The Sevan Podcast - #411 - Semifinals Recap | Syndicate Crown Day 2

Episode Date: May 23, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items. Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your list, then swap it for one that's cheaper. Craving chips? The app will suggest some on sale.
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Starting point is 00:00:53 How are you dressed? Bam, we're live. Well, you know, it's a little colder in Chicago today, so I kept the shirt on. How cold is cold? 50 and rainy. All right. How is it by you?
Starting point is 00:01:12 I'm barefoot, dude. It's sunny. I was hating CrossFit today because I would rather be at the beach. Sevan is busting out the wristbands for this one. Oh, shit. Where are your wristbands? I do need my wristbands. I just got a bunch of new ones. They flew off of you because you're so upset hey dog i'm sorry i let
Starting point is 00:01:29 you down you're late seven integrity uh okay smidgy it's smidgy i was uh making sure i had coffee i'm not operating on on all cylinders i've been sleeping a little less watching the torian pro have you been sleeping less hillary i've been sleeping a little less watching the Torian Pro. Have you been sleeping less, Hilar? I've been sleeping quite a bit less. Well, guys, you don't edit your videos. You just hop on and sit there for three hours at a time.
Starting point is 00:01:55 And then just walk away. Yeah, I made the 30-minute video that I got to piece together for three hours. Same, same, but different. When is the ongoing shirtless for a show i'm tired of only seeing good-looking people's bodies on the show well thank you that's appreciated is that take that shirt off seven let's give the people what they want is that i swear anytime that comes up i just start sweating i get i get uncomfortable
Starting point is 00:02:20 like it could actually happen uh you're blushing i am blushing um um um let's start the show with this one of the greatest stories this year would be could be should have been cannot be uh scott panchick's comeback uh he pushed through last year um in a way that i would guess i don't know this but i would speculate that he pushed through the games last year um in a way that he would not have pushed through if he wasn't retiring basically he was hurt he pushed through he did great but he was super injured and we basically saw a three-legged horse hobbling around but he's so gifted he still did well at um at some of the events we thought he retired he went out you know like a true warrior died on a
Starting point is 00:03:10 sword but then we slowly saw him creep into the open and we started seeing his instagram doing more and more training and he's just acting all chill and then he does good in the open then he does good in the quarterfinals then he comes here to the semi-finals with the big dogs and at this point in scott panchuk's career he's he's i mean he's the guy right he's he's uh he's sitting in there in the in the in the in the sort of in that rushmore status uh with froning i don't even know if they have um i don't know how many people i would even put up there with them i don't even know if i mean t mean, Tia might be there because she has so many wins, but she hasn't been around as long as Scott. You got to put Tia there.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Yeah, she's got to be there. Roachmore, how many are there, four or five? I don't know, four. Let's say four. There's a longevity component to him and a steadfast and a continuity, and he's just great. He's the, and not only that, he's just a good dude. He's the kind of dude, like you want, if you have kids,
Starting point is 00:04:10 you take your kids to go play at his house. We'll take your word for that one. Today, and I can't go back and show you the video because I already got reported yesterday for using CrossFit's video. And I got my first strike on my YouTube channel. I don't want to get any more of those. So I can only, I can show you the video because I already got reported yesterday for using CrossFit's video. And I got my first strike on my YouTube channel. I don't want to get any more of those. So I can only, I can, you're going to have to. Keep it under seven seconds.
Starting point is 00:04:30 You're going to have to, I'm not risking it. You have, you're going to have to take my word for it. But he was injured today in a workout. It was the rope climb workout. Why does that matter? It was the rope climb workout. Why does that matter? Because up all the athletes do it and scott gets injured on it well what you're gonna say is oh that could happen in any workout could it nope it's 2022 the crossfit game started in 2007 and you're telling me that no one's figured out that you
Starting point is 00:05:18 shouldn't have a shitload of rope and a ball on the ground So when these guys are moving at breakneck speed, they don't have a chance to roll an ankle, but the story gets crazier. And I can't confirm this because I can't see the video. You would think, Oh, what happened? So Scott stepped on the rope and re-injured his knee.
Starting point is 00:05:37 No, he didn't re-injure his knee. What I'm hearing. He hurt his good knee. The guy is there trusting the setup by the mandated workout we've all seen adrian and justin and jonathan haynes and that in that um in that girl um uh who follows him around um at the event we know they're there. These are the people. These are the people who should at least see, hey, we figured that out in 2014 when Elijah Muhammad set the world record.
Starting point is 00:06:11 We knew right then that you shouldn't have extra rope on the ground. Everyone's known that. Everyone, any affiliate that's got a rope knows that. Hiller's rubbed off on me. Look at me. You think I can get a job working on his YouTube station? Maybe.
Starting point is 00:06:24 You'll know things like keep your clips under seven seconds so you think i get a job working on his youtube station maybe you'll you'll know things like keep your clips under seven seconds so you don't get strikes on your channel um i'd like to offer this up as a major major fuck up you have you have one of the greatest comeback stories um in in uh in crossfit games history the guy's doing great and this happens to him i mean it's it's it's there's like i i have no i have no room for like oh but i have none of that i have none of that yeah especially that you're saying i should hop off of this and go make a video on it i i i'm i'm just i'm just tripping i'm trying to think of what what what is tantamount to this like in in uh f1 racing or the nfl or it's
Starting point is 00:07:06 like what if the sidelines in the nfl there were just like there were cars parked on the side and dudes were getting knocked out into moving traffic like what you know it's not at the level of f1 racing but i was playing softball the other night in a league that's been around forever and there's two different pitching bounds and there's one for like the t-ball and there's one for the softball league and the commissioner of the league supposed to go out and get the field ready, put the bases in and whatnot. And the commissioner left the earlier mound out there from the softball league, the T-ball league, and someone hit a line drive into it,
Starting point is 00:07:36 and the ball came up and nailed someone right in the nose. And it's like that. So the guy had to go to the hospital because he was freaking bleeding and whatnot. He got nailed by a softball and it's because it hit them the rubber and it kicked right up into his face and that's not supposed to be there and it's like everyone knows it's not supposed to be there so the guy got a bunch of trouble on the left yeah it's very similar everyone should know that that's not supposed to be there there are there i don't know how many volunteers there are i don't know
Starting point is 00:08:04 how many judges there are i don't know how many judges there are i don't know how many people there are setting up but it's in the hundreds no one could have said anything no one saw that like affiliates don't do that good affiliates don't do that have six feet of rope have a 21 foot rope on a 15 foot uh you got it sorry sorry i was gonna say you have to first there's there's usually a reason why there is leftover rope at the bottom, because then it keeps you from swaying on it. But in this case, in this event, when you know that the athletes are going to be moving as fast as they are, you know that they're going to be coming down as quick as you would.
Starting point is 00:08:36 You would never have that much rope, because it doesn't make sense for the event either. It doesn't matter if they sway. Mike M., Justin Burke doesn't even know Haley is racing against the next heat in event three. Do you think he's qualified to fix previous high-risk event situations? Well, we know he's not qualified now. We know he's not. We know he's not qualified now. Are you trying to
Starting point is 00:08:55 say that Dave Castro may have looked into that sort of thing? Don't let the rope sit there on the floor. I don't think it would. I would be willing to bet $1,000 that there wouldn't have been that event in the first place. It was stupid in the first place. Yeah. Actually, I can tell you 100% that there wouldn't have been that event.
Starting point is 00:09:13 100%. 100% that there wouldn't have been that event. And if there was, that rope wouldn't have been there. But you know what? I did like that event. We know you did. You're the only one. I did like that event. You and maybe James Sp I did. You're the only one. I did like that.
Starting point is 00:09:26 You and maybe James Sprague who won it. You guys. Completely fucking unacceptable. Berg spoke over an entire heat and said absolutely nothing. I know. And the stuff that he did, I was listening to him talking. The stuff that he was saying about his,
Starting point is 00:09:43 about Haley, Haley, he was saying some stuff about hayley adams and i'm like i don't you don't even know that like you're just you're just you're just up there just like spewing you're just talking points you don't even know that you didn't talk to her about that is it like that show like the campaign quote that i tried to tell you about that you didn't understand he just talks in circles oh you sent it to me abstractly no i brought it up on a show once i don't think you understood so i don't know why thank you i don't know why i'm bringing it up thank you try to re-on i tell you that justin's dumb and you're you're like oh you mean how like you're dumb thank you thank you
Starting point is 00:10:17 you're did you did you talk to scott is this how you know all these things no you got your moles no no i i i did not speak to him i don't think it would be cf fault it's not sensing that i don't know whose fault it is but i know the workout was mandated by crossfit and i know that the games team was on hand the three top dogs and the girl were there on hand i know that and they took out one of the mountain rush moors and i yes yes thank you and i know that. And they took out one of the Mount Rushmores. And I, yes, yes. Thank you. And I know that if Dave would have been there, he'd have said something to someone. Actually, he wouldn't have said something to someone.
Starting point is 00:10:51 He'd have told someone to say something to someone. He would have come out with a hacksaw and taken off the bottom of those ropes before the event started. Maybe. Well, I don't know who sets up syndicate, but Dave would probably just go straight to Bill Henninger. Bill, actually, I can't even imagine that Bill would actually let that happen, to be honest. syndicate but but dave would probably just go straight to bill henniger bill actually i i i can't even imagine that bill would actually let that happen to be honest uh berg was bragging about bosman on site did you hear that what was he saying i have no idea that's what it just says in the quote down thomas owens fill it in let's hear it. Drew Borchers.
Starting point is 00:11:25 It's on Syndicate. They ignored Scott when he brought up the long rope. So you're saying Scott brought it up even before he went? Hey, you can't have this rope here. I guess you're not the only one with moles at the event. I literally thought Andrew Hiller had bats on that white sweatshirt until I looked closer and saw it was dildos. Yeah, there's little dildos.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Anyway, I will say this i did see um uh scott sitting in the stands and it did look like his eyes were red and i don't think he smokes the chronic that just sucks you know to go out in those terms like for as long as he's been around this, like, epic comeback where he just kind of slid in there. And then just to have it just end like that, it's just like, fuck. I agree. Devastating. Well, it's not that he was also contending. He was going to qualify by the looks of it. It's not like he was just out there.
Starting point is 00:12:19 He was also, like, doing real well. Right. He was crushing it. Crushing it. From there, let's go to something a little more fun um yesterday someone had started a rumor that uh uh the programmer over at torian pro had said that it was impossible to clear the interval workout in two rounds and uh and she did it um with a second to spare although i do see that people are calling hillary to come verify that they're concerned that maybe she came in after the timer yeah well that's it's tia we'll give it to her it was tia she was gonna do it anyway
Starting point is 00:12:58 you know what it's just because it's good for it whatever the clock said there tia says that she did it right so we have to assume she's not lying to us. Tia would never lie. But someone had said that she flipped the guy off. And I thought I just couldn't see Tia doing that. But there's actual video of it. If you can click, can you click that Instagram? Do you have that, Sousa?
Starting point is 00:13:17 Did you see the email I sent you? It's just right at top on page one. Have you seen this yet, Hiller? No, I have not. it's edited so no i have not it's edited excuse me so we don't know how uh how legit it is um but but i but i'll buy it and it's cute i i'm actually uh i'm impressed with t actually it she's giving it's her way of giving him a nod like hey thanks for the challenge and the programmer says it can't be done in two rounds boom and then they show the guy right and uh i did see uh i did see there he is he's a good dude you know that guy he no i don't but he took the bird like man i do know the guy it looks like wiki's the one who
Starting point is 00:13:59 filmed this that's the uh south african australian french dude and and i i saw him in all his buff glory out on the field with his camera and his cool gimbal so he's but yeah he's buff okay he's buff i've never seen him with his shirt off i think he's buff and everyone's buff to me take you go go to a site and see what what's his what's his okay find that guy's instagram real quick let's see if he's buff wiki wikilito wow that was good there yeah oh yeah he's pretty buff yeah i didn't know i never seen him nice but but he could lose five pounds and be an ultra marathon runner skinny little fucker so you never know why are you saying that just Just to fuck with them. Wiki, you're five pounds away from running a hundred miler.
Starting point is 00:14:51 That seems awfully rude. I don't know about that. I think he's five pounds away from being a games athlete. Just put on five pounds. True. Good point. Good point. Right in the right spot.
