The Sevan Podcast - #410 - Semifinals Recap | Torian & Lowlands Day 2

Episode Date: May 23, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 With Ancestry, putting together your family story is made easy. Using an intuitive family tree builder, you could discover and preserve new details, photos, and stories about your ancestors. Uncover new relatives and branches of the family with automated Ancestry hints. Connect the dots with access to millions of historical documents. And then share what you find in one central place. Visit and start discovering your family story today. Pandora, be love. What does be love mean to you? I definitely would say my be love role model is for sure my sister.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Unconditional, infinite love. Something that is never ending ending that you know is always there never questioned never questioned no matter if you fall off a cliff she's there to catch you you know be love shop now at this account i don't want to get it bam we're live i don't want to get it uh i don't want to lose it because i'm following people working out that'd be a bad mr howell hey what's up buddy what's up dude good morning did you work out today i did oh where are you what'd you do uh found a assault air rower on facebook marketplace up here in knoxville and I picked it up yesterday on the way to the venue. Me and me and my buddy just put it out in the parking lot behind a big tour van
Starting point is 00:01:31 and did like 30 minutes. One person rose for max calories. One person runs around the parking lot was about 200 meters. So we just did that for 30 minutes continuously. Wow. How is that? I've never I've never been on one of those. It's a different, it's a lot different feel. So, you know, they use them at Wadapalooza and you could tell a lot of the athletes had never been on it, but it was like the beginning of that row swim run event. It was really just kind of like a buy-in. It's a, it's a different feel. I would say damper wise, it probably feels like a four or five on a concept too. But unlike a concept too, I actually found that if I decrease my stroke rate significantly
Starting point is 00:02:11 and just let the fan really turn as long as it wanted to almost come to a stop, I was able to keep a lower split time, which is like the opposite of a concept too. They say you want to continuously keep the chain moving. So it's, it's, it's different. how does it feel though is there good action um that you know i don't i didn't like those exercise bikes from the 70s and i get kind of that effect from the echo bike that's why i like the assault bike more the assault bike to me feels like a real bicycle where the echo bike feels like one of those exercise bikes from the 70s where you just you just turn a knob and it lowers a rubber like i don't know
Starting point is 00:02:46 what you would call a rubber ball and pushes it against the tire you know what i mean to make it the magnetic resistance on them right yeah and i just the pelotons run off of i can't stand that feeling um it might make you fitter though did you did you enjoy it i guess is what i'm asking the the salt rower yeah it's cool it's a it's just a different feel so it's just something else to kind of get used to and i really got it for my home gym um just kind of like to have novelty stuff that i don't have at my affiliate so like i've got a an old versa climber in there i've got a generation one skier i really want to find a jacob's ladder but they're super hard to find and they're expensive as hell that's the thing um um josh trains on it a lot yes yes you like the jacob's ladder i've actually never been on one uh i've used one it's not the greatest it's
Starting point is 00:03:38 not as hard as people make it out to be like you can cruise on that thing for a half hour and it's no issue and i guess if that's what you want it for then go for it but you put the belt on and you would think that it would be hard everyone's like it's the hardest thing ever you've seen those youtube videos and people talking about it right it's not that hard what about the stairmaster that thing the thing is fucking hard it's terribly hard yeah i've got a yeah i've got a step mill and i actually got it from my wife when she graduated from pharmacy school so i got a step mill in there. I actually got it from my wife when she graduated from pharmacy school. So I got a step mill in there with a big Roku TV right above it. So she'll just get on it and go for like an hour on it. It's an awesome workout though.
Starting point is 00:04:12 That's the more accurate name, right? Step mill. I never knew what to call it because Stairmaster is the one where you just kind of stand in place. Stairmaster is like the Gucci of Stairmasters. Stairmasters is just a brand. It's a brand, but they're all that mill yeah um people are sending me pictures from all over uh the events and it's pretty funny i wonder if you're getting stuff like this too uh hillary this one this one's pretty funny this is uh someone's like hey get this
Starting point is 00:04:39 woman a ticket this is rich froning's mom it looks like she's it looks like she's outside the venue like calling yo you know who my son is get me in yeah i i love that stuff uh i got i stayed up last night to watch i don't have my event sheets here of course i don't have my event sheets here i stayed up last night to watch uh event uh three and four over at torian did you guys watch those by any chance oh yeah i watched this morning okay and event event three was the lift event right correct is that is that event at every is that one of the events that's at every semi-final yes where have? Well, you know, I just don't remember these things. Yeah, it's the one that's at every one of them.
Starting point is 00:05:29 And the other one was the rope climb. Yeah, you've been here. Now you know. Yeah. I did not enjoy – it reminded me of my days of filming at the CrossFit Games. I did not enjoy that event at all until Tia and Cara went against each other. Until Cara missed the 245 and we got to see tia's well we didn't get to see her we got to commentate miss a two oh cara missed a 240
Starting point is 00:05:51 okay yeah and then and then tia scrambled and took some uh and lowered her uh her weight she was at 250 and then when she did she lowered yeah yeah it would have been cool to see her scramble too instead of just being told it um did you guys enjoy that the entire lift i don't yeah just watching all those people lift it reminded me of being at the games i really just don't like any i just don't like any of the heats except the final heat would this be a good point to and to bring up what i did enjoy about that event yeah please which which would which would be the no rep that Tia was given on her first clean. Oh, what a beast. Tia's a beast. And then she grinded it out and hit the entire thing.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Like, she hit for a fourth rep a weight heavier than most of the females on the planet were hitting. Hey, does that mean that she did four touch-and-goes? Correct. Four touch-and-go squat cleans with two, I think it was 245,rew 235 yeah second load and that was your second bar and oh right she hit the 245 um jr that's the kind of stuff that's exciting right sorry say that again what do you think about the clean that she got no rep done i think that all what do you think she got called for i think that all what do you think she got called for i think
Starting point is 00:07:06 that all 30 all 30 of the males and females at syndicate would have been like what same thing 100 it was it was nuts like i i'm actually one of the people that when there's any kind of barbell cycling for load the whole stand with elbows slightly in front of the bar and hips and knees extended rarely ever happens. Okay, wait. Before you guys dissect it, tell me. I don't know what the no rep was for. I saw it happen, but I couldn't figure out what it was for.
Starting point is 00:07:31 I watched it, and it had to have been her knees. That's like the only thing was that there was a slight bend in her knees at the top of the rep. That's why I asked what you saw because she was standing there, and she actually had control of it for what seemed like a second. And then she bought, brought the bar down. But if anything, it would have had to have been the judge calling her out for her knees still possibly being bent.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Now I said, and I was thinking that there were so many repetitions where everyone was doing that. They catch the first clean, they launched off of their shoulders. That is way worse in my opinion than what he always do. Cause you're looking there and you're like, I guess her knees are bent.
Starting point is 00:08:05 It looks like they're bent. But everyone else is doing that. They stand the bar up, and they launch it off of their shoulders. They never show control. And this is an issue. Okay, a couple questions here. Trina, thank you for bringing in the popular – It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Monacular. So you're suggesting that we, so we don't know why she was no rep Andrew saying it's because possibly she didn't stand up all the way in the point of contention being the knees. What, what, what did you say, Jr?
Starting point is 00:08:35 I mean, I, from the front view, it's kind of hard to tell where exactly the elbows are, but same deal. Just not saying why, where should her elbows have been? You're saying that maybe the bar wasn't up on her shoulders no i'm saying that maybe she was already starting the re-grip
Starting point is 00:08:49 as her hips were opening and that maybe she was starting like the same thing that everyone else goes to regain their hook grip but i thought it was way too close to call and i thought the way that she handled it by just giving him a quick stare finishing the complex and then she just turned and sat on her bar and didn't even say anything to the judge like that's that's she was badass for that that's a better she ever looked like what the fuck like what yeah so someone in there said justin loves the shoulder launch and that's what i'm talking about if you watch madero's his lifts he's what's wrong with the shoulder launch i mean i mean almost everybody does that at a heavy load it's it's also and that's the thing it's like if you bring up the it they have the capacity to do the movements,
Starting point is 00:09:28 when Tia's standing there with the bar on her shoulders for what appeared to be a full second before she descends the bar, if you're talking about it shows the capacity, the bar was sitting there, and if everyone else is getting away with the shoulder launch, that wasn't a big deal. This is why everyone should not be allowed to shoulder launch if you're also going to be calling tia for that slight knee bend which is i think they
Starting point is 00:09:50 called her for they have to be holding everyone why is the shoulder launch the shoulder launch isn't an issue and a knee bend is an issue the shoulder launch is basically you catch it here and it bounces up for a second right it's the showing control at the top of the clean and i guess if you are shoulder launching it shows that you could have possibly had had control but with her standing there i guess you could have also said she could have possibly had had control and when you're saying these things you're bringing in like the arbitrary like well i guess they had had control in both instances and in which case neither of them did have control right there's my circle of thoughts
Starting point is 00:10:25 well until they came out i wasn't enjoying it i will tell you that but that was i was like that um before at the crossfit games i just remember i feel like i the the when the early heats were going that was time to get new batteries for your camera get coffee and maybe do some interviews i i agree they were they were rather boring it's like the early events in regionals in, what was it, 2014-15, where they had the field up to 50 or 60 people, and everyone was just there to go watch their brother or sister or best friend compete, and then no one was there until they really got into the final 10 people. And then they cut the field down because they wanted to make it more entertaining.
