The Sevan Podcast - #413 - Semifinals Recap | Syndicate Crown Day 3

Episode Date: May 23, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Attention all soccer fans. From Orlando to Los Angeles, take to the fields of the USA for your next vacation. Ready to kick off? Discover exciting games and events. Plus, find amazing hidden gems in cities full of adventures, delicious food, and diverse cultures. You'll love it so much,
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Starting point is 00:00:40 Get on board. Via Rail. Love the way. Bam, we're live that's my quick math don't quote me on that we got justin madaris first place we got jason hopper second place and we got cole gray shaver in third i got spray missing it by one point wow can you see it i don't have the video pulled up hillers we're watching right now. They just announced third place. Wow, Tudor Magda, fourth place.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Good job, buddy. Good job. Some young guys. And then James Sprague, let's see it. This is going to be very interesting. Jukic said it's time for the young guys to come in. Lazar was saying that. I hate when the announcers do this. Just shut the fuck up and announce it. Lazar was saying that. I hate when the announcers do this. Just shut the fuck up at an announcement.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Yeah, I know. I agree. God damn it. Holy shit, dude. It's not. Oh, he's chatting up Daniel Brandon. It doesn't make it more fun. No, it makes it more annoying.
Starting point is 00:01:38 So goddamn annoying. They got the camera on James Sprague and Will Moore. Yeah, I know. I did the math already. Will Moore adds praying. Will Moore, I beat him by one point. Oh, wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Oh, my God. Wow. I told you. Simple. Oh, my God. That sucks so bad. I like Will. I like Will.
Starting point is 00:02:01 I like James, too. Oh, man. That's horrible. Will. I like Will. I like James too. Oh man. Dude, I was so ready for the, is this the year of the big man fitness? Four out of the five would have been six foot or taller and all over 200 pounds. It's funny you say that when he finished his snatches and he had to run that 30 feet or 20 feet to get to the finish line, I was tripping.
Starting point is 00:02:24 He looked like a giraffe that was gathering his legs. I mean, Sprague is huge. I mean, him, Grayshaber, Jason, Hopper, they're all big. They're all big. They're having a big family hug. I mean, he's been hugging his dad now for 30 seconds, 40 seconds. Brothers hugging from the back. That is so rough.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Oh, Tudor gave him a hug from the back too oh my goodness oh my goodness this this is this is the kind of stuff you see the women do at the uh at the games this is yeah but there's the men actually mean it yeah this is intense oh this is intense who is that on the screen right now holding on wiping the tears from his is that will no it right now? Holding on wiping the tears from his eyes. Is that will? No, it's someone with a shirt on. Oh,
Starting point is 00:03:10 that's might be Tetlo or that might. Yeah, you're right. It is Matt Pullen. So what happened? Matt Pullen won the last event, event five, and then imploded on this event.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Well, he's not good overhead. So I think his squat snatch is really tough. I think he was dealing with an injury at water palooza in his shoulder because he did really bad in that overhead squat workout to celebrate 10 so i think he's got an overhead issue i don't know if the handstand push-ups uh gave him issues as well but for sure the squat snatch oh brutal uh i i love the final day i loved all even though i had to get up at four in the morning, I love,
Starting point is 00:03:45 I love just the last two workouts. There's maybe I'm just glad. Cause it's almost going to be over, but, but I had a blast today and, and I had a blast just now watching this last workout. I know, I know, uh, we had some complaints about the camera work, but did you have fun? Yeah. I mean, it's hard for me to, I had fun watching Torian. I had a lot of fun watching lowlands. It's hard to say I had fun watching Syndicate, just me personally, because I felt like the camera work was so bad, especially on the fans.
Starting point is 00:04:10 What do you think was lacking on the camera work? Man, Event 5, they spent a cumulative time of several minutes on the fans. On the fans. On whose parents? On James Sprague's parents in one event. And then I forget who the woman's uh parents were in the women's seat it was just so frustrating there's a there's a 10 minute workout going on you can't spare even even 10 seconds for the fans you put it all on the race
Starting point is 00:04:38 fuck i like i like to just see the crowd well Well, if there is a crowd. Hand the crowd and then boom, back to the race. Yeah, I agree. I agree. What crowd? JR, are you at the event? Are you at Syndicate? No, I'm back home now.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Okay. There is something I want to show you. I want to go back to yesterday real quick. I want to start with something fun. I had been asking about Medeiros' rope miss. And bam, here we go. go we got it we're here on justin madaris's site the guy has a great sense of uh of humor and uh i don't know is there audio on this thing but he basically remember i was asking how do you miss the rope i didn't know you were trying to get another copyright strike. Look at this. Look at this. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:05:31 So good, isn't it? It's like a grand total of three seconds. I know what you mean, though. The quote is, I knew exactly what to do, dot, dot, dot. But in a much more real sense, I had no idea what to do. Michael Scott. I don't know who Michael Scott is, but I'd like to know who the cameraman is, Justin oh it is okay i don't even watch the office i know that's the office i don't like the office at all i don't i don't think it's that funny oh it's so fun well i don't know if the line's funny but justin madaris is funny shit i really like that
Starting point is 00:05:57 i'm glad i'm glad you found that hiccup uh that's getting a peek at that um i have never seen anyone ride an assault bike as fast as i watched uh oldest upanik uh ride that bike come on you've seen people ride that thing faster i don't know man he rode it like a 400 pound man did you guys see that it didn't even look it was rather quick yes it looked like he was trying to give himself time because he knew he didn't james newberry at the game ringer one faster yeah that was faster yes pretty fast um perhaps for the event maybe maybe so i mean you watch the road challenge did you watch some of those videos some of those 400 pound yes yes rip it into that thing doing 50 cows in 30 seconds yeah i had a guy on my podcast once i know you guys know who he is
Starting point is 00:06:43 i can't remember his name now um but he ripped a handle off uh an assault bike big guy lived in san diego trained with sam dancer he had lost like 100 pounds yeah he had the he had the huge marijuana fields i can't remember his name yeah it's uh i don't remember did you guys get up and watch that this morning over there get up for the oh... Oh, yeah, Bickle. Bickle, yeah. Wow, Hiller. Yeah, Matt Bickle. It's in there somewhere.
Starting point is 00:07:11 It's like the Limitless pill. It just needs to come out. Did you guys watch those events over there at the Torian this morning? Yep. You did. Wow, look at everyone did their job. A winner of Event 6 Men did not look deep enough to me i think his name was maurice five big that was also lowlands i thought we're talking about torian oh maybe sorry sorry am i talking about lowlands okay i apologize we talked about torian this morning. Okay. Sorry. Shit. I'm all out of whack.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Gotcha. Okay. So, oldest was in low lens too. I apologize. I apologize. Correct. Did you guys see that? I'm watching it.
Starting point is 00:07:52 It's a head-on shot of him. It's event six. He's going to be the winner, but he is ā€“ it doesn't look like he's even squatting close to parallel, but I can't tell because I'm not looking from the side. Is that true? Yeah. It's hard to tell when you're looking front on if hip crease is below the knee. I'll also say that, yeah, Judge is making the call here.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Yeah, you're talking about Frey Big, right? The framing, yeah. No, the Mort's. Mort's, he's over at Squats. Yeah, those were really hard to tell with the camera. And I made a comment about Sprig and his handstand walk. And you got to go with the judge on that one, which is tough to say because we've seen so much shoddy judging this weekend.
Starting point is 00:08:33 He went from seventh to fourth in that final event. Moritz. Yeah, that was great. That's pretty awesome. I mean, it's a cool story. It's almost as cool as little Murray going from 10th to 5th. That's crazy. I brought this up yesterday, and I don't remember who shot it down or two days ago, but I said, has Lazar arrived? And what I was using was his lift of 304, 306. 308.
Starting point is 00:09:03 308. Thank you, Hiller. What about today? Are we like holy shit um he's gonna do better this year than he did last year at the games he really is getting better i think anyone that beats bkg uh in a six event competition is probably it's probably pretty legit and here to stay what if i said well bkg didn't have't have a good day or he's getting old? He was top 10, I think, in every single event. So I would disagree. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:30 I would disagree too. Okay. I think he's peaking. This is going to be his best year ever, BKG. Wow. I don't think he's peaking for this event, but I think he's ā€“ Peaking for the games. Absolutely. And I think this year, like you said, is probably going to be one of his best.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Well, you know, next year too, potentially. So we'll see. So, wait, so Andrew, best year ever as in higher than third? Yes, I think that he'll probably take third. Okay. It'll go Medeiros, Lazar, and BKG on the podium. Ooh, above Valner. Man.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Valner's taking fourth this year. I don't know, man, if he can just not suck at swimming. I mean, then he can win the games. Then can win yeah yeah all the pools are closed in canada fuck pat come on man hey superficially speaking bkg looks amazing too yeah he does look good yeah we all know you hold that above every other metric i mean it's true it's. I'm like a bee. I just see flowers everywhere. I just judge a book by its cover. I don't hate Canada. Savan hates Canada. I'm just, like, playing him up, you know?
Starting point is 00:10:31 I just love the people. I just love the people. Look at that. Oh, yeah. I know exactly what you brought this up for. That last rep was good. Tia Toomey would have been no rep for that. That's the issue.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Gosh, he moves really well i love he does let me see that first one again i missed it i was looking down at my notes are you saying he popped off the shoulder and went straight down it's the thing that everyone's been doing everywhere and that's that's either it's an issue or it's not an issue but when you ding tia to me make her do an extra clean which didn't have any effect on her but it could have had an effect on somebody else. Then this is also an issue. I think that's the, this is the,
Starting point is 00:11:09 this is the, yeah, yeah, yeah. You're doing this in your affiliate. And can you really yell at somebody in the affiliate for doing it? That depends on the purpose of it. It's like,
Starting point is 00:11:17 is it a qualifier? Is everyone else having to show control at the top of the rep? Could he have shown control? Oh yeah, of course he could have shown control. He could have stopped for half a second but then again would have made the entire lift more challenging because he would have been under tension longer you never know it's something that comes up in the briefing it's something that has to be put upon the judges to put upon the athletes
Starting point is 00:11:35 mr crash mr howell what uh what do you what do you think when you see taylor and hopper do this would you call them on it in the gym? There's been times where we've been doing workouts like barbell cycling workouts, maybe hang cleans at 225. And I may say stand up all the way as in like make sure the knees are locked. And if you're bow legged, wink, wink. It's a little it's a little harder to do that sometimes. harder to do that sometimes however i do think that when it's for load like this it's way more likely that it should just be excused across versus one person called on it one person not yeah like you stood as long as it's consistent i'm cool with it as long as it's consistent i don't want to pick on yami sponsored by ghost up there taylor but no but they're fucking amazing
Starting point is 00:12:20 hate to say it i i don't want to pick on Yami, but he happens to be BKG's coach. Yesterday, or maybe it's someone who works for Yami, yesterday we did see ā€“ who got called for that? Was it a dude or a girl? Someone got called for popping the weight off. Was it Magnituda? Someone got popped yesterday. Wasn't it Mortz? It was Mortz, wasn't it we talked about it it was him yeah i think that's who we
Starting point is 00:12:50 were talking about okay wait a minute i thought it was fabian benitez oh yes yes yes you're right it was him right right um uh there we go it was fabian yep wouldn't you see that it wouldn't that be like something that rumbles through all the coaches as soon as you see that then you call everyone on it because this isn't a speed thing right i mean people it would this is an easy fix you would think so it's kind of a speed thing it's like you would honestly think it's all an easy fix what were you gonna what were you gonna say they're using the momentum and in that regard it might not be a timed workout but you're using that momentum to pop it off so you can get a better second lift and a third you're just not sitting in the front rack time under tension
Starting point is 00:13:31 and i don't think it's like that huge that much of a difference but if that's how you you know you don't want to sit in time under tension unnecessarily i think this guy chad f has a great argument the bar's not popping off the shoulders at 350 pounds if you haven't reached extension there's no fucking way that is a good point you're not pressing that off your shoulder argument the bar's not popping off the shoulders at 350 pounds if you haven't reached extension there's no fucking way that is a good point you're not pressing that off your shoulder with your with your tricep so so now you've kind of changed the story i i was saying hey all the all the coaches should have seen this and warned their athletes but now you guys are but but no i i'm hearing you too what you're saying is is like hey this is something in competition we have to allow
Starting point is 00:14:03 because we're getting the full range of motion. Yeah, you're definitely getting the full range. Somebody has to be saying something about how to be doing it for everybody. Did you see the difference in the sandbag cleans between the Syndicate and the Lowlands? Oh, yeah. Well, Syndicate, I think the challenge there is at 200 pounds. If you're anywhere in front, you can't control that thing in front of your body. You can't even ā€“ I think you're looking for a way to make it you can't control that thing in front of your body. You can't even, you can't.