Starting point is 00:15:00 There you go. Last half full right there. Yes. Yes. Wiki, yes. Wiki, if you want to be coached by me to be an ultramarathoner, DM me if you want to be coached to be a games athlete, hit up Hiller. He can put five pounds on you. I'll take five pounds on you.
Starting point is 00:15:14 I'll put him on the assault bike right there, but that'll go the wrong way. I got a question for you guys. I got an answer for you. Were the athletes allowed to use their legs on the descent i don't didn't see any of them doing it with the exception of a few females so i'd have to say yes they were allowed but i wasn't in the briefing so i don't know for sure i thought i have any of that good i thought i heard that they weren't and i saw the majority of athletes not but then occasionally i would see someone pinch with their thighs or even use their feet yeah well they're allowed to do that
Starting point is 00:15:49 like super descent like that the the fireman pole descent that you've seen and you're allowed to do that but a lot of the times it seemed wasteful you know what i'm talking about when they're the descent is most of the rope climb if you control it too much then you're slowing yourself down and if there was no control descent required, usually they had that piece of tape that you had to come down. It was like a third of the way down the rope, and that's not there at all. It wasn't there? No.
Starting point is 00:16:14 And they're using their ā€“ some of them are using their feet, like straight up clamping and then sliding down on it in different variations of it. And some of them are using their legs at all. So I think it was allowed. and different variations of it and some of them aren't using their their legs at all so i don't i think it was allowed uh in the um booth uh um uh tom and shawnee had um adrian bosman in the booth and when they asked adrian why he chose that workout or something along those lines adrian said it was because it was he wanted a short punchy and aggressive workout and that fit the bill short so that that's what we get huh that's our feedback as
Starting point is 00:16:45 the the intent of the workout we want short and punchy i like it what what's wrong with it what do you want uh you want do you want to hear something more like i wanted a zone four workout that was in the i'm not james fitzgerald do you think i'm james fitzgerald over here no i don't know the proning video and before he put on the Mayhem Classic, every single event, there was like a one-minute tidbit just kind of telling us exactly why the events were there. Either because they were talking about something in the past or how long they wanted to be
Starting point is 00:17:13 and talk about the rep schemes, that sort of deal. So every video I put up this weekend is kind of feeding into everything that we've been talking about. Why is this here? Short and punchy isn't something that you would have heard Froning say or reason as to why he programmed an event. He had way more depth than that, if you will. Yeah, but Adrian knew his audience.
Starting point is 00:17:33 He was on with Tommy and Shawnee. Oh, shit. Shallow. Very shallow. Sousa, do you have echo bikes or assault bikes at your gym? We have assault bikes. Oh, shoot. What are you getting at?
Starting point is 00:17:50 Sousa, can you please solve an argument between Andrew Hiller and myself, Travis Bellionhausen? Echo bike cows are harder than assault bike cows, yes or no? I think the big difference is with the echo bike is that it doesn't it doesn't give a bunch of like calculated stuff like on the salt bike you could just rev that thing up to like 100 plus rpms and then just kind of coast it out and all your calories catch up as opposed to with the echo bike you don't you don't have that same all right if you were going to do a workout let's say it was 20 cal echo or a salt bike and then you're going to do i don't know a 400 meter run let's say it was a repeating type workout five rounds 20 cal 400 meter run and how
Starting point is 00:18:30 long is each 20 calories going to take you on either bike i don't know like a minute maybe a little bit less on no matter the bike right i don't know i don't have enough experience on the echo bike to really say i've only kind of warmed up on it and just done a couple things uh like visiting gyms he's not a good source he can't fix this argument where's taylor self he can't fix this argument all right what do you think simon you have any input i just know i just don't i i just don't like the echo bike it feels like it's run by a belt instead of a chain it doesn't feel like a bike it feels like it slows down on its own it's just it's it's just not fun My big thing between the two of them is that the Echo bike is a little bit more taxing on the upper body and the Assault bike is a little bit more taxing on the lower body. So I think that the
Starting point is 00:19:13 females in general are a little bit more impacted by the Echo bike. So if there was any sort of an argument to this, I would say the Echo bike calories are harder for the females than the Assault bike because females generally compared to males have less upper body mass and muscle to power the bike that's my circle of thoughts on those two machines do you own both no i just have this guy but at the affiliates that i train at they all have echo bikes so they take about the same amount of time. Does someone want to answer this question for him? Did I see that? Did I see that?
Starting point is 00:19:51 Can you believe that? They had the same lifting complex? Who the fuck? This is blasphemy. If I asked this question, you guys would beat my ass. Did I see that Torian and Syndicate had the same lift complex? Did you see that they used different weights? One used kilograms and one used pounds.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Did see that. I did see that. Kilograms are made of water. Pounds are made of iron. Kilograms were used at the lowlands. Sorry. Torian used pounds. Syndicate used pounds.
Starting point is 00:20:16 But do you want to explain to them why? What's going on? Yeah, those are the ones that were given to us by CrossFit. CrossFit put out two workouts a week before the events that were standardized amongst. It's been talked about a couple times. Both of them were disastrous for athletes. Yes. Well, one has been now at this point more disastrous than the other.
Starting point is 00:20:36 The other one is so bad with the exception of the Superman fail. Right. Christine Colandrander. Christine Colandrander in in is that the syndicate that is the syndicate yes uh she was kicking ass on the rope climb workout she didn't uh twist her ankle like that uh goofball uh scott panchik and uh but she did miss her last rope climb and that cost her the heat is that one of the things that you had mentioned in your video that I was obsessing on with that bot?
Starting point is 00:21:10 Does that bother you that, that she was going to take first and instead she ended up, I don't know what she took 10th. No, the thing that was, did she get, she didn't get an OREP call to her. She just couldn't get to the top.
Starting point is 00:21:20 I believe she was right there and then she just couldn't make that final touch. And I think she did that two or three times in a row. I think she ended up getting 15th when she should have been like, you know, top five. Correct. Yeah. So, and no, the issue that I had with that is that there was the probability and possibility of a no rep occurring, which would then be similar in like the placing down the leaderboard, but she didn't get no reps. She just couldn't do the climb. When, when you do, when you do that, when you do, uh, nine climbs and then you go up and you miss one,
Starting point is 00:21:54 the next time you go up, you don't know if you're going to get it, no matter how long you've rested. Right. You're like 10 seconds. You're like maybe now or 20 seconds. And it's been a travesty to see these athletes going as soon as they do after it's like what were you thinking and every single time you do exactly what you just said simon it gets worse and worse and they just keep on going they're losing their minds like who who's allowing them to do this where are their coaches where's their headspace other than you're basically saying that if they would have waited 30 seconds
Starting point is 00:22:24 they would have gotten it but they wait they wait 10 and now they need to wait 40 but they only wait 20 this time and now they need to wait 60 and it's just turned it's just a cascade of just disasters you got that spot on so yeah that was happening with her and there was a male was it tutor no that wasn't tutor magnet it was garrett clark that was same thing was happening to him he just kept on going up the rope without taking the break he needed correct yes on the male side uh one of the times um how did justin do in that workout he did well on that i think he took second behind sprig or he was right there uh seventh seventh overall all right he was right
Starting point is 00:23:04 behind sprayed though they were they were all so close that was the issue i had set on was that everyone was going to be so freaking close but that's what adrian bosman wanted short and punchy right uh the the commentator said that he missed um one of his jumps i didn't get to see that i wish i wish i would have got to see that that's interesting like he was running towards the rope and he jumped and missed it it was it was not anything impactful he just kind of missed it it was like he went to go grab it and he missed it and fixed it almost immediately it may have cost him one second which i guess could have cost him something but he still finished seventh and it's still in first place so it's no big deal. Why would that happen? Is that a focus issue?
Starting point is 00:23:49 No, it just kind of happens with a rope climb every once in a while. It didn't cost him any places either. The next closest person behind him was like three or four seconds. It was no big deal. At the syndicate, we're four workouts in. We have two to go. And in second place is the man, the superhuman, the 19-year-old. Yeah, that's pretty awesome. Tudor, make America great again.
Starting point is 00:24:17 MAGA. MAGA. We'll just drop the D. We understand why you're a big fan of his now. Coached by the wonderful, wonderful James Townsend. He's already been alluded to several times this week on the show. If you want to get strong, that's the place to go. Former coach of Mal O'Brien.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Oh, by the way, someone did send me pictures of ā€“ on day one, I did see pictures of Frazier and James Townsend talking. There was a podcast out for those of you who don't know. This is fun stuff. There was a podcast out. James Townsend went on. I don't think he was harsh, but he basically said ā€“ he said no hard feelings that mal went to um uh fraser but that the communication i'm paraphrasing but the communications were zero basically like that with that like show me some fucking respect you know what i mean like like break up with your boyfriend
Starting point is 00:25:13 in face to face you know break up with your girlfriend quit your job to your boss's face don't send him a text what are you a fucking millennial and so i i think i i think in this case yes i think he's very i think he's very familial, this guy. I think loyalty is a premium for him, and he sees people as you're either in his family or you're not. And when he brings people to his gym, I think it means a lot because he has his two daughters there who are clearly everything in his life. So when you get close to this man, you're close to his daughter. So I'm just sort of painting the scene. Mal O'Brien made it into that scene.
Starting point is 00:25:43 She was showing a lot of signs of success um she'd also come before that from elijah muhammad who uh is also i think pretty close enough to james townsend so so there was some familial shit there then mal left and james went on a couple podcasts after you know thinking about it for a couple months and he basically said hey this is bullshit matt's not talking to me about what the fuck happened and her parents aren't and her agents aren't no hard feelings against mal but the adults should have fucking handled this different then those podcasts were pulled down supposedly because uh um mal's agent a guy named uh um benji bijan supposedly i don't know if this is true either but supposedly um got lawyers involved and said
Starting point is 00:26:25 hey uh there's some defamatory comments made in here and you need to pull down these podcasts and i think both the people i think it was maybe make wads great again and uh um oh kenya kenya kenya clark's podcast i can't remember the name of it and they they both pulled down the podcast the black and white one oh yes the black one yeah so then uh i think also in there james townes said that he'd been trying to contact uh mr uh matt fraser and matt was not responding to uh any of the contacts so when i saw this it's basically they were it someone sent me a handful of pictures and a little bit of video that showed oh yeah okay so someone's saying mal's the godmother to james's kids that could be uh it was a big. It looked like it was either the warm-up room. I don't know, but it was massive.
Starting point is 00:27:08 It looked like it was a 10,000-square-foot gym. They were in it. There was no one else in it. And in the corner in the back, kind of like hiding, you could see James Townsend standing like this, just all cocked, diesel and shit. You know what I mean? Just upright, arms crossed. Power stance. Power stance. Head kind of down, eyes up, like the of stance you're standing like if you're ready to get punched in the jaw and and matt was just just chilling like leaned up against the trash can so i i so from there i would just speculate that they they ran into each other the second they got there that was like some sort of warm-up room and james seems like the kind of guys like hey
Starting point is 00:27:41 we're gonna have a man-to-man yeah and probably Matt didn't. Knowing Matt, he didn't want to deal with that shit. But maybe Matt will go on the Morning Choco podcast and we'll find out all about it tomorrow. I don't think that's going to be brought up on the Morning Choco podcast. I have faith in the Khaleesi. I have faith in the Khaleesi. Hey, pull up that picture. You want to see it? This is an entire I Heard a Rumor.
Starting point is 00:28:10 I Heard a Rumor that there was a picture. I don't believe there was a picture. It's only available on the newsletter. You got to go and sign up for the newsletter. Yes, I'll put it in the newsletter. If you want the real TMZ, you got to sign up for the newsletter. And when you said James was looking down on him
Starting point is 00:28:25 Was that a hit? Not down on him, James doesn't look that tall Well you said he was doing one of these Well no no, he had his head down but he had his eyes up You know what I mean, like one of these Like the way fighters fight Like he was a bull ready to attack Keep your chin down
Starting point is 00:28:38 Hey don't ruin my story Here's the truth They were fucking holding hands Singing singing Ring Around the Posey. Fuck. Okay. I forgot we were talking elite fitness. That's a good story. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Holding hands. Skipping. Anyway, the good news is that they made up, and now they're taking turns training Mal. James gets her on the weekends, and Fraser gets her money. Are you describing the terms of a divorce now? What's going on here? They, they pick her up at daycare.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Uh, okay. Where are we? How did I, I lost track. Where the fuck are we? Uh, so,
Starting point is 00:29:16 so Magna tutor. So this cat gets trains by James Townsend. He's now in second place. I was getting poo pooed upon, I think by hillar and absolutely possibly and uh i know it's still early there's two workouts left but this dude i'm i'm jumping on this bandwagon this dude fucks yeah yeah that's who you're trying that's that's the adjective you're looking for yes i like mag. Yes. But not in the traditional sense.