Starting point is 00:11:00 That's at least what I thought they did it for. They combined the regions to get the top 20 from each region. So they'd be more competitive across. Yeah. Or to make more money is what it seemed like. Right. And I don't blame them. It has to be an event. I mean, I, I'm not hating on that. That's not a, that's not a dig. I love people making money to declare to me 400 points. Yeah. I know we'll probably get to it yeah i know we'll probably get to it i know we'll
Starting point is 00:11:26 probably get to it but that performance on the interval workout was so nasty that was awesome crazy i just made a post about that absolutely crazy uh this this girl georgia prior oh no wonder i couldn't fire instagram um usually i would say this about the men they look like i don't i don't know why she is in – oh, I had it organized wrong. All right. All right. That makes sense. We'll get to her in a second.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Tia Claire Toomey, 400 points. First, first, first, first. Kara Saunders, second, fifth, second, third. And Ellie Turner, who was also pretty freakish today. Is this, this is the way it's, Oh, this is the way it's going to stay,
Starting point is 00:12:08 right? We're not going to see any change. You might see Ellie or Jamie pop in there, depending. And they only take three, right? It's only four points. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Yeah. So Ellie and Jamie are sweating it. And I wouldn't say Madeline starts out either. It just kind of depends on how those last two shake out. Okay. And that was an amazing performance. Madeline Sturtz lift at 215. That's not a big girl.
Starting point is 00:12:33 No. No. I don't know. I don't know what that plays to. She's actually gotten stronger as well. She didn't used to be that strong. I think we're going to see a lot more movement than you think. Remember, workout five is looming, and that's the 45-strict deficit.
Starting point is 00:12:48 You just never know what's going to happen on a workout like that. Good call. So you're saying that basically one of these top dogs, probably not Tia, but we could see Cara, Ellie, or Jamie, something weird happened. I think Cara's got too much of a cushion at this point. She's got a 32-point with two events left cushion. But possibly five. You see there's an 18-point drop-off between fifth and sixth.
Starting point is 00:13:15 So I would say three through five, you're still probably going to see some movement. Like a 23rd-place finish here could really screw someone up. If anyone – Workout six there, the deadlift one what was workout six there yeah 1k row 100 dubs 10 deadlift i think their weight is i'm not sure what maybe i have to look the men's 405 and sometimes it depends if people are choosing to do what they should do and make the female weight right or use the old 2002? So that means that the play is really going to be on the Houssafal,
Starting point is 00:13:52 Bag, Carey, Strongman, Diane. You're right. Because that one's rather straightforward. I also noticed the difference in body shapes between the heats. The first heat of women don't look like CrossFitters. What do you mean? That deadlift load 275 is going to be that deadlift load they look like power lifters the the first the first heat of women look like power lifters they don't look they just they don't look like crossfitters it's a totally different physique you don't see it as much in the men but in the women's heats the women
Starting point is 00:14:21 the women are way more stout in the first heat i think i'd love for someone like tyler to do a uh comparison on that like a body composition look something you didn't notice that is that his thing does he make body composition no no no no he doesn't but he's just into like numbers and stats and i would just be curious i'd be curious to see like all sorts of breakdowns in heats where they're from their age what their max lifts are they just look all those people look like that they came from a some sort of lifting background and they've squeaked into crossfit and they're starting to get into crossfit and that's sort of where you enter uh during that i checked the number of views there were 10 000 views while the women were um lifting which is pretty which is pretty amazing because you know all of North America was asleep.
Starting point is 00:15:06 That's because that venue by far looks like the most people compete in. So, I mean, you can – this is going to go down probably a big rabbit hole. I don't know how you feel about this, but they're talking about expanding the games internationally. Why wouldn't you try to go to Australia? I mean, I know that's crazy travel for everyone else, but as far as the excitement and packing out stadiums and the energy i mean they've they got the torches going they they announce people the torches are sweet they announce come out like uh you know you know like a wrestling thing like you know in lane two and
Starting point is 00:15:40 they say the athlete's name and they play music for a second while they run out it's not like here come the heat three women and then they all run out you know what i mean it's a little bit different i thought uh i thought i'm glad you guys like the torches i thought and all that stuff i thought that was uh i was just a cheese dick just an old dude i really or that was like the little kid in me i really like the torches too i want to show you sweet i want to show you one more thing, too. I don't know what time this video was taken, but speaking of this is at this is that syndicate. This is Vendor Village and Syndicate. So it looks like the village isn't open yet, but. No, it's open.
Starting point is 00:16:19 You think it's open? No, I'm kidding. It's just it's that it's that kind of joke, you know? Yeah. So it's so it's that dead kind of joke you know yeah so it's so it's not open yet so it's a little bit of an unfair but this is the this is the view of the uh vendor village there was a lot of action out there yesterday there was okay throughout the evening but it is remember it was it's friday and there's a lot of people that were still working so i think i expect today the crowd to be a lot bigger okay so that might be a miscarriage what's in that
Starting point is 00:16:44 white pen any idea i think that was where they're doing like crossfit kids class type stuff yeah So I think I expect today the crowd to be a lot bigger. Okay, so that might be a miscarriage. What's in that white shirt? I think that was where they're doing like CrossFit kids class type stuff. Yeah, that's cool. So I wanted to mention that. Maddie Sturt did 195, 205, 215. We're impressed by that, right? Her size, her time in the sport, the fact that she's getting stronger. Yeah, correct.
Starting point is 00:17:02 She is getting stronger. I compare her to the Hayley adams thing it's like why why is hayley adams getting stronger we were talking about that yesterday why is she not getting stronger the same way maddie starts improving upon her strength and maybe she hasn't improved as much as i think but from what i know i think she has gotten stronger that being maddie sturt and hayley adams appears to be hitting the same lifts kind of year after year around like the 185-ish snatch and upwards of a 205, 215 clean and jerk right around there for most things. This is something, too.