Starting point is 00:14:29 I think you're looking for a way to make it seem as if that's the reason it was better. I think the syndicate judges were holding a better standard or they're possibly briefed differently. When you're saying you can't control it, you're basically saying from the second you pull that thing off the floor, there's only two places you can control it. When it's on the floor, when it's on your shoulder. And other than that, it's going to be momentum. Or in your yeah or in your lap okay in your lap but you're not going to get it here and then be like oh sorry probably with the 200 it would it's tough but i but i agree they were i think the reps generally at syndicate were way better across the field and when the no reps happened they were like failure they called them on no reps yeah i was i saw Hopper get a no rep.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Yeah. Probably thinking of the same one. I'm like, oh, that was a good call by the judge. Like if they were over at Lowlands, they would have given him that rep. Yeah. As a fan, I want to hear the commentators talk about the no reps. He was side by side with Justin Medeiros. He got a no rep, and that's like something we need to know.
Starting point is 00:15:21 And they were small and off in the corner. Is that the one you're talking about, Hiller? Like you had to be looking. The camera wasn't focused on them. Correct. Yeah. Those are the things we need to know and they were small and off in the corner is that the one you're talking about hillary like you had to be looking the camera wasn't focused on them correct yeah looking at yeah those are the things we need to know those are the things that i think make uh put the tension and the drama in there or as i was accused of doing sensationalizing you know i heard go ahead it was it was interesting because i heard them talking about no reps and close standards on the ski wall ball workout on the wall ball depth. And I'm thinking to myself out of all of the reps that you're going to
Starting point is 00:15:50 scrutinize 100 wall balls and 150 wall balls. Let's talk about, like you said, the sandbags. Let's talk about the shit that's going to make a huge impact in the workout. I don't know. Well, I don't know why they don't talk about that. Did you hear during event, the final event for the female side of the syndicate, there was the second heat going. There was a female doing muscle-ups, and you could hear the crowd booing.
Starting point is 00:16:13 And then the commentator, I think it might have been either Sean or Tommy, and they were saying how they've never heard booing at an event before. I did hear that. Isn't that messed up? I mean, is it messed up? I don't know. Maybe the judge should have just been saying that the reps didn as it messed up i don't know maybe the judge should have just been saying that the reps didn't count i have a feeling that was the issue because you
Starting point is 00:16:28 could see the reps were not up to standard but the judge wasn't saying anything oh and that's why people were booing well that's what it looked like wow can you click tommy can you clarify for us why they were booing i was trying to figure out so we don't know for sure right we don't know for sure it was like the the series of things that appointed to it's like oh they're booing. I was trying to figure out. So we don't know for sure, right, Hillary? We don't know for sure. It was like the series of things that it pointed to. It's like, oh, they're booing the fact that she's getting these reps. Do we also not know if this is actually Tommy Marquez or is this a fake? That's actually him.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Hey, there could be two or three or four Tommy Marquez's. You can identify with anything, Tommy. I'm confused. Was that sarcasm, Hillary? I don't know. It's for interpretation. Hey, going back to those sandbag reps, something I noticed too, I think in rounds one, two, three, and four,
Starting point is 00:17:14 Jason and Justin were on the bag within one rep of each other, and the camera would stay there for a couple reps. There was a distinct difference in technique between Jason's and Justin's reps. If you guys notice, Justin almost muscle cleaned it from the lap, released the hand at the top, and then followed it down. Jason almost used his hip on the way up and re-dipped like you would do with a barbell and stood up. Both really smooth and effective, but as someone in the audience, that's what I want to hear. I want to hear the differences in techniques with a movement like that subtle nuances and i think i to me i think
Starting point is 00:17:50 justin does that or has the ability to do that because of a range of motion difference i think for someone like me and jason we both do that with the d ball with the sandbag it's so much more efficient when you're longer you know breaking your back on the way up and going spinal to get that thing to the shoulder. Whereas I think Justin's a bit shorter, a bit stouter. It's easier for him to do that. If we're talking about the commentators and what you should be thinking about, how about the fact that Will Morad beat everybody and their camera was never on him until he won. Oh, Will Morad just won the event.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Or event five. Like you have James Sprague, Will Morad, JR mentioned this to me and jason finishing within two seconds and they didn't see anything we're filming as much as i want to blame those guys i don't think it's those guys fault tommy and sean no i don't know right because they are watching them on they're they're basically slaves to the camera yeah so they're watching them on her so i the way i think it works is there's a couple guys on the field and they talk to the guys in the truck and the guys in the truck then talk to the guys who have the cameras and then tommy and sean tells with the camera seat so if the guys on this if
Starting point is 00:18:52 somewhere the communication breaks down if the guys in the fields don't see will morad or or the or the guy in the truck doesn't tell the camera guys to film will morad then it's fucked i i and then will morad having one of the biggest comebacks really that i know of and brian would be someone that would be good to like stamp that but has anyone ever come back like a tenth into it yeah so actually yeah so i think tommy did mention that if will morad pulled this off it would be the biggest deficit comeback since 2009 wow that's fucking insane. And they only got the final second of him crossing the line.
Starting point is 00:19:30 That's a shame. That's a shame. Okay. So Tommy says Sevan is correct. And why have these guys in the truck not heard this feedback over the past? Oh, they have. This is so hard for me to say, but this has been going on since day one. This has been going on since day one.
Starting point is 00:19:47 This has been going on since 2010. This is ā€“ there's just ā€“ Fire him. Well. Well. You're probably right. Stefan's like, I know what that's like. You just struck a nerve. He's like, no, don't fire him.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Don't fire ā€“ no, no. I also want to say this this yesterday in the comments i saw someone said seven you'd be really surprised if you ever went to an affiliate what the people look like listen you jackass jackass there are no there are you take the cumulative knowledge of crossfit and i'm i know more than anyone alive and and top five even the person who hate me the most would say i'm in the top five there's no one who knows more about how much money the company makes how people are hired more about the movements the games all that like a little bit of everything i know more than everyone i've been to fucking affiliates on five continents not i didn't go to the one
Starting point is 00:20:37 in antarctica and i haven't been to one in south america i don't think which is kind of weird tell me and i probably have i just probably can't remember. Tell me what people look like inside of a fucking affiliate. Okay, okay. They look like Savant. So, Will Morad, by one point, Will Morad is 33 years old,
Starting point is 00:20:57 and James Sprague, the young man he beat out, is 20. That's a pretty big gap. What do you have you say about that, Savant? I mean, to be honest, I think it's biologically possible that Will could be his dad. I mean,
Starting point is 00:21:11 you could have a kid when you were 13. Yeah. So, um, but, but, but Will Morad's been around forever. I mean,
Starting point is 00:21:17 he can get one of those OG shirts that, uh, uh, to get with the program, program you guys are selling. I mean, he's been around forever. uh luca and and lazar i want i know i don't want to beat a dead horse i know probably people don't give a fuck about this but man their relationship is so intense for me to
Starting point is 00:21:37 watch on the screen uh you could see uh lazar couldn't even enjoy the victory fully because his brother didn't make it. I love that. They're close. They're fast. They're fast. I mean, it's emotional. What happens here to a guy
Starting point is 00:22:03 who's fucking devastated I would say it's been there. There's Instagram Taylor, there's podcast Taylor, and then there's real Taylor. Tell us. I would say the next day you got to start refocusing. It's podcast Taylor. And then there's real Taylor. Tell us, tell us. I would say the next day you got to start refocusing. It's like that, huh? Do you tell,
Starting point is 00:22:33 do you tell Taylor? Okay. Okay. Listen, you can fucking cry all you want tonight. Six, when you wake up tomorrow morning, this shit's got to be over.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Yeah. Thank you for joining us. It was a good to see you, buddy. Yeah. Even though you know, it's going to take longer than a day, that's what you're feeling. Someone's having an issue with the sound.
Starting point is 00:22:48 I will say this. The more emotional that loss is, too, the easier it is to get fired up for the last chance and want to hurt really badly. At least that was the case for me. Like, I wanted to hurt every single day leading into the last chance. I think James Sprague and Luka Dukic are probably two guys that that's going to be the case for.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Taylor, where'd you finish last year? And last year, weren't you right there? Like one spot out. I was, I was one spot out with, uh, two spots out with basically three scores out of all workouts. Hi, um, can you turn off the TV in the living room? That's streaming the games. I think it's stuttering my internet.
Starting point is 00:23:21 People are complaining. Oh yeah. I love you. You're good. Now everyone here needs to know how important this podcast is. Lazar. So, so, so that's what Luca will do. That's what all these last chance qualifiers guys will do if they, they need to get, they need to get back on the, the horse first thing tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:23:42 I won't say all. I would probably say, you know, something Brian's talked about doing better scheduling-wise is making the gap between missing out on the games via semifinals and the last chance qualifier be a little bit closer together because you've got the people going in week four, five, that are going to have, what, a couple weeks before the last chance? Maybe one week.
Starting point is 00:24:05 You've got the athletes this week that can probably take next week easy and then start to ramp back up again so in a way they've got a little more of an advantage advantage and the other thing is they're going to be guys who qualify for the last chance that are just so beat up and maybe even mentally fried from the season and grinding to this point i think we saw that in last year's last chance where you saw some guys who you would think were really fucking good just missed it in the last chance same on the women's side so so i'm not understanding are you saying bring the last chance qualifier closer to the semi-finals or move it closer to the games move the semi-finals closer together i think he's saying so that it's more
Starting point is 00:24:43 like i just don't know how they would do that right it's yeah it's tough it's tough i still don't understand you're saying after the third week of the semifinals is over get the last chance starting go get it going pretty quick no he's saying it it's kind of hard it's hard to see which scenario is best but i think what jr wants is okay if all these semi-finals happened in two weeks and then you had the last chance four weeks after the last semi-final oh then one then one semi-final has a one week advantage it's not too bad of a discrepancy whereas week one between right now it's a three week advantage right okay which is a lot what are the uh real quickly what are the benefits of
Starting point is 00:25:23 splitting the semi-finals over three? Why not do them in two weeks? Is it for ā€“ Coverage. Coverage, okay. Coverage, yeah. Okay. So everyone can go to the Torian and not go to the syndicate. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Yeah, next year I'm flying to Torian. Yeah, doesn't matter where you live. Lucas seemed like he ā€“ I don't know if you guys saw that, but he did stay perfectly still for a long time. They showed a picture of him in a deep squat up on his toes and he was just holding his face and he was like that for several minutes every time the camera panned back to him he's like there uh another thing to note i mentioned this yesterday i mentioned it again different athlete i think it was baden uh baden brown but lazar gets up there and he gives credit to uh the facundo and mayhem we just keep hearing mayhem mayhem mayhem mayhem there's something good going on over there it's almost like they
Starting point is 00:26:12 should program the semi-finals or maybe they are i like maybe they are i like what this guy bryce o'connor says too he says if i fail a test and my professor gives me a second chance, I kind of just have to go with whatever they say. Should have been prepared the first time. I don't disagree with that. That's a good point, Bryce O'Connor. Laura wins. The commentator asks her, is Tia basically beatable?