Starting point is 00:29:48 We use that the same way the Australians use the C word. It's an adjective describing badassery. Yeah, and our love for him. Yes, he gets down. When he eats, he gets every crumb off the plate. Damn, you've seen him eat and everything? Yes, yes. Well, look at him. He can 300 pounds he eats well um i i do i think i do owe uh the calisi an apology not that i attacked her
Starting point is 00:30:13 directly but i was poking fun on my instagram because the morning chalk upper had reported after we reported that um uh rich roni might go masters but the truth is is that the calisi actually broke the story before me they just hadn't published it yet i bowed down to you miss calise and i apologize for the uh yeah not yeah i apologize but i was just teasing but i apologize she's cool i like her i'm on the colton merton's band yeah i like her too i'm on the colton merton's uh uh bandwagon tutor colton daniel brandon is that about it yeah no more no i'm on the travis mayor i'm in the president travis mayor you know you don't talk about him that much anymore i thought i thought you were off the bandwagon no no i'm on the plane hard to get for a little bit understood
Starting point is 00:30:58 he's uh okay so what do you want to talk about tutor Tudor, other than the fact that he's defying logic and Taylor Self and I's expectations? He took sixth place in the rope climb workout and dove across the finish line. That's all I have in my notes. And then he finished third on that long ass chipper. That's something that you see with a lot of the younger athletes. Do you see that? that you see with a lot of the younger athletes do you see that is that susan do you see that where a lot of the younger athletes tend to do better on the longer ones that require a lot of repetitions that aren't awfully heavy this is something i've seen for a long time actually
Starting point is 00:31:34 even at the affiliate coaching athletes you would see if there wasn't some sort of a limiter that being a weight and in this case with tutor i don't think it would have mattered but if there is like a workout with a bunch of wall balls ghd setups and some handstand walking you would often see the younger athletes kind of come out and beat up on the 28th and 32 year old athletes that were kind of the same caliber where those other athletes may succeed if there was something in their way that would be heavier yeah what do you think that is what do i think that is yeah i think that uh very similar to watching someone like savann's kids run around for hours and hours on end that they can do it and you don't really see many people in their 30s or 40s doing it i think that there's some sort of a shift in the spectrum where they have a lot more energy to be doing
Starting point is 00:32:21 stuff like the 20 to 30 minute workouts and that's just like some sort of idiotic ass around way of saying that they're probably better at it for some sort of biological reasons yeah it's a little bit more energy if we had james fitzgerald he'd have a good reason for it um someone should tell roldan goldbaum your theory he's 22 took 27th and got capped yeah he just started crossing it though so next year you'll see him come out but uh scott fits scott fits your theory he's uh 34 and he took 29th there we go i don't know why that would have been i hear the knees don't hold up well the older you get poor the knees in the back that was a joke no one laughed come on that was a joke it's a good joke uh kettlebells in the lowland in all seriousness why do that
Starting point is 00:33:12 sorry kettlebells in the what in the lowlands why it's not kettlebells kilograms kgs in the lowland why do that it's seven we talked about this earlier why do they have pounds in Australia? Yeah, that seems weirder to me. But don't you want to just have consistency in the sport? Yeah, but geez, you're rehashing the same topic, but with a different sort of background. All right, fine.
Starting point is 00:33:38 No, it's okay. We'll talk about it. What do you think? Let's vote. Who thinks that we should all use? The sport is whatever uh, is, is whatever they use at the games they should use everywhere. I have one for you.
Starting point is 00:33:50 So what if they move the games to Europe? Still pounds, still pounds. Yep. Okay. Okay. I thought it was in California and now it's in Madison. Just like what you have in the United States are pounds.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Okay. How about this? How about we switch everything to kilograms? I'm open to that too. I'm open to, yeah, I'm totally open to what you're throwing down now, which is to standardize the weights. Yes. I don't think. Oh, thank you. Yeah. There totally should not have been kilograms at Lowlands and pounds at Torian were okay. It was just interesting because nobody knew what was going on.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Caleb cut that clip and uh let's print that he said i was right uh 33 31 of the show and let's move on it has i i'm not i'm not i'm fine no i'm fine uh i'm fine using kg i really am i just this this mixing it there's athletes who've said the dumbest fucking shit and i don't i don't want to mention them because i like them can you name the shit they mentioned yeah i'll tell you the shit they've been 10 years in the sport and they're still like oh i didn't know what was on the bar because i only do kg it's like dude yeah yeah that's idiotic i can't admit oh okay you were a games champion you're unfucking me one comment at a time there you go um stay with rogue uh we use pounds switch
Starting point is 00:35:08 to lego use kilos i agree with that what what well alikio's like you uh usually just weightlifting right like it's just olympic weightlifting they sell just really like it was that like thousand dollar barbell yeah like the powerhouse of the olympics did you had an aleko guy on didn't you set on i don't know but i've been to their i've been to their headquarters i filmed the sectional there i got a tour of the plant they have they have the nicest barbells made it made it made a dozen videos for crossfit inc only a dozen switching to metrics is yes switching to metrics is super far down on the government's list, just above fixing inflation. Meaning that it'll happen at some point.
Starting point is 00:35:49 And we'll all be broke. Right. The best story of the day that I heard today was a guy DM me a picture of a rogue shirt that was completely sweaty. And he said that after Rich won event four, he gave me his shirt. He was wearing it? I know. That's weird, right? No, no, no. The guy who sent you the picture was wearing the sweaty shirt.
Starting point is 00:36:14 No, no, no, no, no. It was actually so wet and sweaty. It was like it was on a chair. Yeah, he was bringing it out onto his face, actually, is what he said there. I mean, I'm just making sure because that's what I would have done. done he's gonna jar it up and use it during one of his workouts yeah um like the looney tunes mike secret stuff what what region was fabian in fabian benito wasn't he lowlands that's where that's where uh brian is it's fabian okay it's really too bad jr and those guys aren't here i think they would like this part um so when you guys were saying the popping of the bar i didn't
Starting point is 00:36:53 quite understand it because i was like hey there's nothing wrong with popping the bar you get to the top you clean it and it pops right but what you guys were saying is, is after it pops, you don't let it land back on the shoulders. You actually bring it back down. Yes. Okay. So Fabian got no rep for that. Did you see that on the bar complex? I did not. I did not catch that.
Starting point is 00:37:16 I would love to pull up the video for you, but we can't actually do real media and journalism because I don't want to get fucked in the ass. Because in five years, this podcast is going to be bigger than all of crossfit inc i did was it because that he didn't i may buy crossfit and throw it in the trash like this isn't that what the current people are doing they bought crossfit oh shit oh shit no i think what ended up happening right is he didn't reach full extension and then so as no he actually does reach full extension as the bar pops off his shoulders or he has yes he drives it off well that's kind of no he never has control i think that's what andrew was pointing out to me in the last show go ahead andrew sorry that's what we were pointing out tia
Starting point is 00:38:02 um when she completed her second lift she had to do an extra clean because she got no rep for apparently not extending her knees and the discrepancy between the two is exactly the same does he have full extension i guess technically you could argue that there may have been a fraction of a second where he was standing there with the bar on his shoulders it was his knees hips extended the bar over his midline and everything. But in that fraction of a second, it's hard to miss because the bar's launching off of his shoulders and then he's re-racking it for the hip.
Starting point is 00:38:32 And with Tiatumi's example, she stands the bar up, she's there for maybe a second and a half, and that second and a half, her knees are just barely bent. And she got no rep for it. So if she's going to get no rep for that, then also this guy should be getting no rep for launching the bar off of his shoulders. Because they're about the same.
Starting point is 00:38:49 They're just different. Same, same, but different. The metric system is superior to freedom units in every imaginable way. I can say that as a free ā€“ 100%. The metric system is ā€“ this foot and inches and 5,280 feet and a mile thing is just idiocy. But it's our idiocy, but it's, it's idiocy. Yeah. Uh, Tommy's in the house. Good to see you, brother. Uh, you can open your eyes. My pants are on. Um, so what Fabian did is he got no repped because the, cause he didn't have
Starting point is 00:39:17 control at the top. He was cycling. Right. And he popped the bar off and then he kind of did that thing where you let go of it and you grip and you turn it down, you bring it, push it back down. He didn't have control at the top. The judge saw it the first time. So you see the judge. The judge is kind of far away, is like this, standing up and sees it, and then as he goes to do his next one, he gets on his knee and gets in closer, and, like, you know at that point, oh, shit, you're fucked.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Like, oh, hell no, not this time. Yeah, yeah. I got to make sure it oh hell no, not this time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And so, so this is the question for you. And this is, there's a lot of questions around this. The judge saw it the first time, leaned in and then called the second time.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Should the judge and should isn't the right word. Could the judge have said to him after the first one, Fabian, control it at the top, my friend? Could he have said that? I didn't understand you. Was that an accent? Yeah, some sort of accent. I got you. I got you.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Lil' Len's accent. Yeah, he didn't have to, of course, Sousa, right? It's not his job. But why not? Why not? If you weren't sure, why not just pop that off at him? Right. not why not if you if you weren't sure why not just pop that off adam right the issue becomes that it's unfair to walk into any affiliate over the course of the planet and watch some people cycling some fleas as they're warming up and to an extent they were still warming up when these
Starting point is 00:40:37 things were being launched off their shoulders the way that we're talking about it's what happens and is anyone getting no rep in a gym for it no is it trending and if you were to walk up to somebody in their gym and say hey make sure you control the bar your shoulders you'd be go told to fuck off right the most part that's the issue with all of this is that i'm calling out people for the no rep deal there are certain people who are super strict and be like you didn't complete your clean because you weren't standing there with the bar on your shoulders and the answer is are they correct yeah they didn't complete the clean because they launched the bar off their shoulders they didn't
Starting point is 00:41:10 show control but as the athlete also do that doesn't matter for the athlete in that instance it doesn't matter it doesn't there it is it doesn't matter for the athlete in that instance for that movement because if they wanted to they probably could have stopped in this competition they have to tell you in the briefing whether or not you need to stop so there needs to be like an adrian bosman there saying you are not allowed to do that bullshit that you do in training and launch that thing off your shoulders is that being a brief there we don't know because there isn't a worldwide briefing like what i talked about well they probably do say that you need to control it they probably do say you need to control it but then he should have been no rep right okay okay he shouldn't be arguing okay fine i i hear you i hear you uh someone did say in the comments that
Starting point is 00:41:55 um uh he he was in the back arguing with his judge and i definitely saw him talking to his girl i think it was his girlfriend or some lady, like his girlfriend judging him. No, no, no. He was talking to someone in the fan who I imagine was his girlfriend. And, uh, and,
Starting point is 00:42:10 and basically while the judge was there and I pictured him saying out of his mouth, yeah, this guy fucking no rep me. And he was like trying to explain to his girlfriend, they were all within like five feet of each other, but it sounds like he kept arguing in the back. Now I want,
Starting point is 00:42:22 I want to, I want to take this one step further. Um, arguing in the back now i want i want to i want to take this one step further um and tell you something i heard chase say uh where is that uh oh here it is here it is here it is here it is um so so chase is saying oh so chase so after that happened um in the next heat i can't remember who had that same judge but chase said it's the the athletes need to know who their judges are what is this the umpires at the mlb but but but but here's the thing there's a there's kind of a ā€“ what he's saying is true even though it shouldn't be that way. It's not realistic.