Starting point is 00:17:35 I know we keep coming back to the need for maybe not all six standardized workouts, but at least having the two that are going to be mandated be done on the same day. Because what we're talking about would be awesome if we can do a cross comparison with the lift among all three of the week one semis. And we can actually see out of that field where these people are ranking comparatively. Because you could say something like this right for the men in torian only three males hit 325 or more on the complex that syndicate tended wow well it's really easy well it's really easy to say well yeah the syndicate guys are just stronger maybe but the torian men had to do the chipper and had to do another before a syndicate started there so it's you can't even really compare it at that point it's like the year the crossfit games where nobody could clean injure
Starting point is 00:18:30 315 but everyone forgets that they didn't burp in the entire weekend before that clean injuring event i remember watching dan bailey not be able to do 305 like what the fuck is going on and then it's like oh yeah i guess they didn't have the entire weekend before that so you're right it makes a huge difference where that event is at in the weekend. And do you think the value there is that it makes it a more enjoyable sport to watch for the fans and at no cost to the athletes and choosing the correct one? It's a way to win for a two sided corn coin, because you got Ben Smith who's saying in his podcast that he didn't think that it was smart to have that event at the beginning of the weekend, setting them up to be trashed after having done like a high volume of squats, which I don't know if I agree with, but that was his opinion. And I guess it's holding
Starting point is 00:19:14 some validity. And then also your side, which is, are they going to be lifting as much at the point in which they're lifting it? Well, all it requires to put them all at the same time hey this has to be event one or this has to be event 10 it all idiot proof if you do that i mean but i mean but at that point you're only taking care of the one event and if you get to program the rest of the competition around it every of every event proceeding that one is going to be different so right so like for syndicate, that sled workout was just gnarly. I mean, that was a, that was a down for a lot of them were hurting laying on the ground after that. Well, can we not call that a sled workout? So yeah, let's, I was laughing. So they,
Starting point is 00:19:57 so they, I didn't see a sled. I saw a wheelbarrow. So they do the complex and they do that workout, which was very aggressive, lots of legs. And then this morning they start out with 150 wall ball workout. So whether you agree with Ben or not, to his point, you've got very, very dense leg fatigue workouts starting the weekend. They start with the legless today and then they do that wall ball workout second. But regardless of where they tell you you have to do the lift all the other workouts are going to be different that come after it uh is this is this is this accurate did tia flip off the uh torian pro programmer i can't believe that i i didn't see this here's why i can't believe it in her interviews she checks every box
Starting point is 00:20:42 i guess what do you mean that comment i bet you that comment was like maybe backstage or when she got there, she said, I'm going to do this in two. You know that, right? And the guy was like, you're not doing it in two intervals. You're not doing that.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Oh, and she did it. It was almost like a flex on it. Maybe that would be cool. Yeah. I like that. Here's what she did. When they interviewed her,
Starting point is 00:21:04 they, they, they basically, they asked her about her programming. She gave a nod to Sean, you know, Sean. She gave a nod to Shane, Shane or when she talked about, you know, like, why do you do this? She gave a nod to the crowd and she said, well, how did you know you were going to do it in two? And she goes, no. But when you're with these competitors, they bring the best at you. She just went through. It was like it was like, yes, yes, yes. And then she even finished it. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:21:29 A nod to Shane, nod to her competitors, nod to the crowd. And then she dropped a couple of CrossFit mantras. She said, you know, when you're out there, you need to embrace the suck. I mean, it was like someone just pulled the string on the Woody doll, you know, and it just did its thing. I just remember her never being like that. I remember her just being shy. And now she just gets up there and she's all poised and she just fires it all off.
Starting point is 00:21:53 She's a veteran. She's different. She does everything. See Chris Whiteman? It's just like calling somebody a cunt. That she missed a box. An Australian box. Right. That's the Australian box box if she didn't say that
Starting point is 00:22:07 then it wasn't complete uh ellie turner 230 um what if ellie and we'll talk about this a couple times what if ellie gets five percent better is she the greatest crossfitter alive what if everything she does she does does 5% better? I guess she'd be about the level of Cara. And she's 24. You have to – so Tia is 28. Cara Saunders is 32. And Jamie Simmons is 31.
Starting point is 00:22:43 And mashed in there is the little girl, Ellie Turner. I would have to guess she has the greatest room for improvement it looks like we might be staring at the next best thing uh this side of this side of mel bryan are you talking australia specific dude i mean she's there with tia there's no better comparison right yeah remember though these are these are just these are a handful of events against the field that isn't nearly as deep as even one that would be at the game. So I think if you, if there is a place where you mess up, I mean, I think we saw it at Wadapalooza, right? There was one workout that, you know, she was crushing it all weekend. It was one workout that
Starting point is 00:23:18 didn't go too well. And then all of a sudden, like comparatively to the field that was, you know, relatively deep, but not a games field by any means you you take a big hit right okay so i'm i'm getting excited too quickly she has more it's it's just like the the the small fish small pond versus medium fish big pond argument she's kind of standing out against australia and i think you could probably better make this argument come games time. But yeah, so far she's doing real well. She's in third. I mean, she's up against two of the potentially fittest women on earth.
Starting point is 00:23:54 A man, I can't remember which one, in the clean complex. Is that what you call that? Sure. He was doing too fitty. Too fitty. Are you saying you could do that no what i'm saying is is he weak as a bird or is tia just fucking uh just unreal uh i wouldn't say weak as a 250 on the competition that's not very that's not very good at this level of competition just say it hillary don't try to be nice it's not very good at this level of competition. Just say it, Hiller.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Don't try to be nice. It's not good at this level of competition. There were some guys out there who were weak. Now, comparatively to like Syndicate, I think the lowest weight lifted there was 285, 275. So, yeah, comparatively, it's not great. No, it's not good at all. I mean, I put out a a video today and it was talking about again i like talking about hunter mcintyre all the time for some reason but if you were to walk
Starting point is 00:24:52 into an affiliate you would be able to find somebody likely who could hit this complex at 250 i mean over the course of what 14,000 affiliates. Hey! What's up, guys? Finally, someone to look at. Oh, you're here, Brian. Brian, you look like you got some sun. No, you're in Europe. They don't have a sun. They don't have the sun there.
Starting point is 00:25:20 No sun in the venue. Brian is at the Lowlands. Brian, what city, what country is that? Amsterdam, Netherlands. I got probably 30 minutes max. Okay. Let's go over there and let's talk about those events. You guys okay putting this lifting event on hold while we got Brian here to talk about the Lowlands? Refresh me.
Starting point is 00:25:44 This morning we saw at the Lowlands. was is that the two two what was that one 27 21 15 9 yeah and is that the 2223 thing that uh it was weird they had something like that minutes then two minutes and one and a half minutes then one minute so with the rest interval, it ended up being a 10 minute workout. Seven minutes of work. Yeah. And, and then, sorry,
Starting point is 00:26:12 Brian, I'm catching up on my notes. And who, and who won that over there? That was, that was, well, there's a,
Starting point is 00:26:20 there are still some open scoring disputes, but the current or unofficial winners were Luca Buniak out of Heat 2 for the men and Lucy Campbell from the UK for the women. Okay, now I see where we're at in my notes. They both look great. There was something that Chase and Mads were pointing out that I thought was fascinating. In the first two rounds, or I don't know what you call them, the first two intervals, Lucy was not using all the time. She was stopping with one or two seconds
Starting point is 00:26:53 while she was jumping over the box and losing reps. And then on the final round, Gabby McGaw was losing. I don't think she was losing reps. I just think she couldn't get another good rep in with the time remaining. Right, right. Sorry. That's what I and from watching what did that why were they doing that and is that a huge mistake because actually gabby did that also in the final interval it looked like she had time to jump back over yeah i think it's just a choice probably for each athlete how they feel in the moment if they have the energy to get down and up and up and over the box in time or if
Starting point is 00:27:24 they wanted to risk it so you know i saw kind of a lot of athletes that would go down to the bottom part of the burpee and realize they're not going to have time and then just lay there for a few seconds and they're still wasting the energy pushing themselves up back up off the floor and and that workout was defined by just single reps oh yeah it was it was very close and very chaotic like uh for example oyana moya finished with 49 reps on her scorecard lucy campbell had 50 but uh oyana moya is disputing that she actually did 51 reps which would obviously jump her into first place so it's you know one or two reps could make a you know two to three spots difference on a leaderboard very easily um i i did the same thing happen with, what's the guy's name, Upanix?
Starting point is 00:28:08 Am I pronouncing his name right? Upanix? He was frustrated in the first round because on the last dumbbell thruster rep, she gave him a no rep, but she didn't tell him right away. So he'd already put his dumbbells down and moved forward. He wasn't upset about the no rep. He was upset about the timing in which she told him because it cost him five seconds where he could have just done one more rep and he would have probably got one more burpee and he ended up being like one burpee behind lazar for second in that overall in that workout oh do you want to say something andrew before i jump in no no i didn't
Starting point is 00:28:41 know is that pivotal are are five girls going from lowland five women? Yeah. Okay. And then also five from syndicate. Yep. Okay. I think there was, um, in one, in one of the articles this morning in the morning chalk up, they said something that, um, Scott Pancheck was in fourth place and four points out from qualifying. So I think that they just, someone just hit the number four twice. It is five. The only place it's three is Torian. Is that correct, Brian? Yes.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Okay. We had some debate. I don't know if you can see the screen. We were having some debate yesterday, and I was saying the most exciting person to watch now is Gabby Magawa because she took that 17th and that she was going to have to have a perfect day to make it. And those guys told me I was wrong, and it looks like they were right and I was wrong.
Starting point is 00:29:26 That fifth place was enough for her to get into fifth. Do you think she's in it now to win it and we'll see her go to the CrossFit Games? Yeah, I just talked to her and her coach after the last event. They executed the plan for event one to maximize her potential with that movement. It's probably her worst movement in CrossFit. And unlike some other women who blew up in rounds eight and nine, their plan was to make sure that wouldn't happen. So I think a 16th there is the best she could have done in this field.