Starting point is 00:26:41 Is that a good question? What do you mean, is Tia basically beatable? Is Tia beatable? She basically says, hey, what are you going to do between now and then? Is Tia beatable? What was her answer? She said, we'll see. And then she said, what are you going to do between now and then? She said, I'm going to train. She said, what kind of training? She said, outdoor training. It's always very uncomfortable for me to watch laura get interviewed i don't know why maybe it's because you had a great time interviewing her you know it's like i need another shot yeah i'm like a boxer who got beat up yeah get her on here
Starting point is 00:27:17 pull her in right now uh are we surprised that freyova freyova qualified shouldn't be. Brian picked her and said this was his last chance he was given her. So maybe she heard him. She had one of those smiles on her face. Like the first time you do mushrooms, like it looked like it hurt. I mean, that thing was just like, she was pumped. Gabriella Magawa.
Starting point is 00:27:42 I know she went, I know she's's going i know she did well with the first fifth fourth second and fourth but does it bother her that she took third does she all i get this feeling that she already sees herself as sort of an heir to the throne well maybe it's fitting that the rope climbs are the thing holding her back then it's a good point what are we gonna say jr i would say if it doesn't bother her it's more of a problem yeah okay so she shouldn't be happy with third no okay uh matilda barnes lucy campbell freyova is are these are these going to be the new girls? Is this going to be like, this is the, this is the new Europe? They're young ish. They're all, they're all 26, 26 and 27. It's hard to say. I would say no. I would,
Starting point is 00:28:36 I would say it could go either way at a year. Remember to their strength and depth is coming. Remember? No, I don't remember. What do you have to say about that what about it coming string the depth is the other european semi correct yeah correct yes but what about it well he's asking are these the new ones that are coming oh you mean out of like the europe yeah it's a little bit it's a little bit of recency bias because we still got to see the other the other competitors we might be saying the same things about the ones next week yeah Yeah. Who do we got in strength and depth? I know.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Sam Briggs is the next coming. She's going to be the next big thing. Jeff and Dahlstrom, Emma McQuaid, Emma Tull, Dahlstrom, Katrin. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:20 I would say Lowlands is, it was, is deeper, but you know, there's a little bit of recency bias whenever we're covering people for a couple days straight. I think it'll be a good ā€“ yeah. How is Katrin going to do?
Starting point is 00:29:31 I don't know. That's tough. I think on the one hand, it's hard not to look at last year's finish for her and be a little underwhelmed and not give her much hope. But at the same time, she just changed her training environment and is back with Yami and Annie Thor, his daughter, and them. And I'd be hard to imagine that didn't give her a really big push. It's kind of a coming out party for, in a way, the same way this was kind of for Sarah, but for different reasons. Sarah's was because of an injury and Katrin's is because, um, you know,
Starting point is 00:29:57 we did, we did see her struggle at Rogue, right. And, or at least not perform as well as we would have liked to a superstar like her. And like you said switched training so it's it's we're all going to be watching right yeah oh yeah watching can you scroll through that list one more time let's see from the top to the bottom and if she and if she does do poorly it will be it's kind of like a yeah we knew it and she's on her way out you know her career is waning and if she does well it's like holy shit these icelandic girls it's not just andy it's it's it's all of them i'm not expecting i was gonna say i'm not expecting her to do bad i i'm expecting her to have to have a little bit of new fire and maybe i'll be proven wrong but i haven't realized the workouts yet right first time in depth i haven't seen okay
Starting point is 00:30:40 nor atlas games nor granite i don't believe i'll have more insight into that once they release the workout seven okay we can expect to see it on your youtube station well i wonder yeah well one thing we can really expect is that they're going to make a huge storyline out of the legless back in 2014 being the reason that she didn't qualify and then being being the catalyst to her winning two years in a row um i'd say based on the events she might not qualify for the games that's what i'm getting at uh oh you mean the two the two crossfit program events no based on the other four that come out through strength and depth she might not but you think she's going to struggle with the crossfit program ones
Starting point is 00:31:20 yes man if she struggles with legless 10 years later eight years i mean there's that one she's she's never proven to be all that much better at them i mean if i think she's top third of the field in the that and she can make up with everything else and that's why i'm saying it depends on the other events so if it's like a hayley adams deal where she can't do the lip but she dominates everything else that's good for hayley adams and it could be the same for catrin as well but if they are middle of the road i think that she won't do else that's good for Haley Adams. And it could be the same for Catrin as well. But if they are middle of the road, I think that she won't do all that hot on the legless one. And I don't see her doing too great on the lift either.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Maybe like a 13th or 14th on the lift for Catrin. I think Sam's probably winning the legless, but I also think Sam's probably taking the bottom 25 or worse in the lift. I think she might not even finish that high. Is that, is that last? Yeah, it's close. 25 out of 30, 25 out of 30 in the, in the lift. Um, I don't know, man. I mean, a lot of these really strong girls, I don't see being amazing at the legless. So who knows? I don't think it'll hurt. I don't know. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:32:22 CrossFit mayhem freedom. First place, first place, first place, first place, first place, first place. Yeah. In the final workout, they were the only team that didn't get capped. They look different when they were sitting on the stage as the winners were announced. They look different. What do you mean? I don't know what I mean. They just look different. Taller, shorter, older announced they look different what do you mean i don't know what i mean they
Starting point is 00:32:45 just look different like like taller shorter older like you look different you're from the midwest you look like your gene pool looks tighter than mine you just look different are you saying they look superhuman yeah so everyone else on there was mere mortal and then you've got mayhem freedom who just just look like Captain America standing up there. Yeah, I mean, so you look at Rich and Samuel, and you're like, hey, there's no weaknesses here. And then you look over to their girls, and there's no weaknesses. I mean, they're just going to just crush the games, right? Correct.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Reykjavik has no chance, too, right? Absolutely. That's like the worst storyline I've ever seen trying to be fed up. I agree. First of all, they call it the Affiliate Cup and neither of these two teams are affiliates. So like, why are they pumping up this non-Affiliate Cup thing? It makes no sense. Oh, you're breaking my heart. What do you mean? They're not Affiliate Cup people.
Starting point is 00:33:36 They're not. They moved there in January. You're playing semantics, homie. Con Holmes from Australia and Lawrence Fishers from australia and lauren fishers from california they're not yeah not they they play by the rules the rules count okay yeah they can yes uh what do you think about that jr i'm okay with that i like i like that that i like this better than super teams i like it that they forced you to have them move there six months ahead of time at least yeah i like it better than super teams.
Starting point is 00:34:06 But as far as destinations go and recruiting goes, kind of like college sports, we know that certain schools just are going to have the upper hand based on history, based on facilities. You know, all the kind of stuff is going to factor in. What I was going to ask is which is more of a lot, Tia winning or Freedom winning? That's a great question tia yeah oh why because more can go wrong with mayhem you mean like they have four people that could get injured and derail them or that might be the only reason why yeah that would be the only reason why either of them didn't win right one of the four of them get some sort of sickness and then they're just like, like, like a Ricky Garrard type,
Starting point is 00:34:45 I can't function. He's in the ventilator and the chair after that first workout, can't breathe, throwing up. I did just see, um, CNN was reporting that they are about to shut down all of Europe for six months because of monkey pox.
Starting point is 00:34:59 So are they really? No, I haven't, dude. It's not that bad. You just gave me a little bit of a, like a blood pressure issue there. I have it, dude. It's not that bad. You just gave me a little bit of a blood pressure issue there. I was like, no.
Starting point is 00:35:12 I also noticed that Rich went over and hugged the sixth place team. That was the training think tank team. And some of the girls over there were crying. I thought that was pretty cool that he went over there and gave him some love. There's some no rep issues there as well. With who? With the training think tank the final athlete on the mayhem justice team which is on the cut line it doesn't end up like really mattering all that much because i think they were 30 points out of the cut but it was them versus training
Starting point is 00:35:36 think tank for the final spot and they were totally getting some reps that they shouldn't have been getting on the final set of muscle-ups with that female, which could have ended up being pretty close. It's just another instance where I saw some stuff that shouldn't have been happening. Will we see a video on it? Of course. Okay, good. I'd like to address Chad's comment just briefly about the dirty lake shits. The one thing I've always wanted to say publicly about that lake and you getting the shits
Starting point is 00:36:03 from it is if you don't swallow lake water when you're swimming you don't get the shits that's a good point like stop swallowing lake water fuck you breathe out when you swim learn how to swim all right anyway sorry i oh is that what he was doing nash he wasn't hugging them he was slipping their business card into their shorts. Who's going to be Mayhem's team next year? That's a good question. Go ahead. Where was Angelo's team and Luke Parker's team?
Starting point is 00:36:36 They're going at the MAC. Next weekend, yeah. Are they going to qualify too? Are we going to have three teams out of that one? Absolutely. Wow. two are we gonna have three teams out of that one absolutely wow were you gonna say something hillary before i go on he's asking about who's gonna be on mayhem's team next year oh that you want to talk about that yeah just who's gonna be on mayhem's team next year i mean you just heard rich say that he wasn't gonna be doing that right he might be doing
Starting point is 00:37:00 the individual masters and then i think he's gonna do the same also said well sam said he's gonna go individual and then the girls are always talking about not doing it any longer for whatever reason so will there who's gonna be the next mayhem freedom and then you brought up angelo as is angelo gonna step into the role i think angelo's got a full-time job and a full-time life also i know luke would love to do it. He's game. I just don't know if he's qualified. I just don't know if he's good enough. He might be the only chance. What if Rich didn't let anyone use the name
Starting point is 00:37:33 because the team wasn't good enough? Ah, no, you're just going to be independence. Retire's jersey. You're just going to be independence and justice. You're not going to use freedom. At the syndicate, can we move over to the syndicate? It's your show. Let's move over to the syndicate.
Starting point is 00:37:51 The syndicate event five. How about those thrusters? Well, you know what? Again, I'd say four-fifths of the field looked pretty good, and then one-fifth of the field was getting away with it. You know who had some tough locking out? I might after you say the name. It starts with a J.