Starting point is 00:43:08 What I'm saying is that ā€“ so I had a friend who was a professional arm wrestler, Travis Bajent, and he said you're always arm wrestling two people, the guy you're arm wrestling against and the referee. You have to beat both of them. If you blame the referee for something, you fucked up. You already know. You already know. That doesn't work that way it doesn't matter well at least you knew what i was trying i know that was good no i like it you can start doing that thank you thank you thank you uh can you get that notarized and send that to me so uh i don't get another point on my youtube station so so he he's right um on one hand you can be blaming you can be blaming if you want to see
Starting point is 00:43:49 it blaming the event um yeah the event should be this the event should be that but you as the athlete do you want to fucking go to the games and win or not do you think fucking tia doesn't figure out who her refs are that shane orr's not up there and goes okay you got the guy you can't see good don't worry like i. These motherfuckers know. No way. You think that they're walking out of the Frazier type notebook and like, all right, we had this judge back in 2012 and this judge didn't like it.
Starting point is 00:44:14 I wouldn't be surprised. That wasn't in Frazier's book. I'm exaggerating, but on the same hand, if you do, you do need to do your due diligence. If you can, you can do. And then of course there's people who are there just saying, Hey man, like the, the commentators are saying like, dude, Medeiros is lockout at the top is insane.
Starting point is 00:44:37 There's never a question. So there's those guys too. Right. We're just fucking good. Yeah. Like rich. I mean, you never, he moved so well that there's just never up for a question like he doesn't he doesn't ride the line but you see some of the best athletes like when they walk out there the more seasoned ones i should say when they walk out there you'll
Starting point is 00:44:53 watch them talk to their judge though oh yeah yeah kalipa was a master of schmoozing his judge like hey is this good what's about 20 so they're and schmooze them and lay some of your star power on them i mean like like you know like a bee will rub its butt on a flower i'm telling you you're the entire issue with this entire thing ziv on you rub your fucking rub your pollen on them like a bee yes that's what you're saying yes yes yes hey did you know how many instagram followers i have i'll send some of your way if you don't know right hey uh what if rich told his judge before event you can have my shirt when this is over well then i wouldn't blame him for giving him some reps he had no rep though i
Starting point is 00:45:29 saw i saw him hit a no rep it was a thruster his first thruster at the 135 bar in that workout at a no rep uh that judge will burn in hell that's why that's why he threw his sweaty shirt at someone he was pissed fuck this shirt it's. He threw up the entire volume that he had programmed out for the next 10 months. Um, one extra. I realized why the games are boring. Why semifinals are boring.
Starting point is 00:45:57 And it's not their fault at all. At all. I just, I just, I just totally cracked the code. The-finals are amazing they're the most beautiful people in the world doing some of the most amazing things that we also do we like the people there's good stories there's tons of fun still like there is really cool media around crossfit no matter all the shit we talk i mean there's people like like you would never
Starting point is 00:46:21 know what the fuck's going on with scott panchick If he was in the NFL, you'd have to hear some orthopedic surgeon come out. We had an MRI on him and we're having some of the finest blood. Shut the fuck up. And then he's going to go in a week from all the HGH. Not Panchick, but the people in the NFL. Oh, Scotty. I'm sorry, Andrew. I had to go at you like that.
Starting point is 00:46:42 I said it wasn't Scotty. Devon said it was. Anyway, I'm waiting for the point I had to go at you like that. I said it wasn't Scotty. Devon said it was. Anyway, I'm waiting for the point where you tell me why the games are boring. And it's not the game's fault at all. Will you bring up this Instagram clip? I saw this today, and I'm like, yeah, I have this in my hand. How can the semifinals compete with this? And this is the most ā€“ this is one of the game boy event this is the most this is one
Starting point is 00:47:06 of the most you know every day you see the most amazing thing you've ever seen on instagram this is i can't even believe this is real this is like matrix shit okay it's we have a man who's crossing the street now be patient with this this one unfolds really nicely crosses the street oh boom crosses the street. Oh. Boom. You're fucking kidding me. This is not what you're showing me right now.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Wait for it. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Oh, shit. And hold on, it's better. Oh, shit. This episode is brought to you by New Balance Running. New Balance believes if you run, you're a runner. Whether you're going for your first ever run around the park or going for your personal best in a marathon.
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Starting point is 00:48:19 Maybe you'd like to see how your genes influence certain traits like diet, fitness, and allergies. There's so much of you and your heritage to discover. Visit and get started with an Ancestry DNA kit today. I hope Alexis is watching this right now. And there's the dude. There's the dude that comes walking back. Can you believe that?
Starting point is 00:48:42 He comes walking back. One more time. This is... Jeez. I have a story for you, time. This is... Jeez. I have a story for you, Simon. I have a story. Oh my. How do they have all these camera angles?
Starting point is 00:48:54 I mean, that is ridiculous. I got something for you. I, one night, spent three hours watching car crash videos on YouTube just because you can't stop watching them. And I know exactly what you mean. How is crossfit going to compete with car crashes yeah and how are they getting them cars have dash cams now like my buddy's got a dash cam the other night he's like you gotta see what happened to me on the road the other day he shows us the dash cam we're all
Starting point is 00:49:16 like yeah this is awesome how is that what you're saying yeah i was going to compete with a dash cam yeah hey you want to see what happens when a truck full of 32,000 chickens flips over? Let's look at it. I mean, it's just fucking nuts. All right. Here's the thing. How many people signed up for the Open this year? Like 300,000?
Starting point is 00:49:33 Yes. Do you know how many cars there are driving on the road? Right. With people with cell phones, there's so many more opportunities to catch something way cooler. Like today, you saw Spring edge jason hopper on that 20 minute workout that happens what once a weekend and those only happen three weekends out of the year yeah and that's one of the best single time you're into a car there's a chance that something like that happens chickens flipping over on the highway like you said that's a good video i've never seen
Starting point is 00:49:58 that one and i've seen a lot we'll pull it up on our next show yeah and another thing that i think that they're really missing out on wad zombie just said it right there was that there's no behind the scenes because that was the biggest thing was you, you got to know those athletes. Like you, like, I felt like I've been to Rich's house several times, you know, when you did the day in the life videos and those types of things that came, like you were in their house, you saw, you know, his relationship with his parents and everything else. So when you were watching about the competition floor, it was like watching your buddy. You're a little bit more connected with him. You have that
Starting point is 00:50:28 relationship. Now that that's gone and all these new athletes are coming in and we don't know much about them, it is harder to stay focused with it because you just don't have the relationship built with them. I can't keep just fucking interviewing them all. Yes, you can. No,
Starting point is 00:50:44 I can't. I'm sorry like someone's gonna be like god you're so fucking arrogant there's 10 other people out there interviewing us well fine then i'm arrogant but i i can't yeah their interviews fucking suck i know they're so bad i know i know anyone here right now watching this they're so bad because they're i talked about this it's like oh what did you eat for breakfast this morning and then what's your dog's name oh isn't it a great dog it's like all right come on like we've heard this 10 times the dog's name is red yeah you brought your dog into this and then and then you ask him some serious questions like things that people want to hear about you get in trouble it's stupid you get in trouble if you're not getting in trouble you're not doing your job i think for
Starting point is 00:51:21 fabian benito it didn't matter in the end he came second in the event and on the lift he got the no rep he still had a lower weight than first place i believe yeah he got second great take away all the drama from my story thank you whoever the fuck that was who ruined that story uh did you see um uh lazar lazar uh jukic scream when his brother missed the lift, the first 132? Did you by any chance see that? I saw him scream when he hit the lift. Yeah, he hit 136, and then his brother missed 132. And it was like ā€“ do you have any ā€“ are you an older brother? Are either of you an older brother?
Starting point is 00:52:01 I am. I am. And do you have a special relationship with your younger brother? Or do you remember being, being when you were younger, like having like a special, like. I have a younger sister.
Starting point is 00:52:10 What? I have a younger sister. So I don't know if what you're saying applies here. Oh, you're raising your eyebrows. Eh? Well, you can just see.
Starting point is 00:52:18 I thought you were doing. I guess I, I, there was something really cool about it like i could tell it hurt him like he didn't like it that his brother missed not that he was mad at his brother but it hurt him like like he felt the miss himself i just thought it was a cool as a cool how could his brother possibly do that to him if he knew it was going to cause him that much pain right what the fuck was he thinking well it's the lip um and and then lazar hit 140 and i want to come back and talk about that and then luca eventually hit 132 which is cool um lazar hitting 140 i think uh puts everyone
Starting point is 00:52:51 on notice at the games this year i don't agree with you he's you don't so you still think he's weak as a bird i don't think it's comparable because the point in the weekend the hayley adams of fucking the dudes god you're so aggressive no i don't think he's the Hayley Adams of fucking the dudes? God, you're so aggressive. No, I don't think he's that. No, well, I guess that could also be a compliment because she's a top contender of the games every year. Where did Lazar finish last year? Do you know? I don't, but it was, I think it was clearly just strength.
Starting point is 00:53:18 I mean, he dominated the, him and Ricky, him and Ricky could put on a fucking clinic. If Hinshaw ever dies they could take over that space i mean those guys are amazing are you looking up where he finished last year yeah and i'm getting a uh an error has occurred please refresh the page on the game site here let me show you i went that happens all the time to pull up the old leaderboard and boom are you getting it you Yeah, I got it. I got it.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Okay. He finished ninth. Yep, ninth. I was going to say tenth. I would have been close. And his worst finish was... 140 is only 308. And that would have not been so hot over at the syndicate.
Starting point is 00:54:05 We're at 308 placement syndicate. All right. Now I'm clicking around. I'm clicking around too. Let me get back over there. I went over to the games. That was a mistake. Who do I think I am?
Starting point is 00:54:14 Oh, they haven't even done what you say. It's the first workout. That's it. See, that's the difference. It was the first workout of the weekend. So it's not really the same,
Starting point is 00:54:21 but it would have been 17th place. Fifth. Shut up. You're wrong. It's 17th. Fifth place. Fifth. Shut up. You're wrong. It's 17th. Oh, okay. Oh, you're right. You're right.
Starting point is 00:54:30 You're right. Yes. You are so right. So, and, but maybe throw on, maybe he hits 315 or the first workout. Maybe we don't even actually know that because it was idiotic. They crossed it that you can put the workout wherever you want to put the workout. What is wrong with them? Like, why would you have a standardized workout and then say you could do a thousand wall balls and then go do that yeah that and I mean when I mean wall balls I mean
Starting point is 00:54:52 the 27 259 thruster with the dumbbells which somebody that comments earlier brought up the elbow lockouts on the dumbbells and it was not good like ever and they were all soft for the most part with the exception of like the top top athletes. Laura Horvath looked pretty good, and BKG looked pretty good. But for the most part, it's just a hard movement to lock out. Which movement? What are you talking about? I lost you. Which movement?
Starting point is 00:55:15 The dumbbell thrusters at the lowlands. It was the 27, 21, 59 with the interval work. I think we talked about that earlier today. Yes, yes. But do you know what I'm talking about? It appears as if there is room for extension on the lockout, and it's very similar to the knee bend with Tia Toomey and Fabian launching the bar over his shoulders.
Starting point is 00:55:36 There's room for more. And there was somebody who got a no rep. I believe it was BKG. He got called on a no rep, and he just keeps on moving, and that's all you have to do. And when got got called on a no rep and he just keeps on moving and that's all you have to do and when he got called on the no rep he did more which is exactly what you were talking about earlier with the arm wrestling guy travis pageant like he played to the judge he was he was trying to and then the judge told him to do more so he did more but the thing is all the other judges weren't telling everybody else to do more so all of a sudden bkg and every
Starting point is 00:56:03 single rep is doing more and nobody else is doing more and then all of a sudden the fitness competition's all fucked up hey i bet you when someone no reps noah olsen he goes i love you i bet you he's like he's like fucking cycle 135 pound thrusters like faster than fucking god and he's on like number 17 on broken and the guy's like no rep and no is like i love you you saying that right now do you realize what we did what we didn't invite the person we were gonna invite on to the show do you realize that oh shit she probably didn't watch it anyway i'm i'm asking if this person's free can we have her jump on is that cool i'll send her a link if she says so um tell andrew it's called hgh where are you reading this i just in my text and and wait what i guess are we talking about panchik again when you refer to
Starting point is 00:56:59 scott panchik being on the juice i didn't i keep on telling you i didn't you didn't texting you we doesn't matter it doesn't matter who's texting me okay um oh you're probably responding to my text i sent in a group chat all right what's your next topic seven what do you got which event do let's talk about the events we haven't done very much of that. Oh my God. Podcast, podcast, podcast, podcast. Okay, so we talked about Lazar. BKG did a
Starting point is 00:57:33 143. Then he looked at the crowd and then he looked at the camera. Boss. It's a boss. What did he look at next? Look at the camera. Boss. It's a boss. It's a boss move. What did he look at next? Look at the camera.