Starting point is 00:29:53 And she'll probably have all top five finishes the rest of the way and be no sweat going to the games. Were they confident with a 17th place finish that they could still go or were they scared shitless? I think a lot of people are just overreacting after a first event or two, like the same thing's happening at syndicate with the women, right? So Haley and Christie didn't do great on the lifting event,
Starting point is 00:30:14 but they still have five more events and everyone knows that they're going to do well on, on majority of the rest of them. The only question is, are those, you know, are the girls who did well on the lifting event better than we think or know on the rest of the events relative to the perennial games contenders? But, you know, just the main basic storyline is like, don't panic after day one. Sometimes your worst workout is on day one, and that's 50% of the score at that moment.
Starting point is 00:30:40 But there's still four more workouts to come. No, don't listen to Brian. Definitely panic. It know four more workouts to come no don't listen to brian definitely panic it makes it more enjoyable to watch it looks like she's already in third that being gabby uh uh yes uh i did get a strike last night i did i get my first strike on my youtube account for um stealing the feed from crossfit we won't be doing that again uh did they get more rest at the torian uh pro between the intervals than um at uh lowlands yeah that was two minutes on two minutes off okay different workouts those were the standardized ones uh brian did you see that did you see what happened at the torian did you watch that workout i was able to watch workouts one and two.
Starting point is 00:31:27 I have not been able to watch three and four yet. Okay. That, I don't think I watched, which one was the interval one? Was that four? Four. Four. That was probably the, I mean, I know it's the freshest in my mind, but I think that was the most impressive performance I've ever seen by any CrossFitter, seeing how fast those women were going going it actually looked like the camera was sped up like if anyone ever questions
Starting point is 00:31:48 single singular athlete or the group all of them the entire field ellie jamie cara uh tia the way they were cycling that bar how fast they came off the bike those pull-ups i mean it was fuck it looks sped up it didn't even look real i real. I know, but what you're seeing there is possibly four of the 10 fittest women on earth competing side by side. And so they're going to push each other. The obviously sad part is that it's not all four women can qualify this weekend.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Did you guys watch it? Did you watch it, JR? Did you watch it, Andrew? I did, yeah. This is something me and Brian have discussed, and it doesn't take anything away from those women because they're all incredible, and he's right. They definitely deserve more game spots.
Starting point is 00:32:31 But it brings up another conversation when you look at the workout and how it's constructed comparatively. The women are so capable and so good. I mean, I watch women at the syndicate hold paces on the echo bike for the first 30 calories that guys couldn't hold. And when you have them do 10 calories comparatively to 15, that's big. And when they're using 75 pounds comparatively to 105, that shouldn't be the comparison anymore, in my opinion. So they're cycling. They should have had heavier barbells and more calories. I think it should have been 12 and 85 or at least 85.
Starting point is 00:33:12 I agree with those numbers exactly. And I think in general right now, I mean, that there needs to be a really big overhaul in terms of evaluation of when you're going to make men and women do the same thing compared to different things and your objective in doing so based on the time caps or what you want the eventual performances to be because you know in the legas rope time workout everyone's seeing it the men didn't need a time cap of more than five minutes but the women needed probably eight minutes and anything beyond that no one wants to watch it anyway uh j uh brian i know you didn't see the workout but i want to push back on what jr
Starting point is 00:33:46 saying i'd like to hear what andrew thinks too here's why i think that toying workout was perfect one if i were if anyone were ever to talk shit about crossfitters and say no i know someone who's fitter i'd show them that i'd be like and then they would knock your shit off for talking about the kipping pull-ups whatever that capacity was fucking nuts but don't you love it that only one person squeaked through in two rounds didn't that just tell you that the programming and the weight were perfect how are you and brian saying it should have been a little heavier wasn't it cool that with no no tia slipped out away from the pack yeah no no as a workout it doesn't matter what we think comparatively to men and women because they're not competing against each other.
Starting point is 00:34:27 So comparatively, they're all they're all doing the same workout. It was, you know, she showed what what we all thought she could show, whether she finished it, you know, with one rep left in the third interval or she finished it in two, which is what happened. She still showed that it was an awesome event. I mean, me and Brian have talked about this too. You know, it's the juxtaposition between the interval-style workout for Lowlands versus Torian and what Taylor said yesterday about having one of them being time priority and one being task priority, how much more fun it can be to watch when you see numbers on the floor and you see them advancing.
Starting point is 00:35:03 You just get excited, and you're like, she just stepped forward. Oh, no, she just stepped forward too. Whereas the only thing we could really see was a box being flipped and we didn't have any numbers. Unless you could watch one athlete and count the reps, it was really hard to tell who was winning and who wasn't. Brian, how was it watching that MRAP over there? How was it watching the MRAP?
Starting point is 00:35:24 Because watching it on the stream was very not – you couldn't tell what the hell was going on. YouRAP over there how was it watching the MRAP because watching it on the stream was very not you couldn't tell what the hell was going on you know where anyone was yeah no it was chaotic I think that the floor layouts at the lowlands could have been better so the handstand walking they had an orange line that was their marker but there were like five red lines on the floor and yeah that was very confusing and there were some athletes that thought they'd finished and came down and they were one line they were on the red line not the orange line when you're upside down you can't really blame the athletes so that could have been better they should have numbers on the floor for that type of stuff what we were doing is just trying to feed mads and
Starting point is 00:35:58 chase the top two we were we were doing exactly what i was talking about we were counting two specific athletes that were in the lead trying to give mads and chase the top two scores so that they could update you guys back home uh after each interval but in the in the flow of it it was impossible uh bruce wayne here is saying that um uh tia isn't even peaking i'm not sure if he's referencing her her year or her career um do you have both you don't think she's peaking either it doesn't look like she's yeah no yeah well definitely not for the year and it seems as if she's getting even better year after year so that's why i say both i think he's on to it so i want to go back to the this other thing you were saying, though. So, for example, Mike Halpin did an analysis that compared
Starting point is 00:36:48 Torian women's and Torian men's event one, and he showed that Tia beat all the men. What I would say is Tia was better than the men on the second set of ring muscle-ups. She did them unbroken. But there were three barbell weights in that workout, and if the relative weights of the barbells are not the same, then the comparison is irrelevant. If it was just the same number of reps of a gymnastics movement with a monostructural, you can make a one-to-one comparison. You're doing the same movements in
Starting point is 00:37:14 the same work. But once the barbells are into play, any comparisons between men and women go out the window. And a lot of times people like to compare that because it is often the case that the women's scores are just as impressive relative to the men but the relative difficulty for women to move historically similar barbell weights like 95 135 or 65 95 is clearly changing and the programmers need to keep up with that change. What do you say the weight should have been on those barbells for the females? Maybe like an extra five kilos? I'm not sure. But I would say that Tia's muscle-ups were impressive nonetheless. But looking at the rest of the scores,
Starting point is 00:38:00 they're annoying that women in general are worse at muscle-ups than men and that their times were all there kind of jumbled together i would say the women you know pretty clearly had an easier a relatively easier time with the barbell than the guys let me ask you this question that i we started to show off with then uh there was there was some men who were in the complex using 250 260 265 but the lowest i saw was 250 and we saw uh t was about to go for a 250 attempt and at the last minute scrambled and went down to 240 or 245 are you are you saying that's that's not because that guy was weak too weak for the field or it shows that the men's field doesn't have depth and just that the women are getting super strong because i was i was like like wow the men's field
Starting point is 00:38:42 isn't showing a lot of depth um but maybe you're suggesting just the women are just catching them. No, I mean, the range of the weights on the men's field is extreme. It's 100 pounds. Right. And 100 pounds from the top woman to the top man is basically appropriate. Now you're looking at about a 60%, 60%, 70% range, which is where the weights we would expect them to be. So it's just, yeah, there's, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:07 there's some guys in that field that aren't strong enough yet. That's okay. Any doubt that Tia's going to, if everything goes to plan, is there anyone you're seeing who could challenge Tia at the CrossFit Games? Is there any hope anywhere? No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:39:26 J.R.? That's no one across the board. J.R.? No. I will say that 2 through 10 on the women's side of the CrossFit Games is going to be extremely compelling. Another thing I brought up earlier was that Ellie Turner, 24, by far the youngest, four years younger than Tia Claire um who's 28
Starting point is 00:39:46 what if Ellie gets five percent better I know that's huge is she the next Tia well it just depends if Tia retires after this year then there's gonna be nine or ten or you know women or so that feel like they have a chance to win and I would say that they're probably all justified to feel that way. Lazar, Mr. Jukic. Oh, my God. Dude, I talked to him last night. He said you reached out to him.