Starting point is 00:38:16 Hopper? No, Justin. I thought his lockouts were a little soft going in the middle. Ooh. He had a narrower grip. I mean, God, he's got got beautiful overhead but he was moving quick i don't well see there you go you're justifying his bad movement that's what always happens here everyone always justifies whatever could be going slightly wrong like there was a comment on that
Starting point is 00:38:36 video i put about the sandbags it's like in every sport there's judging issues it's like yeah but the judging issues are within the one to two 2% realm. Usually, like, oh, were they offsides? Who knows? And with those sandbag cleans earlier that I put up, they're getting up to, like I said, to your nipples. And that's not even freaking close. If you want to be a games athlete, does that have to be unbroken, that workout? Is it row, 50 thrusters unbroken, 50 pull-ups unbroken, 50 thrusters unbroken?
Starting point is 00:39:03 60 pull-ups, right? No one did the chest-to-bar unbroken. thrusters unbroken 60 pull-ups right no one did the chest of bar unbroken no one did yeah scott did him in two sets or three i don't i don't know how he broke him up i know he did the barbell unbroken though yeah i think a lot of the guys most of the guys who did well did the thrusters unbroken walk me through it a bare a bare minimum jr if you want to even consider being a games athlete what's the bare minimum you'd like to see coming off that taylor taylor do you hear that walking through it bare minimum yeah no the other part if you want to be a games athlete if you want to if you want to pretend like you're a games athlete yes yes um what is yeah that's
Starting point is 00:39:42 even better so for those of us who want to be like, yeah, I want to pretend. It's kind of like doing one of those SEAL camps, right? That's like three days long, and you think you did what the SEALs did. Oh, yeah. Was that a 1,000-meter row? Yeah. On both ends? Yeah, 1,000-meter row.
Starting point is 00:39:59 Okay, really quickly, I want to hear your guys' kind of your consensus, even though I hate consensus. What's that bare minimum of that row? How fast do you have to do that row? The slowest time. 142. Just to make it to the games. 142 average.
Starting point is 00:40:16 142. Yeah, I would say everybody in that last heat was between 140 and 143. Taylor, any thoughts? I agree. Okay, and what about those thrusters, unbroken? Those are the easy unbroken, yeah. Okay, but now how about this? Do you have to be pulling
Starting point is 00:40:34 down? Who did I see? I saw Tudor Magda doing them, but he was doing them for every two he did, Justin was doing three. You don't have to be pulling down on the first set i don't think okay so just i think if you're doing them broken then no you just have to keep it moving and what about that transition what's the longest transition
Starting point is 00:40:56 between those that row and those thrusters immediately as soon as you can get there pick it up right and then and then we get to the pull-ups uh what about that transition from thrusters to pull up same thing i well i i've heard frazier speak about this and the goal would be to have almost absolutely no transition so the question the answer to this is as minimal as you can make it if you want to go to the games put the bar down jump it's like the the chalk breaks you see for everybody taking and you talked about it with tara compared to tia on that deadlift it's like don't do that there's always instances where it's going to be a risk reward it's like do you need chalk slash are you going to let go of the bar and in this instance you don't need chalk or a break after the row
Starting point is 00:41:40 into the thrusters you might need some chalk going into the bullet bar but you can always do things like chalk your grips before you even start the row before the eventusters. You might need some chalk going into the pull-up bar, but you can always do things like chalk your grips before you even start the row before the event so you don't have to worry about it. I mean, you're not going to have the chalk wear off the grips, and then you don't have to think about it anymore. Yeah, I think if there's any place to chalk or take a transition on those pull-ups, it's between each set of 30.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Between the sets. You had two bars, and you had to advance to the next bar after the 30, so you keep a piece of chalk in your pocket if you're a dude. You stuff it in your bra if you're a girl, and you pull it and you had to advance to the next bar for the 30. So you keep a piece of chalk in your pocket. If you're a dude, you stuff it in your bra. If you're a girl and you pull it out as you're walking towards the next bar, drop the chalk, jump up. Stuff it in your bra. If you're a girl, stuff it in your shorts. It's always like you're going to run a race.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Like if you're in high school and you're running a cross-country race, it's a 5K, like just over three miles. It's the standard race. I believe they all run in high school. You're trying to make it look as similar to that as possible in a crossfit event and every time you take a break or a transition you're standing still doing nothing like you're tying your shoe correct so it's like oh i was gonna i was gonna run a 16 minute 5k and then you chalk your hands and you might as well stop and then all of a sudden instead of a 16 minute 5k it's a 16 10 5k and every you take, you're just chipping up. No matter how fast you go, when you're actually going, you're still stopping, which is the
Starting point is 00:42:48 worst thing you can do when you're running. Hey, so if you were going to train someone, I'm switching gears here. If you were going to train someone to do this, who is in your gym, who wanted to sort of feel that same stimulus, would you switch the road at 200 meters and change the thrusters to 10 and change the pull-ups to 10 and then the thrusters to 20 and then the road to 200 meters and be like hey you cannot stop if i want people to feel the stimulus of this workout in my gym they're just doing jackie right but but but but but but even there they would stop what if it's like someone who can't do it unbroken what is their value to just giving them the number so that they can just do it unbroke like without stopping well that's
Starting point is 00:43:24 the case you know you just you you try to get in the same amount of volume, but you try to give them some rest. So maybe you do some intervals, maybe you do three sets, one set every 10 minutes and you do 500 meter row, 25 thruster, 15 pull-ups, and you tell them you want it to be unbroken. So you give them probably as much or a little bit more recovery as they're spending working. I'm going to do that, but cut it in half. Even one more. This is interesting because we're putting more thought into an arbitrary affiliate workout than the event put into the workout in the first place. If you want this, you pay us for this. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Is this true? Did syndicate qualifiers get a free level one and level two course? Where are you reading that? Is that in the comments the comments yeah it's in the comments i don't know i hope torian's dead because ricky needs one what i'm just talking shit about his squat i'm just talking shit oh i understood okay i remember that now the reason i say that is because the most coaching i ever got was at a level one and a level two predominantly the level two i feel like i'm the best mover there and donnie forbes shat on me all weekend wow wow are you still friends with donnie forbes he's a good dude i probably doesn't know who i am he's friends with andy but man you know he, he's a man of legends. I know he is.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Legendary tales. I know he is. Let's talk about that off air. That's legendary tales. The women at the syndicate who go in that final heat, let me pull up. That is what, when I see those ladies go, then all of a sudden you're like, OK, that's why there's there's levels to this shit. Right. Well, you know, one thing I wanted to say about that, we all talk about the programming of all these events and it's easy to nitpick and say what we would have done differently and say which movements were redundant and what wasn't tested and what was. But at the end of the day, we agreed before this weekend that what we want to know is that did the right five make it from each one and i would argue for the syndicate on this you had a person that no one really knew in the lead after day one and after day two and then when she got to test five and six
Starting point is 00:45:38 fell completely out of qualifying for the crossfit games so that would be a thumbs up to the programming that it showed whatever it needed to show and not let her get in agreed good call yeah yeah wouldn't put that way i agree very much and as a layman i loved watching the pro i i there was no workout where i was like oh this is just absolutely horseshit i i i could have said that but really it's just the first two heats i don't want to watch i just want to watch the good dudes and the good chicks when you were bringing up gabby and how you said no one knew who she was have you guys ever watched american ninja warrior no none of the three so what they do really well on that show is they and seven you brought this up the other day was the road to the game series where
Starting point is 00:46:26 you bring up the athletes you kind of follow them around you do pieces on them that is exactly what they do on american ninja warrior but they do it in an hour-long tv show so they have like this i don't know maybe a minute and a half blurb on the athlete before the event kicks off then all of a sudden you're invested in the athlete and i've always thought that that might be something that would be pretty cool for crossfit to do to help pump up these athletes that nobody knows about. Like a Gabby, like imagine we wouldn't have that conversation. That's what this podcast is.
Starting point is 00:46:52 This podcast is the only media they have. We are the pump up for the athletes. So yeah, we might now know a minute and a half worth of what Gabby is all about. And that would have been much more than we still know about her other than her Instagram page. And you could do that. You know what you could do? You could just get on a call with someone for 15 minutes and scroll through their Instagram and talk to them about it. And all of us would know them a lot better. should be putting that sort of crap on instead of like pumping up.
Starting point is 00:47:25 It's like sponsored by monster hydro. It should be. Yeah. Here's an athlete that we should know about. It's her name is Gabby. Like you never heard of her, but she's doing real well. She's winning the event. Go ahead and follow her the rest of the weekend. Oh, she finished seventh after she was in the lead. It's like, how much of a downfall is that? And then all of a sudden the sport starts to level up. For sure. Oh, what did you guys think?
Starting point is 00:47:43 What do you guys think about this? Audor Magda competed as a teen. When you compete as a teen, does that give you a significant experience advantage when you come to the big show? I think it does. You guys want to field this first? JR, you're talking about Tudor being on a team and helping it. No, no, sorry. sorry a teen he was a teen he competed as a teen he's hung out with he uh we learned yesterday that he's friends with annika greer who when she was a teen he was friend he's friends with james sprague like these guys have
Starting point is 00:48:16 teen experience you know it's so in front of these crowds and this pressure and i was like wow that bitch of that really that really helps i mean we saw Ricky fucking implode. Do you know who George Sterner is? No. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. So you bring this up, and it's very interesting because you've got Tudor. And what's his best finish at the game? Did he win or did he podium?
Starting point is 00:48:36 Do we know? So the year ā€“ yeah, so I think the year that he was supposed to go and win was 2020 when they canceled the games for two. I think you're right. Okay, so he never won, but he's been a very high-level team athlete. So we've got the Haley Adams of the world who come in, and then they start doing real well. You've got the Mel O'Brien and the Emmitt Terrys. And on the male side, you really haven't seen very many of these people like Tudor. And my most accurate representation of somebody like that would have been at George Sterner,
Starting point is 00:49:03 where he competed in the year where they were doing all the cuts was that 2019 where they cut half the field on that first event final cut or first cut and he made that cut but i don't think he made the next one and then he essentially retired during the covid year and by retired i mean he doesn't compete anymore he teamed up with opex and fitzgerald and now he's trying to like slowly build a base to gather the strength of somebody like a tutor because that was his biggest issue is he would get killed on like one workout and now i think he's just kind of doing schooling but does the teen division help with your initial question and i don't really know i guess it could go either way just depends on the athleteor won in 2018 for the 14-15 division.
Starting point is 00:49:46 2019, he took third, 16-17 division. I put it like this. I think of it like this. I think it's significantly harder for an athlete to go from never playing football out of high school to starting on a D1 team than it does for a kid who's played football for the past six years. That being said, there are plenty of freak athletes who do it. I think CrossFit is the most accessible for an athlete to do that
Starting point is 00:50:12 because there's so many things involved. It's just not a certain handful of specific skills. We bet you didn't know. Our new quieter trains are great for listening to that self-help podcast you lied about actually listening to. Get on board. Via Rail. Love the way. Discover more value than ever at Loblaws.
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Starting point is 00:51:08 is individual competition experience in CrossFit. And if you've been on that lane before... With what you said right there, football is football. And you usually see it pretty linear, right? Like the best high schoolers end up being the best college players end up being some of the best NFL players. But in CrossFit, even like Angelo, didn't he win the games and then he never lit the world on fire at the level of the individual.