Starting point is 00:57:50 I think then he dropped it and then just walked away. But it was such a boss move. Yeah, he's a showman. Yeah, he's feeling himself. I'm feeling him. Oh, maybe I could send him a... BKG? Yeah, maybe I could send him a... BKG? Yeah, maybe I could send him a...
Starting point is 00:58:10 Oh, man, the fights are going on right now. I'm going to see if I can... Oh, no, is he asleep? They're eight hours ahead. It's 10 o'clock there. He's probably asleep. It's not like he's doing anything important. Send him a link.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Just send him a link anyway? He's got nothing going on tomorrow. No. Let's see. Oh yeah yeah oh he just texted me um he just texted me 14 minutes ago what did it say hgh to say hi he gets a random text that says that no No pressure. I have some Viagra. That's what he texted you. Right. All the way from over.
Starting point is 00:58:50 I'm coming to your room. Barry Hooper. Sevan, is there any news about the no rep from Judge on James Sprague for stepping out of the lane before the finish with Hopper? Wow. That's the first I'm hearing it. Have you guys heard anything about that? I saw
Starting point is 00:59:08 that there were, I didn't notice it in real time, but I was in the comment section and people were talking about how the judge had no rep to him and then I had to jump on this really quick. I try to get into the show before you guys do, but I wish you could pull it up
Starting point is 00:59:23 because I know exactly what he's talking about because they finished like neck and neck, and apparently the judge no-repped him, and then he ran to the finish line, and then it's just a wash. They completely disregarded it. Whatever. So you're saying he handstand walked across the last yellow line. But didn't finish it. And then the judge no-repped him. What do you but didn't finish it and then the judge no rep what do you
Starting point is 00:59:46 mean didn't finish it like he didn't clearly cross the yellow line oh shit is there any clarification on this i'm gonna go i gotta go look at it yeah go look at it and i'll bring up the next subject that's a great question barry your youtube channel is no good anymore apparently yeah thank you thank you for bringing that up hillar will inspect that in real time all we ask is for a small donation of a thousand dollars thank you yeah uh bjorkman also said that the crowd was amazing and uh and i have here he meant it like he said it and he meant it he said the crowd was amazing got him fired up he basically said it was fucking insane in there um uh oh shit no tommy you have your own show no all right there was no no rep by the judge um his hand exited the lane after the
Starting point is 01:00:37 yellow line so he crossed the he crossed the yellow line and anything it looks like his pinky maybe you can't really tell from the camera view but i would have to say that he's all good to go because he crossed the yellow line of his hands in play so that's no big deal well because the way the way that i read it and the way that this was making me think about it was the judge no repped him so he would have had to have then gone and redone the entire 40 feet section because it had to be a 40 foot unbroken section correct and he was in the lane for the whole 40 feet and then you can't tell where his pinky is so like it was the camera so the pinky was like this out of the lane then i guess he would have
Starting point is 01:01:19 had a no rep but from our point of view you can't. And the judge is the final call on the floor. He stepped out of the lane. Barry, how could he step out of the lane if he was a handstand walk? Damn. Now we got some problems with our vernacular. Semantic vernacular. Someone send the Khaleesi the link to the podcast. She's my new, she's's i want to have her on i want to invite her on um i need to invite her on i'm just scared here's the
Starting point is 01:01:53 thing i'm 95 sure she'll say no just which is like i think that about everyone um but uh but but if she says yes i just i just want to make sure that I'm like, like, like a perfect, like, it's like having, I feel like it's like having a really important guest in my house and I just want to make sure it's, we haven't invited her yet. Right. We have not. No, no. I'm kind of scared of her.
Starting point is 01:02:17 I'm more scared of her than I was of Hiller. How's that? No shit. This is offensive. I'm going to leave the show. I'm going to do something and i'm gonna make you afraid again um uh so so i i like that the bjorgman loved the crowd at the lowlands that makes me happy that gives me warm and fuzzies um taylor commented that he liked chase's commentary
Starting point is 01:02:39 which i thought was fucking hilarious because then crossfit wrote back in the comments so chase wrote that in the chat on the side um during the lowlands he said uh i really like the commentary chase is doing and then and then crossfit responded back um thank you or something we agree yes and but i want to tell chase what you're taylor you need to write back to them why didn't they like your commentary? Because they fucking hated Taylor's commentary yesterday because that's why they fucking pulled it down off my YouTube station, right? That's what it was? No, I'm joking. But the irony ā€“ it's not even a pay-per-view event.
Starting point is 01:03:15 At first I was like, hey, I totally get it. I stole their shit. They want to pull it down. I get it. But the fact that they had a choice when it got reported that they could have said leave it up and just make money off of it or pull it down, charge them with copyright. They chose the copyright to ding me. But I was thinking in hindsight, that's kind of a dick move because ā€“ Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 01:03:35 You and I would never do that to anyone, right? I mean we're not owned by ā€“ It's more eyeballs. It's more eyeballs. It's more eyeballs. Yes. Yes. It shows you the monstrosity of their ego why not let us just fucking do your we pumping your we're pumping your shit up
Starting point is 01:03:51 pumping your shit up we're fluffing your girl for you yeah clearly they don't know what the hell's going on about i mean maybe we could just ask who's in charge we'll just call up the ceo and uh oh wait that's right there is no there is no c there is no leader it's just chaos and it's just there's no cto there's no there's no there's no president there's no president there's there's listen there listen you ready for those of you listening i just said it i just said it i just said there's no president uh morning chalk up needs to redo it joe biden isn't the president anymore no there's no precedent. Morning Chalk Up needs a redo. Joe Biden isn't the president anymore? No, there's no president of CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:04:29 The leadership there is thinning out extremely fast. Who's left? What's left? Where are you going? I said that. So we've got Adrian Bosman and we've got Justin Berg left over, right? That's it? No, no.
Starting point is 01:04:44 It's basically got Nicole Carroll and you've got Justin Berg left over, right? That's it. No, no. It's basically got Nicole Carroll and you got the girl from ways and you got the CFO has moved over into the CEO position. They got a CEO now that I don't think they've told anyone. And then the president has, there is a CEO now. Yeah, kind of, but, but it's the CFO also. And then the, and then the president has moved. The president is actually moved into another position. Do you say the CFO is now the ceo yes so that's not good no that's not a good sign ever for a company but let's wait till tommy and sean reported accurately yeah well you don't understand corporate structure
Starting point is 01:05:17 so i know we gotta wait for the professionals to come and speak that's a but i don't want to get ahead of myself that's next week's show. I got all sorts of fun stuff to tell you guys. Sevan, send Dan Bailey a link. Yeah. Right after I send Pee Wee Herman a link. I was talking across it. And?
Starting point is 01:05:35 On the live stream. Whoever the moderator is, they were responding to me. They know who I am. That's good to know. Because I was always... They sure do. They said,
Starting point is 01:05:44 they said, good afternoon, Vengeance. And I was like, oh, they know who I am. that's good to know because I was always sure do they said uh they said good afternoon vengeance and I was like oh they know who I am that's cool they know what I'm doing too but that's the first I've ever heard of them were they interacted with a lot of people in that comment section I didn't really see them they kind of were not like that not like they were with Hillary not like that no
Starting point is 01:05:59 they were in and out of like different comments but check the background like someone might be joining us they okay they were they were in and out of like different comments but check the background like someone might be joining us okay they were they were courting they were courting Hiller for sure I saw it it was it was a nice
Starting point is 01:06:15 they were doing a dance oh shit see damn it Haley killed Haley killed event for first to finish. Can we see how the women standing at the syndicate and see what's going on there?
Starting point is 01:06:29 Yes. Excuse me. It warmed my heart. I want to always see her do well. I'm a fan. Wait. What was that? Was his name up there that whole time oh shit yeah he's totally dominating
Starting point is 01:06:51 what is that hey hit by ranking oh you have it by workout oh look at that shit that's funny this is just like golf so he's actually winning uh okay and then go to the women so we have a we have a guest here So he's actually winning. Uh, okay. Uh, and then go to the women.
Starting point is 01:07:07 So we have a, uh, we have a guest here. Hey, check this out. This is, this is kind of incredible. okay. We'll go back to that.
Starting point is 01:07:16 Annika. What's up? How are you? Good. How are you? I'm good. How is the, Oh shit.
Starting point is 01:07:22 Uh, um, Daniel Brandon's, uh, hair shit fell on your head I had this during Quarters let's I had this since February Oh yours fell on her head
Starting point is 01:07:32 Yeah we'll go with that That's the way that that works you know Did you Have a chance to watch any of the semifinals I have seen bits and pieces It's been on at the gym so like i've seen i know who has done well and what but i haven't watched like the full start to finish and when you say the gym where are you i'm in i'm at peak 360 right now i'm in miami is that that's guido trinidad's gym yes sir and
Starting point is 01:08:01 what are you doing there aren't you canadian? I am. Yes, very much so. I was just kind of, I needed to go train with some people. And I've still been trying to find somewhere where I can train full time. And I really liked it there when I went before Waza. And I kind of, I don't know. Me and Cooper were just kind of talking. I was like, yo, what about Miami? So I just kind of came back.
Starting point is 01:08:21 And I love it here. So we're just chilling. And how long have you been there? What's the date today? It's 21st. I've been here six days maybe. And I'm here until the 26th. Where's next? I'm actually going from here street to New York, to long Island to see Christian Harris, uh,
Starting point is 01:08:44 like his like move fast lift heavy team um because one of my agents like deb like owns the move fast lift heavy gym and i love them so i want to see them before they go to semis um because i don't think i'll be able to see them before the games and stuff so and then they'll all part ways again so yeah we'll go hang out for a couple days then i'll go back to the great white north for a bit but what about um since you're down there why not check out um where emma carrie and james sprague um naples they're in naples with matt torres camp yeah isn't that easy just jump just drive across florida yeah it's in naples i went there after waterpalooza um because i got covid so i got stuck in florida for like 10 extra days nice but yeah so i went down to maples to like hang out for a bit and i love them i mean like james and dallin like i've known them for years and even same with emma because like we did the
Starting point is 01:09:36 teens together and they're they're great but uh not somewhere i can see myself being like full time and james is gone right now. Anyways, he's competing. Um, Dallin's competing next weekend. Like Emma's hurt. I don't know what, I don't know when Phil's competing, but so I just didn't.
Starting point is 01:09:53 I think he's already been there. Yeah. Or he might be a granite games, granite games. That's two weekends from now. It's one of the nicest places on the planet. I know it's expensive as all get out, but Naples.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Yeah. Why, why, why, why, what, what, what, what didn't sit well with you there? The weather, the nicest places on the planet i know it's expensive as all get out but naples yeah why why why why what what what didn't sit well with you there the weather the people you wanted different training partners you wanted more ladies and it's dude heavy or i don't know it was just like they had their dynamic i like oh my god matt torres is a great coach like i loved being around there and like it was super fun but they had like their dynamic set and it was kind of like like their dynamic without me almost seemed perfect and I was like I don't want to disrupt that you know like it seemed it works perfectly for them and I just my place like it my place wasn't like super clear there so I loved it I'd go down and train with them like just to pop in and stuff um but full-time i was like i couldn't really like
Starting point is 01:10:45 i just didn't feel or like i couldn't see myself being there full-time is there a huge difference from being at peak 360 some with someone like noah versus over at kotler's gym with someone like danielle brandon like you walk into danielle's gym and she's like bitch what you doing here and i was like oh oh my god annika so you're even more beautiful in person. Please come have a water. He just stops his training. I mean, is it just like, holy shit. It is very different.
