like um it's probably a good training tool but yeah um like it's nice to have here like throw it in the grass when you have uneven grass or whatever and it's hard to use a sled but for a competition um because it really seems like it has one speed no matter how you try, which does not go well in a competition that you're racing. So, I mean, they get their sponsor and everything, but, I mean, they got to figure something out. I think they need to stop using those. Because, I mean, at Grand Games,
Starting point is 01:29:17 I don't remember anybody getting passed on that event. This is good. On the torque tank, except for when we were pulling in, people had to take a break. Can you put that back up, Taylor? Those things are $700? Yeah, that thing was crazy.
Starting point is 01:29:32 Those things, oh my God, they're everywhere. Just take one. Dude, that thing holds 3,200 pounds. You can run your own event. You know what you do, too? You don't even put cinder blocks on it. You put Alex Smith and Danny Spiegel on it, dancing in little bikinis. Pushing watermelons.
Starting point is 01:29:50 Fittest Wizard? Yeah, and Fittest Wizard, and you push it for time. Colton, so you're not going to make yourself a torque tank? Not likely, no. Well, I don't know, because you've got to sweat. Maybe I'll just make something heavy with wheels so I can use it on the uneven grass over here because I don't have a big area that's why I have to push stuff.
Starting point is 01:30:11 Oh, shit. Jason Hopper taking a beating. Miss Danielle, Brandon says if you push it straight, it will go straight. No, it doesn't mean something heavy. Let's wait to see. That's a concept that just doesn't make sense why would it go straight if you pushed it straight uh it makes too much sense daniel uh taylor you may have missed his comment he says we'll see when you push it young lady i think that was a paraphrasing i
Starting point is 01:30:37 like how you highlighted that one though make sure she's got what taylor said oh my goodness um uh colton have you thought about getting starlink yeah it's not very good out here i'm driving to find a spot that has good reception is that why you're driving because i'm about to hang up on you. So you might as well just go back and do whatever you're doing to those pigs. Okay, then. What week do you go, Colton? Three. And where? Greater Games, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Starting point is 01:31:23 And have you looked at who you're competing against yeah it's it is it is a bunch of jobs it is it is a absolutely um it is an absolutely stacked uh stacked field is is it intimidating at all I mean it really is it looks like the it looks like it's going to be the hardest semifinal yeah it seems like that
Starting point is 01:31:56 it was pretty deep last year I don't know I can't remember how many athletes in the field last year were former it was a lot I think the in the field last year were former or had been in the games before. It was a lot. I think the top seven guys that got in the games last year were pretty good. But this year, there's probably eight or nine guys who are all very good, like could go to the games, have been to the games before. A lot of really good guys. A lot of guys who, you know, have been to the games four, five, six times.
Starting point is 01:32:30 You got Matt DeLugos, Chandler Smith, Samuel Quant, Brent Fikowski. Phil Toon. Hit him with the—it doesn't matter. Colton Mertens, Travis Mayer, Timothy Paulson. You know what's crazy? In Anthony Davis, there's some giants in your... It's also some of the biggest dudes. Yeah, big guys. Colton's a big dude.
Starting point is 01:32:52 What are you saying? Colton, won't you weigh like 195? No, I don't think so. I think I weigh like 190. See, we can wrestle. We're in the same weight class. Huh? We can wrestle. We're in the same weight class. Huh? We can wrestle.
Starting point is 01:33:07 We're in the same weight class then. I'm 190 right now. Here, just slide yourself on over here. I've got great Wi-Fi. We'll hook it up and then we'll wrestle. Right here. Right here in the back with the dog on the floor. I'll be right there.
Starting point is 01:33:23 Devon, I bought Wi-Fi and it's actually slower than my phone. I believe it. I believe it. You did the speed test on it? No, it just doesn't really work. Just anecdotally, it's slower. When you go to the Granite Games on week three, will you be lighter?
Starting point is 01:33:47 Will you have a fighting weight, like 185? Will you drop some weight before you go? I'm always lean and mean and ready to go. I don't get chubby out of competition. Don't say that. Taylor just said he gained 10 pounds. Yeah, I definitely do that's why he hurt his knee
Starting point is 01:34:10 that's why he hurt his knee put on too much weight Colton thank you very much for checking in the connection is really really bad but I appreciate you I'm trying to jam over to a new spot and I appreciate you jumping on. We'll be checking in with you in the next couple weeks, and we'll definitely be rooting for you. And I apologize for sending you fucked up shirts. We're getting the right one. We got time.
Starting point is 01:34:34 Okay, good. Okay, bye. Okay, bye. And he's gone. And he's out. Who are the women over there at the Granite Games? That's your area of expertise, knowing where the women are. Nalo Bryan.