Starting point is 00:51:28 I think we're a little young in the sport to be determining that. And I think over the next 10 years, we will either see that that's the case or we'll see that it's not the case. I think Dawn will be a good example. Mal, Emma Carey, Haley Adams. So we'll see. But I also think it's like, yeah, I think we'll see over the next 10 10 years angela had a career uh ending injury i mean he was that something happened to his back he's he's basically just putting a toe in the water with this uh team yeah when you talk to him i mean he doesn't say that but that's how about the guy who's a gamer now what was his name
Starting point is 00:52:01 nick paladino paladino. He was another high level. Again, I think it's so young. I think over the past seven years is when the sport has exploded to how competitive it is now. I just think it's too young to be able to say immediately. Ironically, I think Nick Palladino destroyed his body too. Yeah, so there's an argument to be made that maybe in the sport of crossfit your training years you've only got so many of them and a lot of these teens are are expending them so we'll see about that i think taylor's right we gotta wait about a decade to see if there's a lineage between the
Starting point is 00:52:36 teen into the elderly division the elderly the open division i'll correlate yeah uh it was impossible to follow jason and tutor in event number five at the syndicate because they weren't on the fucking screen we were looking at james sprague's dad who's a great guy he's a great guy fuck i want to watch the word account uh i i yeah that that bummed me out i know i had a bias and that was the story i wanted to follow um it ended up being worth it when Tudor didn't do so well, I thought, oh, maybe it wasn't worth following. But it actually was worth following because then we saw at the end in event six, which we'll get to. Once again, I don't know who's choosing these stories. I don't know where the collapse is happening, but it's doing the sport a disservice.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Well, yeah, it's doing the sport a disservice well yeah it's doing the sport is disres i i got a question um for you uh jr when you think of crossfit do you think of it as a sport oh gosh that's such a that's a long that's a whole podcast right i mean like my thing is is no i don't think of it as a sport like the first thing in my head is it's no it's not a sport i mean what we watch today is a sport. It's 100% of sports. It's more of a sport than anything I've seen at the fucking Olympics. Amen. But when I think of it on a day-to-day basis, I never think of it as a sport.
Starting point is 00:53:52 I don't think of myself as an athlete. I think of it as a lifestyle. That's one of the most. Yeah, I think if you just get the question off the street, a lot of it depends on who's asking it. So if you know someone walks into your gym that wants to do what they're seeing on YouTube, then you frame it a little differently. What is CrossFit, right?
Starting point is 00:54:14 Can you come into the gym and jump into classes and work on things and progress to the level of a games athlete? Sure. But I'll always tell someone, I don't know how long that's going to take you, right? It could take you 10 years to do that. But if someone comes up to me and asked me what CrossFit is, I'll start off immediately with the training methodology. And then I'll separate that from the sport altogether. What if, let me put on my pretentious self-indulgent fucking know-it-all hat, enlightened. At the end of the ā€“ when you get ā€“ when you traverse to the end of the CrossFit road, no matter where you come in,
Starting point is 00:54:56 eventually you end up on the highway that it's a lifestyle. Even if you come in and do the games, like eventually even for Rich Froning, it becomes a lifestyle. By lifestyle, I mean who you hang out with, how you think, what you eat, how you sleep, the care you give your body, the friends you keep, the way you treat people, your integrity. Like I just think it all, at the end, for anyone who takes it to the end, that's what it becomes, yes or no. It never stays a sport, even for people who it is a sport, I saying if that that road doesn't go on forever i don't think i think the people that it is a sport versus the people that it isn't are so small because i think so many of the athletes even at the highest
Starting point is 00:55:36 level it's a lifestyle for them as well many of them are affiliate owners coaches uh and the like it's a place you go to make friends, to find your plumber, to find the babysitter for your kids, to find the guy who works on your car. Who's the guy you did the video on who you fucking ruined his life, Hiller? There's a couple of those. Hip and steel?
Starting point is 00:55:57 Are we talking about hip and steel? Yeah, hip and steel. I mean, even for him, it's got to be a lifestyle, right? He was at Syndicate hanging out this weekend. Oh, how did he look? I heard he was wearing knee sleeves. I can't speak to that. I heard he had a shirt that said, go fuck yourself, Hiller.
Starting point is 00:56:14 I love that shirt. And he sold 30,000. Damn it. Travis, we got to get going. We got to catch those numbers. I would disagree with Kat Shearer. What did she say? What did she say? One of the few sports you can practice after you retire.
Starting point is 00:56:33 How about golf? Virtually every sport in the world is recreational if you want it to be. Fucking badminton, tennis, basketball, softball. One of the best things about golf, by the way, is they still do what the CrossFit Games used to do, which is they invite back the people every year to compete in the Masters. Do you know that? Every year they still have ā€“ if you won the Masters one year,
Starting point is 00:56:57 I believe it's the Masters, you still go compete. So they've got people teeing off in the earlier venues and they're still breaking par. I don't know shit about golf well all i'm saying is they could still say hey frony you want to compete at the games here's an invite this year if you want it they also have they also have a lot more money than crossfit and it's a lot more it's and it's but it's a lot more demanding to you you can i know it doesn't it doesn't work in theory but i thought it was bringing up uh i also want to say what say one
Starting point is 00:57:23 more thing it's a commentary in my personal opinion. There was some concern about the hype that I was trying to build between Hopper and Magda. And in the end, the camera didn't fucking cover any of them. They didn't get fucking any attention. And the only attention they got was from the fucking My Little Fucking Shadow Band instagram post in regards to uh that event the real media you didn't cover those oh you think that they didn't cover i think they watched your podcast and they see your instagram they go we're not going to fucking show these guys one time to stick it to the ceo it's quite it's quite possible um we never even saw by the way after
Starting point is 00:58:01 that event was over no one in the commentary mentioned what place magda uh tutor took in that and he took 12th he took two 12ths at the end he did and that's interesting why do you think that is why do you think they didn't talk about him though that much because that's a that's an interesting development i mean we saw last year granite games didn't mal not even win granite games Or maybe she did. She did. Ariel Lohan won. Ariel Lohan won, but it felt like it was the Mal O'Brien show at the Granite Games.
Starting point is 00:58:30 And we thought that because she was so young and that was the big thing to talk about. But wouldn't that have been the same case here with Magda? Because he's so young, right? How cool is it? 20-year-old coming on in hot. And dude, it was a look at 608 and 604. That means it went down to the final event. All right.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Well, maybe that's why they're talking about her because it was a real battle for the championship. But Emma Carey, I remember I watched most of the Granite Games last year. She didn't get very much love that competition. Well, it's kind of hard to give anyone love when Mal won the first three events, too. Okay. Maybe that's exactly why. I remember it being the mal o'brien show wow well said yeah well said i don't want to job uh there that was the most in the chat that was the most common thing i saw posted where is mal i don't know if it was the same person doing it over and over and over but man there were a lot of those. Where's Mal? There was actually bots that are programmed to do that.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Matt Poulin took second in the worldwide open, and yet he can't qualify for the games. Not even the last chance, unfortunately. What does that mean? Does that mean anything? I mean, for for me it means something i think it's fucking bullshit i think that something's wrong with the open uh amen it's it's so fucked up god i hate the open so much it's not it's not a broad test by thinking matt pooling's case he's got an injury he's working through with his overhead and there he's clearly
Starting point is 01:00:01 extremely fit so you know presumably he can get that fixed in a year and come back and be smoking it. You say it all the time. It's like the Open used to be arguably a bigger competition than the games. Like whoever won the Open should have just like, oh, okay, you're up against the person who won the game. Because it's a bigger field of people they're competing against. I think you could say arguably the guy who won the Open in the first seven years of CrossFit was the fittest man in the world, along with the guy who won the CrossFit Games. When I was running the affiliate, we had a huge roster of people who were trying to be on the team. And I would always say, all right, whoever you finish in the open is the place on the team.
Starting point is 01:00:36 So when there were six, it was three guys, three girls. And if you finished fourth amongst the females in the gym, it's like, all right, you're an alternate. That's how. But this day and age, it's like, it's very hard to do that same thing. If the test is different and that's why the whole, it doesn't matter in the open thing. It drives me insane. It's what you're saying. It no longer is. There it is. First time we've used that. I think,
Starting point is 01:01:02 I think I saw JR's lips move a little bit. What do you think about this, JR? Matt Pullen takes second worldwide on the whole planet. This thing that most of us think is round and spins around every 24 hours and goes around the sun. Not some of my guests on my podcast. And it's flat. Those are the guests on my podcast. This guy took second. Well, I think it goes back to, I think the first podcast we did maybe on Friday or Thursday
Starting point is 01:01:31 when we said we were breaking down the programming and we said, before we do this, do we need to decide whether or not the open is the beginning of finding the fittest on earth or not? Is it the first step to the road to the games or is it for the community? Because if you finish really great there, or you don't finish as well there, you've brought it up before. If people are saying it doesn't matter, but for some it does matter and they're trying to win money, then can you really compare? If Taylor's doing it as the fifth piece of his training day, but then another athlete is doing it as his sole workout for the day, can we really compare? It's a great point.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Let me ask you this. What if there were five workouts? Would that just fix the problem right there? Five well-programmed workouts? Five well-filtered workouts where everyone checks the videos and they do their due diligence to make sure the leaderboard is accurate? Sure, that's way more. That's way better. I mean, JR, are you frustrated at all that this guy who took second in the World Wide Open can't even fucking take
Starting point is 01:02:32 top five in a regional competition? I mean, what if he would have made it to the Games? This guy's going to get smashed. It's because... Go ahead, Taylor. I was going to say he took second because the Open doesn't matter and not everyone gives a shit about it, especially the top athletes. Like JR said, some people don't care and they're doing it as their fifth workout of the day.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Like Sarah writing the Open doesn't matter on her notebook. Yeah, crazy. And other athletes that are like, I really want to try to win the Open and I have a shot because a lot of people don't think it matters. If they want it to matter, again, they because a lot of people don't think it matters. You know, if they want it to matter again, they do a combination of what we're all talking about. They, they lengthen it and they add tests,
Starting point is 01:03:11 whether it's five is probably a good number. And then they decrease the percentage that moves on to quarterfinals and they watch videos. Yeah. Give me five workouts over three weeks. That's a good comment. I like that. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Uh, I have to take a, a small pee break. Somebody asked what I would do instead. Go pee. I can talk about this a little bit. Uh, what I would do instead is a combination of what I said with the golf deal
Starting point is 01:03:37 and what we have right now. So with the golf deal, of course we can't bring back like Chris Spieler, somebody in the comments that we should bring back Chris Spieler.ieler would he be interested i don't know if you were would he be able to keep up and do the weights and the movements i don't know it's going to be less and less likely so you can't do that but every year maybe the people who finish in the top 20 of the games on the males and the female side have an automatic in and the open and the following year is the starting process for all of the rest
Starting point is 01:04:05 of the field to start making their way back to the cause. I mean, why should someone like Tia to me have to go through all this? I clearly she's going to make it and maybe it would just incentivize you to be doing even better at that level of competition, but it's something you can do. And then of course, also I like the five workouts in three weeks, that sort of deal is good. And putting the videos on the leaderboard is also a good idea so that people like us can go on there and say, that's no good. And then the people at the CrossFit side, all of a sudden don't have to do this big of a job. They can just say, Oh, Hey, look, this thing has 10,000 downvotes. We should check this out. It's how we were supposed to do in the first place. I don't, I don't know that I necessarily agree with the
Starting point is 01:04:44 invites. I think five workouts over three weeks. How about top five? Top 5%? Top five of each side of the CrossFit Games. Oh. Give the invite to the following year's CrossFit Games. Or maybe even the podium. I guess that wouldn't really solve the entire entrance issue,
Starting point is 01:05:03 but I think that that was just kind of a thought that I had that jammed into the thought that was make sure you put the videos on the leaderboard. I like the, I don't know, man, because you look at a skill like golf and that's something I feel like deteriorates a lot. I got one more thought that I got to throw out there. One of the biggest comments I said in retaliation to putting videos on the leaderboard was that you don't want everybody in every affiliate on the planet getting videos for these things. And I agree, like you shouldn't need that. But if you want to qualify for the quarterfinals, you better damn well have a video on your profile. I think that that's a hundred percent good. And I also keep
Starting point is 01:05:41 on bringing up this brute strength podcast with Shoemaker shoemaker on it saying that top 10 is too many i think top 10 is too many i think five percent's good i think the problem with uh with the opening invite even to the top five at the games is that whereas something like golf is uh i feel like it's a technical skill in a technical sport that probably deteriorates a lot slower than your fitness that's why i said yeah i think and the other comment i want to address is this guy was talking about uh left dearest theophanitis winning the open 2019 um in reference to the five-week thing not really he was on he was on nandrolone he was on nandrolone and he fucking cheated in a bunch of his videos you could see him cheating his measurements so that's kind of uh it was a nandrolone yeah that's a deck of doroblin
Starting point is 01:06:26 i don't know what that is that's a 12 good answer good answer taylor that's a 12 month clearing steroid nandrolone also known as never coming out nandrolone also known as 19 nortestosterone is an androgen and anabolic steroid which is used in the form of esters such as no i just want to know how strong it will make me. What is this bullshit? It's really good for your joints. That guy left there looked like Prometheus from the movie. He did.