Starting point is 00:40:15 They'll catch up with you after the weekend, and they want to, and you should definitely do it. Those guys are amazing. Yeah. Oh, shit. My computer froze. We can hear you. I know. I just can't.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Oh, okay. Here we go. How much better is he than last year? What are you seeing when you see him perform out there? Let's see what happens tonight. You know, his biggest hole is his strength. He's been working on it all year. He's looked really good in terms of like confidence, execution, confidence in his plan and then executing it on the floor. I would say his overall body awareness and control has improved. He wasn't sure how he'd do on that last workout. I think he overperformed what he thought relative to the field,
Starting point is 00:40:53 which is a good testament to his development. So I think he's definitely better, but when you're talking about trying to move up within the top 10 at the games field and you know that there's another 10 guys behind that that want your spot, you can't afford to have the big knock. And there will be a strength test or, you know, somewhere between one or four tests at the games that are dependent on top-end strength. So if he shows some good strength tonight, I'll feel that much better about his chances to improve
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Starting point is 00:41:44 Listen closely. listen closely as a master painter carefully brushes benjamin moore regal select down the seam of the wall it's like poetry in motion benjamin moore see the love i think it was in the final event last year um that uh luka jukic uh wasn't uh that lost his was in the final event last year that Luka Djokic wasn't that lost his placement in the games. And now he's sitting in second place. He has 176 points and fifth place. He made it to the games. And if you're talking about that, he got cut from that event. His hamstring was injured on that running toes to bar event. So he couldn't perform at the level he needed to to try to make the top 20. He did make the games last year. he got cut after event 10 oh okay okay my bad okay so he's going again
Starting point is 00:42:30 this year so basically what we're looking at is fifth places well that's not i mean i mean it's not a guarantee but things are looking very good for him so far very good yeah yeah and i'm not surprised by that i mean i picked him to finish third year behind vk and lazar you know like he's training with the misfit coaches he's chosen to go his own path from his brother and those guys are always honest with me when i ask him and they said he is much better than he was last year and it seems like that is the case uh we have uh sarah sigman's daughter sitting in seventh place with 216 points fifth place has 224 points that's gabriella magawa but but sarah's finishes are 10th 8th and 6th and i know they're all different workouts but that but
Starting point is 00:43:13 that's a good sign right do you think what do you think her chances are of making it look at the finishes of the girls ahead of her well fourth place has a 13th i mean fourth place has a 13th place finish which is worse than uh and fifth place has a 17th place finish third place but they're balancing the amount with the first and the first if you finish all the workouts between sixth and tenth in the women's field you're not going to make the games not at this event women are too good this is the best women's field in all of the semifinals i I know every workout is different, but you have someone like Karen Frejova who has a first, sixth, and thirteenth. She's just sliding down the slope, right? That's got to be psychologically do something to her, but Sarah is getting better, 10, 8, 6. Do you think that that plays a role?
Starting point is 00:44:01 Possibly, but I think that the women are also pretty well aware of which workouts are going to be their best and worst workouts here. Karen should do well in the lifting. She'll do, she should do extremely well on the final workout. I think she can, as long as she can hold like an eighth place on the devil's press tomorrow, that she'll, she'll make the games just fine. Sarah needs to have one workout where she places in the top three. That's what I'm saying basically do you think that could be the lift or no comparatively to this field i don't think she'll finish in the top three on the left no okay are you smelling weed in the in the venue yeah i mean it's it's
Starting point is 00:44:41 incredible i feel like i'm in your office i mean amsterdam is the home it's the it's incredible. I feel like I'm in your office. It's incredible. I mean, Amsterdam is the home. It's the original spot where weed was legal. It's where everyone went after they graduated from college. Seriously, do you smell any weed there? Do you see people walking around high on mushrooms? I haven't seen a dispenser. I haven't even been looking. I haven't seen a dispenser. I haven't seen anyone smoking weed on the streets. People smoking cigarettes. People are drinking beer. but not clouds of uh of wafting marijuana no i
Starting point is 00:45:09 don't i don't feel like i'm in boulder no right um uh brian the the crowd at um torian it looks uh full and the pictures we've seen at lowlands look full is that an accurate depiction that the seats are pretty darn full yeah i took a look around this afternoon there's a 3 000 seats surrounding the main floor for the semifinals and there wasn't an empty one earlier today and i expect they'll be full again tonight for the lifting no shit yeah but the i do know that it's kind of interesting you know uh torian announced that they sold out a couple of weeks before the event. Majority of lowlands ticket sales happened in the last week. So the timing of when they buy the tickets might be different, but the seats are full at both places.
Starting point is 00:45:55 How is it over at Syndicate? Bad. Yeah, it looked pretty sparse yesterday. But like I said, you know, they started competition relatively early in the afternoon. I'll be interested to see what it's like over there today. It wasn't as full here yesterday as it was today. Hopefully, at least on Saturday, Sunday, they'll have a... Don't people know that
Starting point is 00:46:16 Jason Hopper's there? Or Medeiros or Froning or any of them? No one knows. Let's give Hopper some love. This is my point, too, to to talk about though like as a fan right if you're just a fan of the sport you live in that area or let's say you live within two hours you've got to make a choice do you go next weekend to mac or do you come this weekend to syndicate based on star power you would think that they would be here this weekend but it's interesting that may take away from the crowds of both events.
Starting point is 00:46:47 I mean, you have the best team, the best man, and the best woman from the games I'll see at this event. If they can't fill the seats there, then there's another problem. And I don't know if Rich Froning fell under that blanket, but they got Rich Froning too. That would be the best team, I guess. Best team, okay. Did you see any of Crouch's performances?
Starting point is 00:47:09 I saw, I told you, I saw event one and two. Jake, like, I'm just, you know, I picked him to win. I picked him to win out there. And every, I mean, that was probably the pick I got the most shit for of everyone. And I think he's still in first by a few points over Ricky. But I did say it would probably be close to those two i other tied yeah i think that when it comes to a semi-final it's a different kind of competition in the games that jay can compete with ricky when we get to the
Starting point is 00:47:36 games i can promise you if they both make it that my projections will show ricky ahead of jay because in the more athletic more outdoor longer more diverse or workout style i think ricky ahead of jay because in the more athletic more outdoor longer more diverse more workout style i think ricky will will prove his overall fitness is better but in six events in an indoor setting like this jay crouch is very very good he's a savage he's and he's kind of an unassuming guy but he's very very dangerous out there. When you talk about expanding the number of women who come or the number of athletes who come from Australia, would you expand it for the men and the women? Yeah, at this point I would.
Starting point is 00:48:15 I thought you were going to ask me where you get those spots from. Yeah, I mean, I think that it's pretty clear. On the women's side, we already said there are at least four and possibly five women there in the field this weekend who have a chance to make the top 20 at the games if they were competing there. And I'm telling you that there's still a couple of young girls and a couple of women who chose to compete on teams that could be relevant if five spots were available. In the meantime, on the men's side, Jay, Ricky, Baden, Brown, and Royce Dunn at a bare minimum. We know that they can finish in the top 20 at the games. And obviously everyone's learning right now that Bailey Martin is just as good as those guys.
Starting point is 00:48:50 So they each have at least four or five athletes that are fit enough to be relevant at the games this year. And the performances of the athletes who made it last year, to me, warranted the opportunity for them to have a fourth spot this year. So if it were up to me, based on performance, I would have given Australia four spots this year for both the men and the women. And do you think you would have to raise both? You couldn't just raise the women or you couldn't? No. No. And I think that this is like one of those things that I'm talking about. And of course, you know, CrossFit is known for being very equal in all of its application of things between men and women. But you're still going to give 40 spots at the games for men and 40 spots at the women. But just because the American men are still the most dominant continent and the American women are not, doesn't mean they have to have the same number of spots.