Starting point is 01:11:12 It's definitely very different. It's like super different vibes because it's not like a training camp, right? It's not like the underdogs camp. It's not like the Invictus camp. It's like Noah. And then they have like a super solid group of like high level rx athletes like there's another Esteban who's going to South American
Starting point is 01:11:30 semis he's quite fit um like they have just like a big group of really fit people who just love to like grind and that's just like so like me like I just like I just want to grind all day right and it's just like mindset dude you sound like a mayhem athlete. Maybe you need to do it with Haley. They do mayhem. You said you were going to do mayhem. I think what's funny, the like RX group of athletes here, they all train together.
Starting point is 01:11:54 They all do mayhem. Like Noah doesn't. They'll like kind of jump in sometimes. But all that group here, they do mayhem. So I've been doing some of mayhem stuff while I'm here. So you're trying to say that is mayhem going to be a stop on this trip of yours you're going to naples no you're not going to mayhem you've got an invite or you just don't want to go there uh no i like i i have a couple friends down there i know the dynamic i know it wouldn't i know it wouldn't suit me i know enough
Starting point is 01:12:17 about myself to know that i don't think i would fit in what type of work do you look for just people like i don't know it's just like i'm a big like vibes guy i'm a big vibes guy so like it's just a vibe like sometimes you meet people and they you just vibe like they just have like they think similar to you like they want to work like it's just like positive you're being built up like you're grinding but you're still like happy i don't know it's very it's it's it's a vibe what is the average age in maples matt 85 i don't know i was gonna make that joke but i didn't want to cut you off yeah everyone in naples is just super super duper old say that again everyone in naples is super duper i was gonna say rich and old rich and rich yeah well they usually go hand in hand you go accumulate older right one of my friends just text me are you
Starting point is 01:13:10 watching any semis fuck you 65.4 yeah but and that was two years ago this year it's 85 well so they all died after that they all died i noticed um in the chipper today, Justin Medeiros does GHDs with his eyes closed. Is this normal? I would fucking throw up if I did that. Yes, that is so normal. It is normal. I do them with my eyes closed. I do most of everything with my eyes closed.
Starting point is 01:13:36 I bike with my eyes closed. This is the next adaptive division. Wow. You do ride the Assault and the echo with your uh eyes closed yeah oh shut the fuck up and why why do you do that i don't want to see how slow i'm going now it helps good so i actually okay this is funny when my ponytail sometimes will fall in front of my eyes and this is how i discovered i liked not being able to see because it's like i sometimes when i'm like hurting so bad it's like sensory overload almost like i don't want to be able to see here like i'm hurting so bad that i don't want to be
Starting point is 01:14:13 able to see anymore i'm just like just shut it out you're kind of like daredevil in a sense then because you can't see the other senses are heightened you just become you're becoming a superhero all right dear devil annika greer dear devil nice to meet you i'm batman how are you do you know when you work out so hard that your head tingles yeah um that's the beta alanine alanine beta alanine right before that happens there's this point where like i can't um when i'm working out when it's funny you say that oh sensory overload i can't have any mute like. If I'm wearing headphones or the music's on in the room, it has to be turned off. All of a sudden, everything becomes crazy loud to me.
Starting point is 01:14:49 I'm getting just overwhelmed. You get that too, Sousa? Yeah, like right after I finish a workout, one of the first things I do is usually just go down and turn down the music. Why do you guys work out with music on? I normally don't, but when I do. Because I'm a normal human being. It's not fun. Not all the stuff is you.
Starting point is 01:15:08 If we're on the topic of music, have you heard the music at the semis? It's just the worst ever. You were saying that. It was terrible. Much rather listen to nothing. It's that god awful big booty mix. What are you pooping your face up for? You like that crap?
Starting point is 01:15:24 Every 45 seconds there's a new song and after you've heard it three times through you know like what song's coming up next so it's like this mix and this one's like motherfucker turn it off you played that at the gym that's funny though you mentioned that because i don't know i like the music the big booties are like super overplayed now you got to get on to the soundcloud mixes some of those are way hyper like big booty is like it's like good for like class workouts because they're like an hour long like you can play them while you coach like well you know you coach are you do you coach i i not yes i have not currently so suza you coach a lot of hours now i don't know if this is like a coaching
Starting point is 01:16:02 a lot of hours deal but when the exact same song is on, you're like, okay, this song is coming out, which would be at this point in the hour now. Okay. Cause you know, the song so well, according to the time of which you started the freaking big booty mix.
Starting point is 01:16:13 Savannah has no idea what we're talking about. I have no fucking idea what the big booty mix is. But he's into it because he likes it. Look at it. Look at it. What? Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:16:23 Completely lost. But anyway, the music is pretty bad there. They're playing some, some stuff that no one should listen to in the middle of lifting events. And while they're putting people in the stands, they're playing like gospel music, which is okay.
Starting point is 01:16:37 Sometimes it's got a place. Everything has a place. Yeah. You know, I'll, I'll listen to that as well. But in, in event number four, I saw Alex Smith do the entire handstand walk without walking.
Starting point is 01:16:50 Before then, I hadn't seen anyone do that. What? Without walking? Sorry, without stopping. Alex Smith did the entire handstand walk without stopping. He did all 80 feet. Before then, I hadn't seen anyone do that. Then in the next heat, all the guys started doing that towards the end did you see that yes um is that what happened they saw alex do it and he kind of like broke the no they're just the better dudes and they would have
Starting point is 01:17:14 done it anyway yeah yes what do you what do you think on like an 80 feet for a hand if you basically they had to do five uh they had to do how many rounds does that work out? It was five rounds. And each round, they had to do an 80-foot handstand walk, and they could take one break at 40 feet. How would you have done it? Okay, so does the handstand walk go back into the ski or back into the GHD? Back into the ski. But you also get to traverse the entire floor to get back to the ski.
Starting point is 01:17:40 So it's not like immediately after. Probably I'm broken then. Honestly, like I can recover my breathing i find the ski like ski is my worst machine so like it taxes my breathing more than anything so like i could do the 80 feet i'm broken get my like lungs back and then run with my arms like shaking on the way back to get my shoulders back i'd probably try to go on broken like yeah especially if i know i'm not going to be the first one off the ski. Like, yeah. This is the meanest thing anyone's ever said.
Starting point is 01:18:08 This became the talking elite fitness for a few minutes. Yeah. Bruce gets angry when he drinks. Savon is dreaming about homeless doing meth on his couch. Thank you. What was Sarah thinking? What did Sarah end up lifting? I must have not been watching that closely because I didn't see her make one lift. That's what she got in 93?
Starting point is 01:18:35 She hit her first lift, jumped to 97, and then missed that, and then went down to 95 and missed that as well. Can you pull up the woman's leaderboard, Sousa, so we can look at it? Is she out, Hiller? I believe I thought that she was going to have a real struggle getting in. Let me confirm that real quick.
Starting point is 01:18:55 I looked at it earlier. Yeah, she's probably out. She's 40 points out with two events to go, and the people ahead of her are Gabby and Lucy Campbell. Gabby is the closer one, too. i can't imagine her overtaking her there but like we were saying it's that husafel carry strongman diane you need like a laura horvath sort of handstand push-up falter and i don't see that happening from gabby and laura is way so far ahead that she's clear no matter what on that workout yeah sarah's kind of screwed she's clear no matter what on that workout. Yeah, Sarah's kind of screwed.
Starting point is 01:19:25 She's out. It's her fourth workout of the day, and it was her worst workout. She went a 10, 8, 6, and I was kind of hoping from there she'd go to a 5, 4, 3, and instead she got a 12. Do you think mentally she's checked out too? Someone in the comments said that there was something wrong with her, and I don't know anything about that. Maybe Mr. Friend will chime in on that at some point because he's there.
Starting point is 01:19:50 Something wrong meaning like some sort of injury? Something like that. The way I read it was more Ricky Garrard-esque where he's just not at peak for whatever reason. Are you surprised that Gabby was in fourth and now she's in fifth are you surprised she dropped down the spot um no not so much i mean she took fifth and she took fourth those are still very good finishes and it's just like yeah she's fine there but shouldn't she be beating all of these girls karen freyova matilda garns lucy camp Campbell shouldn't she be beating them? Somebody in the earlier show
Starting point is 01:20:25 was talking how is Tia Tooby peaking for the Torian or is she peaking for the games and I said both it's very possible that Gabby just hasn't peaked yet and she's going to be peaking for the games because she was also peaked if you will at the Rogue Invitational she finished well there
Starting point is 01:20:41 possible she's just where she needs to be right now and where she needs to be is still 32 points ahead of sixth place which is perfectly fine uh is that true what do you think about that annika when i when i hear peaking i just think it's bullshit because i'm not an athlete and i don't know that stuff i just think of athletes as having two modes injured or not injured rested or not rested do you do you think that someone could be would show up to this event not peaking? I think they could show up tired. Like if they hadn't. When I think of peaking, I think of like having the perfect amount of volume and then dropping it a little bit while keeping me like for me, at least.
Starting point is 01:21:22 I feel like every athlete is different. I mean, because my coach only has one athlete, I don't like myself, I don't have a lot of experience with like how other athletes do that. But when I think of peaking, I think of like going hard, like big volume. And then like a week before you drop the volume, but you keep the intensity.
Starting point is 01:21:38 So you still feel like that, like go pressure, like that competition kind of vibes, but you don't have the volume. So you're like, you have fire under the hood. You know what I mean? Like you want to go, like, you're not tired. So I guess like maybe if she didn't drop the volume was like, I don't know, like if she came in tired, if her knee, like I honestly, there could be so many different things like mentally, even if she didn't, there's a, there's a lot of different options there. I like the way you described that, uh,
Starting point is 01:22:04 rested enough so that you feel like you want to go like you're not going like you're not going uh sorry go ahead andrew aren't you the master of talking about things that could possibly be going wrong with people at times of competition it's like very unique to crossfit in particular where there are times of the year where things could certainly not be going properly. And it could be, or if you're a woman, it's month, it's fucking monthly.
Starting point is 01:22:27 That's yeah. That's kind of what I was alluding to. You brought that up on a podcast. Got you in trouble once. I used to be employed. I used to be, you used to be employed until you started talking about crap like that. Way to go.
Starting point is 01:22:37 Way to ruin it. Now you're talking to me on a podcast. Uh, but no, it could happen with anybody. We can talk about like someone someone in the comments said their shoulders banged up or annika's talking about the just being tired it's a real thing with some people and they have to compete on this weekend
Starting point is 01:22:54 and maybe she'll be better in another weekend or maybe she won't who knows it's just very unique to the sport of fitness do you think anyone came into this weekend and didn't taper didn't didn't do you think anyone just like came here and was like, OK, I'm just this. Just they did just a normal training week. Just right up to it. Yeah. Pancake. Who the fuck is that guy?