Starting point is 01:06:54 Prometheus stole fire from the gods and brought it to humans. That's what I remember from college. Let's talk about your boy Jason Hopper. He got ā€“ let's talk about uh he did great right we're we're we're really happy with how he did he qualified right second place to the champ taylor that's you how do you feel about his yeah when i say your boy that's your boy well i mean that question could be fielded by either me or jr like equally but I will say that I think I think he had some mistakes um which he knows for sure um that he was very stressed about
Starting point is 01:07:32 no I think that's I think that's what stresses Jason out the most going into this event is he knows that he's fit enough to beat anyone here or to qualify um but if he doesn't it's because of mistakes and I think the mistakes scare him. So cleaning those things up will help a lot. The other thing I think I note is that he wasn't near the top at the strength event, which you would typically see him, and I think that's because he's been working on other things so much. So I really like the fact that he finished,
Starting point is 01:08:01 and he's pretty even across the board in these finishes. And I think he's got some things to tighten up before the games but i think he's going to have a much better games finish this year than last i'm i'm looking i think it's workout six he did that that was the one taylor so in workout six and workout six he he took fifth place, and by less than a half a second, he was beaten by Griffin Raleigh. And Griffin Raleigh beat him because Jason was fooling around. I think he finished the snatch, and he didn't cross. He was either looking at the stands at his daddy, Matt Fraser. I i don't know what he was doing say hard work doesn't pay off well it didn't it doesn't pay off until you finish the finish line uh that workout paid off for him all his hard work he
Starting point is 01:08:54 works he's worked on a lot of no no no i was saying like he's over there like matt's telling him what to do and one of the things matt would say would be don't let yourself get out of your sorts and lose by one second. I mean, it's less than, it's less than one second. I'm not saying he's not fit enough to do it, but because he was like, it was so, it was so close that in Griffin Raleigh knew he did it. Do you know what I mean? Jason, you, you, you just hate to see that. It's a guy we love so much and he's looking this way and someone passes him
Starting point is 01:09:23 on the side. Well, I think the other thing to think about is Jason at at that point had a top five spot locked up and he's probably enjoying his moment and matt's had those moments at the games granted it's a different place you're at the games locking up first place versus a regional locking up second but for jason it's his second year he's had a lot of fear around qualifying or not qualifying i'm sure after last year and it's a good fucking feeling to know that you did what you needed to do. And he's enjoying his moment. So, Griffin Rawley also didn't have a chance.
Starting point is 01:09:50 So, what you're saying is ā€“ Uh-oh. It doesn't matter. Oh. It does matter. I think it's a bad habit. It's a bad ā€“ I'll say if it's a habit, it's a bad one for sure. Mr. Howell.
Starting point is 01:10:08 I would say that in the moment, the relief and the celebration overtook the urgency to make sure that he finished one spot ahead because ultimately it didn't cost him one thing. It didn't cost him qualifying and it didn't cost him any money. At the games, likely you could be talking about not hustling or hustling being the difference of 10 to 20 grand. Then it's a big deal and habit to do takeover. But I can say from someone who sees Jason train five days a week and trains with him two to three days a week, that that dude is completely different than he was last year.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Completely different. That last workout, if that's the than he was last year. Completely different. That last workout, if that's the final at MAC last year, Taylor can push back if he wants, but I don't think he qualifies for the games if it came down to it. That guy spent so much time on upper body pulling and pushing endurance, on high-level gymnastics movements, and shoulder fatigue, like all that. I mean, he'll get to show it at the games. He's ready to go.
Starting point is 01:11:10 He's in really good shape right now. I don't have a lot of pushback. I don't know if just that event keeps him out last year, but if it's the legless run and that event in the same competition last year, I think he's probably missing out. And I think he knew that throughout the year, and I think he's probably missing out and uh and he and i think he knew that throughout the year and i think that's what gives him a lot of fear and he's clearly fucking worked hard on it because he plays second in the deep field yeah i'm sorry
Starting point is 01:11:32 if that workout came down to whether or not he qualified or not oh yeah yeah if it comes down to qualifying or not for sure but he's worked really fucking hard and uh yeah because let me continue to pick on him go ahead jr sorry go ahead because things he's been sure but he's worked really fucking hard and yeah because let me continue to pick on go ahead jr sorry go ahead because things he's been doing things he's been training he's trained for a full year for the games right not for quarterfinals not for semifinals he's been doing what you know he's been swimming twice a week he's been doing higher volume higher level skilled gymnastics because he knows that when he gets to the games and it's comparative to a bigger field, a deeper field, those are the things that he needs to make
Starting point is 01:12:11 sure that, that he can clean up. Yeah. Not the strength of that. Exactly. Let me, let me pick on him a little bit more here. Let me beat up on, on Mr. Hopper, that no rep he got when the bag was on his shoulder, why that was so unnecessary, and correct me if I'm wrong, you guys, in this particular event, unlike what we saw in Lowlands, right, the judge was actually telling you when you were at the top. You weren't actually supposed to lower it until the judge said clear. Clear. Saw that, yes. And so that was a mental slip on his part. He makes a lot of those.
Starting point is 01:12:46 He needs to clean that up. What is soy, GP? Soy is I. Oh, don't listen to GP. GP comes here just to fucking beat us down. JR looks like if Brock Lachey wasn't a pro athlete and just ate soy for breakfast and lunch and dinner. I don't know. JR, take your shirt off.
Starting point is 01:13:08 He's saying that ā€“ let me translate that, GP, for the people who don't know your vast hatred for this podcast. He's saying that Hopper has no testosterone. Why is everyone hating on his calves? Everyone's hating on Hopper's calves. Hey, well that that time kill two birds with one stone wait you don't need calves to be good at crossfit and and the crazy thing is is i've seen i've seen dave beat many a high level athlete at uh two minutes of double
Starting point is 01:13:38 unders and he has absolutely no calves so somebody commented they did blood testing for the game for the top five hey you can you clarify that that's big i was waiting for teddy to talk but he can't talk right can't talk uh so so so so that type of error is not supposed to happen right i mean that's just a clear um you're fatigued it's at the end of the week. You're just tired. What is that? It happens to everyone. Yeah. I mean, let's say he wants to push the pace a little bit and try to finish ahead of Morad on that last event. Or even Justin. He was side by side with Justin. So to your point. So let's say he runs to the barbell instead of walking to the barbell and he misses a snatch. Are we having the conversation? runs to the barbell instead of walking to the barbell and he misses a snatch are we having the conversation are we saying ah he took a chance to try to to try to see what he could do in the last
Starting point is 01:14:29 two reps of the workout or are we saying mental error right and if it would have worked um you very good point and we're judging him maybe he was doing it maybe it was calculated and if it would have worked and he got ahead of justin there because because that is where justin passed him right there at that moment i think the other thing to note is that I believe one two three four five six seven this is Jason's only Jason's seventh individual competition which is not a lot and I'm sure a lot of these guys have quite a few more runs under their belt so this is like Will Morehead's first competition that's what I'm saying but I you know i'm kidding you know justin's been doing this for a long time too uh when it comes to winning these events it's it's kind of a by any means
Starting point is 01:15:12 necessary what do you think about this um someone sent this to me um you guys may have been on the actually page simenza was headed over to the final snatch bar in event six page simenza took third at the syndicate this year with 484 points she was walking over to her snatch bar at the same time hayley adams was walking over to her snatch bar and she noticed hayley was going the wrong way and hayley was going to grab the wrong snatch bar. The word on the street is that if Haley would have made that mistake, it would have cost her 30 seconds, and Paige prompted her, hey, yo, bitch, wrong bar. She probably said it a little differently.
Starting point is 01:15:55 No, that's how she said it. Is that the right thing to do? Is Paige too nice? As her coach, would you be like, yo, what are you doing? Well, Paige wasn't trying to beat Haley to get a spot uh i bet you she wasn't thinking that i bet you to me i bet you she's just a good person i bet you she just saw it and i bet you she wasn't like i mean and that's the problem she is just a good person that was her automatic response i don't think she was like okay let me do i know hayley's not a threat i think she just did that automatically is that i mean would fraser have done that no there's a hard wiring right i apologize matt if you i apologize uh
Starting point is 01:16:32 matt if you're listening and that's mischaracterization but but you are a uh you're a kid you're a killer out there do you have any thoughts on this go ahead i was gonna say the only time i say something like that is i'm training with jason he's fucking cheating and it's pissing me off because he's beating me in the workout. And he's cheating. Can you bring up GP's most recent comment? I think you'll like that one. UFC.
Starting point is 01:16:53 Blood testing is a game changer just like when the UFC started testing. You will see the visible difference in athletes. Yeah, I mean the Brazilians, their bodies changed overnight. That's what I'm telling. Yeah. That's why it's such a big deal if it's actually blood testing is that a lot stronger than piss tests i don't know they'll be able to catch a lot more of the blood test than they will the piss test i'm actually planning on making a video which is like there's a website you can go to and check all the clearance times
Starting point is 01:17:20 on that it's like oh stop taking that here and i'm not saying that i'm not accusing anybody ever but it's just how easy it is and nobody understands that blood testing don't catch that shit do you have any thoughts on this um jr this um not the blood testing thing we'll get into a fight if we start talking about that everyone knows crossfit's clean stop hillar obviously that's why the 12 athletes just came out but what's's his face? Didn't all clean. Uh, this thing I thought was Joey coasty. Oh shit. Here we go. Go ahead. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:49 The first thing I thought was you guys saw how it finished, right? Whoever won between Alexis Raptors and Haley Adams won, won the competition. They ended up finishing within two seconds of each other. So if she doesn't tell Haley wrong bar, she doesn't win the comp. Right.