Starting point is 00:49:42 And you can have four semifinals in North America and give five spots to the guys at each and give four spots to the women at each. And the four spots that you take from the women, two of them should go to Europe, one of them should go to Australia, and one of them is still, I still think, up for debate and ways you could distribute that. But the end result would be that you'd have a better overall caliber of woman at the games. There's the fourth best person, Australia and the sixth best person on the women's side at both of the
Starting point is 00:50:11 semifinals here are better than all of the fifth place finishing women in North America. Wow. Wow. Go ahead, Hillary. What? No,
Starting point is 00:50:23 I agree. I think that there should totally be more spots over there. And it's only because of the men's side, arguably just as much as the female side, just looking over there. I mean, you've got James Newberry is really not in the type of shape he's been in in the past. But then you've also got Matt McLeod, who is one of those top 10. He beat all the cuts in the year where there were the cuts,
Starting point is 00:50:44 Faden Brown. I think that the men deserve just as many shots. Wait, wait, wait. Matt McCloud was the beneficiary of a terrible scoring system. Which one? If you're a Matt McCloud fan, now's the time to go to the bathroom. Okay, go ahead, Matt. McCloud's getting torn out.
Starting point is 00:51:01 This is not Matt's fault at all. This is the game's team's fault. The scoring was weighted more heavily towards workouts four five and six if you made it there than workouts one two and three he did three top 10 finishes on four five and six and three outside 35 finishes on workouts one two and three there are athletes good good good performances on workouts one two three and not four, five, six, and they missed the cut because the scoring was unequally distributed across those six workouts. You've been waiting to let that one rip for a couple of years, huh? No, I've talked about it before.
Starting point is 00:51:37 Okay, okay. I think that was back when I was doing numbers games episode with Tommy and Sean that we went into that, but that was behind the Patreon, and you weren't around yet to expose them so that no one knows about it brian's out you woke up it was violence i um i i want to point out this lady here uh did i did not see this but this was reported to to me. This is Stevie Dillinger. Do you guys know who this is? I know who Stevie is, and Brian should,
Starting point is 00:52:11 because she was just at my gym three weeks ago and won our competition. That team, CrossFit CLT, they just won Crash Crescendo a few weeks ago at my gym. Are they competing this weekend or next weekend, JR? This weekend at Syndicate. Yeah, I think I pegged them for a just-missing spot. How are they doing? They're doing pretty good. They really well on the on the lift that went really well for them yesterday she was um what's reported to me is is that this lady was breastfeeding put the baby down ran out onto the floor and did a 190-pound snatch.
Starting point is 00:52:45 She's savage. This is the news that must have been recorded. I mean, this is nuts. I mean, this is a – she's growing another human being, and she's picking Andrew Hiller up and throwing him over her head like it's nothing with a smile. And then she drops him. No respect. Look at – this is savage savage it is truly crazy i lost
Starting point is 00:53:07 five i'm at 191 this morning again i gotta weigh myself every morning i yeah look at such an amazing inspiration to others mom's wrong i mean this is the thing this is the thing when people say that they sacrifice or they do this or this no this is just a this is just a woman living her life there's no sacrifice this is all this is all the just a woman living her life. There's no sacrifice. This is all the pieces coming together in her life just perfectly. Say that again, Brian. I had a conversation with Phil Hesketh yesterday and obviously Mia's competing over here.
Starting point is 00:53:34 And after she came back, she had a kid and she came back and she was ready to start training again and they decided that only one of the two of them with the kid could put in the training required to compete at this level. And similarly to the decision that Annie and Frederick make, they went with the woman.
Starting point is 00:53:51 And so, you know, Phil has backed off from being there. Who is that? Do you guys know who that is? Nobody knows. nobody knows. Oh, say that again about Phil Heskett. I can still see him. I can still see him. I don't know who it is. Just to say that it's not just the women that are, you know,
Starting point is 00:54:20 making sacrifices, but there has to be someone to support them doing that. And so we've seen it from Tara. We've seen it from Annie. Yes. Thank you. Enough of this love for the women,. We've seen it from Annie. Yes, thank you. Enough of this love for the women. Their husbands, their husbands deserve the credit. You're right. I mean, the athletes often talk about
Starting point is 00:54:32 how they have to have a team supporting them. But in particular, when you also have a kid and you want to compete at this level, that person needs to probably be, you know,
Starting point is 00:54:39 someone at home. Okay, who is this dude? Hey, what's up, dude? How did you get this link? What are you doing? Seve, you sent me the link. Who is this? Greg.
Starting point is 00:54:49 Oh, Greg. Shit. Well, I couldn't even recognize you. I couldn't even recognize you. You're a... Anyone can come on the show. Anyone can come on the show. Greg, you're over at the Syndicate?
Starting point is 00:55:02 I am. And how's it going over there? Much better turnout today than yesterday. Fans are starting to roll in, look excited to be here. Mayhem just dominated the team competition for today. The ladies are about to start with the Legolas program. But again, you guys have more people on than you need, so I'll hop out. Let me ask you one question before you jump out.
Starting point is 00:55:25 Let me ask you one question. Do you, what are you hearing from people there? Are they coming next week? Do you feel like most of the people there, because we're kind of debating this, which week would you choose? And I keep thinking in my head, I would just go to both. What are you going to both? And what do you think most people are doing?
Starting point is 00:55:40 I'm not going to both. I came to see Mayhem. I talked to the Torch Tank tent. They're leaving their material here. I talked to the people who put the flooring down. They're leaving everything here. So the vendors are leaving their stuff here. I don't see people staying here two days in a row. Awesome. Okay. Hey, Greg, thank you so much. You the man for calling in. I apologize. I didn't recognize you. All good. Have a great day. Thank you all. Awesome. God, I love the show. Damn, Chase's hair looks good.
Starting point is 00:56:09 Go ahead, Brian. No, I just have to go in five minutes. Okay. Rifle the questions at him. Hit him. I'm out of questions. Anything that you've seen so far this week where you're like, okay, that was a bad call. I want to change it to this. What are some changes you'd like to make in some of your predictions, your calls, your thoughts? Anything standing out? No, actually actually i think the top nine women i projected
Starting point is 00:56:29 here are in the top nine right now just in a different order i think the top five men i think two of the games are currently in the top five however i think that for at least three of them both the jukiches and will this open next that the upcoming lifting event is going to be their worst event so it's just going to be a matter matter of how much that impacts them relative to some of the guys in 6, 7, 8, 9. Oh, there was one guy, Fabian Benito, who I thought would have an outside chance to make the games, completely fucked up a workout one yesterday. Took dead last in the field and eliminated himself from contention immediately. So that was the one that that was just, I no shit how did he do that he finished everyone else so he what do you
Starting point is 00:57:12 do i didn't see what i didn't see what happened i mean it was so fast he either just started getting no reps on rope times or his grip went but interesting he's he's the one guy on the leaderboard here that i would say is better than his, you know, his ranking right now is showing. But that's the nature of it. And that's the whole conversation with everyone I had here prior to Friday morning was you have to, you can't have an executioner in the fields anymore. It's too competitive. It's too tight. And that was his mistake.
Starting point is 00:57:40 And basically just took himself right out of it. Who was the lifting event in the lowlands for men there's a guy from poland who's listed with the heaviest lifts his name is pietor something with an m uh so maybe him but it could be a kind of fake reporting sometimes that happens outside of that um it's pretty tough i think actually bkg might have a chance on that fabian benito should be pretty strong. There's not like the really heavy lifters in Europe are over in the strength and depth. There was a lot of criticism and a lot of thoughts about the workouts prior to this event.
Starting point is 00:58:20 I don't have a strong feeling about it. But after listening to you guys, I was expecting a lot less than what I've seen I've been super duper happy with everything that I've seen I'm enjoying the camera work I'm enjoying the commentators I'm enjoying all the workouts are you pleasantly surprised or disappointed do you have a feeling on that Brian
Starting point is 00:58:38 I don't think a lot of people realize how often the camera crews directors have no CrossFit experience and again this is we're working with people who don't have a lot of people realize how often the camera crews directors have no crossfit experience and again this we're working with people who don't have a lot of experience covering crossfit but the team has been extremely receptive to those of us who are working with them in terms of educating them on what makes a good crossfit broadcast which is why i need to go in a minute to brief them for the uh lifting events tonight and uh particularly the team one is obviously more chaotic
Starting point is 00:59:05 and hard to cover than the individual. So we'll do our best. But having a crew like that, that wants to learn and wants to do a good job. I mean, I come here in the mornings and they're watching the Torian to try to see what they did good or bad that we can do for there.
Starting point is 00:59:17 So we're making a big effort to try to give you guys the opportunity to see everything that's worth seeing on the floor. So if that's what's going on, then that makes me happy. Awesome. All right. Thank you. Thanks for coming on. Um, I will have, uh, the, my CFO cuts you a check for $5,000. Thank you for coming on. You're worth every penny.