Starting point is 01:23:17 Let's ask you, Anika, what do you think about that? So do you know what happened to him? No, I saw Noah like literally right before he left the gym. No, I was like, man, Scott went through. I was like, like oh like i i have no idea what happened he's kicking ass what we can put together is this he's kicking ass he's doing great he's gonna go to the games everything seems like it's on point um he may even have his best performance ever and uh he's doing uh the rope climb workout and on the descent he on the descent he he lands on some of the excess rope that's on the ground and he and he pops his good knee he damages his good knee not even his bad knee and he had to
Starting point is 01:23:52 withdraw do you when you go to competitions do you do you expect there not to be rope on the ground where you're competing like do you expect the rope to be short like a foot off the ground six inches off the ground on a workout that fast where people are literally letting go i think it would be smart um so that you don't because i've rolled my ankle actually didn't danny spiegel roll her ankle at the games 2021 someone said that in the comments someone said yeah she did and yeah somewhere i mean like you could also roll your ankle from dropping too high and just landing weird like there's you can roll your ankle coming down off a box if you're me like like there's so many ways you can do that but that would definitely eliminate one of the factors is getting rid of that off the bottom um i honestly probably wouldn't have thought about it until
Starting point is 01:24:38 someone did that but but i mean that could definitely, yeah, that would remove. It's also what Susie was saying earlier, where like, if you do have it hanging off the ground, all of a sudden it's a different movement. Like it makes the rope climb that is legless more challenging when it's hanging off the ground like that. I didn't buy that shit for a second. You believe you bought that shit? And also the thing I wanted to relay this into the entire, the second you get up off of this chair that we're all sitting in you're putting yourself at risk and if you're in a competition you're you're risking your and i guess
Starting point is 01:25:09 i'm just fighting savans that they're they totally fucked up it was all across fitzpaul bluff remember you were talking about well you kind of limit the risks right and then you should try to limit the risk yes you could limit obvious risk you're not going to save somebody from running down the thing and rolling their ankle but if you have excess rope and a fast rope climb where you know people are going to be dropping down and then turning and running you would limit that risk especially because they've done the event before it's not their first time doing it gary not nice not nice buddy it's got to be off of anything as a liability i had a buddy once who came down off of the top bunk on a bunk bed and tore his acl so like he it was just like uh he
Starting point is 01:25:45 puts his feet over the end and just hops off and pop you can hear like pop oh no you you don't you don't you don't uh let the formula one race car uh cars drive on the track and just warn them about a pothole around uh turn number three you fucking fill that thing is that how analogies work you can just make anything to fit anything at all yeah yeah yeah god you sound so smart when you say shit like that but i'm like god he does that with everything what about uh what about what about tuda magda annika did you see this uh this this man who dropped from heaven this 19 year old training with james townsend do you know who this cat is yes me and Tudor go go way back
Starting point is 01:26:25 I oh my god I was so proud I like I haven't watched a lot of the semis truthfully but we did like we went and rewinded so I could watch his lift Tudor like Tudor and I and even James like honestly we had like a little like trio of friends back in like our tea because we were in teens at the same time and like we went to Waza together as teenagers in 2020 like i yeah tutor is one of like the sweetest most i just love tutor i haven't seen him like because of covid i hadn't seen him since basically wataplooza in 2020 but like to see him like compete that because i know how fit he is he has always been so fit in training and then sometimes he just couldn't like piece it together on the floor and like to see him come out like that on
Starting point is 01:27:10 the floor like oh and like high pressure situations oh my god it made me so proud i was so happy to see that so you're not you're not surprised he's in second place i i am not surprised because i know how fit that kid has been since forever um i haven't seen him compete i not surprised because I know how fit that kid has been since forever. I haven't seen him compete. I'm surprised because I'm not surprised is the wrong word. I like know he has the capacity. I just wasn't sure how it was going to go. And then like, it just, it makes me super, it's kind of, okay.
Starting point is 01:27:46 The, the cats here just knocked over all my rice crackers and we just heard them all spill it's not my fault so you know tutor you're looking for a training camp and we know that james townsend brings up these athletes that are just killers so you see where i'm going with this you're looking for somewhere to go but i have my own own James. I think Jametown. Oh my God, the respect I have for that man. But I have my own James Townsend. I have my Brett Roberts and that is my James Townsend. And he, there ain't no way I am leaving that man. He is my
Starting point is 01:28:16 What Jim? Like. Brett Roberts. What Jim does he own? Oh, he owns CrossFit 782. Prince Edward Island. Um, you guys keep bringing this up the the excess rope is not is like nothing in this workout in terms of making it more difficult they jump i want to see you do the workout with and without excess ropes on and tell me that there's no difference if there's one if there's one workout that i could do it'd be that one at this event it might be i know You were talking about how you were doing a pegboard workout.
Starting point is 01:28:46 Yeah. At 140 pounds, you could just murder this workout. I'm all upper body. My legs are only this long. I've seen you do strict muscle-ups. They're great. They're only this long. It's just a buff torso.
Starting point is 01:28:58 Yeah, that's all I am. Laura opened with 102. Let me ask you, you annika when you see these um um semifinals or would you have gone to the games i i was i'm i was very confident in my ability to be top 20 no matter where i was put yeah especially if you were put in atlas considering everyone's leaving right yes what was that sound is that that was the internal angst that was my existential dread coming out that was i have some thoughts about atlas for sure all right you thought you thought you thought you would be top 20 to games for sure so going no no i don't think i don't that is not a for sure i top 20, like in semis or no, it's not 20 that go.
Starting point is 01:29:45 It's 40. Sorry. Yeah. It's 40. Um, but five from each semifinal in North America. So you think you would have gone, you think that if you would have gone to Atlas, let's say that you'd be going. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:57 Didn't Brian put out some sort of a power ranking saying that that was far and away the least powerful semifinal. Oh yeah. I think so. And it became less powerful after Mal left. Oh, a hundred percent. Because there's like, it's last year, at least with Atlas, even though we had all the Canadians, like it was a deep field.
Starting point is 01:30:14 We didn't have any like podium, like previous podium games athletes, but like we had like 10 to 15 people who are all like multiple times games athletes. Like it was deep but this year it's neither yeah those names pop out at you well prevo daniel red yep carolyn prevo ellie scuds she's a demo team chick emma lawson page powers tori dyson trained trained a bunch of years with katrin, right? Yes, yeah. Yeah, there's no one there who has put a stake in like,
Starting point is 01:30:51 hey, I can go to the games every year. I mean, there's a lot of new young faces there, which is cool. Like Paige, Emma, and Freya are all three that I think will be in the top five. But then you'd have three rookies. You would have three brand new people, assuming that like Caroline Prevost and Caroline Connors, they're the only two previous year's games athletes there. So assuming they continue that streak and go to the games again this year, then you're going to have three rookies. That's wild.
Starting point is 01:31:23 go to the games again this year, then you're going to have three rookies. Like that's just, that's wild. But I mean, I know, I know Emma and Paige and Freya, like, especially I'm quite close with Freya and she is ridiculously fit. I definitely think she could go to the games. But it's just like that many like new faces all in one semi with like no huge heavy hitters. It's like compared to the other ones, like it's, it's a little annoying. I wonder, I wonder what the crowd's going to be like there at Atlas.
Starting point is 01:31:49 Bunch of K-backers. Did you say there won't be a crowd? I thought there were, I thought there were rules and regulations in place keeping the crowd out. Gershwin, how do you know that they cut the rope? Here's, here's another thing too. He can use his eyes and see that the rope is cut. All right, fine, fine.
Starting point is 01:32:07 And we could pull it up if you weren't scared of the strikes. I am very scared. If I send you a screenshot of it, could you put it up there? Because I don't have back-end power. That was just you and Sousa. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. All right, give me two seconds. Keep the conversation going. I'll pull it up.
Starting point is 01:32:24 Well, I think if we pull it up and pause it, it doesn't play anything, right? I don't want to risk it. I don't want to risk it. It'll literally take me 30 seconds. I'm just waiting. I don't know how to sound on text.
Starting point is 01:32:37 I went through all my, I got it. I'm pretty, I'm pretty happy with the show. That's it. Pretty damn happy with the show. We're it. Pretty damn happy with the show. We're at 94, 90 minutes.
Starting point is 01:32:49 We got, we got Gary big chop. Well, you won't, you haven't been here 90 minutes. Okay. I was like, whoa,
Starting point is 01:32:54 no, you've been here. You've been here. Uh, 18 minutes. I'd say a hundred percent honesty. We, uh,
Starting point is 01:33:01 I was like, we brought to send her a link right in the middle of the show. Nice. I cracked a joke about Noah. And he's like, oh shit. Yeah. Who'd you send it to? I sent it to you.
Starting point is 01:33:16 I don't know. Oh, I got it too. Oh shit. You guys can see. Let's clarify for everyone. It is a short rope. Where? Where are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:33:31 At Torian? Torian, yes. Somebody in the comments said that it was short, and it is indeed short. Oh, my God, Matt. Oh, my God, Annika. Oh, my God, Andrew. This must have been so hard for them because that rope must have wiggled around so much because it's not touching the ground. When it's like this, it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:33:49 Yeah, tell them, girl. Tell them, girl. It doesn't matter when it's like this. No. That was good. That's going to be the soundbite. Hey, listen, listen. We're going to have a computer saying it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:34:00 We're looking for a little button to press. Make a note of this, you guys. we were looking for a little button to press make a note of this you guys andrew hiller fucking mr batman matt souza mr affiliate owner who has the lgbq cfl shirt mr fucking uh except everyone they were fucking pounding me saying that the length of the rope mattered in terms of the difficulty now we have the highest caliber athlete in a bozo like me that's just a torso talking torso we we talking about torsos we fucking dispute them and i and i'm gonna say we won hold on hold on i wasn't saying it because it made it easier i was saying that usually you have the excess rope so it doesn't sway around okay we're all right and how's wrong then because
Starting point is 01:34:43 you said why would affiliate owners you it's a bad gym if it has the rope and i was saying well i got 10 of them hanging from my ceiling right now and they have like three feet of coil underneath it oh here's what i'm going to say the top time at syndicate is quicker and they have three of them that are quicker than the top time over at torian and is it because they're better athletes or is it because the rope was longer it's a great great question and you're in in court you're winning the argument but uh in here amongst our peers you're losing i do want to say something as suza said something funny he has he has 10 of these ropes and he has three feet of it resting on the ground that means it has 30 feet of fucking rope on his gym floor.
Starting point is 01:35:29 Oh, it sounds like white privilege to me. My goodness. All that excess rope sitting around. Also, there were four females under four minutes at Syndicate, and there was only one female under four minutes at Torian, and that was Tia Toomey. Interesting. And did she have the fastest time out of all of them? yeah because you know what shut the fuck up it doesn't matter it doesn't
Starting point is 01:35:52 matter i what's all i feel like that's also athlete dependent because i was looking at the torian weights versus the syndicate weights and like 205 was like i don't know eighth or something or like 215 was like eighth at torian i don't know that's not right probably but it was like top 10 and then like that same weight over at syndicate was like almost last so it was like like the weaker people get hurt a lot less at torian versus like like syndicate has some strong ladies there like they have a strong powerful field what would you have hit on that complex anika do you know i probably speculate yes i can speculate because i would have loved to test it yesterday but the day before where is my camera the day before i left for um florida i jammed my thumb this is backwards and i don't know how to move
Starting point is 01:36:43 my hand there we go i jammed my thumb between two kettlebells and I like really messed it up. So it's like black. Yeah. So I can't hook grip right now. So I can't really test it because I can't cycle anything heavy. But I think I could because I would have loved to actually test it and see. But I think I would be, I would open at like 215. Wow.
Starting point is 01:37:04 I would be happy with 225, I would open at like two 15, 15. Wow. I would be, I would be happy with two 25. I think, um, that would be, I'd be happy with two 25. And then two 30 would be gravy. Did you see this girl's body? Yeah. I've never tried to cycle that before. Did you see this girl's body? Georgia prior.
Starting point is 01:37:19 What about her? No, she, she looks like a drawing. Like a stick figure. No, no, definitely not a stick figure. She looks like a fucking superhero. stick figure no no definitely not a stick figure she looks like a fucking superhero she i couldn't believe it usually i think this about guys like there's some guys who just look like a fucking drawing like um nick urankar i used to like have to like look away and look back at him he didn't even look real he looked like a fucking like a like a fucking action figure this girl looks like this girl's body i mean it's crazy for someone's body to stand out in a field of bodies like this yeah but but but her maybe it's because her waist is so tiny
Starting point is 01:37:50 there was something like pull up her insta let me see i i couldn't i couldn't find her on uh instagram but i think i was spelling spelling it wrong you did find it yeah really quick i gotta let you know that uh christy aramo did have fastest time, and it was because of the longer rope. Oh, shit. Thank you. Okay. I had to make sure that point was clearly said. Once again, I'm wrong.
Starting point is 01:38:11 Click that one on the far right. Let's see if we can. The Savon podcast, where we judge people's bodies. I mean admire. I mean admire. Where we get fires from CrossFit for judging people's bodies. Okay, good.
Starting point is 01:38:25 Let's find another one. Let's just, just go straight to a thirst pick. Does she have just, is she just in a bathing suit? You're on the wrong Instagram. Oh yeah. That one.
Starting point is 01:38:34 Yeah. Oh, this is, it's so hard to tell. And maybe it was just her outfit, the way her outfit was. Keep scrolling. Maybe she was a swimmer too.
Starting point is 01:38:42 Maybe that's why she looked like that. This is a wholesome individual, Savan. You're not going to be able to find what you're looking for. Well, even if I'm wrong, she's still beautiful. So it's good. Yeah, it just looks like a normal, perfect body. Okay, well, it's not a normal, perfect body. It's just a perfect body, and it's abnormal.