Starting point is 01:18:06 Oh, right. Right. And who's fault, but you know, yeah, is that, is that Haley's fuck up or should our judge have,
Starting point is 01:18:14 have, have prompted her? I don't think our judge prompts her. I mean, what do you guys think? I'm going to see if I can bring, get Haley Adams on right now too. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:18:24 Did the judge, did the judge follow them to that last bar? Was there a judge waiting at the other barbell? I don't remember. That's a good question. Yeah, that is a good question. You mean that would be like some sort of visual cue? Would you like to come on for five minutes?
Starting point is 01:18:44 Do you guys want to talk about Ben Smith at all? He looks like Nicolas Cage so much. Dude, you hit me hard. I love Nicolas Cage. I saw a ā€“ well, they posted ā€“ someone posted a meme. I think one of their pages posted a meme about him stealing the Declaration of Independence. And I freaked out. I think he actually ended up finishing rather well. He was in the first heat, I think, yesterday.
Starting point is 01:19:05 And now he was in the second heat today. And then he ended up finishing 12th, I believe, which was a good comeback. 13th. It's not as good as it needed to be. But I wonder if there's just any correlation between his thoughts on the event and his finish at the event. Because we've never heard anyone talk so negatively about an event before they participated and participated in it oh and whether or not that affected them at all correct yeah i don't think it's a good thing for athletes to go into these with a negative headspace about it i was actually telling the athletes i was talking to about some of the like don't watch that video
Starting point is 01:19:39 on syndicate don't watch that video on mac you don't want that stuff in your head thinking that this or that is stupid yeah because you should just go in just wanting to attack every workout you got to do what you got to do get after it i would also say about nicholas cage nicholas cage has turned into a complete crackhead his last five movies are completely un-fucking-watchable i heard his most recent said on you shut your mouth have you seen willie's wonderland willie's wonderland is in my pants i know that's why i was asking it's so small can you see it have you seen it uh the just i just i just can't believe you the movies you bring up we're just this show erodes andrew we have a
Starting point is 01:20:17 question for you what do you think about a partner workout since we're waiting for hailey to respond uh 100 pegboards for time with a partner. It depends on who you're doing it with. What's the most you've done in a sitting? In one workout, I think the most I've ever done is 21. Okay. So if you and I were to go do that, do you think we can take down 100? Have you ever done ā€“ I've done 30 for time with a vest on.
Starting point is 01:20:42 Oh, wow. I believe it took me 11 minutes something. I have to go check. it's on my instagram somewhere me and me and jr are gonna try 100 for time on tuesday are you really are yeah should we make a video should we show oh yeah i want to see that go live with it and then post that i would like to see that that is actually cool oh what do we how long do you think it'll take you guys i'm gonna tell you how long it'll take you it depends on the standard are we going bottom row hole to top i kind of want to do a game standard where it doesn't i'd say so i want you to do a game standard because i saw you talk about that or maybe you said it the bottom hole
Starting point is 01:21:16 to top hole but the game standard is like there's that line you got to get underneath so i would do that so we're gonna oh that's a great name for a workout by the way it's a little click baity but bottom hole to top hole i really like that 100 100 for time bottom hole to top hole hey i don't think you guys are gonna do it in under an hour oh are you kidding me i think somewhere you're you're gonna get stopped somewhere there's no way i bet you will do it i bet you will do it under 30 minutes wow okay well i can't wait to see it under 30 minutes yeah no not under 30 you will do it under an hour not under 30 do you wear grips when you do the pegboard i don't i don't i'm gonna take my
Starting point is 01:21:56 thumbs though because i get these little blisters right here what's the most you've done on broken up and down game standard uh the most i've done on broken from bottom hole to top hole, I don't ever do. I've never done game standard is six. What's game standard? What's game standard? Like you, you can start however high you want.
Starting point is 01:22:14 So if you're Brent Ficalsi, you can start wherever the fuck you want, but you have to descend below a certain line with the pegs before you think you've got to start below the tape line too. Yeah. Start below and below, but the tape line is high. Like you can't't you can't really jump up to the tape line um okay enough enough of this so now you guys know what uh jr and uh taylor are going to be doing tomorrow while you guys are sitting around drinking soda pop these guys are going to be
Starting point is 01:22:39 getting at it uh hayley said she's the um uh happiest and healthiest version of herself in the post interview um someone else i don't know if this is accurate but someone else saying her lifting actually showed that she's stronger than last year yeah and people need to wake up uh do you think she's going to make the podium this year at the games wow with car there so the thing you don't realize is that the games not being programmed by castro anything is going to be up for grabs oh that's a good point we can't i mean i would say yes if it was programmed the way that we're kind of accustomed to being programmed but because there's no cash for all who knows what the fuck's going to happen. That's the thing. I feel like Boz likes lifting heavy, and it doesn't seem like he ā€“
Starting point is 01:23:29 like Castro loves to run people at the games. Correct. So fucking much. But I like that because running is probably the most ā€“ Also correct. It's the most ā€“ Well, because you're good at it. No, it's the most basic human form of fitness.
Starting point is 01:23:41 If you can't fucking run, you're're gonna die as a human being and you know up until recent history so you're saying that um you're saying that it might favor uh these games might favor hayley heavy no i'm saying the game no favor people who like to lift heavy oh right right because castro is the one that liked the running okay so you don't see you don't see hayley on the podium this year do you see her on the podium this year jare i'm her on the podium this year, J.R.? No, we don't. Go ahead, Andrew. Well, we just don't know, but go ahead, J.R. Yeah, we don't know.
Starting point is 01:24:10 It's like he doesn't listen to me. There's only some things thatā€” You don't listen. There's only some things we know. We do know that there isn't going to be that rest day this year. Ah, wow. So they're going to go all the way through. All four days. Correct.
Starting point is 01:24:22 They're going to go all the way through. All four days. Correct. So based on that, you would think that the volume per day late in the weekend may be tapered back and more evenly spread out over those four days. That being said, we also don't know, are there going to be cuts? On what days will they cut? How many will they cut? They won't cut. You know why they won't cut?
Starting point is 01:24:44 Because it's not popular. And they only do what what's popular we don't know shit about fuck and and this this this grind i think that does favor hayley the grind favors hayley she's a tough sob i love it she's a fucking savage what a great reputation she has it is a good she does have a great reputation she has. It is a good, she does have a good reputation. Yeah. She's the shit. The final event we saw Tudor Magda come out super duper hot. He was leading Justin Medeiros and then he imploded. Was that a calculated risk on his part? Do you guys remember that?
Starting point is 01:25:19 I think he's young. He's young. Agreed. Yeah, you never know. I mean, his coach may have said, dude, you got this locked up. Take a chance. See what happens. Yeah, that's true. Try to win an event. See where your limits are.
Starting point is 01:25:31 Metcon 9, we've beaten the Panjic situation to death. If Savan had anything to say about the tutor coming out hot, he would say that Townsend told him to take down Hopper at all costs. Yes. Take down Hopper at all costs. Yes. Take down Hopper at all costs. That's what Savano would say about that and him coming out too hot. He probably wanted to beat Justin, which I would too. You're there.
Starting point is 01:25:55 Take a chance. I agree. Last event, you got 50 points between you and CX Bucket. YOLO. If he does win that, is that the kind of confidence you can carry into the games yeah yeah crossfit not like that no if you win out of that that's a lot of confidence you can carry into the games for sure like will morad will morad's probably taking confidence into the games i would imagine or uh but he he did poorly on some other workouts so maybe who knows
Starting point is 01:26:25 he beat justin by 12 seconds yeah but what is man look at 20 but that's those are things we know will morad is really good at he's a great snatcher he's great at handstand push-ups amazing in gymnastics look at that what concerns me about will is the 20th place in uh in about four and he's old as dirt i wouldn't say that i just think that 20th place in event four. And he's old as dirt. I wouldn't say that. I just think that 20th place concerns me. Old as dirt, eh? No, Tyler, there is no beef between them.
Starting point is 01:26:57 It's just fun because last year Hopper was the star. This year it's Tudor Magda is the star. They're both young. The Tudor had the same coach as mal and mal is now with matt it's just a fun story to watch and i think there's going to be a bit there could be if if hopper and and uh tutor stay healthy there's going to be a long history of competition there a long long history do you guys do you guys agree with that i think with a lot of these guys coming up i'm excited to watch Dallin next weekend he's man I think Dallin out of any
Starting point is 01:27:28 any of the young guys coming in has probably just as much potential as anyone if not more out of guys who haven't qualified yet Dallin yeah fucking very very fit kid or outside of anyone taking the the four years off that Ricky took off
Starting point is 01:27:42 that could change everything. No, he's not going to have any sort of huge, I bet he takes sixth at the games. Ricky Girardi, yeah. But that's another thing is the 2017 games were run, run, run. Correct. And bike. Don't forget about that bike.
Starting point is 01:27:57 That was a huge event for Ricky. Yeah, the bike event. But you also saw Ricky struggle on some of those squad events. That was the year they had that obstacle course as well, right? Yeah, he fucking smacked. He did well in the obstacle. He won the Madison Triplet, the Run-Swim Run, the bike. And all those muscle-ups.
Starting point is 01:28:14 A lot of muscle-ups. The 13-11, 9-7-5-3. He did bad in that overhead squat workout too, the 2-2-2-3 intervals. Is James Sprague the Hayley Adams of the men, a younger version? No. I think they're different athletes. Actually, maybe not. They are different athletes, but go ahead.
Starting point is 01:28:34 Other than the snatch, because even in Brent's early years, it was still a really good lift for him. I would probably compare James more to the earlier years for Kowski. Wow. Yeah, I agree with that. I would like to see from the reason I say no to James more to the earlier years for Kowski. Wow. Yeah, I agree with that. I would like to see from the reason I say no to James and Haley is because I feel like mentally Haley is a little,
Starting point is 01:28:52 uh, I would, I want to see more hate in competition from James Sprigg. Oh, okay. I see what you're saying. I thought you were going to say the other way. I thought you were being fooled by Haley's kind of like sweetness yeah no she's a savage to fucking
Starting point is 01:29:08 kill people yeah yeah i think so too uh what about this so this leads me to my next question about james sprigg he kind of doesn't have a chance in the last chance qualifier right something heavy pops up do you think he has a chance in that it depends on what's i don't know i don't know what his strength is like, you know, for me, because for me in the last chance, if snatch had come out, I would have beat everyone. But deadlift comes out and like you said, I miss out. So it depends on him.
Starting point is 01:29:34 If he's just generally not strong, then it's going to be tough for him in the last chance if they program a strength event. If he just has a couple things that he's not strong at, then it's hit or miss. I think in all other aspects of an online format, he's a fucking monster. I mean, the guy has a massive engine, and online format favors people with good engines for sure. Oh, I thought it was the other way around.
Starting point is 01:29:55 No, Motor is king in the online, I think. Motor and top-end strength, at least recently. Hiller, is that true? You agree with that? Yeah, I would agree with that. I also think if they put a 2K row out there, he's going to beat everybody. Which usually, sometimes they'll do that thing where they'll put a rowing piece in there, and they'll make it a high power output, like the 1K row at the games in 2020. They also had the front squat, I suppose but that was like their second power
Starting point is 01:30:25 output test well that would be favorable so again it just depends we can't know like we don't know if haley's gonna podium at the games this year we gotta things play out and like james upsetting so all the six tell me how the last chance qualifier works again all the sixth and seventh place boys and all and all the different um different semifinals will all compete against each other and only one goes? I think it's six, seven, eight. Two in most of them. Six, seven, eight. Yep.