Starting point is 00:59:35 I wish I could pay you more. I love you. Peace and love. Hey, there's no more like static in the background. That's nice. You guys are the luckiest people alive. You got to see Brian friend live at the lowlands. Good morning, Manny. It is two minutes away.
Starting point is 00:59:57 Oh shit. I don't have my schedule. That sucks. What are your notes? Any good for, are we done covering the, the Torian lifting? Is that where we left off? No, I think we're done with everything. what are your notes any good for? Are we done covering the, uh, the,
Starting point is 01:00:05 uh, Torian lifting? Is that where we left off? No, I think we're done with everything. Is it, unless there's anything, I wanted to bring up the Torian lifting because did you watch all of that?
Starting point is 01:00:16 Did you notice one second? I actually took some notes, but I didn't take them. Remind me what, what adventure you're talking about for the Torian lifting? What, when was that? Was that the complex you're talking about?
Starting point is 01:00:24 That was the complex. It was workout number three. Yeah, pull up Sean's comment right here. Pull up Sean's comment. It might be the same thing Andrew's about to talk about. This is exactly what I'm going to talk about because Royce hit 315, but he also missed his second and his third lifts. And his second and his third lifts would have brought him up into first place.
Starting point is 01:00:45 If he had hit even one of those. And now he's sitting in fourth place. He's 14 points behind Bailey Martin. And they only take three spots and that's potentially his highest placing event of the weekend. So he would, if he ends up missing the games by, I don't know,
Starting point is 01:01:01 what is the difference between eighth and first place? 28 points. Then he, that that's where he lost it right there was on the lift I have a solution talking about he needs to he's a disgrace to mayhem he needs to have his shirt ripped off of him and his mayhem credentials pulled uh why did he do that is that his fault or his coach's fault I remember now he missed the jerk seeing that he missed the jerk on both lifts. So maybe it was a calculated risk. No, no, you're saying he didn't even need to do that.
Starting point is 01:01:33 You're saying at 325, he would have won it. I think he would have tied for, no, I think 335 won that event. Okay. Yeah, 335 won that event. But he missed that on the jerk that would have tied him. And then, you know, I'm actually- So this isn't accurate? Hiller, what's written down here? How about Royce attempting 335 when he only needed 325 to win the event? He needed 335 to win it.
Starting point is 01:01:53 325 would have given him fourth place. I'm looking at it right now. And that would have also moved him into third ahead of Bailey Martin. Bailey Martin, who, by the way, opened at 315, missed. And then he hit 2915 missed and then he hit 295 and then he missed 310 so he missed both 315 and 310 it was just the only time I've really seen anybody start really high back off and then also missed it in between weight so that was that was interesting by Bailey Martin so so you're saying that Royce uh dunn should have dropped should have lifted 325 and if he
Starting point is 01:02:27 would have got that that would have raised him at least at least that should have been that should have been his second lift correct yeah because his second lift was 335 and i don't remember if his third lift was the same or if he went down but either way he missed them both how many points are four places uh 16 16 points so so he would actually be inside the cut yes sorry who knows who knows what's gonna happen who knows what's gonna happen with the next two events but if he would have won that he would have had a pretty good cushion over bailey martin he would have had a pretty good cushion over Bailey Martin. He would have had that 28 point swing. Oh, right.
Starting point is 01:03:07 Because Bailey Mark, uh, yeah. Wow. Okay. Also moving Bailey Martin down four. So it would have been a 32 point swing because he would have been placed ahead of him, moving him down a spot,
Starting point is 01:03:18 man. That's the type of stuff I like to look at. Yeah. I mean, if you're on the, if you're on the bubble, I like to look at. Yeah. I mean, if you're on the, if you're on the bubble, you're on the bubble. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:30 Oh, and the other thing I wanted to bring up with the, of weightlifting event over in Torian is that they're lifting in pounds, which might really fuck with them. So all of their lifts on the platforms are in pounds. But when you look at the events, or even when you looked at, uh,
Starting point is 01:03:42 King Arthur, that first event, the axle bar weighed whatever in kilos and the overhead squat was whatever in kilos. And even the announcers, when they're talking, they say, here comes this lift, which is this in kilos. So everything over there is typically in kilograms. But because it's a standardized CrossFit workout, everything's listed in pounds. So that's kind of messed up. How is it that there's CrossFit athletes who still do kilos? athlete that's how it is everywhere but the united states dude fine but
Starting point is 01:04:09 it doesn't sport but it doesn't matter um uh it's it's the same thing like if i moved to france i would wear pants that were so tight that you could see my cock and balls because that's what men do in france but when you come to the united states if you're competing and that would be because you're competing for women in country are they in i'm just States, if you're competing, and that would be because you're competing for women. What country are they in? I'm just saying that if you're going to compete in a sport. The ones that wear tights that are going to show your cock and balls. That's the one thing where they're at. If you're going to compete in a sport that everyone's lifting in pounds, switch to pounds right away so that it doesn't become something that we can all make fun of you about on the Sevan podcast or some Andrew Hiller video.
Starting point is 01:04:44 Oh, geez. Well. I'm not trying to be an ugly american that's already that's already established i'm just saying well i mean if you were your what would you do wouldn't you get all your shit in pounds no i mean if i were the event possibly if i were torian and i were programming the event possibly put everything in pounds were a Torian and I were programming the event, possibly put everything in pounds. But now you're telling everybody who lives in Australia to also be lifting in pounds so that they're accustomed to it
Starting point is 01:05:13 when that's not really feasible for many of the affiliates, I'm assuming, many of the athletes, I'm assuming. You got to switch to pounds. You're wrong. You have to switch to pounds to compete in CrossFit. What do you think, Jerry? Well, they've always kept it in kilos at previous regionals events and stuff like that. But not the Games.
Starting point is 01:05:33 Correct. But how many people actually have to deal with that issue that get to come to the Games from all those countries? I think when they come into the United States, sure, by all means, everyone lifts in pounds. But I think it's just incredible. It was just odd to see the lift over there in pounds. And I'm sure that maybe that's the reason Royce was missing lifts because he didn't know what the hell was going on. He's like, all right, typically I would do this at 150 kilos, which is 330 in pounds. But he went up to 335, and that five extra pounds made him miss a jerk. What, Trina, what you're saying is right fuck the pounds let's all move to kilos but until then if you're competing in a sport that's pounds it's pounds sebon hitting hillar with it doesn't matter a monumental yes and then you know yeah you know how you had that like i don't give a
Starting point is 01:06:20 fuck that little like clip that you have in there, the sounds you did. It doesn't matter. I don't give a fuck. Look, I don't give a fuck. What do we got to do to get a it doesn't matter button? I like it. I like it. It doesn't matter. I know. I need that.
Starting point is 01:06:34 You're right. You're right. I need that. I'll send you a soundbite. Thank you. You're a good dude. I think. Go ahead, Jer.
Starting point is 01:06:41 Are you going to be saying that soundbite or is Dwayne? Dwayne. I don't do it like he does no one does look look at jr calls him duane oh my goodness okay uh one more i need all sorts of stuff yes yes yes go ahead wait a minute so we're going to talk to this person or do i talk about this one no no no we're not this is this is this person can't be on my show right now um ricky and ricky garage jay crouch hit all three of their lifts which ended up placing them above royce so because royce missed his last two ricky and jay hit all three they slowly like made their way up the ladder to then they hit 320 on it but they only hit 320 on their final lift which ended up beating his first lift of 315
Starting point is 01:07:25 that was just something else worth noting on that entire i'm really impressed with madness yeah yeah of course what do you think yeah i just think watching that interval style workout that really opened my eyes to jay that was nasty because baden nasty taylor talked about it at length about how baden just can really get deep into the cave and jay was right there with him the whole time i mean they finished like one second apart it was not is jay the one who dug in like a motherfucker on the bike on that last round like he just went i think baden got to the barbell first that was bad actually yeah okay baden did something on the bike that was ridiculous yeah he was going jay just looked so in control the whole time that's what's impressive
Starting point is 01:08:12 about him like you can you can tell when some people are hurting like jason last night on the bike jason kind of had that squinty eyed mouth open look just looking down at the ground when he was when he was on the last echo bike or the round of 20. But when you look at Jay, he just looked really calm the whole workout. Here's another thing to say about Jay Crouch. He saw Ricky do the 320 and then matched him with a 320. Yeah, I see that, yeah. Just stepping up and killing it.