Starting point is 01:39:02 It just doesn't look real. She looks like a cartoon character. I mean that in a positive way hi hi would you like to go out with me i think you look like a cartoon character that's why i took you five years to get with your wife right right you had to come back from that opener so i had to yeah fix that uh we were talking that we were talking about the lifts. Does 175... She lifted 175. That's the lightest, by the way, that anyone did in the complex in that... I bet Annika could pick it up
Starting point is 01:39:32 right now and do 175 without warming up. She's young. She's smiling because she wants to be nice, but I bet she could do it. I bet she could swim faster than me. That's also a very nice thing of you to say.
Starting point is 01:39:48 That's nice. Come here, little kitty. Now she's running away. Sevan steps on his excess rope all the time and it doesn't break his ankles. That's true. Thanks, Colin. He's not going fast enough.
Starting point is 01:40:02 It's because I use toe spacers and the rope just slides between my toes. I am. Thanks, Tom. He's not going fast enough. It's because I use toe spacers and the rope just slides between my toes. Georgia, why? Georgia, why? I don't know. Does anyone ā€“ I'm checking my text, Mr. Wayne, and I don't see anything from you. I think that's a wrap. Is there anything you want to bring up, Hiller?
Starting point is 01:40:23 Is there anything you want to bring up, Susan? I really strongly feel like we didn't talk about the workouts at all. Okay. And if that's okay by you, you're, you're the notes, man, but we didn't talk about like the wall ball ski workout.
Starting point is 01:40:36 And I think you might've skipped over the ski because you just hate watching people ski so much. Is that accurate? Yeah. But did you even watch that one? I did. And you know know what really frustrated me about that it's a 20 to 25 minute workout yeah and there's three and there's three
Starting point is 01:40:52 heats dude i put up my little what what did i think the workout should have been video along with my guesstimated finishes and there were a lot of people in my comments who were saying that i was wrong about my guesstimated finishes and it's over and my finishes were within 20 seconds my guesstimated top time so i just had a whoever might be listening you were wrong again and and i would also like to say this i thought i spoke about madaris doing the ghd with his eyes closed so i did mention it i spoke about alex smith doing the entire handstand walk so i so i did talk about it that's too okay okay i talked about uh oh i didn't mention this um do you remember what's the guy's name do you remember um uh tutor maga um having extremely fast handstand walks when you trained with him uh yeah he's always been good on his hands yeah it's like running yeah it may be like the best in the biz well maybe not
Starting point is 01:41:46 say that again said i'll race him who's the girl who's the girl who just took off last year was that danielle at the year danielle's really good on her hands danielle would take us for sure but i'd try to come second right you think she could beat two to maga probably she has longer arms than him and she can take she's also okay she has she has longer arms than him. She has longer arms, but she takes bigger steps. She's really good on her hands. Wow. Okay. Caleb, clip that.
Starting point is 01:42:14 1.40.22. Annika said Danielle's really good on her hands. I think that could go viral. Why? Explain it to her, Hiller. He'll make a video about it. he'll make a video about it I'll make a video about it it'll be up tomorrow at 8 a.m. I've never met I've never met Danielle in person and someone met her the other day and told me that she was shorter than they imagined is that is that true is that true is
Starting point is 01:42:39 she shorter than you imagine when you met her bro I'm five two everyone's tall oh right yeah that would be my answer too typically I people think i'm way smaller than they like i don't know like on my instagram if i look like long i don't know people think i'm like five five i'm five two on a good day you look five two yeah do you want to hear that you're 5'2 or are you upset when people when you people are like oh you're short i thought you would call it okay i think i think you're 5'2 you look exactly 5'2 yeah so von what do you think about the uh the cut line that's a good thing to talk about going into the final day you got carol lowen just behind christine colin brander is christine colin brander going to miss to miss that last spot again.
Starting point is 01:43:26 And then also, Chrissy O'Connell is right there. You're looking at the women at the syndicate with two workouts left. I think that James Sprague, Griffin Raleigh, I think that that's pretty cut and dry. Now that Patrick's no longer in the mix, I think
Starting point is 01:43:41 that that's going to be a not so exciting final day at the cut line but with uh the aerial low end like if Tudor and James both qualify I'll probably cry like they're the like I probably honestly like I'm yeah I'll probably cry they like we go way back they've been they know my whole they've been there for a lot so they're the only two that I genuinely like them plus Freya are the only real ones that i'm like honestly they're the only people i'm watching semis for so if they both make it like your girl will cry i think it's going to go hayley adams alexis raptus in second then christine cole colin brander then Christine Colin Brander then Christy Arama O'Connell and Ariel Lowen
Starting point is 01:44:28 so that means Paige Semenza will choke who is the girl in first but she might not I don't know who that is I also don't know Gabby this is what we need a Brian friend on the show for Brian knows all of the people also don't know gabby yeah let's look this is what we need a brian friend on the show for brian knows all of the people i don't know i like i want to know how seven i also like your
Starting point is 01:44:51 list thank you and it's so biased i have alexis rap this in ahead of hayley adams have you trained with her pardon have you trained with her? Who? Alexis Raptus. No, but I would love to. I think like, so I, I do really, really like Miami and I am seriously thinking about moving here.
Starting point is 01:45:12 And if I do like Noah goes to training think tank all the time. So I like, I would gladly go with him to go train with Alexis. We talk and sit like on Instagram and whatnot. And she seems like the sweetest person ever. So I'd totally be down for that. Oh, look at that.
Starting point is 01:45:26 Patrick Anderson. She won the 50 cow challenge for the females, the road bike challenge. That's a big win. Uh, who did, uh, I'm guessing Gabby,
Starting point is 01:45:37 the person that none of us know who she is. She, uh, won the bike challenge. Yeah. Hey, Alexis is in the military. Is she in the military?
Starting point is 01:45:46 No, this is Gabby. And she's staying in front of a rocket. Does that mean she's not in the military? She's kind of cool or whatever. That is very cool. Oh, wow. What a legend. All right, Patrick Anderson, now you're a a liar there's no way she hit a 475
Starting point is 01:46:07 she went to the u.s air force academy dude she's a complete overachiever i didn't follow her what's her instagram g-a-b-b-y gabby mcc123 all right kind of runs there she's in this oh she's a Gabby MCC 123 Alright She's in the space Oh she's a professional bread eater I can't follow someone who's a professional bread eater Yeah but she's in the space force So it cancels itself out Bed mass or whatever
Starting point is 01:46:38 That is something I want to know What does that mean I want to know Excess rope at the affiliate Okay this is the last thing we're talking about we were patrick anderson wasn't messing around she did deadlift 475 this girl is powerful that's the same chick gabby yeah yeah you are out of your mind wow there's guys at the crossfit games you can do that wow that's nuts that's nuts i can't do
Starting point is 01:47:08 half that um justin justin madaris there was some talk in the chat and people are like uh hey do you think he's going to be a champion the way uh rich and mad are and someone had the it's one of these guys i see in our chat too i think it was this dude i think it was this dude sorry to call you out the tony tone i think this dude said no think it was this dude. Sorry to call you out for the Tony tone. I think this dude said, no way, not a chance. He's out of his fucking mind. Justin's like, Justin's left
Starting point is 01:47:33 the planet already and none of the other athletes even know it. Justin's going to win the games every year until he decides he doesn't want to win the games anymore. Yeah, you heard it, people. He's a freak you guys are totally we watched him do freak shit today that final workout he's built for it he's at the head space for it and uh it's not gonna change until he wants it to change which he why would he want
Starting point is 01:47:59 to i mean frazier retired that's what he wanted to change everything so maybe he's coming he's coming for that six titles that be out for Asia. Yep. And him and his coach have something special. Yeah. I'm telling you. Well, when you,
Starting point is 01:48:12 with you and your coach. Yeah. Yes. There is something. Yes. I fully wholeheartedly believe that. Yeah. That,
Starting point is 01:48:21 that, that is everything. And this dude's a family dude too like he crossed the first of all he just hung on fucking cold grease shavers ass the whole time and then when he needed to he just fucking smoked him turned it on yeah turned it on that's what you used to see fronting doing he would just kind of hang out he would hang out at 80 he'd be like okay i'll win now because i can and then when he crossed the finish line, his mom, his dad, his grandma,
Starting point is 01:48:46 his grandpa, his coach, you know, it's just like, like, like he's just, he's just a good old boy. I mean, like his mom said,
Starting point is 01:48:53 he hadn't been to a shopping mall until he was the age of 12. You know, the most interesting about this whole fittest on earth competition is we've seen it with Matt always winning and Froning always winning. And now we're saying Madero's is always going to win is that if you are truly the fittest on earth like how is that really going to change all that much year after year that is unless you age out of it because there's a point in time where age will be taking away from your fitness so there is really no reason if this is the true test of fitness for him to do anything so long as it's programming
Starting point is 01:49:24 aligned with everything what do you point that what do you got down pepper will be just in a couple years dallin i fully believe that's the only exception yes yeah if somebody like excels past that as a young person that's possible but as far as everyone else like scott panchick's in third or fifth third or fifth every year and it's because there are people better than them in the chain of fitness. When do we see Dallin compete? Is that at the MAC? Next weekend. That's too bad. I'm going to be busy that whole weekend.
Starting point is 01:49:56 You guys are screwed. Susan and I are going to hold down the ship. Annika, you're in. I'll take over. I'm Savant now. I am Savant. I am the captain now. I can say. I'll take over. I'm Siobhan now. I am Siobhan. I am the captain now. I can say anything I want. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:50:09 She understands how this works. Tommy Marquez is going to pay for media classes for us. That's very kind, $1.99. Tommy, you're a man. You guys are brutal out there. Your media classes. The first thing we need to do, I think is um if annika is going to come on tomorrow or next week we need to dye her hair if she's going to be professional media
Starting point is 01:50:29 she can't have purple hair this isn't san this isn't a san francisco channel we'll call it we'll call it would count it's got to be all one color yeah any color that's right right all purple then. It's just going to be all purple. No blonde. No more blonde. It's all purple, Sivan. There you go. I don't have my schedule. Brown and gray. Or black and gray. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:57 That's why you're not media. You just told us the ultimate issue with yourself. Tomorrow, this evening, the Torian Pro is going to fire up its last two events. I think that starts actually around 8 o'clock Pacific Standard Time and goes to about 1 in the morning Pacific Standard Time. And then Hiller and Susan and I will come back on, I think, sometime after that and report on them, and then we'll wrap up Syndicate. Oh, and there's another one, Lowlands.
Starting point is 01:51:26 Don't actually say it about watching. i'm really pumped up some of us like to watch these things you dummy right that's true now there is one comment in here talking about hayley adams oversized clothing and that she's actually wearing it the same way where when you're a swimmer and you're swimming in the pool you wear a speedo right or you wear a jammer because if you wear the big swimsuit so hayley adams is actually just wearing a bigger shirt to slow her down to make it fair for everybody else really is there really is there's a swimsuit that you give a fast swimmer to slow them down a jammer you're unaware of this yeah there is a swimsuit out there that females will wear it's like a five thousand dollar swimsuit you can only wear it one time because the second you wear it,
Starting point is 01:52:07 it's no good anymore. You wear it for like the most important races of your career. Oh, and it makes you the faster. It makes you faster. Yeah. So you basically, you train and you're like running the mill swimsuit your entire life.
Starting point is 01:52:18 And then when you have the important race, say the Olympics or whatever, you put on the super expensive swimsuit and it takes off fractions of a second and there's actually suits that are illegal that make you more buoyant is this it here this is the male equivalent oh yeah that's the green one right in the middle snake print hey listen listen on that one my wife wants to get with me so much that three nights a week i have to wear these underwear and the snake scares her off right here she thinks it's real all right guys uh stand by and we will be telling you yeah she's terrified of snakes jesus that is awful one time she got a pair of scissors and i was like no no no it's not real she's like i saw a move though no no no honey no
Starting point is 01:53:03 uh we will see you guys in less than 12 hours i have a feeling thanks for tuning in annika She's like, I saw a move though. No, no, no. Honey, no. We will see you guys in less than 12 hours. I have a feeling. Thanks for tuning in. Anika, thanks for coming on last minute. I really, really appreciate it. Thanks for the invite. It's always fun.

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