Starting point is 01:30:52 And I don't even remember hearing this guy's name once, Jacob. Well, fuck. Is that a real last name? He's a great guy. I love him. He's good. He's the army warrior fitness team man. He's a good dude.
Starting point is 01:31:06 Because, I mean, this isn't going to be easy. He's strong as fuck too. Hey, are these guys dreading it? Sorry, JR. Go ahead. No, you're good. I was actually going to mention something about the last chance qualifier programming being a big determining factor with James,
Starting point is 01:31:23 something we can lead into if we want. They released the workouts for the age group semifinals that's coming up. And they're testing strength twice, you could argue, but they're testing it in more of a capacity based setting. So they're testing the semifinal online event from last year, which was a snatch ladder with mandatory rest in between. But then they're also testing a one rep max clean and jerk after essentially a death by wall ball workout which i love so so depending on you know they have a workout with 3 500 meters of rowing and bench press which is an interesting combination depending on how they test things for the last chance qualifier it'll be interesting to see how james does i like the we should talk
Starting point is 01:32:05 about the programming um at some point this week the the age group online semi-vinyl yeah can we can we andrew's probably already got a video on deck for that hey let's circle back because i have to get off here in 19 minutes and i want to make sure that we get to you guys get to talk about any other stuff that you saw um i want to make one thing about the final men scroll up to the top scroll to the that you saw? I want to make one thing about the final men. Scroll up to the top. Scroll up to the top. And then I want us to scroll down slowly.
Starting point is 01:32:34 So just count on the fingers. One hand, Jason Hopper. Keep going. Jacob Pfaff. Evan Rogers. Scott Tetlow. Oh, Taylor, you're such a sweetheart. Keep going. I don't know what you're such a sweetheart. Keep going.
Starting point is 01:32:46 I don't know what you're counting. I know what he's counting. Mark Hutchinson, Matthias Porter, Spencer Aerie. Keep going, keep going, keep going. Dex Hopkins, Mike McDonald. Let me guess before you say who all these people are. And I'm not there because shit fucking happens, but that would have made 10. Daniel Sterling. Oh, wow. oh wow yeah 11 that's crazy these are all people who bought a bag of weed from jr howell no they were all at his competition in october i mean that's one over one third of the
Starting point is 01:33:20 syndicate field that's pretty and and what was the competition uh so the competition every october is crash crucible uh the first year we did it in 2020 the covid year jason won it and then he went on to obviously win the mac and make it to the games and then this past year taylor actually won it oh no shit was it was hopper there would have beat his ass if he was there he did not compete he was getting ready for rogue matt wouldn't let him matt wouldn't let him uh i also want to point out this guy down here um where is he mike mcdonald i just learned about him today he's the guy i learned about today jr yeah yeah this guy has five kids under the age of seven i know no one gives a shit because most you guys are 25 look at candor does i didn't believe it if you get in there oh he's 31 i had
Starting point is 01:34:11 to say how old he was but this is nuts this is i mean that's basically this guy does only two things works out and fucks his wife five kids under seven going to ask, how many wives does he have? One. Or Sean fucks his wife. It's crazy. Anyone who doesn't know, too, you're lucky if you have five kids, by the way. Some people will be like, oh, my God, I can't believe it. It must be so much work. Fuck that. That guy's living the dream.
Starting point is 01:34:39 Five kids is the dream. He's a great guy. Yeah, I'm going to stay close to him i think i want to have him on the show can he talk good does he talk good yeah he's like english or what yeah like just can he answer questions is he gonna like is he gonna converse absolutely okay good yeah i i totally right he has high t yeah you did interview you did oh so the cdesdale people did interview him okay I'll go over and steal your interview and then re-interview him again thank you yeah he um he was in the heat
Starting point is 01:35:13 with Ben I believe he was second on the Jackie style workout and they showed his wife and I think youngest child and they showed like the four other children and people yeah who it was yeah that was that was Mike's family it's kind of crazy he brings them all there that's some stressful shit yeah i think they came up saturday and spent the night stress is in the eye of the beholder so yeah well i was i was watching the shows to this all weekend and if my kids came in the living room i'm like get the fuck out of here they're like whoa oh no shit you did it's stressful then and i'm not even working out uh anything else specifically you guys want that we haven't touched uh before we run out of time here that you guys want to dig into a little bit and any do you want to look at lowlands torian
Starting point is 01:35:56 it's all fair game uh syndicate uh damn we covered just about everything yeah i'm excited for this coming weekend let's just look really quick then over at the syndicate uh women and let's just take a look at this last chance qualifier um ariel lowen and gabby uh mcleeland and christine best you'll say you're saying all three of those um are any of these ladies like ariel lowen as a child Are any of these people going to be like This fucking sucks I'm not doing it Or is it too far you're just in it Yeah if you get to this point You're working that hard I think you're in it
Starting point is 01:36:35 And only one goes Two Two go I don't think any of these women will make it I liked the workouts last year for the last chance qualifier. I love that. They're well programmed. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:49 I think there's an argument to be made. They were a little lazy, but I, I don't like that argument. I think that Dave and the team were probably thinking these guys have been through now three tests. They've been three separate tests. They've had three workouts in the open.
Starting point is 01:37:02 So eight after quarterfinals, they've done 15 workouts. We don't eight after quarterfinals they've done 15 workouts we don't need to reinvent the wheel um and they're probably beat up so let's give them some simple shit and it was it was pretty broad that rope climb squatling workout was sweet i love that workout jr do you think that when the when taylor went to aromas to be on the demo team and the pig fell on him and forced him into the splits did you shut the fuck up and just say
Starting point is 01:37:37 go on do you think that had any part of his current injury absolutely that was probably the beginning of all of it no shit do you think that too taylor that's hard to say um jr why do you think so because he told me what hurt after the pig fell on him and it was his shoulder and his knee and then his hamstring actually and we know that a lot of the stability of the knee
Starting point is 01:38:05 and a lot of that is is can be affected by the hamstring there was also a couple situations throughout the year where actually one of them we were training together i believe we were uh doing the semi-final online workout with legless rope climbs rowing and handstand walk me taylor and jason he came down from the rope and kind of tweaked his knee he was kind of concerned about it but said it felt better a couple days later so i think this was just the the culmination of uh of it being a little bit less than 100 over the course of a year it's interesting you say that because i think that my elbow is all messed up as a result of a pec tear that I got two years ago. I think it's just like a trickle down.
Starting point is 01:38:49 I think JR's right. I probably retore my ACL at the ranch. Yeah. Nice question, Salon. You're a wizard. Well, let's just go here then. Fuck it. You may want to use the bathroom here, Taylor. Do you think taylor
Starting point is 01:39:05 recovers yeah no not you quiet absolutely if he wants to oh i didn't like that answer that's all that matters what answer did you want i mean i think i think i want to just hear fuck yeah of course well that's what i said you didn't like it when I said it. I know, I know, but he knows, but, but, but J.R. Howell knows. He knows. I think J.R.'s probably more spot on. I don't think. Best analogy you can draw there is you see pitchers in the MLB all the time,
Starting point is 01:39:37 go through Tommy John and like some come back and some just shit the bed. So I guess it is what J.R. said. Like if he wants to, we can do it. It's a different ah it's so different i the reason i think it's different than tommy john is tommy john there's already been made that after you have tommy john your elbow's stronger than it was before well just get the surgery on the knee that makes it stronger than it was before put some metal in there or some shit that's that's what i'm getting it takes a long time do you have a surgeon yeah i've got a surgeon and when do you and when do you get it done
Starting point is 01:40:04 uh i'm getting it's a It's a two-part surgeon. I'm getting the first part done in the first week of June. All right. We'll do a GoFundMe. Yeah. Send him some fruit baskets. That's what he wants. What are the regions that go next week?
Starting point is 01:40:26 Mac, is it Bitt in cape town i was trying to look that up so we've got okay week two is yeah fittest in cape town and the mac and so i'm so sorry to say just the two next weekend i am spending the entire week uh with greg glassman he's he's rolling into town he's doing a big lecture here i don't i don't know what we're gonna do why can't we get him on the podcast we can't oh he doesn't want to talk about game shit well then fuck that let's not talk about that let's talk about something else well how come i don't see fittest in cape down on here Oh Cape Town okay Because it doesn't matter It doesn't bro thank you
Starting point is 01:41:09 And what's the other one There's Mac Fittest in Cape Town what was the other one It's just the two Oh so maybe we can't cover them if it's just that two We could just cover the Mac Yeah and week four is going to be fucking stacked again Atlas Games and Strength and Depth And week three will be fun too
Starting point is 01:41:26 because we get to see how old Roman Cranny does at Far East and Granite Games is pretty stacked. What is the news on that? Did Roman make it to the regional that he's supposed to go to and that everything's playing out as it's supposed to? I haven't heard anything about him. I think he's supposed to be fine, but I don't
Starting point is 01:41:40 know that he leaves yet. I think he's the one they're least concerned. I think he's the one they're least concerned. I think he's the one people are least concerned about. What do you mean? Who would be the most concerned? Oh, I think the Dennis Samsonoff. Oh, I don't think he's
Starting point is 01:41:58 leaving. I don't even think he's going to make it. He's not leaving. That's the other thing about it. It's a big deal, but that kid's not going to make it, even if he does go to the Far East, unfortunately. You don't think so? How many spots has he taken? Two? Two, and Roman Krennikov has definitely taken one,
Starting point is 01:42:13 and some of these other Russian guys are just fucking insane. Samsonov is a monster, man. He's really strong. Okay. I don't think he has a motor. I don't think he's got a good motor. Can we pull up Far East? Yeah, let's pull that up the leaderboard i like that let's see who's even registered um far east men all right alexander illin oh yeah see he's can can. Can he be beaten? Andre Fedotov, another guy. Alexander Illin and Roman Krennikov, I think those are the big hitters. I think it'll be fun. I think that event will be a good event if you're there, by the way, Gershwin.
Starting point is 01:42:57 It's going to be more packed than the Syndicate, I bet. South Korea is a fun place, yeah. I would imagine it's pretty packed. Is Stas there? No, he's not. there no he's not there no no he's not there no mike you're right it won't have a lot of coverage but it will be um am radio am radio tomorrow morning at 7 a.m i have raw of earth on formerly known as ronnie teasdale he was games athlete he He is now a businessman, entrepreneur,
Starting point is 01:43:26 spiritual healer. He's so cool. Man of many. Uh, what, what do they call him? He's like Taylor, a Renaissance man,
Starting point is 01:43:32 Renaissance man. Uh, okay. Thank you for tuning in. Um, it sounds like we have some ideas for some other shows this week, building up to the semifinals. It sounds like Taylor has some ideas.
Starting point is 01:43:44 Uh, it was great getting to know, uh, Mr. Howell. Um, This week, building up to the semifinals. Sounds like Taylor has some ideas. It was great getting to know Mr. Howell. Any final words you guys want to say to the crew before I turn us off? You got to ask Ronnie if he still eats his own semen. Oh, my God. This is a children's show, Hiller. There was an entire podcast where he talked about that. That's disgusting i'm really sure i'm i'm pretty sure your term is essence or life source and yes he was doing that while he was he was sunning his butthole while he was doing that i
Starting point is 01:44:17 swear to god i'll send you the link to the podcast hey and you know one of the tricks about that about eating your own semen is it can never be exposed to oxygen so you have to get it just right off so on you know oh my goodness everybody thanks for tuning in muscle because then i can't and i'm not flexible enough anymore life source that is why we are not real media i love you guys bye

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