Starting point is 01:08:41 Yeah, here I have – yeah, Baden killed it on the bike. He got off the bike way before everyone. Hey, is the bike almost always like that? I didn't – JR, a huge deciding factor if you see the bike? I think it just depends on the workout structure. On the other movements. Okay. I guess the two workouts we've seen thus far has been pretty deciding,
Starting point is 01:09:04 other movements okay i guess that the two workouts we've seen thus far has been pretty deciding but that being this workout and the one of the not so sled sled push yeah all right i think we covered everything and i think i got one more did you see the time discrepancy with tia to me on that that event where she it is very very very likely, of course, that the timer at the event was a little bit different. But even with the athletes in the field, it appeared that a lot of the athletes were stopping at the end of the first interval and she got an extra snatch in there, an extra snatch that she got in there that then also allowed her to finish it within that second interval that no one else finished. Did you pick up on that? I just made a little Instagram video on it. I thought it was kind of funny, but also holds a little bit of validity.
Starting point is 01:09:47 We don't know what the timer said, but just watching the athletes, it looked, timer is different, says the programmer. Yeah, I've experienced that and seen it before, but why are the other athletes stopping at what appeared to be about the same time as the timer that was stopping on the stream? Why do we have to listen to Hiller talk about this when we can see it is it this one right here oh yeah oh wait wait a second i think i did it wrong hold on uh sure that's the one get with the programming aren't you in lowland how do you know the timer's different at the event
Starting point is 01:10:18 he doesn't know he doesn't know yeah it doesn't know. Yeah. It doesn't matter. On that stream, when they were doing the interval event, Chase does say at one point, remember, guys, the timer you see on the screen and the official clock here are slightly off, by like three seconds, I think. Correct. Are you going to play this thing? Yeah, it's sound on? It's important. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:10:43 I can't hear it. You guys hear it? Wow. He says it was 10 seconds off at one point. Wow. Stop breaking the law, asshole! It's too glitchy. Don't worry about it.
Starting point is 01:11:06 It looks fine on my computer. So you're saying that she got some lifts in after the two-minute run? Yeah, she got one snatch in. It was 10 seconds off at one point at Lowlands. Yeah, but this isn't Lowlands. This is Torian. And if you watch the so i couldn't see it in there because it's so glitchy but if you watch it on the instagram
Starting point is 01:11:29 or on the feed every i mean every other athlete has the bar down when the clock hits 201 at the latest and at 204 tia toomey has her bar over her head which is three seconds and then she ended up finishing i think i had like 0.82 seconds remaining on the clock and that would have that one snatch takes her more than one second to do. So she wouldn't have been able to finish. And again, it doesn't really matter. No, because Ellie Turner,
Starting point is 01:11:53 I believe finished second and it would have been an entire minute after. So does it matter? Maybe, maybe not, but it's all. Well, it matters from the viewer perspective. You,
Starting point is 01:12:02 you want to be able to trust the clock. The clock's there as, as an athlete, right? If you're watching the Super Bowl and all of a sudden the clock hits zero, everyone's like, what the fuck? They couldn't have gotten that playoff on the play clock. And usually those things are synced up perfectly. So I guess that would be the big tie together. Conspiracy theories.
Starting point is 01:12:21 Tia Toomey getting helped out by the judges. Like she needs it i'm behind on the podcast but we chose to skip both mac and syndicate because we couldn't actually decide on which one wow holy shit wow pretty funny wow oh my god decisions i can't do anything matt and his wife sit around they're like should we do missionary or doggy style let's just go to bed we can style? Let's just go to bed. We can't decide. Let's just go to bed.
Starting point is 01:12:47 I'll just go to bed. Hey, Andrew, you know like in sports when they don't call a hold and on the very next play they make up for it, like the make-up call, maybe that's the edge. It was the make-up call. Funny because I knew that the comments would be littered with people like, the things are different, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm like, one, yeah, they're probably like, do we know for sure?
Starting point is 01:13:08 No. And two, maybe they're just making up for that lift with the knee bend. That's what you're talking about, right? Like possibly, yeah, you're right. Same judgment, right? Hey, JR, are you referencing that article that came out recently? Or there was a video I saw on Instagram where they were interviewing an NBA ref. And he was saying how the refs would get together and decide to go after someone for something.
Starting point is 01:13:32 Oh, no. No, I had no idea. But I'm a big NBA fan. And you can kind of tell sometime if there was maybe a flop or a charge that wasn't called at the very next possession. They'll call a ticky-tack foul to almost make up. I mean, it just seems that way sometimes. Yeah. I can't remember the exact details but it was it was a nba ref i'm talking and the refs got together and they're like one i can't remember which i think it was alan iverson or someone he was always taking an extra step and everyone always let him get away with it
Starting point is 01:13:57 and he yelled at one of the refs and the refs got together and like hey let's just call him on on walking for every time he does that. And he just got destroyed. They destroyed him. NBA refs sometimes appear to be super vindictive and like pretty big egos when it comes to like showing players up and vice versa. The NBA sucks. I think the NBA sucks too. I think it's a disgusting –
Starting point is 01:14:21 It was good like maybe 10 years ago, and it was even better 20 years ago now it's just terrible same with the nfo yeah i can say that too it's a slop house of sellouts well that's why we're doing what we're doing we don't want crossfit to be worse than it was 10 years ago and terrible in 20 years i don't even remember right well i don't even remember. Right. Well, I don't remember sending that guy, uh, Greg, a link. Yeah. You did it when you were high.
Starting point is 01:14:50 I'm glad I did. I opened, I, I opened that bag. Oh, let's talk about one other dude. Let's talk about one other dude before we, uh,
Starting point is 01:14:59 let's talk about, uh, Hey, I got to get off and, and, uh, get to the venue, man. Okay, bye.
Starting point is 01:15:06 We'll see you later. Thanks for coming on, JR. I'm coming with you, JR. All right, dude. Sounds good. See you, man. Bye. Let's talk about this dude really quick.
Starting point is 01:15:15 Which dude? Let's talk about this dude really quick. Right here. Who's this? This is – Who's sending you these? This is – just people at the venue oh shoot this guy i am uh that is that's a uh scott panchick okay i i couldn't tell but what do you mean why are
Starting point is 01:15:40 you saying what are we gonna talk about this dude because he's warming up his shoulders before the event and just that this that this guy told us he's gonna retire he he he he pushed he i mean he basically he was at the games last year he pushed through with uh an injury that you thought hey maybe it's better like like if he thought he was going to come again this year he probably would have dropped out of the games right hey protect the knee don't injure it yes i do agree with that he probably wouldn't have done it and instead uh instead he's in um fourth place yeah and within striking distance of first place i don't think i'm gonna we're gonna see that happen But he's totally going to qualify And he is also in striking distance
Starting point is 01:16:29 He's only 12 points away from Justin Medeiros You're damn right, he is within striking distance Damn, I didn't know he was that close Okay I really want Tudor Magneto The rope climb? You want Tudor Magneto to qualify? Yeah, I really do
Starting point is 01:16:44 Yeah, it really do. Yeah, it's not looking good, though, because that first one was in his wheelhouse, and the second one was indicative of what's going to be happening. For the rest of the week. What is their third workout? Have they started it? It's the rope climb one, and I think it actually did, yeah. You're not pulling these up anymore, right? You're not trying to get in trouble?
Starting point is 01:17:04 No. did yeah i you're not pulling these up anymore right you're not trying to get in trouble no i'm not losing my pot my podcast channel that's transcended the crossfit market because they don't want me to promote their show fuck oh is this is this their method of bringing you down is that what's going on we'll see we'll see what ends up happening and i uh oh yeah it is up right now and right now hey two is going down all, Oh yeah. I'm getting so many great pictures. All right, brother. Uh, I will let you know. Sure. I think we should get off here and go watch it. I will let you know. We will be back later today. I don't have my schedule in front of me,
Starting point is 01:17:37 so I can't tell you when, but we will schedule it on YouTube. Very, very. I think it's like two o'clock, one oclock two o'clock your time did hillary oh right right you're right you're right it is one p yep about 115 pacific standard time we'll be jumping back on did hillary see the trifecta recipe for success say kip early and often if they're talking about the rope climbs i'm gonna lose my fucking mind because kip early and often on the legless rope line I'm like oh my god alright guys thank you thank you so much for joining Andrew Hiller and myself JR Howell
Starting point is 01:18:12 Greg and Brian Friend they get everyone you're right

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