Starting point is 01:34:57 Wait a minute. I thought she was at Atlas Games. No, she got moved. You didn't know about that. I'm kidding. Come on. Come on. Come on. I know about that. I'm kidding. Come on. Come on. Come on.
Starting point is 01:35:05 I forgot about that. Emily Rolfe, Amanda Barnhart, Danny Spiegel. Where is Miss Brandon going? Isn't she in the chat? Tell us. Mac? She's in the chat. Mac?
Starting point is 01:35:21 Yeah, I think it's the Mac, right? Let's see where she's going. There's a Danielle Kearn it's the Mac right let's see let's see where she's going there's a Danielle Kearns at the Mac there's a Bailey Rail at the Mac there is a
Starting point is 01:35:35 there she is Daniel Brandon yep Mac baby alright Brooke Wells Sydney McElation there's daniel yep mac baby yep all right brooke wells sydney mick mccallation oh it's gonna be a tough that's gonna be a those girls are gonna fight over there granite games women is a lot less a lot less uh star-studded than uh the men's field over there fist fight right savon yeah i mean the rumor
Starting point is 01:36:08 some of the rumors i'm hearing about danielle brandon it could be interesting you and your rumors you get in uh she's she's she's marching down the field doing lunges and you pop into her her field of vision uh she would come over and throw blows at you that was another thing by the way working working with dave which was interesting if you could if you were on the field speaking of 2020 vision as long as you weren't in his if you were a camera operator as long as you weren't in his field of vision you were good and i figured that out really early so where i would figure out where he is and then i would kind of get out of his 180 you would follow dave castro around like a horse with blinders on you have to think of them like a horse with blinders on. You have to think of him like a horse with blinders.
Starting point is 01:36:46 Or else if you're a media, you get kicked off the field of play. The Lowlands – wait, what's going on next? Torium Pro starts at 4.15 p.m., so it's going right now. It's Team Event 3, and then Team Event 4 starts at 6. p.m pacific standard time and then we don't have our first individual event until 9 20 are we i guess i'm going to stay up and watch those no uh yeah you're right torian day two individual event three 9 20 pacific standard okay and then uh when are we going to come on uh and then and then the lowland starts at 8 a.m., the individuals. Yes.
Starting point is 01:37:28 Do we want to come on at... Incorrect. Lowlands, throwdown, individuals start individual event three at 3.45 a.m. Oh my goodness. Stay up, man. No, we're going to keep the stream
Starting point is 01:37:44 going through the night. We're just not getting off. No, we're going to keep the stream going through the night. We're just not getting off. No, we're not. Just let it ride. You know what? I will tell you this. They have not dinged us yet for pulling their stream. Which is good.
Starting point is 01:37:57 Yeah, that is good. You get 100% like rates, eh? You realize you still have it being shared right now, right? I have what being shared right now, Simon, right? I have what being shared? Oh, thank you. Be careful with what you do. Oh my goodness, thank you. It's like that first episode of Ozark
Starting point is 01:38:18 and everyone just like, hey, what are you watching? What was that? That was me turning my phone on uh is that your ringtone no it was uh an ad on youtube because i'm pulling a different video youtube premium oh dbe someone just said send me a text dbe is daniel brandon energy didn't you say that i said it was the experience daniel brandon experience i was wrong okay and then so so so basically this shit this this is crazy how so what time are we coming back on tomorrow you tell me i mean i mean it's gonna be a shit show tomorrow's my uh tomorrow's my bad day where i don't have coverage and then i'm back sunday okay fine we're not going on tomorrow if we don't have taylor we're not doing it
Starting point is 01:39:11 i look at andrews we'll do it um back tomorrow guys in the next 30 minutes i will post on the youtube station i suspect that we will be going at 6 a.m uh pacific it looks like the lowland throwdown their uh individual event three finishes at 5 15 a.m i suspect 45 minutes later um myself and part of the crew will come live that'll be 6 a.m pacific standard time so if you're on the east coast that's 9 a.m central that's 8 a.m and then we'll only be on for about an hour and a half and then uh oh wow but the syndicate individual no we're only going to be on for an hour because then
Starting point is 01:39:52 syndicate starts at 7 a.m pacific standard time damn that's a cute dog thanks man so it's going to be me and the dog and suza because you guys won't be here for the stream tomorrow i think when you um make the schedule in the future um thumb you could you could mix up the uh you could mix up the locations and just put it chronologically by time you mean you mean do what i did for every single time zone that affects us you're a good dude with that schedule though. You are a good dude. Cool. Almost like you're a real producer.
Starting point is 01:40:37 I'm reading your text right now. I don't understand it. It's not about the, it's not about the show. This is off show. Oh, talk about this with you after we hang up that's what the text says and he's bringing it up right now
Starting point is 01:40:49 guys thanks for uh checking in we will see you guys in uh probably less than 12 hours bye

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